#sometimes i just say fucking sorry! but i can’t do that with him nooo especially not when he’s already in a mood
teefconnoisseur · 1 year
there always has to be a reason.
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mactavishsgfandwife · 7 months
saw that ur reqs r open, and i love all ur work sooo here i am lol
what would the tf141 boys be like w a reader who’s into horror? (i was thinking reader is like rlly sweet but loves playing horror video games or smth, but u can interpret it however u want!)
i can js imagine johnny freaking out when he sees reader playing like,,silent hill or smth. or resident evil 7 (can u tell im a horror game nerd lol)
but yeah! js a silly little idea i had, feel free not to write it if u don’t want to! have a good day, ily!
TF141 Watching a Horror Movie With You 🎃
hi omg this is such a cute concept!! thank you so much for the support, you have no idea how much i appreciate it! i have so many ideas for them with someone who loves horror movies so that’s what this post is about (i hope that’s ok :( ) but i’ll try to write about horror games another time because that’s such a cute concept! i just have lots of ideas for this one rn so i thought i’d do it first female reader, fluff, not proofread <3
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Simon "Ghost" Riley thinks it’s cute that you love horror movies. He spends half his life in a real-life horror, he’s seen things that you could never imagine. Teasingly calls you a ‘psycho’ for just sitting there happily, cuddled up to him as you watch something absolutely terrifying go down on the screen.
Simon is a pain in the ass to watch certain horror movies with, because if guns or fighting are involved then he will make sure to point out to you exactly what the directors got wrong.
"He’s holding it wrong… if I even… Price’d never let me hear t’end of it," he mumbles, not talking to anyone in particular.
When you cuddle on the sofa, if you’re laying face down on his chest, he loves to keep one hand on your ass. Sometimes, if something does make him jump, he’ll squeeze it out of instinct.
People don’t usually expect it but you’re very good with scary stuff, you rarely ever get spooked out. But sometimes you do, especially if you’re tired and it’s late.
Once, after you’d watched a film, you went to get ready for bed and Simon went ‘to eat something’. Even when you were all changed and ready for bed, he still hadn’t returned, and so - twiddling your fingers together for reassurance - you peeked out into the darkened hallway.
Only for a 6'4" soldier in a skull mask, wielding a cup of tea, to jump out at you from behind.
You screamed, stumbling back in a state of panicked confusion, about to cry out for Simon when you came to your senses and realised that the masked intruder was Simon.
He stood there, laughing his ass off, until he realised that you were obviously very on edge and a little bit teary eyed.
"C’mere…" he sighed, placing down his tea to take you into his arms, "i’m sorry, baby girl, please don’t cry…" Your heart was racing and you were debating whether or not to slap him, but you knew he didn’t mean to upset you. And you were happy so long as he made up for it.
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Soap Mactavish claims that he’s not scared of anything. Nooo, no way, he’s not scared. He’s so not scared that he’s looking away and squeezing your hand.
Poor guy is so easily jumpscared, it makes you giggle.
"You sure this i’nt going t’be too scary for you, bonnie?" he coos, placing an arm around your shoulder as he half-watches the film that has plunged into a strange silence. He’s definitely trying (and failing) to be subtle as he flexed his muscular arms a little bit, in an attempt to show off.
"Oh yeah, don’t worry," you nod sweetly, smiling up at him.
"I’m just saying, angel, if you need to bury your head into my chest, or if you can’t look, then that’s okay, you just go ahead and make yourself comfortable. I’m a soldier, I could easily take on any- Shit! Fucking hell!" he jumps, squealing and then clearing his throat in a poor attempt to disguise it.
"You sure this isn’t going to be too scary for you, bonnie baby..?" you tease, kissing his cheek.
"Lay off it," he pouts, blushing a little bit as he nuzzles his face into your hair.
Alsoooo Johnny is a fiend for feeling you up when you’re watching a film together. He sees it as a perfect opportunity to get to know his pretty lass a little bit better.
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Kyle "Gaz" Garrick’s favourite part of movie night is the food. He loves takeaway (he’s definitely a Nando’s lover) but his absolute favourite food is your home cooking. When he was asked his favourite food when he was younger, he was always the one kid who would say "whatever my mum makes!" and now he’s an adult it’s just the same, but "whatever my girlfriend makes!" Whenever he realises you’re going to watch a film, whether you invited him or not, he will call out to you from the other room to "HOLD ON!" as he grabs snacks and drinks for the two of you.
Gaz isn’t too easily creeped out, but it happens. He’ll never admit that it’s because he was scared, but you’ve definitely noticed him ‘accidentally’ leaving the hallway light on. If it wasn’t an ‘accident’, then he obviously did it so that you wouldn’t feel scared in the night. He probably realises that you can see right through him, but you always say you believe him, just to make him feel better.
Kyle’s favourite horror movie series is Paranormal Activity, because it’s a so-bad-it’s-good kind of thing. He loves sitting in bed, eating popcorn, with you in his lap, laughing til you cry at all his jokes about how horrendously made the films are. Once, he was taking the piss out of how bad the film you were watching was and then immediately got jumpscared. He even let out a weird noise in shock - he didn’t hear the end of it for weeks.
Even if he’s not cuddling you as close as possible, Gaz loves to rouch you, usually by holding you with one arm as you rest your head on his shoulder. He is a serial thigh-squeezer.
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John Price is a total dad, and that extends to when you can convince him to watch one of your favourite films with you. He wants to watch the movie, it’s not his fault if he falls asleep 15 minutes in every single time.
He lets you lay on his broad chest, that’s warm and rises and fall under your head, while he rests his hands behind his head and closes his eyes. He’s prone to snoring, too - in past, you’ve had to rewind the film because you missed part of it while you were trying to get him to wake up and shut up. The only sureproof way to wake him up is to try and move off of him - he’ll open one eye and grumble at you, as he pulls you right back into him.
"You’re not even watching the film, you’re asleep…" you whine, looking up at him.
"’M watching, love. Shhh," he mumbles, eyes still closed as he softly pats your hair.
"Are not," you pout.
"Shhh. ‘M trying to watch this," he hushes you, eyes closed and totally ready to go back to sleep. You’re almost annoyed at him but he makes that very hard, breathing softly through that moustache as he presses you against him, like you’re a teddy or a weighted blanket.
In terms of the films himself, Price isn’t easily scared (partly helped by the fact that he spends half of the time asleep). The first time that you two watched something scary together, he was almost expecting you to be terrified, but he was pleasantly surprised when you weren’t. He thinks it’s funny how you can sit in his lap perfectly happy and watch something that would have any ‘sensible’ (as he puts it) girl screaming.
He either gets very irritated by the main characters making terrible decisions and getting themselves into trouble, or finds it hilarious. He also loves to rub your feet while you watch the movie, literal princess treatment.
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i kind of want to watch a horror movie nowwww
all pictures are from the game or from pinterest as far as i’m aware
i hope this was ok for you!!! i know it’s not exactly what you wanted but maybe we can just consider it part 1 of the horror obsessed reader saga >:)
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stellamalonesolaria · 26 days
BTS Kim Taehyung x reader | oneshot (drabble) | boy(friend)
pairing: fuckboy! bestfriend!taehyung x non specified! reader
warning: mild swearing.
author’s note: english is not my first language. also, this was an impromptu attempt to test my very mediocre writing skills.
“It’s negative.” Taehyung says as his hands snake around your waist, his lips leaving wet tiny kisses on your neck, causing you to leave a gasp, his fingers tracing tiny circles on your stomach, giving you goosebumps. You immediately try to pull away from him resisting the sensations he has made you feel. you push him back using all your pent up force as he raises an eyebrow, watching you in amusement.
“Good for you Kim”, you say almost satirical. you look up, gazing into his hazel brown eyes, he keeps his mouth shut as he anticipates you continuing your speech, which you do, “Tae, first off i don’t believe that the dick that’s been used up by almost the entirety of this town hasn’t caught any std yet, second of all, you can’t just hover over me while i’m working in the kitchen, like god one day of peace and a warm meal is all i ask of you and you cannot even provide me with that.”, Taehyung heaves as he hears your over dramatic rhetorics, “Okay drama queen, i get it, you’re just distraught right now because you were caught up with your cooking chaos and cooking makes everyone agitated but what i did was completely justified. Also the std shit is pretty offensive bae, might want to tone it down a notch huh?” his deep voice completely captivates you, leading you to melt into his arms as you hug him and snuggle into his arms, basking in his coffee like scent.
“Sorry Tae, you surprised me, I shouldn’t have pulled off the std joke and i wont ever as long as you keep your hands to yourself, okay boy friend?”. yes Kim Taehyung is just your guy best friend whom you’re sometimes very much so enticed towards, he is beguiling, enchanting and everything both men and women could ask for. he’s the embodiment of beauty, he looks like he has been sculpted very carefully by greek gods, the only sad thing is, this guy is a douche, he believes in fucking around for temporary sexual gratification and has been known as the ‘male bop’ of the town because of all the scandalous activities he has been involved with, especially, breaking every man’s ego and sneaking in every woman’s panties, you’re an exception to his rendezvous, or so you thought so.
Taehyung breaks the hug, forgiving you, “it’s okay sweetheart, maybe my actions were too straightforward and blunt, you know with all the hickeys I was trying to create.”, he says this with a husky voice, presumably ruining your underwear. “But a deal’s a deal.”. he says confusing you. “What deal Tae?”, you ask to which he answers, “You agreed to fuck me if I tested std negative deal.”, he throws this casually as you breathe out an exasperated sigh. ‘when did this even happen’ you think, and knowing you he deciphers that you probably don’t remember.
“Goddamnit Y/N, do you remember when i broke off things with Evie? That day, you and I got drunk and then at night, we briefly had an agreement with you being my hookup partner if i don’t have any sexual related disease? So I took your word and tested for it, turns out my dick is free of any potential threat that could’ve been an obstacle between you, I and sex.” You squeal in shock as these words leave his mouth, causing you to leave your mouth agape, wide and long enough for any housefly to enter inside and refuge there till you die.
You shut your mouth, processing his words as your nostrils flare up, your nose scrunching up in disgust, your eyebrows knitting together in scrutiny. “EW EW EW EW, Taehyung, you’re hot and shit, but I’m not sleeping with a manwhore who has bedded my arch nemesis as well as my step sister and the entire town and HOW COULD YOU EVEN SEE ME THROUGH THOSE LUSTFUL EYES, I WOULD PUKE NOOO”, you say as you cover your ears refraining yourself from hearing anything this attractive asshole has to say about screwing you.
You finally calm down after what feels like an eternity. “Taehyung, why don’t you just have sex with Seolhyun again? It didn’t matter to you when her and I were literally fighting over my ex so why not make love to her again now?”, this was war against Taehyung, you spat your words like fire.
“The only reason I fucked your arch nemesis in the first place was because you asked me to, so that you could maintain tranquility between your ex and you when you both were dating, plus, sex with her is so boring, she only wants missionary and someone she can submit to, like bitch, this isn’t vanilla bdsm and i’m not a slave to your boring ideas of what sex should be between men and women, anyways, sorry for the rant, are you up for some good ol’ sex or nah?”, Taehyung retorts, absolutely burning Seolhyun to ashes. You blink in remorse as you’ve been the one who coaxed him to sleep with her. You dismiss Seolyun’s topic by stuffing his face with the cookies you were baking while you try to politely decline his fuck buddies offer.
“What if sex with me turns out to be boring too?”, you say as Taehyung looks into your eyes, and with genuineness, he opens his mouth “Sex with you could never be boring. Infact, if I ever get you to comply with this entire sleeping agreement, I fear I’d need another partner for the rest of my life.”, this line, makes your heart race, you don’t say anything, as he just keeps gazing into your eyes, embracing your soul with warmth of his words and sincerity brimming in his eyes, you both clasp your hands together when suddenly your doorbell rings.
You get pulled out of the romantic ambience that Taehyung’s words had created as you dash towards your main gate entrance. There is a delivery boy standing in front of you which puzzles you as you haven’t ordered anything. The delivery boy looks at you with a smug expression on his face almost adding fuel to the awkward tense atmosphere which was already built.
“Ma’am, here’s your order.”, the delivery boy chimes as he places a packet of condom into your hands. Your eyes widen in shock and your cheeks turn crimson red as you look at the thing in your hand as if it’s the most illicit shit you’ve seen on your palm. You clench the condom packet in your hand as you make your way to the kitchen, where Taehyung is standing, devouring the cookies you’ve baked. You hold his upper arm, causing him to turn around as he looks at your flabbergasted state with cookies stuffed in his mouth.
“What is this?”, you ask clearly shooketh to the core, to which Taehyung replies nonchalantly, “a condom?”, you roll your eyes as you further ask, “what for?”, annoyance evident in your tone with a hint of mortification and shyness at the same time.
He smirks as he looks at your bewildered state, leaning closer to your lips, reducing the proximity between you two, his one hand grabs your ass, causing you to yelp, and his other hand gently puts your hair strand behind your ear while he says, “what else sweetheart?”
the end.
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splatcat64 · 2 months
i had a really long convo with my friends about this but it really seriously feels like ppl get rhys and fionas characterization switched up HARD. this is bc of the u choose the path thing but also a heavy hand in the misogyny and racism (and general way ppl tend to approach pandorans due to being effected by how jack talked about them . LOL) fiona is such a sweetheart whos working her hardest to protect the people she loves + imo shes the one who helped vaughn grow into someone who adores pandora as well. it makes me blow up. i have a few songs that have been making me go nuts about her . hai i got excited sorry
NOOO DON’T APOLOGIZE FOR GETTING EXCITED I totally get it my god,,, this blog is becoming so tales centric I’m sorry not sorry here we go. If you haven’t seen tales and want to be mindful of light spoilers. ⚠️
This has been talked about on my side a bit but I tooootally agree, Both of their characterization gets switched up BAD and it’s absolutely insane, both Fiona and Rhys are good people, but flawed. Flawed, but good people, and it gets constantly jumbled around in the fandom. I feel like a lot of people have a really hard time grasping that “choose ur own adventure” protags still have a core personality set, especially telltale. I always use Lee TWGD as an example, because sure you can portray him as either very very confrontational, or more soft spoken and sweet, but in the end of th edgy he still killed someone. In the end of the day he still ALWAYS cares about Clem. It’s not any different for those two idiots, they still have their respective arcs and the such.
I feel like Fiona gets a lot of shit specifically BECAUSE she’s snarky and she. speaks her mind. And god forbid a POC/Black coded woman do ANYTHING. Jack really messed up ppls views on Pandorans but the look into Sasha and Fi’s life is literally just more, HEY, they’re people!! Maybe don’t listen to the GENOCIDAAAAL [big arrows pointing to the word] MANIAC. It’s thrown right at your face. People take wtv the fuck Jack says way to seriously when he lies. So much. All the time. And I don’t get why no one takes it with a pile of salt constantly. When really she does just have a heart of gold, most of her being mean is literally just playful banter like hello. Sasha’s meaner than her by a mile but Fi still gets slaaandered for it. And even tho Sasha does have her really mean moments I will defend her to the grave with strangers bcus “hating her” without a valid reason gets veeerry racy really quick and as a black person it really does rub me the wrong way sometimes. So much mischaracterization everywhere. It’s a weird mix of a patriarchal, misogynistic, racist deal with EVERY character in The Group and I’m just… how do you manage to mischaracterize everybody from a game that’s all story.
And the point I made in a post somewhere about how Rhys is written differently than a LOT of men in borderlands and ppl have ran with it and decided hey this guy actually sucks. Or hey haha this guy can’t do anything. He’s completely out of his element on Pandora, of course he’s stumbling somewhat but bro is brave as hell for that shit. He’s a completely capable dude, yes he cares about Fiona and Sasha and Vaughn. Yes they care about him. I feel like people also get it twisted because of Fiona and Rhys in the intros, but people gotta remember that they’re acting like that because the game was episodic and we weren’t rlly allowed to know that they’re super buddy buddy. That’s one gripe I have w the game is that they made Fiona seem like she HATED his ass in some of the future settings in the beginning of episodes and people took it way too literally. Please I beg they’re besties,,, you’ve never boxed with a bestie before??? Either way it’s obvious that it’s blown out of proportion especially after Rhys’ whole arc concludes. You’re supposed to be like oooh he’s like that cause we couldn’t know. You look at Fi and you’re supposed to like daaamn she really cares about him/them they were all just split apart after extremely traumatic events. [I’m gonna stop here with this point cause it’s starting to be a run on but people do not talk enough about how traumatic both Helios’ crash, the wreck, and Gortys’ first fight was for all of them.]
I’ve talked extensively with a friend about this too but Tales had a looot of budget issues during its making cause of Telltale nuking itself, and the game was meant to have more time. ALL of them were!!! I always think about maybe if they all got more time they’d be treated this way less. But yknow,, whatever I guess.
AND THE VAUGHN THING UR SO CORRECT GOD. I think she really help him crawl out of his shell for a lack of a better term, both the sisters tbh I feel like they’re a very rare and cute friendship pairing and I need to see more of Sasha daring him to do shit like in the Chimera dome. They all care sooo deeply for each other and people even manage to miss that like god. One of Rhys’ core traits if you don’t make him abysmally evil is loyalty. LOYALTY. Fiona hasn’t had many, hell if any friends since tales started, She is SUCH a caring person of course she’s gonna ride or die for her friends. Like that one scene on Helios where Rhys can ask her not to leave, And she’s like “If I wanted to leave, I would’ve done it a looong time ago.” There’s so many points in the game I could,d bring up that show how great all of them are, Fiona, after knowing him for not too long at all, tries to convince Vaughn to be brave, and that he can survive Bossanova’s race. Yes, she had to do that so they wouldn’t die, but she went out of her way to say it in a way that was reassuring enough. That’s sweet. If she didn’t care about them she wouldn’t have played cards on the roof with Rhys, or play bunkers and badasses with the boys, or I don’t know, let them LIVE IN WHAT IS ESSENTIALLY HER HOUSE FOR A YEAR. /ref ep.3 of tales. I’m being dramatic, of course there are factors that didn’t let her kick them out. But, my point stands.
That wasn’t meaaan that was playful reassurance, she’s telling him she’s THERE FOR HIM. They all care sooosososo much. If none of the, cared about each other, any “betrayal” wouldn’t mean that much. People get hurt like that because of their bonds and yes, YES I’m being opinionated but they’re like the found family ever, god. Fiona is fucking amazing and she wouldn’t put up with anyone if she didn’t either have to, or care, and after a certain point it’s very obvious that it’s not the first one.
TLDR; Tales is great, stan Fiona, stan Rhys, Stan Sasha and Vaughn,,, my glorious queens and kings. Forgive any typos or grammar I wrote this on a passionate whim,
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i-live-in-your-vents · 8 months
May I request Texas art and maybe hc’s? 👁️👁️
*not forcing <3*
Why of course my good sir!
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Here he is! Here’s the guy! I didn’t really feel like doing full body so I didn’t lol. And I tooootally didn’t look up how to draw a cowboy hat because I had no idea how to… nooo, never… (I’ve never drawn him before, so his appearance may change a bit in the future)
Onto the hc’s, I do have a few for our cowboy here!
— He definitely has a blanket that’s also his state flag (I’m not sure if this is cannon, but I’ve seen it in so many fics it might as well be lol)
— He has a gun collection, as well as a few other states, and they like showing off their gun collections to each other.
— His rivalry with Oklahoma is more of a petty rivalry that turned into just a habit than an actual hate/dislike (not to say they don’t dislike each other, it’s just nowhere near what his and Cal’s rivalry is)
— He likes birds. I have no idea where this came from, but it’s not leaving. My man likes his birds
— He’ll say his favorite color is something “manly” like red or something, but it’s not. He likes sky-blue, lavender, and pink (he’d drown himself in toilet water before ever admitting it though)
— He has asthma. I came up with this as I was thinking about my hc’s for him literally like 3 minutes ago. My brain was just like “this guy cannot breathe well” and you know what? Sure. He cannot breathe well. (There has definitely been a time when he was in a heated argument with someone at the table but then just doubled over and started wheezing/gasping for air (asthma attack) and was like “Hold on— *Wheeze* gimme a second. *Wheeze* Someone plea— *Wheeze* —se get me my— *Wheezing continues* damn inhaler!!”)
— So it’s cannon that Texas is a system, but I’m pretty sure we’ve only seen him and Austin. My Texas’s system is comprised of Texas, Austin, Huston, San Antonio, and maybe Dallas (haven’t decided yet)
— Shatter glass near him (especially by dropping it) and he will have a panic attack. I mean like, full on sobbing “Nononono please I’m sorry whatever I did I’m sorry please don’t” as he backs up as much as he can and then just sinks to the ground waiting to get hit (fuck you Mexico)
— Speaking (typing? Writing?) of Mexico, he was very abusive. Texas has so many scars (emotional and physical) that came from him. Sometimes Tex still finds himself thinking it was all his fault (as per Mexico would always tell him)
— He has nightmares, frequently. He usually just ends up staring at the ceiling or crying himself back to sleep after a nightmare.
— He was close with California before. They had a big (huge) fight and they haven’t been the same ever since. He wishes he could take back all he said, go back and fix everything, apologize, be close to him again, but he can’t. (He can, he’s debated going over and apologizing for everything many times, he always backs down because “there’s no way he’d forgive me, he’d laugh in my face and slam the door.” (He would not. Cal also wishes he could take back all he said and apologize and fix everything, but they’re both stupid and think the other will be mad at them))
Hmmm, I think this is all for now! I love traumatizing my blorbos, don’t you?
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sweetyyhippyy · 2 years
Can’t Sleep. Eddie Munson x Fem! Reader. *FLUFF*
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(None of the pictures are mine. Only the edit!)
Summary: Based off this post @eddies-ashtray​ made and what @harryshawaiinshirt said in the comments. Eddie comes home after a long day at work and falls asleep cuddling reader. 
TW: Eddie being a soft boy (wanting cuddles, wanting to be babied by his girlfriend). Reference to sex at the end. 
Word Count: 1k
The one thing that sucked about Eddie working so late, was 9/10 times, he woke her up when he got home, even if he tried to tiptoe around the room.
His clumsy self would knock something over, bump into something, or she would just sense him in their room.
Tonight was no different, she woke up once she heard their bedroom door click shut, jumping slightly.
“Sorry, I really tried to stay quiet.” Eddie whispers, taking his bath towel and drying his chest off. “You looked really comfy, I didn’t want to wake you.”
“It’s okay. I didn’t even hear you get in the shower.” She mumbles, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. “Did you get my note about the dinner I left in the fridge for you?”
Eddie finishes drying off, opening the top dresser drawer to grab the first pair of boxers on top, and sliding them on. He climbs into bed next to his girlfriend, throwing the blankets over himself as he cuddles behind her, throwing his arm around her. “I did. I practically inhaled it.” He says, kissing her cheek over and over. “Thank you, sweetheart. How was your day?”
“I missed you, of course. But it wasn’t too bad. Wanted a kiss all day.” She smiles and turns her head toward him, pouting her lips out to beg for a kiss.
“Oh, a kiss here?” Eddie teases, kissing the top of her head with a laugh.
“Nooo.” She whines, making kissing noises with her lips.
“Oh! There!” He smirks, finally kissing her lips. “Mmm, gimmie another.” He goes back in for seconds, this time lingering longer. 
She sighs contently, happy that he was finally home and that she could go back to sleep.
“I love you.” Eddie mutters in her ear, practically falling asleep already.
“Mm, I love you more.” She replies, cuddling against him closer.
It wasn’t long before Eddie started his usual falling asleep routine. He was sometimes an absolute nightmare to sleep next to, between him tossing and turning before he finally fell asleep, his muscles twitching against her, and then when he was finally asleep, he was constantly murmuring/talking, sometimes kicking her, snoring, and worst of all he ran hotter than the surface of the sun.
He kept moving behind her, pressing himself against her - not in a sexual way, just a result of him fidgeting.
She huffs in slight annoyance, hoping he wasn’t too far into his sleep that he didn’t hear her. She could feel his body relax against hers finally, all of his movements seizing. Finally it was her turn to go back to bed.
At some point she had woken up, her whole body was covered in a layer of sweat, her back especially since Eddie was still pressed right against her.
She whines, throwing the sheets off of her in order to cool down. It wasn’t nearly enough for her, so she wiggles out of his hold to scoot to the other side of the bed.
Eddie wakes up feeling his arm flop onto the bed. “Babe?” He rasps, sleep still laced in his voice. “Where you going?”
“You’re too hot, Eds. I’m sweaty.” She responds, fixing her pillow underneath her.
Eddie pouts slightly, waiting until she’s settled to scootch next to her in bed, snaking his arm under her shirt.
“Eddie,” She whines. “Baby, I love you but you’re practically burning up. I can’t sleep when I’m sweaty.”
“But I can’t sleep when I’m not touching you.” He knew exactly what he was doing using his cute little “innocent” voice on her.
She rolls over to her back, looking up at his dimly lit face from the moon light that was seeping through their blinds. “You are a fucking brat, you know that?” She jokes, rolling over to rest her head on his bare chest, his skin slightly sticky with sweat.
Eddie wraps his arm around her, a smile of triumph on his face while he leans down to kiss her head. “But you know I really can’t go without touching you when we’re sleeping.”
She can hear the smile on his face, which makes her bite her own smile back. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go back to bed, you giant heating pad.”
It felt like only 20 minutes had passed before her alarm went off at 8:30, making both of them jump at the noise.
She blinks awake, feeling the weight of Eddie’s head on her chest and some of his hair tickling her bare skin. At some point she had woken up again in a hot sweat from Eddie’s body and ripped her shirt off, and she knew at some point he had woken up afterwards and noticed his girlfriend topless and decided to bask in it.
“Turn it off.” Eddie mumbles against her skin, not moving his body an inch.
“I would, but your big, sweaty head is on me.” She wiggles underneath him, trying to get him to move just a little bit.
Eddie huffs dramatically, letting her go and flopping himself back on the bed, belly down on the mattress.
She rolls over and turns the alarm off finally, laying back down next to him. She wraps her arm around his warm body and hugs him close to her, kissing his back. “Mornin’ sleepy head.”
“No, you’re mean.” He mumbles.
“Why are you being a cry baby?” She teases in a cute voice, nuzzling her head next to his face.
“You said I had a big head. Plus you were being mean to me last night when I wanted to cuddle with you.”
She knew he was just giving her a hard time, that what she was doing or saying didn’t really hurt his feelings, he just wanted to be babied by her, especially so early in the morning. “I know what’ll make you feel better.” She sings in his ear, nipping at the skin below his lobe.
Eddie slightly picks his head up, curious to hear her offer.
“How about lazy morning sex, and breakfast before I have to go to work to say I’m sorry for being mean to you?” She whispers softly in his ear before being practically shoved onto the mattress and his body weight on top of hers.
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hangezoeenthusiast · 3 years
c!multiple x god!reader
notes: the reader will be the god of death to make it a little bit more spicy :). c!punz’s pronouns are he/they, i’m not sure about the others, but i know theirs. also why does ranboo take away my gender? /j
word count: 1,672
warnings: arson, violence, cursing, yelling, mention of death, voices in technos part, spoilers for wilbur if you haven’t watch tommy’s lore stream, revival for wilbur, making a religion, time travel, egg, prison, stealing, anarchy, playful name calling
so obviously y’all would be a great match :)
you have creative mode, so when sap would ask you to give him a lighter and tnt, you would GLADLY give it
also, can we talk about him being a nether hybrid
fire squared
like fires left and right, hide your mom and your children in your house lol /j
but besides the whole arson thing, you favor him above anyone else on the server
like if he asks for diamond blocks, well here’s a whole inventory of it, also, here’s some ancient debris and some netherite
if someone asked, you would probably grant them with poison and curses, just because you can’t be “unloyal” to snapchat 
wouldn’t be lonely anymore
this duo is less chaotic, but chaotic enough where people avoid you
he still asks you for stuff, but most of the time, you don’t give him it because he annoys you too much about giving stuff
“hey y/n/n, can i pretty please get some emerald blocks.”
“nope bitch, get it yourself.”
but sometimes, you grant him some op shit, when it’s your good day
“because i’m being nice, here’s some diamond, now, don’t ask me again you little piss baby.”
“shut your trap y/n.”
“or what homeless teletubby, what are you going to do to a god like me?”
“you hang out with technoblade to much.”
maybe the least chaotic duo
you guys keep on relaxing and relaxing until the point where you don’t do anything
he barely asks you for anything, but only when it’s really really important, like a house or build
especially when he was building his little cottagecore house, he needed your godly presence to help
“y/n, what should the roof be made of?”
“i suggest brick, it makes it more aestheticy if that makes any sense.”
also barely any drama or tea with you guys
never arguing and never betraying each other is a must
also another least chaotic duo
literally help him with his bee farm, he will (platonically) love you forever
gotta be close to ranboo, that’s the rule
gives him SO much stuff, he’s a precious boi 🙄
also gotta be close to tommy, but not as much unfortunately
you help him pick out things for builds, like what material clashes with another, etc
“do you think that the wool and the netherite blocks look good together y/n?”
“nah, what i suggest is the wool with the gold, it looks perfect.”
sometiems, gotta put him in check because he gets a little ego built up
you definitely yank his horn a little too hard because of your IMMENSE STRENGTH
“calm down sunny, you were just getting a bit over your head a little.”
chaotic duo like sapnap
snaps at anyone who annoys you and vice versa
you give him EVERYTHING, obviously except op and creative
he tries to persuade you to do something, but dreamxd wouldn’t allow it, since he is the main boss
“come on y/n, give me op.”
“no tommy, xd will kick my ass.”
you would DEFINITELY help him with the Big Innit Hotel, making the whole layout and color palette.
both of you have an intense hatred for ranboo, since he “stole” tubbo away from tommy
least involved in everything
just stay in the tundra and drink some tea, and you’re good for all of your life
helps him get netherite all the time so your boii can get the good stuff 😬
when he mines to get diamonds, he literally prays to you
“y/n, if you’re listening, please give me a 6 vein, i desperately need it for my collection of diamond blocks.”
more than a 6 vein actually, a 12 vein
guess he needs to pray to you more
daily tea sessions, to talk about the good stuff, and NO, and i repeat NO skipping
threatening to flick water on him check ✅
Wilbur Soot
literally you spoil him
not to be angsty, but when he died and lost his last canon life, you revived him instead of Dream
now he’s practically at your knees
like he’s thinks that he owes you, but actually that’s the opposite
he was revived because you were lonely, and wanted your best friend back :(
prays to you when he goes to bed
“hey y/n, hope you’re having a great day, (platonically) love you.”
“love you too mortal.”
sometimes, to be at the peak of godness, you shower upon wilbur as gold to symbolize blessings, like zeus did before
“omg y/n, what are you doing?”
“i’m trying to bless you, shut up bitch.”
just saying, he would make a religion about you :/
Karl Jacobs
omg don’t get me started on this
first, you wouldn’t codone him going back in time
he would definitely forget your name a lot, so that’s why you hated it
“hey karl, how are you doing?”
“i’m sorry, but do i know you?”
you were definitely the one to push him towards sapnap and quackity
this is also another spoiled boi
give him the entire world while you’re at it pwease
he wants a few diamonds, nope, give him a chest full of them
why are there so much chaotic duos in here?
literally chaos times infinity
energy to the max
literally, did you take an energy drink
grants him every wish he can randomly think off
“can i get a bucket with lava and a fish in it?”
“weird choice, but ok man.”
gotta be close to sap and karl or he isn’t your friend anymore /j
helps with las nevadas a lot, and definitely tries to rig the machines so you get money
“hey big q, i got 10,000 dollars.”
“that’s impossible... y/n, did you cheat?”
“nooo 😊”
help him preen his wings, and he goes “I LOVE YOU, MWAH MWAH.” obviously in his mind 🙄
definitely helps him maintain the prison
you both love setting up red stone contraptions and pistons and all that giz
“hey sam, do you know where the redstone torches are?”
“yeah, there behind the pistons in the back.”
also you helped build the prison, since he could do that by himself
“are you sure that lava wall will work y/n, your calculations seem inaccurate.”
“i’m sure sam, this will add some more security to this goddamn server.”
nerd squared lol
wouldn’t condone the egg
you warned him multiple times to get away from its grasp, but most of the times he’ll decline
“i won’t y/n, the egg is the future.”
he still, even after all the advancements, even after everything, he tries to ask you to join the eggpire
“come on y/n, you’ll like being with us.”
“i don’t wanna be on a stupid egg side, like let me crack the egg, i wanna eat it and turn it into a omelette.”
he doesn’t like that joke :(
but before he discovered the egg, both of you were joint at the hip
sight seeing was a must
languages being thrown around everywhere, since you were the little language muffin
steals stuff from everyone
hide your stuff, because the punzo-y/n team is unstoppable
definitely they can be really stubborn and indecisive
like one day, he will be like, “i need gold blocks.” and the next, “nevermind, i need netherite actually.”
like hon, stop switching
also anarchy buddies
burning down forests and buildings are your guys’s specialty
when you give him gold when they doesn’t ask, his heart goes brrr and his brain goes, “pog pog, they’re so cool, lets hug them.”
now this is the most deadly duo in the entire Dream Smp
better not piss you guys off 😐
he’s the Blood God, and you’re the God/Goddess/God being of Death
so if some occasion where you need to battle someone, like Techno’s enemies, *clears throat and murmurs Quackity*, you will obviously back your boy up :)
help him with enchanting and potions and he’s set for life
also you got have to be close to the great Philza Minecraft since him and Techno are buddy buddy
anarchy squared
helps with the voices since you have some of your own
“so what you’re saying is that i need to pay attention to them?”
“yeah, when i first learned that the voices were in my head, i tried to ignore them, but that sucked. so what i did was try to distract myself with various tasks, and that sucked.”
“so what do i do, you’re saying that i should listen to them, but how do i do that when they literally shout at me.”
“just embrace it, obviously when they do their little chant of blood for the blood god, you have to ignore them.”
“you suck at advice.”
Philza Minecraft
so since both of you resemble death, him being the Angel of Death and you being the God/Goddess/God being of Death, y’all are fucking best friends, platonic soulmates if you will
death squared
watch out, because if you piss them off, prepare to d-
gotta be close to Ranboo and Techno, and obviously others who he platonically likes
he doesn’t need to ask you for stuff, he’s the fricking Angel of Death, but he will ask you to preen his wings :D
“ow, not there y/n.”
“oh shut up grandpa, let me do it.”
Dream XD
two gods at once, damn there is so much chaos
left and right, you guys are noticed by everyone, like purrrr
y’all would be in some fancy shit, to show your power
you would get jealous of him hanging out with george
“why are you jealous y/n?”
“you’re hanging out with george to much, hang out with me please :(.”
gifts are a must, even though both of you have access to creative
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authoressskr · 3 years
Tracking Death and Magic, pt 2
Characters: f!Reader [known in this fic as Duchess], Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Phil Coulson, Peter Parker, Bruce Banner, Sam Wilson, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Clint Barton, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, mentions of Dr. Strange, OFCs
Warnings: Language, death, angst, and no Beta   ::    Notes: this was written for @captain-kelli’s #ckcomebacktour – WELCOME BACK!!    ::   Word Count: 10,414
Mythological + Fairy Tale Creatures AU feat. Alpha Werewolf/Vampire!Bucky, Alpha Werewolf/Vampire!Steve, Giant!Hulk side Bruce, Born Witch!Wanda, Hellhound mix!Reader
Someone is hunting down those with Fae blood in New York. And no one can figure out why or who is behind the crimes. So higher ups in the city hand the case over to SHIELD, who deals with the more difficult supernatural cases. But even after two weeks, this small elite team can’t seem to figure out where the person or persons responsible will strike or the reasoning behind it. Anyone with a drop of Fae blood is scared…scared of being kidnapped or killed. Time to call in some outside help.
Prompt: [*In Part 1*] “All of those people are alive right now - all because of her.”
[ Please do NOT repost, copy & paste, translate, post or share my works on any other platform without my EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION. 18+ ONLY PLEASE, all content providers don’t want serious repercussions from underage interactions, myself included. ]
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Part One
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You could feel it as you walked up to the sidewalk where Cyrus had been killed. The now dried and cleaned sidewalk not hiding it’s dark shadows from you in the waning late afternoon light.
The creeping, underhanded power of the Seelie Court brushing against you.
The poison is a prominent smell to your hound side still since it’s only been a day and a half. Cyrus’s soul hasn’t lingered, so that at least is a blessing, but the conversation with your uncle and this fresh site is putting your nerves on the very edge. You can ‘see’ the faint magic outline where he died, you knew he’d be wearing his homemade medallion to ward off evil. Swallowing, you kneel where his feet would have been, reaching out with your magic.
The flashes that echo painfully through your mind make you gasp.
The cloaked figure is stealing magic. Taking it violently. To him, the more violent and quick, the better. It honestly just makes your stomach roll, the saliva building in your closed and clenched mouth.
But why? You can taste the lighter magic associated with the Seelie Court - the Court of Light - the kind that humans and others often think of when they think of the fair folk. The court thought, it doesn’t deal with humans or others unless absolutely needed…
When you told Hades you suspected a member of the higher courts on your little walk, you hadn’t anticipated to be able to feel it. The boots, the glistening silver swords, the escape when you had moved a forgotten tiny part of the sithen under the alley -- now it all makes a lot more sense now. The shiver that runs down your spine at the implications this creates. May the God and Goddess spare all those innocents involved, you pray quickly.
A henchman for the shining Seelie Court, sweet baby Jesus. What had you gotten yourself into?? What had SHIELD stumbled into??
The residual death is quick, but still it steals into you, taking away what little baited breath you had. Feeling the tears prickle your eyes as you try to figure out these new pieces of the puzzle.
Hades can’t help you - Gods can’t interfere with other pantheons businesses, good or bad.
Hades can’t save you from the other half of yourself.
It was something you had always known in the back of your mind, but the harsh slap of it hurt more than the death and falling pieces of this horrible plot. But...just maybe there could be a light in this cave of fae intrigue and murder. There are others whom you can save.
The three stolen wouldn’t be taken to the sithen, that would be too obvious of their involvement. Plus, they were fae and thus could leave as long as not put into a dungeon there and theoretically had enough power and know-how to do so. But had the cloaked figure been draining them, you weren’t sure if they could get out or away.
So, that would mean they were still somewhere close by.
The last traces of magic from the murder, Cyrus’s own traces, and your hellhound senses in overdrive to track everything - you’re drowning as the sun sinks just a tad lower in the sky, creating the beginnings of the lovely orange autumn color you adore. Fall was closer than you remembered. You can vaguely hear your name being said, like being underwater almost. Then you can smell sage, lemon and juniper - the sweet smells of the entrance to the Underworld.
The way the newcomer says your name grounds you, while Bucky calling your name brings you closer to the surface - your mate...Bucky brings you back to reality. And he’s protective and bristling slightly at the other man who is holding your arm’s firmly.
You’re looking up at the slightly blurry face of a traditionally handsome Greek man, all muscle and blurry smile, with thick black hair and sweet honey brown eyes.
“I hate your human disguise sometimes,” You grunt and turn to plop down on your ass as Bucky watches as the man lean in and proceed to lick from your chin up to your hairline. “Okay, okay...thank you Cerb,” You shove his chest gently to get him to release you, reaching for Bucky’s hand automatically. “This is my mate, Bucky. Don’t snap at him.” Cerberus gives you puppy dog eyes, his nerves calming down slightly to hold his form better. So at least now it was one face instead of the three blurry ones superimposed over each other.
“Did you just say Cerby?!” Wanda sounds astonished.
“As in Cerberus?” Natasha questions calmly. The guardian to the Underworld stands up and he’s visibly excited looking from you to Natasha and Wanda.
“Yes,” You coo. “This is my best friend in the whole world and Underworld, Cerberus. Cerberus, this is Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers is his best friend. Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton, Phil Coulson. Wanda Maximoff and her twin, Pietro.”
“Pleasure,” His deep voice almost has an echo to it. “Lord said you needed looking after, pup. He was right. Too close.”
“I know,” You sigh out as your hand subconsciously clenches Bucky’s a little tighter even after he helps you up.
“No,” Cerberus growls. “Close.”
“Fucking great,” You growl out in reply, anger rising.
“See anything?” Phil asks, forehead furrowed just so. You sigh again, anger dissipating as quickly as it had boiled up.
“We are in a shit ton of trouble.”
“We are aware of that, kid,” Steve states, crossing his arms over his wide chest.
“Nooo. Like real shit ton of trouble. Seelie Court trouble.” Phil lets out a string of curses as Clint’s stance gets more rigid. “The cloaked asshole is working for the Seelie Court. I can taste the residual light magic. And he’s stealing magic. That’s why he’s been killing most of them. Kidnapping the more powerful ones to drain them continuously, I’m guessing.”
“He can’t take them back to the golden sithen,” Phil states, following where you’re leading. “So they’re still in the area.”
“I think he took them where there’s more greenery and nature, it would make it more comfortable for him. Someplace secretive to drain and hide them.”
“Central Park,” Bucky reasons. “It makes the most sense. It would be easy for him to hide them there, especially if he was -” He stops as you start exhibiting nervous energy beside him, enough to upset his wolf and your scent to change. “What is it?”
“Only royalty can move the sithen,” You whisper, eyes focused solely on Phil.
“I have to let Fury know…” Phil looks at you with pity and sadness appearing in his blue eyes. “Everything.”
“I figured as much when I tasted their magic,” face contorting with a pained expression is all Bucky sees on your lovely face as you whisper the words defeatedly. He’s on edge now with your changing emotions and scents, trying to keep his eyes from shifting too much or his fangs popping out to prepare for the impending fight, the need to protect and soothe you almost overwhelming him internally.
“I’m sorry,” He offers, moving forward to squeeze your shoulder sympathetically, withdrawing the phone from his pant pocket as your free hand shoots forward to grip his wrist tightly, a plea written plainly for all to see on your almost panicking face.
“Please Phil...delay it til the morning. I can’t...they’ll -” Bucky and Steve can taste the fear that’s rolling off you now, raising his hackles as Cerberus eyes him with interest before returning his gaze to Duchess.
“I won’t let your other side harm you,” Cerby snarls, his handsome olive face contorted with anger as you wince hard. Bucky tugs you into him as much as he can with your iron grip still on Phil, soothing the pacing and snarling wolf in his head as much as he is soothing you.
That’s why you said you should be better at wording things, Bucky thinks to himself, nuzzling his nose into your hair, fangs no longer a worry as your scent shifts yet again to worry. Only now he realizes you are concerned about how he sees you.
“Do you care I’m a werewolf and vampire crossbreed 100 year old plus former assassin?” Bucky mumbles softly against your head, making you pull away to look up at him, shock and confusion making you wrinkle your forehead at your mate. Your scent shifts to calm Bucky now, eyes tearing up just a tad as his wolf shakes and settles down. Mate needs reassurance.
“No!” You release Phil’s wrist to cup Bucky’s cheek, thumb moving over the course hairs of his beard. “I don’t care what you are. You’re mine, James.” The light in Bucky’s eyes stun you with his smile, his eyes crinkling beautifully. Just radiating his happiness in that simple little motion of his elated smile, your inner hound almost dopey at the tenderness your mate is exuding.
“Then why would I care if you're half fae?” He presses his forehead down against yours, making you squeeze your eyes closed to prevent the tears from falling. “You’re my mate, Duchess. I don’t care what you are, as long as I get to keep you. Understand, doll?”
“I just don’t want to be known as one of them...as one of the Shining Court. That’s not me.” You keep your eyes squeezed close, taking comfort in your mate’s touch and his surrounding scent, blocking out everything but Bucky.
“You moving that fast with that sword was hot though,” Bucky rumbles out, making laughter just peel out of you, opening your eyes to be met with those intensive cerulean orbs.
“You’re too good,” You copy his statement from the closet earlier, smiling up at the most important person in your life.
But that comment does make you think, yanking your forehead away from Bucky to snap back to Coulson.
“Phil! It’s for my father!”
“You sure?”
“It has to be! Only royalty can move the sithen! The High Prince has probably a quarter of the fae power I do and his son probably barely enough to magically open a doorway in the sithen.”
“Wait,” Clint starts, twirling a toothpick between his front teeth before pointing it at you and continuing. “So you’re a fae princess?!”
You wince again, Bucky’s metal fingers slipping under the edge of your shirt bottom to stroke your skin to ease the emotions swirling in and around you - at least they are much more in control and subdued than minutes ago. “Technically, yes.” You admit in a defeated whisper. “My grandmother is the Queen of the Seelie Court.”
“Which is why Peter said you were ordering the cloaked man to answer you,” Steve states, rolling his shoulders to relieve some tension. Too late you realize that since Steve and Bucky are actually pack that he was getting some diluted effects of your emotional rollercoaster just now just by being so close to the two of you. ‘Sorry,’ You mouth to him as he gives you a soft smile in return.
“So that’s why the ground shook?” Bucky asked, forehead slightly furrowed at Phil then down to you. “How can you move the whole sithen?”
“Oh, I can’t. I couldn’t do that unless I was Queen and would need a whole lot of blood magic to back it up to move it. And honestly, the sithen is a living thing, so it would need to be...um...convinced. But moving pieces of it - especially forgotten or ‘dead’ spaces that the court don’t access - is fairly easy if you know what you are doing. Hades is Lord of the Underworld. Is the “Underworld” just under Greece? No. It’s everywhere AND a specific place. The same properties apply to the sithen,” You shrug as if it hasn’t really occurred to you the schematics of it all.
“Ahh, sort of like the Sanctum Sanctorum of Dr. Strange’s,” Pietro supplies, tapping a finger against his chin with a small grin.
“Yes and no.”
“I was thinking more like the jet,” Wanda supplies to her twin who frowns at her.
“So if Dr. Strange had a Sanctum Sanctorum jet?”
“Jesus. Christ.” Coulson and Natasha mutter loudly in sync, sighing and turning away slightly from the twins and Clint who is nodding along with their continued discussion.
“So could you find the piece of the sithen in Central Park?” Steve moves the conversation back to the kidnapped victims, you watching him unclench and clench his right hand slightly. You move a little more into Bucky and reach for Steve’s right hand. His head snaps over to you almost comically fast, while you just try to exude a calming energy. Bucky whispers a soft ‘thank you’ against your temple before gently reaching over to squeeze Steve’s shoulder. You can almost feel Steve’s blood pressure drop once both you and Bucky are calm and now working on calming him.
“Yeah, I could. I’ve scented the magic signature he’s used both attacking me and at the crime scenes, so shouldn’t be too hard to locate it. I mean, I won’t be exactly spot on, but will be close enough to be able to move the sithen bit to me and manipulate it open hopefully.”
“So that’s the play,” Natasha states as Phil whips out his cell, causing another spike in anxiety to roll through you, but Bucky and Steve both quickly whisk it away with their touch.
“Yes, sir,” Phil states evenly. “We may have located the kidnapped parties. I request a team to subtly clear and surround Central Park. Yes, sir.” His right eyelid gives one lone twitch. “Yes, all Avengers to the Park. We are dealing with Seelie Court involved matters. Yes, she is here and will be leading us to the kidnapped hostages. Affirmative. Will do, sir.” He hangs up to find everyone staring at him. “Tony will be bringing everyone’s gear and then we’ll head to Central Park. If you have any requests or needs, please bother Stark. I have a whole ops to coordinate.” A black suv pulls up behind him, which no one even flinches at. “I’ll meet you all in an hour. Stark will know the location.”
“Onward to probable death!” Pietro mutters with fake enthusiasm and you frown at him, Cerberus moving closer to you until his arm is brushing. The scent of sage, juniper and lemon - overlapped with the scent of coffee, cinnamon, cedar and a soft ocean breeze, things distinctly Bucky to you, even the scent of orange faintly coming from Steve - do nothing to help the pit in your belly.
How true, you muse morbidly, glancing up into sad honey brown eyes. You can both catch the faint, trace smell of death.
And you both know it’s from you.
Tony had brought you several SHIELD jumpsuits in various colors: gray, blue and black, smirking as you had raised an eyebrow at him. “Seriously?”
“Yes, seriously, little hellhound. They’ll all form to fit you. Bucky and Peter mentioned swords, so I brought some thigh holsters as well as a back holster, since I didn’t know the length of your swords. Natasha has extra guns aboard the jet if you are into that. Also, we don’t have time for you two to be frisky, so -”
“Shut up, Tony,” Bucky had growled from behind him, just making Tony smile wider. Seeing Bucky in his hero suit was a whole different sexy than last night and this morning. Well, you now understood why Tony was having concerns about you two because - dear gods did you want Bucky to bend you over something and take you with that suit on. You’d be equally happy to just drop to your knees and thank your mate for this look. Bucky obviously can see and sense the changes as you are basically drooling and clenching your thighs, while having an iron grip on the dark blue suit you had been favoring.
“Remember!” Tony says loudly while shaking a finger at you before Steve comes up beside Bucky and herds the grinning man from the room where you’re surrounded by suits and weapons.
“Eyes are glowing again, doll,” Bucky purrs as he comes to a halt before you.
“Can’t help it, it’s an emotional reaction most of the time,” You breath out, a smile playing on the corner of his lips at your answer. “Used to just do it when I was extremely pissed off. Now apparently it decides to pop up whenever I’m -”
“Focusing. On. My. Mate.” You insist as he rumbles out a laugh, bending forward to kiss your forehead sweetly. You tilt your head up to catch his eye again, giving him a small smile as you reach out to take his flesh hand. “But just FYI, I can smell you’re horny too. And them pants is tiiight.” He captures your lips in a searing kiss, pulling you so tight against his chest that the buckles dig into you a little, just making you all the more riled up.
“Mate,” Bucky’s voice is part plea and warning in it’s roughness after you two pull apart, you nosing along his throat, kissing the skin where your mark should adorn.
“You could leave to let me get dressed…?”
“Where the hell is the fun in that, doll? Huh?” Both of you are chuckling, touching each other as much as possible but struggling to keep it PG.
“Bucky, I know you don’t want to bring this up…”
“But this could be it, ya know? So I need you to sort of brace yourself if it does.” His back is now ramrod straight and his jaw clenched tight, but holding your gaze.
“I won’t let it happen.” The determination from your first meeting is back, but you can only muster the softest look in reply, letting the suit fall to the ground as you cup his face with both hands.
“Sweetheart,” You coo gently, watching the sadness dance in his eyes that he’s trying hard to hide. “I adore you. I trust you inexplicably. I would happily spend the rest of my life with you. To mate you, to marry you...to have a little baby that looks just like you, that’s all I want. You deserve some peace and so. much. love.” His hands are gripping tight onto your waist, you can feel the fingertips digging in as you continue. “But you know I’m marked for death, Bucky. They’ve tried most of my life to circumvent it, stop it, undo it. But death comes for me regardless. I need you to not pull away from everyone if that happens. You’ll need them. Please.”
“I don’t - I don’t want to deal with that. I can’t. I can’t lose you too. I said I would protect you and keep you safe. I’m no Alpha if I don’t try. I’m no mate if I don’t try.” You’re at a standstill, both now in emotional turmoil over this topic, trying not to let it bleed into the other. He presses his forehead against yours hard, staring into each other’s eyes. “I love you,” He whispers and it’s all you ever wanted to hear. Right now, you had all wanted right here - a wonderful mate who loved you and would try to move heaven and earth for you, who didn’t care what you were. One of the most beautiful men in the whole world who looked at you like the sun rose and set by your whim. The whole thing was unfathomable.
“I love you, Bucky,” You breathe out in reply, longing for any other outcome but the one you know is coming. “And I will love you as long as you live.” Bucky makes a noise in the back of his throat, a couple tears sliding down his cheeks as yours begin to fall freely, letting him wrap his arms so securely around you as his beautiful blue jacket absorbs your quiet sobs.
The sun is nearly set, the sky streaked a hundred hues of dark pink and red as New York slowly descends into darkness.
Bucky is standing right beside you, outfit bringing out his eyes as he surveys the scene stoically. You’d chosen the dark blue jumpsuit to match his, arms brushing subtly as you stand just outside the magic lines - and sight lines from the sithen - of Central Park.
Although you can’t see them, you can vaguely sense the score of SHIELD agents and Avengers scattered on the edges of the treelines. But you can ‘see’ the edge of the piece of sithen just shy of the Azalea Pond at the center of the Ramble. Bucky had been the one with his tablet naming things off to you - you had only moved to New York two years ago after all - trying to help you narrow down areas where it could have been. You wish you had had the time for him to show you around New York, around Brooklyn, and places that still stood from when he was younger.
Cerberus is on the other side of the pond, should the cloaked figure try to escape, swathed in the grip of Underworld magic to keep him invisible and thus much more easy to herd or pounce.
Wanda is piggybacking off your abilities, twined with yours temporarily so she could sense the heartbeats of the victims now that you had a location. Sam is in the trees to the left of the pond with Peter, Steve and Tony on the right while Clint, Natasha and Pietro cut off any other possible exit points. Bruce is staying by the ambulances, ready to Hulk out should the need arise, although you could tell from his face he was radiating the bright hope it absolutely would not.
Any way the cloaked figure ran, he’d be funneled where the Avengers chose. There would be no escape. As a failsafe, Pietro would be the only one to engage with him except you, since he would be the most able to take him on with the fae speed.
You drag yourself back to reality, turning to gaze over at Bucky and steeling yourself with one last deep breath before starting down the short path to the Azalea Pond.
“Be safe for me, doll,” Bucky says softly, almost as soft as the small breeze suddenly around you two. You manage to nod, throat closing up again. The fair folk do not lie. It had been beaten into you, quite literally, when you were little at court. You want nothing more than to lie to Bucky in that moment. To reassure him you will be safe for him. But the fair folk do not lie.
Good thing you are not solely fair folk. You reach for his hand, grasping just his flesh fingertips in your grip and squeezing them hard. It’s a millisecond in time, but it seems like one of those Lord of the Rings moments that are in that slow, dramatic, longing-filled motion. “I’ll do my best, handsome.” Dropping his hand before you lose your resolve, you take the barely visible path towards the pond. Your magic is swirling with Wanda’s, your senses all in overdrive - so much so you can’t even register the smell of the flowers blooming along the landmark.
Pursing your lips, you whistle a simple five note tune that fae had used for time beyond memory.
From behind you comes that deep, craggly voice, “Greetings, highness.”
“Greetings, servant,” He gives a little hiss at the title you bestow. “SHIELD has sent me to inform you that if you cooperate, you will not be sentenced to death.”
“They are mostly human. I do not fear the humans.”
“You are not wise to not fear them,” You give a pregnant pause, making sure you give that haughty look the court loves to disperse. “If you do not accept this offer, I am to inform you that I, Princess Duchess Propolos Hekatos, will be judge, jury and - if need be - executioner.” He pushes back his cloak hood back, allowing you to finally see his scaled face. He was probably one of very few left over of those lizard scaled dwarves who stayed closer to the caverns around lakes and seas when humans first emerged as semi-civilized, with beautiful almost translucent rainbow sheened scales around his eyes and cheeks, his mouth set in a thin line with no lips.
“I was damned from the get go, princess.”
“We are only as we choose to be - it doesn’t have to be that way,” You insist, leaning a little forward, softening your eyes. Even if you disliked court life, the snobs of court who’s magic had begun to dwindle long before you were born, and how you were treated there - he was the same as you; a discarded fae. He doesn’t reply, though there is a flicker of something in his eyes, simply just unsheathes his double swords and gestures to you with his chin.
“Prepare, half breed,” Although his insult has less venom than the alley last night, you huff out a sigh at his tone. Like he’s just going through the motions. Asshat.
You shift your feet just so, straightening your spine as you wait for his move. Physically you are in that moment, but your power shifts the sithen opening to the side where Steve and Tony are waiting, causing the cloaked man to hiss, baring slightly sharpened front teeth at you. “Little bitch!” And his steel meets yours. “We will both die for this!” He snarls as he tries to drive you back towards the trees and brush opposite the pond, you holding the line as you wait for Wanda to signal you that the people had been recovered.
“I’ll deal with them when the time comes,” You growl low, blocking his blades yet again with a heavy clink, shifting just so that you can reach for Bucky’s favorite knife at the small of your back, tinged with the poison that your cloaked friend had been favoring and stabbing it into his side and piercing his lung with a squelch.
“The poison will do nothing to me,” He spits at you as you twirl your wrist to disarm him of one of the swords and slide Bucky’s knife back into its sheath.
“It will now. Dr Banner mixed it with another, a heavy iron involved one - infused with belladonna - to make you human slow,” You lean in as you block another wide swing from him with the one sword left, smiling wide. “And heal human slow.” The whole of Central Park shakes as you show your hand.
“No! NO!” He screams and hisses, attempting to swing his meaty fists at you now that he was without a weapon.
“I am still my grandmother’s first born grandchild. I am still the High Prince’s first born. I am a Princess of the Seelie High Court.” You lean in as your tone becomes more malicious with each word, watching true fear alight in his mossy green eyes. “And with all the inbreeding and decline for the last century,” You straighten up, your blue flames engulfing you as he attempts to scurry away from you, shielding his eyes against the light you emanate as he falls on his ass in the dense brush and dirt. “Let’s face it - I am probably the most powerful fae aside from the Queen of the Seelie and the King of the Unseelie.” Leaning down, fisting your hand in his cloak, you yank him back upright, snarling as your power dances behind your eyes, careful still to at least to not burn him with your flames. But watching him flinch at the heat, the basic fear all animals have towards a large flame, sets you more alight at the taste of that fear. “And absolutely the wrong person to piss off!”
“Spare me! Please!!” He screams, more high pitched than you had imagined, nearly making you wince as you see the red sparks above the tree line and see a blue clad shadow moving along the treeline coming closer to you. Pietro blurs past you, slapping old iron cuffs on the cloaked man, which sends him quite literally howling and screeching from the burn of the metal. 
Your flames give off a few large flickers before they begin to die down when Pietro says that they’ve gotten the kidnapped people to the ambulance they had on stand by, Bucky coming down the path towards you with a small smile on his lips as your eyes meet. Your magic shrinks back towards you, the weight of all the magic and your now overworked abilities settling back into you, your shoulders sagging a little with relief. It wasn’t over, but once your grandmother learned about your father and half-brother then she would be the one to end it.
The look in his cobalt eyes shift quickly, widening and moving to glare directly over your shoulder, his mouth moving in slow motion as he begins to barrel towards you, you begin to turn - only to feel the jerk of your body going forward instead. A glance downward shows a shiny red tip of one of the cloaked man’s swords protruding from just under your breasts, when you hear the mournful howl echo in and around your ears - only to realize it’s three distinct howls. The tang of blood spills into your mouth in a surprised gasp, turning slightly to see who has murdered you.
Your half brother’s hand is shaking slightly as he backs away from you, surprise written on both your faces as the scent of death finally fully fills your nose.
“I never thought -” You wheeze out, taking a few shaky steps towards your half-sibling as Bucky slides to a stop before you, his boots kicking up the fallen green leaves on the grass, both hands grasping your hips firmly as his eyes wander all over your body and face, tears already tracking down his cheeks. “You would have the balls!” You finish with another wheeze, the metallic taste much stronger now.
Bucky turns you to face him as Tony and Peter keep your half-brother from escaping, the darkening greenery of the world around you narrowing down to just Bucky. It’s a beautiful world to be relegated to actually.
“No. NO. Come on, doll. You - you gotta stay with me.” His voice is raw sounding, like he’s trying to not be loud, his metal hand putting pressure on the front wound as if it would help. His forehead is shoved against yours, your entire gaze narrowed to his blue eyes and his damp cheeks as he pulls you into his lap, collapsing the both of you to the ground. It’s funny almost to you in the moment...like you can still hear his loud, pitiful howl like a haunting melody behind everything he’s saying. “Doll, you gotta...come on, gotta fight. I need you to fight. Cerberus, he - he went to get Hades and Hecate. They’ll fix it. Just hold on til they get here, okay?”
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“I love you soo much, James Buchanan Barnes,” You’re heartbroken to watch him see your bloody bottom lip tremble, and the color seeping from your face. You can see him weighing all his options through his tears, trying to move your tired hand up to touch him, to comfort him.
“I love you too, babydoll, but please God, please … just stay with me.” The choked up sound of his voice makes you want to cry for causing him this pain. No amount of forewarning could have prepared you for this feeling - the feeling of slowly breaking and killing your mate.
“Mate,” is the last thing you manage to get out before you just go limp in his arms, those jewel eyes he loves so much already just staring up at the first stars twinkling in the sky unseeing. In the back of his mind, his vampire side offers up the idea which he swore to God he would never do. But all too late.
The howl that rips from his throat is pure misery and heartache, his body bowed over his mate’s, his grip still holding her in a vice. The blood cloys her scent, furthering his heartbreak.
He looks up, needing Steve on a near visceral level, only to not see anyone at all. Confusion slightly mars his grief, looking over his shoulder and all around the darkened area, but met with no familiar faces or words in his comms. Confusion gives way to his war training, the alertness on it’s highest notch as he scans around, sniffing delicately at the air as the world seems much darker now than it had just been. When he turns back towards the pond, on edge at the very tampered down scents surrounding him, he spots three almost identical women standing there with those dark pink azaleas framing behind them almost like a fresco - just appearing as if from nowhere like Hades had earlier on the street.
“James Barnes,” The one on the left begins, long dark brown hair falling freely to her waist. “We are sorry for your loss,” the one on the right continues, her hair half up in intricate braids. “But now that we have fulfilled our ill-spoken creed,” the middle speaks, all that dark mahogany hair piled atop her hair like a crown, before they all join hands as the hairs on the back of his neck and arms stand to attention at the sudden surge of power that surrounds him, his arms tensing as a wave of azalea scent blows around the two of them, bringing Duchess as close to him as possible again. “We will return our little cousin back to you.”
His mouth goes dry, forehead wrinkled in not understanding as he looks down at his mate, her eyes still open and her skin still dampened with that death pallor. Bucky gently uses his metal digits to close her eyelids, grief and nausea rolling through him simultaneously while the ground beside Bucky gives a small shake and splits open, Hades climbing so elegantly and easily from the ground below with Cerberus - in three-headed giant black dog form - with a wispy blue thing dangling from the middle head’s mouth. There isn’t even enough room left in him to be shocked, there is just acceptance of whatever this shit show was.
“Turns out, sometimes you just have to accept Fate and go through it in order to stop it,” Hades murmurs in his deep molasses voice, bending down just so, his long fingers gripping the back of Bucky’s neck loosely. “Will you accept your fate now, Bucky?”
“I’ll do anything for her,” Bucky rasps out with conviction shining in his tear-riddled eyes.
“Splendid,” Hades motions with his free hand for Cerberus to come forward. “You must take a mouthful of this first.” He orders sternly as a beautiful blonde woman, shorter than Duchess and with a more heavy hourglass shape, emerges from the crevice to the Underworld with a black and golden chalice. Bucky marvels at the tiny wild roses popping up in her wake as she walks around Cerberus to stand between himself and Hades. She sniffles as she looks at Duchess, one hand leaving the chalice as she frowns over at the Fates before brushing two fingers down his left cheek to his chin, the warmth from just her fingers seeping quickly into his icy feeling skin. He doesn’t even notice the Fates disappearing just after that, he’s so focused on the goddess before him.
“Remove the sword, Hades.” It’s gone with a wave at the woman’s order, Bucky unconsciously tightening his hold once again on his mate. “Now, Bucky, sweet little honeysuckle boy, take a mouthful of this - but don’t swallow.” She brings the cup to his lips and tips it up. “Now, when Cerberus drops her soul back into her body, kiss her and push all the ambrosia into her mouth. It’ll take a few seconds for her soul to readjust and the ambrosia to heal her before she comes back to consciousness, okay honeysuckle?” Bucky manages a jerky nod, rewarded with a pat to his cheek before she backs up towards Hades, Cerberus giving a huff as he leans down towards Duchess’s body.
“Three. Two. One.” Hades counts down, Cerberus’s light brown eyes locked onto Bucky’s before the middle head gently opens it’s very large jaw and the blue wisp floats down to her body. “Now.” Bucky smashes his lips against hers, feeding the liquid into her mouth with an edge of desperation barely restrained within him.
“Now we wa-” A gasp startles you all, her jewel-toned eyes blinking rapidly as her hands claw at Bucky’s waist where they’re trapped between them, until they’re focused on Bucky. Bucky lets loose a sob as she smiles up at him, blood now gone from her face.
“Hi handsome,” A tiny little cough to clear her throat. “Bucky,” Duchess manages to rasp out before she’s crushed to Bucky’s chest.
“I lost you,” Bucky half gasps/half sobs into her hair, the scent of blood seemingly long gone, a terrible dream from which he can now finally awaken...it was just her again. Just his mate.
“But you found me, handsome.”
Bucky manages to get out a soft chuckle as he pulls back to cup her face in his hands. “You do anything like that again, doll, and I swear I’ll -” She cuts him off with a kiss but he doesn’t miss the smile and silent eyeroll. When they break apart, she brings her hand up to cup his cheek, rubbing her thumb over his cheekbone repeatedly as Bucky just reveals in the warmth of her fingers and palms against his skin.
“You are mine,” She whispers so damn gently, like a breath of life gently fanning over his lips as her forehead bumps against his softly. Bucky understood this was her sign that everything was alright, that closeness of foreheads pressed together and reading every emotion in each other's eyes. 
“And you are mine,” Bucky affirms, electricity buzzing down his spine before he smiles wide at his mate, happy to see her own smile widen as he does so. “You’re stuck with me for forever now.” She tries to feign a disappointed look and tone, to school her eyes and keep her lips from twitching up in a grin is poorly executed.
“Oh, no. What a terrible thing, Sarge,” It comes out more as a purr, lighting a warmth and fire from within Bucky, elation now bleeding as a scent out of him at this tiny but monumental moment with his mate. A deep voice clearing his throat behind you brings you both a bit back more to the present, Bucky glancing to the left as your smile stays gracing your gorgeous face.
“Welcome back!” The goddess burst out, tears opening flowing down her lovely and soft olive oval face, falling to her knees behind Duchess and throwing her arms around her shoulders, squeezing her fiercely. She even pulls Bucky closer, smoothing a hand up and down his back as she hugs both of them just this side of painful.
“Thank you, theía.” Duchess grunts out from the tight sandwich she’s in, looking over to her uncle. “Theíos, what happened to that little motherfucker?”
Hades stern looking face breaks out in a tiny smile, looking so kindly down at the scene before him as Cerberus’s three heads lap and nuzzle at the three on ground. “He’s still being held on the other plane. And speaking of which, we should return quickly. Hecate might actually kill him and start a bigger conflict than which we already have on our hands.”
“Well that answers some of my questions,” Bucky mutters just behind her right ear, nipping at the earlobe gently as Persephone releases you all, gently wiping away her tears.
“I’ll fill you in as best I can later. After someone fills me in, that is,” Duchess promises with a quick but warm kiss to his lips. Hades helps his wife up, kissing both of her palms and exchanging a long, loving look before extending his hand for Duchess, Bucky shooting up beside her as they each have a hand hold on her and help to steady her as she sways just a touch.
“Much later,” Bucky agrees with the barest hint of a nod, just needing to soothe his mate still. Frankly, just needing to reconnect and optimally be alone with his mate. Hopefully uninterrupted for at least two weeks, a month - two months would be absolutely dreamy and very, very far fetched with all the shit they’ll have to deal with afterwards regarding this case. But Bucky would move whole cities to make good on what she’d said to him aboard the jet too. Finally get him some of that apple pie life that he, Steve and the Commandos had talked about all those years and years ago.
He watches as you roll your neck, gently pushing away one of Cerby’s heads to shake both your arms out before reaching up to finally scratch at each of Cerberus’s heads one by one, kissing at their muzzles with gusto as the giant hellhound wiggles it’s butt with abandon. “I didn’t get that warm of a welcome,” Bucky remarks with a smirk, his mouth breaking into a wider smile at the look she shoots him.
“Because that is something personal you’ll get later on, Sarge,” 
“Geallaidhean, an dannsair beag agam,” Bucky growls softly, making sure to seal it with a deep, hard kiss. Promises, my little dancer. She looks a little flustered when they break apart, eyes not as focused as before. He knows she can smell the very pleased scent rolling off of him at her reaction.
“Such an Alpha,” She mutters with a teasing eye roll, keeping her hand on his chest. “You wear that jacket and you can have whatever you like,” comes the whisper against his lips, a soft growl punctuating the end before he takes another kiss. “Okay. Okay. Now, let’s go shank the little fairy prince,” Baring your teeth is more cute to Bucky than terrifying initially, but knowing what you’re capable of does make it scarier. And sexier, he wasn’t going to lie to himself. He loves that his mate is that intimidating.
And quite honestly, what will be more scary to the little prince than someone he feared and loathed coming back after watching them die? What's more, coming back for their retribution on him from the other side. Bucky can bet anyone that it’s not a hell of a lot actually.
“Brace yourself for it,” She whispers, hand wrapping tight around his metal one. Bucky feels a tug at his navel as the whole world around him seems to lighten at least ten shades, the overwhelming scent of blood returning, along with the pond waters, and Steve suddenly all fill his nose at once, Steve’s hands suddenly wrapping just this side of painful on his upper arms.
The scent of confusion and awe fill the area around them like a sudden breeze, the fair folk Prince calling for the God and Goddess to protect him in a whisper which might as well be a shout in the eerily quiet park. It seemed like even the regular wildlife noises in the Park had shown restraint, watching the otherworldly conflict in reverence.
“Did you miss me, brother?” No one on the other side of Manhattan could mistake the venom in her voice for anything other than deadly.
“You don’t understand!” The man - if you could call him that, no one in Central Park would though - shouts defiantly with a slice of whining at the end, his pupils blown as his eyes dart around the small clearing with barely restrained panic, nearly everywhere but on Duchess.
“Spare me your bullshit, Bradye,” Duchess growls, the lights beginning to dance behind her eyes as she moves closer to him, leaving her mate behind her. She smiles a bit triumphantly, maliciously. “You have come into this realm and by doing so are now subject to its rules and punishments. That useless title you hold will do you no good.” A few tsks come from her, “For you will face a death punishment either way. Hecate has requested the Queen come here and you and our father will pay for, let’s see, eight deaths and three kidnappings.”
“The fair folk do not lie,” He reminds in a taunt, thinking he’s won something. Her dangerous smile makes his millisecond of gloating worthless.
“Oh, of that I am well aware. I was schooled in that rule with leather. And steel. And sharp blows...and I think it may have slipped your mind, but I DID die. Charon saw me waiting upon the shore of the River Styxx. And he cannot lie about the souls he sees and ferries. Is the shaking of your hand as you drove your servant’s blade into my chest so quickly forgotten? Don’t worry,” Flames begin to gather around her ankles, slowly creeping upward like a nonsensical dance. “I have worked with SHIELD to document all you and our father have done. Did you know that there are some cameras opposite where your servant was seen entering and exiting? And that it has files that date back to before the first murder? Where you can make out two male figures walking into the park and it has a slight shake to it? Almost like an earthquake...or perhaps even a sithen moving…” The color drains from his already pasty face as Duchess strides closer, the blue and white flames now licking up her hips and lower back. There is a slight odor of urine, making Steve and Bucky both wrinkle their noses as Tony takes a small step away from him.
It’s a power move, not just the ever shifting flames but Bucky can clearly spot how sharp her teeth have grown, how her midnight blue fingernails are now black pointed tips. She’s allowing her fae side out as well, those multicolored lights bobbing and dancing behind her irises as each step she takes results in tiny little faerie rings, the tiny flowers blooming in the colors of the pinks, greens, and light blues that dance behind her eyes as small little beings descend from the trees and pixie-looking fae flit from the flowers around the Azalea Pond.
“You have no proof,” The haughtiness returns, looking down at Duchess, and had his voice not shook, might have pulled it off. He also eyes the fae joining the group in the clearing around the pond, his eyes catching sight of the faerie rings behind her and the shock that shows in his eyes is nearly equal to watching her appear back on this plane - alive.
“You hear that, Grandmother? Everything I asked Hecate’s handmaidens to give you is not proof.”
Bucky will remember that look forever. The snapping up of his head so fast it looked like it hurt, the look of complete and utter stunned surprise that seems to echo through and around him and actually make a tremor run through the little slimeball as Fury, Coulson and a lovely looking older woman with hair that went from silver at the top of her head and slowly gained a darker red as it came to rest at her waist came behind him into the clearing.
“I have heard all in this park. I have watched your hand slay your sister.” There is a flash of fury in her eyes, which Bucky notices are mismatched. One green as freshly mowed grass and the other a dark pine bark brown. “And had she not been preoccupied with keeping everyone in this park safe, sealing the sithen closed, and focused on her mate, you wouldn’t have stood a chance, you preposterous, moronic, useless child!” Her voice raises but her face never changes from an indifferent look that Bucky had seen Queen Elizabeth sport more than a few times on tv. “You and your father will be punished to the fullest extent of this plane’s laws. Before that you both will be brought before both courts of Fae and stripped of all your titles, rights, magic -” She looks down her nose at him with a sniff of disdain, “This applies more to your father as he actually has abilities. And you will also be made to pay for restitution to the families of those you had killed and of course those three whom you stole magic from and tortured. By our laws and the old ways, your sister has death rights on all three of you involved. And I must say, if I was her, I would drag your punishments out slowly...meticulously...painfully.”
Duchess strides back over to Bucky, hands already reaching out for him as the fire dies down around her - not as consuming, but still a bright warmth that shadows her entirety. Wrapped safely in his arms, Bucky rests his chin on the top of her head as Steve gently brushes his hand up and down her arm a few times, just reassuring her of their pack bond before taking a small step back to let them bond more. She pulls back a little from the comfort of his arms, tilting her head back to look up at him, Bucky knowing exactly what she wants. This was all very familiar to what happened just before she died...and honestly they all need that reassurance that everything is okay still. And this is the simplest and best way he can do it now; Her lips are soft and easily molded to his own. His sensitive ears can still pick up the little chirps and flitter sounds of small wings of the tiny fae that had climbed into this plane at Duchess’s silent command, gathered closer to her than her Grandmother, waiting for something else it seems.
A sharp featured man dressed in a black suit jacket with heavy, shining gold threaded designs along the wrists, collar, and lapels comes into the clearing with two men trailing behind him dragging a third between them.
The tiny beings begin a high pitched whine as the dragged man is thrown at the Faerie Queen’s feet. The man in black eyeing the tiny creatures with an unreadable something in his eyes.
Bucky is shocked at how much Duchess shares her face shape and nose with her father. Everything else must have come from her mother, making her features softer. Her eye color - she had told him last night - had come from her mother’s father, her mother’s side also responsible for her more soft Greek eye shape and supple body as well. Her father’s face however is harsher, more weathered looking than even his mother’s face. His eyes are a muddy brown and he looks to be maybe an inch or so taller than Duchess herself, unusual for a male - and even most women - of high Fae blood to be that short and not claim Brownie or Goblin blood, both of which a high Fae would absolutely loathe to admit to tainting their line. Him and his son seem to have been the tailings of a long and powerful bloodline, while Duchess was an anomaly of both sides of her family tree which was probably why she was so powerful. She was seemingly that red-headed gene in a sea of black hair which came about once every few generations.
Steve moves closer to the two of them again as the Queen looks down at her son with even more disgust than her grandson, which Bucky would not have thought possible a second ago. The sharp featured man comes to stand before Duchess and gives a deep nod, the two men behind him taking a knee as they come to a stop, the High Prince of the Seelie Court and his son watching from behind the Queen with shock and anger mixed on both their faces.
“Your highness, we at the Unseelie Court are thankful to you as it was a forgotten part of our court that was taken.” His bright green eyes look almost hesitant for his next words. “We are indebted to you for clearing this up. And also for clearing our court of involvement. The Unseelie Court is indebted to you, Princess Duchess Propolos Hekatos.”
Duchess pulls away a little from Bucky and Steve to sink into a deep curtsy, “Thank you, King Odhran. May your debt be cleared swiftly.” The two men behind him rise and they all go over to the Seelie Queen as Duchess’s flames die down further, pulsing softly in time with soft flutters and swayings of the tiny fae that have moved closer still.
“I will be seeing you later for their merited punishments, cousin,” The man says indifferently while also containing a hint of malice.
“Good evening until then, Odhran.” He and his men disappear as the Queen waves her hand to the men and women holding the prisoners formerly known as her family. “Fury. Coulson. We will be off now. They will be put into your custody in a week’s time. My granddaughter will, of course, be there for the handoff as a representative of the good will of my court.” Bucky doesn’t like that she’s ordering Duchess, fighting to suppress a growl. Does she not know he has plans for his mate?? She turns to address said granddaughter. “You will attend this handoff as a Princess of the Seelie Court. Come see me the morning before the handoff, as we have things we need to discuss. Please thank your goddess, Hecate, again for her swift actions and Hades for his too.” Duchess sinks into that deep curtsy once again before nodding at the trees and pond, the tiny creatures melting back into the waters and darkening branches like shadows, her Grandmother watching with something close to fondness on her face as the guards and prisoners disappear first, then her elegant frame takes a few steps and is gone as fast and quietly as the others.
Fury holds his hand straight up in the air after they vanish, no one making a move, just light breathing as everyone glances around the clearing, looking at Duchess and then Coulson who both give a firm nod before he lowers his hand and clears his throat. Fury’s good eye looks tired as fuck to Bucky.
“Alright people, shit shows over. Wanda, please begin magically cleansing this spot with Pietro, I want to be out of here in under an hour. Coulson, get me updates and signed paperwork from the three rescued for prosecution. Tony and Vision, keep the area contained until after the cleansing. SHIELD agents, please collect photos and evidence before the cleansing. Originals we keep, copies to the NYPD. Falcon and Spidey, back on patrols for the next few hours. Barnes and Rogers, take the lady home. I think she’s done and had enough for tonight. Everyone else, find something to do to make this go as fast as goddamn possible.”
“Roger, roger!” Bucky and Steve call out, Bucky tossing his flesh arm over her shoulder, Steve on his left side as they all wave silently to their friends and begin their way out of Central Park.
“This is one of the most terrible evenings of my life,” Steve mutters as Hades, Cerberus - in his human form - and a third figure, who Bucky can scent and see is definitely not the extra curvy Persephone, wave from further up the treeline ahead of them. “And I was just on the edge of the whole thing - witness and secondary pack feelings between you two. I might need a cigarette.” Steve mutters as he runs one hand through his hair and then down his face after taking a deep breath and letting it out.
“You haven’t smoked since 1938,” Bucky remarks with an eyeroll. “And that was before we knew it was bad for you, punk.”
“And this was one of the most terrible evenings of your life so far!” Steve turns his light blue eyes towards her with his Captain America signature disapproving glare at her overly perky tone. “The Seelie Queen says thank you. In that special fair folk way,” Duchess lays on the happy sarcastic tone as they approach the trio.
“As if I give a single fuck,” The woman’s dark voice growls out, her full lips set in a frown at the news. “How do you feel, mikrí mou skoteiní?”
“I told you, your little dark one is fine,” Hades reiterates with an eyeroll.
“I feel wonderful now, eroméni.” Duchess squeezes Bucky’s hand before ducking under his arm and pressing her forehead against Hecate’s as they intertwine both their hands, the power swirling softly around the two of them.
Bucky can feel the comfort in the darkness and mist that surround them temporarily, the two pulling apart and grinning at each other more like sisters or best friends than what they were.
“Mistress, this is my Bucky,” She stretches her hand out to him, Bucky forever heeding her siren call as he slips his hand into hers. “And that is our Steve Rogers.”
“I am honored to be in your company, gentleman. My mikrí mou skoteiní needs more family. I am glad she has found not only her mate, but a pack.” Her face shifts minutely from ecstatic to a little teasing. “One that will surely grow soon?”
“My baby doesn’t need to be having babies just yet!” Cerberus says in his deep honeyed voice, the slight echo noticeable now.
“My ma raised me right, ma’am. I got to mate and marry her before we go that path. My girl hasn’t even been to Coney Island.”
“Psssh. You haven’t been to Disneyland.”
“I was starting with Brookyln and Coney Island, doll.”
“Whatever you say, handsome,” She sighs out with a smile as Hades chuckles.
“And so it begins, Bucky.” Bucky grins down at his mate.
“I can’t wait.”
“Cheeseballs...the both of you,” Steve laughs out as Hades pulls Duchess into a hug, kissing her forehead before pulling away.
“Bring the boy down in a few days for brunch. Persephone will be elated, well more elated, to see you mated and bonded. Steve is welcome as well. You know how we love certain companies in the Underworld.”
“I shall bring the handmaidens as well. Perhaps we can get Mr. Rogers a mate as well,” Hecate teases again as Steve’s ears and neck turn bright red.
“We’ll call to check in tomorrow,” Hades continues, hand stuck out to Bucky who shakes it more firmly than last time which makes the God of the Underworld’s smile widen. “Gentlemen.” He extends his hand to Steve, giving him his own hard handshake before stepping back for Cerberus to enthusiastically hug all three of them.
“I love new pack members!” His echo-y deep timber reveals his obvious happiness, Hecate eye rolling good-naturedly beside him.
“I’ll text you later,” a smirk is painted on her full lips as she stares at Duchess. “But I understand if you are busy.”
“Goodnight Hecate!” comes Duchess’s embarrassed reaction, Bucky wrapping his metal arm around her waist and winking at Hecate. “Stop that!” She swats at Bucky’s chest playfully, just for him to catch it and kiss her fingertips.
“Let’s head home, doll.” Her eyes brighten instantly.
“Ooooh! I’ve never been to Stark Tower!” She states as Steve full belly laughs.
“He meant your bar or our shared apartment in Brooklyn.”
“But I’ll take you to the Tower in a few days,” Bucky promises with a kiss to her open palm as her temporary puppy dog eyes brighten.
“Goodnight all,” Hecate and Hades state simultaneously as Cerberus gives Duchess one last kiss to her cheek before rubbing his own cheek against it.
“Goodnight!” Steve, Bucky and Duchess chime in reply, watching the gods and guardian take a handful of steps before disappearing further up the path to the right, Bucky leading his pack down the left path towards 74th Street. 
“So, whatcha up to later, Sargent?” Duchess begins as they enter the area just before the Boathouse Restaurant, squinting just a bit at the brightness.
“Well, I got this mate who smells like fresh baked bread, lemon squares, cayenne, and a little hint of mint - who is in dire need of a mating mark and bond. And lots of baby making practice. Then I was thinking I take her for lunch at the Tower in a couple days to show her off.”
“Can you schedule an old school tour after the Tower lunch?”
“Of course, doll,” Bucky’s accent thickens a little as her eyes soften as she looks up at him. “I’ll even show you everywhere we got our asses kicked when we were young.”
“And by ‘ours’ he means mine after 1934,” Steve says from Bucky’s other side with a scoff, sending Duchess a wink as they get past the Alice in Wonderland bit and start on the path down towards the Model Boathouse.
“Whatever you guys wanna show me,” Duchess sighs out happily, leaning into Bucky and reaching around his back to take Steve’s hand. Steve squeezes back before kissing the back of her hand and releasing it, happy to have her in the pack.
“I’ll grab some stuff, but I’ll stay near - up in Natasha’s apartment a few floors up. Just let me know when it’s safe,” He chuckles out as a flustered look passes over her face. “Don’t worry, kid, it’s natural. Just lots of good luck to our furniture in the house with this Alpha.”
“Is Natasha’s floor far enough away, punk?”
“Well, I love my pack already,” Duchess murmurs as Bucky and Steve continue ribbing each other, watching the stars compete with the New York City lights as a few leaves rustle in the breeze and fall on the bright path ahead of them.
“Doll, as corny as it sounds, it’s amazing how I could try but I could never explain what I hear when you don't say a thing. Just your scent and hearing your heartbeat is a different kind of magic,” Bucky whispers against her hair before kissing her soft cheek, his metal fingers entwined with hers naturally.
“If every bit of magic was stripped from me tonight, I would be okay with it. Because the best magic I’ve ever received is you.”
Bless ya’ll for making it through my long ass rambling stories <3
@stay-frosty-royal-unicorn @chelsea072498 @clockworkmorningglory @sakurablossom4 @galaxiesinmymind @thewhiterabbit42​ @nobodys-baby-now​ @mizzezm​​
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cevans16 · 3 years
First Date
Summary: Part of Wonder Woman - mini series
Part One: https://cevans16.tumblr.com/post/646497572776755201/wonder-woman
After the comic con ended you had received a text from him that he would come by to get you a little bit later. You guys decided on walking since the restaurant wasn’t too far. You had gone back to your friends home to change. You were beyond nervous to meet with Sebastian not only because you had a crush on him but because you hadn’t been on a date in a very long time, you’d practically sworn off dating after constantly being disappointed or hurt. You’re best friend on the other hand was ecstatic for your date since you were finally putting yourself out there for once.
“Okay you have to look hot!” she said excitedly
“What no, he already knows what I look like besides I want to feel comfortable” you defended yourself. You turned to look at her eyeing you up and down.
“Fine just a little hot but don’t make it overboard” you said causing her to yelp.
You changed into a white long sleeve blouse, dark jeans with black booties and topped with a black leather jacket. Your best friend retouched your hair in curls and added a Smokey eye look to your makeup. You received a text from Sebastian letting you know that he was on his way.
“I don’t know maybe this is a bad idea” you said nervously
“Don’t start. It’s been a long time that you’ve gone out with someone” your best friend said
“Yeah with good reason” you stated, “maybe you should come too”
“Fuck no, you are going by yourself like the big girl that you are” she teased
About ten minutes after Sebastian had texted you you and your friend heard her doorbell ring.
“He’s hereeeee” she sang
“Stop you’re making me more nervous” you said smiling
“Look at me” she said grabbing your face, “you are a smart, independent, stunning, funny woman and ANY man would be lucky to have you” she motivated you.
“Yes, thank you - oh wait my perfume” you said spritzing yourself a couple times. You grabbed your purse and kissed your friend on the cheek to head outside.
You opened the door to see Sebastian leaning against the wall on his phone.
“Sorry I was touching up” you said to him
“Oh I was about to text you - no worries” he said. He subtly checked you out however you still caught his look at you, the same one he had given you the first time you had met.
“You look beautiful (Y/N)” he said
“Thank you Sebastian, you look amazing too, why did YOU change?” you asked him curiously
“Well I want to impress this beautiful girl soooo I have to input some effort” he smiled at you
“You’ve been successful” you winked at him, noticing a pink blush on his face.
“Thank you. I uhhhh - shall we?” he said motioning you to head out.
You both walked towards the restaurant, it was a nice chilly fall evening in New York.
“Where are from then? Because you did say you’re here visiting” he asked you
“Boston” you replied
“Ahhhh a Bostonian. You don’t have an accent though” he said peering over at you
“Well I live in Boston but I’m from California” you explained to him.
“Your friend?”
“She’s from California too but her dream was New York and I’m only about four hours away so we visit each other”
“Your dream was Boston?” he teased you
“Yes....stop it” you chuckled, “it’s a big sports down, it’s beautiful, its a big city but still has that small town feeling and fall is perfect there” you explained
“You know I thought I left Evans back in Boston but I guess not” he joked
“Chris, he says the exact same thing you do”
“Well he isn’t wrong” you said proudly
“You, you’re from here right, New York?” you asked him
“Yeah yeah - originally Romania but my mom brought us out here by the time I was ten I think” he said
“Nice - you like it here I assume?”
“It has its up and downs but it’s home” he said to you
“You don’t miss home?” he asked you
You sighed thinking about it, “I do and then I don’t. I knew that if I didn’t move to Boston, that one day I would regret it. I do miss my family a lot sometimes but I’ve kind of gotten used to it” you said
By this time you two had arrived to the Italian restaurant you had advised him about
“Ladies first” he said opening the door for you. The place wasn’t packed, giving you guys a ten minute wait time. In the mean time you and Sebastian went to the restroom.
When you got out he was on the phone with someone but he hung up the moment he saw you.
“Sorry if I’m on my phone a lot - it’s my agent” he said to you
“I get it - I don’t have an agent but work is work” you said to him
“That it is” he said smiling at you
“Party of two for Stan!” the hostess yelled out
“Come on doll” he said letting you go ahead first
You sat down at a table in the outdoor patio which was something you always loved especially in the city. The homestead gave you your menus and walked away leaving you and Sebastian alone.
“I hope you like it here” you said to him
“I think I will” he replied looking over the menu, “what do you usually get?”
“Anything actually, I really enjoy the pasta though, the carbonara is to die for oh and the cannolis too, the tiramisu, the wine, the calzones” you said saying almost everything off the menu
Sebastian was observing you in the moment of your small rambling, he thought it was cute seeing you excited over something so small.
“Sorry I’m rambling aren’t I, uhhmm pasta for sure” you said
“Pasta it is” he smiled at you
You both ordered wine, different pastas and conversed while waiting for your food to be ready.
“How often do you come to New York?” he asked
“Honestly as much as I can, I have one sister living in the south but my niece is now coming to NYU so I’ve been here more to help her settle in plus besides my friend that you met today, I have a few other ones so I’m here visiting them too. It’s not a bad drive” you said
“You drive from Boston to here?!” he asked surprisingly
“Yeah! It’s a fun road trip, with some nice music and my own company” you said laughing
“Jeez woman” he said sipping his wine
“You? Have you gone to Boston?” you asked him
“Ehhh I don’t go often, sometimes but it’s rare I’ll visit Chris but other than that not reallllyyy”
“Got it”
Your food arrived, smelling delicious as ever, Sebastian couldn’t wait to try it.
“This smells amazing” he commented
“That’s because it is, sorry but I’m about to stuff my face” you joked to him
“That makes two of us doll” he replied chuckling, already a mouthful of pasta in him.
“Okay - I have to ask, how old are you?” he said
“(Your age)” you replied
Sebastian slightly choked on his pasta, he didn’t expect you to be about a decade younger than him.
“Fuck I’m sorry, I thought you were older, not that you look older” he stuttered.
“It’s okay, if you don’t want to do whatever this is anymore that’s okay” you said to him
“Nooo no I do, I was surprised is all” he said immediately
You two continued to get to know each other, the conversation flowing well between you. You hadn’t realized you had been there for almost three hours until your friend texted you to make sure you were okay.
“Are you guys up for any dessert?” the waiter asked
“Would you like some?” Sebastian asked you
“You have to try the tiramisu” you said excitedly
“Tiramisu it is please” Sebastian told the waiter, “oh and I’ll also try the cannolis but those are to go” he added
“Where do you work? Like what do you do?” Sebastian asked you.
“I work in the sports industry, ticketing department” you said to him
“Holy shit for what team? - Patriots?”
“No the Bruins, I’ve been in hockey for so long it’d be weird to leave and I enjoy it so much” you said
“That’s awesome, remind me not to bring you around Evans because he’ll try to swoop you” he teased
“What why?!”
“You’re definitely his type” he winked at you
“What about YOURS?” you asked with a smirk
“Welllll I did bring you out on a date doll so you’re definitely not my type” he said joking of course
“That’s meannnn, do you like sports?”
“Uhmmm not really” he said shyly
“Well that sucks because I love them” you said, “I guess I’ll make an exception for you” you winked at him this time causing him to blush
“Thank you I’m very lucky” Sebastian said
They brought out the tiramisu, Sebastian loved it, saying that you were definitely right about the entire food options you had suggested him. The waiter brought out the check. You and Sebastian both reaching for your wallets.
“Doll I know you’re not about to try to pay for this” he said peeking at you
“Sooo I can’t let you pay for everything Sebastian”
“Ohhh no. No, no, no, I pay for it all. Don’t try to do it” he said to you.
“Fine fine, I get next time then” you said then realizing your slip
“Oh so there’s a next time huh?” he asked you
“No uhm that’s not what I meant” you said stuttering
Sebastian didn’t say anything else, he laid his card on the bill.
“I’m going to the restroom, I better not come back to you paying for this” he smiled at you
“We shall see” you replied back
When he came back he was happy that you had listened to him, he did want to see you again, he had been wanting to tell you that halfway through dinner but he didn’t want to scare you off. Sebastian had this gut feeling about you, you were different than what he was used to. He couldn’t wait to get to know you more even if you lived in another state.
You grabbed your belongings then headed out to the city again. You noticed he was taking you a longer way back to your friends house, you didn’t mind it though it since you enjoyed your time with him.
“I gotta say doll, I’m happy that I took you out” Sebastian said
“Thank you, I’m glad you did” you chuckled, “and thank you for dinner, really you didn’t have to pay for it”
“I asked you right?” he said
“Well then I get to pay”
“So if I ask you then I will get to pay then?” you asked
“Not a chance but good try” he said sticking out his tongue to you
“Excuse you” you said doing the same thing back to him, “you butt head”
“What did you say!!” he asked exasperated
“You’re a butt head” you said laughing by this point
“You like this butt head though” he said as he put his arm around your shoulder
“Ehhh I’m still debating on it”
“Okay THATS rude” he said pushing you softly away
He then ran his fingers softly, closer to your own hand, waiting for you to oblige. When you didn’t, he intertwined his fingers with yours, rubbing his thumb on your hand. It felt nice, Sebastian’s hand was much bigger than yours but it felt perfect. You smiled at him as you two almost arrived to your friends house. When you walked up he stopped you two.
“I had an amazing time” he said facing you now
“Me too Sebastian thank you” you replied.
He observed your face quietly for a few seconds. You wish you knew what he was thinking. You wanted him to kiss you but at the same time you hoped that he would wait. It was the second option.
“Would you like to go out again?” he asked you softly
“I would” you smiled at him. A big smile grew on his face, he leaned over to kiss your forehead.
“I’ll text you when and of course if you’re available” he said to you
“Oh and these are for you” he said, placing the small box of cannolis in your hand
“You didn’t have to!” you said
“I know but you sounded like you really enjoyed these” he shrugged
“You have to take some” you insisted
“No I bought them for you”
“I know but I like to share and I think you should at least take one” you said
“You’re a little stubborn aren’t you” he said narrowing his eyes at you, chuckling when you mimicked his same expression
“Look who’s talking”
“Fine I will take one” he said grabbing a cannoli from the box. He took a bite off of it, immediately moaning at how good it was.
“You and that cannoli should get a room” you joked
“Whatever, this is amazing”
“Take another one” you offered thinking he would say no.
“That I will not oblige to, thanks. So yes second date for sure. I’ll see you later doll” he said giving you a hug before walking back home.
You walked into your friend’s place with the biggest smile, she was excited to hear about your date. You talked about it while watching your favorite show that you two enjoyed watching together. About an hour later you received a text from Sebastian.
Sebastian: Hey, I got home a while ago. I had an amazing time! How does next weekend work for you?
You: I unfortunately can’t next weekend, our season starts :( after that?
Sebastian: I can’t that weekend........ we’ll figure it out doll :)
You felt a little bad that you couldn’t make it up yet but you knew that Sebastian and you would figure it out together.
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teawithkpop · 5 years
[M] - PhysCom - Pt 4
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pt 1 - pt 2 - pt 3 - bc 1 - pt 4 - pt 5 - pt 6
Pairing: BTS - OT7 x Reader
Rating: Mature [18+]
Length: 8.5k words
Genre: PhysCom AU - smut with dashes of angst, and a shitload of romance and complicated feelings,, uhuhu (porn with plot??)
Warnings: swearing, ehhh lots of angst and fighting oh nooo, and mentions of sexual acts
the plot thickens and there’s no actual smut in this part i’m sorrryyyyyy but more smut is coming!! i pinky pwomise uwu
"Morning, jagiya. Do you have a minute?"
You're practically vibrating with the effort of acting normal as you process Taehyung's question. What can you even say to that? Oh, sorry. Actually, can you guys come back later? I'm kind of in the middle of discovering a secret fucking society of PhysComs who are dating their clients, and I'm trying to see if there's a way I can get in on that sweet, sweet deal. Fuck no. That's not going to work. Anything other than agreeing will sound too suspicious, and you can’t let them know what you’ve discovered. At least, not yet.
"Of course." You paste on a smile as you reply, your mind still reeling as you pull the door open all the way. You’re still wearing only your robe, but it’s silly of you to shield your body when it’s theirs to ogle during work hours anyway.
“What can I do for you, masters?” You ask sweetly, slipping on your persona like a second skin to keep your thoughts safely hidden from view. Your clients should always be your first priority. Not rule breaking, and certainly not any unlikely fantasies of romance.
Something seems off about their body language. They look uncomfortable. You’re suddenly reminded of the weird tension in the air when you last saw them, and just how fragile your position is after everything that happened last night. You need to rid their minds of what they saw at dinner. They need to view you as their eager little toy again, not someone who broke or someone to be pitied.
You instantly thicken the illusion of obscenity, eager to convince them, and maybe yourself, that things are just the same as they’ve always been.
“So… what would you like from me? A blow job? Hand job?” You stretch your arm up and lean sensually against the door, your eyes half-lidded. “Do you both want to fuck my little holes and stretch me open?” You giggle cutely and start to untie the silky belt of your robe, forcing all thoughts of your ComGear out of your head so you can focus on your job, which is pleasuring your clients. 
Jimin steps forward before you can pull the robe open, and stops your hand. He carefully ties your garment back together, though he avoids your eyes, his expression grim. “No… actually, we want to talk with you.”
Damn. You thought for sure that little ploy would at least fluster them a little, and maybe get them in the mood for something, but they both remain strangely sober.
“It’s about last night,” Taehyung supplies quietly, looking down to the floor.
Well, shit. What is there to talk about? You used your safe word and ruined everyone’s fun. Are they holding it against you or something? That's not really fair when the two of them are partially to blame for distracting you by playing mind games and messing with each other. 
Then it dawns on you. Namjoon probably sent them up to apologize for their fighting. That must be why they’re acting so stiff. After all, he did say that the three of you should work things out together.
You feel a bit relieved and give them a fleeting smile of reassurance. “Masters, it’s okay. Let’s just move on from what happened last night, hm?” You want to take their hands, but you resist the urge. You really shouldn’t initiate contact unless it’s related to their pleasure. You settle for lacing your hands coyly behind your back, making your chest stand out rather provocatively. “I’ve forgotten all about it, really.”
They both still look dreadful. Worried. You finally notice that there's a hint of pity in their eyes and it makes your skin crawl with foreboding. You get the terrible sense that this is about something bigger than safe words, squabbles, and kisses.
“No, we all want to talk to you,” Taehyung explains with a slight clearing of his throat. “In the kitchen. Namjoon-hyung sent us to… come and get you.”
You can feel your heart start to race as your adrenaline spikes from a sudden shot of fear. What could they possibly want? What's changed between last night and today? Sure, logically, they could be calling a meeting for a variety of reasons, but only one scenario is circling through your mind, over and over… and it ends with you packing your bags.
“Do you want to, like... go now, or...?” Jimin mumbles, clearly uncomfortable about the situation.
You blink, feeling dizzy. Your playful aura has disintegrated in an instant and made way for something much more frigid and fearful. “Yeah… um, let me just get dressed first,” you murmur distractedly. “I’ll be down in a minute, masters.”
They nod and thankfully take the hint that you need a moment to collect yourself. The two of them head back downstairs and you shut the door behind them, your whole body numb. You hurry to your closet, trying to retain some semblance of routine despite the storm you feel approaching.
In the daily rotation of things, Friday - last night - was Seokjin’s day for him to do as he pleases with you, and that includes deciding what you wear. The apron you’d had on yesterday was one he had picked out for you beforehand. Your closet is sectioned off into clothes and costumes chosen by each boy for you to don beneath (or in some cases on top of) your utility belt on their chosen days. Some days they request a specific outfit, but most of the time it’s up to you to select from their options. Your favorite clothes to wear are probably either the oversized hoodies with cute panties and no bottoms that Jungkook chose for you, or the crop top and leggings variations that Hoseok loves to see you wear.
But Saturday is for Yoongi, and today’s outfits are what could be considered party clothes, full of strappy leather harnesses, deep jewel-toned mini dresses, and lots of high heels. Not exactly comfort clothing. You love it when they choose what you wear and dress you up like a little doll, it’s hot and everything, but sometimes you just want to wear sweatpants. Or a t-shirt and jeans.
Fuck. You grab a pair of black booty shorts and a busty sequined halter top, the closest thing to daywear out of Yoongi’s choices, and you also elect to go barefoot. If this meeting is as bad as you fear it’ll be, then you don’t know if you’ll be able to stand upright in six inch heels for very long. Sorry, Yoongi.
You blow a lock of hair out of your eyes after squeezing yourself into the tight attire. Credit to Min Yoongi where it’s due, the top does make your tits look amazing, but honestly that should be the least of your concerns right now. You almost laugh at such a trivial thought.
Once you reach your bed, you hastily grab your ComGear, hoping you have at least a few minutes to figure out something before you’re pulled away again. There’s a backlog of messages, but thankfully not too many, as you log back into the chat room.
[ PCsv02_svt ]: oh where did she go [ PCsv01_svt ]: probably got called away [ PCsv01_gt7 ]: probably havin.. sexy times B) [ PCsv01_gt7 ]: wink wink [ PCsv01_svt ]: … [ PCsv03_mtx ]: guys you shouldn’t encourage her about dating :/ [ PCsv03_mtx ]: bad things can happen too [ PCsv06_ast ]: yea sanha is always nice to me, but I know some clients can be... not so nice [ PCsv09_$px ]: yeah, thanks [ PCsv06_ast ]: oh... sorry :( [ PCsv02_svt ]: aww aashi didn’t mean it like that G [ PCsv02_svt ]: we’re all here for you, u know that right? [ PCsv09_$px ]: mm. thanks guys [ PCsv01_svt ]: speaking of which, how are things with you? [ PCsv09_$px ]: uh.. same as always. [ PCsv01_svt ]: has anything happened since last time? [ PCsv09_$px ]: no, but they’ve been out of the house a lot [ PCsv09_$px ]: they have a lot of schedules right now [ PCsv01_svt ]: I see… [ PCsv02_svt ]: oh she’s back!
You stare at the log in dismay. Well, crap. “Bad things” can happen...? What kind of bad things? Is dating clients a thing or not? You have too many questions and not enough answers, and you don’t have time to investigate any of it. The boys are waiting for you downstairs.
[ PCsv01_bts ]: so… my clients just called a meeting with me. I can’t really talk right now. [ PCsv01_svt ]: a meeting? [ PCsv02_svt ]: that’s okay hon! we’ll still be here when u get back ^^ [ PCsv01_bts ]: this is all…fuck sorry, it’s a lot to deal with right now
You rake a hand through your hair, your body and mind are just completely spent from everything that’s happened recently.
[ PCsv01_svt ]: it’s alright, we’re not going anywhere [ PCsv03_twc ]: take your time to understand everything ♡ [ PCsv03_twc ]: it took me a while haha [ PCsv06_ast ]: we’ve got your back! 150% hehe >u< [ PCsv02_svt ]: yeah! don’t sweat it hon~ be kind to yourself, especially when you need to figure things out ^^
All of their assurance pouring in nearly brings a smile to your face. You don’t know most of these people, and you can’t be sure that they aren’t all just really smart bots or spies sent by your network, but… they do seem like a supportive bunch.
[ PCsv01_bts ]: thanks [ PCsv01_bts ]: but what exactly did micha mean by “bad things can happen”? [ PCsv01_bts ]: is dating even safe? [ PCsv03_mtx ]: oh haha… [ PCsv04_blp ]: safe? Oh honey... [ PCsv01_gt7 ]: lolol [ PCsv03_mtx ]: well I just meant that some PhysComs have been… taken advantage of [ PCsv03_mtx ]: so you can’t just jump into it ^^; [ PCsv01_svt ]: i wouldn’t call anything in this line of work “safe” per se [ PCsv01_svt ]: it’s hard to advise anything when we don’t know what your clients are really like [ PCsv01_svt ]: but if you do manage to enter a relationship it can either make or break your employment [ PCsv01_gt7 ]: hell yeahhhhh B)) [ PCsv01_svt ]: for some people it’s a last ditch effort, offering intimacy to idols who are touch starved to begin with… oftentimes breaking those boundaries will changes the client’s perspective, and soon they see you as essential, regardless of any minor misconducts [ PCsv01_svt ]: while for others, the attachment forms naturally and appears to be a genuine connection, such as with sascha and joshua [ PCsv01_svt ]: but of course there’s no way to tell for sure if the client’s feelings are genuine or if they have ulterior motives, so it’s definitely a risk [ PCsv01_svt ]: if things were to turn sour in the relationship, it could lead to termination or worse… you know, hell hath no fury like a lover scorned and all that [ PCsv01_svt ]: people can be duplicitous [ PCsv01_gt7 ]: durr durrr antione smart smart [ PCsv01_gt7 ]: i’m taking notes on ur lecture sir uwu [ PCsv01_svt ]: blake [ PCsv01_gt7 ]: ^-^? [ PCsv01_svt ]: shut the hell your mouth [ PCsv01_gt7 ]: >:D
You sigh. Reading all these names and trying to keep everyone’s identities straight is making your head spin in your already addled state.
[ PCsv01_bts ]: is there a way to change the contact names in this chat? [ PCsv01_svt ]: nope [ PCsv02_svt ]: sorry boo, it’s for protection ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You groan in frustration. Nothing is making sense, you’ve found no answers, and you still aren’t sure you can even trust this chat room. On a whim, you tap on Sascha’s username, and a contact page pulls up for her within the chat app. It doesn’t give any information besides her username and a blank profile photo, but there is a call button.
Shit, what do you have to lose? If this is real and not some elaborate hoax, then Sascha should pick up… right? You could grill her, ask her questions only she would know to prove it’s really her.
A sudden buzz from your ComGear nearly scares you shitless, and you check to see that it’s just a message from Namjoon.
Sweetheart? Could you come down to the kitchen?
You take a deep breath to steel your nerves. Fuck. You can’t put this meeting off any longer. You slip your ComGear into your belt and head downstairs towards what you’re sure will be your inevitable doom.
On your way down the long staircase, you take deep cleansing breaths to combat the growing knot in your stomach. You’re hoping half-heartedly, albeit rather foolishly, that maybe the boys just need your help with something harmless, like making breakfast. They do love your omelettes.
You slow down as you approach the kitchen door, and you can hear many muffled voices arguing on the other side. It sounds like they’re trying to stay quiet, but failing. You stop to listen, your curiosity getting the better of you.
“Just because you got to-” “-not fair-” “I don’t like this-” “-so why should she be punished for-” “I swear it wasn’t-”
Punished? You don’t like the sound of that at all, not one bit. Just as panic starts to swarm your mind, Namjoon’s voice rises above the clamor. You lean against the door to hear his calm cadence, much more gentle than the previous raucous of the others.
"Look! Guys, I know it'll be hard. Okay? I know we've all grown very attached to her, but I think... I think this will be for the best. For all of us."
Fuck his calm cadence.
They must be talking about you, they have to be. You’re the only “her” in this house. You feel like you’re drowning in regret and fear, spiraling as your worries returning tenfold, despite your best effort to keep them at bay.
You’re going to walk through that door and they’re going to fire you, you can feel it. Namjoon’s going to look you in the eyes, and where such tenderness had been last night, now there will only be a steely gaze. It’s just business. You slump against the polished wood and bite back a dry sob, burying your face in your hands. You don’t think you can do this.
“God, you make it sound like she’s dying.” There’s Yoongi’s voice, lilted and matter of fact. “She’s not going anywhere.”
You lift your head. Not going anywhere? As in, not being fired?
Oh, bless Min Yoongi and his slutty sequin tops. But then… if you’re not going anywhere, ergo not getting fired, then what the hell are they talking about?
“Yeah, but what if this thing doesn’t work? What if she doesn’t... want this from us?” Jungkook’s timid question draws silence from the room.
“Then things will go back to normal, right? We just… forget it ever happened.” Jin. He sounds bitter and forlorn, not at all like his usual self.
“How can things be normal after what happened last night?” Hoseok sounds even worse than Jin, his voice choked with emotion. “I don’t think I can even have her as a PhysCom anymore! Something has to change.”
This declaration is met with another bout of overlapping arguments, only to be silenced once again by Namjoon.
“No, Hobi-hyung is right.” Namjoon says, his voice decisive and final. “This is a fork in the road for all of us. At the end of the week, we’ll take another vote. If things don’t improve with her, then… we’ll do what has to be done. There are always other PhysComs who can fill the position.”
What... the fuck…?
Ice crawls up your back, as if someone just dumped you into a freezing pool of water. Numbness seeps through your limbs, into your heart.
Are you really that replaceable in their eyes?
You’ve invested all your time into building bonds with these boys specifically so this wouldn’t happen. How can they be so heartless? It hurts. There’s a wrenching pain in your chest at hearing them talk about you so… so pragmatically.
It hurts because it’s exactly the way that you would handle the situation. With pragmatism.
But you know what? Fuck this. Fuck them. They took a fucking vote on the fate of your livelihood? You owe them nothing.
You’re overwhelmed, and angry, and confused, and you just can’t take it anymore. You want this guessing game to end. If they’re going to fire you, or punish you, or whatever, then you should just go in there and get it over with already. It has to hurt less than hearing them talk about you so callously.
You wait for a break in the conversation, and then ease open the kitchen door, stepping inside and doing your best to keep your expression neutral.
“Oh, there she is! Just the woman we wanted to see.” Namjoon looks up at you with a practiced smile, even though he’d just been rubbing his forehead the way he does when he’s stressed.
“Not for long,” Yoongi mutters, clutching his coffee mug a little too tightly as he takes a sip.
Your gaze flickers to him as quiet, seething anger settles in the pit of your stomach, a burning ache that doesn’t go away. He has the balls to joke about this, when your career is on the line? You’d have thought Mr. Underground Rapper would understand how hard you’ve fought to get here. Does he really feel nothing, sipping his coffee while you face the guillotine?
Namjoon shoots Yoongi a weary look, then comes over to greet you. “Good morning, sweetheart. How are you feeling? Better?” He cups your cheek, his eyes full of gentle concern.
You nearly flinch away from his touch. How dare he act so kind to you when they were just conspiring about whether you’ll keep your job?
You take a step back, out of range to be touched by any of them.
“What’s going on?” You ask them firmly, deciding not to hide your misgivings. Their eyes all seem to wander elsewhere in the room, Jungkook is staring at the counter in front of him like it’s suddenly become very interesting. Taehyung is looking up at the ceiling as if counting the tiles. Seokjin’s gaze is trained straight ahead into nothing, seemingly lost in his own thoughts. Cowards, all of them.
Namjoon takes the initiative and clears his throat. It’s hard to take him seriously when he’s wearing Ryan the Bear pajamas, but you give him your rapt attention. “So, we’ve been discussing things, and after what happened last night… well, it really cemented this for us. It made the decision that much easier.”
Did it? Did it really make it easier for them to fire you after seeing you break down and cry from using your safe word? You half debate throwing a punch at that handsome jaw of his. Might as well go out swinging.
He seems uncomfortable from the severity of your glare. Good, let him be uncomfortable. God knows you’ve put yourself in some uncomfortable positions for them.
“You’ve worked very hard for us since you were hired, and since today marks your official six month anniversary, we think it’s only fitting to end these six months on a good note.”
Oh, how poetic. Come on, just get on with it. Flowery words, especially insincere ones, won’t help you find another job. They won’t help keep you off the street while you struggle to make a living for yourself.
You stare up at him determinedly, your lips pursed as you steel yourself for the blow. You will not cry.
“We want to extend your time off.”
Wait, what?
“Starting tomorrow. It would have been your second day off for this month, but we’d like to extend that to a week off instead.”
They’re not firing you? They’re… rewarding you with vacation time? Doesn’t make sense. Your mind is reeling, trying to figure out the catch.
“You can wear whatever you want, do whatever you’d like.” Namjoon rubs the back of his neck, seemingly thrown off by your wide eyed lack of response. “You’re not obligated to have sex with us…”
Oh. There it is. A sex ban.
Sure, they’ll give you a nice little vacation, free of worries and obligations. What, so they can all play with Secondaries, like Jin did?
Fuck, that’s what this is about, isn’t it? Jin probably told them how good it felt to fuck another cunt and now this is their way of telling you that they want to ‘see other people’, isn’t it?
This is worse than firing you outright. They’re killing you slowly, stabbing you in the gut to watch you bleed out, like a wounded animal in the desert.
Your vision is red, rage stemming from fear and insecurity building up inside of you faster than you can comprehend.
“So you’re suspending me?” Your voice is surprisingly calm, even to your own ears.
“I… I guess you could put it like that.” Namjoon says hesitantly.
“We just want to give you a break, jagiya,” Taehyung interjects, and he does look genuinely torn up about the change. But feelings are of no use, not now that things have come to this. The only protection you have left is your own pragmatism to rival theirs.
You cross your arms in front of your chest, feeling much too exposed in your skimpy outfit. Damn Min Yoongi and his slutty sequin tops. You level your gaze at each of them in turn. “Don’t I get a say in this? I’m an independent contractor.”
Namjoon seems befuddled by your scorching glare, but he nods after a moment, seeming to come to his senses. He’s the one person here that’s best equipped to acquiesce to your sudden formalities. “Yes, of course. Uh… do you want to step into my office? We can work something out. Draw up a formal agreement, if you’d like.”
You see a flash in your mind of the last time you were in Namjoon’s office, not even a week ago, where you had him bent over his desk, cumming all over your fingers and dripping onto the ornate carpet.
You shake your head. They don’t want you to play with them for a week? Fine. You won’t give Namjoon the satisfaction of a home court advantage. “I’ll call my handler. We can discuss this in the lounge in an hour.” You don’t have a lawyer, but Yeji is the next best thing.
Namjoon seems a little surprised at your sudden switch to a cold and business-like demeanor, but he nods in agreement.
“Wonderful,” you look between the other boys, though most of them avoid your gaze. “I hope you all enjoy your breakfast.” You can’t resist hissing the words, and you hasten out of the room before your stone cold facade can crack.
You close the door behind you and lean heavily against it, trying to find your balance again after being thrown so off-kilter. What the fuck just happened?
“Well… that could have gone better.” You hear Yoongi sigh, and the others all break out into loud bickering again from behind the door. Honestly, they’re like children sometimes.
You scoff miserably at their immaturity and inability to see how seriously they just toyed with your life, and you wipe your eyes before the tears can fall, hurrying back to your room.
That could’ve fucking gone better indeed.
You press your face into your hands, trying to stifle the fury and despair bubbling up inside your chest, threatening to suffocate you. Your hard work and years of dedication, all of your training, everything you’ve worked towards, becoming valuable and necessary so you’d never be cast away again, it’s all for nothing. You’ve still ended up in this position.
What the hell are you supposed to do now? Wait around for a week as they slowly lose interest in you? The very thought is agonizing. It tugs at all your buried fears and insecurities, watching them as they each slowly forget about you. Watching yourself become useless.
No. Stop it, you don’t have time to feel sorry for yourself when there’s work to be done. Time is ticking.
When you get overwhelmed in life, you’re supposed to ask for help. But you have very limited choices for who you can ask. You’re isolated and subjective in this case, so what you need right now are some outside opinions. Objective viewpoints and thoughts about the situation that aren’t stuck in the mire of emotional complications, and tainted by your own hellish visions of the worst possible outcome.
Yeji, your handler, would be your first person to consult. She’s probably the most professional woman you know, after yourself, and most importantly, she always has a plan for any situation. You pull out your ComGear and see that it’s still on Sachsa’s mysterious contact page. She could be a second opinion. That is, if it’s really Sachsa and not some network spy.
You shake away the thought. One thing at a time.
You send a brief message to Yeji, letting her know to come and see you as soon as possible.  You tack on that it’s kind of an emergency, and could she pick up some ice cream for you on the way, double fudge ripple.
She replies that she’ll be over in fifteen minutes, which gives you just enough time to change clothes and rehearse how to explain what happened.
You shed Min Yoongi's sequined strip of fabric without an ounce of remorse and stare at your closet in dismay. None of their outfits are comfortable, let alone respectable for a meeting. Frankly, your pajamas would offer more coverage.
You feel close to tears at the simple matter of choosing an outfit. This is ridiculous.
No. They may have control over what you do, but you can still rebel, at least in this small aspect of your life. You grab one of Jungkook's hoodies and a pair of leggings from Hobi, combining the outfits into what could be considered loungewear.
Once changed, you feel a bit more like yourself, and wait anxiously for your handler to arrive.
Choi Yeji is an intimidating woman. She possesses the subtlety and sting of a viper, and isn’t afraid to say what she means. She’s never shown you any great lengths of emotion, even under stressful circumstances. So it doesn’t surprise you to see her calm and collected as she walks into your room.
“What happened?” She asks while you shut the door behind her, and she sets down the shopping bag of ice cream.
Her composure helps ease your frazzled brain, and you quickly explain the events of the past twenty four hours. Well, the events she needs to know, anyway. You were stressed at dinner, used your safeword, and now they seemingly think you’re broken and need to rest, but you suspect it’s an excuse for them to distance themselves from you.
“You think you’ve fallen out of their favor?” Yeji inquires, resting the tip of her spoon in her mouth. She claims desserts are her only vice, and had joined you in the ice cream, but still kept a professional distance and had eaten hers seated on your desk chair while you remained flopped on your bed. “Why? They’ve never sent in a single complaint about your service.”
You sigh in frustration. You know, or you at least suspect, that it has something to do with the… feelings that have come to your attention recently.
But the thought of sharing your romantic dalliances with Yeji is just plain awkward. Your relationship with her has always been business focused, monitoring your diet and exercise, your needs and leisure requests. You've never called her over to talk about your love life, or anything too personal for that matter. It’s not really in her job description.
She’s your handler, not your therapist.
But you know that you can't get around telling her the reason why things have been so tense in the house, it's inevitably going to come up. If she's representing you and backing you up during this meeting with Namjoon, it's in your best interest for her to know all the facts.
That still doesn't make it any easier to talk about. “I... think I might know why.” You admit, laying on your back, covering your face with your arm as you prepare to talk about your affairs.
Yeji levels you with a knowing look. “Did the chat room help you figure it out?”
You sit bolt upright. How the hell did she find out? 
Your brain struggles to provide an explanation in a vain attempt to cover your tracks, but Yeji eases you down from your silent panic with a wave of her hand.
“It’s alright,” she chuckles, a kind smile gracing her lips. “I was the only person alerted that you’d disconnected from the network and linked to a new one. I know all about the hidden network."
"You do?" You manage to utter, too astounded to say much else.
"Of course." Yeji inclines her head. "I used to work closely with Madame Guillaume, you know."
The tension dissipates from your body to make room for the curiosity that now overwhelms you. Guillaume? That was her last name? You only ever knew her as Madame.
Yeji seems amused at your dumbfounded expression. "Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me."
You don’t know what to say. Honestly at this point, so many shocking things have happened to you that a part of you isn’t even surprised anymore to hear that Yeji knows about the PhysCom dark web. Sure. Why not?
“So is it… real?” You ask, scooting closer towards the edge of the bed.
Yeji sets down her spoon along with the empty pint of ice cream. "Yes. It's most certainly real." She folds her hands in her lap, unaware of the chocolate that's gotten around her upper lip. "But that isn't to say it's not dangerous."
You can't help the snort of a laugh that comes out of you as she talks so seriously with chocolate on her face. She looks at you askance and you wordlessly hand a tissue to her, pointing at your own mouth. "You have something…"
She blinks rapidly. "Ah, apologies." She looks over to your vanity mirror and wipes off the smudges. There's a slight lilt to her voice when she speaks, a result of the fact that Yeji always uses English around you, despite Korean being her native tongue.
You’d mentioned once that it sometimes felt weird to see others’ lips move differently to what you were hearing them say, thanks to your auto-translation chip, and she’d apparently made a note of that. Yeji has used English with you ever since, despite your assurances. It amazes you that she always goes above and beyond to make sure you're comfortable, even when it comes to speaking
Your handler clears her throat to continue. "Anyway, as I was saying. The network does have security, but no measures are foolproof. Anything you send to them has a risk of being seen by other people."
You twist your lips to the side. “Like who?”
“Well, for one, their clients could easily catch a glimpse of the chat,” she notes. “Or the information could be leaked in a security breach. You know all the leading PhysCom networks have heard whispers about this dark web you’ve discovered, and many of them would be all too eager to dismantle it.”
You automatically shake your head. You don’t know why, but the idea of the people in that chat room getting discovered, or being punished for their little spark of camaraderie… it feels wrong. Totalitarian. “But they’re not harming anyone. It’s just a group chat.”
Yeji sighs. Her lips twitch as she considers her next words. “It may seem harmless, or indeed it may even be harmless,” she states calmly. “But the higher up that one is placed, the more scared one becomes of falling. People in the higher ranks of the industry may view the chat room as a threat. Like a… PhysCom mutiny.”
“What? But that’s ridiculous!” You huff out a laugh. “They can’t possibly think we could organize a union against them. We’re illegal workers. We have no rights in society, we can’t even physically see each other.”
Sure, the risk of rebellion would be understandable in companies that employ people in respectable positions. But sex workers? That’s like being worried that drug dealers will rebel against the crooked pharmacies that supply them.
PhysComs are nothing without networks to market them and provide for their basic needs. Your career is forever tied to your network, so each network only wants the best of the best. Your reputation reflects on them as a business. So, if you get fired by your clients… your network might let you go, too.
You sigh, trying to push away such troubling thoughts. “Besides, it’s not like the people in that chat room are the only people who can fill their positions.” Your face falls a little as you continue. “We’re replaceable.”
Yeji picks up on your change in tone. “You were telling me why you think things have changed?” She waits patiently for you to explain.
You hug your knees to your chest, your gaze falling to your comforter. “I think… some of my clients might have developed feelings for me.”
You wait in silence for a beat, not daring to look up.
“Is that all?” Yeji asks, as if you’d just informed her that the toilet paper had run out.
You scoff in bewilderment. “What do you mean ‘is that all’?” You demand, a little underwhelmed by her reaction. Does she just know everything?  “That’s a huge deal! Feelings are not a part of my job.”
Yeji tilts her head to the side, her eyes cast upward as though looking for the right words. “Perhaps. You might consider it an… occupational hazard,” she says with a kind look towards you. “You may not be selling your heart to those boys, but you are selling your body, which protects your heart fiercely. After enough time, letting them touch your body… it’s inevitable they might slip through and touch your heart.” She shrugs, taking a sip of the coffee to-go cup she always seems to have on hand.
You feel exasperated, like you’ve been building up all this hot air only to have it slowly leak out of your proverbial balloon. “You don’t have to get all… philosophical about it,” you grouse half-heartedly. Yeji merely chortles.
“The insecure always cast stones at those who speak the truth,” she hums into another sip of coffee, looking over the references she’d brought with her on her phone. “Now that I’m aware of this huge deal of yours, you may want to fill in any details you, ah… forgot to mention?” She gives you a look, and you groan inwardly.
But you comply, spilling all the information of your romantic dalliances since the moment Taehyung kissed you. Yeji doesn’t hold any judgement in her face, she merely nods, taking a few notes for herself, and asking an occasional clarifying question. You also feel compelled to add in what you overheard the boys talking about before you came into the kitchen.
“They said something about a vote… and that they would hold another one at the end of the week ‘if things don’t improve’ with me. Can you believe that?” You inhale, trying to quell the anger in you before it can bubble up again.
Yeji clicks her tongue, a cold clarity in her eyes as she adjusts her glasses. “So you believe Kim Namjoon is the instigator in all of this? He would try to dismiss you, even after you confided in him?”
“He’s their leader,” you say quietly, unable to conceal the hurt in your voice. “His loyalties are to them.”
Yeji doesn’t look at you with pity, but with sympathy. You’re grateful for the distinction. Pity makes you feel worthless, but sympathy makes you feel… heard. Understood. Not something you’re used to experiencing, but it’s still a nice feeling to have.
“Well,” Yeji checks her phone, standing up to leave. “It looks like we’re just about out of time. We’d best be getting downstairs.” 
You get up as well, tugging your clothes back into place. “So, you’ll help me change his mind?”
“I must remain impartial, in order to reach a satisfactory conclusion for both parties.” She gives you a look while organizing her papers and clipping them into her briefcase. “But I’ll do what I can to negotiate you out of this so-called vacation,” she says, her voice fueled with that same resolve that she’d shown you whenever she’d been fixated on getting you something that you requested.
“Yeji.” You hesitate, then walk over and take a hold of her arm. “Just please… don’t go easy on him.” You ask, giving her a meaningful look.
She pauses and looks at you for a moment, then finally lets out a sigh with a brief flutter of her eyes. Her job isn’t easy, but then again, neither is yours.
“Alright,” Her voice is reluctant, but resolute. She gives you a brief smile with a touch of fondness, and opens the door for you. “I’ll give him hell.”
You wind and unwind the drawstring of your hoodie around your finger as Yeji organizes her paperwork. The tension in the air is palpable. Namjoon sits across from you both, now dressed for the day in business casual, a white t-shirt under a blazer and slacks. He must have an interview or a photoshoot today.
Your mind wanders briefly to what he usually does when he has a schedule, asks you for a quick blowjob before he leaves. You think of that warm smile he gives you after you swallow his cum, and the tenderness of his lips as he kisses your cheek before he heads out the door.
Lewd domesticity is how he phrased the kink during his interview.
“So, Mr. Kim Namjoon,” Yeji begins, snapping you out of your memories, her voice crisp in the otherwise silent room. She’s speaking in Korean again, to more clearly communicate with him. “You and my client are in a disagreement with regards to her services, is that correct?”
Namjoon frowns. “Not exactly. We just had a… simple misunderstanding this morning.”
Yeji gives him a thin smile. “Well, she called me here, which must mean that she feels the need for professional support concerning this issue,” she continues swiftly. “There are no laws governing Physical Companions, Mr. Kim, because they are not technically legal. A black market business. Therefore, I am the closest thing my client has to legal representation, and I wouldn’t call my lawyer about a ‘simple misunderstanding’, would you?”
Namjoon’s eyes flash with something almost like regret as he glances to you. His mouth opens and closes for a moment, then he briefly shakes his head, his gaze returning to Yeji. “No, I-I wouldn’t.”
“Right.” Yeji raps her collection of papers on the oak tabletop to align them, barely giving Namjoon a glance as she begins flicking through the stack. “Now, then. My client has told me that you wish to put her on suspension, is that correct?”
Namjoon winces. “I wouldn’t say that, uh, Ms. Choi,” he says, wringing his hands together. He looks nervous, his eyes flickering from you to Yeji, and back again. “Does our PhysCom need to be present for this meeting?” He asks her, flashing a smile that would be charming and amiable, if he didn’t look so tense.
Yeji meets his gaze unflinchingly. “Yes.”
“I… um, alright.” He purses his lips with a nod.
It’s weird. In all the time you’ve known him, Namjoon has always been unfazed and collected when it comes to business. You’ve never seen him look so flustered before. Since he’s putting you in this position, it’s satisfying, in a twisted sort of way, to see him uncomfortable.
He clears his throat. “In any case, myself and my members just wanted to give her a break. Simply extend her vacation time.”
Yeji looks to you, her expression almost bored. “Do you want a vacation?”
You shake your head. “No, I don’t.” You throw a glare at Namjoon before returning your gaze to the houseplant on your left, inspecting each leaf as you try to stay calm. You know if you look for too long at him, you’ll start getting worked up again. Your anger and resentment is still there, bubbling just below the surface. You hope he knows how much he hurt you.
Yeji turns back to him, inclining her head, her tone that of explaining something simple to someone who should know better. “It is against her will, so it’s considered a suspension, Mr. Kim.” She slips her glasses on, reading over the fine print on the paperwork. “My client is given two days off each month, is that correct?”
“Yes, ma’am.” Namjoon says. “One day off, every two weeks.”
Yeji raises an eyebrow. “Yet, you wish to suspend her for an entire week. That’s over three months worth of her regular vacation time. I must say, this appears to be much more than a simple extension, as you put it. I wonder why that would be?” She flips a page, skimming the words casually. “It says here that she’s received nothing but glowing reviews from all of you since she was hired six months ago.”
Namjoon shifts uncomfortably. You can tell that he’s trying to keep up his shields, but Yeji is a formidable foe with which to spar, able to find the smallest opening in an opponent’s armor and pierce through with the speed of a rapier.
“No particular reason.” Namjoon seems to settle on the answer after calculating his words.
“No reason?” Yeji’s eyes widen in mock surprise. “Mr. Kim,” She sets her papers on the table, looking at him expectantly. “I’m afraid I can’t allow this discussion to go any further unless you have a good reason for putting my client, your Primary PhysCom I might add, on suspension for an entire week.” She shakes her head with a mild shrug of indifference.
Namjoon tugs at the cuffs of his jacket. "Well, I think we can-"
Yeji interrupts him, her words slow and purposeful. “I think… it would reflect very poorly on you as a leader to make such drastic decisions,” Here, she gives a very brief smile that could be mistaken for politeness, if there was any warmth left in her eyes. “... for ‘no particular reason’. Don’t you agree, Mr. Kim?”
Damn. Hit him where it hurts, Yeji.
Namjoon’s mouth grows slack, his expression dumbfounded. You bite back a smile, eternally grateful for being assigned such a kickass handler. You make a note to request a bonus for her next paycheck.
But now Namjoon’s face has grown dark. His fingers are tented together, and he seems lost in a silent debate within his own mind. “I didn’t want to do this…” he mutters so quietly, you almost can’t make out the words.
He inhales sharply and sits up a little straighter, his composure regained. “Ms. Choi,” he begins. “I must admit, we do have some concerns about her performance.”
Your heart drops like a stone.
“Oh?” Yeji doesn’t look up at him, but starts scribbling on one of her papers. “What might those be?”
“We believe that she’s overworked, since, as you pointed out, she is our only Primary,” he explains in almost a monotone. “Her behavior has been emotional and unpredictable lately.”
At this, your gaze snaps to him, shocked. Why the fuck would he say that?
He looks down to the floor, as though ashamed, as he continues. “She’s kissed two of our members since yesterday, which is not on her list of services. She broke down crying last night during dinner. When we went to use another PhysCom, she had a meltdown. Started screaming at us.”
Your body feels numb and on fire all at once.
"We're concerned about her professionalism."
That motherfucker.
You leap to your feet, your body moving before you can think. Yeji pulls you back from physically assaulting him, but you strain against her grip like a wild animal. “You bastard!” You spit out the insult, hair falling in your face and venom in your voice, still huffing out ragged breaths as Yeji patiently calms you back into your seat.
Your hands clench so hard you dig marks into your palms. You’re shaking with unbridled rage at his betrayal. You didn't think it was possible to be so angry. Of all people, Namjoon knows exactly how dedicated you are to your work, even when you’re exhausted, how closely you stick to your professional boundaries, even when it hurts, how tirelessly you work to please all seven of them, even if it means being used over and over again without a moment to breathe. You’ve always given everything to your job.
Now he wants to turn around and say that you’ve been fucking slacking?
“You see what I mean,” Namjoon states calmly, though there’s something wavering in his eyes that doesn’t quite match the rest of his confident demeanor. He tries to meet your gaze, tries to get you to look at him, but you refuse, twisting your head away from him before you get yourself charged with murder on top of everything else.
Maybe it would be best for you to get fired. You’d rather live on the streets than be treated like this. Tears prick at your eyes but you blink them away. You refuse to cry in front of him. You won’t give him any more ammunition to use against you.
Yeji looks between you and Namjoon, her lips forming a thin line. “Kim Namjoon,” she addresses him, her voice cold. “Do you wish for my client to remain in this house?”
Namjoon seems surprised at the question, his eyebrows lifting. “Yes, of course.”
“Then, I think a recess is in order.” She stands up and brushes off some invisible lint from her skirt.
You stand up to join her, but she holds out a hand. “No. You two need to talk this out,” she says to you, then looks to Namjoon, staring him down. “I suggest you remember why we’re here, Mr. Kim.” After a moment of silence, she walks to the door. “I’ll be back in ten.”
With that, Yeji exits, and the two of you are left alone.
You cross your arms protectively around yourself, adamantly refusing to look at him. The silence stretches between you.
“Sweetheart-” he starts, but you interrupt him.
“Don’t you fucking dare,” you seethe. Proprieties be damned, you’ve had enough. “Don’t ‘sweetheart’ me, you fucking asshole. I have given everything for you and your members, okay? Don’t you fucking dare sit there and tell lies about me, to my face!” You shout, trying to keep your voice from shaking. You know if you keep talking your rage will melt into tears, and you cannot afford to cry in front of him. You simply won’t allow it.
“I know, I know,” Namjoon’s assurance overlaps the end of your sentence. He sighs. Waits a beat.
“I’m sorry.”
“Yeah! You’d better be.” You still don’t meet his eyes, the betrayal and confusion is just too much. On top of all that, you’ve never lashed out in anger at any of them like this. You still don’t regret shouting at him, but your heart is threatening to beat out of your chest in fear of repercussions. Did you make the situation worse? Is that even possible at this point?
“Look.” His voice is tentative, a little afraid. “I really am sorry, I didn’t mean any of that.”
“Then why the fuck did you say it?” You counter sharply.
“Because!” Now it’s his turn to shout, though he seems to regain himself much more quickly than you. “Because... I don’t know if that woman can be trusted,” he reiterates quietly, as if afraid she might hear him through the door.
Wait, what?
“Yeji?” You squint in utter disbelief. “Of course she can be trusted, what the fuck are you-”
“Not with this.” He sighs again, rakes a hand through his hair. “Listen, you have to trust me.”
You bark a laugh. “Trust you?”
He shakes his head, stopping your objections before you can list them. “This is serious. This is… bigger than either of us.”
His voice is the only thing that gives you pause. Just for a moment. He sounds… desperate. Scared.
You slowly look over to him, and his expression confirms your suspicions. Namjoon is fearful about something, his eyes wide with worry, his hair mussed from being tugged between his fingers. He looks completely different from before, and it has you reluctantly curious.
“What do you mean?” You let him keep talking, though you’re still taking his words with a grain of salt.
“I was… working on something. A better arrangement,” He begins, his eyes reaching out to you, then darting nervously around the room, as if he’s letting you in on his greatest secrets. “But I stumbled onto something bigger. I just… I need you to take some time off for right now, and I need you to trust me that it’s for the best.”
You level your gaze at him, silently weighing your options. He’s being awfully vague.
“What does my time off have to do with anything?” You ask, your suspicion coloring your tone.
“It’s necessary to test my theory properly. If I’m right, then...” He trails off, and you garner that his success would bring about something monumental.
You stare at him. You want to take his words as truth, but he completely undermined you in front of your handler. You can’t let him off the hook so easily. “How can I believe anything you say anymore? You just blew any trust I had in you.”
“I know,” he says, hanging his head. He chews on his lip, then takes a deep breath. “That’s why I’m willing to offer some… collateral.”
He reaches into his pocket and withdraws something small and shiny. “This.” He holds out the object to you, dangling from a short metal chain. “It’s the key to my studio.” His gaze bores into yours as you tentatively reach forward to take it. “The only key,” he adds gravely.
You examine the silver peace offering, and your eyes widen at the implications of such a gesture. His whole life is in that studio. All of his art, his collections, not to mention his computer. His music. His career.
It’s all sitting in the palm of your hand.
He reaches across the table and closes your hand around the key. “You can keep it until I’ve earned your trust again. Okay?” He gives you a brief, dimpled smile, as if to assure you, though sadness and worry still swim behind his eyes.
“Now, sweetheart. Please. I beg of you.” He takes your hand in both of his own, his worried eyes imploring you to trust him. “Please, will you take this vacation?”
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beecherdrysdale · 4 years
Yesss our friendship is amazing! Lexi + Brigid !! And Kesh!. Yes, Jamie Drysdale we owe you for starting our friendship:)
Resistance band training was annoying and I think it made my hips bigger lol-muscle wise. I’m sad about your joint problems.
I wanna come visit!! You should come here too so that I can show you around Canada ! It could be a fun road trip since you can literally drive everywhere. We can pick up the boys in different provinces lol. I despise a lot of my teachers as well. So twinssssss!!
Haha yesss ! Work Jamie work! I’ll switch over to another guy soon lol . Who’s next?. While I’m doing that you are teaching the boys to swim! Go Brigid!.
Okkkk Imma go make black. T-shirts now- it’ll have you and Dylan together on it. I’ll wear it always hehe. Haha thank you!! I forgot that in the states you write colour as color. Hehe okkk Braden is safe then:) honestly he would be a good cushion to fall on :)
Is it weird that I actually see that happening?! Me and Ryan being psycho on a jet ski lol . I’m not gonna lie, the amount of swearing and laughing that would be happening hehe. Yes you and dylan being the cutest on a jet ski. I am am loving the chin on your shoulder 🥺🥺 ooo him clutching your waist 😏😏 kesh is just filming us lol. She’s just laying on top of Kirby hehe.
Awww I love the braiding our hair idea. Quinton would dominate! Also Kesh- I also forgot about Devon but then I thought long and hard about who has great hair so thats how i landed on him . haha yes the boys would get so competitive! Awww Dylan and Jamie braiding your hair 🥺🥺 I love that! Wow how long is your hair? I used to have pretty long hair but then I started choking on it when I played tennis lol, it also got caught on my racquet strings hehe. It’s now past my shoulders but shorter than mid back. Honestly I just love when somebody braids my hair . I reserve Jamie and Dylan to start w your hair !
Ok I like option 2, you dyl, quinner, me, than Jamie hehe. Also why do I see Dylan jumping in first and helping you get in🥺 adorbs. Haha now I can hold onto quinner and Jamie onto me ;)). I will frame the photo.
I’m good with any colour! small will totally fit. Brigid i love you too:) also when I was reading this I was like who the fuck is Lexi? And then I realized that was me 😂😂. I get your point now lol. I wouldn’t want to go in skirt to school during the winter. Ya my school also doesn’t have heating so I wear like 4 layers hehe.
Tyyyy for believing in our dancing skills. Imma dance with everybody especially you. But I gotta let you have your moment with Jamie and Dylan. Quinner get ready to get tipsyyyyyyyyy
Ooo lucky with the fire pit in your house ! I wish . I love s’mores sm too. Honestly I was kinda imagining a bonfire on the beach, I’ve seen people have those and I’m always like I wanna do that too! Nah I feel like you say you have a bad voice but it’s actually amazing. You and Dylan need to harmonize! Or we can just chill and let the guys sing:) that would be funny. Aww yess is falling/cuddling the guys🥺 we’ve had a pretty adventurous vacay so far but there is more yet to come. Also imagine just everybody passing out and then waking up outside and everybody is just sleeping on each other? Idk I just see it. Yess bonfires make everybody look extra cute so pics are mandatory. Yes it does remind me of the end of mighty ducks 2!!
Waitttttt I have another good vacay idea, going to an obstacle park, like racing each other, going on a zip line. Partnering up with somebody to race another team!!
Also we have a debate going on.. we can’t decide who I would have moments with quinner or Braden, what do you think 🤔?
yes i love our friendship! you and kesh are amazing. and jamie, if you’re lurking on here we love you and we owe you lol
haha it’s ok i’m used to my joint problems at this point, so i don’t really feel them too much except if i have a really hard practice they’ll act up. but my sister just calls me an old lady lmao. i’m sorry the resistance band training made your hips worse, that sucks
yes you should definitely come visit, and then i’ll come back with you to visit you! and then we can go pick up all the guys lol. haha imagine driving with all of them, what do you think they would be like on a really long road trip? 
hehe oooh who do you want after jamie, maybe quinner? bc you’re already gonna be with braden for the chicken fight lol. and then i’ll just be chilling teaching everyone to swim. telling everyone guys you need to engage your core or else you’ll sink, a lot of people don’t seem to understand that concept lol. hehe yes wear the dylan + brigid shirt. and yeah i always forget that americans spell things weird lol, so then if i ever talk to anyone from canada, england, australia, etc i’m always like wait why did you spell it like that?
hehe yes i could definitely see you guys going psycho. the rest of us just swearing yelling at you bc we don’t want you to crash into us lol. yes i love the chin on the shoulder, that’s so cute 🥰 oooh dyl’s arms around my waist, getting a little spicy lol 😏 and kesh would just be chilling with kirby watching everything go down lol
ok yes quinton and devon just dominating in the hair department and the rest of them just being clueless lol. hehe jamie and dyl just trying to do my hair but it’s just knotting so i have to show them how. my hair hits the top of the waistband of all of my high-waisted pants so it’s super long, so yeah it knots suuuuuper easy especially bc it’s so thin and chlorine damaged lol. haha yeah i sometimes choke on mine when i play soccer, so that’s why i usually wear braids. yessss i love when people play with my hair too
ok, so we’ll go with option 2. and yes dyl getting in and then helping me in 🥺 i’m sure if jamie and quinner saw him do it one of them would do it for you too. yesss i need a framed pictures too. we could get matching frames!
hehe i need you to choose a color i can’t decide. haha i feel that, the first time someone said brigid in the tags i was like how do they know my name? not like i have it in my bio lol. and yes i fucking hate our uniforms and my dumbass school that refuses to give us heat. the teachers will be wearing like 10 layers and we aren’t allowed to wear sweats under our skirts or any hoodies, only the uniform quarter zips, which a lot of people don’t have
yesssss literally you and ryan would slay dancing, but then so would the two of us. literally it would be so fun to dance with everyone. and then having a cutsie moment with dylan or jamie. maybe once you got quinner tipsy and taught him the macarena you could convince him to do a slow dance with you. i mean if he’s tipsy enough you never know 🤷‍♀️
yessss i love having a firepit, but a bonfire on the beach would be the best (outer banks vibes again lol). nooo i promise my voice is bad. like not completely awful but pretty bad. i’m sure yours is better than mine. anyways, yes we’ll just let the guys sing while we just chill lol. yessss just cuddling on the beach and we’re all super tired and fall asleep and then we wake up in the morning and we’re all just like what? lol i can see it. and we’d definitely get cute pics!
omg yesssssss i love obstacle parks. ahaha racing each other across the obstacles, except we’ve already established some of them are scared of heights, so that would be interesting for them lol. me having to tell them to just trust the equipment bc i’m working at one this summer and ik how it works lol. and the ziplines for sure some of them would be freaking out and then we could chirp them lol
ok so i could definitely see you with either, but i’m gonna go with you with quinner just bc i know more about him lol. but if you were leaning towards braden, then go for it bc you would be super cute with either
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universe-n-3276 · 4 years
Carrying the Moon
Chapter 16
It had been almost a year since Charlotte had left, and life had gone on for everyone.
Time is something ethereal, ineffable, theoretical, and relative. Usually, when someone disappears as Charlotte did, after some time, no one can perceive how many days have passed. One closes his eyes and suddenly, it's been ten days. Ten months. Ten years.
But, of course, Charlotte didn't like conforming herself to the regular conventions of life. She vanished, but she had left Hero behind her. On his face, everyone could almost count the days one by one. The passage of time was so clear, it was scary.
It was mid-July.
In a month, Hero would be one year old.
He could walk and talk, or at least he tried. He often made very long speeches with words that were mostly made up, or that only his dads were able to understand the meaning of.
Their life was tiring, but beautiful and happy.
Everyone had survived, even without Charlotte, and Sander would never expect it.
They had graduated, and although the future was still uncertain, they allowed themselves to relax and have fun without thinking about anything, during the last months of summer.
Jens and Lucas, who had returned home from the hospital, were thrilled at the prospect of finding a full-time job so that they could finally afford a larger apartment, in which they could welcome all their new and old friends.
That morning, Sander and Robbe were driving north to the beach house Sander had rented for a well-deserved weekend of relax. Hero had been left in the loving care of his grandmother, with the promise of two FaceTime calls a day. His parents wanted to take him with them to see him play in the sand and have his very first experience on the beach, but after so much effort to graduate on time, the two of them needed to spend time alone.
Sander was driving because Robbe had always flatly refused to take a driver's license.
He had one hand on the wheel and with the other, he was holding his fiance’s. The car was being filled by Bowie's warm voice, which was entertaining them towards their destination.
Sander momentarily took his eyes off the road, hearing Robbe laugh. He was looking at his phone with a happy expression painted on his face.
“Hey, only I can make you smile like that!”
Robbe rolled his eyes and shook his head, trying to hold back a smile.
“First of all, watch the road. Second, it’s your mother. She sent me pictures of Hero taking a bath. He's so cute.”
“I want to see them too!”
Sander pouted and pushed his lower lip out, looking at his fiance who promptly made him turn his face back to the street.
After a while, the music was again the only sound filling the car. Robbe was staring blankly out the window as he listened to Sander humming along with Bowie.
Just a few months earlier, their everyday reality would have seemed only a pipe dream. Robbe touched the ring on his finger and smiled. The thrill of being officially engaged to the love of his life hadn't left him yet, and he wished, he could go back to when as a teenager, he had felt lost, alone, and scared, to whisper in his ear that everything would have been fine in the end.
When the car's GPS showed them that their destination was nearing, both boys looked up to the dark sky above their heads and sighed. It would have probably rain soon. It was certainly not the weather they expected to find, especially Sander who had planned everything.
The beach house was beautiful. It looked like it came straight out of a movie, with the terrace overlooking the sea, and despite the bad weather, the view was still breathtaking.
They brought their bags inside the cabin, just before it started raining, and decided to explore the house they had rented, knowingly looking at each other, as soon as they saw how inviting the bed was.
They kept exploring the remaining rooms as the storm raged outside. They could hear the rain hitting the windows and the sound of the waves that almost drowned out the thunder. There was something strangely relaxing in it, despite the anger of nature manifesting itself, in all its power, before their eyes.
Abandoned on a piece of furniture they found a deck of UNO cards and decided to play a few rounds to spend some time. Sander and Robbe weren't used to having anything to do, but they swore to themselves, they wouldn't spend the whole weekend in bed.
They had been playing for about an hour and Sander kept losing each round. By that time, all his competitiveness had vanished due to the humor of the situation, and his fiance too had begun to cheer for him, despite being playing against each other.
When Robbe laid another +4 on top of the discard pile, they both screamed in amusement and Sander threw his cards on the table in a dramatic way.
“Nooo! Robbe! I thought you loved me!”
“Why are you keeping doing this to me?”
“Because you suck at this game, babe.”
“It's because when there are only two players, it's only a matter of luck.”
Sander suddenly looked down at his phone, frowning. He had behaved like this for days, but when they sat face to face, it became very evident.
“Why are you so jumpy every time you get a text lately?”
“I'm not jumpy.”
“Sander, I know you.”
Robbe was looking at him skeptically, with a raised eyebrow. Sander could often read him as if he had his thoughts written on his forehead, but the other way around was also true. Robbe knew his fiance’s every gesture and knew when he was acting weird.
“I'm not! I swear!”
“And now you are hiding your phone! Who are you texting, Sander?”
“It's just my mom.”
“Let me see it, then.”
In seven years of relationship, neither of them had asked the other to read his texts, and neither of them had ever hidden anything. Sometimes Sander or Robbe got a text and the other read it, just because they never had this kind of boundaries. That situation seemed very unusual, and it was a symptom of something.
“No! Why?”
“Are you texting Noor?”
Sander's mouth dropped open, looking at his fiance as if he just grew another head. He couldn't believe Robbe thought he was cheating on him. Especially after less than a month since they were officially engaged. He felt offended by that thought and that sudden insecurity on Robbe’s part. Sander wanted to say something about it, but he couldn’t because he was actually texting someone without telling Robbe.
He had texted Charlotte about their engagement, and she had replayed immediately, but the conversation died there, although Sander still hoped that his sister would start a conversation sooner or later, so every time he got a text, he was afraid it was her and that Robbe would find out.
He hadn't told him about it yet, because somehow if Charlotte got closer to them and eventually wanted to take Hero away, it would be his fault, and he didn't want to give Robbe any worries.
“We just got engaged!”
“Robbe, I'm not texting Noor, or anybody else. Just trust me, okay?”
“I'm tired of playing. This game is boring if it’s just the two of us. I'm gonna go to bed.”
Robbe got up, leaving his cards on the table, and disappeared into the bedroom. Sander buried his face in the palms of his hands and sighed. He hated hiding things from his fiance, making him feel insecure, and worried but at the same time, he didn't want to talk about Charlotte, especially at that moment, when they should have simply been happy, enjoying some freedom.
He stood up to join Robbe, finding him curled up against a pillow, lying on his side with his eyes closed. Sander lay down behind, spooning him.
Robbe said nothing, and Sander sighed, starting to rub his nose on the back of his fiance’s head, as he held him tighter against his chest.
“I know you're not sleeping.”
“Have you already regretted it?”
Those raw words left Sander breathless for a few seconds. He really couldn't believe Robbe was asking him such a thing.
“I hope you're not talking about our engagement because you can't possibly be serious.”
Robbe turned slightly, to look his fiance in the eyes, and at that moment Sander wished he didn't know how to read the other so well because his face was painted with mordant emotions that had the power to hurt both of them.
“Why are you being this weird? It's because I wanna adopt Hero?”
“What? No! Absolutely not!”
“I just don't understand.”
“Because there’s nothing to understand.”
Sander felt guilty. He was making the love of his life believe that he was seeing things that weren't there. He was making him question his instincts, deceiving him. He felt terrible, but he had to do what was best for both of them, so when Robbe pushed him away, he pulled back, trying to make his most convincing puppy eyes.
“Don't call me that when I'm mad.”
“Robin, please.”
He begged, pouting this time because Sander knew very well that no one had ever been able to resist that combination, and he also felt that Robbe was letting himself go in his arms.
“I hate you.”
“We came here to celebrate, don't be mad.”
“You and your puppy eyes. Fuck.”
He said, burying his face completely against the Sanders' chest. Then he smiled, intertwining their legs together. Their love getaway could officially start.
Jens woke from his nap at the sound of a broomstick falling to the floor. He frowned and stood up, still sleepy, walking towards the source of that noise. Standing in the kitchen, with a mop in his hand and a bucket full of water and detergent at his feet, there was Lucas who was trying to wash the floor with just one hand.
“What the hell are you doing, Lucas Van der Heijden?”
“I'm just trying to help!”
Lucas's voice was frustrated, just like the expression on his face. Since they got back home from the hospital, Jens had prevented him from doing anything but staying in bed, watching tv, or going to the kitchen to eat. He was afraid that Lucas would get hurt again, and that his complete recovery would be further prolonged.
Also with a broken wrist, there was very little he could do. But as usual, he had underestimated his boyfriend's stubbornness.
“Put that mop down!”
“No! I wanna help!”
He said, pouting. Jens had never thought they would argue for who should not do the cleaning, and instead there he was, trying to take the mop away from Lucas's hand, while he spun around with the agility of a ballerina.
“You have a fucking cast!”
“Right! But I have two hands. The last time I broke my wrist, I kept skating. Besides, chores are not dangerous!”
“When you broke your wrist at 14, I wasn’t your boyfriend.”
“Jens, please. I'm almost done.”
Lucas knew perfectly well that Jens couldn’t resist him at all, so after a little bit more of pouting and begging, Jens just sighed, going to lean on the door-frame.
“Fine. But I'll stay here to check on you.”
Lucas smiled and resumed fumbling with the mop, in a strangely effective way for a single-handed person. He finished cleaning the kitchen in five minutes.
Jens let him put away the bucket and mop without saying a word, and when he was done, Lucas walked over to his boyfriend, looping his arms around his neck.
“See? It wasn't that hard.”
“You could have slipped on the wet floor.”
“But I didn't. Now, kiss me.”
Jens smiled, happy to please his boyfriend, and pressed his lips against the other’s. Lucas slipped his fingers through Jens' hair, pulling them slightly, and opened his mouth to deepen the kiss, moaning when his tongue met Jens’.
They hadn't had sex in a while, so it was very easy for both of them, to heath up at the bare minimum.
Jens stroked the back of Lucas' thighs and lifted him off the ground, while the other tied his legs behind his waist. They kept going like that until both had to break the kiss to catch their breath.
Lucas rubbed his nose against his boyfriend's, smiling softly at him.
“You're so handsome.”
“So are you.”
“Sure, must be that purple bruise under my eye, or the greasy hair.”
“It's just a few more days, Luc, then we can shower together.”
“So hot.”
“Yeah, so hot.”
They both laughed, and Jens carried Lucas into their bedroom, making him sit on the bed. They continued to cuddle for a while, while a comforting silence reigned throughout their apartment. It was nice to be alone, slowly rediscovering each other. Taking their time to admire every detail on the other's face, since other areas were still off-limits. It felt like they were teenagers again, when they spent hours kissing and laughing, hidden in their bedrooms, without the world disturbing them.
Lucas leaned on Jens' shoulder, playing with the neck of his boyfriend's shirt, suddenly becoming more serious. It happened often since the accident and what worried him ended up being always the same matter, Jens knew it.
“Lucas, stop thinking about what happened. You said sorry a million times.”
“I know, but I realized that pushing you away, being angry and mean, is my coping mechanism. I saw my parents do this so many times during my childhood, especially my mom, and I don’t know. Maybe I was just trying to protect myself.”
“Protect yourself from what?”
“From the idea that eventually I’d get hurt. I always saw Sander and Robbe as an ideal couple and when they broke up I thought they didn’t make it, so why Jens and I should? I kind of convinced myself that we were about to end things up too.”
Jens was confused. No matter how many times they talked about that, there was still something new coming up to the surface. It was good because it meant they were working things up, and their relationship was starting to heal.
“Why haven't you mentioned this before?”
“It wasn’t something I did on purpose. But you know what? we survived Jens, thanks to you.”
“Next time something bothers you, even if you don’t know what it is, please tell me, and we’ll try to figure it out together.”
“I promised.”
Lucas smiled, pressing little kisses to Jens' jaw, who closed his eyes and sighed, completely touch-starved. He wanted to feel Lucas everywhere again, but he needed to be responsible for both of them, so he gently squeezed his boyfriend's hand to make him stop.
“Jens, please. I want to make you feel good.”
“But you are already making me feel good by saying all of these things. Besides, I'm super hungry, we should start cooking something!”
Jens freed himself from his boyfriend's arms and quickly got up before the other could reach him again. It was painful but necessary. Lucas rolled his eyes and grunted crossing his arms on his chest, and that was it. There was no way he couldn’t kiss away that adorable pout from his face, so taking Lucas by surprise he crushed his mouth against his boyfriend’s, because maybe if they were really careful, there was something they still could do to make each other feel good.
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lokidiabolus · 4 years
The Deal - Bonus
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel (web series)
Pairing: Alastor / Angel Dust
Warnings: human!Angel Dust (Anthony), Deal with a devil AU
Summary: Sometimes you had nobody to spend the Christmas with. Sometimes you didn’t want to. Sometimes you took a chalk and drew a pentagram on the floor fully ready to deal with anything that would come out as an alternative to self-pity occurring otherwise.
The time when Anthony thought if he can’t get anybody to love him properly, he can just make a deal with a devil and find out what affection feels like. Alastor thinks this mortal is pitiful beyond belief and concede. Cuddles happen.
Can be found on Ao3.
Notes: I swear NOW it’s done lmao.
2024, 275th day
It was rather unexpected to see this kind of development, when it came to the form Anthony took in Hell. When Alastor gave it some thought here and there (more often than he would admit, granted), he could imagine Anthony as some sort of cat demon the most. There was something feline about the man when alive – the unpredictability maybe? He wasn’t sure.
So when the Hell opened to swallow yet another sinner – and the sinner was his beau – his expectations were about everywhere but in what he actually saw once he located the trembling creature in the Pentagram outskirts.
A spider demon. White as fallen snow, but covered in his own blood, six arms and two long, long legs and tear stained face, trembling in Alastor’s arms like a frightened child. The last few months of Anthony’s life were fluctuating and the more Alastor had to stay in Hell to deal with Vox, the more Anthony’s light was dimming, and Alastor knew that, he saw what was happening, how the will was weakening and the desire to join him here winning over. A selfish, petty part of him thought good, finally, come to me but at the same time Anthony was young, so, so young to die, it made him indecisive and when was the last time he felt like that? If ever? Not even during his own life and death he never doubted, but with Anthony… he wanted him to be his without remorse. No regrets, no sadness over his life ending.
But now here he was. Finally calming down, the trembling subsiding, the pain from his face easing away until he was just resting in Alastor’s arms, breathing deeply. An adorable spider, caught in the web of his own inner demons… maybe it was fitting.
“You are pouting for an hour already.”
“I’m sorry to rain on yer parade, but I’m a fuckin’ spider monster,” Anthony flashed him an unhappy sneer and glared at his reflection in the mirror for umpteenth time, his eyes narrowing, sharp teeth baring just to growl and turn away from it once more. “Who fuckin’ picks this? What did I do to deserve bein’ a six-armed horror?!”
“But imagine how good are you going to be at hugging,” Alastor couldn’t stop himself from grinning, even though Anthony was clearly distressed by his new look, but there was simply no reason to be. He was such an adorable creature, white and pink and soft and cushy. If he wasn’t walking around like a ticking bomb, swearing at each step, Alastor would definitely be trying the new cuddle arrangement. But there was time for everything.
There was eternity for them now.
“I could hug with two arms just fine!”
“Maybe I would like to be hugged with six,” Alastor shot back, which stopped Anthony in his stomping with a defeated sigh.
“But… spider,” he whined, gesturing to his lanky body and abundance of limbs, and ironically all Alastor could see was a cute pouty face and dangerous claws he honestly found threateningly appealing – all six clawed hands with them. Anthony just couldn’t see past the shock yet, but Alastor had means to make him so.
“And a deer,” the red-eyed demon smiled at him from the table he was sitting behind.
“All ya have is a cute Bambi tail and ears, big deal,” Anthony rolled his eyes – his unevenly coloured eyes, Alastor mentally added, which was fascinating – and glanced down at his feet with a frown.
“If that is all you can see, then I suppose I am a lucky man,” Alastor tapped on one of the radios near him and smooth jazz started playing. True, he never had a single issue with his demonic appearance, even when he first arrived here. At this regard he was always a perfectionist, so all of him the others could see was perfectly tailored to show his dominance. Nothing about him was cute, no matter what Anthony was saying. Not the tail, not the ears. He was an Overlord, demons feared him.
Well, except of this particular case, that is. But Anthony was special, he was allowed.
“Oh yeah, I forgot, handsome guys are scary as fuck,” Anthony grumbled, but there was some sort of playfulness in his voice, which signalized his mood was getting better. “Pretty sure all demons just run at sight of ya, oh nooo. Pretty guy inbound, ruuuuun~.”
“They do run though,” Alastor smiled at him sweetly. “Different circumstances though.”
“Yer dad jokes, huh,” the pretty spider smirked at him, softening the rudeness. “Don’t blame them.”
“Now now, Anthony,” Alastor tapped his claws against the table, stopping any other eventual teasing that would definitely follow, because Anthony never left things at only one jab when he had a chance. “If you are done with your moping, how about you come here?”
There was an evident hesitation in the demon’s features, insecurity written in his whole body language, but Alastor was patient and willing to show him there was nothing to feel insecure about. Only proud.
He tilted his head to the side, eyes narrowing, and Anthony let out a squeak when a pair of shadowy hands curled around his waist, gently pushing him forward like walking a child on the first day out.
“Aww, hi Al Junior,” Anthony cooed back at the Shadow, which gave him a raggedy grin in return. Evidently too happy to see him, that for sure. Even more evidently appreciative about Anthony’s new look as well. “Haven’t seen ya both in one room yet, that’s new.”
The Shadow waddled him all the way to Alastor’s desk and nuzzled his neck from behind, obviously delighted about the experience. Anthony patted him with one of the six hands, still not that good at coordinating them all, apparently, and Alastor cleared his throat while tapping against the table again.
One more nuzzle and then the shadow slithered away, blending into the walls, and Alastor would have sworn if it could, it would stick its tongue at him.
“Hehe,” Anthony looked happy though, which was amendable, and then finally circled the mahogany desk and stood next to Alastor comfortably sitting in his chair. He let himself to be touched on his thin waist, lower on his hip, then back up on his chest – fluffy chest, if anybody asked, so, so fluffy – and then let Alastor took one of his hands and gently pull him on his lap, sitting on his legs carefully like he could shatter any moment.
“There~,” Alastor crooned. “Not that hard, was it?”
“Might be even easier with the voice,” Anthony suggested meekly, like he was asking for something risky, and Alastor circled one of his arms around his waist and touched his face with the other.
“Whateva you want, darlin’,” he spoke softly and Anthony’s smile widened. “Feelin’ better now?”
“Yeah…” the spider demon nodded curtly. “Still weird, but I’ll get over it.”
“Don worry, I’ll be there fer you every step on da way,” Alastor tilted his head down and gently pressed their lips together. “Promise.”
He was right – six armed hugs were absolute heaven.
2024, 277th day
Alastor took several more steps before he realized Anthony stopped all of sudden, staring at the vending machine sitting between dark corners of dubious streets filled with vermin. He was staring at the lowest button, head tilted, and Alastor returned to him with a silent question in his eyes.
Not that Anthony noticed, his eyes were glued to the vending machine with something akin to wonder, and when Alastor glanced down at the point of the spider’s interest, he noticed Angel Dust written there in all italics.
“Fuckin’ swell, huh,” Anthony mumbled more to himself than to Alastor, judging from his expression. “That this would be here too.”
Alastor knew how Anthony died, of course he did. PCP overdose might have come as a surprise, but at the same time they talked about it when Anthony’s heart was still beating. His coping mechanism, his addiction, his attachment to something that could ease the state of despair. If Vox didn’t get in Alastor’s way, maybe there would be a possibility to prolong his life for few more years.
But then again Alastor would be lying if he said he regretted having Anthony here with him, finally. He wasn’t that much of a good guy for playing a Good Samaritan (if even a little, honestly), and if Anthony wasn’t in such a bad state at the beginning of their deal, he would probably (definitely) drag him to Hell right away, especially after being asked to be killed from the get go.
“Anything you can think of,” Alastor commented. “Any drug. Any alcohol. Any poison. Any weapon. It is all here. And worse.”
“Hell yeah,” Anthony chuckled bitterly and averted his eyes from the nameplate, little raw at the edges, vulnerable. Still so new, still so open. “Oh well. Sorry. Let’s go.”
Alastor made sure they didn’t pass any other vending machine on their way back to the Radio Tower.
2024, 285th day
It wasn’t like he wanted to make a habit of spying on Anthony, but once the spider demon left the tower on his own and ventured to the city, he had his reasons to make sure he would make it back home in one piece. Barely any demon would notice the shadow of a person was different unless really looking, and he kind of doubted Anthony would meet anybody like that on his first independent stroll anyway.
There wasn’t much the spider had planned, from the way he behaved outside. He just wandered around, peeking into shops and avoiding trouble, then peeking into more shops, got some clothes and then practiced his totally not six armed spider act when he managed to hide the middle set of arms like they were never there. Alastor didn’t know he could actually do that, but he was impressed anyway.
He had several cat-calling demons around whistling at him while skilfully flipping them off, and in case they wouldn’t be deterred, the Shadow blinked at them menacingly and they scuttered to dark corners like filthy rats.
It was nothing out of ordinary until a dark purple limo stopped at the edge of the sidewalk he walked on, pulling down the window just to reveal the Princess of Hell herself smiling nervously, calling at Anthony in her bright princess-y voice. Now that was interesting for sure.
“Hey,” Anthony blinked in surprise at her sudden invitation to get in, obviously not having a single clue who the girl was. “Daddy told me not to talk to strangers.”
Alastor totally did not choke on that.
The princess laughed, bright and happy and shook her head while opening the doors of the limo wide open.
“We won’t do anything bad,” she assured him, and there was another girl next to her in the car, though Alastor had never met her. Her displeased expression was spot on though. The princess dragged her closer, leaning her near the opening of the doors. “I’m Charlie, this is Vaggie! We just want to talk a little?”
“Ya can talk with me standing right ‘ere,” Anthony crossed all his four arms, eyes looking her up and down, not budging. “Whaddya want?”
“What is your name, mister?” Vaggie stared him down pointedly, her voice sharp as a knife. Anthony visibly hesitated, then glanced away to the rest of the street. They talked about it shortly after Anthony got to Hell – not everybody wanted to keep their human name. Alastor did because he was not a fan of aliases, The Radio Demon nickname just happened on its own. Anthony didn’t seem to be in need of getting any kind of demon name either, but now there was an obvious reluctance in his features.
“Angel Dust,” he looked back at them, the drug name slipping past his lips. Intriguing. “Ya can call me Angel, toots.”
Vaggie didn’t look impressed but Charlie was smiling like a sunshine. When they started spouting nonsense about rehabilitating a demon in one of a repurposed royal family’s buildings, Alastor laughed so hard he almost let the Shadow spill it out.
It was only an hour later when Angel burst into the Radio Tower, dropped the shopping bags and yelled:
“Ya won’t fuckin’ believe what I’m just gonna tell ya, I shit ya not!”
Just few days later the 666 News broadcasted Charlie’s plan live (with an immense failure in the reception, but that was expected) and Alastor got a brilliant idea. Out of everybody involved, Charlie was probably on the board of it the most.
2024, 300th day
The hotel was a whack. It was a total fucking ruin in dire need of reconstruction. Angel didn’t know what the hell was repurposed here, but it must have been hiding in a basement because the rest of it screamed ancient. Not that any part of Hell was pretty or anything, but at least some of it had class. Ironically the most class was visible in the Lust circle in porn studios, but Angel was not getting even near of that filthy lair, that for sure (not to mention Alastor didn’t even let him wander too close, probably for a good reason. Said something about moths. Angel didn’t question it).
Niffty made a bit more presentable though, scurrying around the hallways like a sonic Roomba and at least the entrance hall looked nicer once Alastor was done with it.
Alastor The Radio Demon, Angel learned. An Overlord even. Vaggie was super into telling him how bad and evil and absolute horror-ish Alastor was, how bloodthirsty and merciless, and Angel just thought of his Bambi tail wagging when they hugged and kind of spaced out.
Sure, guy had a reputation. Angel saw some flattering posters in the 666 News studios with BEWARE !!! HIM and RADIO SOUNDS = STAY AWAY and DO NOT FUCK WITH HIM but if Alastor was anything, a cuddler would be the right description. Also probably a cold-hearted murderer, but nobody was perfect.
He told the girls he was new and had barely any kind of comprehension of Hell’s inner workings back there when they stopped in in the city, and obviously that immediately must have raised red flags when he got to the Hotel just few days later with Alastor leading him in and keeping him close like a pet on an invisible leash (though not really a pet, Angel was just super amused by the height difference, so he stuck close to him for shit and giggles).
“You can stay here, Angel,” Charlie was just telling him in a shushed whisper when they walked through the hallways, Alastor several steps in front of them, looking around with wide smile on his face. Fucker was definitely enjoying it, but even Angel felt rather giddy about it.
“Here?” he imitated her low voice and she quickly glanced towards Alastor humming a tune and twirling his microphone.
“You know. If you need a place to stay,” she gestured towards the deer demon quickly.
Oh. Oh. She thought he feared Alastor or something? Or that Alastor kept him around against his will? A big bad Overlord and a newbie, what else would she think, right?
“Can’t do, Cha-Cha, made a deal with this guy,” he made finger guns pointed at the red-clothed figure with his all four arms. “Hands are tied.”
“Oh,” Charlie’s eyes widened for a second, like she was saying oh no, you fucked for good, gurl and then hesitantly nodded. “I see. But… I mean. It depends on the deal, of course, but… If you needed to stay away or something, you understand?”
“I fear that just won’t do, my dear!” Alastor’s voice thundered through the hallway cheerily, loud as fuck, even though he was standing few meters away from them. “I own his heart, you see. He cannot leave even if he wanted to.”
Charlie’s eyes widened even more, and Angel had to bite his lips to stop himself from laughing. How fucking vague, just playing it like Angel was suffering in the Radio Demon presence.  
“Isn’t that right, my dear Angel?”
“Oh yes, poor me,” the spider demon swooned dramatically. “Can’t leave ever! He’d totally find me and cu-,” ddle me to death, he wanted to say, Alastor’s eyes warning him not to, “-t me to death! Double death even.”
Charlie started to visibly panic. Oh damn, she was so naïve, it was fun.
“Do not be alarmed, princess,” Alastor assured her with a chuckle. “No cutting needed. Angel is quite knowledgeable in his duties.”
“Aren’t you, my dear.”
“’bsolutely,” Angel saluted him. “Controlled by fear and fear only.”
There was a mischievous gleam in Alastor’s eyes right before he turned around and continued his way through the raggedy hotel, resuming the tune. Angel patted the small woman on the top of her head, but still wasn’t sure if she got it was all a joke or she unironically feared for his life.
2024, 304th day
She feared for his life. She kept on trying to get him to stay overnight in the hotel for therapies and fun activities and movie nights and Angel was wondering how to break it out to her without revealing Alastor was a big softie who liked to snuggle in bed (and honestly he liked it even more now, in Hell, and Angel was wondering if it was because he was fluffier or because Alastor was just happy he didn’t need to keep fearing if he didn’t leave the stove or lights on in Radio Tower when up in the land of living).
From all he gathered during the days he spent in Hell by now, Alastor was a big thing around the Pentagram City. As one of the Overlords and one not hellborn on top of that he harnessed tremendous power through fear, his shady as fuck deals and radio broadcasts where he delivered the carnage for everybody to hear. Angel didn’t listen to any yet, but he was sure he would eventually, when Alastor would feel like letting him on it.
“She thinks yer abusing me,” he said while petting the red hair gently, lying on his back in the bed. The red sheets were silky and felt really nice around him and he doubted Alastor owned anything that was not red or black, like a walking, talking stereotype. Classy though.
“I am abusin’ you,” Alastor agreed from Angel’s fluffy chest, where his face was buried. He had been cuddling Angel for the past hour, like it was one of those days when he didn’t feel like being big bad deer and just stayed in the tower, making Angel spoil him. Then there were days he didn’t feel like being touched at all, unless it was at night when sleeping, and Angel was starting to be a real pro in reading those moods in his natural environment. Sometimes Al Junior gave him a hint even before Alastor appeared in flesh, and it was appreciated. Alastor wasn’t really making a big fuss when touched in his untouchable mood but the way he stiffened was red enough light for Angel to give him space.
“Yeah, yer a menace, I need to pee for like twenty minutes now,” Angel sighed and his poor bladder with him.
“Well, it’s yer bed I’m gonna pee in, so suit yerself,” he shrugged and Alastor huffed out a laugh. It was nice he could laugh at Angel’s crude jokes now, since before he just told him off.
“Don worry ‘bout the demon belle,” Alastor mumbled sleepily. “She’s just too nice fer her own good.”
“Aw, she’s a cutie tho,” Angel pulled a little at Alastor’s ear and it flicked. “Enthusiastic and all that shit, I guess ye don’t see that down here often.”
“Barely,” Alastor hummed.
“Well, if anybody can rehabilitate a demon, it’s her,” Angel pulled the other ear and it flicked too. Cute.
“Mmm,” his companion let out. “Don’t be too much of a good boy, darlin’. I refuse to part wit you.”
“Don’t worry ‘bout that,” Angel chuckled warmly at Alastor affectionate speech. “They’d have to kill me to take me away from ya.”
“You ‘nd me both.”
Angel thought if Charlie saw Alastor like this, she’d definitely coo at him. Honestly, he kind of wanted her to, for funsies, but maybe it was better to leave sleeping deer lie.
2024, 310th day
Angel ignored Alastor’s sound of distaste and grabbed Charlie’s hands in all four of his, eyes shining.
“Ya mean like real ones?! Not like… sugar water ones, right?” He was craving sweet things and Hell had shit. The best things came from topside and apparently not as many demons ventured there for ingredients, so Angel was seriously super low on sugar.
“Yeah!” she smiled at him happily and nodded towards the kitchen because he was still holding her hands like a vice, but she seemed to be fine with it. “We thought we could try baking them tonight!”
Another obvious attempt to get him stay the night, he knew. But cupcakes. It was like… the only bait that could potentially work, apart from Frappuccino orgy and pole dancing. She gave a vibe like she wouldn’t condone the latter though.
He sent Alastor a pleading puppy eyes and the demon let out a defeated sigh. He didn’t even need to say anything, he was just done. Angel didn’t blame him, he was bothering him about sweets for days now and since Alastor disliked those, he was driving a hard bargain every damn day.
 It was an obvious plan, really. The baking didn’t start before nine in the evening and Charlie made sure only the patients were attending, which meant only Angel, really (the hotel didn’t have many patients so far, and by many I mean none) and Charlie as a main helper. Vaggie joined them around half past nine with a badly hidden curiosity and Niffty kept running around, sweeping crumbs that had the audacity to touch the floor, and if she had nothing to sweep, she helped them with filling the forms, quite skilled for such a little lady.
“Here I thought Husky would be leading the baking party,” Angel commented when they put the first batch into the oven and Vaggie made a snorting noise somewhere behind the counter.
“Busy pouring drinks for Happy face,” she shot back while mixing the dough in the bowl. “He’s lounging at the bar like a shark, just waiting for a drop of blood.”
“Fitting,” Angel had to agree, though in much better light than Vaggie meant it. Charlie’s enthusiastic expression fell slightly and Angel just knew she got him here for a talk or two. Maybe even an all-nighter.
“Angel,” she started, swiping her hair behind her ear like she always did when nervous. “I know you said you made a deal with him and all-,”
“Careless of you, by the way,” Vaggie added with a sigh. “His deals always have a catch; you can never win.”
Angel leaned against the counter, giving them his full attention, which seemed to encourage Charlie a little. Maybe it was for the best to get them let it out of their chests and then ease their minds, no matter what Alastor would say about it. He knew his partner enjoyed people grasping for straws and worry, but neither Charlie or Vaggie deserved that – in both death and life combined they were the nicest girls he ever talked to, when he didn’t count his mum and sister. Sure, Vaggie was sharp as the spear she used, and Charlie had a naivety of a child, but they meant well, and he had to admit he was fond of them.
“I don’t doubt that,” he made a vague hand gesture for them to continue.
“He found you the moment you got to Hell, right?” Charlie asked with caution of a dancer on a nail bed.
“Well… yeah.” Not a lie. But he already belonged to him anyway, so it was not the moment of import as they thought it was.
“Can you tell us what the deal was about? Maybe we could help you somehow,” she smiled hopefully, and Angel took a deep breath.
“Ah, crap. Cha-Cha, I didn’t think you’d take it so seriously,” he scratched his head. “We were just playin’, you know. It’s not like he’s ever gonna hurt me or anythin’. Or cut me or whatever we said before.”
She didn’t look convinced. Fair.
“The only danger I’m in, and I mean, that’s a fact,” he crossed his arms on his chest. “It’s that he won’t let me get up from the bed when I need to pee. Like. That’s how lazy he is, ya know. Just not moving. Just stayin’ in.”
Okay, might have not been the best example, he realized when Charlie just stared at him and Vaggie’s upper lip curled into a sneer. Did he just make Alastor into a sexual predator?
“We just sleep together,” he assured them with all four hands raised. That didn’t help either. Charlie looked at Vaggie with tight-lipped expression and Vaggie seemed not wanting to be part of the conversation at all.
“No sex,” he added for good measure. “At all. Zero. Nada.”
Disbelieving stares. Even Nifftys’, she stopped sweeping, that’s how much she didn’t believe it.
“I mean… does he look to you as somebody wanting to fuck all night or…?”
“Ugh, Lucifer help us,” Vaggie groaned while smacking her forehead. Charlie looked unsure and huh. Interesting. Sure, Alastor was always making an impression, but he didn’t know Charlie potentially thought of him as somebody with sexual drive. But then again, Angel was probably biased, knowing him for the asexual he was.
“Okay, let me… get you on a secret,” he conceded in a low voice. “I made a deal with Alastor ‘bout four years ago.”
“I thought you said you’re new?” Charlie blinked in surprise and Vaggie raised an eyebrow. She was definitely onto him now; he saw the realization in her face.
“You were still alive,” she said in a shocked voice. “You made a deal with him when you were still a human.”
“Yeah,” he confirmed her words with a small smile. “I summoned him on Christmas Eve, and we made a deal that day. And four years later I fucked up my life and here I am. He just collected what belonged to him, is all. He’s not forcing me to do anything, ya know. I wanna be with him on my free will.”
“Or so you think,” Vaggie added with a frown. “Never thought about it?”
“No, never,” he refused immediately. “I get it, toots. He’s a big, scary Overlord here. He kills people. I mean this is Hell, of course he won’t be paintin’ their nails, right.”
She just stared at him with the same expression.
“But ya gotta believe me on this. Al is… well. He’s…” he rubbed his neck with a nervous laugh. “I don’t wanna sound corny as fuck. I just like ‘im. Like a lot.”
The oven dinged into the heavy silence and Charlie was the first who reacted, probably happy for a break in the flow. The cupcakes looked like a treat and Angel was kind of glad when they got into decorating and neither of the girls pressed him for more. Niffty did give him shifty looks though, probably still thinking they were going at it as rabbits behind the closed doors.
 Alastor was still at the bar sipping bourbon from a tumbler when Angel was finally allowed to leave the kitchen around midnight, full to bursting. They burned the first batch a little, but he blamed the talk rather than their culinary skills.
“You seem unperturbed,” the red eyed demon commented when Angel sat down next to him and put a small basket with cupcakes on the counter. Husker behind the bar eyed it with disdain and took a swing of his bottle instead.
“Well, takes more than that to ruffle my feathers, ya know,” he grinned. “Not amused by my choice of words in there?”
“I quite approve, actually,” Alastor sipped his drink again. “Except of making me into a sexual deviant, thank you very much for that, darlin’.”
“That one slipped out on accident,” Angel chuckled. The expression of the girls made the misstep worth it though. “I kinda didn’t want to give out yer a cuddle monster but had no idea how to explain properly. Charlie might have troubles to look ya in the eyes for some time.”
“I can live with that,” Alastor shook his head. “I will make sure to let you get up when you need to pee from now on at least.”
“Somebody kill me again…” Husker grumbled and dragged down the cage with a grunt, locking the alcohol behind it. “I’m fucking leaving.” And with that he shuffled away from the bar with an unhappy flap of his wings until they were alone in the hall, staring at the place he disappeared at.
Angel snorted and Alastor drank the rest of his bourbon before standing up as well and offering a hand for Angel to take.
“Shall we go home then? Or do they want to keep you here so I can’t ravish you tonight?” he asked like it was no biggie to use home and ravish in one breath and Angel felt his face heating up, probably from all that sugar, before he took the hand in his and stumbled up.
“Home…” he mewled, grabbing the basket. “Please.”
“As you wish, cher.” Alastor’s voice was low and warm and Angel really had to think more on how to express to the girls on how much he loved this man, no voodoo involved.
2024, 325th day
There were several parlours in the hotel, most of them in terrible state of neglect, except of one Angel found by sheer coincidence one day and then made it his secret hideout for lazing around with music on. He got a permission from Charlie to paint the walls and adjust the place to his own liking, since it was in the second floor and basically nobody came there anyway. He planned to ask her for a pole as well, but that could wait – one step at the time, as they say.
He mostly used it for busying himself, since there was always something to do, and if he didn’t feel like working, he could always just dance to songs Alastor didn’t find fancy enough to play in the Radio Tower and it did the trick.
To Angel’s delight Alastor visited the Hotel often, but even when he didn’t have time or didn’t feel like it (though he never explicitly stated I don’t feel like going today, really, but Angel could tell when he had to do something and when he just said it), Angel ventured here by himself, much to Charlie’s excitement every time she saw him (it was actually pretty heart-warming, really. Though it also kind of sucked he felt welcomed in Hell a lot more than he ever did during his life).
“Look at you, so busy,” a static voice interrupted Angel’s reminiscing while absentmindedly scraping the remaining tattered wallpaper off the wall, and before he could turn around in surprise, Alastor was already standing next to him, inspecting the wall with raised eyebrows before glancing back down on Angel squatting at the bottom. “No fun therapy today? Or is the manual labour Charlie’s idea.”
“Yer the only fun around here, Smiles,” Angel grinned at him cheekily. “Didn’t expect ya today though.”
It was one of those I have something to do excuses while meaning I just don’t feel like rainbows today and Angel respected that. Seeing him here all of sudden was a nice bonus and he wondered if he even checked with Charlie first or she had no idea he arrived.
“Surprises are my speciality,” the Radio Demon said, eyes skimming from every part of the parlour critically. “Which this place is, to be honest. Less of a dump than the rest of the hotel, though.”
“Yeah, it’s more neglected than tattered,” Angel agreed and put the scraper down. “Yer gonna help me paint?” He nudged Alastor’s leg with his knee and the Radio Demon seemed to ponder that. He was more of a let do my totally not cursed magic do the work rather than actually attending himself – unless it came to cooking – so Angel didn’t expect him to actually take off his coat, neatly fold it on one of the barstools and roll up his sleeves, which meant business. Angel liked when it meant business. He liked it a lot.
“I can do that for a while,” Alastor hummed and the spider demon didn’t know if he was that bored or if it was his way of asking for attention but both were cute, especially when he meant to join Angel in this. “Can’t let you have all the fun now, can I.”
“Tsk tsk, what would others say, an Overlord painting walls by hand,” Angel stood up, his upper set of hands dropping on Alastor’s shoulders and the demon let him with half lidded eyes and a smile on his lips.
“And by an ordinary fuckin’ paint too. Not even blood!” he gasped and Alastor took him by his waist and pulled him close.
“Yer riskin’ your reputation just for me?” the spider demon leaned back in theatrical swoon. “Oh, Alastor!”
“Literally only for you,” the deer demon purred back at him, holding him by the waist, letting him lean back so his head almost touched the floor, and if somebody walked in at that point, it would raise some serious questions, especially when Angel curled one of his legs around Alastor’s hips.
That’s why Charlie did arrive at exactly that point, Angel’s name on her lips, just to stutter to complete halt in between the doors, staring.
“Oh… hey, Princess,” Angel greeted her from basically upside down, Alastor not letting go or making any other move to remedy their positioning. “Didn’t hear ya comin’.”
“I… can see that,” her eyes switched from one to another. “Wanted to ask if you want to join us for lunch… both of you.”
She peered at the Radio Demon with raised eyebrows and that apparently made him get back to reality since he finally pulled Angel back up – still not letting go of his waist – but his hands were mostly just resting rather than holding. Angel dutifully put his leg down as well and earned a small cough from the princess.
“Would be my pleasure, sweetheart,” the static buzzed in a jolly tune and the Radio demon focused back on Angel, his expression softer than Angel would expect, given Charlie’s ogling. “Now shall we, darlin’?”
“We shall,” Angel grinned back at him and genuinely didn’t expect Alastor to grab his face and smooch him on the spot, then let go and leave the parlour with a happy twirl of the microphone he summoned out of thin air.
Charlie’s jaw was probably on the floor, but Angel’s was kinda too, so at least they matched.
“I’m just saying it looked like I interrupted something intimate, that’s all!”
“Juuuust please bury me somewhere alreadyyyyyy,” Angel whined, and Charlie patted him gently on his head like a dog she got in the pet store. Vaggie looked mildly interested in the conversation and that was bad news. They were the only ones in the dining room now, Alastor, that sneaky bastard, just poofed home once they finished the lunch, singing some happy tune and obviously left all this to Angel to deal with. Husker disappeared almost immediately, definitely knowing something horrible was going to happen and Angel didn’t even see Niffty the whole lunch.
“I think it was rather sweet?” she tried again, and Angel groaned and hid his head between his legs. “I suppose it gave me a bit more perspective of you two now!”
“Seriously, what did happen there?” Vaggie stared at them both, perplexed, as if she wasn’t here at the lunch where Charlie asked Alastor if he ever thought of spending the night in the hotel with Angel, in Angel’s room, to get the full hotel experience. She specifically said Angel’s room because she had no fucking filter and probably also because Alastor seemed to mightily approve of her choice of words and Angel’s utter mortified expression. The more frustrated Angel became, the wider was Alastor’s smile.
“They just kissed,” Charlie happily announced and yeah, Vaggie’s expression of total and utter disgust was spot on. “But it was cute!”
“Ya thought we were fuckin’ there at first!” Angel huffed. “And now ya say it was cute?”
“Well, you weren’t…” she rolled her hands around. “You know. And I know you said you don’t do that! So, I believe you!”
“Now ya believe me,” his eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Because of one obnoxious smooch?”
“Was it obnoxious?”
“He made a show out of it, ‘fcourse it was!” Angel groused, expecting Alastor to be real smooth about it later. Just helping he was going to say, for sure. Totally not making Angel want to hide under a rug and stay there because he was caught smooching the Radio Demon (though anybody else doing the smooch would be resting in pieces by now, so maybe it was more like a praise than a handicap, but still) and the Princess of Hell being the witness.
“I’m sorry I didn’t believe you before though,” Charlie sat a bit closer, clacking the chair with her until she could put her arm around Angel’s shoulders. “I guess I’m still a little surprised to see Radio demon actually possessing a beating heart.”
“A heart of his own, not the hearts he had stolen,” Vaggie added matter-of-factly. “Just for the record.”
“Thanks, Vaggie,” Angel huffed, but she was probably right anyway. “But it wasn’t like… why would one stupid show-off kiss make ya suddenly play a different tune?”
“Weeeell…” Charlie nervously looked away and Angel just knew.
“Ya were totally eavesdroppin’!” he pointed at her accusingly. “Holy shit, Cha-Cha, the Princess of Hell and ya just-!”
“Okay, okay!” she batted his hand down, her cheeks redder than normally he would even say steam was coming from her ears. “I might have been eavesdropping here and there-.”
“Here and there?” Angel couldn’t believe that. “So, there was more? Damn, you only act like an innocent girl, huh?”
“I was just worried!” she squeaked like a toy being squeezed too much. “I thought if he was being bad to you, I could save you somehow, but…”
Angel felt like the words actually physically smacked him over the face. Charlie, the bloody Princess of Hell, a hellborn demoness that knew him for how long? A month? This girl right there was caring for his wellbeing? She was ready to save him from an Overlord? Just because… because of what?
“But… why?” he couldn’t help but stare at her, eyes wide. “Why would ya go that far for a random sinner?”
Her face lit up with the most honest smile he had ever seen, like a puppy being petted for the first time even after peeing on the carpet, and Angel’s lower lip trembled in repressed sob she absolutely noticed, because of course she would.
“Because I care, Angel,” she pulled the chair even closer, so they were touching with their sides. “You’re my friend!”
“I bet ya say this to every girl ya meet,” he laughed trough ugly sobs and damn, that was so humiliating, he was going to need a real therapy after this.
“Just roll with it,” he heard from Vaggie, but couldn’t even look at her because Charlie was suddenly smooshing his face against her chest in a bear hug, petting him with cooing noises.
Holy shit, yeah, that was so going into a mental vault, Angel was so thoroughly embrassed.
And the worst thing was – he liked it. It was the nicest, warmest, the most awkward and cringiest thing he had ever experienced, and he did lots of shit in his life for this to top it all. Even Vaggie patted him awkwardly on his back in her way of showing support, and it only made him sob more.
It was probably good Alastor was fucking gone for this. That would be suicidal.
“Now wasn’t Charlie nice?”
Obviously Alastor was aware of everything. Angel didn’t even question it, especially not when he saw Al Junior peering at him from behind the Radio Demon, his smile wide and raggedy, as if he was not a spy master of gigantic proportions.
Alastor’s study was all lit up with the owner sitting behind the table, smiling at Angel softly. He only had a red shirt slightly unbuttoned from the top and his pants, but otherwise the rest was off, and it somehow added to the hominess Angel felt in the Radio Tower.
“Ya knew she was spying on us, didn’t ya,” Angel walked closer, stopping only a step away from the table. “Several times.”
“I would be a terrible Overlord if anybody could spy on me so easily, wouldn’t you agree,” Alastor grinned proudly, because obviously he would be proud of that in this regard. “There were no words able to sway the demon belle anyway. I may not be safest bet in any other regard, but for you, I am the safe heaven.”
“I was just trying to help.” There it was. “The situation was rather dire, as you sure agree.”
“I’m not upset, Al,” Angel breathed out with a small laugh. “I’m just… kinda offline right now. It was tiring as fuck.”
Alastor understood, that much was obvious. When he stood up and reached for Angel’s hands so he could lead him to the bedroom for a good night sleep, Angel had a fleeting worry of this all not being real, of waking up eventually in the hospital because somebody found him in the dirty bathroom of the club he overdosed himself in, and they managed to save him. And he would so fucking hate it he’d probably just kill himself with a yoghurt spoon or something the moment they’d leave him alone, just to end it.
But when Alastor pulled him close to his body and raked his clawed hand through his hair, the fear disappeared like a fleeting dream. He was where he was supposed to be. And he was happy he could cling to Alastor like a lifeline and never let go.
“Anthony,” Alastor’s static-less voice broke the gentle silence. “You touch my tail one more time and you lose dat hand.”
“That’s fine, have five more,” Angel grinned into Alastor’s chest and took the leap of faith.
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btsqualityy · 5 years
Amour Vincit Omnia / 26
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Taehyung slowly opened his eyes, noticing that the room was now shrouded in darkness which surprised him since it had been daylight out when he dragged Akira upstairs. He reached over and grabbed his phone off of the nightstand next to the bed, clicking the lock button and seeing that it was now 7:25pm.
After he set his phone back on the nightstand, he looked down at Akira who was fast asleep on his chest. After he had brought Akira upstairs and she had burst out crying, Taehyung laid in bed with her as she sobbed against his chest and she ended up falling asleep like that. 
Taehyung moved to get up but Akira instantly clutched onto his shirt, effectively stopping him. 
“Nooo,” she whined and Taehyung smiled softly.
“I’m just going to get some water pretty girl,” he whispered. Reluctantly, she nodded and let go of his shirt. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead before slipping from underneath her body and getting out of the bed. He then walked over to the door, opening it and stepping out into the hallway before quietly shutting the door behind him. He walked downstairs, going straight into the kitchen where he was surprised to see his mom sitting at the table, nursing a mug of something in her hands.
“Hi eomma,” he spoke up as he paced further into the kitchen, making her look up at him.
“Hi Taehyungie,” she murmured. Taehyung opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water before shutting the door and walking over to the table, sitting down across from his mom. “How’s Akira doing?”
“Now that the initial anger has kind of worn off, she’s hurt,” Taehyung shrugged. 
“Rightfully so,” his mother nodded. “I wish I had been able to tell him no when he called to say that he was going to be heading over here today. You know how I feel about that man.”
“I know eomma.”
“He prevented you from going to art school, made you take over that god-forsaken company that was two inches away from bankruptcy, he doesn’t even thank you for all of the hard work that you’ve put into making said company a success, and then on top of that, he disrespects your girlfriend who has made you happier than I’ve seen you in years,” his mother ranted angrily. “All because of that one favor that he did for us when you were 17.”
“Eomma, I owe him,” Taehyung shrugged lamely. “He’s unbearable, at best and he’s a bigot but I don’t know where I’d be if he hadn’t helped me back then.”
“You think he did that because he cares about you? Or me? Or even your father, who’s his own brother?” His mother questioned harshly. “He did that just so that we, or more like you, would owe him and so that he could hold it over your head.”
“Eomma, please,” Taehyung shook his head stiffly. “I don’t want to talk about it right now.”
“But you need to! That job and your uncle have drained the life out of you and,-”
“Eomma!” Taehyung exclaimed and his mother froze, and he instantly felt bad for how he had spoken to her. “I’m sorry for yelling eomma, but it’s a lot going on and I can’t just leave the company. I’m invested now.”
“Un-invest yourself then.”
“It’s not that easy,” he chuckled. “I wish I could sometimes but I really do love my job. It’s tiring, yes but it’s still art in a sense.”
“I just want you to be happy,” his mother sighed heavily. 
“I’m getting there,” he told her. “Especially with Akira’s help.”
“I still can’t help but to feel bad about how he treated her,” his mother huffed, shaking her head. 
“Me too,” Taehyung agreed. “I mean, I’ve always known how he felt towards anyone who isn’t Korean but I never thought he’d be so outwardly racist.”
“What?” He heard a soft voice and he turned to look towards the doorway of the kitchen and saw Akira standing there, a prominent frown on her face. “You knew?”
“Um, I’ll give you two a moment to talk,” Taehyung’s mom spoke up, reaching over and giving Taehyung’s hand a reassuring pat before standing up and walking out of the kitchen, giving Akira a small smile before walking up the stairs. 
“Akira,” Taehyung started as he stood up but Akira shook her head as she stepped further into the kitchen.
“You knew he was going to act like that and you didn’t tell me?” She asked again, looking at him sternly.
“I didn’t think that he was going to be here,” he replied and Akira rose her eyebrow at him. “When I talked to my mom about you coming with me, I asked her if my uncle was coming and she said no.”
“Then why did he show up?”
“He was supposed to go to the French Riviera but for some reason, he couldn’t so he came here,” Taehyung explained. 
“And you didn’t know about it?”
“I literally found out like a minute and a half before he walked through the front door,” Taehyung said. 
“But when I asked you what his deal was, why didn’t you tell me then?” She wondered.
“I guess I was just hoping that he wouldn’t act like that.”
“Like, what? The way that he usually does?” She spit and Taehyung nodded reluctantly. 
“Please don’t tell me that you’re mad at me,” he said and Akira scoffed.
“Yeah, I am.”
“Because even though I understand where you’re coming from on not telling me initially, you didn’t even stick up for me once he started in me,” she explained. 
“Akira, there’s a lot there that you don’t know about,” he replied.
“Ok, so explain it to me then,” she said, folding her arms across her chest. “Please explain to me what allowed you to sit there and let him disrespect not only me, but also you and our relationship the way that he did.”
“I-it’s complicated,” he stammered and Akira’s eyes widened. 
“So is that just another way of saying that you’re not gonna tell me?” She questioned and Taehyung just bit his lip, staying silent. “Are you fucking serious Taehyung?” 
“Kira, please calm down,-”
“Don’t tell me to calm down!” She shouted. “You literally sat there and let your uncle call me a black bitch while you did nothing, all because of a reason that you won’t explain to me! At least I defended you when my father was racist to you!”
“I didn’t ask you to do that though.”
“You didn’t have to! That’s just what you do when you see the person that you love being attacked for no reason!”
“I can’t just curse out my uncle because that’s what you think I should do,” Taehyung stated. “There are layers there and me cursing him out would’ve just made everything worse.”
“You’re missing the whole point here! We are an interracial couple Taehyung. We are going to get shit for being together, that’s almost expected, but the both of us have to be willing to defend and support each other. I did that for you with my father but you couldn’t do that for me with your uncle?”
“Kira, it’s not that simple.”
“You think I liked having to argue with my dad the way that I did on Thanksgiving?” She asked. “I haven’t even spoken to him to since then, which is so weird and unusual for us but I stuck to my guns because I know that I was right and I have faith in our relationship. Or had.” 
“Had?” Taehyung repeated softly and Akira looked away from him, focusing her gaze on the floor. “Don’t tell me that you’re gonna break up with me just because of this.”
“It’s the principle behind it, not just because of what happened in itself,” she corrected as she lifted her head to look at him again. “I think that you need to think and I need to think so maybe a little space is a good thing.”
“And that’s what you want?” He checked and his heart began to ache when he saw her nod her head. “Alright, fine. I can arrange my plane for you if you want to go back home.”
“I think I do, yeah,” she nodded. 
“I can arrange a car for you and you can leave tomorrow morning,” he muttered. “In the meantime, I’ll sleep in one of the guest rooms,” he said before grabbing his water bottle from the table and walking past Akira out of the kitchen. Akira almost wanted to stop him, knowing that he was more than likely hurt but her stubbornness wouldn’t let her so she just watched as he walked away.
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youngwings-writes · 4 years
Infinitely Ordinary
Lee Felix x OC
Summary: "𝕀 𝕣𝕖𝕞𝕖𝕞𝕓𝕖𝕣 𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕀 𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕖𝕕 𝕙𝕠𝕨 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕝𝕠𝕨 𝕕𝕠𝕨𝕟"
Busy. Busy worrying, working, just trying to survive. That was the daily life of Jordan Johnson. The world never seemed to slow down; not for her...not for anyone. Finally deciding to take matters into her own hands and get some much needed R&R, she jets off on a trip to South Korea. While there, she unexpectedly meets her soulmate. Will they be able to find happiness together, or will his status get in the way?
Genre: Fluff
Length: 2k
Chapter 4: Sunshine
"So... I guess we're soulmates?"
I froze.
Obviously, I had come to that conclusion on my own already, but to hear Felix saying it was a whole other thing. Like, this is the boy I've been admiring from afar for years. I knew so much about him, but he probably didn't know I existed until 60 seconds ago.
I didn't trust my voice at this point, so I simply smiled and gave a shy nod in response.
"I know this is really sudden, but I'm not sure the middle of a dog cafe is where we should be discussing such a serious matter... is there any possibility we could go to wherever it is you're staying and continue getting to know one another?"
"O-of course! That's no problem at all. Just let me pull up directions again so I don't get us lost," I began fumbling with my phone, trying not to look as nervous as I felt.
Soon enough I had the directions to my apartment pulled up on my phone. Felix and I grabbed our drinks and made our way out into the streets of Seoul.
"It doesn't seem like you're from around here, where are you from?"
"Phoenix, Arizona, born and raised," I said with a hint of triumph. Arizona isn't exactly the classiest state, but to survive the summers was definitely a feat.
"Oh! I actually went to Phoenix not that long ago with my mem- my friends! I didn't get to see much of it before we left though."
I could tell he was going to say his members, but he stopped himself. I know he went to Phoenix. Hell, I saw him while he was in Phoenix. My friends and I pooled together enough money to get all four of us P5 tickets to their concert. Still not sure how our broke college student selves pulled that one off.
Should I tell him?
Well, he'll find out eventually, so why not bite the bullet and tell him now?
I took a deep breath.
"Can I tell you something, Felix?"
His head turned to face me, one eyebrow cocked in curiosity.
"Yeah, what's up?"
"I want to be completely transparent with you, especially since we're apparently soulmates... I know who you are."
I could see him grow stiffer. I continued.
"My friends and I were at the Stray Kids concert in Phoenix. I've been a Stay since before debut. The last 10 minutes has my head absolutely reeling. I never thought that I would meet you or any of your members, let alone have you turn out to be my soulmate. If this makes you uncomfortable, I'm so sorry. It's probably strange hearing all of this; learning that your apparent soulmate knows so much about you while you know so little about them. Not to mention it's probably overwhelming. I mean, we're both still growing up, plus you have the stress of being an idol on top of it," I let my mouth run.
Everything came out like I had just opened the floodgates. I was beyond nervous to hear what he had to say, but also relieved to have said what I did. The last thing I want is to have kept the fact that I knew Felix before he knew me a secret. He deserves to know the truth and not feel like I just used the fact that he's my soulmate for my own personal gain. Keeping him in the dark and using him like that would just be fucked up.
"Okay, wow. First of all, I just wanna say thank you for telling me everything. I also want you to know that the fact that you know who I am doesn't make me uncomfortable. Actually, I'm both flattered and relieved. I won't have to explain being an idol and what that entails for us, so that makes things a lot less stressful. This is completely new territory for both of us, we just need to trust one another and make adjustments as we go," he said as he flashed me a reassuring smile.
"Besides, the fact that you know more about me than I know about you only means I have to spend more time with you and work to know you faster. Plus you get to know a side of me not everyone knows."
"And I'm hoping that side isn't some secret dark side you've been hiding to save face," I gave his shoulder a nudge.
The remainder of the walk to my apartment was relatively quiet. There was a bit of small talk here and there, but nothing extreme. For the most part, we just strolled along in a comfortable silence. It was... suprisingly nice.
One of my personal fears has always been making a fool of myself in front of others or making things awkward; especially with people I looked up to. To be experiencing such a comfortable peace with Felix seemed unreal. Bonus points for only mildly making a fool of myself in the very beginning.
Self improvement baby :)
Even with my poor navigation skills and even worse sense of direction, we made it to my apartment building without any problems.Entering the glass double doors, Felix and I made our way to the elevator. The elevator doors opened with a soft ding and we stepped in. Pressing the button for the third floor, we began our ascent.
When we arrived in front of my door, I almost made the move to input my phone password on the keypad. Force of habit. Realizing what I was about to do, I pulled out my phone and notes app, punching in the number I knew I would've forgotten otherwise. Just as before, a soft beep and click were heard as the door unlocked and we may our way inside.
Shedding our shoes (or feet prisons as my sister would call them), we made our way towards the couch in the small living area the rental possessed. Since we both still had food and drinks from the cafe, I rushed to the kitchen to get plates and utensils for the two of us.
Upon returning to the couch I saw that Felix had already began unpacking our leftovers. I set the plates down and started helping him plate the treats.
"So, you said that you've been a Stay since pre-debut, right?"
"Yeah. I think it was around December of 2017 that I found Stray Kids."
"Wow. Was it random that you stumbled across us, or did you find us through another group?"
"A little bit of both. I first started listening to K-Pop back in 2012, but didn't really get into it until around 2014. From there, I got into F(x), Shinee, and BTS, but I was still more of a casual listener than anything. In 2016 I got into GOT7, Day6, and Twice, so I obviously knew about your label. Funny enough though, I found Stray Kids because one of the people I rode the bus with was talking about how they were upset with how the survival show was going. I think it was right between when you were eliminated and the finale..."
I felt kind of bad bringing up the part about his elimination. I had absolutely no clue if it was still a touchy subject or not. Seeing how far he's come and where he is now, I really hope it isn't and that he doesn't beat himself up over it. JYP's reasoning for it all was complete bullshit anyway.
"Well, that'll make for quite the introduction, huh?"
"For sure. I may not have been there from the very beginning like some others had, but there was definitely some intense feelings of pride seeing you all standing on that stage being told you would debut together."
"I don't think I'll ever forget that moment. Getting there was beyond difficult, but having experienced all I have now, I can 100% say it was worth every second." Felix's eyes shimmered as he spoke. Anyone could tell that he was thinking not only of his members, his brothers, but his fans as well.
Being such a music fanatic, I've seen some bands that you can tell don't care about their fans. While this was way more common in the Western music scene, it did happen in the Kpop world as well. Despite that, I could confidently say that Stray Kids genuinely care for Stay; I could say that before I discovered Felix was my soulmate.
"So do you have any other hobbies or interests besides Stray Kids?"
"Nooo, not at all," I quipped back, my voice oozing sarcasm. A small chuckle was elicited from the freckled boy's throat.
"In all seriousness, music is one of my biggest hobbies. I did musical theatre from age 5 until age 11, I was in choir throughout all of my middle school years, and played trombone in middle school and high school. I don't play a lot now, but I still find the time every now and then. When I wasn't taking part in local musical endeavors, I was at some concert with my friends or my sister. Other than that, I enjoy reading, writing, photography, baking, and cosmetology."
"Quite the artist, aren't you?"
"In every sense except painting or drawing, yes. Ask me to do either of those and I will go running for the hills. Why I can do makeup, but I can't paint or draw I will never know."
"I guess the only explanation is that life is just weird like that sometimes," he laughed again. I always loved his laugh before, but hearing it face-to-face was literal heaven. This boy is straight up an angel, and no one can convince me otherwise.
We spent the next hour or two in my temporary home, conversation continuing to flow. I always knew and acknowledged the fact that idols and other celebrities are normal people just like you and me, but I couldn't help but freak out a little when I met anyone. Of course the same applied to Felix, but I think I got over the shock value faster than I normally would. I didn't really dwell on the fact that he was a world famous idol for long; I honestly almost forgot about it.
Normally, it takes me a while to warm up to people and feel comfortable with them, but Felix seemed to be an exception. The more we spoke and got to know one another, the longer I felt I had known him. Talking with him almost felt like talking with my best friend since preschool.
Just as conversation was beginning to die down a bit, Felix's phone buzzed from the table. He quickly picked it up and checked the notification. I watched him read the words sprawled across his screen, his smile slightly falling.
"Have to go back to the JYP building?" I inquired.
"Yeah. We have a performance in a few days, so we've been drilling pretty hard lately. I'm honestly kinda surprised that I didn't get called back sooner. It's been a few hours since I left," he explained while rubbing the nape of his neck.
"Well, I've already kept you here longer than I probably should have. I don't want to get you in trouble with your members or any staff."
"I suppose you have a point... but how about you come with me?"
"...come with you?"
"Yeah, come with me to JYP, meet my members, watch us practice. Everyone there has to meet you eventually since we're soulmates and all, so why not take care of it sooner rather than later?"
"I don't really have any other specific plans for today, so it could work. But are you sure bringing me won't get you in trouble?"
"As long as it doesn't interfere with our work, you should be good to go. I'm sure you'll be fine. It's not like you're gonna run around wreaking havoc or anything."
"Okay, let's head out then."
We quickly cleaned the living area, grabbed what we needed, and made our way back to the entrance of my building. Hailing the closest cab, Felix and I got in. He gave the cab driver the address to the JYP building and we were on our way.
I guess I'm meeting the rest of Stray Kids now.
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Hey, could I have a Steve Harrington x reader where the reader is a Byers. They’re hanging out in her room and all but Joyce comes home so he as to try to sneak out of her room through the window like the “ninja” he is. Lmao. Jonathon spits him, doesn’t say anything but does talk to Joyce/the reader. But then Steve and the reader meet up at scoops the next day. She tells him and he tries to make it up to her in a cute and cheesy way.Can’t wait to see what you write. Thanks!
Sneaking Out - Steve Harrington x Byers! Reader
Summary: Steve, after sneaking inside y/n room and having a good time with her, but then leaving because of Joyce and Jonathan. Steve decides to repay in Scoops Ahoy for her.
Word count: 4154 (I was inspired)
Warnings: swearing, mention of sex.
Author's note: So this took me a whole week because I wanted to be perfect. I'm more in love with Steve everyday, so this is some fluff for you guys.
I hope that you like :) comment and of course request me what you want more. I take a while to make, sorry, but I sometimes I don't get inspired (sucks).
Gif owner: dailystrangerthings
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Steve kissed y/n lips one more time and then released his lips from hers, getting close to y/n face, meeting her pretty eyes.
"Stop doing that," She whispered to him, running her hands through his naked back and biting her lips.
"Doing what?" Steve asks giving a malicious smile to her.
"Whatever you are doing. It’s making me blush," She answers playing with his hair.
"God, when I'm with you I forget that everything in my life is shit, excepting you," Steve says running his hands on her hips and smiling.
"Oh baby, don't say that, it's fine okay? You have me and I love you." Y/n say pushing him making Steve go on top of her.
"I love you too baby," Steve whispered kissing her deeply and putting his hands on her hips while hers were in his back, wrapping her legs on his hips.
Steve runs his hands on her belly, kissing her harder and making y/n giggle.
"What?" Steve asked looking confused to her.
"It tickles Stevie," She whined opening her eyes and looking at him with joy.
"Oh, then I guess I just have to do more," Steve says tickling her even more and laughing at her scream.
"No! Stop Steve, stop!!!" She screamed, laughing out loud and trying to get away from him in the bed
"I will only stop if you stop being so cute."Steve says, grabbing her and trying not to get hit by one of her legs.
"Nooo!!! I’m not cute," Y/n whined looking at his eyes and laughing even more when he grabbed her by the feet.
"Wrong answer baby!" Steve yelled, laughing with her, and then letting go of her.
"I'm not going to kiss you for 3 weeks," She says, sitting on the bed and pulling the blanket to cover her naked body.
"You can't do this," He answered getting close of her face and licking his lips.
"Yeah, I can and I certainly will," y/n whispered sensually getting close of his lips, almost kissing him in the process.
"I..." When Steve was going to say something to her, they listen to the sound of her mom's car, Joyce, making Steve look worried to her and y/n open her mouth with shook.
"Fuck my mom is here," Y/n whined closing her eyes.
"You have to go Steve," She whispered opening her eyes and looking to his brown eyes.
"No, I'm going to stay," He whined, putting his face in the crook of her neck, making y/n chuckle, and run her hands through his hair.
"Steve you have to, if my mom or Jonathan caught us here, they are going to kill us, mainly you. I don't want to be without a boyfriend," y/n say playing with his hair and giggling when he planted small kisses on her neck.
"Okay, I go, just because I don't want you to cry when your mom or Jonathan kill me," Steve says getting off her neck and giving her a small peck, that turned into a deep kiss.
"Steve." She moaned between the kiss letting go off him.
She closed her eyes and sighed, already missing his hot body on hers. 
"I thought she was only going to be here at 10?" Steve said, getting off the bed and grabbing his clothes. 
"Well. It's already 10. I guess we took a good time." y/n answered, opening her eyes and looking to a naked Steve.
"Y/n I'm home!" Joyce yelled getting on the house and in the way of the stairs.
"Fuckkkk! Steve you have to hurry." She whispered (screamed) to him.
"I'm doing that but is hard to get dressed in 1 minute baby." Steve says putting his pants and trying not to fall.
Y/n chuckled at the scene and got off the bed, grabbing her bra, and putting on her, while looking for her underwear.
"Steve, where's my underwear?" She asked, walking around her bedroom looking for the underwear.
"I don't know baby, I think I ripped her off," Steve says trying to put his shirt.
"Steve! I'm going to kill you,” y/n whispered to Steve, who was looking for his shoes and socks.
Y/n give up on trying to find the rest of her clothes and then put a pink silk robe. 
“Y/n! Are you in there?” She heard her mom say close to the door, making y/n swear at herself and then yell.
“Yeah mom, I’m coming, wait a minute,” She yelled looking to Steve and seeing him look at her with wide open eyes pointing to the window.
“What the fuck are you going to do Steve? My mom can’t see you here,” Y/n half whispered half yelled walking to him.
“Give me a minute and I will show you,” Steve says putting throwing his shoes and socks through the window, and then climbing to escape.
“Steve! You’re going to fall! Get out, I hide you in the bathroom,” Y/n say desperate looking to her boyfriend half inside the room and half not. 
“Nah, I do this all the time, if I fall it will be just the way I’ve fallen for you honey,” He says blinking an eye and stealing a kiss.
“You’re weird, you know right?” She says, letting go of his lips and smiling like an idiot.
“That’s why you are with me,” Steve reply smiling and holding in the window hard.
“Honey! I’m going to order a pizza, can I come in,” They both hear Joyce says and knock on the door.
“Shit! You have to go, be careful please,” Y/n whispers watching Steve goes down of the flower “stair” that she had on her window.
What he doesn’t do to be with me. She thought, smiling at herself and watching him go down.
“Honey, what are you doing in the window?” Joyce says, opening the door and seeing y/n with almost the whole body out of the window.
Y/n jumped at her mother’s voice, quickly stepping out of the window and looking at Joyce with a nervous smile on her face, praying she hadn’t realized that Steve was there a few minutes earlier.  
"Ah, I was just if Jonathan had already arrived." Y/n giving a fake smile and leaning against the window, trying to disguise that everything was fine.  
"Oh okay, what pizza do you want?" Joyce asked, entering in the room. 
"Well…" When she was going to respond to her mom, she heard a loud thud making her turn around a little and see a Steve lying on the grass of her house. 
"Shit," She whispered to herself. 
"What's wrong honey?" Her mom asked, walking to the window and trying to see what's going on. 
"Nothing, it was probably Will and his friends mom, nothing to worry about right?" She says quickly, stepping in front of her mom and giving a small smile. 
"You seem different, are you okay y/n?" Joyce says, touching her arm calmly and looking worried to her daughter. 
"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay mom. I just need a shower and then I'll be perfect. Everything is perfect, isn't?" Y/n says nervously, counting the minutes to her mom leave the room, for her finally be able to breathe. 
"Okay, I was going to say to you take a shower, because this room is smelling strange." Her mom says, smiling and looking around the room. 
"What…" She started then give up not wanting to start a conversation that she doesn't want to start. 
"Okay then, I think I want cheese pizza today. Just want to take a shower before." Y/n say getting calm and careful around this type of conversation. 
Yeah, her mom knew that she is not a virgin anymore, but she doesn't need to tell her all the damn time she had sex. Because doesn't even have a point to do such thing. 
Her mom trusts her y/n is 100% sure that besides the other two brothers, she is the most responsible of them. 
Joyce smiled at her and gave a small kiss on her cheek, squeezing her arms, and then going to the door of the room.
But then, her mom stopped getting down on the floor and taking a piece of cloth in her hand.
“Why is your underwear like that honey?” Joyce asks, looking confused to her daughter.
"I...Uh, I was wearing a skirt and then I sat on a bench this afternoon and-and I unintentionally ripped the skirt and the underwear, I'm sorry mom I know that I just bought that one. I promise I will be more careful." Y/n says fast, praying that her mom will buy the story that she was telling her.
I'm going to kill Steve, in the second I see him tomorrow I will kill him right away.  
"Those things happen y/n/n and that's normal, okay? I will give you some money later for you to buy new ones. But now I'm going to order the pizza." Joyce says smiling and then leaving the room.
Finally. She couldn't keep lying to her mom anymore, she was getting out of ideas.
Sighing heavily and going to her bathroom, she took her clothes to get a wonderful bath.
Missing 2 feets Steve to be in the floor, he falls, yeah. Because of the fucking sound of Jonathan car, that scared him and now he was in fucking grass.
“Shit,” Steve groaned, lying on the grass and letting go of his shoes, that he was holding.
“Steve?! What are you doing here?” Steve heard Jonathan say close to him.
“Jonathan! My man, I’m just checking the land.  After all this crazy rats that you told me, I was just worried that none of them would harm you anymore and Will obviously.” Steve says, quickly getting on his feet, taking his shoes and swearing at himself to step in the mud.
“Yeah? I’m sure you want to protect us, especially y/n. But I have to ask, why are you with your shirt in the wrong side and you’re not wearing shoes?” Jonathan asks, smiling ironically and pointing to Steve’s clothes. 
“This? This is nothing, don’t worry Jonathan. Everything is fine, right?” Steve says nervous, running his hand through his hair.
Jonathan nods, then turns to make other question.
“Then why, you’re smelling just like my sister's perfume?”  Jonathan asks with a little bit of rage in his voice.
"It's because we have the same fragrance! What a wonderful coincidence, right? Tell her that she has got taste." Steve answers in an excited but at the same time nervous voice. Shaking his hands and smiling to Jonathan.
“Of course Steve. I’m going to tell y/n, my sister,” Jonathan says, raising his eyebrows, turning around to walk to the front door. 
“Yeah! Yeah, yeah, it’s fine,” He responds nervous to Jonathan, walking to the direction of his car, who was three blocks away.
“Shit. Well at least was worth for her. Always is,” He whispered to himself, remembering the time with y/n and all the good things about her.
Y/n sat on her bed, after eating 4 slices of pizza and getting very tired with all the talk with her family and Jonathan giving her strange glances during dinner.
Taking the book on her nightstand, she started to read, entering in the beautiful universe of reading something. But when the best part of the story was going to start, she heard a knock on her door, making y/n wheeze and almost scream.
“Enter,” She says sharply, continuing to read the book in her hands.
“So, I saw Steve leaving and he was a mess and his shirt was in the wrong side. You need to tell me something?” She heard Jonathan says to her, making her close the book and put him in the place that he was before.
“Really? Strange, he is crazy, didn’t even know he was around. And, for I can remember I don’t have anything to tell you,” Y/n says, trying to hide from her brother that Steve was in her room.
“Are you sure? Because…” Jonathan asked again, entering the room and closing the door.
“Yes Jonathan I am, and if you have anything more to say to me then you can go.” Y/n answered getting evasive and sitting close to the headboard of her bed.  
“Look, I worry about you y/n/n, I want the best for you and I don’t think he deserves you,” Her brother says, sitting on the end of the bed, looking worried to her.
“Deserves me? He is my boyfriend and if you can’t understand that then I’m sorry,” She responds to him, getting mad already. What he’s even thinking? That she was going to break up with Steve just because Jonathan say so? 
“What? Y/n it’s not like that, I care about you, you’re my little sister,” He says, frowning his eyebrows and looking confused to his sister, trying to make her see his point.
“I’m not your little sister Jonathan, I’m older than you. You do the same thing with Nancy and no one says anything,” Y/n said, almost yelling at him, seeing that this conversation was unnecessary. 
“You, you are a girl and…” Jonathan says, trying to explain himself.
“And what?! This fucking thing is all because I’m a girl! Fucking hell,” She yelled getting off the bed and pointing at his face.
“Y/n I’m going to tell mom and you’re not letting him enter this house ever again!” Jonathan yelled, getting off the bed. They usually don’t fight, actually they never fight. But now, he was getting on her nerves. 
“What’s fucking wrong with you?! If you want to tell mom so much then tell! I don’t care anymore Jonathan,” She responds raising her voice and pointing at him.
“Y/ it’s just that I care about you and I don’t want Steve to hurt or do something stupid!” Jonathan yells, pointing to her.
“I know Jonathan. I know that you care about me. But he is not the same anymore, he isn’t Nancy’s boyfriend, he is mine,” Y/n says getting calmer and lowering her voice.
“I know y/n/n. And I’m going to give him a chance, but if he hurts you I’ll beat the shit out of him,” Jonathan says, sighing and walking in his sister direction.
“Okay Johnny. Thank you for not killing him,” She responds, smiling and laughing at Jonathan had just said. He would do this, 100% sure, Jonathan can be very protective of her sometimes.
“Sure, but take care, alright?” He answers, holding her arms and smiling, raising his eyebrows to her make sure that she was going to do what he said.
“Yeah, don’t worry I’m a big girl,” Y/n answers nodding and then hugging him.
Jonathan laughs and hug her tightly, making her laugh loud.
“Good night y/n/n,” Jonathan says letting go of her, going to the door.
“Night Johnny,” She says smiling and watching him close the door with a smile.
Turns out after this fight, everything is fine.
She woke up in the day after wanting to see Steve, well, missing him. So after lunch y/n dress up in a pink dress and got to the Starcourt mall, seeking to see her boyfriend.
She walked in the direction of the Scoops Ahoy, smiling excited to see Steve again and eat some free ice cream.
Opening the door and thanking the gods that the ice cream shop wasn’t too full, just one person in front of her, talking with Steve or Robin, she couldn’t see who was so y/n just waited for her turn.
After couple minutes with was her turn, y/n stepped in the front of the counter, seeing Steve on the other side smiling at her. with his sailor costume and his pretty hair that she loved to run her hands through.
“Surprise!” She whispers, raising her hands and giving him a wide smile.
“Hey baby,” Steve says, leaning on the counter and smiling softly at her.
“Do you come here often, handsome?” She says, leaning with her arms on the counter, biting her lower lip.
“It’s my job,” He answered smirking and tilting his head to the side
“Really? I thought you were a hot sailor wanting me to set sail on the ocean of flavor with you,” She says smirking, and blinking and eye, remembering the pick up line that made her fall in love with him, giggling until she was out of breath and of course ask him to go on a date with her.
“Oh, I would love to swim in your ocean of flavor,” Steve whispers, leaning on the counter.
She feel shivers in her whole body, making her open her mouth to start to say something but before she could say anything.
“Hey dingus! Why don’t you two get a room already? I think I’m going to throw up if I heard one more thing of your mouths,” They heard Robin says, getting out of the back room and crossing her arms.
“Hey Robin, missed ya!” Y/n says, smiling to her friend and going to the other side of the corner, together with Steve and Robin.
“Hey y/n! So, how is everything?” Robin says, getting excited in the way that was strange to the couple.
“It’s okay, yesterday Steve sneak out through the window because my mom arrived, I almost got killed by her,” Y/n responded smiling to Robin and feeling Steve get close to her and lean his arm on her waist.
“So…” Robin started watching with her eyes the movement of Steve arm on y/n waist and then continued:
“I like your dress, where did you buy?” Robin says, putting a lock of hair behind her ear and smiling shy.
“Um I bought in Gap, but I don’t think you would like the clothes there,” Yn says smiling and snuggling in Steve’s body.
“Yeah, you right. Dingus, I’m going to take care of the customers for you while you’re with y/n but please if you want to have sex, I don’t want to hear it,” Robin whispered, raising her eyebrows to the couple to give a warning.
“We’re not animals gosh, what do you think of me? I’m not going to do that,” Steve says, turning his voice to lower then loud, making y/n giggle in his arms and Robin rolls her eyes.
“Yeah dingus you are, I know you. You two are like rabbits,” Robin answers pointing to the couple smiling.
“We are not! So you if you excuse me Robin I am going to talk to my girlfriend before you steal her from me or make her break up with me,” Steve says wiping his brown eyes, and shaking his head a little, making his sailor hat lean on a little and making y/n laugh louder.
“Yeah, I think you better watch yourself dingus,” Robin says laughing and pointing at Steve.
Y/n nodded holding Steve’s hand and taking to a table with the red sofa to them chat.
Steve sat and y/n too, snuggling on his arms and resting her head on his chest while his hands run through her hair.
“Did you miss me?” Steve asked, looking at her and giving a small smile.
“Yeah, I missed you, a lot,” She whispers, giggling because his cute face.
Steve doesn’t say anything just lean even closer to her, kissing her deeply, cupping her face with his right hand and smiling in the kiss.
“I love you idiot,” Y/n says letting go of his lips and licking her’s.
“I love you way more, and I missed ya too, it was worth it falling in the grass for you,” He whispers blushing and running his finger through her flushed cheek.
“You did? God, then the sound I heard in my room was you,” Y/n responds laughing and running her hands on his chest.
“Yeah, but before I tell you the rest I want to know. Did you enjoy yourself last night, darling?” Steve answered, smirking and squeezing her thighs and waist with his hands.
“I did, a lot. And you’re the best seriously, you made me feel, make me feel wonderful Stevie,” She whispers biting her lip and smirking.
“Well what can’t I say? I’m King Steve Harrington,” He says blinking an eye.
“Yeah, you may be a king but I am the queen, Stevie,” Y/n murmurs holding his chin and kissing him deeply.
“So you were telling me about you fall, what happened then?” She answered, ending the kiss.
“Jonathan found me, and in the end he wasn’t very happy,” Steve murmured, shaking his head with his perfect hair.
“Really? Wow, he talked to me, well we fought. Because he can’t understand that you’re not an idiot, well you are, but not that idiot. I was really mad and disappointed with him, because I love you and I hate when someone does something just like Jonathan did, not trusting me and treating me like a child,” She says and all of those things in a hurry, still a bit sad with her brother.  
Steve smiled and pulled her tight to his body, saying:
“It’s okay, he is going to like me, at least Will does and your mom, I think. But don’t worry baby, I am your idiot now and you’re safe with me, okay?” He whispers these words to her, making her wonder where he was her whole life? Gosh, she loves him so much.
Steve is such a caring guy, and protective (in a good way), he always makes her laugh, always, all the damn time, and she just loves this. 
Y/n loves everything about him. Him being a mom to the party and being so cute when he asks if she is okay.
“Okay Stevie, but he also said that you’re not going into my room a anymore,” 
“Oh, but we can have fun in the living room then? And the kitchen, the bathroom…” Steve whispers, listing all the places that they could have make out sessions and have sex, making her blush and smack his chest.
“Stop! Robin was right, we’re animals,” She whispers giggling at Steve’s offended face.
“No we’re not. What else he said?” Steve rolls his eyes at her giggles, hiding a smile.
“He also said that if you hurt me he is going to beat the shit out of you,” Y/n murmurs raising her eyebrows.
“Well, he already did this,” He says nodding, remembering when Jonathan did this. And 
“Well, he will do again baby if you do that, and I’m going to love.” She says, giving him a mischievous smile.
“God, I’m dating a psychopath,” Steve says, widening his eyes and smiling softly.
He melts for this girl.
"I want ice cream,” She whispers biting his ear. 
“Okay, let’s get some,” Steve says, pushing her hand and going to where the ice creams were.
“Do you really need all that ice cream and candy?” Steve asks, looking to her ice cream, full of toppings and different flavors.
“Yess, don’t complain about it, now take a spoon, and come to eat with me,” Y/n says rolling her eyes and taking a spoon to herself.
They started to eat the ice cream, making some jokes, kissing, Steve putting ice cream in her face just to lick, y/n biting him all the time and he yelling because of that. Robin screaming at them for Steve make a lot of loud sounds, and y/n smiling all the time.
The both of them finished the ice cream, and Steve wanted to walk inside the mall, just to make up for yesterday, when they turned out of time to be together.
“I was wondering, you do anything just to be with me. It’s funny, never someone do that with me, yeah I had a few guys that I dated, but you, you’re different Steve and I love that about you,” Y/n says holding hands with him and watching his face while walking. 
“I would climb on that fountain in the middle of the mall and scream to the top of my lungs that I love you,” Steve says looking at her with a smile on his pretty face.
“Aw, aren’t you cute baby?” Y/n whispers putting her hand on his chin and giving him a soft smile.
“Well, like they say: Steve Harrington middle name is risk,” He says smirking and pushing her body close to his by the waist.
She sighed blushing and pushing him by the collar while smacking her lips on his.
“You owe me a kiss. But I am and I wasn’t very good at math in the school, so I guess you just have to give me more three,” Steve murmurs running his hands on her hip.
She giggled, putting her arms around his neck, whispering in his ear.
“Well I can give you tonight in your house, I know your parents aren’t home,” 
Steve smirked then answered, kissing her deeply in a way to say yes. 
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