#sorry this is so badly explained
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briz-z · 6 months ago
does anyone have a link to the fanart of nico, percy and jason being like angels of gods or something then like nico falls from grace 😭 idk how to describe it but i really wanna see it again having read hoo
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scealaiscoite · 5 months ago
⋆˚࿔ outfit combination prompts 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
➴ pick from as many or as few of the below categories as you like, and let the story lead you where it wants.
choose 5 and 23 for a frantic, bloodied chase through the woods that end in a tumble after a clunky boot catches on a tree root.
1, 15 and 33 could see a gruff white-collar type dragged from their comfortable solitude at a bar by a passing bachelorette party to join the fun.
or maybe 4 and 16 sees your mc throwing open the doors to a&e, not having even wasted time in changing out of their pjs, arriving just in time to see their loved one wheeled out of sight in a hospital gown as ashen as their bloodless face.
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༊*👕🧥👚·˚ a top
¹⁾ a crisp white button-up
²⁾ an old, faded band shirt
³⁾ a patterned bikini top
⁴⁾ a paper hospital gown
⁵⁾ a blood-splattered undershirt
⁶⁾ a beaten leather jacket
⁷⁾ a warm, loosely-buttoned flannel
⁸⁾ a delicate, embroidered lace bralette
⁹⁾ a plush, expensive hotel bathrobe
¹⁰⁾ a stolen hoodie
༊*👖🩲🩳·˚ a pair of pants
¹¹⁾ blue swim shorts
¹²⁾ ripped jeans
¹³⁾ baggy sweatpants
¹⁴⁾ a glittery miniskirt
¹⁵⁾ pressed suit pants
¹⁶⁾ cartoon-patterned pyjama pants
¹⁷⁾ basketball shorts in bright team colours
¹⁸⁾ faded cargo pants
¹⁹⁾ loose boxer shorts
²⁰⁾ a draped sarong
༊*🥾👟👠·˚ some shoes
²¹⁾ bare feet
²²⁾ soft, plush slippers
²³⁾ dust-caked hiking boots
²⁴⁾ weathered sneakers
²⁵⁾ tall high heels
²⁶⁾ cheap plastic flip flops
²⁷⁾ combat boots with one missing lace
²⁸⁾ soft house slippers
²⁹⁾ tough steel-toe safety shoes
³⁰⁾ new running shoes
༊*·💍👜🌂˚ an accessory
³¹⁾ a pair of sunglasses with one cracked lens
³²⁾ a lacquered string of rosary beads
³³⁾ a costume-shop feather boa
³⁴⁾ a straining tote bag
³⁶⁾ a motorcycle helmet
³⁷⁾ an oddly heavy duffel bag
³⁸⁾ a souvenir baseball cap
³⁹⁾ an overflowing plastic grocery bag
⁴⁰⁾ a wedding ring (or, the absence of one)
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mothmanavenue · 3 months ago
can i confess something else that will absolutely get me stoned in the town square since im dropping my unpopular opinions. I don’t like altean broadsword Lance. i already disliked red paladin Lance. the broadsword was like rubbing salt in the wound. why couldn’t he have his own niche. why was his character development just making him keith. i understand that it was like “he accepts that he doesn’t have to be a leader and excels as a co-leader and you can find happiness that way yada yada yada”. but you could’ve done that without making him keith. also now give him something unique, cool, that falls in line with his sniper bit. i’m not saying just give him another gun, im saying give him something quiet and lethal. like a garotte. yeah i want garotte lance.
i yap a lot more in my notes by the way if you were interested in other unpopular opinions. don’t send me hate messages or comments i won’t read it and will block viciously i also will not be debating this this is my hill to die on <3
#voltron#if you wanna hate on me uh maybe don’t#i just also think everyone’s writing was lazy except allura’s by the end#i don’t go into RP/BP klance posts and hate on them so don’t come into my space i’m warning you im liberal with the block button#that’s my OPINIOOONNNNNN#voltron legendary defender#moths unpopular opinions#i hate red paladin lance and black paladin keith im not sorry#i also dislike the idea that the black paladin has a designated right hand man (figuratively)#that feels unfair in a way i can’t explain#to me#black paladin is someone that creates harmony in the group#not necessarily is the Ultimate Most Important dude#but the guy that can listen to all the noise and filter it out and come up with reasonable ideas and facilitate discussion#and make well informed snap decisions to guide the team#i don’t think there’s space for a right hand#moth speaks#lance mcclain#and i hate that shiro got side lined because they shot themselves in the foy#foot#anyways having a lion swap betrays the fundamentals of voltron we were introduced to#you can’t introduce a hard magic system and then say no thanks#like oh ok i guess it doesn’t matter if the lion chooses the paladin whatever#which by the way is my biggest issue with season one#i think it was structured badly and having allura designate lions from the get go also betrayed the principle#which you could argue for the lion swap using that argument but lance is really the only one who was without a doubt chosen by his lion#so#no#anyways#thanks for listening to me yap
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teamdarkdaily · 4 months ago
expect the next few dailies to be quick and simple!
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ribbononline · 2 years ago
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Oh yeah! Since I have no clue if/when I'm ever finishing these and I've had them laying around for forever by now- here's the adult IT metaverse outfits I've made! They're all based on their ultimate personas and the concept of heros! Since these were made for an aged up p4 cast, these aren't quite what I'd put their during p4 time selves in- some changing more then others- but if you wanna follow me into design details, that'll all be under the cut!
First off to get em out of the way- Teddie is very largely the same as his p4 time metaverse outfit I made for him back here . The design is still meant to be inspired by magical girls, but the biggest change is that while the old one was meant to look like a magical girl protagonists outfit, this one I tried to lean a bit more into the older/more experienced cast member of the magical girl group type design. Overall a pretty minor change (and I will admit, largely because I'm still incredibly happy with that old design) but it felt fitting!
Chie and Yukiko were, as always when I work on them, designed to match. Their masks specifically mirror eachother with the opposites sides sticking out, and they both have a golden dragon pattern on their clothes as a reference to the twin dragons move! Chie was... honestly one where I had to sacrifice my goals a bit. Like mentioned before, these were meant specifically for an aged up cast. And while p4 era Chie I would absolutely imagine in a kung fu Chung-Li type outfit, we know what a more mature version of her action hero dreams look like; the police! And I.... really did not want to put her in a cop outfit, Ill be real. Instead I just tried focusing on making the outfit look more mature. Also tried to combine a practical and strong look with a more feminine aesthetic, since she struggles pretty badly with her femininity in p4 and I like to think she'd grow more comfortable with her own brand of it over time!
Yukiko is perhaps one of the most drastic one for changes compared to her younger self- if you asked me to design a p4 era outfit for her, it would look nothing like this, hah. Anyways, she's definitely inspired by onna-musha! Compared to Tomoe who was a full on commander of an army going out there, for Yukiko the idea was more the women taking up arms to protect their home when the battle comes their way. Fully having embraced the role she has as the next owner of the Amagi Inn and the responsibility and want to protect it, it's meant to be somewhat of an outing of that!
Fun fact: She has two color schemes! Because uhh I did not know what to go for at all. Her ultimate persona is like a single solid color and I kind of panicked and just ended up winging the colorscheme. One is more red since, y'know, thats her color! The other is more white gold to match her actual persona better. Included at the end of this post for the curious
Rise was based on a greek goddess- though not any particular one, moreso how they're commonly depicteed in art and old statues. Pretty, holy, someone you'd go to for advice and help (someone just out of reach from the general public) It just felt like a good combination of something she'd like to be seen as and percieved as as well. She gets two outfits- for scan and fight mode! Kouzeon has no canon fight mode, thats just for Himiko, but man it exists in my heart. The transistion between the two is literally just her throwing off the long overskirt, hah.
How does her mask work? Excellent question. The p5 idea of having it there when vibing but gone when the persona is out feels a little awkward when her persona's whole thing is putting a visor over her face. Quite frankly I have no idea. Sorry folks. Have all concept sketches for the outfits I've done as compensation with a bonus Noot in there that I never continued on and finished.
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delta-piscium · 6 months ago
time and time again i’ve been proven wrong yet i continue to live under the false assumption that everyone shares my same references and time and time again i have suffered for it (casually mentioned miku binder thomas jefferson to my brother, then in depth explained miku binder thomas jefferson to my brother)
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blu3cl0v3rs · 1 year ago
Badly explained Ninjago Seasons
First up, Pilots and Season 1
Pilots: The Devil kidnaps Spiky's younger sister, Meow, and the guy gets taken in by Gandalf, the devil's brother, who teaches him how to make mini tornadoes. Gandalf then introduces Coal, a jaywalker, and an ice cube maker. For convenience, we'll call the jaywalker Bluejay, and the ice cube maker Freezy.
Spiky, Coal, Bluejay, and Freezy steal some gold super-powered weapons made by god. Meow gets freed by Spiky, and Gandalf goes to hell to fight the devil with one of the golden weapons. Spiky, Coal, Bluejay, and Freezy teleport using dragons, and the devil kills a skele by tricking it to hold all of the gold weapons, which kills anyone that holds all four. The skele turns into a multi-dimensional portal, and the devil goes through. Spiky, Coal, Bluejay, and Freezy become "the Ninja".
Season 1: The devil's emo son, who we will call Trauma Child, tries to take over a village, but "the Ninja" stops him, so he trips down a hole and controls the king of the bloo sneks. Spiky accidentally steals from Gandalf and finds a prophecy about the Green Ninja. Trauma Child gets kicked out by the bloo sneks and then the reb sneks, and the reb and bloo sneks team up, so Trauma Child releases porple snek. Porple snek ate all the other porple sneks, and sacrificed Trauma Child to his uncle, Gandalf. Big Fighter Mech enters the ring.
Porple Snek then decides he's gonna revive big snek who wants to om nom the entire world, and forces all of the bloo, reb, gren, and bleck sneks to gather some special knives that can free big snek. Trauma Child gets kidnapped by the sneks. Gandalf leaves to find the devil.
Freezy is actually a robot, Bluejay starts dating Meow and temporarily becomes a snake, and Coal has daddy issues and comes out as gay to his father. All three have magical girl moments. Spiky is jealous. Meow is Big Fighter Mech.
Gandalf and the devil are back to save Trauma Child, and Spiky is delusional and tries to fight the devil, thinking it'll give him his magical girl transformation. Gandalf, the devil, Big Fighter Mech, and "The Ninja" jump the sneks and Spiky saves Trauma Child from getting roasted in a volcano, which triggers his magical girl transformation. Trauma Child is the Green Ninja. Porple snek frees big snek, and he and Gandalf get eaten by big snek. "The Ninja" ties big snek into a city-wide knot, and the devil smacks it on the head with the gold weapons, then runs away. Gandalf lives, and "The Ninja" celebrate.
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kowwpow · 6 months ago
I’m gonna be out most of the day bc I’ll be helping my dad with a big shopping trip plus being out after, so I’m going to be super duper exhausted
I don’t do well in crowded or loud places in the slightest, I get woozy and tired and I feel miserable or like I’m gonna pass out, and if the shopping isn’t gonna make me wanna cry, the outing after will bc it’s gonna be packed with lots of noise and people
I don’t say this because I want to complain, I just wanna give a super quick warning that I might not be active tomorrow as well as today bc when I get exhausted, my mental health tends to decline as well ;-;
so- a bit of a warning that I may poof a bit (sorry! 😣)
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unknownunseenunheard · 3 months ago
Crylo Ren's backstory as presented in the sequels becomes stupider the more you think about it
Kylo: Uncle Luke foresaw that I'd kill all the other students and fall, and I found him looming over me while I was sleeping
Rey: Oh my god, what did you do?
Kylo: I brought a tiny shack down on his head then slaughtered all the other students
Rey, to Luke: How could you make him do this?
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skeletood · 2 years ago
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pekoeboo · 6 months ago
ugh. some thoughts.
really been trying to find the joy in drawing/writing again and honestly it's been such a challenge. friends have told me it's most likely depression that's making it hard to feel motivated and tbh they're probably right.
hoping to get back into being creative in the way I Want to be at some point tho. I miss it. there's still so much with my stories and characters that I haven't been able to share or explain and I wish I knew how without it feeling like this daunting, impossible task.
I don't know when I'll get around to actually sharing art again (or writing, if ever). was hoping that I'd manage to get some of my mental and physical issues in check recently for just long enough to get back into the swing of being creative, but that hasn't seemed to work. everything feels bad, both artistically and physically. I'm struggling to keep up with the frantic pace at which my brain comes up with story concepts and intriguing character interactions, even tho everything in me wishes I could turn it into tangible artistic expression so I can get it out of my head and share it. it used to be easy. I don't know why it's not now.
I'm just . tired, I guess.
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aardvaark · 11 months ago
thinking about parker leverage & alice in wonderland themes. her alice white alias. the white rabbit job. her alice bands (the type of headband) and alice-like dresses that she wears for various grifts. using her alice white alias even once it’s supposed to have been burned, even a decade later in leverage: redemption. how she’s "so glad [she doesn’t] live in the real world".
idk exactly what to say about it, except that the recurring alice in wonderland theme fits her. she has always been just on the outside of the "real world" - the everyday lives of people who have legal jobs and conform to societal norms. and the real world is wonderland to her, just as much as the way she walks through reality seems to be a journey through the looking glass to other people. the real world often seems nonsensical, unjust, overly complicated to her - and that’s a pretty accurate & valid view of the world tbh. in alice in wonderland, a lot of the odd behaviours of the characters are a satirised depiction of victorian society, and i think parker’s often strange & funny perception of the world can be a bit of a parody of our world too. and if the "real world" is her wonderland, then the leverage team is the world that alice comes from - still not perfectly easily understanding of her, still a little confusing to her, but certainly a relief and safe haven from wonderland. the place she’s happy to wake up to at the end of a troubling dream, the place with people who love her.
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seaofadventure · 1 year ago
as someone who's been thinking ab garp for over a year the OPLA is such a moment of vindication fr like?? first off, incredible casting, but also just the whole.        how duties as a marine conflicts with morals but that it’s worth following your own code of justice        and his love and fear for his family that stems a lot from having Some kind of relationship with Roger      like?? Was genuinely surprised when they outright said that Garp wanted Luffy to stop because he reminded him so much of Roger but like Yeah and just—
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portuguesedisaster · 7 months ago
I need a nap.
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sparfloxacin · 8 months ago
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pois0ncandy · 1 year ago
this time of year i’m reminded of you everywhere. i miss you more than anything.
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