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kassil · 1 year ago
hell yeha seasons
The season of Songrise comes after the long cold of Hush, when the suns return to the skies and their light causes everything to begin to warm, the massive plates that form the world pushing against each other and giving rise to the base of the Song, deep rumbling vibrations as much felt as heard. Naturally, as many spent Hush tinkering with musical ideas when they weren't sleeping, there are entire concerts held as the world sings itself awake again. Each town has a festival and a competition to see whose music will take the crown of the Awakener for the year, most of them in elimination rounds that can take a few weeks to complete, by which time the forests have also awoken and added their higher-pitched chorus to the worldsong.
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dpargyle · 2 years ago
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(Sketchbook Pro, PowerPoint, remove[dot]bg, beFunky Photo Editor, & PhotoMosh)
Images (Edited) Courtesy of: Miguel Á. Padriñán, Angelica Reyn, Samuel Walker, Designecologist, Pixabay, Johannes Plenio, & Jonathan Goerke (Pexels)
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queencocoakimmie · 2 years ago
Poison In Every Line
“Poison In Every Line” You loved me, When my rainstorms Turned to hurricanes. You loved me, With my dark And tortured soul. So why don’t you stay awhile? Become the melody To my mystic poetry, Become the poison I write about in every line. Because I would gladly drink It all, Even unto the last drop.
My pen touches theRough sheet of paperAnd I say to myselfThat this is the lastTime I’m writingAbout you. But when the ink startsTo flow,And the bridge of the songRises,I can’t help but let itDrip out onto the page. One memory turns into two,Two into more. More mad scribblesMore love lines. Am I dreaming or are you real?Because the face I seeBetween each stanza,Smiles back at me. Full of…
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kelegerauthor · 2 months ago
'Hardiness of Valor' (Yeshuah)
November 2, 2024: 'Hardiness of Valor' (Yeshuah)...Revelations 13:18: This calls for wisdom: If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666.
Hardiness of Valor (Yeshuah)the deepening of songrises above the Heavensas they sing in Spiritto withstand the wrongsof maneach step in the Heavensleads to higher elevationswithin the Kingdoma journey worth takingfor valor is heartgenerous in naturea fortified launchof love's greatest rewardit is I, He, givingbut none are takingwhat is givenbe wise, 'o manyour juncture is awkwardin the…
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enmusasblog · 9 months ago
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Nya 10-spårs albumet “Songs in the Key of Collaboration” från Martin Høybye är ett soundtrack till en lång resa av interkulturellt samskapande och forskning. Albumet släpps 3 maj via Songrise Produktion. “Prompted by a serious water crisis in Cape Town, I set out to explore songwriting as a response to anthropogenic environmental impact, broadly speaking. The aim was to both explore how songwriting might shed light on lived experience, and to develop songwriting as a research practice, by making songwriting accessible to others and collaboratively share stories in this way”, säger Martin Høybye ”Songs in the Key of Collaboration" är en ny Songrise-produktion som släpps 3 maj 2024 genom Songcrafter Music. Albumet producerades av Dennis Ahlgren, och är en del av Martin Høybyes konst- och praktikbaserade doktorsavhandling ”Songs in the Key of Collaboration - Engaging with Anthropocene moments through personal and collaborative songwriting," (Aarhus University, 2023). Fem år senare ser han tillbaka på en uppsjö av möten i det projekt som gav honom en doktorsexamen från Aarhus Universitet 2023. Upplägget var inspirerat av konceptet "antropocen" - en term som antyder att mänskligheten har blivit en kraft som utövar global geologisk påverkan och skapar en framtid som inte alls är den vi hoppas på. “These crises will continue to impact the planet for generations to come. Droughts, floods, sea level rise, wild weather events, and resulting changes to sense of place and identity will follow. We may find ourselves grieving the loss of certain animals and plants, the loss of stability and familiarity. We may indeed experience a feeling described by environmental philosopher Glenn Albrecht as solastalgia – when we feel homesick yet are still at home,” säger Martin Høybye Låtskrivandet fungerar som ett svar på den miljöpåverkan som han kallar "antropocenens överväldigande". Låtarna har skrivits i två olika miljöer. Under 2019 arbetade Martin med att mäta olika erfarenheter av miljöproblem i efterdyningarna av Day Zero-vattenkrisen i Kapstaden. Den andra miljön var Covid-19-pandemin i Danmark 2020–2021. Låtskrivarsamarbetspartners har kommit från Sydafrika, Danmark, Demokratiska republiken Kongo, Zimbabwe, Somalia, Ghana, England och Sverige. Tio av 35 låtar är presenterade på albumet. De omfattar möten mellan känslor och idéer från olika människor, länder och levnadssituationer. I samband med albumet släpps videon till låten “Dream of the Anthropocene” som ställer frågan om hur vi ska närma oss varandra när världen är i kris.
“Working with a team of artists and practitioners, I will work to spread this approach more broadly. To inspire others to share their practice, share their art. A song is a drop in a very big pond, but I believe in ripple effects and taking action by sharing ourselves, our experience, and knowledge. That may sound radical, but I believe inaction and non-sharing is actually more radical,” säger Martin Martin Høybye har släppt sju fullängdsalbum, senast "The Hourglass Sessions" från 2019. Han har skrivit låtar i samarbete med människor i Sydafrika, DRC, Zimbabwe, Somalia, Ghana, England, Sverige och Danmark sedan 2018. Martin Høybye har även skrivit två musikrelaterade böcker (2010, 2016). Tidigare släppta singlar är  “End of the World”, “Where the Water Was”, “Freedom Is a State of Mind,” och “We Can Change.” Diverse lovord om Martin Høybye:  'Årets låtskrivare' – SongIsland  Hederspris – Danish Songwriters Guild  Danish Music Award-nominerad (Årets låtskrivare)  Danish Music Award-nominerad (Årets album)  Vinnare av Unison Songwriter's Competition  Flera finalistplaceringar och hedersomnämnanden, (USA Songwriting Tävling, Internationell  låtskrivartävling, The Great American Song Contest, We are Listening).  För mer information om Martin Høybye https://xn--martinhybye-mgb.dk/co-write-with-martin/ För frågor kontakta: Anette Ståhl – Enmusa Music tel: 0707 180120 [email protected]
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parkerbombshell · 2 years ago
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neverbythebook · 7 years ago
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‪31 Jul 2017. How is it the end of July already? I just… no.‬ ‪ ‬ ‪I had a pretty good reading month! Made it through two review books, two books that have been lingering on my TBR for months, and two library books!‬ ‪ ‬ ‪I’m quite pleased with that progress, especially considering how insanely busy this month has been.‬ ‪ ‬ ‪Day 31:‬ ‪#AmpersandJuly17: Wrap-up‬ . . . . . . ‪ ‬ ‪#bookstack #onthebed #bookwormboutique #bookphoto #instaread #bookish #bookphotography #bookishfeatures #bookstagramfeature #bookporn #bookworm #booknerdigans #boneseason #mimeorder #songrising #ifbirdsflyback #magrit #whereyoullfindme‬
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happyindulgencebooks · 8 years ago
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Happy #SongRising release day! This series is incredible, a dystopian fantasy series about a dreamwalker called Paige. It's set in a complex world with Rephaims (aliens), seven orders of clairvoyance with an alternative London in it. ☁️ I've been highly anticipating the 3rd book and I'm loving Song Rising so far! Wish I had more time to read it atm. ☁️
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altogirl98 · 7 years ago
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Hi! How are you doing? • Since I finished Mime order, I jumped right into next installment, Song rising. I really want to know what will happen, but I am also scared. I hope it makes sense. • I will let you know how I like it! • Q: What are you currenlty reading? • #songrising #currenltyreading #bookstagram #book #books #igreads #yareader  #2017 #bookstagrammer #bookstagramfeatures #bookworm#bookstagramersunit #becauseofreading #featuredbooklovers #featuringbooks #summer #august #mimeorder #songrising #nature #zlatibor #samanthashannon #bookgram #booktography #instabooks #instabooks #bücherliebe #booktography #yalit #bibliophile #booknerd #bookaholic (at Zlatibor)
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lyndseyhallwrites · 8 years ago
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Finally found the quote from my signing! 😁 #books #bookstagram #songrising #samanthashannon #boneseason #signed #risefromtheashes #believeyoualwayswill
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kevindurkiin · 4 years ago
The Songrise Orchestra – The Music Of Mariah Carey (1995)
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01. Dream Lover 02. Now That I Know 03. Make It Happen 04. Music Box 05. Somebody 06. Anytime You Need a Friend 07. I’ll Be There 08. Hero 09. Vision of Love 10. Endless Love 11. Just to Hold You Once Again 12. Love Takes Time 13. Emotions 14. I Don’t Wanna Cry 15. Without You 16. If It’s Over
The Songrise Orchestra – The Music Of Mariah Carey (1995) published first on https://soundwizreview.tumblr.com/
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ketterdcm · 8 years ago
hello!! today i’ve realised that i’m quite the url hoarder, and since i’m not going to have use for these urls, as wonderful as i felt when i managed to save them, i’ve decided to put them up for release/trade! also this is really the first thing i’ve kind of hosted here on tumblr and i’d like to thank yall sweet peas for your love :”)
more info + list of saved urls under the cut
info + rules
no special formatting | you can have it right away!
italic | you’ll have to trade with a good/Worthy™ one
* | may take some convincing/offer a really good url because these are pretty close to my heart
strikethrough | taken
saved urls
book/tv/film fandoms
the raven cycle
the young elites
six of crows
scnktaalina (also tgt)
the grisha trilogy
scnktaalina (also soc)
the bone season
check, please!
stranger things
music fandoms
troye sivan
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enmusasblog · 1 year ago
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Ny singel med Martin Høybye Martin Høybyes låt ’Freedom Is a State of Mind’ skrev Martin tillsammans med Justine Hansen i Kapstaden. Låten handlar om en plats där man kan vara sig själv och känna sig trygg, en fristad, som vi uppmanas att skydda. Låten släpps 19 januari och är den tredje singeln från Martin Høybyes kommande album Songs in the Key of Collaboration som släpps 3 maj 2024.
All oro om händer just nu över hela världen bidrar till stress, splittringar och påfrestningar som påverkar vårt kollektiva sinnestillstånd. ’Freedom Is a State of Mind’ skrevs tillsammans av Justine Hansen och Martin Høybye i Kapstaden och handlar om hur viktigt det är att för oss att skydda vår egna fristad, vare sig det är en yttre eller inre fristad. 
Vår planets ekosfär är inte bara den som är hotad utan också våra relationer med naturen och varandra. Attityder som skiljer sig från varandra, som låten nämner, är också uppenbara i Sydafrika där systemiska ojämlikheter och brottslighet såväl som miljömässiga, politiska, tekniska och ekonomiska påfrestningar har bidragit till en utbredd förtvivlan. Inför detta, hur behåller vi motståndskraften? 
’Freedom Is a State of Mind’ handlar om att hitta och skydda tillflyktsorter både "djupt inne" och i de utrymmen, allmänningen, som fortfarande är tillgängliga för oss. Våra hav, naturreservat, gemensamma trädgårdar - platser där vi kan få kontakt med naturen, oss själva och varandra och bli mer medvetna om vårt ömsesidiga beroende.
“The song is a call to protect places of sanctuary, inner and outer, in order to gain increased self-possession and with that more humanity, simplification and healing with ripple effects. It is also a call to create safe spaces for dialogue where people can speak their truth more freely, even when it goes against convenience and convention”, säger Justine Hansen
“The song is a call to ‘balance our voices’ in order to generate more choices and overcome the paralysis of depression,” enligt Hansen 
Även om de bokstavligen kommer från olika delar av världen, Skandinavien och Sydafrika, fann låtskrivarna snabbt en gemensam grund i en önskan att försöka tala till vad vi kan ha gemensamt över gränserna, och att se kritiskt på de djupare orsakerna till våra kriser.
“During the session, we came from a theme of responsibility for others to a theme of convenience. The kind of convenience that drives not only environmental damage but also a market-driven colonization of inner space”, säger Martin Høybye
Martin var med och skrev låtar i Kapstaden 2018 - 2019, och i Danmark mellan 2020 - 2021 som en del av ett konstbaserat doktorandforskningsprojekt. Låten "Freedom Is a State of Mind" är tredje låten och hämtad från från det kommande albumet "Songs in the Key of Collaboration" som släpps i maj. 
“We had a give-and-take-conversation and took careful notes, before playing a melody game. After a few hours this song was born, drawing on Justine’s backstory, which is one of overcoming a great deal of turmoil and hardship in her youth. It is a call to protect our sanctuaries, whether tangible or intangible, from being slowly appropriated in the midst of the many interconnected crises we are living through”, säger Martin Høybye.
I samband med singelsläppet kommer även en musikvideo. 
Martin Høybye är sångare och låtskrivare med en doktorsexamen i sångskapande processer och sju fullängdsalbum under bältet, senast "The Hourglass Sessions" från 2019.
Han har skrivit låtar i samarbete med människor i Sydafrika och på andra håll sedan 2018, och mätt erfarenheter av att leva med klimatförändringar och den biologiska mångfaldskrisen. 'Freedom Is a State of Mind' är den 3:e singeln från Martin Høybyes kommande album "Songs in the Key of Collaboration", en The New Songrise-produktion som släpptes den 3 maj 2024 genom Songcrafter Music.
"Songs in the Key of Collaboration" innehåller 10 låtar skrivna med personer som tackade ja till Martins öppna inbjudan att samskriva – oavsett musikupplevelse. Alla låtar skapades utifrån samarbetspartnernas erfarenheter.
Albumet producerades av Dennis Ahlgren och är produktdelen av Martin Høybyes konst- och praktikbaserade doktorsavhandling "Songs in the Key of Collaboration - Engaging with Anthropocene moments through personal and collaborative songwriting," (Aarhus University, 2023).
Diverse lovord om Martin Høybye: 'Årets låtskrivare' – SongIsland Hederspris – Danish Songwriters Guild Danish Music Award-nominerad (Årets låtskrivare) Danish Music Award-nominerad (Årets album) Vinnare av Unison Songwriter's Competition Flera finalistplaceringar och hedersomnämnanden, (USA Songwriting Tävling, Internationell låtskrivartävling, The Great American Song Contest, We are Listening).
För mer information om Martin Høybye https://xn--martinhybye-mgb.dk/co-write-with-martin/
För frågor kontakta: Anette Ståhl – Enmusa Music tel: 0707 180120 [email protected]
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neverbythebook · 7 years ago
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4 Aug 2017. All right, guys. WHAT am I supposed to do now that I’ve finished reading the available #BoneSeason books? Huh? WHAT DO I DO? There are still four books to be released and a conclusion seems like forever away. What book series have you been waiting to finish for ages? My full review of #TheSongRising is now up on the blog! . . . . . . #theboneseason #mimeorder #themimeorder #songrising #bookworm #booklover #booknow #bookishfeatures #bibliophile #bookstagramfeature #bookstagram #books #reading #booknerd #bookish #booksofinstagram #bookreview #librarybooks
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neverbythebook · 7 years ago
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‪18 Sep 2017.‬ ‪ ‬ ‪What stops you from connecting with a book?‬ ‪ ‬ ‪I really liked the world of #TheBoneSeason BUT I hardly ever felt an emotional bond with the characters, which is a really important thing for me. After three books I finally like Paige a little more, and I'm really hoping that affection will continue to grow. ‬ ‪ ‬ ‪ ‬ ‪Day 18:‬ ‪ ‬ ‪#AmpersandSept17: But‬ ‪ ‬ . . . . . . ‪ ‬ ‪#boneseason #mimeorder #songrising #themimeorder #thesongrising #fantasy #dystopian #yalit #ireadya #yalovin #bibliophile #booknerd #bookphoto #bookphotography #bookish #bookphoto #bookphotography #bookish #bookworm #bookstagramfeature #booknerdigans #bookishfeatures #booknow‬
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neverbythebook · 7 years ago
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‪14 Sep 2017.‬ ‪ ‬ ‪My job—my life—was based at Seven Dials. According to Scion’s unique urban division system, it lay in I Cohort, Section 4, or I-4. It was built around a pillar on a junction close to Covent Garden’s black market. On this pillar there were six sundials.—The Bone Season, Samantha Shannon.‬ ‪ ‬ ‪Now that I’ve seen #SevenDials in person, I’m a little more annoyed about the cover change for #TheBoneSeason. THE ORIGINAL WAS PERFECT.‬ ‪ ‬ ‪What cover change bugs you the most?‬ ‪ ‬ ‪#CAAPaintTheTownRead‬ . . . . . . ‪ ‬ ‪#boneseason #themimeorder #mimeorder #thesongrising #songrising #london #travel #wanderlust #booknerdigans #beautifulbooks #bookphoto #instaread #bookish #bookphotography #bookishfeatures #bookstagramfeature #beautifulbooks‬
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