#sorry for being so slow
yumedreamfics · 4 months
The Thief and The Monk chapter 21 (sneak peak)
Omnics didn't need to sleep, they only needed to charge every now and then depending on activity level. However, they could go in sleep mode to preserve energy. That's the closest thing they had to human’s sleep.
You never saw Ramattra resting, he always stayed awake, watching you sleep instead.
So when he fell asleep as soon as you laid down on his bed, holding you close with his head buried in your chest, you were surprised.
You hugged him, moving your fingers between his cable hair, cuddling him and watching him silently.
Something was tormenting him, you knew that.
He always cared about his fellow omnics, he always did his best to help them in the moment of need, more than once he told you about how the safety of his kind was one of the most important things for him. And when he lowered his guard only for one moment, humans attacked them once again and he couldn’t do anything about it… 
You started to feel resentment for your own kind.
Sure there are humans that like omnics, most of the village at Shambali loves them, you knew that.
But the looks of the ones in the village nearby when they saw Ramattra were stuck in your head.
Not all humans were kind to them…some of them wanted omnics dead, the scars left from the crisis were still fresh in most of them…
Could there really be peace between humans and omnics? Or are we all dreaming of an utopia? Is Shambali's message really….
You let out a long, deep, sigh, as you wrapped your arm around Ramattra's body and slowly let yourself fall asleep, not wanting to overthink one second more.
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abbeyofcyn · 11 months
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Finally sat down to draw the art give away drawing. Their OC with Raph and a cat 😊
@hellaphresh congratz again on winning~
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eddieschains · 1 year
seeing all the requests in my inbox just reminds me of how shitty of a writer i am 🧍🏽‍♀️
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coralsgrimes · 2 years
"if I could get any Benny answer I would ask about her alright?" same here, much more interesting than J.! Then I would ask him what's up with those strange pap walks? There was one with P., one with J. and one alone when he came out of the gym. I think I'm too stupid to understand the meaning behind it. And then I would ask him why he painted his walls in such an ugly tone and why he has such strange brushwood as decoration in the living room.. such dust catchers really do trigger me...🤞🤣
There were two twin flames outings. The one in 2020 right from the bed and then the 2021 fluid exchange over ice creams, way better quality pics 🧚🏻‍♀️🧚🏻‍♀️
But yeee I don't think he can answer anything honestly. Just look at his EP promo interviews lol
About hissss house x.x it's as unimaginative as his clothes, I personally hate everything about his personal style. Everything in his casa is probably as old as his dressing rags DISGUSTING
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kitkatyes · 2 months
Do you know when you will be updating your ieytd fic on ao3? Literally no pressure tho just wondering
Hopefully soon! I’ve been mulling over the next chapter for some time now but I’ve been in a constant state of editing (my ass is indecisive)
Unfortunately I’m in exam hell rn so I’ll try and get the next chapter up sometime after I’ve finished
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e-dubbc11 · 10 months
Hello lovelies! Just wanted to jump on here to say there are a few days left to send in stuff for my follower celebration.
I’ll leave the link HERE
To my new followers, thank you very much for deciding to follow my little blog. If I may ask a favor, please please please put your age in your bio. To blank blogs, I’m sorry but I will have to block you if you have nothing, not even a like on your page.
To everyone who is tagging me in games and fics, etc. I am SO sorry for not getting to it quickly. I’ve just been busy trying to get to everyone’s asks but I will, I swear!
Thank you for your attention to this matter
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lucabyte · 4 months
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you dream of devouring your friends whole
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 2 months
Big clockwork fan here. I'm begging you. Make him hot. Pretty please!?!?!?!
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but also like lol thanks for thinking that i could/somehow managed to draw CW hot, i guess???
here have some doodles of him haha
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i dunno what is it about him, but nowadays thinking about CW activates some sort of sleeper agent desire to actually try and draw him attractive
i think it stems from early days on DA during dp era and seeing people draw him cool and thinking i wanna do that but also having no ability to do that whatsoever lol
but now i somewhat can ;) so thats nice
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lokimobius · 3 months
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LOKI S02E01 “Ouroboros”
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daekiyu · 10 months
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k/s doodles bc i have severe brainrot
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ship-it-sideways · 18 days
Hi hi I love your art and everything aaaaa Grumbo is so cute!! I'm mainly a scarian shipper but gosh I saw your Grumbo and it's just *chef's kiss* please draw more!!!! (mayhaps you can draw some scarian in the future 👉👈 /nf)
Thank you so much !!!!!! <3 I loveeee drawing desert duo generally but I wanted to draw something shippy-er so I spent a while doing this >:3c
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exeunknown · 17 days
Young afton and mia designs
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Idk if I’ll put them in my daycare au, I drew these because I’ve been struggling drawing the daycare au post that I’m planning on
I gave afton a stupid haircut becaus it’s funny
They are best friends in the au, afton doesen't really talk/play with the other kids
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She found one of the pictures of child him that he hid (tragedy)
Oh yeah update of my health I got a pretty bad iron deficiency to say the least
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fala-alfredo-pasta · 6 months
Maybe a bit much but could I get a teruteru/Miu comic? You can even put someone there getting grossed out by the for funsies :3
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I just like the thought of Miu giving Teru a cute dumb pet name based on his last name sounding like ham lol
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vicsy · 7 days
ohhh for the ship asks
strollonso (obvi) and the prompt: you should stay away from him
In a perfect echo of the hotel bathroom, Lance cuts himself over the edge of false convictions. His fingers close around the wide band of a custom-made collar.
You should stay away from him.
He addresses the reflection in the mirror, stern, but his voice is soft, too forgiving, nothing like his father's. A tremor wracking through his hands; Lance clasps the collar over his throat, living through a memory so crystal clear. Lawrence's heartbroken face when he slid a black box across the table in his office, just the two of them and a thick burden of the best interests kept at heart. A sharp point of a dagger prodding his skin where it's the thinnest.
Familial ties have no weight in blood. Lance still wants to learn he's worth his weight in gold.
"I won't tell you what to do," Sebastian said, then, a glass of wine next to his empty plate. Lance zeroed in on the silver of his fangs, peeking through his lips stretches in an easy smile. They were playing pretend for the night. "He and I are very different. Try to keep a healthy distance, yes?"
The want parched Lance.
"No. Don't," Esteban snapped a week later, frantic and desperate, cornering Lance near his driver's room in the sweltering Bahrain heat. He pointed at his parted mouth and pressed the pad of his index finger to the tip of his fang. "It's no good, Lance, please. Stay as far away from him as you can, ask your dad to– I don't know!"
"Or come to me," Esteban pleaded, his hold on Lance's shoulder bruising. "I'll do it. Don't risk it with him. Please."
Lance couldn't, ever. Esteban would have ended up loathing himself and Lance would have never made his peace with it. To Esteban, he still made a feeble promise, sealed with a bone-crushing hug. Lance hoped it wouldn't break the way his wrists did; it hurt.
The pain was his impediment. It lessened his resolve.
You should stay away from him.
Race after race after race. The pinprick on the back of Lance's neck from being watched, a touch to the small of his back; to his cheek. His lungs constricting and sweat pooling under the collar, unbearable chokehold. Lance wishes to crack his chest open, to leave the bridges up in flames, to stand on the podium drenched in champagne — up there, not alone, free. Lance detests the thrum of want singing under his skin. It never abates, haunting.
You should stay–
Lance goes for a drive. He pretends there is no destination in mind. His car doesn't seem real but the empty streets of Oviedo at night are more than enough.
A house on top of the hill greets him with a sound of shattered promise. The front door opens before Lance reaches out to ring the bell.
"I don't know," he says right off the bat and shivers. Then forces a smile he knows is crooked. He's lying. "Sorry. Shouldn't have come, really."
Leaning against the mahogany doorframe, Fernando appears mostly human, dressed in a t-shirt and sweatpants. The eyes of a predator look at and through him. Lance never wanted it to be anyone else.
"Hm. I know," Fernando rumbles, his smirk as cruel as it is indulging. Lance feels lost; feels like he's on the wrong path. "You are doing a bad job at staying away, Lance."
Fernando's fixation on discipline fascinates him. With a trembling hand, Lance unclasps the collar around his neck; with the other, he grabs Fernando wrist, palm up. There is no pulse beating underneath his fingertips but Lance's heart is rabbiting out of his chest hard enough for the two of them.
Too perceptive to be fooled, Fernando waits him out. He knows the game well. Lance walks into the trap on his own volition, waving a white flag. Places the collar onto Fernando's calloused palm, closes his fingers around it.
"Show me why I shouldn't."
Then, Lance bares his neck.
Then, Fernando lunges.
Bare and at a mercy, wrists bound behind his back with the same collar he wore, a mere sheep to a slaughter, Lance's want crumbles into dust and all of his pain ebbs away. He can never go back now; he wants to forget the way exists when Fernando pushes him into the bedsheets, big hands gripping his waist tight. Lance bucks up against nothing, white-hot pleasure blinding him, rendering him bonesless, voiceless but frighteningly at ease.
Fernando's jagged fangs plunge into his throat without a warning and Lance wonders why he ever resisted going somewhere he belongs.
Send me a ship/character(s) and a one word prompt and I will write a 5 sentence fic about it
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vinelark · 2 years
khoa & tim fake uncle postfic
because i’m thinking about tim’s fake uncle again and because i’m also thinking about ghostbat: au (loosely inspired by this) set during tim’s early robin era where tim does a version of the Fake Uncle thing, which coincides with minhkhoa khan sneaking into town to spy on bruce.
the thing is, khoa has been off the grid for a while and just learned about jason--both that bruce got another kid, and that said kid had a fatal run-in with the joker. bruce had told khoa to stay out of gotham years ago, but khoa isn’t about to let that stop him once he catches up on the news and pieces together bruce’s grief spiral that only recent calmed down with the appearance of a new robin. a new robin who is, conveniently, posting a veiled job offer for an? uncle?? on the internet, and doing it entirely on his own.
so khoa fashions himself a fake struggling-but-not-too-struggling actor identity and lands himself the position of tim drake's uncle. it’s a perfect way to peek at bruce’s life while flying under the radar, because this tim kid is very eager to keep his fake uncle as separate from bruce as possible. khoa expects to be in and out of this job in a month, maybe two, as soon as he’s sure bruce is stable and not going to crumble because bruce cares so much and khoa knows it’ll be his undoing one day and—anyway. it’s a temporary gig. the kid’ll have to come up with a cover story when khoa inevitably disappears, but that’s not khoa’s problem. and tim probably shouldn’t be making up fake relatives anyway, so khoa will be teaching him a valuable lesson. (the lesson: always make sure you have collateral on someone before trusting them. you’re welcome for the parenting help, bruce!)
except. it’s not so easy to leave.
after just two weeks khoa starts realizing that:
tim is bonkers
like, off the wall bonkers
and brilliant
bad combo, khoa knows from experience
tim desperately cares about bruce and dick and alfred
but does not see himself as part of the family (hence the fake uncle thing)
khoa also realizes that tim keeps secretly patching himself up at home (because he’s downplaying any injuries after patrols) and eventually khoa is like. “okay. i don’t care what happened*, but you do have to stitch that up properly. my fake self can’t be in trouble for child endangerment.” and he patches up a surprised and wary tim. this becomes a routine.
*(khoa knows what happened, he was stalking batman on patrol that night. like most nights.)
ANYWAY. basically what i’m saying is: identity shenanigans where bruce’s ex is lurking around gotham pretending to be tim’s uncle and tim doesn’t know about the ex thing and bruce doesn’t know about the uncle being fake thing and everyone is keeping secrets from each other. and khoa goes from “this is a convenient way to spy on bruce” to “if anything happens to this unhinged baby robin i will kill everyone in this room and then myself” and ends up co-parenting tim without bruce realizing.
also in between having concerning realizations about tim’s self-preservation skills and spying on bruce, khoa finds time to have fun with it. like imagine a parent-teacher conference at tim’s school. the school calls bruce to schedule because his contact info is still on file from when tim was staying with him. but obviously khoa catches wind of this and decides to also turn up, in full uncle disguise, and spends the whole time fucking with bruce and having a blast.
like bruce was kind of checked out last year when the conferences happened and now he’s starting to claw out of his grief enough to be present and engaged. especially now that tim is staying with his “uncle” bruce is like wait. wait. and is trying to make more of an effort, so he shows up to the conference. and then at the conference khoa is just lounging in his chair like, “tim fell asleep in class? good for him, i’ve been telling him to get more sleep” and bruce is trying to be Even Better Dad to compensate while his eye is just constantly twitching.
[parent-teacher conference shenanigans with contributions from @cairoscene, @90kon, & @mammutblog:]
teacher: i won't sugar coat it, tim is very nearly failing literature
khoa: ah. a ridiculous subject anyway.
teacher: i notice tim is very... isolated. he doesn't seem to engage much with his peers, even when they try to initiate conversations with him
khoa: well children are idiots, i don't blame him
teacher: tim got in a fight—
khoa: did he win?
khoa: oh tim’s getting an A in science? we should celebrate. i’ll take him to get ice cream for dinner. we usually do that anyway but this time he can have extra sprinkles
bruce: that’s not— [deep breath] in my experience tim has trouble remembering to eat a balanced diet when left to his own devices, which is important to his growth at this age.
khoa: yeah of course. that’s why sometimes we get frozen yogurt instead
bruce: tim is lactose intolerant
khoa: [pulls out a packet of lactaid] i know
anyway!! after a bunch of shenanigans and awkward actually-taking-care-of-tim moments, something big happens where bruce and tim are in deep trouble and khoa breaks cover to burst in and rescue both batman & robin and all secrets come out. tim is shocked that he didn’t figure out who khoa was (in tim’s defense, he’s had a Lot going on) and bruce is soooo mad he didn’t see through the disguise, but also bruce is. grateful. that khoa has been there for tim, especially when khoa finally gets to do a full “get your head out of your ass” rant about the various ways tim has been pretending to be way more okay than he is.
khoa: if you’re going to CARE about people so much the least you can do is! pay attention to them!! this kid is your problem, act like it!
bruce: sounds like he might be Our problem now
khoa: only because i don’t trust you to get the job done 😤
(ALSO because khoa is literally there to lurk and observe he notices the league slipping into gotham and they end up rescuing a resurrected jason early.)
anyway i just think the concept of khoa being tim’s deus ex machina adult is so fun. like tim is on some international mission with young justice and it seems like all hope is lost and then freaking ghost-maker swans in and takes out all the enemies and gives tim a whole rant about How Is Bruce Letting You Run Around Like This, Does He Know What You’re Getting Up To In Your Spare Time, Where Even Is He. the vibe is ghost-maker dropping a (carefully patched up) robin on wayne manor doorstep with a sticky note on tim’s forehead reading TAKE BETTER CARE OF YOUR THINGS.
(bonus au of this au from aubrey where bruce DOES see through khoa’s disguise:
Tim: Bruce, this is my uncle--
Bruce: ANTON?!
Khoa: 😘
also please look at this khoa and tim art again for the vibes
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rox-of-iu · 1 year
ayoo guess who finally sat down and caught up with cultivate B)
is me. so you know what that means.
spoiler warning for cultivate ch 30-37
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there was actually.... more things i wanted to draw but I already did so many I had to physically restrain myself hfsjkkdh anyway yes can you tell i love this fic very much
yet once again. cultivate by the wonderful @neonghostcat
#liushen#cultivate#cultivate: slow life on a monster infested mountain#mu qingfang#tagging him as well since theres lot of focus on him lol#and shen jiu as well u have to excuse me I love them they're meow meows#there was gonna be more sj content also but he ended up being cut in the end#wait- hdfdfhkj probably shouldnt talk about cutting something and SJ in the same sentence lmao jhfksdhfk ok bad joke sorry#anyway aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa absolutely deceased with all that has been revealed and covered in the past few chapter#actually dead wonderful powerful talented incredible showstopping never seen before#my most favourite part of cultive is its mysteries without a shadow of a doubt they're so intriguing and the reveal is ALWAYS sooo satisfyi#so the chain reaction of so many answers of the big ones tm? chefs kiss MWA#speaking of mysteries i never mentioned it before because I didn't know how to incorporate it without it being awkward but#for the longest time one particular piece of info has been rotting in my brain#and it was the off-hand comment on of the aqueduct by LQG#it is SO SILLY but THATS the one that has been just spinning in my brain FROM THEN ON ALL THE TIME it is indeed not the actually much coole#checkovs guns that have been setup nooo it was THIS hjkjsdfhksd I HAD TO KNOW where that was going AND NOW I KNOW I CAN REST EASY jsdhfkd#so yeah absolutely wonderful chapters indeed beautiful powerful#also some of you may noticed that time and time again I keep switching up the seniority between bai zhan and qian cao#and i have to formally apologize for that it is in fact not out of lack of attention to the text I'm just shdjkas#if im not mistaken qian caos position is not set in stone in canon so its free for grabs to put it in any of the free spots on the list#so i should respect neonghostcats (beloved i am so sorry) list in this case but i physically couldn't bring myself to write mqf as shidi#HSAJHS im sorry i am so biased and from doctors family i cannot put him in my head in peak seniority so low I'm sry i am legally not allowe#so lets just pretend i wrote it correctly ok sadhkas eyes closed xD#OOF th etags got long this time but im just SOOOO EXCITED WITH THIS FIC AND GOT FEELINGS OK BYE#anyway neonghostcat godspeed recovery buddy!!#also i hope using neonghostcat isnt like....calling u by your full name hdkfh but no idea to which parts i should shorten it either so hah
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