#sorry about this guys i had to get it off my chest
clairifys · 7 hours
You are mine, and I am yours.
Benjicot Blackwood x Fem!Targ!Reader
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w.c: 3.0k
18+ minors dni!!
c.w: violence, blood, death, 18+ content, nsfw, tent sex, fingering, making out, kissing, p in v, descriptive words, not-canon (sorry!)
ok guys i finally finished.. lmk if y’all like it!
There had been whispers from the Riverlands. You sat in on your mother’s council as you listened to the lords brabble around you. It wasn’t until Maester Gerardys spoke up that everyone went silent.
“Your Grace, a raven from Raventree came in, unfortunate news.” He spoke slowly, “Samwell Blackwood, Lord of House Blackwood was slain. His heir, Benjicot Blackwood now sits where he once sat.” Maester Gerardys concluded.
“Unfortunate news indeed..” Your mother, Queen Rhaenyra spoke saddened by the fatality.
“..Along with that news, the Riverland houses have expressed concern.” Maester Gerardys added.
“And what concern is that?” Your mother spoke cautiously.
“News that Aemond Targaryen’s dragon, Vhagar has been flying above them on multiple accounts.” He concurred, upon hearing this, you speak up.
“Mother..” You began, “Allow me to go out on Vermithor and keep our troops protected from the sky.” You suggested slowly, your mother looking at you with uncertainty and love in her eyes.
“My daughter, my only daughter,” your mother began before being cut off by Princess Rhaenys.
“Rhaenyra. We are at war, only few of us have dragons and Vermithor would be the best chance against Vhagar.” She affirmed strongly, “Vermithor has been with (Y/n) since she was a babe. She’s been riding much longer than Aemond.” Rhaenys left no room for objection and your mother looked at you with determination and melancholy.
“Alright.” She spoke firmly. “You will go on Vermithor before break of day.” Rhaenyra stood up and softly grabbed your arm to lead you with her to her room.
“My love, be careful and stay concealed until you reach the Riverlands.” She spoke lovingly as she took off the necklace your father, Daemon, gave her when she was a teenager. She fastens it around your neck before speaking, “Take this with you, to remember and to hold when you feel lonely.” She finished as a tear rolled down her cheek. She gives you a kiss on the forehead and holds you in her arms.
Benjicot had received no letter of affirmation from Queen Rhaenyra and only hoped she’d seen it and considered sending a dragon. The Northerners had arrived the previous day with Cregan Stark, the Lord of Winterfell. 
“Oye, Benji get your arse back in and train with me.” Kemit Tully taunted with a smile. He had been training with two of the boys he grew up with, Kermit and Oscar Tully.
“Yeah, yeah keep up with your taunting when I have my dagger at your throat and my foot on your chest.” Benjicot spoke up, a glint of madness in his eyes, the same as when he was on the field.
Benjicot Blackwood was a strange man. Soft and sensitive in any other occasion, even crying after his first battle once he saw all the casualties, but there was a reason he was named ‘Bloody Ben’ when he began his fights.
Kermit and Benjicot were about to start sparring when they noticed Oscar was silent, looking up in fear.
“Oscar..?” Benjicot spoke softly, unsure.
“Dragon.” He mumbled before shouting, “Dragon!”
As the men around them turned to look up, ready to be set aflame by Vhagar, they noticed the bronze color and tan wings. Still weary, the men around them took shelter under the trees as Benjicot, Oscar and Kermit stood planted in their spot, marveling at the sight of the beautiful beast.
You commanded Vermithor to land when you had seen the men cower under the blanket of trees. Flying downwards, your pearly ivory hair whipping behind you as it stayed in the same braided style, lest you need to engage in combat. Guiding your dragon to landing, you slowly climb down off of him as you pull your riding gloves off with your teeth. Your black and red dress blowing behind you as the men who ran to the trees slowly come out. Before you can speak, a man of considerable size, donned in Northern armor approaches and bows before kissing your hand. Cregan Stark you come to realize as he begins to speak.
“Princess (Y/n). It is good to finally meet. I met with your brother, Jacaerys a moon ago. I thank you for coming.” He finishes politely. You feel your face flush at the open show of adoration, it’s never not embarrassing for you, but you give him a soft smile, albeit awkwardly before he leads you to the tent where all the lords were meeting.
Benjicot had already made his way to the tent when Lord Stark greeted you, he was too nervous to go up to you, due to your lineage and beauty. When you made your way in the tent and situated yourself, you spoke confidently.
“I have been sent by Her Grace to ensure the safety of our men who have selflessly put their lives on the line for my mother’s cause. Whilst I am here, I assure you, if Vhagar is to begin attacking, there will be a dragon in the sky for you, to protect you.” You stated confidently, hoping none of the men could notice your nerves. You hadn’t ever been the highest of royalty as your mother was always there. Now though, you needed to keep your promise to your mother to ensure her birthright, even if it caused you to perish to achieve it.
“So..” Oscar started as he and Kermit looked at Benjicot when he met up with them after the short-lived meeting. 
“What?” He asked softly.
“What was she like? It’s not everyday a Princess as beautiful as her flies down from the sky to protect an army.” Oscar pleaded for information.
“Gods, she’s..” Benjicot trailed off as he looked at you from the training ground to see you lovingly caress and speak to your dragon in a language he didn’t understand.
“..we should be glad they sent someone as fierce as they did, she promised that if Vhagar were to return attacking, she’d meet him in the sky.” He finished softly, still watching you.
“Alright you two, let’s stop talking about her before she has her dragon eat us and start training.” Kermit insisted, secretly in awe.
Benjicot and Kermit were up first, not being able to begin their fight due to the Princess’s arrival. The only sound around them was the clashing of steel and the thumping of their hearts, which in turn, distracted the Princess from what she had been doing prior.
You walk over to where you see two men fighting, you notice them as Lord Benjicot Blackwood and Lord Kermit Tully battling it out. Benjicot gains the upper hand eventually as you watch in a trance of the crazed man’s ability and soon, Lord Tully is on the ground with a dagger to his throat. Ser Oscar Tully, you come to believe, begins cheering as Benjicot puts his hand out to the Tully on the ground. His back to you, you begin a gentle clap which sends all three men’s spine straight up. They all turn to you as you focus your gaze on Lord Blackwood while he maintains eye contact before nervously fiddling with his fingers and averting his gaze.
“Princess,” Lord Blackwood speaks up, meeting your eyes again with a slight flush on his face. You wonder if it’s because of the sparring, or maybe because of you. Normally you’d get weirded out when men expressed any sort of adoration towards you, but this time it was different.
“I can see where the name ‘Bloody Ben’ comes from, Lord Blackwood.” You state gracefully. You notice the two Tully’s giving him a look and smirking. His face flushes red as he responds,
“Thank you, Princess, but please call me Benji.. or Ben.. or whatever you wish.” He stumbles on his words and you find it endearing, you hear his friends laugh and you chuckle softly.
“Alright, Benji.” You speak as his face flushes an impossible red, “I’m glad to have you on our side, your swordsmanship is unlike any I’ve seen.” You state clearly before taking your leave to your tent.
“‘Please call me Benji, or Ben, or whatever you want, My Princess, please take advantage of me!’” Kermit taunts him as Benjicot swings around and begins to wrestle with the Tully boy.
You hadn’t lied when you told Benjicot that you’d never seen skills such as his. It was true, you think as you lie awake in your tent. You feel your face heat up as you think about the timid, yet brutal man. He fought without grace, he fought like a real warrior. None of that pansy dancing you’d seen around you growing up in King’s Landing.
You awake in the midst of the night to the sound of your dragon's calls. Something was wrong. Vermithor only ever made noises such as that when there was a threat evident. You rush outside, regretting not getting a cloak as it’s freezing in the dead of night wearing only a nightgown. You notice some of the men stepping out of their tents, sleep ridden eyes soon turning to determined anxiety. Benjicot steps out of his tent and you rush past him, almost knocking into him.
“Princess?” He questions before hearing the roar of a dragon overhead. Vhagar. You rush past him, grasping his arm gently and run up to Vermithor, who is undoubtedly concerned, climbing up him quickly, you command him to fly.
Before you can situate yourself, you hear Aemond.
Suddenly, the trees are ablaze and men on the ground begin to shoot arrows at Vhagar in hopes to weaken him. Commanding Vermithor forward behind Vhagar, you ready yourself.
“Dracarys!” You scream as Vermithor lets out a wall of fire onto Vhagar, Aemond, noticing, turns Vhagar around to attack. You quickly fly up in hopes of Aemond following, you turn your head to see him behind you, gaining on you.
As a last resort you make a hard right and when Vermithor flies close enough past him, you jump. 
Landing on Vhagar’s tail, you begin to try and climb when Vhagar whips his tail around to shake you off. Your dragon, Vermithor, begins to shriek in despair that his rider had ‘fallen’ off. Vermithor, being a war dragon, circles behind Vhagar, before coming to the front of him and sinks his teeth into Vhagars neck. In the midst of this, you had climbed up his tail and when your dragon attacked, so did you.
Vhagar descends down, thick, gallons of fiery blood spewing from his neck as you and Aemond clamber about, trying to plunge your daggers into each other. Noting that Vhagar was descending into The Fork, you grasp onto Aemond and jump. You hear your dragon scream and screech in agony of losing his rider.
In your struggle as you and Aemond begin to fall to your descent, you plunge your dagger into his one good eye, and you let go of him.
You knew dying was a common occurrence, and you had been ready to die for your mother’s cause, but you hadn’t known it’d be so soon. You prepare yourself for the plunge into the deep, cold water of The Fork, and you hope your mother is proud of you for going down with a fight as you close your eyes.
You feel yourself fall as you try to slow your breathing, but before you can feel the hard slap of the cool water, you feel the hard slap of your stomach hitting a dragon saddle. Wrenching your eyes open, your head whips around as you grab onto scales to prevent yourself from falling. Vermithor. He had seen you falling. He came and he saved you from the terrible fate you were about to be bestowed upon. Vermithor flies up and begins to spit fire, unable to hide his joy at saving his rider as your eyes well up with tears that threaten to spill. After calming him down, you fly over where Vhagar and Aemond met their demise. You see Vhagar’s huge body float slowly over the river, but Aemond begins to sink down.
When you land back on the ground, cheering erupts from all around you. Everyone comes up to you and gives you their appreciation, some of the older Lords even ask for a betrothal between you and their sons from your stunt. Once the crowd dies down, and eventually disperses, you fail to see the one person who hadn’t come up to you yet. Benji. You walk around for a little in hopes to see him, but eventually you retire to your secluded tent farther from the rest of the men as they begin drinking at a fire.
Hoping to see him in the morrow, you enter your tent smoothing down your disgruntled nightgown before looking up. Your big, purple eyes meet his stormy brown ones and you make a noise of surprise. The two of you stare at each other, taking each other in for the first time. You notice his eyes hold that crazed look, but something else glosses over them. Love? Lust? You couldn’t tell. Your eyes meet with his before he quickly looks down at your lips. He takes a step forward and you meet him in the middle.
The kiss was sweet, a gentle, sensitive thing. Your hands tangle in his hair as one of his hands cradles your neck, the other coming down to squeeze your waist. You gasp in surprise and when he hears it, he smiles against your lips before gently meeting your tongue with his. Your thoughts are clouded with the thought of him, so much so, you completely forget your near death experience. Breaking apart for air, he leans his forehead against yours and whispers, “You’re mine, and I am yours.” 
He leads you down to your futon in the tent and lays you down gently before pressing a loving kiss on your lips. Your mind is dazed with desire as your body begins to react to the growing bulge in his trousers. You rut up into him, not in control of your body, blinded by the feeling of his body being so close to yours. He laughs softly before asking, “Are you sure? If you want me to stop, just tell me.” Beginning to get irritated at the lack of attention to your body, you grab him by his hair and your lips meet in a searing kiss. He pulls your nightgown down your body with a featherlight touch, leaving you in only your shift. The cool air makes you shiver as you grab his tunic and shove it off of him. Your lips meet again, your mind going dumb. He pulls his trousers off, leaving him in only his breeches before taking your shift off in one motion. Laying bare in front of him, he feels his breeches tighten as he takes you in. 
You begin to feel nervous as his full attention is on only you, and you’ve never laid with someone before. 
“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” He groans out, looking at you as if you’ve hung every star in the sky. You feel yourself grow impossibly wetter before he pulls his breeches down and leans down on his forearms on top of you. Your lips meet again for the umpteenth time and he begins to slowly rub his fingers through your slit, catching your slick. You moan out in pleasure, bucking your hips up when he pushes two of his fingers inside and groans. He pumps them in and out of you before adding a third finger, and you begin to feel a pressure building in your abdomen. You moan out in desperation when you feel his fingers leave you and you crack open your eyes that had been sealed shut. 
“Well, aren’t you needy?” He purrs before taking his slick covered fingers and shoving them in his mouth. You moan at the sight and let your head fall against your pillow. Suddenly, you feel him hovering over you and something prodding at your entrance. Slowly guiding it in, you both moan out in ecstasy. The stretch is insane, if you hadn’t been so aroused, you’d say it hurt. Once it’s fully sheathed in, you wriggle around, drunk off the pleasure of it all. Benji lets you adjust to his size before slowly rocking into you.
“Benji.. Please” You moan out in pleasure. His eyes darken, as if he had just won a battle and he begins to slam into you. You mewl out sounds as he grunts and groans. Your abdomen begins to tighten and your legs begin to uncontrollably shake. His thrusts get messier, before the white, hot pleasure rips through you. You hear Benji groan on top of you before his thrusts get deeper and faster, overstimulating you. He grabs onto one of your breasts, softly massaging it while his lips connect with your other peak. Your womb is suddenly coated, and you feel the beautiful feeling of being stuffed full.
Benji collapses on top of you, his head on your bare chest as you pull the blanket up over you two. You run a hand through his sweaty hair and he looks up at you with love in his eyes.
“Please, please, come home with me when this war is over. Let me love you for the rest of our days.” He practically begs and you make no objection. Kissing him softly as one of your hands holds his head and the other rests on the necklace your mother gave you.
hope you guys liked it!!
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star-girl69 · 3 days
After Midnight
Caroline (KK) Harvey x Fem!Reader
synopsis: flirting with the star hockey player at the frat party isn’t what you would normally do, but it’s after midnight and something about the lights is making everything a little hazy.
feel free to send requests!!! 🫶🫶
a/n: GUYS PLEASE. PLEASE IGNORE THIS. i’m sorry i’ve betrayed all my morals… but i cant sit idly by while my fellow kk lovers suffer… i hope you all enjoy!!
After Midnight - Chappell Roan
warnings: not proofread!!!, ALCOHOL!!! we are in a FRAT people!!, some swearing ofc, super brief barely there mentions of violence and such, kk is taller than reader by like an inch suck it idc i do what i want, super brief mention of y/n having hair (length unspecified), idk like a bit of kissing and some somewhat suggestive thoughts… y/n is a freak 💔, i’ve never flirted with anyone before how do you do this, so probs inaccurate, i don’t know anything about hockey just prefacing this, i also don’t know how college works rip, as chappell roan said: “i love a little drama, let’s start a bar fight, cause everything good happens after midnight”
“Shit, babe, you look fuckin’ hot.”
This entire night is almost painful for you. Stepping out of your comfort zone on any level is always an adjustment, but trading your early nights in with homework and Netflix for a sexy dress showing everything in all the right and wrong places- is especially hard.
You almost cringe touching the velvet fabric of your revealing dark red shirt, staring at someone in the mirror you don’t even recognize.
“Jackie,” you mumble to your best friend and roommate, “I think it’s.. too much.”
Jackie tilts her head to the side, short dirty blonde hair swaying with the movement. She’s only humoring you, you can tell. “Nope. Perfect.”
You look at the pictures stuck in the slats of the mirror. Pictures of you, Jackie, and the other girl in your trio, Tyla, faces pressed together in bright smiles from various adventures from your freshman year at college.
It was such a relief when Jackie was the sweetest girl and an amazing person to share a dorm with, but when she brought along her best friend Tyla from a few doors down- the three of you fell into a quick and beautiful friendship, like the ones in the movies.
Jackie and Tyla were definitely more on the party girl side than the study girl side, but that was what was so great about your friendship. You reminded them that they did in fact have homework, and they pushed you to do things like this every once in a while.
This was the first time you had ever suggested it. Midterms were over- it would be wrong to not celebrate. To breathe in the few seconds you had left as a freshman, before it all got turned up again for sophomore year.
“Okay,” Jackie breathes, clasping her hands in front of her chest. “Take a deep breath, babe. The fit is a lot, yes, but it’s gorgeous. I mean, damn, where have you been hiding that ass?”
You bite your lip, eyes tearing away from the pictures, meeting Jackie’s eyes in the reflection.
“My ass does look really good,” you concede.
“Hell yeah it does!” Jackie shouts, smiling brightly. “Don’t be nervous, okay? It’s just some random frat party. We can go sit outside if it gets too much.”
It’s break. It’s Friday night. You look good, however uncomfortable you are.
“Fuck,” you mumble. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m good.”
“You’re good?”
“I’m just gonna do a few shots when we get there.”
“That’s my girl.”
Jackie thinks for a moment. “Besides, I think it’s a party to celebrate the girls hockey team winning a game, or something like that. The attention is gonna be far away from you. But…”
She trails off, picking at a piece of thread hanging from her comforter.
“What?” You ask, heart jumping to your throat in fear.
“Dylan might be there,” she shrugs.
Dylan wasn’t even that big of a problem, just a boy you had overzealously dated right when you got to college, when you were adjusting and still kind of lonely, only to find out his obsessive, stalker-ish personality was literal hell to be in a relationship with.
After maybe a week of constant love-bombing and clinginess, you broke up with him- and he tried for literal months to get your attention before he finally seemed to give up.
Once in a while, you’d see him at these parties, and he’d stare at you in a way that was probably supposed to be sexy, but was only weird and uncomfortable.
“Who gives a fuck about him?” You ask, your own surprise reflected in Jackie’s face.
“Damn, girl. Yeah, you’re fuckin’ right. Who gives a fuck about his sad ass?”
“I don’t,” you scoff, refusing to let him ruin your night.
The bathroom door slams open suddenly, revealing Tyla in an even more revealing black dress. Skin tight with cut outs showing her dark skin.
“Jesus Christ, I pity the other girls at that bar.” Tyla runs her hands down her sides, smiling brightly in a way that can only be joking.
And you laugh, and you laugh when she softly bumps you away from the mirror and admires herself even more.
Because of this rash decision to go out, Tyla hadn’t done her usual shopping for the pregame so you were forced to go to the party early- which Tyla actually groaned at and complained about how “embarrassing” it was. But after a few shots, that embarrassment fell away and she was back to being the funny, confident girl you knew her as.
You talked amongst the three of you, and with the two boys who were acting as bartenders, until more and more people slowly started filing in and the sky got dark. It was probably close to 10pm by the time the party really got busy, and those first two hours faded into a montage of alcohol stinging your throat and the sounds of your best friends laughing.
When the hockey team finally arrived, you were sitting on a couch with your girls, Tyla talking in this played-up sensual voice to a random boy who had taken an interest in her, while you and Jackie were busy scouting out the new arrivals and the different kinds of alcohol they placed on the table.
Even if Jackie hadn’t off-handedly mentioned it earlier, you quickly would have found out who this party was for. A large group of girls walked into the party, immediately met with cheers and shots, swarmed with alcohol and congratulations.
Some guy, probably one who actually lived in this house, whipped out a shitty megaphone and shouted their arrival, but it wasn’t even that loud.
Even you, however studious you were, knew about the girl’s hockey team. A bunch of them had played on the Olympic team a few years ago, and all the students of this D1 school were generally pretty proud that the Wisconsin team had won the most national championships.
Most of them were wearing their jerseys, but a few had dressed up. The girl’s hockey team was probably the hottest, most talented group of girls to ever be within 100 feet of you.
It was almost unfair how all of them were so beautiful and so talented, but you suppose that the rigorous workout schedules of Olympic and national athletes didn’t leave a lot of room for anything other than a fuck ton of muscles.
God, half of them towered over you and all of them could probably break your wrist with just a flick.
It was impressive.
What was most impressive, though, is the way the infamous Caroline Harvey walked in carrying about 27 cases of beer, which must have weighed as much as this fucking house, and effortlessly set it all on the ground beside the table full of red solo cups, chasers, and bottles of vodka.
Cheers rang out and people scrambled towards it, ripping the cardboard boxes open greedily and opening them just as fast.
You watched, hiding your parted mouth with your hand, as Caroline accepted an open beer from someone, cheers with a few of her teammates and drank a long sip. When she was done, she laughed and lifted her shirt to her mouth to wipe off some stray liquid, a movement that let just a sliver of her toned abs peek through.
“Holy fuck,” you whispered, quickly looking to the floor and deciding hockey was your new favorite sport.
You knew her from around campus, you both liked to study in the library at the same time- around 3 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and it became kind of tradition to just stare at her for a few minutes in between sections of your work. Almost like some weird little reward. You did feel kind of bad about it, but fuck, there was no way you could stop.
Besides, it’s not like she noticed.
You always sat on opposite sides of the library, and she never once even looked in your direction. What Caroline didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her, and you never see her unless it’s at the library or in passing at parties. But, God, doesn’t it feel good to just relish in how beautiful she is and stare for just a bit.
“Y/N, babe.”
Jackie knocked herself into you, her knees tucked up to her chest, some sort of a smile on her face.
“What’cha doin’?” She asks, smiling in a way that can only be described as evil. “Starin’? Hockey player pique your interest, huh?”
“No,” you say, forcing a laugh into your voice and rolling your eyes. “Just lookin’ at all the commotion.”
You’re trying to sound as nonchalant as possible, but now that Jackie’s mentioned it- those abs did pique your interest. And now they came flashing behind your eyes every time you blink.
“Oh, my God, I think I’m in heat,” you mumble, slightly to yourself and slightly to Jackie.
She wraps a lazy arm around your shoulder, letting out a sigh. “Oh, sweet girl, don’t worry. I’ve got you. Which one is it?”
“Caroline,” you mumble, so quiet and so sudden before you can really think about it.
Jackie hums, tilting her head to the side. “Don’t know a whole lot about her, but I heard she had a girlfriend freshman year, so definitely into girls. Not dating anyone right now, though. Olympian, hockey player, all that sexy stuff.”
“Mhmmmmm,” you mumble, sneaking a quick glance and then looking away immediately when she takes another sip of her drink, not wanting to know what would happen if you caught another glimpse of those god-sent abs.
“You gonna do somethin’ about it?” Jackie asks, nudging your head with hers.
“No, no,” you dismiss. “Just… being a freak. Admiring. God, I’m pathetic.”
Jackie laughs, abruptly standing and pulling you to your feet too. “Come on, babe, time for more drinks, let’s get your mind off of this if you’re not gonna make a move.”
You roll your eyes but follow her to the table of drinks farthest away from Caroline and the other hockey players. You’re not going to do anything, it’s not like you have a chance, and you’re just bored without schoolwork to occupy your every thought.
You take a deep breath, standing next to Jackie and surveying your options. Jackie choses for the both of you, definitely the more experienced party girl, mixing a drink that is majority vodka, making you groan slightly just at the thought of it.
“Here you go!” Jackie smiles, placing the red solo cup into your hand, smiling like she’s not trying to give you alcohol poisoning. Her gaze fixes on something behind you, and you faintly register the way her eyes light up- already a little tipsy from the few shots you’ve done- but you can’t even be bothered to question why.
You eye your drink suspiciously, mentally preparing yourself for the taste.
“Whoops,” Jackie mutters, and you look up at her only to feel her push you back.
“Jackie-” you start, angry, and she quickly scurries away from you. You want to kill her a little bit, at least question her- but you don’t get the chance to.
You gasp as you slam into someone behind you, drink splashing all over your front, alcohol mixing with the rich velvet texture of your shirt in a way that might very well ruin it. You bite your lip, glancing around the room, grateful that the room is so crowded and busy that no one noticed.
“Damn Harvey, knockin’ girls over on and off the ice,” someone laughs. You think you hear the sound of someone lightly hitting another person, followed by a small “ow.”
“Shit, I’m so sorry, are you okay?”
You turn around, Jackie nowhere to be found, and completely freeze when you realize not only did the person you slammed into have enough decency to ask if you were okay, but that person was fucking Caroline Harvey.
You would have laughed at how cliche it was if you weren’t so secretly exhilarated. The only reason you even had this drink was to stop shamefully staring at her.
But she’s right in front of you… and she looks even better like this, cheeks slightly flushed already from the alcohol, a glint in her eyes.
Her eyes meet yours, staring at you in obvious confusion and concern- “Hey? You okay?”
She places her hand on your waist and you suddenly return back into your body, looking anywhere but her eyes that were literally fucking drowning you.
“I’m sorry,” you gasp. “I-I’m fine. I’m just, like, really drunk.” You laugh, awkwardly, trying to pretend that you’re talking to just anyone. Trying to pretend like her hand on your waist wasn’t the hottest thing you’ve ever experienced.
She smiles, Jesus Christ that fucking smile, your knees go a little weak.
“Oh, good. Would be a shame if that pretty head got a concussion.”
You laugh, staring at her smile. Intoxicating. It’s the only word that comes to mind- maybe enchanted. She’s like some drug, and, God, it’s so stupid but you think you might be addicted after hearing her voice just once.
And, the suddenly, so vividly you almost fall over again, you realize what she said to you.
“Here, let me help you,” she says, effortlessly taking the now pretty much empty red solo cup from you and placing it on the table behind you, wrapping her arm around your waist and leading you to what you assume is a bathroom, probably where she was originally going. “I’m Caroline, but you can call me KK.”
Your mouth is slightly agape as she leads you through the crowd, and you suddenly pass by Jackie who gives you a big smile and a thumbs up- disappearing into the crowd before you can curse her name.
Fuck it. She’s right in front of you. The alcohol is getting to your head, the dim lighting is making everything hazy- everything except her pretty blue eyes and her intoxicating smile.
“KK,” you say, testing the nickname. “That’s cute. I’m Y/N.”
“That’s cute,” she echoes, and the way you can hear the smile on her voice seriously makes you almost fall over.
Thankfully, the bathroom she leads you to is kind of out of the way, it’s completely empty and the door clicks behind the two of you.
Your mood immediately deflates when you see yourself in the mirror, your top noticeably darker where sticky alcohol has sunk into the fabric.
“Fuck,” you mumble, peeling the sticky fabric from your skin.
Before you can even think to do anything, Caroline- KK- is running a random hand towel under the sink and gesturing to you. You expect her to hand it to you- but she doesn’t.
“Okay if I touch you?”
God in Heaven.
“Y-yeah,” you choke out, feeling your world literally recalibrate when she puts her hand on your shoulder- so fucking close to your neck- to keep you steady. You always thought it was the stereotype that basketball players have big hands, but apparently hockey players do too.
Her hand is really warm. This bathroom is suddenly really warm. Your cheeks are heating up, and as much as you try to tell yourself it’s from the alcohol- you know it’s not.
“Sorry,” she mumbles after a few more seconds. “I don’t think this is gonna do much. Maybe try putting it in the wash, though.”
You sigh, now turned sideways, hip to the bathroom sink, looking at yourself out of the corner of your eye.
“It’s fine, my friend… bumped into me, and then I backed up straight into you. Not your fault.”
You look up at her, realizing at this close proximity that she’s taller than you, maybe only an inch.
“I might just go home,” you sigh, feeling kind of disgusting in this nasty shirt.
A frown immediately forms on her face.
“Party’s just started, though. Can’t go home yet, baby.”
She wants you to die. She literally wants you to die. She’s secretly an assassin, and you’ve blocked out the memory of some horrible crime you’ve committed, and now she’s here to kill you by calling you baby and having the sexiest abs you’ve ever seen.
Not a bad way to go, though.
“Here,” she says, reaching up and tugging her jersey over her head, again revealing those fucking abs, and she’s left in a black tank top you didn’t even notice the first time you were staring at her abs. “Take my jersey.”
“Oh, no. I can’t, KK. I mean…”
“I was getting hot anyways, it’s good. Take it.”
It’s nicer quality than any other jersey you’ve ever touched before- nicer than the obligatory Wisconsin sweatshirt you bought at the school store.
You cough, taking it with a hand that shakes slightly, not able to look at her.
“…Thank you,” you say after a moment.
She smiles, big and goofy. “It’s no problem. Maybe you can repay me by having a drink with me, though?”
You pretend to think about it, but really you have to knock your knees together so you don’t fall to the floor in excitement.
“That’s a pretty good price.”
You finally meet her eyes, holding your breath as she stares into your eyes like they’re a lifeline.
“Yeah, a drink with my sexy self- pretty good fuckin’ deal.”
You laugh, and she takes a step back, looking you up and down in a way that literally gives you butterflies-
“I’ll let you change,” she says. “Come find me when you’re done, yeah, baby?”
“I’ll find you,” you breathe, turning around to start slipping off your shirt so she doesn’t see the way you literally bite your lip.
The jersey is huge, since they have to be to cover all the padding and gear hockey players wear, and you’re almost worried that you’d look really stupid in it- but your jean bottoms pull it together, somehow.
It smells good. It smells dark, like a forest, still with a hint of something fresh and light. Is this her perfume? You might want to bathe in it.
You still look pretty good, and your mind races, wondering if KK would compliment you in it- but someone bangs on the bathroom door.
“Y/N?!” Jackie. “Y/N? Holy fucking shit- did I just see what I think I saw?!”
Tyla quickly shouts too. “I got dragged away from a really hot guy for this!! Please tell me it’s true!!!”
You open the door wordlessly, holding your hands out wide so Jackie and Tyla can see the the jersey, the Badgers emblem.
“Ladies, hold your applause.”
“What the fuck!” Tyla screams, forcing you to turn around, then tracing a finger along your back, no doubt where Caroline’s last name is printed on. “Harvey. Fucking Caroline Harvey.”
“God, she’s so hot,” Jackie groans, and you whip around to shoot her a glare. “Calm down, jealous bitch, I mean this is hot. Fuck, does she have any friends? This red is a good color on me…”
“Well,” you smile, mirroring Jackie’s own “evil” smile from earlier, “She said to come find her and get a drink. With her.”
“A drink…” Tyla breathes. “With… fucking Caroline Harvey?”
“Fucking Caroline Harvey.”
“I think I might faint from, like, secondhand hotness.”
“Well,” Jackie starts, looking away from the jersey in awe and back at your face, “You look hot. Go over there right now, get that girl, and make out. Just- right on the couch. Fuck right on the couch.”
“I second that,” Tyla smiles, adjusting the jersey slightly. “Fuck her.”
“Okay, shut up, thanks. We’ll see where the night goes.”
“Oh, my God, I can’t even believe you’re doing this. What happened to my little studious best friend?”
“Alcohol,” you shrug, momentarily wondering if you would regret all of this the next morning- but everything is just so goddamn hazy in this frat house, and you can’t think straight, can’t think about anything other than her.
“Okay, okay,” Tyla says, grabbing your shoulders and staring into your eyes like she’s about to gift you with the greatest wisdom. “You want her to come back?”
You inhale sharply. “Maybe.”
“Okay, well, if this goes good- you gotta leave her before midnight.” She glances at her watch, “It’s 11:06 right now, flirt her and romance her, all that, but leave before midnight, got it?”
“Um… why, though?”
“To keep her guessing, to keep her thinking about you, obviously,” Tyla rolls her eyes. “Trust me girl. We’ll meet you outside at 12 and then take an Uber back, right?”
“Right,” you and Jackie both repeat.
“If you really want her, before midnight, okay?”
“Okay, okay, Tyla. I’ll meet you guys then?”
Jackie pretends to wipe a few tears away. “My girl’s all grown up.”
“Shut up,” you laugh, hugging both of them quickly before disappearing into the crowd of people.
You make your way towards a big couch, some armchairs, and a coffee table filled with liquor.
KK’s eyes light up when she sees you, and you notice there’s a conveniently placed empty seat right next to her, and two cups in her hands.
You don’t think anyone has noticed you wearing her jersey yet, and if someone has commented on KK’s lack of jersey, you can’t tell. You smooth it down, take a deep breath and plaster a smile on your face.
A seductive one, you hope, one like Tyla would do. And with the way she mirrors your smile with her own- except this one is just as big and goofy- you think it’s working.
Someone walks past you, then immediately stops and steps back, looking right at you.
“Hi, Dylan,” you mutter, smile falling from your face immediately.
“Y/N. I haven’t seen you in… forever, it feels like. How’ya been?”
“I’m fine, Dylan. I’m sorry, I’m meeting somebody, okay?” His face falls, and you feel sort of bad, so you add on “Talk soon,” to make yourself feel better.
“Wait,” he says, grabbing your arm, eyes moving from yours down to your outfit. “The fuck are you wearing? A jersey?”
“…Yes,” you say after a moment, genuinely confused until you remember how much Dylan despises sports, thinks they’re all just some popularity contest. “Okay, I’m meeting someone. Bye, Dylan.”
“Hi,” a new voice says, and you smile just a bit when you realize it’s Caroline. “I’m Caroline,” she says, ever-so politely, and it kinda makes your stomach twist. “Are you a friend of Y/N’s?”
Dylan’s eyes narrow at her. “No, I’m her ex.”
“Oh, my God,” you mumble to yourself, stepping close to Caroline. “Shut up.”
KK shoots you a look, and you can’t help but avoid your eyes. You tug your arm away from Dylan, but he doesn’t budge.
“Dylan, please,” you sigh. “I have to go, okay? Let go.”
“No, Y/N, come on-”
“Uh, I think she said let go, buddy.” She still has that same smile on her face, but your eyes flick to her exposed arms, now noticing just how much muscle is there too. There’s this glint to her smile, this edge to her voice, and you would genuinely be kinda scared if it was directed at you.
“This doesn’t involve you,” Dylan huffs. “Y/N and I need to talk- why the fuck are you going around trying to purposefully piss me off? You know I hate sports.”
“Dylan,” you start, genuinely having to take a deep breath. “We dated for a week in freshman year. Let go of me, stop embarrassing yourself, and stop talking to us.”
He stares at you, before scoffing and letting your arm drop. “You’re such a fucking bitch.”
“Okay,” you sigh. “Thank you, Dylan, goodbye.” You turn around, wondering if KK is even going to be there anymore. “I’m sorry-”
“What the fuck is his problem?” She says, and you genuinely smile at the pure disgust on her face. “Seriously- what?”
“I’m sorry,” you giggle. “It’s just… you’re so, disgusted by him.”
“You aren’t?”
“Well, yeah. But I know him.”
“And I’m sorry for that. I met him once and I never want to meet him again. Weird fucking bitch.”
You laugh again, linking your arm through hers without thinking. “Thanks for trying to defend me, though. I’m sorry- he’s just… an annoying bug that won’t go away, normally he doesn’t talk to me- but I guess he was bored tonight.”
“Don’t be sorry. I’m sorry, I think we lost the seats I saved.”
You look towards the couch, now completely filled with hockey players. “It’s okay,” you hum. “We can find somewhere else. Wanna go outside?”
With the hum of the party behind you, and the stream of people walking out and walking in, the little bench on the corner of the porch was shrouded in darkness, and you felt like you were just in your own little corner with KK.
You sipped on the drink she had gotten you, exchanging basic information like what majors you were taking, how many siblings you had, and al that boring stuff before she finally stopped talking and just looked at you for a moment.
“What?” you asked, wiping some of your sip from around your lips.
She smiles. “Nothing. My jersey just looks nice on you.”
“Oh,” you say, stupidly. “Really? I was worried it didn’t get the same vibe as my original fit.”
“No, I would say you look even better.”
You smile, taking another sip for confidence before you place your hand on her arm. “So, tell me about hockey. Maybe workout routines?”
She laughs. “Workout routines?”
You softly squeeze her bicep. “Well, you don’t get these by just sitting around, do you?”
She takes a sip of her drink, trying to slyly cover her face, and you smile even wider.
“No, you don’t.” When she looks back at you, there’s the faintest hint of something on her cheeks, you don’t move your hand, sinking back into that addiction of making her blush. “Mostly lifting weights, cardio, boring things.”
“M’kay, what about actual hockey? I heard you were an Olympian, right?”
She flexes her other arm, and you can see a tattoo made up of the Olympics logo, intertwining rings, on her inner bicep.
“I’m defense, number 4, and I’m basically the star of the team.”
“Really?” You laugh, pressing your thigh against hers. “Would your other teammates agree with that?”
“Ehhh, maybe don’t ask them so you stay all impressed.”
You smile, and suddenly you realize you’ve been smiling all night ever since you started talking to her. And it feels so good to smile with her, it feels so good to be all giddy, and even when Dylan was bothering you it felt good knowing she was right behind you. And it felt even better when you turned around and she was still behind you.
“Can I have your number?” You blurt out.
“Course, baby.”
You hand her your phone, feeling like a damn middle schooler with a raging crush, and she hands you hers.
You make your contact name Jersey Stealer and she laughs when she sees it, and that sound might be your favorite thing about her- second only to her abs.
You can feel the night coming to the end, but it’s a good end, a comfortable one, and there’s definitely doors unopened and words unsaid. It feels like a really sweet beginning to something really beautiful.
You check your phone, smiling at the contact name of Hockey Star and seeing the time is 11:58.
“My friends are waiting for me,” you say, almost with a grimace. The night is coming to an end but you still don’t want it to end. And like clockwork, you watch as Jackie and Tyla walk out of the party arm in arm- sneaking subtle glances all the way to the end of the driveway, eventually disappearing out of sight behind a tree.
“Oh,” she says. “No problem.”
She sounds disappointed. It makes your stomach twist yet again, to know she doesn’t want this to end as much as you do.
You both stand up and walk to the edge of the porch, down the steps and onto the concrete walkway to the driveway. Somewhere along the way, your hand had slipped into yours.
You stop where concrete meets driveway, turning around to face her. She tucks a piece of hair behind your ear, and you don’t think you’ll ever get used to the feeling of her skin on yours. It feels like an electric rush, like an addictive high.
“I’m really glad I give you a concussion.”
You laugh. “I’m glad you didn’t either.”
She looks from your lips back to your eyes, and you’re suddenly reminded that, yes, kissing exists- and you suddenly want to kiss her. Badly.
“Okay, well, I’ll let you go.”
You softly place your hand on her face. You lean forward, placing your lips in a grey area between her cheek and her lips.
“Goodnight, Caroline,” you whisper, an inch away from her skin.
Suddenly she surges forward, lips fully pressing against yours, hand on your waist, and God does the feeling of her lips on yours feel so good, so right.
Oh, God. She’s succeeded in killing you, you think to yourself- everything fading out for a moment before it all comes rushing back in. The sounds of the party, the chill of the nighttime air, and the sweet sweet feeling of Caroline’s lips on yours.
You don’t think your lips will ever recover from this feeling, from the weight of her lips on yours- you’ll always be chasing this feeling, this moment.
Tyla’s words flash in your mind. You revel in this moment for a heartbeat longer until, just as quick as she kissed you, you pull back.
“Didn’t know you were the type to kiss girls on the first date, Harvey. How scandalous.”
She seems disappointed you pulled away. You can see it in her pretty blue eyes- it makes you feel like you’re on top of the world.
“Are you really just any girl?”
“Nope,” you smile, silently thanking Tyla and every star in the sky- you can see it in her eyes, the way she wants to kiss you senseless, and if the game didn’t feel so good you would have let her.
And the way she’s looking at you, slightly blown away, completely in awe, lips parted but curling into a smile- it gives you an addictive rush.
“Text me when you want your jersey back.”
You take a step back, softly prying her hand off of your waist, but holding onto it for a moment.
“Oh, no, you can wear that to my next game.”
“Really?” You smile, fingertips grazing the back of her knuckles as she tries to hold onto you, but you eventually let go. “You’ll save me a good seat?”
“The best seat,” she corrects. “For the best girl.”
This time, you don’t bother to try and hide the way she makes you feel. You clench your thighs together and let your tongue dart out to slightly lick your lips.
“I’ll be there. You better win, though.” You turn around, then look over your shoulder to see her eyes fall down to your ass.
“With a pretty good luck charm like you? I’ll probably score the winning goal.”
“Bye, Caroline,” you say over your shoulder, smiling so brightly you’re sure you look all lovesick. You can’t care, it’s just how you feel for her. Maybe you should be embarrassed, the way she makes you feel kinda like silly putty in her hands, but it feels so good. So right.
“Bye, Y/N.” Her voice is breathy.
And when you check your phone, you see it’s after midnight. So much for Tyla’s advice.
But, you think to yourself, shoes clicking on concrete and KK’s gaze on your back, you kissed her after midnight- maybe all the good things just happen after midnight.
laila when kk hit her for saying the taking girls down on and off the ice thing: 😞😞😞💔💔💔💔💔
y/n also being happy that she left kk AFTER midnight bc she doesn’t just want her she actually likes her
jackie and tyla wingwoman supremes i love them sm
dylan you are annoying i wish you suffering
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lovexjoe · 1 day
how would Armando react if he misses his girlfriend (the beautiful and sexy reader) while he is in prison? And when he comes out he desperately wants to see her And he's hungry for touch and dying to touch her 🔥🔥
Your 🐱 gonna need the ER when he’s done
Warnings: all the above cause this about to be dutty!!! 18+ cause ngl I wrote some nasty nasty
Y/N and Armando wrote letters back and forth since he’s been locked away
You were secretly happy that Mike and Marcus needed his help on this case because it meant him being free even for a little.
Visits were hard because the kisses and the hand holding could only hold you off for so long
You slipped him some nude Polaroids that he could jack off to when he was alone in his cell.
“Fuck mami when I’m out of here it’s you and me all night”
A few days went by and you haven’t heard anything from Mike or Marcus. You were worried and Kelly suggested you stayed with them just in case. That’s when they popped up on the news. No way…
Within a few hours of you pacing, they popped in through the front door and you immediately wrapped your arms around him. Showering him with kisses all over his face.
“You smell like straight caca but I was so worried” Y/N said causing everyone to laugh. Armando already a lost puppy following you around.
“Oh my god he’s like a dog Mike, tf wrong with your son?!” Marcus says to Mike as they watch Armando kiss on your shoulder.
“That boy in love, let him live”
After explaining the plan, you guys ended up heading back to your house. Armando grabbing and slapping your ass as you open the front door
“You my stinky redneck, need a shower” Shoving a towel to his chest and shooing him away.
“Baby! There’s no more body wash” You could’ve swore you put a new one in this morning, but you honestly couldn’t remember.
“I’m sorry baby here you go” Holding your arm out with the body wash trying not to get wet, Armando smirks as he pulls you into the shower.
The sight of seeing him naked after being in prison for almost 2 years, your pussy immediately clenched. The water cascading down his perfectly fit body. Your eyes welled up with tears, you didn’t think this day would come so soon and you didn’t want it to end it.
“I’m here now baby no need for tears.” He wipes your tears away wanting nothing more to be here in this moment with you for the rest of your lives. You had a beautiful soul that loved all his flaws and my god were you sexy. He wouldn’t admit it but he prayed every day in prison that you were protected and that he’ll see you soon.
You pulled him close as you kissed him. Your tongue slipping into his mouth the taste of toothpaste still lingers. He pulls your shirt off, ripping your bra in half and earning a little moan from you. God you loved when he’s like this. Animalistic. He took what he wanted and made you a moaning whimpering mess.
He made hickeys on all over your neck and breast, playing and biting your nipples. He cups them suspiciously, not use to them overflowing his hand.
“Fuck, they got bigger. Eres perfecta mami” As he sucks on your nipples, you begin to stroke him missing the sounds he use to make for you. You got down on your knees, the water making your skin glisten. Your tongue teasing his tip, causing him to groan. His length is so long and thick, you knew he was gonna stretch you out all night. You slapped his length against your tongue, keeping eye contact with him. He swore he was gonna lose his mind and you barely even done anything.
“Fuck my mouth daddy” You brought his hands up to your head and signal him to grab your hair. He looked into your eyes for reassurance and you nodded your head eagerly: wanting to be his submissive girl for the night. He grips your hair firmly, keeping your head still as he pumps his length in and out your mouth. You took it like a good girl for him, the moans escaping his mouth only encouraged you to deep throat him more. He didn’t want to cum just yet, but your eyes told him it’s okay and he let himself go. His muscles start to flex as he works through his orgasm releasing his warm nut into your mouth. He taste so fucking good. You swallowed, smiling to yourself that you brought him to release so quick. He picked up on that little smile and boy were you in for it.
He pushes you against the shower wall, ripping your leggings open, exposing your red little thong. The same one in a few of those Polaroids you sneaked him. He wanted to hear you beg for him tonight. He pulls on the red material causing it to press up against your clit. You let out a soft gasp.
“Please I’ve been good” Your voice a little sore after that blowjob. You arch your ass out to him more, begging to feel his tongue on you again. He turns the shower off and slaps your ass: picking you up bridal style and carrying you over to the edge of your bed. You threw the remaining of your clothes across the room and he laughs. His eager little princess, legs spread and he starts to admire you. You’ve been taking care of yourself since he’s been locked away. Pulling you closer, he gets down on his knees, wrapping your legs around his shoulder and starts to suck on your clit working his tongue down your wet folds.
Your body completely working against your mind as you came a few times against your will. Oh you missed him so much.
“You taste so fucking sweet mami”
Slipping two fingers into you slowly, you forget touching yourself is completely different from his hands. You felt yourself starting to squirt, you couldn’t even help it. Your mind was mush and you haven’t even had sex yet.
“A-Armando! I need you please” He keeps pumping his fingers in and out of you as he hovers over you.
“Beg for me” Whispering against your whimpering lips
“P-please!” He slips a 3rd finger in and you completely lose it. You couldn’t even speak, you lifted your hips slightly to work your pussy on his fingers. What a fucking sight to see.
“Good girl, mi princesa. Such a good fucking girl for me”
You ride out your last orgasm before he aligns himself at your entrance. Something about this moment felt so special, so real. Armando couldn’t believe he found someone like you. No one would ever wait for a man in prison or even talk to him knowing what the fuck he’s done: but here you are. You made him feel safe and loved. That life was worth living after all. He tucks your hair behind your ear and just gazes at everything he’s prayed for.
“Te amo tanto mi vida. ¿Quieres casarte conmigo?" (I love you so much, my life. Will you marry me?)
You couldn’t believe it. You never knew what your future holds with Armando. You hoped that it would be marriage and kids but with everything he’s been through you accepted that maybe that wasn’t meant to be. You put that dream away and lock it up, but now….it was yours.
“Yes. I love you baby. I love you so much.” The kiss alone made your stomach do back flips. You felt him slowly slip the tip in. Both of you gasping at the sensation before he fully thrust his length into you.
“You’re so fucking tight” He holds you close as your pussy clenches with each thrust. You two were not going to last long. He lifts both of your legs on his shoulder to allow himself to get as deep as he could. Your moans the only thing holding him back from cumming again. He wants to talk you through it.
“You’re taking me so well mamita”
“I know it’s big you can take it though”
“Tan hermosa baby” (so beautiful)
“Cum for me, let go I’ve got you”
In that moment you both held each other and let go. The sloppy kisses and thrusts slowed down as he lays on top of you, still inside you. You kissed his forehead.
“Nice job mi jefe” You pinched his cheek causing him to blush for the first time. Mi jefe huh? I think he could get use to that.
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salsakiyoomi · 1 day
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toji is in shambles.
he’s not sure why he got himself in that situation, waking up early just to cook you breakfast — he was doing something good for once in his life ( i.e you ) and you had been working your ass off for the past week at work, while toji has taken a week off of work himself, so with his oh so kind and soft heart, he decided to cook you breakfast for your off day so you’d have one thing less to worry about.
and he wasn’t doing well.
toji wasn’t the best when it came to cooking, he was decent to say the least but he couldn’t, for the life of him, figure out how to fuck to make pancakes.
they were your favorite, you’d make a batch for the whole week, but lately since you were so busy, you didn’t have the time to, so he decided to step up today and make it himself.
he had researched the recipe and he managed to make the mixture good enough, but flipping the pancakes? yeah, he sucked.
he stares down at the fifth pancake he managed to burn
toji is contemplating giving up on life at this point — why couldn’t he get a stupid flip figured out? it should be easy, he’s watched you do it a million times.
He decided maybe it’s easier to do you some scramble eggs with bacon or something, at least that he can actually do.
no, nope, he decided against that — he’s gonna figure this out, no matter what.
“is something burning?” toji tenses as your sleepy voice calls out, and he bravely turns around to face you.
you snort at the sight of him — hair disheveled, and wearing a ‘kiss the chef’ apron that didn’t fit all that well against his muscular frame while holding the pan in his hands. if you had your phone on you right now, you would’ve taken a picture of him.
“hey, big guy.” you say, covering your mouth to stifle a laugh.
he rolls his eyes at you, “get back in bed, doll.” he tells you pointedly, and you break into laughter.
“what are you doing?” you exclaim as you walk into the kitchen, and toji tries to shield your sight from the burned pancakes.
“nothing.” he says, “just get back to bed.”
“toji.” you whine, and you gasp when you catch sight of the burned pancakes, “oh my god!”
toji cringes — he wanted this to be a surprise for you, to blow off some steam after a long week of stressful work, but his ass-sucking flipping skills ruined it.
“sorry.” he mutters under his breath, “i didn’t burn down the apartment, though.”
you laugh, and you hug him, wrapping your arms around his torso and leaning your chin against his chest as you look up at him, “were you trying to make breakfast for me?”
he wraps his arms around you, “yeah. can’t flip pancakes apparently though, so i;m not sure if that counts as a successful breakfast.”
you laugh again, and it’s a sound that’s got toji addicted to you over all the years you've been with him.
“it’s enough that you tried,” you say, “that’s very sweet of you.”
he lets out a huff, “you flatter me,”
you grin up at him and then lean on your tippy toes to place a chaste kiss to his soft lips. he kisses you back, of course as he melts into your touch.
you pull away, “how about we cook breakfast together, yeah?”
there is a ghost of a smile on his face and he nods, “yeah.”
every day and day you make him less hesitant to purpose to you with the ring that sitting in a red box in his drawer.
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honeipie · 3 days
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izuku midoryia x reader
synopsis: your son demands answers
authors note: this is the short little ending to the toast little mini series! but honestly their little family is so cute i don’t wanna leave them :((( also thank you to everyone who read, reblogged, and commented. i literally love ur life.
psa: mentions of breastfeeding
one | two | three | four
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"my life is a lie!" the voice of your oldest son echoed through the hall and into the living room. you didn't bat an eye as his antics, because you knew every time he went to hang out at his uncle denki and aunt jirou's house he came home talking about some new crazy story. though he'd usually wait to talk about it until he was in the same room as you all.
izuku and yutaka, your middle child, raised their heads at the sound of the door slamming behind him.
"koji, you've barely stepped through the door and you're already yelling. mayuka was finally eating" you shifted your youngest head back towards you chest. she had been startled by the door but you were able to calm her by gently rubbing your thumb against her cheek.
"sorry" koji mumbled going to stand in the very middle of the living room so he could get a good look at you all "but i still can't believe i've been lied to for the past twelve years, twevle years!"
izuku's eyes went from his son, then over to you. but all you could do was shrug. izuku grunted as he rose from his spot on the floor. all those years of daunting hero work along with just plain aging were catching up to him. specks of grey started to show, but he attempted to hide them with the green he still had.
"okay koji. what are you freaking out about?"
"i don't know, maybe the fact that you guys almost never got married?!"
now if there was one thing you were expecting to come out of his mouth, it wasn't that.
"did denki tell you about that?" you asked watching as he was now pacing the room back and forth.
"yeah! and i'm glad he told me because it seems like you guys were never going to let me know!"
yutaka looked up from his tablet “mommy and daddy weren’t gonna get married? why?”
izuku put his hands up before koji could go off again “listen, your aunt ochako and i weren’t very good at relationships back then and-“
“what does aunt ochako have to do with this?” koji’s face went from confusion to surprise “you were going to marry aunt ochako! what the heck!”
the tips of izuku’s ears went pink as he heard his surprise “i thought denki told you everything!”
“he only told me that you guys almost never got married! when i asked for more details he said that’s none of his business”
you snorted going to fix your bra since mayuka had finished eating “since when does denki mind his buisness”
“that’s what i said!” koji threw his arms up going to sit in between the two of you “okay so you guys gotta tell me everything! start to finish”
“i don’t know koji. i mean i need mom to tell the story with me and she’s kind of busy so-“
“i got time” you laid mayuka on one side of your body making sure her head was over your shoulder “may takes her time to burp” izuku gave you a look which you smiled at “i love you!”
izuku rolled his eyes before finally nodding “fine we’ll tell you the story. c’mere taka” he held his arms out which his son happily jumped into. after he got him settled on his lap he started on the story of how the two of you got together. the toast, the argument, and the rekindling all in one short (kid friendly) version. of course, you felt the need to add in little details when needed “and then we got married and boom. you kids were born”
koji’s mouth had hung open for almost the whole story, sitting at the edge of his seat. yutaka looked rather confused.
“so..” taka looked over at the two of you “mommy took daddy from aunt ochako?”
“well, sort of. we all agreed that how things ended up were for the best. no matter how it happened”
izuku nodded his head in agreement “i love your mom and i love all of you” he tickled taka’s side making him burst out in laughter.
“i just can’t believe it” koji mumbled shaking his head.
“you better believe it kid. your dad and i are in love” you wiggled your eyebrows making koji groan “in fact, give me a kiss!” the two of you leaned in placing a dramatic kiss on each others lips. both of the boys pretended to gag as they got up.
“not in front of us! not in front of us!” they both made a mad dash upstairs making the two of you laugh.
“they get their dramatics from you” you said scooting closer to him handing over may. an offended look plastered his face.
“they do not!”
“whatever you say mr. midoryia” you leaned your head on his shoulder pulling the blanket over the two of you. you eyes scanned over the home that the two of you created. toys scattered across the living room floor. family portraits hanging on the walls, even from when koji was first born. some random, educational kids show was currently playing on your television. someone had told you that this would ‘stimulate the baby’s mind’ even though she had just popped out. both you and izuku in your matching pajamas that you had gotten for christmas. ever since mayuka was born the two of you had been too exhausted to clean. shit was a mess, but honestly, you felt no sense of stress. you two had a silent understanding that everything would be done in the time that is intended, and you wouldn’t have it any other way
“i love you” you moved your head to look up at the man you had fallen hopelessly in love with. he looked back with a tired smile, but you noticed the crinkles at the corner of his eyes.
“i love you too”
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taglist! @sagejin @aejabba @crybabyl0l @v3n7s @yoihoshi-maki @reads-stuff-quietly @valenspuppy @luvrluvrr 🫶🏾
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markrosewater · 1 day
Hey Mark, I just wanted to say you've always seemed like a really cool guy. I've played magic for over 4/5ths of my life, since the early 2000s when I was only five years old, I even met most of my long time friends through it. But I think I finally feel alienated enough by it to drop it entirely.
I always enjoyed every aspect of this game, from the deckbuilding, to the flavor, to the color pie and the possibilities it presented. I loved the fantasy of it, of planeswalkers and wizards, dragons and castles.
Universes Beyond really was the end of it, all the way back then. When i heard the announcements I was terrified, I knew where it would lead even then. I loved the world of Magic, and it feels silly to say about a card game but I truly felt immersed in the world when I played, even with the different planes, everything cohered to an internal set of rules that seemed unbreakable.
For a while I continued, our local scene created a variant format that banned Universes Beyond cards so I was able to ignore them, but then came Neon Dynasty. It felt strange to me, like it was breaking what I had come to expect out of the game. Most people disagreed, said it was still Magic enough, but I wondered just how far it would be pushed before Magic lost any identity of its own, anything that separated it from Fortnite or any other crossover soup known entirely for the things it borrows rather than the things it is.
When I saw the first spoilers for Duskmourn, I think that was the straw that broke the camel's back. When I play at the table with my friends, I enjoy the fact that all the cards feel like part of one larger universe. And when I see cards with televisions and smartphones in them, with modern clothing and internet references, I just can't fit them together in my mind. It seems like a cool world, much like a lot of the crossovers are cool worlds, but I play Magic for well... Magic. If I wanted to play Fallout or Warhammer 40k, or watch Insidious or Walking Dead, then I would. But when I play Magic, I want to see magic.
And it's canon, just as canon as Innistrad or Alara. We can't excise it like we can Universes Beyond, and if we can't, then what's even the point of trying to "protect the tone" with those bans? What tone are we protecting, that's already been shattered from within?
More and more it feels like the game just isn't for me, doesn't want the kind of player that feels strongly about cohesion and immersion. And that's fine, it doesn't have to cater to me, and the current approach seems to bring in more people than it drives away. But it still just makes me sad, on a deep personal level, to give up on what has been such a major part of my life.
In all likelihood, I'm an outlier, and you could easily say that Magic getting even broader in what it covers is only a positive thing. Take my critiques only as the lamentations of a single person. But when you can put anything in a piece of media, when there's no unifying idea of what is and isn't possible, then it just starts to feel meaningless.
I'm sorry, I know you'll probably never read this, I mostly just needed to get it off my chest- and you're the closest thing to a human face Magic the Gathering has. Thank you for all the work you've put into it over the years, and I'm sorry that I can't enjoy it anymore.
Thanks for writing. From a big picture, Magic excels at creating variety and does poorly at consistency. The core idea of a trading card game is we make lots and lots of pieces you can play with and then you, the player, customize your game as you see fit. History has shown us, the wider we spread the potential of what Magic can be, the more people find something they enjoy and are attracted to the game.
Think of it this way. Each player has a different sense of what Magic is to them. There's no cutoff point where we make the majority of players happy. In fact, for many players, it's the ever-expanding quality to the game that they enjoy most.
This does mean though that we might make choices that don't connect with what you personally enjoy, and I respect that. If Magic isn't providing what you want out of it, that's okay. My only recommendation is don't get rid of your cards. Many Magic players rotate in and out of the game, and the number one complaint I hear from players who rotate back in is them having gotten rid of everything when they rotated out.
Magic might not be what you need right now, but maybe a few years from now you've changed in ways which makes it something you will enjoy. Or maybe Magic will evolve in a way that speaks to you. The only constant I know is you and Magic will both change. Just leave yourself the possibility of reconnecting.
Thanks for playing all these years, and I hope to see you again.
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honeytama · 1 day
Look After You
Matt Dierkes x Plus Size!Fem!Reader
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A/N: Matt shares an old tee with Reader in this, indulge me, and imagine that thing fits you amazingly!! Also, def don't listen to Look After You by the Fray after reading this, I'm crying.
Summary: After a guy cancels on a first date for the ?'th time, your friend, Matt, shows you’re worthy of honest love.
“Will you, won’t you, be the one I’ll always know?”
Content: Reader is plus size, friends to lovers, fluff, hurt/comfort, bed sharing/sharing clothes, first kiss
Word Count: 2.7k
Tag List: @exitwoundsx @areuirish @artificialbreezy @thisbicc @alloraiona
Something happened. Can I come over? You anxiously send this text over to your friend Matt.
You wait for his response. The tears in your eyes blur his contact photo at the top of your screen; it’s an old selfie he sent you while on tour.
You wonder why it can't just be him. Why did you have to pursue other men? Especially when they treat you like this.
Your phone buzzes and a gray bubble appears.
Hey, of course. I just made dinner.
The keys in your hand jingle as you dash to your car to make your way to his house.
You fell into his chest once he opened the door to his home, and his arms held you as you stood there weeping against him. He usually was adverse about your habit of touching him, but tonight he indulged you, comforted you by holding you close and rubbing soothing circles on your back.
“Sorry, for getting tears on your shirt,” you had said while wiping the two wet spots on his shoulder.
He shrugged. “I’ve gotten over it already,” he gave you a sheepish smile. “Come eat some food and then we can talk about what's going on.”
For twenty minutes, you could feel his eyes stealing worried glances as you two ate in silence.
So, now that you’re both finished eating dinner, Matt checks in on you while taking your plate to do the dishes. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“Not really,” you frown at him while he scrubs your plates at his sink. “But, that’s why I came over anyway, so I might as well share.”
“You don’t have to say anything,” he says reassuringly while drying his hands and turning to face you. Matt crosses his arms and leans against the counter. “We can watch a movie or listen to some music. Whatever you want to get your mind off of it.”
“No, I want to tell you,” you breathe out nervously. “I went on a date– or I was supposed to be on a date tonight with a guy I met online.”
“Oh,” he shakes his head in surprise and furrows his brow. “I didn't know you were dating,” he says softly.
“I thought it would be weird to tell you,” you play with your hands in your lap. “We don't really talk about dating…or sex, those kinds of things, with each other.”
“I know we don’t, but I hoped that you would share that you were trying to date,” he says before clearing his throat. “So, that I could vet him, I mean. Make sure he’s good enough for you.”
“Well, now I wish you had,” you look down at your feet and your bottom lip quivers.
Matt sees this and rushes over the the dining chair next to you. He pulls it out and sits so you two are facing each other. “Shit, what the hell did he do?”
You touch his knee to calm him, “Nothing serious. I swear.” You continue to explain your night after a deep breath.
“I’ve been talking to him for a few days. We planned out a whole dinner date and maybe going back to his place afterward if things went well, but when I sent him a picture of myself in my date outfit to show him I was excited he just… rejected me, right then,” your eyes begin to water as you’re reminded of the humiliation. “He canceled on me and made some stupid fucking excuse about how he was having car trouble.” 
“What the fuck?” Matt fumes.
“So, I asked him if I could just go over to his place to hang out and he said his apartment’s AC was broken—?” It’s then that your voice breaks into sobs and tears trickle down your cheeks. Embarrassment rolls over you in a wave that burns your skin.
“What an asshole,” he takes your phone in his hands from the dining table. “Did that fucker ever share his address with you? I’ll pay him a visit for—.”
“Please, no,” you reach to grab your phone. “I just want you here with me.”
“He deserves to pay for treating you like that! Why the fuck would he just cancel on you?” Matt asks angrily. 
“Matt, I—,” you stammer through your sobs and avoid his eyes. “I don’t think he knew what my… full body looked like, even with the pictures in my profile.”
“Motherfucker,” he lowers his voice so as not to startle you. Sure, he’s enraged at the situation, but you’re breaking down in front of him and he doesn't want his anger to exacerbate it.
“This isn’t the only time this has happened, either” you hang your head in shame. “It’s either they cancel on dates because of my body, or act the complete opposite and use me for my body just to ghost me,” you reveal to him.
While this made him want to put his hands around someone's throat until they saw red, he gently held your hands through it and nodded sweetly while listening to you stammer and tear up at the past. “You can tell me everything. Lay it on me,” he encouraged.
After an hour of talking to him about the hell other men have put you through, you sniffle while checking your phone and notice it’s nearing his and his dogs’ usual bedtime. “Thank you for letting me come over to talk to you. I’m going to head home; I don’t want to keep you from going to sleep,” you start to gather your things, but Matt puts a hand on your knee.
“Y/N, of course, but I don’t feel comfortable with you going home alone like this. Why don't you stay with me tonight?” He suggests softly.
“Matt, It’s okay. I’m okay. I’ll go home,” you say with a shrug. It’s then you notice how heavy your shoulders feel.
“Please. You can stay in the guest bedroom. You can even borrow some of my clothes to change into,” he smiles.
You giggle and wipe your tears with the back of your hand. “I don’t think I’ll fit into your clothes.”
“One sleep shirt I have doesn’t fit on me. Try it and if it doesn’t work, then I’ll drive over to your place myself to get you pajamas,” he assures.
A tingle creeps up your neck imagining him doing something so thoughtful. Matt usually makes gestures to show he cares, but it’s usually in the form of his words or fists being thrown. Why did he care so much about you? Sure, he wasn't an angel, but there’s a soft spot that only you manage to access when you're around him. You almost hoped he would be a massive jerk to you; it would help you eliminate the feelings you had for him and make your heart feel less tangled.
You nod at his proposition and follow him to his bedroom. He pulls his drawers open and closed rummaging through his things until finding an old, white Underoath merch tee. He holds it out to you, “Go get changed, let me know how it fits.”
You take the shirt and leave his bedroom. Just down the hall from him, you enter his well-decorated guest room and lock the door. Pulling off your clothes, you put on Matt’s old shirt and look into the full-length mirror leaning against the wall. 
Like a dream, it fits perfectly. It’s so soft, and the front of the shirt ends comfortably at your upper thighs.
However, you didn't have any bottoms so you would sleep with bare legs tonight. 
The carpet in the hallway carries your feet back to Matt’s bedroom. Through the crack in the door, he tucks Boo and Zeus into their beds on the floor. The soft glow of his bedside lamp light bathes his physique. You didn’t expect him to be down to his boxers already.
It was the first time you had ever seen him like this. His collar bones, chest, abdomen, thighs, everything that’s ever been covered by him just out, nonchalantly.
“Matt,” you push the door open slightly, hiding your bottom half. “It fits.”
He turns to you and smiles, “I’m glad. Go try to get some rest,” he tells you caringly. “Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Goodnight, Matt,” you reply and give a small wave to the dogs. “Night night, puppies.”
Matt said to try to get some rest and that’s what you were doing. It just isn’t working.
Without checking your phone, forty minutes have passed of you tossing and turning in his guest bed. It was comfortable, but you couldn’t settle your mind enough to fall asleep.
Fuck it.
You slip out of bed and quietly creep back down the hallway to his room. With a soft knock on his door, you bounce on the balls of your feet impatient for him to open it.
The door is pulled open and Matt stands there in his underwear in front of you. “Y/N, you okay?” He squints at you and rubs his eyes in the darkness while only moonlight slips through the cracks of his blinds to illuminate you.
“I’m sorry if I woke you…I couldn’t sleep,” you offered shyly while fidgeting with the hem of his tee shirt on your thighs. 
“Mmm,” he nods. “Come get in my bed.” 
You tiptoe past his dogs sleeping soundly over to the opposite side of the bed from him. Timidly climbing into his sheets, he invites you to lay down by pulling his comforter over your waist and fluffing his unused pillows. 
“Get comfortable,” he whispers as he climbs in after you.
“Thank you,” you whisper back.
Matt and you face each other in the dark while sharing his comforter. Heat radiates off of him and you want so badly to reach out and pull him closer to feel it directly from the source. 
“Do you need to talk some more?” He asks softly.
“I think I just need you near me. I should fall asleep soon,” you whisper hesitantly.
“Come closer,” Matt switches to lie on his back and he offers out his arm for you to climb into his space. You slide over and lay your head on his chest as his arm hooks around you. He allows his fingers to rub figure eights along your spine. “You can wrap your leg around me,” he says into your hair. “I don't mind.”
You carefully wrap your leg over his body, avoiding his pelvis, and like a puzzle, your bodies fit perfectly together as one. Your hand finds its way to his naked stomach and his breath hitches as you return the favor to draw circles above his navel.
Silence enveloped the room as you two lie together, but it's broken when you bite your lip and ask, “Why are you being so sweet to me?” 
He chuckles and it makes your head raise with his chest, “I’m always nice to you. What are you saying?”
“If you being a little bully to me is you being nice, then yes, you’re a saint,” you giggle. “You just— never let me touch you like this or let me wear your clothes.”
“You needed it tonight,” he murmurs above you. “I’m here to give you what you need, that’s all.”
You think about his words and agree, He’s what I need.
“I was mostly awake, by the way,” he says softly.
“When I knocked?” You ask.
“Yeah, I was thinking about those guys you told me about,” he stops the figure eights on your back.
“Matt,” you warn.
“I know, I know,” he huffs. “I’m not going to search for their addresses online. I swear.”
“Good,” you pat his stomach.
“I just think you deserve someone who knows you're worthy of love— someone who loves your mind… your body,” he confides.
“It would help me out if you knew someone that thought like that, Matty,” you chuckle and look up at him.
“I do,” he says softly. His eyes dart over the features of your face searching for any slight reaction to his words. “I mean, me, I do.”
“What?” You laugh in disbelief.
“I think you're pretty, gorgeous, hot, sexy, whatever word you like best,” he talks with fervor as his eyes bore into yours. “I would most definitely take you on the best first date of your life. Just like tonight, I would set the table and make you dinner. Also, you wouldn’t be crying,” he boasts and it starts to make you giggle. “You could wear whatever you wanted. We would watch movies on my couch afterward, or I could teach you how to play my drums. It would be perfect, and there wouldn't be any stupid excuses made by me because I’m not one of those fucking loser ass dudes you meet on Tinder or wherever.”
“Calm down. Your heart is beating really fast,” you whisper and he looks down at your hand on his chest.
“I know and I don’t care,” he huffs. “I would rather have a stroke trying to let you know how well I would treat you than for you to ever have to return to trying other guys. Why can’t it just be me and you?”
“I didn’t know you felt that way,” you say softly.
“Also,” he continues his rant, “how can they not enjoy a picture of you looking fine as fuck in your first date outfits? I’ve never seen them, but I see you every other time and I want to take screenshots of you with my damn eyes. Matter of fact, there’s this one top you wear that makes your tits look—”
“Matt, stop talking,” you put a hand over his mouth. 
“What?” His voice is muffled under your palm. It’s then he notices that you’ve maneuvered yourself to straddle him. As you lean over him, your face is a mere foot away from his.
Removing your hand from his mouth you ask, “You like me, huh?”
“Yeah, and?” He scoffs, the slightest smile creeping over his lips.
“I like you, too,” you admit.
“Oh,” he furrows his brow. “That’s cool, now get off of me.” You both laugh as he pushes your body back onto your side of the bed. After a fit of laughter and fighting him, he finds himself pinning both of your hands with his on either side of your head. Your stomach flutters as his face is so close to yours now; all of him is so close. “You need to go to sleep.”
“Well, now I can't,” you tilt your head and squint at him in the dark. “There’s something I need to say first.”
“What is tha—?”
You sneak a kiss to the corner of his lips. “Thank you for saying those mushy things about me. If I knew you felt that way, then there’s no way I would let another man believe they deserved my time and patience. I just want it to be you, too.”
“Just you and me? Sounds nice,” Matt smiles before his face turns pensive. “You missed my mouth by the way. Kiss me better this time,” he rolls his eyes while dipping to your lips beneath him.
You closed her eyes as your lips met in a hesitant first kiss.
It was soft. Yet, it sparked a fire within you; a delicious warmth flowering in your chest. Matt’s hands squeeze yours harder, but you gather the strength to escape one of his hands and instinctively reach up into his hair, your fingers tangling in the soft wavy strands.
The kiss deepened and your playful banter was forgotten, replaced by the sound of his lips moving against yours and his tongue sneaking gauging licks a your bottom lip. When you finally break apart, breathless and flushed, a comfortable silence settles between you as you share knowing grins.
The sheets rustle as Matt gets out of bed and walks over to the upholstered accent chair in the corner of his bedroom. “Where are you going? Get back in bed and keep kissing me,” you whine when the heat of his body has left you.
“I’ll be over here,” he sits lazily, his legs spread apart. “No one can hurt you while I’m looking after you.”
“You need sleep, too,” you pat his side of the bed.
“Don’t worry about me. Now, get some rest,” he nods at your pillow to lay down.
He softly chuckles when you huff, throw yourself down and toss his comforter over your body. “Ugh, goodnight, Matt.”
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
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swirlygigg · 2 days
OH i forgot to talk about this during pride month but i hooked up with a trans guy recently and it was a fun time! he and i talked through lex (usually where i hook up from lol) and went to get lunch together then hung out at his place. we like mostly just chitchatted about his cat and watched dropout shows and then finally i was like "yo we don't Have to but your lex post did say you wanted to hook up" and he was like LOL sorry i am bad at initiating stuff
anyways! i got to be a top again because i tend to lean towards bottoming, but when a guy is like whimpering and moaning into my mouth when we're just kissing and i barely touch his neck... what am i supposed to do, NOT top him???!?! i forget how madly in love i am with the soft downy hair that trans guys sometimes have on their stomachs until i see it and then i'm just obsessed with kissing all the way up and down. also he took off his binder and let me play with his chest and made all these really sweet little sighs while my mouth was on him, teasing around his wet slit and cock. oh my god do you see what i mean i just like topping guys who moan.
fingering him was so good i love the feeling of pushing into the slick warmth of a tboy and sliding in and out of him while he tosses his head from side to side in ecstasy. i could have fingered him all day but he was also begging to cum, and i am a bit of a softie and also like making people cum, so i just doubled down and rubbed his clit and fingered him and sucked on his nipples all at once. the shiver that ran through his body was such a delight and then he just asked me to kiss him after. so cute my whole heart melted (°///°) i just think it's so adorable when bottoms ask for a nice little thing like that. kissed him on the nose and made out a little more, and maybe we'll hook up again in the future! wish i had a Tad more gay sex during pride but yanno, i have the rest of the year to keep having gay sex so it's cool
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vinestaffery · 3 days
if I could request something I’d love hc’s on darkheart it’s completely fine if not though I loved ur illumina ones and thought you might be willing to do darkheart:)!
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darkheart x gender-neutral reader headcanons
content: slight jealousy themes; worshipping elements; romantic headcanons; established relationship; mentions of insecurity of body
authors note: i had actually started this writing a while back, but lost the draft after my computer shut down which caused a major meltdown and pause for me when writing. so sorry for the wait, tried retrieving as much info about the old writing before!
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pulling darkheart was something that was completely off of your list. it was strange how such a man could fall for someone like you, but it didn't seem to affect you as much. he was just the same as you, just a few more advancements and such. but, that didn't stop you from loving each and every bit about him. he was so lovable, you couldn't take anyone else other then him repeatedly.
very poetic, but that type of corny poetic, the one where he'd try fluster you but it'd leave you embarrassed and giggling, those are the types of flirts he loves doing around you. hearing your laugh and such just motivates him everyday. he couldn't help but feel proud of himself whenever he got that one smile or laugh out of you just for him being him.
he would always blabber about you to the other deities, sometimes even pissing them off because of how much he just talked about you!! oh he was overjoyed to have you as a partner, i mean, who wouldn't?
he NEVER struggled with affection, unless he wasn't in the certain mood to take it in. but, when hes not in an angry and a type of mood where you'd back off but still cherish his presence, he is the biggest cuddle bear possible. he picks you up, swings you around before embracing you. he were to be acting as if he hasn't seen you after a war! but, it always felt nice to feel him wrap his arms around him and question about your day.
always a gifter, specifically a strange gifter, but you love the little things he sees you in. sometimes, he'd bring you glass-stones or shiny material, it reminded you of a crow! he'd always deliver them by the door whenever he can or window, surprising you with the strangest of gifts. he found it ever so enchanting to see just figments of you in every little tiny thing, settling his interest only on delivering it to you. you have even dedicated this small thing of his to a whole array of ornaments! you just loved his little knick knacks and his lovable, dumb head.
sometimes, you'd play around with him and give him some sort of worshipping-type feeling. it never failed him to fluster or embarrass him, but it all for jokes (nothing sexual) that he tends to do with you! sometimes, he'd worship you in a lovable way, sometimes making the smallest of gestures. but, he does this MOSTLY whenever your insecure of yourself.
you have a tummy? who cares! he loves that shit. you got a small chest and believe you don't represent too much? don't you dare say that! your more then anything! your struggling with some identity issues and crisis's? dont worry, he'll be right there to tell you its completely okay, and that he sees you for who you are. he is so accepting and he'll take that to the grave!
sometimes, he struggles to get some sleep. for some guy, he really doesn't know how sleeping with someone works. sometimes, you can feel his legs tangle with yours, but he'd shy away and apologise. you'd end up tangling yours with his. sometimes, his wings may be the worst case for him, but that doesn't stop you from trying your best to help out.
this guy really likes weight ontop of him (self indulgence here, apologies!!!), so please do whatever you can to give him that weight. you want to just lay on him? go right ahead! he'd love that shit. he'll wrap his arm around you and just hold you close.
a great cook, but also a goofster with it too. sometimes, he'll make the cooking look a bittt funky, but that doesn't stop him from making the gourmet dishes. but, sometimes, he may make something thats... a bit strange. not to recall, that one kitchen incident you both had once!
i know i said this with illumina's one, but he would also do the one where he'd put his chin on your head and relax. he does this mostly to peeve off other robloxians that may interact with you. he doesn't do this because he's jealous (he does) but mostly to tell everyone that YOU are HIS! you are his for keeping!
corny nicknames!!! sometimes you call him your goober and he calls you his little shmoopy. he is always keen on other nicknames, but shmoopy is such a heart resonator for you and him. sometimes, he says it in public and it's the only way to catch your attention.
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i hope these were good enough!! i was a bit tired but otherwise, i hope you enjoyed these..!!
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rubylace · 18 hours
┄── ONLY YOU [제이크] 06
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PAIRING senior!jake x junior!femreader
FEATURING (en) heeseung. (ae) winter. (&team) jo
SYNOPSIS You has a best friend, the best friend a girl could ask for. He’s supportive, loyal, honest, trustworthy, kind, and thoughtful. He’s also the biggest player in school. Your relationship has always been easy and affectionate, but after your month long vacation, things become a little strange. You starts to look at him in ways that go way beyond the ‘friend zone’. Add in your best friend’s rival and things become a whole lot more complicated.
! likes, reblogs, comments are appreciatied ·
wc 10,642
nb sorry for typo the prev chaps I just realized usually I'm on tumblr when I want to up something while checking my acc, stupidly make a mistake and fix it a few days later😭😭 thank you for your policy and im comfortable with the current design - layout🩷
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The party was as wild just as Winter said it would be. There were all sorts of alcohol, body shots, drinking games, loud thumping music. i even spotted a couple of guys from school selling drugs, but i stayed well clear of them. You was on your fifth shot when Winter dragged i to dance. “So, you met Jo,” she said with a wink.
“Oh hell yeah I met him, and I would definitely like to meet more of him.” You sloshed back your vodka, shuddering at the slight burn of your throat. She sighed dreamily. “He is so hot.” You nodded in agreement. “Definitely hot. But he’s a total player, right?” you replied, dancing to the beat of the music. Someone started to grind me from behind, you turned around to see a blond boy trying to dry hump you from behind.
“Do you mind?” you growled, putting a hand on his chest and pushing him away. “No, baby, I don’t mind at all.” He laughed, moving back to you again. You grabbed hold of his arms. “If you want to keep these, I suggest you get them the hell away from me,” you spat venomously, squeezing a little harder, making him let out a little squeak and squirm under your grasp.
“Okay, okay. Sorry.” He held up his hands in defeat, so you let go. He winced and walking away with a slight limp. You turned back to Winter  was practically on the floor laughing. “What?” you asked, giggling even though you had no idea why. You think you may be a little tipsy. You blinked a couple of times, looking round at the now very busy room. “You are sooooo badass,” she hissed in your ear, still laughing hysterically.
“Yeah, Jake taught me.” You shrugged. “Let’s get another drink and go outside for some air, okay?” You grabbed her hand, not waiting for an answer and pulled her to the kitchen; you two downed a shot and grabbed another to take outside. Jake caught hold of your hand at the door. “Just like I showed you, huh?” he said, with a proud smile. You just nodded and kissed his cheek as Winter and you staggered out of the door, giggling.
Sat on the swing set in the yard. “So how old is Jo anyway?” you asked Winter who was leaning so far back on her swing she looked like she would fall off. “I think he left two years ago. So that would make him...em..nineteen I guess?” she replied, making it sound more like a question.
“Jake and him didn’t really seem to like each other.” You winced, thinking about the tension that you’d felt radiating off of Jake earlier when they met. “I think they played together on the football team when Jo was still at school. Blake played running back position too, and I think that Coach was riding them both pretty hard, making them compete for the spot. I don’t think they ever got on because of that,” she slurred, hiccupping at the end.
Jake came out then, looking at you, smiling. “Hey, Y/n, you ready to call it a night?” he asked, pushing you gently on the swing from the front. You smiled happily. He used to push you on the swings all the time. He’d even built you a swing once for your birthday using a piece of rope and a big stick and hung it from the old oak tree in your back yard. He had fallen out of the tree trying to tie the rope and broke his arm. As soon as his plaster cast was taken off he’d gone straight back into the tree and finished tying it. It still hung in your garden. “Winter, you want a lift home?” he asked, shaking his keys at her to get her attention off of his body.
She giggled. “Hmm, do I want to ride with Jake Sim?” she purred suggestively, narrowing her eyes, looking him up and down. You giggled, and Jake rolled his eyes. “Come on you two drunken girls, get in the car,” he instructed, reaching out a hand for you. You took his hand and danced to the car drunkenly. You dropped Winter at her house and Jake walked her to the door. The next thing you knew someone was pulling on your jeans, trying to get them down.
“Hey.” You squeaked, pushing the hands away from your half off jeans and trying to sit up. “What the-? Am I going to be raped?” You started screaming and panicking. A hand clamped over your mouth. “Hey, it’s just me. Calm down,” Jake said loudly, pushing you back down. You opened your eyes and saw his beautiful eyes inches from yours. You started to cry tears of relief. You  threw your arms around his neck and hugged him tight.
“It’s okay. Shh, sorry. You fell asleep in the car. I was just putting you to bed, that’s all,” he murmured in your ear, smoothing down your hair. You looked around curiously. You was in your room, in your bed, he had already taken off your boots. Realisation dawned on you - he must have carried you from the car and was trying not to wake you. Bless him, that’s adorable. You smiling, feeling stupid. “I’m sorry.” Your heartbeat started to slow as he rubbed your hair. “You scared the crap out of me,” you admitted, pushing your jeans further down but you was obviously drunk because they didn’t really move anywhere.
He laughed and pulled them off for you, then stripped out of his clothes and climbed in the bed with you. He settled down on his side, facing you, but didn’t touch you. This was the first time you’d been in a bed together since he’d kissed you, and he looked really unsure of what to do. Your eyes were starting to droop again and you knew it wouldn’t be long before you was asleep. You pushed hard on his chest to get him to roll onto his back and lifted his arm around you as you nuzzled onto his chest. You heard him laugh quietly, and you fell asleep listening to the sound of his heartbeat.
The following week passed in a blur, Jake and you were completely back to normal, no awkwardness at all now which was great. You was loving your new school, Winter and you had become great friends and you started hanging around with her group of friends too, they were all really nice. Everyone was nice to you at school since you was friends with Mr Popular. Jake was his usual charming protective self around you, you had a feeling he was warning the guys away but you was still getting hit on a lot. You turned them all down nicely.
Today was Friday again. You was perched on the bleachers with Winter, wearing Jake's shirt again, you were happily tucking into hotdogs. You was really trying to watch the game this time, Jake had been trying to teach you some of the rules ready to watch but everything was going so fast you couldn't keep up. "Hey, you never called," a sexy voice said as someone sat next to you. You recognised his voice immediately, Jo. You tried not to look at him you didn't want to have to look at his hotness again, he was too old - just obey Jake's words. You smiled to yourself.
"Hmm, I had better things to do.” You said waving a hand dismissively. “Better things? What can be better than going out on a date with me?” he asked a little shocked, he really wasn't used to rejection. Not that You're surprised with the way he looks you bet he has girls falling at his feet everyday. “Washing my hair, walking the dog, cleaning the house, you know that kind of thing.” You said turning to him for the first time.  “Well you don't know what your missing out on,” he said with a cocky smile.
“Hmm, I could probably guess actually, some crappy food, maybe a crappy movie where you would insist on sitting in the back so we could make out, and then depending on how well the date went there may be a little action in the car as you dropped me off, am I close?” you asked raising an eyebrow. He laughed, “Pretty close” he said shaking his head amused. He lent in close. “You know I really like a challenge,” he whispered in your ear sending shivers down your spine again. “Well then your definitely in the right place, I can be quite challenging.”
You whispered back. “Hmm, I can see that.” He said slinging an arm around your shoulder, your elbowed him in the side quickly and stood up. “Come on Heeseung move your skinny a**. That ball's not gonna catch itself.” You shouted, giggling as he waved and shook his head at you, you really liked Heeseung you teased each other constantly, he was a really nice guy.
As you sat back down you was careful to put a little space between Jo and you but it didn't matter, he moved up next to you again as soon as you was on the bench. “You busy tonight?” he asked with a smile, you nodded slowly fighting a smile. “And tomorrow?” he asked you nodded again, “and I suppose the day after that?” he said with a sigh. You nodded again and hid a smile at his playful annoyance, you could tell that he was actually quite enjoying the chase, especially if this was his first one. “I'm not giving up, I'll come here every week and ask you out until you say yes.”
“Jo honestly, you're wasting your time, I mean do you even remember my name?” you asked looking at him he nodded his head and looked a little hurt. “Of course I do Y/n, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since last Friday” he said frowning as if he was admitting a weakness. You smiled a little inside, you were momentarily mesmerized. No. he's a player he's trying to get into your pants that's all. “Look Jo, I don't know how old you think I am, but I'm only 16.” You said shaking your head, he gasped a little taken aback.
“Oh? Really?” he asked shocked looking at me with wide eyes, “I thought you were 18, your so close with Jake. He's a senior so I thought you were too,” he said shaking his head slowly looking at the floor. “So like I said, your wasting your time.” You said shrugging and turning back to the game expecting that to be the end of the conversation, it wasn't. “So you just turned 16 or?” he asked trailing off looking at me hopefully.
“No, I'll be 17 next month, on the 29th.” You said confused, he looked a little more pleased. “Ok well then your only a year off" he said with a wink. You gave your best ‘what the hell’ face and he laughed. “A year off what?” you asked raising your eyebrows. “You know what I'm gonna call you from now on?” he asked ignoring your question, you smiled great is this gonna be about. “Jailbait,“ he said with a smirk.
You laughed “Jailbait?” you asked shaking your head. “Yep, because if you keep looking so damn hot your probably gonna get me thrown in there.” He said not smiling anymore, it just you or did he look sad when he said that. You frowned. “You'd better stop talking to me then,” you said watching the game again but you couldn't get your mind off of his sad expression. “Yeah maybe I should,” you thought you heard him mumble as he stood up and walked away.
A month later it was your birthday, you really hated birthdays. Not getting older or anything but you didn't really like the whole fuss that came with it, the singing, the cake everyone knowing. Today was gonna be a bad day. You rolled over about to get out of the bed but Jake wrapped his arms tighter round you pulling me back to him. “Happy Birthday Y/n,” he chirped in your ear, you smiled and he reached over the side of the bed and came out with a small rectangular present.
He had a huge grin so you lent over and kissed him on the cheek, “thank you Jake but you shouldn't have bought me anything.” You said taking the present. He rolled his eyes. “I know, I know, you don't like birthdays, but I like buying for your birthday so suck it up.” He said laughing, you laughed too and tore off the wrapping paper to reveal a rectangular red velvet jewellery box. You looked at Jake, “tell me you didn't spend a lot of money.” You said pleadingly,
“I didn't spend a lot of money Y/n, just open it,” he said sighing. You took a deep breath and opened the box, inside was a beautiful gold bracelet it had a small gold heart that hung at the clasp with what looked like a little diamond set in it. You couldn't talk, it was so beautiful it was perfect. You felt your eyes filling with tears, “you don't like it? I can change it. Don't cry Y/n.” He said pulling me to him and rubbing your back. You pulled back and looked at him, “of course I like it! I love it. Thank you Jake its beautiful, it's just so perfect, so me, thank you.” You said kissing him on the cheek, he chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck.
“I thought you'd like it, I saw it and I just had to get it for you, I actually bought it about three months ago, I wanted to give it to you then,” he said blushing a little. You smiled and pulled the bracelet out of the box holding it out to him, “Will you put it on for me?” you asked giving him a smile, he put the bracelet on you, his fingers lingering around yourbwrists. You could feel heat coursing up your arm as your breathing sped up you looked at him he had his jaw clenched tight in concentration. You held your breath and looked away from his beautiful face to try and stop your hormones from going crazy.
He clipped it on and then moved away from you quickly as if you burnt him. “I'm gonna go make you some breakfast ok?” he said getting out of the bed not looking at you. “Why don't we go out for breakfast? I'm in the mood for a chocolate doughnut.” You said smiling as he turned his nose up in disgust.
“Jam doughnut,” he said looking at you with a smile. This was an old argument no one ever won, so you just laughed. “And seen as it's your birthday I'm buying,” he said as you got up to shower.
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luvrrgirl444 · 1 day
chapter 26: GOT YA BITCH
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"GOT YA BITCH!" jean shouted as he shot eren in the chest. eren jumped, surprised. "what the fuck, mate???" jean laughed at him. eren's red lights soon diminished and became gray. 3 3. eren playfully pushed jean away and rolled his eyes.
"looooooserrrr." jean teased.
"i can literally see eren's stupid ass from where i am right now." mikasa's glasses recorded her view. "guys, should i go get who shot him?" he pondered. "i dunno, they might end up frying me."
"mate, i swear i just heard giggling in that corner over there." she pointed with the laser gun. she snuck over and listened closely. there was definitely someone in there.
"bruh. someone's right fucking there." you whispered to sasha. your voice was so low that sasha could barely hear what you said. you pointed your thumb back, to indicate that there was someone coming. sasha nodded and readied her gun.
"hey there!" she turned the corner and was met with two blue laser guns pointed at her. her jaw dropped. "damn, i'm finished." you and sasha snorted at ymir looking dumbfounded, and shot her in the chest ymir rolled her eyes. "i can't even be mad, i literally did the same shit earlier." 2 3.
"no fucking way there's only two of us left. we literally had an extra person on our team." mikasa complained.
LOSER was placed on the screen.
"i've been following jean for a bit, i might just go and kill his ass." she said.
"there's only two of them left. you wanna go out there?" you asked. you were lowkey getting bored of hiding. sasha thought for a second. "y'know what. fuck it. let's go," she responded. you two got up and left the little corner that you had camped in.
"bruv i literally see blue over there." he glanced at the spot and saw blue leds. "i'm gonna die." he walked in the opposite direction of the blue, trying to get as far away as possible.
"armin!" she whisper shouted. armin jumped and looked at her. he furrowed his eyebrows. "you scared me, mate. what the fuck?" she rolled her eyes. "did you want me to tap you on the shoulder or something?" mikasa asked, sarcastically. "oh, fuck off."
"there's blue over there." the blonde pointed. mikasa looked over and sure enough, there was blue. she looked over to where she last saw jean and was surprised when he was no where to be found. "armin, jean's gone."
armin looked at his friend, confused. "jean? who's talking about jean?" she rolled her eyes. "you idiot. i was following him."
he hid behind one of the black cubes in the arena.
"bro, she almost got my ass." he said. jean looked around. "why is this deadass like the hunger games. like, i'm fighting for my life right now." he peeked and saw mikasa and armin creeping around, presumably looking for him. "2 on 1. i'm so cooked, bruh."
"no you aren't, bff!" jean jumped. "what the fuck, sash?" you and sasha snickered. "sorry gang." you both bent down behind the cube with jean. "we're here to help you." you said. "really?" he rolled his eyes. "bitch, you don't want our help?" you asked. he sighed. "alright bruh."
the trio snuck around the cube towards the section that they saw mikasa and armin in. out of nowhere, armin jumped out and attempted to shoot at sasha. he missed the target and instead sasha shot him. "YEAH BITCH!" she shouted, before getting shot herself by mikasa.
sasha gasped. "you're horrible!" mikasa laughed and shrugged. "y/n, avenge me!" you and jean both shot at mikasa and one or maybe both shots hit her target. you didn't know.
0 2
"WE JUST FUCKING WON!" you screamed.
"LETS GO!" said jean.
"so i guess america is better than the uk." connie said to the main camera. the group was now back outside of the laser tag building. "no shade or anything, but you we're literally the first american to get shot." historia recalled. connie rolled his eyes. "okay polly pocket."
"anyways!" sasha shouted. "that's all for today gang! hope you enjoy our laser tag deathmatch!"
you threw your arm around her shoulders. "don't forget to like, subscribe, alla that! we looooove you!" you and sasha both blew kisses to the camera, while the others waved.
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- soz for the jumpscare guys luv ya xx
taglist <3 : @greeniegreengreen @bakuhoes-bxtch @itzgabz22 @princess-jaeger @marsandsaturn @violenthots @roses-arerosies @conniesbbymama @llovergirlll @iheartamajiki @clipperlighter @liliorsstuff-blog @hoohoohope @akvrae @rinslutz @miniaturelunar @sheluvzeren @shigamiryuk @chamomilespetal @booistoleyou @asp7n @heartz444skz @thatartistshar0n @vintagexparker @tsukkisukkii @venusinx @seeingivy @cyberkitty1 @anitatvd @blamemef0rit @crvzy-fujoshi @dazaisfavgf @bubbabobabubbles @erenspersonalwh0re @imaniitheoneee
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by-april-march · 14 hours
you said you need Kenny reqs and I saw your thing abt Mysterion hooking iup with a villain and I thought abt Mysterion x Reader interrogation smut I need it pleeeaaaasssseee
💜💚 Mysterion/Kenny x PillowPrincess/Martine OTPPPPP 💚💜
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Mysterion x F!Reader
[Also available on Ao3!] [Kenny McCormick Master List]
Mysterion had caught me. He deployed some kind of smoke bomb and it knocked me out. I thought those were a myth. Where the fuck did he get that shit, anyway?
When I came to, I felt pressure all over. I looked around, I was in some freezing warehouse. I couldn’t move, I was all tied up. My arms were above my head and I was hanging, tied to some big beam above me.
A rope tightened around my rib cage, uncomfortably pushing up my breasts. I didn't have to look behind me, I knew it was him.
He dropped another rope around my shoulders and pulled it. I winced as it uncomfortably squeezed my breasts between it and the other rope. I kind of felt like I was in a fetish video. I was just grateful my legs and ankles weren’t bound. I wanted to stand and alleviate some of the pain in my arms but my toes were nowhere near the ground. Fucker.
I snickered, “I don’t think you’re supposed to use Shibari to subdue people,”
His fists clenched the rope and it suddenly tightened and squeezed me even more. I was getting under his skin.
“You probably shouldn’t get your superhero tips from porn,” I smirked.
He growled as he finished his knot, “Shut up,”
I shrugged. Or tried to.
“If you don’t want me to talk then why are you holding me hostage?” I asked.
He spun me around to face him, “I’m not holding you hostage. You’re just detained until I get the information I need,”
“Okay, unwrap my tits so they’re not all squeezed together and I’ll think about talking,”
“I’m not letting you go,” He scoffed at me.
“I’m not saying– Just look at them. They’re all pushed together and I’m getting sore,” I whined.
He glanced at my chest. More than glanced. My nipples were hard because the warehouse was freezing and he definitely noticed. I knew what to do.
“Touch them,” I said softly.
“If you don’t touch them, you won’t know I’m telling the truth,” I sighed.
He stood silent for a moment. I tried my best to study him. He was still staring, but he was looking a little antsy now. Less self-assured. Good.
He bit the fingertips of his glove and pulled it off. He reached out and put his hand on my breast. As his hand slid around to feel how pushed up I was against the rope, his fingertips brushed up against my nipple.
Then he put his second hand on my other breast and I sighed for real. He swept his thumbs over them and I whimpered. A real whimper but I maybe embellished the volume to make sure he heard.
He squeezed them and I whined. I really was uncomfortable.
He quickly pulled his hands back and wrapped his cloak around himself, “I’m sorry, I still can’t let you go,”
“How about this… Every time you touch my body, I’ll answer a question,”
He almost dropped the hero growl, “...What?”
“I tell you where to touch and if you touch me, then I’ll answer a question each time,”
He looked confused. Then kind of into it, maybe? Then annoyed. Then he frowned. I think he was debating the ethics.
“Look, I already know you’re not gonna beat up a girl,” I rolled my eyes, “Even if you did, you wouldn’t be the first guy to rough me up. I still wouldn’t tell you shit and you know it,”
He looked frustrated but I could tell he was considering it. The downside to everyone knowing your Hero’s alter-ego is we also know your weaknesses. It also helps when you happen to be their ex-girlfriend.
I used my softest, most feminine, neediest, half-sultry, half-whining tone, “Come on, my boobs hurt… But when you held them, it felt really good. So please, just play my game or let me go,”
It was hard to tell between the hood and the mask, but I’m pretty sure his brow furrowed, “...Fine,”
Holy shit. I can’t believe that worked.
He put his hands back on my breasts. He palmed them and swept his thumbs over my nipples. He stopped moving for a second and I was worried. Then he squeezed them. He caressed them. He bit his lip and then kissed one of my nipples through the thin material of my blouse. He took it in his mouth and my breath hitched. When he released me and pulled back, the white fabric was translucent from his saliva and my nipple was perfectly visible.
“Did that feel good?” He asked.
I tilted my head and answered honestly, “Yeah,”
His breath hitched, “Where do I touch now?”
That was his question? Was he just testing me?
“Kiss me,” I said apprehensively.
He cupped both of my cheeks in his palms and kissed me softly. Then a little harder. Then hard.
I parted my lips ever-so- slightly and his tongue pushed into my mouth. Our tongues rolled over each other and he pulled me in deeper. It hurt my arms, but I didn’t really care. Kenny was always an amazing kisser. I’d already forgotten how good it used to be between us.
One of his hands dropped to my hip and slid back over my ass. He pulled me up against him and fuck, I could feel just how hard he was.
It’s the reaction I wanted from him, except I could also feel how wet I was getting and I really needed to stay in control for this to work.
He let me go.
He stared at me. His mouth was wet with our saliva and his cheeks were just a little pinked up and… Fuck, I was determined not to think about it.
“What’s your question?” I finally asked.
He hesitated, “Are you wet right now?”
What? Why? Fuck, I hate this guy.
I glanced away from him, “…Yeah, I am,”
He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me up against him again.
He brushed his lips against mine and moved them to my ear, “Tell me what to do next,”
“Take off my panties,” I sighed softly and I could feel him throb against me, “...Then touch my pussy,”
He quickly reached up my skirt and tugged on my underwear until they fell to the ground. His hand slipped between my legs and he started to slowly trace along my slit with his fingertips.
He pushed two fingers inside me, “You were telling the truth,”
I knew it. He's been fucking with me, hasn't he?
I sucked in a quick, uneven breath. He pulled back a little and then pushed in deeper while I tried to keep it together. His fingers curled and I gasped as my back arched. He pulled his fingers out of me and rubbed them up and down my slit, spreading my arousal. I closed my eyes and tried to ignore his hand on me and his breath on my ear.
When he finally pulled his hand from between my legs, I was relieved. I didn’t know how much more of that I could really take. Especially with his mouth by my ear and his arm still holding me like it was.
I pulled in a deep breath, “Okay wh—”
“Do you want me to fuck you?” He asked, his breath sinking into my skin.
I nodded slowly.
He kissed my neck, “Say it,”
I bit my lip, knowing if I said this I’d lose control of the situation for real.
“Fuck me,” I said anyway.
I could feel him tugging at his clothes as he pulled his cock out. It brushed against me, all wet and sticky against my skin. I wrapped my leg around him as he slid along my slit and squeezed inside me for the first time in months.
The hand holding my back slid down to my ass and he grabbed me firmly as his hips pumped into me. Having him between my legs always felt like a godsend. He had a flawless fucking cock and he knew how to use it. His width filling me up and stretching me to fit around him felt divine. The way he hit my sweet spot made me feel so weak, I was glad he tied me up.
My eyes rolled back as the pleasure he was driving into me kept building. He kissed me, sliding his tongue against mine and I moaned shamelessly in his mouth as I got closer and closer to my climax.
God, he feels so fucking good… Why did we ever stop doing this?
I wrapped my other leg around him and he groaned into my mouth as I arched my back just the way he used to love. I wondered if he missed fucking me as much as I missed fucking him.
I tried to fight it and stave it off, but I couldn’t. Every muscle I had tensed, and fuck, it made my arms hurt even more. I moaned over his tongue and my soft walls gripped him tight as the bliss crashed into me like a wave. It was so intense I thought I might faint.
The hand he had firmly planted on my ass squeezed me so tight I thought it’d leave a bruise as his hips bucked up into me. He groaned loud as fuck, right down my throat, while he shot hot, sticky spurts right into the heart of me.
He kept both of his arms around me while we panted in and at each other’s mouths for a while.
After he finally tucked himself away, he pulled out a knife, cut me down, and pulled off all the rope he had so intricately tied around me.
I frowned as I tried to stretch my arms. They hurt like hell, and I was really feeling it now that all the good sex endorphins were gone.
“Wait– ” I glanced over to him as he climbed into one of the many windows, “Why are you letting me go?”
“You told me exactly what I wanted to know,” He smirked and jumped down.
Your average dude would have just texted me for a hook-up. Not Kenny.
He wasn’t average by any metric. It’s kind of what I love about him.
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missvelvetsstuff · 8 hours
The Situation Room
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: After a mission almost gone wrong, Tony brings back Bucky's former assistant, who is also Bucky's ex. Can they work together without hurting each other? Will the whole truth about their break up finally come out?
Avengers AU where Thanos never happened.
Notes: Angel is the team's nickname for their assistants, not just Bucky and Radar.
As always I've tried to keep reader generic but she is female and above average height.
Chapter 3
Warnings: swearing, marijuana use, angst
When they landed Radar stalked off the jet, with a slight hitch on her left side, to find Steve. Friday directed her to the common room, Bucky was not far behind her.
When she saw Steve, watching some war movie, Radar stood in his way.
"I need a moment of your time, Rogers."
Steve looked up at her in surprise "Oh hey Radar, I didn't know you guys were back."
She glared at him "Yeah, we're back. Your little friend threw one of his fucking knives at me today and cut me. Would you please tell him to stop trying to kill me."
Bucky scoffed "Kill you? Seriously? Don't be so melodramatic. I nicked you, it barely bled."
She got up in Bucky's face, at just under 6 feet and with boots on she was almost eye level, and poked him in the chest
"I know you have good enough aim that you could have gotten him without hitting me at all. Don't pull that shit again Barnes."
Radar tried to pivot and walk away but her back was still angry from that asshole in the quinjet jerking her around and decided it was the perfect time to seize up. She cried out in pain as she almost hit the floor but was caught by a pair of strong arms. Once the pain passed, she realized whose arms were holding her up and tried to push him away from her.
"Get off of me!"
Bucky chuckled dryly "Jesus doll, I'm trying to help and you're gonna make your back even worse. Just calm down."
Radar was even more mad that he was right, he had seen her go through it too many times while they were together. But his skin felt like it burned her. His warmth, his scent, she couldn't stand it. "I'm not your fucking doll, Barnes. Now let me go. I'd rather crawl over broken glass than accept help from you."
Steve chuckled nervously "Here, I'll help you to medical, Radar."
She shook her head "I don't need to go to medical. I have ice, heating pad, a tens unit, mineral ice and pain meds. Everything I could need. All in my room." She carefully straightened up and took a couple of tentative steps "I'll be fine on my own. I'll have Friday help with my report." She walked away very slowly and carefully with her left hand on the wall, while favoring her left side more heavily than when she came in.
Bucky looked at Steve and shook his head "She's just as stubborn as ever."
Steve looked at him with his dad face
"We both know she's right. You didn't have to cut her."
"Seriously punk? He had her head right in front of his and his trigger finger was twitchy. Couldn't wait for a better shot."
Steve rolled his eyes "No one here is gonna buy your bullshit, jerk. Try not to antagonize her too much."
Bucky shrugged with a 'who me?' look on his face and headed towards his room to shower before going back to the common room to meet his date.
Radar was in the kitchen in shorts and a tank top, making herself a smoothie when a gorgeous blonde woman, dressed for clubbing walked in "Excuse me miss, can you tell me where to find Sargent Barnes?"
Radar looked at her and shrugged "Sorry, no."
Bucky hurried up and kissed the blonde on the cheek "Hey there sweets. Hope you weren't waiting long."
The blonde smiled "No, I just got here and was asking, I'm sorry I didn't get her name."
Bucky laughed "Don't worry, she's just support staff. No one important." And led the blonde away.
Radar refused to watch them leave, refused to let her face show anything as she forgot about her smoothie and went back to her room. She ran a hot shower so the running water would cover the sound of her sobs.
Over the next 2 months life settled into a regular pattern...missions, reports, scheduling, interviews and Bucky's women of the week.
Bucky's life was much more organized with Radar handling all of his work needs. His gear was always clean and ready to go, his reports were complete, legible and on time, his schedule was organized so that he wasn't missing appointments or interviews. Best of all his public approval was through the roof, almost equal to Sam.
Radar only went along with a couple more missions but handled most from her laptop in the compound situation room. She spent her spare time in the common room or her own room. Plus 3 days a week she had 2 hours in the gym with physical therapy and exercises to strengthen her back.
Bucky used the free time that Radars assistance cleared up for him to add more women to his roster. There was almost always some scantily clad woman waiting for him at the end of each work day and when he returned from missions.
Bucky would never admit it but he was still trying to get a rise out of Radar and her refusal to cooperate frustrated him.
When one of his dates tried to talk to her, she always shrugged and said she didn't know where he was. If she said anything at all.
Radar had already started looking for her replacement and one of the candidates came in at the same time as Bucky's date for that nite.
Radar shrugged at the woman and walked past her to greet the man before leading him towards her office.
Bucky kissed his date on the cheek as he watched Radar walk away with a strange man in a suit. He looked at Sam with a raised eyebrow, to which Sam only shrugged and chuckled.
While on his date, Bucky couldn't get Radar and that guy out of his mind. He wondered what they were doing and why all of a sudden she had men coming to see her. He was jolted from his thoughts when his date tapped his shoulder and he focused on her.
"Are you ok Bucky? You seem a million miles away and I didn't come out to watch you daydream. It was about that bitch at your compound, wasn't it? I saw how you stared at her when she walked away with that guy in the suit. Why ask me out if you want to be with her?"
Bucky snapped, raising his voice "Don't call her a bitch"
She pulled back "Why are you yelling at me?" She whined "Maybe you should take me home and go be with her."
Bucky shook his head "What? No, no sweets, she's just my assistant, no one important."
It made his heart hurt to say that but he didn't know what else to say to salvage the date.
"I'm right here with you. So tell me about that photo shoot."
He worked very hard to push any thoughts of Radar out but hearing Ashley drone on about some beach shoot was boring him to sleep.
After the interview Radar went to meet with Nat and Wanda for a girls movie night. Once they settled into Wandas bed, they started arguing over what movie to watch.
Radar sighed "I hate some of these romcoms you guys watch. Why not some good sci-fi?"
Wanda gasped "Sci-fi? On girls night? No, I want romance."
Radar rolled her eyes "Fine, I'll just get high first so it'll be entertaining."
Nat nodded "Now a good idea is a good idea." Her phone dinged "Pizza dude's here!"
As they started eating Nat spoke with a full mouth "So how was the interview? Is he the one?"
Radar laughed "Ohmigawd, Nat. He was so, ugh, full of himself. His and Barnes heads wouldn't both fit in one room together. Kept calling me 'little lady' like he thought it was charming." She shrugged
"He was the first and it might take a bit to find a good one, then-"
Wanda shook her head "Bucky has the perfect Angel right now and you're getting along with each other. Why can't you stay?"
Radar looked at her hands sadly "And watch Barnes fuck his way thru the Northeast? I don't think I'm up for that. We're getting along because we don't speak to each other unless it's work related. That won't last if I stay."
"Radar, you know he still loves you." Wanda insisted.
Radar looked at her "I don't know any such thing. Have you seen the women he's been meeting with? They are all beautiful, slim, sexy and look like they stepped off of a runway. I don't look anything like that so obviously I'm not his type. Plus he's parading them around in front of me, made sure to tell a couple of them in hearing range, that I'm no one important. Making sure I know what I mean to him. Nothing. I'll find the right person for the job." She sighed
"Just put the movie on, I don't want to talk about this."
She hit her vape and passed it to Nat.
Nat took her hit and passed it to Wanda before speaking "We should go shopping tomorrow. The 4th is coming up and Tony will always love embarrassing Steve with over the top celebrations. He has something planned for sure."
They agreed on shopping plans, then sat back to watch the movie Wanda picked, chatting about how unrealistic the plot was and how the leads had no chemistry.
The next morning Radar and Wanda made french toast for the team and while everyone was eating Tony wandered in to get some coffee, still in yesterdays clothes.
"What smells so good?" Tony sniffed the air.
"French toast, bacon. You want some?" Radar answered.
Tony nodded and she put 2 pieces of toast on a plate with some bacon and handed it to him.
Tony sat at the table and after he had eaten a few bites of food, cleared his throat and when everyone was looking his way spoke up
"I was just thinking that it's been so nice the past couple of months, no lost or dirty gear, reports all in and on time. No flubbed missions. Interviews and meetings all handled. It's almost like we have an Angel keeping her eyes on us."
He smirked at Bucky who rolled his eyes "Besides all that, Rogers birthday is coming up so I actually already planned a party. On the 4th. We'll have a picnic with bbq, fireworks, pony rides, water slides, stupid carnival rides and games. The whole shebang."
He finished eating, nodded and stood up to wander back to his lab, mumbling.
When she woke up on the 4th, Radar drank coffee while watching the activity from her balcony. Workers setting up all of the activities and a row of carnival games, some rides, a covered, netted area with picnic tables. The glass walls for the pool room opened up to the lawn and a bandstand was built for the live band Tony hired. Red, white and blue streamers & bunting hung from every thing that didn't move.
The Guardians were there, the Marvels showed and even a few X-Men.
Thor and Loki came from New Asgard to join in the celebration, arriving after sunset, shortly before the fireworks were scheduled to start.
When they saw her, Radar was swept up in a hug from Thor while Loki waited to plant a kiss on the back of her hand before dragging her off to a wooded area.
"Loki! Where are we going? We're gonna miss the fireworks!"
Loki grinned "Trust me, love. I have something I thought you might like and it will make the little light show Stark has planned even better. I recalled you mentioned your fondness for the Cannabis plant when I saw that our ambrosia plants were being harvested."
He pulled a small bag out of the air and grinned at her
"Like our mead, this is stronger than what you're accustomed to so be careful."
Radar laughed and Bucky could hear it from where he was standing after watching her walk into the woods with Loki. He was ready to break something, thinking of her and Loki alone in the woods, when he smelled something sweet but musky and realized what they were doing. She always told him that real stoners share so he wandered to where they were and cleared his throat.
Radar was blowing out her first hit and jumped when she heard Bucky, choked and coughed then held the joint out to him, giggling.
Bucky smirked and took a deep hit, believing he would be fine because he tried reefer with her a couple of times and it never affected him. He passed the joint to Loki and it went around a couple more times before Loki put it away.
Radar was laughing at some magic trick Loki was trying to do but he kept laughing himself and forgetting the next step for his trick before giving up and sitting heavily onto a lounge chair next to her. "I'm sorry, love, but your laughter is distracting." He leaned into her like he was going to-.
Bucky pushed him aside and laughed when Loki fell over, making Loki and Radar laugh too. They calmed down and walked over to the seating area to watch the show when an alarm started blaring and all the lights turned red.
Bucky grabbed Radar "Go get my kit and meet me by the pool. Hurry!"
Radar went around the carnival area to a hidden entrance into the main building, watching as the wave of Hydra agents went through fighting Avengers and destroying everything in their path. She zoned out watching the fighting like a great action movie before remembering what she was supposed to be doing and shook it off.
She hurried to the armory, grabbed his kit and almost ran into Bucky by the pool where he had set up a sort of foxhole, with furniture and sandbags, and was barking orders to the Avengers he had been able to round up. Wanda, Vision, Bruce, Scott, Hope and Cassie.
They started picking up the kids and family members of the Avengers agents to take them to a bunker that Howard Stark had built during the cold war.
Radar and Bucky stayed in the foxhole. Bucky was shooting Hydra agents while Radar had his kit open and handed ammo and/or new guns as he depleted what he had.
It took a couple of hours but the Avengers finally prevailed with the help of the rest of the X-Men and the Fantastic Four. All the Hydra agents were loaded up into prison busses and taken to a SHIELD/SWORD holding area while the govt figured out what made them decide to mount a full attack on the Avengers compound.
Once they were cleared, the bunker was opened so the families could come back out and be escorted home to ensure everyone was safe.
Radar was helping Bucky pack his weapons up when he grinned at her, still feeling pretty lit. "Good job, Doll. We make a good team."
Radar was also still buzzed from Loki's weed so instead of bitching at him she just smiled and gave him a thumbs up.
Nat and Wanda came over to make sure Radar was ok, thanked Bucky for keeping her safe and all three ladies walked back towards the building, ready to crash.
Bucky stood and watched Radar walk away with a goofy grin on his face. Once she was out of sight he remembered something important that he should have told her, so picked up his phone and dialed her number. It rang 4 times and went to voicemail
"Hey Doll, it's your Bucky. I'm not just saying this because I'm high but you were perfect tonight. Having you by my side feels like coming home. You know I never stopped loving you."
Bucky heard a beep and dropped his phone back into his pocket.
In a communications room in a building in Manhatten, listening to his message the agent smiled, looking at their partner
"Did you hear that? He still loves her. The Winter Soldier has a weak spot. We need to get this news to the boss."
"What about the message?"
"Just delete it."
@unaxv @calwitch @buckitostan @cjand10
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mcl4ren81tch · 5 months
Me when i gotta start the arsenal game 20 something minutes behind because I got school 😞😞😞
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thawthebeez · 6 months
haikyuu tiktok is sooooo annoying oh my god guys nishinoya deciding to stop playing volleyball post-time skip is literally not the end of the world he's fine dude. also sorry ur faves didn't go pro not everybody in that series were going to make it to the big leagues anyway. every single decision furudate made with that series was deliberate and realistic and fucking amazing. also no ur fave ship is never going to get together, haikyuu is about sports not romance. there is literally one canonical relationship within the entire series and it's fucking tanaka and kiyoko. iwaoi is not real, bokuaka is not real, kagehina is not real, kenhina is not real, and they never will be. kageyama is not a red flag you guys just don't know how to perceive autistic people in a positive manner without babying them. please just read the fucking manga
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calvins-dad · 1 year
it's such a shame that taylor has some songs i genuinely really like but she insists on being the worst, most annoying kind of celebrity to the point i can't listen to her music anymore
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