#sorry for the novel in the tags this didn't fit in a post and i felt stupid writing this in a post esp as someone who doesn't have that (1)
redwayfarers · 10 months
what if nika and artoirel had each other's courtship tokens?? they already possess the same pair of earrings but what if artoirel kept one of nika's hats by his bed and nika had a little kerchief with the fortemps family sigil on it. and when asked about it, artoirel says yes, they're courting and doesn't give any details bc it's, well their thing. meanwhile, nika doesn't respond but his expression is proof enough.
(anyone who knows him knows he can count the people he likes on one hand, and he does mention artoirel often, so it's easy to piece it together. but still the idea of him being in love being so obvious that he doesn't have to say anything is just <3 to me)
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black-bentley · 5 months
TC tag game
Thanks for the tags, @spudodell and @renaultphile, sorry it's taken me so long to actually get to this!
Rules: Answer the questions and tag other TC fans!
1. "He would not fucking say that" only they did and it's canon. When/who?
Laurie to Andrew, at their first meeting:
"... I read somewhere once, Tchaikovsky was queer."
It just feels a bit... 0-100 at that point for someone as repressed as Laurie is.
2. Did they kiss in the study? Yes/no + why you are 100% correct about this.
I think they did, and it was very much a peck rather than anything more. And I think Ralph's main motivation for it was to try and shock Laurie into backing off to save him being (as he sees it) corrupted by their continued association.
It makes sense of both their reactions, for me - I can see Ralph semi-angrily planting one on him more or less out of nowhere and then, when Laurie is (understandably) startled, going, "Now you see what I mean..." and then just steamrolling over Laurie's attempt to talk about it.
3. Mandatory question about Ralph's alleged tattoos.
I can see him having got one or two early in his career when he wanted to fit in. But somewhere easily covered (and possibly where he can't easily see them himself?), as I think they'd offend his desire for order and tidiness otherwise.
4. 53 vs 59 edition: quote a line or paragraph that is better in the edition you like the least.
I've only got the '53 edition to hand at the moment, but I think the hand on the knee in the car was cut for the '59... I like that little moment, it's just very clear what's going on there in comparison to a lot of their other interactions around that time.
I do also love the "Don't insult my intelligence" exchange that @spudodell picked out, I love Laurie - who's inclined to take himself a bit seriously - already being comfortable enough with Ralph to tease him like he does <3
5. Which TC character would feel right at home here on tumblr dot com?
Ralph. He'd be reblogging posts about polar exploration left, right and centre. And he'd be incredibly into The Terror but would never admit it.
6. Tag yourself at Alec's birthday party.
I'm definitely the "is it a queer book?" guy.
7. Post a TC meme.
Not actually a meme, but it always makes me think of TC...
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8. Easy to talk about who deserved better. Who deserved worse?
Possibly controversial - Alec. He doesn't seem to care about Sandy's feelings or respect him all that much, and strikes me as someone who likes being in a relationship so they've got company when they want it, but isn't all that interested in actually making a commitment himself.
9. You can break the fourth wall (at any point in the novel) and say a single sentence to our protagonist, Laurie Odell. What do you say?
I'd tell him not to dismiss Reg as abruptly as he does. That friendship could definitely have continued, because Reg clearly knew Laurie was queer and was determined to (albeit clumsily) make the point that he didn't view him differently because of it.
10. What's a question you have about TC? One you haven't found an answer for yet.
What was in Ralph's letter to Laurie, the one that was returned after Dunkirk?
I'm pretty sure everyone has already been tagged but if anyone hasn't, and wants to join in, then please do!
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waitmyturtles · 11 months
Thank you Turtles for yet another great piece on IFYLITA. I'm so excited that you picked up the novel. So having known the context, how would you have fixed the IFYLITA finale, if you were the director and didn't know if it was possible to have a S2 or not? Would you still have included all 3 Yais or do you think you would have tried to extend IFYLITA into a 16-18 episode series in order to adapt everything from start to finish? Is there anything from Part 1 of the novel that you are glad/happy that it wasn't adapted into the series or things you like that the series have done differently/taken different approach from the novel?
You must be so tired after your work trip and I'm really sorry for bothering you about IFYLITA even though you just wrote such a long post about it 😭
@clairedaring, I will take ANY EXCUSE to keep talking about I Feel You Linger In The Air -- I LOVE this extended conversation, thank you for engaging me in it! <3
Here's my thinking on how this first season shaped up, and a lot of this comes from conversation that I had with @lurkingshan and @neuroticbookworm before I read the novel last week into this week.
The material for the 1928 Chiang Mai era clearly fit a style and a tone that director Tee Bundit knew he could do a lot with. (@clairedaring, my recent history with Tee Bundit has been in watching many of his shows -- TharnType and Lovely Writer in particular -- for my Old GMMTV Challenge project, where I'm watching older Thai BLs to learn more about the genre. I also watched Step By Step -- TT and SBS are two of my most passionately hated shows, and I utterly LOVED Lovely Writer, so I have a real love-hate relationship with Tee Bundit, lmao.)
Since I've read the novel -- I'm glad he stuck with one era for the first season, and I really liked how he expanded it. We know that Eaung Peang and Robert have much more minor roles in the novel, and Tee Bundit greatly expanded EP's role to include a lesbian main couple, as well as a dialogue about women's reproductive health and freedom. There was Yai's arranged marriage in the drama that got extended, as well as the criminal downfall of Uncle Dech, Robert, and Yai's father by proxy. Yai's mother gaining power to run the family after that, etc., etc. -- these are all themes that Tee clearly glommed onto in expanding that era, and @clairedaring, to the point you made in the reblog tags of my previous piece from yesterday, I am SUPER glad we spent most of our time in this era. Tee also just made it GORGEOUS for us to watch, which was a treat.
I think if Tee had tried to include all three Yais, we would have felt short shrifted. The Seehasingkorn/Ayutthaya era of the novel is so lengthy. And there are HUGE behavioral change moments for both Jom and Commander Yai in that era. Especially for a Thai audience that's familiar with the novel, if that had gotten shortened, then there definitely would be public criticisms and outcries. (Plus? That era was so much FUN in the novel. Jom was SO SASSY and bold to start courting Commander Yai first!)
I think, if Tee Bundit gave a huge bunch of energy and attention to 1928 Chiang Mai, he'd want to do the same for an even older, more nomadic era. I cannot imagine how beautiful it would be to see that depicted.
And then Tee could fix the order of some scenes from the first season, and we could see more reveals in context, as well as the present day? A season 2 would just be ridiculously awesome for all of that.
The one thing I would have liked fixed was the redundancy from episode 11 to episode 12. I also would have liked more specific clarity about pieces of Jom being lost every time a drawing was made -- we saw that he froze and transcended himself, but that was illuminated pretty early on in the novel, and I think the same could have been done in the series without losing dramatic effect.
But these are minor quibbles. We got to center ourselves in the development of the incredible relationship between Khun Yai and Jom to start the dramatic introduction to this series, and the way Tee Bundit did it defied nearly all of my expectations about this work. He didn't miss any of the big themes of the novel, which I so appreciate, and I think he enriched our experience of the novel by expanding greatly the plight of women in that era. I'm glad we had mostly one Yai to deal with, because more of them would have been a lot!
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sarandipitywrites · 20 days
Writeblr Interview Tag
@cowboybrunch tagged me for this - thank you! Go read her responses here
Tagging @breath-of-eternity, @darkangel319, @kingragnarok-writes, @ryns-ramblings, @wildswrites, and an open tag for anyone who wants to answer! Copy/pasteable template's under the cut.
Short stories, novels, or poems?
Novels, both to read and write. I just don't tend to seek out short stories or poetry to read, for whatever reason (legitimately don't know why - I enjoy it when I do read it?), and whenever I try to write something a bit shorter, it quickly becomes... not shorter.
What genre do you prefer reading?
I'll read most genres, but it seems like I usually end up reading speculative fiction/sci fi/fantasy.
Are you a planner or a write as I go kind of person?
Planner - I usually want at least a rough outline of a scene before I start writing. I find that breaking the writing up into two steps takes the pressure off of the actual 'writing' part and lets me focus more on prose/characterization/the fun shit because Past Saran already did the hard part :P
What music do you listen to while writing?
Ambient music/sounds that 'fit' what I'm writing, lately with binauaral beats layered under it. Nothing with words. Words going in ears = no words coming out of fingers
Favorite books/movies?
Books? LOTS. No Gods, No Monsters; Frankenstein; The Heart Principle; Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe; On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous; No Longer Human; etc etc etc Movies? Spirited Away.
Any current WIPs?
Spark Signature (high fantasy sci fi heist thriller; most current WIP; I am presently being very annoying about it) The Art of Empty Space (fantasy/paranormal mystery romance; WIP intro is no longer accurate; on hold because it has mutated beyond my control and I am slightly afraid of it) Dead Roots, Dark Water (dystopian fantasy adventure; Jak & Daxter fanfiction; currently on final draft and being updated weekly) Ambition is a Lonely Tower (paranormal mystery thriler; literally have not worked on this since I started posting writeblr stuff so it doesn't have a WIP intro but I am not giving up on this damn it)
Create a character description of yourself: 
Constantly messing with something (hair, face, nails, the springy cat toy in the pocket of every single one of their jackets); gets anxious when they don't have earbuds or earplugs available; sits like a pretzel; forgets everything within 5 minutes if they don't write it down; avoids wearing "real people clothes" where possible; when forced to go outside, wears a t-shirt, baggy jeans, combat boots, and a jacket
Do you like incorporating actual people you know into your writing?
Technically no? I use pieces from actual people I know, for sure, but there's no one character who's 'basically x.' Now it sounds like I'm over here sewing together chimera characters from people I know, oof
Are you kill happy with your characters?
Depends on the story, I guess. Nobody's died (yet) in AES. Murder's kind of a whole Thing in Spark. And DRDW... uh. Let's not talk about that one (sorry, half of my OCs).
Coffee or Tea while writing?
Coffee in the morning, tea in the evening.
Slow or fast writer?
All or nothing! It really depends on: 1. whether or not I have an outline (scene-level outline = words go fast) 2. my headspace (Sludge Brain day = no words. Fuck your outline)
If you were in a fantasy world, what would you be?
I'd get eaten by a demonic chicken or some shit within like five minutes. Assuming I didn't have a horribly quick and embarrassing death, I'd like to be an alchemist or something like that. Give people those Good Plants
Most fav book cliche:
Enemies to lovers/friends, or friends to enemies, or really any big shift in relationship dynamic. Do that well and I love you and your characters forever
Least favorite cliche:
The 'if only they would talk to each other' thing - if one conversation that the characters are fully capable of having (but won't) is the only reason for the conflict, I'm out. Especially if there's no good reason for them to be avoiding the conversation. I'm not sure if this is even a cliche, but it's what I thought of :D
Favorite scene to write?
I love writing 'calm' scenes with tension just under the surface. And any scene that lets me fuck with perception/senses. Love it when a scene isn't straightforward
Reason for writing?
Lots of reasons! It's by far the thing I get the most satisfaction and enjoyment from; I get to write (and therefore read) the stories I want/need to read; free therapy supplement; I have lots of thoughts and ideas and little guys in my head and giving it all somewhere to go helps my brain be a lot quieter (it's still pretty noisy in there though, not gonna lie)
Short stories, novels, or poems?
What genre do you prefer reading?
Are you a planner or a write as I go kind of person?
What music do you listen to while writing?
Favorite books/movies?
Any current WIPs?
Create a character description of yourself: 
Do you like incorporating actual people you know into your writing?
Are you kill happy with your characters?
Coffee or Tea while writing?
Slow or fast writer?
If you were in a fantasy world, what would you be?
Most fav book cliche:
Least favorite cliche:
Favorite scene to write?
Reason for writing?
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batik96 · 7 months
Tagged! Reading edition
I was tagged a few weeks ago (sorry for the delay) by @hedwig-dordt to offer up my current, recent and future reads. Thanks!
Current: "The River We Remember" by William Kent Krueger. It's a book club book. I haven't made it far. Even though it's set in Minnesota rather than North Carolina, it feels very "Mayberry," right down to the book's version of Otis, the jailed drunk who tends to come and go as he pleases. It's a mystery/police procedural with issues of race and prejudice, and at least one character is LGBTQ+. I feel as if I could enjoy the story -- I do love a good mystery/police procedural -- but Krueger's descriptions of the town and its people simultaneously feel spot-on accurate, somewhat stereotypical and way overdone. Maybe it's fic's influence -- that general understanding that the reader knows a lot of the details and doesn't need them repeated -- but, in a book in which the murder victim is found floating in a river, I feel as if I'm drowning in detail about every blade of grass lining the riverbank. I know fic tends to shortchange the scene-setting at times, but scaling back isn't always a bad thing.
Recent: "Remark Bright Creatures" by Shelby Van Pelt. Another book club book, this is easily the most charming non-fic tale I've read in years. At the heart of the story are Marcellus, a giant Pacific octopus living at an aquarium in the Pacific Northwest, and Tova, the older widow who befriends him after taking a night job cleaning the aquarium. In the first few chapters, you'll wonder how anything connects. By the end, well ... I wish there were a lot more books this well-constructed and charming. It didn't just make me smile; it made me happy. (Don't be surprised if you absolutely fall in love with Marcellus! I swooned.)
Future: "Fourteen Days," edited by Margaret Atwood and Douglas Preston. This novel was written by more than two dozen authors (including Tumblr's own @neil-gaiman), built around a framework premise of apartment building tenants who are trapped inside and bored during the early days of the pandemic and begin meeting on the building's roof each night -- socially distanced, of course -- to tell stories. My understanding is the authors wrote individual chapters involving the tenants' stories and Atwood and Douglas constructed the framework around them to build the larger tale. I'm looking forward to seeing how the individual writers' styles vary and how they fit together to create the whole. (The premise feels very much like a challenge the Sherlock fandom would have tackled back in the day.)
I'm not entirely sure who's still hanging out in these parts on a regular basis, but ... I'd love to hear from ... @thetimemoves, @cemm1966, @perpetuallyvex, @writingfanficsfan and anyone else who sees this and would like to share! (Please tag me so I'll be sure to see your post!)
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sparkyblizz · 1 year
hey mutuals and followers, have you ever wondered how I became a blackbright shipper?
well, I'll tell you! it all started with Sherlock Gnomes fanfiction.
one night Sherlock Gnomes—the sequel to Gnomeo and Juliet (these are both real movies yes and I unironically love them)—was on TV so I sat down and watched it. afterwards, I searched the tag on tumblr out of interest.
I happened to find a fanfiction. about Sherlock and Watson. johnlock but Sherlock Gnomes. effervescent, amazing, perfect.
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I checked the author's blog, and when I went to search it, I can't remember why, I saw these tags:
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I don't think I'd ever seen or heard of blackbright before! but from context I knew it was a ship name, I mean, it's kinda obvious, lol
so I scrolled through the tag on their blog. I was fascinated. I'd never thought of blackbright. I never shipped Simon with anyone, no one seemed to fit him. I'd never liked blackmadhi despite how popular it was (sorry blackmadhi fans it just didn't appeal to me). and I loved Bobby when I played the game, and I was crushed when the Phantom reveal happened. I found art, posts about Bobby Lives AUs, and I'd never heard of such a thing. an alternate universe? where he doesn't die? what a novel idea!
I then found Meowzy's fic series, Phantoms and Mirages. and I started reading it. that night. I read it in less than two days. I was enthralled. obsessed. I swear to you this series is something else (and unfortunately lacks tags that you might need for all manner of interesting and potentially triggering material). it's also very long but GOD did I enjoy reading it!
I remember I have an old post somewhere where I shouted out Meowzy's fics, if I find it I'll reblog it or something (edit: found it).
but anyway, that was it, I became a blackbright shipper, I became obsessed with Dual Destinies again in general, and I started writing fanfictions for it. I made wonderful friends who I really do appreciate.
so, for everyone who likes my fics and my dumbass posts about various DD characters including Bobby and Simon, none of that would've ever happened if it hadn't been for @renegadewangs, and, of course, Sherlock Gnomes fanfiction.
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vulpixelates · 1 year
tysm to @nuwanders for the tag!
rules: sort your OCs into the below categories and (optionally) make them in this picrew.
tagging: anyone who would like to participate! this was fun and i love hearing about y'all's ocs 💕 i am just truly terrible at remembering usernames and noticing who likes to do this kinda thing 😅
these all ended up being ttrpg characters bc ofc they did aowifejaoiwf also, i made sure to choose a different one for each even if maaaaybe caerellia might be both my favorite AND the meanest
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it's so hard to pick a favorite but if i HAVE TO, it has to be caerellia asperanas. she's my most extra character and i am so utterly obsessed w her and the stories that we tell w her. she's an icon!!
(please excuse this poor approximation of her 😂 she isn't actually gray. i tried to use my own art but it was very blurry sized down for some reason and i didn't have time to fix it aoiejfa)
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iris is my latest gal! i made her as an extra character for a modern text-based ttrpg game we play on discord w some pals and she's a delight. she is an ex-hacker who so desperately wants to be a hacker again but she's legally not allowed to touch computers anymore. she and her wife ran away together after she left her life of crime and adopted two kids, and she writes lesbian romance novels.
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okay, okay: i definitely have long lost ocs that i made when i was a teenager that i could have included here but honestly, i don't remember them! so i'll go with elen "i'd steal an extra horse for you" arel bc she was my very first d&d character from my very first game AND the first oc i really loved as an adult.
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this was tough bc i don't really oaifjeoai like making mean ocs so tatjana is probably the closest to truly mean, mostly just bc she uh. participates in ritual sacrifice and actively discriminates against the undead and finds them to be unholy abominations. 💔 but she's really just trying her best out here in the dog-eat-dog plane of ravenloft.
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this one was easy: saga, hands down. she is my soft girl, despite uh almost quite literally being made of stone. i love her.
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this made me realize that i have not ever really posted about ashes but going from a 20+ level fighter and the leader of asmodeus's armies to a banished first level cleric of redemption would make you grouchy too!
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ary, buddy, i'm sorry, but you're the biggest dumbass i've ever played and i love you for it!!! i think they have a -1 to INT despite being one of my highest WIS characters aijfaoiwf
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eaven is the eladrin wizard that i made to playtest the strixhaven setting that we homebrewified w my wife/dm! she'd gotta be the smartest bc she was literally made to be a scholar (tho i do have a handful of other characters who could fit.) this is her spring form w the pink hair but she has a few different seasonal appearances.
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val flores is one of my modern ttrpg girlies; she is a HUGE FUCKIN' DORK who loves ttrpgs so i think we'd get along the best. also, chronically ill bitches gotta stick together.
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neiptune · 1 year
Hello V.! I'm stopping by to tell you how much I loved your the secret history au jjk fic. Both parts haven't left my mind ever since I read them, and I truly wish I could experience again reading them for the first time! I loved everything about it - from the setting to the atmosphere, to the way you characterized the dynamics not only between the group and reader, but also between the members themselves. I didn't know the original novel at all before reading your fic - but the narration still felt smooth and incredibly captivating! The suspense, the horror elements, the lines in latin and overall the greco-roman references .. as someone who has studied those subjects in the past i was immediately captivated when I saw them mixed with some of my favorite jjk characters - and you constructed such a chilling yet riveting story, the twist at the end had me doing a double take! The reveal of Hina's involvement truly felt like the cherry on top with the way it tied everything back together.
Also, the characters - Geto's charm and Gojo's disturbing aura, above all ... I haven't been able to stop thinking about the exchange reader and Gojo have in part 2 - specifically this part: "you look nothing like Actaeon" / "what do I look like?" / "a god". whew! my jaw was on the floor - the buildup to this part was amazing, all the ominous details adding up to that moment and culminating in those lines! I was on the edge of my seat while reading, and despite the tension, I truly couldn't peel my eyes off the screen.
Thank you so much for posting this fic here - it truly left its mark on me. And sorry for the long ask - please don't feel pressured to answer at all, I just thought reaching out allowed me to express myself better than through tags. have a good day :)
Sam, what happened is: I read this message. Reread it because I couldn't quite believe someone would send this to me. Kept it in my inbox for a while because I wanted to go back to it and grin like a fool. But now I think it's time to thank you!
I'm so glad you enjoyed my story so much (and sincerely hope you'll end up reading the secret history!!!), I put a lot of effort into it and I'm especially thrilled you liked the characterization of everyone! I think jjk characters fit so well in any horror/dark academia narrative, I loved the idea of playing around with satoru's self-confidence + suguru's natural inclination to persuasion and give everything a greco-roman nerdy background infused with gloomy elements!
I always say that writing in english for a non native is dreadfully difficult, therefore when I receive such feedback I have the chance to feel a little more confident about what I put together. this one was hard but finishing it was so satisfying and people who are as incredibly generous as you make it all worth it! I truly don't know how to thank you, sorry for rambling so much. I hope you have the most marvelous day/afternoon/evening depending on where you are in the world! <3
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admirableadmiranda · 2 years
Just a silly rumble of words; I didn't get into any of the works till this very year (first week January), at the loving pushing of a friend who wanted to drag me into the fandom pit. I watched 28 eps of the untamed and couldn't get past that cus of how we were stuck in the past and it was all very depressing and maddening lol. I picked up the novel and had no issues finishing it. To say it was a jarring experience finishing the novel and going into fandom spaces and the overwhelming love and stans of JC, I felt like I had walked into the twilight zone. I kept reading posts on him and thinking I had gotten the name wrong because I was seeing zero link in the slightest(I would even wiki names), then it became undeniable it was definitely 'him'. The fanart was the final nail in the coffin, why was so much of it with wwx and JC speaking after the end; a thing? It was overwhelmingly clear it was a mutual cut off and neither had a desire for the other to be around them. Every form of media I wanted to engage with all had that, I couldn't read fanfics, look at most art, even written analysis posts it was so OOC. I actively went looking for posts on why they liked JC, why they thought this and that, and every time it was just 'but he objectively didnt' 'that didn't happen though' It felt very isolating and confusing because I generally wanted to take an active part in the space. I can't say the JC rewrite was the only issue but rewriting in general was a very big problem in general. I even watched scenes and videos to see if the drama held weight to create this character but even then he was written in a more pitiful and likeable light but I still personally didn't feel it was fully justified. I'm all for liking unlikeable characters but this character wasn't even a shadow of the canon character I knew and I went in wanting and willing to understand and love him. I was (am) beyond excited to find people who did analysis posts and created spaces that follow the novel, I blocked tags, followed blogs, made a little space that was limited content but it was still content. To say I'm just exhausted and frustrated over this whole 'discourse' event, is putting it lightly. I always got push over content that didn't fit my taste but I would just move past it. My friend is even a fan of JC but openly admits to not enjoying the novel so only takes the 'lore' of the drama as real and we've never had any issues, I'll even send those push over posts of JC that come on my tl to them. It feels like we created a home on a mountain, happily existing in peace and then people come storming in saying we're evil and ruining their experience and active haters out to ruin the fandom. It's just bewildering, with all this being said thank you to you and all the other content creators for the content and I'm sorry and sad you're getting harassed for creating it but pls know it's very much appreciated and wanted. (And needed for my sanity lol)
Ah anon, I understand your cql burnout there. I myself had to skip from around the fall of Lotus Pier up to episode 33 in order to actually watch it as the backstory is just too long and really ruins the framing of present day and backstory that the book does so well.
I understand your confusion and frustration there. I had a lot of those same experiences when I joined the fandom, of being confused and bewildered at all this stuff that either vaguely or completely contradicted the book. It took me accidentally stumbling across a blog that actively did not like Jiang Cheng to revive my fandom love and then stumbling into a wonderful friend group that were happy to have me too in order to finally really start enjoying MDZS fandom. Sort of the same thing you did, only with more active pushback against fandom narratives.
Thank you very much for your kind words. It is currently a very frustrating time, but I won’t give in and let them have the tag. I conceded one fight, I won’t give in on this one.
The wheel continues to turn and people move with it. It will not always be this frustrating.
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note-boom · 2 years
Getting Around Here...
All right, we’ve reached the point where I’ve been told I have 1000 posts on here, so I’m gonna make a navigation/what’s this blog about post so I don’t go insane...
What’s This Blog About?
Basically this started as a realization that I was saving way too many BSD-related links on the app I use to keep track of all my obsessions, reactions to things, etc. So I figured a Tumblr blog would be the solution, and now this is my archive of things I would usually just save as a link elsewhere (plus some thoughts of my own to spice it up a bit.)
Navigation Stuff
Now how do I tag things for future explorations?
Fandom Tags: #bsd, #bungo stray dogs, #bungou stray dogs (will be updated if I switch/tack on other fandoms)
Character Tags: In general, I just use [acronym] [character’s most used name]. Like #bsd atsushi. Sometimes, I use two like #bsd edgar allan poe/#bsd poe or #bsd gogol/#bsd nikolai gogol but only when I’m not sure what their most used name is. There’s also #bsd characters (for unnamed characters or just incorrect quotes) this one (when there are too many characters to tag) and group specific tags (armed detective agency, port mafia, bsd guild, soukoku, shin soukoku, there’s no naming consistency)
Meta Tags: #bsd musings (for literally anything that contemplates bsd) #bsd theories (for theories, specifically) #character analysis (metas about characters)
Specific Media Tags: #bsd official art, #manga things (anything that features the manga panels) #anime things (anything that features anime screenshots and the like) #light novel things (anything referring to the light novels) #stage play things (anything featuring stuff about the stage play) #bsd fanart, #bsd edits, #bsd gifset, #bsd fanfic. Of course, there will also be tags for the light novels specifically, which is usually just bsd [light novel name], and wan.
Additional Tags: #humor, #alternate universe, #crossover, #random fandom spamdom (generally fandom related either because of my tags or the post’s contents itself) #bsd fandom slander (mostly a subset of humor that lovingly slanders the characters) #not fandom spam (has nothing to do with the fandom specifically) #spitting nonsense (my posts) #rambling in the tags sorry (when I get a bit TOO carried away) #note re-reblogs (currently nonexistent but the time will come...i advise blocking this tag lest you wake up to find 50 posts rereblogged because I didn't want to queue them...)
Spoilers tags will be tagged bsd spoilers (for all of them), manga spoilers/bsd manga spoilers, and anime spoilers/bsd anime spoilers.
In (Rambly) Conclusion
Why am I writing this like a three-point thesis...ah never mind.
And that’s how I sort out my obsession with this stupid show. If any other piece of media seizes me by the throat like BSD has, then I’ll probably start posting about it here (but my fixations are usually short lived and thus onto main sideblog they go).
I tend to...ramble in the tags a lot, which I mildly feel bad for (there’s a reason why I generally just privately save things). So if you’re seeing this because I spam reblogged you and you wondered who in the world was crowding your notifs with tags, I’m sorry. I also try not to crawl out of the tags too much, though, just do so if they don’t fit my rambles (oops....)
I try and lessen the blow by slapping most everything on the queue (but I don’t tag what I queue, let there be CHAOS), so maybe that helps a bit?
That said, I DO love tags, so feel free to spam reblog whatever you want from here and comment-tag as much as you want...I LOVE seeing people say stuff (whether I agree or not, this IS just for fun). I don’t usually use the comment/reply section or the like button because I don’t actually do anything in my main blog (I just work off sideblogs, heh), so I’ll likely abuse the reblog button a lot or just hope my vibes of appreciation are psychically felt.
OH RIGHT!! Asks are always open. Feel free to scream at me about literally anything, ask anything, or share cool links and shiny stuff I can reblog/save (the last one especially because I am a magpie of fandom things). I generally have to be asked things to talk about them, so I do warn you that the right ask can really get me going.
And with that, back to spamming I go!
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fangirlings-things · 4 years
First Costumer
Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Pairing: Arthur Shelby x female reader
Summary: you just got hired to do the job you always wanted and your first costumer, is no other but a Peaky Blinder
Word count: 2.1K
This is based on the moodboard below, made by my friend. You can find the original post here
A/N: I wrote this for @flowers-in-your-hayr 650 followers celebration. congratulations, love!! you're amazing, thank you for understanding my brazilian jokes lol and I hope you like this 💖
TAG LIST: @sophieshelby ; @charmingvalkyrie ; @inglourious-imagines ; @fairyofvoid ; @locke-writes ; @regalbanshee ; @captainshazamerica ; @lotsoffandomrecs ; @flowers-in-your-hayr ; @too-spoopy-to-be-frukd
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You heard the doorbell ring and the sound filled the bookshop. Finally, a costumer. Your very first costumer. How exciting! 
You got down of the ladder you had previously climbed to fix some of the higher shelves and passed your hands through your brown simple dress, making sure it was proper and in order. Mr. Cuthbert had taken a long time to finally accept you as an employee in his establishment and now, you had to make him proud. 
You had always loved books. Since you were just a little girl, you mother had given you novels to read and you grew up living in many different ones from the reality you actually found yourself in. Books were your passion, your refugee, your ideal spot. To be able to work around them and make people happy by buying books, well, it sounded like perfection! 
The costumer took his time to walk through the shop, eyeing the shelves like they were unusual strangers in the street and then, he got to you at the back of the bookshop. Your first costumer was a man. 
He was tall. Not too tall, but just enoguh to make him able to look at some of the upward shelves without having to raise his head too much. His skin was white, giving a nice contrast with the black coat he wore. He had a moustache and you could only see a few strings of his brown hair, due to the cap he wore.
Then, you realized. After taking notice of the cap, the fine clothing made sense. No ordinary man in Birmingham had such fine clothes to wear, especially not in the middle of the week, during the lunch break time of the factories. Oh no, that man absolutely did not work in a factory. That man was a Peaky Blinder. His only bosses were the Shelbys and the Shelbys only. 
"May I help you, sir?" you asked him with a polite smile, pushing to the back of your mind the realization you had just come to. It didn't matter who he was outside Mr. Cuthbert's bookshop. He was a costumer. Who clearly, for the way his eyes were going from one shelf to the other, intended to buy a book. 
He focused his eyes on you and you saw that his stare wasn't harsh or the one of a demon, as many people said the Peaky Blinders were. His eyes were kind, even though there was an agitation in them that you couldn't quite comprehend. Maybe not even he could. "Yes" he said simply and as you kept staring at him, waiting for further information, the man looked even a bit disconcerted, like he wasn't used to having such attention upon him. "It is my sister's birthday this week and Ada, well, she really likes books, has a great shelf of them at her house. So I thought it would be a good idea to you know, give her a new book as a gift"  
You couldn't help but smile. That man, whomever he was, seemed so genuine in everything. You could see the care in his expression when he spoke of his sister. It was a nice thing to see. The stories you had heard about the Peaky Blinders seemed to be all wrong. He was a normal person. Not some crazy, openly violent man. 
"Do you have any specific book in mind?" you asked him, hands joined in front of your body and excitement filling your body because that was apparently going to be a successful sell. The man just squeezed his lips on a thin line, eyes going to the floor  as if he was embarrassed. It got to you. "Don't worry, I am sure we can work something out. What kind of books does she like?" 
He watched as you moved around the place graciously. Clearly you knew every corner of that place, every shelf, every single book and where it was. You looked at a particular spot, frowned then moved on like there wasn't anything interesting for whatever you wanted him to take to Ada. "Well, she's a communist, so she does like politics" 
"Very well" you walked towards the politics shelf, searched the titles, but nothing particularly got your attention or seemed fitting. You turned back to the man. "Does she like classics that have to do with politics?" 
"I think so, what do you have?" he asked, seeming kinda excited for what you would come up with. He accompanied you as you went to shelf on the other side of the corridor and pulled out a book. "Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo. It's centered around the French Revolution" 
The man looked down at the floor again as a quite nervous laugh escaped his mouth. "I don't think that is a good idea. France does not give my family the best memories, you see" 
"You fought the war?" you asked, smile fading a bit because of the seriousness in his tone. Maybe that's where his agitation was from. Maybe, he never did get back from France at all. He only nodded in agreement, still not looking at you. "Thank you, for your service" 
He gave out a little smile, but you knew by the way the corner of his lips didn't rise too much that he was anxious to change the subject. Honestly, see the obvious hurt in him made you want to change it either. "Alright, no France. What about Bram Stoker's Dracula?" 
"Dracula?" he frowned, eyes meeting yours in utter confusion at such a strange name. 
The fact that he didn't knew about it made you smile as you began to describe que novel's story to him with a mysterious tone in your voice to cause suspense. "It's about an old man, Count Dracula, who lives in a castle and feeds on the blood of young women to survive. Sometimes he kills them so they can join him in the after life and also drink blood from innocent people" 
The man laughed due to your clearly forced misteirous tone and the way you raised your eyebrows at him while speaking, seeming to forget the previous sadness that had overwhelmed him with the memories of the war. You were glad for it. "That sounds bloody awful, love" 
You could not help but also laugh, trying to ignore the heat that took a hold of your face when he apparently without thinking, called you love. "It is, actually" then you shrugged, passing your hand through the said novel's cover at the shelf. "But is a fine horror book" you crossed your arms over your chest and squeezed your eyes in his direction. "Be honest with me now, will your sister like this one?" 
He squeezed his lips again, this time his features assumed a expression that clearly said 'sorry'. "I don't think so. Ada is a feminist. I think she would not like a story where a monster man kills women and faces no consequences" 
"That is a very good point" you said with a sight and then turned around, biting your lower lip as you thought and thought about more options. The challenge on your very first sell was being quite exciting and you could say, interesting. Much of it of course, was because of that man. Suddenly, an idea popped into your head and you turned back to the Peaky Blinder with a smile. "What about On the Origin of Species? It's a book about pure knowledge, scientific one, about evolution. No France, no monster that slaughters women" 
The man gave it a minute of thought and then returned your smile. "Knowledge and evolution. It does sounds like Ada" you both felt silent for a moment and then, he cleaned his throat and nodded towards the book you had just gotten into your hands. "I'll take it" 
"Very well" you motioned for him to follow you and then made your way towards the back of the shop again, placing it in the cashier. "You want it wrapped up as a gift?" he quickly agreed and you raised two options of gift wrap in the air. A green and a blue one. He chose the green one. "You can also add a small card if you want" 
"That is nice, thank you" he said and again, as you looked at him, the kindness in his eyes seemed to shine out from everything else. 
You grabbed a gift card from the inside of a box where they were kept and placed a black pen upon it. "You can write it or if you want, I can write it for you" 
"You should write it, I bet your handwriting is better than mine" he said and you chuckled, nodding as you agreed to his request. 
"What do you want it to say?" you waited as he clearly thought about the question, looking unsure. With one of his hands, he took off his cap and then passed the other one through his hair. When he claned his throat, you were ready to start writing. 
"Dear Ada, happy birthday" he looked at you as if that was it but then, seeing the expression on your face that clearly indicated you wished him to talk more, he thought for a second and then continued. " Since you like books so much, I hope you will like this one, that a very nice girl helped me pick" as you wrote with a smile on your face, you did your best not to raise your eyes to meet his. "I know I am not always a very good brother, but I love you. Happy birthday, Arthur" 
"That was beautiful" you told him, letting go of the pen and starting to wrap up the gift carefully, slowly, in no rush to let the Peaky Blinder go away. Arthur. His name was Arthur. It was a beautiful name. Suited him just fine. 
"Alright, then" his eyes went to the floor again, seeming now embarrassed because of your words. 
You finished to wrap the gift in silence, then when it was done, you sighted and looked at the man. "If you want us to deliver the gift at your sister's house, in case you're busy, we have a delivery boy for such" 
"That sounds good, I appreciate that" he replied. 
You nodded in agreement and got a piece of paper, to then grab the pen again. "Can you tell me her adress, please?" he did so, and you wrote it down so the boy Mr. Cuthbert had hired a little while before you could do his part of the job later. "He is supposed to look for Ada...?" you left the question in the air, waiting for him to answer, eyes still on the paper. 
"Ada Shelby" 
Your eyes snapped up on the very same instant. 
His sister was Ada Shelby. 
He was Arthur Shelby. 
"Something wrong, love?" he asked, and he didn't seem harsh like you expected him to, for the way you not in the slightly hid just how astonished you were to know his identity. His eyes were still kind, but a part of the previous sadness had come back. 
"I'm sorry, that was rude of me" you wrote down Ada Shelby and then left the paper upon the gift, at the corner of the cashier. 
"I'm used to that kind of reaction by now" he said with a nervous laugh, that carried absolutely no humor at all in it. Even if he was indeed used to the said kind of reaction, he clearly did not like it. You felt guilt consume you. "How much do I owe you?" 
You told him the price, still lost in your thoughts and cursing yourself for being so stupid and rude. So rude. He gave you the money, you placed it in the due place. "Have a nice day" he told you and then turned around to leave, placing his cap back in his head and then his hands went to the pockets of his clothes. 
You watched him leaving with a intense feeling of exasperation, tried to think fastly enough to say something and then before you could even really process what you were actually going to do, the words left your mouth. "Mr. Shelby?" he turned back around as he heard you calling, a bit of gentleness in his features. "If you ever need to buy another book, I am sure I can help you find something good" 
His lips curled up in a smile, a pure one. A bit of the guilt you felt left your body like he had just taken it completely away, just by smiling again. "I'll remember that, love" 
And then, Arthur Shelby left the bookshop.
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prompt list
18+, I swear a lot.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
A series of (unfortunate) lines of text that you'll read and probably question what the fuck is going on in my head. These are all from things I’ve written that have either never come to fruition, weren’t up to par with my usual standard, or just dumb shit floating around in my head. XD This is my 1000th post on here, woot!
Don't take it too seriously. Yes, they're vulgar. So am I.
You may change the pronouns to any gender identity you prefer. May be written for any fandom, any pairing, and tenses / objects can be modified to fit your need. A lot of them are dialogue, but some aren’t, and you are free to choose what you want it to be. Drabble, short story, a novel, anything goes.
Please tag me so I can read what you’ve written. :)
“Uh, this is McDonalds, not a modeling agency.”
“Don’t you have rules?” / “Yeah, the rules are first come, first serve this ass.”
“Binding, but make it ropes and chains.”
“Are you implying we need to have an important conference meeting later and, by we, I mean my mouth and your dick?”
“You reek of desperation and a fragile ego.”
“So, you don’t want to accept my gift of a fuck?”
“It’s not fair – he gets you all to himself and I’m just watching, wondering what it feels like when you’re holding his dick.”
“Want to see this canvas?”
“People like you have your head so far up your ass that your mouth is talking shit."
“W-What? No. No, nothing is wrong. I’m fine. You’re fine. We’re all perfectly fine.”
“You could send someone to the hospital with your handsomeness.”
"Withholding information is a lie."
“Is this what everyone feels when they hear a word of kindness?”
“No pressure, just presence.”
“Stop trying to gyrate your dick into my personal space.”
"What’s more important, a full eight hours of sleep or a man? That’s right, I’m going to bed."
“What are you doing? That’s private.” / “That’s my face.”
“Admit you want me and I’ll make you want me more.”
“You’re being incredibly rude by not letting me sit on your dick right now.”
“You have two options – get on your knees, or I’ll make you get on your knees while kindly gracing you with the permission to cry.”
“Do you ever not think about sex?” / “Yeah, when I’m asleep. Oh wait, never mind, I’m dreaming about sex.”
“I’m sorry, you want me to sneak into his room and do what?”
“Please don’t speak to me with a dildo sticking out of you.”
“I’m not saying you’re delusional. I’m just saying you’re delusional.”
“Me, an asshole? Only on Tuesdays.”
“No, I don’t want you to fall in love. I want you to get laid. Because you’re annoying me.”
“I’m sorry I hate myself more than I love you.”
“Of course, I have feelings. They’re locked away and I don’t know where the key is.”
“I can, er, explain why it’s that size.”
“You aren’t the most productive member of society, but you aren’t a detriment either, so at least that’s something.”
“I won’t bite unless you want me to.”
“He watched and the hole inside his heart grew bigger, filled with a festering loneliness.”
“Be patient. I’m taking my rings off.”
“Couldn't hurt to fail.”
“But, for once in your life, you were finally greeted by some good-looking deliciousness.”
“I didn't ask for a public relations speech. I asked if you got turned on imagining it.”
“It’s not what it looks like, but it is kind of what it looks like, but I swear it’s mostly not.”
“A little sweet, a bit salty, low-key tastes like cum.”
“Let me get this straight, you opened the door, saw that, and, instead of re-closing the door and leaving like a sane person, you walked in and did what?”
“That’s why I have five kinds of pizza and porn on pay-per-view.”
“Let’s make a secret so I can watch you struggle to keep it.”
“Do you think that just because time has passed that I am immune to struggle? That because you didn’t see me suffer means that it must not exist?”
“That’s it, I’m calling the police, he can’t just show up here looking that illegal.”
“I hate you.” / “Welcome to the club. I’m the president, but I can promote you to vice president as soon as today.”
“I did not come all the way over here to make out with myself. I can do that at home.”
“Okay, I’m done with my shameless slut sonata, what were you saying?”
“There are no rules if no one knows.”
“You chugged down six cups of coffee like it was a blood transfusion.”
“I can’t remember what I said, that was two days ago.” / “We were talking about your balls!”
“Whose dick pic is this and why is it so inspirational?”
shoutouts! thank you for writing! <3
updated 20210530
masterpost | nameless drabbles masterpost
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savageandwise · 2 years
Hi, your remarks about angst really resonated with me - especially the part about people using one dimensional bad/abusive etc. characters as background for their fluff - I absolutely hate it when that happens and usually stop reading. I think it's fair enough to sometimes only go for a fluff tag or something that is advertised as "angst with a happy ending" as a reader if you want a fic to cheer you up, but if you do that all the time, that's not a great sign of emotional maturity in my book. The only thing I very much tend to avoid is MCD - especially in RPF, I wouldn't read or write that. In general, my RPF is relatively tame, I think. Obviously, I am in no way writing about the life of the real person, I'm just taking their public persona and inventing something, but it still has their name in it and, perhaps superstitiously, I don't want to treat them too badly, because words have power after all... I fully acknowledge that that part's a bit ridiculous :-P But back to the angst tag - I would never avoid a story just because of that, in fact, I might prefer it to "tooth-rotting fluff". Of course people have very different interpretations of the tags, "hurt&comfort" being a prime example - that could mean a little accident, or emotional hurt, or it could mean someone in the story has been tortured... It's complicated. In the beginning, I basically didn't tag at all because I didn't know what to put, and I'm still reluctant sometimes when I feel like the tag is a plot spoiler. The only compromise I've found in that case is to put a warning in the end notes and mention that there's a warning at the beginning - though that always makes me nervous as a reader (should I click it or shouldn't I?). Let me know if you have any thoughts about that and sorry for the novel-lenght post. This is what happens when I don't use the anon option :D
Thank you for this! I almost missed it at first because I never used to get submissions. I'm glad to hear post resonated with you. Again, I don't really care if people want to enjoy fluff but I used to get requests for more fluffy fics when I wrote mclennon and I wasn't interested in writing them. I'm even more against hurt/comfort actually because lots of people seem to be getting off on their fave being abused. Like you said there are different levels of this. And I don't mind if it's a minor theme. I particularly hate if rape or torture is involved and one of the characters heals the other with their love. (My friend calls it the magic dick-healing the character with the magical appendage)
some people have explained to me the reason they enjoy the trope is if their fave is emotionally closed off they enjoy them having to be vulnerable. I can understand that. I do write my faves having to deal with strong emotions because I think every one deals with intense situations at some point (I hope- that's part of life!) But I draw the line at invented violence and major illness.
The tagging thing is very difficult. I agree it's hard to decide when it fits particularly if it would spoil the fic. A friend of mine didn't tag her suicide fic and it caused a huge drama. I think your notes suggestion is a good one.
I tend to just spoil I guess. Better safe than sorry. Though I don't always think every tag is necessary depending on the fandom. I feel "drugs" "violence" shouldn't really come as a surprise when writing in the Oasis fandom. If something was particularly violent I might tag it I guess. Its difficult to take everyone's preferences into account. (To know what everyone might consider triggering. I've seen people tag "cheating" and "cigarettes")
On the subject of spoilers, even in real novels and films I feel the human race no longer wants to be surprised- or film makers are too scared to be sued. I do feel most people want to feel they're aware of all the elements ahead of time. That's why trailers are like a mini version of the film and don't seem to leave much out. Shame. But that's how it goes.
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myfalsedevotion · 3 years
Tag Games
Okay, so I haven't really been responding to any tag games since two months ago and I know I'm the worst but I'm going to do them all now in a row in here, and if you guys have tagged me, know that I saw it and appreciated it I just didn't have the mental capacity at the time and now I find myself with way too many tag games I didn't even respond to and feeling extremely guilty... I'm sorry :S
Everything below the keep reading so I don't clog anyone's dash!
First one, tumblr informs me it's from 64 days ago (I'm really really sorry), thank you @mychemicalobsession514 so much for the tag!
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Mine would be AU with an attempt at humour hahhahaha I think it fits 😅
Thank you for the tag @ireallydontknowhowtolife, so sorry for the delay :S
indoor plants or gardens // cloud-watching or star-gazing // water or fire // paperback or hardcover // running or hiking // sleeping with socks or without // fruits or vegetables // hanging plants or succulents // dark wood or light wood // handwritten or typed // instagram or pinterest // braids or pigtails // books or movies // oceans or meadows // forests or fields// sweet or salty // ice cream or chocolate // hoodies or sweater // long hair or short hair // piercings or tattoos // summer or winter // boots or sneakers // cars or motorcycles // curls or straight hair // castles or cottages // sunny days or storms // reptiles or birds // disney or nickelodeon // strawberries or watermelon // essays or posters // phones or laptops// glass or stone // dark or light // photos or painting // circuses or theaters // reading or writing // dogs or cats// poetry or novels // monsters or ghosts // thrift shops or libraries // fiction or non-fiction
Thanks for this tag, @ncstas!
three ships: DavidxPatrick from Schitt's Creek, FitzSimmons, SamBucky (no one said canon, right? hahahha)
last song: American Pie by Don McLean
last movie: Black Widow
currently watching: I am kind of in a moment in between fixations 🤔 but I am watching Loki as it airs.
currently reading: catching up on all the fics I couldn't read while I was studying these last months
currently craving: motivation to write :C
and for this one!
fav color(s): forest green!
currently reading: catching up on all the fics I couldn't read while I was studying these last months
last song: American Pie - Don McLean
last movie: Black Widow
last series: Loki?
sweet, sour or savoury: currently, savoury. Ask me in an hour, it'll have changed hahhaah
currently craving: just a crumb of motivation, I'm not asking for much
coffee or tea: BOTH, it depends on the occasion. During summer I need to chug coffee first because I usuallly wake up with a BP of 85/50 or something, and I need to up that shit quickly hahah
currently working on: Ch12&13 of Rare and I am more than noticing how rusty I am... it's been too long
I was tagged by the amazing @glitterandsummerdaze on this tag game, I'm so sorry for the delay!
open your spotify “on repeat” and the first five songs are the soundtrack to your personal rom-com
Renegade (feat. Taylor Swift) - Big Red Machine, Taylor Swift
Starting Line - Luke Hemmings
That Funny Feeling - Bo Burnham
gold rush - Taylor Swift
You Stupid Bitch - girl in red
That is... I can see that as a romcom soundtrack 😂
Okay next up, Maya @calumsash , I am so so sorry I haven't even acknowledge your tags... I have like 3 of yours piled up, I'm so sorry :S
How similar is my taste in music to yours:
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For this tag, (reblog with the meaning/origin of my url and my favorite color) my url is pretty easy to explain hahahha I stole it from an All Time Low song 🤭 "i'm sick and tired of false devotion" and well, idk, I just liked it hahahahah I was setting up a new tumblr just for fics and here we are (I even fell back down the spn rabbit hole when I was only ever meant to post about bands XDDD). For the longest time I couldn't decide between blue and purple for my favourite colour and then I chose neither: it's green. Forest green hahahahah
For today's tag (I can't believe I'm actually answering to a tag game on the day I've been tagged O.o), which is this one, here are my answers:
1. Favourite song at the moment
I don't know if I'd call it favourite but, I haven't been able to stop singing American Pie since thursday night thanks to Black Widow 😅😅 It doesn't help that I've known all the lyrics to it since I was little thanks to my dad because I'm basically singing over and over a song that's 8 and a half minutes long hahahahah
2. A song you associate with your favourite ship
Is it too self-serving and lazy of me if I copy your answer and say Paper Rings Maya?😅 hahahaha No, for real, that song (even though parts of it don't align with cashton on athob) is forever tied to them for me 💙
3. A song that could be about you
This is me trying there are just more than a couple of lines that hit too close to home
4. A song you think is underrated
Outside of ATL or 5sos or Taylor I never go much into music fandoms so... I don't know how to answer. Any song I could say is underrated could very well be a fan favorite and I just don't know... 😅
5. A song that reminds you of a good memory
Sonrisa Especial by El Sueño de Morfeo reminds me of a period of my childhood were I wasn't sad all the time (which was rare in my childhood tbh), it's an obnoxiously happy and uplifting song that I can't relate to most days but when I do, it's quite special hahahha
6. The last song you listened to
... American Pie 😅😅😅
7. A song that makes you laugh
I Hate by Passenger, it never fails to make me laugh hahahah
8. A song you want your mutuals to listen to
ufff, anything by Kina Grannis I can't pick just one song, I can't
Thank you so so much for the tags Maya 🥺🥺🥺💙💙💙💙
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