#sorry stewart you didnt make it
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bowserphobia · 10 months ago
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EDIT: Added some close up shots, thought it might behoove me to zoom in a little.
Here's that big thing I've been working on! This is for the Paper Mario Zine, organized by @dooplissss, which you can download here!!! It's pay-what-you-want, proceeds go to Doctors Without Borders.
I had already been working on something like this for a while and I'm really proud of myself for finishing this on time. I had fun the entire time I was working on this and I learned a lot.
I do have four more (smaller) pieces in this zine, which I won't post until after the game comes out, so if you wanna see them early, go download this thang.
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thegeminisage · 1 year ago
readers i am so thrilled to report that tng this evening absolutely ATE. i thought tng was bad but as it turns out tng is good sometimes??? we did "a matter of honor" and "the measure of a man" which are proof of fucking concept: tng CAN BE GOOD!!!
a matter of honor: this is the first time i've been really, really fond of riker. his go-with-the-flow attitude is fantastic. yeah i'll wear the slut costume on the woman planet. sure i'll eat these worms to please the klingons. absolutely i will fuck two of their women at once. good for him. i get it now. I GET IT NOW. he is not only down to fuck is is down to do any and everything. when it rome. so true, buddy. he would've eaten those worms in the conspiracy episode fr
i was just noting how pleased i was that wesley only basically had secondary lines this season ("aye sir" and the like) when they called him to the transport room, but luckily it was just to be racist to that one guy...like, it was stupid, but obviously they were just explaining why they were re-using the prosthetic which turned it around into being funny
picard turning his nose up at the klingon food. WHAT A LIMP NOODLE OF A MAN. IF RIKER CAN EAT IT YOU CAN EAT IT. kirk would've eaten it. don't worry i'm only ragging on picard for this episode he's gonna get his time
whatever worf and riker had going on in this episode was gay. ok gayboys!
riker on the klingon ship...chefs kiss...he was so good. effortlessly parrying the challenge to his authority. conniving to become captain. the word phrase "who's your daddy now" may have been uttered by one or both parties during these scenes, among incredulous laughter. i can't believe he had it in him.
oh and HOW can we forget the klingon women. i actually forgive them for not only the threesome joke but also the breastfeeding joke because they were: fucking hilarious, actually, and felt more like they were punching down at riker instead of women. also i now 100% believe he is prepared to fuck his way through any given spaceship at any time and GOOD for him.
the measure of a man: FINALLY SOME GOOD FUCKING FOOD
still flying high on the endorphins of riker doing All Of That we got to view the poker game, which is apparently the first of many. it was wonderful. i loved data's little visor
episode started to drag when picard's lawyer ex turned up (toscore) bc i dont (didnt?) care about him or his love life, but when maddox showed up i was on high fucking alert bc i knew the name but couldnt remember why
LISTENNN every time he called data an it i gasped. i did call him a bitch several times in a row sorry to catherine. i knew obviously that data was going to be fine but i went on this ENTIRE journey
where do i even start. data resigning rather than submitting to the procedure, his goodbye party, his goodbye to geordi specifically AND THEY SHOULD HAVE HUGGED, augh augh augh
i think it was dumb to make will be the prosecuter if he wasn't going to more actively convey his regret to the audience. all of his goodwill from the klingon ship episode was used up sooo quickly especially when he used data's off button. data doesn't like that!!!!!
i did LOVE however the conversation picard had with guinan...which is bonkers bc apparently it was a last minute addition. but her like oh yeah they're gonna make more datas. entire generations of disposable people and his lightbulb going on OH YOU MEAN SLAVERY and she's like no thats a little harsh and hes like ACTUALLY NO IT ISN'T. it was so good. for the first time tng excelled at something that tos doesn't - like it wasn't too on the nose or pointed the way grand speeches in tos were. it was JUST subtle enough and coming from a black woman who is on tng because of the black woman in tos legitimized it in a way that it couldn't have been as much if, say, picard had come to it on his own. david cage WISHES
PICARD'S EXAMINATION OF MADDOX AND SPEECH IN THE COURTROOM. DID YOU GUYS KNOW HE COULD ACT? hey. did anyone know patrick stewart can act??? he was so fucking pissed off this whole episode and it was kind of nice but like did you guys KNOW he could ACT. when he got in maddox's fucking face about it. GO the fuck OFF i have been waiting and WAITING for him to do this
i loved data's packing things coming back, esp his hologram of tasha yar...she literally took his virginity lol i miss you queen
"does data have a soul? i don't know. i don't know that i have" I LOVE WHEN STAR TREK IS ATHEIST
data forgiving maddox in a sense at the end and maddox switching to calling him he...EYE certainly don't forgive maddox but his shock was so good. realizing something you thought was an inanimate object was like, alive.
also i really like that he forgave riker...i was so relieved they had a scene at the end together and so moved that data could find compassion for him after everything he did that EYE forgave riker...data is genuinely the most loving soul wtf i'd fucking die for him. anyway that made me well up a little bit. what a great episode 10/10 this is gonna be my first "must see" i think
ok! next i do "the dauphin" on my own and then tomorrow we do "the contagion" together
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the-gay-loser · 10 months ago
This Story Took Me Three Years!
May 10 1779 Wednesday 
The rolling hills around Jockey Hollow are green with patches of wildflowers. Yesterday after our lessons, the girls and I put away our journals then dashed out of the hut. Robert came, too. We ran through fields, over a creek, and up a slope. We just felt like running! When we reached headquarters, we heard commotion coming along the road. Horsemen and soldiers were cheering “Lafayette!” came the shouts. “Huzzah!” “Huzzah!” We each jumped upon a tree stump, hoping to see we only got a quick glimpse of his face and his red hair when he waved at us
May 11 1779 Thursday 
Today I went to headquarters, when I got in Ms. Washington was cooking “good morning Abby! How about you eat with us today, we have a new guest!”
I knew who she meant and I was happy to meet him again. After breakfast Lafayette introduced himself “i don't think we properly introduced i am Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier the Marquis de Lafayette it is a pleasure to meet you” “ same here my name is Abigail Jane Stewart” then we heard Washington say “Marquis where did you go i need your opinion on this battle strategy” Lafayette bowed at me “i hope to see you again Miss Stewart au revoir” i must say he is quite a kind man and i hope to see him again to  
May 19 1779 Wednesday 
I went to headquarters again today because i had to drop off a letter to Mrs Washington i was secretly hoping to see Lafayette when i got in there the generals were all eating Mrs Washington was sitting next to her husband when i looked around I didn’t see Lafayette  Oney came up to me and asked “can i help you dear” “oh…uh I have this letter for Mrs Washington” “i will take it dear” i walked back to the tents  puzzled: why wasn’t lafayette there, did he leave already? 
May 20 1779 Thursday
I came to headquarters again cause Mrs Washington invited me for tea,
Mrs Knox was waiting “hello Abby come in and sit Mrs Washington will be here soon” upstairs I heard horrible coughing. I must have had a confused look cause Mrs Knox said “poor thing, hopefully he’ll get better soon” “who?” “Lafayette, poor thing caught a terrible fever been coughing and wheezing all day and yesterday to” that's why I didn’t see him yesterday he didnt leave he’s sick “ahh Abby you're here, sorry to disappoint you but we might have to cancel this meeting i don't know if Mrs Knox already told you but Lafayette has a terrible fever poor thing and worst of all he feels bad i keep telling him it's fine but he won’t stop saying sorry” i left feeling sorry for him  
May 23 1779 Sunday 
I told mama she said “we should bring him something” we spend all day trying to convince the soldiers to go steal eggs flour milk and butter from farmers so we could make butter bread Sally and Mazie stole one mama wasn’t to happy she might of thrown a wooden spoon at sally once or twice
May 24 1779 Monday
Today i went to headquarters, to give the biscuits to Lafayette Mrs Washington let me go up to see him cause she said he should be asleep I walked upstairs and entered the room I walked over and but the basket on the table bye his bed I turned and couldn’t stop string he looked so adorable with his fever flushed cheeks and his long hair falling down his face I couldn’t help but tuck the loose hair behind his ear he moaned and his eyes flickered open he opened his mouth to speak but a coughing fit hit him he groaned and shut his eyes again I told him he not speak or it would drain his energy further he moaned again and grabbed my hand squeezing it I sighed he was delirious I set a wet washcloth on his forehead and headed downstairs i said my quick goodbyes and left 
May 30 1779 Friday 
Ok if i don’t write this down I’ll explode with joy, so it was a regular day I was doing laundry with mama and Mrs Lulu while Sally and Mazie played i was about to hang something when i heard horse hoofs i was pretty sure it was the general he always does check-in’s on the soldiers but the hooves stopped at our tent then I heard mama “thank you and you feel better” i knew who it was i almost yelled Lafayette was at our tent a major general at our tent i walked over pretending i didnt know he was here “oh hello again” i said, he smiled but this time he seemed really happy “do you feel better?” I asked of course he said “yes, thank you for that bread it was heavenly” 
I felt myself blushing. I couldn’t stop. He smiled, of course Sally asked “can i pet your horse” either he has kids at home or he doesn’t want to be rude “but of course” he said then this spiraled into a tornado of questions “what is it like in France? Do you have a family? Are you married? Do you have kids? Do you have more pets? Do you know Mr and Mrs Washington?” He answered all of them which I thought was humanly impossible. But it answers my questions here are the answers 
What is it like in France: well it's nothing like America 
Do you have a family: sadly my mom and dad died before i was 13
Are you married: yes 
Do you have kids: yes 
Do you have more pets: yes lots more but all of them are back in France 
Do you know Mr and Mrs Washington: Yes Mr. Washington is my commanding officer, and Mrs. Washington helped take care of me when i was sick 
Then he bowed and rode off i was starstruck he was kind with my mom and answered all of the questions my sister asked and let her and Mazie pet his horse he didn’t even care that Mrs Lulu and Mazie are black, but i knew that him and Mr. Washington are really close and wanna something cool diary he had both pants pulled up so i could see a musket ball scar i wanted to ask but i knew it was rude my candle is Burning out goodnight diary
June 1779 Monday
Me and sally walked over to headquarters today and wow it's hot i was sweating like crazy, before i go in i rub my forehead with my dress, everyone was drinking wine and cheering Lafayette was sitting with Mr. Washington i could see Washington laughing while Lafayette smiled suddenly Oney popped up next to me “there sweet aren’t they lafayette is one of the only generals that make him laugh” i looked back she was looking at me i didn't know what to say but luckily Sally saved me “Abby we have to go back to the camp” before i left i waved to lafayette he waved back i didn't know that was gonna happen Washington looked over at me and smiled that was the first time i saw him smile at me. 
June 10 1779 Wednesday 
Today lafayette wrote to me and asked if i wanted to come to headquarters cause his was “bored out of my mind” i came over but before i could go inside i heard this “Miss Stewart over here” i didn't consider that we would walk around jockey hollow together but it was nice we talked about our family’s and our life’s it got late and he walked me back to camp kissing my hand before he left 
June 11 1779 Thursday
Today i came by just for fun, when i came everyone looked sad Lafayette had his head in hands Mrs. Washington was patting him on the back she asked me to grab a handkerchief for Lafayette i did and he picked up his head his eyes where red and his face was pale he was trying to catch his breath Mrs. Washington nodded to the kitchen and we both walked over there “what going on?” “Lafayette’s oldest daughter Henriette passed away a year ago poor thing had just got the letter” as i was walking back i thought to myself:
1: lafayette was on a boat for 2 months  and then hiked through snow
2: he got a terrible cold
3:  and know he just lost his oldest daughter 
Can things get any worse for him?
July 12 1779 Tuesday
I went over to check on Lafayette only to find he wasn’t at headquarters I walked around trying to find him until I finally saw a figure sleeping against a tree I walked over and sure enough it was lafayette he was sound asleep against a giant oak tree I got a little nervous when i saw that he was a slight bit more pale but i walked over to him and shook him a bit he startled and then opened his eyes he say me and instantly shot up like a bullet “Miss Stewart to what do i owe the pleasure I smiled and told him I was looking for him he smiled and sat back down we talked for awhile sometimes he would pause a swallow down what i expected to be a sob I told he didn't have to hid it he instantly let multiple teardrops fall from his face and all i did was wrap my arms around him and pull him into a tight hug 
July 13 1779 Wednesday 
My fathers division is now under command of Lafayette finally more time to see a dear friend. He is based in a brick house a few miles away. Sally and Mazie have been doing stick races on the frozen lake 
January 1 1779 Thursday 
Lafayette has been riding back and forth from Washington’s camp and whenever he returns he looks stressed. I haven’t been able to see him a lot but he smiles whenever he sees me.
January 21779 Friday
Oh diary i am writing while crying tis why there are wet spots on these pages I can’t write about it know
July 16 1780 Saturday 
Ok, diary time to write about last night.
As I said in my entirety on Thursday Lafayette rides back and forth from Washington’s camp to his, well yesterday he went out again. I heard a rumor about him having a violent headache but he looked fine when he left. Well after an hour of him gone people started to worry so we sent a scout to go see if he was ok so when he comes back asking for a wagon we all yell “Mrs. Washington is coming with friends” but i didn't cause the man looked concerned well when he came back and no one was in the wagon we all put our heads down Mrs.Washington Wasn’t coming but then the man called for a doctor we all panicked looking for anyone well sally and Mazie found one sleeping they shook him awake no one knew  who it could be but i think i knew and it hit me like a bullet to the heart when i saw reddish hair it was lafayette he passed out on his ride there and when the scout saw him and no horse he panicked that why he wanted blankets and a wagon the doctor got over and first checked his palm for a heart beat lucky he told everyone his heart was beating but very faintly he was shivering and looked horrid the doctor asked Capitan Sherman Locks to help carry lafayette in side to the hearth where he could warm up next the doctor asked for an assistant and picked me when i got in i was assigned to put a hot rag on his head. for a job that sounded so simple it pulled on your heart strings he would moan and shut his eyes tight and squeeze my hand which made me know he was still living which was a good sign but when he was squeezing and his hand loosened i panicked i called for the doctor but he didn’t hear me i got so stressed i fainted when i awoke i was on a chair someone must’ve put me there but when i saw lafayette rubbing his head my world lit up he was alive when i stood he said “ahh your awake”
“How are you?” I asked “good, but my head feels like it was hit by a carriage” I laughed and he joined me then From the other room “Miss Stewart, is he awake?” “Yes, sir he is” the doctor walked over a put his hand on Lafayette’s head “ow” said lafayette The man shook his head “General Lafayette, I am afraid you might be dying” tears poured down me face i shook my head and ran out I don't know what Lafayette said but I bet he was as scared and sad as me
January 17 1778 Sunday
I told Mama,Sally,Miss Lulu,and Mazie every single one of them started to cry the word spread fast people started to pray and some started to make a coffin i couldn’t  make my body move i was so upset all of a sudden I started to feel scared really scared like i lost all the protection i had gained i realized that i was scared because being around lafayette made me feel safe.
January 18 1778 Monday
I got a letter from headquarters today i asked around i was the only one to get it i lit a candle outside and opened the letter: “Dear Adrienne” oh no it was for his wife but i really wanted to read it so I copied the letter in this diary and then sealed it and told myself to sneak to the mail pile in headquarters here diary but lets keep this our little secret 
Dear Adrienne, this hard to write as my hand trembles at the mere thought of it but i have came down with a fever and when the doctor examined me he said i might be dying although i may have committed many errors and pushed your heart to its limits 
I don't want you to grief for i do not believe this doctor and i will live until i am back with you adieu my dear adieu oh diary i wish i had a husband like that
January 19 1778 Tuesday 
Well today was a sad day. It was the day of goodbyes and farewells. I was last in line when  It was my time the man said “I can’t let you pass, General Lafayette needs his rest.” Then we heard from the other room “Know Jacob, does that seem fair?” It was Mr. Washington.  Washington walked over and leaning heavily on his shoulder was…Lafayette Oh i was so happy to see him he did not look any better but oh diary how his face lit up when he saw me “Miss Stewart it is a true pleasure to see you again” Mr. Washington said “same here sir” he nodded then after i prayed for Lafayette and wished him heath I went back to camp when I got back I asked mama “why didn’t Lafayette talk to me?” She answered and both of them i didn't like
1: “well either he was sad and grieving and just disappeared into himself i did that when David died”
2: “ he's too sick to talk and his in need of very serious care and help”
January 20 1778 Wednesday 
Today was a weird day, the doctor told me to come over and care for Lafayette, cause the he had to go see more patients, so I went over expecting to find him sleeping or resting, but instead he was at a desk, piles of letters around him he seemed fine so i sat down on a chair at the dining table. Then I heard a moan and walked over to find him head in hands and grimacing. I walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder as he lurched away. I stood in shock for a second and then gently spoke into his ear “hey…let's get you up into bed” he nodded and i helped him up the stairs once I finally had him in bed I went back downstairs to continue cleaning 
January 21 1778 Thursday
I came over today and he was sleeping I started to cook and then called to him “Lafayette, i made some soup do you want some” when i got no answer i went over and found him eyes shut and breathing heavily, i panicked the first thing that popped in my head was to go get my mom, i ran as fast as i could my mom dropped her spoon and ran with me first thing she did before we went was she told one of the volunteers to go get the doctor, when we got in my mom walked over and picked up his head and felt his forehead before the doctor came in, when the doctor came in he said the heavy breathing was because his body was fighting pain i took a deep breath at least he wasn’t losing breath, when the doctor left after waking lafayette up and helping him walk upstairs the doctor asked if i could stay for a while i asked him why he said he might die any minute at the word i burst into tears my mother walked over “my daughter will not see the man who she is friends with die” the word die was said to many times for my brain to count i started to lose count my legs go all nub and i fell to my knees head in hands and cried why him why my mom helped me outside and to our campsite Mazie and Sally were playing and when Sally saw my tears she ran up to me and hugged me i hugged her back she was a good sister 
January 30 1780 Wednesday
I have had a weird few days, well a weird hour because almost an hour ago I was asked to see take care of Lafayette (he didn't die yet) when I got inside I went up to his room where was staring at the ceiling “how are you?” I asked he just moaned “who made you mister depressed” he chuckled at that but it caused him to start wheezing i sat him up so he could breathe better “Merci Beaucoup Miss Stewart” I couldn’t stop crying he looked at me puzzled “what’s wrong?” “I’m scared for you” I couldn’t hold my self back anymore “Your one of my best friends and I honestly care about you and you don’t deserve to die like this, your wife needs you, your kid needs you…America needs you. He looked me in the eyes and smilied “trust me Miss. Stewart I will fight to my last breath” he held open his arms and I jumped into them and hugged him then I heard quiet snores I laughed he fell asleep in my arms. I let go and tucked him in and kissed his forehead “I have no doubt” and I walked out of his room feeling like my old self.
February 2 1780 Saturday 
I was sitting by the fire when an officer came over and handed me a letter. Curious and confused, I opened it. It read: Hello Miss. Stewart, I am sorry to contact you on such short notice but Lafayette has developed a horrible fever and if we don’t get his temperature down he might die. I know that this is on such short notice but I need you to come back to Fish Kill. He keeps asking for you and is refusing help from anyone else. Yours Truly Martha Washington (P.S If you accept this offer I will have a carriage sent for you personally.) Lafayette was asking for me, the poor girl who made food and cleaned the soldiers' old smelly clothes. There was no hesitation. I wrote back immediately . Dear Mrs. Washington, I would be honored to come back to Fish Kill and help Lafayette. To be honest I have become quite attached to the young french man thinking of him as my brother. I would be delighted if I could help in anyway I could. Is it true he is asking for me specifically. Sincerely Abigail Stewart.   The next day I got a letter back from Mrs. Washington. Thank you so much Mrs. Stewart!  I will have a carriage sent right away and yes, he has been asking for you specifically.
February 10, 1780 Sunday
A carriage arrived the very next day to escort me back to Fishkill. As I sat inside, the wheels rattling over the uneven terrain, my heart pounded with a mixture of fear and determination. Lafayette needed me, and I was determined to do whatever I could to help him.
Upon arriving at Fishkill, I was greeted by Mrs. Washington herself, her face etched with worry. Without wasting a moment, she led me inside the grand estate, where Lafayette lay feverish and weak.
Entering Lafayette's room, I was struck by the sight of him lying in bed, his face flushed with fever and his breathing labored. Mrs. Washington explained that despite their best efforts, they had been unable to bring down his temperature.
Taking a deep breath, I approached Lafayette's bedside, my hands trembling with apprehension. He stirred at the sound of my footsteps, his eyes fluttering open to meet mine.
"Abby..." he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.
I took his hand in mine, feeling the heat radiating from his fevered skin. "I'm here, Lafayette," I said softly, willing my voice to remain steady despite the fear that threatened to overwhelm me.
For hours, I sat by Lafayette's side, bathing his fevered brow and offering words of comfort as he drifted in and out of consciousness. Despite his weakened state, his spirit remained unbroken, his determination to fight evident in the steely resolve that flickered in his eyes.
As the hours stretched into days, Lafayette's condition began to improve, thanks to the tireless care and attention of Mrs. Washington and the skilled physicians who tended to him. His fever gradually subsided, and color returned to his cheeks, a welcome sign of his strengthening resolve.
Throughout it all, I remained by Lafayette's side, offering whatever support I could. In those quiet moments by his bedside, I came to realize the depth of the bond that had formed between us—a bond forged in the crucible of adversity and strengthened by shared moments of fear and courage.
And as Lafayette finally emerged from the shadow of illness, his spirit renewed and his strength restored, I knew that our journey was far from over. Together, we would face whatever challenges lay ahead, drawing strength from each other and the unbreakable bond that bound us together.
February 15, 1780 Friday
As the days passed, Lafayette's strength continued to return, much to the relief of everyone at Fishkill. With each passing day, his fever subsided further, and his appetite slowly returned. The once pale and weakened Lafayette began to regain his color and vitality, a testament to his resilience and determination.
I remained by Lafayette's side, offering companionship and support as he recovered. We would spend hours talking about everything from our hopes and dreams to the challenges we had faced during the war. Lafayette's spirit was indomitable, his optimism contagious, and in his presence, I found solace and strength.
Despite the hardship he had endured, Lafayette remained steadfast in his commitment to the cause of liberty. His passion for freedom burned bright within him, a guiding light that inspired all who knew him.
As Lafayette grew stronger, he expressed his gratitude for my presence and unwavering support during his illness. He thanked me for being there for him when he needed it most, and I could see the sincerity in his eyes.
In those quiet moments together, I came to cherish the bond that had formed between us—a bond forged in the crucible of adversity and strengthened by our shared experiences. Lafayette had become more than just a friend; he was like family to me, and I was grateful for the opportunity to stand by his side.
And as Lafayette continued on the path to recovery, I knew that our friendship would endure long after the war had ended. For in the midst of darkness, we had found light, and in each other, we had found the strength to persevere. Together, we would face whatever challenges the future held, knowing that as long as we stood united, nothing could break our bond.
February 25, 1780 Monday
As Lafayette's recovery progressed, a sense of normalcy began to return to Fishkill. The tension that had gripped the estate during Lafayette's illness slowly dissipated, replaced by a renewed sense of hope and optimism.
Lafayette's presence was like a beacon of light, lifting the spirits of all who crossed his path. His laughter echoed through the halls, his infectious energy infusing the estate with newfound vitality.
Despite his recent brush with death, Lafayette remained as determined as ever to continue the fight for liberty. He spoke passionately about the future of America, his vision of a nation united by freedom and equality inspiring all who listened.
I found myself drawn to Lafayette's unwavering optimism and boundless enthusiasm. In his company, I felt a sense of purpose and belonging, as if I were part of something greater than myself.
As the days turned into weeks, Lafayette and I grew closer, our friendship deepening with each passing moment. We shared laughter and tears, dreams and fears, finding comfort in each other's presence.
And as spring approached, casting its golden glow over the rolling hills of Fishkill, I knew that a new chapter was beginning—one filled with promise and possibility.
For Lafayette and I, the journey was far from over. But with courage in our hearts and hope in our souls, we faced the future together, ready to embrace whatever adventures lay ahead.
And as we stood side by side, gazing out at the horizon, I knew that no matter what challenges may come our way, as long as we had each other, we could overcome anything. 
March 3rd, 1780 Saturday
A shadow hangs over the estate—a shadow casted by the specter of illness that once again gripped Lafayette.
It began with a slight cough, barely noticeable at first, but soon it grew into a persistent wheeze that wracked Lafayette's frail frame. Despite his best efforts to conceal his suffering, it was clear to all who knew him that something was terribly wrong.
As the days passed, Lafayette's condition deteriorated rapidly. His once vibrant energy waned, replaced by a pallor that spoke of deep-seated sickness. His cough grew more violent, each rasping breath a painful reminder of the frailty of human life.
Despite the best efforts of the physicians at Fishkill, Lafayette's fever raged unabated, burning like a wildfire within him. His strength waned with each passing day, his spirit dimming like a candle in the wind.
I remained by Lafayette's side, offering whatever comfort and support I could, but it pained me to see him suffer so. His once bright eyes now dulled with pain, his voice reduced to a mere whisper as he struggled to draw breath.
In those quiet moments by his bedside, I prayed for a miracle—a glimmer of hope to pierce the darkness that threatened to consume us. And miraculously, it came.
Despite the dire prognosis, Lafayette's condition began to improve. His fever broke, and color returned to his cheeks as his strength slowly returned. It was a testament to his resilience and determination, a testament to the indomitable spirit that had carried him through so many trials before.
As Lafayette's health improved, so too did the mood at Fishkill. The once somber atmosphere gave way to a sense of cautious optimism, as we dared to hope for a brighter future.
And though Lafayette's recovery would be slow and arduous, we knew that with time and care, he would emerge from this ordeal stronger than ever before.
As I sat by Lafayette's side, watching over him as he slept, I felt a profound sense of gratitude wash over me. Gratitude for his resilience, for his courage, and for the unwavering friendship that had sustained us through the darkest of days.
And as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting its golden rays over the peaceful landscape, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as we faced them together, there was nothing we couldn't overcome. For in the bonds of friendship and the resilience of the human spirit, we found the strength to endure, one day at a time.
April 20, 1780 Saturday
Despite the budding beauty of the season, a sense of tension hung heavy in the air—a tension born of the ever-present threat of danger that lurked just beyond the horizon.
One fateful day, Lafayette embarked on a reconnaissance mission to gather crucial intelligence on enemy movements. His departure filled us with a sense of unease, for we knew all too well the perils that awaited him on the battlefield.
Days turned into weeks, and still, there was no word from Lafayette. Each passing day brought with it a sense of mounting dread, as we waited anxiously for news of his fate.
Then, one stormy night, a rider arrived at Fishkill, bearing grave tidings. Lafayette had been gravely injured in battle, his condition critical. Without hesitation, we rallied to his side, determined to do whatever it took to save him.
As we journeyed to the battlefield, the sounds of cannons and muskets grew louder, a cacophony of chaos that served as a grim reminder of the horrors of war. But amidst the chaos, there was a glimmer of hope—a hope that Lafayette would emerge from this ordeal alive and well.
Finally, we reached the battlefield, where Lafayette lay wounded amidst the carnage of war. His face was pale, his breathing shallow, but his spirit remained unbroken. With trembling hands, we carried him to safety, praying for his swift recovery.
Back at Fishkill, we tended to Lafayette's injuries with the utmost care, each of us doing our part to ease his suffering. But as the days passed, it became increasingly clear that his injuries were more severe than we had initially feared.
Lafayette had sustained multiple gunshot wounds, each one more serious than the last. His condition was critical, his very life hanging in the balance as we fought tirelessly to keep him alive.
Despite the pain, Lafayette remained resolute, his determination to overcome his injuries serving as a source of inspiration to us all. But as the days stretched into weeks, his strength began to wane, his once bright spirit dimming like a flickering flame.
And yet, even in his darkest hour, Lafayette refused to give up hope. With each passing day, he fought bravely against the odds, his unwavering courage a testament to the indomitable human spirit.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Lafayette's condition began to stabilize. Though the road to recovery would be long and arduous, there was a glimmer of hope on the horizon—a hope that Lafayette would emerge from this ordeal stronger than ever before.
And as we watched him slowly regain his strength, we knew that though the scars of battle would always remain, they served as a reminder of Lafayette's bravery and sacrifice in the fight for freedom.
As spring gave way to summer, the war continued to rage on, but with Lafayette by our side once more, we faced the challenges ahead with renewed determination. And though the road ahead would be long and fraught with peril, we knew that as long as we stood together, there was nothing we couldn't overcome.
August 10, 1780 Sunday
With the arrival of fall, a sense of rejuvenation swept through Fishkill, breathing new life into the estate and its inhabitants. The once barren trees began to bud, and vibrant wildflowers dotted the landscape, painting the hillsides with splashes of color.
Lafayette, now fully recovered from his illness, seemed to embody the spirit of renewal that permeated the air. His energy was boundless, his enthusiasm infectious, and everywhere he went, he brought with him a sense of hope and optimism.
As the days grew longer and warmer, Lafayette took to exploring the surrounding countryside, eager to immerse himself in the beauty of nature. He would often invite me to accompany him on his walks, and together we would wander through meadows and forests, lost in conversation and laughter.
During these moments of tranquility, Lafayette would share stories of his homeland, regaling me with tales of France and his family. I found myself captivated by his words, transported to a world far removed from the chaos of war.
But amidst the beauty of spring, reminders of the ongoing struggle for independence were never far away. News from the front lines brought both triumph and tragedy, as the tide of battle ebbed and flowed across the countryside.
Yet, even in the face of adversity, Lafayette remained steadfast in his commitment to the cause. His unwavering resolve served as a beacon of hope for all who fought alongside him, a reminder that victory was within reach if they remained united in their pursuit of freedom.
And as we stood together beneath the clear blue skies of spring, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as we faced them together, there was nothing we couldn't overcome. For in the bonds of friendship and the promise of a brighter tomorrow, we found the strength to endure, one day at a time.
March 28th, 1780 Saturday
Even with spring now blooming into full splendor, the war raged on, its echoes reaching even the tranquil sanctuary of Fishkill. The distant thunder of cannons served as a constant reminder of the sacrifices being made on the battlefield, a reminder of the price of freedom.
But amidst the chaos and uncertainty, there was a sense of unity and purpose that bound us together. Lafayette's presence at Fishkill served as a beacon of hope, his unwavering dedication to the cause inspiring us all to persevere in the face of adversity.
Together, we worked tirelessly to support the troops, providing aid and comfort to those in need. From sewing uniforms to tending to the wounded, each of us played our part in the fight for liberty, fueled by the belief that a better future awaited us on the other side of the struggle.
And as the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, a sense of anticipation began to build. Rumors of impending victory spread like wildfire, igniting a spark of hope in the hearts of all who longed for peace.
Then, one fateful day, news arrived that the war had come to an end. The long-awaited moment had finally arrived—the dream of independence had become a reality.
Amidst the jubilation and celebrations that swept across the land, Lafayette stood tall, a symbol of resilience and determination. His unwavering commitment to the cause had helped pave the way for victory, and his legacy would forever be enshrined in the annals of history.
As the sun set on the battlefield, casting its golden rays over the hallowed ground, I stood beside Lafayette, gazing out at the horizon. In that moment, amidst the quiet beauty of the evening, I knew that a new chapter was beginning—a chapter filled with promise, possibility, and the enduring hope of a brighter tomorrow.
And as we looked towards the future, hand in hand, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as we faced them together, there was nothing we couldn't overcome. For in the bonds of friendship and the triumph of the human spirit, we found the strength to build a better world—one step at a time.
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joleneghoul · 2 years ago
Hey I followed to see that DC Disability public essay, so I’m new to this blog. It had me wondering what was your journey of discovering DC and it’s characters and what are your favorite comics, stories and characters?
Hi! Welcome and I'm sorry this blog is kinda my "put everything i think of" train of thought blog. But it's also my only blog lol! Thank you for being interested in the Essay. It's not near done as I'm still taking responses but we will get there. Rest is under cut because i accidentally rambled on.
As far as my journey with DC comics I feel like Dc has just been a part of my life forever- I've grown up in this world where caped stories are pop culture and everywhere and when i was growing up like EVERY cartoon about heroes was about the dc ones (brave and the bold, batman the animated series, justice league)
Actually my first memory I can recall is seeing an episode of justice league on the tv and seeing john stewart green lantern.
Though I wouldnt of called myself a fan really back then because my special interests for most of my life started with Sonic and then Transformers. But in my opinion the base of both of those universes and stories is the same as caped comics so it makes sense I eventually got into them fully.
I don't think I've told the story about how I started actually reading the comics but basically I was homeless at 17 and thats when my love for these comics started. I started reading old batman comics because around then I had met my boyfriend whos special interest was batman so that was my way of both distracting myself and bonding with him.
BUT through batman comics I got introduced to Blue Beetle and Booster Gold and I instantly shifted to reading the Blue beetle comics (sorry to booster i didnt read vol 1 until maybe a year later) specifically the 1986 solo about Ted Kord.
Like I mentioned I was homeless at the time and I hadn't even been diagnosed yet with any of my illnesses I had been suffering from for 5+ years at that time. But within those comics there are two very special stories that cemented my love for these comics and its.
1. Ted has an issue where he goes around the streets of Chicago at night because someone is killing homeless people. In other stories i'd read heroes would maybe briefly talk to the homeless if at all. But instead of that Ted the entire comic sits down with people and speaks to them and gets their stories. I remember reading it and feeling "oh, this is a hero who would actually care to sit down on the sidewalk with me. This is special".
2. There is another story in this run where Ted basically defends the life of this kid who ran away from home and has no immune system and sets out a way to help him. Not the best but I was relating to the kid at the time.
I ended up carrying around an issue relating to Ted in my backpack for most of that time just because it was special to me. Anyways its pretty much history from there I ended up getting into Booster Gold and other heroes as I looked further into these stories and learned more about teams and etc. But Ted Kord will always be special to me, especially since he also has a chronic condition.
As my condition progressed this became one of my outlets for expression and it still is. Through reading I found that a lot more of these heroes were disabled than I had previously thought because NOBODY talked about it. I remember at first not knowing Booster had lost an arm because it just wasn't something I saw mentioned (though back then like. Nobody was posting abt him or ted hardly. you'd be surprised it was like they had a lull in popularity for a bit which makes sense they were not in comics) so I kinda have made it so I talk about these things so they are in peoples minds more. At least a bit.
As far as my Favorite comics go I have to say my favorite comic is Justice Leagues Quarterly 10, but you'd probably want to know the JLI roster before reading it if you dont. JLQ has very fun collections of stories. I try to recc blue beetle 1986 to people too just because it's special to me same for booster gold 1986.
Speaking of essays, here is one I wrote about Booster Gold and his relationship with disability.
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almalvo · 2 years ago
STAR TREK: DISCOVERY | S1E7 "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad"
[I will react to each episode individually and in full, raw reception and then post as is unrevised here onto my tumblr for the full span of every and all NuTrek episodes and series that have been and will be released. If this falls under your field of interest - I welcome your company in joining me. Enjoy the ride.] -------
man the intro just continues to remind me fucking ingenius the Star Trek introduction was period. Love it. forever. and always. wonder when we will see these scenes play out when we will see that big plant tentacle monster from the intro or when we will see the two hands touch etc
things are flowing so fast rn in burnham's evaluative speech at the start of this episode. even though not much has happened. and no offence but, i do not think shes earned this kind of audience? because theres like. still hardly much to like nor connect with these characters? imo. idk. idk if its just me, maybe it is. but i definitely dont really have much investment in any characters yet. actually, the one character i resonated MOST with was mega-sized space waterbear, no cap. (oh mossie i miss you i hope we can see you again) trek party lol. ok ill say this one thing DISCO has a lot of filming inconsistencies between shots. like, lets say burnham's hands will be up holding her face. but then next shot, her hands are down at her seat. then switch back and her hands are back up. that sort of thing. happens a lot all the time. stamets. happy drunk. lovey dovey. cute. ash and burnham? idk. every time lorca says saru, i just catch myself thinkning "sulu" cute mega-organisms gormagander wow. space whale sounds. amazing. is it prego. … who ANDORIAN?/ IS THAT AN ANDORIAN OML ITS HELMET SO CUTE oh nevermind its scarier. MUDD. but yes that is an andorian helmet wow so cute give me one. stella.
MUDD is so vengeful. what interesting implications for TOS. DUDE WTF the end of DISCO. man a time plot huh ok lets see how this goes a remix of stayin' alive runners said left. let me guess. burnham will later predict them coming from behind her. and then be like "huh. why did i already know this" there is something off about the delivery of these lines from so many of the actors lorca's actor feels pretty grounded same as saru which is good. something feels so weird with the line delivery. idk if it sthe actors or if its the way the filming is that just makes it feel less effective acting?? idk i think its cuz theres a lot of organic quality missing in a lot of the actors getting a decent amount of screentime? i dont want to sound rude ofc i just feel something is off yeah. man. a time jumping Mudd. now THAT'S terrifying. Poor stewart. he didnt deserve to get thrown. "went his own way"? u sure you didnt kill him. Mudd's actor is also pretty grounded. the lines roll off well and not awkwardly. Nice Stamets. this is too fast. Muidd gets shot in the back and then Stamets has a comedic line delivery that seriously needed a pause or soemthing, but we switch imediately to ending the scene and returning after what felt like a commercial break or seomthing.
yeah the pacing of the show is just RUSHING so much like WHY. it just eats up so much of any weight this show couldve had in even its smallest things. i know i sound so critical but its built up a lot and its already the 7th episode into the 1st season. Stamets actor feels pretty good too but i think its just awkward screenplay and awkward lines and weirdo af pacing/film style that ruin things. they need to let this show BREATHE more. it s such a shame they didnt. maybe not the best director. also too many zooms. the show feels so experimental, but i dont know if necessarily in a good way. i sound so pickky but bro im saying what im seeing,. ok sorry this just now, stamets talking to burnham when he says hes the one "missing from mudd's timeloop" is actually pretty bad. bad editing super inconsistent between shots and why are there like a billion camera cuts? we dont need THIS many angles to talk about one single conversational exchange no offence. this scene was pretty bad. weird screenplay, weird delivery, bad editing stamets even sounded like there was a shot with his mic off i could hear the environmental reverb why is this happening. with such a beautiful visual and constume budget such as this. also yes. that is A GORN IN LORCA'S OFFICE. oh my god that means maybe the gorn from SNW DO look humanoid fully matured. ugh cant wait to see what that means. mudd is so merciless. man lorca died like a bug so many times. wtf. why is stamets out of focus- WHAT. WHAT IS THAT. THE FUCK WAS THAT im sorry no this wasnt funny cuz it was supposed to be funny in that way im sorry but just now
when stamets tells burnham that "shes never been in love" at the party in the time loop, she says in the WEIRDEST most… sry ngl, badly acted type way, replying "why would you say that to me" that i had to actually PAUSE the episode and rewatch that again to confirm what i saw. just finished the rewatch of this one scene. wtf was that. sorry that was so poor. its soooo awkwarddddd. and flatttt. what is this ADR though. stamet's ADR in this episode is some of the worse. also sorry that lens reflection of that one green party light that hit right onto burnham's face during this exchange, its almost as if i HEARD the cameraman's thoughts going "ah shit this stupid light" as the camera moved downward to get as much of that green spot out of the direct line of her face. okay, Mr. God-Named-Stamets. is that an apron that isnt a one sided dress. dance in the hallway. ok. this wa so fast. this tone feels very not in sync with the course of this plot? where did this dance thing come from. i think im feeling such a dissonance rn when stamets is on screen because he feels like hes NOT stamets. idk its like, i get that charcters/people are hopefully more than 1-dimensional, and that we get to learn about them more as time passes, but like this kind of feels like stamets just wasnt properly developed and we the audience just didnt get enough proper exposure to him to recognise who really is his person? if that makes ANY sense to anyone. ok no offence, this episode probably is the most trash in terms of script. harry mudd, time loop, saving the ship from destruction, but then also stamets is an omniscient constant, while also flat cardboard af awkward love revelations between ash and burnham?? idk. maybe in a different writers' room, this coiuld be made compellingly and cohesively. but right now. this episode is NOT. IT. im sorry so why does it feel like its deterioriating a bit. the show had me in the beginning cuz how freaking DIFFERENT and UPGRADED it looked (gorgeous btw) compared to ALL the series that came before it in Prime-Timeline. but no matter how i fought it, my emersions been finally broken by the consistently questionable factors that keep loudly making themselves known in this show. too frequently bad deliveries from actors weird af editing bad cinematography even my great efforts to ignore it all and benefit of the doubt, it was too much. which is, based on everything ive ever watched ever, a BAD thing. also, oml lorca is so small in this episode - which actually i like. he feels so insignificant in this episode haha, small fry dying every single time. also i hope i see more creative deaths in this show, cuz everytime someone dies is them dissipating in dusty colour. come onnn, we can do better than thattt.
also just fyi, understand that i am NOT advocating for a super "serious/dire" star trek, weve had a bit of that in random episodes thoruhgout the franchise and moveis too - so no, i also absolutely love silly mad crazy trek plots too, but like. DISCO i think is probably handling this in a way that is the worst ever in Star Trek so far, even among its whacky insane moments. I am keeping to the series and going to stick it through all the way to the end of course. but yeah, i was never here to just be some blind non-insightful talking head that just admired this show unconditionally. if you thought so, then you should try again. i will say whats good, but likewise whats bad. and right now, the good things are things that i have already said, but the bad is really kicking up a storm right now. captain mudd. amazing. its so off-balance, this show. some deliveries are great, pacing is great. but then its like so sporadic and everywhere too often etc yes. delivery is REALLY weird and super weak in too many scenes. idk. maybe construction of the show itself is just weak in too many areas. so so strange. with a show that LOOKS genuinely this good. im just so perplexed. the shows construction feels so amateurish i guess? in not a very good way. "nobody beats Mudd, huh." a businessman is correct, lorca. these camera zoomes are really distasteful. like lorca over here making some consistently really solid deliveries, and the stupid camera cuts and zooms and unnecessary movements just cheapen it all. it makes me so angry. this show needed a better writers' room and better directing. and terrible ADR. its liek they use different mics every 2 lines. i can HEAR the discrepancies, even without my audiophile headphones.
im so mad and sad by this. because the threads of the issues i was sensing since episode 1 are now kind of unforgiveable. i can no longer look over them. so im here really speaking about them in this reaction this time. no offence it kind of feels like nothing much happened this whole episode. and im literally 3 minutes away from finishing this episode. im sorry im not impressed with this ending in how mudd was caught. i feel like this show didnt know how to quite handle the crazy nature of Trek. Bad editing yeah. i keep consistently seeing how for example Mudd is talking, and the camera cuts to a different angle shot of the same line delivery that has to get repeated and edited in, but i can physically see Mudd's jaw still moving in speech despite his dialogue halting from the ADR of the other camera shot. THIS ^ stuff KEEPS happening. and it shouldnt. its super BASIC stuff relatively speaking. and there wasnt this much of an obvious degree of this problematic editing in even older series of trek. so strange. 'i hate how it lifted me out of immersion of this show, this list of issues. you know, id LOVE to see ANY scene of conversation withOUT the stupid slow-creep zoom. listen, i KNOW that this is very often used everywhere in media, but it doesnt mean "always'. in this case DISCO does it poorly. ok episode over. i am not convinced over ANYTHING that just happened. its a 44 minute long episode, but it felt brief as fuck. it didnt feel like it had much substance at all - and im NOT talking some kind of "moral message" shit - things do NOT have to have a real message to be good. and this episode was actually not. it felt so criminally underwhelming. like ok, stamets had augmentation that let him resist the time loop.... and? so what. so what about that. nothing significant happened except apparently blossoming love story between Ash and Burnham, which- Ash x Burnham?
bro that was terrible. and they got zero chemistry no sorry no. get outta here.
burnham had more chemistry with the fucking captain than ash. (i dont support either one dw.) ok. well. ima continue the trip ofc. but mmmmm stupid peripheral things are really not doing this show justice. i fear that DISCO is a show that couldve been great but just wasnt even good. bad writing, bad directing, bad editing, bad delivery - i am far from being sold than I was in episode 1. i gave the excuse of the first episode feeling so brisk because it was an exposition….. but the show quickly tired out my benefit-of-the-doubt with how i see that ep 1 wasnt so much a mere exposition, but that its kind of ACTUALLY what this show IS. i cant lie. im p nervous for this show. SNW was fucking good, so i just hope that this show improves to SNW's level where all these questionable issues resolve at some point, more or less.
guess i'll see.
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garak · 2 years ago
here are my thoughts on the x-men movies since ive finished most of them
x-men (2000): in my top 3. love mags and xavier in this one mostly because its ian mckellan & patrick stewart. my main gripes are with the merging of magnetos and mystiques brotherhoods & the exclusion of destiny from the brotherhood. magneto being willing to sacrifice his life & another mutants for his dream to be realized seems pretty accurate but i feel like they didnt make it clear enough that if the plan worked he would have died too...? HATE wolverine trying to put the moves on jean grey but thats true regardless of whether its a movie or a comic or a stageplay for all i care.
x2: the plot of this one kind of lost me mostly because i havent read god loves man kills yet so i didnt have any basis to understand wtf was going on except stryker was there and hes evil. love maggy in the prison being emo and shit although them deciding when he can or cant fly or use certain powers seems pretty arbitrary... ? i feel like deathstryke is treated pretty poorly by the plot here seeing as shes you know kind of an important character who they never introduce properly. nightcrawler looks better in this movie than he does in the later ones but still not good.
last stand: ive already talked about the choice of angel & worthington industries as the villains in this one so i won't go over it again. i think its DEEPLY funny that scott disappears and wolverine finds his glasses (which he cannot live without) just lying around and doesn't think "hey i wonder what happened to cyclops" until jean is quite literally unbuckling his belt halfway through trying seduce him. why does no one in these films seem to give a fuck about what happens to cyclops he dies in the first 10 minutes of the movie and its never addressed. also prof x dies in this one and i dont remember how he comes back to life so what was that. also they fuck up bobbys characterization SOOOO bad like i know they didnt know he was gay and he is kind of a player but in the comics kitty uses him as a rebound then breaks up with him and then his younger self (teleported to the future from the 60s) is like "why arent you gay. i'm gay" and bobby is like "no i'm also gay. i just act straight because of irish catholic guilt". so having him cheat on rogue with kitty and pressure rogue into getting the mutation blocker thing so they can have sex is retroactively an insane plotline. sorry im bobby drakes number one fan and this is so fake. also beast is so hot in this movie. what? who said that. also the phoenix plotline sucks and also magneto was right to try and explode the factory or whatever
origins wolverine: INCREDIBLY funny movie serious excellent. completely unintentional in how funny it is but so enjoyable to watch. why was cyclops there? why was emma frost there? what is going on in this movie? why is wolverine naked all the damn time? why does he know the blob? why can he BEAT the blob? why is the blob in this movie? seriously what the fuck is going on in this movie? x-men origins wolverine does not have answers to these questions. its really great to see the awful cgi claws though. i liked that gambit was in this movie.
first class: i have a lot of questions on this one. why is hank here. why is mystique acting like a child when she should be over 70 years old at the least. why would they get my hopes up by putting banshee and moira in the same movie but then not give them a relationship. why the fuck is scott summers' younger brother here. however it does well by making you root for magneto and then being like "and everybody then teamed up with magneto because hes awesome and abandoned xavier except for hank because theyre both centrist democrats" like you know what. so true. i like how mags just starts drama constantly for no reason like why was he fucking w mystique like that... good for him i guess but hes so gay in this movie its not even funny. okay it is funny but only a little.
the wolverine: i fell asleep during this one so i don't know but it seemed weird and racist in many ways and wolverine was a complete bitch during it for NO reason as always. also its so funny to see him fail on screen with basic japanese when in the comics he gets mind wiped and regains the ability to speak japanese before he regains english like that guy is an r/whiteguyswithasianwives prodigy. i liked deathstryke in this movie the actress was very cool. why didnt wolverine take the deal to save his friend and not be immortal anymore when he fucking hates being immortal half the time like bro come on... i hate him sorry
days of future past: okay at this point they should have known bobby drake was gay. so why all that with kitty. also why blame MYSTIQUE for the creation of the sentinels dawg she had nothing to do with that in the comics. the sentinels were not purple enough OR big enough btw. also, where is rachel summers. you cant do days of future past without rachel summers. either way this was a pretty good movie. quicksilver was excellent.
apocalypse: guys. why is scott summers wearing raybans. here are some other questions i hate about this movie: why is cyke's backstory never properly discussed. why do they give cyke angel or bobby's personality. why does nightcrawler look so bad. why would apocalpse choose angel over literally anyone else. why is it never addressed that nightcrawler is mystique's son. why is psylocke here if theyre not going to do anything with her. why is xavier such an annoying liberal. why would they introduce a new magneto daughter when he already has like 3 to pick from. why dont hank and mystique just sort their shit out. why does mystique go to bat so hard for maggy. why does jean already have telepathic abilities when she and scott meet thus making the way they originally get together (one of the main reasons i give a fuck about their relationship) impossible. who is the girl with the yellow hoop earrings they hang out with. dazzler??? why does jean have the phoenix spirit in her if she hasnt died yet. why isnt storm in her home on the mountain at this point. why is moira not scottish. why introduce her son if theyre not going to do the moira son plotline. last but not least, why would they include any character in this movie who wasnt quicksilver when hes obviously the best character by a wide margin and all scenes that dont include him are basically worthless. otherwise i quite enjoyed it. i liked angels haircut and im so glad they FINALLY made xavier bald.
i will add my reviews of new mutants, dark phoenix, deadpool, etc. once i watch them
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ruminate88 · 1 month ago
My 1st online relationship I dated in real life: personal story
My first boyfriend was when I turned 18, his name was Stewart. He found me on MySpace and messaged me. We began to talk and he had a webcam but I didn’t at the time so I could see him but he couldn’t see me and we’d talk on the phone. He had dropped out of school plus says he got in some trouble at school but never clarified what he actually did… He told me his mom lost her job and he had to get one so he couldn’t work and go to school. also said at one point they were poor and lived in his mom’s car 🥺 was so sad to hear he made me feel incredibly sorry for him and it created that emotional/trauma bond between us.
I was homeschooled at the time, I never got my GED yet and I was the family caretaker. I never had a real boyfriend before. I wanted one so bad 😝😝😝 anyway, he seemed nice and talked about all the gifts he wanted to give me uhhhh and I thought he was sorta cute but mostly nice. We did have a lot more in common he was about a month older than me… I finally told my parents about him and they weren’t happy I had an online bf but they actually let him come to our house 😳😳
So that bf drove 4 hours to my front door and I remember us hugging and he was all hot from the car ride and then my mom sent us downstairs and suddenly I got soooo nervous and my whole stomach shook!!! I sat in the rocking chair across from him and just stared at him…. Wow and he says, “babe, it’s me, you don’t have to be so nervous,” 😬 but I was!!!! The rest of the evening it was soooo weird but yet I was excited to meet him same time.
We never went out on “dates” tho…. He always came to my house and we sat there and talked or played cards or watched a movie. THEN it wasn’t long at all and he moved in with me!!!! He said the 4 hour drive was too much plus claims he didn’t wanna live with his mom and her boyfriend anymore. My parents at first was like “he can stay till he gets his own place” but it just never happened!! Time flew so fast and he had already quit his job and now was sleeping on my couch, letting me wait around on him and take care of him like a kid!!! Ugh we NEVER went out on real dates. He never gave me the gifts he originally talked about giving me. He never had the money. (We did eventually get our GED together and graduated together)
I tried to get him to get a job. He would go to interviews but either it wouldn’t work out, he would find something wrong with the job OR he would get the job then quit after 2 weeks…. He lost his phone cuz he couldn’t afford the phone line and so he would give these work places MY CELL NUMBER instead and they would call me at like 5 am, waking me up, saying he never came into work is he ok?? Uggggh I would run down to the couch, wake him up and be like, “WHHHYYYY DIDNT YOU GO WORK??” And he’d be like “I didn’t feel good….” And I yelled him and told him to stop using my cell number to get his own phone turned back on but he refused…. Whenever his mom would call once every 2/3 months to check on him, she’d have to call my parents house phone and never ask how I am, just ask to talk to her son and they’d talk a few minutes and that’s it!!!! Sooooo sad.
Never knew exactly what the truth was or how his childhood was. I know his parents were split and after a year of dating, he confesses to me that his dad has been in prison 😳😳 I asked him why he hid that from me and he couldn’t really tell me why… just that he wasn’t sure how I would take the news. 😓 I was so frustrated he kept that from me. (It was one thing after the other)
ALSO, we had each other passwords to everything online and often logged onto each other’s MySpaces. He was into CSS web design coding like I was and he would always make my profile designs for me AND my profile pictures which was so cool accept I noticed one night he had messaged some girl friends of mine on MySpace and was talking to them!! The messages seemed friendly/innocent but one of them he wrote a poem too…… and I questioned him why he did that!! he claimed that he was just being nice and that she likes his poems. She never really said anything about it to me but I noticed when she responded to his poem, she was friendly about it but not flirting back or anything. His poem wasn’t overly romantic but still…. It’s a poem… to another girl….. 🤪
I never knew if he cheated BUT after we broke up, not quite a year later, “his older sister calls” from a private number to tell me off for breaking up with her brother!!! Says I hurt him and also says I cheated on him and he’s upset about it!! 😳😳😳😳 I never even met his sister, only his mom. I knew NONE of his family. I was soooo frustrated cuz that ex lived with me for 2 years. About 6 months of that time, we were broken up. He would not move out and I told his “sister”, “sorry sweetie but you’re wrong. Your brother lived here for 2 years!!!! How could I have been able to cheat when he was always here AND I was busy taking care of my grandmother and my bro’s kids???? When did I have time to cheat??????” I can’t remember how the conversation ended but it was ugly. I was soooooo confused and nervous when she hung up and I wonder if that was actually his sister or new gf or who it was… why did they call from a private number AND why did they wait almost a whole year to call and tell me off?????? Weird!!
I was furious because my family and I did everything for that bf. We bought him a whole new wardrobe because all his old clothes had holes in them 😓 so sad. That’s what made me believe maybe his family really did live in their car at one point!! Idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ Sadly I knew NOTHING about toxic relationships back then and didn’t understand his behavior. Why was it so hard for him to keep a job, why did he only wanna stay at my house and never go anywhere??? The only time we went anywhere was to game stop and to Taco Bell. I bought him sooooo many video games….. of course he took everything with him when he did finally move out. A gift is a gift but still… I wasn’t sure he appreciated anything I did for him. He was soooo defensive when he moved out. I tried to give him $20 for gas and he was sooo rude like, “I don’t want your money!!” 🤪🤪 Finnnnnneeeeee then!! Don’t take free money man. I just felt he was disgusted at me.
however, we had been fighting a lot leading up to him moving out. At one point I admit I kicked him but I mean…. He was pushing me to do it AND he was driving me crazy cuz he wouldn’t move out and kept putting his stuff back in my room!!! I had no privacy. I would be getting dressed and he would barge into my room and try to take over. Plus he would sleep till 3pm in the afternoon so, he would get in my bed after my parents would leave for work and I would be awake taking care of my bro’s kids. But then I couldn’t go in my room much cuz he’s in there sleeping…. Was not a fun relationship at all.
Never thought of him as toxic just always thought he was lazy and wanted a sugar momma lol but idk… I didn’t learn about emotional abuse till just a few years ago. I finally understand I didn’t have boundaries back then and I was very giving and easily taken advantage of. That guy probably didn’t love me even tho he cried sooooo dramatically when we broke up. I mean, he was shaking and my aunt was calming him down and giving me a dirty look 😨😝 jeez. I was sooooo embarrassed!!!!!! Worse, my parents didn’t like leaving him at our house by himself so everywhere we had to go, he went too and so he had to go with me to my cousins wedding and ppl are asking if “he is my bf” 😝😝😝😝 and I couldn’t date anyone new or dance with anyone cuz he’s there and he’s glaring at me whenever I was on the dance floor with the bridal party! Sooooooo uncomfortable!!
0 notes
Hey! This is a pr thing mostly, but i just realized how similar this tomdaya thing is with the kristen stewart/robert pattinson situation before.
I'm a fan of kristen since her twilight days. I loved her so much cause it felt like i can relate to her (at the time i didnt know i was gay, and we later on find out that kristen is gay/queer as well).
Her and robert were together for most of the twilight series, then kristen 'cheated' on him with a co worker from a different movie. Then fast forward to the last installment of the twilight series, her and robert supposedly got back together (in 2012, the same year when the last movie installment was released). But if you really look at it, it's funny how their relationship is so in line with the movie franchise, because once the twilight series ended, kristen and robert also broke up (in 2013, after the movie ended). THEN that same year, when kristen was free from the franchise, she started showing up with a gf and eventually came out.
I'm not saying that this is exactly the kind of pr tomdaya has, but it's VERY similar. I've always sensed that z has the same vibe as kristen (not speculating anything, but just sensing it a bit). Idk if anyone sees it as well, it just hit me earlier how eerily similar it is. And also there was an interview with kristen where she explicitly said and name dropped MARVEL. Her publicist told her to hold off on showing up with a gf because Marvel was considering her for parts, they didn't want an out queer actor. But kristen doesnt give a fck about Marvel so she just lived her truth.
Who knows if this is what'll happen with z as well? Hmm, just something to think about 😅 Sorry for the longass post!
Thank you for reaching out to me. Please don’t apologize for lengthy posts, I don’t mind them at all. 👏🏻 Thank you for sharing this information.
Kristen and Robert are yet another great example of how Hollywood still uses relationships, whether true or fake, for PR, even though it’s so old fashioned to do that. You would think after how many times Hollywood did that, people wouldn’t fall for it any longer but they still do. I understand the argument of people that say: “But they were cast as the lead characters for a reason, so they must have amazing chemistry. How is it far fetched, that they fall in love in real life too?” I agree to some extent.
Yes, it is true, that actors/actresses need to have chemistry, but they are actors for a reason. This is what they do for a job - pretending to be in love, creating chemistry out of nothing. If Hollywood cast, based upon, whether people are in love for real or not, we wouldn’t need actors. They’d just get two random people, who are a couple in real life, to play two lovers. (I’m going off topic a little, but I hope this makes sense somehow). So, I guess, a lot of people still fall for the PR aspect of two lead characters dating in real life too, which, as you pointed out with Kristen and Robert, always is so in line with the movie release/promotion. They just believe, that acting can only be so good until it’s no longer acting but reality.
It’s the same with Tom and Zendaya. When there is a movie to promote, their public interactions pick up again and the whole ”Are they dating?” cycle starts all over again. And people would be surprised, how good of a promo a possible relationship is for a movie franchise, no matter how big the franchise itself may be (and you’d think it wouldn’t need PR).
Kristen’s comment about Marvel not wanting to hire an out queer actor/actress makes me so mad. You’d think we are still living in the 20th century, where a person’s sexual orientation, other than straight, was looked down upon, made fun of, not taken seriously or people were generally treated horribly for it. Thank God, we live in a world, that’s more liberal now and simply “accepting“ towards the LGBT community. Not that these people would need “accepting”, I’m just trying to say that, finally, people have realized, that sexuality is fluid and people can love whoever they want and identify as whatever they want, without any sort of judgment.
You would think that, judging by how many LGBT movies Hollywood produces, the industry would be kinder to people from said community and not treat them any differently. Yeah, right. Hollywood is the most outdated, narrow-minded, homophobic place, you can possibly think of and it‘s sad, that so many people are being forced into an image, that is not them, because certain jobs (such as in Kristen‘s case Marvel roles) are then off limits to them. I’m glad, that Kristen has decided to stay true to herself, truly inspiring!
Thank you again for sharing. I apologize for the lengthy post in return and kind of going off topic at times.
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bisexualallya · 4 years ago
Can i ask what you think the characters we meet post-season 3B zodiac signs are?
absolutely! I didn’t do them originally because there was no canon other than approximate ages to go off of, so this is all my own thoughts and feelings and we can go from there!
also sorry it took me so long to get back to you about this, but I wanted to think these through all the way instead of going with my initial feeling (which was only right half the time)
liam dunbar -  aries or gemini
okay, so liam is a textbook aries. literally, look up aries in the dictionary, and there is a picture of season four liam next to it. main negative character traits are impatient, moody, short-tempered, impulsive, and aggressive. 
however, in my heart, hes a june gemini. he is sweet and soft and so utterly romantic (as we see throughout his hayden and theo storylines) and honestly just needs a hug. he can be changeable but that makes him adaptable as well, and it also makes him a good leader (as we see both in his lacrosse storylines and in being scott’s second). so I say gemini and chalk up the anger to his general frustration and self-confidence issues instead of general aggressiveness.
mason hewitt - libra
mason is such an interesting character, because as much as he is supposed to serve as a parallel to stiles, he is much more in tune with scott in personality and mind (similarly to how scott/liam parallels derek/scott but liam parallels stiles in personality - just an interesting thought). mason is a ride-or-die with a lot of lofty, philosophic intelligence. he is sharp and fair-minded, while also just kinda happy to be there. but also, he gives a lot of grounding vibes for liam, so im placing him as a september libra.  
theo raeken - cancer
I didnt even need to think about this one, it just leaped at me. he is emotional and sneaky, but it comes from a place of just craving acceptance and love. yes, he can be manipulative, but he sticks to his loyalties (in theo’s case, he is loyal to himself until his redemption arc and decides to be loyal to scott and the pack). someone please just love this boy and tell him hes doing a good job so he can stop shoving people away and indulging in self-pity, which can often be a cancer’s downfall. I would say hes more emotional than others, so its definitely july cancer. 
hayden romero - scorpio
100% a november scorpio (I am giving her derek’s fake birthday of november 7). she openly admits to being vengeful, and her entire personality is just prickly. girl is stubborn as all hell, but passionate when she opens up, and can hold a grudge like no one’s business. she is independent and single-minded when she wants something, but is still in tune with the situation around her. 
corey bryant - virgo
corey is the ultimate softboi and I admire him so much. he is incredibly connected to his humanity despite his supernatural abilities, and excessively kind. what sets him apart from other earth signs and places him firmly in virgo is his shy and worrisome nature, while still being loyal and practical and willing to put in the work. september virgo because hes overly critical and can often get bogged down in the details. 
tracy stewart - pisces
first of all, justice for tracy. I originally placed her as an air sign, but the more I thought about it, the more I was drawn to pisces, specifically march pisces. she is exceedingly sensitive, often times coming across fearful and sad (understandable considering the everything about her character arc). but she is also gentle and passionate, which we see with her crush on and eventual “relationship” with theo. 
brett talbot - leo
this is without question. brett is a natural born leader, and comes off arrogant, self-confident, and dominant. however, as the show evolves, we see that he genuinely does care about liam, and how he takes initiative in season six, caring for his sister and other betas from satomi’s pack. he may not like dealing with things, but he has no trouble stepping up when he is needed, and solving difficult problems to calm other’s worries. I think hes an august leo because of how dominant a personality he is. 
braeden - taurus
braeden is stability, plain and simple. although she plays a variety of roles throughout the show, she remains a self-possessed, independent woman who is reliable and practical. her relationships with both malia and derek show that she is willing to help without being overly intrusive and taking control. while this may seem like a soft choice for her considering her career, I think that her inherent practicality allows her to compartmentalize. but I also just like her so. I would say may over april taurus because there is a more romantic side to her. 
meredith walker - gemini
this is one instance when two personalities really does lead you to gemini. meredith is incredibly worried, nervous, all of the ways she presents. what we see in season four, however, shows the downside of the gemini - able to talk themselves into anything under the guise of “the ends justify the means.” she can be cruel when she thinks its necessary in order to achieve her goals. all of this, of course, happens inside her head. I would say may gemini over june solely because my experience with may geminis suggests that there can be self-righteous like its a sport.
gwen - aquarius
this one might seem out of left field, especially because what we know of gwen is stubborn, determined, blind loyalty and confidence that she is correct, which would suggest another scorpio. however, I think the uncompromising and temperamental way in which she pursues her sister’s disappearance suggests aquarius, probably february aquarius. she can be seen as timid until it stands in her way, and then she will bowl you over. she wants to logic her way out of her situation, and, despite a call to action, uses her brain to make sense of the world changing around her.
nolan holloway - pisces
oh, the NERVES on this boy. another that I originally placed as air until I thought about it more. nolan changes sides because he sees the cruelty that is occurring around him, and that really disturbs him. for the rest of the series, he is gentle, sad, often quite fearful. he places himself in a position to be a martyr for the good, helping the pack take down the hunter infestation. and oh boy, the crying that occurs. he is what Isaac would be if Isaac’s main personality trait was not being a smart ass. another february pisces. 
could also be a gemini, but I think he is lacking that layer of changeability that gemini’s require. he is not as defensive of his emotions that way that geminis can be. 
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witnessprotectionau · 5 years ago
By M’gann
Welcome one, welcome all! M’gann here today, since I’m the only one in the superhero community with experience running a blog. It’s a pleasure to meet you all, even if it isn’t under the most ideal of circumstances...
This is the Justice League’s official tumblr blog! Since our identities were outed, we don’t have to worry about accidently leaking personal information anymore, and we decided to create various social media accounts so our actions are more public and available to everyone, and totally not because if we didn’t, our actions would have to be monitered by the government and none of us want people following us around at all times, or Secretary Ross anywhere close enough to have his eyes on us!! :)
(Scarlet Witch/Wanda just burst out laughing, and she doesn’t have her phone on her, so I think she’s reading my mind, now I know how it feels, but at the same time, I’m glad I made at least one person laugh with that)
If we just post what we’re up to, then we can just refuse to post about when we go to the bathroom unless it’s important, which was a big concern for us all when people following us was first brought up. But that’s besides the point!
This blog will contain all the stuff we’re posting on other social media, so you can just follow us here to get all the tea!
... My uncle just came in to inform me that those of older generations might not know what that means, and that I have to try to not leave anyone out.
‘Tea’ means gossip.
Okay, so starting off this blog with a bang, the entire superhero community (which also includes vigilantes, anti-heroes, and villains, not just superheroes, it’s just quicker to say!) decided to all create twitter accounts to post their name, if their identity was revealed and their civillian name. Now, I don’t know EVERYBODY in the community, so I put in everyone who commented superhero-like stuff on the post. I’m pretty sure that they aren’t real heroes, but it’s better safe than to be rude and exclude people! Besides, I didn’t know about the Defenders half an hour ago until I heard someone in the house exclaim that someone named Daredevil was finally getting media coverage because of this. Apparently a few people in the house were fans of him. __________
Okay, so... You guys weren’t there, but I stopped writing for a few hours to attend a justice league meeting with the avengers and quite a few other people, and here’s what was ultimately decided:
Because we have so many enemies, it isn’t safe for any of us to live alone anymore, so we’ve basically all moved in together? Well, not all of us. Those who had their identities revealed, and those who lived with them, or could have their identities revealed based on everyone else.
For example, Batman had his identity revealed, which, by the way, what???
Bruce WAYNE??
But yeah, Batman had his identity revealed, but Robin didn’t. The new Robin. Not the first one. Nightwing is his eldest son, Dick Grayson. But people can figure it out based on his height. Which, by the way... Bruce has his reasons for letting him into the community, give him some slack. He’s been getting a lot of hate from it. And speaking of Bruce Wayne, it is his manor that we’ve all moved into, since it’s large and has excellent security. I haven’t met his other kids yet, so I don’t know if they already knew their dad was Batman, and their siblings were Nightwing and Robin. I’ll ask them when they show up. __________
Okay, so I left to get food for five minutes, and when I came back, the og JL members were staring at my screen and laughing their heads off while Bruce sat by the side and scowled. So... I’m concerned. If this post never goes up, assume I’m dead.
I made everyone in the house promise not to read the comments on the original twitter post, and only read them here, as some of us wanted our accounts not to be spammed by their friends. Like, Garfield uses his account to advocate for animal rights, he doesn’t want to constantly respond to other supers’ messages. He’s too busy for that!
The mess on Twitter, as follows: __________
Youonyourphone,situpstraight! @ #1FBIAGENT Plastic Man, aka Patric O’Brian. I was outed, which makes my job VERY interesting now... (read: awkward)
Winged Warrior @ Hawkwoman ✔️ Shayera Hol. I have wings. If  you couldn’t figure out my “civillian identity” by me walking down the street, earth is too dumb to save anymore
r3d @ 70rn4d0 The children chose this name for me. Red Tornado, AKA John Smith.
Green Arrow @ notrobinhood ✔️ Oliver Queen, revealed too... Let’s hope this doesn’t affect STAR labs... Sorry PR department. :/
Adam @ DrStrangeJunior League doctor, last name strange. The avengers already have a doctor strange, and I’m younger than him, hence DrStrangJunior. I never really had a hero identity in the first place, but everyone insists that I’m a part of the group, so... yeah
Big Boy Blue @ TheREalSuperman ✔️ Clark Kent, Kal-el, Superman. Speaking of, why was @ Superman already taken?
Aquaman @ KingOfAtlantis ✔️ Even though I don’t REALLY have a secret identity, I have to do this anyway for some reason? Arthur Curry.
rocket @ PCHOOOOO raquel ervin. rocket. the only reason icon is around so bow down to me. Tim chose my name.
therapist @ capitalsareimportant Black Canary. Dinah Lance-Queen. Betcha Imma bout to lose my job.
take the shot @ harperoy Red Arrow, Will harper, Previously Speedy. I had this @ before... everything
Fastest Man Online @ 2fast2type ✔️ flash, barry allen, dying inside BECAUSEI’MLIVINGINABILLIONAIRE’SHOUSENOWANDTHEREISSOMUCHFOOD
zatanna @ annataz Only one name, Zatanna. That’s both my civillian name and my superhero name, but my stage name SOMEHOW is still a secret??? smh everyone’s blind...
cptnmarvel @ SHAZAM! Captain Marvel. The male one, since apparently I have to say that now?? My identity is still a secret tho!
Themiscyra❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤 @ Wonderous ✔️ Wonder Woman. Princess Diana. However, my Civillian name is Diana Prince __________
Now, The Green Lanterns... Kilowog got an account first, and it didn’t end well... __________
Kilowog @ GreenLanternOFFICIAL ✔️ As one of the Green Lanterns assigned to this sector, I decided to join in on this internet stuff, since it seems so important to everyone on this planet. Kilowog here! Green Lantern.
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ SOMEONE stole @ GreenLanternOFFICIAL  🙄
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ @ GreenLantern1 ???!?!? ONE!?!?! I WAS THE FIRST HUMAN GREEN LANTERN THANK YOU VERY MUCH JOHN!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ It was the first thing I thought of aside from GreenLantenOFFICIAL, don’t yell at me!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ why didn’t you just do GreenLanternJohn instead of stealing what was rightfully mine?
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ Hey, you aren’t the boss of @’s!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ who says I’m not?
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ You’re obviously not!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ but who says?
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ Me!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ but you’re not the boss of me!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ Since when?
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ since i’m your senior!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ I’m older than you!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ i’ve been a green lantern longer!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ That doesn’t matter!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ then if it doesn’t matter, change your name!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ To WHAT?!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ GreenLantern16 or something, i don’t know!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ There aren’t even that many Green Lanterns!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ there are hundreds of us!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ I meant HUMAN Green Lanterns!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ then fucking specify next time? is that so hard?!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ Fuck off, asshole!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ you first!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ That’s not even an insult!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ and yours was?!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ Shut up!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ just change your name and i will!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ You can’t change your @’s, just your user!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ then get a new account!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ That’s a pain though!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ suck it up!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ You’re the one who started all this!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ you started the argument with Kilowog’s account when he’s not even on the planet anymore!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ It was a joke! You’re the one who took it seriously!
hey Guys @ GreenLantern ✔️ hey Guys...??
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ ...
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ ... __________
hey Guys @ GreenLantern ✔️ ok so kilowogs off planet, and the others are refusing to use their accounts after the incident where i murdered them both, so im doing their introductions for them
hey Guys @ GreenLantern ✔️ @ GreenLantern1 is john stewart, obviously. @ OriginalGreenLantern is hal jordan, and yeah, he was the first human lantern. and me? the only Guy who had the bright idea of actually checking to see if @ GreenLantern was available like a normal person?
hey Guys @ GreenLantern ✔️ i was off-world when everyone’s identities were revealed, and thus have my secrets!
hey Guys @ GreenLanten ✔️ well, i mean... i didn’t exactly hide it before, so some people might know, but im loving the fact that i kept my identity secret when batman didnt, so i decided to keep it to flaunt that fact to the others. peace out __________
Ro(g)y @ arsenal The OG Roy Harper here. Arsenal. Previously speedy.
Kaldur’ahm @ Aqualad ✔️ My user and @ says it all. I was revealed. Uselessly, but still revealed.
Mygreatestachievementwillbebeingborn @ Impulsive Bart Allen, AKA Impulse. My identity WAS revealed, but good luck finding out who I am. ;-)
Apollo’s Crockpot Sister @ Artemis ✔️ Artemis, AKA Artemis Crock. Now y’all can finally stop asking me about my name.
From Fanboy To @ LagoonBoy L’gann here. Lagoon Boy. I’m green, you should be able to know what my civillian self looks like. It’s not like I can hide.
buzz off @ bumblebee I wasn’t revealed, but... being a superhero would be a suitable excuse for being late to classes... Karen Beecher-Duncan, Bumblebee! (Don’t worry, I discussed revealing myself with the entire league, and they said it was cool)
World’s best dodger and bullshitter @ Guardian Bumbles’ loving husband, Mal Duncan.
hello megan! @ hellom’gann ✔️ M’gann M’orzz AKA Megan Morse AKA Miss Martian. Superboy doesn’t have an account, but also didn’t get his identity leaked (somehow) anyway!!
Wall-Man @ It’sKIDFLASH ✔️ Wally West, Kid Flash. Nice to meet Y’all
Apollo’s Crockpot Sister @ Artemis ✔️ Y’all
Wall-Man @ It’sKIDFLASH ✔️ Okay, you used it just two seconds ago so don’t @ me
Jaime @ ScarabHost ✔️ Jaime Reyes here. Now, the previous blue beetle is in a coma, and has been for years, I’m the new one. I just never had a public enough persona to tell everyone that I’m not just him with a new suit before...
Cassie @ WONDERgirl ✔️ Come to my room @ ScarabHost, I have marshmellos to cheer you up! Yes, you can come too, @ Impulsive  😋
Mygreatestachievementwillbebeingborn @ Impulsive Like you could keep me from food.  😜
Dr. Tony Stark @ youknowwhoiam ✔️ I Am Iron Man
Hawk-ayeeee @ hawkeyeshadow Clint Barton
Brunhilde @ TheLastValkyrie All in the name.
Platypus @ TiredOfTony Col. James Rhodes, AKA War Machine, previously Iron Patriot (Thank goodness)
The Black Panther @ Kingofwakanda ✔️ T’Challa of Wakanda.
godofhammers @ kingofasgard ✔️ I am Thor, son of Frigga
Captain American’t deal @ Steven19 ✔️ Steve Rogers, Captain America.
My Name’s Not Scarlett @ It’s Wanda ✔️ Scarlet Witch
On your above @ FalconPINCH ✔️ Sam Wilson
🅱️lums @ WhiteWolf James “Bucky” Barnes here. Previously Winter Soldier... Sorry.
Toaster @ Eyesight ✔️ Vision Stark.
Dr. Tony Stark @ youknowwhoiam ✔️ I’m crying.
Master Of The Mystic Arts @ DrStephenStrangeMD ✔️ I didn’t change my @ when I got into this world
Fury @ DirectorOfSHIELD ✔️ My name is already there.
Not That Maria @ AssistantDirectorOfSHIELD ✔️ Maria Hill, Assistant Director Of SHIELD
I am Groot @ Multilinguism I am Groot.
PETER NO @ GamoradaughterofABITCH Gamora.
Chocolate Works @ WeAreVenom Identity kept, bitches!
Shield Maiden @ LadySif I am Sif.
T’Challa’s babysitter @ GeneralOfWakanda ✔️ I am Okoye.
Logan @ Wolverine ✔️ I would reveal my identity, but I don’t know what it is myself.
Laura @ Wolverine2 ✔️ OMG DAD! You got your memories back, stop making amnesia jokes, they’re lame!
Logan @ Wolverine ✔️ This isn’t Private Messages sweetie
Laura @ Wolverine ✔️ FUCK
DannyRand @ AngstPuppy Iron Fist here!
notthedevil @ kurtthenightcrawler I’m blue, it’s not like I can hide?
Godda go feast @ Quicksilver Pietro Maximoff, Wanda’s twin brother.
Freshuricado @ WakandaHeadOfScience ✔️ Princess Shuri. I don’t have a hero name, but I sometimes fight with gauntlets, so...?
Best Grandma @ Gi-Ant-Man Scott Lang here, also known as Ant-Man!
The Wasp @ HopeVanDyne ✔️ Scott’s better half.
Quill chose my name @ trashpanda Rocket Raccoon. That’s my name, nothing else.
Iron Daughter @ Blueberry My name is Nebula Stark, Gamora’s sister.
Dr. Tony Stark @ youknowwhoiam ✔️ 😭😭😭🥰
bobby @ Iceman So... My identity wasn’t revealed, but... most mutants at the school don’t really hide their identities, so everyone knows who I am here? But I didn’t wanna get left out of the train, so I’m Bobby Drake. AKA Iceman
Unbreakable @ LukeCage I don’t have an alternate name?? Yet my identity was still secret somehow?? (Well, not anymore) I hate everyone’s blindness. No offence to someone though, you know who you are.
Drax @ Drax I am Drax!
Jessica Nones @ AliasInvestigations ✔️ I never hid, but I guess I’m finally advertising.
💚🔪💚@ Iammantis! Hello everyone! I am Mantis!
NAME WAS GIVEN BY DUMBASS BROTHER @ butiapprove The Invisible Woman. Sue Storm.
CHOSE MY OWN NAME @ FLAMEON The Human Torch. Johnny Storm
My name wasn’t chosen by me @ butitboostsmyego Mr. Fantastic. Reed Richards.
My name wasn’t chosen by me @ butitboostsmyego SIGH
So, quick note, the next people... Well, I haven’t got any confirmation that they’re ACTUALLY heroes. But I don’t wanna exclude anyone, and they might just be obscure vigilantes that I don’t know about, but they commented on the thread that only heroes were meant to, and it’s not like believing them to be heroes will get me hurt like it would on a mission if they were villains in disguise, so... I’m just going to trust them this time! __________
Anathema @ Device I’m Anathema Device, and I’ll be doing the technology side for Crowley, Aziraphale, and Newton Pulsifer.
Adam @ DEATHJR Kids of the Armageddon’t, unite! (Except Warlock, cuz he didn’t actually save anything) Adam Young here.
Pestilance? @ POLLUTIONJR Brian here! (My mum says I can’t give out my last name until I hit 18, sorry for the lack of syncronity...)
Adam @ DEATHJR (It’s all cool Brian, not your fault!)
Cuz common sense is the rarest resource @ FAMINEJR Well, most of us can unite, anyway... I miss Pep, even if she had a weird name that I’m pretty sure was fake, looking back on our childhood.
MY NAME IS AWESOME, FIGHT ME @ WARJR You wanna go, Wensly?
MY NAME IS AWESOME, FIGHT ME @ WARJR Yeah, I’ll DM you three my number so we can catch up.
Pestilance? @ POLLUTIONJR Is it really her though?
Adam @ DEATHJR Well, you DID forget to put your name down Wensly. Nice to see you again Pep!
Pestilance? @ POLLUTIONJR But they could have just hacked your computer?
Adam @ DEATHJR If she did that, she would have called him Wenslydale, not just Wensly. She knew better.
Cuz common sense is the rarest resource @ FAMINEJR One way to find out. @ WARJR, say you’re name to us all within the next five minutes!
MY NAME IS AWESOME, FIGHT ME @ WARJR Pippin Galadriel Moonchild, Pleb. Bow down to your missing member.
Pestilance? @ POLLUTIONJR OMG, I’m legit crying you guys...
Cuz common sense is the rarest resource @ FAMINEJR IT REALLY IS YOU!
Adam @ DEATHJR Glad to know you’re safe and sound, Pep. 🖤
MY NAME IS AWESOME, FIGHT ME @ WARJR Puh-lease. You really think *I* could keep out of trouble?
Adam @ DEATHJR Glad to know you’re sound, Pep. 🖤
MY NAME IS AWESOME, FIGHT ME @ WARJR Glad to be sound, Antichrist! 🖤 Still haven’t learnt what safety is tho... :P
Pestilance? @ POLLUTIONJR Pepper? Living a calm enough life to be SAFE? Wouldn’t dream of it. 🖤
Cuz common sense is the rarest resource @ FAMINEJR Send me your number so I can cry while hearing your voice 🖤
MY NAME IS AWESOME, FIGHT ME @ WARJR Sure, it’s in your DMs now, and Wensleydale? You were right. “Pippin Galadriel Moonchild” isn’t my real name.
Cuz common sense is the rarest resource @ FAMINEJR FUCKEN CALLED IT!
MY NAME IS AWESOME, FIGHT ME @ WARJR Think that’s bad? Remember how all that Stuff™ went down when we all were 11? Lies, I was 9.
Cuz common sense is the rarest resource @ FAMINEJR BUT YOU WERE IN OUR CLASS
MY NAME IS AWESOME, FIGHT ME @ WARJR OF COURSE I WAS YOU ASS! But nah... I ran away from home, hitchhiked, skipped the county, forged my ma’s signature to put me up for adoption, stole some adoption papers, and placed them on the mayor’s desk filled in, and as far as anyone was aware, I was now the daughter of the local hippie
MY NAME IS AWESOME, FIGHT ME @ WARJR I picked “Pippin Galadriel Moonchild” as my name because I was a massive nerd.
MY NAME IS AWESOME, FIGHT ME @ WARJR I’m an agent of Chaos.
Two Seconds Away From Giving Up @ JERomY Kid... __________
This thread wasn’t important, but... I just found it heartwarming that they found eachother after assuming Pepper was dead, and I found it funny. __________
Miraculous @ LadybugOFFICIAL Okay, I have convinced all of the team to say their name and position. I even managed to get everyone to get matching Team Names, and put their superpower as their user! Only those with identities revealed will have to say their name, however.-OGLB
Miraculous @ LadybugOFFICIAL This account is run by two different ladybugs. If you don’t see a signature at the end of a post, it’s Bugette, the current Ladybug. If you do, it’s me, the last Ladybug. -OGLB
Cataclysm @ ChatNoirOFFICIAL My identity is still secret, suckers!
Like I’d tell you @ RenaRougeOFFICIAL Rude. Alya cesaire. I’m a retired hero, but doing my best every day to be once again worthy to wield a miraculous. I doubt it would be the same, however, as @ NeurofoxinOFFICIAL is a much better fox than I am it seems.
Miraculous @ LadybugOFFICIAL DM me -OGLB
Miraculous @ LadybugOFFICIAL Alya! You were meant to put your special power in the user! :(
Like I’d tell you @ RenaRougeOFFICIAL I was going to, but then Viperion pointed out to me that our powers were too obvious by our special power name, and that the two of us in particular needed others to not be aware of what we can do to make us all safer.
Miraculous @ LadybugOFFICIAL That is a very sound judgement! I’m glad you thought ahead and made the wise deciscion!
Your new goth gf @ NeurofoxinOFFICIAL Rena, you’re a better fox than me, it just seems like that due to self-doubt. You are more suited to the fox than I am, it’s just that the fox is needed that I am even a holder at all. WHEN you get back on the team, I’ll either be retired or given another miraculous instead. I just have the better name.
SHELLter @ CarapaceOFFICIAL Not gonna say my name, but it’s pretty obvious if you pay attention, so just like... watch if you wanna know?
Chloé Bourgeois @ QueenBeeOFFICIAL ✔️ I used to be the best holder of the Bee Miraculous, but I gave it up to @ HoneyBeeOFFICIAL, and they are acceptable.
Wenom, uwu @ HoneyBeeOFFICIAL Thank you Chloé! I couldn’t ask for a better predecessor!
Chloé Bourgeois @ QueenBeeOFFICIAL ✔️ You are most welcome, HoneyBee!
Miraculous @ LadybugOFFICIAL Uhmm... Chloé? You were meant to put your power in the user, not your name. And everyone knows what you can do, so there’s no point hiding it from everyone. -OGLB
Chloé Bourgeois @ QueenBeeOFFICIAL ✔️ You misunderstand, Ladybug. As Chloé Bourgeois, I am well known for being rich and famous.
Miraculous @ LadybugOFFICIAL And? -OGLB
Chloé Bourgeois @ QueenBeeOFFICIAL ✔️ Being rich IS my superpower.
Miraculous @ LadybugOFFICIAL SMH -OGLB
BRB, Got sword homework @ RyukoOFFICIAL @ QueenBeeOFFICIAL @ HoneyBeeOFFICIAL I am Ryuko. While the previous Hawkmoth knew my identity, the new one does not. So I will remain in the shadows, as it is now safe for me to do so and wield once more.
Miraculous @ LadybugOFFICIAL I thought we all agreed to put our powers in our users!!
BRB, Got sword homework @ RyukoOFFICIAL My skill with a blade is much more beneficial than my power over storms, I thought it more prudent to use the talent that I actually worked for. Besides, @ ChatNoirOFFICIAL sent me a meme, and it was enough to make me laugh in front of my mother, so I decided to use it.
Miraculous @ LadybugOFFICIAL DM me about how she reacted...
Miraculous @ LadybugOFFICIAL ^Same, and Chat, stop spamming our inboxes with memes! -OGLB
Pls don’t need me so I have to use it... @ ViperionOFFICIAL I am the Aforementioned Viperion. And yes, my weapon IS what you think it is. No-one knows who I am as of right now.
Your new goth gf @ NeurofoxinOFFICIAL My identity is a secret but my name is Neurofoxin.
Creation @ Ladybug Tikki here! The current active kwamis are going to sound off. Our usernames will be what we are the kwami of, and our @ s will be what animal we represent!
The ORIGINAL @ Catwoman Plagg here.
Creation @ Ladybug PLAGG!
The ORIGINAL (Destruction, THERE, HAPPY TIKKI!?!?) @ Catwoman UGH!
Avatar @ Fire Nation Dragon Well, since Plagg already broke the rules... Longg here. And I am technically not exactly breaking the rules..
Creation @ Ladybug See what you’ve caused?!
Emotional @ Peacock Duusu here!! :D
Intuition @ sassysnake Sass here.
Timey-Wimey @ BunnyIsLate Goodbye and Hello! I am Fluff, and I won’t be active on twitter often unless I will.
Trixx @ FoxyLad Technically, I’m also following the rules. 😎
;) @ Multiplication I know I just put my special ability down, but if I put my animal representative down (rat) I’ll ruin the joke... Mullo here.
Subjection @ Busylittleworkerbee I feel like I’m one of the few that still actually listens to Tikki... Pollen, at your service!
Y’all better be rich if you talk to me @ TransportationTeleportationHorse Just providing a friendly warning... Kaalki here, and I only interact with the best.
Protection @ Turtle Wayzz here, feeling like a fool since I decided following Tikki’s rule was a good idea. __________
These two groups seem like they work together? Or they’re both coincidently animal-themed, and I’m making connections when there are none. The next few are seemingly one-off people! __________
Caroline @ GLaDOS While I never saved the world myself, I saved the life of someone who did, and that should count for something.
Refined Pig @ Waddles ✔️ ((I know this is an account for my pet pig, but the creator of this account, me, has saved the world, and Waddles was there, along with my brother, @ ConspiracyTheorist))
The government isn’t the only one hiding the truth @ ConspiracyTheorist ✔️ You make me sound like a sidekick like I didn’t save your behind multiple times.
Danny Phantom’s cousin @ CALLHIMINVISOBILL Dani Phantom here! I save Amity Park, plus the world, and I’m cute to boot!
Red @ Huntress @ CALLHIMINVISOBILL is my sidekick, ignore her.
Danny Phantom’s cousin @ CALLHIMINVISOBILL Rude!
Danny Phantom’s cousin (Ghost Princess?) @ CALLHIMINVISOBILL You love me! 💙💚
Danny PHANTOM @ GhostKingOFFICIAL ✔️ I know you are using those for the color aesthetic, but I hope you know the blue heart represents loyalty, because you have absolutely none of that for me.
Danny Phantom’s cousin (Ghost Princess?) @ CALLHIMINVISOBILL True... How’d you even find this account anyway?
Danny PHANTOM @ GhostKingOFFICIAL ✔️ I know better than to not keep an eye on you. I’ve known for months. __________
And that’s all for now! I know we’re missing some, like Batman and my uncle, but they should be on by tomorrow. An update will be posted then!
11 notes · View notes
dcndelicn · 5 years ago
brenna needs emergency surgery and attempts to break up with tristan
brenna knew something was seriously wrong for a couple days now. she couldnt breathe without it hurting and she was throwing up what she shouldnt be. at first she dismissed it as stress but once tristan was home and things were better, the issue persisted and she knew it wasnt right. Sitting in bed, brenna placed a quick kiss on tristan’s cheek before then rushing to the bathroom and threw up. the blood was alarming but something she had become used to. she attempted to get up but it was as though suddenly she didnt have the strength. she rested her head against the wall, “tristan..”
Things had been different since Tristan got home from the hospital. Maybe it was cause he'd had to take a week off before he was cleared to go back. He'd noticed something was off with Brenna though. He'd feared the worst, of course, that she'd relapsed, but he wasn't sure. He trusted that she would tell him herself soon enough. He smiled as she kissed his cheek, letting out a sigh, knowing it was time to get out of bed. Hearing Brenna's voice in the bathroom, his brows furrowed and he got out of bed. The sight in front of him of the blood in the toilet and brenna slouched over by the wall was the scariest thing he'd seen. He could feel his chest pouding as he rushed to her side. "Hey, I'm here baby. Don't worry." He said, brushing a strand of hair out of her face. He stood up and sprinted back to the bedroom to grab his phone and then came back to crouch down next to her as he called an ambulance.
She nodded her head when he ran back into the bedroom. When he came back beside her, tears streamed down her cheeks. “My throat hurts so bad. I dont want to die like this. Please dont let me go in pain. It hurts so bad.” The crying was making it hard to breathe. She took his hand, “I’m sorry..”
Tristan squeezed her hand tightly, shaking his head. He had tears streaming down his cheeks, and he was panicing waiting to hear the sound of the ambulance. "You're not gonna die okay. You need to fight through this, Austen needs you. I need you." He said. "Shhh, save your energy. The ambulance is coming okay."
Seeing the tears, Brenna shook her head, reaching up to wipe them away. “The day of your accident I relapsed but I havent since. I was scared and my stomach was in knots and I...” She shrugged her shoulders. “I need you too.” She felt the urge to throw up again and quickly sat up, gripping on to the side of the toilet bowl as she did so. She leaned back against the wall, “You need to go to work.”
Tristan bit his lip as she wiped away a tear, trying to pull himself together. "Its okay, I understand. I'm so sorry." He knew it wasn't his fault, but he couldn't help but feel guilty. Like his accident is what led to this. He held her heair back as she threw up again, taking in a deep breath because the action scared him to death. He shook his head, "No I don't. I'm staying with you." He said. He could hear the faint sound of the sirens, so he knew help was getting closer.
“For what? It’s nor your fault, Tristan.” She was grateful for him and knew she wouldnt be able to get through this if she were with anyone else. “I dont want you getting in trouble.” She said, squeezing his hand as tight as she could, which wasnt very tight. “Ask for Sharna. Laurel trusts her a lot.”
"But if I hadn't gotten hurt, maybe you wouldn't have relapsed and you'd be okay right now." He said, softly, closing his eyes for a second before looking at her. He shook his head, to let her know he wouldn't get in trouble. Family emergencies were an acceptable reason to not go to work. Her grip on his hand was weak, but he continued to hold on tight. "I will. Its gonna be okay, they'll take care of you, they took care of me." He said, his voice shaking just the slightest with fear. He knew that throwing up blood was a bad thing.
“It’s not your fault. I shrugged it off but it was hurting to breathe a couple days before your accident happened and its just gotten worse. Like it felt like a pulled muscle in my back.” She smiled as he held on to her hand. “Make sure Austen knows how much I love her, ok?”
“Why didn’t you say anything? It doesn’t matter. What matters is that we get you to the hospital.” He said. He could hear the ambulance pull up in front of their house, and though he didn’t want to he let go of her hand so they could get inside the house and get her on the stretcher. “She knows and you can tell her yourself. I love you, I have to go let them in before they break down our door.” He said disappearing for a second to let them inside. “We will be right behind you, love.” He said as he returned behind them. He wanted to go with her, but he couldn’t leave Austen so he’d bring her in their suv behind the ambulance.
“I thought I pulled a muscle in my back.” She said softly. “What if I dont get to tell her?” She asked. They loaded her onto the stretcher and she nodded her head as tears streamed down her cheeks. She wanted Tristan to go with her but she knew he couldnt. They loaded her into the ambulance, rushing her to the hospital
Tristan watched as they took her out of the house on the stretcher, and then he rushed upstairs, picking a crying austen up out of her crib and grabbing her blanket and diaper bag and heading out to their car, and buckling her in, just as the ambulance pulled away. Tristan followed right behind it the whole way there, parking the car in the closest spot he could find, and grabbing austins carrier to bring her in too. "My fiance was just brought in on the ambulance. I'm here with our daughter, can I go see her?"
Sharna was walking back to the exam room when Tristan stopped her. She nodded her head, “Yeah, sure. Whats her name? I’ll take you back there.”
He recognized Dr. Stewart from being in the hospital before, and he felt a sigh of relief knowing she wouldn't give him a hard time about not being family "Her names Brenna King. She was throwing up blood. She's got a history of eating disorder." He said, spewing off information that he thought would be useful. He was so nervous, and he didn't know if Brenna was even still conscious enough to tell them these things.
“That’s exactly where I was heading.” She said, motioning for him to follow. Sharna frowned, having an idea of what the problem could be. “Do you know of any other symptoms by chance?” She asked, her pace quickening.
He nodded his head, picking up the carrier in one arm and following Sharna back towards where Brenna was. "She's been tired. And she said she thought she pulled a muscle? I don't really know. She's spent a lot of her life hiding these things, I try to be there for her but sometimes I think I don't notice things." He said, shaking his head. He took in a deep breath, tensing up to stop himself from crying. He wouldn't do it in public.
Sharna looked at him, “Hey dont beat yourself up over it. An eating disorder is something that takes time, ok? I dont know much about her family but she seems very structured so I feel like maybe her parents put a lot of pressure on her and sometimes people that grew up that way tend to become reclusive when they’re going through something. It’s not your fault.” She said arriving at Brenna’s room. “I’m pretty sure I’ve seen this before but I want to see what I find out from her and if I’m right, she should be dead by now.”
He sighed, looking down at the ground. "Yeah, they were to her. I just feel like if I'd been paying more attention to her than I was to myself than maybe I would have noticed and could have gotten her to a doctor sooner. " He said shrugging. When Sharna said Brenna should be dead by now, Tristan froze, unable to breath for a moment. "Is she going to die?" He said his voice wavering and quiet.
“Dont do that to yourself. I think she would have killed you if you had paid more attention to her” She assured him. “You have to take care of yourself too.” She smiled then let out a sigh. “It’s a possibility but I’m going to do everything I can to make sure that doesnt happen.” Sharna gave him a reassuring smile, “I’ve seen this before and it’s an esophageal rupture. It’s very common in those dealing with an eating disorder but I’ve also seen it in pregnant women and even those dealing with a stomach virus.”
He let out a sigh shaking his head, “I know but it’s my job to take care of them too.” He bit the corner of his lip nodding his head. He was terrified, and he knew they would do everything they could but he could only pray it was enough. When she said esophogeal rupture he nodded his head taking in a deep breath and standing up straighter. “So are you taking her into surgery? Or what is the next step.”
“Yes but you cant take care of your loved ones if you dont take care of yourself first.” Sharna nodded her head, “We are going to take her into surgery. Is there anyone you want us to call before we take her in? If you want some alone time with her, you can go in there.”
"I should be able to take car of all three of us. What kind of man am I if I can't."  He said, letting out a sigh. He shook his head when Sharna asked if there was anyone he wanted them to call and he shook his head. "No, I can-- its okay. I'll call her family.  Can we just go in and give her a kiss first?" He asked, setting down the carseat and taking Austen out of it. "Come on pumpkin, we gotta go give mama a kiss before she goes to surgery." He didn't want to think about the worst happening to her, but he couldn't let her go into surgury without seeing her and letting austen see her one last time.
“You still can take care of the three of you, it’s ok sometimes to take time for you or ask for help, trust me. As a single mom of 2, ask and accept all the help you can get ok?” She smiled then nodded her head. “Yes of course you can. I’ll give you both a moment alone, ok?” Sharna said, giving another smile. Hearing the door, Brenna smiled, sitting up. “I’m sorry, Tristan.”
"We get lots of help from her brother and sister-in-law, and my mom. Somehow I still missed it though. I want to be able to take care of them myself too. Thats a dad's job, and a husbands job. Which hopefully I will get to be." He said, frowning a little. Walking into the room, Tristan rushed over to her side, taking her hand with his free one. "We love you, okay? So you need to do everything you can to make sure you come back out of that surgery." He said, leaning over to kiss her cheek.
“Laurel. She’s good with kids. I understand and from what I’ve seen, you’re a very good dad and you’ll be a great husband.”  She assured him. Brenna wiped her eyes. “I love you both too. So much. I promise that I’ll try, ok?”
Tristan nodded his head, "Yeah, Laurel. We are lucky to have her and Austin." He was greatful for all the help, he just couldn't help but feel a little defeated in this situation. Tristan nodded his head, and held Austen out so Brenna could give her a kiss too. "We are going to be right here waiting for you." He squeezed her hand, not even bothering to wipe the tear from his eye.
”She’s a huge help. I’m glad you have her.” Brenna smiled, giving Austen a kiss on her forehead and then reached up, wiping his tear away. “I’m sorry I’m putting you through this. You deserve so much better.” At that moment, Sharna came back into the room, ”I’m sorry. We gotta take her to the OR. I’ll come get you as soon as surgery is over and she’s in a room.”
Tristan shook his head at Brenna's words, "We just want you, babe." He was scared that it would be the last time he saw Brenna. He took a step back as Sharna came into the room, nodding his head. "Okay, I'll be in the waiting room." He said, biting his cheek and putting austen back into the carseat to take her to the waiting room.
“You have to find someone that wont put you through all this, ok?” She never wanted anyone who wasnt Tristan. She felt that he was her soulmate. Sharna nodded her head as Tristan went to the waiting room and she wheeled Brenna into surgery. After about 4 hours, the surgery was over minus a couple complications and Brenna was put into a room and Sharna came out to the waiting room and over to Tristan. “Tristan? She’s out of surgery and we put her into a room.”
Tristan swollowed hard, shaking his head. He wouldn't ever find someone else. No one like Brenna. Even if she was a twin she was one of a kind and his soulmate. The wait had felt like forever. His mom came and took Austen, and after that he had spent the rest of the time pacing and praying. He wasn't really a religeous man, but it gave him some comfort while he waited. Finally when Sharna came out he perked up again. "Did it go okay? How is she? Is she going to be okay? Can I go see her?"
“There were a couple complications but she’s ok now and she will be ok. Her throat will be sore for a couple days but luckily we were able to do it endoscopically so there are no incisions or anything that will need to heal. Yes of course. I’ll take you to her room.” She smiled, nodding in the direction of the elevators.
Hearing Brenna was okay, he let out a large sigh, tears of releif falling as his body physically relaxed hearing she was okay. "Oh thank god. " He said, wiping a tear and nodding his head as he followed her. "Will she be able to eat normally and stuff?" He asked as they entered the elevator.
Sharna nodded, “After about a day or two. Right now, we suggest water and things like solid apple juice. If she feels up to trying actual food at any point, just let us know.” Stepping off the elevator, Sharna lead him to Brenna’s room. “Like I stated, there were complications but she’s ok and she will be ok.” Stopping in front of Brenna’s door, she turned to look at Tristan, “Do you have have any questions for me?”
He nodded, trying to take mental notes of everything that sharna said. He was a nervous wreck, unsure of what it would be like when he stepped inside the room. What state Brenna would be in. "What were the complications? What will they mean?"
“Her heart stopped a couple times but she’ll be ok. She’s unconscious right now but she’ll wake up soon, alright?” She stated with a smile. “Do you need me to get anything for you guys?”
When she said Brenna's heart stopped a couple times, Tristan felt like his heart was going to stop. That he'd come that close to loosing her. He nodded his head, "Yeah okay. And uhm, not. I don't think so. I just need her to be okay." He said letting out a sigh.
Sharna frowned, patting his shoulder. “She’s gonna be ok. It’ll be sore for a little while but she’ll be back to normal in no time. I promise. If you guys do need anything, don’t hesitate to have me paged.”
He nodded his head giving her a half smile, “thank you. For saving her.”  He said, before opening to door to the room. It broke his heart to see Brenna laying in a hospital bed, but it wasn’t the first time. He walked over to her, brushing a hair out of her face, “you did it babe. You made it through.”
Sharna nodded her head, ”Just doing my job, no need to thank me.” She smiled. It was a couple hours before Brenna finally came to and she looked around the room, a smile gracing her features seeing Tristan. “Hi, babe.” She said, her voice raspy.
Tristan hadn't left his spot next to Brenna since he got in there. He'd let himself doze off a few times, but then someone would come in and check on Brenna and he would wake back up. Hearing a voice beside him, Tristan sat up and smiled. "Hey baby, you're okay." The took her, kissing the top of it.
She smiled, nodding her head. “I could never leave you. I do stand by what I said earlier. You do deserve so much better and I’m so sorry for putting you through this.”
"Good because we both need you." When she said he deserved better he let out a sigh shaking his head, "I don't want anyone besides you. All that matters now though is that you're here and you're talking to me, and not throwing up anymore blood."
She smiled, “All I want is you too. I cant live without you. Throwing up blood was terrifying. I just thought I pulled a muscle in my back because that’s what it felt like.” She loved that he was still by her side through all of this. Even though she did try to tell him that he deserved better, she thought him actually taking her up on the idea would surely send her over the edge. “I gotta be honest about something. I know I let you down and that is eating me alive but the day of your accident, my stomach was in knots and I had the urge to throw up but it wasn’t happening and I just felt worse so I forced it so I guess...I did relapse but at the same time I didnt. It doesnt make sense, I know but I cant handle you blaming yourself. It breaks my heart.”
Tristan let out a sigh, shaking his head, "When I walked in and saw the blood and you leaying there so weak..." He trailed off. It was probably the scariest thing he'd ever seen and something he wasn't likely to forget. Tristan let out a sigh, placing his hands on her face and a kiss on her forehead, "I know babe. I had a feeling, I just-- I guess I just wanted to believe that it was all going to be fine and if it was becoming a thing again you would tell me. I just hate that the stress of me being in the hospital caused it. I can't help but feel a little guilty about that."
“I’m sorry you had to see that. I wish you didnt have to.” She felt bad that he had to see her that way and more than anything she wished she could change that. “I promise I’ll tell you if it happens again. I had been feeling bad for a few days, Tristan. It’s not because of your accident I promise.”
"I wish it hadn't happened, but its in the past okay? All I care about is now." He said, squeezing her hand.  He sighed, looking down at the ground, "Promise you won't let things go on for days like that either. If you're feeling bad, you need to see a doctor. I promise I'll do the same, and when the time comes where I need to leave my job, you know I will." He felt like he still had more to give as far as being a firefighter went, but he knew a time would come when he wouldn't do it anymore.
She nodded as he squeezed her hand. “That’s all I care about too, babe. Now.” She chewed her lower lip and nodded her head. “I’ll try not to. I try to take care of everyone else first but I will try not to let things go on.” She smiled then snorted when he said he would leave his job. “You would never.”
He smiled, nodding his head, "Good. You can't care for us at your best ability if you aren't taking care of you. I want our daughter and any future children we have to have their mom around for all those important things in their life, you know?" He said shrugging. " I would too. I don't want to. I feel like I've still got more to learn and more to do there, but I don't want to die either." He said letting out a sigh.
“Future children? How many are we talking?” She asked with a smile. “But yeah, I know what you mean. I want to be around for those too.” She shook her head, “No you wouldnt. Your job is like, the most important thing to you in the whole wide world. You wouldnt leave.”
"Hmm, at least one more. Maybe 2. I don't want to have more mouths than we can afford to feed." He said letting out a chuckle. Tristan let out a sigh, shaking his head, "If you think thats true, then I haven't been a very good dad or fiance.  Because you two are way more important."
"I'd be down for two." She smiled, shrugging her shoulders. "I get overwhelmed easily. I don't think I could handle more than 3." She laughed. "You can still be a good dad and a good fiancé and still love your work more. It doesn't mean you're not good to us. I've accepted it and I'm ok with it. You're helping people."
Tristan smiled, putting a kiss on top of her head, "We can space them out, they don't have to be close together or anything. Not more than you can handle, baby." Tristan let out a sigh, running a hand over his head in discouragement. "I have. Because I do NOT love my work more than you or more than Austen. Honestly thats a little insulting to hear." Did he want to quit his job? No, it made him feel like he was making a difference in the world and he had no idea what he would be doing if it wasn't firefighting, but he wasn't going to let it cost him his family.
“Spacing them out is a good idea I think. But if they end up close together I’m not opposed to that either.” She smiled. His reaction made her want to cry. He wasnt going to make pushing him away easy but she needed him to see that he deserved someone better. “I’m sorry but if I’m ok with it, it shouldnt matter. It’s okay.” She said, giving him a smile.
He let out a sigh, covering his face with his hands and shaking his head. He didn't know what to say, so he began pacing silently. "Do you want me to quit right now? God Brenna, its not okay! Its not okay that you really think that lowley of me that you think I love it more. I've been right here for you with everything, how can you not see that you're the most important thing in my life?"
“No, I dont want you to quit. Your job is important to you Tristan. I dont think that lowly of you. You’re with me because you feel like you have to be.” She felt tears pool in her eyes and she quickly wiped them away. “You are saving people and that’s what is most important.”
"I'm not with you because I feel like I have to be. I'm with you because I love you. I want to marry you. If I didn't love you, then I wouldn't Brenna. You're the person I want to spend my life with. And what life is it if I don't have you? What good is saving people if I can't save my family."  He said, pinching the bridge of his nose, trying to prevent himself from crying.
Brenna shook her head, tears streaming down her cheeks. She needed him to see that he deserved better than her. That there is better than her out there for him. “There’s nothing to save. We’re..” She couldnt breathe because of the words she was about to utter. “We’re over, Tristan.” In that moment, she hated herself more now than she did 5 minutes prior. He was her soulmate and she loved him more than anything in the world. “We can alternate weekends with Austen and during the week you can have her when you arent on shift.”
Her words were like a knife to his chest and he took in a deep breath, taking a step back. "What the hell are you talking about Brenna? You're seriously going to break up with me? I'll send in the resignation right now, I don't know what more you want from me!" He was hurt and angry and confused. Things were fine 5 minutes ago and they were talking about more kids, and then suddenly they changed and he didn't understand. "Why are you doing this? Why do you want to keep hurting me, I don't understand. I'm not letting you give up on our family that easily." He said, letting a tear fall.
“Yes. We’re over.” She wished she could take the words back; she wished that talking about their future didnt make her realize all that her existence  did was keep him from a happier life. “You’re not sending in your damn resignation. I want you to leave.” She didnt want him to leave though. His words made her stomach tighten and it felt like a knife went straight through her heart. “Why would you want to be with someone that keeps hurting you? I’m sorry my eating disorder is hurting you, I’m sorry my eating habits are hurting you, I’m sorry that I am hurting you.” She couldnt help it; she had started sobbing, despite how much she wanted to hide it. “I need you to realize that you deserve better. I’m trying my hardest to push you away and make you see that but it clearly isnt working. I don’t deserve the life you’re giving me. You have no idea the amount of hatred I have for myself right now, and its done nothing but increase in the past few minutes and knowing that I just...keep hurting you is making it worse because that has never been my intention. Did I want you to quit? Yes, but I never said anything because it is your job and you are so happy so I’d much rather sit, alone waiting for you to come home. I would love to have a day where I dont have to worry about whether or not you’ll come home but it’s your job so I deal with it. I’m sorry if I keep doing things to hurt you. I am so sorry but you deserve so much better than I can give because you have such a big heart and it is one of the many things I love about you. I love you more than I could ever put into words.”
Tristan sighed shaking his head, "I don't want to leave. I want to fight for us." Everything she said to him made Tristans heart break. The way she started sobbing only made it worse, and he looked down at the groun to avoid making eye contact. "Your eating disorder isn't what hurts me Brenna. What hurts me is the fact that you aren't even listening to me. Doing this-- breaking up-- this is not what I want. I don't care if you think I deserve better, I dont want better. I want you.  Do you know what makes me the happiest? Early mornings when I wake up, and I walk in to see you attempting to feed our daughter even when she's making a mess.  Getting off work and coming home to find you with your hair all a mess, a script in front of you and you taking notes. You, Austen, our life, thats my happy place. You're my soulmate and if you think for a second that I would be happy without you, then you are seriously mistaken."
As he spoke about what made him happy, she couldnt help but smile. He still wanted her. “You and Austen are my happy place too.” She said. “I’m sorry. You just do so much for me and I just...I feel like I’m not good enough for you. But I love you so much. I want more kids, I wanna get married. All of it with you.”
Tristan let out a sigh, moving over closer to her and gently placing his hands on either side of her face,  "I love you Brenna. The good stuff and the bad, and I know you don't think you deserve me, but thats because of your mother. You think you don't deserve love and good things and that you're not good enough, but I'm telling you: you are.  You are good enough and you do deserve to be loved by me."
She nodded her head, “I love you too. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I want to be loved by you. You mean everything to me.”
"I love you too Brenna, you're my world. My girl. I don't want anyone else, and no one else would make me happy okay?" He said, giving a half smile.
She smiled, nodding her head, “Ok.” She patted the space beside her on the bed. “Please. I just...I just need you.”
Tristan smiled, hesitating for a moment. "Okay but first you gotta make me a promise that you aren't gonna try and push me away and break my heart anymore today." He said, giving a soft smile and raising a brow.
Brenna smiled, nodding her head. “I promise. I’m so sorry Tristan. Our life is my happy place and I just want to make you the happiest you’ve ever been.”
Tristan smiled, sitting down next to her. "I am the happiest... Okay well maybe not at this moment because of whats happened to you today, but I'm happy with my life. All I want is to marry you. And If I need to start looking for another job, I can start doing that. I don't know what yet, but I want to be there for our daughter and you and I don't want you to have to worry about me."
“Good. I am too. My life is perfect because of you and at least I’m ok. All I want is to marry you too. I would love for you to start looking for another job but I cant let you do that. It makes you happy, so incredibly happy. You love saving people so I will have to put my fears aside and just pray that you come home to me.”
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yaz-the-spaz · 6 years ago
As someone who is investigating this possible same sex couples for a while. Following some blogs about these couples and compiling info from fans. So let me answer this anon. Apparently Jared Leto and Collins Farrell, some people even joke that is a hollywood open secret. Camila Cabello and Lauren Jauregui, according to camrens that i follow they broke up twice, at the begining and when Camila left cuz they didnt know how to make the things work with the distance, but they are back together. 1
+ Demi and Selena already had a thing, teenage love at its finest. There are rumors about Selena and Cara dating (or having a thing) during the time she was public dating Zedd. Taylor Swift and Karlie Kloss: all i say is CIWYW and DWOHT is about karlie (and what they call kissgate). Basically, what people say is that they were going to come out but kissgate happened and freak them out, so now Taylor is slowly building a bridge to do It properly while karlie is “married” to one of the trumps. 2
+ (Funfact she was the only model Harry high fived according to people who were on the VS, so here you are harry only talking to the gays) Jeremy Renner and Kristoffer Winters: you know that “and they were roommates” vine? Thats them. He, nocked up some “ex girlfriend” Just like Louis and now have a kid that is probably his surrogate kid that he and his “roommate” had. And he was outed but the same way Simon was and burry all this so no one knows, the jornalist who outed him got fired for that.3
+One James Franco fan said that he is probably in a long term relationship with Vince (Im so sorry i dont remember his last name, but he is a grey hair good looking guy). Leonardo DiCaprio the same way as Jeremy was outed, apparently he wanted to come out their agents didnt let him and he is always stunting and bringing this Guy Lukas Haas with him, who some people believe is lover, The same way with Larry they used to be roommates. 4
+Nikki Reed and Kristen Stewart had something before all the robsten bullshit start but they broke up and the media said that Kristen was jealous of Rob and Nikki (bs again). Kendall Jenner was rumored to be dating Lauren Perez and there is some analysis like why she is probably lesbian and her mom think is going to be bad to her come out. Funfact Ireland Baldwin was on the ski trip with Kendall and Harry with her “boyfriend” 5
+and she ended up coming out as lesbian and dating someone she was already rumored to be dating for a long time who wasnt her boyfriend. There’s also Cheryl Tweedy and Kimberley Walsh which i found out through yaz and is pretty fishy. And If you are looking for someone who looks like Larry/ziam: there’s actually this couple is like 100% suspicious, 6 idk which number, i lost myself right now
+ they are korean, the ship name is ChanBaek, is Chanyeol and Baekhyun, that already had a girlfriend who people thought/think is lesbian. There is a lot of weird things about them PLUS they use sign language, have couple rings and the other members look like they know something. And Simon Cowell and Paul McKenna but nobody cares about them. 7
good lord dude
but here ya go anon lol
and while we’re on the subject i had completely forgotten about camren (who i def believe were a thing too though idk about them being back together but maybe) but also i assumed the anon meant current relationships/ppl who are still together which is why i didn’t mention selena who i definitely think is bi and idk about necessarily having a thing with demi cause i think they really were just friends but i do think selena def had a thing with one of her back-up dancers charity at one point (and i could believe she might have had a thing with cara too) and yeah i’ve seen rumors about leo dicaprio and james franco too, didn’t know about all the other stuff/other ppl though, this is all very interesting
(and lmao at the simon and paul but nobody cares about them bit)
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the-gay-loser · 10 months ago
This Story Took Me Three Years!
May 10 1779 Wednesday 
The rolling hills around Jockey Hollow are green with patches of wildflowers. Yesterday after our lessons, the girls and I put away our journals then dashed out of the hut. Robert came, too. We ran through fields, over a creek, and up a slope. We just felt like running! When we reached headquarters, we heard commotion coming along the road. Horsemen and soldiers were cheering “Lafayette!” came the shouts. “Huzzah!” “Huzzah!” We each jumped upon a tree stump, hoping to see we only got a quick glimpse of his face and his red hair when he waved at us
May 11 1779 Thursday 
Today I went to headquarters, when I got in Ms. Washington was cooking “good morning Abby! How about you eat with us today, we have a new guest!”
I knew who she meant and I was happy to meet him again. After breakfast Lafayette introduced himself “i don't think we properly introduced i am Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier the Marquis de Lafayette it is a pleasure to meet you” “ same here my name is Abigail Jane Stewart” then we heard Washington say “Marquis where did you go i need your opinion on this battle strategy” Lafayette bowed at me “i hope to see you again Miss Stewart au revoir” i must say he is quite a kind man and i hope to see him again to  
May 19 1779 Wednesday 
I went to headquarters again today because i had to drop off a letter to Mrs Washington i was secretly hoping to see Lafayette when i got in there the generals were all eating Mrs Washington was sitting next to her husband when i looked around I didn’t see Lafayette  Oney came up to me and asked “can i help you dear” “oh…uh I have this letter for Mrs Washington” “i will take it dear” i walked back to the tents  puzzled: why wasn’t lafayette there, did he leave already? 
May 20 1779 Thursday
I came to headquarters again cause Mrs Washington invited me for tea,
Mrs Knox was waiting “hello Abby come in and sit Mrs Washington will be here soon” upstairs I heard horrible coughing. I must have had a confused look cause Mrs Knox said “poor thing, hopefully he’ll get better soon” “who?” “Lafayette, poor thing caught a terrible fever been coughing and wheezing all day and yesterday to” that's why I didn’t see him yesterday he didnt leave he’s sick “ahh Abby you're here, sorry to disappoint you but we might have to cancel this meeting i don't know if Mrs Knox already told you but Lafayette has a terrible fever poor thing and worst of all he feels bad i keep telling him it's fine but he won’t stop saying sorry” i left feeling sorry for him  
May 23 1779 Sunday 
I told mama she said “we should bring him something” we spend all day trying to convince the soldiers to go steal eggs flour milk and butter from farmers so we could make butter bread Sally and Mazie stole one mama wasn’t to happy she might of thrown a wooden spoon at sally once or twice
May 24 1779 Monday
Today i went to headquarters, to give the biscuits to Lafayette Mrs Washington let me go up to see him cause she said he should be asleep I walked upstairs and entered the room I walked over and but the basket on the table bye his bed I turned and couldn’t stop string he looked so adorable with his fever flushed cheeks and his long hair falling down his face I couldn’t help but tuck the loose hair behind his ear he moaned and his eyes flickered open he opened his mouth to speak but a coughing fit hit him he groaned and shut his eyes again I told him he not speak or it would drain his energy further he moaned again and grabbed my hand squeezing it I sighed he was delirious I set a wet washcloth on his forehead and headed downstairs i said my quick goodbyes and left 
May 30 1779 Friday 
Ok if i don’t write this down I’ll explode with joy, so it was a regular day I was doing laundry with mama and Mrs Lulu while Sally and Mazie played i was about to hang something when i heard horse hoofs i was pretty sure it was the general he always does check-in’s on the soldiers but the hooves stopped at our tent then I heard mama “thank you and you feel better” i knew who it was i almost yelled Lafayette was at our tent a major general at our tent i walked over pretending i didnt know he was here “oh hello again” i said, he smiled but this time he seemed really happy “do you feel better?” I asked of course he said “yes, thank you for that bread it was heavenly” 
I felt myself blushing. I couldn’t stop. He smiled, of course Sally asked “can i pet your horse” either he has kids at home or he doesn’t want to be rude “but of course” he said then this spiraled into a tornado of questions “what is it like in France? Do you have a family? Are you married? Do you have kids? Do you have more pets? Do you know Mr and Mrs Washington?” He answered all of them which I thought was humanly impossible. But it answers my questions here are the answers 
What is it like in France: well it's nothing like America 
Do you have a family: sadly my mom and dad died before i was 13
Are you married: yes 
Do you have kids: yes 
Do you have more pets: yes lots more but all of them are back in France 
Do you know Mr and Mrs Washington: Yes Mr. Washington is my commanding officer, and Mrs. Washington helped take care of me when i was sick 
Then he bowed and rode off i was starstruck he was kind with my mom and answered all of the questions my sister asked and let her and Mazie pet his horse he didn’t even care that Mrs Lulu and Mazie are black, but i knew that him and Mr. Washington are really close and wanna something cool diary he had both pants pulled up so i could see a musket ball scar i wanted to ask but i knew it was rude my candle is Burning out goodnight diary
June 1779 Monday
Me and sally walked over to headquarters today and wow it's hot i was sweating like crazy, before i go in i rub my forehead with my dress, everyone was drinking wine and cheering Lafayette was sitting with Mr. Washington i could see Washington laughing while Lafayette smiled suddenly Oney popped up next to me “there sweet aren’t they lafayette is one of the only generals that make him laugh” i looked back she was looking at me i didn't know what to say but luckily Sally saved me “Abby we have to go back to the camp” before i left i waved to lafayette he waved back i didn't know that was gonna happen Washington looked over at me and smiled that was the first time i saw him smile at me. 
June 10 1779 Wednesday 
Today lafayette wrote to me and asked if i wanted to come to headquarters cause his was “bored out of my mind” i came over but before i could go inside i heard this “Miss Stewart over here” i didn't consider that we would walk around jockey hollow together but it was nice we talked about our family’s and our life’s it got late and he walked me back to camp kissing my hand before he left 
June 11 1779 Thursday
Today i came by just for fun, when i came everyone looked sad Lafayette had his head in hands Mrs. Washington was patting him on the back she asked me to grab a handkerchief for Lafayette i did and he picked up his head his eyes where red and his face was pale he was trying to catch his breath Mrs. Washington nodded to the kitchen and we both walked over there “what going on?” “Lafayette’s oldest daughter Henriette passed away a year ago poor thing had just got the letter” as i was walking back i thought to myself:
1: lafayette was on a boat for 2 months  and then hiked through snow
2: he got a terrible cold
3:  and know he just lost his oldest daughter 
Can things get any worse for him?
July 12 1779 Tuesday
I went over to check on Lafayette only to find he wasn’t at headquarters I walked around trying to find him until I finally saw a figure sleeping against a tree I walked over and sure enough it was lafayette he was sound asleep against a giant oak tree I got a little nervous when i saw that he was a slight bit more pale but i walked over to him and shook him a bit he startled and then opened his eyes he say me and instantly shot up like a bullet “Miss Stewart to what do i owe the pleasure I smiled and told him I was looking for him he smiled and sat back down we talked for awhile sometimes he would pause a swallow down what i expected to be a sob I told he didn't have to hid it he instantly let multiple teardrops fall from his face and all i did was wrap my arms around him and pull him into a tight hug 
July 13 1779 Wednesday 
My fathers division is now under command of Lafayette finally more time to see a dear friend. He is based in a brick house a few miles away. Sally and Mazie have been doing stick races on the frozen lake 
January 1 1779 Thursday 
Lafayette has been riding back and forth from Washington’s camp and whenever he returns he looks stressed. I haven’t been able to see him a lot but he smiles whenever he sees me.
January 21779 Friday
Oh diary i am writing while crying tis why there are wet spots on these pages I can’t write about it know
July 16 1780 Saturday 
Ok, diary time to write about last night.
As I said in my entirety on Thursday Lafayette rides back and forth from Washington’s camp to his, well yesterday he went out again. I heard a rumor about him having a violent headache but he looked fine when he left. Well after an hour of him gone people started to worry so we sent a scout to go see if he was ok so when he comes back asking for a wagon we all yell “Mrs. Washington is coming with friends” but i didn't cause the man looked concerned well when he came back and no one was in the wagon we all put our heads down Mrs.Washington Wasn’t coming but then the man called for a doctor we all panicked looking for anyone well sally and Mazie found one sleeping they shook him awake no one knew  who it could be but i think i knew and it hit me like a bullet to the heart when i saw reddish hair it was lafayette he passed out on his ride there and when the scout saw him and no horse he panicked that why he wanted blankets and a wagon the doctor got over and first checked his palm for a heart beat lucky he told everyone his heart was beating but very faintly he was shivering and looked horrid the doctor asked Capitan Sherman Locks to help carry lafayette in side to the hearth where he could warm up next the doctor asked for an assistant and picked me when i got in i was assigned to put a hot rag on his head. for a job that sounded so simple it pulled on your heart strings he would moan and shut his eyes tight and squeeze my hand which made me know he was still living which was a good sign but when he was squeezing and his hand loosened i panicked i called for the doctor but he didn’t hear me i got so stressed i fainted when i awoke i was on a chair someone must’ve put me there but when i saw lafayette rubbing his head my world lit up he was alive when i stood he said “ahh your awake”
“How are you?” I asked “good, but my head feels like it was hit by a carriage” I laughed and he joined me then From the other room “Miss Stewart, is he awake?” “Yes, sir he is” the doctor walked over a put his hand on Lafayette’s head “ow” said lafayette The man shook his head “General Lafayette, I am afraid you might be dying” tears poured down me face i shook my head and ran out I don't know what Lafayette said but I bet he was as scared and sad as me
January 17 1778 Sunday
I told Mama,Sally,Miss Lulu,and Mazie every single one of them started to cry the word spread fast people started to pray and some started to make a coffin i couldn’t  make my body move i was so upset all of a sudden I started to feel scared really scared like i lost all the protection i had gained i realized that i was scared because being around lafayette made me feel safe.
January 18 1778 Monday
I got a letter from headquarters today i asked around i was the only one to get it i lit a candle outside and opened the letter: “Dear Adrienne” oh no it was for his wife but i really wanted to read it so I copied the letter in this diary and then sealed it and told myself to sneak to the mail pile in headquarters here diary but lets keep this our little secret 
Dear Adrienne, this hard to write as my hand trembles at the mere thought of it but i have came down with a fever and when the doctor examined me he said i might be dying although i may have committed many errors and pushed your heart to its limits 
I don't want you to grief for i do not believe this doctor and i will live until i am back with you adieu my dear adieu oh diary i wish i had a husband like that
January 19 1778 Tuesday 
Well today was a sad day. It was the day of goodbyes and farewells. I was last in line when  It was my time the man said “I can’t let you pass, General Lafayette needs his rest.” Then we heard from the other room “Know Jacob, does that seem fair?” It was Mr. Washington.  Washington walked over and leaning heavily on his shoulder was…Lafayette Oh i was so happy to see him he did not look any better but oh diary how his face lit up when he saw me “Miss Stewart it is a true pleasure to see you again” Mr. Washington said “same here sir” he nodded then after i prayed for Lafayette and wished him heath I went back to camp when I got back I asked mama “why didn’t Lafayette talk to me?” She answered and both of them i didn't like
1: “well either he was sad and grieving and just disappeared into himself i did that when David died”
2: “ he's too sick to talk and his in need of very serious care and help”
January 20 1778 Wednesday 
Today was a weird day, the doctor told me to come over and care for Lafayette, cause the he had to go see more patients, so I went over expecting to find him sleeping or resting, but instead he was at a desk, piles of letters around him he seemed fine so i sat down on a chair at the dining table. Then I heard a moan and walked over to find him head in hands and grimacing. I walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder as he lurched away. I stood in shock for a second and then gently spoke into his ear “hey…let's get you up into bed” he nodded and i helped him up the stairs once I finally had him in bed I went back downstairs to continue cleaning 
January 21 1778 Thursday
I came over today and he was sleeping I started to cook and then called to him “Lafayette, i made some soup do you want some” when i got no answer i went over and found him eyes shut and breathing heavily, i panicked the first thing that popped in my head was to go get my mom, i ran as fast as i could my mom dropped her spoon and ran with me first thing she did before we went was she told one of the volunteers to go get the doctor, when we got in my mom walked over and picked up his head and felt his forehead before the doctor came in, when the doctor came in he said the heavy breathing was because his body was fighting pain i took a deep breath at least he wasn’t losing breath, when the doctor left after waking lafayette up and helping him walk upstairs the doctor asked if i could stay for a while i asked him why he said he might die any minute at the word i burst into tears my mother walked over “my daughter will not see the man who she is friends with die” the word die was said to many times for my brain to count i started to lose count my legs go all nub and i fell to my knees head in hands and cried why him why my mom helped me outside and to our campsite Mazie and Sally were playing and when Sally saw my tears she ran up to me and hugged me i hugged her back she was a good sister 
January 30 1780 Wednesday
I have had a weird few days, well a weird hour because almost an hour ago I was asked to see take care of Lafayette (he didn't die yet) when I got inside I went up to his room where was staring at the ceiling “how are you?” I asked he just moaned “who made you mister depressed” he chuckled at that but it caused him to start wheezing i sat him up so he could breathe better “Merci Beaucoup Miss Stewart” I couldn’t stop crying he looked at me puzzled “what’s wrong?” “I’m scared for you” I couldn’t hold my self back anymore “Your one of my best friends and I honestly care about you and you don’t deserve to die like this, your wife needs you, your kid needs you…America needs you. He looked me in the eyes and smilied “trust me Miss. Stewart I will fight to my last breath” he held open his arms and I jumped into them and hugged him then I heard quiet snores I laughed he fell asleep in my arms. I let go and tucked him in and kissed his forehead “I have no doubt” and I walked out of his room feeling like my old self.
February 2 1780 Saturday 
I was sitting by the fire when an officer came over and handed me a letter. Curious and confused, I opened it. It read: Hello Miss. Stewart, I am sorry to contact you on such short notice but Lafayette has developed a horrible fever and if we don’t get his temperature down he might die. I know that this is on such short notice but I need you to come back to Fish Kill. He keeps asking for you and is refusing help from anyone else. Yours Truly Martha Washington (P.S If you accept this offer I will have a carriage sent for you personally.) Lafayette was asking for me, the poor girl who made food and cleaned the soldiers' old smelly clothes. There was no hesitation. I wrote back immediately . Dear Mrs. Washington, I would be honored to come back to Fish Kill and help Lafayette. To be honest I have become quite attached to the young french man thinking of him as my brother. I would be delighted if I could help in anyway I could. Is it true he is asking for me specifically. Sincerely Abigail Stewart.   The next day I got a letter back from Mrs. Washington. Thank you so much Mrs. Stewart!  I will have a carriage sent right away and yes, he has been asking for you specifically.
February 10, 1780 Sunday
A carriage arrived the very next day to escort me back to Fishkill. As I sat inside, the wheels rattling over the uneven terrain, my heart pounded with a mixture of fear and determination. Lafayette needed me, and I was determined to do whatever I could to help him.
Upon arriving at Fishkill, I was greeted by Mrs. Washington herself, her face etched with worry. Without wasting a moment, she led me inside the grand estate, where Lafayette lay feverish and weak.
Entering Lafayette's room, I was struck by the sight of him lying in bed, his face flushed with fever and his breathing labored. Mrs. Washington explained that despite their best efforts, they had been unable to bring down his temperature.
Taking a deep breath, I approached Lafayette's bedside, my hands trembling with apprehension. He stirred at the sound of my footsteps, his eyes fluttering open to meet mine.
"Abby..." he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.
I took his hand in mine, feeling the heat radiating from his fevered skin. "I'm here, Lafayette," I said softly, willing my voice to remain steady despite the fear that threatened to overwhelm me.
For hours, I sat by Lafayette's side, bathing his fevered brow and offering words of comfort as he drifted in and out of consciousness. Despite his weakened state, his spirit remained unbroken, his determination to fight evident in the steely resolve that flickered in his eyes.
As the hours stretched into days, Lafayette's condition began to improve, thanks to the tireless care and attention of Mrs. Washington and the skilled physicians who tended to him. His fever gradually subsided, and color returned to his cheeks, a welcome sign of his strengthening resolve.
Throughout it all, I remained by Lafayette's side, offering whatever support I could. In those quiet moments by his bedside, I came to realize the depth of the bond that had formed between us—a bond forged in the crucible of adversity and strengthened by shared moments of fear and courage.
And as Lafayette finally emerged from the shadow of illness, his spirit renewed and his strength restored, I knew that our journey was far from over. Together, we would face whatever challenges lay ahead, drawing strength from each other and the unbreakable bond that bound us together.
February 15, 1780 Friday
As the days passed, Lafayette's strength continued to return, much to the relief of everyone at Fishkill. With each passing day, his fever subsided further, and his appetite slowly returned. The once pale and weakened Lafayette began to regain his color and vitality, a testament to his resilience and determination.
I remained by Lafayette's side, offering companionship and support as he recovered. We would spend hours talking about everything from our hopes and dreams to the challenges we had faced during the war. Lafayette's spirit was indomitable, his optimism contagious, and in his presence, I found solace and strength.
Despite the hardship he had endured, Lafayette remained steadfast in his commitment to the cause of liberty. His passion for freedom burned bright within him, a guiding light that inspired all who knew him.
As Lafayette grew stronger, he expressed his gratitude for my presence and unwavering support during his illness. He thanked me for being there for him when he needed it most, and I could see the sincerity in his eyes.
In those quiet moments together, I came to cherish the bond that had formed between us—a bond forged in the crucible of adversity and strengthened by our shared experiences. Lafayette had become more than just a friend; he was like family to me, and I was grateful for the opportunity to stand by his side.
And as Lafayette continued on the path to recovery, I knew that our friendship would endure long after the war had ended. For in the midst of darkness, we had found light, and in each other, we had found the strength to persevere. Together, we would face whatever challenges the future held, knowing that as long as we stood united, nothing could break our bond.
February 25, 1780 Monday
As Lafayette's recovery progressed, a sense of normalcy began to return to Fishkill. The tension that had gripped the estate during Lafayette's illness slowly dissipated, replaced by a renewed sense of hope and optimism.
Lafayette's presence was like a beacon of light, lifting the spirits of all who crossed his path. His laughter echoed through the halls, his infectious energy infusing the estate with newfound vitality.
Despite his recent brush with death, Lafayette remained as determined as ever to continue the fight for liberty. He spoke passionately about the future of America, his vision of a nation united by freedom and equality inspiring all who listened.
I found myself drawn to Lafayette's unwavering optimism and boundless enthusiasm. In his company, I felt a sense of purpose and belonging, as if I were part of something greater than myself.
As the days turned into weeks, Lafayette and I grew closer, our friendship deepening with each passing moment. We shared laughter and tears, dreams and fears, finding comfort in each other's presence.
And as spring approached, casting its golden glow over the rolling hills of Fishkill, I knew that a new chapter was beginning—one filled with promise and possibility.
For Lafayette and I, the journey was far from over. But with courage in our hearts and hope in our souls, we faced the future together, ready to embrace whatever adventures lay ahead.
And as we stood side by side, gazing out at the horizon, I knew that no matter what challenges may come our way, as long as we had each other, we could overcome anything. 
March 3rd, 1780 Saturday
A shadow hangs over the estate—a shadow casted by the specter of illness that once again gripped Lafayette.
It began with a slight cough, barely noticeable at first, but soon it grew into a persistent wheeze that wracked Lafayette's frail frame. Despite his best efforts to conceal his suffering, it was clear to all who knew him that something was terribly wrong.
As the days passed, Lafayette's condition deteriorated rapidly. His once vibrant energy waned, replaced by a pallor that spoke of deep-seated sickness. His cough grew more violent, each rasping breath a painful reminder of the frailty of human life.
Despite the best efforts of the physicians at Fishkill, Lafayette's fever raged unabated, burning like a wildfire within him. His strength waned with each passing day, his spirit dimming like a candle in the wind.
I remained by Lafayette's side, offering whatever comfort and support I could, but it pained me to see him suffer so. His once bright eyes now dulled with pain, his voice reduced to a mere whisper as he struggled to draw breath.
In those quiet moments by his bedside, I prayed for a miracle—a glimmer of hope to pierce the darkness that threatened to consume us. And miraculously, it came.
Despite the dire prognosis, Lafayette's condition began to improve. His fever broke, and color returned to his cheeks as his strength slowly returned. It was a testament to his resilience and determination, a testament to the indomitable spirit that had carried him through so many trials before.
As Lafayette's health improved, so too did the mood at Fishkill. The once somber atmosphere gave way to a sense of cautious optimism, as we dared to hope for a brighter future.
And though Lafayette's recovery would be slow and arduous, we knew that with time and care, he would emerge from this ordeal stronger than ever before.
As I sat by Lafayette's side, watching over him as he slept, I felt a profound sense of gratitude wash over me. Gratitude for his resilience, for his courage, and for the unwavering friendship that had sustained us through the darkest of days.
And as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting its golden rays over the peaceful landscape, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as we faced them together, there was nothing we couldn't overcome. For in the bonds of friendship and the resilience of the human spirit, we found the strength to endure, one day at a time.
April 20, 1780 Saturday
Despite the budding beauty of the season, a sense of tension hung heavy in the air—a tension born of the ever-present threat of danger that lurked just beyond the horizon.
One fateful day, Lafayette embarked on a reconnaissance mission to gather crucial intelligence on enemy movements. His departure filled us with a sense of unease, for we knew all too well the perils that awaited him on the battlefield.
Days turned into weeks, and still, there was no word from Lafayette. Each passing day brought with it a sense of mounting dread, as we waited anxiously for news of his fate.
Then, one stormy night, a rider arrived at Fishkill, bearing grave tidings. Lafayette had been gravely injured in battle, his condition critical. Without hesitation, we rallied to his side, determined to do whatever it took to save him.
As we journeyed to the battlefield, the sounds of cannons and muskets grew louder, a cacophony of chaos that served as a grim reminder of the horrors of war. But amidst the chaos, there was a glimmer of hope—a hope that Lafayette would emerge from this ordeal alive and well.
Finally, we reached the battlefield, where Lafayette lay wounded amidst the carnage of war. His face was pale, his breathing shallow, but his spirit remained unbroken. With trembling hands, we carried him to safety, praying for his swift recovery.
Back at Fishkill, we tended to Lafayette's injuries with the utmost care, each of us doing our part to ease his suffering. But as the days passed, it became increasingly clear that his injuries were more severe than we had initially feared.
Lafayette had sustained multiple gunshot wounds, each one more serious than the last. His condition was critical, his very life hanging in the balance as we fought tirelessly to keep him alive.
Despite the pain, Lafayette remained resolute, his determination to overcome his injuries serving as a source of inspiration to us all. But as the days stretched into weeks, his strength began to wane, his once bright spirit dimming like a flickering flame.
And yet, even in his darkest hour, Lafayette refused to give up hope. With each passing day, he fought bravely against the odds, his unwavering courage a testament to the indomitable human spirit.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Lafayette's condition began to stabilize. Though the road to recovery would be long and arduous, there was a glimmer of hope on the horizon—a hope that Lafayette would emerge from this ordeal stronger than ever before.
And as we watched him slowly regain his strength, we knew that though the scars of battle would always remain, they served as a reminder of Lafayette's bravery and sacrifice in the fight for freedom.
As spring gave way to summer, the war continued to rage on, but with Lafayette by our side once more, we faced the challenges ahead with renewed determination. And though the road ahead would be long and fraught with peril, we knew that as long as we stood together, there was nothing we couldn't overcome.
August 10, 1780 Sunday
With the arrival of fall, a sense of rejuvenation swept through Fishkill, breathing new life into the estate and its inhabitants. The once barren trees began to bud, and vibrant wildflowers dotted the landscape, painting the hillsides with splashes of color.
Lafayette, now fully recovered from his illness, seemed to embody the spirit of renewal that permeated the air. His energy was boundless, his enthusiasm infectious, and everywhere he went, he brought with him a sense of hope and optimism.
As the days grew longer and warmer, Lafayette took to exploring the surrounding countryside, eager to immerse himself in the beauty of nature. He would often invite me to accompany him on his walks, and together we would wander through meadows and forests, lost in conversation and laughter.
During these moments of tranquility, Lafayette would share stories of his homeland, regaling me with tales of France and his family. I found myself captivated by his words, transported to a world far removed from the chaos of war.
But amidst the beauty of spring, reminders of the ongoing struggle for independence were never far away. News from the front lines brought both triumph and tragedy, as the tide of battle ebbed and flowed across the countryside.
Yet, even in the face of adversity, Lafayette remained steadfast in his commitment to the cause. His unwavering resolve served as a beacon of hope for all who fought alongside him, a reminder that victory was within reach if they remained united in their pursuit of freedom.
And as we stood together beneath the clear blue skies of spring, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as we faced them together, there was nothing we couldn't overcome. For in the bonds of friendship and the promise of a brighter tomorrow, we found the strength to endure, one day at a time.
March 28th, 1780 Saturday
Even with spring now blooming into full splendor, the war raged on, its echoes reaching even the tranquil sanctuary of Fishkill. The distant thunder of cannons served as a constant reminder of the sacrifices being made on the battlefield, a reminder of the price of freedom.
But amidst the chaos and uncertainty, there was a sense of unity and purpose that bound us together. Lafayette's presence at Fishkill served as a beacon of hope, his unwavering dedication to the cause inspiring us all to persevere in the face of adversity.
Together, we worked tirelessly to support the troops, providing aid and comfort to those in need. From sewing uniforms to tending to the wounded, each of us played our part in the fight for liberty, fueled by the belief that a better future awaited us on the other side of the struggle.
And as the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, a sense of anticipation began to build. Rumors of impending victory spread like wildfire, igniting a spark of hope in the hearts of all who longed for peace.
Then, one fateful day, news arrived that the war had come to an end. The long-awaited moment had finally arrived—the dream of independence had become a reality.
Amidst the jubilation and celebrations that swept across the land, Lafayette stood tall, a symbol of resilience and determination. His unwavering commitment to the cause had helped pave the way for victory, and his legacy would forever be enshrined in the annals of history.
As the sun set on the battlefield, casting its golden rays over the hallowed ground, I stood beside Lafayette, gazing out at the horizon. In that moment, amidst the quiet beauty of the evening, I knew that a new chapter was beginning—a chapter filled with promise, possibility, and the enduring hope of a brighter tomorrow.
And as we looked towards the future, hand in hand, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as we faced them together, there was nothing we couldn't overcome. For in the bonds of friendship and the triumph of the human spirit, we found the strength to build a better world—one step at a time.
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we-will-neverfade · 7 years ago
Liam is such a teacher material. Like in kindergarten. Or a social worker. He thrives off helping others. And that's honestly so attractive.
i waited til i was home, fed, and in bed to answer this one bc boi i’m about to go full headcanon
•liam stewart has the patience of an angel with his kinder kids•literally once explained to a kid why tying his shoe was important everyday for a whole year •kid never learned •and would trip after every explanation •he would make up stories to things he didn’t know or write them little books they can take home•especially if their home life wasn’t good he would personally buy them clothes and their favorite snacks if he could•bc as we all know, teachers in america make like no bank •he lives like jake in Brooklyn 99 on a broken mattress solely bc he spends all his money on his kinder kids•liam loves coming up with little ideas for his kids •their finger paintings lined the walls of his house with no wall space left behind•every time they give him one he cries •but dating while in the teaching world? no bueno•no one understood how these 20-30 five year olds are more important than his own life and if they don’t get a smiley face on their hw their day will not be made SO NO SYDNEY I CANNOT GO ON A DATE TONIGHT MY KIDS NEED THEIR SMILIES•that is until….you guessed it •RUBY ELIZABETH DALY COMES IN oh boyyyyy•so ruby, she was once at the store and saw a cute southern boy in a blue flannel that made his eyes pop and hi- ah sorry who had every single cheap dollar toy imaginable •ruby was like “he’s either a REALLY young dad or some kind of teacher”•and from the amount of stickers in his cart she guessed teacher•ruby was in her last year of college so she was broke as broke can get•so she took up babysitting as one of her jobs •the little girl she happened to be babysitting was ella, a sweet girl who could get anything with a look to the eyes.•as ruby was starring at the cute guy struggling to find one more pink sparkly pencil bc if MARY DIDNT GET A PICK PENCIL SHE WILL BE SAD AND IF SHES SAD LIAM GETS SAD•he was basically head first in the pencil bin SEARCHING•so then, liam stewart: king of balance•slips•he falls into the bin•and ruby has to physically turn away •ella automatically realizes who it is•”MR. LIAM”•yes they call him mr. liam bc stewart is too hard for some 5 year olds to say but lee loves their attempt •liam tries to get up upon the small voice saying his name but at that sudden movement the whole bin slips out from under the floor crushing him into the tile•ruby rushes to help bc this poor guy. wow•”oh god are you okay?”•”ye- wow you’re cute”•ruby blushes and they just sit there and stare at each other until ella comes •”MR. LIAM REMEMBER ME??”•liam looks away from ruby to see ella, one of his kids from last year •liam starts telling she’s grown so much and how he misses her and then dives in to talk about the newest disney movie •and ruby is just standing there with heart eyes like “wow he’s cute AND good with kids. marry me”
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eggdotjpeg · 6 years ago
Hey so I wrote this chapter of a shitty story I might be continuing? idk how much I will update this, just remind me of it. Anyway. I’m putting the first chapter under the cut (hopefully, I don't really know how this works). I’ll start writing the second chapter now. Enjoy I guess? Oh yeah, this chapter is for 69 followers but the next one more so. Haven’t really edited this either, so if there are any mistakes then feel free to point them out!
The Five Fingers
Chapter One: I Can See a Man With a Baseball Bat
It was a late night on the 6th of September, or rather, an early morning, and Hubert Cumberdale was curled up in his bed, lying awake and waiting for just the right time. As the seconds ticked by, Hubert felt himself fill with more and more anticipation. His hands were shaking as he leaned over to grab his phone resting on his bedside table. He carefully unlocked it and opened his Instagram app. He checked the time and went into the group chat he had with his friends Marjory Stewart-Baxter, Jeremy Fisher and Milford Cubicle.
“420 blaze it lmao”, Hubert carefully typed into the chat.
“Go to sleep Hubert you’ve got to have energy for the movie release tomorrow”, quickly replied Marjory.
“You’re no fun, goodnight MUM!”
“Goodnight Hubert.”
After reading Marjory’s reply, Hubert made sure his alarm was set for 10 and put his phone back down and fell asleep.
 As sleep took over Hubert’s tired body, his mind was filled with a bright light, and then coming out of the smoke was Morgan Freeman. Morgan invited Hubert to sit and he did so. Morgan stared into his eyes and said with utmost certainty “You know I had to do it to em’”
Hubert spun around and saw him. Glowing. He spun back around to find Morgan gone. He woke up to his alarm.
He grumbled and turned off his alarm when he remembered. Today is the day. After quickly showering, he walked over to his closet to pick up the outfit that he had laid out the previous day. It was a simple white shirt with blue sleeves that went up to his elbows, and brightly coloured blue jeans. He walked over to his mirror and began to style his hair. He took two pieces at the front and make them stick up and then fall down, much like dog’s ears.
Hubert still had an hour and a half until he had to leave, so he decided to watch Bill Wurtz’s latest video. Before it, a 30 second ad started playing. Hubert decided to pay attention to the ad to see if it could give him any life changing advice for the day.
“Has you really been far, even as decided to use, even go want to look more like? Call 985-655-2500 inside the details for. Go further and even more decided to use! You can really be far as decided twice as much to use and go wish for it. When you decide far even once to use and even go want then get really far, even as decided to use and look more like and go after. It’s just common sense! Apply today.”
These few words held so much meaning to Hubert, but he just couldn’t wrap his head around as to why. He simply shrugged and went into the group chat and sent a message to see what his friends were doing now. Milford was still on his shift at Bunnings, Marjory was at the shops getting snacks and Jeremy had just woken up and was very annoyed.
Hubert decided this was the best time to go to the museum. They just had this new exhibit in that he was very excited to see.
After grabbing his coat, Hubert set off for the museum. It took 12 minutes and 250 seconds to get there, so if he stayed in there for 5 minutes he should be able to make it to the movie just in time.
When Hubert inside the lobby of the museum, he realised he needed a gummy snake to enter the museum. He didn’t bring one, so he walked outside and saw a kitchen table sitting on the road. He figured it would work just as well and walked over and picked it up. He walked back into the museum and gave the table to the receptionist.
“Funny looking gummy worm,” said the receptionist. Hubert merely grunted and took note that he had a nametag which read “Harry”. “Eh, whatever, it’ll do I guess step right in.”
Hubert stepped into the museum and started to make his way over to the new exhibit. He was in a rush, as consulting with the receptionist had taken 10 seconds of his precious time. It was lucky that the theatre was right next to the museum, so he didn’t have to waste time doing such mundane things like walking.
When Hubert neared the new exhibit, he started to smell a strange scent. It smelt of rotting meat. But something about it was different, almost foreign. When it came into sight, Hubert was in shock. It was one of the best things he had ever seen in his life. It was a meat dragon. Something seemed different about this meat dragon in particular. it was different to all the meat dragons he’s seen. What was different became apparent as he neared it. The sign said was entirely made of orphan meat. Truly original.
Then, out of the blue, he saw Harry advancing towards him. Oh god. This couldn’t be good. Then Harry started talking to him. It seemed like gibberish. Then Hubert started paying attention to what he was actually saying, and started to make sense of the nonsensicals.
He looked at his watch and it said he had been here for 2 minutes! Great Scott! He threw a pillow at Harry who ate it up gratefully, and Hubert began quickly running towards the exit, cursing under his breath about how Harry had kept him for 2 minutes. Two minutes too long I’d say! Doesn’t anyone know that no one cares if your pet tardigrade has a child?
He ran out of the museum and bolted into the cinema, coughing up red water. One of the staff members came up to him and offered a candle to help the coughing, but Hubert declined as he was going to be late for his movie. He made it in to his seat with only an hour, 5 minutes, 7 seconds and 32 milliseconds left to spare. He let out a big sigh and wondered where his all his friends were. He was sure they were going to be late!
20 minutes and 4 seconds later, Marjory entered with a 666-kilogram wheel of cheese. Ah, good old Marjory, you could tell she was from Wisconsin just by looking at her.
Hubert was getting worried, there were only 10 minutes until the movie started and Milford and Jeremy still hadn’t arrived. Then, in the blink of an eye, they came bursting in through the cinema doors, panting like doggos.
“Sorry we’re late, there was a lot of traffic so it took an extra 4 seconds,” breathed Jeremy
“You should’ve accounted for that, hurry up and take your seat the movie is about to start”, replied Hubert.
They took their seats as they eagerly waited for the movie to begin.
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disneyprincessmodelworld · 8 years ago
I can't even hide how pissed I'm about this, IDGAF if it's Ricky's fault and not Darren's like ppl say, Darren looks so bad. He doesn't do shit for my community except for going to events to promote his stuff & play lgbt roles, he truly looks like a dudebro who takes advantage of the lgbt community for marketing and MONEY. How is that str8!darren stans can't see how awful he looks as an ~ally~????? The fact that they changed the words bc str8 in the article is GROSS.
Part 2.
There is no doubt they pay for those articles to mention him in those LGBT lists, idc if people disagree, he doesn’t belong there if he is going to sell his str8ness and girlfriend 24/7, idc whose fault is, Darren looks gross as fuck & I hate this. Anyone saying he is a good ally is fucking stupid. Want to sell yourself as an ally? ACT LIKE ONE. But noo he promotes his gf but don’t say shit about the Trans/Trump debacle even tho he played Hedwig. P.s: sorry for the rant. I’m so mad.
First let me just say …. You have no clue how hard it was for me to figure out how to copy and paste the second post to this one on my phone. 😂.
Normally, I dont post these. I just stay away from them because sometime I feel like I like in a totally different worls. I can understand ones annoyance.
However…..I mean did you have this same anger against Wentworth miller? What about Matt? Ricky martin? Ellen? Queen latifah? Kristen Stewart? What about Raven. ( No you know what.. Let’s not include raven cause she nuts and there is plenty to upset with her for 😂 ). I mean Ricky was in every lgtb mag for years. He paraded a host of supermodels and actress as his gf. One for a very long time. Wasn’t until his children were getting ready to be born that he came out because he didnt want to hide them or his partner . you think d team goes haywire on the straight train, have you ever researched old Wentworth press? Hell at one time they thought to make him a man whore just to insure folks knew he was straight. Cause you know its better to be see as a player than gay per the studios.
I mean there is another they choose to go back and fix the wording in the article. But knowing that persons ex, I just had to chuckle about it.
What about mannilow? Who surprising enough lived for years in a similar situation. In fact he moved an assistant into his home and lived with her for years. Folks thought they were married and she was his wife. He is 73 and just now talking about it. Again most knew but he denied til the cow came home.
As I remind x when he feels like he is letting his fans down, he isn’t obligated to do or say anything for his fans. work behind the scenes is just as important.
Just because D chooses to beard does not invalidate what he does behind the scenes. if that is where he feels comfortable, than whatever. Not everyone wants to be or can be as vocal as my minis.
(i mean bearding is all over. like plenty of others here and I am sure there are some you think are cute couples but they arent)
that doesn’t mean I dont understand the annoyance.
There are a lot of out gay males, trans females and etc in Hollywood and they have a difficult time finding work. I mean there is a situation right now where it was decide to cast a woman to play a teams female even though we know there are to trans actresses.
Similar to how… eypgt is in Africa but to have Hollywood paint it, there were only four black folk there and of course they were slaves. 😑😑😑. what about all the mixed woman in Hollywood. (Hell I’m one). but no lets have Angelina Jolie play a mixed black and white woman. but lord we get a black Annie and folks damn near wanted to burn the studio to the ground.
So I get it. I get the anger, the frustration and I won’t belittle those feelings because only you know what you have been though and seen for your journey. Your feelings are valid and they matter.
I just ask that you take a moment and remember that not everyone is at the same place. Some just aren’t ready to be that kind of public. Some need more time. some feel they need cover.
it okay. With the shit going on in this country due to agent orange, all we can do is try to live as best as we can for ourselves and light a candle for those that can’t, or dont want to, or aren’t ready
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