#sorry. no arts today. i need to get back to them tho
natnat98 · 9 months
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i had a dream that i’ve been gone insane and started talking about only dan cain from re-animator and i tried to explain that he’s the incarnation of princess diana, so i made this meme
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bweirdart · 7 months
#mARTch 2024
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text version (with more info!) under the readmore! please check it out if you're confused about anything <3
do i have to draw every day? no!!!! there are skippable days built into the event, please use them whenever you need them! i really don't want anyone getting a wrist injury!
can you share my art? yep! i try to share entries to @bweirdevents daily during the event!! the tags can get busy tho so i might miss some posts OTL sorry
what are the tags? #mARTch is the main tag, but this year you might find posts in #mARTch2024 too!
wait, i'm confused about a prompt... full breakdown of all the prompts below ↓ with helpful hints if you're stuck!
this week is all about your artistic identity ... technically, you don't have to draw anything new this week if you have some art that already fits. the starter days are:
1 ⭐ self portrait who are you? it doesn't have to be you IRL .. if you feel more comfortable drawing a fursona or mascot, that's fine too! if you don't wanna draw, you can also just share old self portraits today and talk about why you drew yourself that way!
2 🤍 inspirations see how this day doesn't have a star? that means it's optional and you don't have to do it at all! but if you really wanna- tell us all about what inspires you to create art! this could be anything from the people that inspire you, the shows you like, the pins on your big messy pinterest board, or concepts that you're drawn to! you can draw something about it, talk about it, or just post your inspirations! anything is fine
3 ⭐ fav thing to draw what do you like drawing most? backgrounds? animals? one specific animal? bust of your oc facing left? cars? the same anime boy over and over and over? no judgement!! show us :)
this is the week we actually start drawing from reference! polished art is not required at all, quick sketch studies are fine! please don't burn yourself out
4 🤍 plant
5 🤍 body
6 ⭐ animal
7 🤍 object
8 🤍 food
9 🤍 face
10 ⭐ hand
these ones are pretty self explanatory! you can do them as realistic studies, or adapt them into your own art style, it's all fine! you can reference from your own photos or from resources on the web.. have fun!
this is the week for playing with palettes and working on your colour theory skills! if you're really struggling with these ones, don't worry about drawing scenes or characters, you can just have fun splashing colours around on an abstract canvas!
11 🤍 RGB a set or primary colours typically used in digital/screen art - red, green and blue!
12 🤍 CMYK a set of primary colours typically used in traditional/print art - cyan, magenta, yellow ... and key (black!)
for both of these days ↑ you can add in black and white. and feel free to combine the two days into one, if you're struggling with a three-colour palette! use all six!
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13 ⭐ WARM COLOURS the warm side of the colour wheel, reds oranges and yellows!
14 🤍 MONOCHROME monochrome doesn't mean black and white ... it means one colour! that can be any colour at all- shades of red, shades of purple, shades of green .. or yeah, grey if you really want!
15 🤍 COMPLIMENTARY complimentary colours are the ones opposite each other on the colour wheel! they're kinda married
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16 🤍 YOUR FAV COLOURS pick any palette that works for you! where's your comfort zone? what looks nice to you? what colour combos do you always go back to?
17 ⭐ COOL COLOURS the cool side of the colour wheel, purples, blues and greens!
this week is all about vibes! try to create something that matches the mood of the prompt .. they're vague on purpose! don't overthink it, just draw from the heart!
18 🤍 SMALL you could draw something that's really small, like an ant .. or draw on a canvas that's really small .. or use a really small brush .. get creative with it!
19 🤍 DANGER try to capture the adrenaline .. the rush .. the fear that you associate with the word danger!
20 ⭐ SOFT soft colours, soft textures, soft vibes ... whatever makes you comfy!
21 🤍 MIDNIGHT darkness and secrecy .. spooky witchy vibes .. the tranquility of a forest at night .. the fun of a late-night party .. there's lots of ways you can take this!
22 🤍 POWER what does this word make you think about? superpowers? control and oppression? literal electrical power? something else?
23 🤍 CHILL chill as in calm? or chill as in cold? who knows .. it's up to YOU!
24 ⭐ LOUD try to draw something that feels LOUD! BRASH! IN YOUR FACE! how can you convey sound through art?
this week is just for enjoying yourself! take it easy and have fun! also .. another reminder! there are skippable prompts! if you're tired and struggling to get to the finish line, please don't hesitate to skip a day!!! or multiple days!! as many as you need!!!
25 🤍 TRY A NEW ART STYLE copy the art style of a show you like, ask a friend if you can try their style, draw the eyes a new way, develop a totally new style on the spot... whatever you want!
26 🤍 DRAW WITH YOUR NON-DOMINANT HAND righties, draw with your left! lefties, draw with your right! ambidextrous nation ... our time to show off!
27 ⭐ DRAW WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED don't peek! try to draw something without looking! if you really want, you can colour it with your eyes open after you draw the lines/sketch with your eyes closed... but please try not to cheat with the actual drawing part!
28 🤍 RE-DRAW SOMETHING OLD find some old artwork you like, or something you feel like you can do better on now, and give it another go!
29 🤍 RE-DRAW A MEME find a silly picture on the internet to redraw .. do you have any in-jokes with your besties?
30 🤍 DRAW A GIFT FOR A FRIEND create something for someone you love <3
31 ⭐ FREE CHOICE final day! you can draw anything you want today! show off your skills! draw something you've been meaning to draw! whatever!
please refrain from reblogging this post after march ends - next year's prompts will be different, thank you! if you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to shoot me an ask!
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crows-in-the-house · 20 days
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Summary : (this statement by @/exodusin) / Mabel finds you in Bills penthause but instead of escaping with her, you show her your true colors. And your new husband, Bill.
pairing: Bill Cipher x gn! evil! reader
tw: none, tell me if i should add
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Mabel couldn't find Dipper. For twenty minutes she's been running around Bills piramid only to get the demon further away from her Grunkles. That worked out. Kinda. Now she couldn't find a way back and had him running after her and her brother. And now she lost him! She really hoped he was fine. Hearing a booming sound she turned to another corridor. This one was looking... different?
It was smaller and narrow, as if the walls were about to crush her trying to protect something further. On the end of it, she found grand traingle doors. She really hoped whatever was inside would be harmless enough to let her rest a second. She opened them, coming into a big luxurious room. It looked like some sort of a penthouse with an expensive cauch, a fireplace, chandelier and a-
"Oh! Mabel, hi!" - Wait, what? It was you! Y/N her cool older friend, the one who helped her out in numerous adventures, and the one who vanished, just some time before the start of Weirdmaggedon! She could't belive her own eyes!
"Y/N? What are you doing here! Has Bill kidnapped you and inprisoned? We were so worried!" The girl rushed to hug you. "We need to go! Bill is-"
"Go? Oh Mabes, why would we go anywhere?"
She took a step back. You looked the same as always. Just maybe more elegant? Her tired mind desperately searched for the explanation for the weird feeling she had right now.
"Y/N... what... what have you been doing since the start of Weirdmaggedon?"
"Oh, well, I was sitting here " you gestured around the luxurious room. You didn't seem to be panicked at all. Have you get used to the situation? " I've been quite bored, but overall I'm fine, really! I'm glad you're here to visit!"
"Visit? No! I'm here to defeat Bill! Have you seen what he did to the town? To the people?!"
Despite your face being frozen on a smile something in your eyes changed. You didn't answer immiediately, stepping back to a table nearby, pouring yourself a drink. You talked slowly, as if you were soothing a panicked animal cought in a trap.
"Oh yes. Trully a work of art. It took time to design all of this you know? Do you have a favorite part?"
She felt her stomach drop. She misheard you right? O-or you're just acting! Or under some weird demonic enchantment, you wouldn't say such a thing, right?
You smirked tilting your head. " Well... in my opinion, the top three things would be... hmm, the walking water tower - I know, I know, a boring choice, but it walks very funny and-
"Y/N, listen-" you ignored her, continuing as she wasn't even there "- the second would be bubbles, very creative, colorful and fun, you know? Especially yours, it was so cute it made me a bit jealous! It's a shame I didn't get to visit tho. Yes I know, sorry, don't look at me like that, I will do that next time ok? Now! Drumrolls! the first place goes toooo-"
You looked at her as if wanting her to guess. In response she gave you a mixed look. It seemed like you clearly needed some help, but there was no time to sit around.
"I dont know, what is it?"
" ME " she jumped quickly pointing a grappling hook at the intruder. It was Bill, again in his yellow tamer form, standing awfuly close to you and holing-
" Dipper!"
"Nu-uh Shooting star! You're not playing with that toy anymore!"
At the snap of his fingers her weapon dissapeared. He grabbed her and before Mabel could move she found herself in the same hand where Dipper was trapped in. But you? You just stood there.
"Y/N! Help us!" her brother shauted. You only responded with a piting look in your eyes. Until your attention moved over to the demon getting closer.
"Hey toots! Check this out - a pegasus dropped it off today!" he handed you a card. From where the twins where placed they could see a drawing of the pyramid and a short text which Bill read out laud:
"It's a "I missed you, B.", and yes, it's me, I'm the B, also there was no pegasus, also there was me."
He blinked at you.
You gasped and smiled, your cheeks got darker and your hands tauched where your heart was supposed to be.
"Oh Billy! You're such a romantic!"
Dipper looked at you with disdtain "You just didn't say that."
"Oh but they did! That's my spouse after all!" you both laughed at shocked faces of the children. It was funny how none of the Pines realised they had a traitor among them. Now everything started to make sense. How you claimed to love spending time in the shack. How your face always lingered on Dippers journal. How you never smiled at Stanford but was always calming him down after a fight with his broher. How they all could always count on you, to take care of the kids on their silly adventures.
"How could you!" Mabel felt her eyes getting watery. She really liked you. She trusted you!
You shrugged lightly smiling. " Oh dear, don't be sad, it was always the plan. I'm sorry you have to be entangled in all of this"
"No you're not."
"Ha. True, I'm not. You know me so well kid."
"Why. Why did you do all of this? We were friends-"
"Oh HA HA HA, they already have friends kid! And money, fame, riches, infinite power! And the handsome ol' me! What else would they need?"
"An entire world to rule?" - You kissed Bills eye while handing him a drink "Oh, and I don't want you to take it the wrong way, you know? But i hate you. I thought I could get over it. But I feel sooo tired. And it's just the time to split up! I mean, honestly, you and your grunkles had lot's of chances to get to the right side of history but you decided not to. Now you pay. Tell my thanks to Ford, I would never meet the love of my life, if not for his stupidity." your smile dropped.
"Y/N you can still fix this!"
"As if!" Bills form grew larger while he opened the door "See you sweetcheeks, I will get that equasion in no time! Gotta disassemble some kids molecules!"
You stayed there smiling, waving back at Bill.
That was the last time they saw you.
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waterloggedsoliloquy · 11 months
mutual 1: sorry the update for my webcomic this week is a bit late! i really had to rush it so it prolly looks really sloppy lol [some of the most sophisticated comic art ive ever seen]
mutual 2: call me uterine lining the way astarions cervix got me bleeding profusely
mutual 3: do you think nanowrimo will give me a posthumous pity publishing deal if i mention it in my suicide note
mutual 4: okay fine i finally started revolutionary girl utena
mutual 5: does columbo know the service he did for butch lesbians. for all of us
mutual 6: wish you were here [blurry picture set of conifer woods in early autumn evening, taken as if frantically running down a winding trail]
mutual 4: im pretty hardy i dont need the trigger list but thanks for looking out for me guys
mutual 7: good morning lovelies another day the wizard tried to best me and another day i successfully locked him in the spare bathroom lol hope u like drinking shampoo fucker
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mutual 8: here is a zip of every yuri manga scan i have and here is a backup in case i get dcma'd. the himejoshi lifestyle will never die
mutual 9: i wish i could go back in time to the shinzo abe assassination and ask to hold the doohickey
mutual 10: here's my essay on how wanting to be loved is the same as wanting to be eaten. three paragraphs in you'll find out that this is 100% tied to an obscure beauty and the beast manga i've been reading lately and how much i want to fuck the beast
mutual 4: oh thats why there was the trigger list.
mutual 12: why do i have to defend my thesis to people i dont even respect. im not dickriding you just give me the degree
mutual 13: its just me and this scab ive picked into my scalp against the world
mutual 14: my little dragon got glazed and is ready to go into the kiln! everyone wish him good luck!
mutual 3: nvm i am a beautiful genius. perhaps the most beautiful genius of all
mutual 15: i think we should give david lynch rpgmaker and whatever happens happens
mutual 16: kpeyboaatrds brpokem gpuys
mutual 17: also heres my work in progress glossary of mixtec words! i still have a long way to go but i love being able to preserve my roots even in this small way
mutual 4: i just finished the black rose arc. question: what
mutual 18: i need emet-selch to be my wife
mutual 19: i need glados to be my husband
mutual 20: visited the ocean today!!! <3 beach pics!!! there is a darkness growing within me
mutual 21: the forms for my legal name change came in. pls vote in this poll of what my middle name should be: Dill Pickle (Dickle for short), Optimus Prime, Tumblr User Gorgonicteratologist, Smeve
mutual 22: just finished my 100th book of the year! this weeks read was the uses of enchantment by the psychologist bruno bettelheim,
mutual 23: reeses penis butter cups lol
mutual 4: i need to hunt akio for sport
mutual 24: oouugghhrgh. hot. dog.
mutual 25: your favorite character or fictional other would want you to brush your teeth and wash your face so you're well rested and wake up feeling refreshed! make them proud!
mutual 26: being a delivery driver isnt the worst job ive ever had but i do keep wondering what itd be like to drive off into the wild blue yonder one day and not come back
mutual 27: weird dog? [phone picture of critically endangered stork]
mutual 28: i think the two phone line polls in front of my house are having a lovers tryst. no way to prove it tho
mutual 4: WHAT
mutual 29: while you bitches are balduring your gates or finalling those fantasies im doing what a REAL gamer does. playing a b tier rpg that came out in 2004 for the 18th time
mutual 30: ^ real. hamtaro ham ham heartbreak is a masterpiece of interactive art. im not even going to call it a video game at this point
mutual 31: can you help me pick which drawing looks better: 34% overlay or 36% soft light?
mutual 32: new video essay out. its called disability in video game narratives: final fantasy 14's most reliable fault. i churned the script out over an all-nighter and my mic crapped out halfway through but by god i did it
mutual 33: my new zine bundle is out! if you buy it you also get a discount on all my game jam games! i really cant wait for you to play them!
mutual 4: yall should watch revolutionary girl utena
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writing-in-the-impala · 9 months
Ridikkulis - (Remus Lupin x Reader) One Shot
Request: Hiii i Just read your Last Post for Secret smokes and Had an Idea. How about a oneshot of Professor Lupine x Student reader. Its time to learn the ridikkulus spell and its Readers Turn. When the boggart comes Out tho... Is a werewolf. Reader ist too scared to defend themselves and Lupine is too stunned to Help for a Moment. (Tw: blood Optional:) in that Split Second, the boggart werewolf attacks reader and it becomes a lil bloodY. Anything after that Scene IS Up to you <;3
TW: Blood, description of scars
Pairing: Professor! Remus Lupin x Student Reader
Word Count: 2458
A/N: Hello, I received this a while ago and finally got around to posting it, I’ve never written based on requests so I hope this is what you wanted. I’m sorry if I didn’t get it right. ❤️‍🔥 Also if you want to submit a request go ahead! It may take me while to get around to it but definitely it’s fun to do something based on other people’s ideas.
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The thunder rumbled outside as you approached the defence against the dark arts classroom. The castle had a darker feeling to it this year with dementors circling the grounds but Professors Lupins lessons bought some positivity into your days. He was one of the few teachers at school that seemed to know what he was doing and his charisma made you feel warm and safe. Everyone loved his lessons. You didn't really know him well, but you wishes you did. You would often sit in class and think about what he must be really like outside of school, you imagined a friendly yet charismatic man with a hint of mischief.
As you entered his class the room looked almost dark from the clouds outside, Professor Lupin wasn't there when you arrived. Everyone sat down as usual, took out their books, quills and parchment, and were talking when he finally entered the room. Lupin smiled vaguely and placed his tatty old briefcase on the teacher's desk. He was as handsome as ever as he slowly took his jacket off and cleared his throat.
"Good afternoon," he said in a loud voice making the whole class go silent. "Would you please put all your books back in your bags. Today's will be a practical lesson. You will only need your wands."
Everyone smiled excitedly, Lupin was new but he already set a good impression as the teacher who let you use real magic. He made the lessons jump off the page. So everyone shut their books and stood right up as Lupin waved his hand causing all the tables and chairs to fly to the side of the room. "Now then, Oliver please will you give me a hand with that wardrobe over there." He gestured for Oliver Wood who nodded and helped Lupin push a large wooden wardrobe into the center of the room. As Professor Lupin went to stand next to it, the wardrobe gave a sudden wobble, banging off the wall."Nothing to worry about," said Professor Lupin calmly, as a few people jumped backwards in alarm. "There's a Boggart in there." Most people seemed to feel that this was something to worry about but everyone trusted Lupin to keep them safe. "Boggarts like dark, enclosed spaces," said Professor Lupin. "Wardrobes, the gap beneath beds, the cupboards under sinks - I once met one that had lodged itself in a grandfather clock. This one moved in yesterday afternoon, and I asked the Headmaster if the staff would leave it to give you some real practice. So, the first question we must ask ourselves is, what is a Boggart?" Lupin look around the room but no one put their hands up, you knew the answer but you didn't want to bring attention to yourself. Lupins eyes scanned the room and landed on you, he gave you a warm smile and you shook your head but his smile just grew larger as he said your name.
"It's a shape-shifter sir." You began with a quiet voice looming around the class as everyone turned to face you. "It can take the shape of whatever it thinks will frighten us most."
"Couldn't have put it better my-self," he said with a large smile on his face and a quick wink towards you. "So the Boggart sitting in the darkness within has not yet assumed a form. He does not yet know what will frighten the person on the other side of the door. Nobody knows what a Boggart looks like when he is alone, but when I let him out, he will immediately become whatever each of us most fears.This means, that we have a huge advantage over the Boggart before we begin. Have you spotted it, Miss L/N?"
Why did he have to pick on you every time. "Er - because there are so many of us, it won't know what shape it should be?" You guessed.
"Precisely, it's always best to have company when you're dealing with a Boggart. He becomes confused. Which should he become, a headless corpse or a flesh-eating slug? I once saw a Boggart make that very mistake - tried to frighten two people at once and turned himself into half a slug. Not remotely frightening." He got a few laughs from the class, loud ones from the group of girls who liked him most. "The charm that repels a Boggart is simple, yet it requires force of mind. You see, the thing that really finishes a Boggart is laughter. What you need to do is force it to assume a shape that you find amus-ing.
“We will practise the charm without wands first. After me, please ... riddikulus!”
'Riddikulus!' said the class together.
 “Good,” said Pro­fes­sor Lupin. 'Very good. But that was the easy part, I'm afraid. You see, the word alone is not enough. And this is where you come in, Jack.' He said picking on the most shy and scared boy in the class.
“Right, Jack,” said Pro­fes­sor Lupin putting his hand on the boys shoulder as he bought him to the front of the class. “First things first: what would you say is the thing that fright­ens you most in the world”
Jack’s lips moved, but no noise came out. “Didn't catch that, Jack, sor­ry,” said Pro­fes­sor Lupin cheer­ful­ly and gently. Jack explained it would be a spider and Lupin told him how a boy in a different class who was scared of spiders put roller blades on the legs so it was sliding around.
“If Jack is suc­cess­ful, the Bog­gart is like­ly to turn his at­ten­tion to each of us in turn,” said Professor Lupin. “I would like all of you to take a mo­ment now to think of the thing that scares you most, and imag­ine how you might force it to look com­ical …’
The room went qui­et. You­ thought … What scared you most in the world? You thought about many things but the thing that won was a Werewolf. But how do you make that funny? You thought about turning it into a puppy, a little dog, not a big one, a big one if it bites you can still hurt you so it had to be something like a chihuahua.
“Ev­ery­one ready?” said Pro­fes­sor Lupin enthusiastically as he hit play on the record player.
“Jack, we’re go­ing to back away,’ said Pro­fes­sor Lupin. ‘Let you have a clear field, all right? I’ll call the next per­son for­ward … ev­ery­one back, now, so Jack can get a clear shot –“
Your whole class re­treat­ed, back­ing against the wall, leav­ing Jack alone be­side the wardrobe. He looked pale and fright­ened, but he had pushed up the sleeves of his robes and was hold­ing his wand ready.
“On the count of three, Jack,” said Pro­fes­sor Lupin, who was point­ing his own wand at the han­dle of the wardrobe. ‘One – two – three – now!’
A jet of sparks shot from the end of Pro­fes­sor Lupin’s wand and hit the door­knob. The wardrobe burst open and a ton of spiders crawled out followed by a huge one, sending shivers even down your spine. Jack backed away, his wand up, mouthing word­less­ly. “R-​r-​rid­diku­lus!” squeaked Jack. There was a noise like a whip-​crack. And the spiders were rolling around on roller blades.
There was a roar of laugh­ter; the Bog­gart paused, con­fused, and Pro­fes­sor Lupin shout­ed. “James! Your turn!” James walked forwards as commanded and the boggart shifted again, he did the spell and everyone laughed again. You were finding it quite enjoyable everyone was laughing and having fun every person in the line looked worried but you all managed to laugh. You almost forgot that you’ll have to face your fear too. Before you knew it, it was your turn, you walked up after a girl named Jasmine Floyd and you shot Lupin a glance as you were filled with anxiety and dread. He smiled at you and shot you a wink before looking at the Boggart that was in the air transforming, the room was filled with a light mood but you felt nothing but fear. A giant furry werewolf with blood all over its fur and giant teeth towered over you, blocking out any light from above. You suddenly felt so small as fear filled you body, you repeated Lupins words in your head, you pictured it as a small barking chihuahua at your feet, you repeated the spell in your mind, then you looked at Lupin before raising your wand… his face was filled with fear, any sense of laughter was gone, he was frozen starring up at the wolf as you were. You realised that maybe you won’t be able to defeat it, that’s when you tried to say the spell but you felt yourself being pushed down to the floor. As you hit the floor a sharp pain shot through your arm, the wolf was above you, that’s when Lupin threw himself in front of you. “Rid­diku­lus!” He shouted as a white orb appeared over you. “Everyone, class is over, please leave.” He shouted as he kneeled over you. You looked around at all the students who were looking at you, their faces not too unalike Lupins when he was looking at the wolf, Lupin was looking at you, saying words. His hands had blood all over them as he moved them wrapping his blazer around you. “I’m so sorry,” was the only thing you could make. He looked so nice above you, you thought and that’s when you felt yourself being lifted. “Stay with me.” You heard him repeat as you walked through the corridor. “In your room?” You asked, curious of if he’s flirting with you. He laughed but his face was filled with dread. “I’m glad you still have a sense of humour Miss L/N.” He said and after that you felt your head feel very light and fuzzy before everything went black.
You felt a bit woozy as you woke up, you were sweating, you opened your eyes and you realised you’re in the hospital wing, it was dark. Your eyes scanned the room as you slowly looked around to see Professor Lupin sleeping next to you on a chair with a book in his lap. You didn’t say anything as you moved around trying to understand what happened and that’s when he came to. “Y/N? Oh thank Merlin. Poppy! Poppy Y/N awake.” He said a bit too loudly for the middle of the night.
“I told you she’ll be fine, Remus, you never listen.” Madam Pomfrey said as she came over to your bed. “You’ve still got a fever darling, you’ll have to sleep here tonight, how are you feeling?”
“I have a sharp pain in my left side.” You said trying to sit up, Professor Lupin had almost puppy dog eyes as he looked down at you, he seemed worried you weren’t sure why. “What happened?” You asked as Madam Pomfrey walked away to get some pain relief potion.
“It’s my fault I’m awfully sorry, the Boggaart it got close enough to hurt you. It was a..it was a werewolf.” You never heard this tone of voice on Lupin he sounded hurt and defeated, almost like the life was drained out of him by a demantour. “Horrible creatures, it happened so quickly, it got to you before I managed to stop it, I’m so awfully sorry. Madam Pomfrey said the cut shouldn’t scar you’ll be okay. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“It is, I should’ve stopped it, horrible creatures. All they do is hurt people, I froze for a moment, I am your teacher I shouldn’t have allowed it.” He said angry at himself.
“You know they’re innocent people.” You said gently.
“The wolves, I don’t appreciate you calling them horrible creatures, they’re just sick, like I am right now.” You said and Lupins expression became hard to read.
“But it hurt you, and you fear it, how come you’re so forgiving.”
“Well a boggart hurt me not a real wolf. Besides I think you can be scared but understand it. You or I could be bit by one, and our lives would change forever that’s what I’m scared of, I’m scared of what would happen to me, unlike a dog attack a wolf attack makes people look down on you, call them stuff like a kind man like you even said. Don’t you find that terrifying professor?” You asked and he had a small warm smile.
“You’re very smart for your age. I found it terrifying to have a students blood on my hands first week on the job.” He said and you laughed but it hurt to laugh. He held your hand as you were hit by the pain. “I’m awfully sorry, that’s the last time I make the mistake of a practical lesson.”
“Professor as a student who bled all over your floor I beg you not to stop these lessons, it’s the only fun we have at Hogwarts. Maybe some safety shields would help.” You said and he squeezed your hand and have you a warm smile.
“Duly noted.” He said and shot you a wink as Madam Pomfrey came back with a potion.
“Please sit up for me love, this will help stop the pain and prevent any scars.” She said as you sat up slowly, Lupin helping adjust the pillow below you.
“Shame, I like the battle scar, I defeated a werewolf and lived to tell the story.” Lupin cleaned his throat. “I think I defeated it.” He said making you laugh.
“Yeah but I’m the one with the battle scar.” You winked at him and he laughed in truth this time, with one hand on your shoulder to comfort you as you drank the disgusting potion as if he knew exactly how bad it will taste.
“Professor, I believe this young girl will be okay now that she’s woken up you do not have to spend all night here.” Pomfrey said as she took the empty vial from you.
“Thank you Poppy, but I prefer to stay just in case, this is all my fault after all.” He said looking over you warmly, you appreciated his company. As Pomfrey walked away you turned to him and asked him what he was reading, he told you the name of the book and you asked if he could read it out loud. He agreed and just like that you drifted to sleep, Remus J Lupins voice washing you into sweet slumber as your head rested on his shoulder. Remus felt comfort being by your side, he was relived you were okay and truly amazed by the lack of hate you had for the creature that nearly killed you. The creature you were sleeping so peacefully on.
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MASTER LIST | Remus Lupin x Reader series
Requests are open however they will be slow as I'm busy writing Secret Smokes!
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direct0rhutao · 2 years
hello everyone welcome back to my youtube channel my tumblr blog and today we’re going to be roasting the interior design choices of enstars idols. bc i was looking at the starmony dorm cgs on the wiki for certain reasons and the closer i looked at them the more i was like. why do they look like that.
tldr the starmony dorm rooms are interior design nightmares
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mika ritsu dorm: actually this is one of the most decent dorms in terms of aethestics and how well they match the people in the room. mika has plushies on his nightstand! so cute!! ritsu has a goth looking bed with a thing at the end that my common sense says is probably a pillow but my eyes say is a very small coffin! huh!
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wataru sora subaru madara dorm: why would you put a cactus right next to the foot of a bed that is an accident waiting to happen. whose bed even is that. idk whose bed is whose in this room
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himeru arashi tetora dorm: sorry but arashi’s and tetora’s beds being next to each other is so funny. i like the flower vase and i think the frames arashi put up are cute. i think tetora’s gym equipment smells very strongly of sweat and i think arashi’s solution to this would be to constantly spray perfume at the room. every day himeru wakes up and is assaulted by Odors
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mayoi tomoya dorm: what is that one bar above mayoi’s bed for. but other than that mayoi has pretty good taste his bed looks cool. tomoya’s bed is way more “normal” but still looks nicer that some of the other beds we’ll see later
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tatsumi koga dorm: why is there a motorcycle in the frame on the wall. what is that ornament on the other wall and why does it look like a sun. why does this room look like the kind of fake model “bedroom” you find in a furniture store
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jun kohaku dorm: this room probably also smells like sweat but unfortunately i don’t think kohaku has that much perfume or room spray on hand. also i think one of these days jun’s post-workout selfie mirror will fall over and break and jun will cry
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yuzuru tori dorm: what are the round things on the walls next to tori’s bed. are they nightlights. does tori still need nightlights. why doesn’t tori get himself the cutesy nightlights that are shaped like stars and clouds and stuff instead of those things that make the walls look like they have pimples
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kaoru nagisa yuta dorm: i think yuta’s bed is the blue one bc it looks a bit like hinata’s but the other two beds look like something you’d find in a 3 star hotel. no personality whatsoever. what’s with the abstract splotch art on the wall. nagisa is part of one of the Big Three units of ES so he should be paid well he can definitely afford some nicer decorations like a large chart illustrating the differences between igneous sedimentary and metamorphic rocks or smth. i do feel like nagisa chose the beanbags that look like rocks tho.. theyre the only saving grace of this room so good job nagisa
keito hajime hokuto dorm: we still don’t know what this one looks like at all.. i think keito’s bed is Boring, hajime’s bed has cute bedsheets in calming pastel colors, and hokuto’s bed has matching bedsheets and pillows in tasteful shades of blue. the rest of trickstar helped pick these bc hokuto’s parents sent him a matching set of bedding with HIDAKA HOKUTO embroidered in gold thread on everything as a “moving-out gift” and hokuto was mortified and shoved them under his bed never again to see the light of day
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ibara tsumugi midori mitsuru dorm: midori’s and mitsuru’s beds are cute. i love midori’s vegetable plushies and mitsuru’s bread pillows. ibara and tsumugi’s beds look miserable and devoid of personality, perhaps representing their owners’ mental anguish and despair. and since they have no other large pieces of furniture aside from the beds this room also looks a bit like a showroom in a mattress store
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makoto adonis chiaki dorm: i’m guessing chiaki’s bed is the one with bright posters above it, makoto’s bed is the one with the post its and other posters above it, and adonis’s bed is the one with the snuggly blanket with the lovely pattern. they also have a nice long couch, a tv, and a rug with some bean bags. overall it’s a very nice room! my only major complaint is that i refuse to believe that chiaki uses a plain gray blanket and not the same power ranger bedsheets he’s had since he was 10 years old
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hinata hiiro niki dorm: hinata’s bed has the blue blanket and hanging plants right? i assume hiiro’s bed has the pillows with blue and orange stripes just because it reminds me of the colors on his jacket. i refuse to believe that niki’s bed is that neat i know he has a secret stash of snacks next to his desk or under the bed or something. i think after crazyB has paid off all their debts and are no longer seriously struggling financially and niki is able to save some of his paycheck i think he’d buy a minifridge and put it next to his bed
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rei eichi aira dorm: everyone always talks about rei and eichi’s petty divorce curtain but nobody mentions how aira’s bed looks like it’s made out of cardboard
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leo natsume nazuna dorm: why is leo’s the only visibly messy bed we’ve seen. why are nazuna’s and natsume’s beds so average. i can see nazuna as the kind to go for a simple blanket with stripes but you cannot tell me that natsume does not have the most headache-inducing blankets and pillows known to mankind. natsume has 3 pillows each with a different pattern and combination of complimentary colors on them and 2 blankets one of which he found in one of the secret passageways in yumenosaki and one of which has a bunch of constellations printed on it and all of it clashes horribly
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kuro mao izumi shu dorm: oh this is one of the worst rooms in general. let’s start with the beds. all four of them look like they have the exact same bedframe. how come mika gets a fancy victorian bedframe and shu doesn’t. is all of shu’s special fancy furniture in france. i genuinely can’t tell whose bed is whose. is mao’s bed the black one on the far left or the red and gray one on the far right (bc ritsu was involved in choosing the bedsheets). why doesn’t kuro have any gym equipment next to his bed like tetora and jun. do you think kuro used to have some gym equipment in the dorm but shu and izumi complained too much about the sweaty smell so he had to leave it at his family’s house. what’s with the four-part abstract art piece. who put that there. did izumi put that there because i cannot imagine shu putting that up there. i do not think shu likes that sort of modern art he probably says it’s meaningless or derivative or smth. he’d probably prefer a high-quality print of a reinassance painting or framed pictures actually scratch that last one because if the kuro mao izumi shu dorm was allowed to hang personal photos on the walls izumi might put up some pictures of the rest of knights and then every night shu would have to go to sleep haunted by the vaguely threatening (to him) smile of Narukami Arashi
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rinne kanata hiyori dorm: obv kanata’s bed is the one with the aquarium next to it, which means rinne’s and hiyori’s beds are probably the ones with the slightly different zigzag stripe patterns and honestly i’m disappointed. you mean to tell me amagi rinne doesn’t have insufferably gaudy bright red bedsheets? he doesn’t have a blanket with cartoon bees on it that he bought as a joke when he went to the supermarket with the rest of crazyB? he doesn’t have a stack of coupons and discount vouchers and half-finished loyalty cards and a bunch of misshapen plushies that he got out of a claw machine while trying to get the hamburger plushie for niki as an anniversary gift? and hiyori. eichi’s bed probably came straight from his family’s mansion and looks like it came from a 5 star hotel and hiyori just has. that?? i refuse to belive that hiyori would allow himself to be one-upped by tenshouin eichi in this manner. hiyori has a humongous fluffy princess bed with hearts and flourishes carved into the bedframe and a whole ass canopy with fairy lights that took jun four hours to assemble and you cannot convince me otherwise
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tsukasa souma shinobu dorm: where is tsukasa’s trading card collection. where is souma’s sword rack. where are shinobu’s lego ninjago bedsheets
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nangel · 3 months
Paparazzi, part ten
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✍︎ word count | 5378 words
✈︎ missing out parts? | series , part 1 , part2 , part 3 , part 4 , part 5 , part 6 , part 7 , part 8 , part 9
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Sometimes things need to go wrong first before they can go right
As Olga and I said, we wouldn’t go home alone so it was no wonder that when I woke up, Jobas, the blonde guy was lying next to me. I smirked to myself because I enjoyed it. I was young and I actually lived my life. I turned to the side still covered in his bedsheet. He was still sleeping and I thought back. I clearly enjoyed the last night. Maybe I was into one night stands. I smirked again and sat up gathering my clothes together from the floor before putting them on again as quiet and quickly as possible. I walked out of the bedroom and saw Olga doing the same. “Escaping?” i asked her smirking and she nodded running a hand through her hair. “Let’s go” i said amused and we quickly got out of here. Outside we went for a smoke while walking. “So…how was Jobas doing?” she asked smirking and I loved. “Good…he knows what he is doing” i said amused. “Shit…you are into it” she said amused. “Yeah” i said laughing. “How was Mark?” i added smirking. “A dream” she said smirking. “I never thought we would end up like that” i said amused. “Yeah right…but I’m glad we did” she said nudging me which made me laugh. I saw the mail from Dior and my face immediately lit up. It was the perfect timing, I would go to the Dior meeting and at the same time we would visit an exhibition about arts, some students of the art university in Paris would show their works there and introduce them which me and Maureen wanted to visit. It was in four days so we had time.
Olga called the phase I had right now going-slutty even tho she was sleeping around more than me. I came back from a wild night and was pretty annoyed. “There she is…” Olga said relieved as I approached the cafe since they were already doing brunch. “Sorry girls” i said sitting down. “We were waiting for you! Where were you?” Annabelle asked patting the seat next to her. “I wanted you to go when I woke up but this fool caught me and made me drink three coffees with him” i said exhausted. “What?” Maureen asked laughing. “Yeah…he woke up somehow and then saw me as I wanted to leave” i said annoyed and they laughed. “Shit happens, huh?” Olga asked laughing at me. “Yeah and now I know everything about his ex girlfriend and his cats” i said pretty triggered. Maureen laughed at me and I rolled my eyes. “What about Charles?” Annabelle asked. “What should be?” i asked confused. “After Thursday you told us nothing” she said. “Yeah we need gossip” Maureen said. “Well…he called me two times and I hung up after talking for like one minute…he called me in the last days but I don’t care” i said shrugging my shoulder. “I knew it” Maureen said and Annabelle nodded. “What?” Olga asked and I looked we looked at her confused. “And as always, no one tells me anything” she said taking a bite of her bacon-muffin. “Complicated” i said and she shrugged her shoulders. “I hope so…tomorrow we are going to Paris again” Maureen said and I nodded. “I hope this is gonna be fun” Olga said and I patted her shoulder. “You’ll get through it” i said softly and she rolled her eyes at me. I joined the brunch and started eating too before I would go to the gym.
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I posted that in my story as soon as we were in the plane before taking off. I would meet Candice there too. I was watching Ratatouille while we flew since it wasn’t a long flight.
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As we landed we immediately checked in in our hotel. “Merci” i said to the woman on the Reception as I took the card we got. We would only stay for today, tomorrow and Wednesday so everything was planned out into detail. Today me and Maureen would meet up with Candice, to get some model support. “What are you guys doing?” i asked as I put on my basic black high heels. “We don’t know yet” Annabelle said. “We’re gonna find something” she said smirking and we nodded before saying goodbye. As soon as we were outside of the hotel we called us a taxi to get to our appointment as soon as possible. “I’m kinda nervous” Maureen said. “Everything’s gonna go as planned” i said smiling and she nodded. “You are slowly turning into your mother” she said amused and I laughed. “My mom is the best” i said amused and she agreed.
We arrived at the restaurant and searched for Candice which wasn’t hard cause as soon as she walked out of the taxi on the other side of the street we noticed a lot of people running up to her which she ignored to walk to us in her blue jeans, the black leather crop top and her jacket. “How do they always know where celebrities are?” Maureen asked me and I just shrugged my shoulders watching Candice walk up to us. “I’m adored” Maureen said and I just nodded. “Hey girls…the traffic…” she said and we waved it off. “It’s great to finally meet you” she said and I held my hand out introducing myself which Maureen did too. “Let’s not waste more time…I’m starving” she said and we walked. “How do they always know where you are?” i asked Candice. “A good question…which I can’t really answer” she said laughing. We sat down and ordered drinks and food. “You two are doing a good job…the fashion industry is going to fight for you” she said as she took a sip of her water. “You think so?” i asked her and she nodded. “Oh yeah…I heard only good things but what would you expect…Well models are unique goods and they are always looking out for them…normally it takes much longer but you two have so much luck” she said and Maureen and I looked at each other. “ You could say so” i said. “If you’ve got your first walk for a brand the projects are running…” she said and we nodded. “They pay you good too” she said and I nodded. “Yeah we already got paid for the shooting” i said. “How much?” she asked. “500” Maureen said and Candice nodded. “Fair enough” she said as our lunch came. While she talked to us we couldn’t even take our eyes off her, we were clearly adored. She gave us a lot of tips snd advices which meant really much to us. She even told us how we carry ourselves the best.
After dinner we walked outside to get back home, Candice was next to us and as soon as we wrestled outside there were a lot of Paparazzi’s. “They are in Paris too?” i asked shocked. “They are everywhere” Maureen cursed and Candice got us well through it. They took a lot of pictures and while we tried to escape them it wasn’t even a good feeling but probably also because we weren’t prepared and never in such a situation. They followed us and when we said goodbye they just kept taking pictures. “It was so nice to meet you…we should stay in contact” Candice said hugging Maureen. “We will” Maureen said. You need to tell me tomorrow how it was” she said to me and I nodded as we hugged before separating. We immediately got into a taxi while Maureen was standing outside posing a last time for the photographers before I pulled her inside laughing. “Stop that” i said laughing. “I was feeling it” she said smirking and I laughed with her. We talked about the lunch with Candice and as I reapplied my lipstick I saw that two black cars were following us. “No fucking way” i said looking behind me. “Hm?” Maureen asked looking behind her too. “Are they…following us?” she asked. “I hope not” i said putting my lipstick and the pocket mirror back inside my black bag. “I’ll call Annabelle” she said as she called Annabelle to tell them about it. We paid the taxi driver as we reached the hotel before getting outside. The cars were gone but the photographers were right in front of us. They took a lot of pictures of us and wanted to talk to us but we immediately ran up to Annabelle and Olga that walked inside with us. Olga showed them her middle finger for fun.
In the evening we were going into a cinema which was fun and in no time there were already pictures and videos of us again. Since we were basically making our money with social media and ads we made a lot of content. And Olga and I were starting to think about our teenage wish. We wanted to do a podcast when we were thirteen and were seriously thinking about starting one. Maybe about girly things…everything that comes up to our mind. I was thinking about it while lying in bed next to Maureen. She was already sleeping tightly same as Olga and Annabelle. I couldn’t make out why my thought kept me up but I knew that it was not only about the podcast, it also was about Charles. I can’t say that I don’t care because I do. I thought that me and him were close especially after Paris. After all he came for me to Paris and we spent almost every day together and I couldn’t stop thinking about how he wrapped his arms around me, hugged me, took my hands. Even if it was just a feather-light touch it was special snd I missed it. I got out of bed and walked on the balcony leaning on the railing. One sentence that was repeating in my head was Sometimes thins need to go wrong first before they can go right. But at the same time I thought that He is just a man…if you lose one you get a new one, they’re not special you’re just attached. But maybe I wasn’t ready yet to give up. I couldn’t stop seeing him and Alexandra every time I closed my eyes. During the day I was disappointed but at night I was sad. I missed him, I really missed him and it was not like with other guys. As I looked down on the streets I thought about our first meeting, at the race track in Monaco. How our eyes locked and how that made me feel. I changed a lot in the time he came into my life. In the end I want him to be happy and if this was what it takes to get that I was ready to let go.
After the meeting with Dior I had a little shooting with some other models. The girls were really nice and I even met the blonde one from the race in Monaco again. We talked a lot and then she introduced her friend to me. Her name was Charlotte and I immediately recognised her. “Oh my god…you are Charlotte Sine right? You were Charles girlfriend for a long time” i said surprised. “Yeah but please call me Charlotte” she said smiling. “I’m Madeleine” i said smiling. Looks like you’re one of the new stars” she said smirking. “You can say so” i said chuckling “You must do a good job…you are really pretty by the way” she said smiling snd I chuckled. “Thank you, you too” i said and she smiled at me. When they put me into a new outfit I could see Charlotte scanning me as if she was searching for something inside me. They were doing my hair and she sat next to me on the table. “Hey…can I ask you something real quick?” she asked carefully but softly. “Of course” i said smiling at her. “I don’t want to come off as rude or something in that way but I just have to ask…” she said and I nodded. “Ask ahead” i said softly and with a smile. “Is that you?” she asked me as she showed me a picture that someone took and posted on tiktok, it was a picture if Charles walking through Paris with me only our backsides visible. I swallowed and looked at her. “Uhm” i started and she put a hand on my arm. “You can tell me” she said smiling and I nodded. “Yeah…it’s me but please don’t tell anyone” i said and she put her phone away. “I knew it” she said smiling and I didn’t know if it was good or bad. “Is that bad?” i asked a little embarrassed. “No…not at all…I just wanted to know” she said smiling. “Is it that obvious?” i asked her giving her a slight smile. “No…I just recognised you by your hair…but no one would see at first sight” she said amused. “Good…” i said still a little embarrassed. There is a lot going on about you two” she said amused. “Too much” i said almost in a whisper and she tilted her head. “Are you…a couple?” she asked confused. “No, no, we met at his race and then we had contact and met in Paris…well he came for me” i said while scrolling through my phone. “Wow…that’s super sweet” she said softly. “It was, true” i said quietly. “I was just thinking about his girlfriend” she started but I cut her off. “We’re not dating or something we didn’t even kiss…we just spent tome together” i said instantly and she smiled. “Hey…I don’t blame you for it…I never held you for that type of girl” she said with a sincere smile. “Really?” i asked smiling slightly. “Yeah…I think you’re quite the girly girl” she said snd I smiled. “I’m not a slut or something like that” i said snd she laughed. “I never thought that” she said and patted my shoulder. She was curious about me and Charles but I just swallowed hard. “You want to go for a coffee when you have break?” she asked softly and I nodded.
We got us some coffee and sat down somewhere quiet. “I promise I won’t tell a soul” she promised and I just nodded. “Well we were pretty close but we separated after Alexandra’s instagram story where they kissed like a love obsessed teenage couple and that was too much” i said honestly and she nodded. “I understand that” she said softly. “How was your relationship with Charles?” i asked her curious. “It was good…we were happy but it wasn’t always easy for us especially for me…he has two lives and you’re somewhere in between…One day we noticed that we were coming to an end because his career was really important to him and we separated and broke up” she said casually taking a sip of her coffee. “Oh…” i said listening to her. “Hey…just because it was like that back then it does not mean that it would be the same for you…it was a longer tine ago and I think he learnt and knows what is important to him” she said softly rubbing my shoulder. “I’m not gonna lie to you…he had a lot of girlfriends in his life but I have a good feeling with you…you’re not like the others and I think that you would be just the right to stay” she said smiling and I shook my head. “I mean it, I think that you’re gonna be the one taking him over” she said nudging my shoulder with hers.
After our conversation we finished our shooting and I took a taxi back to the hotel. Exhausted as I was I dropped into my bed. Why do I have to feel like this?” i screamed into the pillow. I took a long bath and washed my hair because of all styling today.
I couldn’t sleep again and was sitting on the balcony after stealing Olga’s cigarettes to smoke on the balcony. “I don’t think smoking on the balcony is allowed” Olga said amused leaning against the doorframe with crossed arms. “Since when are you such a wise-cracking?” i asked amused and she joined me taking a cigarette too. “That’s the second night…what’s going on?” she asked and I just sighed. “Okay then just us two and the cigarettes…I feel like fifteen again” she said smirking and I laughed.
We were walking to this art exhibition and Olga was already yawning next to me. “Come on…really now? Were didn’t even arrive” i said amused. “I really don’t give a fuck about this exhibition” she said and I rolled my eyes. “I will need a coffee before that too” Annabelle said and Maureen and I looked at each other searching for help. “Olga…I supported you by going with you to a lady gaga concert too back then so could you maybe support me here?” i asked her and she gave me a death stare. “Don’t put Lady Gaga in here” she said and I sighed. “Fine” she said giving up. “Just try to have fun or try to look like you’re having fun” Maureen said as we reached the building. We were already asking ourselves why there were so many people outside the building, most of them looked like fans. Maureen and I looked at each other suspicious as we noticed some photographers. “That’s weird” she said and I nodded. “Probably a celebrity walked in” Olga said annoyed and I shrugged my shoulders. “Yeah…I heard that some famous people are in Paris right now maybe they wanted to see the exhibition” Annabelle said casually. “Voluntarily?” Olga asked and Maureen groped the back of her neck which made me smirk. We walked there and as some people saw me and Maureen we were already taking pictures again. A girl wanted an autograph but I wasn’t prepared. “I don’t have a pen with me” i said and Olga handed me hers. “Thanks” i said to her as I signed her phone case or more the mirror on the phone case. Two autographs followed and some pictures were taken. We walked inside and actually spotted famous people but not many. Annabelle was standing next to me with a coffee taking a sip while me and Maureen looked around. There were a lot of paintings set up and we took a quick look at them.
I turned to my girls and they walked up to me. “There is something we need to tell you” Olga said and I nodded. “Tell me” i said. “Charles is here” Maureen said and my eyes widened. “You’re joking” i said and they shook their heads. “With Alexandra” Olga said and I rolled my eyes. “Such a cunt” i cursed and Annabelle rolled her eyes. The exhibition was starting and we sat down. We were sitting in the third row, Charles and Alexandra in the first. We had a perfect look at them. “That’s a nightmare” Annabelle said. “Ew” Olga said and I shook my head. “I think I’m gonna throw up” i said rolling my eyes. They were sitting next to each other, Alexandra had her head rested his shoulder which I did too. He just sat there. “He looks like he doesn’t want that” Annabelle said watching them. “Belle…you’re supposed to watch the exhibition not those two” i said and she rolled her eyes. “Forget it” she said snd Olga watched them too. I tried to focus on the exhibition which wasn’t hard. Another painting was introduced and they called Alexandra up which made her stand up and walk to the front. “What?” Olga asked confused. “Now it makes sense…Alexandra is studying art history here in Paris” i explained and Annabelle sighed surprised. “I am triggered” Olga said and we listened to her explaining her painting and telling us something about her. I was trying to focus while Olga and Annabelle gossiped about her finding all of this very funny. Maureen next to me tried to keep a serious expression while I could hear everything and was trying hard not to laugh. I covered my mouth with my hand before laughing into it quietly. “Stop it” Maureen said chuckling quietly nudging me with her elbow. “Sorry” i said as I looked down on the floor laughing into myself. Maureen couldn’t hold back and started to laugh too. Soon we were all laughing quietly. Olga imitated Alexandra and Annabelle laughed into her hand while I was laughing while looking down to the floor before seeing how Maureen was looking at something else trying to distract herself. Olga and I whispered things into each other’s ears. When she was finished we all focused again.
After the exhibition we were standing in a corner talking to some people. I laughed a looked around just to lock eyes with Charles. My heart stopped beating for a moment before I turned back to the conversation. They were going to look at the pictures. I told them I’d join later and just stood there in the corner watching my friends while sorting out some things. “Hey stranger” a familiar voice said next to me. I turned to the voice just to look at the familiar perfect face of Charles, his blue eyes, his brown hair which was curly but perfectly styled, and the slight beard he had and of course his male physique. “Hey” i said turning away instantly. “You can’t ignore me” he said and I nodded. “I can” i said casually. “I think we should talk” he said and I could feel his gaze on me which made me swallow hard. “There’s not much to say” i said annoyed. “Just a minute” he said and I looked at him. “I only need 20 seconds…you are here with your girlfriend acting up like a love obsessed teenage couple” i said turning away again. “True but I still want to explain it to you” he said and I laughed bitterly. “I don’t want an explanation” i said annoyed. “Give me a chance” he said and I laughed bitterly before walking away making my way to my friends and the people we met that where going with us. Maureen looked at me almost asking and I just shook my head and crossed my arms. Every time we looked at Charles he was with Alexandra. She was always close to him as if someone wanted to take him away from her. It made me roll my eyes and get annoyed. “Give me the cigs…” i said to Olga. “Here” she said handing them to me. I raised an eyebrow and smiled slightly walking out of the gallery. I wanted to save myself. I lit it up and took the first puff. I couldn’t stop thinking about him the last days and that didn’t change. I thought about what move I should do next but for the first time in my nineteen years I didn’t really have an answer neither I had a clue of what I should do. It must’ve been a sign that I received a text of Charles over Messages. “Even if you’re not talking to me…I won’t give up” I read the message out loud. I took it as a sign and dropped the cigarette after taking only one puff. *I walked to Maureen asking her for help. “Talk it out with him…” she ordered softly. “Things need to go right with you now…the wrong stage of things passed” she said snd I immediately knew what she meant. I texted Charles. “Meet me outside” sending it to him. He quickly got his phone out and read it before looking at me still standing next to Alexandra. From earlier I already knew that Alexandra knew about me and that she knew about me being here, maybe that’s why she acted the way she did. He looked at me and I walked outside grabbing my vest.
Charles pov
I read the message and looked over at her. Our eyes met and she walked off. I knew what I had to do and grabbed my jacket. Alexandra must’ve seen the message cause she immediately looked at me warning. “Really?” she asked me annoyed. “What?” i asked her putting my phone back into my pocket. She rolled her eyes at me. “I’m sorry, Alexandra but Madlen needs me” i said not really looking at her. “Oh wow…she snaps with her fingers and you are following her like a dog” she said pissed. “Sorry” i said walking away, I made my way outside to her as quick as possible. I saw her standing outside of the building in her vest, her eyes on the cars the passed by. “We need to talk” she said swallowing hard. “Good cause I want to explain everything to you” i said determined. “I’m all ears” she said not turning to me but I knew that she was listening. “I have a good explanation for this today…Alexandra’s artwork was published today with this exhibition and I needed to come with her…she forced me more to be honest because of the image…it’s always about the image” i explained to her keeping my eyes on her even tho she didn’t look at me one second. “And for the picture…it was about the image too but more about hers as you maybe noticed” i explained and she swallowed multiple times. “I don’t want to be with her anymore…she’s not good for me and I realised what I really want and that’s not a girl that only wants the fame and uses me for it” i said and she nodded. “Yeah…you are really stupid with your actions and realisations but that you had this insight is making you a little smarter” she said almost coldly. “True” i said a little hurt.
Madeleine pov
“I really expected more from you…did you even know how that made me feel?” i asked him still not looking at him. “I thought about it very often…” he said and I shook my head annoyed. “I was sad, angry and disappointed…I felt cheated…and yes maybe I sound dramatic but that’s your fault” i said swallowing hard. “I know that…and I am dearly sorry…I understand that you’re angry” he said and I shook my head. “I’m not angry, Charles…I am disappointed” i said not looking at him. For me it was harder to hear that a person was disappointed in me than hearing that someone was angry with me and I knew that it was the same for him. “I felt like the most stupid person on the world” i added. “I understand that” he said and I swallowed hard. “Just for the record…I meant everything I said…I’m still missing you but nothing happened the way I wanted it…and those days in Paris with you were the best I had in a long time and to be honest…I think that you are the best surprise destiny made me” he said and I could feel his eyes on me. I turned to him. “You are not like other girls” he added and I looked away again swallowing hard. “Charlotte said the same thing” i said quietly. “My ex-girlfriend, Charlotte?” he asked and I nodded. “I met her yesterday” i said in a whisper. “It’s the truth…and just so you know…knowing that you watch my races, that you learnt everything about Formula 1, that you make me smile with your smile and that you make me feel better even if my day is the worst it could be…makes me the proudest person alive I guess…” he confessed and I immediately looked at him. “Do you think that you didn’t make me the happiest girl in this world? The way you treated me…it was something I never had before and I can’t get over the fact that you listen to me…I could talk to you for hours and you still would listen…you never cut me off, you never told me I was too much, you just listened and then you also remembered things I told you…“ i said looking at him. He smiled at me and I shook my head. “Don’t come up with that smile now! I should’ve kept my hands off you because you have a girlfriend but I couldn’t and tho I don’t want to confess or accept it I felt jealous…not in the envy way but just jealous…Alexandra has you, she has you close everyday, she gets things I could only dream about” i said annoyed. “So you’re jealous” he said smirking and I rolled my eyes. “I am disappointed that you find that amusing…for you it may be just a game but for me it isn’t and I can’t stand having that jealousy” i said annoyed. “No, don’t see it like that” he said before adding “Every second with you is more precious than every year with Alexandra and to be honest…I just had a really big fight with her the last days and another one earlier” he said and I looked at him. “About me?” i asked and he nodded. “See…we wouldn’t have a chance whatever this is” i said crossing my arms. “Don’t be stupid after all you said that things need to go wrong first before they go right” he said coming closer. Of course he had to bring up that quote… “I didn’t only continue this thing with Alexandra because of the imagine…also because iI didn’t like seeing you with that one guy…you posted yourself on instagram lately” he said and I tilted my head. “Ah…so you’re jealous too” i said crossing my arms smirking at him. “I wouldn’t call it that” he said and I nodded smirking. “You are jealous” i said smirking. “Would you want that?” he asked confidently and I tilted my head. “It’s not really a proof but it shows that you mean what you said” i said softly. “Are we good?” he asked softly and I turned away before nodding. “Yeah…we’re good…i guess” i said and he grabbed me by my arm. “Come here” he said wrapping his arms around me to hug me. His chin was resting against my scalp.
“And Alexandra?” i asked after a while looking up at him. “Well she said that I’d follow you like a dog as soon as you snap with your fingers and it’s kinda true so…” he said smirking and I laughed. “Well and I’m here with my friends…” i said smiling. “I can go with you” he said smirking and I laughed. “Alexandra’s gonna be mad and there are some famous people in there so that wouldn’t help you” i said amused. He groaned. “Fine but I’ll stay close” he said smirking ruffling my hair and I slapped his hand away. “Sure, mister Leclerc” i said annoyed and we walked back inside. As soon as I was inside I got hugged with me standing there surprised. “Hey, Madeleine” Candice said excited while hugging me. “Candice?” i asked surprised. “Look who came to look after us” Maureen said smirking standing next to her. “Wow…what are you doing here?” i asked her smiling. “I’m not into art but I thought we could do something” she said and Olga nodded multiple times. “Yes please this here is sooo boring” she said and Candice agreed. “What are you saying, Maddy?” Maureen asked me. ”I think our work is done so I’m down” i said smiling. “Great” Candice said. “I’ll grab Annabelle real quick” i said and they nodded. “We’re gonna wait outside” Olga said and I walked to Annabelle. “Are you ready?” i asked her and she nodded. “Did you and Charles talk?” she asked and I just shook my head and smiled. “Why did I already know that” she said smirking before hugging me.
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Next part
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majorproblems77 · 6 months
Bonus links is back which means so am I! Welcome back to my Comic analysis corner :D
You liked my rambling last time so here I am to once again ramble about this comic I love.
Its a wonderul comic and always so well made. Please go look at it if you haven't, it's well worth it. :D
All comic panels and art belong to @bonus-links and the artist @ezdotjpg. Please go and look at their other stuff too!
Grab some popcorn and a drink, and let's get started, shall we!
First these two, I love this frame right off the bat.
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Give me more of these two please I love them okay
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Loft looks so worried can you hear the fear i can hear the fear. Poor man give him a break.
Oblatory obsession with SKSW link in various links meet aus.
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I love him a healthy amount. I love his design and think about him often.
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Oh this frame
This frame is very pretty
I love the golden light in the middle, and how she basically makes up the lower part of the symbol. It reminds me of ribbon. Which is fitting considering we get red string all over this comic. (I still need to go into that at one point)
It makes me wonder if we see the other Zelda's more in this context if they too will get the golden ribbon rather than the red string. As I'm seeing it as a way to show how they are connected like how the links are connected.
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Panic mode engaged
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I'm living for evil laser eye slate. Straight up looks like hes about to pounce on this man and kill him
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Slates thinking face
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I love it
I love these two. Interesting how dismissive Wolf is being at this stage. (currently playing through TP so I dont know a lot about the triforce in it but I assume it's still there)
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Lots to unpack in this one and i love it
Wake vibing in the rain i can kinda understand.
Wolf just looks kinda done with it tbh and I'm here for it its a vibe.
Slate covering the little fairy pal from the rain is low-key giving me life I love him
And Loft, looking up at the clouds with just pure annoyance in his eyes. Like my man, I know you don't like storms but please the clouds didn't do anything to you. (Yet...)
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I can hear the music in my head as these actions are being done. Like, they are ingrained into my soul after watching enough wind waker playthroughs.
It's awesome he gets to use it with the melody he's learned. More windwaker melodies please i love seeing them used more
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Hold on tight indeed! Cause it's about to get HECKIN WIMDY
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Such an excited bean i love him
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Help him
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Help him so much man has fear
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This little picture has me cackling, im sorry loft but omg.
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And Slate looks so damn excited for this and honestly he deserves it.
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Just his little face
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Goddammit linebeck, man is just so done with the shenanigans by now. Impressive he's managing to drink from a cup while they are spinning like that. Man has got some amazing arm control to keep it together.
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Tetra and Aryll! Them!!!
Also, can you hear the splash as the ship hits the water? People must be used to hearing the sound of a huge gale, then a massive splash and are just like...
Oh, link must be back again.
Love it
Hope you had fun with me today as I went through this one. More rambling than questions this time around which is nice i love just being excited about characters I enjoy. :D
That's all from me tho, until next time!
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laughingfcx · 8 days
so as u know i was ill last week (was that even last week I CANT REMEMBER BUT IT WAS RECENTLY) and i was coughing up a storm at school on monday and tuesday IT WAS HELL ITSELF I SWEAR.
SO I HAD LIKE,, 7 TESTS? THIS WEEK? I THINK? a ton!! like wdym im getting a test thats not writing in journalism class? WHY ARE WE HAVING A HISTORY TEST IN THIS CLASS THATS SO WEIRD TO ME??? anyway... that and a spanish test and two math tests and two tests in my ap class and an english comprehension test i was not thriving this week
yesterday i went to the school football game with my friends!! our team kinda demolished the visiting team dude 😭😭 IT WAS LIKE?? 68-0???? LIKE DAMN OKAY LET THEM GET UP BROTHERS 😭
HONEYPIE BY JAWNY !!!!! erm big yap under cut methinks..
my freaky english teacher likes me. a h a h a anyways ive been getting into art moar >:3 again so i spent like half the time drawing and stuff help .. not when i needed to concentrate tho !!! i drew a fish person ish i will show u later. apparently everyone flunked the maths test so like i may end up on the news tho... my last three assessments were all straight A's but the highest grade in the entire class in this one is a B and idk man i might Die. also i think i did well in english bc.. the teacher seems satisfied w me.. SCHOOL IS CLOSED TMR SO I WILL LOCK IN AND WRITE MY SILLY SMAU METHINKS
my friend who i sat beside today let me draw my fish on her bandaid :33 she calls me fish too and i call her cat it's a long story basically but in eighth grade like.. back in 2022 we exchanged discords and my nickname was fishie and hers was neko so like .. fish and cat. oh and once a physics teacher referred to me as fish too help
im super eepy rn help.. started raining in the morning n i got hopeful that school would be cancelled but NO bc the universe HATES me
im going to change & pass out now i think highkey.
OK NOW !!! UR THINGS LETS SEE omg yes this week was so fkn long ewwww
football game is insane (never seen one) 68 - ZERO ??? IS THE HOME TEAM THAT GOOD OR IS THE OTHER ONE JUST BAD PLS... ALSO LIKE WHAT !!!! kiss cam sounds like sm fun !!!!
okay pause to say that this ask is literally makign me so happy rn idk bro but im kicking feet i feel all warm n fluttery inside
OK BACK ON TOPIC im so glad u had fun <333 that experience seems so amazing like omg !!! ik youll remember it for a WHILE i long to experience that kind of fun again omg
OKAY ANYWAYS MY DAY RIGHT !!! i cancelled on my maths teacher + postponed his class to tmr bc i want to sleep and grind genshin and watch a movie or 2 !!! im thinking everything everywhere all at once ive wanted to watch it forever but never really had the independence to do so like i do now !!!! my big toe hurts for some reason idk :/// AND IVE BEEN HAVING SUCH BAD NAGI BRAINROT RECENTLY OMHHHH LIKE MY MAN.. MY MAN..... SAVE ME NAGI SEISHIRO SAVE ME..........
aaaaa where was i !!! oh yesyes so i was thinking moot tags right ... bc i need smth cute for u.... bc ur so cute....
UM YES THATS ALL FOR TODAY I HOPE UR SLEEPING WELL & DM ME WHEN U SEE THIS !!! not for any specific reason just say hi bc imy (we literally talked a few hrs ago) ily sav !!!! PS CONGRATS ON MAKING THE MAGAZINE TEAM IM SO PROUD OF U !!!!
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theycall-vn · 29 days
(yesterday) i worked on the first bg again. before, i was tryna like... do minimal effort to save myself some time since i have to do SO much art for this
but i hated the way it looked. it was just awful. so i've decided to do the lighting like i normally would instead of the low effort thing
it's much better now, and i'm happy with how it's coming along. still concerned about how much effort it is to do, cause it's so time consuming but maybe it'll get easier/faster the more i do it?
maybe wishful thinking but oh well. peek for what i've got so far:
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it's not done yet but it's looking way better than it was before. sorry i don't have like. side by side comparison but TRUST ME it's better lmao (/yesterday)
did some editing for existing chapter 2 stuff to make it sound/look a lil better.
also started to finish a conversation branch i stopped writing midway? idk why, i don't remember but trying to pick it back up has been killing me cause i lost my flow for it LOL
and i need to mention, which i guess i should mention somewhere in the info for they call, that while there are no wrong choices with conversations, some choices give you info that other choices don't.
if i do this right, you should have all the info you need by the end, so ultimately it won't matter. but! you can find out info earlier if you choose a certain thing. but sometimes at the risk of missing some relationship/attraction points
mostly worked on the next couple bg's today tho. much to my wrist's displeasure. achey bastid. might have to focus on writing tomorrow. or coding. anything but art, cause ow. ANYWAY
finished two bg's, poked at the third, and FINISHED THE FIRST CG WOO
it has a total of 98 variations. because i'm a masochist. peek below:
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not a bb cg, a player cg. the first one you ever see! and i'm still obsessed with that goddamn ring and want it irl
started putting them all into the code which is so long winded shadjghsajhd but i'll get there eventually
it's not even 5pm yet, but i'm posting this now cause i'll be spending the rest of the day setting up the cg's
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randomscropio · 11 months
This is an Inanimate Insanity fanfic one-shot. This was not a request, I just had an idea to do a fic like this late at night and couldn't stop thinking about it. The fic is based on the migraines my mom has and my younger brother ("brother a") sometimes has. I also sometimes get headaches, so I am self-projecting onto Paintbrush (just a little bit, tho).
Warnings: Migraines and headaches (that's literally what the fic is based around), pain, nausea, hiding pain, time blindness, art block, misgendering (by accident), panic attacks (mentioned), anxiety, medication, guilt (but it isn't put into the character by another character. The character with guilt just feels guilty), Lightbrush (Lightbulb x Paintbrush), Painbrush (Paintbrush experiencing pain/Paintbrush angst)
Paintbrush woke up, opened their eyes, and stood up. Their vision tunneled, and they could barely stand without wobbling. There was also a tight pain around their head, like a tight wrap around it. Their vision went back to normal, and the tight pain faded after a moment. This experience was normal for them. It typically happened when they stood up. Well, at least this time, it wasn't a migraine because that would be bad.
They didn't know how much time had passed since they had that headache at the beginning of the day (because they were time blind), but their head was hurting again. And they felt nauseous. What was worse was that they were hosting an art class.
Great, just great, I'm having a freaking migraine! At the perfect time! They thought sarcastically.
The thing about Paintbrush is that when they got a migraine they would typically also get really bad art block, they hate this fact because they like to paint and draw a lot, and their migraines came at random and were frequent.
"Wow, Paintbrush, your canvas sure is blank! And you're not talking. Shouldn't you be demonstrating what we're supposed to do?" Suitcase asked.
"Oh, right, sorry! I just got a bit distracted."
"By what?" Testube asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Thoughts," Paintbrush said, deadpan.
"Oh, okay then! So what are we doing, Mrs. Pa- sorry, Mx. Paintbrush?"
Paintbrush expected to be accidentally misgendered and didn't mind it. They had just recently come out, after all.
The pain in their head got worse and worse. That's when they noticed that they forgot to get the other painting supplies. "First, I have to go grab some stuff! I'll be right back." They said, grabbing their medicine and walking to the storage room.
They took some pills before the paint fumes made everything worse. They grabbed some thick tubes of acrylic paint. They also grabbed some paintbrushes (both big and small), painting sponges, paper plates (they used the plates as paint pallets so that they didn't have to wash any paint pallets), and a bottle of modpog (which is used to make sure that paintings and paint coats don't get damaged). They walked out of the room and set everything down on their desk.
They gave everyone a paper plate, a few different-sized paintbrushes, and a couple of panting sponges.
"Alright, class! Today we're going to do some abstract art. Get the paint that you'll need and just paint different colored shapes, don't think about or plan it. It's like improv in acting except for painting, drawing..." Paintbrush paused, realizing how long they had been speaking, "you get my point, right?"
"Yeah, I think we all got it, Painty! You're pretty good at explaining anyway!" Lightbulb said in her cheerful tone, which she usually had at least a hint of.
Everyone got their paints and started to paint. Paintbrush supervised everyone, making sure that everyone was okay. One hand foot rose into the air, shakily, and fell back down after two seconds. Paintbrush immediately knew who it was. Paintbrush approached a fidgety Suitcase.
"Do you need anything?" Paintbrush asked softly, they knew what the answer was but wanted Suitcase to get in the habit of saying what her problems were.
"I um, have to leave. I didn't take my anxiety meds and well..."
"Yes, I'm fine. Go take your medicine. I don't need you to have another panic attack here, especially only after a few days from the last one." They said with a slight chuckle that they immediately regretted.
"You can go." They said. The pain in their head made them slightly wince.
"A-are you okay?"
Suitcase didn't seem to mind though, since a small laugh came from her. She hopped down and walked out of the classroom.
Paintbrush looked at the finished and signed pieces. They were all amazing, despite what some of the artists thought of their own work.
"Great job everyone! It looks like you all have the hang of it! You may go now." They dismissed the class, hoping no one would stay so that they could dim the way too bright, fluorescent lights that only worsened the pain in their head, and put their head on their desk.
But, of course, someone stayed. Oddly enough, that someone was Suitcase.
"Hey, um Paintbrush?" Her voice was soft and quiet like she knew how much pain they were in, "um. Are you actually okay?"
Paintbrush nodded, "I'm fine, Suitcase! Really! Just a little tired." They said, trying not to cry from the pain in their head.
Please leave already.
"Oh, um, okay, then. That's all. I'll go now." She said.
Paintbrush sighed as soon as she left, cleaned up the materials, and grabbed the pieces to hang them up. They felt lightheaded, oh no, not this again.
They lay on the ground, squeezing their eyes shut, until they didn't feel lightheaded anymore. They got up and quickly hung up the pieces, then dimmed the lights. The pain continued and a few tears slipped from Paintbrush's eyes. They sat on the ground, pulled their knees up to their chest, buried their head in their knees, and softly cried. They didn't care if someone came in, at this point they couldn't control it, and they couldn't stop crying, even if they wanted to.
They got up and went to their room, their eyes were bloodshot and they were exhausted, they opened the door to their and Lightbulb's room (Lightbulb and Paintbrush now shared a room with eachother) and flopped on their bed.
"Hey, Painty, you okay?"
Paintbrush groaned in response.
"I'll take that as a no. What's botherin' you?"
They looked at the Lightbulb and sighed. "Migraine." They explained in one word.
"Did you take your meds?"
"Yes, I took my medicine. It didn't help very much."
Lightbulb clicked her tongue, "I'm sorry, I know that the lights can make it worse."
"You have nothing to be sorry about," Paintbrush said, unlike me...
"Well, why didn't you tell anyone?"
"I knew I'd get through it."
"Well, I'm here for you!"
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cielsosinfel · 11 months
here are my thoughts on all BG3 companions up through the end of Act 1 and very beginning of Act 2:
Astarion: light of my life, I am actually spoiled for probably 95% of his story, he is such a disgusting and rancid poor little meow meow and I want to see him grievously mutilated and tortured and then gently put back together again (repeat). As a faggy bi man he is the best #representation I have seen yet from mainstream media lmao. If i speak too much about him this whole post will be about him, sorry. Guro noncon yandere kink fanfic material out the wazoo, tho (Also of course I have many many thoughts on his character's narrative around trauma and healing or the lack thereof, but, too many words)
Shadowheart: I LOOOOVE HER I love her. I kind of wish they'd kept her as initially hostile and cruel as in EA after viewing video of it, but I also enjoy how she seems low-key and almost normal, though an asshole, and then BAM suddenly she's waxing poetic about committing terrifying emotional and physical torture in the name of her beloved mommy goddess. She is such an asshole and I feel like she gets soft on the PC weirdly fast, but I also do enjoy how playing Dark Urge informs the relationship dynamic as her backstory and personality unfolds, how the fact she becomes Best Friends with them despite the whole blackout-frenzied-murder and urges to eat corpses plays into her own issues and desire for understanding and connection (the memory loss and disconnect from her previous life and sense of self, the god devotion, wanting to make herself an even worse person in the name of her god, how completely committed she is in the art of torture and causing suffering, how she's simultaneously disgusted by and intrigued by Dark Urge's whole murder cannibalism urges.) Anyway yes she's great, I love her turmoil about not living up to her potential as a Shar-loving religious zealot and expert torturer.
Wyll: Wylllllllllll I feel like he was done so dirty by the writers between Early Release and Release. They should have continued to let him be an asshole warring with living up to heroic ideals, who just made a deal with a demon out of desperation for respect and appreciation. But he's fun in release too, just too low-key for me? With Dark Urge it's interesting because he is truly the most morally Good-Aligned party-member, probably, and I think about how he must grapple his morals with aiding and growing close to a murderous gore-loving freak. He's constantly having to compromise his own deeply-held ideals in the name of getting the tadpole out of his head, and I wonder about that constantly. At the same time, he's so focused on doing good and the cause of justice but is REALLY REALLY DOWN FOR GOBLIN MASS-MURDER... Like OK Wyll!! They kept that from Early Access at least lmao. His relationship with Mizora and the angst and regret he feels at signing a contract with her, for making this one major ill-thought decision while in a high-stress "do or die" situation, gets me, the way he's like, so resigned to it... How he's so resigned to being transformed into the very thing he'd dedicated his life to culling existence of (demons.) (The constant metaphors to being a pampered pet on a leash get to me.) Though you know, it still gets me he's lamenting how ugly he looks with horns, claws and fangs, in the middle of a party full of Tiefling who just faced a lot of life-threatening discrimination for looking like demons... lmao... especially when he's venting these things to a Tiefling Durge lmao... oh wyll...... Anyway I think he's sweet, and I have even more thoughts on him and Astarion being foils who need to fuck. I want to learn more about his daddy issues so I can give him a proper daddy kink. Wow, how is this the longest part of this post.
OK THIS GOT TOO LONG AND ITS ONLY THREE CHARACTERS!!!! I am going to an indie comics and arts festival today, I will come back to do the rest of the characters later.
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richardsgraysons · 10 months
Hello, this is for the matchup event
Im 5'6 and my hair is naturally blonde but rn it's dyed pink and it reaches my lower back. My eyes are grey and I wear glasses.
For personality I'm shy at first cause it takes time for me to get used to people and even longer to open up to them. Once I am used to someone tho I'm usually the dirty minded friend in the group. I really like kids and animals and find them so cute but too much fur makes me sneeze/congested so I need to take allergy medicine if I'm around a long of them. I'm very touchy with people I a close to and love cuddles.
For hobbies I'm kind of a workaholic and work nights most of the time but I my free time I like reading webtoons, playing genshin impact, and watchingYouTube. Usually is something videogame related or book related if im not listening to music on there. I love romance books especially if it's fantasy. I prefer watching people play and talking about books they read rather tan doing it myself. I dye my hair quite a bit and love doing unnatural colors. Also I'm leaning how to sew/ crochet but al I can so is mend holes, fix buttons amd make blankets.
Sorry if it's awkward and long, it's my first time doing an ask. <3
something about you just screams you’d attract jason todd. i’m thinking you’re studying late night in a public library when two face barges in, fighting jason as red hood. he’s awfully surprised because it’s three in the morning, but you pay the librarian extra to study in here by yourself. he’s extremely worried
but something about you intrigues him. so after the reparations, jason finds everything about you he can. he notices your similar patterns about staying late in the library and one day he, as jason todd, has the balls to talk to you by yourself in the library
yall kiss first in the library in front of the Greek myths section by accident, and then it turned into an actual kiss
you guys have a kitty cat and a doggie in your home. i feel like jason likes bigger breeds for dogs and you get to choose the cat’s breed. they’re both rescues
super supportive of you learning crocheting—“babe, dyou wanna go to the art store today? they have a 20% off today on all things crocheting!” and would honestly be a lot more observant of these things than you
lord this man has hyper fixations and they’re all books. “this fuckin’ guy…babe, you would not believe what an asshole the antagonist of this book im reading is”
the both of you are so inappropriate at wayne galas. a good way to scare off the flirts and let everyone know that you’re weird once you get to know them
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minalblood · 1 year
So the cancellation anouncement came 😞 but Imma still be on my bullshit and doing my rewatch. I hope they're able to shop it around cuz I'm way to invested in these characters now.
But back to our shit. Episode 6 Art of Dying. It's honestly one of my favourites as well, this time focused on Lata aka the Dean mirror d'jour. It's very significant that Dean's voiceover here speak of who the actual monster is and when does that line begin to include you. Because fuck knows he's one of the few people who can actually fully speak on this, having gone through every iteration of monsterhood on the show. So for this episode I'll get a bit into that if y'all don't mind: what is a monster in supernatural. Now that's a broad question so let's break it down a bit. We have monsters as species (aka anything non human in spn case) and monster as behaviour/moral value ( anyone at all and henceforth refered to as monstrous to make a dif when talking). Sorry for all this, I happened to write my bachelor's on this topic so I've many thoughts about it ( but won't be delving into that today). Now Dean has been both at various stages (though personally I'd argue the monstrous has been more sparce for Dean) and has seen people become both (including loved ones). And it's both that we'll be seeing in this episode as well tho whether one person will inhabit both is another question we'll round back on.
It is interesting as well that this is one of the few episodes that have Dean's voiceover at the beginning and the end of the episode.
But let's return to Lata, who while Dean is giving us forshadowing and heartache, is trying to do her meditation and is unable to because of Carlos and John bickering in the next room. As fun as the scene is, I do find something to pull at with it, because it's, at its core, an oversimplification of dealing with trauma while hunting aka you try to but there are always interruption, always more important things to take away your focus so that, much like Lata here, you end up worse off then when you started. Fun line to add here, John saying "I'm not obssessed, I'm thorough" could literally be his life motto because this line just encapsulates his general approach to ... most things tbh but trauma certainly and as discussed, the trauma he's had pushed to the surface in ep 4 has yet to be dealt with and, moreover, he's actively pushed it to the side to help Mary deal with her own trauma in ep 5. So at this point John is in the same both as Lata, in need of an outlet and not having been able to process anything due to interruptions. But unlike Lata, who is trying to cope as best as she can, John is hyperfocusing on the task at hand despite not having any leads as Carlos makes clear. Carlos who has actually been working toward progress on the Akrida front because they have contacts they can approach and avenues for more information to take. John has neither, he's not been doing this enough time to have built any connections like that (and in spn we know he chooses not to built any connections like that with very few and often quickly fading exceptions). God I love that both Lata and Carlos give him two different choices in how he could deal with his issues. It's been a constant open helping hand from them and Mary and John has pushed it aside everytime. It is deeply frustrating to see but also very much in character.
Deanna mention! Eyyyyy!
Tracy is Mary's equivalent to Dean's Lee. Like sure the relationships are wildly different but both Tracy and Lee ultimately represent the same thing for Mary and Dean, hope for a normal life without hunting only to have that dream crushed because of the way both Tracy and Lee went about achieving it, through monstrous means in both of their cases. They are both the exception to the rule (they got out) while simultaneously acting as a cautionary tale about how far should you go to achieve your goal/dream. And while Carlos says they were being dramatic in the Pilot about how hunters end up, it was still the truth, so much so that Mary was shocked to realize she actually does know someone who, as far as she knows so far, got what she wants. And John has to point this out to her. So again, it's the exception to the rule not the norm and in this case the exception isnt even fully accurate because of how Tracy left things.
Another fun fact I thought bout while grinning like a dumbass whenever Carlos spoke this episode? It's their general approach to hunting that has kept them alive this long ultimately, the "mellow out" that John was so pissed about, the "how much weed you could grow" comment. It tells me that while Carlos clearly understands the urgency and pressure and responsability of hunting, they also know not to get lost in them, not to consume themselves trying to solve a case. Carlos, it seems to me based on what we've seen, has learned very early on that things being taken seriously does not mean you have to torture yourself if you can't do something right that instant. Something the Winchester's have never really been able to do. It's made clear multiple times that Carlos does remember the people they weren't able to save and the people they personally lost, but at the same time, that loss and those past failure have been used as a learning platform, get what you need outta that experience, deal with it, then move on as much as you can, put all those experiences into being better in the future, there's no point killing yourself over something you can't change, you just learn to do better going forward. And while Carlos treats things seeming without any seriousness, I've been mentioning every episode how in truth they are the ones who've been behind the scenes, putting (likely very stylish) boots to the ground, a perfect counterpart to Lata's intelectual work. They may act irreverent, but they certainly do the job when it's necessary.
"Kill or be killed" is how Tracy sums up hunting life and while Mary, Carlos and John all have some degree of resignation/grief about that statement, Lata's reaction is different. And we of course know why, shes a pacifist, she doesn't kill, can be killed sure, but hasn't so far. This episode Lata feels most like an outsider to her friends because is she a hunter? By Tracy's definition she def isn't, by Samuel's definition she like isn't either and ofc Mary in the Pilot def didn't think she was hunter material. But this is overturned by the end of the episode (will add thoughts then)
*cannot believe I've written this much and only watched 7 min of the episode*
And speaking of Carlos again to prove my point! Mary, Lata and John are checking out the body and then Mary notices Carlos isn't there. Turns out they just took off a bit to investigate on their own and brought back a vital piece of the puzzle, a claw. Once more Carlos is putting in the work, doing it flawlessly all while also finding the space to make jokes. It's honestly this trait of theirs that most reminds me of Dean.
I love the funeral scene 🥲
I will say it is much more spiritual and culturally significant that what we have in spn, but we've seen close-enough funerals on spn. We see it with John's a bit, despite the focus there being complicated mess of feelings about what John's last words were. We have Asa Fox's funeral that is very much making clear there is a hunter's culture and it's important and we see it with Cas', the reverence with which Dean wraps him up in 13x01.
There is something else significant about the funeral scene though. And it's the illusion shattering for John. I think he'd likely convinced himself when he found out about Tracy and after the convo in the van that actually hunting isn't that dangerous, see people can get out, Carlos was just dramatic. But the funeral and the fact that there is a ritual to it for hunters made it real for him and made him aware of the danger Mary has been and is in every hunt she goes on and that no matter how good you are ("Darla was one of the good ones" has multiple meanings here) you are not imune to death.
Tracy having completely removed everything related to hunting is a perfect parallel to spn!Mary and her having done seemingly nothing to prepare for the 10 years coming up (Tracy has been out of hunting for 10 years too btw)
I love that Lata talks about her concerns with Carlos, that she doesn't keep it in. And I also love that they don't give her empty platitudes as a response. It shows Carlos genuinely listened to her and took it in and is considering her stance.
Anton!!! Yesssss!!!
The way Carlos freezes after just shit talking Anton omg. The pure disaster bi vibes are immaculate! And it's still less disaster then Dean and Aaron 😂
Deanna mention once more, she's maaaaybe in Minnesota or was recently. Deanna and Samuel have separated in the past, something Mary seems surprised by. Samuel was the one to go get her back which is intereting here, with Deanna being the one to leave the home... so in this case Samuel is a Mary mirror and Deanna is the John mirror (think Dark Side of the Moon Mary and John). But like I said before, the Winchester-Campbell romantic relationships seem to have always been fraught with a on again off again vibe. I'd like to mention Sam and Dean both count here as well ( think both Cassie and Lisa and Cas, even Benny, for Dean, Sam and Eileen obviously, even Sam and Amelia work here tbh, we might've seen it with Jess had she not died since we know Sam was lying about who he was to her)
I do like Tracy's advice to Mary though, she should look out for number one, herself, but there is a way of doing that without having to step on corpses which is where Tracy fucked up.
I love and hate this thing in Anton's shop, I see it everytime it's on screen and it always startles me. Sorry, entirely left field but yea... it haunts me so... y'all have to see it too
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John really thought he was doing something here. He has been dying to make this case somehow related to the bigger picture he is in fact obssessing over, but in doing so he jumps to conclusions. Not a good look, jumping in thinking you're right without having all the info, especially with hunting where having the wrong info will get u killed (read spn!john was a shit hunter teacher/leader to Sam and Dean because he withheld info)
"Mac was impatient and took of after it" John hears Tracy tell them and decides to just do the same shit... goddamn.
I appreciate Carlos patching John up, cuz medic! Wish we'd see more of that.
I adore it when Lata is enjoying her morbid curiosity about monster physionomy. Cuz I get it! And Anton being the same is soo fun. I also have to give her props for how she saved Carlos there, gave them an out since they're really all over the place with Anton. But in doing so she kinda revealed a bit about herself. I hope the fact that Anton's reaction to Carlos being "squeamish" was to be understanding probably on some level helps with her own issues regarding where she fits in as a hunter.
The sheer joy on her face at the ectoplasm is just soo fun!
I love that Mary confrunts John here, and I say confrunts but really what she's doing is checking in and trying to offer her help, giving him another option to deal with his shit, in addition to the ones he got from Lata and Carlos at the beginning of the episode. And once it's clear he's not willing to listen and may pose a threat to himself and them, because he isn't thinking through his actions, thats when she brings up taking a break. She does get him to talk a bit. Ohhhh, I love that she hears him mention the funeral and what he thought about it and rolls her eyes. Because she has tried to make it clear from the get go what the stakes are, she's never had the benefit of ignoring the life and death of hunting so John coming here suddenly claiming to be spun out because of that is not just ridiculous, but almost insulting, that he's essentially putting his behaviour on her. Absolutely love that scene. But the moment John says he isn't joining, I knew he was going to do the stupid thing.
Ok, we're getting into the Mac of it all and that usually gets me fired up so let me just mention this about it: Tracy and the others thought Mac was paranoid bout them attacking him so they decided to ... and here's the kicker... attack him. Thus validating his worry and completely proving him correct aka Mac cannot be described as paranoid, Tracy, because paranoia requires irrationality and you fuckers attacked him exactly like he feared thus rationality.
More about this : Mary is correct when she says Tracy lied. Tracy said Mac ran impulsively after the soucouyant and the cave in just happened, that was a lie. Not a lie by ommision (tho that too is still a lie), but a true complete lie, and def not a "didnt tell you everything" situation. And here we get into monster/monstrous territory again with Carlos saying they've been hunting the "wrong monster". And I do genuinely believe that when Carlos refers to monsters, they do so as monstrous aka the behaviour makes them monsters not anything inherent to their species.
Ah, "wielded him like some kind of weapon". Lata really summed it up perfectly here. And the contempt on her face and in her voice are exactly how I feel about it ( and about how Dean was treated throughout, Sam and Cas and Jack too tbh) I also adore that Tracy keeps trying to rationalize her (and the other's) behavior but no one is buying it. Appreciate that a lot.
"Started a farm and played make-belief" is also a very important line because yea thats what she did, but more importantly, that's to some degree what spn!Mary herself tried to do. Moreover, the story makes it clear that Tracy actually does not understand Mary's reasoning for quitting hunting at all. That distinction is important. And the similarity between spn!Mary and Tracy's situations is also important. Because while spn!Mary was planning on leaving hunting, it was ultimately the fact that she lost everyone tying her to hunting that actually got her to leave, not a choice she made for herself, but rather one made for her when Azazel killed her parents and John, her only choice then being to revive John to be able to move forward in some way. John also made it easy to play make belief as well which helped. But even then Mary didn't actually kill anyone, it wasn't that kind of guilt that made her quit hunting. But it was still the consequences of hunting and choices she made while hunting that led to her death, much like Tracy nearly dies here.
Sooo yea, I am very very mad about what they did to Mac and I will continue to be.
God, John you are so dumb.
The fucking handprint on the barn door of the soucouyant is soooooo Something Wicked Striga vibes and I hate it, but John is behaving similar enough that the tiny call back is relevant af here.
I will say, it is very important I think that while they did recognize the similarity to Mac, Mary, Lata and Carlos instead chose to offer help to John, multiple times, each in a dif way. And on a macro scale, I also wanna say the way the show tackled this is important to me, because like I've been saying, John here is very spn!John and as I've said before, I kinda hate John in spn a lot. But even with the parallel drawing from Mac and my being angry on behalf of Mac here, it doesn't detract from the fact John is and has been (and technically will be if nothing changes and spn happens) fucking up. Pretty badly. But it is never brushed aside or excused. He is offered help, yes, but he is also challenged and confrunted when he goes overboard or tries to rationalize his own behaviour. Mary makes it clear she won't stand for him using her as an excuse not to deal with his bullshit, but she is there for him anyways. Ultimately, John is both a Mac mirror and a potential Tracy mirror here, the way Mary is an imperfect Tracy mirror. It's not 1 to 1, it can't be, but it's the ways it compares and contrasts them that make it so interesting to delve into.
Another fun thing, Mac is very clearly only after the people who hurt him, he pushes Carlos outta the way, but doesn't kill him. He only tries to attack Mary because she keeps preventing him and even then he tries to just push her outta the way.
I love that Lata doesn't try to say she knows what Mac went through, because she can't possibly, but she can let him know what she's been through and allow him to make the coice for himself whether he thinks she understands him or not, whether he needs to keep the cycle of violence going or not after he listens.
In other news, Lata's story here, after knowing what happened, is so much more interesting because while yes, her hitting her father after what happened to Sonia was a response of her anger and it did have the consequences of him responding to it by taking it out on Sonia, part of that anger I think also has to do with Lata leaving without Sonia, something she did also out of anger. It was both these things that cost Sonia her life. So Lata is right that letting urself drown in anger until it consumes you is wrong and there is a choice to be made there. But Mac is also correct in that their stories are different enough that there are other things he needs answers to. Because that was the thing with Mac, he needed to understand why they did what they did when he trusted them.
For all that I've shittalked Tracy the last few paragraphs, her parting words to Mary are the whole point, cuz yea, it wasn't the hunting that was the issue, it was Tracy's decisions that compromised her life outside of hunting. Tho I will say, I personally dont think returning to hunting is the only way she could've made up for things, that was another choice she made. Because ultimately what's done is done and no good you do going forward will erase the past. But also, no bad you did in the past can erase the good you do now. So it's less about hunting, more about Tracy asociating hunting with doing good and thus alleviating her guilt. She could've found something else to do that would've put good into the world, but this was the one she chose/preferred.
Oh Carlos, I love you for having actually taken the time to answer her question afterall. Also love their friendship soooo much. The very thoughtful moments and the ones when they bicker.
John making progress is soo nice to see. It's so good that it's not just him saying Mary was right, but actually offering a bit more information to her, opening up. And then trying to do something about it all by joining Lata. It's an odd feeling being proud of John Winchester, usually my thoughts about him are that I wanna punch him in the throat. And there was plenty of that in this episode tbh, more than the 1st 3 ep of the show had, but I don't actually mind the pride either. It's sth about people changing and being willing to try that gets to me.
I do love the symetry of the end of the episode. The meditation, Dean's voice over, the interruption. It reinforces what Lata said, it is a choice. One she makes everyday, even with the interactions, even with the world's fate being in balance, even with cases like the one they just did hitting waaay to close to home. Still she chooses to try again and again despite them, for herself and her own happiness.
See y'all for ep 7 I guess and still hoping for a season 2 cuz I'm way too invested in these characters not to want more.
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ichirukilover · 2 years
Can you please tell me why, why Ichiruki makes sense, outside of Kubo just forcing them? Isn't it out of character for Ichigo to go after Orihime? I just found out (because I dropped Bleach before the novels came out) that Rukia is the one that asked to marry Renji? Is that right? Why would she do that? I can't wrap my head around any of this but I know Kubo was writing out of spite.
I just can't believe decades of beauty thrown away. Kubo PUSHED Ichiruki and he had to have had them as endgame in his heart. I guess I need a reason for it other than Kubo just throwing it all away.
I know Rukia loved Ichigo and he loved her back. This wasn't solely platonic.
Ichiruki were such a beautiful powerful ship. I adored Rukia and she deserved Ichigo, I almost would take Rukia with anyone other than Renji. I will never forgive him leaving her alone for 40 years in her worse pain.
Thank you.
I'm sorry but I can't say much about the novels because I didn't bother to ever read them after the ending I just would not touch anything about it, novels made to excuse it included. I don't think tho Rukia asked Renjo to marry her, never heard about it, so I pretty much get it's a fake info.
About why Kub0 didn't make ichiruki canon in the end after everything he wrote about them, after making Ichigo's parents story a bunch of copy/pasted ichiruki monents, after still making the last chapter about "death and strawberry" we'll never know. Did he think it was more "original"? Shocking? Made sense? Who knows, everything could be, even out of spite vecause his serie fell down in the rankings. What I know it's that novels, interviews and still today questions upon questions have to be made to explain, excuse and make damage control over it.
What I also know is that it's 2023 and that makes 22 years he still doesn't show his love for the canon pairs by making official, pretty colored art of them, or 6 years since he never bothered to show love for the family he created for them and he ha countless chances to do so. What we got is a one shot where he says Ichigo, Rukia and many faves will go to hell. That's Bl3ach Happy ending style <3
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winderlylandchime · 1 year
The Man, the Myth, the Legend is tired and in pain but that’s his own fault and you will see why: ‘OH HOT GUY ALERT! Emmett..baby..he is wearing denim on denim with a leather jacket, if that doesn’t scream gay, idk what does. GAY! WHAT DID I SAY!’ He just paused the episode and walked to the tv to look at Justins art ‘THATS bc you accepted a boy who wasn’t beaten yet. So of course his work was different, sherlock! Now stop being a prick and let my boy draw on his computer! We expect our students to what now? What did he just say about excelling at everything? Just bc he’s disabled doesn’t mean he won’t be amazing?! Oh just say you don’t accept disabled people you old fart! Fuck you and your tradition! I hate this clown..oh i guess the clown has some brain after all!..BRIAN! Dont put any ideas in his head.. oh he wants him to succeed and be the best and do good and this is a lot to handle on so many pain meds’ ‘why is linds being a bitch? Since when is she so uptight? Oh, the silence is LOUD…BRIAN WILL YOU GRAB THAT AND THEN HE JUST DOES? OH HE IS GONE. THAT MAN IS IN LOVE! HE IS SO IN LOVE AND NOBODY EXCEPT ME FOR SOME REASON SEES THIS *looks at me like he just realized im there too* can you see it?!’ ‘Okay dudes, that was not chill! You don’t do that to your friends. It’s fun to be jokey but that was not cool, yall are better than that…are you tho? MICHAEL BET 5 WEEKS?! i guess people do change. Tell them debbie! At least she gets it, even if she only gets it once every 17 episodes’…‘Ben better be better than David. Oh is he gonna be the one..i mean he’s asking him to talk about comics..david hid them. I hated that. Okay Benny boy, you can stick around, I’ll allow it but you get 3 strikes!’ ‘Okay goatee dude, chill the fuck out. People are allowed to have relationships and still be the hottest thing around. Don’t make him self conscious, i have worked overtime to try and get him to admit to being in love! DONT RUIN THIS FOR ME!….NOOOO HE RUINED IT FOR ME!…MICHAEL! WHAT THE FUCK MICHAEL WHO JUST SAYS THAT TO A PERSON? Just when i was about to be in your corner, someone please hit him! You cant just say fucked up shit and then say sorry! Thats not how that works!’ Then he felt bad for Mikey bc of the school thing and then he hated that he felt bad bc hes mad at him ‘Oh we are getting hot and HEAVY! Bri Bri, i am impressed! You knew he was upset and why! Oh so that guy was nothing but Justin is something? MY DUDES WE SERIOUSLY NEED TO LEARN HOW TO TALK. Aww he doesn’t want Brian to change. Now that’s love! Oh COME ON, I CANT FUCKING WIN EVEN FOR A MINUTE! Im a good person, i deserve good stuff, throw me a bone ffs’ ‘aw Benny boy is listening! Oh he is way better than david! If youre the one, you can stay! Just do me a favor and make mike more tolerable, i am begging for the sake of my well being..that was sweet mike, now give me brian and justin again!’ He had to go and take his last dose of pills for today and he just looked at the ceiling and flapped his arms around while making no noise at all, so id say he’s handling it well. ‘Listen, i am 100% straight. But THIS *points to a paused screen of Brian in the green light in the beginning of the non confession scene* is one beautiful man! I AM INTRIGUED And I would not mind him hitting on me.’ I made a comment that he is now 54 years old to which he puts his hand up in my face and goes ‘I’ll get back to you on that’ and just continued to watch. 1/2 of 2x06
Dear sweet anon - I am SCREAMING over him asking if you see that Brian is in love too. Yes, Brother Anon, that's why we're all here 20 years later. Still sobbing over them.
And yes, Gale Harold is the most beautiful man to ever man. I have a straight crush on him and even at 54 he could get it. The green light scene is one of my favorite. UGH that profile.
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