eadbh · 18 days
I'm so glad we invented train station platforms to give mankind a place to cry
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reegis · 10 months
are you in any other fandoms than the Mechs 0:?
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i feel like at least one of these is pretty obvious jsjsj i dont know how to like things a normal amount so it’s limited to only a few at a time
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mayas-illusion · 14 days
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A quick sketch of Maya in a potantial performance dress!! :D
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11pm, I am sitting on the kitchen floor with a glass of sparkly juice in complete silence, listening to the cat snore. We are both on the kitchen floor, only she called dibs on the rug in the dining nook, which she can have because she is elderly and a cat and I am neither of those things. New Year’s Eve rockin’ on in the Box household!
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leahsfiction · 1 year
if your scholar lad is listless and can't get out of bed and his health is in rapid decline, have you considered he may be having too much ghost sex
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vieraslaji · 9 months
kertokaa mulle pari suomalaista yritystä joilla on sanaleikiksi muodostamakelpoisia nimiä pliis, kello on 2.56 ja haluun kertoo Toys-R-Us:n kaltaisen vitsin mun mielenterveydestä
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planetwaving · 7 months
things i bravely did not buy at the record store :
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things i did buy :
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fleuraimer · 11 days
ok lowk I was listening to agora hills and. my god.
boxer!carmy is busy training again. he's on a *fucking roll,* actually, and he doesn't plan on unwrapping his knuckles at any point now. his phone's left in the locker at the gym, and his entire focus is on this motherfucking punching bag that he's taking *swings* at. he doesn't need the training, but god, does it feel good.
and he misses *multiple* calls from his cub. okay, maybe it isn't that much- maybe two or three calls, but she does leave one voicemail.
"baby, can you call me back? I miss you. it's so lonely in my apartment-"
and baby, you know he is THERE. straight from the gym to her apartment in a matter of minutes. doesn't matter if her apartment is a little ways across town, or that there is *so much fucking* traffic. no, he's gonna be there for his girl.
after all, a good cooldown is essential to finish off a good workout.
you already know this is 🍓non
no stoooop ur so right he would drop literally everything!!! and he’d alr feel sooooo guilty for missing her calls so when he gets there and she’s all pouty and on the verge of tears and “where tf were u bear?” he feels like such a shitty bf ☹️😭😭😭
can js imagine her trying to give him the cold shoulder, all “no, took too long, don’t wanna see u anymore.” but they BOTH KNOW she’s lying so he js stays and wraps her up in his big beefy sweaty arms, crowding her space until “yuck! bearrrr, ur all stickyyy.” but he js peppers her face w kisses and drags her into the shower w him so he can f*ck that attitude right outta her 😁😁😁
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pseudoirony · 11 months
full offence!! but when pearls father saw her in her mothers pretty dress and cried
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Hey, heads up. Going into people asks, why not get some fucking manners?
It doesnt matter if you go into someones asks or dms with correct or incorrect information, you should be a fucking mature human and not be a dick.
If you speak to people like dicks behind the hide of an anon mask, all that makes you is immature jerk.
If you want information to be shared, share it, but using hurtful words to strangers you know nothing about just to get your point across. It makes you a sad person.
Speaking to people politely is how you get what you want. Grow up.
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mischief-tea · 9 months
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Lookin' good!
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muirneach · 2 months
daniil dead. karen murdered in a ditch. and yet andrey remarkably managing to win from a set down. like what the hell man thats not how this goes
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waterlogged-detective · 2 months
I need to actually write doe more seriously on here so i can do great mouse detective bullshit with him
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llycaons · 11 months
calling wwx a slut is so funny. he doesnt do anything
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na102 · 9 months
Putting the sauce only on top of your pasta ❌
Putting the sauce on your plate before putting the pasta on then putting *more* sauce on your noodles finishing with a stir so every noodle is optimally soaked ✅✅✅
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jays-nook · 7 months
did i watch hazbin hotel? no
do i know anything about it plot-wise? also no
do i still collapse to the ground like fainting Victorian woman whenever i listen to "More than Anything"? yes!!
it's such a good song!! the emotions combined with the angelic voices are just UGHHH LIKE YOU CAN'T JUST CAST JEREMY JORDAN AND EXPECT ME /NOT/ TO COMBUST WHEN I HEAR HIM?!?!
i have had this song on repeat ever since it showed up on my fyp. i need it injected into my bloodstream and tattooed onto my brain until it is all i can live and breathe.
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