#something something libs
lexthanwarrior · 5 months
Cant even call my musical workin boys.. because of woke
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Cover our souls with robes of black and take up the arms of night
I wanted to design intermediary forms for the Lords in Black as sort of a Nyarlathotep/Messengers vibe.
Maybe they started out trying for intimidation when first summoned before going for whimsical terror, maybe they're forms that the LiB assume when visiting other worlds and dimensions to travel among the populace.
maybe I just really wanted to design more monster boys
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tabooiart · 9 months
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this hot pink bitch was named breakfast!!!
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verytiredbeaver · 3 months
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When you tell the children of the future about the election in 2024, always have this image in your mind lol
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
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"tiktok is a measurable & meaningful risk that endangers you and your children directly, all the experts agree on this, but also doing something to oppose that is Mean"
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softcyan · 2 months
Searching for new swimwear and man. Being fat and gender non-conforming really fucking sucks sometimes.
It is deeply frustrating how no clothing is made with me in mind. Plus size clothing is already extremely difficult to shop for, and so much of it is so aggressively gendered, bc fat folks are expected to hyperperform gender to make up for their fatness if they want to be treated like human beings, and are degendered and depersoned otherwise. The double whammy of being fat + gnc makes me feel completely invisible. Nothing fucking fits me.
I’ve never had a pair of swim trunks that have enough room for my ass and thighs or are the right size for my hips and waist. I always have to compromise somewhere. Bc men’s clothing manufacturers don’t make clothes with bodies like mine in mind.
The last time I bought a swim top was two summers ago at a boardwalk shop when I forgot my bathing suit at home. I got the biggest size they had in the store and it was still too small. The cups didn’t have enough space for me, and the underwire wasn’t broad enough. And my choices were either that or not going swimming at all, and god damn it, I want to go swimming in the ocean with my friends. So I wore it and was uncomfortable the whole time.
I got so excited when I saw @giantffa’s recent post about plus size swimwear, but the only options they have for swim tops are string bikinis. They just rest along the fold between the models’ boobs and belly, and don’t actually provide any support. Granted, I haven’t tried this brand, but in my experience, string bikinis give you terrible back & shoulder pain if you tie them tight enough to not instantly fall off your body as soon as you get in the water.
I’m sorry, but I’m just not looking to wear fabric scraps only suitable for lounging by a pool, not even for getting in it. I want to swim in the ocean! With waves! And splash my friends and play chicken without having to worry about a wardrobe malfunction! I want to go surfing and boogie boarding! And I can’t!! Because nothing fits both my style and my body!!
Maybe that’s entitled and I should shut up and get the stupid black one piece with ruffles, but fuck, am I not entitled to wear clothes that I feel good in? Like how thin and gender conforming people get to? Am I not entitled to have the same access to the water and feel comfortable and supported in clothes that fit me?
Don’t I get to go surfing, too?
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aftonsparv-bugzz · 2 months
i grew up with the mindset that "if i (an adult) cant do it, youcant" and i realise now how wrong and awful that mindset is. truly an ageist mindset. stop belittling young people because you believe they are lesser than you. young people can achieve many things, you just judge them for their age. instead of judging children , how about you judge your mindset and change it. learn that children can do things too, you just judge by age.
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turtally-tubular · 1 year
guys if you’re gonna address kids for being uneducated about a certain topic maybe dont be overly hostile to them and being like “oh you dumb fucking minors stupid kids” and overall just being super ageist/childist/whatever word you wanna use instead of kindly educating them thanksss
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princeofcyberpunk · 7 months
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i forgot that this was geniune digimon canon.
this sounds like something the daily wire would make up
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thickenmyblood · 7 months
Maca, your writing has enriched my life so much. In my thoughts I revisit HIUH just as much as CaPri, perhaps even more. I read ~70 books in 2023 and the only reason I didn't name HIUH my book of the year (and I usually wouldn't even include fanfiction) is that it wasn't finished at that point. While I am overwhelmed with joy at the thought of seeing this opus concluded soon, I am already filled with melancholy at the thought of "losing" your voice. So..... Will you tell us about the book you'll be working on? Drop us some key words? Maybe even post a snippet? Must we truly cope without your writing? ._.
😭this is the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the book will def have some capri vibes because pacat (capri) has greatly influenced me as a writer. and yeah, yeah, we all know tropes and tags can be extremely reductive and a symptom of extreme consumerism but girl . . . think enemies to lovers, dark fantasy (don't think fucking dragons and elves bc NO), disability (i'm so fucking excited about this bit!!!!!!! chronic pain people rise up!!!! endometriosis girlies!!!! mobility impairment pals or whatever the fuck that's called in English!!!!), slow fucking burn, political intrigue (listen i'm not that smart so it's more like "politics are mentioned" lol), oh and RELIGION, a lot of religion(s)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and fucked upness!!!!!!!!!!!! you know me, can't have enough of that.
if i ever decide to publish it (probably not lol) maybe you'll see it on the self pub section on kindle unlimited and go 'wait a damn minute, is this--'
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Have an incredibly low effort Flat Fuck Friday from our boneless outer gods.
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duahauuoplanh · 1 year
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Go eat before the food gets cold.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
If the only people who laugh at your jokes or respond to you positively are bigots - and you yourself disavow those opinions - maybe it's time to analyze why it is that they feel safe around you. While you might not be intentionally bigoted in those ways, there is still a reason that somebody who's transphobic, anti-Black, whatever it may be, really, feels it is okay to be open about those bigotries.
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
*liberal voice* are you saying that "the working group to consider creating a working group which would consider writing a formal report considering the efficacies of X, Y & Z ways of addressing the problem" isn't actually a way of addressing the problem?
*dramatic self-important huff*
well at least one of us is doing something about it
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loveaankilaq · 18 days
Tumblr libs talk in the most annoying way and they arent even aware of it I think. "*blank* would like a word with you" "hi! what the fuck *long winded poorly researched point*" "no! you know what? fuck you!" shuut the fuck up.
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sillyunicorn · 8 months
The Case of the Missing [NOUN]: A Young Royals Mad Lib
How to play: Write down your answers for the word list below. Then, fill in the corresponding blanks in the story (below the break) with your words. Feel free to post your completed mad lib story! (Preferably below a break to maintain the *mystery* for others who want to play) OR send me an ask with your word list and I'll post the completed ficlet :)
Have fun!!!
Noun 1:
Plural noun:
Student Character 1:
Emotion (adjective form):
Student Character 2:
Past tense verb:
Person Name:
Body Part:
Class subject:
Piece of clothing:
Student Character 3:
TV Show:
Famous Fictional Character (not from Young Royals):
Noun 2:
Character 4:
Verb ending in -ing:
The Case of the Missing [NOUN 1]
You sigh in frustration. You can’t find your [NOUN 1] anywhere. You could have sworn you had it just this morning; you had used it to [VERB 1] some [PLURAL NOUN] before class. You feel slightly panicked at the thought that someone stole it; it’s your only one.
“Have you seen my [NOUN 1] anywhere?” you call to your roommate, [STUDENT CHARACTER 1].
[STUDENT CHARACTER 1] pokes their head out from the bathroom where they’re brushing their teeth. They look [EMOTION] at the question.
“Why would I know anything about that?”
“I don’t know!” you say. “I remember you borrowed it that one time, after [STUDENT CHARACTER 2] said you [PAST TENSE VERB] like a [ADJECTIVE] [ANIMAL].”
“That was one time!” [STUDENT CHARACTER 1] exclaims. “And anyway, that was like [NUMBER] years ago. I haven’t done anything with your [NOUN 1], I swear on my Great Aunt [PERSON NAME]’s [BODY PART].”
“Yuck, okay, I get the picture,” you say.
You decide to ask [STUDENT CHARACTER 2] about it on the way to [CLASS SUBJECT] class. 
They’re half-dressed when they answer their door, wearing only a [COLOR] [PIECE OF CLOTHING].
“Have you seen my [NOUN 1] anywhere?” you ask, politely averting your gaze.
“I don’t even know what that is,” they say. 
You roll your eyes. 
“Forget it.”
Maybe you should ask your best friend [STUDENT CHARACTER 3]. If they don’t know anything, you don’t know what you’ll do. Probably run away to [COUNTRY] and become a [PROFESSION]. You really need that [NOUN 1] back!
[STUDENT CHARACTER 3] narrows their eyes when you ask them about it after lunch. You knew they’d have an idea – they watched a lot of [TV SHOW] growing up.
“I know exactly where to look,” they say. 
“[EXCLAMATION]!” you exclaim. 
[STUDENT CHARACTER 3] leads the way back to your room. They throw open the door, looking like [FAMOUS CHARACTER] as they rush inside.
They rummage in your roommate’s closet. You almost stop them, worried that [STUDENT CHARACTER 1] will be mad, but decide you can deal with that later.
“Aha!” [STUDENT CHARACTER 3] exclaims after a moment. “I found it!”
They straighten up, holding a [NOUN 2] in their hand. 
You look at them in confusion. “That’s not my [NOUN 1].”
“[SWEAR]. I must have misheard you. I borrowed your [NOUN 1] this morning. I needed something to impress [CHARACTER 4] with.”
Your jaw drops. You can’t believe your best friend would betray you like this. 
“Well, did it work? Were they impressed?”
“No, they saw it and immediately started [VERB ENDING IN -ING].”
You sigh. “Can I have it back, then?”
[STUDENT CHARACTER 3] looks down. “No can do. I threw it in the lake after that.”
You throw your hands up in frustration. At least you know what happened now. Time to start packing for [COUNTRY]. 
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