#sorry i got handed 'we gave these guys animal traits' and ran
extrahorribledynne · 2 months
i have too many thoughts abt seekers and not enough spoons to write them in fanfic
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spacewizardtrek · 4 years
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WARNING: This post will ruin you. Like Medusa; look at your peril.
But here is is. It’s the one you’ve all been waiting for.
Kirk bod appreciation #7: The RIDICULOUSLY BEAUTIFUL FACE. A highly technical and academic review.
This is a rather nebulous one. And not, on the face of it (pardon the pun) very philosophical, as it’s essentially about Kirk being stupidly pretty. This post probably will (it will) descend into just screaming and sobbing, but there will be, I promise, *some* meaningful insight into the meaning of ‘beauty’ and textual analysis of its role herein.
Beauty is subjective. But look at him. It’s not just being aesthetic, but it’s the *way* he’s aesthetic. Here I might repeat myself a bit, but stay with me. I may have mentioned before once hearing him described as ‘beautiful in the way women are often described as beautiful’. He is PRETTY. He is indeed often conveyed in the way the women stereotypically (not necessarily rightly) are on screen: perfect, smooth skin; soft, big eyes; luscious lips (his body is sensually curvaceous and furthermore it’s emphasised). He’s not androgynous though. He’s masculine. And yet I still sense what was meant in describing him as ‘beautiful in the way women are often described as beautiful’. He is a rather uncommon form of gender fuckery. He is a form of stereotype-subversion not commonly acknowledged. He seems to be everything at once, ALL THE GENDER; combines whichever traits he desires from those categories, and yet is undeniably a man and masculine whatever the ingredients. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE, one might wonder. The fact of the matter is, that it IS. And it teaches us something.
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The FUCK. nO. You are not allowed to be that pretty, and you are NOT allowed to look at her like that. We’re trying to have a SENSIBLE DISCUSSION here.
Sorry, that was a non-sequitur / nothing to do with what we learn by Kirk’s embodiment; I was just ambushed by my own gif. Only the control of a Vulcan. ONLY that could possibly withstand this onslaught. And even that won’t hold up forever AS WE WELL KNOW
This is going well, as you can tell.
OK. So, it’s claimed he has Eyes and Stupidly Long Weakness-Inducing Eyelashes. You know, from all that fanfic that goes on about ‘big, sparkling eyes’ and him fanning his ‘long, copper eyelashes’. I mean, yeah right, tropey mc tropeface -
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There are some moments where he just BLINKS and, how to describe it...how does a BLINK have that effect. It’s NOT ALLOWED.
...I’m sorry. It IS allowed. All of it. I am not shaming you your beauty. Never change, Jim. Never.
OK. I’m ok. 3 pics down, we can get through this -
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Oh you are joking. Stop.
I don’t understand how anyone can be so beautiful. Life is a lie. Reality is fake -
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- you did NOT just turn your big anime eyes on Spock. You do know this is why he ran away to PURGE ALL HIS EMOTIONS?
And for that matter, you know when Kirk looks his most beautiful? Literally WHEN HE’S LOOKING AT SPOCK. Spock talks some bollocks and Kirk just sparkles like a fucking angel:
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Unbelievable. But utterly undeniable.
Sigh. Moving on.
Oh - someone once suggested I talk about The Lips. Lips are so wonderful aren’t they. So many wonderful things they can do.
And Kirk’s. They’re there in every picture: perfect, rosy, soft and madness-inducing. My advice is just...don’t think about them. But since I’ve been asked to draw attention to them, well, you’ve just sealed your fate. Scroll down at your peril.
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I am pulling NO punches.
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I’ve seen this great meme going around:
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Excuse me though....CUTE?
That’s the understatement of the 23rd century.
Try impossibly beautiful, mind and body: heart of solid gold, soul deep in love with you. Those eyes and all their passion burned into your memories a thousand times over, along with - maybe, suggestibly, idk I’m extrapolating from all the goddamn tension - even the one unforgettable time he laid between lily-white sheets and gave himself to you; every gift of the mind, body and soul - and your ostensibly-forced Vulcan conditioning, that completely ignored how incompatible one part of you was with it, caused so much dissonance that you thought the only possible course of action for you both to survive was to BREAK UP, tear yourself from this beauty and love and sweetness to PURGE ALL EMOTIONS because nothing, nothing equipped you for this; you were set up specifically to fail, and fail hard in the face of transcendental love and beauty by those who rejected such things and didn’t understand you and could never imagine this for you and who instead of helping your beautiful neurodivergent brain flourish taught you to repress and caused you pain and shame and Gol was so hard and Kirk was so sad, so very sad and depressed and hurt and yet he couldn’t stop loving you with a bond so strong he called to you across the stars and Gol was all for naught yet you still didn’t know how to live like this, it was torture, torture until the mind meld with the living machine flashed your BIOS and you knew, love.exe was suddenly running with no errors and he came after you and held you and you held hands and, and -
just...give me a moment
The pain?? The angst?? The two logical entities seeking contact, love, THIS SIMPLE FEELING? That fucking moment when spock walks on the bridge and the only way he can control himself is to be SUPER Vulcan, while his love gazes at him with those EYES, fucking huge and glittering and hurt and loving?? Is it so much a mystery what memories these two are carrying, what’s behind the searing tension???????
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Love him. Love him Spock. Take him in your arms and love him. He’s for you. All for you. Fucking hell guys. The fuck. This movie.
ok I can do this
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those damn eyes I swear
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It’s obviously not all just superficial physical beauty. What IS beauty? Narratively we do sometimes find this ‘prettiness’ enhanced and emphasized like the old vaseline lens to set the tone of a scene (he’s vulnerable and delicate, or someone’s indeed in love with him so we see their ‘lens’ on him); but it is somewhat intangible and nebulous and changeable. I don’t think aesthetic beauty, if one deems it so, on its own, would be enough for the likes of Spock (indeed, no woman could charm him thusly); it's about something deeper. It’s about who he is. Who he is inside: the beautiful AND the imperfect. How his good and bad - how his ‘all’ -  chimes with Spock’s 'all’. The Enemy Within deals with this, and shows how Spock loves all of Kirk, wants him complete, with both his light and shadow. The beauty of all of us is this totality and variance, not one intangible quality.
I’ll bet Spock’s parents knew immediately. Can you imagine Sarek trying to be a total bitch over Kirk, having heard the rumours and just wanting to have one more thing to reject Spock over, immediately projecting onto Kirk as some blow-up pretty-boy and how Incredibly More Disappointing My Son Is for being Obviously In Love With Stupid Illogical Human Doll Face Bubble Butt Bimbo Captain, and Amanda’s like, stfu, let me remind you Kirk is actually a Fucking Amazing Highly Decorated Starship Captain who Saves Your Life and don’t you DARE resent him just because he’s got tits/ass/tum/lips that won’t quit and is obviously the freakin’ sun Spock orbits. Mr ‘I married a human but that was special because it was logical’ or some bullshit. How is Kirk an illogical choice? I mean literally, Spock is a Science Genius™ on the federation’s FLAGSHIP whose well-matched Genius Captain™ understands him, accepts him, brings the best out of him, helps him fulfil his whole potential and is in love with him in the deepest and purest way and will be his bonded soulmate for ALL OF TIME and that fucking sour-faced bih at the start of that ep, ffs.
Of course Amanda stays in touch with Kirk, adores the fuck out of him, sends him old Vulcan lit on t’hy’la bonds (yes sarek, a T’HY’LA bond, so revered freakin’ poets write about it) etc because frankly her son could do FAR FUCKING WORSE.
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Don’t...just don’t slip the bod into the equation, the face is enough for one post. We’re all in therapy for this already, let’s not relapse.
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Oh, what’s the use. I’m gonna die. This is it. This is like the Monty Python joke that is so funny it kills you. This man is lethal. I need to stop this thread and purge all my emotions
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That’s it. I’m dead. You’re dead. We’re all dead.
I hope, however, seeing this post was worth it. See you at Gol everyone.
The Forbidden Texts, DO NOT READ:
Kirk bod appreciation #6: The Curves. The Front. The...chest. AND THE AMAZING GREEN WRAP
Kirk bod appreciation #5: The Paws
Kirk bod appreciation #4: The Curves. The Back. Poetry in motion.  
Kirk bod appreciation #3: Season 3 (Part 1)
Kirk bod appreciation #2b: The Gluteus Maximus
Kirk bod appreciation #2a: The Gluteus Maximus
Kirk bod appreciation #1: The Tum
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cherripeach · 3 years
Chapter 15
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Little Match Maker
Summary: Your life motto is “I have the power of god and anime on my side, don’t mess with me,” and you stand by that with your life. No human, magician, or random creature could ever stop your firm belief in it.
However, getting transported to this world that seemed to turn your already bad luck worse was not what you wanted to be in your life story, but you made the most of it. Making friends, enemies, and disasters, you were in your prime in this world, and so you decided to help as many people as you could flourish, at least what you believed to be.
Chapter 1:113 Two Shots of Vodka
Finishing up the tarts with a little twist.
Warnings: Language, violence, insecurities
Words: 1.7k
Relationships: developing but future twstxreader
You don’t think you ever saw Deuce’s fists leave the two kids before their faces turned purple and their legs gave out on them.
Deuce landed one final hit before the white haired boy pulled as far away from him as possible and screamed while whipping the blood now on his face from his bleeding lip, “Fuck, this guy’s a total madman! That was more than 6 hits, you liar!”
The red haired student was not faring any better with a black eye and clutching his stomach, “Oh, crap! Let’s run! I’m so sorry, Mr. Chicken!!”
Deuce had no speck on him, standing firm with his hands on his hips, “Apologize to the eggs a hundred times before you stuff your faces next time, dumbass!!”
“Okay uhhhhhh,” You could not lock eyes on anything that was in front of you; be it the two students close to the ground clutching parts of their bodies and apologizing or the kid who you thought wouldn't hurt a fly standing proud forcing apologizes from people.
Grim agreed with you with a shriek and a skirt behind you.
The two boys after bowing their heads for several seconds gathered their last dignity and ran out clutching their stomachs and arms from the beat down.
Deuce, finally, lost his other persona and squatted down and cried out, “Ah!!”
Grim popped out from behind you after he realized that Deuce was back to normal, “What happened to you!?”
Deuce stood up with his hands over his eyes, “I did it again…” He began lightly rubbing his eyes. “I promised myself that I’d be a model student for sure this time, and yet…!” His shoulders finally relaxed while he let out a breath.
Grim stood still confused, “Eh?”
“It’s okay, Deuce. One mistake will not kill your reputation,” You knew this kid was freaking out about nothing, “Also, in my opinion, I think honors students would fight those who prey on the weak.” You winked at the sullen looking boy, walking closer to him.
Deuce huffed, “I wanted to be different from who I was back in middle school… “ He flinched slightly when you placed your hand on his shoulder, “I always skipped classes, and I got into fights every day. I didn’t show respect to teachers and I hung out with a bad ilk of seniors. Even my hairstyle was pretty wild back then, too. I fought with anyone who I could fight with… I used magic even on guys who couldn’t use magic. I was an over-all bad person then.” He rolled his shoulders back to escape from your grip, but he never seemed to lose it.
Grim paid no attention to the air, “It totally doesn’t look too obvious now, though.”
“You can continue talking if you want Deuce. No one is here to stop you,” You smiled light, “I would love to hear more about you.”
Deuce nodded, “Thanks.” He finished up his story now comfortable with your hand on his shoulder, “But one night while I was hiding myself from view… I saw my mother cry and talk to my grandmother about it. She was asking her where she went wrong with raising me, and about whether she was a bad parent for how I turned out. But that’s not it at all. She’s not to blame!” Deuce’s red eyes with some tears in them locked onto yours , “Everything’s my fault! That’s why, when the black carriage from the prestigious Night Raven College came to pick me up, I made sure that I will never take that smile away from my mother again. I made up my mind to become a model student that my mother can be proud of. And yet… Damn it…!” He stomped his foot onto the ground and curled his fists but still none of that anger was even remotely portrayed at you or anyone but himself.
“Deuce, sweetie. I need you to listen to me to understand this. You were a bad person in the past. Past. Not now. You realized your mistakes and now you want to fix them. Is that right?” Your smile never faltered even when Deuce tensed up more or he stepped away from you.
“Well, yeah,” Deuce spilled out.
“Then, I think you are being the best honors student you can.” You reached out your hand to offer some of the bags to him, “No one is born with any traits that an honors student would have. The fact that you now know that you want to change and that you strive for being an honors student proves that you are one.”
Deuce stares at you with widened eyes, “What?”
You grabbed his right hand and opened it in order to place some of the bags into it, “No one is perfect either. Even honors students make mistakes, but fighting for the weak and protecting me who would get hurt if I even tried to fight them even though I wouldn’t be scared, shows you care. Deuce, you are a great person. You just can’t realize it yet.”
Tears spilled out of Deuce’s eyes while he whined, “You make it sound easy.”
You raised your hand to wipe Deuce’s eyes, “It’s not. Believe me. But starting is the hardest, and once you get there, I know you can do anything.” After wiping his tears, you stepped back and grabbed Grim by his belly, “You just have to keep going forward.”
Deuce wipes his eyes one last time before smacking himself on the check, “You're right. Me becoming an honors student won’t happen overnight. I’m not gonna stop because of some stupid assholes.”
“Exactly,” You threw a thumbs up.
Grim smirked, “If it were me, I’d have punched those delinquents ten more times, yanno? But you took care of it before I could.”
“That’s definitely not what we are trying to get at,” You rolled your eyes.
Deuce snorted at the two of you, “You guys…”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” You placed Grim back onto the ground and your groceries on a bench before going over to the bag of broken eggs, “Let’s stop the mushy gushy and get back to business.”
“Got it…” Deuce threw his hand up in salute before chuckling, “Hehe, the chicks will probably feel at ease now, too, huh?”
“Chicks?” You turned to face Deuce fully, “There are no chicks in these eggs. Chicks can’t be in an egg that’s not fertilized.”
“Wh-what?!?!?!” Deuce ran and grasped your shoulders, “You’ve gotta be kidding me!!!!!!”
“Why would I joke about this?” You raised your shoulders in a confused gesture.
Deuce, silent, fell to the ground with his knees crashing to the floor.
Grim ignored the crisis, “Let’s just get back to everyone soon.”
You nodded picking up the remaining trash before taking a trip back to the store while Grim and Deuce just waited in the same position you left them in.
The trip back was complete silence with Deuce walking several steps behind.
Ace was the first to react when the three of you stepped through the door, “Oh, they’re finally back. What took you guys so long?”
“That’s a long story,” You sighed.
“Let’s get this over with” Trey clapped his hands, “shall we?”
Everyone besides Deuce who was still in a trance joined in, “Let’s make some marron tarts!”
You laughed, “Damn what simulation are we in?”
“Shut it for once,” Ace scowled before turning around to let out a snort disguised as a sigh.
Trey read over the recipe once more before voicing the next step, “All that’s left is to mix the marron cream into the tart.”
Grim jumped after hearing that, “Will we be able to eat after this!? I’m getting excited already!”
Ace seemed to be the same, “Alright, let’s finish this in one fell swoop!”
Neither of them, however, were hanging onto the words that were coming out of Trey’s mouth, leading to the two of them taking a bit too long in their part of the job.
Trey was still trying to get their motivation going, “Don’t lose focus now, got it?”
Ace’s motivation was there, “You got it!” He dropped the spoon into the batter. His mind was not there.
Grim mimicked Ace, “Yeah!” while almost falling off of the counter top.
“I don’t think you two have full focus,” You continued to add the batter to the crusts.
Grim hissed and did his best to contribute, “Nyaha! What ‘bout that!”
Trey encouraged all of them more, “You guys are good. Keep up that pace.”
Grim boasted, “Hehe, anything’s easy-peasy for the future great magician, Grim!”
Ace countered him, “You get carried away too easily!”
“Quite the hypocrite, Ace.” You joined in the little argument.
Deuce was mumbling to himself through his internal crisis, “Eggs don’t… turn into chicks…?”
Ace wondered about Deuce, “What have you been saying, man!?”
“It might be better to ignore him,” You mentioned to Ace.
The rest of the process happened with relative quiet with some chatter.
Your group finally finished backing the tarts.
Ace had the brightest expression on his face with tall shoulders and a high head, “Alright, perfect!”
Grim eyes the tarts, “It looks so good!”
Trey finished his clean up before thanking everyone, “Thanks for the great work, guys. All that’s left is to put some marron glacé on top.”
“Me, me, pick me! I’ll do it!!” Grim waved his little paw high in the air almost hitting your face.
Ace jeered, “Don’t mess it up, okay?”
Grim took the glacé and began to spread it out on the tarts, “Leave it to me! There we go! As expected from me! This is gonna be the best tart ever!”
You just hoped that this tart was not ruined with how much effort some of your friends put in.
Trey grabbed the glacé from Grim and gave him some powdered sugar, “Alright, the last step is to sprinkle some powdered sugar on top and then…”
Maybe the tarts would be good.
Little shorter than normal, but it okay. Midterms be killers.
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eevee-eclair · 4 years
Family Resemblance
Written by Eevee
Things to look out for: brief mention of blood, pain, crying, swearing, eating trash, mention of throwing up, (please tell me if I missed one!)
Random side note: Haha raccoon man go brrr (also it impossible for me to write pure fluff, I’m so sorry)
All of Phil’s sons had some kind of animal they were mixed with. All except for Tommy so far. Techno had pig like features, Wilbur had his fish scales, and he himself had his wings. What Tommy had, they had yet to find out.
But that didn’t bother any of them. No, it bothered Tommy because he looked different. But his family started getting hopeful when Techno noticed small habit changes.
He saw him spending more time at night than the morning and was always waking up late. He took up whistling and hissed at anything that was vaguely threatening. Tommy also became more nosy and destructive than normal. His room was always a mess, but he refused to clean it.
So a few days after his fifteenth birthday when he gained his physical animal traits, no one was that surprised.
Techno was always the first awake. After he finishes his first cup of coffee, Wilbur usually comes up and then Phil is right behind him. Tommy has started to sleep in later, but he was always up an hour or so later.
But today he never showed up. It was almost noon before they all went to his room to see if he was awake. What they found delighted them and scared them; mostly scared them though.
Tommy was laying on his floor, a deep growl coming from somewhere in his throat. He looked in pain so they all rushed over. He saw them and hissed, trying to crawl away but ended up backing himself into a corner.
Phil held Techno and Wilbur back and pointed at his face. “Look, does his face look darker to you?”
The two older boys looked at their younger brother and nodded. “Yeah, like there’s a mask on him,” Wilbur said.
Techno pulled away and slowly made his way to Tommy. “Hey, hey, hey! You’re okay, buddy,” he mumbled, crouching down. “It’s me, Blade.” He held out a hand.
Tommy calmed down slightly and seemed to sniff Techno’s hand. He recognized his brother’s sent and relaxed fully. Now he just looked scared.
“It hurts, Techno...” he whined, curling in on himself.
He sat down fully and ran his fingers through his hair. “I know, bro. You’ll be okay soon, I promise. Anything you need?” he asked, looking into his sky blue-turning-brown eyes.
Tommy whimpered in pain again. He pointed to his trash can. “Can you bring that over here..?”
Wilbur rushed it over. Everyone expected him to throw up, but they weren’t expecting him to eat the rotten food bits out of it. Phil quickly took it away.
“Whoa! You know trash is bad for ya, Tommy!” he cried, putting it back where Wilbur found it.
“But it tastes so good!” he wailed. “And it’s the only thing I haven’t thrown up since this morning!”
Techno sighed and turned to his dad. “Remember how I eat potatoes, Wilbur loves eating seaweed, and you eat seeds all the time? This is his food,” he explained. “Trash.”
“But that’s not healthy!” Phil argued. “Tommy how does steak sound? Or a Gapple?”
Tommy shook his head. “I snuck some earlier and they just came right back up. I’ve been living on trash since three,” he said, holding his stomach.
Wilbur sat down, worried. “Three am?! Tommy, why didn’t you wake us up?!”
“I didn’t wanna bother you... Plus, I was quiet! Techno didn’t even know I was there!” Tommy responded, frowning.
Said brother sighed. It was true, he didn’t hear or notice a thing last night. “True. But how’d you manage to sneak the Gapples from my room?” he asked, very confused. He was the lightest sleeper and most observant person in their family so it was hard to get into his room without him knowing, let alone steal.
“I was qui—“ he cut himself off with a large cry of pain. “Fuck! My back!”
Everyone looked to see a tail trying to push its way through. Tommy kept swearing and Phil didn’t badger him about it; he knew how painful this must be. He turned to Wilbur.
“Go call Tubbo and see if he can come home. I think seeing him will help Tommy,” he said.
Wilbur nodded and ran to the phone while Techno tried to reassure Tommy he was okay. He picked it up and punched in Tubbo’s number. It took a few rings before he picked up.
Wilbur sighed in relief. “Tubbo! It’s me, Wil! Can you come here as fast as possible? I know you’re at a friend’s house but Tommy’s finally gained his physical animal traits and we think seeing you will help him.”
“Yeah, I’ll be right over!” he asked. Wilbur could hear him pulling on shoes.
Wilbur nodded, even though he couldn’t see. “Please hurry.” He hung up the phone and ran back upstairs.
Tommy’s tail was half out and they could see the tips of some ears. He sat back down next to him and rubbed his back. “Tubbo will be here soon, okay? You’re doing so good!”
He didn’t respond, he just kept swearing and crying. After about five minutes, the doorbell rang and Wilbur rushed downstairs to let Tubbo in.
“He’s upstairs, come on,” Wilbur said, dragging him in immediately and running back with Tubbo. “He’s here!”
Tommy looked up and whined. His eyes were completely brown and his tail was almost out. Tubbo ran over and sat in front of him.
“Hey, Tommy! It’s okay, you’ll be okay, alright? Do you trust me?” Tubbo got a small nod and he gave a brave smile. “Good. Then trust me when I say it’ll be over soon. Just hold on a little longer,” he said, holding onto Tommy’s hand. Tommy squeezed back, not saying anything but the occasional cuss word.
Phil stood up, knowing his youngest was in safe hands. “I’ll go get towels,” he told them before running off.
Techno watched him go and brought the trash can back over. “Here, Tommy. Eat some trash before he gets back. I used to eat out of the trash all the time and I turned out fine.”
Tommy gave a weak laugh but didn’t reach for what he called food. “N-not hungry...” he muttered.
“Let’s wait until his ears are out,” Wilbur suggested. “His tail is out and when his ears show the pain will ease up enough for him to eat.”
Tubbo nodded. “Yeah, that makes sense.” He took a glance at Tommy. “He look like a raccoon,” he told them, trying to start conversation.
Techno started making a pile of edible food for his brother. “Yeah, considering what I’ve seen him do that makes perfect sense.”
“What’s he been doing?” Tubbo asked.
As Techno filled Tubbo in on Tommy’s new behaviors, Wilbur comforted him. Eventually, Tommy let out a content sigh and let go of Tubbo’s hand, going completely limp.
“That hurt like hell,” he sighed after a while. “Why’d it hurt so bad..?”
Phil walked in with towels and handed one to Techno. “Because your body is rearranging itself to comply with the new appendages,” he explained, starting to dry the blood off his new tail while Techno worked the ears.
Tommy tried to pull away but was too tired to do much so he just let them continue. “I gotta wash these fuckers now, don’t I?” Everyone nodded and he huffed. “That’s no fair! Techno doesn’t have to wash his fangs!”
Techno snorted and Phil sighed. “No he doesn’t, but he still has to take care of his skin just like Wilbur goes swimming everyday and I go flying every morning.”
“Oh poo! You guys don’t have to brush knots out of something you can’t reach!”
Wilbur stepped in. “No, but it’s just as difficult. Swimming takes a lot of energy out of me and dad still has to groom his wings. Techno eats Gapples not just to stay strong but because it’s just as important as us eating vegetables,” he explained.
Techno and Phil pulled away and helped sit Tommy upright. As he reached for the pile of trash, they all took a good look at him.
His tail and ears had dark rings and his eyes were dark, almost black. He had a dark pattern on his face that looked like a mask and his teeth were a little sharper. His nose was slightly pinker and Tubbo gasped before leaning forward and booping him.
Tommy dropped his food bit and bleped, causing everyone—even Techno—to make an ‘aww’ sound. They all took turns booping him and he started to get angry.
“Stop that,” he said, pouting. “Let me eat!”
They all snickered and let him go back to eating. After he had finished, he yawned and curled his tail around his legs.
“Tired?” Phil asked with a small laugh. “It’s only two in the afternoon, son.”
Tommy huffed. “But I’m sleepy! Can I....“ he trailed off and they watched his gaze wonder to the gold bits holding Techno’s cape on. He reached for them and Techno moved away.
“Hey, hands off, Tommy!” he scolded. Then he saw the look of shame on his brother’s face and sighed. “Sorry, that was harsh. It’s just your animal instincts. Don’t worry, we’ll help you learn to control them.”
He nodded and dug through the trash some more. Tubbo was the one to break the awkward silence.
“So, what now? Do I have to go or can I stay?”
Phil smiled. “You’re always welcome to stay, Tubbo. I’m sure Tommy would appreciate it too.”
Tommy pulled out a Gapple core and started chewing on it. “Yeah! I can show you how to climb a tree and dig through trash!” he said with a mouthful of food.
Wilbur took the core from him. “You know how to climb a tree...?” he asked. Techno was just as confused.
“Yeah, it’s not hard!” He stood up and pulled Tubbo up with him. “Come on!”
Tommy’s family watched him go, his new tail wagging from side to side in a blur. Wilbur stood up and sighed. “Well, I’m going swimming. Have fun you two.”
Wilbur walked away and Techno got up also. “I’m gonna make sure they don’t hurt themselves,” he said, following his brother out the door.
After a while, Phil stood up and walked out to start on dinner. Apparently Tommy did know how to climb a tree so they all watched him leap from branch to branch.
Everyone agreed that a raccoon suited him perfectly.
Hey, thanks for reading this! If you enjoyed please reblog, it helps me stay motivated to write more. Comments are also very appreciated! I might also write some Tubbee or Tubbo with horns if this gets enough attention
(Also, sorry for the rushed ending)
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dakotafinely · 3 years
AAAAA I loved it!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!! Mama O’Neil is so awesome I love her!!
Raph: I bit a guys finger off?
He’s a chomping boi
Spider-Man meme with Mama O’Neil and Splinter let’s go
April: well now I know where I get the magnet to weirdness trait
Mama O’Neil after the initial shock and story: sweet Jesus you got big
Oh my goddddd PLEASE continue this!!!!! I desire the turtles to meet April’s other mom!!!
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Thank yooooooooooooooooou!!! And I will because you're SO FREAKIN NICE AND DESERVE THE WORLD LSKDJDOSNDHFOSNDHDIDND-
Also, I finally gave her mom’s names!
(Uh, here’s part one and part two for anyone who hasn’t seen ‘em!)
"My goodness! You're only fifteen? You're so big now!" Mama had commented. The conversation of the evening seeming to be like catching up with old friends. The smell of fresh food and the warmth of laughter put April at ease. This was better then even the best outcome she'd thought of initially.
"Granted, you were barely the size of my arm the last I saw you!" She said with a bit of laughter before passing the green bean casserole of to Leo. Who was probably having thirds by now.
Raph shrugged awkwardly, still a smile graced his face. Equally as relieved as April was that this was going well.
"Ah, well Red had many growth spurts when he was a tot. At one point I thought he just wouldn't stop growing!" Splinter said with a laugh of his own.
“I’m glad you’re mom likes Pops,” Mikey whispered as he leaned in next to April. Who nodded in agreement. The two sharing a chipper grin.
“I’m still surprised Raph ate someone’s finger!”
“Hey! I only bit it off okay!” Raph says with a small cringe of disgust “No way I’d actually eat it,” he sticks his tongue out as if to emphasis the point.
“Yeah, well,” Mama had waved a hand dismissively at Leo, the one who’d made the comment. Taking a small sigh “he should’ve known better to be harassing animal’s like that. Mutant or otherwise. It’s like asking for trouble.” she says as if scolding the hunter.
“Hey, now we know why you’re a weirdness magnet,” Donnie point’s out to April, gesturing to her mama “it’s in your genes!” he says with a grin. April playfully glares and rolls her eyes at him. He’d probably been holding that one in for a bit April thinks with the shake of her head.
Meanwhile, a woman ran through the streets of New York City. Rushing through the crowd with a couple of suitcases behind her. A large grin on her face. She’d made back home within the day. Maybe they were still eating. She chuckled to herself.
With as much as Maya makes, probably she thought to herself. Making her way up a familiar apartment steps.
“Oh, hi Deloris!” The woman spoke startled, but didn’t miss a step as she continued up the stairs.
“Kairi? You’re back early!” The elderly woman shouted up to her.
“Yeah, figured I’d surprise the girls!” Kairi shouted back, out of view of the old woman. Still prancing up the steps with gusto. Deloris shook her head with a chuckle, that girl had to much energy to spend.
She’d made it to her home barely breathless. Still, tiny pants came from her as she quickly made a search for her keys. Eagerly opening the door and bursting through with joy.
“GUESS WHO MADE IT!?” She slid into the dining room only to freeze at the sight.
Four large green men, one furry rat-looking man. Eating with her daughter and her wife. She blinked rapidly, as if something was wrong with her eyesight. Trying to change them into human’s with each blink she did.
Maya gave a tiny awkward chuckle “Hi honey!” she chirped with a tense shrug. As the rest of the group stared back. Frozen in surprise and horror. Awaiting April’s mother’s reaction.
Kairi was Japanese. Looking more like a bean pole. Dressed in nice pants and a dress shirt. Rolled up sleeves and unbutton by a few, clearly meant to unwind for the day. Glasses slid a bit down her face as she didn’t move, staring at the boy’s and their father. Her hair was in a nice pixie cut, only partially messy from the wind outside.
“April, Maya, Bedroom, now.” She spoke, slowly making her way to the master bedroom with her suitcases. Eyes never leaving the group at the table until she was out of view. April and Maya were quick to follow. Looking at each other with nervous glances.
April looked back to the boys with an obvious nervous look. Mouthing the word sorry before closing the door behind her.
The boys just sat and waited.
“Anyone gonna explain to me why April’s friends are creepy green boy’s and a rat thing??” Kairi practically hissed as April closed the door behind her. She didn’t seem angry, more of worried and confused.
“They’re turtle’s Kairi,” Maya corrects “and don’t make fun of April’s friends! They’re good people,” she defends, placing a hand around April’s shoulder. April nods in agreement with her mama.
“I-” Kairi’s argument dies in her mouth when she sees the look of worry on April’s face. And she sighs “I didn’t mean to make fun of them,” she rolls her head, trying to find the words “but a little forewarning that your friends are a little... a lot different would be nice,” Kairi says with small gestures.
“To be fair we didn’t know you’d be home,” Maya and April speak in unison.
“It was supposed to be a pleasant surprise!” Kairi whines throwing her hands up in the air with playful exasperation. Unable to stop the smile from returning to her face.
“Well,” April says with a small chuckle “it was a surprise for sure,” and that makes her mothers laugh. Kairi kisses her wife on the cheek and her daughter on her forehead.
“Alright,” she says with a sigh “best go out there and make a proper impression then huh?” to which the two nod.
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure those boy’s think your gonna kick ‘em out,” Maya comments, grinning at her lover.
“What!?” Kairi says, slightly offended “I wouldn’t do that!”
“Well how are they supposed to know if we never get out there?” April says slowly making her way to the door. Looking at her mother with a sassy smile.
“Alright, alright I get it!” Kairi retorts playfully, sticking her tongue out as she walked over. Putting a hand on her shoulder.
“Shoulda known I’d be getting something crazy, I fell in love with you after all,” Kairi says to Maya as she walks over. Maya just grinning dorkily as she shrugs.
“You had every chance to back out and you didn’t,” she shrugs as April opens the door “not my fault.” and with that. The small trio of family walks out.
The boys all resisted the urge to stand up. Afraid of startling April’s mother even more if they did so. Still, they all perked up to some degree as the family walked out. Kairi with a grin on her face.
“Hello everyone,” She says hands clasped together with mischief in her eyes “I’m Kairi! April’s other mom!”
Sorry it took so long to get out! I would’ve gotten it out yesterday, but it was best friends birthday and we were vibin’ and I lost track of time. Ya know how it be sometimes. I hope you like it! Honestly I loved writing this! It was an unexpected, but a happily made, short story!
And again, thank you so much for the asks! It was so much fun to receive them! And you’ve been so kind throughout it all! You’re so lovely and I hope you loved this piece as much as I did writing it!
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
Burnt With Envy ~ JJK [Request]
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↬↬↬Word Count: 2.7k
↬↬↬Genre: Fluffy, angst,
↬↬↬Pairing: Jungkook x Gender Neutral Reader
↬↬↬WARNINGS: Mentions of plane turbulence, house fire, smoke inhalation [PS Sucky title because M sucks at titles] 
↬↬↬ A/N: No name for the daughter as I know a lot of you like that, also I didn’t want to make it like a huge car accident or something so I went in a different way I hope this is okay for you my love! Stay Safe! Love you!
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The plane ride you were on seemed to be taking forever, you were flying home after a long business meeting with your husband Jungkook who was now sitting on the phone to someone about the meeting - you didn't pay too much close attention to his side of the business as it never really interested you. Your daughter was curled up on your lap as you sat on one of the sofas inside of the private jet, one of the many joys of Jungkook being the CEO of many businesses. Never having to fly on a normal plane again.
"Look I don't care, give them whatever they want as long as they sign the papers tonight," You heard Jungkook sigh from across the plane, his eyebrows were strewn together and he was rubbing the bridge of his nose - a sure sign that he was stressing about something going on in his life.
"Yes, I'll hold." He turned around to glance at you so you gave him a small smile not wanting to bother him while he was working, as soon as his eyes landed on you and his daughter his eyes softened. Seeing the way you both looked together made him instantly relax, it was why he took you along on his business trips - that and he wanted his daughter to be able to see the world and learn from it. She was only 14 but could already speak 3 languages, Korean, English and French with the occasional bit of Japanese she had picked up on business trips.
"Everything okay?" You questioned when he hung up the phone and came over to you, he sat on the arm of the sofa next to you and nodded his head bending down to give you a gentle kiss on the top of your head.
"Just some more details to go through but everything's fine, how did her homework go?" He asked nodding his head down at the papers that were on the table in front of you, you scoffed leaning forward to pick up the different sheets of homework she'd been working on.
"She didn't need my help - as usual." You laughed, your daughter had always been exceptionally smart at everything she put her mind to but this homework was all about businesses. She had to create a fake brand and branch out with it, all within a fictional budget and timeline.
"She gets it from her dad," You whispered when Jungkook asked where she got it all from, you both knew it was impossible since she was adopted but you still liked to think that somehow she still got traits from both of you as her parents because that's what you were. Adopted or not she was your daughter.
"I think she'll take over everything when I die," He chuckled sliding in behind you on the sofa and wrapping his arm around your waist and snuggling his head into your neck.
Everyone saw Jungkook as a big CEO no one should mess with but deep inside he was just as soft as anybody else and wouldn't dream of hurting anyone - many people in his company knew it as well since he'd always been too scared to fire anyone, he never wanted to hurt someone's feelings which was odd. A CEO like him with a big heart was uncommon in the world, most of them didn't care for their employees but Jungkook did, he got to know most of everyone who worked for him, tried to relate to them in any way that he could and would help them if they ever needed it. The plane jolted and you gripped onto your daughter with one arm and Jungkook with the other, he hissed when he felt it do it once again.
"Sorry Sir, just a little trouble. One engine caught fire, we'll be okay until we land on your airstrip." You looked at the stewardess who had just come out of the cockpit to tell you both what was happening, luckily it was nothing major and you could both move on from it.
"Is the captain sure everything's okay?" She nodded slowly looking at all of you, she'd been working for Jungkook for the last four years and she was always pleasant when she worked on your flights.
"Everything is fine, he's assured me that we'll be fine until we land in ten minutes. After that, he'll have the engines repaired."
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"Is dad okay?" Your daughter asked as you tucked her into her bed, the plane landed perfectly fine and it was being looked at by a professional but Jungkook was shaken up. Nothing had ever happened like that before, all of his planes were routinely checked by professionals, even if he wasn't flying anywhere he had them looked at to make sure nothing was wrong or could go wrong.
"He's okay baby, just a little worried about something. Don't worry about it, he loved your homework though." You soothed down the bedsheets and sat on the edge of her bed while you looked down at her, you began playing with her hair softly placing it behind her ear to make her sleepy again.
"He did? I was pretending to be him while I..." She yawned halfway through her sentence and closed her eyes - you'd learnt the hair trick from your grandmother who used to put you to sleep the same way.
"While I gave the presentation to my stuffed animals." You laughed softly as she fell to sleep almost right away, she'd always been able to do that though. One second she was awake and the next she was out like a light, it helped that she was a heavy sleeper too luckily she'd slept through the plane shaking and jittering around as you landed back on safe ground.
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"Just call me when you have answers," His tone was authoritative as he hung up the phone and threw it down onto the double bed you were sitting in, you were in his favourite PJ's on you trying to convince him that everything would be fine when in reality you had no idea if it would or wouldn't be, you were just trying to make your husband relax before he had an aneurysm in front of you. He collapsed onto the bed in front of you and you began playing with his black hair, it was starting to get long enough for you to be able to put it into a man bun again - you used to do it all the time in college when you first started dating, you would put it in all sorts of styles but man buns were his favourite.
"You need a haircut," You mumbled pushing his head away as he tried to give you a kiss,
"I know, I'll fit one in tomorrow. How are you? Are you okay?" He'd been freaking out in the inside for hours about how you were feeling during the plane but you were fine, it was nothing major.
"I'm fine Kookie, I would be even better if my husband got into bed with me and stopped worrying," He sighed knowing you were right, he ran his hands through his hair before standing up from the bed,
"I'll have a shower and get into bed, will you turn the heating off? It's boiling in here." He groaned fanning himself as he tried to cool down, he was right though. The house had been exceptionally hot since the moment you got in and you were sure the heating was broken,
"I'll go shut it off at the boiler." You told him as you threw your legs off the bed and slipped into some slippers, he hummed at you from the en-suite and you made your way down the giant spiral staircase.
Most of the staff that Jungkook had working around the house were at home except for the live-in maid he had with you guys, she was tucked up in bed down by the living room and you didn't want to bother her with asking for help with the boiler. It was no big deal, you knew where it was and what you were doing, you just hated going down into the creepy basement that it was kept in.
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Jungkook stirred beside you kicking off the sheets as you let out a cough,
"I thought you turned the heating down." He grumbled sitting up in the bed when his eyes widened, his nose was filled with smoke and there was smoke pouring in from underneath the door,
"Y/n! Get up!" You groaned opening your eyes to see what the big deal was when you smelt and saw the smoke as well, the smoke was starting to cloud which meant the fire was large.
"Go!" You screamed pushing him out of the door of your bedroom, you began coughing as the fire crackled from down the stairs, it was spreading its way along the living room floor, Jungkook sprinted in the direction of his daughter's bedroom while you tried to see what was starting the fire.  The house was like something from a horror movie, everything was burning way too quickly, the plastic photo frames on the walls were all twisting and melting onto the floor and nothing was going o be saved.
"Y/n?! We have to move now!" You could hear your daughter coughing heavily and it brought you back to reality,
"Fire escape in your home office!" You were yelling to one another over the sound of the fire, you could smell chemicals and burning - of course burning, your house was on fire.
"Where are you going?!" He screamed watching as you made your way to the staircase, your feet could hardly touch it thanks to the heat radiating from downstair, it made the metal barely touchable.
"The maid! Jihoo! She's downstairs Kookie!" You were tearing up at the thought of her being hurt in something like this, you ignored Jungkook's pleas for you not to go down there and sprinted down the stairs pushing through the pain in your feet,
"GO! GET OUT!" You screamed at him, he clung onto your daughter who was starting to cough harder now, he could hear the firetrucks outside so he made a run for the office going out of the window and taking his daughter down the staircase out there.
"Jihoo!" You yelled, letting out a squeal when a flame danced out of control and began spreading closer to the bedroom door where she was staying.
"JIHOO!" You knew it was an invasion of privacy but right now it didn't seem important to you, she'd been working for you and Jungkook for years and was one of your most trusted employees.
"J-Jihoo?!" You spluttered out covering your mouth as you tried not to inhale too much smoke from the fire but she wasn't there, her things were gone. The room began to build up with black smoke and you groaned trying not to inhale it but it was filling up your lungs and making it harder for you to breathe.
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Sirens were blaring loudly as you woke up, your eyes fluttering open as you were blinded by a bright white light,
"Ugh what the-" You stopped talking when you heard Jungkook's voice coming out in a panic,
"They're okay Mr Jeon, we just need to run some checks on them." You turned to see a paramedic looking at you and flashing a bright light into your eyes, for a second you thought you were a goner when you saw the white light.
"Can you tell me your name?"
"Jeon Y/n," He nodded and began asking you routine questions but your mind was on Jungkook and your daughter who was under one of those tinfoil blankets to help with shock. People were crowding around your house as the firefighters worked tirelessly to put it out, everything was gone. All the memories you had in the house, photographs, videos, everything was just gone and in a pile of ashes and rubble. There was a cold compress on your feet, you looked down to see what the paramedic was doing when he caught you looking,
"Your husband said you ran down metal stairs, we wanted to make sure your feet had no lasting damage. You're all okay except for a cough and some smoke inhalation. You'll be fine," He walked away as though your whole life wasn't just destroyed in one giant housefire that no one knew the cause of,
"Did you get to Jihoo?" You shook your head and went on to explain how she wasn't there and neither were her things, he frowned looking around for something.
"What's wrong?" You questioned but he wrapped the shock blanket around your daughter before walking over to a firefighter and getting into a lengthy discussion about what the fire was caused by.
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It took 7 hours for them to battle the blaze and put it out, the sun had come out and a nanny had taken your daughter to a hotel to have a bath and get some rest while you and Jungkook stayed behind.
"There's nothing," You whispered looking through the rubble of what was once your house, the only thing that had lasted through the blaze was the metal staircase you'd sprinted down. Jungkook could tell you were getting upset so he stood behind you wrapping his arms around you to let you know it was okay, he was there and you weren't going through this alone.
"They think Jihoo was the one to start it all before leaving," You nodded knowing that it was probably true since she'd been the only other person in the house with extensive knowledge as to where anything was, it would have been easy for her to grab the accelerant used to make it burn faster and make it out alive with all of her things, the only real question was why she'd done it.
"Think it was because of something we did?" Your voice cracked as Jungkook walked you back onto the street, Police were combing through everything they could to find any kind of evidence they would need.
"We'll figure it out, I'm sure it was nothing we did. We loved her," He used his thumb to wipe away the tears from under your eyes and you sighed laying your head on his chest as you watched people begin to clean up what was left of your home.
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"We hereby find the defendant guilty of arson, and guilty of attempted manslaughter." You looked down at your hands as the jury sat back down and the judge agreed with their verdict and began reading off the charges that Kim Jihoo was being charged with. Jungkook had his arm around your shoulder as a sign of support as she turned around to watch you both closely, her reasoning behind everything she'd done was because she'd been crazily obsessed with Jungkook for years and once she realised she could never get what she wanted, she wasn't going to let him be with anybody else.
"Take her away," The judge yelled, she turned back to the front and followed the police out while her chains rattled against the floor your eyes were downcast at your hands while Jungkook tried to comfort you. It was all over so you weren't going to have to worry about her coming to try it again but you still felt scared whenever you went to bed or hired someone new. There was a new policy being brought in to make larger background checks on everyone who worked for Jungkook, he didn't want to put his family at risk again but he was going to get you all through it.
"Let's go, we have a meeting with our daughter." He chuckled bringing you back to reality, your daughter was waiting back at the hotel you were staying in. She was going to give you her final presentation for her business project so you had something to keep you distracted for now.
"Going to be a CEO just like her daddy." You laughed walking with him in the direction of the parking lot.
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@writingdreamsnottragedies​ @jooniesdarlingdimples​ @snowy-meowl​ @lynnthevirgo​ @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @fan-ati--c​ @callingmyangel​ @rjsmochii​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @taestannie​ @innersooya​ 
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dead-inside-mcgee · 4 years
Beyond that Door Chapter 4
A ladder
Yes I do write stuffs
Summary: On one hand, free clothing sounded great. On the other hand, Chase’s growing romantic feelings did not muffle his paranoia at all. On the third hand, this sounded kind of like charity, and Chase didn’t need or want any of that, nor did he really feel like he deserved it. And on the fourth hand, which at this point there are far too many hands, if this man could just offer to do something like that, without a hint of anxiety, then that probably meant he was fairly financially stable. And financial stability was on Chase’s top ten for most attractive traits.
Warnings: implied sexual content, mentions of murder
Taglist: @rabbitsartcorner @caori-azarath @murder-schmurder
Chase blinked his eyes open, trying to remember where he was. He was watching a movie, the parents were looking over old pictures and discovered that their daughter's ghost was actually in some of the pictures, other than the ones the son photoshopped her in.
  Chase smiled to himself. He’d have to watch that movie again when he wasn’t on a not-date with a criminal. What happened after that? 
  The credits rolled. He was about to make some excuse to leave. Anti was talking about something. He started pouring a glass of wine....
  The bathroom door opened, flooding the room with light and steam as Anti stepped out in just a towel. 
  ”Oh!” he said with a bright smile. “I was wondering if you were ever going to wake up. I suppose I can’t blame you considering the work out you gave me.” He chuckles lightheartedly.
  Chase blushed, suddenly aware of the fact that he didn’t have a shirt on. Last night came flashing back to him in a series of images, like someone made a shitty PowerPoint presentation about it. He covers his face in the blanket in embarrassment, earning another light chuckle from Anti. 
  Chase couldn’t help but peak out while Anti was dressing. Despite all the paranoia and suspension he had surrounding the man, he did find him quite attractive. And if last night was anything to go off of, the feeling was mutual. 
  Maybe Anti wasn’t the weird supervillain in Chase’s mind. Maybe the strange man he saw at the building was someone else, he only really got a glimpse...
  Chase’s wandering thoughts of possible romance were torn from him by the malicious hands of capitalism. 
  “Oh fuck I’m late for work!” 
  “Actually-” Anti started, grabbing Chase’s arm before he could bolt out the door in just his slipping pants “-a pipe burst, flooding a large part of the first few floors in sewage. Work is closed for a few days for repairs.” He led him over to his laptop, showing him the email explaining that in forty times the word count. 
  Chase sighed in relief. “Oh, thank god.” 
  “So. Since we have a couple of days free, how would you like to go shopping with me? I will pay for everything, and not to be rude, but you really need more clothing. I’ve noticed you’ve worn the same grey shirt ten times in a row.” 
  “Actually, I bought a pack of twelve grey shirts.” He said, putting grey shirt number eleven back on. “It was on sale.” 
  “I honestly feel like that makes it worse.” 
  On one hand, free clothing sounded great. On the other hand, Chase’s growing romantic feelings did not muffle his paranoia at all. On the third hand, this sounded kind of like charity, and Chase didn’t need or want any of that, nor did he really feel like he deserved it. And on the fourth hand, which at this point there are far too many hands, if this man could just offer to do something like that, without a hint of anxiety, then that probably meant he was fairly financially stable. And financial stability was on Chase’s top ten for most attractive traits. 
  He whimpered, talking a step back. It felt like he was between a rock and a hard place, and Chase’s claustrophobia made him want to panic. And then a fifth hand popped up to ask a question. What about Marvin?
  In the pure anxiety of last night and the confusing morning, Marvin had completely slipped his mind. The poor witch was probably worried sick.
  “I’m sorry!” He made his way for the front door. “I promised a friend I would hang out with them last night and they’re probably worried sick that I never showed up.” He didn’t wait for a response from Anti, simply running out.
  Panic set in. He should turn around. No, keep running. He didn’t think he could even face Marvin in this state. 
  He ran into his apartment, not even wondering why his front door was unlocked. 
Under every town there are tunnels. Whether they are made by animals like worms, moles, or crawfish. Or they’re made by time, like undiscovered caves. Or they’re made by secret organizations that use them to get around fast and to watch our every move. There are tunnels.
  Marvin discovered his own set of tunnels when he first came to this town, and later sealed off a certain part of it later to act as his base. 
  He used to enjoy wandering through the tunnels, drawing graffiti on the walls, and listening in to private conversations. He felt free in the tunnels. But tonight the tunnels felt suffocating. 
  “Where are we going?” Henrik asked timidly. He stumbled every few steps.
  “If they’ve captured Chase, then they probably know we’re looking into this conspiracy, which means my home isn’t safe.”
  “That does not quite answer my question.”
  Marvin didn’t have a good answer. 
  After an hour of walking and quietly swearing from Henrik, Marvin stopped and squeezed him through a small space that opened up into a large, musty room. It looked like a church. There were rows of pews, and the walls were lined with stained glass, which was odd because behind the stained glass windows was layers upon layers of dirt and rock. Like someone built a church in a giant pit, buried it, and forgot about it. 
  Neither of them could quite tell what the windows were depicting, and there were no recognizable religious symbols.
  “This place feels less safe.” Henrik squeaked. 
  “Don’t worry. I’ve never seen or heard anyone here. I’m not sure what this place is, but it’s abandoned.” Marvin laid down on a pew and curled up. 
  “How long do you plan on staying here?” 
  “A week at least. If they check my home, that might see I’m not there and it’ll be safe to return.” 
  There were holes in that plan, but Henrik wasn’t in the right headspace to nitpick it. He did not like it here. He really didn’t like it here. This place felt familiar, and that scared him more than anything.
  Exhaustion hit him hard. He curled up on the ground, which was only slightly more uncomfortable than the pews, and slept. 
  He had a dream. No not a dream. He remembered something.
It was Tuesday. He remembered that fact cearly. Tuesday the sixteenth, in September. Yesterday was his birthday. He was twenty-four now. 
  He was going shopping. He bought a new lab coat for work. He was a doctor, both of medical and of science. He also still struggled with English despite living in America for several years by now. 
  He meets a man with bright green hair and a smile that felt like the sun on earth. He introduces himself as Sèan, but tells him he goes by Jack.
  “How do you get Jack from Sèan?” he remembers asking. 
  “You don’t!” Jack said, patting him on the back. 
  Then it was evening, they were snuggled up on Jack’s couch, both wasted.
  “I wanna be someone someday!” Jack said loudly. “I want to be the person whose face appears on a billboard, and people can point at my face and say, “‘Hey, I know that guy!’”
  “You could be a model. You’ve got the face for it.” 
  “There’s no honor in being a model, though. I want to save people, not kill their self esteem.”
  “A cop then.”
  “No one likes cops, Henrik.” Jack said firmly, sounding sober for a moment.��
  “True…” He yawned, starting to feel tired. 
  “I want to be something bigger than that. Like a superhero. Maybe I could get into witchcraft.” 
  “You know witchcraft is illegal right?” 
  “Being a vigilante is illegal too, and people love vigilantes. Hey, maybe if I’m big enough and loud enough, I can get rid of the ban on witchcraft!” 
  Henrik giggled, nuzzling his hand. “I believe in you.”
  Jack nodded happily. Suddenly he jolted upright and almost knocked Henrik onto the floor. “Hey! Want to see something cool!”
  Jack led him to a manhole cover that had a thick numerical padlock on it. Jack put in the code 1010 and it popped off. 
  “Not a very secure code.” Henrik commented as Jack dragged him into the sewer. 
  “It’s so dumb that no one would guess it.” 
  “It smells like shit down here.” Henrik groaned. 
  “Yeah, that’d be the shit.” 
  Jack led him to an area where part of the wall seemed to be slightly broken. 
  “Look through the crack in the wall.” 
  Henik did so and he could faintly see a ladder going down. 
  Jack pulled on the wall slightly, making enough space for someone to squeeze in if they really tried. “I’ve never been brave enough to go see where it leads.” 
  Henrik was amazed. This was super cool. It may have been the alcohol clouding his judgement, but he squeezed past the wall and looked down. “Want to find out?” 
  Climbing a ladder drunk is not a smart thing to do, especially if you had no idea where said ladder leads. 
  After a few minutes of climbing, somehow Henrik and Jack made it to the ground without dying. The ladder led to a pair of large doors that looked like the entrance to a church. 
  The two glanced at each other before working together to push open the doors. Inside was eerily like a church. 
  “I don’t like it here.” Jack said, but continued walking into the church anyway. 
  Henrik stepped in and a wave of nausea washed over him. He fell forward, blacking out. That was the last thing Henrik remembered, but the dream continued. 
  Jack spun around, running to go check on him, but some invisible wall seemed to block him from getting any closer. 
  A voice cackled. It was raspy and sounded broken almost. A man appeared. He looked exactly like Jack but wrong. Like someone tried to draw him from memory. There was also a giant cut on this person’s neck. 
  Jack stumbled back and leaned on the invisible wall. “Don't come any closer!” 
  “I won’t, I won’t.” The demon, Jack decided it was a demon, said calmly. “I want to help you friend.” 
  “Help me!? What could you possibly do to help me?” 
  “You want to be a hero, am I correct? I seem to remember that.” 
  “How could you possibly know that?”
  “Well who doesn’t want to be a hero!? I can help you, for a small price.” 
  “What price?”
  “It’s only something small. I wish the feast on the blood of the wicked. That shouldn’t be much trouble. What’s the lives of millions of good people compared to a few assholes?” 
  Jack thought it over. “How much blood?” 
  “A body every two weeks. If you choose the right people, no one will miss them anyway.” 
  The worst part is that, that sounded like an amazing deal. He glanced back at Henrik. There was a little pool of blood by his face from where he hit his head on the floor. 
  “Is there any other catch to this thing you’re offering me?” 
  “Yes.” The demon waved his hand up and Henrik stood, except it wasn’t Henrik exactly. Something about his eyes was off. 
  “Every superhero needs a villain to defeat, and your boyfriend here will do the trick nicely.”
  Jack grimaced, backing away from “Henrik.” 
  “That doesn’t even have to be a catch. I can erase any memories and feelings you have connected to him. Just shake my hand.” He held a hand out with a big, toothy smile. 
  Jack glanced at the demon, and then at Henrik, and he decided to take his hand. There was a bright flash of light and Henrik woke up. 
  He was about to get up to tell Marvin what he had remembered, but he found himself and Marvin tied up. 
Chase fidgeted with part of his robotic arm. It made a nice clicking noise when he twisted one of the fingers in the right way. 
  The mask was starting to wear off, he had enough of the potion left to last him a while, but it still made him kind of sad. 
  There was a knock at the door. Chase groaned and hid under the blanket. It was probably Mrs. Wood, asking if Chase had seen her missing cat.  
  The knocking continued for a few more minutes and then Chase heard a soft creak like someone opened his front door. His stomach dropped. 
  He grabbed a large flashlight, prepared to whack someone. He slowly walked out of his room only to see Anti in his living room. 
  Anti held up his hands. “Hey. You left your keys at my place.” He dropped the keys on the counter. “I know I shouldn’t have busted in, but I assumed you weren’t here.” 
  Chase sighed, putting the flashlight down. Anything Chase wanted to say got caught in his throat. He sat down and covered his face. “Just go away please.” 
  “I also wanted to say I’m sorry. I came on too strongly and I should’ve checked to see if I was crossing any boundaries. I just want this to work.” 
   Anti’s heart shattered. He stepped out into the hallway and got a phone call. 
  “What is it?” He growled. 
  “Fresh blood is here.” Jackie said on the other end.
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soundofseventeen · 5 years
13 Days of Christmas (Kim Mingyu)
Happy Saturday! The most exciting part of my day has been knowing I’m cleaning my bathroom. I’ll see y’all tomorrow! gif credits to owners! (Unedited!)
Word count: 1846
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You had known that you hadn’t been in a relationship in sometime. You couldn’t remember when someone had asked you out to grab a coffee or go to the movies or anything. You missed someone holding your hand and holding you close, but you had a good reason. After two years, your ex-boyfriend had just dropped you like you didn’t exist. He kept everything you bought him of course,and he refused to take everything back you bought him, so it stayed in the corner of your room, haunting you for months on end.
And then one day, Mingyu offered to help you burn it all: the clothes, the pictures, the stuffed animals, everything that came from him went to the fire and the smoke polluted the sky. Everything that survived the first round, went to a secondhand store where you traded that junk for money and you treated Mingyu to smoothies to repay him for freeing you. Mingyu helped mend your broken heart; you weren’t oblivious to how he cared for you during that time. It didn’t matter if it was two am or two pm, if you had a breakdown, he was a phone call away. You would’ve texted him but the sound of his voice calmed you and over time, it gave you the strength to help you heal. 
Mingyu had helped you in more ways than one, and you didn’t know how to repay him. 
It had been a tough year but you persevered and you planned on ending it as strongly as possible. And you wanted to thank him for everything, so you decided to invite him to a holiday party a town over. It wasn’t a luxurious thing but people would be exchanging gifts throughout the night and the present wrapped up nicely on your bed seemed like it would make up for it. 
You planned to meet up with him there due to a difference in your schedules so you weren’t in a rush to shower to get ready, but when you had nothing else to do, you still managed to arrive 45 earlier than expected. You mingled with some acquaintances from a few classes and some of your coworkers while you waited on Mingyu.
And then there were people rushing past you, making you spill your drink everywhere and sent your present flying out of your hands. You didn’t know how they could be so careless around others. (You already knew the poor host was gonna be in for a long clean up session...and if they had money, then their poor cleaning people for having such entitled bosses.) You could already see the red drink seeping into the white, white carpet and had you not heard Mingyu’s name, you would’ve stayed behind to clean it. 
It didn’t take long to spot Mingyu; he was always the easiest to find in a crowded room. However, he didn’t look happy; he looked like he was out for blood and upon closer inspection, you found him holding your ex-boyfriend by the collar of his Christmas sweater. And if there was anything you knew about Kim Mingyu, it was the fact he wouldn’t strike unless provoked. So, he must’ve heard something, and while he glared daggers into your ex’s eyes, you weren’t afraid for Mingyu’s safety. (Mingyu’s height and frequent visits to the local gym made him scary to the wrong people.)
“Say it again,” Mingyu threatened him, not knowing that you could see him.
“Hey man, look I didn’t mean it like that. I just-”
“Y/N is not a toy or an object for you to be talking shit. You wanna talk shit, I’m right here.”
“You got the wrong idea; you guys just seemed really cozy lately-”
“How the fuck is any of that your business?”
You wondered why no one tried to diffuse the situation. Sure they had their phones out and everything, but no one was stepping in to try to convince Mingyu to let go.You had to admit how amused you were. You could feel the tension yes, but it didn’t stop you from enjoying the scene. You had suffered for so long, shed too many tears, and stopped taking care of yourself all for no good reason. You weren’t the type to tell anyone who hurt you that you still wished them the best. No, you wished all kinds of pain on them, for them to feel what you did. (It wasn’t your healthiest trait if you were honest, but you weren’t perfect and you were only human.)
Seeing him the way you felt for so long gave you a sense of power. They couldn’t see you and you knew that if you came into view Mingyu would immediately let go and your ex would scurry to the opposite side of the house...if he didn’t leave right away, that is. And that made you smile...a lot. Hell, if Mingyu wanted to deck him in the face once, that be the best Christmas present ever.
“Y/N, control your boyfriend,” you heard a friend whisper to you. “It’s Christmas and this is a time for all of us to be together, happily.”
“Ahh, you’re the one. I get it. Are you afraid that Mingyu’s gonna hurt your boyfriend?” You didn’t say that Mingyu wasn’t your boyfriend...or that he wouldn’t actually hurt him. You’ve seen how soft-hearted this boy really was. He sang Christmas carols at a hospital not too long ago. Part of you wanted to see how much longer this would play out, but you actually saw people getting too scared now to actually intervene. So, you broke it up yourself. “Mingyu?” you managed to say as quietly as possible. How pulled off a scared look, you didn’t know but hey it worked.
As predicted, Mngyu’s hand gripping at the collar went slack and he pulled back. The anger you saw on his face, however, surprised you. “Hey,” he said, keeping his voice low.
Your ex finally had some color on his face and somehow managed to spit out, “You two deserve each other anyway.” and ran to go hide. No doubt come Monday, the shit-talking would start and he’d try to make himself look good. Not that you cared or that Mingyu cared.
“Sorry I kept you waiting,” he apologized. “Traffic. But this party already sucks. So I’m just gonna head out. Do you wanna come with me?”
You didn’t give it a second thought as you nodded your head, and you walked out the door with him without saying goodbye to anyone. “Where are we going?” 
“Well, unless you have a different idea, I’m thinking we could just drive around.” He opened the passenger side for you and once you were in, he walked around and started his car. “By the way, I’m sorry if I embarrassed you. Your ex really likes to talk, huh?”
“Yeah, I’m sorry about him...what did he tell you anyway?”
“Well, he’s convinced I’m dating you due to all the times he’s seen me come out of your apartment...so early in the morning. But he also wanted to know some information that really wasn’t his to know.”
“What -”
“You’re a person, not a toy that can be played with and then be put to the side. God, I wish I could’ve hit him. Are you cold? Let me turn on the heater for you.” He fumbled around with knobs nad buttons until a burst of warm air hit the car and then you were on your way. He turned on the radio and quickly changed stations as soon as he heard the Christmas songs. It’s not that he hated them, he just hated how overplayed they were. “So, what’d you get me?”
“What makes you think this is for you?”
“The Mingyu in bold letters does the trick. And if it was yours, you would’ve unwrapped it by now and showed it off.”
“I really hate that you’re a good guesser.” You turned the present around in your hands so the friction could keep them warm. “It’s just a cologne. I smelled it when I was on my break once, and I thought it’d be a good scent for you.”
“You have amazing taste.” His eyes widened at the sight in front of him as the roads soon became covered in snow. He drove a little further along until he could stop at the side of the road. He pulled out some gloves in the backseat and then got off. He waited for you to get off on your own because he knew you didn’t care much for snow or the cold weather in general and he felt like he could wait. He liked snow; it was temporary and it brought people close together, be it making forts, building snowmen, or trying to catch the flakes on their tongues. 
“Why’d you stop here?” you managed to chatter out. You blew on your hands to keep them warm and then stuffed them into your jacket.
“It’s quiet and calm. I don’t think it feels like Christmas until it’s cold and dark. And even with all the lights decorating the houses, it’s still too dark to see unless you're in the neighborhood.” He leaned back, watching the cars speed by, most of them carrying trees to decorate once they got home and he smiled, thinking of all the kids who’d put the ornaments and fighting over who got to the star on top. Mingyu watched you struggle to keep warming your hands to he reached over took them into his. “Is this okay?”
“Yeah.” He rubbed one a little and then put it in his pocket. 
He took the other one and blew on it, not giving up until it was a lot warmer than when he started. Although, his gloves helped in the process. “Better?”
“A little.” You liked how close he was to you,and you could smell the peppermint creamer from his coffee. You liked his company...and him in general. He was warm. You let go of him then, only to wrap your arms around him. And you liked the pressure he put on his arms as he hugged you back. No one did it quite like Mingyu.
“Hey Y/N…”
“Yes Mingyu?”
“You’re really cold.”
“So are you.”
You were grateful to him, especially in moments like these. 
“Hey Y/N?”
“Yes Mingyu?”
“You smell really good.”
“So do you.”
You felt so content, something you had been lacking for sometime.
“Hey Y/N?”
“Yes Mingyu?”
“I think I wanna kiss you.”
“Me too.”
Gently, so gently as to not disturb the moment, he angled your face perfectly so that he could give you the softest of kisses and one for every time he wanted to tell you how much you meant to him. The snow brought you comfort for once in your life, and you finally found that missing piece.
“Hey Y/N?”
“Yes Mingyu?”
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
Maybe that missing piece was Mingyu.
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Spill your heart out about Walter.
Okay so I basically got this question in what, January?? but I’m answering it now since I just rewatched the movie and have inspiration, sorry for the late reply Anon
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Okay so, to start off this post with some keyboard smashing because that my primary go-to for expressing my emotions
sgklhfsgjksdlgdghkjlgjhOHUFLUSKHDGSLIDRGKJGKFSDHGlhjglksdhkglshglllllfa. knjcthxiudhusmnvsoidhéytbvonjyxclkkvbr. haeylicfvshdkgikc
I could legit stare all day at his beautiful face… look at him. Enchanting sky blue eyes… fluffy, wavy brown hair, cute round cheeks, lovely smile… those hidden freckles that you can hardly spot and only in certain screenshots but nevertheless they’re there to raise the cuteness factor… ALSO HIS LASHES. MAYBE IT’S NATURAL?? MAYBE IT’S MAYBELLINE?? WE SHALL NEVER KNOW
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Here you may be able to spot the freckles if you squint hard enough. I have 77 screenshots but this is the best example I could find.
Secondly… well, he’s a sticc. A short sticc at that (though still slightly taller than me bc I’m smol), but a sticc regardless! And that seems to be the most attractive cartoon body type for me. Don’t judge me, I just have a thing for twinks, I’m… twinksexual or whatever.
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Look at him! He would fit through my doorcrack.
(Maaaybe the reason for me liking sticcs so much is partially the fact that I like the idea of a boyfriend I can protect and support, physically and emotionally. I’m mad at the universe for not letting me scoop him up in my arms bridal style and smooch the HECK outta him.)
I’ve encountered a few posts that claimed he’s got cake but, come on. That concept has canonically been proven to be false, even by Lance. This man is flat and you can pry this opinion off my cold, dead hands.
Speaking of hands! I like his big ol hands. Nice shape. They look soft. I wanna hold them.
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According to a DVD commentary, and the visual facts, he has no shoulders whatsoever. Back in Venice Killian was able to restrain him effortlessly with only one foot on his chest, even as he kept struggling ans squirming and generally put in as much effort as he possibly could. Before then, he claimed the database was the first thing he has ever caught in his life.
Conclusion, our boi’s very much NOT athletic. Which makes sense for a scientist, braining all day and stuff, and because he probably barely even eats, or sleeps which are by the way both pretty concerning implications but anyway.
STOP BEATING UP THIS POOR FRAGILE LAD FOR GOD’S SAKE. Makes me want to protect him even more. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but you get what I mean.
Now, on to the actual reason I’m so head over heels for him, a.k.a his personality.
He is one of the sweetest, kindest, purest boy characters I have ever seen in fiction, if not THE number one himself. (All my other cinnamon roll crushes are, or have been a villain at some point and WILL resort to violence if provoked.) Look at him, his pacifism… is unbreakable. He’s dead set on making the world a better place, by peaceful ways, and helping humanity. If that’s not a quality to be cherished then IDK what is.
And he’s just such a refreshing character. He likes pink, K-dramas, glitter, kittens, things that aren’t traditionally “masculine” (but is never made fun of those things in particular in the movie) and I love that. Nothing’s sexier than a man who’s, despite society’s shitty standards, openly and unashamedly himself!
His femininity is, if anything, just another turn-on. (This didn’t intend to sound sexual… but oh well.) I love his little hand gestures and mannerisms, dorky ramblings, the way he says “yep” popping the “p” at the end, all the small yet significant traits that were incorporated into his character. Bless you, SiD creators, bless you.
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Have I said that he’s a genius?? Which is pretty obvious but c’mon, he graduated at 15!! He can modify human genes!! He successfully turned a man into a pigeon on the first try!! (The serum wasn’t the first prototype but we can assume he didn’t experiment on living humans with the previous ones.) And he’s still just 20!! Like what is that if not hella fucking impressive???!??
His inventions, to the untrained eye, may seem “stupid” or “childish” but alas! The observer couldn’t be more wrong! Because despite the odd designs and themes they’re all highly effective, as we have witnessed in the battle against Killian. And he is extremely creative for coming up with such ideas! Told you he’s brilliant!!
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Which makes me all the sadder about how much they underappreciated him at the agency. In his words, nobody ever listened to him, or gave him a chance. They just left him and his “weird” ideas next to the men’s bathroom and called it a day. How could they be so blind? Didn’t they see the potential in his inventions? Oh well. Maybe I’m just being a smartass bc I have more knowledge, living outside that universe. But I’m totally right.
And I was honestly ready to throw hands with Lance for hurting the boi even further. (I’d stand no chance whatsoever, but still.)
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Oh no baby please don’t cry.
He did cry in that scene though… you could see a tear rolling down his cheek and if it wasn’t for the machine beeping… He did have a pretty rough day afterall. But HEY, if we dwell on it too much the scene loses its comedic effect!! A guy gets sad over a stupid soap opera, har har har!! Now let’s move on, keep it fast and snappy for the kids, don’t let them overthink it!! Can’t have any emotional breakdowns onscreen. Keep it lighthearted y’know. Then let’s kill a random side character and have our dear protagonist almost die twice.
(Well jokes on you Blue Sky! I’m no kid, but a devoted fangirl who can and will overthink any material of my fictional faves at any given opportunity.)
You know what else I love about him though?? His love for animals!! And pigeons, especially Lovey!! He loves her so much, gives her gluten free breadcrumbs, nuzzles her, the first thing he does when he finds out Lance can talk to the pigeons is ask if she loves him too!! Like… That’s so pure and wholesome.
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This here. THIS RIGHT HERE. BROTP forever.
(Not gonna lie, I used to be crazy for pigeons for like, an entire year or something. Not as in looking up all the facts there are about pigeons as I do nowadays with cartoons, but I’d feed them regularly and write my little observations on their behaviors. Did you know they sometimes scratch their neck with their leggies like dogs do?)
I think I’ve summed up mostly everything I love about this nerd. Oh wait, almost forgot the sass!! I love how sassy and smug he can be sometimes, in like, a really harmless way but it’s still a very nice characteristic.
Since I’ve ran out of coherent things to say, here’s an incomplete list of things I want to do to Walter Beckett. Put at the end of this post so those of you who were only here for the analysis part and not the selfshippy gushing don’t have to read further:
kiss he
like seriously
just kiss he a whole lot
cover his whole face in kisses
one kiss for each of his freckles. a finishing kiss onto the tip of his nose. then repeat the cycle
hug him. hug him like the world is ending. hug him so tight he can barely breathe
then ofc let go and apologize bc I would never hurt him on purpose
cuddle him
hold him close, let him lay his head on my chest
run my fingers through his hair
listen to his breathing
discover that he’s fallen asleep on me and smile fondly, then soon drift off to sleep myself so we can wake up entangled in eachother the next morning
fuck he
pin him to a wall and snog he
make him go cherry red
fluster he
compliment him. praise him. appreciate him. he’s a prince, a hero, an angel, a wonderful human being and he needs to know this
feed pigeons together
listen to his scientific ramblings and bird facts
write him love letters and give them to him. maybe read it aloud myself if I’m feeling brave so I can see his reaction in real time
serenade he
be the love of his life, and have him be mine
just… soft things, man
cook something for this malnourished sticc
make him small handmade gifts
they’re nothing like his gadgets but I tried
draw he
have him be my muse in general
not like he isn’t now but it would be lovely if he was real too
carry him bridal style
be the feral cryptid that lurks in his house when he isn’t around
sing along to cheesy pop-song together really badly
watch cheesy rom coms
flirt with eachother clumsily until we’re both laughing at our awkwardness
or, alternatively, shower him with compliments until he literally cannot handle it
have sleepovers together
give him hand kisses
be of emotional support
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thelittlesttimelord · 4 years
The Littlest Timelord: The Death of the Doctor Chapter 16
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TITLE: The Littlest Timelord: The Death of the Doctor Chapter 16 PAIRING: No Pairing RATING: T CHAPTER: 16/? SUMMARY: The Doctor’s death is looming on the horizon and Elise is growing every day. What the Doctor doesn’t know is that he has 200 years to teach Elise all he knows. Amy, Rory, and River let Elise in on their secret, because River knows she will keep it. What will Elise do when he’s gone?
One of the smaller tanks in the room began filling with Flesh and a copy of Jennifer sat up. She shot up and every jumped back.
“Well, I can see why you keep it in a church. Miracle of life,” the Doctor said.
Elise thought it was amazing.
“No need to get poncey. It's just gunge,” Buzzer commented.
“How can you say that?” Elise asked before she could stop herself, “Look at her! She’s a living, breathing, human being!”
The Doctor put a hand on her shoulder. Internally he was jumping for joy. There was the Elise he remembered.
“Guys, we need to get to work,” Cleaves told her team.
“Okay, everybody, let's crack on,” Jimmy said.
There was a crack of thunder and lightning.
“Did I mention the solar storm?” the Doctor reminded them, “You need to get out of here.”
“Where do you want us to go? We're on a tiny island.”
“Well, I can get you all off it.”
“Don't be ridiculous. We've got a job to do,” Cleaves told him.
The Doctor pulled the snowglobe out of his jacket again. “It's coming.”
A shrill alarm started going off.
“That's the alarm,” Jennifer said.
“How do you get power?” the Doctor asked.
“We're solar. We use a solar router. The weathervane,” Cleaves told him.
“Big problem.”
“Boss, maybe if the storm's back we should get underground,” Jimmy suggested, “The factory's seen better days. The acid pipes might not withstand another hit.”
“We have two hundred tons of acid to pump out. We fall behind, we stay another rotation. Anyone want that?” Cleaves asked.
The Doctor grabbed her by the arm and pulled her away from the tank. “Please, you are making a massive mistake here. You're right at the crossroads of it. Don't turn the wrong way. If you don't, if you don't prepare for this storm, you are all in terrible danger. Understand?”
“My factory, my rules.”
“I need to check the progress of the storm.” The Doctor turned to Jennifer. “Monitoring station?”
Jennifer looked at him, not sure if she should answer or not.
“Monitoring station,” he reiterated. He was in no mood to argue.
“Three lefts, a right and a left. Third door on your left.”
“Thank you.”
Amy, Rory, and Elise hurried after him all the while the building shook with the force of the solar storm.
The Doctor went straight for the controls. “Waves disturbing the Earth's magnetic field. There is going to be the mother and father of all power surges. See this weathervane, the cock-a-doodle-do? It's a solar router feeding the whole factory with solar power. When that wave hits, ka-boom. I've to get to that cockerel before all hell breaks loose.”
He started to run out of the room when he turned back to them. He smiled. “I never thought I'd have to say that again. Amy, breathe.” He turned back around and ran through the corridor.
“Yeah! I mean, thanks. I'll try!” she called after him.
The three of them ran back into the Flesh room before the Monastery went dark.
Elise sat up and rubbed her head. Amy and Rory were passed out next to her. Apparently, she had landed between them.
Rory’s eyes opened. “Oh. For want of a better word, ow!”
Elise jumped up.
“Elise what is it?” Amy asked.
“Cleaves’ team!”
Rory and Amy got to their feet, found some portable lights, and made their way to the harness room.
Buzzer was being helped down from his harness. “I feel like I been toasted,” he said.
“What the hell happened?” Jimmy asked.
“The tsunami happened. You hurt?” Amy asked them.
“It feels like the National Grid's run through my bones but apart from that…”
“I hope the meter's not bust. I still want to get paid,” Buzzer said.
Elise rolled her eyes. “We have bigger things to worry about than that.”
Amy put a hand on her shoulder. Why was everyone trying to tell her to be quiet?
Rory ran over to Jennifer who was crying and hugged her. Amy looked over at them in jealousy.
Elise took her hand and said, “Rory loves you.”
Amy smiled at the young Timelord. “Thanks, Elise.”
The Doctor and Cleaves ran into the room. The Doctor ran over to Elise, checking her over for injuries.
“I’m fine, daddy,” she told him.
“Doctor, these are all real people, so where are their Gangers?” Amy asked.
“Don't worry. When the link shuts down the Gangers return to pure Flesh,” Cleaves reassured them, “Now, the storm's left us with acid leaks all over, so we need to contact the mainland. They can have a rescue shuttle out here in no time.”
The Dusty Springfield song from earlier started up again.
“That's my record. Who's playing my record?” Jimmy asked.
“Your Gangers. They've gone walkabout,” the Doctor said.
Cleaves shook her head. “No, it's impossible. They're not active. Cars don't fly themselves, cranes don't lift themselves and Gangers don't…”
They followed the sound of the record into the dining hall. It was a mess.
“No way,” Buzzer said.
“I don't, I don't believe this,” Cleaves added. The poor woman looked like she was about to pass out.
“They could've escaped through the service door at the back,” Jimmy suggested.
“This is just like the Isle of Sheppey,” Buzzer told them.
The Doctor sat down at the table. “It would seem the storm has animated your Gangers.”
“They've ransacked everything,” Cleaves said.
“Not ransacked, searched.”
“Through our stuff!”
“Their stuff.”
“Searching for what?” Jimmy asked.
“Confirmation. They need to know their memories are real.”
“Oh, so they've got flaming memories now?” Buzzer scoffed. He was really starting to get on Elise’s nerves, but Elise kept her mouth shut. No one was listening to her anyway.
“They feel compelled to connect to their lives,” the Doctor told them.
“Their stolen lives,” Cleaves said.
“No, bequeathed. You gave them this. You poured in your personalities, emotions, traits, memories, secrets, everything. You gave them your lives. Human lives are amazing. Are you surprised they walked off with them?”
“I'll say it again. Isle of Sheppey. Ganger got an electric shock, toddled off, killed his operator right there in his harness,” Buzzer told them, “I've seen the photos. This bloke's ear was all hanging…”
Jimmy cut him off. “Even if this has actually happened, they can't remain stable without us plumbed in to them, can they, boss?”
Cleaves looked at him. “Guess we'll find out.”
Jennifer gasped and grabbed onto the table she was standing next to.
“Are you okay? Do you need some water?” Rory asked, going into nurse mode.
“I feel funny. I need the washroom.”
“I'll come with you.” Rory followed her out.
Dicken sneezed, causing Amy to jump.
“Sorry,” he said.
“Oh! That’s okay.”
The Doctor stared at the card tower on the table.
“That's me. It's good to have a hobby,” Buzzer told him, “So what, my Ganger did that all on its own?”
“Who taught you to do this?”
“My granddad.”
“Well, your Ganger's granddad taught him to do it, too. You both have the same childhood memories, just as clear, just as real.”
Buzzer shook his head and destroyed the card tower. “No.”
“Scared, disorientated, struggling to come to terms with an entire life in their heads.”
“We need to protect ourselves,” Jimmy said.
The Doctor popped a meal into the microwave.
Elise narrowed her eyes at him. How could he think about food at a time like this?
“Are you a violent man, Jimmy?” he asked.
“Then why would the other Jimmy be?”
“Don't tell me you can eat at a time like this, Doctor,” Cleaves said, voicing what Elise was thinking.
“You told me we were out cold for a few minutes, Cleaves, when in fact it was an hour.”
“Sorry, I just assumed…”
“Well, it's not your fault. Like I said, they're disoriented. Amy, when you got to the alcoves, who was in harness?”
“Jimmy and Dicken were helping Buzzer out.”
“She was standing on her own when we got to her.”
The microwave dinged and the Doctor handed the plate to Cleaves.
Elise’s eyes widened, realizing what the Doctor was doing.
“It's hot,” the Doctor told her.
Cleaves quickly dropped the plate.
The Doctor took Cleaves’ hand, looking at her palm. “Trans-matter's still a little rubbery. Nerve endings not quite fused properly.”
Cleaves yanked her hand out of his. “What are you talking about?”
“It's okay.”
“Why didn't I feel that?”
“You will. You'll stabilize.”
“No, stop it. You're playing stupid games. Stop it!” She turned away from them.
“You don't have to hide. Please, trust me. I'm the Doctor.”
She spun around, her face now completely Ganger.
Buzzer grabbed a knife, but Jimmy held him back. “Where's the real Cleaves, you thing? What have you done with her?” he spat.
“That's it. Good, you remember. This is early Flesh. The early stages of the technology. So much to learn.”
“Doctor, what's happened to her?” Amy asked.
“She can't stabilize. She's shifting between half-formed and full-formed, for now at least.”
“We are living!” She ran out of the room, screaming.
“Let her go,” the Doctor told them.
Elise gasped. “Rory.”
Amy turned to the Doctor, realizing the same thing. “Doctor, Rory.”
“Oh, Rory. Rory! Always with the Rory.”
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Anything (Chapter 6, Final Chapter) - Nik Ryder x f!MC
Summary: After surviving an attempt on her life, she discovers there are worse fates than dying. And they’re all ice cold.
Warnings for this chapter: implied (off-screen) N*FW, discussions of trauma and therapy, a short tid bit at the end involving animal violence/death, and plenty of fluff and other domestic stuff
Links to previous chapters: one // two // three // four // five
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One year later…
‘Everything.’ Leah thought fondly as she sleepily stared at the man sleeping next to her. Thin rays of golden light trailed through the spaces between the blinds of the window facing the bed, making the man in question flutter his eyes open. She smiled brightly and moved closer until she was snuggled close to him, and he lazily wrapped an arm around her.
“Too early…” Nik grumbled, pulling Leah closer to his chest with both arms. “Go back to sleep.”
“I don’t wanna get up either, but we gotta,” Leah said with her voice muffled against his bare chest. “We have things to do today.”
Leah giggled as Nik groaned, releasing her and rolling over on his other side. She learned quickly in the past year that he was not a morning person due to the frequency they have to take down the things that happen to go bump in the night. So she, who happened to be a morning person and seemingly full of boundless energy, became the default alarm clock (and a damn good one if she said so herself).
“Come on, sleepy head! Time to get up!” she declared, sitting up and letting the cool morning air hit her own exposed chest. Nik rolled back over and let his eyes trail appreciatively over her form.
“Well damn, you’ve convinced me.” Leah blushed at his comment and his eyes glued to her body. Besides the night she came back, only a few months prior she wouldn’t take her shirt off in front of him, self conscious about her scars being examined so thoroughly by someone she actually cared about. She briefly recalled the night she let him see them intimately, and the memory of him being so patient and tender with her made her melt. Leah playfully nudged him.
“Now is not the time for that; we have quite a day ahead.”
“I know, I know. But can’t a guy appreciate his woman on a fine sunny morning?” Nik grinned innocently and propped himself on one elbow, completely scarred abdomen in full view. Leah ran a hand through his soft but sticking-out-in-all-directions morning hair, smoothing it back into place somewhat.
“You can appreciate me as we get ready to leave.” With that, Leah jumped out of their bed and began looking through the closet. Nik got up after her and wrapped his arms around her, and Leah sighed, pretending to be exasperated.
“You’re gonna have to stop touching me, babe.”
Nik glided his rough, callused hands on her skin, and he nipped at her neck not-so-gently. “Not what you said last night, babe.”
Leah felt a shiver run up her spine as she turned around so they were face to face. She rested her arms on his shoulders and gazed up at him, a challenge in her eyes. “Oh yeah? I don’t recall any of that.”
“Need me to remind you, huh?” He pulled her even closer by the waist and brought his lips down to hers passionately, and she enthusiastically reciprocated. They kissed freely because there was nothing stopping them; that little apartment was their place. No monsters, no ghosts, nothing trying to kill them. And she relished these moments of peace.
“Mmm, I might remember something…” Leah pulled away slowly. She turned around with one of her hands grasping his behind her, leading him to the bathroom. “But we’re on a schedule. Come remind me in the shower?”
When she turned around to look at him, his face was split into a bright smile as he hurried after her.
Half an hour later, the two Nighthunters sat at the small kitchen table, both dressed and ready for the day. In the past year since Leah moved in with Nik, the apartment had changed significantly. Besides the fact that Nik was more motivated to do upkeep on the place, Leah put her own touches. What once were stacks of potentially cursed books and tomes scattered on the floor were now neatly placed in a modern glass bookshelf and organized alphabetically. All of the weapons were cleaned and polished and displayed neatly. She even found pictures of Nik and Elijah from when he was younger and framed them, and the misty eyes she got from him when he saw what she did was all the thanks she needed. He would freely admit that she made everything in his life better, and she could finally say that she was home. That place was now their home, warm and welcoming.
Leah hummed contentedly as she stirred the cinnamon in her coffee like she usually did, and Nik perused the newspaper casually.
“I still don’t see the appeal of cinnamon in coffee,” the man next to her said, looking at her cup. “It doesn’t even dissolve all the way.”
“That itself adds to the flavor,” she replied, taking a sip. “I don’t know why you like yours black; do you have to be so dark all the time?”
Nik rolled his eyes, sipping on his own cup of black coffee. “What can I say, darkness is my one defining personality trait.”
“That, and running away from unicorns, ya giant softie.”
“They’re vicious!”
“Vicious and adorable!”
Leah laughed, and Nik couldn’t help but chuckle with her. “Vicious and adorable, huh? Now those are your defining personality traits.”
“Aww you think I’m cute, Ryder?” Leah cooed, smiling coquettishly at him.
“Why you think I keep you around, Mendoza?” Nik replied, using her last name instead of the usual nicknames (rook, babe, sugar, darlin’, etc.). It was rare that he’d use her first name, and Leah was used to responding to a variety of pet names.
“Wow and here I thought you liked me for my mind,” Leah teased. “Or my magic glowy hands.”
At the mention of her powers, the atmosphere suddenly became more serious; they both remembered why it was a special day, besides it being the anniversary of her return to New Orleans. Nik reached over and intertwined their fingers before speaking. “Are you sure you’re ready?”
Leah squeezed his hand and nodded. “Yes. It’s been a year now and I’ve made a lot of progress and stayed away for too long; it’s time.”
“Say the word and we’ll go.”
After putting on their signature jackets (and sneaking a few kisses here and there), the pair got into Nik’s car and drove off. They held hands the entire drive and the entire walk through the woods and the open field, and Leah took several deep breaths to calm her nerves. She felt like a specimen on a Petri dish again under the scrutiny of the cathedral guarding Lamrian.
“Hey…” Nik began, bringing their intertwined fingers up to his lips to kiss her hand. “Just remember, I’m here for you. You don’t have to do this alone.”
Leah smiled radiantly. “I know. Thank you.”
A Fae guard approached them from the shadows, and he was as dutiful and tight lipped as Leah remembered from the year before. She waved nervously at him.
“Uh, hey, I know it’s been a while but I’m—”
“I remember.” He bowed deeply and stepped aside, gesturing for them to walk into the cathedral. “Welcome home, daughter of Lamrian.”
Leah and Nik walked into the cathedral, which promptly turned into a familiar grand throne room. Leah could see Lady Thalissa writing on an ornate ledger. She turned back to Nik, who gave her an encouraging nod.
“Go on, then. I’ll be here.”
Leah steadied her breathing and stepped forward towards her stepmother. At the sound of her footsteps, Thalissa looked up from her work.
“Leah…” she whispered, surprise on her Fae features. She immediately cast aside her quill and dashed over, wrapping Leah in a warm hug. Leah breathed in her sweet-pea perfume, instantly feeling comfort.
“I’m sorry I was away for so long. After everything...I needed some time,” Leah apologized, looking her stepmother in the eyes.
Thalissa squeezed her hand. “Do not apologize, my darling. I understand the need for solitude in the midst of grief. Losing my greatest love, losing my son...I could hardly speak to another soul for months.”
Leah looked down in shame. “I hope you and the citizens of Lamrian got my apology. I never meant to disrupt your lives so much.”
Thalissa tilted her chin up, and she smiled softly with tears shining in her eyes. “There are no apologies necessary. Even though we are not bound by blood, I consider you my daughter. Oh how I’ve missed you; the sun is now shining on my heart.”
Leah smiled back, her eyes also filling with tears. “I missed Lamrian and everything in it. I...I was actually able to access my magick a year ago and can do a few things.”
“My dear Elric wanted to teach you Fae magick,” Thalissa began, her expression betraying the scantest hint of surprise at hearing that she could use magick in a significant way. “I would keep that promise for him, should you wish it.”
Leah smiled impishly. “Will you teach me how to make grimfire?”
Thalissa let out a surprised laugh, pinching her cheek affectionately. “Let’s begin with the basics.”
She turned and drew a glowing portal into the starry fields of the Fae Realm. She stepped into the portal and gestured for Leah to join her. Leah looked back at Nik, hesitating for a moment on the border between her two worlds. He gave her a small wave.
“Don’t be gone too long, all right? You and I have a date with a rampaging ghoul later.”
Leah visibly relaxed, knowing that her home in the mortal world wouldn’t leave once she stepped into the Fae world. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
Taking a deep breath, she walked through the shining portal, joining Thalissa. The portal closed behind them as she inhaled the smells around her.
“Maybe Cal was onto something...it does smell different than the human world,” Leah mused, taking in everything around her as they walked.
“I take it your friends have been helping you adjust to your new life?”
Leah grinned. “Definitely. You remember Cal, Katherine, and Vera? And that man with me was Nik, my partner.”
Thalissa smiled genuinely. “Of course! Such a nice group, and that man is clearly enamored with you.”
“I don’t know how I got so lucky,” she replied, shaking her head in disbelief. “After Elric died, I just...I ran away. I couldn’t take it and I was destroying myself. It took a friend flying all the way to Wyoming and my father to appear to me for me to come to my senses.”
“Ah, yes. My darling also came to visit me shortly after he passed,” Thalissa said, a dreamy look on her face. Leah took a good look at her and noticed even more fine lines on her face in the starry lighting of the open field. “I could hardly function, but remembering that he was always watching me helped. And your message gave me hope that you would one day truly return.”
“And I’m here,” Leah corroborated. “It took a lot of group therapy and grief counseling with my friend Katherine, who’d also lost someone. Things weren’t suddenly all better just because I moved, but they’re getting there. I got a new life by giving my old one away, and I don’t regret that for one moment.”
Thalissa squeezed her hand. “Wise words from such a young one. You’re right; it will take time to heal this hurt, both personally and for our people. But I’m happy I can have my daughter with me now. Oh, and I almost forgot: Cassie will be so happy to see you too.”
“She’s been with you this entire time?” Thalissa nodded and Leah smiled radiantly, remembering her perrikin.
Leah’s heart had never felt so full that day as they continued to talk and Thalissa taught her the basics under the magickal sky. As she said her goodbyes later with promises to return for more lessons and to engage the people of Lamrian at a later date, and as she and Nik (and Katherine) hunted that night, Leah took it all in with a huge smile on her face. To think that she was once stuck in a dead end job in Wyoming and no knowledge of who she truly was. It had been a life-changing year, but she wouldn’t trade it for anything.
In an unnamed part of the bayou, two female figures cloaked in black hoods stood side by side. Fireflies buzzed around, the only source of light in the night. The one with many faces and even more memories of time spoke first.
“The thrice-cursed son finally figured out it was I who hired him. He was not pleased when he confronted me today. Shame it took him so long; mortals are unfortunately so slow.”
The woman next to her, who did not have quite as many faces, scoffed in response. “You think that’s bad? She still thinks it was a coincidence that her dimwit friend and dead father showed up on the same night!”
The Fate turned to her, her face suddenly wrinkled and full of anger. “What did I tell you about using your magick for things like this?”
The woman rolled her chocolate brown eyes. “Cassiopeia did a real number on her by sending that monster. Things were going to get worse if I didn’t step in!”
“You forget, Jacqueline, that I am the only one who can foresee. This is my final warning not to meddle in which you do not know!”
With that, the Fate evaporated away, leaving her alone with her thoughts. The witch silently walked away eventually, and in the process walked by a giant dead alligator. She shook her head at the site and disappeared into the shadows.
A/N: Anddd that’s it, folks! At least for this story. Surprise, I managed to finish it within 2019! I’ll see you all when I’m well under way my next Nightbound series. Thanks again for reading and I hope you have an amazing start to the new year 💗💗💗 
My tag list will be in a comment because I had to bring my laptop in for repair, and my iPad makes it too difficult to do the tags in the post itself.
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utopiannamjoon · 5 years
A Knight in Leather Armor Chapter 2; Heart on a sleeve
Genre: Angst, fluff, university au, biker au, enemies to lovers sort of thing
Pairing: Jeongguk x reader, Taehyung x reader
Major characters: Jeongguk, Taehyung, Yoongi, Jimin, OC
Warnings: Depictions of violence, swearing
Words: 6,3k
Synopsis of the serie: You had an uneventful life, you went to uni and wanted to get by with no trouble but that with was thrown out of the window when you run into a biker, literally smashing your face against him at the university. Everything is changed from that point forwards.
A/N: Polished version of this chapter for a better reading experience. Next chapter tomorrow
Masterlist in bio
Link for this series masterlist can be found the main masterlist in bio
You awkwardly sat in your t-shirt and bikini bottoms on a boulder next to Jeongguk, cleaning him up from the blood, both his and Jack’s. His knuckles had opened from the other’s teeth, and you could see them swelling from brutal beating. Wounds and scars covering his hands from previous fights. You dipped a rag that Yoongi gave you in the lake and swiped it across Jeongguk’s arm, trying to wipe the dry blood away. His eyes were lost somewhere in the horizon, it was a cold gaze with no life behind his eyes. Left you wondering what was going through his mind.
Only when you moved to clean his face his head snapped at you, immediately making eye contact. Jeongguk didn’t blink the entire time you ran the small, stained cloth across his cheek, making you even more uncomfortable. Wasn’t it already enough you saw a bloodbath and had to clean up his godlike body from the aftermath? Half of the situation was something you could look forward to but the other half wasn’t. His veins pulsated on his arms and his toned abs tensed on every breath he took.
Jeongguk was said to be the leader, which he was considering the other members followed his movements before joining in on anything. It was Jeongguk who answered Jack and Mark first, and he was the first to move towards the shore, but aren’t leaders usually calm and cunning? Jeongguk was everything but. You thought Taehyung was the psychopath of the group, beating everyone he saw fit with a grin decorating his features. Clearly you were believing the wrong rumours, it was Jeongguk.
The way Yoongi yelled for Mark and Jack to leave told you that he was scared too. Taehyung roared at Jeongguk for not to kill Jack in that spot right there that still had a pool of blood. Thankfully they were able to drag him away, but the absolute rage in his eyes scared you. Those same eyes which are looking through you right now.
“You’re the first girl to ever stay after a fight,” He told you, still staring at you. He looked out for any reaction you might have, from a twitch of your eye to a shaky leg.
“Oh... Do you have a lot of girls over?” You asked quietly. You couldn’t help yourself, you were too curious. Which wasn’t a best trait to have right now since you’re probably touching a potential killer and cleaning the evidence of his violent behavior. Did Taehyung yell at him like that because they’ve witnessed something so horrible being done by his hands?
“Some,” Jeongguk said, finally looking away at the lake again. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, his gaze was so intense.
“Taehyung has these ‘projects’. They’re girls, just like yourself. Sweet and innocent, nothing bad has ever happened to them. They are unable to protect themselves. They can’t stand up for themselves and need a protector. When they look at us they see some sort of fantasy, and get frightened away when they meet the reality of it all.” He explained calmly, but his voice grew more bitter on every word, “He makes friends so easily but can’t manage to keep them. It’s just a matter of time until you run away too.”
Jeongguk stood up and took the cloth you were rubbing on him out of your hand just to throw it forcefully to the ground. He simply just walked away leaving you there with your mouth open, looking where he was just sitting moments ago.
Taehyung picked up the cloth and sighed looking at you, “Don’t worry. He just has a little trouble controlling his feelings.”
“I’m not worrying about him,” You said, telling the truth. Jeongguk clearly didn’t have any difficulty protecting himself, “I’m just wondering if Jack’s okay.” Honestly you were scared if you just witnessed someone getting brain damage while you did nothing but watch it happen. The worst thing is that you couldn’t do anything to stop it, physically or mentally. You weren’t prepared, so you just watched it happen in front of your eyes.
“Do you know him?” Taehyung asked you as his eyebrow shot up.
“No,” You shook your head and he squinted at you suspiciously, “Mark basically had to drag him away, that’s all. Worried…” You trailed off.
“You know,” Taehyung started. He sat next to you fiddling the blemished cloth in his fingers, “This isn’t the first time we’ve fought them. They always lose but for some reason they just come begging for more.”
He folded it and set it next to him, ”Don’t worry about them. They’re just idiots with nothing better to do than to annoy others.”
You nodded, but that didn’t answer your question. He dodged it on purpose. Maybe he wasn’t sure either.
“I have to ask Yoongi about our bikes, if they were sabotaged or not,” Taehyung stood up with a deep groan and offered you his hand to hoist you up.
“Sure” You reached out to him and asked,” Why did Jack ask about Jeongguk’s father?”
He helped you up and froze for a moment thinking through it. He frowned at your question,
“We all have our demons and we all cope differently. Sometimes it’s better not to talk about them. His dad is a huge waste of air. So…It’s better if you don’t ask him about it. He is really sensitive when it comes to his dad and Jack likes to torment him about it. It’s the elephant in the room, we all pretend it’s not there.”
Taehyung pat your back and smiled before heading out to Yoongi. You followed close behind, passing the puddle of blood. You made the mistake of looking at it closely. It was dry on the edges and it had thickened in the middle with some lumps in it. Were those… teeth? You gagged and took quicker steps to get closer to the gang.
“So the bikes?” Taehyung asked and rubbed his hands anxiously together. There was no way out if the bikes were destroyed so badly that Yoongi couldn’t fix them on the spot, you were too deep in the woods. It would take hours to walk back.
“They were alright but their rat truck isn’t,” The shorter man said with a smirk, “I put a banana in their exhaust pipe. I bet it took a while for those dillholes to find the problem.”
”Good on yah,” Taehyung grinned like a proud parent.
“A banana,” You repeated. It didn’t make any sense to you, how would a piece of fruit destroy anything? Taehyung laughed at your confused face,
“It won’t start if there’s a banana in the exhaust pipe.”
“It just has to be removed, nothing else,” Yoongi added to sooth your fear of hurting the guys even more, “Those literal motherfuckers sure would’ve deserved more though.”
”They would’ve,” Taehyung agreed with a nod.
The guys gathered around their stuff and you pulled on your jeans and hoodie. You walked behind them back to the bikes. Mainly because you didn’t remember the way you came from, though the trail of blood Jack left on the flowers and bushes would’ve lead you there.
Jeongguk sat on his bike patiently waiting for you to arrive. His hand was settled on the tank and he ran his thumb on it in circles like it was an animal, his pet. Taehyung shoved his towel in a saddle bag before giving you his helmet. He caught the uncertainty in your gaze and he chuckled, coming to tie it up for you.
Jeongguk watched as Taehyung stepped closer to you, how he had to bent his knees to match your height, how close his face got to yours, and how your hands naturally grabbed his forearms when his big hands tied the helmet for you. How natural it looked.
“I’ve got a flat tire,” Jeongguk spoke up after Taehyung was finished with you, hands still on the helmet to shake it just a little to tease as you couldn’t hold your laughter.
“They must’ve punctured it while we were holding you back from commiting a fucking murder,” Yoongi complained and squatted next to the bike, “Yup, they’ve slashed it. Seems like an easy fix once we get it back to the club.”
“You should’ve just let me,” Jeongguk said underneath his breath, which Yoongi caught much to his surprise.
“And let you kill him? You’re a fucking idiot. You think you wouldn’t go to jail for that? So many close calls that one is gonna catch you eventually,” Yoongi yelled back at the younger man, “Stay here, I’m gonna get the truck and Taehyung is taking Y/n home.”
“As if I had another choice,” Jeongguk scoffed.
“Shut your mouth Jeongguk. This wouldn’t have happened if you could control your emotions and not beat him near death,” Yoongi pointed an accusing finger at Jeongguk to which he just rolled his eyes to.
Your eyes landed on Yoongi’s bike, the only one with one seat. Jeongguk’s and Taehyung’s bikes had two seats, for a purpose you supposed.
“Another demon,” Taehyung whispered into your ear as if he could read your thoughts. The more time you spend with the guys made up more questions than answered. Which was weird, you thought you’d learn about them but the mystery just kept growing.
Taehyung took you home in the chill night. He parked next to the curb and waited for you to get off.
“I’m sorry you had to see that,” He said while looking at the ground, “It isn’t something I’m necessarily proud of. I just wanted to have fun with you and the guys.”
“Tae, it’s okay,” You told him and bit your lip trying not to smile, “It was kind of exhilarating. Scary- but exciting. I’ve never experienced anything like it. My heart is still beating like crazy”
“I hope this doesn’t scare you away though,” He said, looking back at you.
“It doesn’t,” You smiled, “I had fun despite what happened.” You did have fun, more fun than you’ve had in years… just if the beating didn’t happen.
“Good,” He grinned back and started his motorcycle. “Goodnight,” He yelled with an extravagant hand gesture as he drove off.
The next morning was normal, you barely even remembered that brutal beating that took place right in front of you. Maybe you just chose to forget it and block it out of your memory.
You woke up to your alarm clock and started to get ready for the day. Once it was time to leave for school you waited for Jimin outside of your house. You traced your eyes far along the road for him but his car was nowhere to be seen. You took a quick look at your phone for the time. He was late, he never is. What should you do now? He was always on time.
You shrugged and decided the next best option was to walk to uni. You’d be late for sure but Taehyung’s voice kept telling you to just take it easy. It’s okay if you’re late once.
You walked through the campus towards the main building, but you took a double take on the library. Again Taehyung’s voice rang in the back of your mind. You’re doing great in the class you’re late for so you could go and study something else… So you did against your better judgement. You changed your direction to the library.
Taehyung’s deep voice was constantly in your head, it left you thinking was it good to listen to him after all. It made you do things you normally wouldn’t. It always chose the option you wouldn’t go for.
You found a table between the tall bookshelves and set your stuff down. You opened your laptop and a book to study. But unfortunately it wasn’t long until your peace was disturbed.
”Studying here are yah? You have class, don’t you?”
You dragged your eyes away from your screen to see Jimin’s keen ones, all focused on you.
“I do but-”
“I see he has been teaching you bad manners,” Jimin interrupted you and leaned his arms on the table, getting closer to you, “I heard from a little bird that you hung out with them.”
You closed your laptop knowing you wouldn’t get any work done. You played coy, mainly because him confronting you made your heart jump, and you asked, “Who?”
“I thought I made it clear I didn’t want you to be around Taehyung and the other shit stains.”
You don’t know what it was. Was it Jimin’s domineering way of starting the conversation and not letting you have a word or how smugly he spoke. It was like he had you against the corner and you had no way to escape. Something broke in you, and just like that Tae’s voice was nowhere to be heard.
“I’m sorry,” You said, looking down at your lap, “Are Jack and Mark your friends?”
“Yup,” He simply stated. He leaned further on the table, so far that it forced you to look at him, “You didn’t think I wouldn’t find out, did you? That you can go fuck around with other guys and it wouldn’t come back to me? What would my friends say? That my girlfriend has her legs open for business? It doesn’t look good on me, does it?”
Your eyes grew wider with every word he spewed out of his mouth. How could he accuse you of cheating? You could never. Your lower lip quivered as you tried to speak, “I- I didn’t. I wouldn’t do anyth-.”
“I know.”
Jimin reached his hand over the table into your face. He pushed the stray hair behind your ear, “So be a good girl and don’t even look at their direction. You wouldn’t want to be labeled as something you aren’t.”
You nodded, to yourself mostly since he was already packing up your things and ordering you out.
“Let me walk you to your next class,” He said whilst grabbing your arm to pull you up. Again you just nodded.
Only two steps out of the library and the first thing you hear is yelling. Mostly curses and whimpers. Jimin tried to grasp any part of you to stop you from investigating the source of the sounds but he failed to react fast enough.
You leaned against the rail of the stairs, looking down you saw Jeongguk holding a fist full of Mark’s shirt.
“WHY. WOULD. YOU. DO. THAT?” Jeongguk shouted in between punches, seems like Jack isn’t going to be the only one with sparse teeth as Mark was getting his punched in.
A gasp escaped your lips when you realized why this was happening. Jeongguk’s motorcycle was laying on the ground on its side, and not just that. It had marks all over, maybe from rocks or from keying. You didn’t know how exactly they got there but it certainly was of Mark’s doings.
Jeongguk’s head snapped towards you from the sound you made, and to Jimin who was now standing next to you, leaning on the rail. The three men looked between each other, seemingly studying other’s next move.
Jeongguk put his both hands on Mark’s collar, and pulled him up. He pushed the other on the wall. “Did he tell you to do this?” Jeongguk demanded, nodding his head once in your general direction.
“Fuck,” Jimin said underneath his breath when Jeongguk motioned towards him. He leaned back from the rail, getting ready to leave the scene. “Let’s go.” He grabbed your arm.
You didn’t have a choice as Jimin dragged you away from the stairs to the main building, but you kept looking back. How did Jimin have to do anything with this?
You decided it wasn’t the best idea to ask him since the talk you just had. You’re gonna be a good girlfriend and not get in his way. A good girl would do what he says. A good girl doesn’t hang around other guys, like a common whore. A good girl is silent and obedient, something that you are not. Anymore. You been tainted by lowlife bikers. By bikers who are nothing, just a group of sore losers with no value.
The school day was finally over and you threw yourself on the bed. Oh how lectures can be exhausting. If it wasn’t the subject then it was the person speaking in front of the class, and the monotone voice that’ll lull anybody to sleep.
With a groan, you turned your head towards your desk and the helmet that rested on it. Taehyung forgot to take it back from you once he dropped you off, so you just set it on your table not knowing what to do with it.
You took the helmet in your hands and just stared at it. You didn’t know where he lived. You didn’t have his number. You rarely saw him at school. How are you supposed to return it? You didn’t want it to sit on your table until he just decides to show up to your house.
You turned the helmet around, praying that it had something written on it. Inside of the padding read an address. You weren’t sure if it was his address, maybe he bought the helmet second hand but finding out was more exhilarating than just sitting in your bedroom being surrounded by homework. You could finish it later, is what you told yourself.
You found yourself in front of a scruffy property. It was surrounded by a metal fence filled with holes and rust. You looked pass the opening to see a small building, probably a former auto repair shop, it had more garage door than anything else. It was in a bad condition from neglect and the years of erosion. At the left side of the building stood two motorcycles. A mat grey one, and a metallic black one with a distinct white side. You sighed from relief as you recognized the bikes; Yoongi’s and Taehyung’s.
With that knowledge you grew enough courage to step on the concrete yard, past the bikes, towards the open door.
You peeked in.
Jeongguk sat on a lounge chair that matched the condition of the building, it was raggedy and the insides were bursting out from the seams. The room was like a normal living room - but more battered. You knocked on the door frame disturbing his reading.
“Oh well, isn’t it Tae’s girlfriend- project,” He said with a sarcastic smirk when he looked up from the book.
“Huh?” Was the first thing that came out of your mouth. How offended should you be? Taehyung knew you’re taken. Did he go around and tell others you were dating? “I’m not his girlfriend. Did he tell you that I was?” You asked with more higher pitch than usual.
“Nope. Just could’ve fooled me,” He scoffed as he closed his book and set it aside, “He can’t shut his dumb mouth about you.”
“I’m with Jimin,” You quickly made sure to point out, and he didn’t look so happy about that.
“I know. Thought maybe you were two timing them,” He shrugged.
Jeongguk’s comment caught you so off guard that you forgot what you were here for. Thankfully the helmet in your hand reminded you.
“I’m here to give this back.” You stiffly raised the helmet to show him, “But I shouldn’t be here for long. Jimin doesn’t like when I’m with you guys.” He nodded and faced the door on his right,
“Taehyung, Jimin’s girlfriend is here to see you!”
You rolled your eyes. You couldn’t deal with this man. Why was he so against you?
Yoongi walked in from the garage part of the building. He scrubbed his black stained hands with a rag. “Jimin’s girlfriend? Who is her- Oh, Hi Y/n,” He said, seemingly surprised to see you there but he still smiled.
“Where’s Jimin’s girlfriend?” Yoongi continued with big eyes.
Jeongguk just lifted his hand in your direction, and Yoongi shook his head.
“No, not Y/n. The girl he was with at the party.”
“Yeah. That’s her.” Taehyung joined the conversation, coming from the garage as well, confused.
“No. The girl Jimin kissed at the party and then got bitch slapped. Then he walked downstairs to the backyard and -.”
Yoongi soon fell quiet when he realized what he was saying, he saw it from your face. It was like the world stopped from moving. Piercing pain went through your body as the words came out of his mouth. Jimin was rejected by someone else and that’s why he came to you at the party, because you’d give him what he wanted. This is why your boyfriend keeps accusing you, it’s because he is projecting. Five years gone in the drain because he can’t keep it in his pants.
“I really didn’t think I could hate him more,” Jeongguk said. You would’ve thought it was a joke to lighten up the mood but the way his jaw muscles clenched, and the serious and deep tone he said it with, told you otherwise.
Yoongi ordered Jeongguk up from the chair with few hand movements. With a hand rubbing your back, Taehyung lead you to sit down. He took the helmet you were squeezing and handed it to Jeongguk to put away.
Your gaze was cold and your eyes filled with tears. It hurt so much. Feelings of betrayal and deception flushed in. You weren’t good enough. You did everything he wanted but you weren’t good enough. You never would be good enough. Everything you tried wouldn’t reach the standard that he wanted. That he demanded.
Taehyung squatted down to stand on his knees so he could reach your eye level. He swiped a tear from your cheek, and told you in a soft voice, “He isn’t worth these tears. You’re so much better without him.”
“You know,” Jeongguk started as he sat on the table across from you, ”I hate to agree with Tae but he is right with this one.”
Yoongi just nodded from the corner of the room, he was unsure of what to do in this situation. All of them were. This isn’t how you treat others. Especially someone you claim to love.
“Doesn’t he tell you what to do? He is a little bitch.”
“Hey, Jeongguk?”
“Shut the fuck up.”
You pulled Taehyung closer from his shirt and just hugged him, tightly. He was the closest person you had right now and you needed someone to comfort you. He took a moment to wrap his arms around you and hold you close. You heard Jeongguk’s audible sigh as he left the room with Yoongi.
“I didn’t know she was with Jimin,” Yoongi said to Jeongguk when they turned the corner.
“If you had school you’d know.”
“Don’t get bratty with me kid or I’m throwing your bike off a cliff.”
“Fine,” Jeongguk raised his hands in a sign of defeat.
“If you two just had warned me about it, would’ve been great. They hate us already and you think her hanging out with us won’t annoy them even further? Your bike is in even bigger danger now.”
“Fuck, you’re right,” Jeongguk breath out.
You don’t know how long you were hugging Taehyung but you were thankful that he didn’t pull away, instead he let you sob on his shoulder and hold him as long as you needed.
You slowly began to unravel your arms around him, and he did the same. He looked at you with his glowy orbs to check if you’re fine. You avoided the eye contact, looking everywhere around him.
“Is- is that-” You mustered out, pointing towards the open door to the garage, finding a topic to get your mind off of Jimin.
“Jeongguk’s bike,” He said, “It got scratched up pretty bad and now Yoongi is trying to fix it. He is pissed about what happened to it.”
“Is it- another-” You managed to get through your silent sobs.
“Demon?” He guessed and you nodded, “No, not this time. Jeongguk just really fucking loves his bike.”
Taehyung stood up when you finally let your arms fall from around him. You dabbed the tears away from your rosy face and went to see the bike, Taehyung just right behind you.
The garage was full of motorcycle parts and different type of chemicals. Tools were neatly set hanging from the wall. Oil stains filling the floor. Your eyes wandered around the room in awe, this wasn’t what you imagined. It wasn’t a let down, quite the opposite.
“Yoongi fixes motorcycles for money, he is saving so he could go to a mechanical school,” Taehyung explained as you walked around the room.
“I know alot but I have a lot to learn,” Yoongi’s voice said from behind Jeongguk’s bike.
“He wants to own a repair shop one day,” Taehyung nudged you as if it was a secret.
“This is great,” You said, smiling through the pain, grasping on everything to not think of him, “How can you afford to keep this place?”
“We have a little side business,” Taehyung told you, rubbing the back of his neck.
“We sell weed,” Yoongi’s voice echoed again.
Your eyebrows shot up and you looked at Taehyung questionably. He grinned at you from underneath his brows, hair falling over his eyes.
“We don’t smoke, we just deal,” Taehyung tried to explain, hair swinging everywhere from the head shake, “It brings money, and makes all of this happen.” He said, waving his arm around the room.
“I knew you were bad boys but I didn’t know this bad,” You laughed and Taehyung sighed from relief that you didn’t curse him on the spot. It’s about time for you to let go and not be a tight ass. Who are you to judge them.
“Speaking of,” Jeongguk said, leaning his back on garage door, “Jack and Mark owe us some money.”
“But that’s a matter for another day, Jeongguk,” Yoongi said sternly, not even looking up at him.
“So Y/n if you’re gonna spend more time with us,” Yoongi finally presented himself to you two from behind the big motorcycle. He managed to get stains on his cheek and arms from the brief period of time he spend behind the bike, “You should get your own helmet.”
“Yeah let’s get you one with a simple lock instead of the strap. You’re smart but you’ll never learn how to tie it,” Taehyung teased and earned himself a smack on the arm by you to which he laughed as he held his arm.
”How about this one?” Taehyung handed you bright pink open faced helmet.
”Actually I had my eyes on that one. Good taste you have there,” You playfully winked.
”Oh really? I only offered because I thought you’d say no.” Taehyung grinned and took the helmet back from your hands and set it back on the rack, ”We’re gonna get you a full helmet though.”
”Why? Yours is open - and sometimes you drive without a helmet. What’s wrong with that?”
”Firstly if anything would happen it would keep your face intact,” He said and you grimaced at the idea. ”Secondly I’m a burly man. Disfiguration would make me more handsome.” He joked but the horrific undertone stayed. He was right after all, in a crash you can’t do anything but trust the gear you’ve got on and smashing your head face first on the ground didn’t sound appealing.
”Try this one,” He handed you a mat black helmet with purple details, and of course - it didn’t have straps but an easier snap on lock.
”It looks great but I can’t afford it.” You glanced at the price tag, turning it in your hand before handing it back.
”When I said ’we’ I meant me and the boys,” Taehyung said matter-of-factly and pushed the helmet back to you, ”You’re not gonna pay for shiz.” He stood there with his arms crossed, looking down you with his beautiful grin.
”You keep surprising everyday,” You told him with a small appreciating smile.
”Hey, let’s get you a mirror visor on it so you’d look even cooler when riding.”
”Tae, this is too much,” You whined back, but you were immensely thankful for him and the guys.
You sat on the edge of your bed looking at the brand new helmet, and your reflection from the visor. You were heartbroken but you couldn’t stop your lips from smiling. The simple helmet represented something you’ve never had; freedom and friendship. You couldn’t wait until you’ll see the guys again and what kind of adventure they’ll take you to next. Jimin was out of your mind already. He wasn’t filling your every thought. He wouldn’t. There wasn’t a knife stabbed deep in your back. You’re fine.
You showed up to the club house at Saturday evening with your helmet - just in case. You went in through the open garage door to say hello to Yoongi but he wasn’t there where you’d expect him to be. You followed the short but wide hallway into the ’living room’.
”Hi,” You said in a small voice as you peeked in.
”What’re you doing here— MOTHER OF GOD!”
Yoongi kicked Jeongguk in the shin as soon as he started talking. His tone was never soft, it was harsh at times. Often offending others, and hurting feelings. So Yoongi preferred him to keep quiet, and violence is the answer for that.
”Glad to have you back Y/h,” Yoongi smiled. ”You have great timing as we’re about have a movie night.”
”Yeah as soon as Taehyung shows up,” Jeongguk muttered while rubbing his sore leg over his sweatpants.
”He is renting the movie,” Yoongi said to you and then turned to Jeongguk to smack him again, ”Speaking of - Jeongguk it’s your turn to get the snacks.”
”Uhh…” He rubbed his neck with his other hand and pouted, funny how he was able to change himself into a cute but forgetful guy. Looking at him now you wouldn’t think he is capable of anything evil. ”I kinda forgot to buy them.”
Yoongi’s sigh was so deep that if he had done a facepalm instead he’d have a hole in his face.
”Y/n could you join Jeongguk?” Yoongi pleaded. ”This brat would forget his own head if it wasn’t attached to him. He needs an adult with him so he will buy snacks this time.”
“Sure,” You answered with a giggle and followed Jeongguk’s protesting steps.
The walk to the corner store went exactly as you imagined; really awkward. Jeongguk didn’t say a single word on his own. He just gave you one worded answers as you tried to make some conversation.
“So... What do we want?” Jeongguk asked more rhetorically than anything else, looking at the full shelves.
“Do you… Usually eat chips or popcorn?”
“Yup,” He nodded and you tilted your head. That’s not an answer to your question. He grabbed a packet of popcorn and three bags of chips, “We get both.”
“What?” He said when he turned to look at you and your judgemental face looking at the items in his lap, “We’re big dudes. We need to eat.”
“I didn’t say anything,” You told him with a sour face, following him to the register.
“Your face tells too much,” He quipped as he threw the items for the young, and probably high, cashier.
You bagged the items, and Jeongguk made sure to take the plastic bag from your hands without a word. He slipped his fingers next to yours and the bags fell out of your grip into his.
Okay, everything is going fine. He is talking to you. Though it’s more bickering- still a good start, You thought.
Avoiding the potholes on the sidewalk, you walked after Jeongguk and his long steps. You were just about to turn the corner when you heard someone calling your name. Your face dropped when you recognized your boyfriend’s voice. Oh no. You couldn’t face him, not today. Not now. Not ever. Jimin always turned up to ruin your day.
“Shouldn’t you be at home at this time,” Jimin said with one eyebrow shot high, looking at his brand new watch. He wouldn’t wear the one you picked as a christmas present.
“I thought I told you to stay away from them. Mark saw you with Taehyung the other day.”
“Yes, but that’s becau-”
“I can’t believe you’d disrespect me like this Y/n,” He continued his monologue, hands on his side with a cocked head, “What will my peers think?”
“Why won’t you leave, Jimin?”
Jeongguk finally came back. It took him a moment to realize that you weren’t following him anymore, dropping the shopping bag when he heard Jimin’s voice just to run back where it came from.
“Oh! And you’re with this dipshit now,” Jimin laughed, stepping closer to Jeongguk and you too. Jeongguk’s face didn’t waver when he was insulted. It was like he didn’t care enough to be bothered.
“Just leave her alone, little man.” Jeongguk said, provoking Jimin on purpose, like usual. “You wouldn’t survive another fight with me.” Jimin stepped closer to him to point in his face. Having to look up, Jimin was way smaller, his shoulders weren’t as broad and his biceps were nothing compared to Jeongguk.
“Don’t start with me Jeon. I will me-”
You got in between the two men and pushed Jimin away since Jeongguk just stood there without moving a muscle.
“What?!” Jimin scoffed, being surprised of being butted away. “Is he your boyfriend now? You’re supposed to protect me not him.”
“I’m not protecting him. I know for a fact that he could beat the lights out of you.” The words left your mouth, surprising you as well as Jimin.
“You’re saying this because you’re fucking him,” Jimin stated, but he couldn’t be more wrong. “I knew you were up to something.”
“For a long time I believed you, Jimin. I thought there must be something wrong with me wanting to hang out with other guys. Even when they’re my friends.” You told him, your voice growing in volume.
“This one can’t be your friend.” He took another step towards you. This time so did Jeongguk, reaching his hand for Jimin arm but you laid your hand on his chest, stopping him in his tracks.
“It never came to my mind that you made me feel like shit because you were projecting,” You said calmly, trying not to open the flood gates however tears already found their way out. “You’re cheating on me. That’s why you accuse me of it.”
“If these fuckers told you that, they’re lying -”
You pressed your finger on Jimin lips, “The funny thing is that I’ve only known Bangtan for a fraction of the time I’ve known you. I’ve been with you for five years, or it would’ve been six next month. Yet I trust these guys more than I’ve ever trusted you.”
You sighed, looking up at the dark sky trying your best not to cry in front of him. He wasn’t worth your tears, he never was and never will be. “I gave you my heart and now you’ve stepped on it, broken it into pieces. I can’t believe I’ve been so blind,” You laughed at your own misfortune, “I never saw how much of a manipulative bitch you are.”
“Don’t say that. You don’t mean that. I know you Y/n. They’ve just talked you over because they have a vendetta against me,” Jimin tried to convince you with a creamy voice but you shook your head.
You took a long pause to look him in the eyes, “It’s over.” You could basically see the fumes from Jimin’s ears when those words left your mouth.
“You’re a cheating whore, aren’t you?” Jimin raised his voice, he couldn’t take rejection from anybody. “There’s no other choice Y/n. I know you better than anybody else does.”
“Fuck you, Jimin.” You said, grinning through your pain, enjoying his. You’ve confronted the lying bastard that made your life a living hell. The countless nights you’ve spent crying over his words. It’s all over. It hurts but it’s for the better. It’s finally your turn to hurt him.
“Fine! Go spread your legs to rest of them, you slut!”
You turned your heel and started to walk towards the club house, you had no time for Jimin and his insults. You couldn’t face him as you couldn’t hold the tears anymore.
This time Jeongguk followed you, picking up the shopping bag, he jogged after you. He laid his hand on your shoulder as he tried to say something, but you pushed him away.
“I don’t need your protection, not any of yours! I can handle myself!” You yelled at him, though your anger was directed at the wrong person. “You’ve only been rude to me this whole time! One asshole of a man is too many in my life!”
“Y/n -”
“No!” You continued your yelling, and pounded your fists on his torso as he tried to come closer, hurting yourself more than him.
You pushed him away but Jeongguk grabbed your hand and you crash landed on his chest. You tried to push him and wiggle your way out but his arms around you made you immobile. You shoved him with all the strength you had but he was stronger.
You stopped struggling when the tears started flowing. He moved his hand up to your head, to embrace you. You bawled in his shoulder in the pouring rain while he shushed your sadness away, trying his best to comfort you.
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justkpopjokes · 7 years
Vampire!Mingyu Part 3
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4
Ft. Mingyu death
For: @sunnysidewrites @justsomekpopstuff @kkwonsoonyoung @cipheress-to-k-pop @xeniatan @aesthedick-minmin
A/N: Ohmygod why did this take so long Tagging people who commented/reblogged w/words on the other parts, or people who are just hyped so that they see this!
kind of rushed at the end but I don’t think I can take another part hhhh
That morning, when all the vampires were asleep, you woke Mingyu who was on the couch in the guest bedroom
He could’ve slept with you but he still doesn’t feel right touching you
Istg boi there was already a make-out session tho??
You both snuck out to the gate at the edge of the front garden
But you stop when you heard footsteps and someone clearing their throat
It’s Prince Jun and a posse of purebloods
Jun couldn’t let you leave
He just couldn’t
The second you stepped off the grounds, Mingyu could teleport you anywhere
And he needed you to stay
But as he advanced forward, Gyu pulled you back through the gate
Seconds after hearing “STOP!” you were someplace else
And you were holding Mingyu’s hand :)
He let go bc he was still… iffy about touching you
But you just grabbed his hand again and dragged him out of the alley you were in
Turns out, you were right where you needed to be:
You: “Target!”
Gyu: “Yes you’re a target, I just said that!”
You: “No, Target. It’s a store”
Gyu: “Store?”
You: “We can buy food in there. Do you have any money?”
Gyu: “Buy—?”
Cue you pulling him into Target
If you were going to have a vampire staying with you, you needed to stock up on stuff
How about pizza?
You went over to the freezer section
When suddenly Mingyu stopped in his tracks to stare at everything
“Huh? Something wrong, Gyu?”
His gaze kind of faltered at the nickname, but he still looked at you in disbelief
“These things are… frozen… how do you eat it?”
“Um… when were you bitten?”
“When I was a young child. Why?”
Explains why he doesn’t know much about human stuff
“…Nevermind. You heat the food up”
Gyu: “So… you’d heat that up?”
You: “What, frozen pizza? Yeah.”
Gyu: “Frozen…what”
You: “Pizza? Bread with like cheese and meat and tomato sauce—”
Gyu: *hugs freezer*
Gyu: “…pizza”
People were staring so you pulled him off the freezer
But aw
He likes pizza
So yes you bought a ton of pizza but also veggies bc he needed to be a healthy boi (stay away from the garlic tho)
And after some quick shopping—
Nah we know he’d stop at everything interesting; it took a while
So after a while of shopping
You brought him to your home to relax with some pizza
Meanwhile, you were working on what happened when you were gone
You weren’t gone long enough for anyone to worry, and luckily for you, it was the weekend, so you didn’t miss work
Mingyu sat next to you on the couch and you asked him about the other vampires
“So basically… they… want to extend the bloodline. The more human the blood, the more they fit in. The end goal is to be able to blend in with humans while still retaining vampire traits.”
But as Mingyu told you more, you sensed the lie in his voice
You didn’t say anything for now
He just happily munched away at all your cooking
Learned a thing or two
He’s nice company
And he started to warm up to you!!!
That night, he was about to fall asleep staring at the washing machine from the couch when you pulled him up
Cue whiny Gyu wanting to stay on the sofa
You dragged him to your bed and he plops down immediately
You lay down next to him and his arms instinctively wrapped around your body
I’m soft
The next day, you decided to bring Mingyu somewhere to have some fun
Park? Yes.
First, we gotta deal with his clothes
Yeah um no one wears a cape and frilly shirt to a park
Unless it’s Halloween
Which fun fact in this au it’s banned to dress up as a vampire bc of dangers of real vampires
So you gave him some clothes you bought at Target: some sweatpants and a t-shirt
While he was changing in your room, he called you in to ask about something
You assumed it’s about what socks are or smth lmao
But then you walk in and this boi is shiRTLESS and staring at the closet
1st reaction: oHmYGOd his chest is so wide wtf
2nd reaction: okAY PLS PUT ON A SHIRT NOW
But you noticed he was staring at your scarf on the closet door
“What is that?“
“Scarf. For your neck when it’s cold”
“You should wear it. It’s cold outside”
So he tugged the scarf off of the door and pulled it around your neck snugly
“There. You’ll be warm now”
“I don’t think I need this, Gyu”
“Why not?”
“I have you”
At first he’s like wut
And then
Ohhhh ~hugs~
But he also noticed something else…
Your pendant was lightly glowing again
He didn’t say anything.
He finally put on a shirt and a jacket
And you walked to the park!
Gyu at the park man
He saw a dog and—
Wait where’d Mingyu go
2 seconds later he was 10 feet away petting the dog
And he was like “Y/N? Can we get a dog?” while that dog was licking his face like there was no tomorrow
Vampire + puppy = SOFT GYU
You just sighed and laughed at this puppy magnet
You went back home tiredly and looked up dog shelters
Over the next few weeks, you spend your days and nights with Gyu, learning about him and watching movies together whenever you weren’t at work
It was peaceful and you got along well despite him being a fanged creature LOL
Y’all even found some alternatives to blood that kept him healthy!
Tho he still had to drink some animal blood for the first few days which creeped you out a little
One night, Gyu was munching on chips when you confronted him about his honesty about the other vampires
He looked down before sighing and putting the chip bag down
Finally, he told you the truth
“They won’t kill you.”
“Why’d you lie?”
He stays silent.
“The pureblood… your mate… would be your husband. Your love. They would love you. And I… I…”
“You what? Why do you care?!”
You’re just angry now
“I just ran away with you! I could’ve helped them. Not all vampires are bad, and I should get to help! Mingyu why did you take me away—”
“I don’t want you to love someone else! I love you, okay?!?! I want… to be with you. I could never be your soulmate though… I’m not pureblood. I have no chance, but I thought… if you never knew the truth…I’d still have one.”
You fall silent
And think.
Just think and stare at Mingyu
“How could you—how could you be that selfish?” you asked whilst trying not to cry
“My entire life I was treated like an outcast, but when I met you, I finally felt... wanted." It was getting really hard to keep from crying, so you only listen as Mingyu finished speaking
"It was a mistake. I regret it. I’m sorry.”
As you tried to calm down, Mingyu stood up and held out his hand
“If you want to help so badly… I’ll bring you back. But I’m a traitor now, I’ll have to go into hiding. You won’t see me again, Y/N.”
You just nodded, trying to hold back tears
You both have already been through a lot together in the short time you’ve known each other including some intimate things
You slowly grew close to Mingyu
And now he was saying he won’t ever see you again
But you stood up and take his hand
Seconds later, you were back at the gate
Jun was waiting with other purebloods
You reluctantly let go of Mingyu’s hand and gave him one last hug
He just looked into your eyes and smiled
“Remember I love you”
The moment you let go, he was gone
You couldn’t help but choke back tears
You left the garden and went with Jun, who wanted to talk to you
Not any of the other heirs, just you
You went into a room with him alone and had tea while you talked
Jun brought up your little outburst trying to protect Mingyu, and then him taking you away
He appreciated your decision to come back to help and led you back to the rose garden, where the 4 remaining heirs were waiting
Some were kind of upset you left but nevertheless were glad to have you back
So for the next few hours, purebloods from all over the world would take turns standing in the middle of the garden with you all
If one section of coloured roses stopped glowing, that heir would have found their match
Eventually, it was just you left
Everyone went through, and yet no one made the roses stop glowing
Soon the only pureblood who hadn’t tried was Jun
You were kind of scared...
It was going to be him
He was the only one left
It was why he couldn’t let you leave
You looked down to your white roses and wished Mingyu was there with you
The only guy here you were ever really close to
The only guy you really wanted to be your match
Well shoot, time to accept your fate
Then, after a few shouts and gasps, you saw the roses suddenly stop glowing
You quickly looked up, ready to lock eyes with Jun
Jun wasn’t standing next to you
Then you turned around
Mingyu’s hand was inches from your shoulder
He had stepped into the center with you
He was standing there, stunned
All you did was cup his face with your hands and give him a kiss
“You came back! But why?! You said—”
“I thought about what you said, ‘not all vampires are bad.’ Maybe it meant I wasn’t bad, and I had a chance to at least apologize and not be an outcast. I came back to see you—”
Cue Gyu getting interrupted with another kiss
Turns out the non-pureblood vampire is your soulmate
Who would’ve thought?
Well I mean
The make-out session was a dead giveaway
Speaking of make-out sessions…
Since Mingyu wasn’t a pureblood, your role wasn’t important anymore
Jun gave you permission to let Mingyu go home with you
So the make-out session may have resumed at your place 😉
But most importantly…
One night, Mingyu was home learning to cook ramen
When you came home from work
“Babe? You’re late, I got worried—”
He turned around to find you holding a smol puppy that is desperately trying to leap out of your arms and run over to Mingyu
Gyu accepts the kisses from both you and his new puppy-child
But until then
This life you had now…
Started all because you were stupid enough to go into a dark alley and get attacked
And now you were raising a puppy with your attacker
Who would’ve thought?
The make-out session was a dead giveaway
“I am never leaving you again”
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anodyne-sunflower · 7 years
The Yearbook (Part 3)-High School series
A/N: Part 3! Here we go. The more I write this the more I realize multiple endings is going to be the challenge of my writing hobby…I’m dreading it lol But, I’ll try my best. If it doesn’t come to fruition please understand developing love between one person with 6 or 7 admirers is hell lol Fuck me. Every chapter proves a challenge.
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MOOD MUSIC: Everybody talks by Neon Trees
Thank the heavens for the bell, in this moment it was the most beautiful sound to grace your ears. If Marius had stared any second longer you would’ve melted under that enchanting gaze. How can people so easily work such charms? It was almost unfair that they existed. You never considered yourself perfect, far from it, but even the endearing traits you held weren’t on par with his. It was like the men at this school were graced by the gods when it came to looks, because you felt your attraction spinning out of control with all the new and familiar faces.
“Are you-“
“I,” The word was drawn out, your nerves kicking in once again when Marius leaned over to you. You weren’t sure what question he was going to ask, but you weren’t going to stick around for it. You were far too flustered at this point, and nothing coherent was building in your mind. “Have to…” You gazed towards the doors to the hallway, eyes widening when you saw Newt passing them by. He was no doubt waiting on you now, hoping to enjoy the small five minutes before the next classes started. You could jump him with joy right now, because he was certainly the perfect excuse to leave Marius hanging. If only to ease your embarrassment about this awkward situation. “My friend!”
“What?” The French student raised an eyebrow, confused by your sudden outburst. Unfortunately, he didn’t have much time to comprehend your sentence, because you rose from your stool and grabbed your bag on the way out. “Wait, I-“
But, you ignored his words, not wanting to increase the anxiety bubbling up from the encounter. Life at eighteen shouldn’t be this difficult, yet here you were freaking out over another student who just so happened to be handsome. Let’s add that to the number of other guys here you were crushing on. “Newt!”
The student looked up from his notebook, smiling when he found you rushing out of the theatre. He wasn’t expecting you to enjoy the class, but your uncomfortable expression was still a shock. “Are you alright? You look…confused.”
“Y-Yeah…sure. Great.” You blurted out, blushing when you felt Marius still staring after you from the windows on the classroom doors. Did he even realize how much of an effect he had on you? Because, if so…he could stop. “Um, how was class?”
Newt was further confused by your odd behavior. He was used to the number of times you grew flustered, particularly around a certain athlete, but he knew Stephen wasn’t in that class. For all his talents, acting wasn’t one of them. A slight perk in his favor, because even he could pass theatre without a problem. Granted, most of what he said seemed odd to people and therefore they believed he was simply joking with them. “It was…fine.” Newt leaned over, trying to gaze into the classroom as if that would provide the answer for him. Unfortunately, you grabbed his arm and began pulling him away. No doubt embarrassed by whatever caused your shaky demeanor. “I really must-“
“So, science, huh? Bet that was fun.”
“Yes, it was. You’re acting very strange, Y/N.” He whisked his arm away from you, stopping at the small table in the corner of the hallway. He didn’t like secrets, even if prying wasn’t his hobby, he preferred you be clear with him. But, if he was being honest, the blush along your features was the cause for his curiosity. Call it a teenage boy’s jealousy, but he knew what that look meant. “Is Stephen…?”
You dropped down onto the bench, throwing your head back and covering your face with your bag. “What? No! Why would you-“ But, it occurred to you how observant Newt could be. For as long as you could remember your crush on Stephen was a simple secret you kept, but eventually someone would find out. You practically gaped at the athlete every time you came to school. At least Newt wouldn’t tell anyone, and you always suspected he already knew without giving all the details. Still, his pointed look made you sink into your seat. “He’s not in my class. Geez.” You weren’t sure why you couldn’t break the news of the French student to Newt, but for some reason you felt he’d be less enthused by the notion. Maybe it was because he already seemed annoyed at your crush on Stephen, but you didn’t want him to feel anymore uncomfortable than necessary.
“Sorry, what?”
“Never mind.” You opted to ignore his disappointed look, thinking he was just daydreaming about animals or something. Or the current state of conservation in the world, like he so regularly did. “So, lunch on campus today? Or…”
“Campus is fine.” Newt watched as the other students walked by, some of them bumping into him like he didn’t exist. Not that it ever bothered him, he was well aware of the nature of his position here. People, particularly teenagers, loathe those who would step out of the norm. It’s like they couldn’t comprehend human beings were all different, which he found interesting and regularly took note of. “Cafeteria is serving somewhat decent food today.”
“Lucky us.” Time didn’t allow for much socializing between classes, and you knew Newt had other places to be besides huddled into a corner listening to you drone on about nothing. “I’ll see you in a bit then.” You rose from the chair, standing awkwardly for a second while Newt stayed quiet. He seemed preoccupied with his thoughts, and not wanting to disturb them you simply left with a small smile. Sometimes your friend had moments of acting odd, you always assumed it was his way. But, as the years of being together flew by the more it caused some concern to you. Your mother liked to joke it was a crush, but the very idea of Newt ever liking you in that matter made you burn with embarrassment. “A crush. Pfft.” You sighed heavily, turning the hallway and heading down into the gymnasium.
By the time you made it in, all the other girls were already dressed into gym clothes. Athletic skills was not something you were blessed with, but you enjoyed this period if only for the peace and quiet it brought. Your gym teacher, Mrs. Knight, was not exactly hellbent on working you all to the bone. Her idea of exercise was handing you guys a dodgeball and blowing her whistle until one of you got smacked in the face with it. Most students liked her for her laid back attitude, you being one of them, but not everyone was made to enjoy this period.
“Take your inhaler, Mr. Doolittle. Last thing I need is another kid passing out on me.” Mrs. Knight mumbled on about not getting paid enough, but she threw the student’s inhaler towards him only to shake her head when he struggled to catch it. He was a lanky individual, very pale and honestly quite sickly looking. If not for the bright green in his eyes, you would’ve thought the poor guy dead. He shook the inhaler over and over again, but it was obvious there was very little left of the medication.
“Y/N.” You jumped at the sound of your name, heart easing up when you found your teacher standing next to you. She had one eyebrow raised, dodgeball bouncing up and down in her hand as she looked you over. “Bring your clothes this time?”
“Oh, yes, Mrs. Knight. Sorry.” You gave her a cheeky smile, lifting your backpack as if to prove you had everything. Luckily you did somewhere in your locker, where your clothes sat over the course of the summer. Without a further word, you ran off into the locker rooms to change, leaving her with an amused look that faded when she looked towards the other students.
“Damn it.” You cursed under your breath, once again turning the lock to the right combination. At least what you assumed was the correct combination, over the summer you hadn’t bothered keeping such information on hand. Newt may have been the type to take school home with him, you never did. Once that last bell rang, you were quick to shut your mind off to anything academic related. “36…left…no…wait…” you paused between turns, knowing you had likely messed it up again. Whatever happened to using simple master locks? That would’ve been a great deal better for you. Although losing the key was also a likely outcome.
That voice, you knew it so well. Every time he spoke it was like your heart ascended to heaven and all was right with the world. That is if you were comfortable using dramatic imagery for your crush on him. And seeing as how your cheeks instantly flushed and your words stuck in your throat, you were. “S-Stephen?” You turned your head to him, still leaning over the lock and fumbling with the dial. “What are you doing in the girls locker room?” You didn’t fancy him a pervert, but he seemed awfully comfortable in here.
“Well, this is the boys locker room.” Stephen’s expression was beyond amused, and having him stand there completely shirtless with nothing but joggers on was too much for your love struck heart to take. His normally kept hair was a mess on his head, freckled skin slightly red from being out in the sun. And you wouldn’t even dare to let your eyes wander down his lean chest where sweat dripped like some ichor of the gods. It was too pleasant, and honestly who would blame you the brief glance?
“Uh…” You choked back an excuse, thoughts now conflicted on what was worse: being inside the boys locker room, or gawking at the track star like he was some prized piece of meat. “Is it?” Certainly by now he was well aware of your hungry gaze, and perhaps the chuckle he released was proof enough. But, you couldn’t tear your eyes away from him. He was so handsome, and so kind and all the good qualities a human being could have. You imagined all sorts of daring fantasies then, all of them ending up far too R rated for a high school student to have. You tried to appeal to the mature woman in you, but that just made you enable your daydreams further.
“I can’t imagine you’ll get much out of that locker. That’s Eddie’s…in fact, maybe you should step away from that.” The athlete was concerned, nothing belonging to the rebel cowboy could be good for the general public. He walked towards you, still smiling at the dazed off look you had. He knew he had a certain effect on girls, not that he abused such a blessing, but seeing you leaned over the locker and blushing was an adorable sight. “Do you want me to escort you back to the girls locker room?”
By this point you were gone. Off somewhere in a fantasy land where Stephen had you against a wall, and hardly allowed a word to escape you. After all, having your lips occupied with his and that talented tongue was prone to cause silence aside from happy moans. “Sure.” You simply responded, backing into the lockers when he passed you by. If only he could trap you there, and ravish you in ways your inexperienced mind didn’t think was possible. You had to entertain the idea he was great at that sort of thing, eighteen or not, it was possible both of you were still virgins. But, certainly he felt needs like you did.
“Do you want to go now?” He laughed, pointing towards the door that led back outside.
“What? Oh! Yeah…yeah…” You coughed pathetically, shaking away the erotic thoughts and trying to regain what little dignity you had. But, with him staring down at you in amusement, it was hard to ignore the heat building up on your face. Not to mention the one smoldering away in your lower abdomen. “I can show myself out. Bye!” A quick and embarrassing escape. But, you couldn’t handle the shame anymore. If he wasn’t aware of your crush before, he certainly was now. As you ran outside of the locker room you didn’t dare glance back at him. You were just busying yourself with ideas on how to redeem your unfortunate awkwardness.
Stephen wasn’t so torn up by the situation though, and tried his best to call after you before he heard the door slam. He watched it swing a couple of times, still thinking about that shy stare of yours. Whether you willed it or not, he couldn’t help but smile at the surprise meeting.
“What is wrong with me?” You rambled about, pacing the hallway just outside the gym. You could already hear the laughter and screams coming from inside, the game of dodgeball in full swing. Through the door windows you could make out some students simply sitting on the bleachers, none of them interested in participating in the old sport. Part of you didn’t blame them. Dodgeball became a pretty easy outlet for some teenage angst, and that always meant a visit to the school nurse.
“I don’t have all day, Y/N.” Mrs. Knight pushed open the door, beckoning you inside and towards the game. She didn’t truly care what you did, so long as it took place inside the gym away from the principal. “Come on. And next time bring your clothes!”
You didn’t exactly have the nerve to explain how another student distracted you from changing. And even if you had the proper words you weren’t sure you could openly admit it. “Coming.” You reluctantly agreed, thinking it was best for you to be away from Stephen. Chances are he’d be trotting down the hallway to the track in all his athletic glory. As fun as that was to witness, you didn’t need more embarrassment for the day. You had your unpleasant fill.
“Alright, come on, girls! You can do better than that.” Mrs. Knight took a seat on the side, opening up her magazine and randomly blowing her whistle whenever she heard someone whining.
You rolled your eyes at the others, watching them throw the ball back and forth until the horrid sound of it hitting someone echoed in the room. The fact that it was mainly girls made it even worse. They truly had it out for one another, no doubt falling victim to the rivalries of who was the better looking man in school. If you listened carefully, Balem’s and Stephen’s name got throw around quite a bit. There might’ve even been a few Marius’ in there.
“Alright, Qwerty. There you go. Breathe in slowly, now out slowly.”
You gazed over at the end of the bleachers, curiously watching as the nurse patted the sickly looking boy on the back. He was smiling awkwardly, coughing weakly before taking another puff of his inhaler. P.E. hadn’t even gone on more than twenty minutes before the poor guy was hunched over and struggling to breathe.
“Is that better?”
“Yes, thank you, Mrs. Karpinski.” He blushed faintly when she smiled at him, taking back his medication and stuffing it into her smock. She fussed over him for a second, clearly taking on some parental role considering how often he must have been in her office.
“Great. Now remember, take it easy. I don’t want you back in my office again.” She teased, although the concern she showed him was obvious.
“I promise.” He smiled, waving as she went back towards the doors and to her office. You had to whip your head back to the game, not wanting the guy to know you were just being nosy. It wasn’t like asthma was something new, but actually seeing someone suffer for it was a bit heart wrenching. Teenagers could be cruel, and judging by the giggles coming from across Qwerty it had already started.
“Geez.” You sighed, debating whether to keep him company or not. You never spoke to him before, only passed him in the halls on occasion last semester. Other than his name, there was very little you knew of him. Unfortunately, life wanted to keep it that way for now because the bell rang for next period. On the bright side, that meant lunch was next and you were ready to run out of here.
You practically knocked over everyone on your way out, manners pushed aside when you pranced out of the gym. As far as you were concerned, this was one of the best parts of the day. Granted, the end of the day bell was still in the lead.
“Newt!” You found the studious teen neck deep in a book, mindlessly apologizing to those he bumped shoulders with in the hall. He hardly cared for them, even when they shot him nasty looks. “Newt!”
Newt finally glanced up, smiling when you came running over and almost toppling him to the ground. “I am so glad to see you.” You hugged him tightly, happy to be free of classes and able to enjoy an hour away from it all. Not to mention feeling more secure around someone after that tragic mishap in the locker rooms.
Newt blinked in confusion, book dangling from one hand while the other rested on your upper back. “Likewise…?” He didn’t understand where this sudden affection came from, but he wasn’t about to shy away from it. “Shall we?” He asked, moving you both along the busy hallway while still being trapped in a hug.
“Yes, anything to be away from here.” You pried yourself free of him, grabbing his sleeve and dragging him down into the cafeteria. There was already many tables taken, and by the time you two managed to grab lunch twenty minutes had been wasted. “So tell me again, what exactly is your project?”
“It’s not really a project. More of a petition.” Newt cut the apple on his tray into chunks, sneakily placing some of them up his sleeve and into the tiny mouth of his sugar glider, Jacob. “It’s to stop congress from allowing the oil industry to further harm marine life.”
“Smart. What do you have to do then?”
Newt continued on about the dirty details, but all of his words slowly slipped out the window of your mind. And just when you thought you escaped the embarrassing moment of the day, Stephen so happened to walk into the lunchroom. Needless to say, all the girls turned their heads to him. Each one heavily swooning over the star athlete and likely performing the same daydream you had earlier. If you looked anything like they did, you felt that shame dig deeper. Unbeknownst to you, however, another student hadn’t missed the longing glance you were sending Stephen’s way.
“Why the fuck did you wanna stay on campus today, sounds like a goddamn waste to me.” Eddie flicked some fries from his plate, laughing when he hit another kid on the head. No one dared to say anything to him, otherwise they faced more than the wrath of the cowboy. “Now I got all these damn teachers watching me like I’m about to light a damn-“
“Silence, for once, Eddie.” Balem rubbed at his temples, watching you carefully with the utmost interest. He hadn’t seen you for a good portion of the summer, save for that run in whilst grocery shopping with your parents. He never really paid attention to you after losing touch over the years, but there was something different about you now. A detail he only took notice of when he saw you this morning. Like the summer managed to take the awkward girl he knew and turn her into a beautiful woman. Not that any of your weird qualities had matured over the months, because you still seemed drenched in awkwardness from head to toe. Hanging around that Newt Scamander guy likely didn’t help your reputation.
“You got the hots for her or somethin’?” Eddie laid his chin on his arms, bored out of his mind while he watched his friend lustily gaze at you. Part of him understood the appeal, the sweet and innocent firecracker that you were. It was hard not to be enticed by you, but he was never one to busy his mind with relationships. He figured he had years to find a solid girlfriend, and being eighteen meant he had better things on his mind. Mainly like finding time to smoke, or tormenting other kids in the school.
“I told you to shut up.” Balem glared at Eddie, not keen on delivering all his secrets to him. Friend or not. Besides, just because he found you suddenly attractive meant very little to him. There was plenty women to choose from at this school. But, if he was being honest, there was something frustrating about watching you pine over the athlete. “What the hell does she see in him?”
“What was that?” Eddie played with a toothpick, trying to control the shake in his fingers from not pumping himself with nicotine.
“Nothing.” Balem rose from his table, ignoring the whines of the girl that was sitting next to him. He hadn’t even realized she was still there, but he had better things to entertain himself with now.
“So will you sign it?”
“Sure, Newt.” You smiled at him, still slipping your gaze to Stephen as he gathered his lunch. You wondered if he’d sit with you both, because he often did last semester. However, you weren’t sure that was something you wanted right now.
Your view of Stephen was suddenly blocked by leather and smug expressions, and you had to stifle the annoyed groan begging to come out. Balem was the last person you wanted to see, but he seemed content with ruining your day anyway.
“What do you want?”
“You going to kick me out?” He mused, slowly biting down on his own apple.
“Even if I said yes, you still wouldn’t leave.” And that was the truth, he could do whatever he wanted and it wouldn’t change a thing.
“Fair enough.” Balem smirked, rolling his eyes when Eddie came sauntering over and taking a seat as well. It wasn’t easy flirting when you had someone snickering next to you the whole time. At least you and him were agreed that Eddie could shove off.
“And you, too. Lucky me.” You sipped on your water, squinting your eyes suspiciously at them both over the rim of the bottle. They never wasted their precious time on the likes of you, especially Newt. So it wouldn’t be too far fetched to believe something was up. “So what do you want?”
Newt was busy chewing on his apple, eyes darting from Eddie, to Balem and then to you. He wasn’t worried by any means, merely intrigued by this sudden turn of events. It wasn’t everyday the two most popular kids congregated by the nerdy watering hole.
“Humor him.” Eddie chuckled, nudging Balem with his shoulder. He wasn’t sure what was really going on, but seeing his friend tongue tied and riled up was worth it.
“Yeah, I know…shut up.” The cowboy clicked his tongue when he saw the last teacher leave the room, and he quickly fished into his pocket for his cigarettes. By the time Balem even managed to get a word out the table was covered in smoke.
“What are you doing after school?” Balem questioned, studying you carefully. He could easily tell if you were lying, but that concern went out the door when he saw your eyes widen. How you managed to be pretty even in a state of shock was beyond him.
“Well, who else?” He was growing annoyed by the back and forth. Usually his romantic interests were already putty in his hands by now, seemed like courting you would be far more difficult.
“I-uh…” You looked to Newt for enlightenment, but he seemed just as shocked as you did by the question. “Well…”
“Ain’t y’all cute.” Eddie took one last drag of his smoke, tapping the lip of it on the corner of his tray before throwing it casually into Newt’s open milk carton. The sound of ashes fizzling out made you look over, that familiar anger rising at the two of them for their selfish actions.
“Really?!” You glared over at Eddie, ready to knock that smile off his face until Balem seemed inclined on doing it for you.
“You lack grace.” Balem scolded, ignoring the audible chuckles of his friend. He had one task to fulfill, and Eddie had to go and ruin it for him. “Idiot.” Balem leaned his cheek on his palm, calling over to Newt with disinterest. “Take mine.”
Newt was tilting his carton over, trying to get the cigarette out when Balem called to him. He was pretty positive he had never heard his name come from the popular student before. To say it was surprising was an understatement, but he eagerly looked up anyway. “Oh, I couldn’t-“
“Just take it!” Balem was close to losing it in here, but he wasn’t willing to part on bad terms again. He shoved his tray closer, waiting for Newt to grab the milk. Thankfully, the other student agreed, and slowly reached over the table to pry the drink from him.
Only, as luck would have it, Jacob decided to plop out of Newt’s sleeve and onto Balem’s food. The silence that developed between you all was palpable, and it took all your willpower not to mention once more to Newt why his pet should be kept at home.
“What the fuck is that?” Eddie eyed the sugar glider in disgust, raising his eyebrow and glancing from the tiny creature to Newt. Jacob was munching away on the potatoes, even sniffing up at Balem curiously while you all watched him devour his food.
Balem glanced down at you, trying hard not to seem entirely disgusted by your friend. Newt, however, often made it difficult for him to pretend to be nice. But, he couldn’t handle that angry stare of yours. For some reason it instilled a sense of guilt within him, something he wasn’t accustomed to. “Tsk.” Balem grabbed his drink off his tray, tossing it roughly onto Newt’s and rolling his eyes before leaving you two in peace.
His charitable action caught you off guard, but you snuck a smile his way when he wasn’t looking. For all his cold and aloof nature, there was a human in there after all.
*** A/N: By the way that petition is real, and y’all should sign it.
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peppermintii · 7 years
CHAPTER 16.5: YOUNG MISS, THE MADONNA/ LITTLE SISTER (PIERCING-YANKEE’S OPINION) [Is young miss fine?] He murmured while in the hallway. He heard his young miss being noisy after entering the classroom. I was shocked, but, anyway, she’s probably okay since I don’t feel anything unpleasant happening. If I say anything too much, she’ll make a really annoyed face. When that happens, her eyes looks like she’s seeing an insect, it somehow unexpectedly pierces my heart. The name’s Kudou Hiroki. Well, I’m just your very average yankee. I have 3 piercings on each ear which is my distinctive trait. Ever since I was born, I never got along with my parents, they were never home. There was only money though. You could say that it was a mistake my parents did one night. And so, according to the law, they were obliged to be married. Because of that, I’ve never seen them and they’ve never seen me. It didn’t really matter right now that my parents left me then, but when I was a kid, it was so depressing. I wanted them to worry over me, I loitered around bustling streets but what came to me was a guidance counselor. Even when the police tried calling them, they never answered and in the end, I had to stay overnight at the police station which happened a lot. At first, I wanted them to worry about me so I did bad things, it eventually escalated and I became a fine delinquent. I joined a group of delinquents ruling around the area, get drunk, smoked cigarettes, rode motorbikes, threatened and robbed. I was doing bad things, but because I made allies, I felt secure little by little. Even so, I get injured from recklessly picking fights sometimes out of desperation. The one who saved me was a girl who was called [young miss] by our group. She’s the daughter of our group’s first boss, and she’s the same age as me. Still, sometimes, Shou-san would bring her along and even though I was a delinquent, she didn’t get scared and always just felt detached. That day, I was in an extremely bad mood, I kept punching the wall. Just like that, I would sometimes injure myself. When that happens, everyone probably understood no one can stop me, they’d distance themselves a little and just watch over me. The skin on my hand gashed and when blood started to splatter, the young miss came. […….. What are you looking at?] I got irritated when she just came over, I said it in a deep voice and glared at her. Everyone else around was being careful around her, they hastily rushed towards her. She’s the most treasured daughter of Shou-san so if anything happens to her, we’ll receive unimaginable retribution. But I was in a bad mood so it didn’t enter my mind. As usual, the young miss seemed aloof even when she came closer, she stared for a-------- [There!] When she suddenly shoved a baby castella towards my mouth. To that thoughtless action, I opened my mouth right away and accepted it. It was gently sweet, with a tinge of warmth------the taste made me want to tear up. After swallowing it down, it strangely made me feel it wasn’t enough. [Should I give you another one?] The young miss looked up towards me with her big eyes. I unconsciously gazed at those eyes that were pure and innocent just like an infant’s. I nodded without a second thought. She laughed at me a little and then put another baby castella to my mouth. A moment later, she gave me another one. While I was chewing on them, she put another one close to my mouth and waited for me to swallow what I’m eating and open my mouth before shoving it in again. Finally, the baby castella in her hand ran out, she grasped and pulled my blood-stained hand. [I’m thirsty, get me a café au lait.] In the end, we went to a popular coffee shop and drank coffee. I had the master take care of my hand and went to sit with young miss. While the young miss was drinking her café au lait, she was looking on her phone and suddenly went [Oh no] and stood up. [Sorry, papa Shou’s looking for me, I need to go. Thanks for the drink.] Seeing her hastily try to leave, I wanted to stop her so much I just stood up immediately. But, I was a step too late, Shou-san entered the shop abruptly. [What are you doing, Rina! We’re going home!] [Mm, sorry.] Shou-san glared at me hatefully and just like that, he left with the young miss. But Shou-san immediately came back inside alone. He stopped in front of me, stared at my face and then----- [-----Urk!?] I was stunned when he silently kicked me. My body instantly felt numb to the frightening impact. I fell on the floor, unable to move. [If you lay a hand on her, I’ll kill you.] I felt my blood drain to his terrifying voice. Even though I can’t move due to pain, I still unconsciously nodded. But I really didn’t want to. I don’t know why, though. Desperately nodding, I looked up towards Shou-san who clicked his tongue, his face full of contempt, and then left even more abrupt than when he entered. Afterwards, everyone was going [Good job getting back safely.] The first boss, Shou-san, became a legendary figure with his violent nature and overwhelming strength. If you offend him even a little, he’d go on a wild rampage. Among those things would be the [Young Miss] where you’d incur a god’s wrath, all those who went after the young miss would go missing, afterwards, everyone would say they haven’t seen those people. According to the rumors, all those who laid a hand on the young miss lost all their fingers, moreover, those fingers were made into sausages and fed to them. Being fed with my own flesh, that’s too terrifying….. As the one who got kicked by Shou-san, my instincts made me guess that those probably aren’t just rumors. That’s why I didn’t have any courage to get close to the young miss, even so, I still wish to get closer to her. If she ever makes a sad face, (well, she usually is aloof so I don’t know if that’ll happen) it’ll be my turn to feed her some baby castellas during those times. To say nothing about her being at risk, getting eyed by a dubious guy and exposed to danger, I wouldn’t be able to endure it. And because of that, I became her bodyguard and protected her surroundings without being seen by her. We somehow grew in number, and with Shou-san’s approval, we formed the [Young Miss’ Escort Group]. When we heard about the young miss’ first choice of school, every member studied extremely hard and took the same exam. Well, in the end, a lot of us failed. It’s a good thing I did my best. The young miss is cute. The person herself seems to think she’s average and doesn’t stand out though; those chestnut-colored hair and large eyes are so cute, they’re so lovely just like a small animal’s. When those eyes stare at me, I end up squirming. The young miss is super duper cute, so that no mischievous guys would lay their eyes on her, we have to protect her properly. Although I can’t say that ‘I want to be her lover’ with my own mouth out loud, to us, she is our Madonna, she is our little sister------ also, she’s our most important lady, more important than our lives. TN: - HAHAHAHAHAHA PIERCINGS-KUN IS AN M! ! ! ! ! A DO-M! ! ! ! - WOW, at least piercings-kun realized he loves her by the end… BUT STILL, TOO BAD…. There’s already daddy shou, what more for the other 2 fathers ・:*:・(*´艸`*)・:*:・ - ALTHOUGH, I wonder… a LOT of questionable things already happened…. Where were you????
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indecent-lemon · 7 years
Back with the Blackthorns S01E01 “Pilot”
This is my gift for my lovely friend Becca aka @thepurplewarlock || One day while we were talking I said that she could have an entire sitcom based off of her quirkiness and it lead to this || I’m not sure if I’ll write more about this so don’t get your hopes up too high(if you have hopes lol)
Rebecca heaved her luggage to the front door of the Los Angeles Institute. It was two PM; sweltering hot and she had gotten off her eight-hour flight. Usually, shadowhunters used portals to get around but it only took one look at that swirling mass of warped space and time to say NOPE. But right then she was wondering if she had made the right choice.
She wandered aimlessly on the beach, searching for a huge church. Five people had asked her if she was lost. She was tempted to say yes but how would she explain it? Yeah, I’m looking for some super attractive, demon-fighting people with cool tattoos and they live in an invisible church. Well, invisible to you. Have you seen them? And even her eyes hadn’t fully adjusted to the Sight yet. But when they finally did it slapped her in the face.
The Institute loomed over her. The cement was cracked, there were dents in the walls, and the backyard was abuzz with life; impressions made in the dirt and trees. People live in that old house, alright. Her people.
She reached the front door and rang the doorbell, which seemed newly installed like the large windows. It did little good to the weathered place. She heard shuffling and harsh whispering from the inside and then the door opened to reveal a tall, teenage boy with sea-green eyes that held distrust.
She felt a tad dazed but composed herself quickly. She beamed.
The boy shook his head, “You must be confused. Wherever you need to be, it’s not here. There’s a phone booth near the beach.”
Becca pushed up her sleeve to uncover the rune of angelic power on her wrist. The whispering stopped and suddenly people were crowding the door. She saw a beautiful blonde girl mutter, “I bet you five bucks she’s a lost Herondale, Kit”, to a smaller blond boy who looked as if he had too many tricks up his sleeve. Kit answered, “No way, Emma. She doesn’t look sarcastic enough.”
Becca thought of the name Herondale, she’d heard it being thrown around in Alicante with both negative and positive connotations.
“I’m not a lost Herondale”, she said, “I’m a recently ascended mundane from England as you can tell by my accent. I have chosen the name Rebecca Blackthorn.” She smiled shyly and quickly added, “But you guys can call me Becca.” Emma grumbled as she slipped green bills into Kit’s fingers—which held money with a certain familiarity of a con man but his eyes said no such thing.
The boy who opened the door was taken aback, “You don’t want that name. I’m ninety percent sure it’s cursed. Don’t use Herondale either.”
“Or Dearborn”, Emma growled. Somehow, his frown was etched even deeper into his tanned face.
“You guys can’t be so bad. You seem like a nice family.”
“That’s how we’re supposed to seem. Now please, go back to Alicante and change your name.”
Becca stammered, “B-but why don’t you want me here? You don’t even know me. I’d like to help.”
A cute, chubby girl who embodied her siblings’ traits asked, “Yeah, why Julian? I’ve only met like three people who don’t live in this house. She’s new.”
Julian replied, “It’s not that we don’t want you it’s just that we have a lot of emotional baggage and we need to be able to trust you completely.”
A brooding faerie glared under periwinkle locks, “I suggest we give her a test to assess her loyalty.”
Julian crossed him arms, “Kieran, loyalty takes time to build. You can’t just—”
“Okay. Here’s the test; Do you like lamps?”, queried a man with two-colored irises. One solid, the other metallic like the faerie’s. He practically bounced off the walls with his bubbly energy.
Becca decided to ignore the oddity of the question, “Lamps are nice. I like them.”
“That settles it. She’s a Blackthorn.”
Julian sighed, “Come on in, Becca.”
A girl volunteered, “Let me help you with that. I’m Livvy”, and grabbed the luggage.
Becca exclaimed, “Careful! I have precious cargo…” Mugs spilled from a hole in the pack. Twenty mugs along with a hundred tea bags. Eyes bored into her head.
A gray-eyed, obsidian-haired boy pondered, “Why are you smuggling tea of all things? There’s much more profit in the illegal drug industry. Unless… they’re vintage?”
Julian chided, “Ty! Don’t give her ideas.”
Becca was a bit embarrassed about her excessive mug collection but pride still filled her heart. And tea was currently filling her stomach. The warm cinnamon taste relieved her headache and near heat stroke. She thought, Why must California be so hot?
She missed her mundane family and friends in England. She had told them she was going to the U.S. to study. It was abrupt and questionable because she was so happy with her job and life but they wished her luck. She hoped she could go visit soon. Until then she was stuck in a room that lacked personality but it wasn’t all bad.
Earlier that day, Diana, the tutor had shown her around the place. Although, it didn’t keep the new shadowhunter from getting confused. She felt like leaving a trail of bread crumbs or more so—tea bags. Diana had also went through some training sessions—mental and physical— which left her bones and brain feeling like mush. She could hardly hold up her mug and sleep threatened to come but she wanted to stay up. To observe what vibes her new home gave off at night.
Here are the things she figured out during that day:
Everyone’s names
Everyone loves each other very much(almost frighteningly)
Mark is affiliated with multiple lamps?
Julian is the mom
Emma’s the fun uncle
Julian and Emma are in love with each other
Livvy, Kit, and Ty have a friend group together
Dru is slightly allergic to babysitting
Kieran has no idea what’s going on
Tavvy is a pure soul
Cristina needs a hug
THE KITCHEN IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PIECE OF INFRASTRUCTURE IN THIS HOUSEHOLD(as mentioned by Julian. He didn’t yell it but the undertone was clear)
Diana seems to be the only one with complete sanity(although with these kids it might disappear soon)
You may think that’s a lot to find out but Becca knew it was just the tip of the iceberg. She dozed off during dusk and awoke to yelling two hours later. She almost put on her gear until she realized the yelling sounded as if it came from arguing children. From the kitchen! The same kitchen where she kept her mugs. She scurried downstairs and took in the scene.
There was a cake, except it was now frosting-down on the floor. Livvy and Dru were going at it. They both claimed the other dropped the cake and Julian was trying to reason with the two. Kit and Ty were off in a corner, immersed in a card game that Ty was definitely winning. Cristina attempted to read a book but couldn’t stop herself from sneaking peeks at the drama. Diana simply gave everyone the “I taught you better than this” scowl. Then she saw it. Her mugs lay despairingly on the floor. She could see the cracks from a mile away. Kieran’s hair was cobalt as he was extremely annoyed. He stalked off outside.
In fact, everybody was annoyed. “What happened?”, Becca asked. She ran to her broken mugs.
Mark explained, “We made a cake to welcome you and apologize for our rudeness earlier. But one of the girls slipped over frosting and accidentally opened the cabinet leaving for a mug genocide. That action triggered another one of the girls to accidentally drop the cake. It was amazing but it’s gone now. Sorry, Rebecca.”
She glanced around the room as a chorus of “sorrys” was said. They were all sincere. Livvy and Dru calmed down; agreeing to share the blame. Becca left the kitchen with a million thoughts running through her mind. They destroyed my mug collection… but out of an act of friendship, she thought.
She went outside to take a breather. She met Kieran on the porch and queried, “How were you supposed to get back in if you can’t open the door?”
He stared at the stars and laughed without humor, “I guess I wasn’t going back in.”
“What’s got you so down?”
“I made up the idea and it backfired. You Nephilim can be so much sometimes.”
She didn’t answer.
“I’m sorry. I really am. I wanted this place to feel more warmer.”
She smiled, “This place is warmer. Partly because it’s California and partly because you are a really loving family.”
Kieran scanned her face, “How can you say that when we murdered your mugs?”
She grimaced at that thought but simply shook her head. “I can get new mugs. But I can’t replace memories. One day I’ll look back at this and laugh.”
Kieran nodded and gazed wistfully at the stars.
She sat next to him in one of those old-timey rocking chairs and decided to break the silence. “I feel as if I’m in a western film. All I need is a cowgirl hat and a southern accent. I’ve actually been working on one.”
Kieran raised a brow.
In an atrocious Southern accent she said, “There’s a snake in my boot.”
Both she and Kieran burst out laughing. Mark approached them, guffawing also. Between breaths he said, “That’s not a Western. That’s Toy Story.”
Becca mocked offense, “Are you telling me that you deny the existence of the most toy-based, action-packed, Western, Space-thriller animation ever created?”
Smugly he retorted, “Well maybe I am.”
Kit called from inside, “You’re both a disgrace to Disney!”
It only made the three go into another fit of laughter. When it finally died down, Mark handed Rebecca an unbroken mug, salvaged from the wreckage, full of hot, cinnamon tea. In the cool air her heart swelled and Kieran had a small smile play on his face.
Before she could thank him, Mark added, “Emma went to buy some donuts to make up for the cake. Again, we apologize.”
She exclaimed, “Well quit apologizing! What’s done is done. I’ll get over it.”
His eyes widened, “So you’re not mad? You don’t want to leave?”
“Of course not. Tonight was entertaining. I’d like to see more.”
Mark beamed and sat with the two. They talked that entire night, nothing too personal, just fun stuff. And when the donuts arrived you can bet that they let Becca have the first pick.
“What a marvelous excuse to eat junk food”, Julian teased.
Becca nudged him, “Marvelous indeed.”
But Diana constantly reminded that it wasn’t an everyday thing but she too wouldn’t miss out on the sugary deliciousness that was donuts.
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