BTS JEON JUNGKOOK X READER FF | His Iris | one shot.
pairing: Brother’s bestfriend! jeon jungkook x college student! reader
genre: s2l, forbidden love au, college romance, fluff.
warning: mild swearing. mention of domestic abuse.
author’s note: this was exhausting to write, took me an entire day to write this. i’ve not proofread it so i apologise in advance for any grammatical and spelling errors. hope you enjoy this fic
word count: 9,862 words 53,694 characters
“There’s someone at the door”, your friend Mark yells, audible enough for you to proceed to the main entrance and unlatch the door. As you open the door, you’re greeted by two muscular men, one of them being your brother, Park Jimin.
Your brother is holding the other man, who appears to be half asleep, by his shoulders, supporting him in order for him to stand erect in front of you. His eyes are closed. The man looks wasted, as though he must’ve devoured gallons of booze.
“Brother, what are you doing at Mark’s place at this hour?”, You ask your brother as he looks at you agitated and in scrutiny. “What are YOU doing at Mark’s place at this hour, is my question exactly”, he retorts, evidently fuming because of your presence at a guy’s place during such an odd timing.
“Brother Jimin, I was here because Samantha, Mark’s girlfriend invited me over for a little freshers party for our university batch”, you chirp, trying to ease down the tense atmosphere created by your brother by emphasising on the fact that a girl invited you, not a guy. Your brother has always been over protective of you to say the least. He even used to masquerade himself as your husband whenever your childhood friend Namjoon insisted on playing house with you. No man has dared to approach you as your brother masked himself as the hooligan who chased those scoundrels away from his precious baby sister. You have always lead a sheltered life being Park Jimin’s inestimable sibling.
“Go back to your dorm, I will drive you.”, Jimin strictly instructs you. You reluctantly comply and walk towards his car parked in-front of the decorated porch. On the way, you notice, the drunken being has opened his eyes as he coughs violently, an indication to his hangover and presumably nausea. You quickly halt in your tracks as you retrace your steps back to the foyer, where both the men are still currently standing.
“He’s gonna vomit, let me guide him to the washroom before he ruins Mark’s vestibule.”, you say alarmingly. Your brother looks at you with a straight face with his tongue poking the inner side of the cheek. “No I’ll take him.”, your brother announces. The man is still coughing vigorously. You direct your brother to the bathroom area where the younger man can go and barf to his heart’s content.
You go to Mark’s kitchen and prepare lemon water for the latter for his hangover. You climb up the stairs to the room where the toilet is located. You look at your brother patting the stranger’s back, trying to calm him down, while he throws up. You hand over the lemonade to your brother who then leans down to make the man drink it as a cure for his drunkenness. You grab a mop to clean the toilet while the duo is still sat on the floor.
Your brother suddenly sits up straight. “I’m going to the kitchen to keep the glass in the sink. You clean up this washroom and then we’ll leave okay?” Your brother leaves the man unattended, that means, under your care and surveillance. You proceed to clean the floor with the mop and the toilet area on which there’s puke stains while the man sits down on the floor trying to rejuvenate and recover and sober up.
Once you’re done cleaning, you attempt to look at the man sitting on the floor with his eyes closed and his one hand rubbing his temples. You stare at his swoon worthy features, he’s gorgeous. His hair is a beautiful colour of burgundy accentuating his features which comprise of a well defined and sharp jawline, elevated cheekbones, a glowing forehead due to beads of sweat formed on it, his cherry pigmented plump and moist lips. His delicate facial characteristics encapsulate you in a void where no one exists except for the both of you. He’s such a beauty.
“Are you done staring”, the man states, you get pulled out of the trance as his deep yet very sexy voice resonates with you. He opens his eyes, revealing his orbs. His eyes are a beautiful shade of brown with a pearly glint to them which appear as glistening stars stolen from the transcendent universe. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to stare.”, you say embarrassed, your cheeks crimson. The man just grunts and groans in response, probably still in a lot of pain due to consumption of liquor.
“By the way, I’m Y/N, Park Jimin’s sister”, you introduce yourself trying to converse with him for some mystic reason. “Jungkook. Jeon jungkook.”, he says his name with his eyes glued to you, further flustering you. “Nice to meet you Jungkook”, you say coyly, he smirks in return, surprising you. “Is your headache okay?”, you try to continue this colloquial interaction. “You’re pretty”, he says, ignoring your question as you’re thrown aback by his statement. “Excuse me?”, you ask in disbelief unable to believe what you just heard. “I said you’re pretty”, he has a teasing grin on his face, as butterflies jitter in your stomach seeing him flash a smile. “Thank you”, you say genuinely.
Jungkook tries to stand up straight but is unable to do so, hence, you lend him a hand after witnessing his futile attempts to get up. “No i’m fine I do not need your help.” he spits, “You look like you need it.”, you jab at him after spotting his annoyance. He looks at your hand in front of him, contemplates a little before taking it to get up. You guide him to the wash basin where he splatters cold water on his face, some droplets cling onto you due to you being so close to him.
He looks at you while you try to wipe the few droplets on yourself, you look so pretty, almost as if, he feels like he’s witnessing an angel in heaven playing with the water gods. Droplets trickle down his face, seeing them fall down, you’re reminded of your brother whom you’d help cleaning up this way whenever he splashed his face with water, you grab a towel and instinctively start wiping his face, leaving him flustered this time. Realisation sinks in a while later when you’re almost done cleaning his face, you’re way too close to him, your front bodies almost touching, you’re almost feeling his buff chest through his tank top. You quickly retract from there, bowing your head to apologise for this sudden erratic behaviour, making him chuckle. You then look up as he towers over your figure, your lips almost touching his. Your heart skips a beat. He’s so beautiful. You pull yourself away from him and in the process you slip over the slippery freshly mopped surface. You’re prepared to fall when you suddenly feel a strong arm preventing your fall by holding you by your waist. You both stare into each other’s eyes. Minutes pass by, you both remain in this position but it changes when you hear footsteps approaching you. You become aware of your surroundings, you stand up alert, away from the muscular figure.
“Sorry for taking so much time, I met this weird guy ‘Mark’ who was all over me, questioning my roots?? Then I had to explain to him that I’m Y/N’s brother, like couldn’t he have guessed by just looking at me?”, Jimin says as he enters the washroom. You and Jungkook look at him and then at each other and laugh at your brother’s overdramatised rhetorics. “Well, the good news is that I’ve sobered up thanks to you and your little sister, which I had no clue about until today so thanks for that Park.”, Jungkook says sarcastically, “Now let’s leave this ‘weird guy’s washroom’ before he barges in and inspects my roots as well”, jungkook continues as he earns a laugh from your end.
You head to your brother’s end, feeling someone’s eyes over you. Jungkook is looking at you, for some reason, you’re so alluring to him.
He opens the car door for you, as you step inside, sitting right behind the passenger seat, the one which Jungkook has captured. Your brother buckles his seat belt as he gets ready to drive. You feel Jungkook pushing his seat back a little as your leg space gets cramped, annoying you. You spread your legs wide under his seat, almost touching his legs. He senses this and turns his head around to look at you as he subtly but gently kicks your leg back earning a small yelp from you. You never back down in a fight, especially silent wars like this. You not so gently kick his leg earning a shriek from him which grabs the attention of your brother who formerly was only focusing on driving. “What happened jungkook?”, he asks raising an eyebrow, Jungkook looks at you in discreet where you signal for him to keep his mouth shut. Jungkook looks at you smugly, intaking the fact that you’re absolutely terrified of your brother. He is about to speak when your petrified state says, “He wants to listen to Kim Namjoon’s new album”, your brother looks at you and then at him curiously, “Is that so?”, he raises an eyebrow again, this time directed at jungkook and you both. “Yes”, “No”—you and jungkook reply in unison confusing the older man. “The album Seven is way better”, Jungkook retorts, he earns a gasp from you. “No wayyy, Right place Wrong Person is the best.”, you argue. You and Jungkook keep going back and forth on this topic, tired by this Jimin intrudes in your skirmish with Jungkook. “Both of them suck, Muse is way better than both of them anyday.”. Jungkook and you look at him in absolute astonishment. “THAT ALBUM IS THE ABSOLUTE WORST, Oli London sings better than the artist who created ‘Muse’”, you both say in unison to which Jimin heaves showing he is so offended by that. “Get out of my car you both.”, he scolds. You and Jungkook just laugh at this.
As time goes, you get bored as you still sense eyes on you but the entire car is silent. You plug in your wireless ear phones, playing ‘Labyrinth by Taylor Swift’, one of your comfort songs. You look at Jungkook while the song plays in the background through the rear view mirror and you spot him, looking back at you, amusing you. “Pass me one of your ear buds as well”, Jungkook says, as he also insists on joining in your music playing jam. You hand him one of the ear buds and as you’re about to sit back on your seat again, he holds your hand, pulls you forward and takes your phone from your hand, switching the track from ‘Labyrinth’ to ‘the boy is mine’ by Ariana Grande. “Hey! I was listening to taylor swift”, you whine, Jungkook just half laughs, “Well now you’re listening to the boy is mine.”, he says while Jimin remains silent, his attention solely on the road, you roll your eyes, as you attempt to sit back on the seat.
You look out of the window of your brother’s car as you spot a flower vendor on the way. “STOP THE CAR!”, you yell/demand. Your brother immediately stops the car, “WHO THE FUCK DIED?”, he screams as you just look at him, “Nothing, I just wanted irises, there’s a flower vendor there on the road.”, you say casually as both Jimin and Jungkook shake their heads at you. “I’ll buy it for you.”, Jimin sighs as he opens the car door to get out but is interrupted by the young man sitting on the passenger seat,” No Hyung, let me go buy flowers for her, you already bought my today’s dose of alcohol for me.”, Jimin agrees as Jungkook gets out and purchases a bouquet of irises for you. Your heart thumps loudly, the background music shifts to play Labyrinth by Taylor Swift again, you see Jungkook approach your side of the window with his flowers for you, his iris that he bought for you. You lower down your window shuttle as he hands you the flowers while Taylor Swift in your ear bud sings out ‘Uh oh I’m falling in love’. You mouth a small thank you to him while he just flashes a gentle small smile to you.
The moonlight luminescent in the sky as you head out of the car after reaching your dorm. “Take care of yourself and no more of any late night rendezvous or parties from now on.”, Jimin says sternly, you nod and wish him goodnight by pecking his cheeks. The car stays still till you enter the frontier of your college dorm, you look back one last time, glancing at the man sitting beside your brother, flashing him a small smile as the hold on the bouquet gifted by him gets stronger, you bask in the sweet fragrance of the irises as you turn yourself away from the vehicle, as you do that, you notice a small slip hidden beneath the canopies of the flowers, you proceed to take it out. The note carrying nine digits belonging to the person who has a bunny like smile. You smile at the note which clearly flushed as you cannot wait to text him.
The following morning, you wake up and wash up for your classes in uni. You’re majoring in economics, planning to be a data analyst for finance companies. You put on your mascara while the events from last night flash in your mind, oh how a chance encounter blossomed exciting feelings within you. You haven’t texted Jungkook yet for some reason. Although the wait is tormenting you but you like this game which nuances your patience levels. You pick up your bag after you’re done caking your face with makeup.
You catch a public bus to reach your college from your dorm. You clutch your phone in your hands. You enter his digits inscribed on the note via your dial pad. You save his contact as Jungkook.
You send him a text after much contemplation as to what to message him. Your text reads, ‘Hi it’s Y/n, thanks for the flowers yesterday, how’s your hangover right now?”
You put your phone down, as you do that, you feel it vibrate, you’ve received a notification from the very person you just texted.
The message says, “Hey there pretty girl, I’m feeling a bit better thanks to someone’s lemonade.”, ‘so he noticed’, you think, you continue reading the message which states, “Hope you liked the flowers and the little gift I left with it”, he’s clearly being flirtatious, catching you off guard with his text, your cheeks flush a new shade of red. “I liked the flowers, although I cannot say the same for your ‘gift’”, you tease him on text. “You texting me right now is proof enough that you didn’t just like it, you loved it.” he replies to your text, unwaveringly. How is he able to make your heart flutter through text. Is he a professional flirt or what. These thoughts cross your mind as you blush profusely.
You depart the bus as you reach your destination. You plug in your earphones as you enter your university but are very shocked to see the person in-front of you.
Unbeknownst to you, Jeon Jungkook has befriended your brother within the gates of this college. Jeon Jungkook is also pursuing bachelors in finance and is interning in one of the big shot companies hence the payment of the flowers was done by his hard earned money.
Jungkook looks at your tiny silhouette as he heads over to you. He immediately takes one of your ear pieces and inserts in his right ear. “the boy is mine? sweet, glad you picked up on my elite taste”, Jungkook remarks earning a glare from you as your cheeks heat up. “Not because of you, I just happened to like this song, it’s Ariana after all.”, you protest, more like lie, you’ve been unable to get Jungkook out of your mind ever since yesterday and this song draws you close to Jungkook’s tastes. “I’m surprised to see you here though like I didn’t know you attended the same college as my brother and I.”, you say truthfully to which Jungkook replies wittily, “How else was I able to afford those expensive irises if not for an internship in finance company due to this university?”, “Fair enough”, you say sighing.
Your hair comes undone as you walk along with Jungkook, he notices that and stops in his tracks, holding your wrist, stopping you as well. He comes near you, his breath fanning over your lips, he gently holds your cheek, as you close your eyes preparing for a kiss, but you feel him tugging your hair strand behind your ears, leaving you flushed once again. He should get a degree in making you flustered. He lets go of your hand and leans in to whisper, “Maybe next time, I’ll kiss you.” your stomach is doing a back flip as your heart stops beating all because of one person, Jeon Jungkook.
“Wanna bunk?”, Jungkook suggests as you hastily shake your head, “No noo, my brother will plunge a dagger through my heart if he ever finds out.”, Jungkook snorts at your statement, “Who’s gonna be telling him?”, he simply says, “I thought you were supposed to be his friend?”, you ask, “I am but sometimes, he can be unreasonably strict especially towards you, you’re allowed to have fun too you know.”, he says softly, “the only thing unreasonable is bunking.” you state, he rolls his eyes, “one day of skipping class would not hurt anyone, judging by the bag you’re carrying, you look too diligent, you’ll be able to cover up the missed class syllabus in no time, plus i’ll help as well.”, he says to which you agree as you look at his chocolatey eyes.
Jungkook pulls up with your brother’s car from the previous day. You look at him with widened eyes, “What if brother notices that his car is missing and then he finds out I’m ditching class?”, you panic while Jungkook just laughs, he indicates for you to get in. You hastily become his passenger princess as you sit on the seat beside him while he buckles his seatbelt and sets out to drive.
Jungkook shows you a text which is seemingly acknowledged by your brother as it reads, “Ditching class. Taking your car for a ride.”, you just keep your eyes widened in shock, “He let you skip?”, you ask still amazed, “He can’t stop me sweetheart”, jungkook replies smugly.
Jungkook parks the car in the parking lot, as he steps out, he comes to your side of the car and opens the door like a gentleman, impressed by his actions, you get out of the car and bow to him as a way of showing your appreciation towards his very considerate behaviour. You both head to a coffee shop as he orders a chocolate mocha for you and chocolate shake with condensed banana milk for him. You take a note of his liking towards banana milk as he specifically requests for banana milk along with his chocolate shake.
“Are we going to sit down for our drinks?”, you ask, “Is that what you want?”, Jungkook asks in return, “I mean what do you plan to do now?”, you ask as you hold your chocolate mocha in one hand sipping on the drink while he devours his banana milk chocolate shake. “How about we go shopping?”, he offers, you agree. You love shopping for clothes, you usually come alone or with your brother or sometimes with your dorm mates but this would be the first time you’d go shopping with a guy, this would be special. “Let’s go shopping for clothes!”, you chirp making Jungkook smile.
You enter this shopping outlet with Jungkook, you both unknowingly link your arms as you scroll through the columns where the dresses were hung.
“Will this purple suit you?”, you ask trying to imagine him in a purple shirt, “I hate purple”, he immediately remarks, you sigh as you say, “hate is a strong feeling, maybe say purple doesn’t suit you?”, jungkook rolls his eyes, his expression on his face darkening, becoming more serious, “I hate it.”, he states coldly, fearing you with his eccentric reply, you don’t coax him further with this entire ‘purple’ topic.
While looking for T-shirts for him, you stumble upon the prettiest dress you’ve ever seen. A floral printed skirt with a white vest embedded with buttons in the middle. A classic dress. Jungkook notices you admiring the beautiful work done by the creator of the dress. “We should buy this white floral dress”, he remarks, you look at him and shake your head, “No, it’s too costly plus I’m not carrying a lot of money with me.”, you say, “It’s okay, this dress is on me”, Jungkook says offering to pay for the ethereal dress, “No Jeon, it’s okay but thanks for the offer though.”, Your eyes brim with sincerity moving Jungkook.
Jungkook asks you to get him coffee while he has to buy something, you comply, as you go to the café, today’s fun all because of one person’s presence.
You sit down after taking what you ordered for Jungkook as you wait for him to arrive. He comes with a shopping bag. He sits down right beside you, his face only a few centimetres away from you. Accelerating your beating heart, you try to move away but he grabs your wrist yet once again and pulls you closer to him. He holds your cheek while his other hand pulls out something in front of you, as it turns out, it is the same shopping bag he was carrying when he entered the café.
“What about this?”, you ask him looking at his hand carrying the shopping bag in front of your face. “This is for you.”, he says softly, his eyes piercing through yours, “You didn’t need to-“, you say flustered, “Shh, consider it a gift from my end.”, he immediately cuts you short, as your heart flips.
You take the bag from his hand, blushing. You thank him for his gift. He waves for you to unpack the ‘gift’. The gift turns out to be the expensive dress you laid your eyes on. Your mouth falls, wide agape, you look at him, half happy, half cranky, “Jeon why-“, you ask, “Just thought it’d look good on you.”, he states truthfully. You peck his cheeks as your token of thanks. His cheeks now visibly turning pink. He clears his throat as he says, “Wear this tomorrow okay?”, “Tomorrow why?”, you look at him as you ask this, “Don’t you want to cover your missed syllabus? I’ll help you tomorrow over a cup of coffee after classes.”, you smile at him as he says this and nod your head.
“Also Jeon, please take your classes seriously, try not to skip them much.”, you request him, more like advise him as you stare into his honey glazed eyes. He nods his head and promises you to take care of his college academic life. You smile at him as he reciprocates your smile.
The next evening, you look at yourself in the mirror where you’re adorned by jewellery which goes along with the outfit bought by Jungkook. You apply blush on your cheeks and a rose tint on your lips to accentuate their shade. You comb your hair and tie your hair in a sleek pony.
You walk towards the doorway of your dorm, opening your camera app, looking at yourself for the last time before Jungkook pulls up with Jimin’s car. Jimin is out of town for his internship for the time being, creating a lot of time for you to meet Jungkook for your little study session.
Jungkook has parked Jimin’s car in front of the entrance of your dorm. He slowly lowers down his window shuttle. You proceed forward towards the car, growing closer to him. He looks at you, completely and utterly mesmerised by the beguiling beauty in front of him. Your soft features becoming more prominent due to the addition of the jewellery.
Jungkook steps out of the car after basking in your lavender scent, he holds your hand, leads you to your side of the car, opens the door for you to sit inside the vehicle. He has a bunny like smile plastered on his face as he gazes the pulchritudinous lady admiringly.
He’s pulled out of this artistic trance set up by angels when you snap your fingers in front of him. He blinks his eyes, as he gets onto the driver’s seat. He hands you an iris lovingly before setting out to drive you both to a café.
You both reach the café, Jungkook is scanning the menu while you plop out the study material of the lecture you missed that you borrowed from your dorm roommate. Jungkook furrows his eyebrows as he looks at you, “We’re going to start studying right away?”, he questions astonished, “Yes, I have to maintain my CGPA, to land an impressive internship for a great experience.”, you reply, he sighs as he keeps the menus aside, “I guess we will order coffee in a while.”, he says while you laugh.
“Jungkook you know, the colour purple that you seemingly detest is the colour of the irises I love. Isn’t that a bizarre coincidence?” You say while Jungkook just remains silent, his face blank yet tears pooling near his eyes, “Y/n, you know I used to love the colour purple once but as it turns out your likes and dislikes alter as you grow up so now tada I hate purple.”, he says. You witness the evident façade he’s establishing to suppress his real emotions but you don’t want to be a pushover hence you try to change the topic, “What about your hobbies? What do you like aside from banana milk?”, he notices how you mention banana milk as he raises an eyebrow enchanted by your attention to detail, “You”, he simply replies, ruffling you, your heart flittering, “I’m serious, stop kidding.”, you say, your cheeks turning a scarlet shade of red. “You can say I like tutoring the one I like, I like playing video games and driving a damsel around to a café.”, he says, jitters in your stomach, this man is so coquettish, you hit his toned chest as he’s just sitting beside you hence giving you an easy access to touching his body, “Stop joking Jeon.”, you say even though you want him to continue his flirting whilst still wanting to learn about his likes and dislikes. “You can say I like over watch.”, he says trying to quench your curiosity about him, “Like the video game or the hentai?”, you tease, he widens his eyes, his ears turning crimson red, “You know what hentai is?”, he asks in return, shocked by your knowledge, “Oh I’m a woman of many secrets.,”, you say trying to continue this witty interaction where you’ve the upper hand, “Oh I see, can’t wait to uncover all the secrets this woman might be hiding.”, Jungkook smirks as he says that. You both laugh and have a gala time during this electrifying tutoring session provided by him only exclusive to you.
Hours pass by, you’re almost done being taught by him, you’ve covered up the necessary topics. You love how you both can bond over studies as well now. “I guess we’re done for today.”, Jungkook says looking unpleasant, his face is like an empty canvas which articulates every emotion in his palette whenever he feels them. “You don’t want me to go yet?”, you say, surprised by how bold you’ve become in a few days because of this gentleman, you let out a small squeal, “Yes, in fact how did you even know?”, Jungkook laughs, himself astonished by the change in your behaviour. “You know what, I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning for college, let’s go together, what say?”, he proposes, “Yes a hundred times yes.”, you approve.
The following morning, you spot him with his car, more like your brother’s car which has become his now for the time being, you clutch onto your bag pack as you see him step out and open the car gate for you to get in, his passenger queen.
He gets in the vehicle as well. He starts the engine and before he starts driving, he pulls out the midnight album by Taylor Swift, for which he got up extra early so that you could listen to Labyrinth with him in the car to the way to your institute. “You like Taylor Swift now?”, you say flustered, and impressed both by how considerate he has become of your tastes, but the truth is, he’s growing fond of you as you are of him, he’s taking a liking to your tastes, you’re changing him in ways that he doesn’t realise but he knows it’s for the best, as he’s becoming gentler day by day and the due reason and cause of this is you, “Yes apparently so, Labyrinth is a beautiful song.”, he replies to you. Labyrinth plays while you both just enjoy a comfortable yet very exciting car ride with each other.
Uh Oh I’m Falling in love.
Uh OH I’m falling in love.
These lyrics deeply resonating with you two as days go by with each other. It’s so easy being around each other. It’s like the time stops when you’re both with each other.
Days go by, as you keep on spending time with Jungkook, as you get to know him little by little, as a piece of your heart slowly starts eroding away to him little by little. He also feels the same for you, he finds your presence very alluring and comforting, you’re the soothing rhythm of his life who accelerates the pace of his heartbeat. Your existence has started to become his sole reason of ecstasy. You both have reformed into positive and better souls just because of each other’s company.
One eventful morning, as you enter the university gates, someone pulls you by your bag, your back clashes into a well built chest, you immediately recognise who this chest belongs to, Jeon Jungkook. He hands you an iris as he says, “You know I hate purple, yet a small part of me, yearns for irises, I resent purple, but maybe, this time, because of you, I can make an exception to irises.”, he says with a soulful smile while you just encapsulate him in a small embrace as you feel happy for him and you.
Theese days seem the most precious to you because of a certain someone who in such a short while has become your everything. Your heart is prancing out of sheer euphoria yet your gut, your intuition is screaming that something sorrowful might happen, you turn a blind eye to your perplexes, deep down knowing, Jungkook is concealing something from you, that, he’d never be entirely yours if he has to someday, if he keeps on desolating his darkest regions, or perhaps, the reason why he seemingly hates the shade of purple.
Your intuition has stood corrected. Jungkook hasn’t contacted you ever since he told you about how he could make an exception to liking purple irises. He isn’t even been showing up to the university anymore. You’ve been texting him about his whereabouts, you’re concerned about his well being. 100 missed calls, that’s how many times you’ve called him but received no answer. Is this what love bombing is? Bombarding you with love before your beloved goes all ghost mode on you. Your brother has returned back from his internship tour as well. He has met with you, you have had to resist yourself from asking about Jungkook to him countless times as you can’t risk exposing your true feelings to your brother, fearing his reaction.
You feel empty, as if someone has shot your soul with bullets but the blood isn’t oozing out. You’re entrapped in a melancholic state as the one who made your world colourful, even for a little while, has left you without any reasoning. You’ve lost count of how many overthinking sessions you have indulged yourself in till date. This is tormenting, even soul crushing. You don’t feel energetic enough to attend your classes hence you’ve been skipping your classes. His absence has sucked the soul and life out of you. This is unhealthy, which doesn’t go unnoticed by your brother. He worries for you as he sees you spiral down into doldrum, he has asked you many a times as to why you were like this, but you couldn’t tell him, even if you wanted to, he’s helpless. He’s suffering because he cannot see you in such a devastating state and his best friend isn’t replying to his texts and calls either.
One mighty evening, as if the almighty has heard your silent prayers and cries, you stumble upon Jimin talking to someone, you continue overhearing as the person on the other end of the call turns out to be Jungkook, your heart thumping loudly, breath shortening, eye sight becoming hazy, your ears becoming more attentive to the call. You feel relieved, he’s alive and breathing, but you grow more distraught as the call continues, “Jungkook-ah, where the fuck have you been?”, Jimin says, his call on speaker inadvertently. “My mother is in ICU-“, Jungkook’s voice breaks, -“they say..she-she doesn’t have a long time to live.”, Jungkook cries, Jimin falls down on the ground, “Jungkook oh my fucking god, I’m visiting you right now.”, Jimin says, which Jungkook immediately declines, “No hyung, don’t, your graduation is nearing, you’ve important finals, attend them, they’re more important than this, I’ll be okay here.”, Jimin sighs, “Let me know if I can do anything for you, I’ll be available for you 24/7, I’ll pray for Mrs. Jeon.”, Jimin says sadly as Jungkook just acknowledges that and cries on call with him. You fall down to the floor as you hear their conversation, you gain whatever strength you’ve left within you to pick yourself piece by piece as you go to your room, yes you are staying with your brother for the mean time as he has noticed your saddened state, so you enter your room, you cry to your heart’s content, then you look at yourself in the mirror, as you promise yourself and Jungkook, “I’m coming Jeon, I’ll be there for you through this.”, you prepare yourself mentally as you’ve to be the one now supporting him.
You’ve booked a ticket for a train to busan to visit Jungkook, you heard about the hospital’s name and his whereabouts via the call between your brother and your beloved.
On the way to the hospital, as you hail a cab, you buy a beautiful bouquet of irises.
You reach the hospital, you pay the fare of the cab journey to the cab driver, he thanks you for the payment.
You rush inside the hospital and go up to the receptionist to ask about Mrs. Jeon. “What’s your relationship with her?”, the receptionist inquires, “Daughter in law.”, you say adamant to see her son. “Room 408, this way ma’am”, the receptionist guides you to an elevator where you reach the fourth floor. You search for room number eight. You find the room and before you push open the door to the room as you’re meeting with her during visiting hours, you once again, mentally ready yourself before the grandeur meeting.
Shuffling through the door knob, an asleep Jungkook wakes up, his mouth agape, tears escaping his eyes as he looks at the figure in front of him. You look as beautiful as ever, just weaker due to all those skipped meals because you missed him terribly and he looks sick as well like he hasn’t slept and eaten properly in days, the dark circles beneath his eyes, a clear indication of him crying for days straight.
The first thing you do when you see him, is run forward to hug him, he doesn’t believe his eyes yet, even if you’re in his arms, he cannot believe that you’re here, with him, for him. Tears pool near his eyes, as he cries on your shoulder while hugging you tightly, as if he’ll never let you go ever again. The hug is a mixture of regret for not talking to you, melancholy because of his mother and a lot of love because he missed you, missed your affection and missed being near you. He melts in your hug, crying his eyes out, you pat and rub his back to comfort him, “Everything will be fine Jungkook.”, you whisper softly into his ears, your own voice cracking because of your tears, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Jungkook. “I’m so-sorry Y/n.”, he cries, “Shh, I’m here now, it’s okay.”, you coo in his ears, gently rubbing his back.
You both separate from each other, he leans forward to kiss your forehead, “What are you doing here, how’d you find out about all this? I’m so sorry for leaving without any texts. I should’ve reached out to you, it’s just that I didn’t want you to see me in such a vulnerable state.”, he says hastily as the emotions he’s feeling right now are indescribable. A combination of happiness and sadness followed by a wave of nostalgia after seeing you, he’s in denial that you’re standing in front of him. “Jungkook, how could I ever leave you at this time, I eavesdropped on yours and Jimin’s conversation and as soon as I heard about your mother, I knew I had to come in, the truth is I’m in love with you Jungkook, even if you don’t feel the same way it’s okay, but i’ve promised myself that as long as I exist, I’ll be standing next to you, through thick and thin till I take my last breath. I’ll even walk through fire with you. It would be you and I against this damned world. We will fight through this together. I’ll never ever leave you alone ever. I promise, I love you and I’m sorry for being this late to this.”, you genuinely spill every aching feeling you’ve felt throughout the entirety of the time you’ve spent with and without him. The next thing he does, surprises you, he captures your lips with his own, kissing them ever so gently, pouring all his love through that gesture, the taste of his lips mixed with his tears, provide a bittersweet and emotional venture of love to you and him both. “Thank you so much for just existing, I love you too that even words cannot articulate the gravity of the feelings I harbour for you.”, sincerity brimming his eyes, you continue kissing him.
You’re sitting with him near his mother on bedrest. You give him the bouquet of irises you bought as a token of support. He looks at you and smiles softly and sadly. “The reason I hate purple is because of my parents, my parents co-owned this company, ‘Everything Purple’, where they sold literally every item in the shade of purple, I’ve grown up with this colour surrounding me. Purple represents independence, which my mother hoped for from her in laws as, if she was the one earning, she wouldn’t have to endure patriarchal abuse, but purple also represents ambition and turns out ambition for earning money and exercising authority over your wife is greater than any love you can have for her, so my father got jealous of my successful mother so he used to beat her almost everyday in-front of me, transferring all her shares to his name, which led to my paternal parents also ostracising her and performing atrocities against her.”, You look at him, he has been through so much, You hold his hand as he continues, his grip on your hand becoming stronger, as he is asking for remnant strength to overcome his trauma and speak freely about his tragedies to you, he takes a deep breath before saying, “One d-day, I saw her almost lifeless on the floor of my house as I was returning from my school, my dad had hit her too much that her bruises turned blue-, Y/n-ah, I-i c-called the ambulance, they took her, they-they said she was in a critical condition that she won’t survive the hit- they put IV tubes in her, they resuscitated her, all kudos to the almighty, but she got into coma and had a weak heart herein onwards- my bastard of a dad remarried and started a family out somewhere else and I used up her savings for my education to get into this college. Ever since that day my mother has been in coma and a few days earlier, the doctors called me that her condition has destabilised- I only have her as my family. I can’t lose her Y/n-…” Jungkook’s voice croaks, You hug him hard, your tears falling down because of him, “Jungkook, you wont lose her, she will always be by your side. She’s your mother, the last thing she wants is for you to cry over her. She must’ve wanted you to let go of this painful past as it’s hurting you.”, you say trying to comfort him, sharing his pain, providing him with a shoulder to lean on, “How do you know that Y/n”, Jungkook asks like a baby, “You know why I like irises so much, they were my grandmother’s favorite, she was a florist. She d-died a few years ago, she died an excruciatingly painful death, before she took her last breath, she told me, ‘Y/n, whatever happens, never cry over me, rejoice all the memories you’ve with me, celebrate that I existed in this world because I will always celebrate that I had an adorable grand daughter I could cater to, I only want to see you grow and become happy, I do not wish to see you lose your soul just because I departed to another destination, death is a part of life, you need to embrace this beautiful process and let go of me’, I cried a lot that day but I had to move on as life goes on, you cannot hold onto their passing forever or your tragedies for life as life is constantly in motion hence we need to match its fluidity, she also told me that irises represent hope and purple represents peace, Jungkook, I promise you, tranquility will soon arrive in your life, I promise to take my last breath devoted to making you happy because you matter and because that is also what your mother would have wanted, don’t hate purple, these purple irises symbolise hope, keep your hopes up, and as the saying goes ‘Even the darkest hour will end and the sun will rise’”, You say, your words moving mountains, deeply impacting Jungkook as he slowly lets go of his resentment towards the colour purple, “Thank you Y/n for everything, you know what, you came into my life and altered every parts of it, I was a broken man but you’re healing me, You’re my hope sweetheart, you keep me going, I vow to never ever leave your side either. I love you.”, he says as you hug him hearing his sincere words.
You come visit jungkook almost everyday as soon as your classes end, you’ve told your brother that you’d be staying at the dorm again, hence, all these short trips are unbeknownst to him, Jimin has visited Jungkook a few times, whenever he got time, they both are the best of buddies, hence Jungkook feels really grateful for the existence of both the siblings.
As time goes on, his mothers starts recovering, small steps at a time, the medication starts working well for her, Jungkook can see the light at the end of the tunnel and he can also see the one holding the light for him, guiding him to the brightest of places through the darkest of paths, the person is you, you’re his hope, his eternal sunshine, he has come to love you a lot, he can never imagine his life without you now. He even is ready to marry you after his futile attempts of hating on marriages and colour purple. He can finally see his life getting back on track with the invigorating nature of his mother’s treatment and your sole existence.
Months pass by, he has returned to college after stabilising his mother, they’ve had a mother-son talk and he has learnt to let go of the resentment he holds for his dad, thanks to you and his mother, Jimin has been giving him unwavering love and support, which he appreciates a lot. He has his academics on track, the only issue is, you both haven’t had a single romantic moment or a date after the kiss you shared in the hospital, although you both have been meeting regularly but only for vulnerable talks, to help reform each other, to help each other study and get each other’s life back on tracks.
Jungkook is planning to ask you out as his prom date, it’s his excuse to properly address and confess his feelings for you, an excuse for a romantic date accompanied by salsa/tango with you.
You’re standing near your locker, waiting for Jungkook to arrive. You feel a tap on your shoulder, you turn around hoping to see Jungkook but are disappointed when you’re met with Mark’s face, “Hey Y/n, long time.”, Mark says cheerfully, you greet him as well, “So do you have a partner for this dance thingy- i guess you could call it college prom yet?”, he asks, this question hurt your ego, you have jungkook but he hasn’t asked you out for prom yet, how inconsiderate of him. “No I’m date repellent as it seems, no one has asked me out for prom yet.”, you say honestly, annoyance evident in your tone, “Oh that’s sad, I’m going with Samantha, apparently she has a brother as well, who hasn’t found his date yet, do you want me to set you up with him?”, Mark offers, you’re about to reply to him but are cut short by Jungkook’s curt reply, “No, she’s going out with me, not anyone else.”, a small smile forms on your face as you look at him but you quickly mask it with a frown as you remember he hasn’t asked you out yet he’s announcing to the world that you’re his date, the audacity angers you. Jungkook notices the look plastered on your face, he comes near you, giving you a bouquet of irises with a slip hiding within the bouquet, reminding you of your first meeting with him. You smile softly at the fond memories of him, “Will you go out with me Y/n?”, Jungkook asks, as he kneels down on one knee while Mark watches you both in awe, “Yes!”, you immediately nod your head and hug him, while Mark cheers for you both, “I ship you both so much, get married and have kids.”, he hoots as you both laugh at him.
Prom night is today evening. You’re hastily getting your hair done while you iron your purple dress which you and Jungkook hand piqued together. You’re freaking out over your makeup as you apply purple glitter to your eyes like they showed in euphoria, you straighten your hair, while on call with Jungkook, amidst his preparation to get ready for the prom as well.
Your escort for the night is your brother, whom you’ve still not told about your little boyfriend and prom date. This is eating you up as you hate keeping secrets from him and you know the inevitable will happen one day, he will find out about you and Jungkook eventually but you’re hoping that day is not today.
Your brother drives you to the banquet where this event is held, you link arms with him as you walk across the red carpet with your beloved brother. You make an extravagant entrance but your breath and spot light is taken away by the sight of a very handsome man in a suit, he looks gorgeous, from head to toe while he holds a bouquet of purple irises, He’s wearing a black suit, with black trousers and a white shirt underneath tied together with a purple tie and purple cuff links you gifted him. You smile at him, your boyfriend, who looks at you as if the world has stopped moving, for him, you’re his miss universe, the prettiest girl to ever exist. He loves you a lot. This little encounter doesn’t go unwitnessed by your brother who so ever graciously brought you here yet he chooses to ignore it as he thinks nothing of it but just two fellow comrades exchanging smiles but little does he know how madly both you and Jungkok are in love with each other.
Jimin leaves you to get a punch for both you and him. Jungkook approaches you as he watches Jimin leave you at a table. “You look beautiful my gorgeous lady.”, Jungkook compliments you as you plant a small peck on his cheek while he hands you the bouquet. “Thank you my knight in shining armour, you look very elegant yourself.”, you compliment him back. You both smile at each other.
The drink spills on the floor ruining Jungkook’s shoes. Your eyes widen as you look at the person who has dropped his drink causing for Jungkook’s shoes to get dirty, it’s your brother Jimin, who’s looking at the both of you with an expression you cannot quite decipher but if you were to break it down; it would only indicate his wrath, his fury, his rage and his disappointment in you for breaking his trust.
Jimin furiously comes to you, while Jungkook just looks at him with a shocked expression on his face, he grabs your hand as he pulls you out of the hall and away from Jungkook.
“JIMIN! STOP YOU’RE HURTING HER!”, Jungkook yells, while Jimin ignores him and rushes out of the prom room with you in his hold. His grip tightens on your wrist as he sees Jungkook approaching you. “Brother, I-i- can explain”, you look down and cry unable to meet his eyes, “EXPLAIN WHAT HUH? that MY best-friend and my sister were having an affair behind my back????? You’ve broken my trust Y/n, how dare you date him. I’ll never approve of you two!”, Jimin screams at you earning a yelp from you as you’re scared of him.
Jungkook catches up to the both of you, “don’t get near me you traitor, you asshole, how dare you lay your filthy hands on my little sister, the only one who mattered to me, there were billions of people you could’ve fucked around with yet you had to choose my fucking sister, whom I didn’t let astray with anyone else, out of everyone??”, Jimin yells at his now former best-friend who has deeply hurt him.
“No one has betrayed you Hyung. She is a person as well, a person who is allowed to fall in love, love is not a sin, and I know you’re protective of her but I mean no harm man, trust my word, I genuinely love her, this is not me fucking around, I’m serious about her, serious enough to put a ring on her finger, even right now, if she consents to it.”, this moves you to the core as you look up to meet Jungkook’s eyes, his assurance of marrying you brims tears of happiness in your eyes. “FUCK THIS! fuck you! Do you think I’m gonna believe any man when it comes to my little sister? All men want is sex, I know this because I’m myself a man! I can’t let anyone near her, she’s too precious and naïve for our manipulative breed. I feel disgusted by this breed. I’d rather have her unmarried and stay with me forever than have her marry off to a sly pig known as a man”, Jimin yells and continues while you look down tears falling down your eyes, “She has broken my trust, she dated behind my back, she didn’t even think about letting me know about her little affair, I considered you as my best friend, yet you turned your back on me as well by dating the only person I forbade you from even looking at, you could’ve at least come clean to me about it before I found out on my own. It’s useless talking to you and her about it. I’ll ensure you’ll never see her again in your life.”, Jimin’s chest swells up with anger while Jungkook falls on his knees as he hears those words, “Please Hyung; don’t do this, we both cannot be without each other, can’t you see your possessiveness is hurting her. she’s not a child hyung, let her make her own decisions, you cannot be so anti men and because of that curb her happiness, you’re the one who is breaking her heart, making her feel guilty for this while if you were generous enough to talk to her about being cautious instead of being so over protective then maybe she would’ve come talked to you about our relationship but she knew you’d never approve of us and because she didn’t want to disrupt her relationship with the only person she loves the most in this world, she decided to hide it, she will only do what you want as long as you live and that’s the truth, even you know that, she places you over everyone but right now, you need to let go of your selfishness to keep her and let her grow, whether it may be with or without me but she deserves her independence and freedom, stop making her feel like she’s the one sabotaging her relationship with you because she’s hanging out with boys, instead tell her about your worries and concerns regarding this world and she’ll understand your insights but that is as long as you understand her point of view as well, sure she has fallen in love with me but that doesn’t mean you are of any less importance to her anymore, you’ll always be her brother so stop being so selfish because at one point it isn’t just about her safety, it’s about your selfishness to only be her number one priority in her life as well. sorry if i went overboard but i really do love her and i would say shit to you that she cannot say to you.”, Jungkook goes on a rampage making Jimin halt in his tracks while you fall down to the ground as well crying, Jimin towers over you, as you look up to him, things you’ve wanted to say to him but were afraid to do so because you thought Jimin would leave you or hate you, you finally have the courage to say the things in your heart all because of Jungkook and his resilience to all this as he wants to fight for the both of you and your relationship.
“Brother, just tell me one thing? Is falling in love with a man a crime? I know you’re overprotective of me, you’ve always been ever since I was a child, You didn’t let me play house with Namjoon, didn’t let me enjoy my high school dating life, i wanted to live like a normal teenager as well but because of your no men rule I was unable to do so, I only complied because I didn’t want to lose you and your love, But brother, I really love Jungkook, I really wanna be with him, but at the same time, no one comes over you, If I will date Jungkook, that would be now only when I receive your approval, I wanna marry him too but with your blessing over my head, two people matter to me now, just because I started loving Jungkook doesn’t mean I stopped loving you as my brother, That’s a very twisted view of love. Love is supposed to be gentle and it cannot be measured nor can you designate your love to only one person. I’ll always love you, mom and dad but now I also love Jungkook and I really want you to welcome him not just as your best friend anymore but also as your brother in law now, we three can love each other, plus I love your best friend, the only person you were able to trust out of your family so isn’t it a nice thing? you know him personally as well, you know he’d never hurt me and he cannot even think of hurting me ever, i know you know this deep within you, so please reconsider us Brother, I love and respect you a lot!”, you cry as you hug your brother.
Jimin hugs you back, which surprises you, “I guess I’ve been a bad brother all along huh? I guess I was not being protective of you, I was being selfish and greedy, Sorry Jungkook and Y/n, I should have never objected from the start, Although you both partially have my blessings, but I guess it will take some time before I unravel this and accept it, hope you both can understand, I’m sorry. Y/n, Go live your way with him, I will always love and support you, go enjoy your prom.”, Jimin says as he silently cries re-evaluating his actions which have hurt you along the way. You go in for a hug and say, “you may not be the most perfect brother in the world, but you’ll always be the best brother for me.”, Jimin smiles at you as you say that and kisses your forehead endearingly. Jungkook joins you both in the hug, “Sorry hyung, I promise I’ll never hurt her or even think of hurting her.”, Jungkook says to which Jimin replies, “the day you even think of hurting her, I’ll bury you alive.”, the three of you laugh.
Later that evening, after you’re done dancing with your brother, he gently hands you over to Jungkook for a slow dance.
Jungkook looks at you while your bodies move in a similar rhythm to beautiful soulful melodies. You both are grateful to have met each other and it shows as you both gaze lovingly in each other’s eyes.
“I love you Jungkook, you’re my world”, you say gently, “I love you Y/n, you’re my everything, my iris.”, he gives you this nickname, your heart flutters hearing this, you gently take his lips into yours, kissing him as he kisses you back, pouring his adoration for you. He gushes over how you’re all his. He would love to call you his wife one day but till then and forever…
You’ll always remain ‘his iris’
the end
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Does it ever drive you crazy Just how fast the night changes? | for @jung-koook ♡
{cr. 0613data, ouranxingg}
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i wanna fuck you slow with the lights on
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[29/547] — until we meet again, jungkook ♡
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240917 - hoseok on weverse: “one month, that’s right just 30 days!
time originally only felt cruel but now ive started to grow fond of it that now it feels affectionate.
i organized my stuff, and i’ve handed out the items i that i used well to my successors, and now seeing the empty locker/storage
* t/n: locker/storage in the barracks where ones personal items are stored)
it feels like my feelings are growing even deeper.
looking back, i wonder why i was so nervous and worried when it’s nothing much really.
heh (those days when even the sound of the locker opening would stimulate my nerves)
lately, it’s been times where i feel sympathy towards the new recruits who have moved in, and thinking of them as cute from seeing myself in them.
sigh.. im looking back at my days in the military, being filled with a lot of feelings and emotions**.. but im pleased! and proud!
** t/n: literal translation he wrote was: “after being in a state of an extreme F”, with F having the meaning of the 3rd letter in one’s mbti
but of course now, im a sergeant at the later stages of service, lying in bed writing these words haha
the holidays are truly nice!! because i can rest well! this letter has become unnessarily long now but i came to say happy chuseok~ but as if it’s fate, today’s also the day i have exactly 30 days left~
right now when everyone is peacefully with their families, my mind is filled with a pigeon flying about.
it’s quite a warm chuseok!! but i wish that you have a prosperous/filling hangawi*** and i am sending my greetings to you.
*** hangwai is another name for chuseok
i hope fall comes quickly so i can pile up the falling foliage/autum leaves in my mind~ 🍃 🍂
i will see you next month, on this day.
until then, i hope that you will please stay healthy and take care of yourself..!
A(R)M(Y) IL(ove)Y(ou)**** 💜🕊
**** abbreviated “army i love you” ” (trans. cr. miiniyoongs)
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when you and your bestie share the same brain cell | for @jiniekook
{ays cr. ouranxingg (moreloveforhobi)}
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princess wave 🫅🏻👋🏻
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NAMJOON’S BIRTHDAY COUNTDOWN: namjoon in glasses 🤍 for anon 🤍 [cr. namuspromised, dwellingsouls, qdeoks]
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"One, two, three, four Five, six, seven, eight Let 'em know we on the way Countin' zeroes every day You know that we never play"
Megan Thee Stallion 'Neva Play' feat. RM
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another peak siblings behavior moment lmao 😅 for anon ♡
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"@.rkive Buon Compleanno ??????"
Traduzione a cura di Bangtan Italian Channel Subs (©Xina)
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240912 J-Hope's Instagram Story
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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240913 - hoseok on instagram: lovely fam ☘️
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day 274/547 until joon returns
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Might as well be drunk in love: 2 of 3
Pairing: OT7 x Reader (CEO AU)
Summary: In which your friend thought it would be funny to give you a love potion, and in which seven CEOs accidentally drank it.
Warnings: Love Potion, Yandere behavior, Obsessiveness, Possessiveness, Manipulative behavior, Violence, Mention of death, Disability, If you’re not 18+ please, PLEASE, do not interact. Be mindful of the warnings. Let me know if I miss anything.
A/N: Let the darkness begin.
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GIF by sugajimin
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Part 1
Tuesday Night, Day 1
Kim Namjoon opened the door, his dimples on display as he welcomed you in the mansion for the second time that night as though he was already expecting you. He looked warm and comfortable, donning out simple white shirt and grey sweatpants instead of his usual formal clothes. A damp towel hanged on his broad shoulders; his hair still wet from the shower he obviously took.
“Welcome home, little one,” he greeted lowly, pulling your reluctant form in. If he felt the way you dug your heels on the ground, he didn’t mention. He was just elated that you were here now. He couldn’t explain the excruciating pain that went through his body almost more than an hour after he dropped you off. He was only able to manage it when Hoseok messaged him, letting him know that you would be coming home with him, and only then did he feel the pain subsided.
For the second time, you stepped foot in the grandiose place of theirs. It was a strange juxtaposition, your cautious movements against Namjoon's determined pull. Funnily, you thought it was similar to the depiction of Lucifer dragging Persephone down to hell. Walking behind you was the intimidating man, Jung Hoseok. He was carrying your bags in his hand in a relaxed manner, opposite to how he was before. The amount of clothes he personally packed were staggeringly ridiculous. It was like he packed your whole belongings with the intention for you to never set foot in your own apartment again. In his other hand was your traitor of a cat that was purring as the man carried him in his arms. It was like your cat left you for a better life.
"You must have been exhausted," Namjoon's voice broke through the quiet, drawing your attention to his warm smile. His concern softened the edges of your weariness. “The day is too long for any of us. You should get your rest.”
You eyed Hoseok, unsure of how to act when he offered you a reassuring smile. “We readied your room, little one," Hoseok's voice was surprisingly gentle, a stark contrast to his prior demeanor. Namjoon bade you good night, his large hand cupping your cheek tenderly before letting you go. With a beckoning gesture, Hoseok motioned for you to follow him, and you fell into step beside him, the weight of exhaustion pressing down on your shoulders.
He opened the room to the far end of the right wing. Similar to the aesthetic of the house, the room was equally grandiose. The bed, positioned prominently in the center of the room, commanded attention with its regal presence. It was fit for a princess, you thought, with its lavish canopy and layers of plush bedding inviting you to sink into its embrace. Every detail spoke of luxury and refinement, from the gilded accents to the soft, muted colors that suffused the room with an air of tranquility.
Any other time you would have gushed over the beauty of this room, but not this time. And not with the stress that that love potion brought you! On top of that, you were in a strange place with your CEOs who were practically strangers up at this moment! It was more than understandable that you were acting wary of these two men. They were only two of the seven, and you were already displaced by them! What more if the remaining five were to face you now?
You looked over your lashes at the man who was putting your bags down in front of what looked like a huge walk-in closet, his face void of any negative emotions but the people pleaser and the anxious child in you made you voiced out what you were thinking.
“Are you mad at me?”
Your cat, on the other hand, was now roaming freely and inspecting his new home with a purr, uncaring of the stress that you were feeling. You knew that traitor had such an expensive taste that your cat would literally sell you for a piece of chicken. You couldn’t help but notice the amount of cat toys that were kept in the corner of the room, prompting you to think that this wasn’t a spur of the moment kind of thing.
Hoseok blinked owlishly as though you asked an utterly absurd question, one that would never happen. His brows furrowed before he offered you a reassuring smile. “What brought this on?”
You sighed dramatically before plopping down on a surprisingly soft and comfortable mattress. You were even unknowingly pouting, making him want to squish your adorable cheeks in between his hands and cooed down at you. “Well, because I may or may not have ruined your lives because of that drink. But in my defense, which I think is a very good and plausible one and it may actually stand in court, it was never my intention to make you ‘fall in love’ with me and that drink was only gifted to me! Don’t you think I should be given a less harsh punishment?”
“Punishment?” Hoseok repeated to himself, his head tilted to the side as he pondered the notion. Was living with them meant to be some sort of a punishment when this was a big house and you had seven men to cater to your every whim? They would literally give you the world should you asked. “No, honey. Listen, I’m not mad at you. In fact, it’s the opposite.”
“I’m mad at you?” you asked with a hint of humor in your voice before flashing him a grin of your own. You were too adorable and funny, he gushed as he kneeled in front of you. Slowly as though gauging your reaction, he held your hands in between his, running his thumb in a soothing manner when you didn’t pull away. Hoseok couldn’t help but smile widely when he held you. It was such an exhilarating rush, he observed, one that he had never felt before.
In fact, it was an addicting feeling…one that he could not bear to lose.
“We’re not mad,” he began, his voice earnest as he looked up at you from his kneeled form on the carpeted floor. He never knelt for anyone, but for you, he would without any questions asked. “None of us are mad. This is merely a…unique conundrum. But we’ll figure it out. We always do. So don’t worry, okay?
We will take care of it.”
It was well after midnight when the five equally annoyed men strutted inside the mansion. Their faces were painted with discontent, their eyes carrying a certain weight of physical exhaustion and their movements that of strain from being physically away from you.
They were, in fact, practically gritting their teeth from the discomfort and pain.
Kim Seokjin was the first to stride into the room, the heavy oak double-doors slamming against their hinges so forcefully that even Namjoon grew concerned. He meant, for heaven’s sake, he had it custom-ordered from his favorite artist that specialized in wood carving! Anyway, it was a rare sight to see him display any negative emotion as he was always the brother that brought lightness to whatever tense situation he found them in. He was known for his penchant to be kidding around, cracking dad jokes left and right and his laughter was contagious. But those traits were nowhere to be found.
His voice was surprisingly deep as he directed his equally captivating eyes to their lead CEO with darkness even Jimin who was walking behind him found startling. “Don't forget, I'm the one who prepares your food, Kim Namjoon."
Namjoon blinked at that, his hold on his laptop loosening at his hyung’s words. “All is fair in love and war?” he supplemented sheepishly, his fingers lifting to flash him a peace sign to which his hyung merely rolled his eyes to before plopping down the huge sofa and closing his eyes, his long leg stretched out in front of him.
Next to display his displeasure was Park Jimin, the one that was the scariest when mad. “You should have just shipped us to Japan then I’d be able to at least buy my skincare products,” Jimin sassed as he rolled his eyes at the lead CEO. His nose was turned up high as he strutted in the room. Despite the long hours spent travelling, Namjoon could not see any evidence that any single blonde hair was out of place on Jimin’s. “I think I finally know what hatred feels like.”
Last to enter was Taehyung and Jungkook. In his own peculiar way, Taehyung was fake sobbing in Jungkook’s arms while the latter was pouting at Namjoon as he patted the back of the former. “I never thought I’d be betrayed by the person I look up the most!”
“Yah!” Seokjin suddenly opened his eyes in disbelief “You trust him the most when I spend all my money on your food from when you were 13 to now?!”
Jungkook merely nodded, his doe eyes seeing nothing wrong with what he said. Taehyung, on the other hand, suddenly stopped acting and stood up straight to face the occupants of the room. “How are we reduced to this: betraying each other?” his deep voice resounded over the room, holding a tone of certain seriousness. His dark eyes met theirs. “Aren’t we better than this? We are brothers. We are better than animals that kill each other in the wild to survive. We are civilized men who are in the top performers of the society, who are featured in every reputable magazine. We are men that are leaders of-”
“Weren’t you the first to betray us, hyung?” Jungkook suddenly asked, effectively cutting off his speech. His head was tilted to the side as he sat beside Seokjin who was actively pushing him away to no avail, grumbling about how he should sit beside the brother he trusted the most.
“That’s neither here nor there!” Taehyung’s volume increased from guilt, his eyes comically widening.
“How?! It’s literally here! And it’s still here!” Jimin shouted, further antagonizing his agemate to which Taehyung gladly took on. The screaming match went on, with Jin joining, whereas Jungkook chimed in every once in a while, clearly enjoying the ensuing chaos. Every now and then, though, he voiced out how much he missed you. Namjoon was massaging his forehead and quietly telling them to stop and to keep quiet because someone was sleeping. It was only Hoseok who was silently watching his brothers and doing a quiet headcount only to come up short.
“Guys? Aren’t we seven?” He broke his silence for the first time, effectively stopping the loud bickering of the brothers. “Where’s Yoongi?”
The loud bickering of his brothers faded as he slipped inside the mansion without them noticing. To be honest, he did not have the required energy to deal with them, much so when he could barely keep himself upright. He didn’t want to see that traitorous bastard, Kim Namjoon, for more than a second. They all had a piece to say but they were all morons, Yoongi thought. As he trudged up the last step of the stairs, he looked up and there was you.
Min Yoongi couldn’t believe his own eyes. He thought that it was his sanity breaking down from the physical pain he had been feeling since he parted from you, and decided to play cruel games with him in the form of you. But there was no way that you were actually here, right? There was no way you were standing in the hallway in your sleepwear…right?
On the other hand, you blinked and looked at Yoongi’s pale face. He looked like he was straining to hold himself upright, evidenced by his grip on the stair’s handrail. His hands were shaking and you were worried that any moment now, he would fall.
You were proven correct not even a second later.
You watched as his body swayed, his eyes closed and you were moving before you could even think of the repercussion. Without heeding to any of your friend’s warning about touching them, you stepped in just in time to steady his body. The momentum from his combined weight and the gravity made you stepped back as his head found its place on your shoulder. Your arms instinctively wrapped around his broad back to anchor him to you.
“Daepyonim Min,” you called for his attention, gauging his alertness while tapping your hand on his back with a sense of urgency. “Daepyonim Min, you need help. Let me call-”
“Little one,” you heard him breathed you in before speaking so slowly, a tone of disbelief in his voice. “You’re real, aren’t you?” His hand slowly cupped your cheek, needing to feel you, needing to know if the object of his love was truly here. “How?”
“I’m here…but it’s a long story. First, we need help. You’re not okay!”
“You’re here,” he repeated to himself, his voice that of wonder. “I-I’m okay now,” he replied with so much warmth as he struggled to lift himself up to look at you. “I just need to sleep. It’s been a long ass day,” he groaned, the ache from his head was slowly dissipating from the proximity to you, yet its intensity since they landed was at its highest. He knew it would take him the whole night to recuperate. But somehow, he knew he could do it easily with you by his side. He didn’t even care why you were here, or even how you got here. What was important was you were now here where you belong- with them.
Against your better judgement and completely unaware of the thoughts running in his head, you nodded as you followed his directions to his room. Just like his personality that you knew him of, his room was no non-sense in a way that all things were functional. It was apparent that the man favored minimalism and comfort over luxury. It was clean and uncluttered, with just the essentials neatly arranged. The bed, large and inviting, dominated the room, adorned with crisp white sheets and a fluffy comforter. A single nightstand stood beside it, holding a small lamp and a few books.
You helped him settle onto the bed, arranging the pillows behind him to support his weary body. He let out a contented sigh as he sank into the softness, his eyes closing momentarily in relief as the weariness slightly subdued.
"Thank you," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper, yet filled with gratitude. His eyes held sincerity and warmth. The way he was looking at you, the way he was holding on to your wrist because he didn’t want to let you go only served as reminders of your guilt. He wouldn’t be acting this way if this was normal circumstances.
Your negligence that day brought you here. And those emotions he was showing you were not real, you reminded yourself.
"You're welcome," you replied softly with utmost sincerity, a gentle yet sad smile playing on your lips. "Do you need anything else before I go?"
He had you now, why would he let you go?
It was his rationale as he pulled you to lie beside him, the surprisingly comfortable bed and his enescapable hold were enough to tire you out, you pushing him away did nothing. Despite your inner turmoil, you found yourself yielding to his pull, sinking onto the bed beside him. The warmth of his body radiated against yours, a stark contrast to the chill of your guilt-ridden thoughts.
And when he whispered for you to stay, you did.
It was barely an hour later when Yoongi was awakened by the annoying buzzing of his phone. He looked at you, a smile tugging on his lips at how your mouth was agape as you slumbered off in his arms. You were just so adorable that he wanted to put you in his pocket. He grinned at that thought. He already felt better.
You were the cure, he was sure.
However, the headache seemed to be returning from the persistent phone calls he was getting. He sighed, picking up his phone carefully to not wake you up only to find out it was a videocall from Taehyung.
“Hyung! Where are you?” his deep voice resounded over the quietness of the room. Yoongi, on the other hand, had to lower the volume immediately.
“Shut up,” he admonished him quietly, careful to not arose you from your sleep.
“Are you…sleeping?! When we’re all worried about you?!” the camera spanned out to Seokjin who was eating calmly, lacking any evidence of worry that Taehyung was claiming while Jungkook was running in the background, looking for Yoongi in every corner and even under the furniture. Meanwhile, Jimin was on his phone trying to rank up on his games.
“Yes, you’re right. It’s clear that you’re all worried about me,” he noted in a deadpanned voice, not believing any bullshit coming from Taehyung’s mouth.
Namjoon entered the frame casually, his eyes taking in his hyung’s rested form. He had an inkling of suspicion as to why. “You look well-rested, hyung,” he stated his observation, his complexion looked healthy in comparison to Taehyung’s. Yoongi raised his brow at that. His initial theory that the span of time spent without you was making them sick only got stronger because of Namjoon’s healthier look.
“Did you find our gift?” Hoseok asked from behind the two men, casually hanging his arms on their shoulders. He was smiling. But his eyes held a certain darkness they usually didn’t have.
“I did. We’ll talk tomorrow, yeah?”
Wednesday, Day 2
“No one told me that we have an adorable new housemate.”
The six sleepy men sitting around the dining table looked up as soon as Park Jimin entered the room, in his arms was a fluffy cat that was actively hissing at him. He cooed down at it, softly stroking the thick fur with his hand that was now sporting claw marks.
“We’re already so close!” he announced with softness in his voice despite the repetitive kicks brought by the furry creature in his arm.
“I don’t think you are liked very much…” Jungkook quietly commented, his doe eyes went even larger at the bleeding scratches on his skin. As if sensing an opportunity to escape, the cat suddenly wriggled free from Jimin's arms and darted across the room, landing squarely in Hoseok's lap.
“Hi, my son! Did you have a good night’s sleep?” he asked affectionately, reaching down to stroke the cat's fur.
“Hyung has a secret son!” Jungkook whispered to Taehyung in a scandalous manner, clutching his nonexistent pearls. Taehyung, who looked like he lived and fought through three wars from his exhausted form and his sluggish movement only nodded at Jungkook.
“Whose cat is that? Is that yours, J-hope?” Jin asked, pointing at the cat with his mug. He didn’t know that they now had a furry housemate. Additionally, he didn’t know that he was a cat person.
Namjoon just smirked at his brothers, “That’s not his.”
“My God, I am so tired,” Jimin sat next to Taehyung, his muscles aching with exhaustion. With a heavy sigh, he leaned his whole weight on his friend, seeking some semblance of comfort in their shared weariness.
"Everything hurts," Taehyung moaned, mirroring Jimin's sentiment. He glanced over at Namjoon, pleading silently for a solution. "We need her. Hyung, please. Do something," he implored, his voice tinged with desperation.
Jungkook finally put down his spoon with a loud thud, standing up to look at them one by one. “Okay, I cannot be the only one curious about whose cat that is!” he pointed at the cat who only meowed back at him before shifting his finger to his hyung who was silently eating with a smile on his face. “And you, why do you look so good this morning, hyung, while the four of us look like we are 3 hours away from passing away?” he asked Yoongi, his doe eyes demanding answers from the chaotic bunch that only turned more chaotic as the morning wore on.
Yoongi, taking a leisurely sip of his coffee, raised an eyebrow at Jungkook's question. His lips curled into a smirk, revealing a hint of amusement. "Well, Kookie, some of us are just naturally blessed with good genes," he quipped, his tone teasing.
“Excuse me?! Are you saying that I am not blessed with good genes?! Me?! The world wide handsome?! Now, you’re just outright lying!”
“Hyuuuuung, do something! I think I’m dying!” Taehyung shouted amidst the noise.
“Stop screaming you’re scaring my son!” Hoseok shot back all while covering the cat’s little ears.
“Whose cat is that even?!” Jungkook asked again in disbelief, the vein in his throat protruding from annoyance and curiosity.
“Oh my God, Taehyung! I already did something, okay?!” Namjoon finally raised his voice for him to hear.
“Ahhhhhhh, my head hurts and she’s the only cure! I have to go to her!” Jimin whined sadly, attempting to leave his chair slowly.
“In that state?!” Jin shouted at Jimin and Taehyung, already feeling the stress causing havoc on his otherwise beautiful face.
But Taehyung and Jimin were already halfway out of their chair, clutching their heads dramatically. "I can't take this anymore! I need her!" he wailed, his eyes darting around the room with desperation only to find you by some miracle.
“Little one…” he called, his voice small as though he couldn’t believe that you were truly there. It was like their pain manifested you, and heavens, it was worth it. He’d willingly go through this pain if it meant seeing you and having you here where you belonged.
With them.
“Good morning, has anyone seen my cat?”
Your voice, despite it being low, was sufficient to effectively stop the bickering among the CEOs. How they heard you amidst their own noise, you didn’t know. One thing was for certain, though. They were attuned to you like lovesick men did. Their eyes were on you with varying emotions. Jungkook was surprised, to say the least. Taehyung and Jimin, on the other hand, were relieved. Yoongi's smirk widened into a grin, his eyes sparkling with delight at the sight of you. Seokjin stared at you in disbelief, as if trying to comprehend how you managed to appear amidst the chaos. Namjoon and Hoseok exchanged a knowing glance, their expressions reflecting a sense of contentment and joy. The pair looked like they secured an extremely important deal and even won the lottery at the same day.
You didn’t see Taehyung moved but you certainly felt how his heavy body fell against yours. You certainly heard his sigh of relief even as he swayed on his feet.
And when you touched his hand to support him, that was when he fell.
Suffice to say, no one made it to the office today.
You were seated beside Taehyung on the sofa, his thighs plastered to yours as though any space was considered a sin. He had your hand tenderly imprisoned in his. On your other side was Jimin who had his head in the vee of your shoulders. You were their medicine, they were sure.
Meanwhile, you were anything but comfortable. You were never really a fan of skinship, always the one who was reserved and preferred physical distance when surrounded by people. And yes, you were aware that thousands, if not millions, would kill to be in your spot right now but that didn’t make you any more receptive to their proximity. You couldn’t move even if you wanted to, not with the way they were watching you.
Especially not with the way Hoseok’s eyebrow raised whenever you even so much as attempted to move. His pointed gaze held you in place, a silent warning against any attempt to flee.
You were stiff. But you knew, and quite frankly you were starting to believe the effectivity and potency of that wretched potion. You already witnessed five of the seven men almost crumbled to the ground from the unbearable pain. There was no way that that was not connected to that potion.
 “When did the pain start, Taehyung-ah?” Seokjin asked as he flustered over the younger CEO. He was pouring hot tea for the two agemate, his innate mother instinct surfacing. Despite that, he couldn’t help but look at you with small smile on his lips. He was happy that you were here, truly happy for the first time in ages. It was like his heart calmed down, the darkness slowly vanishing from his mind now that you were in their vicinity. Now, he could just focus on taking care of you
“At around 6 pm…less than 12 hours after little one ran from me,” he finished with his signature pout, turning to you as though he was a puppy you kicked aside and was begging you to take it back. “I was so sad when you ran from me, little one.”
“You also ran from me,” Jimin added, his pouty lips protruding even more as he glared at you. “It deeply wounded me. I am still hurt over that, you know? I woke up so early just to see you.”  
“She also ran from me…” Jungkook's voice joined the chorus from his place on the floor with his back leaning on your knees, adding his own layer of disappointment.
“Then why didn’t you say anything?” Namjoon asked the peculiar man in concern, his worry lessening as Taehyung started to gain back his colors.
“Because! Hyung looked sicker than me!” Taehyung response was quick while pointing at Yoongi who was looking at them stoically. He looked bored, except when he turned to look at you and then all of a sudden, he was shooting sweet smile at your direction, his fingers forming heart sign. You blinked owlishly at his sudden display of affection.
“You idiot, he’s just naturally pale!” Seokjin admonished him even as he continued to feed him light snacks.
“Next time, say something when you’re not feeling well,” Hoseok broke his silence, a smile forming on his lips and you just knew it was fake. “Our little one is with us now. We no longer have to suffer, right, sunshine?”
The weight of Hoseok's words hung in the air, wrapped in the softness and faux innocence of his tone. It almost seemed like an innocent question, but you couldn't shake the feeling of caution that settled in the pit of your stomach. After all, it was Hoseok who ensnared you in his web and brought you into this situation.
Seokjin, sensing the tension between the two of you, directed your focus on him. His body was now turned to you, his form relaxed as he offered you a gentle and encouraging smile. “How did you get here, little one?”
“Daepyeonims Kim and Jung-“
“I take back what I said last night. I love you and you’re the best leader anyone could ever have!” Jimin suddenly said, jumping from his seat to cling to the aforementioned CEO. After which, the five of them listened to your retelling of how you got here.
“It’s true that we had an inkling of why we are acting…well, the way we are,” Seokjin noted after a lapse of silence, looking down at his hands as he did so. “It was the only plausible explanation, regardless of how illogical it was.”
“We weren’t- aren’t behaving normally. We thought back to everything that transpired during that day and the only deviation was our interaction with you.,” Namjoon took charge of the explanation, his voice steady and authoritative, as befitting a leader. “At first, the symptoms were bearable to say the least. I even managed to hold off for the whole day until I saw you in the elevator. And even then, I was already suffering. The pain was nothing I ever experienced before. All I could think about was you. All I craved was your presence. All I wanted that whole day was to go to you.”
Yoongi nodded, experiencing firsthand the excoriating pain last night. “Everything was a struggle. It’s like our organs were not functioning properly, like oxygen struggled to enter our lungs no matter how hard we breathed.”
“And you are the cure.”
You lifted your eyes to Park Jimin who sounded serious for the first time this morning. His smile was even missing from his face, but his eyes held genuineness. “You’re the only one we need, little one.”
But instead of feeling relieved, you felt suffocated, overwhelmed by the weight of their dependence on you. The realization that you held the key to their well-being filled you with a sense of panic, the walls closing in around you. You wanted to help them, to ease their suffering, but the burden felt too heavy to bear. With all seven of them relying on you, the pressure threatened to crush you under its weight.
As you struggled to find your voice amidst the chaos, a sense of dread settled in the pit of your stomach. The repercussions of that potion were far greater than you could have ever imagined, and now, you were left to grapple with the consequences. “Until when?”
You untangled Taehyung’s arms from you and moved away despite the whine that left Jimin. You stood up, your back almost to the wall as you regarded them with your eyes. “Until when will you need me?”
“We don’t know, yet, my love,” Namjoon answered truthfully at the same time Taehyung.
“Forever,” his deep voice resounded over the room, the weight of his words heavy in the air.
Silence descended, thick and palpable, as the gravity of the situation settled upon each of you like a suffocating blanket. The only sound was the faint hum of the ventilation system, a stark contrast to the turmoil raging within your mind.
Forever. The word echoed in your ears, reverberating with both promise and dread. The thought of being tethered to them indefinitely sent shivers down your spine, a chilling reminder of the magnitude of their reliance on you.
Jimin shifted uncomfortably, his eyes pleading as he reached out a hand towards you. "Please, don't leave us," he implored, his voice tinged with desperation.
Your shoulders dropped down at his plea. You knew yourself all too well. You had to help them. You had to go at the bottom of this. You were going to be patient.
But patience was never your best suit.
You finally had it at exactly five in the afternoon. See you didn’t even last for 10 hours and you already felt suffocated. Anywhere you went, there would be at least two of them tailing you. Every time you turned to ask for space, they would be flashing you the sweetest smiles you were ever given. Every time you ran into Yoongi, he would blatantly offer you all his stocks; Jin was always seen to be carrying snacks around for you and trying to feed you; Namjoon would always try to herd you in his display room of paintings and sculptures; while Hoseok would always look at you then his phone and order you clothes that you wouldn’t even dream of buying from the price alone.
Meanwhile, the maknae line was always around you, beaming with energy and trying their very best to rizz you up. It was safe to say that they were doing their absolute best to make you lose your composure.
Which is why you abruptly stopped walking, turned around, and glared at the men behind you that almost crashed into each other, including your cat that was following you around the house.
“May I help you?” you asked, your brow raised as you waited for their answer as they looked at each other.
“Yes, little one. You definitely can help us. Let’s go over there and cuddle!” Jimin smiled angelically at you as he pointed upstairs to what you assumed was his room. See, this man looked so harmless. In fact, you thought he looked the sweetest among the seven, but his eyes could never fool you. You physically saw someone blushed so hard when he smiled at them, his eyes crinkling into crescents as he brushed his hair up like he was fond of doing.
On the other hand, Taehyung, ever the agreeable companion to Jimin, nodded vigorously, his boxy smile widening as he looked at you expectantly. Jungkook was bouncing on his feet, excited with the prospect that he got to have you in his arms despite his inability to meet your eyes at the moment.
Wednesday Evening, Day 2
“We need to talk,” you huffed as you pushed the three men inside what you assumed was the common room of this huge mansion.
Seokjin, who was already inside the room and enthusiastically playing his game, rapidly turned it off despite obviously winning to give you all his attention. His back was straightened after kicking his gaming console away. The way he was looking at you made you blushed, but you were deathly determined to not show it. You were terrified that if you gave in even an inch, then these men would gladly take a mile. You couldn’t let yourself drown in this scenario, and most of all, you shouldn’t let yourself fall for them.
These were just effects of that wretched potion. None of these were real.
“Yes, little one? What’s on your mind?” Namjoon’s voice suddenly disrupted your thoughts as he walked in the room, his posture relaxed. He intentionally brushed against your side, his hard muscles softly swaying your soft one, satisfying the call inside him to have you near him. He leaned against the table where Hoseok and Yoongi were working. They both gave you their attention as soon as you declared that conversation needed to be had.
“Speak your mind, sunshine,” Hoseok urged you gently with a smile on his face as though he didn’t terrify you the night before. Your eyes lingered on him, still unable to read his true personality. Or which among the versions he showed you were his realest?
Yoongi nodded when he saw you hesitated, giving you assurance you obviously needed to continue.
“I need space.”
Cue the tears from Jungkook, chaos from Taehyung and Jimin, rapid reasoning from Seokjin, dramatic clutching of heart from Yoongi partnered with a deathly glare to the who he assumed made you say those wretched word; maknae line, clenched of jaw from Namjoon and deafening silence from Hoseok. Despite the expected mixed reaction, one emotion rose above them all.
As though they had one mind, the six CEOs turned to look at Namjoon, a plead for him to make sense of what was happening and to fix this for them. It was obvious that they needed you like air, if not more. Their survival hinged on you, and that was not even an overstatement.
Seokjin, ever perceptive, sensed the uncharacteristic struggle within the lead CEO. Namjoon’s jaw was, a sure sign of his struggle to maintain composure in the face of the unexpected. In a move only Seokjin could execute with dramatic flair, he jumped away from you, creating a symbolic distance that echoed your plea. He pointedly looking at the expanse of space between of the two of you as though this was what you meant when you knew he understood what you truly meant by space.
“There, little one,” Seokjin spoke softly, his voice carrying a weight that resonated through the room. His eyes were dark that held a mix of understanding and yet, a stubborn determination. “Space.”
You sighed, looking up at the peculiar-looking chandelier you just knew was Taehyung’s idea. “That’s not what I meant-”
“Then what do you mean?” Taehyung cut you off, his earlier tirade and childlike rebellion with his agemate were nowhere to be found and instead, who stood before you was an entirely different man. Had you looked closer, then perhaps you would have seen the swirling darkness in his eyes.
“You know we’d die without you. Why are you doing this?” Yoongi, who was still clutching his heart, spoke lowly. His eyes that you thought to be always emotionless were brimming with sadness. His words tugged at your heart.
But if they just let you speak, then they’d understood-
“Is that what you want?” Hoseok asked monotonously, and this time he didn’t look like the lively and full of sunshine CEO. This time, he looked like a dangerous man who was about to go off. He lifted his dark brow before standing up and circling to where you were. He was close, too close and yet, none of him was touching you. The height difference between the two of you made him seemed more intimidating as he leaned down to meet your eyes. “You want us to die, is that it? Hmm?”
“Then what?”
“I just need space for myself-“
“But noona! I need you. We need yo-“
You turned to glare at Jungkook who actively gulped when he saw the daggers in your eyes. “Can you let me speak? Can you all let me finish?”
“Yes, noona. Sorry, noona. You’re so beautiful, noona,” he rapidly said as he formed hearts with his fingers, his smile was lovely as though he didn’t just annoy you.
“All of you,” Namjoon’s commanding voice echoed in the room, his draconic eyes set on you even as he addressed his brothers. “Sit down and let little one talk.”
Once they were all settled in with the five men sitting on the sofa, Yoongi not moving from his seat, and Namjoon standing tall- a deliberate choice, you thought, to let you know that you might have the floor but he still held the reins, you started explaining to them how you could not do this if it meant that you wouldn’t have any time for yourself. In order to leave this house once this was all over with your sanity intact, then you had to have rules and regulations like civil men did.
Yoongi's eyes narrowed slightly, as if assessing your resolve. Jin shifted in his seat, his expression unreadable. Hoseok glanced between you and Namjoon, silently absorbing the tension. Taehyung and Jungkook remained quiet, their eyes fixed on you, waiting for your conditions. Jimin scoffed lightly.
“What do you propose?” Jimin asked, his velvet smooth voice seemed to be innocent had you not known that he identified as a Slytherin.
“2 hours each. I think that since there are seven of you, that would be 14 hours of my day-“
“Dibs to the remaining 10 hours!” Yoongi suddenly said, his hand shooting up and his face held determination and a hint of mischief. The room fell silent, all eyes turning to Yoongi as he leaned back comfortably in his chair, a sly grin playing on his lips.
Jimin raised an eyebrow, his expression unreadable for a moment before a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. "Bold move, Yoongi," he remarked, his tone light but edged with amusement. "I, myself, am also vying for those ten hours, little one."
Yoongi shrugged nonchalantly, uncaring of what Jimin was saying. "I know what I want," he stated simply, crossing his arms as he leaned back further in his seat, looking supremely confident. “And anyway, now that I had her in my arms last night, I really don’t think I can sleep alone, anymore.”
“Excuse me?!” Taehyung stood up, facing Yoongi with disbelief in his face. “How did that happen-”
“Does being the oldest not mean anything anymore?!”
“You might as well step on me, hyung! You might as well kick me where it hurts the most- oh wait! You did!”
 You shook your head as maknae line plus Seokjin screamed at each other. Meanwhile, Hoseok was trying to keep the peace. Namjoon was the only one who kept on watching you, his mind going over an overdrive as to how to resolve this all while maintaining their leverage over you and keeping you happy.               
“Fine, we accept.”
They all turned to Namjoon, their eyes comically large at how easy their leader agreed. “We do?” Hoseok asked.
“Either that or lose her. Or die. So yes, we agree. In return, within those two hours of your undivided attention, you’ll cater to our every need.”
You blinked owlishly at what he said. And also, did he have to say that like that?!
“F-fine! But those ten hours will truly be mine, okay?”
“What will you even do within those ten hours, noona?” Jungkook asked innocently, his doe eyes brimming with curiosity.
“Shower, sleep, eat, meditate so as to not lose my mind-“
“But why can’t we do all those things together?” Jimin whined, swaying his body in emphasis of his desire to be included.
“Because! That’s private-“
“But we’re close!” Jungkook added, his eyes wide and earnest.
“Oh my God, you idiot,” you heard Seokjin murmured under his breath, disappointed and quite frankly, embarrassed by the youngest’s stubbornness.
“Two hours start when?” Hoseok finally asked something that could be answered logically.
“7 in the morning and ends at 9 in the evening.”
Thursday morning, Day 3
“Rise and shine, my one and only!”
Your room was gently engulfed by light as Kim Seokjin opened the door at exactly 7 in the morning. He was still wearing his blue pajamas and in his hands was a tray with what looked to be a delectable mug of coffee. You blinked your sleepiness away as he stepped in the room. He carefully placed the tray on your bedside table, before cupping your cheeks in between his hands and pressing a soft kiss to your forehead.
That woke you up.
His gesture was unexpected, and it most probably showed on your face from the way he chuckled as he booped your nose.
“Ah, you’re so beautiful even in the morning, little one!” He exclaimed before stepping back and flicking the curtains open further, letting even more sunlight stream into the room. How was this fair, you wondered. How could he look so perfect and put-together even when he was still in his sleepwear? You glanced at the mirror on the wall and was horrified to see how opposite you looked to the man who just declared that you were so beautiful in the morning.
If you didn’t believe in the effectivity of the potion before, then you definitely did now. Your hair was all over the place and you had sleep in your eyes.
And oh my God, was that a dried drool on the side of your lips?!
You immediately made yourself presentable the best you could before Seokjin sat on your bed, lifting his own mug to his lips…his very plump lips. He was unfazed by your awkward demeanor.
“I am so glad I have this schedule. Nothing beats spending the morning with you,” he murmured warmly, his eyes shining with sincerity and love(?) “I made breakfast, little one. Get ready and come down, okay?”
It was quarter to eight when you finally joined him in the patio where he set up the breakfast. He was already dressed for work like you, his hair now sleeked up. Also, how could a forehead look that good? Did that even make any sense?!
He turned to you and smiled. His eyes traced your form before standing. He gently tugged you in his arms, completely engulfing you within him. You could hear his heart and hoped that he couldn’t hear yours; it was definitely embarrassing how fast yours was beating in comparison to his. You weren’t really used to being physically close to anyone, let alone your CEOs that you never had personal interactions with before this.
“I didn’t put on at tie yet because I wanted us to match,” he easily shared in your ear before guiding you to your seat as though what he did was not meant to make your heart beat faster.
You looked at all the mouthwatering dishes he prepared and wondered just how long he had been awake for. “Where are the others?” you hadn’t seen nor heard any of them in the house and you wondered if they had already eaten.
Seokjin merely smiled at you before artfully cutting pieces of the croissant he made for you and putting them on your plate. “Little one, it’s my time. You’re mine.”
“For two hours…” you added, suddenly feeling ominous by the way he worded his schedule and his dark eyes despite the sweet and seemingly harmless smile he was sporting.
After he dropped you off in your office wherein he held your hand all the way from the car until he delivered you to your office chair, he planted a kiss on the back of your hand despite your reluctance. You couldn’t help but noticed the grip he had on you, nor the way he looked around the office and glared at any men glancing your way.
And of course, everyone in the office saw.
At exactly 9:01 am, a bouquet of flower was sent to your office. The sender? None other than Jung Hoseok himself.
He was sure to be punctual, not wasting any second off his scheduled time. He thought that time was gold, and he wanted nothing more since he woke up to be with you.
Sufficed to say, Jung Hoseok craved you so bad.
Your eyes widened from the sunflowers to him as he flashed you his sunny smile as though he didn’t scare you the past days with his warnings. “For the most beautiful part of my day.”
You could hear the murmurs of your officemates, and you were already dreading the gossips that would surely come. You wondered how they would look at you once this was all over. For sure, you’d be the laughing stock of the ton.
You most probably have to resign…
“I’m sorry, what?”
Hoseok tilted his head as he leaned in you, his hand on your armrest. This close and you could smell him. And heavens. He smelled heavenly. He smelled clean and crisp, like the subtle touch of ocean breeze. This close and you could see how perfect his features were, how harmoniously proportionate they were. This close and you could see the darkness he always kept in bay.
“What are you thinking?”
“Tell me,” he demanded gently, his eyes trained on your lips like no one was looking, like you and him were existing in your own world where no one could touch you and take you away from him.
Where no one could take you away from them.
“Good morning! I have great, great news!”
Your friend breezed into the office, fashionably late as usual, her face lit up with excitement. The room buzzed with curious glances as she made her way to her desk, her eyes searching until they landed on yours. The grin she was sporting faltered off as the CEO turned to her with an expression she didn’t like before it all went away and Hoseok flashed her a smile.
“G-good morning, Daepyeonim Jung.”
“Good morning,” he answered cheerfully, fully straightening up and granting you the much-needed space to catch your breath. “What’s your good news?”
She looked at you, and only when you nodded did she whisper the news that her grandmother knew someone from the mountains that had the answer and solution. Her voice was hushed enough that your coworkers couldn’t hear her, yet clear enough to give you hope. Your grin was so wide as you stood up and hugged her.
It was only when you turned to Hoseok to share your happiness did you notice something unsettling. His expression had darkened briefly, a shadow passing over his features before he hastily composed himself with a bright smile.
What was that?
Before you could dwell on that, he declared it good news and pulled you out of the office.
You found yourself standing in the middle of his office as he plopped down on his chair, stack of paper on his table that grew in size from missing yesterday’s work. He seemed busy, yet he was looking expectedly at you. His eyes were serious as he gestured for you to come closer.
It was apparent he wasn’t happy with the distance when you decided to stop three feet away from him. His eyes remained impassive as he sighed and without any warning, pulled you to him. You landed on his surprisingly muscular lap, your hands automatically going to his shoulders in an effort to steady you.
Your eyes widened at his actions and any attempt to stand up was squashed by his ironlike grip around you.
“Didn’t you promise you’d cater to our every need when we agreed on that ridiculous two-hour schedule?”
“And having me on your lap is a need?!”
“It is. I want- no. I need you close,” and only when he confessed did you see the miniscule tremors in his hands. He was nuzzling his face on your neck, breathing in the scent he missed so much. Your soft skin against his touch somehow calmed the demons. If he was already like this despite you seeing him last night, then it meant that their symptoms were worsening like what your friend warned you of. The more time you spent with them and the more that your skins touched meant that their lovesickness would only worsen in time.
You were dreading to think what would happen to the remaining CEOs and how they would act, more so when Jimin and Namjoon were in the last two.
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Namjoon's schedule sneakpeak
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