#sorry I just opened twitter and saw this god awful take again
sapphicpipes · 7 months
"the seven aren't found family because they don't even stay together" they live in different parts of the country??? And they're MINORS what do you expect them to do??
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oceansprompts · 1 year
text message prompts
[text] You okay?
[text] GO TO BED!
[text] hey you better be alive in there
[text] SOS save me please holy shit
[text] call me this date is going so bad
[text] I have way too much shit to do.
[text] Honestly I'm really worried about you.
[text] Why are you trending on Twitter?
[text] Please let me come over and pet your (pet).
[text] We are in the same building, you could come talk to me.
[text] It's not going to work out.
[text] This is a terrible idea.
[text] people have fetishes
[text] They really do crucify anyone these days huh
[text] I don't know why but that really means me want to stab you
[text] That movie was awful.
[text] For the love of god please help me
[text] I fucked up. I fucked up really bad.
[text] I'm blocking you.
[text] I regret swiping right.
[text] Everyone lies on their dating profiles.
[text] That absolutely can't be an actual picture of you.
[text] This forced open my third eye and I saw the devil
[text] I'm like a child in line for the newest fucked up disney ride
[text] That's just all fucking sorts of fucked up
[text] Why are we here? To suffer? Every other day I get messages that cause pain
[text] In the department of old man fucking, we've got you beat.
[text] have you gotten any work done?
[text] I am beyond shame, try again
[text] You left your left your underwear at my place.
[text] Don't you dare put this on Facebook.
[text] My brother in Christ you're being haunted
[text] I want to wring you like a wet towel and slap you against a wall
[text] The mind is weak but the body is funky
[text] I'm a zombie the law can't stop me.
[text] Jealous of my massive honkers
[text] We left you to die to play minecraft
[text] She would never ever take away one of these stupid fucking hats
[text] I puked all over the Uber driver's backseat.
[text] I just took a screenshot of that and posted it to Reddit
[text] You said you'd be right back and it's been months.
[text] Can't we talk about this face to face?
[text] Yeah, you'll come learn I just have a thing for milk
[text] Why did you like one of my pics from 2014?
[text] Now's as good a time as any to exchange nudes.
[text] Why would you send me an eggplant emoji?
[text] I write five paragraphs, pouring my heart out, and all you reply with is k?!
[text] Who would dare to lie on the internet?
[text] When I die, please delete all my shit off the internet
[text] He's so hot, I briefly started texting like a straight person
[text] And because I'm god and I've decided that; no, in fact, I'm not done.
[text] I know you love bloopy reggae jams, now is not the time.
[text] You better not be standing catatonic in your room again.
[text] God has abandoned his children but unfortunately for you I pay child support and I will smite thee.
[text]: My neighbor just told me he can fix my water heater for 50 bucks. I’m skeptical.
[text]: Do you have any idea how much it costs to buy apples? I paid 10 dollars for 6.
[text]: I mean, I wouldn’t say I have a problem with buying Squishmallows..
[text]: Hey, so you know how you told me no dog? *sends pic* I don’t do well with no’s.
[text] Stuart Little is a bitch and Remy could take him any day.
[text]: My roommate just said that Lola Bunny is hot. I’m moving out.
[text]: Hey I posted that vid of you drunk, singing Ariana Grande, wearing all black and people said not to do it again. Sorry.
[text]: Do you think the price is ever right? Like, I feel like it’s not.
[text]: I booped your nose. Boop the last five people you texted or–nothing happens really.
[text]: I’m actually in the ER and it’s a long story that involves Best Day Ever from spongebob.
[text]: I fucking hate you–wait you’re not my ex. Who are you?
[text]: You ever ask yourself if birds see a bee and just go ‘wow a bee’? im high.
[text]: sometimes all i think about is–sour patch kids. bet you thought it was you.
[text]: I love you—not as much as I love my dog. But still a lot!
[text]: I found a cat on the way home and now it’s mine. But it hates my guts so this should be fun.
[text]: I have questions about the marvel cinematic universe…how long do you have?
[text]: why do donald duck and winnie the pooh not have to wear pants but other people do?
[text]: Hey you know that show floor is lava? I may have turned the apartment into that..this isn’t a joke, btw. the floor is sticky.
[text]: I bought too much soap off etsy and now I don’t know what to do with it…I smell like Captain America.
[text]: On a scale of one to ten, how many drinks would you need to sleep with me? This isn’t a tiktok trend…or it is.
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alixlives · 1 year
birthday tickles
this was both a prompt from my two weeks of lee tommy & just something i wanted to do in itself. soo here we are
summary: it’s tommy’s 19th birthday, and his friends believe they know just one more present to give him!
CC lee!tommy(he/him), CC ler!phil(he/him), CC ler!wilbur
word count: 1197
so sorry this is late:’)
Tommy woke up much later than usually— he was suprised to see the time say 12PM. How late did he fall asleep last night?
He sat up and opened his phone, scrolling on twitter and immediately saw thousands of birthday wishes. Jesus, he forgot it’s his birthday! How the hell did he forget his own birthday?
“Oh my god, I’m nineteen,” Was all Tommy could mutter before his door burst open. Tommy jumped, looking up terrified but relaxed upon seeing Wilbur and Phil enter the room.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TOMMYYY!” The older men yelled in unsion, to which Tommy flinched at as he’d just woken up a few minutes ago. Wilbur threw a small box at Tommy’s head, giggling at the whine and complaint that came from the younger, even more when Phil scolded him.
Tommy tilted his head and opened the box. It was a note, clearly written by Wilbur;
There’s nothing in this box. We are taking you out to lunch, birthday lunch. Let’s go.
Tommy looked up, a very disappointed look on his face which sent Wilbur and Phil into a fit of loud laughter. Tommy couldn’t help but smile, and he faced down to hide it.
“Come on, Tom! Get up, let’s go!” Phil made his way over to Tommy, and literally dragged him by his arms. Wilbur was at the edge of Tommy’s bed, incase Tommy fell off amidst the dragging.
“Alrihihight! I’m uhup, Phihil let gohohooo!” Tommy whined through giggles, he found this amusing. The eldest of the three let go of Tommy, and he and Wilbur left the room so Tommy could get ready.
Around ten miniutes later Tommy was out the door with Phil and Wilbur. Wilbur settled on carrying Tommy around to get to their destination —which earned a few odd looks from people who walked by, but they didn’t care.
Hours after they’d gotten back to Tommy’s place, the three men were watching a movie. Of course, the movie was of Tommy’s choice because it’s his birthday.
Tommy was sat in between Wilbur and Phil, but he was huddled very close to Wilbur and his head was rested on the brunette’s shoulder. It took a lot in Wilbur to not aw aloud, and he kept looking over at Phil with a look that pretty much said holy shit i’m going to explode he’s adorable.
Wilbur noticed the teen yawn, and he smiled. “Getting tired, Tommy?” Tommy shook his head.
“No, not tired,” He yawned again despite his words.
“Well,” Phil started, “If you’re not tired, perhaps it’s time for that little birthday tradition we’ve got for you?” Wilbur caught on immediately, smugly grinning at Tommy. It took Tommy a few seconds to process, and when he did? He got up and ran.
“I’ll get him,” Wilbur spoke before gettung up and running after Tommy. Phil stayed put, listening to the footsteps and screams from both boys.
It didn’t take long for Wilbur to enter the room, carrying Tommy —who was thrashing and squirming as much as he could, anything to get away despite not wanting to— in his arms. “Let go of me! Get away!”
“Hard pass,” Wilbur smiled, setting Tommy down onto the floor and quickly pinning him down. “Phil, get his arms for me?”
Phil nodded, holding Tommy’s arms up with one hand. He made sure he didn’t hold on very tight incase Tommy actually wanted his hands free. Tommy looked up at Wilbur, then at Phil. He tried to suppress his smile, but inevitably failed.
“Plehease, we can tahalk about thihis?” Tommy giggled nervously as Wilbur held up his hands in the shape of claws, right above his sides. He slowly moved his hands to get closer and closer, until they rested on Tommy’s sides. Phil was grinning at the sight, and Tommy was giggling like mad in anticipation.
“I don’t think we can. I mean, this is tradition! We do this every year, how did you forget?” Phil grinned, looking down at Wilbur before sitting next to Tommy, pinning his hands under his knees. Tommy whined out of embarrassment, “Noho.. not bohoth of you..!”
“Yes, both of us! You ready?” Wilbur spoke with a smug grin, slowly starting to wiggle his fingers where they rested on Tommy’s sides. The teen broke into light giggles almost immediately, turning his head to the side so he wouldn’t have to face his brother. This was far too embarrassing.
Without warning, Wilbur tazered both of Tommy’s sides with his pointer and middle fingers before suddenly scribbling and squeezing up and down his sides, sending Tommy into loud laughter. “WihIHIHILBuHUHUR!”
Phil giggled at the boy next to him, bringing one of his hands to pinch at Tommy’s ribs. Tommy shrieked, tugging for his hands to be free but was already weakened too much by the tickles.
“WHYHYHYHY!?” Tommy whined through his loud laughter, kicking his legs at the best of his ability with Wilbur having him pinned.
“Tradition, Tom! You know how to get this to stop,” Phil exclaimed, moving his hand to quickly scribble into Tommy’s underarm to get him to shriek before going back to his ribs.
Tommy was too focused on Phil to notice Wilbur had lifted the teens shirt to right below his ribs. He didn’t notice, until he felt a poke to his stomach to get his attention.
“Surprise!” Wilbur exclaimed before lowering his head and blowing a raspberry right on the center of Tommy’s stomach, causing the blonde to shriek and arch his back before slamming right back down onto the floor.
“WIHIHIHILBUHUHUR!” Tommy screamed, managing to pull his arms free and push Wilbur off and away from him. Tommy quickly curled into a ball next to Phil, breathing heavily with a wide smile still on his face. He was already tired to begin with, so he didn’t have much stamina.
“Plehease.. nohoho.. noho mohohore…” Tommy was still giggling from the phantom tickles, his face and ears bright red.
“Toms, we’re done. Don’t worry,” Wilbur’s smile became fond, and he gently lifted Tommy up and carried him bridal style to the couch. He pretended to drop Tommy twice, scaring the life out of Tommy as he shrieked and wrapped his arms around Wilbur both times he did it. Phil lightheartedly scolded Wilbur as the brunette let out his hyena-like laugh.
When the three were sat on the couch, Tommy stayed cuddled closer to Wilbur. He was squished between him and Phil, but he stayed closest to Wilbur. “You guys are mean,” Tommy muttered.
“You agreed to have that be tradition,” Wilbur and Phil reminded the teen in unison. Tommy rolled his eyes.
Tommy soon found it hard to keep his eyes open, and once he fully closed them he was out like a light. Wilbur cooed aloud, as Tommy wasn’t awake to hear and couldn’t kill him for it. Phil found it adorable, but didn’t express it verbally. Wilbur could tell through the look in his eyes and the fond smile on his face what Phil was thinking. And he thought the same;
Tommy is by far the most adorable teenager on this planet.
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sluttywonwoo · 3 years
pretend || j.ww x reader
Summary: reading thirst tweets with your co-star/boyfriend’s best friend makes things a little tense
Warnings: swearing, smut mentions (18+)
Word Count: 1.8k
a/n:  originally posted on my tom holland fic account ( @wazzupmrstark )
The sound of Mingyu cracking his knuckles next to you sent a shiver down your spine, making you cringe instinctively. You turned to glare at him and leaned away from the noise.
“I hate when you do that!” you groaned.
He smirked. “I know, that’s why I like doing it.”
You looked over at Wonwoo, who was sitting across the room with the crew, and pointed to Gyu. 
“Can you tell your best friend to stop being annoying?”
“Can you tell your girlfriend to stop being dramatic?” Mingyu retaliated.
“I’m not picking sides!” Wonwoo shouted back and held up his hands in surrender.
You let your jaw drop. “I’ll remember that, Jeon.”
“Baby, I-” Wonwoo started to defend himself, but fell silent when the producer got up from her chair and approached you and Mingyu who were sitting behind the camera. 
“Which one of you wants to take this?” she asked, holding up a large insulated jug full of paper strips. 
“I’ll take it,” Mingyu offered and set the cup in his lap. 
“What a gentleman,” you said, fighting the urge to roll your eyes. 
“You’re lucky you’re pretty,” he muttered, “because you’re so fucking annoying.”
“Thank you.”
“It wasn’t a compliment.”
The producer gave you both a sideways look. “Are you guys alright? Should we take a minute before starting?”
“No, we’re fine,” you assured her.
“We don’t actually hate each other,” Mingyu added, “this is just how... we are.”
She didn’t look any less concerned, but nodded anyway. “Okay, well remember what your director said about playing up your chemistry to promote the show. And when we call action just give a quick slate and start reading the tweets.”
She walked back over to her spot next to the cameraman and took a seat before looking over a checklist that had been handed to her and writing some notes on it.
“Nervous?” Mingyu whispered to you as you both waited for your cue.
“A little,” you admitted. “You?”
“I’m a bit on edge,” he concurred. “Mostly because your boyfriend is about to watch me read filthy comments about you on-camera.”
You glanced over at Wonwoo who gave you an encouraging smile and a thumbs-up. “He’ll be fine. How bad can they be?”
From a distance, the producer you had just spoken to called for everyone to be quiet on set and signaled the cameras to start rolling. You perked up and straightened your dress, waiting for Mingyu to take the lead. 
“Hi guys, I’m Kim Mingyu.”
“And I’m y/n y/l/n.”
“You might recognize us from our new Netflix series, Breaking Curfew, where we play opposite each other in what you might call a... complicated romantic relationship.”
“We’re enemies with benefits,” you summarized. “And today we’re here with Buzzfeed to read thirst tweets about each other.”
“Ladies first,” Mingyu said and held the cup out to you.
You closed your eyes and sifted through the strips of paper with one hand, selecting one at random. 
“Okay, this one’s about you. ‘Kim Mingyu has the prettiest eyes’.” You grinned as you watched your co-star’s cheeks turn pink. “He’s totally blushing right now! We haven’t even gotten to the good stuff!”
“Thank you very much to whoever tweeted that,” Mingyu said and cleared his throat. 
“I agree with this person,” you continued, “you do have really pretty eyes.”
“Aw, thank you, y/n.”
“You’re welcome.”
“My turn.” Mingyu closed his eyes and rummaged around the cup before picking one. “‘Someone tell y/n y/l/n that I’m single and I get a discount at Olive Garden if she ever wants to let me take her out on a date’.”
You chuckled. “I do like Olive Garden.”
“She’ll get back to you on that one, mate,” Mingyu said quickly and let the crumpled piece of paper fall to the floor. 
You took that as a sign to move on so you reached into the jug and pulled out another tweet.
“Oh, this one’s about me again. ‘Y/n y/l/n scissor me challenge’.” You clapped a hand over your mouth in shock and thrust the slip of paper towards Mingyu.
“You know what, props for being so bold. What do you think, y/n? Are you going to take them up on the offer?”
“I’ll think about it,” you managed to choke out, sending Mingyu into a laughing fit. You fanned yourself with your hand as you tried to recover and motioned for your co-star to read another one. “Your turn.”
“‘Kim Mingyu and y/n y/l/n are my dream celebrity threesome,’” he read. “What a compliment, don’t you think?”
“Oh, for sure,” you agreed and winked as you held your hand to your ear in a call me motion. 
“These are just getting more and more vulgar, aren’t they?” Mingyu asked. 
“I don’t know that anything can beat the scissoring one,” you pointed out as you fished another tweet from the bucket. “Another one about Mingyu, okay. ‘I wanna suck Kim Mingyu’s soul through his dick then spit it back in his face’.” You blinked at the piece of paper in front of you in shock, scanning back over it to make sure you had read it right the first time. “Jesus... christ.”
Mingyu smirked and nudged your shoulder with his. 
You ignored him and pointed a finger at the camera in disgust. “I cannot believe you made me read this with my own two eyes. I could have lived my entire life without seeing those words in a sentence together!”
“I think that’s the best compliment I’ve ever received,” Mingyu countered, running a thumb along his jawline cockily. 
“No, I have beef with whoever tweeted that now.”
“You’re just jealous that I like this tweet better than the threesome one.”
You sighed. “This interview was a bad idea. Your head is already so god damn big.”
Mingyu opened his mouth to retaliate, but paused like he had thought better of it and took a deep breath to compose himself. 
“Anyway, moving on.”
You watched as he sifted through the tweets and chose one from the bottom, reading it to himself and grinning slightly before reading it aloud. 
“‘Petition for y/n y/l/n to start an OnlyFans because I just know her tits are incredible. I can feel it in my bones’.”
You brought your hands up to your boobs self-consciously and laughed. “I don’t know about that, but thank you.”
“I’ve seen them,” Mingyu added nonchalantly, “and I can confirm that twitter user ‘geminisuns’ is correct.”
“What? Do you know how many sex scenes we had to shoot? We’ve seen each other naked plenty of times.”
You looked back over to the crew and made eye contact with the producer. “Do you see what I have to deal with?”
“Maybe we should take a quick break,” she suggested and motioned for the cameras to stop rolling. “Get a drink, freshen up and be back here in five.”
“Do you think they’re going to use that part?” Mingyu asked as he followed you over to the water cooler. 
“I don’t know, dude,” you sighed in annoyance, “but great fucking job. The whole world already thinks we’re boning.”
“I don’t know about the whole world.” You glared at him. “Wonwoo knows we’re not.”
Wonwoo. You had nearly forgotten that your boyfriend was there on set with you. You looked around for him, and saw him still sitting in his designated guest chair looking at his phone. You could only imagine what he must be thinking of all of this. You should probably say something to him. 
You told Mingyu that you’d be back and made your way across the room to Wonwoo. Even from a distance you could tell that he was upset. 
His knuckles were pale and his jaw was tight. He didn’t look up at you when you approached him. 
“Sorry this is taking longer than expected,” you said, brushing a stray curl out of his eyes. 
“Don’t worry about it,” he murmured in response, still not looking at you. 
You sighed and draped yourself across him, slinging your arms loosely across his shoulders as you leaned down to see what he was doing on his phone. He was scrolling aimlessly on Instagram, not even liking any of the posts. 
“If you’re bored you can leave,” you said curtly and stood back up. 
“I’m not bored.”
“You’re not even paying attention to the shoot.”
“Trust me, it’s impossible not to. I’ve been trying to tune it out for the past ten minutes with no luck.”
“Why would you not want to pay attention?” you demanded even though the answer was sitting right in front of you. “This is a big deal for me.”
Wonwoo swallowed and finally looked up at you. “I know, baby. It’s just- do you know how hard it is to listen to my best friend talk about doing all of these dirty things to you-”
“He’s my best friend too,” you pointed out in a quiet hiss. “The only reason we’re together is because of him.”
Sometimes you felt the need to remind Wonwoo that you had known Mingyu longer than you had known him. If Gyu hadn’t brought him to set all those times back when you were filming in the fall, you wouldn’t even know about each other’s existence. 
“I know that.”
“You’ve done interviews like this before,” you argued. 
“I know,” he repeated.
“Then why are you being like this?” He didn’t answer, so you kept going. “You know my bare ass has been on tv, right-”
“Don’t,” Wonwoo warned and grabbed your wrist.
You gasped and flexed your fingers gingerly in his grasp, challenging him. “Don’t what?” 
“Don’t... act like I want to fuck your best friend?”
He narrowed his eyes at you. “You’re enjoying this.” It wasn’t a question.
“Don’t pretend like I’d rather fulfill those tweets with him instead of you? Give the people what they want?”
You had to bite your tongue before you went any further and said something you might regret. Your words had already had the desired effect. You didn’t even have to look at Wonwoo’s lap to know that he was struggling not to get hard. 
You could see it in his eyes. The arousal that had turned the warm brown into black. The way he was looking at you told you everything you needed to know. You wondered if you would even make it back home before he’d break, if he would pull the car over on the side of the road and take you then and there. 
Your knees were weak at the mere thought of what you were in for later that night. Making Wonwoo jealous was admittedly one of your favorite pastimes, purely for selfish reasons. Possessive sex was arguably the best sex. The teasing, the hair-pulling, the choking, the face-fucking, all hit different when Wonwoo was reminding you who you belonged to. 
Wonwoo released your wrist from his grip and raised his eyebrows expectantly. “Are you finished?”
You shook your head and grinned. “Just getting started.”
lmk what you thought; i always appreciate feedback!!
wonwoo tags: @wonw00t
shoot me an ask to be added/removed from my taglist
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allywritesforfun · 3 years
{Ace} Wilbur Soot x Reader
summary: just a small drabble type of thing in honor of wilbur doing so good in ace race today
pronouns: not mentioned
word count: 808
trigger warnings: swearing, suggested sexual themes?
regular masterlist
wilbur masterlist
Tumblr media
This was the first MCC that Wilbur was in that you didn't watch. Work asked you to do some paperwork at home because a co-worker went home sick. You had a hard time saying no, so you agreed just to avoid conflict. At first, you had Wilbur’s stream in the background, but those teenagers sure did have some energy.
This paperwork was gonna take you until dinner, maybe even after. Besides, it will be a fun night to watch the vod with Wilbur and he can do all his fanboying to you. 
You avoided twitter, you knew that seeing updates would lure you into watching. You couldn't let this paperwork take time away from Wilbur, especially on MCC day.
You did manage to get everything done before Wilbur came home, but he already ended his stream. You knew he was on his way or close to packing up. You turned on the tele to pass some time.
The door swung open with force, “Oh my god! What a MCC that was!” 
You looked over your shoulder and saw Wilbur setting his shoes aside. You got off the sofa and made your way over to him, “Went well?”
Wilbur grabbed you by the cheeks and pulled you in for a deep and messy kiss due to how excited he was.
You pulled away, “Wil, Wil, calm down. You can tell me how it went while I start dinner.”
He shook his head and stepped in front of you to keep you from walking away, “We can’t be together anymore, y/n.”
You laughed, “Yeah right. What do you wanna eat?”
Wilbur grabbed your hand and pulled you down to the nearest chair, “I’m serious. I’ve cheated on you.”
You stared back at him, waiting for him to laugh, but he never did. You did your best to make him laugh: innocently looking at him, giving him puppy dog eyes, trying to tickle him, but he wouldn’t break, “Love... you’re serious?”
He sniffed, “I am so sorry, I’m afraid so.”
You rubbed your temples, “It doesn’t make sense. That kiss... and you were gone for five hours playing a fucking block game. When was this?”
He shook his head and turned away from you, “I can’t even look at myself in the  reflection of your beautiful orbs, y/n. I’ve betrayed you, something that can never be forgiven. About an hour and a half ago I was taken on a date and fucked.”
“You fucking-Wil! Don't do that to me ever again. Stop with your jokes, they’re not funny!” You pushed him away from you.
“Love! I am so sorry to tell you this but it was the second best date of my life and I have never been fucked like that before. A roller coaster of emotions, my symphony finally finished. My-”
You rolled your eyes, “I’m not in the mood after that bullshit you just pulled. Fucking spit it out.”
Wilbur swooped his way in front of you, quickly pressing his lips to your head, “I was fucked so good by Ace Race. I was in 2nd for a tiny little bit, y/n. Just the tip they gave me, but they didn't let up. They rammed me into 7th place. My best place yet! All of these months of trying to find a way to kill Ace Race, all of these months of pure hatred, is all wasted. Ace Race is my true MCC Soulmate. I was too blinded in envy to realize it. But y/n, I’ve done it! I have finally gotten my date with Ace Race and fucked all the way through.”
You stared at him open-mouthed. It was times like this that you regretted even looking at him the day you met. You sat there in awe, clueless of what to say. Wilbur doesn’t even talk about you this way, “...Good for you...?”
He took your hands and kissed your knuckles on both hands, “Alas, my dear, y/n, our time is up. I have found a new lover. One that will last a decade and counting. Opportunities like this cannot be foreseen. I will not miss my shot. I will take my shot with fingers blazing. This is our last goodbye.” He placed one hand under your chin and gently rubbed it, the other squeezing your hand. He gave you such an emotional kiss that it felt like he was really leaving for a second. You noticed the small patterns that he rubbed in your palm... that spelt... fucking Ace Race, my fucking god.
You pushed him off of you, “Wilbur fucking Soot! You will be sleeping underneath the fucking bed tonight. Now start boiling some fucking water otherwise you will be fucked by something way bigger than Ace Race.”
He laughed and gave you one last kiss, “Of course, darling.” 
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
could u please do like a harry x youtuber/influencer!reader and like lots of fluff🥺
Hi bubbie! Here you go :)))
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: Language
Harry was panicking. His mum and sister were going to be here in less than two hours and he’s burnt the eggplant parmigiana he had worked tediously on. 
He grabbed what he had left in his fridge - ground beef, shredded cheddar cheese, and a little bit of bacon. 
It was the type of foods he usually strayed away from so sometimes when his shopper would bring this stuff home - he’d avoid it and admittedly sometimes it would go bad sitting in the fridge.
The singer pulls up YouTube onto his phone - hoping something would come up when he typed in the ingredients on the search bar.
He clicks on the first video by cookingwithnofucks. A chuckle at the name as an advertisement plays.
A cute, bubbly girl appears on screen in a beautiful modern kitchen. She has a shirt on that says ‘fuck the patriarchy and eat pizza’. A high ponytail and minimal makeup.
“Okay - today we’re making a cheeseburger casserole,” the girl chirps, “It’s a heart attack in a dish but it’s so fucking good.”
Harry finds himself smiling as he crinkles his nose - it sounds absolutely disgusting but he’s intrigued more by the girl on the screen.
“Shit, I forgot to introduce myself. Hiii, if you’re new - I’m Y/N and I do cooking shit. Subscribe to my channel and all that jazz,” she titters while cutting open her beef package.
Harry follows along step-by-step, shaking his head as she doesn’t describe the instructions nearly well enough and is generally all over the place.
It’s a fucking cooking channel and at one point the meat starts burning. She just laughs and says, “s’just a little crispy!” 
The casserole turns out looking even better than Y/N’s to be honest. It’s done in just the right amount of time for him to shower before his family arrives.
He makes sure to subscribe to her channel - eyebrows raising when he sees that she has 16 million subscribers.
Harry wanted to spend longer, looking at her social media but there was a fixed time so he locked his phone and went to get ready.
Anne - always the sweetheart just tells Harry that the casserole is delicious even as a bit of grease runs down her fork from the fatty meats.
Gemma wasn’t as kind, grimacing at the casserole and remarking, “You truly are turning into an American, huh?”
Laying in bed that night, Harry swipes back onto YouTube. Going back to the page he just subscribed to - under a pseudonym. He clicks on another video.
“Uh, okay. So I’m cooking...fuck, it’s called unicorn bark. It looks like a magical animal puke but it looks delicious so we’re going to try it.”
Harry realizes he’s been watching this girl cook for nearly an hour. Different videos from desserts to dinners.
She curses like a sailor, fucks up almost every recipe, and makes a mess everywhere. But she’s smiling and talkative which makes him quite memorized by her.
“I hate editing,” Y/N groans, letting her head fall dramatically against the desktop. Her best friend and dog looked at her oddly.
“I keep saying you need to hire someone, you stubborn bitch,” Laney retorts, clicking through her Instagram feed.
“Fuck off,” she tells her friend with no real heat. The video was almost fully edited - how to make spicy as fuck jalapeño poppers.
There is a calm silence for a while until Laney gasps, “Holy shit.”
“What is it?” Y/N asks, not really caring as she clicks her mouse to trim a segment.
“Harry fucking Styles just followed you on Instagram and Twitter!” Laney shouts, her dog - Rufus popping his head up in confusion.
Y/N looks at her friend to see if she’s really serious and sees no signs of deception. “Oh my god,” Y/N replies. She loved Harry Styles in One Direction and as a solo artist - a fangirl if you will.
Y/N was a well-known influencer and has run in the circles of many celebrities. She’s even met Liam Payne but she’s never been able to bump into Harry.
Her alerts tell her it to be true, she swallows as she looks back up at Laney, “He dm’ed me.”
“Open it! What did he say?” She squeals, squeezing herself on the chair next to her, peering over her shoulder at the phone.
Y/N is a bit nervous, trying not to have a mini aneurysm as she opens the message thread.
HarryStyles: Hello. Just wanted to let you know that your cheeseburger casserole recipe saved my ass last night. Cheers x
“He’s totally coming onto you,” Her friend states instantly, bouncing excitedly - she also had a bit of a crush on the singer.
It takes the two of them a minute to cool their shit before Y/N manages a reply.
Y/N/LN: Well I guess it’s only fair. Your songs have made a few of my nights much better. I’m a bit of a slut for Fine Line.
Harry laughs behind his screen at the cheeky reply he gets back. He’s usually never this forward - especially on social media where he likes to fly under the radar.
HarryStyles: Well if you fancy my music that much, I totally love for you to come to a show. I’m performing in New York City in two weeks.
“This has to be a joke, right?” Y/N sputters to her friend, eyes wide at the invite to a concert she already had tickets to.
Y/N/LN: I’m not going to lie, I already have tickets to the show. However, I don’t have any backstage passes to meet the man of the hour. Do you know someone who can hook me up?
It does wonders for Harry’s narcissism to know that she already had tickets for his concert. Was he really going to do this? He hasn’t met up with some like this since his One Direction days.
He had to remind himself - she may just be friendly and take this as a totally casual interaction. Which would be normal, Harry really shouldn’t be so infatuated with someone he’s watched cook on social media.
HarryStyles: I think I can arrange that. Shoot me your number? I’ll have them sent digitally to you with instructions on how to get backstage.
Y/N is a bit dumbfounded at how fast they agreed to meet up. A harmless backstage tour - he could just be a fan of hers and totally not interested, right?
Over the next few weeks, they never really stop texting. Harry sends her pictures of the recipes he copies off her channel - that usually always look better than the original. He sends her clips of him goofing around during tour rehearsal. FaceTimes her when he’s finally home for the night.  
She sends him videos of her watching Harry Styles Best Moment Part Five. A few photos she snaps throughout the city of him on billboards and buildings, in Times Square. YN facetimes him when she’s frustrated with filming or watched a sad movie.
It didn’t make sense to either of them how seamlessly they’d clicked - especially without meeting. They were a perfect balance for each other. Harry - laidback, organized, level-headed. Y/N - eccentric, all over the place, adventurous. 
Jeff had told him that he’s been gaining media attention from his social media interactions with Y/N. They like each other’s photos, begin following each other’s friends, and comment goofy things on their posts.
“Listen, I have a great idea,” Y/N begins - which Harry learned is never good. “You should film a video with me sometime.”
Y/N knew she was going out on a limb and instantly regretted the questions she’d been building the courage to ask for days when it’s quiet on his end. There’s static for a moment and Y/N needs to fill the silence.
“It was - I was just, uh, I know you’re probably too busy. I was -“ She stutters, embarrassment flooding her.
Harry cuts her off, “I’d love to.”
“Yo-you would?” She asks timidly. Was she really going to have Harry Styles in her apartment? If so, should she take down her poster?
He laughs sweetly, “Why do you sound so surprised? I can’t wait to come to New York, love.”
Y/N giggles, “Not the fact that you’re performing in front of a sold out crowd at MSG? I don’t think seeing me will top that.”
“I’ve been looking forward to meetin’ you in person since I came across your channel. You so lovely,” Harry replies, his voice a little softer but more serious.
“I’m nervous,” Y/N admits, picking at a thread in her jeans.
“Me too,” Harry murmurs, despite not wanting to admit it - he wanted her to know this was new territory for both of them. He didn’t want her to think that this was something that he did often. But a little too prideful to admit it’s the first time he’s ever done something quite like this.
“What if you don’t like me?” Y/N whispers, she...well she didn’t compare to the models he’s been seen with before. She’s regretfully fell into the rabbit hole of looking up his past flings and relationships.
Harry barks out a disbelieving laugh, “You can’t be serious, darling. I’ve been gone for you since I saw you burn that ground beef.”
Harry was having a bad day - scratch that. An awful one. He tried to go get coffee at eight in the morning and got bombarded by fans, he left the shop without even ordering. They followed him back to his car and it took him fifteen minutes to pull out.
His favorite Mickey Mouse Gucci suitcase he was bringing along on tour had busted. The zipper unraveling and the trim falling off as a result. It was a one-of-a-kind.
Then he’d been stuck on a Skype meeting about tour merchandise with a group of business partners for the last three hours - all he wanted was a fucking nap.
When Y/N’s contact vibrated across his screen, he’s itching to answer but declines as he needs to give these people his attention.
When she calls again, Harry feels a prickle of annoyance. It’s not even at her - to be quite honest. It’s just the shitty day and everything’s piling up.
He always got like this before he kicked off a tour - stress level maxed out and his ability to handle minor incidents nearly shot.
I’m busy
Okay! Sorry, just have a super exciting surprise for you, bub! 
I really do not feeling like talking. I’d rather be left alone.
Oh, alright. Hope everything’s okay! Do you still want to facetime later?
Harry leaves her on read because he doesn’t want to slip up and take out his frustration on her. He’d been known to do that and he didn’t want her to think he was anything but besotted with her.
Y/N feels a little hesitant as she begins the uploading process to her channel. The red loading bar told her it’d be twenty-minutes before it’s going to be posted to her 16 million subscribers - one of them being Harry himself. 
Twenty-minutes for her to back out and cancel the upload. She starts having doubts about it when Harry never replies to her text which is unlike him. 
She takes Rufus out to avoid staring at the loading screen with unnecessary anxiety and uneasiness.
Harry is just getting home from a business dinner with the touring company’s management team. The tension and anxiety from today piling up on his shoulders and he just wants to call Y/N and crash in bed. 
He tosses his keys in the little bowl in the entry and kicks off his dingy white vans to the side. His phone dings with an alert from Gemma.
You two are the literal cutest ever. It’s quite gross.
Harry slides onto a stool in his kitchen, confused by the text message before she’s sending the link to him.
Fine Line Inspired Cupcakes!
Harry isn’t quite sure why his heart starts pounding furiously in his chest. A sinking feeling in his stomach when he realizes that this was probably the surprise she was excited about.
He clicks on the thumbnail.
“Hiiii, it’s Y/N. Okay, well today we are going to bake some Fine Line inspired cupcakes. And if you haven’t listened to the album - get your ass out from rock you’re living under and stream it on Spotify!”
She has her hair down in long, waves and a loose cropped shirt that says TPWK in rainbow embroidery.
Harrys mouth is dry and he can’t take his fucking eyes away from the screen. 
“Soo, I was thinking the first batch would be cherry flavored? ‘Cause he has a song titled ‘Cherry’. Let’s start there. First - I need to find my measuring cups.”
In true Y/N fashion, she scours her kitchen - cussing and yanking stuff out of her neatly organized cabinets before huffing and storming off to the side.
She comes back into view, a little frazzled but smiling when she holds up the ring of plastic measuring spoons, visible bite marks notched into the material.
“My asshole of a dog had a little snack,” Y/N shows the camera before shrugging, “Let’s get this shit started. Okay, you’re going to need one cup of sugar - no wait, two? I can’t read my fucking handwriting.”
Harry’s absolutely enamored by this scatter-brained, giggly girl who manages to produce cute blue and pink cupcakes that very vaguely resembled his album cover. His heart felt a million times too big for his chest.
He was enraptured for the entirety of the thirty minute video without taking his eyes away once.
To be honest, he hadn’t felt this way since his last relationship which was over a year ago at this point.
It’s not even a thought as he’s requesting a FaceTime with Y/N. 
She answers after a few rings. She has a green face mask painted on her nose, chin, and forehead with gold eye masks under each eye. She is so fucking ridiculous it’s not even funny. 
What is even more ridiculous is how gone Harry is realizing he is for her. She was quirky, unfiltered, carefree. If he was honest - he hadn’t met a girl like that in a very long time - especially a well-known influencer.
“Hi! How was your day, grumpy?” Y/N asks brightly, making a goofy face as the mask begins to tighten and crack on her skin. Not holding the earlier conversation against him and deciding to just move forward. She understood how stressful it can be.
“M’sorry. I was a bit grumpy,” He admits, “I loved your new video, darling. Did you make those just f’me?”
He can tell she’d be blushing if her face wasn’t covered, a bit bashful as she mutters, “You already know I did it for you.”
“You’re too sweet to me, only six days until we meet,” Harry replies, voice taking on a slow, lazy drawl. 
“Six days,” Y/N repeats, eyes crinkling as she smiles with excitement.
“Is this outfit too much?” Y/N panics. Even though there’s literally nothing she can do about it - they’re already walking towards the backstage entrance of the massive arena. It’s still about two hours until the show starts but Harry requested her to come earlier.
Laney sighs, “For the millionth time, you look fucking sexy and Harry’s going to want to rail you right when he sees you.”
Y/N shoves her lightly with a faux annoyance as they meet up with a burly man who’s blocking the entrance to the backstage hallway and rooms.
She gives him their names and pulls up the passes on her phone before he’s nodding with any expression and letting them pass.
They’re not quite sure where to go from here so they begin to wander down the long hallway toward what looks to be the main area that people are milling about.
Y/N is nearly on the ground when someone rounds the corner without looking and walks right into her. Both of them let out huffs of air as they collide and attempt to stabilize themselves.
But there are large hands grasping her arms and holding her steady. In typical Y/N fashion she’s already cursing, “fuckin like a brick wall, look out next time.”
Then she’s looking up to Harry staring back down at her with an amused expression. He doesn’t let go of her and instead tugs her against his bare chest. He’s warm and a bit sweaty - like he’d just worked out. He was only in a pair of thin, running shorts, nike tennis shoes, and a little clip holding his hair off of his face.
Y/N can’t help but wrap her arms around his waist, returning the embrace and amazed by how right it feels to be in his arms. Her face tucks right against his collarbone and it’s like they’d known each other for years.
Pictures and videos don’t do this man justice. He’s gorgeous - sharp edges and dark inked skin. Tall and muscular but dimples that are carved in his cheeks. 
“Nice to meet you, m’Harry,” Harry rumbles, removing one hand from Y/N’s shoulder to reach out his hand to her friend.
Laney shakes his hand before asking, “Laney. I’ll leave you two lovebirds be. Where’s the food?”
Harry chuckles against Y/N’s wavy hair, “Down the hall to the left.”
Laney’s trailing off without another glance, she was very food motivated despite her skinny frame. Also not wanting to intrude of the very personal first moments of their meeting.
The popstar pulls back to look down at the girl he’s fallen for in mere weeks. She’s as beautiful as he thought she'd be - if not more. He can’t help himself, “Would it be too forward to kiss you?”
Y/N smiles widely, running a hand along his jawline, “I’ve wanted you to kiss me since you stayed up on FaceTime with me until two in the morning as I cried after watching The Notebook - despite me seeing it a million times.”
Harry ducks forward to press his lips softly to her, large hands come to cup the side of her face as they connect. He’s so gentle as he moves his mouth against hers. In true Y/N fashion, she’s bold and has no hesitation slipping her tongue into his mouth.
He’s so fucking in love with her. It doesn’t make much sense - it’s definitely not logical but he’s realizing that’s okay.
“Oii, get a room!” Someone shouts from down the hallway teasingly.
Harry flips them the middle finger and pulls back, pink lips swollen and puffy, dimples on full display, “Let me take you out to dinner after the show, darling.”
“You going to wine and dine me, Styles?” Y/N giggles, unable to contain the pleasant warmness he’s spreading through her body. 
“Mmm, have t’make sure you’ll want to keep me,” Harry murmurs happily against her lips once again, pressing kiss after kiss to her to make sure she’s real, “Definitely want to keep you.”
Y/N bites teasingly at his bottom lip, hand planted on the soft but firm skin of his stomach, “You’re never getting rid of me, hope you know that.”
“Was hoping you’d say that, now let me introduce you to my band.”
                                  -- ---- ---- -- 1 year later - -- --- --- --
“Hi bitches! Today is a super special day. We have the one, the only Harry Styles filming with us. I know that’s not really that special since he’s on here all the time with me. But we’re celebrating our one year anniversary!” Y/N smiles, bumping hips with Harry who stands dutifully next to her. 
Anyone viewing can see the absolute heart-eyes and adoration he has for the girl standing next to him. He’s still as lovestruck and gone for her as he was the first time they met. Harry’s fans were thrilled - for the first time in years, he’d opened up again.
They weren’t very public on social media beside’s tagging each other in memes and posting the occasional picture. Y/N was constantly uploading cooking videos from wherever in the world she was with Harry on his tour, she’d also begin making vlogs about different foods she’s been experiencing.
“Okay, so here in Peru - they’re known to have this really fucking spicy beef with noddles. So obviously, I’m going to make Harry try it first,” Y/N laughs as she props the camera up on the side of the table on a napkin holder.
Harry - who has a concert in a few hours - frowns at the steaming dish in front of him, “Darling, I don’t want to try it first. It’s going to burn my mouth. Not gonna be able to sing.”
“You’re sucha baby sometimes,” Y/N rolls her eyes, slurping up the noodles with her fork while making a silly face at her boyfriend. She pulls back, straight-faced, “It’s not hot at all. Tastes amazing, though.”
Harry takes that as an initiative to shovel a spoonful into his mouth. It only takes half a moment until his taste buds erupt in fiery flames from the spices, “You bloody little brat, y’tricked me! It’s so fuckin’ hot!”
Y/N smiles widely, laughing much too loudly in the restaurant when Harry chugs the glass of water next to the plate while glaring at his love. “I’m sorry, s’just to easy with you, lovie,” She replies, leaning over the table to press a kiss to his lips. 
He’s a sucker for her and kisses her right back despite his mouth being an inferno. His heart was on fire for her and that burned much more intensely.
“No, love. The instructions say baking soda, not baking powder. They’re not the same thing,” Harry sighs, attempting to read her scribbled, sloppy handwriting. She’d already spilled milk on half of the paper.
“S’interchangeable, right?” Y/N hums, cracking an egg into the bowl and Harry automatically knows to look to fish out the eggshells that’d she’d let slip in because she sucks at cracking eggs but always wants to do it.
Harry reaches over her, grabbing the vanilla extract and a teaspoon, “It’s not, baby. Lemme do this real quick.”
“Will you make me a grilled cheese after this?” She asks, nuzzling into his side and wrapping her arms around his waist as he finishes adding the wet ingredients to their bowl. Harry stopped questioning her thought process a long time ago.
Harry swipes his finger into the mixture of icing off to the side and rubs it right onto her nose, cackling at her pout and squeaking when she pinches at the fleshy skin of his hips. She in turn dips her finger into the sugary cream and pops it right into her mouth.
Harry eyes darken, watching her lips purse as she sucks off the icing. It was a dirty move on Y/N’s part and she knows it. It has her boyfriend dragging an icing-covered thumb along her collarbone before leaning down to slowly lick up the sugary trail with his tongue.
When Y/N slides her fingers into his hair and lets out a pretty moan, Harry’s standing back up, trailing over to the tripod and saying into the camera, “We’ll be back after a little commercial break,” and is then turning off the record button.
It takes little to no time for Harry to have Y/N’s bum on the countertop, mouth on her neck, and hand in-between her thighs.
And when they finally posted a very edited final cut of the video - well there may be a couple of fans who notice the how flushed Y/N is halfway through and a lovely purple mark on Harry’s neck that wasn’t there in the beginning of the video.
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finelinevogue · 3 years
for tour content, maybe you could do an imagine that’s like a series of small moments like little interactions on stage or picking tour outfits or nights in the tour bus/airplane ! just little domestic things <3
i’m going to do this because i have so many weird ideas and just no way of putting them all together ! ;
Grilled Cheese Conversations
The tour bus smelt like it was on fire.
You had been sitting in the living room with Harry for a couple of hours, both of you just skimming through photos from the Met Gala together - judging obviously, before Harry announced he wanted to make himself some food and so left for the kitchen.
He’d been in there for 45 minutes now and the smells that were diffusing from their smelt bloody awful. Harry could cook really extravagant foods, like caviar and lobster, but when it came to something as simple as making a sandwich he was absolutely terrible for some reason. The point was proven when he walked back into the room with a burnt coal looking sandwich.
“What, is that?” You laughed, still sitting with your phone in your hand and waiting for him to come back so you could continue judging these Met outfits together.
“It’s a grilled cheese sandwich?” He spoke as if you were dumb and you should have known that instantly. He walked over to you, sitting down next to you and resting the plate on the table in front of him.
“No, that’s a piece of char.” You raised your eyebrows disapprovingly and watched as he scowled at you for being mean to his culinary skills.
“Well i’m sure it’ll taste great.” He looked smug, up until he took a bite from the cheesy melted - burnt - bread. As soon as the food touched his tongue he was quick to spit it back out again, you groaning in disgust. He pushed the plate away and looked at it in anger. “45 bloody minutes and it tastes of burnt wood.”
“I’m not even going to ask why you know that.” You raised your hands and laughed, watching as he turned to scowl at you again. He had quite the angry face when he wanted to. “Sorry, alright! Do you want me to go make you one?” You asked, sitting up to go and make him one if he wanted.
Harry pulled you into his lap so you were sat with your back to his front, his arms looping around your waist tightly to keep you with him. His chin rested on your shoulder and he kissed your cheek because he could. “No. Stay w’me.” He got all cuddly and soft and you loved it when Harry was like this. He was like a life-size version of your stuffed teddy bear you used to sleep with at night - all cute and cuddly.
“Okay, okay.” You calmed him when he thought you were just going to get up and go. “Let’s judge some people again.” You pulled out your phone and opened it to a twitter account which had posted all of them.
“Where did we get up to?” Harry asked, fiddling with the skin on your stomach as his hands snaked beneath your hoodie.
“Um, Kim K.” You clicked on the image of her and tried to hold back the laugh. It was a dreadful outfit and highly meme worthy, so you’ve heard.
“Well…” Harry sighed, reaching his own hand to swipe seeing as he didn’t have anything more to say on this particular one.
“Billie looked beautiful.” You smiled as Billie’s huge dress came on display, looking a fluffy pink marshmallow dream. She looked very Monroe with her makeup and you were always so shocked when people told you her age, because she looked so mature.
“She must’ve taken inspiration from Marilyn Monroe.” Harry added, nodding in approval of Billie’s outfit.
“More so than bloody Addison Rae.” You laughed, thinking about how far that had been from the truth.
“Addison who?” Harry asked and it made you smile and turn your head around to look at him. He looked down at you, noticing the cheeky glint in your eyes and couldn’t help but steal a glance at your beautiful lips.
“This is why I love you.” You sighed happily and gave him a kiss on the lips, cupping his cheek to direct him better. You were only going for a peck, but Harry made it that you got the full taste of him and kissed you for a minute longer. He felt perfect against you and you really did just simply love him.
“Yeah,” Harry broke from the kiss for a brief moment to tell you something important, “and I love you.”
All Things Sparkles
It was an hour before the Dallas show and Harry was getting ready for another big show.
Dallas were known for being crazy and you were so excited for the energy they’d bring for Harry tonight. Harry always enjoyed the shows more when the crowd was actually ecstatic to be there and he knew Dallas wouldn’t let him down.
He was putting on his silk trousers, Lambert just to the side as he was ironing the shirt to get rid of all its crinkles. Your Harry currently looked so funny in his Gucci silk trousers, his bright yellow socks with bananas all over them, his suspenders hanging down by his sides and no shirt on as of yet. It was the socks that really pieced everything together. He had just had his hair and makeup done, just needing to get dressed before he was completely ready.
He was really glowing tonight. It made you happy to see him like this.
You were watching him through the vanity mirror as you touched up your own makeup, adding highlighter to the areas you wanted to shine a little brighter. You also started adding some gems around your eyes, wanting to be a bit different tonight along with your glittery eye shadow that you didn’t normally do. You were glueing your gems when you felt your boyfriends presence behind you, the heat of his bare chest radiating against the skin of your back.
“You look stunning, m’love.” You looked up through the vanity to catch his gaze, he smiled and you smiled back.
“Thank you. Not too bad looking y’self.” You cheekily replied, motioning towards his bare chest. “Are y’going to be keeping that out all night?” You asked, being hopeful that he would, because fuck it was hot, but also wouldn’t, because you wanted this part of him all to yourself.
“You’d like that wouldn’t y’yeah.” He squinted his eyes at you and nodded, a clear sign that no his tits were not going to be out for Dallas. “Up.” He spoke, lifting you up from under your armpits and walking around the chair so that he could sit down himself. He plonked you right back on top of his lap and watched as you leant forwards to add another gem to the corner of your eye.
“Y’putting me off.” You whined, your ass leaning right back onto the hard of his cock. He couldn’t keep soft around you, that was his kryptonite.
“Oh i’m sorry. It’s not like m’girlfriend is just sitting there looking ridiculously beautiful and yet so innocent.” He leaned forwards to whisper the rest of his words, because they were only for you. “Just look so fuckable right now.”
You had to bite your tongue from turning around and shoving it down his throat, because god did his words make you want to jump his bones. “Shut up, before y’get us both in trouble.” You wiggled your ass back over his cock as you sat back to admire the work of the gems brightening up around your eyes.
“Then stop being a fuckin’ tease.” He grabbed your hips and stopped your from moving anymore. You just smiled and put the lid back on the glue before it went everywhere, especially over Harry’s expensive clothing - even the banana socks were £17.
You looked at him through the mirror to find him already looking at you. You blushed quietly as you watched him take in your beauty. It was quite hard to get over just how ethereal he looked tonight and it made you so feral knowing he was all yours and only yours. Looking down at the gems you got an idea.
“Do y’want me to put some gems on y’too?” You asked, pointing to the ones around your eyes and thinking that he’d looked even prettier with some around his.
“Only if i’m matching w’you yeah.” Harry nodded excitedly. You got up from the chair and swizzled yourself around until you were sat back on his lap, only this time straddling him. You were so close to him now that it was getting ridiculously harder to stop yourself from taking him here and now. You leant down, instead, and gave him a lasting kiss on the skin covering his heart. Your lips lingered there for a moment, before you moved back up to see him already staring down. He smiled when he saw the stain of your lipstick printed over where his heart beat. “I proper love you, Y/N.” He smiled and cupped your chin in his fingers to bring your lips to him.
“No!” Lambert shouted, making you two pause. “You two’ll never stop if you start, so don’t start until after the bloody show.” He rolled his eyes and continued with his ironing, making you and Harry chuckle feeling like high-school kids.
“Okay, now stay still.” You spoke as you glued the first gem and held it steady against the corner of his eye. He wanted to keep his eyes open to keep looking at you, because that’s all he ever wanted to do, but you instructed him to close them just to be on the safer side. It went on easy, sticking to the outer corner of his eye, in a soft white colour that matched his trousers. Yours were the same creamy white colour to match the colour of your dress.
“Do I look pretty yet?” Harry asked rhetorically, but you replied anyways.
“Y’look pretty always.” You kissed the top of his nose whilst you glued the other gem. He closed his eyes as you told him to, but he still smiled at your words. You concentrated as you stuck the gem to the corner of the other eye and sat back to make sure they were even. Harry opened his eyes to see you making sure they looked good. “S’perfect.”
“Like you then.” He hummed in appreciation of you.
“Let’s see then.” Lambert asked, making you both turn in the chair to face him and you readjusting yourself so you were sat back against his chest. “Oh yes! Okay this is photo worthy.” Lambert took out his phone and held it up to face you both, making sure you could see the gems.
“I don’t even have a shirt on!” Harry exclaimed, but held you close anyways as you smiled for the photos and his words making you belly laugh. You posed more seriously for a few and then took a few silly ones to. Your favourite one, though, was one where you were laughing so happily and Harry was looking at you and smiling in awe over you.
He set it as his lock screen. You set it as yours. It would stay that way until your new favourite photos became your wedding day photos.
Sign Of The Times
Tonight was the first Love on Tour show you were attending, only having missed opening night in Las Vegas.
Harry knew that you were coming, but you’d told him to source you out within the crowds because you wanted a full fan experience. You’d gotten the all-clear from Harry’s security, allowing your from backstage and straight through into the cherry pit. You had your lanyard and your sign ready, as fans started to pile in. You were originally going to go straight to the barricade, but you thought the fans deserved that more than you so you hung back and stayed the ends of the crowds.
A few fans spotted you and came up to asking for photos, so you did. Posing with your mask on was weird because you still smiled underneath the mask even though it wouldn’t be seen in the photo. Some fans asked whether they could stay and dance with you ask night to which you were so happy for, because dancing alone would’ve been embarrassing even for you.
The intro for golden started and the crowds were deafening, but all you could think about was your boyfriend and his challenge to spot you within the crowds. Golden and Carolina came and went, you dancing like a crazed fan along with all your new friends. Everyone was so happy and some were even crying tears of joy.
There was just love, love, love, everywhere.
Harry came to his first pause and took a quick drink since he was already quite hot and the altitude in Denver was crazy.
“Good evening Denver!” He shouted into the mic, waiting for the screams of his fans to uproar and then settle before speaking on, “The altitude is crazy here. I’ve barely done anything and I can’t breathe!” He spoke, making you slightly anxious for him but you knew he would be okay because he had an oxygen tank on stage. “Now, m’girlfriend is somewhere here tonight and i’ve gotta find Y/N before I lose the challenge.”
The fans around you started screaming that you were here and the message kept on getting passed down the crowds until they reached the front. Harry was walking around your side of the stage until he met the fans at the front saying that you were behind them. Harry held his hand over his eyes to help him find you better and you held up your sign to help him. Your sign had taken you all of 5 minutes to doodle, but the message was clear;
“I want a kiss from the one in suspenders.”
“There y’are.” He laughed when he saw your sign, dropping his mic and leaning over himself to catch his breathe from the belly laugh that he just let out. You smiled when you saw him laugh, the fans around you screaming and thanking you for making him be this way. Harry stood up and looked at you, messing with his earpiece so he could hear the arena better.
“Kiss me!” You shouted and the people around you were also shouting for him to kiss you. Even with masks on Harry could clearly understand the message.
“I wanna kiss you but I can’t!” He spoke through his mic and his voice echoed throughout the arena, making everyone scream and you simply blush. You knew he couldn’t come and just give you a kiss, it would be too dangerous, but he sent you loads of blown kisses instead and you kept them all. You sent your own back and he stuffed them all in his back pocket, before moving on to his next song before he got told off.
“Damn, he really loved you.” One of your new fans friends says next to you and all you could think was; yeah, yeah he does.
My Only Angel*
For four hours he had been gone.
Four hours since he was in this hotel room with you. Four hours since you had first started acting like a brat. Four hours since he’d gotten fed up of our attitude and tied you up and left a vibrator pulsing against your clit. Four hours since your first orgasm, four minutes since your last.
The whole time Harry had been on stage, all he could think about was you being bound tight in his hotel room and dripping wet from the number of orgasms you would’ve had. He knew you’d never be able to hold yourself for four hours, so he didn’t say you couldn’t cum only he forgot to mention that the number of times that you did cum would be the number of times he denied you later on in the evening. Harry had gotten especially hard performing Only Angel, because that was your song that he’d written for you and then fucked you countless times to. Fans noticed, but put it down to the adrenaline of being onstage rather than the thought of his girlfriend being tied up and overstimulated back in his hotel room.
You just came down from the high of another orgasm when Harry walked through the door. You sighed when you saw him, thinking this would finally be it and he’d let you go free now you’ve suffered your punishment. That was wishful thinking, however.
“Oh, I didn’t see you there.” Harry pretended, wanting to tease you as much as possible, as he walked past you and hung his jacket on the back of a chair.
“H-harry.” You sighed, squeezing your eyes when you moved and felt the vibrator hit and new and exciting angle. You moaned quietly and had to suppress the embarrassing cries you wanted to let out.
“Yes?” Harry moved so he was standing at the edge of the bed, undoing the buttons on his shirt one-by-one. He looked so hot with his sleeves rolled and the suspenders already dropped down to his sides.
“I-I please s-st- enough.” You whimpered, pulling on the restraints to try and stop it yourself but you’d already tried that one too many times and nothing has come of it.
Your wrists were slightly red and bruised from all the tugging you’d been doing and Harry noticed that as he peeled away his shirt from his body. He threw the silk shirt somewhere else in the room and walked over to the right side of the bed, sitting down to get a closer look at your wrists. He leant down to give it a gentle rub and a kiss. You sighed in delight at the feeling of his cool lips burn against your flaming skin. Harry sat up and tilted your face to the side so you could face him, slight tears in your eyes. He looked at you for a few moments, taking in the shear beauty of you and your glorious body, before making sure you were alright.
“What’s your colour, baby?” He asked you gently, stroking your cheek and then running his thumb along your bottom lip with a soft pull.
“G-green.” You nodded and he smiled, leaning in to kiss you on your desperate lips. You basked in the taste of him, closing your eyes like you needed to save this moment to memory forever. You loved him like this, when he was dominant with you. He let you be submissive like you wanted to be.
“That’s my good girl.” He leaned back from you and moved onto the bed more, straddling your bare body. The silk of his pants felt erotic against your hot skin and you moaned at the dreamy sensation. He ran his large, ringed, hands up and down your body, feeling every curve and crevice. He massaged your boobs lightly in his hands, up and down your stomach and to your inner thighs behind him. You hummed at the feeling, gasping when Harry finally turned off the vibrator and moved it away from you. You felt lighter from freedom all of a sudden.
“T-hank you.” You breathed out, opening your eyes to meet his electric green ones. Wow, he looked beautiful - still slightly sweaty and hot from his concert.
“Don’t thank me yet, angel.” He grinned as he took down his trousers and pants, pushing them to the floor with his foot.
He didn’t even wait for you to register what was going on before he slipped himself inside of you. You loved the feeling so greatly, but your clit was still so sensitive. You shuddered as he picked up his pace and thrusted into you harder and harder, faster and faster. The sound of his skin slapping against yours, made you arch your back and your toes curl and then feeling if him so deep inside of you was enough to make you cum already, again.
“Feel s-so good.” You looked at him and saw the desire within his eyes. He was so full of lust right now, because the sight of you tied up with him pounding into you is better than simply imagining it. Nothing could feel more euphoric than this, both of you were sure of that.
“Yeah? Feel me all around you? So perfect f’me. M’beautiful angel.” Harry moaned out, cupping one of his hands around your throat and pushing you deeper into the mattress, whilst his other hand went to cup your breasts and give them the devotion they deserved.
Everything felt everywhere.
His rocks became sloppier as he reached his high, yours approaching much sooner than you thought it would. You were surprised you actually had anything left in you. His cock hit a spot inside of you that made you scream out and he felt you collapse around him all at once, causing his own release to quickly follow. He continued to fuck you through your release and bent himself over to press his lips to yours. He felt and tasted amazing, you couldn’t get enough. It would never be enough.
“Love you so much.” You spoke the best you could and Harry released his hand from your throat, leaning down to kiss it softly. He reached over to your hands to untie them afterwards, giving them both a few kisses over your wrists when he saw the harsh marks. Your arms were so tired that they just fell to your sides, but Harry kept on touching you softly; stroking your messy hair away from your face and caressing your cheek softly as if he hadn’t just fucked you raw. He kept his face close to you as he whispered the words that would stay imprinted on your heart forever.
“I love you, Y/N.”
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idy-ll-ique · 3 years
Do Your Job.
Pairing: Chris Evans x F!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Requested: Nope
Warnings: None
Summary: Y/N doesn't know how to say no. And Chris doesn't like that.
Author's Note: Hiya peeps! Angry!Chris in this fic, kind of Naive!Reader... Enjoy
Chris watched with a clenched jaw as the woman winced upon hearing her boss. He didn't like her boss, at all. "Y/N! Why haven't you made my coffee yet?" he screamed at her, despite standing only a few feet away from her. "I-I was… I was helping Peter…" she tried saying and Chris' hands balled into fists when the man took a few steps towards her, pointing a threatening finger in her face.
"Does he pay you? Huh? Are you his assistant? Now get lost and get me some coffee, fast! No excuses!" Teary-eyed after being screamed at, Y/N whirled around and walked out of the room. Chris wanted nothing more than to just grab that asshole's neck and squeeze until the life poured out of him. "Hey, everything okay?" He snapped out of his thoughts and turned to his co-star, Michelle Dockery.
"I, uh, yeah… yeah, I'm fine, why?" Michelle didn't miss his grumpiness. "Come on, you were sitting there like you were imagining someone's murder," she snorted, plopping down on the couch next to him. "His," Chris huffed, nodding his head towards Y/N's boss who was speaking to one of the extras on set. "What did he do?" Michelle frowned and turned to look as well.
"That man does not know how to treat his assistant."
It was the last week of filming Defending Jacob. Y/N had caught Chris' eye on his first day at work; she had him wrapped around her finger in the first week. She was super beautiful, very polite, kind and helpful. She cracked funny jokes and whenever she entered a room, it seemed to get a little brighter and livelier. Chris wanted to ask her out, but chickened out whenever he tried to approach her.
They hadn't talked, ever. Sure, sometimes he'd catch her looking in his direction during breaks and in-between shoots, but he never thought anything of it. He was Chris Evans, people were gonna stare. But, in the first month of filming, Chris realized that the woman had a bad habit— she didn't know how to say no. Ever. She never, ever said no to anyone. And that annoyed him.
Y/N, can you come here for a bit?
She would get up without question, and follow the voice. He once saw her sitting down for a quick lunch and she had only had one bite before someone called for her. And he had watched as she kept her lunch away and walked towards the person. That had made him unbelievably angry, because even after her work, she didn't eat. She gave up on lunch. He had come very close to talking to her that day.
His pent up frustration increased day-by-day, as more and more people started using Y/N's overly helpful nature to their advantage. He noticed how she ran around from place to place all day, how she'd practically collapse on a seat the moment she got a break and would softly groan when she heard her name not even 15 seconds later. And the worst part? None of the people she helped were polite.
Once, he saw Y/N helping someone with her dress and the moment the job was done, the other woman had walked away without a word, talking to some of her friends. He saw how Y/N had just stared at the woman, blinking, expecting a thank you but receiving nothing in return. He noticed the disappointed sigh she heaved after and left to do her other work. That incident had just made him want to hold her and never let go.
That brought them to today. Chris and Michelle dropped the topic and chatted about something else until he saw her from the corner of his eye. Then he turned to see her fully, watching as Y/N handed the cup of coffee to her boss. That man had the audacity to give her a glare before he walked away, sipping on the coffee. This time, even Michelle noticed, and her jaw dropped.
"What?! That bastard!" she exclaimed as a teardrop rolled down Y/N's cheek. Chris' heart broke at the sight, his eyes closing when someone behind him shouted her name. Her hand instantly flew up to wipe her tears and she smiled to herself before turning in his direction. And for a brief moment, their eyes met. She gave him a quick smile before jogging past him towards the person who asked for her.
He couldn't even smile back.
"Cut! Break time."
Chris eased out of his tense position and rolled his shoulders before walking away, trying to find a seat. His feet ached from standing. He soon found a seat and sat down, taking out his phone. He went over some texts, until he heard her name being called. Then his head snapped up, because the person who had called for her was her boss. He glanced around until he saw her a few feet away from him.
She had her headphones in and was holding her phone horizontally, which made him realize that she was either watching YouTube, a show or a movie. And she was on her break. "Yes?" Y/N replied, taking out her headphones. "Get me another cup of coffee," the boss mentioned offhandedly, "It's my break." Chris glared at that. Make it yourself, asshole.
"But sir, it's my break too…" Y/N insisted softly. And without knowing, Chris' feet carried him towards the two. "So? I pay you, Y/L/N, there's no need to be such a brat. I'll have you fired in no time, you— Mr Evans?" Everyone around them froze as Chris placed his hand on Y/N's shoulder, darkly glaring at her boss. "She told you she's on a break," he spoke coldly. "Mr Evans—"
And the knot inside him finally broke.
"She's on a fucking break! Let her get some rest! She has been running around all day, doing things for your lazy butts—" he addressed everyone loudly, "—and none of you even thank her! Do you know what an angel she is? She continues helping you even after you treat her like scum! It's just some fucking coffee, if you're on a break, make it yourself! For God's sake, leave the woman alone! All of you, if I ever, ever hear her name being called around here again, it's over. I'll make sure you're off the set before you can even say sorry. Now get lost!"
He didn't mean to be so loud, nor so angry. But it just happened, months of frustration, months of anger released all at once. Y/N's boss stared at Chris for a few seconds, blinking, before muttering a quiet sorry and leaving. Everyone silently got back to work as Chris took in some deep breaths, trying to calm himself down. That's when he felt a small hand covering his.
He looked down and saw Y/N smiling at him, tears wantonly running down her cheeks. "Thank you so much," she whispered and his heart raced. "Absolutely no problem, darling. They were the assholes, using you to their advantage like that, so fucking disrespectfully… You have got to learn how to say no," he chuckled, dropping his hand from her shoulder. "I do, don't I?" she hummed, her lips twitching in shame.
"We'll work on it, I promise." He gently cupped her cheeks, wiping away her tears. Y/N gulped, trying her best to hide the effect his touch had on her. She had a crush on him, but like, who didn't? "How? It's the last week of filming," she pointed out with a small, sarcastic laugh. "It doesn't have to be the last week of us talking. How about we have dinner tonight, 8?"
Was he actually asking her out?!
"Yeah, yeah 8 sounds good," she replied near instantly and he gave her an amused smile. "Great. I'll meet you later, okay?" As he started walking away, she called out, "Mr Evans! My number!" And he walked back to her. They exchanged numbers, sent each other "hi" to make sure they had the correct number and Chris walked away again, ready to film the last scene of the day.
He was in an unusually good mood, having finally asked her out. She said yes.
He was also pleased at the end of the day, not having heard Y/N's name being called out even once after his outburst. Sure, after her break, some people had requested her assistance but they talked politely to her, saying thank you when she was done and smiling. Chris approved of that, after all, it was her job.
And, in the blink of an eye, it was 7:30 pm.
Chris was at home, fixing his hair. They had agreed to meet at his place, not wanting the media to find out. There, he had already ordered some pizzas and had beer ready, a movie paused on the TV. Chris finished messing with his hair and went downstairs, quickly patting Dodger's head. He sat on the couch and waited, busy scrolling through Twitter until he heard the doorbell ring.
When he opened the door, he saw Y/N. And his breath caught in his throat; she looked absolutely stunning dressed in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, a cute little smile plastered on her face. "May I come in?" she laughed a bit when he just stood there, staring at her in awe.
It turned out to be a really good date, the perfect start to a perfect relationship.
A/N: Thanks for reading! Leave a like if you enjoyed!
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arvinsescape · 3 years
Hey could you please write something with reader's ex leaking some private pictures you two took when you were together just because he's jealous of you and tom, so when tom hears about what happened he is so upset that someone could be this low, he's not even jealous, he is just so mad that he could cry
A/N: Thank you for sending this in, I hope you enjoy! 💕
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of sex, leaking of nudes (this is never okay, I do not condone this behaviour), talks of bad relationships, mentions of stalking (do not read if you are uncomfortable).
You and Tom had been together for just over a year and a half, it had been amazing, you absolutely adored each other and everyone could see it. There was only one negative in your relationship and that came with your ex.
He was an incredibly jealous human being, awful in every way. You broke things off with him after two years of putting up with his behaviour. You'd not been allowed to have male friends, the relationship you had with the men Tom lived with was strange for you at first, at every turn you expected Tom to get angry about how close you were getting. It never happened, Tom adored the relationship you had with the boys and it was quick to reassure you of that fact when you opened up to him about it.
Unfortunately, although he claimed he wasn't in love with you, he couldn't let you go. He was so jealous when he found out you'd moved on that he started stalking your social medias, leaving comments on your posts which led to you blocking him. Of course, this didn't work, he made new accounts in order to find out what you were doing, leaving nasty comments on posts you made to a point where you simply stopped posting as often.
He was tiring and for a while you worried he'd find you, approach you but he never did. You'd been on edge for a short time after making your relationship with Tom public due to the comments he'd leave on your posts. You wondered whether or not he'd ever get over it, let you go but he seemingly wasn't going to anytime soon. It was tiresome, truly but you'd learned to live with it, you continued to block the accounts he made, Tom personally emailing the social media companies in hopes they could put a stop to him but to no avail.
You travelled with Tom a lot, most of the time unless you had family commitments that kept you homebound. This was due to your job and the way it worked, you never needed to be in an office and you could work from anywhere in the world. Book editing meant you had freedom. It made you feel safe, knowing Tom was never far away and when he was filming you could spend time with one of the boys and it brought a huge comfort to you.
You were back in London, in Tom's shared house after a long stretch in the states, you were happy to be back home, have your home comforts. You had been in and out of sleep for the past hour, your phone buzzing like crazy which had resulted in you turning it off, not ready to face whatever it was so early in the morning. That was all well and good until Tom's phone started half an hour later.
"Tom." You lightly shook him in his sleep and he mumbled incoherently in response. "Tom?" You tried harder.
"Y/N, go back to sleep." He grumbled as he pulled you into his chest as his phone started again. You pushed against his chest and his eyes snapped open.
"Tom your phone." You stated and Tom groaned before rolling over and mindlessly fishing for the device, turning it off as well. "It might be important." You said and he rolled back over to pull you into him.
"I'll deal with it later, it's my week off, it can wait." He mumbled into your neck as he sighed out. It didn't take him long to find sleep again as he held you against his chest, his warmth wrapping around you and making you drift into your own sleep.
You're not sure how long you'd been back asleep before you heard banging on your bedroom door. Tom groaning as he squeezed your body and ignored the knocks, hoping whichever boy it was would go away.
"Tom." Harrison's voice pulled you both from your sleepy state. He sounded worried, not his usual calm and chilled out self as he banged on the door again. "You need to get up." He said frantically.
"Fuck off Harrison, I'm tired." Tom shouted back as you sat up and ran a hand over your face. Tom protesting as you sat against the headboard trying to come to. "Darling, come back." He begged, almost childishly, you were about to respond when Harrison piped up again.
"Tom, mate seriously. Get up, it's important." He tried and Tom groaned again before sitting up next to you. "Right, I'm coming in." Haz shouted before opening your bedroom door, phone in hand and face paler than usual.
"Haz what is so important that we need to get up at," Tom started as he checked his watch. "7:30 in the morning."
"You need to check your phones." He said as he threw his phone in your direction. With furrowed brows you picked it up. "I'm so sorry Y/N/N." He said and Tom was quick to grab his phone, turning it on.
"What do you mean? Haz it's early and I've not woken up yet, what's going on?" Tom asked as you scrolled Haz's phone, quiet as a mouse, face dropping. You flicked though the series of pictures that had made their way to twitter, complete and utter disbelief hitting you.
"Her ex." Harrison said as Tom's phone finished booting up, numerous missed calls from his publicist and twitter notifying him that he was trending. "Y/N/N, are you okay?" Harrison asked as he took in your figure.
"How long have these been up?" You asked, eyes not leaving his phone.
"I don't know they were posted overnight." Harrison sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. Numerous pictures of yourself from a couple of years ago staring back at you. Pictures with your ex in very compromising positions mocking you as you looked at them.
You nodded slowly as you swallowed down your emotions, you lifted a shaky hand to run through your hair. The internet had practically seen you for what you were, seen things that were meant for a significant other. Pictures of yourself you'd sent to your ex before things got bad between the two of you.
"Fucking piece of shit." Tom whispered as he himself saw what Harrison had been talking about. You felt like crying, the lump in your throat felt heavy as you tried to swallow it down, tears blurring your vision as you looked at the pictures.
"Sweetheart," Tom started as he took Harrison's phone from your hand and handed it back to his friend. Harrison took it and quickly made his way from your room, he knew you were seconds away from breaking down and you needed your privacy.
"I thought he'd deleted them." You whispered to more yourself than anyone else. "I sent those at the beginning of our relationship, fucking idiot." You said to yourself and Tom pulled you into him as your tears fell, silently crying.
"You're not an idiot. This is on him, not you. I'm so sorry." Tom said as he held you. "He had no right to do that."
"Is he ever going to leave me alone?" You cried and Tom's heart shattered there and then in his chest. This man had been a tormenter for years, too long and he had been cause for your tears numerous times over your relationship.
"He is. I swear to god this is the last time." Tom promised as he held you tight against him. His phone rang yet again and he huffed out in annoyance as he lifted an arm, reaching for his phone. "Hey, I'll call you back." Tom said into the phone, you didn't hear the response. "No, this is more important, I'll talk to you later." Tom snapped before hanging up the phone and throwing it to one side.
You became a sobbing mess, the world having seen parts of yourself you never wanted them to. You wanted to disappear off the face of earth, how were you supposed to go out in public after this? How were you supposed to face the people you knew? Your mind was racing, thoughts embedding themselves as you thought more about what would happen. You only cried harder as you thought about it.
Tom comforted you through your breakdown, reassuring you that it was going to be okay. He was in complete shock, how could someone do this? He wanted to cry as he held you, his heart was broken for the woman in his arms. He listened as you eventually calmed down, breathing steadying as you pulled away from his chest and wiped your face.
"I'm gonna do something about this, I promise." Tom comforted and he watched as a defeated look spread across your face.
"What does it matter? The world has seen them now." You smiled sadly, realising there was nothing you could do. He'd taken things to a knew level, one you would never hear the end of. "It's my own fault, I never should have sent them." You bit your lip as you tried to hold back more tears.
"No baby, don't do that. Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault." He said as he sat across from you, taking your hands into his own. You couldn't look him in the eye, what if he hated you for this? This was something people could use against him now, what if he was disgusted you ever sent them to him.
"Stop it." Tom said softly, he could see you reeling, see your thoughts consuming you. He always knew, he said you had this look on your face and in your eyes, he knew you like the back of his hand. "Don't, I know what you're thinking and this isn't your fault."
"Look at me," Tom encouraged as he took your chin in his hand and forced your gaze into his own. "I promise this is going to be okay." He comforted and the look in his eyes was so comforting, so safe. No judgement, nothing hiding behind them, he was heart broken for you, you could see that in the tears that were slightly welling in his eyes.
It wasn't that you were against sending pictures to your partner, you and Tom had sent your fair share to each other. But you had learned a valuable lesson, you'd deleted every picture between you and your ex because that was the right thing to do, right? But he hadn't, he'd kept them and it made you uncomfortable as to why? Why would he want to keep those pictures? Why would he release them for the world to see?
"One minute." Tom said as he got off the bed and made his way into the en suite. You heard running water and you knew he was running you a bath, the evidence in the smell of flowers filling the room as he added your favourite bubble bath. He reappeared after a while.
"Come on. I've got some calls to make so you have a bath." He said as he held his hand out for you. Your heart warmed but you sighed as you took his hand and stood up.
"This isn't your mess to clean up Tom, it's mine." You mumbled and Tom shook his head as he tugged you slightly into the bathroom.
"If it affects you, it affects me. I'm gonna do everything I can to protect you. I love you okay? This isn't your fault and I'm gonna put an end to his shit, I've had enough. I'm gonna do something about him." Tom said and you smiled sadly.
"Thank you." You said and Tom smiled as he gestured for you to get into the bath.
"I'll be back in a while. I'm gonna talk to my legal team, see what I can do. You just try and relax and I want you to promise me that you'll stay off social media today." He said and you nodded as he smiled in comfort at you, kissing your forehead as he left the bathroom and made his way downstairs, grabbing his phone and putting some sweats on as he did.
"How is she?" Harrison asked, almost as soon as Tom entered the living room. Tom sighed as he turned to his best friend.
"She's upset. Blames herself for ever sending them." He said and Haz furrowed his brows.
"This is that twats fault. I swear if I ever see him again I'm gonna punch the smug look he always has right off his fucking face." Haz said.
"You'll have to get in line. I could kill him for what he's done." Tom said, he was so upset that you'd been put through this. "I want to fucking cry for her Haz, she's devastated." Tom continued as Tuwaine made his way into the room.
"That man is a fucking dick." He ranted straight away, Harry agreeing as he made his way in. "I can't believe the shit he's pulled." He continued.
"He's was so open about it, posting them onto his personal twitter account." Harry said in disbelief.
"I'm hoping that was his biggest mistake, what I can get him for." Tom said as he scrolled his contacts, pulling up the head of his legal team.
"What's the reaction online?" Haz asked carefully and Tuwaine shook his head.
"Half and half, some people are defending her, some are mocking her, others judging. It's a mess, people wanna know how Tom feels about it, some Y/N. I don't know, I tried not to look too much." Tuwaine sighed and Haz gave a tight nod as he grabbed his phone and vigorously started to type.
Tom left the room as he held the phone to his ear, on the phone with his legal team. Disappearing to talk in private. Harrison finally finished his typing as Tuwiane and Harry's phone pinged, Harrison's tweets coming to their attention.
There are no words for what has happened to my two best friends. What this man has done is disgusting and in no way Y/N's fault, please stop circulating the pictures. They were posted without her consent and she is hurting enough without people mocking her. Leave her alone, leave Tom alone. You will hear from them when they are ready.
Harry and Tuwaine retweeting the tweets before adding their own in support of you. You were close to them all, they were like your brother's.
"Do you think she'll be okay?" Harry asked.
"I don't know. This is just awful, I can't believe this has happened." Tuwaine said and watched as you appeared in the living room, you had your pyjama pants on, one of Tom's hoodies consuming your upper half as you looked sheepishly around the room.
"Y/N, I'm so sorry this has happened." Tuwaine said as he pulled you into his chest, squeezing you in comfort. "It's okay, we're gonna get you through this." He promised and your heart warmed as you hugged him back.
There was a part of you that wondered how much the boys had seen, it made you feel strange around them. What if they'd seen the pictures of your intimate parts?
"I didn't look." Tuwaine said, almost as if he could read your thoughts. "I saw enough to know when to stop scrolling, enough to know what had happened." He reassured as the boys voiced the same.
"Okay, he's gonna do some digging, see how far he can take it. See what he can get him done for." Tom said as he reappeared, you instantly leaving Tuwaine's arms for your boyfriends.
"Is it looking promising? That we can press charges of some sort against him?" Harry asked.
"Yeah, he's just said he'll see if he can take more action. He's already contacted twitter and they're trying to put a stop to the sharing of the pictures. The rest of the sites the same." Tom said as he squeezed you tightly, chin resting on top of your head.
Tom's phone rang again and he pulled it from his pocket, sighing as he watched his publicists name flash across his screen. This was the phone call he was dreading because his PR team didn't give a fuck how you looked, it was all about Tom. This wasn't about him.
"Hello?" Tom said as he answered, he couldn't ignore them forever.
"Tom! Finally!" He heard the shrill screech of her voice and he grimaced as he did. He moved you both to sit on the couch, sitting you on his lap as he cuddled you. "Have you seen the internet?"
"Yeah." Tom said, almost annoyed.
"Y/N needs to put out a statement." She said and Tom huffed, anger building in him.
"Y/N doesn't need to do anything. She will address this if and when she is ready." Tom snapped.
"Tom this will make it look bad for you if neither of you address it. Some people are speculating she's cheated." She replied and your stomach dropped as you overheard her. Tom shifted you onto the couch as he got up, placing a kiss to your lips as he disappeared again. You didn't need to hear any of this.
"I don't give a shit to be honest. She hasn't cheated, these photos where posted without her consent. This isn't about me, this is about her." Tom snapped.
"But Tom, you are Spiderman, your girlfriends nudes have been leaked, pictures of her with another man have leaked." She snapped back and Tom's anger hit breaking point.
"I don't care. I just told you that. I'm not going to force her to do a thing she doesn't want. I don't care that I am Spiderman, what happened to her is wrong and I'm gonna stand by her."
"About that." She said Tom's heart dropped.
"We think it might be best if you distanced yourself from her. Make it look like a slight break." His publicist said and Tom's anger hit the roof at the suggestion. His publicist had never been fond of your relationship, they wanted him to date other celebrities, he'd fought them for ages on this front.
"Not happening. This is devastating for her, you really think I'm gonna abandon her? You know what? If anyone thinks negatively about me or her, that's on them because what has happened to her is wrong. How do you think that will look? I can just see the headlines. Tom Holland leaves girlfriend after nudes where leaked without her consent. What sort of a message does that send to people? Did you think about that? Or is this just you taking another opportunity to try and get me seen with someone you approve of?" Tom screamed, the house heard.
"I, I suppose I hadn't thought about that." She stumbled out quietly. Tom pinched the bridge of his nose as he tried to calm himself.
"I don't want to hear anything more about this. I'm going to deal with this my way. This isn't about me, this about her and sticking by her, which I am going to do. Whatever you might say. The fact that you hadn't thought about what I've just said makes clear to me that I can't trust you with this one and maybe I should be looking for someone I can." Tom snapped.
"I'm sorry, I'll leave you be. We'll try and do what we can here." She said and Tom didn't even feel guilty for blowing out on his publicist, the team could be the biggest wankers he'd ever met anyway.
"Tom, you'll get in trouble." You said as he made his way back into the room. He sat down next to you, pulling you into his side as he kissed your head.
"I don't care. This isn't about me, they need to realise that." Tom spoke into your hair. He pulled his phone from his pocket as he typed away, minutes later and everyone's phone had pinged, Tom had posted to Instagram. It was a picture of the two of you, one taken over winter in by the fire.
I'm sure many of you have seen what has happened. I'm devastated someone would do this, these pictures were posted without her consent. This man kept these pictures for over two years and then posted them. I ask that you stop judging and just think for a second how this would make you feel, if it was you in this position. She trusted him enough to send those images and he broke that trust, it's so wrong.
I ask that you stop posting the pictures, they are not yours or mine to post. There is no cheating involved, this man has caused enough distress for Y/N and I will not let it continue. I want you to support her and send love, it's what she deserves. She's my best friend and my lover, I stand by her 100% on this, I will not tolerate any abuse sent her way.
Please understand that she is not ready to address this and if she never is that's okay. She doesn't have to, this isn't her fault and she has nothing to apologise for. I love her and I hope to see your continued support of her, much love Tom x
He switched his phone off as he looked at you, he wanted nothing more than to make this go away for you, he wanted to hide you from the world, keep you safe. He had to swallow his tears again, heart aching from what this man has done to you, he couldn't stop himself pulling you tighter against him as he tried to keep his tears at bay..
"It's gonna be okay, I promise. I love you." He said into your hair as you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled yourself to straddle him. You pulled each other impossibly closer and the boys smiled at the interaction, no matter what was going on the world, the two had each other. They had each other's backs and it was heart warming to see, to know they had all the support they would ever need in each other.
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Chan’s Room- Chan X Felix.
Tw~ Degrading, Rough sex, Spanking, Exhibition???
Plot: Chan has a special guest for this episode of Chan’s room. But things didn’t go quite as planned.
Note; please send requests❤️
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"Hello stayyy." He smiled as he looked into the camera. His body slightly hunched over hiding one of the members.
"We have a special guest on today's episode of Chan's room!"
Felix popped up from his hidden position with a cute little smile on his face.
"Aussie Aussie Aussie!"
The two giggled and began to interact with their fans.
"So what song recommendations do you guys have today?'
~comment: Love talk-wayv.
"How about that one channie?"
Felix questioned reading out the comment.
Chan had been avoiding playing this song for months and Felix knew exactly why.
The song was suggestive to say the least, but there was no getting out of it now.
"I - uh yeah okay."
The music began to play from the speakers and Felix started to dance around in his seat.
The younger Australian ran his hands through his hair biting his lip to match the vibe of the song.
He smirked as from the corner of his eye he saw Chan gulp and flush red.
"It's hot in here isn't it? Look you've gone all red."
Felix proceeded to take off his jumper to reveal a thin tight black shirt underneath. He knew exactly what he was doing to the elder and he was having fun with it.
"You know if you are hot you could just take off your jumper?"
He knew that wasn't possible since Chan didn't wear shirts underneath.
The song came to a stop and the two continued to interact with stays.
~comment: Chan how have you been?
"I've been doing good actually. The other day me and Lix-"
He was cut off from his sentence when he felt a hand squeeze his thigh.
He shot a warning glance at his friend and continued his sentence.
"The other day me and Lix went out for food with Jackson from Got7. Yeah and it was really nice."
~comment: what did you order?
Felix read out the comment as he trailed his hand further up Chan's thigh, it was now running dangerously close to his growing erection.
"I uhh I ordered a burger and Felix had s-steak."
His voice cracked and he stuttered as Felix was now palming him through his trousers.
The sight of the elder man so desperate to come undone but trying so hard to keep what was happening a secret was turning Felix on beyond belief.
A small whimper left Chan's lips causing Felix's eyes to shoot wide open. He acted as if he had no idea what was happening and he read out a comment.
~comment: Chan are you okay?
"I- yeah I'm fine. I just remembered I have to end the live a little early today. We have schedule and I completely forgot."
Carefully not to give themselves away Chan brushed Felix's hand off his crotch and stood up to hug the camera.
"Thank you for spending your evening with me, goodbye stays goodbye baby stays."
The two waved goodbye to the camera before finishing up.
Felix was pushed against the sofa.
"Oh you are gonna pay for what you did back there baby boy."
Chan growled into his ear, attaching his lips to the youngers neck, wasting no time to cover him in hickys.
"Mmmh I'm sorry daddy."
Chan began to rip their clothes off until they were separated by nothing but the thin material of their boxers.
He attacked Felix's lips exploring his mouth roughly with his tongue as he grinded his hips against the boy Beneath him.
"Such a naughty little slut for daddy aren't you?"
All Felix could do was moan in response.
"Awe my little fuck toy is lost for words."
Chan just chuckled and leaned down to tease the boys sensitive nipples with his tongue, lapping at it slowly before moving onto the other and nibbling at it causing Felix to Yelp.
"What were you thinking trying to get me off infront of stay hm?"
Before he could get a response he leaned down to roughly kiss him again. Teasingly his fingers circled the boys nipples which were wet with salava before flicking them mercilessly while Felix whined into his mouth.
The younger was desperate, his cock ached for release from the tight restraints of his boxers and Chan could tell.
He slowly pulled them down Felix's legs admiring his cock as it sprung free.
A pink blush flushed over the bottoms cheeks.
"P-please touch me daddy." He bit his lip in anticipation.
"Shh baby, you've been naughty and naughty boys get punished, turn around."
The younger gulped as he obeyed his orders.
A loud gasp left his lips as he felt Chan's hand come into contact with his ass creating a loud smack sound and a sting.
"I want you to count for me. Take your punishment like a good little boy and then I'll reward you."
His hand smacks against Felix's ass again
"Mmh fuck o-one."
He cried out the pain making his eyes water and his leaking cock rut up against the leather of the sofa.
Chan's hand caressed the youngers ass, each smack getting harder leaving red stinging marks.
It felt like the punishment was going on for ages and Felix was a stuttering mess.
"Ouch mmh f-fifty."
He panted catching his breath.
"You did so well baby boy."
Chan flipped the boy over and helped him onto his knees before removing his own boxers and rubbing his dick against the boys lips.
"Suck." He demanded.
The elder threw his head back and let out a groan as Felix gave soft kitten licks to the tip, lapping at his slit before sucking slowly at it and taking it down his throat. His tongue traced the bulging veins in his cock and he hummed around him in pleasure causing it to twitch.
"Fuck, your mouth is so wet baby. I'm gonna cum."
He pulled his cock from the youngers mouth and positioned himself behind him.
Felix tried to press his ass against Chan's cock but he moved away teasingly.
"How pathetic. I wonder what stay would say if they saw you here begging for my cock like a little whore."
He growled grabbing a fistful of Felix's hair to pull his head to kiss him messily.
He looked at the boys face. Lips swollen cheeks flushed red, eyes narrow and begging for more.
He began to rub the tip of his cock against the youngers ass slowly to tease him.
"Daddy please need your cock." He whined.
That's when Chan slammed into the boy causing him to let out a low groan as Felix cried out with pain and pleasure.
"So fucking tight baby, your ass feels so good around my cock."
He rocked at a steady pace hitting the boys prostate with each thrust.
The sound of skin against skin and whimpers filled the room.
"F faster please."
Felix could barely speak at this point.
"Awe my little cumslut wants more hm? You take my cock so fucking well baby."
He picked up his pace, roughly slamming in and out of his tight hole.
His hand held tightly onto Felix's throat applying just enough pressure to drive him crazy.
The bottom blabbered in pleasure.
"Mmh Ugh I- fuck uh I'm gonna cum mghh."
Felix shot his load making a mess all over himself as his ass clenched around Chan's cock causing him to release inside the boy.
The two panted, riding out there highs before Chan pulled out admiring the cum dripping out of the boys ass.
"You look so fucked out and pretty baby."
Felix blushed harder as Chan spread his legs wide and licked at the cum leaking from his hole. His tongue circled around the pulsing entrance, lapping up the mess he had made before he went up to kiss Felix on the lips.
"That was amazing Channie."
Felix cuddled into the mans side feeling content until he saw something from the corner of his eye.
His eyes immediately widened and he sat up grabbing a cushion to cover himself with.
"Lix what's wrong?"
Chan's voice was full of concern.
"Look at your phone..."
Chan walked over to his phone and his mouth dropped open as he saw it.
Comments. Thousands and thousands of comments.
~comment: umm what???
~comment: fuck this is so hot.
~Comment: oh god I can't take this.
~comment: they're literally... I- I'm not complaining.
He forgot to end the live.
Thousands of people had just seen him railing his band member.
He chuckled nervously.
"Oh haha Um hi stay. I guess I didn't end the vlive properly. Well I- Yeah."
Felix burned red with embarrassment as Chan just dug the hole even deeper trying to figure out what he could say to get them out of this mess.
"Well I guess me and Lix are gonna go now. Goodbye stay. Goodbye baby stay."
Despite the awkwardness and embarrassment he felt Chan still ended the live with a hug. One hand covering his cock and the other wrapping around the camera, his abs in full view of the camera.
This time he made sure to end the live properly.
"Chan it's all over Twitter."
Felix groaned covering his face.
Chan just walked over to him embracing him in a hug.
"As awful as this whole situation was... it's kinda hot tho don't you think?"
He smirked at the younger who blushed and shyly agreed.
"Don't worry. Everything will be okay. But I suppose we better get dressed and arrange a meeting with JYP and the boys."
The two cleaned up their mess before preparing to face their band members.
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streetlight11 · 3 years
Something About You
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Summary: He has been going on dates, meeting new people online, wanting to find the girl of his dreams. But so far, all of them whom he met either have nothing in common with him or has a lot of common interest except cats. He has 3 cats so he could never imagine dating someone who would never get along with his cats. Turns out, the girl he has been dreaming about happens to be a lot closer than he think.
Theme: University au, partial strangers to friends to lovers
Genre: Fluffy fluff
WC: 4.2k
Pairing: Lee Minho x Fem!Reader
a/n: Hello! I’m back with a new fic. Hope you enjoy!
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“So, how was your date?” Chan asked his roommate who had just entered their shared apartment looking just as tired and done as his pet cats. The boy simply frowned, kicking off his shoes and went straight to their living room only to crash on the couch next to where the older boy was seated with his laptop in his lap, probably just composing new tracks.
“Horrible. Probably won’t be getting back to her anytime soon.” Minho shrugged before taking out his phone only to scroll through YouTube of cat videos. 
Just then, a soft meow came from below his feet only for Soonie to hop into Minho’s lap and purred when he stroked its head to its tail in a loving motion. Chan let out a soft chuckle. He had a hunch on why this date didn’t work out just like the rest of Minho’s date.
“Was she another one of those girls who are scared of cats?” Chan asked but Minho’s face turned into a scowl.
“Worse. Can you believe she actually kicked the poor kitty away when all it wanted was a pet from her? God, how can some people be so awful?!” Minho grunted in annoyance, making Chan gasp in shock.
He has heard about all Minho’s past dates being scared of cats and sometimes even running away from them but never did he think someone would actually harm the poor animal. 
“Geez, yeah, she is definitely out of your list then.”
“Tell me about it.” Minho rolled his eyes as he got up to take a warm shower after a terrible first date.
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The next morning, Y/N got woken up by her blaring alarm that has been going off for the past 5 minutes. Her morning lecture was in an hour but her roommate and also her close friend, Sana had already left since she had classes slightly earlier. She forced herself out of bed, only to shower and change into a comfortable outfit that was campus appropriate.
She managed to stop by the café right outside her apartment to get her morning dose of caffeine before walking to campus that was conveniently 20 minutes away from where they lived.
Y/N arrived on campus 5 minutes before her first class, making her way straight to class on the opposite side of the back entrance. Y/N was a CS major while Sana was a Psych major, hence the different schedules. She wasn’t really an outgoing type of girl, but she’s not exactly an introvert either.
Y/N has never been the one to start a random conversation with someone first. But, once she feels comfortable with a person, she can joke and chat for hours and never get tired of it.
She was a shy yet friendly girl at the same time and that’s what makes Sana befriend her so easily.
Above else, Y/N was a very sporty girl and she loved playing netball. Hence, the reason why she was the Team Captain of Konkuk U girl’s netball team. Sana wasn’t in the sport but she always came down to support her best friend if they had any tournaments for that season. Hours passed and Y/N had just finished her classes, only to receive a text from Sana, telling her to meet at the cafeteria.
Y/N entered the cafeteria hall with her laptop in one hand and her phone in the other, just scrolling through her twitter when she came to a stop at the entrance to try and find her friend.
When she spotted her blonde haired roommate standing by a table where there were at least 8 guys seated at, she knew it was Sana’s best guy friend.
Y/N walked as her eyes were trained to her phone screen but her feet brought her exactly to where Sana was. She didn’t realise where she was walking until she heard Sana’s adorable voice calling out her name.
The said girl froze in her spot, seeing that she was just 2 feet away from her and the guys.
Y/N simply smiled, proceeding to join Sana by the side of the table, only for her eyes to naturally travel to the people seated at the table. If she could admit, she was currently staring at two rows of handsome looking guys.
“Babe! This is my best friend I told you about! This is Chan. Chan, this is my roommate and best friend, Y/N!” Sana introduced them to each other, only for Chan to smile. He stuck his hand out, making Y/N shake it gently.
“Hello. It’s nice to finally meet you!” Chan said as a smile appeared on his face.
“Hey, nice to meet you too.” Y/N mimicked his expression, something she normally did when she just met someone.
“Don’t mind her, she’s just shy!” Sana explained and some of the boys found themselves smiling at this remark. Just then, Y/N’s eyes seemed to find it’s own way towards Minho who was seated at the very end of the table. Of course she doesn’t know him, but he did attract her eye for being quite cute. Probably even cuter than the others.
“Okay guys, I’ll see you later. Y/N let’s go! I’m starving!” Sana giggled as she bid the boys goodbye before linking her arms with her roommate and soon dragged her down the cafeteria aisle.
“You didn’t tell us your best friend’s friend is cute too?!” Jisung said, causing Chan to shrug.
“Sorry guys, cause I didn’t know either.” Chan teased, making Jisung roll his eyes but a small chuckle left his lips right after.
A few weeks passed and as expected, Y/N often rejected Sana’s offer of joining her to hang out with the guys not because she didn’t like them. It was because she was shy and Sana of course understood this but she never pressed on it. Instead, she gave Y/N the chance to willingly join if she wanted to without any pressure.
However, it was a Thursday late afternoon and the girl’s netball team was having a tournament that day. As promised, Sana came down to support Y/N and her team. Except this time, she made sure to tag all the boys along and they came without a single doubt.
Y/N was just doing her warm up when she glanced over to the bleachers, that’s when she saw Sana and the rest of the guys on the fourth and fifth rows of the bleachers.
Y/N didn’t know why but she found herself instantly smiling when she saw that they came down to support her. Just then, Sana happened to look over and she locked eyes with Y/N, making her wave her hand up high as she let out a soft giggle.
She responded back with a small wave while some of the guys did the same.
Right at that moment, she locked eyes with Minho who was seated in the seat just below Sana. For some reason, she could feel her heartbeat speeding up in her chest.
Almost an hour later, it’s the final round and it was between Konkuk U and Sogang U. Y/N currently sat on the ground beside the bench where her team members were seated.
“Alright girls. I have a lot of faith in you guys but let’s switch some of you so that you guys get to participate in the games fair and square.” Y/N announced to her teammates who then nodded, waiting for her next command. After switching 3 of the players and Y/N was satisfied with this, the 7 players soon cheered before going to the court.
The game started and it already got pretty intense.
Sogang U was winning by a thread but Y/N tried to keep the game in their court. Right when Yeri was about to toss the ball towards Y/N who was sprinting forwards, a member from the Sogang team forcefully threw themselves against her form.
Y/N practically got thrown across the court when she crashed onto the ground with an awful loud thud before she slid to a stop.
At the fall, she managed to hit her head on the ground from the impact, causing her to go lightheaded for a brief moment. A series of gasps were heard from the crowd, watching her press her forehead against the ground as a hiss left her lips.
The girl who shoved her, only smirked before they continued the game.
“Oh no…” Sana whispered as they stared at Y/N’s limp body. Just then, Yeri ran to her team captain, only for her to gasp asking if she wanted to swap with anyone on the team. Y/N brushed her off when Yeri helped her up, only to hear that Sogang U scored another point.
She rubbed her temple slightly, wincing in pain but nonetheless told Yeri that she was okay. Just then, their coach shouted at Y/N to swap with Irene but Y/N gave him a shake of her head followed by an ‘okay’ sign and soon resumed the game. Her friends watched anxiously as Minho couldn’t keep his eyes off her.
“Why won’t you just rest?” He whispered under his breath when he saw her jog to get the ball.
A few moments later, the same opponent from Sogang U targeted Y/N again, pushing Y/N by her shoulders. Y/N almost lost her balance but she swiftly threw the ball over their heads, towards Lisa on the other side of the court.
The girl snarled at Y/N but she gave the girl a soft smirk before raising an eyebrow up to taunt her.
A few runs later, the girl purposely tripped Y/N, making her accidentally fall backwards with her ass hitting the ground hard. Y/N glared at the girl, only to hear a few seconds later that Konkuk U was taking the victory trophy.
The girls were just walking back to their side of the hall when somebody roughly turned her around and threw a snarky remark to her and her team.
“Better luck next time, when I actually get you on the bench. That way my team for sure can win that trophy.” The girl said before she gave Y/N’s cheek a few slaps. Y/N’s friends who saw this were furious as Chan and Felix practically had to hold Sana back. Y/N scoffed, watching the girls of Sogang U continue walking while Y/N’s teammates comforted her, telling her it’s okay. 
Once everyone in the bleachers were leaving, Y/N was just wiping her neck from the sweat when Sana came running to her with her arms open. Sana gave her a few words of comfort, telling her not to be too affected by whatever that girl said. After the tournament was over and their coach had dismissed them, she took her duffle bag. They were walking towards the entrance of the hall when her vision suddenly went black and her head was pounding. 
A soft groan left her lips when she nearly collapsed down to the left side but someone was quick to catch her and it was Minho. He wrapped an arm around her waist while the other hand reached for her forearm that was clutching onto her head.
“Woah. Are you okay?” His voice soft, laced with obvious worry.
Y/N nodded, letting Sana help Minho hold her as they each held her on either side. Outside the campus’ back entrance, Minho asked if Y/N was strong enough to walk back to her apartment with Sana alone and she said yes.
Sana told the boys she would update them if anything happened along the way. But the girls ended up going home safely, only for her to recover in just two days.
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A week passed and it was a Saturday night, where Sana told Y/N she would be out with her boyfriend. Y/N decided to head to a nearby library to study since the campus was closed on weekends. It was already nearing 10pm, probably the reason why she kept yawning every 5 minutes.
“Maybe I should head home.” She thought as she began to slowly pack her bags and soon left.
The boys on the other hand had just finished checking out the new steakhouse downtown. Simply hanging out without having alcohol involved.
They were just walking down the dimly lit street, their voices were probably the only audible sounds currently apart from the cars driving past every few minutes. The street was quite empty, they could literally count with their fingers on how many people they’ve passed by.
They were just talking about some soccer league when Minho’s eyes travelled towards the alley down the road, only to see a girl petting what looks to be a stray cat.
His eyes lit up as a smile tugged on his lips.
He has never seen anyone openly pet a stray cat around this area before so he was quite surprised to say the least. Nevertheless, he smiled brightly as he quickened his pace, telling the boys to meet up with him at that alley where the cat and unknown girl was.
Minho briskly walked towards the alley, only to be met with a very familiar face.
At the mention of her name, she turned to look up towards the guy standing by the sidewalk, currently looking down at her just gently scratching the cat’s ears.
“Minho? Hey…” She smiled and she could feel her heartbeat pick up speed.
“What are you doing out here at this late timing alone?” He asked, genuinely worried.
“I was at the library studying. I‘m on my way home actually.” She admitted, only to feel her cheeks heat up. Just then, she heard Chan’s voice from behind her, making her turn around.
“Y/N? Is that you?” Chan asked, making her giggle with a nod.
“Where were you headed?” He asked.
But before she could answer, a soft meow echoed down the street as the cat pressed it’s head into Y/N’s open hands, making her giggle. 
This small gesture was enough to make the boys smile, and maybe Minho’s heart to flutter.
“I actually just told Minho that I was about to head home from the library, when this adorable little one just started following me from down the block and I don’t think it’s gonna leave my side anytime soon.” Y/N said with a soft sigh. The cat meowed yet again as though responding to her.
Minho tilted his head to the side in confusion upon hearing her sigh when she looked down at the pretty brown fur ball before scratching the side of the cat’s face again.
“As much as you’re super adorable, I can’t take you home with me, baby.” Her voice was soft. The cat simply purred with soft round eyes staring back at her. Her words came as a shock to some of them but curious to the remaining.
“Wait, why can’t you?” Minho asked.
“I’m actually sensitive to cats.” She confessed, only for Minho’s heart to blossom. She’s sensitive to cats and yet she still pets them and even showers them with love? Where has she been all his life?
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Is it bad though?” Hyunjin asked, only for her to shake her head.
“I can touch them, but if I stay too long in an enclosed area with them, my skin will start to get red and itchy, and my nose would start to get runny.” Y/N said pressing her lips in a thin line, making the guys nod, feeling bad for her.
Just then, Minho squats down beside her figure only to stretch his arm over to pet the cat and the little fur ball just willingly went over to him. The cat rubs its face against Minho’s knees and thighs. Y/N couldn’t help but smile when she saw just how equally loving he was towards it. At that very moment, Minho just happened to look up only to catch her looking at him.
A small little bubble burst in the pit of his stomach as she soon tickled the cat’s lower back, making it go to her.
Y/N giggled when the cat stood on its hind legs, pressing its two front paws on her collarbone, making her laugh. Y/N cupped the fur ball’s face and soon caressed it sweetly before she nuzzled her nose against the cat’s pink ones, only for the cat to meow in her face.
“Looks like it really loves you Y/N.” Chan said, making her laugh.
However, her smile was soon wiped off and a soft frown appeared on her face. But this didn’t go unnoticed by Minho. So he suggested something quite smart.
“I have an idea. We’ll distract it while you quickly head back home. You know? To avoid it from following you?” Minho said, making the rest of them nod in agreement. She stared at the cat for slightly too long before she locked eyes with Minho, only for her to mouth to him softly.
“Thank you.”
With that being said, the rest of the boys slowly began to huddle around the cat while Y/N carefully got up and tiptoed her way down the street in the direction of her apartment.
She glanced back when she was reaching the traffic junction, only to catch Minho staring at her with a very soft expression. After she finally turned the corner, Changbin couldn’t help but speak up while the rest were busy pouring their attention on the cat.
“Damn, she’s pretty, she’s a team captain, she’s nice, AND she loves cats even though she’s allergic to it? I think you’ve found your match made in heaven, hyung.” He ended with his usual smirk, wiggling his eyebrows to Minho only for the elder boy to huff although he knew deep down that what Changbin said was right.
Y/N went home that night only to find her mind going back to when Minho looked so in love with the cat. Why did that make him look so… so endearing?
She smiled to herself thinking about how happy he looked when the cat was practically smearing its scent all over him. Y/N simply shook her head off of the thoughts and soon took a fresh shower before heading to bed, with Sana still nowhere to be seen.
Ever since that night, Y/N slowly began to warm up with the guys more. Especially Minho since it seemed as though they could literally talk about cats for hours. She found out later that he owned 3 cats in his shared apartment with Chan and that they were basically his children. She couldn’t help but laugh despite finding that extremely cute.
Y/N was added to their group chat which had the boys and Sana in it, only for her to exchange numbers with Minho as well. It has been 3 months since they’ve gotten closer and needless to say, Minho started to fall for her as the days go by and so did she.
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It was currently a Saturday evening and both her and Sana got invited to Chan’s place to just hangout and chill, in which the girls agreed without a second thought.
Y/N wore her denim ripped skinny jeans, a shirt tucked in, a black jacket and her converse. Sana wore an open shoulder dress and a pair of vans since she was just a very girly girl compared to Y/N.
They arrived at Chan’s shared apartment, only for her to find out that Minho had kept his cats in his room. Something he doesn’t do whenever any of them come over.
Perhaps he cared for her and he didn’t want her to get sick for coming to their house.
Despite the teasing coming from his friends, he simply ignored them. He brushed them off by saying that he was just trying to be nice. When the girls entered the apartment, immediately, Y/N could already feel her nose being tickled by the atmosphere thanks to the cats living in that space.
But it wasn’t too serious yet but still, a small sneeze left her lips.
They greeted the guys who were in the living room when Minho came out of his room in just grey sweatpants, a tank top and his cutely tousled hair.
As soon as Minho locked eyes with Y/N, he froze in his spot. He saw the small smile on her face, making him shy all of a sudden. A few minutes later, they were all just gathered in the living room when Y/N turned to Minho who was seated on the floor beside her feet.
“Min ah, where’s your cats?” She asked. Minho felt himself tense up at the nickname but quickly regained himself.
“They’re in my room. Why? You wanna see them?” He asked, not realizing that some of them were actually watching them from their respective seats discreetly. Y/N smiled as she gave him a cute little nod. He could’ve sworn his heart jumped out of his chest for a bit. Nonetheless, he brought her to his closed bedroom only to push the door open and was instantly greeted by the soft jingle sounds of their collars.
Y/N smiled as 2 of the fur balls ran up to Minho and her. Making him quickly close the door behind him. Both of them kneeled down onto the ground when the dark grey cat began to nuzzle against her legs, while the light golden one hopped into Minho’s arms effortlessly.
“They’re so cute! What are their names?” She asked as she scratched the grey cat behind its ear, earning a soft purr from it.
“The one in your lap is Dori. This is Soonie. And that sleeping one is Doongie.” Minho introduced when he heard a soft squeak from her in excitement, causing him to chuckle. A blush crept onto his cheeks.
“How long have you had them for?” She asked curiously as Dori snuggled into her chest, making her pout.
“I’ve had them since I was young. When I went off to college, I told my parents I wanted to bring them with me. So, here we are.” Minho said, making her giggle thinking that his story was very cute.
Just then, Dori licked the tip of Y/N’s nose, catching her off guard.
She let out a soft giggle, turning her head towards Minho with her eyes crinkled shut. He found this extremely cute. When she fluttered her eyelids back open, she was met with him staring at her with a warm smile on his face.
She got shy so she turned to look back down at Dori, scratching the back of its ear. Soonie left Minho’s lap as he turned to her and Dori, only for him to give a few scratches to Dori’s head. Just then, Minho leaned in to rub his face into Dori’s body. Y/N giggled, watching him interact with his own pet.
Just then, he pulled away from Dori, taking this chance to turn his head towards her.
But for some reason, it felt like a mistake with how close their faces were from each other. It was almost as if they could feel each other’s breath fanning their lips and unfortunately for them, it was true. The room fell silent as nobody dared to say a word.
For some odd reason, Minho felt brave enough to actually lean in closer. 
Y/N watched very carefully as he closed the gap until she could feel his lips brushing against hers very lightly. At that very second, she closed her eyes, afraid to continue looking. Minho saw this and he began to smile, thinking she was adorable.
So he decided not to dwell on this and instead, he firmly pressed his lips on hers. Her breath hitched in her throat. She soon found herself melting against his lips. Minho’s arm found its way around her waist as he pulled her closer, until she could feel Dori jump out of her lap.
She pulled away when her stomach got pressed by Dori’s paws when it leaped off, causing him to chuckle.
“Sorry about that.” He apologized, only for her to smile.
“It’s fine.” She said with a soft little smile, only for him to blush as he kissed her again, this time reaching up to cup her face in his hand. Her heart was racing against her chest when he felt her rest her hands on his chest. Minho pulled away, having to force himself not to get too intoxicated by her soft, crème brûlée tasting lips thanks to her lip balm.
“Can I take you out on a date tomorrow?” He asked, only for her to giggle.
“Will you bring me to see your babies again?” She said.
“That depends.” He teased, making her laugh as he soon did the same. She smiled against his lips when she kissed him again, feeling extremely happy. They came back out to find the rest of them smirking. They asked why the two of them were taking their own sweet time in there, only for Minho to smirk.
“Maybe because I’m going on a date with the cutest, sweetest girl I’ve ever met who loves cats as much as I do?” Minho said, only for the rest of them to cheer happily for the new couple. Y/N blushed as she hid her face in Minho’s arm, causing him to chuckle but he simply hugged her and kissed her forehead endearingly.
Looks like he managed to find the girl of his dreams anyway.
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caramelcal · 4 years
Fool for you
a/n: eye- y’all wanting a part 2? cause i have it planned lol x
it gets much more interesting i promise oml...the enemies arc really do be one of my faves tho
word count: 3.15k
warning: swearing
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She couldn’t believe how much shit that stupid kiss had landed her in. Her head was clouded, arms crossed over her chest as she stared down at her lap, trying not to grumble. Not only her own manager was sat in the room, but 5 seconds of summer’s too, along with their bassist, one of the people she hated most, Calum Hood.
“We have seen how everyone reacted to the speculation,” The woman in front of her started, legs pressed together with a large binder sitting on her lap, hands folded gently on top. Normally Y/N got on quite well with her manager, Caroline, but right now she wanted to scream due to the words coming out of the woman’s mouth, “You’ve been gaining popularity from it, Y/N. This could be a great way for you to gain more of a following.”
Y/N had dreamed of the day she started to trend on Twitter, but this was not what she wanted to be trending for. She wasn’t trending for her music, not even her newest single. No, she was trending because everyone thought she was Calum Hood’s girlfriend.
Speaking of the boy, he sat beside her, keeping quietly to himself. This had to have been the first time that he had ever been in her presence where he hadn’t been annoying the shit out of her. Must be because his manager is in here. He had already been approached about it and seemed sold on the idea.
An idea of them being in a fake relationship.
Her, with Calum Hood. She wanted to scoff at the thought. He was unbearable at best, constantly annoying her to the point where she wanted to rip her hair out. When she had first been asked to be the opening act for 5 Seconds of Summer’s tour she had been ecstatic. The boys were nice, welcoming her onto their tour with open arms. Honestly, Y/N got on with all of them, apart from Calum. From the moment he set eyes on her he seemed determined to do anything and everything in his power to piss her off, slowly waiting until she finally lost her cool and lashed out. It was frustrating, especially considering Y/N knew she couldn’t do much about it.
Now, not only did she have to put up with Calum normally, but they wanted her to get close with him. To be in a fake relationship, which, obviously, meant spending more time with him.
“So, of course, you guys will have to be seen out in public with one another every so often so we were thinking you guys get ‘caught’ kissing my paps again, then we’re thinking dropping hints,” Ink began to get scribbled across a piece of paper, writing out a messy and brief plan which Y/N didn’t even want to look at, “Possibly y/n being caught wearing Calum’s shirt...We aren’t entirely sure yet but we will make sure to keep you updated. Do either of you have any questions?”
Despite the question seeming like it was for both of them, it was directed at Y/N, and she knew that. PR stunts and fake dating amongst celebrities were never unheard of, but she never thought she would be getting into one herself, not now and definitely not with Calum, “I do, actually. What’s in it for him exactly?”
The question was asked towards the two managers, y/n honestly didn’t want to even look at Calum right now. He probably wanted to do this simply to annoy her because he knew that he was the bane of her existence, but y/n just hoped that he wouldn’t get even more annoying, despite knowing he definitely would take advantage of the situation.
“Publicity,” His manager stated simply, nodding his head slightly in her direction. Y/n didn’t know what else to say, and they all were enveloped in a very uncomfortable silence before Caroline let out a sigh, snapping her folder shut.
“Well if that’s all,” She stood up, making y/n’s eyes travel up to her as she began to walk away, “We will leave you two be.”
With that, the two managers left without another word, shutting the door behind them. Y/n and Calum sat in awkward silence for a few moments, y/n’s eyes set firmly in the door before she stood up, going towards the door before Calum caught onto her hand.
“Where are you going?”
“Away,” Y/n huffed, tugging her hand away from the boy’s grip as she glared down at his hand. He awkwardly pulled his hand back, putting his hands down in his lap, “Going to get my last few hours of peace before we have to start this PR stunt.”
“Aw y/n/n, not wanna spend time with me, huh?” Calum teased, making her roll her eyes. He was already annoying her and he had barely spoken three sentences to her; something he had a special gift for.
“No, not really,” He gave her a fake pout before a smirk rose to his lips, making her roll her eyes.
Calum was acting as if she would actually enjoy his company. The same Calum Hood that woke her up by pouring a bucket of water on her that morning. Freezing cold water. Dickhead.
“Why are you doing this? Like why are you actually doing this?” She asked suddenly, making Calum meet her gaze with those brown eyes of his.
He shrugged, averting his gaze for a moment before speaking, “Publicity. It might not get us any more listeners but it’ll get people talkin’.”
They fell into an uncomfortable silence before y/n nodded her head, “Fair enough. I’m gonna get going. Bye.”
And with that, y/n left the room.
  Both y/n and Calum were walking together, hand in hand after a lovely ‘date’ together. It, honestly, was nothing short of awkward. Honestly, they didn’t know what to talk about with one another when they weren’t fighting; something that they became painfully aware of on their trip out that evening.
Calum, despite normally being reserved and quiet in public, actually took the lead in the conversation. Mostly because y/n didn’t know what to say and they knew that they couldn’t sit in silence, especially if someone noticed them and noticed that they didn’t even talk to one another.
It was the first PR date that had been set up, only three days after their meeting discussing the start of their fake relationship. Y/n couldn’t lie, she was incredibly nervous and uncomfortable, her white dress doing nothing to protect her from the cold air nipping at her skin.
As instructed, she was holding onto Calum’s arm, one wrapped around and intertwined with his bicep and the other one clasping their hands together. It’s a strange and awkward movement to uphold, especially when walking but they do it nonetheless.
“Calum, stop going so fast, I can’t keep up properly,” Y/n muttered to him quietly, almost tripping over her own feet when she felt herself getting tugged yet again due to her hold on Calum.
His eyes briefly flicked back to her, “I can’t really help it, y/n. I’m already going as slow as I can.”
“Well sorry I don’t have legs like the BFG like you, I’m trying not to fall ‘cause you keep tugging at me. This dress was not a good move for this,” She grumbled quietly again and Calum doesn’t even reply. Instead, he started walking even faster, “Calum! Slow down!”
She was pulled into a lane by Calum by the time she had finished that sentence, his hands on either side of her arms holding her in place. His broad shoulders are obstructing her from being able to see out of the small alleyway but before she could ask why he did that, he’s shushing her quietly and whispering, “Saw the paps. They saw me, too. It’s time.”
God, he made it sound so dramatic. It wasn’t like they were fighting off any evil spirit or villain, all they had to do was get caught kissing by the paps. It didn’t seem like it was going to be a particularly difficult job, just one they had to execute properly, and right now everything was going pretty smoothly. They just had to make sure that it looked authentic and like they actually wanted to do it.  
He let out a breath he was holding as he looked down at her, asking her silently for permission to start as his fingers went around the back of her neck, thumb resting on her cheek. She nodded her head and he began to lean in, y/n standing on her tip-toes with her arms splayed over Calum’s shoulders woth him bending down and pressing his lips on hers.
They kissed for several moments, taking little breaks in between. No tongue was a rule they had decided on so instead they stuck to closed mouth. On the last peck shared between the two of them, Calum gently pulled away, y/n’s bottom lip trapped between his lips before her feet hit the ground, their lips now completely disconnected.
She, discretely, tried to peek around Calum to see the paps, but couldn’t, so instead, they stayed in that position for a little while longer. Her eyes glanced up at Calum, seeing him still staring down at her, she whispered, “What?”
“Nothing,” He dismissed, shaking his head hesitantly before he took a small step back before putting his hand out for y/n to grab onto. She shot him a smile as she laced their fingers together, tugging him along and out of the alley.
The games had begun.
  It’s only about a week later when y/n was doing her washing as normal in some hotel’s launderette. She had been off of social media for the past few days, paying no mind to the several thousand people talking about her and Calum's 'relationship’. It surely had blown up, and some might say more than they had expected it to. Y/n had accumulated thousands of more followers after the whole fiasco and although she wouldn’t admit it, she enjoyed seeing the fan theories.
Calum had actually been a lot nicer to her recently, something she hadn’t expected, but enjoyed very much. A smile is on her face as she thought about the lack of pranks that he had been playing on her, and sure, he was still irritating her but it was simply with his words. He walked her down to the launderette, before turning to get his own load of dark clothes.
Surprisingly, despite having rather heavy music, y/n owned quite a lot of white clothes. Sure, she mostly wore black, but right now she was washing her white clothes. Well, what were her white clothes...
Now? They’re pink.
She took the wet fabric out of the washer, noticing one of her favorite white dresses is now dyed an ugly pink, one that she knows she won’t pull off. Her eyebrows are furrowed, a frown settling on her face as she tried to pull the clothes out, trying to find the root cause of the problem.
That’s when she found it. A red sock; Calum’s red sock.
Suddenly everything seemed to make sense as to why he was being so nice to her; so he could pull another prank on her when she least expected it. That’s why he had waited behind once she left the launderette, that’s why he seemed so interested in her white, now pink, clothes that she apparently ‘hadn’t washed in a while and should definitely wash’. 
“Calum!” She screamed out in anger, glad for the lack of other people in the small room, clenching her fists around the wet, pink clothes in her hand. They’re all ruined, inconsistent blotches of different shades of pinks coating the fabrics.
It was only seconds later when Calum popped his head up in confusion, “Yeah?”
Except, Y/n didn’t reply, and instead trained her e/c eyes onto his brown ones with a firm glare, one filled with frustration and anger. He, however, hadn’t seen her glare just yet as he surveyed the room before he catches onto her crouched-down figure. She watched as they trailed down to the pink clothes in her hand and he struggles to fight a grin off of his face.
“Thought you were doin’ a white load, y/n/n?” His voice had snide amusement in it and it only made y/n even madder.
However, before she replied, she grabbed onto the red sock of his and threw it at his head, letting out a complaint that sounds more like a whine, “You’ve ruined my favorite dress, asshole!”
“Woah calm down sweetheart, don’t be rude to your boyfriend,” Calum teased, walking around to where y/n was sat, reaching down to ruffle her hair. She quickly swatted his hand away with a grumble.
“Fake. Fake boyfriend, Hood.”
Calum simply rolled his eyes in reply, waving her off, “Yeah, yeah whatever. Enjoy your pink clothes.”
     It was only a week later when management is rushing them to take nice pictures together and becoming Instagram official. Theories are still burning in the air, especially after they were ‘caught’ by paps, kissing, for a second time. Everyone knew something was going on, that much was obvious, but they wanted to hear it from them.
They snapped pictures off stage, the last one being of Calum’s arm over y/n’s shoulder, holding her close to his body with her lips placed on his cheek. Her eyes are closed upon instruction, and he has a bright smile on his face, looking straight at the camera. The photos they snapped were quickly looked over before they’re approved to post on Instagram.
Y/n doesn’t know what to say, and in fact, she’s finding it hard to breathe. It was only fifteen minutes before she had to go on stage for their next concert, and this was the most nervous she had felt in ages. What if she gets hate? What if the whole fandom hated her? She knew that most likely some fangirls would be jealous, that was perfectly understandable, she just hoped no one went far enough to send her tons of hate; especially considering it was fake.
Y/n didn’t like this situation any more than they did but there was nothing she could do about it. Watching over Calum’s shoulder, she saw him press post, and she felt like she couldn’t even breathe. She felt like the air was being restricted from her lungs, and she can’t even bring herself to opening her phone to see people freaking out over the announcement of their ‘relationship’.
“Well, that’s that.” Calum looked at her over his shoulder, letting out a soft sigh as his brown eyes wrack over her face. She’s pale, and she didn’t even seem to hear his as he talked, making his eyebrows furrow in confusion, “Y/n? You good there?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” She dismissed quickly, taking a step away from him, wringing her hands awkwardly. She’s nodding her head, but her eyes are firmly set on the ground now and Calum knows that she’s nervous. Sure, the two weren’t close and Calum took enjoyment in annoying her, but he was surprisingly good at telling how she was feeling simply from her body movements.
He hesitated, lips parting as he thought of what to say as he stared at the smaller girl who looked like she wanted the ground to swallow her whole, but after a few moments, his lips snapped shut. He wasn’t good at consoling, especially not her. And even if he did want to try, what could he possibly say?
This situation wasn’t ideal for her. Sure, it got her publicity, but he knew it wasn’t the type that she wanted. She hadn’t been fully introduced to the famous lifestyle yet, articles written about her, fan accounts, everything so he knew this was going to be hard for her. It took him a while to adjust to the lifestyle, and sure things like paps were still uncomfortable but they weren’t scary anymore.
As he stared at her, a frown prominent on his lips, he studied her. He noticed how awkward and uncomfortable she had become from the moment that he had posted the photo, almost as if she was awaiting an attack. He knew it was scary, the paps, the fangirls, and he also knew that this abrupt change in lifestyle from this moment on was going to be difficult for her; so he would make it easier.
He would answer the questions, take the heat about the relationship. He would protect her from all of the nasty comments as best as he could because no one deserved to be flung into the lifestyle like she was being right now, despite wanting publicity. This was a whole new life starting for her from the moment he posted the picture and as he nodded his head discretely, it was like a deal had been sealed with himself.
He was going to help her through this, even if she still hated him.
      It was three hours after the show had taken place and she still hadn’t turned her phone back on yet. She felt sick to her stomach, staring at her phone almost as if it was taunting her; itching for her to open Instagram but at the same time, wanting her to stay far, far away from the app.
Yet, soon enough she found herself booting up her phone and going onto Instagram, almost immediately finding Calum’s photo. She clicked on the comments and was pleasantly surprised. People were actually being supportive.
“omg look at them!!!”
“I want someone to look at me the way Cal looks at Y/n”
That last one made her smile. She knew exactly what picture they were referencing. The one where y/n has her back to the camera in Calum’s embrace, and he’s staring down at her with a smile, arms wrapped around her, pulling her flush against his chest. She remembered her face buried deep into Calum’s shirt, surprised that the makeup she was wearing didn’t rub off on the material.
She was subconsciously shaking her head as she pulled her knees to her chest, resting her chin on top of them. She flicked back up to the pictures, almost analyzing the way Calum stared down at her. The fan was right, Calum looked at her with so much “love” in his eyes, a look that y/n had never seen on Calum before.
It was crazy. If y/n didn’t know any better she would think that Calum actually was in love with her but the only thing he loved about her, was how annoyed he could get her. Calum was certainly a good actor, looking at her like she was the sun and he was the revolving planets; like the only girl in the entire universe. Well, at least if Calum got bored of music he could go into acting.
They already had everyone fooled, and they were just getting started...
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samiwok · 4 years
Do you take requests? If you do, then Aoba Joshai, Nekoma, and Karasuno reaction to walking in on y/n changing. If you can't do them all, then just the main players.
haikyuu characters walking on you changing.
> Oikawa : he’ll scream to everyone he saw you naked bc i quote “stoopid forgot to lock the door” but dw everyone will tell him to stfu as always
> Iwaizumi : wide eyes. probably in state of shock and shame so intense that he’ll take a few seconds seeming like an eternity to leave the room
> Matsukawa : “woopsiiies close the door next time” then he’ll leave without saying anything bc he’s a gentleman; no remarks in an awkward moment like this one but be sure he’ll flirt with you the days after
> Hanamaki : he opens the door; and he looks at you and you look at him and he looks at you and you look at hiiiim (lmao sorry) no seriously he’ll just raise his eyebrows, no words, just his smirk as he leaves the room
> Watari : lil babyyyyy omg he’s too ashamed to say anything actually; he’s just standing, hiding his mouth in shock and closing his eyes so hard
> Kyoutani : he opens the door aggressively, making you jump in surprise so yeah he absolutely saw every inch of your body now. but he’s much more respectful than we can think so he’ll leave immediately and he won’t say anything after (don’t talk ab what happened to him pls, he’ll be sooo uncomfortable)
> Yahaba : he opens the door, he sees your body “ah..okay, well, yeah well, uhm, yeah bye” basically he’s stuttering but not taking his eyes off you (he’s visibly attracted which makes it even more awkward) and then he realizes and he closes the door, running away (pretty sure he wants to hide)
> Kindaichi : he makes that ghost face yk screaming “OH MY GOD I’M TERRIBLY SORRY (Y/N) !” and omg he feels soooo bad, like it’s his fault when it was just an accident and bby will probably excuse himself every day
> Kunimi : he probably didn’t notice you were changing since his eyes are glued to his phone “hey (y/n) did you see this on Twitter ?” then he’ll look at you, showing his phone and then he realizes that you’re naked “...yeah that’s awkward”
> Kuroo : “owww I see” he says as he opens the door to your naked body. Wide eyes, he looks at you from your head to your toes and then he apologizes and closes the door. It may seem like he teased u but trust me he’s sooo ashamed of his reaction
> Yaku : he’s upset ?? But bby is not upset bc of you or anything no he’s just upset bc anyone else could’ve seen you that way (he feels bad for being the one who saw you but well) and he closes the door loudly saying “lock the god damn door (y/n) !”
> Kai : quiet??? Like awkwardly quiet. He opens the door, he smiles on reassurance and he apologizes with a soft gaze and then he closes the door. He won’t talk about it to anyone and I’m pretty sure he’ll even forget it bc for him it was nothing
> Kenma : he opens the door and he sees you half naked. He blushed instantly, likes, was even his face that red in his whole life?? He does not say anything and he just closes the door and leaves quietly looking like he just seen a ghost lol
> Yamamoto : the boy clearly falls for any girl but you, you’re beautiful it’s much more and when he sees you he totally loses his mind. Like- he can’t think clearly and he’s just a mess, falling on the floor and probably falling unconscious lmaooo
> Fukunaga : he makes a joke, as if nothing happened and then he leaves the room like normal. He’s not asking himself if he offended you or if he didn’t react correctly actually he’s only asking himself if the joke he made was funny enough since you didn’t laugh
> Shibayama : he apologizes instantly, he was already closing his eyes so hard to forget what he saw (didn’t see anything except your shoulders actually) and then he leaves and he’ll feel guilty everytime he sees you
> Lev : A W H O L E MESS. No for real, he opens the door and he’s hitting himself bc he’s too tall lmaooo so you laugh at it completely forgetting you’re changing and he looks at you and sees your body and he leaves running and hits himself again yeah that’s a mess that’s Lev 🚶🏽‍♀️
> Daichi : he stays in the room, eyes closed of course bc it’s Daichi he would never disrespect you but he stays only to scold you “(y/n) close the door next time that was embarrassing as hell !”
> Sugawara : he scolds you but unlike Daichi he does it softly. He’s like “ugh y/n seriously, you should lock the door! I’m saying this for you because people can see you and not react correctly” and then he leaves and repeats you to lock the door
> Azumane : he obviously overreacts. Like yeah he saw u half naked and he’s acting like he’s done something horrible, he doesn’t say anything to you except that he’s sorry and when he leaves the room you can totally hear him “are you idiot? God you’re idiot” (yes he’s talking to himself)
> Nishinoya : first he’s happy bc he saw a naked woman and not anyone, you! But then he realizes he still has to be a gentleman ab it so he leaves the room immediately “don’t worry (y/n)-san, I’m staying in front of the door to make sure no one sees” okay that was awkward but he’s cute
> Tanaka : he stays silently looking at you, in the eyes of course he’s not an asshole. he still saw your body tho. “is that how kiyoko’s body look?” And then he realizes he said it out loud and he runs FAR FAR away
> Ennoshita : he enters the room and stays immobile to the view of you half naked body. “N-nice body” He shakes his head and he just knows he didn’t react correctly and he feels soooo bad I think he could cry tbh 🧍🏽‍♀️
> Kinoshita : eyebrows furrowed, wide eyes, and his mouth open as if he just seen something awful. Actually he doesn’t know how to apologize so he stutters dkekfkejej bby is kinda cute and when he finally manages to say sorry he leaves and he stays hidden all day 💀
> Narita : he doesn’t speak a lot sooo the fact that you don’t really know each other and he saw you that way will reaaaally makes him uncomfortable. so uncomfortable that no one will know about it actually and if you’re making a joke ab it he’ll run away
> Kageyama : he was sure it was the place to eat so you see him entering with his food, he sees you and he stays standing and staring with wide eyes “so it’s not here to eat I guess ?” and he doesn’t move until you push him out the room
> Hinata : he’s a babyyy 🥺 so yeah when he saw you he was surprised at first bc he never saw a woman’s body before and then he apologizes and he claps the door when he leaves (you can hear him screaming of shame)
> Tsukishima : he laughs??? a mocking laugh but then istg he’ll feel so guilty bc he didn’t mean to laugh at you it was more like a nervous laugh fkekej so he comes back and opens the door without entering or looking just for you to hear his apologies
> Yamaguchi : he apologizes first!!! Then he hits himself bc he feels like he just made a mistake when it’s actually not his fault at all but bby feels so bad he even tells tsukki who probably mocks him telling him it’s nothing but he still feels guilty 🥺
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cheonjeolmi · 3 years
Walmart Date (Modern AU)
Pairing: Hange x F! Reader
Warnings: None ( except for some tooth-rotting fluff ) 
Request?: Not requested, though my requests are open so feel free to send!
A/N: just some desperately needed Hange fluff !! Sorry for any grammar or formatting errors as its been a while since I used tumblr. In any case please enjoy the story, and follow me on twitter for writing related updates @_thexaus !
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“Y/N!! Come on, come on! Let’s goo” Hange exclaimed as they couldn’t help but pace back and forth around their shared room. 
“Babe, it’s still way too early for you to be this hyper.” you groaned.
“Oh, sorry! I’m just so excited!” They giggled and brought their arms around you, wrapping you in a hug.
“We’re going to Walmart to buy some groceries and other things, why exactly are you excited?” You asked as you returned their hug.
“Yeah, but we’re still spending time together! We’re going on a Walmart date!” she continued, “plus, I’ve missed you. We’ve both been busy with work. But now that it’s our day-off, we can have our date!” Hange smiled and pressed a light kiss to your forehead, face heating up in embarrassment from the sudden kiss. 
“Aww, you’re so cute when you blush! It makes me want to kiss you even more” they swooned, peppering you with kisses, before kissing your nose then touching it afterward. “Boop!” They chuckled at your reaction. “I love you, Y/N”
“I love you too, Hange” The two of you wrapped around each other, with you listening to their heartbeat. The brown-haired scientist pulled away, retracting their arms from you
“Okay, the last one to the car is a rotten egg!” Hange laughed as they bolted towards the door, leaving you in their trail very confused
“Haha, rotten egg!” they said as they kept boasting about their victory. (Y/N) glared at them
“It’s not fair! I wasn’t ready and you tried to trip me at some point. Also, if I had known we were doing that, you would definitely be saying otherwise right now.” you accused your brown-haired partner
“Whatever, you’re just mad that I won” Hange turned to you with a smug smirk before sticking her tongue out, you scoffed and walked a bit further from them, deciding to playfully ignore them.
“Babe, I did what I have to do and I won so that’s all that matters,” they boasted once more, noticing you walk further from them, they let out a laugh “Are you seriously gonna ignore me?” 
You didn’t respond. Instead, you walked even further from them, creating a bigger distance than before. “Okay fine, be that way then. I’m gonna ignore you too! A taste of your own medicine, if you will.” They sighed, crossing their arms, stomping toward the Walmart in front of you both.
Although that didn’t last long since once you both entered the store, they turned to you with tears starting to form in the corner of their eyes. “Y/N!! Please don’t be mad at me anymore, I’m sorry! There, are you happy!? You’re not the rotten egg, I am!” they whined, begging for your attention in the process.
When they saw you turn toward them, their smile grew but immediately dropped when you gave them a smug look, loving the way they were acting now.
“Torture! This is torture, Y/N! Why are you torturing your cute and precious partner named Hange aka the love of your life?! I thought you loved meee..” they whined, as other people began to give you both weird looks.
“Oh my god, Hange! I forgive you. Now, be quiet before we get kicked out!” you said as they immediately brought you into a hug kissing your cheek,
“Yay, Y/N loves me!” Hange sang in delight as they dragged you along the store “So what are we going to buy?” they hummed, walking beside you. “Oh no, I forgot to make a list,” a small frown came across your face. 
“Well anyway, snacks, drinks, and ingredients for dinner. Did you wanna look around to buy something?” Y/N said turning to Hange smiling as they nodded “Okay great! We’ll meet up later, yeah?” After which they both went their separate ways.
Hange skipped around the store holding a basket filled with sweets, and a worrying amount of Red Bull. Once they finished going around getting everything they wanted, the brown-haired scientist stopped and froze in fear 
“Oh no…” Hange had gotten lost in the big store and was completely without their girlfriend and now, proceeded to exaggerate their situation, thinking of all the things that were unlikely to happen. Were they overreacting? Yes, but they believed you could never be too sure.
“Oh no, oh no, oh no no no. I have to find Y/N! Oh, I can call her-!” fishing for their phone, only to see that it was dead. “Oh come on! The day I forget to charge is the day I get lost. What are the odds.” they sighed in defeat but soon perked up, thinking of the perfect idea to get them out of this predicament.
“Calling Ms. Y/N L/N, please head down to register 5. Again, can Ms. Y/N L/N, please head down to register 5. Thank you.” The store speaker rang out  as you head over there to see what was wrong, there you saw Hange sitting down on the bench, pouting while swinging their legs back and forth.
You compared the sight to that of a child who lost their mother, which to be fair was sort of your situation right now. Hange then looked up and saw you come closer, making their pout turn to a wide grin, soon enough they ran up to you and hugged you tightly.
“Y/N!! You’re here! And you’re alive!!” Hange practically screamed as they were now reassured and weren’t alone by themselves anymore.
"Hange, what-? Of course, I'm alive...Now, start talking.” your gaze hardened against their brown eyes, they gulped from the tension and simply nodded.
“First, why’d you ask them to call me here? Second of all, why didn’t you just text or call me?” They rubbed a hand on their nape, clearly nervous as you seemed like a mother scolding their child, which was also very much true.
“Well, I um..got lost...second, my phone was dead. Also, while waiting for you, I talked with the lady at the register! Her name was Flora! What a nice fellow she was..” Hange smiled, recalling the small conversation they had, whilst waiting for Y/N to arrive at the register.
“Hi, I’m Hange!”
“Nice to meet you, Hange. I’m Flora,” “So, this Y/N person is your..girlfriend?” Hange nodded
“Ah, yes she is! Very lovely, kind, helpful, friendly, and she’s just so great!”
“Aw, that’s sweet. You must love her a lot” the kind woman said and Hange could only nod, thinking about all the things she loved about you.
“I’m gonna marry her one day. I don’t know when or where, but if I’m with her that’s all that matters'' the brown-haired scientist sighed dreamily, as they began to imagine what married life would be like with you.
“I was exactly like you once with my wife, when we’d still been dating. Her name’s Evie and now we’re married! 10 years and counting!” “Let me tell you, waking up to her every day is a dream and even after 10 years it never gets old. I’m sure it’ll be the same for you both” Hange smiled and thanked the kind woman at the register.
“Hange? Helloo? Earth to Hange?” you waved your hand against her face, which seemed to break them out of their daze and smile at you. “Oh, sorry Y/N! Were you done paying for everything?” they asked and you nodded “Oh shoot, I forgot something!”
“Oh? What did you forget? We’re not in a rush so we could go look for it” your eyes lit up in mischief “No no, it’s not that. It’s just that,” moving forward to get your head start “the last one to the car is a rotten egg!” you exclaimed, giggling as you bolted out the door, leaving Hange in the same state you had been in before. 
“Huh..? HUH!!? HEY WAIT!! THAT’S NOT FAIR Y/N!” they shouted as they ran after you, which didn’t take long. Hange caught you in their arms around your waist trapping you within the confines of their body, their chest pressing against your back. 
You moved around their hold, both of you admiring each other's features as the two of you smiled like idiots. “Hey you” they smiled, “Hey yourself” Y/N replied, snuggling closer towards the scientist.
Suddenly the air between you changed, a visible sense of longing present, “Y/N..” Hange began to slowly lean towards you, you began to do the same as your lips brush against each other, their hands move to cup your face, the kiss feeling like all the good things you could name.
Fireworks. Butterflies. Electricity.
Everything in that moment felt right and you both knew that. “Hange” you moaned into her lips as the two of you broke apart for air, which didn't last long as your lips were back on theirs. The taste and feel of their lips on yours, their scent of warm vanilla with a slight hint of earthiness to it filled through your nostrils. 
Everything about them was addicting, and it was frightening how you were willing to sacrifice a lot to be with them-- or to feel the rush of excitement, danger, adrenaline, and warmth which coursed through your veins whenever you were with Hange.
For a few seconds, everything around you was still. You feel every little detail and it's simply beautiful. It’s only but the two of you and it's unlike anything you’ve ever experienced and oh how you wished this moment could last forever.
As the two of you parted, yours and Hange's foreheads pressed against each other gently with the two of you smiling like idiots in love.
“Y/N, stay with me forever please” “Hange..I'd only ever want to stay with you anyway” they smiled once again and placed soft kisses along your face, from your forehead to your nose, and from your cheeks to your jawline bringing their lips to the shell of your ear with Hange softly nibbling on it,
“Hange-” you moaned at the action and they smirked at the way your voice slightly broke. “And another thing, I win, rotten egg.” Hange pulled back to look at your shocked expression and smiled. Admittedly, you had forgotten about the silly race as memories of the kiss you shared not too long ago, filled every space in your mind.
The coffee-haired scientist raced over to where you parked the car and you couldn't help but smile seeing their tall energetic figure make a beeline to the car, with you walking a few steps behind them accepting your defeat. God, you loved Hange so much and you knew that they loved you too, if not more.
But no matter how many times Hange had told you they loved you, you always felt comfort in knowing that, smiling once again for what seemed to be the millionth time that night.
'You're going to be the death of me, Hange Zoe.'
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The Whole Damn World, And More(Current!Axl Rose x Reader) [Smut]
This wasn’t requested, but I love current day Axl, and I really wanted a fic like this.
Description: You’re Axl’s much-younger girlfriend, and the media has had a field day with your relationship. Every article is a false speculation that you’re a gold digger, that Axl’s paid you to date him, that it’s a fake relationship for publicity. It’s not doing much for Axl’s self-esteem, and you’ve noticed. No matter what the media says, it doesn’t change how you feel about Axl, and you’re determined to prove it.
Warnings: Smut, Age Gap Relationship, Hurt/Comfort, Low Self-Esteem
Guns N Roses Taggers: @stradlin-cold-heartbreaker @curly-hudson @ubernoxa
Permanent Taggers: @smokeandmirrorz @holyjunkie @overlyobsessedfangirl @slashevilsister @julessworldd @comawhxte666 @agroupiewhore
Older Axl Rose Taggers: @frankillol @assassin-canary
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“This is bullshit. Utter. Fucking. Bullshit.”
You stared down at the trashy gossip magazine that was tightly clutched between your fingers, a look of pure disgust on your face. The press weren’t even trying to hide their opinion of your relationship with Axl, anymore. A picture of you and Axl was the front cover. The picture itself was incredibly manipulative; they had snapped the photo while you were distracted, so Axl was smiling at you lovingly while you looked off somewhere else, appearing uninterested.
Along with the picture, the caption read, “Axl Rose has a new girlfriend-or is sugar baby a better word? (Y/n) (L/n), seen pictured here alongside the singer(who just turned 59)while out at a local festival, appears to be completely uninterested in her supposed lover. Maybe the money just isn’t enough?” You could feel your face going beet red. Fuck, you hated the fucking press so much sometimes. You tossed the stupid magazine onto the kitchen floor and stood up from the table, kicking it aside.
God, why did the press hate you so much? You’d known there would be talk, considering how much younger you were than Axl, but this was just plain ridiculous. They were grasping at straws just to drag you through the damn mud. “Everything okay, baby? Heard you throw something.” You glanced up to see Axl standing in the doorway with his arms crossed. You smiled. “Hey, baby. I’m fine. Just a magazine.” He raised an eyebrow and smirked. “What did the magazine do? Do I need to beat it up?”
You giggled, and walked over to give him a hug. “Don’t worry about it, baby. It’s dumb.” He kissed you on the cheek, resting his forehead against yours. “Is it really, or do you just not want me to know what you’re upset about?” Damn it. Axl could always tell when something bothered you. You sighed, leaning your head against his chest, and looked up at him. “The media’s such a bitch sometimes.” A look of understanding crossed his face.
“What was the headline this time?” You stomped over to the magazine and picked it up, smoothing out the wrinkles as you handed it to Axl. He glanced down at it, and a look of hurt crossed his face that made you feel awful for even showing it to him. God, he didn’t deserve this bullshit. “Sugar baby, huh? You put up with way too much of my bullshit to just be in it for my money, isn’t that right baby?” He tossed the magazine back on the floor and wrapped you back into his arms for another warm hug.
You accepted the hug, but pulled your head away from his chest long enough to give him a pointed stare. “You know those magazines are bullshit, right? I love you, not your money.” Axl smiled, although somewhat unconvincingly, and nodded, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. “I know, baby.” You knew he was lying, but decided not to pry. You kissed him on the neck and rested your head on his chest again, and he sighed, stroking your hair. “Let’s not look at these magazines anymore.”
You hummed in agreement, the both of you gently rocking back in forth in the embrace, and he suddenly pulled away. “Let’s go watch some TV, baby.” You smiled and followed him into the living room, knowing he was more interested in cuddling on the couch than in actually watching anything. He plopped down on the couch, and you crawled into his lap, letting him wrap an arm around your waist as you rested the back of your head on his chest. He flipped quickly through the channels, and you saw a flash of his name on the screen.
Evidently, he did too, because he stopped on that channel, which turned out to be a trashy talk show. It was a group of middle-aged woman sitting around a table; the bar at the bottom of the screen read: ‘Axl Rose’s Gold Digger Girlfriend.’ You felt Axl tense up, and looked up at him. He looked pissed, but didn’t change the channel. The women were talking about how “obvious” it was that you were using him for his money. “I mean, let’s be honest with ourselves. She’s a young, pretty girl, and Axl Rose hasn’t been attractive since the nineties. There’s nothing in it for her except his money.”
The host who had said that received a round of applause from the audience, but you had already snatched the remote from Axl and turned the TV off, breathing heavily from how pissed off you were at the girl’s words. You could tell from how tightly he was gripping your waist that Axl was upset, and you quickly got off of his lap and turned around to pull him into a hug, pushing his head against your chest and stroking his hair as you whispered in his ear. “Baby, I’m so sorry, don’t listen to them, they don’t know anything.” Axl mumbled something into your shirt. “What did you say, baby?”
He pulled away and repeated himself. “Guess we’ll have to throw the TV out, too.” You smiled, but you knew he was only joking to hide how hurt he was. “I’ll burn it for you, my love.” You took his hand and pressed it against your cheek, kissing his knuckle. “We can just find something else to do, anyway. Actually, I can name a couple of things right now that we could do instead of watching TV.” You smiled suggestively and ran your hand down Axl’s chest, expecting him to get excited and carry you upstairs to the bedroom like he always did, but to your surprise, he shook his head and pushed your hand off, standing up.
“I think I’m just going to call it a night, baby. I ordered a pizza a while ago, it should be here soon. Eat as much of it as you want.” He went upstairs without another word, and you felt a stab of guilt. It was only 8:30; there was no way he was actually tired. Or, maybe he was. You couldn’t blame him, seeing as this constant media bashing would exhaust anyone. Worst of all, it seemed like he was genuinely starting to believe what the media was saying about how you were only with him for his money. That he was an ugly, fat, worthless rock star, and you were just pretending to love him for his cash.
The thought of him believing that was enough to make you want to cry. He was such a sweet man, and he loved you so much, and people couldn’t just leave him alone and let him be happy for once in his life. As you sat at the table, waiting for the doorbell to ring for the pizza, a terrible thought occurred to you: what if Axl was crying upstairs, all alone and feeling used? The image of him curled up in the fetal position with tears running down his face, like a scared little boy, was the final straw. Fuck the goddamn pizza, Axl was way more important.
You hurried up the stairs, almost tripping from how fast you were going, and stopped in front of your bedroom door, pressing one ear to the door to see if you could hear anything. It was deathly silent, which worried you way more than anything else would have. After a moment, you hesitantly knocked on the door. “Come in.” It was so quiet, you almost didn’t hear it. You opened the door, and closed it behind you as you came in. Axl was laying on the bed, facing away from you. His shoes and jeans were still on, and there were no blankets on him. He was just laying there, staring at the blank wall.
“Baby? Are you okay?” You walked around to his side of the bed, sitting on the edge of the bed beside him. He hid his face in the pillow, and you reached out to take his much-bigger hand in your own. “Axl? Honey, look at me please. You can talk to me, you know that.” His shoulders relaxed a little bit, and he moved his head so his cheek was against the pillow. It wasn’t much of an improvement, but you could at least see his face now. “Tell me what’s wrong, my love. I hate seeing you like this.” He sighed, squeezing your hand, and shook his head. “It’s so fucking stupid, baby.”
You leaned down closer to him and stroked his hair, eyeing him sympathetically. “What’s stupid, baby? Talk to me, I’m here for you.” He was silent for a moment, seemingly getting his thoughts together. “I feel like I’m not enough for you.” You felt a pang of guilt in your chest, heartbroken at how sad he sounded. “Not enough for me? Aw, baby, I’m so sorry, how have I made you feel like that? I promise I didn’t mean to, you’re more than enough for me.” Axl shook his head, finally sitting up enough for you to see his face. “I don’t mean you at all, baby, you haven’t done anything wrong. If anything, I think you’re just about the only person who hasn’t acted like I’m not enough for you.”
Confused, you crawled into Axl’s arms and wrapped your own around him, pulling him closer to you to make him feel safer. “Then who’s been making you feel that way, baby?” You gently scratched his back with your fingernails, and felt him relax under your touch. “The media, talk show hosts, people on fucking Twitter, my friends, the entire general public, I could go on and on. It’s like I’m finally happy and I’ve finally met someone whom I’m head-over-heels for, and it feels like everyone’s against it. All this shit..as far as the newspapers are concerned, you’re a gold digger and I’m a fat, ugly loser who’s paying you for sex.”
You felt your heart rip in half. Did he really believe that you were only in this for the money, like how people were saying? “Axl, baby, I don’t know if me saying this will help anything, but I promise you I’m not with you for your money. I’m with you because you’re kind, and you’re funny, and you’re so, so handsome, and so talented, and because I love you so much. You could lose all your money tomorrow and I’d still be right here beside you when you woke up the next day.” Axl looked genuinely touched, and he leaned over and kissed you on the lips. “Maybe I really don’t deserve you. You’re the sweetest fucking angel on earth, you know that, baby?”
You grinned and stroked his face, happy he was cheering up. “We deserve each other, baby. But you really do know I’m not a gold digger, right?” Axl nodded. “I never thought you were, baby, I’ve just been worried that those people are right. That you do deserve someone better, and that you’ll realize that and leave me for a younger guy who’s actually attractive and more in shape than me, you know? I guess I wouldn’t blame you if you did, though, I know I’m not exactly the most sexually appealing guy on the planet. Far from it, actually. I’m sorry for that.” You frowned and kissed his forehead. “What? Baby, where did you get that idea from?”
He laughed, and leaned his head back against the pillow, clasping his hands behind his head. “Haven’t you seen all the talk shows and the headlines and the memes, baby? I think it’s pretty clear what the general public thinks of me. Not to mention, we have mirrors.” You narrowed your eyes and, without warning him, straddled him and pinned his arms down on the bed, leaning forward so that your lips were just an inch away from his. “You really think you’re not attractive enough, baby?” He looked a little surprised, but nodded. You leaned even closer until your lips brushed his own. “Guess I’ll have to show you how wrong you are, then.”
You kissed him roughly, gripping his shirt in your fingers and running your hands up his chest. When you pulled away, his lips were swollen and red, and he looked shocked out of his mind. “What do you say, Ax? Want me to show you? I won’t do anything else unless you want me to.” He nodded quickly and pulled you back down to kiss him again, running his hands down to squeeze your firm ass. You could feel him getting hard beneath you, and you ground your hips down against his, feeling it harden even more as he moaned against your lips.
You pulled away and tugged at the hem of his shirt, hinting to him that you wanted it off, and he hesitated. You immediately stopped and looked up at him. “What’s the matter?” He smiled weakly. “Maybe I should keep the shirt on this time, baby.” You frowned and shook your head. “No way! I love seeing you shirtless, baby, I’d let you walk around like that all day if you wanted to.” He still looked uncertain, so you spoke to him gently. “Do you really not want to take it off? I’m not gonna force you, baby.” He fidgeted with his shirt hem. “Do you promise that you actually like me like that? With my shirt off, I mean. It really doesn’t bother you?”
You smiled reassuringly and kissed his forehead. “It doesn’t bother me at all. I love your body, baby, you should be proud of it. Here, let me see.” You gently pulled his shirt up enough to expose his chest and tummy, and admired his body fondly. “See? Nothing to be ashamed off. It’s perfect to me.” You leaned down and kissed a line down his chest, reveling in the sounds he made as you got closer to his bulge. You kissed down his belly until your lips reached the waistband of his jeans, and then licked a stripe up his belly, making his hips jolt underneath you. You fiddled with the button on his jeans, and he sat up a little more excitedly.
You pulled his jeans down his thighs enough to reveal his boxers, and slid your hand down his waistband to rub his cock. He moaned softly at the contact, and you pulled his cock out and let it rest against his stomach, stroking a finger up the exposed underside of the shaft. Tiny drops of precum beaded from the tip, and you swiped them up with your finger and licked them up. You realized he still had his shoes on, and got off of him long enough to pull them off along with his tight pants and boxers, leaving him completely naked and exposed. Your eyes raked his body appreciatively, and you smiled.
“You’re so fucking sexy, baby. God, look at that. Your cock looks so tasty. I guarantee you those bitchy talk show hosts don’t get dick like this. I’m so lucky.” Your words made Axl go red, and he smiled sheepishly as you climbed back on top of him and kissed him once again, running your hands over his chest as you did so. By now, a steady stream of precum was leaking from his tip, and his erection was so red and throbbing that it almost looked painful. “Aw, look at that. Let me take care of you, baby.” You reached out and wrapped your hand around the base, and he sighed gently at the soft touch.
You gently pumped your hand up and down his hard shaft, rubbing your thumb over his slit and spreading the precum over his head. His head fell back against the pillow, and you giggled and leaned down to kiss the tip. His reaction was to curse under his breath and push the back of your head down until your mouth was around the tip, and you eagerly sucked on the head as you attempted to slowly take the entire thing into your mouth. A low moan fell from Axl‘s lips, and he mumbled praises under his breath as he closed his eyes and laid back against the bed. You rubbed circles on his thigh with one hand.
You wrapped one hand around his base to keep it steady as you took it all the way into your mouth until your lips met your hand. You used your free hand to cup his balls, fondling them as you swirled your tongue around the tip, licking up the beads of precum leaking from his slit. Axl shivered and gently pulled you off of his dick, beckoning you to come closer to him. You did, and he kissed you desperately as his hands slid up the back of your shirt to hold onto your hips. He pulled away and smiled. “How come I’m the only naked one here? It’s not very fair.”
You grinned at him and nodded. “You’re right, it’s not! So sorry, let me fix that, baby.” You grabbed your shirt by the edges and pulled it off, throwing it across the room and turning back to Axl. “Wanna help me get this bra off?” Axl’s face lit up and he nodded eagerly, sliding his hands around to the clasp of your bra and unsnapping it with ease. “You’re a natural at this, baby!” Axl laughed. “Probably helps that we do this a lot.” You tugged the bra off and discarded it with the shirt, and then grabbed Axl’s hands and guided them to your breasts.
He gently squeezed them, rubbing his fingers over your nipples until they were hard, and then looked up at you. “Move a little closer?” You smiled, knowing what he wanted to do, and leaned close enough for him to take one of your nipples into his mouth, sucking gently on it and then gently sucking a hickey onto the space right above it. You tightened your hands in his hair and moaned softly, encouraging him under your breath. “Fuck, that’s so good, baby.” Soon enough, you pulled away and grabbed Axl’s hands again to guide them under your skirt.
His hands were warm, and you had to bite your lip to keep from gasping as he gently teased your entrance with his fingertip. Axl slowly pushed it inside you, immediately stretching out your walls as you tightened around him. “Here, take the skirt and the panties off so I can see you better.” You obediently lifted yourself up enough to slide off your skirt and thin panties, letting them drop to the floor. Axl’s eyes drifted down to your exposed pussy, and he beckoned for you to move closer. “Fuck, you look so damn perfect, baby. I don’t deserve you.” You leaned down to kiss him again, cupping his cheek.
“You deserve me, I deserve you, we deserve each other, baby. Want me to ride you?” Axl nodded, eyes widening as you grabbed his cock by the base to steady it as you lined up your entrance with his tip, placing your free hand on Axl’s chest as you slowly lowered yourself onto his cock, throwing your head back in pleasure as you slid down about half-way on it and then stopped to adjust to his size. “Fuck, your cock is so big baby, you stretch me out so good!” Axl moned softly at the praise, grabbing your hips and gently pulling you all the way down on his dick as your pussy tightened around his shaft.
You pulled his hands off and pinned them to his chest, deciding that you wanted to take control, and pulled yourself all the way back up off of his dick so that the tip was barely pressing against your entrance. Axl protested at the sudden lack of contact, but immediately shut up when you slammed your hips all the way back down on his cock without warning, prompting him to grab at the bedsheets with a white-knuckled grip. You developed a steady rhythm, going up and down on his dick at a face past as he kept busy by grabbing at your soft breasts as they teasingly bounced around in front of his face.
“Fuck, Axl, you feel so good. You think any of those bitchy fucking talkshow hosts get fucked this good? You think those losers that write the newspapers can fuck their wives as good as you fuck me? God, you’re so amazing, baby, I love you so much!” You leaned down to kiss him passionately as you slowed your pace, taking the time to tease his tip with your entrance as you only went as far as his tip. When you took him all the way in again, his tip brushed against your g-spot, and you moaned loudly, pushing your hips farther down to repeat the motion. After doing this a few more times, you could tell you were almost there. “Fuck, baby, I’m close!”
Axl grabbed your hips and pulled you off of his dick. “Let me eat you out, baby, I wanna taste that sweet pussy.” You eagerly crawled up until your pussy was an inch away from his mouth, and he pulled your thighs down to give himself better access as he slid his tongue over your dripping wet clit. Axl grabbed your ass and gently pushed you down so you were sitting on his face, allowing him to push his tongue deeper inside you as his lips wrapped around your sensitive clit. You gasped at the sensation, bucking against his mouth as he ate you out like a starving beggar; it only took you about a minute or so until you felt your climax coming.
“Fuck, baby, I’m gonna cum-” You threw your head back and screamed as you came, legs shaking and eyes almost rolling back in your head. Axl licked up your cum, cleaning it out of your now-sensitive pussy and gently kissing your thigh. “You taste so good, baby, thank you.” You kissed him again, tasting yourself on his lips, and then remembered that he was still hard. “Aw, baby, I almost forgot. Here, let me pay you back for that.” You crawled down until you were facing his cock, the tip even redder than before, and wasted no time in taking the whole thing in your mouth, deepthroating it roughly to help him cum as quickly as possible.
You hollowed your cheeks around his shaft as you squeezed his balls and swirled your tongue around his head, and Axl warningly fisted his hands into your hair and shoved you all the way down. “Baby, baby, fuck I’m so close, I’m gonna cum right down that pretty little throat.” You took the hint and pulled off so that just his tip was in your mouth, and he came down your throat, tightening his fingers into your hair and keeping you on his cock as his cum filled your mouth. It was almost a minute before he was finished, and you quickly swallowed his seed and lapped up the stray drops from his cock.
When you looked up at Axl, his head was leaned back against the pillow and his eyes were shut, chest rising and falling as he slowly began to regain his normal breathing pattern. You smiled affectionately and crawled up beside him in bed, pushing the hair up off of his forehead to help him cool off. He opened one eye to look at you, a small smile on his face. “That was pretty fucking incredible, baby.” You giggled, kissing him on the forehead and cuddling up beside him as you pulled the covers over the two of you. “Damn right it was. But do you get it now? Those newspapers and shows don’t mean shit. I love you, Axl Rose, and that’ll never change.”
Axl smiled, taking one of your hands in his own and gently kissing your knuckle. “And that’s why your the love of my life, baby. I fucking adore you. You really don’t mind how I look?” You nodded. “Why would I? You’re sexy as fuck, baby, I wouldn’t fuck you so much if I didn’t think so.” Axl closed his eyes again, laughing. “Yeah, I guess that’s true. That’s a relief, cus I really like your body, too.” You playfully rolled your eyes and snuggled up closer to him. “Never would have guessed. For real, though, I love you. And I don’t care how many articles or talk shows think that’s a lie, we can just burn the newspapers and change the channel.”
Axl nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, that’s right. I bet half of those talk show ladies are just jealous that they’re not as beautiful as you, anyway.” You blushed. “Or maybe they’re just jealous that their love lives aren’t as good as ours.” Axl nodded. “Or that they aren’t as sexy.” You continued, the both of you on a roll. “Or that their husbands have small dicks.” Axl burst out laughing at that one. “I have a small dick and you still love me!” You snorted with laughter. “Axl, you’re fucking huge. I’m gonna be walking funny for a week!” Axl grinned. “Guess I’ll just have to carry you everywhere, then, baby.”
He yawned suddenly, and you smiled fondly as his eyelids started to droop. The sex must have worn him out. “Tired, baby?” Axl nodded. “I know you ordered a pizza, but I’m so sleepy.” You smiled, letting him rest his head on your chest as you stroked his hair. “Go to sleep, baby, and I’ll keep an ear out for the doorbell.” Axl frowned in concern. “You sure you don’t want to go to sleep, too?” You shook your head. “I’d rather sit here and admire you.” Axl went pink, and he shook his head in astonishment as he quickly drifted off to sleep. “I don’t deserve you.” You sighed. “You do deserve me, baby. You deserve the whole damn world and more.”
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woozibby · 4 years
In Love | Joshua
requested: Hello, I hope you’re doing good 💙 Could I maybe request a cute fluff with Joshua? Maybe something were he realizes he’s in love with the reader and tells them, if that’s okay with you~
wc: 2190
a.n. I hope you like this anon!! Please let me know if you have any more requests! <3 This is unedited, so i’m sorry for any mistakes!
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You, my dear reader, are in your afternoon music lesson. You tried your best to keep focus, however, it wasn’t going very well. 
So when your phone started buzzing in your pocket, that was when you completely lost focus.
Your phone screen lights up with many notifications, however, the ones that stood out were the ones from the ironically titled group chat: Oh God Why.
Mingyu: how does everyone feel about pizza?
Vernon: I could go for pizza
y/n: omg yes pls
Joshua: aren’t you meant to be in class y/n? 
y/n: don’t need to call me out like that, but yeah, I’m here 
Mingyu: So pizza after y/n’s class yes or no? 
Vernon, y/n: yes
Joshua: fine yes. y/nie, I’ll come pick you up after class
y/n: awe, thank you josh<3
Mingyu: simp
So you giggle to yourself as you read the exchange and you put your phone away in attempts to refocus. The idea of food and hanging out with your best friends at the forefront of your mind. 
Finally, your lesson came to an end and like he said he would be. Joshua was there, outside waiting for you to meet him. 
“So, how was class?” Joshua asks as you link your arm with his and you both make your way to his car. 
“It was something,” you laugh. 
It didn’t take you guys long to get to the small dinner that Mingyu demanded to go to. He mentioned how it sold authentic American style pizza. That no other pizza place could now compare. 
None of you bothered to fight him on it as it was just easier to go along with the giant puppies’ demands. Plus you all knew you wouldn’t be able to say no to him either. 
Once you got inside and were sat down, Mingyu and Vernon instantly went for the menu and began looking over it. However, you were fine just sitting there in the presence of everyone else. 
Looking over, you see Joshua already looking at you with a small smile on his face.
“What?” you asked, returning his smile.
“Nothing,” he responded, turning his attention away from you. “Guys, stop hogging the menus, let us have a look.” 
Ten minutes later, you’ve all ordered and are now sipping away at your drinks as you guys talk about your day. You laughed at the jokes Vernon said and how every time the door would open from the kitchen Mingyu’s head would be straight up and looking around like a meercat. 
However, what you didn’t notice was the fact how when you weren’t looking, Joshua would take the time to glance at you, smile and look away before you could notice. You were so engrossed in the conversation that you failed to notice the smile that never left his lips. 
So anyways, your pizza arrives and you guys slowly eat your food- well you slowly eat your food, the guys slowly and eating are never in the same sentence. 
So once you’ve finished up, you all split the bill and make your way out of the dinner. 
“Didn’t I tell you that place was great?” Mingyu gushes as he walks ahead of you with Vernon. 
“It wasn’t that bad,” Vernon laughs. 
You continue to smile as you watch the two boys before turning your attention towards your other best friend. 
“You okay?” you ask. “You’ve been kinda quiet tonight.” 
Joshua hums and shrugs his shoulders. He takes a moment to think before nodding his head.
“I’m good,” The smile never falls. 
OKAY so, flash forward. 
So it’s a Saturday, you don’t have lessons AND since you were good, you made sure to catch up on all of your work so you could have the weekend to chill and do nothing.
Absolutely nothing. 
You didn’t want to think, you didn’t want to move an inch out of your apartment. The only thing that would get you out of your apartment was if the building was on fire and even then, you’d have to think about it. 
So you queued up a drama on your tv and started on making a snack or two to keep you going and once that was all done, you made your way back to the living room and plopped yourself down on the couch with a blanket thrown over your lap. 
You were twenty minutes into the first episode when your phone buzzed. You ignored it, thinking that if it was important they’d call back later. So you forgot about it for another ten or so minutes until it buzzed again. 
Letting out a sigh, you pause the episode and lean over to grab your phone. 
Your screen was full of notifications. 
Some were random things from Twitter, others were from some random app you forgot you had on your phone, but the most recent ones were a string of text messages from Josh. 
Joshua: You busy? 
Joshua: You doing anything rn?
Joshua: you’re free right?
You whipped your hands on your blanket before you unlocked your phone and typed back a response. 
y/n: define free?
Joshua: As in you’re not out and doing something??
y/n: then yeah, I’m free
Joshua: YES okay, do you want to do something? I thought maybe we could go to the aquarium? 
You began to type out a message, before pressing backspace and deleting it all. You wanted to spend the day inside, but what was the worst that could happen? Plus, how could you ever say no to him?
y/n: yeah sure, meet me here in twenty?
Joshua: cool, for sure! 
Locking your phone once more, you turn off your tv and take your snacks back to the kitchen before you headed to your room to get changed. 
You put on a comfortable outfit and made sure to wear a jacket over the top as you knew it could sometimes get cold in the aquarium. So, by the time you were ready, a knock on your door didn’t come as much of a surprise. 
Opening it up, you smile at Josh and invite him in. 
“I’ll be one second, just gotta put my shoes on.” 
He nods and sits himself down on the couch as he waits for you to finish and when you come back out with a small bag, you pick up your keys, purse and phone before shoving them in. 
“You ready?” he asks causing you to nod in response. 
So he drives and you guys get to the aquarium in no time. 
Once you get inside and your tickets are brought, you start to make your way through. 
Josh laughs to himself every time you saw a new animal and ran over to them in awe. He tried his best to keep beside you, however, once something caught your eye, you were off again in a flash. 
He didn’t mind though, the look on your face and the pure joy that emanated from you was enough for him. Every little thing you did made him smile, every little thing you did made his heart jump around. 
It wasn’t until you guys got to the underwater tunnel and the sight of you looking all around you with the largest smile he thought he had ever seen you smile, did it dawn to him. 
He loves you. 
No matter how much his heart and brain fought, no matter how much he wanted to deny it- he couldn’t. Not now, not whilst looking at you like this. Not when the water was reflecting on you in a way that enhanced your already beautiful self. 
Mingyu and Vernon always joked that he was a simp for you and they were right. Not that Josh would ever tell them that, they didn’t need the ego boost. 
So as Josh followed you around the aquarium, he smiled. He laughed to himself and the more time you guys spent the more it cemented in his mind.
He was in love and there was nothing he could do about it. 
So flash forward an hour or two. 
He’s dropped you home and you’ve gone on and on about how fun the day was. How much fun it was going there with him and it makes his heart expand like five sizes. 
So after he drops you off, he heads back to his own apartment which he shares with Vernon and Mingyu. When he walks through the door, both boys are sat on the couch, playing the same game they were playing when Josh left. 
“How was your date?” Mingyu sniggers, he, however, doesn’t turn his attention away from the tv as Josh walks over and lets himself fall into the love sweet. 
“It wasn’t a date,” Josh responds before covering his face up with his hands.
“Is that why you looked so bummed?” Vernon asks. 
Josh uncovers his face and sends a look to the younger boy. Vernon, who just shrugs says nothing more. 
“I realised something today and I don’t know if it’s a good or a bad thing.” 
“Let me guess,” Mingyu pauses the game which causes Vernon to gasp. “You’ve finally realised your love for y/n and now you’re in a state of shock” 
Josh’s eyebrows furrow together as he slowly nods.
“How did you know?” 
Both of the younger boys sigh in defeat. 
“Because it’s obvious!” Vernon laughs. “You’ve been in love with them since what? The moment you guys saw each other?” 
“That’s not true,” Josh fakes a laugh as he looks down at his hands. 
“Yes, it is and don’t even try to deny it.” Mingyu states. 
“And so what you like y/n, what’s so bad about that?” Vernon asks causing Josh to shrug once again. 
“I don’t know, maybe I’m scared it’ll ruin our friendship.” 
“There is nothing in this world that could end your friendship, you know why?” Mingyu asks, but he doesn’t wait for Josh to respond. “Because your guys’ friendship transcends any other thing. You guys are practically soulmates, don’t hide your feelings because of the anxieties.” 
“He’s right,” Vernon speaks. “Let’s say you did confess and they didn’t feel the same way, that’s a whole lot better than sitting here wondering what could have been.” 
Josh lets out a breath of air and nods his head slowly. 
What the boys were saying was true. 
What was the worst that could happen? You could say no and that Vernon was right. At least you can move on from a no, how can you move on from the thoughts of a what if? 
Because what if he didn’t tell her and there was a day where he began to regret that decision? How could he live with himself if he never told you how much he truly loved you? 
Josh shot up from his chair and sent a look to the two younger boys. 
“I need to tell them,” 
Vernon and Mingyu look at each other before looking at Josh with wide eyes.
“Like right now?” Mingyu asks.
Josh nods.
“Of course, when else am I going to tell them?” 
Vernon laughs and claps his hands. 
“Go on, go do it! Tell them, dude.” 
“I’m doing it,” Josh said before walking out the door. 
He came back in a moment later and picked up his car keys. 
“I’m doing it now!” He said leaving once more. 
Mingyu and Vernon looked at each other once more before speaking. 
“He’s seriously going to do it,” 
They looked back at the tv.
“Another game?”
SO back to you!! 
Since you’ve gotten back, you’ve put back on your drama, you’ve got your snacks back out and reclaimed your position on the couch. You’ve finally finished the first episode and you’re only into the second one by a minute or two when the sound of knocking on your door causes you to jump in fright. 
“What is it now?” You mumble to yourself as you place the snacks on your coffee table and throw your blanket to the side. 
Going to the door and opening it up, you make a face to yourself in shock at the sight of Josh standing behind it. 
“Oh Josh hey, what’s up? It hasn’t even been an hour and a half, miss me that much?” You laughed at your own joke, but your smile dropped at how serious Josh was. “Are you ok-...” 
He cuts you off, and your mouth drops. 
“I love you.” 
“I love you too,” you giggle. “What’s up with you?” 
“No, I mean, I love you, I’m in love with you. I look at you and my heart swells and I wouldn’t want anything more than to call you mine.” 
You blink for a moment as your brain tries to catch up with the words Josh is saying. 
“I-I…” You try to speak, but nothing came out. 
Josh begins to frown and looks down. Maybe I shouldn’t have listened to them, he thought to himself. 
“I’m sorry, I shou-...” 
However, this time you were the one to cut him off.
“I love you too.”
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