#song rewordings
joseph-plunkett · 6 months
A Lyrical breakdown of Hozier's Too Sweet
I'd rather take my whiskey neat
He likes whiskey
My coffee black
He likes black coffee
And my bed at three
He's a bit of a night owl
You're too sweet for me
She does not enjoy those things, so they do not ❌️ make a good partnership.
Woah, revolutionary! Call up the Nobel Prize committee! This man needs to go down in history for his lyrical genius on this specific song!
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vimbry · 8 months
just honest to god adore those deconstructed concepts in the lyrics like "glass of milk, standing in-between extinction in the cold" as a descriptor for mammals and the function they're named for, "flammable undiagrammable sentiments pass between animal beings" to mean sparks fly during romantic chemistry, and "newborn citizenship of the micronations" referring to reproducing and new offspring, like. like! like!!!
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whumpuary · 9 months
so this is entirely pointless but i'm sick and bored so here's a playlist where all the song titles correspond to the prompt list
and the titles are all there is to it. it's probably a wild mix of genres and lyrics that don't fit the theme, or no lyrics at all. but you know, now that i think about it, whumpuary is a challenge where you can try something new and completely different. so idk maybe you'll get super inspired from 60s blues or experimental disco. try it out and see maybee it'll work for you
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fuck-sewingmachines · 5 months
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 10 months
Imagine An Aerin x MC Fic With Lyrics from Reflections by The Neighbourhood
Where have you been? Do you know when you're coming back? 'Cause since you've been gone I've got along but I've been sad
We were too close to the stars I never knew somebody like you, somebody Falling just as hard Maybe it's a blessing in disguise (I sold my soul for you) I see my reflection in your eyes
So don't go, oh, no, just stay You and I were bright, shooting through the sky daily (yeah) Lighting up the night, wasn't always right, baby (mhm) Yeah, every time that we realized it's crazy And you save me
I know you're tired, I know you're tired Just say it, I agree with you Yeah, sick of all the poison in me What did I do wrong for me, babe? Uh, I see myself in you, I see myself in you, baby I see myself in you, alright, I sold my soul for you I see myself in you, maybe you should too
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lelianaslefthand · 3 months
guys i cant stop thinking about handerrsssssss
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creatinghelen · 2 years
just had "right where you left me" by taylor swift in my head which I used to associate with a certain person and I just sang it, by myself, and changed the lyrics. you left me no choice but to get better. I'm no longer at the restaurant. you left me no choice but to get better.
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thatgirlissopeculiar · 11 months
Dream’s dnf fanart likes
November 14th
an animation of Dream and George, Minecraft skin style, getting tacos
Dream, George and all three cats in bed, George and the cats laying on top of Dream
Stardew Valley style, Dream and George outside the house on their farm, Patches on Dream's lap
tiny!George amongst giant things (Patches, a laptop, a glass of juice etc etc)
Dream and George, in each other's colours, wearing Spider-Man themed cat beanies
a gif of tiny!George tying 'ILY' on a laptop
Blade Runner inspired George
George sitting on the Nimbus 2000 (a broom from Harry Potter)
various moments of Dream from George's birthday stream, including George pouring sprinkles on Dream's face, and Dream hugging George
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pulchrasilva · 2 years
Noise: me and my boys, off on an adventure! *walks off*
Youngblood: uh, we are not their boys
Roman: yes we are! :D
Youngblood: ...yes we are
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drowsy-quill · 2 years
37 and 61!
37- Traveling Song by Ryn Weaver
61- Fergalicious by Fergie
Send me a number 1-100 and I’ll give you my Spotify wrapped!
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tiamathh · 2 months
Your Next Friendship <3
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Note: it's been a while, this is a repost but I have the same audience I had like 4 years ago so bear with me, new pac being worked on love you stay hydrated stay healthy muah <33 like and rb if you can!
Do not plagiarise, reword, steal, repost my work!
✧ Masterlist
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Pile 1
Oh, this is cute, this will be a very new beginning for both parties!! There will be a lot of innocence here, it's playful and will help heal your inner child. This person may even help you feel freer, you could help them back by making them be more careful and grounded with their decisions. You may be manifesting this friendship!! It will definitely be some sort of wish fulfilment for you. They would be someone who's really accomplished and successful in whatever they do, they could have Aries or Capricorn in their chart as well. They'll teach you how to be more confident and open to accepting love and affection. Your relationship dynamic is very given and take, however you may find yourself too absorbed in this friendship at one point where you could miss out on meeting new people and making more friends, so beware of that.
Ah there's so much cheerful and extroverted energy here! The person coming in is definitely a people person, they may love socialising and something about their laugh will stand out, they could like accessorising as well. They're someone who looks towards the brighter side of life, but they may have problems with facing negative emotions, which could lead to toxic positivity to a certain extent. They may also like spoiling their loved ones with gifts, you may work on a project together as well.
Keywords: close, build, seeking answers, paying attention, curiosity, money, status, complacency, love you as a friend, anger, define, allowed, everything, dreams, smooth, why? Far away
Song: Manta Rays - Chloe Moriondo
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Pile 2
Ah, okay so this person is probably someone who is mysterious and can come off as deceptive at times. The kind of person you may think is shady or brooding, someone who could be a little more pessimistic. They could be struggling with their mental health and could get stuck in their own head quite a bit, and may have issues with feelings of inadequacy. This friendship may be more for them and less for you, it's giving karmic relationship where you'll help heal them and they'll teach you important lessons. They could be extremely wise beyond their years, but they could have trouble expressing it in a way that doesn't come off as slightly argumentative.
However, your relationship dynamic would be very sweet and promote a lot of growth for the both of you. They may teach you how to stand up for yourself more and take a more realistic approach, maybe you're someone who is more idealistic, they'll help ground you whereas you can teach them how to take it easy and not be very hard on themselves. This would be a very strong bond, they may be someone who believe actions speak louder than words and their love language could be acts of service and physical touch, they would be the kind to ensure your comfort over anything else and could remember small details about you.
Keywords: angry, forgive, camp, dirty shoes, first choice, night conversations, strangers, doubts, imagine, almonds, loneliest, accept myself, worship, passion, devotion, planning.
Song: Wish on the same sky - Monsta X
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Pile 3
Oh, this could be someone who you could meet either while travelling or online. They may be different than you in terms of your ideologies, ethnicity, country, etc. They could also be someone who has different ideologies from you and could teach you how to look at things from different perspectives especially if you're more stubborn and set in your own ways. There could be some argumentative energy here, initially there could be a bit of conflict however the both of you will bring balance into each other's lives. They may teach you how to balance your masculine and feminine energies and make them work together rather than focusing on one at a time.
This could prove to be a perfect partnership, probably a long-term friendship as well, this person will be charming and fearless, they could be someone who thinks about consequences after an action been completed, a bit impulsive but it works for them either way. You could think they're really lucky and generous, something about their hair would stand out as well, they could attract big crowds too. Your dynamic would rely a lot on words and communication, maybe you text more than call but they would be big on words of affirmation, the kind to stop you from continuing negative self-talk (if you do talk negatively about yourself).
Keywords: power, universe at play, timing, patience, repression, hunger, senses, hands, drink, forever, exploring, learning, protection, in love, believe, trying, dream girl, boring clothes.
Song: Suburban Wonderland - BETWEEN FRIENDS
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princesssarisa · 9 months
Since A Dickens December just recently covered the scene in A Christmas Carol, where Fred and his guests play Yes and No, I've found myself comparing the book scene to its equivalent in The Muppet Christmas Carol. In the book, the humor at Scrooge's expense is balanced by Fred expressing his compassion for Scrooge, who, as he watches invisibly, takes the joking in stride and ends the scene in a happy mood. But in the Muppet movie, Fred's compassionate speeches about Scrooge are cut, leaving only the insulting humor (which is reworded too – instead of "rather disagreeable" and "a savage animal," Scrooge hears himself called "an unwanted creature") and Scrooge is hurt when he hears it.
During last year's Dickens December, I seem to remember some criticism of the Muppets' version of the scene, since it alters the scene's entire meaning and does a disservice to Fred's character. That's a valid critique.
But I want to try to analyze what makes it work within the movie.
Not only is the scene rewritten in the Muppet version, it's also placed before the visit to the Cratchit family rather than after. The order of the entire Ghost of Christmas Present sequence seems to be altered in the movie to create a "rising line of tension." (A quote from Robert Wise about the re-ordering of songs in the 1961 film of West Side Story compared to the stage version.)
Both versions of Scrooge's travels with the Ghost of Christmas Present open with the Ghost showing him the happy hustle and bustle in the streets on Christmas morning. Then, in the book, they visit the Cratchits: a happy scene in general, but increasingly bittersweet with the evidence of the family's poverty and with Tiny Tim's illness, and increasingly grim for Scrooge, first with the Ghost's foretelling of Tim's death and throwing Scrooge's own callous words about the "surplus population" back at him, and then with Mrs. Cratchit's disgust and the children's gloom when Bob proposes a toast to him. But after this comes a moody yet uplifting sequence where the Ghost takes Scrooge to various harsh, gloomy places – a miners' hut, a lighthouse, a ship at sea – where nonetheless, Christmas brings people joy. And then comes the joyful scene at Fred's party, where Fred laughs and jokes about Scrooge, but at the same time reveals his compassion for his uncle and makes it clear that his door is always open to him. Throughout these visits, Scrooge's emotional engagement steadily increases, culminating in his being swept up in the joy of Fred's party, forgetting that no one can see or hear him and joining in the games, and ending the visit "gay and light of heart."
The Muppet version changes the order of events to create a steadier line from joyful to poignant. The bustling street sequence is accompanied by the song "It Feels Like Christmas" (one of the best Christmas movie songs of all time). In a less moody and more lighthearted, Muppety way than Dickens, the song also encompasses the theme of "Christmas brings joy to even the poorest and harshest places" (e.g. to the poor mouse family, and to the prisoner and the jailor who act like friends for the day). Throughout the song, Scrooge slowly becomes engaged, and finally, awkwardly yet joyfully dances along with the Ghost.
Afterwards, swept up in the newly-discovered joy of Christmas, Scrooge asks to see family, so the Ghost accordingly takes him to his only family, Fred. Scrooge enters the scene still on an emotional high from the last one, unironically calling Fred his "dear nephew" and happily joining in the game while forgetting that he's invisible. But then, like a punch or a kick, he hears himself called "an unwanted creature," and sees everyone laughing at his expense. At this point the book's Scrooge has already been reminded of how others feel about him by Mrs. Cratchit, and worse, he's already had to face the fact that Tiny Tim might die because of his callousness. This, combined with Fred's compassionate talk, lets him take the mocking in stride; it's mild compared to what he's heard and realized about himself already. But for Michael Caine's Scrooge, it's a startling and brutal reminder of how he's alienated himself from others, just as he's been realizing how much joy friendship and family can bring.
Then the film's version of the Christmas Present sequence culminates with the bittersweet Cratchit family Christmas, and with Scrooge's realization that Tiny Tim might die because of him.
I understand feeling as if the Muppet version does Fred a disservice by cutting his compassionate speeches in the party scene. But his goodwill and eagerness to reach out to Scrooge are still conveyed in his visit to Scrooge's office at the beginning, and including his compassionate speeches might have broken the line of tension described above.
"Rising lines of tension" seem to be generally considered more important in film than they are in books. Notice how most adaptations of A Christmas Carol, including the Muppet version, slightly change Scrooge's emotional journey in the Christmas Past scenes too. In the book's Past sequence, his biggest emotional breakdown is over his childhood – he breaks down crying at the sight of his younger self all alone at Christmas in the miserable school. But the film versions always break him more slowly; he shows restrained sadness when he sees his lonely child self, but doesn't break down in tears until a later point, usually when Belle leaves.
Another comment is I'd like to make is that in The Muppet Christmas Carol, Scrooge's character arc is framed around his loneliness, his realization that he wants love in his life (both to give it and receive it), and his ultimate desolation at how alone and unloved he is because of his own greed and cruelty. Followed, of course, by joy as he finally gives love to others and receives it in return. I'm not sure if this is exactly Scrooge's arc in the book, but onscreen it works.
Analyzing the changes in adaptations, and determining why they work onscreen or onstage (though without trying to claim that they're improvements) is something I could do for hours. Someday I might want to write a whole essay about how, in the musical of Les Misérables, "A Little Fall of Rain" is arguably the most poignant death scene in the show and one of the most moving deaths in any Broadway-style musical – even though some people validly argue that it's much too romanticized and sentimental compared to Éponine's death in the novel, and that it dilutes her tragedy by having Marius grieve for her instead of just coldly pitying her. While of course it's always nice to see a meticulously faithful adaptation of a book, sometimes certain changes do work well.
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I loved your analysis of the Romeo and Juliet reference in Taylors song it was such a perfect example of why people praise her songwriting so much without realising how hollow it is. I also especially loved how when someone commented that they didn’t have a large enough vocab to understand your post, you actually responded really nicely and offered to explain! It’s such a bare minimum thing but so rare to see on the Internet where people often just ignore such comments or become pretentious. Anyway, definitely earned a follow because your posts seem really cool and I hope you do more song analysis posts, whether they’re praising or critiquing music.
Hello! Apologies for taking so long to get back to you! I’ve been in middle of moving (and it’s taking up much of my time ahaha). I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed my Romeo and Juliet post. I love that play- mostly because of its sly, subversive nature and social reform thematic purpose. I remember reading it in High School and how that was one of the first times I was consciously aware of the power literature holds to shift culture and move public consciousness towards progressive ideologies. Remarkable. For that reason, Swift’s repeated misunderstanding, and blatant, purposeful ignorance surrounding the plays, has always frustrated me.  
I will be returning to the topic to write about the infamous “Love Story” (2009), and I’m also going to debunk a couple of her other literary references like The Scarlett Letter one. Also, I will be posting something about her bastardization of Daphne du Maurier’s “Rebecca” (1938) because she over-simplified the thematic point of the book and made it seem silly, and frivolous, instead of the hard-hitting social reform literature that it is. Much of my frustration with Swift stems from her use of literary genius, and the way she twists these stories into empty- ego-driven narratives that singularly focus on break-ups or centering her aspirations towards praising hetero-patriarchal standards in her music.  
I’m fucking over it- Y'all.  
She has this way of taking literary references, some of the most famous and important works in history, and remaking it into something dull, derivative and nonsensical. She incinerates the plotlines and erases the methodology of the literary work through demeaning the intrinsic social reform efforts of the works themselves. For instance, with my post on her work and the reference to “Romeo and Juliet” I mention how Swift purposely leaves out, or negates, Shakespeare intentional social reform phenomenological base to the line “O be some other name/ What’s in a name?” Shakespeare himself is clearly drawing attention to the ways in which people often judge not by the content of our characters but by shallow intonation of our names and station in society. He is using these lines, and the two characters, to show how hypocritical and judgmental it is to uphold petty difference over the ideal of believing in the prospects of human connection. Shakespeare was a radical in his day- he pulled no punches to criticizing the aristocracy or the values of post-feudal hierarchal institutions.  
Swift took such an intentional aspect of his work, his social reform efforts, and purposely divorced it from the line. Thus, remaking, rewording, it into her line, which was a silly, and self-centered, petulant line about how people really should have been nicer to her because she’s a good girl. It’s so fucking stupid- imagine trying to remake Shakespeare without understanding Shakespeare. I cannot abide- now that I’m grown, and no longer a child, who could mindlessly listen to her bastardization of important literary work- I simply must speak up. It’s important because, I think, that her purposeful misuse of the work- making it devoid of social reform- says a lot about her intentions as a person. She’s not the activist people think she is- she's just another pseudo-intellectual grifter.  
Anyway, I’m glad you found something worthwhile in that post- and I hope you’ve enjoyed some of my other posts since then. I admit that I sometimes venture into posting mere opinion- but for my more serious posts I will stick to interrogation of her work through literary invocation. It’s just what I know best.  
If anyone has any questions about my posts- or confusions about my vocabulary use- I am happy to chat and answer questions! I really meant it when I told that person that I would be happy to re-explain using some different words. Sometimes- I get carried away and slip into “academic jargon” but that’s not what I want my blog to devolve into. I want to share information with people who perhaps have not studied literature- or English. I wouldn’t judge anyone just for having a question or being confused about a certain word. I, myself, make a habit of studying other languages- besides English- and that does wonders for keeping me humble about my own knowledge of English. Haha. :) I do not express myself nearly so well in French or German- so it becomes much easier for me to empathize with those who have a hard time expressing themselves with language too. Language is hard- learning is even more difficult. But what a wonderful, rewarding venture it is to ask a question and learn something new!  
I encourage people’s curiosity- truly.  
And yes- I will certainly be posting about other artists as well. Haha, now that I feel comfortable doing so- I will have some fun with it :)  
Thank you for writing in- I am sending you well-wishes and good vibes.  
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777rare · 1 year
ASTROLOGY OBSERVATIONS PT.3 (song edition pt.1)
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THIS CONTAINS MENTIONING OF seggs so please scroll if ur below 18+
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• If chiron in aquarius/11th HOUSE effects were put in a song, it would be -
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Lilith in libra,scorpio,capricorn,Taurus
Lilith in 7th,10th,1st,8th,6th
Venus in aquarius,capricorn,scorpio
Pluto,Lilith dominance
Venus-pluto aspects(esp. Square, conj)
Pluto-lilith aspects.
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• If Gemini Mars were Horny, the best song to describe it is -
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• If capricorn/10th HOUSE Venus/lilith were a song it would be-
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• If uranus conjuct mercury/venus in 12th house and the native has someone on their mind all the time, the best song to describe it is-
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• if Capricorn moon has 2 horny sides it either be-
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• If cancer mars men expressed their love through a song it would be-
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• The two sides of Air Mars when they're horny are-
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I've noticed a lot of people with sexual/personal planets in EARTH placements(esp. Capricorn, Mars or moon) love listening to slowed reverb. Or even listen to music that's got slow beats, sexy or sensual beats that make them wet or feel sexy. Also, these guys look hott in slow motion vedios with a slowed reverb playing in the background.🔥😩🤤
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Hope y'all enjoyed today's post! Have a great day ahead!🏝💘
Feel free to reblog and tag me when you do❤🙌🏻
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neopronouns · 7 months
[if alt text is not accessible for you, every image in this post is a thin line divider with 4 vertical stripes, which are light seafoam green, golden yellow, bright red-pink, and medium dark purple. end id.]
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welcome to my blog!
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i also run @mogai-headcanons, where i made edits of folks' mogai/liom/etc. headcanons, and @neopornouns, a request blog like this one for 18+ terms, and my main blog is @pierz.
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lastly, here's a few resources you may find useful!
my taglist application, for if you want me to tag you in my coining posts/edits
my deviantart for flag templates and symbols
the pride-flags deviantart, which has a ton of high-res flags for mogai terms and more flag templates/symbols
my guide to finding mogai terms by name (and ensuring that you don’t name a new term after a preexisting one)
a guide to how i create names for my terms
an archive of pupyzu’s term suffixes carrd
a list of other mogai blogs i enjoy (hasn't been updated in a while, sorry!)
a beginner’s guide to request etiquette
my redbubble shop, where i’m happy to upload any other flags i’ve personally designed or edits i’ve made
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[Reincarnation AU - Dolores is rewriting the Encanto songs, probably to prove she’s better than Lin]
Luisa: Can Surface Pressure be longer?
Dolores: No. Next?
Isabela: I’d like to scream at some point in my song.
Dolores: I’m not even going to ask why, but fine.
Luisa: Can I sing a reprise of Surface Pressure then?
Dolores: No. Mirabel?
Mirabel: *pretends she isn’t listening*
Dolores: Come on, even you can admit Waiting On a Miracle is very you. You love a good waltz melody.
Mirabel: Well, yes, but it is far too upbeat. As the one who lived that moment, I can tell you it was dark and hopeless. Some of the lyrics need rewording because they are appallingly simple. If we can make it less modern-sounding that would be preferable. Singing in an abandoned church - that is what singing in Casita was like and you know how I feel about accurate portrayals— hang on, I have a list of corrections in my room.
Dolores: Finally, some constructive ideas. Thank you, Mirabel.
Luisa: Can I change some of the lyrics in mine?
Dolores: No.
Isabela: I recently watched the Cabinet Battles in Hamilton, so now I’d like to have a rap battle with someone. I don’t care who.
Dolores: Alright, I think I can make that work.
Luisa: Can I—
Dolores: No.
Luisa: I didn’t even say anything that time.
Dolores: Don’t bother, it’ll be a no.
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