#sorry. I’d written most of the post + tags. then sat down later and added all these other sad tags
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tl;dr: some science dorks poorly wrote a book about an interesting study but I’m too tired and grumpy to read it, much to my therapist’s chagrin
told my counselor I only read around 30 pages of a book he lent me to read for therapy. I’ve just been so overwhelmed with moving and depression and I just don’t feel like sitting down in my free time to read a book I don’t really have any interest in. Feels shitty, like I’m making excuses. I guess they are excuses. That’s not really a bad word, just a word that usually has negative connotations. Whatever, anyway, he kept telling me “there’s also an audiobook.” THEN LEND ME THE AUDIOBOOK! I’m not gonna pirate this book! I dont want to go sign up for a library card right now(I mean, yeah, I need to, just… ya know… takes a chunk of time I don’t feel like dedicating right now). Just… blegh. Definitely an insignificant problem in the grand scheme of things, but still annoying and still makes me feel like a failure.
It’s an interesting book, but the way it’s written feels so… basic. Like reading a high school english paper. I dunno, it just reads very amateurish. Really cool info and quotes, but just packaged so blandly. By-the-numbers sentence structures, like a student learning how to compose their first essay. “And then this happened. And then this happened. And then…” filler filler filler filler. Not that filler is bad, you gotta connect the info in a congruent way, but this is asbestos level filler! You’re padding it out with bad stuff! It’s making me sick! I told my therapist it was bland and he said “well, it’s a published study, so…’” and did that face like “what did you expect?” Listen, it’s not presented as a standard study! If it was just the facts with no flavor, I could understand that, I’d honestly like that a lot, but this book is presented as a self-help book wrapped in a (to me) very interesting story about the lives of multiple generations of seemingly random people, from adolescents to old age, and what they’ve learned about happiness along the way. You can make nonfiction books engaging, my dude! You’ve got this cool, generations long study on what it means to be happy, you’ve got a goldmine of compelling quotes and stories, and they still write a book that reads like a middle school text book! Bland flavor! Like plain mayonnaise! There’s no zazz! They needed to hire a ghost zazzer!
Also, not a fan of self help books. No matter how helpful, my brain just always lumps them into the category reserved for being told “just go for a walk,” “try to think positive.” Yeah, all good info, but it never clicks with me. Like the the quote, “there’s a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.” My therapist even says I don’t react to being told this stuff, that i actually have to experience it and learn it first hand. But still… he hands me a 300 page self help book 😕 ah well, whatever…
Anyway, I’m probably wrong in my review and I’m a fraud and secretly, unknowingly, actually hate books 🤷🏻♂️
#this is a long vent about a dumb book my therapist wants me to read#be prepared for that if you’re going to read this post#you will gain no new knowledge and you will not have used your time wisely#lots of complaining here#whining about… books 😑#not real problems#I’m supposed to be moving boxes right now#I’m very frustrated with life right now and am just redirecting said frustration and not this dumb book#you can ignore this#text#it’s my brother’s 19th bday today and I feel shitty bc I didn’t go out to eat with them#bc I’m all sweaty and angry at myself and it’s expensive and I didn’t want to rush to shower and get ready#and it would have been loud and I’m hard of hearing so I would have just been sitting there staring off and feeling awkward#and and and now I just feel shitty for not going and spending time with him#I should have sucked it up and went just to be around everyone#but I felt so defeated trying to move boxes beforehand and I was angry and shitty and didn’t want subject anyone to being around me#I could have had gumbo. GUMBO! 😢#i feel so shitty. I’m such a bad brother. I feel so weak and useless and I just take up space.#so now I’m sitting here. I’ve been sitting here. just feeling bad. marinating in my own toxicity#my toxic juices!#damn… dang… dumb…#the real vent is in the tags#sorry. I’d written most of the post + tags. then sat down later and added all these other sad tags#this isn’t important
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Kisses Like Wine: Part 3
In honor of the new photo, I think I will post this now. :)
Warnings: Nothing, the reader remains a blank canvass. Might have cursing.
Summary: The reader is working undercover where she things the next heist will be, while trying to figure out the Thief's ways…
Note: There really are diamonds in all these colors! I spent way too much time looking it up.
“Joe F. Gambrel and Co., how may I direct your call?” I shifted in my seat a little. The chair was not that uncomfortable, but I felt like I was definitely out of my comfort zone. I listened to the person on the other side, put them on hold. Started an email to my boss. Took them off hold. “I am so sorry. Mr. Larsen is in a meeting, may I take a message?” I typed the message in the email, hung up, hit send.
This was the shape of my day. Take messages for my reprobate boss, who was never in the office, and try to look like someone else. Act like someone else.
And, most of all, case the joint. I wondered, briefly, if the Thief ever called his work that…casing the joint. Probably not. He did not look like someone who used twenties gangster slang.
As I wandered the office suite, I hoped I was not wasting my time. I was working for a high end antiquities firm. If you wanted something, they got it for you. They did not have a lot of staff, and the bosses seemed to be out of the office more than not. The floors directly below me were home to a large business dedicated to restoration.
I’d been studying, and I was ninety nine percent sure that this was the next place the Thief would break into. The crown was — just a crown. Pretty, historied. I suspect he took it because he could, not because he wanted it. After all, it had been right there.
No. He had come for the Star. Almost a half a year prior, someone had stolen The Golden Queen. And now, if I had guessed right, he would be coming for a incredibly rare, beautiful pink diamond called The Compass Rose.
I went and looked at it, not for the first time. At the top floor of the high rise, the company — and Keith Larsen — kept the Compass Rose on display in an act of hubris that was sure, if Greek Myth was any indication, to anger some God eventually. It was in a huge room, the ceiling was all glass that arched up to a sharp point that was illuminated at night. The floor was marble, the walls a warm sandstone. Four benches, one on each side of the pillar that held the diamond’s display case. One wall held a fountain and greenery, meant to look like a small, exotic waterfall. The water trickled softly as I went as close to the case as I dared. And there. The largest pink diamond that had ever been discovered in Australia, glittering deep rose. It was one of a kind.
My thief was collecting a full set. There were three diamonds, including this one, in Midas’s Rainbow that the thief had not stolen.
He could have gone after one of the other ones. I could be wrong.
But I wasn’t. I couldn’t be. I had bribed my way in, under a new name with a perfectly wrought set of identification papers, even a credit card. I dyed my hair and carefully applied my make up so that I made my face a little different. So if I ran into him, he wouldn’t immediately know it was me. It was not, probably the best plan, but my training consisted of books and watching Leverage.
I was staring at it too long, the security guard peeked in.
“Miss?” The security guard peeked in. Older man, with warm, friendly eyes and a lovely voice that seemed not to match his age. We’d spoken a few times on my daily check of the diamond. No one was allowed to be in the room too long, and he was gently reminding me it was time to go.
I went out the door, leaned against the wall next to him, and asked the question that I’d been asking myself for weeks, since I started working here. “If you were going to steal the Compass Rose, how would you go about it?”
He stared at me for so long I thought he was going to go report me. “That’s not a smart question to be asking, around here.”
“There’s no harm, though.” I said. His voice bothered me. I wanted more, if I could listen to it a little longer…
He shook his head and didn’t speak.
“I’m sorry if I offended.”
He gave me a gentle smile, touched his ear and pointed to a corner of the room. Then he shooed me towards the door.
Back at my desk I snuck out my steno notebook from its hiding place in a stack of unused notebooks in my desk drawer. It was where I kept my plans. Layout of the building. Everything I learned. Since my purse could get searched at any time, I only had it at work. One steno pad looks like all the others, right? Locked in my drawer, under a box of tampons.
The fountain has to be the way in. There needs to be a way to service the pipes behind the wall.
If I could break something in the fountain without getting caught, someone would have to fix it. Someone would have to open the door or the hatch, and I’d know how to get in.
And the thief always liked distractions. But what kind of distraction would he manage to create?
My work day ended, I grabbed my purse, made sure my desk was locked, and started out.
“Honey?” The first front desk receptionist called after me.
I smiled and crossed over.
“I just wanted to remind you, tomorrow they are bussing in a bunch of high school students to tour the floors so they can see what it takes to restore old art.” She smiled at me. “You’ll want to make sure to get here early before they get here…it’s going to be a madhouse.”
Cue distraction.
The next day I went to see the madhouse for myself. I wanted to see the teachers. Most were women. I didn’t discount them completely, but I had a feeling he wouldn’t shave his mustache if he could avoid it. There. Curly, dark hair. Tweed jacket with elbow patches. What century did he think this was? I followed him as he ushered bored looking kids, careful not to let me see his face. Finally I went around a dented suit of armor and managed to get face to face with him. “Hey!” I said cheerfully.
It wasn’t him. Eyes too far apart, nose too small, just not him.
I apologized and walked off just as one of the teachers asked, brightly, “Can we see the Compass Rose?”
“Well. There’s no reason why not. The public are allowed to go in, but only one at a time, I think?” The woman who had gotten stuck showing the group around said. I hid as quickly as I could, not wanting to be pulled into the conversation.
I walked back to my office, hoping no one had noticed I’d slipped out, to be sadly disappointed. My boss was sitting on the corner of my desk.
“Where were you?” He asked me.
“Just wanted to see what all the noise was about.” Behind him, the lady security guard who switched on and off with the one I usually saw stood, looking that part angry, part unamused way only a security guard could.
“Open your desk.”
“What is this about?”
“The Compass Rose. It’s gone. I want to know if you have it. You spent enough time looking for it…made jokes about stealing it. So. Did you?”
I unlocked the desk and the guard pushed me aside, dumping the contents on my desk. I held my breath when she flipped through the notebooks, but they all were empty.
Empty. Oh, no.
I let her paw through everything I owned. Let her pat me down. “Unless she swallowed it, sir, I don’t think she has it.”
“I didn’t swallow it!” I let panic creep into my voice. It was not hard.
I let them x-ray me. I did. I admit it. The lab tech a few floors down gave me sympathetic looks as I stood there, shivering, in my gown.
And then I let them fire me. The frustrating thing was the lack of knowledge. They refused to let me know anything. What happened? How? Why? Was a playing card left behind? I wanted to know.
But most of all I wanted to know where my notebook was.
Two days later as I packed up my apartment, I received a package. My name…my alias, rather, in quotes. Quotes. I grabbed a letter opener and ripped it open with more force than I needed. I suspected, already, who would be cheeky enough to put quotation marks around my fake name.
My notebook.
The last page, there was a five of diamonds tucked in like a book mark. The back of the card the same as the one I carried with me wherever I went.
Across the last page he’d written, “A five star card for a five star effort. Not bad for your first try. I wish I’d thought of the fountain. That was clever, if a bit damp.” A couple of crabbed notes along side my own. Suggestions. Not actual plans. No, I’d need to catch him to find out how he did his theft, if he could be convinced to tell me even then.
I sat down, hard. He knew where I was. Where I lived. Knew I had a steno notebook, knew I’d hide it because I could have my belongings searched. How? How did he learn so much about me? I thought over the people I had met, since getting that job.
I imagined large hands carefully drawing things out of my purse, lining them up neatly on the marble of the entry way desk. “Sorry about this, miss.” The guard’s voice said, as he went through my things. Large, but graceful hands. A warm voice that bothered me because I’d heard it before. The security guard. He’d been guarding the damned diamond all along.
“Five star effort? Oh, I’ll show you. I’ll show you.”
I worried about telling my family of my failure, then I realized. He’d given me a clue. The cheeky bastard had given me a clue. Because one of the other diamonds was kept in a five star hotel overlooking the Rhine.
He was telling me that he was going to steal the Heart of the Rhine, a mossy green diamond worth millions. Now, if only I could believe him.
Thank you to you lovely people for being on my tag list, if you want added or dropped just let me know. <3
@grogusmum @mishasminion360 @hnt-escape @littlemisspascal @pedro4ever @writteninthestars18 @fromthedeskoftheraven @sharkbait77
@quica-quica-quica @eri16 @the-blind-assassin @ayoungpascallover-readings @songsformonkeys
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Holy shit it sure was, I had the wrong tab open and I was not paying attention. I'm so sorry!
Where the Real Beasts Are ⛰️-⭐-🎢
Haha no worries! It's so easily done!
It turns out I had a lot to say, so strap in 😂
(Where the Real Beasts Are)
⛰️- What was the hardest part?
Because I wrote the fic over such a long period, there’s probably something from earlier on that I’m forgetting, but as it’s freshest in my memory, I think keeping myself motivated to get the final chapter finished was one of the hardest parts. When I first sat down to work on it after the penultimate chapter was out, I had about 2k words of notes/scenes written, and it just got longer and longer as I chipped away at it until it somehow hit 22k.
Usually when I write, I can see the finish line steadily approaching, but as the chapter expanded and I fleshed out all of the scenes, it just seemed to get further and further away and was low-key soul destroying 😂 I think it was just the idea of finally seeing the entire fic finished after years of working on it, and the thought of basking in the glory of hitting post for the final time, that was my biggest motivation in getting it done haha
It was a complete bitch to edit, and I’ve since vowed never to estimate the final chapter count of a longfic again, because then I feel a ridiculous need to actually stick to it instead of allowing myself a bit more freedom.
🎢- Were there any scenes you were nervous about? For audience reception or otherwise?
Honestly, I was most worried the two times that the Graphic Depictions of Violence archive warning came into play towards the end (one more extreme than the other lol). I really thought I’d wake up in the morning to people furious that I didn’t leave a warning that it was about to get a little bit gory, so I was cringing away from the screen a little every time I opened my inbox to read any new comments in case of abuse, but then nothing ever came haha
I added that archive warning to the fic when I posted the very first chapter back in 2018 in preparation for the fic’s finale (3 years later...), so I was ready if anyone bitched about it when the warning was right there in the tags and they read it anyway (as I’m sure we’ve all seen people do often enough before). I worked really hard on the plot, and one of the instances of violence was supposed to be a surprise, so no way in hell was I going to spoil that ~something~ was about to go down in the chapter notes.
But in the end, I worried over nothing 😂
⭐- What’s a scene/paragraph you’re proud of?
There’s a whole lot of fic to go through to answer this, so I’m probably forgetting something, but I think my favourite scene is back in their rooms after the masquerade. I’m the sort of person who feels good about something once I’ve written it, but then as soon as I post it, I tend to cringe too hard to be able to reread it properly, but if I look over that scene again, I’m still really pleased with the atmosphere of it. I don’t know if anyone else feels the same, but to me it feels like there’s a hush over the whole scene, like it’s a held breath or something, and I like how slow and tender Derek is as he undresses Stiles TvT
Shoutout also to the final line/paragraph of the fic which I am still proud of. Endings are always the worst part to write, and I can’t say a fic is finished until the ~feel~ of the final sentence is right. I wanted the final note to be something happy, and something I’d still be pleased with even after time passes, and so far that still holds haha
Derek pulls back to brush their noses together, sunlight sparkling in his eyes of green and gold, the shadow of a daffodil petal falling on his cheek. Stiles’ heart is so full that he can feel it beating in his chest, tugging him forward like perhaps it always has, leading him where he was always meant to be, straight into the arms of his beautiful, tender-hearted wolf.
I wanted it to tie things together, so it ends up touching on the procession that opens the fic with the mention of the daffodil, the colour of Derek’s eyes which Stiles had seen when Derek was first given to him as a ‘direwolf’, and then it vaguely references the journey Stiles was lead on throughout the fic. The final ‘tender-hearted wolf’ was supposed to be like a juxtaposition of how good Derek is despite Kate/the Argents’ belief that him being a wolf makes him a ‘beast’, to try and tie in the through line of the whole fic and the title.
I have no idea if that even came across to anyone reading it (I don’t usually think about word choice like that, ever!), but I’m proud of it anyway 😊 It took a lot of agonising!
(I did consider for 0.5 seconds if I should capitalise ‘Wolf’ to reflect how Derek first came to him, but realised immediately that would just highlight Derek as a pet which I knew was a BIG NO-NO and not the vibe I was go for at all.)
Thanks for the ask! I always end up having a lot to say for these things, so I hope it was at least a little bit interesting haha
The icons are from here if anyone wants to send any my way, or you can ask anything else that comes to mind. My inbox is always open~
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Just Right
Rating: PG | Fluffy af!
Summary: “I found a ring today.” and “I’m not moving, your lap is too comfortable.” With tattoo artist!Ash request by Anon.
Word Count: 1.6k (kind of a drabble?)
The tattoo shop was finally closed, the door locked and the main room quiet, after a long day of clients. The shop’s staff had long disappeared, all eager to leave work behind for the night, leaving Ashton sat in his office alone. The hum of the overhead lights and the scratch of his pencil against paper filled the silence that had fallen over the shop and for the first time since unlocking the door at ten that morning, he felt like he could focus on the design he’d been working on.
It was a simple concept and should have been an even simpler design but he’d been stuck for days, unable to get it to turn out the way he’d imagined. It was as if his hands had a mind of their own and he’d grown frustrated. The trashcan beside his desk was filled with crumpled pieces of paper, each a discarded attempt at the design, and the cup full of pencils he kept on the corner of the desk was rapidly emptying but no matter how hard he worked, nothing seemed right.
It had to be perfect, he would accept no less for this particular piece, and he just couldn’t get there.
Ashton had planned on giving himself enough time to work for an hour after closing before leaving to meet you for dinner. It was written in bright green ink on his desk calendar and programmed into his phone, just so the shop assistant wouldn’t accidentally schedule a client for him, and he’d been looking forward to it all day. You’d both been exceptionally busy, new clients and projects piling up, so it was a relief that you’d finally be getting some time to yourselves. However, as the hour dwindled he lost himself in his work and seemed to be making greater progress than he had since starting nearly a week ago.
His eyes ached and his head pounded, the strain of the day settling in, but he didn’t dare slow down as he didn’t want to interrupt his progress. Instead, he focused on finally finishing. He was so wrapped up in his work that he didn’t hear the sound of his cellphone vibrating against his desk, nor did he hear the sound of the back door opening or your shoes hitting the tile floor.
You stood in the doorway of his office for a long moment, arms folded over your chest and a fond smile on your lips, to watch him work. His eyebrows furrowed and his tongue darted out to wet his lips as he shaded in the drawing. His hands were covered in graphite, stained from the work he’d done, and you smiled at the sight. Seeing him at work, watching as he drew or tattooed, was one of your favorite sights and you always considered yourself lucky to be able to witness it so regularly.
You remained unnoticed for far longer than you thought you would but the scent of Thai food finally overwhelmed Ashton enough that he lifted his head and blinked in surprise to see you standing in the doorway. He looked confused, but happy to see you, until realization hit him.
“Fuck, I missed dinner, didn’t I?” He frowned, dropping his pencil and reaching to rub his eyes before he caught sight of the mess on his hands and grimaced.
“Technically, no. I’ve got dinner right here.” You held up a plastic bag filled with your usual orders before you stepped into his office and crossed the room to place it onto his desk.
“I’m sorry, doll. I’ve been stuck on this drawing for so long and I finally got it to start looking the way I wanted.” He reached out for you and, despite the stains on his hands, you took his hand and let him pull you to stand between his legs. “Hi.”
“Hi,” you laughed, giggling as his hands found your hips. “Don’t worry about it. The restaurant was crowded, anyway. People were waiting for tables so I figured it’d be nicer to eat here where we don’t have to rush. Can I see what you’re working on?”
Ashton reached around you, quickly piling a few pieces of paper on top of the sheet he’d been drawing on, before he grinned at you. “Nope. Not yet. Don’t want you to see this one until it’s finished.” He did that, every now and then, and though you hated not being able to see the progress he made, you respected his desire to keep his work private until he was ready. So, with a pout, you nodded and reached behind you to grab the bag of food.
“Oh, alright. Well, if I can’t see your work, you can at least take a few minutes to have dinner with me.”
Ashton laughed as he released you from his grasp and watched as you wandered around his office, grabbing the utensils you’d left stashed in a cabinet for nights like this. You often ended up here, having dinner with him at his desk after work, and though you appreciated the nights that saw you both dressed up and hitting the town, you treasured any moment you got him to yourself.
As you moved about the office, gathering utensils and two drinks from the mini fridge in the corner, Ashton watched you with a fond smile of his own. You were so good to him, even when he did something stupid like forget the dinner date you’d been planning all week, and he loved you more than he ever thought himself capable of.
Without thinking about it, he announced, “I found a ring today.”
It was no secret that Ashton was going to propose. You’d talked about marriage at length, confirmed that marriage was in the cards for you both, and knew that you were both ready. He’d been searching for a ring, one that was exactly what you wanted, and it seemed that he’d finally found one.
“I thought you spent the day at the shop,” you hummed as you returned to the desk and allowed Ashton to pull you down onto his lap.
“I left to get lunch for everyone. Found a shop I hadn’t tried before.” He took the box of noodles from you and pressed a kiss to your temple as a ‘thank you’ when he opened it to find his favorite dish inside.
“So, I should stay away from your sock drawer, then?”
“I’ll show it to you, if you want. That way I can make sure you like it before I propose,” he joked before he took a bite of noodles.
“Mm, I think I’d prefer to be surprised. I’m sure it’s going to be perfect, you picked it out.”
“Hey, I’m the cheesy one.” He laughed, nudging your side with his elbow, before he nodded. “Thank you for the vote of confidence. I appreciate it. The boys approve.”
“I’m glad. You figure out who’s going to be the best man yet or are you just going to toss their names into a hat and leave it to chance?” You grinned at him, your question ending in a laugh as his own face fell and he released a groan.
“Can I just have three best men?”
“Your three best men are, like, most of our wedding guests, babe. Gotta make some decisions.” You reached out to pat his shoulder and he laughed as he nodded in agreement.
The pair of you had already started planning your wedding, including the guest list, and had settled on a small affair with close friends and family. You knew that he would end up choosing one of the boys sooner or later and you were in no hurry, you weren’t even officially engaged yet, so you let him remain undecided for the time being.
You moved on to a different topic, opting to catch up on what you’d missed in one another’s lives, as you finished eating. You sat comfortably on his lap, content to remain there until it was time to head home, and Ashton noticed as you both placed your empty containers onto the desk.
“I wanted to finish this up before we head home. Do you want to go ahead or wait here?”
“I’m not moving,” you mumbled, turning to place your head in the crook of his neck, “your lap is too comfortable. Can you draw with me here?”
It was, by no means, a comfortable position to draw in but it was possible. And you hadn’t had much time to just be together in recent days so Ashton nodded. “Sure, doll. Just promise you won’t look?”
He rarely made you promise not to look at his work so you nodded, content to keep your head buried against his neck where you could smell the cologne on his skin. “Promise. I’m just gonna close my eyes. If I fall asleep, just wake me up whenever you’re ready to go.”
He knew that you would be asleep in minutes, you hadn’t slept much lately, but that was alright. It’d keep you from looking and ruining the surprise. He was waiting for the right moment to propose, that much you knew, but what you didn’t know was that he was that he was working on a print for you. You were opposed to the idea of a tattoo for a significant other, you firmly believed it was bad luck, but you loved his art so he wanted to give you something special. It wouldn’t be inked onto your skin but it would be permanent enough, framed and hopefully displayed in your future home, and that was enough.
Everything finally felt just right and Ashton was proud to finally know what love really was.
Author’s Note: I love the idea that there’s complete communication about something as big as a proposal. Like, a surprise is nice, but knowing that it’s coming and being open about it is important, I think. I don’t know. Anyway, I’m. still working on drabbles, promise. I haven’t written Ash in so long, I missed my boy.
Tag List (like this post or message me if you want to be added!) : @toolazymyguy , @irwinkitten , @jamieebabiee , @glittersluke , @spicycal , @lusbaby , @everyscarisahealingplace, @brokenvirtualheartcollector , @if-it-rains-it-pours, @blisshemmings , @calumscalm , @lovemenowseemenever , @ijustreallylovezebras , @rhiannonmichelle, @p0laroidpictures , @tomscuddles , @loverofmineluke , @harrytreatspeoplewithkindnesss , @blueviiolence , @loveroflrh , @empathycth , @luckyduckydoo , @tobefalling , @bandsandbooksaremykink , @watch-how-she-burns , @megz1985, @wokeupinaustralia , @lucidlrh , @canterburyfiction , @cal-is-not-on-branding , @t-i-n-y-d-i-n-o , @jaacknaano , @findingliam-o , @mindkaleidoscope , @idk-who-i-am-anymore1 , @sammyrenae68 , @flowerthug , @calumsphile , @caitdaniels, @drummerboy794 , @writingfortoomanyfandoms , @x-lover-of-mine-x , @miliefayy , @sunaaii , @canterburyfiction , @sebrox40 , @nati-nn , @opheliaaurora23 , @bitterbethany , @sunnysidesblog , @333-xx , @thesubtweeter, @zhangyixingxing1
#5sos imagine#5sos imagines#ashton irwin imagines#ashton irwin imagine#ashton irwin fluff#5sos fluff#5 seconds of summer imagines#5 seconds of summer imagine#5sos fanfiction#5sos stories#5sos fanfic#ashton irwin x reader#ashton irwin x you#ashton irwin x y/n#5 seconds of summer preference#5 seconds of summer fanfiction#5 seconds of summer fanfic#5 seconds of summer preferences#5sos blurb#5sos blurbs#ashton irwin blurbs#ashton irwin blurb#ashton irwin preferences#mine
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Ya know a lil post war Lieb where you’re married but he’s flirting with you would really water my crops... bonus if he says the word titties hehe ~ twin
Bell Peppers & Balconies. | Joseph Liebgott
(click here to read on wattpad)
pairing: liebgott x fem!reader
wc: 1.7k
tw: none except he mentions titties so idk oops!
a/n: ahh i’m so sorry, for some reason, when i wrote this, my eyes completely focused on the titties line instead of the married line! so i accidentally wrote them not married. i’m so sorry 🥺 huge thanks to @vintagelavenderskies who reminded me that stargazing existed!
this is probably my favourite oneshot i’ve ever written, so i hope you enjoy it! thank you all for reading. 💓
tagging: @floydtab @alienoresimagines @order-of-river-phoenix @julianneday1701 @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant @wexhappyxfew @rarmiitage @mavysnavy @punkgeekchic @vintagelavenderskies @georgeluzwarmhugs @ray--person @wecomrades @jussipogideonlaufeyson @happyveday @snafus-peckuh @little-babydolly @kathikon
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Water splashed against your foot, the contents of your watering can spilling onto the balcony under yours. You quietly cursed, stepping aside and rushing to turn off the faucet. It was like any other day, summer just around the corner, and as usual, you tended to your small garden, a couple of planter boxes fastened to the railing of your balcony.
It was 1945. The war had just ended, and though everything was normal for a while now, the difference soldiers coming home made was striking. You had moved to San Francisco right after most of the men shipped out, so their return made a difference to everyone but you.
With summer rolling in, you worried about your bell peppers that had started sprouting. It was rarely bright and sunny where you lived, but your small apartment faced south, allowing your tiny, makeshift backyard to receive as much sunlight as possible for your vegetables.
You lived in a corner apartment, and the apartment beside yours was empty, so your floor was quiet, noise coming only from the bustle of the streets below. Today was no different.
Or so you thought.
“You water them any more and they’ll drown,” a voice said to you, and for a moment, you thought you had hallucinated. On the balcony beside yours stood a skinny man, still in his military uniform, leaning on the railing. “I’m serious, that’s way too much water.”
Tilting your watering can, you placed it on a wooden stool, surveying the damage. It was one of your bad habits- getting so lost in thought, staring off into the distance. It was a surprise any of your vegetables had grown at all.
“Oops,” you said sheepishly, rubbing the back of your neck, “They’ll be fine.. I hope.” The man chuckled, the sound of his laugh so clear despite the honking of the traffic on the streets under you.
He leaned down on the railing on his elbows, taking out a cigarette from his pocket and lighting it in such swift movements. You never liked smoking, hated the smell of cigarettes, but briefly, as you watched him exhale, you loved it. The man saw you eye him from his peripherals and turned to you, throwing you a wink.
“I hope so too,” he mumbled, flicking spent ashes to the ground below, “Can’t have spaghetti without tomatoes can we? Those are tomatoes aren’t they?”
You shook your head gently. “No, bell peppers. My tomatoes didn’t grow,” a frown appeared on your face and the man clucked his tongue. He moved in his place, resting on his back on the warm metal to face you. “Did you just get back?” You cursed yourself in your head for such a stupid question, as he was in fact, still in his hat.
The man nodded absentmindedly, taking another drag from his cigarette and exhaling before speaking. “Yep, just moved in as well,” he smiled kindly, the smile-lines around his mouth deepening, “Glad my ‘ma chose this apartment.”
Turning back towards the horizon, you sighed happily. “It has the best view,” you replied, “You’re really lucky.”
“I sure am,” the man grinned, but his eyes remained trained on her, “I’ve got a pretty neighbour with bell peppers as well.” You couldn’t fight the blush appearing on your cheeks.
“Would you like to come over for dinner?” you suddenly blurted out, surprising the both of you, you a little more. He seemed pleased, flicking away his cigarette and watching it drop to the ground.
Rubbing his hands together, he walked closer to his balcony ledge, a smirk on his face. “That’s a surprise,” he said, your cheeks heating up once more, “I was just about to ask you the same thing. Except, I don’t have any furniture.”
“Ask me then,” you said, unsure where this boldness was coming from. He was a complete stranger, and you had only been speaking for a few minutes.
The man chuckled again, and you wish he wouldn’t stop this time, the sound sweet in your ears. “What’s your name?” he asked, a twinkle in his eye.
He smiled, and you curled a strand of hair behind your ear. “Well, Y/N,” he began, leaning in as close as the gap between your balconies would allow, “Would you like to have dinner with me?”
Fidgeting, you gently brought your knuckles to the door and knocked. You heard shuffling inside before he swung the door wide open, a large grin on his face. “You really came,” Joe breathed a sigh of relief, puzzling you.
“Of course I did,” you said matter-of-factly, “I’m literally four steps away.” He ushered you into his bare apartment and looked around, slightly embarrassed. Joe looked different out of his uniform, without a cigarette, and without any furniture.
He looked like a young man, not the confident one he had introduced himself as on his balcony. You weren’t sure which version of him you liked more.
“I made food,” you smiled at him, lifting a warm bowl of pasta, “No tomatoes. It's bell pepper and cream though, if that’s okay with you.”
He whistled. “You made something too? I swear I was joking about the spaghetti,” Joe laughed, a smile growing on your face as well, “But thank you. I really appreciate it.”
Leading you through the sparse living areas, which only had his suitcase and a mattress on the floor, Joe’s face reddened. “Haven’t gotten the chance to buy furniture,” he gave you a lopsided grin, “But I promise, the next time you come over, I’ll at least have a couch you can sit on.”
Everything he said came out so easily, and yet every word made you blush. Stepping onto the small balcony, your heart skipped yet another beat.
Joe had placed down blankets and pillows on the metal floor. You looked up at him, your eyes wide. “This is amazing, Joe,” you breathed. And it truly was, despite how simple the whole thing was.
He settled himself down on a pillow, patting the one beside him for you to sit as well. You placed the bowl down between you, taking out plates and forks. From where you were seated, you could see the whole San Francisco skyline, the sky pink as the sun slowly hid for the evening.
“Well,” he began, a wide grin on his face, “I had a beautiful girl comin’ over. I figured I’d have to impress her even without furniture.”
There he went again, with each word, crawling his way into your heart. “Good job, Sergeant Liebgott,” you winked at him, “You can consider me impressed.”
“Oh boy,” he piped, facing heavenward, “Being called Sergeant has never sounded so good.” You no longer fought back a smile, your heart feeling warm as you scooped up some pasta for him.
The two of you sat there, and once the food was finished, your stomachs both full, you and Joe peeked through the railings to see who could spot the number of cabs that passed by first. Joe eventually got tired of losing, despite you knowing his eyes were far more observant than yours-- you realised later on he was letting you win.
Leaning back down against the glass sliding door, a pillow between the two of you, you both watched the night sky, illuminated by the bright lights of Mainstreet. Joe was easy to talk to, your conversations ranging from his family to before the war. You were apprehensive, skirting around the edges of his actual time in Europe, but learned a thing or two about the men he served with.
“It's always bright here, is it?” he mumbled after a moment of comfortable silence between the two of you. You looked at him to see him gazing towards the darkened sky, his face blank. You nodded, not saying anything. “It was never really ever completely dark in Belgium either.”
You knew of the ‘Battered Bastards of Bastogne,’ almost everyone did. But you never realised the man beside you, so young and so alive, had been one of them. “What was it like?” you asked him, your voice quiet and unsure.
He turned to look at you and gave you a reassuring smile-- ask me, his eyes seemed to say. “Sometimes it’d be so dark, you wouldn’t be able to see your hands in front of you,” Joe said, extending his arms in front of him to glance at his hands, “And then a light will pierce through the sky. You’d see it through the trees, and hear a high-pitched whistle.”
You tried to imagine everything he was saying, looking up at the sky and pretending you were surrounded by a canopy of trees. Joe put a hand on your shoulder and shook his head. “Then when it’d come down, you’ll force yourself to think of a reason to stay alive,” he finished, his eyes trained on you, yet looking somewhere else, somewhere far. Belgium.
Cupping his cheek gently, you whispered, “What reasons did you give yourself?”
“My family,” he sighed, shutting his eyes, leaning into your touch, “But also the idea of driving my cab around again. Meeting a girl with soft titties and a smile to die for. All the little Liebgotts we’d make.” Joe said the last sentence with a cheeky smile, no malice, and you pat his cheek gently, pulling away. You eventually learned Joe had the capability to make everything sad happy again.
Both falling once more in a comfortable silence, the night drew nearer, and you realised you had to go. Standing at the door, your own just a few steps away, a strange feeling of sadness surrounded you. “Thank you for tonight,” you forced a smile.
Joe tapped your nose once. “Don’t frown,” he grinned, and you couldn’t help but grin as well, “We can have dinner again, this time. I’ll cook.”
“I sure hope it isn’t one of the stews you guys had in the forest you were telling me about.”
Joe feigned offence, a hand on his chest. “You’re missing out, I swear,” he scrunched his eyebrows together, “The bones give a real nice crunch.” You let out a laugh, your voice echoing through the quiet hall. You waved him goodnight, taking a few steps to your own apartment, and turning the key.
“And Y/N,” he called, and you turned to see him, his eyes soft as he leaned on the doorway, “Finally met the girl.”
You were wrong, sneaking a glance down at your chest. Today was definitely different.
#band of brothers#band of brothers oneshot#band of brothers imagine#hbo war#hbowar#joseph liebgott#joe liebgott#liebgott#liebgott x reader#joseph liebgott x reader#joe liebgott x reader#giana:parsuna#Anonymous
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Hand Written (Part 1) Steve Rogers x Reader
Description: Captain America saves you from dying during the attack on New York and the last thing you expected after writing him a thank you letter was a letter back.
Steve Rogersx Fem!Reader
It had been a few weeks since you sent the letter, and honestly at this point you didn’t expect one back. You ran out to the mailbox everyday which you almost had to fight your mom to do since it was kind of her thing.
‘’Do you have something coming in or?’’ She would ask you.
‘‘No,’‘ You would answer simply. Although you hoped you would have something come in you knew that after all these weeks of waiting it most likely wouldn’t come.
So today you sat in bed a little longer not bothering to check the mail instead you were scrolling through your phone looking at updates on the city and what was being done to get it back to what could be considered normal. You heard the front door shut and your mom leave the house most likely going to get the mail, it took everything in you not to get up and beat her there.
A few minutes later you hear the door shut as she comes back into the house. A knock at the door makes you look up, your mom stood there a letter in her hands of all things. You immediately jump up from your bed running over and yanking it out of her hands, ‘’Someone’s eager! Who’s it from?’’ She ask.
‘‘I don’t know yet,’‘ You tell her honestly. For all you know the Avengers could get someone else to write their letters back to them and this could just be an automated one.
‘’Okay,’’ She pauses watching you stare down at the letter almost frozen. ‘’I’m gonna go make some breakfast, come down when you’re ready?’’ She asks and you just nod your head still staring at the letter.
As she leaves you shut the door walking over to your desk and taking a seat, you flip the letter over on the back and slide your finger under the flap opening it up. You slide the letter out of the envelope and open it up noticing it was much more than the automated typed message you expected. Your eyes immediately skip down to the bottom of the page and noticed the name signed was Steve.
You take a deep breath realizing that Captain America really had wrote you back.
Dear Y/N,
I hope this letter finds you well.
Typically the mail we get I don’t write back to, but seeing your penmanship caught my attention, plus it’s not too often I get handwritten letters. They’re more like really great drawings from kids ten and under, all are appreciated though. Most of our other messages come through a Twitter? I’m not too sure how to work that but I appreciate the gesture of a nice hand written letter.
You said in your last letter that I probably wouldn’t remember you, that is not the case I do remember helping you but can’t put a face to it. My apologies if it seemed like I was in a rush, we had a lot to deal with at the time which I’m sure you knew.
If I’m being honest I think about that day a lot as well too, most likely not for the same reasons as you but it is constantly replaying in my mind. I just hope that I could do my best to help everyone, so thank you for taking the time to write a letter. As a man from my time I appreciate the nostalgia of it.
The person you talked about in the letter is one I constantly aim to be and only hope I carry it out as well as you describe.
I’m sorry about your car by the way, I hope you have some place safe to stay as New York gets repaired.
Best Wishes,
You couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across your face as you read the letter, he had actually taken the time out of his day to write back which you didn’t expect ever.
You fold the letter and slide it back into the envelope, you put it in the first drawer on your left for safe keeping. You pick up the pen and begin to write him back.
Dear Steve,
I hope it’s okay if I call you that, I feel as if now we should be on a first name basis considering you saved my life. I also really appreciate the letter back, I agree there is something about a hand written that just sits differently but a good different.
I’ve always wondered what it was like to live in another time, if you have the time I’d love to hear more but if not I understand.
The twitter thing is a world of it’s own and while I am guilty of owning one, I still struggle on how to use it myself so you are not alone.
As for a safe place, I am back with my parents. Yikes. Not really though, it’s nice to be back with some home cooked meals and family. I suffered a few minor injuries and my mom was more than happy to take care of me when I came home. Getting out of New York was so hectic even finding a place to hide after you saved me was a journey on it’s own. I’m from upstate New York and only moved to the city a few years ago to attend school, now I’m not sure if my school is still even standing.
As for my car I’m sure it’s among the pile of rubble in New York I am still waiting on a call that they found it. My apartment in the city is the same way, I needed to find a new place anyway I guess now is as good as a time as any.
Thanks again,
You sit the pen down along side the paper lifting it up to inspect it making sure it looked okay to send, no smudges, no spelling errors. You fold the letter carefully as you stand up walking to your fathers study to grab a envelope and a stamp. You address the letter to the address on the letter that was provided as it was different than last time, hopefully that would guarantee another reply.
You walk downstairs to the kitchen and your mom glances over giving you a smile, ‘’Who was it from?’’ She asks.
You glance down back at the letter in your hand, ‘’Nobody,’’ You tell her not really sure who to describe him as besides Captain America. ‘’I gotta go to the post office, need me to drop anything off?’’ You ask her but notice the smug smile on her face, ‘’What?’’ You say laughing taking a bite of the cinnamon roll she had on the plate in front of you.
‘‘Nobody huh?’‘ She says laughing, ‘‘You looked at that letter like it was golden,’‘ She tells you. ‘‘But I’ll take nobody for now I guess.’‘ She says laughing. ‘‘Whoever it is I’m just happy they’re making you smile,’‘ She says sweetly.
‘’Thanks for the breakfast,’’ You tell her graciously, ‘’I’ll be back later!’’ You call out as you walk out the door to head to the post office.
Ahhhh thanks for the response on the last chapter! As always if you want to be tagged message me or comment and I will add you! Thank you all for reading!
TAG LIST: @helenaeisenhower , @ultrunning , @imaginingbucky , @grincheveryday (If you would like to be added or removed please let me know)
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Caught (Part One)

Disclaimers: All “Save Me” webtoon and BTS MV/highlight reel/film references and plots belong to BTS and BigHit. All pictures of Kim Taehyung belong to BTS and BigHit, I just edited them for my header. The picture of BTS came from Vogue Japan, I just edited it for my header.
A Note from Kutemouse: I know, I know, this has been a long time coming, and I’m so sorry it took so long for me to post this!! I’ve actually had it written for a while, but today was the first day I was able to get up and do some stuff. Pregnancy is rough! Oh, that’s right, if you haven’t seen it yet, I made a Big Announcement earlier today that explains why I’ve been so inactive lately, and also explains my plans for the future.
Age Recommendation: 21+ (this is NOT one for youngsters, kuties, and is MOST DEFINITELY NSFW)
Genre: Mafia!AU w/ BTS, Jailbird!AU w/ Taehyung, Yandere!BTS
Warnings: Not many warnings for this part, kuties. Swears, I guess. Unsupportive SO? Kidnapping. Use of chloroform.
Word Count: About 3k
Summary: Kim Taehyung was the absolute love of your life… until he became a murderer. With him serving a life sentence in prison, you were finally free to live out the rest of your life however you wanted. Just when you thought you were at the top of your game, ready to take on the world, Taehyung reappears like a monster not even your worst nightmares could dream up. He gives you a year to fall in love with him, but now the question is, can monsters even be loved?
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Tag List: @chocolatewolfuniversitytrash @btssmutheaven @taemaknae @rebeccawoodrow @sassysaxsolo @iconicgguk
If you want to be added, just lmk!
Caught (Taehyung Series, Yandere, Smut, Angst) Part One
We were skipping class in the school greenhouse, enjoying the humid warmth and the earthy smell wafting from the plants. We were talking, I forget about what. What I remember most is fiddling with his large, rough hands, intertwining my fingers between his over and over again. I remember his deep laugh that seemed to rumble through the recesses of my soul. I remember glee blooming in my chest whenever he grinned at me.
His tone was teasing, mine was indignant yet flirtatious. Again, I forget what we said to each other, but I clearly remember those two words. “Kiss me.”
I gaped at him. “What?”
“Kiss me,” he repeated.
I hesitated. “Here? Now?”
Taehyung leaned down, tilting his head, until his lips hovered over mine. I felt each of his exhales on my skin, practically heard my heartbeat speed up.
“Kiss. Me.” It was barely a whisper, yet it resonated through my body, down my spine and throughout my limbs.
Without another word, I pressed my lips to his, melding them to fit his, a thrill running through me at his appreciative groan.
He pulled back, his inky eyes somehow growing darker. “I love you, baby girl.”
I sat up, gasping. Blood rushed to my head, making me see stars. With a groan, I covered my face with my hands.
My fiancé, Lee Chanwook, rolled over and peered at me. “You okay?” he asked, his voice husky from lack of use.
“Yeah. Fine. Just had a dream, go back to sleep.”
“You sure?”
I nodded. He rolled over, his breath growing deep and even as he fell back into the reaches of slumber. If I could be so lucky. I hadn’t thought about Kim Taehyung in… well, it had to be almost a year now. Or two. I wasn’t sure.
Either way, my life moved on without him after shit completely hit the fan. My aunt and I agreed I shouldn’t transfer schools, since I only had a month or so left til graduation. I graduated alongside Chaeyoung, who seemed to be my only friend after Taehyung got arrested. She held my hand tightly the entire ceremony, only letting go when I was called to accept my diploma.
As soon as I graduated, Aunt Sunhee and I moved into her place in Busan. It was a tidal wave of change. Compared to my mom’s cramped, two-bedroom apartment, my aunt’s large house was a mansion. She recently obtained a position as COO of a large company and applied for custody of me immediately after.
Before we moved, I found my aunt’s letters my mom had hidden from me. My aunt had tried to call me multiple times but was never able to reach me. She even flew out to see me a couple of times, but all it took was my mother calling me at school and telling me I needed to stay at a friend’s house for me to stay away. I guess my mom was scared she would lose me.
Yet that’s exactly what happened in the end. My aunt paid for my mom to go to a rehabilitation center, but after only a few weeks, the center called my aunt letting her know my mother had disappeared. Aunt Sunhee called the police and even hired a private investigator, but my mom was nowhere to be found. I succumbed to the realization that she was probably dead. I didn’t get out of bed for weeks afterward.
A year and a massive amount of therapy sessions later, I decided I wanted to do something with my life. I was already attending university to obtain a business degree, but I hungered for more. My aunt got me an internship within her company, and I learned a lot just by working under her. Four years later, with a bachelor’s degree in hand, my aunt hired me as her executive assistant, and I took a year off before going to graduate school to both work and plan my wedding.
I was introduced to Chanwook at a company get-together. He was the son of one of my aunt’s business associates, and he caught my eye almost immediately. Mostly it was the way he was the exact opposite of the boy I hadn’t been able to get my mind off of. He was a stickler for the rules, had a great relationship with his parents, and never, ever did anything that would cross the line or damage his flawless reputation. He was kind and funny, but there was no wild or daring side to him. At the time, he was exactly what I needed.
He helped me forget about Taehyung. In the years before then, whenever I had a spare moment for my mind to drift, Taehyung’s wide, boxy grin and deep voice would float into my thoughts. I spent days wondering what went wrong. When had he become a murderer? At what point did he crack? Why hadn’t I noticed sooner?
Chaeyoung and I kept in touch, and I heard some details of Taehyung’s trial from her. I heard he was sentenced to life in prison without parole, due to the one count of murder against him. It would have been two, but Taehyung’s dad’s body was never found. No one was even sure he was dead.
I spent many nights staring at the ceiling, thinking back to the night when Namjoon got that frantic phone call from Taehyung. When Jungkook wouldn’t let me see him. When he completely disappeared for that entire week.
I had no doubt he killed his father. I don’t think he did it maliciously or intentionally. I think he found the strength inside of himself to fight back, and it ended in a death. It didn’t make the murderous act any less horrifying, but it did make me wonder just how deep the darkness inside Taehyung ran. Was he really the monster the media made him out to be?
Aunt Sunhee caught me one night poring over article after article covering Taehyung’s trial. “Y/n, you can’t keep doing this,” she said, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder. “You need to move on with your life.”
It took a long time, but eventually, I stopped surfing the internet for mentions of Taehyung’s story. My conversations with Chaeyoung grew few and far between until they stopped completely. Memories of Tae’s smile, his voice, his laugh, his lips, faded away. I even changed my last name to “Park” both so I’d be recognized as my aunt’s relative, and so no one from my past could find me. Four long years later, I was finally free of Kim Taehyung.
Or so I thought.
Apparently, my damn subconscious didn’t want to let him go. I rubbed at my eyes, trying to wipe away the image of his smiling face. I never imagined that, years later, he would still be haunting me.
I got out of bed, wrapping a robe around my body before stepping out onto our apartment’s deck. The cool, four-in-the-morning air roused my senses even further awake. I stayed like that until the sun began to peek over the edge of the horizon, thinking of Kim Taehyung and our shared past.
“Hey,” Chanwook said, coming up from behind to wrap his arms around me. “Have you been out here all night?”
“Not all night,” I replied. “Just since I woke up from that dream.”
“Mmmm,” he hummed sleepily in response. “Was it a good dream?”
I bit my lip, mulling his question over. “No,” I finally said. “It was more like a nightmare.”
That afternoon, I yawned as I re-read the same sentence for the umpteenth time, willing my brain to focus. “You look like you need a cup of coffee,” my coworker, Lisa, said.
“That would be nice,” I murmured in response, still trying to focus.
She stood and grabbed her purse. “I’ll get yours with an extra shot of espresso,” she said.
“Just so you know, I absolutely adore you.”
She blew me a kiss accompanied by a cheeky wink. “I know. Be back in fifteen.”
With the promise of caffeine on the way, I sat back in my chair and rubbed my temples, telling myself I’d get back to that report later. My cell phone began to buzz, and I picked it up, frowning at the unknown number.
“Miss Park?”
“Yes, that’s me.”
“Hello, my name is Choi Yeonjun. I’m a representative of the company Bangtan Enterprises.”
“Never heard of it.”
A chuckle came through from the other end. “That’s because we’re a small start-up just breaking into Seoul’s business world.”
“And what does that have to do with me?”
“Miss Park, we’ve been made aware of your extraordinary skills and experience. Your aunt is COO of her company, correct? And you’ve been working under her for how long?”
“Well, if you’re including my internship, about five years now.”
“Mr. Choi, what is this about?” I asked as politely as I could.
“As a start-up company, we’re in need of experienced people to help run it,” he explained. “We’re prepared to offer you the COO position here at Bangtan, which comes with your own office, and we’ll double your salary.”
My mouth dropped open. “Double?”
I shook my head in an attempt to pull myself together. This opportunity was huge. I’d been accused of exploiting nepotism in order to get where I was today, but this could be my chance to prove all my naysayers wrong. I could show them I was entirely capable of forging my own path.
Still, I wasn’t going to just jump at this. I pulled my keyboard towards me and searched Bangtan Enterprises. Only a few results came up, but they confirmed my hopes into reality. Bangtan Enterprises was indeed a start-up, but it was based on a very profitable idea and, from the looks of it, had already lined up some high-end clients.
“And you said you’re based in Seoul?” I asked.
“That’s correct.”
So I’d either have to move there or split my time between Busan and there. I chewed my lip, wondering what Chanwook would think. “Your offer is very generous, Mr. Choi. May I have some time to think about it?”
He chuckled once more. “Unfortunately for you, you are not our only candidate. You’re our first choice, but there are others who are willing to start as soon as tomorrow.”
I clenched my phone. “No! I mean, that’s fine. I’ll take it.”
I knew I might regret it later, but this was a hell of an opportunity. Besides, it wasn’t like I signed a contract. I still had time to back out.
“Excellent. We’ll send you an official offer via email. When is the earliest you can start?”
“Don’t tease me, Mr. Choi,” I said playfully. “I thought you said my competition could start tomorrow.”
“That may be true, but—”
“Well, anything they can do, I can do better. I’ll send you my plane’s arrival time.”
“We’ll have a car waiting.”
I swiped off the call, anticipation flooding through me, causing a burst of excited energy to run through my veins.
“You what?” Chanwook gaped at me.
“I said yes,” I replied nervously. I just told my fiancé about the new job, and he seemed to think it was great up until I said I accepted.
“Sweetie,” he groaned, placing his hands on my shoulders. “Are you serious?”
I frowned. “Yes, of course I am. I wouldn’t joke about something like this, Chan.”
“Well, you’ll just have to tell them you can’t take it anymore.”
I scoffed. “And why not?”
“Because we have a great life here. You make plenty, I make more than plenty. Why do you need another job?”
“Maybe I don’t need it,” I retorted. “Maybe I want it.”
“Want to move away from here? Miles away from your friends, your family?”
I scowled at him in response.
He sighed. “Y/n… answer me honestly. Is this about your mom?”
I snorted in disgust. “Seriously, Chan?!”
“It’s a valid question! Are you sure you don’t only want to go to Seoul to see if you could find her?”
“No, that’s not the reason I want to go to Seoul!”
“Then why?”
“Because! This is something that I earned, that I did on my fucking own. In fact, this will be the first and only thing that’s mine alone.”
“That’s not true.”
“Isn’t it? My job? Came from my aunt. My business degree? My aunt’s money. This apartment?” I said, gesturing around the room. “Your money.”
“So what?”
“So I want something for myself. We don’t have to move to Seoul, you know. I know your job is here, and I’d be willing to make the commute. You know, stay four days there, three days here, or something.”
Chanwook scoffed. “Do you even hear yourself?!” he shouted. “We are getting married! Planning on starting a life, here, in Busan! If you want a job based on your own merit and not because your aunt took pity on you, then find one here.”
I was rendered entirely speechless for a good few moments before I was able to gather myself back together. “I cannot believe how unsupportive you’re being,” I said through gritted teeth. “I’m taking that job. It’s your choice whether you’ll let that affect our relationship or not.”
I turned and grabbed my suitcase before stomping out the door, intent on going straight to my aunt’s. If Chanwook was going to be a total ass, I didn’t want to be around him. Thankfully, Aunt Sunhee wasn’t there to ask prying questions when I entered the house with my spare key. I walked up to my old room and hopped on my computer to search for flights from Busan to Seoul. This was my dream. And nothing, nothing at all, was going to stop me from achieving it.
I walked briskly toward my destination, my heels clicking on the airport floor. As promised, a car was waiting for me, along with another passenger in the backseat. “Miss Park,” he said, extending his hand towards me as soon as I buckled up.
His voice sounded familiar. “Mr. Choi?”
“You can call me Yeonjun,” he said, his blonde hair falling over his left eye.
“And you can continue calling me Miss Park.”
He tossed me a smirk. “So, the boss would like to speak with you,” he said easily. “Nothing to be nervous for, he just wants to get to know you. However, he has an important meeting to attend over on the other side of town for which he’s requested your presence.”
“So this car is going straight there?”
“No, you’ll switch to his car once we get to the office. That way, you’ll have time to get reacquainted.”
I frowned. “Reacquainted?”
Yeonjun chuckled. “I meant acquainted. Slip of the tongue.”
“If you say so.”
We spent the rest of the ride in silence, something I was surprised over. I thought he would want to go over my contract or something, but I supposed that would all come later. The driver pulled the car into a parking structure, causing the interior to instantly darken.
“There it is,” Yeonjun said, pointing. A sleek, black SUV sat in the middle of the road, effectively blocking our way. “Go on. Mr. Kim is waiting for you.”
A shiver ran down my spine at the mention of my new boss’s name. Thoughts of Taehyung rushed through my mind, but I shoved them away. Kim was a common enough last name. I stepped out of the car, pulling my suitcase from the trunk before walking towards the SUV. Yeonjun did not follow. After stowing my luggage in the trunk, I opened the side door and hopped in.
A figure sat on the bench across from me, his face covered in shadow. “Mr. Kim? Hi, I’m Park Y/n,” I said, extending my hand. He did not take it.
“I know who you are,” he said, his voice an eerily familiar deep tone.
“Oh, of course you do. Yeonjun said you wanted to get to know me… What would you like to know?”
“I know everything about you already, baby girl.”
I narrowed my eyes, trying to see through the darkness that covered his face. “S-Sorry?”
“I said,” he replied, leaning forward. The light caught onto his inky eyes, causing me to gasp. “I know everything about you already, Y/n.”
I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Kim Taehyung was leaning towards me, a smirk dancing around the corners of his mouth. Sure, he looked slightly different. Older. More mature. He had definitely filled out, and his hair was now a complimentary jet-black falling attractively into his dark eyes.
“Hey baby girl,” he said, his smirk widening. “You lost?”
My body suddenly jumped into full-blown panic, and I grabbed at the car door’s handle, shrieking once I realized it wouldn’t open. Taehyung forcefully wrapped his arms around me, pinning me hard to his chest, clamping a hand tightly over my mouth. “None of that now,” he hissed.
I bit him, causing him to yelp, and continued trying to escape, fumbling at the lock that stood between him and my freedom. Taehyung pulled a handkerchief and a bottle from his jacket pocket, putting a dab of whatever liquid was inside on the cloth before clamping it over my mouth. His chuckle came out as more of a wheeze as he held me to his chest. “Damn, baby girl,” he said. “I hoped I wouldn’t have to resort to this, but here we are.”
With each one of his words, my field of vision grew smaller and smaller until my eyes rolled into the back of my head, and I felt myself falling into a state of unconsciousness not even the fear of death itself could fight off.
Part Two is Here! 😉
#bts#bts smut#taehyung smut#smut#kim taehyung smut#kim taehyung#bts taehyung#bts kim taehyung#save me webtoon universe#save me webtoon#bts angst#angst#bts fanfiction#bts fanfic#bts mafia au#bts kidnapper au#bts yandere#yandere bts#yandere taehyung#yandere#bts mini series#bts series#bts one shot#bts one shot part one#part one#original header#taehyung x reader#taehyung x yn#kim taehyung x reader#bts x reader
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Super Man Flu
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Mention of injuries - it comes with Avenging. It’s mainly fluff. Don’t piss off Loki.
Square Filled: Cared for when sick/injured (Marvel Fandom) for @goodthingshappenbingo and Marriage for @buckybarnesbingo
Word Count: 1600ish
A/N: Sorry I have been so quiet - I have been out with a cold of my own. So aside from work, I have been hiding in bed,
This is also written for @hellaqueerangelofthelord as part of my 1-year anniversary celebration. Sorry, I am so slow but they are all coming I promise!
Betaed by: @jewels2876 - thank you so much for always being a willing beta!
***My fics are not to be saved nor posted on any other sites without my express written permission.***
You and Bucky had been married for close to a year. You had dated for five years before that and been dancing around each other a couple of years before you worked up the nerve to ask him out. You worked for Tony Stark, developing tech for the Avengers, so you were no stranger to the injuries that were inflicted onto them (or sometimes clumsily self-inflicted in Clint and Bucky’s cases).
You didn’t like seeing any of the Avengers returning home hurt, least of all Bucky but a part of you were also getting used to it. Or so you thought.
Bucky was resilient, partly due to the super serum and partly just do to his personality. He had gotten his arm blown off more than once. He had gotten shot, stabbed, fallen off buildings and nosedived off motorbikes. You knew none of it came close to what he had to endure during his seventy-year long HYDRA captivity, but you were still baffled by his strength.
He was as impressed by your strength as you were his. Avenging wasn’t your life. You weren’t a superhero, a soldier, or even a doctor or nurse. You were a scientist and working for Stark had somehow gotten you pulled into this crazy life. You never flinched or wavered. You pushed through and did what needed to be done. You cared for Bucky when he needed it and you gave him space when the demons in his head reared their ugly heads. He always returned to you. You knew that and trusted him to find his own way through the darkness that sometimes still clouded his thoughts.
You were his guiding light, even if you didn’t know it. You were everything good and pure to him and he loved you with every beat of his heart. There was nothing he couldn’t pull through as long as it meant getting back home to you. Or so he thought.
Bucky had been gone on a mission for a few days. Even if you were used to being on your own for stretches of time, the apartment still felt empty without him. It had been easier when you were living in the Avengers Tower together. There was always someone around or something going on to distract you from the fact that Bucky wasn’t home.
It had been a little over a year now since you moved out on your own though. Bucky craved normalcy and you were happy to offer it to him in whatever small way you could.
You loved living away from the Tower with Bucky when he was home. It was yours and his. It was his fresh start and the beginning of your life together. Bucky knew you felt lonely and restless sometimes when he wasn’t at home, which was the reason he had brought home an adorable white kitten one day.
Alpine was Bucky’s cat more than he was yours. The little furball followed him everywhere, trustingly nuzzling up to the super soldier whenever he sat down to rest somewhere. Whenever Bucky was home Alpine was never far behind.
When Bucky wasn’t home, however, the little guy stuck to you like glue. Somehow he knew exactly what was needed from him when and he was happy to offer his company an affection in whatever way he could.
Today you were jittery. Steve had called earlier letting you know the Avengers had arrived back on earth in one piece. There had been something in his tone of voice though that had put you on edge and the fact that he had told you he would be bringing Bucky around in a few hours hadn’t helped one bit. It wasn’t like Steve to transport Bucky around. No matter how hurt or injured he had been in the past, your husband was stubborn enough to get on his bike and get himself back home to you. You had scolded him for that more than once, but you also knew the man well enough to know it wasn’t your telling off that had gotten him to reconsider.
Alpine was laying in your lap form which he hadn’t moved since you got the call. He sensed something was up, just as well as you did and the cat knew you needed him. You absentmindedly stroked his fur, as you worried about Bucky. You hadn’t even been aware of the time passing so when the doorbell rang you jumped along with the cat in your lap. He made a disgruntled sound before making a beeline for the door with you close on his heels.
“Sorry Al,” you muttered, picking him up so he wouldn’t escape the apartment causing him to meow in protest as you opened the door.
You weren’t sure what you had expected but the sight that met you weren’t it for sure. Bucky’s arm was slung over a rather annoyed looking Steve’s shoulder. Bucky was pale except for a bright red running nose and bloodshot eyes. He coughed pathetically, making Steve turn his face away from him with a grumble.
“Cover your mouth,” Steve scolded as you stepped aside letting Steve drag Bucky inside.
You didn’t say a word. You just looked at the two super soldiers staggering through your apartment, opening and closing your mouth like a fish out of water and completely lost for words. It wasn’t until Alpine meowed loudly and started wiggling to be let down that you were shaken back to reality.
You quickly closed the door and released the cat before following the men into your living room, where Steve unceremoniously dropped Bucky onto the couch.
“Hey,” Bucky whined, “I’m sick. Not so rough.”
Steve rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest, glaring at Bucky. “It’s a cold. I’ve had worse. Way worse. So have you.”
“I’d rather it was a bullet hole. Or ten,” Bucky grumbled, curling up on the couch petting Alpine who had jumped up next to him.
“Would either of you care to explain this? I thought super soldiers couldn’t get sick?” you asked, looking from one man to the other and Steve sighed loudly.
“Don’t piss off a demigod,” Bucky grumbled, only adding to your confusion as you blinked, looking from your husband back to his best friend.
“Thor did that?” you asked, not sure how to wrap your mind around that. Short of making a small thundercloud follow Bucky around for the past couple of days, you weren’t sure how that could have even happened. And it didn’t sound like Thor anyway. He didn’t hold a grudge. He had a temper sure, but that just got people punched.
“Loki,” Steve answered your question, making you sigh. That made a lot more sense. “He was helping us on this mission and Bucky and Sam kept messing with him. Not their brightest moment,” Steve glared at Bucky who in returned looked as if he was ready to kill Steve, but just too tired to move.
“And Sam?” you asked, sitting down next to Bucky, putting a hand on his forehead to check if he had a temperature. It was hard to tell since Bucky always ran hotter than most people.
“Is at home in the Tower pissing off Nat and Tony with his whining, I assume,” Steve sighed. “I talked to Thor. It’s nothing to worry about. He got Loki to admit they’ll both be fine within a few days…”
“No, I won’t. I’m dying,” Bucky whined and you had to bite your cheek not to laugh. You had to admit a sick Bucky was kinda adorable, even if Steve clearly didn’t feel the same way.
“Oh no. It wouldn’t be the same without you,” Steve sassed his best friend, who flung a pillow at the blond man’s face. Steve chuckled and dug out of the way in time and the pillow crashed against the wall instead.
“I survived pneumonia while having asthma and bronchitis in a leaky apartment during the winter of 1929. You’ll live,” Steve chuckled before looking at you. “I’m really sorry to leave you alone with him but I got a few reports to write up.”
“Right here,” Bucky grumbled, wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his face in your lap. “I’m right here, Steve.”
Neither you or Steve could hold back your laughter, and you could practically feel Bucky pout against your stomach as he pulled you closer.
“Go. I got this,” you giggled, waving Steve away with one hand and running your fingers through Bucky’s hair with the other.
Steve nodded and gave Bucky’s calf a friendly slap before heading for the door. “See ya later pal. Don’t be too hard on your poor wife.”
“Punk,” Bucky grumbled against your stomach, making your smile widen as you head Steve yell back from the hallway before the door closed behind him.
“What do you say I make you some pancakes,” you asked Bucky, smiling when he looked up at you with huge blue puppy dog eyes.
“Chocolate chips?” he asked, making you laugh as you brushed his long, unruly locks out of his face and cupping his cheeks.
“Of course,” you smiled, shaking your head slightly as Bucky lowered his head back into your lap and held you impossibly tighter.
“Yes, please.”
“Darlin’ you’re gonna have to let me go then,” you laughed, causing a whine to leave Bucky as he clung to you even harder when you tried to move. You sighed, rolling your eyes at the giant manchild in your lap. It was going to be a long few days.
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Bucky Barnes Tag Team
@feelmyroarrrr @littlebittcrazy @sleepretreat @thejourneyneverendsx @roxyspearing @jewels2876 @scarlettsoldier @captainsamwlsn @hellaqueerangelofthelord @blacktithe7 7 @danijimenezv @cd1242 @mizzzpink @janeyboo @rumoured-whispers @becs-bunker @smoothdogsgirl @ifyougetkilled-walk-it-off @avengerscompound @jae-sch @grace-for-sale @scarletlingeries @mizzezm @barnesrogersvstheworld @readitandweepfics @averyrogers83 @sebs-potato @sorenmarie87 @docharleythegeekqueen @erosbellarke @slowlywithfreedom @the-wayward-robot @super100012 @myfanficlibrarium @lucifersbird @achishisha @awkwardfangirl2014
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#bucky x reader#bucky barnes x reader#bucky barnes#bucky barnes imagine#buckybarnesbingo#goodthingshappenbingo#bucky barnes fanfiction#celebration fic
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Something So Precious About This

Summary: While Sebastian is away in Paris filming, Corinne gets hit with one pretty crazy idea.
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x OFC Corinne Winters-Stan
Word Count: 5.6k
Warnings/Rating: 18+. Hella smut, yo
A/N: The bitch is back! I missed writing these two and this story hit me like a train. I’m super late editing and posting it, but I finally got it done. It’s the longest story I’ve ever written as a one shot and I’m not even a little sorry. Obviously, it’s about when Seb was in Paris shooting ‘355′. Enjoy!
Tags: @sarabeth72 @loricameback @scarletheart333 @justwinchesterme96 @mightymelly @marivela14 @tasteofhiddles @hoodgirl163 @delicatecapnerd @bluegrasscontessa
“Good morning, printesă.” Sebastian whispered over Facetime.
“It’s still nighttime here, but good morning, handsome.” I chuckled, batting my lashes.
“Mmm, I miss you. I miss kissing your forehead. I miss holding your hand and listening to you sing along to the radio while I drive. And right now, I really miss the way you tug my hair while…” Seb teased before Evie walked in to my room.
“Tătic?” She said innocently with a smile.
“Hey, raza de soare. How are you?” He asked with a loving smile. I patted the bed beside me she sat down, her smile wild as she laid eyes on him.
“Mi-e dor de tine.” She whispered and looked at him. I miss you.
“Si mie mi-e dor de tine.” He replied, blowing her a kiss. I miss you too.
“How long until you come back?” Evie asked.
“I just started filming, darling.” He answered quietly.
“I know. I just miss you.” Our daughter mumbled, tears welling in her eyes. “I could really use one of your hugs.” She added as she leaned into me.
“What’s wrong, my sun?” Seb asked, his face riddled with concern.
“Elena and I had a big fight. She said we needed to take a break. I really miss her, dad.” Evie mumbled through tears, her body trembling. I held her close and rubbed her back gently.
“Oh, honey. I’m so sorry. I wish I was there to hug you.” Sebastian murmured, his lip quivering slightly.
“I wish you were too.” Evie whimpered before blowing him a kiss. “Te iubesc, tătic.” She added with a weak smile before walking back to her room.
“I feel awful. I really want to comfort her more than I can, regina mea.” My husband told me, his blue-grey eyes heavy.
“I know, love.” I cooed before an idea popped in my head. “You need to get some work done, my love. I need some sleep. I love you.” I told him with a feigned sleepy smile while the wheels in my head spun a million miles an hour.
“I love you too, Rin. I’ll talk to you later?” H e asked, his smile wide. That charming, blinding smile that could melt anyone’s heart.
“Yes, you will I love you.” I chuckled and hung up before grabbing my laptop.
Hours passed and I had been able to book us a last minute flight to Paris to surprise Sebastian. I packed most of my own clothes before I went and woke Evie up.
“Hey. I did something a little crazy, but I know you’ll love it. We’re going to Paris to see your dad.” I told her as she sat up in bed, her eyes wide with excitement.
“Really?!” She jumped up and hugged me.
“Yep. Now, I have to go wake your brother up. Go ahead and start packing. We leave for the airport in an hour and a half.” I told her and kissed the top of her head before sneaking into Aiden’s room.
“Hey, buddy. It’s time to wake up. You need to get ready.” I whispered and moved his hair away from his eyes gently.
“Mmmph. Don’t wanna.” He mumbled and grabbed his covers.
“We’re going to see dad.” I crooned and moved his covers. “And I’ll buy you breakfast on the plane.” I added and scratched his neck.
“Why are we up so early?” Aiden muttered and got out of bed as I started packing his things.
“We’re going to Paris. You can’t spend your entire summer break in New York.” I explained and grabbed his favorite t-shirt.
“Plus Dad is in Paris and mom misses him.” Evie called out with a chuckle.
“That too. He’ll be so surprised to see us.” I laughed and kissed my son’s forehead.
“But did you have to wake us up so early?” Aiden yawned.
“You’ll have about seven hours to sleep on the way there.” I told him before going to pack the rest of my things. I grabbed my garment bag and packed a couple of dresses, including a brilliant light blue dress Charlie just finished designing for me. It was perfect for a romantic dinner in Paris. I grabbed my phone as it started ringing, Charlie’s picture popping up.
“Where are you jetting off to this time?” She asked. I could hear the way her eyebrow raised as she asked the question.
“Paris.” I stated in the most matter of fact tone I could manage.
“Why in the hell are you going to Paris?” She raised her voice and asked me.
“I miss my husband and I’ve never been to Paris. And neither have the kids. It’s something new.” I explained and grabbed my bathing suit.
“Alright.” My sister sighed and hung up the phone, undoubtedly rubbing her temples.
“You guys ready? Our flight leaves in a couple hours!” I called out, grabbing our passports and carrying my bags downstairs.
“Coming!” Evie yelled as she came downstairs, going to load her bag in the car.
“Aiden! Come on! We gotta get going!” I shouted.
“Coming! I had to make sure the script I’m working on was in my bag.” He said, dragging his bag behind him.
“Good. Let’s get going.” I smiled and hugged him before locking the door behind us.
We packed up the car and the kids sang along to the music I played. I smiled as one of Jeremy’s new songs came on, listening to ‘Nomad’ as Evie and Aiden talked about their plans for Paris.
“Wait. Is this Uncle Jer?” Aiden asked, looking at me from the backseat.
“It is. Should we tell him how good it is when we get back?” I replied with a wink.
“Definitely.” My son chuckled and smiled.
It wasn’t long until I drove up to the airport and found my sister and her husband waiting for me. Kevin helped get our bags out of the trunk as I hugged my sister.
“You have no idea how much I appreciate this.” I told Charlie with a smile.
“Who am I to stand in the way of a woman in love? Especially when that woman is my sister?” She chuckled and nudged me. “Call us when you get back so we can come get you.” She added before kissing my cheek.
“I will. I love you.” I said and kissed her cheek before Evie, Aiden, and I walked toward the airport.
We checked in for our flight and boarded, Evie and Aiden sitting in the aisle beside me. I shut off my phone as one of the flight attendants went through the safety lecture. We finally took off, Aiden falling asleep moments afterward.
Once we got the clear to wear headphones and move around, my daughter grabbed her headphones, either choosing to listen to her Romanian lessons or watch a movie. I curled into my seat with my phone, deciding to watch ‘The Umbrella Academy’. Again.
I looked over to my son and daughter sitting beside each other. One fast asleep, curled under the soft, plush purple blanket his sister brought in her bag. My sister was watching a movie as her brother rested his head on her shoulder. I smiled as a text from Sebastian came up.
What are you doing, printesă? His text read.
Watching ‘The Umbrella Academy’. Again. I tapped out and hit send.
Anything else? The response came quickly and included the smiling devil emoji.
No and I don’t plan on doing anything else. Go work.
I miss you. Please?
I miss you too. But you’ll see me again before you know it. I sent the response and smiled.
“You have a smile like you’ve done something crazy.” The flight attendant said as she walked past.
“Something like, oh, buying last minute plane tickets for myself and my kids so we can spend time with my actor husband in Paris?” I replied with a cheeky smile.
“Exactly like that.” She chuckled and walked away.
Time seems to drag on until the pilot announced our descent into Charles de Gaulle. Evie nudged her brother awake before packing his blanket and her things. I sat up and buckled back in, my legs bouncing in excitement. We got off the plane and collected all of our bags before hailing a taxi to our hotel.
“Oh my God! This place is absolutely amazing! The view is perfect.” Aiden awed as he looked over the Paris skyline.
“Evie, your room is right next door. Don’t get on each other’s nerves.” I told them as I went to my room and got in the shower. When we landed, I’d texted Sebastian’s PA to ask where they were in the city to film. He texted me back and after I showered, I did my makeup and put on his favorite pair of jeans and shirt combination, sure he’d be able to spot me.
I headed out to the location, smiling as I spotted him with Jessica Chastain. He looked absolutely radiant. France was treating him beautifully. He was just…perfect. I noticed a stop in filming as he took pictures, making this the perfect opportunity. I hid myself in the crowd and disguised my voice as I called out his name. I managed to get behind him and ask for a picture, still disguising my voice.
“Absolutely. What’s your na…” He started before he fully saw me. I smiled as he looked me over and shook his head to make sure I was real.
“I told you you’d see me again before you knew it.” I chuckled before he picked me up and kissed me. Everyone clapped and cheered at our reunion. Sebastian held me close, his tears hitting my neck like rain.
“I missed you so much.” He whispered against my lips. His hands cupped my face he looked into my eyes. “I missed those eyes. And that smile.” He cooed, peppering my neck and face with kisses.
“I missed you too, my love. I brought a couple other people with me.” I winked as I felt Evie tap my shoulder. I moved out of the way to let him see the kids.
“Surprise, tătic!” Evie shouted and flew into his arms. He caught her and laughed, smiling as they embraced. He set her down and kissed her forehead before he hugged Aiden, both of them beaming.
“Hey, dude. How have you been?” Seb asked after they pulled away from each other.
“Good. I started writing a script.” Aiden told his father with a wide grin.
“That’s amazing! I can’t wait to read it!” My husband laughed as they walked back over to me. Seb wrapped his arm around my waist as we started walking.
“Jessica! I have some people I want you to meet!” Sebastian called out to his co-star as she talked to one of the crew members. She walked over to us, smiling an almost blinding smile.
“You must be Corinne! Sebastian said you were stunning and he hyped you up so much. You don’t disappoint.” She chuckled before introducing herself to Evie and Aiden.
“I absolutely loved you in ‘Crimson Peak.” Aiden gushed, his eyes open wide.
“Really? I thought everyone hated my character.” She joked and smiled.
“Well, that’s what made it perfect. You were phenomenal. The way you portrayed Lucille was so amazing to me.” Aiden added, his cheeks beet red.
“I think your son has a crush on your co-star.” I muttered to Sebastian with a chuckle.
“Oh, no, That’s ‘our’ son.” He whispered and kissed my neck. “I can’t wait until we finish filming for the day. The night I have planned with you.” He crooned and bit at my earlobe gently.
“Not a chance. Tonight, we’re doing a family dinner and we’re all going to get some rest.” I told him with a smirk.
“When do I get to spend time with my wife?” He asked with a pout.
“Tomorrow. You and I are going to a romantic dinner. Fancy clothes, candles. All of it. Just the two of us.” I whispered back and pecked his cheek gently. “You need to go get back to work. We’ll meet up with you when you’re done.” I told him as I motioned for the kids to come over, Jessica following them.
“We’ve stopped you guys from working long enough. We really should get going before we have dinner tonight.” I said, smiling at Jessica.
“You guys are welcome to stay and watch us film.” Jessica commented as the kids hugged Sebastian.
“AS tempting as that sounds, we really do need rest. This trip was super last minute and I know we’re all tired.” I replied with a smile. “We’re going to dinner when you’re done for the day. I texted you the address to the hotel.” I explained and kissed Sebastian before walking away.
Time passed and I almost missed the call from Sebastian because of how much sleep I got. The phone rang and I didn’t register the ringtone. I finally woke up and answered the phone, rushing to get ready. I met Evie, Aiden, and Sebastian in the lobby of the hotel. We started walking, Sebastian wrapping his hand in mind. I smiled as he walked on the side closest to the street, something he’d learned from someone I might never know.
“I really missed you, Rin.” He crooned as we went up to a café and waited to be seated.
“I missed you too, Sebby. I hardly got any sleep after I got off the phone with you because I was so excited when the idea popped in my head.” I told him. “Also, I think this means I love you more than you love me.” I whispered with a chuckle.
“No way. I definitely love you more.” He retorted with a kiss to my temple.
“We’ll call it a draw.” I mused and kissed him.
Dinner with all four of us around a table felt wonderful. My heart was overflowing as I watched Sebastian talk to the kids. Even after the adoption was official, I still got butterflies seeing him our children.
“I really like your hair like that, raza de soare.” He commented on Evie’s new haircut.
“Thanks, tătic.” Our daughter smiled, a soft blush rising in her cheeks.
“I wanna hear more about this script you’re working on, Aiden.” I said and smiled at my son.
“Well, the school is having a competition. You write a script and they pick one to be performed at the end of the school year.” Aiden explained.
“That’s awesome! Do you have any idea what it’s about yet?” Seb asked, beaming with pride.
“Not yet. I’m still in the drafting stages. Which reminds me…” Aiden started before turning to his sister. “I’m actually basing a character on you, Eves. If my play gets chosen, will you at least audition?” He asked with a nervous smile.
“WHEN your play gets chosen, I will definitely audition.” She told him, pulling him into a hug.
“Wow, your kids are adorable.” Seb whispered to me as he watched them.
“Oh no, those are our kids.” I chuckled and ran my fingers through his hair.
We finished dinner, all of us smiling and laughing. Sebastian walked us back to our hotel, going up to our rooms to wish us goodnight. He stopped with me in front of my room, kissing me heavily.
“Rin, please.” He moaned against my lips.
“Tomorrow. Charlie made me a new dress and I want to look especially good for you.” I cooed and kissed him a final time. “Goodnight, Sebastian.” I purred and went into my room, leaning against the closed door.
“Just like when we first started dating. Such a tease.” I heard him huff as he walked away.
The next morning came around and I woke up to a good morning text from Seb and a text from Evie letting me know that she was going sight-seeing. I knocked on Aiden’s door, surprised to see him up and dressed.
“Hey, mom. I was just getting ready to meet Evie for lunch. You wanna come?” He asked, his hazel eyes glistening.
“No, you go on ahead. Don’t get into any trouble and be safe. And text every once in a while, but don’t worry if I don’t answer.” I told him and patted his cheek.
“We’ll be careful. I love you, mom.” He chuckled and kissed my cheek.
“I love you too.” I called after him as he walked away before going back to my room.
I pulled up my ‘getting ready’ playlist and ran a hot bath before sliding into the tub and propping my head against the wall. I sang along to the music as I washed my body and shaved before washing my hair. AS I stepped out of the tub, my phone started ringing. I noticed Sebastian’s picture and smiled, answering and putting the call on speaker.
“Hello?” I said as I started towel drying my hair.
“Hello, beautiful. What are you doing?” He asked.
“Primping for our date tonight. I just got out of the tub.” I replied and put lotion on my legs and arms.
“Ah. One of those long baths?” He chuckled.
“Always. How else am I supposed to look stunning for you?” I cooed.
“Well, I called to let you know that I found the perfect place for our date, but you need a really nice dress.” He told me. I could hear the way he bit his lip.
“You worry about yourself. I’ve got me covered. You have no idea what you’re in for.” I quipped and started curling my hair.
“Reservation is at six, so I’ll send a car around five-thirty.” He told me, that hint of dominance in his voice sending shivers down my spine.
“Perfect. Be on time and be prepared to pick your jaw up off the floor.” I laughed, lightly spritzing my hair with hairspray.
“I love you.” Seb cooed.
“I love you most.” I purred before hanging up and starting my makeup.
I finished getting ready and slipped into my dress, silently thanking Charlie for putting the zipper on the side of the dress. I slipped into my heels just as I got a text from Sebastian that the car would be there in a couple minutes. I grabbed my clutch and responded to a check in text from Evie before I head to the lobby to wait on the car. I found it waiting for me and climbed in, carefully taking my dress with me. The driver smiled in the rearview mirror as I fiddled with my rings.
“Tu est trés jolie, madame.” He said with a kind smile.
“Merci boucoup.” I replied graciously.
We pulled up to the restaurant and my driver helped out of the car with a smile. I walked in, scanning the packed dining room for my husband. After a few moments, I walked up to the maître d, intent on asking if he’d arrived.
“Ah, you must be Mrs. Stan?” She said with a heavy accent, eliciting a nod from me. “You husband said that you would be coming and to find a woman matching your description. Follow me.” She added with a wave of her hand.
We wended our way through crowds and tables, moving swiftly. This place was perfect for a romantic dinner. Then I spotted him. His eyes lit up a room, pairing beautifully with the navy suit he’d chosen. Thank God for Hugo Boss. He was talking to a waitress, causing him not to see that I was waving at him. I thank the maître d for bringing me this far before walking toward the table slowly, my head held high. My dress flowed behind me and I watched as the waitress walked away, almost on cue.
“My, my. Your wife certainly is a very lucky woman.” I cooed as I came closer. Sebastian turned to face me, standing up to take in the full look I’d put together for tonight. I smiled as his jaw dropped and he covered his mouth in excitement.
“You look handsome, my love.” I murmured and grabbed his hand, kissing his wedding ring gently.
“You look…stunning. And even that is an understatement, regina mea.” He whispered before kissing me. After the kiss broke, he pulled my chair out and helped me sit.
“Thank you.” I whispered as his fingers brushed the back of my neck before he sat down across from me. “I originally planned to wear this dress to a premiere, but I couldn’t help myself.” I told him after taking a sip of my wine.
“You could still wear it to a premiere. These masterpieces that Charlie makes you should be seen by the world.” Seb crooned.
“But only you get to take them off. And I can’t wait for you to take this off tonight.” I purred with a wink.
“Cheeky little fox.” He chuckled. Our waitress came back and he ordered our food, the waitress smiling at him the whole time.
“Two things. One, I love it when you just order like that for me since you know what I like. Two, make sure you kiss me or flash your wedding ring. That waitress was looking at you like you were her next meal.” I whispered and looked away.
“Are you jealous, princess?” Sebastian sighed with a smirk.
“No. I just want her to know that you’re married.” I huffed with a slight scowl.
“Don’t worry, Rin. I’m pretty sure she knows.” He chuckled and grabbed my hand, kissing my rings gently. He looked up at me through those beautifully full lashes, his eyes reflecting the candle light.
“I love you, you handsome devil.” I murmured and rubbed his cheek with my thumb.
“I love you too, ingerul mea.” He purred and leaned forward to kiss me.
I heard the waitress clear her throat to signal she was there. Sebastian pulled away from me with a smirk and looked up at her as she set the plates down. Her seemingly genuine smile changed to a forced customer service smile in a matter of milliseconds before she walked away.
“I think that made it pretty clear.” Seb whispered before taking a bit of his food.
“You’re so rotten.” I muttered, cutting a piece of steak.
“And you love me for it.” He laughed.
“I’m excited to see this movie you’re working on.” I commented.
“Because I’m in it or because of your crush on Jessica?” He asked, his eyebrow raised.
“Obviously, it’s both. My husband on screen with my second biggest female celebrity crush? Sign me up.” I told him with a wink.
“Who’s your first? No, wait. Let me guess.” He said with a wry smile. “It’s Hayley, isn’t it?” He added.
“She’s so gorgeous.” I sighed with a nod.
“If you hadn’t met me through Marvel, who do you think you would have ended up with?” Sebastian asked, his eyes filled with mischief.
“Honestly? Probably Renner. But thankfully, I met you and we don’t have to think about who I could’ve ended up with.” I cooed and grabbed his hand, squeezing gently.
We finished our dinner talking about France, the kids, and how excited we were to have some time together before he had to go to Atlanta to film for the new series. He held my hand and smiled that iridescent smile as he looked me over. Our waitress came back and asked if we’d like to order dessert darting to my husband with a smirk.
“Thank you, but we’re alright.” I spoke up with a smile. “We have some back at the hotel.” I added before asking for the check. Our waitress walked away and Sebastian looked over at me.
“Oh we do? What kind of dessert is back at your hotel?” He asked, his voice low.
“Well, once we get back there, you can eat me for dessert.” I purred and stood up, walking to the door.
Sebastian came up behind me after paying, kissing my neck as I flagged down a taxi. We got in the car and I gave the address to the driver. Seb held me close, gently kissing and sucking my neck. His whispers of what he wanted to do to me laid heavy on my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. We finally pulled up to the hotel and Sebastian paid the driver before I started leading him inside.
“You look so beautiful. Have I told you that lately?” He whispered as he pinned me to the wall of the elevator, his hands planted firmly on my hips.
“It’s been at least twenty minutes, so you’re a little behind.” I chuckled and kissed him as the doors opened. I lead him to my room and locked the door after putting up the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign. I ducked into the restroom and started slipping out of my dress as one of Renner’s newest songs played.
“Rin, what are you doing?” Sebastian shouted as I slipped into a new black lingerie set Charlie made me.
“Two more minutes, babe!” I shouted before I started touching up my makeup. I put on a bright red lipstick to finish my look and slipped on his favorite pair of black heels before popping my head out the door.
“Close your eyes.” I whispered.
“They’re closed. Are you finally done?” He asked, the irritation in his voice obviously joking.
“I am. And I think you’re going to love what you see.” I cooed and walked out of the bathroom, stopping in front of him. “Open up.” I cooed before putting my hands on my hips as he opened his eyes. His jaw dropped to the floor as he finally adjusted to the light in the room, a small squeak escaping his lips.
“Oh my god.” He repeated the phrase in astonishment and looked me up and down.
“You like what you see, Sebby?” I purred and walked closer, standing between his legs.
“Jesus Christ.” Sebastian muttered before looking up at me. His eyes filled with that Winter Soldier like intensity, sending a heat to my core.
“Talk to me, baby.” I whispered and bit my lip.
“I…don’t have the words.” He breathed and stood up, bringing himself almost face to face with me.
“Then don’t say anything. Do something.” I whispered, my lips brushing his softly.
His hands travelled up my legs and to my waist, pulling my body against his. He walked me backward, my back hitting the wall as his lips latched to mine. My body was pinned against the wall as his lips travelled down to my neck, words mumbled against my skin.
“Printesă, you feel so good in my arms.” Sebastian murmured as he buried his face in my neck.
“How bad did you miss me?” I asked as I ran my fingers through the hair at the base of his neck.
“You’re all I’ve been able to think about.” He answered and looked at me, his eyes twinkling.
“Then show me.” I cooed and kissed him before sliding out of his arms. I watched him turn around and I took off my panties and bra, setting them aside as Seb took off his jacket.
“Say the name, princess. Say it and I will give you whatever you want.” He almost growled as I sat down and he kneeled in front of me.
“Make me.” I chuckled with a smirk. He grabbed my thighs and pushed them apart, squeezing them while staring me in the eyes.
“Say it or I won’t touch you. And you want me to touch you.” He growled and kissed my thigh.
“Papi chulo. Please.” I whimpered and pouted before running my fingers through his hair. As soon as the last syllable out, his tongue started gliding through my folds.
“So delicious and wet for me, printesă.” Sebastian mumbled, his arms wrapped completely around my thighs and his face buried deep in my center.
I felt him drape my legs over his shoulders and heard him moan praises against my skin. My body writhed in pleasure against the bed, wanton cries filling the room as his nails dug into my skin. His muffled praises pushed me closer to the edge and I felt him pull away, causing me to whimper.
“Seb…” I whined, unable to open my eyes as I heard him take off his belt.
“Shhh, princess. I’ll take care of you.” He whispered as his shirt hit the floor. I felt his body loom over mine, his lips brushing mine as his fingers rolled my nipples.
“Tell me what you want.” He purred and pulled away slightly.
“Just want you.” I heaved, wrapping my hand around the back of his neck and pulling him down for a kiss. I felt him lose his balance and tumble down on the bed, his laugh infectious as he looked at me. I laughed and kissed him, smiling as he pulled me closer. He positioned me to straddle him and looked up at me with those beautiful eyes.
“Why am I always on top?” I asked with a pout, looking down at him.
“Because I like watching you. You’re so beautiful when you have the opportunity to take control.” He whispered and kissed my hand as he slid into me slowly. The way he moaned as he filled me sent a shiver down my spine.
Sebastian looked up at me as I moved my hips slowly, his fingers tracing my skin as I braced my hand on his chest. I felt his heart beat against my palm, almost in the same rhythm of my hips rocking against his. His breathing hitched as his nails gently started digging into my hips.
“God, you’re gorgeous.” He muttered, his lashes falling heavily against his cheek.
“Seb…” It was all I could manage before clapping my hand over his mouth. “Shhh.” I added, my hips rocking harder and faster against his.
“Fuck.” He mumbled, the sound muffled by my hand. He licked my hand and looked up at me with a smirk, pulling my hand away.
“Cheeky shit.” I chuckled and slowed my pace. I cupped his face and kissed him as his arms wrapped around my body.
“Beautiful printesă.” He cooed and flipped us over suddenly. I felt his lips on my neck as he thrusted into me, his body shaking against mine.
Time seemed to slow when ever he kissed my neck, but the world melted away when his eyes met mine. There was a primal lust that marriage seemed to dim in my friends. Then there was a pure love. The way his lips brushed mine and his fingers laced with mine as his hips rolled slowly sent a fire through me.
“You’re so beautiful.” Sebastian crooned.
“So…handsome…” I muttered and found his hand, squeezing it as he pumped his hips faster.
He buried his face deeper into my neck and his moans and gasps were almost deafening until my heartbeat drowned them out. His thrusts went from slow and passionate to quick and erratic, one hand squeezing mine. I buried my face in one the pillows and stifled my moans as he held on to me tight.
“Fuck, Rin.” Seb moaned before spilling into me, his body shivering. I felt him collapse and roll over beside me, his breathing heavy.
“I love you.” I cooed and ran my thumb over his cheek.
“I love you too, regina mea.” He mumbled. I watched him lay still, his breathing evening out. “Now, c’mere and let me get another taste of you.” He chuckled and helped me straddle his face.
“Fuck.” I panted as his tongue slid through my folds. I felt him flick his tongue over my clit, sending shivers up my spine.
His hands stayed on me as I braced myself against the wall, moaning as my hips bucked against his face. Muffled praised and filthy words were spoken against my thighs before he returned to sucking and licking my center. After what felt like an eternity, my body started shaking and my mouth fell open, a silent scream leaving as I reached my climax.
I fell on the bed beside him, panting and shaking. I felt his fingers brush my flesh gently before he stood up and grabbed one of his t-shirts I’d packed and helped me put it on.
“I love you.” I murmured, curling into his lap as he held me close.
“I love you too.” He whispered and kissed my temple. Just as he lifted my chin to kiss me, both of our phones rang. I grabbed mine and saw my work phone number, I answered as Seb answered his. I looked at him after hanging up, seeing he had his phone muted.
“Kevin?” I asked before standing up.
“Yeah. He wants me in…” Sebastian started.
“…San Diego?” We said at the same time, his brows furrowed as he looked at me.
“That was Alex from work. Turns out Kevin’s assistant called and said I had to head there too. Now, the real question is this: do we take the kids with us?” I asked and wrapped my arms around his neck.
“Is Charlie willing to look after Callie and Bo for that long?” He replied with his own question.
“Oh yeah. And the kids and I will go home after the convention and you can go finish filming…wherever you have to finish filming.” I answered and chuckled.
“Let me tell Kevin.” He crooned and kissed me before getting back on the phone as I texted our children. Sebastian got off the phone and pulled me on to the bed, kissing me and giggling.
“Our life is never boring, is it?” He asked and played with my hair.
“You wouldn’t like it if it was.” I cooed and kissed his forehead. “C’mon. Let’s get some sleep, handsome. We’ve got some big plans.” I added and covered us up, my body spooning his.
“I love you, Rin.” He whispered and yawned.
“I love you too, Sebby.” I murmured and held on to him tight, falling asleep to the rise and fall of his breathing.
#chynna writes#Sebastian Stan#sebastian stan x ofc#sebastian stan fanfiction#sebastian stan smut#sebastian stan fanfic#sebastian stan fluff#seb stan fanfic#seb stan fluff#seb stan smut#Sebastian Stan x OFC Corinne Winters#Sebastian Stan x Corinne Winters#Sebastian Stan x OFC Corinne Winters-Stan#Corbastian
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The Good Life: Chapter 16
Hello, my lovelies! Let’s just pretend that it hasn’t been close to a month since my last update, mmkay? Cool. Sounds like a plan...
Need to get caught up? The Good Life: Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4 , Ch5, Ch6, Ch7, Ch8 , Ch9 , Ch10, Ch 11, Ch 12, Ch 13, Ch 14, Ch 15
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@pink-royaute @believethaticanandiwill @milllott @likeashootingstarfades @i-dream-of-emus @eveerez @saintsisterwriter
The Good Life: Chapter 16
Rae walked through the door to the pub and scanned the crowd, unsurprised to see all of her mates sitting at the long table on the opposite side of the room.
“Next time I have to go to New York for work, Izz, I promise that I’ll take you with me in my carry-on bag,” Chloe joked.
“You better! I’m going to hold you to your promise,” Izzy giggled before looking over and noticing Rae approaching their table, “Rae! There ya are!”
Rae made her way around the table greeting the gang individually before pulling out the only empty seat at the table and taking her seat in her usual spot next to Finn.
“Nice of you to finally join us,” Finn replied with a smirk as he slid the drink he had ordered for her in front of where she sat.
“Yeah, sorry about that. I got caught up finishing a project at work that my boss needed for a meeting tomorrow morning, so it needed to get done.” She replied with a long sigh before taking a sip from the glass.
With Chloe on her business trip for the past month and the gang’s hectic schedules, it had been hard to arrange a time for them all to meet up, but they were finally able to meet up tonight for the first time since Rae’s birthday and they all had a lot to catch each other up on.
“Hey, so I know that it’s usually just the gang when we meet up at the pub like this,” Rae began when there was a lull in the conversation as she typed out a message on her cell phone, “but I invited Henry to join us at the pub tonight. He just texted me that he’s here, so just please...try to be on your best behavior, yeah?”
The gang’s reactions varied from laughs to scoffs of mock offense, but by the time the gang saw Henry approaching their table, the conversation had already shifted to other topics.
“Hiya! I hope Rae let you know that I’d be joining you all, or this might be a bit awkward,” Henry joked as he approached the table, “I think I’ve met all of you before, at Rae’s surprise party, but my name is Henry!”
“Of course, mate! It’s good to see ya again. Go ahead and pull up a chair from the empty table next to us, it’s not like they’re gonna miss it!” Chop replied cheerily.
Henry grabbed a chair from a nearby table and slid it next to Rae as the rest of the table moved their chairs to make space for him.
“Thanks for inviting me, Rae,” Henry replied as he leaned over to give her a peck on the cheek.
“It’s good to see you again, Finn. How’s it going?” he asked casually.
“Fine,” Finn mumbled disinterestedly as he sipped his drink.
“Uh, cool. That’s good...Alright, well, I think I’m gonna go to the bar to get a drink,” Henry said as he stood from his chair, “Actually, this round of drinks is on me for letting me crash your plans tonight. Who wants a drink?”
“I’m fine, thanks.”
“I still have most of my drink.”
“That’s sweet of you to offer, but no thank you.”
The gang replied, politely declining.
“And you? Did you want another drink, Rae? I can get you another one of…” Henry trailed off as he nodded towards her nearly full glass.
“I think I’d like a different drink, actually. I’ll take a vodka soda, please. Thank you!”
“Sure thing. I’ll be right back with that drink,” Henry replied with a smile as he rested a hand on Rae’s shoulder briefly before walking towards the bar.
Once Henry was out of earshot, Finn looked over at Rae and scoffed before finishing the last of his beer in a single gulp.
“What’s that look for?” Rae asked quietly as the rest of the gang continued talking amongst themselves.
“You ordered a vodka soda? Really? Really?” Finn replied.
“Yes, I did. What’s wrong with that?” Rae asked bluntly.
“I dunno. I’ve never really seen you as much of ‘vodka soda’ type of girl.” Finn shrugged.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Vodka sodas are a very Chloe-type of drink. When did you start drinking them?”
“Henry recommended them to me when I wanted to try something new at my surprise party a few weeks back. I actually really like them. Is that alright with you, Finn?”
“Whatever. You can drink whatever you want,” Finn mumbled as Henry approached the table with a drink in each hand.
“Here’s your drink, Rae,” Henry said with a smile as he set the glass of clear liquid down on the table in front of her after she pushed her previous drink away, “Oh! I didn’t realize that you needed another drink, Finn. I would have grabbed you another while I was at the bar!”
“It’s fine. I can get my own drink,” Finn replied curtly as he stood from the table and walked over to the bar.
The rest of the evening passed by quickly and despite Rae’s initial concerns about how the gang would react to her inviting Henry to join them, nearly all of them welcomed him easily; however, after returning from the bar, Finn kept to himself and only spoke when directly spoken to, visibly counting down the minutes until he could leave the pub.
“Alright, well, it’s getting late and I should probably get going now,” Henry stated after he finished his most recent drink, “It was so great seeing you all again. Thank you for letting me join you all tonight!”
The gang replied happily that he was welcome any time and wishing him a nice night as he stood from the table.
“I’ll go ahead and walk you to your truck,” Rae added as she stood from her chair and followed Henry out of the pub.
“I had a lot of fun. Thanks for inviting me, Rae!” Henry replied as the two walked leisurely through the parking lot.
“Yeah, no problem. I’m glad I was still able to see you tonight.”
“The gang is really nice,” Henry began before pausing to consider his next words, “Did I do something to make Finn dislike me?”
“I, uh, don’t know, to be honest. He can be a little shy and gets a bad rep for being a bit of a grumpy sod for it, but I don’t know what’s up with him tonight. Please don’t take it to heart though, I’m sure it’s nothing personal,” Rae assured him.
When they reached his truck, the pair stood in silence for a moment.
“Well, I had a really good time tonight. Get home safe!” Rae said as she wrapped her arms around Henry.
“You get home safe too. I’ll talk to you tomorrow and maybe we can make plans for later this weekend, yeah? Good night,” Henry added sweetly as he returned the hug.
As they began to pull away from their embrace, Henry leaned forward and pressed his lips against Rae’s briefly, giving her a chaste but sweet kiss.
“Rae, there you are—oh! Um, I’m sorry,” Finn apologized as he walked around the side of Henry’s car and saw Rae and Henry kissing.
“Finn! Uh, what are ya—”
“You left your phone on the table. I wanted to give it back to you. Sorry for, uh, interrupting.” Finn replied hurriedly as he handed Rae her phone and walked away quickly.
“Uh, that was weird...I’m sorry. I’m gonna go now, but have a nice night, Henry. I’ll talk to ya later.” Rae replied in embarrassment before turning around and walking back towards the pub.
After looking inside the pub for Finn and letting the gang know that she was going to head back home as well, Rae went back out to the parking lot only to find that Finn’s car was no longer parked a few spaces down from her car.
Rae drove home and expected to see Finn’s car in its usual space, since he left the pub shortly before she did, but the space was still unoccupied.
Rae took the lift up to their apartment on the fifth floor, entering the empty apartment and half expecting Finn to be inside waiting for her. After turning on the lamp in the hallway so she could see where she was going inside her apartment, Rae flipped the switch to turn on the light out front so it would not be dark outside whenever Finn made it home.
Exhausted from the long day at work followed by an evening out with the gang, Rae went straight to her bedroom and got ready for bed, checking the notifications on her phone one last time to make sure she hadn’t missed anything from Finn before setting her phone on her bedside table and trying to fall asleep.
A/N: So getting back into writing has proven a little harder than I had initially hoped. This chapter has actually been more or less written for a few weeks, but actually posting it is where I’ve been running into some trouble. Don’t get me wrong, I am so grateful for all of the attention and praise that my writing gets from all you lovely people that read/like/reblog my writing. I just feel like there has been such a decline in people reading/writing MMFD content lately and it’s been easy to get discouraged that even if I post stuff no one is reading it anymore...idk...maybe I’m just being dramatic.
It’s been a rough month for me and I feel like I’m trying to get back to some semblance of normalcy, but it’s just been really hard, if I’m being honest...
Until next time: Stay awesome, my friends!
#mmfd#my mad fat diary#mmfd fanfic#my mad fat diary fanfiction#the good life#the good life: ch16#my writing#finn-nelson-for-the-win
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The long way home: Chapter four
Story summary: An AU about Steve Rogers that takes place in college. When you were kids, Steve was your best friend. Where he was you were and vice versa. So when your father got a new job on the other side of the country your 11 year old heart broken.
Over the years you had stayed in contact, though. And now, seven years later, you were off to college and unknowingly you’d applied to the college he had started at last year. You agree to meet on your second day and suddenly it all seemed a little less scary. Will you pick up where you’d left off? Or will everything have changed as much as Steve’s appearance.
Ship: Steve Rogers X Reader
Warnings: None. Words: 1732
If you want to get tagged, please let me know. I’d be happy too. This goes for all my stories .
Masterlist Story Masterlist
Previous Chapter
A/N: I struggled to get this out today. As of last week I am home from work, with a burnout. It has made me feel a little lost and writing was hard. Thankfully most of this chapter was already written. i'm hoping it wont effect my schedule of posting but I can't be sure.
Also, this chapter was supposed to end very differently, but it was over 3000 words long and I still could not end it properly. So instead I broke it in two. Not sure yet if it will effect the amount of chapters in the end, but it probably will. We'll see.
Hope you like this one!
As you sat in the food court and looked at the people rushing in and out around you, you were surprised by the passage of time. Time was going by so incredibly fast. It was already December and you truly felt that you had gotten into a grove here. You were comfortable, at ease. It felt like you belonged here. Classes were gruelling but, you still enjoyed them. And being away from your family was not so hard with the friends you had made. You had never expected to make those quite so easily.
You smiled when you saw Natasha waving as she walked your way. You moved a seat over towards the window, allowing Bucky, Steve and her to slide into the other seats. Natasha sat across from you, next to Bucky, who moved his chair so he sat as close as he could to her. You chuckled at the sight, while Steve pressed a kiss to the top of your head and sat down in the chair next to you. You gave him a bright smile and said hello to the three of them.
All three of them had just returned from practice in their respective sports and were freshly showered. You on the other hand had been bent over in a chair in the library all afternoon and felt a little crumbled next to them. Then again, in your honest opinion, they tended to look like moviestars most of the time. You on the other hand felt more like the girl next door. Not ugly. Just not....as special. You would think twice to voice those thoughts though. A few weeks ago, you had and Natasha had been quick to berate you. It was sweet, but did nothing to lessen the feelings.
Uni however had been all you had hoped it would be and for some reason it almost felt too good to be true. Your friendship with Steve had picked up more easily than either of you could have guessed. And you had made new friends quite effortlessly. Which, you knew, was mostly thanks to Natasha's outgoing nature. She was funny, sarcastic and incredibly honest. Which most people seemed to like about her. Who could blame them? It was definitely something you loved about her.
You glanced to the side, watching Steve's profile while he spoke animately with Bucky. His hands waving frantically as he tried to explain something, but not finding the words to help him do so.
You smiled as you watched him, while you could hear Bucky's boisterous laughter as he kept repeating that he didn't understand Steve. Something told you that he understood very well what his friend was trying to say. He was just teasing him as Bucky so liked to do. Bucky seemed to thrive on banter, both with his friends and his girlfriend. Which was one of the reasons he and Natasha worked so well together.
After a few moments of gazing, you were quick to direct your eyes to the cup of tea before you. That was when you noticed Natasha looking your way. She winked at you before nodding her head to Steve. She was discreet, though you still checked to see if either of the men had noticed. You shook your head at her and she barked out a laugh. She didn't believe you. You could not really blame her, you didn't really believe it either.
While the men had not noticed the silent exchange, they did notice the laugh that had escaped Nat's mouth and she was quick to divert to attention back to them, telling Bucky to stop teasing Steve. Bucky laughed loudly and Steve's cheeks got a little more colour to them.
Natasha was smile sweetly before turning the conversation towards the match that weekend.
You could not help but smile as you thought back to their first match of the season. It had been a little while ago, but you still remembered the tone in Steve's voice when he had called you. He had been so nervous.
It had been late in the evening when your phone had buzzed. It pulled you from your slumber. If you had not been having trouble falling asleep that night, you might not even have heard it.
As it was, you did. Groggy you had reached for it, expecting a text, but as it kept buzzing you quickly realized it was a call. This had woken you up more and you had quickly turned on a night light, while sitting up straight. Luckily Natasha slept like a log or you would've had to deal with her sleep deprived anger.
With a whisper you answered the call, uncertain who would call at this time of the night. Of course, had you been more awake, you could have checked caller-id.
“Sorry to call this late” Steve’s voice had sounded on the other end, unease clear in his tone.
Confused you assured him that it was fine and inquired why he was calling. When you heard the anxiety laced in his next words, you knew what you had to do. When you had been kids, there was one thing that would always help him. So five minutes later, you were meeting Steve outside of your dorm.
You walked around campus for hours listening to his fears, his worries. How he feared that he would muck it up that next day. That they would lose the game and he would be to blame.
To distract him you had changed the subject. Talked about your combined memories and shared interests. The sun was already peaking over the horizon when you said goodbye to a much calmer Steve.
It had surprised you that he would still get so nervous. If you were to believe Bucky, and you did, Steve had been praised for his game ever since his first year of playing back in high school. It had made you wonder how much of the shy little boy that you had known so long ago, was still inside of him.
You pondered who he had talked to, when things made him anxious, before reuniting with him this year. Though you figured it would have been either Bucky or Sam. They seemed to understand that Steve wanted to do right by everyone and hardly ever teased him about that. Well, only light teasing, which Steve could easily return.
Coming back to the present as Natasha softly kicked you under the table, you apologised for tuning out, claiming fatigue. Natasha barked out another laugh, while Steve fussed over you, wondering if you were working yourself too hard. Assuring him that you would be just fine, Bucky finally repeated the question you had missed before.
“Are you coming to the after party?” he said and you laughed, wondering aloud if they were not being to cocky about their imminent victory.
“Win or lose, a party is a good way to end the day” Bucky shrugged, though he still seemed confident that they would not loose. It was a home game after all. There was the added home court advantage. Or as Steve would most likely see it, added pressure.
“True,” you agreed, “Of course, I'll be there” you promised.
Steve pulled you into his side and kissed the top of your head once more as he muttered 'good'. You had no time to think about it as Bucky began to explain which dorm house would hold the party, as he would be damned to have it at their off campus apartment.
The game had been intense, making the elation over winning that much greater. The dorm was crowded and hot, making you wonder if the entire student body had showed up tonight. Pushing through throngs of dancing bodies, you finally made it to an empty bathroom, walking in before quickly closing the door behind you. You closed your eyes and sighed as you leaned back against the cool door.
“I thought I'd locked that” Steve's voice startled you and you opened your eyes to see him leaning on the sink with a beer. He smiled and you relaxed instantly.
“Pretty sure it's faulty” you said, twisting the lock a few times, hearing no click.
Steve shrugged and stood straight, looking you over. You could feel your stomach twisting under his gaze and your cheeks got heated. How could he have this effect on you, without really doing much of anything?
“Thanks for being there today” Steve said as he stepped closer and took your hand in his.
Willing your heart to slow down, you smiled as you looked up at his face again. His blue eyes were bright and alert, his smile kind as always. Squeezing his hand you leaned into his side, wrapping an arm around his waist.
“Always” you promised and he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a hug.
“Now, tell me, why is the man of the match hiding away?” you asked him a few blissful moments later.
“Needed a moment of peace and quiet” Steve shrugged and you squeezed him a little closer, wanting to comfort him.
“And then I came barging into it” you looked up at him to assess his mood. Did it bother him? You'd leave in an instance if he needed you too.
“I never need you to stay away” Steve chuckled and you smiled.
He bent down to kiss your cheek and opened his mouth to say something when the door burst open and two very drunken strangers fell into the bathroom. They hardly even noticed you and kept kissing and pulling at their clothes. Swallowing his words Steve was quick to guide you to the door and close it behind the two of you. That's when you both burst out laughing and walked away to find your friends.
Two hours later, with the party in full swing you were taken over by yawning. It was nearing midnight and you really wanted to get into bed. It took you another hour to finally excuse yourself and leave. Natasha had decided to join you, while the celebrating men remained behind.
By the time you were in bed, sleep took over quickly. You were ready to leave the long day behind. If only you had known that it would last a little longer still.
Tags: @musicfreak180
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Perfectly Imperfect: Chapter 9

With Tumblr holding my original writing blog @beccaheartschrisevans captive (aka flagged as explicit), I have made a secondary writing blog and may end up closing the other all together. In the meantime, I am reposting all of my stories on my new blog.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Wren Arnold (OFC)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: n/a
Disclaimer: This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.
Perfectly Imperfect Masterlist | Chris & Wren Masterlist
Chapter 8

Chapter 9
April 9, 2021
Rain fell heavily outside as Chris sat on the couch with Addy cuddled up to his side, her eyes focused on the TV while Scott sat a few feet away from them in a recliner. The brothers had had plans to go to the Red Sox game with friends, but the game had been postponed due to the steady rain that had been falling all day long.
Instead of going out to a bar with their friends, the brothers had opted for a movie night with Addy. They'd already feasted on pizzas from their favorite local place and were now watching Frozen. Scott had tried to convince the toddler to watch any else, but not even a bribe of a new Minnie Mouse stuffed toy could change her mind.
Just as Anna returned to the castle partially frozen, Scott's phone rang and he left the room to answer it. He returned a minute later and, by the look on his face, Chris knew something was wrong.
"Daddy will be right back, Addy," Chris told her. He got up and followed his brother out of the room.
"That was mom," Scott told him, solemnly. "Wren's dad had a heart attack early this afternoon."
"Is he ok?" Chris asked, his mind instantly going to Wren.
"No." Scott shook his head. "He passed away about an hour ago."
Chills raced down Chris's spine. Wren had always been really close with her dad. "Did Wren make it in time to say goodbye?"
"Yes, but she left the hospital right after he passed," Scott told him. "Mom called because no one knows where she went and she isn't answering her phone."
Worry flooded Chris's stomach. "Watch Addy for me?" he asked.
"Of course." Scott nodded. "Where do you think she is?"
"No idea, but I'll find her," Chris replied. Turning around, he glanced out the window that looked out to the front of the house and shook his head. "It's nasty out there. I hope she's some-"
"Wait," Scott cut him off, pointing to a figure on the other side of the street. "I think someone is out there."
Chris followed his brother's line of vision and felt his heart skip a beat when he saw the figure move. He'd recognize Wren anywhere and that was her.
Without another word to his brother, Chris ran to the front door and threw it open. He didn't stop to grab a coat or even put his shoes on, he just ran out into the rain and raced to Wren. She looked up as he neared her and he could see the heartache written on her face.
Reaching her, he folded her into his arms and held her as her body shook with tears. He could tell she had been out in the rain for a while as her wet clothes soaked his jeans and t-shirt. He knew he needed to get her inside, but he didn't want to let go of her.
"He's gone." She hiccupped, her tone sad and heartbreaking. "My dad. He's gone."
"I know," he replied, smoothing her wet hair with his hand. "I'm so sorry, Wren." He wanted to take her pain away.
"I love you, Chris," she said, after another couple minutes. "I tried to get over you, but I couldn't."
His heart skipped a beat at her declaration. He’d know she was in love with him, but hearing her say those words and knowing that they both felt more than friendly to each other made him want to burst with joy.
Knowing the time had come for him to make his own declaration, Chris moved her wet hair away from her eyes and studied her. Even with tear stains down her cheeks and the appearance of a drowned rat, she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.
“I love you, too,” he finally said.
“Really?” she asked, blinking up at him.
“Really.” A smile overtook his face. “I’m just sorry it took me an embarrassingly long time to see what was right in front of me.”
She let out a laugh and then sneezed.
"Ok, time to get you inside and warmed up," Chris told her. He lifted her with ease and made his way back to the house. He didn't see Scott when he entered the house, but he didn't look for him either as getting Wren warm and dry was his top priority.
He carried her upstairs to the bathroom in his master bedroom and set her feet on the ground.
"How did you get here?" he asked as he helped her take off the hoodie she was wearing.
"I walked," she replied through chattering teeth.
"Shit," he cursed, knowing that the hospital was a little over three miles from his house. "We need to get you warm."
Wren didn't argue as he helped her strip down to her bra and underwear, which, like the rest of her clothes, were soaking wet, but he wanted to leave her with some sense of modesty. He left her standing there as he went to the shower and turned it on, setting the temperature to lukewarm.
"Come here," he said to her. He held his hand out to her and then helped her into the shower. "Get under the spray, I'll be back in a minute."
After she did as he instructed, he left the bathroom to grab some dry clothes for her. He considered texting his mom, but figured that Scott had already informed her that Wren had shown up at the house.
Returning to the bathroom, Chris stripped his wet clothes off until he was down to his boxers. He added his clothes to the pile of Wren's before he joined her in the large shower.
He raised the water temperature a bit before he wrapped his arms around Wren and held her to him chest to chest. He could already feel the difference in her body temperature and couldn't help but smile when he felt her wrap her arms around his waist.
"I love you, Wren," he whispered. "I love you. I love you. I love you."
She sighed happily against his chest and replied with a muffled, "You have no idea how many times I've dreamed of you saying that to me."
A chuckle rumbled through his chest at her words. He reached over and turned the water temperature up a bit more.
They stayed wrapped up in each other's arms for several minutes before she let go and took a step backwards. She looked up at him and ran her hand over his bearded jaw as she smiled.
"Kiss me?"
Chris smiled as he dipped his head down. He pressed his lips against hers, chastely at first, but then slid his tongue over her lips. Her mouth parted almost immediately and the kiss deepened. It was like experiencing their first kiss again, except her lips didn’t taste like blue raspberry and it lasted for more than a second.
It took every ounce of Chris's will power to pull away when things began to heat up between them. It had taken them twenty plus years to get to this point and he wasn't about to mess things up now by letting their hormone get the best of them on the night she’d lost her dad.
"I don't have any girlie products," he told her, gesturing to the small collection of shower products. "At least in here. I think there's some Princess Sofia stuff in Addy's bathroom, though."
"I'll be fine with what you have," Wren assured him.
They took turns soaping up and washing off. He helped her with her hair, washing it just like he helped Addy with hers.
Once they were done, he got out of the shower and grabbed towels for both of them. He dried off the best he could, slipping his wet boxers off once he had the towel wrapped securely around his waist. He then left the bathroom to let her get dressed in private.
Going into his closet, he put on a dry pair of boxers before pulling on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. When he returned to the bedroom, he found Wren standing in the doorway to the bathroom. She was wearing a pair of his flannel pajama pants, that were only fitting her thanks to the drawstring, and one of his Patriots t-shirts.
"Come on," he said as he gestured to the bed. He pulled back the covers and smiled when she did the same on the other side of the bed. He climbed in and moved towards the center of the bed where she met him, a moment later.
Butterflies filled Chris's stomach as he felt Wren nestle herself against him, but the moment she laid her head against his chest, the nerves disappeared. He wrapped his arms around her and closed his eyes.
When Chris woke up the next morning, the first thing he noticed was that Wren wasn't cuddled up next to him anymore. He panicked until he heard Wren and Addy talking. Opening his eyes, he looked over and saw Wren sitting on the far edge of the bed with Addy sitting on her lap. The little girl was telling her all about their Easter celebration the week before.
"Morning, ladies," he said, rolling onto his side to face them.
"Daddy! Wren is back!" Addy exclaimed.
"I know, baby girl," Chris chuckled. "Did you miss her?"
"Uh huh," Addy nodded. "I don't want her to ever leave."
"I don't either," Chris said, his eyes meeting Wren's. "So, what do you say, Wren. Will you stay with us forever?"
"There's nowhere else I'd rather be," Wren replied. “Of course, I’ll have to finish out the school year, but Albany is only three hours away.”
Chris knew that they had a lot to work out still, but he was hopeful for their future. He smiled and leaned towards her. Wren closed the distance and he pressed his lips against hers for a quick kiss.
"Eww," Addy squealed and fell backwards onto the bed dramatically.
Chris and Wren laughed at the toddler's reaction.
"Better get used to it, Addy," Chris told his daughter as he reached over and tickled her feet. "I'm going to be kissing Wren every day for the rest of my life."
Wren giggled and leaned over to kiss Chris again.
"Does this mean I can get a doggy?" Addy asked.
Wren and Chris broke apart as laughter ripped through their bodies at the little girl's question.

Want to find me off tumblr? I'm @beccatheycallme on twitter. I also post my stories on AO3.
My tag list is always open, just let me know if you'd like to be added!
#chris evans#theycallmebecca#beccaheartschrisevans#theycallmebeccawrites#chris evans fanfic#chris evans fanfiction#chris evans fan fiction#perfectly imperfect#chris and wren#chris evans x ofc#chris evans as a dad#chris evans x original female character
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Unseen II Chapter One
(( Alright so my Love Letters fic with Yukimura went over so well that I decided to make the premise of the lords and MC exchanging love notes a series~! I was about halfway through writing the next entry, one for Masamune, when I happened upon @rubyleeray's "Addled" staring fave tsundere Yasumasa, we got to talking about being Yasu trash aaannnd a plot bunny that was gonna be a simple drabble became 7000+ words that I'm not even done writing oops. Either way though, please enjoy~! There’s only three chapters right now, with two left to go so I thought I’d go ahead and post what I had lol. ))
Tagging by request and suggestion: @ieyasu-tacogawa, @shiranata, @bulbaqueen
Chapter One II Chapter Two II Chapter Three
The letter before her was unassuming. Innocent. It was sealed with a skilled folded pattern and was blank save for her name on it in small, short strokes. As if whoever wrote it could barely be bothered to write her name at all.
The letter before her was unassuming. Innocent. It was sealed with a skilled folded pattern and was blank save for her name on it in small, short strokes. As if whoever wrote it could barely be bothered to write her name at all.
“It was there when we got here this morning.” Umeko said, shrugging simply. “We didn’t see who delivered it.”
MC frowned, turning the letter over in her hand. The possibilities of what it was made uneasiness form in the pit of her stomach. Was she in trouble? Had Lord Ieyasu finally tired of her? No, he couldn’t have. And if he did, she was sure he would be the one to tell her. The man loved to see others squirm.
“Well? Open it!” Umeko urged.
“I’d like to see what it is too.” Matsuko added, giving them a grin. “It’s so rare that letters are delivered like that. And look at the way the outside is folded. Someone put effort into it.”
“You think so…?”
The other maids looked over her shoulder excitedly, but for the briefest of moments, she hesitated before carefully unfolding the seal. The letter inside was on another piece of parchment tucked away in the carefully folded pocket. The strokes on the paper were just as short and sharp as those that wrote her name on the front. It was the words on the page that caught her off guard.
“Is that a love note?!”
“It is?! Read it aloud let me hear!”
“H-hold on.” MC said with a nervous giggle, holding the note away. She turned so she was facing them, leaning against the counter and shielding the letter from them. She read the letter again, trying to process what she was reading.
Despite the neat writing, the ink in some parts didn’t seem fresh as other parts, as if whoever wrote it did so over a matter of days or even longer. The words and strokes were short, obviously not used to writing such things. For every complement of her hair or eyes, there was a jab calling her naive or troublesome.
“But still, I guess the most important thing is that your food is good. So thank you for that at least. You’re not completely worthless.”
MC winced at the last line, and the maids exchanged worried looks with each other.
“Did he confess his feelings?” Matsuko asked.
“I...don’t know.”
“Who’s it from?”
MC blinked, looking over the paper, flipping them over in her hands. “I don’t know. No one signed it.”
“A secret admirer? How romantic!”
“We have to discern who it is soon. The new year’s festival is coming up. Imagine finding out who it is at the fireworks show!”
As the maids giggled to themselves, MC carefully folded the letter back and put it in her sleeve. “They don’t seem the festival type.”
“Do you not want to find out who it is though?” Umeko asked. “Perhaps you could write a letter back?”
“But how would she know who to give it to?” Matsuko pointed out. “No that won’t work at all.”
“Maybe we can try and see who comes and gets the letter in reply.”
“But they could simply use another to come get it.”
MC shook her head with a laugh at the two as they plotted the best way of how exactly to find the admirer. She wondered who was getting more enjoyment out of this. Still, a slight blush formed on her cheeks as she touched the letter in her sleeve. Did she dare hope the letter was sincere? She almost let herself get caught up in the moment before someone yelled for supper and they were all in a flurry of motion. It wasn’t until later that evening, when MC was carrying a tray of strawberry daifuku to Lord Ieyasu’s chambers that she let herself think about the letter again.
“It certainly sounded like something Ieyasu would say…” She muttered to herself. “But it wasn’t his handwriting, and he’s not the kind of man to trust anyone else with that. Lord Toramatsu? No he’s never been that--”
Her thoughts were interrupted as her shoulder collided with another, and she had only a moment to stumble and keep herself from dropping the plate of sweets.
“Stupid woman.” A voice hissed at her. “Do you not have any mind of your surroundings?”
MC nearly groaned the moment she heard the voice, grimacing as she came face-to-face with Lord Yasumasa’s glare. For a moment, her body went cold. He’d never liked her, though she could never fathom why. Still, he must have been in a good mood, because his glare didn’t seem as bad as usual.
“I’m sorry Lord Yasumasa. I wasn’t paying attention.” MC said hastily, giving him a bow.
“Nothing new for you…” He muttered, turning from her and striding away.
MC huffed as he disappeared down the corridor. At the very least, she knew who her secret admirer most definitely was not! The very thought of Yasumasa treating her with anything but disdain was utterly laughable.
After delivering Lord Ieyasu’s desserts and retiring to her room, she pulled the letter out of her sleeve again. Perhaps she should reply? But when she sat down to do so, her brush only made it a few strokes before she sighed and set it down again.
“It’s not as if I know who it’s for anyway…”
And so, she merely tucked the original letter away in her drawer. It wouldn’t do any good replying if she didn’t know the recipient anyway. She’d try to find who it was, and if she wasn’t able she’d simply forget about it.
A few days later, however, she had no new leads. Though resigned to forget it all, it seemed that simply was not an option.
“Another one…” MC muttered to herself as she entered the kitchen in preparation for breakfast.
It was in identical writing to the last letter. Same short strokes spelling out her name. The pattern of folding was different, but just as intricate.
“Did another letter come?” Umeko asked as MC ran her fingers over the meticulous folds.
MC tucked it into her sleeve. “It seems so.”
“From the same sender?”
“It’s the same handwriting.”
“Aren’t you going to read it?”
MC hesitated as she tuned to get breakfast started. In truth, she did want to read it but the whole thing left her with an odd sense of unease she couldn’t explain. Did it come from not knowing the sender? Or was it the words of the other letter which had her hesitating?
“Let her be.” Matsuko chided with a wink. “Matters of the heart should be handled privately anyway.”
MC smiled, grateful for that. “I’ll let you know if there are any juicy details.”
“Please do!” Umeko beamed.
She returned the smile of the two maids, but as she moved to help prepare breakfast she couldn’t fight the uneasy feeling. In fact, she couldn’t quite get into her normal groove that day at all. Her hands seemed slower, the letter feeling almost heavy in her sleeve. She was happy when the dishes for dinner was finally over and she was able to retire for the night. As she made her way back to her chambers, she brought the letter from her sleeve to examine it again. It was an odd thought that an admirer within the Tokugawa clan would be so persistent. Or perhaps it was someone in town who one of the retainers knew? She wasn’t any closer to finding out who it was, but what if this one was signed? What if he told her his identity? What if she didn’t feel the same? Or worse, what if—?
The sudden voice from the garden startled her, and she was so taken aback that the letter tumbled from her hand. Toramatsu looked at her with concern from the garden. Beside him, Yasumasa stood, looking entirely uninterested as he lowered a wooden practice sword. Had they been sparring?
“Are you alright?” Toramatsu asked. “You haven’t seemed yourself today.”
“I-I’m fine.” She stammered. “I’m just a little tired today.”
“Ah. Well get some rest tomorrow.”
“What’s this?”
MC blinked, suddenly realizing the letter was no longer in her hand. Yasumasa had stepped closer at some point, picking up the letter. MC let out a small yelp before her body moved on its own, and the next thing she knew she was snatching the letter from his hand. Her blood ran cold as she realized what she’d done, and for a long moment Yasumasa only stared at her in disbelief, a look she was sure she mirrored. What had she just done?
“You vile—!”
“I have to go!” MC blurted before his glare could be leveled on her. “I’m sorry!”
She dashed down the corridor, not stopping until she was around the corner.it was only then that she slowed to a stop, trying to catch her breath and calm her stuttering heart.
“I hope she’s alright…” Toramatsu said. “She doesn’t seem herself.”
“I don’t know why you concern yourself with her.” Yasumasa’s voice came. “Honestly, I will never understand what you nitwits see in a simpleton like that.”
For a moment, rage bubbled in MC’s chest. She could hear the sneer in Yasumasa’s voice. Practically see it before her eyes. She clutched the letter to her chest. What if Toramatsu had written it? That thought alone made her want to march up to Yasumasa and demand he stop being so cruel, but she thought better of it. The rage was gone just as quickly as it came, and she was soon making her way back to her room.
She couldn’t sleep, which wasn’t at all surprising. The moon bathed her room in soft light, and it gave her the perfect view of the ceiling as she tried to empty her head and find sleep. With a sigh, MC sat up, her eyes drifting to the still unopened letter at her bedside. Why was she so afraid of opening it anyway?
With a sigh she slid open her door, stepping out onto the veranda and settling down in the moonlight to finally read the letter.
The ink was fresher this time, obviously written all at once. But there was still reluctance in the writing. It was short and concise, as if it were hard for them to even get this out. The content, however, made her blink. It was so different from the first one. An apology was the first thing written, followed by an admittance that this was very unlike them and that this kind of thing indeed did not come easily. It was a shorter note. With a somewhat somber tone.
“I can’t say these thing out loud, so I’m sorry if I came off as cruel. You’re very pretty for someone so plain. Please give me some time, and don’t stop smiling.”
MC’s brows furrowed. Give him time? Don’t stop smiling? So it was someone she knew? This was only more confusing.
“What’s that?”
The voice behind her made her yelp, and she couldn’t help but curse herself for losing herself so much that she’s let her guard down again. She whirled around to see the curious eyes of Tadakatsu behind her, staring intently at the note in her hand.
“L-Lord Tadakatsu! I was--”
“A love note? And you haven’t written him back yet?” His tone was teasing, and he sighed almost dreamily, “Ahh your heart might be as cold as Lord Ieyasu’s!”
Tadakatsu’s cheeks turned the odd shade of pink that they always did when their lord was brought up, and MC couldn’t help but smile.
“I’m not cold. I don’t know who it is. I wouldn’t even know how to get it to him.”
Tadakatsu’s odd lovestruck mood went as soon as it came. “I can deliver it.”
MC blinked. “You know who wrote me?”
“I know the handwriting.”
Dread bubbled in her stomach. “Er...Listen Lord Tadakatsu. I appreciate it but I’m not sure you’re really my type…”
Tadakatsu laughed, a deep hearty noise she was sure might wake the castle. “It’s not me. You know my heart and body belong to Lord Ieyasu.” He sighed again, “For him to do whatever he like to!”
“R-right. Of course.” Now she felt foolish. “I only…”
He ruffled her hair, and the gesture oddly brought her comfort. “Don’t worry. I’ll get it to your secret admirer safely. Don’t feel rushed. After all, he asked you to give him time, right?”
“Right…” She smiled. “Thank you, Lord Tadakatsu.”
Writing the letter itself was not as much of a challenge as she initially expected it to be. Her mind still wandered, having no idea who she was writing to. But she knew a few things about him. For one, he wasn’t Lord Tadakatsu, which left her at ease from ruling one person out alone. He had problems expressing himself, and that could be anyone in the castle...But he seemed as if he could also be tender and sweet if given the chance. He reminded her of Lord Ieyasu even if it wasn’t his handwriting. Still, she supposed there was no need rush things. That wouldn’t be good for either of them.
“I might not know who you are, but I’ll keep smiling at everyone so I can smile at you too.”
Tadakatsu took the letter without complaint, only giving her a knowing smile as he tucked it into his sleeve. The fatigue and uneasiness she felt in her chest melted away, and she felt much more like herself. The next day, however, there was no letter waiting for her in the kitchen. Neither was there one the day after that. And by the time a week had passed, she was starting to lose hope in getting one again.
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Sidney Crosby #2
shalanos said: Could I request a Sidney Crosby imagine where he, and y/n, who works for the team, supposedly "hate" each other, and don't get along, but they both actually really like each other, and they don't confess that until they get into a huge argument, and they end up kissing? Thanks, love 💕
A/N: apologizing for the wait on requests has been my thing as of late, but hey i got to like all of them!!! so sorry but thanks for another request! i’ve been loving them :) hope you liked it!
Word Count: 2,078
“Do you ever get day off?” Geno asked you as you were going through your purse to find your lipstick that was unfortunately wearing off between each video being recorded. You chuckled at the large Russian, who’s broken English always managed to put a smile on your face, but you were quick to shake your head in response.
“I’m here just as much, if not more, than all you guys,” you stated while grabbing onto your lipstick. You used the reflection on your phone to reapply, making faces in order to get every part of your now dark pink lips.
“You should get day off,” he said with a smile.
“Tell my boss that,” you chuckled and took a seat beside him.
“I will,” he nodded. You shook your head at him and then looked around the room. This next video being recorded was including another player, NHL most loved captain and ironically you’re least favourite. Sidney was currently on his phone in the corner of the room, laughing - which for some stupid reason made your stomach flutter - at something before seeing he was being watched and saying his goodbyes.
“Sorry,” he muttered while walking around the cameras.
You took a deep breath as Sidney sat down on the other side of you. Geno made a snide comment about Sidney talking to some girl, but Sidney shot him down and said it was his mom. Regardless, he had you behind schedule now. Little do these guys know, but you had a lot more to do that sit here and look pretty. You had several jobs, not to mention since you didn’t get many days off you were hoping to get out of here early and go grocery shopping before the store closed.
“Alright, so online there’s this video going around, it’s called the best friend versus boyfriend tag,” you exclaimed - both to the camera in front of the three of you, and to the two men sitting beside you. “But obviously neither of these guys are my boyfriends, but I’d say they were pretty good friends, right?” You asked, smiling at them both.
“Yes,” Geno nodded with a smile.
You turned to Sid, catching the little snort from him before he nodded and muttered, “sure,”
It took everything inside of you to not roll your eyes at him, but instead turning back to the camera and keeping it professional. With a smile on your face, you explained the little game a little more. Basically you were going to ask pretty generic questions and the guys would have to guess what you’d answer them. Whoever got the most points won, proving they were the better best friend. And as they grabbed the white boards and felt markers that sat beside them, you had all your money on Geno.
“Alright, first question,” you paused and gave them both a smile, “what’s my favourite colour?”
You gave them a moment to write it down, Geno being first to turn his white board to face the camera and then Sidney lazily scribbled something down before turning his as well. Judging by his posture and his facial expression, he was not enjoying this already. A part of you was sort of happy to see him suffer so much from just having to do this video with you, but also a part of you was already upset with him.
“Geno, what did you write?” You questioned, peeking at his board.
“Pink,” he said out loud.
“And Sidney,” you turned to see - surprisingly, the right answer on his board.
“Red,” he shrugged.
“One point for Sidney,” you said with a - very fake - smile. Geno muttered something, in Russian, which made you genuinely chuckle now. “Don’t worry, Geno, I’m sure you’ll get on the points board soon,”
“Next question,” Sidney said, sounding eager to get on with the video. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes now, making a mental note to edit that out later.
“Alright,” you licked your lips - the main reason your lipstick was constantly wearing off - and read out the next question you had written in your notes. “What’s my dogs name?” You asked, glancing at both the boys again.
“I’m really supposed to know this?” Sidney asked, shaking his head but looking down at his white board. Geno had already written down his answer, meaning that you’ve obviously mentioned it and that Sidney should actually know it. You actually never shut up about your bulldog puppy, you were also always posting about him on your social media’s too. He’s even made it on the Penguins official Instagram page too.
“Geno,” you smiled at him.
“Duke,” he said while flipping over his white board.
Sidney rolled his eyes and shook his head again, turning his board over to show that he had written down ‘Charlie’ in big letters. You chuckled and looked up at him. He gave you a settle glare in return.
“See, Geno, already tied up,” you smiled at Sidney before turning back to look at your notes.
You went through another six questions. Geno managed to get 4-out-of-6 right, while Sidney got no more points. The questions weren’t too hard, only one made sense that the two wouldn’t know the answer - you added it more to be silly than anything else. But honestly, you weren’t surprised at the final score between the two boys sitting beside you. As you signed off, giving the camera a wave before your camera man stopped recording, Geno was relaxing beside you - Sidney, on the other hand, jumped up after the video had ended.
Honestly, you were so done with his behaviour. Geno looked up from his phone as Sidney exited the room, raising his eyebrows at his teammate’s sudden quick departure. You shook your head and stood up from your seat. Geno then turned his attention to you, eyebrows still raised as you excused yourself and walked off after Sidney.
“Sidney,” you called out after him. He stopped and turned around, looking straight at you with narrowed eyes and his lips in a thin line. The hallway was empty besides the two of you. The rest of the team would be in for practice any moment now though.
“What?” He asked, annoyance laced with the one word.
You took a deep breath and a few more steps towards him. “Look,” you began, “I am really getting tired of this,”
“Of what?” He questioned, his arms now crossed at his chest.
“This,” you pointed at him, “I like my job, I really like it actually, but when you go and disrespect me day in and day out it makes it a lot harder than it should be. I’m so tired of you shutting me down during videos or even just ignoring my presents any time I’m in the same damn room as you. Nearly every other guy on the team has put in an effort to get to know me even a little, and when I started this job I expected the captain of the team to be the first to put in some freaking effort,”
“Just because I don’t know your dogs name or that you grew up in Pittsburgh, that makes me a shitty person?” He questioned, eyebrows now drawn together in an angered look.
“No, what makes you a shitty person is that way you act around me. Take me seriously, Sid, cause I’m not just going to go away anytime soon,”
“No?” He was taunting you now.
“Not unless you be that shitty person and get me fired,” you said, putting out your daily fear between the two of you. As much as you tried to convince yourself Sidney didn’t have that power, he really did.
“You really think that little of me?” He asked.
“I really believe you’ve treated me that way, yes,”
“Wow,” he breathed out and let his arms drop to his sides now.
“Wow?” The anger had fueled up inside of you now. With your hands curled up into fists at your sides and your lips pushed together before they opened to say some more stupid things that could potentially get you fired. “This is what I’m saying! Why can’t you just talk to me normally? I’m really not that bad-”
To say you were caught off guard by what happened next would be such an understatement. Sidney took one step towards you, one hand making soft contact with your cheek while his lips made rough contact with yours. Your breath was taken away from you as Sidney’s lips touched yours. Then his other hand found your hip, suddenly making you release that one breath and move your lips against his. For a moment the two of you stood in that hallway and kissed. Your hands were no longer in fists at your sides, but instead resting on his chest while you kissed him.
“Whoa,” the sudden voice made both you and Sidney pull back from each other in a bit of shock. Sidney turned around and you peeked around him to see Bryan Rust standing there with Olli Matta. They both looked just about as shocked as you and Sidney did.
“Sorry,” Olli said and then chuckled. “Just unexpected,”
“Totally,” Bryan agreed. Then they two of them walked past you guys and into the dressing room. This was about to be the talk of the team for who knows how long now. You let out a deep breath and looked anywhere but to the man standing beside you. The one that you were shouting at one second, then making out with the next.
“Sorry,” Sidney said.
His apology took you by surprise, causing you to look right at him now. He was licking his lips, you looked down at them to see the faint dark lip tint on them, which caused you to smile. As much as you probably didn’t want to admit it, you really enjoyed kissing him.
“For, uh, for how I’ve been treating you,” Sidney said, “I just, uh, I’ve been trying to avoid... That,” he stated while motioning around your face - obviously referring to the kiss.
“I see,” you nodded while rolling your lips into your mouth. “Care to elaborate on... That?” You asked, catching how you sounded like the usual reporter you were.
Sidney chuckled, shaking his head slightly and looking down before looking back up at you through his lashes. “I’m not really sure,” he admitted. “I kind of like you,”
“Well, I kind of like you too,”
“Dating isn’t really easy for me,” he said.
“Nothing’s easy, Sid,”
“Got that right,” he chuckled. You smiled then, the realization of just how much you liked this guy was settling in. The feeling had always sort of scratched the surface, but you managed to push it back with each eye roll he gave you or arrogant remark directed to you. But after that kiss, well that changed everything.
“Sidney,” a loud voice boomed down the hallway. You both looked down to see the head coach peeking his head out of his office. He signalled for Sidney to come to him with a wave of two fingers. Sidney nodded to him but then turned back to you.
“I’ll text you,”
“You don’t even have my number,” you stated.
Sidney smiled and took a few steps backwards, “I’ll get it, trust me,”
You chuckled and shook your head at him before he sent you a wink and then turned around to walk into the room he was beckoned into. Just then a few more guys from the team walked by, giving the two of you a weird look before walking past you and into the dressing room. They’d be caught up soon enough. You leaned back against the wall and took a moment to yourself, knowing that you had to walk into the dressing room sooner or later to gather your stuff and your camera man too.
“Where Sid?” Geno smirked at you as you walked into the room. He was sitting with Rust and Latang, and had clearly been informed. You rolled your eyes and picked up your purse from where you had left it. “Should’ve kept that video idea for later, then would have been best friend versus boyfriend,”
“Ha, ha,” you said before taking out your lipstick and reapplying your lipstick yet again. You now were just hoping Sid had wiped his lips before talking to the coach.
#sid mine#sidney crosby#sidney crosby imagine#pittsburgh penguins#nhl imagines#nhl imagine#hockey imagine
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Rebound Girl, Pt. 7
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Word Count: 2.5k
Summary: When you and Jensen are done packing, he finally listens to the call on your answering machine. What you are about to hear, changes everything.
A/N1: this is the second last part to my series for @casbabydontgoineedyou‘s 1k follower challenge. I’m terribly late, I’m sorry! the last part is going to be a fluffy epilogue, coming around Monday or Tuesday
A/N2: As this series is coming to an end, I want to remind you that I am taking requests - for my first and last drabble series as well as requests in general. Also if you’d like to be tagged in other writings of mine, shoot me an ask/message. If not: thank you so much for reading guys! I never would have thought that you’d like this story that much! I love you! <3 (this counts for everyone on every tag list, of course :p)
Warnings: Anti Danneel!, language, Jensen kinda blackmailing someone (he means well tho). I guess that’s it; let me know if I missed something.
Catch up here
Jensen’s POV
YN and I had been really together now for three weeks. Basically right after the wrap on season 12 of Supernatural so we both decided that it would be nice to go on holidays. Mainly because we both wanted to get away from Danneel but also because we thought that we both deserved a little downtime. Of course Danneel hadn’t made only one day easy for us. Until I turned my phone off she texted me perpetually and asked questions about which stroller I thought would be best or which color we should paint the room and she even started suggesting baby names.
Not hearing from Danneel or anything about strollers, diapers and babies in general was… relieving somehow. Of course I was excited for all the things but when I was honest with myself the more time had passed the more suspicious I had become. She never let me come with her to the doctors and especially not when she had an appointment for sonograms. I would just simply get a picture of them afterwards with a text saying how excited she was.
One evening I told YN about it when we had dinner and even though she agreed with me that Danneel was acting strangely she tried to calm me down.
“Jensen, Dee is a sly and scheming bitch but faking a pregnancy? That’s even too much for her!”
I knew she was right but I still couldn’t shake off the bad feeling I had. It made me feel bad somehow, after all she was the woman I wanted to propose to not too long ago and actually I should be genuinely happy about becoming a father but it was Danneel. Adding up to that was the way she started to urge me to like her posts on Instagram again and she even wanted to make a post about her pregnancy.
The three of us sat together and together we could convince Danneel that she wouldn’t be posting it as long as she could hide her baby bump. The news that I was now in a relationship with my best friend was headline enough for now. I didn’t want it to be overshadowed or queried by Danneel’s pregnancy.
Today was our last day on Hawaii before we would head back to Dallas tomorrow morning. We had the most excited thing planned for Dallas. YN and I had talked about our living situations in the first week of our holidays and we both agreed on not wanting to have a long distance relationship. So we’d sort through her things and decide which things to pack for Vancouver and which things we’d take to Austin to my place.
The first call she had made was to her boss. She explained the situation briefly to her and then asked if it was possible for her to work from home as this was the easiest way for her to work from Vancouver and Austin. Of course her boss wasn’t very pleased but promised to initiate everything.
“You know,” YN started, turning her head to look at me, “I can’t believe I’m actually moving in with you.”
I laughed. “It’s pretty cool, huh?” That it simultaneously scared the shit out of us was something we didn’t like to mention, especially as we both had expressed our fears about that before. But somehow it felt as if there always were only to possibilities for us: rush things or fail. And none of us really knew what could go wrong, after all we had lived together back in our college times before and there were no other people out there that knew us better than we knew each other.
She nodded and then her cheeks blushed a bit. “I thought that, you know, once everything is settled – in Austin and Vancouver – we should totally christen all of our rooms then.” A cheeky smile spread on her face.
I smiled and turned on my sunbed so we were facing each other, grabbing her by her waist so I could pull her closer to me. “Is that so?” I whispered against her lips.
“Yes”, she giggled and then playfully slapped me on my shoulder. “And now, you pervert, I wanna go swimming.” She gave me one last kiss before she got up and went to the pool.
We arrived at lunchtime back at YN’s house in Dallas and we were both equally excited to pack her things. YN had insisted on keeping her house because “just in case” but it meant that we only needed to box her clothes and most important belongings but nevertheless it took us longer than expected mostly because it was so hard to resist her when she was wearing the shortest shorts she owned. I knew she only did that to tease me but she knew it worked perfectly. So between packing, her showing me a few of her favourite lingerie and the one or other quickie it had taken us five hours to pack six years of living in that house into boxes.
“Huh, unbelievable”, YN said and let herself fall down onto her couch. “I really had six great years here…” Her voice trailed off, probably reliving the greatest memories she had experienced here.
Plunging down next to her I saw that her answering machine was blinking. I nodded towards it and asked why she hadn’t listened to the message yet.
She shrugged. “It was blinking already when I came home after… after you know what. I figured it was you and then we went to Hawaii. Wait… It wasn’t you?”
I shook my head. “Want me to get it?” YN nodded.
Clearing my throat I got up and pressed the button. The voice of a very jittery Gen filled the room.
“YN? Shit, you need to call me back as soon as possible. Please you can’t believe Danneel one word about her pregnancy. We went to the movies last… it doesn’t matter. I overheard a call where she said it was all fake and her way to get Jens-“ She was cut off by the automatic ending of her answering machine but the way this sentence was supposed to end was crystal clear.
When I looked at YN her face was pale and shock was written all over her face. I had been right all along.
Reader’s POV
You were more than shocked. When Jensen had told you about his suspicion you were offhand about it. Sure, Danneel was a scheming bitch but you honestly thought that she at least had some decency. But obviously she’d stoop to anything to get her way.
Jensen stood still next to your telephone, shock also clearly evident on his face. This would change everything. You almost had broken up with him because of her pregnancy. You would have given up on your future with Jensen for a fucking fake pregnancy.
“Did you… Did you hear what I heard?” Jensen asked carefully.
You nodded, somehow as if you were in trance. This seemed even more surreal than Danneel announcing her pregnancy did. But now everything made sense. Why she was more focused on you than on Jensen the night she told you, why Jensen couldn’t accompany her to her sonograms… It was all just to force herself back into Jensen’s life.
From one moment to another your emotions changed from shock to anger. This stupid bitch. Who did she think she was? How could someone possibly be so hungry for fame and attention that she would do anything to get back to her ex-boyfriend, her only chance for her to become said things just because she was a shallow actress who had probably more botox in her face than others had in their whole body. Not to mention her obvious shitty character. She deserved nothing and especially not Jensen’s pure heart.
“Are you al-alright?” You asked. It surely had to be even harder for him than for you.
“I – uhm… I don’t know.”
Jensen came over to the couch. The ease from only a few minutes ago was gone, instead there was a weird tension now. He hid his face in his hands.
“You know”, he started, his face still in his hands, “I knew there was something off but I… I thought –“
“You wanted to be a dad”, you ended his sentence and he nodded.
“It wouldn’t have been ideal –“
Again you cut him off. “Jensen, you don’t need to justify yourself. I’d never judge you. She’s the only person I’m judging. Maybe it’s no comfort but in a few years… you and me?”
He finally looked up and smiled. “Hey, no, this is not what I meant. We have all the time in the world and, hell, this is how things should have been right from the start. You and me and in a few years we’re gonna have kids – if you want to, of course.”
His eyes were so soft and his smile honest, it made you smile as well. “I know we’re still speaking hypothetically but I’d love to be the mother of your children.” You cleared your throat. “But at first I wanna kick that bitch’s ass.”
“Yeah, I wanna do that as well”, Jensen laughed.
Half an hour later you were in the car on your way to Austin. You’d arrive in the evening where you actually just wanted to unpack the boxes in Jensen’s new house but that didn’t matter quite as much as it did this morning. You wanted to punch her in her face. Jensen had called her before you left and said that you’d come for a quick check-up on her before you’d bring your stuff to Jensen’s place. Little did she know that you’d brush her botox-smile out of her face.
The car drive could have been happier but nevertheless you and Jensen sang along to various songs and you were surprised when he rapped along to Eminem without getting one word wrong. This was something you didn’t know about him and it made you smile that were things you could still surprise each other with.
You were lucky and didn’t get in any severe traffic jams which allowed you to pull up in Danneel’s driveway around 10 pm. The both of you were tired but your anger flooded your body with just enough adrenaline to take this conversation on and not too much so it stopped you from punching her in her shiny, botoxed face when she opened the door.
“Jensen”, she smiled, or maybe you should say grimaced, and hugged him. You felt him stiffening next to you. “I’m so glad you could make it.”
Jensen only shot her a short smile. “Yeah, actually we are pretty tired so if we could just talk for a second that would be nice, Danneel.”
She nodded and opened the door a bit further so you and Jensen could come in. She ignored you but somehow you didn’t expect anything else. You were nothing but a disturbing factor to her. You wondered how she planned on getting rid of you. If she considered murder you wouldn’t be too surprised, if you were honest with yourself.
You and Jensen sat down on the large couch. Nothing looked like it used to back then when it was still their shared home. She changed everything, from the curtains to the light switches, even.
Danneel sat down opposite of you, her legs crossed and her look expectant. “So, what do you wanna talk about?”
“How did you do it?” Jensen asked, his voice calmer than usual to hide all his anger.
Danneel cocked her eyebrows and laughed nervously. “How did I do what?”
“Faked your fucking pregnancy!” You yelled. Unlike Jensen you couldn’t keep warm. “I would have given up everything with Jensen. I almost would have let you win, you fucking bitch. How dare you to play such a charade? I thought you were at your lowest when you wanted Jensen to marry you so people would finally remember your existence but this? This is a new level of pathetic, even for you, Elta!”
Mid-rant you had jumped up, getting dangerously close to her. Your fists were balled and in your head you were already slapping the shit out of her but the last piece of conscious – and Jensen grabbing you by your waist – held you back.
“Don’t. She ain’t even worth the spit!” He guided you back towards the couch, practically forcing you to sit on his lap so he could control you, have a hold on you. “Calm down”, he then whispered in your ear, placing a chaste kiss behind it.
Danneel laughed. “What do you want me to say? Or do you even want me to apologize? I just wanted what is due to me. And honestly, Jensen, we could have had a perfect life. I mean, did I really ask for too much? And as for you, little lap dog, who are you even? You have nothing to offer and Jensen will realize that sooner or later. My fake pregnancy would have just quickened it a bit.” She shrugged.
“Thank you”, Jensen said and applauded shortly. His voice was smooth, almost admiringly.You had been so agitated that you hadn’t realized that Jensen had his phone in one of his hands that were wrapped around you. And neither had Danneel.
Jensen turned his phone around so that she could see the screen which replayed her confession. Her face went as white as a ghost and her mouth fell open. “You didn’t…”, she whispered.
“Yes, I did, Danneel. I didn’t want to but you gave me no other choice. And sometimes you can only win by beating somebody at their own game. Believe me, I will not hesitate to upload that video if you don’t stay away from us and refuse to ever say anything about me or YN publicly. Got it?”
Danneel only nodded. She still couldn’t believe we – or rather Jensen – played her like that. And you were proud of Jensen. Blackmailing her wasn’t the best solution but it was like Jensen said. Sometimes you had to beat them at their own game.
“Good, then we’re done here.”
You got up from Jensen’s lap and passed Danneel, giving her a pitiful look. Jensen didn’t even look at her when he left the room.
Outside you wrapped your arms around his neck. “You were kind of hot in there, threatening her.”
He laughed and placed his hands on your hips. “I hope, though, you will never have to see me like that again.” Then he kissed you. It was a passionate and inappropriately long kiss considering the fact that you stood in front of Danneel’s front door but neither of you cared.
When Jensen broke the kiss to catch his breath he chuckled. “You know, if we had only once turned our phones on we could have known it all along. Jared and Gen left me at least a hundred messages.”
You chuckled as well. Somehow it was really kind of funny. By shutting the world off you had made it harder instead of easier on yourselves. But for now that didn’t matter anymore because it was over and that meant that you and Jensen could start living your life together, start working on a future together and that was all that mattered.
Tag List
Rebound Girl
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Before the World Stops Turning: Pt. 5
Yay! Look at me being a good fanfic writer and actually sticking to what I said in my previous chapter update about posting another chapter within a reasonable time frame! Are you proud of me? Because I’m REALLY proud of me! :)
This is the other short chapter I mentioned was going to be posted (less than 1500 words at my last count), but I promise that the next chapters will be substantially longer. Okay, that’s enough of my ramblings for now, so it’d probably be best that we just get on with it, yeah?
If you’d like to be added/removed from my tags list for this fic or my Forever Tag list, don’t hesitate to let me know!
Everything I’ve written can be found right here!
I hope you enjoy this chapter! (As always, additional notes and random commentary I have will be at the end beneath the tags…This author’s note is also quite long and sort of all over the place, so yet again, you are under no obligation to read it and/or read all of it...I promise I will not be offended lol)
It had only been a few days since Rae reached out to Kings and Queens on their band’s social media page to purchase their tickets and as she sat on the floor of Izzie’s bedroom beside her mate on Sunday evening, she was currently trying to find a way out of the arranged meet-up.
“Are you positive you can’t pick up the tickets tomorrow on my behalf, Izz?”
“I already told you, Rae, I’m stuck in class all day trying to prep for my final exams.”
“I’m sure missing one day couldn’t hurt…” Rae mumbled under her breath, but she knew that Izzie’s mind wouldn’t be changed.
“Oh, Rae-Rae! You’re just getting worked up over nothing! You yourself have told me time and time again how nice all the members of the band have been and how sweet they are when they interact with fans online…”
“Fine, I suppose you’re right, Izzie…But I don’t even know where we’re meeting yet! Or who I’m meeting, as a matter of fact, because they never fucking told me who I was talking to!”
Rae threw her arms up in the air in exasperation, causing Izzie to chuckle at her mate’s flair for the dramatic, before she tilted her head back to rest on the edge of Izzie’s bed while staring up at the ceiling.
“So text him and ask! Whoever runs their social media account gave you their number for a reason, so you might as well put it to good use,” Izzie said as she grabbed Rae’s cellphone off of her desk and handed it to her, ”personally I think that you’ve been chatting with Archie, since he’s the one who typically talks about the logistics of these shows and posts all the details on his personal account before it’s posted on the band page, but you’ll never know unless you ask or agree to meet up with them…”
“I guess…” Rae replied with a huff as she unlocked her cellphone and began drafting a text message to send.
Rae: Hey there! This is Rae Earl. I made arrangements to meet up with you tomorrow afternoon and pick up the tickets to your show that I purchased. Which café on campus were you thinking of meeting at?
“Okay, Izzie…are you happy? The message has been sent and now we just have to keep waiting until we get a respon—“
(New Message): Hiya Rae! :D It’s great to finally hear from you about this.
(New Message): I was beginning to think you may have forgotten our plans to meet up :(
(New Message): Do you know where Charlie’s Café is?
Rae: Oh, sorry about that. I got pretty busy this past week, but I can assure you that I have not forgotten! :) Yes, I know where that is!
(New Message): Great! Let’s meet there then, if that’s alright with you?
Rae: Sure, sounds good to me! I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?
(New Message): Of course, love! It’s a date ;)
“Oh…uhm…okay?” Rae said to herself as she placed her cell phone on the carpet next to her outstretched legs.
“What happened, Rae? Did you get the details for your meet up all sorted?”
“Yeah, we did. We’re gonna meet at Charlie’s on campus…but look at how they ended the conversation after we confirmed the plans for tomorrow…”
Izzie leaned over to look at Rae’s phone screen and her eyes widened slightly as she read the final text sent to Rae.
“Aw! It looks like my Rae-Rae has a little coffee date with one of her many admirers tomorrow afternoon! That’s my girl!” Izzie said with a cheeky smirk as she bumped Rae’s arm with her shoulder.
“Ugh, seriously, Izz? You’re hopeless…” Rae replied with an eye roll but her annoyed façade was soon betrayed by the uncontrollable grin that spread across her face as she shook her head at her best mate.
“Oh whatever! You know you love me, Rae!” Izzie replied as she rested her head on Rae’s shoulder lightly.
Rae had to go to work early the next morning, but shortly before noon her boss came up to Rae and offered her the chance to leave work early today, since all the necessary tasks that had to be done had been finished hours ago.
Naturally, Rae jumped at the chance since days when they finished work earlier than expected were few and far between, and she drove back to her apartment thankful for the extra time she now had to prepare for her meet-up later that day.
“Fucking hell! You know what, Izzie? I’m not going…”
“What do you mean you’re not going? You can’t just cancel at the last minute like this!” Izzie chided, shaking her head disapprovingly at her best mate through the screen of her cell phone during their video call early Monday afternoon.
“But of course I can! I’ll just tell them that something came up…”
“Rae, I know that you’re not sure what to expect, but it’s going to be fine. Now hurry up and get dressed before you end up being late, because that would be very rude!”
“Okay, mum, I’m getting dressed now,” Rae joked as she set her cellphone down on her bed before walking toward the open door of her closet to pick out what she was going to wear.
“Izzie, what exactly does someone wear to something like this?”
“Well, since it’s just an afternoon coffee date, I’d say something cute but still casual…maybe a simple dress,” Izzie suggested.
“It’s not a date!” Rae groaned as she continued rummaging through her closet for something to wear.
“Are you sure, Rae-Rae? Because that’s not what the last text they sent you last night implied…”
“Oh, shut up, Izz…I know you have to get to class pretty soon, so I’ll go ahead and let you go now.”
“Okay, that sounds good to me, Rae. Be sure to tell them I say thank you and let me know how much I owe you for the ticket!”
“Okay, I will!”
“And I expect to hear all the details of your coffee date with a cute band member! Talk to you later, babes! Bye…” Izzie said with a smile as she ended the video call on her phone.
Ugh…It’s not a fucking date…
Well, it’s probably not a date.
I suppose there’s no harm in looking nice even if this is definitely not a date…
Rae spent the next few minutes scouring her closet for the right thing to wear before ultimately deciding to wear a casual navy blue wrap dress with a pastel floral pattern that landed just above her knee.
Once she finished putting on a little mascara and lipstick to complete her look without looking like she was trying too hard, Rae brushed through her long, wavy hair one last time to make sure that her hair did not look like as much of a mess as she was feeling.
Content with her choice of outfit once she slipped on her dark gray sneakers, Rae gave herself a final once over in her full-length mirror and rushed out of her apartment to where her car was parked before driving to her Uni campus.
The drive to campus seemed to be taking much longer than it normally did and Rae could not seem to find any music on the radio that helped calm her nerves and pass the time; however, she soon found herself walking into Charlie’s Café and taking a seat at a vacant table on the far side of the café to wait for the guy she was supposed to be meeting.
Relax, Rae! You’re here five minutes earlier than you had agreed to meet to pick up the tickets…
He will surely be here soon, just give him a few more minutes.
Rae pulled her cellphone from her purse where she had placed it on the chair beside her and began scrolling through social media to help ease her nerves, but as she sat and waited, time began to drag on and each passing second felt like an eternity.
@eveerez @tinakegg @hey1tskat1e @lurkernolonger @milllott @nutinanutshell @i-dream-of-emus @milymargot @vivammfd @bitchesbecrazy89 @arathewallflower@mallyallyandra @kneekeyta
A/N: As if Rae wasn’t already bricking it about having to meet up with one of the band members to pick up the tickets, they had to go and refer to their meet up as a “date” and cause her to stress even more! Is it a date? Is it NOT a date?
Poor Rae doesn’t even know who she’s supposed to be meeting becasue our little Finnley didn’t even think to introduce himself or tell her who she was going to be meeting (she’s going to be in for quite the surprise, don’t you think? lol)
The next chapter(s) are what we have been leading up to...Rae and Finn are going to finally meet properly...this is going to be a lot of fun, I think! :D
So I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before, but this is one of two side blogs that I have and then I have my main blog as well. Since this is a side blog, that means I can’t follow any of you/reply/like posts from this account :/
I created this side blog about a year ago to post all my MMFD-related content and I wanted some sense of anonymity, especially once I started posting my own writing here. In all honesty, I don’t really feel the need for that anonymity anymore. Obviously I will still have my other blogs separate from this one and I’ll keep posting all my MMFD stuff here, but I feel like maybe I should let you all get to know me for me, you know? (I mean…I’m fairly certain that unless you’ve messaged me privately, my last post in the Author’s Notes was the first time I ever used my name in a post…maybe? I could be wrong though…)
But yeah…most likely none of you know what I look like or where I’m from or anything about me unless you’ve picked up on it from what I write/how I write or I’ve mentioned something specific about me.
So I think I’ll leave it up to you all…do you want to know more about me? Do you want to get to know me better? Do you have any dire, pressing questions to ask me, Finn-Nelson-for-the-win aka “Sarah”?
Or do you like this interesting intrigue and mystery of me remaining more or less anonymous?
Feel free to let me know what you think or how you’d feel in my situation and who knows…this might just be my chance to revamp and update this blog to show a bit more of who I am, since this blog is nearing or just past it’s 1st Anniversary! ;) Until next time...Stay awesome, my friends! :)
#finn-nelson-for-the-win#My writing#Before the World Stops Turning#part 5#the concert series#mmfd#mmfd fanfic#my mad fat diary#my mad fat diary fanfiction
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