#sorry colourblind people
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lys-judges-you · 5 months ago
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He he he Halloween post
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senseiwu · 9 months ago
"Um but she didn't recognise the green guy a million metres away who looker like a speck wasn't her son!!!"
do you fuckers know anything about vision
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iwrite-sinsandtragedies · 7 months ago
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Day 1 — Soulmates ₊˚✧ ゚
Submission for @goldengroovy's @olnfweek2024
MC: Micha
Long ass ramble under the cut 😂
Okayokayokay SO-
I love soulmate au's. I cannot tell you how many fics I've read or how many prompts I've played with or media I've consumed or how many bullshit ideas I've come up with in my own head for them, I CANNOT.
It's just - hhhhhhhhhhhh- Soulmate au's and Time Travel au's are just the shit that gets me out of bed some days 😩💖my world weary soul drinks that shit like medicine, okay?
That all being said, it's probably a little ambiguous which au I picked to some, so let me explain: There are two au's I'm mashing up here really, both are from fics I've read back in the day. One being a Clack fic and the other a Thilbo one 🤷‍♂️kind of calling myself out here but w/e, they were good fics.
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The Thilbo one is easier to explain - the concept is "Heartsong" which is, literally what it says on the tin. You find out who your soulmate is the first time you hear them sing (and no, that does not mean everyone is just a naturally good singer - they can be ass at music but, the point is, when you hear them their song is the perfect song for you and your heart knows that). There's a lot of little nuances to this one - things like you hearing your heartsong when you dream so you always know the moment you find them. Also people who have quiet dreams because their heartsong died, sometimes before ever even meeting them. etc etc. The heartsong also seems to expand, in some respect, to instruments (as Thorin plays his harp one night and Bilbo starts to hum without thinking about it because it sounds wonderful to him and that's how Thorin finds out).
Overall, it's a very soft and sweet concept to me and as someone who has a deep love of music, it's also one of my very favourites.
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The Clack one is a little less easy to explain? I think. Maybe because it's nuances are so round about but I'll do my best. The concept for this one is "I Only See Colour When I'm With You" - anyone who knows how Clack fics usually go knows where this is probably headed 😂 and I am sorry to have hurt you but, overall, the idea is: You live in a noir-esqu world where everything is black and white. This only changes when you find your soulmate, of course, who brings the world into full saturation and lets you see colour for - possibly - the first time in your life (I say possibly because I genuinely can't remember if you start out colourblind or if it's an age cap thing).
Unfortunately, for as much as I adore this concept, it's been a long damn time since I read the fic and I don't even know if it still exists somewhere. So I can't actually recall if it was a 'you have to touch them' or 'you have to hear them' thing but the fic takes place with Zack on the cliff right before Midgar where he holds Cloud and looks at the sky - so I'm willing to bet it's a touch thing.
I also really loved this fic because it was the first one I'd read that brought in the concept of multiple soulmates to me - As Cloud later sits with Aerith and sees the colour he couldn't see with Zack, meanwhile Aerith only sees black and white, because she was only able to see colour with Zack (who was never able to see colour with her, because he needed Cloud for that).
Essentially, they all needed each other to see the world in colour. As a polyam person who didn't quite realise I was poly back then, it was a very comforting (and now dearly cherished) fic.
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Anyways! Now that you have the background on the two concepts, you can kind of get what I'm going for with this piece.
Tamarack, Micha and Qiu are all soulmates in a fuzzy, desaturated world (I'm sorry, I'm not cruel enough to but them in complete greyscale LOL) and the way you find your soulmate is by hearing them sing and, when they do, your world is suddenly vivid and bright and beautiful. Suddenly, you can see things as they were meant to be seen and it's a permanent change (unlike the Clack fic) but things are always clearest and brightest when your soulmate speaks or sings 💖
I get a real kick out of the idea that Micha's known for fucking months that Tamarack is his soulmate (if not years) because he's always listening to her play but never says jack shit about it because he's emotionally constipated that way 😂Though genuinely, it's probably because he just doesn't think he's her soulmate and he's a bit against finding out he's right honestly.
Joke is on him, he's Qiu's and Tamaracks soulmate! And he couldn't have picked a better moment to grow a pair an take the risk 🥰
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trans-faggot · 2 months ago
Its MENTAL to me that people are only just now realising that trump and elon are nazis. Like. What did you think? Did you not realise that last time i studied a speech like that, it was in german? Did you not realise that trump hates anyone whos not white, cis, and a man? Did you never learn about something called kristalnacht? (sorry i cant remember how to spell it) Have you not realised that nazis are never nazis until they have the power to be nazis? Do you not understand that you are not the most important person in their room? Do you not understand that you are closer to crippling debt than you are to EVER being a billionare, or even in the same room as your "heros"?
Do you understand that their sins will be the blood on the hands of the people who elected them or are you colourblind.
Congratulations to vice president Donald Trump.
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fuzzybirdie · 7 months ago
Hero Of Changing Faces
Ch.3 pt 2
Looking arround, even if everyone got out of the way of the blast, the tracks would likely fall on everyone after. Danny was running on instinct when he grabbed Biker who was furthest away and threw him into Actual Bat. He then started growing an ice shield arround everyone.
The thing about his core's abilities is that they're way stronger than his basic abilities. Yes, he could make an ectoplasam shield more quickly, but that would break on impact. His ice was more tiring, and he would have to let go of the ice on the ride, but it wouldn't break unless he let it.
The shield was paper thin at first, but then he let go of the ride and it grew to arround an inch before the blast.
The girl in overalls hugged a guy(?) In a studded leather jacket as he(?) yelped at the sound. The mother hugged her kids as they stared up in amazement, and the gentleman just watched him appraisingly.
The rails feel through the flames with a loud creak and clang. They bounced off the ice and tore into the ground.
Only once the flames died and metal stilled did danny release the ice. Three other people were running up to them. One dressed in black and blue, one covered in primary colours, and the daylight one, Signal.
As the shield lowered, the gentleman thanked both him and the bats, "I'm sorry, but i need to find my family"
"That's fine," Actually Stealthy (the one in black and blue) said "Spoiler will be at the gate, she'll help you find them, Mr. Wayne" The gentleman nodded and ran off.
The rest of the bats wasted no time getting everyone evacuated and checked for injuries. Another person who looked like a bat showed up soon after to help.
"So, you're a Meta?" Colourblind Test asked.
"What's a Meta?" Danny immediately shot back, as everyone in earshot winced for some reason.
Colourblind Test squinted at him and opened his mouth to say something before Big Bat inturupted. "Of course," he grunted, "there are no Metas in Gotham," before nodding at Danny and stalking off.
Signal sighed and hopped over. "Sorry about Batman "(His name was actually Batman??)" and Robin. The whole No Metas In Gotham rule is more to warn aginst going out thinking you're invincible then getting hurt."
Robin (apparently) aborted his angry squawk halfway through and stalked off to Nightwing.
"All well and good, but that still doesn't answer what a Meta is."
Signal stopped short of his next sentence and gaped like a fish at him for a few moments. "Are you serious?" He ended up choking out.
Danny nodded and gestured for Signal to continue.
"Right! Ok then, Well, I'm... a Meta"
A blank stare
"Right, doesn't help. So, a Meta is anyone with extraordinary abilities. Usually humans who've been through some sort of life-or-death situation, or exposed to some sort of compound that releases latent abilities. A prime example of the latter there would be the Flash family, or Poison Ivy."
Danny was to busy thinking about how perfect of a cover this was to think of how he knew exactly none of those names."Alright, cool cool. I need to tell my parents. And my sister... Oh Ancients, everyone nearly just died."
Signal nodded as if he were waiting for that fact to hit. "Come on, I'll help explain it to your family, and get you checked for shock." Danny nodded, so exhausted enough to forget his hair was still all snowy.
first / prev / next
So! Who noticed the cameo beforehand! I wouldn'tv'e! (Edit, i actually didn't realise he was there at first. Wrote the first chapter and was just 'who is that?' Then i started ch.2 and was like 'Bruce Wayne?!?!?')
I should also note how I'm gonna use names before the next arc starts.
The name I use while writing will be determined by the name most characters will be using for them in the scene. Like how Duke was refered to as 'Duke' until he put the Signal suit on. Then he was 'Signal'.
This is important because for reasons to be explained, Danny has 9 of them.
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phenixa · 1 month ago
A FloRid Analysis using science (but only at the beginning)
I would like to preface that post by saying that I am not a biology -or scientific- expert at all. I am a humanities major -more specifically a foreign languages one- who just happen to have developped a huge hyperfixation on Twisted Wonderland, its story and characters. And it so happen that FloRid is my OTP. So, brainrot happened.
The hyperfixation and brainrot went so far that I started to hoard facts about octopodes and eels here and there, reading scientific papers written by biologist when the last time I had a science class was like... In first year of high school (en 2nde, pour mes amis francophones)
Okay, so. FloRid. Floyd and Riddle. One of the most appreciated ships in the twst community, being the 4th ship with the most fanfics on Ao3 (with 727 fanfics when I’m writing these words), just behind KaliJami, MalleYuu and RookVil (in this order). I saw a lot of people discussing these two with varying degrees of media literacy (I see you, who claims that this ship is “problematic” because it is a bully x victim ship.). And while I really like to read all of those takes (except the bully x victim one. You’re missing the point sweetie by saying that) and I wanted to add my two cents on that matter.
A while ago, back in September 2024, I stumbled on a twitter thread on FloRid. I can’t find it again, too far back, sorry for that. Basically, what the thread was about, was that Floyd’s interest in Riddle spawned in the fact that Riddle is red, and red doesn’t exist underwater.(see photos below)
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It isn’t really that red doesn’t "exist" in aquatic environments, moreso that the wavelength for that colour is absorbed by the environment not that deep (around 6 metres underwater for those (like me) who use the metric system). Oh, by the way, if someone has an explanation of why the hot pink is still as vibrant that deep, I would love to hear that !
So basically, red starts to "disappear" around 6 metres deep, and is completely black around 24 metres deep. It is, let’s be honest, not that deep, especially when we compare to the depths of the ocean.
In fact, red "disappears" in what is called the epipelagic zone - or sunlight zone - the first level of the ocean (see photo below). Which is interesting since, in our world, all species of moray eels live in that zone. And, as it is well known, the Tweels are based on moray eels (possibly Green Moray Eels if we follow the colour scheme of their characters), so, in our world, they would live not that deep below the surface (at depths down to 40 metres (130ft)). Which isn’t true in the game, as it is mentioned multiple times that the Coral Sea is deep below the surface.
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As we can see on the picture, the Sun won’t go deeper than 1,000 metres (3280ft) below the surface, and the Octatrio mentions once or twice that there’s no sunlight where they come from. On the wiki, we can read :
"It is said to be very dark and cold and has a smaller population than countries primarily inhabited by humans"
Twisted Wonderland wiki, World, Locations, Coral Sea
So, where am I heading with that ? Well, did you know that Moray eels can’t see colours ? Indeed, in a research done in 2011 by researchers of the Tawain Ocean Research Institute as well as the Sensory Biology Laboratory of the Academia Sinica in Taiwan, simply named "A comparative study on the visual adaptations of four species of moray eels" , the researchers have proven that the four species of moray eels studies are colourblind. They, in fact, can only perceive green and its shades/tints, meaning that, even if it was possible to perceive the colour red underwater, Floyd, in his eel form, wouldn’t be able to see it.
There is a technical side, one that shows that moray eels only have one type cone cells (cells present in our eyes to process colours) in their eyes, to explain this colour blindness (in comparison, human beings typically have three types of cone cells : red, green and blue). The only type of cone cells moray eels possess, as I mentioned earlier, is the green one. The closest example we, as humans, can have regarding this sort of colour blindness is the red-green colour blindness (here, "protanopia"), or the complete bolour blindness ("monochromatism")
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(if you can’t see the difference at some point, I have some news for you...)
Basically, in the aquatic world, everyone has protanopia since red isn’t perceived, but moray eels are monochromastics since their eyes can only process greens. (Can I add that the colour palette for tritanopia is really pretty ?)
In the game, it is mentioned multiple times that Floyd couldn’t perceive red at all before coming on land. And the best example is the Stitch event (aka the FloRid event. There’s so much content on these two inside) where Floyd explicitly says that red looks black underwater.
"Colours look a lot different underwater. It only sticks out ‘cuz it’s on land. A red like this would look black in the deep sea where we’re from. You’d barely be able to tell it apart from a rock."
Twisted Wonderland, Stitch’s Tropical Turbulence chapter 3-2-3 "Sparkling in the Sand"
Here, Floyd only presents the fact that the wavelength for red is absorbed by its environment. He says nothing on the fact that he and Jade are supposedly completely colour blind (and just. Basically blind since moray eels are famously known for their shitty vision) before taking their potions. And we have seen time and time again that both twin’s vision and perception of colours on land is pretty good. Just the fact that Floyd can note how red Riddle is, as well as how he was able to see him in a crowd during their orientation (or just how he is able to see small details here and there), is a good indicator of that change between their life in the sea and their life on land. Would it have been funny, and really interesting to make the Tweels colourblind on land ? Yes. Yes it would have been amazing. But alas, I love my two chaos junkies the way they are and wouldn’t have it any other way.
Where did I want to go with that ? Well, if it wasn’t obvious already, I think that Floyd’s interest in Riddle spawns from the fact that Riddle represents something inherently new for Floyd.
When you think of the colour red in regards of twst, you would think of Riddle at some point. I mean, the guy is in the red dorm, his hair is red, he gets red from rage really easily (and the colour usually associated with rage is red), he’s based on the Queen of Hearts, the red queen... Oh and his element in his dorm Uniform card is fire. Red (even if we can completely debate over the fact that fire IRL tends to be more orange than red). That’s a lot of red for a 160cm tall guy, don’t you think ?
Oh, and Riddle was the first person to send Floyd flying, as highlited in Floyd’s Beans Camo vignette.
"Y’know, back at my orientation, a guy way tinier than me used magic to blast me through the air. All I did was razz him a little, and he just SNAPPED. His face was so red, it was almost like he was on fire"
"There weren’t many guys stronger than me under the sea. But here ? This school is crawling with people like that."
Twisted Wonderland, Floyd Beens Camo Vignette,"Nowhere Near the Best" Part.3
If it isn’t said outwradly that the "guy way tinier" than Floyd is Riddle, is it easily understandable from the whole Beanfest event, with Vil telling Epel that Riddle and Floyd had been at each other’s throat ever since their orientation (while adding that every orientation he lived had something disrupting it. What happened during your orientation Vil ? I want to know !), we can also undertsand that the guy was Riddle with Epel’s reaction, stating that "Vil wasn’t kidding about what he said before", referencing Vil’s words.
Oh, and, wan we talk just a second about the groovy of that card ?
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In the vignette, this scene happens between the two quotes I used (the tiny guy sending Floyd flying and the fact that Floyd’s pretty strong). Let’s be true five seconds, trying to not look with a shipping lense through that.
I mean, even while taking Floyd’s persona and character as a whole into account, that’s just the face someone makes when sharing a good memory with a loved one, or someone they’re proud of (my own twin makes that face when they talk about their -adopted- children).
And I even went to ask friends of mine about that face, without telling them the context just "okay, what do you think is happening right now ?" and (without taking into account that one friend who made a lousy joke) the majority of them just answered "he’s ogling his crush". And I mean. Yeah... Yeah that’s definetly the face someone would make when watching their crush. (after telling the whole context, the first answer I got was "Yeah no, he’s masochistic" and I can’t really go against that...). Most of those convo where in French and in between is littered more private convo so I won’t give you any screenshot of that, just know that my friends -some of which aren’t even in fandom spaces- are just as unanimous than I am. That eel is down bad.
On my first draft for that document, I spent a whole 10 paragraphs on their orientation, going as far as trying to explain that Floyd’s interest in Riddle wasn’t firstly based on his hair colour, nor really on his size, but on his strength. I won’t go as deeply into details as in my first draft, but let’s just be clear on that point.
It is said multiple times -as well as shown- that students are expected to wear their hoods during orientation. We see that during the prologue as well as during most Ceremonial Robes vignettes that takes place during (or diretcly after) orientation. For example in Epel’s vignette, we see him and Vil wearing their hoods up, and it is mentioned once or twice by the Savanaclaw guys that they have to keep their hoods up during orientation (which brings them a lot of problems, seeing that the hoods aren’t made for their ears). So, in no world would have Floyd seen Riddle’s hair colour before his altercation with Riddle. His interest first spawned because of Riddle’s magical strength. And the fact that our little guy became housewarden only one week after orientation cemented that interest. I mean, someone that strong ought to be interesting, no ?
Oh and, I won’t go into details here, since it’s not on NA server already, but during Floyd’s dream section, and from what I understand from a reddit post explaining the Octatrio dreams, Floyd starts to remember reality after Silver mentions what really happened during their orientation, with Riddle sending him flying. Ooooh I can’t wait to see that part on the eng server ! More info pleaaaase.
Another point of interest of mine is Floyd’s nicknames. They are based on people’s characteristics, whatever that characteristic may be. For that, Vil is Betta since betta fish are renowed for being beautiful, Ruggie is sharksucker since he’s (literally) sucking off of Leona. And Riddle is Goldfish(ie) (in the sense that officially Floyd calls Riddle "Goldfish" but everyone in the fandom ended up calling him "Goldfishie").
Some points on Goldfish here. First of all, despite their name in English, Goldfish in the modern world tend to be more red than gold-coloured (in French they are called "poisson rouge", literally "red fish" for that fact), but they also are an invasive species once released into the wild. Oh and they are mostly kept as pets by humans.
And, who was kept as a "pet" most of his life by someone, is famously red, and once he was "released" into the world acted somewhat invasive in the life of other people ?
At the time of giving Riddle his nickname, Floyd wouldn’t have known what was going on behind closed doors (or maybe he knew, with Jade fetching information on anyone and everyone for Azul, it’s a possibility) but I find that really funny that Riddle’s nickname suits him on more points than him being small and red (I’m putting once again the screenshot of Floyd saying that, but it’s the exact same one as the one I put at the very beginning of the analysis)
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(to think that I took this screenshot a when I first started playing...)
I’d like to point out that this is the first -and only if I’m not mistaken- instance of Floyd explaining the reasoning behind one of his nicknames. While I saw him name other characters here and there (with this specific card, he names professor Trein at one point in his Home Taps) he never goes to length to explain the reasoning behind a nickname. And to be honest, the reason behind this screenshot was to go scream at my friends that he’s completely unpromted. Riddle just spawns in the conversation out of the blue. And, I mean, when you’re interested in someone/something, you usually find a way to include them/it into the conversation. Especially when you’re neurodivergent.
And we come to my next point : Floyd’s neurodivergence.
The boy has ADHD. Is it canon ? Well, it’s not said clearly but it is shown in some points. ShoujoISM made a really good video on that matter some time ago, and that video explains my own point of view on the subject really well, so I won’t go into that many details here. But, if you’re not really interested in watching a 52 minutes long video essay (which, let’s be honest, with the attention span of our generation, would be completely fair), I’ll try to summarise as fast as possiblie with just that sentence : Floyd checks most of the points of diagnosis for ADHD in the DSM-V-TR.
As a fellow ADHD-er with a huge hyperfixation on mental illnesses, I tend to have fun seeing if some characters check the boxes for some diagnosis I headcannon them to have. And, after watching that video, I opened my version of the DSM-V-TR (yes. I have a pdf of that book.) and checked myself every criteria for ADHD and... yeah, no, he fits into the boxes so well. And with the prevalence of neurodivergence in the cast (especially depressive characters), it wouldn’t be extrapolation to say that when Yana created Floyd, she had ADHD in mind.
One of the main points of ADHD is hyperfixation (aka, what is driving me to write fanfic and analyses of those characters) and hyperfocus. And Floyd is shown having periods of hyperfocus. Like that time he hyperfocused on learning how to dunk for 2 days straight. Azul even makes note of that in Floyd’s Tropical Wear vignette.
"My word... When you put your mind to something you want to do, your focus is incredible. I wish you could maintain that attidute when you’re on the clock"
Twisted Wonderland, Floyd Tropical Wear vignette, "Flying Jellyfish", Part.1
Usually, a period of hyperfocus can be a relatively "short" period of time, but it so happens that in people with ADHD, who usually struggle with this exact perception of time, hyperfocus periods can be counted as pretty long for neurotypicals, or neurodivergent people that don’t experience them. As someone who has lived through hyperfocus periods, time seems to just. Not exist, so for Floyd to spend two whole days trying to master a dunk just because it looked fun ; it doesn’t seem that long for me (as a personnal experience, I was once so engrossed and hyperfocused on a paper for uni that I spend more or less a whole week on that paper, skipping classes and everything else...)
And for me, Floyd has a sort of hyperfocus on Riddle. Not really in the sens that he can spend days thinking of him and do nothing else, but more on the sense that he can find the other in a crowd easily, and is just looking for Riddle really often. In Floyd’s School Uniform vignette, it is implied that Floyd looking for Riddle in the library is a common occurence, and it is shown multiple times in the game (in the main story as well as in events) that when confronted to a crowd, Floyd will find Riddle first. For example, in the scene at the beginning of Book 4 where everyone is in the Mirror Chamber, the whole Heartshackle gang is discussing, surrounded by literally the whole school, Floyd makes a beeline towards our group and the first person he talks to is Riddle. Same at the beginning of the Stitch event, when Floyd comes into the library and comes across our group, the first person he talks to is Riddle. Keyhole vision, this is what I call this.
And hyperfixation. You would mostly know what this is is you’re chronically online or in the mental illness side of social medias (especially tiktok). From what I experienced and what I saw with my ADHD friends, sometimes, hyperfocus is caused by a hyperfixation. And in the case of Floyd and his "I really want to learn how to dunk" mindset at that time, we can quite easily conclude that that state of hyperfocus was born from his hyperfixation at the time on basketball.
It is mentioned at some point in the game that Floyd’s interest is fleeting, meanning that even his hyperfixations don’t last that long (once again, from a neurotypical point of view). He kinda abandonned basketball at some point, still going to his club activities when he deems them to be interesting. But do you know what kind of activity he has deemed interesting for quite a while now ? Bothering Riddle. It has been a whole year (at the beginning of the game) since their first meeting, and this dopamine addicted eel is still looking for his Goldfishie. Because Goldfishie is interesting. Riddle keeps on being interesting to Floyd, the same way that Azul is. And, I mean, from what we can see when we see Azul and Riddle’s interactions with Floyd, they don’t seem to go out of their ways to entertain him, and act mostly "in character" for them (Azul being overly calculating and mumbling about the problems that Floyd causes and Riddle being quick to enrage). Yet, Floyd keeps finding things interesting with them. I mean, outside of Jade, Floyd stuck himself to Azul (and Riddle to some extent) the longest. So they must have something in them that makes them so interesting to him (I have a whole lot of rambling on Riddle and Azul since they’re my fav characters (along with the Tweels) so I get you Floyd. They’re really interesting).
And, in a way, Floyd seems to care on a deeper level only to the people he deems intereting (aka. Jade, Azul and Riddle). We can see his care for his brother in multiple ways, his care for Azul in Book 3 before Azul Overblots (really well depicted in the manga btw) and his care for Riddle is littered here and there.
First of all, begining of Book 4. Floyd (and the rest of the Octatrio) comes to meet us in the Mirror Chamber and... Proposes to Riddle to stay with him over the winter holiday ? My boy you’re really down bad you know that ?
Seriously, we can easily understand that Floyd realised that Riddle was hesitant to go back to his mother for the break, and his first reaction is not "well, you can always count on your friends, and go to them" (Trey even proposed !). No. His first reaction was like, welp, you can always stay with me. The way the chapters are made, Book 4 chapter 3 ends with Floyd’s interjection.
"What’sa matter Goldfishie ? Don’t wanna go home ? Then, there’s an idea : don’t. We’re not. C’mon, you can join us in the stay-at-school club. Heh heh !"
Twisted Wonderland, Book 4 "Schemer of the Scalding Sands", Chapter 4 "A Sendoff from Morays"
It’s literally the first two dialogues of the chapter. I didn’t go further, but Riddle gets irked by Floyd sticking his nose in his business and Jade chimes in to temperate things between the two. Floyd then retorts something quite interesting for me  :
"Aw, c’mon Jade. It’s boring spending every new year with the same old suspects. Besides, Goldfishie’s so teeny, I’m sure Azul would love to keep him as a pet !"
Twisted Wonderland, Book 4 "Schemer of the Scalding Sands", Chapter 4 "A Sendoff from Morays"
Riddle answers by becoming all red from rage and is really close to trying to collar Floyd. The rage is defused by Trey and the rest of Heartslabyul, but I’d like to point something quite interesting. In the end of chapter 3 (after having discussed with the Savanaclaw trio), Riddle is shown to be out of the loop, Ace and Grim making remarks on that note :
"Huh, he’s soundin’ kinda defeated."
"Oh, right. The housewarden’s got an extreme case of helicopter parenting waiting for him at home. No wonder he’s not enthused about heading back."
Twisted Wonderland, Book 4 "Schemer of the Scalding Sands", Chapter 3 "Leaving for the Holidays"
We can more or less see the Heartshackle gang trying to cheer up their friend, but nothing seems to work. Until Floyd appears, makes a beeline for the redhead and angers him. And I mean, a reaction, even as "bad" as that one is still a better outcome than whatever he was feeling before. Even Trey notices it.
"Good grief. Well, at least he’s got his moxie back."
Twisted Wonderland, Book 4 "Schemer of the Scalding Sands", Chapter 4 "A Sendoff from Morays"
It is quite easy to see, with minimum media literacy at play, that what Floyd was doing was trying to ellicit a reaction -any reaction- from Riddle, in a convoluted way of, not cheering him up per say, but making him concentrate on something else, something that is not what hell would be waiting for him at his house. And he succeded. Any punishment he would have possibly faced hadn’t Riddle been stopped by Trey and Cater would have been fair game in his book (and he would have defused the spell either way).
I’m probably over analysing that but I can’t remember a moment in the whole game (in the parts I played at least) where Floyd is shown caring that much for someone. I mean, his words are the literal reason why Azul overblotted (I’m pretty sure that if Floyd hadn’t say what he said to Azul at that time, the overblot would have happened, yes, but a bit later if not at all). Floyd is the exact definition of not really caring outwardly for people ! But here, he is shown caring -in some convoluted ways once again- for Riddle who is clearly distressed about going back to his mother. And I found that the jab of keeping Riddle as a pet is somewhat sarcasticly funny. I mean, Riddle’s mother is treating her son like a doll, or a pet to train and show off. It shows, in some ways, that Floyd is aware of what happens in Riddle home life at that point in the story. Was it through rumors after his overblot, or did he piece the puzzle himself after havig seen Riddle’s reaction to going back to his mother’s during their first year ? We will probably never know.
What I also want to say by that, is that Floyd is deeply intelligent. Not just academically, but emotionally too. He’s probably the most emotionally intelligent guy in the whole cast, contrary to what he lets on (reminds me of Perceval in Kaamelott in some ways). He also possesses a really good sense of ebservation. Once again, in his Beans Camo vignette, he realises that if he lets Epel grow freely, the little guy might become a worthy opponent.
"I was gonna let him get a little roughed up to remind him who's boss, but hey. If I let Guppy keep swimmin', he might grow into a meal worth eating one day. I'll lay off him for now. After all, it'll be way more fun to crush him when he's strong and all sure of himself. Aha ha."
Twisted Wonderland, Floyd Beens Camo Vignette,"Nowhere Near the Best" Part.3
And I’m not sure if, at the time of the vignette happening, Epel has developped his unique magic. It’s possible, but not of good use since the use of magic is prohibited during Beanfest.
Anyway, his ability of perception (which I find quite funny since eels are famously known for having shitty vision) is also highlighted in my previous point. He realised, on his own, that Riddle wasn’t doing quite alright. No one told him "hey, your favourite ‘victim’ isn’t doing well", he just went to make sure that Riddle as okay on his own volition. And it’s not the first time something like that happens. Indeed, in the first halloween event, at the end of it, we can see Floyd caring for both Jade and Riddle. He forces the first one to stop working and sit down for a while, and he pushes the other to eat more. Here, it’s Floyd’s reaction towards Riddle that interests me, not because that post isn’t on Jade and Floyd, but more because it is prompted before Floyd’s entrance in the scene that Jade has been working a lot, while it’s never mentioned once before that Riddle hasn’t eaten enough.
"Psh. Teapot tyrant, meet kettle. You haven't had more than a couple'a nibbles yourself, Goldfishie. Even a real goldfish eats more than that. Aren't you a growing boy?"
"I'll have you know I consume my recommended caloric intake every day, without any excess or deficiency!"
Twisted Wonderland, "Twisted Halloween : Terror is Trending", chapter 5-7
A bit farther, at the very end of the same chapter, Floyd grabs Riddle and brings him to the buffet,       forcing him to eat.
"You got it! C'mon, Goldfishie!"
"I told you, Floyd— Would you stop tugging?! Argh!"
Twisted Wonderland, "Twisted Halloween : Terror is Trending", chapter 5-7
It is easy to understand that Floyd is used to Eating Disorders, especially considering he is friends with Azul, who is the reference in EDs in the cast (I mean, just see his backstory and read through Book 3 and you’ll have the big picture). Riddle’s ED isn’t the same as Azul’s, in the sense that it isn’t self inflicted, but ingrained in him. And for the sceptics, EDs aren’t just anorexia or bulimia. The fact that Riddle counts his calories and takes notes of every intake of food is very much a symptom of an eating disorder (this is another proof of Madam Rosehearts’ abuse on her son btw). And what does Floyd do ? he takes care of bringing Riddle with him to the buffet. Especially after seeing the reaction the boy had when cake was mentioned. Again, no one mentioned Riddle before Floyd intevened, only after that did Ruggie make a comment on that fact. (I also would like to point the change made to the idiom "pot, meet kettle" here. It’s funny as hell and shows a form of intelligence, because, being able to modify an idiom to one’s whims asks for a deep undertsanding of a language and its codes).
It was the last bit of trivia I had to analyse for the time being. At the time when I write these words, we only have 116 chapter of Book 7, so we haven’t encountered the dreams of the Octatrio yet, and even if I keep myself updated on what happens on the jp server I am not aware of everything that happens in details (I can’t read japanese for the life of me so I won’t play on jp server at all).
I realise that I have gone away from my first point of trying to analyse Floyd’s interest in Riddle using only biology and ended up doing a full-on analysis of FloRid moments... Oops...
So, let’s conclude once and for all that lit- *checks the word count* that analysis, shall we ?
While I think that Floyd’s interest in Riddle first spawned during their orientation (and his dream sequence gives us a hint on that matter), I think that Floyd’s continually renewed in Riddle isn’t just some sort of simple interest, but some form of infatuation. I mean. The anthology manga is there for a reason (even if its canonicity is debatable). We can see in various examples that Floyd cares for Riddle to some extent, the same way he cares for Azul (or Jade, but it’s not really the same form of care), and that his neurodivergence makes him hyperfixate on Riddle for some reason or another. I didn’t delve into my "theory" that Floyd might have some form of Bipolar Disorder because it hasn’t as much proof that it is here than the ADHD theory/headcanon, and it’s more a headcanon of mine than a fully fledged theory I have. Either way, it is clear that our moody eel is deeply attached to the teapot tyrant, and I think I was quite clear on that matter.
Now, and before I save this document and post it, I would like to talk about something. The "bully x victim" trope that opposants to the ship see. While I can understand the idea, I think it is not taking into account the numerous events where Floyd and Riddle are together. Sure, in the main story it is easily seen that Floyd has a favourite "victim" to his overly excitable moods, but a bully x victim would imply that Riddle isn’t able of defending himself. And he is. He just lets Floyd act that way because, whatever he will do, nothing would deter the eel. He is literally the guy that sent Floyd flying on their first day, for Samael’s sake ! And, I mean, Beanfest and the Stitch event do tell us a different story than "Riddle is a damsel in distress, victim to the whims of evil evil Floyd". Even in the halloween events  we can see that they -at least- tolerate each other. But, I get it, when the game fist came out in english (because I see that discourse more on western fandom spaces (thank you to my friend who acts like a translator for me to scroll through the jp side of the fandom)), people didn’t have any access to the second Beanfest event, even less to the Stitch event, and were only privy to Floyd’s School Uniform vignette and their interaction in Book 2. But right now, with everything we have for us, I think that this argument is just plain media illiteracy. You can say that I’m over analysing Beanfest, sure. But don’t come at me for things that are clearly said in the game (like the Stitch event or Halloween events). And please, by Demon’s law, let people enjoy their silly ships however they like. I’m not coming at you for liking a ship I don’t have a particular affinty to, to come at me and call me deranged for shipping what is just basically a Red and Blue ship.
Oh, and, last point before I close that document. At one point, Jade says something that stuck with me.
"Heh... As long as you’re enjoying yourself, Floyd."
Twisted Wonderland, Floyd Halloween Vignette, "A Big Fan of Pirates"
And we see Floyd having fun in most of his vignettes. If that isn’t love, I don’t know what this is. (Yes, it has nothing to do with FloRid, but I wanted to put this here since I love the Tweels and their bond.)
Welp. This is the end of that analysis. Thank you for reading all of that, it’s more than 5k words, and I did most of that at work. I have a lot of things to say about the Octatrio and Riddle (as people who follow me on my private instagram has been victims to. I literally yapped about twst for 3h30...) as well as on other characters.
If you’re interested in reading what I write, here is my Ao3 link : https://archiveofourown.org/users/Phenixa. At the time I’m writing these words there is only two twst fanfics (being FloRid) and a small dozen of Kingdom Hearts fanfics, but more twst is coming in the future. I’m currently working on a college!AU if you’re interested ^^
I finished vomiting my analysis, it is time to say bye !
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oldfashioned-lovergirl · 1 year ago
Can I suggest a lewis hamilton fic where the reader is their teammate they've basically been through through thic and thin and they have an argument abt lewis not tell you abt going too ferrari and they confess their feelings and let their frustrations through sex??? (( THIS IS LITERALLY SOO MUCH TOO ASK FOR SO UF YOU CAN WRITE IT ITS FINEEE)) - anon 🌺
☽ LOST IN THE FIRE — lewis hamilton x reader
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tags: smut, switching control, sexual tension, angry sex, dirty talk, age gap
note: first ff I write in a while, please y’all be kind with my english :3 hope you like it, I thirst way too much for this man
✧༺ ☽ ༻∞  ∞༺ ☽ ༻✧
The way the evening is ending is making you nervous and you’re not very good at hiding it. Well, you didn’t expect to discover the worst news possible in the middle of the after party of a fashion show in Paris and above all you didn’t expect to hear that from a stranger and not from the person concerned. Such person concerned is now driving you back to your Paris hotel because according to him you are “too upset” to take your own car.
Now, while you’re looking outside the window without saying a word, you hope he told someone to take your car to the hotel, or you swear to God you’re gonna scream to his face. You want to scream to his face so bad.
The city night lights are magical but you can’t think about anything that isn’t what you had just discovered. The atmosphere is awkwardly silent. Lewis is keeping his sight straight on the road, hands on the wheel. His profile is a picture you know way too well. It’s obvious he wants to say something. Anything.
“You know we’re still gonna see each other every week, right?”
“That’s not the point.”
He lets out a sigh. “I’m sorry.”
“You’re not.”
“I am.”
“I’d rather not talk about it right now.”
“Then what do you wanna talk about?”
“Nothing.” You miss the awkward silence.
You already had arguments during your friendship/coworking/whatever that is, but never like that. That’s different. You feel hurt.
He finally reaches the hotel. He can’t stop right in front, so he parks in the next street. You open the door.
“I’ll walk you.”
“You don’t have to.”
He gets out of the car anyway. You’re not surprised he’s acting like a gentleman even when you’re so angry you could punch him. “It’s 2 AM and I won’t leave you alone.”
You walk alongside him, trying not to look at his open jacket. The fact that he’s wearing absolutely nothing under it isn’t helping. Damn this man and his impeccable fashion sense. “You weren’t so kind when you lied to me about your new contract.” At this point you don’t even care if people hear you argue.
“I didn’t lie.”
“Oh right, you just forgot to tell me.”
“I was going to.”
“When? When you’re already driving a Ferrari car? Don’t worry I’m not colourblind.” Great, now you reached the point where you can’t keep your mouth closed. And he’s following you to your room because he’s just like you, he has to have the last word.
“Soon. And stop using that sarcastic tone with me, I didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Of course, my bad, you’re always right about everything. You’re so selfish and childish, running away from the things you love just because you’re scared.” You ask yourself if you’re provoking him too much. No, he deserves that. You’re about to open the door with the electronic key when he takes you wrist and pulls you away. He stands right between you and the door, preventing you from getting in. “Leave me alone.”
“I’m not scared, I don’t like to be ignored. You are the selfish one here, not trying to see things from my point of view. You think it’s so easy for me?” He’s raising his tone. He never did it with you and now you find yourself holding back the tears. “You can’t even imagine what does it mean to leave my team, to leave my friends, to leave… you. But I can’t stay anymore, it’s dragging me down and you know it.”
Those words touch your heart. You feel sorry for him but you just can’t forgive him. You simply can’t stand the thought of racing without him as your teammate. “Then why didn’t you tell me? We can fix this, we can make changes and…”
“I don’t want change, I want to be myself and I want to be listened to. I would have told you sooner but I didn’t want to hurt you. See, now you’re hurt and I don’t know what to do because…” You’re eyes are on him but he’s looking down. He’s still holding your wrist and you bet he feels your heartbeat going faster than him in a Mercedes. “Because I care about you and I don’t want to lose you.”
You try to release from his grasp but he pulls you close. “Well done, now you lost me.”
“You sure?”
“I hate you.”
He kisses you, immediately moving his other hand to your neck to pull you even closer. His dreads brush your shoulder. You try not to shake for the emotions filling you. You lose yourself in the kiss. You can’t think about anything else than your tongues tangled, so you completely forgot you’re still in the hallway. Lewis takes the electronic key from your hand and unlocks the door. He brings you in and closes it behind your back, pushing you on the door. It frustrates you that he always has you under his thumb, no matter how much effort you put into escaping it.
He wouldn’t force you to do anything, ever. You know that he will keep away his hands if you won’t make a move in that direction. However the moan you let slip makes him inevitably smile. You lick the gap between is teeth and proceed to kissing him more passionately.
He shouldn’t dare to laugh at you right now, not even if you’re probably about to explore each other bodies. You put your hands on his chest and push him on the wall of the bedroom so violently that you worry you’ve hurt him. Bold of you to even think you can hurt a F1 driver’s back. A seven times world champion F1 driver’s back.
Your hands travel under his jacket, brushing his nipples and causing him to hold his breath. His naked chest feels smooth. There’s no better feeling than having him finally in your hands. It’s a dream coming to reality.
“Oh you hate me so much.”
Can he read your thoughts? Or did he just say that because you’re mapping his upper body with your fingers? His kisses continue on your chin, then on your jaw and then on your neck. They’re soft yet so hot. You want to reply but you’re too worried to make another sound. His strong hands are now on your hips, they slide up to your waist, stroking it up and down, his mouth now reaching your naked shoulder and leaving marks on it.
He’s definitely now in control of the situation, as always. You want to regain it, but he’s good at making you melt under his palms. You want him in you so bad and you’ll have him. You take him by his jacket and drag him in front of the bed, quickly getting rid of his jacket. You push him on the white bed sheets, climb and sit on top of him. You can feel him hard.
He has the body and the face of a young god, he’s so flawless that makes your almost 20 years age difference look 0.
“Take off your clothes.” He commands.
“Don’t tell me what to do.”
You pin his hands on his sides and begin slightly moving your hips. His eyes turn to the ceiling for a moment and his breath becomes louder. “You can’t torture me like this.”
“I think you deserve that.”
You stop and sit back in his lap. He looks up at you with his dark bambi eyes. They’re the prettiest thing you’ve ever seen in your life. You take a moment to appreciate the sculpted inked chest he likes posting on instagram so much, thinking about all the times you spent trying to hide how jealous those fuckboy pictures make you feel. Maybe the jokes you always make on the topic betray you.
“Does this mean you forgive me?”
You’re unsure about that, but what you’re definitely sure of is that you’re falling deeply in love with this man. Those puppy eyes are making you regret all the bad things you said to him.
That doesn’t change that you’re still mad. “We’ll see.”
He helps you unzip your dress, moving his hands across your back and slowly down on your ass, and you let him. The straps of your dress fall down on your arms and he stands in order to press his mouth on your collarbone. He takes your dress off, it falls down on the moquette. “I want you.” He gets rid of your bra and begins kissing your breasts like they’re the sweetest fruit on Earth. “I want you so bad.”
Years of friendship colliding into that moment. You want to shout, insult him, hurt him because it hurts you so much watching him leave, but the only words that escape from your mouth are: “L-Lewis I–“. You bite your bottom lip.
You can see through his pleased smirk that he couldn’t wait to make you eat that “I hate you”.
He takes advantage of your moment of weakness to take back control. He flips your positions and frees you both from the last clothes. God, his arms are perfect. “Open wide for me, darling.” His hands on your thighs are making you unable to speak. “Good, just like that.” He licks his lips at the sight of your wetness.
You can’t take it anymore. “Stop playing Lewis, just… just do it.”
He bends over you, a few centimetres from your mouth. “Pretty please?”
“Shut up and fuck me.”
And so he does.
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myohmyimanxious · 11 months ago
Hazbin Hotel Headcanons bc I'm obsessed xoxo
(Some NSFW is implied/mentioned)
-Husk was there when alastor sold his soul to whomever it was
- He also has no trust is alastor whatsoever like he's terrified of him but he also wouldn't trust him for his life (literally)
- Angel has PTSD
- But he doesn't realise he has it, bc he represses feelings and everything
- Charlie and Angel have a sibling dynamic
- They're pain in the asses for vaggie and husk
- Charlie reminds angel of his sister molly
- He also doesn't really like to celebrate his birthday bc it's not the same without her (unless he's shit-faced drunk and won't remember)
- Vox will make his screen brighter or flicker to get and hold val's attention
- Angel is Husk's lucky charm in gambling moments
- Angel genuinely did love val in the beginning and thought val loved him too
- Whilst Alastor truly does believe that a smile is a both a way to control the situation and hide one's true intentions, his smile is stitched on and he physically cannot remove the stitches as it's part of his deal
- Alastor is colourblind in the same way deer are
- Angel knows what they said about him in Angel court and he plays it off but it really upset him
- Alastor was a serial killer in his life
- He was never caught though
- Alastor plays static when actively trying to ignore someone
- He also plays music for the hotel to dance too, finding that he and Angel enjoyed the same music (bc of the similar time period)
- Husk once got alastor drunk enough to dance with Charlie and taught her how to Charleston dance
- Nifty is like everyone's child. You cannot mess with her
- Nifty will bring bugs to the person she likes most that day (usually alastor)
- Vaggie has threatened angel's life on many occasions
- Those two argue constantly (it's friendly tho)
- Charlie spends a lot of her time breaking up little spats in the hotel
- Charlie has nightmares about the time she saw alastors true demon form
- It made her feel super bad for him too, and she's offered to cut the stitches on his mouth but he refuses
- Lucifer is trying to be a better dad
- It's hard but he is actively trying
- He likes to hand out rubber ducks he's made/painted when people are upset
- Angel has a lot of them, bc he frequently seems to catch Lucifer when he's returning from work
- Lucifer is autistic for sure
- And his ducks are his special interest
- Lowkey he's also smitten by fat nuggets when he meets him
- So much so that when angel is at work lucifer happily offers to feed and look after the lil guy
- Fat nuggets once ate off of alastors plate, and that's the only time it ever happened bc by fucking god did alastor go crazy
- He didn't hurt fat nuggets tho it's okay, he wanted to but angel was like ILL DIE AGAIN BITCH TRY ME MOTHERFUCKER and pulled out some guns
- Angel gives Alastor the tea of what's going down with the Vee's when he gets it
- Mainly bc he hates the Vee's as much as Alastor and also bc Alastor asked him too and he's kinda scared of him
- And also bc it's fucking easy bc Val is a dumb bitch who doesn't know how to be subtle if he tried, Vox thinks so little of Angel that he thinks Angel would be too focused on the sex and Velvette doesn't care much for Angel either
- That's not to say that the Vee's haven't tried to get Angel to be their spy on the inside too, it's just Angel is like nothing to report also I gotta work sorry and just lies to them
- A wannabe patron once was rude to Charlie and lucifer decked them
- Everyone was amazed he had it in him to do it like that bc damn mans was pissed
- Let's just say nobody is rude to Charlie anymore just in case
- Also Charlie is also fucking terrifying when she wants/needs to be
- Someone called Angel a whore and tried to touch him and she went off
- Lucifer had to hold her back
- Fuck with her friends and she will kill you 😊
- Charlie cries at everything (good or bad)
- Vaggie is a real trooper putting up with it
- Angel was like "would you be like that with me if I cried all the time?" To husk, and husk with no hesitation said "fuck no"
- Husk treats Angel like a princess in the streets but a slut in the sheets
- They've deffo fucked behind the bar
- Charlie and Rosie keep in touch
- They have tea parties with Alastor
- Val is scared of Niffty bc she's unpredictable and bc he's not over what happened in the club
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strawbubbysugar · 2 years ago
If you've answered this and I am repeating something I am so sorry. I'm also high so...I hope this makes sense and is taken as the lite teasing it was meant to be
Does colorblindness work differently in your au? There's only one type of colorblindness that is actual black and white and effects, "...1 in 100,000 people worldwide." (Color Vision Deficiency, 2015). And that is shades of gray. I'm confused how the soul string, words, artistic symbols, etc. are completely invisible to y/n. You've described every soul mark having colors from Sun's perspective.
So! If those marks have colors they should still be visible as shades of gray, lighter or darker than y/n's skin tone. The string has 2 distinct colors representing Sun and Moon. Even if one color faded into the background the other would be a darker color and thus visible.
Why does y/ngineer NOT see these things? Hmmm?? 🔍🧐
Makes you think
I have answered before! :) Colourblindness in this universe works a bit differently than colourblindness in the real world! In this universe, the specific pigments missing in your eyes that usually see colour are also responsible for showing you the things nobody else can see! ie) soulmate related markings & visuals. This means that being some variation of red/green or other kind of colourblind still allows you the ability to faintly see the marks, whereas full colourblindness (like with the Y/N) means its entirely invisible to you. However, youd still have a soulmate and be able to feel the effects such as the string. The Y/Ngineer was very firm about their soulmate not being an issue because youre not just colourblind.
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m-jelly · 2 years ago
Hello friend! Hope you are well! This is an official request! Either story or HC format.
So when Levi came from the underground the colors must have really been something. My request is modern where Levi is color blind (how severe is up to you) and reader gets him those color corrective glasses so he can see color. And he's just in awe over things people take for granted like the color of the sky, the grass, etc, and maybe the color of readers dress or something.
Thank you 😊 and as always I love you and your writing 😘 .
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@ladycheesington <3
All the colours
Levi x fem!Reader
Modern AU, fluff, romance, being a couple, colour blindness
Levi has always managed his colour blindness and tried his best to get you pretty things, including flowers. You gift him with glasses one day on a date through a botanical garden. Levi is so touched and is in awe of how vibrant the flowers are.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @notgoodforlife @demonsimp6 @nbinairyn
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Levi entwined his fingers with yours as he felt so unbelievably happy. Going on a romantic date with you, or just spending time with you was his favourite thing in the world. He wanted to cover you in kisses, but he always held back in public.
You looked up at him and smiled. "Levi?"
He flinched a little and smiled back at you. "Yes, love?"
"Are you enjoying yourself?"
"I am." He frowned a little. "So, a botanical garden, huh?"
You nodded and went to pay, but Levi took over. "Trust me."
He hummed. "I do." He paid before walking with you into the beginning part. "I love you."
You stopped right before going into the first part. "I have a gift."
He frowned at your words. "A gift?"
You pulled a box out of your bag and handed it over. "I'm sure I got the right ones for you."
"Right ones?" He opened the box to see a pair of glasses inside. "Wait...are these?"
You nodded. "I got you corrective glasses. I know you've never been too bothered by being colourblind, but I thought as a fun day out you could enjoy some lovely flowers with me."
Levi hurridly put the glasses on. "I wanna see! Let's go!"
You giggled as he grabbed your hand and yanked you outside and into the first massive biome. "Slow down."
Levi slowed and came to a stop when you entered the rainforest. "Fuck me."
You snorted a laugh as parents stared at him. "Sorry, he has colour-correcting glasses on. He's enjoying them." You rubbed Levi's back. "What do you think?"
Levi reached under the glasses and rubbed his tears away. "This is incredible. There are so many colours." He looked down at you and gasped. "Your eyes! Oh and your hair."
You giggled as he touched your face and cupped your face. "I didn't realise colours on me would be different."
He hugged you against him and looked around. "Everything is so pretty...can we keep going?"
You held his hand. "Sure, come on."
Levi walked slowly as he held your hand tightly. "Flowers are incredible. They're so vibrant."
You pulled him outside the biome. "Wait until you see the outdoor garden."
"Is it more pretty?"
You nodded. "Yes. Lavender is incredible." You came to a stop at the start of a massive garden full of lavender. "What do you think?"
Levi gasped. "It's incredible. It smells good and looks...this is perfect." He looked over at you. "You...thank you." He cupped your face and kissed you. "Show me your favourite flower. I want to see what it looks like with these on."
You kissed him again. "Of course, I'll take you to them."
"Thank you."
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ohnomyhooves · 8 months ago
Thoughts on the headcannons that doffy is colorblind and that’s part of why his fashion sense is Like That and that corazon is so unbalanced bcos he suffered a traumatic brain injury in the same event where doffy got an arrow in his eye and cora was only normal kid levels of klutzy before that and got much worse after
Firstly I'm so sorry if it took me ages to reply, I didn't get notified of this in my inbox at all!🥹
Also, I do like both of those theories– in my opinion there is definitely something about his eyes that Doffy is deliberately hiding, whether a natural 'flaw' or an injury.
On Doffy's eyes;
I think the arrow to the eye was quite clear, it's hard to imagine he could get away from something like that completely unscathed. The only question though if this is the case is why he was wearing glasses before any of that happened. My guess is either:
- he had some kind of eye defect from birth, something that he possibly saw as this huge flaw for a high and mighty Celestial Dragon. Perhaps colour blindness from birth, or heterochromia, or partial blindness etc.
- this is self-indulgent and unnecessarily cute (sue me!) but I also like to think that maybe he was just attached to the glasses themselves as an item, the way small kids get overly attached to things and just don't let them go for a long phase I.e a favourite piece of clothing they insist on wearing everywhere or an impractical accessory.
In either case, I can see that after his injury he started wearing glasses all the time for a totally different reason; to hide an injury that was now a bigger flaw than anything else because it was definite proof of weakness. Whatever he's hiding behind those glasses I refuse to believe he's not touchy and secretive about it. I think the HC that Doflamingo actually has perfectly normal eyes under there and is just an Extra Bitch is hilarious!! BUT considering that he got to keep them even at Impel Down, and I believe the wiki says that Tsuru got him a new pair before he was tossed in jail, they must be pretty important to him/ the Marines who arrested him for that little while his eyes were bare probably saw something that they knew Doflamingo would get Touchy and Dangerous about so they wanted to cover it right back up and pretend they hadn't seen anything.
BUT I'M GOING ON A TANGENT! To answer your actual question, I've never considered that his sense of fashion is so atrocious because he could be colourblind. Like, I just thought it was atrocious because his personality involves being the centre of attention all the time– sitting on the fcking table at warlord meetings, crowning himself King of Dressrosa and throwing massive celebrations in his honour, his behaviour at Marineford– but now that you mention it I like that possibility! I would have to look up how people with colourblindness perceive colours, I think, to get deeper into it; for example, if he doesn't perceive his horrid feather coat as being pink the way other people see it, what colour does it look like to him, what aesthetic exactly is he going for? Doflamingo would 100% not care if other people's visual senses were assaulted in his quest to look good to himself so that's fascinating.
On Cora's clumsiness;
I totally REFUSE to believe he was exaggerating this or playing it up for the sake of his cover. His accidents are too inconveniently timed for that to be the case, like when it got him in trouble when he was stealing the Op Op Fruit...(ouch😭)
He says he's always been clumsy since birth but his klutzness is simply next level, so it really makes sense that it's the result of some traumatic injury. If it was simply a childhood trait I think it would get better with time, not significantly worse; AND, I know we didn't see much of him as a child, but there wasn't any time child Rosi was depicted as being that clumsy. I believe the only time he ever showed clumsiness was when he tripped and fell into a treasure chest one time(?) in one of the very first scenes of their family before they moved out of Marie Jois, but that's like. On a totally believable level for a child. His clumsiness is such an integral element of his character as an adult that I think they would've highlighted it in his younger self.
So! Yes, I agree with that headcanon ;-; poor Rosi...
Thank you for submitting such a fun ask! I do enjoy yapping about them XD
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aardappel-van-mijn-oog · 10 months ago
So I just saw this post (which is an absolute banger of a post let me just say) but it made me think about stuff.
So I’m colourblind, and I’ve known that since I was very small, I first got tested when I was 7 but people around me had known since I was about 4 or 5. I’m told a lot of people with more mild forms of colourblindness don’t find out until a lot later, but mine is pretty moderate (deuteranomaly if anyone’s interested) so I guess that made it a bit more obvious. My grandpa on my mum’s side is also colourblind so it didn’t come as a massive shock.
Anyway what I mean to say by all of this is, I have a lot of experience with telling people I’m colourblind - for various reasons - be that teachers at school, safety instructors, doctors or coworkers. Here are some of the responses I’ve had telling people I was colourblind, tag yourself:
* “just row, laddie” idk how to like accurately translate that but that’s the best I’ve got lol
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hesitatingspirit · 7 months ago
I. Boy v. World
it feels like the world is against me sometimes.
and i dont know how to make it clear that i just want to be left alone. say hi my name is adam nice to meet you please dont hurt me im just a boy please i just want to be treated like one of you. you dont have to even talk to me but if you refer to me just maybe say he but if not its okay & i’m still too aggressive. say nothing at all and i’m just too difficult to even bother with at all. loser from the start, this is an eternal summer and you’re god’s least favourite cold-blooded experiment. strap in and enjoy the ride: you’ll be here for a long time.
If I am offended by someone calling me a woman, I am too much. I am one of those trannies that makes everything about them, the spitting image of the blue-haired, big-mouthed, angry-faced caricatures of trans individuals created by the right. If I am not offended, I am making a bad name for my fellow trans siblings by not standing up for myself when people misidentify me. I am normalising the idea that people are allowed to “mess up” on purpose, label me as whatever they want. I can never win: The only way would be to never get misgendered again. To not even have it be a possibility…
But we all know that this can never happen.
No matter what I do, I am always wrong,
because what did I expect when I chose to do this?
I mean,
Everyone knows how the world feels about people like me.
What DID I expect?
Would it have been easier for me to just stay a girl?
Easier for which one of us?
The world is run by spiders weaving complex webs of lies and careful misinformation, all vague enough to seem true to those who only catch the news in passing and parrot it at work, conversing at the water coolers. But being wrong is a disease, and baby, it's contagious: Mask up and shut your mouth and maybe even your ears too.
They are just trying to provoke me. They want to make me step out of line, so when I finally say “hey im a bit uncomfortable” They can finally say
I knew there was something about him!
He is one of those, he lied!
He DOES make his identity his whole personality!
No. It seems that my identity has become YOUR personality,
because my gender defines everyone but me:
The way people react to my face usually tells me all I need to know.
I can recognise a cold gaze from around the corner,
through a brick wall and from a mile away
I'm a psychic, honey, and I'm never gonna change,
so dont shoot the Messenger, okay?
and it goes like this it goes
boy with mustache makes a face when stranger calls him a girl
boy with mustache apologises for the trouble in case stranger noticed
stranger scoffs i dont see why it's such a big deal you can't expect everyone to understand
boy says i know and i’m sorry
boy goes home and forgets what he looks like.
It kinda goes like this:
different place wake up with a different face who am i today well everyone sees different things
but you know me i ride my own wave, this is My summer soundtrack
i am a skateboarder i am a stoner i am a rockstar
i am a bleach blond baby boy abandoned by god and i will never die again
mask after mask name after name
another ring around my eyes after another night awake
bags full of sleep deprived weekends staying busy with a racing head
lids heavy with the memories of endless nights
it’ll weigh me down ‘til i’m lowered into my early grave
and all the brick roads and sunsets up in my favourite singer’s hometown will never hit me the same
ghosts see the world differently,
ever so slightly colourblind
translucent lids half-covering eyes that have grown so tired from all they’ve seen
an eternity an observer
an eternity more to go
the people who care what you look like or hate what you listen to aren't really people that should be in your life anyway. so i don't care too much when they cut me off.
i don't care at all,
i just find it so insane that somehow i'm hurting people by being alive. by breathing.
if i enjoyed the shapes of the words she and her in your mouth if i enjoyed the twang of their sound waves if i could love the way the words hit my eardrums then my existence would be pure, a gift from god and i would be a miracle
but because i stand up for myself
because i have committed the crime of wanting to be happy
i am irredeemably evil
forever unclean,
stain on society and a file best left unopened.
top secret, confidential. don't ask, don't tell, but tell them what you don't know, tell them what you want to think. don't ask, don't tell, but they’ll always ask, and you’ll always tell.
“we don’t talk about her anymore.”
“she went crazy.”
“i heard it was drugs that did it.”
“i heard it was schizophrenia.”
“i think she was into witchcraft.”
god forbid a boy want to be loved: god forbid i avenge my death.
porcelain is so easily cracked,
you don't think i have a right to self defense?
i have to crawl out of my grave because this city is all i know. and this place can get so damn cold.
my rebirth will be slow. it will be terrible. and it is commencing.
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schreibvibe · 5 months ago
oh my god YES you described his earlier characters so well!!! i’m such a sucker for his late 90s-early 00s roles 😩 my fav has to be stuart from kate & leopold (i may or not have his entire passage of time/colourblind dog monologue memorised from watching it so much) 💘 although having watched walking and talking recently for the first time i have to say andrew was adorable too!! as were jerry and carl and hell, even joe (spinning boris)
do you have any favourites?? 🌻
You and me both! That era of his filmography is just (chef's kiss)
I first knew him from Origins, Salt, and Kate & Leopold; out of those three I love Stuart the most because as you just mentioned, that monologue is timeless. TV Tropes said everyone in that movie was cast according to their typecast at that time and his was along the lines of "dorky supporting character, part-cosmic plaything part-comic relief" which as you know was not inaccurate haha
But the best part is how he never fails to make those roles seem so well-rounded, when in the hands of another actor they could've just been milking it for comedy and that's it. It's the small moments like Amelia waking Andrew up so he can hold the steering wheel as she takes off her sweater then letting him to use the sweater as a pillow afterwards. Carl excitedly going up to his idol and freaking him out in the process. Even that stupid little bit when Jerry accidentally dropped the phone on himself. Every single time he takes them as they're written and manages to make them so endearingly human
Sorry talking about his characters from those days always makes me ready to write a whole essay dkfjfkdfhkjdhkf
As for my personal faves, it changes every time but right now it's probably: Chris from Mixed Nuts, Raymond Prentiss Shaw (dare I say his best cinematic performance of all time), both Martys Kantrowitz and Baron, Paul from Spring Forward (which probably only six people have watched including me, but if you or anyone else reading this haven't, couldn't recommend it enough!)
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year ago
Hiii, I loved the chapter, brilliant writing as always.
I do have a question tho, you obviously don’t have to answer but from my understanding James is colourblind now, but did the weaver also take the literal Color from his eyes ? Cause wouldn’t the other people have noticed that ? Or just his ability to se Color ? And why didn’t he tell anyone that he’s colourblind now ?
she took his ability to see color, but not the literal color of his eyes! so to anyone looking at him he still has brown eyes. & he hasn’t told anyone because explaining that he’s colorblind would mean explaining his whole encounter w the weaver & he like. a) doesn’t even know how 2 begin 2 describe her and b) doesn’t wanna risk getting into the fact that she told him he’d die and c) doesn’t want anyone around him 2 worry abt him or feel sorry etc bc he’s like. it doesn’t matter i can live without color other people have sacrificed way more 4 this cause…why should i go around complaining abt being colorblind that would just make people feel bad…would make his friends feel guilty that he sacrificed something 2 save them etc. so he just doesn’t wanna bring it up! & is planning 2 go on acting like everything’s fine!
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mydarllinglover · 2 years ago
SafeHouse || Two
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I had been at Hogwarts for nearly a week now, and it hadn't been great, no one in slytherin liked me for being a Weasley and no one in Gryffindor liked me for being a Slytherin.
My insufferable twin refused to talk to me, still! and I hadn't made a single friend maybe I could make durmstrang my third school, anything would be better than this.
I was sat at the Slytherin table far away from the sparce amount of students sat around it for breakfast, mentally preparing myself for the first class of the day.
"Keira" I turned around to see my twin brothers stood in front of me.
"Yes?" I asked, looking up at them curiously, wondering what would bring them here
"come on" Fred nodded at the Gryffindor table
"you're gonna make up with Ron, we're sick of him sulking all the time" George rolled his eyes
"I have nothing to say to him, I haven't done anything wrong" I folded my arms across my chest.
"Hold on one minute" Fred put a finger up to me as him and George walked back to their table.
I watched as they each grabbed a hold of one of Ron's arms and stood him up then walked back to me, they then pushed him down to sit next to me, grabbing the attention from the other people on my table
"Make up, now." George told us and then they both walked out the Great Hall.
Ron and I sat in an awkward silence, neither of us wanting to talk first
but as always I broke first "Ron look-
"no, Keira I'm sorry, I had no right to shout at you, its not even your fault, I guess I was just annoyed that I missed you so much, you're my twin, and we've been separated, again, I do want to make up, you know how stubborn I am" he told me as he played with his fingers
"Ron, I am sorry, I know how much that would hurt, I've missed you too, please, I don't want this to come between us" I said as I hugged him and he hugged me back "I love you"
"I love you too"
"Weaselbee! are you colourblind?" We broke our embrace and turned to see Malfoy stood glaring at my brother
"piss off Malfoy, I'm talking to my sister" he rolled his eyes and I noticed how he clenched his fists
"you piss off Weasel, this is My table, go back to potty and that filthy little mu-
"Woah, Ron, lets go, we can just go somewhere else okay, get away from here" I gripped Ron's arm just in case he tried to lunge at the blond "come on" I steered him away from the table and Malfoy as they shot death glares at each other "you have to learn to ignore him"
"I can't Keira! hes so frustrating, and such a prick" he huffed
"Look, we have class anyway, see you at Lunch?" I asked him
"Yeah sure thing, bye" he waved me off as he joined Harry and Hermione again, peering over Hermione's timetable and saying something to her with a grin.
After spending lunch at the Gryffindor table and being introduced to the other Gryffindors in my year, Hermione, Ron, Harry and I walked to our first ever Care of Magical Creatures class, taught by Hagrid.
After the argument between Ron and Hermione at lunch, they still refused to talk to each other leaving an awkward silence between the four of us.
As we walked down the slope I saw Malfoy and his mates who I now knew as Crabbe and Goyle, they were chortling at something he had said, but it didn't take a lot to guess what it was, Harry's dementor attack still being the topic of discussion.
Hagrid the very large tall man, was stood impatiently at the door of his hut with Fang.
I couldn't stop myself as I ran at the boarhound, dropping to my knee taking his head in my hands and telling him how cute he was.
Dog's really are my weakness.
"Keira!" Ron called after me "leave the poor thing alone" he told me as I said my goodbyes to the dog and apologised to Hagrid.
"You know he's not as cute as he seems right, especially when hes drooling all over you" he muttered to me
" Shut up, Ronald, have you looked in a mirror lately" I snapped at him
"we are literally twins" he said
"Fraternal, not Identical"
"Got a real treat for yeh today! Great lesson comin' up! Everyone here? Right, follow me!"
We followed Hagrid to an empty paddock
"Everyone gather round the fence here!" the half giant called. "Thats it- make sure yeh can see. Now, firs' thing yeh'll want ter do is open yeh books -"
"how?" Malfoy drawled
"Eh?" Hagrid asked
"How do we open our books?" The blond repeated
I looked down at my copy of The Monster Book Of Monsters that was belted shut the same as Harry's and some others had done
"Hasn' - hasn' anyone bin able ter open their books?" Hagrid had asked, looking crestfallen.
We all shook our heads at him.
"Yeh got ter stroke 'em,"
"what did he-
"just go with it" Harry shook his head
I watched the group as they curiously looked at their books and my eyes wandered to Malfoy as I saw him ponder for a while until he then ran a finger down the spine of the book.
"Oh how silly we've all been!" i raised my eyes from his hands to his face as he sneered at Hagrid "we should have stroked them! Why didn't we guess!"
"I ... I thought they were funny," Hagrid told me and Hermione
"Oh, tremendously funny!" Malfoy laughed "Really witty, giving us books that try and rip our hands off!"
"Shut up, Malfoy," I heard Harry say quietly from beside me.
I was glad Harry had said something, because my words definitely wouldn't be as kind, I felt bad for Hagrid, his first lesson and Malfoy was already ruining it to make him feel bad.
"Righ' then," Hagrid said "so ... so yeh've got yer books an' ... an' ... now yeh need the Magical Creatures. Yeah. So I'll go an' get' em. Hang on ...' We watched as Hagrid strode of into the Forest and out of sight.
"God this place is going to the dogs," Malfoy announced loudly "That oaf teaching classes, my father'll have a fit when i tell him-
"Shut up, Malfoy" Harry repeated significantly louder
"Careful Potter theres a Dementor behind you-"
"Wow Malfoy thats new, no ones heard that before, from you" I rolled my eyes
"Be quiet Weasley, As well as a Blood traitor, your a traitor to your own house it seems, hanging around with the Gryffindors" He spat at me
"Leave her alone Malfoy, piss off to Daddy will you" Ron told him "just ignore him Keira."
"Ooooooh" The high pitch voice of Lavender Brown Squealed, pointing towards the opposite side of the Paddock.
I turned to see dozens of Hippogriffs, by the look on Some of the other students faces, they had no idea what these amazing creatures were.
I had already done a bit of them at beaubaxtons.
They really were beautiful creatures.
"Gee up, there!" he roared, as he urged the Hippogriffs towards the fence where we stood.
"Hippogriffs!" I cheered Excitedly
"Tha's righ Keira!, Beau'iful, aren' they? So," Hagrid started as he rubbed his hands together and beaming around "if yeh wan' ter come a bit nearer ..."
No one seemed willing but I was excited to meet them so I bounced forward, The other three cautiously following  after me.
"Are you sure you're a Slytherin, you definitely are courageous" Hermione chuckled beside me, I rolled my eyes, a smile plastered on my face.
"Now, firs' thing yeh gotta know abou' Hippogriffs is they're proud,' Hagrid told us "Easily offended, Hippogriffs are. Don't never insult one,' cause it might be the last thing yeh do.'
"Hey, reminds me of someone we know" I told my friends as I looked pointedly at Malfoy and his cronies who seemed to be plotting, as usual
"Yeh always wait fer the Hippogriff ter make the firs' move,' Hagrid continued. "It's polite, see? yeh walk towards him, and yeh bow an' yeh wait. If he bows back, yeh're allowed ter touch him. if he doesn' bow, then get away from him sharpish, 'cause those talons hurt.'
"Right - who wants ter go first?"
the class took even more steps back, even Ron grabbing mine and Hermiones arm to distance ourselfs away, than outstretching an arm to push Harry forward, wow Ronald, what a great friend.
"Harry?" Hagrid asked him as he was the closest person, Harry looked behind himself, at us to give us a "what the hell look" than back at Hagrid "yeah, i'll do it"
I heard someone gasp behind me both Lavender and parvati whispering " Oooh, no, Harry, remember your tea leaves!"
"what?" I looked over to Ron and Hermione quizzically, what were they on about 
"Dont worry about it" Ron shook his head and Hermione simply rolled her eyes. So I focused back on Harry who was climbing over the Paddock fence.
"Good man, Harry!" Roared Hagrid. "Right then - let's see how yeh get on with Buckbeak."
We watched as he untied one of the chains, and pulled the grey Hippogriff away from the others and slipped off its leather collar.
I as well as the rest of the class held our breath.
"Easy, now Harry" Hagrid said in a low tone "Yeh've got eye contact, now try not ter blink - Hippogriffs don' trust yeh if yeh blink too much ..."
I caught sight of  Hermione grab hold of Rons hand and the blush creeping up his neck as Buckbeak turned his great, sharp head, and was staring at Harry with one fierce orange eye.
"Thats it, tha's it, Harry ... now, bow..."
Harry did as he was told, I could tell he found it quite nerve racking though.
I was getting scared now as the Hippogriff continued to stare at Harry, not moving in the slightest
"Ah" Hagrid had said, breaking the silence once again. "Right - back away, now, Harry, easy does it-"
But then to all of our surprise, the Hippogriff suddenly bent his scaly front knees, and sank into what was an unmistakable bow.
I let out a quiet cheer of excitement, other students doing the same.
"Well done, Harry! Right - yeh can touch him! Pat his beak, go on!"
Harry moved slowly towards the Hippogriff and reached out towards him. He patted the beak several times and the Hippogriff closed his eyes lazily, as though enjoying it.
I clapped my hands ecstatically and the class joined me in applause, all except six Slytherin's of course, typical.
"Righ' then, Harry,' Said Hagrid, "I reckon he migh' let yeh ride him!"
I watched in amusement as I could see the clear panic in The boy who lived eyes, who clearly just wanted to join us safely back behind the fence.
"Yeh climb up there, jus' behind the wing joint," Hagrid instructed "an' mind yeh don' pull any of his feathers out, he won' like that ..."
I held my breath again as Harry put his foot on the top of Buckbeak's wing and hoisted himself onto his back. Buckbeak stood up. I let out a giggle as Harry hesitated where to put his hands, not sure on where to hold on.
"Go on, then!" Roared Hagrid, slapping the Hippogriff's backside. Buckbeak then soared into the air with Harry on his back, flying him around the Paddock
"No fair" I pouted, turning to Ron and Hermione and crossing my arms
"What? you're saying you actually want to have a go riding Buckbeak?" Hermione Laughed
"Yeah, did you see how fun that looks"
"Aren't you scared of heights, you dont even like riding broomsticks" Ron raised an eyebrow at me
"Shut up" I hissed at him as I nudged his arm with my elbow "am not, and besides, it looks rather fun and I trust him" I told them as Buckbeak headed back to the ground. We cheered for him
"Good work, Harry! OK, who else wants a go?" Hagrid asked.
I was the first to head over to the Paddock and easily jumped the fence, and eagerly waited as Hagrid started untying the other Hippogriffs, I picked mine quickly and done as Hagrid had instructed.
I watched as Neville ran back and forth from his. Ron and Hermione both shared practice on the chestnut as Harry watched them.
My eyes than followed as Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle had decided to copy Harry and picked Buckbeak, I was actually surprised to see Malfoy had gained a bow and was now stroking his beak, looking bored.
"This is very easy," Malfoy drawled as usual, making sure it was loud enough for the rest of us to hear. "I knew it would have been, if Potter could do it ... I bet you're not dangerous at all, are you?"
"Malfoy, I dont think that's such a clever idea" I warned him, he glanced at me with an eye roll then turned back to the Hippogriff
"Are you, you ugly great brute?"
It Happened in a flash of steely talons; Malfoy let out a high pitched scream and the next moment, Hagrid was wrestling Buckbeak back into his collar as he strained to get at Malfoy, who lay curled in the grass, blood blossoming over his robes.
I rushed back over to the trio as Malfoy yelped and cried "I'm dying! I'm dying, look at me! its killed me!"
"we should be so lucky" I rolled my eyes at Ron's comment
"yer not dyin'!" Hagrid had told him, going extremely pale "Someone help me - gotta get him outta here -"
Hermione ran to open the paddock gate while Hagrid lifted Malfoy, passing us.
Mine, Harry and Ron's eyes had caught the long deep gash in Malfoys arm.
I was actually starting to feel bad and worry for the pale spoilt brat.
The class followed Hagrid up to the Castle, all the Slytherins apart from me shouting insults at Hagrid
"They should sack him straight away!" Pansy Parkinson cried with tears running down her face
"Shut up, Parkinson" I shouted at her, I really did not like that girl and she was getting on my last nerve.
"It was Malfoys fault!" snapped Dean Thomas
"I'm going to see if he's OK!" Pansy rushed as we got to the Entrance Hall.
"Make sure to stay long, and give him a big Hug!" I waved her off, knowing that would piss Malfoy off, he had made it very obvious he wasn't that fond of the girl as she seemed to think.
The rest of the Slytherins headed down to the dungeons, muttering about Hagrid as they went.
I went in the Direction of the library, not wanting to be in the dungeons to hear slander on Hagrid as the Gryffindors headed up to their tower.
I decided to skip Dinner as I was too invested in my Homework that I had nearly finished thanks to the silence and being by myself, I was too worried for Hagrid to eat anything anyways.
I left the Library on my way to the dungeons when I caught sight of my Brother and his two best friends sneaking to the front doors, most likely to see Hagrid in his hut
"What are you doing?" I asked them anyway, mostly to just grab their attention
"Oh, we're going to go see Hagrid, make sure hes alright" Hermione told me
"you coming?" Harry asked me and shook his head in the direction of the doors
"sure, why not, beats going down to the dungeons" I rolled my eyes.
The grass was wet and looked spooky as we crossed it to Hagrid's hut
When we reached it My twin Knocked on the door and we waited until a voice growled out "C'min"
Hagrid was sitting in his shirt-sleeves at his scrubbed wooden table; Fang had his head in Hagrids lap.
I didn't know much about Hagrid like the others but I did know he was one of the most kindest and best people at Hogwarts and would be surely missed by many people if he was made to leave at the hands of Draco Malfoy.
it was very obvious that Hagrid wasn't sober, the bucket giving it away
"Spect its a record," he said thickly "Don' reckon they've ever had a teacher who on'y lasted a week before"
"Hagrid, dont think like that" I told him
"you haven't been sacked" Hermione gasped
"Not yet," Hagrid said in a miserable voice, my heart hurting for the poor man, as he took another drink "But 's only a matter o' time, isn't it, after Malfoy ..."
"How is he?" Ron asked, shocking me that he even asked after knowing full well his hatred for the Slytherin "It wasn't serious, was it"
"Madam Pomfrey fixed him best she could, but hes sayin' its still agony ... covered in bandages ... moanin' ... "
"He's faking it," Harry said from beside me "Madam Pomfrey can mend anything. She regrew half my bones last year"
"Huh? what kinda-" I cut Harry off, very confused about what kind of school I decided to transfer to when conversations of regrowing bones seemed the norm.
"Long story" Hermione patted my arm
"Trust Malfoy to milk it for all its worth." Harry finished
"School gov'nors have bin told, o' course. They Reckon i started too big. Shoulda left Hippogriffs fer later ... done flobberworms or summat ... jus' thought it'd make a good firs' lesson ...'s all my fault ..."
"Its all Malfoys fault, Hagrid!" Hermione told him earnastly
"Exactly, you warned him, hell, even I tried to and he's the one who was being  reckless and stubborn, trying to show off, you did nothing wrong!" I said
"We're witnesses" Harry said "You said Hippogriffs attack if you insult them, we'll tell Dumbledore what really happened."
"Yeah, dont worry, Hagrid, We'll back you up," Ron Agreed.
I watched as tears leaked out of Hagrids beetle-black eyes, my chest feeling heavy, like a weight was sat on top of it.
He grabbed Ron and Harry, and pulled them into a hug, I wouldn't be surprised if I heard the breaking of bones.
"I think you've had enough to drink, Hagrid,' said Hermione firmly.
I opened the door for her as she took whatever the hell Hagrid was drinking and emptied it outside
"Ar, maybe she's right,' Hagrid sighed as he let go of Ron and Harry, I suppressed a chuckle as I saw them both rubbing their ribs.
Hagrid joined Hermione outside and we heard a splash as Hermione walked back in
"Whats he done?" Harry asked Hermione nervously, as she placed down the tankard.
"Stuck his head in the water barrel" Hermione replied
Hagrid came back, his beard dripping wet and wiping the water out of his eyes.
"Thas' better" he said as he shook his head, drenching us all in water. "Listen, it was good of yeh ter come an' see me, I really -" Hagrid stopped dead, confusing us all until he locked his eyes on Harry, as if this was the first time he was seeing him tonight.
"WHAT D'YEH THINK YOU'RE DOIN', EH?" he roared at him, making us all jump I was sure everyone in the castle would be able to hear him. "YEH'RE NOT TO GO WANDERIN' AROUND AFTER DARK, HARRY! AN' YOU THREE! LETTING HIM!" He barked, turning his attention on us.
Hagrid strode over to Harry, grabbing his arm and pulled him to the door.
"C'mon!" Hagrid snapped, angrily. "I'm takin' yer all back up ter school, an' don' let me catch yeh walking down ter see me after dark again. I'm not worth that!"
I wanted to refuse and tell him he was wrong and that he was worth it, but I knew that was the wrong time.
He did as he told us, escorted us back to the Entrance Hall, directed me to walk down the dungeons by myself and walked the other three all the way up to the steps of Gryffindor tower.
I managed to sneak into my bed without waking the others up. replaying Malfoys attack over and over in my head before slipping into sleep.
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