#sometimes she’ll be there when I fall asleep but leave by the time I wake up
nattikay · 10 days
a random curiosity I had while trying to fall asleep last night:
[please note that “multiple types” options mean more than one of the TYPES of pets listed here (such as a cat and a dog or two significantly-differently-sized dogs), not multiple individuals the same type (such as two cats or two dogs within the same size category)]
(if you have a different type of pet or multiple types, feel free to elaborate in the tags!)
I’ll leave the exact parameters for what counts as a small vs mid-size vs large dog up to voter discretion
edit: for extra clarification, the “depends on the pet” button means stuff like I have both a cat and a dog but the cat is allowed on the bed and the dog isn’t, etc. (again feel free to elaborate in the tags)
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r3starttt · 3 months
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𐙚 gets sooo sleepy after she eats. Except for when she's having breakfast, since she's definitely a morning person she has the most healthy massive breakfast ever.
𐙚 definitely eats gym food. The most it tastes like cardboard the more she likes it. And always makes you eat what she eats, no excuses.
𐙚 takes you everywhere she goes. Gym? You go too. Work? She's driving you to your job or waking you early in the morning to take her to hers.
𐙚 cuddles, all the time, any reason or no reason at all. When she's had a bad day, when you're stressed, when you haven't got enough time for each other.
𐙚 loves what you love. She'd to her research whenever you seem interested in something.
𐙚 that's a hundred percent how she made you fall in love. Like, you not even talking to her strictly but just to your friends about something you like and then she remembers? And not only that, she also did research? Just to be able to talk more with you?
𐙚 makes Playlists for you. For the two of you, with songs that are special for both or for you, she's just so in love :(
𐙚 adores massages. Scalp and back massages to be more specific. She never ever doubts on not even asking you but placing herself over you/ cuddle and thats how you know she needs one.
𐙚 plans lots of dates and is the most romantic about it? Picnics and movie nights and stuff, religiously every weekend If possible
𐙚 loves going on trips with you.
𐙚 big on holidays, special dates. She’ll make of it a big deal just for you :((
𐙚 her love language is either physical touch or acts of service if not both. This woman is 25/8 at your service.
𐙚 she loves deep. Adores your face your body your voice your everything
𐙚 she definitely learns everything about you, not in a creepy way but in an I wanna know your culture, your favorite food, your thoughts so I can understand you and be there for you all the time
𐙚 you have a pet? She loves them. It's her baby the second you show it to her no matter what it is (ofc if it's a dog she's already on her knees omfg)
𐙚 whenever you're out together she'll be paying attention to you most of the time. Knows when your social battery ran out, knows when you secretly (not so secretly) hate someone. And always makes sure you're comfortable (the type to give you her jacket when it's too cold, her food when you're still hungry, leave a place with the excuse she has shit to do because she knows you're not comfortable with the people or the ambience or whatever)
𐙚 not to bring Owen or the boat scene but I think people forgets she literally fell asleep so... Abby is definitely a big fan of aftercare.
𐙚 I repeat, she's very productive but sleepy and needs you there with her to take ner naps (such a grandpa fr)
𐙚 biggest spoil lover. You want anything you're getting it right here right now
𐙚 wants a family, I said it, do not argue
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𐙚 she's taking you every chance she gets with her (arguing with Isaac to not let you with anyone that's not her)
𐙚 doesn't see the need to bring trinkets for you whenever she goes on patroll or let you bring stuff bcs they just take space, but, she'll find a way to make you the most delicious food, or exchange her own stuff to get you better clothes, shoes, blankets. Anyways, loves 'gifts'
𐙚 whenever you go out, you're either in front of her so she can see you or behind her if there's danger.
𐙚 she hates waking you up whenever she has nightmares but sometimes she can't help but seek for you. Holding your hand in your sleep, cuddling closer, trying to match or focus on your breathing, anything but waking you up :(
𐙚 she trusts you with her life. But also doesn't because she knows your life doesn't really depend on you but on people who could harm you.
𐙚 hates seeing you tired or starving after tough days, even though she knows she'll take care of you or make it easy for you to take care of yourself, she just wishes you could never ever have do anything.
𐙚 lives flirting with you. And then gets too conscious about it bcs of manny
𐙚 she takes holidays seriously and makes sure to celebrate like people used to :(
𐙚 also, celebrates your birthday in the most pretty way, making sure it’s super extremely special for you ever single time
𐙚 very specific, but being accurate to the game. She'll never put you in any danger while searching for Joel. I think that would definitely put the relationship in a risk instead but that would also make her realize how tough the whole situation is, like, she'd be more aware that doing all this could lead her to lose you or vice versa.
𐙚 hates to do it but sometimes (most times) makes you clean the dishes or fold the clothes (you know like what she did with manny, that type of stuff)
𐙚 if you like dogs she's making sure to get you one (like Mel and Alice situation)
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darnell-la · 24 days
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pairing: traumatized & emotional!logan howlett x mutant close friend!reader
warnings: heavy drinking, growing close, therapist friend, emotions, nightmares, a lot of blood, panicking, near death, regeneration, confessions, kisses, realization, conclusion, etc.
summary: after an unexpected night, Logan realizes the danger he is for sticking to the past. he had to learn to let go of the evil that never was right for him.
note: this story has NO SMUT, but we got Logan who’s an emotional mess and breaks apart after injuring y/n on a mistake.
follow our Instagram @ darnell.la so we can start posting random videos, photos, edits, and memes of the people we write about!
When Jean died, y/n was the only one there for Logan. The x men couldn’t see the pain he was in, but she could. When she’d make her nightly routine to get water from the kitchen, he’d be down there passed out on one of the kitchen chairs, or drinking until he got to that point.
Y/n would pass by him for weeks. They soon became a couple of months, but after a while, she felt bad. He wasn’t keeping himself up and any time he spoke to the crew, he had an attitude and was drunk.
Charles had banned him on missions until he got sober, but that wasn’t happening any time soon.
It took a while for y/n to talk to Logan without him pushing her away. One night he was crying in the living, and she walked in.
The woman sat next to him and softly patted his knee, trying to do something to calm him down. Before she knew it, the man pulled her into a tight hug as he sobbed.
That night he poured his heart out to y/n. She had to tell him that what he did to Jean wasn’t his fault and it had to be done. She asked, “How do you think Scott felt when he thought she was gone?”
Logan knew Jean, but she was confused about why her death hit him so hard. He explained that everyone he cares for eventually dies. He said he was cursed.
For the past year, y/n has worked with Logan almost daily as a side therapist. Some days she’ll have to force him to talk while others, he comes to her.
They grew close, now fighting by each other’s side, rarely being seen without the other, having their drinking nights and sometimes falling asleep together on the couch.
Logan would be the first to wake up, so he’d carry the young woman to her bed. The first several times, he would leave to his own, then after, he’d stay and sleep on her sofa.
“Jean?” Logan asked as he turned around in his bed, seeing the woman he killed, lying next to him in a white nightgown. “Is that really you?” He asked as he sat up, hand instantly rubbing her cheek.
“Yes,” her voice seemed low as her eyes stared into his. “I-I’m sorry, Jean,” Logan’s eyes began to tear up. “Please stay. I promise I won’t hurt you or anyone else again,” he begged.
Jean leaned into the man’s ear with a slight smirk and blinked slowly. “Too late,” she said. Logan had felt his hand tingle. He was confused until he looked down, seeing his claws inside of the woman’s stomach.
“No, Jean!” He yelled. There was a huge poodle of blood. “Jean, please, no!” He pulled his claws away before pushing down on her stomach. “You were born to hurt people,” she spoke before her eyes darkened.
Logan hated her hateful words. After she came back the last time, she’s been hurtful.
Jean’s mouth opened, now screaming at Logan’s face, making him close his eyes. “Logan,” I voice called which seemed so far. “L-Logan,” y/n choked as her hand wrapped around his wrists tighter, trying to wake him up.
Logan’s eyes slowly opened, realizing he was in a dream. “Logan,” y/n could barely speak as the blood in her throat began to form. The man looked down seeing his class in her stomach.
“No,” he spoke low, not believing it at first until her fingers slowly slipped from his wrists. Y/n’s body leaned back, about to crash onto the floor until Logan held her up with his arms.
“No — Y/n I-“ his words got stuck in his throat. He’s never done this to anyone before, and that someone had to be y/n. “Y/n, stay up,” the man’s hands now pressed on her stomach.
“O-Okay,” she looked into the man’s eyes as she tried breathing. The blood made it hard, and he knew that. Logan looked around the room, looking at a place to place her so he could go run for help.
“C’mon,” Logan got up, carrying the girl in bridal style for only a few seconds until he laid her on her bed. He had fallen asleep on her sofa again. Now he was regretting showing this little detailed affection towards her. If he just left her downstairs and went to his own bed, this wouldn’t have happened.
“Fuck- Why did you come near me. You know how I can get,” scared tears started slipping down Logan’s cheeks. How could he do this? To her or all people. “W-Wanted to h-help,” y/n has never sounded worse in her life.
“Shit- I-I need to get help,” Logan said before yelling through the house for Storm and Hank. “Storm! Hank!” Logan ran downstairs since that’s where their rooms are at.
“God,” Hank yanked in annoyance as Storm rushed out of her room. “What’s wrong? What happened?” Storm asked, not too worried until he looked down at his fist. It was covered in blood along with a few splatters on his white tank top and thick blue jeans.
“What the hell happened!?” Hank’s body froze. “Y/n, she was- She came up to me while I was sleep a-and I had a dream. A-A very bad dream and I stuck Jean but when I woke up-“ he tried finishing.
“You stuck her,” Storm imagined. Storm remembers when he stuck Rachel on her shoulder, but it has to be worse if that much blood is on his hands and he’s shaking.
“You stuck Jean?” Hank asked as Storm and Logan began jogging back upstairs. “No! No, it was a dream. A very bad fucking dream,”
“Where is she? In your room? Why was she in your room?” Storm grabbed Logan’s door handle until he stopped her. “No, she’s in hers,” he said before taking a deep breath, admitting that he was in her room.
“What?” She asked as she sped over across the hall to hers. “A-After we pass out on the couch, I’m usually the one who wakes up first so I- I carry her to her bed and pass out on her sofa,”
Storm sped through y/n’s open room door and gasped at the sight of her. Her middle body was covered in blood and her head was tilted to the side with her eyes closed. She looked lifeless.
“N-No, no!” Logan ran over to her to put pressure on the wound. “I told you to put pressure on the wound, y/n!” He yelled as he used one hand to slap at her face, he she wouldn’t wake up.
“How bad does it look- Oh fuck,” Hank quickly ran over to y/n. The man pressed his two fingers on her neck to check for a pulse, and he got one. A very slow and weak pulse.
“She’s still alive, but she needs to go to the lab. Now!” Logan quickly picked Y/n up, now running through the mansion as kids came out of their rooms. “I’ll get the kids back to bed,” Storm stated back to do her job.
“Please, y/n, don’t do this to me, please,” Logan could feel his heart rate rise as her body felt slumped. She gave no sign of any form of life.
“Place her on here, quickly,” Hank tapped the medical bed, and Logan did as told. “I’m going to have to sedate her before I work on her — I don’t think you should be in here for this,” Hank suggested.
“Why not!? I did this to her, so f-fuck how I feel about seeing you cut her open. I’m the one that stabbed her!” Logan felt all different emotions. He couldn’t help it.
“It’s not for your sake, it’s for mine. She’s my friend too, and I want to concentrate and keep her alive,” Hank said. “No, no — I-I can’t leave her. I don’t want to leave her!”
Logan shook his head side from side, refusing to leave. He has nothing else to do. He’d only be somewhere stressed and waiting for Hank to come to him with bad news.
“Logan — I’ve got this. But I need my space,” Hank said low as he touched Logan’s shoulder to calm the man down who was looking down at y/n with tears. The white nightgown was soaked in blood. She was losing so much.
“I-I’ll be back, y/n. Please don’t do this time me,” Logan tightly gripped the unconscious girl's hand, raising it to his mouth before he gave her a peck.
“Did she make it? Is she alive!?” Logan quickly got up as the door to his lab opened. The man sat there all night. Hank slowly walked out of the lab without saying a word.
“What? What, is she- D-Did I kill her? Is she dead!?” Logan felt his heart sink as he kept walking towards the man. “No — She’s actually just fine,” Hank spoke as y/n walked through the lab doors.
She had a medical gown on and looked healthier than ever.
Logan ran over to the girl and picked her up to hug her tightly as he cried in her neck. “I’m so sorry!” He sobbed as his fingers gripped her body, not wanting to let her go.
“It’s not your fault, Logan. Things happen, and I don’t want to hear otherwise,” she said, seeing his mouth open to argue. “You saved my life. That’s all you need to think about,”
Logan was lost for words as he placed y/n down. He couldn’t argue, and she looked alive. She was alive.
The man grabbed the girl's face a bit rough as he pulled her into a long and passionate kiss that was followed with apologies. Y/n’s soft hands grabbed his cheeks as well, pulling him in closer.
“No thanks to me, I guess,” Hank said as the two laughed in between their kiss. “Thank you, Hank,” Y/n pulled away from Logan and looked at the man who barely had to do anything.
“I’m completely joking. I barely had to do anything anyways,” Hank said which confused Logan. “What are you talking about?” Logan asked as he placed his hand over y/n’s wounds that he couldn’t feel. He thought the gown was in the way until he lifted the gown up to see no marks. Just her in a pair of medical tights.
“She regenerates, Logan. Just like you! — So perfect for each other,” Hank rubbed his hands together in excitement. “It only took awhile I’m guessing because this was the first time her skin was broken that bad,”
“I’m so sorry about that, y/n,” Logan instantly felt bad again. “No apologizing. I’m here now,” y/n softly grabbed Logan’s face again. “With me,” he added before kissing her again, but this time more passionately.
After that day, Logan and y/n built their relationship. He wasn’t so sure at first, but he couldn’t ignore the feelings he had grown for her. All the times he wanted to tell her this wouldn’t work, those pretty eyes would make him forget was he was going to tell her.
Logan has only had one nightmare after the night he almost killed y/n. He was furious when he saw Jean. She killed Scott, she killed Charles and almost had y/n killed.
He soon realized that women were never for him. He just grew feelings from the competition between him and Scott, but now that he’s gone, Logan couldn’t forgive and forget what she’s done.
It took a while for Logan to let Y/n lay in the same bed as him, but after she snuck into his room one night and he woke up to her wrapped around him peacefully — he couldn’t deny it anymore.
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ugotcooneycrossed · 1 year
keep pretending pretty girl • alessia russo
pt2: let you break my heart again
w/c: ~1.4k
alessia is adamant that shes straight, she just likes kissing you sometimes, and she just likes holding your hand, and she only likes it when you talk to her
a/n: OBVIOUSLY based off another song from the queen renee rapp
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“i love you.”
alessia is drunk- her cheeks are flushed, and her speech is slightly slurred, she’s teetering on the edge of completely falling over, the only thing stopping her is the door she’s leaning on.
“no like- seriously, i love, love you.”
you send her a small, tight-lipped smile- your head thumping back against the mirror of the bathroom counter you’re sat on.
it’s cramped in the small room- there’s only so many things you can look at to avoid staring into alessia’s eyes.
still, you avert your eyes from hers nodding your head. gripping the cup in your hands tighter as she inches closer to you.
a tight coil snakes its way into your chest and you sigh heavily.
“i love you too less.”
it’s not a lie- far from it in fact, you love her, you have since you were seventeen.
and alessia loves you too, only in private- when no one’s looking, stealing kisses from you late at night, and leaving you as soon as the sun comes up again.
drunken confessions, promises, and pleas- swearing to love you- and only you.
it’s all in vain though, as soon as the alcohol wears off and her phone pings with a new text from her boyfriend- she’s off without another word.
“i’m going to kiss you now.”
she falls into you- her hands finding themselves on top of your thighs to balance herself, her face inches away from you.
“less… you’ve got a boyf-“
and suddenly- all you can taste is the lingering tequila on her lips, all you can smell is her strawberry perfume, and all you can feel are her hands gripping your thighs tighter.
and you kiss her back again- cause maybe you’re a little drunk too, and maybe, no matter how much you try to stop yourself, you’re pathetic, and you love alessia.
she pulls away suddenly- her lips a little swollen and a dazed look in her eyes, her eyebrow furrows in concentration before a huge grin spreads across her face.
“oh my gosh­- i love this song!”
she grabs your hand- dragging you off the counter and out the bathroom.
the flat is cramped with people- a pre-season party thrown to celebrate the start of the new season.
and everyone is way too drunk and way too far gone to notice the way alessia keeps herself attached to you.
she’s swaying with you- despite the fast pace of the song, she has you wrapped up in her arms and rocks you slowly.
“less i think it’s time for you to go home.”
“but I want to stay with you- i love you.”
she’s looking into your eyes now- genuine and raw, but you know how this will go.
she’ll come back with you.
she’ll kiss you a little more.
then, she’ll fall asleep in your bed- you’ll take the couch of course.
and then; you’ll wake up to the sound of your flat door closing, the first rays of the sun filtering through the cracks in your blinds.
you know it’s a losing battle trying to find a way to say no to her.
“okay- come on, let’s get back to mine”
like always you wake up just as the door closes- flopping back onto the couch with a defeated sigh.
now you know the next part will go a little something like this;
she’ll ignore you for a few days.
she’ll make a big deal of missing her boyfriend.
she’ll be on the phone to him all the time.
then, be right by your side like nothing’s happened.
she’ll invite you to hang- and you do, because of course, you can’t say no to her.
and you’ll end up third wheeling.
a vicious cycle you can’t seem to drag yourself out of.
it started when you followed her to UNC you think- young, dumb, naïve- and absolutely infatuate with your best friend.
best friends- who never wanted to be apart, you both turned down pro contracts to go to the US. attached at the hip, co-captains for the tar heels, you did practically everything together.
you were there for her first boyfriend, and consequently her first heartbreak.
as her best friend though.
that’s all you were- and you were okay with that, even if seeing her talk to anyone else brought a bitter taste to your mouth.
and so maybe, one night, she had a little too much to drink- and she kissed you, right on the lips.
“i think i like girls but shhhhh! you can’t tell anyone.”
she whispers it to you- before passing out on your bed.
and the next day when she wakes up- she doesn’t remember the kiss, or she wants to forget it. you wouldn’t bring it up either way.
but then it happens again, and again, and again.
and you’re sucked into an endless loop of alessia kissing you, ignoring you, then acting like nothing happened- only to kiss you again.
then, she’s off signing with united, and you with arsenal- and it stops.
then when the national team calls both of you up- it starts again.
now alessia is with arsenal- and you’re completely fucked.
you’re dead tired, and quiet when you show up to training a couple days after the party- unusual on any normal day, but routine after whatever it is, that happens with alessia.
the blonde girl looks up at you from her cubby when you walk into the room- but just as quickly averts her eyes, picking up her phone and slipping out the room without a second thought.
you roll your eyes at her.
you can almost predict exactly what is happening on the other side of the door.
lotte- who was there to witness the mess you were every day after alessia kissed you at UNC, nudges you.
“you know- you can like, i don’t know, talk to other girls?”
“shut up lotte.”
“i’m just saying.”
she holds her hands up in defence- but the sympathetic smile never leaves her face.
“i’ve tried- don’t you think i have?”
cause you have- really.
not that you remember their names, or their faces.
cause all you really remember from them is that their lips weren’t nearly as nice as alessias, their hands weren’t as soft, and they didn’t know where to kiss you to leave you weak in the knees.
 “let me set you up?”
narrowing your eyes at her you go to protest- but she interrupts you before you can speak.
“just try at least, take your mind off of her for one night.”
you arrive earlier than lotte told you to- an excuse to start drinking to calm your nerves.
the restaurant is nice- definitely somewhere for a couple to go, dim lighting and light music floating through the room.
lotte’s friend shows up when you’re already a little tipsy- sitting across from you and smiling from across the table. the conversation between you two is boring, and you stopped listening a while ago.
you order another drink, and then another- then your vision is spinning and lotte’s friend harley, or hayley, or- well you don’t exactly remember her name, ‘cause she’s starting to look a little like alessia, and you’re one more shot away from making a bad decision.
“hey (y/n)- what’re you doing here?”
and she’s starting to sound like her too?
you blink- lotte’s friend coming into focus in front of you and alessia is standing by your table.
she’s staring at you now- eyebrows raised and nodding to the girl across from you.
you try to wrack your brain for the name- but alessia is looking a little too good right now and you’re mouth has gone a little dry.
“im lotte’s friend- grace.”
alessia hums at that- her eyes still not leaving yours.
“you are…”
grace- you now remember, questions alessia.
“great- can i get back to my date now alessia.”
alessia’s eyes still haven’t left yours- she barely acknowledges your date and the atmosphere between you three is tense, you sink down into your seat, eyes flickering between the two, trying to catch your breath. 
“sure thing.”
alessia disappears- slipping away and back to what you assume is her boyfriend.
whatever her name is goes back to speaking but you can’t focus on anything.
cause alessia is here.
alessia is here- and you’re supposed to be forgetting her.
but of course- as fate would have it, the blonde texts you a moment later.
lessi to ‘you’
-> bathroom in 5??
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letorip · 2 months
Which of Jenna’s characters do you think would be the clingiest? (I loved your headcannons ❤️)
most clingy
this was a very wholesome one to think about, i had great fun. thank you the anon who submitted this. same deal as last time, if you're tl;dr my take is at the bottom
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wednesday addams:
she likes to put up a tough front of needing nobody and desiring to be alone, but once she falls for you, it's as bad as morticia and gomez
you live in a room on the other side of campus, and she's made it a habit of sneaking to your room almost every night. she scales the fucking dangerous, rickety old roof to get there each time, but she'll do it, because she'll get to sleep with you
sometimes it's to sleep with you, if you catch my not-so-subtle drift, and then other times it's because she wants to sleep with you
of course, she'll disguise it as "my room has broken air conditioning" or "enid is snoring," and you just smile, nod, and lift the sheets for her to get in
she's not a huge cuddler in the sense that she wants to lay directly on you, but she wants to be around, in the same bed
you do this almost every night, and if you don't, she's knocking on your door right when people are let out of their rooms in the morning to hang out (or make out) before breakfast starts
she's virtually moved in with you, at this point. she has a toothbrush in your bathroom, several outfits in your dresser (in her own drawer), and she leaves dead animal skulls and occult books around to "liven up the place." they definitely don't match your pre-existing decor, but you don't mind because it's wednesday
she's not super fond of pda of any sort, but she'll definitely be right by your side when you're hanging with mutual friends. she'll hold hands under the table or kiss you when there's a private moment, but she's not all over you physically when other people are staring at you both
she does definitely get super jealous
she'll make little comments like "bianca seemed friendly" or "divina finds you awfully funny." if you're tutoring someone in the library, guess who will also miraculously be at the library at the same time? sitting in a chair with a perfect angle of the table you're at and peeking over the top of her book
wednesday is almost always with you, because you're one of the few people she trusts and longs to frequently be with
tara carpenter:
you live with tara and sam, so it makes sense that you and tara slowly grow closer and closer until you start dating
she absolutely loves to have at least one point of contact with you whenever she can. she'll lean against you, lean her head on your shoulder, wrap an arm around you, just let your shoulders touch, or when she really wants to, she'll leave a hand on your knee
when you’re both watching a movie, she’ll cuddle up against your chest and start to fall asleep there, especially if it’s one she’s seen before. you turn the movie off but don’t move, because if you do tara will wake up
during the events of scream vi or any time there’s a ghostface threat levied towards her or sam, she’s especially attached to you. she doesn’t sleep as well and refuses to leave your side, as she’s paranoid ghostface will come to take you from her
you assure her that you’re okay and she can sleep, grabbing her hand and squeezing it three times (i. love. you.). it calms tara down a bit, and though she’s still worried and makes sure the apartment is locked and you’re all safe, it helps her sleep
when things calm down again, she’s not super clingy in the sense that she’s always with you. you’re both in college and have your own classes, and though she wants you near, you both can function as separate people. it doesn’t mean she doesn’t want to be with you, but your work and school keeps you both a bit more apart during the day
you both text frequently though, not because she doesn’t trust you and wants to be on top of you, but because it’s just nice to hear from you and you both love talking to each other. she’ll send you photos of cute dogs she sees on instagram or a reel she finds funny with a little note at the bottom that says ‘hope your day is going well <3’
tara does get rather jealous at parties. it’s not your fault you’re hot, but when other people approach you to “talk,” 9 times out of 10 you’re too oblivious to realise you’re being hit on
she’ll walk right over to the conversation you’re having with someone random and duck under your arm to wrap it around her shoulders. if that doesn’t work, she also has the tactic of narrowing her eyes, or if she’s feeling especially bold, just grabbing your wrist and dragging you away to shove you down on some random bed
people know in general not to fuck with tara when it comes to you. in a way it makes you her weak spot, but she will absolutely raise hell and stab whoever she needs to, in order to make sure you’re okay
shes definitely a cuddler. she’ll drag you back into bed and wrap an arm around your torso and hold you there. sam always wrinkles her nose whenever she walks past you both cuddled up against each other on the couch after a long day
lorraine day:
you meet lorraine as an actor in the adult films, when she’s still with RJ. it causes a bit of drama when she leaves him for you, but once you and her are officially together she never ever wants to leave your side
it even means she starts acting in them herself, and the best part is that with you, it’s not even really acting. she loves every minute and how free you make her feel, and because she feels it strongest while in your presence, she chases after it all the time
she’s a giant hugger, wether it be side hugging, or wrapping her arms around your waist from behind, to rest her head on your shoulder and watch whatever thing you’re doing
lorraine is so in love, and with you it’s a sweetness that shoots up her veins like heroin. you both eat together, sleep together, work together, and travel together
you always travel together except for once, when you had to go check on your father as his health declined. it was two states away and you went alone, because lorraine was due to keep shooting with jackson, maxine, and bobby-lynne. the entire time you were away after the filming wrapped, she stared out the damn window over the hill, waiting for you to pull up in your truck
it wasn’t long enough a time that she could’ve written a letter, but she felt like a soldier’s wife craving your call
when you got back she ran out to meet you and jumped into your arms. you twirl her around with a laugh and she’s crying into your hands and kissing your palms and then kissing you.
you laugh and say “lorraine, it’s been three days,” but she shakes her head and kisses you again. she’s so happy you’re home you go AT it that night, to the point where wayne knocks on your door to tell you to quiet down
she’s wanted to marry you since the minute she met you, and she tells you as such, even though it’s been a bit over a year
she doesn’t get super jealous, just because she knows fucking other people is just what you do for work. it feels different for you both, when you’re alone and when you’re in front of the camera. you’re both comfortable with yourselves and your relationship, and it’s the comfort she’s always wanted
i’m thinking of hourglass by catfish and the bottlemen, i think that song describes it perfectly
you’re always together, in your own perfect little version of heaven, and while it’s not clinginess from jealousy, it’s clinginess from love and being happy
cairo sweet:
cairo is not clingy whatsoever
not in the sense that she couldn’t give a fuck about you— though she definitely attempted to push that narrative at first— but in the sense that she knows she’s the best and she knows you’re both so incredibly solid. if anything, being apart makes seeing each other even better
she’s a romantic and a rich romantic at that, so whose to say she won’t go on a vacation for a few weeks without warning and then reappear at school for you to ask her where she went
part of her enjoys creating a mystery for you, and making you chase her. she likes the thrill of it, and in a weird way it shows that you care about her enough to find out where she’s been or what she’s doing. it’s somewhat refreshing, considering her parents are so careless and you care so much
she does get jealous when she sees you with other kids. you’re just as intelligent as she is, and you give tutoring advice and run several clubs, so there are always kids who need to speak with you. she knows it’s just part of your role on campus, but it does irk her a bit when she sees you talking to pretty girls who are all too suddenly interested in correcting their math test
most nights between you both are spent at her home, tangled up. she likes to drink wine, but you stay away from alcohol. that doesn’t mean you won’t kiss it off her lips, though
you both are avid readers, so sometimes she’ll lean against you while you both read separate books and sit in silence. it’s peaceful, and cairo always thought she’d want some whirlwind forbidden romance, which is why she’s so surprised she likes the quiet domesticity
she’s definitely somewhat a fan of showy pda in certain situations. she’ll sit on your lap in between classes and wrap an arm around your shoulders, and who’s to say the girl who she caught staring at your lips yesterday wouldn’t come around the corner at the same time to see you there
she makes it perfectly clear she doesn’t depend on you, though. you both exist as separate people. she finds couples joined at the hip as “vapid” and “full of braggadocio.” of course, she’s proud of her relationship with you, but cairo also values her independence and separation
not that many people were even aware you were together officially, until a good three months in. you would argue (flirt) in class during socratic seminars, but most kids thought you both genuinely hated each other
for what it’s worth, you enjoy cairo for all her cairo-isms. it may be cringe to other people, but you do fundamentally understand her in a way no one else really does, just because of how open and honest she is with you. it was a struggle for her at first, but she does appreciate you for it
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another one down. really tried to stick to clingy but it definitely branched out to other stuff too because i think there are definitely many ways to be clingy. clingiest, i would say would be lorraine, with tara not falling far behind
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gravehags · 9 months
sleeping with the ghouls and ghoulettes
dewdrop - stage 5 clinger even though he’ll deny it. this dude wants to be the big spoon no matter how much bigger or smaller you are than him. is not above rutting against your ass while you’re asleep and very gently latching his fangs into your shoulder.
aether - my man loves being slept on like fling an arm over his chest and a leg over his and tuck your head into his neck and he’s in heaven (or is it hell?) doesn’t mind if you snore if you don’t mind his own snoring which is incredibly sonorous. he’s cute so you let it slide.
rain - insists he prefers sleeping alone but when you slip into his bed one evening as he dozes he immediately stirs and grabs for you. loves burying his face in your hair/along your scalp and murmuring sweet little comments to you as you both fall asleep.
mountain - big man loves being little spoon no matter how comedic it looks. he loves feeling held and will start purring if you kiss along his shoulder while rubbing his back. when you wake up in the middle of the night his tail is wrapped snug around your leg holding you close to him.
phantom - this bug is over the moon when you invite him into your bed, completely content to hold you face to face and watch you sleep. when you weave one of your legs between his, your thigh brushing against the length of him, like dew he’s not above grinding on you regardless of if you’re awake or not. half the time he doesn’t notice the sleepy grin on your lips as his lets out his sweet little whimpers.
swiss - i hope you like being crushed because this dude will flop face down onto your chest and hitch his leg up by your hip. loves nuzzling into your neck and places sweet, sloppy kisses along your jawline to work you up. before you can do anything about it he’s snoring into your sternum. maybe drooling a little. you eventually fall asleep too but get fed up and shove him off at some point in the night. he always comes back.
cumulus - two words. titty pillow. she insist on pulling you half on top of her, smushing your cheek into her boob and you have absolutely zero complaints. the two of you will lie there playing with each other’s hair and talking about the day until you inevitably fall asleep first. she loves nothing more than lying there in the dark listening to your steady breathing.
cirrus - ma’am is the big spoon always. she’ll manhandle you and haul you over to her side of the bed, murmuring words of praise when you acquiesce to her demanding touch. likes to trace patterns into your arm and back with a single claw, giving you goosebumps no matter how tired you are. total sleep talker.
aurora - loves sleeping face to face with you so she can look into your eyes and watch you get sleepier and sleepier in front of her while the two of you talk. likes to play with your hair, sometimes braid it if it’s long enough for that or just twirl it around her fingers. loves nothing more than to sing you to sleep, especially when you make requests.
sunshine - like swiss, this ghoulette will absolutely clamber on top of you no matter your size and cling to you like a koala. snores are very cute and lowkey make you laugh, your chest shaking underneath her. if you fall asleep before her she’s not above slipping a hand between your legs and getting you worked up - sometimes she’ll see it through sometimes she’ll leave you hanging. depends on her mood.
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moody-alcoholic · 2 months
I am not ignorant to the fact I’m writing a gay sex scene and everyone is hanging out in Syria. Resources below.
Guardians of Equality Movement
Syria LGBTQI+ Resources
Equaldex LGBT rights in Syria
I cant stop writing for this series. Every time I say I'll take a break I pump out another outline...
MDNI +18 content
Summary: Ghoap x Reader, throuple. Slow burn (sorry but not sorry). 2.7k words. Reader is female (she/her), army nurse, non descript physical features, names used: Ashe.
CW: MDNI +18 content Mentions of torture, torture, smut, blowjob (male receiving & giving), language. First proper Johnny x Simon scene, IDK it just felt right...
Previous parts - masterlist - next part
Enjoy <3
Johnny was grabbing something to eat in the canteen when he watched Ghost walked over to him. He knew something was wrong, he had that cold look in his eyes. The one he gets when he has to focus on the job and nothing else matters, not even him. Johnny swallowed hard standing up to meet Ghost. 
“Come.” It’s all he says but it makes the hairs stand up on the back of Johnny’s neck. Johnny follows they walk into an observation room. Johnny gasps when he sees you handcuffed the table head hanging down.
“What happened?” Johnny asked looking round the room his eyes falling on Jack who’s stood there arms crossed. 
“We believe she’s responsible for the murder of the doctor.” Jack says. Johnny laughs, looking around at everyone else being serious.
“Christ, what’s the evidence?” Johnny asked.
“Her ID was used to withdraw large amounts of insulin which is believed to be the cause of death.” Johnny looked at Jack shocked then at Price. 
“Has she said anything?” Johnny asked feeling sick. There is no way you did that, this has to be a set up, something… Johnny just knew it in his gut, you were innocent.
“No, she’s not talking.” Price said, Johnny could hear something in his voice. Sadness? Annoyance?
“I heard you are very good at your job lieutenant,” Jack says taking a step closer to Ghost. 
“‘Pends on what you heard.” Ghost replies remaining still, looking through the one way glass you’ve not moved, not wanting them to see your pained expression.
“I heard you can get people to talk, and we really need her to talk.” Jack says. 
“We can try other ways before sending Ghost in.” Price says. Jack scoffs.
“If she’s been trained by the enemy she won’t break.” He says walking to the door. 
“You have 24 hours to get her to talk or you’re out of here.” Everyone looked at Price. He went to sit down.
“You heard him, make her talk.” Price says.
“We don’t torture innocent people.” Ghost’s voice is level, he still hasn’t moved. 
“We’re not torturing anyone just question her you’ve got to buy me some time, look like you’re doing your jobs so I can figure out a solution.” Price sighs.    
“It’s wrong.” Johnny says. Price sighs again getting up. 
“LT, Gaz go to security I want anything you can find, from the moment she wakes up in the morning to the second she’s asleep. She takes a piss I want to know about it, where her card was swiped who has seen her anything, and quickly before Jack can replace staff.” Price says as he walks over to Johnny. 
“Come on let’s go have a chat with her, maybe she’ll tell us something useful” Price says his hand on Johnny’s shoulder. Johnny knows Price is trying to calm him but there is nothing on the face of the world right not that can slow his mind. He looks back through the window, guilt rises up as Ghost and Gaz leave the room. It’s times like this Johnny envies Simon being able to hide his face. Price squeezes his shoulder he looks in Price’s eyes, they look sad understanding. It doesn't make Johnny feel any better.
You can’t look at Simon’s eyes when he’s the room, the caramel eyes you used to lose yourself in, they’re just dark now, dark and uncaring. Johnny’s in sometimes, he won’t even look at you let alone in your eyes any more, the eyes you used to look in for comfort, love, hope. You don’t know what's worse. Price is the one who questions you, always the same questions. 
How did you do it? 
Why did you do it? 
Who do you work for? 
How long have you known about 141? 
Did you get close to them on purpose? 
Did you use them to get information on 141? 
He never says their names, Johnny, Simon. It’s always just ‘them’ he doesn’t have to say their names, you know who he means. Maybe you did betray them? Maybe this was all your fault? 
By the second day you can’t remember the doctors name, just the fact he’s leaving a kid and a wife behind. You’re moved into a windowless cell, you’re woken up at random times, you’re starting to lose track of time. It’s only after what you think is the third day it becomes violent. Jack is the only one who’s violent, he’s around a lot more, there are new questions. 
Why this base? 
Why now? 
Do you know anything about the arms sales to Al-qatala? 
Have you ever been to Urzikstan? 
Why kill an innocent doctor? 
Why insulin? 
Why are you betraying 141? 
Jack is the only one who will look you in the eye, he likes to look you in the eyes but he’s not kind. You become numb to the attacks, the repetitiveness of the torture, you hate that word, torture, it makes you feel guilty. You’re not guilty. Or maybe you are. 
“I wouldn’t use insulin.” You say after a particularly rough session. 
“What’s that?” jack asks, his face up in yours but you can still only just make out his features, nose, lips, chin, in your blurry haze he just looks angry. 
“If I was going to kill him I wouldn’t use insulin, too easy to be traced.” He doesn't like that answer, he doesn’t like anything you say if it’s true or not. 
You enjoy Gaz’s visit’s, he’s the member of 141 you had not met yet, he brings you food, soup or rice mostly. He doesn't question you, doesn't talk to you. Just tries to feed you food, or at least swallow gulps of water that burn your throat. He doesn’t need to do this for you, you don’t know him, he makes you feel strangely guilty. You used to spit out the food not accepting anything from him, when he said they would start tube feeding you, you relented accepting the spoonful's of thick soup or rice and beans. He’s got kind eyes. 
You don’t see Simon or Johnny anymore, maybe they’ve given up on you, maybe they don’t care. Jack tells you they don’t care. Price is there sometimes you think, it’s getting harder to tell, the passage of time becoming almost impossible to follow, you think it’s been 3 days, maybe 4, maybe 5. Your stomach growls, you haven’t seen the sunlight in days. Your body hurts from being upright all the time. 
“You should give her a break.” It’s Simon’s voice that pulls you out of your half conscious state. You see him stood in the door way, all black, his face covered. It’s not the voice you know, not the kind voice you’re used to it’s something different. It makes you shiver, makes the hairs stand up on your body. You try not to cry, only letting tears fall down your face after Gaz has been, then you know you’ll be left alone for a few hours. You don’t want to let them break you but it’s becoming harder to think.    
Someone bursts bursts through the door to the room pinning Jack to the wall. The noise makes you jump and you try to lift your head up but it’s too hard, your neck hurts. You blink hearing shouting, then you feel hands on your face, it feels like Johnny’s hands they’re warm he’s forcing you to look at his face. Everything is blurry you try to squint. You feel movement behind you. 
“I’m so sorry it took us so long love.” It’s Johnny’s voice you’re sure, your head is spinning though, you can’t tell. Your eyes move past Johnny, you think you see Simon, you think that’s him, you feel your head slump in Johnny’s hand as your restraints are cut lose. You must of blacked out for a second because the next thing you know is being on the floor. Johnny scoops you up in his arms and you lean up against his chest. 
“it's over now, we've got you.” Johnny whispers in your ears. You’re blinded by lights as Johnny carries you out to the room to the medbay. You recognise the smell, that’s a good thing you’re not totally broken, you can smell the clean sheets, the smell of antiseptic. There are hands all over you now, people touching you, so many lights. You reach for Johnny, where did he go? You start to panic trying to pull yourself up. Is it a trick? Are they doing this to finally try and break you? 
“Johnny!” You call searching for his hands. You feel a sharp pain travel down your arm. You feel your breath catch in your throat, your body being pressed down. Maybe this is the end you’re in too much pain and too tired to tell. You feel your body slump down as ringing grows louder in your ears, it doesn’t take long before everything goes black. 
Johnny wakes to Simon’s hands on his shoulders. He looks over at your body still unconscious, still with tubes shoved down your throat. Simon pulls a chair up next to him, Simon’s started caring less and less who sees them together, especially at night. 
“The doc’s say the swelling in her head’s gone down.” Johnny says leaning forward in his chair.
“When was the last time you slept?” Simon asks him. 
“Got a nice kip before you woke me.” Johnny replies. Simon sighs, his hand running up the back of Johnny’s neck. 
“You really should get some sleep, some proper sleep.” Simon says. Johnny scoffs. 
“4 days,” he says, looking back up at you. 
“4 day’s, we let her suffer.” Johnny says quieter. Simon sighs his forehead resting on Johnny. Simon know’s how guilty Johnny feels, he feels the same too, he’s just better at hiding it. 
“Come.” Simon says getting up extending his hand out for Johnny. Johnny looks up at him blinking. 
“Give me five minutes.” Simon pleads. Johnny sighs standing up and following him. He lets Simon guide him all the way to the dorms into Simon’s room. Johnny has never left the bedside since you had been moved to Damascus. Simon had tried to get some alone time with him but he can tell Johnny’s guilt weighs heavy on his shoulders, he want’s to be there when you wake.
Simon pulls Johnny into his room, locking the door. Johnny tries to protest but Simon is too quick, his hands guiding Johnny’s hips pushing him against the wall. Simon’s hand slips under the front of his mask pulling it off over his head, he looks up at Johnny his thumb stroking his cheek. Simon looks almost sad, he can see the pain in Johnny’s eyes, the anger, he feels it too.
Simon presses his lips onto Johnny, forcing his tongue in his mouth as his hands reach under his shirt. Johnny seems to relax for a second enjoying the taste of Simon on his lips, playing with his tongue. Simon pulls away moving to Johnny’s neck planting little kisses all the way down to his collar bones. His head tips back hitting the wall as Simon pulls Johnny’s shirt over his head. 
“Si, we shouldn’t leave her.” Johnny says as Simon is burying his head into Johnny's neck. 
“She’ll be fine.” Simon says his voice low, almost a groan, as he continues to run his tongue down Johnny’s neck, Johnny’s hands moving up Simon’s back eventually running his fingers through his hair. Johnny doesn’t fight Simon, enjoying the feel of his husbands hands on his body as Simon’s hands slip under Johnny’s waistband pulling his trousers and boxers down. Simon is moving slow, slow and gentle working his hands down Johnny’s stomach to his abdomen, Johnny is almost desperate gripping Simon’s hair as he moves his tongue round Johnny’s body. 
“Si..” Johnny moans as Simon’s hands find their way to Johnny’s semi-hard cock. Simon want’s to almost beg Johnny to relax, instead running his hand up and down his shaft. Johnny presses his forehead on Simon’s chest moaning as he pushes his hands slipping under Simon’s shirt. Johnny trembles as Simon uses both his hands to pleasure him, his breathing becoming faster. Simon keeps Johnny’s body pressed up against the wall as Johnny starts thrusting his hips, fucking Simon’s hands. Johnny had felt this many times before, Simon giving him pleasure, but never quite like this, his emotions high, endorphins pumping through his body, Johnny starts to tense again Simon pulls away, a whimper leaving Johnny’s lips. 
“On the bed.” Simon says guiding him over as Johnny blindly follows his instructions laying flat. Simon takes his boots and the rest of his pants off flinging them to the side. Johnny lays his head back on the pillows as Simon licks the precum off Johnny’s tip making him moan his hands desperately trying to grab Simon’s hair. Simon smiles then thrusts his mouth round his cock taking him all the way to the hilt.
The pleasure is almost overwhelming, Simon can feel it, Johnny’s body shaking a mix of pleasure and stress. Simon doesn't stop his hands running up Johnny’s chest as he positions himself in a more comfortably to suck him off. Johnny moans and gasps as Simon’s tongue presses into the underside of Johnny’s shaft, Simon can feel him twitching in his mouth enjoying each one as he get’s closer to the edge.
Simon can read Johnny’s body like a book, Johnny thinks he’s sly hiding his movements, his cheeky side glances, the heavy petting Johnny does when he’s in the mood, the way his fingers move around Simon’s body forcing his attention. He thinks he’s good at hiding it but Simon knows him, Simon loves him and right now Simon knows he needs to make Johnny relax.
Johnny’s hips are thrusting again Simon’s hands grip his waist trying to keep it in place. Johnny moans Simon’s name as he cums. Simon likes that, hearing Johnny call his name in the heat of the moment, Simon feels his own cock twitching in his pants as he rides Johnny through the orgasm making sure that Johnny is well and truly satisfied before pulling his mouth away. Simon enjoys the taste of Johnny’s cum in his mouth, the feel of his hot seed hitting the back of his throat. Johnny is still panting when Simon moves, sliding up next to him pulling his head on his chest.
Johnny moves to rest on his chest his still heartbeat still racing, Simon takes exaggerated breaths and Johnny subconsciously follows him. Simon reaches down pulling the duvet over Johnny, kissing his face running his fingers through his hair. 
“You need to rest,” Simon says wrapping his arms round Johnny stroking his back. Johnny’s breathing starts to steady as Simon lowers his voice.
“You do this on purpose,” Johnny says sleepily. Simon smiles, he does do it on purpose. Johnny needs to rest, he’s no good to anyone if he can’t think straight.  
“I’ll wake you if anything happens, I promise.” Simon says kissing his forehead.   
The knock at the door pulls Johnny out his sleep, he jolts awake almost fighting over Simon to get out of bed. 
“Easy.” Simon says as he moves swinging his legs out so Johnny can get up.
“You said you’d wake me if anything happened.” Johnny sounds frustrated puling his trousers and shirt on. 
“This is the first thing that’s happened.” Johnny throws Simon’s mask at him opening the door before he gets chance to put it on. It’s only Price.
“She’s awake, she’s asking for you.” Price says. Johnny shoves his feet into his boots as Simon gets up off the bed moving over to the door. Johnny looks back at Simon smiling and rushes out the room pushing past Price. Simon follows Price stopping him in the doorway. 
“What do you want to tell her about Jack?” Price asks. Simon sighs. 
“Laswell found anything?” Simon asks walking with Price, he shakes his head. 
“Still looking for a connection, he’ll be punished for the way he questioned her, demoted at the very least, depends on what they feel like. Theres no evidence he spoofed her card we’re lucky there were so many witnesses. We’re lucky we could clear her name so quick.” Price says. It still took 4 days. 
“Think he can justify his actions?” Simon asks. 
“Let’s see, we’ve got other things to focus on now.” Price walks into her room Simon hangs back for a second. A wave of guilt washing over him, he just wanted to hold her jump into bed with her, apologise. 4 days we let her suffer, Johnny’s words replaying in his head. Never again, he promises himself. 
Next part
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gunnerfc · 6 months
Patri Guijarro NSFW Alphabet (18+, minors DNI!)
A: Aftercare
Patri will always tell you how good you took her with a smug look on her face but she'll get you whatever you need
B: Body Part (their favorite body part of themselves and their partner)
Patri's favorite body part is her arms, she’s always showing off in the gym because she knows you are watching her work out and are thinking about her fucking you
Her favorite body part of yours is your hands, Patri loves feeling them tangled in her hair or leaving scratches down her back
C: Cum (anything to do with cum)
Loves making out with you right after she’s gone down on you
D: Dirty Secret 
Patri loves hearing you beg and will edge multiple times before she lets you cum
E: Experience (Are they experienced? Do they know what they are doing?) 
She’s experienced and it shows
F: Favorite Position 
You on your back as she fucks you hard with her strap and you leave scratches up and down her back
G: Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous?)
Patri is so serious during sex, she’s so focused on making you cum
I: Intimacy (How intimate are they during the moment?)
Despite how rough sex can get with Patri, it’s still very intimate
J: Jack off (Masturbation HC) 
Patri likes watching you try to get yourself off and is super cocky when you beg her to help you because it just doesn’t feel the same
K: Kink (One or more of their kinks) 
She loves marking, she’ll leave hickies all over your body and she loves having you leave scratches on her because it serves as a reminder she fucked really good
L: Location (Favorite place to have sex)
Patri loves having sex with you anywhere, but she does prefer your shared apartment just because she doesn’t have to hold back
M: Motivation (What turns them on?) 
Anytime you run your fingers along her body, they leave goosebumps in their wake and she can’t focus on anything else but your hands on her
N: No (Something they wouldn't do)
Patri isn’t sharing you with anyone, you’re hers and only she can see you in such intimate ways
O: Oral (Preference on giving or receiving)
Giving, she’ll keep your hips pinned to the bed as she eats you out, making you cum many times before pulling away from you
P: Pace (Fast & Rough? Slow & Sensual?) 
Sex with Patri is always fast and rough
Q: Quickie (Thoughts on quickies) 
They happen sometimes but they are too short for her liking
R: Risk (Are they open to experimenting) 
Sort of, she’s open to trying some new things if you bring them up but she’s pretty comfortable with what she likes and doesn’t like
S: Stamina (How many rounds) 
You two go for many rounds with multiple orgasms
T: Toys 
Patri has different straps she uses as well as a vibrator that she uses to edge you
U: Unfair (Do they like the tease)
She loves teasing you, hearing you whine and beg turns her on so much
V: Volume (How loud are they? What sounds do they make) 
Patri isn’t super loud but she makes soft grunts as she fucks you
W: Wild Card (Random HC)
You left deep scratch marks on her back after a wild night and the next day at training, when the team was getting ready in the locker room everyone could see the lines you left and started teasing you relentlessly
Y: Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
It’s on the higher side, you spend a lot of your free time in the bedroom
Z: ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
She’s up for a bit after sex, not really tired unless you guys had a long day at training or there was a game
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fentibeauty · 3 months
sleeping with robin buckley ࿔*:・゚
(robin buckley x sinclair fem! reader)
summary: literally sleeping with robin buckley
warnings: fluff
author’s note: i recently rewatched stranger things 4 and i am going back down my rabbit hole, and we are getting closer and closer to st5 so why not bring the fics back!
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- nap time with robin is one of your favorites for two reasons; you love naps and you love your girlfriend robin!
-the naps will normally happen at the sinclair house, in your lilac and fairly big room.
- robin is always surprised and excited to go in your room because its always something new for her to discover.
- when it’s time for nap time, robin always complains how cold it is in your room, which is fair because of the 3 fans you have running in your room
- “baby why must you have three fans blowing in here, you’re gonna get me sick!” robin rambled, you scoff at her dramatics and lay down in your bed where she already was. “it’s hot in here, i don’t know what you’re talking about!”
- robin is normally the first one to fall asleep, which you don’t mind because you love watching her sleep.
- physical touch being your love language, you love skin to skin, your bare body has to be touching robin in some way, either if its your legs, arms or stomach.
- robin likes to sleep on her back, which you find quite frightening because you are not fond of sleeping paralysis. robin argues that she never gotten it and that she’s fine.
- so you take that advantage by sleeping on her chest.
- you do move a lot before you’re able to sleep, which robin cannot stand so sometimes when she’s had enough of your moving she snakes her arm around you and pulls you close to her chest.
- it often startles you sometimes but before you get to rebuttal, robin quietly shushes you, leaves a light kiss on the forehead and says, “go to sleep”
- you often get hot in the middle of the night so you eventually break out of robin’s hold to get some air and she quickly wakes up.
- “where are you going?” you hear her sleepy voice behind you, “no where, i’m just hot.”
- for you to always be so hot, your body is always so cold.
- “babe your feet are ice cold! get those off of me” robin jerks her legs back, “put on some socks”
- eventually robin will wake up before you and sometimes she’ll stay in the room until you wake up or sometimes she’d just force herself back to sleep
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madi-writes-things · 5 months
Nobody Pt. 5
(C.Sturniolo X Reader)
Chris and Y/N never seemed to get along, but sometimes help comes from the most unexpected places
Word Count: 906
TW: Cursing, SH (not in detail, but it is talked about), Hurt Comfort, Crying, Not Edited, Hangover (again, I’ve never even had a full beer. So this is probably not realistic 🤷‍♀️), Liquid Tylenol (self indulgent, but I personally struggle with swallowing pills. Any thing other than my iron pills is liquid 🫠), mentions of a dead sibling/toxic family, birthday stuff
A/N: I have over 100 photos/videos from the hozier concert… it took so long to find the Chris pics 🙃.
-Madi <3
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Pain. Excruciating pain all throughout my skull and body. I reach out and realize that Chris isn’t in the bed with me. When I finally muster up the strength to open my eyes I see a bottle of water, liquid Tylenol, and a note on the nightstand.
Out filming with the boys, I’ll be back soon. I got you the liquid Tylenol, I know you struggle with pills (especially if you’re nauseous). Make sure you drink plenty of water, and try to eat something :)
I quickly take the accurate dose of Tylenol, nearly in tears about the fact that he remembered my struggle to swallow pills. My hands shake as I lift the water to my lips, my mouth feeling dryer than the Nevada deserts. The thought of eating right now made my stomach churn. I rolled over, and tried to imagine Chris holding me. As much as it sucks, it’s the only way that I can sleep at this point.
Chris’s POV
I hated leaving her alone this morning, but our video is supposed to go up at 6:00 today and we hadn’t even filmed it yet. I left her a little note with some pain meds and water, I honestly hope that she didn’t wake up yet. The thought of her waking up disoriented, without me there is one that I’ve been trying to push to the back of my mind.
“dude, she’s fine. We’re almost home, and she probably just rolled over and went back to sleep if she did wake up.” I look at nick when he says it. I know he’s probably right, but it doesn’t stop the incessant bouncing of my legs.
I finally decide to change the subject to something that I’ve been thinking about for a while. “What are we doing for her birthday?” I know she doesn’t celebrate her birthday usually, but I think she deserves a celebration. Nick and Matt both make faces at me, conveying my thoughts. “Listen, I know that she doesn’t celebrate, and I understand why… but I want to make her feel loved, we’re basically the only family that she has.”
“we’ve tried to do birthday stuff with her…” Matt starts, staring straight ahead. “I promise you, she’ll just cry.”
Before the conversation can continue, we pull up to the house. I’m out of the car before Matt can even get the keys out of the ignition, and I’m up the stairs in no time. When I open the door she’s laying peacefully on her side, the water bottle is empty and the Tylenol has been opened.
she looks so peaceful. Her hair falls gracefully across her face, and her arms wrap around her body. As I get closer I notice something odd about the way she’s lying.
there are obvious tear tracks down her face, and he’s holding herself tight… it resembles the way that I hold her.
I feel hands on my face before I register the fact that I even fell asleep. Soft hands, brushing the hair from my face and pulling me gently from my slumber.
“Hey baby” that when my eyes open. There he is, crouching in front of me. Chris. “There she is.” He’s practically giggling, which makes me smile.
I sit up quickly, making myself a bit dizzy. He just holds me upright, a slight look of worry in his eyes.
Suddenly his hands are on my face again, wiping away my tears. He wasn’t supposed to see that, he can’t know that I cried myself to sleep because he wasn’t there to hold me. That’s not allowed when you’re fake dating someone, you aren’t allowed to need them this much.
I can’t get out of Chris’s bed. I no longer sleep in my own, and as soon as I opened my eyes this morning I regretted it. For a moment, right when I woke up, I felt like it was going to be a normal day… but then I saw the date when I opened my phone.
I contemplate trying to sleep through the day, when I hear the door creak open. I roll over to see Chris balancing a personal sized cake in one hand, and a ballon that says “20” in the other.
I’m crying before he can even make halfway to the bed. As soon as he sees me crying he rushes to set the cake down and comfort me.
“I know baby” there it is again, even when we’re alone it slips out sometimes. I live for the moments that I can pretend that he loves me too. “I know you don’t really celebrate, and I understand why, but I also think that you deserve to feel cared for and celebrated by the family around you.”
now I’m crying even harder.
I hate today, partially because it reminds me of my brother, but also because I feel like I’m not allowed to be happy on a day that centers around him. Growing up, I wasn’t allowed to celebrate, my parents practically refused to acknowledge me on my birthday after his death.
“Here, I had nick get your favorite flavor” he shows me the cake that was formerly sitting on the nightstand. He places two candles into the cake before lighting them. “Make a wish.”
I wish that this wasn’t fake, that someone could actually love me as much as Chris pretends to.
@unbruisable @bernardsbendystraws @sturniolo-fann
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lewmagoo · 11 months
Waking up to find your cowboy not in bed with you. His boots aren't by the door but you can see footprints in the freshly fallen snow outside. You follow them to the barn to see Rhett, asleep on a haybale wearing just his jacket. His flannel is now a nest for the barn cat's new kittens with another fleecy blanket added in for extra warmth.
rhett’s a tender soul. always has been. despite the fact that his father tried to quash that part of him, in an effort to “toughen him up”. rhett always kept that tender part of himself when it came to animals. he’s always had a special connection with them. with his mare, june, despite her stubborn tendencies. with the mysterious crow (affectionately named john) that follows him around every time he’s outside. with the cranky barn cat that tolerates only him. he’s the cowboy snow white, as you’ve lovingly dubbed him. there are always animals in his vicinity. he’s always been good about helping animals when they’re in distress. one time, he stayed up all night with june when she developed a sickness that required round the clock care. he nursed john the crow back to health when he injured his wing. he’s been known to raise orphaned baby squirrels and rabbits.
and then there’s the time that misty the cranky barn cat becomes pregnant. rhett watches over her carefully. it’s really a sight to behold. you’ve always loved watching him interact with animals. when you’re working in the stable or going on trail rides you’ll hear the way he talks to june, a low comforting rumble, communicating with her as if she understands every word he’s saying. you suspect she does. and of course there’s the way he’s so loving toward misty. she’ll always linger around his feet when he’s in the stable, and sometimes she’ll even climb up to sit on his shoulder. that happens less and less the more heavily pregnant she becomes. and then there comes the time when she’s going to give birth.
the closer the time gets, the more rhett checks on her throughout the day. and then, one morning, he slips out of bed early, leaving a lingering kiss to your forehead as you sleep peacefully, before he shoves his boots and jacket on and trudges out through the freshly fallen snow. that’s where he finds misty huddled in a corner of the stable, in the beginning stages of labor. he knows he can’t move her into the house, it would put her into distress. so he sets up camp in the barn. all he has is his flannel, so he shrugs out of it and allows misty to lay upon it. he’s a loving and gentle coach as she births her tiny little kittens, and once they come safely into the world, he tucks an extra blanket that he found in the tack room around the litter to keep them all warm as their mama gets settled around them. not wanting to leave her alone, he leans back against some stacked hay bales, but inevitably ends up falling asleep.
that’s where you find him an hour later. after waking up to an empty bed you head out to the stable to find him fast asleep, and there is misty the barn cat on the floor beside his feet, curled up with her new babies. it’s a precious sight, especially when you see he’s given up his shirt in order for misty to have a soft place to lay. you sit beside him on a hay bale and gently coax him awake. “rise and shine, cowboy,” you murmur. he stirs awake, and as he catches you looking at him, he smiles sleepily. “had t’ come help misty give birth,” he mumbles. “i see that,” you reply. “you make a great cat midwife.” he smirks at that. “thank y’. been practicin’ my whole life for this moment.” which is partly true. he’s been involved in plenty of animal births. “well, now that you’ve helped bring kittens into the world, how about some pancakes and coffee for breakfast? i’m sure midwifing made you work up an appetite.”
the promise of pancakes and coffee gets him up and out of his bed of hay, food motivated as he is. “don’t mind if i do,” he says as he pecks your lips. he still checks on misty throughout the day, and if the temperatures drop too low during the night, he will bring her and her babies inside to keep them warm. soon, your house is full of kittens. rhett is attached to each of them, even though he knows you can’t keep them all. before you find homes for each one, this is what he constantly looks like:
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he gives one to amy. he keeps the rest, insisting that this is their home and he doesn’t want to uproot them from it. that’s how you end up having four barn cats. at least you can say you won’t ever have a mouse problem with them around 🤷‍♀️
(thank you @laracrofted for bringing up rhett covered in kittens because it’s awakened something i think)
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reminiscingtonight · 2 years
Half A World Away
Lucy Bronze x Reader
Word Count: 3k
A/N: Don’t say y’all didn’t ask for it. Based on “Half A World Away” by Remme and Clara Mae.
[Part Two]
[WOSO Masterlist]
You’ve forgotten how loud the rain can get in Seattle. 
It’s midnight where you’re at, the loud splatter of drops doing nothing to help soothe the storm raging in your head. Though you’ve long gone to bed, the empty apartment and emptier heart making you far more tired than it should, you haven’t been able to fall asleep.
After spending the past couple years in England, you’ve finally decided to come back home to play. Your national team teammates were more than stoked when they found out about the transfer, welcoming you with open arms and tight hugs. 
To be fair, this had been a long time coming. Although you hadn’t planned to return so soon, returning had been in your plans. You just thought that you’d be coming to play out the last year or so of your career with the love of your life by your side.
But sometimes things just don’t turn out the way you want it to. You still had many years left to go, retirement still eons away. And then there’s the issue of the person you’ve spent the last couple years loving. She’s not here next to you, and if you’re being honest, you don’t think she’ll ever be. 
As much as you want Seattle to be home, you know the truth. 
Home will always be back on the other side of the world. 
Waking up to Lucy will always be your favorite thing to do. She’s got her arms wrapped tight around you, as if you’d run away sometime in the middle of the night. 
You press a light kiss against her forehead before extricating yourself from her arms. Lucy’s a deep sleeper, so climbing out of bed isn’t hard to do. What’s harder is trying to cook breakfast without setting fire to the kitchen. There’s a reason Lucy’s always the one cooking whenever you guys find yourselves in need of food. 
Somehow you make it through unscathed, making your way back to your shared room with a tray loaded with homemade waffles and a small fruit salad, some coffee balanced precariously on the edge. To your delight, Lucy’s still fast asleep when you toe open the door.
Setting the tray off to the side, you climb back into bed. Lucy only starts stirring when you start pressing some light kisses against her face. 
Her nose scrunches up first, but it isn’t until she lazily blinks her eyes open that you’re sure she’s awake. Lucy gives you a tired smile. 
“Morning,” you chirp back, leaning back in again, but this time for an actual kiss. 
Lucy rests her hands along the back of your neck, letting you put your full weight on her. You’re smiling when you break apart.
“When do you leave?”
The reminder that your time together is limited makes you frown. City and Arsenal played a game yesterday, hence your ability to spend last night with Lucy. Although you finessed this little getaway, Jordan and Leah were currently enjoying a late brunch with Keira, the two gunners ready to pick you up in a couple hours to head back to London. Though you appreciated the leeway they were giving you, you know you can’t leave them hanging for too long.
“I’ve got a couple hours.”
Whatever Lucy’s about to respond stops when she turns to grab her glasses off the bedside table. She squints when she catches sight of the tray. 
“You made me breakfast in bed?”
“You sound surprised,” you tease.
She looks a little bashful. “I mean… you’re never one to be eager to cook.”
“Keep up this attitude and I might never again.”
Both of you are laughing when Lucy lunges up at you, blowing a raspberry against your cheek before she’s suddenly flipping the two of you over. You gasp, not expecting the action, but Lucy keeps you pinned to the bed.
You’re holding your breath when she ducks down, sucking a mark into the side of your neck. 
“A couple hours you said?”
The words are mumbled out, but you can still feel her smirk. 
When you end up being late to the pick up site, Jordan teases you until you’re bright red in the face.  
Lucy tells you about Barcelona while the two of you are in California. You’re seeing the sights, visiting some of your friends with some of her English teammates when she tells you about her new contract.
“It’s a great opportunity.” 
You don’t say anything else. You wonder if she thinks you’ll stop her from going.
“Let’s just enjoy the rest of our vacation, okay?”
The answer is no, you would never stop her from following her dreams.
What you don’t realize is that Lucy never had you in her plans for Barcelona.
Lucy’s packing, about to leave for camp when she breaks up with you. You have to leave for your own camp soon, but you haven’t left yet, still dressed in one of her sweaters when she utters the words.
Long distance isn’t something she wants to do, she tells you. You know how her relationship with Keira ended, how much the distance killed them before they could really start.
But you thought you guys were different. After all, you made the brief distance between your respective clubs work. 
Lucy’s not meeting your eyes when you try to convince her otherwise. 
In the end it doesn’t matter. 
“Please don’t go,” you whisper, trying to ignore the fact that Jordan told you about a ring months ago. 
“I… I’m sorry. I really am.” Lucy really does look heartbroken when she leaves you sitting alone in her apartment. 
You have to fake being okay when your friends win the Euros. You cheer with Jordan, let the smaller girl drag you to the last couple games. You do everything you can, but you still miss her even though she hasn’t left yet. 
And when the airplane finally takes Lucy away to Barcelona, you feel your heart leave with her. 
Sonnett tries to get you to go biking with her. 
Something she took away from her time in DC was her love for biking. She’s somehow roped Rose into doing it, Rose got Sofia to do it, and now they all have their sights set on you. 
You don’t have the heart to tell them biking only takes you back to England, that it makes you think of the girl who you loved so fully but broke your heart. 
The first time Lucy takes you on a bike ride, it’s 12am and the two of you have just returned from a date night at a bowling alley. You give the defender an affronted look when she drags you towards the bike shop. 
“C’mon, it’ll be fun!” 
“I think we have different definitions of the word ‘fun’,” you tsk. 
You still let her drag you into the store. You’re not really listening when she talks with the clerk, pointing out the bikes she wanted to purchase. 
When she plops a helmet on your head, you give her your best glare. Both of you know there’s no real heat behind it. Lucy tilts your head back and you accept her kiss without a fuss. 
“Love you,” she murmurs.
Your eyes are sparkling with mirth when you pull away. “You already got me to agree to go midnight biking with you. There’s no need to sweet talk me.”
Lucy rolls her eyes, but there’s no hiding her grin. “Alright sweet cheeks, path’s this way.”
Everything’s normal the first couple minutes. You pedal quietly side by side, the path being big enough for the two of you. When Lucy slyly glances at you before winking, you know she’s about to do something stupid. 
You’re proven correct not long after. Lucy throws both of her hands up into the air, letting out a whoop as she somehow keeps her balance.
“You’re literally going to get us into trouble,” you laugh, making sure to keep your own hands on your handle bars.
“With who?” Lucy snorts. She does put her hands back on her bars though. “We’re not in season right now, so it’s just you and me. I won’t tell if you don’t.”
You chuckle. “Babe, I’m not going to lie about how you got hurt when we go to the ER later because you fell off your bike.”
“Oh ye of little faith.”
It’s beautiful, the path she takes you on.
The two of you bike past rivers, through parks, nothing but the sparkling stars and moon lighting your paths. Though the sights you see are beautiful, you know none of it compares to the beauty of your girlfriend. Every time you catch sight of her that night, the flutter in your heart only magnifies.
From there on out, biking becomes sort of a ritual for the two of you. After a particularly hard game or a fight of some sort, the two of you always recouped the same way --- midnight bike rides. The distance of course made biking together a difficult thing, but you always made the most of it when you guys were finally reunited.
But you don’t know how to tell your friends any of that. 
So you don’t.
Still, you can’t help but compare the feel of Sonny’s hands on your waist, her voice echoing loud next to your ears when she hops onto the back of your bike to Lucy’s. You have to scoot a little forward so the blonde doesn’t fall back, but you get flashbacks to when Lucy used to do the same. Sonnett’s yelling something about how you pedal slower than her grandma, Rose giggling somewhere close behind, but everything about this just feels wrong. 
Sonny isn’t Lucy. Seattle isn’t London or Manchester. 
You’re surrounded by some of your best friends, but still you feel alone. 
Something tells you it’s time you get used to this feeling, because the truth is, Lucy’s not coming back. Lucy’s not coming back and you’re not going home. 
England and Lucy will always hold a special part in your heart, but this is your new normal and there’s nothing you can do but get used to it. 
You tried, you really did. 
You play the new season for a couple months, trying to ignore the empty feeling left behind by Lucy’s absence. But it’s hard to find joy in the sport and the city you’re not used to being alone in. 
Whenever the WSL season started, you and Lucy would take turns making the trip out to the other’s city. Even when you weren’t physically next to the other, you’d stay connected through the phone, text messages and facetimes keeping your relationship alive. 
The rational part of you knows it’s stupid. Leaving in the middle of the season? Leaving the place you’ve called home for the past couple years?
There’s also the little voice in your head that won’t stop yelling about the fact that Seattle is further away than London. If Lucy didn’t want a long distance relationship between Barcelona and London, she definitely wouldn’t want one with you in Seattle.
It’s easier to ignore that voice. It’s not like Lucy left the door open for the two of you when she left. Your relationship was over, and you just had to deal with it. 
Apparently your way of “dealing with it” involves hopping on a plane to the other side of the world.
Leah’s the one you tell first. She’s become one of the people you’ve gotten closest to ever since you arrived in England all those years ago. The blonde thinks you’re joking until you ask her if she wants your plant collection.
“Look, I don’t want to be cruel, but don’t you think you’re taking this a little too far? Lucy broke up with you, and I get it, that sucks, but you shouldn’t run away.”
“I’m not running away,” you huff, knowing exactly what Leah’s trying to get at.
“Leaving for a team that hasn’t even started their season yet seems like running away.”
“Lucy left first, so why can’t I?” Though snapped out, your words still come out a little broken.
You look away then, trying to hide your tears before Leah can spot them. 
Leah simply sighs, ignoring the hurt in your voice. Her voice is a little gentler this time around. “I want you to be doing this for yourself, not because of Lucy.”
You’re quiet for a moment, really thinking it through. If you’re being honest, the thought of playing back home has always been a nagging thought. With no one to come home to anymore, it just made the decision all the more easier. “I... I think I’ve been wanting to go home for a while. Lucy ending things just-- it just made it more clear for me.”
Every time you go to camp, you can’t help but feel a little bit left out whenever your friends tell you about all they get up to in the states. They’re always suspended in awe whenever you tell them about your life in England, but leaving your friends is never easy when camp comes to an end. 
It’s always been easier leaving your friends and family behind when you had Lucy waiting to come home to. You’ve had a hard time leaving them these past couple times though. It’s no surprise it’s coincided with your break up. 
“I’m sorry I’m not finishing out the season. I never wanted to leave you guys hanging.”
“Don’t be sorry,” Leah sighs, giving you her best smile. It still looks a little sad, but at least she’s trying. “We’ll definitely miss playing with you over here, but you’re going to kill it in Seattle.”
“I’ll miss you guys too. Don’t think the distance will stop me from being a gooner though.”
“Once a gooner,” she starts, smile growing just a bit sadder. 
You pull the younger girl in for a hug before either of you can start crying. If this is how your talk with Leah is going, you can’t imagine how many tears will be shed when you break the news to the rest of the team tomorrow.
Your time in England will have always given you the love of your life. All the happy moments and the sad, it all began and ended here. It all began and ended with Lucy. What happens from here on out, well that you’ll have to figure out for yourself.
Lucy’s always hated the early morning practices. 
She much rather wake up to your soft breaths puffing against her cheek, arms wrapped loosely around her waist. Her lips slightly curl up at the memory. She never told you, but she’s always loved the feeling of you sprawled on top of her, no matter what time of day it happens.
It feels like a dagger to the heart when she remembers why it’ll no longer be a thing. Why even when the season ends she won’t be able to go home to you.
Lucy heard about your move back to the states through the grapevines. 
When Jordan first told her that you were leaving Arsenal, Lucy couldn’t believe her ears. You were a diehard gooner, elated beyond words when you signed your contract with them. You had stuck by through the ups and downs of your career, even when your national team position was threatened by the mere fact that you weren’t playing in the states. Your love for the game, more specifically the soccer culture in England, made you stay strong in your refusal to leave. It all worked out in the end, but she remembers those nights you stayed awake, training harder to prove yourself from other contenders all those miles away.
Lucy always remembers you mentioning moving back to the states to end out your career, but you didn’t seem anywhere close to hanging up your boots. 
Jordan said something about you leaving before the season ended so you could catch the start of the NWSL, but by then, Lucy wasn’t listening. 
Like always, she finds herself staring down at your contact before practice starts. She always happens to find the abandoned message thread right after lacing up her boots. Just like the first time she pulled it up, there’s nothing typed out. There’s so much she wants to say, but she doesn’t know where to start.
Lucy knows that it’s nighttime in Seattle right now. She wonders if you’re sleeping alone, trying to forget the memory of her as she tries of you every night. The selfish part of her hopes that it also doesn’t work for you. 
She knows she has no right to wonder how you’re doing. She’s the one who broke things off. But late at night, when Lucy’s got nothing but the memories of the two of you to keep her company, she can’t help but imagine what it would be like for you to take her back. If you were to allow her to love you again. 
“Lucy!” Mapi’s voice, somewhere close in the locker room, jolts Lucy out of her thoughts. 
The corner of her lips drop when she notices the time. Quickly closing the messages app, Lucy tosses her phone into her bag. She rubs a tired hand up and down her face before shouting a quick “Coming!”
As she makes her way out of the locker room, there’s only one thing on her mind.
Maybe tomorrow will be different. 
Maybe tomorrow Lucy will finally come up with the nerves to tell you how much she misses you. To tell you how much she wished she didn’t let you go. 
She’s got nothing but her maybes, so until then, she’ll have to deal with her heart being half a world away.
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zuppizup · 8 months
15. My mom used to do that
However you feel inspired to do it
Sorry it’s late. December and January have been madness but I got there in the end. Tried to keep it between 300-500 words. Failed but only just.
A voice cries out in the darkness and Rayla bolts awake, instinctively reaching for the blade under her pillow, before she realises where she is.
Mid-night awakenings have become routine since they returned to Katolis.
She slips from her blankets, padding silently to the door that separates Callum’s room from hers. She doesn’t hesitate to cross the threshold, that apprehension left behind days ago.
Reaching for him, her hand is firm but gentle on his shoulder. “Callum,” she breathes, trying to gently rouse him.
Sometimes he wakes suddenly from these nightmares, scared and confused. She knows by now it’s better to wake him slowly, even as his distressed cries tear at her chest.
He whimpers, frowning in his sleep as he continues to toss and turn.
“Shush, Callum, it’s all right.” She moves closer to him, sitting on the bed by his pillow. “You’re safe.” Reaching out, she touches his furrowed brow.
He gasps, lurching forward suddenly.
“Callum!” Rayla jumps up, getting to her feet and pulling her hands back. “You were having a nightmare-”
“Rayla?” He looks at her, his eyes wide and fearful as he reaches for her hands. “You’re… I…”
“Shush, it’s okay.” She takes his hand, letting him guide her to sit by his head again.
He squeezes her fingers tight, almost painfully so, crushing them against his chest as his breath still comes in unsteady pants.
“You’re safe, Callum.” She reaches forward, guiding him to lay down, smoothing her fingers across his forehead. She has vague memories of her mother soothing her after nightmares this way. How calming and relaxing the simple gesture felt. “You can sleep. I’m here. I’ll wake you…”
He sighs, pressing himself into her touch and some of the tension seems to leave his body. “That’s… nice.” He shudders, gazing up at her.
She smiles softly in response, her heart skipping a beat at the thought she’s capable of soothing him in some small manner.
“My mom used to do that,” he sighs as he closes his eyes. “Whenever I had a bad dream.”
“Mine too.” Rayla whispers, her fingers gentle across his skin.
He opens his eyes, watching her for a moment before he speaks. “Will you stay with me?”
“Of course,” she smiles, not unfamiliar with this request. She usually sits with him after a nightmare, until he manages to fall back asleep.
Taking a shaky breath, Callum shuffles to the far side of the bed and she’s stunned speechless when he pulls back the covers in a clear invitation. Looking between him and the empty side of the bed, she finds her voice fail her, nerves robbing her of coherent thought. They’ve slept in the same bed before, but that was a long time ago. Looking back at him she finds Callum still watching her. He looks nervous too.
Nervous and scared.
Without a word she slips under the covers, Callum holding the blanket while she makes herself comfortable, tucking her in once she’s settled. He lies beside her then, his brow once again furrowed as he takes a deep breath.
Without comment, she resumes stroking his forehead and it seems he relaxes just that little bit more. Smiling softly at him, she does what little she can to ease his burden, even if it’s something as simple as this. “Sleep, Callum. I’m here, I’ll wake you.”
She’s tempted to promise, to reassure him she’ll be there for as long as he’ll let her, but he smiles at her, leaning in a little closer and seeking out her other hand under the covers.
He knows.
Squeezing her fingers, he closes his eyes.
Hurt/Comfort Dialogue Prompts
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chaoticallywriting · 2 years
A Merciful King ☼ Chapter Four
Pairing: Aegon Targaryen II x Reader, Aemond Targaryen x Reader
Warnings: Violence against women, choking, angst, vaginal fingering, female receiving oral, p n v sex, unprotected sex (i mean she’s already preggers guys)
Word Count: 4.3k
A/N:  I originally posted this series on TheGreensWhore. Unfortunately I got shadowbanned on there so I’m reposting all of amk onto here and will be posting further chapters on here instead of there.
Synopsis: The war is over, the blacks have lost, and as Rhaenrya’s daughter it is your duty to marry a green to secure your younger brothers safety. If only Aemond paid attention to you like his brother does.
Previously || Next
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It’s a month and a half later when everyone finds out. By now you're three and a half months along and all you want is to devour sweets (and any fruit) you can get your hands on. You wake up without blood on the sheets for another month, your handmaidens eye each other suspiciously before one finds the courage to speak up.
Marial fiddles with her hands before meekly asking, “have you gone to a maester, your grace?”
“What for?” You know you aren’t the best liar in the family, but you're decent. Furrowing your brows, you tilt your head and eye Marial. You play dumb brilliantly apparently because Myra speaks up next.
“You haven’t bled in months, your grace.”
Your eyes widen as you pick up a small honey cake. Your other hand comes to your stomach as you feign shock.
“Really? Oh my, we should definitely call for one then.” Lila turns her back to the others as she fills your cup with grapefruit juice. It’s another thing you’ve been craving. There’s a knowing look on her face that she hides from the rest.
Marial leaves soon after to fetch one while Lila and Myra do your hair. You softly hum to yourself as they do, thinking about the night before. Almost every night, Aegon has come to you through a secret passage in your wall. You didn’t know about it and find it slightly frightening, but Aegon assured you no one used it. Sometimes he would fuck you, which you’ve grown to like and even sometimes seem to crave. While other times he just holds you. Almost always he falls asleep with his head on your chest and leaves before you wake.
You’ve come to like his presence and find yourself unable to sleep when he doesn’t come. There’s only been two other times besides last night that he did not grace you with his presence. You never asked where he went because you had an idea of what his answer may be.
You're yawning into your hand when Maester Grant and Alicent come waltzing in. The queen mother is grinning from ear to ear when she enters and stands beside the maester throughout his questioning. His questions are simple and you answer them quickly. After only a few minutes, he announces you must be pregnant. Alicent slaps her hands together to look like a prayer and brings them to her mouth as she smiles.
Her reaction makes you sad. At this moment, you wish for your mother and are reminded of how she’ll never meet your child. Suddenly this pregnancy, the one you've been hiding and pretending doesn’t exist, finally becomes real. Alicent distracts your melancholic thoughts by telling the maester he may go before turning back to you.
She walks over and takes your hands in hers, a bright smile on her face. “Motherhood will suit you well, my dear. I already see how well you take to it with your brothers.”
You smile, hands gripping hers. “Thank you, your grace. I am extremely nervous, though.”
Alicent brings her hands up to cup your cheeks, you rest your own against your stomach. She’s never been mean to you since you married Aemond. At first, she tried to have tea with you every day, but as your depression grew you tended to seclude yourself. One day during tea she had said something that stuck with you, something you think of every time you look in the mirror.
“You look just like her. Your face is the exact same.”
You knew she meant your mother. You also know they used to be childhood friends. You can only assume that she finds comfort with your presence, maybe she can pretend your mother is still alive. That everything is fine and everyone survived.
“Do not fret. I believe once you give him a babe, he’ll start to see you in a new light. If he’s so obsessed with his other child, then imagine how he’ll be with yours.”
You imagine he’ll be indifferent, but you don’t tell her that. You only nod and let her have her useless hope. Alicent requests you spend the afternoon with her and shows you fabrics for gowns that must (according to her) be made for when your belly grows.
There’s tea and many sweets are scattered across the table as she fingers a deep green fabric with lace detailing. Everything is green, that much you expected, but still find yourself disappointed.
After a long discussion on which fabrics to choose, you find yourself walking to the library. You have two missions that require heading there. One, you wish to find any Targaryen names that you may like for the babe. You have a vague idea of ones you already like, but want to skim some old history books to see if there are any others.
You’ve read almost every book about your family's history and old homeland. Your childhood consisted of you obsessed over texts and becoming entranced by such grandiose stories.
Number Two is a bit tricky. You know, Aemond spends most of his time there when he’s not training. Since Ser Cole is with Alicent you can only assume he’s in there. As you weave around the shelves, books in your arms, you keep your eyes open for the one eyed prince. It doesn’t take long to find him lounging by the fireplace, long legs elegantly crossed as he leans against the arm rest, book in hand.
You place your books on a desk not far from him and grab the first one before taking the seat across from him. He eyes the spine as you open it, brow raised.
“Any particular reason for the history lesson?”
“A maester visited me this morning.”
There’s a beat of silence. His cool expression doesn’t change, but he clenches his book between his hands.
“Are you going to keep avoiding me?”
“Do you really want this baby to grow up with two parents who can’t stand to be in the same room as one another?”
He sighs, closing his book and staring at you. He doesn’t look like he used to. Aemond seems defeated, you can tell by his stature and the look within his eye. He’s slowly becoming a shell of himself, which scares you. It seems everyone has lost themselves due to that useless war. You only wish it never happened.
“ I do not, but I can’t help feeling like I’m betraying her when I’m near you.”
“Look I… I was raised with an interesting family situation regarding my father or fathers. I also know that when we were little, you told me Viserys didn’t care about you.”
Aemond scoffs. The one eyed prince stands, tossing his book onto the table beside him before walking over to the window. His hands are clasped behind him as he peers out of the glass. He can never stand to be near you for long, something that stabs your heart.
“I don’t want that for this babe. I don’t want confusion on who to love or look up to. I don’t want them to feel like they have to fight for your love, either.”
Tossing the book aside, you stand as well, walking over to him and peering up at Aemond. He’s much taller than you, if he looked away from the window he’d have to look down to meet your eyes. But he doesn’t move, you only know he knows you're beside him by the tick in his jaw.
“Do you want to subject a child to the way you felt as one? Is your son going to be your Rheanrya? For someone so smart, I find it unbelievable you’ll willingly repeat the mistakes of your own fath-”
Aemond’s hand wraps around your throat before he can stop himself, his cool expression transforming to one of unbridled rage. Your body smacks into the wall behind you and your vision swims with small black dots.
You wheeze as you fight to keep your hands by your sides and not grip at his own. You won’t look weak to him anymore. Not only that, but you now have the upper hand. You’re done being ignored.
“Say another word about me and I’ll squeeze harder” he threatens. It’s empty though because if you die his son won’t be safe. The realm won’t be safe. Your life is the only thing keeping the ever weakening thread of peace from snapping. He knows this. Aemond is a smart man, one you sometimes admire. Killing you would be a massive mistake. One that might cost him both his families.
“You’re a coward and a kinslayer. You owe me this after you murdered my little brother in cold blood.” He squeezes harder, your words come out in gasps. “Perhaps I’ll name my son Lucerys and teach him how to wield a knife, just as my brother did!”
Aemond’s eye widens in a mixture of shock and rage. He squeezes you hard enough to have you finally begin to panic before he finally lets go and tosses you to the floor. You fall to the floor in a gasping heap, hands smacking against the stone upon impact. One of your wrists stings while your other hand comes up to softly clutch your bruising neck.
You glance up at your husband, eyes filled with the hate you slowly find seeping into your bones. You’ve tried so hard to be agreeable, to be pretty and nice. To be the perfect wife or friend, and yet he still hates you.
Still clings to some fucked up honor code like he’s the epitome of the perfect man. He almost killed you and your babe. The war has changed the smart man you once knew. But also what did you expect? Killing your brother was just as stupid, and yet he still did that.
Aemond glances at you with an unreadable expression before quickly striding away. Leaving the library and never looking back.
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“I could have him hanged!” Aegon is the picture of rage as you sip on the tea the maester gave you. Your throat is bruised, and you find it hurts to speak or swallow.
Maester Orlo said to drink this horrid concoction morning, noon, and night and your throat would be better in a few days. Nothing could be done with the bruise on your neck or your sore wrist, but at least you’d be able to talk again without being in pain.
“Nothing good would come of that,” you rasp out. “You’ve bruised me before, too.”
Aegon stops his pacing and walks over to where you sit, placing his goblet on the table and kneeling before you, one hand softly grazing your bruise. You flinch when his fingers touch the sensitive skin and eye him curiously.
“You liked it when I bruised you, I saw it in your eyes. Are you telling me you liked this?” You’ve seen this look before, at the consummation. He looks angry, but also something else. Lips pursed and brows furrowed with that look in his eyes you can’t place. “Do you want him touching you like I have?”
Jealousy, that’s the only thing you can think of. There was a hint of it that first night when he ranted about Aemond getting everything. He breathes heavily as he watches you, hands holding your hips.
“I never said that, Aegon.” You place the teacup onto the table beside you before cupping his cheeks. He leans into your touch and closes his eyes, letting out a content sigh. When he’s not fucking you, all Aegon seems to want is your affection, constantly. It’s a lovely change from being ignored. “You saw how I was that night with him.”
He kisses the palm of your hand before resting his head on your lap, lashes fluttering against his pale cheeks as he contently sighs.
“Mother will set him right tomorrow. She’s the only one he listens to” he murmurs before wrapping his arms around and pulling you closer, nuzzling your stomach. “Aemond better not have hurt my child though, or all will know he’s mine by the way I’ll publicly punish him.”
You warm at his words, a small smile spreading across your face as you card your fingers through his hair. This is all so wrong, but you’re tired of being lonely and Aegon is actually rather sweet to you.
“The babe is fine, my darling.” He practically preens at your words, squeezing you tighter and humming. “I’ve never seen you like this about Jaehaera and Maelor.”
Or Jaehaerys, but you don’t say that. No one mentions him, and you understand why. It’s easier to forget the dead than to constantly remember them, to think of them every day. It eats you up until your only bone and sorrow, no happiness, joy, or even a soul left. Grief can destroy you. It’s easier for you to pretend your mom and brothers are alive. That Baela and Rhaena are back on Dragonstone or Driftmark. It’s just easier to pretend.
“They don’t like me. They won’t talk when I’m around or even look at me, it’s better if I leave them be.”
You pull his face away from your stomach, so he can look into your eyes. Your hands cup his cheeks and your thumb strokes his cheek bone. He smiles and closes his eyes, eating up your affection like a child with cake.
“You are their father, Aegon. Please try with them, if not for me, than for the babe. They deserve your love and attention as much as this baby does. I would like him to have siblings who have a loving relationship with their father.”
He merely nods at your words, his smile turning into a frown as he thinks of all the ways bonding with them may go wrong. He’d try for you though, tomorrow morning he’ll march into the nursery and give it his best shot.
“Okay,” he murmurs, leaning up on his knees and kissing you. It’s delicate and sweet, you find yourself sliding your fingers into his hair and sighing into the kiss. He smiles against your lips and deepens it.
Ever since you’ve started reciprocating his affections, he’s become giddy to see you every day. All thoughts revolve around his nights with you, he finds himself distracted during small council meetings or interactions with anyone. Thoughts plagued with you and only you.
“I love you,” his words slip out without a second to think them over, his lips grazing yours. You feel him tense underneath your hands as you stop raking them through his hair. You're frozen at his confession, having no clue how to feel.
He pulls away from you upon hearing your silence, eyes burning with betrayal and hurt. Aegon looks like a wounded puppy as he stands and walks over to the door. He stops as his hand grazes the knob and storms back over to you without a second thought.
“Do you not love me?!”
You jump at the volume of his voice and quickly stand, trying to shush him as you panic. You both are usually so quiet in case anyone passes by your doors. If they hear him, everything will be over. Unfortunately, your panic only serves to fuel his anger and scowls, tears swelling in his eyes.
“Don’t try to quiet me! Let's tell the whole castle of your trickster ways, letting me into your bed just to use me… What even for?”
“Aegon…” You shake your head as your voice finally finds you. Hesitantly, you take a few small steps in his direction, stopping in front of the broken man. You raise your hands to cup his cheeks, but he flinches away from your touch. Your heart burns at his rejection, your own eyes beginning to tear up.
“We are playing a dangerous game, why can you not see that? You always assure me everything will be fine, and yet we’re both married! With everyone thinking this babe is his, there will be no way to annul our marriage. How can I say those words out loud when I know tragedy lurks around the corner, it edges closer every time we meet.”
“I could kill him.”
You shake your head, the tears now racing down your cheeks. His cheeks are streaked with his own, eyes turning red as he continues to cry.
“You would never, and I would never ask that of you.” Once more you try to touch him and this time he relents. Your fingers delicately wipe away his tears before cupping his cheeks. Aegon leans into your touch as he always does, always starved for any affection. “How can this end with us happy?”
“I have never loved someone as I love you. I love you more than my own family, you’ve shown me a kindness and patience none of them ever have. I…” He presses his forehead against your own, taking a deep breath in as if it's his last one. “I have loved you since we were children, I was denied your hand and forced to marry my sister. I’ll burn everything to the ground to keep this happiness. After all this suffering, I will not lose the sweet taste of your lips against my own.”
His words chill you to the bone. This declaration is enough to start a war, and you can’t figure out if you're terrified or overjoyed. You’ve felt for so long that you are unlovable. That your existence will be one of misery and loneliness, and yet the most unlikely person has stepped up to show you otherwise.
“Just say it… please.” Your heart breaks at the crack in his voice, at the desperation he’s displaying. You can’t help but cry harder as you feel for this man in front of you. Both so desperate for love that it eats you alive.
He must mistake your tears for rejection, and you feel him begin to pull away, physically and mentally. Shaking your head rapidly, you crash your lips onto his to keep him near you, it’s nothing romantic. Teeth clash against teeth and tongues slide against one another.
You pour your nearly broken heart into this kiss, trying to show him how much you need him to stay. How you’ll finally break if he leaves. All the cracks within your beating heart have been glued by him, you find if you're alone again everything will fall apart. It’s only when you feel yourself grow lightheaded do you pull away to try to breathe. You're both gasping for air as you press your foreheads together, noses bumping one another and lips nearly touching.
“I love you too,” you whisper. “I love you, I love you, I love you.”
Aegon pulls you back into a kiss, gripping your waist to try to pull you closer. Your bodies practically meld into one as his arms wrap around you to keep you close. Your arms wrap around his neck as you kiss him back, moaning into the kiss. It’s desperate and hungry, begging for everything you have. You give it to him without second thought, your mouth opening as you moan. His tongue slips inside without a second to spare.
Your knees hit the back of your bed, and he pushes you against it, falling onto the cushiony mattress with you, lips never leaving yours. Your hands pull at the ends of his curly hair, invoking a moan from deep within his chest as he pulls away from your lips. His hands slide to the bottom of your nightgown which has bunched around your waist and pulls it off of you. Your hands find his shirt and help him pull it off before he’s momentarily pulling away to take his pants off.
You find those few seconds without his touch unbearable and reach towards him while whining. He smirks at you, eyes lidded before climbing back between your legs, leaning down to press kisses up your thighs. You impatiently groan and try to tug him back up your body, thighs trying to rub together for any chance of friction. By now he’s fucked you enough to have you used to the feel of his cock within you, and you want it now.
“I can’t possibly fuck you yet, I haven’t even tasted you.”
You keen at his words and watch as he teasingly licks a slow strip through your folds, making you groan as you both maintain eye contact. He continues doing that for a few moments before kitten licking your bud. You feel one of his fingers pressing at your entrance before slowly sliding inside of you, he quickly adds a second one after a few slow thrusts and watches you impatiently grind your hips against his tongue and fingers.
The feel of him chuckling against you only makes you more aroused. Aegon stops his teasing and latches onto your bud, sucking the sensitive bundle before adding a third finger and making a come hither motion inside of you. Your head rolls back at his motions, and soon your moans fill the bedchambers, overtaking the crackling of fire and the sound of your wetness. Your hands delve back into his hair, and you tug on the stands as you continue to grind against him while whining.
“C-Close… So close.” Your words only spur him on, his other hand goes to press against your hips to keep you still as he speeds up, rapidly hitting your sensitive spot inside. You find yourself at a loss for words as you arch your back and squeeze your eyes shut, coming against his fingers and tongue. He continues through your orgasm and only stops after you’ve calmed down.
Aegon pulls his fingers out of you and moves up to your face, pressing his fingers against your lips. You greedily accept his offer and moan around his long digits as you taste yourself. He groans at the sight and quickly pulls them away from you, so he lined himself up with your entrance.
Your mouth falls open in a breathy moan as he slowly thrusts inside you, his eyes briefly closing as he moans at the feeling of you squeezing around him. You always take him so well, and he can’t help but feel that you were made for him.
“Say it again” his voice is raspy as he makes his demands, keeping still inside you as his eyes meet your own. You look so pretty beneath him, eyes half lidded and pupils blown. Lips bruised from his kisses and cheeks flushed. He decides he wants a commission of you like this, but also doesn’t want anyone else to see you the way he does.
“I-I love you,” you moan. Your hands cup his cheeks and pull him down for a bruising kissing. Aegon begins to fuck you at a brutal pace that you're loudly moaning within his mouth. His thrusts are hard and fast, and he’s hitting that sensitive spot inside you that makes your toes curl. Your tongues messily slide against one another as you wrap your legs around him, pulling him even closer.
If someone were to talk in right now, they wouldn’t have a clue as to where you begin, and he ends. You're consumed by him, completely and irrevocably. His scent fills you and his kisses leave you thoughtless. His own thrusts make you obsessed with him, and you find that you never want this to end.
One of his hands slides down and begins to circle your nub. He barely pulls away from your lips to watch as you groan. He can feel how close you are by the way your walls convulse around him, and he finds himself close as well. You move your hips in time with his thrusts as your nails claw his back, turning him on further.
“Fuck!” You cry out as you come around his cock, back arching and legs shaking, eyes squeezed shut. Aegon thrusts a few times as he tries to fuck you through your orgasm once before his hips stutter, and he spills inside you. His head nestles into the crook of your neck as he moans, cock twitching inside of you.
You both stay like that, wrapped around one another, while you catch your breath. He begins to pepper kisses down your neck, making sure to avoid the hand shaped bruise around your neck. You blissfully sigh as you feel sleepiness begin to overcome you.
“I will find a way to make us have a happy ending.” His words do little to calm the anxiety that's always lurking in the pit of your stomach. But you nod anyway and pull him away from your neck to peck his lips. He smiles into it and wraps his arms around you. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
And you really do, which you find terrifies you. Love has no place in the dangerous game you both play, and yet it’s blossomed between the cracks and made itself at home inside the both of you. It’s shocking to know that this is the man who makes you feel safe and happy. Who brings a smile to your face and makes you think the future doesn’t look so bad.
But you also don’t believe in fairy tales, and you find yourself far too jaded to believe his words. You only hope this ends with you all alive and not another mindless war. You’d rather end yourself then deal with another one. But you won’t tell him any of that, it’ll only hurt him, and you don’t wish to do that. So instead, you brush your fingers through his hair and listen to his soft breathing. You stay like that until eventually sleep takes you too.
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owl-with-a-pen · 3 months
Something I like to think about from time to time for it’s inherent cuteness and comfort is the idea that sometimes Nia falls asleep during game nights and Brainy just lets her chill on his shoulder or laid across his lap for however long. If someone asks if she’s okay or if they should wake her up, he’s like “Nah, she’s fine,” and just takes her turns for her in the games knowing exactly what move she would’ve made. Gives her little head kisses when she starts to stir and tells her it’s okay if she’s tapped out for the night and wants to keep resting. If it’s getting toward the end of the night anyway, sometimes she’ll be snoozing right up until it’s time to leave. He’d gladly carry her out undisturbed if not for their friends warning him that “hey, carrying an unconscious woman out to your car in the middle of the night is really good way to get the cops called”. Usually, though, she just naps for like half an hour and wakes back up to the sound of people talking. Brainy checks in with how tired she’s feeling and fills her in on whatever she missed.
Just, Brainy chilling with his sleepy girlfriend at game nights. Soothes my soul.
Yess, give me all the Brainia softness. This is the cutest! 🥺🥺
Brainy would absolutely keep a thought track open for her even in the most intense of game night challenges, checking in periodically while she's curled up against his side. I'm just imagining Brainy being super involved in the game, but absolutely no one can take him seriously because Nia is just snoring away on his shoulder.
He still wins, of course. And Nia's 'power naps' are like a secret weapon, if she wakes up from one mid-game and decides to jump back in, no one is safe.
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Gotta Be Somebody-Part 7
Angel Reyes X Reader
My dearest Angel,
I’m writing this in the quiet of the night while everyone is asleep. It’s times like this I miss you the most. I miss how we would sit and stare at the sky all night on my balcony when we couldn’t sleep. I miss you every second of every day. Knowing you’re safe is what keeps me going.
Soon this will all be over and I can see you again. I take any chance I can get to leave compound to do for Adelita in hopes by some chance I’ll get to see you on this side of the border. Sometimes I think I do, but I know it’s my mind playing tricks on me.
You remember my favorite song? Gotta be somebody? All I can think about the last couple of months is how I want to be your somebody and you mine. Don’t tell dad cause he’d kill us both, but I love you, Angel. I know you love me, too. I seen it, that day that I had to leave, in your eyes.
I don’t know what will happen in the days or weeks, hell, even months to come, but I wanted you to know in case something happened to me.
I’ve got to go. Before someone wakes and sees me still awake. Until I can see you again, my angel.
I sat in the perch of the safe house, taking guard of Miguel’s product for Adelita. She’s started trusting me more and more lately; all thanks to my knowledge of shit from Coco and Gilly. That trust is what I’m hoping works in my favor in the weeks to come. This raid I helped with on dad and the guys is the starting line in my plan.
I was brought out of my thoughts by a whistle from my left. I looked over to see one of the guys motioning at movement in the distance. That was my que to move. It would seem dad gave Miguel my letter and he’s cashing in on that now. I slipped the silencer on my gun as I stood and walked towards the newer recruit.
With his back turned to me, I shot him and was able to catch him before he could fall and alert the others on the ground. I took out a small light from my pocket and clicked it twice, signaling Nestor and his men to begin. Once the gunfire ensued, I ran from my position and started firing.
I managed to get two more of Adelita’s men down before Nestor reached me.
“We meet again.” I said.
“That we do. What’s you’re plan here?”
“Leave me and two others alive. Shoot my arm and punch me so it looks like I was knocked out in the fight and then tie us together before you leave so Adelita finds us. Make sure to knock the others out so they don’t know I was a part of this. I’ll tell her we were ambushed and I was shot at while in the middle of everything and I was attacked from behind and knocked out.”
Nestor nodded. “Ready?”
I nodded in turn. “Yeah.”
After helping Nestor clear out the rest of the men, I helped load the van with Miguel’s product. Nestor showed me proof that dad and the others would get their money once he got back and I nodded. He aimed his gun at me and I felt the bullet pierce through my bicep.
I screamed out in pain. “Oh I’m so whooping your ass in the ring when I get out of this shit!”
Nestor chuckled. “We’ll see. Let’s finish up so I can get your guys paid and Miguel’s product back to him.”
I nodded. “Now, tie me up with those two and get out of here. She’ll know something’s up soon and come to check when I haven’t checked in.”
Nestor did as I told him to then gave me an apologetic look before everything went black.
I woke to the sound of my name being called. I looked around dazed and confused, letting my vision come back into focus.
“What happened?” Adelita asked.
“I don’t know. One minute I’m on perch keeping watch and the next there’s gunfire going off. I was attacked from behind and I don’t know anything else.” I sat up from the bed I was put in and threw my legs over the side.
“Had to be Galindo’s men. Someone is working on the inside here. How else would they know where it was being kept?” Adelita passed back and forth in front of me.
“I don’t know. It’s possible that one of the new recruits could be working for him. I seen a few of them with identical cuts on their left palms. It’s suspicious that suddenly in the last week Mini has found a few more strays on the streets and asked to bring them in.”
“Mini has nothing to do with this.” She yelled.
“I didn’t say she did. But we know how soft and kind hearted she is. She’s still a child and finding someone her age being left on the streets like she was because of the Galindo Cartel, it’s still suspicious. They could be setting us up.”
Adelita stopped and thought about what I said. “You’re right. There was two men left alive with you. Maybe one of them is the rat. We need to find out more information. My best guess is that motorcycle club you raided last week has a big part of it. I intend to find a way to stop them.”
She quickly left the tent and I let out the breath I was holding when she mentioned the club. I had to send a message to Nestor to start preparing. If I knew Adelita, it would be just a few days and we’d be on the move. I grabbed my walkie and swapped channels.
I used the signal I needed to speak. Shortly after, Nestor’s voice come through.
“Get ready. She thinks it’s the club. It’ll be a few days. I’ll signal when we move out and to where.”
I took a deep breath. I had to stop her. I couldn’t let her hurt my dad and family. I couldn’t make my move yet. I had to wait. I began making plans of my own for when the time come.
I was sitting at the bar waiting for the rest of the guys to finish up at Templo when my phone rang.
“It’s me. I need to talk to Bishop.”
“Aight. Hold up.”
I walked to the door and knocked.
“Bish, it’s Nestor.” I replied.
“Come in.”
I walked in and put the phone on speaker so everyone could hear.
“What it is?”
“I just got word from (Y/N). She told me to start getting ready. Said Adelita thinks it was you guys that ambushed the site and took the product back. She said it’ll be a few days, but she’ll let me know when they move out and to where.”
Bishop sighed. “Alright. Wherever it is, I want to know. Knowing my daughter, it’s going to be the final showdown for her to end this.”
They hung up the phone and I went to walk out. Before I could get far, Bishop grabbed my wrist.
“Hold on. There’s something we need to discuss with you.”
I nodded. “Okay. What’s up?”
“Take off the kutte and lay it at the end of the table.” Bishop pointed to the far end.
I dropped my head. I knew better than to argue so I did what he told me to. I laid it out, Prospect patch up.
“You’ve done a lot for this club. You’ve done a lot for my daughter. With what’s about to go down, I need to know I have people to have our backs, my back. You’ve shown that the last few months.”
He waved his hand and all of a sudden new patches were laid in front of me on my kutte. I looked at him with a shocked expression.
“Bish, seriously?”
“You’ve earned it, kid. You’ve shown all of us how bad you want this. That’ll you’ll stick your neck out for any one of us. Welcome to the club.” Hank said, slapping my shoulder.
One by one each guy gave me a hug and welcomed me in. Last was Bishop. He hugged me to him and held me there.
“When this shit goes down, I want you by my side. You’re the only other person who loves my (Y/N) as much as me and would kill for her. I want you to protect her at all cost. I brought you in early, don’t make me regret it.”
I shook my head. “I won’t.”
Later that night, I sat up and put my new patches on my kutte. When I was done, I pulled out (Y/N)’s picture and letter she left me and read it again and again. I missed her. I wanted her home. I vowed then I’d make sure she made it home and wouldn’t leave my side again.
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