#sorry I'm angry and tired
soup-mother · 4 months
the endless hyperfixation on "x group has always been part of our community" "so and so have always been here" in queer circles instead of any fucking microgram of self reflection of "how has our community historically treated x group?" "does x group feel welcome in our community?" drives me fucking nuts.
you can't just fucking say "trans women have always been part of the lesbian community s" whev whether or not we're all secretly pervert rapist men has been one of the major fucking splitting points in the (frankly horrifyingly US centric) lesbian community.
it's just demonstrably not true, you have to actually fucking admit to that history you can't just sweep everything under the rug and reblog a pic of marsha p Johnson and go "see? there's never been any transmisogyny here". like hell, using trans women as a token minority within the queer community is such a classic bit of transmisogyny like fucking christ.
why are you so desperate to fabricate history and appeal to some mythical past instead of just actually fucking doing anything now? because so many fucking people just blatantly do not give a shit about us unless one of us has been killed, or there's another callout going around. we are so blatantly NOT welcome in SO many spaces INCLUDING trans spaces and people just fucking refuse to acknowledge that or bombard anyone talking about it with "wow I'm so sorry this happened to you as an isolated incident, dm me if you need to vent". (WOW transmisogyny looks like misogyny, SHOCKING!)
that instinctive run for cover of historical legitimacy is tiring and pathetic, noone's surprised of course but it feels like it needs to be branded into some people's grey matter that you actually need to do more to combat transmisogyny than just gaslight trannies with stonewall photos. fuck.
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wombywoo · 10 months
Just laying some ground rules because in this past week I've seen more nonsense™️ than I have in my entire online experience thus far and this wombat's just about had it🤦‍♀️
starting with #1--if you see my stolen art (or anyone's art for that matter) on pinterest DO NOT repost that art on social media. like AT ALL. period.
#2--STOP tagging VA's in my twitter posts. If I wanted them to see it, I'd do it myself. this just reads like you're the one that wants attention, and it's annoying. bye.
#3--whatever this shit is.
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the audacity of not only reposting art, but running it through a tween-idol filter ??? If you can't handle my boy's raw, unchiseled anglo saxon jawline, then gtfo 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
finally #4--DO NOT ACCUSE ME OF MAKING AI ART!!! I can't even fathom how you've reached this conclusion, but making a callout post about me where you claim you have 'proof' is the most ludicrous thing you could've done for yourself mate, because if you want proof, then how's this:
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just an example of hundreds of digital artworks I've made in the past...6-ish years?? maybe before AI was even a thing..🤔
Anyway--kindly get the fuck of my lawn 📣📣📣
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fridayyy-13th · 10 months
i swear sometimes i think people forget that Jon's s1 skeptic act was just that—an act. it was an act!!! he believes the statements!! he's believed them since episode one! do we so soon forget that he denied the statements were real because he knew the Eye something wanted him to be scared, and he knew that was bad, so he decided to act like the statements just didn't scare him? remember, he was working with extremely limited information ("when i record the tape statements, i feel watched, like something knows i'm afraid, and i don't want it to know that"), and came up with a genuinely solid solution with what he had! not his fault that the thing watching him was a literal unknowable eldritch entity that feeds on fear, and he was just some underqualified archivist.
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fisheito · 6 months
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collab #2 with @xenole i was given a chibi yakumo and i.. i...... turned it into thiS
#I AM SO SORRY I DREW YAKUMO AGAIN ADFSJEIADKS LOOK OK so xenole gives me the tiny crying yakumo.#says DO WHATEVER YOU WANT and THUS i get to thinking#my immediate thought was#i'm going to make oli breast boobily while comforting him#bc i was determined to draw xenole's fave this time. i swore it to myself. i WILL stop being so self indulgent#but the chibi on chibi comforting scene didn't sit right with me. it was too straightforward. not something i would draw normally#it was hhhh as u say.... not on brand.? it did not inspire me. idea benched....#so days pass and i'm still pondering ideas on what to do to the sad spaghetti.#configurations of clan members danced in my head. some defending yaku. some comforting. some bullying#the ideas usually involved at least oli or kuya bc once again. xenole bias#then while i'm in the shower i got frustrated with my lack of ideas and thought#i'll jujst eat.him. just. chew on him. i'm tired of him#AND THE IMAGE OF KUYA EATING YAKUMO FOR BREAKFAST POPPED INTO MY MIND#originally it was going to be kuya eating yakuflakes and oli giving him serious side eye but then the brain went#WHAT IF IT'S YAKUMO WATCHING KUYA EAT YAKUMO. THAT IS FUNNY. IT MUMST HAPPEEN#BUT I REFUSED at first. i was angry at myself. this is not a competition to see how you can STILL sHOVE YAKUMO into a drawing.#plus the composition would shrink xenole's chibi down! i would take over so much space by comparison! THE DISRESPECT! TO THE COLLAB PROCESS#but once i get fixated on smth...well. i ended up doing the idea and just praying xenole wouldnt eviscerate me for it#i'm sorry my liege. my grip on the reins was weak. the goofy clown horses went stampeding#so idk now it's the two of em having a peaceful breakfast in kuya's cabin but only kuya is at peace and yakumo's this close to a breakdown#i feel like there should be something in the space between them. a speech bubble or something . something mean is being said#yakuya#nu carnival yakumo#nu carnival kuya
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elrxiel · 3 months
each time a G/wynriel says "Elriels wants Elain to be Gwyn so bad!" I lose another braincell trying to understand how someone can be so delusional and absolutely blind to canon sequences repeated over and over by multiple characters, yet so passionate in looking for clues between the lines (which in most cases, are simply not there, dare I say) and twisting the most obvious scenes to fit their narrative
we're all entitled to our own opinions and preferences but I simply cannot take them seriously when all I see are those opinions absolutely misreading canon text and giving characters qualities they do not possess - or trying to take away the ones they do - because they do not suit some wild theories which have no reasonable grounds to back them up
if you fail to understand Elain's character, qualities and background even if it's stated blankly in the books, that's on you I guess, but don't embarrass yourself saying anyone would like Elain to be Gwyn - I can assure you that while most of Elriels like or even adore Gwyn's character and the others are neutral towards her, all of us here writing about Elain are here for her exactly how she is being portrayed throughout the whole series
we love her exactly how she is and frankly, none of us has to take away anything from other characters
maybe before stating something so profoundly stupid, take a look in the mirror and look up the word "hypocrisy" first
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zhongrin · 4 months
dick owners who are bodily able and living in an enviromentally capable conditions to flush toilets in a shared bathroom but don't,
fuck you 🖕🏻
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jula483 · 3 months
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antihibikase-archive · 8 months
It is incredibly isolating to navigate through fandom as an aromantic person. Aro experiences are so varied, and there is no definite aro experience that encapsulates the alienation that fandom spaces cause for certain people.
Fandom is mostly built and structured on shipping. And if not, the blorbofication of characters, which tends to go down the shipping pipeline; where does that leave the romance repulsed aro person who genuinely does not want to see any form of shipping? Platonic dynamics, right?
Yeah, sure. But by platonic dynamics, it's only "best friends" or "family" right? Where does that leave the aro folks with undefined labels? No, qprs aren't a get-out-of-jail card.
And qprs- they have no rules or standards set upon them by society, not even having a clear definition for what it is, because not all qprs are the same. Yet, for some reason, it ended up becoming the "nonbinary" option to a lot of people- not romantic or "regular" platonic? Qpr it is, right?
But where does that leave the aro folk who don't want a qpr? Who don't wish to see characters depicted in pairs or trios or so forth- who embrace the lack of a partner?
And these concepts presented; when aro folk talk about them, do you care? And if you do, do you understand? Do you try to?
If you aren't aro, but wish to be supportive, are you a genuine ally? Do you raise the concerns of aro folk you share the space with?
Or do you take a look at these concepts- and decide you understand them "well" enough? Do you decide to speak for aro folks instead?
Do you depict relationships outside of romance because you believe in the importance of platonic relationships? Will you accept the fact that not all platonic interactions will be familial or "best friends"?
Can you accept depictions of qprs outside of "more than friends, less than lovers"? Are you willing to accept it is not just "best friends" or "romance lite"? Will you accept that nothing is inherently romantic- and characters in a qpr may fall under your standards of lovers?
Can you resist the urge to put every character in a pair or trio or group? Are you comfortable with the notion of characters finding more joy in being by themselves, outside of all those lenses you see them in?
It's good if you can.
And if you can't, at the very least, do you understand why some aro folk in your space are upset? Embittered by your favorite ships? Starving for representation?
Did you depict these characters with these concepts with the knowledge that aromanticism is fluid?
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i love having the shittest week ever and feeling so so tired and so gross and just basically like i'm constantly behind in Everything even though i'm studying all the time and then calling up my dad basically just looking for someone to tell me that i'm. doing well. only for him to do Concerned Disappointed Father voice like i'm worried about you...i don't think youre doing enough.....why haven't you joined any societies yet....you don't socialise enough.....etc etc AND SO ON :(
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maiamars · 6 months
ghost and soap are so much more than just ghostsoap
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recklessmoss · 1 year
i'm so unironically baffled at the amount of downgrades this site pushes out on a nearly weekly basis at this point. Near half if not all of them are almost completely useless and give absolutely zero benefit to user experience, if anything @staff is quite literally distancing their userbase.... do you think i want another twitter? Like what purpose or benefit does taking away dash avatars has... what's the benefit of taking away basic accessibility features.. fucking genuinely. I hate it here. I don't know how many more feedback letters I have to send in order for all this shit to stop... i'm so tired.
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The show expresses El's and Will's main arc and desires through their art in s4.
On the one hand, we have Will, who creates a painting for Mike that portrays them and the party together again, as their dnd characters. Of course, it displays Will's desire of belonging again in that friend group, of having what was taken away from him last summer. But, after all, the main focus of the painting is Mike. Because 1, the painting is for Mike after all, and 2, Will himself is telling where his priorities are, by painting a heart on top of him. Mike's the heart, his heart.
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On the other hand, with her art (the figures she makes), El portrays Hopper and his cabin, the first place she actually considered a home. This creation is, in a way, for Hopper. Since she obviously can't give it to him directly, it's a tribute to his sacrifice, therefore, it's made for him. That's where her priorities lie: family.
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Will's arc, his biggest hopes and desires, are primarily about love, just how he expresses in his art. El's arc, her biggest hopes and desires, are primarily about family, just how she expresses in her art.
So, narratively, who would make more sense to end up in a relationship? The one whose focus is love and belonging (being who he loves one of the reasons he feels as if he doesn't belong) or the one whose focus is family and finding herself?
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dessa-banks · 2 months
I hate having a part in semi-popular posts !!!!!!! I hate the most annoying people on earth feeling the need to go through my blog because they saw me edit some pride flags or what fucking ever !!!!!!!!!
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yourhighness6 · 9 months
I'm literally so tired of antis rn.
Like, we can't call out fictional characters on their bullshit anymore when it reflects actual problems in society?
We can't criticize media at a meta level anymore because there can be no perfect media when that's literally the point??
We can't negatively examine decisions made by the creators because apparently they can Do No Wrong now???
Also, tag ur shit correctly because I shouldn't have to look at these idiotic takes on a daily basis. Go say stupid crap to someone who cares
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suspiciouslandlady · 1 year
I don't know which Sweden it is that you're referring to, but I can reassure you that we love Käärijä as much as any other country (although not as much as you finns ofc), while we are proud of Loreen and her historic win I haven't talked to anyone who wasn't cheering for Käärijä to win by the end of the show, he is the people's winner and that include us as well :3
It is unfortunate to be in a position to rob you of the crazy party your entire country would host if he had won, especially as we do not find this win anywhere near as impactful of a win as the first time Loreen won. But at least this might make him even more of a legend who is beloved by all!
I'm talking about how media in general tends to blend Finland and Sweden together. If something is up in the news about Finland, people outside Nordics often brush it off as "Oh, it's something Swedish related probably" or "Finland and Sweden, they're just two peas in the pod" type of stuff I see a lot.
And it's really frustrating because it feels like you can't mention Finland in any context without adding Sweden into it every single time.
Also, I'm frustrated and annoyed by the fact that Sweden is right now trash-talking Finland a lot in their own media. Calling us a dumb nation and referring to us as "the former eastern part of the kingdom". All because Finnish televoters didn't give points to Sweden. Many times Finland has been left out or gotten just the smallest points from Sweden but we've never really complained about it. In a Facebook group I'm in someone said that the same type of Swedish fb group atm is just bitching and trashing Käärijä completely, saying how he's a disgrace and they'd be so ashamed if he was the one they sent to the competition.
For so many years has Finland been chewed up and humiliated by Sweden but still, we've thought of the whole country as our brothers in arms. Playful rivalry, which is now just turning even more sour than it was before.
It's honestly sad but at the same time, I feel like Finland finally needs to cut the shit. We've been getting bullied by both Sweden and Russia for so long that enough is enough.
Käärijä gave us something that we've been wanting to get from the world.
And that is to be seen as Finland, which in fact isn't the shadow of Sweden.
Finland, who you can talk about without ALWAYS adding Sweden into the same context or sentence. Finland isn't a shadow of anyone.
Finland is a proud independent country that despite being under the control of both Sweden and Russia never lost its own culture.
And never will.
That's what Finnish sisu is.
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menlove · 3 months
Why do you think ennis is john and jack is paul? Most people ive seen say it's the other way round and i think i agree tho haven't thought too much about it tbh🤔
Please please please elaborate on your take cause you're always right and I might see the light
oh that's wild I haven't seen anyone say Either but also haven't looked whehshsh. personality wise for sure. like out of the two of them, john's the one that's angry and impulsive like ennis. I think ppl probably say the opposite for the tried and true "repressed paul and pining bi john" but going off just. personality...... like uuuh think about the scene where he beats up some guy at the drive-in. definitely a john move. also could totally see paul marrying anne hathaway and selling cars. also of the two of them, thinking abt the one more likely to have an "oh fuck this is gay" freak out and punch the other..... again, john. or which one is more likely to start puking over being gay....... john 😭 plus I could absolutely see cynthia more in the role that ennis' wife is rather than making that linda. like. she's a lot more long suffering and sort of like. hm. mousey than linda was? plus ennis gets divorced & jack never does which I could see as well. and paul continuing to sneak behind linda's back to have a few sort of meaningless sexual affairs w men and john getting Pissed about it? also real to me.
I think the opposite is probably appealing but based off vibe Alone....
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