#sorry silly tech guy you are now become the tech
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ccervidae · 7 months ago
Actually no, I don't think Colin's dead. There's been a BIG theme of transformation/apotheosis in the statements, and becoming one with your job/obsession (even literally In This Episode with the custodian). I think Colin's gonna be a part of Freddy now, in some way or another. He's probably gonna WISH he was dead, but I don't think we're quite done with him yet.
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redflagshipwriter · 7 months ago
Halfa Cass 9 part 3
TW for canon-typical violence under the read more, minor character death
Unfortunately, there was so only so much Danny could stretch out his production process when Brick started hovering over his shoulder. Brick didn’t seem that bright, if Danny was honest. But he was clearly on the lookout for foot-dragging. 
That meant Danny was mostly done with the outer casing on the second cannon when Brick looked up abruptly and cursed. Brick pulled a gun out of his pocket and pointed it at Danny.
Danny was still busy soldering metal and it took him a few seconds to parse that he was supposed to be under threat right now. He blinked at Brick. “...Sorry, what?”
“Sack of shit!” Brick cursed, lip curled up. His silly little mustache rotated and stuck out at a weird angle. His eyes were wild. “Who did you tell?”
Danny shrugged awkwardly. Should he like, pretend he was afraid of the gun? Should he defend himself? He looked down at his soldering gun. Um. He probably, uh, shouldn’t… use that on Brick, right? It wasn’t like the guy could do anything to him.
Brick jabbed the gun further into Danny’s personal space. Brick’s head exploded with red mush.
Danny blinked.
Brick slumped to the floor. The gun clattered away. Blood gushed furiously across the floor and immediately ruined Danny’s shoes. Fuck. Brick’s soul sputtered in consideration of evolution. It pulsed, once, twice, and then harmlessly dissolved, passing onto the next life without all the drama of becoming restless dead.
Danny turned off the soldering gun and pushed up the protective eye mask he had on for work with a disgusted grunt. Between that and the breathing protection, there wasn’t much of Brick on him except in his hair. Oh. No. He made a face and wiped at his forehead with the back of a sleeve before anything could get into his eyes. Brick was dripping down his forehead, nasty!! 
A gun cocked. “Yeah, yeah,” Danny acknowledged. He huffed and leaned over to grab at a shop rag. “Ugh!” He did his best to clean up. “This is gross. Just plain gross,” he bitched.
Footsteps walked down the metal stairs. “You work for me now,” said someone else that Danny had never seen before. Bigger guy. Older, ugly. He was balding and slightly gone to seed. Danny wasn’t exactly charmed.
Danny grunted. “My rate is 70 an hour,” he said. It had been 50 for the last group, but clearly his reputation had gone around enough for him to be recruited.
The gun pressed up against his forehead. “No, it’s not.” 
“Yeah, it fucking is, and I need $14 right now to go to the laundromat.” Danny made a gimme gesture. He ignored the gun to his head and jutted his chin out, ready for an argument. “You’re going to get rid of that, right? I do not do body disposal. I don’t have relevant expertise. That would be a sucky reason to get caught by the cops.”
The thug laughed. He put his gun back in his pocket and casually kicked at the recently emptied body. “I like you, kid,” he said genially. “Sure. I’ll tell the boss your rate. And I can get your laundry done. Don’t want your Mom to see you covered in blood?” He laughed again, like the thought of a teenager having to hide their criminal involvement was somehow funny.
Danny shrugged, not quite willing to lie that the feeling was mutual. This guy seemed like a dick.
“What’s this?” The new guy started nosing through the worktable, getting his grubby hands all over Danny’s beautiful new bazooka. He hefted it up and pointed it at Danny with a mean little smile. “What’s this do?”
Danny tried very hard not to go stiff. For the very first time, it occurred to him that he might be walking a little too close to the fire by making weapons that he could be harmed by. “Matter displacement tech,” he said casually. “Works on shit like doors.”
“Doors, huh.”
At this range, it would displace most of Danny’s torso. He tried not to calculate how many days it would take him to regenerate from a hit like that.
The man lifted his eyebrows, but he put the bazooka back down. “You’re pretty unflappable, kid,” he commented. He rifled through Danny’s odds and ends with a careless hand, messing up the neat organization. “Once you’ve finished that, I’ll come back and pay you for it… How many work days is one of these things?”
“Takes about two days to do one solo, can get two done in three days,” Danny said tonelessly. 
His new contact grunted. “We’re going to need weapons from you next,” he said, as if it was just a fact.
“I don’t do weapons,” Danny said. He shrugged. “Sorry, it’s just not my specialty. I can get you the list of specs for what I can do, though, I–”
“You can do weapons,” he got cut off. The older man gave him a disdainful look. “Your girlfriend’s a co-ed, yeah? Cutie. Gotta work like a big man to keep her paid up.” He clapped Danny on the shoulder. “Be smart. I'll send someone to clean up.” He turned on his heel and left.
Danny stood there, taking a few moments to buffer that bullshit. The penny dropped.
‘Ew. Jazz?! They think I’m dating Jazz? That’s nasty.’
‘Oh, fuck. He knows about Jazz. They’re threatening Jazz.’
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baskeigh-ball · 1 year ago
God I love that swap au, especially with Raph. Cause like he's always the one to take the heavy hits for the team, he's used to an even encourages people to test his durability/strength at times. So to now be in a body that's suddenly the exact opposite would make me want to wrap myself in 50 layers of bubble wrap and never leave
As one of the many vocal Raph enthusiasts on this site, YES EXACTLY YOU SEE MY VISION
It was the obvious choice for Raph to be in Don's body because it has so much potential! He's has to force himself not to be the shield now!! He's going against a lifetime of Toughest Biggest Brother Instincts because he's not the toughest biggest brother anymore!!!
He figures out why Donnie is so obsessed with his tech--which, he had a basic understanding before, but now he REALLY gets it. A softshell has very few natural defenses. He can get hurt much more easily, so he uses a battle shell to pick up the slack. But I can imagine Raph becoming waay too attached to the shell. Even though it goes haywire sometimes because he has no clue how it works, it becomes his security blanket.
Not to mention his strategy in battle is completely overhauled because he's not the Punchy Guy anymore. Well, he's still a heavy hitter, but he has to rely on technology instead of his own raw mystic strength. So he's basically rendered useless, at least by his own logic, because what good is Donnie without Donnie's brain?
He never thinks that about Donnie tho, in fact he and Mikey and Leo have spent years trying to uplift their brother and make him know that his self-worth is not attached to what he can offer to the team. But, of course, Raph doesn't cut himself the same slack. I can also imagine him slightly resenting the others for having an easier time adjusting to their different weaponry, meanwhile he's left with high-tech armor that never listens to him and tries to kill him just as often as it protects him. Just saying, it's inevitable that he snaps eventually but that's another story for another day
Sorry for ranting, I have too many thoughts about the silly red turtle and it comes out in the form of word vomit since I have nowhere else to shout into the void about my obsession with him lmao
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voltronisanobsession · 2 years ago
Miguel codes Lyla a Friend
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I had this idea since I was thinking maybe sometimes Lyla gets lonely being the only hologram in the spider society apart from Spider Byte. So I decided to do this and show what it could be like if Miguel finally coded and programmed Lyla a new friend!
This also might be the very few writings I’ll do for this fandom since I wanna focus on the ones Im active in now :D
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For this to even be CONSIDERED a possibility, Lyla would have to have been annoying Miguel for awhile, complaining about how oh so lonely she’s gotten being the only hologram
“Come on.”
“There’s Spider Byte.”
“She doesn’t count, plus she’s still a spider. Come oonn.”
“Is my company not enough, Lyla?”
“Look me in the eyes and you tell me. Come ooonnnnn.”
In the end Miguel will succumb to Lyla’s persistent complains much to the her delight
I can already see her excitedly yapping away while Miguel begins programming her new ‘friend’
I totally see Miguel just copying and pasting Lyla’s original coding while making some changes like the personality and appearance just because he didn’t want to spend too much time on this
It takes a couple of runs before both he and Lyla are satisfied with the final outcome, you😍
Miguel made it so that you were the more compassionate and kind one between the two of you while Lyla is the honest and blunt one
You chose your own name, which surprised both him and Lyla since you were already adapting and growing as an intelligent form of tech
“Well then Y/N, welcome to the team.”
Cue Lyla grabbing your arm and disappearing to who knows where while Miguel sighs
Omg she would totally give you star glasses so you could match with her heart glasses!!!
You guys are rarely seen without the other ever since your arrival
Lyla would show you all the ropes to being Miguel’s assistant and would be so proud when you help file your first report on an anomaly :,)
“They grow up so quick.”
“But I can’t ‘grow up’ Lyla.”
“You’ll understand those sayings soon.”
You guys do everything together, like karaoke nights with Miguel, make friendship bracelets for each other and take silly pics with that one bunny filter Lyla’s obsessed with
It’s like you’re Thing 1 and Thing 2 according to Peter :]
Because this is technically your shot in ‘living’, you definitely look at everything with stars in your eyes
Everything is still so new to you and so exciting that you often get carried away with rambling about how fascinating life is
Which causes Miguel to raise an eyebrow at times because it’s almost like your becoming more self aware of yourself, gaining more… human emotions despite you being only a hologram
And he isn’t wrong
Once learning of Miles Morales’ story and how he’s essentially going to destroy the multiverse according to Miguel, you can’t help but feel for the boy
Your traits grow from being compassionate to feeling real emotions which confused you at first when you began feeling so different at times
(You asked Lyla about the weird feelings you’ve been getting but she only looks at you weirdly so you don’t bring it up again)
You make it a habit to mention every now and then that Miles had no control over what happened and how you feel sorry for him
How you even theorize that with him, the cycle of Spiderman could possibly be broken!
Lyla would 100 percent lecture you on how that would be terrible and all that fun sunshine stuff which you definitely don’t listen to
Hobie would be around when you’re on one of your tangents on how Miles could be the change the multiverse could benefit from, capturing his attention
“Rebellious one, aren’t you?”
“Oh Hobie hello! What do you mean by that?”
“I sure as ‘ell know bossman wouldn’t program your own ideas to go against his, now would he?”
After that small talk, your hologram self would realize ‘hey! Im thinking for myself, I have my own ideals and beliefs!’
Cue you acting out against Miguel cuz you’re in your rebellious phase
Bro would totally tell Lyla to control you
You’ve been giving him more headaches than Lyla has and that’s saying something
I think Lyla would try to tap into your programming to see if there was something wrong only to find out you put a PASSWORD on that file LMAO💀💀💀
Her reaction: 😦
Besides that concerning factor that is making itself way more known after Miles arrives, most of the spiders do enjoy your company
They love how you just float around them as you beg to hear more of their stories and fights they’ve experienced
You have an almost childish light because of how interested and amazed you are at them
You love being around Peter B. though because of Mayday
She loves just swishing her hand at your frame, giggling as you reappear in a different spot, your soft glowing light capturing her attention every time
Overall I think being Miguel’s second assistant isn’t the most terrible thing in the world
Lyla’s sarcasm has rubbed off on you so you both like to make Miguel’s job a little more difficult than it needs to be
But he definitely has a soft spot for both you, especially since you often sympathize with him whenever he watches those videos of his past life
You’re just a silly member of the society trying to learn more about life and the special moments it holds
You want to be apart of the real world instead of being confined to the digital world, which Lyla and Miguel don’t realize is a problem until you finally go against them
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numberonetacostan · 2 months ago
hey guys welcome back to disney channel its shrimpy and-
sorry im going crazy hAHAHSHSH
au where taco wasn't actually programmed to betray anyone and/or steal the million or anything (just stay as her silly little s1 self) but uhh something something cobs meddling with mephone4 code something something pokes around with the contestants' code n'stuff and accidentally-on-purpose changing up some of their behaviours and one of which being the taco becomes evil and british thing
the whole thing is revealed 1. when knife & suitcase face cobs and he's like " of course im invested in inanimate insanity i literally edited like tacos and some of the other's code so it could get interesting because cmon mephone could never do that to his contestants he just cant think big " and theyre like What The Fuck 2. insert scene post-finale (after the Cobs Death Scene) where taco asks mephone why he made her this way (Evil and Traitorous) and he goes like ???? but i didnt ??????? and suitcase and/or knife (hes not.hesnot a ghost shut. if he was alive he'd do it lets be so real) are like sooo about that..... and she is Devastated. her entire life got ruined because of Corn
optional scene where mepad (you already know how i feel about him. shhh. i love tacopad. let me have this) and/or mic have to comfort her because She Can't Believe It
Hi Shrimpy!!^^ Welcome back, and thank you for sending in an ask!! :]
OUGH Cobs meddling with their code is such a neat one!!! Taco getting her code meddled with in general is super interesting, whether it's Cobs for added drama or Mephone because he wanted a twisty twist villain as whoever ended up taking 2nd place. I think it would be neat if Taco was chosen specifically because Cobs found her original personality obnoxious, echoing how Mephone4 would call her annoying when she survived eliminations during season 1.
Cobs using her as an example for Knife and Suitcase would be so fucked. I love it. Especially with Knife being close with Pickle and Mic, and having seen Taco fall apart quite recently. Mephone's response is pretty funny though ngl. "Why did you make me so awful?" "I didn't do that you were supposed to be silly I got no clue what went wrong." Knife and Suitcase awkwardly telling her and Taco's just. Silence. Okay. She will be jumping off the crappy cliff now no more of this shit girl is DONE. Yeah she would be incredibly upset, devastated, heartbroken, angry, so many fucking feelings. She had been so happy. She could've stayed so happy.
The comfort is NOT optional actually. I think Taco might need to be watched after this just in case she might hurt herself. Testy might be working on MeLife/Mepple stuff to try and create a new recovery system, I'm begging you to indulge in the angst of her trying to bring her old personality back. She at least knows a thing or two about tech, and if there's one thing we know about Taco it's that if she decides she wants something it's pretty dang hard to stop her from getting it. And there's so much potential here too!! She gets caught trying to more or less erase her current self? ANGST. She succeeds in doing so and now the Taco that Mic and Mepad knew and cared for deeply is gone, and Pickle is faced with the Taco who was his dumb, loyal friend again? Who doesn't remember anything that happened after she lost? *explodes*
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mrgladstonegander · 1 year ago
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MORE BOOTLEG DUCKTALES ‼️team science (oops! all identity issues!) edition
team magic here
archimedes gallas / gyro = more like other versions where he's nice but this man is carrying SOOOO much guilt. insane amounts. his entire character is focused on how much his self-worth is down the drain (also hes being haunted by the narrative (phoebe/della)). also he's half japanese. based off the onagadori
cherry pekin / huey = has a similar problem to archie where she has overwhelming feelings of needing to seem mature, and responsible, where she overworks herself
sydney eggtooth-diazi / fenton = REALLYY wants to seem like a Professional Normal Dude. repressing EVERY urge to wear silly ties. sees morality in a black and white sort of way and it WILL cause problems later. he puts archie on a pedestal and its super obvious and it just makes archie more mentally ill
salem milly / gandra = planning to really lean into how she joined fowl bc they were the only ones that supported her. mainly the contrast with how the Main Family supports each other with unconditional love, the love she has is purely conditional, and she's constantly convincing herself that she Wants to do bad things, and that she doesnt care about these people, because despite how she says she only listens to herself, shes stuck to FOUL, and thats her 'family'. based on mille fleur d'uccle
frankie loon / fethry = IT IS PART OF TEAM SCIENCE‼️ after getting back to mainland after being alone at sea for four years, he joins as a janitor. pulling back the marine biology in the sense that he is interested in EVERYTHING. man of a 10000 copies. winning the idgaf war (DOES care abt how his family is disinterested in his interests but its FINE because HE cares its fine its fine. he's accepted he'll be alone). its presence WILL send everyone else into a shock about their identity. hopefully it'll happen vice versa as well
widget-time-tech / widget / gizmoduck / lil bulb = theyre being consolidated and also theyre lil bug guys now!! i dont care if you hate bugs theyre cute as shit!! widget is Usually in the little ball, but also helps control the suit with sydney. it still has anger issues so it'll make things harder for sydney rather than just silly incompetence. and it was DEFINENTLY made to be a superhero ai. no other purposes. at all. certainly not messing with the fabric of time. just helping the ppl of the town :)
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mad clucktor / mad clucktor = iwhile he IS a villain he isn't necessarily a bad person. hes a physical manifestation of the part of archie that WANTS to be alive! that KNOWS his worth! he doesn't have to work himself to death to make up for his guilt!
and he's the reason why toby is even active. why he's back
toby / boyd = cannot be normal abt this sorry
he was made to be archie's idea of the "perfect boy". the perfect kid. what he wants to be what he WISHED he would be growing up. hes happy, he can do everything right, he's intelligent, he's strong. his existence is free of human doubt and anxiety, he's the perfect boy and if he was in archie's place everything would be fine
but it isnt! he gets used! toby's used for evil through no fault of his own. but he becomes a symbol of things that are "wrong" about archie. toby didn't resent anyone or be upset with how people treat him. toby doesnt have his own needs. he can do whatever people need him to do. toby was his symbol of hope but becomes a symbol of how everything with him goes wrong. he becomes an unachievable goal that archie is trying to be to make up for the existence of toby!!
and so the only way for either of them to be "truly human" is when archie learns that he doesn't have to be perfect. he never had to be. even if he's made mistakes, he still deserves to LIVE!! he doesn't have to hide his pain and discomfort for anyone!! and its okay for toby to be toby!
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zoeykallus · 2 years ago
Tech’s reaction to the fem!reader pointing up the finger and saying “ I suggest “ before tech opens his mouth every time.
😂 okay, let's go! Sorry for the naughty part, my mind went down strange roads again.
Tech x Fem!Reader - Quirks, Insolence And Weak Knees
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Fluff/Annoyed Tech/Flustered Tech/Pre Relationship/Suggestive/Sexual Content/Fingering/18+
You like traveling with the guys from Bad Batch, you always experience something new, it hardly ever gets boring. But you like one of them in particular, Tech. For fun, and maybe because you want his attention and to draw him out, you've picked up a few of his quirks.
Of course, that doesn't go unnoticed.
Hunter says, "We're running low on fuel-"
You push in front of Tech who is about to open his mouth, raise your finger as he usually does and say, "I suggest we fly to Tattooine, we should still have enough fuel for that. We can refuel there."
Tech, who has noticed several times now that you are imitating him, feels a certain frustration coming on, but doesn't quite know how to deal with it yet and remains silent. But you hear him behind you snorting in annoyance.
You turn to him with a smile, but he avoids your gaze and retreats. You do it again and again, beating him to it, your finger raised and copying his behavior. You hardly miss an opportunity. Tech is getting less and less comfortable with it, and yet he hasn't said a word until now.
When you're alone on the Marauder, and he asks you something, you raise your finger again, but his somber look makes you pause in mid-motion.
Tech says angrily, "Stop this insolence at once! I know why you're doing this, you're copying me to make fun of me, my…. Behaviors, my quirks. I really don't appreciate that! You of all people."
Gritting his teeth, he turns away and continues working, his movements jerky and his shoulders stiffening. You've never seen Tech angry before. But it's more than anger, there's something else, he's hurt, you realize. You really didn't mean for this to happen, not at all.
"Tech," you say softly.
"I don't want to communicate with you right now," he returns tersely, "I'd prefer it if you left me alone to work in peace."
"Please, I'm sorry. Hurting you was not my intention."
"You of all people," he mutters to himself again. A little more clearly, he asks, "Then what was your intention?"
He doesn't look at you though, keeps working.
"It was just fun, I do it now and then with people I like, there is no negative motive behind it. But tell me, what do you mean by 'me of all people'?"
You see him hunch his shoulders as if to retreat into his armor like a turtle.
"I don't think it matters anymore," he says softly.
You ask him gently, "Are you sure about that?"
You hear him sigh, then very slowly his shoulders sink again. Tech's movements become a little quieter, but he still doesn't turn around as he says, "I um, thought you liked me and I noticed I liked you too. Sometimes my knees go weak when you smile at me, in that one way. But then you started making fun of me and… well, that was awkward, to say the least."
You say softly with a smile, "I really like you, that's why I imitated you. I wanted your attention. In hindsight, I realize that was completely silly, and obviously it gave the wrong impression.
Tech cautiously glances over his shoulder.
"You really like me?"
You nod with a smile.
With his index finger he adjusts his goggles, he looks at you relieved but also thoughtful, his amber eyes look so huge behind the lenses.
"How do we deal with this? What is our next course of action regarding this issue?"
Still smiling, you slowly raise your finger and say, "I suggest we drop everything for now, retire to one of the bunks, and cuddle and kiss."
Tech's ears turn red.
He clears his throat and says, "I um, like that suggestion."
His heart is up to his neck, just like yours. He lets you lead him to your bunk, watching you take off your shoes and climb in. He nervously tugs at his armor before doing the same. As you begin to take off the armor plates of his gear, he holds perfectly still, as if frozen in place.
"You seem nervous," you say softly.
"Maybe, a little," he admits.
"We're just going to cuddle and make out, I'm just going to take the armor off you, so it's more comfortable, I'm not going to undress you completely".
He clears his throat and says, "That sounds…. reasonable"
You realize how reserved and cautious Tech usually is when it comes to contact with other people, you suspect he won't or can't jump in fully right away, perhaps has no experience.
Finally, the last plate of armor has fallen and you snuggle together. Tech is very cautious, a little reserved, but also curious. When your lips touch, the kiss is very chaste at first. Very slowly, Tech feels his way forward. His heart is hammering so hard in his chest that you can feel it pressed so close to him, against yours.
He takes a breath now and then, as if he were about to drown. Tech is very excited, nervous and at the moment he can not hide it. As your tongue glides over his lower lip, he lets out a stuttering breath, heat rushes to his loins and his cock grows to full length under the fabric of his blacks.
He can't organize his thoughts properly, your body heat, your closeness, the touch of your lips and tongue, keeps throwing everything into confusion.
You lie on your sides, pressed close together, one of your legs hooks around his waist, and quite automatically his pelvis nestles between your thighs. Finally, his tongue feels its way to yours, each velvety collision a shower of signals flooding his body and yours. Automatically you move together, friction arises. By now you've long felt how hard he is through the thin fabric of your clothes.
The heat of the moment carries Tech away, a shiver runs through his body, the friction is too much stimulation, he clings his arms around you, almost like a drowning man to a piece of driftwood, as an orgasm overtakes him and he cums still almost fully clothed.
He breaks away from the kiss, almost startled, stammering an apology, but he's still clinging to you.
"That's okay, I'll take that as a compliment," you say softly.
He licks his lips nervously.
You ask him, "Do you want to maybe do something more?"
Tech hesitates before answering, "My body clearly wants more, but my mind says I'm not ready yet."
You smile and kiss his chin.
"That's perfectly fine"
After a moment of silence he asks, "But you haven't had an orgasm, have you?"
"Not yet," you say with a smirk.
Tech takes off one of his gloves and asks, "I may not be ready for deeper sexual contact yet, but would you allow me to touch you, to provide you some relief as well?"
"You know I gather information like a sponge, I read a lot, do a lot of research."
His gloveless hand, carefully opens your pants.
"May I?" he asks again, "I'm curious if I'm capable of doing this".
You say with a racing pulse, "Go ahead."
Just the thought of feeling his long, deft fingers so intimately makes your panties damp. He pulls your pants a bit off your hips to get better access, then his fingertips feel along the waistband of your panties. Each touch a small pulse that pulses impatiently between your thighs.
Slowly, tenderly, his fingers slip under the fabric and move further down toward your moist heat. Tech lets out a stuttering breath as his fingers touch your most intimate regions, sliding through your folds. It's so warm, velvety soft and wet.
"This wetness comes from sexual arousal, doesn't it?"
You moan softly, from his touch, before answering, "Yes, indeed."
The thought pleases him, that his closeness, his fingers can arouse you. He goes on a tender exploration, his fingertips finally finding what he is looking for, your clit. He first exerts gentle pressure, strokes you. His fingers move further down again, collecting some of your arousal, then he slides his moistened fingertips back to your pearl. He strokes gentle circles around and on the little bundle of nerve endings, slowly applying more pressure, watching in fascination as you squirm in arousal.
The intensity in your pussy increases, it tingles and pulsates, your pussy contracts, but there is nothing for your walls to cling to.
After a while he asks gently, "You seem to be having fun, but it's not enough, is it?"
You pull your panties down, automatically while his fingers continue to dance deftly on your clit, keeping you on the edge of your seat.
"I need something inside me"
"I-inside you?" he asks uncertainly.
Tech looks down at himself, he's already hard again, but still messed up from his own seed and not really ready to take that step yet.
"Okay," he says quietly, "let me try something."
He brings his other hand to his mouth and pulls off his second glove with his teeth, seeing that alone sends renewed pulses through your center making your pussy twitch. You love those wonderful fingers. He lets go of you briefly, gently pulling off your underpants and then your panties. His ears are red, a wet bulge in his crotch. He has never done something so naughty before. He likes it, but he doesn't feel quite up to it yet either, but he wants to give you pleasure. You can't help it that he is so easily overstimulated.
He opens your thighs in front of him with his hands, kneeling between them.
"Please tell me if I go too far or if anything makes you uncomfortable," Tech says urgently.
You promise, "If it does, I will say something".
He nods, looks down and sees your wet flower spread out in front of him. He bites his lower lip, finally the fingers of one hand search for your entrance, gently stroking through your wet folds again until he finds your dripping hole. Carefully he caresses the entrance with two fingertips, first at the edge, then he slowly penetrates further. At the same time, the fingers of his other hand resume their play with your clitoris, in gentle circular motions that slowly increase.
Tech increases the speed and pressure of the massage of your clitoris while at the same time he pushes his fingers deeper into your pussy and begins to pump gently. Satisfied, he sees your reaction, hears your sighs, your moans, sees your fingers digging into the sheet. He feels how your pussy clings to his fingers.
"Fascinating," he says softly.
In the next moment, the time has finally come, the intensity increases and this time you tip over the edge in delight into a glorious orgasm, with Tech's fingers on your clit and in your pussy.
You ask him to stop before he overstimulates you, and he gently withdraws his fingers from you. He is still kneeling in front of you, looking down at you contentedly with a small smile and says, "Those fingers you were making fun of are good for so many things, aren't they?"
You laugh softly and agree with him, "They sure are, Tech."
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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walnutcookie · 1 year ago
May. May I ask about ur headcanons for xylotial nova cookie or however u spell faer name. Heh.
CRACKS KNUCKLES . MORE OF THEM HERE WE GOOO i dont know if im repeating myself or not because im too lazy to check my last hc post so sorry if ive already shared these !!
- water is like alcohol to him/other xylitols. it makes him drunk GXHNFKFJ they dont need to drink water to survive but they do have it as a Fun drink sometimes which is why astronaut was still able to stay hydrated (they were very confused when she drank tons of water and was Just fine)
- xylitols also require light to live!!!!! when in darkness they have a faint glow (think glow in the dark toys. not very bright but still There) :] when they are without light for too long they become very sick, weak and drowsy and lose their glow. this is why planet xylitol is so brightly lit!! they NEVER have their lamps off so its always super bright (yes astronaut struggled to sleep)
- relating to above, xylitol nova glows just a little bit brighter than other xylitols + features like his eyes, wings, and the lines on his face glow!!
- also relating to above he is NOT used to being in the dark so when he went to earthbread and experienced an actual day/night cycle he was TERRIFIED he could not see anything </3 peepaw is like a moth if its dark and theres a little bit of light he will cling to it
- despite being a technological genius hes so advanced that earthbread technology is confusing to him. how do you turn on the computer?? do you not turn it on with your mind??? /silly He has to be taught how to use a lot of more Basic technology. especially things like light switches and sinks since [gestures to above] they dont really exist
- xylitols body temperatures are naturally very cold :] i dont rlly have a specific temp but theyre a lot colder than earthbread cookies so the planet is very cold! its constantly kept in regulation so the whole planet is kept at the perfect, cool temp. which not only benefits the xylitols but their tech too since its not at risk of overheating 👍 they also dont have anything such as blankets and fans since. why would you want to be any hotter or cooler? the planet is kept at a perfect temp all the time!! (poor astronaut.)
- relating to above AGAIN XN was not having fun his first time on earthbread. So warm in certain places and during certain seasons </3 both him and his cybernetic parts were overheating since he never had any reason to install cooling fans or any sort of temperature regulation. get this old man in a freezer NOW!!!!
also i see in your ask you called xylitol faer if thats a pronoun headcanon thats so real /pos
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murkystarlight · 10 months ago
Screw it.
Dreamzzz season2 spoilers pt.1
(And my personal comments)
Alright. Starting from episode 1
I didn't realize that Cooper having a sudden interest in chips would be a hint to something later(it probably isn't but it seems like it to me). Cooper apperantly had a full list of things to fix and make... also the Night Bureau really can't do their job done properly can they. How does Cooper go to school? And study? And get good grades?? Also love how everyone names their cars
It was cool seeing Sneak working with them. And Nova, too bad they... uh- dissapear after like... episode 4? I think
Mateo trying to find a way to get z-blob back, and the Nightmare king... why is he such an icon all of a sudden?? Like-
Also, I like that how Mateo got the kid show treatment. Might as well sing 'we're all in this together'
And Dallas joining the knitting club!!
It was pretty nice. Just a simple small detail, but I like stuff like that so... Looks like he's not going to be bullying anyone now
It was very fun watching the crows(ravens? Don't remember) snatch their memories. When I saw what the memories that was stolen were about I started screaming like-
I actually think they all have a good reasoning. Logan always loved his music(would've been better if he forgot how to sing entirely) , Cooper... well he's the tech guy, and for Izzie, she was the who accepted the dream world the fastest. Who liked it the most in the first season right? There are more cool and amazing reasons than this but my stupid brain can't think of anything else right now
Episode 2
Apperantly there's a lava realm? Cool
Mr. Oz being angry, Logan being.. well, Logan. And Cooper is just adorable. He's having so much trouble. His purpose in life kinda snap
And when everyone else just jumps into the castle, Izzie takes her time to take the stairs
And Izzie having trouble with "dont open your mouth" she's so funnn
I had trouble understanding Astrid-
Royce guy has a weird whistle.
Cooper looks so happy until his mind went blank and his face is just- 'dude wait, what was I doing?' I thought he lost his tech skills?? Why did he become... dumber? It's cute though
"Sorry-" _ Izzie
Also, Logan said a lot of smart stuff in this episode. One of my favorites was
"If I forgot it, how would I know?"
Mr. Oz trying SO hard not to swear. I could see the struggle-
And the flash cards 😭 when did they get a rule book?!!(first ep)
Also, how many eggs do you think Cooper cracked. How does he not remember how to not but a bolt and screw together?? Just- stick it in! Learn to do it again? Poor thing
And the Night Hunter! +Susan and Snivel. They're a bunch of sillies
Cooper getting pressured by his family again- (is it just me or does he get his character development after like... two episodes and be the one stable guy holding the team together? He's useful. Like actually useful) Cooper's voice also wouldn't stop cracking
"Do you ever get sand in your eyes? Or your shorts?" (The Sandman had legs?? Yes, had. He... he gone now.)
Also kinda funny how all of Mateo's dreamcrafting gets blob-ified
"The one time! I actually want to hear your beats, and you forget?!"
Zoey! Why would you randomly jump into a cauldron!! (Also, the Night Hunters memory being Zoey- I already had a feel)
Mrs Castillo is the best
I'm also very curious of... what or who the Never Witch is??
There is a lot of pushing and shoving people. And it's only the second episode
"So you're not the tech genius you used to be. You still got- ....uh.... what other talents do you have?"
Oh godddd noooooooooooo he said it- Oh god........
"I'm gonna go drown my troubles in the candy realm" (kids. Too much sugar isn't good for you)
(He can't even figure out how to put his phone on silent anymore) he got an A+ in a science project, by cooking?? I thought it was a SCIENCE PROGECT??
Imagine a kid suddenly pulling out an apron and asking for a kitchen to work in. During a science project (he's a chef now), he also just... kept the flan? Thing, in his locker-.... is that... okay?
I mean... I did watch this science show on Netflix about these super smart girls and their names being mc². And one of them bakes. Using science. I mean... science works in everything... and I guess if the teachers said okay then its.. okay?
Sandman and Never Witch fighting, he will be remembered. It was pretty cool actually. I wonder if they have any history
Next part
Bonus(also the reason of why I said screw it)
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hypocriticaltypwriter · 2 years ago
💬: what was your child's first word? was it a nickname for you or your f/o or something entirely different?
💕: which parent does your child tend to cling to? does it make the other parent jealous?
🪁: does your child enjoy learning about their parents' hobbies, or do they prefer to find their own?
💬: what was your child's first word? was it a nickname for you or your f/o or something entirely different?
It varied! Karai’s first word was actually 'Tums' and 'Toms' due to Donnie continually referring to Tamsin by 'Tams' instead of 'ma' or 'mama' when he was around with Karai.
Jeremiah's first word was 'Pa!' And Donnie probably cried for an hour.
David first word was 'Leo!' After trying to get his uncles attention while babysitting. Tamsin promised Leo wouldn't tell Donnie... But David couldn't stop saying it afterwards and Don found out eventually-
Zuccone was a pretty verbal little guy, always babbling or cooing, but his first full word was actually when he was crying, because Tamsin was about to go on a mission with Don for the first time in 13 months... Only to have Zuccone start pleading 'Momma' while holding his arms out... Then Donnie couldn't get her to leave the base ever again. /j
Niccolo stayed nonverbal for a while, but he figured out words and their meanings whilst staying pretty silent and keeping to himself. The first time he ever talked fully was when he saw his uncle Mikey crying and kept telling him, "Don't cry! Don't cry!" And that shock from Mikey was enough to stop the tears, so I guess Niccolos' words worked... Probably not in the way he thought, tho LOL.
Magdeline's first word was during Donnie spending time with her, he found she really liked a game of mimicking. He'd make a noise and she'd try to copy it as best as she could. It was darling and he managed to get a 'Da' out of her. Tamsin remembers listening through the door:
Galileo's first word was one that definetly got the boys grounded for WEEKS after they taught Gal how to say 'ass.'
Dont worry, he learned Papa... Eventually.
💕: which parent does your child tend to cling to? does it make the other parent jealous?
Karai, now that she's older tends to stick with herself or go off on her own, but in situations she feels or knows she can't handle, she clings or sticks close to Donnie.
Jeremiah follows Donnie around EVERYWHERE. There isn't a second when Donnie walks by and the sound of pattering little feet isn't far behind.
David is a Mama's boy to a T. This kid is always around where his mom is, or completely latched onto her leg, back, or arm.
The twins are the same as David, except they are way more clingy more often. While David's cuddling or clinging is rare, the twins are always bundled up close to mom. The second Tamsin sits down, it doesn't take long till the twins are on her lap.
Maggie is still a baby during the times both Tamsin and Donnie are both in her life, so it's obvious Mama is the one she goes to first. She's always in a carrier on Tamsins back or cuddled in her arm.
Galileo follows after his dad both figuratively and literally, he's been like that since he was a baby, and poor little guy would become a wreck when Dee had to leave for town or on missions and he was left with his sibs. 🥺
🪁: does your child enjoy learning about their parents' hobbies, or do they prefer to find their own?
Karai is an aspiring inventor like Donnie. She loves the late night sneak outs to the lab where they both just listen to some tunes and fix up or repair tech. As much as she's got the brain, she probably leans toward fixing things more than she does inventing! (Shocker) She's always enjoyed being able to help people out with her talents.
Jeremiah likes traveling like his mom! Donnie has a silly theory it's due to Tamsin being more active and busy whilst pregnant with him (a more human baby was less tiring and risky on her physical body) and even leaving the base on some safe travels to other bases. Even when he was born, when she was strong enough to walk around without much assistance he was always swaddled on her back wandering around the base.
David (once older) has a passion for weaponry and training. I suppose it's a little mix of both parents cause he has the passion and firey sprit for his mom, but he also enjoys studying and using strategy in his combat like his dad.
Zuccone has a sense of ✨️fashion✨️ like his father. This kids taste in clothing and style makes his old man proud. He enjoys making or fixing up clothes for others or with his mom, she taught him his handiwork with a needle.
Niccolos hobbies are quite far from any of his parents. He loves magic and Ninpo, his dad intrigues him, but he really loves learning and researching it with his uncle Mikey. He likes mixing science and magic, both having great use especially during an apocalypse.
Now, while Karai leans toward more reparing things with her smarts, Maggie likes inventing and creating! Wether it be through tech, or even through some of her moms talents like weapons or arts. She spends many nights while making things for Big Mama remembering the days running around fetching wrenches or screws for Donnie, or bringing over cleaning kits or sewing kits for her mom.
Galileo, as much as he's told and put into inventing or tech studies, is growing to be a pretty skilled and talented Ninpo user. It wasalmost shocking how quick and young he was when he unlocked the power, and it's obvious he's going to be pretty talented ninpo Ninja!
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notsokatt · 1 year ago
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Things about my Fugitoid.
(Hi sorry this took like, a month to throw together. Life got in the way lol but yay Fugitoid! - Also I wanna add more drawings but whatever I'll just post now and add them gradually) Thank you so much for showing such interest in my silly little ninja turtle thing!! It fills me with so much joy!! I hope you guys enjoy traumatized robo child @unscapedgoat @felyas-stuff @rhiefiefie I'd like to preface this all by saying, my whole dumb turtle version or whatever. People are calling them AUs these days? I just took all my favorite things and smashed them together. All of it is just a compilations of ideas that I think are cool. A lot of it doesn't quite make sense. Like "why does a child have access to mind uploading tech?" uhhh because... aliens. And it's cool I guess. yeah there we go. sure. Dont think about it too hard lol
First of all, some things to know about Kraang:
Utroms are highly sensitive to their environments. Their thin skin is very permeable, their bodies practically a mush of exposed neurons. If not under perfect conditions they rapidly deteriorate and die. They live in containers.
Their biggest weakness is aeon crystals, a rare mineral that emits an energy that permeates their armor and reacts with their bodies causing them to disintegrate into green goo (wow I sure wonder what that is). Like salt to a snail.
This green goo is highly radioactive and still dangerous to them. The bodies must be disposed of quickly or else they risk cancers and mutations to their highly sensitive bodies.
The Kraang is a militia of Utroms.
Kraang is at war with the Triceratons. The Kraang are losing the war because the Triceratons have discovered the Kraang's weakness and have gotten ahold of aeon crystals, which they are unaffected by themselves.
However, the Kraang have a plan to surprise their enemy and win the war once and for all. They are building an interplanetary superweapon.
As they slowly dwindle in numbers they send out small fleets to invade specific planets and use the planet as a military base to set up a piece of a super weapon.
The Kraang are low on materials, scavenging for anything they can use to fight and defend and build. Becoming leeches to other civilizations and pillaging any planets that can't fight back.
The Kraang do not care about the planets they are using. In their opinion the planets should be honored by their invasion and thankful for being useful. We all do what we must to survive.
"Looking through their blinds as a Kraang ship descends right nearby; the upload is complete. They take off the helmet on their head with trembling hands. They don't know where their family is, but they have a good idea of why they haven't come home yet. They don't have any weapons or skills. Even with all their junior tech kits and good grades, one kid can't save something as world shattering as this. So, with a turn of a chronometer dial on their suit, a familiar fuzzy feeling overcomes them, as their body begins to shut down for rest as they do every few days. They go cuddle up in their nest and hold their plushy tight to their chest, petting it's soft head and nuzzling it. As the dizzying haze takes over they close their eyes and their body relaxes. The room turns humid and blisteringly hot. They did their best."
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Honeycutt is a nerd of a kid, making inventions in their room and creating little bits and bops. They got a "build your own robot" kit for their hatch day and excitedly put it together before upgrading it and transforming it into their own beautiful creation. Giving it a million little silly features and fun tricks. It was their masterpiece and their favorite thing.
That robot quickly became a blessing and a curse when the Kraang arrived. As they witnessed their home planet be taken over, out of options and alone, they backed up their consciousness to it, surviving the genocide in a strange half-existence sorta of way. Becoming one with their own creation.
They try to run and escape their own planet but are quickly captured by the Kraang. The aliens discover their engineering abilities and durability. So they force them to help build the Kraang super weapon on their own planet and do the dirty work that the Kraang are too sensitive to do. Perhaps they try to fight back and free themselves, maybe they're successful a few times. Maybe they even gave themselves the duty to go out and warn the other planets that are about to be invaded to help prepare them. But sooner or later, the Kraang catch up. And they can do nothing to stop it. Everything they do, everything they try, fails. Over and over. They quickly earned their new name "Fugitoid"
After so many failed attempts to stop the invasions and the super weapon and military bases and all of it. They eventually become jaded and give up. Just giving in and letting it happen as each planet is destroyed and repurposed for a more advanced species.
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As the construction of the weapon comes closer to completion, just 3 pieces of the weapon, 3 planets left, they arrive to Earth, the one next in line. Since Earth is a grave dumping site and potentially dangerous for the Kraang, Fugitoid is dropped off to survey the area, collecting samples of the planet's surface and life to prepare for invasion.
Through some crazy hijinks, the turtles meet Fugitoid, perhaps through Casey Jones and his crazy alien speculations. They hang out and be goofy kids together. After a while, the Kraang come to take Fugitoid away and with the turtles already knowing Kraang=Bad (because like, they've already been chased by another single Kraang who is trying to capture them to prove to their higher ups that they could make mutant warriors with the ooze that are immune to Aeon crystals - It's a whole other plotline. Dont worry bout it too hard. The turtles just know Kraang=Bad). The turtles fight and save Fugitoid from abduction. Fugitoid doesn't really try to fight back or help in any way, they're just kinda like "Yeah sure. Ok. Whatever" but they eventually are saved and the Kraang retreat to space.
When Fugitoid is rescued from their capture and is introduced to Earth culture, they can't help but be very detached and numb (kinda like Marvin from hitchhikers guide.) Leo sarcastically asks if all android are so emotionless. Fugitoid explains that they know this world will end thanks to the Kraang. There's nothing anyone on this planet can do about it, so in order to lessen the pain of losing what they love once again, they refuse to grow attached to anything.
But as good friends do, the turtles and the gang try their best to prove that it is safe to care and love, in fact, it is vital to live. They do everything they can to keep them and this planet safe and they try to prove that to them. After many many attempts, Fugitoid finally gives in a tiny bit. Letting themself believe that maybe it really is ok. Their new friends have been quite good at stopping the Kraang from their resource gathering, societal infiltration, and attempts at abduction...
As the story develops and our team learns more about their new friend. It is revealed what Fugitoid has done. All the destruction they have been complacent in, all the deaths they are responsible for, all the danger they have put their planet in. The team is horrified. Raph is furious that Fugitoid even complied with their captors for something so horrible. Leo feels betrayed, like she had put her entire family in danger by welcoming this stranger to her home. Mikey is heartbroken and confused, wondering how they could ever give up on all those people so easily.
Fugitoid, filled with shame and self disgust does what any scared child does, they run and hide.
Donnie is able to track them down using a tracking device she clipped onto them. She finds them and listens to their story. Donnie understands. She is also very limited in her abilities. She is also just a kid. She's not very strong or capable on her own. She doesn't even know what she'd do if she didn't have her family. She relies so heavily on her sisters and her machines, she feels ashamed for struggling to do even the simplest of things sometimes.
She kinda gets what it is like to feel helpless and to just accept it and give up already. In fact, she is already preparing for her own end. She already has plans to create an AI version of herself if she were to ever die. She has been recording her voice for the past few years and compiling it together, both for her own amusement to hear herself talk but also for her records of her thoughts and experiences. It makes sense to give up so easily and just accept your place. It's freeing in a way to let go of control. But. What you have to remember is that you always have at least a tiny bit of influence. No matter how minor.
She concludes that we may not be able to stop the future, but we can still influence it in a better direction. Just like how Honeycutt was able to put their consciousness in another body. It didn't save their world, but it did save them. The destruction of their world and all those other ones would have happened with or without Fugitoid. But now they can try to help at least one world or at least let it keep going a little longer. Fugitoid knows the inner working of the Kraang like no other. They know how to fly ships and hack their coding systems, they know all their big plans and how their weapons work and their weaknesses. Fugitoid is such a vital asset and can do so much more than before. It's not on their shoulders to save an entire planet, but they can still do something. Even if it's tiny. Even if it seems pointless.
Then they join the turtles and have a whole plot arc to fight the Kraang causing enough damage to them that the fleet has to retreat and avoid the planet, les they run out of resources completely, allowing Earth to live for another day. The day they return is unknown, but for now, they can keep living.
Their story explores a lot of survivors guilt. Feeling trapped in your own body. And finding strength and meaning in inevitability.
But as they hang out with the turtles more and get out of all that detachment and apathy they slowly return to being a silly goofy kid who loves to play little pranks, build machines, and have so much sass.
Perhaps in later seasons we can explore their identity a bit more, how they can't fully experience the same things that their friends can. How no one truly understands what their home planet is like. What it's like to be the last of their kind but also not even BE their own kind anymore. And of course all the grief of destroying all those planets. God just, lots of trauma in this one.
OH!! maybe we could even have an episode where fugitoids friends come together and try to like, learn about and recreate their home planet a bit from all the stories they told. idk, now I'm just thinking up more bullet points.
Maybe they can connect with metal head or another robot friend. Become robot friends hehe
I know they'd definitely be able to connect with Venus when it comes to that identity thing, how they aren't at all like their old self's anymore due to circumstances out of their control. But at the same time, they're still themselves.
They could also connect to Karai when it comes to having so many regrets in the past and so much grief.
I also see Jennika very much being the cool older sister to them too. Maybe it reminds them of their old family in some way.
Hmm what else. Their pronouns are They/She/It. Um..... Ya I can't think of anything else right now. :D
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heyclickadee · 2 years ago
Yerp. On the one hand, no one has to like the character—people can interpret things however they want whether anyone else thinks their interpretation scans. On the other hand, I’m going to keep disagreeing with the interpretations I’m thinking are in bad faith.
Also, take this with a grain of salt, because this is just based on my observations, but I think part the reason a lot of the Hunter takes keep happening is because we’re seeing this weird intersection between a bunch of different things that sometime happen when it comes to fandom. Or subsections of fandoms—I never mean the entire fandom. Fandoms are always made up of tons of smaller pockets that all kind of do their own things and then occasionally interact with each other.
First off, fandoms can sometimes flatten characters out to the point that they’re almost unrecognizable, and the flattened version ends up being the one people think about. Like Fives, for example. Canon Fives and Fanon Fives aren’t the same character. And to be totally clear, I love fanon Fives—he’s fun and goofy and just a silly little guy, and that’s great! But he’s not Canon Fives (who I also love). Canon Fives could be a little silly and sarcastic, so it’s not coming out of nowhere, but he was also fiercely loyal, ready to break the rules to do the right thing, brave, and determined to be recognized as a person, and goofy wasn’t even close to his overriding personality trait. And with some characters, getting flattened out like that tends of mean that they get reduced down to either their best or worst moment, depending on whether a person likes the character or not.
Second, you’ve got this tendency of fandoms to pit characters against each other even when the characters are ostensibly on the same side. Way, way back when I still had my original account on this website, I was moderately active in the Gravity Falls fandom and—holy pepperoni on a pizza—the way some subsections of the fandom would put the various members of the Pines family against each other. The takes were wild, and if someone liked, say, Mabel, they’d come up with the most wildly bad take of Ford, or visa versa I’d they liked Ford and hated Mabel, so that their favorite character would ‘win’…something. I was never sure what. And so I think what you get with The Bad Batch is people empathizing with either Hunter or Crosshair so much that whichever one isn’t their guy has to become the one true enemy of their guy.
Then, sometimes, you’ll have ideas that take hold in a fandom that end up becoming more solidified than canon. One fairly agreed upon (as far as I could tell) take I saw back when I was still on Twitter was that Hunter never shows any kind of emotional reaction to anyone or anything except Omega, which…isn’t true. At all. I mean, I’m sorry, but Hunter didn’t emote at the camera like the ground evaporated beneath his feet when Crosshair said he got his chip removed, and he didn’t have to avoid looking Omega in the eye when he had to tell her Tech didn’t make it, and a hundred other things, for us to say that he never shows emotion. And we didn’t have a whole episode explaining how a character shows and processes feelings differently just to turn around and complain about another character processing their grief differently.
And I’m rambling now, but, lastly, I think there’s kind of a tendency to want character development to go a specific way, and to decide that it’s wrong instead of maybe thinking about why when it doesn’t. And Hunter’s character development is kind of idiosyncratic for a kid’s show; he doesn’t always get things right, he makes mistakes that he can’t fix, he shows what he’s learned but never spells it out in dialogue, he gets more and more paralyzed as things go on, and at the end of the day, his best isn’t good enough, because the situation is impossible. It’s faltering and not all of his development is positive. And, on the one hand, that’s an interesting thing to do with a protagonist and I’m extremely here for it, but, on the other, it’s not going to hit with everyone. Take it not hitting with everyone and the overlap of all of the above, and you might end up with some out-there interpretations; some positive, some negative, and some in this undefinable space where you’re left wondering if everyone has the same version of the show.
And, to be completely clear, when I say fandom, I never mean that fandom is bad or that everyone has to like my blorbos or anything like that. I grouse sometimes, but that’s because I’m kind of a cranky old woman now and again, and I’m weirdly protective of my favorite characters and stories, and I find fan culture a little hard to navigate. But the bad batch fandom is mostly pretty neat. Even if I do want to dropkick some of the takes into the sun.
Every time the bad Hunter takes roll in front of me I am actively sitting on my hands to avoid getting into a pointless fight. They just keep coming back. The way that I'm putting this man in a blanket nest to protect him.
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argumate · 2 years ago
(spoilers for Glass Onion)
the first Knives Out told the tragic story of a fucked up family, and family is always a convenient justification for a bunch of messed up people to be hanging out together and one that most of us are all too familiar with in real life.
Glass Onion told the story of a bunch of college (?) friends who hung out together at a particular bar, when one of them brought in a smooth talking idiot loser who must have had superpowers of some kind as he hooked the rest up with successful careers before becoming a billionaire himself based on her work and then betrayed her with the support of the others who defended him in court.
that's already a little weird! "a reclusive rich guy invites a group of people to his private island for a dinner during which someone will be murdered" is a classic premise but having the people all be college friends from way back doesn't add anything when they're already tied together by the fact that they committed perjury to defend the rich guy in exchange for his support!
business partners falling out is a solid premise (The Social Network) and if they were lovers (were they? I'm actually not sure) then that adds even more drama, but having this quite disparate bunch of characters be college friends only matters if you delve into their relationships and group dynamic, which the movie has little interest in doing.
and it's such a wordcel movie, oh my god, it could not be less interested in how a billionaire becomes a billionaire or what distinguishes a good idea from a bad one, it doesn't try to take its own premise seriously at all, unlike the first movie which was at least about a writer who writes books, solid wordcel territory.
look at the characters:
a fashion model / designer who tweets ethnic slurs, except of course she's not racist, she doesn't realise that they're slurs, that's a much worse crime: she's ignorant! she thinks that "sweatshop" is where they make "sweatpants"! classic bluecheck attitude where actual racism doesn't exist and economic exploitation is accidental and the worst crime someone could commit is being unaware of the proper shibboleths.
a Joe Rogan / Alex Jones MRA type ("sorry feminists") who of course is a manbaby pushed around by his mother; obviously he has to die.
the Elon Musk / Adam Neumann billionaire CEO who is both genius opportunist and shambling moron who can barely speak; unclear whether his garbled explanation of "disruption" represents the intellectual bankruptcy of actual disruptors or the writer's lack of comprehension of the term.
a black scientist who is very smart and plays basically no role in the movie; it's unclear why he would commit perjury given that he's the smartest character and could just go work somewhere else, hopefully not the implication that structural racism prevents him from doing so and the bad guy is the only person who will give him a job (???).
a female politician who commits to a (dangerous?) powerplant design in exchange for campaign funding, the closest time the movie comes to actually touching on a meaningful issue before quickly skittering away.
technology is writing "AI" on a napkin and having that be worth billions of dollars, while knowing the right words to say and how to say them is a Prized Skill that is actually Important.
(it's notable that the woman who is supposedly going to start the next Google ("Alpha") moves to the well-known tech hub of New York after finishing high school, not San Francisco!)
now these may seem like silly points to harp on for what is a silly murder mystery movie but the lack of sincere commitment to the premise undermines the emotional arc of the characters: it could be a comedy about them finally breaking free of the self-interest that has kept them loyal to the bad guy, or a tragedy about the ramifications of failing to break free and continuing their descent into hatred for each other and themselves, but both of those possibilities fall flat if the writers don't really care as why should we.
the hero and protagonist of the story ends up being the victim's sister, but the victim herself is barely given the chance to speak, let alone to explain what she saw in the bad guy, why she made that deal with the devil, and what other compromises she made to create a giant AI tech empire (!).
there are better stories here waiting to be told.
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thelaundrybitch · 3 years ago
Forbidden Love
Have you ever taken a nap and woken up in a mood? Because of a DREAM?!
Yea. That was me today. So y'all get to experience my mood with me, courtesy of a Dreamland Series story.
In today's adventure, I'm dragging our purple-clad heartthrob into my current hot mess.
Please enjoy. 😘💜
Warning: mentions anxiety, descriptions of deep heartache
Rating: angst
18+ content - for mature audiences only!
Reblogs only, please!
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Forbidden Love
What now? 
You pick up your phone to find a text from Leo asking if you'll join them for pizza and a movie later tonight.
You sigh, and even though you're slightly irritated with him, you text your best friend back to tell him you'll see them around 10 pm. You know this is his way of smoothing things over between you two. 
You decide to make cookies and shower before you go. You know a little baking will put you in a better mood, and you know how much Donnie loves your chocolate chip cookies.
You've had a crush on the genius since about six months after meeting him. More like *caught him* in the quantum computer lab at work. He was trying to take notes on how to build one for himself.
"Did you come through a portal? Or are you the new tech support guy?" You sass, making him jump damn near out of his skin.
"OH! Oh no... I'm... I'm sorry. I thought everyone was gone for the evening…" he starts.
"No worries," you tell him with a smirk and a wink, "as long as you aren't stealing anything - including company secrets - then feel free to continue. I only came back because I left my flash drive plugged into my computer. Don't need that getting into the wrong hands," you tease with a smile.
He smiles at you, grateful for your easy-going reaction to him being in the computer lab. But mostly for your reaction to him.
"What are you doing, anyway?" you ask, walking over to the beautiful green being taking notes. "Can I help you with anything?" You ask, suddenly hopeful he'll say yes as you smile up at his surprisingly attractive features.
You ended up talking him through how the computer was built through hundreds of encrypted emails - since you were actually tech support for the quantum computers in the building.
In between emails he had come to visit you in the lab after hours so you could show him how to write some lines of coding to make the software run and connect with the government satellites so he could get the updates when necessary. 
He was so grateful for all your help, he invited you down to meet the rest of his family - which is when you met Leo. 
Instant connection. 
But not like that.
More like a long-lost best friend type of connection. 
And the rest was history. For the next seven years, you found yourself at the lair more than at your apartment. They had not only become your closest friends but more so your family. Leo, taking the lead role as your BFF. 
And Donnie absolutely loved that you had become an integral part of their secret life. He just wished his older brother would let you spend more time with him, though. 
You know, alone.
Leo knew about Donnie's ever-growing feelings for you and forbade him to act on them. Leo was petrified that he'd lose his best friend if things went awry. And Leo needed your friendship. You were his listening ear, his safe space. And he'd be damned if his brother's silly little crush was gonna ruin that.
And because Leo never asked for anything, Donnie complied and held all those feelings in, trying to stuff them away. Hiding the hurt he felt from the heartbreak as he silently suffered. He did it for years. Seven, to be exact.
Much to Leo's dismay, however, the second the two of you were within close enough proximity, the tension and attraction were unimaginably irresistible. There was nothing that could stop you two. Smiles, laughter, and flirting were the only things on the agenda.
And as for you? There was always a constant pull you felt in your chest. No matter how hard you tried to stay away, you found yourself gravitating to wherever he was. It was almost impossible to ignore. You needed to be around him. You always wanted to see Donatello. To go to him. To be with him.
By the time you finished reminiscing, you had made your sweet snack, showered, and gotten ready to go to the lair. 
It was only 2 pm.
Donnie's voice crept its way into your thoughts from a conversation you had a couple of weeks ago...
"You know, you don't have to go directly to Leo's room every time you come over. You can make the conscious decision to come and see me in the lab," he said softly, staring down at you as he ghosted his knuckles down the side of your face.
But you knew you shouldn't. Your silly crush had blossomed into full-blown loving feelings for the purple-banded terrapin. And you knew that Leo would feel betrayed if anything were to ever transpire between you and Donnie. 
It was the unspoken BFF rule - never start a romantic relationship with your BFF's siblings.
So, you hung out at your apartment for another thirty minutes before you decided to head down anyway.
Once you get to the lair, you stand in the common room, looking at your box of homemade cookies.
You feel the pull in your heart. 
You want to see him. 
So, you make the conscious decision to go see Don.
As you walk toward the lab, you notice that your heart hurts. Your chest is squeezing. It feels like anxiety and detrimental heartache. A brokenness that is irreparable.
You push open the doors to his lab, but he's not at his workstation. 
You hear sniffling.
Quietly, you walk around the corner and find Donnie sitting on his couch, legs spread and elbows resting on his knees. The palms of his hands are on his temples as his body trembles with each sob that leaves him.
You place the box of cookies down on the security station desk and pick up the pace to get to him as quickly as you can. Your hand goes over your heart as the squeezing in your chest has reached its peak of becoming overwhelmingly debilitating.
"Don," you barely get his name out as you stop to hold onto the lab table for support.
He looks up from his hands and stands. His eyes are red from crying and his lips slightly swollen. He tries to wipe away the waterfall that's overflowing from his eyes.
He sees you holding your chest and runs to you, grabbing you in a firm embrace, so you don't fall.
You take a few deep breaths as you look up into his honied eyes, still full of tears.
"You're crying," you whisper, reaching up and using the heel of your hand to wipe his pain and sadness away.
"Why are you here?" He whispers.
"I don't know," you whisper back.
He smirks down at you as he squeezes you, "You made a conscious decision to come and see me," he points out.
You smile and look down, "yeah." You turn your attention back to those big beautiful eyes of his, "what happened, Don? Why are you crying?" You ask as you feel your chest tighten in pain again.
You look forward to his plastron and take a sharp breath in from the discomfort. 
"What's wrong?" he asks, his voice laced with concern as he nudges your forehead with his snout.
"I asked you first," you tell him, looking back up.
His eyes search your face as he thinks about what he's about to say. You reach both arms up, one hand going around his neck, the other wiping another tear that's escaped his eyes.
He lifts you up and sets you on the lab table, so the two of you are almost eye level, putting his hips between your spread thighs and pulling himself in as close as possible for a hug. Your arms are still around his neck as he nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck, taking a few deep breaths in.
This is the first time you two have been this close, and it's scary to think about how natural it feels to be wrapped up in his strong arms. 
You feel the pain in your chest subside, tightening your embrace around him. "Donnie?"
Your chest reverberates as he chuckles, tickling your belly as a carnival ride would.
You hear him swallowing hard as he gives you another squeeze.
"I can't believe you're here right now," he tells you.
"Sorry," you apologize, not really knowing what to say to him, "I know it's not a normal time for me to show up."
"I missed you," he whispers.
"Don, I saw you like eight hours ago!" You say, slightly taken back by his confession.
"Six and a half, actually," he corrects you.
"Alright, smart guy," you say, nudging the side of his face with your own. "Are you gonna share why Niagara Falls has replaced the usual, irresistible, flirtatious charm you normally exude?"
"Irresistible?" He whispers, nuzzling his snout into your neck as you feel his lips ghost over the sensitive skin.
"Don't even start, Donatello," you reprimand as he tries to change the subject, letting out a small whimper when you feel a sharp, piercing sensation in your heart again.
Donnie pulls back and looks down at you. "Tell me what that was. Right now," he demands, eyes glaring with apprehension.
"I don't know," you tell him, one hand going to your chest, "it feels like someone has my heart in a vice. It's like I have this feeling of drowning, emotionally," you tell him.
He searches your face for a moment before making his decision and asks, "Can I try to fix it?" One of his hands coming up to cup your face, and stroking your cheek with his thumb. 
"How." You state, feeling heat flood your face.
"I… I have a theory. And I'd like to test it. But I…" he takes a breath, taking a quick glimpse at your mouth as you lick your lips, "I need you to trust me," he finishes with a whisper.
"Donnie, what are you gonna do?" You ask in a hushed, trembling voice.
His eyes watch while his thumb traces your bottom lip, wetting his own lips and letting out a shaky breath. You hold your own breath in anticipation, realizing what he's about to do.
"If I'm wrong, then I'll let you punch me in the mouth," he answers you with a smirk.
"And if you're right?" You ask, afraid of his response.
"Then respond. And we'll both feel better," he says, closing in on your lips with his own, butterflies flooding your body as your eyes flutter closed.
His lips are soft. Firm. Full of passion and honesty. He pulls back just enough to break the kiss, only to do it again. And again. He pulls your bottom lip in between his, and you let out a small moan as his hand finds its way to the back of your head. He holds you steady as his lips caress yours, leading up to a series of small chaste kisses.
He's right. The pain is gone.
And your heart is singing.
Your body moves on its own accord, hands gripping the sides of his plastron where it meets his skin, as you pull him a little closer. Your lips move against his, hungry for the magic he's spreading throughout your entire body.
He stops, needing confirmation to continue, "Ok?" He whispers against your mouth, and you can only moan in response as you lift your lips to meet his again.
You can feel his confidence soar as the intensity of the kiss changes - full of relief and need. 
He nibbles and sucks at the corner of your lower lip, teasing and promising pleasure and emotional connection - through just a kiss.
"Donnie," you breathe out between intoxicating kisses.
"Donatello," he pants, "use my full name," he pleads, continuing relentlessly as he trails lusty, open-mouthed kisses down your neck.
"Mmm... Donatello," you whimper, your stomach doing backflips when his lips leave your collar bone and land on your open pout, pulling a gasp from your throat. 
His tongue is like silk as it glides past your lips to taste the inside of your mouth. He massages and flits it around, coaxing yours in a dance, moaning when you use some suction as you pull away from him to breathe.
You rest your forehead on his plastron as you catch your breath.
"You ok?" He asks in a quiet voice.
"No," you say with a sigh.
"I'll tell Leo it was my fault," he says, sounding sad, your hand going to cover your heart as the hurt consumes you again.
"What is this?" You whisper, looking up at him, your hand patting your chest where your heart resides.
"Uncontrollable," he answers. 
You look at him in confusion.
"I love you," he whispers, "and if you're feeling everything I do, then we're connected on some level. I'm sorry," he says quietly, sadness flooding his attractive features.
"What now?" You ask.
"You need to decide what you want," he answers, pressing a lingering kiss to your forehead.
"What about you?" You whisper.
"I'll always be here for you. I'm always going to love you no matter what happens," he says quietly.
You lay your head on his chest and listen to his heart for a few minutes in comfortable silence.
"The feelings. How long?" You ask quietly.
"Since the room with the quantum computer in it."
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shesinmy · 3 years ago
what about jjk in a friends to lovers? i just love this concept so much, like: this + jujutsu kaisen = BOOM, perfection *chef kiss
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1. Gojo Satoru:
In Gojo's case I think you are high school friends. And Gojo was a silly boy still is if you ask me. Just like those teenagers that thinks they'll never fall in love and belong to one person. So even if he already nurtured feelings for you, at that time, it didn't come up to his thoughts at all. But, now, he knows it. He knows how much he loves you and that he wants your friendship to turn into something else. It'll take him some time to decide if he's going to do it or not because he wants to protect you and his life is not the safest in the world. But the moment he realizes that your life is not the safest either, he'll make his move without second thoughts. He'll find you whatever you are and corner you with his tall figure. He'll crash his lips into yours and you kiss each other until you can't breath anymore. "What took you so long, Toru?". "Oh, shut up, will you?".
2. Nanami Kento:
Him too is friends with you since high school, but he always knew what he felt. He loved you specially because you were calm and treated everybody with respect. He also loved that you enjoyed adult things like appreciating a good bread and hating Gojo. But he never meant it to become something more then a really good friendship until one day you were walking on the street and a bicycle came straight into you. Nanami saw that you didn't pay attention and grabbed you by the waist pushing you two to a corner. The last thing you remember you were already with your lips in his so you broke the accident kiss feeling all sorry but got pushed back as Nanami returned the kiss passionately. "Nanamin finally made the move I see." "Shut up, Gojo" - you both said in unison.
3. Itadori Yuji:
Ahh, this guy. Yuji is SO easy going, God only knows. He just goes with the flow and doesn't put too much thought into it I mean, he ate Sukuna's finger in a blink of an eye, A DISGUSTING FINGER. You two became friends at Tokyo Tech and since you too like to fight and were also strong, it didn't take much for you both to get along. You were always training together and sharing your new knowledge and moves. So one day, you showed him a new punch you were able to develop and he just got so excited and proud that he ran into you and crashed his lips into yours. Your eyes widen and you were all red. You felt that you were going to explode. By the time he came to his senses, he let go of his grip. "Sorry, Y/n, I... I... oh come on! It was intentional let's date."
4. Fushiguro Megumi:
He'll bottle up everything that he's feeling. You two knew each other because Gojo brought you together and he just knew that you guys matched. So he would always come with a plan to get you two together. By doing missions, going on events, even booking a single room whenever you two had to crash somewhere. When Megumi came to know that there were no way back to his feelings, he started to move away form you. And you realized it, and it hurt a lot. Gojo gave you another mission together no news here. While you were at the mission you were cold with him barely answering anything. Megumi hold your wrist and "What fuck, Y/n?". "Fuck off." You shook your hand but he tightened his grip pulling you back. "What do you want, hum? You just ignore me anytime you can and now you want a good treatment." No response, the boy was in shock. You're eyes started to become teary and you just let everything out "What the hell do you want from me? It hurts you know". He couldn't think clearly so he just pushed into a longing hot kiss. "I'm sorry, Y/n, I know I'm an idiot."
5. Kugisaki Nobara:
You also became friends at Tokyo Tech. You two got along so well that you started doing everything together. You both loved to go shopping and since you were from Tokyo, you introduced her to every amazing shop that you knew. By time she noticed her feelings, she denied it. You were only really good friends nothing more, nothing less. And that was until one day you guys were coming back from your shopping routine and sitting side by side at the bus. You both look at each other at the same time to initiate a conversation. When your eyes met she couldn't hold any longer and kissed you softly almost as asking for your permission. You returned her kiss answering her questioning one. "Well, Y/n, we totally are an outstanding couple."
6. Inumaki Toge:
He already knew from the start that he would come to love you. You were just so cute, strong and understandable. And what he loved the most was your patience to try to comprehend him and be able to communicate with him even with all the barriers from his cursed technique. He tried to find the right moment to say it to you but he always failed to come with one. Until his friends came to help. Maki, Panda and Yuta just pushed you both into a locket and left giggling. "What's with them?". "Okaka". "HELLOO! Can someone let us out". "Y/n?". He pulled your hand. "Yes, Toge". He pushed you against the wall gently and give you a soft kiss on your lips. You just melted in his embrace and couldn't think much of it since your mind just left you body. "Salmon?". "Yes, salmon!".
7. Okkotsu Yuta:
This boy took a lot of time, I mean A LOT. Not only because he's shy but also because of his past. You two met at Tokyo Tech and became closer because you both shared a lost of someone important in the past. You understood each others pain and by staying together you were able to heal. You and Rika also had an amazing relationship and that made Yuta's heart beat even faster. Rika seeing that you two were more then friends started to encourage Yuta to confess and change your relationship status. Anytime she saw you, she would come out "Y/n/n!!! Love Rika". But he was too afraid to loose your friendship. Therefor, Rika was the one who pushed Yuta into you resulting in a kiss that started shy and incredulous but ended becoming long and savoring. Needless to say that you and Yuta almost died of embarrassment and Rika laughed her ass of. Sly curse.
YEY I really loved to do this one. Also took me some time since I wanted to create all the situations. PLUS, I JUST LOVED YOUR LOVE BOMB INCARNATION IN YOUR REQUEST hahahhaha hope you like it :)))
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spin-in-time · 3 years ago
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No no no, tell me! Go off! I wanna hear!!
AHHHHACSJVSHS. WelllLLL basically. To me it seems like the jay and nya situation. Nya and jay were Both skilled inventors/tech people. In the newer seasons, that trait only gets to go to nya. Jay gets "dumbed down" to make nya look more competent because that is oh so FeminismTM and girl characters MUST look smart and awesome and badass because writers can't come up with more interesting personalities for them. Also girls aren't allowed to be the silly ones. They must be no-nonsense cool women while boy characters get to have fun and be silly. Several people have noticed this with jaya. (Did love seabound as much as the next guy though, that was decent nya writing in my opinion.)
I personally believe that something similair happened to pixal and zane, but still different. I believe that a lot of the ninja got cut down to their most basic personality traits starting around s11. Zane's case is one i take the most issue with, as he's basically just become haha funny nindroid, like i said. He used to be so much more fleshed out (lol) as a character. Now he is just doing silly nindroid things, spitting out numbers and being the brain whenever pixal is nor around. And also: yes i KNOW the movie downloading is funny, i know and i really enjoyed the detective zane episode. But most things he does, be it smart or silly: they are all rooted in the "comedy source" of zane being a nindroid. So honestly, when i hear zane putting on a pirate voice for sea adventures? I wish i could see zane having a little fun and wanting to prepare. But i can't, because he is just a paper cutout of what he used to be. His only character motive anymore is "must protect" and that's really.... meh.
Okay sorry, that was only related if you squint but now to the pixal and zane part. Basically, it's like i said the same thing as with jaya. Their characters get reduced to core traits. For zane that is funny robot, thinks logical. For pixal that is no nonsense, competent. And it's so stupid. Again, it's giving the silly part to be male character and the serious to the female character for very little reason other than the writers not knowing how to write female characters. They think female characters must be the stoic and badass ones and they don't get to be funny. So when i see the detective zane episode for example? Yes i enjoy it but i would enjoy it so much more if it wasn't so fundamentally based around the terrible image of gender roles that a lot of the writers seem to have.
This got long LOLLLL, i'm not looking to argue, if you like the characterizations that the news seasons do that's fine but pls do remember that ninjago is BAD at female characters (which a lot of us agree on anyway lmaoo). (Also i'm tired and this isn't as much of an analysis as just rambling so i hope it's all somewhat coherent)
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