#soon to be orc husband
thecandywrites · 1 year
Jewel Of The North Chapter 15
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Woo, it's been several long minutes since I was able to get back to this, but I'm here, with an update. As always, I had- MOST of this already planned out. And I hate it how I can get ALMOST to the end, my brain knows the endgame and suddenly my muse is like "Thank you- next." And I'm like NO, NO, NO! PleAsE lEt mE FiNiSh! And my muse gives me the bird as it walks away. Damn fickle muse.
My goal is to get this off my plate, and FINALLY finish Zorroku and Peaches update. Get to Anastascia and Talisman before Kinktober is here. And because of shit hitting the fan in my personal life, I'm going to cling to Kinktober to get me through these dark times ahead. (My daughter has a bone tumor, now we are testing to see if it's cancerous and go from there.)
So, enjoy the update. Hopefully I can get to the one last chapter and finish this. HOPEFULLY. (Dear God PLEASE)
Chapter 15
“Well if it’s not my favorite customers!” Jim greeted happily as your family returned to the dealership. 
“Did you come back for that camper?” He asked hopefully. 
“We did. I couldn’t stop thinking about it actually. And now that we’re not under such a tight time crunch, could we check it out?” You asked. 
“Absolutely, let me grab the keys.” He answered as he got the keys and then opened it up and let all the sliders out. It was a gorgeous RV that had gotten super fine and sophisticated customizations. And while it was it’s own vehicle, it was an epic one. It was as if someone took a mini semi, and then married it with an RV and a camper, all in one. It was huge. It was extra wide, extra long. And because it was both the semi and a camper trailer, it had more than enough room for the five of you to be very comfortable. 
“This was someone’s home before they bought a house up here with a truck. And we haven’t sold it because no one else can seem to justify paying so much for something that to anyone else would be a recreational vehicle.” He explained. 
“I understand that.” You noted as you checked out the appliances, and the fridge, sniffing deeply to see if anything had ever been left in here to rot. And looking for little details to see how well it had been cared for. Whoever had customized this and redid it, took their time and really put their heart and soul into it. It was the perfect, home away from home. Most likely another wealthy person. But also, someone who could probably afford to hire a driver. 
“So what endorsements do you need to drive it?” You asked him. 
“None. It’s considered an RV. Anyone who has ever driven a truck, and a trailer, or another RV could drive this.” He answered. 
“No way.” You and Noah both seemed to playfully scoff. 
“I’m serious. It’s not considered a semi. It’s classed as an RV.” Jim insisted. 
“Even if it was a full semi, I have that endorsement.” Noah assured you. 
“Well, because it’s it’s own vehicle, it means, we can leave your truck here, for when we come back next spring and just take the dully with the horse trailer.” You offered to Noah. 
“Yeah, and that way, we’d still have the truck to take to the stores and stuff, because getting this out on the road and to gas stations will be a pain in the ass. But once we get it parked in various spaces and get it hooked up, it’ll be ok.” Noah reassured you as he stepped down into the driver’s seat to become familiar with the controls and stuff as you continued to walk through and get used to the space and storage and stuff before you came back to see the kids already in the bedroom part that was put into a smaller room with two twin beds in a bunk bed set up, or the larger room with a full bed. 
“And there’s a king size bed in the trailer. Although, most parks, you’ll need two side by side spaces to get it all together, unless a place has two hook ups, one in front of the other.” Jim explained. 
“Ok, how are the beds guys?” You asked them. 
“Eh, they’re ok. Rutted out right here though.” Zane said as his rear seemed to find a space in the middle of the bed that you imagined the previous owners probably used for sex. So new mattresses would be in order. And…decent bedding too, you realized as you touched the bedding and crinkled your nose that it was the cheap, microfiber crap. Microfiber bedding was “soft” but didn’t breathe for crap and didn’t hold up past a few washings. So you were doing some quick math in your head of what else you’d need to do to get this ready for travel. 
“Let’s look at the trailer.” You insisted before you did and could see that it was the trailer that had all the luxury and all the real “upgrades.” It was basically one big bedroom and a living room with a small kitchenette and a decent sized shower, whereas the one on the RV part was ok. Not great but ok. Clean and functional and that’s what mattered. The one in the trailer? Actual tile. And a bench. Great for shaving and especially shower sex probably- if you and Noah could fit into it together. 
“Wow, this is really nice.” Noah noted once he joined you in the camper. 
“Yeah, it is.” You nodded. 
“Jim was telling me that when we park the RV, we will need either two spots in front of each other, or side by side. 
“Well, actually, did you see how there’s a way to connect the two if they’re in front of each other, and we have a way to make a hallway that connects that to this?” Noah pointed out as he motioned to it. 
“Ooh, no I didn’t.” You noted as you came over to see it. 
“Can we look under it to see the frame?” Skylar asked hopefully before she pulled out her trusty flashlight she always used to inspect things. 
“We’ve already been over it and inspected it.” Jim tried to reassure her. 
“Yeah, but another set of eyes wouldn’t be a bad thing.” Noah insisted before Skylar beamed happily before she and him went out and did just that as she chose to look under the RV first as she started lowly murmuring to Noah to make sure he saw what she could find. 
“Her uncle is a mechanic.” You excused to Jim as you got a picture of Skylar’s legs sticking out with Noah’s under the vehicle, because it was really cute before you got your notebook out to write down what you were hearing from Noah and Skylar. 
“I see.” Jim nodded as he just stood by and you could tell he was a little nervous before you poked around in the vehicle’s crash history, what work it had gotten done, what maintenance it had gotten done, and the fact that it was sporting brand new tires, you wondered if the older ones had gotten dry rot before Noah started asking questions before Jim had to go and get the mechanic who checked it over before Skylar and Noah were beginning to speak mechanic as you barely were able to keep up mentally with the discussion before Skylar found things that the other mechanic hadn’t caught before Noah used that, to let her find every, tiny, little, thing as Noah was beginning to throw out numbers of how much it would take to fix that, and you grinned when you got your notebook out and put the estimates with everything. 
“So how much were you wanting for this?” You asked Jim. 
“Well, we were asking…” He began to list off what the vehicle was worth and all the money, the previous hosts dumped into it. 
“Yeah, but if it needs this much in repairs…” You began as you listed off everything it would need to be really roadworthy and mechanically sound as you did your best to continue to write it out what Noah and Skylar were finding under the vehicle and then once they got through that, popped the hood and continued to look it over with the mechanic. 
“Girl, how old are you?” Bud asked Skylar. 
“Eight. But I’ve been helping my uncles and grandpas with stuff since I was old enough to walk.” She answered happily. 
“And she’s been really the god’s send with helping me with my plane.” Noah praised. 
“Let’s check out the trailer.” Noah urged before they went around to the back as you continued to write down every little thing before they seemed to be done as you helped brush Skylar and Noah off before you handed him the notebook to look over before he added more things that he saw without saying anything. 
“Let’s go inside and talk.” Noah urged you as you readily passed the power brick from your purse to the kids, so that their devices wouldn’t die as you went inside and negotiated, for either the dealership to fix various things, or for the price to be dropped so that it could be handled elsewhere. 
You were simply happy to sit there and help Noah negotiate for it. And help bank on the fact that only you guys would be able to buy such a vehicle, but even when Noah had a whole plane to repair and therefore didn’t have the extra money, especially when a simple camper, that was a fraction of the price, was also available for your family. 
You guys ended up getting it for way less than you feared it would be. And the dealership still made enough money off of it, that it was still worth while for them too before Noah drove it all out of there and to his house and into his own garage to begin working on what needed to be worked on as you got your cleaning supplies ot really dig down and give it another thorough deep clean as you gagged to see how filthy the mattresses really were under that pretty bedding. Someone had obviously gotten drunk or at least very sick, in these beds  before. You could smell vomit and diarreah on them. They had sprayed air fresheners in the RV to cover up this odor. And there was no way you could clean this out of them. So you hauled them out of the RV. 
“What’s wrong?” Noah asked as he watched you push the mattress out of the RV. 
“The mattresses are beyond cleaning and saving. These are so gross. Someone must have gotten very sick on these and they tried to turn them over to cover it up.” You noted. 
“Those better not be bed bugs.” You worried before you went back inside and outright hunted for them, but now that you had the mattress pulled out and really looking, you found the faint aroma of the fumigation. 
“Is that…?” Noah asked as he came over to the edges of the mattress and scratched at something crusted to the mattress.
“Oh gods!” You yelled before you dropped it on the ground.
“Babe?” Noah asked. 
“This thing had bed bugs. I’m just seeing a few dead corpses. But this thing had bed bugs. That’s what Jim was nervous about. He was worried we would find them. OK. Should we fumigate again? Just to be sure?” You asked. 
“Absolutely. Let me get that taken care of.” Noah offered before he immediately got his phone up and called the local pest control and arranged for them to come and treat it again before he found out that they had treated it once before, it had been an issue that the previous owners were ashamed to admit that they could never seem to get them all out, that they would get it treated, then stay somewhere and get them again. And they had thought they treated it really good last time, but offered to come and treat again, just to make doubly sure. 
“They’ll be here day after tomorrow.” He offered. 
“Thank you.” You thanked him as you could do little but look and search for anything else in there. 
“Find anything?” He asked. 
“Thankfully, nothing living, just the occasional corpse in the cracks.” You answered. 
“I’m gonna need a good vacuum.” You noted as you felt like pulling apart the pieces of furniture to see if any were trying to hide elsewhere. 
After getting it fumigated again, thoroughly deep cleaned and new mattresses put in, that had to literally be flown in, you began trying to pack it up to get ready to go on the road. 
Which worked out because Noah needed to take another few days of Ukluk and Nago flying Noah back to his plane to help do some repairs just to get it flyable again which Skylar was exceedingly happy to try to help.
Sakura, Zane and yourself did as much as you could to help too. Both with the plane, and the RV and trying to make sure you packed everything you needed from Noah's house that they wanted to keep with them through the winter. 
Then Noah was finally able to get the plane just to the point that it could start and take off and then land on a tarmac in Fair Banks. And once at the hanger, more work could be done there. To get it at least passable so it could fly to the Great Lakes. Where you and Noah had agreed to rent a space at a local airplane hangar. So Noah could park it there and work even more on it there and do it for much cheaper than he could up in the Arctic Tundra where he had to pay a premium for parts just to get mailed. 
It took a day for Noah to fly down there and park his plane and begin the process of ordering parts and stuff to repair it. He readily made friends with the other pilots, most of which just had small bush planes as they were sympathetic of the crash and gave him a ride to the local airport so he could fly back home to the Arctic Tundra so he could help you pack and drive him and his family and his animals down to the Great Lakes. Since you had been spending all that time getting all the horses’ paperwork prepared and the vet and get them ready for the journey. And get all the cats and get them to the vet and ready for the journey. and of course the dogs as well.  Sakura was happy to start packing too before you had to go and pick Noah up from the airport again. 
“So? How were your flights?” You asked him. 
“Long. How were things at home?” He asked. 
“Busy, the vet I think made his year getting all of the animals ready for the trip. By the way, do you want to pack all of your clothes or do you want to pack just some of them since we will be back up here next summer? Also, what do you want to do about the contents of your freezer?” You asked him.  
“We can either split it between Neena’s parents and mine or whatever, or we can try to bring it with us.” Noah offered. 
“Yeah, no. I don’t want to have to worry about spoiled rotting meat on a cross country trip because that frrzer is only so big in the RV. Let’s give it to the people who are staying up here and we can always bring in more food when we come back, I don’t want anything to go to waste or rotting while we are gone." You answered. 
“Yeah I didn’t want that either.” Noah readily admitted. 
“So, did you want to drive the RV or the horse trailer?" You asked since you had had to drive it to various places to get stuff for it already. 
"Don't care, I can do either one." He offered. 
"Well we can always trade off." You shrugged. 
"Which one would you prefer to drive?" He asked.
"Honestly, I don't care, I'll take whichever one you don't want." You answered. 
"Well, How about you take the RV, I'll take the horses, since they can move while in transit and sway the horse trailer. The RV should be pretty constant." He suggested. 
"Ok." You nodded with a smile. Noah was still, always so thoughtful. 
It took another few days to get everything packed up that needed to be packed up since all Noah and Sakura really needed were their clothes and other sentimental items they didn’t want to live without over the winter since most of everything else didn’t need to be moved as Noah and yourself and all the kids pitched in to winterize Noah’s house and his barn.
Then the fateful day came where you said your goodbyes and made plans for Noah’s family and even Neena’s family to come down for the next high holiday that your family and theirs would be making into one big gosbe to join both the Great Lakes Family and the Arctic Tundra one to converge at your yourse, flying commercially of course for an official, really big, gosbe with all of Noah’s family and yours. 
You went from camp ground to camp ground and even national park to national park. And despite the initial cost of the RV, it really was so much cheaper than staying in hotels and eating out for every meal. Because with the RV, you could camp it in, get showers, do laundry either in the small on board washer and dryer or stop at laundromats for the bigger items like bedding. You could get the horses out regularly, and ride them and the dogs and cats could use the bathroom regularly and the chickens were content in their little coop. And it would give you practically two weeks before school started and with the gradual traveling from the Arctic Tundra to the Great Lakes, you all could gradually get used to the time change. And it was actually, really nice. And it made a lot if really good memories. It really made a national parks pass to stay in all the national parks from June Neau to the Great Lakes worth every penny.
Two weeks later in the late afternoon, early evening, you, very tiredly pulled into your driveway at home, putting in your code to open the gate and led the way in, Noah and the horse trailer behind you as Sakura gasped when she saw your house. 
“This is my house?” Sakura asked in excited awe when she laid her eyes on it. 
“Yup, this is your house Sweetie, but we gotta get the horses into the barn.” You told her as you parked the RV, as Noah drove down to the barn to unload the horses into the barn. 
Your mother had already gotten the barn doors open and helped Noah back up the horse trailer to the barn as your horses were eager to see who was new to the barn as your mom had already gotten new stalls ready for the new horses. 
Your parents were eager to meet their new granddaughter and of course see Noah in person as they already had dinner ready and waiting on you in the house as soon as you could get the horses unloaded and the dogs of course beginning to mark their territory and meet all the other dogs who were excited to see you and the kids again and eager to meet Sakura and Noah as your parents warmly and eagerly hugged Sakura first and then Noah. 
And once the horses were squared away, you brought your family back into the house and had them drop their bags at the door and led the way to the kitchen that was open to the dining room as Sakura and Noah were both taking in the sight of the very nice house you had. Noah was trying to keep his awe down and not completely gawk at his surroundings. 
His sister Alorna may have been onto something, this felt like a mansion. It was huge and very high end materials and was overall very luxurious and he was getting overwhelmed by just the foyer and the chandelier in said foyer. Which was the fanciest crystal thing he had ever seen and then the kitchen was straight out of a magazine, and the feast that your dad had prepared was delicious and immaculate and somehow very familiar as Noah could see and taste where you had gotten your culinary upbringing from. 
“Hey, it’s just a home right? Just a really nice one.” You reminded in a soft whispered murmur to Noah as you noticed he was just staring at everything around him wide eyed as you reached over and held his hand as you walked him down the buffet line that was on the kitchen counter as you both were piling on food onto your plates. 
“Yup, just a super nice, luxurious, super spacious house.” Noah whispered back. 
“That you should feel comfortable in, you’re not just a guest, this is your house too.” You reminded him with a reassuring but tired smile as you then got a beer from the liquor refrigerator and Noah was frankly impressed that you had a refrigerator in your kitchen that was completely dedicated to bottles of beer and wine and was full of it too which Noah nearly cried opening and made the cutest little whimpering noise that was a noncoherent string of half words of awe and amazement and appreciation to the sheer variety of what was before him.  
“We didn’t know exactly what you’d want to drink so we got a bit of everything.” Your mom, Stacia offered sweetly. 
“Uh...everything? I will happily try...anything..ev..every...everything.” Noah stuttered as his brain was short circuiting which cracked you and your family up. 
“Well how Zara likes to keep things organized is we have the lightest beers on the top shelf, the pilsners, the ales, then we have the medium bodied beers, the lagers and some porters in the middle and the heavier, stouts and things at the bottom and the freezer has frozen glass steins to pour it into.” Your mom explained as she gestured to the many levels and opened the freezer and Noah looked like he was going to cry which got your dad to bark a laugh and pat Noah on the back and wrap his arm around his shoulders and give it a good squeeze from the side. 
“I know, it’s a thing of beauty, just wait till you see the kegs in the gameroom in the basement.” Your dad offered teasingly to Noah. 
“She has kegs?” Noah asked in awe. 
“Yeah, they are wonderful things. She had me pick them up and install them earlier today, special, just for you. Because she wants everyone around her to be well fed, well watered and taken care of. She is aggressively hospitable. I blame that southern bell of a mother in law she has or had rather.” Your dad teased. 
“Yes I am.” You crooned as you sat down at the table before Noah got his selection and walked over to the table to sit next to you. 
“Although Andrew’s mother Nancy, that woman can cook me under the table, but she focuses on quantity, my family prides itself more on quality, for instance, I would wager you spent what, five hours caramalizing these onions?” You posed to your dad. 
“Nah, just four.” He waived off with a appreciative grin. 
“Oh don’t sit there Noah, sit here, this is your place now.” Your dad insisted as he moved Noah to sit at the head of the table as a sign of respect as he sat on one side and you sat on the other side but still said prayer, thanking the gods for your safe arrival home and your new complete family, which was very touching and appreciated.  
“So? How was everything? How was your trip?” Your mom innocently asked. 
“Horrible at first, then morphed into OK, then good.” You started laughing which got your family to start laughing with you before Noah and yourself told your parents about how everything seemed to go wrong from the storms on the cruise, to the objectification Noah and Sakura got for being ice orcs, to Zane getting recognized and practically swarmed on the cruise because he was ‘a celebrity’. To the plane crash to the loss of the rest of Noah’s flying season, then to your driver license expiring and all of your check cards expiring except for a couple of credit cards who were already almost at their max limits thanks to the cruise and how getting money up there was a nightmare and how you had to out yourself to a few bank branches who you were sure were going to use all winter to tell everyone there at that bank branches how a millionaire was now banking there and what rumors you would find when you got back there in the spring to how the truck nearly overheated and died on the highway from pulling the horse trailer even though it was technically brand new and shouldn’t have had any issues. 
But then you got the RV, so it was rather just a two week long camping trip, going from state park to state park all the way from there to here for the horse’s sake and riding a few trails to let the horses stretch their legs so standing in the trailer wasn’t so hard on them or hard for the other animals either because finding hay along the way was a little tricky and when you could find it, you loaded up on it and it would often be you’d be on your last bale of hay before you would find more along the way. But feed stores were relatively easy and getting to laundromats so you could wash all the clothes and bedding and how the kids traded off between the RV and Noah’s truck so all the kids got one on one time and attention and everyone got to know each other really well. Along with everything in between, you were so grateful to finally be home and very much looking forward to sleeping in your own bed tonight and getting a decent shower. 
But what became clearly evident was how together, Noah and yourself and the family managed to roll with the punches and take each problem as it arose, together and how each problem only made you grow closer as a family, and learn to depend on each other. Which was awesome which made your parents glad to hear that effort was being put forth on both sides and despite a rocky start and admittedly some of the worst of circumstances, things were still going well. And thanks to the long drive from the Arctic Tundra to the Great Lakes, your kids and yourselves had a chance to get reacclimated to the time zone change really gradually which was nice. 
After dinner your parents helped unpack and unload the RV and then left your family in peace so you and your children could give Noah and Sakura ‘the grand tour’ of the house. Sakura had instantly fallen in love with a cockatoo that had been a pet for one of your adopted grandparents and the moment when she had come into the house the parrot had immediately flown over to her as she happily let it rest on her shoulder as that bird had always been rather stand offish to you and your family but with Sakura, something about her seemed to click with the bird as the bird kept kissing her cheeks and saying ‘I love you’ and ‘pretty girl’ over and over again and wanting bits of dinner as she happily fed it little scraps as she surprised both Noah and yourself as all the birds seemed to flock to her. 
“Well she always was the chicken whisperer in the past.” Noah tried to shrug off as Sakura happily got to find and explore her new room. 
“Can Ollie’s cage be put into my room?” Sakura asked hopefully. 
“I don’t mind.” You put to Noah. 
“If you want it to be.” Noah agreed before you and Noah relocated the bird and it’s cage to Sakura’s room and got a spot for it as Sakura’s dogs didn’t seem to mind the bird’s place in Sakura’s room since they took up position on the dog beds in Sakura’s room, complete with a dog door just in case they needed to leave to relieve themselves. Since you had doggy doors that led to a fenced in portion of the yard that the dogs could take themselves out to relieve themselves as needed which your dogs seemed to show Noah’s dog’s how to do and what to do in that department as the rest of the “pack” accepted Noah’s dogs pretty well. 
Noah’s cats and your cats of course kept their distance from each other but Noah’s cats were happy to have a cat tree and some perches and happy to see so many litter boxes available to use and of course some really good wet and dry cat food to eat. 
Then Zane got to show off his snake collection to Sakura and Noah. Noah did his best to act cool about it even though he had never even held a snake before, much less seen one in real life, and now he was holding one, one of the tamest and sweetest ones in Zane’s collection, he was stiff with nervousness but still trying to remain calm as it wasn’t so bad as he thought it was going to be. 
“They’re so soft!” Sakura cooed excitedly as she held hers and pet hers softly. 
“They are.” Noah had to admit before he handed it back to Zane to put away. 
You got the kids to get showers before bed and walked Sakura through how to work her shower and stuff since she had her own bathroom for her bedroom. 
You were delighted when she loved everything in her bedroom and bathroom before you helped put the kids to bed. 
Then you led Noah to your bedroom, the last stop on the grand tour as Noah softly gasped when he saw it. It was gorgeous and smelled amazing and again, right out of a magazine as you readily put your dirty clothes into the washing machine that was in your bathroom and asked for Noah’s clothes too so you could start that while you got a shower with him l. 
You giddily got him into your bathroom and into your shower that was the most epic shower Noah had ever been in. You waked him through how to work it and washed happily got to finally have sex with Noah in your shower as he sat on your bench and let you ride him as hard as you wanted to.
Once you were done, you got the now clean but wet clothes out of the washer and into the dryer and let him get changed into some underwear and pajamas you had gotten for him. You already had ready for him in his new dresser that you had put into your bedroom for him. 
Noah sunk into your almost excessively soft bed with you. 
“Oooh.” Noah cooed appreciatively as he climbed into bed and got comfortable, feeling like he was sinking into a soft pillowy cloud. 
“And if you don’t like your pillow there’s a few more to choose from in that closet over there.” You pointed out your linen closet in your room as you got into bed and took your meds and then cuddled into his side. 
Noah touched his lamp to turn it off and practically melted into the bed with you and was happy that because it was still August in the Great Lakes, it was still hot and you thankfully had the air conditioning up so he could rest comfortably before you both succumbed to sleep. 
Noah woke up just as the sun was beginning to rise as he looked down at you sleeping blissfully still in his arms and just that made him smile happily before he peeked around the room, appreciating the soft pastel turquoise walls with punches of royal blue and royal purple throughout the room as he tried to bat away the feelings of guilt and self doubt that he belonged there. He wondered if that’s how you had felt in his home at first, a guest, too scared to call it home yet. But this was still his first night, and first morning waking up like this. First of hopefully many more before he looked back down to you, still resting in his arms, your back to his front as he spooned you. He had realized that over the last few weeks, home was wherever you were, whether in an RV, or his house or now this house. And if this house was your home and you were his home, then yes, this was his home too, just...one he wasn’t used to yet. And it was clear that to you it was important that he felt comfortable and worthy of ‘such a setting’ for the jewel you were adamant he was. 
But if you thought he was worthy, then by the gods, he was going to do his best to live up to it. 
Noah fell back asleep for a couple more hours before you stirred awake, waking him up in the process and morning sex without having to worry about noise or movement because every movement could be felt in the RV, so sex had to be sneaky for the last two weeks. 
But here and now, it could be enjoyed in all of its vigorous glory as Noah happily pumped you full again but that was only after he had eaten you out and after you had returned the favor. Noah felt like he was in heaven in such a wonderfully soft bed with the woman of his dreams with her mouth full of his cock and his balls being stroked and tantalizing scratched in her hands as his own hands were in her silky soft hair and the hard growling grunt of his climax was especially sexy. 
After you were both decently sated you went down to the kitchen to make breakfast while you went down the line and filled all the dog’s bowls full of food for their breakfast as well as all the cats as you went around and checked on all the other birds to make sure they had enough food and water too. 
You refocused on making breakfast for your family as Noah was already getting acquainted with the restaurant sized walk in refrigerator you had and found thick cut bacon and ham steaks, and cubed steaks that were practically begging to be floured and fried to have chicken fried steak and gravy, which you felt definitely needed biscuits to go with it. You got those ready along with some eggs and hashbrowns and just as the bacon was starting to sizzle, all three of the kids made it down the stairs, all of them looking still half asleep. 
“Oh thank the gods, you guys started breakfast.” Zane murmured as he got up into the breakfast bar and folded his arms and laid his head on his arms, still tired as Skylar did the same but Sakura was having Ollie sit on a perch with the other birds in the “menagerie” and once everyone was served breakfast at the breakfast bar, then you all got dressed. 
The, right on time, Zane got his rat shipment in so he could feed his snakes who had built up quite the appetite since his friend had come to the house to feed them two weeks prior. 
After breakfast, you showed off your spa to Noah and Sakura and then Sakura was happy to meet your flock of chickens.
Noah especially was practically drooling over ‘the man cave’ which was your outbuilding and your other garage that had your other vehicles that you had accumulated since all of your adopted grandparent’s death and when Noah saw your motorcycle collection he nearly fell to his knees, and then the four wheelers and other ‘toys’ you had. 
“Too much?” You asked teasingly with a giggle. 
“Yeah?” Noah admitted, feeling overwhelmed. 
“Well, when the plane is fixed and things settle and we get used to things and find our new normal, then we’ll work on simplifying then ok?” You offered. 
“Ok.” Noah nodded.
You took Noah to your local branches of your banks and got him on your accounts and got Noah’s signatures into their systems and everything squared away before you all got fully settled in, with the last thing being, to add the other sacred sculptures onto the walls so that all of the gods your whole family worshipped were now represented before you all offered up prayers of thanks for all of you getting home, safe and sound. 
Then you took your family to the school to finish Sakura’s enrollment and had your kids help show her the school and meet her teacher who was very sweet and welcoming of Sakura. She wanted to know about Sakura and her culture from Sakura and Noah so she could mindful of that in class. 
And after that, you went to the post office to get all of Noah’s and Sakura’s mail changed to your address and of course receive a whole huge box full of mail again before you grabbed lunch on your way out. 
You felt like you spent all  late afternoon and evening going through all of the mail. It was a task in itself, as you almost spitefully laughed when you found the replacement cards you had needed back in the Arctic Tundra as you went through activating the new cards before your family made dinner together. 
You still had a few days before school and that meant back to school shopping the next day, and clothes shopping and buying special wearable cold packs for Noah and Sakura so they could tolerate the heat easier since August was still high heat in the Great Lakes region. 
To say Sakura got a lot of attention the first day of school, was an understatement. Being the only ice orc any had seen in their lives in the area before. But Sakura was happy to make so many friends and instantly being somewhat popular and thanks to those wearable ice packs and a special cooler, filled with a small square of dry ice, to keep the other cold ones in so she could change them out periodically was a lifesaver for Sakura, especially when the classroom was a little stuffy for her liking. 
You eased back into work yourself, only seeing a few clients a day to let yourself get back into the swing of things. Noah took the new truck and went to the airplane hanger and began to do some more assessments of his plane and what it needed and began working on it and bringing it up to code as his new equipment began to arrive. 
Granted this was not the ‘construction’ he thought he would be doing at the moment, but it was still work that needed to be done and ordering new parts and having the shipping and waiting periods to be so small, was a pleasant surprise. 
And of course having Skylar chomping at the bit to be helping him fix his plane and help put it back together when she wasn’t in school, or martial arts classes and Zane wasn’t in ballet classes which Sakura was much more interested in Zane’s dance class than she was in Skylar's martial arts class. You readily got her signed up and in a beginner’s dance class, she was really happy to be in something new. 
And slowly but surely, things fell into a new rhythm, a new normal. And just as everyone got to learn their stride, then was the next high holiday that was also being turned into a giant gosbe, where your family, complete with your late inlaws, together with all of your siblings and their families and even Natasha’s mother, Olga was coming to give her blessing which you appreciated. 
But you knew it was going to be the biggest “full house” you were ever going to have. You had every guest room assigned to who was going to be sleeping where, as even your parents and late inlaws helped you place different members of Noah’s family and Neena’s family that overflowed from your house, into theirs.
You went into a big box store and had practically bought out the store in ingredients so that everyone could have their ingredients to cook all their dishes that they were making for what you knew was going to be a gosbe to end all gosbes.
Once everyone was landed then it was an ordeal making sure everyone had their own rental cars so that they had their own independent modes of transportation to get to your house. 
You felt like Noah and your family and yourself practically led a caravan to your house where everyone from your side of the family was eagerly waiting to meet Noah’s family. Every parking space both for your own driveway and for your business was filled with vehicles as you had already gotten a competition BBQ joint to come in and cater all the food for tonight’s dinner, roasting several hogs and dozens of chickens and brisket and steaks and all the sides and fixins since everyone was no doubt tired and jet lagged and nervous and excited. 
The moment Ukluk came through the door though, your father greeted Ukluk like the long lost brother the two had always been. 
“Ukluk!” Your father boomed as he came forward and practically ran into Ukluk giving him a big bear hug. 
“Grusta!” Ukluk cheered as he did the same. And while Ukluk was bigger than your dad, they both hugged each other tightly and started crying at being reunited in person. 
“Gods you got old and fat!” They both cried and but smiled so bright and happily at each other before your dad introduced your side of the family to Ukluk and his family and Neena’s family while Ukluk introduced his side of the family and Neena’s family to everyone else too as you literally had everyone put name tags on so everyone could get each other’s names right but Olga needed no such measures as she practically knew each person by name before they could introduce themselves to her. She seemed to be so relieved that what she had seen in her peering years prior was coming true. She very graciously welcomed them into the home and thanked them for bringing love and kindness, respect and dignity into the home. 
Your dad and Ukluk went to the kitchen to see the feast that was laid out there as your dad and Ukluk gently argued about who should say the prayers before Ulga interrupted them and pulled the ‘I’m a High Priestess, if anyone is going to give a prayer of thanks and blessing it’s me’ card which got your dad and Ukluk and everyone else to agree as everyone gathered around in the kitchen and closed their eyes and bowed their heads while the families huddled close and held hands. 
“To Aura…” Olga began before she peeked at the list that had all the gods and goddesses both your family, Noah’s family, Neena’s family and Andy’s family believed in before she closed her eyes and concentrated again, letting the god’s holy spirit flow through her and help her choose the right words. 
“Thank you all, for helping two lost parts of your family find each other again and make each other whole when they had felt so lost and broken before. Thank you for giving your blessing and letting it be so acutely felt, that our family is now whole, happy and where they should be at this time. And while these lost pieces have picked up other families, we are all here, and united now. Our family is now complete. Please, let every single member of this family feel peace, serenity and security, knowing that Sakura, Skylar and Xander now have both of their parents. Who love each other and their children very much. Thank you for blessing them and their family. And thank you for allowing those blessings to radiate to everyone else. Please, do not forget Anarra’s family, since we know that she is with you in the afterlife. She is no longer in pain and no longer worries for Noatak or Sakura for she knows that Zara will love her daughter just as much as she did, will protect her just as much as her own, will train her just as much as Anarra wanted to and will embrace her culture and heritage with arms wide open, without judgment and respect and dignify Noatak and Sakura’s culture and heritage and make it her own. As will Skylar and Xander since they are Sakura’s siblings both literally and figuratively but especially spiritually. Anarra is at peace and happy that Sakura and Noatak are where they should be. And please, do not forget Andrew and his family either, please let Andrew’s family who remains, to find peace, comfort and serenity as well. Knowing that Noatak will do his best love and care for his family the way they deserve. And be comforted that Noatak and Sakura will also respect and dignify Zara’s, Skylar’s and Xander’s culture and traditions. And welcome those with open arms and without judgement. For he knows that Noah will love his children as his own, protect them as his own, train them as his own and care for them as his own, just as much as Zara will continue to do as well." Ulga prayed, her voice almost a beautiful song. As the acoustics in the kitchen seems to amplify her voice. 
"He too, is happy and at peace, knowing that Zara and his children are loved and cared for in ways he could only dream of. He is so proud of his children for protecting each other and their mother from the wolves and vultures that would come to feast on the material possessions that the gods sent to Zara to take care of her in his place when he was suddenly taken away. And the gods know that Zara, Skylar and Xander will teach Noatak and Sakura and their families these same lessons and defenses to protect Sakura and Noatak from the wolves and vultures in the future." Ulga perceived. 
"And once Zara returns to the Arctic Tundra next summer, she and Noah will take care of the wolves and vultures for good. And Sakura and Noatak and their immediate family and extended family will know peace, serenity and success. They will be a family- having two homes, one here, and one in the Arctic Tundra, but one family to bring from to the other so that both of them may be happy and fulfilled, having occupations that they not only enjoy, but were meant to do. Let them find peace, happiness and success in those ventures as well. We know Anarra and Andrew are so proud of Noatak and Zara for sticking it out and becoming stronger and waiting for their perfect second mate to find them and not to fall victim to loneliness or desperation before it was the right time for them to find the answers to their own prayers." Ulga stressed. 
"Thank you so much for bringing this family together, and their extended families together and continue to bless their immediate family and their large, extended family. In all this we pray and give humble thanks. And all of us appreciate all of you for giving Zara- who has always been the most gracious and generous of your loyal servants- the tools and education so that she may use those generous gifts best and use them to build herself, her immediate family and her large extended family up. Because only Zara would look at such generous gifts and only see how she can use them to help others, instead of hoarding them to herself. Which is why you have blessed such a magnificent jewel of a person with such a wonderful and beautiful setting and allowing her to find the perfect jewel of the north in Noatak to join her in both the setting she has made for herself, and the setting that Noatak has made for themselves. And together, the two jewels together with their children, who will be the biggest and brightest jewels of the future to shine brightly, reflecting the light you shine on them. In all this we pray- Amen.” Olga prayed as everyone was trying to keep their appreciative weeping as quiet as possible before they too, echoed ‘Amen’. 
“Thank you Mama Olga.” You thanked her as you hugged her tight. 
“Marry him quick while they are here, wear your best priestess dress as your wedding dress, and when you return to the Arctic Tundra, you will have a fourth on the way and give Noah the one thing Neena didn’t give him- a son. I will perform the wedding myself after the gosbe tomorrow. The marriage license is already ready in my purse.” She whispered in your ear as others were going down the buffet line and getting their plates piled high with food as you were grateful that there were stacks and stacks of each thing so that everyone could get as much as they wanted from each dish. 
“My Zanochka Volchietsa, you have risen again and you will continue to rise to new heights.” Olga praised as she held your face in her hands and wiped your tears away with her thumbs.
“I told you that if you built this home- your family will come, and look, they all have. They are all here. And they love you and your family wholeheartedly. Do not fear that anyone in here will do you harm or hold back because no one in here will ever take advantage of you. You are safe and surrounded by family.  Enjoy it.” She encouraged you before she went to your ear. 
“Really?” You whispered as your smile shamed the sun it was so bright. 
“Really, think of this as your rehearsal dinner.” She advised. 
“Ok,” You nodded. 
After the prayer, your father went down the line and announced what each thing was in the buffet line since all of it was being served from buffet that was being held in chafing dishes in wire racks with the little torches under them to keep the food warm as your father took the aluminum foil lids off of each thing down your kitchen counter as everyone eagerly grabbed a plate and started piling it high with food. 
Then your dad showed Ukluk the beer fridge and laughed when Ukluk put his plate on the counter and actually got on his knees. 
“Thank all the gods for bringing my son and our family to paradise,” Ukluk sarcastically began to pray on his knees in front of the fridge which got everyone to erupt into laughter as Ukluk got back onto his feet and picked his favorite one before nearly crying again at seeing the frozen glass steins in the freezer and picked one before he and your father sat at the foot of the table as Noah’s brothers and brothers in law also nearly cried at seeing the beer fridge too while even the cater-ers were invited to grab a beer and enjoy the feast they had made with you and your family. 
You were so grateful that you had gotten such a huge and long formal dining table as every adult had a place to sit at it while all the kids had another table just for them that seemed to be just as long and just as full as Sakura sat in between Skylar and Xander. 
Olga sat at the head of the table while you and Noah sat to her right and Natasha and Gavin sat to her left as Olga talked to her daughter in Siberian about what was going to happen tomorrow as Natasha’s eyes went wide as she looked from her mother to you as your brother barely caught a few words. 
“Marriage?” Gavin began to say before Olga, Natasha and yourself shushed him. 
“It’s a surprise.” Natasha whispered. 
“Wait what?” Noah asked as he looked to you once his ears perked to that word. 
“A gosbe is a wooing marriage feast, Olga offered to make it an “official marriage feast” tomorrow while your family is here, but I want it to be a surprise. I’m going to wear one of my priestess gowns. You could wear your regalia if you’d like to, make it a mixture of both cultures.” You whispered to him. 
“Ok, they’re in for the surprise of their lives then.” Noah grinned happily, elated that you wanted him in his Frozen Tundra Clan regalia. 
“And I can get my IUD out when I go to the OBGYN in a couple of weeks and we can get another bun in the oven if you want to.” You murmured in his ear.
“Don’t tempt me beyond what I can bear, I don’t want to kick everyone out so I can feast on you on this table again.” Noah practically purred in your ear. 
“Later. Eat, you’ll need your strength.” You purred right back before you both chowed down on your dinner. 
“So, tomorrow?” Noah asked Olga. 
“Yes, the reason I was late today was because I was getting the document from my temple before I left.” She answered. 
“And I’m not…?" Noah began to ask. 
“No you’re not rushing. It’s time. Besides, when you see your homeland again, you will be coming back with more than you left with. Take care of her, for she will carry for you a blessing to really cement your family together.” Olga hinted as you smiled cheekily at Noah who blinked in surprise. 
“If you’re ready, that is.” You hinted. 
“Been ready.” Noah readily and adamantly nodded once the weight of her words finally seemed to sink in. 
“Good, me too.” You smiled.
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monstersflashlight · 1 month
Commission for @ilove-hatethecw
A/N: Thank you so much for commissioning! Means a lot and this was such a sweet story to write. Hope you like it! <3
Request: An orc x human, where the reader is a human princess who married the orc in an arranged political marriage. The orc is rather distant because he believes that the reader wouldn’t want him romantically or physically because he’s so large and thinks that she finds him brutish. But she actually is really really attracted to him. Maybe add some breeding and size kink in there.
The princess desire
Orc x fem!reader || size kink, breeding, really fluffy (but filthy)
When the senate told your dad you were to marry the orc king for political reasons, you were resigned. Not ready to marry yet, enjoying your freedom way too much for a marriage with an unknown orc. But a part of you, the part that awoke at night when you were alone with your thoughts and fantasies… that part was more than happy.
As an avid romance reader, you were more than familiar with orc romances. You knew of them, but had never seen one in person. But good goddess did you want to. You had a thousand of fantasies involving orcs, and knowing you were to marry to one? That was more than enough to make you shake with anticipation.
You saw him before he saw you, big and beefy and completely and utterly hot. He filled all your fantasies and a bit more, you didn’t know how good he could look, how attracted you’d really feel to your husband to be until that moment. And your needy clit made you very aware of your husband. But when the reality of marriage came to be, you weren’t expecting it.
It wasn’t reciprocal. Your husband didn’t touch you, you talked a lot after the wedding. You shared meals and conversations, and you became really good friends, but he didn’t seek you out… sexually. He didn’t sleep with you. He didn’t want you as his wife… And that hurt. That hurt a whole lot. But after the sadness, the anger arose.
You were having a nice tea and biscuits when you broke down and asked: “Why wouldn’t you fuck me? It’s because I’m human?” You tried not to sound self-conscious, but you failed, a spark of hurt still shining through your anger.
He bit on the pastries he was eating, coughing as he let out a choked: “What?” He looked dumbfounded, like he wasn’t expecting that from you.
“You don’t like humans? You don’t find me attractive?” You pressed, tears filling your eyes as you tried to stop them from falling down your face.
You didn’t want to be pushy, but you really needed to know if your husband didn’t like you at all in that way. You knew it was a political affair, but you wanted more. You liked him, you liked him a whole lot… You loved him. And you wanted him to want you back, in every way it mattered.
He looked so confused that in any other circumstances you would have found him adorable. “What?! No. Yes,” he stuttered, looking at you like deer caught in headlights. “Yes, I find you very attractive,” he finally confessed, his face deep green as he blushed.
You tried to make it make sense in your brain, not understanding why he hadn’t acted on that then. “Then why aren’t we fucking like rabbits?” You asked, confusion bleeding into your tone.
“What? I- I thought you didn’t want that. I thought… I though you didn’t like me that way. You… You are cute and little and human and… I’m harsh and rough and brutish, too big for you. Too ugly.” Your heart broke a tiny bit at his words, suddenly understanding that the problem was never you. He was insecure and you didn’t realize soon enough.
Your protective instincts arose instantly. “Who said that?”
“I- Nobody.” His insecurities were more clear than ever.
You softened your tone to ask him: “Then why would you think that?”
“I don’t know… You are just so pretty and so great and I love you so much.” He realized a second too late what he just said, covering his mouth and his tusks with a big hand, his eyes as big as plates as he looked at you waiting for a reaction.
Your brain was short-circuiting at his words, not fully believing him. “You love me?” You asked, insecurity showing more than you’d like.
He thought about it for a couple seconds, your heart racing as fast as it could. “I do,” he finally answered, making the butterflies in your stomach go wild.
“Great. Because I love you, too,” you confessed back, surprising both of you. You weren’t planning on telling him like that, but it was out in the world now. And then everything was clear, and you needed one thing more than you needed air. “Now, are you going to fuck me or what?” You have enough time to pull your dress over your head before he’s over you, grabbing you by the waist and throwing you over his shoulder.
He walked to your room in long strides as you groped his ass, and he grunted. “You are playing with fire, little bride.” You did it again, smacking his hard ass as seeing it jiggle as you giggled.
“I want to get burned,” you teased him in return as you got closer to your room.
He threw you over the bed and undressed as you bounced up and down the mattress. He unwrapped his body like it was the best gift of your life and you licked your lips as he approached you like you were nothing more than prey to him. Your pussy getting instantly wet.
You licked your lips again, checking him out completely, his dick hard and huge hanging between his legs like an offering for you. “Fuck me, husband.”
He crawled over your body like he was savoring every second of it, his nostrils flaring as he smelled your desire in the air, groaning. “You don’t know what you do to me, do you?” He asked, his face dark green and his tusks gleaming under the sun coming from the window.
You reached down and jerked his dark green dick. “I have an idea.” You chuckled, his dick twitched in your hands as he grunted, kissing down your neck.
He ravished your boobs as you groaned, his tusks feeling dangerous against your tender skin, making everything more intense. He traveled down your body, kissing and licking your skin as he told you how pretty you were, how soft and wonderful. How much he wanted to be buried inside of you until you were leaking cum, a blabbering mess under him.
When he reached your pussy, you groaned as his tusks framed your pussy and his tongue found your clit. He didn’t know what he was doing, but he found the points that made you squirm and cry out fast as lightning. He ate you out like the best meal he had, grunting and caressing as his hands found your ass and pulled you to him, trying to get as much as you as possible. It was like being consumed in the best possible way.
You were so focused on the pleasure he was giving you that your orgasm caught you off guard, screaming his name as he drank out of you.
When you returned to your body, he was over you, his big body pressing down on you like a warm blanket, his dick asking for permission right at your entrance. “Are you ready, bride?”
“Fuck me like you mean it, orc.” Your last word was just a way to remind him you knew who he was, what he was, and it still turned you on incredibly. Turned you on so much that when he pressed against you, his dick slipped inside almost instantly. You both groaned at the intrusion, so good, so big, so wonderful.
He started at a slow pace, rocking his hips against you, but it soon wasn’t enough. You kept asking him to go faster, harder, and when he looked at you worryingly, you couldn’t do anything else but to kiss him until he forgot about his insecurities. You kissed him to consume him, to convince him you were in love with every part of him, orcish features and all.
He let go of his inhibitions little by little, going faster and harder until he set a punishing pace that made you see starts as he grunted against your parted mouth.
“I’m gonna breed you. I’m gonna fill you so much and so deep you would be feeling me for hours,” his words sounded like a promise and it made you shake under him, your body convulsing as you came around his shaft.
You cried out his name as your release made him lose himself in you, pumping you full of cum as he reached for your mouth once again, kissing you so passionately you felt your heart getting bigger because of how much you loved him.
You broke the kiss to whisper against his lips: “I love you, my orc husband.” He smiled down at you, his face dark green with the prettiest blush.
“I love you, my human bride,” he answered, kissing you again.
Reminder that you can commission me (info here) or suscribe to my Patreon (info here). And that my second account is @whiskis
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rs-hawk · 10 months
A ftm Orc Husband who finger fucks you in front of the rest of their village at your wedding reception. You knew that sex in front of the village after marriage was common, but you had no idea what exactly he would do to you. You were dressed in the traditional white dress of your human world, veil and all. After the first kiss, just as the reception is about to start, your husband is sat in the middle of the room. You’re pulled into his lap, his large hands forcing your legs apart as soon as you’re sitting.
You blush slightly as his fat fingers tease you through your panties, which only lasts for a second before he rips them off. The other Orcs cheer as your husband spreads your dripping pussy lips for them. You press yourself against your Orc Husband’s chest, your back hard against him as he uses his other hand to hold you in place. You whimper softly as he teases your little clit, making you twitch and tighten around empty air. The Orcs laugh at how desperate you are. With your face burning, you start to ask your new husband if this can be done, but then he forces one of those thick, long fingers inside of you.
You yelp and jerk back, forcing your husband to grip your throat. His hand completely covers your throat, that slight pressure reminding you who and what you belong to now.
“Careful, my wife. I don’t want to break you yet,” he chuckles in your ear as he crams his finger inside of you up to the knuckle. It’s bigger than any cock or toy you’ve taken, making you tear up. Your husband chuckles as he sees this, licking the tears from the corners of your eyes.
He fingers you roughly, bouncing you up and down on his finger, then two fingers, nearly ripping you. You’re soaked, your juices dripping down his hand. You can feel how wet he’s getting under you too, and after he leaves you gaping, you’re pushed to the floor, your face shoved into his Orc cunt. You lick and tongue fuck him as best as you can on your hands and knees with him still fingering your poor little pussy, still fully on display for his village. He grabs you by your hair, forcing his Orc t-dick down your throat. By the time your reception actually starts, you’re completely covered in his juices and cum, as well as yours, with your little human pussy stretched and sore.
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werecreature-addicted · 5 months
Always thinking about whatever monster is capable of using their claws to tear a hole through your stockings where your wet heat is, werewolf or otherwise: They're too impatient
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werewolves are of course very good, but many monsters have sharp claws and big tounges to fuck you with.
Imagine, a seven-foot-tall Orc husband who wants nothing more than to spend all day with you in bed making you cum until you go limp and pass out from pleasure. and depending on your boundaries, maybe a little after that too.
But nooooo you can't stay in bed getting fucked all day. you have to "do housework" and "run errands". or whatever. Your orc husband does understand that if you spend your time on his dick instead of doing dishes and buying groceries it will make his life worse, but it's hard to care about stuff like food when he's thinking with his cock.
He follows you around as you jump between tasks trying to find a large enough window of free time for a quicky. He thinks you're so cute when you act like his little housewife it only makes him want to fuck you more. but you stay too busy to take a quick load of Orc cum.
By the time you finally consider your work done for the day, he's on edge and his nerves are shot, he feels like he's going to burst just looking at you. you try to sit down on the couch but half a second later you're snapped up and thrown over his shoulder. It's finally his time to have some fun.
He tosses you on your shared bed on your hands and knees, spreading your legs wide apart, and slashes at your clothes with his long talon-like nails. He presses his mouth to your exposed cunt and moans at your taste, he pushes the remaining scraps of your clothes away while keeping his mouth on you, unwilling to let go of your sweet pussy for even a second now that he has you where he wants you.
He's happy like that making out with your pussy, gripping onto your hips with one hand and jerking off his poor ignore cock with the other. He growls to himself as he listens to your pretty moans of pleasure as you buck your hips back against his face, trying to fuck yourself back on his thick tongue, groaning in satisfaction when you cum, gushing on his mouth, dripping down his chin. Then he swaps his tongue out for his fingers, dipping his mouth a little lower to suck on your clit.
You whimper and protest weakly the feeling was too much this soon after your first orgasm, which just makes him laugh to himself. "would you prefer if I just fucked you right now without stretching you out?" he asks teasingly. That shut you up. Silly little thing, you didn't really think you'd get away with only one orgasm after teasing him all day, did you?
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angelpregdreams · 27 days
a fruitful union (1)
content: fpreg, half-elf/half-orc offspring, hard labor, hard birth, praise
wc: 4145
When Eirian Estainfae had been told of her fate as the bride to feared Orc chieftain, Rhesh Kharr, she sat in shock for several days. At no point in her life had she considered her future husband would be anyone other than an Elf - let alone an Orc. 
She had never imagined it would be Rhesh Kharr, even in her wildest dreams. 
The night before her wedding to the Orc chieftain, Eirian’s mother came to her chambers, sending the servants away as soon as she entered. Myfiria was nearing her third millennium but still radiated grace and beauty. It was something Eirian always admired about her mother, something she always prayed she acquired from her.
With how she had been feeling lately, she doubted her own grace very much.
“My darling,” Myfiria cooed at her daughter, smoothing her hair away from her face. Eirian couldn’t help but feel tears burn her eyes once she looked up at her mother. “Oh, cry if you must, my dear. But cry here, in my arms, and not again from this night onward.” Her hand tucked a stray hair behind her daughter’s pointed ear, then slowly drew her fingers up under Eirian’s chin - keeping her eyes upwards, “do you hear me? Do not cry in front of them.”
Eirian sobbed, remaining in Myfiria’s arms until the sun rose. By then neither of them had any more tears to shed, simply comfort in silence. 
After her mother left, Eirian sat in her bed to wait for her maids to come in to dress her, bare of all clothing, and her long black hair hanging down her back, loose and slightly tangled. She began to lose track of time after that, her chest aching and her mind moving too slow for her body. One moment she was in her childhood bed chambers, and the next she stood in an opulent war tent, listening as her…husband explained…something she hadn’t caught the start of.
“...-thers, they will not bother you either, so you are free to go about the camp as you wish.” Rhesh finished saying, using the common language. His back was turned towards her, and Eirian finally noticed that he had removed his tunic, the broad expanse of his back exposed her eyes. 
After a beat, she cleared her throat slightly and stepped towards him, replying in the common tongue as a courtesy in return. “I appreciate that-” Eirian stumbled over her next word, at a loss of what to call him, before the silence grew a second too long, “husband.”
A muscle in his shoulder twitched and she rose her eyes from it before the motion captivated her again, as he turned to stare at her. Rhesh lingered in silence after that, his hard stare pinning her in place, but she didn’t look away. After a moment, Eirian noticed his brow quirk slightly, then his face returned to a blank mask. 
“...You look troubled, wife.” Rhesh replied, his eyes roving over her form, not even attempting to hide his lingering gaze. He then turned towards her fully and Eirian felt her cheeks burn. 
His cock pressed against the seam of his trousers and took no effort to hide it. Unabashed, he took two steps closer to her, and lifted up a hand to her cheek. His thumb brushed over her skin and Eirian stilled completely - except for her heart beating rapidly against her breast. His hardened, dark grey eyes searched over her face, looking for…something she couldn’t figure out. 
“I won’t hurt you,” he finally said, dropping his hand and walking away from her, barely brushing against her as he did so. Rhesh left the tent without another word. 
For the following week, he did as he promised. He didn’t hurt her. He spoke to her every day, common things. About how the food was, how comfortable her cot was, if anyone was bothering her. It was charming, and the start of a very tentative romance. 
He gave her time, and she felt like she could never repay him for it. His kindness showed through, but only for her. Every interaction she saw Rhesh have with the others in his warband, he was rough and near-cruel and it never stopped making her stomach turn. But then he would sit across from her for dinner and ask her about what she studied. 
As the days passed, Eirian began to speak more and more, opening up to her husband. Both emotionally and physically. 
Rhesh expressed his worries about their need to please both of their people and the reality of now being split between two nations. She listened, inputting her opinion, the stress of the last few elven councils she had attended. 
When Eirian began to speak about her sadness, Rhesh placed a large hand on her thigh, squeezing gently but not pushing beyond that. That was the moment Eirian realized that she began to fall for the massive Orc. 
From there, their touches were casual occurrences. She would reach for his arm while walking near him through camp. He would slip a hand around her waist while guiding her through the entrance of their tent. It was innocent, it was gentle. 
Surprising both of them, Eirian made the first move. She was in the bath, a tub set up in the middle of their tent while he was out on a patrol. Except Rhesh returned sooner than she expected, leading to him walking in on her, naked, wet, and flushed pink in the hot water. Her eyes caught his, and she swallowed her nerves, beckoning him to join her in the bath. 
Rhesh raised a brow, silently asking if she was sure - to which, Eirian gave him a slight smile and nodded. 
His armor was removed, something dropped from his body with every step towards the bathtub, but his eyes never left her form. When he stood at the side of the tub, he was fully nude and Eirian couldn’t pull her eyes away from his massive erection. There was no hiding it, and it made her belly twist in excitement at his unabashed nature regarding his attraction to her. Knowing he was turned on by her, and her alone, it made her crave him just the same. 
The bath was tight with the two of them in it, but when Rhesh pulled Eirian onto his lap, straddling his hips, did they fit in it more comfortably. Eirian was a blushing mess, but she couldn’t help herself, and grinded her hips down against his throbbing member. His growl was encouraging and, if that wasn’t enough, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her down, his lips finding hers passionately. 
Eirian wasn’t a virgin when she met Rhesh but the amount of time it took to adjust to him was far longer than either of them expected. By the time she was comfortable, Rhesh swiftly set a quick pace, bouncing her up and down on his thick cock as she dug her nails into his muscled shoulders. Neither of them were quiet, his grunts and her whines were heard through the camp, but no one would comment on it later. 
When Rhesh pounded upwards, pulling her downwards at the same time, he rocked his hips against hers - then Eirian felt the warmth of his cum spill into her belly. She couldn’t help but whine, having sensed her own orgasm quickly approaching but when he stilled to cum in her, Eirian wiggled her hips needily. 
He grumbled into a chuckle, releasing her hip and reaching down to her clit, flicking over her sex swollen nub only a few times before she finally orgasmed. Her cunt clenched around his softening member and he groaned in approval, rocking his hips up to urge her orgasm to linger. 
From then on, their relationship shifted. 
They were friends, and now lovers - the two of them falling into a working marriage as a bridge between their people. 
However, the biggest bridge came when Eirian’s belly began to swell outward. Rhesh commented on it first, holding his hands over her lower abdomen and rubbing the slight pouch developing over her middle. As he did so, Eirian had the sudden realization, she had not bled in a while. No one ever confirmed the pregnancy, in fact, the two of them decided to keep their first child between them for as long as possible. A small act of rebellion against those that arranged their marriage without them. 
The problem came when Eirian was reminded she was quickly swelling with a half-orc child, and hiding her growing belly was harder as months dragged on. Someone finally caught a glance of Eirian and Rhesh together by a river, the two of them lost in each other, and not realizing a servant now had spread the word of her pregnancy throughout camp. From his war camp, it was quickly spread back to their home countries, and from there - a mess of missives and letters making demands of their unborn child. 
Pregnant and worried for her baby, Eirian cried one evening, the first time since the night before her wedding. Her hands were splayed over the expanse of her large middle, their child nearing full term now, at least with a normal Orc pregnancy. Elven pregnancies lasted longer, but considering the weight around Eirian’s hips, she realized this would not be like a normal Elven pregnancy. 
Silently, Rhesh came to her side and brushed the tears from her eyes, gently lifting her into his lap. He cradled her and held a hand over her belly, his thumb rubbing over her popped out belly button over her dress. There were no words spoken between the two, just her quiet tears and his silent support. 
The conversation about their first born needed to be addressed but for the night, the couple simply found solace in each other. From then on, it quickly became the two of them versus their own people to try and protect their future children. 
Eirian’s belly continued to grow, albeit slower than a normal Orc pregnancy, but just as big. Rhesh became concerned as the days drew on, his eyes and hands never straying from her swollen form in one way or another. His worry became palpable, the entire camp felt the pressure under his harsh orders. Everything had to be right, and Eirian had to be protected. 
Neither of them said it outloud, but they both knew that the Orc elders and the Elven council would be above subterfuge to identify the babe. Eirian knew that her uncle would pull no punches with this alliance, including swiping her first born if it meant he could manipulate the child of their union. 
Rhesh kept his camp in one spot for several weeks, not wanting to be on the road when Eirian began to labor. He wanted his camp set up so their tent was deep in the middle, making sure his men and personal guard were between them and those that posed a threat to his wife and unborn child. It made his men nervous but he was quickly becoming steadfast in his care, ignoring their comments of disapproval. 
After a long day, Rhesh finally came back to their tent. He had been out on a patrol, and after being waylaid by a group of river bandits, finally able to come back to Eirian’s side. She sat draped over their plush chair, specifically bought for her by her husband quickly after her pregnancy showed itself. Her legs were stretched out in front of her, her head tossed back over the chair, her dark hair messily thrown over one of the arms. Eirian rubbed her distended abdomen with both hands, a focused look upon her features. 
Her eyes fluttered open and she gave him a lingering look, one that told him everything he needed to know. 
“Our babe is ready?” Rhesh asked her, coming to her side immediately. He knelt beside the chair and took her small hand into his larger one. “Are you well, Eiri?”
Eirian released a long breath, continuously rubbing her stomach with her left hand. Rhesh squeezed her right, bringing it to his lips to gently press a kiss in her palm. She gave him a reassuring smile, “labor is taking a toll on me, I fear.” Her body tensed and she squeezed his hand tightly, attempting to control her breathing as she continued to speak through the pain, “it’s been…all day, I hadn’t expected…you…to be gone so long.”
The Orc held her hand, shaking his head, “I hadn’t either, forgive me. Do I-” he paused for a moment, letting her ride out the pain before continuing, “shall I get someone?” 
“No, no, please no.” Eirian shook her head, teary eyes boring up at him. “Do not leave me again. I just want us.”
Rhesh nodded, brushing away hair that stuck to her sweaty forehead. She pressed her head into his hand, giving him a tired smile. 
“The little one sits low, I think it’s almost time.” Eirian said, grunting and shifting in her seat. Her thighs were sitting wide apart, her massive belly jutted upward, the pressure on her hips intense and unable to be ignored. She groaned and tossed her head back, belly tensing as a contraction took over her again. 
“Fuck!!” She cried, the pain lingering for longer than before. Wiggling her hips slightly, she gestured for him to help lift her dress up. Rhesh complied quickly, shoving the fabric up her legs and pushed it over her hips and massive belly. Her taut skin was splattered with stretch marks, the soft pink flesh between her legs was darker, and swollen. Eirian spread her legs apart farther, gasping in slight relief as she was able to shift into an open position, the head of their babe sitting deep in her body. Rhesh grabbed on her legs and placed her foot on his shoulder, allowing her to push against it as she needed. 
Eirian gave him a grateful look, not pausing her focus as she felt another pain take over her lithe frame. On his shoulder, her foot trembled, her strength pressing against his and it was no match, even as she labored. 
“Breathe, Eiri,” Rhesh murmured, reaching up and caressing her thigh, “listen to your body.”
She made a noise of acknowledgement, a soft huff as she tugged the dress she wore up and over the rest of her body. Fully nude now, Eirian tossed her head forward and looked at her husband, whispering her discomfort, “...there’s so much…pressure…”
Rhesh nodded, sensing the strain on her body as she heaved heavy breaths, thighs now fully spread open to reveal her slit to him. Her foot on his shoulder dug into him, Eirian grunting as the pressure shifted even lower into her core, the weight of it causing her to rock her hips forward slightly and groan out, “fuck..fucking…pressure!” 
“Keep breathing,” he reminded her. In response, she gasped out a deep breath, eyes screwed shut in pain. “Good, good, again.”
Eirian continued to follow his instruction, even as a few minutes passed and several pains came and went. Her body began to arch with each pain, the tightness of her muscles around her middle making the movement nearly impossible to avoid. The foot not on Rhesh’s shoulder now draped over the arm of the chair, fully apart enough for her body to finally give her the urge to push with her next pain. The pressure between her thighs was too much to ignore and Eirian finally gave a grunt and pushed, her body wound tight and tense as her body began to strain. 
“Good push, Eiri,” Rhesh cooed up at her, reaching up to rub her other thigh, his fingers trailing over to her swollen womanhood, feeling every tremble in her muscles along the trail. “Good girl, good push.”
In the chair, Eirian groaned and pushed with her body, the pains now never letting up and the child sitting so deep in her core that she felt if she moved forward it would push the child back into her womb. “Nughhhh…” She moaned, pushing down hard. “Ah!”
For several long minutes, Eirian continued to push, making little progress, but still progressing. Rhesh watched her pussy turn a darker red and began to bulge outward. But as the next half an hour passed, that was the most progress she was able to make. His fingers rubbed the bulging folds softly, urging her to push as the next pain came and went and again very little progress was made. 
“It’s…it’s too big…fuck…” Eirian breathed, releasing her push with a whine. 
She brought up a very valid concern Rhesh had remained silent about for most of her pregnancy. The genuine fear of her body not able to deliver his child, their different sizes painfully clear to notice. If she wasn’t able to do this, if his child was too big and this hurt her…killed her?
Before he could consider his word to express his worry, Eirian began to push again, her body naturally trying to urge the massive child from her womanhood. 
She groaned and it quickly turned into a shout, crying out as she strained and pushed. Her pussy bulged out even more, and Rhesh cupped her lips, the head poking out just a sliver before sliding back in when she relaxed her body.
“Yes!” Rhesh encouraged, “I saw it, I saw our child, Eiri.”
After her mind was able to register his words, Eirian was able to release a breathy laugh, and immediately moaned as another pain began to build. In his hand, her folds pushed against his palm, the skin parting as the head was brought to just visible. This time remaining closer to her opening, the sliver of the head just in sight now and staying there.
The babe came down into a wide, wide crown, very slowly. Eirian whimpered and cried out with every push and urging down her body strained to do, fluid dripping out of her swollen folds with each time. The foot on his shoulder, lifted off, her hand coming up to grip the back of her thigh and lift it up and apart from the other. As her cries and grunts elevated in volume, Rhesh rubbed her skin as gently as he could to ease the pain but it didn’t matter, her pussy was burning. 
Eirian’s pushes lasted longer, and as the next pain began, she began to push down just barely and the head finally lurched free from her tight womanhood in a messy gush of her fluid. In surprise she cried out and reached a hand down over Rhesh’s, the both of them holding their baby’s head. Tears fell over her cheeks as she felt around the head and felt for the cord, remembering that small part of childbirth in the back of her head from her mother. No cord was present and she felt her body relax slightly, some of the worry and paranoia leaving her as she went through the action. 
The rest should be easier. At least, Eirian prayed the rest of it would be easier. 
With how far the babe had spread her entrance open, she knew the shoulders would be an issue if she couldn’t get them out with the help of her body. Waiting for the next pain, she felt the little one in her jolt, the sensation making her hips buck as she jutted them into both Rhesh and her hand. The babe nestled at her entrance even more at the action.
Between her legs, Rhesh smiled up at her with awe, the sight of his small, perfect, Elven wife in the middle of birth was just something he would cherish forever. She grunted and groaned and sweated and cried, but to him, right now - she was perfect. 
Eirian looked at him with watery eyes and gave him the smallest smile she could, the pain making it the only thing she could focus on in the moment, but she still cherished him and his care. 
Their baby, however, seemed more than a little eager, now that the head had been introduced to the world. 
“Ah - oh, fuck!” Eirian cried, grunting and pushing down as she felt the baby shift in her body again, the shoulders rubbing against her entrance. Her noises got louder as she strained and bore down with all of her might. Her husband offered soft cheers of encouragement but she was far too lost in her own world. 
As the more pushes she did, Eirian’s strength began to fade quickly. Her last push was almost half-hearted, the grunts turning into whines again, the pain and the pressure making everything that wasn’t the baby - hard to focus on. 
Rhesh tried to ground her, and her body continued its natural urges to push, but Eirian sobbed and shook her head. “I c- I can’t…” She whimpered, eyes wide and directed at her husband, the look of fear crossing her features made him wish he could take this from her. “Rhesh,” she begged, “please…don’t make me…”
“You must.” Rhesh returned firmly, the hand next to hers near the babe’s head brushed their fingers together,  just slightly in comfort. “You know you must, Eirian. The babe is almost here, feel…” 
He guided her hand to fully cup the head of their child, it barely fit in the palm of her hand, the head huge and impossibly wide. Her breath caught in her throat, realizing that they were so close to meeting their child and that she had already pushed out something so massive. Their eyes met and she continued to cry, but nodded barely, once. 
Grinning, he nodded back at her, pride bursting from his chest as she readied herself to push again. Eirian’s hand still rested on the baby’s head, supporting it as she leaned her body forward towards the edge of the chair to push with as much of her might she could still muster. 
The first one was painful, Eirian screaming as she pushed. The only payoff being a slight gush of amniotic fluid dribbling around the head, spilling out of her straining womanhood, and around their fingers. As she took a breath and began to push again, her entire body shifted. Several things happened at once. Her body lurched as far forward in the chair it could, her knees coming up as close to her shoulders as she could bring them, and then one of the baby’s shoulders slipped free. 
Rhesh cheered, urging her to push one last time, their child almost free of her body. 
Eirian didn’t hear him, her entire focus now on her final push. Her cries went silent, her mouth just open and eyes screwed shut. Her pussy was pink, pulled tight around the huge half-orc baby that hung out of her. The weight of it put more pressure around her entrance as it pulled downward into Rhesh’s other hand. With her own hand, she felt the shoulder that popped out, and reached down to wrap her fingers under it’s armpit. As she began to lose steam at the end of her push, Eirian kept going, her hand now helping her as she pulled and pushed the huge child out of her.
A splatter of fluid gushed out of her as the babe came out, and Rhesh helped keep the child in their arms in the mess, guiding the child to rest on Eirian’s chest. 
Instinctively, she rubbed the child’s back - a girl, Rhesh said - and cooed, tears spilling over her cheeks as she stared at the little one in her arms. 
The cry that errupted from their daughter’s lungs was shrill and it made both of them laugh in relief and pride. Rhesh came up closer to the two of them now, rubbing the head of their little girl. 
“She’s loud and looks healthy,” Rhesh mumbled without attempting to hide his proud tone, “mama did a wonderful job.”
Eirian still cried, but sniffed, unable to take her eyes off the babe, her fingers trailing over her daughter’s features. Every part of the girl was perfect to her already, the pale green skin, the wide doe-eyes, and the obvious Elven ears. A beautiful combination of both parents. She would be beautiful and strong. 
A sudden stake of fear pierced her heart, coming back to the reality that their first born was a girl. Both of their people needed a male heir to secure the alliance for the foreseeable future, meaning she would have to go through this again. At least twice. 
Eirian swallowed, glancing back down at her perfect daughter, Rhesh’s hands caressing both her and the child lovingly. The worry of the future still nagged at her but she smiled, reaching out to cup his cheek - fully intent on cherishing this moment as long as she could.
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stuckyslut8 · 3 months
the wicked witch - II
Pairing : orc ari levinson x witch reader.
A/N : this is quite short but a smutty drabble, there's more coming.
Warning : 18+ smut, fluff, rough fucking, breeding kink, dirty talk , degradation , monsterfucking, overstimulation. Some typos.
Part 1
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"fuck ! fuck, just like that little witch ,you're taking me so good." ari moaned praises as he took you for the fifth time since this morning and it wasn't even evening yet. "that's it cum for me sweet girl, this pussy was made just for me." he cooed as you came again, you'd lost count of how many times he'd made you cum, but you were pretty sure it was the most you had cum in your whole life.
when he was sure you were too fucked to speak , ari released his hot cum in you, making your pussy clench, "fuck gripping me so tight, little witch, don't wanna let go till you've milked my balls dry, do you?"
you gave his arms a little slap, " shut up!" you said panting, you were still out of breath but he seemed perfectly fine. "another round?" he asked cockily, as his cock got hard while still inside you, "uhm, i don't know ari-"
"tsk, tsk- thaat wasn't a question little witch" he said as he started fucking into you again, making you cry in pleasure you were too overstimulated at this point making you cum as soon as he gave a couple more thrusts, "fuck look at you, cumming for me like the good slut you are, you know that's good the more you come the more chances of you taking my seed, that's what the orcs say."
he was slowing down his thrusts again, teasing you, more like torturing for his own amusement, "fuck harder ari, just fuck me harder please." you begged him.
"really? and why should i listen to you little witch? you came to me , begging for me to fuck you, to knock you up, i can do whatever i want with you, keep you here as my orc wife forever, " he said speeding up his thrusts, much to the contradiction of his words, " and you won't say no, infact i think by the time we're done, you'll beg me to keep you here, isn't that right little witch?" he asked throwing you legs over his shoulder, hitting your g spot from a different angle now, even deeper.
"aagh! what- fuck -what're you talking about? " you say trying to sound innocent.
"oh come on , you think i haven't noticed, you doing every little thing, playing the perfect little mate, it's like you read the rulebook of being an orc's good little wife." Ari didn't give you time to reply as he made you come one final time before filling you up again. he flipped you both around with his cock still deep in you, making you lay on his chest ,letting you both catch a breath.
To say you've grown fond of your big beefy orc is an understatement, you're in way too deep , you don't know if you could ever spend a day without him now, without his kisses every time you do something for him with your magic, you've never had someone appreciate your simple tricks so much, the way his hand always lingered on you, whenever you'd go to the town market, you've never been held so pridefully, possessively held by someone who is not ashamed or afraid to be seen with you.
you began thinking about his words as he got out of the bed to clean himself up and get a cloth to clean you.
"ran out of words or out of breath from my cock little witch?" he commented as he pressed the wet cloth along your thighs.
you let out a nervous chuckle in response, " i don't know ari...were you serious about what you said?"
"what about knocking you up ? of course-"
"don't play dumb." you cut him off. " the other thing."
"right ." he said in a more serious tone, sitting down on the bed next to you, "you're talking about the part where you want me to make you my little orc wife."
you blushed a little at his words, but tried to hide it, " no i'm talking about the part where you become my little witch husband."
"huh that wouldn't be so bad little witch." Ari brushed the stray hairs out of your face, pressing a warm kiss to your lips ,which you deepened by putting your arms around his neck.
"I love you Ari." You said the words that were at the tip of your tongue for so long, waiting to be spilled. Ari gave you his sweetest smile, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
"I love you too little witch."
A/N : I'm proud to call this my masterpiece so far....should i make a prequel about prince steve and y/n 's relationship, cuz i have a feeling he's gonna make an appearance very soon.
Pls do reblog , it would mean a lot to me if we could get the orc ari fantasy around tumblr, it needs more attention, just like me ;)
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ofallthingsnasty · 2 years
Idk if your still doing yandere monsters
But a big strong tall orc who seen the horrors of war and is seen as heartless by his people finds chubby reader lost in the woods after her husband abdoned her and grows obsessed soon they go from being scared in the woods to being scared as a orc bigger and stronger in everyway carries them everywhere and constantly showing them off and making sure his captive is dressed in the finest pelts and spoiled but constantly punished to make sure their a perfect little soft mate
your brain, anon.... i want it... this is so juicy 🤤 i really want to write a little one-shot for this and i will!! one day haha -- until then, have some rambles
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tags: yandere, heavy dubcon, exhibitionism, minors dni, kind of kidnapping?, f!reader word count: 0.8k
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That thought is so cute... Just this is big, burly and scary orc treating you like his most prized possession (well, you kind of are), both gentle and patronizing. To go from being absolutely distraught and scared, all alone in the wilderness, to being saved and cared for by this huge man who looks like he has taken more than dozen lives yet cooes down at you as though you’re a little lap dog - how dizzying that must be. Your poor little head will spin during these first few days, for sure. He is so patient at first, as well - listens to your tearful words and decides then and there that that poor excuse of a human being didn’t deserve you in the first place, that you are way too precious to be treated with so little respect. He’s getting in on the years, craves a little stability, someone to hold - and you are just so cute and helpless, perfect to keep. (And he deserves this, he thinks. He found you out there and saved your life, it’s what you owe him.) He’s never mean but he can get quite stern with you. If you request to be let go, to go back to your family to lick your wounds, he’ll explain to you that he basically owns you now - and that it’d be terribly ungrateful to run from your savior like that. He doesn’t force you to do things you don’t want to do - he can wait to split you open on his cock, he doesn’t mind. You still need to recover from that terrible injustice your former husband did to you - but he’ll make sure to fuck you on his fingers, to have you ride his strong thighs until you cum, again and again. He enjoys seeing your face contort into absolute bliss, to feel how you let go.  And when you finally let him fuck you, it’s all the sweeter. He’s gentle with you at first, knows how big he is compared to you but he’ll train you to take him fully and without any trouble in no time. He loves to just pound into you, to watch your helpless little face and your tits bounce with every thrust, loves to show you that he owns you now. 
He isn’t afraid to do it in public, either. You better lose all of your inhibitions quickly because he’ll have you on his lap during nights with his friends, bends you over the table during lunch. No one will even bat an eye when you suddenly cum right in front of them or when he empties himself in you. The nights he spends with his friends will become more than just treasured memories when you cockwarm him, yelping and sputtering at every jolt of laughter that runs through him. He isn’t the type to take out his anger on you, ever - but you will get punished when the need arrises. He’ll keep it short and simple. Often a spanking is sufficient for him, especially when he gets to make sure your skin runs hot from the hits and you get all teary-eyed and stuttery. It’s just too precious to him, his little wife weepy and apologetic - and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t fuck you afterwards, mouth full of condescending praise and proclamations of love. He needs to keep you in check but it’s all part of the fun for him - so if you’re a little feisty, he’ll enjoy that, too. It just means that he gets to laugh at your sharp words and useless slaps against his chest - and then make you eat your actions with the palm of his hand. You’ll never want for anything - as condescending as he can be, he acknowledges you’re your own person, that you have interests and needs. Whatever it is you like to do, you’ll get all the supplies for it and then some. He loves the way your eyes light up when he presents you with an expensive gift, the way you bite your lip shyly while accepting it. He loves to drape you in jewelry, as well. Seeing you wear nothing but delicately crafted necklaces and rings and bracelets appeals to something deep within him that wants to provide for you, that preens at the thought of him being able to dress you in luxurious items - he’s your husband now and he loves to spoil you.
All in all, he may not be the easiest to be with because he keeps treating you like a pet but it’s simple to figure him out and satisfy. Never sadistic, too - when you’re good, you’re good - but a little on the rougher side. You’ll be provided for for the rest of your life - at the teeny, tiny cost of being fucked raw every single day and cooed at like some lap dog.
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catbatart · 2 years
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OKAY! After running a poll and seeing that most people are okay with 3-6 months for a preorder, I went ahead and decided to list my mousepads. I sold out of almost all of them before the end of last year, so ordered more as soon as I could!
This time, I included one of my original designs! The TIEFLING WIFE if available for preorder, as well as the Orc Wife, Tiefling Husband, and Gelatinous Boob! (Tiefling Husband is currently in stock!) Tief wife has a small but powerful fanbase who have been asking me to stock her for awhile now!
So if you're interested, please consider preordering! It really helps me get all the shipping materials and labels worked out in one go and saves a lot of time for me! As well as guarantees a mousepad for you!
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sansaorgana · 3 days
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PAIRING — Adar x fem!Elf!Reader
SUMMARY — When your daughter's mysterious sickness progresses, you are desperate to find a cure. You choose to travel all the way to Mirkwood but you are captured by the Orcs on the road and soon you find out that their leader is your husband who you thought of as dead.
AUTHOR’S NOTE — I fell for Adar while watching Season One already but in the last episode when he mentioned that Sauron promised him children... I just knew I had to write some fic about him having a family once that he lost. 🤧 Also, I am like 100 percent sure that Adar was not his name when he was an Elf but I didn't want to make it up on my own so I kept it the same. 😅 The daughter's name – Moreth – apparently means gloom. The ending is bittersweet and angsty... but with an open ending! 🥺 PS – I've read The Lord of The Rings and The Hobbit books but it was long time ago and I have never even tried to read The Silmarillion but I tried to do some research on the wiki and I hope the fic is pretty accurate.
WORD COUNT — 6,420
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You watched Moreth through the window. She was sitting on a bench under the tree and reading a heavy book in a dark brown leather cover. Her black hair danced in the wind but she looked far from ethereal like other elven girls spending time around. There was some sort of darkness around your daughter which worried you deeply. The sadness and the quietness you had grown to – despite all the years that had passed, she had never smiled as brightly and happily as before her father’s mysterious disappearance and most likely death. She had never been cheerful, which was painful enough to you since you were her mother and you wanted nothing but happiness for her. But lately, something very worrying had been happening to her. As if the light that Elves were supposed to carry and shine bright with all through Middle-earth was fading away from her.
“Her skin…” You bit on your lower lip as you looked at Gil-galad who was standing by you. “She’s growing paler but in an unnatural way. Her skin doesn’t simply get lighter but… whiter,” you pointed out. “I don’t know what to do, I am desperate,” you admitted sadly.
“Her light is fading, (Y/N),” Gil-galad whispered and put his hand on your arm as if it brought you any comfort. A single tear escaped your eye and streamed down your cheek when you took one more look at your daughter even though he only said what you had known already.
“Is she dying?” You asked, not fully understanding the situation but it felt awfully wrong that all these things were happening to you. First, you lost a husband and now you were about to lose a daughter? What was the point of this suffering? “Is she somehow turning into a human?”
“No, not a human,” Gil-galad shook his head and walked away. “Worse,” he commented and you furrowed your brows but you had no idea what he meant. You did not want to know. “I suggest sending her to Valinor before it becomes too late,” he added.
“No!” You sniffled your tears back as you protested. “Please, no! I would not handle another loss… Ever since Adar’s death, I am her only family. I am her only protector. And I know it is not the time yet for her or me to leave Middle-earth,” you explained. “I cannot explain it but I know that our destiny here has not been fulfilled yet. I must do everything it takes to save Moreth,” you clenched your jaw with determination.
“I do not know how to help her and all my wise and experienced friends I have asked for help do not know either. The longer you wait, the more she fades away and after a certain point of this mysterious change, she will not be accepted in Valinor,” Gil-galad explained. “It is an honour to be sent there.”
“And a pain for me. I shall miss her. I already miss her father,” you walked away from him to look out of a different window and take a deep breath at the sight of the sea. “I shall go to Oropher in Mirkwood then,” you decided. “Perhaps they know how to help her there. It is my last resort,” you looked at Gil-galad.
“It is dangerous to travel so far away these days. The army of Orcs…” He started but you interrupted him.
“I do not care,” you snapped. “I am her mother. I shall do everything to help her. I am desperate,” you looked deep into his eyes with so much pain and hopelessness that he eventually gave up with a sigh.
“I really hope then that you will find all the answers that you seek there. And that both of you will come back safe and unharmed,” he approached you to squeeze your arm. 
“Thank you, High King,” you bowed your head at him.
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Adar was an Elf much older than you but you spotted him watching you many times while you were with your friends in Mithlond. He was calm and quiet, smiling at you kindly but never bothering you. Respectfully, he waited for you to initiate the conversation first, which you did because he fascinated you. You admired his knowledge and how different he was from your friends – how mature. He was giving you flowers he had picked himself whenever you walked together and he always complimented you in a way that would make you blush.
When Elves loved each other and married, forever was always a promise. And for some it truly was like that but you were not one of the lucky ones. It was not long after the birth of your daughter when you lost your husband. Moreth was only a few years old when he disappeared and you began your desperate attempts to find him but you soon were informed by multiple sources that most likely your husband had been killed by Morgoth or one of his minions. There was nothing you could do – not even give him a funeral he deserved since there was no body. You grieved for long years and tried to raise your daughter as well as you could but apparently the burden of this grief and sadness had been affecting her more than you would like to admit it.
You still dreamt of him often – your husband. Of his kisses, of his promises of the life you would live one day. Far away from others; that had been his dream. And he had been often talking about achieving something more whatever that more had meant. An ambitious dreamer – that was how you remembered him. And despite the years that had gone already, not a day passed without you thinking of him dearly.
The thing he loved the most in life was being a father, though. Moreth was his whole world. He would sit her on his lap, tell her stories while braiding or simply brushing her hair. He would pick flowers for her or watch her play in the fields for hours, helping her to catch butterflies. You had never seen a man so mesmerised by his daughter and now this very daughter was sick and you had to do everything to help her. You owed him that.
You were nearby Khazad-dûm on the back of your horse with Moreth sitting behind you with her arms wrapped around your waist when you felt the horse getting nervous and anxious. You knew it was not a good sign but you did not want to turn around and seek refuge with the dwarves or in Eregion. 
“Keep going,” you whispered to the horse as you patted its neck but you were cautiously looking around, sensing the danger as well. “It reeks of something filthy,” you admitted.
“I do not feel anything,” Moreth shrugged her arms, which calmed you down a little but it also caused you to lower your guard down, which was a mistake. On the other hand, you would not be able to do anything anyway even if you had spotted them earlier – a small unit of Orcs jumping out on the road in front of you as they laughed.
The horse startled and shook you and Moreth out of its back before running away as fast as possible. You quickly grabbed your dagger even though you knew it was hopeless to fight a unit on your own with nothing but a small knife. They laughed contemptuously, showing off their awful teeth.
Squeezing the dagger in your hand, you hovered over your daughter, trying to shield her from the Orcs. She was shivering slightly and clutched to the fabric of your cloak.
“L-leave us alone, we mean no harm, just passing through,” you tried to reason with them even though you knew they were not creatures of high intelligence. If they were creatures of any intelligence at all.
“Have you heard her?” One of the Orcs mocked you. “The Elven ladies are just passing through…” He pointed his own dagger at you as you trembled at the sight of the blade, which was dirty from dried up blood.
“P-please… My daughter is sick,” you pleaded but he only tilted his head and brushed your reckless hair strand with the tip of his blade.
“Leave it,” one of his friends barked at him. “They’re Elves. Lord Father won’t be happy if we hurt them. He wants all captured Elves to be taken to him immediately.”
“Oh… Yes… Lord Father will have lots of fun with them,” the Orc standing in front of you grinned at you, which caused a shiver go down your spine. His words sounded ominous – you were terrified of an idea of some sort of leader of the Orcs who was respected and called Lord Father by them. You didn’t even want to think about what he looked like and what he would do to you or your daughter… And now you were a hostage, taken to him.
Perhaps Gil-galad had been right but now it was too late to admit such things. Full of fear and anxiety, you dropped the dagger you were holding, counting on a merciful treatment after giving your weapon up willingly.
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You were inside a wooden cage with your daughter by your side. Your hands were in shackles behind your backs but Moreth was sitting as close to you as possible, weeping silently and clinging to you. You knew that she was blaming herself because if it wasn’t for her sickness, you would never be travelling on that road. You didn’t blame her, though. She had never asked for any of this. You leaned in and pressed a kiss to her forehead, praying for the infamous Lord Father of the Orcs to be a creature of a higher intelligence than his children. That you could reason with him and maybe offer him something in return to let you and your daughter go to Mirkwood freely although you had no idea what to offer. Perhaps a conversation with him would reveal more of his nature, which would help you to come up with a good idea. You were desperate to heal your daughter or at least to try to do so. You would never send her to Valinor too early without knowing that you had done absolutely everything to prevent it.
“It stinks,” you winced after your cage entered the Orcs’ camp.
“I do not feel it, mother,” Moreth admitted and you looked down at her face with nothing but shock. How could she not smell that odour of the Orcs and all their filth?  
You were not given enough time to think about it, though. You heard the awful noises of the Orcs’ tongue and laughter. Through the wooden bars of your cage you spotted them staring at you and pointing their fingers with hatred and disgust as if it was them who had reasons to find you and your daughter hideous.
“We are being taken to their leader,” you whispered to Moreth. “Let me handle it, darling. Do not talk, do not do anything, please.”
“I promise, mother,” she nodded and sniffled back her tears. She was terrified and so were you but you were trying not to show it too much because there was no point of scaring her more and to appear weak in front of the Orcs’ leader.
“Lord Father,” you heard a raspy voice of one of the Orcs once the cage stopped in the middle of something that used to be a market square of one of the human villages before the Orcs’ invasion. “We have captured two Elven women near Khazad-dûm. “They thought we would let them go freely. Claimed to be just passing through and that one of them was sick.”
You waited for the answer but there was none. You could see the mysterious figure only through the bars of the cage and you were not able to spot any details about him. He had to nod his head at the Orcs, though, because the cage was opened shortly after. You and Moreth were dragged out and pushed, making you both hit the ground with your hands still in shackles behind your backs. Clumsily, trying to keep your dignity, you held your head straight while moving your body up to rest on your knees at least, feeling the mud and dirt sticking to your scratched cheek. Your hair was a mess and your eyes filled with hatred as the Orcs surrounding you laughed with contempt.
You laid your eyes on your daughter and how she moved up on her knees as well. Her long black hair – just like her father’s – was full of mud and her skin looked even more unhealthy under the dark and stormy skies. In fact, your heart clenched in your chest because in this light you could truly see how sick she truly was and how little time she had before her light fades away completely and she becomes… Becomes something you did not even want to think of. The reason behind this sickness was beyond your comprehension, though.
You squinted your eyes at the man walking up towards you. To your surprise, his figure was nothing like the Orcs around you. He was either human or… an Elf? You swore, you could see pointed ears and it confused you greatly. With one more step he walked out of the shadow and you finally could see him perfectly well, which caused a gasp to leave your mouth and your heart skipped a beat. Moreth yelped at the sight but you were too stunned to comfort her in any way.
The man walking towards you was your husband.
It was not the same Adar you remembered – he looked damaged and tortured. His skin was sickly white…, which dangerously reminded you of your daughter’s worrying condition. His skin was full of scars and there was a sinister darkness about him that turned your blood cold inside your veins.
He froze at the sight of you as well as the Orcs went silent, realising that something was not right about this encounter. Adar furrowed his brows and opened his mouth slightly as if he had just seen a ghost.
“Impossible…” He breathed out but you heard him very well. His voice made shivers go down your spine. It was changed, too but it was still his. The sound of it brought back all the memories of your marriage and the courting. Of all the walks you had been taking together, all the stories he had been telling you and all the flowers he had been putting inside your hair. All the giggles he had shared with your daughter and all the kisses he had stolen from you under the moonlight.
Adar crouched down in front of you and Moreth to be on the same level but he kept his safe distance. He tilted his head and continued to look confused.
“You died,” he said and it was a statement, not a question. “I saw it,” he added. “Sauron,” he explained, “he showed me your death. A bunch of humans attacking your carriage and leaving your dead bodies by the road to bleed out,” he whispered as his voice and eyes filled with pain. “The vision has been coming back to me in nightmares ever since.”
You had many questions.
Question number one – how did your husband know Sauron personally?
But that was not time to ask that. It was time to explain something that had to be an awful misunderstanding.
“It is true, we were attacked some time after your dea– …disappearance,” you fixed yourself, trying to look for the best words. You still could not believe that your husband was alive after all but you were not sure if alive was the right word to use because the creature in front of you did not look like the Elf you had married. “We were robbed by poor human villagers. They took my jewellery and let us go. I did not even remember about it until now, it holds no significance to me,” you admitted.
Long silence occurred. No Orc was brave enough to say anything, seeing that their leader was engaged in a conversation of this sort and he seemed to be as confused as they were.
“Free them,” Adar ordered and stood up, waiting for the Orc standing nearby to get rid of your shackles. Once your wrists were free, he moved to free Moreth and Adar approached you to offer you his hand to help you stand up.
You did not take his hand, though, as you stood up on your own with your jaw clenched and your eyes filled with anger and hatred when you looked him up and down.
“My children mentioned that one of you was sick,” Adar pointed out and took a better look at his daughter. He had not seen her grown up yet. “That must be you,” he walked up to Moreth and raised his hand to caress her cheek.
“Do not touch her!” You snapped but he did not listen and your daughter did not seem to mind either.
“Father…” Her eyes filled with tears and she sobbed. Adar gathered her tears with his fingertips and pressed his forehead to hers.
A sudden thought made you realise that perhaps the answers you were seeking were not in Mirkwood but here – with him.
“Do you know what sickness is tormenting her?” You approached them, interrupting the bittersweet reunion moment. “Moreth’s light is fading. I am desperate to save her.”
Adar turned around to look at you and your daughter kept staring at you as well. And when they stood like that – side by side – you realised that it was no mysterious sickness at all. She had just been turning into a creature like her father. You gasped and took a step back, nearly falling down after stumbling.
“It is you…” You shook your head as tears filled your eyes when you laid them on your husband. “You are the sickness. You are the poison in her veins.”
But after hearing your words, Moreth looked outraged and saddened as she hid behind Adar. Her reaction shocked you. You knew that she had been missing him for long years but it had been you who actually raised her. Your bond was so strong and now she was siding with him? You couldn’t understand anything about her behaviour.
“Let us talk inside,” Adar pointed at one of the houses in the village that he was living in now.
Moreth walked there and waved at you to hurry you up as the Orcs kept staring at her and you with curiosity mixed with a little bit of respect. They had to realise by now that you were related to their Lord Father.
“Do not rush your mother, my darling,” Adar approached your daughter and put his arm around her. “She shall join us when she is ready to,” he nodded at you and you watched them both disappear inside the house.
You were left alone in the middle of the market square with dozens of Orcs staring at you and tilting their heads. You were unarmed and deeply uncomfortable in their presence even though they were not attacking or bothering you. They were just staring. Still, you would rather follow your daughter and Adar inside the house. There were many questions to ask.
Walking slowly without revealing your nervousness, you approached the door of the house and pushed them open. You spotted Adar and Moreth sitting together on a bench with a bowl full of water on the table in front of them. He was washing the mud and dirt off of your daughter’s hair gently just like he had been brushing and braiding it back in the day. The sight made your eyes fill with fresh tears again.
“It did not take you long, mother,” Moreth smiled at you weakly.
You looked around the dark house and felt awkward, not knowing what to do with yourself. You watched Moreth and Adar for a while as he silently cleaned her hair and face. You remembered that yours were dirty, too, so you approached the bowl and grabbed the spare cloth lying nearby as if it had been put there for you.
Slowly, you dipped the cloth in the water and wiped your face first, hissing when it touched the scratch on your cheek. Then you began working on your hair, brushing it with your fingers and getting rid of the dried up mud.
“How do you know Sauron and why did he lie to you about our death?” You asked finally. Moreth froze at your uncomfortable questions but Adar did not even flinch as he continued to brush her hair.
“I was lured by the promise of power given to me by Morgoth,” Adar explained calmly, avoiding your gaze. “I desired to learn everything I could about this world. Both light and dark,” he admitted, his voice stoic and melancholic. “After Morgoth’s defeat, I wished to come back for you and Moreth but Sauron wanted me to be his lieutenant. I refused at first. You and Moreth were all I was thinking about so he revealed to me that you were dead and that he had been sparing me the pain of this truth before. After seeing his vision, which felt incredibly real, I had nothing to lose. He had to deceive me to make me more willing to follow him,” Adar finally looked up to meet your gaze and you saw how his eyes filled with so much pain that it made your heart clench inside your chest. “If only I knew…”
“You do not speak of him fondly,” you did not let him finish as you pointed out. “I thought that the Orcs followed Sauron.”
“Uruks,” he fixed you. “After losing my family… they became like children to me,” Adar revealed. “Sauron does not care about them. He sacrifices them and treats them with no respect. I killed him once and now I am going to kill him again,” he told you.
You snorted at that as you started realising the absurdity of the whole situation. You couldn’t believe that your husband – whom you had been admiring for intelligence and knowledge – had acted so stupidly and proudly. So… haughty. That one day he had decided to abandon you to learn some forbidden magic tricks. What had he been expecting exactly?
And that your husband – whom you had been missing every day for many long years and whom you grieved – had been alive all that time, causing evil and misery all over Middle-earth.
“So… When you were telling me that you craved for something more… That’s the more that you meant?” You looked around with contempt.
“Mother, do not be so harsh. Father has been in so much pain, can’t you see?” Moreth stood up for him. “Are you not glad he is alive after all? We were told that you had been killed by Morgoth,” she looked at her father and cupped his face as if she still could not believe that he was alive. And as if she did not mind his cruel change at all.
“In many ways… I was, my child,” Adar smiled sadly at her.
“Let us go,” you insisted as you threw the cloth down onto the table, not needing it anymore. Adar and Moreth looked up at you both and once again you felt sick in your stomach as your insides twisted at the sight of how similar they were becoming. “She is sick, can’t you see? Her light is fading. Soon she will not be welcomed in Valinor.”
“I am not sick, mother!” Moreth interrupted you before her father could answer. “I could not understand this change either. For years, I have been tormented and scared, trying to fight it. But now I see that I have never been sick. Oh, can’t you see? This is exactly where I was supposed to end up. Nothing happens without a reason and the fact we were captured today was a part of the plan, too. Weren’t you always saying there had been a reason for us to be here, in Middle-earth? That is my purpose. I am not sick. I am becoming myself. Like father,” she nodded and squeezed Adar’s hands. He was staring at her lovingly and you could imagine that, indeed, those words had to feel like honey being poured onto his rotten heart – or whatever was left of it.
But for you her words were hideous and terrifying. You were staring at her in pure shock and you felt both sad and betrayed.
“No, that is not your purpose. Your blood is poisoned because of your father but… But there is still hope for you, Moreth. You are my daughter, too,” you pleaded. “Let us go,” you looked at Adar again and this time the tone of your voice was harsher. “We are going to Mirkwood to search for the answers.”
“There are no answers in Mirkwood,” your husband chuckled at that and caressed your daughter’s wrists with his thumbs as she kept squeezing his hands. “We might continue calling it a sickness if you wish, my love,” he nodded at you and you winced at the way he called you but at the same time it felt so… oddly good. However, you shook the feeling off. Your daughter and her health were more important than your heart’s conflicting desires. “The only person who can stop the sickness is Moreth herself. She would have to want to stop it and to truly fight it. She would have to seek the light instead of darkness. And those past years she has been chasing the corruption, haven’t you, my darling?” He asked Moreth and she looked down as your eyes widened.
“Moreth?” You asked her.
“It was stronger than me, mother. I have been studying things I should not have. I have blamed it on the sickness you were talking about. You were blaming my grief and sadness but it was not true. I took it for the symptom but it was the reason itself. I remembered that my father loved to learn and I tried to justify my hunger for the forbidden knowledge with the fact that I was his daughter. And I am his daughter indeed. Twisted, is it not, mother?” She looked up at you again, scared of your reaction. With each of her confessions, you felt your heart breaking into more and more pieces. Your whole world was crumbling down. Not only your husband but also your daughter were corrupted with great evil. “I still love you. I forever shall love you, mother. But do you still love me?”
“I forever shall love you,” you mirrored her words and felt tears stream down your cheeks. “It is too late for you,” you looked at Adar. “But not for her. Let her go. Help me,” you begged.
“You are right, (Y/N). It is too late for me and I do wish for my daughter to remain by my side if that is her wish,” Adar smirked, making you realise that you were not on the same page with this.
“Moreth?!” You took a step ahead but your husband stood up and shielded your daughter from you. That gesture hurt you deeply because you were the last person in the whole world who would ever want to put her in any form of danger. You furrowed your brows at him. “Is that what you want?” You kept asking your daughter although your eyes were fixed on her father as you were staring at him with hatred mixed with pain. It was a pure torture to see your beloved husband turning into a monster. All that grief and sadness after his death – they had been a useless waste of feelings after all. “Is that what you want?” You repeated your question. “To be an Orc Princess?” You asked with contempt through the gritted teeth.
“Uruk,” Adar fixed you again. You spotted anger in his eyes but he was very calm towards you and you realised he still had to have very strong feelings for you because even now, seeing what he had become, you felt no fear around him. As if you were sure that he would never hurt you. “You are free to go,” he added with a nod. “Tomorrow morning. You should rest now. I shall give you a horse and you can leave if you do not wish to stay,” he explained and walked away, finally allowing you to look at your daughter.
Your heart broke and your eyes filled with even more tears at the sight of your daughter. Now, seeing her face clearly, you could see that her decision had been truly made already. Her eyes – your eyes – were filled with tears that meant only one thing. She was preparing to say goodbye.
“Why can’t you stay, mother? We could be a family again,” Moreth pleaded.
“How can you expect me to stay? How can you even ask me?” You shook your head. “And how can you want to stay? Don’t you understand that you are robbing yourself of seeing all of your friends ever again? You are robbing yourself of the light of Valinor. You are robbing yourself of the beauty of Eregion, of the greatness of Mithlond… In the name of what?”
“Freedom,” Moreth answered in all seriousness. “Being a carrier of the light is an honourable task but the light is often a burden, too. I want to be free of the shackles – no matter how virtuous they are.”
“Then I have lost you,” you turned around and covered your lips with your hand to muffle your sob.
“Moreth, there is a room upstairs on the right,” Adar told her. “It is inhabited and it is yours for the night. Go there and rest. You have had a long day,” he nodded at her.
“Father,” she stood up and bowed her head at him. Then she looked at you and hesitated. “Mother…” She bowed her head, too. Waiting for you to say something but not receiving any reaction from you, she turned around and walked away to go upstairs.
You were left alone with Adar now and despite the fact he was your husband whom you still loved no matter what – it was hard to stop loving somebody so quickly, after all – you felt nothing but anger towards him now. He had stolen your daughter from you. His darkness had poisoned her and now you lost her.
“She is everything to me,” you swallowed a lump in your throat. You kept staring at the wall in front of you and you didn’t even flinch when he put his hand on your arm. It felt so odd to feel his touch again that it sent a shiver down your body.
“She is everything to me, too. So are you,” he whispered, standing right behind you. You could feel his breath on your neck. “Stay with us, (Y/N),” he pleaded in a broken whisper.
You stood like that in silence for a long while as your lower lip kept trembling and you were overthinking his proposition. Everything you cared for was here but you could not picture yourself taking part in this cruelty and destruction. On your way here, through the wooden bars of your cage, you could see what the Orcs and Adar had done to this land. You did not want to be a Queen of the ruins, ruling over the ashes in the name of the ungraspable idea of power.
You turned around very slowly, facing your husband. To see his face so damaged and full of scars made your heart weep. Carefully, you raised your hand to touch his cheek and to caress it as he watched your every movement with a hint of curiosity and affection.
“Why have you chosen me all those years ago? You told me you had spotted me but I have never understood why,” you whispered sadly, remembering the day when you first realised he had been watching you lovingly from afar.
“I have waited a long time to meet a woman like you. And I knew ever since I was very young that I would only marry if I met her,” Adar explained.
“And what do you mean by that? What was so special about me?” You swallowed thickly, scared of the answer.
“You know very well that Moreth’s darkness does not come only from me,” he smirked and held your wrist gently, intertwining your fingers together. You looked away nervously. “You are curious about what your life here would be like. I know your heart enough to know that you are thinking of it way too much than you should be,” he smiled but there was no contempt about it, just pure affection. You dared to meet his gaze and you nearly gasped when you saw how much he still loved you.
You even allowed him to kiss you. When Adar joined your lips together, you did not move away and you did not flinch. In fact, it felt so natural that you closed your eyes and did not even attempt to resist him in any way. You gave in, putting your hands flat on his chest.
And for that moment of the kiss, you could see it – you could see it all. You could see yourself walking next to him through the war camps like this one with Moreth following you. Both of you were wearing black dresses, your skins were sickly paler, your eyes were hollow and terrifying. You could hear yourself speaking in the tongue of the Orcs and you could see them bowing down at your sight. You could see the comfort in the darkness and your home being wherever your husband and daughter were.
But your visions were being fought with the faces of your friends and the beautiful cities of your kin. The images of Valinor were like sun rays penetrating your dark fantasies and making them fade away. And when the last little part of the ominous daydream disappeared, you broke the kiss. Both you and Adar looked at each other and he smiled sadly as his eyes filled with pain because he already knew what your decision was.
“I cannot stay,” you whispered.
He nodded without a word as he took a step back and walked away, leaving you all alone in the room.
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You spent the night on the bench in the room downstairs and in the morning Adar kept his promise as he presented you with a horse after breakfast. During the meal you all were silent and you spotted that after that night your daughter looked even more sickly than usual as if her sickness had progressed very quickly all of a sudden. You tried not to comment and she tried not to beg with her words for you to stay but she kept asking for it with her eyes. For that reason, you tried to avoid her gaze.
The horse Adar had presented you with was black and it had a mark burnt on its side that you quickly learnt all the humans serving your husband had burnt on them as well. Moreth was standing behind her father when they walked you to the stables and watched you caress the horse’s neck.
You could not help the feeling that your life had no meaning outside this camp because you had no one to live for anymore if your daughter was supposed to stay here. Yet, remaining by your husband’s side felt too wrong.
And so did trying to force Moreth to change her mind. She was your daughter but she was her own person and old enough to make decisions for herself – no matter how much they hurt you.
Two Orcs walked inside the stables to join you and they awaited Adar’s orders. He pointed at you and smiled at them.
“Walk my wife out of the camp and make sure she is not bothered. Allow her to ride away in any direction she wishes to and remember her face because she is under our protection wherever you might see her again,” he ordered and you were quite surprised to hear those words. You knew he still loved you but you did not expect him to grant you such protection despite your decision to leave him.
“Yes, Lord Father,” the Orcs nodded and walked out of the stables.
One last time, you looked sadly at your daughter but you did not even hug her and she did not approach you either. After that, with a heavy heart, you followed the Orcs outside and allowed them to lead you out of the camp. They kept looking back all the time to make sure you were still walking behind them and they were nervously staring you up and down, which was quite annoying.
You finally reached the gate of the camp and they nodded at the other Orcs to open it for you. You were about to hop on your horse when you saw that the Orcs bowed in front of you.
“Farewell, Lady Mother,” one of them said.
“Do not call me that!” You snapped angrily and – filled with disgust – you mounted your horse and rode away as fast as possible although you had no idea what direction you should take.
Technically, you should hurry to Mithlond and inform Gil-galad about everything that had happened but you did not want to cause your daughter any problems. Conflicted, you hit the road ahead of you, not entirely sure where it was leading and allowing it to decide your fate.
Far behind you, Moreth was staring at your silhouette disappearing over the horizon while she stood by her father’s side. He was looking in the same direction as her but when she finally laid her eyes on him, she realised he was way calmer than her and there was even a shadow of a smile on his lips even though her own eyes were filled with tears.
“Are you not sad that she has left us?” Moreth asked.
“Do not weep, my child,” Adar wrapped his arm around his daughter and squeezed her arm comfortingly. “Your mother will come back to us sooner than you expect.”
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snugglebug-mj-blog · 1 month
The eldest daughter who wasn't wanted
Sully family x oldest daughter reader
y/n sully is the oldest daughter of the Sully's twin sister of Neteyam. Even though y/n was a na'vi she came out smaller than a normal Navi baby and her skin was a sky demon tan color. She was given away a week after birth. After 16 years the Sully's reunited with y/n but y/n has a new family and doesn't consider the Sully's her family besides Mo'at.
(art isn't mine unless I say it is. The names I picked out.
I've been wanting to do this story for a while and I finally got the push I needed for it, this is just one of my avatar stories)
y/n and clan / prologue
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Y/n (16 years old)
The eldest daughter of the Sully's twin sister of Neteyam.
Belongs to the Dushnikh clan a terrifying, strong but caring clan.
The Dushnikh clan is a clan of the tallest, green orcish Navis
The clan is located in a swampy area.
(The clan and characters are my ocs but the name of the clan is from a Skyrim its a orc strong hold)
~prologue 16 years ago~
The battle had ended with hells gates a few months ago when neytiri had went into labor. After many hours of pain Neytiri had given birth to her children, a little  girl and a little boy named y/n and Neteyam, but y/n came out wrong, y/n was much smaller than a normal na'vi newborn she was human newborn size, her skin was a tannish color with light blue strips and she had five fingers, she did have na'vi ears, nose, kuru, and tail. Neytiri held the small new born looking up at Jake "Ma Jake.." she started Jake shock his head "don't worry my love" he replied at first they were happy to have both of the twins but soon some of the clan started talking "that baby is a demon!" "You need to get rid of it!" "Demon blood!" Neytiri and Jack did their best to ignore them.
~ a week later~
"My daughter don't do this! Please let her hear the great mother!" Mo'at begged as her daughter and son-in-law were about to give their daughter away.
"No mother. I am her mother I know what's best for her. We need to protect our family and clan" neytiri said as she gave her week old daughter to norm, while Neteyam cried from the wrapping of his mother's chest, Jake held kiri as he talked to Norm.
"She is family!" Mo'at hissed
Jack stepped between his mate and her mother
"Enough we made our choice" Jake hissed
Mo'at hissed back before grabbing the week old baby girl from norm "Fine I will take her somewhere where she can grow up in peace" Mo'at growled holding the baby closer to her chest
"Mother-" neytiri started but was cut off
"Enough! I am your mother and one of the elders! My choice over rules yours!" Mo'at hissed neytiri and Jack stepped back.
"I am her father give me my daughter" Jake said trying to grab y/n
Mo'at hissed again "No! I have spoken Jack Sully, the other elders agree with me, she deserves to live in peace"
"Mother where are you taking her? Let us come with you, I want to know that my daughter is safe" neytiri offers
Mo'at shock her head "No! Stay here, I will make sure she is safe" Mo'at said walking away with the baby.
~sometime later ~
Mo'at had sat in the hut with another larger elder sitting in front of her
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"Mo'at my old friend, it's nice to see you but what's brought you to our home?" The elder in front Mo'at asked
"Leyra my old friend, as you know my daughter had her child a week ago. But my daughter has given up her daughter because she looks different." Mo'at said as she opened the baby carrier on her chest.
The elder na'vi gasped "These young ones always think they know what's best. Did you talk to her about her fate if she does this?" Leyra said as she looked at the small tan na'vi child staring back at her with an incorrect toothless smile.
Mo'at nodded as she looked down at the week old "yes but my daughter and her husband didn't listen.. they said they know what's best for their family."
Leyra and Mo'at turned when they heard the beads at the opening move to see another large female na'vi holding a small toddler
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"My apologies mother and Mo'at" the female na'vi spoke with a bow Mo'at and Leyra smiled
"Zo'ile it has been to long, I see you have a small one" Mo'at said with a smile as the young na'vi walked over to her mother's friend.
Leyra smiled as her daughter sat beside her "Zo'ile I was about to call for you" Leyra said smiling at her daughter "Mo'at has brought her granddaughter to us, to be raised and cared for"
Zo'ile froze when her mother said those words before looking at Mo'at who held the small tan na'vi and her son At'ok standing by Mo'at smiling at the baby. Zo'ile reached out and Mo'at smiled before handing her the small baby.
"Her name is y/n" Mo'at said as she handed zo'ile the baby
Zo'ile smiled her heart had acked for the baby her son At'ok got into his mother's arms and stared at the baby as well "Tsmuke (sister)" At'ok said smiling zo'ile smiled before looking back at her mother and Mo'at "mother can she stay here I can raise her as my own, of course she'll know Mo'at as her grandmother as well. Please" zo'ile begged slightly.
Leyra and Mo'at smiled, Mo'at knew from then on her granddaughter would be loved and cared for from someone other than her. Leyra looked at her old friend
"Mo'at" she asked Mo'at smiled
"As long as you're ok with it my old friend" Mo'at replied
Leyra smiled "she'll be loved, cared for and excepted" Leyra said as they watched At'ok and y/n fell asleep in Zo'iles arms against her chest making her smile
(Something like this)
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(Go look up artsofmetamoor! Love their avatar au)
Mo'at smiled sadly she didn't want to leave her first grandchild but her people really needed her and she knew y/n would have a better life here. "goodbye ma granddaughter I will come visit when I can, and thank you again leyra, zo'ile" Mo'at said getting up
leyra nodded and got up as well followed by zo'ile "of course my friend anything for you" she said hugging the smaller Forest na'vi.
Mo'at nodded and left the hut, zo'ile looked down at her children "mother why would neytiri give up her child?" Zo'ile asked Leyra shook her head
"Sometime na'vi forget the ways we were taught, they think they know best until eywa shows that you're wrong. Neytiri gave the child up because some sharp words spoken by her clan" Leyra said as she looked at her daughter, before walking away to grab crushed up herbs
"The day will come where we will have to tell her but until then, she will be raised the way of our people" leyra said gently rubbed the herd on the baby's head making her giggle in her sleep zo'ile smiled.
"Good night mother" zo'ile said as she walked out of the hut
"Good night ma daughter"
Zo'ile walked into her hut on to meet the chest of her mate Nawmrui.
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"Ma Zo'ile are you and At'ok alright what took so long?" Nawmrui asked before his eyes widden at the sight of the smaller na'vi in his mate and childs arms.
"Ma Nawmrui, Mo'at had came by for a visit and she brought her granddaughter. Neytiri and her mate didn't want the baby, when I laid eyes on her I felt the great mother telling me to take her in as my own." Zo'ile said holding the baby's close
Nawmrui slowly got down on his knees to see the baby clearly, y/n had opened her sleepy eyes before giggle and reaching out for nawmrui gently placing her hand on his nose.
Nawmrui smiled "Oh great mother has blessed us with not one amazing child but now two. I am blessed" Nawmrui said as he got up and gently hugged his wife and his two children.
The next morning y/n had been introduced to the clan and they watched as y/ns kuru was connected to their spirit tree. The tree grew brighter and the clan was overjoyed to see the newest member of the Dushnikh clan
Nawmrui and zo'ile stared at their two children with nothing but love and care.
If the Sully's didn't want y/n the Dushnikh clan definitely did.
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teratosfavouritesnack · 3 months
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First of all let me introduce myself and my blog.
Hiii, fellow monster lovers and welcome! I'm Näckros and this is my monster friendly (too friendly) side blog where I post any cute or filthy thought that crosses my mind. English is not my first language so if I make any mistakes please tell me so I can improve. I'm a porn with plot type of gal, which means that I tend to set the mood of the story before I get into the smut stuff, so (were)bear that in mind! And on that note, THIS IS A 18+ BLOG SO MINORS, BEGONE 💋
This blog is a safe space for all the weirdos and the delulus who think that they could get railed by werebeasts, minotaurs, orcs, dragons, weird aliens, giants even, and not be ripped in two. The fictional world is amazing precisely because we can do whatever the hell we want in it so let's forget the realistic technicalities while we're here, yeah? Let's allow our imagination to run free and enjoy what it comes up with. Let's be degenerates together. <3
My ask box is always open - you can send questions or open discussions about any theme regarding monsters; you can send requests of monsters you'd like to read a story about; you can send suggestions, share your own fantasies, recommending books, movies, videogames, other blogs; you can also send me feedback on things I've written (it's always highly appreciated and motivating). I do not put any limits - If I don't like something, I will simply not answer.
My DMs are also always open for anyone who wants to chat and become mutuals, but please be patient with me if I'm late to answer. I swear I'm not ignoring you, I'm just anxious + lazy + unable to manage time but also always doing something, which could be either writing stories for this blog, or fanfictions for my main blog or making digital art for my art side blog. So yeah, I won't always be avaliable, nor will I post daily on here.
I have a Ko-fi where you can leave tips if you like what I write and you want (but mostly, can) support me. I write for my own enjoyment of course but I'm a jobless student and money unfortunately is scarse. So even just a small tip as a 'thank you' can help me.
What else can I add?
That being said, enjoy your stay and thank you for following this weirdo here and enjoying the products of her weird mind 💜
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SFW | scenarios - imagines - fics
Cold Hands -> vampire boyfriend x afab!human
Nighttime Muse -> vampire boyfriend x human
Meet Cute -> minotaur x human - more about this
Accidental Summoning -> demon-like creature x afab!human
Bouncer in Love -> [part 2] - [part 3 coming soon] werebear bouncer x afab!human
Death in Childbirth -> dragon husband x afab!human
Cat and Mouse -> werepanther biker x afab!human
NSFW | scenarios - imagines - fics
Period Tracker -> werewolf boyfriend x afab!human
The Lover -> [part.2 coming soon] unknown monster x afab!human
First Date with BFF -> werewolf x human
Ready For His Cock -> minotaur boyfriend x afab!human
Big Bad Wolf -> werewolf boyfriend x human
Well-Fed Cat -> cat hybrid boyfriend x afab!human
Tests Subjects -> werebear x human [longer fic coming soon]
Prankster -> [part 2] ghost x afab!human
Pouncing Panther -> werepanther husband x human
Dirty Hobby -> roommate!werewolf x afab!human
Wet for the Doctor -> gyno!lizard man x afab!human [longer fic]
Tavern Orgy -> multiple monsters x fem!human
Companionship in the Labyrinth -> minotaur x afab!human
Cow Dreams -> alien x afab!human
Helping Hand -> centaur x human
Ishtà-kurme -> husband!orc x chubby!fem!human x husband's sons
Jack of all Trades -> robot x afab!human
Search #teratosnack's poll for all the polls I made
Search #monster art or #terato art for the beautiful art I reblog
Search #teratosnack for all my stories
Search #snack answered; for my answers to your asks
If you click on the 🪷 you can find under every post I write, you will be brought here, directly to the Masterlist.
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Credits to @ anitalenia for all the dividers I use for my posts 🫶🏻
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spacebarbarianweird · 5 months
I love the troupe of finding Astarions parents. Can I ask for a request of Tiriel and Alethaine running into an elven woman at a market who looks suspiciously similar to Astarion please? If not that’s totally cool!
Past Grief
Synopsis: There were years when Sylenn Ancunin was happy, but ever since her only son died her life as been all mysery and sorrows. And now she meets a young elf who reminds her of what she lost.
Tags: hurt\comfort, dadstarion, astarion's mother
The fic is set a few months prior The Dhampirs of the Sword Coast
Alethaine's age - 24-years-old
Thanks @themadlu for beta-reading! Thank you for being the fastest reader in the wild west!
Read on AO3
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There were years when Sylenn Ancunin was a warrior.
She was a fighter, one of the many protectors of Evereska. 
There were years when she was a scholar, diving deep into the secrets of elven history.
There were years when she was a mother and a wife – but those decades disappeared into oblivion, a true curse of elven existence.
It’s all gone.
Her first child –  a girl –  died when orcs ambushed one of the elven towns. Sylenn was still young and the very idea she could overlive her own children sounded unreal. They were elves, not humans! Their children didn’t die unless mortal danger came for them.
But orcs smashed Sylenn Ancunin’s baby daughter against the wall and the elf would forever remember how she held a lifeless body whose every bone had been broken into tiny pieces.
She got pregnant again – sixty years later. Her husband and Thiramin assured Sylenn everything would be fine. Everything… But three human mages killed him, and her sorrow caused Sylenn to miscarriage. Another rare thing for Tel'Quessir. Still weak and bleeding, she put her heavy armor on and avenged them both, slaughtering the cursed wizards like livestock. 
Then, she buried her Thiramin and returned to Evereska, to her home, where at last she was among her own kind.
A century passed, slow and peaceful. She married again – never did she love Caeldrim as much as she did her Thiramin. But he was a good friend and partner, and Sylenn was happy by his side. 
The only thing she truly wanted back then was to conceive a child. She wanted to become a mother, she wanted this gift she had been deprived of twice.
Sylenn prayed to all of the elven gods. Corellon, Hanali, Sehanine, Naralis…Each of them.
Until one day, instead of a reverie, she had a dream. A silhouette weaved of light placed a small star in her hands.
The gods gave her a child.
… Now, centuries later, Sylenn fears and waits for those memories when she reveries. The moment the healer placed a newborn boy in her hands.
Astarion. Her little star.
He was born with curled silver hair and when he was a child he resembled a dandelion. Sylenn remembers Astarion was a crybaby, always demanding her attention. He wanted his mother to hold him, to carry him around their house. And, should he have a nightmare or some ghostly shadows of his past lives haunted him, he came straight to her, eyes puffy, lips quivering. Sylenn would lull him back to sleep but rarely carried him back to bed.
The boy had the temper of a human, and Caeldrim joked that some of their ancestors must have bedded a N Tel'Quessir. Sylenn’s son was smart and brave, and if she couldn’t find him anywhere, it meant he was in a library – learning new things, new languages, new facts.
Or he could have been in the hills, if the sun shone brightly. Caeldrim’s mother called her grandson Sunflower – for he sometimes would spend hours just standing in the sun enjoying its warmth. 
Sylenn taught Astarion to fight. A longsword. Daggers. All possible weapons. She often took him outside Evereska to show him the world behind the elven realm.
It fascinated him.
Sylenn knew Astarion would leave to see the world soon enough. When she would see him again, he would be an adult – and she wished his childhood would last just a little longer.
It didn’t.
Her baby boy grew up. A beautiful elf whose eyes were green like the hills of Evereska and whose hair was the color of moonlight.
There is another memory Sylenn is afraid to re-live.
The last time she saw Astarion. 
He was twenty-four. Fully-grown. Handsome and beautiful, taller than other elves, with hands almost as strong as a human’s. 
Astarion was standing in front of her in his traveling armor and Sylenn couldn’t take her eyes off him. 
“I will be fine, o’si,” he told her. “Besides, you taught me so well, I could put up with a devil in a fight!”
“Don’t be stupid, Astarion” she tiptoed and kissed his forehead. “Pity, I didn’t finish the circlet I wanted to give you.” She pointed at the unfinished twisted rope-like headwear adorned with a little star. 
“You can finish it by the time I get my adult name.” Astarion kissed her cheek. 
And he left. Sometimes in her reverie, Sylenn wants to cry and beg her only son to stay. Besides, not all adult elves leave their homes! Some stay where they were born.
Her Astarion disappeared. That wretched city he went to study murdered him and no one could even tell her how it happened. 
After eighty years of receiving no message from him, Sylenn left Evereska one last time and traveled to the West.
To find her son’s grave.
They even buried him like a human – and Sylenn wanted to dig the grave with her bare hands. Her son didn’t deserve to rot in the ground but all strength left Sylenn and she spent a day curling in the graveyard until a guardian came to check on her and took her to the inn.
With the years, Sylenn accepted what happened. Besides, there are fates much worse than death.
Her son could have been cursed. Or turned into an undead. At least she knows he sleeps peacefully in his grave and maybe if the gods allow she will meet him in their afterlife.
Sylenn Ancunin never returned to Evereska. She came to Neverwinter, found her youth friend, a gnome paladin, and asked him to give her a place in his adventuring guild.
At least dying in battle is better than rotting in her own misery.
A reeking scent of death lingers over the cave and Sylenn curses. This part of the dungeon disgusts her, and if it wasn’t for her mission she would have already returned to the surface. 
“Well, they told us ‘dead or alive’,” the Dragonborn by her side chuckles and points at a dead human prince whose body is torn in two. 
“We need to find the map,” Sylenn sits on a boulder. “I am too old to wear armor.”
“You are not old,” the Dragonborn laughs. “You are what, only a millenia?”
Sylenn cringes. Well, is there any difference between being five hundred years old and a millenia? 
“Almost,” Sylenn says. The warrior looks at her with awe – and she knows how she looks in his eyes.
A forever young woman with long silver hair and a pair of emerald green eyes. Delicate and thin but in the full set of heavy armor. Other races in Faerun don’t care how old elves are.
“Let’s set up a camp somewhere it doesn’t stink. And where the fuck is Irbis?”
Sylenn decides she isn’t going to take off her armor. Who knows what killed the prince? And they need the map that leads to the secret dungeons of the Dark Elves. The lord of Gauntlgrym won’t be happy if the party comes back empty-handed – and with his dead son’s body.
“He must have found a whore to spend the night with and forgot about us,” Selynn says. She has never liked Irbis – the human man cares only about ale and gold and would sell all of his companions for a good pact with a devil.
“You have a dirty mouth for an elf,” the Dragonborn notices.
“I’ve been through such shit within my lifetime I have every right to swear like a drunken dwarf.”
Whatever the Dragonborn wants to say next is interrupted by loud steps.
“And who am I supposed to talk to?” A young woman demands and her voice echoes through the cave.
“This one” Irbis answers, letting a stranger approach the corpse.
Sylenn turns her head.
She sees a young woman in a black traveling armor. Her long silver hair, so common for Moon elves, is braided. 
“This is Alethaine,” Irbis announces. “She is going to talk to that… body. So good I’ve met a necromancer in these lands!”
Alethaine yawns.
“Good morning.”
“It’s almost sunset,” Sylenn says.
“It’s morning when I wake up,” Alethaine bites her lower lip. “Alae, etriel,” she adds in Elven.
Sylenn meets the necromancer’s eyes and feels a wave of uneasiness. 
The girl looks like an elf. Pointy ears, slim and delicate body. But there is something off about her, as if she pretended very hard to look like Tel’Quessira.
But wasn't one.
“Oh, and they say all dragonborns look alike!” the Dragonborn laughs. “Look, Sylenn, you could have been sisters!”
“She looks nothing like me!” Sylenn whispers as quietly as she can. Alethaine’s ear twitches and Sylenn realizes the necromancer can perfectly hear her. “Besides, there is something… strange about her!”
“My mother is half human,” Alethaine says looking at the mutilated corpse. “Maybe, this is what bothers you?”
As if there were such a thing as a pure-blooded elf, Sylenn thinks. No, it’s something else about her that makes the old elf shiver.
“We are so lucky to find someone who can talk to the dead!” Irbis announces. “I entered the tavern, no hope to help the cause and that… that young woman was beating a cleric of Lathander with a book.”
“My dad taught me to beat the shit out of perverts who eye me out,” Alethaine casually says. ‘Hope the bastard has a concussion.”
“I think you broke his spine.”
“Even better!” Alethaine sits beside the corpse looking at the body with such tenderness as if it was a child or a cute animal. “Who is going to ask the questions?”
The Dragonborn pushes Sylenn forward and the warrior approaches. No, the body doesn’t disgust her.
It’s the young elf who scares her. 
“Only five questions,” Alethaine says, puts her arm to the dead man’s chest, and mutters a spell. The corpse stirs and its eyes glow green.
Sylenn has witnessed death. But necromancy is so unnatural and disgusting that she hates the very idea of the prince's body being violated this way.
“Where is the map?” Sylenn asks.
The corpse is silent. 
“You asked it the wrong way,” Alethaine says.
“Where is the map to the Dark Elves’ lair?”
“They burned it.”
“Fuck. Who?”
“The one who killed us,” the corpse says.
“Who killed you? And where is the lair?!”
“I don’t know.”
Alethaine grabs Sylenn’s hand. “You have one question left!”
“Who killed you?!”
And the corpse goes silent.
“Very informative,” Ibris mutters.
“You still have to pay me!” Alethaine says. “Ask better questions next time!”
Sylenn pulls away. Everything is lost. They better run to the town and warn than the Dark Elves will probably try to attack them soon enough…
“Watch out!” Ibris yells.
A shadow detaches itself from the walls and pierces the human with its claws. Blood spills on the stones
Sylenn grabs her sword. The whole place bursts with movement. Shadows, screeching and wailing, surround them. The Dragonborn falls and Sylenn knows he is already dead.
“Oh fuck…” Sylenn mutters.
Alethaine jumps on her feet. 
“Do something!” Sylenn yells but the shadows surround Alethaine threatening to destroy the young necromancer with necrotic damage.
But instead…The claws don’t hurt her, as if she was an undead. Alethaine looks pissed and angry as if someone spilled her ale in the tavern. She pushes Sylenn away from the shadows and despite all the heavy armor, the elf feels herself thrown away like a kitten.
“OBEY” Alethaine orders. “BEGONE!”
The shadows curl around her. Sylenn thinks the creatures don’t understand why they can’t hurt the weird woman. 
Her eyes glow green. 
The last thing Sylenn remembers is the shadows running right through her.
Sylenn wakes up her head upside down. She notices a narrow pathway below her and also the fact someone is carrying her on their shoulders.
In a full heavy armor set.
“Easy money, easy money,” Alethaine mutters. “You, guys, didn’t even have loot I could scavenge! It seems like these are bad times for adventuring finances, am I right?”
Alethaine carries Sylenn as if she were a child. More than that, her sword and bow were still on her and it seemed like the necromancer couldn’t care less about the weight.
The sun still shines in the skies and Sylenn suppresses the irrational fear the girl is a vampire. 
“Since you woke up, etriel, where to go next?”
“I’m Sylenn. Don’t call me etriel, I am not a noble.”
“All right, even better! So, where?”
… Alethaine finds Sylenn’s house when it’s already dark. She opens the door with her leg and the loud slam echoes through the empty streets.
Then, the necromancer gently places the wounded fighter on the bed and stretches like a lazy cat.
“You are wounded,” Alethaine says. “Do you have bandages?”
Sylenn tries to get rid of her armor but can’t. All her body aches and she realizes she has a burning wound on her stomach.
“Stay still,” the necromancer orders and starts to unlace the straps.
“Do you know how to do it?” Sylenn wonders. “Or you only tend the dead?”
“My mother is just like you. Constantly comes home in her armor and it’s just meat and blood under it. I’ve learned to tend wounds at a very early age. Well, she doesn’t wear heavy armor - says it restrains her in a fight”
“So your mother is a berserker?”
“She prefers ‘barbarian’ but yes.”
Sylenn relaxes and allows Alethaine to bandage the wounds. Another wave of fear passes through the elf when she notices how the necromancers lick her lips at the sight of blood”
 “What are you?” Sylenn asks. 
“What do you mean?”
“You are not an elf but you look like one. Try to act like one. But you can’t lie to the elves, we know you are not one of us. So, I ask you again, Alethaine, what are you?”
Alethaine sits in the armchair looking straight into Sylenn’s eyes. The girl is so fucking pale she could have been a ghost.
Then she opens her mouth.
“What the…” Sylenn elbows. “Are you a vampire?!”
“I am a dhampir. This is much worse! I once bit my dad’s wrists and the flesh wouldn’t regenerate for a month!” Alethaine smiles. “And it’s a little bit offensive considering I saved you.”
Sylenn lies back on the bed. Dhampirs… Half-dead children of vampires. Sylenn thought they were legends.
But one of them sits in front of her. 
“I can leave,” Alethaine says. 
“Don’t be ridiculous. Stay. You’ve saved me. Be… my guest.”
It’s nice to have someone to talk to. Someone who doesn’t see a five-century-old elven warrior in her. Alethaine speaks in perfect elven and curses like a sailor. Her eyes burn as Sylenn tells her about her own adventures and about elven history. As she concentrates on the stories, her eyes glow red and she bites her right thumb.
By the morning Sylenn finally manages to get into reverie – and this one is bitter again.
Her leg is broken in two and she limps returning home. Hunting has gone wrong and she fell from the hill, snapping her delicate bones.
She mutters curses all the way back and then collapses in the armchair.
Then she realizes she isn’t alone.
Astarion, her Little Star, stands in the center of the room, arms wide open. His eyes are closed and a smile lingers on his pretty face. He is only fourteen and he still retains many of his child features, but Sylenn can already see the adult he is becoming. 
He is in the reverie, deep in his own memories – or, maybe, shadows of his past lives. Or ghosts of his future, should he inherit the prophetic gift. 
The sun showers his face in its warmth and Sylenn forgets about pain. 
Her boy, the gift from the gods. 
She just keeps looking at him. 
Until the memory fades away.
Sylenn gets up – her wounds are more or less healed. The elf feels dizzy as she goes downstairs.
And sees Alethaine cleaning the set of armor.
“Good morning, Sylenn,” Alethaine bares her fangs. “You’ve slept like a human.”
“You shouldn’t have…” 
“No worries, I don’t want to go outside. That dick of a Lathander priest is looking for me anyway. It’s not like I can't run away from a halfling but if I can keep a low profile, I should. Oh…” She looks at Sylenn. “Are you all right?”
Sylenn blinks and realizes she’s been crying. “I… am. Bad memories. And good ones.”
“I can listen if you want,” Alethaine implores.
“How old are you?” Sylenn suddenly asks. “You look rather young for an elf to be on her own.”
“I am twenty-four. I just look… smaller. Because I am a dhampir, you know.”
“Oh, I see… But we rarely let our children go when they are younger than twenty-five. Though, I let mine.”
“I was raised in a human village, and my mother is half a human…And my dad… well, that's a story for another time.”
Sylenn sits down. She rarely talks about her son but for some reason, she feels like she will die if she doesn’t tell her sorrows to that stranger. 
“I had a son. Many years ago. He was your age when I let him go and he died fifteen years later. He was my only one. I still see him when I reverie.”
“Oh,” Alethaine says. “I am sorry.”
Both elves are silent. Alethaine looks out the window.
“You know… I sometimes think that if I die, my parents will never know what happened to me. Or they will decades or centuries later.”
Sylenn bitterly smiles. “We elves think we are invincible. But we are not. Death is a rare guest among us, but there is nothing scarier than an elf burying their child. I lost my daughter when she was four, had a miscarriage – and then my son was just killed. Some clerics even thought I was cursed. Though, almost every human has been through the same shit. That corpse you were talking to is the only son of a local ruler. And he will have to bury him.”
Alethaine is silent. Her face resembles a mask and it’s difficult to decipher her emotions. 
Then the dhampir stands up and hugs Sylenn burying her face in her chest.
“I am sorry, Sylenn. I am sorry for what has happened to you,” she says and her words are sincere. Sylenn allows tears to flow down her cheeks as she strokes Alethaine’s back. 
What are her parents like, Sylenn wonders. Since she is a dhampir, one of them is a vampire. She mentioned her mother, a warrior like Sylenn. But about her father? Do vampires raise their children? Anyway, whoever was responsible for Alethaine’s upbringing did a good job. A necromancer and a dhampir, she saved Sylenn, tended her wounds, and listened to her.
Sylenn makes a mental note to mention Alethaine in her prayers next time. May her parents never have to go through what Sylenn did.
“Well, I suppose I need to flee the town,” Alethaine smiles. “I think I should go to Waterdeep. I can easily mingle with the local weirdos!”
“Thank you, Alethaine,” Sylenn smiles. “I am sorry for being rude”.
“I got used to elves staring at me as if I were a doppelganger.”
“I-I don’t have money to pay you,” Sylenn gets up. “But I want to.”
Sylenn goes to the basement. Turns off the protecting sigils and takes a small chest out of its hiding place.
“I want to give you something,” Sylenn returns to the room. She places the chest on the table and opens it.  “When my son said he would leave me with the first snow, I decided to make him a parting gift” Sylenn takes out a circlet. “But I was no artisan and I didn’t finish it. I was supposed to give it to him when he would return to receive his adult name…”
“But he never did,” Alethaine finishes. 
“I finished the circlet anyway but I had no one to give it to. I don’t have children, I will never have grandsons and granddaughters. And this thing just lies here reminding me of what I’ve lost.”
Sylenn takes the precious circlet and crowns Alethaine’s head. The circlet fits her perfectly and suits her hair. The small star is placed in the center of her forehead. 
“You can’t give it to me,” Alethaine mutters.
“I can. Take it. It’s yours. Things are made to be used. You are a beautiful young woman, wear it. Besides, I don’t think you’ve had a lot of elven adornments.”
Alethaine looks at the mirror and smiles baring her fangs. Sylenn chuckles: maybe this one is half-dead and a necromancer, but a girl is a girl.
“Thank you, Sylenn.”
“But don’t you dare sell it. If you do, I will find you,” Sylenn threatens.
“I wouldn't even think about it!”
Sylenn hugs Alethaine again. “Uluvathae, Alethaine.”
“Uluvathae, Sylenn.”
Alethaine goes outside and soon disappears in the dark.
Sylenn is alone again. Suddenly, she feels like pieces of her sadness have gone, as if Alethaine somehow took them away. Well, Sylenn isn’t old – she has centuries of life ahead.
Maybe it’s too early to bury herself.
She is going back to Evereska. Her husband, Caeldrim must have died already, he was much older than her – so she needs to pay respects to him. And then… Then she will decide what to do next.
Sylenn has the next reverie on the road to the east. She hopes it will be something neutral, something that won’t harm her soul but the memories are merciless to the elf.
Sylenn enters the library. Her mind is preoccupied with the news about Yuan-ti’s attacks on the elven settlements. Fucking serpents need to learn Tel'Quessir had been here before them and will stay when the snake become ashes. 
“Thinking of the snakes again, o’si?” Astarion asks.
He is nineteen, still an adolescent, not an adult. He reads a book on human laws and customs and bites his right thumb as it helps him to concentrate.
“Is there something about them in these books of yours?”
“No. Did you know that humans have so many laws about inheritance and burial?” Astarion flips the page. “Listen!”
Sylenn tries not to show that those things sound boring to her. History, that’s where her interests lie. But Astarion is so enchanted with all these articles and small details and many differences between the tribes and cities of humans that she listens.
At least, she can reverie to hear his voice again.
Sylenn wakes up crying again. She looks at the starry sky and sniffs.
Weird, she later thinks that the necromancer, Alethaine, was biting her right thumb the same way Astarion did centuries ago.
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Stay Safe
Pairing: Haldir x Reader
Summary: Reader is attacked by orcs that sneaked into Lorien, but Haldir comes to her rescue.
Words: 1252
Warnings: there is a fight, so mentions of that, but nothing graphic
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It happend when you and Haldir had been married for atleast hundred years. He was out, patrolling around Lorien, making sure you home was safe, when a few orcs managed to sneak in.
You were on your way back from an afternoon tea with your parents Galadriel and Celeborn when you ran into them.
Most afternoons the sun shone so beautifully through the tops of the outer trees that you were happy to take a few detours. But you were still inside the safety of Lorien. Otherwise it would have been far too dangerous to walk all on your own.
The shimmering of the leaves always inspired new ideas for songs and poems in your head, which is why your curiosity drew you that way again and again.
On that day you were walking under the treetops as usual, when suddenly something bumped into you from the side and knocked you to the ground.
Confused, you looked up and what you saw made you feel nauseous. With fear. For in front of you stood several orcs with raised weapons.
How did they find a way through Lorien's defences? Had they already hurt someone? Would they hurt you?
Your heart pounding, you scrambled to your feet and stumbled a few steps back.
It wasn't that you couldn't fight, on the contrary, you had learned to use swords at an early age and Haldir had only recently shown you how to use a bow and arrow. However, you had no weapons with you and there were several orcs and you were not sure if you could take them on, even if you tried or were less afraid.
While your mind was racing, the orcs managed to block the path you had just taken to your home.
All you could think about was how much you wanted to see your husband now. Haldir would cut down the orcs in a matter of seconds.
And then an idea came to you. The direct border of Lorien was not too far away, so if you were lucky you could make it, and maybe even lead the orcs away from the other elves. So you ran.
A few times your feet buckled and branches and leaves cut into your face and arms, but you just kept running, ignoring the pain. You had no choice. It would not have been wise to stop. Not when you could hear that the orcs were still following you.
Soon a group of elven warriors came into view, standing not far away.
In the middle you could make out someone you would recognise among thousands. Your Husband, Haldir.
"Haldir!" you shouted loudly to alert them as quickly as possible.
At first he looked surprised to see you, then worried because you normally did never visit him when he was out on patrol, and when he saw the orcs behind you he reached for his bow.
"Don't worry, Meleth nin, I'll help you!" he called as he ran towards you.
Only seconds after, a precisely aimed arrow whizzed past you and, judging by the sound, brought down an orc. More arrows, shot by the other elves, followed.
When Haldir finally reached you, he immediately wrapped an arm around your waist to pull you close.
"Are you okay?" he asked quietly, waiting for you to nod before shouting orders to the others. Soon they had killed all the orcs and you felt yourself exhale with relief.
Haldir's other arm also found its way around your body and he buried his face in your hair. You felt his warm breath ghost over your scalp, making your skin tingle.
"I'm glad nothing happened to you," he whispered and hugged you a little tighter, "I'm sorry. We- we probably missed something." He broke away from the embrace and only now did you see the tears that were running down his cheeks.
"If something would have happened to you then- then- "
"Hey," you interrupted him gently, taking his face in your hands, "none of this is your fault. These orcs probably planned this for a long time. No one could have foreseen that they would target Lorien of all places."
"But," He looked a little exasperated," in all my time as- well, it never- "
You just shook your head. "A short while ago, my mother told me she had heard that darkness was rising again in Mordor. It is not something we could have prepared for so quickly." You leaned forward to press your forehead to his. He usually tried to avoid too much romantic affection in public, but in a situation like this it was different. He had no intention of pushing you away. "Please do not blame yourself, Meleth nin."
He kept his forehead pressed against yours for a while until he finally stepped back and turned to his brothers Rumil and Orophin who were standing only a few steps away.
They both looked at you worried, as you had become very good friends with them since you and Haldir had started courting.
"We need to walk all the areas of the border again and see if we really- " Haldir began, but Orophin raised a hand to silence him.
"I know you only want what's best for Lorien, but," he nodded towards you, "your wife needs you now, brother. Rumil and I can handle this. You take care of her."
Haldir looked a little uncertain, but in the end he nodded. One of his arms was still wrapped around you, and he only broke away from you when you were in the safety of your home.
Only now did you realise how lucky you had been. Although you usually knew almost exactly where Haldir was on his patrols, it was still luck that you had found him so quickly. In your panic, you could have accidentally run in the wrong direction, until at some point you would have been unable to run any further.
You felt something soft press gently against your cheek and pull you out of your thoughts. You looked up and saw Haldir looking at you with a soft expression in his eyes. "I will just clean the deepest scratch on your cheek," he said, "do not worry, you will feel much better in a moment."
When Haldir had carefully examined every scratch on your face and arms, he gently pulled you into the bedroom and made sure you lay down carefully.
"Haldir," you chuckled softly, "I have only a few scratches. I am not badly hurt."
He gave you a serious look and immediately the smile faded from your face.
"But you could," he said sternly. "Why were you out on your own in the first place? From now on you should only go with an escort. If it gets any more dangerous, then- " he interrupted himself and gave you an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, Meleth nin, I- I just don't want anything to happen to you because I love you so much."
"I know." You whispered, patting the space on the bed next to you, "Come on, lie down with me."
Haldir slowly eased himself under the warm blanket, nestling beside you. As he settled in, he immediately drew you close to him, wrapping his arms around you and pressing you tightly against his warm and comforting chest. One of his hands caressed your back with a soothing motion, while his other hand gently ran through your hair.
"Sleep well," he whispered," I love you."
"I love you too." You whispered back.
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rs-hawk · 9 months
I feel like FtM monsters are pretty rare, even in the admitely niche context of trans monsters
I love FtM monsters. My favorite FtM piece I’ve done is this piece about an Orc Husband! I’ve only done a handful here but I’ll definitely be doing more, including this post.
You had grown up hearing the stories about the cannibalistic demon who lived in the mountains. A giant as tall as three men, with the strength of ten. He would snatch you up and eat you, cooking you into a stew and using your bones as tooth picks. The stories made you shudder, but they never stopped you from exploring.
You decided to go hiking in those mountains, and a long hike turned into an overnight camping trip, where you took refuge in a cave. You giggled to yourself as you thought about how the stories talked about a young woman getting trapped in a cave and having to rely on a God to save her from Átahsaiais. As the memories of the way the stories sounded coming from your grandmother’s lips filled your head, you drifted off to sleep.
When you were woken up, it was still dark out, but there was a sort of pounding sound coming from outside. It sounded like foot steps. Suddenly, you were glad you had forgotten a flashlight. Crawling on your belly, trying to be quiet and remain out of sight, you approached the mouth of the cave. Just outside, you saw a monstrous sight.
A creature that was so tall that it was blocking much of the moonlight. Gray, stringy hair that fell in thick ropes down his knobby and cracked skin. You swallowed back a stunned cry as his head turned, catching you in his line of vision.
You were frozen in place, and while you knew if you scooted back you would be out of his reach, you couldn’t move. Átahsaiais. A true monster amongst monsters.
With a large hand, he swiftly pulled you out of the cave, his breath making you cringe and he brought you up to his face. “Human,” he said in a growl that send shivers down your spine. “Woman. Why are you here?”
You swallowed hard before babbling about your hike. How you stayed out too late. Started it too late in the day. You just wanted to get some sleep before going home. Fat tears rolled down your face as you choke back sobs and he just… laughed. He set you down, your knees trembling so badly you almost fall.
“You will be caught by much worse than me if you stay out here,” he said, his voice rough like the way boulders sound when they start to fall.
You were unsure, but the sound of a howl ripping through the air made you jump closer to him. He chuckled as he curled a large hand, nearly the size of your entire body, around your torso to guide you. Soon enough you’re in his home, now a warm and well lived in cottage. You expected something more… terrifying.
He sat you down, pushing a cup of hot water into your hands before he disappeared behind a curtain of beads, seashells, and gemstones. He grumbled out a good night and told you to sleep wherever you like out there as the swinging curtain slowed. You felt relieved but also oddly disappointed. He was supposed to be a man eating monster and, what? He saved you from wolves, brought you to his home, and then decided to go to bed and offered you to sleep as well?
After a little while, with the fire dying down, you decided to at least sneak a peek at what his room is like. You imagined it being decorated with the bones of his victims and enemies, but it wasn’t. Instead, where you expected skulls and bones, there were vines that hung from the ceiling, with blooming flowers. A small hole in the wall, functioning as a window, had a bird’s nest tucked away in it.
You couldn’t decide how you felt as you slipped deeper into the room. The sounds you heard as you did you attributed to the small hole once you saw it, until you saw Átahsaiais on his bed. Two of his large, rough fingers were pushing in and out of his dripping cunt as his other hand teased and played with his t-dick.
Your mouth watered as you watched the way his chest heaved, his thick, gray, porcupine quill like hair splayed around his head- his eyes clenched shut with his mouth slightly open. Of their own accord, your feet took you to his bed. That was when you hesitated, but a sharp intake of breath from him told you he was close, and you wanted to help so badly that you couldn’t explain it.
You crawled between his legs, finally admitting your presence to him. His fingers and hand faltered for a moment before you fixed your mouth around the tip of his t-dick, struggling a bit with how much thicker it is than a regular human cock.
“Little Human,” he grunted slightly, his hand twitching at the base of his t-dick before he slid it to the back of your head, encouraging you to take more of it down your throat.
When he came, you couldn’t help but moan in excitement. It felt so good to know you’d helped him. A wet spot had formed between your own legs, which clearly hadn’t gone unnoticed by him. In seconds, he had you pinned to his bed made of feathers and animal hides, his hands easily ripping off your pants before his fat tongue eases inside of you.
You see stars. His tongue itself was bigger a than a human’s cock, and the way he coaxed orgasm out of orgasm out of you made you realize why he was called a man eater.
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1,2,7,8 with a warrior orc who is battle-ready and about to set off to war, leaving behind his pregnant human wife
https://itstheendofthegoddamnworld.tumblr.com/post/663839364948918272/monstobermonster-sentence-starters-nsfwsfw - Monster sentence starters
1) I’m worried you won’t come back to me.
2) I’m not afraid.
7) Please don’t leave me.
8) I want to keep you safe here.
“It is set in stone by the Chief. I cannot ignore his call.”
“You can’t possibly think of leaving so soon,” your pleas fell on silent ears, for the burly stoic orc was more stubborn to hear the sound of bloodshed than your words. “You will leave us now? Please, if not for me, but for our child. Please don’t leave me.”
The warrior was a foot taller than you, eyes calm with little to know what he was thinking. His demeanour changed when he held a battle axe in his hand. “It is my destiny to fight. A hundred battles is never the same as seeing you once more.” His touch was gentle, careful as he caressed your cheek.
You leant into his warm touch, his calloused hands were the reminder to you of the love you shared, and of the love you were growing. Your belly had swelled until you could barely see your feet, and you grew sluggish with the days passing, knowing the babe would come one day.
It was not the birth you feared, but of the one you had married for love, not duty. It was no surprise to you when you told him your worries, that you realised what you feared the most.
“I’m worried you won’t come back to me.
Your orc husband had softened at your words when he kissed you, as reassuring as the hand atop your belly.
“I’m not afraid,” he spoke, kissing your forehead. “For the Gods would not be able to keep me away from you, nor our babe. I fear no death, and you shan’t fear for me.”
“I want to keep you safe here,” he was kissing your belly with the growing child inside, and your heart leapt from his words. “and I will continue to do so when I return.”
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thelordofgifs · 1 year
the fairest stars: post v
The "Beren and Lúthien steal two Silmarils" bullet point AU is into its fifth post! Masterpost with links to all previous parts on tumblr (and on AO3, although that's lagging behind) here.
Part the twenty-sixth! The problem of Dorthonion.
Maedhros sends a letter to Beren.
I know you left Dorthonion long ago, he writes. But I fear Sauron may use his position there to attack Hithlum from the south. Have you any thoughts on how we can defend ourselves?
He includes his gracious thanks to Beren for returning the Silmaril to him, too, but Beren skims over these.
It was never about the Silmaril, really.
After he has read the letter twice over he sets it down with a troubled look and goes for an hours-long walk.
"Is Beren upset?" Túrin wants to know. "He said he'd play Dagor Bragollach with me."
Lúthien does not miss how tight the skin around Morwen's eyes go, hearing that.
"I don't know, dear," she says carefully. "He should be back soon. If not, I will play with you instead, one of the games we used to play when I was a girl before the Sun first rose."
Túrin seems to accept this as a compromise. He goes off to talk to old Sador while he waits.
Lúthien glances at Morwen, who is putting away the luncheon-dishes, having politely rebuffed Lúthien's offer of help. "He does not mean to make light of it," she says. "The battle, I mean. He is only a boy."
"I know that," Morwen says, rather sharply. Then she seems to regret her tone, for she takes a breath and says, more mildly, "So Maedhros Fëanorion is interested in Dorthonion, now?"
"It seems so," says Lúthien. "It would certainly be dreadful if a land which so many people love so well were to be turned into a stronghold of the enemy."
(The memory of Tol-in-Gaurhoth haunts her yet. Finrod loved that tower, once.)
"Well, yes," says Morwen. "But it already has been, has it not?"
Lúthien looks at her in surprise. "And so we must strive to retake it, surely," she says. "It is the land of your girlhood too! Do you not wish to see it restored?"
"Dorthonion is lost just as surely as my girlhood is," Morwen says firmly. "There is no use in mourning it."
"There is a use!" Lúthien protests. "If we do not fight, then – then Morgoth wins! It is all our duty to resist him, is it not?"
"Beren gave Dorthonion up," Morwen points out. "Even he could not hold it forever."
Lúthien lifts her chin. "Beren held Dorthonion far longer than anyone could have expected of him," she says. "And he was not wrong to do so."
Morwen just looks tired. "You say you were a girl before the Sun rose," she says. "Sometimes it seems to me you still are."
Lúthien thinks this rather unfair, but to her dismay Beren agrees with his cousin when he returns from his walk – at least insofar as Dorthonion is concerned.
"Let it go, Tinúviel," he says quietly. "Dorthonion is lost."
"And can it not be reclaimed?" Lúthien presses.
But the gaze her husband turns on her is filled with enough distress that she drops it.
"Maedhros does not want to restore Dorthonion," she points out. "Only be aware of its strengths, and how they might be turned against the Noldor."
"True," Beren says, with a sigh. "I can give him that."
He writes back to Maedhros, detailing the geography of his homeland as best he remembers it, the hidden pathways in which orcs might lurk, the high points of Ladros from which attackers can be seen for miles.
"What do you think?" Maedhros asks Fingon, making little marks on one of his maps with the new information.
Fingon is leaning over his shoulder, careful not to be seen touching him.
"We do not have the forces to launch an invasion," he says, with a frown.
"No," says Maedhros; "nor do I think it possible were we to have three times the people we do at present."
Fingon glances at him. "Dorthonion is not Angband," he says. "I do not think it unassailable, at some point in the future."
"Perhaps," says Maedhros, who sounds unwilling to argue. "All the same, Beren seems to think it would be easy enough for Sauron to assault Barad Eithel from the south, should he wish to do so. It would not be wise to leave those paths unguarded."
Fingon chews his lip thoughtfully.
The Noldor of Hithlum are diminished since the Dagor Bragollach, and they can expect little help from other quarters.
He does not want to divide his forces, when the main threat is still Angband in the north.
"The thing is," says Maedhros, "if I am right that Sauron dwells in Dorthonion – or Taur-nu-Fuin, to give it its true name—"
"Dorthonion is its true name," Fingon says.
Maedhros flashes him a smile and carries on. "If I am right"—and it is plain to see that he is sure he is—"then Sauron may not actually be in communication with Morgoth at present. But he will wish to regain the favour he has lost, I am sure. So we can expect attacks on both fronts: but not necessarily coordinated ones."
"That is not a very great advantage," says Fingon.
"But something!" says Maedhros. He looks cheerful. War-talk always brightens Maedhros: he likes to have a problem to turn over. "You might set up an outpost in the Fen of Serech. Our people know those paths better than the orcs do, and they will be able to give us advance warning when the attack comes." His mouth twists wryly. "That might have been enough to save us at Himring."
Fingon sighs. "It would not, as you well know," he says. "But that is good advice, Russo."
Maedhros puts a hand on his arm, a gesture as close to a caress as he dares in this crowded hall. "It is a problem," he says. "I will think on it, and see if I can come up with any better solution."
"Please do," says Fingon; "only, you might talk your ideas over with me, too. You need not solve all our problems alone."
"All right, my King," Maedhros says, with a smile, and his bright eyes follow Fingon as he heads off to begin his duties for the day.
Beren's was not the only letter that arrived at Barad Eithel today.
Do you think, Lúthien writes to Maglor, Morgoth's corruption can never be reversed? Must Dorthonion be nothing but a wasteland full of pestilence for ever more?
I might have thought so, after the Dagor Bragollach, Maglor writes in response, for it seemed to me then that our Doom, so long-delayed, might be catching up with us, and the Valar spoke truly when they said we could avail nothing against Morgoth's might. But you and Beren cut two Silmarils from his crown – so I think there is more hope in the world than we believed.
In that case, answers Lúthien, perhaps it is worth trying to cleanse the land: if not by strength of arms, then by Song, and courage, and hope.
She does not lay the suggestion out plainly, but Lúthien has never been very subtle, and Maglor understands her meaning well enough. You forget, he warns, that even Finrod fell under the Doom of the Noldor, and all his strength in Songs of Power availed him nothing against Sauron. And I his cousin am a Kinslayer. I do not think it is within me to drive Sauron from Dorthonion.
Not alone! is Lúthien's blithe reply. But you would not be alone. Did we not come to an accord: that fate need not bind you forever?
Perhaps that is going too far. Perhaps Morwen was right, and she is just a silly girl, and to hope is childish.
But when Maglor's reply arrives, he writes, I am growing to believe my Oath can be – if not broken, at least dissolved. If we shackled ourselves with words, surely we might un-shackle ourselves the same way. But I know not how, and meanwhile we still only have one Silmaril, and it cannot be held at bay forever.
I know not how either, answers Lúthien, but I think you are right, and moreover that you do have the strength to hold it at bay until we have found a solution. You did so in Menegroth, after all. Do not lose faith.
Maglor wants, very badly, to believe her.
"You write often to Lúthien," his brother observes, one afternoon.
"I think," says Maglor, "she might be a truer friend than either of us deserve."
Maedhros squeezes his wrist affectionately. "Not you," he says. And then, "What do you write to her about?"
"Different things," Maglor says. "Dorthonion. The Oath."
Maedhros looks at him swiftly.
"You cannot deny," says Maglor, "that it is a problem."
"No," says Maedhros, with a sigh. "No, I cannot deny that." He pauses. "What has Lúthien to say about it, then?"
"Only that she does not believe we are bound for ever," Maglor says thoughtfully.
"Káno," says Maedhros, and then he pauses. "I know – you said you did not wish to – but have you thought of asking her again? If she will speak to her father—"
"I have not asked her," says Maglor. Maedhros is standing tense and pensive beside his chair. Maglor leans his head against his brother's side and tries to explain. "Lúthien left her father's kingdom for a reason, Nelyo. I know not if Thingol will even listen to her. And besides—"
"Besides?" Maedhros prompts gently, after he is quiet for a while.
Maglor stares at his fingers. "It isn't the right answer," he says. "I don't know if I can explain why. Yes, that Silmaril does not belong to Thingol, and yet..." He looks up at Maedhros. "But I will ask her, if you command it."
Maedhros takes a sharp step back, and then another. "No. No!" His face is white. He takes a breath and smiles, with noticeable effort. "I am not your lord any more, Káno. Himring is fallen. You need not take command from me."
Maglor does not like the violence of his distress, and still less how swiftly he masked it.
"It was never about Himring, Nelyo," is all he says.
"Then what?" Maedhros asks, his voice low.
Instead of answering Maglor reaches out a hand, and after a moment Maedhros hesitantly comes close enough to touch again.
Maglor twines his fingers with Maedhros' and says, "I really do think there is a way out, Nelyo."
Maedhros manages another smile, and says nothing.
While all this letter-writing is going on we must turn our attention to a city that receives no letters at all (because nobody knows where it is).
Maeglin and his force of Gondolindrim are ready to depart.
"We do not know when the attack will come," Turgon says, "so do not reveal yourselves too hastily. Perhaps you will be able to return to Gondolin unheeded, if all goes well."
Maeglin hesitates. "Of course, uncle," he says smoothly.
He understands Turgon's caution, but he wants his glory! If Turgon will not be there to witness it, he wishes at least for tales of his exploits in battle to be carried home on many admiring tongues, to have all the city saying, Lord Maeglin – no, Prince Maeglin slew a dragon, and Prince Maeglin saved the High King's life, and Prince Maeglin's quickness of mind meant none had fewer losses than the Gondolindrim—
Perhaps Idril will smile to hear them, and favour him with an admiring look.
"I may be sending you forth too soon," Turgon says, troubled. "My brother fears an attack will come, but that does not mean—"
"Father," Idril says quickly, "think of how pointless it would be if the attack came before we were there, and Glorfindel, Rog and Maeglin ended up revealing our presence after everything was already lost. Better that they go now, by the secret ways in the mountains – there is no harm in their waiting there for a time, to see whence the Enemy will attack."
Turgon cannot deny the wisdom of this.
Maeglin can, and does, later. "You just want to get rid of me," he accuses, coming across Idril in the corridors of the King's House later that day.
"I see now why you are named for your powers of perception," Idril says, coolly; "they are mighty indeed."
"I might die," Maeglin says. "Shan't you be sorry then, Idril?"
"I have nothing to be sorry to you for," Idril says.
"You won't even let me leave you something to remember me by," Maeglin says. "I could make you a new foot—"
"We have been over this," Idril says. "I don't want a new foot, or anything else. Leave me alone, Maeglin."
Maeglin looks at her mithril prosthetic with disdain. "You are too sentimental," he says. "I could make you a far better one than that old thing."
"You're arrogant, certainly," says Idril, "but for all your confidence you are not yet the equal of Celebrimbor my cousin – either in the forge or in general agreeableness. If you do come back from all your heroic deeds, try to do so a kinder person. Or, better yet, don't come back at all."
Maeglin glares at her, but Idril walks away before he can respond.
The force sets out the next morning. Turgon sends them with his blessings, and with quiet, grave words of encouragement for the three commanders.
Maeglin and his House of the Mole have been working for some weeks, while the muster progressed, on making hidden tunnels through the Encircling Mountains, leading north from Tumladen to the Fen of Serech. They are not yet finished, but the army will hollow them out further as it journeys, and with all luck they will be able to return from the battle undetected.
It seems to Turgon, now, that he is sending his people – and his sister-son, Aredhel's only legacy! – into a gaping maw of darkness, and he knows not if they will ever return.
"I should be leading them," he tells his daughter, troubled.
Idril puts a hand on his arm, a gesture both stately and affectionate. "You are not doing wrong, Father," she says.
There is a little wobble in her voice. Alarmed, Turgon glances at her to see that there are tears in her eyes. "Itaril! What is the matter?"
Idril smiles and wipes at her eyes. "Nothing," she says quickly, "nothing."
"Are you worried for your cousin?" Turgon asks. "He is very young, I know, to command a whole force."
Idril chokes out a laugh. "Worried! No, I am not worried for Maeglin."
She looks down to where the force, arrayed in shining armour, is beginning to disappear into the tunnel.
Maeglin, slight and proud and dark-haired, is just visible at its head. He pauses to look back at her.
The sun gleaming bright off her golden hair, her chin lifted, her blue cloak whipping about her in the breeze: she is a promise, thinks Maeglin, or a challenge, or a guiding star.
Don't come back at all. Well, maybe he will not – or else he will come back worthy of her.
(to be continued)
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