#sorry for the bad phrasing if you even read until the end lol im not that good at writing
torifuckingspring · 1 year
while i love both the book and the movie and try not to compare them too much i think there were some very big differences between henry in the book and henry in the movie, for example: in that scene in the museum when henry tells alex about his dream like taking someone he loved there and he'd love it as much as he did and in the movie he kinda hopes alex sees it that way too and he does and then they dance and it's the first time they're back in each other's arms or whatever and it's this really important scene about their love.
in the book they already had sex again by this point and the love confession was a bit more mutual (henry saying something like "when have i ever pretended to be anything less then in love with you" and saying he loved him all along) and like they're already sure that they want to stay together so the museum scene is just them being absolutly open about their love and all that, henry telling him stuff and alex listens and kisses him and tells him he loves him and it awesome and then the dancing is just. i mean "your song" was my favorite song when i was a kid and i get why the couldn't use it in the movie with the already pretty small budget this movie had but like henry is the one playing it because he already know his phantasy has come true and alex loves it just as much and he's a bit more confident about it (henry).
ok this started as showing the difference with henry being a bit more confident in that scene idk it's a fucking mess but i kinda realizes why half way thru. i mean in the movie they cramped all of this, their love, the happiness alex feels that he got henry back all that into the museum scene and it's ok it's just a movie adaptation but yk.
also i started this whole thing just to say that im glad they cut off the cornetto scene bc in the book it's really important- alex seeing henry as more human or something and we kinda get fruity vibes from henry being all surprised and flustered not expecting to see alex and also in his glasses which no one sees ever and it's kinda. it's the first time they kind of connect.
in the deleted scene henry isn't surprised to see alex, he isn't wearing normal casual cloths, he comes in very confident, he just takes the fucking cornetto (in the books he kinda asks for premition and i think that tells a lot about his personality idk) and it's not important to the story overall. which is why it's a deleted scene.
i forgot the point i was trying to make
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atlabeth · 3 years
hold onto me (im a little unsteady) - sokka x reader
i was listening to the song when i came up w this so feel free to listen to that if you want
summary: a late night with sokka reminds you that even on the worst days, you always have someone in your corner.
a/n: lmao this is 100% self indulgent i have no excuses. my parents are getting divorced and almost every time they're together they argue and so this is just a comfort fic after it happened again tonight bc GD i wish i had a sokka. this one goes out to all my divorce babies or people with parents that never stop arguing. you are very loved<3
wc: 1.7k, this got away from me lol
warning(s): mentions of parents arguing n shit, like the tiniest mentions of implying sex and problems with consent (in general, not with them), but this is all fluff
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hey. i know you’re probably asleep right now but could you come over?
It was far too late at night when you sent the text. A question asked on a whim, an offer that would most likely go ignored due to the boy on the other end being asleep.
But goddammit, you really didn’t care. Even if he didn’t respond, just hitting ‘send’ made you feel slightly better. You had already taken refuge in one of the sweatshirts he had left at your house (read: one that you had stolen and refused to give back) and as your eyes fell on the glow of the digital clock on your bedside table, you were once again reminded of how stupid this was.
But you heard the telltale buzz of a notification and all but lunged for your phone, an uncontrollable smile tugging on your lips. You didn’t know why you ever doubted him.
sokka💙: you know i never sleep babe
sokka💙: a curse of my genius
sokka💙: im omw
you’re the best thank you love<3
A pair of fuzzy socks and a refilled water bottle later, you heard the sound of something hitting your window. Though you tensed up at first, a roll of your eyes was all it took before you remembered just who you had invited over. Another smile took over as you pushed yourself off of your bed, pushing the curtains aside in time to see another pebble hit the pane.
A physical effort took place to stifle the laugh as you pushed your window up, and you leaned against the sill on your elbows to get a better look at your ridiculous boyfriend.
“Throwing rocks at my window? I think I’m stuck in a bad romcom.”
He grinned and let the remaining pebbles fall to the ground. “It’s what’s to be expected from your Prince Charming, right? Besides, I’m assuming that your parents wouldn’t just let me walk through the front door at this hour.”
You felt the heat rise to your cheeks. Just the sight of Sokka was always enough to make you feel better, and tonight was no exception. The vice on your heart was already starting to loosen. “Right as usual. Think you’ll catch me if I jump?”
He laughed and made a show of looking up and down the distance and then at his arms. “I’d like to say so, but I think we’d have better luck if I climb up.”
“You sure you can do that, big guy?” you asked with a teasing grin. He rolled his eyes with the same sentiment.
“Of course I can. I just thank nature that there’s a tree so close to your window. It’s saved me from a lot of embarrassing falls.”
You chuckled and backed away from the window, the slight chill from the night air beginning to get to you. “I’ll leave you to it while I get things ready.”
Truth be told, your room was a total mess at the moment. You knew Sokka wouldn’t care, especially not now, but it put you slightly more at ease to have something in your life that you could control. You were in the middle of shoving some previously strewn-about clothes into your closet when you heard the click of your window closing. When you turned around, you were met with your boyfriend’s smiling face.
“You’re so pretty,” you murmured as you walked over to him. He wrapped his arms around your waist as you kissed him lightly on the lips, unable to stop the blossoming smile nor the warmth that the action gave you. “Thank you for being here.”
“Of course.” The softness of his words were in stark contrast to the joking bravado from only minutes earlier, and as you stepped away from his embrace and pushed yourself onto your bed, he joined you on the other side. “And not that I’m not happy to be here, but I just wanna know. What’s going on?”
You sighed, letting one leg hang off the bed as you tucked the other in. It was a testament to Sokka’s power how quickly he had gotten you to forget about the new mess of the night. “The usual showing of fuckall and fuckup. I’m more impressed by how they never run out of things to scream at each other about.”
Your bad joke didn’t get a laugh out of him, which you were secretly glad for. Instead, he snaked an arm around your back and tugged you closer, a contented sigh falling from your lips as you nestled your head into the space between his shoulder and his head. “I’m sorry,” he murmured. “You know it’s not your fault, right?”
The phrase had gone in one ear and out the other more times than you could count from your parents, but each time Sokka said it, the words held a different weight. You knew it wasn’t your fault in the first place, but guilt didn’t care all that much for logic. You knew he meant it though, and once more the vice loosened.
“I know. But it still helps to hear it.” You glanced up at him, reaching a hand up to twist a loose strand of his hair around your finger. “You should wear your hair down more often,” you mused. “It makes you look like a prince.”
He chuckled, amusement glinting through his ocean eyes. “I did say I was your Prince Charming, didn’t I?”
You smiled, slowly uncurling his hair from your finger. “Yeah.”
“That means I’ll always be there for you. Especially to save my royal from their evil stepparents.”
Another laugh bubbled in your chest at that, and you leaned closer into him. “Thank you. The more I visit your place, the more I want your family to be mine. Hakoda is like, the nicest man I’ve ever met, and your mom? She actually makes me want to cry with how sweet she is. I think I know where you get it from.”
He grinned and bumped your leg with his own. “You know you’re welcome over there any time. But maybe you shouldn’t — I think my mom might actually adopt you with how much she loves you. That… that would be really weird.”
His joy was infectious as you planted another kiss on his cheek, something that earned you a, as you liked to call it, dazzling Signature Sokka Smile. “I’ll make sure she holds off on the adoption papers for now.”
“I’d like that.”
And though the happiness you felt at the moment was almost overwhelming, that was just what caused that tiny sliver of doubt to come in. When people invited their partners over at three in the morning, it usually wasn’t to sit on the bed and talk about their problems. It was… it was for more, and you didn’t want that right now. And because you were an expert at it, you decided to put your foot in your mouth and start talking.
“I— I’m sorry that I called you over here so late, for no reason. I know you probably expected something else than me ranting, but…” you sighed, drawing your knees closer to your chest as you brought your other hand to Sokka’s resting on your shoulder. “I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong idea.”
He sighed at that, but you knew it wasn’t one of disappointment. “You know I’m here for you. I don’t care if you just want to sit in silence for the next five hours while we stare at the wall, or if you want to watch sappy rom coms until your eyes bleed. I’m more than okay with staying like this. I didn’t come over here because I expected anything from you — I came over here because you needed me, and so I’m here.” Sokka smiled, an image you didn’t think would ever stop making you melt, and intertwined your hand with his. “This is perfect. You’re perfect.”
You were so stunned at the brazen declaration that your voice got stuck in your throat for a moment, holding back tears. (Happy tears. They were never anything other than happy tears with Sokka.) It hit you then that you didn’t really know what it was like having someone get close to you without an ulterior motive.
“Thank you,” you murmured after a moment of comfortable silence. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” You knew he was smiling, even without having to look up at him. You could hear it in his voice, feel it in the kiss he pressed to your hairline.
A comfortable silence hung in the air for a long time until you broke it. “You know… my dad kinda ran off to a motel for the night after this whole thing, and my mom leaves early in the morning. If you were serious about those rom coms…” You allowed the unsaid question of staying the night to fester so Sokka knew he could say no if he wanted to, but he didn’t even hesitate.
“Of course I was serious. I mean, I’ve gotta get the ideas for our future wedding from somewhere.”
You laughed, a sentiment that had occurred more times in the ten minutes he had been here than the past week, and picked the remote for your little box TV off of your bedside table. You clicked through various movies until you found one Sokka liked, and then you cuddled deeper into his side to prepare for the ride you had ahead of you.
Thirty minutes into 27 Dresses, he had fallen asleep, arm still around you and one of his legs slightly intertwined with one of your own. But it’s not like you minded — the familiar weight of Sokka in your bed had caused all your worries to melt away, if only for the night.
You didn’t expect him to last past the first movie, but you were sure you would at least get through until Katherine Heigl got the man. But there was an overwhelming feeling of safety permeating the air with Sokka’s arms around you, and you ended up knocked out before she could even get through all twenty seven dresses.
It wasn’t lost on you how fortunate you were — he didn’t expect anything like that from you, he just wanted you to be safe. He was there for you. You would never understand how you had gotten so lucky with your boyfriend, but you would never stop being grateful for him.
this is the most self indulgent thing ive ever written and i am NOT sorry
perm tags: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin @maruchan77
atla tags: @marianne1806 @brown-eyed-thang @akiris
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littlx-songbxrd · 3 years
Ok I meant to answer you're question about what I thought of the show ages ago but I forgot.
I LOVED IT OMGGGG! I got so many kitty vibes from Wilhelm and Simon! The touching! The softness! It's those vibes exactly! I want that energy in TWP.
COMRADE SIMON!! We stan! That speech he made at the very beginning about the differences in attitudes towards "tax evasion" vs. "Welfare fraud." Legend behavior.
Sara!!!! My girl!!!!!! An autistic/adhd character PLAYED BY AN AUTISTIC ACTRESS!!!! THIS IS SO HUGE!!! I would die for my problematic queen. I made an entire post on her but the gist is, I get where she's coming from and understand why she feels the way she feels but dear God girl make better choices and stay the hell away from August.
Speaking of.... I wanna run August over several times. Vroom vroom motherfucker. The fact that he
-kissed Sara behind Felice's back when they were still dating WITHOUT HER CONSENT BTW
- Wanted to blame Simon for the drugs because he knew it would be easy because Simon's family is lower class and doesnt have the same social standing as one of the "members of the society"
- Also it didn't escape my notice that the cult like faternety type group with all the rich, mainly white boys is called The Society. This shows commentary on class is vv interesting. Especially the little things like two girls just randomly advocating for THE DEATH PENALTY. The rich people audacity.
-Anyways back to August, when he tried to excuse his actions with Wilhelm and get all teary like no bitch you can't manipulate your way out of this one. And again with Sara! When he said "Wilhelm has everything" I wanted to scream! Like he's fucking closeted and clearly suffering from panic attacks and extreme anxiety you moron.
-Anyways!! I also think that Wilhem might be autistic because he just feels autistic. Like the vibes are there.
- The girl group is so sweet? And to have the popular girl be a Black girl who isn't "stereotypically attractive" with a more medium sized body and bad acne. As someone who has really bad skin I needed that. Felice is kinda awesome imo.
Let me see what else??
-Simon and his mom speaking Spanish consistently throughout the show. It sounded pretty natural to me? But I'm not a native speaker. (Or even fluent honestly lol.)
- Simon and Wilhelm are honestly so adorable and in love and it made my heart ache. (I am so touch starved I swear..)
-My only main beef is the outing plotline and the show using an outdated medical term for Sara, aspergers. It's literally just autism. Also it's kind of offensive because Hans Asperger was a n*zi who literally killed autistic children because they weren't useful to capitalism. SOOOO yeah.
As for the outing plotline, I feel like the cishets have like three plotlines that they use for queer stories. Outing/coming out, one of them dies, or one if them bullies the other until they both fall in love. It's tired.
But overall I really loved it.
I wanted to correctly talk to you about this series so I logged in through my computer to make it easier for me :D
LOOK AT THIS POINT IVE RELATED THEM TO LITERALLY EVERY COMFORT SHIP I HAVE LIKE. I've compared this to kitty, I've compared this to Thomastair, I've compared this to my friends to ocs who she has obsessed me with (youd actually like them if you liked this tbh) IVE COMPARED ME TO MY OCS
what was the point cc??
new favorite character
SHES PLAYED BY AN AUTISTIC ACTRESS?? Sorry I hadn't known! Haven't actually gotten to obsessively look at the cast I've been trying to get over the last episode BUT THATS SO COOL. SARA IS AMAZING AND I ADORE HER. I'll read your post after this! But of course STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM AUGUST GIRL PLEASE
Tbh I understood where she was coming from with everything with Simons image falling apart and her having to suffer when she had just started having friends , just after finding he had been lying to her. But love, AUGUST?
A U G U S T ???
Also random and stealing this from @marzzinaa i totally hc Sara as a demi girl for some reason
Im kinda sad we didnt see her speak spanish as much we did simon :(
You already said it all, I just agree
Ok I'll bring a machete you bring whatever you wish and we kill him sound good?
meanwhile they wanted to pass off to Simon who came from a lower class family the blame
Also I'd like to mention how that would also play into the stereotype latinos are all drug dealers
Which I love how they didnt make his dead beat alcoholic man the latino parent, when I first read the description I thought they might do that, but im so glad they didnt
I think it might have been a comentary idk i liked that they DIDNT make the poc parent the dead beat
I love how they didnt make her stereotypically perfect AND YES MID SIZED REP WAS AMAZING TO SEE
Also im so glad you got to see that represented!!
So I am a native speaker and him talking to his mom MADE ME CRY
pls most her phrases reminded me to my own mom
Autistic wilhelm you say?? omg tell me more (if you want)
Oh thats awful, well I'll just refer to Sara as autistic and hope the showrunners fix that next season because if they dont-
Oh yeah, thats valid critisism. But in my opinion they actually wrote it pretty well so I wont really be complaining about an overall media problem with queer stories rn. If so I'll be here all day. But yeah its an overall problem but it wasnt done bad in my opinion so!
I'll shut up, for now
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redhawtriot · 5 years
IM DYING for some domestic things, can I please have small request about it? What if Bakugo, Kirishima, Shigaraki and Dabi (seperated, obviously) coming home and bringing one cutie plusiu for their unborn child? Sorry for wxtra fluff I just need more cute things in our lifes 😭 YOU R AWESOME HAPPY ONE MONTH LUV YA
Tip Jar ��- Not expected but always appreciated💞
I had to do this one right away! Sorry if some of these are very narrow-minded views on expecting children! I know surrogacy and adoption are also options! Let me know in the comments if those are things you guys would like to see as well!
But I got too excited when I saw this! lol The mucus filled disaster where my heart is supposed to be jumped for joy when I read this prompt!
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When you first met Dabi, one of your very first presumptions about the man was that he should never have offspring. 
That’s not to say that you were not immediately drawn to his physical looks and demeanor, rather you just couldn’t picture such a stoic man ever having the visceral capacity in his cold heart to care much about anyone besides himself. 
It wouldn’t be until much later than your initial meeting where these feelings would be fully swayed– passed when you got to know him better and saw his standoffish mask fade away, revealing a loyal, surprisingly warm man– passed becoming romantically involved with him and finding him putting aside his own slight needs at times to fulfill yours– passed even your first pregnancy together. 
It was the day of your child’s birth that you knew just how much of a kind-hearted creature your partner could be. 
You already knew that he wouldn’t be able to attend the birth. He was a known “terrorist” after all. The sight of him in a hospital would only end in havoc.
Those people— always quick to label anyone who won’t conform under their oppression with such othering terms.
You gave a quick glance to your sleeping daughter, immediately feeling a heaviness in your heart. The picture just wasn’t complete without Dabi.
Yes, it hurt to be alone but you reminded yourself that you would soon return from the hospital to reunite your little untypical family.
But for the moment, you could only sleep and let your body heal from child birth.
A familiar sound suddenly chipped away at your peaceful unconscious, “You are so beautiful. Just like your mom, huh?”
Was that Dabi?
You tried to pry your heavy eye lids open and call out to him but only a slight tired groan came out.
“Go back to sleep, Y/N,” you felt a warm hand rub your cheek, “You did a good job. Rest up,” you tried to fight against your sleepiness but the soothing nature of his touch eventually dragged you back to sleep.
“You are perfect. I… I didn’t know I could feel so much for one person. God, I am going to spend every moment of my life protecting you until the day I die, baby girl.”
“Dabi!!” You gasped. You finally snapped your body up, and ignored the searing pain in your lower abdomen and you crazily searched the room for the father of your child.
Your heart sagged at his absence.
However on the visitors chair next to your daughters plastic crib was a large array of pink stuff animals and hearts.
You dragged yourself off of the bed and scuttled to the display of rosy penguins and pigs and bears and saw a card with a lone pink balloon on the front.
Curiously, you slowly opened the card,
I hope this doesn’t gross you out, me being all soft and everything, but as soon as I saw her I wanted to give her absolutely everything. My baby girl is the most precious thing I have ever seen.
I’m so proud of you. You did a good job, babe. Heal up and come home soon, kay?
I can’t wait to hold my girls again.  
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He was beyond happy to become the father to your children. Words wouldn’t even be able to begin to describe the pure and overwhelming feelings of joy that he felt as he bounced out of the doors of the drug store near your house.
He glanced down to a torn piece of a magazine the two of you had lying around the house, checking the small list he made one more time before he left the stores premises: 
Vitamin B6
 A plush crocodile
Left Twix
pregnancy test
Yep! All accounted for! He had practically no trouble at all finding most things on the list, but the plush crocodile was a bit harder than he expected.
He had asked an associate about the plush toy in hopes of finding it, but they only had alligators.
“But this is a stuffed alligator. See?” As Kirishima pointed to the stuffed animals face, the associate only became confused, so Kiri explained further, “The nose shape is all wrong. It has to be a crocodile? Are you sure this all you have?”
It was indeed all they had. Kirishima let out a small sigh, but honestly not even the drug store’s reptile discrimination could bring his day down!
“My wife is pregnant!” He exclaimed with an extremely proud smile to a couple he passsed as he made his way into his car. One of the strangers immediately cheered him on with a loud “whoop whoop!” before his boyfriend smacked him on the shoulder for the wild display.
Meanwhile, you couldn’t believe how long it was taking your husband to return home from the store. You bounced your leg uncomfortably as you waited on your living room couch.
He was only supposed to be picking up one thing! The longer you sat and waited for him to return, the more your nerves stacked upon each other.
You’re heart flipped in your chest as your front door suddenly opened. You quickly stood from the couch, “You got it?”
He hurried up to you, “Yep! Here, go take the test!” He pressed a kiss on your cheek and frantically handed you an already opened pregnancy test like a baton in a race.
You raised an eyebrow to him, before pausing as you caught a glance at the flowers in his other hand. You shook your head in disbelief, “Eiji look, I told you not to get too excited,” you pointed an accusing finger as you walked away toward to bathroom, “The test we took was old. It might have been a fake positive,” you hollered from the bathroom after shutting the door.
He followed you to the bathroom, but remained fidgety on the other side, “Well I know for a fact that it wasn’t a fake positive,” he replied with a slightly smug tone as he tried to mask his own nervousness.
“Oh yeah?” You laughed at his smugness, “Well… would that be such a bad thing?” You tried to sound lighthearted as you stared at the stick in front of you and waited for the second line to appear.
The two of you hadn’t really been planning for a child. You hadn’t ever really even talked about having children much, so when you missed your period last week and became sick this morning, this response from Kirishima was very unexpected.
He was way happier than you would have thought he would be. Just when you thought your beam of light couldn’t get any happier….
God, you didn’t want to let him down.
Suddenly Kirishima heard you scream on the other side of the door.
The man immediately burst through the door accidentally busting a portion of the frame, “Oh man, S-sorry. But WHAT IS IT!?”
“Happy face!” A smile split your face as you threw yourself at him for a hug.
“T-that means pregnant!?” He frantically stuttered, frozen in place.
“That means pregnant!” You hopped up and down.
He wasted no time at all as you scooped you up into his arms. The both of you laughed in unbelievable glee as he carried you to the living room and sat you down on the couch. He swiftly handed you the flowers, “Here you go, baby mama.” You laughed at his phrasing as he reach somewhere behind him to grab his drug store plastic bag.
“And these,” he smiled up at you, “for your stomach.”
Chocolate and…. B6?? What even is that? You threw him a confused glance, so he immediately explained.
“I was talking to a lady by the pharmacy about your morning sickness,” no wonder he took so long, you laughed at his diligence as he continued, “She said B6 can help. So the vitamins will do good for your stomach, and the chocolate will taste good for your stomach.”
Your face almost hurt from how hard your were smiling, “God, you really went all out! You really are hard headed you know that?”
“Only the best for my girls,” he argued as he pulled the stuffed alligator from behind his back.
“Oh my goodness!!” You explained with a laugh, the two of you always got each other crocodile things. The first thing you ever said to him in high school was a mocking joke about his choice in footwear—crocs. You laughed, “You think its a little girl, huh? Well, I think it’s a hard headed little boy just like his dad.”
“I guess we’ll see,” he said as he pecked you on the lips.
“I guess we will.” You smiled back at him.
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The two of you weren’t exactly on the greatest of terms. What was meant to be a drunken fling ended up turning into, in your opinion, a long, drawn out train-wreck of a relationship– if you could even call it that. 
You swear that that man has the mentality of a child, and it seemed like every time he would take a step toward the grand goal of maturity, something would come by and knock him two steps back again. 
So it was obviously not a shock to you that the overgrown baby was no where near prepared to raise a baby of his own. You almost expected him to storm off sooner than he did when you told him you were pregnant.
But he just stared at you.
“What? Would you stop staring at me like I’m some alien now?” you had thrown your hands on your hips as if to undermine any overwhelming feelings he had, “You did this to me!!” you had foolishly screamed at him, causing him paused in shock before storming away as you feared he would.
How could you say that to him? Then again, you knew you had your faults as well. After all you were the one who hid the pregnancy until you had begun to show. 
It was just too much for you to bare– the thought of being left alone to raise a snotty little thing, the thought of him staying and you being forced into a failing relationship, the thought of what kind of fucked up hero society you would raise the thing in. All of these thoughts festering in your mind over the past few months boiled into a harden crust and weighed down upon your mind. 
“Shit…” you sighed under your breath, finally releasing the flood of emotions that you had been holding back for all of these months in a wave of tears.
“Y/N,” Shigaraki’s voice suddenly snapped you out of your despairing trance, “Here,” he harshly shoved a soft object into your face much like a student would an unseemly note to his classmate. 
You looked down at the object and was completely surprised by what you saw, “A bear…?” you gawked at the plush object. He hadn’t ever bought you any gifts before.
“I wasn’t planning on staying with you,” he said very simply, his words sending a sharp pain through your heart.
Your still teary eyes blinked a few times as you tried to hold back your inevitable crying, “O-okay? I-“ he suddenly cut you off,
“I’m not as stupid as you might think. I can see that you are unhappy with me, so I was gonna just drop this… us,” he trailed off as if he were carefully preparing his next set of words, so you sat in silence and waited for them,
He finally spoke, “but knowing that we are expecting a child makes me really happy. Because it’s with you. I will… try to make you happier.”
You immediately wrapped your arms around him and held him closer to you than you ever had before, as if you were finally becoming one with him. You honestly didn’t know if the two of you would work out, but hearing those words come from him would make all of the difference in the possibility.
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“GOD DAMMIT! THE BRAT’S ON FIRE AGAIN, Y/N!!” You heard your husband screech from the other side of the house.
“WHAT?! ALREADY!?” You gave a groan in annoyance as you walked down the hall. You could already see light from the flames your son was probably swallowed up in in your living room. You shook your head in exasperation.
As soon as Bakugou spotted you coming, he threw you and expectant look, causing you to throw you hands on your hips as you chastised him, “Well, don’t just stand there looking at me! Grab the extinguisher!”
He immediately became defensive, “What do you think I am trying to do, you idiot! I can’t find it!” He roared back over your sons terrified screams.
“What do you mean you can’t find it?! We have one in every room now!” You screamed back as you picked up your son and hugged him close. The boy dropped something from his hand as you did so.
It was a blessing that you had just come back from work and had your fireproof hero costume on. You already had a full store of clothes that your young toddler had burned through. You patted him on his flaming back in a feeble attempt to soothe him. He continued wailing still.
Your poor baby! You knew he had your fire proof cells, but he was still terrified.
“Babe! Where’s that damn extinguisher!?” You called out.
“You must have moved it earlier this morning when he scorched your shirt!” He accused angrily.
“Oh crap. Well, grab the one from the kitchen, or playroom! And that was more than a scorch and you know it! My favorite blouse looked like a teenage bonfire,” You tried to defend yourself.
“Put me out mommy! Put me out!” Your son sobbed, clinging tightly to your chest as the flames raged around him, “we need ‘wata’!” Your heart broke a little at his hiccups and gasps,
“We can’t use water, baby,” your fire breathing quirk along side Bakugou’s oily nitroglycerin sweat resulted in a pretty terrifying combination for a small child who had a habit of setting himself on fire. The oily fire would only surge if you used water to extinguish it. That’s why you had special extinguishers made just for these occasions, “if DADDY FINDS AN EXTINGUISHER you’ll be okay! Remember? It doesn’t hurt.”
Bakugou suddenly burst back into the room, “I FOUND IT!” He screeched like a battle cry as you held your son an arms length away. Much like you often practiced, Bakugou flipped the nozzle of the red container and released the foamy continents as they sprayed all over your son.
You quickly calmed him down and cleaned him off as Bakugou ran to grab him some more clothes. The two of you worked like a well oiled machine as you swiftly dressed him and consoled him out of his sobs.
Your son eventually cried himself into a nap, meaning you’d have at least 2 hours to prepare for the next inevitable incident. You sighed as you slumped down onto the couch next to an already sprawled Bakugou, “What are we gonna do with this boy,” you shook your head.
“Train him how to use his damn quirk,” he huffed.
You sat up defensively, “We do!”
“Yeah, a few minutes a day,” he spat back.
“He’s a toddler, Katsuki, Jesus!” your face upturned.
“Tell him that! He’s the one spontaneously combusting!” he loudly argued, “Besides, he’ll be four in like a month.” 
It was a rare occurrence that he obtained his quirk so early. The two of you hadn’t expected it for years. 
But doctors theorized that quirks would soon come earlier in age as their power grew— your son might just be among the first of a new era. Different things like diet, stress, activity could all also trigger the quirks to come sooner.
“Well the doctors said his outbursts could be stress related!” Your face shriveled. You weren’t so ignorant to think that yours and Katsuki’s interactions weren’t stressful for a small child. It’s not that you guys weren’t happy together. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Loud and passionate was just the dynamic that the two of you shared, but your son was gentle and nervous somehow. Much like your brother. You shook your head as guilt ate away at your heart, “God, only three years in and we are messing him up already.”
“He’s not fucking messed up!” Your husband argued “He’s perfect!” He announced proudly. This sent a wave of happiness into your heart.
You never really expected Bakugou to be the doting father type, but he had pleasantly surprised you the past few years at how passionate he was about raising your son. Of course there were times where you would question his harsher parenting methods, but all in all, he was a very good, supportive, present father.
You looked up at him proudly, “Yeah,” you agreed with a soft smile.
“Plus, I fixed our plush toy issue,” your husband huffed, “that probably why he was easier to calm the hell down than usual.”
“Our… what?” You raised an eyebrow.
“You really didn’t notice? Are you fucking serious?” He sounded almost hurt, “You said he get’s even more worked up when he’s upset about melting or destroying his toys during his tantrums. So I fixed that problem,” he pointed to the scorched carpet in front of you and that’s when you noticed a small, unscathed plush doll.
Your heart melted. It was a little cute Ground Zero doll! “Oh! Wow! How long has he had that?!” You excitedly exclaimed as you bent down to pick up the fluffy Bakugou.
“I just had the agency brand them yesterday. It’s a fireproof prototype,” he gruffly explained nonchalantly. You immediately leaned over to him to give your thoughtfulness sweetheart of a man a kiss but he harshly threw his face away from you so you only caught his cheek.
All these years, and he still hated affection, “Whatever,” you huffed,  “I have a new man anyway,” you teased, causing him to angrily whip his head back towards you, only to see you placing a kiss on the small plushie.
Suddenly you heard an explosion coming from your sons room, followed by familiar terrified wails, “MOMMYYY! PUT. ME. OUUUUUUT!”
Both you and Bakugou sighed before you angrily punched him on the arm for his loud mouth.
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missgeniality · 3 years
check in tag!
thank you @kithtaehyung for the tag! 
1. why did you choose your url?
miss congeniality bbyyyy – and id like to think im genial (moots feel free to refute >.>) but yes! i also didn’t want a very bts centric url, cuz even though I write for bts, I listen to a lot of music, post about many different things, so I wanted my blog to be very open ended
2. any sideblogs? if you have them name them and why you have them
i dont have the brainpower to handle more than one LOL
3. how long have you’ve been on tumblr?
sept 2019? only started writing in jan 2021!
4. do you have a queue tag?
#queue and i *proceeds to sing one direction very off key*
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
i had been reading fanfic for a while and just decided to write! it was a fun experience and i got to meet so many people, so im happy that I did hehe
6. why did you choose your icon?
i- noot noot bby
7. why did you choose your header?
cuz it’s a phrase I love! idk how the phrase came to be, but its so ME, im always floating in the land of my imagination (sometimes too much)
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
my first fic! adwd has close to 1k i think
9. how many mutuals do you have?
lol quite a few! im very bad at making friends and supremely awkward, but somehow found people to match my wavelength <3
10. how many followers do you have?
a decent amount! idk if anyone cares about the real number but its way more than what I had anticipated (i.e., 10)
11. how many people do you follow?
i follow a lot of people, mostly talented writers, khh/krnb update accounts, anime accounts and 3 very specific meme brands lol
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
idk what you mean im a vv serious blog (yez)
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
once a day if i remember oops
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
lmao who has THE TIME!
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
if its something important that im educated about, i usually do so on my #never not reblog tag, and if im not completely educated on it I wait until I get all the details and then reblog
16. do you like tag games?
i do! im bad at getting to them (I have like 6 of them in drafts LOL im SO SORRY) but i try to comment on most if not all!
17. do you like ask games?
i def do, but i also def do not have the following for that yet, so i don’t post them much on my blog (but I do lurk on my moots’ blogs and hit their ask games eheheh)
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
what is tumblr famous anyway? until this shit feeds a whole family im not gonna accept it to be a thing lol sorry
19. do i have a crush on a mutual?
from the bottom of my heart and the heart of my bottom, yes.
taglist (no pressure!): @softyoongiionly, @gguksgalaxy​, @monvante​, @erotikkook​, @mimikookie, @voiceswithoutlips, @dis-easedfairy, @ditttiii, @staywithmoon, @writtenwhalien, @bangtanhome and anyone else who is interested!!
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your--isgayrights · 4 years
Okay i actually have no clue on how tumblr works (hope I'm doing this right lmao) but I'm writing my first fic (I still can't really move on from orv so I decided to make my own content lol.), I really love your writing style, do you have any tips??
Hmmmm tips tips tips tips.... First of all I’m really flattered that you like my writing enough to ask me about it! I’ll try to give my best answer... I think that I used to read a lot of people’s “writing tips” but ultimately I ended up not really understanding them until I started writing a lot? Either way it’s fun to read how other authors think... It’s really cool that you’re writing your first fic and you thought to come to me... did I already say that? Okay long post under the cut.
I don’t think this will be all that helpful, but this is just things that I think about if that’s interesting!
For me a lot of writing is like struggling with motivation (I have ADHD so that’s probs why), I really have to pace myself while writing because I can’t just force myself to do it. If I go in every day and think “I have to write today I’m not doing anything so I should be writing” I can get burnt out really easily, even if I really like the thing I’m writing and know how it’s supposed to go. So one of my big things is that when I’m not thinking about writing I’m not thinking about writing. that gives my brain a break and refreshes me when I get back to my google document.
Something I’ve also struggled with having to remember is that there’s like. Never a perfect way to write. What I end up doing is thinking up ideas and fragments and sentences in my head and the very moment I think of something I like I have to write it down in my notes app. Most of my writing process ends up being like. Filling in the blanks and connecting the dots between scene fragments. 
For fics in particular I’d also just recommend rereading your favorite parts of the og work! I’m the kind of person who has a pretty good reading memory, so people may have noticed that I include a lot of little details referencing the text in my fic. Just reading the work kind of helps you remember the voices of the character and the style of the narration, and if you just like. internalize it. you can probably replicate it pretty well if you wanted to.
OKAY I say that but don’t worry too much about replicating things in the og work perfectly. I find that a lot of times when I’m writing I’m inserting a lot of personal touches and putting things that are a part of me in the work. Writing is always going to be like. an extension of your voice, no matter what you’re writing. I think that when I heard about stuff like that from authors in the past I was always like. What? I’m not writing about things that happened to me. I’m writing about grown adult men having emotional issues, silly. But there’s like a lot more nuance to writing about yourself, I guess. Like you don’t have to have like a self insert or be projecting onto a character to have yourself reflected in something you’ve written.
I’d say that like, whatever you write as your first fic is going to be lovely, but when you grow up as a writer and look back on it, you’re not going to remember who you were when you wrote it. I think that’s why a lot of people look back on their first works and are like “I can’t believe I wrote that, what was I thinking, cringe cringe cringe ugh.” Like I definitely do that sometimes, but I’ve found that the old work I’m happiest with nowadays is the stuff where I can recognize myself in it, even if I’m not in that fandom anymore or if there’s old jokes or typos I don’t remember making. 
With that being said, I’m the kind of person who always gives myself a mission statement when I’m writing. I sort of mentally go, okay, I’m writing this kind of thing, and this is why I’m writing it. It can be something like oh I’m writing this fluff piece because I love this character and wish they had a happier ending, or  oh I want to write this multi chapter fic exploring an issue touched on in the original work but I feel like with my own experiences I could expand on it more than the author did. Just something that tells me why it is important to me to write this thing when I’m writing it.
AAAH I feel like I made that sound more dramatic than it really is, that’s just how I think I guess. I’m the kind of guy where its like things need to have like MEANING to me when I do them. I’m dramatic and gay and that’s my personality I guess 😔.
Hmmm maybe it’s also my BIGGEST writing tip tho. Like kind of just thinking things through when you’re writing is pretty important. When I was first learning to write at all (talking about baby baby me here this is like sort of a side tangent sorry) I think that a lot of times I would copy phrases and developments that I had liked in things that I had read without really fully considering why I would include those things other than the fact that that was just what I thought writing was. It’s important to consider what importance every scene and sentence has to do with the flow of the story. Are they just things that are happening, or is there a reason that the audience needs to know these things? The weight of your words should have some sort of consequence as a result of you writing them. Are you telling the audience information they need to know? Is it about how the character feels? What does this say about the character? Etc.
I suppose that’s sort of my own writing style. You’ll probably notice that I don’t write a lot of descriptive prose if you read my fic. The thing about me is that I never want to write something that makes my audience question why they’re reading it, I guess. I’m sort of self conscious and think about the reading experience a lot. All of the things I choose to describe are usually so that the reader can understand where people are in the scene and what emotions they are having. There’s a lot of emphasis that I put in like. A reader’s ability to read into things, which works against me sometimes because I’m not always certain if people picked up on different things that I put a lot of thought into (the curse of being seen... sob).
ALSO use paragraph breaks. In my first fic (that I’m not going to tell anyone what is even though its on ao3 because im shy) the thing I always regret the MOST is that there are big chunky paragraphs that are hard to read through at the start. Like my eyes get lost. I mentioned I have ADHD before but even though I like. physically can’t read a big chunky paragraph I will always write them that way if left to my own devices. Paragraph breaks don’t have to just be broken up by dialogue they can be wherever you feel like doing them. You need a lot of them. This post should probably have more of them... oh my god it’s so long...
I have a lot of like. academic trauma, so maybe this is just me, but the reason I didn’t write fic until I was like 16 was because I was always really scared that whatever I wrote wouldn’t be good enough for some impossible standard I was setting for myself. I was always telling myself that I had certain bad writing habits or that I was terrible for never being able to focus on things for very long and all of my projects were doomed to failure before I even started. But then I wrote my first like 8 chapter fic in the summer of my junior year and I was like... oh. that wasn’t so bad. Like. It’s okay to know your limits, but you don’t really know them until you start writing. Like I wrote an 8 chapter fic, and then a few one shots, and then I tried to take on a very complicated project that ended up being over 40 chapters and I had to put it down because I just wasn’t really at the writing level to finish it. I would advise against writing fics that take so long to write that you start hating the way you wrote the first chapter, basically lol. Know how whatever you’re writing is supposed to begin and end before you start writing it.
Nowadays I always have like. plot outlines in my head when I start a fic. Like okay this needs to happen here this needs to happen here etc. I like making lists if it seems to overwhelming when I’m writing something long, just to organize my thoughts. 
Defo feel free to dm me if you have like questions or just want to chat about orv or whatever. I’m a lonely little man out here floating on my pile of words, and I’d love to hear what your fic is about!! 
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(っ◔◡◔)っ 𝕄𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙 𝕌𝕡♡
hii,, hope you two are doing well uwu. ok so far, ive only been requesting stuff n i figured might as well just ask for a matchup too lol,,,for knb, haikyuu, free, and fire force (i know ur rules said only 3 so it can be any three from those 4 lol) 
my name’s lily and uh basic stuff..i’m a female high school student around 156cm maybe 157 on a good day;3 im bi but with more of a preference for guys (who are tall, like as long as ur a tall guy/girl whatever, i will prolly automatically start simping akdhfj) 
i have long black hair that’s usually straight but on a slightly wavy side. my skin’s like a light-ish brown and my eyes are chocolate brown,, or so i’m told. i’m on the more busty side and would say i’m fairly curvy(?) but my grandma keeps saying i’m skinny and need to eat more:))speaking of eating, its like absolutely one of my favorite things ever lolol (so yeah kinda contradictory lol)
according to a test i did i’m ESTP-A altho i don’t rlly know much about personality types so i can’t say for sure if that’s accurate. even tho i’m usually extroverted i can be pretty introverted a times to so(?) ambivert(?) i guess. pisces (but i wouldn’t say i’m a perfect example of a pisces) im somewhat emotional and yeah kinda artistic i guess, just not in drawing lol. i can do other stuff well just not drawing akjdj,,,school-wise i do pretty well despite being lazy and procrastinating a lot (i guess you could say i’m the aomine of academics🤪) oh yeah im also on the school volleyball team and a few other “academic” clubs (MUN, etc.) i can also play the piano altho i don’t rlly play classics,,mainly anime songs akjdjd. yes, i’m a major weeb. my room’s full of posters and manga and my wallet’s full of emptiness;-;
ok some more random things about me…i’m apparently rlly impulsive, i am a pretty confident person but like i still panic a lot before competitions or anything like that ajhdjd also when i panic, i ramble…a lot. actually i think i ramble a lot on a daily basis regardless of whether or not i’m panicking oop— uh back to the confidence thing, if it’s in terms of a crush or someone i like, i don’t hesitate to confess or anything like that unless the situation is kinda complicated and it’d be hard to be together or like i’m not 100% sure of my feelings stuff like that,, basically i don’t rlly have much of a fear of rejection(?) but maybe that more cuz i haven’t rlly liked liked anyone THAT much yet. oh ohh i lovee baking esp. cookies altho i get lazy a lot so i haven’t been baking as much. ah yes another thing about me my brother will never stop teasing me about…my fear of fish:) they creep me out ok. i love snakes and crocs tho so uh ?? idk i’m weird like that lolol. oh yeah i have a little brother and sister so a lot of people see me as the “responsible older sister”. is that true? i’d say yes, my bro n sis would say no🤡. one last thing, i love elephants more than anything in this world🥺🥺💗
oof ok that was pretty long— sorryyy and thank you for taking time to read through all this akhdjf 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Hello @pinkcowgirleggpanda~! Thank you for your request~! I’ll be handling the KnB portion of your match-up~! ^^
» » Admin Ko
And I’ll be doing the other two! Thank you for choosing us and I am so sorry this took so long to get out ;;!
>Admin 𝕋
𝕀 𝕊𝕙𝕚𝕡 𝕐𝕆𝕌 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙…
ᴛᴇᴘᴘᴇɪ ᴋɪʏᴏꜱʜɪ
Precious iron heart~! Despite his persona on the court, he’s actually a very sweet, protective, and kind spirit~! He is definitely your stable and solid rock in any situation / scenario you might find yourself in~! In terms of being emotional, he’s rather in touch with his emotions and will definitely be able to help ground you or at least bring you back to sensible ground if your emotions get the better of you and make you more stressed out than need be.
Other then that, he’s super curious and interested about your hobbies~! He likes to support you and honestly will keep you in line if you happen to stray too far from what needs to be done. He won’t really lecture you, but he’ll remind you that to get out of the hell that’s called school you gotta at least finish with passing. He wants to see you succeed and will feel bad if you happen to fall into a slump or a mood where you end up upset at yourself. 
He will definitely be out to support you at any an all of your games~! He’ll always be in the stands with the other Seirin members to support~! (Really he drags them against their will, but they end up coming on their own to support you after seeing how cool it was)
Teppei will definitely be a big help on your impulsive moments. He loves and worries over you and will definitely evaluate a situation quick enough so he can decide whether or not what you’re doing is good or not. He thinks it’s absolutely adorable when you ramble and before games he’ll be the one to gently cup your face before pressing a sweet kiss to your forehead for luck in hopes of calming you down. He knows you’re gonna kick ass anyway. 
In terms of PDA, he’s not super handsy, but he does love to let others know that you’re definitely taken. He’ll hand you one of his shirts on a whim if you are in need of one. He let’s you borrow his jackets and hoodies. He’ll always have an arm around you too~! 
⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
𝘚𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘶𝘬𝘦 𝘠𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘻𝘢𝘬𝘪
This cool and somewhat overprotective man is definitely someone who would be perfect for you! This man will be able to keep you grounded, and be able to makes sure that you get things done, and not procrastinate your work! One thing that he will really like about you is that fact that you can be super open and inviting with everyone you meet, but then be amazed at how when you are by yourself you are quiet and just overall a soft. The contrast will be intriguing to him!
You say that you are impulsive, and he can help you  with that no problem! Help you stay out of your head and keep you in a calm state of mind, so you don’t do anything impulsive and start panicking about something! He understand the feel of anxiety so he will do anything he can to make sure you don’t always feel that when you are around him!
He’ll take into account that you eat a lot, and will use it to his advantage so that whenever you guys are on a date, he will literally buy you food the whole and loves watching you eat until your heart’s content. He loves seeing your face when you enioy the food that you eat. It’s one of the reasons why he started liking you, because of how open you are with things that you like and enjoy.
He will think it is absolutely hilarious that you have a fear of fish, like I mean he won’t outright say it, but in his mind he will think it is funny, but adorable. Another thing that made him like you, only because it was so charming to him.
Physical features and PDA: He won’t necessarily care for PDA, as in if you were to want to engage in pda he will, but he won’t ever actively want to do excessive pda if that makes sense lolol. He won’t care if you are skinny, but it will be easier for when he wasn’t to pick you up and throw you in a fun way! And with your hair I feel like he will love just to put his hands through absently whenever you guys cuddle!
⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
ᴛᴏʙɪᴏ ᴋᴀɢᴇʏᴀᴍᴀ
One word, chaotic. But in a good way! See you and Kageyama would like two puzzle pieces, and the reason being is because he is emotionally stupid, that you can definitely help him with that! I mean, seriously, he needs some help. Help him. Anyways, you and Kageyama will have a blast with each other; he will be the type of person where your mental battery doesn’t get drained because he is just a quiet as you can be and just as soft. The cuddles would be endless and amazing because of this.
He will like how confident you are, from confessing to someone to being confident in competitions and such. And if he were to see you that you are panicking, he will do his best to calm you down. Key phrase here is do his best. He might not be that good at it, but you love the spirit. He is more of an introvert so him trying to make you feel better is gonna take a toll on him, but he will do it to make you feel better! Because he loves you!
This boi will love that you eat so much. He will have literal eating contest with you and then pass out when you win and he ate too much food. He’ll like how you aren’t afraid to show your “boyish” for lack of a better word. He’ll also love that you play volleyball and will want to play with you all the time. I mean it. All the time. Literally will push a volleyball in your face until you say yes to him, and then he’ll stop when he is satisfied.
Kageyama, when he finds out that you bake will definitely want to eat some of your baking! You’ll mention it in a passing way, and he’ll stop you in your conversation and immediately want you to bake for him, which you obviously can’t, but you think it’s either way and tell him you will the next day! Next day comes around and he scarfs down the cookies like he depends on it, and when done will give you kiss as thanks. It’s kind of gross though because his mouth is still full lololol.
Physical features and pda; Like Sousuke, he isn’t one to actively look for pda, but if you were to hold his hand or cuddle with him in public, he will unconciously respond to you, he will really not think about and it’s the most adorable thing ever! He will just lean into and play with your curly hair and not really think anything of it. He will get laughed at by his friends, and he will be embarrassed but he won’t stop once he gets started! You are also just very huggable to him!
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kweebtrash · 4 years
Hey, not necessarily a sex question. But as someone who loves reading fanfic and appreciates fanfic writers, I still can't bring myself to write it. How did you get into writing fanfic, and was it ever weird for you? Do you have any advice on how to feel less weird about it? Especially smut about real people? (To be fair I can't bring myself to write smut in general idk why)
I started writing naruto and yu yu hakusho fanfiction when i was ten and it was just a regular oc and the character i liked. It wasnt good at all but i thought it was the greatest. When i met my sister (non biological) in middle school we decided to come up with our own "anime story". We would write it in notebooks and pass it to each other during class and get in trouble for it. So i guess that was the first time ive written an "original" story. By the time i was 12 i knew what sex was (mostly) and i knew teenagers did it (my characters were teenagers) so i was like oh if they like each other then they should do it. But because i was 12 i was like THATS ICKY TO WRITE ABOUT (in detail) so i made them get in bed and then skipped ahead and wrote THE NEXT DAY 😂😂😂
Then when i got access to a laptop and internet thats when i round "real" fanfiction online and smut back when it was called "lemon/lime/citrus" whatever the fuck that means. I still remember my first one was about neji hyuga LMAO.
I started reading more fanfiction throughout my teenager years and kept writing for anime, wrote bandfiction, created a bunch of OCs to rp with my partner at the time and i think by the time i actually started having sex that i was like ok this isnt so weird to write about anymore. So when we would rp we would just text each other sex scenes and i guess it became normalized because we were doing it irl so writing about it was just like hey! We sorta know what were doing! Oh i also used to watch a lot of porn as a teen? Idk why. That stopped after like a year or so but i found out shit through that, like bdsm, squirting, how utterly gross blowjobs are, what a hitachi wand was, how much i hate spit, etc. So that actually helped me discover like my beginning kinks. Porn is still terrible tho.
I think the first time i wrote smut was with a wrestling fanfic? And i had been reading a bunch of fics that had smut and with my basic knowledge and slowly finding out what phrases i liked in order to describe things it flowed a little more naturally but it was still hard.
Then i think i didnt really write much until i wrote my pentagon story which i think is terrible but other people like it. I guess with my practicing, experience, and sex education it started becoming easier? You can tell in my pentagon story that i was still getting back into the swing of things bc my sex scenes are atrocious and ridiculous 😅
I never really liked reading series myself bc i didnt want just prose and build up. I wanted smut. I was like THATS WHAT I CAME HERE FOR. So i made it a point to write smut in every single chapter so that way people stayed interested. In doing so it also helped me practice and get better. Then i read A LOT of bad kpop fics and was like....why dont these people know that sex isnt like porn??
There is a lot of copying in kpop fics in the sense that a lot of them are written the same way and we get the usual; some u realistic giant dick, "ministrations, pussy, cunt", kitten every other word, thigh riding, everyone confusing abuse with bdsm, "daddy" popping up left and right without going in depth to what meaning that holds, random weird shit. And i realized WOW I REALLY HATE KPOP FANFICS lol. So when i started writing messy i was like OK FUCK THIS IM GONNA WRITE SEX LIKE HOW ITS SUPPOSED TO GO. Then i starting writing smut where the condom broke, they talked about birth control, having a mental breakdown during sex, sexual assault, accidentally wacking each other while moving around, giggling, talking, explaining what you want. This i think helped me a lot, especially with my mental trauma that was associated with sex. I wanted to make it fun and real while also possibly teaching my readers about sex and maybe influencing other fic writers to not just regurgitate what they read.
As far as advice, im not quite sure if i have any?? Maybe i do lol. Take it with a grain of salt maybe?
With writing i would suggest
Read fics you like and highlight key phrases or actions you think are sexually appealing
Practice writing shorter scenes, you can even do time stamps or drabbles, things like that-people love those on here
Look into things. Honestly i knew what a cock ring was but someone requested i USE it in a fic and i was like shit guess i gotta google how to use a cock ring and while awkwardly watching videos of guys putting these things on i learned about metal ones, cages, silicone, rubber, rings, how long you should keep it on for, etc. So RESEARCH! is key too
If youve never had sex before that also helps if you research. Porn can give you a little bit of knowledge in generic motions or toys to use but by no means is it great as far as realism and sometimes its just plain icky.
So porn can be a basis, research can be a middle layer, reading other fics and seeing what you like and dont like is on top, and writing ur own is like...idk frosting lol.
As far as being weird with real people; since i wrote bandfiction and wrestling fics i was used to writing about real people for a little under ten years or so. Also i have a really active mind at night and i have tons of sex dreams that fit into like a story based setting. Thats where all my ideas for prose, dialogue and smut come from. Not everyone ofc has a brain like that but writing down things here and there might work. Lets say you have a favorite idol moment-like some really slutty dance move during a performance, you could time stamp that for inspiration. Save a lot of gifs and pics of them looking *chefs kiss*, listen to some music (i like alina baraz, sabrina claudio, galant, alex tbh, and jooyong for softer, gentler scenes or if you wanna get freak nastie listen to some dumbass jae park, or pretty ricky, or any sex related song thats not pretty lmao. Like rude boy by rihanna or something with a hard beat).
I think its also good to try and picture yourself in a sexual situation. You dont have to look like you, you could make up however you want to look in the scenario, its fantasy after all. Also think "would i like this?" Like i wont write about some idol spitting in my mouth or slapping me or peeing on me or something because thats not stuff that im into and i would be forcing myself to appease someone else and the writing woukd end up sucking big time. This also doesnt help the lack of good fics bc people are just following the requests they get even if they dont like it. I would write about what i think id feel in the moment. Id probably be nervous or if im pretending i could be a cool badass, i would think about things that i find attractive like his (imma use his bc i do write mostly about boy idols) face in the shadows of the light, how nice or soft his lips look, they way hes conveying emotions and looking at me if we were in love or if we were angry, the hold he has on me, why would it be going slow? Is it sad makeup sex? Is it a first time together? Is it just comforting after a bad day? Why would they be rough? Are they angry? Had a fight? Had a slow burn relationship and its culminated into a big explosion? Did they hate each other but hide their true feelings?
So i would suggest not just thinking about sex but thinking about the moment and all the things that lead up to, happen during, and the aftermath of it.
And of course if you don't understand anything or need more info about sex you can always ask me!
I hope this help and sorry its long😅😅😅😅
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 5 years
Hakuoki Drama - Hijikata Biyori Track 17 “Worries”
Last post of the month, so I’ll end by asking you to please support me if you can either on ko-fi (https://ko-fi.com/V7V2W0HO) or through paypal (paypal.me/KumoriYami )…. also let me know if you have any hakuoki drama cds that you’d be willing to share that are on my looking for list since i don’t have the audio for those…..  Also check out my patreon (https://www.patreon.com/KumoriYami) for early access to my stuff and blog translations or just to support me.
Anyway. i started reading some of the biyoris.... and well, this one kinda stood out for me and i quite enjoyed reading it so i ended up jumping the queue with this lol (u can bet it has saito in it if i do that hahaha). honestly though, i was half-tempted to do track 13.... but since that kinda goes as a set with track 14 and im still trying to focus on ssl... that ended up being put aside for now.
as always, this was translated by me from Chinese using mtl help so it might not be accurate, and final edits will be done when I get to making the video for this (going to be my standard for dramas)... and when I double check the other biyori translations that I have access to (only for the biyori cuz have multiple versions for some tracks).
Also why is it almost impossible to find official art of Hijikata with one of the other guys aside from Kazama?! Like I could only find 1 image of official art of Hijikata with Saito, and I don’t think i’ve even seen one of Hijikata with just Heisuke, Shinpachi, Harada or Souji (on that note, the image i plan on using for this drama video had souji in it... so i’m taking him out)?! It’s like something wants me to photoshop crap together or look through Hakuoki Otogisoushi for screenshots lol (i absolutely don’t wanna use the anime/movie’s graphics as background pics).
video post is now here: https://kumoriyami-xiuzhen.tumblr.com/post/611700232600813568/hakuoki-hijikata-biyori-track-17-worries-eng
Hijikata Biyori Track 17 - Worries
Translation by KumoriYami
Hijikata: Saito, you there?
Saito: Yes? (door slides opens) ....Ah, vice-commander. Did you need something?
Hijikata: Ah, no. I was thinking that you should finish packing. Heisuke is hurrying to leave [or 'about to leave'].
Saito: Yes. Then I'll hurry up.
Hijikata: Sorry, Saito. To actually make you go undercover [for making you.....].
Saito: This is for the Shinsengumi. So long as it's the chief's or vice-commander's order, I will accomplish it resolutely [I will do whatever I (absolutely?) can.] [side note: I checked 3 translations of this biyori... and for some reason they all say Shinsengumi in it though I don’t hear that in the audio. as such, i’m just going to leave it there when i make my srt file since i don’t have anything else to tell me what is being said.]
Hijikata: Be careful. Don't watch Ito like that [Don't watch him too closely? or don't be fooled/taken by Ito's appearance. probably the latter.], he's actually quite sensitive. Don't be careless.
Saito: Yes.
Hijikata: Although I don't know how long you;ll stay with those guys, I'll call you back as soon as I get the chance. Until then, please [please put up with this?].
Saito: Understood.
HIjikata: Ah also....
Saito: in regards to Heisuke, I keep an eye on him.
HIjikata: Ah, it's because Kondou-san is very worried, please [take care/look after of him].
Saito: yes.
Hijikata: This mission, is something only you can complete. I believe that you will do a great job.
Saito: yes. Then....
Hijikata: What? Is there something still bothering you? Let's talk about it now.
Saito: Thank you very much. These are more worries than things to take note of....
Hijikata: Oh.
Saito: Because I've never left the organization for this length of time...
Hijikata: Ah, yes. I'll have Shinpachi and Harada look after/take care of your Third Division
Saito: This isn't something that concerns the team members/troop.
Hijikata: Nn?
Saito: Yukimura has yet to find her father.
HIjikata:....I'll think of something.
Saito: There's also Souji's health/body [condition?]
Hijikata: Ah, I won't assign him anything significant/major.
Saito: Also there’s Sanan-san.
Hijikata: Yeah.
Saito: Don't let Shinpachi and Sano drink too much...
Hijikata: Nn?
Saito: Don't let the Chief worry about anything unnecessary.
Hijikata: Hah?
Saito: Also I can't help but worry [feel uneasy if i don't hear the word/phrase repeated] about the vice-commander worrying about everyone
Saito: Therefore/That's why, please don't worry about me.
Hijikata: Understood. You too, don't worry about what goes on at headquarters, concentrate on carrying out the mission.
Saito: Ah....Even if that is said, I will still.... [...Even so I....]
Hijikata: Ahah, enough. Go. Otherwise Ito will get suspicious.
Saito: Ah.....Yes. Then, I'll be going.
Hijikata: Come back alive.
Saito: Definitely. Then, good-bye. (door slides again)
HIjikata:...Ha, he's worrying too much. I'm the same/just like that [though].
not sure how many tls i’ll put out next month (i intend to finish the zuisouroku cg stuff at the bare minimum tho whether or not it’ll be posted is something else entirely).... but i will have a put out vids for everything else that i did this month + the otopa drama from last month...
also seven of nine is a bad ass and i will fight whoever says otherwise... and i really hate how people say that picard isn’t trek because of how dark some of it is.
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thechocoboos · 5 years
Could you do the chocobros (+Ardyn and Ravus) taking care of their significant other while she's on her period?
These hcs have been sitting in my google docs for a week now--but hey, they’re ready!!! I ended up with eight pages of headcanons so brace yourself lol; wrote these while i was suffering from the very thing i was writing about. what a life.
HC: The Bros + Ardyn and Ravus taking care of their SO on their period!
Noct knew that periods existed, he swore that he did, but he just kinda… forgets.
So when he came home to see you dying on your couch, he was just… ??? “Uh, babe? You okay?”
“NO, Noct, I’m not o-fucking-kay--”
It was only when he called Ignis that he figured out what was going on, with Ignis exasperatedly having to remind Noct that hey, people get periods!
It was a short phonecall, luckily
And it didn’t take Noct too long to get with the program
Softness increases to 110%
Mutual laziness increases to 70%
Caring for his SO increases to 2000%
He does his best--but he also kinda. Just. I dont wanna say it but he doesn’t think it’s that big of a deal until he sees you crying over cramps, then he realizes that periods suck and that you just need your stupid boyfriend to give you the love and support that you deserve
After that, he gets better!!!
“NoCT, can you please go get me my meds? And some water--”
“Can’t you do it yourself--” He always freezes, remembering how bad it can be, “Shit, sorry, babe--” He already started getting up, bringing out a bit of your favorite snack as an apology, “You know I’m an idiot.” He said when he handed you your meds and your fave candy bar
You know, and for whatever reason, you still loved him
He kinda has to learn what to do and what not to do just because he feels too unsure to ask anyone
Unfortunately, it was also through trial and error that he realized how sensitive you can sometimes be when your period is knockin’ at the front door
He found out through multiple crying sessions--and yes, it was usually his fault, but he was always insanely good about making it up to you with food, cuddles, and movie marathons
He’s the boyfriend who goes to the store for tampons and pads for you, sees the giant aisle of them, and while he isn’t embarrassed to be seen buying shit for his SO, he has absolutely no idea what to get and literally grabs the first shit he sees
And of course, you send him right back with a picture of the brand you actually like and a pad in his hand just so he can get it right the second time
Cue the mental image of Noctis comparing the pad in his hand to the color of pad packaging in stores
“They’re both green so it’s gotta be right… right???”
In summary: Noctis is a dumbass and can be a bit insensitive about periods simply because he’s really not around women or anyone who gets periods, but he really does try to remedy his ignorance and any mistakes he makes
Prompto, too, has never really had much experience with girls or periods or people with periods and he just. He tries so hard--he really does
He gets you a new teddy bear every single time (at some point, you know you’re gonna have to tell him that he can’t keep buying you new bears, but it’s so cute that you don’t want him to stop)
He’s the one who gets sympathy pain
I promise, the second he catches wind that you’re on your period, he’s out the door trying to find your favorite of everything
If you send him to the store for pads, he comes back with one of everything and lots of tears in his eyes, “Babe--I didn’t know what you wanted so I just bought everything im sorry oh gods”
He’s the pitiful soul who blushes as he buys all the pads and tampons and looks like he’s gonna cry
He’s the one who pulls a cart full of sanitary products to the first register he sees and is crying as he looks in the clerk’s eyes and cries, “My SO is on their period i dont know what they like help me please”
Christ, he’s a mess but he’s your mess and you love him
He comes back with every single snack he knows you so much as look at
Cravings? He’s got your back.
Like, you mention this shit you want half heartedly and then he disappears for three hours and comes back with a weighted blanket, heating pad, and three bags of those weird chips you were craving
He’s always blushing and frantic, but he blushes the hardest when you ask him to lay with you and cuddle
Ofc he does it--he loves it, but the bold, straightforward way you ask has him blushing head to toes
He once caught himself wishing people got periods more often just so he could hold you like this more often--he accidentally said it out loud, and you only snuggled into his chest more and told him to shut up and hold you tighter
Prompto is a mess but he tries so, so hard just to make you comfortable and content
He once drove for twenty minutes to find your favorite candy bar (and he would do it again, no question)
When you cry bc emotions, he starts to tear up, too
He always says, “Babe, if you cry, I’ll start crying and then we’ll both be crying and I don't think either of us can handle that on an emotional level” and then you both cry anyways
He likes to sing to you when you guys cuddle, his voice is soft but husky in the perfect way that lulls you to sleep
If you fall asleep in his arms, he falls asleep, too
He’s the extra bf who goes above and beyond unnecessarily, merely because he doesn’t know how else to help you
Holy Behemoth Batman! One of these idiots is properly aware of periods!!!
And it’s this one. Bravo, Gladdy, bravo. Fans everywhere are cheering your name.
In all seriousness, he is aware and actually knows how to handle someone who is on their period
Iris used to get some pretty bad periods, and with their mom not around and their dad always busy, it was Gladio who had to help her out and actually explain them to her in the first place (he’s never gonna forget when Iris ran up to him one morning while crying and shouting about bloody underwear)
So, needless to say, he ain’t shy during that time of the month. In fact, he knows more tips and tricks than you do, simply because he was one hell of a big bro for Iris
Heating pads? Blankets? Snacks? Damn good brands of sanitary products? He’s got it all and you didn’t even have to ask, like holy shit
Back when you guys were just starting out your relationship, you had actually gotten your period once while at his place and when you told him you’d have to go home because you forgot your products, he was like, “Oh--hang on. You prefer pads or tampons???” and pulls out a giant basket with a lobster on it, labelled ‘Menstruation Crustacean’
He said that he liked to be prepared in case Iris was over
What an absolute legend of a bf. Like, after that, you knew you weren’t letting this fucker go.
He rubs your stomach if you’re having really bad cramps and doesn’t even have to be asked to go grab you some pain meds--it’s like he has a sixth sense or some shit
Really, really chill about periods as a whole like he’s not scared to go to the store for you and he gets the right products!!!
Sometimes, when you get so sore and crampy that you can’t move, he’ll carry you around in his arms and doesn’t complain once
Will change your bloody sheets and isn’t the slightest bit grossed out--doesn’t mind emptying the bathroom trashcan either
Similar to Prompto, he loves to hold you and hum to you. He won’t sing, but even his absent minded humming while he holds you to his chest under one arm and reads some random book lulls you to sleep with ease
Quite frankly, probably the best of the bros when it comes to periods
He’s not scared of them. He doesn’t care if it gets messy, he knows what to do, like. Shit. Fuckin’ winner over here.
Ignis, much like everyone else, does not have that much experience with periods. Didn’t really have many folks with periods around and he’s never had a SO before
So you would think he’s a hot mess--but nO! He would nEvER
He googled and he googled and he googled and he asked coworkers (always respectfully ofc) and he googled some more
He has an arsenal of tips and tricks and guides and everything--but he does lack the hands on experience
He will help you and he will buy you everything you need and more--but there will always be the hesitation of someone who doesn’t really know what they’re doing
One time, Ignis tried to rub your belly to help with cramps, but he only succeeded in tickling you and embarrassingly had to admit he doesn’t really know where his hand should be
Ugh what a cutie pie
He’s patient and sweet and he does all these small things for you without even telling you, and when you do notice, you feel like your heart is just gonna burst and vomit affection everywhere
He’s still a little embarrassed and shy when you boldly demand cuddles, but he does it nonetheless (he fucking loves it though he will never admit to it)
He’s the SO who cleans up bloody sheets and quietly gets blood stains out of your clothes while you’re vomiting from cramps, but never, ever makes a big deal out of it and does it with the caring affection of a kind man in love
Bumps his pun game to 110% to try and make you laugh
Knows which subjects and what phrases and words to avoid to prevent your emotions from blowing up
Even if they do, he never takes rude words to heart and he always comforts you lovingly, giving you a warm hug and a kiss on the cheek
He keeps an eye on you
If you shift uncomfortably, he’s there with a heating pad
If you’re meds are wearing off, he already has more in hand
Sometimes, if you want to cuddle, you only have to look at him a certain way before he’s sighing and climbing into bed next to you, reminding you that if you were anyone else he wouldn’t go this far
He just dotes on you in the quietest ways possible
Insensitive Dumbass Part 2
Yes, he knows people get periods. Does he care? No.
Not until he falls in love with you, at least.
Cramps? Can’t be that bad. Migraines? Just mere headaches. Aches and pains? Probably nothing. He dismisses each symptom right up until you come into his life
Because when you guys get together--he gets to see firsthand just how bad everything can get
Oh gods you’re crying from it all?? VOmitting??? HOW WAS HE SUPPOSED TO KNOW--
He felt like a right dick (and he should)
But he was also quick to change his tune, because the love of his life can’t suffer like this
Not while he’s around!!!
He’s quick to ask Luna what to do, and thank god at least one sibling in their family is sympathetic and not a mess and a fucking half otherwise he’d be doing things through trial and error (not that he didn’t, even with the help)
He does everything by the written list Luna had given him (she knew he wasn’t gonna remember everything), even years after you two got together (he likes to use it as a benchmark of sorts to know when he’s doing everything you need)
The first few times you had sent him to the store because you ran out of supplies, he had absolutely no idea what to get and any poor employees who tried to help him earned the most aggressive, hostile glare he could muster
He ends up calling Luna, too, because how is he supposed to call you and tell you that he doesn’t know what to get??? And have you think he’s incapable??? NO! He was gonna be the best bf and get exactly what you fucking needed or so help him--
He’s just very aggressively in love. Little bit of a dick but he changes and grows as a person into the kinda man we can all love and support and who will love and support us right back!!!
He does his best but he doesn’t want to seem incapable of being helpful
Likes to remind you when your medicine is supposed to wear out so he can show that he’s some use
Anytime he gives you a massage or rubs your back or smth, he’s always giving you nervous, uncertain glances just to make sure you’re content or that he’s helping
Always giving you nervous glances just to check that you’re okay (he really loves you, he’s just not sure how to show it)
Lots of hugs and kisses but he’s embarrassed about all the skinship when you want cuddles (don’t get him wrong, he really, really loves it; he’s just… not sure what to do with all these feelings)
He learns how to be a supportive, wonderful SO when you’re on your period and maybe one day he might actually remember your favorite brand (but don’t get your hopes up too much at that)
Back in Ardyn’s day, periods weren’t exactly talked about, so the first few times you mentioned them, he was absolutely flabbergasted that you would blatantly talk about something that was considered so private
If he hadn’t been a healer, he wouldn’t have known near as much about them as he did
But even as a healer, periods were still something considered a woman’s subject and were usually left for women healers and mothers to handle so he could rarely do much
But then--Ardyn had to get pretty fuckin’ used to periods because you were pretty much out of commission when your “aunt irma” came to visit
First couple times you got your period while with Ardyn, they weren’t so bad, but then they went right back to their normal symptoms
When Ardyn came home to see you curled up in a ball, clutching your abdomen and trying to just keep your eyes shut to block out the light, he had thought you were terribly, terribly sick
“Darling--what’s wrong? What happened--” He was genuinely concerned and worried, his brow furrowed and mouth drawn in a worried frown. He hadn’t realized that your periods were so debilitating, so to see you like this, he had thought something even worse had happened
You only managed a groan when you tried to talk, and that only made him rush over even more, trying to lift your arms to see where you were injured, “Darling, please--”
“‘M fine,” you tried to say, “It’s just--fuck,” You hissed as a particularly bad cramp came your way, “--fine, jus’, that time of the month.” You wheezed, laying your head back down on your pillow
And that was when Ardyn realized just how terrible the symptoms could be
He was a worried man. Absurdly worried actually, and sometimes it made you want to laugh if everything didn’t hurt so badly
Ardyn was the kind of man to do absolutely anything and everything for his love, so that’s what he did
You never had to leave the bed for anything unless you really wanted to
Ardyn would deliver your pain meds on the clock, always accompanied by the most ridiculously jeweled goblet he could find (he was always one to be amusingly over the top and treat you like a queen, but his dramatics always cheered you up)
He was usually by your side unless you requested some alone time, and then he would respectfully kiss your forehead, say “Of course, darling. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call--I am always at your disposal,” and close the door quietly as he left
Otherwise, he would be laying in bed with you, one arm wrapped around your shoulder and the other holding some old book or resting across his stomach as he took a nap beside you
He would give you massages wherever you ached and he would provide herbal remedies from back in his day that were pretty good at relieving aches and pains
Ardyn’s innuendos and teasings would go on the back burner during this time--unless you instigated it
If you didn’t, he might tease you here and there, but always the tiniest, most light hearted things and it was always said in the softest teasing tones
All your feelings are valid to him, hormonal or otherwise, and he will listen to every word you say as though they were your last
Yes, you were usually treated like royalty by him, but it somehow increased exponentially when that time of the month arrived
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enixamyram · 6 years
Hey, guess what, I’ve found another screen rant I want to react to! I wasn’t planning to do any more but, reading through this article, I just have SO many problems with it... So Let’s do another, agree or disagree with a Screenrant article made by someone with no bias at all. (Sarcasm for the last part by the way.) So let’s see:
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Agreed with this point. People act like, if the characters weren’t on screen then they disappeared or something. Maybe they were just living their own lives?
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... I don’t even understand this article. Apparently this is 20 things people get wrong and this point is that the timeline can make sense, but then OP goes on to say “However, the more characters were introduced and the more worlds the characters ventured into, it became clearer and clearer that time didn't work the same way everywhere... However, in a world of fairytales, expecting anything more than that is simply asking too much. What does it matter, exactly, when some of these events took place as long as we know that they were a long time ago in a universe not at all like our own?”
Like, so that means this isn’t something people get wrong - the timeline DOESN’T make sense - so what the hell is it doing in this article? You can’t claim you’ve solved it just because you shrug and go “yeah but it’s magic so what do you expect?”
I mean the text directly conflicts the title/bullet point. Luckily I can still safely say I disagree, both with the title and the text because the timeline became f*cked, and just making an embarrassed shrugging face doesn’t change that.
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I can’t even say disagree because this is just plain wrong! I don’t quite understand this writer. I can’t tell what they’re deal is, like did they just give a poor title to their article?
Season 1 - The Original Curse Season 2 - Belle and Sneezy lost their memories. Season 3 - Everyone lost a year. Season 5 - Camelot Season 6 - Emma lost her memories Season 7 - Another Curse.
Notice how I left out 4? Well this is where I’m getting confused because this is what OP had to say about Season 4: “While season four dabbled with alternate universes, memories were never wiped or reset in the way they were in every other season.”
... But their memories WERE wiped! They were essentially in a curse because their memories WERE wiped and they WERE given new identities just like the original curse. So yes, memory wipes did in fact happen every single season!
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So I can’t agree or disagree because maybe some people do call Ruby a lesbian, but most everyone I talk to calls her bi... So I’ma just skip this one.
Note: She’s bi people. This is canon. If you don’t agree then tough shit.
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Agreed, there’s plenty of other ways true love can be proven. TLK is probably just the most convenient, lol.
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Kind of agree? I mean I think most people do know and acknowledge this but I guess it can sometimes escape people without realising in passing sentences?
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This is true. It was a lame and terrible reveal that made no sense but it was revealed.
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... Like, I’m getting confused again. Because this title either doesn’t fit or the writer lives under a rock because no one get’s this wrong! Everyone - rightfully - calls out Zelena for what she did. Even Zelena fans admit what she did was messed up!
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... I do agree, I don’t think she made up for all the awful things she did and she definitely became “one of the team” way too quickly for my liking. (I’m hesitant because I suddenly have an idea what side of the fandom wrote this article and I can pretty much predict where it’s going.)
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“Nothing says good guy like being an older man who takes advantage of a young girl, impregnates her, and lets her go to jail for crimes you yourself committed.” First off, we don’t know his age. Second, he didn’t ‘impregnant’ her. She got pregnant. It takes two to tango though I doubt the writer knows this. And third, Emma went to jail for HER crimes. Sorry, dear writer, but let me just fill you in. Aiding and abetting a fellow criminal IS A CRIME! Emma did wrong and she was punished for it. I don’t necessarily agree with what Neal did but he is not responsible for where Emma ended up.
“Even further, nothing says good guy like someone who mocks the woman he allegedly loves for the years of trauma, suffering, and scars she endured as a result of your callous, selfish behavior.” ... WHEN?!
“... Neal Cassidy became more and more like the selfish, frequently malicious parents who raised him.” ... Again, WHEN?! Like seriously, selfish maybe but malicious?!
“In no world would he have been the right man for Emma or a good father to Henry because he could never accept accountability for any of his many wrongdoings.” Except, you know, Neal knew Henry all of five minutes and was already dedicated to being a great dad to him and literally was WAY better at being a father to Henry than Hook ever was to the kid. And I added the Hook part because my God, the writer of this article couldn’t be more obvious a CS shipper if they had every sentence end with swans and pirate flags.
It’s amazing how, even dead, they’re still threatened by Neal’s character.
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Maybe this was true in S6, but by S7 they had clearly retconned it, making the Wish Realm a very real place. Otherwise there’s a ton of plot holes and you’ve got to be a real idiot to say you’d rather accept plot holes than that the Wish Realm might actually be real.
(Also, just saying, another terrible title because what happened to Emma and Regina when they were in the Wish Realm very much DID happen. So again, really poor titles for this article that clearly doesn’t know what it’s point is.)
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... She VIOLATED everyone’s minds by erasing their memories and TRIED TO MURDER ZELENA!
She may have had good intentions but that doesn’t change the fact that she was a villain for a season! Dude, have you never heard the phrase “the road to hell was paved with good intentions”?! I’ll defend Emma turning Hook into a Dark One for sure, but trying to completely ignore the awful things she did?! Jesus Christ!
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Again... What? OP... Everyone already KNOWS this. This article is meant to be things people gets wrong but, honestly, I think OP’s the only idiot who gets things wrong at this point. So I’m once again torn because I agree with the statement but I don’t agree that this is something people get wrong.
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*Sigh* OP’s giving me a migraine. Not because their statement is incorrect, but because all their reasoning is!
“Regina, as we know, went back and forth to points outside of Maine many times during the preceding 28 years.” It was actually explained, by Regina herself to Hook in Season 2, that because she (and he) had no cursed memories, crossing the town line would not affect them.
“Greg and Tamara are also able to cross the town lines, with Greg even remembering the tiny town for years and years after a traumatic encounter within it during his childhood.” Again. The town line affects people who ARE CURSED! This is made very clear! Henry can also cross the town line when he went to get Emma.
The title, once again, is misleading. People are able to leave - so long as they don’t CROSS THE TOWN LINE. That’s the part CURSED people are not able to do.
I’ve given up Agreeing and Disagreeing at this point. OP’s points are making my brain hurt so let’s just move on.
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You’re right OP. It did serve a purpose. It’s purpose was to be a cash grab!
Apparently OP’s excuse is that Anna and Elsa helped Emma come into her own as a magic user? Like yeah, I’m calling bullshit. Emma had no problem using her magic until they brought Frozen in, then they made a whole storyline of Emma having problems just to justify having Elsa struggle and then help her with it.
And after they left they were barely even mentioned. So, again. NO PURPOSE. (Apart from a cash grab.)
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Okay, so actually, I do agree. Regina is still Henry’s mum but the fact is, his adoption can’t be legal because Regina would need to have lied on her application and all the usual checks usually done for people wanting to adopt couldn’t possibly have happened.
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I was going to agree on technicality but you know what? No.
Just because the couples aren’t perfect doesn’t make them toxic. (Using OP’s examples:) “Robin's relationship with Regina results in his being repeatedly assaulted and fathering a child as a result of that assault.” Wow, dude, wait to blame the girlfriend for some of the bad stuff that happened in Robin’s life. I sure feel sorry for whoever you end up with if this is how you see it. “Hook and Emma frequently lie to one another as well,” Lying does not equal a toxic relationship! Certain lies, maybe, but general lying is just what people do when they’re embarrassed or ashamed or upset. What counts is what you’re lying about and also whether or not you come clean about it.
The only one I’ll agree with is RumBelle but even then OP completely misses the reason WHY they’re a toxic relationship. Instead they generalise it into very un-toxic details.
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... Again... Like... I agree with the statement but NO ONE GETS THIS WRONG!
OP is clearly just using this article as an excuse to bash Regina. And I’m not a Regina fan, but no, dude, if you’re gonna do this then make a “20 of the worst things Regina ever did” list. Not a “20 things people get wrong” and then list a bunch of things that one in ten people gets wrong!
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And now OP’s repeating. Because I’m pretty sure this was covered in the 4th one? Like, agree. I guess. But it feels like OP was running out of things and figured Regina bashing again would be too obvious or something.
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Okay. Now this is something a lot of people won’t agree with but... I do.
I agree the show was intended to be Emma’s story and that it then got popular and other characters got popular and it branched out into something more.
... However OP is still a colossus idiot because they ended on this sentence:
“It's what made the concept of a seventh season without almost any of the Charmings such a laughable concept - and such a colossal failure, as well.” And while Season 7 may not be the masterpiece I pretend it is to piss of anti’s, it is also far from the worst. OP just hates it because their fav wasn’t centre stage and they’re bitter as hell.
Wow this was probably the stupidest article yet. OP either clearly doesn’t know what they were meant to be doing (a list of things people often forget about the show) or they just wanted to make a list where they bitched a few points and couldn’t be bothered to think of a catchy title or reason why. Either way, OP’s an idiot and most of these points are ridiculously dumb.
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dxrkblaze · 7 years
this just in: ru is gay and I love her HHDGSHHDDL THAnk u sm homie I cri,,, ❤️❤️
1) of the fic you’ve written, which are you most proud of?Hmm… probably all my colors? Like, there’s a lot I’d like to go back and change, but at the end of the day it was my baby for a good two plus years and there’s a lot of personal stuff sprinkled in there. It kinda shows my emotional progression throughout high school in the story, and while that’s def not why I wrote it, it’s cool to go back and look at it sometimes to see the things I used to say/think about. Plus it’s one of the only massive projects of mine that I’ve actually completed, lol.
Also I have a lot of love for amc just bc it’s so… different, I guess? Like, I’ve never really seen something like it fleshed out into a full-length story, especially not with silver and blaze. And the fact that it rlly touched several ppl and got them rlly into it… that makes me feel kinda accomplished when I’m not being a self-deprecating prick lmao. I rlly rlly wanted it to be my first fic to get to 100 reviews for a reason!
2) favorite tense (past/present/future)Definitely past, I tried present with the unforgiven and it just made it frustrating to write, lmao.
3) favorite POV (first/second/third/etc)I prefer writing in first person, actually. I think it simplifies things for both the writer and reader, and I’ve always found a lot more freedom to be creative when I write in first person.
4) what are some themes you love writing about?Lmao well, obviously romance is priority one for me, so most of my themes stem from that. I rlly love writing about class struggle tho, whether it’s someone low who’s aiming high or a noble who isn’t satisfied with such a high class. Morality also comes up a lot in my writing, I guess; tryna figure out what the right thing to do is, tryna figure out if this character actually did the best thing, all that good stuff!
5) what inspires you to write?Definitely music… sometimes I’ll stray from it and pick up some inspo from movies/stories/etc, but 99% of the time I’ll be listening to a song and suddenly come up w a fic idea from it lmao.
6) thoughts on critiqueI encourage it!! bc I think it’s the only real way to improve. Sometimes it can make me feel bad if I’m in one of those rlly shitty self-deprecation ruts, but still I usually get over it soon even when I’m like that. I know it’s for the better, and I appreciate everyone who’s ever been kind enough, and cared enough abt my writing to give me critique!
7) create a character on the spot…. NOW!UMMMM OKIE,,, what abt a snow leopard named Kyra… she likes to sit around n read n eat noodles… her main hobby other than reading is dancing. she’s v shy but she loves her close friends n BAM I just made her gay. She’s a lesbian, harold.
8) is there a character you love writing for the most? the least? why?Most - probably silver… his personality is always one I’ve gotten a lot of joy out of writing. He’s basically a walking contradiction, lmfao. He’s also pretty easy for me to self-project onto, idk why. Least - I’m gonna say amy for this one, just because it’s been hard for me to focus on more than one aspect of her personality and flesh all of it out. Plus amy is a somewhat overused character lol, I get a lot more fun out of writing blaze/tikal/others when I need a female role, even if it’s something simple
9) a passage from a WIPOh u kno I gotta dip into royalty au for this one 👀
It was nearly a fortnight before any word was received from King Pyrus. It came in the form of a small parcel addressed to Blaze, which held a note inside for her. The young princess jumped at the feet of the servant who had brought it in, and once it was lowered into her hands, she hurried to her chamber. Once there, she closed the door behind her and jumped on her bed, unable to contain her excitement. With a careful claw and an eager expression, she tore the parcel’s paper away. Before looking at what it contained, she snatched the note from her father, and brought it to her face. It read:
My Little Flame,
I am sorry I could not write to you sooner. I remain busy, but I finally began exploring, and I found something I think you will simply adore. It is a traditional robe (I believe it is called a kimono) from here in the Eastern Isles. It is just as beautiful as the land, and just as special as you are to I, my dear. We must make plans to bring you here one day, it astounds me each time.
Do not fret about the ongoings in the world, how ever much you have heard. Kiniti watches over us at all times, and she will ensure peace among all kinetics. Hopefully, I will depart in the coming few days, and we will see one another soon.
With love,Father Flame
Blaze, of course, merely skimmed over the second half of the note as a formality. She laid the message aside, and her jaw dropped once she held the kimono out. It was a beautiful shade of dark purple, with an equally enchanting design. Trails of dainty cherry blossoms sat on rugged branches, which climbed up either side of the robe. The silk seemed to melt between Blaze’s fingers; it was the softest material she had ever felt. She rubbed one of the sleeves against her cheek, and purred into it. When she turned the robe over, she gasped. A large, pink bow was already tied at the back, as if it had been made just for her. She slipped the kimono over her shoulders, and although the sleeves hung low over her arms, the length was just right. Blaze tied the pieces of ribbon at her waist, just as Pyrus had taught her, and words could never express how delighted she was with the gift. She could not wait to show her father once he returned.
As Blaze was fitting her tail through the bow on her back, Baxton entered the room. Whenever Pyrus was absent, it was usually Baxton who took up the king’s general duties. He signed letters, addressed the people, attended court; it kept him quite busy. The only responsibility he didn’t inherit was any control of he army - the sole post he would be familiar with. Quite the chore it was, but Baxton was always fond of his temporary sovereign role. At least in terms of the power he held, that is. In fact, Blaze assumed that he had been yelling at some servants not too long ago, judging by his flushed face.
The elder cat scratched his head. “Princess, did the king leave a letter?”
Blaze pointed to the note on her bed. Baxton scurried to it, and frowned as he glanced over the elegant handwriting. “Is this it?” he quizzed.
The princess nodded, and held her arms out with a smile. “Look, Baxi! Look at what father sent me!”
Blaze couldn’t quite tell what Baxton’s expression conveyed, but it was something between a smile and a scowl. The note crumpled in a quick motion from Baxton’s fist, and was thrown back onto the bed cover. Blaze didn’t think much of this as Baxton hurried out, and she walked to her mirror to admire the kimono again.
10) what are your strengths wrt writing?Hmm… I get a lot of ppl saying that I’m pretty eloquent when it comes to phrasing/word choices? I’m constantly tinkering with how things are said, even up until like 30 seconds before I publish smth lmao. I also like to think I never just string sentences together and leave it at that when I’m narrating, I pay a lot of attention to how different sentences/phrases flow together.
11) what are your weaknesses wrt writing?My main weakness would probably be going overboard on all the little things, like how a sentence sounds or flows and stuff like that. I end up being a perfectionist with it, and sometimes when I’m crafting/changing phrases around, I end up with a sentence that kinda drags on or tries to do too much.
12) what’s your favorite place for writing resources?Tumblr’s pretty good for me, actually. I rarely ever seek out resources, but I do reblog a lot of them that come to me here and they’ve been very useful to me in the past.
13) who are your favorite writers?Ok first off binch u@aurora-boring-alis (FF: aurora-boring-alis) Then my other peeps who also make the quality goodness™™ I can’t get enough of (some fanfic accounts more active than others)@maliwarm (FF: biteworsethanbark) @lordoftheghostking28 (FF: lordoftheghostking28) @weezernaut (FF: space mercutio)@ebachan (wattpad: witto150)
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strawberryspeachy · 4 years
K. I know alt stands for ASSITANT language teacher
But 2 things. 1) assitants fucking DO THINGS
2) the way they sell this job is like youre a teacher.
Constantly in this job i am treated like a clown.
And im gonna tag this and im probably gonna receive the same comments i get irl from rose tinted glassed ‘japanese people can do no wrong’ people
Thus far ive worked in 4 junior highs and 3 elementarys
Most of the teachers no matter where they are just seem so incompetent
Its no big deal that the teachers arent fluent in english - isnt that literally why alts are here??? So why don’t they ever take advice?!???
Im so fucking sick of being told how to speak my fucking language.
And not the ‘speak slower’ ‘speak simpler’ thats fine and ill accept criticism on my ability to communicate to people learning english as a second language. Not that.
Grammar, pronunciation, sentence structure - and what sounds natural
I hate the videos that are made for classrooms. And the fucking books
“A native speaker wrote it” - k no. Having worked here i know exactly how that went down. A japanese person wrote it, then went to either a business kiss ass ‘japan can do no wrong’ person. Or. Bullied someone into saying it was good by doing that annoying ass thing japanese people do
Where they ask the question over and over with “ok?” At the end. Cause they dont want an answer - they just wanna be told that theyre right or to do whatever they want. And they do not plan on receiving any answer besides “youre correct”
Its awkward cause ive literally been annoyed at my friend in the past for complaining about having a job where she does nothing and gets paid. Now i feel bad because i HATE going to work to sit and do nothing. But honestly - it has more to do with the fact that of all of my schools - only 1 has given me a nice place to sit.
Not a table that they store junk on and pretend to be surprised by me everytime im there like “oops sorry theres all this stuff (but like youre not a real person and we hate that youre here so just be happy we tolerate your existance and tell is your happy to have giant things all over your desk literally sticking in your face)”
Not the extra desk behind the printer that blows dust in my face as it goes off every 20 seconds
Not the desk under the aircon blowing on me/ in the corner next to the coldest window/door
Not a literal broken chair
Not a desk in the path of the class files where teachers have to constantly get to the spot directly behind me
And i was also that person thatd say ‘well if you dont like it - quit - theres plenty of people who WANT that job’
But like it fucking sucks. Cause i have experienced REALLY good teachers who actually team teach with you. I have had one school where i worked full time and got to see my students more than once a month - hence being able to actually get to know them and want them get better. I have been at a school with wonderful staff who welcome me into the school like im an actual person - not like ‘oh is today already the day we let the rat in the school to make the children smile again. Ugh.’
It fucking sucks. I linger on the hope of being able to work at a good school with good teachers full time
I cant find a better job because im a ‘beginner’ and corona
And im stuck getting treated like shit
I AM NOT a kiss ass. Never have been. It kills me to have to work with people who dont want me around
Most of the teachers i work with ARE NEVER PREPARED like wtf why??? Why dont you EVER plan ahead??? When im not prepared its because i have to wait to get instruction from you - you get to chose what you do
And they do basically nothing (not all like ive said ive worked with good teachers)
But most just
Read the book OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN. The students memorize the book passages - they have no clue about the context and if you ask them the same exact question but with a different subject like “do you have any shoes” instead of “do you have any bags” theyre lost. The teacher can get them to answer by saying the exact phrase from the book - but they dont know what theyre saying or how theyre actually answering. They just have it memorized
Then some teachers will have “conversation practice” where they take those exact sentences out if the book - put them together to form an awkward ‘conversation’ and then the students just read it.
Ooohhh look at them. Having a conversation!
Play fucking bingo.... why? They dont even make the students repeat the words for pronunciation practice - why the fuck do you play bingo everyday
Sing songs. UGHHHHH yea that could be fun if these 60 year old teachers would stop forcing shit from the 1940s on the teenage students. I cant decide if music too old for 30 year olds is worse or teachers who take japanese songs that have been translated into english is - lol you fucking hate english so much you cant find ONE english song to sing??? WHY are you teaching english?! - god forbid you let the students choose
Teachers who just give the students the day date and weather....??????????? Cool. Youve managed to ensure they cant come up with the simplest of fucking English questions on their own. Do you carry around those cards to look like you do a lot at your job when you dont? Oh yea probably
Because being in a school watching teachers is the way i learned that japan values looking busy over being productive. If you look stressed and busy all day - you are better than a person who got shit done but looked relaxed.
Why do you use the recordings when i am in the class?????????????????????????????????? THATS LITERALLY THE ONLY REASON YOU APPARENTLY HAVE ME THERE
K and like i said. I have worked with good teachers. In their classes the students are better at english (hur hur funny how that works) those teachers encourage the students to talk with me. Those teachers let the students try to come up with answers and questions on their own. Those students try and ask the teacher when they dont know how to say something to help with translation.
The shit teachers on the other hand - will jump in and stop a student who looks excited to try and trying to figure out how to say something. What does this teach them? Dont try. Just stay silent - the japanese teacher will just talk in japanese again soon - no need to try.
Jumping off that. Students who are good at english or go to juku - will dumb themselves down in classes with shitty teachers. Theyve learned its not good to know more or even nearly as much english as the teacher - pretend you dont understand. Pretends you don’t know how to say things - itll make my stupid teacher feel good. So. If i try to talk or do anything in those classes, even the students who understand will stop trying.
Speaking of just going back to japanese. WHY IS MOST OF ENGLISH CLASS IN JAPNESE???? Most of the teahers will jump at ANY chance to switch back over into japanese. English is just sprinkled into the class. Then they pretend to wonder why the students dont try and why theyre bad at english
And things ive been told in the last year
Dont ever be upset about anything ever
Lol yea just that for one
K but dont ever be upset about teachers doing ANYTHING because theyre just so GOSH DARN BUSYYYYYYYYY
Lol like intially i thought that was why ASSISTANT was in my title. I THOUGHT we were supposed to make them less busy by helping out with planning and grading and blah blah
Nope cause
‘Oh offer to help them! BUT dont be upset when they decline because theyd have to explain to you ANYTHING and.....’
So. Im a child?! I cant be trusted to do anything without proper instruction
Well yea exactly cause
“Oh! Hes probably your babysister haha! Japanese people are so nice! They usually have one teacher look out for you and help you with stuff - besides the head teacher- lol theyre kinda like your babysitter!<3”
K. So like. I need a bachelors degree for this job. Let me say again I NEEDED A COLLEGE DEGREE FOR THIS JOB. i had to move ACCROSS THE WORLD by myself. I have to ge able to fill out federal documents and find a house and pay my bills and follow foregn laws and figure out my way in a foregn country - but i need a BABYSITTER at work?!?!?!?? If im a minute late ill be docked an hours pay. If i do ANYTHING that slightly upsets ANYONE and japanese ppl are offended by EVERYTHING - i am liable for all reprucussions. But. I need a BABYSITTER.
Cant be trusted to be in a class alone (dont be offended its because your not a certified teacher) that would make sense except that YALL THROW ALTS IN WITH THE SPECIAL NEEDS STUDENTS ALL THE TIME - thats supposed to be an EXTRA certification on top of teaching. but Im too fucking stupid and untrustable to do anything with regular students alone, but because you dont like dealing with spefial needs - i can teach them alone.
You dont actually read their hw or check for correctness and most of their tests are just for fun it seems - but i cant be trusted to grade those either
You do the exact same lesson everyday and i only see each class once a month - but dont let me create any activity or lesson for them. Also dont tell me your plans until class is starting and then change it throughout the class and act surprised when idk what the fuck youre doing because you changed your mind while talking at them in japanese
Speaking of changing. I hate teachers who constantly change how they do shit. And again. Get annoyed at me when i cant follow their flow. Do i say hello first or do you? Are we even saying hello today? Am i asking how they are or are you? Are we letting them answer? Are we answering? Whose asking the day date and weather? Are we asking them for the day date and weather?? Whose saying goodbye? Are we saying goodbye? Which bingo version have you chosen today? Are they repeating the words? Yes? No? Am i saying each one twice? Do i have to spell out the fucking word today? Fast? Slow? What hell are you putting me through today
And when they ask me to take charge of an activity. But then change their mind. But then no no you go ahead please take charge. K no just kidding ill tell you and them what to do. Actually no you can keep going please be in control. K no too much english i wanna hear more japanese ill be in control - hey everyone thank the alt for doing that activity with you (me and the students look at each other visibly confused)
These teachers will ask me a question and no matter how i answer its wrong. I always answer shortly initially because... of course. But theyll tell me to GO ON!!! theyll keep doing that. So ill start answering questions with substance - then theyll cut me off - so i go back to answering shortly but NO! CONTINUE!!! im constantly caught confused exactly what they want me to say and now i barely ever tell stories to the students. I stare at the jte the whole time trying to guage by their face if i should keep talking or make it short. Its also awkward cause sometimes they jump in to translate and other times they want me to just keep talking in english with no translation. Regardless whatever way i choose is never correct and they always look at me like im an idiot
Yesterday a teacher did one of the things inhate that prompted this I WANNA WRITE ABOUT HOW MUCH I HATE THIS JOB
Hes a sub. Hes supposed to do the same lessson as the other teachers. He is NEVER prepared. And he does everything bad. So when he didnt have the stuff for the activity he said he wants the students to have conversations with me. GREAT! thats what im here for! Lets do it. So then he shows them videos he has of other students talking with an alt at another school for 5 minutes. Um.... k. Then we open the book to a page of 3 example convo starters. Except. Japanese teachers dont seem to understand that the book is meant to be EXAMPLES. he says ah like this but maybe change. Good ok! I think were on the right track. Lets read these examples and get to it. Nope. He has them have the example sentences with their partner saying its good practice.
No. Its not. Theyre just reading the book and then when they finish saying
“Do you know any good restaurants around here?”
“Yes i do! Theres a curry place over there”
“oh i love curry!”
Theyre not gonna make up more at the ......
Theyre just gonna talk in japanese about other shit.
Then he says ok lets have conversations. Finally
He has the class repeat after him together as a unit to me “do you know any good restaurants around here?”
I said ive had convos in class before may i try like before
He feigns confusion
I ask a student “what kind of food do you like?”
She says sushi
“What kind of sushi”
The students in this class were excitable and chimed in each time.
This time (as usual because they dont know the fish names in english) She begins talking with the kids around her trying to figure out what the english word is for the sushi she likes
But the teacher jumps in and shuts it all down
Because the students are just way too shy to talk in front of the class. Their english is too bad. They cant.
Its extra aggrivating because the teachers at this school range from good to decent - except him. That was a second year class. The last time i was at this school the first years had a introduction 1 on 1 test - with me. And i was to ask them a question at the end. With the other 3 teachers when i asked the question if they didnt understand. I would try saying it in another way. If they still didnt understand - i would answer my question as an example. If they still didnt understand i would give them answers like
“What tv do you like” “do you like anime?” Wait for yes or no “do you like youtube” wait for yes or no (and so on)
If they still didnt understand (very few got here) the japnese teacher would translate the question)
And. If they still didnt understand. We would give them an answer and coax them into repeating after us.
If they didnt. Then they didnt get the point for answering the question.
This teacher. Him being the 4th teacher to do this test with me. Would IMMEDIATELY translate the question if the student didnt answer quickly after me asking it once and then talk to them in japanese and tell me their answer or make one up to me with something like “oh ahah they dont know when yet. So he doesnt know. Maybe he ate breakfast before school!” And then would shoo the student away and call in the next.
^^^ and this is how most teachers are
They sit during class. They play unrelated videos. They spend half the class acting like theyre too confused about their plan to even teach the class (but if i try to do ANYTHING like talk to a student while they sit in front of the class rummaging through their folder going “うーん」 「じゃ」「じゃあー」「そして」「それから」「えーとー」 theyll instruct SOMETHING or play some recording over and over) have i mentioned how they never seem to want to talk in english or listen to students talk in english in english class?? Most of the time theyre just having aside conversations about nonsense in japanese. They read everything themselves despite me being there - in a way where they really just wannt hear themselves talk in english.
Just in general. I hate when teachers talk about me in front of me and dont tell me what the fuck theyre saying. And it’s annoying when students ask them stuff in japanese about me and then the students look at me waiting for me to respond/the teacher to translate their question- but the jte doesnt translate. Or they ask a question that im not in charge of the answer for so even though i understood the question they asked the jte i cant answer them because its not my decision and the jte doesnt wanna look like the asshole that gives them an answer they dont like so they just dont respond so that i look like the dick whose ignoring the students
They do this with regular questions too. Sometimes i hear the whole question and understand. So when the students look to me and the jte goes silent - i answer - then the jte gets all out of sorts because 1) they wanted me to look like an asshole who doesnt wanna talk to the students 2) they deemed the questions not important and didnt want it answered 3)ew! The alt knows more japanese than i thought and she knows what im doing and thats a little embarrassing also what else have i said in front of her today that she might have understand - awkward 4) oh no if students know she understands some japanese they might ask her stuff and i wont be the only means of the alt and students communicating 5) that awk silence just showed the students that i didnt plan to translate something to her and i wanted to blame her and say she doesnt wanna answer that but now i was made a liar of
These arent personal queations btw. For example a student asked why does the guy in one peice eat a lollypop in the america version instead of smoke a cigarette?
This is an incomplete liste. Just. Honestly being an ALT is draining.
I feel like im at a restaurant again just waisting my life away waiting tables.
I actually really like english so being forced to listen to people who are supposed to teach it - purposely teach it wrong and force me to use it incorrectly hurts
I hate watching people suck at their jobs....and be rewarded for sucking at their job
I hate feeling like an outsider in my workplace.
I wanna feel like a real teacher.... not a clown
I hate doing something where nothing i say, do, or feel matters.
That last one. I hate that i can be treated like shit in my workplace AND get in trouble for not thanking people FOR treating me like shit. Not just take it. Take it with a smile!!!
I try to focus on the good things... but its just so damn hard cause ther far and few between and honestly i just wanna feel like im actually an educator to my students and like i can actually be a teacher with the ones who like me and come talk to me and stuff. But its not like i have have a teacher student relationship with them - i cant be part of their school activities. I cant go to their school events. I wont be at the school with them for more than a year.
Even at good schools when the teachers like that you talk with the students - i always feel this vibe of ‘keep it superficial’ dont become an adult they would trust. Its like you can feel them watching - ready to jump in when they think the student should stop petting the stray before they get fleas
I have a lot of teachers i remember fondly. Who id talk to when i saw them even when i didnt have their class anymore. Id tell kids in grades below me that they were lucky if they got them. When i hear about things happening at the school after i leave im happy to hear they got something good. Teachers who helped me understand something better or were just nice to the obvious loser in the class or made me laugh
I wanna be one of them....
Not the police man that came into school a couple times. Or the guy with the birds. Or the nice lunch lady who let you take food when you didnt have money and pay it back the next day.
I wanna be a teacher with a name.
Or at least. Do one of the only things im actually good at
So this job is unfulfilling
0 notes
cafffeinations · 7 years
It’s amelietweek! \o/ Here’s something for the day 4 prompt College/University AU. It also features Estonia as Lithuania’s room mate, and has mentions of Canada (I think Himaruya put Estonia’s ‘human age’ as younger than America, but here he’s older, like Lithuania). Its ~2,400 words and can be read on AO3 here
Somehow Alfred not being there is just as distracting as when he is, but Eduard is oh so fortunately around to inform him why.
Seeing as Alfred isn't around, there's really no excuse why Toris isn't getting on with any work. Without the stories about his day or the new people he always seems to be meeting, explanations about whatever new thing he's into that week and just his exuberant presence in general, it's a much quieter and study-friendly Tuesday evening than Toris usually has.
 Yet whenever he tries to focus on the paragraphs before him, the blinking cursor reminding him how unfinished they are, his eyes manage to glance of their own accord back to the clock at the bottom of the screen. He's usually here by now, the thought cycle begins, I wonder what he's up to?
But as the more rational part of his mind points out, there's no real reason for him to be here; just because he usually comes by doesn't mean he has to.
That should be the end of it, but he just cant help but imagine where he is, be it eating with friends or out running or maybe even studying - unlikely, he smiles wryly to himself, remembering how Alfred had proclaimed that he's 'better off' cramming before finals or he'll just forget everything. Toris had questioned if that really was so wise, to which Alfred had stuck out his tongue, making such a silly face that he'd laughed and -
His word count still has not gone up.
With a sigh he leans back and stretches his arms and shoulders, mentally berating himself, just as Eduard comes through the door.
"Hey," he greets, sliding his backpack onto the bed on his side of the room, "that doesn't look so promising." 
"Yeah, I'm not having the most productive time," Toris replies ruefully, trying not to calculate the days and hours until the one of his many deadlines.
"Well don't worry, you'll manage. You always get it done," Eduard reassures him, and he smiles gratefully, at least until he continues, "especially as it seems our resident freshman isn't around for once to distract you."
"Oh, don't be mean," Toris resists the urge to roll his eyes, a vague idea of where Eduard is headed, "he doesn't come here that much."
"If you say so," Eduard says in a tone that clearly doesn't believe him.
"Its only on Tuesdays when he has a late class over here," Toris bites against his better judgement, referring to the computer suite they live near, "and some Wednesdays if he has time to kill before baseball practice...and maybe on Fridays because of that burger stand he likes." (It was, according to Alfred himself, the best he'd had since moving from home).
"Hmm. How convenient."
"Plus he thinks that he can get your help with his coding or whatever it is you computer guys do!"
"He wishes! That was a one time deal and he knows it." Tutting, he boots his computer up (but Toris knows that as much as Eduard grumbles about Alfred, he finds him nice enough or he wouldn't put up with him coming over at all). "No, it's not me he treks over here for."
There's an emphasis there that he can't help himself but address. "I know what you're saying, and stop it. We just get along well, that's all."
"I'm not saying anything."
"You are," he grumbles.
"Well it's not my fault he's got a major crush on you, is it? I'm just pointing out the obvious. Yes, it's obvious," he interrupts before Toris can say otherwise, "and you like him back, or you'd be busy working instead of sat there looking at the time." 
"I wasn't- I was just- reading and planning what to write!" he protests, lying, and wondering not for the first time how Eduard manages to pick up on things he'd really rather he didn't.
"Very convincing," he says dryly.
As if to make a point Toris turns back to his screen, but he's not reading anything at all.
It's not exactly something he's never thought about, but he hadn't realised that it was so obvious. Or maybe Eduard was just too perceptive for his own good - he hoped that was the case.
"I don't think Alfred swings that way anyway," he says after a while, not quite as casually as he intended, but luckily Eduard is rifling through a pile of notes, not seeing his faint blush.
"You'll never know if you don't try," he shrugs, "You should just ask him. If you can get a word in against all the nonsense he chats, anyway."
Alfred did talk a lot, yes, but Toris enjoys it so long as he can keep up with the tangents that he sometimes flies into. And it wasn't all nonsense - if you really listened, there was more to him than just loudness and energy.
This was particularly apparent when they were alone. Then, it wasn't unusual for him to talk in, well how could he put it...just a different kind of way, one that led Toris to discover this more rounded side of him. Not that he meant Alfred was a superficial person or anything - really he was pretty damn genuine to all - but just that being on the go as much as he was, and as breezily as he interacted with so many people, he didn't think many (if any) got to see the depths that he did.
And maybe this wasn't all that unique, because wasn't everyone the same? Not many share their deeper thoughts with everyone in everyday conversation now, do they?
But the fact that Alfred could sit on his bed and come out with all sorts of things to him, made him feel kind of special. He'd learnt for example that Alfred jokes to people about math being the end of him, but he doesn't like admitting he'd been close to not making it to college at all until he'd taken extra tutoring; he knows that Alfred has a twin brother who he has little in common with but still 'actually kind of misses', and wishes they were closer; he knows as well that he's got some sort of hang-up about missing out on things and that's why he likes to get involved in so much. 
If Toris is a bit like his confidant then he's fine with being there for him, and it doesn't mean Alfred likes him, just that they feel comfortable around each other. That's what he gets most from Alfred, he suspects; a lingering feeling of lightness, his fun and carefree manner a refreshing break from himself and the stresses he gets himself tangled up in.
Does that mean he wants more than just, hanging out though? The idea of going there, closing that distance between them when they're sat together, is far (far) from unappealing, but feelings get so messy, and...well, he should be focusing on the reason why he's here in the first place. To study, and the grades sure aren't going to achieve themselves.
 Its just as he's about to pull on his pyjamas, having managed a to-do list for tomorrow's study if not ticked any more off that night, that his phone buzzes, twice in quick succession.
There aren't that many people who message him, and sure enough its the culprit of his earlier distraction.
Hey im so sorry i didnt come over today!! blame my mom, she said she had important news and to skype her ASAP so i ran back and all it was is that shes selling the house!!
which is still important lol but i was freaking out so much thinking it was something bad! sorry
He can feel a smile creeping onto his face before he's even halfway through reading, so very much like Alfred it is to sound lively even in text. The fact that he's being thought about too may have contributed to that smile, but he means it when he replies,
You dont have to apologize! You can't ignore moms when they say its important haha. That sounds exciting!
He's barely set the phone down when it buzzes again, but this time its a call - for some reason, this makes him nervous, but before he can over-think he hits answer, grabs his key and slips out of the room so Eduard can't eavesdrop when he comes out the shower.
"Hey, its me, can you talk?"
"Yeah," he says and pads past other rooms along the hall to sit out on the top step of the flight of stairs. "How are you?"
"I'm good, now!" America chirps down the phone, "Can you believe it though? She could've phrased it in a much better way, she had me so worried!"
"That's true!" Though he could also imagine Alfred doing the same, impulsively sending a message before thinking it through, "Its really fine though!"
"Yeah? You didn't miss me too much?"  
Obviously Toris can't see his face, but he can picture the cheesy and slightly cocky grin all the same.
"Not much," he teases, "I have Ed for company, after all."
"Pssh, I'm much better company than he is! That guy still won't help me with my paper," he grumbles, to which Toris chuckles.
"So you're moving home then?"
"Oh yeah - well to be honest its not even a shock, before we even went to college Mom was making plans to downsize. Just means there wont be as much space to move back so no pressure for finding a job at the end, right!" He laughs loud, in somewhat contradiction to what he's just said, and Toris hopes Alfred's room mate is out or at least not trying to sleep.
"You've got a couple of years to think about that yet," he says, "there'll be room for you to stay for vacations still, right?"
"Yeah, better be. Me and Matt have already said there has to be unless she wants us fighting over who's gonna sleep on the floor!"
"You spoke to him too?"
"Mm!" he imagines Alfred is nodding, "Actually I've been on skype to him most of the night. Its been a while since we talked, you know?"
"Yeah. How is he?"
"Really good! Buried in books he says, but doing okay. He's found a group of hockey nerds so he's been getting crazy with them 'til now I'm sure."
Toris thinks he means this in an affectionate way, considering how he says that he misses the guy, but his flip-flopping in how kindly he describes his brother isn't all that new a phenomenon.
"I think college is suiting him good. I tried to ask about all the girls in those pictures with him on Facebook and he went all red and told me to mind my own business! So he must be doing well, right!" he laughs again and Toris can’t help but smile too.
"You'll have to get some of his secrets," he teases, expecting Alfred to take it in his stride. 
"Yeah, maybe," he sighs, and there's a pause; not sad, just there, and for a second Toris remembers his earlier conversation with Eduard, and whether Alfred likes...
He decides against going there now.
"It's nice you're catching up."
"Yeah. I told him he should visit sometime soon. Hopefully he won't be too mad that not many people know I have a twin, ha ha...but you two would get along well I think."
"Oh yeah?"
"Uh-huh, you're both kinda quiet. And you put up with me! Actually, Matt said that-" 
He waits for the rest, but instead he gets, "actually, nevermind. How was your day?" 
"Um, it was fine but hey I'm curious now!" Toris answered, unsure as to what it could be. 
"Nah, it's nothing. I'll tell you next time I see you. I have to go to a group project before practice tomorrow but hopefully soon?"
"Yeah, sure," Toris replies, "I don't go far!" (which except from the library, was sadly true).
"Cool. Ok, well, goodnight!"
"Night Alfred," he says, and waits for him to hang up. After a few seconds he does, but something about the abrupt end and change of track is nagging at him. It's uncharacteristic of Alfred to be hesitant, but of course he's fully entitled to his privacy. He'll just have to wait and see if he does elaborate later.
He's about to get up when his phone vibrates again, making him jump.
"Ok so I'm sorry if this weird but basically he said I talked about you so much he couldn't wait to meet you and he was glad that I'd found someone, and I was like what are you talking about and he was like - okay you don't need all of that, and um, do you know what I'm getting at here?"
He talks so fast it takes Toris' mind takes a while to catch up with his ears, and a few moments on top of that to fully process just what he's said.
"I, think I might," he says slowly, butterflies in his stomach.
"Do I? Come across like, I you know... like you."
He wonders what the best answer would be, and truth be told doesn't really know.
"I think only you can answer that," he says softly, and wishes he was there with Alfred now, to reassure the likely puzzled frown furrowed on his face. "For the record though, its not weird."
"It's not?"
"No, it's - it's fine. It's more than fine, actually," and he waits with bated breath for a response.
"Cool," Alfred says, which may not sound like much but he knows, he can just tell, that means he’s happy.
"Listen-," he starts at the same time as Alfred says "So-"; they laugh, nervously but happily, and he lets Alfred continue.
"I've got some stuff to figure out, about this," he says, "but I think you can help. Are you free on Friday?"
"Do you wanna go for a drink? Like, a proper drink. A date drink."
"That would be great," he says, beaming, and he really means it.
The next morning as he's about to head to the library, Eduard says, "I  don't want to say I told you so, but, I told you so."
"What do you mean?" Toris says as innocently as possible, feigning ignorance.
"Funnily enough, given your denial, something's happened between you and him."
Toris exhales into an exasperated laugh. "I haven't even said anything! How can you possibly know?!"
"You've practically been smiling ever since you woke up."
And throughout the day, whenever he thinks about Friday, it's hard to stop.
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[HM] A random (hopefully funny/entertaining) tale about a young man, a Chevy Spark, a few life lessons, and a car accident.
So this was about a year and a half ago. I was 21 and desperate to get CHEAP/new car. First of all let me start off by saying I was young and dumb (still young and dumb). I tend to make irrational and quick decisions when i’m excited about something. For personal reasons that I don’t wanna get into I was not able to receive a license until I was 21. So when I finally got my license I needed, let me re-phrase that...had the biggest urge/desire to buy a car like the day before my license came in the mail. Also getting a car would allow me to start a new career.
Now for financial, and impatient reasons I was going to finance the car. Now when I say finance I really mean have the LOWEST monthly payment possible. My job requires me to drive 100-200+ miles a day mostly highways so leasing was out of the question. I also did not, and still do not want to buy used. Which is a whole separate argument for a whole different day. Anyway I was literally looking for the cheapest 2018 model car ever created.
It’s a week before fourth of July and the cheapest car I could find was a 2018 Chevy Spark for around 13k. I figured what the hell I’ve waited 21 long years on my skateboard I can wait another week to try and get the “fourth of July deals” to increase my wheel size from 59mm to 200mm.
Boom after checking “cars.com” everyday, on July 7th 2018 I pull up with my dad to a chevy dealership 90 miles away from home. Me, feeling like a Russian mobster (I’m Russian haha) on the outside, and as excited as a young school girl on the inside walk inside with my dad. I pull out my phone and show the sales guy the ad I saw. 2018 Chevy Spark for $10,001 in a lightish blue.
Keep in mind I did NO research. I read NO reviews. My mind was set on this Chevy Spark. You could tell me 9/10 Chevy Sparks are reported to have a mind of their own and drive off of cliffs at 50k miles and I would still buy it without a second thought.
Now I’m sure all of you can relate to a certain degree. You know the feeling of being so damn excited for something. The feeling of wanting something so damn bad that you would do irrational things to get it. In that moment you don’t want to hear anything negative about your decision. You just want IT. At the time it was the only thing I could afford so in my mind it was either the Chevy Spark or never drive a car again in my whole life.
Back to the dealership, the sales guy asked if I wanted to test drive it, and for that 90 second circle in the parking lot (I didn’t even take my time I just wanted to get back and sign the paperwork) I fell in love what felt like for the first time. I didn’t even fall in love with the car I fell in love with the feeling of driving hopefully my neat future car.
This is a Chevy Spark LS. I’m talkin manual windows, no power locking, no center console, cheap speakers, feel ever pebble on the road, get blown off the highway when a gust of wind or even ANY car passes by. I’m talkin a car that teaches you what claustrophobia is. A car that feels like you’re sitting inside one of those electric cars for toddlers. You get the point this was a bare skeleton with a piece of plastic around it. But I loved it.
I had pretty good credit at the time so I was able to finance my first big purchase. 7.9 APR at 178 a month. At the time thats literally all I could afford. Ya know with insurance being so stupidly expensive if you’re young. So after a long day of paperwork and the sales guy telling us he literally can’t even drop a penny off the price I drove my baby home.
Fast forward to January 1st 2020 around 5pm: “DAD I NEED YOU TO COME TO ME I JUST SLAMMED INTO A PARKED CAR GOING 60”
Okay okay I know you’re excited to hear what happens next but let me back up a little.
For my job I spend A LOT of time on the road and in my car. 200+ miles/6+ hours a day is not uncommon. I’m about 5’7 and 150 pounds so I’m not the biggest guy. I’m a nice guy, but the Chevy Spark taught me what it feels like to be uncomfortable. It taught me what anxiety is. It taught me that you can have road rage at yourself.
A little insight on my job; Im an in home sales man for home improvment. The owner of the company I work for (he took a liking to me because he is also Russian) knew I was planning on getting a car. He told me when I get a car he will train me in becoming a sales rep. Promoting me from my position as a telemarketer. So knowing this made me that much more in a rush to buy a car. We drive to appointments everyday, and sometimes just sit in the car to wait/chill in between appointments. So basically 2/3 of the work day is spent in the car, and the work days can sometimes be 9am to 11pm.
Me being naive and irrational did NOT think about these things when purchasing a car. I did NOT realize how important comfort is when sitting in the car all day. Sure the first 6 months I was so excited about having a car that I did not think about these things, but things quickly changed.
I started to get really angry and started to despise working. I would wake up KNOWING I’m about to be very uncomfortable and annoyed inside of my car.
Every detail about the car is horrible. My left elbow rested on what felt like rough old cement, and the rigid surface would leave marks on my arm. My right arm would always be itchy from the cheap cloth armrest. My left leg literally had no where to go. THE WORST PART ABOUT THE CAR THOUGH, my left knee would literally almost ALWAYS be touching the manual window roller handle. Half the time the handle was either directly on top of my knee or directly in front of my knee. I had nightmares about crashing the car only because I knew when I did that handle would be the end of my knee.
There was no storage compartments in the car. I had no where to put my phone, my change, my wallet, anything else comfortably. Because it’s a tiny hatchback my back seats would ALWAYS have to be pushed forward to fit all of my work stuff (giant bags). MEANING I could not push/lean my seat back enough. It was the equivalence to those people in the asian countries that live in the tiny apartments that look lime walk in closets.
Now I’m a music guy so listening to music is a must. Not even a year and my speakers started to blow... The speakers sounded like an old nokia phone in the first place. Or a better description would be when your earphones break so you have to pull out the old trusty $9 backup earphones from ross. Constantly I would think about installing better speakers but just never got around to me
There are 2 lessons to be learned from this pointless post, but one of them is how important comfort is when picking a car to own. I will now NEVER sacrifice comfort in the future. Not just in a car, but in anything.
Okay now....January 1st 2020 at about 4:30pm on a very main road. My new years resolution was to stop smoking cigarettes so this was day one!
So around that time of year it can get slow for my job. So as a side hustle I started doing Uber Eats. Let me take a quick second to say CHEVY SPARK DOES NOT QUALIFY FOR RIDE SHARING BECAUSE IT DOES NOT HAVE 5 SEATBELTS. I was EXTREMELY mad when I found that out AFTER I bought the car.
Since the car is so uncomfortably small it took many many attempts to find a phone mount/holder that was just okay. I finally found one that required my phone to be right in the middle. Keep in my mind this is my first day using it. Also keep in mind I am Russian and it was just new years. RIP to my liver the night before.
Here I am driving 60 on a very main road. My phone is right in the middle and I’m looking at it trying to figure out where I’m supposed to deliver this burger to. Uber eats; pick up food from restaurant and deliver to customer As I’m looking at my phone in the middle, while singing along to my music, most likely thinking about life, 100% hoping my headache would go away, wondering what my girlfriend is doing, admiring how warm my new north face jacket that I just bought is. Basically doing everything but paying attention to the road (And I’m sorry my grammar is getting worse as this post is going its 3am and I stopped caring as much LOL). I’ve been driving for a year and a half now I’m so confident in my self I can drive with my eyes closed using my feet.
Anyway, BAM I look up and my car is basically inside of an Audi SUV. “FUCK!!!!!!” “Fuck fuck fuck fuck” close my eyes cause its a dream open them cause I’m waking up after a nightmare “FUCK”
This is my first accident. I was going 60mph, at this point I’m completely speechless and very shocked. Every one always told me that car was a death wish but after about 5 seconds of stating in front of me I immediately climb over the airbags and exit the smoking, pulverized hunk of plastic.
I slammed into a parked car on the right side of the road. Really horrible too, thank you seatbelt. I don’t even know what to do in this situation so I’m dumbfounded. Witnesses are asking if I’m okay I was so all I could say was “yeah I’m okay”
I called my dad, and after what seemed like a minute he shows up. The owners of the parked car came out of the restaurant all normal accident stuff. I had a sprained finger, bruises yada yada.
Now my insurance wanted nothing to do with is since I was doing uber. I filed a claim through uber’s insurance and they said I’ll be covered. Awesome, score, BUT I didn’t know what gap insurance was at the time. I failed to do my research which I always end up having to learn a lesson cause of sometimes heedless decisions.
I had 8 thousand left to pay off my car loan and 40k miles on the car. I for sure thought it was over. I was done, game over. Every one told me the insurance would pay me 5 MAYBE 6 thousand for the car leaving my to pay off the rest.
Now I’m not religious but by some kind of mystical higher power I was blessed. I pretty much hit the jackpot. My payout was $11,200...
I purchased the car for $10,001...
I got my loan payed off AND received about 2k.
Now if that doesn’t scream second chance I don’t know what does.
To wrap up this long long meaningless story I just want to say a few things.
If you read up to this point I applaud you. It wasn’t a hell of a ride to read this story. It wasn’t the script to the next big summer blockbuster. It was more like, a carnival ride for children ages 3-6.
But there are some important lessons and morals to be taken from this. 1. Fuck the Chevy Spark 2. Comfort in a vehicle is very important 3 Do your research and please get a car that you will love even 2 years down the line. Get something you like. If you cant afford it wait until you can if you can be patient 4 GAP INSURANCE 5 Don’t make hasty decisions like me
After lots of research I am getting ready to finance a 2020 Toyota Corolla SE next week, and I’m very excited!
We live and learn. We make mistakes and we learn from them. I know when it comes to stubborn minds like myself we won’t listen/pay attention to advise that much until we have to pay the consequences. I try to listen more and look things into a different perspective as I get older because the older you get past 18 the more bad decisions screw you over. The consequences weren’t as bad as a teenager but now wrong avoidable decisions can really change your life for the worse. Adulting isn’t easy but thats just the game we call life. Goodnight ya’ll I have to be up in about 4 hours to drive my rental 100 miles to go sell some windows.
Ps: Still haven’t smoked a cigarette
submitted by /u/socialdisease818 [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/31DTzYW
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survivorelara · 6 years
Tribal Council #5: Auva
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Let’s get to the questions.
Big Z, you had a tough time with the editing for this challenge. Do you think because of this you could be in trouble going into this tribal? 
Absolutely, I feel I might be in trouble. I'll be the first to admit that I may be the direct reason why our tribe lost, whether I intended to or not. I would've never signed up to edit anything had I known my laptop couldn't handle it, and I'm totally aware that people could just say "oh, Big Z caused this so he's an easy vote". I'm hoping that me putting 3-4 hours into trying to get everything operating was enough to prove to this tribe that I'm dedicated to our success as a unit. I'm hoping to be as integral of a part in our upcoming victories as I possibly can be.
Drew T, this swap is 3 OG Auva and 3 OG Revati… are tribe lines going to stay strong at this tribal? What should we expect?
From my OWN personal beliefs tribal lines disappear when you swap. We are all now Auva 2.0. That being said, I do see that people are possibly gonna stick to those that they are familiar with because it is just basic nature. Some of us played this game for the first 11 days together and it would not be shocking if that were to happen tonight!
Toby, you’re the lone Zosma on this tribe, does that make you feel confident or afraid? 
Of course it makes me afraid. Everyone else has two connections they've had since the start of the game, I have none. It's just another obstacle that I'll try to overcome though
Drew H, first of all you are an AMAZING SINGER! (you know I had to bring that up lol) one of the judges said you “carried” your tribe, do you feel pretty safe after reading that? 
Oh my god?? I didn't read the full comments but I might have to now fkjdhgsld, thank you to the person who said that!! ❤ So FIRST OFF, the ONLY voice worth mentioning in this chat is queen Anna Jane, who just today pushed Laura Dreyfuss off the stage and DESTROYED Requiem, honestly anyone not Facebook friends with her needs to get on that. Second, while that does make me feel really good, it's super unlikely that having a decent singing voice is gonna be a requirement for future challenges, tribal or individual, so I don't know that it'll have a huge impact on me staying or leaving this round. It's just fun to participate in these challenges 😜
Loris, the editing was ripped apart for this video by all 3 judges. How are you feeling going into this tribal council?
I mean... if we go to like 3pm est yesterday.... I did not know I’d be editing that video at all later. And I mean the phrase ripped apart ... dragged me. I don’t really think it influences the result of tribal because no one else was down to do the editing so it was literally the best we could get at the time. I’m annoyed about how it was bad... but I was editing at 11pm with no volume on mobile!!!
Roxy, there are possibly 3 idols floating around from the OG tribes, how does that make you feel?
Well worry of idols is there and ive been on the wrong end of idols before so im hoping none come out at least until merge but I guess well see what rhis game throws at us 
John Coffey, it's your first tribal council!! Along with loris and Big Z, you haven't gone to any pre-swap tribals. Does that make you worried since you finally have to go?
i'm definitely worried that I finally have to go restrain to avoid it as often as possible but yay tribal i guess
Now, the votes.
But before we read them, Drew T stands up.
“It may be a fucking waste, and I pray that it is, but I want to be here for Days 14 and 15. And this is the only guarantee that I will make it to that point. I hope that the person I voted for goes home and if yall played me... well fucking great job- but I just played yall by being 2 steps ahead.”
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This IS a hidden immunity idol from the Auva beach! Any votes cast for Drew T will not count.
First vote:
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Second vote:
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I’d have preferred a mercy kill to this protracted, messy affair.
John Coffey.
Third vote:
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you're a great guy but just thinking down the road.
Fourth vote:
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Fifth vote:
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I wanted to work with you but you are impossible to work with. If I leave kudos if not then this was ur doing. You werent the target until you tried to pit ppl against each other and ro top that off you ar impossible to talk tribal with. How can one work with someobe who doesn't give anything to work with? I dont have that kinda patience im sorry
Sixth vote:
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Honestly if you live through this again, I'll be shaken as fuck and so impressed and totally understanding of how mad you are probably at me. I'm sad this is happening and even more sad if you're right about a driving reason, but that doesn't mean I feel secure enough to take the leap. I'm sorry luv
Seventh vote and the 5th person voted out of Celestial: Elara.....
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Toby, the tribe has spoken.
Auva, interesting choice to vote out the one Zosma.. we will see if this helps or hurts you as a tribe. Grab your stuff and head back to camp.
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