#sorry i did not include that yesterday when i spoke about it
likeawolfatthemoon · 1 year
i took half my meds for the day (which required me drinking some water) and got up and showered. i am the picture of mental health, unstoppable
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venus-haze · 1 year
Lay All Your Love on Me (Homelander x Reader)
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Summary: A communication breakdown has unintended consequences, but it’s all because Homelander loves you.
Note: Gender neutral reader and no descriptors are used. This is based on a request from @judyfromfinance and the ABBA song which is so Homelander coded. Do not interact if you’re under 18 or post thinspo/ED content.
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: Jealousy, possessive behavior, violence (not toward the reader). We love miscommunication for plot reasons here! Do not interact if you’re under 18.
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Homelander had no reason to believe you were hiding from him. Your job kept you busy, and ironically enough, working for the same company didn’t guarantee that you’d see each other nearly as much as he’d like. When his texts went unanswered and he couldn’t so much as hear you during the day, though, his mind went into overdrive presenting him with every worst case scenario it could possibly conceive of.
Cheat. Cheat. Cheat.
His gloved hands balled into fists at his side. You would never cheat on him. He knew that. He did. But sometimes, it seemed like your heart didn’t ache for him the way his did for yours. You had a life outside of him, and as much as you tried to include him in it, he resisted. Things would be easier if it were just the two of you.
Trying your phone again, he called you, frustrated when it went straight to voicemail.
“Hey babe, it’s me. I’ve been trying to reach you all day. Give me a call back as soon as you can. I love you,” he said, adding a quick. “Call me back" for emphasis.
He groaned, throwing his phone aside and folding his arms over his chest. It was fine. He didn’t care that much anyway. At least that’s what he told himself as he glanced at his discarded phone every few seconds in hopes you’d call or text back. No dice.
As a last resort, he headed to the crime analytics department. You managed a small team of analysts who consulted with the state and federal government on Vought’s behalf. The two of you had met when Vought was trying to get supes in the military, and as far as Homelander was concerned, it was love at first sight.
Never mind that it took a few weeks to win you over, frustratingly committed to your job and hesitant to date a coworker. Even though he’d hardly consider the two of you coworkers. Sure, you both worked for Vought, but that was it as far as he was concerned. In his determination to woo you, he’d made some valuable connections in your department. At least, people who he knew would have some kind of scoop on you when he needed it.
“Hey Annika,” Homelander said, startling the young crime analyst as he approached her desk. “How’re you doing, pal?
“Hi Homelander,” she said, not quite able to keep eye contact with him. “Sir. I’m good. H-How are you?”
“You haven’t seen Y/N around today, have you?”
She shook her head. “Sorry.”
“Alright,” he said tensely, a painfully fake smile spreading across his face. “Keep up the good work.”
His smile faltered as he heard your name come up in a conversation on the other side of the room. A masculine voice, younger than his, far too much mirth for his liking when he spoke about you.
“Dude, I was in Y/N’s office for like an hour yesterday. I could barely concentrate. They are so fine.”
“You’re insane,” someone else laughed.
“What? Have you seen them?”
“They’re dating Homelander, dumbass.”
“Whatever. It won’t last. He and Maeve will get back together, and yours truly will be there to pick up the pieces.”
“If you say so.”
Homelander hadn’t noticed his eyes glowing red until Annika squeaked. Letting out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding, he looked at his…acquaintance.
“See you around,” he said, his chipper tone clearly strained.
Since you weren’t answering your phone and he still had no clue where you were, Homelander had all the time in the world to wait around for your sleazy subordinate to take a bathroom break. He wondered if you were aware of the man’s interest in you. It was a possibility, but he had to assure himself that you wouldn’t do anything to encourage it. He knew you wouldn’t bother with a miscreant like that, of all people, but the point needed to be made. No one could speak so vulgarly about you and expect him not to do something about it.
Fifteen minutes or so had passed, and Homelander spotted his name badge. Josh.
“Hey Josh! You have a minute, buddy?” Homelander asked, voice booming through the hallway, causing Josh to flinch. Homelander smirked a bit.
“Homelander! Is there something you need?”
“Yeah, actually, I just have a question about the crime analytics office.”
Josh nodded. “Sure, anything.”
“Did you see any Greek letters in there?”
“Did you see any Greek letters in there? Maybe a keg and some drunk idiots wearing togas?”
“I don’t—“
“Did you?”
“Then why were you in there talking about my partner like you were in a fucking frat house?” Homelander asked, cornering the slimy analyst. “You know Y/N and I are dating, right? Your idiot friend told you as much.”
Josh’s mouth flopped open and closed like one of the disgusting fish The Deep crusaded for. “I—I didn’t mean—“
“So either you’re incredibly stupid, or you have a death wish. Which one is it, buddy?”
“I’m so sorry, Mr. Homelander.”
Homelander chuckled, empty and hollow, reveling in the way he could practically smell the fear radiating off of the man in front of him. “You will be.”
With the way Josh was carrying on, Homelander would’ve thought he’d actually killed the guy. All he’d done was snap his arm and throw an elbow to his nose. He’d just bought the asshole a free rhinoplasty, far more generous than he deserved after what he did. 
Homelander sneered at the blubbering crime analyst, work shirt covered in his own blood. Pathetic, really. And he had the audacity to act like he was worthy of you. Throwing one final glare Josh’s way, Homelander walked off, wiping the blood off his gloves and onto his suit. It could be dry-cleaned out.
The outburst made him feel better than he had all day, though it didn’t answer the question of where the hell you were and why you weren’t answering him. Besides, he swore he heard the familiar sound of your footfall in the lobby. 
He supposed you wouldn’t be too happy if you came back to see one of your subordinates brutalized in the hallway. Just his luck, he spotted an intern in one of the unoccupied offices.
“Hey,” Homelander said, pausing a moment to read the intern’s badge, “Sammy, there’s a mess over by the crime analytics office, can you get someone to clean it up?” 
“Sure,” Sammy responded cheerfully.
“Thanks, it’s the little things that make this place run. You’re doing great,” he complimented, giving her a friendly pat on the shoulder.
Sammy returned his smile, obviously not questioning his sincerity. Homelander knew if he framed the whole thing as a favor, she’d be more likely to follow through. It was always good to have reliable people in his back pocket for things like that, worker bees who thought they were friends or something. She walked off, strides purposeful as she set off to complete her personal mission from Homelander.
Rushing over to the elevator, he listened for you, getting out on the fifteenth floor where he saw you just as you walked out of the bathroom. 
As soon as he made eye contact, he melted, making a beeline for you.
You smiled, wrapping your arms around Homelander. “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.”
“Where were you?” he asked, almost painfully returning your embrace.
“I told you I was presenting for the security council at the UN all day. No phones, remember?”
He huffed, releasing you from the hug. Fuck. “I guess—maybe that rings a bell. You shouldn’t tell me something so important while I’m distracted.”
“How much did you miss me?” you teased, holding up your pointer finger and thumb to pinch the air. “This much?” You spread your fingers wider. “This much?” Wider again, except before you could ask, Homelander scooped you up in his arms.
“Why don’t I show you?”
“Please do,” you said, tilting your head up to kiss him.
He retreated into the elevator with you, his lips capturing yours in a desperate kiss laced with longing. You giggled at him. You’d only been gone for a few hours, yet he was acting as though it had been days. 
You missed him too, resolving to focus your attention on him for the rest of the night.
Until your phone rang.
“I should get this.”
“Now you’re able to pick up a call?” he grumbled, setting you down.
“One minute,” you whispered, grabbing your phone, “then I’m all yours.”
He pressed the button to his suite, having forgotten to do so in the heat of passion. “You better be.”
You picked up your phone, amused at Homelander still clinging to you, kissing your neck. “Hello?”
“Josh from crime analytics?” you asked, tensing a bit when Homelander grazed his teeth on the crook of your neck. “I haven’t heard from him since he gave me the homicide report yesterday.”
Homelander hummed against your skin, and you let out a whimper only he could hear at the way it vibrated through you. He was smug, and it took you a moment to piece together why.
“Okay, talk to you tomorrow,” you said before hanging up. “What did you do?”
“Something chivalrous to defend your honor,” he mumbled, his lips unrelenting on your shoulder as he pulled your shirt down to expose it.
“I guess I should thank you properly, then? My knight in shining armor?”
He lifted his head, grinning, “If you insist.”
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firewasabeast · 3 months
I made a little bucktommy fic based off of this post from yesterday (read here or on ao3)
There had been a big fire, taking out the top eight floors of a high rise. There were multiple stations involved, including the 118 and Harbor, ground and air support, to get the fire under control and everyone out safely.
It took more than a few hours, but eventually the fire was out and everyone was getting their gear in order to head back to their respective stations.
As Buck organized the tools in the truck, a small group of friends, two guys and two girls, in their mid-twenties Buck assumed, gathered around him.
It had started with little comments; a guy asked what the axe was used for, a girl batted her eyelashes as she touched his turnouts because she “always wondered what the material felt like”, another girl asked how much water could be stored in the truck.
Buck liked talking. He liked answering questions and telling people what he did. He leaned against the firetruck as they chatted, until about five minutes in one of the guys sighed and got to the point. “We're honestly just wondering if one of us could get your number? Or all of us. Doesn't really matter.”
Buck paused. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy getting hit on. He enjoyed it quite a bit, actually. It was always nice to know when someone found you attractive.
Getting hit on was fun. Getting people's numbers was fun. But, there was something else that was even funner now. He'd been able to do it for exactly three months, to the day. Not that he wasn't flashing his ring beforehand, but something about being married sounded even better than being engaged.
“Sorry, guys,” Buck said, smiling as he lifted his left hand into view, “Im flattered, but I'm married.”
As some disappointed, and some still interested, looks broke out over the group, a familiar voice sounded behind Buck. “Damn, I was just about to shoot my shot.”
A blush rose on Buck's face as Tommy passed by. He was working ground ops today, and Buck knew he was around, but this was the first he'd seen of him. “Yeah, you wish, Kinard,” he called back, causing Tommy to turn back around to him.
He shrugged, smirking. “A guy can dream, can't he?” he asked with a wink, continuing backwards toward his truck.
It was only once Tommy was out of view that Buck realized the group was still there, staring between Buck and the direction Tommy went with confusion on their faces.
“Oh, uh, that- that's my husband.”
His smile grew as he watched the realization hit the group. They didn't stand a chance.
“Forget it,” one girl mumbled as they all started to disperse.
“They're both so hot, what the hell?” one guy whispered, albeit loudly, to his friend.
“And unbelievably corny,” the friend said back, not even trying to be quiet. “Makes me wanna gag.”
Buck rolled his eyes, shaking his head as he pushed himself up from where he was leaning on the firetruck. He began walking in the direction Tommy had gone, needing to see him before his station left.
“Get any numbers, hot stuff?” Tommy's voice made Buck jump. He was situated between two trucks and, from the looks of it, had just finished pouring a bottle of water over his head to clean himself off.
Buck's shoulders relaxed as he walked over to Tommy. “No, I did not,” he said cheekily. “You wanna know why?”
“Because my husband interrupted. He didn't say it, but I got the feeling he wants to keep me to himself.”
“The nerve of that guy.” Tommy moved closer to Buck, his hands coming up to grip onto the sides of Buck's turnouts. “Can't say I blame him though.” He spoke quietly, staring between Buck's eyes and lips, “He does have a really hot husband.”
Buck put his hand at the nape of Tommy's neck, closing the space between them as he pulled him in for a kiss. He had no concern for the fact he was getting soot right back on Tommy's clean face. Payback.
“Can you bring your turnouts home?” Buck asked, leaning back just enough to speak.
Tommy laughed, his face scrunching up into that deep smile that made Buck melt. “This really does something for you, doesn't it?”
“Every damn time.”
Another kiss, this one slower and softer. A promise of what's to come when they're both off shift in a few hours. “I'll figure out a way.”
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lissrissye · 8 months
𝔜𝔬𝔲 𝔭𝔲𝔱 𝔪𝔞𝔨𝔢𝔲𝔭 𝔬𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔪… 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔦𝔯 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫?
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✿•˖* ㅤ synopsis ; they bought you makeup when you went shopping yesterday. you wanted to test it out on them because they had the perfect features! long eyelashes, plump lips, etc. (or you just did it for fun-)
✿•˖* notes ; i got lazy so i may or may not post the “they slap you during an argument”, sorry ya’ll ! 😭🙏💗
✿•˖* includes ; osamu dazai, nakahara chuuya, ryunosuke akutagawa, edgar allan poe, and fyodor~ ❥
✿•˖* genre ; sweet romance, fluff, safe for work !
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ᴏꜱᴀᴍᴜ ᴅᴀᴢᴀɪ is quite playful when you first asked if you could apply your makeup on him. He doesn’t mind at all, and he likes to play around with you as you test your makeup on him. He has soft, plump lips, so you decided putting some of your brand new lipsticks on him. The bratty brunette smudges the pink lipstick with his thumb once you take a step back to see how it looks. His specialty is to annoy you, really. Of course, you crossed you arms at him, but he just charmingly smirked at you in response, making your heart melt. —“Do I look like a beautiful princess?~”
You hated how he could just get away with anything with that smirk you loved oh too much. As you started to put eyeliner on your beloved, since he has perfect-shaped eyes, your beloved just decided to move around and mess you up. At this point, he was irritating you.
You had to offer him cuddles and kisses later for him to cooperate. You took a step back, taking a quick picture before you were about to wipe the makeup off him. However, he wanted to show it off… He ended up walking around Yokohama with the full-face of makeup on, not ashamed. You were humiliated by your detective lover’s behavior.
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ɴᴀᴋᴀʜᴀʀᴀ ᴄʜᴜᴜʏᴀ is annoyed when you request to put your makeup on him. He accepted in the end, but it took a lot of begging—… you had to go on your knees and plead him with your sad, adorable puppy eyes. Your arrogant, ginger-haired boyfriend could never say “no” to you anyways, you were his only weakness. During the process, he would complain, grumble, or groan loudly to get your attention, trying to demonstrate just how much he doesn’t like this at all.
—“Just know I’m only doing this because I know nobody else would put up with this bullshit.” The Port Mafia executive spoke with his signature scowl as you put mascara on him. You know just how much he despised being or looking vulnerable and inferior, especially in front of you. Though, he secretly enjoys this moment because he’s with you. That was the one benefit to him in this. You didn’t notice it, but a soft smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as you were occupied looking for blush.
Once you turned around, he quickly dropped the grin of his and acted all tough and irritated again. He was trying not to smile so hard… you look so excited, it was adorable to him. He had to look away to prevent himself from letting a smirk come across his face.
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ʀʏᴜɴᴏꜱᴜᴋᴇ ᴀᴋᴜᴛᴀɢᴀᴡᴀ is flustered when you abruptly approach him with the objective to test your brand new makeup products on him. He was surprised at first, then his face slowly turned red in embarrassment. He didn’t want to just shoo you away, but at the same time, he doesn’t want to look pathetic with makeup on… those sad, pleading eyes of yours looking up at him… how could he just send you off?
—“Fine, just not to much… okay, my… lo-love?” Your dark-eyed dear told you. He was such a sweetheart in the interior, hesitating to call you a cute name, even as simple as ‘my love’, since the poor boy had never received love before, making it difficult for him to be romantic with you. When you sat him down, you feel his body is tense. He was unsure about this. You then instructed him to shut his eyes tight so you can put eyeshadow on him. He was obedient despite how much it hurt ego. After you’ve finished putting eyeshadow on Akutagawa’s eyelids, you noticed his cheeks a warm, pink hue.
—“Huh, I don’t recall applying blush on your cheeks…” You thought, and in response, Akutagawa just looked away in silence. He tried avoiding the subject so you wouldn’t realize he was really flustered because of you.
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ᴇᴅɢᴀʀ ᴀʟʟᴀɴ ᴘᴏᴇ is shy when you distracted him from writing his mystery novel for Ranpo to solve, with the desire of adding your makeup products to test on him. He immediately looked away with a bright, cherry-red face as you sat on his lap, putting your products on his desk and moving his novel aside for a moment. With shaky hands, her puts his hands on your hips to support you, as the last thing he wanted was for you to fall off his lap.
—“Ok-okay… please don’t overdo it th-though, sweetheart…” Your timid darling spoke in a quiet voice as you start to put foundation on his face. You lifted the hair from his face just to see him already looking down at you with a gentle, loving and affectionate look. He allowed you to tap foundation on his forehead, use your brush to put blush on his cheeks, use mascara on him, etc. He was okay with it as long as you didn’t use to much of your products on him.
When you had finished, he turned you around so he could continue working on his novel with you on his lap. He felt very hot, so you wondered if he had a fever. In reality, he was just so humiliated that his entire body felt hot.
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ᴅᴏꜱᴛᴏᴇᴠꜱᴋʏ ꜰʏᴏᴅᴏʀ is neutral when he felt your arms embrace his torso from behind, seeking to use your makeup products on him. He turned around, carrying you to your shared bedroom, setting you down and sitting on the bed. You sprinted to your desk, grabbing hold of all the new products he had purchased for you.
—“You have my permission, myshka. Just as long you remove it once your done.” Fyodor cooed with a soothing voice in your ear, stroking your smooth hair with his pale, cold hands. You smiled brightly as you reached for red lipstick and lipgloss to start off with. It was wine-red, and your terrorist beloved seemed to enjoy the color. He kissed your cheek as soon as you finished layering the lipstick with lipgloss, leaving a mark on your cheek. He knew just how to fluster you. You didn’t even bother to rub it off and just proceeded to put highlighter at the corner of his eyes, as well as contour on his nose, etc.
As you were finishing up putting highlighter on your boyfriend’s nose, Fyodor was in a trance, captivated by your beauty, as if he got hypnotized by you. Though, your didn’t pick up on this.
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mistydeyes · 11 months
Hi,if you’re not busy can you write a fic of Cod characters with a cia agent gf ?
yes ofc! yk i love a good little government agent gf moment :)
a double life
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summary: From hidden occupations to a particular set of skill sets, the 141 learns to adapt to having a girlfriend who has all the right qualifications (and who could completely kick their ass).
pairing: Task Force 141 x fem!reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of weapons/violence
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"Sorry I can't be there to meet you, Price," Laswell spoke over the web camera feed, "got tied up in South America." Price nodded as he held the bridge of his nose, Laswell had promised her best field agent to act as a point person for their mission in New Zealand. However, just the thought of some middle-aged retired veteran or worse yet, hot-shot rookie, made his headache pound even further. "She's a good one, Price," Laswell reassured, "skilled in practically every major language and the best marks in her physical fitness examination." "Yes Kate, I read her file, but it seems like you failed to include a photo-" He was interrupted by a sturdy knock at the door. "Looks like she's here."
As you cracked the door open, you practically dropped the files that sat in your arms. "What are you doing here?" Price asked jovially and you could feel the breath release from your sternum, "didn't expect an on-base visit like this." As the pieces began to fit together, you realized he didn't know what you were actually there for. "John, Kate sent me here," you whispered as you shut the door gently, "heard you're going to New Zealand." As the realization hit him like an oncoming train, you braced for impact. "You-you work for the CIA?" he asked almost foolishly and you nodded in response. "I did say I worked in Virginia," you corrected, "and you had to know my surprise visit yesterday wasn't just a spur-of-the-moment thing." Price could feel his headache reach a fever pitch as he reviewed your file again. "Then what's with the name?" he asked, "you lie about that too." You let out a laugh as you explained, "People have nicknames and mother's maiden names, John." As you sat back in your chair and crossed your legs, Price wondered what he had done for the universe to gift him you.
Despite your initial reservations, Johnny was quite good at keeping your occupation vague and nonchalant in conversation. You were honest about your work in central intelligence and he took that secret to the grave. Your long-distance relationship was written off as you working in some company in DC and no one batted an eye at your occasional inference at military strategy or surveillance techniques. When you returned home, you would always be sure to show him extra appreciation for his covertness. "Tryna make me patriotic?" he would joke before you would kiss him and stifle his laughs.
However, he loved testing your skill set and seeing if you were as trained of an operative as your file read. "Let's see what they teach you over there, Bonnie," he joked as he lined up his sights at the air gun range. You refrained from kicking him as you stood back to watch him. You almost let out a laugh when you saw his small pellet ricochet just slightly off target. "Hmm and that's why Ghost is your long-range weapons specialist," you teased as he got up and switched positions. You breathed in as you looked down your sights and positioned your rifle towards the farthest target on the range. "You Americans, always so fucking cocky," he muttered under his breath before you quickly shut him up with a quick shot directly into the center of the target. The metal hen spun around widely at your expert marksmanship and you exhaled your held breath. You stood up and tried to size up your tall boyfriend. "Best 2/3?" you offered and you smiled as he kissed your forehead before ushering you out of the way to try again. "Fucking CIA training," he whispered as he got into position again. "You say something, you glorified sergeant?"
It was 4 am when you arose from the bed and leaned into Kyle, taking in his warmth and seeking refuge from the cold London air. You could always rely on your boyfriend to be your human-sized space heater. As you laid your head across his chest, you could feel him stir lightly. "Time to go already, love?" he asked with his eyes still closed and you muttered in confirmation. You always knew what challenges came with living so far away from the States but you had someone who made it all worth it. He kissed your forehead lightly as you rolled off the bed. You tried to quietly make your way to the bathroom to let him get some more hours of precious sleep but upon your return, it was clear Kyle was more awake than before.
"You sure you don't need me to drive you to the airport?" he offered yet again as you dressed quickly in dress slacks and a blouse. "MI6 is sending a car," you explained as you collected your overnight bag, "just try to get some sleep, my love. I'll text you when I land in Langley." Despite your soft kiss on the cheek, Kyle still pouted as you pulled away. "Don't understand why you can't be a liaison officer for us," he mumbled but you ruffled his hair slightly. "When the position becomes available, I'll be the first application on there," you smiled, doing a final check of your things, "just tell Price to write me a hell of a recommendation letter." With that, you shared another long kiss as you slightly cringed at his morning breath. "I'll be sure to say hi to the cybercrime analysis team for you, hopefully, they'll actually take my advice this time," you laughed before exiting out of your apartment and embracing the cold English air you had grown to love.
When the question arose of your occupation, you would always smile and defer to being just an "American government worker." However, you always knew Simon had more than just an inkling as to your occupation. When you spoke about military strategy, and combat techniques, or even had various conversations in different languages over the phone, it was clear to him that you were more than just a civilian. The shock didn't even resonate with him when you uttered the words, "Paramilitary Operations Officer," it all seemed to fall into place. He wouldn't bat an eye when it came to long stretches of days that you were in minimal contact with him. "I'll be back," you would reassure as you pulled on a dark hoodie and headed out the door with a bag. Simon would always be there to clean your wounds and ice your bruises.
It was a shock when Simon hadn't heard from you in a month. You had left in the middle of the day in a black Mercedes that disappeared off the English skyline. It was the unfortunate timing that he had been on leave when you left and there had been no word from Price regarding a new mission. Every morning, he would turn over in your king-sized bed expecting to see you smiling back at him. However, the days dragged on without any information meeting his ears. You could practically still picture his terrified face when you turned the key into the door and slammed your bag down. Simon paused upon seeing your blackened eye and wrapped knuckles. The eye bags on your delicate face further added worry to the situation. "Don't ask," you whispered as you fell into his chest, "intel was shit." That was all Simon needed to lift you gently and place you back on the couch. As he held you in his arms with an ice pack to your eye, you slightly pulled away from his touch. "I promised I would come back, didn't I?"
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junipers-archive · 1 year
Paper Rings
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Word count: 1.1k
Includes: tiny itty bit of angst to fluff, fluff, fluff, Spencer has been acting distant so you try to start up a conversation, ultimately leading to his confession about wanting to marry you but never finding the right moment
You were worried. More than usual worried, worried. Spencer had been acting odd lately, and for the past few weeks you had been trying your best to ignore it.
It was hard though, he had been distant, almost neglectful, his once cheerful and atentative attitude when listening to your day or the new book you'd been reading gone and replaced by a cool indifrence.
You were near to him now, sitting on the sunflower yellow sofa in your apartment, reading different books. But instead of being next to you he was on the other side of the couch.
In an attempt to start up a conversation you mentioned one of your fresher pieces of news,
"Hey Spence", He didn't even look up, just hummed.
You scooted closer, "Uh- I- Well you know my cousin? Marion, the one who got engaged a few months back?"
"yea" his eyes shifted up quickly and then right back down to his book.
"Well they finally set a date! I got my invite in the mail yesterday morning, it's in Hawaii!!"
"Oh, really?" he wasn't even glancing up now to seem interested.
Nevertheless, you tried one last time with enthusiasm, hoping he'd be kind enough to take pity and reciprocate even a fraction of it.
"So whadaya say handsome, be my plus one?"
"mhm." mhm. That's what your relationship had dwindled down to?
You shook your head, tears pricking your eyes as you got up from the sofa, trying really hard not to cry. But there was only so much you could take, was he seeing someone else? What had you done to make him so upset?
But that was the thing he wasn't even yelling at you! You'd become an irrelevant part of his life without even realizing it.
By this time you were grabbing your things in a scramble, trying to get out, get out of the apartmentget, get out of his life if thats what he really wanted. When it occurred to you that he was still obsorbed in that stupid book of his.
And you had to know, You just had to.
"Did I do something?! What-Just tell me what I did Spencer please!"
You were standing before him now, waving your arms around manically.
"Y-Y/n, whats wrong?"
"I don't know Spencer you tell me! I mean first I thought it was a case you were on that had put you off, or maybe that we'd been apart for too long but weeks went by! Its been weeks and you still won't even look me in the eye when we're talking!" You fail in your previous attempts to keep the tears at bay as droplets fall down your flushed cheeks.
He was stunned but eventually he found his words, "I-I- that wasn't my intention, I- just- I-"
You were hysterical at this point, he couldn't even tell you?
"Look Spencer. If you wanna break up, just say it already!"
You were one second away from storming out when he spoke up again, catching you by the wrist and leading you down the hall to the bedroom quickly.
"Look I'm really, really sorry Y/n its just that- well it'd be easier if I just showed you."
You came to sit on the bed, arms crossed over your chest as if armor protecting you from being hurt.
He was searching through the back of the closet you shared, finally pulling out a shoe box. He sat down next to you, opening the box, where rested an old sweater of his that had been worn thin and a black velvet box sitting within.
He handed the small compartment over to you explaining frantically,
"I've wanted to marry you for a long time now, hell Y/n I wanted to marry you since the moment I met you. But I kept chickening out and for the past few weeks I've taken you to our spots to pop the question but I-I- nothing was ever good enough...I couldn't find the perfect moment."
he looked straight in your eyes now, which were watery, overwhelmed by the idea he wanted to marry you just as much as you wanted to marry him. "You deserve the perfect moment. And not being able to provide that to you, it tore me apart, so...I became distant, praying I was good enough but also hoping you's find someone better..."
"I-I understand completely that this isn't the time or place but when I saw that you were crying- I just I needed you to know that the reason I was being so distant wasn't because I wanted to break up, far from it! I want to spend the rest of my life with you!"
You opened the box now, silently falling in love even more as you gazed down at the your dream ring.
Finally lifting your gaze to the boy in front of you and kissing him deeply, finding your voice again as you pulled back grinning,
"You're an idiotic-genius, you know that?"
He only grinned back, "Yea, yea I'm fairly aware."
You slipped on the ring, it was perfect fit.
"Well...Are you gonna ask me?"
He shook his head, "You're gonna have to wait till i find our perfect moment."
You grumbled like a digruntled child, leaping back on the bed and guarding your ring finger as he tried to take it back. Ultimately he ended up on top of you, both of you play wrestling like children.
"Y/n. Give. It. Back."
"NO its my ring now! You can't take it back! You practically already proposed!"
"You said yourself, I technically haven't asked!"
"Well why don't I keep it for now, just until you're ready?" You were wearing a shit-eating grin as you looked up at him, he had pinned you down with his hands on your wrists.
"No way. What Would I propose with then?"
You craned your neck to kiss him then, albeit akwardly. "I'd marry you with paper rings Dr. Reid."
He had gotten admittedly lost in your sweet words, which you used as your opprutunity to slide out from under him, once more flashing you giant grin before running out of the room.
The afternoon was lost to him chasing you around the apartment as you chanted, "Paper rings dr. Reid! Paper rings!"
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Dream Fever
Gibbs X Reader One-Shot
Prompt: You have a dirty dream about Gibbs and try to play it cool.
Mentions: Sexual acts, death
Mostly angst/tension/no smut
Anxiously, you tap your pencil on your desk, grabbing the attention of Bishop and McGee.
“Y/N? You good? You’ve been pretty distracted all morning,” McGee asked, concerned.
“Yeah I’m fine. Just a little too much coffee I guess.”
Except you weren’t fine. You were busy replaying last nights dream in your head. The dream that included a certain grey haired agent. The reason for the dream?
It could’ve been the way you saw Gibbs interrogate your suspect yesterday. Or the way he walked into a room like it was a runway show. Regardless, it was keeping you from doing your job correctly and you weren’t sure you’d even be able to look your boss in the eyes today.
“Grab your gear. Dead Naval officer in Norfolk,” Gibbs spoke, walking into the bullpen and grabbing things from his desk. Quickly, you grabbed your bag and practically raced into the elevator before anyone else could accompany you, let alone Gibbs.
You chose to sit in the back seat with Bishop on the car ride there but couldn’t help but steal glances at Gibbs through the rear view window. He only caught you looking twice, both times, you immediately looked out the window, a redness forming at your cheeks.
“Hey, what’s up with you,” Bishop asked as you two walked toward the crime scene, McGee and Gibbs walking ahead, out of ear shot. You were pretty close with Bishop, you two sharing a lot of commonalities so you decided to tell her.
“I had a dream about Gibbs last night and it won’t leave my head.”
Her jaw dropped and she had to keep herself from laughing out loud.
“Shut up Ellie. It’s not funny. I can’t even look at him in the eye.”
“You’re right, I’m sorry. But why Gibbs? Is he your type?”
“I don’t know. Something about his tough yet caring exterior just seems to do something for me. You know I’m into older men.”
“True. What was the dream about?”
“Well he called me into the elevator for some reason and then did the whole stopping it in between floors. There wasn’t much talking but a lot of kissing and-
“Hey! You two done gossiping over there?!” Gibbs yelled, causing the both of you to rush over. He gave you a stare that you completely avoided by staring at the floor and eventually walked over to the cop that called in the death.
“So you said you there was a witness that might’ve saw the suspect fleeing?” You asked.
“Yeah, she said it was a guy wearing a black hoodie and jeans. Didn’t get a good look at his face though.”
Just as you were about to ask another question, you felt the presence of Gibbs standing right beside you, overwhelming your senses and making you completely lose your train of thought.
“Where is she so we can ask her a few questions,” he asked for you.
“Getting checked by the EMT’s. I guess your guy also tried attacking her as well once she saw him.”
You followed behind Gibbs, appreciating that runway walk he had and let him do all the talking with the witness as you just wrote everything down and occasionally gave him a once over.
Back at the squad room, you all began gathering all of your evidence when you found something interesting.
“Hey McGee. What non profit did you say our Petty Officer donated to?”
“Um, just WWF and PETA once a month. Why?”
“Well I was looking through his financial records and found a reoccurring payment starting in July to a Riker Humanitarian Organization.”
Both McGee and Gibbs came over but Gibbs decided to lean over your shoulder to get a better look at the computer screen, hand supporting himself right beside yours. You never really noticed how big his hands were until now and found yourself staring at them, remembering how they caressed and squeezed your body in your dream.
“Y/N? What am I looking at?” Gibbs asked slightly irritated as you snapped out of it. You clicked on the payment tab, sending Bishop a “help me” look at the same time which she only grinned at. She was loving how uncomfortable all of this was making you.
“Three thousand seems a bit steep for a humanitarian donation boss. You think his wife knew anything about it?” McGee asked.
“You and Bishop go find out. Talk to the wife. See what she knows.”
“I can go too if they want some more help,” you offered, not wanting to be alone with Gibbs.
“It doesn’t take 3 people to ask a few questions Y/N. You stay here. See what else you can dig up.”
You watched Bishop get up and giving you a wave and mouth good luck to you before following after McGee, making you die inside.
After a bit of more searching through the victims records, you didn’t find anything. Looking over at Gibbs, he had his glasses on and was staring intently at the case file in front of him. The glasses were a nice touch to his look. Made his facial features a little softer and only made you pay more attention to his icy blue eyes.
You hadn’t realized how long you had been staring until he looked up at you, catching you red handed.
“Can I help you Agent Y/L/N?”
“Why do you keep staring at me?”
Not being able to come with an appropriate answer, you stuttered for words.
“Uh, I don’t- I think I’m gonna go see if Abby has anything for us.”
Thoroughly flustered for the upteenth time that day, you left a confused Gibbs and scurried downstairs to the lab.
“Abby. You gotta help me,” you pleaded, walking through her doors and seeing her typing away on her computer.
“Is it about your Gibbs dream?”
“What? How did you- Dammit Bishop.”
“Hey, I think it’s cute. Gibbs barely gets romantic admirers and I could totally see him being your type.”
You covered your face with your hands and groaned. “I don’t to want to be his romantic admirer Abbs! He’s my boss!”
She shrugged and continued typing on her computer. “I’m just saying, there’s nothing wrong with dreaming about Gibbs. He’s a dreamy guy. If you like that gruff, quiet, brooding type.”
“Just tell me something about him that would be a turn off so I can just think about that instead of my dream.”
“Dream about what?” Gibbs asked from behind us, making the both of us jump. Oh God, please tell me he didn’t hear anything before your last few words.
“Y/N had a dream about someone and is trying not think about it,” Abby snitched.
“Abigail! Shut up!”
She smiled as your cheeks got tomato red. “Anyone we know?” Gibbs asked, stepping closer. I could’ve died right then and there.
Before Abby could say another word, you interrupted. “No! It’s nothing. Just a stupid dream, it doesn’t matter.”
He gave you that look that usually gives your suspects when interrogating them. The one where he looks into your eyes, then your lips, then back at your eyes again. Your breathing increased ten fold and you wouldn’t have been surprised if he noticed.
Thankfully he seemed to drop it and walk over next to Abby and ask her about the case. You have to remember to kill both her and Bishop.
Once McGee and Bishop had come back from questioning the wife, you were all surprised to see them also come in with the suspect you had been looking for.
“Y/N. With me in interrogation,” Gibbs ordered while walking away. By now, McGee also had that dumb grin on his face so your sure Bishop had told him about the whole situation as well. You just flipped them both off while leaving to follow after Gibbs.
The suspect ended up not being any help. And neither were you. Anytime Gibbs got frustrated with him and started raising his voice, you just stared, not realizing that you didn’t ask one question during the entire conversation. “Y/N. Elevator. Now,” he said after you both exited the room. Shit.
You silently followed after him, dreading what was about to happen. You didn’t even look at Bishop and McGee as the both of you passed them to the elevators. He let you in first and walked in behind, letting the doors close and move both of you up a few seconds before pressing the emergency stop button.
“What’s going on with you Y/L/N? Is this dream really that distracting?”
You had no idea what to say. You just kept your eyes glued to the wall behind him, trying to ignore the intimate lighting and how similar this situation was becoming to your dream.
“How many times have you dreamt about this person?”
Oh jeeze. To Bishop and Abby, it was only one dream but in reality, it was probably like 5.
“Is this why you’re being weird with me all day?”
He stepped closer, making you instinctively take a step back, finally getting you to look him in the eye.
“Is the dream about me?”
You didn’t say a word but you didn’t have to. Gibbs was smart. He knew how to read body language. And you were giving all the tell tale signs of nervousness and attraction.
He looked down at your lips and back up at your eyes like earlier and you swallowed hard.
Finally, he stepped back and pressed the emergency button, bringing the lights back on and giving you a chance to take a huge breath. Just as the doors opened, he turned to you.
“We’re not done here.”
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cozage · 1 year
The Daughter's Return: Chapter Three
Some Friendly Advice
This is a fullblown multichapter fic now. Get ready for a slowburn mutual pining fic full of love and angst and so much drama. I'm sorry in advance (if you want to be tagged in any follow up just reply to this post or send me a message!) Characters: female reader x Portgas D. Ace Word Count: 5k
Part One | Part Four | Table of Contents | Read on A03
You woke up in a bed that wasn’t yours and a room that was much too dark to be a bunkhouse. Marco must’ve brought you back to his cabin after you fell asleep at the party. How embarrassing. You hadn’t even drank that much. Yesterday must've been more exhausting than you realized. 
You stretched out your arms, trying to push the sleep out of your body to start the day. Your hand pushed against another body, which was odd. Marco didn’t usually share a bed with you, but it happened sometimes. 
“What time is it?” You groaned.
“Not sure.”
The voice that definitely didn’t belong to Marco made you pause. It was hoarse, so it took you a few moments to place it. 
“Ace?” Your voice caught in your throat as you spoke. 
You suddenly felt very claustrophobic, sharing such a small space with your commander. When it was Marco you never minded, but this was Ace. And you shared a bed with him last night. You didn’t even remember leaving the party. How on earth did you end up here, in this small and very private room?
Ace must’ve sensed your discomfort. “Nothing happened,” he quickly assured you. “Marco’s door was locked, so I brought you in here to sleep.” 
You raised your eyebrow, even though he couldn’t see it. You didn’t believe him. Not completely. 
“So why am I in bed with you?”
“Oh. Uh, well-” He sounded abnormally nervous as he stammered on his words, trying to find an explanation. “Uhm, you…kind of asked me to join you?”
Your mouth dropped open, unable to hide your shock. “Bullshit,” you hissed.
“I swear!” Ace said. “I was going to sleep on the floor, I-”
A sharp knock cut him off, and both of your eyes cut to the door. 
“Ace!” Marco’s voice called from the other side. “Wake up, man! Pops wants to talk to you.”
You could feel Ace tense at Marco’s words, and you found yourself concerned as well. Nothing happened on the Moby Dick without your father knowing about it. You weren’t sure if that included who spent the night in which rooms, but you prayed that your father didn’t concern himself with things so trivial. 
Ace cleared his throat, his eyes darting around the room nervously. “Yeah, I’ll be there in a minute.”
You scowled at him and his nervous behavior. “If we didn’t do anything, why are-”
You had been whispering, but Ace clamped a hand over your mouth and threw a finger to his lips, silently begging you to be quiet. 
Marco’s voice hummed disapprovingly from outside the door. “Ace? Come on.”
You heard the door knob jiggle as Marco tried to enter the room, but thankfully Ace had locked it last night. 
“I’ll meet you there!” Ace called out, slight desperation in his voice. You knew that wouldn’t go unnoticed by Marco. 
“No way,” Thatch’s muffled voice came from outside the door. “Hurry it up with whoever you got in there and let’s go.”
So it wasn’t just Marco waiting outside. You squinted your eyes in suspicion at Thatch’s words, but Ace just shook his head at you, begging you to be silent. 
“I promise I’ll explain everything later, okay?” he whispered as softly as he could. “But I swear on my life, I would never-”
“Ace!” Marco’s voice came again, and you heard a chorus of laughter outside the door.
“Coming!” Ace yelled to the group congregating outside your door. He redirected his attention to you and whispered one last thing. “I would never take advantage of you, or anyone, like that. I swear. We’ll talk later, just stay hidden until we all leave.”
With those words, he jumped out of bed and threw the cover over you. You heard him shuffling around the room getting dressed, and you were thankful for the blanket covering your face. It hid your reddened cheeks from your imagination going wild. A small part of you wanted to peek out from under the covers, but your morning had already been filled with enough embarrassment. 
“Damn, Ace,” Curiel hollered through the door. “Who on earth do you have in there? You must be taking your sweet time-”
You heard the creak of the door opening, and you froze. You were under the blanket and safely tucked away from any outsider’s gaze, but you couldn’t help feeling small in this situation. 
“Wish it were you?” Ace teased, cutting Curiel off. 
“Dude, you look horrible!” Thatch barked out, a gaggle of laughs emitting from various commanders. “What poor soul kept you up last night?”
“Whoever it is, I bet they’re feeling it now!” Another voice quipped, one you didn’t recognize. 
You could feel yourself starting to steam with anger, and you forced yourself to calm down. Steam would alert everyone to your presence, and ruin your current anonymity.
“Shut up,” Ace mumbled. He seemed to be equally as annoyed with their jests. He shut the door quickly behind him as you hid under the covers, leaving you alone in the darkness. The sounds of group laughter was shortly followed by heavy footsteps receding, and you finally breathed a sigh of relief. You were finally alone. 
You wanted to believe that Ace had brought you to his room on his own accord, but the end of the night was becoming clearer to you by the second. You had asked Ace to go back to his room, asked him to lay in bed with you. You might’ve even taken it a step further and actually slept with him, if he hadn’t been so uneasy about doing so. 
Ace certainly wasn’t the one to blame in your current situation. But it did seem like he had some kind of reputation amongst his fellow commanders. Their words made your chest hurt, though you weren’t sure why. You barely knew Portgas D. Ace. It all felt complicated, and made your head spin just from thinking about it. 
You groaned, finally removing the cover and looking around the room. Ace’s room was an organized kind of messy. You could see that everything had a place where it kind of belonged. Even if nobody else understood his system, he would. 
He didn’t have a lot of things, but the one recurring thing you did see scattered across his room was, strangely enough, sea shells. All of them were different sizes, shapes, and colors. There were probably hundreds scattered around his room. On his desk, on his nightstand, even along his wall. You would have to ask him about it later, if you could ever muster up the courage to speak to him again. 
You needed to leave. You didn’t want to be back here when Ace and the other commanders returned. Your stomach rumbled in agreement, and you decided that the dining hall would be your next stop. You opened the door and slipped out into the hallway as quietly as you could. As you clicked the door into place, you gave a quick glance around to see if there had been any witnesses, and your eyes met Izou’s. 
Your eyes widened upon the realization. You opened your mouth, debating between begging for his silence or explaining what happened, but Izou held a hand up. 
“None of my business, kid,” he said quickly. “It’s already forgotten.”
Izou darted into his room before you had a chance to form any words, leaving you alone in the hallway. 
“Thank you,” you muttered to both Izou and the universe as you started down the corridor. 
Anyone else would’ve plastered your scandal on the front page of every News Coo they could find. But Izou had always had your back. You weren’t sure why you didn’t go to him for more things instead of Marco. Maybe you should talk to the sixteenth division commander more often.  
It was ending breakfast time in the mess hall, so there weren’t many options left. You grabbed a few pastries and sat down with some of your old friends who were always late risers after a party night. 
“You! You didn’t come back to the bunkhouse last night!” Whitey announced as you sat down next to her. 
You gave her a side glare, and you saw all of your friends perk up at the hint of gossip. 
“I always sleep in Marco’s room on party nights,” you said. Which was the truth, just not the truth about last night. 
“Marco, huh?” a girl you didn’t know said, with deep curiosity. She had fiery red hair and purple lipstick on. “You’re into older guys then?” she asked.
“Ew,” you said, disgusted with her implication. “Marco is like my brother.” You took a bite of the raspberry pastry you had grabbed. “Or maybe like my uncle?”
“Your hot brother-uncle,” Epoida corrected.
You wrinkled your nose at the thought. “Gross, Epoida.”
“We all have our own tastes, hunny.”
“So what’s yours?” the red-haired girl asked you. She was watching you closely, making you a little self-conscious about your disheveled appearance. 
“Y/N is the second division strategist now,” Brew said, sitting down next to the red-haired girl. “That title speaks for itself about what she’s into.”
The group turned to look at you in shock. The news must not have spread yet. You wrinkled your nose in disgust again, hoping they didn’t see the blush appearing across your cheeks. 
“You’re one to talk, Brew,” you shot back. “You always loved to-”
“I’m settled down now!” Brew remarked, cutting you off before you could finish your sentence. His arm wrapped around the red-haired girl. “This is Sally, and I’m all hers!”
You gave a soft snicker at that, thinking back on all the times Brew had tried to get with you before you had left. “I guess people really can change,” you said snarkily.
Brew stuck his tongue out at you from behind Sally, which made you snort. At least some things never changed. 
“When are we supposed to hit the next island?” you asked, hoping to change the subject away from love interests. 
“I think tomorrow,” Whitey said, looking out the porthole to the sea. “I hope tomorrow. I need an island day.”
“Makes sense.” You took another bite of your pastry. “We need to restock before the mission next week.”
Apparently that news hadn’t gotten around either, because everyone’s head swiveled to look at you. 
“Mission?” Whitey asked.
“How do you know about a new mission?” Epoida demanded. 
“Oh, I didn’t know it wasn’t public. It’s not finalized yet,” you said. It wasn’t finalized because you hadn’t gotten the list done. Damn Portgas D. Ace for distracting you so much. 
“Did you not know it was a secret because Ace told you?” Brew asked. His voice carried a little tune when he spoke Ace’s name, and you had to grit your teeth to avoid saying something sarcastic. 
“It’s actually because I’m the strategist,” you said between clenched teeth. Your hand had turned into a fist, crushing your pastry. 
“Brew, cut it out!” Whitey came to your defense, rolling her eyes. “Y/N wouldn’t go for a guy like Ace anyway.”
Epoida nodded. “Ace is way too much of a…” she paused, trying to find the right words. 
“Man-whore?” Sally offered.
“Flirt,” Epoida corrected, shooting Sally a look. “He still is a division commander, Sally.”
“Only because he took Y/N’s promised position!” Whitey yelled. 
Her upstart caused a few people to glance your way. “Whitey,” you hissed. “It’s fine. Really.”
“Really?” asked Sally. “I thought you’d be more upset from all the stories I heard about you.”
“I’m really okay,” you said truthfully. “I like working with Ace.”
All of the girls gawked at you, their mouths wide open. But Brew busted out into laughter at your comment. 
“Oh my god,” Brew wheezed out. “He’s already got you wrapped around his finger.”
“Y/N,” Whitey said, her eyes practically bugging out of her head. “Please tell me you didn’t sleep with him already.”
“What?!? No, of course I didn’t!” you insisted, though it wasn’t necessarily the truth. You had slept in the same bed as him, but you hadn’t slept with him. It was different.
“I swear he’s slept with half the girls on this ship,” Epoida said. 
“And half the guys,” Brew added, which got a contemplative nod from everyone at the table. 
“Y/N,” Whitey grabbed your shoulders and turned you to stare her straight in the eyes. “You cannot be put under Ace’s spell, okay? Promise me.”
“Whitey, you’re being ridiculous,” you laughed nervously. “He’s not that bad.”
“She’s already been taken,” Brew muttered.
“Poor soul,” Sally said in agreement. 
“You guys!” You yelled, shaking Whitey’s grip off you. “It’s not like that! It just-I couldn't-he wanted-”
“She’s hopeless,” Epoida said. 
“Would you all stop it!?” you hissed. 
“You are going to get your heart broken,” Whitey promised. “Beg Pops to switch divisions. He’ll do it for you. Get as far away from Portgas D. Ace as you can. While you still can. He’s cruel and he’ll only use you. Please trust me on this.”
“Thanks for the advice,” you grumbled, though you didn’t mean it. You had lost your appetite from the conversation, so you picked up your plate and stormed out of the dining hall. 
You needed to work. To distract yourself from everything you had heard at breakfast. Unfortunately, those stupid papers were in Ace’s room, and you hadn’t had the foresight to grab those this morning. And after what you had learned at the breakfast table, you weren’t particularly in the mood to go seek him out and talk to him at the moment. 
Luck seemed to be on your side at the moment, though. The commander's chambers were empty except for Haruta, who eagerly smiled at you when you entered. 
“Hey! How are you?” He asked. “Did you enjoy the party?”
“I did,” you said, politely smiling. “Just have to finish up this report for Pops. Ace isn’t here, is he?”
Haruta frowned at the mention of Ace. “He’s still in the mission meeting.”
“No worries, I think his room is unlocked.” You knew it was; you hadn’t locked it when you left earlier. But you couldn’t tell Haruta that.
You quickly popped into his room, scanning his desk to find the papers he had held hostage last night. They were there, and you scooped them up and left the room. You were about to leave the commander's chamber as well, when you realized something. 
“Hey Haruta, can you help me with something?” You already knew what his answer would be. 
“Whatever you need!” 
You grinned and sat down next to him on the couch. “I don’t know some of these names or their fighting abilities. Can you help me assess them?”
“Sure!” He was practically bouncing from excitement. “I used to be a strategist too, so I know all the info you need.”
“It’s more just a capability ranking, if you don’t mind. I’m trying to keep an open mind,” you explained.
You all went through the two pages of names you were unfamiliar with. You had to admit, Haruta was very helpful in his assessment. It was concise, but included all of the information you needed to know. By the end of your time with him, you knew everyone’s time on the ship, fighting experience, and what devil fruit ability they had. It was extremely helpful.
When you finished the last name, you found yourself sitting and talking with him for a little while. It was refreshing to talk to a familiar face who wasn’t teasing or scolding you. Haruta had been on the ship for a long time. Not as long as you, obviously, but he had joined the Whitebeards when he was a kid. It was the only family he had, just like how you had been. 
You both talked about what you learned and how you grew in your two years. Haruta had become a commander right before you left, and it was clear now that your father knew what he was doing when he appointed him. He really seemed to grow into a great person and commander. His appointment had sparked your journey to Wano, though you didn’t tell him that. 
“There she is!” Marco’s voice boomed at the entry to the common room. 
Both you and Haruta turned to look at him and the others coming into the room. 
“There’s a strategy meeting tomorrow morning! I’ve been looking all over the ship trying to find you.”
“That’s my cue,” you mumbled, gathering up your stuff.
“You don't have to go!” Haruta pleaded. A part of you didn’t want to go either, but you had work to do and distractions to avoid. 
“Ace will be here in a second,” Marco said. “Pops asked the three mission commanders to hang back.”
You ignored Marco, choosing to address Haruta before you left. “It was lovely catching up with you. Let’s do it again soon?”
You hadn’t meant to say it loud enough for all the other commanders to hear, but you could see them all exchanging glances in your peripheral vision. You chose not to comment on it, and instead walked out of the room, heading for the library. 
You stopped at your bunkhouse to change into a fresh pair of clothes and freshened up before you went to work for the day. As Haruta had explained each person’s abilities, you made plenty of notes about where they should be positioned, now all you had to do was write it up into a formal report. 
By the end of the day, your strategy report was 4 pages long. You had the fourth division flanking the left side with an additional twelve members from the second division, and the eleventh division flanking the right with fourteen members from the second division. The rest of the second division would hang back and assist as needed, with communication being made through transponder snails. 
It would work. You were certain. It was the safest maneuver for everyone involved, and it allowed extra security if there were any surprises or change in plans. It gave flexibility and a solid offense. Satisfied with your work, you took your papers back to your bunkhouse and placed them in your bedside drawer. 
You had managed to successfully keep Portgas D. Ace off of your mind for the entire day. Until you walked into the dining hall. Your eyes managed to instantly find him, and he smiled at you, giving you a little wave to come join him in the dinner line. 
You quickly averted your eyes, pretending you didn’t see him. Trying your best to ignore the heat rising to your face, you looked for Whitey, and found her further back in the secondary line. You walked over to join her and Epoida, laughing and chatting with other crew members. 
“Mind if I join you?” you asked, stepping in line with them. 
The two individuals you didn’t know stared at you, but Whitey and Epoida smiled at your arrival. 
“Still mad about this morning?” Epoida asked cautiously. Her eyes flitted over behind you to where Ace was standing, and she smirked. 
“This morning?” you asked, trying to remember. You were certain she didn’t know about your night with Ace, so she must’ve been talking about breakfast. 
They had made you angry in the moment, but you had time to cool off. Reflecting now, they were only trying to warn you about the kind of person Ace was. You were grateful for that. 
Epoida leaned in close to you to whisper in your ear. “He’s watching, you know.”
“You think he likes the show?” you sarcastically responded, trying to show it didn’t phase you. 
The act would’ve worked, but your devil fruit ability betrayed you. You could feel the tips of your ears burning, and your hair around them started to singe. Epoida bursted into a cackle at your embarrassment, and you shoved her away from you. You had to resist the urge to glance over at Ace, knowing that’s exactly what Epoida wanted you to do. 
Your back was to the room, so you didn’t see him approaching. But you did see everyone else’s eyes getting big, and then you heard Ace’s cool voice from directly behind you. 
“Hey ladies,” he said, his hand resting on your shoulder. You flinched at the closeness of his voice, and ignited your skin where he touched you, causing him to pull back in pain. 
“Sorry. Forgot,” he mumbled, rubbing his hand. “Do you mind if I steal this lovely lady away from you all for a moment? Got commander stuff to talk about.”
“Commander stuff,” Whitey mocked. “Right.”
Ace gave Whitey a nervous glance and flashed her a smile, but it wasn’t as confident as usual. 
“You can talk to me here,” you stated. “We’re amongst allies.”
“Right..” Ace said, looking around the circle. 
It appeared that even though you were among allies, Ace was not. All of the others in the circle were glaring at him as if he had kicked a puppy on his way over here. 
“So what’s up?” you asked, trying to ignore your friend’s gaze.”
“Oh, right.” Ace turned his attention to you, and you struggled not to get lost in his spotted freckles or his dark eyes. “There’s a strategy meeting tomorrow. Figured we could go through the names of the divisions and I could help you write up a report for it.”
“Already done,” you said coolly. “Haruta helped me out this morning and I got the report written.”
“Oh,” Ace said. He was staring at you with a confused look on his face, as if he were waiting for something more. You could hear the girls next to you stifling their laughs. 
“You can look at it if you want,” you offered, unsure of what else he needed. 
“No.” Ace blinked, as if he were trying to comprehend what to do next.  “No, I trust you.”
“Cool.” You turned your attention away from him. “So anyway Epoida, this morning I was just in a bad mood. Better now, thanks for checking.”
You could still feel him behind you, just out of your view. Everyone else in the group kept glancing at him.
“Ace?” you asked, turning back around to face him. 
“Did you need something else?”
“No,” Ace said, looking at the rest of the group. “I’ll see you tomorrow, I guess.”
“Sounds good. Bye.”
You waited for him to walk away before you turned to face your friends again. 
“Dude,” Epoida said. “He’s trying to get with you so hard.”
“He is not.” You rolled your eyes. 
“He definitely is,” one of the girls said. “When he puts his hands on people’s shoulders like that…”
“The Mark of Portgas D. Ace!” the other girl said, giggling. “You have to sleep with him now. It’s only a matter of time.”
“And then he’ll leave you,” Whitey said bitterly. “Onto the next shiny thing.”
“You guys are being dramatic,” you said, but you felt a knot of jealousy forming in your stomach. 
“Happened to me,” one of the girls said. “And Whitey.”
“It did not!” Whitey said. “We did not-”
“Oh right,” the girl waved Whitey off. “You never made it home with him.”
“Shut up!” Whitey hissed, her face flooding with pink. “That was a few months ago! It doesn’t even matter!”
“Doesn’t it?” the girl taunted. You got a feeling that their argument was deeper and more malicious than either girl was letting onto. 
“Can we stop talking about him?” you let out an exasperated sigh. “I feel like he’s all I ever hear about.”
“That’s because it’s begun.” Epoida wiggled her fingers at you like she was putting you under a spell. “He’s all you’ll ever hear about from now on.”
“He’s always been the talk of the ship,” one of the girls said. “Something you’ll just have to live with.”
The girls started talking amongst themselves again, about other crewmates and possibilities of an island soon, but Whitey was unnaturally quiet. 
“Whitey,” you mumbled to her. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Her eyes were glassy when she looked at you. “He’s no good, Y/N. No good.”
She ran off, leaving you alone with the three chatty girls. You didn’t care for their conversation much, but Whitey’s reaction bothered you. Not many people could make her emotional, especially over something that happened in the past. 
Portgas D. Ace made your heart flutter. But apparently he did that to a lot of people, and he had hurt one of your best friends in the process. You wouldn’t let yourself fall into the same fate. You refused to do so. Not just for your own preservation, but for Whitey too. 
You grabbed your dinner to go and headed for the library for a quiet space. You needed to go over your plans one more time to check for any bias or oversights. You sat silently, reading over your proposal as you shoveled food into your mouth. The strategy appeared to be airtight with the information you had been given, but you were afraid of missing something obvious.
“Thought you said you were done with that,” a voice teased, and you cursed Ace for finding you so quickly. 
“Just going over it one last time,” you replied simply, not looking up from your papers 
“Nervous for tomorrow?” he asked, sitting down in the seat next to you.
“No,” you lied, which prompted a chuckle from Ace. You were normally a good liar, but Ace seemed to always be able to know whether you were being truthful or not. 
He grabbed the papers from you and glanced over them. It wasn’t nearly long enough for him to read even a paragraph before he nodded and put the papers down. “Looks good.”
You scowled at him, reminded of Whitey and tears she had. “This may be a joke to you, but people’s lives are on the line.”
“It’s not a joke to me,” he said, looking at you with a confused gaze. “I just trust your ability to plan.”
“You don’t know me well enough to trust me,” you shot back. “Read it and give feedback.”
Ace looked at you for a moment, and you held his gaze with an intense stare. He resigned with a sigh and began reading your work. 
You were surprised that he did so without little argument, and your heart skipped a little at his willingness to help you. But Whitey quickly came back to your mind, and you steeled your emotions. Portgas D. Ace may be a good commander, but he wasn’t a good person. 
He quietly read for a few minutes while you doodled in the margins of some old notes, trying to distract yourself from him. 
“I only have one suggestion,” Ace said as he finished up the report. 
“Which is?”
“You need to give the fourth division two more members. Or take away two members from the eleventh division.”
You scowled. “But the eleventh division is less skilled. Which is why I gave them more resources.”
“I know that, but it will still offend Kingdew and his subordinates. You give them the same number of people at first to prove they’re equals. Then we’ll deploy more people at the start of the battle when they ask for assistance.”
“But the goal is to make them as even as possible from the start.”
“But we need them to be cooperative. Giving one person less people will cause hostility on each side for different reasons,” Ace explained. “Put Clavis and Mateo under Kingdew, move Iliana to Thatch. Take Philric, Ulster, and Maxie off the initial assault. It’ll even out their abilities and firepower of each side without being too obvious that Kingdew has stronger assistance on his team.”
You hummed, thinking about his suggestion. “I really wanted Clavis to be available for the first rescue team.”
“It’ll be fine,” Ace reassured. “It will spare Kingdew and Thatch any problems with superiority. One man won’t make that much of a difference.”
“You would.” It slipped out before you had a chance to think. 
“Well, yeah,” he agreed. He looked up at you, flashing his signature smile. “I am the ace, after all.”
You couldn’t help it. Your heart fluttered. You could feel yourself falling for this stupid boy, and you hated yourself for it. You had to stop this before it got too out of hand.
“Clavis and Mateo to Kingdew, Iliana to Thatch, Philric, Ulster, and Maxie to the first rescue team. I’ll make the adjustments.”
 You reached for the papers, but he held them away from you. 
“Can we talk about last night?” His voice was low when he spoke so nobody would hear him. Even though there was nobody in the library, you glanced around nervously. 
“I know what I need to know about you, Ace. There’s nothing more to talk about.”
He looked hurt by the harshness of your words, and you did your best to act like you didn’t care. 
He sighed, holding the papers out. “I just wanted to make sure you knew-”
“Nothing happened,” you finished, snatching the papers back. “I know. Thanks.”
You gathered your stuff quickly and got up to leave. 
“And nothing will be happening,” you clarified. You looked down at him, still in his seat. “I’m sorry if I gave you mixed signals, so let me be clear now. I may be your strategist, but that’s all I am.”
God, he looked so sad. It almost made you want to take it all back; to kiss his lips right then and there in that dark and dusty little library. But you couldn’t. You wouldn’t. You refused to be used by your commander, even if you broke your own heart in the process.
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xo-cod · 10 months
i love your au! how about hyperfem reader meeting the 141 after ages because she chose to work for the other firm and they're all heartbroken and feeling betrayed :( ❤
aw thank you lovie, hope you enjoy <3 ooc/rushed/might not make sense ☠‼️
today had been a long day and it hadn't even reached noon. there were threats that had been growing alarmingly high, so much so that this job had to include the best of the very best to eliminate the target. you assumed it had been the army forces, the swat team, they were always the ones the first responders for this threat
but how wrong you were
as you walked into the precinct, you hadn't anticipated what would befall you. a sight you almost wished you didn't see, your old members. the 141 who were idly chatting with the rest of your team, going over an escape plan and the targets carefully until you entered the room with another. and it had grown silent, the tension thick enough to penetrate with the gun strapped to your waist.
all four men stood tall, their eyes locked onto your every movement. your current team stood to the side, eyebrows raised but no words spoken. you were in the lions den now, any movements or words would be analysed by the best profilers in the country.
the betrayal they all felt at the sight of you, taking them back to that fateful night your uniform on the bed accompanied with just a sorry note addressed to them all. simon picked it up, battling between wanting to scream and break down. he was silence, apart from the tremble in his hand as he analysed the small note. hoping and praying it was a joke, that you'd burst through the doors laughing at the prank but your belongings had all gone. soap and gaz trying to look for you, price trying to make some calls but you were gone. you packed up and left him, you did that voluntarily he should've listened to his own advice, it was always the ones closest that caused the most pain
all that remained was the pictures he looked at every day only for a few minutes, it was so painful, knowing what you did and yet his heart absolutely yearned for you. you took all the physical items but he was left with all the emotional ones, how was he supposed to pack up the memories and destroy them?
your eyes settle to price first, the captain. he just nodded at first, his head tilted to the side a little. his lips are pressed in a thin line, he doesn't seem outright angry but you know you've lost the bond that you've created with him
in the years you were with the 141 you had never seen johnny so stoic, so angry at the sight of you. you were always his little bonnie, his sweet lass that he teased and laughed with relentlessly.
the same with gaz, he had never been so indifferent towards you. it felt like just yesterday when he had come to playfully tackled you into a hug, teasing you about whatever you had all done that day. he still held that grudge and by the looks of it, you didn't think he would ever let it go. all those promises you spoke of with them two were nothing but broken words laying on the floor, nothing but a jumbled mess of deceit
you could both their faces, the cold expression plastered across the usual smile and happiness they showed to you. their hands gripped firmly the ends of their rifle, they were soldiers to you. nothing more. and then he stands there.
his name, simon, on the tip of your tongue only you don't have the privilege to call him that anymore. he's ghost now, the same cold hearted brutal lieutenant on the field in front of you. his blank stare eyeing you, he doesn't so much as move.
still and silent, observing you. the pain still as clear as the day you left behind his balaclava. you don't have the right to comfort him, to soothe him. everything was revoked the day you left, they deserved a better goodbye and seeing you only served to absolutely shatter him all over again. he thought he was fine but those memories he suppressed, kept tightly locked in a jar was beginning to shake and shatter now. he tried to be nonchalant, holding up the facade that took years to perfect but to a trained eye there were cracks that threatened to swallow him whole.
and you watch with pain, you've lost the privilege to be anything more, call him anything more. his eyes were unblinking though the whirl of hurt flows by them, it's impossible not to notice. his broad shoulders were tense and for a second, you recognise the old emotions that he used to look at you with.
for a fleeting moment, it was as if it had been like before. and then he stiffened up, subtle but you grew used to his every change in movement. you see him recoil away, as if your touch was poisoned. because you knew his pain, you knew how hard it was to trust anyone to let them in. you knew all of it and you still left him.
a crushing weight was felt on his chest with every moment he was in your presence. a burning urge to run as far away as he could or scream all the words that had built up in your absence if gaz and soap had been angry they had nothing on ghost
"and this is agent l/n" your unit chief nods at you before looking over at the 141 again. it takes you everything not to crumble, hearing your new title instead of your callsign from them. price was the first to break the silence, sticking out his hand like he had done with the other members only with yours it's different. he's doing it for the sake of the mission not for you
"pleasure to meet you" he nodded, "likewise" you murmur, unable to meet his eyes as you look onto your joined hands before he removes it away just as quick. and you watch on, every single piece of your heart aching in pure pain.
you just had to remind yourself it was just for the mission, then they'd be gone for good. just like how you left them
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madzlang · 1 year
Hi! Could you please write about Fem! Reader x Peter B? (NSFW) I would love it if it could include fluff and age gap, thank you 🥺❤️
i’m mixing two requests together so i can kill two birds with one stone
the second request was “can you write another peter b parker fic ?? 🫣” so imma do that
anyway, thank you both for requesting 😘😘
Big, Pretty Eyes
peter b parker x fem!reader
warnings: age gap (reader is 19 and peter is 30 something), cheating, soft dom peter, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex
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“Oh! And look at this one!” Peter held out his phone in front of Miguel as they walked towards the cafeteria, with Mayday perched on Miguel’s shoulder. “Oh! And this one-“
“Peter. May is right here, I do not need to see pictures of her.” Miguel spoke lowly, a constant tone of sass and annoyance in his voice.
Peter just brushed him off, pulling up more photos. “Yeah, but you don’t see her eating spaghetti right now, do you? Like, look at this-“
He was cut off once more as Jess walked up to them. “The new recruit is here, Miguel.” She hummed out, looking behind her as if she was ready to introduce someone, but there was no one there, making her scoff and look around.
“Kid!” She yelled, clapping her hands to get the attention of a girl who was patting Web-slinger’s horse.
Said girl jumped and looked around, scurrying over. “Sorry, Jess.” She said sheepishly, tugging off her white and pink mask, revealing her face that Peter finally focused on after having his eyes glued on how her (adorably pink and white) spider suit clung to her body
He swallowed harshly, plucking Mayday off of Miguel’s shoulder as she started reaching for the new stranger.
“This is the boss man I was telling you about, kid.” Jess introduced, nodding at Miguel.
A smile grew on her face as she held her hand out. "Hi, Mr. Miguel, I'm-" She cut herself off after seeing the small baby in Peter's arms. "Oh. My. Goodness. That is the cutest baby I've ever seen." She cooed, holding her hands out for Mayday. "Can I hold her?" She asked, looking up at Peter with big, doe eyes.
He just stared for a moment before nodding. "Oh. Oh, yeah." He handed Mayday over, watching as the girl scooped the baby up into her arms.
"You are just the cutest, honey." She giggled, playing with Mayday's red hair. "What's her name?" She looked back up at Peter with those big, pretty eyes that made all the blood rush from his head down to his cock.
"Uh, May. Mayday." He mumbled, shaking his head slightly and tying his robe up in the front to hide his boner that was practically being strangled through the thin material of his spider suit.
"She's adorable." She complimented, bouncing Mayday while still looking up at Peter with those big, pretty eyes.
Those same big, pretty eyes that had his hand wrapped around his cock later that night, while imagining those big, pretty eyes looking up at him with her mouth wrapped around his dick.
Also those same big, pretty eyes that lead to him fucking MJ later that night, imagining her beneath him instead of this wife.
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The next day Peter walked around the spider society with Mayday in his arms, trying to avoid the colours pink and white at any cost, not wanting to be reminded of the young girl he met yesterday.
He groaned under his breath slightly when he heard Jess’s voice calling out to him. He stopped walking and turned around to face her, grumbling ‘fuck’ under his breath when he saw the girl standing behind Jess, her hands behind her back and mask off, showing off her pretty eyes that made Peter want to run to the nearest bathroom. But instead he just walked over and greeted Jess with a smile and a bounce of Mayday who immediately started reaching for the younger girl again.
He looked to her before passing her the baby, making a large smile grow on her face as she took Mayday and played with her.
Now, Peter really did try and pay attention to what Jess was saying. He really did. But all he could focus on was how the younger girl played with his daughter and how her lips puckered to kiss the baby’s chubby cheeks.
“Peter? You paying attention?” Jess asked, raising her eyebrows.
Peter inhaled and nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, of course.”
“Hm. Sure.” She hummed, taking Mayday into her arms making her whine and start to fuss. “Have fun, Peter.” She nodded and walked off with the whining baby in her arms.
“What?” He mumbled under his breath before looking over at the girl as she was bouncing on the balls of her feet.
“Jess said you gotta show me around for the day..” She smiled sweetly.
“Ah, thanks.” He mumbled, cursing himself for not listening and making up some excuse as to why he couldn’t because now he had to spend all day with the subject of his fantasies for the past 24 hours.
He nodded his head to the side and started walking, a faint smile on his lips as he saw her skip next to him.
“I know I kept saying it yesterday, but your daughter really is adorable.” She giggled out, looking around.
“Thank you.” He smiled, and tried to force out the words ‘she gets it from her mother’ but couldn’t.
She looked at his hand as he scratched the back of his neck.
“You’re not married?” She asked softly, making him look at his hand and put it in his robe pocket so she couldn’t see the tan line from where his ring usually is.
“Um, nope.” Peter wasn’t exactly sure why he left his wedding ring off that morning. Or why he took it off considering he hadn’t once in the past year.
She bit her lip and looked at him. “You got a girlfriend or something?”
“Nope. Divorced.” He wasn’t exactly sure why he lied then either. Well, he technically knew why, but he wasn’t sure why M.J was suddenly the last thought on his mind.
“Oh. I’m sorry. Mayday’s mother?” He nodded in response and shrugged.
“It’s okay. You didn’t ruin our marriage, you don’t need to apologise.” He laughed slightly and couldn’t stop the thought of how she really could be the end of his marriage entering and running around his mind.
“Yeah, I guess.” She smiled and shrugged.
Peter looked around, furrowing his brows when he saw where they were.
“Well, uh, these are bedrooms for when we get back from a particularly hard mission and can’t make it home or have to recover from injury or something.” He said, opening a door so she could look in the bedroom. He looked her up and down as she walked in, his eyes staying on her ass for a few moments.
“Miguel really decked these out, huh?” She giggled, jumping onto the bed and laying in it.
“Yeah, he did. It’s a shame they aren’t used too often. Well, not really for their purpose anyway.” He shrugged, leaning on the now closed door.
“What purpose?” She asked, moving to sit on the edge of the bed, looking up at him.
His cheeks erupted in a blush as he looked to the ground.
“Well.. you know?” He spoke awkwardly, looking at her only to see a confused expression on her face.
“Like.. oh god. I didn’t think I’d have to have the talk for a couple years yet.” He groaned and move to sit on the bed next to her.
“Ohhh. Like… sexual purposes?” She muttered. “Why here, though?” She furrowed her brows, kicking her feet.
“I’m not sure. I guess sexual desire might be more strong in us compared to a regular human.” He shrugged. “I’m not really sure. I haven’t exactly done it.”
“Why? Cause you’re always carrying around Mayday?” She giggled, bumping his shoulder with hers.
He laughed too, shaking his head.
“I guess I just never had someone to do it with.” And I have a wife he thought but didn’t say, just looking up at her from where he was looking at the ground, only to find her already looking at him with those big, pretty eyes.
“Your eyes are so pretty.” He blurted out before he could stop it. His own eyes widened as he processed what he said. “Uh- i- I mean-“
“Thanks.” She giggled cutting him off as her cheeks turned red.
He inhaled, looking her up and down as they sat next to each other on the edge of the bed, their shoulders touching.
He debated with himself for a few moments before he brought a hand up and cupped her jaw, giving her time to pull away before he pressed his lips to hers. But she didn’t. She didn’t pull away. Instead her hands gripped his robe and kissed him back.
He groaned into her lips, his free hand gripping her waist.
He broke away from her lips after a few moments, a dark blush on both of their faces.
"Shit. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that." He groaned, burying his head into his hands.
"Hey, no, it's okay." She reassured in her sweet voice.
"No it's not. You're so much younger than me." And I have a wife and child he wanted to say.
"I didn't mind it. I wouldn't have kissed you back if I wasn't okay with it." She put her hand on his thigh, rubbing softly.
He removed his hands from his face, looking over at her, seeing those big, pretty eyes looking over at him.
"Can.. can I kiss you again?" He asked nervously.
She giggled and nodded.
He inhaled deeply before surging forward and pressing their lips together. It was a sweet kiss, which surprised him greatly. He thought the raging boner he had would make him a sexual deviant and fuck her brains out, but he just wanted to take care of her.
Although he didn’t immediately press her into the (comfy) mattress and fuck her, the little whimper she let out when he gripped her thigh made him want to bust in his sweatpants.
He groaned into her lips before gripping both of her thighs and shuffling up the bed, softly putting her down on it so her head was on the pillow. He hovered above her, one of his hands playing with her hair that was sprawled out on the pillow.
“Pretty girl.” He mumbled making her giggle and look away. “Hey, hey, don’t look away, sweetheart. Wanna see those pretty eyes.” He gripped her chin and turned her head back towards him. “There she is.” He kissed the tip of her nose.
He trailed his hand down her body, rubbing across the spandex suit, making sure to pay extra attention to her tits before trailing his hand down her tummy and to her plush thighs.
“So perfect.” He mumbled, settling between her thighs to rub his thumb across the warmth he felt between her legs. “Can- can I take-“
He couldn’t even finish before she was sitting up and reaching behind her back to peel her suit off. As it reached her hips, he tugged it down the rest of the way, dropping it to the ground.
He sat up on his knees, just admiring her body. Her perfect curves. Her big, pretty eyes.
He quickly dove his head in between her legs to ignore the growing feeling of affection he felt towards her, pushing MJ even further into the back of his mind. He relished in the whiny, breathy moan that erupted from her mouth as he flicked his tongue over her clit.
He moved down to focus on her entrance, purposefully pressing his nose into her clit as her circled her entrance with his tongue, slowly working it in.
She let out another moan as he thrusted his tongue in and out of her, his nose brushing against her puffy clit.
“Oh, please, Peter!” She whined loudly, gripping the bedsheets as he slowly pressed his index finger into her to replace his tongue as he moved back up to suck on her clit.
“What, pretty girl? Tell me what you want.” He grumbled into her clit, flicking it with his tongue as he pressed his middle finger inside of her and started to curl them.
“Want- want to cum, Peter! Your mouth is so good!” She whimpered out, tugging on the bedsheets.
“Hmm, cum for me. Cum on my face. In my mouth, pretty girl.” He grumbled, thrusting his fingers inside of her.
She whimpered as the coil in her tummy started getting tighter.
Her back arched as she came over his face, her legs shaking. He slowly thrusted his fingers inside of her to help her ride through her orgasm.
He kept moving his fingers until she pushed his head away from her with an overstimulated whine.
He shuffled up the bed and laid beside her, sticking his fingers inside her mouth.
“You taste so good.” His words were muffled through his fingers as he sucked on them, his eyes practically rolling into the back of his head at the taste of her.
She bit her bottom lip as she watched him, feeling the heat pool in her tummy again.
As soon as he took his fingers out of his mouth, she pushed his robe off of his shoulders, throwing it to the ground before doing the same with his sweatpants then his own spandex suit.
“Fuck.” He breathed out, watching her tug his clothes off.
He softly pushed her shoulders back, stabilising himself over her with his arms on either side of her head.
“You sure you want this?” He mumbled, moving a hand down to position his hard dick at her entrance.
“So- so sure.” She whined softly, looking down to in between her legs so she could see him push in.
He nodded, chewing on his lip as he slowly pushed the tip in, immediately groaning at the feeling, his head burying into her neck, hearing the loud whine she let out.
He closed his eyes and held back the feeling of wanting to cum right away.
“Please- please move, Peter.” She whined, pulling him out of his daze and making him realise he was barely inside of her.
He groaned and nodded, pushing himself in further until he got halfway. “So tight, pretty girl.” He mumbled into her neck more pushing in further.
He slowly pushed in until he got to the base, his small tuft of pubic hair pressing against her pubic bone.
“Oh god!” She moaned, her arms wrapping around him, her nails digging into his back.
“That’s it.” He mumbled, slowly moving his hips back before pushing back into her.
“So pretty. So gorgeous. Feel fantastic wrapped around my dick.” He mumbled into her neck, letting out a small whimper as she clenched around him.
She moaned, her head falling back into the pillows as he thrusted back in after pulling out until she was wrapped only around his tip.
“Oh! You- you feel so good. Fillin’ me up so good.” She whined, her back arching as he trailed his hand down her body and rubbed her clit as he increased his pace.
“Please, Peter.” She whined loudly, her nails digging even more into his back.
“What? What, pretty girl? What do you want me to do for you?” He grumbled, thrusting his hips inside of her, nuzzling his nose into her neck.
“Oh, please, please.” She whined again.
“God, you don’t even know what you want, huh? Just want me, don’t you?” He grinned, kissing her pulse point.
She whimpered and nodded her head. “Just- just need you.”
“That’s it.” He mumbled, morning when he felt her clench on him after he rubbed her clit even more.
“God, you gonna cum on my cock, pretty girl?” He mumbled, pressing kisses all over her neck.
She whined and nodded enthusiastically, dragging her nails down his back.
“Cum, baby.” He groaned, sucking on her neck.
“What- what about you? Wanna cum at the same time as you.” She whined.
“Just feeling you clench around me will be enough for me to bust, pretty. Just cum. Cum all over my dick, pretty.” He mumbled into her ear making her leg out a high pitched moan.
Her legs started shaking as she came, her pussy clenching tightly around him, making him whimper.
“I-I can cum in you, right?” He moaned making her nod.
“Please.” She whined making him moan and cum inside of her, letting out a shudder as he felt the warmth of his own cum surrounding his dick in her tight pussy.
A few moments later he pulled out, watching his cum leak out of her. He pressed kisses up her tummy, to her ribs, to her chest, her collarbones, up her neck, then finally to her lips.
“My pretty girl.” He mumbled against her lips.
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“Y’know I uh, I don’t blame you.” Peter heard Miguel say to him from behind him in the cafeteria line, breaking him out of his stare at the younger girl playing with his daughter.
“Huh?” Peter asked, turning to the huge man, seeing him already holding his box of empanadas. “What’re you talking about?”
“I had cameras installed in the recovery rooms after I heard what was happening in them.” Miguel said with a grin on his face.
Peter’s mouth turned dry at the man’s words. “Uh- uh- what?”
Miguel rolled his eyes, grumbling something in Spanish. “Don’t act dumb. I saw what happened the other day.”
“Please-“ Peter tried to beg but Miguel cut him off.
“I won’t say anything to MJ. Promise. Like I said; I don’t blame you. I would too if I got a chance.” He shrugged before leaving the line, empanada box in hand.
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theblackestswan · 10 months
Silent Desires | #2
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Synopsis — There was a time when you pondered how you'd ever let it be known how much you desired Jungkook. But now? He's back. And he's not being silent with his desires anymore.
• Jungkook × F!Reader
• Brothers best friend, childhood friends to somewhat strangers to lovers, smut, fluff, and a bit of angst
• explicit language
• word count: 1k+
previous chapter
The weekend had gone by fast. It was Friday when your car took a shit, and it was now Sunday. Jungkook had spent most of yesterday morning looking over your car, along with your dad and they both confirmed you needed a new transmission. You couldn't do much about anything on the weekend so you spent it mostly in your room, wishing your sorrows away.
But now you have an even bigger problem, you have to face. What the hell are you gonna do as far as work? Your car is more than likely not getting fixed anytime soon.
Transmissions aren't cheap, and even then, depending on the cost, it might just make more sense to get yourself a new car, with how old yours is. Neither of which you can afford right at the current moment, but if you save up more money this next month, you could at least start to think about it.
It was all too much. You didn't want to handle this, but you had to.
Pulling yourself out of bed, and decided it would be good to actually eat a full meal, you bring yourself to the kitchen, where everyone sits. Including him.
"Y/N! Good morning my sweet girl! Just in time for breakfast... how'd you sleep?" You gave your mom a side hug as she kissed your forehead.
"Eh, it was fine." You really weren't in the mood to converse. You sat yourself down across from Jungkook. Unfortunately (maybe not so) that was the only seat available at the table.
"Morning Y/N." Jimin said as he sipped his coffee.
"Good morning Chim," you looked at him and smiled. You looked at Jungkook and dropped the smile. "Morning to you too."
You probably should be treating him better. He did help you with your car, as well as spent his morning yesterday looking at it. And he hasn't asked for a single form of payment. And honestly, weren't you glad to see him again?
"Morning to you too, sweet cheeks." He flashed you a 'two can play this game' sort of smile.
You rolled your eyes and just in time, mom saved the day by placing a large plate of pancakes down. "Eat up! I made lots!"
Just as you went to reach for a plate to grab some food, he did the same. Your fingers touched and you were sure this was what it felt like to be electrocuted. It felt good? To feel his touch? No. Y/N, no. You're supposed to be upset at him.
You backed your hand away so quick, you would think it was a snake trying to bite you. "Sorry." You mumbled.
He just chuckled, grabbing a plate he asked, "How many pancakes do you want?" Huh? This man is not about to serve you food. In your own home, nonetheless.
"I can get my own." You stood your ground.
He chuckled again, but this time a little more dark. "I said, how many do you want?" His eyes were piercing you.
"And I said, I can get my own." You gave him the same smile he gave you this morning when he greeted you.
His eyes still staring into your soul, he spoke, "Y/N, you don't listen very well," he turned to Jimin, thank God. You couldn't take his eyes looking at you like that. "Chim, how many does she usually eat?"
Jimin looked at you and you flashed your eyes so fast to him to give him that look.
"She eats two, usually." This bitch ain't loyal.
Jungkook turned back to you and smiled. His way of saying 'Haha bitch, so you thought'. He put three pancakes on the plate and sat it down in front of you.
"I only eat two..." you mumbled.
"And I've noticed you haven't ate much this lately. So eat up." Wait, he actually noticed you this weekend? Yes, anyone in this house could know you mostly stayed in your room, but he noticed you were eating less? Which is true. When you're anxious you eat less. No one usually notices though.
How were you supposed to be mad at that? A silent 'thank you' left your mouth with a small smile.
The rest of breakfast went on like it normally does. Except for one more voice added to the conversation.
"So uh, I need to figure out that to do about getting to work. For the next little bit anyways." You really didn't want to bring this up, but you had to. Tomorrow was Monday, you had no other choice.
"Hun, we can get you a rental car. It's the least we can do." Your dad said. He truly was such a great dad.
"Dad, that's expensive. I don't want you wasting your money." You sighed. It was true. Although your parents were definitely well off, and could honestly just buy you a new car, you valued spending your own money. As much as you know your parents would help you out in a heartbeat, you were twenty three. You needed to do this on your own.
Before your dad could even counter back an argument, Jungkook spoke up.
"I can take you to work."
Oh no, I think the fuck not.
"Kook, I work 40 minutes from here. Not happening." Suddenly the argument with your dad, seemed like a better one to have.
"Y/N, I work around that area anyways, I can drop you off, and pick you up. It's not a big deal. Seriously." This big doe eyes were hard to resist. In every way.
"Look, you guys, I don't want to be a burden. Now please, can we talk about this seriously?" You were on the verge of tears at this point.
"You are not a burden Y/N, I promise you, it would do no harm for me to take you to work. Now c'mon." He looked at your even sterner.
"Kookie's right, sis. He does work near you. And your hours work perfectly. Just let him help." It was hard enough taking Jungkook's eyes piercing you, but your brothers too? You had a soft spot for Chim. He knew it, and he used it to his advantage for a lot of things.
Rubbing your face and wishing it would melt away, you sighed. "Fine! But only for this week. I just... need time to figure things out." You didn't even want to look him in the eyes.
"For as long as you need, I'm here."
Sure you are Jungkook. Sure you are.
next chapter
A note from our sponsor: our girl’s heart and brain are having a game of tug a war 🙄 but Kookie is anything if not persistent! You can view this story on Wattpad if that’s more you jam. I may or may not be posting chapter 3 over on there tonight 👉🏽👈🏽
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spookypete-94 · 11 months
Take a Picture (part 2) NSFW
Sorry I know I'd post later after the first one! But the heat went out at my home and ya know... priorities.
Part 1
But enjoy!
No p in v, oral, some fingering, kissing, biting...jealousy- yada yada
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Y/N looked for the large man who had pinned her to the wall on her way out as she dropped off the SD card to Kate... She realized she never even knew his name. Walking to her car, she felt like she was being watched, but every glance over her shoulder, she was unable to locate the source.
This made her feel uneasy, but she had an assumption that she knew who it was. His large figure was just somehow so well hidden. Giving up, she put her car in gear and headed for home.
Slowly, she managed her night-time routine, the hour now late. Crawling into bed, she eventually found sleep after thinking of the interaction for what felt like hours.
It was around noon when she woke up again, checking her phone to multiple notifications and an email from her new employer.
"Thank you for the pictures. The success has gone wild on our social media. Our watermark has been placed on them along with her artist handle name for you social media. Please return tonight at 4 PM, same as last night." A link was then included in the email showing the album that had been shared on their multiple social media pages.
Opening it, she was in awe, not able to go through the pictures herself at the end of the night. She had no clue what she had caught. The main picture now at the top of their website is one of the nameless man she felt herself swooning for. Mid-scare, size hulking over a group, all of them cowering in fear. Her eyes traced over his muscles, the picture seized at the moment with the axe prop above his head before he was to bring it down.
Closing her eyes, she thought about being closed in by him once more. Stuck in the corner, his arms on either side of her, and his hot breath that was seeping through his mask creeping across her skin once more. The words he had spoke ringing through her head, hoping he would hold true on his promise. Unsure of how to make him follow through with it.
She ate and got ready, 4 PM not too far off from her shift start. Pulling into the lot, she found Kate outside of the briefing room.
"See my email?" she asked, her tone showing how impressed she was.
"I did!!"
"Let's have a repeat." Opening the door for her to enter. Y/N saw the room wasn't as full this time, but she was early. Yesterday, she had paperwork to go through and sign, but tonight, she had the pick of the room 6 she wanted to stand.
Choosing the back in the corner near a chair and table, she pulled out her equipment to get set up. The room eventually started to fill, workers filing in like an ant line. Her eyes would periodically look up where, at last, she locked on to the brown ones that had teased her last night. If his mask was off... she would be able to see his smirk. She would be able to tell he was happy to see her. But she didn't, and that lingering feeling of excitement and fear hit her all over again, factored from the unknown.
Watching his wide stride, her heart pounded, seeing him get closer. But nothing matched the feeling when she felt him stand behind her. She looked up at him, tilting her head back, trying to be inconspicus as she did so. However, his eyes were already down, looking at her.
"Evenin', sweetheart," he mumbled down to her in that deep voice of his. The embarrassment Y/N felt made her head quickly jolt down as she squeaked, now looking ahead. Chuckles could be heard from him, making her heart rate spike.
This briefing started out about the same, but instead of being in the main courtyard, she was on the other side of the park for the night. Learning the large man's name as Ghost finally, he would be on the main side of the park and in her area later at shift change.
"See ya' out there, kitten," was said lowly into her ear while he bent over and picked up his prop axe next to her bag.
"See you," was all she could manage to say, feeling dumb at the lack of words and her normal wit. Seems like this man just rendered her speechless.
Starting her trek to the back of the park before it opened, she was slightly sad she would not be able to see the droves of scariees come in like she did the night before... and maybe knowing that Ghost was there for the start of the night as well.
Setting up 2 cameras tonight, one on a tripod to catch groups of people going by, and another lose in her hands was her strategy for tonight. Always feeling like she did her job well, she was excited for tonight. The yelling from scarers, to the giggling fits as people ran away, allowing her to smile, distracting her from anything else. Conversations started to catch her ear, though, hearing whispers from young women and men about the large man at the front of the park. Him being the main person they had come to see. She knew instantly who they were talking about.
"The pictures looked great, but man he looks better in person."
"Did you see how close he was to us?"
"He's so hot."
Hating to admit it, but she felt so damn jealous. The attention he was giving to others, she wanted for herself. But having to remind herself this is what people pay for... and she was getting paid. Telling herself to pull her head out of her ass, she focused on her task at hand. Stopping people and asking if they wanted pictures with the actors helping time go by. Shift change finally came, and it seemed as though Ghost appeared. He brought a flood of people with him. People flocked to him, and he basked in it.
The jealousy flared up all over again, and she fought hard to reel in it's ugly green head. Grateful for the half mask she wore at least hiding her furrowed brow, but if anyone knew her well enough- they could tell by her tight lips how annoyed she was.
Glued to one spot, she stayed listening to people ask over and over again to take their picture with their "beloved hot" Ghost. Some even linking their arms around his waist or hands on his chest. Fuming. Absolutely fuming was the way to describe how Y/N felt.
It was a turn of events when Ghost pushed through the herd of people. Long strides once more to reach her. He towered down to look at her for a hot second before he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder, making her let out multiple gasps. One leaving her mouth, and the dozens of others watching him carry her away.
"What are you doing!?" she asked.
"Look like you need a break," his tone coy.
"I'm getting paid for this!" Her whining was quickly silenced from a light bite that he placed on the plush of her thigh next to his head.
"I'll pay ya' for what I'm about to do if you're that worried then." He said, snagging her camera and exchanging an SD card for one that was in his pocket with the one that had her work on it.
Taking her to the back of the park, and into what looked like to be a shop on the outside but was storage for the park.
He set her down on what looked like to be an old Victorian couch, no doubt used at the park. Arms caging her head, leaning in while he lifted up the mask.
"These are mine. No one else will see them or have them." Understanding what he was implying she nodded, eyes locked with his autumn ones. Lips then locked with hers, kissing her slowly.
"Can't be getting jealous at work." The tone he was using now taunting her.
"Easy for you to say."
The thunder of his chuckle reverberated through his chest. Placing his hands on her jeans he slipped them down, she lifting herself to allow him, hand brushing against covered pussy. She gasped at his braziness, but arched with him as his hands rode up her core and grabbed the hem of her sweatshirt.
"You want to be mine then?" voice still rumbling in her ear.
"Yes." She blurted out, preparing to lift her shirt.
He smacked her hand away, laughing louder this time.
"I will take my time here, little one."
Groaning, she laid back down. Lifting the camera, he began to snap photos of her mask, t-shirt, and panties.
"Want to document everything." He said, moving her legs into the next position, angling them as he took photos lower and lower. "Ya alright with this?" He asked kindly, making sure she was comfortable.
"I am," Y/N said confidently.
Lifting her shirt, he started placing a trail of light kisses in his wake.
"What's yer name?"
This time, a light giggle left her, finding it ironic she was this far with a man who didn't even know who she was.
His mouth rewarded her for her answer. He bit at her ribcage, grabbing the thin flesh, starting to suck to place a hickey. Gasping and squirming harder, he tightened his grip on her, refusing to let go.
"Well, Y/N. You're mine, and I'm yours." Fingers running across the marked flesh before snapping another photo of her bearing his mark. Leaning in, he kissed her once more, fingers running across her lips after.
"These are mine," kissing her lips deeply hands now running up her shirt.
"These are also mine," he said lightly, squeezing her breasts, removing her shirt up over head. Fingers now tracing down her tummy and to her back where he squeezed her ass.
"This is mine." Before flipping her over, a slight grunt from the shock of him being so quick about it. Large hands grabbed her hips and ran up her body. Lightly, he pushed in between her shoulder blades, pushing her into the couch. She felt his teeth once more on her skin before leaving another love mark on her left hip.
Next, he stood up beside her as he took a picture of her from the side before getting back inbetween her legs and pulled her panties down. Fingers rubbed against her flooded core.
"But this is especially mine." He near growled into her ear before slipping a finger in, making her moan. Smoothly, he used one hand to unclasp her bra, it sliding down her arms from gravity. Wiggling his fingers inside her, curling up as he did. It made her gasp uncontrollably, but his tongue pressed against her, making her squeak. Slipping another finger in as he did, his tongue lower pressing into her clit and nose angled against her ass cheek. It was a pattern he was doing frevently, moving quickly to make her cum. Promptly, she did, walls squeezing around his fingers, him slowing down. Nipping at her outer thigh once more, he flipped her over on to her back. Grabbing the camera, he took pictures of her body fully naked, but face still covered with the mask.
The peace of this position was quickly over as he yanked her legs up over the side of the couch, making her yelp. Head was now hanging off the side of the couch where her hair cascaded down to the floor, pooling at the ground.
"I got ya love," he said, calming her, fingers at the base of her jaw turning her head to the side, backing up and taking pictures of her body in this provacative position.
Y/N had never done anything like this before... let alone with someone she just met.
The intimacy from him only increased, watching him crawl to her. He tugged at the ties on her mask, it was now falling to the ground where he left it. The prop played into the art he was making. Sitting back on the ground in front of her, the camera continued to snap. She was muse completing his master piece.
"Look at me," his voice was low and seductive.
Instantly, she turns her head to look at him, completely bare before him. Watching the shutter close and open, the flash went off, and she stayed staring at where his eyes were behind the camera.
"Good girl," he crawled to her once more, quickly reaching her to kiss her long and slow. Tongues running together.
The bells ringing out to midnight, signifying the park was now closing. Everyone turning into pumpkins.
"Get dressed, get your gear." He said, popping the SD card of his into his pocket and putting hers back in.
"What??" Shocked he wasn't going further, disappointed a better term.
"Going to take ya' for dinner first 'fore I fuck ya' proper. Get dressed. I know of a 24 hour diner." Lightly tossing her clothes to her.
"Oh." The skin of her cheeks bright red, once again embarrassed from her needy behavior.
Once dressed, she flipped on her camera, making sure the images were not of her before she turned her SD card in.
"Told you, for my eyes only." He said, showing her the SD card.
Nodding once more, scurrying to drop the cards off with Kate, ready to go on this date with Ghost.
"What are you?" He asked, blocking the door smiling coyly.
"And I am?"
"Mine." The answer came out easy, grinning.
"Good girl."
Simon Ghost Riley Masterlist
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marymary-diva17 · 1 year
One of us one of the people
sully family x human daughter reader
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You were unlike your siblings and parents as you had been born human and not navi like your siblings or gained an avatar body like your father. You had always felt out of place within your family and clan. You could not do what all your siblings and parents could do, constantly feeling left out as there always seemed to be family moments you missed out on. There were times when you were involved with family matters that brought a smile to your face, but there were times when you couldn't go due to some navi still having a dislike for humans, and you are clearly human. It was easy for you to understand the whole matter and enjoy helping from the sidelines as it allowed you to be included.
y/n" ......."It was a bright early morning, and you had gotten out of bed as you didn't want to be late you soon got dressed and grabbed your small mask. You soon walked outside of your shack running into Norm.
norm" Good morning, kiddo." Norm waved towards you as he made his way towards you. Norm had become you, your sibling's uncle, he was looking out for you When you were here.
y/n"Hello, Uncle Norm, it's good to see you are up and about," you gave Norm a smile, You soon noticed Norm was holding a sack in his hands. Norm had noticed you were looking at the sack in his hands.
norm" Hey, can you bring this to your father and Moat? They had asked for these things? It seems like your grandmother has been trying to understand the humans.more."
y/n " that amazing" norm could tell you were upset about something and he knew what made you upset, it was the lack of avatar body. norm was one of few adults you seek out for guidance, about matters you didn't fell like bring up to your parents. He knew all about your feelings and thoughts of the matter of your life here.
y/n" Sure, I can do that for you, Uncle Norm. Is there anything you wish for me to bring or pass on a message to my father or anyone else?" you had soon taken the sack, and soon from norm hands as you were getting ready to leave.
Norm"no that all for now"
Y/n " yes sir" Norm had give that reason as he pat your head, and soon enough you had taken off towards home tree. It kinda of sucked that you lived separate from your family, due to safety concerns for you but there were times when you could sleep over. After some walking you soon reach home tree where you were greeted by two warriors who were on portal.
warrior " Who goes there .... oh it you y/n sorry for the rude greeting" the warriors had their arrows target towards you but soon lower them, after seeing it was you.
y/n " it okay" the warriors had soon moved aside allow you to walk into the village, with the sack you were carrying in your hands. Soon enough you had walked heading towards the family home.
y/n" hey I'm home" you had soon reached the family home to hear your siblings talking, they all soon looked at you and smiled when seeing you.
Tuk" y/n you are finally here I missed you" tuk spoke cheerful towards you and soon ran towards you, dropping what she was doing to be with you.
Lo'ak " oh come on you saw her yesterday tuk it not like she been gone for weeks on ended" lo'ak speaking in a teasing tone toward tuk which got him a look from neteyam.
Y/n " hello tuk tuk and be nice Lo"
lo'ak " yes sis"
Kiri " hey sis come sit with me and have some breakfast"
Y/n " sure K I will love that" you soon walked into the home dropping the sack by the entrance but making sure it got in no one way. you soon sat down near kiri she gave you a soft smile.
Neteyem" hey baby sis"
y/n " hey teyem" you were looking at your sibling and saw they were wearing new clothes that seem to be match in color.
Y/n " oh when did you all get new clothes"
neteyam " mom made them for us don't you like them"
Y/n " oh I love them"
lo'ak " she made them saying it will make sure look like a family" you had felt upset about those words as your sibling look like a family, and you looked like an outsider.
??? " I'm going looking for her norm said she was supposed to be here" Jake and neytiri had entered the home soon seeing you there, they looked worried and soon relax when they saw you.
neytiri " hello ma daughter"
y/n " hey mom" Neytiri soon kissed your forehead making you smile she soon went back to the cooking fire.
Jake " you had be scared there for a bit sweetie" Jake was using his serious tone as he was speaking with you. That when you noticed both of your parents are wearing matching colors as well.
Jake " what were you kids talking about"
tuk " oh we were telling y/n about the matching color clothes mom made for us all"
y/n " yeah they are amazing" you felt a bit hurt that everyone had matching clothes expect you but you were trying your best, not to show your emotions that much to your parents.
y/n " oh dad that sack over there is for you and grandmother"
Jake " thank you" the family had ate their meal but you were not that talkative like usual worrying everyone. In the family as this was not your normal personality.
later that day
Lo'ak " dad said the gather will be happening here this year with all the clans"
y/n " oh dad never mentioned that to me"
lo'ak " oh maybe he was planning to tell you later"
y/n " yeah sure"
kiri " hey why don't we all going flying it will be fun
y/n " I think I will stay here dad rather me fly with either him or mom"
kiri " don't fear sis everything will work out soon"
neteyam " yeah we have to stay positive remember" everyone could agree with neteyam statement. You were still a bit upset as it seem like there were so many things going on and you were being left out of loop.
y/n " ......"
neteyem " why don't we get on with our group task it will be fun for us all and we can have some time with our sister"
Tuk " I want to help y/n" the group had laughed soon getting to work. The rest of the day your sibling were keeping you busy. later that night you had arrived back home. This day had been very eventful when you entered the home you saw your parents waiting there.
neytiri " welcome back children"
Jake " sit down all of you we are having a family meeting" everyone soon sat down, this family meeting seem to be very important. Jake soon cleared his throat.
Jake " As a family I have told you all we stick together right"
the kids " yes"
Jake " well I have started to notice that has failed"
neteyem " what do you mean dad"
Jake " y/n sweetie I and your mom had a meeting with norm and he told us everything"
y/n " everything"
neytiri " yes everything we all have noticed you haven't been the same and we see how you stay to the sidelines, we are sorry we made you feel alone but you are not alone"
y/n " I'm sorry I should of came to one of you when and spoke to you both"
Jake " it okay but I and your mom have been talking and we have some wonderful news"
y/n " what news"
neytiri " I had these clothing made for you but didn't have them ready this morning" Neytiri had passed you some clothes that were the same colors as your siblings, you and smiled brightly at her.
neytiri " you are my daughter and will always be my daughter"
y/n " thank you mom"
Jake " during the gather I want you by my side all of you, I want all my kids with me and meet everyone as all of you will represent the clan"
y/n " what about the other clan dad"
Jake " I will deal with them later but right now my daughter needs show herself to the other clans, as my daughter and one of the important members of the clan and family"
neytiri " your grandmother will be teaching you the healing ways with kiri she think you are perfect for it and ready"
kiri " yes"
y/n " thank you mom and dad thank you" you sounded very happy at the moment, knowing your fears were washing away now.
neytiri " you are one of us and one of the people" neytiri soon brought you into and hug and kissed your forehead making you smile. soon the rest of your family joined the hug making it a group hug. After that day many thing changed for you as you were now opening more nights at home with your family bring a smile to your face. Now you knew where you belong and your place in this world and it was with your family and clan.
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maevesheart · 1 year
let’s make a deal
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ she-devil (02)
summary: slapping peter parker has its consequences. but mr stark and your father make sure that this “community service” will work out in both of their favors. but that means asking things neither you nor peter may be able to do.
WC: 2k
TW: swearing
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“what?!” your loud voice cuts through the tension in the small office of your principal.
your father’s face is hard and stern, and he hasn’t spoken a word the whole time.
he is sat to your left, peter is to your right, and peter’s aunt may is on his other side.
“there is no way i’m doing that,” you laugh, shaking your head.
“excuse me, mr morita, could you repeat that?” you father asks, raising an eyebrow.
he is just as upset as you are. this is pointless. as far as he can see; you stood up for yourself.
“of course, mr griswold. here at midtown, we do not condone violence of any kinds. miss griswold’s harassment of mr parker today in the cafeteria violates our school rules. since i am the principal, and i am in charge of keeping our school safe, i must give miss griswold a punishment.”
he finishes, looking at the four of you.
peter and you are sat as far away from each other as possible. his aunt has an anxious look on her face, and you feel sort of bad.
maybe you shouldn’t have slapped him…
no! y/n shut up! he spread lies about you! you are in the right, not him.
“i understand, mr morita, but i’m sure a weeks suspension is a little dramatic,” your father put on his work voice, demanding and frightening.
you found yourself wincing at his words. he was the only person you were ever scared of.
“my father’s right, sir, i only stood up for myself,” you defended, putting on your puppy-dog eyes.
“i’m sorry, miss griswold, but if you wish to change your punishment, you must go to the board of education.”
you sigh, pretty much accepting the defeat.
wait! this is peter’s fault, so why shouldn’t he go down too?
“mr morita, if i may,” you start,
“of course,”
“like i said, i was only standing up for myself. i felt attacked by peter’s cruel words and he was spreading lies about me. lies that include activities which i did not partake in. he is practically sexualizing me, which if i’m not wrong, goes against rule 142 of school conduct. surely he should receive some sort of punishment as well.” you reasoned, planting a sweet tone and a charming smile.
you watched the corners of your fathers mouth twitch into a smirk.
“you are right, miss. i suppose mr parker has broken rules as well. two weeks of community service for the both of you. that’s all.” he dismissed the four of you with the wave of his hand, and you and your father exited with grins on the both of your faces.
when your matte black mclaren pulls up into the parking lot where you’re meeting peter, you immediately don’t want to be there.
after you left the school yesterday, peter had given you his number so you two could communicate on where to work. mr morita said the only way he would let you both back was if you did the work together.
you were dreading it.
the minutes felt like hours, so when peter finally walked up to you, you thought you had been sitting there for seven hours.
he eyed you, and raised an eyebrow at your outfit.
you were wearing black tights, a burberry skirt, a white turtleneck sweater, and knee-high black chanel boots. what was so wrong with your outfit?
you gave him a look and crossed your arms over your chest. normally you didn’t care what people thought of you…
“god this sucks!” you breathed out, throwing your head back.
peter rolled his eyes, and sat down next to you.
“listen, y/n, i’m sorry about what you think i did, but i suggest that we somehow find a way to work together to get this over with,” he spoke, watching you out of the corner of his eye.
“whatever, peter, i don’t really care!”
he shook his head and stood up, walking over to the woman with the clipboard.
you watched him walk away and huffed, he was getting on your nerves way more than you expected.
deep down, you knew that he didn’t say the things harry said he did. harry was like that though; he loved drama, and usually started it on his own.
once peter came back, he was carrying two black trash bags, and two metal sticks.
“what are those?” you asked, reluctantly taking them from him.
“our community service. now stand up,”
“peter! i’m tired. can we rest?” you pleaded, watching him pick up crushed soda cans.
“fine. but only five minutes,” he sighed, shaking his head at your laziness.
he had done all the work, the only thing you could really said you did was complain.
sighing as he slumped down next to you, his head shot up as you squealed next to him.
“gregor!” you jumped up, running to the black bentley that pulled up next to the gazebo the two of you were seated at.
he stood up and hesitantly followed you, unsure of this strange man.
gregor — the man you ran to — offered peter a smile as he got out of the backseat, and extended his hand once peter was within reach.
“doctor gregor mathers. you must be peter parker, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
peter examined the man before giving his hand.
they shook hands for a slight moment before you started practically climbing doctor mathers.
“pleaseee tell me you’ve come to save me! i need to get out of here!” you begged, inching closer and closer to the car door.
“yes, i have actually. the both of you. your father wishes to meet with you both.” gregor said sternly, motioning towards the car.
you climbed in immediately, gregor slid in next to you, and then when peter got in, he was across.
gregor told the driver to head for gris-rise, the building that held griswold tech, the company your father owned.
gregor had heard of peter’s internship at stark industries — the competition for your fathers company — so he was hesitant when your father announced he wanted both you and peter to come to his office.
one thing was for sure, gregor would be keeping an eye on peter.
the elevator ride up to your father’s office was quiet and tense.
peter awkwardly stood opposite of you and gregor, and continuously shifted his weight from one foot to the other.
he watched you carefully as you applied lipstick using the long mirrors along the whole elevator. gregor stood closely next to you, keeping an eye on peter.
the doors chimed and opened wide, presenting your fathers completely glass office. 50 foot walls lined the entire room, completely dark grey glass windows.
his dark mahogany desk sat in the middle, with two grey plush chairs across from it.
your heeled boots clicked on the marble floor as you waltzed up to your father, who was faced away from you, standing up and staring out one of his many windows.
“hi, daddy,” you smiled, giving him a peck on the cheek as he turned around. “hello, darling,” he spoke back, turning around and facing peter and gregor with a glimmering smirk.
“welcome to gristech, peter parker.”
peter’s chest tightened as he lightly squinted, taking in your fathers smile. his teeth glinted white in the bright office, and he looked almost sinister.
peter lightly nodded, swallowing the lump in his throat, next to gregor.
“gregor you’re free to go, my biggest thank yous.” your dad smiled, giving gregor a squeeze on the shoulder.
“of course, ken. i’ll be back shortly,” gregor said, giving you a tight lipped smile and nodding to peter as he walked past him.
the sound of his expensive dress shoes echoed in the open room as you and peter were ushered to your fathers desk.
peter reluctantly sat down next to you, uneasily looking around and trying to find the quickest way to escape.
“i’m very happy you agreed to come here, mr parker. i’m kennedy griswold, ceo and president at gristech, but please just call me ken.” a bright smile once again exposed itself on your fathers face.
“of course, sir.” peter said, lightly bowing his head.
“now, i spoke to midtown, and principal morita agreed to let me bend the conditions of your community service just a bit. i figured you two would quickly tire of the slaving away they had you both doing. so instead, i’ve had both of you transferred here. to be my interns for these 2 weeks.”
tony’s fingers pressed into his temples, listening to peter jabber about what ken griswold had told him.
gristech was stark industries biggest competitor. obviously, tony wasn’t happy, but he figured that this could be used to his advantage.
“listen kid,” tony started, placing a hand on peters shoulder, “ken griswold is no dummy. in fact he might almost be as smart as me. there’s definitely a reason he’s doing this, and it’s not for his daughter; lord knows he’s never cared about his family. especially after what he did to his wife… but that’s besides the point.”
peter gave tony a confused look, wondering where he could be going with this.
“i want you to keep a close eye on ken griswold. see his next moves, what he’s making now. then come tell me. we will always be a step ahead.”
“sir, i don’t know if i’m cut out for it. you know i’m clumsy and sometimes stupid and,” peter awkwardly laughed and rubbed the back of his neck.
“you’re smart, parker. you’ll do what’s right, you think with your heart. just don’t trust the girl, she’s beautiful, yes, but she’s a little devil. i’ve heard the things she’s done.”
tony was talking about you, of course.
“make her fall for you. make her trust you. make her feel like she can tell you anything. get her to tell you everything. we need this information to get ahead, parker.”
peter shook his head. he wasn’t cut out for that. how could tony expect him to fake feelings for you when he’s loved you for years? how would he live with himself?
“mr stark…”
“i’m counting on you, kid. don’t let me down.” tony gave him a rough pat on the back, and left the room, leaving peter alone with his thoughts.
his jumbled, twisted thoughts. thoughts that were going to eat him alive.
“no! i absolutely will not be doing that!” you screeched, appalled that your father thought you would ever associated yourself with peter parker.
“y/n arabella griswold. this is not me asking. this is me demanding. you will get peter parker to trust you, and you will get peter parker to tell you everything he knows about stark industries. i do not care what it takes. want a new chanel? consider it done.”
“daddy! i don’t want to! i hate peter parker! how can you make me do this after those things he said about me?” you we’re shocked. your father was a bad man, you knew this, but he wasn’t evil.
this was out of character of him.
yet, as always, you complied. you would do anything for your fathers approval, something you had been seeking all your life.
you never had a problem getting approval from your mother. she was beautiful, and kind. like a ray of sunshine. your father was dark and gloomy like a thunderstorm. they balanced each other out.
ever since your mothers death when you were a mere child, things hadn’t been the same. your father turned dark and cold and shut you and georgie out.
so of course, if it meant you had to make peter parker fall in love with you to make your father proud, you’d do it.
it can’t be that hard, can it?
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mercurygray · 6 months
I don’t know if you’re still accepting prompts but if you are could I get a Ron and Billie Jealous au for your brand of brothers fic? Or one where Ron leaves his wife for Billie (I know it’s messy but babe I love drama and I need angst)
I'm so sorry this took so long, Maddie! I went in a slightly different direction with this, but it's a scene I've been meaning to write for a while - the two of them meeting post-war and post-everything.
Hawaii was supposed to be nice, this time of year.
That was what all the travel adverts said, anyway - not that Billie would get much of a chance to see it. Airline stewardesses didn't make enough to take a week away on the beach - an overnight in the airport hotel, perhaps a daiquiri in the bar, and then it was straight back out the next morning, listening to all those eager vacationers asking how she'd liked the sand and the surf.
But despite those setbacks Billie could honestly say that she liked her job. The pay was good, and the hours weren't terrible, and she could say that she'd been to some fabulous places over the last five years - up to and including not spending any time at home in Philadelphia with her mother, who would keep wondering aloud when she was going to get married. When are you going to meet someone, her mother kept asking. Surely there are single men on planes.
What, you mean all of those bored businessmen looking for a little heavy petting away from home? Those single men? Those were the only kind she met these days - unless you were talking about the pilots, who were just as bad at keeping commitments.
No, she wasn't going to meet anyone here, and that was just the way she liked it. At present she had no obligations and nothing to tie her down, and that was just the way she liked it, too. Billie fixed on her face in the forward galley and made her way down the aisle, offering to help 7B with her bag, and to find a souvenir plane for the little boy in 12C.
There was laughter, a few rows back - a group of officers in class As, crusher caps and all, each with an identical briefcase and a smile that only got wider as she walked by. Hawaii was probably only a stopover for them - one night at the airbase and then on to Japan. Five years ago they wouldn't have been laughing about this flight - but five years was a long time. Billie tried to move by, brushing by the one joker who was still loitering in the aisle.
"And how about you, gorgeous?" he asked with a grin. "Are you free when we get there?"
One born every minute. "Terribly sorry, gentlemen, but I have other plans."
"Aw, but are they more fun than us?" his friend asked, rising from his own seat to block her in a moment, taking one hand and wrapping his free arm around her waist, his hand resting casually on her ass. "Maybe some drinks and dancing?"
Billie felt her blood rising, felt the urge to clench her fist and punch him square in the gut starting to pick up speed. She'd be allowed, if she were somewhere else. But stewardesses had to be cleverer with their jabs. She was just mustering her very best smile when someone spoke behind her.
"Is there going to be a problem here, Captain?"
Immediately the hands dropped - and Billie's face did, too. I know that voice. "No, Major Speirs, sir. Of course not."
And then there was another man behind her, looming. "When you speak to a lady, you call her ma'am." She took a deep breath, and turned around, only to come face to face with the same familiar dark eyes she knew she'd find. "Miss Mitchell."
It was a good thing the other man had called attention to his rank, because she wouldn't have been able to see it. She was too busy looking at him. "Major Speirs." And it took every ounce of strength she had not to call him Ron, because here he was, and exactly as she remembered, and the way his voice wrapped itself around her core felt as though it were only yesterday that they'd been in bed together, chuckling over shared cigarettes.
And one of his men had been feeling her up, and he looked spitting mad about it. Or at least, as mad as Ron ever looked, which was to say he had a kind of fire behind his eyes that you wouldn't notice until it burned you.
A bell rang overhead for the captain to speak, and everyone resumed their seats - and now those eyes were following her through the whole plane.
Billie knew how she looked to men in her uniform- the pencil skirt, cut to display a tight derriere and a fine pair of legs, the tailored coat with its bracelet sleeves, the pert hat over perfect hair. But she was unsure, now, how she looked to him. Did he like tight skirts, or the look of her calves in seamed stockings and heels? Was the way she dressed her hair now still attractive? Or did he only love the woman in fatigues with her unwashed hair in a braid, the one he could ask, laughing, Has anyone told you today you're beautiful?
She didn't know. And she wasn't sure she could stand the answer if she asked.
The captain turned the loudspeaker on, mentioning the gateway, and taxiing, and takeoff, and everyone took their seats and put their seatbelts on, and the engine roared them down the jetway. Billie's stomach was already in her mouth.
Ron Speirs. On her airplane.
It wasn't quite a full flight to Hawaii - eager vacationers, anxious for the sun, businessmen talking rice and pineapple and a dozen other commodities, and the small contingent of officers, all of whom seemed to have learned their lesson the first time and refrained from saying more than two words to her as she went by. All of them - and Ron.
She brought the cart around for drinks, tidied away newspapers and magazines, and studiously avoided him until she was doing the second round of drink service and he flagged her down. The seat next to him was empty, taken up by a briefcase and his own crusher cap - the privileges of rank.
"Billie, please. Stay a moment."
"I have a job to do."
"I'll take coffee."
She poured it without thinking, straight black, nothing in it, just the same way he'd always drunk it during the war, and set the cup down in front of him. "Some cream and sugar, please," he said, and she stared for a moment before realizing what it was he was doing - creating a reason for her to stay.
"So they promoted you," she said, taking her time with the sugar. "I didn't know if you'd stay in."
"I didn't have a reason to get out," he said, and as she set the cup down and he steadied it on his table she noticed his hand was bare - no ring. "We…separated," he offered, quietly. "There was …someone who needed her more." The casual way he said it nearly broke her. "I see one of us did all right, though," he said, smiling as he gestured to the diamond solitaire on her own hand. "Who's the lucky fellow?"
She looked down at the ring like she'd forgotten it was there - because she had forgotten she had it on. Her hand clenched like that would somehow hide it. "Oh, he - he doesn't exist. Sometimes it helps with - deterrence."
"And what do you tell them about him, when they ask?"
I tell them that he's very handsome, and we met during the war, and that he's a captain in the army. "Oh, this and that. Pretty lies." She cleared her throat. "I'm sorry it didn't work out."
"I am, too." He glanced up at her with a brief smile, as if he were somehow afraid to hold her eye. "Do they give you some time for fun, after these long hauls?"
"Not much," she admitted. "But I can smell the sea, from the airport hotel, and that's usually good enough."
"They have me at the airport, too," he said vaguely. "Army travel budgets."
Down the aisle, someone else gestured, and she replaced the coffee on her cart. "Don't let me keep you," he offered, and she continued on down the row.
15C needed a gin and tonic with less emphasis on the tonic and more emphasis on the gin, and as she poured, her eyes glanced backwards down the aisle, catching a glimpse of dark eyes leaning slightly to the left, watching her from behind his hand with a different kind of fire, his coffee untouched in front of him.
Hawaii was nice, this time of year - if you had time to see any of it, that is. But five years was a long time.
(She was just hanging up her uniform when there was a knock at the door, and a pair of dark, fiery eyes behind it - tie loose, very sober. He looked her in the eye with longing. "Has anyone told you today you're beautiful?")
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Competing For Christmas 5: Holly Jolly Christmas (The Event)
Pairing: Modern Din Djarin x Female Reader
Word Count: 13,100
Rating: M. Language. 
Summary: It’s a good day to build some snowmen... and also, apparently a good day to find out some secrets. 
Author’s notes:
Got carried away with this one, but I had very specific things I needded to include. Needless to say, 6 won’t be coming out tomorrow ... I haven’t even started it yet. Sorry about that.
Questions, concerns, comments? My inbox is open!
I’m so glad that everyone still seems to be enjoying this story. I hope that this chapter answers some of the questions that you might have about Din’s past - and in a way that makes sense! 
* reference pictures of the snowmen that they make can be found on the masterlist page!
To get alerted when I post new chapters/stories, follow @somethingtofightfor-shares​ and turn on post notifications - you can also ask to be added to my tag list (link in bio or at the top of my taglist reblog)
Masterlist  / Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5.1 
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“So let me get this straight.” Cara eyed you from over the sandwich she was eating, the woman leaning closer as she spoke. “He was the one that put a stop to things?”
“Yeah.” Sipping from your straw, you nodded. “He’s the one that put an end to it last week at my place, and then last night, the guy went from hands on my back under my shirt and kissing my neck to telling me that we couldn’t continue in the span of like five seconds.” 
“Weird.” Stacy frowned, head moving from side to side. “Did he say why?” 
“No. He just said that it couldn’t go any further yet, but he’d explain some other time.” You hadn’t meant to spill everything to your friends, but when they’d asked who you were buying a tree skirt and extra ornaments for and you’d immediately given his name, they’d demanded to know more over lunch. 
And you’d spilled - the details of the trivia night, the way he’d taken care of you when you were sick, the kiss you’d shared under the mistletoe at the community center and the following ones the previous night. 
Cara’s eyes widened at the admission, the woman keeping them on you while you finished up, but it was Stacy that had cut in, asking you more about the man himself - and what you’d been able to tell them was surprisingly sparse. 
So you focused on what you did know - that he was kind and thoughtful, eager to learn and willing to let you teach. You told them about the way he was with Grogu, and about how many of the competition elements and things relating to Christmas in general were new to him, thanks to the way he’d grown up. And you ended it with telling them that unlike so many other men, Din hadn’t pushed you for more - urging you past the point that you were comfortable with when it came to physicality, even though it was clear that it was something both of you were interested in. 
“Have you looked him up at all? Cara wiped at her face, chewing. “I know you said he doesn’t have social media, but there’s got to be something about him online.” 
“I haven’t.” It hadn’t occurred to you  to do so, but after Cara’s suggestion, it seemed like an immense oversight on your part. “To be fair, though, I just found out where he’s from yesterday, so -” 
“What’s the name of the place?” Stacy was on her phone, eyes moving from the screen to you and then back. “Mala-”
“Mandalore.” Sighing, you rested your chin on your hand. “I don’t know how to spell it, but -”
“Oh, shit.” Stacy’s eyes widened, Cara leaning over to look at her phone’s screen. “It’s a small country in northern Europe, they’re known for their exports of some sort of steel variant called beskar. I guess it’s used to make spaceships and planes?” She glanced up. “Really valuable shit. But the country’s not even as big as the state of New York, so it’s rare.” 
As she continued to read from the screen, you contemplated pulling your own phone out but chose not to, sighing as the woman asked you how to spell Din’s last name. When you told her, she typed and then scrolled for a few seconds, her frown deepening. “What? What’s that look for?” 
“Nothing’s coming up. Not even a LinkedIn page for him here.” That’s weird. “Are you sure that Din is his full name? Like it’s not short for Brandon or Aidin or -”
“No, I’m positive that that’s his full name. At least… that’s what he goes by at work. It’s on his badge, and it’s on payroll like that, too.” But it could be short for something else, and …
“Holy shit they have a king.” At that, Cara’s attention was fully drawn to Stacy’s screen, and you had to admit that yours was too. A king? “And he’s hot as hell.” You stood from your chair and circled around to where they sat, pushing one of the unused chairs away from the table behind yours to stand between your friends, eyes on her phone. “No clue how old he is or anything like that, but look at him.” 
You did - focusing on the page she was scrolling through, images of a bald man with broad shoulders and sharp - but kind - eyes filling the screen. “Don’t a lot of those tiny little European nations have kings and queens or whatever the equivalent term is? Dukes and lords and -”
“Yeah, but this one’s got an actual name for it. Mand’alor. It’s in some other language, but -”
“Mando’a.” You mumbled the word, surprised as your friends both turned their heads to look at you. “What? Din mentioned it a couple times. He trained Grogu to follow commands in it, and …”
“Ok, so he’s not hiding where he’s from entirely.” Stacy returned to scrolling and you looked, too, reaching out as you gasped when you saw a familiar face on the screen. “What?”
“I know her.” Blinking rapidly, you leaned in. “That’s one of Din’s friends. He showed me a picture of her a couple weeks ago because she won some sharpshooting contest.” And he sent her a picture of me… “Why is she on this page with their king?”
“What’s her name?” You racked your brain, trying to remember if Din had told you, and then it came to you - another unfamiliar sounding one, but one that was difficult to forget. 
“Fennec. I don’t know if it’s a first or a last name, but it’s definitely Fennec.” It was quiet for a few moments as she typed, and while you waited for the page to load, you could feel your confusion growing. He said she was a bodyguard. A sharpshooter, and she was in a picture with … “Oh my God.” 
You whispered the words, one hand gripping the back of Cara’s chair tightly as you scanned words on the screen, but were unable to say anything else. There’s… what? “Your guy’s close with the head of personal security for the king of Mandalore?” Cara turned her head to look up at you, one brow arched. “Interesting.” Yeah, it is. 
“So there’s a lot here, but it says that Fennec Shand was personally appointed as head of security for the Mand’alor, Boba Fett almost ten years ago, and …” You tried to listen - really - but at the mention of the man’s name, you felt your blood run cold. Boba Fett? Fett? As in the other person Din told about me? This can’t be… You felt a hand on your arm and shook yourself back into focus, sucking in a breath. “You alright? What is it that -”
“Nothing. I just…” You didn’t want to lie to them, but also didn’t want to feed them any information until you’d heard it from Din himself and knew what was true - and what wasn’t - so you shrugged and hoped that you’d play it off like nothing was bothering you. “It’s kind of a shock to find out all of this, you know? That Din’s close friend is someone responsible for something like keeping the Mandalorian version of the President safe, and …” You shrugged. “Feels weird to know this because we looked it up.”
“Are you going to say anything?” Stacy darkened the screen and you stood up straight, heading back to your mostly finished lunch. “I mean he can’t blame you for looking him up, right? You guys are basically dating. And it’s not like you found anything about him, just… his friend.” Friends. You corrected her in your head but stayed silent, nodding your head as you began to eat again. 
“Yeah. I’ll probably let him know that I looked up Mandalore, and see… see what he says from there.” 
“Let us know.” Cara winked at you, swiping her fingers through her hair. “I can’t wait to see how he reacts.” Yeah, neither can I. 
But you knew that you wouldn’t say anything to Din right away, and at the sight of the man heading across the parking lot and toward you, you second guessed saying anything at all. “You ever built your snowman in an actual snowstorm before?” His smile was wide and bright, the man glancing up at the sky - covered in gray clouds, though it wasn’t dark thanks to the fact that sunset was still an hour or so away. “At least it stopped snowing so you could get your shopping done.”
“It did. And no, It’s never been snowing like this during the competition before, Din.” You fell into step next to him, fighting the urge to reach over and take his hand. “It’ll keep things interesting, at least.”
“Yeah.” As you reached the pathway to the central gazebo and warming tents, he spoke up again. “Did you get everything done you needed to today?”
“Sort of. The mall was really busy so we had to skip some stores, but I think I only need to get one or two more gifts and then I’m done… so I’m ahead of schedule.” The two of you ducked underneath the tent, five of the other teams already inside and waiting, and took your places near the back of the crowd. “I did get that tree skirt for you, though. And I have the extra ornaments in my trunk, too.” 
“Great. Thank you.” He moved closer and you felt his hand resting on the center of your back. “I scheduled a pizza delivery for 8:45. Figured that since they said the judging happens at 8, we’d be getting back to my place around then, so we could eat before we started on ornaments.”
“Lights first.” Turning your head to face him, you shrugged. “Gotta put lights on before the ornaments, Din.” 
He didn’t have a chance to say anything before someone called for your attention, both of you looking to the front of the tent as the speaker introduced herself, welcoming everyone to the competition. “Most of you know the rules, but for those that don’t, I’ll be quick. All eight teams are here, so as soon as I’m done talking, we’ll start.” 
“So we get extra time.” You checked your watch, seeing that it was twenty minutes before the scheduled start time of the event. “That’s good.” 
“This event is simple: we want you to create a scene that features snowmen. Your scene has to match the theme, and it has to be contained within your allotted space. Each team will need to build at least three figures in order to qualify. And you must use the provided props in some way on each of your snow creations.” That’s simple enough. Nothing different from last year there. “You have from now until 7:15 to finish, and then we’ll need fifteen minutes to remove the fencing and privacy screens.” 
She paused, looking around the room. “They’re on a really tight schedule.” Din leaned over, speaking into your ear. “It’s snow, and -”
“A lot of kids come out to see these. They don’t want it to get too late for them to cast their votes.” He was still touching you, the man moving closer so that his side was pressed against your arm. “Plus they’ve gotta clean up after everyone’s done, so it’s easier to do that before it gets really dark.”
“Good point.” He mumbled the words, his hand sliding from the center of your back to your side, urging you closer. I need to talk to him. I need to…
“As a reminder, this tent will remain open during the competition and act as a warming tent. Plan on taking breaks to warm your hands and feet. There are towels and heaters.” She pointed at one side of the tent. “Hot chocolate and coffee are available. The park’s bathrooms are open, too, and ready for your use.” 
You shifted on your feet, antsy to get started - and to get Din alone, and were rewarded a few seconds later when the woman made the final announcement of the night - telling everyone what the theme was. 
“We thought about this one a lot throughout the last few weeks, and we’ve decided not to deviate from the typical contest themes.” The crowd murmured, but she kept going, one hand tight on the microphone. “The theme this year is going to be Christmas movies and TV shows.” 
You groaned - you couldn’t help it. “What’s wrong?” Din leaned closer, concern evident in his voice. “What’s wrong with that theme?”
“It’s boring.” Rolling your eyes, you turned your head toward him. “Just once, I’d love to do something different, like superheroes or animals or -”
“Do we have to follow the theme?” He said your name, drawing your attention completely. “Is there a way we could -”
“If we don’t follow the theme, we can’t win.” And if we lose another event, we’re going to lose the competition. “So yeah, we’ve gotta follow the theme, Din.” 
The two of you listened to the woman finish her spiel - reminding you of the time you had and the location of your props, and then dismissed everyone, telling you to have fun. You lingered under the tent for a few minutes, arms crossed and your head turned to the side. This is going to be hard because he doesn’t know Chrismtas movies, and … 
“Hey.” He reached out, putting a gloved hand on your shoulder. “Let’s just make snowmen.” 
“But that isn’t -” 
“They didn’t say what movies they had to be from, right?” He shrugged. “Let’s go see what they have for props, and we’ll figure it out. “
“But if we don’t have a theme, we -”
“I don’t care.” He turned completely toward you, reaching out with his other hand and laying them both on your upper arms. “We’ll figure it out, or we won’t.” He leaned in, eyes bright. “The way I see it is that we’re going to see a ton of people making snowmen in Santa hats and reindeer.” He paused. “And that one snowman from the -”
“Frosty.” You rolled your eyes. “That’s why this is such a dumb theme. It’s just going to be a bunch of -”
“Let’s just have fun.” Din shook his head. “This is supposed to be fun, and you’re standing here stressed because of a snowman, and -”
“You’re right.” Admitting it helped - it loosened the anxiety in your chest, your lips parting as you looked up at Din. “You’re right, Din. This is supposed to be…” Closing your eyes, you nodded. “Let’s go see what they have in that gazebo.” 
Stepping toward the tent’s opening, you weren’t surprised when he reached over and took your hand, fingers interlocking with yours in the moments before he squeezed. 
An hour later, the two of you had three snowman shapes built, and you were working on turning them into characters. 
Once you’d seen the props available, it became clear to you that most people were going the predictable route and creating Santa snowmen or going straight Frosty with their choices. After a few minutes of contemplation - and digging through boxes - you decided to make three snowmen from three different movies. 
And as you’d worked, you and Din talked to each other, the man helping you to push and lift the heavy snow into place, Din suggesting that you stick branches into the center for added support - and to ensure that they stood up straight. 
You knew that you probably wouldn’t win, but the longer you spent in the cold with him, the snow falling around you and the sounds of the other teams muffled by the makeshift walls, you realized that you didn’t care. Because being here with him is better than winning. 
He flashed you a smile before standing up straight and pulling his phone from his pocket, lighting the screen up. “So I’m going to finish up this Frosty guy here, and then take a break.” He pointed at his face. “My nose is cold, and I want some of that hot chocolate.” 
“Ok.” Eyeing your snowman, you sighed. “I’m going to stay here while you do that, because this guy has to be big. I remember him always looking huge in the story, and -”
“I’ll help you when we come back.” He shook his head. “I’m not leaving you out here in the cold.” It was snowing harder, but in that moment, you didn’t feel the cold or damp - you felt the warmth of Din’s smile, the heat in his gaze. “Alright?”
“Yeah.” Biting your lip, you took a deep breath, the shiver coursing through your body not at all due to the cold. “Yeah, that’s alright.” 
Fifteen minutes later, Din finished his snowman’s hand - carefully molding it around the handle of a broomstick that was securely embedded in a pile of snow on the ground, and turned back to you. “Coming?” With a final glance at your own snowman - the body shape almost to where you wanted it to be, you let out a sigh and then stepped away from it, out and into he open. Din followed, and only a minute passed before the two of you were under the soft, warm light of the tent, cups of hot chocolate in hand. “I think we’re making pretty good progress.” 
He sipped his drink, waiting. Yeah, I think so too. “Your’re almost done, and it won’t take us too long to finish the third one, since all we have to do is make it dirty and make a really simple face.” 
“We still have about an hour. I’m not worried.” He shrugged. “This is good hot chocolate.” It was, and the longer the two of you stood there, the better you felt; feeling coming back into your fingers and toes, the snowflakes on Din’s hat melting and dripping down, creating small puddles on the ground around him. “Grogu left the tree alone, by the way. I was worried he’d knock it over.” 
“Nah. He’s probably going to be more interested once there’s stuff on it, but unless he gets really excited, I bet it stays upright.” Din went to reply, but two more pairs of contestants walked in and so he didn’t, tossing his cup into the trash and then moving to stand next to you - much closer than he had before. “Din?” 
“We should get back to our snowmen.” He sighed, eyeing one of the women, who was holding her phone up and recording the interior of the tent. “C’mon. The sooner we do that, the sooner we’ll be done.” 
“I thought you liked the snow.” Wrinkling your nose as you carefully made your way back to where you’d been building, you questioned him. “Are you cold Din?” 
“I do like the snow. And I’m a little cold, yeah, But to be honest, I’m looking forward to later.” It was the most straightforward he’d been with you about anything, and it stopped you in your tracks. “What?” 
“I’m looking forward to it, too.” There was more you wanted to say - much more, starting with telling him what you and your friends had discovered earlier in the day, but you knew that if you did, the snowmen wouldn’t ever get finished. Because it’ll either be a really long conversation… or a really short one. 
He smiled at you and then used his chin to motion toward your space, and the two of you began walking again, stepping off of the path and onto the snow. 
You settled back into the rhythm you’d established earlier - Din finishing Frosty up to the point where all you had left to do was put his hat on - and then coming to help you with your snowman. It went so much faster with his help - the man hefting large armfuls of snow onto the body for you and packing it in while you worked to shape the arms and legs. 
Like in the earlier events, you worked well as as team, and soon enough, your snowman was done, too - a green scarf and hat settled onto his head and neck and tiny, black eyes and a thin mouth adorning his face. You hadn’t been able to find an orange for his nose, so you’d substituted with a piece of orange fabric wrapped around a tightly packed snowball - but you were happy with it. “And then there was one.” 
Taking a breath, you turned toward Din, hands on your hips. “I don’t know how we’re going to make this thing dirty, this snow is pure white, and …” 
“Yeah, I’m not sure either.” Turning, the man rummaged through your box of props. “If we had actual coal, it would be easier.” Yeah, it would. But all we have is fake, plastic coal, so… “Hold on a second.” He hurried away, leaving you standing in the snow and staring after him, confused. What is he doing? 
While Din was gone, you checked your watch - it was nearly 7, which meant you had about fifteen minutes left to finish. We’re cutting it close, and … He surprised you when he reappeared, one hand stuffed into his pocket and the other holding a handful of white packets. “Din, what -”
“Hot chocolate powder.” He grinned. “I saw the extra packets when we were standing in there earlier, and I figure it’s brown - like dirt, so -” Oh, you’re a genius. 
You didn’t even try to stop yourself from lunging forward, your arms going around the man’s neck and your lips finding his cheek, the skin chilly beneath them. “You’re brilliant, Din Djarin.” 
“No one’s ever said that to me before.” He hugged you back, tucking his head down and nosing along the side of your neck. “But you can say it again if you want.” You would have been content to stay there in his arms for the rest of the night, but Din pushed you away gently, wetting his lips as he let out a breath through his nose. “We’ve gotta finish this.” 
“Yeah.” Swallowing, you closed your eyes. “Yeah, we do.” Instructing Din to just sort of throw the mix at the snow, you took a couple packets from him and removed one glove, pouring the mix into your free hand and then holding it up in front of your mouth, blowing in short bursts. 
Between the two of you, it didn’t take long for you to cover parts of the surface of the snowman in the dust, the air filled with the sweet scent of the cocoa powder. “That good? Or should I go and get more?” 
“No.” You eyed the snow, watching as the powder began to dissolve into muddy looking splotches, bright white peeking through in places. “No, this is good. We don’t want the entire thing to be chocolate soup, it just needs to look…dirty.” In a stroke of inspiration, you reached out, pressing your bare hand to the center of the snowman’s body and letting the heat of it melt a little - a handprint left behind.
Din did the same and when you both stepped back, you laughed, tossing your head back and closing your eyes. “What? It doesn’t look that bad.”
“No. It looks perfect.” Bending down, you wiped your hand on the ground and then kicked snow over the dark space, drying your skin on your jeans before slipping your glove back on. “All we have to do now is put the hat on Frosty, and we’re done.”
He’d taken pictures throughout the night - marking progress with his phone - but you were still surprised when the flash went off as you lifted the hat from the table, eyeing it. “Sorry, I figured I’d take a picture of you putting it on our guy’s head, but I should have asked, and…” 
“Here.” You reached for the phone, holding out the hat. “Trade me.” He looked confused but did as you asked, passing the phone to you and taking the hat, his fingers running along the brim. “It’s your first one, Din. You’ve gotta be the one to finish it.” 
Instead of taking pictures, you switched it to video and aimed the camera at the man, biting your lip as he moved to stand next to the snowman and then rose up onto his toes, lifting the tophat. “Am I doing this right?” Glancing over his shoulder at you, Din waited for your quiet yes to continue, returning his attention to what was in front of him and settling the hat into place, reaching up and giving it a tweak with his fingers to bring it forward. “Done.” 
We’re done. Panning away from Din, you took video of each of the snowmen and then moved it back to him, your smile growing.  You didn’t know if your group would win, but you’d had fun building with Din, and that was all that mattered. I hope he did, too. 
Ending the video, you handed him the phone and then started to clean up your space, loading all of the trash and spare props into the box you’d carried them over in. When you finished, you checked your watch and found that you had five minutes to go before the competition ended, leaving you and Din with enough time to stand back and admire your handiwork.
You could see people beginning to congregate near the gazebo and tent, but you didn’t focus on them, instead leaning into Din’s side and sighing. “We did a good job, Din. Thank you for talking me down earlier. It… I don’t know what was wrong with me, but -”
“You’re welcome. But I meant what I said. It would be nice to win, but if we don’t, we don’t. I said yes to doing all of this with you to spend time with you, not to win a couple prizes.” Oh. Oh, that…. “But I think we’ll win.” 
“You have much more confidence than I do, Din.” Locking eyes with him, you gave him a soft smile. “I hope you’re right, though.” 
There were questions you needed to ask him - things you needed him to clear up … but you wanted to kiss him again, too. And it’s going to happen, it … Din closed the distance between the two of you, turning his body and lifting one arm so that he could wind it around you, and when his mouth met yours, you sighed, feeling the upward curve of his mouth against your lips at the sound. 
The kiss was interrupted, though, when a flash went off, the sudden brightness forcing your eyes open as Din stiffened in front of you, backing away almost immediately. “What was -” He looked around, obviously on alert, and it only took a few seconds to find the source of the light - someone was walking around and taking pictures of the event, but since it was later at night, flash was necessary. 
“They’re just taking pictures of  the entries, Din. The same way they came around and took pictures of the cookies.” It hurt - the fact that he’d had such a visceral reaction to potentially being photographed kissing you - and it only added to the mountain of things that you wanted to ask him. But if he’s associated with the king of Mandalore, it makes sense. “Look.” 
The flash went off again, closer, and Din finally relaxed, saying your name. “It’s not that I don’t want to be -”
“We can talk about it later.” You stepped further away, sticking your gloved hands in your jacket pockets. “We don’t need to get into it right now.” He frowned but agreed, and when, a few minutes later, the judges finally got to your section of the park, it was Din that spoke first, giving your team name, and then turning things over to you to explain your snowmen. “This one’s Frosty.” You pointed, turning the top half of your body to follow your arm. “And that’s The Snowman from the silent British film.” 
“And this one’s Pigpen’s snowman from the Charlie Brown Christmas special.” Din cut in, his arm jutting out to indicate the third snowman. At that, the female judge laughed, her smile growing by the second. That’s good. That’s… really good. 
“It smells like chocolate over here.” She raised a brow, looking between you and Din. “Why?”
“We used cocoa powder packets to make him dirty.” You shared another look with the woman, your shared amusement apparent. “So hopefully it works out.” 
“I like it.” She shrugged, making a few notes on the clipboard she held. “Alright, we’ll take a picture of the two of you and what you built for our records, and then you can head over to the main crowd until it’s time to announce the winners.” 
Unlike the previous picture scenario, Din moved back to stand next to you, slinging an arm around your shoulders as you faced the cameraman. There wasn’t any distance between you, but you felt it nonetheless, a slight shift in the closeness that you’d been building over the previous weeks. I don’t like that at all. 
It worried you, but you didn’t have time to dwell on it, the judges dismissing you and thanking you for participating. “Let’s see what everyone else built.” Din nudged you as you walked, pointing with his other hand. “Take the long way back and circle around. 
So you did, a few of the walls already down to expose the creations by the other teams. Oh, some of these are impressive. 
One team had somehow created Santa, Hermey and Rudolph. Another had made three vaguely reindeer-shaped snowmen, one of them with a bright red nose. A third team’s focus had been on the movie Elf, a large-humanoid snowman dressed in green and yellow, and then a smaller snowman wearing a coat and scarf were joined by something that you identified as a narwhal only by the massive horn sticking out of its face. 
Snowmen dressed as Santa and Frosty were abundant, but it seemed that you and Din had been the only ones to mix movies together for your group, and you hoped that it would set you apart. We’ll see. 
You passed your friends on the way back to the tent, Cara lifting her hand in a wave as she looked between you and Din, the flakes still swirling through the air. You wondered if they’d know which group was yours, and as you and Din dropped off the remaining props at the gazebo and then headed back to the warming tent, you let the thoughts consume you ,
As much as Din said it didn’t matter if you won, part of you knew that it did - to both of you. He was competitive, too, and even if the main reason he’d agreed to participate was to spend time with you, it wasn’t like he’d tried to throw any of the previous events. And he seemed really upset at the thought that he might not be able to contribute to trivia. 
“You either did the Elf snowmen, or you made the ones of Santa and the reindeer.” Stacy’s voice made you turn, Din moving with you and steadying you with one hand on your back again. “And I think it was Elf, but -”
“No, it’s the one that had Pigpen’s snowman.” Cara cut in, swallowing a long sip of cocoa. “Definitely.” 
“How’d you know?” Din shook his head. “We -”
“I’m just that smart.” Cara winked at him, but then lowered her cup, laughing. “No, Din, you’ve got cocoa powder on your jacket. I saw it when you walked by us earlier.” Oh. That makes sense. “Good job, guys. They looked great.” 
Thanking her, the four of you started talking, but it wasn’t long before Stacy pulled you away and toward the snack table. She only waited until you were out of earshot to lean over, hissing out her questions. “Did you ask him? What did she say?”
“Not yet.” You picked up a bag of popcorn, fingers closing around the handles. “There wasn’t time, and if I would have asked before or during the competition, we wouldn’t have finished. I’ll ask him tonight. And that way if it goes bad… I can just leave.” 
“It won’t go bad.” She shook her head, grabbing a bag of popcorn for herself. “I think he’ll appreciate that you looked him up, and that you’re asking him questions, not just assuming things.” You hoped that she was right, and when the two of you made your way back to Cara and Din, and you offered him the popcorn, you really hoped she was right. Because I don’t want things to go back to how they were. 
“I think they’re coming back now.” Din pointed with one covered hand, his gloves the same pair from the previous night - black with yellow fingertips, a bright blue triangle on the backs of his hands. “At least some of them.” 
He was right - the judges were all back, and the gazebo crowd was starting to increase in size, too, everyone huddling together and talking. The sounds of the conversations grew louder as more time passed, and though you and Din spoke to your friends without any awkwardness or extended silences, you were still very aware of what was happening around you, eyes darting between your group and the rest of the crowd and waiting. 
He was beside you but not touching you, though that changed when the woman climbed up the steps to the gazebo, microphone in hand. “Here we go.” Din whispered, bumping your shoulder with his. “We’ve got this.” Do we? 
The woman’s speech was congratulatory, highlighting the impressive creations by each team, but she didn’t waste time with long-winded stories, instead getting right to the important parts. “To start, we want to thank our local hardware store, who donated sleigh shovels to make the creation of these snowmen much simpler.” People clapped but not for long, the woman beginning to speak again. “Each participant will receive one of those as a thank you from us for your contribution to the park’s decorations. 
“That’ll come in handy. I can make Grogu a path in the back yard.” You snorted back a laugh, keeping your eyes forward. 
“In third place and earning fifteen points, with their take on The Nightmare Before Christmas, we’ve got  Team Holi-daze.” The two cheered, the crowd reacting along with them. “Second place goes to a pair that chose to make characters from a few different movies - Clan Mudhorn, your Pigpen snowman was a hit and scored you fifteen additional points.” You tried to listen but were distracted, adding the new points in your head to your running total. 
“We’re still winning.” Din leaned over, mouth close to your ear. “We -”
“And the winners, with their Elf inspired snowmen, we have team Smarty Pints!” The entire crowd cheered, but the woman wasn’t done, her smile genuine as she looked over the people gathered in front of her. “In addition to the previously mentioned shovels, each winning team will have a donation made in their name to a charity of their choice. Third place’s donation is in the amount of $100, second’s is $150 and first place is $250.” 
“I like that.” Din nodded from next to you. “That’s a surprise, but I really like that.” You did, too, and were just about to ask Din if he had any idea where he wanted to donate to when the man spoke again. “You can choose the charity. You know more about the local businesses, and I have no doubt that you’ll pick someone that deserves it.” 
“The animal shelter.” You responded immediately. “Everyone donates to people at this time of year, but they forget that there are plenty of pets that need to be fet and kept warm, and -”
“Really?” You nodded. “That’s fine with me.” He put an arm around you and pulled you close, the one-armed hug brief but warm. “Come on, we’ve gotta go and tell them who we want to donate to, and then we can get out of here.”  
You followed him to the front of the crowd, getting in line behind Holi-daze, the two of them talking quickly about their planned donation. You and Din stayed quiet, though, waiting your turn and taking the offered shovels before Din urged you forward, a small smile on his face. 
After you gave the name of the organization and ensured that it was written down correctly on the sheet of paper in front of you, you and Din made your way back through the crowd and toward where your friends had been - though they were nowhere to be seen. “Thought we’d say goodbye, but …” 
“Text them?” Din stuffed his hands in his pockets. “See where -”
“Nah.” Releasing a long breath, you shook your head from side to side. “They would have waited if they wanted to see me.” I think? “Let’s just get back to your place. It’s going to take a few extra minutes because of the snow, so the sooner we leave, the better.” 
“Alright.” Din eyed you, one brow arched. “Ready for some pizza?” 
“Of course.” Grinning, you hoped that he couldn’t see the conflict on your face  - and that he wouldn’t get upset when you brought up what you’d learned. But it would have come out at some point, and … “I’ll follow you?” 
“Sounds good.” 
And without another delay, you and Din headed for your cars. 
You got two strands of lights on the tree and ornament hooks on most of the ornaments before the pizza arrived, and even though you didn’t want to ruin anything, you figured that dinner would be the perfect time to talk over your discoveries. 
You’d changed as soon as you got to his house - swapping out your jeans and thick socks for a pair of comfortable sweatpants and slippers, and Din had done the same, stripping down to what could only be described as pajamas - dark gray sweats and a pullover hoodie, the sleeves pushed back to expose his forearms. The casual attire helped to put you more at ease even though inwardly, you were freaking out. Just say it. Just say it and get it over with and…
“So how many lights go on here?” He gestured to the tree with his pizza slice before raising it to his mouth and taking a bite. “We have I think 6 more boxes. Is that enough?” 
“It should be.” You eyed the tree, squinting. “We can finish the lights and then start the ornaments, and then you’ll have your first real Christmas tree, Din.” 
“Yeah.” He chewed, finishing his slice. “And I wouldn’t have it without you.” 
You hated to bring things up and potentially ruin everything, but you couldn’t keep quiet any longer. Setting the remnants of your diner down, you wiped your fingers on a napkin and then said his name. “I… have something I need to tell you.” 
His shoulders slumped immediately, Din sitting up straight and locking eyes with you. “What? Is everything alright?”
“When I was shopping earlier, I told Cara and Stacy why I picked up the tree skirt, and we started talking about you and the competition, and …” Shit this is hard. “We looked you up, Din. Looked up Mandalore, and…” Trailing off, you sighed and closed your eyes. “There was a picture… lots of pictures, actually, of your friend Fennec with your king… or your Mand’alor, and -”
“Oh.” He sounded dejected, and when you looked over at him again, Din was visibly deflated, the man looking almost small in his chair. “Why’d you decide to look?”
“Stacy looked. She just thought it was weird that I knew almost nothing about you, so she wanted to see if anything came up.”
“Did it?” 
“No.” Rubbing at the bridge of your nose, you laughed. “No, it didn’t. Just stuff about Mandalore and Fennec and Boba Fett, and beskar. But nothing about you, not even a LinkedIn profile.” He stayed quiet, and since you figured he was about to ask you to leave, you went on. I’ve already started, so… “When you said politics, Din, I didn’t think that you meant your family was close with your country’s royalty. Hell, I didn’t even consider that that was possible.” 
“My family isn’t close with them.” He stood, taking his plate to the sink. “Are you done?”
“Yeah.” You’d only eaten about a slice and a half, but your appetite was all but gone. “Yeah, I’m -” Din leaned over and took your plate, too, carrying it to the trash and dumping the contents before it joined his plate in the basin. “I’ll get my coat, Din, and -”
“Why?” He turned to face you again, arms crossed over his broad chest. “We have a tree to finish decorating.” What? I thought … “You had every right to look me up. I’m surprised you didn’t do it sooner.” 
“Din, I -” He cut you off, stepping forward and reaching out with one hand. “What are -”
“Come on. I’ll explain while we decorate.” 
A few minutes later, the two of you were back in the downstairs room, the fire roaring and Grogu snoozing in his chair. You and Din were on opposite sides of the tree, passing the strands of lights to each other as you secured them in place - but Din hadn’t said a word. Instead, the only noises that you heard were the crackling of the fire and an occasional burst of sound from the TV, turned on and playing one of the Santa Clause movies. He said he’d talk but he’s not. He’s not going to say anything, and -
“I lost my parents when I was really young.” Din cleared his throat. “I don’t really remember them much. Just small things - my mom’s laugh, my dad’s dark hair. I remember our house. But there was … an accident. A fire. I got rescued, and they didn’t.” 
“Din, I’m so sorry.” You tightened your hold on the wire, unsure of what to say. “That had to … that had to be really hard.” 
“I don’t remember much of it, like I said. But thank you.” He bent over and plugged in another strand of lights, the colors dancing over his skin, though he was frowning. “In Mandalore, the foster system isn’t like it is here. The people really care about making sure that kids are taken care of.” 
“That’s good to hear.” You figured it was easier over there, since it was a much smaller country, but decided not to elaborate. 
“Yeah.” He scoffed. “It was an interesting couple years, and I lived with a couple families, but then…” Din paused, tucking lights beneath a branch before he passed the bundle to you. “People started to notice me. I was smart. Strong. I understood mechanical things and even though I was only 10 or 11, I impressed my teachers.” 
“You’re really smart, Din. I’m not surprised that people were impressed.” He thanked you and you fought back a smile as you ducked behind the tree, winding lights around the branches there. “Did you skip grades?”
“Sort of.” He took the lights back from you, finishing with that strand and going to grab another. “I-
“You have to plug it in somewhere else.” Reaching out, you settled your hand on his to stop him. “No more than 400 connected at one place. They could short out.” He thanked you and stuck his hand into the center of the tree, reaching for the extension cord there to plug in the new lights. 
“I got pulled from school when I was 12. Moved to a private one, where I could still learn things but was also exposed to other … different opportunities.” You had no idea what he was talking about, but still stayed quiet, waiting. “I got pulled from regular school and sent to what you’d call a boarding school here. I didn’t know it at first, but it was run by the ruling family. They only accepted kids that were gifted in some way. But it wasn’t… you didn’t have to have money or status to go there.” 
“Oh.” That wasn’t what you were expecting, but it made sense to you - at least in some ways. So they really try to help these kids.
“I was an orphan. I had no one. And while I was there, I met Fennec. And I also met Boba Fett.” The king. The king was a … “I didn’t know it at first, but Boba was being set up to rule Mandalore, and he had been for years. He was older than us, and so he left the school before Fennec and I did. It was a huge surprise when he was named Mand’alor, but we were all there. We got to skip class and go to the ceremony, and I remember thinking how fucking cool it was that my friend was the ruler of a country.” 
“That would be pretty neat.” You were both sitting on the ground, working on the lower portion of the tree, and so you leaned to the side, making sure you could see him. “I bet the kids all left you alone.”
“They did but it had nothing to do with Boba. I wasn’t… I’m pretty quiet, so I mostly kept to myself aside from him and Fennec and another guy that was a couple years older - Karga. Karga was the one that hired me for my first job after I graduated from our equivalent of high school, and I worked for him for a long time - until I came over here, actually.” 
You worked in silence for a few minutes, plugging in a new set of lights and wrapping them slowly around the branches. It was a lot of information that he was giving you, but none of it seemed to be false - he hadn’t paused or embellished anything, and Din seemed to genuinely want to tell his story. 
“Hey, you still with me?” He reached over, taking the lights from you - and covering your hand with his. 
“Yeah, sorry. I’m just … this is a lot to process.” 
“I’m not even to the good part yet.” Din smiled, his head cocked to the side. “Boba became Mand’alor a little over ten years ago. And when he did, he pulled Fennec from what she was doing to take her with him. She got special training and became his personal bodyguard, and she’s the best I’ve ever seen.” 
“You said you were good, but she was better.” He nodded, wetting his lips. “So does that mean you’re security for him, too? How would that work? You’ve been here for a year, and -”
“Mandalore is different. We train for different things as we grow up, and one of them is something that’s now more just to honor the past.” Din closed his eyes and then reopened them, looking away and focusing on the tree, his fingers working to deftly tuck the end of the last strand of lights between the branches to hide it. “It’s not quite military boarding school level, but we did practice things like shooting and combat and …” He shrugged. “It’s normal for us. Mostly used for ceremonial stuff, but…”
“I get it.” You leaned back on your hands, eyes on him. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt.” 
“It’s fine.” He leaned back, too, looking up at the tree. You watched as his lips twitched, the man’s smile apparent as he looked at your handiwork. “I’m not security for Boba, no. He asked me if I’d ever want to join the team a while back, and I said no.” Ok, so there’s one question answered. “Because that would have meant a public presence. It would have meant that people would know exactly who I am, and …” Din sighed. “That’s the big thing.” 
“I understand wanting privacy, Din.” You were still confused, though, not understanding why if they were such close friends, no pictures of Din and Boba had come up - why there was zero mention of the man’s name anywhere. “Was he mad?”
“No. Disappointed, maybe. And he knows that if he needs me, I’d be there for him, but … if I’d said yes, it would have changed his other plans, too.” Din stood and then held a hand out to you, waiting for you to take it before he helped you to your feet. You noticed that he didn’t let you go right away, instead tightening his grip on your fingers and pulling you a little closer. “Do you want to know what those are?”
“Yes.” You had no idea what he was going to say, but nothing could have prepared you for what came next. 
“In Mandalore, the ruling title isn’t inherited. It can be, and it has been in some cases, but it isn’t always. Boba was chosen, and he’s been a great Mand’alor. The people love him. But it’s a demanding job, and …” Din let go of your hand and then pulled his fingers through his hair, looking down at his feet. “The reason there’s nothing about me online - no pictures or pages or accounts or… anything is because Boba named me as his successor years ago. He has no kids and wouldn’t have any that will be ready to take over and lead in time, and so …” Din sighed. “Until the moment that it’s announced, it’s like I don’t exist. No one knows my face. No one knows my name. I’m like any other Mandalorian. But when it’s my turn to go and take that vow … that all changes.” 
“What?” You shivered, blinking furiously. “Din, that …” 
“Yeah, it’s crazy, right?” He rubbed a hand over his face. “I thought I still had time. But the last couple years, Boba’s been talking about stepping down, just because he wants to live his life, and so my time is … I don’t have as much free time left as I thought I did.” 
“So you’re going to become the Mand’alor?” Squaring your shoulders, you wet your lips. “And it’s going to happen soon, and -”
“Yes. And yes. I don’t know when, but we’re probably talking within the next couple years. I’ll have to go back and for the first time, I won’t just be a nobody that happens to be friends with Fennec and Boba, I’ll be … everyone will see me.” 
You didn’t say anything, staring at Din and fighting to keep the frown off of your face. That’s why he’s so content to just work and stay in the background. Because it’s what he wants. His admissions were a shock to you, but you believed him. 
He’d mentioned Boba and Fennec before you knew who either of them were. He’d never outright lied to you about who he was or where he was from, just kept certain things a secret. Until I asked. Until… “So you weren’t lying when you said you were a prince.”
“I wasn’t. It’s not … it’s a little different than what you’d think of when you hear the term, but …” He took a seat on the edge of the couch cushion, looking up at you. “People obviously know that I exist, you know? They’ve seen my face out in public in Mandalore. But keeping a low profile is important because if I don’t, enemies of the crown could try and use it against Boba. And against me or Mandalore, and I can’t… that can’t happen.”
“Of course not.” You sat next to him, both of you staring straight ahead and at the tree - and Grogu. “I’m sorry I made you upload your information on that website. If I’d known, I wouldn’t have even asked.”
“It’s fine. You said nothing came up when you searched, so it isn’t…” He shrugged. “But that’s why I got nervous with the flashes later, when we were …” Din trailed off. “No one knows where I am or who I am here, but I promised Boba that if I left, I wouldn’t… I just wanted some time to myself before I have to …” His shoulders slumped again, Din’s sigh heavy. 
“You don’t want the position.”  Reaching over, you took his hand without another thought, your fingers lacing with his. “Din, you -”
“I don’t. But … Boba is family and he asks me for so little. It’s not about what I want.” Din said your name, waiting until you were looking directly at him to speak again. “I like you. And I like being here, but I can’t… I can’t stay. That trip over summer was to go home and talk all of this over with him and the others. He’s starting to get things ready so that he can step down, and …” 
It terrified you - the suddenness of the anxiety that filled your chest at the thought of Din leaving, despite the fact that you’d just started spending time together. That’s not good.  “Is that why you said things couldn’t go further?” Of course it is. Of course that’s my luck. 
“Yes.” He squeezed your hand, thumb circling over your knuckle. “It’s one of the reasons. Because you deserve more than someone that’s just going to give you some small part of themselves and then give you an ultimatum without anything else.” 
You gasped at that, his words hitting you hard. It meant that he’d listened to what you’d said about James. That he understood that while you weren’t looking for a set future, you needed to know that there was the possibility of one, no matter how small. And if he’s leaving, there’s no chance. “Then why, Din? Why’d you kiss me in the first place? Why’d you -”
“Because I couldn’t help it.” He laughed, but it was a sad sound, the man’s chin dropping again. “Fennec told me it was a bad idea to get close to you, especially with everything going on, but …” He swore quietly, taking a breath. “I thought I’d be able to keep myself from getting too involved, because I knew I had to. It just … didn’t work.” 
“No, it didn’t.” He’s a prince and he has to go home, and that means he’s leaving, and this isn’t going to… You felt the tears welling in your eyes, but were determined keep them from falling. “You introduced me to your kid the first night we hung out, Din. I’d say that’s pretty involved.” 
It worked - your joke breaking the tension in the room, and when Din let go of your hand to pull you in for a hug, you let him. He buried his face in the side of your throat, and you settled your cheek on the soft tumble of his hair, one hand stroking over the back of his head and neck. He could be the ruler of an entire country at this time next year, and he’s sitting like this with me right now. You held onto each other for long moments, and when Din pulled away, it was only because you said his name, whispering the word softly into his ear. 
“Thank you for telling me. At least now I know that it’s not me or something that I did that was keeping you from wanting -”
“Oh, believe me, I want.” His eyes darkened, gaze dropping to your mouth and then rising. “You have no idea.” 
“I think I do.” It was a night for honesty, and so you gave it right back to him, allowing yourself to be vulnerable. “I want, too. But we have a tree to finish, right?” He widened his eyes, watching as you leaned in and kissed his cheek before you stood, taking the few steps toward the light switches on the wall. “And before we put the ornaments on, we need to make sure the lights are in the right place.”
Flipping the switch, the room was plunged into darkness, the tree glowing from its place by the sliding glass door.  It was self preservation - distracting yourself for your own sake - and so he couldn’t see the few tears you had to wipe away once the lights were down. “Oh, that looks … wow.” He stood and headed for the tree, reaching out to touch the needles. “We did a good job.” 
“We did.” Standing next to him, you reached out, too, adjusting a few of the lights and repositioning some of the branches. “Just trying to fill in the dark spots. It’s much easier to see them with the lights off.” It didn’t take long for both of you to be happy with the state of the tree, but before you could move over to flip the switch up, Din stopped you, one of his large hands settling on your waist. “Din?” 
“I never meant for this to happen.” Voice low, the man stepped closer, his other hand joining the first, both of your arms rising to hook around his neck. “And I’m sorry that I had to dump all this on you. It would have been easier not to tell you. To just let … to just let things go, and deal with it later.” 
“It would have.” You were toying with the ends of his hair, a lump in your throat as you spoke. “But I’m glad you didn’t. Says a lot about you as a man, Din.” He hummed in agreement and you realized that the two of you were rocking back and forth slowly in front of the tree, the lights bright enough that you knew he could see the glistening of more unshed tears. “I won’t tell anyone, by the way. Cara and Stacy, I mean. I’ll have to tell them something, but I won’t tell them the important stuff.” 
“I appreciate that.” Din leaned in, pressing his forehead against yours and taking a long breath. “I hate that you’ll be lying to them, though.” 
“Won’t lie.” You tilted your head back, lips barely apart from his. “I’ll just avoid the whole truth.” His laugh that time was real, and only seconds later he was kissing you, the man’s mouth soft as it met yours. Wait, what… no. I can’t …. This can’t… “Din, I’m sorry.” Breathlessly, you pulled away from him, your hands going to his shoulders. “I didn’t mean to -”
“Don’t apologize.” He squeezed his eyes shut, pressing his lips together. “That one was kind of my fault, too.” He let you go then, his hands stroking over your sides before he stepped completely away from you, yours falling back to hang near your waist. “Ornaments?” It took you a little while to recover but when you did, you spoke with resolve. 
It wouldn’t do you any good to let yourself get upset by his revelation. Even if he was a prince, Din was still Din, and for the next week, the two of you were competition partners. You could work with him - and you would, both of you too far in to give up or drop out. One event left. One event and then we’ll go back to seeing each other at work, and that’s it 
“Yeah, Din. Ornaments.” Bending down, you picked up a few and then held them up. “So you start with the ones that aren’t spherical. And then you use those ones, the round ones? To fill in the places that need it.” 
A half hour later, you and Din were finished with the ornaments, both of you standing back with your hands on your hips as you eyed the tree. It was less full than yours, the ornaments much more spread out, but with the addition of the lights and skirt, it looked good, and you hoped that Din thought the same. 
It had been fun to hang them, the two of you laughing and joking as you did it, your explanation of the way you left the back of your tree mostly bare and using it only as a place for the ugly ornaments making Din laugh hard, one hand rising to rube at his face while his shoulders shook. 
It was like his admission had changed something between you - making things almost easier, even though that shouldn’t have been the case at all. But he’d trusted you with arguably his biggest secret, something that it was clear only a tiny handful of people knew - and that spoke volumes to you. 
It would all be out in the open soon enough, but Din coming clean with you even though he hadn’t needed to was what kept you from spiraling - it kept you there, in the room with him instead of allowing you to get lost in your thoughts of what it would be like when he was gone. 
He hadn’t tried to kiss you again, but he’d still touched you - and you’d done the same - both of you navigating around the tree, ornaments in hand. It was small touches - his hand on your back, your fingers brushing his arm, Din reaching out to adjust ornaments at the same time you did - but it was comfortable, the same way it had been to play the games with him throughout the competition. Because we fit well together. 
That was a painful truth, too - and something that you’d have plenty of time to think about later - the fact that you and Din were good together on many levels, but there was no time to explore it. Or not enough time. 
When you stepped back to admire your handiwork, Din crossed his arms over his chest again, nodding. “I like it. It looks like … a real tree.”
“It is a real tree. And I’m glad you like it because you’re going to have to look at it for the next couple weeks.” He laughed again, the two of you turning your attention to Grogu only when he stood up and stretched, the dog yawning before making his way to the sliding glass door. “Figures, he slept through the whole thing and now that we’re done, he’s awake.”
“That’s Grogu. If he’s not eating, he’s sleeping. Been that way since I found him.” You moved as he spoke, your hand on the door handle - and when you pulled it open, you gasped at the breeze that blew in and brought a flurry of snow with it. “Is it still snowing?” The dog darted out past your legs, and when you turned the porch light on, Din swore from right behind you, the press of his chest against your back a surprise - but not at all unwelcome. “Shit, it’s really coming down.” 
“Yeah…” Closing the door, you slipped past him and toward the front door, climbing the steps slowly and with a sense of growing dread. If it’s snowing that hard, it’s not going to be a fun drive home. “Oh, damn, Din.” You opened the front door and stared out - both cars and the street covered in a thick blanket of white. “I didn’t think it was supposed to pick up until tomorrow, but it …”
“They haven’t plowed yet.” He was behind you again, clearing his throat. “Do you want to check the radar? Or do you want me to drive you home?” 
“I can drive.” Pinching the bridge of your nose, you sighed. “I’ll just go slow. It’s only a couple inches, and if I don’t leave now, it might not stop til morning, so -”
“I have a spare room. The house was furnished when I moved in, and there’s an extra bed. Grogu sleeps in there sometimes, but he’s the only one that’s ever used it. If it’s too bad for you to drive,  you can sleep here and wait til the plows come through.” It was tempting - the thought of sleeping under the same roof as Din - but you didn’t want to appear too eager, especially after what he’d just finished telling you. Because that’s all it would be - sleeping under the same roof.
“It’s just a few minutes away. And if you drive me home, that means you have to drive back in it. Only one of us on the road is better than -”
“Neither of us out in this is even better.” He gestured to your outfit, one hand on his hip. “You’re already in your pajamas. You’re comfortable. Why risk it?”  
It was a logical question, and you had no real reason to refuse him. You already knew that he didn’t expect anything from you - that his invitation for you to stay was based on a concern for your well-being and that there was no ulterior motive. He’s just being a nice guy. “Alright.” Closing your eyes, you rubbed at your face. “I don’t want to impose.” 
“You aren’t.” He was grinning at you, the man pointing at the kitchen. “Now I can offer you a drink. I have some bourbon, I can make us a couple spiked hot chocolates?” 
“That sounds great.” Stepping away from the door and back toward the kitchen, you stopped behind one of the chairs, settling your hands on the top of the backrest. “Thanks for offering to let me stay, Din.” 
“Why wouldn’t I?” He was busying himself with a pot on the stove, heating up milk as he stirred it with a long-handled wooden spoon. “I know you’d probably make it home fine, but there’s no reason for you to go. We’re both adults, right?”
“Right.” You continued to watch him, Din adding cocoa mix to the liquid and continuing to stir, his back to you. “Will you tell me more about Mandalore, Din? About your life? I don’t know if you’re allowed to, but -”
“If you want.” He turned his head toward you, nodding. “There’s not really much to tell, though. Aside from the foster homes and boarding school, my life was normal. I dated. Played some sports. Had friends. I just had to be careful as I got older. People know I was friends with Boba, but after he took the throne and started setting up the plans for the future, we saw each other less, at least publicly.” He reached up and into the cupboard, pulling out to large mugs. “The bourbon is in that cupboard by you. Grab it?” 
You did as he asked, carrying it over and standing next to him. “Want me to pour it?” He nodded, still stirring. So you added a measure to each cup, lifting the neck of the bottle to your nose and inhaling. “So you’re still friends with him? Even though no one knows how close you are?”
“Yeah. I’m still friends with Fennec, too. We see each other a lot, or… we did, before I came here. But Boba, it’s more … formal now. It has to be. There are a few people in his inner circle that know the plan, and Fennec does too, but it’s a secret. Part of it is because it’s dangerous to identify me before I become Mand’alor, but it’s also because … if people knew? They’d try to use it to their advantage.” 
He poured the hot chocolate into the cups, setting the empty pot in the sink and then reaching into another cupboard and pulling out marshmallows. “Their advantage? What do you mean?” 
“Boba’s gotten - and turned down a hundred marriage proposals since he took the throne. None of them came before.” Oh. “If people knew that I was going to take his place, and that I’m single?” He dropped three of the fluffy cubes into his drink and then passed  the bag to you. “It would be overwhelming.”
“A lot of guys would love that, Din.” You added your marshmallows and then opened one of the drawers - the one you’d seen him grab knives from - for a spoon to stir your drink. “Their choice of women? People throwing themselves at -”
“Don’t get me wrong. Mandalorian women are something else, but …” He sipped from the cup, his eyes closing. “I’d never know if they’re after me or just using me for my title.” Oh, I didn’t… that’s awful. “Boba’s never married, either. And I think that’s part of why he wants to step down. He wants …” Din looked down, waiting until you took a drink to say anything more. “He wants a regular life. And I can’t blame him.” 
“Even though it means your life changes?” Din nodded, pointing back at the downstairs level of the house. You headed back there, curling up on the couch while Din added more logs to the fire. “Maybe it won’t be as difficult as you’re thinking. You could have stayed in Mandalore, Din. Found someone that knew you before you took the crown, let them grow into it with you.”
“Part of me’s always known that this would happen.” He let Grogu in and then came to sit next to you after turning the overhead lights off, the mug held between both hands. “I don’t like lying to people. Here, it’s easier because no one knows anything about Mandalore so it doesn’t come up, but there? It’s harder to pretend.” So does that mean he was alright with lying to me? “It was nice to get to know you without worrying. You just thought I was Din, the IT guy with the cute dog.” 
“I still do.” Swallowing another mouthful and letting the liquid warm you, you turned toward the man next to you on the couch. “That doesn’t change just because you told me the truth, Din. And we don’t need to talk about this anymore if you don’t want to. Just … give me a heads up before you’re leaving for good, alright? I want to be able to say goodbye.” 
That wasn’t what you wanted to say - you wanted to know more, wanted to question Din about his life and his friends and himself. You wanted the man to feel free to give you whatever answers he wanted to … but you didn’t want to push. Because I’m no one. I’m going to be a memory for him, and that’s… I don’t get to know everything. “I’m not leaving soon, “ he replied, setting his cup down on the side table. “ It’s not like I’ll be out of here in the next few weeks. Boba promised me at least a year, and that year isn’t up until March.”
“So I get you for another three months?” It slipped out, your eyes going wide as soon as the words finished, and you hastily set your mug down, holding your hands out. “I mean, we, here in Mistletoe, we -”
“Yes.” He leaned in, eyes on you. “You get me for at least another three months.” You were happy for the confirmation, but at the same time, dreaded the passage of time, because it meant that he was leaving - eventually. “And honestly, I don’t mind talking about any of this with you. It’s … a relief that you know. And that you didn’t walk out as soon as I told you.”
“Oh, come on. You really think that little of me?” Licking stray drops of hot cocoa from your lips, you rolled your eyes. “I wouldn’t go anywhere. You didn’t lie to me because you wanted to, you kept something really important and extremely confidential from me. There’s a difference.” Nodding in response, Din watched you wordlessly. “But you don’t have to lie to me, Din. If there’s something you can’t tell me? Just say that it’s about this, and I’ll let it go. I’ll be curious, but I’ll let it go.” 
Grogu had laid down by Din’s feet, and after you set your almost empty mug down, you reached forward, scratching between his ears. Almost like clockwork, as you bent down, you felt Din’s hand on your back, the pressure comforting. “I still can’t get over how much he likes you.” 
“Yeah, well.” You sat back up, eyes moving to Din as you turned your head. “I like him too, so…” You both laughed. “Want to find something to watch? We’re snowed in, we might as well.” 
“Sure.” He settled back and you did, too, crossing your legs and flipping through the channel schedule menu. “Hey, what’s that? Lights, Camera, Christmas? Sounds like -”
“I’m not making you watch a Hallmark Christmas movie, Din. They’re so dumb. They all have the same plot and they’re really sappy, and -” 
“But it’s a Christmas movie?” He shifted next to you, the cushions moving under his weight. “Put it on. Might be fun.” So you did, flipping to the channel and setting the remote down on the table in front of you before you settled back, too. 
It was cozy - the two of you relaxing on the couch in the near-dark, the room only illuminated by the flickering flames and the soft glow of the tree’s lights, Grogu sleeping at your feet, the snow falling outside. I could get used to this. You sighed, chewing on your lower lip. I could really get used to this, except… I can’t. 
As the time passed, you let yourself get more comfortable, Din’s arm stretched out behind you and over the back of the couch. The movie - admittedly - was holding your attention, and you caught yourself smiling a few times, the sound of Din’s quiet laughter from next to you surprising you, too. “I’m going to stretch my legs, sorry.” He moved again, lifting both of them and settling them on the coffee table while you leaned forward and moved your empty mug to the opposite end. “You can too, if you want.” So you did, the new position making it possible to sink deeper into the cushions, the heat of Din’s body next to you lulling you into a contented state as the movie played on.
You opened your eyes a while later, startled awake by the pop of a piece of wood in the fireplace, and realized that you’d fallen asleep, your body gravitating toward Din’s - your side pressed into the place below his arm and your cheek resting against the front of his shoulder. Oh, shit. He was sleeping - quiet, even breaths making his chest rise and fall, and you tried to remain still while you watched him, the man’s features relaxed. We both fell asleep. 
Grogu was back on his chair, and the fire had burned low, which meant it had been a while, the movie on TV a different one than you’d started watching. But it doesn’t really matter, they’re all the same anyway. 
You didn’t want to wake him, but knew that the right thing to do was to suggest going to sleep - separately - before he could wake up and do the same thing. Just do it. You inhaled, humming out his name. “We fell asleep, Din. C’mon. Let’s go to bed.” The words made your chest ache - you didn’t want to go to sleep in separate rooms. You didn’t want to get off of the couch, or have him remove his arm from where it had fallen to settle around your shoulders. But it’s the best thing to do. “Hey, Din.” You spoke a little louder, resting your hand on his chest. “Come on, bedtime.” 
“No.” He mumbled the word, not even bothering to open his eyes as his arm tightened around you. “Comfortable here.” You were, too - but instead of just letting it go, you opened your mouth again. 
“Your feet are propped up on a coffee table, Din. That can’t be comfortable.” 
“Then we should lay down.” He did open his eyes then - halfway - staring at you with a sleepy smile on his face.  “Couch is oversized so we’ll be fine.” 
You wanted to say no - you should have said no - but instead you peeled yourself away from him and stood, grabbing the blanket from the back of the couch as you looked down at where he was still sitting. “Then lay down, Din.”  You caught the surprise in his eyes momentarily, but then he did shift, pulling his feet back and then laying down, stretching out with his back pressed against the thick couch cushions. “Is this a goo -”
“No.” His smile widened. “No, it’s not a good idea, but I want to do it anyway.” You did, too, and so you unfolded the blanket before sitting back down on the edge of the couch. I do, too. 
Stretching out next to him, you rested your head on the pillow as you pulled the blanket over the two of you, kicking your foot out so that it covered your entire body. “This alright?” You didn’t recognize your voice, the sound of it thin with apprehension. Shit. The feeling of his arm sliding around your waist and his hand settling against your stomach put you more at ease, your eyelids fluttering shut as you exhaled. “I guess so.”
“As long as it’s alright with you.” He cleared his throat and then leaned in, the man’s mouth just above your ear. “Sleep well.” His breath was warm against your skin and you nodded in reply, eyes still closed as you shifted backwards and into the firm expanse of his body. 
“You too, Din.”  He didn’t kiss you, but when he pulled his head back, you felt the tip of his nose drag along the skin directly behind your ear and then down before stopping, his arm flexing to draw you even closer. 
It would end poorly for you - and you knew it. Din would go back to Mandalore and do his duty as the named heir to the throne, leaving you in Mistletoe. He’d become the face of his country, and his time with you would be nothing but memories to recall when he thought about the past. 
There wasn’t a future with him to look forward to - no possibility of getting to know each other over multiple dates and through the changing seasons, no opportunity to talk about moving in together or taking things to the next level. Not even gonna get to go past a kiss, if he sticks to what he said earlier. 
But for the first time - and unlike with James - you were content to live in the present and enjoy each moment you had with Din while you could, future be damned. Because no matter what happens, I’ll always have this. 
It was you that nodded off first that time, Din’s arm wrapped tightly around you, your easy, even breaths in sync with each other long after you were both sound asleep.
Tag list reblog coming soon! 
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