#sorry my response got kind of long I am just passionate about this
meownotgood · 2 years
i think my favorite aki/reader dynamic is like. teenage friends to adult idiots who are obviously in love. like they both lost their family young and got scouted by public safety, so they end up in the same middle/high school and have their own weird social dynamics where aki is really stiff and weird but he’s great at any sport he signs up for and the reader is bad at sports but good in literature and math and even though aki is doing fine in all of his classes, he asks for their help just to have an excuse to hang out with them after school. growing up with them means there’s a specific intimacy to everything he knows about them- once they’re both 18, it’s a no-brainer to move in together, and they switch off on cooking meals. the reader knows how he likes his eggs, aki has their food allergies memorized, the reader keep sweets in the pantry for themselves (but really for aki to share, bc he has a bit of a sweet tooth he won’t admit to). anyways i just love the idea of aki being like yeah this is my best friend who is half of my heart and i plan my grocery trips around their favorite meals. what do you mean that sounds like love. and aki suddenly getting so nervous and romantic and blushing as he buys a bundle of flowers for them and puts it on the table in a nice vase and taking a little longer to do his hair and takes their suggestions at what to wear and blushes when they take his shirts to sleep in…. ugh! - 🍊
sigh.... I love this so much.... childhood friends to lovers with aki is my absolute favorite and I hope to write something full about it some day
I really like the idea of you and aki going to school together; the two of you would relate to each other immediately because you both lost your homes and your families to tragedy — although, you might not get along with him right away. teen aki is rude, he's quite closed off. it's a lot more difficult to get close to him, but for some reason, you keep trying to. you seem to see a part of him no-one else sees.
you're kind to him, you don't treat him as if he's an outcast like everyone else at school does. he isn't about to admit that he likes you, nor that he enjoys your company. he won't tell you he likes it when you sit next to him at lunch or when you walk home with him, and how he hates when you have to turn down your street and leave him behind because walking is so much lonelier without you. but he does rush to find you whenever you're in the same class and there's group work, he does ask if you'd like to come over to study together.
the longer you've known him, the more he's warmed up to you. you've seen how he speaks to others, how he's just as rude and unapproachable to them as he was when you first met him. but he has a soft spot for you —he's always checking up on your well-being, he's careful not to hurt you when you train together. he gives you the easy missions when they're tasked of you and him by public safety. he's always a completely different person, but it's more him than anything else.
and he knows things about you no-one else knows, just as you know things about him no-one else has ever seen. he puts on such a tough persona, but you know how he cries when things get too much, you've held him whenever he's felt lonely. he appreciates those things more than he expresses.
when the two of you get older, he mellows out a bit — he's definitely still cold, but not as impolite as before, he's more so strict and direct. you move in together because it's the easiest, most cost-efficient option at the time. aki is the one person you feel most comfortable around. he's the person you'd trust with anything, even your life.
and living with him is nice, honestly. he's always neat and quiet. after power and denji move in, you don't have your own space anymore, but aki makes room for you to share it with him. he gives you his bed and sleeps in the living room, but that quickly turns into you sleeping in the same bed together.
somehow, with him, it feels comfortable, natural. maybe it's because it reminds you of the sleepovers you had when you two were younger. his presence beside you is nice. if you listen closely, sometimes you can hear his quiet snores.
even once you've saved up enough money to get your own place (that was the original plan) you decide not to. you'd miss him too much. you've grown accustomed to this life you and him have together, whatever you'd call it.
some things never change, and just as aki refused to admit how he felt about you when he was younger, he's the same way now.
yes, he likes you, that's obvious, but no, he doesn't like like you. you're his best friend, that's all there is to it.
you're his best friend, who he would lay his life on the line in order to protect. who he takes on trips with him to his hometown so he can show you around and introduce you to all the little things he remembers from before he met you. who he frequently spends his entire paycheck on, just because he likes seeing you smile whenever he's given you something special.
you're just... important to him, that's all. and when he blushed once you caught him staring at you, it's just because he was thinking about something else (definitely not because he loves the way you look when you're wearing his old tshirt with one of his hair ties around your wrist).
and when he tucked you into bed and kissed your cheek before you fell asleep, it was just because the two of you were drinking, and he was kind of drunk, he just did it without even thinking, and he hoped you were asleep already so you wouldn't notice (you weren't, and you did).
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mothwingwritings · 5 months
Can we have Ren/Fox (TPOF) and Mc with a child?Long after Fox decided to stay with MC, they both had a daughter (probably not something with consent and a bit of Stockholm syndrome).The daughter asks her mother how she got the scars and this makes MC have memories of post-traumatic stress.
I was so tickled by this ask that I started manically typing out a response for it nearly as soon as I saw it in my ask box (which at this point, was quite some time ago. Forgive me, I am a mess lul). I wrote the whole damn thing in a fit of passion, excited to release it into the world… But ultimately hated it and thought it was garbo, so I scrapped it and tried again. Wrote a second iteration and thought ‘hell yeah, this is it!!! Sick!’, but then I read it AND HATED THAT ONE TOO AAAHHH!!!
I rewrote this… so much…
But I never give up on my dreams, and you shouldn’t either! Persevere! Don’t give up on yourself! Here’s your daily motivation for the day! Keep writing even it makes you cry!!! :D
Anyway, so I wrote this third one, comprised of new stuff and the stuff I actually did like from the first two stabs, and it ended up being the one. Truly it is a Frankenstein of a fic lol. Regardless of all the reworking, I had a lot of fun writing this and enjoyed the prompt very much!!! I I hope you enjoy reading it just as much. :)
I’m sorry if the writing seems a tad too mature for the reader’s daughter in this, writing children isn’t my forte. ^^;
Due to the nature of this fic, IT IS 18+ ONLY!!! Thank you!
WARNINGS: Incessant mentions of abuse of all kinds for reader and mentions of physical abuse for her child!!! Reader is heavily scarred from said abuse and that’s a main theme in this fic so please avoid if that is upsetting to you. Also, though not the main focus, there are multiple mentions of child abuse in this fic, as well a part where reader goes off verbally on her child, so please be mindful of that as well! Other things of note: reader is a parent in this (which you can probably tell by the prev warning lol), reader getting hurt, blood, manipulation, Stockholm syndrome, being held against your will/isolation, mentions of noncon, sad family stuff :(
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Diminishing rays of afternoon light splayed through the open window of your quaint living room, casting a comforting orange glow over everything they touched. The light gave the environment an ethereal and nostalgic feel, wrapping you in peaceful warmth as the sun sunk lower and lower. The loveseat you occupied was plush and inviting, and a mug of your favorite tea stood at the ready on the small coffee table beside you, steadily cooling with help from the last hurrah of winter blowing in gently from the outside. Besides the slight chill, the wind brought with it the heavy scent of freshly bloomed flowers, a delightful precursor to the oncoming spring.
Relishing the rare moment of serenity, you couldn’t help but wish that all your days could be this lovely.
You smiled down at your daughter who sat perched in your lap, happily flipping through the newest gift she had acquired from her Father- a thick picture book full of bright illustrations highlighting various exotic animals. As it lay sprawled across her tiny lap, her chubby finger pointed out each animal she took an interest in, her high pitched voice chirping away as she explained what she liked about the creatures. She got particularly excited when she spotted the page full of foxes, jabbing at the red one feverishly as she exclaimed “its daddy!”
Spotting the foxes began her down a path of assigning an animal to not just herself, but you as well. She didn’t find it fair that only her father had kin in the animal world, even though you pointed out that she technically did as well by sharing half the man’s blood. Your revelation did little to deter her, she wanted something new, something just for herself, and she wasn’t going to stop until she found her perfect soul animal. So she continued on, scanning each page in earnest until she found a creature that suited her.
She ended up picking a bunny for herself, supplying you with a comprehensive reason as to why she chose it. As she explained in great length, skimping no details, you couldn’t help but hold back laughter. She spoke as if she were a professor teaching a class, and you did your best to keep a straight face as she yammered on with her shoddy reasoning, deep down knowing she only picked a rabbit because of how cute they are.
After she was done waxing poetic about bunnies, she continued scouring the book, coming to a halt once she reached the wild cat section. She stopped with a gasp, beaming up at you as she pressed her finger firmly against one of the images on the page.
“Mommy this one is you!”
Your eyes traveled to the picture she was rapidly tapping, “An African Wildcat, huh?” You smirked down at the little girl in amusement, “Why did you pick that one for me?”
“Because it looks just like you!”
You chuckled at her enthusiasm, “It looks like me? How so?”
“It has marks just like you do!”
Her innocuous words sent a chill up your spine. Eying the stripes that crossed the cat’s legs, you felt a great unease begin to overtake your body. Her reasoning was not lost on you, the cats coat did quite resemble the jagged scars that covered nearly every inch of your body, and just like the feline in her book, your limbs were the most prominent location of said ‘markings’. You quickly shook your head, not wanting to dwell on it further. In hopes of moving on from the subject, the outpouring of words that flew from your mouth were jumbled and messy.
“O-oh, I see,” you stuttered, clearing your throat to steady your voice, “well you certainly picked a cute animal for me! Thank you baby, it was a good choice.”
She smiled at you innocently, a gesture that usually made your heart melt with affection. But as her tiny hands moved from the book to your arms, that smile did nothing but fill you with dread, the realization that you wouldn’t be getting out of this sticky situation hitting you like a brick to the face. 
“Yeah mommy, the kitty’s marks are just like these ones,” her stubby fingers gently traced the old wounds, a look of reverence reflected on her cherubic features. “They make you look like that kitty mommy,” her little voice cooed, “I like them a lot!”
Your muscles constricted at her words, a slight tremor coursing through you as you involuntarily tightened your grip on her. She took note of this, looking up at your strained features with a puzzled expression on her face.
“Don’t be sad mommy,” she spoke assuredly, “I really do like them! I think they are pretty!”
Her words burned you, scorching the inside of your frozen shell of a body, leaving you feeling sickly and discombobulated. The room around you started to spin in a hazy blur, a wave of nausea making you nearly wretch. Your breathing grew erratic as you tried to calm yourself, inwardly repeating that your daughter was just a child, a little girl barely four years of age who had an incredibly limited view of the world. Her words were not meant to upset you. Her opinions were coming from a place of total naivety.
Yet still, the mental assurance did little to help with the extremely uncomfortable position you now founds yourself in. It wasn’t as if this was her first time noticing your scars. She had mentioned them before, her curious mind trying to piece together the reason that her arms appeared different from your own. Each time she brought your old wounds up you couldn’t help but feel flustered, responding with weak explanations and misdirection to try and quickly brush off her questioning.
The marks came from a silly mistake, or a childhood accident, or from a careless moment when mommy should have been paying more attention. It was always excuses on repeat. How many lies had you told her on this topic alone?
But even if they were lies, it beat telling her the truth. You didn’t want to have to explain where the scars on your body actually came from to anyone, let alone a child, and especially not to your own daughter. How could you possibly word it gently, or in a way that she would understand, when you barely understood why you had them yourself? How could you look her in the eye and tell her that these markings were a permanent sign that you had been very, very hurt and that it was her own fathers hands that inflicted the pain?
Reliving the horrific moments that left your body in such a state was overwhelming enough on its own, but to also have to lay bare her father’s sins, relay to her the unsavory proclivities of a man who she idolized and adored, was not something you were keen on doing.
She didn’t know her daddy like you knew him. She was ignorant to the constant state of concern you lived in, unaware of the worries that plagued your mind and kept you up each night. All the troubles of the hell she had been born into were completely lost on the small, carefree girl.
But honestly that was for the best. You had made an unspoken promise the moment she entered your life that you would protect her no matter what. From the day of her birth onward it became your mission to keep her as happy and healthy as possible.
Ren had broken you, but she did not have to suffer the same fate.
At this point in her life, your daughter knew nothing of her daddy’s profession or ‘hobbies’, and you wanted it to remain that way for as long as possible, if not for the rest of her life. You dreaded each time Ren came home from an auction, terrified he may let casually slip too many details about his ‘lively client’ or that he would carelessly step through the door with the stains of his liaisons still littering his clothes. Your daughter was at an age where she was brimming with questions, and she was relentless in getting answers to each question she asked. Everything had to be explained in complete detail for her to be satisfied, drop the subject, and move on. She was a smart little thing, possibly too smart for her own good. You highly doubted a silly joke or wave of the hand would assuage her whirring mind should Ren grow too impetuous in her presence.
And should her questioning become too pesky, you fretted over what Ren’s reaction to it may be. The more you tried to avoid thinking about it the more you seemed to fixate on the topic, pondering just how much goading it would take from your daughter before his temper would rear its ugly head.  You, above anyone, had firsthand experience in just how volatile the man could be, the scars that littered your body a testament to his turbulent emotions and violent outbursts.
Looking back on it now, it’s a wonder you survived any of it at all.
Ren often told you he loved you, each confession spoken through honeyed words that spilled from his lips easily and often.  And while you didn’t doubt those words (you knew better than to, at this point), you also knew his sweet nothings weren’t merely a term of endearment, they also served as your curse. He loved you, but he also loved your fealty to him, your adoration and worship of him and only him. Should you not reciprocate his feelings as quickly or ardently as he expected, the mere thought of whatever punishment he would concoct was enough to send you into a debilitating panic attack.
There were few things he loathed more than when you flinched from his affection or if you exhibited any sign of distress towards his presence, especially after he had spent so many years going above and beyond to provide for you, devote himself to you. You had learned early on to keel any feelings of aversion you had to his advances, several of your more prominent scars a brutal reminder of that misstep alone.
 If your daughter uncovered the truth and saw her father for who he truly was, if she began to fear him the way you feared him, how would he respond?  If not only his partner, but his own daughter started shying away from him, what length would he go to to correct this behavior?
Dwelling on it made your skin crawl.
But perhaps all of your worries were asinine. Despite his inclination for cruelty, Ren had never so much as raised a hand towards your daughter, even when she did act up. If anything, he was overprotective of her, barely letting her move faster than a brisk jog lest she fall and hurt herself. He hated seeing his little girl experience even a modicum of physical pain, mentioning to you previously that were he able, he’d keep her locked up in a padded room all day and night to prevent any foreseeable accidents or injuries. Surely it was just his idea of a joke, but the insinuation still made you cringe.
It was almost comical, just how greatly the manifestation of his affection for her differed from how he showed his love for you.
His domineering nature shielded her from experiencing any true pain. Every scrape, bruise, and cut she ever received was superficial, nothing that caused major bleeding or left a lasting impression. She had no way of knowing what had been done to you to cause the scars that marred your form, the torment and hell you experienced with each slash, smack, burn. Hell, she probably didn’t even really understand what a scar actually was. All she knew was that her mommy and daddy had strange marks on their skin that didn’t follow any kind of set pattern, weird jagged lines and indents that her soft skin was curiously free from. The mystery of it all was as puzzling to her young mind as it was enticing.
However, some mysteries were best left unsolved, and just as with each other time she brought up this hot topic, you found yourself unable to look into her clear, bright eyes and tell her any semblance of the truth. She may have been forced upon you, but she was your daughter. You loved her, and you refused to be the one to shatter her innocence. You would keep her ignorant for as long as possible, shielding her to the endless nightmare of your daily lives, even if it cost you your sanity.
“Mommy,” her voice jarred you, dragging you from your thoughts, “mommy did you hear me? I said I think they are pretty!”
“T-that’s… I…” You stuttered, struggling to find the right words to say, your voice coming out much smaller than you intended it to. The room felt like it had dropped thirty degrees, your body twitching in response to the sudden chill.
“Daddy told me he gave some of them to you, like this one,” her pudgy, cold finger pressed into the faded heart that resided on your chest, the first of many indelible sins he had etched onto your form. Only the top half of the carved symbol was viewable above the collar of your shirt, so she tugged at the loose hem until she could see it in its horrible entirety.
“Daddy said he gave you this one because he loves you so much,” her voice grew quiet, a thoughtful look in her eye as they drank in wounds you wished you could forget, “Daddy loves me too, right mommy? You think he’ll give me a cute heart someday too?”
You felt as if you had been hit by a train.
“S-top,” the words were forced from your throat, airy and breathless, as if someone was wringing your neck to make them come out, “p-please, just stop talking.”
“What did you say mama,” your daughters sing-song voice responded as her fingers continued to trace and prod your scars, “You are whispering, is it a secret?”
“I told you to SHUT UP!”
As if following your command, your booming voice instantly silenced the small girl. Unused to such a violent outburst from her mother, her happy-go-lucky nature quickly shifted to one of alert, her tiny body going rigid as she stared up at you with fearful eyes.
Seeing her in such a state and knowing that you were the cause of it would normally have killed you inside, making you fall to your knees to beg for the child’s forgiveness. But right now, the thin thread that had been holding you together had snapped, and your words rushed out in a torrent you couldn’t begin to quell.
“Shut up, shut up, shut UP!” You seethed, clasping your hands to your ears to try and block out your own intrusive voice, “Just STOP TALKING about it! What are you even saying? Why would you ever want to look like this?!”
Tears started to flood your eyes, blurring the image of the girl who had quickly jumped from your lap and was now cowering before you. Through your bleary vision, you could see tears were brimming her eyes as well.
“You… You have no idea,” your voice warbled, shaking in equal parts grief and frustration, “You have no clue what you are saying, so just STOP IT. KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT AND DON’T YOU DARE SPEAK OF IT AGAIN!”
You slunk from the chair down to the floor, burying your face in your cold, stiff hands. The soft blubbering of your daughter could be heard through your own sobbing.
“I-I’m sorry mommy. I didn’t mean to make you cry.”
Hearing her broken voice began to shatter the spell you had been under, instant regret jerking you roughly back to reality. Your head sunk lower, your body scrunching itself up as tightly as possible to hide from this cruel reality.
Your screams were born from deeply buried feelings of hatred, tucked far, far away as a means of self-preservation. For a moment, you felt as if you despised your daughter, her existence tethering you to this wretched excuse of a life, binding you irrevocably to Ren. But as you lifted your heavy head, glancing up to stare into her young face, a face so very similar to your own, a face contorted in panic and sadness over her mother’s abrupt descent into madness… you realized it wasn’t her that you hated.
It was yourself.
Your daughter didn’t deserve this. She deserved normalcy. She deserved a father that didn’t pose a threat to her. She deserved a mother that wasn’t ruined by his hands. She deserved a happy and untroubled life, not to be stuck being raised in a barbed cage, navigating her way through life with nothing but the shattered remains of a battered woman to guide her.
“I’m so sorry,” you choked under the weight of your overwhelming emotions, snot and tears running freely down your ruddy cheeks and chin, “I’m so, so sorry baby…”
“What the hell is going on?”
You hadn’t heard the front door open, nor had you heard Ren’s jubilant greeting as he entered your home. He had no doubt been upset by the lack of welcome-it was one thing to be ignored by a child, but his doting wife? That was not something he was not apt to look past.
But surely any feelings of annoyance or frustration fled from his mind the moment he entered the room, his eyes falling upon your crumpled, messy form collapsed on the floor. You cursed his arrival, upset that he entered the scene at such a compromising time, right as you were struggling to regain an ounce of composure and properly apologize to the little girl who had done nothing wrong.
“D-daddy,” your daughter’s voice warbled as she barreled towards him, colliding into his waiting embrace. You wiped at your face in a desperate attempt to hide your previous outpouring of emotions, doing your best to avoid eye contact with Ren as his sharp gaze quickly flicked from you, to his daughter.
This had already become enough of a scene without Ren’s interference, it was best to try and begin damage control now. 
“Daddy I-I made mommy cry!” Tears continued to pour from your daughter’s eyes, her face twisting into a look of pure dismay. Her misguided admission of guilt made you recoil, knowing full well it would grant her no favors with the person she seeking comfort from. “I’m really sorry daddy! I didn’t mean to!”
After several endless seconds of silence, Ren spoke.
“… You made her cry?”
His voice was far sharper than it needed to be, further agitating the precarious state of affairs. In most cases he would have offered your daughter leniency, letting her get away with far more than she probably should. However that leniency was null and void if you ended up suffering in the process.  Ren could not forgive anyone that caused you any duress (himself, of course, being the exemption) even if that person was his own flesh and blood.
“What do you mean you made her cry? What the hell did you do to her?”
“I-I don’t know,” she wailed, a fresh wave of tears spurred on by the accusatory tone of her father’s voice, “I just told mommy I thought her marks were pretty and then she started crying! I wasn’t lying daddy, I like them! I think they make mommy look really pretty!”
“Her marks…?” Ren’s look of vexation began to dissipate as the meaning of her words donned on him. He lifted his arm, rolling up his sleeve to reveal his own scars to the little girl. Pointing a clawed finger to them, he leaned down until he was looking her in the eye, “You mean like these?”
As she nodded her head vigorously in confirmation, Ren tutted, “That’s the reason for all the water works? An innocent compliment started all this fussing?” He scoffed, shaking his head, “Isn’t that a little bit… silly?
You tensed at the sound of his barking laugh, your frown deepening as an amused grin spread wider across his lips. You wished that you could say it was shocking for him to have such disregard after finding the two of you in such an agitated state, but it was painfully in character of him to shrug off your misery and suffering as inconsequential.  How he could so nonchalantly normalize this hellish situation he kept you and your child ensnared in, you would never understand.
Your daughter was apparently sharing similar thoughts, as her face began to once more morph into a pre-sobbing scowl. She was no doubt wounded that her father was not offering her the comfort she was seeking, her emotional state already greatly weakened by her mother’s venomous tantrum.
To help quell another round of tears, Ren pulled the child closer, wrapping her up in his arms so that her tiny form was nearly enveloped by him.  “Shhh, no more tears angel,” he cooed sweetly, patting her head gently to appease her, “There isn’t any reason to cry, especially because… Well, you’re right! Mommy’s whole body is pretty, isn’t it? Her marks just compliment the beauty that’s already there.”
Slowly but surely, her tears began to dissipate. Hunched over shoulders loosened, and sniffles and hiccups gave way to even breathing. Like clockwork, her father’s gentle handling soothed her, the same touch that destroyed you offering her salvation.
As if under a spell, the turmoil that had overcome your daughter quickly began to vanish, her sobbing fading into quiet sniffles. Once she was fully calmed, Ren continued speaking, “That’s all you meant to say to mommy, right angel? I’m sorry she took it the wrong way, she’s probably just tired or hungry, you know how mommy gets. She’ll get over it in no time flat!”
Heat spread through your body at his flippant dismissal of your feelings, an indignant blush lighting your cheeks as you gripped your hands tightly at your side. Your previous emotional episode left you all but drained, but your will to fight back against his callous commentary could never truly be contained.
“In fact, I bet she is already over it now,” Ren’s voice took on a jovial tone as he directed his focus solely on you, “Aren’t you, pumpkin?”
With the ball suddenly in your court, you flinched as both sets of expectant eyes fell on you. Your own eyes darted from Ren’s piercing glare, down to your daughter’s wide-eyed look of unbridled hope. You felt much like the rabbit that had been caught by the fox, stuck in a lose-lose situation. Seeing him hunched over her small body as she clutched to him as a life line, openly concerned that her mother may once more reject her while her father remained a bastion of strength and understanding, left you reeling. Either you would get heated again and stay the villain, but possibly hold on to an ounce of your dignity, or concede to Ren and have yet another piece of your soul wither away and die-the price to pay so that your daughter could remain in blissful ignorance for another day.
“Aren’t you, pumpkin?” He repeated himself slowly, enunciating each word. The kindness in his voice serving only as a mask for the threat buried beneath.
“Y-yes,” you responded quickly, shooting them both a smile you hoped was convincing, “I am very sorry, baby. Daddy is right. Mommy is just… tired.”
A serene smile lit her face, your words placating her. Seeing her happy once more helped relieve a bit of the ache in your own heart, making the lie worth it.
“Good, good,” Ren affirmed with a nod, carefully detaching himself from your daughter as he stood, “but you know little one, mommy deserves some love too, don’t you think? She may have been in the wrong, but it’s not nice to make her cry like that. Why don’t you go give her a hug, hm?”
With no further persuading necessary, she quickly padded over to you, hopping on your lap with so much enthusiasm that it nearly knocked the wind from you. Her arms tightly latched around your torso as she smushed her face into your chest, rubbing it back and forth like she was trying to burrow beneath your skin.
“I love you mommy,” her voice spoke clearly, any hint of previous sadness long gone. You sighed, relieved that this dramatic chapter was over as you pulled your daughter closer to you.
“I love you too.”
During this show of affection, Ren had made his way behind you, slinking so deftly you hadn’t even known he had moved until you heard him chuckle softly behind you.
“This is what I like to see,” he spoke with a sickeningly dreamy sigh, “nothing makes me happier than when my two girls are happy.”
He placed his hands gingerly atop your shoulders, trailing them down until they rested on your arms. His thumbs pressed gently against the marred skin, rubbing in a small circular motion in an attempt to subdue you. His claws grazed your flesh, uncomfortably scratching against you as they snagged against your skin.
He planted a firm and lingering kiss to the side of your head, pulling away just enough that his lips grazed the shell of your ear. “There really was nothing to cry about,” he whispered breathily, his words quiet enough that despite your daughters’ proximity, she would have no chance of hearing them. “It’s almost unfair how gorgeous you are, scars and all. But you must know that, right my sweet pet? I tell you all the time.”
Ren took in a deep breath, releasing it in a shaky sigh, “Seeing these scars reminds me of all we have been through, all that we share. They are a symbol of our bond.”
One of his claws pressed down sharply, a small bead of blood pooling around the piercing. Leisurely he began to drag his finger up your arm, a thin red line following in its wake. You shivered at the burning sensation, but deigned to give him any reaction further than that.
“Don’t forget pumpkin, these pretty marks are a reminder of my constant love for you.” He chuckled softly, peppering a few kisses to the back of your neck while his claws slowly sunk deeper, “And right now I am feeling  terribly sentimental, so for old times’ sake, why don’t I add a few more to remind you just how precious to me you are~?”
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clarisse0o · 1 month
Camp Wiegman-Part 47
Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Alternative Universe : Military School
Words: 7K
Saturday, February 6th; 09:15 AM -  Ona's Room
I wake up to rather pleasant caresses on my back. The tips of her fingers slowly and repeatedly glide along my spine. I savor the moment without opening my eyes, afraid that it might fade away.
"You know, I can tell you’re not sleeping anymore," Lucy murmurs with a hint of amusement.
I hum softly, vibrating against her chest in time with her chuckles. I tighten my hold on her as I stretch my limbs, finally fluttering my eyes open to adjust to the daylight. I realize I forgot to close the blinds last night. What a terrible host I am.
"Good morning," I mumble.
"Good morning, sleepyhead."
I smile at her response. Once I feel awake enough, I glance behind me but am surprised to find us alone.
"Is Joan not here anymore?"
"He went downstairs about fifteen minutes ago, I’d say."
"Did he wake you?"
"I was already dozing a bit," she admits.
"Oh, sorry about that," I grimace. "I should have warned you. He tends to wake up early."
"It’s all good," she smiles.
"Didn’t you want to go running today?"
"Not really. I might have gone if I had a guide," she jokes.
I chuckle at the idea that she might still expect me to join her. I’ve done enough of anything that resembles jogging. I enjoy the feeling after a run, but it’s been so long since I’ve done anything that I’ll just end up killing my lungs. Plus, running is Lucy's passion. As I’ve told her before, I love that we have different worlds.
"Looks like you'll have to wait until you're back in Manchester."
"It seems so, yes. I had a feeling you wouldn’t be motivated," she laughs as I sit up. "What are you doing?"
I glance over my shoulder, seeing her genuinely curious expression. I smile and respond as if it’s obvious:
"Well, I’m getting up."
"Why? Come back," she pleads with a whine.
A small yelp escapes me as she pulls me back down, then pins me by half-lying on top of me. Her laughter echoes in my ears, making me smile. It’s true that we’ve stayed in bed a little longer these past couple of days, but I didn’t expect it to continue. From what I know, Lucy is someone who wakes up early and doesn’t like to linger in bed.
"I was just keeping my distance before. In reality, I’m someone who loves spending time in bed with her girlfriend."
"Really?" I raise an eyebrow.
"Mmhmm," she smiles. "So, can we cuddle?"
"If you ask so nicely."
My laughter is muffled by her lips capturing mine for our first morning kiss. I bite my lip when she continues kissing down my neck. I almost reopen my wound when she starts gently nibbling on my skin.
"Lex," I whisper, gently pushing her shoulders.
"Weak spot, Miss Batlle?" she teases after a final kiss on my neck.
The smile she gives me as she looks at me makes me melt. So this is the real Lucy, the one she’s hidden from me until now. I blush, trying to hide my face with my hands, but Lucy pins them down on either side of my head, laughing.
"I’ll take that as a yes. This kind of wake-up call is much nicer, isn’t it?"
"I could get used to it…" I reply, still blushing.
"Relax. I won’t do it again if it makes you uncomfortable."
"No, it’s okay... It was... nice."
She smiles at me before resting her head on my shoulder. I take advantage of the moment, being the one who gets to hold her for once. My hand plays absentmindedly with her hair as I reflect. It really was nice. I need to learn to relax. I’ve already accepted that Lucy is the only one who can help me, and it seems that’s truly the case.
"Do you remember the weekend in the Alps we wanted to spend with my friends?" she breaks the silence.
"The one I ruined because I got sent back to class?"
"Indeed, that’s the one," she giggles.
She props herself up on her elbows to look at me. I feel embarrassed just thinking about it. I had felt so guilty for canceling her plans. Plus, it was a rare opportunity to get closer to her at the time.
"I remember, yes. Why do you ask?"
"I might have changed my mind about you coming with us," she tells me, letting her fingers trail along my stomach.
"Oh, really...? Is that still happening?"
"Yeah. We’ve rescheduled it for a week during the next school break since I couldn’t make it the first time. I’d like you to come with me."
"And how would I get there? You’ve already planned everything, right? Aren’t you all flying?"
"No, we’re driving there, and as for the room, I’ve reserved one with a double bed. I’ll just need to notify them of your presence to adjust the price..."
"You realize that means we’ll be sharing a hotel room for an entire week?"
"Of course," she smiles. "I want that, or I wouldn’t be asking. The only question is whether you want it too. If it helps, I heard Alexia will be coming as well."
"Really?" I ask, surprised.
"Mmhmm," her smile grows. "Jenni wanted to bring her along for once. And Ingrid will probably invite Mapi if their relationship has evolved and she knows you’re both coming."
"You’ve thought of every argument to make me say yes, huh?"
"I want you to come. We need this, and we won’t have a better opportunity to spend time with all our friends together."
"You know, my answer was yes from the start, but I appreciate that you’re still trying so hard to convince me."
"You idiot."
We laugh together before she rests her head back on my shoulder.
"Speaking of Mapi and Ingrid... Do you think they’ll be okay?" I ask.
"Why wouldn’t they be?"
"I don’t know... I haven’t really had time to follow their relationship... So I’m worried about Mapi."
"I’m not worried about them. They both have commitment issues, but Ingrid will take it in stride and reassure her. She wanted a new relationship. To be honest, I think they’re made for each other."
"I hope so..." I murmur, staring at the ceiling. "Mapi has reasons to be scared, you know. Her parents didn’t exactly give her the best love possible. And as for her romantic relationships, I dumped her like an old shoe, and her ex cheated on her with my ex, so..."
"You still care about her a lot to be so concerned, huh?"
"We’ve been through a lot together, so yes, of course. But tell me... I had the impression you didn’t like her that much. How come you talked to her when we weren’t on good terms?"
"You’re exaggerating. It’s not that I didn’t like her, I just thought she had a bad influence on you. And, I guess I was jealous of your relationship in a way..."
"Thought?" I repeat. "So you don’t think she’s a bad influence anymore?"
"No," she sighs. "When you stopped writing to me, she started harassing me, lecturing me. She was afraid you wouldn’t recover. That’s when I realized how much she cares about you. Sure, she drags you into her crazy plans, but she’ll always take care of you..."
"I’m glad you understand that... Mapi is really amazing, if you only knew. We support each other a lot because we know everything about each other, but you have nothing to be jealous of. Sure, she’s my ex, and we’re very close, but..."
I shrug, smiling softly.
"If we wanted to get back together, we would have done it a long time ago. If I had to describe her to someone, I’d say she’s my best friend, or even the third daughter of the family since she’s always hanging around here when I’m here," I chuckle.
"I know," she smiles. "You know what really feels strange to me? That your ex is dating my best friend."
"Put that way, it is indeed very strange," I laugh. "At least it’s no longer ambiguous between us. Well, Mapi did kiss me not too long ago, but believe me, she quickly regretted it," I giggle.
- "What?" She furrows her brows, sitting up. "She kissed you?"
- "It was nothing crazy," I reply with an amused smile. "It happened during Christmas break. She had just been dumped and needed some affection. She regretted it the second she realized what she had done, if that makes you feel any better."
- "Hmm... And I'm supposed to not worry about her or the fact that her stuff is still in your room? I doubt you'd like it if you found my ex's things in mine, or if you knew one of them had kissed me."
I wince at the thought. No, definitely not. If I were in her shoes, I probably would have thrown them out the window and lost my cool.
- "She'll move all her things out if that's what you want."
She giggles, burying her head in my neck. Her nose brushes up and down along my neck.
- "No, of course not. I was just teasing. But let me tell you right now, if we ever live together, she's not allowed to infest our apartment with her stuff."
- "It's a promise," I chuckle.
- "Now I'm reassured," she jokes.
- "So, what about Ingrid...? Are they really in love with each other?"
- "Especially Mapi. You should see the messages she sends her. Ingrid showed them to me. They were super cheesy."
- "Oh no, please... She didn't do that?"
- "She did," she laughs. "I had no idea she was such a hopeless romantic," she adds sarcastically.
- "I can't believe it," I giggle.
Having known Mapi in a relationship, I can say she's far from good at writing mushy messages. I used to laugh at the ones she sent me, even though I never told her. Expressing her love wasn't her strong suit, but it was really sweet and adorable that she tried. I'm glad she's comfortable enough with Ingrid to send her those kinds of messages. It seems like she's finally found someone good for her.
- "And you know," Lucy continues.
- "Hmm?"
- "Mapi really helped change my mind about us. It's partly why I trust her more now. Even if that whole thing with Korbin hadn't happened, I would have come to see you to talk about our relationship. I just couldn't stand the distance between us anymore."
- "And what did she say to make you change your mind?"
- "Ah, that's a secret," she giggles, stretching. "Anyway, we should get up. The girls are probably waiting for us."
- "I doubt it."
- "You'd be surprised."
She kisses my cheek before heading to the bathroom. I raise an eyebrow, wondering if she's right about the girls. I'll find out soon enough. Lucy returns quickly, the only difference being that she's swapped her shorts for sweatpants, and her hair is now gathered in a messy bun. I bite my lip at the sight. She doesn't seem to notice as she heads to her suitcase to pack her clothes.
- "Why were you so upset after your last breakup?" I start a new conversation. "You never really talked about it."
We've talked a lot about Mapi and Feli, so I suppose it's okay to talk about her ex. Lucy pauses in her movements.
- "Are you sure you want to know?" she asks, running a hand through her hair.
- "Of course," I say, sitting up to pay more attention.
- "Okay. Do you remember that girl at the bar, the day I rejected you?"
- "Yes...?"
- "That was her," she says bluntly. "Her name is Alex, and we were together for four months. I thought she might be the one. We spent a lot of time together during the summer. In the end, she reacted like the others when I went back to work and blamed me for my lack of commitment. She wanted more, and I wasn't able to give it to her."
- "I see... Is that why you were scared for us?"
- "Partly, yes," she sighs. "I was afraid of making the same mistake with you and hurting you even more."
- "That won't happen. I'm not letting you go now that I have you. I'll keep chasing after you as long as you try to run away," I joke, making her smile.
- "Well, that's reassuring, I suppose."
I return her smile with a nod. She said I'm different from the others, and I plan to prove it. I care about her a lot, so there's no way I'm letting her go without a good reason. She hasn't let go of me yet, so neither will I.
- "Everything will be fine, I promise," I say.
- "I hope so.... Okay, now, I'm starving, so if you could get ready so we can go down."
I chuckle and nod. Before heading to the bathroom, I turn back to her.
- "Thanks for being honest with me. You were right about communication being important."
- "I'm always right, babe."
I laugh as I close the door. I slip into some sweatpants as well, then brush my teeth and hair before we head downstairs. I realize I haven't yet seen Lucy's house as I watch her looking around. Then again, we did arrive pretty late.
- "The house is really beautiful."
- "Too big for my taste, if you ask me. I'll give you a tour later, if you want."
She nods with a smile. Mine appears as we enter the kitchen and see Samuel busy at the stove.
- "Hey, handsome," I say, making him jump.
- "Oh, damn! You’re crazy! I almost had a heart attack!"
I laugh at his fake stern look. He doesn’t look convincing at all, especially since he pulls me into a hug the next second.
- "You’re lucky I missed you, or I’d make you clean up this whole mess," he says, pointing at the now-disorganized counter, which is apparently my fault.
- "Oops... Sorry."
- "Yeah, sure... You don't mean it at all."
- "It's true, you're right," I giggle.
- "How are you? I heard about your adventures. I didn’t imagine it was that bad," he grimaces.
- "I’m fine. It was worse at first," I reply.
He smiles, understanding that I don’t want to dwell on it, and finally looks behind me. I turn to see Lucy watching us with amusement from the kitchen entrance. She approaches when I extend my hand to her.
- "My mom probably told you about her... This is Lucy."
- "So you’re the one responsible for all of this, huh?" he teases. "Nice to finally put a face to the name, Lucy. I assume I can call you by your first name?"
- "Of course," she smiles. "It’s nice to finally meet you, too. She’s told me a lot about you."
- "Not as much as she talked about you. You’re the only person whose name I remembered, given how many times she mentioned you."
- "Sam," I groan, hiding my blush in Lucy’s arms.
- "Aw, don’t be shy," she giggles. "It’s cute," she says before kissing my forehead. "As for you, she’s talked a lot about your cooking. It seems she’s starting to prefer mine," she adds, making him gasp.
- "Oh, really? I’ll remember that,  Ona."
- "Shh! You weren’t supposed to say anything! Now he’s going to be sulking all weekend."
- "Don’t worry. She did say I absolutely had to try your dishes," she tries to make up for it.
- "Hmm, sure," he smiles. "Well,  Ona, you sure don’t pick the ugly ones, huh? And that’s coming from the gayest person on the planet."
His comment makes me blush again. He’s really not holding back today. Luckily, Lucy finds it funny and thanks him for the compliment.
- "So, who made the first move? I want all the details!"
- "You’re not getting anything," I say just as Lucy points to me.
I give her a wide-eyed look and tap her hand.
- "Don’t tell him!"
- "Oh, it’s not a secret," she smiles.
- "So, it was you, Onita ? I never would have guessed."
"I’m full of surprises, what can I say. »
I wait for their laughter to subside before offering Lucy a coffee. She accepts eagerly, so I start making it for her while preparing my hot chocolate on the side.
“You’re lucky. This is probably the first time she’s ever bothered to serve anyone,” Sam teases.
“Are you done?” I groan at Sam. “You’re going to scare her away!”
“Not at all,” Lucy replies. “I like being the exception.”
I glance at Lucy, who’s seated on a barstool, watching me with an amused expression. The least I can do is make her coffee. When I’m at her place, she always takes care of everything for me. It’s not my fault that my mom hired people to handle the household chores. I’m just taking advantage of the chance to do something myself since Sam usually forbids it.
“Are the girls already up?” I ask.
“Yeah, they’re eating in the dining room with Joan,” he informs me. “I made pancakes and pastries.”
“Great, thanks.”
“Jo’s happy to see you again, you know.”
“I know. He slept with us last night. Was he too much trouble?”
“A little, but nothing we couldn’t handle. You should check in with him more often. He asks me almost every day if you’ve called.”
“I’ll try, I promise,” I reply, feeling guilty. “It’s just been complicated lately—between my broken phone and all the drama…”
“Oh, right. What happened with that? You’re not the type to mistreat your phone.”
“I threw it on the ground out of frustration,” I shrug. “Mom let me get a new one,” I say, pulling it out of my pocket.
“Well, make sure you use it.”
“I will.”
I take my mug out of the microwave and hand Lucy her coffee. She thanks me with a kiss, which makes me smile like an idiot. I could easily get used to these little gestures of affection.
“That’s sweet,” Sam grins. “Are you planning on coming back for the holidays?” he asks us.
“Maybe. We’ll talk about it,” Lucy answers before I can.
“Hmm… Well, we’re going to join the girls. Thanks again for breakfast, Sam. See you later.”
“See you later, girls.”
I lead Lucy to the dining room, which is not far from the kitchen. It’s my least favorite room in the house, but I might change my mind when we find Mapi, Ingrid, and my little brother chatting and laughing over breakfast.
“Ah! There they are at last,” Mapi says when she sees us.
I hand my mug to Lucy and pick up Joan. He kisses my cheek and then, surprisingly, does the same to Lucy. I’m not used to him warming up to strangers so quickly. I’m glad he’s reacting this way with Lucy. He even asks Lucy to sit next to him. I’m going to get jealous if this keeps up! So, I sit across from Ingrid while my brother takes the seat between Lucy and Mapi.
“How are you, girls? Did you sleep well?”
“Yeah… We had a good night,” Mapi responds.
I can’t believe it! Mapi Leon blushing? That’s a first! Lucy and I exchange a knowing look. It seems like everything worked out fine after all. To avoid teasing her further, I turn to Lucy.
“What would you like?” I ask, taking her plate.
“Pancakes, please,” she answers with a small smile.
I serve her as well as she did for me. After I’m done, I hand her plate back and grab a pain au chocolat for myself. Sam made them from scratch, so they’re the best.
“Any ideas on what we could do this afternoon?” I finally ask.
“We could show them around town since they’re here,” Mapi suggests. “And bring the little rascal along.”
“I’m not little anymore!” my brother whines.
“Aww, you’re almost as touchy as your sister,” Mapi chuckles, pinching his cheek.
“Hey!” I protest.
“Let’s not start this early in the morning,” Lucy intervenes. “But exploring the town sounds like a good idea.”
“It’s definitely more pleasant than Manchester. This town seems great,” Ingrid comments.
“We could go out to eat afterward,” Mapi suggests.
“Yeah. We should let Sam know,” I agree.
“Yep, you’re right! I’ll go tell him now.”
She doesn’t wait for anyone’s confirmation before heading to the kitchen. I smile as I see Ingrid’s eyes follow her, then she turns to me.
“Your best friend has a serious commitment issue, huh? I thought I had one, but she’s worse than anyone.”
“I’m not surprised,” I reply.
“If I hadn’t kissed her, we’d still be stuck. But once she’s on board, there’s no stopping her!”
“We could do without the details,” Lucy interjects. “Especially with a child at the table.”
“Oh, I’m only talking about some kisses, nothing more.”
“We’re happy for you,” I say.
“That’s it!” Mapi interrupts with a huge grin. “We’ve got the all-clear for lunch.”
I suppress my smile, noticing how euphoric she seems. Last night must have done her a lot of good.
“By the way, did you ask  Ona about the Alps?” Ingrid changes the subject.
“Just now. You’ll have to put up with me for another week,” I answer.
“You should be saying that to Lucy,” she giggles.
“Don’t worry, we’re getting along quite well so far,” Lucy replies.
“Absolutely,” I nod in agreement.
I smile at Lucy, who seems to be teasing me. I understand why when she brings a napkin to my chin.
“You really don’t know how to eat.”
I feel embarrassed as the others laugh around the table.
“Thanks,” I mumble when she’s done.
“You’re welcome,” she smiles warmly. “So, are you taking her with you?” she asks Ingrid, nodding toward Mapi.
“Hmm… I’m not sure yet.”
“Really?” Mapi says, looking disappointed.
“What? It’s not even been a day since we got together.”
“They haven’t been together long either!” my best friend retorts, pointing at us.
“That’s different. They’ve been hanging out and sleeping together for a while.”
“Pff. Fine. I get it,” she says, pouting.
It’s funny to see Mapi get upset over something so minor. I would probably act the same way if I didn’t know Ingrid was joking. This shows they still have a lot to learn about each other. Over my visits to their office, I’ve discovered that Ingrid has quite a playful side—just as much as Mapi. Lucy is probably right when she says they’re meant to be together.
“You silly thing. Of course, you’re coming with us! And it’s not a question, it’s a requirement.”
Mapi’s reaction is priceless. She’s always been so dominant with me; this must be a new experience for her. I hide my amusement as I continue my breakfast, enjoying Lucy’s hand resting on my thigh. I realize I’m the last one still eating, and I need to hurry if we want to leave soon.
Saturday, February 6th; 2:00 PM - Downtown.
I’ve never seen the town so crowded as it is today. No one expected this. I have to hold Joan’s hand to keep from losing him. He’s now nestled between Lucy and me, but at least this way I’m sure we won’t lose him in the crowd.
“It’s crazy; yesterday, there was no one,” Mapi comments.
“We could have stayed at the restaurant longer if we’d known.”
« Ona,” my brother calls, tugging on my hand. “Can we go to the pool instead?”
“The pool?” I frown.
“It’s a good idea; it could be fun,” Lucy agrees. “There’s no point in staying here, anyway. We won’t see anything interesting with this many people.”
"Do you have enough swimsuits to lend us?" Ingrid asked me.
"You promised we'd go again someday!" Joan whined.
I bit my lip nervously. The idea didn’t excite me as much as it did the others. I sighed, releasing the tension in my shoulders.
"I think I can find something if that's what everyone wants."
Joan drew attention by jumping up and down with excitement. No one seemed to notice my reluctance, so I kept quiet to avoid dampening everyone’s enthusiasm. We headed back to the car. Hector had agreed to let us use one on the condition that either Lucy or Ingrid drive. I was slightly annoyed by this. Lucy offered to let me drive, but in the end, I let her take the wheel. I might have agreed if we were alone, but today wasn’t the case. We returned home to gather our things. Fortunately, I found swimsuits that fit Lucy and Ingrid. Once ready, we set off for the indoor pool that also had a water slide park, as requested by Joan. Mapi and Ingrid reacted like big kids to the idea. Unlike in the city, we were relieved to see that there were far fewer people here. Mapi was the first to rush inside with Joan. It seemed like they had really missed this. It had been so long since we last came.
"This place is huge," Ingrid commented.
"Yeah. There are plenty of pools to satisfy everyone, so it’s really cool."
We caught up with Joan and Mapi, who were already in line to buy our tickets. The place was so big that it didn’t feel crowded. I managed to get ahead of Lucy to buy our tickets, including Joan’s, since she had already paid for lunch. She didn’t like it, but it was my weekend at home. When we’re in Manchester, she’s the one who pays, so it’s only fair to return the favor. Once everyone was through, we headed to the locker rooms. Mapi and Ingrid decided to share a locker, so we did the same with Lucy and Joan. The three excited ones were the first to finish undressing. I was the slowest. Lucy must have noticed because she told them to go ahead. Unable to hold them back any longer, they even took Joan with them, promising to keep an eye on her.
"Is everything okay?" she asked once we were alone.
"I can tell it’s not. Do you want to talk about it?"
I sighed softly. I wish she had noticed earlier. Neither of us had removed much yet. We had just taken off our jackets and shoes.
"I’ve never... you know," I said, gesturing to myself.
I realized she didn’t understand when she frowned. I nervously ran my hand through my hair, feeling anxious about confessing this to her.
"You're the only one, besides Joan, who’s seen me in my underwear since what Feli did to me. No one else has seen my scars, and I don’t feel comfortable being this exposed anymore. Plus, I still have bruises from Korbin, and they’re not exactly pretty."
"Why didn’t you say something earlier?"
"I don’t know. Everyone was so excited to come here," I shrugged.
She gently cupped my cheeks, forcing me to lift the head I had lowered.
"You should’ve told me."
"It’s fine, really... I need to push through this sooner or later."
"You don’t have to do it alone. If you had told me you were uncomfortable with your body, I would’ve told you that you’re beautiful to me, and you always will be. No matter how many marks you have, they’re part of your story, and you shouldn’t be ashamed of them."
Tears welled up in my eyes. Why is she so perfect? She smiled before kissing me tenderly. The kiss deepened with so much love that it made my stomach flip. While I was distracted, she gently lifted my sweater and took it off before I could even process what was happening.
"If I have to help you love your body again, I’ll do it. In any case, I’m very happy to be the only one who gets to touch it."
The way her eyes devoured my torso made me blush furiously. She bit her lip to stifle a smile as her gaze slowly moved back up to meet mine.
"I’d feel more comfortable if you took off your top too," I finally managed to say.
She chuckled softly and, to my surprise, complied. How can she envy my little belly when she has such a sculpted body? For the first time, I took in the sight, lingering on her lower abdomen where her abs were slightly visible. Not to mention the tattoo that made her even sexier. I should have looked back up, but my eyes were glued to her torso. It was her laugh that snapped me out of it.
"Glad you like what you see."
"Oh God, look at you! How am I supposed to feel confident next to you?" I retorted, making her laugh.
"Start running again if you don’t like your body. You only maintain it with exercise."
"Is that the future fitness coach talking?" I asked, watching her take off her pants.
"I’m already jealous of your future clients."
"Clients?" she laughed. "We won’t be in school anymore. But if you want, I’ll give you a special training session."
"Oh really? Like an intense workout?"
"No. Like a girlfriend workout," she said with a wink.
"Maybe we can negotiate then," I joked.
"Alright, enough teasing. Get undressed so we can go."
I grumbled as I took off my pants. Seeing her in a swimsuit had made me feel a bit more confident. My girlfriend is a knockout. To think she chose me when she could have any other girl. I neatly folded my clothes before Lucy closed our locker. She kept the key by strapping it to her wrist. She smiled at me as she held out her hand.
I nodded, taking her hand timidly. Without giving me time to think, she led me toward the showers. Walking behind her, I noticed a new tattoo that ran the length of her back.
"Wow," I breathed.
"What is it?"
« Your back »
"Oh, right," she laughed.
"It’s beautiful."
« Thanks. » 
We reached the showers, where only a few spots were occupied. We managed to get two next to each other to rinse off before heading to the pools. As we exited, I looked around for the girls, but they were nowhere to be found. Knowing them, they had probably headed straight for the slides. I gasped when I no longer felt my feet on the ground. Instinctively, I kicked my legs, but it didn’t stop Lucy from cradling me in her arms.
"Hey! What are you doing? Put me down!"
"Nope," she giggled.
I laughed when I realized she was enjoying herself. She gave me a playful smack on the butt as she approached the nearest pool.
"No, please! Don’t do this!"
I begged, clinging to her neck. Her laugh was muffled against my shoulder as I squeezed her tightly.
"Hmm... What’s your offer to avoid it?"
"Anything you want."
"Oh really?"
"Alright. I’ll remember that you owe me one," she laughed, setting me down.
I groaned, punching her arm.
"That was really uncool."
"Oh, don’t pout, please," she said, pouting herself. "Or I might actually throw you in the water."
"No! Besides, I want to find the girls before getting in the pool."
"The girls can take care of Joan if that’s what you’re worried about. I’d like us to spend some time together if we can."
I bit my lip, thinking over her suggestion. It would indeed be a chance to enjoy some time as a couple and also to get to know this new side of Lucy. I liked discovering new aspects of her. I groaned when she made an adorable face to try and convince me.
"Stop making that face."
"Please," she insisted.
I had nothing to worry about with Joan, right? Ingrid was an instructor at a private school, so I had no doubt she could be serious about her safety. I sighed, clearly giving in to Lucy, who started to smile.
"Alright, you win," I conceded. "Let’s spend some time together."
"Yes!" she said, lifting me up again, making me panic.
"No, no, no, please," I pleaded, struggling as she moved toward the pool steps.
"Relax," she giggled. "Hold on to me and just let it happen."
"No, please. I don’t like getting in all at once. And I don’t want to get my hair wet."
"We’ll get in slowly together. And as for your hair, either tie it up or wash it again tonight."
She ignored my pleas and continued to move forward, dipping her feet into the water. I quickly tied up my hair with the elastic around my wrist. It didn’t matter if it got wet; I just hated having it loose in the pool. Apparently, Lucy felt the same since she had tied hers up before the shower. I clung to her neck as I felt the tips of my toes touch the water next.
"Slowly, please."
"I promise."
I managed to wrap my legs around her waist so she could hold me better. I pressed closer to her as the water reached my calves. I held my breath as it began to rise to my thighs. Lucy must have noticed because she giggled softly.
"The water isn’t that cold. »
- "Speak for yourself," I whispered into her neck. "I can be really sensitive to the cold sometimes."
- "Then keep clinging to me. I love it," she murmured teasingly.
- "It's not funny," I giggled.
I suddenly inhaled sharply when Lucy took a big step, causing the water to cover our legs.
- "Stop, stop."
- "Oh, come on. The worst part hasn't even happened yet."
- "Exactly! It's coming."
- "Then brace yourself."
I whimpered into her neck as she continued to slowly make her way through the pool. Her upper body was warm compared to the coldness of the water. She lowered herself so that the water reached our chests. I rested my head on her shoulder, pressing myself against her as much as I could. She must have gotten the message because she tightened her arms around me.
- "It wasn't so bad, was it?"
- "No... Never with you."
She kept moving until she no longer had to bend her knees. I slowly lifted my head so we could look at each other for a moment without saying anything. I appreciated our closeness.
- "Your wounds are starting to heal," she noted.
- "Yeah... I still have some scabs."
- "Maybe, but your black eye is starting to fade."
I closed my eyes as she gently touched it. The gesture was soft until she pressed on it. I groaned in annoyance, reopening my eyes.
- "Sorry," she smiled sincerely. "I'll put some cream on it for you tonight."
- "Thanks," I murmured.
I closed my eyes again as I rested my head on her shoulder. She really was perfect in my eyes. Just like this moment we were sharing.
- "I still can't believe it..."
- "What?"
- "Us. It’s hard to realize..."
- "I know. That's why we need to spend time together outside of school, so you can separate things."
- "Going back is going to be tough," I sighed.
- "It’ll all be over soon."
- "By the way... What will happen after school?"
- "We’ll go over the offer I secured for you. We'll have time to talk about it during the next break. For now, the most important thing is passing your exams."
- "Ah, there you are!" a familiar voice suddenly interrupted. It was Ingrid.
I turned to see her standing at the edge of the pool with her arms crossed. Our moment alone didn’t last as long as I thought.
- "Is something wrong?" Lucy asked.
- "We thought you were going to join us, not sneak off to cuddle!"
- "Hey there!"
We didn't have time to respond before we were attacked by two human torpedoes named Joan and Mapi. I groaned in frustration, now completely soaked. I was also forced to step away from Lucy when Joan slipped between us.
- "Did you go on the slides?" Lucy asked her.
- "Yes! We almost did all of them with Mapi and Ingrid. Don’t you want to try them?"
- "Later, we’ve got all the time in the world," she replied.
Ingrid distracted me by jumping in to join us. Joan took advantage of this to take my place in Lucy's arms. He had learned to swim this summer but didn’t like staying in one spot for too long. I didn’t have time to process their conversation before Mapi jumped on my back.
- "Get down, Mapi."
- "No way, I'm taking advantage while you’re back. Besides, your mom told me to take it easy on my leg," she joked.
I frowned, recognizing a half-truth in her statement.
- "Is that true? Why?"
I placed my hand on the scars on her knee, looking at her briefly. I was one of the few people, along with my mom, that she allowed to touch them. I always worried when she mentioned her injury since she rarely talked about it because it was such a hard experience for her. My mom had helped her a lot through it, so I never felt jealous of their close relationship. I was just glad Mapi had someone to support her.
- "The pain has come back."
- "Why didn’t you tell me sooner?"
- "Because it wasn’t that important. Hey girls, should we head back to the slides now that we’ve found you?"
- "Don’t change the subject, Mapi," I growled. "It is important."
- "I’m fine, I promise."
I sighed when she kissed my cheek before getting down to join my sister, who was starting to get excited about her suggestion. This gave Lucy the chance to return to me.
- "Everything okay?" she asked.
- "Yeah..."
I smiled at Ingrid, who was standing beside us. I realized she must have overheard our entire conversation.
- "Do you know what she went through?"
- "She vaguely mentioned it, yes."
- "You’re lucky. She doesn’t talk about it with everyone."
- "What’s the story?" Lucy asked.
- "I’ll explain another time," I replied. "Anyway, let’s go before we lose sight of them."
We joined Mapi and Joan, who were waiting for us at the edge of the pool. Joan was getting antsy. We headed to the slide area to make him happy. I’ve always loved the slides here. They’re very diverse. You can do them alone or with others. Some even have inner tubes. I have no doubt we’ll have a great afternoon, all five of us.
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allastoredeer · 5 months
Archangel anon again! Here for those extended Gabriel headcanons. Okay! Gabriel's the messenger of heaven, so i imagine that it's his's responsibility to convey messages between heaven and hell. That makes Gabe the only sibling Lucifer has been allowed to have simi-consistent contact with since his fall. They're not allowed to have long, deep conversations, but they do try to catch up a tiny bit. I see Gabe as a trickster with a heart of gold. Seemingly a charismatic goofball who takes very little seriously. A fast-talking, smooth-talking, ALWAYS talking jokester who can make you want to tear your hair out one second, then charm the pants off you the next. He's the best liar of the family, incredibly good at playing dumb despite actually being quite cunning, strategic, and above all else, PETTY. He is very protective of his siblings, especially Lucifer nowadays (side-effect of being the only sibling allowed to talk to him) and can hold a grudge like no ones business.
But, the main reason I wanted to give special attention to Gabe is because of his patronage. As I was doing research on Gabriel I made a delightful discovery ripe with potential. Remember how I said Gabriel is the patron of communication services? Well another way to phrase it would be he holds patronage over all forms of transmitting information from point A to point B. This includes telecommunications that transmit information through electrical means. Such as telegraph, telephone, internet, and broadcasting. ALL forms of broadcasting. Including both television AND RADIO.😃😃😃
Do you see? Do you see the abundance of potential that I see?? Gabriel is the Patron Archangel of both TV AND RADIO. He holds dominion over
I cannot begin to describe the joy I felt when I made that discovery! Instantly got the brain buzzing.
Alastor and Gabriel have the capacity for either becoming instant best friends or instant enemies and I can't decide which one I like more... Oh who am I kidding, it's enemies. Imagine Gabriel is visiting Lucifer and Charlie and he inevitably buts heads with Alastor. Either Alastor says something snide about Gabe himself, or maybe Lucifer. Meanwhile, Gabe has gone uncharacteristically quiet and just stares at Al for a long moment. Then, an unreadable smile slowly forms on his face and he laughs good-naturedly, slapping Alastor on the back a BIT too hard but otherwise just says "You got me there, buddy" before sauntering away.
But the next morning, Alastor tries to enter his radio tower to do his morning show, only to find the door is locked tight and there's some kind of powerful ward keeping him from shadow-porting in. Then, every radio in hell suddenly comes alive as none other than Gabriel's loud, bombastic voice comes pouring enthusiastically from the speakers.
Gabriel has redefined the term "pirate radio" by not only hijacking Alastor's radio tower, but also literally every radio in hell. And worse, he's turned Al's show into one of those "zany" morning-zoo radio shows. The kind of shows thar are more annoying than funny that always play on the radio on your way to work or school? I imagine Alastor considers those shows a perversion of his medium. And as the cherry on top, Gabe refuses to relinquish control back to Alastor calls in (the number is 1 777 3625, that's 1 777 DMBK🤭) and apologizes ON AIR for all of hell to hear.🤣🤣🤣
You know what, I'm kind of with Alastor on this one.
If someone messed with my passion like that, I would never apologize. I would double down. I'd never stop pushing those buttons, consequences be damned. You want me to say sorry? Nah, bitch, how about you stop being a wuss?
LOL I think Alastor would take a megaphone, plop himself on a rooftop (or just roam the streets) and do his broadcast like that. He'd find himself a soapbox to stand on. You know, the old fashioned way. I mean, depending on if Alastor can control radiowaves, he might be able to hijack one of the speakers he set up all over Hell. He'd pick a new one every day, and diss on ol' Gabe. He'd go into how Heaven keeps repressing the sinners of Hell, first it was the Extermination, and now Heaven's silencing their voices. When will the tyranny end? How long will they put up with this??
LOL Idk now that I'm thinking about it, the idea of Alastor starting a revolution against Heaven purely out of spite is incredibly funny and I love it.
(Also that is really interesting about Gabriel patron of communication 👀 that has so much potential)
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to-the-stars8 · 2 years
Learning to Love Slowly
Jason Todd x Reader All Chapters AO3 reposting from my other story in case yall don't read that one, but; Wow, I've been gone for two whole weeks without a word. That is totally my bad, guys. If you're by chance wondering why I've been MIA I'm just going to say sickness and seasonal depression and hope that explains enough. lol Nonetheless, my pretties xoxo 18+, MDNI
41- Wrapping Willies and Getting Silly
After years of practice of moving in complete darkness, Jason eventually found confidence in it. When no one could see you there were no worries about what deformities you had or what mistakes you made. Maybe that’s where he got the confidence boost to take nearly every article of clothing off your body while looking at your face. Something he knew for sure he couldn’t do in the light. 
Either way, the sensation of it all had every single nerve in his body on edge with excitement. 
Your hand left his shoulder, and, despite not even being able to see what you were doing, he could hear the fabric of your underwear slowly slide against your legs as you wiggled out of them. Then, your fingers slowly traced from his shoulder back down to his hands. 
“Move this way,” Your command was soft, almost delicate. 
Your free hand wrapped around Jason’s hip as you sat up. With ease, you switched your positions, having him lay back as you laid on him. Satisfied, you asked if he was okay, and Jason couldn’t have said yes faster.
Your hunger for him was given away by your feverish kisses, pressing passionate lines from his lips to every scar on his body. You were making a map of him, something you had yearned to do for so long. The scars felt different against your lips than the rest of his skin. Some of them were softer and others not so much. Jason whimpered at certain ones, but with little light, it was hard to determine if they were good or bad. 
“Are you okay,” You asked, lips pressing into his collarbone. “Am I going too fast?”
Jason’s hand came up on your sides, gliding up under your breasts and then back down to your ass. “I’m okay. Keep going.”
“Are you—”
Jason sounded desperate, and you decided to be brave. Slowly, you moved your kisses further down his body until you felt the hairs above his cock brush your nose. Jason’s breath hitched in his throat, and he made an audible gasp. You were proud of the response. 
Taking his hard cock in your hand, you gave it a pump before experimentally putting your lips against the leaking tip. Jason bucked his hips forward at the sensation, surprising you. 
“Sorry, sorry,” He gasped out. “I didn’t mean…”
Before he could finish, you took the weeping tip into your mouth, sucking gently before taking more of him into your mouth inch by inch. It could have been the hunger or those gorgeous pathetic moans from him for him that pushed you, but either way, you were taking his cock to the hilt. You listened intently since you couldn’t see him, soaking in each and every delicious sound, one right after the other. 
He tasted almost sweet, and you found it fitting. A man as kind as him, it should have been obvious. His cock twitched in your mouth like crazy, letting you know that you’re doing something right. When you pull back up, letting off his tip with an audible pop, you tried to squint through the darkness at him. Still, you couldn’t see anything but his outline. The only way you knew he was there was by his hands on your arms and his moans. 
“Jason,” You say, taking a moment to kiss his thigh. “Talk to me, honeybee.”
“I was so close,” He whined. 
Smiling, you pressed one more kiss to the tip of his cock before crawling back up to feast on his lips again. He welcomed it despite the bitterness of his orgasm vanishing. 
“Can I turn on a light, or open the curtains,” You asked. “I’d like to see you.” 
Jason’s heart fumbled in his chest. He was comfortable with the lights off, especially since he knew he couldn't look you in the eyes when you two were this intimate.  And he didn’t know how to explain why he liked them off without ruining the whole mood. 
“We don’t have to, Jason,” You said after he took too long to answer. “If you’re more comfortable like this for now then that’s fine. Just do me a favor and tell me to stop the moment you want. I can’t see you to know what you’re thinking.”
“I will,” He whispered. 
“Promise?” You said and patted around for his hand. 
You found it and nudged your pinky against his. Smiling, Jason hooked them together. “Promise.”
“Good,” You said before moving. 
Jason heard you feel around the bed, patting the pillow and even accidentally his face, before finding the nightstand. Your hand smacked against the wooden top until you found the drawer. 
“What are you looking for?” Jason asked, lightly biting at the arm against his chest that was supporting you. 
You huffed before answering, “A condom. Ever heard the phrase wrap your willy before you get silly?”
Jason chuckled. “Not from anyone who wanted to get laid.” He ran a hand over your ass then added, “plus, don’t worry, I have one in my belt. I always carry one in case of emergencies.”
You snorted. “Emergencies?”
“Ya know, for the people who need to wrap their willies—” Despite the darkness, you could just hear the shit-eating grin on that pretty face.
“Ha-ha,” You sarcastically laughed. “Put it on.”
Jason, never one to deny you anything, did as you commanded. He slipped it on before sliding in next to you. And you were ready for him. You moved him below you, straddling his waist as you took full advantage of the power you had over him. Yet, he couldn’t let you have all the fun. 
Inch by inch, his hands rounded your thighs until his right hand rubbed over your lower half. He heard your breath hitch in your throat then let out a sigh as his fingers ghosted over the inside of your thighs. When his hand curiously caressed your folds, you shuddered against him with a whine. His fingers dipped between them, stroking slowly until he found exactly what he was looking for. 
He listened to your reaction as he circled your clit, and when you let out a choked sound he paused. “Are—are you okay?”
You huffed as you reached between your bodies to push his hand against you. “Perfect, honeybee. I’m perfect. Keep going.”
Jason smiled at you with such happiness that, if you could see him, you would have thought he won the lottery. Your reaction sent butterflies in his stomach. He continued his languid rounds on your clit until you were mumbling broken, incoherent words. 
Jason was fucking reveling in it. 
You felt swollen and wet against his fingers, and his cock throbbed because that was because of him. 
Then, just as he was about to explore his way down to your entrance, you managed out, “I want you inside me. Please.”
Jason nearly came right then. “I didn’t—” The words died on his lips when he felt your eyes on him. “Okay.”
“Do you want me to top?” You asked, reluctantly pulling yourself off his hand. 
“Please.” Jason wasn’t sure he could be on top and still retain the confidence the darkness gave him. He acknowledged that he was a strong guy, and was worried that he would hurt you unintentionally. One of the reasons you had been on top this entire time. 
Your lips met his again before asking, “You still good to keep going?”
Jason leaned into the palm of your hand that he brought up to caress his cheek and nodded. Pressing one more kiss to his lips, you moved. 
He could feel you move down his legs, adjusting your position so you hovered right over his cock. Somehow, it surprised him when your fingers gingerly wrapped around it to align it at your entrance. As you teased him, letting him poke and prod at you, he could feel how hot you were. When you lowered yourself slowly onto his cock, Jason threw his head back and cried out. Amidst the new sensation of you wrapped around him, he heard you let out a long, satisfied moan that you had to be holding in. 
Sinking down on his cock was nothing short of near ecstasy for you. 
He’d had sex before, but nothing like this. He loved you—trusted you, and that made the feeling of being so fucking close to you taste sweeter. When you were at the hilt of his cock, Jason gripped your thighs as he adjusted to the warmth and tightness of you. Somewhere in between, he thought he managed to gasp out your name. 
“You okay?” You said breathlessly. 
Jason nodded before remembering you couldn’t see him. “Amazing.” It wasn’t exactly an answer to your question, but it perfectly described how he felt. 
Satisfied with his answer, you ground your hips against him. Jason wanted to move, to buck up into you with relentlessness, but the sounds you made as you pleased yourself on his cock convinced him that he needed to let you take everything. 
Your hands moved across his chest, groping every part of his body that you could. Jason copied you as he groped your breasts before his hands fell down over your inner thighs. It took a second since he couldn’t see exactly what he was doing, but when his thumb brushed against your clit you nearly fell forward. Luckily, you managed to catch yourself and put both of your palms flat against his pecs. 
He felt warm, sweaty, and fucking hot. You could have told yourself it couldn’t get better than this, but the skin-smacking against-skin sound that echoed throughout the room had your insides on fire.
“Yes,” You sighed. “Keep doing that.”
Jason shifted beneath you and you clamped your thighs over his hips with a squeal. He’d hit that one spot inside you that had your eyes rolling back into your head. Jason bucked his hips up almost as if he could read your mind. The feeling of restraint he was desperately holding on to quickly started to disappear. It felt so good—you felt so good. 
When he started to buck into you, your voice echoed off the walls of your bedroom. You tried saying something, but with your panting and the way Jason’s cock was filling you so damn well it was impossible. 
Jason’s fingers rubbed against your clit as he abused your g-spot with his cock, and you weren’t too far from coming. Still, you tried holding on longer when you heard him whine desperately. Leaning down, you kissed him as you met his thrusts. 
Jason gasped and broke the kiss. “Fuck.”
“I know,” you panted out. “I'm gonna come, too.”
Just as the words left your mouth you cried out again, making sounds that Jason had never heard from you before. You clenched around him, and Jason knew he rather die than let go of your body. Slowing down, he continued to fuck up into your pussy until your body was shaking.
“Jason,” You called as you fell forward onto his chest. 
As he thrust up, he held your hips against his, letting out a low groan before stilling. His lips found yours again, kissing them so feverishly it almost felt like he hadn’t kissed you in ages. When the overstimulation started to kick in, Jason was slow to pull out of you. He did it inch by inch, almost teasing you, and your toes curled at the sensation. 
“Oh fuck,” You breathed. 
Jason huffed let out a chuckle and agreed with you. Lazily, you slowly slid off his body until you were on your back next to him, breathing heavily alongside him. He wasn’t too sure what to do next, because before it was really just sex. It was a clear-cut process that had little to no strings attached. 
He lay there frozen with sweaty skin, jumbled thoughts, and anxiety as he tried to figure out what to do. 
Suddenly, with a long, tired groan you reached up and switched on the lamp. The moment the warm light touched his skin, he felt more naked than he already was. He was a mess in the aftermath and terrified of what you would think. Jason preferred to be a disaster in the dark. 
When you looked over at him, fear doubled down in his chest. Your eyes wandered over him with no shame, drinking up every hickey, drop of sweat, scar, and whatever you had left on him. 
What you said next was soft, and Jason, for once, let himself believe your compliment. “You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a prettier sight than you right now, Jason Todd.”
Jason smiled and knew he’d keep the lights on next time.
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otherone12 · 4 days
Oh, Baby... You're Mine
Vampire!Gerard Way × Reader
-> Masterlist
Tumblr media
A/N: Hey!! I’m weirdo and vampires are fucking hot, so I has to write a something like this (no judgement, pleaseeee). Hope u enjoy it :)
Summary: The boy in your class is shy and weird, but you've always been nice to him, making him create an obsession. The problem is he's a little weirder than you thought… I mean, he literally drinks blood, and wants YOU and YOUR blood, and he won't take "no" for an answer.
- Word Count: 2.090
- Warnings: She/her pronouns. Blood things, pet names? Kidnap, AFAB >light< SMUT!
- Ps: I'll not use y/n…
- Ps2: Sorry for the smut, i'm not used to write this, i'm still learning already. (:
- Ps3: I'm brazilian, so english is not my first language... sorry if i wrote something wrong.
1st Person POV
Gerard has been my classmate since the beginning of the year. I've never talked properly with him, but everyday I say “hi” to him with a smile. 
His black hair fell perfectly on his unhealthy pale face when he bent over the table to draw. Maybe the way he didn’t talk to anyone, or the way he kept his attention on his drawings during the class, I don’t know, but he's really cute. 
Sometimes my pastime is to find him looking at me, when he notices I stared back, he stops staring and gets a bit blushed. 
This has been happening for some months, and I got a bit tired of this, so I walked towards him at the end of the class, knowing he has free time. I crossed the empty classroom, and stood in front of him. Gerard looked up at me and swallowed hard, looking a bit nervous.
- Hi! - I started with a kind smile - Am I bothering you?
- H-hey… N-no you’re not… - He tucked his hair behind his ear, taking his eyes from his draw. His voice was high-pitched and pleasant to hear. - I wanted to talk to you, but I was afraid of being creepy. 
We talked, and I noticed that we had a lot in common, passion for art; for good music and old movies; so we kept the conversation going as long as we could. He didn't smile even one time, but I thought he liked talking to me as much as I liked talking to him.
In the next few days, Gerard and I had small conversations during the free periods, but nothing more than that. I started to think about him as a friend, ‘cause somehow he made me feel great.
Wasn’t like I thought of him as some kind of partner or something, but it is nice to know that if I need someone to talk to, I can go and speak to him. I haven’t many friends, none actually, I just didn’t feel comfortable with anyone, but he was different, someway.
After class, on an ordinary day, I was walking alone with my headphones on, and the cold wind of fall in my face. Going home, I felt something weird on my way. I didn’t know what was wrong, but the sensation of being followed haunted me for some streets. 
Faster than I could understand the whole situation, I felt a strong hit in my head, I fell on the floor, beating my head on the asphalt. The pain didn't last longer than a few seconds, cause i had already fainted.
Opening my eyes slowly and with difficulty, I couldn't see an inch in front of me because of the dim light. When I tried to rub my eyes with my hands, I realized that they were tied apart. I began to panic, noticing that I was tied to a bed, with my hands on different sides of the headboard and my legs spread with my ankles tied to the other end of the bed.
My first instinct was to scream, and I did. I got no response, but a door was opened, making the room a little brighter because of the light coming from it.
Before the door was closed, in the few seconds that the room wasn't pitch black, I saw that the room had a gothic aesthetic, with old paintings, black veils covering the windows, candles and chandeliers filling the room, and the old structure itself attracting attention.
I heard the sound of footsteps approaching, unable to make out anything. Soon I felt cold hands tracing my face and going down to my neck. I froze, the soft skin of those hands was almost soothing, but I couldn't let it take away my focus. I screamed again, but my mouth was covered pressing hard on my dry lips.
- You don't need to scream, darling. - A familiar voice reached my ear, making me even more nervous - I won't hurt you, hun. At least, not now.
 Slowly, he took his hand away from my mouth and I didn't scream, for fear that the situation might become worse than it already was.
- G-gerard?! 
I said, stuttering and with my voice muddled by fear.
- Aw how cute, you recognize my voice. - His tone didn't sound friendly, but threatening. As he spoke, he caressed my cheek. - There's no need to be afraid, baby.
- W-why are you doing this? - I cried, and he dried my tears with his thumb. - please, let me go
I begged to no avail, only to hear a harsh laugh coming from him. 
- I'm doing this because you’re different from the others. But you already know that, right, princess? - He moved away from me and lit some candles, letting me see the room more clearly - Do you know how much time I spent observing you? The way you talk, the way you smile, the way you walk... The way you look, damn! All pretty, all perfect, but never all mine.
His delicate fingers holding the candles looked like some hypnotic thing, and i couldn’t stop stare at them.  
- I’m not the only one who think about you like this, i’m fucking sure about that. - The disgust in his voice, probably thinking about the guys who asked me to hang out with them, made him seem genuinely concerned about me. - So I couldn't wait any longer to finally make you mine.  
Gerard’s voice became serious, while his disgust turned to seriousness and possessiveness. The sound of the old wood on the floor creaking filled the environment while he walked toward me again. 
- I love you. I always have. And I know you love me too. - A fatherly countenance, together with the heat emanating from the candles, left the environment less morbid, but still gloomy.- If you didn't love me, you wouldn't have spent so much time with me, would you?
- You're crazy! - I screamed, still crying. - I've talked to you very few times. I've never said anything about love!
- You didn't say it, but I felt it. - Now, with the light brighter, I could see the highlight of his white skin contrasting with his black clothes. - You don't know what it's like to spend eternity looking for the right person. 
He walked towards me again with a smile I'd never seen before. The closer he got, the more outward his teeth became. My heart races when I realized that those was FUCKING FANGS! And “eternity” was meant literally.
He sat on the bed next to me and looked me in the eyes. His bright hazel iris bore into mine and sent a chill down my spine.
Panting, my nervousness increased and he noticed. Keeping his smile, letting it be obvious how he was enjoying this situation.
- You're so pretty, do you know? - His hand was on my body again, unbuttoning my blouse. He licked his lips admiring my exposed chest - The most beautiful woman in this world, and all mine.
I opened my mouth to protest, but the stern look he gave me shut me up.
My hands remained tied as he ripped the sleeves of my blouse, removing it completely.
- Please don't... 
Again, I tried to react, but he was already unzipping my pants, ignoring me. The only thing I could do was hope that he would feel sorry for me, and stop doing anything.
- Darling, you're mine now. Don't worry, I'll be nice... - his hands passed over me, who were now covered only by my black lingerie. - but just if you behave like a good girl. Will you do this for me, baby? Can you be a good girl?
While he spoke, his fangs turned apparently, in a perverse smile. He leaned over me and pressed cold kisses down my torso, past my ribs and up closer to my breasts, making me fight the pleasure that was slowly consuming my mind. A moan was about to escape my lips, but I bit it back, muffling any sound that might come out. 
- Looks like someone's enjoying it, huh?  - he hummed, with a haughty tone in his voice - I told you. You love me. 
I tried again to say something in protest, but this time it would be a lie. Not that I loved him, but I was involuntarily enjoying it. He licked his lips in such a hunger, I couldn't help but shiver. 
His hands slid down my panties, pushing them aside. He teased my entrance and made me sink my teeth even deeper into my bottom lip. He looked with satisfaction, laughing darkly, and said In a practically growl.
- Very wet, aren't we? 
I mumbled in response, trying not to make my state of hopeless obvious. Gerard removed his hand from inside me, and positioned himself on top of me, with his knees on either side of my waist. 
- You know I'm about to turn you into the same beast as I am, right? - I barely heard what he was saying, but his voice, at the same time that left me panicking, made me melt into the bed. - I just want to have some fun first. Vampires are cold... but don’t worry, you'll get used to it. 
Gerard undid his black  jeans, springing his boner free. I got shocked by the size, and he let out a grin with his shiny fangs. The situation itself could be romantic, like candles and a pretty guy who apparently loves me… but the kidnap shit messes with all of this.  
He thrusted his dick in me in one move, not even trying to be kind. I was in some kind of state of mind, forgetting that he was abusing me, I started to enjoy the situation. 
- Don’t be shy, honey. - He groaned, going somehow deeper. - I wanna hear all those pretty noises. 
It didn't take too long and I felt my orgasm getting close, and like he said, I moaned really loud, breathless, I felt him come inside of me. 
He kissed me passionately, muffling while I screamed in pleasure against his lips, reaching my apse. The taste of cigarettes mixed with red wine was good, and I kissed him back, needing and wanting more of him. 
I caught myself thinking of how I would feel being with him forever. I’ve never felt like that, loved by someone, cared for by someone, and Gerard gave me all I begged for at last few years. His electric touch, this erotic feeling he brought me, was it that bad? He said “turn you into the same beast as I am”, does it mean he’s gonna bite me? ‘Cause he looks exactly the same way as a vampire does in my mind. 
- Are you ready for this, hun? 
He whispered, biting soft my bottom lip, running his hand to my neck. 
Before I could even respond, his teeth were already buried in my artery. I could feel the heat of my blood being sucked from my veins. The feeling of his tongue running across my neck made the pain milder, even so, the piercing and sharp sensation of pain ran through my body, as did his hands, which touched every inch of my torso. 
As he tightened his grip on my waist, my warm blood began to drip from the corner of his mouth, painting his pale skin a bright red. When he finally let go of my neck, he left kisses at the bite site, moving up towards my jaw and finally reaching my lips again, smashing them hard. The taste of my blood now filled my palate, while our tongues intertwined in movements that seemed to have been rehearsed.
Soon, I found myself out of breath, and feeling tipsy by the smell of wine he emanated. 
The strength in my entire body seemed to have been removed, and I felt really weak. Gerard held my face with one of his hands when he broke the kiss looking for some oxygen, while his other hand was still squeezing my hips.
Quickly, my vision became blurry, and I could only feel his cold lips hit mine again and my body collapsed in that bed, feeling like i was on fire and leaving the scene outside like one of the paintings I saw in his sketchbook once
- G-gerard...
I mothered in a whisper.
- Shh, you'll be fine, baby. I'm gonna take care of you, and we'll be happy ever after. 
He caressed my hair and rocked me. Little by little I lost the last lapses of consciousness, becoming completely off.
~ So... that's it, guys... should i make a part 2?
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ryuichirou · 7 months
One serious one and a bunch of kind of silly shorter ones.
Anonymous asked:
Hi!  I hope you don't mind me asking this but I had a question about fandom stuff since this is my first time in an active fandom.  Almost every time there's fanworks, mostly fanart, of the TWST first and seconds years in sexual positions/sexualized, there's a lot of people dramatically freaking out because they're "minors/16/17!" and "you're not allowed to do that/it's illegal so stop that!" (Sometimes in all caps too). Are these people common in fandoms with younger casts?  Sorry for sounding anxious, I just keep running into people like this and anti-shippers and they really bring my mood down...
Hi Anon! Sure, I don’t mind talking about fandom stuff.
I think it’s not a matter of titles having younger casts, but a matter of fandoms having younger people in them. There are some shows that aren’t very popular/have fandoms that mostly consist of people that are older than 25, and you’d see less of this type of attitude there. Like, drastically less. I don’t think there are a lot of people complaining about characters of Prince of Tennis being 14-16 year olds, for example.
But if a show is popular with teens or younger people in general, chances are, there are going to be quite a number of antis. For example, SK8 got a big chunk of its popularity on tiktok and boy is it obvious lol
I want to stress that this doesn’t mean that all the anti-shippers are young: this absolutely isn’t the case, and unfortunately a lot of pretty much adult people participate in harassment, write call-outs and do this type of crap in general. Also obviously, not every teenager is an anti (not that it matters to us of course, all of our blogs are 18+ so the majority of teens shouldn’t even be here).
So yeah. I think of it as a subculture, albeit a very aggressive one. There are people who are legitimately uncomfortable with this type of content, but I’m pretty sure the majority of antis just love using their non-existent high moral ground to harass and try to control people and their art. They either don’t understand the magnitude of their actions or don’t care if they hurt real people over fictional minors.
I am very sorry that you stumble upon this type of people and that they make you feel bad. I always say this, but: block everyone. Even if a person is just mildly uncomfortable to you or you don’t like their vibes, block them just so you see less of this type of stuff.
Your art and any art that you enjoy doesn’t hurt anyone as long as people are being responsible about posting and interacting with it. So absolutely don’t feel like you’re doing something wrong just because someone doesn’t understand how fiction works. I hope this type of crap disappears as soon as fandoms become less popular, like they’ve been before things got out of hand. Some people should’ve never been here in the first place – sorry for gate-keeping, but they don’t get it and don’t care about getting it or at least being respectful to others, so why should we be better people.
Anonymous asked:
Idia: Yay, crotch view!
(related to our Lilidia drawing from yesterday hehe)
Lucky boy! Got to see Heavens right before his demise…
Anonymous asked:
What do you think about Neige x Epel?
Replied! Also talked about them a bit in this reply + some other replies that I can’t find…
Anonymous asked:
thoughts on liliaxepel?
Definitely replied before, but I can’t find that reply, so: they’re cute, gotta love two short feisty cuties together; we really liked that one vignette in which Lilia shows Epel that you don’t have to be tall or big to be scary and strong. It teases a very interesting potential dynamic both in a shippy and in a platonic sense: Epel has a lot to learn from Lilia, and it would be fun if they interacted more often.
It isn’t a ship that we’re massively passionate about, but they’re fun together! Could be very hot.
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hajikei · 1 month
Also i loved reading your gender and sexuality headcanons for the sdra2 cast, do you have any for the dra ones? (+ if you wanna elaborate on the trasnfem setsuka one i'd enjoy listening, i hadn't seen anyone have that kind of hc for her before so i'm curious on the thoughts behind it)
Hello! Thank you for the question! I’m sorry this took so long, my draft for it disappeared and I haven’t had time to remake it.
Admittedly, I’m not as passionate in DRA as I am for SDRA2. I have minimal notes this time, but hopefully this can suffice! Like last time, the content below the cut contains spoilers!
Kiyoka Maki - Cisgender Heterosexual
Ayame Hatano - Cisgender Lesbian
Kanata Inori - Cisgender Heterosexual (But the Inomori shippers are convincing me otherwise.)
Teruya Ōtori - Cisgender Pansexual (Same as SDRA2!)
Kinji Uehara - Cisgender Heterosexual (Locked in the closet and is NEVER coming out.)
Akane Taira - Cisgender Bisexual
Mitsuhiro Higa - Cisgender Heterosexual
Kizuna Tomori - Cisgender Questioning (She met a girl that made her reflect on every dating decision she’s ever made.)
Rei Mekaru - Cisgender Asexual (Maybe demiromantic as well?)
Haruhiko Kobashikawa - Cisgender Heterosexual (Was probably bi-curious at some point, though.)
Satsuki Iranami - Cisgender Pansexual
Yamato Kisaragi - Cisgender Heterosexual (I never got to the point he was introduced in the game, so I don’t know his character too well.) 
Mikako Kurokawa - Cisgender Lesbian 
Kakeru Yamaguchi - Cisgender Bisexual (Bi panic as a person.)
Yuki Maeda - Cisgender Heterosexual (Different from his SDRA2 counterpart!)
Utsuro - Cisgender Aroace (I know it’s a common headcanon for villains, but I genuinely cannot imagine him having romantic/sexual feelings towards anyone.)
Tsurugi Kinjo - Cisgender Something (I’ll be honest, I don’t know where to place him. I have a lot of different ideas and my mind can’t decide on one. ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ )
Also, explaining my headcanon!
(I have a TLDR at the bottom if you want to skip.)
Originally, I headcanoned Setsuka as bisexual. To me, she just wanted good vibes and a great connection with someone - she couldn’t care less about gender. (Also because I was a huge Setsukei shipper back in 2018.)
But after seeing her older design for Chapter 6, I got HEAVY lesbian aunt vibes from her. Then it started changing my brain chemistry for her entirely. (Cool butch older sister, no further comments.)
As for the trans headcanon, I rarely see any trans butch headcanons and wanted to represent that in one of the characters! 
It took a lot of time figuring out the headcanon could work, and I have some general details about it:
I don’t see it as something she’ll talk about casually - only with people she’s close to and knows it won’t change their opinion of her. She’s not ashamed of her identity - just cautious of negative responses.
I also imagine she figured out her identity at a young age, and since then, has had a lot of time to learn little tricks on how to feminise her features, figure, etc. 100% will give you advice if you ask (doesn’t matter if you’re a trans guy either, she’s got a wide range of knowledge.)
TLDR; The trans butch sister who’s there when you need her. ^v^
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pub-lius · 10 months
i've decided that this capitalist bastard's hair and eye coloring is rather anime character coded (all those violet eyed fanarts do that to you), so i'm gonna base a character off his teens and 20s (i need an excuse to insert lams in there without others knowing). how different was his personality during the war compared to his political career?
his personality generally remained the same when it came to his core characteristics, such as being ambitious, incredibly logical and left-brained, yet also very emotional, very independent and kept people at an arm's length. He also was very impulsive, passionate, and calculated when it came to politics. In his personal life, he was flirtatious, good humored, caring, gentle, and funny. He held grudges for a long time and was very good at picking up on who was and wasn't a good person.
However, I think the most recognizable change from the war and after is that he became increasingly paranoid. He always showed signs of mental illness (highs and lows, where he'd go from being super productive and high strung and in great spirits to being super down and cynical and unmotivated), but as he got more involved in politics, he was particularly anxious about there being a plot to overthrow him and/or the government, which most of the founders experienced, but him to a very particular degree where it consumed a lot of his time and thinking. He always had an extreme fear of mob rule and violent riots due to being raised in the Caribbean where slave rebellions were seen as certain death for white people, but this was a very different kind of paranoia. He was always afraid that some faction would take over the government and the people would be doomed to live under despotism.
Also, if you wanted to count this as a change, though it's kind of different, he had a lot more domestic feelings, which played into those highs and lows that I mentioned. He really longed to be home a lot with his family and kids, which isn't something that he even had access to before since he was, essentially, homeless before and during the war. After getting married and having children, retirement was something he looked forward to more than when he was a young bachelor aide-de-camp.
Hope this helps! And I'm so sorry for the late response, like 10 asks were just sitting in my inbox without me being notified I am so sorry
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hanzajesthanza · 3 months
Dude, I just wanna say I am SOOOOO excited for your video essay on the Witcher. I have been waiting for a good essay covering more than the games and Netflix series for months now, as I like to listen to longer videos as I work during the mornings and I just know this is going to be so good. I've always loved reading your posts and analysis on the characters and arcs that books encompass, so I just wanted to share that I'm incredibly hyped for this, and I know you did an absolutely wonderful job piecing everything together and creating it :) I hope it gets the millions of views it DESERVES!!
i don't know where to begin, all i can say is thank you!! this ask totally made my night!
thank you not only for the encouragement, acknowledgement, validation... but for being. for being there, being excited, interested in the same topics. i'm just so happy i get to share this with people, that we get to share this—the fandom, the whole story, not just the video—together.
i'm really just so excited to share it and i hope everyone likes it or gets something useful out of it (and if it's not your vibe that's ok too!! everyone is invited!) like, i'm excited that you're excited... lol!
i really wanted to make something "quality" for people and for the channel, both in writing and in design. so there's a degree of storytelling that went into it, and i tried to make it visually engaging and structure it so that it's not just a spew of information, but like a little journey for everyone to come along with me on. most of the research was new for me too, so it's like we get to figure it out together.
below the cut is this kind of "diary entry": a long, contemplative, stream-of-consciousness response, haha...
(you don't have to read this, especially because i got a little emotional in it, i just thought i'd take the time to respond to authenticity with authenticity and get some things off of my mind... in reflection of the video, but also just about my personal life lol.)
i initially felt worried that people wouldn't get what i'm doing and would misinterpret my arguments, but despite these urges to explain myself a thousand times, i ultimately let my writing speak for me, and shut down the need to apologize and cover up what is decent work with a littering of disclaimers. i realized i actually can't stand it myself when youtubers go through the whole rigmarole of "sorry i haven't posted," "sorry it's not perfect," "sorry my pronunciation is bad," "sorry i'm not an expert" before they get to the actual video or what they want to say... i'm all: "lol, no worries. i wasn't expecting perfection, i'm just here to watch what you made." and i feel like most people have a similar reaction.
i know the concept of "fandom" has often a poor reputation online as a toxic space filled with drama, witch hunts, offensive behavior, self-absorbed conduct... and of course, there is some truth to that... but, there's also the good side of "fandom," which often goes ignored in narratives about it. i think "fandom" is just a niche kind of "community," and communities are simply groups of people (human beings, which have primal troupe-like natures, both build each other up and tear each other down, faction-like, warring, but also protective, loving fiercefully)...
it was different fandoms back then, of course, a little over ten years ago, but when i first got into "fandom" stuff online as a pre-teen, it was just night and day as opposed to my socializing in real life.
in discovering niche interests, passions, and yes, of course fictional universes that draw you in... i've always had only so few people to share that with in real life—when it comes to popular medias, of course, these medias were things that everybody in my school class was into, my friends had gotten me into it—but as i grew a little older and went on my own explorative journeys, i became most passionate about things that no one around me knew of or cared about, and suddenly, it was really lonely.
it had been a bit lonely before that, i always liked the media a little "too much," to the point of my friends asking me if we can stop playing pretend on the schoolyard and go watch the boys play four-square instead :'D or if we could please talk about anything else other than [media]. these are just childhood stumbles, which i imagine everyone has... but i mean, in this younger childhood, at least we could talk about media stuff sometimes, and i wasn't shunned too badly for it. but interests shifted and i got into things that only interested me, then i became truly alone on the recess yard.
when i first got into "fandom" online: groups of fans of [shared interest], who want to learn more about/talk and listen to others about/share and see more of [shared interest], and that entire world fit on my little iphone as i sat by the fence during lunch period, okay, i'm being so melodramatic here, but it was like a "welcome home." it was like discovering an entire little fairy world in the hollow of a tree. you mean to tell me, this place has existed, all this time? people who have the same interest, who want to talk about it, who are even—ha ha, just imagine—interested in what i have to say about it? those people exist, and they also have their own things to say, which i can listen and respond to? an actual faerieland. magic.
alright, i'll chill out. it's just social media, it's just social exchanges. but social exchanges are powerful, as human beings, we're evolutionarily driven to crave them. social media so often gets seen as fleeting exchanges, shallow engagement, but i—and probably a lot of tumblr's demographic—don't most often speak in staccato sentences online, but rather paragraphs, essays, hell, documents. we try to talk to each other kind of like we would in real life, we collaborate in building canons, worlds, have real discussions about media and society and... life. i don't know if anyone's studied this kind of experience as much as the generic "social media rots your brain" narrative, but it's been mine.
when i talk about [media interest], of course here and now it's specifically the witcher, i'm doing it because i'm part of this community, this whole forum, agora... i want to talk, but i moreover want to be listened to, to share, to be in conversation, not just be alone with my thoughts and interests.
it kind of boggles my mind, because i spent so long (ever since those aforementioned playground days) feeling like talking about anything fandom-related was excruciating for the people around me: that absolutely no one is interested in this but yourself, so get used to it.
so now, the fact that, sometimes when i post something, write something, draw something, make a video, or just say anything about this interest, that other people see that and it resonates with them, they enjoy it, it moves them, they're not annoyed, but also inquisitive, eager to talk about this thing, to share, too... like yourself, so kind to send me a message like "i'm interested in, excited for what you have to say," that's fucking crazy to me, it makes me so grateful, and also puts me in almost a state of disbelief! not just that i'm flattered, but that we share the same interest, have similar questions and desire for discussion about it, and live in a time where we can talk about this together over an instant, online communication... that no one has to suffer alone with their interests, no one has to feel isolated and weird and not know what to make of themselves.
despite fandom being seen as mean and shallow, (... similar to fantasy, come to think of it—interesting parallel with the actual subject of the video!) it's also a group of dynamic communities, that are sharing and criticizing and... just, communicating. the ability to communicate, the culture of communication is so important.
working on this project, somewhat fittingly, made me realize that the world is very gray, and nothing is even wholly good or wholly evil. this, of course, mostly applies to the politics and history and the story of the witcher which i'll be talking about in the video;
but what i realized is that this lesson also applies to mundane things, common anxieties i have. for example, that social media is not just bad or good, it's a tool with certain outcomes depending on how you use it. that people probably won't totally ignore you and shun everything you have to say, but they also won't listen to your every word. that success in life isn't impossible, but it's also probably not going to turn out as it is in your wildest dreams.
we're (~gen Z including zillennials and young millennials) surrounded with so much doomerist culture related to our prospects in life, especially as relates to contemporary media culture and life success, but it's not hopeless. you can always be an outlier of the broader trend. sometimes, you have to choose to be an outlier of the trend.
this is something i begin to talk about towards the end of the video. bagiński and hissrich basically see the trend and go: "looks like their attention spans are fucked, better speed up the process" instead of allowing themselves to be different, instead of embracing what makes them ("fantasy") special, trying so hard to conform... and hurting themselves from it. and looking at that, i just realized, i really don't want to follow that example and do something similar to myself.
i have to be bold enough to put my authentic self out there, even if it's "too complex to be understood", if it doesn't appeal to everyone, even if it turns some people away. it doesn't matter, because i only have one "me" to share, i can't force myself to be something i'm not. what i can do is seek out the people who i think will understand, who will be interested in that complexity. of course, this is something anyone whose advice is worth a grain of salt will tell you, has told me—but maybe i only understood it best when a witcher metaphor was applied :p
i'm in my 20s, and it's been so strange for me after i graduated college (undergrad), since what's now been two years ago. i spent my entire life in school, and suddenly no more school :( so i'm trying to regrow, or maybe grow in a different direction, that part of me that i lost when i had to graduate and get out... i'm struggling with feelings of failure every day, that i haven't met anyone's expectations for me since graduation, there has been so many feelings of worthlessness and confusion, i've so lost without school: a neat structured framework where everything gets measured and you get nice summaries of how you're doing in life.
it's horrified me upon discovering that, in life, no one measures how you're doing! you just live, and no one says "you're doing alright here, but here you could use some improvement." no one gives you direction, you have to plot your own map of unexplored territory. and suddenly, i don't know who i am anymore, where i'm going, why i do anything, what my purpose or use is. and, because i'm not in a class where there's a grade average, i also have no idea how everyone else is doing, only a vague feeling that i'm far behind. so it's really been confusing, demotivating...
as this video essay project dragged on, for about double the time i thought it was going to take, this sense of guilt and shame started to overtake me. throughout the project, i had this nagging paternalistic chiding in my head that i should be chasing success, career, relationships, life... but instead i'm wasting my time on the witcher, writing something no one cares about and people won't acknowledge me for. throwing away my time on something that doesn't matter. it was very contradictory, because i liked working on this project a lot, and of course and obviously i love the subject(s) it's about.
but i felt so fucking guilty for not pounding the linkedin pavement everyday and instead spending my time and effort on this video, lol. related back to what i spoke of earlier in this, that fandom is seen as petty and stupid—it's not something to be proud of. in my saddest moments, i thought of how my favorite professors might react if they knew that after graduation, this was the biggest project i had pursued. and my cheeks reddened in shame, i sweat from anxiety... literally as i write this, my hands are kind of shaking and i'm a bit nauseous imagining having to admit something like that to them. i mean, just think of every little kid that's like "i wanna be a youtuber!" it's adorable when you're 13, not so much when you're 23. and again, contradictory! because this is something i'm so stupidly passionate about, i'm unable to abandon it for something more "honorable"! i felt, i often feel, pathetic for how much i love things that no one cares about.
but upon completing this essay, i realized that this was something i started and finished, by myself, for... well, not "for myself," it's for you guys, but for self-motivated reasons, i.e., i wasn't seeking anyone's pride or approval—of course, your pride and approval would be nice to have and i wouldn't deny it! but i really did this for the values i have about community, for educational and discussional purposes, and of course, love for the witcher.
i realized that i made this because i wanted to make something to share with others, for other's benefit, which, upon reflection, has little to do with what others think of me. and that's really interesting, because i've, in school, in the majority of my life, i think i've been chasing the approval of others, i really wither away without it... so it's cathartic to realize that i put effort into, i spent my time on, making something not for approval, just out of passion. there's some kind of valuable life lesson learned here, i bet... some kind of personal growth...
but yeah, it's kind of weird. i guess my path doesn't look like everyone else's, i probably look like a loser to a lot of people right now if they could see me. but this video is evidence that i've grown and matured (in ways which maybe other people had already achieved for themselves, and maybe they haven't...) it's proof that i'm not stagnant, that life does exist in me still, and it's taking a form i didn't expect. a person is emerging from me. i can only watch with anticipation for who they'll become.
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dominants-dominion · 3 months
Okay bestie this has been bothering me for weeks and I feel like your brain might be the best one to pick over this. Maybe I know I should just ask him but we've only gone out twice so far and self conscious a bit yaknow?
So I met this guy on a dating app and we hit it off nerding over star trek and scotch. We ended up finding out we have a lot of similar kinks, consent and boundaries in place, we've gone out on two dates and hooked up both times.
Now I haven't seen him in over a week since I was on vacation and he's been super busy with graduation but the last time we saw each other he made two comments.
One, we were cuddling after sex and I noticed my hair on his beard so I pulled it off teasing that "I was marking my territory", he made what sounded like a teasing comment back "Yeah you're making it extremely difficult to bring another woman over, I go to clean and find your hair behind the dresser".
At this point I'm hoping it's a joke, we've already established that we're only interested in sleeping with each other but I don't poke at it since we did only just start getting together and nothings really "official"
Well we get back into the sexy stuff and due to riding, I uhhh made his fractured rib worse. Like to the point he had to go to the hospital and while he's taking me back home he goes "So you going to tell all your friends you broke your boyfriends rib during sex?" And all I said back was I didn't mean to break it 😭😭
I feel like he actually does like me, he supports and encourages all my passion projects, has used our dynamic to help push me to get things done, he makes sure to carve time out of his busy days to talk to me and let me know he misses me.
Its just those two comments were made within 2 hours of each other and they kind of gave me whiplash and have me overthinking. Am I being silly? What do you think sorry this is so long and chaotic. If I was off anon you wouldn't be surprised how chaotic this is 😂😂💜
No, I don't think you're being silly. It's how you feel. Intuition is a bitch, especially when you have anxiety. Because you can't be certain if what you're feeling is real or just in your head.(because trauma response yay!!!). As you said in the beginning, a conversation will put this all to rest.
If you can break his rib during sex you can talk to him about your feelings 😂. That's something I'd totally gloat about btw. That's awesome.
Ask your partner if he wants to be exclusive or not. You'll get a pretty clear answer from the way he even approaches the topic. If he says yes then yippie. If he's heming and hawing then he hasn't been exclusive so far. If he says no then hey at least you got a fuck buddy 🤷‍♂️. He did say "boyfriend" so chances are better than not that you're good to go.
Still have a conversation if for nothing else a piece of mind so you can stop darting back and forth in your brain.
Thanks for asking 💜💜
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megumishotgf · 1 year
kpop groups class 1-a listen to because i said so
here are some of my headcanons detailing what kpop groups some of the 1-a students would listen too!!
also i’m terribly sorry for the inactiveness. got diagnosed with autism and dropped out of uni (i’m so much happier now) and am going to pursue my art dreams.
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: ̗̀➛ kyoka jirou
jirou loves day6! prefers k-rock over k-pop but still knows all the best hits of each year. her expert knowledge mainly focuses on second generation groups. it’s as if she’s been spending years preparing for a pop quiz on this. other artists she likes include the rose, xdinary heroes and rolling quartz. she loves boy groups and girl groups equally.
: ̗̀➛ tenya iida
this man is a stan of snsd. tenya is a very cultured man and generally gives me second gen stan vibes. he truly believes ‘into the new world’ changed the trajectory of his life and had the biggest cultural impact of any piece of media in this century. tenya will write an essay arguing this. he also appreciates exo and shinee! hates superjunior (as he should) but hearing lucifer gets his hips shaking side to side.
: ̗̀➛ momo yaoyorozu
momo loves classical and instrumental music (her spotify wrapped is just studio ghibli soundtracks) but she can appreciate the occasional k-pop song. she loves female soloists in particular! think iu, taeyeon, chungha, ailee… she knows how to appreciate beautiful female vocals. also has a strong affinity for k-drama soundtracks. the ones with special idol features - you know what i’m talking about. slow, romantic ballads. shows jirou all her favourite ones (jirou thinks they’r kind of boring but listens just for her girlfriend).
: ̗̀➛ izuku midoriya
izuku loves bts because of the messages in their songs. he finds their story so inspiring. izuku relates to the fact that they built up their legacy from the ground up with nothing but hard work, and that they were ignored for so long. definitely listens to spring day and young forever when he is sad and just sobs (just like me fr). if you knock on his dorm and ask if he’s okay, he will squeak out a response insisting he’s fine. but you can still hear him sobbing into the pillow during the pauses before the next queued songs play. oh and izuku’s bias is namjoon because of how well spoken and intellectual he is, but he admires all members for their passion. oh and and ochako introduced him to twice!! he loves how cheerful their music is.
: ̗̀➛ ochaco uraraka
now, uraraka has devoted her life to twice. she is a diehard twice fan. but she is poor and her only album was a gift from kirishima and she treasures it. her favourite era was dance the night away and her bias is jihyo (this is so intellectual of her). carries a photocard in her phone case. class 1-a surprise ochako with tickets to see them live on one of her birthdays (they piled up all their money) and she just started floating towards the ceiling in shock. then she cried there
: ̗̀➛ mina ashido
mina is in love with ateez!! she loves to learn their dances and appreciates their high energy. also thinks they are the most beautiful men to grace this earth (this is facts). her bias is yeosang. she knows every choreo and it always looks incredible. for school festivals, mina will gather some of her classmates and force them to learn complicated dance choreo to perform in front of everyone. this year it was o.o by nmixx.
: ̗̀➛ shouto todoroki
shouto undoubtedly listens to loona and is not afraid of admitting it. it’s like the patrick bateman meme - he walks with zero emotion but hi high is blasting in his headphones. however does not know their names, or at least he cannot put name to face. but yes he knows their whole discography. bought an album once and he was shocked at how many inclusions there were (he was expecting just a cd). eventually discovers the loona universe and fan theories and for a week straight it was all shouto spoke to his friends about. they got so annoyed they blocked the word loona from their social medias temporarily so it wouldn’t set him off on a spiral.
: ̗̀➛ katsuki bakugo
hmm.. katsuki loves dreamcatcher. this man has got superior taste. i feel like katsuki would mainly listen to rock music and hip-hop. so other artists he may appreciate are dean, dpr live and epik high. but sometimes you can hear red velvet coming from his dorm and if you question him about it he will scream at you (if it plays when katsu is drunk you can even catch at a peek at him doing the choreo when he thinks no one is looking).
: ̗̀➛ eijiro kirishima
also a cultured man as kirishima is a fan of twice. he joins the girls when they had ‘girly’ sleepovers and learns the dances from them (this headcanon applies to all their ‘girls night’ sleepovers. kiri makes them so much fun). this is especially fun during award shows, where they all gather around a laptop, eyes wide and glossy as they wait for their favourite groups to hopefully be announced as winners. definitely films the dances on tiktok and also shows them to katsuki later. based on mina’s recommendation, he would probably listen to ateez too!
: ̗̀➛ denki kaminari
i sense a neverland. this man is obsessed with (g)-idle. denki has a crush on soyeon (he is me). denki cried when soojin left (i did too) but will take this to his grave. also loves stayc. he most certainly owns a few albums. he prefers girl groups over boy groups because he is a bit of a perv (sorry denki i love you!!). but also because denki believes girl groups have superior music. his most played song of all time is tell me by the wonder girls.
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la-scree · 5 months
Hoo boy I'm about to have a hot take and I'm sorry for putting it on your dashes. But I've done this event five times and I have Thoughts. Mainly one thing:
The XV event was better than the XVI one.
Yes we got good glam to show off our tits and we got a doggo mount but if this was a means for me to want to play XVI, this wasn't it.
Welp, going under the cut here so if you haven't done either the XV or XVI questline, turn back. Probably won't be as bad but you know, people probably don't want to get spoiled.
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(Same Yua. Same.)
We good? Cool.
For me, what draws me to a story is the characters. With Noctis, he felt more active during his event as we do a mini road trip with him. He asks questions, he tells us a bit about himself, hell at one point he goes fishing and is like 'hey I wanna take a picture!' and having recently played it on Cinder, it felt nice. He takes the lead at times and it was fun.
Then I did the XVI event and at first, I thought it was nice and good. The fight idea felt like something from Persona and y'all know I do love that series (despite all the bullshit) and facing yourself and your fears are in fact tasty. But Clive...he was boring. It felt like I was guiding a lost puppy because Yoshi-P's insert told me to due to guiding stars he saw in a dream. Lead Clive to airship, lead him to various points in Gridania where he says basically the same thing until hearing about Garuda.
Funny how Garuda is some kind of key thing in both events but in XV's event, not only do we fight them but we understand a little about them and that this kind of thing is a test for Noct mainly. We don't know shit about XVI's Garuda or what a Bearer is. And if someone is going to say 'oh they don't want to spoil the game!' I am going to retort with that they did not spoil XV for me. All we know is that Noct is on his way with his bros to see his fiancee. If you played the game you would be able to figure it out but if you're like me who knows it through osmosis and an old memory of someone playing the game but not much, it wouldn't bother you.
I didn't connect with Clive but I wanted to...in the non sexual way unlike most of Twitter. Yeah, most of my exposure to him is people talking about his tits, how breedable he is, and getting him naked. There is the rare moment that someone puts a clip on that shows some kind of emotion he has that doesn't involve any of the above and I'm just like "Where is all the stuff for this?!" I want to see emotion come from Clive or at least SOMETHING other than blank face. He sees his Ifrit before the fight starts and yells "THAT'S THE THING THAT KILLED JOSHUA!" and he's never mentioned again. My knowledge of XVI is bare fucking bones but when Torgal got more of an emotional response than him...something is weird.
As a side note, never do complete memory loss plots for short term stories like this. Because people may assume (like me) that it's an excuse for them to have no personality. Btw Cid and Yotsuyu want to know your location. No reason. Also, I know when it comes to something heavy like that, you need time for that. I'm doing this with Cinder as she regains her past life memories up until 6.0 and Yua's bit in Faerun has her with no memories but both regain pieces as their stories go on.
So long story short: XVI event felt like a nothing burger but the wrapping (rewards) were nice. If I want to get into the game, Yoshi-P's insert saying to go play XVI won't do it. It might be from people who enjoyed the game and have passion for it that might. Make me have an emotional connection with the character, make me root for them when they need it, make me feel SOMETHING!
If you enjoyed the event and thought it was S-tier then good. I'm happy for you because we need some of that around. It just made me look more at the event after my third go and think '...hmm, the joy I feel is decreasing. Why?'
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danphantom · 7 months
oh hey i wanna talk abt smth thats been on my mind both lately and on and off for a while in general. sorry this ended up being a hella long post lol. but i have a lot to say
so...for context, ive been in the phandom for 10 years--since 2014--though it has admittedly been on and off in terms of engagement from me. in 2017 i got into dragon ball and all but dropped danny phantom completely with a few small drawings here and there. it was only like..within the past week that i actually got back into the phandom legitimately again, actively making art and posts about it and engaging with the source material and etc
anyway, i was obsessed with dp from 2014-late 2017 (until i got into dbz). i made lots and lots of fanart, played the gba games like all the damn time (i got to where i could speedrun tue lol), rewatched the show regularly...i was even one of those fans that bought obscure merch and learned useless trivia that ive since forgotten. in 2015 a lot of you may remember that i made @doppelgangercomic, a comic about an au i had where dan got a redemption arc (albeit a bumpy one) and future vlad was there and stuff happened (go read the comic LOL). it got a LOT of love and traction! it made me really happy to see all the positivity around my work like that :) i actually got a lot of positive responses towards my work in general. i had a really great time in the phandom back then
then i changed fandoms and kinda fell out of the phandom space. after being on a hiatus from the phandom until literally a week ago, i honestly have to say ive felt like i kind of...faded into obscurity in the phandom's eyes? basically i feel like old news. people dont generally know what doppelganger is now. they may have seen my art in passing here and there but they dont know who i am anymore. i think the only place people actively still find my old danny phantom art from when i was heavily active is...deviantart lol. i get notifications from favorites literally every day there. but uh anyway--im not saying this to garner pity or tell a sob story or anything! im just expressing some thoughts and feelings ive had for a long time lol.
the reason i bring this ^ up though, is because like...i know its not true? logically, i know that i DID make an impact in the fandom i loved/love so so much. i left my mark on both the fandom in an artistic sense, and also the people in the fandom, and sometimes i forget that because i get significantly less engagement on my posts than i used to. but i know that doesnt mean that people dont like my stuff anymore, or that ive been forgotten.
i actually got a message from someone today--a friend i made kinda recently who approached me bc they liked doppelganger actually. they told me that basically its surreal to them that theyre talking to me as a friend because they remember reading doppelganger when they were younger and looking up to me because of it. and it really reminded me of what i said previously--ive not been forgotten, and people still do appreciate and love what ive put out into the world (specifically about danny phantom in this case). ive made an impact on people's lives even when i dont realize it or see it physically. the message and sentiment made me feel really really good and nice and happy and honestly relieved, because the phandom and danny phantom as a media has been an extremely important and impactful part of my life ever since i got into it ten years ago. i literally changed my name to dan because of it lol. it was the reason i found stephen silver's work and went down that path of my art journey. its the reason i found so many amazing people and friends and artists and continue to do that even now. i owe a lot to danny phantom and the phandom as a whole, and i try to give back in the only ways i know how--mainly thru showing my passion through my art and posts.
anyway erm. yeah. all of this to say i wanted to thank yall--the phandom--for supporting me all this time, whether youve been with me from the beginning or if youre just joining me recently. youve been an absolute delight in my life and i know youll continue to be for a long time. :)
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Genuine question. Why are comics from online only publishers discouraged? What is the goal behind discouraging paid webcomics?
sorry for taking so long to answer this!
i got really excited about answering this but also am not very good at communicating things clearly, i often get lost in the details in my passion about stuff like this, so i hope this is still interesting to read and intelligible lol!
i dont think there is any one thing that inherently defines what is and isn't a webcomic, it's an amorphous category that i enjoy the ambiguity of. but for me, what first led to my wonder for them as an 11 year old, and what has been a major factor in my passion for them even as an adult, was their low barrier to entry in both making them and accessing them. if you have internet access and time, almost anyone can make a webcomic if they want to! of course, without editors (or often even full story plans) or sensitivity readers or more people on a team to collaborate and contribute to the comic's vision, and the huge effort that it takes to do all the tasks of writing, inks, coloring, lettering, etc. all on ones own often without professional resources to facilitate that, that means that a lot of webcomics are really rough in some way or another. but a lot of people have interesting ideas they want to work with, but don't have the technical skill, desire or ability to market themselves or be beholden to external work deadlines, or connections in some way or another to be able to share those ideas through traditional publishing. regardless of skill or ability, a lot of marginalized people are barred from having their stories accepted by publishers due to bigotry and expectations about what kind of story is profitable.
as a disabled lgbt kid, i definitely read a lot of really bad webcomics i wish i hadn't, but also some of the media i was exposed to that most represented me back then was in the form of webcomics from people a lot like me. and i could read so much of it easily and for free without having to risk much to access it behind my parents' backs!
obviously that isn't the case for every webcomic, but for me and my history with them, them being easily accessible to both publish and read has been really important.
there are absolutely a lot of good points to be made about how publishing free to read webcomics isn't always the most accessible thing for a lot of people, especially for poor and disabled people. making webcomics takes a huge amount of time and effort, and sometimes even if people are passionate about making a comic, they just can't afford to find the time for that around all the other responsibilities of their day to day lives unless it can be a consistent income source. thats why even if paid online comics arent my platonic ideal of webcomics, i absolutely would never exclude them. i want small creators making stories i want to read to get the money they need to survive and keep telling stories without burning out!
it could be argued that online publishers who specifically focus on webcomics don't always present the same barriers to entry as traditional publishers, and many don't restrict the scope of marginalized creators' stories at all or to the same extent as people have struggled in other more mainstream avenues. and from my outside understanding of publishers like hiveworks, i'd absolutely agree with that! i love a lot of hiveworks comics and think its an awesome thing! (of course literally my icon is from a hiveworks comic, tiger tiger!) nonetheless however, part of my goals with this tournament is to highlight lesser known comics, and as publishers like hiveworks help advertise and promote their comics, even if i still want everyone to read all my favorite comics published by them, and certainly there are limits to those advertising resources, they still don't need as much help as other comics without that support. so its not as much 'try not to submit these' and more 'as you submit stuff like this, try to submit stuff with less advertising resources and popularity too!'
going into this tournament i also had a similar sentiment for stuff like webtoons originals. there was an added element to me in how i feel like i know a lot of people nowadays who read webtoons but don't have much awareness of other forms of webcomic, but even if in my love for webcomics i want people to come to appreciate all the breadth of ways they can exist in, thats obviously not something to make a huge priority. it's incredible the amount of forms comics can take (sidenote but reading scott mccloud's "understanding comics" a couple years ago was really formative for me in cementing how much i appreciate that, i'd highly recommend it!!!), and the way infinite scroll comics like webtoon style comics more fully make use of their digital medium, using time scrolling to pace things in place of traditional gutters and panelling, is really really cool. of course they're becoming more popular in a world where more people have smartphones, where webtoon style comics are a lot easier to read than many other forms. i love a lot of webtoons, and id feel regressive to discourage stuff like line webtoon original comics any more than stuff like hiveworks comics, just to go against current trends in what comics people seem to prefer. they have a similar low barrier to entry (through contests) as other online publishers, and it's cool to see creators get the opportunity to get paid for their work and get help from professional editors and stuff
but in the past couple weeks of running this tournament, i ended up reading a lot more about the behind the scenes of what its like to be a line webtoon original creator. line webtoon's expectations for their creators are incredibly unrealistic and exploitative, with grueling deadlines leading to a lot of creators to get repetitive strain injuries, all while working for well below industry standards. obviously a lot of webcomic creators make an inconsistent poverty level income out of it as independent creators, and that shouldn't happen either, but it's absolutely inexcusable for a company to profit off this labor and then manufacture these same conditions. without any organized labor movement surrounding that issue, that of course isn't an argument against reading or promoting these comics on its own, creators are more likely to get more income if their comics get more popular, and despite the promise of popularity by becoming an official comic, they absolutely still aren't all promoted equally. what has made me want to slightly more discourage (but still absolutely not disallow!) stuff like line webtoon official comics has been the combination of that along with learning that much of the editing of webtoons originals carries less of the benefits of having experienced creatives collaborating with creators to elevate their stories to new levels, and very often instead ends up taking the form of 'simplify this plotline and make this character look more attractive and fit this archetype more fully so we can market this better and have readers easily consume each update while they're scrolling their phone without having to think about it too much'. while obviously there are a lot of amazing webtoon official comics in spite of what i've heard anectdotally, hearing that just really went against so much of what i've most valued about my experience with webcomics!
i want creators to be able to tell stories no matter how weird and unmarketable, where they'll never have to worry about pushback for making stories with characters and themes that resonate for them as a member of any oppressed group, and where there's as little pressure as possible pushing them to work harder or faster than they healthily can or want to! so for me, even if i still love a lot of online published comics and want them to be celebrated and want their creators to be able to make a comfortable living out of them, i still just want to highlight stories that had that level of freedom that has created some of my favorite experiences with webcomics just a little bit more.
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nickeverdeen · 10 days
Hello!! 🫶🏻 I've seen you've been posting pairings, so if this section is still open, I'd like one, I'd like The Maze Runner, The Hunger Games and Harry Potter please.
I'm fair skinned, I have freckles all over my body, I'm about 1,58cm tall and my hair is brown, curly and reaches my hips, my eyes are brown and kind of slanted, I'm medium build. I love rain and humidity, cold, horror movies and very long series like twd or got, I love sweets and martial arts like taekwondo, I also like swimming and enjoy art, I usually draw realism, I have an obsession for the color red, I like rock. I am bisexual and tend to be very reserved at first, quite quiet, when it took confidence I am very affectionate in private, oh! And I love to cook and bake, I get distracted by shiny things and I am quite curious. I sleep too much, it's a characteristic of mine. I tend to be the kind of person who listens and keeps your secrets, especially those who are afraid of looking weak because of what they hide, I know how to listen and give advice.
Sorry if anything here is not very understandable, English is not my first language.
Sorry, idk if you’re male or not so I put Newt here as he’s by cannon gay so…
Your The Maze Runner match is…
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Newt would be drawn to your calm and quiet nature
He’s someone who values loyalty and trust, and he would deeply appreciate how you listen and keep secrets
Your love for the cold and rain would resonate with Newt, as he’s someone who appreciates the simple things in life
The two of you could enjoy long walks in the rain together, finding peace in each other’s company
Newt would admire your dedication to martial arts
He’d love watching you practice Taekwondo, and he might even ask you to teach him a few moves
He’d be fascinated by your art, always asking to see your latest drawings and praising your talent
He might even surprise you with new art supplies to encourage your creativity
Newt would find your love for long series like TWD or GoT endearing
The two of you could spend hours binge-watching together, with him holding you close as you share opinions on the plot twists
He’d absolutely adore your sweet tooth, often bringing you your favorite treats just to see your eyes light up
He’d also love joining you in the kitchen, helping you bake and enjoying the results together
Newt would appreciate how affectionate you are in private, cherishing those moments when you let your guard down and show him how much you care
He’d love your long, brown curly hair, often running his fingers through it or playing with it absentmindedly when you’re together
Newt would admire your curiosity and how you get distracted by shiny things, finding it one of your cutest quirks
He’d often tease you playfully about it, enjoying how easily you’re fascinated by the world
He’d be the perfect partner to share your love for horror movies with
Although he might pretend to be brave, he’d secretly love how you both get scared and end up clinging to each other
Newt would appreciate how you’re a good listener, often confiding in you when the weight of his responsibilities gets too much
He’d value your advice and find comfort in your presence
He’d make sure you always feel appreciated and loved, never taking your quiet strength for granted
Newt would understand your reserved nature and never push you to be someone you’re not
Newt would love how much you sleep, finding it adorable when you nap
He’d make sure you’re always comfortable, often bringing you blankets and pillows so you can rest peacefully
Your obsession with the color red would be something Newt finds a bit weird
Newt would be your biggest supporter, always encouraging you to pursue your passions and reminding you of your worth when you doubt yourself
Your The Hunger Games match is…
Peeta Mellark
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Peeta would be captivated by your love for cooking and baking
He’d love spending time in the kitchen with you, sharing recipes and trying new things together
Peeta would be drawn to your reserved nature, appreciating how you take your time to get to know people
He’d respect your boundaries and never push you to open up before you’re ready
He’d find your art skills amazing, often asking to see your works
Peeta would love watching you draw, finding peace in the way you create beauty from nothing
Peeta would share your love for sweets, always indulging in your latest creations
The two of you would often have sweet treat dates, enjoying each other’s company over a delicious dessert
He’d be fascinated by your obsession with the color red, often surprising you with red flowers, clothes, or even ingredients for your baking
Peeta would be your biggest fan when it comes to your martial arts skills
He’d love how affectionate you are in private, cherishing those moments when you show him how much you care
Peeta would be the kind of partner who makes you feel loved and appreciated every day
He’d feel safe confiding in you, knowing you’d never judge him or betray his trust
Your love for horror movies would be something Peeta finds intriguing
He’d enjoy watching them with you, even if he’s not the biggest fan of being scared, because he loves seeing you so passionate about something
Peeta would adore your long, curly hair, often complimenting you on how beautiful it is
He might even help you style it, always with a gentle touch
He’d appreciate your curiosity, often engaging in deep conversations with you about the things you find fascinating
Peeta would find your tendency to get distracted by shiny things adorable
He’d tease you about it playfully, always with a warm smile
Peeta would understand your love for sleep, often making sure you’re comfortable and well-rested
He’d love cuddling with you, enjoying those quiet, peaceful moments together
He’d appreciate how you listen and give advice, often turning to you when he needs someone to talk to
Peeta would value your opinion and trust your judgment
Peeta would be the perfect partner to share long series with, always willing to binge-watch with you
He’d love spending those lazy days with you, enjoying each other’s company without any pressure
Your Harry Potter match is…
Hermione Granger
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Hermione would be fascinated by your love for martial arts, finding your dedication and discipline admirable
Hermione would appreciate your reserved nature, understanding that it takes time for you to open up
She’d be patient and never rush you, valuing the deep connection you build over time
Hermione would be genuinely interested in your art work, always encouraging you to pursue your passion for realism
Hermione would share your love for sweets, often indulging in your latest baking creations
She’d be impressed by your skills in the kitchen and would love being the taste chef
Your obsession with the color red would be something Hermione finds intriguing
Hermione would be captivated by your love for horror movies, even if they’re not her favorite genre
She’d watch them with you anyway, just to see you happy
She’d be drawn to your quiet, reserved nature, appreciating how you listen and keep secrets
Hermione would love how affectionate you are in private, cherishing those moments when you let your guard down and show her how much you care
Hermione is the perfect one to watch long series with
Hermione would admire your dedication to swimming, often joining you at the pool
She’d appreciate how disciplined you are and would enjoy the time you spend together being active
She’d like your curiosity, often engaging in deep conversations with you about your interests
Hermione would love learning from you and sharing her own knowledge with you
Hermione would adore your long, curly hair, often complimenting you on how beautiful it is
Hermione would understand your love for sleep, often making sure you’re comfortable and well-rested
She’d appreciate how important rest is to you and would never disturb your naps
Hermione would admire your ability to stay calm and composed, even in difficult situations even though she can do it also
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