#somethings stay IN the chat
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sebsxphia · 5 months ago
that’s what i love so much, there’s always more to add 🤭
esoteric form of roleplay where instead of actually roleplaying you just make up characters together and discuss in abstract how they'd interact and how their story would go
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jewelsli · 5 months ago
DC X DP X Captain Marvel/Shazam (Part 2)
Before I continue, here’s a real quick Headcannon for this, so when Danny became the ghost prince, it was a pretty big deal, but since he didn’t want to deal with all the fame stuff he made sure only the people who needed to know were informed(this includes the champion of magic and the lords or order and chaos(they don’t know exactly who he is just that there’s a new ghost prince)). Sam is the new fright knight (the old one is training her), Danielle and Dan are also royals, Tuck and jazz are helping in different areas too (tuck is a kinda judge and jazz is helping new ghosts and getting everyone some therapy). The Champion of magic and Ruler of the Infinite realms interact a lot and are two of the greatest forces in the universe, they also help each other to stop entire universes from dying(Infinite realms is the stuff between universes and the Rock of Eternity connects every universe and supplies it w/ magic), anyway with that out of the way…
here’s the next part! (Once again I am not the greatest writer so don’t expect anything to amazing)(also I mostly know about billy through fanfics and have yet to read the original comics)
(oh also Danny looks his normal age here, he lets a bit of his eldritch form leak into him so he looks older at the JL)
Danny glanced around the room that the meeting was taking place in, it was different from most of the infinite realms, in a way that it just felt more… it felt like how pop rocks taste, sweet but sharp. It was different from the spiky citrusy(or maybe metal?) feeing that most of the realms had. Clockwork had told him it was because they were in a pocket dimension between the infinite realms and some place called the Rock of Eternity(wait hadn’t marvel mentioned something like that?), so there was more magic here then usual. The sound of a door opening caught his attention and he swiftly turned to see the door opposite to the one he had come from open as a small figure stepped through.
A small figure with a very familiar aura(I can’t remember the word I want to use so whatever) stood in the doorway.
After the door closed and the harsh backlighting disappeared he could see more of the kid(who looks his age), they were wearing golden sandals with what looked like wings on the sides, a robe? Thing??? Whatever they called those back then, which was white with golden edges(think how cap’s cape looks), he also wore one of the golden leaf crown thingamajigs around his head. The kid was holding a lightning staff that was taller then they were and had a matching lighting bolt amulet. Overall they looked like some sort of Greek or Roman royal, or at least how he would imagine them.
The champion seemed to be surveying him in the same way, from his crown of black fire and ectoplasm, to his cape of stars, why yes he was extremely fashionable, thank you for noticing! He cleared his throat before holding out his hand to the kid, “Danny Phantom, prince of the Infinite Realms.” He introduced, the kids eyes widened for a moment before they reached forwards and shook his hand, he saw the Lichtenberg figures tracing along his arms, similar to his own scars from the portal, but while his were an ectoplasmic green, the other’s looked like they were inlaid with gold. “Marvel, champion of magic,” he finally introduced.
They both stared at each other for a few moments, finally the other kid spoke up. “I knew you felt different from a normal ghost!” He exclaimed with a smile, letting go of his hand as Danny paused for a moment longer. “So THATS how you knew there was a new prince!” He said with the same smile as he put the pieces together, he had thought it was strange for a random leaguer who was only supposed to be mildly magical to know. Said kid laughed as he nodded, “Nice to have another kid on the league then, assuming you aren’t actually an immortal who just looks like a kid at least.” Marvel commented. Danny was struck by inspiration and(before his brain remembered that he was supposed to be acting all princely or whatever) quickly said, “We’re just like that Spider-Man meme!!!” And thankfully didn’t have to immediately regret it when Marvel seemed to agree. A noise if someone clearing their throat startled the boys.
“I’m glad to see that you two get along with one another,” Clockwork said with a sigh of exasperation, “But in case you forgot you are here to discuss the fact that a recent use of magic by the Sorcerer Supreme In Earth M-A73 has destabilized the universe and nearby realms.” Marvel looked surprised by his appearance but by now Danny was used to it. “Yes Clockwork we know.” He said in as annoying of a polite tone as he could manage, the entity sighed and faded away, he turned to the Champion ready to discuss the problem-
“WAS THAT CRONOS?!?!” He asked… maybe Earth M-A73 could wait for a bit.
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ruporas · 2 years ago
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[ID: Digital illustration in color of Vash and Wolfwood from Trigun Maximum. It’s two 3 panel comics that illustrates the same sequence. The first focuses on Vash. In the first panel, he’s in a hurried motion with a worried expression. In the second, he’s stopped, huffing a breath out as he’s scanning for Wolfwood (not pictured). In the final panel, he breaks out into a relieved smile, eyes lighting up with warm cheeks.
The second comic focuses on Wolfwood. In the first panel, he’s looking downwards to the right with a cigarette in his mouth, wearing a neutral expression. On his face are notable scratch marks to indicate him being in a fight prior. In the second panel, he turns towards the viewer, lifting his head as he notices Vash (as from the previous sequence). In the final panel, he smiles warmly with teeth and holds up a peace sign. END ID]
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[ID: Sketchy black and white drawings of Vash and Wolfwood, continuing off the comic. Wolfwood’s back is to the viewer while Vash’s profile can be seen, now by Wolfwood’s side. He has a bright smile as he says to Wolfwood, “You’re safe!” Wolfwood responses, bearing a grin too, “Who do ya think yer talking to? ‘Course I am. Look, I got them alive.” He points to two figures who are tied up and have comically large head bumps. Vash looks to them with an uncertain expression as he says, “Oh! You did, huh… Are you sure they’re alive?” Wolfwood, with a more irritated expression, responds “What, didn’t think I could do it?” Vash says, “No, no! I knew you could!” and pats Wolfwood on the cheek and his head comfortingly. END ID]
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lilithofpenandbook · 2 months ago
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This. This right here.
Charlie had been very worried about what his parents would say to him regarding his injury. Worried that they'd be upset with him for having to remain in Hogwarts because of his injury.
And the thing is, Charlie wasn't misbehaving at all when he got injured. He was careless, but not misbehaving.
So what words exactly would Snape have had to them regarding this accident?
Words that have made them so mad that mentioning that Snape (and saying he was nice to us earlier) immediately gets the two cross again, and has Molly mad at him for the rest of the event, being exceptionally mean about him (saying she isn't surprised he wouldn't have got any gifts)?
You know what I think?
I think Snape went to stand up for Charlie.
I bet he told them that their child was far too worried about disappointing them when he was injuried. I bet he called them out for putting too much pressure on their oldest children (both Bill and Charlie are worried about disappointing their parents and feel a lot of responsibility towards the youngest). I bet he went and told them to their faces that they were the problem, and not Charlie. And I bet all this because of how mad they are at him. If he'd said 'Your child is a clumsy oaf because of how you raised him', neither of them would have been this mad about it. Annoyed, yes, but they would have also told Charlie off too. But because they're so irrationally mad with him, I think what he said to them was 'Your child is under far too much pressure from you, he was more worried about you being disappointed in him than his own injury, what the hell are you doing to these kids'.
He called them out and they're mad at him for it.
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risingsunresistance · 1 year ago
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heart of gold being the name for healer class xp gain... techno playing healer..... you see my vision there's something here
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kingkatsuki · 10 months ago
Specifically thinking about long distance relationships today.
So tell me how you and your f/o would first meet online?
#I feel like Bakugou and I would meet in one of those online games he’s downloaded to mindlessly waste time between shifts#and he’s so foul at first because he thinks I’m weak but we play and he realises that I’m#actually whooping everyone and he’s like well damn okay#and now he’s messaging in the alliance chat and like getting excited when I’m online even tho he tries to hide it#and gets annoyed when other creeps in his alliance try to flirt with me#and then he’s asking for my discord#me and Sanemi get into a fight on discord the first time we interact#in some stupid big server I only joined for the emojis#but he’s a jerk so I tell him to shut up and a message later I find a msg notification and it’s him trying to continue the conversation😭#enjin slides into my dms on Instagram#he finds my post at a concert and hates the fuckboys that are commenting below#ends up messaging me to see if I’m okay but then immediately worries he’s one of those guys#Tamsy I feel like is that mutual I’ve had forever on twt and we like each others posts but we’ve NEVER talked to each other??#it’s not until I’m feeling sad at 2am and I post something self-deprecating that he drops me a msg🥺#and we end up staying up until 5am just talking to each other#Kirishima is ALWAYS the guy that responds to my ‘morning’ with a morning back! every day without fail#and I slide into his DMs one day and ask how he’s ALWAYS awake when I am??? like to say it back so quick#and he admits he’s kinda learned my schedule and he tries to be online for it because it’s one of the best parts of his day#and he likes saying it back😭😭😭 even if he’s off from a night shift and needs sleep he can’t without seeing me msg#Shindou blatantly flirts with me in a gaming discord and I think he’s an incel so I block him#he gets a friend to ping me to beg me to unblock him and I refuse#the friend then sends another message with a screenshot of Shindou basically begging me to unblock him😭#Dot and I meet in one of those AITA Reddit threads#and we end up borderline arguing over whether op is TA#so much that we get told to take it elsewhere😭😭😭#enjo#bakujo#eijo#but also catch me sending Dynamight sassy banter on his official socials😭😂
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mulders-too-large-shirt · 9 months ago
s2 episode 4 thoughts
i thought this episode sounded interesting! the plot was kinda: wasn't it fucked up when the vietnam war happened? and i was sitting here like, yeah, quite famously it was pretty fucked up. still, an interesting exploration into trauma and the american role of imperialism
the first thing i wrote was "a lot of people in this show fall asleep watching the tv but personally i have never done that". am i immune to the Curse or something?
so this guy who is a sleep doctor sees a fire and he calls the fire department right away, and everyone is evacuating, and we see a dude in the hallway with a suspicious smile and an even more suspicious scar across his neck. i am used to the episode structure by now, so i knew this was our mystery man of the week.
but the firemen get to the burning fellow's house and there is no fire! despite it looking so real to him that he actually burned to death... it's not there! well huh! must be our mystery man can psychically project fire
cutscene to mulder's place and it again looks like an entirely new set for his apartment. again, i ask, i'm not crazy, right?? can someone else confirm that this is an entirely different space than what we saw before?
(i hope we don't see scully in a new space as well- i thought her apartment was so cute in s1)
he gets a newspaper and a tape of the call dropped off at his door so he runs to skinner and begs with his big sad wet eyes to please let him take the case. and skinner is like maybe. but go transcribe a bunch of wiretaps first. so THAT is why he's always listening to weird stuff!
BUT WAIT! who enters our fair scene...? but a NEW CHARACTER? he is a guy who looks like he crawled out of a frat house where he majored in lacrosse and business... he introduces himself as alex and says that this is HIS case... mulder is PISSED he's all "i work alone >:(" but he can't shake the dude off... hmm.
(i recall seeing a post about people slash shipping mulder with a character in s2- i saw this post way before i started watching the show, so i only noted it in my passing interest of fandom history- and i'm wondering if this is the fellow they were referring to. in the same post i saw mulder in a speedo which i guess we'll get to in time)
scully's back at the academy!!! teaching another autopsy class! boy they must have a steady stream of bodies coming in for this. but an urgent call is coming from a "george hale" and she leaves class to go answer...
and it's mulder!!!!! he has a code name!!! he asks her to fly up to new york and do an autopsy and she's like "i'm in class til 4:30" and he's like "that's fine, we'll wrap it up for you and you can come up at 5!" and she sighs and. agrees.
now. again. this was shocking to me. mulder cannot have anyone else draw his blood or do an autopsy it HAS to be his friend scully. and she WILL get on a flight and do it. this is SICK and TWISTED how she will do anything for him.
mulder was being a real jerk to alex and alex said "i don't appreciate being ditched like a bad date" and to my shock and dismay i found myself agreeing with this new character... mulder WAS being unreasonable... i mean we knew he's been moody lately but this was downright hostile
(mulder walks in while scully puts an organ into a scale) "spleen or pancreas?" "stomach" <- LMAO his ass did NOT pass anatomy!
and they're all so smiley and happy to see each other when. scully sees this man behind him. and her smile fades SO fast.
(he tries to shake her hand but given that her hands are covered in stomach she wisely brushes him by. it may have seemed like a diss but i assume he doesn't want gore on his hands)
alex is GAGGING over the body (me too) so mulder gets realllllll close to scully to block out his amateur hour buffoonery...
(y'all need to not be that close and looking at each other in such a manner in front of a dead guy... or do it more for my sake)
she's whispering that it seems his body believed he burned to death despite there being no burns on him!
we see another guy with a same scar on his neck as the first!!! he knows the first guy and it seems initially that their reunion is wholesome... until preacher (scar man one) admits to killing the sleep doctor... and then things get... wild
"holy fuck", i mumbled to myself while also writing down the same phrase in my notes, as a blood soaked family appeared in the room, shooting the character we just met for his crimes. that escalated with an extreme quickness. it was clear that whatever traumas he had inflicted upon others in vietnam were being returned in equal measure via the psychic force of this preacher character
then we go back to mulder and alex, who i thought was handling mulder's hater energy quite well, all things considered. but little did i know what was to come...
so sleep doctor, the guy who just died, and preacher all knew each other... interesting... they were stationed at basic training together...
we get a visual on mulder's new source after deep throat's passing! he says he has no desire to be there, and that their mutual friend deep throat died for what he believed in, which he does not want to do. which is of course totally fair. at the end of the day the FBI is just a paycheck for some of these folks.
the sleep doctor was revealed to be doing experiments to make super advanced soldiers who don't need sleep so maybe that gives you the power to kill people magically. we can't really rule it out.
preacher then makes two cops kill EACH OTHER with his sorcery
back to scully cam <3 she's got her glasses on at the computer <3 she's got little yellow earrings in that look like flowers <3 and she thinks its so cool that they cut part of this guy's brain out and now he hasn't slept in 24 years... nerd
they're on the phone with each other and it is SO SAD because why. why can't they just be together! it's not fair. she says it sounds like his new partner is working out and he's like yeah he's okay...
"must be nice to not have someone poking holes in all your theories" "yeah, no idea how i put up with you for so long" and they're smiling into the phone while saying this
now, i won't lie. this scene, of all the scenes, was the first to bring tears to my eyes in the course of my streaming this show. because now we have seen what they'll do for each other and they're TAUNTING me by dangling it in front of my face. and i cannot stand it. i feel sick at the thought.
anyway back to mulder and his new partner. who i feel is too good to be true because he's willing to believe spooky mulder's theories. but they found another guy who also had the sleep surgery and he tells them that they went on a rampage committing atrocities in vietnam which was. very heavy for the alien show. but it is something that americans often pretend just didn't happen so i thought it was interesting that the idea of accountability was being explored in fiction.
so there's one more guy involved with the sleep surgery, and he's coming into town, so alex and mulder have to sprint down to the station and try and find him. they're really giving it a sprint, too. mulder is a track star. don't think i've forgotten
and mulder does see the guy they're looking for but preacher is behind him and shoots mulder! he falls to the ground! no, i yelled to my screen! not another bullet in mulder!
... but he gets up. the whole thing was a trick of preacher! it never actually happened!
alex is like dude wtf. and this is where he says "i want to believe" and this where i made the very astute note "i don't trust this guy, sorry"
so finally they find preacher still alive, and mulder tells alex to help out his victim, while mulder runs off to find him. mulder sees how much pain he is in, and tells him that maybe his pain can lessen if he testifies about what was done to him, and it seems they've come to an understanding...
until alex enters, pulls his gun up, so preacher also pulls his gun up, and alex and shoots him! preacher is dead
mulder looks deeply upset by this. he tells alex that he did the right thing, but you can tell he doesn't believe it in the slightest. i would venture to guess that this is when all the trust he had begun to place in alex vanishes. he seems entirely deflated at the unnecessary loss of life.
he goes back to the car and notices someone stole the secret files that his informant gave him, and he punches the car. this is simply too many L's for one day, and i sympathize.
but scully's freaking out too, because her office was broken into and all her stuff looked through! so what in the name of hell is going on here?!?!? ah, i realize, it is this alex fool... "i know ur related somehow" i wrote ominously in my quotes
and boy, i was right! the narrative the writers were going for was not lost on me! because remember skinner's old sidekick the cigarette guy? and how they had a sort of breakup moment? well, alex is reporting to him, and they have the file he stole from mulder!!!!!
alex says that scully is a "big problem" to which i say: keep talking like that, you overgrown varsity jock, and you're gonna have a big problem with my fucking hands catching your throat
anyway, interesting episode. i didn't want to like alex and then i did because i felt bad for him for being subjected to mulder's attitude and then i hated his guts by the end and reluctantly admitted to myself that mulder's crankiness was justified. i hope he won't stick around for long but i have a feeling he will.
also, they need to stop taunting me by dangling a real mulder and scully reunion in front of my head and then ripping it away. i had TEARS! in my eyeballs! i was sighing wistfully! it was sick!!!!!! this is my free time i'm spending here pining after these fools! it's me, the fan, asking for fan service!!!
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attleboy · 1 year ago
my dad just looked over my shoulder at my current drawing and described it as ''a dragon and a potato with a pink hat'' 10 points if you can guess who he was talking about
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if you guessed gangle and zooble [somehow] you'd be correct??? points can be redeemed in the giftshop that doesn't exist... anyway sneak peek
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viperwhispered · 9 months ago
If you're still thinking of making a playlist, feel free to add "Be Mine" by Ofenbach and "Kick up Your Heels" by Jessica Mauboy ft.Pitbull.
Context: During the early 20th century, alcohol was prohibited in the United States. This lead to uncontrolled secret distribution of alcohol and secret bars everywhere (fun fact: it was alcohol dealing that made Al Capone so powerful). The most iconic of these bars were speakeasies: secret illegal clubs that sold good alcohol while playing jazz (fun fact: these bars went a long way to pushing gender and racial equality by having everyone being able to dance & drink together).
Which brings me to this scenario: Jamil sneaking out of weekends to dance the night away and enjoy precious moments of freedom without Kalim. During these escapades, he meets the reader and the two get closer of months of several encounters. At some point they meet outside of the bar, but they pretend to be aquaintances at most. They get so into each other that they start subtly flirting even outside the bar.
Eventually we get to the moment that ecompases the songs (Be Mine is Jamil's perspective and Kick up Your Heels is the reader's). After weeks of subtle flirting, the two are finally tipsy enough to flirt more openly. Jamil goes in first and the reader playfully flirts back. They dance the night away and end up leaving together back to reader's apartment (don't worry Jamil has the weekend off and Najma owes him so she'll cover for him).
Cue adorable morning after with kisses, cuddles, Jamil making breakfeat, and the reader wearing his clothes.
(Boy if the music video for the Ofenbach song doesn’t look like it was made for total wish fulfillment for the artists, lol. Song's a total banger, tho (after listening to it a lot while working on this).)
I’m also gonna add Shut Up and Dance by Walk The Moon to the list because the vibes totally fit (and I’ve definitely thought of it in regards to Jamil before).
I do love the idea of reader meeting Jamil in an environment where he can be more free. Just, how different of an experience is it, when the dance floor is your first impression of him, rather than the Jamil at NRC or the Asim estate? When he’s actually letting go, being himself and just having a good time.
Plus like, presumably in the Scalding Sands Jamil’s job is not so 24/7 anyway, since there’s other servants around too to look after Kalim. So yay for actual free time.
And because I totally vibe with this & have thought of something similar before, I wanted to turn this into a bit of fic.
Post-NRC, Jamil x reader, written with a fem reader in mind, nsfw
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The club, 22:30
You surveyed the club, your eyes insisting on looking for one person in particular, but to no avail.
No matter. Whether or not your favorite dance partner - or your acquaintance, or your crush, or whatever the hell he was to you - would turn up tonight, you could still have fun.
So, when a good song came on, you slid to the dancefloor, determined to dance the night away one way or another. You still had the whole night ahead of you, after all.
Not that you would have minded the company.
The club, 23:12
While you were queueing up for a drink, Jamil was the one who found you.
“I was wondering if you’d turn up,” you said with a grin, leaning closer to be heard over the music.
“And miss you? No way.”
You laughed and shook your head. It really was unfortunate how attractive that cocky grin was on Jamil.
“Wouldn’t have been the first night I’ve had to make do without you,” you said lightly.
“Well, tonight I can be all yours,” Jamil replied, his hand ghosting at the small of your back.
You grinned - you had to admit, you quite liked the sound of that.
The club, 23:27
Over the past few months there had been times when you caught Jamil looking at you as if he was evaluating you, measuring you. Yet, whenever he actually got close to you, that was all gone, replaced by pleasantries and barely concealed playfulness.
Today, however, there was a particular determination to him, one that had him shamelessly inching closer to you as you were talking over your drinks - as much as one could have a meaningful conversation talking over the thudding music.
“You look like you’ve got something on your mind,” you said, looking at Jamil from under your lashes while you sipped your drink.
“Well… I’ve been thinking that I wouldn’t mind sharing more than a dance with you,” Jamil said, his own drink nearly forgotten in his hands.
“Oh? What are you thinking?” you asked, stirring the remains of your drink with your straw, trying to affect a casual air despite your curiosity.
Jamil got close enough that you thought you could feel his breath on your skin.
“That I want to get to know you much better,” Jamil replied, an unmistakable sultry undercurrent to his tone. His hand had found its way to your arm, tracing light patterns on your skin.
Your eyes widened, a surprised laugh bubbling to your lips. My, what had gotten Jamil so bold tonight?
“Oh, and here I was just looking forward to some dancing,” you said with a playful grin.
Jamil might have gotten your heart to flutter, an unmistakable heat rising to your cheeks, but that didn’t mean you’d be that easily charmed.
“Just be prepared that once I get hold of you, I might not let go,” he said, lightly squeezing your arm.
“Dance with me, and then we’ll see,” you said with an amused shake of your head.
“Let’s start the show, then.”
With a laugh you grabbed Jamil’s hand, dragging him to the dancefloor, the beating of your heart rivaling the thud of the music.
There was such confidence to him, like Jamil had already ensured he’d get what he wanted and was just biding his time.
And you had to admit, you kinda liked it.
The club, 23:51
The song was one of your favorites and you couldn’t help singing along, moving your body to the beat. People were trickling in, but there was still space for both you and Jamil to let loose.
It was its own kind of delight, seeing how well you two could synchronize your movements. Stepping back and forth, circling each other, claiming a part of the dance floor all to yourselves. You grinned, watching the way Jamil leaned to the side, shrugging his shoulder, and you copied the move to the other direction, adding your own flourish with the snap of your hips.
After a few repeats there was a stutter in the music and you leaned forward, Jamil coming in to meet you, chest to chest. You lingered there for the briefest moment, your eye meeting, noses nearly brushing, before you pulled back and threw your hands up in the air for the chorus. You sang out the lyrics, let your body move as it wished, full-heartedly just enjoying yourself - and your company.
Sure, there was a part of you curious to find out just what Jamil could offer. But you’d come out here to have fun, and have fun you would.
Whatever would come later, would come later.
The club, 01:25
You were sweaty, your feet sore, your hair undoubtedly a mess at this point. Yet, you couldn’t stop smiling, couldn’t stop relishing your time with Jamil.
Jamil’s hands were on your hips, following your movements, his chest flush to your back.
You had to admit, you loved the feeling of his body against yours, the way you swayed together. 
You also delighted in teasing him like this, feeling the hardness of his arousal when you ground your ass on him.
“I want you to be mine,” Jamil mouthed the lyrics of the song, his breath hot by your ear.
He brushed his lips by your skin, something akin to a kiss, and you could feel the warmth of it shoot straight to your core.
Idly, you wondered if Jamil would be able to hear your soft groan over the music as you leaned back, your hand fumbling in his hair to pull him even closer. That seemed to be all the encouragement he needed, his mouth now more insistent on the corner of your jaw.
At this point, it was getting harder and harder to remember all the other people around you, your decency slipping from your hands.
Oh, you had a good enough idea of how Jamil’s body fit against you, how it felt under your hands.
But it was not enough.
You wanted to see Jamil, every bit that was hidden under those clothes, wanted to pull his hair loose - or just pull it in general. Wanted to see how he’d look beneath you, above you, between your legs…
Just the thought of Jamil unraveling with you had warmth pooling in the pit of your stomach.
And the thought of his touch on you, unobstructed…
He really was such a temptation, one that you might not even want to resist at this point.
Your apartment, 01:44
You were not prepared for the hungry way Jamil devoured your lips, how firmly his hands pulled you flush against him.
Or the way he groaned into your mouth, the sound shooting straight to your core.
Oh, you needed more of that. Much more of that.
Your hands shot up, gripping onto him tightly, just as unwilling to let him go. You sought out that hair tie that had been taunting you all evening, your tongue sloppily meeting Jamil’s as you pressed yourself as close to him as you possibly could.
There were so many places you wanted to touch, so many spots you wanted to unveil, your hands racing all over Jamil in a desperate attempt to fulfill all your desires at once.
Jamil’s lips were so wonderfully kiss-swollen, his hair hanging loose and his shirt halfway off him. If you hadn’t been so eager for more, you would’ve stopped to admire the sight and commit it to memory.
Instead, your greedy hands slipped under his top, relishing in the skin to skin contact while Jamil was busy with getting you to a similar state of undress, his eyes burning as his lips descended upon you again, stealing your breath away.
Your apartment, 2:20
You rolled your hips, slowly, your palms resting on Jamil’s chest. He did indeed look absolutely ravishing beneath you, his tongue slightly sticking out through his parted lips, his gorgeous hair spilled over your pillows. Jamil’s hands on your ass were helping you move, urging you to take his cock even deeper.
You’d yield to him soon enough, but first you wanted to savor this. The hungry look Jamil bestowed upon you, the needy way his hands kept on mapping your body, the way his hips bucked beneath you.
At this point, simply calling Jamil your favorite dance partner certainly didn’t do him justice.
No, you’d love to have so much more of him, wanted to find out just how far you two could go.
You leaned down, your lips meeting once again. You braced your arms against the bed as you began to move in earnest. Your efforts were rewarded by Jamil’s needy groan, the way his grip tightened on you. He seemed to be just as drunk on you as you were on him, and just that fact was enough to make your head spin.
Your apartment, 9:40
It was a slow realization, remembering that you had company over, only to find the other side of your bed empty. However, as your senses slowly roused, you soon caught the sounds and smells coming from the kitchen.
Of course he had to be perfect enough to even cook for you, you mused with some amusement.
With a stretch you willed yourself to leave the comfort of your bed, freshening yourself up quickly before padding your way to the kitchen.
You kind of hoped you’d been the one to wake up first. At least you could’ve cleared some of the mess.
It was such a domestic sight, Jamil busying himself at your stove, and you unexpectedly felt your throat tighten with the impact of it.
“I’m amazed you found something to work with,” you said, your words somewhere between apologetic and joking.
“It’s not how I’d keep my own kitchen, but it’s workable,” Jamil said matter-of-factly.
You couldn’t help a snort. What a way to sugarcoat your messy counters and sparse cupboards.
“Well. I’m glad it didn’t drive you off, at least,” you said with dry amusement.
You walked past Jamil to the sink, letting your fingers trace along his back and upper arm as you passed him by, conscious of not bothering his work.
Jamil, however, grabbed you by the waist and pulled you close, making you yelp in surprise.
“Good morning,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to your temple.
All you could do was melt against him.
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Bonus scene which didn’t really seem to fit the flow but I had to do something with these lyrics, too. A flashback to another night, maybe?
Jamil certainly knew how to move. Yet, there was still something carefully controlled about him.
You’d seen him, sometimes, when the night was late, how he really could let go and get swept up in the music.
Then again, you supposed you still hadn’t quite warmed up yourself, hadn’t forgotten about the way his eyes were on you.
Would another drink be a terrible idea?
Still, seeing the way Jamil was looking around, checking the crowds, made you frown. You tugged on his hand, turning his attention back on you.
"Oh, don't you dare look back. Just keep your eyes on me."
“You’re holding back, yourself,” Jamil said with a knowing look.
“Shut up and dance with me,” you said, smiling even as you rolled your eyes. 
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Ngl, I’ve not done much song fics and it was fun weaving in bits of the lyrics and vibes in here - even if I chose to be a silly goose and use 3 songs at once.
Tag list: @colliope @crystallizsch @diodellet @jamilsimpno69 @jamilvapologist
@perilous-pasta @twstgo
Do let me know if you'd like to be tagged for my future works!
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moldy-flowers · 1 day ago
In my head Sakura weilds her axe like Diane from seven deadly sins weilds her Gideon
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existentialcrisis-9-5 · 14 days ago
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Okay so I had to take a pause from writing to draw this. I made it in like 15 minutes and I’m really bad at furniture + perspective so apologies for the poor quality. Anyway, rewriting miraculous, to me, means rewriting all of miraculous, including the Christmas special. And BOY IS IT SPECIAL
Anyway yeah those designs for Tom and Sabine are probably gonna change at some stage because they’re basically just the original characters in my style. Also Chat Noir’s design is once again still not done because I’ve been busy writing. He’s wearing a hoodie Marinette made him tho so I don’t have to show it off >:3
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xxplastic-cubexx · 3 months ago
am i stupid why do i not understand what erik means by that line
erik's lamenting the fact he left charles when he decided to leave krakoa, ultimately leaving charles to look after krakoa by himself and try to keep the nation under control alone
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lorelune · 1 month ago
also hi. what the fuck is up.
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miraculouslbcnreactions · 2 years ago
I've recently come across a couple of season 4 fanfics that dealt with the Chat Noir feeling left out and quitting thing and every time I read one I can't help but think "man did they chose the wrong side of the masks AND the wrong characters for this conflict. Chat Noir comes across terribly here". It's weird to see people try and justify his behavior and act like Ladybug was in the wrong.
Was Ladybug being the best friend ever? No, but friendship is secondary when they're wearing the masks. Paris comes first. Chat Noir quitting because he doesn't feel special enough is literally him endangering everyone he loves because his crush isn't paying enough attention to him and I truly can't tell if the show wanted us to feel like he was in the right or the wrong here. In Kuro Neko, Catwalker actually does acknowledge the lesson he needed to learn
There's nothing wrong with you. Maybe the boy who was Cat Noir was more sensitive than it seemed. But his feelings for you shouldn't force you to pay more attention to him than to others. You take care of everybody equally, Ladybug. 
And Chat Noir apologizes at the end of the episode for causing Ladybug trouble, but the whole thing is incredibly lackluster. They don't actually have a meaningful conversation about why he was feeling that way and the rest of the season seems to present Ladybug as being in the wrong, especially the final! Trusting Alya leads to nothing meaningful and not trusting Chat Noir loses her the miraculous. Basically, I still have no idea what season 4 was trying to do with this conflict and it's been dropped forever now that Adrien is fully reduced to nothing more than arm candy.
HOWEVER, this basic setup could have been a fantastic b plot if the "Adrien doesn't feel needed" conflict wasn't a Ladynoir conflict, but was instead a conflict between Adrien and Nino. Move Rocketear up to earlier in the season and have the fallout from that be that Adrien's relationship with Nino is strained. He can still feel leftout because Ladybug has a bigger team now, but instead of him pouting about it and skipping fights, focus on how that need for connection has transferred to his civilian life, but he doesn't have Kagami or Nino now and he's lost. Then you can either have an Adrien and Nino b plot because that relationship needs more screen time OR you use this to make Adrien and Marinette start to grow closer because Rocketear's fallout is also Alya paying more attention to Nino. Then, when season 5 does the whole crush switch, it actually feels earned.
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iaxsl · 1 year ago
zoro loves luffy. he didn't know it was love until two years later. the realization happened suddenly. an oh moment that he's only heard about from perona when she would force him to listen to her rants on some new novel she was reading. he didn't know love could feel so light, carefree, simple. however, should he have expected it to feel any different? especially when the person he happens to love is luffy, his captain.
you would expect a realization like this to change something. but with luffy everything just feels so simple. nothing changes, not really. and if the crew notices that he looks at luffy a little longer, reaches for him a little more, or smiles a little brighter when he's around they don't say anything.
luffy, however, doesn't notice. zoro knows he'll never notice. that doesn't matter to him. he'll never leave luffy's side, long after they've both fulfilled their dreams. long after the crew eventually decides to part ways. zoro will stay by luffy's side. for now and forever, to hell and back. zoro will stay with luffy no matter what.
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macfrog · 3 months ago
This might sound crazy but I just need to let you know how affected by your writing I am! I know these aren't unique experiences, but my fiancé and I recently got engaged and the SOF epilogue captures the excitement and nerves and love and everything and just UGH.
TMI but we're also talking about kids these days and I've been thinking a lot about SCOM and how it genuinely changed how I conceptualized the idea of maybe getting pregnant one day.
I had never wanted to get married or have kids until very recently and it feels like you're holding a mirror up to my life and saying it's okay to be scared of change but also I'm allowed to grow and be excited about these things that scared me once.
TLDR; your writing speaks to people man, thank you for sharing it <3
hey so this made me weep! i love you!
there isn’t much more that scares me than change, i think. maybe giant, submerged machines. the luna ghost from the scooby-doo movie is pretty freaky, too.
stepping into something brand new is, by nature, a scary thing. especially when you’re not sure where each foot goes and how steady the ground is and if you even believe it’s a journey you can make.
it’s cliché, but i guess life is more about that journey than its destination. maybe the destination is marriage, maybe it’s kids, maybe it’s traveling halfway across the world by yourself just to see if you can do it.
you learn so much about yourself on the way there. the growth is the fun part! sometimes you surprise yourself and end up in a place you never thought you would. how exciting!
anyway. this message meant a lot to me. here’s to being curious and terrified and stepping forward all the same ✨
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