#sometimes you love what you have too much to leave it
emphistic · 3 days
Bf!Sukuna who refused to look at the Solar Eclipse with safety glasses on, because he thinks he's built different
Bf!Sukuna who kisses the back of your hand in the most random moments
Bf!Sukuna who loves your personal space just as much as you, to the point it could even be called yours and his
Bf!Sukuna who touches your butt out of the blue, and not even in a sexual way
you could be standing somewhere and he just comes up behind you and rubs and squeezes and caresses your ass like it's his own fidget toy, regardless of who's near
sometimes you even have to remind him you two are in public
Bf!Sukuna who flirts with you nonstop, whether he's aware of his actions or not
this man could continue going on about how good you are to him even if there was a gun to his head
you can't count with ten fingers how many times you've had to slap a hand over Sukuna's mouth in order for him shut up whilst people just stare at how casually he speaks obscenities
Bf!Sukuna who rests his chin atop your head while you cook, with his arms wrapped around your waist
Bf!Sukuna who is absolutely oblivious to people who hit on him; his brain only registers those people as mere nuisances and his replies are always just him trying to make them leave
"Heyy, Sukuna. You know, I was just wondering. You always smell so good; what do you use?"
"It's called Leave Me the Fu-cologne." (leave me the fuck alone.)
Bf!Sukuna who is beyond fed up with the amount of little boys who come up to you while you're both waiting to pick up Yuuji from pre-school
Bf!Sukuna who gets sent to sleep on the couch after slapping your ass one too many times
he always comes crawling back, though, peppering your face in kisses and offering apologies he doesn't mean whatsoever
Bf!Sukuna who has the absolute dirtiest mouth
you two could be in the middle of a casual conversation and then he'll randomly blurt out how good you felt during bed last night
it's also not an uncommon occurrence for him to randomly text you sex positions and toys he wants to try out
Bf!Sukuna who has an album on his phone containing pictures and memories the two of you have shared throughout your relationship
he plans to have it play on a big screen as a slideshow during your future wedding reception, but he'll never admit that unless he wanted you to know how much of a sap he truly was
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euthymiya · 2 days
i do (the practice round) — ft. gojo satoru
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satoru doesn’t drink often—but when he does, it’s always because there’s something heavy on his mind. you figure out just what it is as you shove a wasted satoru into your car in the middle of the night
before you read: fem reader ; non curse au, suguru never defects ; established relationship ; drunk gojo, mentions of alcohol ; mentions of marriage and proposals ; banter
notes: i am binging jjk season 2 and i think satoru’s bum ass would definitely ruin his own proposal and never even be aware of it
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Sometimes, you appreciate Suguru’s company. He makes it tolerable to deal with the handful that is Satoru. With a boyfriend as…eccentric as Satoru is, having someone as a voice of reason keeps you feeling sane sometimes. But sometimes, you also hate Suguru.
Right now, it’s the latter. You wouldn’t consider yourself on the list of his top fans now that he’s left you with a drunk, stumbling, and absolutely difficult Satoru to wrangle into your car and take home.
“Stupid Suguru,” you grumble, “I told him not to let you drink too much.”
Curse Suguru for leaving you for some random woman at the bar, and curse him for letting your lightweight boyfriend drink as much as he has. Satoru doesn’t even drink often—and certainly not this much.
You can’t help but wonder what got him here in the first place.
“Hey,” Satoru snaps, swatting your hand away as you shove his six-plus-foot-figure into the passenger seat, “don’t touch me. My wife will be mad.”
You pause, blinking before looking at him amused.
“You don’t have a wife, Satoru,” you snort. A small part of you thinks he’s an idiot, of course, but another part of you feels a thumping making itself abundantly clear in your ribcage, somewhere deep in your heart.
Wife. You like the sound of that, you think. You walk around the car, entering the driver’s side as Satoru sits and simmers in his despair.
“Don’t rub it in,” he whines, slumping against the dashboard of your car as he groans. “I don’t have a wife yet. Been trying for ages.”
“Trying what—”
“Every time I think v’got the perfect chance, s’ruined by somethin’ or another.”
“What are you talking about—”
He pulls something shiny out, dangerously at risk of dropping it with how wobbly his hands are from the alcohol in his system. You pause. Blink. Stiffen. Sit there in absolute silence as he stares at the ring in his hands woefully.
“Had it for weeks,” he says pitifully. And then, because he’s just as wasted as you suspected, he holds it out to you. You can’t find it in you to move, just staring blankly at it. “Think she’ll like it?”
“Who?” You croak, playing along.
“My girlfriend,” he grumbles. “You’re not very bright.”
“And you’re not very polite,” you snap back half heartedly, ears still ringing from his words just moments ago. Think she’ll like it?
He means you, of course. He doesn’t realize he’s speaking to the very person he’s supposed to present the ring with, but you suppose now you understand just why he’s taken to drinking so much this evening. He must be quite on edge as of late.
“Polite my ass,” he huffs under his breath, pulling you from out of your thoughts.
“You kiss your girlfriend with that mouth?” You challenge.
He does. He kisses his girlfriend (you) senseless quite often, in fact. Maybe more than he should…perhaps even at places he should not.
“I do,” he says haughtily. “My girlfriend loves me. She’s obsessed with me, actually. She couldn’t live without me. She kisses me on the mouth all the time. Among other places too.”
You want to slap his shoulder at that last comment—it just about takes you everything not to. “Your girlfriend is crazy for kissing that mouth of yours,” you tease.
Satoru doesn’t appreciate you talking poorly of his girlfriend (you) like that. It’s offensive. You can tell as much from the purely insulted look on his face as he gasps, “don’t speak about my baby like that! This is why you don’t have a boyfriend.”
“I do, actually,” you grin. He doesn’t believe you—the disbelieving snort he lets out instantly would offend you if it was anyone else, maybe. But Satoru pulls a fond, easy smile across your lips.
It feels like muscle memory.
“You have a boyfriend?” He asks incredulously.
“I do,” you grin.
“You love him?”
“I do,” you confirm. He looks unconvinced, but shrugs anyway.
“Is he a loser or something? Dating you?”
“He is,” you grin wider, “a total loser.”
“Makes sense,” he snickers. And then his attention is back to the ring in his hand, his long, nimble fingers fiddling with it before he murmurs, “I hope she likes it.”
“I’m sure she will,” you say softly, biting your lip as your eyes feel just a bit misty.
You mean it, too. He’ll never know that, but what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.
“You really think so?” He asks quietly. Shy. Satoru has never been shy—he’s so many things. Loud. Outspoken. Stubborn. Maybe a little shameless. But shy doesn’t usually describe him.
He seems to unlock a few hidden sides of himself around you. You think you want to unlock a few more.
“I do,” you say for the third time that night.
It’s practice, you think, for the real thing.
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Imagine revealing on your tenth anniversary “btw i actually knew you were promising weeks before you did it. You showed me the ring and everything.” He’d claw his eyes out lolll
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asumi2020202 · 14 hours
Everything has a Price to Pay
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x reader
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Summary: Daemon's hired men, whilst trying to slay Aemond in his bed, accidentally harmed his wife and his son and Aemond blames his wife for it.
A/n: The 2nd episode of s2 broke my heart. The way Helaena clung to her son's blanket. But anyways, this is something which is somewhat based on the storyline of ep 1 and 2 of s2 but unlike the directors taking out Alys Rivers from the show, I'm including her. Thank you for reading!
All throughout the kingdom, you were known to be the gentlest of souls much like your sister. Though she was naive and all too forgiving, you were a bit unlike her. You preferred knowledge but both of you were kind.
Your marriage to Aemond was exactly like Aegon and Helaena's. To keep the bloodline pure. Except the only difference was that both of you loved each other and that he was not like Aegon.
You always stayed with either your sister or your husband ever since a child. Or sometimes you would accompany your eldest brother, he only had you who understood him.
Unlike his brother and nephews, you didn't tease and harrass Aemond, for you too knew what it felt like to not be heard. He felt as if he could only seek comfort in you and his mother as a child and even now.
When he had claimed Vhagar, he had to pay the cost with his eye.
He realised he loved you when the maester and maids tried to usher you away saying the stitching and mending to his face would too horrific to see for your gentle soul yet you stood your ground and held his hand while your mother pleaded for justice.
You felt hate for your father. For he blindly trusted his daughter, disregard anyone else. If someone even asks him your name he probably would not be able to say.
After that incident in the Red Keep, your half-sister's family fled to Dragonstone.
War had started. Your mother along with your grandsire, successfully installed Aegon on the throne. Your husband Aemond had took the life of your nephew.
You knew that the House of the Dragon would tear each other apart. With no literal escape.
It was only some days before your child would be born. Having your first child with your husband. The only happiness in this devastating time.
Your happiness has crashed down when you got a raven. Your husband was laying with some bastard whore in Harrehal. The only thoughts you would get were
Did he not love me? He always swore that he would never leave me and stay by my side, that he will be different than our father.
He looked happy when he got to know of our child yet he is laying with another woman.
What did I do wrong?
Why did he lie?
He left you right when the war had been declared and he finalized it by killing your nephew.
Your mother tried to help you. Completely disappointed in her son. She raised him better yet he still did this. Harming her daughter, hurting her emotions and dishonouring her.
You stayed with Helaena until the pressure of it all became too much to bear and ultimately pushing you towards your labor.
You laid in your bed crying, sweating and panting, while your husband was who knows where.
You held tight onto your mother's hand as Helaena quietly said "A price must be paid for all that is done."
Soon enough your child was born. It was a son. Your little Aenor.
Moonfyre's roar were heard. She could sense a new presence. One familiar to her bonded sister.
You cried as you took your son in your arms, your mother kissing your head as your sister gently rubbed your arms.
Moonfyre had laid her eggs 3 weeks before your son's birth.
It had been a week since you had Aenor. Since your husband, if you can even call him that now, had not returned. You took it upon yourself to get him his own dragon egg.
As you walked through the dragon pit, you saw some dragon keepers scared.
"Moonfyre iksos daor īlva jikagon va zyhōn. Nyke suggest ziry would sagon wise naejot daor jikagon va zyhōn nykeā zyhōn drōma sir." Said a dragon keeper.
Moonfyre is not letting us go near her. I suggest it would be wise to not go near her or eggs now.
"Dīnagon aside. Nyke shall ūndegon skoros nyke kostagon gaomagon." Came your reply.
Move aside. I shall see what I can do.
As you walked further in, you saw you dragon, guarding her precious eggs.
You walked towards her. She's let's out a small noise upon recognising you. You gently placed your hand on her snout and then your forehead. With her wings she gently pushed you towards her eggs, guarding you.
You chose an egg for your son. Before leaving, you patted her snout and scratched it a bit, giving her some comfort.
Night had already fallen over kings landing. You were with your son in your shared chambers. He had fallen asleep to your gentle humming.
As you were cradling your son to your chest, you heard the door being opened. You thought it was perhaps a maid but as you turned around you saw the rat catcher that comes everyday.
He was smirking and held a knife. Soon after him, entered a muscular man who had a knife as well.
"A son .. for a son he said." Said the muscular man. "Oh but look there, thats his son." Replied the rat catcher to the other man.
As the other one looked at you, you felt dangered.
"I.. have a necklace. It.. is of great value.." you cradled your son closer to your chest with one arm while with the other hand you tried to open the necklace.
The muscular man simply tore it away from your neck. Fear was evident in your eyes. You took a step back as the rat catcher said
"Hand him over and you'll live. We only need him."
As he approached you, you placed your right hand over your right thigh where your own dagger was kept.
The rat catcher tried to forcefully take your son but before he could do so, you kicked him in his crotch. While writhing in pain, he slashed your arm. The other one was coming towards your son, but as he tried to slash him in your arms you turned around.
His blade dug through your back. Muscles getting slashed. Extreme pain courses through you. Yet you didn't give up. U took out your dagger and slashed his cheek and stabbed his chest. As he flinched away, you took your chance and ran out the room, you nightgown red with your blood.
You didn't know where to go. Time was limited. You could hear faint moaning noises. Cradling your son closer to your chest, with your jaw on his head, you followed the noise.
You came infront of your mother's chambers and entered without a second thought. You saw her with Ser Cole but you didn't care about that. Your energy was running out. A lot of blood was lost. You didn't even know if you would survive.
With your remaining strength you said "Mother". You shakily walked to her and somehow gave her your son as you collapsed beside her bed.
Alicent's scream could be heard from everywhere. She couldn't believe her eye. Her little sweet y/n was bleeding out in front of her. She put Aenor on her bed as he wailed out loudly.
Alicent kneeled before her daughter and hugged her to her chest. Her blanket and body getting bloodied. She cried and cried.
Aegon and Helaena had appeared as well. Helaena couldn't watch, tears flowing from her eyes. She took Aenor as a maid escorted them away to her room.
Aegon rushed beside his mother and sister. Gently taking her in his arms as maester Orwyle came through hurriedly, asking Aegon to put you on the bed.
Aegon very carefully laid you on your stomach on the bed. While maester Orwyle asked them to leave the room, both your brother and mother did not stop crying.
Aemond had landed on the Red Keep. Getting off of Vhagar, he walked inside the castle. As he entered, he could see a man being dragged to the dungeon. Blood everywhere. Maids rushing around.
He saw his brother. But he wasn't as he usually was. He knew after becoming the king, Aegon had changed, but now he looked completely different.
His hair not brushed. Eyes red and tired. Blood. He was covered in blood.
As Aemond walked towards him, he heard Aegon say to a guard "kill every rat catcher you can find. Spare none."
Aegon looked away from the guard and saw Aemond. His eyes filled with fury. He marched towards him and grabbed his collar.
"Finally came back huh brother? It could've been avoided with you here yet you chose your whore over everything else." Aegon said, trying to keep his calm which is very unlikely of him.
Aemond felt ashamed and confused. Ashamed for being disloyal to you and dishonouring the family and confused thinking about what Aegon was saying.
"Look I'm sorry brother, that was a mistake. But do explain what you mean by it could've been avoided. What has happened?"
"Our sister had given birth to your son a week ago. And today she-" Aegon stopped. His tears flowing uncontrollably. "T-today she and my nephew were attacked. She is badly wounded. Maester Orwyle is with her but he said that she lost a lot of blood. That she was already weak from the birth and now this." With this Aegon completely broke down.
Aemond's breathing stopped. He chose his whore over you. The one who always stood up for him. He felt ashamed. So ashamed that he might sink and drown.
He ran towards his mother's room after Aegon told him where you were while he went down the dungeons to deal with the man who dare hurt you.
As Aemond reached, he saw his mother. Scared and fearful. He knew he fucked up bad. As she noticed him, she walked up towards him, looked him in the eyes and slapped him. He deserved it.
You slowly opened your eyes, trying to take in your surroundings. You saw your husband pacing around the room.
He noticed that you were awake and spoke. "You're awake" you remained silent as you recalled the events of last night.
"Aenor.... My son.. my son Aenor! Is he okay?! Did he get hurt?!" Your enquired as you suddenly sat up, ignoring the pain in your body. Worried for your son.
"He only had a small cut on his feet. Nothing else. He is okay." Aemond replied helping you back down. You felt relieved and finally acknowledged your pain and groaned.
He didn't knew what came over him in an instance. He felt anger towards the ones who hurt you and his son. He was angry with himself but instead it got directed at you.
"If only you had taken better care of the security, none of this would've happened.." he muttered.
"What?" You sat up again, not believing your ears.
"If only you knew how to fight, this would've never happened! You can't fight, can't run, you can't even protect our child like a mother should!! You should have called more guards!!" He shouted while pointing his finger at you.
You got up from your mother's bed and stood as you held onto the bed.
"It is my fault now?! Huh?! You're the one who's irresponsible. You left me!! You left me and my child to fend for ourselves!! You left us for your whore whom you sought comfort in instead of your wife!! Where were you when we were attacked huh?! Were you fucking your whore?! Were you creating your bastards?!
You promised me that you were different. That you would treat me with respect unlike other husbands with their wives. You said you were different but...... You're just more of the same.." your voice raised and came down as tears flowed rapidly. Your would reopened because of how tensed your body was. Your nightgown was starting to get bloodied again.
Aemond was shocked. He yelled at his precious wife. His gentle lady wife. And she who never raised her voice no matter how angry or raged up she may be, shouted at him.
He fucked up greatly.
You winced as you fell to the ground. Blood getting everywhere as Aemond rushed to your side and gently tried to pick you up but you refused.
"Don't. Do not touch me with the hands that you used to hold her. I may be a woman. I may be the most vulnerable, but I have an honor. Neither my son nor do I need you. I will ask Aegon to annul our marriage. After that you may return to your whore and I will raise my son alone." You said, wincing as pain shot through you body.
Your lady in waiting came in and got you up on the bed and called maester Orwyle.
As Aemond got up from the floor, he was speechless. He never knew one mistake would cost him his everything. The words you spoke hurt more than when he lost his eye.
The entire day those words circled his thoughts.
It had been a week since the last time Aemond met you. He had went to Harrehal and returned. Aemond walked inside your shared chambers after he got to know that you shifted back there. Aegon provided two guards infront of your door.
He watched as you cradle your son to your chest with your left hand which was fine and hummed a valyrian song to him.
You stopped as you as noticed him. You gently put Aenor in his crib and straightened your back.
"I'm sorry" he started.
"You sorry means nothing to me. You say your sorry now but next chance you get you'll run back in her arms." You spoke, gazing out the window.
"There will be no next time. I got rid of everything that would come in between us." He replied as your body stilled after hearing his words.
"Whatever do you mean?" You asked, turning back to face him.
"I got rid of her. All i now need is your forgiveness. For you to accept me again. To trust me again. Please avy jorrāelan. Forgive me this once." He begged as he got down on his knees and held your hand.
You were shocked. He killed her. He killed her without a second thought. You wanted to loathe him but deep down you loved him.
"I don't know..... I don't know anymore. I want to trust you Aemond. But I can't. I can't trust you. You've hurt me far too much.
It'll take a while to heal the scar you inflicted upon me but I will try. I will try to forgive you." You replied shakily.
He got up and hugged you lightly not to press on your wounds.
"Thank you my love. Thank you" he spoke as he kissed your head.
You gave in to his warm embrace. War has started. But right now you just want to be held.
You would think later of how to punish those who dare harm your family.
Those who hurt your son will pay. They will pay with their life. And you will see to it that they burn in flames. You will make sure that they rot in hell even if you too would have to.
After all nothing is for free....
Everything has a Price to Pay.......
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miirohs · 2 days
sore wa hanabi [k.s]
pairing: Ken Sato x GN!Reader wc: 1.4k cw: n/a an: this was inspired by hanabi by ikimonogakari and motospeed 24 by bibi, i fucking love those songs so much UGH. pls ignore the plot holes i was tired and it was like 12 when i started!!! i love writing chat
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The last of the sunlight rippled across the water, a slow breeze blowing past you on the steps of the house, watching as the city seemed to come alive.
The sounds of a motorcycle in the distance distracted you, head shooting up from your knees as Professor Sato limped out of the front door, gently setting down his walking stick as he sat next to you.
“He’s coming back home then?”
It wasn’t really a question, rather a statement.
“I believe so. He was out for interviews almost all day.”
He didn’t respond, digging into the pocket of his khaki vest, pulling out a worn flyer and handing it to you.
“What is this?” You asked, gently unfolding the colorful paper.
“It was a fireworks festival. I’m sure they still hold them yearly around here, and Emiko took Kenji often when he was younger. I’ve seen it myself from the apartments sometimes, and they’re a sight to see.” He explained softly, smiling into the distance as your eyes flitted over the contents.
“I see, but what exactly-”
“I think you should go see them, you and Kenji need some alone time as well,” He didn’t let you finish, poking your leg with his walking stick, “Plus, it would be good for me and Mina because we need to get more data on Emi, and Ken won’t let us do that without breath down my shoulders about us hurting her.” 
You could barely respond as he got up, limping his way back to the door without further explanation. “But Ken is going to want to see Emi and-”
“Me and Mina can take care of her if anything happens. If the boy troubles you about that, tell him I told you he was to do so. He may be Ultraman now, but I'm still his father!” He cackled, shaking his head affectionately as he closed the door gently.
The light was gone now, but you could hear the sound of his bike getting closer, rubbing your arms to regain your warmth as you waited. Soon enough, Ken appeared against the twilight sky, silhouette illuminated by the headlights of his parked bike.
“Hey baby, what are you doing out here?” he greeted, tone filled with a mixture of exhaustion and relief upon seeing you.
“The weather was nice out, and the view was gorgeous.” You responded, turning to him as he sat down next to you. “The view is gorgeous from inside too,” He joked, intertwining a hand into yours, “I don’t get why you wanna sit out here, it’s cold and you don’t even have a jacket on.”
You clutched the paper in your other, taking a deep breath in. You had no reason not to, it could be a good surprise.
“You know, i was thinking we haven’t had a proper date night since we moved here and-”
“We had a movie night though!” Ken chimed in, staring at you, confused. It was like he couldn’t see where you were going with it. “Yes, we had a movie night honey, but it was interrupted every ten minutes by the loud baby we happen to be taking care of, remember?” You said, exasperated. 
“I would baby, but what about Emi?” 
“Your dad and Mina can take care of her. He said you’d trouble me about it, and that I should tell you that he insists.” You tilted your head towards the city.
Ken chuckled, shaking his head. “That sounds like him honestly, but where do you wanna go? You gotta have something planned if you’re insisting on dragging me out.”
“I was thinking we could ride through the city, I'm pretty sure the seaside looks gorgeous at night.” You could barely hold back your smile as he wrinkled his nose, it was almost like you could see the gears turning in his head.
The exhaustion almost seemed to leave his face, a smile taking its place. “Alright, you win. Go get your jacket and meet me out here in… five?” You nodded, getting up from your spot.
“Five minutes,” you repeated to yourself softly, heading inside to grab your jacket. The excitement was building as you folded up the paper, gently hiding it in your pocket as you grabbed your helmet.
He was already near the motorcycle, leaned over the dashboard as you approached him, barely able to contain the excitement.
“I think you remember how to ride a bike, right baby?” You nodded, allowing him to put your helmet on for you, securing it till you felt comfortable. “Of course. I’m ready when you are.”
Ken winked, helping you onto the bike before climbing on himself. The engine roared to life and you wrapped your arms around his waist, adrenaline running through your veins as you started down the path. The wind was fast, seawater blowing into your face as you both skirted across the water.
​​The city was a blur of nightlights as you weaved through the streets, laughs of delight leaving your mouth as you turned and sped down the straights. The neon signs and billboards created a colorful mosaic, a dazzling display of light. 
Ken glanced back at you briefly, shouting something at you, a wide smile on his face as he pressed down on the accelerator.
“This feels so familiar, what are you doing to make this happen baby?!” You pressed your face into his face, barely hiding the grin on your face as you shouted back. “A magician never tells Ji!” 
You slowed near the city limits, allowing for you to nudge him in the direction you wanted to go. The city faded into quieter roads, riding on the outskirts of the city, the smell of the sea intermingling with the scent of his perfume. The waves crashed against the seawall, spraying you with water.
You looked up, narrowed eyes growing wide as bright lights went off in the sky.
“There, look!” you exclaimed, your voice barely audible over the rush of wind and the distant explosions of the fireworks. You squeezed Ken’s waist, taking one hand off to point up at the sky.
He followed your hand, relaxing in awe as he watched the colorful display unfold above you. It wasn’t long until you found a place to park, Ken eagerly pulling you off the motorcycle, running down to the beach with you in hand.
“Sup- Whoa, surprise Ji!” You laughed as you both stumbled, pulling closer to the source of the lights. The sand was surprisingly cool beneath your feet as you stood on the shore, fireworks exploding in a variety of colors.
Greens, pinks and golds colored the sky, painting the dark with bangs of light, fizzling out just as quickly as they came up.
“Your mom used to bring you here before you moved, didn’t she?” You looked at him, the light reflecting in his glassy eyes, softened by nostalgia.
"Yeah, she did. How did you know?"
“I’ve heard a thing or two about your trips.” You commented to the side, allowing him to lead you aimlessly, "I thought you might like to revisit those memories." You squeezed his hand as he paused once more, turning to look at you.
“She used to call them something else- hanabi. It was the Japanese word for fireworks, I think.” He brought up a hand, wiping his eye on his free arm.
“That sounds beautiful,” You turned to him, floating closer and closer every second.
There was nothing more to be said, holding his hand with as much affection as you could, fireworks exploding somewhere in the background. The light illuminated the sharpness of his features, and you leaned in, closing the distance between you and Ken. 
His lips met yours, soft yet firm. The fireworks seemed to pause for that brief moment, allowing you to be trapped in the bubble you’d made for yourselves. Ken's arms were wrapped around you, holding you close as if he was never going to let go.
en rested his forehead against yours as you pulled apart. His eyes scanned yours, as if trying to capture every detail of the moment to memory.
"I've missed this," Ken murmured, his voice barely above a whisper as you pulled away.
“No kidding, we should do this more often shouldn’t we?” You giggled, running your finger down the ridges of his nose, booping the tip.
Ken nodded quietly, allowing you to lean in closer once more. "Definitely. It's moments like these that make life more bearable."
You leaned in again, brushing your lips against his cheek before resting your head on his shoulder. The last of the embers faded into the sky, pieces of your heart drifting off with them as you watched Ken.
"Let's come back here again," Ken suggested softly, his voice barely audible over the gentle lapping of the waves. "Definitely," you agreed. You could get used to it.
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sxorpiomooon · 2 days
paid readings(tarot and astrology)
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helloooo, all you have to do is pick one of the shells teapot(oml I just realised shells is my name too) the one that you feel the most called towards and read what's written for that pac. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't, hope you have a great day<333
pile 1-
hello pile 1, this is an ambitious pile now isn't it. You are someone who when wants something believes that there is only option and that is getting is. You only care about winning and you only participate to win. Your friends might find it surprising and appreciable how you never give up. I think you've been through some hardships and yet you've managed to not back down. When you want something, you give it your all. You do not back down or look for alternatives you do it the way it's supposed to be, even better if you might ask me. Your friends see you as someone who's resilient you might love titles and competition? Your friends might feel as if you always feel a need to prove or establish yourself? I heard "to make yourself known" however I also see your friends feeling bad for you I heard "not everything has to be a competition and so stressful " they understand why you might feel the need to always prove yourself but your friends might want you to sometimes take a break from it they think that you make situations, people and yourself extremely stressful because of this. Your friends might want you to take a break from always wanting to win and to also back down when necessary I heard "catch a break". They might feel as if in wanting to always be better and prove yourself you constantly compare yourself to others and never feel like enough. My pile 1, i see your friends being very worried for you I keep picturing one girl in particular I wonder if this pile has friends that are silent instead of nagging but still make it known when they don't angry with something, I'm also getting childhood friends and curly hair.
pile 2-
hello to my pile 2!! Some of you either talk too much/interrupt others excitedly while talking or your friends urgently want to keep saying or telling you something but stop. I think your friends feel as if you burdened by something they have no idea about? They don't know what to do. Your friends see you as someone who's come a long way I heard "heavy is the head that wears the crown" someone who's achieved so much with their hardwork and passion but at the same time now have too much on their shoulders. Pile 2, do you have a habit of taking on other people's responsibilities? The intentions in this pile feel a bit weird for some reason. This might not be related to this but I'm getting that you should only take on responsibilities that are yours? Don't take on other people's burden. There is also some financial situation here your friends might see you as someone who's stingy about their money and possession but rightfully so even tho it might piss them off sometimes I think they understand. Haha, has this pile recently achieved something big? Your friends and family feel extremely proud of everything that you've accomplished and if you guys need to hear this, they do want to help you out so if you have been hesitating go for it. I see your friends and family celebrating you I keep seeing a party very happy vibe a girl in orange something crochet or knit sweater?
pile 3-
do y'all forget stuff while talking about it or zone out? Bc I stopped in the middle of the question while shuffling my cards OUT OF NOWHERE 😭😭 my dear pile 3 I hope y'all are doing ok? I immediately got drink some water? Has something happened between you and your friends or you in general? The cards don't look very positive this looks like a chaos to me. I shuffled for more cards and did get positive so perhaps that message was just for the few of you. To the people that actually are going through something with their friends, it will pass it is a time of bad luck that was meant to happen I am so sorry and please keep holding on and drink alot of water it'll pass soon. For the ones who are not lmao your friends see you as someone who brings joy wherever they go I see this pile and their friends being very spontaneous and crazy this is like the squad that's always laughing had a vision of someone in the mall in front of the mirror? Trying sunglasses. A few in this pile are extremely friendlike with their partner too. So much laughter this feels like y'all are living your lives I heard soulmate lmao. Have fun and for those who are not it'll pass<3
pile 4-
HELLLO this is the shell that I liked the most too so lets see AhHahahaha we got good cards pile 4 LETS GOOOO you might be the mother of the group or as I call myself the single divorced mother of the group bc of the stress and everything that you have to control. Your friends see you as someone who's extremely kind and giving I heard generous also someone who's like a mother figure. Someone who's nurturing in her ways and gentle. Someone who's always constantly leaving things that no longer serve them before to look for more. Your friends might believe that you have and serve a bigger purpose that where you are right now. This pile has friends that silently care and think about them alot but might not say or advice alot because there's this sort of "they already know way better than me" sort of thing. There is also something that your friends want you to let go off. Very good makes me feel very good.
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fishnapple · 2 days
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CRYSTAL READING - channelled message : How to love yourself better? A request letter from yourself.
This is a general reading meant for multiple people. Take only what resonates and leave out the rest.
Your feedback is much appreciated. If you find the reading resonated with you, leave a comment, I’d love to know 🎐
About me | Masterpost
Buy me a drink or book a reading with me - KO-FI (Read this post : personal reading)
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1. White
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Dear myself,
If I could light a fire right now, I could, just to see if that fire can compete with my light, our light. And yet I got a feeling that fire will burn brighter than us, just because it had someone to start it. But ours didn't. We stowed our fire away, our light, for fear of burning the eyes of the world? Or for fear of being engulfed in the sea of darkness outside?
Have you ever seen a solar eclipse? People gathered to watch it, a brief moment of the sun being eaten. A brief moment. Imagine how the world would be if that brief moment turned into a very long moment, an eternal one? Panic, fear, despair. We have prolonged our solar eclipse for far too long, let the Sun has its shine. Does it sound arrogant when I talk of us as the Sun? No, you should get used to it. To be the light, the be seen. Even when the Sun seems like a solitary existence on the sky, it's not, so are we.
I wanted to tell you many beautiful words, give you praises and a pat on the head. Sounds embarrassing, right? We should learn to do that more often. And then practice it with other people too, we all need it sometimes, a lot of times.
Do you know what will happen when we turn the anger on ourselves? Somehow, it will ricochet inside us and finally shoot out at other people. It's painful, for us and for them. Let's hold it in our hands, watch it breathe and stroke it gently, find where does it hurt and tend to it, then poof- it's gone. You catch anger not by throwing it around and putting it in a cage but let it heal and fly away on its own.
I'm sure that sometimes you will find yourself drowning in life, in other people's water. Losing yourself could be your worst nightmare. But you will never lose me. It's odd how we're surrounded by people but feel like we are alone in our struggle. Where did all the people go? Are they also drowning like us? In a different sea? I hope that all the seas are connected to each other so we can all find others to swim with us.
Till the next sun rise, yourself.
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2. Pink
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Oh, how I want to just throw away everything and run barefoot on the sand. To lie face up, watching the clouds passing by for hours. To paint the wall bright pink and yellow (this combination might hurt your eyes if you stare too long, though). But we're not a kid anymore, or so people have told us, much like how we've told ourselves, convinced ourselves to behave.
It's fascinating to watch the process of our resistance to what is taught to us. Why do we resist it so much? It feels like being gravely offended. We have our principles, and now we have to listen to others telling us what is right? What is wrong? Let me tell you, in a small whisper, it's actually nice to listen. Just listening, not obeying. It will feel like swallowing a rock. Maybe we could learn from the chickens a little, metaphorically. They swallow small rocks to aid in healthy digestion. So let's swallow some of the hard lessons.
You always like to think in concrete fashion. You try to touch your thoughts with your own hands and knead them, mould them into whatever you want. And when you're dropped into a relationship with someone, you find yourself lost that ability. It's all a jumble mess. You find your hands reaching out, grasping for something. How about the other person? Are you afraid that you will lose yourself if you hold on to them? It's fine, you won't. It's just an outdated belief that you've held on for far too long.
As we were talking about swallowing, you may want to watch what you're swallowing into your stomach, literally. Watch what you eat! Don't make yourself, ourselves suffer by bringing unhealthy things into our body. We may want to live long, you know.
Hey, if you find a dance class is too embarrassing, how about we turn off the light and dance with each other in the middle of the night. Nobody will know, but we will feel good (I'm not trying to be a flirt with myself here)
Your best friend, love.
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3. Red
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Make me a cup of tea, please.
Let's have a chat, just us, lying around lazily, sipping our favourite tea, imagining some weird scenarios to entertain us, playing some puzzle.
I don't have much to tell you because we talk to each other every day and I know you always try to be better for us. I love you and I'm proud of you. Let's be vain and give ourselves applause every day. Make it a pinky promise.
A reminder when you're feeling sluggish and slow, we are going to exactly where we need to be. You are guided and protected.
Keep on shining and be the little kid that runs around in the rain.
I love it when you're running wild, letting yourself, me, free, splashing colours everywhere. I just want to grab other people's hands and drag them to the dance. I love it when you're laughing, loudly, even better when you jolted others around you, oh, their surprised look, priceless.
Just be sure to take care of your body. Don't over tasking them. Work hard, play hard, but rest hard also.
Have you been thinking about going on a trip somewhere? No? Then, allow me to make a gentle request. Let me put the idea in your head. Go on, go to wherever you're thinking, there might be a surprise waiting for us, *hint: it will make our heart flutter*.
Let's make it a ritual to go on a trip every year. Let's give our mind and spirit a makeover. Dust off any tangled mess we have and prepare a space for new things to come into. I'm so excited.
It's got me thinking lately, there's this small blinking light in the back of our mind, sometimes I can see it, sometimes I can't. I want to find out what it is. It's like a signal, trying to reach us, can you feel it? Sometimes, there's this odd feeling swelling inside that you can't put your hand on and naming it. I think if we can sit still, quiet, in the dark, we could see it better. It's guiding us. To where? I got a feeling that it's somewhere deep, somewhere with a treasure, waiting for us. If we can uncover it, it will be the greatest gift that the universe has ever given us. So let's go and find it.
Love, myself.
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4. Green
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I have some news for you. Brace yourself for changes. They're coming, very fast, very soon. Sit yourself tight. I don't want to give spoilers, but I guess we will receive some sudden confessions or offers. What you will do with those confessions is completely your choice. You don't have to feel guilty if you don't return their feelings, my dear.
I think the way the universe is sending us this kind of surprise is telling us to reconsider our 'single' thinking mode. We have stood alone, strong and independent for so long, I think it actually makes us a little too comfortable in being alone that the thought of getting into a connection with someone can be daunting. Will we lose our freedom? What if we are dependent on them? This time, the universe is saying: 'you and your worries will not make a good journey together, break up with those worries, here, I will throw in some opportunities for you to practice '.
If you don't want romantic connection at the moment, fine, different types of connections will come. No matter what, the universe is determined to get us involved with other people. It's for our own good. I have to admit that it's hard. It's not easy to change our way of thinking and believing. So surprises will be needed.
When opportunities come, the gate is opened, we just need to receive them. Walking through the gate will feel like walking out of a confinement into the wild, lively world outside. We will be propelled into a new path that we hadn't even considered in the past. Beware of what you said in the past about how you don't want to do something, you can't imagine yourself doing something. Well, guess what, we are going to do just that, joke on us.
So, in the meantime, even if you're resisting, it's fine. Just take care of yourself, of us. Obsessive worrying can sadden our body.
Something is going away, giving space to a new energy coming in. This new energy will be softer, more loving. The harshness of the past will go away soon. Trust me.
Love, Your companion.
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unluckiestmember · 2 days
Coming right up!
Arcane Women X Reader: Eating Strawberries
Characters: Powder/Jinx, Violet "Vi", Caitlyn Kiramman, Sevika and Mel Medarda.
Warning: Suggestive Themes, but overall SFW.
A/N: Who sent me this request? I'm gonna kiss you, because this is too adorable. Who sent it?!
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“Mmm, that’s delicious, toots! Give me some more- Ooo, wait, wait, wait! Throw it! I’m sure I can catch it in my mouth- Watch!”
Jinx hasn’t really ever eaten fruit due to the environment of Zaun and because she doesn’t go out of her way to experience delicacies like strawberries. But when you had her try some, especially by you feeding her some, she got giddy at the taste and the sweet gesture. She loves you feeding her anything, so strawberries are just a welcomed addition to the moment you two share of you babying her.
She loves you feeding her, but also loves making a game out of it, wanting you to throw the fruit into her mouth to catch or even pulling you down to her height to kiss you so you can taste the fruit on her lips. Moments like these are what Jinx cherishes with her favorite person in the world. Just be careful because sometimes it can get messy.
Violet “Vi”
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“I don’t know what I did to deserve a lovely snack like yourself to feed me a snack, but please don’t stop. Mmm.”
Violet only had prison food for a good chunk of her life, so she’s open to eating anything and everything. You noticed she was big on sweets so one day after work, you fed her some strawberries and she instantly fell in love with them. Whenever she’s tired from a long day, she doesn’t expect much from you, so when you surprise her with a feeding sesh, she gets the biggest smile on her face and is so quick to lay her head on your lap or sit you on her lap and feed her.
Sometimes she’ll leave the strawberry on her teeth and pull you in to eat it yourself or if she’s feeling playful, she’ll toss some your way, leading to a night full of giggles. Because of you, she’s lived for being fed by you, even requesting you feed her some desserts or feeding you herself. At this point, you guys are pretty sure it’s your love language.
Caitlyn Kiramman
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“Is it me or do these strawberries taste sweeter than usual? Do you want one?... They’re delicious, right? Here, have another.”
Caitlyn is used to the delicacies that fruit has to offer. She wouldn’t say strawberries are her favorite fruit or even type of berry, but she does like them from time to time. Especially if you feed them to her to start her morning or end her day. Externally, she’ll hum at the sweetness of the strawberry and at you, her beloved. But internally, she is melting like an ice cream.
It really relaxes her when you feed her strawberries or any fruit, and she isn’t afraid to feed you as well, either taking turns eating strawberries or slipping some in your mouth and humming at your delight. Eating strawberries makes her happy, especially when you are happy as well because your happiness means so much to her. Oh, and don’t expect to feed her without her ending your bonding moment with a sweet induced kiss to your cheek or your lips.
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“Now this is the life. You’re gonna make me become addicted to these things, you know that? Especially if I get to have a view like this to match.”
Sevika has had her fair share of strawberries before from some being smuggled into Zaun or someone in the marketplace selling some. And she enjoys them, even if they’re not his favorite fruit or berry. That being said, she lives for you, feeding her like a baby while she lays beside you or sits next to you while taking in the lovely scenery of her significant other keeping her company.
Sometimes she can’t help herself getting a bit experimental with strawberries and their usage, but regardless of the nights you share turning sweet in more ways than one, Sevika enjoys the feeding session as much as she enjoys a good battle, a job well done or even a happy ending. She’s also not afraid to feed you too, just expect her to tease you the entire time before she kisses you. She can’t help it, but you’re kinda cute when you pout.
Mel Medarda
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“You know what will really set this off? Some cheese. Maybe some grapes too- Can we please get a platter over here with all the fixings? Thank you.”
Mel loves fruit platters and assortment trays, so strawberries are always a yes for her. She is fine with feeding you strawberries or you feeding her strawberries while you both relax together from a day of hard work in the council or away from one another. Don’t expect her to stop at strawberries though. No, this is Mel Medarda we’re talking about!
Before you know it, she’s feeding you every fruit under the sun, tasting some with you even and indulging whenever you feed her. Even if it gets a bit out of hand sometimes with the both of you taking a tour of fruit, it always ends with the both of you enjoying each other’s company, getting physically affectionate with kisses on the cheek or nuzzles against one another. It’s always nice eating with her, excess and all.
If you have requests for Arcane, X-Men '97 or Blue Eye Samurai, send them my way!
Likes and retweets are always appreciated! I love you all, stay safe, stay hydrated and have a good day!
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natamouche-art · 1 day
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some favourite shots I did for episode 6... it was so fun crafting the final bridge scene from Travis' script, and seriously all the credit for the amazing opening seq goes to our EP Aaron for taking the emotion in Yaz's exposure therapy to the next level!
Inspo for this ep mainly came from the Alebrijes attack and car chase boards from the Coco blu-ray deleted scenes. Seriously yall, if you're an aspiring board artist, go watch those, they're all masterclasses in camera, framing, and acting.
Some thoughts below about these boards if yall are interested...
Becklespinaxes - there was a LOT of research that went into becklespinaxes (aka altispinaxes) to make this bridge scene happen. In the original script, there was the idea that Blondie (the yellow becklespinax) would be ramming and spinning the side of the van all over the bridge from the beginning, all while ben was still driving forward and Sammy was trying to climb the side latter of the van and into Yaz's window. - I think in writing it made for a really rad scene, but there were some concerns that the physics of all of that, as well as some staging issues, so I dove into becklespinax research to see if some of these problems could be fixed by grounding the conflict in the dino's hunting/attack styles - From what I can remember, as a mid-sized theropod, the becklespinax would've hunted small sauropods and the like, not van-sized dinos, so having her ramming the side of the van was out. Instead, I theorized the becklespinax would more likely be interested in rooting out the tastey treats inside, like a bird fishing out grubs from inside a tree or log. Thus, Blondie jamming her head into the window was born - From there on I tried to keep the van-and-dino physics and behaviours as grounded as possible, but i'll be the first to admit that physics was never my strong suit and sometimes the plot's just gotta come first over science
One detail I loved that unfortunately seemed to get passed over in animation was the way the second becklespinax, Brownie, entered the shot from behind the camera, and covered up the "NOW LEAVING DINOSAUR FREE ZONE" to just be "NOW DINOSAUR ZONE". Corny, I know! But it felt right and I was heartbroken to see that it wasn't caught in time to be able to go back and change it
Also no heart by sammy's name on yaz's phone :( idk why, sorry gang
About boards, an interesting thing to keep in mind was that even though this bridge may seem like a pretty isolated and simple set, there were actually several moments/shots that I didn't end up using because they revealed too much of the background, specifically the exterior island set and the exterior mainland sets that connected to the bridge! That's right, in the actual set models, those parts are just the cliff ledges and a bit on the sides, everything else would have to be what's called a paintover. That's something for aspiring storyboard artists to keep in mind about working on 3D TV shows: the sets come before storyboards in the pipeline, so often you have to make what you want to do work to the set, and not the other way around like in feature!
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Joost NSFW Alphabet
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Joost immediately helps you clean yourself up. And as soon as you’re all clean it’s snuggle time. Joost loves post sex snuggles, he burrows his head into your neck and holds you as close and physically possible.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Joost likes his hair, he spends so much time doing it and he loves it so much. He also loves anywhere he has a tattoo because he loves his tattoos.
His favorite on you is either your face or your arms. He loves your face because to him it’s what makes you you. And he loves your gorgeous eyes, beaming smile, and just everything about your face. He loves your arms because he loves to be held by them.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Joost loves seeing you covered in his cum, cum on you or in you he just thinks it’s really fucking hot. He loves pumping his cum deep inside you and keeping it there. But if you don’t let him he’s coating as much of your body as he can, your tits, face, stomach, thighs, ass, literally wherever.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He loves when you’re in control. He isn’t really submissive per se but he loves when your riding him chasing after your own climax ignoring Joosts own.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Joost is not very experienced, and while he’s definitely not bad, towards the beginning of your relationship it was definitely a bit of a learning process for him.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Any position where he can see your face, Joost loves eye contact during sex so as long as he can see your pretty eyes he’s happy. Despite that he’s still a sucker for doggy style. Just something about hitting you from behind really gets him going.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He’s a little on the goofy side, but it’s in the way where he’ll try to talk dirty but can’t take himself seriously when he does so he just ends up laughing.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
My guy is bushy as hell. He simply doesn’t care enough to shave down there, as long as it doesn’t bother you it doesn’t bother him. Because he doesn’t want to take a razor down there.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He’s so romantic, like he goes above and beyond to make sure you feel so loved each time you guys have sex. He does his best to set a romantic mood as well, like if you guys aren’t hot and heavy before hand he’s lifting up candles and has occasionally surprised you with roses and rose petals. Like when he can it looks like a newly weds honeymoon suite.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Joost does his best to just wait for you to help him take care of it. He’s usually patient enough he can wait til the next time he sees you but sometimes when he’s in your and doesn’t know how long it will be he’ll face time you so he can hear your voice and see you when he jerks it.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
I feel like Joost is rather vanilla, he definitely has some kinks but nothing too crazy. He totally has a little bit of a vocal fetish or whatever like the sounds you make definitely get him going a bit. He likes orgasm control stuff as well.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Your guys’ bed or a nice bubble bath. He prefers the bed because it’s very comfortable and it just makes sense to him but he likes to draw you guys a bubble bath and leave a little room so the water doesn’t poor out too much when you guys get up to it.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Anytime you start flirting with him he’s immediately ready. Anything you do to make him think you want him makes him want you. Also anytime you wear his clothes. He thinks you look so hot in his shirts and he absolutely loves to fuck you in them.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
No daddy kink or anything like that, age play, just nothing weird and creepy like that. (Not to kink shame) He also won’t do anything to hurt you.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
That tongue definitely gets some good use, he’s a major munch. Joost loves eating your box. Anytime he can he’ll eat your pussy. He’s good at it too, he’s learned exactly what you like and he does it well.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He prefers slow and sensual, he wants it to be more of a love making time than just fucking. But if you ever want it fast and rough he will give you fast and rough.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He’s not the biggest fan or quickies because he prefers to take his time but he’d never pass up the opportunity to have sex with you.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He’d prefer not to take many risks but if you ever come to him with something you want to try he just can’t say no to you.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He can get a good two rounds in, three is really pushing it for him but he might be able to squeeze in a third.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesn’t really like toys but if you have something you like to use he’ll use it on you. But he’d much rather just get the job done himself. He might even take a little bit of offense if you ask him to use a toy on you. But he wouldn’t say anything.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He likes to tease but the moment you start begging he gives in. He’s tried to stick it out but it’s impossible for him to say no to you.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He only makes noise when he’s cumming. He’s almost weirdly silent during sex, but he likes listening to the sounds you make, and he keeps pretty quite minus a groan here and there.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Joost loves overstimulation, he loves when you fuck him so good he’s overwhelmed. He thinks it’s so hot you can get him writhing and whimpering while inside you. Whether he’s in your pussy or your mouth if you over stimulate him he’s putty in your hands.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
We’ve all seen Joosts outline, he’s a good 6 inches and he uses them well.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
It’s not abnormally high, but it’s pretty high. He’s head over heels in love with you and is always down to have sex.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He gets pretty tired from sex and he always cuddles you afterwards so it doesn’t usually take him that long to fall asleep. He does his aftercare duties and makes sure your comfortable before falling asleep himself.
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zygon-commander · 2 days
It should have been Martha that John Smith falls in love with in Human Nature. Martha is always looking after him cuz the Doctor is in there and she promised to keep him safe but John interprets it as courtship and becomes totally enamored with this strange, out-of-place woman (he’s always felt out-of-place himself).
Martha gives in to the temptation of dating her crush but feels super guilty about taking advantage of him (insert the scene where she watches back his tape for guidance and is frustrated that the he didn’t consider falling in love, but this time it’s way more emotional) and it’s weird cuz John is similar to the Doctor in some ways but sometimes shockingly different (he could be racist but in a way where it actually has to be explored because he’s in love with her, or just find other ways to make him an undoctorlike type of prick).
When the time comes to open the watch, John tells Martha that the Doctor won’t love her in the same way. Martha tells him that there are more important things than romance. When they saw the vision of the future, it reinforced John’s desire to live, but it made Martha realize that this isn’t what she wants; she wants to return to her time, to be a doctor, to see her family again, and to have her friend back. John gets upset that she cares more about what she wants than about his life, his love for her, that she only ever loved him as a shadow of the Doctor. Martha tells him it’s his decision (her doctor ethics) but that the world needs the Doctor (“the world” clearly also means her). It seems like John is going to refuse but the same fakeout happens and the Doctor is back.
Once the Family of Blood is defeated, the Doctor apologizes to Martha for putting her in a tough spot and says that he didn’t know she fancied him. Martha says she’s over it now and that she missed having her friend around. The Doctor says that he doesn’t want to lose her forever, so the next time he asks too much of her she should just leave. Martha is like haha no way you could never ask too much of me bestie!!!! Roll credits.
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roostersbby69 · 3 days
Runaway bride
Summary: It’s your wedding day and your best friend, Bradley, tries to talk you out of it.
Warnings: swearing, drinking
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You smoothed down your wedding gown that your soon to be mother in law had handed down to you. It was hers when she married your fiancés dad.
Derek was her son, he had an older and younger brother and had grown up in a rich family. His father owned a business and his mother was retired.
You liked Derek, you liked his family, and his brothers. But they were so stuck up and self centered that this wedding wasn’t about him finding love, it was about growing and inheriting his father’s business.
You wanted a family and wanted to be loved, but Derek says he loves you, and you say you love him, but sometimes it just doesn’t feel like love.
Your mother in law stepped back and admired you, “Aw, my dress looks so good.” She turned to grab your veil as you rolled your eyes.
She pinned it to your hair and clapped her hands, “Okay, let me touch up your makeup and I’ll-”
“Actually,” you cut her off and turned towards her, “I think I just want a moment by myself for a second.” You folded your hands in front of you.
“Sure,” she dropped her hands to her sides, “but don’t be long, we’ve got a wedding to start.” She walked out and you sighed, you turned towards the mirror and looked at yourself.
The dress was beautiful, but something was missing. You couldn’t quite tell.
The door clicked open and you groaned, you whipped towards the door, “Mrs. Lisa didn’t I tell you that-” you stopped yourself as you saw Bradley standing in the doorway in his tux, “Bradley.”
You picked up your dress and walked a couple steps towards him, “What are you doing?”
He stepped inside and closed the door, his eyes never leaving you, “I just wanted to…” he was caught in a trance at the sight of you, “you look beautiful.” He breathed.
You turned towards the mirror and sighed, “It’s too much. I look like a Victorian corpse that’s going to be executed.”
He choked back a laugh but didn’t hide his smile, “It isn’t, you look breathtaking.” He walked closer to you and stood behind you in front of the mirror.
“What are you doing in here?” You looked him in the eyes as his left your dress and met yours.
He paused for a second as you just stared at eachother for a moment.
“I just wanted to talk for a second.” He rubbed his hands together, nervously.
“About what?” You turned to him and looked up into his eyes.
“Are you sure you want this?” His words made your face twist.
“What do you mean?” You shook your head and played with your fingers.
“Do you want to marry him? That’s what I’m asking you.”
“Why are you worried about that?”
“Because you’re my best friend, Y/n. I care about your safety and your feelings, and I read that brides have an emotional breakdown before the wedding.”
You had to hold back a smile as he rambled, “You know…” you turned back to the mirror and sighed, “I don’t know.”
“If you want to be a runaway bride just say the word and I’ll get you out of here.” He rubbed your arm, “I know it isn’t my place but, I don’t think he’s good for you.”
You whipped around, “What do you mean? How do you know what’s good and what isn’t good for me?”
“He’s so professional and uptight. And snotty, and smart. It’s like he has no personality other than politics and business shit.”
He looked handsome in his tux, he barely knew Derek, he was just a family friend.
You smiled, “Yeah but my parents want this for me. And Derek wants to start his business after the wedding.”
“Yeah, but enough about Derek. Enough about what your parents want. What do you want?” He stepped closer and towered over you.
Your eyes flicked down to his lips and mustache, you always loved his mustache. You often wondered how it felt on your lips, on your neck, on your nipples, on your belly. You shouldn’t be thinking about this.
“I want…” your eyes flicked to his neck and hands as veins coursed through them.
“Come on, tell me what you want.” His eyes darkened as they ran over your breast’s that were spilling from the top of your dress. He knew what he was doing to you, and he liked it.
“I want you to fuck me.” You whispered, almost barely audible.
“That’s what I thought.” He said and shrugged his tux coat off. He set it on the back of a chair and walked towards you slowly. You watched him and your eyes trailed over every inch of his body.
“I’m not going to fuck you in this dress.”
“What? Why not?” You pouted.
“Because, so let me take you home.”
“I-I can’t. I have to walk down the aisle in 5 minutes.” You bunched your dress up in your hands and pondered the thoughts that swarmed in your head.
He shook his head, “Then I’ll do it myself.”
Your dress trailed behind you as you held your bouquet in front of you, the music played slowly as the people in their seats stood and turned to you.
You put on a half assed smile and walked slowly towards the alter, Derek stood, smiling, with his groomsman behind him. And there was Bradley, in his tux, hands folded in front of him.
You caught your mother’s eyes and fake smiled towards her then looked ahead again.
Your eyes locked with Bradley’s as you approached Derek, who was still smiling.
The bridesmaid took your bouquet and you turned to hold hands with Derek.
The officiant walked beside the two of you and held his book, “You may be seated.” The crowd sat and watched the two of you, which made your stomach turn.
“We come here today to celebrate-” The priest started but Derek cut him off, “Can we just skip to the I dos?”
The officiant looked at him like he was a ghost and nodded, “Does anyone wish to object that these two should not get married?”
The crowd was silent and you found yourself looking for Bradley to raise his voice, which surprised you.
“Y/n, do you take Derek to be your lawful wedded husband, in sickness and in health?” You looked to the people sitting and looked to his parents that was staring at their son, not even batting an eye at you.
You looked back to Derek and very quietly said, “I do.”
Your hands were shaking against his as you felt sick, your face was hot and tears sprung to your eyes.
“Derek, do you take Y/n to be your wife, you will take care of her, love her, comfort her, in sickness and in health.”
“I-” Derek didn’t waste a thought.
“I object!” Bradley stepped up.
Your eyes looked up to him as he walked out of the groomsman line and stood closer to you.
“Excuse me?” Derek turned around.
His parents gasped at the scene.
“You don’t love her.” Bradley make a disgusted face at him.
“You have no place to say that, ignore him.” He turned to the priest, “keep going.”
“You don’t know anything about her.” Bradley kept on, getting closer and closer to you.
“You don’t know that, I know everything about her.” Derek turned to him.
“You don’t know what her favorite color is, or how she takes her coffee, or how she hates peanuts because of how they get stuck in her teeth, you don’t know that she hates whiskey because she says it taste like nail polish remover, or her love for reading romance books because she wishes someone would love her like they love each other, or how she loves taking baths because it relaxes her, you don’t know that she wants to move to the beach so she can watch the sun go down over the water, or how much she loves baking even if she doesn’t make it right because it clears her head.��
“Okay that’s enough. And why do you know all of this.” Derek waved his hand at him.
“Because I love her.” Bradley looked to you as the crowd gasped.
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iovesia · 2 days
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keanu mlist.⠀ 𑇓 ⊹ ᳝ ࣪ ⠀jack traven⠀𝑥⠀f!girlfriend!reader.
synopsis. nsfw alphabet with jack traven.
contents. porn obviously. plus size-coded!reader. cumplay. jack's a himbo sweetheart. cop & handcuff kink. dick description. blowjobs.
⋆ 𓂃 ゚ .⠀josie's little note: he's so much prettier on the big screen, you guysssss :3 needed to write something for 90s keanu here y'all go!
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aftercare — what they’re like after sex?
Jack’s a sweaty, panting mess after sex. He cracks a few sly jokes, setting a playful mood. He’s a cuddler, so expect him to pull you close to lay on his chest and take a breather. He’s not very well versed in aftercare etiquette, so if you want water or something, you’ll have to ask.
body part — their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s?
He loves your thighs. He loves stroking them, having them wrapped around his hips, or pinching his fingers into them as he eats you out. Jack always jokes about you suffocating him with them and he’d die a happy man.
On himself, he loves his arms. Jack’s a bit of a gym rat, and also a cop that’s an adrenaline junkie— so he’s proud of every muscle and scar on his body. Jack loves the way you fawn over his arms, and oogle at them. He teases you about it every chance he gets.
cum — anything to do with cum, basically.
He cums a lot. Being a cop, especially specialising in bombs— Jack’s constantly stressed and backed up, so it doesn’t take much for him to cum. Jack loves finishing on your breasts or your face. Seeing your big beautiful eyes staring up at him right before he paints your chest with his cum: he’s already hard for the next round. 
dirty secret — a dirty secret or fantasy of theirs?
He’d want to have sex somewhere semi-public. Jack’s a bit of a show-off, so of course he has a bit of a voyeur/exhibitionist kink going on. He fantasises about doing it in a bar bathroom, his office desk, or even sometimes in his patrol car.
But other than that, he’s too vanilla to do anything too wild.
experience — how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?
This man is a slut (affectionate). He’s definitely gone through his handful of one night stands, and short term relationships, so Jack knows his way around getting a woman into bed and making sure she leaves satisfied.
He can do whatever you want: he can be rough, he can be fast, he can be slow— if you’re a girlfriend or someone special, he makes you feel like the only one in the world for him.
favourite position — this goes without saying.
His favourite position is anything where he can see your face: missionary, cowgirl, mating press. Jack likes seeing every reaction, and expression. I think he’s a grabber: likes to hold onto your breasts, thighs and hips, and gently massage them.
goofy — are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous?
Jack’s sarcasm never takes a break, even during sex. Normally he’s very much in the zone, but he likes to crack a few jokes during foreplay, just to hear your little giggles. If you’re a virgin, he’ll be more humorous to get you to relax, and lie back.
hair — how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes?
He doesn’t obsess over it, but cuts it occasionally. It’s black, and slightly curly down there— he’ll trim it a little when he knows he’s gonna get laid, or he’ll leave it all natural if that’s what you’re into. Jack will not wax.
intimacy — how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect.
Jack’s very sensual when he wants to be. His soft, low voice that whispers praises in your ear. How he teases you by kissing down your thighs till he gets to your center. He holds your hand in missionary, and leaves love bites on your neck. It’s not often that he’s super romantic, but on special days like your birthday, anniversaries or holidays— he’s gonna pull out that dollar store candle and go to town!
jack off — masturbation headcanon?
He’s young, and stressed, and works long hours at the station. Of course he jerks off a lot. His libido is genuinely crazy. When he gets home too late, or in the early morning, he masturbates in the shower.
Closest thing to sexting in the 90s, is when Jack takes out the dirty polaroid he has of you in his wallet when he’s away from you.
kink — what are one or more of their kinks?
He’s vanilla as all hell, I’m sorry. Aside from the slight public sex kink going on, he’s not well versed enough in kink. Jack will definitely try stuff you’re into: especially stuff like bondage. Normally he uses one of his ties, but he’ll get the cuffs when he’s extra horny.
Honestly, he wouldn’t mind swapping roles occasionally. He’s always calling the shots, and thinking on his feet at work— he’d love to sit back for once and let you use him, and make him squirm.
location — what are their favourite places to do it?
His favorite place is the bedroom: as boring as it is, it’s a safe space. There’s no bomb threats, loud sirens, or criminals running around— he gets to just be alone with you. Especially in the mornings, when the sun’s barely peeking through and he gets to have lazy morning sex with you.
motivation — what turns them on, gets them going?
Again, he’s a total adrenaline junkie. It’s a wonder he hasn’t broken several bones the way he just jumps into action immediately. Jack’s turned on either after an intense shift at work, or when he’s back from the gym. When he comes home, sweaty and pumped, and sees you calmly reading a magazine on the couch…  he’s jumping your bones.
no — something they wouldn’t go? turn offs?
He’s not doing anything super aggressive or degrading. Jack’s really, really not into that. He spends all day surrounded by threats and criminals— so he’d never want to direct any aggression at you. He’s absolutely not doing any gun, blood, or knife kinks.. And might be a little scared if you want him to.
Extreme degradation is a turn off. He wants to praise you and make you feel good, but he’ll occasionally call you ‘dirty’, ‘bad’ or ‘needy’— following it up with praise of course.
oral — (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc).
He loves a good blowjob. The feeling of your lips on his cock is otherworldly to him. You’d smile if you could at the way his breath hitches and how his muscles relax as he rolls his head back.
Like I said before, Jack could die a happy man between your thighs. With his rugged hands on either side, pulling your legs apart, he leaves soft kisses on the apex of your thighs.
You are left panting and squealing when his tongue flicks against your clit. He smirks against your cunt when your hand rests on his buzz cut hair, as you arch your back.
quickie — their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.
You guys have quickies all the time. In the morning, on his lunch breaks when he rushes home: he can be fast when he needs to. You two barely even have time to take your clothes off: opting to rather pull your shirt over your breasts and Jack taking his cock out through his zip.
risk — are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.
Again, he’s not super closed minded and would be open to trying some new things. So long as they’re not extremely violent or scary, he’ll definitely give it a go! If you want to experiment, you might have to take more initiative, but he’s down if you are.
stamina — how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?
On a day off work, he can go at least 2-3 rounds long rounds or 3-4 quickies. When it’s the night after a shift, he’s only got at least 1-2 good rounds in him. Jack can last for longer periods of time if he really, really tries. But when he’s sliding into you after a particularly tedious and rough shift, he can barely hold it together for longer than 5 minutes before coating your insides with his cum.
toys — do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?
You two only use handcuffs and his ties on occasion, but other than that there’s no toys. He prides himself on his ability to make you cum using his own body, rather than a toy. But he’d be open to using your vibrator on you if you owned one. He has a “toys are our friend, not our enemy” mentality.
unfair — how much do they like to tease?
He’s a very playful guy, so of course he likes to tease you! Especially when you’re particularly desperate for him, Jack will taunt you a little bit— getting you worked up and annoyed till he gives you what you want.
volume — how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.
He has no reason to be quiet or ashamed: he’s a cocky bastard who can make his girl feel good— he’ll moan if he wants! Typically, Jack grunts or pants, with a few choice words like “fuck” and “shit” leaving his lips when he’s about to come.
Jack never fails to praise you.
“Feels so tight.”
“Yeah, baby, just like that.”
“So, fucking, beautiful."
x-ray — let’s see what’s going on under those clothes!
He’s fucking hung, I mean have you seen the rest of him? Not to get gross, but let’s get gross! He definitely has more girth than length. He’s a little above average: around 6 or 7 inches. There’s also a few veins protruding on his cock when he’s hard. It’s a little bit paler than the rest of his body that’s exposed to the Californian sun.
yearning — how high is their sex drive?
Like I said before, that man’s libido is high. He’s the type of boyfriend to crack dirty innuendos, playfully slap your ass, or fake hump you when you bend over to pick something up. You joke he has the libido of a college frat boy, and he just winks.
zzz — how quickly do they fall asleep afterwards?
He’s not instantly falling asleep, but he’s pretty spent after a few rounds. Sometimes he just quietly passes out next to you, and you only notice when you hear his soft snores. On days off, he stays up longer, waiting for you to fall asleep first.
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jack traven taglist. @scream-queen-25 @97keanu @y2kbbie @cry1ngchiild @sstar-ggirl @ratsnestinmyhair @gea-chan96 @indiadnm @kellysvintagedarling @sophieissleepy
join / leave my general taglist here ♡
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cabinette · 2 days
A Chilshi Selkie AU I have been thinking about for a while. (by A While i mean like 3 hours)
assorted thoughts below ! (QUITE unorganised lol)
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I like to think chilchucks already formed something of a surface life. and he's so so enthralled by things like beer and alcohol and indulgence but he has to deny himself of so many things because he's utterly convinced that no one will look at him the same if he reveals he's a selkie. he keeps a lock on his heart because. he LITERALLY has such an insane secret to keep
people think that he's just an ass who doesnt like talking about himself(or a closeted queer of some kind but you didnt hear that from me ;)) and it doesnt matter if he always leaves first when at the bar. it doesn't matter that he never seems to be anywhere but the beach. it doesn't matter because he's never going to tell you and you're never going to believe him
he's left behind the life he could have possibly lived in the ocean among his friends, his family, he's still in contact with them but…. He's more in touch with his facade than his selkie form. yknow ?
and now he's got this stupid man who found out everything he was trying to hide on, what, a silly little fishing trip? His life is going to be ruined ! (he's eating nice hot fish soup and feeling the warmth in his bones. he's experiencing the understanding and acceptance of a stranger. he can't paint himself as a bad person because somehow they already know he's just a sad, lonely selkie seeking companionship far above the shallows. and how his life is going to be "ruined" because this mackrel soup tastes so good and he doesn't know how he's going to hold himself back if this is how good it can be.)
Senshi's just a guy who goes fishing sometimes :-) And he's a struggler bcause he doesnt usually socialise- people joke about him being an ocean man, yknow? Never really leaves the sea, and so he's become sort of… isolated from the people he used to know. And you know, he has his reasonings. Incidents concerning his friends that happened far too long ago and guilt that spreads him too thin, but he still loves the sea. He still loves her for all her storms and her peace and her cruelty and her kindness. When you're a lonely man there's no better place to hide than the wide blue, you know ? So what happens when he meets someone who's so intrinsically connected to the sea, who's whole life is based around the sea?
Chilchuck knows the sea. knows how dangerous it can be and how to manoeuvre it. He doesn't necessarily love it but he's very in tune with it, he knows where the current is strongest and that you'll be swept away if you're not careful, but Senshi just loves the sea because... it's the sea. he helps fish that are stuck in rocks and he thinks. oh yeah. the sea is my friend. it may have caused him pain but he knows his way around it too. Only half-accepting the sad fact that the sea isn't yknow, a person but still a very much massive thing, a force to be reckoned with, and as he learns more about Chilchuck he too learns more about the sea, and having to sort of fully accept that he's never going to know it as a friend, or an acquaintance. His love for the ocean can never be staved but it can also. never be reciprocated.
guh. but even if the sea isnt his friend he can still feel the connections he makes. he can still learn and grow and and and and and anwlihsbdjk23wbearkudwhgjA#BEUKFJHGUKAEFH theres something THERE I CANT WORD IT!!! BIUT ITS THERE
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biaswreckme · 1 day
my eyes are full of desire | mingi/reader
You and Mingi on a video call after the Mawazine festival concert.
Fandom: Ateez
Pairing: Mingi/Reader (gender neutral)
Member: Mingi
Word count: 1165 words
Genre/Tropes: Smut
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Triggers/Warnings: pwp, masturbation, phone/video call sex, established relationship, sex toys
You can read it on: AO3
A/N: This was heavily inspired by this pic from the Mawazine gig.
“I want to see you.”
“You are seeing me, love,” Mingi answered through the video call, not understanding at first what you were asking for. He had showered, hair still damp after getting to the hotel from the festival, newly cut hair enhancing his features.
“I mean… I know how you get after shows…” you start, still a little shy at voicing what you wanted sometimes, especially under his intense gaze. 
“Yeah? How do I get?” He asked, the smirk on the corner of his lips letting you know he was aware of the effect he had on you and exactly what you were talking about.
“You know…” you took a deep breath, feeling your cheeks flush with both embarrassment and excitement, but also getting courage to voice your needs. “Needy. I want to see you touching yourself.”
He smiled and then bit his lower lip - he knew he was teasing you, for you always spoke of how much you missed his luscious lips whenever he was not in the same city. “Then get that vibrator you like, I’ll wait for you.” He asked, more of an order than anything, needing to see you fall apart with him.
You rushed out of bed and got the toy he was talking about; it was one on the smaller side, but curved just right where it could press on your spot and have you coming undone in little time. You went to clean it, using the time to also get undressed and shouted for him, telling him to get rid of his clothes too. At first, you were not really sure about doing these things, but after the first time you spent months apart while he was on tour, you caved in. You needed to see him, to have him any way possible, even if it meant ensuring you had safe phones and connections. Now, you were more into it, even going so far as having bought a tripod for your phone so your hands could be free - and he had one himself, one you had packed for him as a surprise.
When you got back to bed, propping up your phone on the tripod, you saw Mingi had indeed gotten comfortable himself: he was there, propped up by pillows, slowly stroking himself, fist loosely closed around his engorging erection. His eyes were closed, losing himself in the sensations, one leg straight on the hotel bed and the other slightly raised, bent knee, his other hand on his thigh, soft breaths coming out of his mouth. For a moment you just stood there, appreciating the view. 
You could certainly just watch him for hours, especially when he lost himself like this; Mingi enjoying his own body was a sight you would never get tired of enjoying. “I see you’re getting started without me.”
“Isn’t this what you wanted to see, though?” He replied, not opening his eyes yet, making a point to slightly open them while moaning softly, and you felt yourself getting more aroused. It was as if he was putting up a show for you, and you didn’t doubt for a second that it was his intention. He knew how much you were affected by him, as much as he was affected by you. “Just lie back and enjoy the view, baby. Get yourself ready for me.” 
And so you did, reclining on the bed, adjusting the phone so he could see you, but more importantly, so you could see him without any hindrance. He was watching you, carefully paying attention to how you focused on your own body, wishing it were him, his hands touching you, his lips caressing your skin, teeth playfully biting their way down your torso, letting your hand follow the usual path he did. Mingi seemed to copy your movements on his own, following your rhythm and touches, not hiding his noises from you. His gaze was penetrating from the other side of the screen, eyes never leaving yours as your hands reached their destination, and though you wanted to close your eyes in the sensation, you didn’t want to stop looking at him and his beautiful body.
“Come on, baby, turn it on and enjoy the show,” he winked and closed his fist around his fully erect cock, slowly stroking himself as he watched you using just enough lube to make the toy glide more easily, and he did the same, warming the gel in his hands before repeating the same movements from before, from base to tip, stopping to circle his head teasingly. 
Mingi was all big, and it never failed to completely hypnotize you, the way his large hand encircled his erection, the way he knows his own body so well, moving his other hand to softly caress his balls, rolling them in his hand while the other kept the same relaxed and unrushed movements, stopping on the upstrokes to tease his most sensitive spot, one you knew so well and also enjoyed teasing. He waited for you; when you pressed the button on the toy for the second time, with the vibrations intensifying, he increased his tempo, moaning a little louder, his breath hitching every now and again in pleasure. 
There were no other sounds besides both of your breathing and moaning; there was no need. With just one glance you could tell he was getting closer to the edge, his hand circling a little tighter now and faster, his legs and hips moving of their own accord, almost as if he was humping his hand, imitating the moves when he is with you, in the same bed, sharing the same breath. You usually like the vibrations a little softer, but there was a need deep inside you that demanded you to reach your peak with him, moving the vibrator so it was constantly pressing against that most pleasurable spot.
His breath got louder, moans turning into whining, Mingi almost begging, needing to feel you there with him, stroking himself harder, almost losing his rhythm, drowning in pleasure. His eyes focused on the phone, watching you succumb to the intensity of the moment, the orgasm taking over his body almost by surprise upon seeing you fall over the edge, wishing he was the one causing that - but he was, just not physically. When you heard his loud groan, your eyes searched for his in that small screen, watching him beautifully and subtly arching his back, his eyes closed, lips apart, hands moving much softer on his cock, trembling in aftershocks as he kept stroking through the orgasm, almost on the edge of overstimulation. Your vibrator had been thrown to the side, your body shivering and trembling, grabbing onto a pillow to ground yourself, the sight of him being overtaken with pleasure becoming ingrained in your mind.
There were a few minutes in which none of you spoke, basking in the sensation of fulfillment, until you broke the silence.
“So… do you still have the concert outfit?” 
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cosmopretty · 1 day
Caroline Harvey X Fem Headcannons
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Her love language is physical touch 100% she is always touching you in some way
Her hand is always around your waist no matter where you are
You support her career so much always at her games cheering her and her team on
You scream as KK scores the winning point for her team. You jump up and down and clap your hands together “GOOD JOB BABY” you yell. Your girlfriend runs up to you in her hockey gear and you run and meet her in the middle and she hugs you tightly her face in your hair.
“Thanks princess couldn’t have done it without you” she whispers before pulling away from you. Caroline looks you up and down her hands on your hips “You look so pretty in my jersey” she says out of breath.
You blush a bit and look up at the girl “Thanks now go celebrate with your team I’ll be here waiting for you” she shakes her head no to your words. You furrow your brows at your girlfriend “You are my team my person cheerleader your coming with me” she says smirking before picking you up and running back to her team with your squealing in her arms.
The team loves you like your one of them
Watching her work out at the gym>>
You sit with your back against the wall, your knees to your chest watching your girlfriend lift weights. You bite your lip watching her muscles flex with every move she makes, she knew you loved her muscles, and she did too they were one of her biggest flex’s. You don’t notice when Caroline looks at you through the mirror catching you eyeing her down.
“Like what you see baby?” She ask putting the weights down and walking up to you. She looks down at you as you nod shyly and hand her a bottle of water “Of course I do, why do you think I’m here?” you ask her smiling.
Caroline rolls her eyes “You only come here to watch me” she states moving down to sit next to you. You kiss her cheek “What can I not admire my beautiful girlfriend?” you ask her sarcastically, she blushes a bit before getting up and pulling you up with her. She grabs your cheek caressing it for a moment before pulling you into a kiss slowly. You pull away and hold her biceps squeezing them for a second and pulling away “Finish your reps and we can go get lunch” you say she nods at your words and you go to one of the machines and sitting on it while you watch her finish her reps.
Your definitely her passenger princess
You both steal each other’s clothes all the time
You guys basically just have one big closet together
You and Caroline are laying together in her dorm room watching Inside Out Two together on her TV. Your head on her chest with your arms around her waist, mindlessly drawing random shapes on her abs. One of her hands in playing with your hair and the other is around your shoulders holding you in place.
Caroline looks down at your for a second and kisses your cheek “You know this Riley girl is basically you” you says laughing a bit. She groans “Everyone says that on TikTok I don’t see it” she denies looking at the TV then back at you.
“She’s blonde, blue eyes, plays hockey that’s literally you in another universe” you state turning your head to face the girl. You move your body so you’re playing directly on top of her. Her hand comes to flatten your hair before caressing your cheek “Okay maybe we are a little alike just a bit” she sighs.
You smile at the girl and bend your leg while your arms wrap around her. She kisses your head and her hand comes to rub up and down your back softly, as you both put your attention back on the movie playing.
She leaves hickeys all over your neck sometimes on purpose when she’s jealous
You lowkey get her jealous in purpose because you know what will happen after
Complementing her 24/7 just to see her blush
Falling asleep on face time when she has an away game and you can’t go
Kisses on your forehead all the time
Takes you shopping and makes you try on whatever she wants to see you wear
Pulling you to sit on her lap even when there are chairs available
Massaging her body after a rough practice or game
She’s always staring at you with those heart eyes and fans make edits out of it
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Love Bites
Love Bites, Chapter 6 // Love Bites {Masterlist}
Ship: Astarion Ancunin x fem!vampire spawn!elf!Tav/reader
Summary: Astarion remembers you, but it's already too late. He's bedded you and remembered the love and life you had together, two hundred years ago, and now he has to make a choice. Does he sacrifice himself, or does he sacrifice you?
Word Count: 9,455
Warnings: 18+, last night alive vibes, Astarion's memory gaps, being gentle with each other, Astarion anticipates being used but is not, vampire bite, mentions of Astarion's sexual abuse (non-con oral), therapeutic talking, reader is protective of Astarion, Astarion's bad at vocalizing his emotions, love confessions, anxiety, putting each other in danger
18+ Warnings: consensual sex, explicit smut, touching, easing into intimacy, oral (m & f receiving), masturbation (m), vaginal sex, consent & check-ins, loving sex, clit stimulation, multiple orgasms, creampie, cum eating, aftercare
Note: Astarion does talk at length about the sexual abuse he's been through (not a lot of it is detailed), so please take care of yourselves as usual and don't read if you're not comfortable!
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☟ Continue below the fold ☟
Astarion clung to your arm the entire walk back to your house. You leaned into him, at first surprised by the lack of body heat but seeming to enjoy his grip on you nonetheless. Instinctively, you put your arm through his and rested your head against his shoulder. He hesitantly placed a soft kiss on the top of your head and you hummed happily. 
“I’ve missed you,” you whispered to him. 
Astarion hesitated, wanting to return the sentiment but unsure if he should; he had spent the past two hundred years—or most of them, at least—not remembering you. But when you looked up at him with a soft smile, the words tumbled out, an absolute necessity to say, “I missed you, too. Even if I didn’t know it, I…I did.”
You smiled at him, soft and gentle, like you knew exactly what he was referring to, like you knew he had felt a hollow absence for all these years he hadn’t realized was there until you filled it again. 
There was a glint in your eye that Astarion was pleased to recognize. He bent just enough to let you kiss his cheek. The two of you both smiled the minute your lips touched his skin. 
You gave directions as the two of you walked, telling him when to turn and which way, until you came to a stop at a door. It was illuminated by a golden lamp, spilling over its lovely emerald green paint. The color was like a burst of life against Astarion’s eyes, vibrant against the blacks and greys of his Darkvision. 
The door did not hold the same familiarity as you did. He glanced at you as you unlooped your arms and slid a key into the lock. “Is this…where we lived?”
“No,” you said, glancing back at him. “Your parents still live in that house. Our bedroom’s untouched, though. The bed still unmade, curtains still closed… It’s as it was when you left for work that morning.”
Pain split through his heart. “My parents are still alive?” You stopped, almost shocked, and turned to him with your mouth slightly open. Before you could speak, he barreled on, “They still live in the same house?”
You glanced up at the sky, likely trying to gauge how much time you had left. You pushed the door open and gently guided him inside as you answered, “Yes. They found it too painful to leave. Your… Your mother said leaving it would feel like selling all that was left of you to a stranger.” You were quiet for a moment. You began lighting the wicks of candles, revealing a kitchen. “I still go back sometimes. To sit in our room. Every so often I sit on the roof like we used to. And, uh…your parents don’t know this, but I’ve been slowly sneaking away pieces of your clothes. It’s…comforting to have them near me, even if I’m terrified that by wearing them too long I’ll lose your scent.”
Astarion felt like he’d been struck by lightning. His family was alive. His family was alive, had been these past two hundred years, and they still loved him. “My mother…” he whispered, tears gathering in his eyes.
You paused in your lighting. “Asty? Are you alright?”
His lower lip trembled. “I… I don’t know. I didn’t know they were still… Do they miss me?”
You came over to him and wrapped your arms around him. “They miss you very much, darling. There hasn’t been a day when your mother has not spoken of you, or a day that your father has not stared at your painting.” You looked up at him. “There has not been a day where any of us do not wish to change what happened that day. To prevent you from going to work. To get you home faster. To convince you to take a different route home. Anything to keep you alive and with us.”
I’m still loved. They love me.
He bit his lower lip. “I wish I could see them again.”
“Perhaps one day you will,” you said. “Perhaps we’ll find a way out.”
Astarion smiled bitterly. “Cazador will take that optimism from you.”
You studied him for a moment, clearly wanting to argue. But instead you just gave him your hand and whispered to him, “Come with me, love.”
A nervousness filled his chest. “I don’t want to do this to you… I don’t want to lose you.”
You cupped his cheeks and pressed your forehead together. Your thumbs smoothing over his cheeks comforted him in a way he never remembered feeling before—but surely you must have done this a thousand times, with the practiced way you touched him. “You aren’t losing me. And you aren’t the one hurting me, darling. It’s your master who has done this to us both.”
Astarion shuddered. “Don’t speak of him. Not here. Not when we’re about to…” He bit his lip. “Not when I can have you again.”
You nodded and kissed his forehead. He leaned into it, some of the tension in his shoulders draining away. “I won’t.” You began walking him out of the kitchen, leading him up a set of stairs. “This way, love.”
Nervous in a way he didn’t ever remember being, Astarion followed you up the stairs. He glanced around the humble dwelling you had made your home—covered in paintings and tapestries and knickknacks that made it homey and welcoming—safe. It felt lived in, contrary to many of the homes of nobility he had found himself in time and time again. It wasn’t something he would have ever designed himself, at least not as he was now, but he liked it anyway. 
The door to your bedroom was open. It was a cozy, open room that felt familiar enough for him to pause at the threshold.
You noticed. “I may have designed it to be similar to our old bedroom. It was comforting.”
Astarion’s eyes scanned the room: a large bed in the middle, covered in soft blankets and piled with pillows, a circular rug underneath it, a mirror on the wall next to your wardrobe. Your desk was covered with paints and powders and pieces of jewelry similar to what you wore now. 
“I like it,” he said quietly. “I… We lived in a place like this?”
You nodded, sitting in the chair at your desk. He watched you take off your jewelry and take your hair down. “Our bedroom had a different color scheme and it was a little bit bigger. We had a washroom connected to it and two wardrobes—yours was bigger than mine. And we had a balcony we used to sit on late at night. But we shared a desk and I wore your clothes more often than I wore mine.” You smiled at him. “You used to tease me that if you couldn’t find one of your shirts, it was either in my wardrobe or on my body.”
You stood and closed the curtains of the two windows that let moonlight stream into the room. Darkness fell for a moment and Astarion watched your dim figure move to one side of the bed. You struck a match and an oil lamp flared to life. 
“Simpler than magic,” you explained. Then the two of you stared at each other. 
Astarion didn’t know where to start. He knew how to manipulate his victims into bed with him nearly every night. He knew what to say, how to move, when to smile, when to make the approach. But with you in front of him, suddenly all his best tricks seemed useless. 
You cocked your head to the side, noticing his hesitation. “Astarion?”
“I don’t know where to start,” he whispered. 
“Then let me?” you suggested. He nodded. 
You removed your apron and draped it over the back of the chair. You reached around behind you and loosened the strings of your corset, slipping it off after a moment. It wasn’t exactly graceful, but the movement still made Astarion’s throat tighten. Somehow, your movements—unpracticed for two hundred years—were more alluring than the nobles Cazador made him bed or the unfortunate virgins tripping over themselves to have him. 
It’s because it’s you, he knew. You weren’t just alluring—you were comforting. His body was strangely present, strangely here, as you undressed for him. 
You pulled off your skirt and left yourself in a poet shirt similar to the one Astarion himself had worn until it fell apart and then sewn back together time and time again. You glanced up at him for a moment, your breath catching in your throat. Astarion nodded eagerly, taking a step closer to you. So you pulled the shirt up over your head and stood before him.
Your undergarments were made of delicate lace. Automatically, Astarion reached out to touch them—touch you—then hesitated, looking into your eyes, suddenly afraid his instinct had been wrong.
But you only stepped forward and guided his hand to the fabric covering your chest. His touch seemed to arrest you for a moment before you stuttered out, “You gave them to me. The set was an anniversary gift. Somehow I knew when I dressed this morning I wanted this piece of you close to me.”
Warmth bloomed in the pit of his stomach—arousal, actual arousal, not the response he had forced himself to have when his victims got naked. He felt himself stir in his leathers.
Astarion let his fingers trail over the edge of the lace. Your eyes fluttered closed, your breaths coming in heaves. “Well, I…had good taste.”
You touched his chest, fingers trailing over the gold embroidery of his doublet. “You still do, darling.” You let out a heavy, pleased sigh. “Oh, gods, Astarion, please. Can I kiss you?”
“Yes,” he breathed desperately, leaning into you. “Yes.”
You stood on your tiptoes; he bent down. As your lips touched, his arms looped around your waist and settled there, holding you against him. Your lips were soft, gentle, welcoming. You let him take the next step instead of forcing it. It was a kindness he wasn’t sure you knew was a kindness. 
He sucked your lower lip between his. You whined softly and then tried to pull away, clearly embarrassed by your need for him, but it brought a smile to his face. He chased your lips and brought one hand to rest between your shoulder blades, guiding you back to him. He kissed you again, softly at first, then licked your lip, asking for more. You obliged him with a slight smile of your own. 
Your tongues slid together, both of you careful of his fangs. After all these years, Astarion had gotten good at hiding them, even during a kiss—but he didn’t feel the need to hide them from you, only keep your tongue away from them.
One of your hands slid into his hair. He tensed momentarily, bracing for an unrelenting tug, but you only scratched his scalp with your nails. He relaxed against you, falling deeper into the kiss. 
When you parted, it was slow, both of you reluctant to part from each other. Your chest was heaving, your breasts straining pleasantly against the delicate lace. Astarion’s eyes dropped to the sight, mesmerized for several moments. Then he looked back up at you with a smile on your face. 
“I missed you,” you breathed. “I’ve missed that.” You toyed with his collar absentmindedly. But your eyes were fixed on his, clear and resolute, some concern clouding your blown pupils. “Are you alright?”
He nodded. “More than alright. You… You’re so gentle with me.”
“Is that what you want?” 
Quickly, he nodded again, almost desperate this time. He didn’t really want to explain the sudden tears that rushed to his eyes, but judging from the heartbreak he saw in yours, you had guessed his reasoning. 
“Then gentle we will be,” you promised. “Soft. Sweet. Slow. Like our old mornings.” Your fingers found the clasps of his doublet. “May I…?”
“You may,” he said, unbearably happy that you had asked. The feeling grew stronger as you carefully undid each clasp, rather than ripping them apart so fast and so hard that he had to fix them when the night was over. He reached up to help you undress him. 
You took the time to ask him before you removed any clothes. You took the time to admire him as skin was revealed. You took the time to kiss him when he hesitantly asked for it. You took the time to wait when you saw his uncertainty, holding him and stroking his hair. 
Is this what it feels like to be loved? 
When Astarion was left standing in only his boxers, you gently led him to the bed. You hooked your fingers into his waistband and met his eyes. Before you could even ask, he whispered, “Pull them off.”
You smiled at him and did so, your touch still light. You spared his half-hard cock only a glance as you stood back up and met his gaze. Astarion could still see the want in your eyes. But instead of doing what you wanted with him, you turned and said over your shoulder, “Would you like to take mine off?”
“Yes,” he whispered, lifting his hands to undo the clasps of your bra. He slipped the straps off your shoulders after you turned back around to him. He let himself admire your breasts as they were exposed before he dropped his hands to your hips and removed your panties in one graceful move that seemed to surprise you. 
“You were always good, but you’re better at this than I remembered,” you said by way of explanation, your cheeks turning pink. “You were always so shy when you undressed me, no matter how many times you had been inside me.”
For some reason, he felt guilty. “I’m sorry I changed.”
You shook your head, cupping his cheek. “Don’t apologize. Not for that. We’ve all changed. We would have changed whether you had died or not.” Your gaze drifted back down his body appreciatively, then to his cock. 
Skin crawling with self-consciousness, familiar from times having to improvise to explain away the struggle to get hard (especially without being able to explain how little blood he actually had in his body), but stronger now that it was you looking at the weakness that took away from the one thing he was good for, Astarion explained, truthfully for the first time, “I can’t get hard right away, not without blood and…and he starves us. Once we actually start, I can do more, but—”
You put your finger to his lips and lay on the bed. “Will it hurt?”
Astarion blinked at you. “What?”
“Your bite. Will it hurt?”
For a moment, it didn’t process what you meant. Then— “You want me to feed from you?”
You nodded. “I’m more than willing to work you up myself if you’d prefer, but…I’ll admit I’m curious. Besides…you finally have someone who knows what you are and loves you anyway. Bite me. Feed the only time you can.”
Astarion stepped closer to the bed, his hunger rearing its head. “Are you sure you want me to?”
You nodded and gestured him closer to you and, after a single moment’s deliberation that ended with the sole thought of, Fuck it!, Astarion crawled over you. You smiled up at him with a fond amazement. He grinned. “You’ve seen this view before, haven’t you?”
“Often,” you said. “I dreamt of this nearly every night. It’s almost hard to believe you’re right here… I half-suspect I’ll wake up in the morning and none of this will have happened.”
Astarion bent and began peppering your neck with soft kisses. Your blood smelled sweet, pumping through your veins with strength. “Believe me, darling, this is very, very real…”
You craned your neck, exposing the column of your throat to him. Astarion pressed his nose to your pulse point and breathed in deeply. He moaned, his whole body shuddering. You put your hand back in his hair, scratching softly. “Please…” you whispered, and all of Astarion’s restraint snapped.
He drew back enough to bare his fangs and sink them into your throat. You gasped sharply. He would have asked if you were alright if your blood did not suddenly fill his mouth, sweet and tangy and heavy all at once. He swallowed and instantly felt the difference. Bugs and rats were enough to keep him functional, surviving—this was enough to let him live. 
The next few pulls of blood had you whimpering pleasantly and warmth filling his body. Strength returned to his muscles with every mouthful and his chest began to move with the illusion of breathing. He became aware of the throbbing need in his cock and began grinding on your thigh. Your responding gasp quickly became a moan and your arms tightened around him.
Somehow, Astarion knew the exact moment that you had become equals again; he had taken half your blood and any more would kill you. In fact, any more and he would be too drunk on it to stop himself from killing you. 
Drain her. Drink her dry and go back to Cazador with enough strength to escape him.
The thought terrified him. He pulled away from you quickly, your blood dripping down his chin and onto your chest. He licked the open wounds of your neck clean of blood before he sat back and stared down at you.
You were paler than you had been when he started, but your eyes fluttered open and you reached up weakly to wipe the thin trail of blood away from the corner of his mouth. You offered him your thumb and he sucked it into his mouth without thinking, licking the blood from your skin. 
“Are you okay?” he asked, brushing a hand through your hair.
You nodded. “A little woozy, but I’ll live.”
Astarion decided not to tell you how close you had come to not living. “What did it feel like?”
You paused, thinking. Eventually, you said, “Like nothing I’ve ever felt before. It was…intimate. Magical. It was ecstasy in a form I’ve never felt before. Pain that turned into pleasure. I felt…connected with you more wholly than ever before. We always said we were one when we had sex, but that…that was being one.” You met his gaze again and breathed out one word: “Wonderful.”
Astarion couldn’t help it; he kissed you needily, pressing his entire body to yours. You responded willingly, even when the kiss turned into a tight hug that allowed him to hide his face in your shoulder so you wouldn’t see his tears. 
Eventually, you tapped his shoulder. “Sit on the edge of the bed, darling.”
A tingle of anticipation raced up Astarion’s spine—clearly his body remembered what you were going to do, even if he did not. You slid to your knees and spread his legs apart far enough to get between them. He tried to hide his shock; you wanted to pleasure him? Time and time he had been forced onto his knees and made to take a cock in his mouth, but he couldn’t remember the last time someone had done it for him… In fact, you were probably the last person to have done it, years and years ago.
“Darling, you don’t have to—”
You looked up at him. “Do you want me to?”
His chest tightened. “Yes,” he whispered.
You smiled slightly. “Then let me pleasure you, Asty.”
“Okay,” he breathed, his chest heaving with phantom breaths as he watched you lean in. You kissed the base of his cock and a quiet whine escaped him. You dragged your tongue up his length and kissed his tip before you took him into your mouth. He threw his head back, groaning. His eyes fluttered as you sucked gently, licking the underside of his cock every so often. Occasionally you popped off of him to kiss up and down his length and the sensitive area around it.
“Look at me,” you breathed. He did as you asked and you went back down on him, holding eye contact with him. He whimpered and bit his lower lip, muffling the sound. You made a face. “Let me hear you, Astarion.”
His answer was a whine as you licked a stripe along the underside of him. He brought his hand to your head and held you as you licked and kissed him. It didn’t take long for him to give into the pleasure; he began to mumble in Elvish to you until the words couldn’t roll off his tongue anymore and began coming out as moans, both low- and high-pitched. Some part of Astarion was deeply embarrassed by his sounds—but he knew now if he tried to hide them, you’d stop, and, gods above, that was the last thing he wanted. But you didn’t let up again and before he could stop himself or even warn you, he was cumming down your throat. 
And you let him. You pulled off of him only when you were sure he was spent. He flopped onto his back, panting heavily. A thrill went up his spine as he watched you swallow his spend, crawling up on his body to join him on the bed.
“That was… Hells, that was good,” he groaned as you laid next to him, getting perfectly cozy against his blood-warmed body. “How did you…?”
“You taught me,” you reminded him with a laugh. “How else did you think I knew exactly what you liked?”
“You could just have really good instincts,” he said, rolling onto his side to kiss you. He cradled you in his arms, holding you as tightly against his body as he could. You melted into his hug readily.
You pulled away for a moment and just stared at him, your eyes peering into his like you could see his soul. A little nervous, Astarion just watched you, taking in the way your eyes roamed over his face and how your lips easily came up into a happy, satisfied smile.
“What?” he whispered when the love on your face was almost too much to bear.
“Nothing,” you said. Then you shook your head. “Well, it’s not nothing. I…never thought I’d see your face again. Not really, not outside of my dreams. So I’m just… I’m glad to have you back.” You reached up and trailed your fingers across his cheekbone. He leaned into your touch. 
Slowly, Astarion began to return the favor, running his fingers across your body. He watched the way you shuddered beneath his touch, paid attention to when you giggled, noticed when your eyes fluttered shut and your body relaxed. He felt like he was learning how you ticked, but there was something about every movement you made that was almost painfully familiar. He had done this to you before, likely thousands of times, and had enjoyed squeezing your hips in his hands and groping your breasts and kissing every available inch of your skin.
“How many times?” he breathed against your sternum, pausing as he kissed down your body. You hummed and he clarified: “How many times did we do this?”
Your eyes were closed, your face the picture of contentment. “You mean the sex or the touching?”
“Every night,” you answered. “Every night before we went to bed, whether we were naked or not, whether we had sex or not, we would do this. We’d cuddle and kiss and caress each other until one of us fell into trance or sleep, whatever we decided to do that night.”
“Gods,” he whispered. “I… I didn’t realize it, but I missed it. I think.”
You hesitated for a moment. Then you whispered, “I thought you did this every night.”
“Almost every night,” he corrected. “And…never like this. Never soft. Never gentle. Never…loving. It’s always rough and demanding, brutal.” He glanced at you, expecting criticism, but your face was open. There wasn’t a hint of jealousy that he slept with other people, nor anger that he was complaining about getting laid nightly when you had spent the years alone. So he continued. “I wake up sore and sometimes bleeding in places I didn’t know I could bleed from.”
You curled your arms around him protectively. “Oh, Asty… Love, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault,” he said quickly.
“That doesn’t mean I can’t feel bad for you,” you insisted. 
Disagreement coiled in Astarion’s belly, but he didn’t voice it, instead laying his head against your chest. He sighed happily when you began to scratch your fingers through his scalp. He remained like that for a few minutes before the words began to tumble out of him, slowly at first, then gaining momentum and—to his surprise—anger.
“It’s not always…random people from taverns. Sometimes he’ll…assign me victims. I’ll be sent to them. Nobles, mostly, who he wants for his thralls. Sometimes he sends them back out into the world to do his bidding, not keeping them the way he keeps me or my siblings, or draining them into dry, mummified corpses like most of the people I bring back for him. But if I don’t bring them back in the single night he gives me— Well. I’d be scarred horribly if vampires didn’t heal quickly, and even then, I don’t heal as quickly as I should so sometimes I go out the next night still wrapped in dirty cloth for bandages, bleeding through them, expected to bring home yet another meal.” 
Astarion paused long enough for you to have a quick interjection. “You have siblings?” 
“Of a sort. There are six others. Six spawn he made to do his bidding.”
“And are you all expected to…fetch your victims the same way?”
Astarion shook his head. “No. Yousen’s a gnome, for gods’ sake, who’s going to sleep with a gnome and not a handsome creature such as myself?”
You rolled your eyes. “There are plenty of people who find gnomes attractive, even if you don’t,” you chastised. 
He sighed. “But you get my point. He made his spawn from people with…different talents, so to speak, to bring in his meals. But if we fail, we all get treated the same way. Beaten. Bitten. Used. He…he does it to me more than the others. I’m his favorite to torture.”
“You mentioned that,” you murmured, touching his ear gently. His cock twitched with pleasure and he gasped. You froze. “Do you want me to stop?”
Hesitantly, he nodded. “Just— Just for a moment…please.”
Immediately, before he had even finished speaking, you removed your hand from his ear. “Alright.”
Surprise flooded his body. No one had ever listened to him before. No one had ever taken his ‘no’ to be a no. They always kept doing what hurt him, what he hated, what made his skin crawl with disgust and hate and fear. 
But you…listened. You more than listened, you stopped.
“Thank you,” he breathed. “It’s just— I…I’m not quite ready to do anything else yet. There’s so much I want to say because I’ve never been able to before and I don’t… I don’t want to ruin the moment, but…”
“But trying to push through will ruin it anyway for you,” you said, understanding him immediately. “That’s alright. Just keep talking, my love, and I will listen to everything.”
Oh, gods above, you understood him. Astarion felt the strong urge to cry until he had no tears left, all out of relief. Instead, he kept talking.
“He hosts grand, lavish parties from time to time. On those nights, we spawn are forced to pose as his…servants. It’s almost a relief to have a break, but then…then there’s the afterparties. And I’m his entertainment at the afterparties. They’re more…orgies than parties by then and I’m at the center of it all, dressed however he wants me for the night, which is sometimes nothing. He lets the partygoers use me however they wish. He orders them to, in fact. It hurts and hurts and hurts until it suddenly doesn’t because I can’t feel anything anymore.” His tears dripped onto your skin. You cooed softly, trying to comfort him, but you said nothing to stop him, so he kept going. “It’s not just the parties, either. It’s… Well, it’s like this. I’m his favorite to torture, and I’m his favorite to…to use.” 
You made a sound of both sympathy and rage. “Asty…”
Your whisper was lost in his continued tirade. “Whenever he wants, I’m there and I’m meant to do whatever he wants me to do and let him do everything he can to me. The others all know. They know I’m Cazador’s plaything and they think I get…special treatment for it. They don’t see how much it hurts, they don’t see that I suffer every night, because I don’t suffer like they do. No, no, I get to have sex! I get one of life’s simple pleasures while he beats them! So how is it fair that I complain?” Astarion looked up at you, his eyes shining with tears. “How is it fair that I complain?”
“It’s not your fault,” you said firmly. “It’s not. Darling, none of this is on you. Your master is…a leech. Yes, he’s a leech, taking what does not belong to him, forcing misery upon you. Astarion, please listen to me, honey. I mean it. This is not your fault. He is sowing dissent amongst all of you on purpose because it is the only way he can control you. If you all were to band together—”
“We’re his thralls, he can control us anyway,” Astarion snapped. “Anything he wants us to do, we do. It’s why I haven’t been able to stop him from—” He fell silent and buried his face in your chest, an unreasonable shame burrowing in his chest. He knew it was unreasonable; he knew you were at least somewhat right. He had no control over his life, and yet… The shame was there anyway. “Poetry. That’s what he said he carved into me. That’s the scar on my back.”
Automatically, your hand drifted from his hair to his shoulder. Before touching the scar you asked, “Does it hurt?”
“Sometimes. It hurt then, when he had to correct his mistakes because I couldn’t keep still enough.”
“Can I touch it?”
He nodded slowly and braced himself. But your touch was gentle and soothing. Your fingers ghosted across the raised marks and you peeked over his shoulder at it.
“It’s written in Infernal,” you murmured. “Last I checked, that’s not exactly the language of poets.”
Astarion raised his head. “Really? I…I didn’t know. What does it say?”
You shrugged. “I can recognize it, but I can’t read it.”
Astarion sighed and fell back against your chest. 
“What do you want to do?” you whispered to him.
“Hold me,” he breathed.
So you wrapped your arms around him and held him tightly to your body, his head against your chest, his own arms coming around your waist. You held each other in silence for quite a while. Your hand began to scratch his scalp and a gentle sound that was close to a purr escaped him. After a few moments, your hand went back to his ear. When he didn’t protest, you began rubbing his ear lightly.
A soft moan escaped Astarion’s lips. He looked up at you, his hips already beginning to grind into the mattress. 
“We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to,” you reminded him. “You are more than just sex.”
“I want to,” he whispered, the statement true for the first time in nearly two centuries. “It’s… It’s you, of course I want to.”
You whimpered quietly at the words and pressed a tiny kiss to his forehead. “Only if you’re sure, honey.”
“I’m sure,” he promised. 
It didn’t take long for the heat in his body to rebuild. You caressed every sensitive spot on his body with care and intimate knowledge of who he was: his ears, the nape of his neck, his Adonis belt, his nipples. You touched him with a reverence that felt almost like worship and made his entire body tremble with need. You suckled on his nipples until he moaned loudly and ripped himself away from you to do the same to you. 
Very quickly you learned to give him control. He hovered above you, sucking hickies into your neck and chest, happily leaving little bites on your tits as he went.
“You can draw blood,” you whispered to him in the middle of a bite and he moaned delightedly, letting his fangs scratch your skin until you bled and licking up the crimson droplets. He met your gaze as he let his tongue linger on a deeper cut and found you looking down at him fondly, toying with one of his curls between your fingers. 
Astarion adjusted to slip a hand between your bodies. He cupped your exposed cunt and grinned at the sight of your head going back, exposing the column of your throat to him.
“I’ve barely touched you, darling,” he teased. 
“And I’ve waited two hundred years for this,” you reminded him. “Any touch is enough, but, hells, please put your fingers inside of me.”
“Needy,” he joked, but did as you asked, spreading your pussy to drag his fingers up your slit. He placed his slick fingers on your clit and began to rub gentle circles. You gasped, your body arching up into his. He chuckled and moved up to kiss you sweetly. His tongue against yours was a balm to the both of you; you calmed down enough to wrap your arms around his shoulders and he felt any lingering doubts slip away. 
You were his. You had always been his. You were not just another victim, you were the woman he loved, the woman he had been so devoted to that he was going to marry you. You were not using him like the others.
You seemed to read his thoughts and filled in the last possibility, murmuring against his soft lips, “I love you, Astarion.”
He moaned into your mouth. A single tear slipped past his closed eyelid and fell on your cheek. 
“I love you,” you whispered again. “You don’t have to say it back. I just want you to know.”
Astarion slipped two fingers into you, curling them deep inside you. You arched into him again, moaning obscenely. He giggled again; if just two fingers could make you this happy, what would you do when you felt his cock inside you again?
He pumped his fingers slowly until your hips bucked into his hand, wordlessly asking for more. He picked up the pace until you began panting. He watched you grow closer and closer to the edge, your body writhing, your eyebrows pinching together, your mouth falling open to let out delicious moans. He was almost tempted to just let you finish on his fingers, but… 
Gods, he wanted to taste you.
He pulled his fingers out of you. You whined his name, pitifully, already begging, already asking, “Why did you stop?”
Astarion’s answer was not verbal. Grinning, he dropped to his knees quickly and shuffled closer to the edge of the bed. He yanked you to the edge, letting your legs dangle over his shoulders, and leaned in. You held eye contact as he pressed a kiss to your clit. Then a second. Then a third. By the time he got to the fourth kiss and latched his lips around your sensitive nub, your eyes were rolling into the back of your head.
“Astarion,” you moaned, your hand twisting into his hair but not pulling.
He began to suck gently, letting the pressure drive you wild. He licked your clit slowly, lavishing attention on it with his tongue, feeling you grow very, very wet against his chin. He dropped a little lower to tongue at your entrance, the taste of your arousal pulling a moan from deep in his chest. You gasped at the vibration, your hips rutting against his face. He chuckled into you and slid his tongue inside you, lapping at your cunt. You were delicious in ways he hadn’t thought possible. He knew that his heightened senses meant that he could smell every bit of your arousal, every emotion inside of you, every liquid in your body—but he had not expected your lust to be infused with your love for him. 
It was a new feeling, a new taste. He liked it. 
Astarion reached up and coated his hand in your dripping arousal. Then he wrapped his hand around his cock and began stroking slowly, allowing himself to enjoy it, feeling the heady rush of blood to completely harden his cock. His hips rocked gently, the pace increasing when he glanced up at you and found you smiling as you panted, your breasts heaving. 
He released himself to bring his hand back up to your cunt. He sunk his fingers into your wet entrance and returned to sucking on your clit. You cried out, your hips bucking, and he grinned against your slick skin. 
“Cum for me,” he whispered against you, loud enough for you to hear his command. “Let me taste you. Cum on my face, darling.”
You clenched around his fingers, moaning the loudest you had all night. There was a fresh rush of wetness and the lewd sounds of his fingers pumping in and out of you grew louder. Astarion slipped his fingers out of you and his tongue back into your cunt to taste you as your orgasm ripped through you. He put his thumb on your clit and started rubbing.
Astarion’s eyes fluttered shut as he tasted your cum. You were sweet, absolutely divine, your ecstasy meant entirely for him. He groaned into your pussy and your legs wrapped around his head, helping to bury him in your slick entrance. He giggled, more than happy to stay there longer and keep licking your cum out of you.
He tapped your thigh when he was done and you put your shaking legs back to the floor. He got to his feet and crawled over you, capturing your mouth in a bruising kiss. You moaned into his mouth, then made a sound of surprise.
“Do you taste yourself on my tongue?” he whispered, looking at you with hooded eyes.
“Yes,” you breathed.
“Good.” He kissed you again, grinding on your thigh to ease the throbbing in his cock. You groaned at the feeling, your arms tightening around his neck. You broke away from his mouth to pepper his face in tiny, loving kisses.
An overwhelming fondness filled him and he pulled away from you enough to meet your gaze. You trailed your fingertips over his cheekbone and then to his ear, rubbing gently again. He hummed happily and opened his eyes to see your face as he whispered, “I love you, too.”
You stopped, your eyes widening, your lips parting. Gods, you were beautiful. “Do you really mean—?”
“Yes,” he breathed quickly and bent down to kiss you again. You hummed into his mouth, pulling his body down onto yours. He paused in his grinding, wanting to be against you more than he wanted the friction.
“I love you,” both of you said at the same time, then burst into little giggles. You nuzzled into each other, Astarion’s cheeks hurting from the smile he couldn’t seem to drop. Then you kissed him and pulled his lower lip between your teeth. You tugged slightly.
Astarion pulled back and then glanced down your body to where his cock rested on your stomach. “Are you ready for me, darling?”
You nodded. “Yes.”
He grinned. “Spread your legs a little wider for me, sweet girl.”
You did as he asked without a second thought and he settled between your legs. He guided himself against your entrance, notching the head of his cock there. He looked up at you again and you nodded. He smiled softly, kissed you once, and then looked back down to watch himself sink into you.
Astarion moved slowly, careful not to hurt you, well aware that you hadn’t been fucked in two hundred years. You sucked in a deep breath, keeping your eyes on him as he pushed into you. Astarion let out a low groan as you squeezed around him, already a tight fit, your warmth and wetness enveloping him. When he bottomed out, you released your breath, your head falling back against the pillows. 
“Are you alright?” he whispered. 
“Yes,” you breathed. “Yes, I’m alright. Gods… You feel…right. It’s…it’s almost as if it were yesterday you made love to me for the last time.”
He bent down enough to kiss your forehead. “Is that what you want? Do you want me to make love to you?”
“Please,” you whispered. 
Astarion began to move. He started with shallow thrusts, trying to allow you time to adjust and get used to the feeling, watching the pleasure on your face as he did. He held himself up with one hand and let the other slide up and down your side comfortingly.
Eventually, you turned your head to kiss his wrist. “More,” you said quietly. When he raised his eyebrow, prompting you, your already flushed cheeks turned scarlet and you amended, “Deeper.”
“Good girl,” he said and let his next thrust bring his pelvis to yours. Both of you moaned into each other. Your breaths came faster as he began to hit that spot deep inside of you over and over again, sure to never go too hard. Then you whispered, “Harder, Asty,” and all restraint left his limbs. 
Astarion lifted your leg to get a better angle and began pounding into you relentlessly, grunting with every thrust. Your moans became punctuated and he slowed down briefly to let you get some air.
Your response was to throw both legs around his hips, tug him down to you, and breathe into his ear, “Don’t stop. Don’t stop doing what you’re doing, darling.”
Astarion moaned happily and hurried back into his fast pace. You pulled him into a bruising kiss and wrapped your arms around his shoulders.
“Can I touch your back?” you whispered and he nodded quickly. 
“Scratch at me all you want, sweetness,” he replied and your blush darkened.
You settled your hands on his upper back, your nails digging in just slightly as you held onto him. You crossed your ankles at the small of his back and let him drill into you.
Lips, teeth, and tongues clashed into each other as you made out messily, the sound of your spit-slicked kisses drowned out by the rhythmic smacking of your hips into each other. You felt a soreness begin to build, pleasant and familiar and distinctly Astarion.
For his part, Astarion was pleasantly surprised at how present he was. He found himself electing to keep his eyes open to see the ecstasy wash over your face when he wasn’t kissing you and he smiled at every moan, every “Oh gods” you let out, every cry of his name that left your lips. His whole body buzzed with pleasure and his cock throbbed inside of you. He nuzzled into your neck, kissing softly and nipping gently, not taking blood from you this time. He tongued over the bite he left earlier, licking the dried residue of your blood, but the wound had since closed. 
“I love you,” he murmured against your skin. “And I am so sorry that I have been gone.”
You kissed his cheek briefly. “I love you, too.”
Astarion groaned into your neck, then pushed himself back up, fucking into your pussy wildly. “You feel so godsdamn good,” he panted, grinning down at you. “I haven’t felt this way in…a very long time.”
You gently squeezed his hips with your legs and reached up to cup his face. “I’ve missed how perfect you feel,” you said. “How you always hit the right spots.” You moaned as he did exactly that, your entire body tensing, preparing for your orgasm.
“Are you close?” he asked.
“Very,” you breathed. 
He brushed your hair from your face. “Cum whenever you’re ready, darling. I want to feel you spasm around me.”
You whimpered. “Oh, Asty,” you moaned. You relaxed into the mattress. “Go a little harder and I’ll be there.”
He did as you asked, pounding into you fast and hard and just a little bit rough. He reached down to put his fingers on your clit and you let out a shriek, clenching tightly around him. He gasped, his cock twitching at the stimulation. You threw your head back, nearly screaming as you came around him, his name lost somewhere in your shrieks of pleasure. The fresh slickness of your cum surrounded him and he glanced down to find a ring of white on his cock, getting thicker and brighter by the second.
The grunts that fell from Astarion’s mouth were rougher, louder. He squeezed his eyes shut and then forced them open again.
“Darling—” he gasped, his entire body trembling with exertion as he tried to stave off his impending orgasm. “I’m— I’m gonna cum, oh gods, where do you— Where do you want it?”
There was a soft look on your face as you whispered, “Inside. Inside like the last time you ever fucked me.”
Astarion groaned, the reveal bringing tears to his eyes. He squeezed his eyes shut, feeling the tear drop from his lashes. Your thumb came up to his face and wiped gently at his eye. He whimpered, leaning into your touch.
“Cum for me, honey,” you whispered, softly cupping his cheek.
Astarion whined and kissed your palm, burying himself to the hilt. He moaned loudly, tilting his head back, and it quickly became a series of high-pitched whimpers as ecstasy washed through his body. He trembled, holding himself up until he was spent. Then he collapsed on top of you, panting harshly.
You held him close, soothing him with quiet hushes and soft whispers of how wonderful he had done for you. You kissed the top of his head, running your hand through his curls, murmuring your love to him with a smile on your face. 
Eventually, Astarion pulled out of you. You whimpered and he whispered a soft apology. He sat back to watch his seed drip out of you. Fascinated, he gently swiped his fingers through your mixed releases. You shuddered. He held his fingers up to your mouth. You quirked an eyebrow at him at first, then opened your mouth and let him slide his fingers between your lips. Dutifully, you licked them clean.
“I guess we’ve never done that before, huh?” he joked, laying back down on you. He kissed you sweetly, enjoying the taste of you and him together on his tongue. 
You shook your head. “Nope. You only came inside me for one night.” He raised an eyebrow and you explained carefully, “I’d been tracking my cycle so I knew you could cum inside me without us getting pregnant too early. We wanted to wait until after our wedding to start trying for a baby.”
Astarion’s heart nearly broke. “We…we wanted a family.”
You nodded, smiling in a way that made Astarion feel like you knew the pain twisting in his chest at the moment. “We’d told your parents we wanted one the night before you died. They were…ecstatic. You know, I’m almost surprised they didn’t push us to move the wedding up so we could start faster.”
He laughed, more a huff than anything with how exhausted he was. “I take it they didn’t know about us taking the risk of finishing inside you?”
You grinned. “Well… We didn’t tell them, exactly, but I’m guessing they figured it out with how loud you made me scream that night.”
Astarion smirked. “Was it louder than you just were?”
“Oh, much louder,” you said, somehow teasing and serious at the same time. “I thought the entire neighborhood could hear you making me scream.”
“So I’ve always been good at sex, then?”
You shrugged. “Not…exactly. The first few times were a little…subpar in comparison to what our sex life became, the sex we just had. But because it was you, because it was so new…we still enjoyed it.”
The two of you shuffled to lay on your sides, facing each other. You snuggled against his chest and Astarion held you tightly, pressing soft, lingering kisses to every inch of your face. 
“I love you,” he murmured. “And I see why I loved you then. You are…perfect. Considerate. Gentle. You don’t…push for things I don’t want to do. You just know what I like, even after all this time… I had thought I had changed, but…”
“You did change,” you said. “But not so much that I don’t recognize the man underneath all your disguises, all your layers. You are, deep down, still my Astarion.”
He curled more tightly around you. “I like being yours.”
You kissed his nose. “I like it, too.”
The pair of you lapsed into comfortable silence. Astarion listened to your breathing and your steady heartbeat, watching your chest rise and fall against his, moving as if he was also breathing. 
You were so comfortable with him… So vulnerable. You trusted him with your exposed neck, with your bare body, with your love. Hells, how he wished he could remember what he had done to earn that trust. How he wished he could keep your trust.
Some time later, you mumbled into his skin, “It’s two hours until dawn, my love.”
Fear crept back into Astarion’s mind. “I know.”
“We should get going soon.”
He held you just a little tighter. “Not— Not quite yet, darling. Let me hold you for a few minutes more.”
You smiled knowingly against his chest and Astarion wondered how many mornings he had refused to get up, electing instead for a few more minutes in bed with you, your limbs tangled and the sheets just barely covering your lower halves. “Alright.”
Astarion pressed a grateful kiss to the top of your head. His mind began to spin with the beginnings of half-baked plans. The two of you could run, leave now and get as far away as possible. He could simply not go back, he could hide here with you until night fell again and then the two of you could leave. He could bring you back to Cazador with a plan, with a way to kill him or escape him or both in mind.
Every plan fell short. Nothing would work. Cazador had too many eyes in the city to disappear this quickly. 
We’d never escape alive. And while Astarion was certain that death—true death—would be a relief in comparison to the past two hundred years, he wasn’t willing to force that on you.
He glanced at you, still tucked into his arm, a peaceful look on your face. He tried to capture the image in his mind for a few moments, then stirred and gently slipped out from underneath you. He stood and slowly put his clothes back on.
You watched him do so, sitting up on your arms to grin at him. “Now that’s a sight that never gets old.”
Astarion frowned. “Me putting clothes back on?”
You nodded, reaching for your dress. Astarion helped you get it over your head. “It reminds me of our early mornings when you’d get ready for work and I’d watch you primp and preen until you were perfect.” You adjusted your dress, then looked up at him. “Here—let me fix your hair, I messed it up when I put my hands in it.”
Astarion watched your face, your expression twisted into concentration, your tongue poking out just slightly, as you carded your fingers through his curls and arranged them. When you were satisfied, you stepped back.
“There, good as new,” you said and he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead.
“Thank you,” he whispered.
You wrapped your arms around him and gave him a reassuring squeeze. “Are you ready?”
Astarion clenched his jaw. “Are you? Are you sure you want to do this? I…I really shouldn’t do this, darling, I should just take the punishment—”
“No,” you said firmly. “I will never forgive myself if I know you’re out there, getting hurt, because I wouldn’t go with you.”
“Take me to him,” you insisted. “Don’t get yourself hurt for me.”
Still, Astarion bit his lip so hard he tasted his blood. “But isn’t that what we should do? I’d be protecting you—”
“I would be putting you in danger, Asty,” you insisted, cupping his cheek. “Please. Please do this and we will find a way out of this, alright? Even if it’s a last-ditch, desperate attempt to run—we’ll do something. I promise you, love.”
It won’t be enough. It will never be enough. But Astarion didn’t want to dash your hopes; naive as it was, it was relieving to see hope after two hundred years without it. It almost convinced him that you would be the lucky soul to escape Cazador’s bite, his eternal punishment. 
Astarion offered you his hand. “Are you ready, darling?”
You nodded, slipping your hand into his. “Ready.”
Before you left, you extinguished the lamps like normal and locked your door behind you like it was any other outing. You slipped the key into a hidden pocket in your dress Astarion hadn’t realized was even there. He admired the stitchwork as you walked hand-in-hand down the street. Despite the anxiety wriggling away in his stomach, Astarion let himself enjoy the feeling of walking with you, touching you, enjoying the last few moments of the night air with you. 
The Szarr residence loomed ahead far too quickly, the palace towers casting a horrible shadow across the road leading up to it. Astarion glanced at you as the pair of you passed into the shadows.
“Last chance to back out, darling,” he said quietly. “I can always circle back to an alleyway and drag some poor soul out—”
“No, Asty,” you said gently. “If that was a real option, you would have already done it.”
He sighed and nodded. “Alright. But—darling?”
“I’m sorry for what might happen in there, what he’ll do to you.”
You smiled at him. “You don’t have to be sorry, honey, it’s not your fault. Nothing he does to me is your fault.”
“I brought you here,” he insisted. “I brought you here knowing what you’ll have to go through. I could just take the beating, but… I don’t want to, so I’m letting you suffer like I should.”
For the first time, Astarion saw a glimmer of doubt in your eyes. Your steps faltered and he felt the shudder that passed through your body. You licked your dry lips.
“What’s he going to do?”
A painful first bite. Drink you dry. Bury you. Make you dig your way out of your coffin. Trap you in chains the minute you’re free of the dirt. Whip you until you bleed and then lick your wounds. Astarion’s experience flashed through his head. But the fear on your face… He couldn’t tell you any of that, could he?
“Terrible things,” Astarion said gravely. It came out far darker than he intended and he knew what a terrifying sight he was: weak light in his hair, his red eyes glowing in the shadows, his fangs flashing in the dark with every word. You shrank away from him, stopping in your tracks, and inched out of the shadows. 
“Astarion, I—”
Fear gripped his undead heart, tainted his vision, thrummed in his veins. Astarion hissed and lunged, grabbing your arm with a vice-like grip. “Come on,” he insisted, just slightly aware of the growl in his voice. You resisted for just a moment, but Astarion was stronger than you were; it only took a tug to pull you back into the shadow of the tower. 
Servants of Cazador’s opened the doors for Astarion when they recognized him. They couldn’t hide their shock that he was dragging a victim in, his facade of the perfect lover dropped, and something clicked inside him.
It’s not Cazador who scares her; it’s me.
Astarion nearly let go of you. Then he felt the eyes of his siblings boring into him, all six waiting in a clustered group, and he knew Cazador was near. There was no escape for you now.
Astarion tightened his grip on you and dragged you into the palace’s shadows. He watched your feet cross the threshold, damning you eternally. The door slammed shut.
☞ ❊ ☜
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Baldur's Gate 3 // Astarion Ancunin
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