#sorry for taking so so long ive been terrible busy
lilpuffyart · 1 month
Ihnmaims roommates AU comic out next week fr and then I can share my AU brainrot ‼️❗‼️❗‼️❗‼️❗
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bedoballoons · 1 year
hi! i saw requests were open, may i requests albedo, itto and tighnari's significant other coming home after a long time away? maybe some angst to fluff? thank you!
Ive actually wanted to write something like this for so long!! I hope you like it <3 Also so sorry if it's been a long time since you've requested this!!
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿─
{༻~Coming home after awhile~༺}
CW: Slight angst because of missing the reader but fluffy in the end!!
(Includes: Albedo, Itto, and Tighnari!)
Albedo stared aimlessly at the wall, a habit he had picked up after you'd left and it wasn't because he was bored or didn't have anything to do, on the contrary, he could busy himself with experiments and alchemy very easily, but without you around...life just seemed dull at certain moments...just like this one. He missed you terribly and you being gone longer than usual was really messing with him, to the point he was starting to worry you might never come back...
"Albeeedooo...immm baaack"
His eyes widened at the sound of your voice, his heart skipping a beat as he turned around, how you'd managed to get through the door without him knowing a mystery that he currently didn't care about, because seeing you after so long filled him with the warmth he'd been missing. "I'm so happy you're back...I missed you so much my love." He grasped your hand gently, lifting it slightly to place a kiss on top, his bright blue eyes looking up at you with pure joy. "I missed you too..." You smiled sweetly at him, his fingers holding you chin as he placed his next kiss on your soft lips...a feeling he simply couldn't live without.
Itto crossed his arms, sighing dramatically as his onikabuto lost yet another battle, their normal strength seemingly weak compared to all recent opponents...or perhaps it was him who was off, after all, he didn't have you by his side. Yes he had told you to follow your heart and travel as much as you could and he really did want that for you..., but you were his cheerleader, the love of his life...being without you for so long...he just wasn't the same.
"Ahh come on how about 2 outta 3?" He attempted, doing his best to regain his happy go lucky demeanor as he spoke to the little boy in front of him...who was holding his candy he'd just won for dear life. Just the sight was enough to make you feel right at home...gosh you'd missed him, "Itto...I think he won fair and square. How about you let him take the prize and I'll give you a kiss for participation."
The Oni instantly perked up, his eyes sparkling as soon as they caught sight of you, "I don't know what a participation is but I'll definitely take that kiss over some candy!" He wrapped his big arms around you, lifting you up as he hugged you and making you laugh happily, nothing could put a smile on your face as fast as he could. You connected your lips to his in a loving kiss, pulling away just long enough to kiss his cheek.
Tighnari bit his lip, trying his best to focus on his papers even though his tail was swaying furiously back and forth, the though of you returning any second after being gone so long, pestering him to the point he couldn't think of anything else but that beautiful smile he wanted to see so badly...or your perfect voice that his ears kept twitching in attempt to hear. He truthfully didn't think he'd be able to handle even one more day without you with him...
He stood up, leaving his desk behind so he could pace the room for a few moments...then make his way to the front door, his large ears pressed up against it...listening for your footsteps. Just as he was about to give up hope he heard the tip tap of your shoes against the ground, the sound enough to make him throw open the door. His body moving without thinking as he pulled you into him, capturing you in a tight hug before you could even walk into the house.
"Tighnari you're crushing mee" You joked hugging him back as a light blush coated your cheeks, you couldn't believe how quickly he had made your day better, any sad feeling expelled as soon as you saw him. "Sorry but the crushing hug is non-negotiable, after being gone so long this is your punishment." He chuckled, placing soft little kisses all over your face, his last one being a loving kiss on the lips that neither of you could get enough of...
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚Enjoy*⁠.⁠✧
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coveredinredpaint · 2 months
Hi! I hope it's okay that I'm sending you an ask.
I was looking at some of your posts about diy clothing and things like that, and I've been really into diy/alt clothing for a while, and I've been wanting to maybe make my own, but I don't know where to start.
I want to start small since I'm actually terrible at art (every time I try to learn how to sew, it just ends in me giving up in frustration, for example).
Do you have any advice you could give me?
hey anon!
asks are always welcome, i love answering asks so dont hestitate to reach out. sorry for the wait on this, ive been busy.
i made a post about this months back but cant find it atm so ill just make one again.
if sewing, as you say, is difficult for you, id advise starting with something that doesnt require sewing to train yourself in crafting.
an easy one is for example making armwarmers from old socks by cutting them off above the heel, and using the top part (that goes on your ankles and legs). cut a slit in that on the side for your thumb, and youre done. you can bleach nice patterns or anything on them. which will also teach you how to work with bleach.
some other things you can make/do without sewing are: chokers and cuffs from old belts, bottlecap buttons (i have made a tutorial on those, ill put the link in the comments), fishnet/see-through top from old thights, painting/bleaching clothes, making jewellry from safety pins, chains from soda tabs, and a lot more.
in the long run learning how to sew really is a good and useful skill, and i advise investing time in learning it. it allows you to make way more clothes and accessoires, and also helps when you need to fix up old clothes.
remember it takes time to learn these skills! ive been crafting constantly for about three years to get to the level i am at rn. and i still have a lot to learn too. dont be harsh on yourself when your projects dont turn out how you wanted/expected them to. thats all part of the learning process. look at where you can improve and try different techniques to see what works for you.
also! you are not terrible at art. the "aesthetic-ization" of diy and art as a whole is really bad imo cause a lot of people feel pressured that their diys need to look perfectly aesthetic or else they cant wear/make them. and thats not what diy is about! make whatever you want, and if someone tells you its ugly or not good enough they should get a hobby.
ehh i think thats it for now? let me know if you got any more questions. (again ill drop a link to the bottlecap tutorial in the comments)
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doctorvictoria10 · 5 months
A stressful admission: Part 2
Tags - ED admission, nervous patient, slight cardio, slight ageplay, medical trauma, comfort.
It felt like her heart jumped out of her chest. A flash of different emotions quickly cycled through her, firstly fear, then shock, and then embarrassment.
“Um, yeah, come in.” She spoke timidly, unsure of who was on the other side of the door. There were several doctors she worked with who she definitely didn’t want it and to be, only maybe one or two that she would actually feel comfortable with. Maybe this was all a terrible idea and she should’ve stuck with the rushed ED doctor. A tall, broad figure poked his head around the curtain and she was so surprised - it wasn’t who she was expecting at all.
“Chloe!” The familiar voice called out gently. “I’m sorry you’ve been waiting so long. I only just got the call to ask if I could come and assess you. All of the OB doctors were busy - a few are off sick so they’re covering each others clinics too! I know we don’t know each other that well but we cross paths every now and then don’t we!” He spoke cheerily.
It took Chloe a while to take it all in. Doctor Jack Canning, a pediatrician, stood before her. She’d been at emergencies where he was there before, he liased closely with her department as there was often an overlap between their professions. He was always smiling, calm and composed, but she’d never really had a proper chat with him before, or gotten to know him.
“Oh, hi. Um, thanks for coming!” She spoke timidly.
He took in her anxious energy and worried expression, she didn’t look her normal self at all. “Are you okay?” He asked seeming genuinely concerned.
She let out a light laugh “Yeah, apart from a case of extreme embarrassment at this whole situation, I’m fine. I just, I collapsed and got brought in. And then I woke up and two people were planning to poke me with needles, and I really hate being a patient, it all got too much and I guess I freaked out.” She admitted shyly, trying to explain why he’d been called out of his day looking after babies to deal with his 26 year old, definitely not a baby, coworker in ED.
He nodded slowly. “May I sit?” He gestured to the bed. Chloe nodded her consent. “Chloe, you don’t need to be embarrassed. I read your notes, I saw you told the doctor before that you had medical trauma from when you were a child. Your reaction to waking up and hearing plans of IV’s and finger pricks and all sorts is completely understandable. It’s scary for someone who hasn’t had the experiences you’ve had, let alone someone who’s also worked in the medical field and knows that not all professionals are kind and patient like we are.” He spoke seriously, and it made her feel validated in the strangest way. She nodded slowly, agreeing with everything he was saying, and she let her fake smile she’d forced herself to wear to downplay the situation slide away. And left was a scared little girl who was terrified of being put in the same situation as she was in seventeen years ago when she was rushed to emergency surgery in agony and fear.
Jack let her sit with that for a moment. Then he continued in a serious but gentle voice. “I agree with the plan the ED doctor has made, the tests and treatments he wants done. But that doesn’t mean you have to accept them, you have a choice, if you let me look after you or not. If you let me look after you, we can take it slow, do it at your pace. We can see how we can maybe make things easier for you. If you won’t let me look after you, I can get you a self discharge against medical advice form and you can sign that and leave whenever you want. It’s up to you, but I’d strongly advise the former option, and I think you know it’s for the best.” He spoke, so gently it was almost soothing. His words resonated with her and seemed to calm her right down. This was her choice, she was an adult now, not a little girl, she could leave whenever she wanted. Jack saw all these thoughts running through her head, her eyes focused.
“I can see you're getting lost in your own head there. Come back to me.” He said quietly. Her eyes met his and she was snapped out of her chaotic thoughts about the situation.
“Isn’t this weird for you? I’m sorry I’ve pulled you away from your work, you must think I’m really weird and silly. You work with babies and kids, and I’m just an adult who’s stressing out about something that I really should be able to deal with.”
Chloe blurted out, blushing in frustration at herself and her inability to keep her anxiety under control.
He pondered what she’d said, and then began slowly. “Looking after babies, they need constant attention and kindness. Precision and accuracy is imperative. I care for them, make them better and I nurture them. And I’d love to do the same for you if you’d let me.” He held her gaze.
Chloe looked at him shyly, she felt herself retreating inwards again, feeling cared for wasn’t a feeling she was used to, her cheeks felt like they were on fire. She felt so embarrassed at the situation she was in. He sensed her embarrassment and hesitation, so he continued.
“Don’t you think this is a little too unlikely? You’re here, sick. You have medical trauma from an emergency surgery when you were critically unwell as a child, and now you’re sitting here with another pediatrician who wants to help you not only in the present, but maybe I can help you heal that inner child, that scared little girl at the same time too.” He smiled gently.
She thought for a moment, this wasn’t a likely situation, and he did seem to genuinely care. The knowledge that she could leave at any time felt safe and reassuring. Slowly she nodded. “Okay. Yeah, if you think it’ll be okay.”
“I think it’s a great idea, and I’m really glad I can look after you and hopefully get you feeling better. Just keep communicating with me okay? I’m not going to do anything without your consent, so you let me know if you’re not feeling comfy and we can reassess together.” He promised.
Chloe nodded at him, and he nodded back.
“Okay then. Let’s get started!” He lightly clapped his hands together. “Can you undress and put this gown on for me?” He held up a pale blue hospital gown. Jack sensed her apprehension, “I’ll need to run some cardiac tests, and palpate your abdomen, this’ll make it easier for us both!” He explained.
Chloe slowly and groggily reached for the gown. She felt so weak still. She dropped it beside her on the bed and started trying to shimmy out of her dress.
“Would you like me to help you?” Jack asked her, seeing her struggle with the fabric in her feeble state.
He was going to see her top half bare anyway, if it was now or in five minutes, did it really matter? Chloe internally questioned herself. “Yes please.” She spoke quietly, lifting her arms up for Jack to assist lifting the dress over her head. He quickly had her in the gown and she was laying back against the pillows soon enough.
“You feel cold Chloe, can I get you a blanket?”
“That would be great, it’s freezing in here!” She rubbed her arms. With a gentle smile and nod, Jack was heading out of the room. He returned quickly with two beige blankets in his arms.
“These are from the warmer!” He draped one around her shoulders and one over her body. The warmth felt so comforting and she felt herself relax into the bed. “Now Chloe, where would you like to start?” He asked carefully. When she didn’t reply and just stared at him with wide eyes he offered, “If you’re happy for me to take the lead, I’d like to get an IV in so we can take bloods and get the results processing whilst we do the rest of the exam. I can also be giving you some fluids and if you like, a relaxant for your nerves?”
Chloe nodded slightly, eyes still wide. He watched her, concerned but also interested.
“Chloe, I can see you’re retreating into yourself, and that’s completely okay, but I’m going to need a verbal confirmation before I do this. I’m going to put in an IV, take bloods, start fluids and give you a relaxant medication. Once you’re relaxed, I’m going to check your blood sugar, assess your heart and feel your tummy. I’m going to look after you throughout, I’m not going to cause you any unnecessary discomfort or upset, I’m going to be as gentle with you as I can. Can you say ‘Yes, that’s okay’?” He looked at her for a long moment.
“Yes, that’s okay” Chloe spoke quietly, in a voice that wasn’t quite her own. It sounded childlike, vulnerable. Her little space caught her off guard. It was usually controllable, she could choose when to drop and when not to, but this situation and Jack were pulling it out of her.
Jack gave her a knowing look and smiled softly. “Okay then, let’s begin.” 🖤
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Undisclosed Desires - Part 11
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Joe Goldberg x female!Reader
Summary: Twenty minutes before he would have met Guinevere Beck, Joe meets you instead. You intruige him, but it will soon become clear that there is something off about you.
Words: 951
Guysssss I'm sorry if this sucks. I spent all day at the office wishing I could write and then I got home and people just would NOT leave me alone and I had to keep taking breaks 😭😭. Also I kind of didn't know how I wanted this chapter to go at all but now that I'm past it I'll probably have less trouble.
I'm not mad, (Y/n).
It's been three days and you're still avoiding me, but I'm so not mad that I give Ethan a raise and that I buy Paco dinner twice and that I smile at everyone who walks into Mooney’s. That's how you know I love you: I understand that you need time and space to figure out how you feel. And I can wait. And I don't take it out on others. Love is patient, after all.
And this is love. I know it is. You said I am great, and cute, and ugh, and that means something. But you said it yourself: you are ruining this by avoiding me. And when I text you, you're short with me. Why are you doing this to us? Are you the kind of girl who sabotages good things?
Then you finally text me properly. It's a long string of texts, and I want to ignore you because I'm not mad, but I'm a little disappointed in you, honestly, and I think that's fair. But the more I read, the more I smile, and I know I will not ignore you.
YOU: ok im so sorry i know iv been super distant and rude and that is totally on me and id love to tell u iv just been busy or whatever but the truth is actually that i've kind of been avoiding you?? i know i know im a mega bitch. plz forgive me 🙏🏻
YOU: but heres the thing iv never??? done this before??? like gone on dates and gotten drunk and spilled my guts to a guy and liked a guy
YOU: like this is so embarrassing bc i might just be making a super big deal out of nothing
YOU: iv had like six coffees today im sorry im not making sense
YOU: iv never had a boyfriend before and i dont have any other friends here and also im kind of like. super insecure??? so
YOU: you can interrupt me any minute now
YOU: pls
ME: Just give me a moment.
Ethan isn't here to watch the register but honestly, (Y/n)? I don't care. There's only two people in the store and they've both been browsing forever. They're just going to end up buying books they will never read, so I go into the office and close the door behind me. And then I call you.
You answer right away.
“Hey, you,” you say, embarrassed.
“You should have too much coffee more often,” I tell you.
“Uh, no, never again. I have a horrible headache.”
“I'm sorry.”
“It's okay,” you assure me. I hear something slam in the background. “Oops.”
“What are you doing?”
“Just rearranging my furniture.”
“Okay. Why?”
“I'm having a… day,” you say. “Sometimes I just have these moments where I have to change something about my life right this second, you know?”
“So you rearrange your furniture and you text guys illiterate love confessions.”
“Illiterate!” you exclaim. “I will have you know I am a copywriter, and I'm very good at my job.”
“Uh huh.”
“My failure to capitalize my texts is entirely on purpose.”
“And so is the lack of commas.”
I keep quiet, and you realize that I called what you sent me a love confession. You don't correct me because you do love me. You do.
“So,” you say. “Thoughts?”
“I like you. I think that's pretty clear. I went to a music festival with you, and the music was terrible.”
You laugh.
“But I don't want to push you into anything. Have you really never had a boyfriend?”
“Well, there was this boy at summer camp when I was twelve. We held hands on the swings and he shared his Nintendo with me. But I don't think that counts.” I've never wanted to kill a twelve-year-old boy before. “Then there was a girl when I was fifteen. I liked her but it turned out she was just, like, experimenting. So was I, really. We lasted two weeks.”
A girl, huh? This isn't something I expected. But I don't react, because I know you want me to react, and you also don't always like to get what you want right away.
“But no,” you conclude. “I've never actually dated anyone before. That doesn't mean you're pushing me.”
You are so brave, (Y/n). You've never been in love with anyone before but here you are, taking charge.
On your end of the phonecall, something else slams. Then something shatters. You curse and someone knocks on the office window, and I hold up my finger at him to indicate one minute.
“Hey,” I say. “Do you want me to come over and help? After work, I mean.”
“No. I mean, yes to coming over, but no to helping. I'll just get annoyed because you're not doing it exactly how I want it to be done.”
“I'll just bring food, then.”
Another kock at the window. I'm going to kill this guy.
“Great! I'm craving pizza,” you say.
“Pizza it is. Toppings?”
“Pepperoni. And jalapenos.”
“You got it.”
“See you tonight, Joe,” you say, but what you really mean is I love you.
We hang up and I go help the man. I am so nice to him, because you have invited me to your apartment. You want me there. You want me to sit on your bed and feed you and watch you move your books around because you love me, and you told me you've never had a boyfriend before which means you think I am your boyfriend now.
Closing time can't come soon enough.
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isfjmel-phleg · 2 months
Yesterday, July 19, was Tim Drake's birthday and I had intended to make a post about the issue in which this is acknowledged, but I completely forgot after a long week of work-related panic. Sorry! It's a day late, but I'm getting it to you anyway.
Today we're going to be looking at relevant parts of Robin 1993 #116. Although Tim has gone from thirteen to seventeen over the years, to the best of my knowledge only one of his birthdays has been depicted in comics--his sixteenth.
The issue opens with Alfred picking up Tim after a mission that took him out in the middle of the woods (as detailed in earlier issues). Meanwhile, Tim's dad and his stepmother talk. Jack Drake apologizes to Dana for how he's been acting in the aftermath of losing money and having to move and offers to take her out. She pinpoints his recent issues as being related to grief for his first wife, who is inexplicably referred to here as Cathy rather than Janet. This isn't Dana's mistake; earlier issues had Jack use the wrong name too. Writer's error, probably.
They're interrupted by Tim's return. Jack apologizes to him, and Tim plays the dutiful, understanding son and laughs it off.
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Dana brings up something that's coming up on Thursday, and neither of the Drakes have a clue what she's talking about. After Tim excuses himself, claiming that he needs sleep after a whitewater rafting outing, Dana tries to clue Jack in. He has completely forgotten that the significant date July 19 is coming up. He's been too wrapped up in his own concerns.
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As tired as Tim is, he's worried about Stephanie, who has had recent difficulties with her mom, and he calls her. She assures him that he's fine and asks about Thursday, but he falls asleep mid-conversation.
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The sleep situtation doesn't get any better thanks to multiple back-to-back days of late-night patrolling, and on Thursday, July 19, Tim doesn't get up until noon and finds when he awakens that his dad and Dana have ordered pizza, Canadian bacon with onions and artichoke hearts--which only Tim likes.
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And then Tim's friend Ives arrives with soda and movies, and Stephanie comes bearing pizza, and Tim is worried that something terrible must be happening if people are going out of their way so much to try to make him happy.
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Surprise! It's his birthday, and he has forgotten because he's been so dang busy juggling his two lives (he's in a new school and working with Bruce, not to mention that Young Justice recently disbanded and is about to merge with the Titans).
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Tim's feeling magnanimous enough to invite Cole Hartzel, his apartment's antagonistic elevator operator, and then the gift-giving begins. An RPG handbook from Ives, dress shoes from Dana, cellphone and page holster sewn by Steph, a modem from Jack, who regrets that he can't get Tim a car for his sixteenth birthday as he had hoped. Tim accepts every gift graciously and goes out of his way to try to make his dad feel better.
And then there's a mysterious, suspicious box from an unidentified source.
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It's worrisome enough to Tim to abruptly make an excuse to get it out of the apartment and take it to a place where Batman can pick it up for analysis. Steph follows him, and they share a kiss on the apartment roof.
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Unfortunately, this means that Tim is so mentally distracted during the movie marathon with his friends and family that he can't properly enjoy it, although he tries to keep up the act for their benefit, because he wants everyone else to enjoy his birthday since he can't anymore.
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That night, he comes to the Batcave to analyze the mystery package. Bruce warns him that Alfred is upset about something. Turns out that he's annoyed with Bruce for forgetting Tim's birthday. Alfred has made Tim a cake with sixteen candles.
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Tim blows them out, Bruce freaks out about smoke getting on the high-tech gadgets, and Alfred continues to snark at him.
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And Tim and Bruce share the cake as they analyze the package, which leads them off on their next harrowing adventure.
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Everything about how this birthday goes is characteristic. Tim's double life prevents him from fully embracing the joys of his civilian life. He is so immersed in his other role that he loses track of his personal identity's birthday. Both of his father figures forget his birthday too. They mean well, but Jack and Bruce are both so preoccupied with their own concerns, and Tim is there to support them more than the other way around. The ones who do remember Tim's birthday are the people who are more immediately invested in Tim's personal well-being.
And it says a lot about Tim that his immediate conclusion from other people's concern for his happiness is that something must be wrong. He's always the one trying to keep other people happy, and it's awkward for him to be on the receiving end. Even on a day that's supposed to be about him, he's constantly worried about how it's affecting the people around him. So he consoles his dad about not being able to give him a car. He's enthusiastic about gifts that might not be the ones he wants. He hides his worries so everyone else can enjoy his day. He's surrounded by people who love him and want to celebrate him, yet there's always something that holds him a little aloof from this.
This, I think, will be his last birthday with his dad. Or Dana. Or with Steph as his girlfriend. His year ahead is about to be arguably the worst of his life.
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Pac is curled on the sofa beside Forever's bed, watching him rest. It has been over a day now and nearly two - his vitals remain stable, the machinery dug up to keep monitoring him a reassurance, but he is worried. People should not be unconscious for so long, and there is so good way for the group to feed him. Even if they could find an IV, who knows how to use it? And would they have the right things to put in it?
It might be Pac's own fault, he knows; for giving Cellbit notes which lead him to an antidote which did damage to them, or perhaps for falling to the drugs himself and so not getting the antidote to Forever before more damage was done. With the amount Forever had taken, who knows how badly it wrecked his system?
Everyone always reassured Pac when he spoke to them, and the words seemed true, but alone with Forever and the monitors... It is much, much harder to hold onto hope.
They had no Doctor on the island, the closest options being those who had saved allies lives on the battlefield, the potion makers, and arguably himself - Pac, unlike many of the others, was at least familiar with human anatomy. You had to be, to make some of Chume Labs' creations work - prosthetics, mostly.
Cellbit would be here soon, taking over to watch Forever for the last bit of the night while Pac got some sleep before his early start. They had arranged shifts between themselves, making sure Forever was never alone - Philza first, while the island was busy, then Pac as things started to die down, and then Cellbit in the dead of the night. Bad and Tubbo and Fit and Antoine and everyone else would come by and spend some time with him, too - even Slime, though he had somehow wrecked half of the furniture in three minutes there.
Accidentally, Tubbo said. Knowing Slime to be the only person clumsier than Pac, it is maybe even true.
Pac would have expected Baghera sooner or later, but... It really did just confirm that, like Mike, she is missing. More of the island ripped away, and people barely even noticed...
The eggs, Baghera, Mike... How can Pac protect anyone, when he does not even know truly what they were facing? When something so, so terrible the eggs fled without their clothes is coming, and still nobody knows what it even might be.
Cellbit is late, now - by three minutes, and then four. Pac tugs on his sleeves and curls deeper into the sofa, flickering between Forever and the door and dreading when it makes thirty minutes without contact and he can call Cellbit also lost once more.
Thankfully it does not come to that - at seven minutes and thirty six seconds late, Cellbit knocks at, and then opens, the door.
"Sorry, I couldn't get Tubbo to shut up," Cellbit looks exhausted and more than half way to death himself. "He might have found a lead on the eggs - we're not sure. Got some things to think on now, and going out again to look tomorrow."
"A lead?" Pac's ears perk up with his eyes.
"He found copies of their items in a room at the centre of a maze," Cellbit yawns a little, and sits himself down. "There's a roulette wheel in the centre, and its impossible to get to them - the kid managed to find a way, but when he spun the wheel lava poured down. Items were fine, but he's a bit singed."
Pac gives a weak but genuine laugh, "sounds like him."
Cellbit shakes his head.
"Sounds like you," Pac follows up with.
"I was never this bad."
"You were," Pac leans over, resting his head on Cellbit's shoulder, "and, if you knew half of the things he did about engineering, you would be much, much worse."
"... Did I scare you?" Cellbit's voice is quiet as he takes one of Pac's hands.
"Tubbo does too," Pac squeezes it, watches Forever breathe, and puts a little more weight on Cellbit's arm. "Is we all being safe and happy too much to ask?"
"It shouldn't be."
The silence reigns a little while.
Cellbit squeezes his hand, frowns, and continues, "but I suppose it must be. So we fight for it, and we work for it, and we use whatever we have to keep our family and friends safe."
"Forever is still unconscious, do you think I-"
"If it were the antidote being toxic, you would be with him, so it has to be damage the drug did to him," Cellbit is blunt about that at least. "You saved him. We'd have never found an antidote in time without you sacrificing yourself to get some. I mean, you know what the missing ingredient was?"
Pac shakes his head.
"The drug itself. And we would never have been able to steal some from Forever. We had plans to try, but a four digit combination lock with no clues? It would have taken hours. And then we'd have still had to work out what to do with it - we wouldn't have known about the fermented spider's eye without you taking it," Cellbit puzzles through it. "Really I was kind of useless to the whole thing - you got the drug, Bad had the brewing stand, Philza had the eyes... I didn't even know how to use the damn thing."
"I should teach you," Pac says. "In case it happens again."
"Please don't."
"If it saves someone..."
"I know."
Cellbit puts his arm around Pac's shoulder and squeezes.
Pac wriggles an arm behind Cellbit's back, and hugs him too.
"Nobody even knows if he'll be okay," Pac whispers. "I might have been too late..."
"If you were too late, I was too," Cellbit says. "It took me longer than it should to find everything, too busy reading other things, thinking of other enigmas... Delaying calling Philza and Bad to the meeting room because Bad says 'owo' and Philza typed back with a smiley face."
Pac laughs. He doesn't mean to, but he does, "paranoia get to you?"
"Have you seen this island!" Cellbit waves around with the arm not around Pac. "Everything is trying to kill us! Except for each other. All we have is each other."
He thinks of Foolish arresting him for a crime which never happened - Mr Mustard now safely in the capybara village. He thinks of the secrets and the lies and the nervousness; he frowns and he says "do we?"
"Yes," Cellbit says without a doubt. "If nothing else - I have you and Roier and Felps and Forever and Mike. I trust all of you."
"I trust you too," and Pac finds that he does. He thinks a little more and adds "I trust Fit. I'd trust Tubbo to save me but not with information or to keep himself safe. I don't speak much with Philza, but I'd trust him with Richarlyson and Forever. Bad, with our egg. I think... If I were in trouble, I think almost everyone would help in what ways they could. I think if they were in trouble, I would do what I can. I'm not sure I'd trust many of them with my family, but I'd trust them with me."
Cellbit smiles, "it's a lot, isn't it? So many people..."
"It really is," Pac whispers back. "When I was rescued... I don't think I've ever had so many people worried about me. At the orphanage there were even more people, but it was only Mike who cared, and then..."
"And then," Cellbit agrees. "Bad you can trust, and Philza too. I would vouch for them both on that."
"You sure?"
"They're not /family/," Cellbit says. "But if family's in danger and they're around, I wouldn't hesitate to ask them for help; Philza was even already planning something, with Fit and Etoiles, and it was about the plan I had before seeing your messages."
"You had another plan?"
"Kill Forever and take the drugs from his corpse," Cellbit winced. "Though given the strength of the antidote... I imagine it wouldn't have gone well."
"Without knowing the drug it seems like a good one."
"And you were the one who got us the information to actually save him," Cellbit hugs Pac closer. "I know it looks bad now, but... But he's alive, and healing, and /safe/. You did it Pac, you did it."
"We did it."
The number of affirmations and praise are a little overwhelming, enough so he almost missed the tears being blinked back in Cellbit's eyes.
He does not miss them, though, so Pac wriggles out and pulls Cellbit into a proper hug.
"He's safe now," Pac repeats Cellbit's words back to him. "And once he's healed, we'll find Mike, and Richarlyson, and find a way off this island. Just like we promised, right?"
"Right," Cellbit says, between silent tears. "Exactly. And I've got-"
"To sleep more," Pac finishes. "You don't think as well when you're tired."
"I've got to watch Forever."
"I mean tomorrow night," Pac rests his chin on Cellbit's head. "It's my turn to sleep now."
Despite the words, neither of them move an inch. Tonight, Pac falls asleep on that sofa, and in the morning he'll wake with his head in Cellbit's lap.
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comfortjoonie · 1 year
Hey, can you write one where Namjoon overworks himself and passes out and ends up in the hospital, and the members take care of him. Thank you.
hey guys sorry i've been gone so long! but I'm having more availability now! this was super fun to write! keep the requests coming guys!
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Namjoon jolted awake as he heard his alarm go off.  One hour of sleep.  That was all he’d gotten, in between working on the lyrics for Jimin’s album, backing vocals for Seokjin’s song, and the new album for the whole band, and now, a group lunch.  He stood up and pulled on his hoodie.  He was so dizzy.  He’d been working too hard to sleep, practicing dancing too much, writing lyrics day and night.  His body ached and screamed for rest.  But he wouldn’t give it.  He had too much to do now.
He rushed out of the dorms as quickly as he could and called for a company car to the restaurant everyone was meeting at.  As he got in the car, he was shaking.  He could feel the driver’s eyes fixed on him as he eased himself into the seat and clamped the seatbelt over his lap.  It was only a four minute drive, so he couldn’t sleep, but he could relax a little.
“Are you ok?” Namjoon heard the driver say to him softly halfway through the drive.  Namjoon nodded.  
“Fine.  Just tired.”  But he was out of breath.  He was shaky and nauseous.
“Are you sure?”
“I just need to eat,” Namjoon replied, and the rest of the ride was silent.
When they arrived at the restaurant, Namjoon felt even weaker than before.  He was still shaking, but he was also dizzy.  He wasn’t sure how long it had been since he had eaten – he’d been so busy.  It had been at least two days since he’d slept.  He knew that.
He bowed and thanked the driver and shakily made his way into the restaurant.  He bit his lip in worry when he didn’t see his members, but Jungkook making a quick call of his name guided him in the maknae’s direction.
Namjoon sat down slowly and smiled at his company.  As much as he could, at least.  He felt Jimin’s arm move around his back from the right and Hoseok’s hand go on his left thigh.  The conversation with the rest of the members continued, but Jimin whispered into Namjoon’s ear with Hoseok listening.
“What’s wrong, hyung?”
Namjoon swallowed.  “Nothing,” he whispered back.
Hoseok bit his lip.  “You look terrible, Joon,” he said softly.
It irritated Namjoon in his sleeplessness, and he somewhat shoved both Jimin and Hoseok’s hands off of him.  “Leave me alone,” he grumbled.  He could feel Hoseok and Jimin both looking at him silently.  He didn’t say anything.  But all eyes at the table were turned to him now.
“What’s wrong, guys?” Seokjin asked.
“Nothing,” Namjoon said again, more forcefully this time.  But he was feeling worse.  He felt like he was running out of breath.  He needed to get water before he passed out.  He stood up, barely keeping his weight up.  “I’m going to the bathroom,” he said.
Jimin stood up.  “I have to go, too,” he said.
Namjoon just started walking away.  But before he could get more than a few feet away from the table, his breath caught and he collapsed.
“Shit!  Namjoon-ah!” Seokjin called out when Namjoon fell to the floor.  Everyone stood up and rushed over to him.  “Jimin-ah, call the ambulance.”
“What happened?” Yoongi asked, rushing over and squatting next to Namjoon.
Seokjin shook his shoulder gently.  “Namjoon, wake up,” he whispered.  “Namjoonie.”
Namjoon didn’t move an inch.
“The ambulance is on the way, hyung,” Jimin said.
“He’s so pale..” Yoongi observed.  “Is he sick?”
Hoseok shook his head.  “I don’t think so.  He didn’t feel warm or anything.”
“This is really bad,” Jungkook said softly.
“He’ll be fine, Jungkook-ah,” Jin said.  “He’ll wake up soon.”
When Namjoon woke up, he was at the hospital with an IV in his arm.  His head hurt when he opened his eyes.  He let out a small groan of pain when the bright lights hit him, and everyone looked at him.
“Hey, Joonie, you’re awake,” Seokjin smiled at him.
“You scared us to death,” Yoongi frowned and put his hand on Namjoon’s.
“You just fainted, Joonah,” Taehyung said.  “How long has it been since you last slept?”
Namjoon winced.  “At least two days…”
“Namjoon, you need rest,” Seokjin said, pushing the hair off Namjoon’s forehead and frowning.
“I’ve just been so–” “--busy?  Namjoon, you need time for yourself too, though,” Hoseok said.
Namjoon felt tears squeezing at the corners of his eyes.
“I’m sorry,” he said softly.
“It’s ok, Joonie.  We already called manager-nim to tell him you’re out for the rest of the week.”
“Week?  But–”
“No buts.  You need rest,” Hoseok smiled a little.
“When can I go home?”
“They want you here for another hour or so, just to keep you on the IV.  You’ve been stressed too, they think.  Your blood sugar is really low.”
“I…haven’t eaten in a while.”  Namjoon admitted.
“That’s ok, Joon,” Seokjin reassured him.  “They’ll keep you on these fluids for now.  Just get some rest, ok?”
Namjoon nodded.  “I can do that.”
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So here's a scenario idea, what if Y/N escaped Yandere Pearl and one day Y/N broke into Stevens house, and Y/N literally having an anxiety attack telling her that they have been a terrible girlfriend and that they miss them so much, and when Y/N wakes up she completely forgets what happened.
ok so if I read this correctly y/n escapes for a while and then one day breaks into Stevens house talking about what a horrible partner they are and then they pass out and forget everything… am I reading this right if I’m not please correct me
title: miss me not
Steven shot out of his bed heart racing. What the heck was that noise. Immediately pulling out his sheid he began using the soft glow to slowly scan the room looking for the source of the noise… it didn’t take him long to find the the huddling mass in the corner of his room
Y/N steven said shocked quickly putting away his sheild. What arre you doing here i thought-
im sorry i left Y/N said quietly
What? steven said confused
i shoudnt have lefft her it was a mistake she said couldnt survive on my own without her she was right i cant do it i cant i cant i cant i cant i cant i can i cant-
y/n stop said steven putting an arm on her shoulder just be calm an-
Y/N body droped to the floor with a thud. Steven reactive as ever raised his sheild to the attacker only to see... Pearl?
What are you ding here steven said the confusion on his face more palpable then ever before.
i thought you might be in trouble said pearl her voice dripping with disintrest her eyes locked onto Y/N unconcious body.
Before steven could even say another word pearl quickly but carefully scooped Y/N up into her arms before heading for the door.
W-WAIT Steven shouted but it was too late she was gone.
... Y/N groaned their head was throbing. attempting to lessen the pain they smushed their head between the pillows...
Y/n shot up with a fright to the sound of thier name being called spin their head around only to groan after seeing pearl their girlfreind standing over them next the the bed they were lying on
they smiled saying pearl dont just scare me like that my head is-
do you remember anything from last night said pearl cutting them off
Y/N raised an eyebrow at this umm no not really is there any reasoni should pearl my head rally hurts
at this pearl stared at them for a few seconds before smileing warmly and in a chipper voice saying well dont you worry ive got some pain killers in the medicene closet and pancakes on the stove so you just lie back and rest ill be back soon
and without another word pearl left the room to fetch the medicene but before she did the she looked down on her hand and noticed some... red
idiot she thought to herself Y/N could have seen that. taking a quick breth in and out she reminded herself why she was doing this; she couldnt let Y/N leave her not like rose did besidse she thought to herself
its amazing what just a few store bought chemicals can do to the human memory
Note: im sorry this took so long ive had a busy week i went on a 6 hour excursion then i had to go to my freinds birthday party and finnish off home work not only that but my computer broke and it took three days to fix it and i was not about to write this on my phone sooooo yeah i hope this makes up for it
and remembr stay tuned
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lilpuffyart · 2 months
Lil guy
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elsternwick-rp · 2 years
New Arrivals + Updates! (03-19-23)
Good evening and hello, members or visitors of Elsternwick! So terribly sorry to keep you waiting with these updates, the mod team’s been busy working on various things, but first, let’s open with our new arrivals!
Please Note: If your muse isn’t on this list, don’t worry! We had to make a cut-off for this current run due to a surprising number of apps that took us off guard, we’ll add them to the list starting next week!
New Arrivals
The train has pulled into station, bringing with it many fresh new faces to Elsternwick, we hope you enjoy your stay here!
Satori Komeiji (Touhou Project) - Liv
Naib Subedar (Identity V Canon Divergent) - Leo (2)
 Karen Sanchez (Original Character) - Blue
Vanta Von Vonaccio (Original Character) - Jupiter
 Count Angelus Salvador (Hollow Knight Fan Character) - Sorrow
Curly Brace (Cave Story) - Kyle
Mizuki Date (AI: The Somnium Files) - Bee
Simon Jarrett (SOMA) - Box
 Winchester (Original Character) - Box
 Nero (Devil May Cry) - Carmine
 Suletta Mercury (Gundam: The Witch from Mercury) - Khaos
Miorine Rembrane (Gundam: The Witch from Mercury) - Bee
Zelgius (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn) - Lia
Dao Mei "Jane Doe" Cui (Cyberpunk 2020 FC) - Bibi
Gabriel (ULTRAKILL) - Xeno
Frederica Bernkastel (Umineko: When They Cry) - Kaname
We also have a  few reserves, hopefully soon, we’ll be seeing them, and look forward to whatever plots you may do with them!
Reinhardt (Overwatch) - Pact
Cecil Harvey (Final Fantasy IV) - Eden
 V1 (ULTRAKILL) - Kira
Franziska Von Karma (Ace Attorney) - Mae
Zoe (Monster Prom) - Bee
Lastly, we have some drops, sad to see them go, but we hope you had a good time in Elsternwick while they were here!
Popoi (Secret of Mana) - Kyle
 Gwenpool (Marvel) - Bee
 Mash (Fate/Grand Order) - Bee
Jeanne D'arc Alter (Fate/Grand Order) - Bee
And that does it for character updates!
For this update, we’d like to announce that we have reworded our stance on “Characters from upcoming games”, as well as our spoiler window!
Before, it was that any character from a game that was “Unfinished” would have to wait until the game was finished for you to apply them, but upon further discussion with members, we concluded that this was a bit too much, so, now
You are allowed to apply characters from games that are in “Early Access” (As much as you could if a show’s season isn’t over!), so long as they have a characterization or plot that is set in stone and is unlikely to change! Basically, if the character has enough to work with, you’re good!
Though, if a character is mysterious with a backstory that is largely made up by headcanons or fan interpretation, we ask that you wait until there is much more to work with! (An example of this would be Kris and Ralsei from Deltarune, there’s quite a lot about them that we don’t know...)
And in the case of a character taking a shocking left turn, please look into updating them, or making them canon divergent! <:
And secondly, we would like to revise our stance on “Spoiler characters”, essentially, from now on, a month wait is enough for most characters that are considered spoilers (Minor to Moderate), after a month has passed since a game’s release or a spoiler episode, you should be good...
Unless they are considered a “Walking Spoiler”, a massive spoiler of a character that can change the flow of a story and who’s mere existence is a spoiler in itself. For that, you’ll likely be waiting 2 months or more, and the mod team will review if it’s ok for that character to be played, given how they may spoil something for people joining!
Over all, it’s much more of a case-by-case basis now, we may even shorten the wait time to apply characters from a new IP to two weeks! But, for now, we hope this results in many new and interesting characters joining us!
For other updates, we’re hoping to have posts up about some of the changes we’ve made to Elsternwick, including the Job System (Pretty simple!), an update to our wording on the ban list, and a few other fun surprises, and we hope you’ll look forward to reading about them!
We hope you have a lovely evening and look forward to seeing you again, wether you’re already in Elsternwick, or just visiting and thinking about joining!
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iiota · 2 years
i find it very shocking that pokaymon fans are like 'if only devs had more time to fix the graphics and glitches the game would be one of the best' and that the game isnt busted to its core...(granted this would be solved by having more time)
sorry i have to elaborate or ill die bc i have quite a few qualms with it (long)
one looking at its selling point is that its open world + that you go to school thats why u have to wear that stupid outfit the whole time. The open world is..so bare there are no unique spawns like arceus and like 4 cool spots in the WHOLE MAP. its so easy to get lost bc its big just to gloat that its big, theres No landmarks and the map is very unhelpful orienting urself...also ur bike moves so slow and it Cannot move faster bc the game almost dies when ur boosting as is (and half of the time ive seen the climbing Does Not Work bc the mountain areas are terrible) not to mention in area 0 they take ur map and let u loose in this open world and its so hard to find anything..esp if u want the paradox pokemon u search for hours only to find out they have semi unique spawning points. also the legendaries are the coolest ive seen i will admit but theyre sooooo detached from the story which could be cool if the school wasnt so ass to be in b cthats where u learn about them. oh btw theres really only two things u can find on the whole ass map and its gimmighoul coins(bc u need 999 of them for a pokemon bc ofc u do) and random items/tms so if u dont want either of those things exploring just..wont be on ur radar its also impossible to know if ur getting a potion or a rare candy only tms are marked yellow which isnt Really a problem i actually like it but there are still like no rewards for exploring.
also the items u find almost render stores useless AND trainers are pretty hard to find u could consider them ur reward for exploring but again. the game puts little effort into making ur want to fight them bc all u get is an item for doing it in each area and u can just grind with the visible spawns that way And since theres no rubberbanding its like..what point is there once u beat the game to get all trainers in a lvl 20 area unless ur training up pokemon (but in that case ur probs just doing tera raids to get the rare items)
another qualm is that u go into like. 4 buildings the whole game. and the building insides are the best looking thing in the game besides the school main foyer..ugh. the town design to me felt very hollow bc its like..bc the gyms all look the same and are business-y a big part of the town lost its personality. also its very noticible that theyre trying to bounce off how cool the galar gym fighting was with the song and having a crown but it um Really ended up being pathetic its like the base part of pokemon games was an afterthought(actually it felt really obvious that everything in this game was super split up so instead of focusing on a coherent pokemon game it was section off into bits that strained the team) i have a lot of issues with how ur friends only exist within their storyline until the post game..there is no way to talk to arven unless u do one of his story quests. i think running into nemona just on the roads would have been fun or anyone that you can catch up with really! that or just have them at the school when ur back..
THE SCHOOL. GOOD LORD. the song that plays when ur in the town and school sucks so bad i cannot imagine listening to it longer than like 5 mins. now functionally i do think the idea of the classes having helpful tips for pokemon would be kinda cute esp for newbies but um. ok if a game is like omg u went to school and now u get to get WHEREVER U WANT freeroam are you gonna remember to come back to the school whenever u beat a gym(specifically i think gyms unlock more classes) are you. are you really. i think the only push to go back is one of the teachers being like 'try my class ^_^' yes i am completely convinced. the school itself is like. pathetically trying to be persona and giving u motivation to come back by having stuff locked by classes or telling ppl about ur adventures so u cant speedrun it(unless u decided to do school stuff last) literally could be so easily fixed by having to report back to someone In the quest to the school forcing u back so ppl r like well since im here ill take an art class. also dont lie about the classes if u say its a math class name it..something that its actually about (technically Math but its in relation to how pokemon deal damage)
also a lot of the gym leaders are um. boring. it doesnt help they lost a gym to customize and only get a challenge thats like a few mins of ur time. their designs are ok but only like rhyme, grusha, larry i can remember the names of LOL. i think rhyme, larry and maybe the art guy are the most compelling bc they have like. interactions with other characters. the elite 4 is pretty cool but i dont..really like that they had a kid. objectively its a little funny but im like oh god ppl are gonna be weird about that. um was extremely disappointing fighting them in a plain ass room. and u just fight geeta on the roof. ok at least xy had STAINED GLASS BITCHIN ROOMS. interview was fantastic tho. part of the questions were stupid bc it was grading u on something objective.
i do like the idea of getting to know the ppl around the school and encouraging the nurse to get a teaching degree again was cute..but it has little impact when half of the conversation is blacked out bc they dont want to show u explaining ur journey to here bfhdskjbkf. like no choice in the game matters is it that hard to have a couple of prompts of what to tell her. honestly i also think for classes itd be cooler if they happened randomly and you had a prompt to auto join them ie 'an art class is starting would you like to fly back to school?(Y)' also a good reason why a lot of the school stuff falls flat is everything in this game is in neat little categories that have no relation to each other its like im eating dinner and i dont want my peas to touch my mac n cheese. i dont mind that ur set up to fail some quest lines w not knowing where to go bc u Can ask for advice on where to go but also most of the playbase probably took advantage of do whatever u want but ALSO the progression makes no sense bc it wants you to go back and forth throughout the entire map...i do think pausing the gym fights to do team star and then do more gyms then do arvens stuff would have flowed a bit better..sometimes letting the player decide what to do is bad.
team star is probably my fav storyline bc it involves something other than ppl being focused on u so it stands out a lot also i do think it was cute for them all to have banded together from bullying. that being said the running around and throwing ur pokemon out to fight was . stupid as hell. just make it a gauntlet, maybe some double battles. that way the camps didnt have to be so ugly and Open. they have the best music tho
tera raids are objectively the most thought out and best looking but they need help for 5 or 6 star unless ur really good and its..so hard to do them online bc everything fills up so fast ive heard the game also gives u little indication of whether ur running towards a 3 star or a 5 unlike swsh. the more real timeish battle does uh. make ppl think the game is crashing bc some actions are forced/scripted but dont tell u so ur game is just frozen for x amount of time..
a more petty thing but the clothes suck ass and theres no little fun customize thing like the trading cards from swsh..u can just change the photo on ur trainer card...ok anyways this is already too long <3
wait i need to say i dont mind arven now but i think him suddenly losing his backbone when his ai parent said his parent actually loved him and being like omg woah really was. boring and stupid. he should have told them that he didnt believe them THEN after been like 'i am not sure if that ai was only telling me what i wanted to hear or if it was actually what (parent) believed but there is no way for me to know i can only move on and focus on whats really important. I am going to (enter job title here on something he wants to study for) and take care of someone who was really there for me (pans to mabosstiff). And also you! My friend thank you!'
rika rules tho. my only complaint about her is no mudsdale
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taegularities · 1 year
oh m gee how are you?? ive been so inactive for so long, im sorry 🥺 life has been... overwhelming and stress-filled, but ive missed you so, so much ❤️
i havent read cmi in so long (and tbh i prob wont be able to read for a while, im dealing with a lot of family health issues) but i do want to let you know that im thinking of you and im beyond excited to return and binge read eventually 🥺 please keep creating content, you are so incredibly talented 🫶
i would love to hear some life updates ‼️i hope all is well! how is school and work? i love you, please be safe and healthy 🫶
- wife from war anon 💂‍♀️
my loveeee, i missed you so much, too :( whenever someone disappears for too long, i definitely notice and think of you a lot. i'm okay bby, i had a couple terrible weeks, but i'm always working on getting better. don't worry about cmi!! life's been so busy for everyone.. really hoping your family's okay or will be at least. sending energy <3
whenever you do read, enjoy it thoroughly! i haven't had much time to write lately, so i always attempt my best at the chapters that do drop :') so yeah, hope it's worth the wait, excitement and read. school's starting again on monday and i am sooo not feeling it :') work's been a lot, but super distracting and fun – something new keeps happening lmao i'm thankful for that. also my work crush always greets me with a wink, so i'm a puddle most of the time lmao. please take care of yourself as well; i'm also here to talk anytime if you need.
love you so much <3
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threepointseven · 3 years
hey i was wondering maybe if you could do a scenario where ayato has been busy again and the reader has become insecure that he’s tired of them and the reader starts to distance themselves from him and they resolve their problems in the end. dont feel pressured to it though, much love
When you think he doesnt love you anymore
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🌺summary!🌺- theyve been so busy lately that you become insecure and you think theyre tired of you.
Type- scenario 🍄+HC’s 🌷
Flowers included!🌼= Aether x gn! Reader, Ayato x gn! Reader
Genshin masterlist
💐Your bouquet has been delivered <3💐
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Ayato is a busy man and he made sure to tell you that before you two became anything. You reassured him you could handle it, that youd encourage him and wait for his arrival.
But how long has it been since you last had a proper conversation with your boyfriend Ayato? Since the vision hunt decree had suddenly been abolished by the Shogun the Yashiro commission was beyond swamped with paperwork and meetings.
He tried his best to give you a few kisses before he had to go to work but they werent enough of course.
His absence felt more than just ‘absence’, his pecks felt nothing more than hollow and soon enough even they stopped. And with each and every day of not seeing him your insecurities soared. Was it your appearance? Was it your personality? Were you possibly embarrassing to have as a lover?
And god, you couldnt stop them. Not after seeing him have to meet with such impressive people, not after only getting his hollow kisses while his work gets every percentage of his attention.
“Ah! Ayato? Your home? Oh thats rare..! How are you hone-“
“Uh not right now y/n.”
the man said before he dashed away from you. From that day onward your thoughts were on a chokehold by your insecurities. You started distancing yourself from ayato, after all.. he was gonna break up with you anyways right?
His work is much more important and you understood that, so you simply waited, running away from the area if you caught a glimpse of the clueless man.
Even when his work started to die down. Your only assumption was that Ayato, the man you thought youd spend your life with was going to break up with you. Atleast the moment he actually had some time to himself.
It was a Saturday after a short meeting, finally, a day Ayato could actually spend some time with you.
“A y/n~! Darling how ive missed you.”
Good gods there were hearts in his eyes, but all you could hear was empty praise. In a whim of sadness you excused yourself so you wouldnt cry infront of him
Maybe he saw the tears brimming but he chased after your now sobbing figure. Stopping you from running any further by taking a firm grip of your wrist and facing you.
“y/n? Whats wrong hm? Missed me that much~?”
“Why are you trying to act so kind… if your tired of me just end it and leave..!”
you raised your voice slightly and the man was frozen, wide eyed.
“I— y/n i know that i have been unimaginably busy. But me? Tired of you..? I love you more than anything in the world—“
“… it just sounds so fake! You sound so tired of me so sick of me! Im sorry if cant be your ideal lover… and i know your work is far more important than me but please.. dont lead me on if your just…”
he felt ashamed, guilty that he and his focus on work is the reason your sobbing a storm.
As you sobbed loudly he pulled you into a delicate hug, one filled with love spilling out that he had to keep in all those weeks.
“I love you y/n, im beyond sorry for being so terribly busy. I see that i was neglecting you. Im not tired of you, i could never be. If you’d spare me one more chance to be a lover who has all the time in the world for you, i promise id meet your expectations. I never want to make you cry like this again.”
it was a shock, seeing him ask for another chance when you were the one thinking he was tired of you. You hugged him back as tight as you could, burying your head into his shoulder and all you could let out was a few sniffles
“I missed you.… you were so busy..”
the day was filled with cuddles kisses and love, his lips were on your temple each second while you spent that day in his arms. He’ll coo praises about yourself into your ear while he combs through your ear, apologizing profusely for his behavior those last weeks.
get ready for him to be clingy for the next week btw!! He refuses to spend too much time at work and if he has to he’ll 100% put up a fight.
He loves u sm and the fact you thought he was sick of you cause he was that busy? He thought of his work as his arch nemesis for a second there..
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Aether will always be a busy fellow, but he somehow always managed to make time for you, and your ever so grateful. Usually he has to hop from 1 city to another but he never fails to write letters to you or give you extra attention the night before leaving.
You know he’s swamped with work and it makes you feel terribly guilty when you suddenly feel that sense of insecurity and longing after hes been gone for so long. You havent even had the time to touch him, even his letters seem rushed and forced!
Maybe you were just clingy, but god you missed him. And you felt so scared, so insecure about yourself. Was it you? That thought kept spiraling in your head as you stared at the short plain letter aether had sent you. You couldnt help how worried you were, how scared you were for your relationship. Had he grown tired of you already? Of course he did! He’s that one traveller that saved the nations after all! Theres no way he’d actually love someone like you. No way..
You couldnt help the tears that fell each time you got a letter and soon enough you stopped responding completely, 100% sure that aether was gonna break up with you any time soon now.
You missed him so much, even when he got back to the city you were in you just felt so far from him. You watched as he got greeted so royally by citizens and ignored you cause he had work to do with officials.
Even when he got back, he was always out doing commissions, barely able to give you a soft kiss on the cheek. He said “i love you” every morning yet you never got anything other than that. Were you really still his lover?
No amount of convincing from your mind could help how abandoned you felt, at that point you thought it was just a matter of time till the blonde traveller cut ties with you, he was tired of you.
Out of pure impatience you tried to look for him to talk about it
“Aether..! Could we talk..?”
“Ah— uhm im sorry sweetheart but im busy-“
“P-please! Please…”
you couldnt help those little tears of hopelessness that were gonna fall down your face, his work really is more important than you.
“uhm.. y/n… hey.. whats the matter?”
you took a hold of his hand and gripped it tightly with tears in your eyes
“Do you even love me anymore…”
“Huh—? W-what do you mean of course i love you baby-“ it still felt fake, even after he cupped your cheeks and pressed his forehead against yours
“‘M sorry i cant be someone your proud to date. Im sorry.. i know your sick of me..”
“Hey..! Hey dont say that y/n i love you to pieces, im not tired of you!”
“But… youve been so busy, i barely get to see your face! Are we even lovers anymore aether?”
your tears fell onto aethers chest as he pulled you into him, placing a kiss on your head as he tried to explain himself.
“I know… I’m sorry… im sorry I really am.. it was a terrible thing to do.. i put work over you and it was dumb of me.. please forgive me.. im not tired of you. I love you and ive missed you..”
with a blush and a stammer he placed one last kiss on your forehead before looking into your eyes with slightly misty irisis
How were you supposed to just leave..? His big doe eyes and his hands cradling your cheeks.
“I thought you got tired of me..”
you sniffled before burying your head into his shoulder, the hug gladly reciprocated by aether
Aether shooes paimon away for the weekends and ignores literally every commission, he wants to spend time with you, he wants you to realize he loves you more than the sun!
He sucks up his nervousness 100% and just lets you hug him, cuddling you and snuggling into you for the rest of the day while you to make up for the days without eachothers touch.
“I know your a busy person you dont have to do this.. you have your sister to find and stuff”
“If im finding my sister i wanna make sure its with you y/n, i apologize for being so caught up in commissions..”
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sassyhobbits · 3 years
Flowers in your Hair
a/n: so sorry i havent been able to put out writing in a long time! ive been busy and also the words havent been flowing properly so...
anyway, here’s something that had been sitting on my computer for a while and I hope everyone enjoys!
Despite everything Aelin Galathynius had endured in the kingdom of Doranelle, she could still find immense beauty within the city of rivers.
She had never really gotten a good look at the city. When she came with Rowan the first time to get answers about the Wyrdkeys from Maeve, she had been far too nervous to bother to take in her surroundings properly. The second time she was in Doranelle, she was trapped in an iron box. 
But this time, Aelin was visiting as a queen and was able to fully take in the splendor of the last stronghold of the Fae.
Even though she knew the city of stone and water had been built as a deterrent for Brannon and all of his ancestors (including her), Aelin found the bright streets charming. Her head was practically hanging out of the window of their carriage as they traveled towards the Whitethorn estate. She didn’t want to miss any details, this time. 
Aelin’s husband sat beside her, holding her hand and sending fond glances at her every once in a while. Though he hadn’t admitted it aloud, Aelin knew part of him was excited to show her where he had grown up properly for the first time.
It had been two years since the end of the war and Sellene had invited Aelin and Rowan to Doranelle for a brief visit. Aelin had been so wrapped up in everything her kingdom required that she hadn’t realized she was aching for a change of pace until one was offered to her. Besides, it had been far too long since Rowan had visited his home, anyway.
Aelin knew they were nearing the Whitethorn estate. Selene had wanted to meet here, where no bad memories lingered for Aelin. She truly appreciated her care. It would be nice to be able to enjoy the visit without unwanted memories hanging about.
Doranelle was quite pleasant this time of year. While in Terrasen, snow still covered the mountains, in Doranelle, the airs were much warmer and the snow had all melted away. The first grasses and flowers had already begun to sprout. 
Aelin’s gaze caught on a group of Fae milling about a small patch of green, setting up tables and decorations. Her brows furrowed. It wasn’t any holiday that she was aware of.
“Ro, what are they setting up for?”
Her husband glanced through the window to see what she was referencing. “Ah. Imbolc, I believe.”
“Imbolc?” Aelin repeated, testing the unfamiliar word on her tongue. “I’ve never heard of it.”
“It’s a minor holiday for the Fae,” Rowan explained. “To celebrate the end of winter and the return of spring. My uncle will likely be holding his own get-together tonight on the estate.”
Aelin turned, grinning at her husband. “A party?”
His lips pressed together tightly. “I’m afraid that my family does not have the same definition of celebration as you do, Fireheart.”
Aelin waved a dismissive hand through the air. “It’s a celebration, isn’t it? It couldn’t be that bad. Even if your family is filled with boring old men like you.”
Rowan scoffed, throwing an arm around Aelin’s shoulders and tugging her close. He kissed the top of her head before murmuring, “Believe it or not, they’re far more boring than me.”
Aelin melted into her husband’s side, breathing in his pine and snow scent. He must have been exaggerating. Regardless of the opinion he held about his familys’ definition of celebration, it was a holiday. It was going to be fun.
Aelin had been completely, terribly, wrong.
Though she’d be dead before she admitted that to anyone. Especially Rowan. He would hold it over her head for the entirety of their immortal existence. 
The Whitethorn estate was a sprawling, beautiful piece of property. The home was almost a palace in itself, sculpted out of white stone in an ancient style. The gardens were stunning, well-managed even when Doranelle was just creeping out of winter. 
Aelin had met Rowan’s uncle once before. It was clear where her mate’s stony exterior came from. She greeted Rowan’s cousin Enda and his husband before receiving a warm welcome from Sellene, the Faerie queen of the east.
Technically, Aelin had just as much of a claim on Doranelle’s throne as Sellene did. Though she had absolutely no desire for another kingdom. Taking care of Terrasen was enough work as it was. 
She spent the afternoon greeting and being reintroduced to Rowan’s never ending stream of family. Her head was starting to spin as she attempted to tell the hundreds of silver heads apart.
But eventually, Aelin changed into a nicer gown as the sun began to set and time for the celebration to start crept closer and closer. It was a new piece of hers, long and white. The dress drooped off her shoulders, sleeves long and flowing. The skirts were airy, billowing around her legs and she strode around the rooms as she prepared. The dress was simpler than most of her other gowns, but it was beautifully made. 
Half of her hair was pulled back in tasteful braids, the rest of her golden waves were left to hang freely down her back. 
Rowan had kissed her and told her how beautiful she looked. With all the sweet nothings he whispered in her ear, it was unsurprising when he hauled her up on the vanity and started kissing her neck. Aelin was halfway through undoing his belt when they were interrupted by a polite knock on their door informing them that the celebrations were starting. 
Aelin had kissed her husband one last time with a whispered promise of, “Later.”
She was excited to celebrate her first Imbolc. The gardens of the Whitethorn estate had been decorated with white flowers and glowing candles, tables of food and wine flowing freely. 
She had high hopes that her husband had been exaggerating about how boring his family was and yet… 
It was nice, she supposed. There was a small band playing low, lovely songs, plenty of people milling about to make conversation with. The food provided was exquisite and the early spring wine simply wonderful. Rowan’s uncle and Sellene had invited other lords and ladies of Doranelle to the get-together. 
It wasn’t that she was having a bad time but… just beyond the towering gates of the Whitethorn estate, Aelin could hear others celebrating in a way that seemed much more intriguing to her. She could hear cherry, jubilant music, the sounds of whoops and cheers of delight. She could scent spiced meat being roasted and smoke from a bonfire. 
Aelin tried to focus back into the conversation she was having with Sellene and other ladies. Although part of her wanted to dance and drink until she was red in the face, she was a queen. And spending time with other royalty and nobility was part of the deal.
But she couldn’t stop keeping an ear out for that music.
Rowan was used to the kinds of parties his uncle threw. 
He started the evening with Aelin at his side. There were plenty of people in Doranelle who had wanted to thank them for their efforts made in the war. They both accepted their thanks gracefully, but when some of the warriors started asking for stories about battle, Rowan took over and allowed Aelin to find less dismal conversation.
He had kept an eye on her through the evening, admiring how beautiful she looked in that white dress under the moonlight. She charmed and dazzled all that she spoke to, a true queen through and through. 
Rowan got roped into a rather lengthy conversation debating some maneuvers made during a war he had fought over a hundred years ago. Eventually, he was aware of Sellene slipping up to his side, a quizzical look on her face.
“Where did your mate run off to?” she asked.
“She’s not here?”
Rowan sent a sweeping glance around the gardens, finding his cousin was right. Aelin was no longer here.
“She didn’t go to sleep without saying goodnight, did she?” Sellene asked.
Definitely not. It was far too early for her to go to bed, and even if she did, she likely would have found a way to coerce Rowan to come with her. Still, she certainly wasn’t in the gardens, but she was somewhere. And if Rowan knew Aelin at all…
His gaze snagged on the gates to the estate, finding one of the gilded doors opened a crack, leading to the music and laughter he could hear beyond. 
He knew where his wife was.
Rowan excused himself from the celebration on his family’s estate, slipping away before anyone could ask him where he was heading. He was out the gate, following the winding path down from the estate towards the surrounding village.
It was easy to find the celebration. It was situated on a small patch of green on the otherwise stone city. There were one or two bonfires burning, cooking some delicious smelling meat. There was a band playing bouncing music, a few Fae children running around, chasing each other, and stealing sweets. A large group of people dancing spun and leapt to the enchanting music. And, in the center of those dancing bodies, was the woman Rowan was looking for. 
Aelin was always stunning, but there were moments that took Rowan’s breath away. This was one of those moments.
The smile on his wife’s face was contagious as moved. Her cheeks were flushed a lovely shade of pink from either her smiling, her dancing, or likely the wine she had been drinking. Someone had twisted white flowers into her golden hair, she had lost her velvet slippers somewhere along the way, her bare feet moving swiftly across the grass. The hem of her dress had been stained by dirt, but Aelin didn’t seem to care. She lifted her skirts in her hand and twirled gracefully, locking elbows with another female before twisting towards another partner: a male who placed a respectful hand on her waist as they spun swifty. 
It made him happier than he expected to see Aelin learning the folk dances of Doranelle so quickly. It didn’t surprise him at all that she would master them.
Rowan wondered if the people around knew exactly who was dancing amongst them. Though tales of Aelin Galathynius had spread far and wide, she had only been in Doranelle twice. And neither of those visits had allowed her much time to make herself known amongst its people. 
Rowan, however, was much more recognizable. He pretended to ignore the curious glances people were sending his way, the hidden whispers. It was only so long before they put two and two together and realized that the woman he couldn’t take his eyes off of in the fine dress who had crashed their party was the Queen of Terrasen herself. 
Rowan didn’t know what possessed him, but he found himself slipping through the crowd, dodging the bodies of the dancers, until he had swept his wife up in his arms and began to lead her in the next dance.
Aelin’s face lit up in delight before raising a mischievous brow. “You found me.”
“You knew I would.”
She laughed. “I did. But I wasn’t expecting a dance. I only get those on special occasions.”
“It is a special occasion.” Rowan braced his hands on Aelin’s waist, lifting her as the others around them did this same. “It’s your first Imbolc.”
“Ah. I was hoping I convinced you with my stunning beauty and irresistible dancing.”
“Perhaps both are factors. Besides, my uncle’s party was growing dull.”
“Oh no! I’ve finally corrupted you into liking fun!”
Rowan flicked her nose and her laughter rang through the cool night air.
Although Rowan didn’t dance often, when he danced with Aelin, he always loved it. She danced with just as much grace and ferocity as she did when she fought. He would do anything to see that glimmer that shone in her eyes, to feel his magic and heart jump with joy to have her so close. 
The music sped up as it reached its climax, the dancers moving swifter to match the beat. His and Aelin’s bodies moved in question and answer to one another, not one misstep or fumble. Not that he expected there to be. 
The song and dance came to an end with Rowan twirling his wife back into his arms, both of them breathing a bit heavier than normal after exerting themselves. Aelin was smiling up at him, a few stray, golden hairs sticking to her forehead. Around them, people cheered and laughed, but to Rowan, it felt as if they were in their own world. 
Aelin threaded her fingers through Rowan’s hair, pushing up on her toes and pressing a lingering kiss to his lips.
“I think I love Imbolc,” she said breathily. 
Rowan smiled back down on her, kissing her again. “Then we’ll bring it back to Terrasen with us.”
Her grin didn’t fade as she rested her head against his chest. “I think I love you, too.”
Rowan held her close, resting his head on hers. 
He was pretty damn sure he loved her too.
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obscenitymoving · 2 years
⛧ ; hiihi
thank you for your response, again! do you have any favorite things about being schizoid or ones that you consider positive?
also, do have any views on szpd in the sense of it being a disorder and all that? i find it interesting because it's technically considered among the Serious Mental IllnessesTM and personality disorders (the latter of which makes sense but i wouldn't be surprised if people with other pds find it much harder to deal with theirs) but i don't really perceive my experiences as.... suffering? ill? or the like? perhaps it's because some other pds tend to come with intense emotions and i'm just. dissociated all the time pfff. the way i am feels normal to me, even if neurotypicals would consider schizoids very confusing or hard to understand or abnormal in general. though then again i have this sorta mindset that suffering and pain = negative emotions that are felt, like sadness or anger. not Nothing. emptiness isn't negative if you compare it to feeling upset. sure, there's supposed to be fullness, perhaps, but i don't view it that way aha. but regardless it's funny when you're neurodivergent with little awareness about others no matter what your neurodivergence is, because i can't comprehend neurotypicals are unlike me and that i'm supposed to be the weird one. i've always called them aliens instead aha. i'm perfectly normal To Me, so what're the weirdo neurotypicals on about? (/joke but also i do think that way.) i figure it's just interesting to think about.
hiiiiii again sorry it took me so long to answer this time ive been busy being insane (playing tower of fantasy)
anyways . for me it really depends on the day. sometimes i have a lot of fun just reveling in my space and existing with entirely 0 responsibilities and obligations from other people. its very nice. i like to imagine a future in which i continue to exist as i am now (doing absolutely nothing. at least for another 2 weeks before i have 2 start college) and i dont find myself upset by it. i dont find myself being sad or feeling lonely if i continue living in my own little world where no one is ever allowed in. im not overly upset at the possibility i might just be single for the rest of my life. im content to coast through life feeling very little. though like i said, it depends on the day. sometimes i get really mad at myself (im angry more often than sad) and wonder why i cant just be "normal". and why its so hard for me to just talk to people. its an uphill battle just to remain in peoples lives. its very difficult for me because i rarely, if ever, am the one to reach out first or message people first. i just dont, im often not thinking about other people for long enough to want to text first. which obviously means most other people take this as a sign of me not being interested. which isnt always the case with me. i just dont like being the person to do it. im terrible at putting effort into relationships because it just feels so ... hard. and not worth the fight to keep someone in my life. i often think things like "if they really wanted to stay, they would have" when i drift apart from people. of course i know relationships have to go both ways, realistically i know one person cant just always put in the effort. but the little schizoid devil that sits on my shoulder tells me otherwise. (if you were wondering the angel would also be the schizoid. ie the euphoria of cancelling plans and avoiding social situations)
i do consider it a disorder (because my nothing is in equal parts enjoyable as it is suffering) but youre right in that it just does feel very normal to me. ill probably never go to therapy for it, as its not something thats so debilitating to me that i need "fixed". theres nothing to really fix, i think this is just how i am. im not really interested in putting allthe effort in to make myself "normal" when i have no problem with myself in the first place. and i dont really consider myself abnormal, i dont really care honestly. i dont care if people think im a creep... or that im a weirdo.... or a freakazoid or whatever. im too busy having a superiority complex anyways
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