#sorry about not including some fandoms I'm sure many of you follow me for
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Hmmm well… part 2 for vigilante!reader x Lena Luthor could start with them being in National City and in Lena’s territory. Reader paid Lena a visit but because of her hectic sched it didn’t happen and reader was photographed and in the tabloids being the Gotham’s bachelorette visiting the bar of NC (Jealous!Lena). Unbeknown to Lena, Reader was there to investigate on Cadmus as Lilian has been kidnapping innocent people and scientists in Gotham but bringing them to NC. Snooping around as her vigilante persona. Because of her Vigilante status, Supergirl doesn’t like reader and may have harm her in which enrage Lena because before she became NC’s hero she was a vigilante herself (very hypocritical for SG). This kinda triggered Lena to confront her feelings for Reader and well reader too. Angst with almost critical injury but hey it’s Lena Luthor after all. Happy ending maybe? Hmmm idk if this is enough but yeah😅
Thanks again for humouring me
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A/N: Apologies for the wait, but hope you enjoy and thank you for the request!
Part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/wlw-multi-fandom-imagines/773772069970313216/im-not-sure-if-your-requests-are-open-but-uhmmm?source=share
I'm so sorry, but something came up at work and I'm going to have shareholders breathing down my neck for the next quarter if I don't get it handled tonight...any chance I can get a rain check for tomorrow night?
You stood in the middle of the sidewalk outside of the L-Corp building, staring at the text from Lena that had come through several minutes ago, and frowned. Sure, you had somewhat expected her to get cold feet about your visit at some point in the week leading up to it, but by the time you had settled into your seat on the plane it seemed like you were in the clear.
"Whatever," you muttered to yourself, shoving your phone in your pocket and turning around just in time to hail yourself a passing cab back to the hotel you had just checked into. Since your run-in turned hookup with Lena back in Gotham, you and the Luthor heiress had remained in contact almost daily through a serious of playful texts that had eventually built up to her suggesting you swing by National City the next time you found yourself free for a few days.
And thanks to that suggestion, you were now alone on a Friday night in a city you didn't particularly care for to begin with. Even worse, you were going to have to make up an excuse for why you couldn't meet Lena the next night. Despite her assistance in helping you to finally get a disguise in order for your nighttime hobby, Lena hadn't pried too extensively into what exactly it was that you did. In all honesty, she didn't exactly need to since the press was following your every move and every citizen in Gotham had a cellphone that they were quick to whip out and start filming on.
This plan, however, was something you were counting on going unreported and under everyone's radar, Lena included. Over the last few weeks, almost coincidently around the time you and Lena had met, a scientist you had interviewed for an assignment from a journalism class back in college went missing, seemingly without a trace. A week later, another Gotham citizen who worked at a nearby testing facility disappeared as well.
Over the next three and a half weeks, six more Gotham citizens went missing, all of whom were involved in either medical or genomic research in some way or another. The police had next to nothing to go off of, and it had taken your own software weeks to finally find a facial recognition match off of CCTV footage from a gas station just outside of National City. With news of Lillian Luthor's escape from prison just under three months ago still fresh in your mind, it wasn't hard to put two and two together. National City only had so many evil geniuses, and the one that had been in maximum security prison for nearly a year would probably be hard pressed to find new (and willing) employees.
You mulled over your plan to infiltrate Lillian's latest lair during the short trip back to your hotel, and continued to do so when you got back to your room and started sorting through your suitcase to unpack a fresh outfit for the night. It wasn't until your phone buzzed again in your pocket that you finally broke out of your thoughts and smiled for the first time since Lena had cancelled on you.
Hey, a little birdy told me you're in town for the weekend...got any plans?
Trevor, an old friend from grad school that had settled in National City, had somehow already gotten word of your arrival. Knowing full well he was probably already planning a club crawl in your honor, you hurried to type a response to let him know you were free & what hotel to pick you up from.
"Good morning Ms. Luthor!"
Lena looked up from her phone as her assistant appeared at the doorway to her office and set the device aside in a final attempt to stop thinking about the fact you hadn't answered any of her texts last night.
"Here's this morning's copy of the Tribune and your coffee. Anything else I can get you?"
"No thank you. Would you be able to close the door on your way out? I have to make a few phone calls and I don't want any interruptions," Lena replied, using every ounce of self-control she had to keep a smile on her face until her assistant had turned to exit the large office. As soon as she did, the CEO's smile dropped and she forced herself to look back down at the newspaper on her desk despite the way the photo on the bottom half of the front page made her stomach churn.
The headline was almost just as bad as the picture of you appearing to be having the time of your life at a downtown club, surrounded by what looked to be "National City's Finest". Many of them had been captured with their eyes on you in the snapshot that accompanied the short article. Almost as if on cue, Lena's phone began to buzz on the desk beside the newspaper and the brunette's head snapped towards it immediately. Your name appeared across the screen as the device vibrated rhthmically, which Lena allowed it to do for several seconds before sending you to voicemail.
Lena spent the next five hours throwing herself into the work of cleaning up the rest of the mess that had caused her and a majority of her department heads to work until almost midnight the night before. Then, she gathered her things and exited her office to thank the employees she had called in for working on a Saturday before releasing them to enjoy what was left of their weekends.
As Lena returned to her desk to retrieve her jacket and phone, she noticed yet another notification with your name on it waiting for her on her lockscreen. You hadn't tried calling or texting again after leaving a voicemail that Lena had decided not to listen to until she got home, but the brunette didn't have the luxury of work to distract herself now. So, she quickened her pace just enough to reach her desk in time to catch you on the last ring.
"Lena, hi-"
You sounded surprised (and also maybe a little scared), and the corners of Lena's mouth twitched upwards into the hint of a smirk.
"-sorry if I'm interrupting work. I just wanted to apologize for not getting back to you last night. Hope you didn't end up working too late."
"Oh, how kind of you to worry. I don't think I was out nearly as late as you, so I should be the one calling on you I suppose."
The line went silent for a few tense moments and Lena pulled her phone back to make sure she hadn't dropped your call.
"Lena, you should know as well as anyone how the press makes mountains out of mole hills. I can assure you I did nothing more than catch up with an old friend from college. Who is married by the way. And a man."
Lena felt her bristling demeanor soften as she considered the possibility that you were telling the truth. You were right about one thing without a doubt - she knew how the press could twist one well-timed photo into a front page article.
"So, you weren't scoping out National City's finest and I'm coming across as an insecure bitch?"
"Just the first part. Any chance you'd be free for brunch tomorrow before I head home? My buddy is in trouble with his wife for being out so late with me and I promised to attend dinner at their place to help with his apology tonight."
Lena crossed her arms and bit her lip in a failed attempt to hide the smile forming, despite the fact that you weren't even there to see it. She felt foolish for being so quick to assume the worst, and for how quickly she was smitten with you again now that it was clear your transgressions from the previous night had only occurred in her head.
"Brunch sounds great. I'll text you the address to a good spot when I get home."
"Can't wait. See you tomorrow, Lena."
Relief washed over you as you hung up the call and you let out a long sigh as you tossed the device onto the bed beside the suitcase that held your supplies. Now that the first harrowing ordeal of the day involving a Luthor was over, it was time to move on to the next one.
The mission for tonight was simple enough - get in, get the proof you needed that CADMUS was kidnapping Gotham residents, and then get back to Gotham and disperse it to the journalists at your disposal as quickly as possible.
Once the media picked up the story, you were counting on Supergirl and her team to handle the takedown and rescue mission. Admittedly, even breaking into CADMUS was a fair bit riskier than the typical vigilante work you kept yourself busy with in Gotham. You were just hoping that you could get in and out with the proof that you needed without anyone noticing.
As the afternoon ticked by and the sun slowly began descending towards the western skyline of National City, you rehearsed scenario after scenario in your head as you changed into your disguise and armed yourself to the teeth with weapons, sensory-enhancing technology, and a few smoke grenades in case things went south. Thankful that it was winter, you pulled a long coat on to hide your outfit for the walk out of the hotel to the car you had rented. A bundle of nerves wound itself up and settled in your gut like a lead brick as you stuffed your phone in your pocket and left to make your way down to the lobby.
Well, fuck.
That's all you could think to yourself as you watched the blonde in the fluttering red cape creep silently down the dark hallway ahead of you. Everything had gone according to plan since you had managed to slip past the easily-distracted guards that had manned the gates to the makeshift CADMUS compound. At least, until a few minutes ago when you had realized Supergirl was also sneaking around the building with you.
Aware that the superhero would hear you breathing if you got too close, you hung back until she had reached the end of the hallway and turned the corner to resume your slow, silent journey. If your footsteps or breathing didn't give you away, the way your heart was hammering in your chest was sure to attract the Kryptonian's attention. You weren't necessarily sure what she'd do if she realized you were there, but something told you she wouldn't find it entirely helpful.
"And who do we have here?"
A sudden and chillingly familiar voice pulled you out of your racing thoughts and you whirled around in a crouched position to see none other than Lillian Luthor standing at the other end of the hallway with a handgun trained on you. Based on the way her eyes didn't leave yours, you wagered she hadn't seen Supergirl round the corner ahead of you.
"You'll have to forgive me, it's a little tough to keep up with all of the so-called heros nowaways. Though I must say, I'm a bit impressed that someone who hasn't even made it into my radar was able to sneak their way in here," she continued, walking closer to where you knelt on the floor.
Supergirl's voice echoed down the hall from behind you and you thanked your lucky stars that she had still been close enough to hear the conversation.
"Drop the gun."
"Supergirl? You're here too? Is this your new little sidekick?" Lillian asked, her nose wrinkling in disgust at the sight of the Kryptonian. Much to your disappointment, she did not lower the weapon in her hands.
"I'm gonna be honest, I have no idea who this is. But I'd still prefer you not shoot them," Supergirl replied, her voice growing louder as she neared the two of you. As cheesy as you found the whole "Super" schtick at times, you sure were glad she had crashed your mission now.
The sense of security you felt from her intervention was about to be short-lived, unfortunately.
"I'm sure they'd prefer that too," Lillian chuckled, returning her gaze to you. "Too bad."
The sound of the gun going off and the impact from the bullet happened so quickly that you didn't even have time to brace yourself before you slammed backwards into a crumpled position.
Lena watched the clock on her phone as another minute ticked by without any sign of you. Blinking back tears as soon as she felt them starting to sting in her eyes, the brunette pulled a few bills out of her wallet and placed them on the table as she rose to leave the crowded restaurant she now felt foolish for showing up to. As soon as she got outside, Lena tapped your name from her contact list and raised the phone to her ear.
As the CEO paced up and down the sidewalk outside of the restaurant, she felt herself grow angrier and angrier as your phone continued to ring and ring before inevitably inviting her to leave a message. She was just about to give up after her third attempt when the ringing cut off and an unexpected, but familiar voice filled her ear.
"Kara?" Lena's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as her brain struggled to come up with a logical explanation for Kara answering your phone. "Why do you have Y/N's phone?"
"I, um, do you remember that story I was working on at the beginning of last month about that Gotham city vigilante?"
"Yes, Kara, I already know about all of that, and I am sorry for not telling you when I found out but I'm sure you can understand someone keeping a secret about someone else's identity. Is Y/N okay?"
"Oh! Well, that saves me some explaining. In the interest of keeping this short, Y/N crashed a DEO mission to re-capture your mother last night and unfortunately, she ran into Lillian. She shot her as a distraction to make her escape, and it was pretty bad."
"What do you mean, 'pretty bad'?"
Lena knew she should also be asking about her mother's whereabouts, considering she was certainly on the top of Lillian's shit list. The brunette broke into a jog as she made her way down the sidewalk to where her driver had managed to find a parking spot earlier.
"It was...touch and go there for a minute. She was in surgery for most of the night, but Alex says she's stabilized and will probably wake up soon. It'll be a while before she's on her feet again, but the medical team seemed optimistic in the long run."
"I'm on my way down," Lena told Kara firmly, before briefly holding the phone to her shoulder as she slid into the back of her town car and gave her driver the address to the DEO.
"Okay, I'll come to the front and meet you."
Lena hung up without bothering to respond to Kara's confirmation and settled in for what was sure to be an unbearably long ride across town. A wave of guilt rolled over the businesswoman as she recalled how angry she had been with you just minutes ago for not showing up. Lena had spent more time thinking about you since her trip to Gotham than she cared to admit, even to herself. Seeing your name on her phone had quickly become one of the highlights of her day, so much so that she had to silence your notifications during work because she became so distracted.
Lena spent the majority of the 40 minute drive trying unsuccessfully to fight off her brain's steady attempts to help her come to terms with the feelings that had been brewing since your first encounter with her. By the time her town car pulled up in front of the DEO's National City headquarters, the brunette felt like her was about to explode.
Kara was in the process of checking her phone for the sixth time in less than 10 minutes when her ears picked up the faint sounds of your sheets rustling. The blonde was quick to slip her phone into the hidden pocket in the latest Super suit Lena had made for her before your eyes fluttered open, unaware that Lena had hidden an identical one in the outfit that the DEO's medical team had cut off of your the night before.
"Hey, you're awake. Perfect timing," she said, watching as your eyes scanned the room in sleepy confusion before they finally met her own. "Any chance you remember why you were sneaking around Lillian's lair last night?"
"I could ask you the same thing," you responded hoarsely, and the Kryptonian's eyes narrowed enough for you to continue with an actual answer. "I was following some leads on missing Gotham scientists. Lillian was having them kidnapped to work on something for her. Not sure what. I was hoping if I got some proof and ran a few stories through my journalists, someone like you might take it from there and get them out."
The superhero looked taken aback by your answer, clearly unaware that Lillian had been sourcing unwitting participants into her latest CADMUS plot.
"That's good to know, thanks," she nodded curtly, somewhat embarrassed for having assumed you were just brazenly planning on trying to take down Lillian by yourself as an amateur vigilante. "I guess it's a little late to be asking, but how're you feeling?"
"I've been better, but I suppose I'm probably lucky to be alive, so I won't complain. Where are we, by the way? If this is your secret lair, consider me impressed it has it's own medical wing."
"More like the government's secret lair," Kara responded, her bristling demeanor fading. "Unfortunately, that's about all I can say about that without getting you several levels of clearances. Speaking of, you have a visitor on the way that should be here any second, so I'm going to have to go escort her down here."
A visitor? You frowned in confusion, struggling against the painkillers in your system to figure out who she meant as the Kryptonian made her way towards the door to your room.
"Lena?" you finally blurted out, just as she was about to leave. Kara turned around and nodded, a curious look on her face.
"Uh huh. You had three missed calls from her, and Lena's become a good friend of mine so I figured it was better to pick up than to leave her hanging."
The panic that had surged in your chest at the thought of Lena assuming you had stood her up began to settle and you breathed out a sigh of relief.
"I appreciate that, thank you. You didn't happen to mention where we were last night, did you?"
Suddenly, the superhero's expression dropped and her eyes once again narrowed on you suspiciously. The brief feeling of relief from seconds earlier slipped away as she took several steps back towards your bed.
"You know, as one of Lena's close friends, I'd sure hate to think someone was getting close to her for information about her family."
"What? No!" you shook your head earnestly at the accusation. "Listen, I didn't even know about Lillian targeting Gotham scientists until weeks after Lena and I first...met."
"Just seems like a coincidental time for you to enter her life, that's all. Considering I've never heard her mention you-"
The blonde's skeptical response was cut short by the sound of her phone going off and she huffed in frustration, clearly having wanted to continue her interrogation.
"We'll pick this conversation up again later."
Before you could protest again, the Kryptonian had disappeared in a blur of red and blue out of the room. Despite the insulted feeling her accusations had left you with, you couldn't exactly blame her for pointing out the obvious connection. Your stomach churned as you wondered if she would fill Lena in on her theory before you got the chance to speak to her yourself.
Your anxiety was well-deserved, because Kara barely let Lena get past the DEO's security check-in before she mentioned how suspicious it was that someone new in her life coincidentally happened to be investigating CADMUS.
"What are you trying to say here? That Y/N has been sniffing around me for information I don't have about my mother?"
"Listen, Lena, I think you should just consider the possibility that your new little vigilante friend might have had ulterior motive-"
"I'm going to stop you right there, because the way you said vigilante was completely uncalled for, especially when you yourself started out as exactly that," Lena interrupted, careful to keep her voice low as the two of them made their way towards the DEO's medical area.
"Okay, that's fair. I'm sorry," Kara admitted, her own voice softening as she considered the truth of Lena's statement.
"And, for the record, Y/N's never asked about my mother or CADMUS, and she's not my friend. I met her at the beginning of last month when I went to that conference in Gotham and we...well, I don't know what exactly we are, but it's certainly not 'friends'."
Lena crossed her arms and stared at the ground as she and Kara came to a stop outside the entrance to your room. Her burning need to defend you from Kara's accusations had brought more out than she planned on revealing.
"Oh! Well, that is certainly new information..." Kara stammered, her suspicions now long forgotten. Although she and Lena were close, it wasn't often that the CEO spoke about her love life and Kara had always just kind of assumed that thanks to her family, Lena was too closed off to have one. "I'm sorry for making this more stressful on you. I'm gonna go find Alex and give you two some privacy."
"Thanks," Lena nodded, "and it's okay. I know you're just trying to look out for me and I'll always appreciate that."
Kara smiled and gave her friend's shoulder a gentle squeeze before turning to speed down the hall. Lena stared in the direction she had headed for several moments, now somewhat hesitant to see you despite how excruciatingly long the drive across town had felt. The brunette took a deep breath and tried to ignore the fact that her hands were trembling before forcing herself to step into your room.
Sorry to end it there but I kind of wanted to leave potential for a part 3! :)
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marmolita · 7 months ago
Lita's Kinktober/Promptober 2024!!
Okay let's do this thing!! I haven't found any official kinktober prompts list so I'm making up my own. I will provide three choices of prompt for each day (2 kinks + 1 trope), and if you want me to write a ficlet for you, please send me an ask with the day, prompt, and ship that you'd like it for and I'll put it on the list!
At this time, I'm open to writing fic only for the fandoms/ships/characters listed below. If I change my mind and add more fandoms I'll update this post. If you think you know me well enough to convince me to write something else you're welcome to come talk to me about it!
Who can send requests?
Literally anyone, anon is turned on as well. I would ask that you only send 1-2 requests to start, then if I don't get very many I'll take additional requests!
What info goes in my request?
Please include the day you want, the kink or prompt you want from that day's options (there are three choices for each day), and the fandom/ship you want. It's fair game to say "any prompt for XYZ ship" or "any fandom for XYZ prompt" or the like, but please give me a little bit of direction instead of just "idk any day any prompt any fandom" because the whole reason I'm doing this is that I can't think of stuff on my own. 😅 If you would like the work to be gifted to you on AO3, please give me your username. I'll tag you on tumblr when I post it as well, unless you specifically tell me you don't want to be tagged.
How do I send a request?
Put it in my ask box please! If you don't have a tumblr account you can also find me on discord and DM me there (marmolita), or go old school and email me, marmolita42 at gmail.
What fandoms and ships can I request?
Note: in all of these, "Other" means an OC that I invent to match the type of person/thing of your choice (e.g. "hunter" or "diner patron" or "Galbadian army soldiers" or "mindflayer" or something like that). I will not write reader insert fic or fic for OCs of other people's creation.
For prompts that aren't sex-related (like "office AU" or whatever) you don't necessarily have to provide a ship, just some characters.
FFVIII: Seifer/Squall, Seifer/Squall/Rinoa, Squall solo, Laguna solo, Seifer solo, Seifer/Ultimecia (including Ultimecia possessing others), Seifer/Other, Squall/Other, Laguna/Other
FFXV: Noctis/Prompto, Noctis/Gladio, Noctis/Luna, Noctis solo, Noctis/Gladio/Ignis/Prompto, Noctis/Other. I may be open to other Noctis ships as well, except not Ignis, Ardyn, or any Kingsglaive characters.
FFVIII/FFXV Crossover: Any combination involving Squall, Seifer, Laguna, Noctis. I could be talked into other characters if you have a really good idea.
Dune (Villeneuve): Paul/Duncan, Paul solo, Paul/Bene Gesserit, and I could be talked into something involving Chani or Stilgar, possibly. Keep in mind I have not read the books.
Scholomance: Orion solo, Orion/El, Orion/mals
Supernatural: Dean/Castiel, Dean/Benny, Dean/Jack, Dean/Claire, Dean/Mary but only for "something made them do it" type prompts, Dean/Amara, Dean/Other, Dean solo
Marmalade Boy: Yuu/Satoshi, Yuu solo, Satoshi solo (yes I realize this is a very random fandom to include but hey if I'm willing to write it I thought I should put it in here lol)
I'll cross these off as they get requested.
UPDATE: all have been claimed, thanks everyone!
1. Orgasm delay/edging, Fisting, Sex pollen
2. Electrostimulation, Vore, Omegaverse
3. Exhibitionism, Impact play, Arranged marriage
4. Voyeurism, Uniform kink, BDSM AU
5. Omorashi, Mind control, Enemies to lovers
6. Train molestation, Tentacles, Dubcon
7. Royalty/nobility kink, Intercrural, Magic made them do it
8. Sex work, Bondage, Bad guys made them do it
9. Bruises, Collaring, First time
10. Knifeplay, Sex toys, Oh no they're hot
11. Gunplay, Face sitting, Friends with benefits
12. S&M, Overstimulation, Unwilling attraction
13. Voice kink, Body worship, Truth serum
14. Competence kink, Incest, Guilty attraction
15. Leather/Latex, Breathplay/choking, Trapped together
16. Pegging, Free use, Captured by the enemy
17. Bukkake, Dirty talk, Sex as part of job duties
18. Rimming, Object insertion, Enemies with benefits
19. Frottage, Anonymous sex, Undercover as lovers
20. Waxplay, Begging, Fake Dating
21. Glory hole, Chastity, Amnesia
22. Fucking machine, Clothed sex, Tabloids/gossip
23. Praise kink, Mirror sex, Office AU
24. Humiliation, Sex tapes, Hate doing the thing but have to do it to save someone
25. Sensory deprivation, Manhandling/Rough sex, Child soldiers
26. Cloning/selfcest, Size kink, Power imbalance
27. Noncon, Dehumanization, Seduced by the villain
28. Double penetration, Slut praising, Horrifying revelation
29. Gags, Virginity kink, Under the influence
30. Threesome, Face fucking, Normally reserved character gets to be sexy/horny
31. Orgy, Public/semi-public sex, Fighting as foreplay
(if you want to steal my prompt list for your own October fest go for it!)
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outlanderskin · 18 days ago
S says anything to anyone in order to personally profit. He kept you in check with innuendoes of your SC fantasy when it was clear from the beginning that there was never anything between them. CT have been together from the beginning of OL (no she and S didn't sleep together in the first 2 months or anytime after she moved to Glasgow in September). CT's relationship grew organically, dated, got engaged, married and had a child together. S hired Raya women including a paid escort to prove he's macho and looking ridiculous.
She's been living her life with family and friends attending high end event while he's been shilling his booze with a dubious business partner. Yeah, they couldn't be more different but to you she's the problem who infringes on his right to tell the word about his fake wife and unlimited boos.
Usually, there comes a time when the worst of the madness subsides and disappears even when no recognition of shipper deceit is forthcoming as in the case of many who quietly left. Not in the case of the ones still left. Not sure if I should feel sorry or scared that there are women like you walking among us.
This is a fun type of Ask to answer, so let's take it one step at a time so we don't miss any details.
"S says anything to anyone in order to personally profit. He kept you in check with innuendoes of your SC fantasy when it was clear from the beginning that there was never anything between them."
You're talking about the wrong side of the fandom. Sam's sales strategies are not aimed at shippers. Your statements make me think that you've been living under a rock for the past ten years.
CT have been together from the beginning of OL (no she and S didn't sleep together in the first 2 months or anytime after she moved to Glasgow in September)"
Don't you think it's weird to do mental calculations about someone else's sex life?
CT's relationship grew organically, dated, got engaged, married and had a child together.
Organically? If you think anything in that whole story is organic, then I feel sorry for the kind of loving relationship you must have in your life.
Another thing: every time you use the acronym CT I automatically think of computerized tomography, so please come up with another acronym for your ship.
"S hired Raya women including a paid escort to prove he's macho and looking ridiculous."
I think deep down you know that this whole circus is made exactly to be consumed by people like you who care and believe in everything. You can't deny that it worked, you just proved that you cared, in other words, you took the bait.
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Well, I hope this side of Cait's life inspires you and you decide to live a normal life with family and friends, going to cool places and getting out of the basement where you live. I also think you could follow Sam's example and look for a job. The fact that you criticize him for working hard makes me think that you are the kind of person we call "allergic to work" here.
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What you wrote here is very confusing. Are you okay?... And about "unlimited boos" Well, I think you wrote to the wrong blog.
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Honestly, you should look for a better automatic translator. If you want some advice, I think the best thing would be an English course. And if English is your language, please go back to school urgently.
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I'm sorry to inform you, but we're not going anywhere. We're here and we'll stay here. You shouldn't feel sorry or afraid of our presence in this fandom. In fact, you should feel blessed to know that there are still intelligent, resilient, and humorous people in this fandom. It's a big contrast to the side you live on.
BTW, it's because of asks like yours that we came to the following conclusion:
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toxicanonymity · 8 months ago
For context, a tumblr account has been posting anon hate for the past week or so, mostly toward writers. A parasocial hater of mine discovered the account and has been going to town. I posted this after they invoked Israel as an analogy. Yes really.
Obviously I am disgusted by what I just read, and floored that anyone would post such a deranged analogy in the interest of stirring up fandom drama. I'm very sorry to everyone who has been attacked and everyone who has witnessed all this. Others have posted about the situation as a whole, and I'm not sure what I could add. But I want you to know many of these "confessions" are from one individual who has been fixated on me (and probably others) for weeks if not months. I already had the following in my drafts:
warning: please don't read this if you're sensitive to hate or could be triggered by the trivialization of real abuse. (edit: they went on to trivialize genocide too but they'll pretend to be different people). there's also a really gross anatomical reference.
the screenshots are all after I blocked them.
I normally don't address things like this, but that's because I'm trying to keep it off your dash and off my blog (for several reasons including not wanting to give the hate a larger audience for their message). Normally I block/delete. But thanks to a blog dedicated to posting anon hate, some of this is already on the dash, and I thought some additional context could be illuminating.
a couple weeks ago, this person chimed in on my non-fandom post, and their comment made me uncomfortable. I checked to see if they followed me and they didn't, plus their blog tagline was antagonistic. I was confident they weren't being earnest. I replied, pointing out my issue with their comment and asking them to keep their thoughts to themselves rather than coming at me from a sideblog. I thought they must have followed me from a main account since they somehow found an untagged, unreblogged post without following me. But I now realize they were simply hate checking my blog.
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(Blocked the burner too)
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They were saying this last bit preemptively - I've never talked about stalkers here. I didn't include all their anons, just enough to show they clearly out themselves as being the same person. In other "confessions," they make repeated references to a former fandom writer they idolize (not me) who they also posted about on their blog.
I won't be dropping this creep's url in this post, but I had never heard of them. This week they have repeatedly changed their url, display name, and blog appearance. Their writing is recognizable and I believe they are responsible for the unhinged asks preceding katy's departure from tumblr. They also made a rude comment on her post.
This may only aggravate them. I expect them to hurl any lies and accusations they can think of toward me. They will act like they're laughing and amused, too. You may recognize their tone. I want to trust this fandom not to believe and repeat anything they hear, but unfortunately my experience in this fandom leaves me pessimistic.
I can only hope people use common sense at this point.
Note - I know I'm normally really private about everything, but you're welcome to share this. Their lies are already out there anyway. Also feel free to DM me and I will tell you what you want to know.
Update: the anon-hate account referred to above has deactivated. It was named pedgeconfessions. It wasn't the first to pop up this summer and may not be the last.
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phoenixyfriend · 29 days ago
Feb. 26, 2025 - Status of the Colourpop New Moon Collection argument
Hi! No idea if you're a follower who's been following me and my decision to try to cyberbully a multimillion dollar company into doing the right thing. If you're not, you may be confused! I explain under the cut, including a timeline of actions so far.
If you're not new, then the latest is that they do appear to be deleting some comments on this issue, and possibly shadow-banning.
So... maybe it's working? Here are the links to the six places where they can be contacted. Pick one and have at it. Use one of my past posts (post one, post two) if you need suggested phrasing.
Email contact form: private, and slow response times, but this is the place where we can make the longest arguments/explanations of the issue and why we care. This is something you do once or twice, and keep polite, then go over to the social medias to grind them down.
Instagram: The one I've been haunting. They post several times a day, but often about specific products that I don't feel give me a segue option.
TikTok: I don't have TikTok but given its presence in the marketing world, I assume they post there as often as they do on Instagram, and with pretty much the same content as their reels. I feel like TikTok is wild enough for me to tell you to give 'em hell.
YouTube: exists, but they haven't used it in nine months, so not really on top of things. That said, if it's your ONLY social media, go for it. Can't hurt.
Facebook: I can't actually access this one so I don't know what's going on there, and the link appears to be broken. If you can find their page, go for it.
X/Twitter: Like Facebook, I can't really access this one (I'm using xcancel to see it in chronological form), but it looks like they're bragging about Chappell Roan approving of their makeup. So uh. If you follow her on any platform, ask her if she approves of the situation (also of the Harry Potter collaboration, which is directing money through merch royalties to JKR's transphobic lobbying, something I'm sure Chappell Roan would also be unhappy with).
EDIT: I put the wrong year up top, this post was made in 2025, not 2024. Hopefully this edit will show on reblogs of the original since it's under the cut. Sorry for the mistake.
The short explanation version: Colourpop is a cosmetics company known for fun colors and cool collaborations. At the start of 2024, they started releasing a collaboration with Twilight.* January of 2025, they dropped a New Moon collection. Given that the Quileute people have not seen a cent of the Twilight money despite the massive role their people and culture played in it, much of the fandom has decided that the best approach to any Twilight merchandise is to send a portion of the profits to the Quileute "Move to Higher Ground" fundraiser, meant to relocate their town away from the danger posed by higher sea levels. Colourpop has made no statements on donating to the fundraiser, and it's a topic I care about enough to try and galvanize people into making it happen.
The long version: here. And here. And here.
* I wasn't paying attention at the time, as I'd last purchased from them in 2020 (the Safiya Nygaard collaboration), and I'd only come back because they were having a massive sale back in early January. The New Moon collection hadn't dropped yet so I didn't see it, and the first Twilight collection was in colors I don't wear much, so I was more focused on being mad at the Harry Potter stuff.
I am not the first person to have expressed frustration about this to Colourpop, and it's not the first problematic collab they've done. However, they are smaller than many make-up companies, so it feels possible to actually move the needle here, which is what I'm hoping to do.
To be very clear: My goal is not to get the makeup pulled from shelves or to get a public apology. My goal is to get money directed to the fundraiser. That is what's important here, not any virtue signalling or grandstanding. If there is no donation, then we want a statement as to why. Those are the demands: donate, or explain why you won't. We focus on this.
I sent my first email on January 19th, posted about it here the same day, and then started commenting on their New Moon Instagram posts on February 3rd.
I sent a second email on February 9th, as the promised "3-5 business days to respond" had come and gone.
I was temporarily blocked from commenting on anything by instagram on suspicions of being a bot due to suspicious activity, lasting a week. During that time, I continued updating tumblr posts with links to instagram posts that I thought posed an opening (being about the New Moon collection, about sales that weren't content-specific, or that had some phrasing that I thought invited response, like 'what do you want to see?').
Feb. 10: In response to one comment where I admittedly baited them by being ambiguous enough for them to think I had a problem with an order instead of my usual comments, they deleted said comment and DMed me directly. I responded, explaining my actual issue, and they left me on read.
On February 14th, they responded to my Feb. 9th email, likely spurred by the DM conversation. I assume the folded whatever case file the Jan. 19th email had opened into that one. The response was very canned, but it was at least some response.
Since then, I tried sending another email through the contact form, and it failed to go through since I already have 'open threads,' which I'm guessing is an automatic filter and not targeted.
I have continued to comment on their Instagram posts, and have also encouraged others to do the same. One of those posts was taken down after a day, but I don't think it had to do with us; rather, they were getting a lot of flack for perceived violations of some kind of health and safety thing (iirc people were arguing over what length of beard required a net).
Today, February 26th, we have confirmation from @rairii that comments on this topic are being deleted. Not all, possibly for plausible deniability of 'see, we're not trying to hide the problem!' while still making it harder for the layperson to see, but at least one of theirs. This tumblr user also appears to have been shadow-blocked in some way, as they are unable to access colourpop's page at all on mobile.
So. That's where we're at now.
Let's hope we're getting a little closer to them making a statement on this issue.
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sflow-er · 3 months ago
Fandom New Year's resolutions...
I found myself thinking quite a lot about this fandom and my place in it over the holidays. It was already on my mind due to Faves Fest, and the hate anon I got on Christmas Eve and the general discussion on the confessions blog on whether shipping Wille/Felice was "allowed" made sure it remained there.
I've summarised some of my thoughts as resolutions concerning my presence in the fandom in 2025.
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Keep writing and posting my "diabolical" and "deranged" thoughts here when I feel like it, and especially "dying on the hill of Henry and Walter's entirely made up relationship" on ao3. Sorry not sorry, anon. That's the corner of the YR sandbox that I have enjoyed playing in since August 2021, and I will keep playing until l run out of things to say or stories to write. .
Keep reblogging my friends' posts and posts by others interested in the non-Wilmon aspects of the show (when I come across them). Including gifsets etc! I'm not naturally great at paying attention to those because I'm more of a text post person, but they still deserve to be seen by as many people as possible. .
Spend less time scrolling tumblr as a whole. It takes far too much energy and headache-free time away from fic writing and keeping up with my friends. .
Make a safe and comfortable space for my more personal posts. Frankly, the haters scrolling my blog feels similar to that one time when someone broke into our basement storage and tried on some of my old jackets, leaving them in a bundle on the floor with the sleeves turned inside out. I washed them, but they all went to goodwill because I didn't feel comfortable wearing them anymore. In the same spirit, I've taken all personal posts except my intro off this blog and reblogged them to a new one that is currently set to private. When it's ready, I will make a separate post asking if anyone wants to follow me there. .
No longer allow anons. I have wanted to keep them on in the past to provide a forum for thoughts that people might be too shy to express on their own blog, such as the Stedrika debate a while back and some past anons about August's ED and accountability, but I'm done risking hate for it. If you want to discuss something with me, you are always welcome to do so in your own name. Whether in agreement or mutually respectful disagreement! .
Radically accept the state of the fandom at large: interest in our corner of the sandbox is what it is. My friend and I had made some plans to liven things up, but after recent events, I'm backing out. I don't want to spend my remaining time in the fandom feeling demoralised; I want to focus on what I enjoy. At the risk of sounding like an obnoxious brag, I can look back on my past contributions to the non-Wilmon corner with pride. Countless people have told me it was my longfic that got them interested and invested in Henry as a character, and it also started the Walty ship that has since become a fandom staple! (Receipts: my fic was the first one from Henry's POV, I added the Henry/Walter tag on ao3, and my readers coined the ship name. The fic was quite popular in its heyday, with 700 to 1,200 reads per chapter. It's still the fourth-most commented fic in the fandom, the most kudo'ed fic with a non-Wilmon focus [although Wilmon do feature prominently as side characters], and the 116th most kudo'ed out of the total 5,880 YR fics on ao3.) But the time for that has been over for a while now. Interest in non-Wilmon aspects and characters, which was always remarkably low, has waned as the people in the fandom have changed and new seasons have been added to the canon. Which is perfectly fine; everyone enjoys the show in their own way! Live and let live. Except... Even that seems to be a controversial opinion nowadays. The sad fact is that weirdly puritanical, fundamentalist sentiment has gained more and more ground in this fandom as time has gone by. There are people who feel the need to police others' shipping, opinions, and interpretations of canon. People who see all characters who either stand in Wilmon's way or represent the establishment that Wille is meant to break free from as rotten and unworthy of further exploration, and by extension, the fans who still want to explore them as morally dubious. People who see themselves as righteous warriors and anonymous hate mail to their "fandom adversaries" as a force for good. I never thought back when I was posting my longfic that I would one day be sent hate on Christmas Eve for making an analysis post about Henry and Simon's dynamic for an event that was meant to be about celebrating your fandom faves. Or that I would dread to publish said hate anon, because I was afraid people would either agree with it or more likely ignore it. But here we are. To reiterate, I'm not going anywhere. I'm just going to focus on enjoying my corner rather than trying to wave people over. .
Thanks for reading!
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ikamigami · 11 months ago
And I won't continue watching any of these shows..
I decided that I can't enjoy Sun and Moon Show anymore when Davis and EC decided to mock me (and many fans with mental issues) instead of just post something on social media that would clarify everything.
Regardless of their true intentions people were hurt and it doesn't seem like they plan to apologize for this.
They want us fans to feel sorry for the fact that they decided themselves to post these episodes daily and because they're a small team they don't have a time to make their story more clear.
Many people who were self-projecting onto Sun and who made headcanons or just saw him as suicidal did that as a way to cope with their own mental issues and trauma. None of us were forcing anything on Davis and EC.. I definitely wasn't doing that - I don't know them.. I don't even know where they live.. I don't know who they're friends with.. I don't even follow (in a sense that I'm checking their social media) their social media - I only ocassionally see some posts on X from Davis because I followed him but like I said I don't spend my time to see what Davis and EC are doing.. I have my own life, my own struggles to care about and I thought that Sun and Moon Show can be a fun escape for me which turned out to be the opposite..
It hurts a lot because thanks to this show and thanks to Sun's character I finally reflected on myself and my own experiences.. and I was finally able to put together the broken pieces of myself..
They say that we're assuming something about Davis and EC but they're doing exactly the same thing when they portray us as creepy and disturbing fans.
Many people felt disgusted by that episode. And yet they didn't even care to make any clarifications because they don't give a damn.
I'm sorry that I didn't believe those people (who used to be fans of these shows) that Davis and EC don't treat mental issues with respect and that they mock people who have these mental issues.
I'm saying all of this as someone who really tried to defend Davis and EC's decisions many times. Trying to defend the way they portray mental issues. Trying to support them.
And what it left me with? The awful mockery.
I'm sure that they assumed some horrible things about me because of some well known fans in this fandom who were trying to paint me in awful light - that I'm disturbing for relating to Sun in more dark way (I saw Sun's behaviour and thought to myself that he act like me in many situations and the things he went through reminded me of my own experiences hence why I thought that he might struggle with similar mental issues to mine which also include being suicidal - I was passively suicidal for quite some time). These bigger names were laughing at my theories just because they didn't turn out to be true but they didn't care that the topic of suicide is something serious to me. They were bullying me. They also lied that I dragged anyone into discussions about this topic when it never happened. I'm talking mainly about a person behind Twinanimatronics blog. They told this lie when they assumed that I posted something on Tsams Confessions blog - where in fact someone just tried to defend me. And they did all of that behind my back - because they blocked me.
I was spiraling into despair and my mental state worsened when I've seen these awful accusations about me..
This fandom is toxic. Davis and EC can't act like adults but decide to mock fans.. even though the way they portrayed their characters drawed fans who has mental issues because they saw themselves in these characters.. and what they got is awful mockery..
My advice is to avoid Sun and Moon Show and any of these shows especially if you suffer from mental issues and especially if you struggle with suicidal thoughts.
I'm grateful that I met in this fandom some amazing people who showed me tons of support ^^
I can't thank enough to any of them for their support and kindness and lots of care they showed me 💗 Thank you ^^
I'll still keep in touch with my friends who I met through this fandom ^^
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bookwyrminspiration · 6 months ago
in-depth opinions on keefe (trying to return you to your roots: getting asks about kotlc characters)?
I may be putting several additional feet in several additional fandoms but I promise y'all have me prisoner and can send me as many keeper asks as you want <3
I will say these are my personal, subjective opinions! Which do include a bit of bias (TLDR at bottom)
For years I was perfectly fine with Keefe; he's never been my favorite, but he had some funny lines and an engaging presence. Never failed to liven things up. This changed around end of Legacy/Stellarlune.
It's not because I don't ship sokeefe, but because I felt sokeefe's execution was rushed and overshadowing the rest of the story. Wasn't even a full book since Sophie broke up with Fitz and said she wasn't ready for a relationship, yet there they are. I think they, and we, deserved more time. (and yes, Keefe exists beyond shipping, but given how HUGE of a role it plays in his in-text and fandom presence, i find it relevant)
Of course that's not Keefe's fault, but seeing all the adoration for what I found lackluster kinda pavloved me into a general distaste. Especially when done at the expense at Fitz, one of my favorites. Which is unfair, but I did say there's bias. That's not to say I'm mid on Keefe because I love Fitz or that you can't love both, just that personally I'm a Fitz fan, and seeing Keefe used as a direct comparison to shoot him down doesn't endear him to me (and no, not everybody does this, but I've seen it enough to be impacted)
As for Keefe independently, he's following the path of Ro. Too many traits are staying stagnant and becoming repetitive, which is adulterating what I used to enjoy. The way he steamrolls everything--forcing hands to go to Ravagog in Neverseen, running away in Lodestar and refusing to listen, the mercadir incident in Nightfall, the going behind everyone's back thing in Legacy, the running away again, etc. At first it was annoying but interesting, but at this point it's like...we're still doing this?
The amount of time and effort Sophie has to expend managing Keefe is ridiculous. if we could just knock him out for like 2 months I think she could fix everything. it's gone from a facet of the plot's challenges to straight up nuisance like get tf out of her way !!
Others have mentioned this, but the privacy invasion and making others uncomfortable is another thing that I didn't mind at first but became annoying. A joke or overstep here or there is fine; no one's perfect, and if it moves the story forward, sure. But he's constantly pushing and isn't sorry. And the more it happens, the less I can stand the earlier instances. I do my pagethroughs and just get annoyed where I used to laugh
Is there an understandable explanation for several of these points? yes. how the hell would he know how to have healthy relationships and boundaries when he's been set such bad examples? However, he's also being consistently corrected and ignoring that advice. He's given pep talk after pep talk, has fight after fight, and yet nothing's changed.
Do I think he's beyond saving? No. I've spoken with a few people about this, but I think a key thing holding him back is Sophie's "I could never hate you" promise she keeps making. Because Sophie is the main (if not only) thing that matters to him, he's got a built in safety net for whatever stupid shit he pulls, and never faces the consequences he's really afraid of.
If we took that net away, if he faced her genuine distrust and anger and upset and her exclusion and her hatred--without the "but not really just give me some time" vibe. I think that'd do wonders and we'd actually get somewhere. And also it'd be vindicating to see; the nightfall healing center fight is one of my favorite scenes
TL;DR: In summary, I don't hate Keefe. He has potential and I've enjoyed him in the past. But currently the combination of him being used against Fitz, the lackluster execution of sokeefe (imo), the privacy invasion, and stagnation don't do it for me. His kind of character already isn't my niche, and that doesn't help. Does he have potential to become less annoying? yes! i hope he does for everyone's sakes. until then, mild distaste for him.
i will be taking Fitz, Tam, Cadence, and Luzia and playing in the corner, thanks <3
(this is in no way against Keefe fans. kudos to y'all! i'm simply not one of you atm)
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andthekitchensinkao3 · 4 months ago
Fic Writing Review 2024
Thanks for the tags @loki-is-my-kink-awakening @kcscribbler and @lokimobius
I should warn you, I'm a Debbie Downer when it comes to numbers even when comparing them to my own stats, so be prepared. These are some shitty stats, right here.
User subscriptions are for all years, not just 24. Not sure why that's static, but hey ho. Six years gone, 35 people keep tabs on my fic. Don't ask me why.
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Words and fics:
198,186 words posted on AO3. Let’s not look at how many words I’ve actually written, it’ll give people nightmares. Possibly especially since English isn’t my first language.
Don’t know which month was my busiest, but I finished Tapestries of Time, my first Lokius fic in exactly 28 days, totalling 41 014 words.
24 773.25 is my average words per month (since May this year = eight months)
14 fics (WiPs and finished), including drabbles, one-offs and multi-chapter stories.
Words written per fandom:
Loki (including the Baldur’s Gate mashup) - 180 009 (since May of 2024. MAY)
Dragon Age: The Veil Guard - 1 557 (since November 2024)
Fics and words published:
14 fics published, out of which are as follows:
7 multi-chapter
7 one shots
2 drabbles included in the one shots
198,186 words published
Published fics per fandom:
Loki - 82.4%
Dragon Age: The Veil Guard - 17.6%
Top 2024 fics per kudos:
Tapestry of Time (181 kudos, multi-chapter, finished) - Loki
Loose Ends (78 kudos, multi-chapter, in progress. The sequel fic to Tapestry) - Loki
Want  (70 kudos, a Emmrich/male Rook drabble) - DA: Veil Guard (lol for the amount of effort I put into that fic, I got more kudos in a single day than I have with any other fandom or fic. Makes me wonder why I even try to write full-fledged stories.)
The Second Kiss (62 kudos, a Lokius one shot and tumblr ask game fic) - Loki
Sledgehammer (58 kudos, multi-chapter, finished) (Loki)
Top 2024 fics per comment threads:
Tapestry of Time (10 chapters, post-s2 fix-it fic; 41)
A Promise Kept (13 chapters, BG3 crossover, Lokius Fantasy Romance; 35)
The World’s Fair Hotel (WiP, Lokius versus H H Holmes horror fic set in 1893; 24)
Loose Ends (WiP, sequel to Tapestry, 16)
We Die with the Dying; We are Born with the Dead (Vampire AU one shot; 13)
Kudos, hits and comment threads in 2024:
Percentage of kudos per views: 7.9% (768 kudos divided by 9703 hits) Yaaaay, less than ten percent of people who read my fics like themmm… Why do I even write to begin withhhh
Percentage of comment threads per kudos, assuming everyone who left a comment also kudos’d: 24.8% (191 comment threads divided by 768 kudos)
If we instead compare it to hits or views: 1.91%
Fandom events in 2024:
Lokius Reverse Bang
2024-11: Wanksgiving the Third: Lord High Admiral of Smut
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some qualitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please don’t eat glass but don’t feel like you have to do this either.
Artists and gif makers, please also join in with any quantitative or qualitative stats or facts you want to share about your year.
No-pressure tags in no particular order for @thosegayoldmen @elodiah @impulsemuppet @blackbirdofasgard @distracteddream @devilbearingtrouble @mobiusismycomfortcharacter @mobiusisawholemood @mobiuscutemustache @mobius-m-mobius @mirilyawrites and anyone else whose username I can't recall, sorry.
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crowleyholmes · 1 year ago
hi there chris! since the new year is approaching rapidly, i wanted to ask my favorite creators (that includes you! i love your art!) how they look back on their 2023 tumblr year and which blogs made them happy to be here. i am very happy to follow you and hope you'll have a great 2024! 💘
Hiiii omg this is so sweet and means a lot to me, thank you! 🥺💕
I've been meaning to do a little end-of-the-year shoutout/love post for some of my favorite blogs, so I hope you don't mind if I use your ask as the perfect excuse!
I've had many fun years on tumblr, but this one has been extra special. Falling into the Good Omens fandom and meeting all of you amazing people has made this year so so SO much better than it otherwise would have been, so here are some special shoutouts (apologies, I'm sure this will get long, things like this tend to get away from me, so I'll put it under a read-more)
@majortomyourcurcuitsdead SASHA can you believe I was going to just send you an anon telling you that I think you're cool and leave it at that. Can you believe it. WELL thank Somebody you had your anon turned off and I had to expose myself in your dms because it feels like we just instantly connected about like 20 different things and haven't stopped talking since sskjdfhs anyway I'm so happy I met you you're so fun and so clever and so talented and so enthusiastic and I've only known you for like. What 2 months?? Ish? But I already love you so much <3
@lineffability !!! Line you are so *struggles to find words* you're just great is what you are okay. I feel like you are what happens when somebody takes a big cup and puts six shots of love, chaos, sunshine, talent, fun, and enthusiasm into it, generously sprinkles intelligence on top and gives it a good stir. I don't even remember how or when or why we started talking tbh? But your creativity is so inspiring, and some of my favorite tumblr-moments of this year have been 'yes-and'ing with you about one thing or another in a very >:3 manner hahah so! my point is! i love you lots <3
@dontbotheraziraphale Teeeedddd you're wonderful, I vented at you one time and then we talked for like 2 hours and at the end of that 1 conversation I already considered you a friend - and not just in that "tumblr mutuals who talk 1 time are my friends" kind of way but like. Genuinely. You're so kind and so fun and every time we talk it's such a good time ily a lot my bro my buddy my man <3
@crikey01 Tallulah HI I also completely forgot how we started talking but I remember connecting the dots that you were the one who painted those INSANE black and white and gold oil paintings and the way my jaw dropped like?? BRO you're so talented I admire you so much! And I love that we bonded over stopping each other from masochistically checking certain peoples' blogs... 😂 Anyway you're so sweet and fun and ily lots <3
The list could probably go on but you four are the people I've talked to most on here and you're the tumblr chat boxes I never close but always just minimize and y'all better see this as the ultimate internet declaration of affection that it Clearly is >:D 💕
And here are some more shout-outs because I just HAVE to.
Apologies, I know I've already tagged a bunch of you recently in a mutuals appreciation post but. This is my official thank-you-for-2023 post and I just have a lot of love for you all okay sorry feel free to ignore this <3
@rowan-ashtree (i'll text you back soon I promise I'm sorry I just haven't had the brain-space recently ssjkdfh) @crawley-fell (we've never talked but i love you from afar :')) @ineffabildaddy @llokilaufeyson @actual-changeling @saryasy @hyperfocusthusly @beccibarnes @rainbowcrowley @thesherrinfordfacility @goodoldfashionednightingale @wibbly-wobbly-blog @highlyillogicalandroid (i see your data obsession and i agree <3) @tortugay @foolishlovers @stargazing-crowley @gingiekittycat @weasleywrinkles @bildads-shoes @finleycannotdraw @bowtiepastabitch @heytherefluffy @samwwise @nocturnal-birb @athousandyearstime @angelsdiningattheritz @most-normal-eccles-cake-ignorer @jedthesecretdreamer @wraithee @hydrangeadangea @southfarthing @frodo-baggins @mobius-m-mobius
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cruise-in-your-glow-bus · 2 months ago
Intro Post
Hey everyone. I'm Cruise. I write fic. Mostly for Ghost (the band) but it ain't my first fandom rodeo. My blog and writing are intended for adults. Minors, I love you, and I lied about my age too.
My Writing (so far)
As the Bridegroom to His Chosen (WIP | 8/10 chapters)
He's ascended to the highest peak of his career, reigned over the stage and screen as Papa Emeritus IV. Now, settling into his role as Frater Imperator (and all the duties that go along with it) will take some adjustment. Papa V is here. The Ghost project is running smoothly, more or less. Seeking solace and guidance for his new path, Frater Imperator intends to muse in prayerful solitude about his next instruction to please The Old One. Luckily enough, The Old One offers many gifts to His beloved servants, and although it might not initially compare to wobbling thousands of asses across the globe, our newly-ordained Frater gets one very special ass to wobble, all for himself. (Or, alternatively: You meet a stranger in the woods when your car breaks down during a sudden storm. Your life changes forever.)
A post-RHRN Prime Mover AU
Ghost Kinktober 2024 Scripture Memory Verse Award Winner (WIP | 26/?? chapters)
A tasteful charcuterie board of sinful temptations, including (but not limited to):
I Will Spit You Out of My Mouth aka Seminary Student Copia’s Heathen Bisexual Awakening (Copia/OMC; Wax Play; Temperature Play)
Being with a man is, as they say, a whole new world of undiscovered desire, and he’s not sure if he’s ready for that. He wants it, sure, but the way he wakes up flustered and achingly hard with the thought of just a look from the librarian.
Dwell Richly Within You aka a mid-concert quickie (Copia/OFC; Creampie)
“Inside,” he growls, and you feel the tension when you wrap your hands around his neck, the palpable need. 
Hatred Stirs Up Strife... aka Terzomega CNC Hate Sex
“I know you love me… But… what if you didn’t?”
Bless the House of Your Servant aka the one with the Suburban Dilf / Realtor roleplay, for Satanic reasons (Copia/OFC)
He glances up to the Live, Laugh, Love sign over the headboard, then back to me. “I’m just not sure it suits all of my needs.” My face heats; he has to know what this is doing to me, talking about his needs.  
And They Shall Be One Flesh aka the Historical Arranged Marriage First Night one (Secondo/OFC) and its follow up chapter, A Helper Comparable
“Who has struck you?” His voice was calm. “You cower before me like a whipped dog…” “Please,” I started to say, desperation evident in my voice. I didn’t even care that he’d called me a dog. “Please, I’ll… I’ll do whatever—“ “Who. Hurt. You?” “Don’t make me say it.” I shook my head, fear tightening in my chest. “Please don’t send me back.”
Suffer A Witch aka the Witch Hunt one where a difficult woman finally gets a good reward from all of the Papas
She was on the wrong side of thirty, and her chin had a stubborn set to it that screamed of her defiance.  She was loud. She was untamed. She was difficult. She had no man to give her headship. In short: She was a witch.
The Word at the Beginning aka the one where Copia is a Camp Director at a Christian youth camp, and wears short-shorts. (Copia/OFC; loss of virginity; purity culture)
God, I pray, please. I don’t want to feel like this. It’s wrong to feel like this. If this is Your will, then give me the strength to pass this test, all for Your glory.  ...why would God make me this way, so full of desire and need, for someone I know I can’t have?  Or is this God at all? Is this Satan, tempting me to sin?  And if it is Satan, then why is God so silent? With a bitter laugh I feel grateful, at least, that God hasn’t decided to kill my whole family just to prove a point about my faithfulness, like He did to Job.  Kind of a dick move, really.  Instantly, I amend that thought with another prayer: Forgive me, I trust in you, I’m sorry…
And other one-shots. I will be finishing this when Bridegroom is complete.
I also take fic prompts/requests!
Okay bye!
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swifty-fox · 5 months ago
hi, sorry to pop in like this. i've followed you for a while and i was intrigued by your mota posting, so when i was on an airplane recently i watched the first three episodes on the free in-flight service, and... first off THANK YOU for that. i have now finished the whole series and fucking loved it??
anyway, second off--i hope this isn't too awkward but i was hoping i could ask a million questions about like...... what your experience is writing fic and how you tag things and approach the historical aspects etc? i've just started poking around at the ao3 tag but i'm getting fic ideas and i'm not sure how to go about the tagging/writing/etc
(either way, i'm excited to dive into your fics because some of these are 👀👀👀)
First and foremost, I would recommend following @hogans-heroes who knows all things plane and has written up some good info on how they work. And also pilots in general
@thatsrightice has a TON of good research done about the irl boys as well
And in general check out the tag for all our lovely lovely writes there's so many to name.
For meeee i think the HboWar fandom understands the separation from the real guys and the fictionalized versions we play dolls with. Some people will put disclaimers but not all. Generally you're not going to piss anyone off by exploring them through a queer lense so long as nobody's harassing the real family members (really only find them in the FB groups. @bcolfanfic has had some sweet exchanges with the Egan and Crosby family)
In terms of researching, my kind of separation from the real people is that I only take show canon as fact. Anything not included in the show about the real guys I don't follow. That's what feels respectful of me! But there's so many lovely writers out there who do follow the events of their real lives and such good content for 'canon' fic.
In terms of researching Google is my best friend as well as the historians we have in the fandom. (Hogans-Heroes again is a gem. @reallylilyreally has a great attention to detail and we also have a few current/former service members who family of service members who are good points of reference!)
In terms of other research. the Masters of the Air book is a great go to
Cros actually wrote a book called A Wing and a Prayer which is a great resource and also pretty heartbreaking!
I personally referenced The Evening Crowd at Kirmsers by Ricardo Brown for queer underground culture in the 40's
Coming Out Under Fire is a fucking devastating but really helpful book about gay service members in the 40's and kind of the danger they were in. @bcolfanfic also has some excerpts from that she posted a while back if you don't mind digging.
I've also used ancestry.com to research the guys as well as these websites contains the personnel and mission files as well as photos of the guys!
https://100thbg.com/ you can search both the guys AND the planes!
another great website with a similar search function but they have a few diff documents.
For tagging the main tags are: Mota, Clegan and Hbowar (this one will include the other shows like Band of Brothers, The Pacific, and Generation Kill)
Really it's treated like any other fandom. Everyone understands that we're playing with dolls, not real people. But also RPF is fine kill the cop in your head and join the hockey rpf fandom next >:)
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plusultraetc · 5 months ago
Fic Writer Interview
Thank you so much @starlightbelle for tagging me!! If there are any One Piece fans following this blog, I highly recommend Belle's fics!
-- How many works do you have on AO3?
Officially I have 18, but it's 19 if you include the Star Wars au (my beloved). I haven't taken it out of the anonymous collection yet because I promised myself I would only do so when I posted the second chapter, but I still count it in my head!
-- What's your total AO3 word count?
95,613 :') I know that's nothing compared to some writers, but I am unreasonably pleased with it. I'm wondering if I should do something fun when I break 100k, which should hopefully be soon with chapter 2 of 'now i'm glad i get forever' 🤞
-- What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
there's no good tricks but old ones
i'll take what i can get, i'll take what i am given
you've got no fear of the underdog
write me a list of how it is
every battle, every day
-- Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do!! I'm a smidge behind on literally everything this month, but I eventually respond to them all <3 I really do appreciate every single comment, they literally make my entire week and sometimes it takes me so long to reply because I am editing my response four hundred times to take out all of the !!!s.
(I also love getting to talk to others in the fandom, even if it's just for a single exchange--MHA is actually the Most Involved I've ever been in a fandom, and I've met so many really cool people by commenting and replying to comments on fics!! Thank you ao3 comments section, I love you ao3 comments section.)
-- What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Hmmm this is tough bc I don't write a lot of angsty endings, and most of my fics are canon compliant anyway so the angst is relative? With this in mind, it's probably 'there's no good tricks but old ones'--it's one of my only fics where there isn't some kind of emotional breakthrough or connection reached (or even the start of one) and it's pre-Paranormal Liberation War arc so we all know Hawks is headed for A Really Bad Time 😬
-- What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
All of them,, but I did write about Shinsou finding out he'd been accepted into the hero course in 'every battle, every day' which might take the cake (Brian from TAZ voice I'm so proud of them etc)
-- Do you write crossovers?
Do crossovers have to include characters from another media? Bc I've written aus set in other universes, but none of the characters from them appear 🤔
-- Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Thankfully no! I did once receive a comment that was just like. A Statement with no tonal indicators, In All Caps, but I'm 99% sure it was meant to be taken positively. okay 98% sure.
-- Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope! (I also don't read E-rated fics even though I get so many interesting looking recommendations with that rating 😭 If you've ever recommended me an E-rated fic and I just never brought it up again I'M SORRY)
-- Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of?
-- Have you ever had a fic translated?
Also no!
-- Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I think it would be fun :D
-- What's your all-time favorite ship?
It feels like cheating to say erasermic on the MHA blog, but like. I'm going to say erasermic on the MHA blog. I don't think I'd ever written anything for a ship in my life before them. To be loved is to be changed but to have a ship is also to be changed.
-- What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
Never say never but rip time travel fic lol.
-- What are your writing strengths?
IF I SAY SOMETHING YOU DISAGREE WITH LOOK AWAY. But. I think I write good dialogue, especially banter, and that I am occasionally funny. I also think I'm pretty good at describing places, but only if I have a clear mental image of them, so I feel like you can always tell when I'm not sure what a room looks like (which is most of the time).
-- What are your writing weaknesses?
Second-guessing and self-doubting myself into genuine writing paralysis. Also internal monologue/narration, like a character thinking about and articulating their feelings :')
-- What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I'm a little confused about this question?? But I also only speak one language fluently so I can't do this anyway 😭
-- What was the first fandom you wrote for?
When my sister and I were kids we used to pick our favorite characters from a bunch of different movies/books/shows and tell stories about them all going on some kind of gigantic crossover adventure, so it was probably something along the lines of 'Scooby-Doo, Batman, and Jedidiah from Night at the Museum vs Firelord Ozai'
-- What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
I have a few Demon Slayer WIPs I'd love to figure out one day!
-- What's your favorite fic you've written?
This question is so hard bc like. Does it mean my favorite fic while I was working on it, or my favorite result? The fic that was easiest to write, or most difficult but most worth it?? The fic I've reread the most, or the fic I'm afraid to reread in case it doesn't live up to the memory I have of it??? Can I do a top 3????
This was so much fun!! (even though it did give me several small crises staring at my stats page--run 'i'll take what i can get, i'll take what i am given,' 'there's no good tricks but old ones' is right behind you!!) No-pressure tagging @machiroads @blinkeasy @kyurilin @karliahs @poppy5991 @ifyougoillfollow and anyone else who sees this & wants to participate!! I was scrolling through my following tab but omg it's a long list so I def missed some writers 😭
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hhhecates · 2 months ago
You don't have to answer this ask at all btw! This is just me yapping you can ignore this gajdhwjshsj
BUT I actually don't understand WHY Xiao's popularity met such a steep decline when he was so goddamn popular just like. The year before last. Is it Kinich? I have seen people migrate to Kinich, including my own friends
It is a bit tragic in a meta, sagau way that Xiao was abandoned in droves because a newer character came out with many of his characteristics, but is easier to deal with. Like sure Kinich has a ton of baggage that would be incredibly difficult in its own way but he's much better settled and socialised than Xiao. He's just easier, I guess
With Xiao unless you're doing a modern au you're again restricted in some way bc he does not travel, he remains within Liyue and your settings are limited bc his actions among humans are limited bc then his karma might hurt them. But writing Kinich is easier in a way because he's not restrained by any of this
Xiao's limitations also make it so he can't really interact with mortals much in a confrontational way- he has to contrive convoluted plans to reform Wang Ping'an bc he can't beat it out of him since he's sworn to never hurt a mortal. Kinich though can go pick fights with someone who hurt you for example, without being restrained by this
There's several layers of security you need to have for Xiao to guiltlessly interact with you and one of the most important ones is a physical one- the vision. Or I don't think he'd come close at all, he's a lot of things but he's not irresponsible
Whereas you could make so many situations in Kinich fanfics specifically because they don't have that physical advantage
I could go on and on but it is a bit funny (and also absolutely tragic, I WANNA TALK ABOUT HIM NONSTOP BUT THERE'S LIKE SIX OTHER PEOPLE HERE) that it happened this way
To be clear I've got nothing against Kinich or the people that write for him!! Writing is so hard no matter what character you're wielding and I've heard of my friends yap at me about some absolutely lovely Kinich fanfics
I also think fault in part lies w the eng localisation and eng va direction... I do not blame the va whatsoever, she did a great job but they emo-ified him and turned him so much harsher than he is, in dialogue and voicelines both whereas in the others and especially CN he's just calm, but wary of coming close to people because he's like. Emanating cancer come on
AGKSHSJSJ IM SORRY ABOUT THE LONG ASK but I had to word vomit somewhere and you were an appetizing victim HSJHSH THANK YOU BYE BYE MWAH <333
Ps it's just my luck to finally excitedly join a big fandom and the specific subset I want is... Dead... </3
I hope they release more Xiao content, a second quest or at least include him in events. They should've made him a contender in the beetle fight thing, that would've been so cute qgjdhwjwj. Please do something hoyo </3
Sksksks HELLO! Iratempestatis!^^ I'm really glad to have you here in my inbox hehehe.
Honestly, I kind of get? Well not really but that's simply because xiao is my favourite character, on a more objective point of view, I do get it.
The shift to newer characters is unavoidable, and when new characters happen to fill the "role" of old ones, it's obvious people are gonna pick novelty. Characters like kinich come with a lot of new content too (and the last time we truly had a considerable amount of content and lore about xiao was what? back in 2.7?).
Also, there's the irony that xiao, much like his character in game, needs a lot of investment.
I see the restraints in writing him if we want to have a narration that follows canon as closely as possible (reader needs to have a vision, he doesn't leave liyue,...) but I do think with a bit of imagination there can be a lot of options available, even if maybe they stray away a bit from what's most likely to happen in canon: reader could not have a vision, perhaps the setting can be during the archon war, when xiao's companions are still alive and none of them have takes the role of slaying gods yet, or it hasn't affected them as much yet (I really love fanfics that explore xiao's dynamics with the other yakshas, and having a moment of peace and found family after the hell he's been through with his previous master), or reader could be a god; I remember reading this ongoing series from @reilliane where reader happened to be a newborn goddess, and amongst her powers was one to nullify xiao's pain upon touch. That was an extremely interesting concept, I always really like toying with the idea of a reader that can take away xiao's pain or karmic debt somehow, especially because you can then explore the dynamics of whether xiao comes to like and trust them because of their powers or not (he's not an opportunist like that ofc, but I feel like on an unconscious level he might start to trust them because of that, which isn't bad, just worth exploring).
For settings, while it's true that xiao is limited to Liyue, I don't see that as a particular hurdle? Maybe it's just because I love Liyue so much myself lol. However I do think there's something extremely sweet in reader going on a commission or travel outside of Liyue, and xiao just waiting for them and realizing how much he misses them; one of my absolute FAVOURITE xiao works is "if all stars fell at once" by @lavendermin and they also have some related oneshots "constellation miscellany" with one of them exploring this dynamic and it was just so sweet and perfect (also that one in particular it's a nsfw work, saying that cause idk if you're comfortable with that kind of content^^).
Also also while modern AU is certainly an option, I feel like xiao can be extremely well versed for different kind of fantasy AUs as well: there's this ongoing series called "Genus Daemonium" by EdenxWrites on ao3, where xiao is a demon, and his backstory on how he became one is masterfully crafted to me (won't spoil since that's towards the end of the fic), I also recently saw a writer start a series set in a Liyue torn up by karmic debt, where "tamers" and adepti work together to protect it (tamers are human chosen by the gods to have special powers to deal with karmic debt, they help out adepti rid with karmic debt if they aren't beyond saving and usually have a partner adeptus to work with) the fic talked about a reader who had been betrayed by their adeptus and xiao, a rogue adeptus who was once worked to death by his tamer and now trusts no one. Though it was still the beginning of the series, it was beautifully written, and I love how it explored themes of betrayal and learning how to trust again. I won't say the name of the writer in case they don't want to, since I think they deleted the fic.
Well, I've yapped enough, my point is though, that while xiao is certainly a character that brings many limitations in writings, I also feel like he's extremely versatile with a little care. Probably though, the biggest "problem" when it comes to him, is that he's extremely well-versed for longer fics and series instead of one shots or shorter content. I completely understand writers that lose interest or hope, also because tumblr and other sites are going towards a more short content format (for example those short scenarios where at the bottom you have then a series of names of different characters it refers to). Being a writer always was, but especially now is a lot of thankless work, and writers are just trying to share their content with us while trying not to burn out.
Xiao is a complex character, and fleshing him out takes time. But that's also exactly where his charm lies: how soft he is once he starts trusting you and how much he cares in little ways, how you need to be patient with him, but slowly you come to realize xiao has a fierce kind of gentleness to him, he's protective and loyal, and after a lifetime of suffering, he still just has the unpresuming and apologetic wish to know a little peace and to have that little peace with you.
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eisforeidolon · 10 months ago
I am sorry but I just need to vent about misha being an absolute creep. I am so goddamn tired of him constantly trying to insert himself into jensen and danneel's relationship saying danneel is his girlfriend or in the recent purgatory 8 con, his wife. It's so disrespectful towards their marriage, kids and family. I understand it may be a joke but there's a limit and misha always seems to cross that. It's like he's in love with the idea of having a threesome with the ackles. He always has something or the else to say about danneel sexually which is honestly creepy to me. And I've noticed how that makes jensen so uncomfortable, like dude that's his wife back off. He has done this soo many times over the years. Ughhh I strongly dislike him, idk how the others stand him after he makes such crass jokes. And the fans who ship the 3 together are soo toxic and delulu like which sane couple would want to include such a problematic person like misha into their relationship and make it an unhealthy environment for their children to grow up in. I'm sorry for the vent, I'm just very disgusted by him😶
No apologies necessary, because I agree, it's just so fucking weird.
We know the the Ackles primarily (if not exclusively) only hang out together with Misha around work-related events. On the one side, while Danneel has made some vague noises about being a fan of Misha/Castiel, and Jensen does talk about him as a friend? Most of Jensen's comments about him are dunking on him for being awkward, for saying shit he can't back up, and just generally ribbing him for the weird shit he gets himself into and what a strange guy he is. Then on the other side you have Misha frequently making these very sexual and/or suggestive quote unquote jokes about both of them. Like, I'd still think it was odd if they were all publicly sharing that kind of sexualized banter back and forth on a regular basis, but they aren't. It's always Misha starting it and often Misha doing it alone, metaphorically behind their backs. Which is a huge part of what makes it so creepy, because it makes him come off more like some weird invasive fan failing at boundaries who they have to publicly be nice to because ~*SPN fambily*~ rather than it being an understandable friendship that genuinely exists between them.
Which is bad enough, but you can't separate his behavior from the context of the fandom he's pointedly doing it for. The loud majority of people still buying his crap (ops/autos/merch) and potentially following any future projects he might have? Are hellers/cockles shippers. Who only really care about him in terms of fantasizing about him and Jensen together (and pointedly include Danneel to contrast themselves against the wife haters in the extreme J2 tinhatter camp). Which takes the whole thing from just awkward creepy into a very calculated, opportunistic user kind of creepy.
I'm not sure there's anyone or anything Misha wouldn't "joke" about being intimate with if he thought he could make a buck off it. He's shown over and over he has no integrity and blatantly lacks respect for other people if throwing them under the bus (or talking about them as a sex object) will play well with his audience.
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theladyofshalott1989 · 9 months ago
Hello.. 👋🏻
I read your answer about the motivation to write with low engagement and want to thank you for your words, because I currently struggle a little with this topic.
I love to write, always have, but beeing in the HL fandom helped me to (more or less) consistently write and publish something. For the last months I changed from writing mainly little snippets, to focus on my long fic, because I finally want to put everything on paper, that lingers in my mind. 😅
And I will keep writing, because it has become very personal and some sort of healing for me.
But from time to time I struggle, because I think it's not good enough. There are people who read it, but barely any engagement. And I want to learn and become better so badly.
Sometimes I think, it's because my first language isn't English and I can't convey all the feelings with my translation. But then, it's not that the original is doing so much better.. 😅
I'm sorry for venting to you and it feels a little weird because I don't want to fish for compliments.😅
But maybe you have some tricks up your sleeve that can help with the feeling to be not good enough? Or writing better in general? 😊
Hi! Thank you so much for your ask. First off, you are not alone. Your feelings are valid and shared by many, myself included. <3 I am so glad that HL brought you back to writing. It was the same for me too, and I will also be forever grateful for that. Before I share my practical tips, I want to establish that engagement does not always equal quality. It could FOR SURE (I am not calling out anyone here!), but, like with all things, certain tropes/pairings/topics are more popular in one fandom than the next. Sometimes someone started writing at the perfect time, usually right when a new fandom pops up, or they are uber talented and can provide not only a story but also fan art! Those people blow my mind and I have so much respect for them.
But I digress! Onto the practical tips... Keeping in mind that I do not always follow my own advice, so typing this up is making me laugh at myself. (It's good to laugh at yourself sometimes though.) 1. Pick up another hobby so writing isn't your only one. For me, it's classes at my local gym. IMO, an active hobby is the most helpful because the endorphin rush helps a lot. 2. Set a day aside each week where you do not go online at all. I did this during peak Covid, and it was so therapeutic. Our minds are not designed to be constantly on. We need a break from social media and the internet every so often. 3. If you can, find a small group of buddies and interact with them. <3 My HL buds keep me sane a lot of the time. They're lovely people too and they've introduced me to other fandoms as well. 4. Block tags and/or blogs you're not interested in seeing. I have only blocked one blog (I'll be transparent here: it's the Hogwarts: Legacy Confessions blog, just for my own personal sanity; no hate toward the creators at all), but I block a lot of tags for personal reasons, and it really does help a lot.
5. Have you tried a review exchange? On Reddit there are groups that swap and review each others' stories. I've done this a few times for some of my one-shots and it's great! You can even specify if you want critique (or not). I can send you links to these subreddits if you wish. Just let me know! I really hope these tips help. Also, please never apologize for venting. Putting yourself out there creatively is a very vulnerable thing; it's only natural to be upset when you feel like you don't get out what you put in. <3
My messages are always open too. Please don't hesitate to reach out!
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