#song headcanon anon
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itsblasttothepast · 5 months ago
I listen to sad song on a general rule but of course I can find something fluffy just for them xD Like The Good I'll Do by Zach Bryan (it's country but it's lovely)
It's entarily form Sergio's perspective this time
"Well, in you/The good I'll do/The good I'll do, oh/The good I'll do"
Sergio went to RBR with a clear mission and he was ready to fulfill it no matter what - and he did, they managed to get WDC for Max, they managed to reach WCC for the team and he got podiums for himself, wins on the best track etc. And he did it all that alongside Max and I think he knows that being the teammate of the best pushed him to achive the results.
"The way the grass smells at night/And you've got flames all in your eyes/As they reflect the sparkler" Max was really passionate about racing and all he does and I think Sergio likes him for it, likes the way Max is willing to fight no matter what and does so with determination. I doubt it's possible to not get excited about what's coming with such a person beside you and I know for a fact Checo always believed in Max and his skills. "And you say we'll never die/Grab me by the hands/Just as callused as I am/Say you're proud" The way Max was defending Checo in front of the media must've meant something to Sergio, like, Max could easily say it's not his problem or stay silent but he said multiple times it's the car (just as Sergio has been saying) and he never said a bad word about him. He also called him his best teammate and that is just the highest praise you can get from a WDC I suppose. The car is shit, but they are in the mess together and it must feel nice for Sergio to have a teammate who cares (since his last one was Kamui).
"Well, there's blue jeans in the driveway/And you're walking inside sideways/The wine always affects you in beautiful kind ways/Ask me if I'm staying and I say that I'm sleeping on the floor"
Sergio must be tired from all the bs RBR did to him, to the car, with all the nonsense Helmut and Horner say and the hate and so on and on but he said he is happy where he is - and in my head Max is one of the reasons why he thinks so. Checo always loved all his teams a bit too much to be healthy and RBR is using that against him but this time Max is on his side and they do have a good time together, even if people say it's PR, I think they are teribble actors and they wouldn't be able to pretend for this long (sorry guys). So even if the season and everything about it is messy and awful at least they can have small moments of fun - so yeah, Sergio is staying in RBR because Max said he wants him there and because he got attached to the blonde chatterbox, no matter how the team treats him.
"Won't you tell me that you need me/'Cause lately I've been needing someone to remind me/I'm worth more than just an evening/I awoke to kitchen smoke, you dancin' like God's moved in you before"
Max is getting back on track with the car and Sergio is still being the focus of all the negativity and I guess seeing him on podium would be a small consolation for all the pain but at least one of them is happy (or at least less miserable). And hey, now Max won't lose his WDC and Sergio won't get blamed for that too so it's good, right? I think Max saying positive things about him is a small bust of confidence. RBR might make him feel like an worthless person but at least his teammate doesn't think so.
"Well, in you/I'm new/I'm new/Oh, how I'm new"
This is self explanatory with Sergio's 'no fucks given' attitude - I do think Max helped him get out of the 'if I'm quiet they will stop' mentality and lead him to be more open about the issues - even if RBR hates him for it.
"Getting high out in Austin/Drunk in Tennessee/I don't care where I am/As long as you're with me/Those boys downtown talk so much shit when I leave"
All the rumours and all the traveling away from home, all the fake smiles and broken promises and yet, Sergio and Max keep on trying to make the most of it, with each other - because they are The Dancing Bulls, they are the 'best duo RB ever had' - They are what they are but they make it work.
Ah, song headcanon anon, I'm the same. I love the sad songs, they have something alluring that makes me love the angst! (this is probably a consequence of growing up watching Telenovelas).
I'm not a fan of country music generally, but I heard 'You give me love' by Faith Hill, and now I give a chance to every country song someone recommends... and this time it's another hit! Such a cute song!
This year honestly changed my perspective on Chestappen, so many things going around, and they had to face them together, finally as a team. I feel Horner and Marko keep getting in the way, like wanting to break them apart.
This song made me think, like you said, maybe he are seeing a new Checo, rising from the ashes! I think Max is also finding his place, now that everything is kind of crumbling around them.
Anon, what do you think of the Chestappen content this week? The booth, the arcade games... any songs come to mind?
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pjsk-headcanons · 7 months ago
everytime a sad/angsty song comes from the sekais/the Characters all the other unit members get really really worried because like. akito why are you talking about how hard it is for you to breathe. rui why are we screaming at the Industry. mizuki why are you feeling like a traitor (? idk what lower is about). how has no one addressed this in canon
-🚆 if it isnt taken
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forsoobado137 · 6 months ago
Seeing Hetalia and singing terminology in the same post has me literally jumping for joy. My brand!! My brand!! My thing!! Ecstatic. Thank you kind enabler.
Yes I love musicccc. I was in choir so I have a bit of background knowledge. I love thinking about how their voices work lol. Infact, here are some more voice/ choral singing headcanons!
Romano is an opera god. He has the range of Pavarotti, and literally sounds like an angel on earth. I love that this is canon.
Italy has the same classical theatre type of voice as his brother (but not at his level). He's an expert at reading sheet music (a lot of Italian terms).
America has a really powerful tenor voice + amazing breath control. The problem is he's sometimes a bit sharp. Also he loves improvising, which means he'll sometimes shout lyrics instead of singing or he'll experiment with a riff. It doesn't always land. Also, he doesn't really enunciate his consonants.
England sounds American when he sings. His voice is a kind of a generic baritone, though he can reach high notes with a decent falsetto. His strength is that he's always on tempo. He hates when other people clap at concerts because they're always off-beat.
France has a very seductive baritone voice. It's deep and elegant. He knows the differences between the dynamics. He's makes dramatic expressions when singing, which might make some roll their eyes. His range isn't really anything special, and he's annoyed that he gets stuck with the boring baritone melodies. He holds onto the long notes for just a liiiiiittle too long.
Switzerland is a tenor and has very good vocal control. This man can yodel.
Germany is kind of a bland singer. It's like he's never heard of vibrato. He is a bass/baritone who cannot hit the high notes to save his life. Very on tempo.
Prussia CANNOT SING. His voice is raspy, he's tone deaf, and has no sense of dynamics. Don't tell him though...
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fruitsofthepalmyrah · 1 month ago
Your post got me thinking about how I totally believe. Rhaegar and Elia did love each other, but that Rhaegar wouldn’t know genuine love if it bit him in the ass. 
I can see them having a very loving and stable relationship that probably isn’t very passionate or exciting. Something that’s not particularly song worthy but realistic and true. Very friends to lovers.
Rhaegar and Elia could’ve been Ned and Cat if Rhaegar wasn’t a prophecy obsessed idiot.
Also fully agree they fucked NASTY 😊
Oh my god anon, you don’t know what you’ve set off. I completely agree with everything you said but just to add on:
I like to believe that Rhaegar, being the prophecy fairytale song loving guy that he is, believes that love is something that hits you in the face, sweeps you off your feet, and consumes you. He doesn’t think it can be slow, something that you can build over time, brick by brick and so he doesn’t realise he has that with Elia. Love can happen in so many different ways. He’s searching for an idealised version of it with rose-tinted glasses.
I love comparing rhaelia to nedcat. Idk how anon but you’ve read my mind, we’re on the same frequency and wavelength. One big thing that differentiates them is time. NedCat had the time to build a loving relationship over many years despite some obstructions at first, like Ned being uncomfortable about taking over everything that was Brandon’s and Catelyn hating Jon’s presence and the idea that Ned was unfaithful. Rhaegar and Elia did not have that time to fully realise this (nor the circumstances to be honest), because obviously Rhaegar’s love for prophecy clouded his judgement and created a domino effect leading to their inevitable death. Also the fact, that being in court and under Aerys’ scrutiny would have strained their relationship. I do think they were the happiest on Dragonstone away from all the fuss.
Either way, he was still fond of her, whether he knew it was love or not, there is textual evidence for that. They sure as hell were passionate in the bedroom if they popped out with Rhaenys that fast and he cared about her enough to not put her life in danger again because if that were another man, he would have made her pregnant quick no matter what.
I have so much more to say but that’s for an other day.
Genuinely think they would have been a power couple because I think they’re pretty similar.
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blindmagdalena · 5 months ago
weird/useless headcanon: homelander hates musical theatre.
all the more reason to force him into a relationship with someone who loves them
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anonymous-kotlc-thoughts · 2 months ago
biana would love sabrina carpenter, sophie would love olivia rodrigo, linh would love gracie abrams and marella would love ariana grande
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venusbyline · 2 months ago
It’s always the Jace/Baela shippers getting so tense when Jace/Sara is brought up. What are they threatened for, when Sara probably might not be real??? It’s such a funny phenomenon because Jace/Baela only exists as a ship from the show. Before HOTD, nobody shipped them and they had only one random fanart for them. Everybody was supporting Jace/Sara back then but they switched up once HOTD aired.
FRRRRRR. If Sara Snow had actually existed, their dynamic would've been very interesting, it's a fact.
My honest opinion about this whole situation is: the scriptwriters tried to turn Jacaerys and Baela betrothal, which in the books is purely the classic arranged marriage/marriage of convenience, into a healthy LOVE story. But in the books Jacaerys and Baela didn't love each other as a COUPLE, this was almost like a fucking fic/headcanon by the scriptwriters, trying to create a healthy couple in the show (and in my opinion it was very boring, but anyway...)
and I don't understand why Jace and Baela shippers are so angry about some people shipping Jace with other female characters, like Sara Snow or Helaena...
And why do they feel so angry about a character who was only mentioned in the books and is probably just a random and nonsense rumor? But even if it were true, Baela literally got married and went on with her life normally after Jace's death. If someone is so pissed off about a random and friendly mention of Sara Snow, it just proves that the Jace x Baela ship isn't that interesting even for their own stans lmaoooo
Personally I don't mind some book canon changes to the show. I ship Helaena x Aemond even though I know they don't make sense in the book. The difference is that I'll never randomly arguing with those who don't support my ship. It's literally personal opinions, it's just books and shows.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 4 months ago
Circle circle dot dot by Forsaken for Killer? You’ll have to listen it. Sounds like two voices singing at the time.
Off topic, but found out that “circle circle dot dot” is often a saying as a way to “cure” other children from ‘cooties’ when giving a fake shot, and thought of my own HCs about how Killer was often (unintentionally or not, knowingly or not), conditioned by Chara via ‘childish’ games, words, sayings, rhymes, phrases, slang, and/or gestures like tag, ring around the Rosie, pinky swears, etc.
Something something about others being dangerous, contaminated, sick and wrong—infecting him with dangerous thoughts and ideals—and able to infect killer if it wasn’t for kc’s protection via the ‘shot’ cleansing him
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specific-dreamer · 4 months ago
can u elaborate more on pony being darrys little “shadow” like all the cute/irritating things he would do that would annoy darry but also just funny to the rest of the fam
edit: i thought i posted this way back when soz it too so long omfg soz it took so long to answer you, i’ve been thinking v hard on this and most of these might be ooc since i haven’t read the book in like a month
when i say shadow, pony tried to do literally everything darry did
i mentioned already younger pony doing darry’s workouts. like darry’s in the gym doing pull-ups? so’s pony, darry just gave him bands to assist him (pony only uses them when darry looks, he has dangled from the bar multiple times).
darry’s doing a farmers walk around the room while carring 35lb dumbbells? well, darry tried giving him 10lbs but pony’s face got all red and darry knew if he didn’t do something pony would cause a scene
(they went back home that evening with ponyboy crying and whining about how his arms hurt and felt like limp noodles)
not much of a shadow but
pony hated listening to his parents. mrs c: “pony grab your coat it’s gonna be cold”
pony: “no i won’t get cold”
darry: “pony go get my jacket i’m cold”
pony comes back with both him and darry’s jacket because “what if i get cold too ?”
in middle school, when darry first started doing jv football, he had the meanest coach ever. his coach didn’t want anybody on the field that wasn’t actively on the team and darry tried explaining that to pony one night but at this point ponyboy was at the peak of his shadowing (probably 6-8 yrs old to darry’s 12-14).
he took darry’s helmet and when asked why he said “i’m going to football practice”
at 14 darry was a peak middle school boy, he ate a lot and fast as hell at that. but when he ate at home he had to eat slowly because pony always tried to match pace with him. like if darry ate two bites in a row before chewing, so’s pony. if darry got an extra helping of green beans, ponyboys gonna make a face but he’s gonna get an extra helping too.
(subconsciously, i think pony still tries to match darry’s pacing when the eat. like darry’s done growing now, he’s 20 so eats a lot slower than he use to as a kid, and when pony catches himself matching pace he can’t help but notice that darry eats like a sloth in comparison to him)
ponyboy learned how to “read” when he was a toddler, like 2 or 3 because he saw darry reading and wanted to read too (ofc he didn’t actually know how to read but he knew when to turn the pages and he could read goodnight moon and that was good enough for him)
pony tried doing football once because he saw how much fun darry had playing and he figured if he played too then darry would have no choice but to hang out with him more
he made the team somehow but he quit before the first practice because he didn’t like how far he’d be thrown whenever he got tackled (middle school pony is skin and bones, 70lbs wet, he’s flying when he gets tackled)
he also did not like the feeling of the wind being knocked out of him everytime either
lowkey this is when the decline of his shadowing starts, the poor baby
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luimagines · 1 year ago
I wanna cryyyyyy, I just woke up from a dream which made so much sense to me I couldn’t help but cry ;^;
So in this dream, I was Twilight and I was going to each howling stone yet at the last howling stone I suddenly asked the hero’s shade “Those stones…..the howling stones, were those graves….weren’t they?” And then Time replied with a nod before he disappeared on me. I’m like actually crying right now because it makes so much sense in my mind too, sorry for my ramble it is currently 1am and im tired.
Oh goodness!!! Oh no!!
That... kinda makes sense. In my head. As someone who has never played Twilight Princess.
Can someone add on? Would that makes sense if the howling stones were graves?
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itsblasttothepast · 5 months ago
I'm not really a Chewis fan (I don't mind them, I just like Chestappen more) for a few reasons but I think that if there was something between them it was more of a BFF with benefits in their younger days - with Checo baying all babygirl in Sauber and Lewis being the moment at that time (I think that after Nico Lewis wouldn't want to mix personal and profesional ever again) but they sure do have chemistry. A song for them would be I think, Never Mind by Rafael Witt (it's a bit angsty but that's how I feel about this ship) - it's like Sergio reflecting at their relationship after years - mind you, that's just my interpretation so it might be completly wrong - it's written with the perspective that Chewis was real until they fell apart somewhere around 2018 and ended completly in 2021.
"Sleep/Isn’t it much harder?/Searching just to find her where you would not expect"
That is Checo thinking about the past and wondering what could've been if he stayed with Lewis as something more than just friends - I think that young Lewis wouldn't look for happiness in Sergio just because he was focused on becoming the greatest when Checo was just a rookie who was trying hard. I recon Sergio wouldn't have such doubts and he would just want to be happy with what he had. "To be/Lost inside, you’re a liar/Whining won’t inspire/The ghosts you thought were in the past"
I think the ghost of Lewis's relations with Nico would play a huge role on the downfall of Chewis, with Sergio witnesing it first hand and supporting both of them through the difficult times. I think Lewis would be the one who would refuse to talk about past claiming that he "dealt with it" and Checo would be just tired of being in the shadow of something he couldn't fully understand.
"Why would I take your order?/Disorder, I cry/Crumble even further/Disorder, I yearn"
That is Checo from McLaren or the end of Force India times when everything around him seemed hostile and against him and he just wanted to do his best but he couldn't operate in the chaos. Not to mention that he went to McLaren to replace Lewis which only adds to the narrative of feeling lost and slightly undervalued (by the teams and by Lewis, who was chasing stars in Merc - he was there to congratulate him on every victory but Lewis wasn't really there for him).
"I’ll confess my love to the stars/And you’d never mind"
Sergio loves with his whole heart and it was just a matter of differences in personalities that caused them to fall apart eventually, no argument had taken place, nobody did anything worng - they are the perfect example of "the right person, the wrong time" "Now you said some things you wish you didn’t/You put me to walk/within your limits/Explain to me clearly now" I think Lewis might have held some sort of grudge against Sergio for how the 2021 season played of and how Checo did his best to help Max (adding on top the controversy of Abu Dhabi and what went on there). He probably didn't even know it but Sergio could feel the distance and he decided that it was best to be just friends than resent each other. Years passed and now he would like to talk to Lewis clearly about what happened to them because if you love someone so much you never stop, the love just takes on different shape.
"I wanna learn to heal the spirit/Walk with my own eyes/Watch the Sun, the morning light"
Right now with all the shit going on Sergio just wants to enjoy the time he has left in the sport and make the most of it, looking for the happy memories for himself and not trying to prove anything to anyone.
"I wanna learn to feel the world/Drown within its arms/Step outside the guiding lines" Sergio from this season decided to throw caution to the wind and he started to meet the annoying journalists with the "I don't give a fuck" energy because he finnaly doesn't want the media to dictate if he is or isn't enjoying doing what he loves. He is no longer the PR trained pet RBR can use however they want and I think Lewis would admire that, seeing that he was once forced into a persona that wasn't him too. As for Billie Eilish and Chestappen I think the most obvious one is Ocean Eyes
"I've been watchin' you for some time/Can't stop starin' at those ocean eyes/Burning cities and napalm skies/Fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes/Your ocean eyes" Sergio watched Max grew inside the sport and he was there with him from the beginning, he knew what Max was capable of and he never doubted his skills. He saw Max become what he is today - a record breaking machine with almost nothing that could stop him - and I think he admires him in a way.
"No fair/You really know how to make me cry/When you gimme those ocean eyes/I'm scared/I've never fallen from quite this high/Fallin' into your ocean eyes/Those ocean eyes" Ekhem - Brazil 2022 again? How Max destroyed Sergio's picture of how they could be great teammates? How the whole mess afterwards somehow painted him as the vilivan? And what did he do? Nothing, he made peace with it and continued his work, eventually going back to being friendly with Max - because let's be honest, Max is only scary on the track, off of it he's a little puppy dog who wants to play - and he can't help it, he just likes his silly blonde teammate.
"I've been walkin' through a world gone blind/Can't stop thinkin' of your diamond mind/Careful creature made friends with time/He left her lonely with a diamond mind/And those ocean eyes" It's like- It's just them, isn't it? Sergio, aside from Kamui, never had a good teammate who would be nice to him (not talking about racing but outside of the race weekends too) and I think he likes how things work with Max, especially since the Dutchman is really entertaining and quick witted - making friends with him must've been something new for Checo and let me tell you, I don't think the process was easy at all, with Max fighting for WDC, with them having problems in 2022, with RBR being the way it is - but it worked in the end, no?
First, let me tell you song headcanon anon, how much I love your asks and how they cheer me up in this dark moments after Austin 🥰
I appreciate even when you aren't a Chewis fan, you found a song about them! First of all, it's a fan headcanon that Lewis and Checo had something going on when they were younger. The hugs, the looks, the joking around... then both Nicos got in the middle (Hulkenberg for Checo and Rosberg for Lewis) and they drifted apart.
I think we all agree that if those two had something going on, it ended in 2021 after Checo joined RBR and became enemy number two (Max being number one).
Anon, you get Checo so well, I once saw a post that said something about the problem with Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader (sorry, Star Wars reference here): 'Anakin loved too much and Darth Vader loved too little'. So I see Checo as the one always loving too much, giving everything. He loves his teams, even evil McLaren, he loves his teammates, he loves racing... but it's too much love and he isn't appreciated as much by teams and teammates (they are the ones loving too little).
As much as I love Chewis, I know Lewis is focused on himself and his eight championship (and he indirectly blames Checo for not getting it), so it makes sense he moved on.
I know! I recommended Ocean Eyes for a fancam, I originally heard that song in a Chewis video, which as pretty as it was, I didn't get why the song, since none of them have blue eyes XD
With the Mexican GP around the corner, maybe we need a more cheerful song for Chestappen, do you have one? Please share!!
(Also, while I suck, I'm thinking of making fanvideos with your song recommendations... some day in the future when I have time 😅
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byler-alarmist · 6 months ago
saw your post about speculating what songs will be in s5.... which ones do you have in mind?
Anon I am SO sorry it's taken me so long to respond, but I have a playlist just for you!!
Some of these aren't likely, others I believe are VERY likely. All of them are contemporary to the show's timeline, with the exception of one or two that could be a flash-forward to '90 or '91. Enjoy!!!!
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pjsk-headcanons · 3 months ago
Rui does tap and has shocked WxS with his wings and pullbacks before. Taukasa now thinks Rui is even more insane than before, especially with how fast the music he usually tap dances to is. This is also part of the reason why Becoming Potatoes gives off tap vibes.
-🎶🎨 anon
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pessimisticgh0st · 1 year ago
What songs do you think Tori Spring would listen to?
Definitely a lot of Radiohead (particularly No Surprises, Let Down, How To Disappear Completely, Fake Plastic Trees, Jigsaw Falling Into Place and Street Spirit (Fade out)) and I feel like she would relate and love a lot of Mitski songs, though she wouldn't know that many considering she prefers to listen to individual songs rather than whole artists. I feel like she would listen to THE LONELIEST by Måneskin at 2am and would have Quiet, The Winter Harbor by Mazzy Star on one of her playlists too haha.
And here are some other ones: Between the Bars by Elliott Smith, I Deserve to Bleed by Sushi Soucy, Telescope by Cage the Elephant, Miss Misery by Elliott Smith, Andromeda by Weyes Blood, A Different Age by Current Joys, Where Is My Mind by the Pixies, Ramona by Beck from Scott Pilgrim, Ghosting by Mother Mother (to be honest I think Tori would like a lot of Mother Mother songs), The Record Player Song by Daisy the Great, Northern Attitude (with Hozier) by Noah Kahan and Hozier, Kids by Current Joys, Tired by Beabadoobee and Clay Pigeons by Michael Cera. There are a lot more to be honest, but I could go on forever
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ask-belphegor · 12 days ago
BELPHIEE!! Do you have a song rec? I'm rlly bored rn with nothing to do 😔😔
-Thy one and only ;) ♡
may I interest you in the entire discography of My Chemical Romance?
. . .
if not here are some other songs I like:
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"Hell's Comin' with Me" by Poor Man's Poison is Rades's theme song. I do not accept criticism.
And criticism shall not be given. (Here's a spotify link in case someone wants to listen). I can definitely see his journey in this, and could very well imagine an animatic to this as well.
It'd start with him walking down a path, remembering the past, after which he's stop and take one last glance to the Royal Capitol, high on that hill, looking none the happier. And then back down the road again. He'd take a deep breath, and set out to go with the EOTMNSs. Then frames from their HQ, and more frames from the greedy Clover Nobles.
His life while wearing the cloak, breaking havoc, and living the life he does with the EOTMNS'.
I really enjoyed this ^^
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