#something something twins who make it out alive but they're the only ones who made it.....
milfcutlawquane · 26 days
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Princes Astra and Leo,
last of their kind
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tiny-space-platypus · 2 months
Never really fit back in
Part 1 Mirrors.
Ever since Danny died he knew something was still well wrong with him. Like something was still missing from him and he didn't fully understand what till he became king of the Infinite Realms. Only then did he remember. Remember that wasn't just Danny Fenton but also Danyal Ra Gul. How could he have forgotten? How could he have forgotten his brother? He had to remember more..
He went to the only one that could allow him to remember, he went to Clockwork. Remembering was painfully, remembering felt like his core was tearing apart and coming together over and over but he needed to know.
He remembered his mother, her soft lullabies, her training, her love, her affection. He remembered loving her just as his brother did. He remembered his brother, he remembered caring so deeply for him. He remembered how deep he was in the LOA, he remembered trying to get his brother out, he remembered dying for it. He remembered his body being placed in the pit of toxic and decorated ectoplasm, he remembered becoming one with it. He remembered his grandfather deeming him a failure, he remembers watching his family turn their backs to him. Then he was Fenton. Was he ever really a Fenton? Was he really the same boy they lost so long ago? Was he Danyal, the failed child of the league, the failure that followed his brother? Was he neither? Was he just the poor reflection of both children lost forever?
Danny decided he needed to see his brother, he needed to at least know if he was alive and living well. He sent Wulf to find him. Apparently his brother was in Gotham, maybe that's where his new haunt could be. He couldn't really stay in Amity after all even if a piece of him wanted to. Too many GIW agents now and the house had only gotten more aggressive as he got stronger. Maybe it's time to move on from being Danny.
First Danny had to talk to Jazz, she was a therapist or well in college for it now maybe she could talk him through it. Make him see what he wanted.
Damian sat in his room today, not coming out once worrying the others. Though once they looked at the date it made sense. Every year a day after his birthday Damian becomes unresponsive to everyone. Once it's over they're greeted with the same response every year to their questions.
"Tsk, That is none of your concern."
Damian spent the day mourning. Morning the brother he had killed, mourning the brother who was consumed by the pit, mourning the brother who was seen as a failure. His twin brother, his twin blade, the brother that he sees whenever he looks into the mirror longer than he has to. The look of betrayal then acceptance that his brother gave as Damian coldly watched him bleed out.
Today he thought of his brother and his last moments. Today he thought of how his brother smiled at him as he died looking up at Damian. Today he thought of the last question his brother told him. "You'll be ok, ok?" The last question he answered with awful indifference and anger and shame. Damian's last words to his brother, last words to a dying brother who only wanted to spare him from the league, deeming him a failure.
Danyal wasn't a failure. Danyal was smart, picking up every lesson quickly and efficiently. Quicker to realize the league was wrong. Danyal was a killer, Danyal was lethal but kind in his way of killing making it quick and nearly painless. Danyal in times of quiet was kind and soft and comforting, things that couldn't be in the league. Danyal that could tell you everything you could have ever wanted about the stars and space and how to care for a blade. If it hadn't been for Damian perhaps his brother would have been heir, perhaps he deserved it more than Damian ever did.
Damian went to the mirror and stared into it like he did every year. Stared into the face of his brother. Stared into the face that he watched drain of life and apologized. Apologized like he did every year till he couldn't get the words out anymore. Damian didn't sleep well that night, he never did the day after his birthday, the day of his death.
Idea bullet points!
Damian and Danny are both 16-ish
They were about 7 when Danny's first death took place (yay trauma)
Damian didn't realize the gravity of his actions till like a solid 2 days after he killed his brother. When he did he begged to have him brought back through the pit only to watch him dissolve into it and never be seen again.
Danyal became one with the pit meaning his body dissolved into it imprinting the possibility of becoming a new king onto Danny (like Royal jelly or something)
When Danny reformed as a child and not a strong Ghost Clockwork had him placed somewhere where the Fenton's could adopt him/ where he'd grow to be a good king
Danny didn't become a half when he was electrocuted he just awakened part of his power then. He was always a halfa.
Maybe clockwork locked away his memories or maybe that's just what the ectoplasm did.
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ew-selfish-art · 9 months
DPx DC Au: Might as well be brothers. Young Justice hears about a regional hero disappearing, and while they've never met the guy, Red Robin's contacts say that Ra's is hunting him for afterlife/immortality related reasons.
Tim drake hates the annoying white uniform he's wearing but breaking into this place is crucial to his 24 hour plan to rescue Phantom. He'd never even heard of the guy until a week ago when Pru came to him with info that Ra's was looking into Midwest Real Estate, and then Tim stumbled down the rabbit hole of Ghost conspiracy theories until he saw an article demanding that local officials speak on the hero's absence of 10 days. 10 days was short enough that Tim might find a sign of life and well, another federal agency being hacked by Red Robin is nothing new.
So now, he's walking down the halls with these stupid fucking glasses and this stupid fucking suit while Kon listens from the comfort of the surveillance van. He takes a turn and sees the track suits that the illegally detained inmates are wearing, and pivoting the plan, makes his way to a locker room to get one and get changed. It does take him an extra second and he considers that this might bite him- but Tim knows the place inside and out. He's scoured all their data, and sue him for being cocky, but he has a literal alien ready to tear the place apart waiting for his heart rate to jump above 80 bpm. which is a pretty low heart rate all things considered.
Tim gets exactly where he's meant to go, and waits only a few minutes before he see's the science team extract Phantom from the high security room.
Phantom doesn't make it clear if he notices Tim, but he's basically being dragged by the couple, so Tim decides to beat them to their destination. The experimental wing had shown up in their reported data not long after they made it extremely obvious that they had Phantom in their data output.
Tim's already in the room when he starts to notice that it's not exactly a room... more like a mechanical space. The way the corners curl in the room make it almost tube like... Portal like.
Phantom is thrown in and Tim grabs him the second the scientists leave, but the kill switch key Tim made to get them out isn't working for this door like it did all the others.
"Not... Not a door."
"We're in some sort of device aren't we? Something of their own design that the government isn't aware they're funding?"
"Portal. You've gotta get out, even if you get caught, you gotta get out now."
Tim's comm comes alive in his ear, its Kon responding to Tim's heart rate rising- and Tim is hesitant to call him in but ultimately tells him to start flying over for extraction.
Then the portal goes off, and while he feels pain, he doesn't feel different. Bright light subsiding, Kon's arms around him with a confused voice, and lots of lasers being fired his way... Tim wakes up to see a much younger Phantom looking at him from the other side of the young justice couch.
Kon, Bart and Cassie are all fighting at a white board that's been wheeled in but Tim can only yawn and blink his way into consciousness enough to give a shit.
Black haired and blue eyed, button nosed with large ears, a wry thin lipped smile... Tim realizes that Phantom looks incredibly similar to his younger self. And then Tim looks at his much smaller hands and realizes that he probably looks a lot more similar to his younger self than normal.
Taking in the scenery once more, the white board is divided on the traits Tim has to the children sitting left and right on the couch. Kon didn't know who was who. That meant that maybe... the government didn't either.
Phantom turns out to be a pretty chill dude despite all the trauma, and he's incredibly prepared to both fuck with Ra's and the government in their newly found childhood twin-ship.
One of the twins is scarier than the other, and despite Danny literally haunting them, its always Tim.
(Okay now its some one else's turn :D )
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aethon-recs · 9 months
Tomarrymort Dead Dove Recs, Part 2 🕊️
Thank you all for the wonderful reception to Part 1 of Tomarrymort Dead Dove recs! I was honestly blown away by the interest in this first list featuring Non-Con/Dub-Con recs. It was so incredibly heartening to see that the open-mindedness towards the taboo, the degenerate, the ‘problematic’ is not only alive and well, but thriving, in this ship, when it seems like it’s been reviled and sanitized out of other ships and communities and spaces within this fandom and elsewhere. But Tomarrymort readers seem to be a special breed 🤝 and I’m just so glad we can all be horny sickos together 🤍
For Part 2 of the Dead Dove rec list, the first half is comprised of incest fics, and the second half is chan (underage) fics. These aren’t all necessarily dark fic in terms of tone or plot (some fics are actually quite cozy); the dead dove label just serves as an indicator to take the tags seriously.
Please note there is potentially triggering and disturbing content in the rec list below (including in some of the summaries), so I will be placing all 25 of these recs below the cut. Keep in mind don’t like; don’t read, so feel free to scroll on by if either incest and/or chan is not a theme you would like to explore.
This list was made in collaboration with @danpuff-ao3’s Dead Dove Diaries Series. Check it out for other HP dead dove recs!
Tomarrymort Incest Recs
Fruit of the Forbidden Tree (part 1) / Forbidden Indulgence (part 2) / Forbidden Darkness (part 3) by @neurowriter14 (E, 19k, complete)
The true parentage of Harry Potter was unknown to everyone except for three people. None remain, but another figures it out.
Hold Me Down (Fuck Me Up) by @itsevanffs (E, 15k, WIP)
Tom Riddle, chief of police, first met his nephew Harry Potter handcuffed to his desk, lip cut and knuckles bleeding, a proud smile on his lips and challenge in his eyes.
I Could Send You to Hell, I Know You by @dividawrites (E, 7k, complete)
Nothing about Harry Potter intrigues Tom—he's average in everything, doesn't act out in class, doesn't do very much at all, in fact. When he finds out they're related, though, this changes at once. After all, there's something to be said for family traditions.
In The Dark by @itsevanffs (E, 64k, WIP)
Harry's mother remarries shortly after his father's death to James' half-brother, Thomas, much to Harry's confusion and disgust. First a duke, now a king, it seems that nothing will stand in his uncle's way when it comes to getting what he wants. Not Lily, not propriety, and most certainly not Harry himself.
Infinite by @duplicitywrites (E, 8k, complete)
Harry and his twin brother Tom have the same mark. The same soulmate. Whoever their soulmate is, wherever they may be, they will go to Tom. Tom, however, has other plans.
Little Bits by @lordmarvoloriddle (E, 10k, complete) 
Inspired by Cinderella. Only there's no prince, and surely no one is singing about their feelings, and Harry's life could be a lot worse than having three step-brothers and a father who didn't like him. He's going to be proven right.
Plains of oblivion by @milkandmoon-ao3 (E, 3k, complete) 
Trapped in the past with no way home, a disillusioned Harry executes a plan to make an ally of the rising Dark Lord and reshape history.
Say It Right (part 1) /  Say You'll Haunt Me (part 2) by @rightonthelimitt (E, 32k, complete)
After James Potter dies, his wife and son have it rough. Their lives change for good when they meet Tom Riddle four years later, but is it for the better?
Seventeen Years by RenderedReversed (T, 10k, complete)
Voldemort is a day old when he realizes he’s been reborn to muggle parents and that he has a twin brother. He is a year old when it sinks in who his twin could possibly be. Because his twin might, possibly, probably be Harry Potter.
Summer Break by anon (E, 5k, WIP) 
A story of a brother's love and duty and terrible obsession.
the dark passenger by @cindle-writes (E, 5k, complete)
Harry had lived 17 years as a horcrux, and Ginny was possessed by another one, so is it all that surprising that their middle child reminds them a little bit too much of another boy they once knew?
Tomarrymort Chan (Underage) Recs
Below Stairs by pauraque (E, 1k, complete)
Harry receives a visitor.
conversationalist by worn (E, 3k, complete)
As a boy who's known silence and solitude well, Harry finds himself quickly growing attached to Tom Riddle's diary and the way it has so much to talk with him about.
Creatures of the Dark we are by @hikarimeroperiddle (M, 20k, WIP)
Banished to his cupboard at age 4, Harry learns to listen only to the Voice in his head. Its teachings wrap all around Harry until no more than dark magic and devotion remains, along with visions of a wraith with red eyes.
Everything Green Is Gold by @cindle-writes (E, 27k, complete)
Prior to Hogwarts, Harry had stayed mostly invisible to the teachers and adults around him his whole life. But Tom Riddle, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, looked at Harry like he was something to be wanted.
File A by @kushimanii (E, 7k, complete)
In a different universe, one where the prophecy was never heard and Voldemort won, Voldemort finds eight-year-old Harry Potter in the basement of Fenrir Greyback and takes him in.
he whistles and he runs by @wolfantlersinspace (E, 5k, complete)
"Tom," Harry murmured, ducking under a branch and nearly touching the top of Tom's diary with his lips, "I really don’t like this."
Hearthstone Abbey by @ramabear (E, 92k, WIP)
Harry follows Thomas Gaunt into his world much like he stepped onto Diagon Alley that first time, wide-eyed and full of wonder. He has no idea what exactly this world has in store for him, but he knows that with Thomas at his side, he is safe and happy for the first time in his whole life. 
Make a Wish by @crowcrowcrowthing (E, 3k, complete)
Tom Riddle is wasting away in his hospital bed, far too young to succumb to such a terrible and mysterious illness. The only thing that gives him solace is the hope that football star Harry Potter might visit him in his final days.
Quam singulari by anon (E, 6k, complete)
Spermarche: the beginning of a boy's development of sperm; normally signifies a boy's beginning in sexual maturity and puberty.
shelter from the storm by @cindle-writes & @duplicitywrites (E, 7k, complete)
After being left behind by the Dursleys, Harry stumbles upon an empty shack in the middle of nowhere, where he finds a mysterious ring underneath the loose floorboards.
study session by @ilya-zzz (E, 3k, complete)
"Tom–" Harry tries, coughing a couple times before lifting his hands to his head, softly rubbing his temples a couple times. "...I think you should go back to your common room."
The Abyss by AislingSiobhan (E, 36k, complete)
Nietzsche was right: when fighting monsters, Harry should have been more careful not to become one himself. That didn’t matter anymore. It was too late to save himself, yet he could still save the world from Voldemort. But who would save Voldemort from him?
the eternal flame by @duplicitywrites (E, 25k, WIP)
There’s a well-dressed older man who enters the orphanage asking after Tom Riddle. The man’s green eyes fix on Tom’s face, searching and searching. “My name is Harry Gaunt,” the man says, the tenor of his voice soft and faltering, a reflection of Tom's deepest, most secret anxieties, “and I’m here to adopt you.”
This Is Why You Don't Summon Demons, Harry by @kushimanii (E, 59k, complete)
Harry Potter is seven when he's left at the nearby church by Petunia to get an exorcism. Instead, he ends up summoning a demon that he makes a deal with. The demon, Voldemort, will protect him, and in return, the demon will devour his soul when it is ripe.
Without A Chance by Harryfan80 (E, 20k, complete)
When Voldemort (as Quirrell) meets Harry in her first year at Hogwarts, he exploits her naivete and uses her to acquire the Sorcerer's Stone.
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nanabansama · 2 months
Tsukasa's Winter Uniform
Many people forget, but Tsukasa has appeared in TBHK since the very first chapter. He even shows up before Kou, less you count the pilot adaptation.
The odd thing is, despite Tsukasa later confirming he only wore the winter uniform to match his older brother, Tsukasa shows up in the winter uniform much earlier than their fated rooftop encounter. About a month earlier, at least.
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If that weren't enough, he even shows up wearing it in the reflection of Hanako's knife, implying he wore it when he died.
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Previously I guessed this was done because AidaIro hadn't finalized the designs of Amane (specifically, alive!Hanako) and Tsukasa yet, but upon further reflection I like to think it was to wordlessly show the deep connection between Hanako and Tsukasa. To leave hints for the reader, and keep them second-guessing.
I mean, who's to say the character handling the radio in Chapter 1 wasn't Hanako? It's unlikely with what we know now, but it's something a lot of people probably thought when they first read it. And I think that's kind of brilliant, given that the twins are mirror images of each other in everything except clothes. When we can't see Tsukasa's identical face, it only makes sense to give them the same clothes.
It's interesting when Tsukasa first shows up on the rooftop, too. Tsukasa has a few differences between himself and his twin, but in this encounter he shares much of the same traits. He lacks his pointy teeth and you can't even see his eyes till the end, which don't even look particularly Tsukasa-like.
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The only true major difference is his kokujoudai and the black seal, which really lack any individuality at all... they are just black-colored versions of Hanako's own seal and tsueshiro. It's a very interesting choice; the least I can say is Tsukasa really went all out in matching his brother.
In some ways, it's a bit underwhelming for his face reveal. In others, it's not: I mean, Hanako's murder victim literally shares his face! What a compelling surprise! I can only imagine AidaIro was trying to emphasize this.
Later, Tsukasa returns to the broadcasting club room and catches up with Natsuhiko and Sakura. This is where his individuality begins to shine.
He changes into his hakama outfit, his pupils get tiny or his eyes go completely black, and while not every panel has them he's drawn with his signature pointy canines in a few.
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His personality changes, too. You get to see Tsukasa's more childlike, innocent side. He's so much more serious when he's with Hanako, you feel a lot of tension and maybe even resentment there. But here, he becomes so carefree. While the rooftop has him feeling more like a spectre of Hanako's guilt rather than his own person, here it really sinks in that this is not just some recolored Hanako we're dealing with.
On that note, I find it interesting the twins seem more carefree when they're away from each other... hmm...
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Anyway, one thing I like about this era of Tsukasa is the art AidaIro made of him. I'm a big fan of early TBHK art, and the matching baggy winter uniforms really look nice together.
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I like how this art emphasizes a sort of perverted sentimentality between the two of them. They can't help reaching out to each other. I like how Hanako distinctly doesn't look happy either, something Tsukasa inquires when they meet again. He looks distressed, helplessly so. And he is: he can't break away from his guilt of killing Tsukasa, nor Tsukasa himself, who is content to keep eating away at him while he still can, knowing Amane will be his doom. It's mutual self-destruction--They can't live with each other, can't live without each other...
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My love for chapter frontispieces aside, thanks for reading this far! I used to not have much appreciation for Tsukasa's winter uniform but I've come to love its symbolism a lot more as time has gone on. Perhaps I'm reading too deep into things, but what do you think?
Also before anyone tries to tell me the Chapter 17 frontispiece isn't Tsukasa allow me to introduce you to the top right corner:
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coffeeandbatboys · 5 months
Where Your Road Leads
Pairing: Fives x Fem!Reader, platonic Torrent (Kix, Jesse & Rex) x reader, platonic Echo x reader
Warnings: Heavy angst, temporary spousal death, pregnancy, fluff, language, throwing up...I think that's all
A/N this is possibly my longest one shot ever...
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A knock sounds on your door.
You'd been expecting him for the last two hours and he’s just now made it to your home. You open the door with every nerve buzzing.
“Kix, what took—”
You pause in fear when his face reveals only sadness and guilt.
“What's going on?” You demand, ushering the medic inside.
“I'm so sorry, vod'ika.” Is all he can manage with tears gathering in his eyes. Fives. Something bad happened to Fives. You’ve heard the report that he'd tried to kill the Chancellor, and that he was wanted by the Corries. But you thought he'd be safe with Rex. After all, the captain had been worried about him when he stopped by earlier.
“Kix.” You repeat. “Where's Fives?”
The medic takes a deep breath.
“He’s been,” he chokes on a shaky breath and his already unstable voice lowers to a whisper. “killed.”
Your knees buckle beneath you and you want to throw up. You stumble to the ‘fresher, Kix following behind to hold your hair as you empty the contents of your stomach.
“Oh, maker! No….fuck no.” You cry, dry heaving now. “There's no way.”
Kix runs a hand over his face to hide the haunted look in his eyes.
It takes a few minutes for your breathing to calm down. “And the test?” You quietly ask the question you've been dreading since he came in. It’s the reason you were expecting him, after all.
He turns to face you.
“Conclusive. You're two months pregnant.”
For the next six months, Torrent is always a comm away. Kix stopping in to make sure you're eating well enough to support both you and the baby, and Jesse helping you set up a nursery. Rex goes with you to most of your appointments if he can. You're grateful to have a family, even if they're not blood, and even if you and Fives weren't officially ‘married’. He’s still your husband, and they're your family.
It still hurts to wake up with a cold back where there would normally be the warmth of his chest, pressed against it, and anything that reminds you of Fives in your apartment remains untouched
When Echo is brought back, he finds out all about what happened and decides that the Bad Batch can wait. For now, he needs to uphold a promise that he'd made to Fives when the two of you first got together. If anything were to happen to a domino twin and his significant other was left behind, the remaining brother would take care of them. Even with the looming realization that his best friend is dead, Echo couldn't be more excited to be an uncle.
A year and a half later, you're sitting at the table, reading about the Chancellor’s ‘accidental' death and a subsequently revealed plot to kill the Jedi via the GAR, when you hear the front door open. Echo must be back with little Fiv'ika from the store earlier than expected.
But the footfalls that find their way into the kitchen aren’t mechanical like Echo's, and there's no excited babbling from your son.
You turn to see just who had let themselves into your house and—
Well…damn. This is new.
Fives is standing in the doorway. His curls are a little longer and his shoulders hang a bit, but he still has that light in his eyes, and his goatee is kept the way he always used to do it, and the tattoo is on the same spot that it always was.
You don't trust your eyes with the image. He can't be alive. He would have been here this whole time if he was alive.
It’s only when he speaks that you accept that he's here.
“Ner runi…” he murmurs, and you cross the distance to throw your arms around him. He's warm and soft and above all, he's real.
“Fives!” You cry, bitter tears rolling down your cheeks. “Where the hell have you been? You were dead!”
Instead of letting him answer, you grab his face and crash your lips against his. He returns the kiss with a relieved hum and tugs you closer. When you pull away, he wipes a few tears off your cheek with a calloused thumb, and his own eyes become glossy.
“I went in deep cover to investigate the chancellor. Commanders Cody and Fox are the only ones who know that I'm alive at all.”
The front door opens again, and this time it’s the sounds of your laughing child and Echo announcing “We’re home!”
Fives, however, stills with panic and pulls away from you.
“Osik,” he curses himself. “I should have realized that you could have moved on.”
I didn't.” You cut him off. “I didn't move on. You're in for the surprise of your life, Babe.”
His eyebrows scrunch as Echo and Fiv'ika enter the room. Echo stops in his tracks when he registers Fives’ face and you silently take the child from his arms.
“Firstly I want you to meet your son, Fives Jr., or as we call him, Fiv'ika.”
Fives’ eyes go wide and his knees suddenly feel shaky. He's not sure that he trusts his voice, but he tries anyways.
“You had our first kid and I wasn't there? Oh, maker. Fuck.” he brings a hand to cover his mouth, and tears spill over his cheeks. He falls to his knees and looks up at you.
“Ni ceta, Mesh'la. I don't know what to say…”
You shake your head and tug on his sleeve, silently asking him to get up. You wrap one arm around the love of your life and press your temple to his, while the other arm holds your son.
“It’s okay. You whimper. “We’re here. Were together.”
Fiv’ika reaches tiny hands up to grab his father’s goatee. Fives lets out a wounded noise and kisses your cheek.
You pull away for a second.
“Secondly, you’ll want to see who’s been helping me.”
Confusion crosses his face and you look over to Echo, who’s been standing outside the doorway of the kitchen.
“Who is….” Fives trails off, eyes locking on his twin. “Echo?”
The paler clone’s eyes fill with tears and he nods.
“Su cuy’gar, Fives.”
Your husband gives your shoulder a squeeze and rushes towards his brother with open arms. The two quickly fall into a sobbing embrace and you watch, practically beaming.
“I would ask how you’re alive but if I survived being blown up I’m pretty sure that it’s not that hard.” Echo laughs.
Fives only looks horrified. “I am so sorry to both of you. I should have been there-”
“Hey,” you stop him, moving next to both of them, Fiv’ika in between. “We’re safe.”
Fives pulls you all together in a hug, mumbling “I love you all so much.” He’s holding his entire world—his wife, his son, and his twin brother—in his arms, and he’ll be damned if he’s letting any of you go soon.
Mando'a translations:
Vod'ika: Younger sibling
Ner runi: My soul
Osik: Shit
Ni ceta: I'm sorry; I kneel
Su cuy'gar: Hello; You're alive
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annabelle-creart · 2 months
Ok- so, I got crazy, and probably a little out of mind, but I made something
What would happen in some of the transformers characters we know are actually the 13 Primes????????
Resume of what I made this far but context first, and have in mind this is mostly based on my Au Life of Rescue Bots, which you can read on Ao3 and Wattpad :D
AND ALSO, I know I changed some things that definitely don´t happen in canon but I developed this Au in my head before knowing better of the Primes, that´s why it is like this and also I wanted to make some lore and angsty and existentialist shit, now, enjoy:
Prima Prime - Optimus Prime:
Leader, creator of the Star saber and the matrix, he was the smartest and trustworthy of all of them, but that power made him paranoid, unable, weakening his processor. He was so conflicted about his own mind and ideals about his siblings that the only solution he thought about was to destroy his own body and reincarnate his spark into someone else, he was the third Prime to do this, reincarnating many eons later as Orion Pax, who later was chosen Prime because the Matrix recognized its creator, but Orion didn't knew this 'till the Matrix itself "waked" all the memories his spark closed in his new body, making him Optimus Prime, that's one of the reasons he's so determinate to stop Megatron and the war, but he don't want to repeat his errors by killing him.
Vector Prime - Sideswipe:
Master of Time and Space, user of the Rishling, great and wise Prime, 'till he became the last Prime alive and decided to retire from the job, abandoning it and letting go the universe protection and leaving both the Clockwork and the Rishling hidden, that's the reason why Cybertron end up like that, because he never cared about the war again and didn't stop it at time, his job was supposed to evade things from disaster and he never stop it or cared, or that´s what everyone would say, actually, Vector wanted some vacation and let the work to his most beloved minicon, reincarnating as a racer on Velocitron named Sideswipe, the vacation was supposed to last just some eons, but he didn´t knew this type of transmutation would led him to forgot who he was, he was the most relaxed and childlike of the Primes but definitely they didn´t expected him to be such an irresponsible teen like Sideswipe.
Alpha Trion - Soundwave:
The Archivist, the Writer of Cybertron's culture and history, the last Prime before Vector into being reincarnated, doing so to search for the rest of the Primes, but due to the blocked memories from his spark, he forgot his true porpouse and decided to live a normal life as Communications Operator, and later as member of Council, accompanied by their twin-sparks, Heatwave, a lower-caste bot who became Rescue Bot and Shockwave, a senator and also scientist, later discovering something strange about them, but not before pairing with Megatron, the Decepticon leader, and without noticing, being an important member of Cybertron's History. Soundwave discovered their condition as Prime when their twin-spark, Shockwave, mentioned him that Archives would be History books if books said the truth, remembering a conversation they had time ago with Vector. The Fact is that Alpha Trion never liked to be part of history, just to see it, because he lived the consequences of it and didn´t like it, but now he was a member of the history again, and those consequences were pursuing them again.
Solus Prime - Heatwave: (I just discovered Solus is a fembot, don't judge me)
Not just the first fembot, but also the first creator aside from her father, with the help of a Forge she created herself, she made weapons and tools for her and her brothers, her mere existence is an inspiration for the fembot's forms and processors and for the lives and hopefull sparks of Cybertron, unfortunately, her death by Megatronus hand left a hole on Cybertron where she closed her spark, until she felt the presence of two of his brothers on it, becoming their twin-spark, this time as a male bot, but his love for creation continued impregnating his spark, unfortunately, as a sparkling, he was later sent to be a miner, and after it, he became a Rescue Bot to escape that fate, finding consolation at his new team, one of them his conjux, and at Megatron's call for freedom, regretting it completely when he got into stasis and discovered during it he was a Prime, reviving over and over again the trauma of being killed by the one who was supposed to be the love of her life, and he was about to do that AGAIN if he never got in that ship. He´s still unsure of how she should call himself, but for her team's good, he makes like anything happened, especially for Cody's good...
Alchemist Prime - Shockwave:
No matter the time, moment or place, as Prime and as Decepticon scientist he was Elemental, the only reason why he is now so cold is because of the punishment he recieved from the Senate, but during his period on it, he was know for his kind spark and his great determination, his beautiful smile and his joy for helping others. His power and curious can be only compared to magic, but it's actually science, same that passed the layers of space itself and, with the help of Alpha Trion, reincarnated to search for his siblings,but instead, forgetting his whole past and becoming by accident a death machine, only analyzing his own acts when Soundwave, knowing better of his condition, destroyed the emotional supressors on Shockwave's processor and passing through all the memories he forgot he had.
Micronus Prime - Servo:
The first minicon, the counscioness of the Thirtheen, fast, smart, agile, of great personality and capable of much more his size made the rest think, he had the power, the passion and all the energy to give his siblings all they needed for a short moment, and after all of this, when his leader, Prima disappeared, he did the same, and became a lot of minicons, lived a lot of lives leaving all his power behind, and with each life, forgetting more about who was, being now a minicon service robo-dog on the service of a marine old and injured bot named Hightide, now Micronus is know as Servo and don't expect or want his siblings to find him, mostly because everyone thought he united with the Allspark so, he can have a normal and peaceful life with Hightide, unfortunately, his sister- well, now brother, Solus is as perceptive as always.
Nexus Prime - Nexus:
Compared to the rest, the first combiner and the first Bot-System, never had a reincarnation, they were the same since the beginning of time, fought in the Civil War with Optimus Prime, hiding their true selves, so, no one would ask for none of them again, especially because they felt betrayed when the rest of their siblings just go away, not knowing the true story but being too ashamed and hurt to hear it, dispersing and disappearing in the pits of Velocitron, the deeps of the moon and the old tunnels of the now dead Cybertron, until they were called again on the Saloon...
Onyx Prime - Cody Burns:
The Lord of Beast, and also the most spiritual and full of kindness of all the Primes, compared to his scary tangible himself, he was a being of love and freedom, who cared more about the rest than himself but never let his sibling tame him to be part of the Allspark, no matter how injured he was, instead, to fool him, as the second king of jokes he always was but no one knew, he escaped to a planet named Earth, and using his and Unicron´s power, he hided the Triptych Mask on the moon and transmuted his spark into a kid, who, with the time and his descendants, would inherit the spark of Onyx Prime, since then, one by one, the spark pass through parent and child, who also became parent and had a child, finally, passing the spark from the best know as Chief Charlie Burns to his son, Cody Burns, not knowing about this until both father and son discovered the old and "dead" carcass of a metallic Griffin, with who Cody shared a strange connection, and the griffin shared a strange connection with the bots once he called siblings.
Amalgamous Prime - Makeshift:
When his siblings started to disappear, this Trickster, first king of jokes and Master of change came to Primus for knowledge, but instead, was received with the vision of the horrible fate of his siblings, and all the things that could happen in they decided to fight against the other, and with it, the truth about Solus´s death, he was determinate to tell the rest, but due to this truth, Megatronus felt threatened and also kill this Prime, robbing his t-cog in the process, uniting him to the Allspark and then, run away. For some reason, he, in the same way their siblings did, reincarnated as a shapeshifter lot of time later, but unfortunately, as the same way the new live on Cybertron affected Solus and his new form, Amalgamous, now know as Makeshift was obligated to live using his abilities to hurt, trick and end with the other without any mercy, not knowing about his past until Megatron tried to kill him, tried, because Makeshift then remembered his life as Prime and managed to escape, leaving his unhonored life, hiding as much as possible in Earth with nowhere to go.
Quintus Prime - Nightshade:
Quintus was know as the creator, but he was also an older brother, a scientist, a philosopher and an explorer, he loved to read in the quietness of the Saloon as much as he loved to go and explore the cosmos, creating and dispersing life on it, he became unaware of his siblings manners after it, concentrated into creating the Quintessons with his beloved Emberstone, a gem that, otherwise everyone thought, it´s alive and has a mind on its own. Quintuss, compared with his siblings, and for Primus' liking and sadness, wanted to be a father or something as his creator, he wanted something of his own, not necessarily something to be remembered, but something that would transcend and leave a mark on the universe, and he did, but instead of making the good with it, his creations killed him and tried to use the Emberstone for conquer, but the artifact saved him by guarding his spark on itself, and when the Quintessons were defeated by Cybertron, the Emberstone managed to escape, hiding itself on Earth and been sleep since then, until a pair of kids decided to touch it and the Emberstone thought it would be a good idea to create again, using Quintus spark to create one of the five new beings who named themselves Terrans. Nightshade suspects something is wrong with themself, but doesn´t know yet about it, Optimus didn´t suspect of them yet, but the rest does.
Liege Maximo - Galvatron:
A bot who has all the good of his trickery siblings and all the bad of his most kind sparked siblings, he´s a bot of beautiful words and horrendous intentions, only paying attention to his evil plan of conquering Cybertron when he discovered Prima only kept him close because he wanted to put an optic on him, and with it, all his plan felt into place: Megatronus killed Amalgamous and Solus and ran away? They were needed deaths; Quintus decided to go to discover his purpose? He needed him out of the equation; Onyx was about to be sent with the Allspark? Onyx didn´t wanted to be tamed, and he needed an army of beast only Liege could control, everything was coldly calculated so Liege would kept everything for his own, it´s ironical how scared Prima was of Megatronus, when the true menace to this universe was this bot. When the rest discovered about his treachery, they destroy him and burried him, but, like the rest of his siblings, came again, not as stronger but as smart and treacherous, he remembered everything since the beginning and was more than happy to end with his "beloved" siblings when the war started to get out of control.
Megatronus - Megatron:
Tricked by his own insecurities and jealousy, Megatronus were once a loyal brother, but his title on chaos gave to his siblings the excuse to think about him everything they wanted, from gain the fear or the love, but that was just the beginning, because when he thought things would finally change, Liege´s plan was complete, and in his frustration and loneliness, destroyed his spark... or that was what he thought, because, with no memories of his past as Prime, once again Megatronus found himself as a sparkling, they named him D-16 and treated him like an object, raised like something that could be replaced in any moment, he changed his destiny in the Arena of the Gladiatorial, once again gaining a name: Megatron, and using his new power to fight against Cybertrons oppresive system, once again, Megatronus had found his porpoise, his reason of life and the meaning of his existence, if that´s the case, then, why he became an autobot, leave decepticons and tried to forgot his past, trying to clean his errors on Earth? Because his processor is loud, and is constantly threatening him, cursing him, retelling his errors and remembering him how much he hates himself.
The Thirteenth - ???:
The mysterious brother, no one except his siblings know much about them, after being injured and almost killed on the battle against Unicron, The Thirteenth became one with the Allspark, always remembering to their siblings the true importance of being All One, after his passing, his siblings fragmented themselves, but if it wasn´t for them, the rest would never met again to repair what they left behind...
The Saloon:
A place where the minds of the Primes go when they´re needed, it is only accessible if the Prime wants to be there and due to it´s state of "alternate plane of reality" it can only be visited by the Primes and Primus itself, the only one who can´t enter is Liege because Vector, creator of this space, managed to change the programmatic of it to expel him, expelling also Galvatron.
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
Monkey King Reborn - Reincarnation
referencing this post about an idea for Reborn's version of Sun Luzhen.
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After the events of Reborn; the Pilgrims leave Five Village Abbey, now content with Yuandi's death + the restoration of the Ginseng Tree, but saddened by the loss of Fruitie/Qi Energy.
Until they pass by a Temple to Nüwa and find the snake-creaation goddess holding a large lump of wet clay and a pile of bone ash. After the initial shock of seeing the goddess (Zhu Bajie gets smacked for staring), they realise that she's just as delighted to see them. The Pilgrims all come closer thinking that they're witnessing how the goddess creates new life.
Nüwa: "Ah! Sun Wukong! Just the person I needed to see!" Smokey: "Huh? Why?" Nüwa: (*hands Smokey the lump of clay and some ash*) Smokey: "???" Lump of Clay: (*glows with soul energy*) Sha Wujing: "There's something moving inside! Is it a soul?" Nüwa, explaining: "Sometimes little ones skip Diyu all together and find me so I can make them a new vessel. This little one didn't have a strong enough body to reincarnate into." Smokey: (*absent-mindly rolling/shaping the clay into a rough egg-shape*) "Why is that?" Nüwa: "Because it's soul used to belong to the first Demon King Yuandi." The Pilgrims: (*all in various stages of shock*) "what." Nüwa: "No earthly vessel could hope to contain the primordial energy that laid within. So it came to me seeking help to be born. However I don't create life from my own power anymore. My new creations need a parent to mold from in order for the body to be made. And since Stone Monkeys can absorb their parents Dao through their egg, I knew exactly *who* to wait for." Smokey: (*pauses and finally stops rolling the clay/ash lump*) Egg-shaped Clay: (*hardens in Smokey's hands. Now resembling an actual Stone Egg*) Smokey, realising: "WAIT?! DID YOU JUST-!" Nüwa, cheeky smile: "I hope you come to love your little heir. They'll hatch soon enough." (*The Goddess disappears into the stone floor of the temple*) The Pilgrims: "!?!?" Smokey, shell-shocked: "I think I'm a father now."
The Pilgrims ofc are panicking at the fact that the very demon they just perma-banished/killed has literally reincarnated into Smokey's arms. They argue over whether or not to smash the egg (the monkey hisses and clutches the Egg tighter) or to go back to Five Village Abbey and hand it over to Zenyhuan for the immortals to deal with. But then there's the chance that the gods may just destroy or seal away the egg anyway.
Smokey is super conflicted since he has repressed grief over losing Fruitie, and doesn't want the only other Stone Monkey (he knows) to be raised by humans or risk becoming an experiment for Lao Tzu. Also his Stone Monkey instincts have been activated and he hisses at anyone who comes close to the egg.
So they decide for now to keep the egg, and the resulting little monkey, until they can figure out whether or not the soul contained even remembers being Yuandi.
A different argument quickly crops up along the way.
Sha Wujing: "So... what should we name them?" Zhu Bajie: "Why not just call them Yuandi? It's who they are." Xuanzang: "We are not naming the baby after who they used to be. Yuandi is dead. This little one is alive." Smokey, holding the egg: "Also, what if it's a girl?" Zhu Bajie and Xuanzang: (*protective-uncle mode activated*) "GIRL!?!"
And since this little reincarnated baby is Reborn's version of Sun Luzhen, I wanted their name to include one of the major characters. It was difficult cus "Lǚzhēn" (履真/"to tread/shoe" + "reality") is a compound name. One naming idea I have is; "Zhēnzhì/真志" - is a compound of "to tread" + "ambition". That or Smokey nicknames the baby "Xiao Lǚ/Little Shoes" cus of little shoe-like markings on her back feet. Also matches her "twin" Xiao Qi. :3
Once the truth comes out about Liang's little stowaway being a Stone Egg they stole found at the base of the Ginseng Tree, the Pilgrims of course ask about their choice of name.
Sha Wujing: "So did you name your cub that when you found out it was once Qi Energy?" Liang: "Huh? No, I just called them Xiao Qi [小气] cus they're a tiny bundle of energy. It was either that or Peachy, since they're pink and fuzzy like a peach." (*kisses the giggling Xiao Qi's face*) The Pilgrims: (*all give Smokey a sly smile*) Smokey: (*hides face/blush at the fact his rival/crush has similar naming themes for babies*) Zhēnzhì/Xiao Lǚ: (*paps Smokey's face with tiny hands*) :P
The pair of cubs are like Yin and Yang. One dark and demure, the other light and wild. And they of course act as a perfect reason for Sun Wukong and his estranged ex-friend to reunite and have to work together to ensure their stable upbringing. >:3
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Some Bea thoughts, because I think of her often. Let's go.
-She's originally from New Jersey, which part I have decided specifically, but I think she's less rural and closer to one of the cities there, at least when she was a baby/toddler.
Since her mother moved them around a lot when she was growing up, the places she's most familiar with are the ones where they stayed for at least a couple months.
-Both of Bea's parents are deceased; Her father died when she was still fairly young, so she doesn't remember him well, but her mother only passed about a year into her time living at the abbey.
Prior to being informed of her mother's death, Bea didn't even know she was still alive.
Bea has no other known living relatives.
-Bea is very conscious of how others look at her, but usually only when they're reacting negatively, she has no gauge for when people are being genuine or looking at her affectionately, and tends to be shocked when others express legitimate interest in her.
-Bea didn't really have a lot of toys growing up, so she's always been a little envious of the people who grew up with Legos and Barbies and Hot Wheels cars.
Bea's favorite toys growing up were a broken claw clip and a rubber alien toy she got out of a gumball machine at a gas station.
She also had a dollar store "Barbie", the type that are made of thin plastic and have messed up faces, but it got lost at some point, and, honestly, she was kind of glad when it disappeared,
And lastly, Bea's unofficial rating of the ghouls;
-Mountain 8/10 (secretly a 10/10) if they're speaking to each other, 0/10 if he broke the fucking tractor again.
-Rain 8/10 when he isn't trying to drag her into the water, -10,000/10 if he tries a bitch one more time.
-Dewdrop 9/10 as close to a perfect rating as the ghouls get, with the guys at least, 4/10 if he's trying to talk her into talking to Mountain after he broke the tractor again.
-Swiss 5/10 she doesn't know him well enough to have a truly negative opinion of him, but there's always time.
-Aether 7.5/10 because he keeps telling her to stop pushing herself as if he's a doctor or something... And, yes, she can confirm her appointment for Monday morning, geez.
-Aeon/Phantom 5/10 for the same reason as Swiss, but also because he keeps nervously reminding her that she needs to take her iron supplements like Aether told her to.
-Cumulus 10/10 no notes.
-Cirrus 7.5/10 because she scares Bea on a fundamental level, but that also makes her respect her more than most of the ghouls.
-Aurora 6.5/10 like Cirrus, she scares her, but in more of a twins from the shining way when she pops up with Aeon to remind her to take her iron.
-Bonus Copia 3/10 because he's her boss and he's always trying to tell her what to do... because he's her boss. Eying him from afar on the UTV/10.
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quinnxey · 2 months
acolyte review (before season finale)
i was really interested in this show esp because its based in the high republic. this is the first time we've gotten a media recreation other than glimpses in jedi: survivor and I'm also pretty sure the kids show disney made was also based in the hr time period. but anyway - other than the books as well, this is the first live-action retelling of a hr story.
i feel like a lot of people didn't like it because of that, but it really hooked me in. I've always been pretty into the hr book series and have loved this idea of "before the chosen one" trope. in the acolyte, we're 100 years or so b4 anyone like obi-wan or anakin or luke have been born. its another really great setting up - plus, as an avid hr reader, it helped me visualize what was going on during that whole shebang
but so - during the start of the acolyte I was a little bit wary and a tad bored. i feel like they started with a fairly slow (if murder is slow) introduction to the story, but I really do understand why they did it like that. once shit hit the fan and we were getting jedi action (plus the dents of twins? alive?/whats going on? sort of thing) I was really starting to get interested. the characters in acolyte are SO well done - like honestly its kind of craz how good they're written. even the "good guys" have good writing, which can be hard to do for heroes when the villains usually have all the sweet ass storytelling.
i thought the force here was sooo well done. like this idea of osha not being able to use the force after some time - ESPECIALLY her using the excuse of "if you were a jedi" (or something along these lines) "you would know that the force gets weaker if you don't practice with it" like girl ok! and with qimir and him being like dude, no.
QIMIR! ok so i understand the whole reason people like him is because of his looks and the fact that he was naked (which I will get to) but I'm SOOO interested in his character arc. his manipulation tactics are honestly so believable that IM having a hard time trying to discern whether or not the jedi are good or bad. i think I've always been fairly pro-jedi esp with how the orig tri plays jedi out to be and how the hr books have all these really anti-jedi antigonists. I've always believed the jedi to be a good force of nature, and haven't really paid much mind to this idea of "what if". in the acolyte, it feels like. they're REAL people.
idk i feel like sometimes it gets hard to see the real people in jedi and not thin k they're just some servants of the light or whatever. for me, I feel like that also comes from the "no relationships" motto, which sort of defeats the whole "human/person" idea for me. i hate thinking jedi arent people and don't have faults, but with how a lot o the media portrays them, that's how I've felt for a really long time. in here, I felt like I was seeing real people in real situations. idk
with how sol was acting with osha ("do not confuse [her] emotions with your own") I was sooo in love with that. him not knowing whether or not its his emotions or the force pulling them together (because we all know the force puts padawan/master together when it knows they're a good fit) but still continuing. him choosing to SAVE OSHA INSTEAD OF MAE. and going on to say he "did his best" and "tried to save both of them" to osha and flicking the blame on mae by saying the fire was all her fault (which it was, but he deliberately didn't tell osha what "really" happened ((in the words of mae I suppose))) but this isn't me saying that sol is a bad person and should totally get stripped of his title or whatever - someone (not sure who) on here talked about how he was the only one out of all the jedi on the trip to actually go and do something about his guilt. he went and he trained osha to the best of his abilities, he trained younglings (telling them NOT to trust what they initially see, to keep searching for answers), and he went on trying to make good with mae even after he knew she was going to kill him.
but so on the dark side (plus I guess qimir being naked) I was really interested in this idea of jedi not being able to harm the unarmed. we see this happen with sol and aniseya, where she DOES technically look like shes about to go off and kill someone with her whole dust act, but she is STILL technically unarmed. sol goes and stabs her because he has no idea what is happening. cue 1st action. 2nd action is when we have the scene between sol and qimir where he almost attacks him while he's "unarmed" (pls I don't trust this man) but osha stops him. with OSHA, we see this happen when she sort of attacks qimir while he's unarmed - and not just unarmed, also litterllay butt naked. that's like the full ass definition of unarmed. it goes fully against jedi code - if she had killed him, she would have killed him unarmed and with no dignity, which no jedi would ever want to do. because she had the option to do it, he basically tested her - it was his way of seeing whether or not she was a "good" option for an apprentice. he prob would have taken her anyway, but with how it went with mae, he was defo being wary.
but him being a sith for me was pretty easy to see right off the bat, since he disappeared and then sith master just "appeared" I thought, oh yeah, that's qimir. but as the fighting went on and I went between the costume differences between him and feeble qimir, I thought, well...no?? it doesn't make sense. he doesn't look the same - and then it WAS HIM. but also I think this idea of osha becoming sith apprentence and mae becoming jedi apprentice would be so interesting. ying and yang but they switch lmao
but I'm supppeper excited for the season finale!!! my prediction is that osha accepts being qimirs apprentice, mae accepts being sol's apprentice (if that happens), and maybe/maybe not they find osha and qimir and qimir convinces osha to fight against her past master. idk. would love to see some kyber bleeding in s2. love!!
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wordy-little-witch · 3 months
The Ghost!Roger AU is honestly the best thing I ever read on this site ! It's absolutely perfect 😭
Give me more if it pleeeeease 🥺
I'm really glad people enjoy it!!!!!
I already have a HELLA fixation on the paranormal, and so when I can apply it self indulgently to OTHER fixations, I Am Thriving.
Truly this is my magnus opus.
On that note however, I'm gonna drop some Lore Ideas.
I've said before that Buggy's already aware that Roger is still hanging around. He's not there 24/7, but he does hang out pretty often. Ghosts are Drawn to the things they left Unfinished in this aspect, either by choice or necessity - they hang around on this plane instead of crossing over. Roger made his choices and hated it. He chose the lesser evil, in his mind, because NONE of the options were good.
Then, on that scaffold, about to die, he feels and sees his oldest kids and is frankly more than a little livid.
For one, they're unaccompanied. This is an execution, Loguetown is crawling with Marines - high ranking ones at that - and here stand two barely-teens.
Speaking of them, though, the second thing is how his boys' energies and haki feel. Now Roger has been in a cell for a hot minute - not horribly long, and it's been two agonizing years since he saw his boys, but he knows damn well one should not feel like a ship splintering against the waves while the other has the same warning flags as a landmine in some underbrush. It could be stress, and Roger hates himself for knowing he is a primary contributor to a situation which makes his kids hurt, but there's more to it.
Especially given lucky number three - they're thin. Like. Painfully thin. Buggy had always been rather scrawny, and Shanks had only just begun filling out before Roger disbanded the crew. Right now, his boys looked partially starved, and he was almost certain that if he could get to them, he'd be able to close his fingers around their wrists or ankles with far too much overlap.
Where the fuck was his crew and why the fuck were his sons alone???
The stage was set, though, and he had his role to play. So he just winds his haki tighter, presses as much love-care-guiot-pride-love-love-love into his energy as he can before wrapping it around his kids as subtly as he can.
Then he's spoken, there's cheering, there's movement and pain and-
Roger comes to a few months later.
It takes time to collect himself and his pieces enough to be aware.
Step one - find his kids!!
Shanks and Buggy are not little twin-flame-beacons - Roger assumes they must be back with the crew. He'll have words for them later. For now, Rouge should be due any day! Off to her he goes~
And to carnage he arrives.
It's all he can do to help cause a ruckus where he can when prying eyes get so close to his wife. She is pushing hard with her Haki and he's raging and crying and grieving all at once. Every day that the crusade continues is the day he hopes Garp arrives, that he does something, that he can do anything, that he won't lose her.
He stays longer than expected. A year and a half, and Baterilla is a ghost town. Rouge is barely alive, but their child's energy is bright and bold and u apologetic. Some nights, while she sleeps, he lays his head against her tummy and whispers to Ace or Anne about the world - about the good things, because those are the things the baby should know, those are the things this baby deserves.
Ace is born just as Garp arrives. Rouge dies and Roger grieves.
She comes back far quicker than he did and proceeds to smack him with her shoe, curse him up one side and down another, then wrap him into her arms and cry.
They follow Garp, follow Ace, and they watch over their baby. Dadan is not one who they would choose as a foster mother at a glance, but they warm up to get quickly. Rouge spends her time with Roger watching over their baby boy before she shoos her husband off to check on their other kids. She's never had the chance to meet her stepsons but she loves them all the same.
It takes him longer than expected to find them.
For one, they separated - and how in all the Seas did that happen- and for another, they're making crews. Mostly. Shanks has a crew budding, and Buggy now has a new look in his eyes and a fixation on wearing gloves, but whatever.
So he just. Bounces between the three, occasionally hunting down former crew members to make his displeasure Very Clear.
Only Buggy has ever seen him.
Sometimes Shanks will respond, will seem to Feel something off, but Buggy has always been the one to see the things nobody else could.
So Roger pokes at his littlest apprentice as much as he feasibly can.
It's only by pure happenstance that his kid grows up - and puts on weight, Roger and Rouge both are so proud - and manages to bag a goth Real Housewife Of The Grandline Drama Addict who accidentally-on-purpose adopted a girl with a penchant for divination and spirit boards.
Buggy isn't in the habit of mentioning the things all around people after the first few times landed with broken bones and bogo free trauma.
Now that Roger has ATTENTION however, and a way of talking to more people, AND a chance to gush about his kids to a listening party, well-
He is thriving. Rouge is giggling at him. Buggy is trying desperately to ignore his dead dad and equally dead step mother debating which embarrassing story to tell Pero-chan next.
He's just hoping and praying that they don't tell her about the Secret Spy Incident. He's not sure his blood pressure could take it.
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tonguetiedraven · 1 year
You approve of Yukio even after he threatened to kill people and tried to kill Rin and Ryuji?
I have answered this question at least three times now, and I know you're just trying to bait me, but woooowwwwww I must have missed something in the manga. When did Yukio try to kill Ryuuji? If you're referring to the moment when Yukio points his gun at Ryuuji, that wasn't trying to kill Ryuuji. A dead Ryuuji would not have been a Ryuuji who could talk, and that was what Yukio wanted. Answers. Ryuuji wasn't threatened with death in that moment, and Ryuuji -- the only injured party in that scene -- has forgiven Yukio and worked with an armed and loaded Yukio since then, so I think they've both moved on. Ryuuji had also kind of helped lead to one of Yukio's sort of adoptive uncles dying a few days earlier, so I think Ryuuji mostly thinks that was earned. (It was a very messed up little while in that section of the manga.)
I feel like every couple of months everyone in aoex needs to remember that none of these characters are real and none of these situations are real and that they are story devices and plot devices and that they are young teenagers in the canon story and teenagers make stupid choices. Especially when they're tired, stressed, and being made feel like they're older/more mature than they are. (IE, when they're given jobs and responsibilities for others life's well beings.)
I could talk about Yukio being a mentally ill character who has been living in some form of fear since he was born. I could talk about him knowing he was Satan's bastard son for his entire life and knowing that his twin was a ticking time bomb of awakening into a possibly massively deadly demon, but likely no one will care and they'll already know that.
I could talk about Yukio being brilliant in pretty much every way but reading emotions, but people will still assume that any time a gun appears on screen that it is loaded with the most lethal of bullets and wielded entirely with the intent to murder. (And yet not make the same assumption about the flames of Satan that have killed vastly more people than we've seen shot on screen.) And they will assume that Yukio intended to kill instead of intended to interrogate or frighten or slow someone down.
Again, no one would really care about that and they would realize it if they read the manga because it talks over and over about the kind of bullets Yukio uses not being particularly harmful to Rin who seems to take Yukio's bullets like they're the kind in a nerf gun.
I could point out that no matter what Yukio does -- even when he unloads every Armumhael bullet in Rin that they have and he makes Rin entirely human for a few minutes -- that Rin is still the more powerful party. That Rin is the dangerous one in the situation. That one thing we should all be getting in this current arc is that Rin is a god next to these exwires. He got disintegration and disembowled and ripped apart and destroyed in a horrifyingly large number of ways and just kept on going like it was a big old nothing. He can go toe to toe with Satan so I feel like mortal Yukio and his little pistols probably can't do a damn thing against Rin even if Yukio wanted to.
I could talk about the fact that literally the most avid Yukio haters will never loathe Yukio as much as himself or the fact that Rin thinking he wasn't the most incredible person on the planet never even occurred to Yukio as a possibility despite the fact that Yukio thinks of himself as not worth being alive and can't see the way he's admired by a lot of people.
I could talk about the fact that the only person we've really seen Lewin comfort is Yukio, which means that even "I have no empathy for others" Lewin Light could tell that the boy was drowning under the weight of his own self-loathing and endless guilt, or that Shura has been watching him crack, or that Toudou, Lucifer, and Satan all picked him to be the one they tried to manipulate and crack and even pulled Renzou in on their drive to do that, and that Mephisto has also been manipulating and toying with him to try and push him to his own ends. Yukio just might be the most manipulated character in the entire damn manga.
But at the end of the day, the manga is there and people are capable of reading and looking at it themselves and I'd rather just read it and write my stories and draw my pictures and just. Be okay with a well written character who has acted pretty damn human in pretty much every scene he's been in. Who has fought with his super human brother and loved his super human brother and hated himself and is trying to make amends and still hates a lot about himself but is loved by his friends and is trying to save his world from his horrible extended family.
And once again, who is a fictional person that has committed fictional crimes and fictional acts of kindness. Drink something warm and soothing and touch some grass since Yukio and co are stuck in the frozen arctic and can't. (And fictional.)
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itsjaywalkers · 8 months
hi hi, would u be able to give us any oby facts and headcanons that maybe won’t be mentioned in the story?
OF COURSE NONNIE in fact i'd love to bc i've barely been able to write these past two days bc of work and . i miss them </3
they fuck at the very least once a day (usually more tho)
james goes to pick reg up from work whenever his job allows him to
this means that when he gets impatient waiting for reg to change he goes inside the staff room (since reg's coworkers already know who he is) and corners him . bc he can't wait long without putting his hands (or mouth) on reg
they've gone for quickies inside there SO MANY TIMES
reg is an absolute disaster in the kitchen, he keeps himself alive through instant ramen + the meal deals at tesco + what they feed him at work, so james cooks for him whenever he gets the chance
reg has a priv twt acc where only barty + the twins + sirius follow him and he makes very feral threads about james there (without mentioning james during the time sirius doesn't know)
reg's coworkers gossiped about reg and his mysterious partner for WEEKS bc he started being glued to his phone during shifts and he kept smiling and they barely know shit about him
mistletoes are Forbidden ever since that first christmas they all spent together after oby jeggy had finally made it official and they . ended up under one and what started as a very cute very soft kiss ended up as a heavy make out session with reg up against the wall, legs around james' waist and them grinding against each other in front of . everyone
james doesn't do casual. when he says to reg that he hasn't had sex in a while . he actually means that he hasn't had sex in over year . since his last relationship in fact
the first person james told about reg is lily (who is his literal ex and to whom he was engaged to mind) since she's the only safe option
sirius finds out about the daddy thing . and once it's out peter weaponises the shit out of it whenever he needs something from james
"reg james is being stubborn about dinner and i feel like having pizza tonight could u maybe drop a 'daddy' and change his mind"
reg scowls and rolls his eyes and refuses to play along just to turn around and drop a 'daddy' whener it suits HIM
barty asks reg at some point about who other ppl he's fucking apart from james since they're technically only hooking up and reg has a fucking breakdown when he realises 1. he's only been fucking james for months and 2. they're not exclusive which means james Must be fucking other ppl
i've already mentioned their need to be constantly touching skin on skin which . brings me to my next point
in winter or . just when it's cold and reg is all bundled up in a scarf and gloves and touching turns a lot more difficult bc of all the layers . james grips him by the back of his neck
he just slips his hand under the scarf and they walk around + stand around like that (me and mil are so feral over this)
reg does top a lot more often than ppl might think (and i cannot wait to write it)
despite how much reg loves sucking cock, james doesn't let him do it that much bc he'd much rather spend the time eating him out
oby james has a bit of an oral fixation (all of my james do tbh) so he's never happy with eating reg out once or until he comes one time . he goes all out
reg and peter make bets about how long it'll take james and sirius to go back to normal once the secret is out (reg cheats and wins)
and i'm gonna shut up now bc this has already gotten . too long
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lordelmelloi2 · 9 months
On Hephaestion in Fate
Iskandar’s closest friend…though he didn’t think so himself. While his sister spread such information around, Hephaestion was aware that was simply counter-intelligence. Hephaestion was inserted at Iskandar’s side so as, even if only a little, to reduce the chance of him being attacked. [...]  If alive today, he would no doubt be accused of having a siscon streak in him. In a way, one could say that fear became accurate after his death.
From Hephaestion (person)'s entry in the materials of Lord El-Melloi II Case Files. Very frustrating to read.
I hate what Fate series is trying to do with Hephaestion and Iskandar's relationship, I Know explicitly they're trying to make room for fujo shipbrainrot here by saying essentially that they don't have to worry about it; but there's problems.
Urobuchi and Nasu and etc. have all stated Iskandar is bisexual, there is no way they could've made that judgment unless they explicitly acknowledged the nature of Iskandar and Hephaestion's relationship. The fact is also that the parallels between Iskandar and Gilgamesh and their respective "closest friends" are very blatantly apparent through F/Z and other incarnations that like to put them together and Case Files as a novel itself also hasn't really made any attempt to discredit Hephaestion's importance to Iskandar, either.
It's weird also that they even use the word 'siscon' here because it almost implies that Hephaestion didn't feel anything for Iskandar as much -- which is so fucking bizarre, because Iskandar's love of Achilles and the Iliad has been present during the entirety of F/Z and through FGO and other incarnations, who do you think was Patroclus? Like there is no actual fucking way they could strip that Hephaestion was the Patroclus out. Of course though they have basically all-but erased Patroclus from Achilles' story as well.
The thing though is that this does also imply a lot more Olympias machinations. Because we know Faker was also something that was Olympias' doing, taking Hephaestion's twin sister and molding her into a nameless body-double for curses to be redirected towards in order to protect Iskandar. If that setting is true then yes of course Hephaestion is going to be fiercely protective of her because he's acutely aware that his sister is being used for something so dehumanizing on purpose and she doesn't even care about it; she's also thoroughly stripped of her own mental self-agency in that she's truly devoted to Iskandar and her brother and that's it.
So it can almost be inferred that in the Fateverse that Olympias essentially set up Hephaestion and Iskandar to be best friends rather than it being their choice in Aristotle's classroom -- or perhaps that Hephaestion fit the bill for what Olympias was looking for and so she began manipulating the situation accordingly. Hephaestion has always historically been remarked upon as being the smarter one so I don't doubt he would see Olympias' nonsense with his sister and be upset about it right away. Though, I mean, it's hard NOT to be upset with what Olympias was doing through Alexander's childhood; she poisoned all his siblings, including one that he did care for, she pushed him constantly into the spotlight for the sake of power, she even at one point bought a prostitute for him and begged him to have sex with her because his disinterest in women and sex at that age was something she felt personally concerned with (again, powergrabs, but also, definitely covert incest shit in noble families). The last anecdote I've listed is one that's not stated in Fate series but is something that happened historically.
The question then is whether or not Fate wants to legitimize Hephaestion's feelings towards Iskandar as mutual. It's possible that the phrasing here would imply that Hephaestion merely believed he could not be as close to Iskandar's heart as he truly was; something that, given the amount of personal relationships Iskandar had, isn't a hard thought of self-doubt to keep. Iskandar had many relationships and all were very important to him for many reasons (Ionioi Hetairoi existing makes this obvious). It's just that truly, his relationship with Hephaestion was the Most important, and for Hephaestion to even be relevant in this manner or even discussable in this manner also adds to that.
If Hephaestion was (presumably) opposed to Olympias and protective of his sister, why would he follow Iskandar in the Fate verse, then? The benefit of course being power, which isn't something one would scoff at in this setting, but I truly doubt that Hephaestion would simply go for powergrabs if the whole point is that the people who followed Iskandar did so because they admired him and loved him. But that brings up another point.
Hephaestion has been absent from Ionioi Hetairoi and from character designs or materials despite his significance until the Case Files manga. There has been no depiction of Hephaestion himself in any material featuring Ionioi Hetairoi, the 10,000 strong army of Iskandar, of which features his most important relationships. Faker was also absent. What does this imply?
Faker's absence was due to protest. We know this from information from Case Files. Faker also has the ability as we know from Lady Reines' Case Files to be able to summon Ionioi Hetairoi herself, featuring Iskandar within it. One would presume Hephaestion also has this ability. But why is Hephaestion not there at all?
A few options -
Hephaestion IS there, Waver just doesn't want to talk about him because he's insane in the head or whatever
Hephaestion is there, but in the back or something -- his role being not forefront is the reason why he's in the shadows; something that is remarked upon in historical analysis as to why we know so little about Hephaestion even now. Hephaestion's role traditionally was to do a lot of the "dirty work", and so his position was less favorable to put the spotlight on in comparison to the sun-shining glory of Iskandar.
Hephaestion is not there because of protest, much like his sister.
Hephaestion is not there because he is not that important of a relationship to Iskandar...
Hephaestion is not there because he doesn't truly exist.
I generally feel like I trust Makoto Sanda to not go this route, but there has been (somewhat baseless) speculation that Hephaestion was actually Iskandar's split personality. I Highly Doubt That This Was The Case in Fate series given the way it has treated Hephaestion thus far as a figure, but it would explain why Hephaestion has been a complete phantom in the series and in Iskandar's recollection.
Though I think personally it's more likely that it's 2 or 3, I don't think that it's out of the question for it to be the simply negligent option 1 or the outright ahistorical option 4.
The other question is: why is Fate series so negligent of Hephaestion?
That's easy to answer from certain standpoints -- one is because it gives them more room to make money off of fans that are there from the sheer yaoi market that Isuwei as a pairing as brought in. Like from a marketing standpoint it is blatantly obviously advantageous to simply ignore Hephaestion until the end of time.
The other reason adding on to that is because in terms of representing gay content, Fate series really considers itself to have no liability to do so, especially when there's such a massive fan following for a male/male pairing. The fans make the majority of the content, so TM's work is done, and they can hand off crumbs to people hungry for them and keep fans of the actual historical figures begging for scraps with little things while rewriting it to suit their needs. It's the reason why Achilles doesn't have Patroclus despite the significance. It's also why the genderbends are so predominant; it's what's keeping the money going. In the recent GudaGuda event Takeda Shingen and Uesugi Kenshin's historical homoerotic relationship is explored but the weight of it lessened as Uesugi is not just a genderbend but also one of Takeuchi's designs. So the risk of straight male fan complaints about yucky gay stuff is lessened because Uesugi isn't "really a guy" in Fate here.
Type Moon hasn't really been one to look up to in terms of whether or not they will give realistic male/male representation in pairings; either one side of the pairing or both have to be in a female body, thus leaving what would normally be a m/m pairing as a "safer" yuri f/f pairing (which then benefits their marketing as well as the majoritively male fanbase is easier to sell to).
The problem though is whether or not it is going to mesh with the rest of the story.
As I said from a marketing standpoint it is obvious that ignoring Hephaestion is beneficial. But from a narrative standpoint -- and this is Sanda's challenge -- ignoring Hephaestion forever just doesn't make sense.
There is no Iskandar without Hephaestion. It is impossible to write a story about Iskandar that involves ANY aspect of the historical portion of him without mentioning Hephaestion. And the fact that Hephaestion was mentioned at all was Fate series' first mistake.
Iskandar's materials have him listed as Dhul Qarnayn, aka the Great King mentioned in the Quran as one of the ideal ways a King should exist. The reason for THIS is because of the Persian Alexander Romance. The Alexander Romance is basically a legend-version of Alexander the Great's story in which Hephaestion's presence is very little or just outright absent. It is a fantastical version of Alexander the Great's kinghood in which he performs many great deeds. There are Greek, Persian, Syrian, Hebrew, Ethiopian, Nigerian, Indian, Malaysian, Byzantine and even more chrono-regional versions of this story, and each one features that mysticism that made Alexander the Great into such a worldwide figure today.
It is pretty apparent that a lot of Iskandar's characterization comes also from the version presented in the Alexander Romance. His being Dhul Qarnayn solidifies this. It would have been easy to continue to ignore Hephaestion if they simply continued to go down this route -- the Alexander Romance features little stories featuring him, and glorifies Iskandar into this God-chosen figure, and in some versions, even as a prophet of God.
But in Case Files Faker is introduced and so is Hephaestion as a figure that did exist. Hephaestion is given some material, but never appears, except as a version spoken of by his newly-conceptualized twin sister. (Hephaestion did not have a twin sister in history, but that much should be common knowledge).
Hephaestion's absence then becomes this bleeding, gaping wound in the story, where the writing fails to stick to just one version of Iskandar -- and chooses to also associate with Alexander the Great the Historical version. Hephaestion's absence leaves this hole at the core of a lot of Iskandar's lacking characterization, where we see this vibrant, energetic character full of appreciation and care and love for those around him, except the man he was told to have loved and been close to the most.
And again. Hephaestion's importance to Alexander within history itself cannot be understated. I've mentioned before the sheer amount of money that went into Hephaestion's funeral, the fact that Alexander started executing people who had beefed with Hephaestion before (Eumenes was one such person who narrowly escaped the threat of execution because of his poor relationship with Hephaestion), Alexander executed the doctor who was in charge of Hephaestion and otherwise went on a complete megalomaniacal spree in the 8 months between Hephaestion's death and his own. There was no Alexander without Hephaestion. For Fate to come in and say that Hephaestion did not think he was the closest person to Alexander is to understate the megalomaniacism of the later Alexander's historical life, which strips from the character we are also inferred of through Faker's recollections in Case Files.
Faker often warns about getting too close to Iskandar, stating to Gray "The King is like the sun. Its heat burns away anything that gets too close." For the man who was considered equal to this sun, his absence is like that of a black hole where the rest of Iskandar's character is held. I also accept scraps of Iskandar's characterization here and there from various authors and depictions; I'm not saying I'm better than anyone on that note. But the frustration as an Iskandar fan I have at the sheer lack of consistency is what compels me to write on my own.
I generally have been very trusting of Makoto Sanda as an author to wrap up fine details, and he's generally been very consistent -- the inclusion of Ergo as Alexander IV's repo'd body in Adventures is still messy but the conclusion of Case Files was overall pretty decent. But it would still behoove him to write more on Hephaestion as a character or for the developers to genuinely consider adding in Hephaestion and fleshing him out; otherwise we miss so much of Iskandar and so much of what we think is going on in the Fate version of the Hellenic Empire history because that one piece is missing.
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v-arbellanaris · 2 months
as an anonymous and mysterious spokesman of the people i would like to hear a refresher on ur lavellans <3 such as their classes and specialisations and who they romance and ummm whatever u consider to be their single most character-defining decision in the game
ohohoho mysterious person, you're asking for lavellan propaganda?? WELL!!!
the first lavellan i came up with was mahanon lavellan, first of clan lavellan. he is very tall, tanned, broad - green-eyed and white-haired; he and his twin sister ellana are "fade-touched", born while clan lavellan made a journey through the emerald graves, being a nomadic clan. han is a somniari and ellana is incredibly fade sensitive herself. seeing as he was caught by templars when he was about 14, it was something he struggled to keep under control and a secret - the templars had enough reason to want him tranquil, without knowing he could kill them in their sleep. whilst in the ostwick circle, han befriended - or rather, was bullied into befriending, another mage by the name of isra trevelyan. she held fast to shem nonsense, even as the self-loathing of it ate her alive, but luckily han was much more knowledgeable about these things, and shared what he knew of the truth of magic and the fade with her. in return for this knowledge, she used what influence she had in the circle to keep him safe. it took an absurd amount of time for han to realise she barely had any influence in the circle, and exactly what these actions cost her - and by then he did, to his own frustration, admire her and care for her quite deeply. in the circle, they were close and affectionate - as affectionate & romantic as circle mages dared to be, anyway - but when the ostwick circle fell, isra chose to stay behind to destroy the phylacteries and han promised to help their friends get out of ostwick alive. when isra didn't rejoin them, han left to find his own clan, at wycome, which is where he stayed until the news of the kirkwall uprising reached them, and the subsequent mage rebellion and conclave. as inquisitor, han is deeply committed to justice, empathy and honesty - principles he sticks to, aggressively, even when confronted by orlais' game. he simply refuses to play, content to leave such things to those who know how to do so, like leliana, or isra, -- or briala, as seen when he gives her everything she needs to rule orlais from the shadows. han lavellan is elven, he is dalish, and he refuses to let anyone forget it or ignore it - he pursues elven knowledge and history, with the intent of reclaiming it for elves. it's probably unsurprising he specialises as a knight-enchanter, reclaiming elven techniques and blending them with his own keeper magic. he doesn't romance anyone, and is most looking forward to returning to his clan after everything is over.
my second lavellan is marya, a hunter of clan lavellan - cousin to han, but there's nothing special about her, really. she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. clan politics and relationships with outsiders were for deshanna and han to manage - marya's job was making sure outsiders didn't come close to camp, and that they had enough supplies, and help find any mischievous halla who made for the hills to coaxe them to come back. even her weapon, a bow, is designed to help her keep her distance. her specialisation, assassin, lets her melt into shadows, unseen. one day, she is only marya, and the next, she is the herald of andraste, and then the inquisitor. in the beginning, she's utterly convinced she's being kept hostage with a very long leash, and isn't particularly aware that she has any options - she listens to the council, and noticed they're leaning towards talking to the templars, and so that's where she goes. she conscripts them, uneasy because she's run into templars before and they're never good news for the clan - did you hear that templars in kirkwall wiped out a whole clan at sundermount? - but she doesn't realise until later that she would have been allowed to express that she'd prefer to work with the mages. the politics of thedas often escapes her, and she's disconnected from the world wround her, isolated by her identity - the situation in orlais is presented as a lovers' spat, and she so reconciles them, as you would any pair of lovers, not realising exactly who was responsible for the purge of the halamshiral alienage. the one comfort she held to, the one familiarity, was solas; the way he talked felt familiar and comforting, his knowledge and wisdom, and how he broke it down for her was deeply reassuring, and she became so steadily enamoured by his wonder at the world. where everything was uncertain, being around him felt like he pulled her forward, and made her real. the anchor changed everything about her, bleaching her hair from dark to light, her eyes from brown to an eerie purple, and when he told her to truth of her vallaslin, she declined having it removed when it was all that was left of her, but asked him to come with her to the arlathven, to talk to the clans together. and that's what it's felt like ever since, really - a huge painful truth she begs him to shoulder with her, to allow her to carry with him.
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I love the fact that there are no real coincidences in Evillious at any point in the story—at least, as far as I know.
So far, everything that's happened in the series can be traced back to something, be it in the past or in the future. Like how the disaster that was the Reign of Evil started because of Rin getting possessed by a demon, which in turn was planned by Rin's mom's jealous friend who happens to be empress dowager of another kingdom. Or how Hänsel and Gretel murdered of their adoptive parents, which Meta—the twins' birth mother—viewed as karma on Eve for taking her children and murdering her; too bad for Meta, the latter was her karma for murdering Eve's father. There's also Banica's gluttony was the result of her abusive childhood, which was caused her parents being infected by a disease that manifests as gluttony, which happened to be a scheme by a wicked witch to cause disaster. Oh, and let's not forget how Kayo murdered an entire family because she was jealous they were alive and whole but hers wasn't, but then again she wouldn't have murdered Kai's family if he didn't kill hers first, so that one's on Kai for poor decisions made (racism is a choice, not a given, fyi).
Plus, fun fact: every single contractor isn't innocent of their Sin—they were already predisposed to it from the start.
Cherubim Venomania, aka “Sateriasis,” was hungry for love. Since “lust” in its basest form is desire, and hunger is desire for something you don't have or are lacking in, this makes Cherubim prime pickings for the Demon of Lust.
Karchess Crim is mad at Duke Venomania for kidnapping his lover. Of course he'd contract Wrath.
Banica Conchita was—and still is—a glutton. That it was a result of her childhood makes no difference. Still a glutton.
Riliane Lucifen D'Autriche was selfish, even before her possession. She was selfish, so she didn't give her food to Banica. That left her open to possession by the demon, nevermind the throwaway fact that Banica couldn't touch Alexiel. And later on, with the removal of her twin from her memory, she only grew more selfish and alone, couple that with her pride as a royal and the ideal she has of her royal mother... that's more than enough for Marie to feed on. Notably, as one of the few contractors to break their contracts, she still retains her selfishness, though she isn't as arrogant as she was during her days as a contractor.
Clarith was justifiably angry at Rin for killing her first and closest friend. Simple yet powerful enough for Seth (or was it Adam who tricked her?) to feed on.
I don't really know about Ney Phatipe (or Marlon). For one, there's her past with Banica, but there's also her identity as Gretel to consider. Banica herself stated that she needs Gretel's soul to become Master of the Graveyard. Apart from that, nada.
Kyle Marlon is kind of a sad case. For one, his “love” for Ms. Margaret and Michaela—the same love which the Demon of Lust fed on—could be attributed to their resemblance to Eve, what with Banica calling him the “Soul of Adam” of his era. The Demon of Pride on the other hand fed on his insecurities and his lack of control over his own life, blinding him to his own failings and instead making him focus on what he believed to be right. No wonder both demons called him “boring”.
Isabel Ismael, the original Seventh Magician, wanted power. She didn't have enough magic power to be Julia's apprentice, so instead she got the Venom Sword.
Lemy—same reasons as Ney.
Gumilia and Seth's contract is quite unique, in that it's a contract made out of necessity. They're also former colleagues. No more, no less.
Gallerian Marlon needed money to cure his “daughter”. To that end, he contracted with Adam—the stand-in for the true Demon of Greed, because he got absorbed by Ma.
Nemesis Sudou had the potential, since she already had malice inside her as a reincarnation of Levia. The contract was only formalized when she failed to complete her murder-suicide with Nyoze.
Eve Moonlit's incarnations, Kayo Sudou, and Prim Rogzé don't count. None of them actually contracted with demons, as far as the novels are concerned. Eve can't make contracts so she instead has her version of reincarnation. Kayo's envy magic comes from being the literal daughter of Envy. Prim manipulated the other demons' powers through Eve.
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