#sophiam was real
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nerds4life · 3 months ago
Tags Page
Original posts (usually about the boys)  
Previous asks I’ve received
Audio links
Fan Art
My biggest reason for being a fan
And why I support them individually
Twitter: Harry, Liam, Niall, Louis, Zayn
IG: Niall, Zayn, Louis, Liam, Harry
Thoughts on Life
Race Issues
Gender Issues
The boys of 1D:
Niall (masterposts; bressie)
Zayn (masterposts; tattoos; family)
Liam (masterposts; family)
Harry (masterposts; family)
Louis (masterpost; family)
OT3s - all of them except my faves
Similarities and Differences between the Boyfriends
Ziam - Anything and Everything Ziam
Ziam Masterposts
Support for Ziam from their families
Declarations of Love
Concert Moments
Zaynie’s Favourite Place
From the Beginning
XF Ziam
UAN Ziam
TMH Ziam
WWA Ziam
The Ring
Caroline supports it
Larry Masterposts
Non-platonic things: (mainly Ziam but some Larry as well)
The Fond
Intense Stares
Secret Touches
The Thirst is Real
All things Shady:
Shady Things - encompasses anything and everything
Numerous fails from their team
PR fakelationships
Sophiam - end of Sophiam  
Zerrie (‘Perrie tattoo’) -  Exploiting Zayn for Little Mix PR  - end of Zerrie
Trolling BS
When the Boys Throw Shade
The boys tell us everything we need to know
Zaynie "quitting" - Events since March 25:
Zaynie tour break
Solo Zaynie
Still linking Zaynie to 1D
The beginning of the end
OT4 is Collapsing
Fic Recs:
Ziam Fic Recs
Larry Fic Recs
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alarrytale · 10 months ago
Do you think Liam is gay too? You think Maya and Kate are PR relationships but what about Sophia? He met her at school.
Hi, anon!
I think H and L are gay. The others members i'm open to being queer, but not neccessarily gay. Payzer was PR (at least the second time around), Sophiam i have no opinion about, Chiam was PR/bearding, Maya and Kate was and is PR.
I think it's much harder to figure out bi/pan men who're switching between real relationships, PR relationships and bearding relationships depending on the circumstances. Additionally, if they're straight passing, not queercoding, are low key and don't want to come out. It's almost impossible to tell what's real and what's not and if it means they're queer or straight.
I'm also not interested enough in figuring it out, keeping up with them and doing the research neccessary to conclude one way or the other. I find H and L a million times more interesting, and it's time consuming to keep up with everything. So i'm like, sure, the others could be queer.
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nxrryaesthetic · 7 years ago
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First off, I haven’t been here for a long period of time so I am sorry for being very inactive. Second, I am turning this page into a Fashion/Harry Styles tumblr page. I am also going to try my hardest to be up to date since I feel like I can do more if I actually put some time and effort on this tumblr page.
Anyways that’s all and this picture is so sexy i just cant.
Take care loves x
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We all know Larry is real and they've been in love for years, but do you believe Ziam was/is real?
I kid I kid but Jesus is Lord YES I DO!
Probably 60% of my blog is being a raging mess that so many people don’t believe it’s real lol. Feel free to check out all the tags I’m about to link in this post.
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insomniziam · 5 years ago
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Same old shit, but a different day
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yaz-the-spaz · 7 years ago
Hot Tip
@antis when you have a shit ton of people in the industry literally telling you it's a stunt...it just might be a stunt fam
(...like they're kind of the experts? they work in this industry for a living and they know what's up and how shit works? so for ya'll to always be hopping on your high horse acting all high and mighty telling them they're wrong is kind of ridiculous tbh...would you tell a cardiologist they're doing open heart surgery wrong? no. cause you don't know shit about open heart surgery. so why would you deign to think you know more than someone who's seen and lived this kind of shit firsthand? it's like climate change my dude, if you have a bunch of experts telling you something's not right...it's probably not right)
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twopoppies · 2 years ago
if you have been here since early 1d, was everyone on tumblr , twitter , ect a Larrie? and did anyone at the time believe in bbg and the stunts?
Hi love. I think the Twitter fandom was always pretty active. But Tumblr had a lot more going on then… as a creative person it was just wildly inspiring to be here. There was so much art, fic after fic after fic, FIMQ making videos, masterposts and analysis etc etc. I don’t know. I was on IG then, too, and it was fun there. But Tumblr was a place where it you could hold long-form conversations and get to know people.
What I remember is that there were larries, antis, and neutrals back then. And there was a lot of pressure to like all 5 boys the same. You were allowed to have a fave, but no one had a solo account. We were One Direction fans, first and foremost.
There were always people who believed the stunts… there were Elounor supporters, H*ylor fans, lots of people thought Zerrie and Sophiam were real relationships etc.
Zayn leaving was the first small rift I remember. It was the first time we had something like one group still supporting Zayn, while another shifted focus to OT4 only. But Babygate was what really ripped the fandom apart.
1DHQ had been slowly chipping away at the fandom, but babygate created houies (larries who thought HL had broken up/Louis had cheated/Louis was a dad). Eventually Houies morphed into solo stans/rads and now we have this ridiculously fractured fandom that eats itself when it’s bored.
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quietzap · 3 years ago
Do you think that Andy and Liam still friends? On his wedding was Sophia but not Liam 🤔
I actually talked about this with a mutual the other day. I have no idea, I would say yes but maybe they're not as close as they used to be. My mutual thinks Andy was a "fake" friend to make sophiam look more real. But Andy has been there since TXF, years before sophiam started. It's hard to know bc all of Liam's friends or "friends" (like those who appeared right when sophiam started) that we've seen publicly come from Wolverhampton and Birmingham where he went to school. Tho I'm sure he has other friends we don't know about. So who knows 🤷 But maybe Liam simply couldn't go because of his work schedule (the wedding was rescheduled bc of covid so maybe things didn't work out) or yeah maybe they grew apart 🤷 guess we'll see
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verseziam · 7 years ago
not to be a tinhat but liam and zayn are both really tan and that pic zayn posted on instagram is obviously old so all im saying is its highly possible they went on vacation recently :) 
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breefarrow · 3 years ago
honestly i don't know where people got that rbb and sbb have something to do with ziam LOL
It doesn't look through any masterpost made when it was happening in real it isn't mentioned. The BIGGEST thing they had to link it was the "ziam levine stylinson" post it note which was debunked. Smaller things they claimed was the colored stickers on the feet [it was 💛 and 🧡 not even ❤ sticker bc to them 💛❤ = ziam guess orange is the new red] and the fact that they dressed the bear as batman one night and Li likes batman but what does that have to do with ziam?
Could easily just be the bears letting you know who their friends are. Lastly they said the countdown was to Sophiam [literally how ??] according to them nothing else was happening during the countdown. The bears were GONE for a while [I say do to shit L&H were going thought behind the scenes due to BG progression] and the countdown was just leading up to the bears return. Like I said tho the BIGGEST thing to link the bears to ziam was the post it note that was debunked so any little thing after holds almost NO merit.
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arandu-juky · 4 years ago
Closeting part. 3.
Y la amargura realmente no se disipó??
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"Horrible, te lo dije."
Estas son algunas de las formas en que la gente pudo entender que Haylor no estaba en el nivel. Quiero decir, que Harry y Louis pisaron el pedal (heavy metal, natch) en sus tatuajes complementarios a pesar de ser "enemigos mortales" en ese momento tampoco ayudó, pero el stunt de barba de Haylor fue la imitación de más alto perfil que Harry Styles haya hecho. parte de, y con todo el conocimiento retrospectivo que el público está empezando a juntar con la carrera de Kaylor y Taylor como barba, definitivamente no ayuda a vender la noción de su heterosexualidad.
Para ser justos, nadie en ese momento podría haber sabido que Haylor sería una mala jugada.
Pero fue. Desde entonces, a Harry se le han dado fauxmances mediocres que funcionan más en la implicación de que está con una mujer, más que él en realidad ... ya sabes. Estar con una mujer, salvo por alguna ocasional cita de helado.
Es como el tema de "ni siquiera menciones los rumores" de lo que hablamos: trabajar a través de la sugerencia en lugar del reconocimiento descarado vende el punto mejor, porque tu celebridad en el armario no tiene la oportunidad de equivocarse, intencionalmente o no.
Elounor funcionó un poco mejor. Esto se debió a que El desempeñó su papel bastante bien. No hizo entrevistas ni dijo algo revelador en las redes sociales. Hizo lo que le pidieron con fotos de Instagram/papwalks/mascotas "compartidas". Promocionó ropa y cosas que las chicas podrían, posiblemente, ir a comprar para sentirse más cerca de ella o de Louis. Hizo todo lo posible con la cara apestosa que Louis comenzó a lanzar en las fotos después de unos años; si bien no se veía realmente encantada de estar cerca de él, rara vez se veía completamente miserable. Y cuando se acabó el tiempo, siguió su camino en silencio, con Max a cuestas.
Sin embargo, la conexión de Larry se había establecido en la mente de las personas, y aquellos que la vieron no pudieron dejar de verla. Louis, de manera muy poco sutil, hizo lo mínimo con su novia falsa durante años antes de que tiraran del cordón.
La falta de sutileza en la ejecución condenó los intentos de barbar a Larry, debilitando así significativamente su closeting.
Mientras tanto, Zayn, quien, como comentamos, le parece a la gente que no es del todo heterosexual, pero que no encaja lo suficiente con el estereotipo tradicionalmente masculino como para ser retratado de la forma en que lo es Liam, estaba "comprometido" con Perrie.
No voy a perder mucho tiempo repasando cómo se realizan todas las falsificaciones 1D de la misma manera o cómo, en realidad, el tatuaje de Perrie no es Perrie. El punto que se debe hacer para nuestros propósitos es que (aunque al final es ridículo y en gran medida no creído) lo que a Zerrie le faltaba en sutileza lo compensaba con mucho en juego. ¡Porque Zayn estaba comprometido! Eso es un gran problema, ¿verdad? ¡Tenía un tatuaje de ella! ¡Esos no se lavan!
Modest hizo el reclamo de la única manera que pudieron con Zayn, con la ventaja adicional de promover uno de sus otros actos: Zayn estaba comprometido para casarse, y seguramente eso no se puede fingir, ¿verdad?
A lo que el público, en general, respondió por supuesto que no.
Pero este es un fandom analítico, e incluso aquellos que no estaban en el tren Ziam se dieron cuenta de la pesca. Lo que sea. Zerrie no era la barba perfecta y sutil que podría haber sido, en otras circunstancias y con otros jugadores. Quizás, en virtud de que Perrie también tenía una carrera pública, estaba condenado sin importar qué. Las mentiras exageradas no se sostienen demasiado bien bajo un escrutinio repetido.
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"Ahora besense."
-Palabras reales que tuvo que decir un matón de la gerencia para que este momento incómodo se uniera.
Luego tenemos a Sophiam. Y esto, amigos, debería ser un motivo de orgullo para cualquier imbécil que lo diseñó, porque por falso que sea, también funcionó muy bien.
Idealmente, la barba se hace con un nivel de cooperación de la persona que lleva la barba, más allá del cumplimiento contractual y de mala gana. Liam no es muy bueno para cumplir con eso, pero al igual que Elounor (la prima más cercana de Sophiam en relación con el estilo de barba), Soph es buena interpretando su papel. Ella hace lo que se le pide con Insta. Participa en caminatas con pap. Promueve productos en sus redes sociales y en su cuerpo. (Vaya, eso es como ... inquietantemente similar, en realidad.) Ella no hace mucho ruido fuera de eso.
Y Liam sigue el juego, o lo hacen sus redes sociales. Hay una pequeña desconexión entre este Liam:
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y @Liam, que aparentemente tiene cualquier nivel de clase y respeto por su @novia, tienes que publicar fotos de su trasero en tu Twitter.
Quiero decir, bueno, eso no es del todo justo. Puedes tenerlos uno encima del otro en la vida real, solo tienes que emborrachar a Liam peligrosamente primero.
Entonces, cada vez que todo esto se junta y se cuestiona la relación ("¿Por qué nunca vemos, como, un video en el que se vean felices juntos?"), La respuesta es una mentira que se maneja sola. ("SON UNA PAREJA PRIVADA ESTAR EN PÚBLICO LOS HACE FRENAR MUCHO OKAYYY")
¡Y aún así! La gente trata a Sophiam como si fuera el año 1998 y fuera el Beanie Baby más nuevo; lo compran, sin pensarlo ni razonar. "Algún día valdrá la pena, muchachos. Es un objeto de colección".
¿Porqué es eso? Parte de esto son los factores previamente discutidos:
la prohibición de dirigirse a Ziam en entrevistas y, hasta hace poco, todos los medios, que previene las negaciones sin negación y mata de hambre el fuego de su combustible.
La sensibilidad ultra-íntima de Liam y Zayn se normaliza el uso de estereotipos imágenes masculinas y la configuración de compromiso "demasiado grande para ser un farol"
Pero también se debe a que Sophiam es una imitación que se sienta y hace pucheros en su yate en el sur de Francia, y deja que el público lo encuentre a mitad de camino.
Closeting ineficaz: realice una barba de alto perfil, donde más ojos estarán en la situación. Si es posible, haz que alguien famoso sea el barbudo; no es como si tuvieran entrevistas propias en las que puedan arruinarlo, ¿verdad?
Closeting efectivo: use una persona bonita pero desconocida para minimizar su interacción con el público y evitar que la mentira sea revelada y, cuando se le pregunte, diga que es simplemente "privada". Manipula las cuentas de celebridades en las redes sociales, ya que no se puede confiar en que ellos mismos lo vendan de manera convincente. Permita que las gafas del público hagan el resto.
Credibilidad: Destrúyelo, evidentemente.
En dos ocasiones distintas, la cuenta de Twitter de Louis ha desmentido a Larry y su rareza en general:
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Con más de dos años de diferencia, estos tweets finalmente obtuvieron la misma reacción de los partidarios de Larry:
"Esos obviamente no eran él. Eran un administrador de redes sociales empleado por Modest para administrar su cuenta".
Lo suficientemente justo. Los SMMS son casi omnipresentes para las celebridades: puede obtener conciertos para los menos conocidos en sitios de escritura independientes, y funcionan en todas las plataformas: Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter e incluso Tumblr. Eso no quiere decir que las celebridades nunca twitteen, publiquen o tomen fotos. Pero todo está monitoreado, y todo está sujeto a declaraciones de eliminación o recuperación si no se ajusta a la marca aprobada por la celebridad.
En dos ocasiones distintas, la cuenta de Twitter de Liam mostró su apoyo a Duck Dynasty y su estrella homofóbica, además de confirmar su total no homosexualidad:
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"Esos obviamente no eran él", ¿verdad? Chicos ¿Chicos?
Enormes franjas del fandom, irónicamente, muchos de los cuales eran remitentes de Larry y, por lo tanto, sabían exactamente cómo se manipuló este juego, condenaron a Liam por el primer tweet y se apoyaron en el segundo como evidencia fácil para negar a Ziam/probar aún más la homofobia de Liam. Esto, a pesar de que tienen tanto sentido como los tweets mierda y mierda 2.0 de Louis.
(Las similitudes entre Louis y Liam en las redes sociales son realmente asombrosas, de verdad, hasta su tono:
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Foto de Louis Tomlinson atrapado en un armario.
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Foto publicada por Andy unos días después de que se anunciara la ruptura de Elounor.)
Cuando se supo que Liam haría una sesión y una entrevista con Attitude, la gente salió de la madera para mencionar cómo finalmente pudo arrepentirse de sus formas homófobas de hermano-amigo.-o si no se quejaban de la injusticia de que un hombre heterosexual aterrizara en la portada (porque heterosexual es lo predeterminado, ¿no?).
Comprender: los tweets de Liam se organizaron. También lo eran los de Louis. Entonces, ¿por qué un fandom conocido por su capacidad analítica soltó colectivamente la pelota sobre la superficialidad del tipo que se veía así cuando Harry tuvo su momento "no tan importante" ...
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allwaswell16 · 5 years ago
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This is a fic rec of my favorite Larry fics that explore kinks as requested in this ask. You can find my other fic recs here and my ko-fi here. Happy reading!
🍭 Carry This Feeling, @a-writerwrites / awriterwrites and @dimpled-halo / dimpled_halo (E, ~50k, famous/not famous au, famous Harry, not famous Louis, writer Louis, actor Harry, light angst, emotional hurt/comfort, Los Angeles, public blow jobs, rimming, spanking, anal sex)
🍭 Promise Not to Stop When I Say When, @realmenwearpuppypants @mediaville  / becka, mediaville (E, threesome, Harry/Louis/Nick Grimshaw, angst with a happy ending,  pining, barebacking, finger fucking, rimming, first time, drug use, alcohol)
🍭 Something in the World Today,  @crazyupsetter / whoknows (E, 48k, bdsm, dom Harry, sub Louis, kink negotiation, sex toys, spanking)
🍭 Reduce Me To A Pleading Cry (Break The Skin and Tantalize), @taggiecb (E, 37k, CEO Harry, BDSM, sub Harry, dom Louis, butt plugs, oral sex, bondage, spanking, under negotiated kink, mystery character)
🍭 Santa Baby Honey, @sadaveniren (E, 28k, sugar daddy Louis, sugar baby Harry, boss/employee, bdsm, dom Louis, sub Harry, fluff, humor, public sex, exhibitionism, lingerie, self-bondage, gags, blindfolds, spanking, vibrators, mistaken identity) 
🍭 Take Our Bodies Higher, @littlelouishiccups (E, 21k, phone sex operator Harry, phone sex, masturbation, daddy kink, dom/sub, orgasm delay, comeplay)
🍭 feel so foolish, @juliusschmidt (M, 13k, high school au, size kink, bullying, dick talk, hand jobs)
🍭 to change how you see and what you believe, @jaerie​ (E, 12k, friends to lovers, accidental pregnancy, mpreg, mpreg Harry, pregnancy kink, lactation kink, role play, drunk sex, fwb, depictions of birth, sports reporter Louis, yoga instructor Harry)
🍭 head head heart, @turnyourankle (E, 11k, canon compliant, bdsm, subspace, dom Louis, sub Harry, established relationship, safeword, scratching, biting, sex toys)
🍭 Watching You Watch Him (Friend to the Undertow), @myownsparknow / myownspark (E, 10k, voyeurism, accidental voyeurism, sophiam, edging, orgasm delay, hand jobs, blow jobs)
🍭 Maybe This Time, @magicalrocketships / sunsetmog (E, 10k, kink negotiation, daddy kink, age play, kink discovery)
🍭 Wholehearted, @darlou  (E, 10k, threesome, strangers to lovers, Louis/Harry/OMC (based on Luke Malak), slut shaming, dom/sub, dom Harry, sub Louis, angst, endgame Larry)
🍭 trusting things beyond mistake, sarcasticfluentry (E, 9k, friends to lovers, sex toys, self bondage, first time, kink negotiation, hand cuffs, forced orgasm, multiple orgasms)
🍭 Only Thing That Can Quench My Thirst, @hazandlouwho / eyesofshinigami (E, 6k, kink exploration, pubic hair, facials, blow jobs, rimming)
🍭 to wrap me in paper, @juliusschmidt (E, 6k, a/b/o, heat, rut, knotting, mpreg, breeding kink, kink negotiation, light bdsm, semi-public sex, nipple play, fwb, dubious consent, uni au, library sex)
🍭 use somebody, @socomicallygay / istajmaal  (E, 5k, threesome, Harry/Louis/Nick Grimshaw, sensory deprivation, dom Louis, sub Harry, depersonalization, humiliation, anal plug, comeplay, bondage, cock rings, orgasm delay, foot fetish, face fucking, deepthroating)
🍭 Ain’t nothing like the real thing, baby, @kingsofeverything (E, 4k, object insertion, humor, friends to lovers, roommates, drug use, masturbation, accidental voyeurism)
🍭 nothing better, @turnyourankle (E, 4k, pwp, implied mpreg, pregnancy kink, photographer Harry, fluff, smut)
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abc1dspntjlc4 · 4 years ago
not that anyone asked but as a former anti...it took me a long time to believe in/acknowledge ziam and larry (i joined the fandom at the end of 2011/early 2012 but didn’t become a ziam or a larry until 2015) because i believed in what the media was telling me. i was not a casual fan by any means, but i never bothered to look into or ask why the media/PR/the label (whomever) was trying to sell the het narrative. i just accepted it. i actually went as far as to watch anti-larry videos and stuff and would like pics and “receipts” about sophiam (never really believed in zayn’s beards tho it felt too PR-y). it wasn’t until zayn left that i really reevaluated what i was doing in the fandom, how i thought about my place in the fandom, and how my beliefs didn’t align with what was going on with the band.  I knew we weren’t being told the full truth, and that was finally when i decided to really look and see if i could get some info about what was going on, which is how i ended up finding ziam and actually looking into larry. (also internalized homophobia is real kids). Then babygate hit, and i just knew that it wasn’t true and it solidified my beliefs. Basically im saying this because 1) im drunk as shit lmao, but also because 2) clearly something has been and still is going on behind the scenes rn, and after getting hit with 3 babygates, it just goes to show how none of the stunts and beards are real. It took zayn leaving (SHADY AS FUCK) and babygate HAPPENING to turn an anti into the biggest ziam/larry believer. so those are my 2 cents on everything happening rn. Ziam is real, Larry is real, and there is nothing that can change my belief in that. 
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overwhelmedbyfeels · 8 years ago
There’s so much dissonance around the boys. They’re portrayed as dicks in the press but everybody who’s met them sing praises and speak well of them. We have the fans that believe everything about them, but somehow don’t believe they’re dicks. We have the fans that question things based in years of bullshit, but are vilified for picking up what the boys put down themselves...
Can we ever get some consistency here? Can that be a thing one day? in less than 20 years preferably?
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justapayneaway · 5 years ago
If they broke up, why make the fuss over V-day? What was the point of showing this video of him giving her this cringey present if they were going to be over in 2 weeks? I have so many questions... 🤯
Who the fuck knows? They never made sense with break-ups...
Remember that Sophiam was over a week after Liam was publicly mentioning marriage with her on a lot of interviews. So, these things don’t need to make sense! Hell even in real life break-ups don’t make sense and can happen randomly.
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foxstens · 8 years ago
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