#sorry I can't find the image reference I used for this lol
criceofpain · 2 years
switch it up | park jongseong (reposted and edited)
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featuring: enhypen's jake, heeseung, sunghoon, sunoo, and jungwon; stayc's yoon
synopsis: after you find your ex cheating with another guy, the quiet kid takes the opportunity to get closer to you. but the shocking part is, you never knew he could do a full 180 and be the most charming guy you've ever seen.
pairing: student!jay x student fem!reader
genre: smut, fluff, a tinge of angst (and humor lol)
word count: 7418
warnings: semi-public sex, unprotected sex (wrap it b4 u tap it), slut-shaming, usage of pet names, vaginal penetration, alcohol consumption, gamer rage (especially heeseung lol), male masturbation, degradation, fellatio, minimal impact play, implied violence, two-timing, cheating, jakehoon are gay, jay has too much porn vids on his laptop, yoon has warfreak tendencies, too much tekken references, too much time skips
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Being popular in school had its own perks.
If people were asked what they’d do if they became the most popular person in year two for twenty-four hours, you’d get a vast range of answers from all of them. Fame, beauty, authority, and money–the possibilities are endless for a household name in one of the most prestigious universities in Seoul. The thing is, though, downsides will always be inevitable.
Thursday’s a typical work day for the student council’s president–you. A ton of paper stacks were waiting to be scanned and submitted to the council adviser, but you couldn’t bring yourself to get up and actually work on them. The adviser’s office was two buildings away from your location, and God, did you dread walking. Worse, you had to do it every week and without the help of your vice president. Bothering to find him would be a waste of time, either.
The sudden ring of your phone disrupts your train of thought, making you look up to check whoever was trying to test your patience at this hour. Jakey ♡, your phone screen reads. You heave a relieved sigh; it’s been three days since your boyfriend last called and it was messing with your momentum. Even overthinking was a waste of time and you hated it.
“Hi, love.” you mumbled, voice laced with exhaustion. “I'm glad you finally called.”
“Love, can we cancel our date?” Jake asks from the other line, and your face immediately contorts to a disappointed scowl.
Strange. He’s usually not the type to postpone plans at the last minute because he knew you despised that type of feat. As the student council president, the last thing you'd want is for someone to waste your valuable time.
“Suddenly?” you deadpan as you put your pen down and slowly spin in the swivel chair you sat on. “We’ve got everything planned out and now you wanna cancel?”
Jake sighs. “Coach called us for training. He’s been lenient on me for the past week, I can't afford another absence.”
“Oh.” you utter, at loss for words. “Long day ahead, huh?”
It was what you least expected, anyways. You stay still in your seat, disappointment filling your chest. You start to feel uneasy—you knew you’d never stand a chance against his monster of a coach. What can I do? Jake was the team’s striker which gained him maximum importance. Without him, the team would basically be a chaotic bunch. 
“Sorry.” he mutters apologetically. “I didn't want this to happen, really.”
“I know, I know.” you grumble, picking your pen back up and fixing your attention back to the papers you were reviewing. “Can I come after training, though? We should at least eat, like, ramyeon, tteokbokki or something."
A few seconds of silence fills the other line before Jake replies, "God, that sounds—fuck. That's irresistible. I hope Coach lets me off ‘cause his diet plan is seriously killing me.”
“I sure hope he does,” you roll your eyes as the image of a conceited middle-aged man with his stomach overflowing his pants. “unless he wants a big ‘fuck you’ from me for tiring you out. You gotta rest, love.”
He chuckles, causing a grin to tug your lips. “I love you. I know you’re a busy woman and you’ve probably got a lot on your plate right now. I'll hang up now, hmm?”
Your reply gets cut off by the sudden drop of the call, and another sigh leaves your mouth. 
Popularity was so exhausting for you. However, not everyone suffers from the syndrome; take Park Jongseong–who goes by “Jay” in school–as an example. The lad has finally gotten a taste of rest after coding what felt like a thousand HTMLs, now nibbling on a cob of corn with his other hand glued to his keyboard.
Why had I never thought of playing Tekken as a way of escaping the hell of school and the sight of students’ thirst for crowd validation before? As he fervently taps the keys of his laptop, the corner of his lip tugs into a slight smirk. He continuously lands hits on a random Kazuya he was matched with, not letting them rest as he uses his trump card–Jin Kazama’s ten-hit combo.
The silence breaks as Jay’s hearty laughter booms in the computer club room. He sighed triumphantly, propping his head on his intertwined hands. 
"I gotta tell Heeseung hyung about this.” Jay snickers, grabbing his phone from beside his laptop and speed dialing the number “5”. After a few rings, his friend finally picks up. “Ay, hyung! I got good news for you.”
“Man, fuck you!” Heeseung, the student council’s vice president hisses from the other line, annoyance evident in his voice. Before the younger can ask about why he had such a tone, the older interrupts, “You’re never gonna let me live, are you?”
“Whoa, whoa, chill out, hyung.” Jay chuckles in confusion. “It’s not like I’m gonna use the ten-hit combo on you, is it? What’s the matter?”
Heeseung clicks his tongue and scoffs, “Don’t you see what’s happened or are you playing dumb right now, Jongseong? Fucking look at your screen.”
Jay, although confused, obliges anyway. He looks back at his laptop screen with the rematch menu on display. After a good few seconds, he spots the username of his opponent and immediately gasps, loud enough for his friend to hear. He then breaks into laughter, this time louder and more provoking as he hears the bantering on his ear.
“What—don’t tell me you had no idea—Jay!” the owner of the username heeba_inu_1015 yelled, followed by a frustrated shout.
“Whoops, should’ve gone easy on you, then.” Jay teases, shrugging his shoulders. “No, seriously. I had no idea. This is what school frustration makes me do.”
“Well, at least you’re not the student council’s vice president.”
Jay snorts in disbelief. “Come on, it’s not that hard–” he cuts himself off. “Oh, you’ve got a point, though.”
Jay didn’t necessarily live in the shadows; he just didn’t like being the center of attention. Being an eye candy is the last thing he wanted. Sure, he’s got what it takes to be popular–he’s a CEO's son, filthy rich, and on the honor roll. His friends say he’s got some sick visuals, too. Despite all these, he’d prefer to just blend in with the crowd and not stand out as a resident introvert (not to be confused with being a pick-me boy; Papa Park raised him with manners).
“Still, fuck you.” Heeseung lets out his third scoff of the day. A female voice rambles in the background, on the verge of screaming as the vice president grumbles in dismay. Jay assumes it was the school council’s president calling him out for slacking. “I gotta go, though. Godzilla’s on the run and she’s unstoppable–hey, wait!”
Beep. The call ends, and Jay's me time continues. A chuckle leaves his mouth. That was the president? She’s unhinged as hell.
“What’s the president like?” he mumbles, putting his headphones back on and getting ready to start a new game. “I’d like to meet her.”
“Lee Heeseung, I’m giving you ten seconds to explain to me why you’re on Tekken when you’re supposed to be on duty.”
If looks could kill, your vice president could’ve died a slow, painful death by now. You try your best to keep your calm composure in front of your right-hand man while trying to suppress your anger, but the urge to lash out on him is just getting stronger. Heeseung, feeling intimidated, could only look down on the ground as he hears a disappointed sigh from you.
Fortunately, the school council’s secretary, Yang Jungwon, has informed you of the vice president’s whereabouts. You made sure to leave your pending tasks untouched before storming out of the council office and to the stockroom, where he was apparently taking his sweet time being a heavy load.
“Look, I’ve just finished my last game, Y/N, alright?” Heeseung raises his hands in defeat.  “I’m done. I’ll go and help.”
“Oh, you are definitely gonna go help Jungwon in the council’s office because I’m out of here.” you snap, unplugging the Ethernet wire connected to his gaming laptop. “There are waivers waiting for you. Get your ass up.”
“Alright.” he mutters, head hung low as he switches off his laptop. “I’m sorry.”
Without another word, you turn your back on him and walk out of the suffocating stockroom. How does he even stand the heat in there? Your steps get quicker as much as the psychological warfare you were having with yourself is getting worse. People are probably looking at me right now and think, why the hell is her face so sour? They wouldn’t know. They’re not the overworked, unpaid, “popular” student council president with a freeloader of a vice president and a midfielder boyfriend who’s just as popular.
You’ve been zoned out for the entirety of your trip back to the council office, but the sight of a familiar shoe sticking from one of the corridor posts shakes you awake. Your eyebrows furrow, wondering what would someone with skate shoes be doing in that spot at this hour when it’s inter-school olympics season. You take another set of steps before seeing a man’s back view with the jersey number 5 on it, and the scene that unfolds in front of you shakes your whole world.
Your boyfriend and the school’s most famous figure skater, Park Sunghoon, were kissing.
It has been a week since you found out that Sim Jaeyun was cheating on you and is gay.
You remember being rooted in your spot as you saw them eating each other’s faces. Screaming at them would be a waste of time. You feared wasting time the most, and crying in front of someone came in second. Instead of doing what someone normally does in these situations–screaming and bawling their eyes out, you land a slap on each of their faces with a shit-eating grin on your face before running to the nearest comfort room to cry.
You wouldn’t mind your boyfriend coming out of the closet and ending your relationship in good terms, but the fact that he’d been flirting–and probably fucking–around with a guy behind your back infuriated you.
You didn’t know how it came to this—you crying your heart out inside the club office as Heeseung finally took over and finished the rest of your work due to you not being able to properly open your swollen eyes. Even moving around was a pain in the ass. Jungwon works from the sidelines as well, and both of them didn’t dare speak a word to you unless spoken to. They knew better than to mess with a girl who’s got cheated on.
“Cabining trip’s tomorrow. You still going, noona?” Jungwon asks, eyes glued to his laptop screen as he types the minutes of the meeting for the past week. “We need you over there, Pres.”
“Hmm.” you reply, not having the energy to speak out a proper word as you blew your nose on a paper towel. Of course I’ll be there. What am I, a ghoster?
As Jungwon bombards you with questions, your replies are short and reserved, along the lines of “yeah”, “uh-huh”, and the like. How were you supposed to show yourself without shame knowing that your ex wasn’t into you anymore?
“Heeseung.” you croak out, getting a short “huh” as a response. “I need your help with something.”
“What’s it about, miss ma'am?”
You cringe at the nickname, throwing the empty box of paper towels along his way. “If you use that nickname on me again, I swear.” you hiss.
“Damn, calm down, will you?” Heeseung chuckles, barely dodging the box that almost hit his face. “What is it?”
You saunter your way towards the table where the two lads worked. propping your hands on the desk, You then look over at Jungwon who has his whole attention on his laptop, not bothering to pop into the conversation or listen to whatever you were about to say.
“You’re best friends with the adviser, right?” you whisper to Heeseung, to which he nods. “And I’m not. Wow. What am I president for, then?
“Touche.” he shrugs. “What about him?”
“This could be fucked up but,” you lean in to whisper on his ear. “Can you beg him to sneak drinks for the adults?”
Your eyes screw shut in embarrassment, in disbelief of the words that just came out of your mouth. You’re better than this, Y/N. 
“Yes.” Heeseung lets out a dramatic gasp, nodding vigorously at your idea. “You had me at ‘drinks’, Y/N, come on. Spill!”
“Noona, you’re kidding, right? Why would you sneak drinks in–”
“Quiet, kid.” you cut Jungwon off. “I’ve got a breakup to get over. Let the adults have this.”
With that, Heeseung let out a dramatic gasp, nodding vigorously at your idea.
The day of the cabining trip has come, and it wasn’t the most enjoyable day for the student council so far. While the other kids were having the time of their lives, talking with their friends and not worrying about keeping the lines straight and the cabins quiet, you struggled to keep the students in order as you tapped the backs of those who made a commotion, or worse, those who made out in broad daylight.
To your relief, Heeseung was in charge of bag inspection, which meant drinks were allowed (unless one was not of legal age, of course). The students will just have to hide it from the other supervisors. Jungwon, along with the student council’s treasurer, Sunoo, were on room assignment duty, making sure to separate the guys and girls from each other. Getting pregnant on a school trip is the last thing anyone would want.
Meanwhile, Jay stands quietly as the line advances. He wasn’t really supposed to be going on this trip if it weren’t for his father insisting him to do so. Luckily, with Heeseung’s permission, he was allowed to bring his gaming laptop without you knowing. The vice president just hopes he wouldn’t get pulled by the ear again.
“God, I hope I get the top bunk.” Jay mutters, putting his bag on the desk for inspection.
“Gotta go fast, then.” Heeseung replied, probing the contents of his friend’s bag. He taps Jay’s shoulders after he’s done. “Man, I hope we’re roommates.”
“Heeseung, how's the inspection going?” you bellow over the crowd of students, craning your head to look for him.
As you and Heeseung scream at each other over the loud sounds in the cabins, Jay couldn’t help but steal glances at you. He did pass by you sometimes, but he hasn't really gotten the chance to step up and talk to you. What a waste. After news has spread that you got cheated on, he could imagine himself tackling you into a hug and giving you small forehead kisses in hopes to ease your pain. He had set his eyes on you ever since you were appointed as president, and he found you so pretty ever since. He just secretly hoped that Jake wouldn’t go begging for you to come back, or else he’d lose his mind.
His daydreaming stops when he bumped shoulders with someone whom he least expected–you. The two of you momentarily met each other’s eyes, and Jay swore he’d melt then and there if it weren’t for you turning away almost immediately. On the other hand, you wonder why he’s been stuck on his spot for a good minute, so you approach him cautiously.
“Uh, are you lost, perhaps?” you wave a hand in front of Jay’s face. “You seem to be spacing out, Jay.”
She knows me. Oh, my God, she just acknowledged me. His heart somersaults in his chest at the mention of his name. It rolled off of your mouth perfectly. 
It takes him five seconds to answer, “I’m good, thank you.”
You smile briefly at him, and he flashes one back. He walks silently, trying to suppress a shout from coming out of his mouth. You were always pretty to him, and that smile was the cherry on top. 
The first day of the retreat wasn’t really hectic, except for the fact that all of the students have to run ten laps all around the yard before they can even have a taste of breakfast. Despite the supervisors lurking around the whole site, you’ve taken brave sips on your bottle of soju, disguised as drinking water. You couldn’t help but see Jake and his new lover every time you had to lead a segment and meet face to face with everyone, and your chest would always clench. How the fuck is he so happy without me? If it weren’t for the other officers beside you, you would’ve wrestled Sunghoon without a doubt.
The second and third days would probably be the most boring of them all, but not for Jay.
His laptop keeps him company as he silently jerks off to porn videos, trying his best to stifle a groan to not wake up whoever was occupying the top bunk. He would’ve brought a fleshlight, too, but he figured it’d be too much for a school retreat. So he resorts to another option–a sock. 
He finishes without suspicion, and gets knocked out to sleep right after.
On the other side of the site, you sit awake in your bunk, finishing the last of the soju you’ve successfully hidden for days. You sigh, not feeling any signs of drowsiness as you stare in spaces. I should've seen this coming. You wanted to slap yourself for being so clueless. Hasn’t it come to you that Jake might be using soccer training as an excuse to meet up with Sunghoon instead of you?
“Y/N, you dumb bitch.” you spit out, grabbing your phone to dial Heeseung’s number.
After a few rings, he picks up. “What the fuck, Y/N, it’s 3 in the morning.” the lad grumbled as he tossed and turned in his bed. “You better give me a good reason for calling at this hour.”
“You got a laptop with you?” you ask. What a stupid question. “It's urgent business.”
“No, I don't, dummy.” he snaps, and his sudden change of tone takes you aback. “I thought you knew we can only bring phones.”
You sigh. Out of all times your council adviser demanded an accomplishment report from you, why now? At that moment, you even wished to switch bodies with Heeseung; he was the adviser’s best friend and not you. Despite you telling your superior that you haven’t brought your laptop, he didn't budge, even bringing up the drink-sneaking incident.
To say you were doomed would be an understatement.
“Why does your best friend put me in situations like this?” you whine, pulling your hair in frustration. “He knows I don't have my laptop at the moment! Tell me, does he have something against me? ‘Cause he better settle things with me. Damn it. Do you get me? Sometimes I just want to walk out on all of you because I’ve got the whole council on my back! i’m a human who has limits, too, for fuck’s sake! When do I quit? I can quit anytime and turn my back on this responsibility. You take over once this term ends–”
“Shut up. I'm at your door.”
You hitch a breath, hang up and climb out of your bunk. You silently open the door to see your vice president holding an open laptop in his hand, phone on the other. The lad passes the device on to you, praying that his friend doesn’t notice his laptop out of place when he wakes up.
“Hey, that ain’t mine, though. Be careful with that.” he says, and you scowl in suspicion.
“Thanks,” you smile slightly. “Though I thought I told you not to bring gadgets in the cabin–”
“Don’t ask, just…” he waves his hands frantically, avoiding the question. “I’ll get going.”
“Okay…?” your voice trails off, and you shoo Heeseung away. “You’re a lifesaver, by the way.”
Heeseung nods, jogging his way out as you close your cabin door. You didn’t bother to wonder whose laptop this was; the only thing in your mind was the report you had to finish.
In silence, you immediately get to work. With sips of water from time to time, you struggle to keep yourself awake as you type the needed information, word by word, making sure that it would be slap-worthy on your adviser’s face.
After two hours of staring and typing, you feel your eyes giving out and fingers straining as you move the document file to your flash drive, finally finishing your work.
“This motherfucker better not scold me tomorrow.” you mutter through clenched jaws, carefully ejecting the drive from God-knows-whose laptop. 
With slow hands, you close all of the windows you have used, even the tabs, making it look untouched as this was neither your laptop, nor Heeseung's. Whose is this, then? There wasn't a wallpaper in it, just the default one, and that made guessing a waste of time. Nonetheless, you make a mental note to thank the owner first thing in the morning for saving your desperate ass in such a critical situation. 
Before you can shut down the device, a particular folder on the desktop screen catches your attention, especially its name,
“Things I want to do to Y/N”
You squint in surprise, mouse cursor hovering over the folder. As much as you wanted to pry it open, you wanted to respect the privacy of the owner of the laptop, whoever they were. But this has my name on it. You shake your head, preparing for the worst to happen as you double-click on the folder. What you see next shocks you utterly, making your heartbeat rise as you check the name of the owner.
The laptop belongs to a Park Jongseong, with the folder containing porn videos.
In astonishment, you close the laptop with a loud thud, not bothering to shut it down properly or close the porn folder before you do. A series of knocks makes you jump and hit your head on the top bunk.
“Go to sleep, Y/N!” your bunkmate from the top grumbles.
What the fuck is going on? You sigh, wrapping yourself in a cocoon with your blanket.
It's the last day of the retreat, which means free time for all the students until the morning comes with no schedules to stick to. However, you were far from relaxed as last night’s events haven't left your mind until now. You didn’t know what to feel knowing that the quiet kid has been fantasizing about you, and in secret. Do you get mad, grossed out or flattered? Neither of them felt right and it messed up with your head so much. Worrying about it would be a waste of time.
Heeseung couldn’t help but notice you staring at Jay, who played basketball by himself from afar. You spaced out often, too, and it was so not like you to do so. Apparently, your efforts on acting normal outside while being a chaotic mess inside fail as you finally draw out a frustrated groan.
“Something wrong?” Heeseung asks. “You're zoned out pretty bad.”
“That report sucked the life out of me.” you reply monotonously, standing up from your seat, eyes not leaving Jay. “I'll meet you at the bonfire. I just need sleep.”
“Fine. I'll take over for you.”
You nod, trudging to your cabin in hopes to get some rest. However, once your body dips down the mattress, images of Jay hovering over you appear as you close your eyes. Shaking it off, you push a pillow against your face, muffling out a scream of annoyance.
On the other hand, Jay has been stealing glances from you as well, completely unaware of you seeing the deepest, darkest secrets he's kept hidden in his laptop.
After what felt like days of slumber, you were awakened by the noise of students outside of the cabins. hollers and shouts fill your ears as you get yourself out of bed. As much as you hated being woken up in such a manner, you were happy to be able to get a wink of sleep.
“Evening, Y/N.”
You look up from the ground, seeing the person whom you unfortunately wanted to avoid the most. Jay wore a small smile on his face, which was seen clearer without his glasses. Contrary to his usual hoodie-slacks combo, he wore a shirt that snugly fit him, in which you can definitely see the slight curvature of his chest. His toned arms were on full display, too, and you couldn’t help but wonder how they’d flex under your touch. His thighs looked just as attractive, given the fact that he wore cargo shorts.
“Good… evening, Jay.” you chuckle awkwardly. “What's the matter? Can I help you?” Why does he look so different? He even wore his hair differently.
“Nothing much.” he replies sheepishly. “Just, uh, wanted to have a casual talk with the president.” God, that bedhead. Why does it make her more fuckable? He steals glances at the skimpy top that hugged your body, accentuating your curves and your plump breasts.
“Really?” you grin in amusement, not expecting his statement. Just say you wanna fuck and go. “That's strange. No one comes up to me unless it’s about school.”
“That'd be an honor.” he comments, gaze not shifting away from you.“Would having small talk with me waste your time?”
You hesitantly shake your head, and he smiles. Fuck, that smile. Where is this going to get me now?
The two of you proceed to have a conversation outside the cabin, at the same time, thinking of lewd thoughts that were probably too inappropriate, given the setting. From time to time, your hands would brush each other’s, increasing the tension between the two of you.
Despite this, Jay would get distracted, finding your giggles so adorable, especially knowing that he was the reason behind them. You admired how Jay speaks, and how cautious he was when you ranted about your ex. He just hoped no one would call you out and separate the both of you.
Or so he thought.
The whistle trills fills your ears as rain falls angrily on your skin. Whines and grumbles were heard as the bonfire session was declared canceled by Sunoo and Jungwon. Students start sprinting back to their cabins as the rain pours, including the supervisors. No more confession time and roasted marshmallows, I guess.
You look over to see your cabin that was several meters from where you and Jay stood, attempting to make a run for it. However, Jay gets a hold of your wrist before you can take your first step.
“Stay.” his voice is deep and alluring, and you could feel your body slightly shiver.
“You sure?” you raise your brows anyway, not bothering to pull away from his grip. “What if someone sees us drenched in here? Are you willing to vouch for me?”
“You're the president. I'm sure no one would budge.”
You don't protest. Instead, you take the opportunity to ask him about the folder in his laptop, which, by the way, he still assumes was untouched. He, meanwhile, couldn’t take his eyes off of the top that clung to your skin, against your stomach. You pretty much were doing the same as you eyed his abs through his shirt.
After what felt like ten minutes of standing under the rain, both of you were drenched as you walked into an empty cabin for protection that no one used due to faulty electricity. You sit side by side in a single bed, neither of you having the guts to start another conversation.
Maybe it was time for you to spill your secrets.
“I like you.”
“Fuck me.”
The two of you look at each other after speaking at the same time. Your remark especially shocks Jay, so does the way you weren’t fazed with his confession just now. A hand instinctively goes up to cup your mouth. Shit, was I not subtle enough? You fake a hearty chuckle (which was actually a nervous one) as you see his perplexed expression.
“You don’t wanna fuck me?” you mutter, confidence leaving your system as his expression remains unchanged.
“No–I mean, yes.” he immediately replies, afraid that you might take it as him rejecting you. “Of course, I do.”
“Do it, then.”
You tower over his sitting figure, propping your hands on his chest. Jay couldn’t help but close his eyes, asking himself whether this was a dream or not. Your touch trails up to his neck, your fingertips tracing his collarbones. You catch his lips into a sloppy kiss, which he returns fervently as he slips his tongue on your mouth. The cold sensation brought by the raindrops on your skin is now gone as he pulls you into his lap and wraps your legs around his waist. For a minute, he savors your lips as his hands find their way to the hem of your top, feeling a little hesitant.
He pulls off, staring into your eyes as he searches for a sign of fear in your face. “Should I?”
Without a word, you nod, guiding his hands into taking off your top. His eyes roam along your torso, your breasts wanting to be freed from their restraints as they were practically coming out of your tight bra. His cock twitches and slightly hardens at the sight.
“Jay…” you whine, digging your ass against his hardness. A groan leaves his mouth. “I want you to take over.”
With that, he flips the two of you over, with you beneath him. He then pins your hands above your head, asserting his dominance. You hitch a breath as you feel his clothed cock rub against your crotch, still not believing his change in character.
“Is this really the quiet kid I knew?” you tease, making Jay yank your bottoms down, leaving you in your bra. He then lands a stinging spank on your ass cheek, squeezing the soft flesh after.
“Shush, Y/N, unless you want me to leave you hanging.”
Damn, even his voice can make me cum at this point. you feel him spreading your legs slowly, dipping a finger on your damp pussy as he kisses your inner thighs. You reach for his hair and stroke it gently as his lips get closer to where you needed him the most, your other hand squeezing your breast.
he licked a warm strip along your clit, eliciting a whimper from you. He held you by the knees to keep you from pressing your thighs together as he ate you out. his moans against your sex provided vibrations that made your toes curl, and moans louder.
“So miss president loves being eaten out, huh?” Jay chuckles, his ego growing as you reply to him with a broken mewl, pushing two of his fingers inside you. “Such a needy slut.”
He proceeds with his ministrations as he leaves marks on your thigh, torso, then up to your breasts, avoiding your neck to not cause suspicion. The way your walls tightened around his fingers made his cock harden even more. even until now, you couldn’t believe the situation you were in–being fucked by the resident introvert who was secretly a freak in bed.
Your grip on his hair tightens as you feel your high nearing. “Jay, I'm cumming!” you cry out desperately.
Hearing that, Jay pulls his fingers out of you, and licks them with a smirk on his lips. “You taste so sweet… however, I can’t just have you cumming somewhere that’s not on my cock, can I?”
He takes off his drenched top, and the rest of his clothes follow, freeing his erect cock from its confines. He drags his tip against your clit, teasing your entrance and holding your hips tight to stop you from pushing him in.
“Jay, please…” you beg, voice laced with frustration. “I want to make you feel good.”
“Is that so?” Jay snickers, slapping your thigh. “Little miss slutty president wants to suck me off?”
“Mm-mm.” you nod, eyeing his cock and the pre-cum that leaked from his tip. “fuck my mouth, just like how you want it.”
Just like how I want it? he stops in his tracks as he sees you grinning from beneath him. It was finally time for you to confess.
“Sir,” you whined, the pet name causing Jay to let out an audible groan. “I gotta tell you something.”
You sit up and bend over in front of him, his cock on your face and your ass up. He lets out a small gasp as your tongue teases his tip. The way you made eye contact with him didn’t help him, either. He bunches your hair up in a ponytail, wrapping it all around his knuckles as you sucked him like a popsicle.
“Tell me, baby,” he sighs, looking down at you in amusement.
“I needed a laptop for my report.” you lick him from base to tip. “And Heeseung, the vice president, borrowed yours for me.”
The way your tongue moves all over him sends shivers all over his body, and he makes the impulsive decision to rub his cock all over your face. “Baby saw my porn stash, didn’t she?” he chuckles, pushing himself deeper in your throat. You try to stop yourself from gagging as he fucks your mouth. “Fuck, yes. Those were all meant for you. All the things I wanna do to that body.”
You moan against his cock, reaching for your clit to rub yourself. you expected a different reaction from him, but by the looks of it, the Jay you passed by along the corridors was now gone. In front of you is a different person, and you actually loved it. You loved this new side of him.
“This is one of them.” Jay adds. “Fucking your mouth.”
You feel your head being guided by his hands as he nears his orgasm, thrusting faster inside your mouth. you whimper as his tip hits your throat, waiting for his warm release to fill your mouth.
However, he pulls out again, much to your dismay. He gets out of the bed and walks to the other side where he can take you from behind. Coincidentally, there stood a mirror in front of you, and you could clearly see his naked body as you were on your hands and knees. Fuck, I bet he works out a lot. He spanks your ass cheeks again, making you yelp.
“God, you’re so fucking hot, miss president.” Jay says under his breath, lining his tip on your cunt and getting ready to push himself inside of you. “I don’t have a condom with me, though.”
“I'm on the pill.” you reply. You realized you haven’t gotten rid of your habit of taking birth control pills even though you didn’t have sex as much anymore, especially now that you’re not with Jake anymore. “I have a favor to ask you.”
“Which is?”
You heave a deep sigh before speaking.  I'll have to do this once and for all. “Help me forget about Jake.”
Without a word, he pushes himself slowly inside you. A gasp leaves your mouth at how big and girthy he was as he stretched your walls. It took you a while to adjust to his size, but after he has sunken his whole length in you, he starts moving.
I'll help you forget about Jake, sweetheart. “My love… tell me.” he drags a fingertip along your spine, rocking his hips at a steady pace. “Who's making you feel good right now?”
“You, Jay.” you reply, almost sounding like a scream as you do. “Your cock feels so good inside me.”
“Fuck, yeah, I am.” jay snickers, pulling you by the hair and making you look at your fucked-out reflection in the mirror. “Look at you. Such a cock-hungry bitch.”
God, you hated being degraded, but why did Jay's words turn you on?
Jay's pace gradually goes faster as he feels you tightening around him, his muscles flexing as his skin slaps against yours.
“That fucking soccer boy can never fuck you as good as I do, right?”
“Ah, yes!” you whimper as his finger reaches your clit.
He groans. “Repeat after me, darling. Cheaters.”
“Cheaters–ah!” you squeal as Jay spanks your ass again.
“Ain’t.” Jay seethed.
“Ain't…” you draw out a whine as he holds you by the waist.
“Shit.” he pulls you to sit up, slapping your breasts.
“Shit! Oh, that feels good.” you bury your head in the bed.
“See? That fucker doesn’t deserve you.” he whispered against your neck, leaving a dark mark by sucking on it. “He can go get some dick by himself ‘cause from now on, you’re mine.”
As his hands make their way back to your breasts, you feel like putty under Jay's touch. You couldn’t help but agree to his every word as if he’s put you in a state of hypnosis. Your words are incomprehensible as he snaps his hips harshly against yours, the feeling of his cock inside you clouding your vision and thoughts.
“I said you’re mine, little slut.”
“I'm yours.” you breathe out.
Once he has been given the go signal, he slows down for a bit and turns your head so you can see each other’s gazes. “If you'd let me take care of you, I'd do it wholeheartedly.” he said, kissing your knuckles lovingly. “I don't care how slow you want the process to be, Y/N. Just give me a chance.”
You don’t say a word. Instead, you lock his lips in a loving kiss. He holds onto your waist for dear life as your hips move in sync, the heated moment turning into a passionate, affectionate one.
“You close?” Jay mumbles against your lips, and you nod.
You stay still in that position as Jay picks up his pace, letting you feel his warmth as he brings you to your high.
Your climax crashes like waves, and it seems like momentarily taking the life out of you. Jay follows suit, his seed spilling inside of you.
After a good minute, he pulls out of you, lays you down on the mattress and hovers above you. you cup his cheeks and give him a peck on the forehead, the introvert in him slowly coming back as he blushes at your action.
“Let me clean you up.” Jay says with a slight pout, the dominant in him finally out of the picture as he spoke.
“Can we do that later?” you reply, planting a kiss on his nose. “Let me hold you for a while.”
He doesn’t oblige. Rather, he picks up his drenched shorts from the floor, pulling a small handkerchief from its pocket. As he proceeds cleaning you up, you stare at him fondly. Were you in love? Not yet. Would you give him a shot? Definitely. The way he just switched up on you would need some processing time, though. It was one heck of a moment.
The night ends with Jay sending you off to your cabin, kissing you good night as he promises to meet you in school after the weekend.
You slowly stroll along the corridors of the art department building, looking for Jay's room as you go. You have been walking for thirty minutes straight, but without an ounce of exhaustion in your body although it was a Thursday–a work day for the student council president. To say that you were excited to meet him would be an understatement.
It’s been a week since the last day of the cabin trip and your first sexual encounter with someone who wasn’t Jake. You’ve been feeling a lot better, and it made Heeseung and Jungwon wonder how you’ve done it so fast. Jay’s been sending you food over the weekend and it stunned you how well he cooks. He’s been dropping over to the student council adviser’s office from time to time, too, just to watch you work.
You feel your feet starting to hurt, but you keep on walking anyway. I need to see my Jay after a long dayyyyy.
“There she is!” a voice starts shouting, causing you to stop on your tracks. “The prim and proper student council president.”
You squint your eyes at the person who turned out to be Sim Jayoon, Jake's cousin. She eyes you with a scowl as if scrutinizing you, and retches as if she was grossed out. You knew exactly what she came at you for–to act as a proxy for her wimpy cousin who hasn’t shown his face in the soccer team ever since. She has the reputation of being the worst pick-me in all of tenth grade, and that makes this encounter worse.
“You rang, Yoon?” you reply, faking a cheerful tone as you try your best not to pounce at the poor girl. “Do you need help with something?”
“Weren’t you crying over Jake oppa just last week?” Yoon spits out, towering over you to assert dominance. “Now you’re fucking with another guy? Seriously, sunbaenim, how much of a slut can you be?”
Does she expect me to cry and beg her to keep my dirty little secret? You snort. “Babe, your Jake oppa two-timed me with Park Sunghoon while I was on duty. That makes your cousin the slut here, doesn’t it?”
“And I did what I could do best–moving on.” you add, pissing Yoon off even more. Her face reddens in anger, and you taunt her, patting her head.  “Aww, look at you. Aren’t you such a good guard dog for not admitting that your cousin made mistakes?” 
“Shut up!” she yells defensively, stepping away from you. “You’re the president and you’re supposed to be the role model, right? You should step down if you tolerate double-dipping! bitch!”
With that, Yoon raises a hand to land a slap on your face, and you grimace, expecting the sting to land on your cheek. However, three seconds in and nothing hits you.
Turns out, a hand blocked Yoon’s arm and stopped her from slapping you. You look over your shoulder to see Jay with his usual meh expression plastered on his face. He raises his brows at Yoon, evidently annoyed by her words.
“At least she’s getting better sex than your cousin does.” he quips, throwing Yoon’s wrist to the ground.
You gasp at Jay’s choice of words. “Jay! Language!”
“What? It's the truth.” he replies, holding up a cube in his hand which happened to be a mini-recorder. “You want me to call your parents or something?”
In defeat, Yoon screams, stomping her way out of the corridors. You hear a deep chuckle from Jay behind you, and you instinctively land a slap on his chest. “You didn’t just say that in front of a fifteen-year old kid.”
“What was I supposed to do? She’s just called you slut and a bitch.” Jay shrugged, and you could only shake your head at him. He leans closer to your ear and whispers, “You’re my bitch, though.”
You roll your eyes, unable to protest  “Jay, as much as I appreciate the degradation–”
“Meet  me after your last period. I promise I won’t ditch you.” he grins, giving your lips a brief peck. “I’m off to the e-sports club office and nope, Heeseung hyung won’t be playing with me this time.”
“Thanks for the assurance..?” you say hesitantly, followed by a chuckle. He’s back at it again with the random updates. “Show them what you got, gamer boy.”
He pecks your lips again, and starts walking away with his back facing you. You could only look at him in awe as he leisurely walked the corridor with his headphones on and probably a One Ok Rock song blasting from them. He was your definition of comfort, and the only one who could convince you that wasting time wasn’t a bad thing after all.
“Love ya!” he bellows suddenly, making you yelp. Now’s not the time to say it back yet. You blow him a kiss and he makes a run for the stairs. Of course, you loved him, too.
And the other sides of him, of course.
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a/n: this fic is especially dedicated to my girlies nics (@ddeonuism) and aria (@jaylaxies) bc apparently they love this fic so much so OFC i had to retrieve it and free it from the dungeon! this is for all my jay hoes 🥳 one of the fics that got me started in enhablr AND my first ever jay fic. i tweaked this a lil bit just to make jay hotter and sweeter bc ik that's what y'all want right 🙄 /lh enjoy lovelies!
NSFW TAGLIST [OPEN]: @thots4hee @jaylaxies @ddeonuism @jojayke @vernonluvs-archived @puphee @hee-pster @forjongseong @jaeyunsz @muffinminnie @shu-ramyeonz @poutyjaeyun @fairy-junseong @duolingofanaccount @jkefelx @taetaemylovie @heetro @yizhoutv @lavhikaru @kaislinging-slasher01 @cha0thicpisces @en-archv @simplewonderland @exactlygreatcoffee @lhseth @aerinaga @xwonniex @jyshdoll @iiousim (send an ask or a dm to be added!)
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© criceofpain on tumblr, 2020
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akosijayjay · 7 months
January and February dump
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This is my most recent work of Lloyd, and my most recent work in general. I made this in the computer room at school with a painful high-sensitive mouse. We have these special course thing in our junior high, so every tuesday after class, I get to be in the computer room. For six hours... (My course is Visual Graphics Design. I'm kinda regretting it now since I've been thinking of becoming an architect... I can't change my course now since it's too late. Which is stupid.)
I'll try to draw more there! I really like drawing with a mouse cause I like the challenge. And since I'm not accustomed to a high-sensitive mouse, it'll be a bigger challenge for me!
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I made these two in traditional then polished them digitally since I straight up just used a pen. I rarely use a pencil nowadays so I can learn to fix mistakes without erasing it. Usually it ends up looking like chicken scratch but I'm getting better.
My Harumi one is so bad lol.. When I was making it, my classmates around me were messing around and moving the chairs in the process, making me have to draw strokes with shaky lines. It's not that noticeable though since I made the lines thicker.
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I was planning to make something for Rebooted's anniversary but I got busy... (And lazy) The PIXAL one was inspired by an animatic I saw.
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If you compare the previous Arin portrait, yes, they don't look the same. I'm trying to find a look for Arin, as I do with every character, that I'll be satisfied with.
By the way, I'm kind of basing Arin's hair with my classmate's hair. Which is funny because my other classmates compared this artwork to my classmate, who looked nothing like Arin but have similar hair, commenting they're the same. (I'm not mad because I actually find this a bit humorous)
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I was trying to make an animatic and this was going to be the sketch. But then again, I got busy and lazy. (Mostly lazy)
I accidentally changed their facial features a bit by accident on the second page because I forgot to reference the first page. It was tiring flipping pages every 5 seconds, ok! Also, I drew it after 2 days when I drew the first page, and I didn't have a design I liked for them yet. (...I just noticed Jay has different eye colors in both pages...)
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I think I'm sticking to these looks for Lloyd. I'll try to make it accurate to this. (I think I did great with the first image of this post. Though, I made him too round for my liking.)
Discard the growing beard post redesign Lloyd has. That beard thing was supposed to be where his chin was until I realized it was too small. And it's still too small.
Child Lloyd is so cute! The eyeshadow wasn't intentional at first, but then it got me thinking, what if Lloyd had an emo phase? And now emo child Lloyd is my headcanon.
Pre redesign Lloyd kind of reminds me of TommyInnit, and I find it quite funny. Maybe it's the facial gesture, I know a lot of TommyInnit fanarts with that silly face.
For Dragons Rising Lloyd however, I want him to have long hair with his post redesign face. I'll try to make full body designs of the 4 Lloyds.
You guys probably don't care, and this is the first time you've seen me because I don't have an exact artstyle and I dont post as much, but I'm going to put descriptions now since this blog is going to be a silly little art dump! And blog posts are supposed to be descriptive. Which I should've done in the beginning and explained my works..
If you liked my art, thank you!
If you saw me before and told me I did well, thank you and I'm sorry!! I know my previous posts have gotten comments and I'm sorry I didn't respond.. I'm not trying to be ungrateful, I just don't know how to express my appreciation for your positive feedback! Or just reply in general... I get nervous even when I'm wearing my mask..
Please don't hate me, I'm just really anxious to show my work to people I don't know to the point where I might think people disliked my artwork when it's the opposite..
(I'll probably copy paste this in future posts now lol. But I AM thankful that some of you guys think my works are great!)
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penillow · 27 days
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Another superboy fanart! This one is- Much more complex and took way longer lol- I honestly still don't even know if it's done, i wanted to add a speech bubble of him saying something? but eh. What inspired me to draw this was literally just this weird camera angle mark chose to do for a shopify ad read in one of his chained together lets plays with bob and wade It was really stupid and funny but i saw it and immediately needed to reference it to draw superboy playing cod LOL
i actually- really like call of duty, and i used to play it a lot so maybe that's why i chose it? But, for some reason i feel like he would too? i mean like, he was literally suppose to be a weapon so he probably has a vast knowledge of military tactics. i also think he would probably like getting to be a soldier on the ground for once, idk. I felt like he would get bored of league, and i think he would think the "powers" in valorant were not as good as the ones he actually has lmao.
(SO uH- credit to whoevers cod gameplay that is, i'm sorry i don't freakking know i can't find the image again it has become only pixels in clip studio so fUCk. I only chose it because i wanted him to have ray gun)
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foursaints · 6 months
i know you get asked this probably 16 times a day but as a fellow artist who usually paints based off of references of real pics and trying to be somewhat realistic. how did you develop your style? did it take awhile, or was it pretty immediate? did you start out doing mediums like painting and drawing and transition to digital or was it always digital? final question: do you have any “tips” or “words of wisdom” for silly people like me who wanna try digital art but never have and because i never have im too scared to try…? sorry for the elephant stampede of questions i just really love your art and would love to know YOUR THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS!!! (please)
hi ♡♡!! this is so kind & honestly i'm incredibly touched... I forget that people even like my silly art so this had me making 🥺 eyes at my phone. i will answer your questions to the best of my abilities!!!
i'm putting it under the cut so i can attach examples lol
DON'T BE SCARED OF THE SWITCH TO DIGITAL!! it's so fun and the undo button will change your life... come take my hand... my biggest tip is to watch speedpaints! that was really huge for me when making the switch. find artists with styles close to yours & pay attention to their steps (how many layers they have, how they do lineart, do they use overlays, etc). if you do this a lot, you can get a clearer sense for how the digital workflow/process can look for you
i feel like kind of a pompous asshole discussing my own "style" or whatever 😭😭 my silly yaoi fanart 😭😭 but i do want to answer your questions!!! i started out drawing traditionally but i transitioned to digital when i was 16. and for a very long time i was one of the people who drew with my finger on my iphone .......i def get the most questions about my style & the unsatisfying answer is that it's pretty much always been there. it's evolved over time in a way i can't really describe so i'll show it visually
(my examples are all my ocs in an attempt to get you guys to be curious about them)
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^ i did a redraw pretty recently so i can put that here!! these are the same characters from Jan 2020 -> March 2024... the first one was drawn on my literal phone lmfao. to me it's almost as though my "style" has always been there, but it's become like... yassified?
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^ my art looked like this in 2020-2021
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^ and like this in 2018-2019 when i was still doing trad
sorry for responding to your questions with an elephant stampede of images lmfao!!! I APPRECIATE YOU!! i guess my only words of wisdom are that even if it's intimating, you will never look back & regret trying something artistically. looking at my own stuff like this, im the cringiest yaoi artist EVERRR but im still doing it because it's the most fun when you're being self-indulgent.
i really really wish you the best on your art journey! thank you so much for writing & i hope my answers weren't too long-winded ♡♡
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birchbow · 10 months
Gamzee often refers to himself as “pan-rotted” due to his sopor-eating habit as a wriggler (and so does pretty much everyone else at some point). He told Kurloz that he has to really focus in order to remember mission instructions a few chapters back, I think? Gamzee doesn’t have a great self image, but it seems true that he’s often slow to draw inferences unless he’s already paying attention for hints about something specific. Like his default awareness is a little more diffuse, and he has to put in deliberate effort to narrow it down on a particular problem? He attributes this to the sopor, and so does everyone else. What I’m asking is - sopor aside - does being neglected by a lusus affect a troll’s brain development? (Beyond emotional stability and the ability to form secure attachments, ouch.) Since lusii don’t talk I’m not sure about language acquisition but maybe lusii respond positively to grubs babbling? Sidenote: the fact that Gamzee has the scriptures memorized so well almost feels like his chronically understimulated pan grabbed these abundant in-person interactions with authority figures in his early schoolfeeds and ate it up like starving. Sorry this is so rambling 😅
I'm incapable of being brief, especially when I get long asks with lots to chew over, so here's a readmore!
SO There's a moment in canon where Gamzee outright says "[sopor] rots you. Rusts your motherfucking thinkpan." and I think it's up for debate to what extent that's true but also it does seem pretty reasonable that heavy/consistent drug use throughout your adolescence would leave you some cognitive issues!
(Although also, as a person who tests super well in things I intuitively Get and am interested in, but often feels slow and dull, can't fit certain subjects/concepts into my head, and has a hard time remembering all the steps of things I want to do,,,, I put a lot of myself into my characters, is what I'm saying lol.)
RE: not having a lusus, I think that probably would have way more effect than the kid who went through it would assume, yeah. Like, all trolls would know your lusus keeps you safe from predators/intruders, gives you early practice fighting/wrestling, and especially in more rural areas, scavenges and hunts for you especially when you're young. But trolls as a society definitely undervalue the part where they also provide a sense of security and affection, because you're not supposed to want or value those things as a troll!
It's hard to make direct connections since lusii only sort of resemble human parents, but there's certainly studies to show that children of neglectful human parents struggle forming the cognitive pathways they would otherwise establish, and have trouble later in life--even if your caretaker doesn't talk, it seems pretty reasonable to me that having a parental figure who fucks off for long periods of time and leaves you completely alone with no idea when they'll be back would have a pretty similar effect across species! I'm not well-educated enough on that topic to draw the parallels I would want to, but it feels like a solid theory.
Also, quite apart from any of that, there was definitely a chain of cause and effect from "dad doesn't want me and there's no food" to "...but I have sopor slime" to "this makes me less hungry and also I give less of a shit about how hungry and lonely I am" to "if I stop eating this I feel shitty and have a hard time thinking straight and there's like a decade of repressed emotions under there".
RE: scripture, one of the things that I see original-flavor/canon Gamzee do is be all in on his religion, and when that falls out from under him, reorient to the first convincing power he finds, which unfortunately for everybody is the whole mess of Doc Scratch/Li'l Cal/Lord English. It to me feels very much like a guy who has no idea how to make his own ideological support structure, and is desperately looking for someone to give him a belief system and set of rules to follow.
ANYWAY SO hopefully it's fairly clear how that carries forward in a universe where instead, he gets a supportive church that helps him sober up and channels all his deeply-repressed rage into "hey, those aliens over there need conquering, go kill em", and also he's offered these books that are like. The rules. And knowing them gets him approval, and reassures him when he feels like a fuckup, and it turns out he can learn things, if they're things that fit in his brain right, and that's reassuring because he genuinely thinks most of his failings are his own fault for wanting sopor, and Alternian addiction support boils down to "do that again and we'll cull you" so they sure the fuck don't have a compassionate attitude about recovery or good information into after-effects, so everybody else is also just like "yeah, probably you fucked up your brain, idk, git gud".
This is a very lengthy way of agreeing with you lmao. The feedback loop of "oh you're pretty good at this" from authority figures, and it being a topic that he naturally had an interest in, definitely is a big part of why he's so deeply into it.
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Hello!! How are you doing??
I hope you wouldn’t mind if I send this request in to you ^^ also i hope i requested this the right way instead of the wrong way… anyways!
May i request Venti, Rosaria, Shenhe and Heizou (all separately, not separate posts lol) With a Fem!S/O who has a Asahina Mafuyu Personality from Project Senkai: Colorful Stage(Also just some headcanons please<33)
Thanks!! Have a wonderful day !!
I don't know the media! So I'm sorry if it's not 100% accurate! I used this page's personality segment for reference!
Venti, Rosaria, Shenhe and Heizou with S/O who is like Asahina Mafuyu from Project Senkai
Reader here is female
Knowing your true nature he can't help but giggle to himself a little when he listens to how people sometimes talk about you.
It's fun, both of you have those huge secrets about yourselves that only a few people know!
He likes to learn ways to understand you. Because as blunt as you are you're often clueless whenever he asks you some questions about yourself.
He supports that discovery, and although at times you have the tendency to be cruel... He doesn't really get hurt by what you sometimes say.
It's very likely for him to joke around on how much your words stab him like thousand daggers, but it's clear that it takes a lot for your words to actually hurt him.
Because if you insult how he doesn't really act like a God he takes it as a compliment. If you talk about his habits he just jokes that it's his charm that you fell for, and other ridiculous comments... But they aren't exactly far from the truth.
She feels odd whenever you don't act like your usual self. Your public image just doesn't feel like you.
She much prefers you to be open with how you are, no needless appearances. But of course she doesn't talk about it since it's your business how you act.
When you're alone she appreciates these moments like nothing else. She wants you to be blunt, she wants you to just say how things are.
At times it might seem like the two of you are a distant couple, but it couldn't be any further from the truth.
You just happen to not really have much need for all that lovey dovey stuff.
She's often confused whenever she hears people talking about you, but in the end she just thinks they're talking about someone else with the same name.
The two of you are really alike. Neither of you talk much, but you don't exactly need words to understand each other.
Sometimes a glance is just enough. The words you speak are few, but you don't need any more than that.
Around you she doesn't feel like she's acting strange. With everyone else she has the tendency to feel out of place considering that her understanding of emotions is just different... But it matches yours perfectly.
You don't need any sweet talk, you don't need any flattery. You just do and say what feels right.
Before dating he suspected that you weren't exactly how everyone else made you out to be like. You could just call it a gut feeling but he could tell that there was something different about you.
And now that his theory turned out to be the truth, each time people praise how you're just this humble and sweet girl he can't help but get reminded of how you actually are.
But seeing your true side has it's charms, after all it's reserved for those truly close to you. So although you're a cold person- he's flattered to see this side of you.
You don't talk too much, but when you do you don't beat around the bush and say how it is: which he appreciates.
You know what to say at what time, so even when your words are harsh he doesn't really find that to be an issue.
~Mod Lisa
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jrueships · 4 months
tag yourself as some of my favorite players except if you can tag yourself, you may need help . Ignore the pronouns lol
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doesn't know how to hold a proper conversation if it doesn't involve at least one special interest
picky eater
do NOT interrupt when in the middle of doing one out of the many favorite monotonous tasks, WILL kill you
still has to hold mommy's hand when nervous
kills people who call sports 'sportsball'
actually really nice when not pissed off 24/7
' i don't have anger issues and to show how i don't have anger issues, i am going to roll this Giant Boulder over a Small Village.'
adopts random things/people when he doesn't know what to do with his life
Gay Bear
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Says eep
Finds the lack of an amygdala extremely attractive
Considered a vip at furcon
Voted best babysitter in hometown, should be a school teacher if the economic state of the world wasn't corrupt
Repeats jokes that fail until someone pity laughs, will frantically look around to find anyone who might find it funny
Unironically exclaims 'it's so preppy in here!!!'
Should wear a shirt that says 'warning, will leap into your arms when frightened and WILL expect the catch to be bridal style on the whim'
Nba youngboy
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' i can say 'OMG' bcs 'OMG' to me isn't an insult to God, it is my Friend'
Invites himself to parties
Eavesdrops with eyes as big as saucers and mouthing surprise. Shocked to find out his spying has been discovered
Will argue with you while holding a popsicle in the hot sun
Shameless when it comes to the opportunity of social media account growth
Would ask a stranger if they had a hysterectomy because they give hysterectomy vibes
Tried to use an egg as a drum and was surprised when it cracked
Gamer Twink
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Kink is people that could kill him
Over-the-top filters over any image taken by a camera is more useful and used than oxygen
Has to do The Thinker pose when thinking
If he can't have his daily little treat or life reward for being alive on earth, considers k*lling himself
Never knows what's going on until he hears one word of what could be news and then acts like he was the primary witness at the scene
'I do really good voice impressions, wanna hear?' 'Not rea-' 'hi im spongebob'
Says 'ggs' after sex
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'Skibidi toilet rizz!'
Will make a random sound. Look at you in morbid silence. Waddle away
Texts using only a single pointer finger while squinting
that one Tiktok of that one ruff n tumble man who lives in the desert and acts very disgruntled by the fact that he has now adopted a stray kitten who's crawled into his trailer, ignoring the fact that he's immediately spoiled it with a million toys and the best food, water, and care possible
Has to be euthanized to be stopped from telling people 'don't fall in' when they say they have to go use the toliet
' not reading that, sorry, not reading that, sorry, ... squeak now or forever hold your cheese ? LOL! liked :] ! ...not reading that, sor-'
Behind those beautiful doe eyes.. is a man so horny ..
Reeses Puffs
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Considers 'ya'll' a worthy word to be written in all essays
Hates being hugged but loves giving hugs
Mystified by magic shows
Superhero media lover till he dies
Walks into random conversations already laughing then asks 'what's up :D!! What's funny! What are we talking about :D!!' After the people go silent bcs who tf is this
People think he's innocent from his humor but is actually very messy and lovesss listening to drama
Refers to his pets as his children
Doesn't know what a vacation is
Poo Dirt
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' im not going to speak to you.. im just going to Stare at you. And hope. You are a telepath.'
Wants a bad gf but would fumble her so badly
Thinks beastmode is still a thing in 2024
Has like two friends in his phone. The rest of the texts are from his family
Quietly clingy
Scary looking bitch who is actually quite soft and enjoys watching a good episode of bluey after work
'Hey guys' *chat dies*
Doesn't know how to end conversations. Just kind of. Wanders off
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Having sex with himself would fix him
Doesn't know how to admit when he likes new things. Has to make fun of it first
Would move mountains for a goth bitch
Just Laughs and automatically agrees to things when he doesn't know wtf you're talking about
'Imma be honest... i stopped listening to what you had to say and started thinking about how quiet this restaurant got after that one noisy ass messy ass etiquette lacking ass family left 35 minutes ago, sorry'
Gets ice cream at crumbl cookie
Gets lost going to crumbl cookie
Doesn't want to say anything about that
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Used to be that one kid who would immediately t-pose when he recognized his friend in the hallway
^ weird
His fashion and hair IS his emotional state right now
Haahahaa :]!! *face drops* im going to Kill you.
Attends the movie theater in full-out cosplay
'Milk does not belong in cereal'
^ sicko
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sleepytr4sh · 6 months
Hello! i'm looking into saving some Robux to make some clothes and ads (and spoil myself) and i'm opening comissions to get them.
Click down there there for details
8, July, 2024 note: Please If you have my Discord already don't send random friend request! I usually ignore strangers, Please DM me in Tumblr beforehand.
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(All payments will be done via Gamepass)
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Example: A fully shaded drawing of the halfbofy of a Character would make up 725 Robux
Take in mind my fully shaded style is a little experimental
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Btw I made this image a little rushed that's why I looks ugly LOL
Please read
Currently I have some projects i'm working on and my studies take up 80% of my time Because I go to study all afternoon, I usually respond when I find free time
Payment will have this order
Placing order > Sketch revisions > Payment > Commission done
• Please provide clear visual references
• All Robux Made will go to my group funds so I don't impulsively buy LOL
• All drawings will include my watermark
• Sorry I can't draw full scenes or complex background!
• Yes I can draw your Roblox avi
Ask for my Discord in the DMs! If you don't use Discord we can use Tumblr DM's but I might take longer to respond
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hii sorry if I already asked this, i don't remember, but how do you find images of rarer colors? I'm searching for a blue based spotted OSH (as a reference for an OC lol) and can barely find anything good. Other tabby types would also be okay.
mostly with great difficulty lol
I don't know. Facebook can be surprisingly useful, and also searching with EMS codes instead of english names. Sometimes i add expressions like "breeder" or "cattery" to the searches hoping this would lead me to more professional sites, but this isn't working always.
I assume you skipped over "caramel" accidentally, so here are some maybe less obvious resources I found about them:
This document contains pictures of several different caramel variants. It's written in german, so unfortunately i can't read it, but looks interesting.
Caramel spotted tabby from facebook (base color not mentioned)
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domirine · 2 years
You probably do a lot of life drawing seeing as how perfectly fluid your art always is so this ask might be redundant lol but,, i was wondering what kind of references you usually use? Do you just google similar poses, does it come from your mind, or do you have a go-to app to look through like pinterest?👉👈 i ask bc I struggle a lot with poses and usually when i look them up i end up drawing nothing bc its not. Ever good enough for me/what im looking for lol😔 still not sure how to even draw characters smoochin, rip
thank you, nonny!! i do a lil bit of life drawing, but man i really do feel the same way you do. while i'm happy to show some art when i get it done, the process can be a real struggle.
sorry this is gonna be long and all over the place lol hope it helps tho:
life drawing good: i recommend ditching the idea of finding the 100% Perfect Ref right off the bat. studying anatomy and life drawing (this site has a range of body types and fun poses) somewhat regularly, therefore growing my mental library so that i can try and make whatever pose is in my head happen later, has been more viable to me than spending hours looking for the Perfect Ref.
drawing a bunch of generic people skating without pressure of creating proper character art is good practice, and it primes me to then come up with a skating pose of my own.
ref hunting: i save pictures i might use as refs regularly in a browser folder - good refs, bad refs, boring refs - losing a ref standard can be helpful because at the end of the day it’s what you make with it, so it doesn’t have to be particularly mind-blowing to begin with. you don’t wanna reinvent the wheel or create the most never-been-done-before pose, you just wanna get a thing right.
pinterest is very good for poses, yes, though you have to know how to look for them - i.e. i found that typing out "dynamic pose" will not yield organic results, as opposed to looking up people in motion like athletes, boxers, skaters and such. for fighting, i recommend using photos or clips from (ideally staged lol) fights, as opposed to stock images where the models are standing for a while posing - the former preserves a lot of the movement. i also recommend looking up group photos from events or shows for interesting natural poses and people interacting.
best hot tip of all tho: what helped me most is to not treat references very religiously. don't be tied down by what's in your ref, or not finding the perfect one, because then you're focusing on accuracy and not necessarily on what you wanna communicate with your drawing. if you can't find what you're looking for in full, just use a part that you find interesting, and then bullshit the rest and revise accordingly.
idea-generating can be very hard but you can practice it like any other skill, because having a decent idea of what you wanna draw is helpful - you don't have to have the whole pose visualised 100%. it's the mood, body language and expressions, that i think are more important. looking at refs can help reveal your ideas and intentions, but i will not create them for you i’m afraid.
for example, speaking on characters smooching, i've drawn these using refs in   pretty uptight way with no ideas beforehand - and i find them painfully boring because they're not rly communicating anything aside from a anatomical accuracy (more or less);
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i was being too intent on staying faithful to the reference, and they're looking kinda stale to me. the only one that was done without any ref, was the bottom left - which i like! bc it's got spice and it’s portraying some emotion.
but i wouldn't have drawn it if i hadn't already started on the others, so maybe another good tip is to trust the process and not give up mid-work!! drawing stuff you’re not proud of is still drawing stuff, and not everything you create is gonna be satisfying. things are gonna click here and there, but you never know when, so don’t give up on your ugly artsy ducklings!!
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ohii-san · 1 year
yes tell us about eihiyo!!!!!
folds hands okay so . to me it's very fundamental that you keep in mind eichi and hiyori were childhood friends and they've known each other likely longer than keito has known eichi and i DON'T KNOW WHY THEY KEEP FUCKING DISREGARDING IT I HATE AKIRA anyway . i'll put it under the cut i know i am very rambly
edit; i hit the image limit i am not normal
so starting with checkmate which is translated by dreamwidth user shivalries but i have a screenshot of the wiki here no i don't how the fuck am i supposed to find it it's so far back in my gallery oh my god OH I GOT IT
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it's like never stated when eihiyo meets but it's Obviously fairly young because of the way they refer to each other . i have insane bias so i put them as like toddler friends but realistically they may have met shortly before nagisa came into the tomoe family, since it's stated that the foundation is falling as of ! era meaning they were far more likely to have met years prior in its peak .
SO . let's look at what eichi says here . he says he's similar to hiyori by admitting it would be like looking at himself, and this is a sentiment they both repeat in other stories; i haven't read altered but i am so sure it probably echoes this . he also knows hiyori well enough to understand that they're not particularly amicable, nor is hiyori someone who's easy to deal with when he doesn't fancy it . additionally, in pretty mission, we get these interactions;
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it's very likely the two of them attended social gatherings for high society families, which would also perhaps be where hiyori could vaguely know the himemiya family from aside from word of mouth ( it's established in a hiyori side story from ! that he has met tori before, but i believe tori says it was during his time with exfine ? )
we also get to see, in altered, that eichi is more than capable of courtesy and awareness of hiyori's false behaviors . he also says here that they've known each other a long time 🧐 fascinating . okay then . so they mutually understand one another and can't lie to each other ? sounds like something people in a FORMER RELATIONSHIP WOULD SAY !!!!!!! congrats to eichi for being the most divorced nineteen year old in the world
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moving on . sorry for the poor image quality i combined two screenshots so i could add the altered one since i NEED people to see it
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moving onto summer live which ummm was done by kotofucius ( a long inactive tl :( hope they're okay ) right here, but i have screenshots from the wiki saved so it's what you get lol ❤️ anyway hiyori states it's been a long time since he's seen eichi, and we know this is after the war so we can assume hiyori and eichi more or less fell out after hiyori transferred to reimei . tsumugi states ( in a story i can't recall ? may be ss ) that he keeps in contact with hiyori and nagisa, and that ibara ( <- i believe he says "that kid" or something though, referring to nagisa's roommate and partner, who is ibara ) has helped nagisa grow as a person etc etc so Why did hiyori ghost eichi 🧐 but it's easy enough to understand .
i accidentally grabbed so many screenshots but wonder game gives us a decent glimpse into their dynamic too .
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i put them all side by side on mobile to save space a little but the gist of this is that eichi is . very .. aware ? of hiyori's personality and mannerisms, and feels comfortable calling them out . hiyori is someone who canonically wears a facade so imo it's very interesting that eichi calls his bluffs, points out his flaws, etc without much thought at all . they're obviously close and well acquainted no matter how much they appear to hate one another .
we see it later in summer live too, he advises hokuto almost nonstop for the trickstar/eve meeting because he understands hiyori and grasps quite well that he's difficult when he wants to be, which is exactly how he ends up acting with hokuto; really the only reason they get through that meeting is eichi's guidance and hokuto getting pissed off enough to get hiyori to respect him . a tiny bit .
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also, in wonder game again, we get to see the fact that hiyori is eventually dedicated to eichi's cause despite hating him . in my opinion this is hiyori deflecting; i believe they're actually much closer than either of them admit in ! era stories ( which is Basically all i've referenced so far ), and their !! banter is definitely meant to be read as far more playful
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hiyori acknowledges eichi's dedication and seems to admire it, and also shut up look at what hiyori says in summer live you will not believe this shit
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?!?!?!?!?! BUT YOU PERFORM WITH EICHI AND WORK ALONGSIDE HIM . YOU DON'T HATE HIM YOU BIG BITCH BABY JESUS CHRIST !!!! ohhh my god they're so insufferable okay . i'm running out of intelligent thought but i hope you now understand that eichi and hiyori do definitely respect one another, they work well together, i believe hiyori had a crush on eichi as a child and they ( like reichi ) have insane divorced energy . their fights in !! are much more tame compared to them outright saying "i hate you" HAHAH . going back to that second pretty mission screenshot ( as i said at the top, i hit the image limit ), you can definitely read it in a way more amicable teasing kind of way . i would also like to give a shoutout to this white brim moment where hiyori smacks eichi for pretending to die and traumatizing tori . real exes behavior idk personally i wouldn't assault people i wasn't close with HAHAH i also want to mention *this* white brim moment where eichi says that hiyori has been a maid, presumably worn a maid dress also ( for him ?!?!? ) before . it's probably a reference to them playing as children but i am losing my goddamn mind at the idea of like 15/16 year olds eihiyo fucking around and making a bet which ends with hiyori serving eichi .
okay i need to shut up this has been so much please read white brim ( i haven't even read it in full ) and wonder game THANK YOU FOR LISTENING PLEASE SEE MY VISION I SPENT AN HOUR TYPING ALL OF THIS AND GATHERING SCREENSHOTS
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manyblinkinglights · 1 year
Late reply re: AnyTaur raw chicken creature, but i did get it to work and the forelimb locomotion is absolutely gorgeous! I cannot laud your framework enough for how well it manages to handle a diversity of bodyplans merely through tweaking with the script! holy shit! 10/10 would reccomend to anyone with a quad or taur they wanna skip around as in vrc
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(sorry for the low quality image, I'm away from home right now and all I've got is a really crunchy Twitter video of him walking around)
I'm apparently having problems with the chair/station for riding on the thing's back? I don't have any way to test it myself, but according to my friends, attempting to sit on the thing throws them off the map and into who-knows-where. if you have any idea why that may be happening..? idk a damn thing about stations in vrc, and worst comes to worst the option to turn off the chair works fine, so if this is actually probably just a me problem, no need to mull over it.
Additionally: the sit/lay/stand up poses in the radial menu seem to be Supremely Fucked. i know in some of your older YouTube anytaur videos,(back when the orrery appeared to be called helpers) there looks to be stuff like sit offsets and angles? is there any modern equivalent to that, or is sit like. automatically calculated from the leg chain response angles? once again not a huge deal because every other pose and option works wonderfully (including all the absolutely delightful dances, highlight of my life) and I don't see myself using stuff like the sit radial poses often, but I can't help being curious nonetheless.
Anyways. Thank you again for this tool; you really are doing witchcraft when it comes to this stuff and i cannot praise you enough. (I'll see to getting you a donation thru itch to express my gratitude more tangibly, as soon as I'm home and i remember to set up an account or whatever, because god damn do you deserve it imo. value of service or whatever.) Best of luck to you with all your endeavors! Yippie!!!
Okay lol the chair I know exactly why and I keep forgetting it’s turbofucked. I just CANNOT get the script to autogenerate a working chair. What you’ll have to do is FIND the chair, and then fix it yourself; you need to refresh the enter/exit references I think? Right now it’s trying to reach back to an anytaur that doesn’t exist but you need to put YOUR anytaur’s references in there. That’s the basic issue. Bad references in the thing. It’s been a while since i looked at it so idk what they are just. fix all of them in the chair itself. which is in the Orrery somewhere??? Which is unnecessary??? But that’s where it is (for reasons) (irrelevant to you) (shapeshifting/legacy and organizational reasons). You could just put a permanent chair directly on your BEND bone yourself and be fine (or hind.spine if you want your passengers to have a slightly smoother ride).
Yeah your custom poses will have to be retailored per-avatar. I think the script TRIES to walk you through it but you may wish to simply remove menu references to them if it’s too much to deal with. Basically copy your working avatar, hide your original, use the script to put the copy in POSE CLONE MODE, and then you re-record the custom poses moving ONLY the poseclone .001 bones! Your real bones should move with the poseclone .001 bones so you can see what you’re doing; this is the purpose of POSE CLONE MODE. Once the existing custom pose .anim files have been recorded over to suit your particular avatar, you can delete the copied av and reupload your main one. It will use the anims you just fixed and should work fine. A note: all custom pose animations are ROTATION ONLY, except for iirc hind.chest and hind.hips, which DO keep position information, since the constraints to those body parts are parent constraints. These are also the main culprits in making you befuckt, especially hind.hips.
The slow trickle of people actually up to working with my project is like the northern lights to me. You are all aurora magic and I am blessed to behold your journey. I’m so glad your little guy is working correctly!!!!!!
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heyo i am a stats freak and got the "how is this index actually calculated?" kind of autism and noticed numbeo in your latest couple of posts so just a heads up - their data is crowd-sourced and largely not accurate! it's great at giving you a vague idea as to cost of living but it falls pretty flat in terms of more granular info like groceries and house prices. also the cost of living calculator doesn't take the purchasing power of an average salary into account, as far as i know it just compares it to new york. if you ever want to study the relationships between quality of life and geographical location (for research or, yknow, moving out lol) then numbeo does offer a qol index which gives you a way better idea of how "good" a place is to live in, and can be used as a proxy to better estimate the actual cost and quality of living there. but it's still kind of a mess. for example, their "safety" measurement is basically irrelevant, since it's based of an arbitrary test that people online can fill out (and yes, people have flooded the dataset with negative reviews of cities inflating their crime rates. sometimes for fun sometimes for some Very Racist Reasons). the metric for healthcare is based on a form people can fill out (again, 100% anonymously, 100% online, 100% with no verification) and it combines the scores to form a "healthcare rating" - what goes into that "healthcare rating" is very subjective and largely not something a patient could even know. "friendliness and courtesy of the staff"? this doesn't even vary from hospital to hospital, this shit varies from department to department. there is no fucking way a statement like "the medical staff in all of Turin, Italy is very unfriendly" has any merit. a score for "equipment for modern diagnosis and treatment"??? compared to what? does the average patient filling out some online survey know anything about state of the art medical equipment so that they can compare it to what they've been treated with????? (the answer is no). ok, sorry, i'm just rambling now, but damn this actually is just yelp for cities and not much else. in a brief flash of self-awareness, i've decided not to go into detail on that horrible image by geo.universe on instagram (the one where nearly all of europe is a green LOWER cost of living than the us). it'd be another unhinged rant about how they don't have a source and how you can't possibly average out a cost of living for the entire usa, where housing prices range all the way from "five bucks and a warm smile for seven acres of land in some rural state" to "$1mil and a kidney for an almost-human-sized cage in NYC". ANYWAY jesus christ what i wanted to get to is that if you're ever considering comparing "costs" (financial and otherwise) when moving out please refer to better indices (like EIU's where-to-be-born index or CIW though they have plenty of flaws too) and remember to always compare costs (this time just financial) of living against the MEDIAN net income!!! averages are almost meaningless because of weird ghouls who make billions of dollars and act as the number-inflating Spiders Georg of money. i'm so sorry if you read all of this. take it as psychological whump or something. it's been a long day and i had a bird fly directly into my window today and it woke me up after i tried to take a nap. i hope the bird is fine because i sur
Hey friend thanks for letting me know! I’ll check out the other metrics you mentioned (although I’m not exactly sure what CIW is? Is it Canadian index of well being or smth else?) and yeah I hope the bird is ok <333 also how do you best find like, the average cost of living/purchasing power of places? Is there a decent scale or metric or do you really just have to do a fuckton of research for everything? Cause I’m definitely willing to put in serious work and research once I have it narrowed down to a few places and once emigrating becomes a serious possible option but rn it’s just very off in the distance planning and I’m just trying to think about what would even be the best options to consider
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arlecchno · 2 years
HEYOYOYO jellyfish on main here ! HAPPY NEW YEARS !!!! (i hope the html code doesnt fail in the ask AHAHAH) i had to change the font of the board because it was really hard to read but here it is LOL
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as you can see , incredibly silly SJSIKFGH the red "string" is put about a bit haphazardly but im not going to fix that (:
on a side note , did you have a vision of what the MA duo's uniforms look like (and / or any reference images for them / other outfits theyd wear) ? there may or may not be somethin in the works from me (see below) vvvv
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PLEASE ignore the shitty posing of my mc and kuni im literally too lazy to even attempt to fix that hot mess that .
oh yeah uh also , im aware MA was aimed towards fem aligning readers — and i am not one — so im really sorry and hope you dont mind but as mentioned before you did include a bunch of my favorite subgenres and ,,,, i couldnt help myself !! but if you dont want me to be here bc of the fact im totally okay with leaving !! (<_<;;)
OKAY IVE SENT ENOUGH , - jellyfish (do i still need to do this signoff if im on my main ??? idk)
YOOO WTF THAT BOARD IS SO SICK!!!! now that i've seen it.... would you mind sharing the fic 🥹 by your theories the series sounds SO GOOD and i do not want to miss out on a fic of my favourite kind of genre!!
your theories look so incredibly detailed, whilst still adding in a tinge of crack to make it look more interesting, in which i completely agree with!! wtf you're insane
as for the visionaries of the main characters' clothes, since most of the story is inspired by b99, i'd like to think most of their clothes look like what the characters in that show would wear.
their official uniforms look something like this;
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when kuni and y/n are busting down criminals, i'd imagine they look like this!!
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i've tried my best to be as open as i can with y/n's clothing style and appearance, hence why i never mentioned y/n's attire or looks in the series (except for the dress in the grad ball arc). so it's mostly up to everyone's interpretation on what they want y/n to look like!! :)
as for kuni though, i like to imagine he's this low-key fashionable guy but won't ever admit to it lmao. i mean his usual attire is pretty basic, maybe like a button down shirt, a tie and pants but when he doesn't feel like using his duty belt i'd imagine he use these kinds of holsters (i know the 2nd pic is a woman but i couldn't really find any shoulder holster pics that were decent 😭)
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and it's totally okay that you're not fem-aligned but still read the series (i hope i don't sound rude here, if i do then i sincerely apologize, idk how to put it into words 😭)
as i said before, i try to not mention a lot about y/n's appearance and all, and even though this is a fem reader fic, all other genders are welcomed to read, i don't mind at all :D
ALSO YOU DRAW TOO??? THAT'S SO INSANE BRO!!!! THEY LOOK REALLY GOOD ALREADY NOW I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THE OUTCOME 🥹🥹🥹 i love you omg it's so lovely interacting with you
and judging by your user and pfp... i am here to assume you are a dainsleif enthusiast? if so then we have so much more in common than i thought!!!
i love dainsleif so much hehe i talk about him!!!! a lot!!!! always to the point that my friends would get tired of me 😞
i hope those pics would spark up some ideas for you :)) and i'm really sorry if some of my words here seemed rude or uncomfortable for you, i'm not really good with words so i do apologize in advance 💔
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- went upstairs to find Quinlan.
Quinlan: Oh, Knight... I was told you were coming. Sorry about this business with Danse. Cat: What do you know about this situation? Quinlan: While I was decrypting all of the data you acquired from within the Institute, I came across a list. It appears that the Institute keeps exemplary records where their synths are concerned, including logging those that were reported missing. As I was perusing this list, I came across an image of Danse under the heading "M7-97". A quick DNA comparison with our own records told the rest of the tale. I'm certain this comes as quite a shock to you, Knight. I'm sorry.
- hm, i wasn't under the impression that the Institute was this on the ball. not gonna cry misinformation just yet, but i am going to have to check exactly what i've been told re: their synth-tracking capabilities.
Cat: He'll be missed. Quinlan: Doubtful. I wouldn't "miss" a synth any sooner than I'd miss a transistor radio. I was merely sorry that you'd been duped.
- fucking christ, this guy turned on a dime. zero hesitation in forgetting every human interaction he had with Danse. >:(
Quinlan: No matter. I've been poring over Danse's duty reports and unfortunately, I haven't found any concrete information. As you're well aware, Danse had intimate knowledge of the Commonwealth and I'm afraid he could be seeking refuge anywhere. I think our best approach would be to identify every location he's ever visited and eliminate them as possibilities one by one.
- Nick Valentine would point and laugh at this guy lol.
Quinlan: You may want to get comfortable, this could take quite a bit of- Haylen: What the hell is this crap about Danse being a synth!?
- oh shit, here comes Haylen with a steel chair! kill him Haylen!
Quinlan: I assume your outburst was a reference to some doubt regarding Danse's identity. I can assure you that my findings are quite accurate, Scribe. Haylen: So he sets Danse up, and then you knock him down. Is that it? Cat: How did you hear about it? Haylen: Maxson's made it clear that we're to locate Paladin Danse, and if we find him, report his location to you. That can only mean you've been sent to hunt him down.
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- frankly, i'm glad of the lack of good options here. c'mon, Haylen, ixnay on the akingasceneinfrontofthisdudemay. how about we go for a walk, yeah?
Cat: Orders are orders. Haylen: I can't believe that after everything Paladin Danse did for you, you're just going to turn your back on him like this! There's obviously been a mistake, and we need to get to the bottom of it. Quinlan: Scribe Haylen! You're addressing a senior officer and you will show her the respect that she's due or so help me I'll have you brought up on charges! Now, unless you're here with information that can assist us, I suggest you return to the police station immediately. Haylen: Of course. My apologies, Proctor. I believe I have some information that's relevant to the search. Quinlan: Very well then, would you care to enlighten us, or do we have to wait until you decide to grace us with your knowledge? Haylen: Knight, if you'd accompany me to the Flight Deck, I'd like to show you the information I've compiled first hand. I've stored the data on my vertibird gunship's computer.
- THERE we go!
Cat: I'll take anything that gets me closer to finding Danse. Haylen: Yes, ma'am. If you'll follow me, ma'am?
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latin-dr-robotnik · 2 years
Hey, hoping you can help clarify for me? I’m seeing a lot of fanart for sonic frontiers with sonic holding some sort of heart and Amy being glitchy in the background / images of her - was there some sort of leak or new footage showing this ?? Specifically the heart , it’s just surprising me a few people are drawing the exact same thing , not sure if you know but figured it was a good bet to ask you! Lol
Yes! This week we started seeing more and more previews from gaming media, as journalists and influencers played Frontiers during the Summer Game Fest Play days (and also NDAs started to expire.) Most articles so far have talked more or less about the same (accessibility options, gameplay styles, combat, exploration and bits of the story demo), and some say they can't talk about cyberspace stuff until the 29th.
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(Sorry for the low quality, but it's the first video that came to my mind that features the heart.)
Anyway, the heart is the same one you can see being collected in every gameplay video floating around right now, but some publications like TheGamer said this about collectibles:
You’re also searching for Memory Tokens, which are used to free Sonic’s friends. In the demo, I found all of Amy’s Memory Tokens and released some kind of digital imprint of her from a futuristic jail cell. Tails was also mentioned at the start, but I don’t yet know what other Sonic characters will be in the game. Eggman does make a brief appearance, and I got the impression he’s just as lost and confused as Sonic is.
There's also another preview in Brazilian Portuguese with a lot of interesting info, but some translations were a bit iffy (for example, some believed it said "7 islands" when it was just a mistranslation), I'm using this thread as reference for the following:
- There are also a type of collectible called "Memory Tokens", while the lore hasn't been explained, it seems to indicate that Sonic needs them to remember the existence of his friends in order to be able to reach them and rescue them.
- (Spoiler-alert, I guess) He mentions his demo ended at the exact moment Sonic found Amy and as they were going to talk to each other a mysterious figure appears in the background, which he thinks is the game's villain... he says the mysterious creature has the silhouette of a human child, but the demo ended there and it got cut off so he doesn't know what happens next with Amy, but she was imprisoned in a sort of weird looking cocoon.
And you can find information about how those collectibles are -in fact- hearts for Amy in other previews, like the Easy Allies video, which around 1:26 says:
There are different collectibles, like, there's one where you get these hearts and you're trying to restore Amy's memories and I don't know what that means...
Yeah, so, the demo starts with this, like, kinda weird vibe... 'cause Sonic is just, like, laying like a corpse in the rain... [...] and they say something about being separated from Amy and Tails.
I think there are more examples (The first IGN preview mentions the wormhole travel at the start of the demo, and I believe the GameSpot preview video also mentioned the hearts...? I watched days ago, don't remember everything), but this is basically what's confirmed about Sonic Frontiers based on a demo certain journalists and influencers were allowed to play over the last weekend!
That's why I'm also super pumped for Frontiers!SonAmy heh
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