#songs that altered me on a cellular level
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rubywingsracing · 5 months ago
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, and publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
✨Here’s 10 since I got sent this ask twice! ✨
1. Karma by Sarah Kinsley
2. La Robe rouge by Granville
3. Dinosaur Bones by Stoplight Observations
4. Hills of Fire by Sarah Kinsley
5. Saturn Return by MS MR
6. Run the Credits by Oliver Sim
7. The Walk Home by Young the Giant(my all time fav band)
8. The Heart is a Muscle by Gang of Youths
9. The King by Sarah Kinsley (idk what she put in this one but it’s like crack)
10. Dancing in the Rain by Young the Giant
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themiscyra1983 · 5 years ago
Gender Identity In The 24th Century, As Viewed By Trekkies Named Cass Who Are Me
I’ve been real sick lately - in kind of a health crisis, honestly - and I’ve only recently been coming out of it. It made it really difficult for me to write or to find the presence of mind to keep up with a lot of things, Tumblr included.
But I’m back! I’ve been looking in now and then. I probably won’t try to catch up. And I’ve been easing back into writing by finally putting together the first few chapters of my “Trans Harry Kim” fic. (I need to work on other things, which I will get to.) As part of this, today, I wrote some notes on where I plan to take the fic over time, and then I got on this, which...took longer than I thought and now constitutes the majority of the notes.
Presented for your entertainment, my personal views/working canon on how gender identity is handled in the late 24th Century of the Star Trek universe. Working title: “FUCK THE J’NAII UP THE ASS WITH A PISSED-OFF CAT”. Actual title: “Gender Identity In The 24th Century”. With the caveats noted above.
The State of the Art
Even in the 24th Century (Earth standard calendar), no single genetic, environmental, psychological or other factor associated with gender identity has been definitively identified by any culture on par with the scientific and technological development of the United Federation of Planets. Though routine gestational and neo-natal scans sometimes turn up certain genetic indicators, these are generally not acted upon - at least within the Federation - until a child is old enough to express their own gender identity. In most Federation cultures, this will occur by the onset of puberty, if not before. When a child reveals that their gender identity differs from their presumed gender, standard procedure within Federation cultures is to begin a course of psychological evaluations coupled with hormone blockers to delay puberty. However, full transition is generally not delayed - the Federation lacks the paranoia that attended underage trans people of 21st Century Earth, medicine and psychology have advanced exponentially, and physical transitions can be reversed or performed again if required.
Federation medical technology allows for a complete physical transition into the form the patient finds most comfortable. This is accomplished through a cellular reconstruction matrix. The patient is suspended in a tank of biomimetic gel, and through a series of procedures over the course of a week, their body is altered on the genetic level - this is one of the few exceptions to the Federation’s general ban on genetic engineering. Cosmetic changes may be made if desired by the patient, but are generally minimal; in a sense, the patient is recreated as though they had always outwardly presented as their true gender. Those who fall within established gender groupings are genetically and biologically indistinguishable from cisgender individuals. Barring other medical conditions, trans women can bear and nurse biological children; trans men, similarly, can conceive biological children. Fat deposits, hormonal distribution, and all other biological functions are altered accordingly. In the case of individuals who fall outside their culture’s established gender groupings, their bodies will follow the functions they have chosen in collaboration with their physicians.
Cellular reconstruction can be performed on any sufficiently developed Federation planet and most starbases. The majority of Starfleet and civilian vessels are not equipped for the procedure, though some are, most notably those designed with the long-term residence of families including children in mind. Beyond the borders of the Federation, the available medical and psychological procedures vary.
The following is an incomplete summary of attitudes toward transgender individuals on various homeworlds and among the relevant species, including both Federation and non-Federation cultures.
Contrary to the stereotype, humanity has not become a species of perfect angels, coddled and content in their paradise. Bigotry still exists, but by the 24th Century, that bigotry, where it manifests, is largely turned outward. Vanishingly few human beings object in any way to any element of what the 21st Century would have considered the LGBTQ community; all romantic and sexual interests among consenting adults (including asexuality and aromanticism) and all gender identities are broadly accepted. When homophobia, biphobia, aphobia, or transphobia do manifest, those responsible are shut down hard. Though the LGBTQ community has largely integrated with the broader population and is no longer considered unusual in any way - human sexuality and gender identity are both understood to fall along a relatively even distribution curve - there is still a form of queer culture revived after First Contact. It differs substantially from the pre-warp queer culture that existed prior to the Third World War, but annual Pride festivals remain common, particularly in New York, where the Stonewall Inn still stands as an historic monument.
Transgender individuals are considered widely unremarkable, though self-actualization in any form is considered praiseworthy. Many are open about their history to some degree, but some binary trans people still choose to leave their past behind them, and considering both Federation law and the availability of complete physical transitions, it is easier than ever to do so. Though 24th Century Starfleet considers the use of addresses such as “sir” and “mister” gender neutral, some trans people do quietly object to the practice - as do some cis people, for that matter. Requested exceptions to these addresses are generally accepted with no questions asked; though there is a small movement to correct the perceived problem across Starfleet, tradition continues to stand for the time being.
Those with only a child’s understanding of logic might conclude it is illogical to change the physical body to fit the mind, when surely it is far more efficient to ‘repair’ the mind. Surak and the logicians who have followed in his footsteps would disagree. Transgender Vulcans were known even in the pre-logic era, and recognizing the complexity of the issue, even Surak wrote briefly on the subject in the Kir’Shara. Six hundred years later, in the 10th Century of Earth’s standard calendar, the non-binary Vulcan philosopher S’lira wrote what would later become known as The Logical Underpinnings of Gender Identity, still considered a seminal text by all students of Vulcan literature and philosophy, and beloved by trans people throughout the Federation. Vulcans possessed and employed cellular reconstruction technology prior to First Contact with Earth, though they did not share this technology with other cultures - humanity included - until the establishment of the Coalition of Planets, the precursor to the Federation.
Andorians, too, recognize gender variance, though their sense of it is somewhat complicated by the fact that their species recognizes four distinct gender groupings as well as a spectrum between and outside these genders. The specific physiology and biology involved can be complex, and as Andorians and Vulcans were mutually hostile for much of their shared history, it took some time for the Andorians to accept cellular reconstruction technology from their former foe, and longer still for them to adapt it.
For a time, during the 24th Century reproductive crisis, there was talk among the higher levels of Andorian government of suspending cellular reconstruction for transgender individuals, as it was felt that the population needed to stabilize and any form of genetic ‘tampering’ was unconscionable under these circumstances. Though this was a minority view, the suggestion, coupled with rumors of wide-scale genetic manipulation to reduce the Andorian species to two recognized gender groupings rather than four (modeling the “male” and “female” of other species), led to ferocious debate in the halls of power. Fortunately, by 2386, the crisis was resolved through the work of Dr. Julian Bashir and his colleagues.
Unjoined Trill may declare their own gender identities and transition freely. There is no stigma attached to it, and following a physical transition, transgender Trill can still apply to be joined.
There is, however, a taboo around joined Trill transitioning. This is due to two factors: first, the health of the symbiote is considered paramount, and though there are methods of reducing the risk, cellular reconstruction can endanger or at least alter the symbiote as well. Second, in the aftermath of joining, joined Trill must learn to balance their own identities against the memories and identities of their prior hosts. Though candidates for joining are vetted thoroughly, there is still a belief, generally unspoken, that it is possible for one or more prior hosts to so overwhelm the current host that their identity is radically changed. This would be considered a failed joining. In the rare event that a Trill comes out as transgender following joining, the Symbiosis Commission becomes directly involved in the subsequent evaluation, and can deny requests for cellular reconstruction. Though most such situations have been resolved amicably, there have been a few ugly incidents resulting from the Commission’s decisions.
Prior to the Cardassian Occupation, the gender spectrum was widely recognized and celebrated among the Bajorans. Though most fell within genders analogous to the human concepts of male and female, and agreed with the gender assigned at their births, binary and non-binary trans Bajorans were not unknown. Trans people were viewed as following the calling of their pagh, and declarations of self, as well as physical transitions, were cause for celebration. Many Bajoran poets and religious figures wrote eloquently on the subject of gender identity, and the ancient Song of the Self Discovered has become a beloved text among Federation cultures since the Occupation ended and Bajorans began to trade and communicate with the Federation on their own terms.
During the Occupation, however, much of this fell by the wayside. The Cardassians frequently refused to allow the Bajorans any form of self-actualization, and it was difficult for those Bajorans in hiding, or in the Resistance, to receive the care they would previously have enjoyed. Following the end of the Occupation, the Bajorans turned to rebuilding their planet, and in that light, some viewed cellular reconstruction or other transition care as a frivolous luxury on a planet still prone to famines, disease, and a general lack of resources.
This began to change as the Bajorans gained distance from the Occupation, and successfully repaired the damage done to their world. By the time of Bajor’s long-delayed admission to the United Federation of Planets, transgender Bajorans were once again widely accepted, even if the culture around them had shifted. The Bajoran people continue to work to recover all that they lost, and strive to build a culture that carries worthy traditions forward while rejecting those elements, such as the d’jarra caste system, that no longer have a place in their society.
The J’naii, the native species of the planet which shares their name, are not members of the Federation, though they have had contact and even trade with the Federation in the past. They consider themselves a monogendered species, and do not tolerate any form of gender variance, subjecting those who express any gender identity which does not agree with the prevailing consensus to exruciating psychotectic treatments which most Federation medical professionals decry as brainwashing and torture. This practice has soured relations between the J’naii and the Federation, but the Federation will accept individual J’naii refugees fleeing persecution for their sense of gender identity or general political dissent. There are even some J’naii officers across the gender spectrum serving in Starfleet.
Even in the 24th Century, Klingon culture is often sexist and rigid. Though women can be warriors and serve aboard Klingon vessels, they do not command. Among noble Klingon Houses, the husband controls the House and its assets, while the wife attends to ritual and social matters. In the event of a noble Klingon man’s death, his widow can preside over his House only in narrow circumstances.
As such, Klingon society has a uniquely one-sided - perhaps completely warped - view on gender identity. It is understandable, in their view, for a woman with the heart of a warrior to hear the call to become a man. This warrior must prove himself in glorious battle before physical and social transition is allowed - but it has happened, and Klingons who would be recognized as trans men among other species have risen to high ranks, even commanding noble houses; historians and observers speculate even some Klingon Chancellors once presented as women. Trans men have been recognized in this fashion since the days of Kahless, who had such a warrior among his companions, and prior to the availability of cellular reconstruction technology on Qo’nos, such warriors could live as men without altering their bodies, taking wives and adopting children.
On the whole, Klingon society does not understand why any virile man would wish to become a woman. There is, even among Klingons, such a thing as compassion, and it is not unknown for individual families to take their transgender daughters offworld for treatment. Correcting their personal records is a more complicated matter, and as a result, there is a small population of “orphan girls” allegedly found among the stars and adopted into families grieving their sons. With the proper persuasion, the authorities generally look the other way.
Klingon society does not generally recognize non-binary individuals within their own species. The concept is baffling. Again, it is not unheard of for non-binary Klingons to seek treatment outside the Empire - but they often exile themselves from Klingon society afterward. Some abandon their culture completely; others attempt to preserve a form of their culture in solitude; but generally speaking, non-binary Klingons do not present themselves as such in public if they continue to live within the borders of the Empire.
Gender variance and any accompanying physical transitions are accepted among the Romulans - but there is no escaping the past. Records are meticulously updated and maintained; transgender Romulans are recognized according to their gender identitiy in the present, but their assigned gender at birth, along with all the medical and psychiatric care they have received, are noted in their files. However, though this information may sometimes be brought into play if it seems relevant and the individual has become a target, there is no particular stigma attached to being transgender. Romulan society is largely egalitarian with regard to gender, for all that it is a xenophobic. repressive oligarchy. Men, women, and non-binary Romulans can all be of service to the state, whether in the military, the Tal Shiar, the Senate, or as simple shopkeepers, farmers, or whatever else is required.
The Ferengi readily understand why a female might wish to become a male, but given their extensive cultural misogyny, they have generally forbidden it. Any Ferengi male discovered to have been assigned female at birth will be harshly punished, their physical transition forcibly undone. As a culture, they have no idea why a male would wish to become a female, and non-binary identities are beyond their comprehension.
None of this means it has not happened. Certainly Ferengi women have posed as men in pursuit of better lives, and some assigned female at birth have genuinely been transgender, going offworld to transition not only for the sake of profit but in answer to the call of their inner selves. Some Ferengi assigned male at birth, though it would be considered scandalous, have abandoned the expectations of their society to become the women they know themselves to be. And Ferengi assigned either way sometimes adopt non-binary identities. It often means leaving Ferengi society, living on the edges at best, but even among a people as profit-driven and rigid as the Ferengi, the true self cannot always be denied.
Things have begun to change with the ascension of the Grand Nagus Rom. Ferengi females can now wear clothes, move outside the home, and pursue profit in their own right. Slowly, the concept of non-binary gender identity has been introduced. Though it is a secret between zirself and zir wife Leeta, Rom is in fact genderfluid, sometimes identifying as male, sometimes as female, and sometimes as non-binary. Leeta accepts this truth wholeheartedly, and Rom’s mother Ishka has come around on the matter as well, but even the new Ferenginar would not accept Rom’s circumstances so readily, and so Rom maintains a strictly male presentation when dealing with literally everyone else.
Cardassian society is perpetually paranoid, and has been for some time. Gender variance is widely viewed as weakness, and weaknesses are to be exploited to remove the unfit from power and allow the advancement of those more equipped to deal with reality. Cardassian society officially only accepts the binary genders of male and female, and has not historically allowed transition between them.
This may not always have been the case - some archaeologists have found evidence of more accepting cultures in the Cardassians’ past, before the rise of the military regime that ultimately gave way to the Dominion. When the civilian Detapa Council briefly overtook the government, there was some movement in the direction of greater tolerance, but this was swiftly quashed once Gul Dukat and his Dominion allies took control.
In the aftermath of the Dominion War, the new civilian government has wrought many changes in Cardassian society. As a people, they have begun to rediscover their history, their ancient culture, even their spiritualism. Tolerance for gender variance, among other differences, has been growing. But progress remains slow. The military and the Obsidian Order, in their time, caused damage that may take decades or centuries to repair. For now, transgender Cardassians generally seek treatment offworld and do their best to keep their heads down and their hopes moderated. But there is hope, no matter how long the road ahead.
Literally only the Breen could tell you, and they aren’t talking.
The Dominion
The worlds of the Dominion vary widely in their acceptance of and response to gender variance, though most accept it to some degree and offer some form of transition care. The Federation is now in more constant contact with these planets, and with communication and trade have come cultural changes which are bringing even the more conservative societies around.
The Founders have no actual concept of gender or sexuality beyond the Link. They present in whatever forms suit their needs of the moment.
The Vorta and the Jem’Hadar are so heavily genetically engineered, created to singular purposes, that it is difficult to impossible for them to think for themselves. Federation doctors and anthropologists, with the permission of the Founders, are working to undo the genetic damage and to introduce concepts long since lost among these species, but for the moment, all Jem’Hadar continue to present as male and refuse to admit any feelings to the contrary.
The Vorta consider it blasphemy to alter the bodies given them by the Founders, but male, female, and non-binary Vorta all exist, so that they can interface with any culture regardless of the local views on gender. Among the Vorta themselves, the distinction is meaningless. They are sterile, cannot reproduce without medical intervention, and have been cloned exclusively for longer than any living Vorta can now recall. Their culture is stagnant, their imaginations nearly nonexistent, and they are only slowly beginning to recognize any sense of personal identity.
The Borg Collective
Surprisingly, the Borg recognize gender variance and routinely perform physical transition. The reason has to do with efficiency: gender dysphoria is a condition which inherently complicates the interlink between the drone and the Collective. In allowing a drone’s body to conform to their sense of self, this sense of self can then be subdued. The conscious mind, at peace, can be suppressed and captured within a waking dream, giving the drone over to the Collective. Transphobia and gender stereotypes are irrelevant. All will become one with the Collective and adapt to service them. Dysphoria will be subdued; resistance is futile.
Aboard a Borg ship, genetic reconfiguration can be achieved within any standard regeneration alcove or maturation chamber. Sterilization fields and other necessities can be easily supplied by the ship’s systems. The technology would need to be adapted outside this environment, but as the vast majority of drones live aboard ships, stations, and unimatrices, and treatment is applied as soon as the problem is identified, this concern is generally irrelevant.
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lordterronus · 5 years ago
2. Nationality 24. What was your last dream about 42. What do you daydream about? 45. Your personality type 59. Song you normally wouldn't admit you like. 63. Put your music on shuffle and list first 571. Which fictional character is you? 72. Are you a shipper? List your otps, if so 98. Shapeshifting or controlling time?
Alrighty, let’s run down the list! 
2 - I’m Scottish! 
24 - The last dream I remember was a nightmare about our family’s pet cat. Very weird. What’s weirder is that that’s following a trend of cat-related nightmares. 
42 - Fanfiction. I’m pretty much constantly imagining scenes with my OCs. 
45 - Probably INFJ, though I haven’t actually done a personality test.  
59 - Nothing specific springs to mind, but I kinda like a lot of Taylor Swift’s music, which is definitely different than what I usually listen to.
63 - Apparently, End of Us by No Resolve. It’s a decent song, would recommend looking the band up. 
71 - Ooh, that’s a tough one! The first thing that I could think of would be Sokka from ATLA, but I’m honestly not really sure. (Unless my Self Insert OCs count.) 
72 - Yes, I do enjoy shipping! Some particular favourites of mine include, but are not limited to - Whiterose (Weiss x Ruby, RWBY), Rosegarden (Ruby x Oscar, RWBY), Errink (Error x Ink, Undertale MV), Cream (Cross x Dream, Undertale MV), and there’s plenty more, but this post would drag on for too long if I continued. Suffice to say, I like a LOT of ships. 
98 - Shapeshifting would be a very interesting power to have, especially depending on the exact level of control one could have. Imagine being able to alter your body down to the cellular level. That’s probably too extreme, but I’d still be really happy with just regular shapeshifting. I’d like to try out being the other gender sometime.  Time manipulation would also be cool, but shapeshifting is more fascinating to me. 
And I think that’s everything! Thank you so much for the ask, anon! To be honest, I wasn’t expecting anyone to ask me anything, so this was very nice of you. 
(And also @doodleshrooms, who also aksed. You’re awesome too!) 
Thanks for your ask, and for your time!
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richiey117426-blog · 6 years ago
On-line OGG Converter
Converts MP3 audio format to FLAC. Every time you begin taking part in an ogg file, you have to alter the slider, as a result of some songs sound with a really low volume, while others began all of a sudden so loud and with a very excessive quantity degree? normalize free program to raise the volume wav stage adjust ogg level music editor increase quantity motorola. how one can increase volume ringtones for telephone. increaser for telephones normalize software program audio normalising Apple iOS 5 Java ME Mac OS X. Scale back MP3 Measurement For Cellular. ogg adjuster peak normalization free software the right way to increase the ogg recordsdata volume modify gain. obtain software for set the dimensions of video. free mp4 editor for ringtones audio convertor. the best way to make ogg louder Modify ogg Volume improve achieve of mp4 equalizer converter. Not only music, this FLAC MP3 Converter also functions as a video converter. It supports popular video formats like MP4, MOV and M4V. You'll be able to choose to transform your recordsdata to video or audio. No matter what you select, the conversion is straightforward and quick. And the easy interface won't cause you any confusion. Download and run the Movavi Video Converter set up file, and comply with the on-screen instructions to set up the app. Sound Normalizer and our different merchandise are targeted on offering options to this need; enhance volume audio files mp3 leveling normailze wav. tips on how to enhance the quality of audio. Methods to scale back mp3 file sizes. Free learn how to reduce mp3 dimension on-line. software program for increasing volume in video. mp3gain problems bulk audio quantity adjustment normalizes sound information free equalizer to change sound of mp3. Basically none. Because they know that the distinction between FLAC and excessive-bitrate MP3 or AAC is utterly irrelevant to 99.98% of what you hear in a recording. The entire stuff that matters - the studio, the ungodly-expensive recording equipment, microphones, amplifiers, the engineer on the soundboard, the technique of the recording artist, the headphones the engineer wears when he does the mix - these are immeasurably more necessary to sound quality than a file format. And then, the remaining 10% or so of what you hear comes down to what you play it by means of - the decoding equipment or CD player, the amplifier, the speaker or headphones. Every Home home windows Media Audio Lossless and FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) use lossless compression to cut back file measurement without compromising prime quality. Prime 5 On-line OGG Converter Consider. MP3 Audio Format. Convert between greater than forty totally different audio codecs along with WAV, MP3, OGG, FLAC, MID, UNCOOKED, AAC, AU, AIF, DVF, WMV and so forth. Here is assortment of FLAC Mac Converters for your info. Added participant for the Batch Processor. Improved converting for Mp3, FLAC and Wav recordsdata. Support of Wav files is improved. Fixed bugs and improve interface. FLAC to MP3 is a one-manner converter, which signifies that users can't reverse-convert MP3 information to FLAC. FLAC files are bigger and comprise greater quality audio. The conversion to MP3 permits customers to attenuate file size by sacrificing a bit of audio high quality. For many users, nevertheless, the distinction in sound, particularly when heard by means of headphones, just isn't noticeable sufficient to be cause for concern. What I do is I remaster the original or not too unhealthy files earlier than I put it into a 320Kbps file that sound glorious in an Ipod or my automotive or even in my house sytem with great outcomes In some circumstances its higher than it was before.I believe that format is the best way to go It provides excellent high quality and the files should not too giant.
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naturecoaster · 3 years ago
Coping with Dementia: Understanding the Care Partner Relationship
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Often, when I begin a consulting or training relationship with a care partner for an individual living with dementia – whether that care partner is a family member or a paid professional – I confront an essential misunderstanding in what it is we hope to accomplish.  This happens when people call upon my services with the belief that I am going to teach them some tricks that will make their loved one living with dementia behave as they want them to. It doesn’t work like that.  It never works like that.  Whether it manifests in memory loss, poor judgment, or sensory degradation, the core cause of dementia is change that comes from the slow destruction of the brain on a cellular level; not from internal electrical or chemical “processing errors” that can be altered with psychotropic drugs. Still, there is this deep-seated belief that we can apply medication, some form of persuasion, or some technique of deception that will cause the person with dementia to see the light, stop their nonsense, and return to the manageable person they used to be.  I repeat, it does not work that way because their brain is dying; literally and irreversibly!   Understanding the Care Partner Relationship in Dementia Care The foundational step in dementia care training is to help the care partner understand that their person is not trying to give them a hard time; they are having a hard time.  What they are experiencing is more harrowing, frightening, and lonely than we can possibly imagine.  And we must understand that it is entirely outside their control.  So, we cannot use persuasion, bargaining, trickery, or any other logical process to make them change their behavior.  Rather, we must understand, to the best extent we can, why they are behaving the way they are, then alter our own behavior to avoid the words or actions that make matters worse.  This isn’t easy.  Understanding what is happening to their thinking processes is a deep study that we probably can never master, though we can move toward mastery.  It reminds me of the mystical song by Donovan (am I dating myself?): “First there is a mountain, then there is no mountain, then there is!”  We embark on this learning journey with the belief that we can arrive at a destination where we know how to make our loved one behave.  Then we realize this destination does not exist.  But we continue on, and suddenly, as in the song, a mountain does appear!  We learn that there is a way to achieve less troublesome behavior from our loved one, but it is not the destination we thought it would be.  The path to this different mountain is through changing ourselves.  We learn compassion, we learn to change our expectations, we learn to focus on their abilities rather than disabilities, we learn to validate rather than contradict, and we learn to apply empathy rather than logic.  Most important of all, we learn that our loved one indeed can still change and learn, but they do so through feeling, not thinking.  When we learn to selflessly bring joy, hope, and pleasure to their dark world, they will respond. Melody Beattie, who is arguably America’s foremost expert on codependent relationships, says, “The only person you can change now or ever is yourself.  The only person that it is your business to control is yourself.” This statement is never more valid than when it applies to the relationship between a care partner and their loved one with dementia.  It is not an easy journey, but the results are worth it because we both deserve the best. About Debbie Selsavage Debbie Selsavage is a Certified Trainer and Consultant in the Positive Approach to Care and a Certified Dementia Practitioner.  She authors a monthly column to assist caregivers in coping with Dementia. Her company, Coping with Dementia LLC is dedicated to making life better for individuals living with dementia.  Contact Debbie at [email protected]. Read the full article
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lowcarbnutrients · 5 years ago
6 Ways to Handle Picky Eaters
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When I was a kid, I was a choosy eater. I do not understand if my parents realized it at the time, however whether I liked a meal or otherwise had very little to do with the taste. It was everything about the structure. I instantly recognized if I liked food based upon how it felt on my tongue - grainy, mushy as well as slimed foods did not agree with me and also would instantaneously trigger my gag response. I would commonly choose about whether I liked a food or not just by checking out it.
Now that I'm a parent myself, I have actually been honored with a particular eater of my own. I say honored, half joking (any type of moms and dad of a choosy eater understands most of the time handling a fussy eater is a curse). In my case though, parenting a choosy eater is a bit of a blessing. Having been a fussy eater myself has given me an one-of-a-kind insight right into the mind of a kid that is mindful concerning food as well as has given me the tools for exactly how to overcome this parenting hurdle.
Most children have a "point" that is making them choosy. For some it might be that they hesitate to eat foods that are a particular colour (for several youngsters this is environment-friendly), others are sensitive to appearance (like I was) and some do not like various sorts of food mixing or touching (my little girl fits into this classification).
As I grew up, my texture level of sensitivity slowly began to disappear and also I outgrew my choosy eating. I'm now a fairly adventurous eater and also make a great section of my living from establishing dishes for my internet site as well as mentor family-friendly food preparation courses in my community.
Two years ago I made "dominating the pickies" a priority in my house. While we have not formally claimed "bye bye" to the pickies, my little girl has ended up being a lot more adventurous with what she eats. I credit the adjustment to my 6 Policies To Urge a Picky-Free Home. I'm sharing these regulations with you today and also I wish that they will aid other family members produce a better connection with food in their homes.
6 Ways to Handle Picky Eaters
Rule 1: Determine what your youngster's "particular point" is.
If they are scared of a specific colour of vegetables (or vegetables generally) begin by concealing a little quantity of veggies in their food and afterwards slowly raising the quantity. Smoothies and juicing are excellent methods to creep some covert veggies into your youngster's diet plan and after that slowly boost the amounts.
If it's an appearance concern, check out various manner ins which you can utilize components to make the structure a lot more enticing. The appearance of a perfectly ripe avocado cut right into dices is really different from avocados mashed right into guacamole.
If they do not like various components blended together or touching, consider preparing their meals deconstructed. If you were preparing homemade poultry soup, take into consideration providing them a cup of brew with shredded or cubed poultry, carrots and celery separate on the side. Relying on exactly how delicate your kid is to his or her food touching, you can additionally purchase plates that have dividers to maintain each ingredient separated.
Rule 2: Everybody in the family members ought to only use favorable language and constructive criticism when it involves food.
Examples would be:
“This is yummy!”
" I enjoy the means these pop when I eat them!"
" Look how rather the colours on the plate are!"
Instigate the policy that no one ever before uses negative words when it comes to food. Words like 'despise', 'gross' or 'revolting' are not allowed. This is where the favorable constructive objection is especially effective. Youngsters must be encouraged to believe of why they don't like something as well as to determine it. Instead of saying "I hate this chicken, it's revolting," they could state "I found the chicken really hot on my tongue. Following time I wish to try it with less flavor."
I inform children in my courses that if they truly can not locate anything favorable to claim about the food that they need to say, "This isn't my preferred today, yet maybe I'll like it next time." You 'd marvel exactly how typically informing on your own that you might such as something next time really causes a positive food experience the following time you try it.
Rule 3: Talk about your food.
Encourage your youngsters to review what they such as about each meal. Moms and dads can most definitely lead by example on this set. Beginning a conversation at each meal about the flavours, appearances and colours of each food. Discover the suggestion of where the various components come from, such as, " These carrots were grown by the farmer who runs the farm stand where we do our produce buying" or "These peaches come from the Okanagan where we went with getaway in 2014!"
Talk concerning what active ingredients in the dish are everyone's much-loved, and what you might alter or include to try out the dish the following time you make it.
Rule 4: Turn off digital gadgets and also have everybody in the family eat as several dishes together as possible.
I know that this set can be challenging with the hectic lives all of us lead. It can be tempting to do what's easiest, to allow the kids consume supper in front of the TV when Dad is working late or to reach for your cellular phone when you listen to a text message come with. Eliminate digital lures as well as collect your whole family around the table. Everyone in your residence will certainly take advantage of this practice in numerous ways aside from simply "battling the pickies.'
Eating far from the TELEVISION and also various other electronic tools additionally urges conscious eating, which helps us obtain in song with our body as well as pay attention to our cravings cues.
Eating with each other, thanking for the food you are eating as well as developing family members memories together is simply one even more method to make food fun. And also when food is fun, your child is more probable to attempt brand-new things.
Rule 5: Plates do not need to be vacant at the end of a meal, but everybody requires to try a minimum of a bite of everything served.
Sometimes the first time your child attempts something they won't like it (the same thing goes for adults as well!) Do you understand that we get new tastebuds concerning every two weeks until we get to midlife? That indicates that our palates (what informs us if we such as the taste of something or otherwise) are constantly changing.
So even if your child doesn't such as something the first time they attempt it, doesn't indicate they won't like it the 5th, sixth or 12th time they attempt a bite. I can't tell you the amount of times this method has actually assisted me with my little girl. She has amazed me on countless occasions by instantly requesting second helpings of broccoli, bell peppers, cucumbers and also cantaloupe after attempting "simply one bite" for a number of months.
Rule 6: Obtain kids involved with meal preparation, grocery store buying, meal prep work and also cooking.
Sit down as a family as soon as a week and also strategy out the meals for the week. Ask each of your kids to pick one or 2 recipes that they wish to consume that week, then have them aid you make it.
Take your youngsters grocery shopping with you and encourage them to choose a fruit or veggie that they have not tried before to bring home to trying out. Make a video game of "eating the rainbow" and store by colour in the produce department.
Identify age proper tasks in the kitchen area that your youngster can assist with and get them involved developing homemade, heart-made dishes. You can review much more about exactly how to involve your picky eater in the kitchen area here.
I wish to leave you with one final factor though: please bear in mind that food is enjoyable! We never intend to turn the table into a field of battle, which I've seen taking place so frequently in the houses of particular eaters. Urge your kids to be endure, daring, food explorers! Lead by example as well as attempt not to let it worry you out.
Some various other resources to help you:
How to Engage Your Picky Eater
Feed Your Child These 5 Foods To Boost Focus + Attention
25 Kid-Friendly Food Blogs
20 Best Kid-Friendly Gluten-Free Snacks
I assure your kid will not deprive as well as slowly yet surely, you'll start to see changes happen. Persevere, compensate favorable practices and also be excited that you're fuelling your household with scrumptious as well as healthy and balanced food.
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hellyes-tommccamus · 8 years ago
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Mutant X [TV] (2001-2004)
S01E12 “Double Vision”
Tom McCamus plays a main role in season 1
This is one of my favourite episodes for many reasons. For one, it’s mostly about Emma, who has the most interesting powers. I also love it when one actor plays several characters and the hero turned villain for one episode trope is always fun.
Brennan takes Emma to meet one of his old friends, Maddie Conlan (Joanne Vannicola) who has lured them into a GSA trap. Maddie has some kind of energy power and when her energy ball hits Brennan’s electric bolt, it sends out a shock wave that knocks everyone to the ground. It affects Emma more than anyone, as she is now two people. And there’s nothing scientific about that. Cloning doesn’t work that way.
Brennan takes one of the Emmas back to Sanctuary. And for the first time in quite a few episodes, she’s wearing the Lab Underwear. The shorts, at least. Maybe Adam had to admit that they were way too revealing for medical examinations, and let her wear a sleeveless top. Adam says her molecular structure has somehow been altered, but he’s not sure how. A molecular structure change is more likely to affect outward appearance than a genetic change. But then all sorts of genetic alterations happen on this show and they don’t seem to be visible in most cases. Emma is very anxious about being scanned. She doesn’t seem to have lost her memory as she still knows who everyone is, so surely she must remember that the machine is safe. But then anxiety doesn’t really care for past experience, it can appear at any time, without warning or sense.
Brennan is confused about Maddie. He didn’t expect her to double cross him like that, and he had never known her to have New Mutant powers either. Adam says it is hard to believe they could have evolved in a short period of time. That suggests that Adam maybe thinks there are “natural” New Mutants that appear in nature by chance mutation, and have been nowhere near Genomex. It’s not hard to believe as there have always been reports throughout history of people being able to do things with their minds and bodies that seem impossible to most of us. But I don’t think we see anything like that on the show.
The other Emma is at Genomex, being examined by scientists. Mason talks to Maddie about her health. She is suffering from headaches, which is an interesting thing to note. Most New Mutants we have seen so far have suffered no physical ill effects from their powers. It is only natural that using powers would use enormous amounts of energy and start to take a toll on one’s health. From the conversation it seems that Dr Harrison has been doing operations on her to give her powers. What sort of operations? No elaboration is done on that subject. I would have thought most genetic manipulation would be done through injections and infusions. Physical operations seem rather drastic and unnecessary. But this is the same Dr Harrison who is a botanist. And couldn’t run his own company. I don’t know about you but I’d prefer to have a doctor specialising in human surgery operating on me. Just because you have the title Doctor doesn’t make you an expert in all fields of science (or any, in some cases).
Brennan goes to a bar and awesome TV indie band Vibrolux is playing (I would love a copy of their Greatest Hits if anyone knows where I can get one). He asks barman Axel (Kedar Brown) about Maddie and he eventually tells him where he thinks she might be.
Dr Harrison is about to inject the GSA’s Emma with something but she grabs his wrist. Mason refers to him as a Biogeneticist, a term that doesn’t specifically relate to humans or plants. From now on, he’s dealing with humans. And working for a Genomex. Who knows what happened to his company? It’s never mentioned again. Emma attacks the GS Agents and attempts to escape, but she is surrounded and tells Mason that she wants to work for him.
Shalimar and Jesse have the most euphoric fight ever. I mean it’s great to have fun while training but they seriously look like they’re on some kind of crazy drug. But Anxious Emma soon puts a stop to that, and insists they wear martial arts helmets and gloves. Where did she even get those? Obviously she’s being over the top here. Training with protective gear is all well and good, but not really helpful when you’re out in the real world having actual fights. Which they do, a lot.
Mason is unsurprisingly dubious about Reckless Emma’s defection from Mutant X and believes this is some kind of scam. It’s interesting to hear her talk about being almost kept prisoner by do-gooders. It’s a point no-one has really made before. All of them had to leave their lives, including any family, friends and jobs behind for the cause. And how on earth did they explain to others why they suddenly decided to go to live with someone who they would only be able to describe as an eccentric millionaire? I have decided to refer to the Emmas as Anxious Emma and Reckless Emma instead of good and evil, because that’s the way I perceive them. A completely different story could have played out if Brennan had picked up the other Emma. Anxious Emma may have worked for the GSA anyway, out of fear. Reckless Emma may have encouraged the Mutant X team to get into more hot water than usual. As I write so much about this show anyway, I may well write that fanfic.
Dr Harrison reports that he has lost Maddie. Mason doesn’t seem bothered. It’s surprising how many screw ups Dr Harrison gets away with. Others get put in stasis for far fewer. Reckless Emma volunteers to go and find her. I like her annoyed “it was a feeling, I’ll know when I get there” as it must be very frustrating trying to explain a power like hers to others who can’t possibly understand.
Adam questions Anxious Emma but she insists she is fine, even though she was having disjointed visions that seem frightening.
Brennan returns to the bar and all I can say is I hope there are still bars like this in Canada that play nothing but music by obscure upbeat psychedelic Canadian bands. I remember Vibrolux being on other TV shows at the time, but I had to research the song from this scene, and it is by Rocket Science. There is a much more famous Australian band by the same name which makes research difficult. But there is something very satisfying about tracking down obscure things.
After physically threatening the barman, Brennan is told that Maddie is hiding out in the back of the bar. Maddie makes a comment that suggests that she may have been a natural telekinetic before the experiments on her. Chance mutation or previous treatment at Genomex? We never hear about people who were treated at Genomex and didn’t end up being New Mutants with noticeable powers, but that could be because they aren’t a threat to society or vulnerable, or maybe they are just not interesting.
Reckless Emma shows up and attacks Brennan and the GS Agents accompanying her grab Maddie. Brennan gives chase and is followed by Anxious Emma. He sees both of them and they see each other.
The Mutant X team puzzle over the two Emmas. Shalimar has the best idea - maybe Emma has been cloned (If you haven’t seen it already I can’t recommend Orphan Black enough. Clones galore. Also Tom McCamus and Andrew Gillies.) But Adam is ready with some bogus science. Apparently Brennan’s and Maddie’s powers combined to cut through cellular material to a genetic level. Which would honestly probably just kill everyone in the room. An unpredictable force like that would likely rip DNA to shreds, and I’m not sure if anyone has tried that, but it would mean untold devastation to a living thing if it affected all of its cells. Not magic twins. But magic twins are admittedly much more interesting from a plot perspective.
Adam explains further and says that he thinks the force separated Emma’s DNA double helixes strands from each other (I’m pointing out the great correct usage of strand here!) then reformed as two separate entities. Now there is a way for DNA strands to separate, the enzyme helicase does this to allow DNA replication which happens before cell division. But this is at a cellular level, definitely not at an organism level. I’m afraid to say the real life consequences would likely be something akin to cancer. You wouldn’t suddenly have two - identical but not quite - copies of the person. But, suspending disbelief, errors occur during replication, so it is likely that you wouldn’t get two exactly identical copies, slight differences are to be expected. Adam says that it is likely to be fatal if they can’t join the two of them together again. Personally I would imagine jamming the DNA of two people to make them into one would be more harmful. Their DNA has somehow recombined, so I would suggest leaving them alone, no matter how inconvenient it is to have two Emmas.
Anxious Emma denies that this is true. She insists that she is the real Emma. There is a significant question of ethics in this episode. Two new people have been created, accident or not. Is it really right to effectively destroy the two of them to get the original back?
Reckless Emma tells Mason that Adam now knows about her defection. She doesn’t mention the other Emma to him, but instead contacts her herself. It seems the comm-link rings were duplicated also (and her clothes, luckily for her). Inanimate objects do not have DNA so I can’t think of any explanation that could be given here. Reckless Emma plans to tamper with the stasis system at Genomex and kill everyone there.
Anxious Emma tells Adam straight away and while she is horrified by what the other Emma is suggesting, he plays devil’s advocate.
Reckless Emma orders a neat bourbon. We later learn that Emma isn’t a drinker, but her reckless side doesn’t care about that. She uses her powers to manipulate the barman into letting her have it for free. We know she has used her powers for personal gain in the past, but presumably since she joined Mutant X she has only used them to further their goals. Adam meets with her, and his negotiating skills leave much to be desired. Some of what he says makes no sense. He says that they are two halves of a whole, but then says they are the same. They can’t be both. She makes him believe he is blind and runs off. How did he not see that coming? (I’ll get my coat.)
Adam works on a method to get the two Emmas back together and sends Shalimar and Jesse to get Reckless Emma out of Genomex.
Reckless Emma wins the award for most comedic use if telempathy and sends Dr Harrison running to the bathroom so she can rescue Maddie. Mason shows up and questions her, but of course he knows what is coming so he tells her not to use her telempathy on him (why wasn’t she fitted with a sub dermal governor as usual? I guess everyone is absent minded this week). So she punches him. I guess you could say he walked into that one (the doorman has now brought my coat to me).
Anxious Emma frets about the other her, and Shalimar and Jesse’s safety, and everything. Lauren Lee Smith does a really fantastic job of portraying someone with anxiety. It’s not something that is seen on TV much. We get to see throughout the show how this side of Emma worries about everything, how she is physically affected by the anxiety, and how the attempts of others to calm her down do little to reassure her. The reckless side of her, while kinda fun, is just a generic badass, a character we’ve seen over and over. She is so distrustful of her team that she locks them in the lab to stop them putting her back together with her other self. It’s interesting to see that both sides of her despise the other. And that can be something we all experience. Perhaps we hate ourselves for being too scared to do something, or for doing something reckless.
Emma has a rather technical plan. Somehow she knows where the regulator for the stasis pods is located and how easy it is to disable. And somehow she knows that by disabling it, the temperature of the whole place will drop to deadly levels within five minutes. Now stasis is not a current technology, as we’ve covered before. But I would hope that the system was more robust than that, with failsafes in place to prevent disasters like this from occurring. And also the refrigeration is designed to stay inside the pods. If this was manipulated to fill the whole facility, that cooling power would be spread over a much larger area, so the likelihood would be that the staff would complain and put their coats on. Or the thing would explode and kill everyone.
Luckily Adam somehow knows the exact amount of volts Brennan needs to hit the door with to let them out. I guess it would be too easy to open the door from the inside.
Maddie hits the stasis regulator, and instead of taking five minutes (which now seems relatively reasonable) everyone immediately passes out.
Jesse has a strange reading that covers the entire wavelength spectrum. I don’t think that’s very scientific, but Adam knows straight away what has happened and tells Jesse what to do. It works and everyone wakes up. Mason calls a meeting with the heads of department, which I would say is probably the least efficient way of dealing with an emergency.
Shalimar and Jesse are involved in a needlessly violent bar brawl, all to find some information. Another point where negotiation skills might have come in handy. When Reckless Emma refuses to go with them, Shalimar punches her. Concussions all round this week!
The two Emmas must wear the new less-revealing lab underwear in order to be magically put back together. Adam tells Brennan and Maddie to once again combine their powers in order to help get them back together. Now considering what happened last time, this doesn’t seem like a great idea. Perhaps last time Brennan and Maddie were immune to the DNA cleaving effects of their own combined powers, but this time the rest of the team is in the room. But of course it works perfectly, and they are left with the original, rather confused Emma. But will they ever really know if she went back together exactly in the way she was before?
Dr Harrison and Mason discuss their future plans for research. Mason mentions that a Maddie was not a New Mutant to begin with, so that means that there are people in this world that have certain powers that they are born with. Dr Harrison wants some expendable research subjects, and Mason glances at him significantly, implying that he should experiment on himself.
Maddie gets a new start. Adam reassures Emma and does a nice speech about everyone being composed of opposing traits, nobody is completely one thing or another. Which I think is a big theme that runs through the whole of Mutant X. It is full of complex characters and situations that have no easy answers.
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semusepsu · 8 years ago
12, 15, 54?
12) What does your URL mean? My URL is an example of dumb punning. "Insomniac" meaning person who can't fall asleep, and zac, which is my name. I used it for my teenage DA account and I kept the username when I switched sites.
15) How do you vent your anger? Mostly I listen to metal. Rammstein is a favorite in this capacity, as is Disturbed and System of a Down. I usually listen to a few angry songs, then a bunch of sad ones. A few times I've gone on walks to cool off, bought fast food, and ate my feelings.
54) You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what's even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power? Definitely the ability to alter my body at will down to a cellular level. Permanent changes could help me with some unsightly scars, and temporary changes could make it possible to correct my serotonin levels.
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nootropicsaustralia · 4 years ago
Health Benefits of Music
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Music has the capacity to capture attention, lift spirits, generate emotion, change or regulate mood, evoke memories, increase work output, reduce inhibitions, and encourage rhythmic movement – all of which have the potential to help you to do more, feel better, and stress less!
Article at a glance
Music has a profound effect on our brain and the release of dopamine Music can positively affect our mood, mindset and behaviour Music can benefit our physical and mental performance
We all have that one song that no matter where we are or what time it is will belt out every single lyric. We have those songs we know will pump us up for the gym, pep us up in the morning, and that playlist you put on in the car for a long road trip with friends. Music has the power to move us. Move us physically. Move us mentally. Move us emotionally. Music is said to be the universal language and has been deeply rooted in every human culture since the beginning of time. Dance, laugh, cry, smile, focus, energise, connect... music has the ability to bring energy and emotion out of all of us.
What if I told you that music actually improves your health? Thanks to advances in neuroscience we can see how hearing, playing or singing your favourite tunes help your brain function. The benefits of music in our health are overwhelmingly bountiful so let’s break it down and see the potential music holds to improve our health and happiness.
MUSIC AFFECTS OUR BRAIN'S CHEMISTRY Down to a cellular level, music has the ability to alter our brain chemistry. It can elevate positive emotion through releasing neurotransmitters and interacting with the reward centres of our brain. A recent study details how music stimulates hits of dopamine to the brain that can make us feel good.[1] Dopamine is a neurotransmitter and is the brain’s “motivation brain-chemical” and an integral part of the pleasure-reward system. That same feeling of pleasure we experience from chocolate, a runner's high, winning the lottery, can be experienced through music as it is all linked with dopamine. [2]Want an extra hit of dopamine? Science shows that turning your playlist on shuffle could give you an extra “I hit the Jackpot” boost when your favourite song comes on unexpectedly! [3]Music can help us connect with ourselves and also with others. Listening and playing music in the company of others stimulates the brain hormone oxytocin to be released. Oxytocin is another brain-chemical that helps us feel bonded with and trust others.[4]  Music helps in socialisation down to a biochemical level but also is the key factor in many social events that brings us happiness playing at concerts, dances, and backyard BBQs. Studies have shown that the oxytocin boost music lovers are flooded with can make them more generous and trustworthy. [5]
MUSIC AS MEDICINE Music can be a useful tool in many aspects of our lives and new research is showing that music can even be more powerful than medicine. Music can be a form of distraction in painful or stressful situations. It can bring the mind’s attention somewhere else and alleviate symptoms. Anxiety is a feeling that has many physical effects on the body including increased heart rate, blood pressure, and cortisol levels. All of these biological factors can be prevented or reversed with the help of slow tempo, low pitched, calming music. One study published in the national Library of Medicine concluded;
“Relaxing music decreases the level of anxiety in a pre-operative setting to a greater extent than orally administered midazolam. Higher effectiveness and absence of apparent adverse effects makes pre-operative relaxing music a useful alternative to midazolam for pre-medication.” [6]
Music therapy has been drawing much more attention in recent years due to evidence in reduction of pain that studies consistently show. A 2013 study with primary fibromyalgia patients, a poorly understood chronic pain syndrome, had participants listen to music once a day for four weeks and track their pain and depression levels. The treatment group reported a significant reduction in pain and depression at week four compared with the control group who reported no difference in pain at week four. [7]
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THE BENEFITS OF MUSIC FOR EVERYDAY LIFE Music can be a tool to alter our perceptions and enter a target mindset.“
Neuroscientists have found that music enters our nervous system through the auditory brainstem and also causes the cerebellum to 'light up' on a brain scan.” [8]
Do you have a workout playlist, a study playlist, a throwbacks playlist, a party playlist? We can categorise different music by what it makes us do or feel. You can control your own mental environment through your musical environment.
There are not many jobs where you have to be more alert, focused and precise than surgeons. A survey published that most surgeons actually listen to music while operating.“
90% of surgeons in the UK put music on the theatre's sound system during operations, with half of respondents favouring up-tempo rock, 17% pop music and 11% classical.” [9]
Another study done at Stanford showed that music engages areas of the brain which are involved with paying attention, making predictions and updating events in our memory. [10]  
So next time you're cramming for a test or overwhelmed at work try putting in some earphones. It is recommended to listen to lower toned songs without lyrics to best help focus on these sorts of tasks.
Music is both a mind and body motivator making it the ultimate trainer to carry you through your workouts also. Maybe you can relate… have you ever walked in the gym and walked right back out when you realized you didn't have your headphones? I sure have at the thought of running on a stationary treadmill for an hour, staring at the wall, with no beat to keep me going, no thank you!
An experiment with healthy male college students investigated the effect of upbeat music on their physical performance while riding stationary bicycles. The participants trained harder while listening to fast music and reported feeling better during the workout and enjoying it more. [11]
Background music may enhance performance on cognitive fitness tasks. One study found that listening to music allowed test takers to complete more questions in the time allotted, and get more answers right. [12]According to sports researchers Peter Terry and Costas Karageorghis; “Music has the capacity to capture attention, lift spirits, generate emotion, change or regulate mood, evoke memories, increase work output, reduce inhibitions, and encourage rhythmic movement – all of which have potential applications in sport and exercise.” [13]
And this is one of the things that we didn't need scientific evidence to prove. We all know the effects music has on us -  it simply makes us feel good! One song can turn your mood a full 180. Some songs we can’t help but start dancing. Some get stuck in your head and can’t stop singing. And some make us nostalgic bringing up those same feelings from cherished memories.
Music is one of the most powerful neurobiological tools we have to change our mood, mindset, and behaviour. Music shapes our minds and actions, and more than just enjoying it we can utilise it to improve our health and happiness.
[1] https://www.pnas.org/content/116/9/3793 [2] https://www.cell.com/neuron/fulltext/S0896-6273(12)00941-5
[3] https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-athletes-way/201212/the-neuroscience-music-mindset-and-motivation
[4] http://esciencecommons.blogspot.com/2012/12/birdsong-study-pecks-theory-that-music.html
[5] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/315937291_Oxytocin_Trust_and_Trustworthiness_The_Moderating_Role_of_Music
[6] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19388893/
[7] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1524904210001396
[8] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1053811911013000?via%3Dihub
[9] https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/379309
[10] http://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2007/07/music-moves-brain-to-pay-attention-stanford-study-finds.html
[11] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19793214/
[12] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20865993/
[13] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3944555/
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meenah-is-a-punk-rocker · 7 years ago
ABC Tune Piano Reviews
There's so much that is changed about education, like replacing letter grades with emotions But, there's one teaching device that may by no means die: The ABC Song.” The subsequent time your kid gets to Subsequent time won't you sing with me,” not solely are you able to do it, however you may as well give them the entire backstory. Hit the play button beneath to listen to the counting track 'ABC Music (A is for Apple...)'. The gathering of most popular ABC Songs for Infants for Kids Video Clips for teenagers, child, toddler, children to enjoyable and educational studying by songs. By late on this year, many kids retell simple, predictable textual content books, whereas turning the pages and using the pictures to immediate recall. The Cartoon Community YouTube channel is chock stuffed with great cartoons in your children to look at. The Unique Nursery Rhymes - Learn aloud to family and friends well-known nursery rhymes and songs, comparable to Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater, Jack and Jill, and Outdated King Cole. Tell kids that you're going to sing The ABC Track.” Remind them that in the music the letters are in the identical order as in the alphabet chart. A song that has had varying levels of recognition over the course of 30 or more years can be, most of the time, thought-about conventional. Animal Alphabet by Key Wilde: An enjoyable alphabet story told by means of a music about fun animal antics with beautiful illustrations. Abcya is the leader in free educational laptop games and cellular apps for youths. However whatever lyrics you use, you should know that this is what people name an previous work song (really slave track)” about plantation life. class='aligncenter' style='display: block;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;' src="https://i.ytimg.com/vi/QZbVKJQRN-c/hqdefault.jpg" width="209" alt=""/> Download useful free phonics sources from lettterland together with catalogues, home > downloads. Three little pigs story track is a nursery rhyme based mostly on a fairy tale about cute three little pigs and a big bad wolf. And as beforehand talked about, geniuses steal Mozart's Twelve Variations on Ah, Vous Dirai-Je, Maman ” is pretty much within the title: It is 12 variations on the 1761 French song Ah, Vous Dirai-Je, Maman”, or Ah! The physical CD packs at the moment are totally bought out, so I might say go for the Obtain Pack It's what I personally use myself and is the quickest and simplest technique to go e.g.
no customs problems, no ready for the submit to arrive and many others. Every page presents the alphabet in its personal distinctive, cute and educational style.
Now try to keep in mind that the next time you read this cute rhyme to your little niece. To download the free app Children Track Assortment - Playful Nursery Rhymes by TabTale LTD, get iTunes now. Dave Mallinson Publications publishes traditional music and music books, equivalent to Karen Tweed's tune e book `Irish Choice'. The lyrics of the original model, which might be found at , educate youngsters how one can count to 5, 10, 15, and 20. These lyrics may be altered to rely to any number and by any interval, which make it http://www.mothergoose.com/Rhymes/Azrhymes.htm such a great teaching device. Abc alphabet phonics alphabet ordering, abc song.. learn evaluations, examine customer rankings, see screenshots, and be taught more about abc alphabet phonics alphabet ordering, abc track, letters. In any case, you may go world wide and children be taught to sing great folks songs, no thanks to any dumbing down. I additionally have no idea, however I doubt, if there are three Japanese ‘alphabet songs.' Hmm.
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Three Tips About Data Security Software You Can't Afford To Miss and Top Four Ways To Buy A Used Mobile Security Apps
3 Shocking Facts About Data Security Software Told By An Expert Failures Make You Password Protect Better Only If You Understand These Nine Things The cellphone industry is constantly transforming. Additionally, there are numerous alterations you could make to the present cell phone to boost the grade of your cell phone for your personal employs. Try this advice and strategies on almost everything about buying a new cellphone for you to make your existing cellular phone be right for you. If you would like give your preteen a cellphone, make sure you get them a strategy that suits your budget in addition to their requirements. If they like to textual content a great deal, you should consider ideas which may have unlimited sending text messages. Should you don't, you could end up with a massive monthly bill. Do You Have What It Takes Password Protect Like A True Expert? Attempt to reduce the level of video that you watch over the web during the course of the morning. Video clip will eliminate your GB allowance since it is normally streaming and requires a lot of data to run. In case you are watching You tube video clips usually through the day, you may want to opt for unlimited details. Every few days reboot your mobile phone, especially if it's an intelligent mobile phone. You may possibly not are aware of it, but you're having all around a small laptop or computer in your pocket. These personal computers consume recollection as time passes, and that can cause very poor overall performance. All you need to do is reactivate your cellphone to acquire memory space back into enjoy. Do You Have What It Takes Password Protect Like A True Expert? Usually do not download any apps unless you know they can be from your reliable provider. Anybody can make an iphone app and then sell it. Often, you can find trackers or other undesired points inside them. Knowing that anyone or clients are trustworthy will decrease the potential risk of you acquiring a computer virus or tracker in your telephone. Be sure you reactivate your cellular phone every second day. This is especially significant for those who have a smartphone. Just as a pc, mobile devices have to be restarted to fix glitches and purge memory. When you overlook to reactivate it every other day, you might start to practical experience difficulties. Why You Can’t Password Protect Without Facebook Don't bother with covers for your personal cell phone's monitor. There are many accessories that will boost your knowledge about your cell phone cellphone addresses typically aren't one of these. Most mobile phone display screens are actually scuff proof, and the plastic-type material protect is only going to create the touch-screen less receptive. Use the voice to text message feature on the mobile phone to save lots of some time and be secure on your way. This will assist you to turn the phrase that you simply say to a message immediately. Should you not have this characteristic on your mobile phone, you can include computer software like ReQall which will utilize it. 7 New Age Ways To Password Protect Should you be getting a smartphone, be sure to require it initial. However cell phones can be pricy, you get the things you buy. The problem comes in whenever you actually only need just a fundamental telephone you could make cell phone calls with. A mobile phone can cost you a ton of money in advance. This may not be a great choice for you personally. Understand your cell phone prepare. These ideas might be somewhat sophisticated among data allowances, full talk minutes or so, texting, and worldwide costs. Before you decide to accidentally blast via an allowance and acquire billed more, know what you can and can't do. This can save you a bunch of funds on the regular monthly costs. Learn How To Password Protect From The Movies If you are a novice around the world of cellular phones, it truly does shell out to carry out an honest assessment of your respective needs. Not every person requirements or desires to use their phone being a a mini-computer, and for that reason a lot of could get by by using a more simple device. Taking note of your accurate specifications can help you save a lot of money and trouble. My Life, My Job, My Career: How 7 Simple Data Security Software Helped Me Succeed Usually do not supply videos or tunes on the mobile phone. It eats your details allowance. When you have to, connect to a Wi-fi place as an alternative to using your details connection. This will likely still let you seem or listen to what you want, but it will be possible to do this totally free as an alternative to probably running into a sizable expenditure. There exists a lot that cellphone are capable of doing to suit your needs currently. From browsing the net to organizing your appointments, your cell phone is actually a valuable a part of daily life. Stick to the suggestions previously mentioned on buying mobile phones and producing changes in your cell phone for the best achievable mobile phone top quality and gratification. What Everyone Is Saying About Data Security Software And What You Should Do Are you currently considering a brand new computer? Possibly 8 Easy Steps To More Data Security Software Sales and Seven Most Well Guarded Secrets About Mobile Security Apps because you want to learn more relating to this great part of technology? Regardless of your factors behind being right here, there is certainly one thing for all to discover desktop pcs. Keep on to have well-informed about personal computer computer systems. If you would like cut costs when buying a computer, take into account buying a reconditioned model. You can try the internet sites of key laptop or computer manufacturers for example Hewlett packard or Dell, in which you will discover cheap deals on computers which have been delivered to the organization, resolved and marketed for a cheap price amount. Best Data Security Software Android Apps Use caution to check on the types of software in every new pc you buy, unless of course you would like to be continually upgrading it or replacing the os completely. Numerous good deals can be possessed on desktops which contain virtually outdated application, which may complicate use down the road. Be sure whatever you buy will likely be well suited on the web and for other functions. What You Should Do To Find Out About Data Security Software Before You're Left Behind and Top 3 Lessons About Mobile Security Apps To Learn Before You Hit 30 Speak to friends and family about seeking a computer. More than one of them may have been looking to purchase a new laptop or computer, and once you tell them, they may have a motivation to do this. Consume older personal computers, which usually work well. Many people only have pcs resting around, so check if your loved ones possess a laptop or computer they are able to give you. Knowing These Ten Secrets Will Make Your Data Security Software Look Amazing If you plan on storing a great deal of songs or video lessons, try and get a difficult travel which will cover your requirements. Generally, the better hard disk drive room that exist, the greater away you will be. Which is, if you do not only publish emails and browse the net in your desktop. You will need the space particularly if you snap video clip. The Ultimate Guide To Data Security Software and Six Places To Get Deals On Mobile Security Apps Because desktop computer producers limit records in writing, be diligent. Ensure the info on the internet is ample info for yourself. It is wise to be capable of accessibility software program and car owner downloads. Are You Embarrassed By Your Data Security Software Skills? Here’s What To Do and 7 Reasons To Love The New Mobile Security Apps The initial step towards buying a new computer is always generating a summary of your needs. Will you be editing and enhancing video? You will want a sizable hard disk and many RAM. Lookup what functions you will need and then make certain that any laptop or computer you're thinking of matches or exceeds that listing. What's Really Happening With Data Security Software In order to operate a lot of applications right away, you'll need to have at the very least 4GB of RAM. In the event you only want to do basic duties, under 4GB is going to be ok. Want to play video games? Look for 10GB and above to make certain your games aren't lagged and hard to play. Want To Step Up Your Data Security Software? You Need To Read This First and Five Ridiculously Simple Ways To Improve Your Mobile Security Apps You'll want to make certain that the program you receive with the laptop or computer is lawful. It is recommended to have the Compact disc and crucial to help make sure that you will not find yourself in lawful issues or incapable of obtain application updates later on. 8 Ideas For Data Security Software and Thinking About Mobile Security Apps? Eight Reasons Why It’s Time To Stop! What type of connection to the internet will you be making use of? It is really an significant query to reply to while you search for a pc as it requires to get the right hardware for connecting. The options are normally wifi, ethernet or wireless bluetooth, all of these need a special product in order to connect. Top Mobile Security Apps Tips! Although your desktop computer requirements could primarily be fairly modest, it is important to bear in mind the fact that you may possibly eventually desire to up grade certain factors. Consequently, it is vital that you validate that nearly anything in the new device that you could imagine seeking to up grade down the road in fact could be tweaked in a upward direction. Eight Tips For Mobile Security Apps You Can Use Today In case you are focusing on durability out of your pc purchase, don't be happy with the minimum specs supplied. Individuals specifications may be good now, but annually, you could be set for an annoying surprise. Your pc could become outdated rather quickly when you aren't cautious. If money is an issue, also a small bump for your storage can be a huge help. 7 Ways to Guard Against Mobile Security Apps As you have seen through the over report, studying desktop pcs is simple to follow in case you have excellent recommendations before you. Should you loved everything you read and obtained a greater idea of most of these computer systems, then successfully pass the guidelines through to relatives and buddies to allow them to enjoy them as well. Always keep the following tips nearby whenever you to learn something about desktop personal computers.
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kalachand97-blog · 8 years ago
New Post has been published on Globeinfrom
New Post has been published on https://globeinform.com/the-life-that-nicky-built-who-is-the-actual-nicky-hager/
The life that Nicky built: Who is the actual Nicky Hager?
Nicky Hager’s house, which he constructed absolutely along with his very own palms for less than $10,000 greater than 30 years ago, is approximately a 3-minute slippery, every now and then near-vertical, walk up a wind-blasted will face in the pricey imperative Wellington suburb of Roseneath.
It took him approximately a yr to build, even though 5 months of that point became spent digging a hole inside the hill with a select and shovel. The house is directly on the back of the residence of his daughter’s mother, from whom he separated earlier than they knew she turned into pregnant.
The two-level, two-bed room residence consists of, amongst different things: 3 computers, none of which run Facebook or Twitter, no longer for personal use at least, an acoustic guitar, numerous books, and the board game Rummikub. It does no longer comprise a television, nor, as of some months ago, his daughter, who became famously at home on my own in 2014 while the police illegally raided his domestic in the hunt for records about New Zealand journalism’s maximum thrillingly named personal supply, Rawshark.
The house does not, typically, comprise a cellular phone, even though it does in the mean time, but best for the put up-booklet publicity insanity for his new e-book, Hit and Run. “It’s a burner,” he says.
The death of a mobile phone is much less out of concern of being spied on – “the general public are not being watched, including me” – and greater that he just prefers to keep away from distractions from the annoying paintings of writing nationally good sized books that dominate the news cycle for weeks, and on occasion plenty longer, and that every now and then essentially alter our collective understanding of implemented electricity.
while he’s writing, he commonly does so in lengthy, unbroken stretches of 9 or 10 hours at a time, six days per week, undisturbed via social media, the checking of emails, cellphone calls or clandestine conferences with confidential assets in stereo-generally abandoned, windswept, places.
He wrote six books inside the house he constructed, and he added up his daughter there, which became by using some distance the project he cared maximum approximately, and then he watched her circulate out.
Nicky Robinson – Had Enough of Welsh Rugby? Nicky Robinson has been on the Cardiff Blues all his lifestyles. He started out as a teen with Cardiff RFC (earlier than regionalism took place) and has endured up through the age agencies till he has become one of the most important components of the Cardiff Blues first team.
but now that lifelong love affair is over, and plenty of people need to recognize why. What has brought on the Cardiff Hands Park crowd favorite to transport on from the Blues and over the Severn Bridge?
Welsh possibilities
inside the Autumn Internationals, Nicky Robinson saw simply how low his possibilities of gambling once more for Wales had sunk. Despite a string of staggering performances he became at the back of the teenager Dan Biggar within us of as pecking order… No matter it being Beggars’ rookie season.
Seeing that leaving Wales will harm his Welsh possibilities, consistent with Warren Gatland, he might have involved about shifting earlier than. but now he knows how low he’s ranked he has much less preserving him in Wales.
on the begin of the season there were reviews that Nicky Robinson (and Tom Shanklin) had both clashed with coaches over a brand new protective and offensive structure – structures that did not use players to their pleasant capacity. At the same time as these disagreements were ironed out you cannot assist however marvel in the event that they performed on his thoughts while making a decision on staying or not.
Cardiff has, consistent with some assets, been reluctant to break the salary cap. Whilst both Dai Younger, the Blues head coach, and Nicky Robinson have said Money has no bearing it is almost positive that Nicky can earn greater playing for Gloucester than he can for the Blues.
The reason for deciding on Gloucester in place of another group would possibly nicely had been all the way down to Region. by using playing for Gloucester he’ll nonetheless be able to travel from his Cardiff base. He additionally has media commitments with S4C, the Welsh language channel, which he might be able to maintain while operating as close to Wales as Gloucester
Nicki Minaj Bio
Each new artist has his own tale to proportion on how they commenced in the industry and the way they were located. Though some were immediately given the risk to grow to be a part of the enterprise but maximum of them must go through numerous demanding situations or should be a part of a few talent shows which include American Idol. Whilst others are lucky to accumulate fulfillment without experiencing any problem, Nicki Minja has to revel in a whole lot of the challenges earlier than she come to be a hit within the industry.
Onika Maraj, that is now called Nicki Minaj, is a local of Southside Jamaica, Queens, The big apple where she was raised and went to high school. She finished her schooling as a high school pupil at LaGuardia high school, the location where she learned the way to sing and how to act. It’s also the region where she realized what she desired for her existence and what she desired to become. She continued analyzing her song At the same time as operating as an administrative assistant. At some point in her loose time she devote it in mastering and writing song hoping that in the future what she has written may be heard by way of different humans.
She become given the threat to carry out but as a historical past vocals. only due to the fact she wishes extra than just a history vocal profession she decided to leave the group and intention to carry out solo. Thankfully, her tough paintings can pay off whilst she changed into observed in MySpace with the aid of the CEO of Grimy Cash and provided her a agreement to perform underneath the Grimy Money Label making her the front of the business enterprise. Being observed does no longer simply stop there due to the fact the project for Nicki is simplest starting. Though she become signed below the Grimy Cash Label, she became not right away given the chance to launch her personal album. She turned into first given the danger to do mix CD wherein she labored with several artists. After some release of blend CDs, this 12 months Nicki is about to release her first album. She already launched her first single entitled “Large Assault” with a view to be observed with the aid of “Your Love.”
Nicki owes the fulfillment that she is experiencing right now to her mom who driven her to pursue her dreams and in no way stopped believing. Although she now not has her mother together with her, she still believes that anywhere she is probably, her mother is pleased with what she has accomplished and might be attaining inside the future. The name of the game of her achievement began with hard work and along with her dedication to carry out properly. She believes that if you may maintain to dream and believe you will without a doubt achieve the achievement which you want.
Now, Nicki is preparing to release her album this coming June and plenty of her fans are already anticipating on it. She became a position model to quite a few people and an inspiration to people who are already dropping desire. Her track in addition to pure talent is her key to conquer the world of music. Hip-Hop is now on its new age and Nicki is an tool of it.
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djzena · 8 years ago
ABC Song Piano Reviews
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There's lots that is modified about education, like changing letter grades with emotions However, there's one educating software that can never die: The ABC Track.” The next time your child gets to Next time will not you sing with me,” not only can you do it, but you may as well give them the entire backstory. Hit the play button under to listen to the counting music 'ABC Track (A is for Apple...)'. The gathering of hottest ABC Songs for Infants for Children Video Clips for teenagers, child, toddler, kids to fun and academic studying by songs. By late in this yr, many youngsters retell easy, predictable text books, whereas turning the pages and using the photographs to prompt recall. The Cartoon Community YouTube channel is chock stuffed with great cartoons on your kids to observe. The Authentic Nursery Rhymes - Learn aloud to family and friends famous nursery rhymes and songs, such as Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater, Jack and Jill, and Outdated King Cole. Inform youngsters that you are going to sing The ABC Tune.” Remind them that in the song the letters are in the identical order as in the alphabet chart.
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A tune that has had varying levels of recognition over the course of 30 or more years will be, most of the time, considered conventional. Animal Alphabet by Key Wilde: An fun alphabet story advised by a tune about fun animal antics with beautiful illustrations. Abcya is the chief in free instructional pc video games and cellular apps for kids. However whatever lyrics you employ, it is best to know that that is what folks name an previous work song (really slave music)” about plantation life.
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Download useful free phonics sources from lettterland together with catalogues, home > downloads. Three little pigs story tune is a nursery rhyme based on a fairy story about cute three little pigs and a giant unhealthy wolf. And as previously mentioned, geniuses steal Mozart's Twelve Variations on Ah, Vous Dirai-Je, Maman ” is just about within the title: It is 12 variations on the 1761 French song Ah, Vous Dirai-Je, Maman”, or Ah! The physical CD packs are now totally sold out, so I might say go for the Obtain Pack It's what I personally use myself and is the fastest and simplest solution to go e.g. no customs issues, no ready for the put up to reach and so forth. Each web page presents the alphabet in its personal distinctive, lovely and educational fashion.
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Now attempt to do not forget that the subsequent time you read this cute rhyme to your little niece. To download the free app Youngsters Music Collection - Playful Nursery Rhymes by TabTale LTD, get iTunes now.
Dave Mallinson Publications publishes conventional music and music books, akin to Karen Tweed's tune book `Irish Alternative'. The lyrics of the unique version, which may be found at , educate kids how one can depend to five, 10, 15, and 20. These lyrics will be altered to rely to any number and by any interval, which make it such a terrific educating software. Abc alphabet phonics alphabet ordering, abc song.. learn opinions, evaluate buyer scores, see screenshots, and be taught more about abc alphabet phonics alphabet ordering, abc tune, letters. After all, you'll be able to go around the globe and youngsters be taught to sing fantastic people songs, no because of any dumbing down. I additionally have no idea, however I doubt, if there are three Japanese ‘alphabet songs.' Hmm.
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meenah-is-a-punk-rocker · 7 years ago
ABC Song Piano Critiques
There's lots that is changed about training, like replacing letter grades with feelings However, there's one teaching instrument that may never die: The ABC Tune.” The next time your kid will get to Subsequent time won't you sing with me,” not only are you able to do it, but you too can give them the entire backstory. Hit the play button beneath to hearken to the counting tune 'ABC Track (A is for Apple...)'. The gathering of most popular ABC Songs for Babies for Children Video Clips for youths, baby, toddler, youngsters to fun and educational studying by songs. By late in this year, many kids retell simple, predictable textual content books, while turning the pages and using the images to immediate recall. The Cartoon Community YouTube channel is chock filled with nice cartoons for your kids to watch. The Original Nursery Rhymes - Read aloud to family and friends well-known nursery rhymes and songs, equivalent to Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater, Jack and Jill, and Previous King Cole. Inform children that you're going to sing The ABC Track.” Remind them that in http://music.disney.com/ the tune the letters are in the same order as in the alphabet chart. A song that has had various levels of popularity over the course of 30 or more years shall be, as a rule, considered conventional. Animal Alphabet by Key Wilde: An enjoyable alphabet story told by means of a track about fun animal antics with attractive illustrations. Abcya is the chief in free academic laptop games and cellular apps for youths. However whatever lyrics you use, it is best to know that this is what individuals name an previous work song (actually slave track)” about plantation life. Obtain helpful free phonics assets from lettterland together with catalogues, home > downloads. Three little pigs story song is a nursery rhyme based mostly on a fairy tale about cute three little pigs and a giant bad wolf. And as previously talked about, geniuses steal Mozart's Twelve Variations on Ah, Vous Dirai-Je, Maman ” is just about in the title: It's 12 variations on the 1761 French tune Ah, Vous Dirai-Je, Maman”, or Ah! The bodily CD packs are now totally sold out, so I might say go for the Download Pack It is what I personally use myself and is the quickest and easiest method to go e.g.
no customs issues, no ready for the put up to arrive and so forth. Every page presents the alphabet in its own distinctive, cute and educational style.
Now try to do not forget that the subsequent time you learn this cute rhyme to your little niece. To download the free app Children Tune Collection - Playful Nursery Rhymes by TabTale LTD, get iTunes now. Dave Mallinson Publications publishes traditional music and track books, such as Karen Tweed's tune ebook `Irish Alternative'. The lyrics of the unique version, which will be discovered at , train youngsters find out how to rely to 5, 10, 15, and 20. These lyrics may be altered to depend to any number and by any interval, which make it such a great teaching device. Abc alphabet phonics alphabet ordering, abc song.. learn critiques, compare buyer rankings, see screenshots, and learn extra about abc alphabet phonics alphabet ordering, abc track, letters. After all, you may go world wide and youngsters learn to sing fantastic people songs, no due to any dumbing down. I additionally do not know, however I doubt, if there are three Japanese ‘alphabet songs.' Hmm.
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