#something else that made it neat finding out about this is that i kinda had the same idea already
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Fun little subtle detail I never noticed before!
So, MOTHER 3 actually has a couple different voice blips for dialogue. There's 5 in total, and the thing I'm looking at distinguishes them as Young Boy, Young Girl, Man, Woman, and Non-human. Idk if those are what they're referred to internally, but presumably that's how they're more-or-less distributed throughout the game (I wouldn't read into the names too much, the Magi apparently use the Man blip for example, so they're not objective in any case).
Anyway, what's fun is how they use these with Porky!
So, for most of his dialogue, Porky uses the "Boy" blip. He uses this whenever he taunts you over the intercom in the Empire Porky Building, the fake Porky you meet before fighting all the Mecha-Porkies uses it, all the way up to "I'm the most clever, most charming, and most trouble-making boy ever..."
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But in his next lines after the shot pans up to the mass of machinery in the roof ("I welcome you once again"), his dialogue suddenly shifts into the "Man" blip.
And finally, once he's fully revealed, the rest of his monologue is accompanied by the "Non-human" voice blip.
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It's pretty easy to catch if you're looking out for it (especially when he starts speaking with the Non-human blip, that one's really distinctive), and I think it's a really neat detail!
(Oddly enough, he actually switches back to the Man blip after this, during his battle and the cutscene leading up to it.)
So yeah, that's a pretty cool way to build up to the big twist with him, I think it's really clever ^^
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girlatmirror · 2 months ago
does he know? jjk
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‘she told you she’s celibate, she told me i could nail her shit’. in which your ex comes back to town, but you are in a new relationship.
ex bf! jungkook x reader
warnings: (kinda??) cheating, there’s some angsty themes (but not rlly idk), mentions of alcohol consumption, yn is a little mean sometimes (but she’s so real), yn is the president of #ihatemybf nation, unprotected, penetrative sex (be safe), ass eating (yup, jk is a munch thru n thru), idk what else
Jungkook and your brother, Zane, were always attached at the hip as you grew up in the same neighborhood. Your house was across from the Jeons' house, and ever since you could remember, you had a crush on Jungkook. Jungkook, the boy who stole your heart the moment he came over to play soccer with your brother and accidentally kicked the ball against your head at the tender age of 10, then apologized with a warm hug. You were eight when that happened, but you knew everything. You knew you wanted to marry that boy, and you knew what you felt was real. What you did not know was that the same boy would steal your heart years later and take it with him to Singapore, leaving you stranded.
Your love story started when you began attending college, the same one that Jungkook attended; surprisingly, it wasn’t the same as Zane’s. To Jungkook, that meant he could make a move on you without the awkwardness of your brother and your parents around. After years of waiting for the right time, Jungkook took the chance when Zane told him you were unsure about where to apply to major in psychology. Of course, he recommended that you apply to his school, which, thankfully, had an amazing psychology program. You took his advice and started attending the same university.
Jungkook became your bodyguard, even though he was a computer science major in his junior year, guiding you everywhere and protecting you from any harm, basically never leaving your side. At first, he claimed it was an oath to protect his buddy’s little sister, but at one point, he finally gathered the courage to profess his love for you and asked you out; of course, you agreed, and that’s where your love story began. That’s where a year filled with love, princess treatment, and pampering started. Your relationship remained strong even after he graduated; you continued going on dates, making time for each other daily, and being completely and utterly in love.
Until he received an offer to become a CFO of a large Microsoft company in Singapore, he accepted the offer despite your objections.
(a year and a half ago)
“Jungkook, baby, I’m here!” you shouted as you entered his upscale apartment with your spare key, which he had given you the moment he bought the apartment. “Sorry, I’m a little early; I was bored and by myself.”
Jungkook was taking a shower, smiling as his heart warmed at the sound of your voice. “That’s okay, baby. Come join me.”
“No, I already showered before I came here, but you enjoy!” you exclaimed with a giggle, looking for something to occupy yourself until he got out of the shower.
His bedroom was spacious and very neat; Jungkook was a clean person, a quality you cherished about him a lot.
You were bored, trying to find something to entertain yourself with until he got out of the shower when you found something that made your heart race.
On the nightstand, under a book he was currently reading, were two plane tickets. You quickly grabbed one and thoroughly read what was written on it.
* Name: Jungkook Jeon
* Date of Flight: January 15, 2021
* Flight Number: SQ 25
* Airline: Singapore Airlines
* Departure:
* Airport: John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK), New York, USA
* Time: 10:00 AM (EST)
* Arrival:
* Airport: Singapore Changi Airport (SIN), Singapore
* Time: January 16, 2021, 5:00 PM (SGT)
Class: Business
January 15 was just three weeks away. Jungkook hadn’t said a word about his trip to you. He mentioned the business opportunity he received in Singapore once, but you quickly shut down any further talk about it, completely against the idea of him leaving. He hadn’t talked about it since.
Your heart stopped for a millisecond, shock taking over your body. With shaky hands, you quickly grabbed the other ticket; it was the same flight but for a different passenger.
Your name was written on it.
Just as you tried to compose yourself, you heard a click from the bathroom door; Jungkook had finished his shower. You quickly put the tickets back where you found them. He entered the bedroom with a big smile, a towel hugging his lower body, strong arms and defined abs on display.
“Hey, gorgeous,” he leaned over your frozen body and planted a kiss on your lips before noticing the tenseness in your posture. “Hey…what’s wrong, my angel?”
“What’s wrong?” You let out a humorless laugh. “What’s wrong??”
Jungkook stood in front of you, confused and nervous, still half-naked in just a towel.
You grabbed the tickets and faced him. The color drained from his face.
“Baby, I was gonna tell you about it,” he tried to explain, but your harsh expression didn’t soften.
“When? The day you’re supposed to leave?” you said sarcastically. “Oh wait, I’m sorry, the day we are supposed to leave?”
“Yn…” the voice you usually loved suddenly angered you.
“No! Just no! How could you do that?! I told you, I don’t want this!!” Angry tears started forming in your eyes. “You can’t just make a huge decision like this without telling me!”
“I know it wasn’t a good move, baby, but this is a huge opportunity for me; you have to understand,” he tried to touch your waist, but you pushed his hands away.
“You’re joking, right?” you exclaimed, your hand in your hair as you chaotically walked around with the plane tickets in your hand before stopping. “It’s not like I don’t understand; I do! But I don’t understand how you can just decide something so big for both of us and assume I’m going to go along with it!!”
The tension between you and him could be cut with a knife, your words throwing flames of anger at him.
“Yn, if you would just listen to me for a second,” Jungkook’s voice was steady, but there was a hint of desperation. “I want you to come with me; you can continue your studies there, and we’ll get married. We can come back for every holiday and every vacation I get; it’s gonna be good. We’ll be fine.”
“And you haven’t once stopped to think about what I want? If I want to leave everything behind and move with you to Singapore, only to come back on HOLIDAYS?? Jungkook, my family is here; damn it, your whole family is here. Did you not think this through?” you yelled at him, pushing your fingers against his chest. “And what’s wrong with your current job? It pays well; it’s here! There’s nothing wrong with it.”
“I just graduated from college last year! Do you know how often I could get an opportunity like this? Probably never, and let’s be honest, nobody’s getting any younger, so I’m going to take this job!” he exclaimed, but then his voice softened again. “I can provide for us with this position, Yn; I’m going to be a millionaire my first year. This is what I dreamed of ever since I started college: to get a good job and be set for life, not just for myself, but for my future wife as well, for you.”
“Well, I guess your future wife’s a very lucky woman then, but I’m sorry, Jungkook,” you took a deep breath, tears still brimming in your eyes. “It’s not going to be me.”
Jungkook got on his knees, his head touching your leg as he begged. “Don’t say that, Yn, please don’t.”
“I’m sorry; I just cannot do this. Not right now.” You left the bedroom hastily, Jungkook immediately following you, grabbing your arm. “Let me go, please.”
“No! I’m not going to let you go!” he snapped. “You can’t just give up on us this easily, Yn. We have one fight, and you’re ready to leave? What the fuck!?”
“I’m sorry; I don’t even think this is a fight! This is you disrespecting me, my freedom, my opinion, and stepping all over my life like it’s yours to control!” you argued, cheeks flushed from overwhelming anger. “I am not your property! You can’t just control things in my life like you’re in charge of it, okay?! I won’t go to Singapore with you. Goodbye.”
As you moved to the door, he stepped in front of you, his body towering over yours. “You didn’t even think about it, Yn. Singapore is a great place; if you transfer to a school there, you’ll still get a very good education. The quality of life is amazing; the house I bought for us is huge. You’ll have enough space for yourself, and there’s even a library, baby; you’ve always wanted a library in your house. I found you a school with an amazing psychology program near our house and my work; you don’t need to think about money at all; I’ll pay for everything. I’ll get you whatever you want, baby; just come with me.”
“Our house??” You asked in disbelief. “Did you just completely lose it? You didn’t ask me if I want to come with you, and you already bought me a ticket and a house?”
It was evident that Jungkook’s patience was wearing thin as he jabbed his cheek with his tongue. “I’m sorry that I want to move forward with our relationship, Yn. I thought we talked about this: we want to get married, get a house together… have kids. What’s suddenly so wrong with that?”
“You’re right; we did talk about these things, but for later and for here! After I graduate, not when you suddenly decide you’re ready, Jungkook,” you explained, your voice a little less harsh than before. “A relationship means working together as a team. It doesn’t mean you get to make life-altering decisions behind my back.”
“So, what does this mean now?” he inquired, his heart pumping with fear.
“I don’t know; I don’t know,” you fidgeted with your hair intensely, eyes shut, clearly unsure of how to proceed. “I just really don’t want to see you right now.”
And that was the last time you saw Jungkook. You didn’t attend the farewell party your brother threw for him, nor did you say goodbye on the day he left. You successfully fought all the urges to reply to his messages or call him back, which led to an empty feeling in your heart.
You were not ready to forgive him.
At one point, you unfollowed him on all social media, muted his number, and refused to look at the pictures and messages he sent you from Singapore; you simply couldn’t.
Deciding to focus solely on college, a little over a year after Jungkook left, you graduated with honors. During the time you learned to navigate life without the love of it, you also learned to be happy within it. You cut off any thread that led you back to the feelings you had for Jungkook.
Eventually, you started living without the aching emptiness in your heart again, yet there was always something missing. You always feared you knew what – or who – it was.
You didn’t really know how to describe your current state.
Now 23, you had graduated college, had a steady job, and were in a relationship that was going well. From the outside, it seemed your life was perfect; there was nothing more you could possibly wish for.
You were content with where you were, but there was always something missing. Something indescribable that you subconsciously searched for.
Work was your way of distracting yourself from feeling like that, avoiding confronting your feelings at all costs, which was ironic, considering you studied psychology.
You were working on a report on your day off when Eric, your boyfriend of eight months, called your phone. You couldn’t help but sigh, yet you picked up reluctantly. “Hey.”
“Hi, baby! How is my superstar doing today?” Eric’s cheery voice spoke. “I miss you, and I thought since it’s your day off, we could go get bagels and coffee. I’ll pick you right up!”
Bagels and coffee... you were sick of getting bagels and coffee with Eric. You couldn’t remember the last time he planned something new or exciting for you.
“I’m sorry, Eric, I can’t,” you said in a distant voice. “I’m working on a report, and I have to finish this one... but we could do this another time, right? I mean, there’s always bagels and coffee.”
Eric felt uneasy with the idea that you felt so comfortable not seeing him for weeks and not even checking up on him; he was always the one to call you. If it were up to you, he wouldn’t know where you were half the time.
“Everything okay, babe?” Eric asked. “You want me to come over, cook you something? Give you a massage? Help you with your research?”
‘No, god, no,’ a voice in your subconscious mind said.
“No, it’s fine,” you reassured him, still focusing on the MacBook in front of you instead of your boyfriend. “We’ll just see each other sometime this week, alright? I’ll let you know when I’m free.”
This conversation summed up your relationship with Eric.
He was a sweet, respectful guy who worshipped the ground you walked on, seemingly always a step ahead of you in the relationship. He was already talking about your future together while you were unsure of spending a full weekend with him alone.
It freaked you out. You had only been in one relationship before, but with Jungkook, everything seemed to fall into place: both completely and utterly in love with each other, (almost) always on the same page, never wanting to leave each other’s sides, no subconscious voices in your mind or feelings in your gut telling you something was wrong; just pure excitement and joy.
You told yourself it was you growing up, becoming a ‘real adult,’ but the more you told yourself that, the more you recognized it was a lie.
At least your relationship with Eric gave you one thing you were looking for: peace.
Jungkook was back in town after exactly one year and seven months.
It was a small town; people talked and gossiped about everything and everyone, but that’s not how you should have found out about it, given that your brother was the one who picked him up from the airport.
It irritated you that your brother thought you were too fragile to let you know that his best friend, your ex, was coming back to town.
He didn’t know exactly what happened between you and Jungkook; neither of you went into the details of your breakup. He only knew how much love there was between you and that you weren’t willing to talk about Jungkook or hear his name during the initial months after the breakup.
He assumed it was a bad one.
You decided to call him just to see if he would mention anything about Jungkook being back.
“Hey, sis, how’s it going?” your brother answered after a few rings.
“Hi, Zane,” you bit back any snappiness. “I’m doing well. Where are you?”
He hesitated for a few moments, then you heard his footsteps, obviously walking away from whatever scene he was in before. “Just out with some friends…”
You loved how much of a bad liar your brother was.
“Who?” your curiosity was palpable.
“Damn, why do you care so much?”
“I don’t know, Zane; maybe because I heard from some girls at the nail salon that you picked Jungkook up from the airport two days ago,” you said, dumbfounded. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
He sighed into the phone, tsk’ing lightly. “I’m sorry, Yn; I just didn’t know how you were gonna react, you know?”
“Oh my god, I am not a baby! I can handle it,” you declared. “So what if Jungkook is back? What am I gonna do now? It literally changes nothing about my life. You could throw him a party and invite Bella Hadid for all I care.”
Truthfully, Jungkook being back in your orbit did mean something to you. Your first love was back where he belonged after long months without this place seeing him; it almost made you emotional to imagine him back in his childhood home, back in his first apartment after graduation, and back with your brother playing basketball in the yard and…
“Actually, I am,” your brother hesitantly revealed.
“You’re throwing him a party and inviting Bella Hadid??” You only realized how ridiculous that sentence sounded after it came out of your mouth.
“No, just throwing him a welcome back party,” he chuckled a little. “You can come if you want! But only if you want; like, don’t feel pressured to be there. If you don’t come, I’ll totally understand–”
“I’ll be there!” you interrupted your brother’s rambling, who was nervous because he knew what you turned into when you were mad. “And Eric will also be there.”
“Eric?” Confused, he asked, as if he didn’t remember where he heard that name before. “Oh, yeah, your new boyfriend. Yeah, sure, take him with you.”
Even though Zane truly felt it wasn’t a good idea for your current boyfriend and Jungkook to be in the same room, he was inclined to agree with you.
You were going to attend Jungkook’s welcome back party with Eric, and you were going to look absolutely beautiful.
After visiting every boutique in New York with your girlfriends to find the perfect dress for your brother’s party, you finally found it and called Eric last minute to inform him that he would be your plus one for this party.
The dress you picked out was a gorgeous red number with a flattering off-the-shoulder cut and delicate lace accents, striking the perfect balance between sexy and classy, accentuating your curvy silhouette; you aimed to impress.
Eric wasn’t aware that Jungkook was your ex; he only knew that the party was for your brother’s best friend who had returned from overseas. He didn’t care whose party it was; he just thanked God that you finally called him and let him see you.
Your girlfriends knew you were indulging in self-destructive behavior by going to a party solely for your ex-boyfriend after not seeing him for almost two years, but they also knew nothing they would say could stop you, and they seemed to think you deserved closure. All of them suspected that you were still hung up on Jungkook, but none dared to speak of it until you decided to, which you hadn’t.
As you arrived at the bar your brother rented, hand in hand with Eric, his friend Marcus was the first to greet you with a big grin, evidently already too drunk for his own good.
“Hey, Marcus, you know where Zane is?” you asked, only to receive a drunkenly slurred ‘nah, but probably in the back somewhere’ as an answer.
While you walked into the place, you couldn’t help but silently praise your brother’s dedication; the venue looked good, nicely decorated with a huge sign that said ‘Welcome Back, Jungkook’ on it.
The crowd was enormous, making you almost trip in your high heels, but thankfully, you caught yourself on Eric’s arm.
“This will be the first time I meet your brother. I can’t wait!” Somehow through the loud noise, Eric still managed to be audible. “It’s about time, you know? I mean, you’ve met my entire family; I was wondering when I’d get to meet yours.”
“Yeah,” you sent a smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes his way and walked forward, until you finally saw a glimpse of Zane, seemingly engaged in an animated conversation. “He’s there!”
With gathered confidence, you gripped Eric’s hand and walked over to Zane; even though your eyes didn’t see him yet, you knew that if Zane was there, Jungkook couldn’t be far.
“Zane!” you called out to grab his attention, but the music was too loud and he was too engaged in the conversation to hear you, so you approached him closer, gripping Eric’s hand like your life depended on it.
When Zane finally saw you, he waved at you, excitedly signaling you to come closer, so you did. But there was no sign of Jungkook yet.
“Yn!!” he shouted, having indulged in some drinks himself. “Hey! Come here; let me get you a drink.”
He didn’t even spare Eric a glance before turning around, but thankfully, you gave him a subtle nod in Eric’s direction, which he immediately picked up. “Hey, man, I’m Zane, Yn’s brother. You must be Eric. How’re you doing?”
Zane gave him a friendly smile and offered him a hand, which Eric immediately shook. He was giddy to say the least, just as he opened his mouth, a deep voice from behind you interrupted him before he could speak. “Ey, Zane, there’s no fucking pizza left! It’s my damn party, and I didn’t even get a piece of pizza!”
Jungkook’s playful voice halted you for an instant. Your back was still turned to him, but as he approached the three of you, he slowly recognized who stood in front of him.
Now, he stood next to your brother, paralyzed for a second before he let his eyes wander down your face, then your entire body; a shimmer of desire and longing that could not be overlooked formed. He studied your familiar body, every curve that was once only his to touch, to explore, and the eyes that looked back at him with an innocence he could not resist.
His attention flickered to Eric for a second before fully turning to you again, with darkened eyes and flared nostrils; you were sure from his expression that Zane told him you were in a relationship now.
Your eyes wandered just the same, spotting new tattoos and much bigger biceps; he looked disgustingly handsome. He was bigger, and his presence seemed even more powerful than before he left. His hair had grown a few inches, but what always stayed the same were his eyes that never stopped looking at you the same way.
There was an awkward silence that even Eric detected before Jungkook spoke up. “Yn… it’s good to see you. You look beautiful, of course.”
There was something deep about the way he said those simple words; it was evident there was a lot more behind them.
And there was so much you wanted to say too, but all you could muster was, “It’s nice to see you too.”
You felt Eric’s and Zane’s gazes swinging from you to Jungkook while you two were lost in each other’s eyes; Eric was confused, trying to figure out what was going on, while Zane was amused yet cautious of what would happen if he left you two to it, with your boyfriend by your side.
“So, I think we should all get something to drink,” Zane was the one to break the silence before patting Jungkook on the shoulder. “C’mon, man; I’ll get you that pizza.”
They moved along, leaving you and Eric alone for a moment.
“So, do you know that Jungkook guy?” Eric carefully asked, not wanting to push you.
“He’s my brother’s best friend; of course I know him,” you answered a little snappily. “And he used to be our neighbor.”
Eric simply nodded, his grip on your shoulder tightening a bit before you slipped out of it, saying, “I’m gonna get a drink too.”
But you actually left to catch a breath of fresh air on the balcony. You felt someone following you, but convinced yourself it was paranoia until you felt the warmth of a larger body lurking behind you. You turned around and saw Jungkook looking at you with an indescribable expression.
“Please tell me that’s your new gay best friend,” he started, now standing next to you, hands on the balcony railing.
“What?” You turned your face to look at him, a sigh escaping your lips.
You were pretending that his presence didn’t affect you, pretending that you were even slightly annoyed he followed you, but you knew you wanted him to and you were glad he did.
“The guy you came with,” he clarified, a waiting gleam in his eyes.
You knew he knew that Eric was your boyfriend; he was just acting oblivious to get you to feel bad and to start a conversation about how Eric wasn’t ‘the right one for you.’ He might have been gone for over a year, but you knew Jungkook. He was predictable to you.
“No... he’s my boyfriend,” you clarified with a huff. “And what’s it to you anyway?”
He put his hand up in defense, a small smirk forming on his pretty face. “Nothing, nothing... just didn’t think he was your type is all.”
Despite not having figured out your feelings for Eric, Jungkook’s words pushed you to defend him.
“What do you mean ‘not my type’? Eric is a sweet guy, the sweetest actually, and any girl would be lucky to be with him,” you asserted, your heart racing. “He is gentle and a good communicator, and he loves me. And he would never do anything behind my back.”
Jungkook’s nostrils slightly flared as you talked about another man; he had always been the possessive one. He noticed how your stance wasn’t firm and the knitted expression on your eyebrows; a sign of uncertainty on your face he knew too well. “He loves you, huh? No doubt about it... do you love him though?”
Your breath hitched, and you felt faint for a second, not knowing how to compose yourself; you didn’t love him, no matter how much you tried. You always found yourself longing for something else... someone else. You didn’t know what to say, so you replied, “He treats me right.”
“I’d hope so...” he started, with an indescribable expression. “At least one person in that ‘relationship’ has to treat you right.”
You knew exactly what he was trying to do: making you overthink your relationship to come to the conclusion you two belonged together. But your half-healed heart refused to bring you to that place.
“What are you trying to accomplish, Jungkook?” you asked, saying his name as if it were venomous. “You left for Singapore almost two years ago; what was I supposed to do? Wait around for you until you remembered you had people who wanted to see you here? People who missed you?”
Now, he wore a spiteful expression, jabbing his cheek with his tongue. “No, you should have picked up my calls, answered my messages, let me know how you were doing. You should have at least let Zane let me know. You blocked me out of your life entirely; we are – we were in love, Yn. That doesn’t just go away overnight.”
You scoffed sarcastically to mask the pressure in your heart, affected by his words. “You think it was easy for me to do that? Guess what, Jungkook! It took a lot longer than ‘overnight’ for me to get over you, and if I had answered your calls and messages, maybe I still wouldn’t be over you!”
At that point, the loud party was a soft background noise for the two of you; you were too indulged in the rising tensions - your raising voices the only thing consuming you. Even during fights, there seemed to be no one else around you - for you.
“I wanted you to come with me! I got you a ticket, remember? The house is designed exactly how you envisioned your dream house,” he started, pain evident in his voice. “Yet, I have to live in it alone while everything reminds me of you.”
Your heart was breaking all over again, the sorrowful reflection in his gaze influencing you more than you wished. Yet, there was a rational part of you that recognized you had to stand your ground, defend yourself. You had good reasons to do what you did.
“Maybe you should have told me that before you bought a ticket for me without consulting me first!” you ranted, reminiscing the shock you felt at finding the tickets. “Or maybe you shouldn’t have taken the job offer and just stayed here like I wanted you to!!”
Jungkook had envisioned multiple scenarios about what would happen when you would see each other again. He thought about it all the time, while he was working, during sleepless nights without you by his side, while showering, working out, or fucking women that meant nothing to him... he knew exactly what you were going to say, if you would be willing to talk to him. And you were, and that made him feel happy despite the arguing because at least you were willing to argue with him, to talk to him.
He knew you, maybe more than anybody else did. He was convinced that the love between you two transcended any boundaries or obstacles.
“I know,” he admitted defeat, his voice velvety. “And I’m so fucking sorry, but please, baby, just give us another chance. I’m staying here for six months straight, and the offer to come with me after still stands.”
You felt conflicted; on one hand, you could not believe his audacity, and on the other, you were satisfied to know that he still wanted you, just like the last time he saw you.
“You can’t be serious!” you snapped. “I’m with Eric, and you can’t just come here and pretend like nothing ever happened.”
Jungkook felt your patience spreading thin and decided to go against his usual instincts to persuade you further. “Alright, I’m sorry. I just need to know one thing.”
“Is he fucking you good?” he inquired, a possessive gleam in his eyes.
The question hung in the air like an unanswered prayer for a moment. You stood frozen before him as if you weren’t expecting him to ask that, as if you weren’t sure how to answer it.
And you truly didn’t.
“I don’t know,” came out in a whisper.
The truth was, you hadn’t let Eric that far yet, and you weren’t planning to do it anytime soon. He had an inability to make you wet, and whenever he went any further than touching your waist, you felt a slight sensation of disgust, like you would rather be fighting in a war than let Eric be inside you. You opted for telling him you were celibate, which wasn’t entirely a lie.
“What do you mean you don’t know?” Jungkook was confused, trying to decipher what you were trying to say.
“It means,” you started, slowly regaining your snappiness, “that I don’t know! I’ve never had sex with him.”
It was now Jungkook’s turn to say ‘what?!’ and it suddenly made you very aware that there were crowds of people just inside, Eric being one of them. You were lucky there were so many people blocking the view into the balcony, because if there weren’t, Eric would have found you a long time ago.
Jungkook was evidently happy with the revelation, smiling like an idiot.
“Stop smiling like that!” you hissed, motioning with your hands. “I’m just not ready yet. I told him I’m celibate. It’s none of your business anyway; why am I telling you any of this?”
Jungkook obeyed your wishes and stopped smiling; instead, he burst out laughing, so amused. “So you’ve been dating for eight months, and you still haven’t fucked? Damn, ma... we did it after the first date... and every day after.”
Before you could answer, your brother entered the balcony. When he saw you and Jungkook face to face, deep in a conversation or rather an argument, he gazed between you with an indescribable expression.
“Yn, Eric’s been looking for you everywhere,” Zane informed you with what you called ‘warning eyes’ digging holes into your face as you went back inside, leaving the two best friends alone.
The two weeks following the party were filled with work, for you and Jungkook alike. You didn’t run into each other again, but you did decide to unblock him.
You thought it was petty and unnecessary to deny him access to you when you would surely see him during his six-month stay here. You also wanted to see if he would notice and maybe hit you up occasionally; which he did.
Good morning texts and daily ‘how are you’s?’ filled you with an unspoken joy that you felt shouldn’t have been there, but you defended yourself by thinking, ‘I cannot control my feelings.’
Your conversation on the balcony made you think a lot through, specifically your relationship with Eric. You decided it was time to open up to him, giving him a chance to take you out properly, which he had been trying to do for a while.
So, you were getting ready for a romantic night out with Eric, putting on a gorgeous, tiny black dress that accentuated your curves and applying makeup that made you resemble an effortless beauty.
You planned to be honest with him about where you thought the relationship was headed.
You met up with Eric at a nice Italian restaurant in the middle of the city.
After a little small talk and finishing your meal, you sat in an awkward silence as he admired you.
You could feel something unusual but brushed it off as your usual paranoia. Eric was always a jolly person who wasn’t afraid to show his love in sometimes very overbearing ways.
“You know, Yn,” he started and suddenly got on one knee. His loving gaze spread pity over your conscience, his position weighing heavily on your chest. “I’ve never felt this way about anybody; you are bright like the stars and beautiful like a flower. I find you in everything around me. You consume my soul, Yn. I... I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?”
He took out a red box and opened it, revealing a small diamond ring. Eric waited a moment for your answer, but you sat frozen; it was too much. With the people around you watching, and Eric’s slowly saddened eyes gauging your reaction, you did not know what to do.
You questioned Eric’s self-awareness more than anything; when had you ever given him the impression that you wanted to marry him? You were sure you had never even given him a reason to think you wanted to be in a relationship with him!
You knew Eric’s lack of self-awareness would present a problem sooner or later, but you just wished it wasn’t in such a public setting, in front of at least twenty people.
Your breath quickened, and your heart tightened. You couldn’t do this anymore.
So, you grabbed your purse, stood up, and left with a hurried, “I’m sorry; I can’t do this,” leaving Eric with a humiliating crowd and a broken heart.
It felt like the right thing to do.
- - -
Once you ran to your car without looking back, you drove away from the scene.
You were so lost in thought that your subconscious acted; you set off in a direction you had not intended to go. You drove in the exact direction of Jungkook's apartment, as if it hadn’t been two years since you were last there, as if you were returning from work and it was your house.
As if your heart, and not your head, had guided you. If you had been thinking clearly at that moment, you would have given yourself a slap and reminded yourself who you were.
But you didn't, because as your grandma used to say, “Love makes a person lose their mind.”
You parked your car next to his luxury car. He still lived in the same apartment where you last fought, where you had countless sleepovers, where you lost your virginity, where you shared secrets, and made love in every corner.
You cursed and loved that apartment at the same time.
With a fog-clouded mind, you entered the complex and took the elevator to the fourth floor. Finally, you knocked on his door, '4B,' a few times before a confused Jungkook opened it.
He stood there in all of his glory, wearing grey sweatpants and an oversized black shirt, looking back at you with a questioning yet yearning gaze. “Yn?”
His voice immediately sent shivers down your spine, and you wanted to live in the eyes that devoured your lightly clothed body. “Can I come in?”
Your voice was smaller and weaker than it had ever been; he could tell there was something wrong but did not ask right away. He simply stepped aside and said, “Of course. Always.”
His eyes ran over the prominent curve of your breasts and your naked legs, begging to be wrapped around his head.
Before he had the chance to ask what was wrong, you threw yourself into his arms and whispered a desperate, “Can you just hold me?” into his ears.
He simply kissed your forehead and carried you to the couch.
You wrapped your exposed thick thighs around his waist and your arms draped around his neck, his hands resting on your hips, holding you as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
You hadn’t felt so safe since he left.
The realization that Jungkook was your safe space suddenly hit you, making you hide your face further in his neck.
He sat on the huge sofa, which led you to sit on his lap, your face still hidden in the hollow of his neck.
His large hand moved from your back to your hip, and you would have loved nothing more than to let yourself melt into his body. You had searched so long for that feeling – the feeling of being back in the arms of the only man you could love.
“What happened?” he asked solicitously, his voice rushing softly in your ears.
You refused to say anything for a few moments, totally unsure of how to explain your situation to him, or if you even wanted to.
Slowly coming out of your hiding place, you looked deep into his eyes; your eyes held a melancholy he noticed immediately. He stroked your goosebump-filled arms and brought his forehead close to yours. The atmosphere was just loving and peaceful.
“Eric proposed to me…” you sighed softly, fingers tangled in his soft black hair.
Jungkook’s eyebrows furrowed. “What?? Did you...” He coughed a bit before continuing, “Did you say yes?”
You sighed even louder. Even though you did not want to discuss it, you knew you had to eventually.
“No,” you answered, trying to maintain eye contact. “I just ran away and drove here.”
It was obvious Jungkook was trying hard to suppress a smile, so he simply wrapped his arms around you comfortingly and gently rocked you back and forth without saying a word.
You were hyper-aware of the fact that the only thing separating your wet pussy from leaving marks on his sweatpants were your thin, almost see-through panties.
You stayed in that position for a while, before leaning in and starting to place wet kisses on his neck, your fingers tightening around his hair.
His breath grew heavier as he held onto the thick flesh of your bare ass, unsure whether to let you go further or stop you.
“Yn...” his tone was uncertain yet aroused. “We really shouldn’t…”
You continued the trail of desperate kisses, unable to resist, with his familiar scent and the feel of his skin against your lips.
You already felt his dick hardening in his boxers as you gently caressed it with your hands, making him groan at the friction.
“Why not?” you asked with a pout, before palming his dick harder while grinding on his thigh. “Don’t you want to fuck me? Do I not make you hard anymore?”
You knew that neither of those things was true; you were just playing dumb to get him to give in to something you wanted, craved desperately. Your body hadn’t been properly touched in nearly two years; you were starting to get needy.
“You’re in a vulnerable state,” he stated in a raspy voice, heavily affected by your behavior. “I don’t want to do something with you that you might regret later.”
You shook your head almost vigorously, gently punching his chest; it was only gentle because your arousal was weakening your body. “No, you don’t get to leave for Singapore for two years and then come back to deny me. If I say I want you, I better get you, okay? I’ve been lonely for almost two years, Kookie; my fingers are starting to cramp from how much I touch myself thinking about it... don’t you dare deny me.”
Despite the urge to chuckle at your approach, your words made him think about you craving him just as much as he craved you; it made him feel validated and less pathetic for thinking about you after all the time and distance.
He was always convinced the love between you two transcended any boundaries or obstacles.
He captured your lips in a passionate kiss, which you reciprocated with whimpers against his familiar lips. There was no way to describe how much you missed this feeling.
Suddenly gripping your hips tighter, he stood up, carrying you to the bedroom like you weighed nothing, your pussy and his clothed dick touching delectably, evoking even more arousal from both of you.
At his bedroom, he gently placed you on the bed, looking down at you with desire-filled eyes. “You sure you want this?”
“Yes!” Your patience was wearing thin. “Just fuck me, Jungkook, and stop talking so much.”
You tugged at his shirt, and he quickly took the hint, stripping it off to reveal well-defined abs and bulging biceps, arms that looked like they could kill someone.
The last time you saw him, he was already muscular and fit, but it was evident that he took his fitness seriously while in Singapore.
You dreamily stared him up and down. “Now, the pants.”
He chuckled at your bossiness but obeyed without hesitation, leaving him in just his boxers.
You were getting impatient, already reaching for your panties to rub your pussy in anticipation, letting out small ‘hmmm’ sounds that drove Jungkook insane.
Now, he was determined to take off your dress, zipping it down hastily and almost ripping it off you if it weren’t for your hands stopping him from ruining a perfectly good dress.
“Baby, you don’t know how much I missed this,” Jungkook breathed out, eyeing you hungrily while you carefully took off your dress.
Once the dress was off, you revealed nothing more than your panties; you decided not to wear a bra because the dress was strapless and it would look silly with one.
Jungkook’s breath hitched, clearly overwhelmed by the sight of your generous breasts. “No bra?”
You shook your head and slowly approached him, roaming your hands all over him and grabbing him by the neck to pull him in for a kiss.
Your chest pressed against his, or more accurately, against his solid stomach because of your height difference; he was acutely aware of your hard nipples.
“Fuck, Yn,” he groaned, his hands roaming your body just the same. “Need to be inside you.”
“Then fuck me,” you urged, tugging at his boxers with hooded eyes and parted lips, desperation and horniness visible. “Just want you to fuck me, Kookie.”
He tilted his head back at your words, muttering a low ‘fuck,’ before positioning himself to enter your pussy. He quickly glanced into your eyes for any uncertainty, and finally, when he didn’t find anything other than an eager, awaiting expression, he entered your tight pussy with a low groan.
Your mouth widened for a second as you tried to adjust to the feel of his dick again, eliciting loud moans of pleasure and slight uneasiness.
He pressed you against the wall for more support, thrusting deeper into you. He watched his dick enter your pussy; it was almost poetic to him how perfectly made for him your pussy felt.
There were no afterthoughts about the situation being wrong, absolutely no overthinking about Eric, who was blowing up your phone while you were getting your back blown by your ex.
It felt right; you and Jungkook knew you were meant to be, and there was nothing that could happen, no one that could come between you. At the end of the day, you were always going to be back in each other’s arms.
“Shit, baby, you’re so fucking wet,” he panted, his lips pressing against your cheeks. “Still so fucking tight for me...”
You let out an aroused purr, already fucked out before even starting. Your hands were gripping his big arms, and your hips were moving towards him, seeking more friction.
“I’ve been dreaming about this moment, baby,” he admitted between low groans, moving in and out skillfully. “You know how many times I fisted my dick thinking about fucking you again?”
“Me too,” you desperately moaned back, bouncing slightly; the sound of slapping skin surrounded the air. “Fuck, Jungkook… love that dick… yes, I fucking love that dick…”
Your barely comprehensible words drove him crazy, gripping your hips and fucking you like you were a fuck toy. “Shit, baby, that pussy’s mine, yeah? Only mine. No one else gets to - fuck - no one else gets to have you like this.”
You nodded, burying your fucked-out face in his broad shoulder, vocalizing the pleasure you felt at every thrust. Your breath tickled his skin, and the warmth of his hands contrasted the coldness of the wall beautifully.
His big dick moved inside of you in a steady rhythm, each thrust making your eyes roll back further.
Your bodies pressed against each other sexually, big breasts spilling out against his strong chest, your hands moving around his back to scratch him harshly, and his grip on your ass and hips becoming almost painful; you were both begging for release.
“Harder, Kookie. Do it harder,” you begged, not caring how desperate you sounded. “That dick feels so fucking good. Oh god, Jungkook.”
He indeed started to fuck you harder, heavy breaths becoming even heavier, lips connecting again and again in sensual kisses. His moans against your lips drove you wild.
The raw intensity of the moment was driving you insane; you felt every inch of his beautiful dick, and he was feeling your pussy entirely, without the almost restrictive feeling of a condom.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit,” he panted with every quickened motion of his dick, his mouth forming an ‘o.’ “Baby, I’m g’na cum. Shit, I’m g’na cum so fucking hard.”
Feeling your high approach as well, you didn’t care about the consequences at all; you planned to go on birth control first thing in the morning, saying, “Cum inside, Jungkook. Please, just fill me up with that cum.”
Your bodies moved together rhythmically, his steady thrusts hitting exactly the right spots as you chased your orgasm. Your eyes locked together and your moans became intertwined.
Low ‘fuck’s and ‘oh god’s were all you heard, as both of you were too deep into the pleasure to formulate real sentences.
With one final thrust and a muttered ‘yes, just like that,’ he found his release, his thick, warm cum deliciously filling you. You closely followed, your back arching and head thrown back, the two of you coming hard.
His broad body momentarily collapsed against yours, both panting hard, still pressed against the wall. He whispered praises and sweet nothings in your ear while trying to regain composure.
“I’m so happy I came here,” you softly kissed him, and he agreed with your words, muttering a ‘me too’ against your lips.
You felt hazy and tired, but you tried to slowly get off Jungkook and get to the bathroom, which you eventually did with his help; he carried you all the way there.
After you finished cleaning yourselves up, you headed straight to the bed. You lay bare on your stomach, still somewhat overstimulated and hazy from the orgasm.
Jungkook gently stroked your backside, muttering things like, “You did so good for me, baby,” and “You don’t know how much I missed this fucking pussy,” before leaning in and biting into your shapely ass playfully, eliciting a gasp from you.
He spread kisses on your ass cheeks and slowly separated them; he stuck his head in between and gave your hole a few licks before gently sucking on the skin of your ass with his skillful tongue.
Your legs started to tremble from pleasure and mild discomfort; Jungkook had eaten you before, but you seldom did that in the bedroom.
The more you thought about it, the more you realized how terrified your brother would be if he knew what you two did.
“Jungkook!” you purred, arching your back for more pressure against his tongue. “Oh fuck… oh my god, oh god.”
Jungkook’s groans and low chuckles sent vibrations through your body, deepening the pleasure and making you seek your high more.
“Fuck, this fat ass is still as good as I remember,” he praised against the sensitive skin, still kneading and spanking it hard. “Wanna stay like this forever.”
He returned to licking and probing your asshole, clearly enjoying your squirming figure. You pushed your ass up, hoping for more friction.
You were practically already fucked out and overwhelmed that you couldn’t answer with more than a simple agreeing moan.
You started grinding your ass against his face, desperately wanting to cum again, enjoying the feel of his tongue against you.
His licks and your grinding quickened, which quickly turned into a series of ‘ah, ah, ah’s as you came undone on his tongue.
When your panting lessened, you turned around, lying on your back in bliss.
You fell asleep in each other’s arms almost immediately.
Jungkook thought this was the nicest way you could have welcomed him back.
i hope you enjoy this!! idk if i wanna give this a second part or just leave it like this (cause i have no idea what i would do in the 2nd part actually), but i’m thinking i’ll see if people enjoy it and then think about a part two💋 love uuu
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nightfiilms · 2 months ago
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— is it casual now?
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summary: in which you and sevika have been hooking up for months!
content warnings: nsfw, 18+, MDNI, smut, reader!giving, reader!receiving, strap-ons, tribbing, biting, fingering, face-riding, choking.
a/n: first fic kinda nervous…
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You’d made plans a week ago to meet tonight, but Sevika had proven busier than usual, following the loss of her previous partner, so the two of you didn’t really talk much about it beforehand. But that didn’t stop you from showing up to her apartment at your usual time. You use the key she put in your coat pocket a few months ago, saying that she wants you to be able to walk in without her knowing, she likes the surprise, though, you always showed up on schedule anyways.
When you walked in, you immediately realize that she’s not inside. You assume that she’s out on business and let yourself in anyways. It’s a place you’ve spent countless nights and countless mornings in, cuddled up under her body or sitting on her counter as she cooked you breakfast. She usually keeps the place quite neat, everything in its place, but you can tell that the woman has been pretty busy. Her shoes are not neatly lined on the wall like they usually are, the empty glasses on the table, the unfolded blanket on the ground.
You know that you’re going to wait for her, so instead of sitting mindlessly on her bed, you pick up the living room and wash the dishes in the sink. It feels silly, but you know that if it were you, you’d appreciate the help. It takes you less than half an hour to finish everything and then you take yourself to her bedroom, deciding to just sit until she came back.
It only takes about another 15 minutes before you hear her front door open. Your heart immediately starts to race, you try to hide the giddy grin on your face but you can’t. You always look forward to these nights with her.
You hear her drop something onto the ground and her footsteps head in your direction, it makes you squirm, you can’t wait to see her face. Even in the dim light of her apartment, you can still see the outline of the smirk on her face when she spots you lounging, like it’s your own.
“Didn’t know if you’d show.” She says, her voice is hoarse and you notice that her once missing arm, is replaced with a newer, bigger one. You want to ask about it, but you want her to come over to you more.
“I always show.” You reply, crossing your legs, knowing it’ll avert her eyes down.
It does.
You like when she looks at you, watches you. You like it more when she’s touching you, but you also like the wait, the anticipation.
Sevika takes a step closer before pulling her jacket off, throwing in to the side. You can feel her from here, just her presence alone can get a reaction out of you. You lift your hand and wave her closer, you want nothing more than to feel her hand on your skin, but you also know control.
Sometimes Sevika is quick and to the point, and other times she makes it agonizingly slow to the point of suffocation. Tonight seems to be the latter. She walks to you slowly, her eyes glazing over your body as you rest on her bed, waiting for her. When she reaches you, your hand slowly wraps around her thigh, the muscle tightening under your touch. Her hand slowly finds its way into your hair and now you have no choice but to angle your head up to look at her.
“How long were you waiting?” Her voice is low, tired, and so so so sexy.
“You know what time I come,” You smile, “Don’t act like you don’t.” It makes Sevika smirk again, you want to kiss it off of her.
“Hm.” Her head tilts as she looks you up and down again, you’re drowning under her gaze, feeling yourself ready to give it all over right now. “Can you wait a little longer?I had a long day, I needa shower.” It almost sounds regretful, like she’d rather be here with you right now than doing anything else.
You sigh, “I think I can manage.”
Sevika leans in close, her lips inches from yours. “Don’t pout, love, I’m all yours tonight.”
She’s gone before you can even process the words, you were too intoxicated by the feel of her hand in your hair that you couldn’t think straight. You were always like this around her, you couldn’t help it, she just knew how to turn you on without even really doing anything.
You don’t really know how long you’ve been seeing Sevika, you lost count how many nights you spent with her tongue on your skin. You didn’t venture outside of silly, playful dynamic you already had going on, but when you went home, you always stripped in front of your mirror and traced every bruise, bite mark, and hickey you could find. You loved looking at them, feeling them, remembering them. You loved that she marked you, that she felt like you were hers and she could claim you like that.
You didn’t know whether or not Sevika thought about you outside of this bedroom, but sometimes, when it’s been a little longer that you haven’t seen each other, you notice that she grips a little harder, kisses a little longer, and holds just a little tighter.
Which could mean nothing.
You lay down while you wait for her, listening to the sound of the water running from the other room. You think about going in there, stripping down to nothing and climbing in there with her. You imagine the look on her face, shock mixed with intrigue. You can picture her grabbing you up and pinning you against the wall, the warm water hitting your face as she sucks on your neck. But then you remember her saying that she had a long day and you let her have a moment of peace in the shower.
The room is dark when the water turns off and you’re feeling impatient. It doesn’t help when Sevika walks out with nothing but a towel, squeezing the excess water from her hair. She’s completely bare and beautiful and you feel your fingers tremble with desire.
She comes to you immediately, climbing into bed, hovering over you. You can smell her, it’s some earthy, deep scent that you can’t place, but god, does it smell divine. She leans in and presses her lips to yours. Sevika kisses like she fights, angry and hungry for more, rough and without thought. Her body feels like heaven on top of yours, it’s soft but you know it’s seen the worst of Zaun, which only makes you want to touch her more. She’s not gentle with you, she’s not gentle with much in her life, but she handles you differently. Like she’s knows that you’re gentle, and she’s okay with that.
She dips her body down, her breasts touching your chest, you suddenly wish that you were naked as well, craving the skin to skin that the two of you are so used to.
Your hand reaches up and takes a fistful of her hair, deepening the kiss so she knows that you’re ready. Sevika gets the hint, pressing her knee between your legs as she kisses harder. You can’t help but gasp, your other hand instinctively grabbing at her skin. The second your nails dig into her non-mechanical arm, she bites down on your bottom lip, pulling another small gasp.
“You’re wearin’ too much.” Sevika mutters against your lips, and you couldn’t agree more. It only takes you a few seconds to strip off all your clothes, leaving you just as bare as she is. Her hand is cold when it touches your stomach and you flinch under it, but she grabs you, pulling you on top as she flips over onto her back. This is your favorite position, you love being on top of her, looking in her eyes as she comes undone underneath you.
The two of you fall into the groove easily, you know each other’s bodies too well, too intimately. You could say with confidence that nobody knows your body the way that she does, no one can make you feel how she does, no one can make you finish as quickly as she does. She’s too perfect, too good, too delicious, you want to go down but you already know her rule. She always finishes last.
So you let her pull you back into her mouth, licking in hungrily, your chests finally touching in all its rawness. You grind down, letting out of moan into her open mouth. You know what turns her on, you know how to get her started. Her hands grip your hips and the movement starts out slow but the more you feel yourself on her, the faster and harder it gets. You thrust yourself on her over and over again, quick and untamed. You can feel her fingers gripping your hips but it doesn’t matter that they’ll be a bruise there later. Sevika has always gotten off on you getting off, and when you let out a greedy moan, you can hear her breathing pick up. She’s watching you with hungry eyes.
“Fuck, Sevika…” You groan softly, slowing your pace, you don’t want to cum yet, you’ve been waiting all week for this, it’s going to last longer than a few minutes.
“Tell me what you want.” She whispers, her breath on your neck.
“Touch me, please.” You push her hand down and she gets with the program quickly, her fingers working their way into you with a swift movement. You let out a deep moan, your head falling back as you begin to move your hips, riding her fingers. It’s slow, you let yourself feel her inside of you as she thrusts her fingers in and out of you.
With her new arm, that you’ll ask her about later, she grabs the back of your head and pulls you forward so you’re face to face with her. She’s looking at you hungrily, like she needs you just as much as you need her right now. Your eyes are locked as you begin to shake, knowing what’s about to come. Your mouth falls open and a breathy moan spills from your lips. Sevika doesn’t waste any time before sticking her tongue in your mouth, a twin moan she tries to hide.
You love this, her noises that you imagine only you can bring out of her. The two of you breathe heavily against each other for a moment before you crack a smile, “I didn’t want to cum so quickly.”
Sevika smirks, “Don’t worry, it won’t be the last time tonight.”
You can’t help but surge forward, pulling her into a kiss and wrapping your arms around her neck. She’s gorgeous in this light, the softest you’ve ever seen her. You want to feel her in your mouth, every part of her.
So you do.
You start at her neck, kissing, biting, licking, leaving the same marks that she never lets you leave without. Then you move down to her chest, kissing here and here and here until you finally suck a nipple into your mouth. You’ve tasted Sevika before, but never like this. You’ve never been in control, and the fact that Sevika is relinquishing it so easily, submitting without hesitation makes you burn hot. You didn’t expect her head to fall back with a moan as you flicked your tongue, you never expected to see her like this underneath you.
So you go down farther and farther, kissing her everywhere, leaving dark marks in places you’ll see the next time you see her. The sight of Sevika opening her legs, inviting you in, is absolutely breathtaking.
On your knees, Sevika spread out in front of you, and the deep hunger inside of you, you don’t even hesitate to lick her open. Your hands grip her thighs as her back begins to arch. You look up only to see her eyes squeezing shut as she bites down on her bottom lip.
Her hips rise and fall, she wants more and you’re are more than willing to provide. You use your fingers as a companion to your tongue, she gasps when you slide them in. You want to hear her, for her to let go of her bottom lip and let it all out.
Her face shoots up when you stop, you meet her gaze, “I want to hear you, Sev.” You mutter, loving the taste of her on your lips, knowing that she can see herself on your mouth. God, she’s ravishing. A sight so unlike anything you have ever seen before. You want to devour her.
She grits her teeth and grabs a fistful of your hair, pushing you back down. You get back to work instantly, and this time, you go in with both at the same time, releasing a gorgeous moan from her lips. It’s untamed and loud. You’ve never heard anything that made you feel the way that did. If you are undoing Sevika now, then what are you already? It’s more than that. You are rendered useless with her. She has undone you so many times that you don’t even know what it feels like to be whole unless you’re with her.
It’s stupid, but it’s true.
You don’t know how long you go for, it doesn’t matter, you’d go forever if it meant you’d hear her moan your name as her legs shake. You go until she’s dripping down your chin and she’s breathing so heavily that she can barely kiss you. But it’s worth it.
You collapse next to her when you pull away from the kiss and let her catch her breath.
Sevika wasn’t lying when she said there would be more time. You don’t know how it happened, but at some point, Sevika ends up on top of you, hands pinned above your head with her mechanical arm, a reassurance that you can’t move, and the other one wrapped around your throat. It’s not tight, but Sevika always had a habit of showing off her strength, proving that she’s stronger and quicker than you.
You squirmed a bit as her grip tightened and she slowly slid the strap inside of you. She does it so slowly that you can’t help but moan her name. She does it softly at first, pushing it in, pulling it out, making you beg for more. She wants you to ask for it.
“Sevika.” You say sternly. You can see the glint in her eye as she slows the pace even more. There are always moments like this after Sevika cums, she loses all shame, every wall that she’s built has fallen, sunken into the floor, there’s nothing left there now but a woman starved. She smiles, and it looks so genuinely soft and precious, unexpectedly the best thing you have ever seen. “Please.” You whisper, almost choking with the grip around your neck.
She leans forward, the grip loosening just a tad as she connects your lips. She kisses you like you just said the magic word, slow and meaningful, it lingers even when she pulls away. The room is dark but you can still see her face and if your hands weren’t held down, you’d touch it, feel it, trace every scar.
And then, without warning, she thrusts into you hard and rough and fast.
“Fuck!” Falls from your lips before you can stop it. It’s loud and for a moment, you hope her neighbors can’t hear you. But then you forget all about them because Sevika is fucking you to the point of ruin and all you can focus on is the way her brows furrow, focused solely on your pleasure. It feels fucking incredible. She feels fucking incredible.
You can’t hold on for long, you’ve never been able to. Sevika is too good, too sexy, and you’re too wet, too horny, too needy to hold on. It doesn’t take many more for your back to arch and a cry to come out. Sevika slides out slowly, never looking away as your orgasm hits its peak. You can barely breathe but you’re sky high and you never want this feeling to end.
She leans down and presses a chaste kiss to your jawline before slotting in next to you. The two of you breathe heavy for a minute before you turn to her, reaching out and running a finger over her new arm. “This is new.”
“That’s what you’re worried about right now?” She asks, still breathing too heavily to relax.
You laugh, leaning in closer to her. Her skin is sweaty and you love the feeling of your body pressed against hers. There’s no place you’d rather be. You kiss her shoulder, “It was just an observation.”
She turns towards you now too. Her eyes are gentle when they look at you, it’s somehow the most intimate you’ve felt with her. She’s mesmerizing to watch. So rough and hard around the edges. A fighter. But here, in this space, she’s soft when she wants to be, a beauty to look at, and warm to the touch.
“Just an observation.” She repeats.
You can’t stop yourself from reaching over, a previous desire you can’t ignore, and trace a scar on her face. She doesn’t flinch away, instead, she takes you by surprise, grabbing your hand and gently placing a kiss on your palm.
You’ve never felt like this before.
“You said you had a long day? Did this help?” You ask, almost sheepishly. You don’t know if it’s the right thing to ask, or if she’s even going to answer, but you really want to know.
A smile forms on her lips, she’s holding back a laugh by sticking her teeth into her bottom lip. “Yeah, it did.” And then she kisses you like she means it.
You don’t know how time passed so fast, but you’re clenching the headboard in front of you to keep steady as you ride her face when morning comes. Her hands are gripping your thighs tightly, you know they’ll be bruised in a few hours. She spreads you open farther, sticking her tongue deeper, pulling a loud, “Fuck,” from your lips. “Sevika, my god.”
You guys fall asleep at some point, not soon enough to get the right amount of sleep, but that’s something for later you to deal with. For now, you admire Sevika as she climbs out of bed, still naked and as stunning as the night before. You want to pull her back in, kiss her roughly, tell her that the outside world could go one day without her.
“What?” She asks, noticing you staring.
Your cheeks heat up with a smile. “Come here.”
She stops for a moment, just looking at you like you’re something dangerous, and then she climbs back over to you, hovering above your body. “Yes, Y/N?”
Your breath is quickening already, “Kiss me.” You whisper, knowing that if you raise your voice even a little bit, it’ll quiver. And you can’t think of anything more embarrassing than that.
Sevika obliges.
The kiss is, above all else, delicate. A stark contrast to what was going on only hours before.
You’d take her in your mouth right now if you could, spreading her open and licking and sucking until she’s a mess all over your face again. But you also knew there were limits to whatever was happening between the two of you, and right now it was good, fragile and soft, there was no need for it to be anything more than that. Not with Sevika’s busy schedule.
So you opted for seeing her on her terms.
“How much longer do you have?” You ask against her lips.
She shakes her head, “I’m late, actually.” It’s regretful? Almost. It’s something.
Your head falls back onto the pillow with a huff and Sevika smirks, “I know, love. I’d stay if I could, you know that.”
You don’t. Not really. She doesn’t normally express feelings like this, but you like it, so you’ll take it.
“When can I see you again?” You don’t normally ask this soon, but you can still feel her inside of you and the thought of not knowing when you’ll finally get her again makes you want to die.
She kisses you again, smiling against your lips. Maybe you should ask more often.
“What’re you doing tomorrow?”
You can’t help but smile at the question.
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elikajinnie · 4 months ago
How Can I Choose?
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P: Roommates!Heeseung & Jake X Fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Bonding, Alcohol Drinking, Clubbing, Teasing like LOT of teasing, Possessive Behaviour, Suggestive Content (i mean it), they both kinda whipped for you, Ambigious Ending.
Synopsis: After months of crashing on friends' couches, you finally find a cheap apartment, only to realize your new roommates—Heeseung and Jake—both have feelings for you. As flirtation turns into tension, you must navigate the complexities of living together while deciding how to handle their surprising willingness to share you.
a/n: boaf. baof? BOAF! -- i HOPE the link of the drawing i made of the apartment is accessible! pls tell me if it isnt. anyways! i got this idea in the shower and fried my brain by writing it in the span of a few hours :) SO PLSSS DONT MIND HOW STUPID IT IS.
You stand in front of a tall, gray apartment building, boxes and suitcases piled around you. One of your friends had been kind enough to drive you and your stuff to this new place, and as their car drives away, you're left with a sense of excitement. This is your chance to finally find some stability after a long stretch of uncertainty.
There’s an excitement buzzing in your chest, but a trace of exhaustion lingers. For weeks, you’ve been crashing on friends' couches, juggling multiple jobs, and the demands of school alongside the perpetual search for somewhere—anywhere—to land.
Finally, though, things seemed to be turning around. Just days ago, you’d been clocked in for a slow shift at the convenience store, trying to squeeze in some schoolwork behind the counter.
With only a handful of customers trickling in over the hours, you found yourself browsing for rental listings once you had finished your assignments.
Luck seemed to be on your side that day. The first ad you saw was for an apartment close to the city, with a store nearby and plenty of bus stops in the area. It was perfect. The listing described a single room available in a decently sized apartment, affordable and ideally located. The ad was put up by someone named Sim Jaeyun, who had a picture of a cute dog as his profile picture but no other personal information.
You scrolled through the pictures of the apartment, noting its clean, functional layout. The description specified the need for a tenant who was clean, could cook for themselves, wasn't excessively loud, and could pay rent on time. You nodded, realizing you met all those criteria, and sent in your request without hesitation.
As you close your laptop that day, a customer walks in, and you go back to your duties, hoping that this will be the break you've been waiting for. The prospect of finally unpacking your suitcase for good after moving out from your parents' house was a comforting thought that kept you going.
Now, standing at the building’s entrance, you can’t help but feel a small, hopeful thrill. You walk towards the door and pull your focus to the side panel by the intercom and scan for the familiar name: Jaeyun. But your eyes catch something else—Jake and Heeseung. You tilt your head, curious. Jake was the name you’d come to know him by in your recent conversations, the person who’d warmly accepted your request and walked you through what to expect. You hadn’t known there was another roommate. With a shrug, you figure it’s something you’ll ask him about once you’re inside. Pressing the buzzer, you wait.
A few seconds later, a soft buzz sounds, and the door clicks open. You place a wooden doorstop to prop it open and start bringing in your belongings, piling up suitcases and boxes just inside the entrance. The elevator dings, drawing your attention as the doors slide open, revealing a man stepping out. His dark hair falls casually around his glasses, framing a face both handsome and warm. His clothes are neat but relaxed, hanging comfortably on his frame, and his easy smile grows wider when he spots you.
“Hey! You must be the new tenant,” he greets, extending a hand as he reaches you. “I’m Jake.”
You introduce yourself with a grunt, and he nods, giving a friendly chuckle before he glances down at the boxes and bags. “Let me help you with that.” With his help, it doesn’t take long for you to gather your belongings into the elevator.
Once all your things are inside, Jake presses the button for the third floor, and the elevator doors glide shut with a soft hum. He turns to you, slipping easily into what sounds like a well-rehearsed rundown of apartment essentials.
“So, first thing,” he says, glancing over at you with a friendly smile, “I’ll get you a key for the front door. And the apartment itself has a digital lock, so I’ll give you the code as well. We usually change it every few months, just to be safe.”
You nod, taking it all in as he continues.
“The laundry room is in the basement. It’s shared with a few other units, but it’s usually pretty quiet. Most people don’t do laundry until the weekends, so if you want some quiet time down there, mid-week is best.” He gives a quick chuckle. “Also, there's a schedule sheet down there if you want to block off a time.”
As the elevator rises, he ticks off other small details—the garbage room is down the hall, recycling day is every Tuesday, and there’s a spot by the door for your shoes, since he prefers to keep the place tidy. It’s all practical, straightforward, and reassuring.
As he speaks, you think back to the other name on the door panel and decide to ask. “So… Heeseung?”
“Oh, yeah, he’s a good friend,” Jake replies, giving a small nod. “He’s crashing with me. His schedule is intense, so you won’t see much of him unless there’s something big planned. But he’s a good guy—you’ll like him.”
You nod in understanding, unable to keep the fleeting thought that if Jake looks this good, Heeseung might be just as handsome.
The elevator dings, signaling that you’ve arrived. Jake reaches down, effortlessly lifting a heavy box as he steps into the hallway. He walks to door 3F, punches in the code, and holds the door open as you step into your new apartment.
The first thing that strikes you is the openness of the space. Sunlight filters in through large windows, illuminating the clean, modern living room. A spacious couch faces an oversized TV, framed by soft, neutral-colored walls and minimal decor that gives it a cozy feel. Further in, to the right, lies an open kitchen and dining area. There’s a polished dining table set against the wall, and you can picture yourself here, finally settled and able to take in a meal in peace. A small staircase with four steps sits to the right, leading up to what you assume are the bedrooms.
Jake steps up beside you, rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish smile. “I, uh, did a bit of cleaning before you came. Wanted to make sure you had a good first impression.”
You chuckle softly and assure him it’s perfect as he leads you up the stairs. At the top, he pushes open the door to a room and steps inside, placing the bag and box he’s holding down carefully. “Here we are. This is your room.”
You step inside, taking in the space that is, for now, just walls and an bed frame. But with your belongings, you can already imagine turning it into comfortable. Jake heads back downstairs to grab more of your things, leaving you to take in the moment.
Setting your suitcase and bag down, you take a deep breath, just as Jake returns, balancing a final pair of bags. He gives a small, easy smile as he sets them down by the bed frame.
“Oh, by the way,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck, a little sheepish. “I took the liberty of getting you a mattress. Figured it’d make the first few nights a bit more comfortable.”
Your face lights up in gratitude. “Thank you, Jake. That’s really thoughtful.”
He shrugs it off with a smile. “Glad it helps.” Gesturing around the small hall outside, he continues, “So, my room’s just across from yours, and the bathroom’s at the end of the hall, next to my room. Heeseung’s room is right beside yours, but he’s out right now, so no worries there.” He hands you a small, brass-colored key. “Here’s your copy of the front door key.”
You take it, the weight of it feeling like a tiny anchor, grounding you here. With a nod, he gives you a quick smile and quietly steps out, closing the door behind him.
As the silence settles, you glance around, noticing—thankfully—that the door has a lock, which brings a small comfort. You exhale, feeling a rare sense of privacy and security, and decide it’s time to start unpacking. Unzipping your first bag, you begin pulling out clothes and books, setting them on the bed.
With each item you unpack, the room slowly takes shape. Clothes find a place in the closet, your books line up on a narrow shelf, and you tack a few personal photos and mementos on the walls, bringing color and comfort to the once-bare space. A small, soft rug unfurls at the foot of the bed, and a cozy blanket drapes over the mattress. By the time you finish, hours have slipped by without you realizing it.
Just then, a loud growl from your stomach reminds you it’s well past dinnertime. You leave the room, closing the door behind you, and step out into the apartment. The lights are dim, shadows stretching through the now quiet space, and Jake is nowhere in sight. Shrugging, you make your way to the kitchen.
You open the fridge and peer inside, noticing containers labeled with Jake and Heeseung’s names—and a few others you don’t recognize. One container in particular catches your eye, with a handwritten label that reads Ni-ki. Just as you’re about to open it, wondering who this Ni-ki is, a soft chime sounds from the front door, signaling someone’s arrival.
Turning, you see a tall man standing in the entryway, framed by the dim glow of the hallway. He’s effortlessly cool, dressed in baggy pants and a leather jacket, a motorcycle helmet tucked under his arm. His dark hair is swept back, and his gaze sharpens as he looks at you.
“Who are you?” he asks, his voice low and slightly gruff.
You introduce yourself, explaining you’re Jake’s new roommate, and he nods in understanding.
“So, you’re the girl Jake was talking about,” he says, almost to himself. “I’m Heeseung.” He then glances at the container still in your hand and raises an eyebrow. “You might want to avoid eating Ni-ki’s leftovers,” he advises with a small smirk. “He can be… protective of his food.”
You tilt your head. “Who’s Ni-ki?”
“A friend,” Heeseung replies simply, slipping out of his jacket and hanging it by the door. As you place the container back in the fridge, he suddenly reappears in front of you, holding out a takeout bag.
“Here,” he says, passing it to you.
You take it, peeking inside to find a neatly packed dinner. You look up, surprised. “Thank you, Heeseung.”
His expression softens, a faint smile curving his lips. “You’re welcome.”
A voice from behind interrupts. “Can you close the fridge?”
You and Heeseung turn to see Jake standing at the kitchen entrance, dressed in pajamas, rubbing his eyes with a sleepy smile. You quickly apologize and shut the fridge door, but Jake waves it off as he turns his attention to Heeseung.
“Hey, man,” Jake says, stepping over to Heeseung. Then, with a gleam in his eye, he looks back at you, resting his hand on your shoulder and playfully bouncing on his feet. “Isn’t she great? The new roommate?”
Heeseung chuckles, looking down at you with a gaze that feels unexpectedly warm. “She’s even better than you said,” he says, his voice dropping to a soft, teasing tone. “Got a good taste in roommates, huh?”
Jake nods, grinning. “Right? A good pick for sure.” He tosses you a lighthearted wink, adding, “We’re lucky to have you here.”
The playful compliments catch you off guard, and you can feel your cheeks heating up. Silently grateful for the dim light that hides your blush, you stammer out a thank you, bidding them both goodnight before slipping back to your room.
Once inside, you lock the door and settle onto the bed, setting up the takeout and opening your laptop. The food is still warm, and you relax against the pillows, pulling up an episode of the series you’ve been watching.
The next morning, your alarm jolts you awake, piercing through the calm of your dreams. You groan and fumble to turn it off, rubbing the sleep from your eyes as you sit up.
After changing into a fresh set of clothes, you grab your toiletries and shuffle out into the hallway, relieved to find it empty. You lock the bathroom door behind you, a small sigh of relief escaping your lips.
Inside, the bathroom is decently sized, its neutral colors soothing. A simple shower sits in the far corner, while a toilet is tucked beside it. Two sinks stand side by side, both topped with a huge mirror that reflects the morning light. You notice one sink is filled with various male grooming products—shaving cream, two toothbrushs, and a few other items—while the other sink remains empty. A smile tugs at your lips as you remember Jake mentioning that the empty sink was yours.
You get to work, brushing your teeth and washing your face, the cool water refreshing against your skin. The cabinets hold a few decorations and essentials, but you keep it simple as you focus on getting ready for the day. Once you finish, you take a last glance at your reflection, before exiting the bathroom. You head back to your room to grab your bag. After making sure the door is locked behind you, you head down the stairs and out of the apartment, trying to be as quiet as possible. You hope you didn’t wake Jake and Heeseung; they both have classes later in the day, and you’d hate to disturb their sleep.
Once outside, you take a deep breath, the crisp morning air filling your lungs as you walk toward the bus stop. You decide to skip breakfast this morning, opting to grab lunch on campus and planning to pick up groceries in the afternoon instead.
The elevator ride down feels swift, and as you step outside, you see the bus pulling up just in time. You board, find a seat, and settle in, clutching your bag on your lap as you pull out your phone. With a few taps, you put on your favorite playlist, letting the music drown out the morning chatter around you.
As the bus rolls along, you gaze out the window, watching the world blur by. Trees, shops, and people merge into a soft painting of morning life, and a small smile spreads across your face.
After a long day of classes, you make your way back to the bus stop, the familiar rhythm of your routine guiding you. Once on the bus, you relax, your mind still buzzing from the lectures and discussions. The bus stops at the mall, and you hop off, ready to clock into your shift at the clothing store.
The hours fly by as you assist customers, folding clothes, and restocking shelves. Each sale and every smile from satisfied shoppers makes the time pass a little quicker. When your shift finally ends, you clock out, ready to head to your next job.
Another bus ride takes you to the convenience store, where you cover for one of your colleagues who is running late. Luckily, your shift is only a few hours. You greet familiar faces as you work the register, and soon enough, your colleague arrives, a bit flustered but apologetic. You clock out, the end of your shift bringing a welcome sigh of relief.
With a little time to spare, you decide to shop for groceries. The store is busy, but you quickly gather the essentials you need for the week. With bags in hand, you hop on the bus again, this time heading to a nearby takeout place where you’ve already called in an order. The thought of cooking feels too exhausting after a long day, so you indulge in the convenience.
Once you pick up your food, you decide to walk home since it’s not too far. As you approach the apartment, you pull out your keychain, finding the key that now feels familiar. Unlocking the door, you step inside, your feet heavy with fatigue. The elevator ride up feels like a small victory, and as you reach the third floor, you shuffle down the hallway to your door.
You punch in the code, the door clicking open as you step inside. Kicking off your shoes and hanging your jacket, you’re immediately greeted by the cheerful presence of Jake and Heeseung. They’re in the living room, and their warm smiles lift your spirits.
“How was your day?” Jake asks, leaning forward with genuine interest.
“Exhausting,” you reply, dragging your bag into the dining area and setting down the takeout food on the table.
Jake’s eyes light up, and he hurries over, his curiosity piqued as he peeks at the food. Meanwhile, Heeseung moves to help you with the groceries, offering to take the bags to the kitchen.
As you unpack, you can’t help but smile at Jake, who is now sneakily grabbing some fries from the takeout container. You shake your head playfully, and he grins, unrepentant in his munching.
The three of you settle around the table, sharing the fries and nuggets, laughter filling the space as you recount the amusing moments from your day. But soon, Heeseung checks the time and realizes he has to get to work.
“Alright, I gotta run,” he says, grabbing his jacket and helmet. “See you guys later!” You and Jake wave goodbye as the front door closes behind him, leaving you and Jake alone in the apartment.
The atmosphere shifts to a cozy calm as you both move to the couch, where Jake grabs a blanket and hands it to you. You settle in, finding the couch surprisingly comfortable.
“Alright, what are we in the mood for?” Jake asks, glancing over at you.
“Something light, maybe a comedy?” you suggest, settling into the cushions.
He nods, his finger hovering over a title. “I’m down for that. Do you have a favorite comedy?”
You think for a moment, a smile creeping onto your face as you recall one of your all-time favorites. “I love Superbad! It’s just so ridiculous but really relatable. What about you?”
Jake grins, leaning back. “Classic choice! I’d have to say The Hangover. That movie just cracks me up every time. The whole concept is just so over-the-top.”
You laugh, remembering the wild escapades of the characters. “It really is! And the way everything just spirals out of control—it's like a train wreck you can’t look away from.”
He clicks on a rom-com, and you settle in to watch. As the opening credits roll, you continue chatting. “So, what got you into movies?” you ask, genuinely curious.
Jake shrugs, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. “I guess I grew up watching them with my family. It was always a thing for us to have movie nights on weekends. How about you?”
“Same! My parents were big on movies too, so I was basically raised on classic films. We’d have popcorn and everything. I think that’s where I got my love for them.”
You share stories of your favorite movie nights, each anecdote flowing effortlessly between you. You talk about the films that have made you cry, the ones that made you laugh until your sides hurt, and the thrillers that kept you on the edge of your seat.
“I’m a sucker for horror movies,” Jake admits, his eyes sparkling with excitement. “The adrenaline rush is just so addictive. Have you seen The Conjuring?”
You nod vigorously, recalling how it had you hiding behind your hands the entire time. “That one is terrifying! I had to sleep with the lights on for a week after.”
Jake laughs, and it feels easy and comfortable, the way friends can be. “Same! I love the ones that mess with your mind. You think it’s just a simple scare, but then it leaves you questioning everything later.”
The warmth of the couch and the soft hum of the movie make it hard to keep your eyes open. You fight against the pull of sleep, telling yourself you should stay awake, but it’s a losing battle. Your eyelids grow heavier, and soon enough, they flutter shut, surrendering to the comfort enveloping you.
Time slips away, and you drift in and out of consciousness. The sounds of the film fade into a gentle lull, a backdrop to your dreams.
You only briefly wake when you feel yourself being lifted. Your eyes flutter open, and you blink a few times, trying to make sense of your surroundings. When your gaze meets Jake’s, looking down at you with a sleepy smile, warmth spreads through your chest.
“Go back to sleep,” he mumbles, his voice low and soothing. You can’t find it in you to argue, and you let the comforting haze of sleep pull you under once more.
Jake carries you effortlessly, maneuvering through the apartment, and you feel the gentle sway of his movements. You catch brief glimpses of your surroundings as he struggles momentarily with the lock on your bedroom door, the soft click echoing in the stillness.
He finally succeeds, and with a gentle motion, he lays you down in your bed. The softness of your plushies welcomes you, and you instinctively snuggle closer to them. You hear Jake’s soft chuckle, and it makes you smile even in your half-asleep state.
Just before you fully drift off again, you feel a soft brush against your face as Jake tucks a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
He smiles down at you, a quiet moment shared between you. Then, with a gentle touch, he walks out of the room, leaving the door slightly ajar.
A few moments pass before he returns, this time holding a makeup wipe. You stir slightly, feeling his presence as he approaches the bed. Carefully, he leans down, and you can barely register what he’s doing as he begins to remove your makeup from the day. His movements are soft and precise, and you can’t help but feel a rush of warmth at his tenderness.
“There,” he whispers when he’s done, a smile on his lips as he looks at you. “Pretty...” The word lingers in the air, and even in your half-asleep state, it makes your heart flutter. He tosses the used wipe into the small bin underneath your desk and quietly closes your door.
The sound of the movie plays softly in the background as Jake settles back into the living room, the soft glow of the screen illuminating his features. He waits for Heeseung to return, glancing occasionally toward the hallway, a small smile on his face as he thinks of you tucked away in your room.
The next morning, you wake up slowly, the soft sunlight filtering through your window, casting warm rays across your face. It feels like a rare luxury to have a late shift, and you stretch lazily under the covers before finally rolling out of bed. You take your time with your morning routine, enjoying the rare moment of leisure before a long shift ahead.
Once you’re dressed and refreshed, you make your way to the kitchen, the familiar scents of home enveloping you. You decide to whip up some breakfast, you switch on the TV, letting the sounds of a morning show accompany your meal prep.
After breakfast, you head back to your room to tackle some schoolwork at your desk. The quiet hum of the apartment is comforting as you focus on your notes.
It’s not long before you hear the soft sound of Heeseung’s bedroom door creaking open, followed by some shuffling footsteps. Curious, you glance toward your door, wondering if he’s finally awake. Moments later, a knock at your door pulls you from your concentration.
“Come in!” you call out, looking up to see Heeseung standing there, looking adorably disheveled. His sweatpants hang low on his hips, a baggy t-shirt swamping him, and messy hair sticks out in all directions, giving him a relaxed look. His fluffy socks peek out from beneath his pants as he shuffles inside.
“Can you make breakfast for me?” he asks, his voice still thick with sleep.
“Can’t you?” you reply teasingly.
“Too tired…” he mutters, a hint of a pout on his lips.
“Late night at the bar?” you inquire, stepping around him and heading to the kitchen, a grin spreading across your face as he follows you like a sleepy shadow.
“Yeah, I had to cover for my friend while he hooked up with some girl… and he took too long,” he explains, his tone flat as he leans against the kitchen island.
“Oh, that sounds terrible. When did you get home?” you ask, measuring out ingredients for waffles.
“Four a.m…” he mumbles, and you can’t help but chuckle softly, shaking your head at his apparent misfortune.
You hum as you mix the batter, the rhythmic motion soothing in its familiarity. Suddenly, you feel Heeseung draping himself over you from behind, his arms wrapping around your waist and his head resting against the crook of your neck.
“Heeseung?…” you mumble, surprised but not entirely against the sudden intimacy. All you receive in response are muffled grumbles, his warm breath sending shivers down your spine.
After a moment of stunned hesitation, you decide to carry on with your waffle-making, pouring the batter into the hot waffle iron while he clings to you like a sleepy koala. The gentle weight of him against you is unexpected, but oddly comforting. You focus on the task at hand, feeling the warmth radiating from both the iron and his body.
You try to push the knowledge of how close you both are to the back of your mind, reminding yourself that if Jake were to come in, he wouldn’t see you from this angle. The thought makes your cheeks warm, but you push it aside, trying to maintain your composure as you concentrate on breakfast.
As the waffle iron hisses and the sweet smell begins to fill the air, you steal a glance at Heeseung, who seems perfectly content with his head resting on you, his grip tightening slightly as if to anchor himself in place.
When the waffles finally finish cooking, the kitchen fills with the delicious scent of warm sweetness, and you can’t help but feel a sense of accomplishment. Heeseung slowly releases his hold on you, finally letting you go as he moves to grab a plate. He fills it with a few waffles, drizzling syrup over them before taking a bite, a look of sheer bliss crossing his face.
“These are amazing,” he mumbles with a mouthful, and you can’t help but chuckle at his eagerness.
“Thanks! Just don’t forget who made them,” you tease, your heart warming at his genuine happiness.
He finishes chewing and leans over to wrap his arms around you once more, pulling you in for a brief hug. “Seriously, thank you. You’re a lifesaver,” he says before plopping down on the couch, clearly ready to enjoy his breakfast in comfort.
You linger in the kitchen for a moment, a smile still on your face, before opening the fridge and grabbing a vitamin drink. You pop it open and take a refreshing sip, as you walk out into the living room.
As you step into the space, you pause at the sight before you. Heeseung has sprawled across the couch, the half-eaten waffle left hanging from his mouth, his eyes shut and small snores escaping him. It’s an adorable sight, and you can’t help but laugh softly, shaking your head in disbelief at how cute he looks.
You quickly grab your phone, snapping a picture of the moment before sending it off to Jake, knowing he would appreciate the humor of the situation once he sees it after class.
With a playful smirk, you approach Heeseung, carefully prying the half-eaten waffle from his mouth. As you do, you notice his shirt has ridden up slightly, exposing a sliver of skin. You gently pull it down, wanting to make him more comfortable. Then, you grab a nearby blanket and drape it over him, ensuring he stays warm.
Ruffling his messy hair affectionately, you step back to admire your handiwork, a fond smile gracing your lips. With Heeseung settled and blissfully unaware, you retreat back to your room, determined to continue your studying.
A little while later, as you immerse yourself in your notes, your phone buzzes with a notification. You glance at the screen, seeing Jake's name light up, and you can’t help but smile at the excited message he sent:
“OMG, that’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen! Heeseung is literally draping himself over the couch like a cute baby sloth!”
You laugh, unable to help yourself as you imagine Jake’s exaggerated reactions. You quickly type back a response, “Right? He’s impossible! Just don’t tell him I took that photo.”
As the afternoon rolls around, you glance at the clock, realizing it’s time to get ready for work. You quietly shuffle around the apartment, careful not to wake Heeseung, who remains soundly asleep on the couch, still draped in the cozy blanket you had covered him with. You smile at the sight, finding it hard to resist the urge to snap another picture, but you decide to let him rest instead.
After changing into your work uniform, you grab your bag and head out, giving one last look at the peaceful scene before closing the door behind you. The chill of the air greets you as you make your way to the bus stop, excitement bubbling in your chest for the shift ahead.
Once you arrive at the sweet shop, you clock in and prepare for the bustling evening. Just as the bell above the door jingles, a wave of children floods in, their faces lighting up at the sight of colorful candies and pastries. You jump into action, serving up scoops of ice cream and filling bags with sugary treats, the cheerful chaos making the time fly by.
After what feels like hours, the rush of kids finally calms down, and you lean against the counter, wiping your brow with a sigh of relief. You chat with two of your colleagues, sharing stories and laughing about the antics of the day.
“Did you see the way that kid tried to sneak in an extra gummy bear?” one of them chuckles, mimicking the child’s guilty expression. You join in the laughter, easing the fatigue from your day.
Eventually, your shift comes to an end, and you clock out, tired but satisfied. As you take the bus home, you pull out your phone, ready to check messages. To your delight, you see a new notification from Jake. He’s sent you a picture, a selfie of him looking triumphant, with Heeseung still sprawled across the couch behind him, the blanket now haphazardly draped over his body.
You can’t help but laugh at the scene, Jake’s grin wide as he gives a thumbs-up, and you quickly save the picture to your phone.
“You’re not letting him sleep the whole day away, are you?” you text back, adding a laughing emoji to convey your playful tone.
Almost immediately, Jake replies, “Nah, I just let him be while I made some dinner. He’s gonna regret sleeping through the day!”
You smile at his enthusiasm, enjoying the banter as you make your way back to the apartment.
The days zoom by in a blur of laughter and warmth, transforming what started as an uncertain arrangement into a comfortable home.
Your first few weeks are filled with shared meals and movie nights, late-night chats about everything from favorite foods to secrets. Heeseung’s easy-going charm and Jake’s playful energy bring out the best in you, and you find yourself laughing more than you ever thought possible.
When you finally meet their friends—Ni-ki, Sunghoon, Sunoo, Jungwon, and Jay—you feel a mixture of nerves and excitement. Ni-ki, in particular, is quick-witted and charming, but you shoot Heeseung a warning glare, determined to keep your near mishap with the leftovers under wraps. To your relief, he complies, stifling laughter as you all share stories and get to know one another.
It’s surprising how easily you fit into this lively group, your personality blending seamlessly with theirs. Sunghoon and Sunoo’s humor keeps the atmosphere light, while Jungwon’s gentle nature balances it out perfectly. You also introduce them to your friends Wonyoung, Yunjin, Kyrell, and Yeonjung, and the two groups meld effortlessly, laughter and teasing filling the air whenever you all hang out together.
Despite your busy schedules—your classes, Jake’s shifts at the pet store and smoothie shop, and Heeseung’s late nights at the bar and his job at the sports store—there’s always time for fun. You all make a point to coordinate your schedules, planning outings that range from shopping sprees to casual movie marathons at home.
Amidst the joyful chaos, there comes a time when you begin to question your place between Jake and Heeseung. It’s subtle at first, just fleeting moments that flit past your consciousness like shadows. They both treat you with a warmth that feels more intimate than just roommates or friends.
Jake’s flirtation is often lighthearted and playful, a gentle tease that leaves you smiling longer than you should. He’ll come up behind you, throwing an arm over your shoulder as he watches whatever show you’re binging, the warmth of his body brushing against yours making your heart race. “What do you think about this one?” he’ll ask, his voice light, but there’s an underlying sincerity in his gaze that leaves you pondering what’s really behind his casual demeanor.
Heeseung, on the other hand, has a more physical way of expressing his affection. He’ll sneak up behind you while you’re washing dishes, his arms wrapping around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder as he hums a tune. “What’s for dinner?” he’ll ask, his breath tickling your ear. The way he lingers there—so close, so familiar—sends a shiver down your spine. It feels like more than just a friendly embrace, a tenderness that wraps around you like a warm blanket.
It’s in these moments that you find yourself questioning the boundaries of your relationship. Are they just being friendly, or is there something deeper at play? You try to dismiss the thought, laughing off their behavior as just typical friend antics.
Then there are the times when Jake becomes almost puppy-like, trailing after you, eager to join in whatever you’re doing. “Can I help?” he’ll ask, hovering by your side while you prepare dinner, his eyes sparkling with excitement. There’s a softness in his gaze that makes you feel special, cherished in a way you hadn’t expected when you first moved in. And when you catch him stealing glances at you when he thinks you’re not looking, your heart skips a beat, your breath catching in your throat.
You wonder if they’re both feeling the same way, caught up in a strange blend of friendship and something more. The ambiguity weighs on you, and late at night, when you lie awake in your bed, you can’t help but replay their actions in your mind. Are you just imagining things? Do they see you as more than a roommate?
The days blend into a delightful routine, filled with laughter and playful banter. But beneath the surface, Jake and Heeseung have started to engage in a little game of their own, one that you’re blissfully unaware of. You can’t quite pinpoint when it began, but it becomes clear that they’ve both developed an interest in you that goes beyond friendship.
During one lazy afternoon, the three of you gather in the living room, the sun streaming through the large windows. You’re sprawled on the couch, engrossed in a book, when Jake plops down beside you. He leans over, peering at your pages with a mischievous grin. “You know, I could help you study,” he teases, his voice dropping to a lower, suggestive tone. “I’m a great tutor, especially with… hands-on experience.” You look up, caught off guard by his words, your cheeks flushing as you playfully shove him away.
Heeseung, who’s been lounging in the armchair across from you, raises an eyebrow. “What are you studying? Maybe I could lend a hand, too. I promise I won’t distract you—much.” He flashes you a charming smile that sends your heart racing, and you can’t help but laugh nervously, your mind racing as you try to focus on your book instead.
Later that week, you’re preparing dinner, humming to yourself as you chop vegetables. Suddenly, you feel a warm presence behind you. Jake sneaks up and leans against the counter, his arms crossed, a playful smirk dancing on his lips. “Need a sous chef?” he asks, leaning closer, his voice low and teasing. “I can stir the pot and keep you company at the same time.” You chuckle, rolling your eyes, but the warmth of his body so close to yours sends a jolt through you.
“Yeah, because that’s what I need right now,” you respond, your tone light but your heart betraying you as it races.
Heeseung strolls in just then, a knowing smile on his face as he catches the two of you. “Am i interrupting something?” he chides playfully, arching an eyebrow at Jake. You feel your cheeks heat up as the playful banter continues, and you can’t help but feel like the center of attention, albeit in a way that leaves you both flustered and exhilarated.
What you don’t realize is that behind the scenes, a little competition has begun. Jake and Heeseung have started making bets on who can get your attention first, whispering and laughing about it when they think you can’t hear. “I’ll bet you a smoothie I can make her blush before dinner,” Jake declares one day, his eyes sparkling with mischief. Heeseung chuckles, countering with, “You’re on. But I’ll raise you—I’ll bet you can’t make her laugh while doing it.”
These little moments of rivalry only heighten the flirtation. One afternoon, you’re lounging in the living room when Heeseung walks in wearing a fitted shirt that highlights his toned physique. He notices you staring and grins, leaning casually against the wall. “What? You like what you see?” he asks, his voice dripping with playful confidence. You can’t help but feel your cheeks burn as you stammer a response, the heat creeping up your neck as you try to find words.
“Shut up, Heeseung,” you manage, your laughter mingling with embarrassment, but he only chuckles, clearly enjoying the effect he has on you.
Then there are times when Jake gets a bit bolder. One evening, he finds you in your room, studying. He leans against the doorway, arms crossed, looking utterly relaxed yet undeniably handsome. “You know, if you need a study break, I’m really good at helping people… unwind,” he says, a teasing glint in his eye. You can feel your heart race, and your response gets caught in your throat, leaving you momentarily speechless.
As weeks turn into months, these playful exchanges become more frequent and more suggestive, leaving you in a constant state of fluster. They often playfully compete for your attention, showering you with flirty comments and lingering touches that send your heart racing.
It’s not just the comments that leave you flustered; it’s the way they both find excuses to be close to you. Jake will brush against you as he reaches for a snack, his fingers grazing yours in a way that feels charged with something more. Heeseung will lean in while you’re cooking, his breath warm against your neck as he whispers a playful remark, leaving you shivering with both surprise and delight.
One afternoon, after weeks of playful banter and flirtation from Jake and Heeseung, you decide it’s time to turn the tables. You’ve been thinking about how much fun it could be to throw a little flirting back their way, to see if they can handle a taste of their own medicine.
You wait until a Saturday when everyone is home. The living room is buzzing with energy as you all relax together, the sound of a movie playing softly in the background. Jake is sprawled across the couch, while Heeseung sits in the armchair, legs casually crossed and an easy smile on his face as he scrolls through his phone.
Feeling a rush of confidence, you take a deep breath and lean against the doorframe, crossing your arms and adopting a playful smirk. “You know,” you begin, drawing their attention, “I could really use some help getting my grades up. Maybe I should schedule some one-on-one study sessions with the both of you.”
Jake looks up, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise, and Heeseung’s mouth curves into an amused smile. “Oh? Are you sure you can handle all this help?” Jake quips, his tone teasing, but you can see the flush creeping up his cheeks.
“Just think of it as an opportunity to show me your expertise,” you reply, maintaining eye contact with both of them as you saunter closer. You can feel the charged atmosphere as you lean casually against the arm of the couch, inching closer to Jake. “I could use some practical lessons.”
Heeseung sits up a little straighter, his eyes narrowing playfully. “Practical lessons? Sounds like someone is trying to get a little more than just academic help,” he retorts, the hint of a challenge in his voice. You can tell he’s intrigued by your sudden boldness.
“Oh, I definitely am,” you say with a playful wink, enjoying the way both of them are momentarily taken aback. “But only if you can keep up with me.” You’re met with stunned silence, and for a moment, you wonder if you’ve gone too far. But then, Jake bursts out laughing, his cheeks slightly flushed.
“You’re on!” he declares, shooting you a cocky grin that ignites a flutter in your stomach. “But just so you know, I’m not going to go easy on you.”
Heeseung rolls his eyes in mock defeat, trying to maintain his cool demeanor. “Fine. But don’t say I didn’t warn you when you can’t keep up.” His voice is low and teasing, the challenge hanging in the air between you.
As the afternoon unfolds, you continue to flirt playfully with both of them, tossing comments back and forth. You compliment Jake on his “impressive knowledge” of pop culture, leaning in just a bit too close as you whisper about how his recommendations have been “so helpful.” You watch as his cheeks flush, caught off guard by your boldness.
Heeseung, not to be outdone, makes his own moves. “You know,” he says, his voice smooth, “if you want to study hard, you might need to take some breaks. I could think of some fun activities to fill those breaks.” He winks, and you can’t help but laugh at how easy it is to keep the teasing going.
The three of you end up in a lighthearted competition, each trying to out-flirt the other. You toss compliments like confetti, and they respond in kind, each line making the tension between you thick and exhilarating.
“Wow, I didn’t realize you two were so charming,” you remark, feigning innocence as you watch them squirm a little under your gaze. “Maybe I should have taken you up on that help sooner.”
Jake grins, leaning back against the couch with a newfound confidence. “Well, now you know. We can definitely provide the special assistance you need.”
You feel a rush of satisfaction at finally flipping the script. The laughter fills the room, punctuated by playful banter, and it feels good to see them flustered for a change, struggling to come up with responses to your flirty remarks.
Eventually, as the evening winds down, you sit back and bask in the warmth of their attention.
You’ve made your mark, and it’s clear that your flirty game has raised the stakes between you and your two charming roommates, setting the stage for whatever might come next.
The late afternoon sun filtered through the curtains of your room, casting a warm glow as you returned home from work. Your phone buzzed with a notification, and you quickly glanced at the group chat. The excitement in the messages about a night out at a local club had your heart racing with anticipation. Without a second thought, you agreed to join, feeling a surge of energy at the prospect of a night filled with laughter and music.
You rushed to your closet, rifling through your clothes until you found the perfect outfit: a fitted black top that hugged your curves and a high-waisted skirt that accentuated your figure. You quickly changed and turned your attention to your makeup, after curling your hair into loose waves, you added a touch of glittering highlighter to your skin for that extra glow.
Grabbing a small, chic purse to carry your essentials, you made your way downstairs. As you descended, you spotted Heeseung standing in the living room, his back to you as he exchanged goodbyes with Jake, who lounged on the couch. Both of them turned as you approached, their expressions shifting from casual conversation to admiration.
Jake’s mouth fell slightly open, clearly impressed. “Where are you off to?” he asked, his tone a mix of curiosity and admiration.
“The club,” you replied, a smile forming on your lips as you noticed the way Heeseung’s gaze lingered on you.
Before you could say anything else, Heeseung quickly chimed in, “I can drive you.” He moved toward the closet, retrieving another helmet with a casual ease that made your heart flutter. The prospect of riding on his motorcycle sent a thrill through you.
You nodded, excitement bubbling in your chest as you took the helmet from him. After throwing on a short jacket to ward off the evening chill, you turned to Jake. “See you later!” you called out, waving goodbye. He still looked slightly dazed, clearly caught off guard by your transformation.
You followed Heeseung down to the parking lot, the anticipation of the ride sparking in the air around you. As he climbed onto his motorcycle, you felt a rush of adrenaline. You slipped on the helmet, securing it snugly before getting on behind him. As you wrapped your arms around his waist, the warmth of his body seeped through your jacket, and he started the bike, the engine rumbling beneath you.
With a twist of the throttle, you felt the bike lurch forward, and you leaned into Heeseung’s back as he expertly maneuvered through the streets. The cool wind whipped past, sending a shiver through your exposed skin, but you didn’t mind; the thrill of the ride was invigorating.
The ride to the club was quick, the familiar streets flying by as you soaked in the freedom of the moment.
As you both arrived at the club, the vibrant energy of the nightlife buzzed around you, the pulsing music spilling out into the cool evening air. You hopped off the motorcycle, feeling exhilarated, and removed your helmet, shaking your hair loose and letting it cascade down. Just then, a group of drunken guys standing outside caught sight of you, their eyes lighting up in appreciation.
“Hey there, beautiful!” one of them hollered, followed by a chorus of wolf whistles. “Looking good! I’d love to have you hugging me from behind like that!” Their comments were laced with crude humor, and you felt a grimace form on your lips as you rolled your eyes in annoyance.
Before you could respond, Heeseung had already dismounted his bike, removing his helmet and stepping forward with a glare aimed at the group. “Back off!” he shouted, his tone sharp and commanding, making it clear he wouldn’t tolerate their disrespect. The guys exchanged wary glances but quickly retreated, their bravado faltering under Heeseung’s fierce expression.
You let out a small sigh of relief, thankful for his protective instinct, and grabbed his hand, pulling him toward the entrance of the club. “Come on, you gotta clock in,” you urged, eager to escape the unwanted attention. As you reached the door, you noticed your friends waiting just outside, their faces lighting up at the sight of you.
With a friendly wave, you called out to them before turning back to Heeseung. The bouncer, recognizing him, waved you both through without hesitation, allowing you and your friends to enter the lively club atmosphere.
As you stepped inside, the beat of the music enveloped you, and the dazzling lights danced around the room, pulling you into the vibrant nightlife. Heeseung squeezed your hand gently before letting go, heading toward the bar to start his shift.
The night had unraveled into a blur of laughter, music, and drinks, with you and your friends dancing under the flashing lights, letting loose in a way you hadn’t in a while. You’d managed to get a couple of cheap—or even free—drinks thanks to Heeseung working behind the bar. Every time you looked over, he would give you a quick wink or a grin, sending another round your way.
And you weren’t short on attention either, noticing that a few guys in the club were more than happy to flirt. Their compliments and eager smiles were flattering, and you enjoyed the easygoing fun of it all. Still, as your friends leaned in to shout in your ear over the music, you noticed something: Heeseung’s gaze wasn’t just casually lingering. He was watching, his eyes sharp, his attention shifting from you to each new guy who tried his luck.
At one point, a guy offered to buy you a drink, and you agreed with a polite smile, following him over to the bar. As he ordered, Heeseung’s expression changed, his smile a touch too tight.
He set both drinks on the bar with an innocent smile, and you took a sip of yours, which tasted surprisingly perfect. But the guy next to you sputtered, coughing immediately as he spat his drink out, splattering a bit on your sleeve. He turned, red-faced, looking horrified.
“Why is this so… spicy?” he demanded, voice hoarse. Heeseung kept his face impassive, busying himself with a rag and the counter.
You couldn’t hold back a giggle as you watched Heeseung discreetly nudge the hot sauce bottle further under the counter, his lips twitching into a smile as the guy stomped off, grumbling. Not a minute later, you headed for the restroom, shaking your head in amusement at Heeseung’s antics.
In the quiet of the restroom, you took a moment to breathe, glancing at your reflection in the mirror. You slipped off your jacket, draping it over a nearby hook, revealing the full outfit you'd carefully chosen for tonight. The cool air in the room brushed against your exposed skin, a reminder of how much thought you'd put into tonight's look.
You ran a hand over your clothes, smoothing out any creases, then turned to check your makeup. With a practiced hand, you reapplied a touch of lip gloss and adjusted your eyeliner.
As you strolled back into the club, the pulsing lights and thumping bass surrounded you, momentarily drowning out your thoughts. You barely glanced at the guy from earlier, who was now fully engrossed in conversation with another girl, when your gaze was irresistibly drawn to the bar.
There stood Heeseung and Jake, leaning casually against the polished counter. Jake wore a pair of fitted jeans that hugged his form just right and a simple shirt that accentuated his toned physique. His hair was pushed back effortlessly. Heeseung was a perfect match, dressed in jeans as well, but opted for a sleek black t-shirt that clung to his broad shoulders. His hair was also slicked back now.
The moment they turned their attention to you, their eyes locked onto you with an intensity that left you momentarily breathless. You couldn’t help but feel a rush of surprise and excitement at seeing them both here, looking so undeniably handsome.
Heeseung’s gaze was unblinking, a flicker of something bold and daring mixed in with his usual confident smirk. His posture was casual, one hand braced against the bar while the other rested on his hip, but his eyes… they seemed to trace over you with a slow, almost deliberate sweep, lingering a second too long. The defiance in his smirk spoke volumes, as if daring anyone else to look at you the way he was. There was a possessive glint in his eyes, as if he was barely holding himself back from reaching out.
Then there was Jake, whose gaze held a different kind of heat. His eyes softened as they traveled from your face down to your outfit, then back up. He took in every detail—your makeup, the way your clothes clung to your figure, the glint of confidence in your eyes. When he met your gaze again, his lips curled into a grin, the warmth of his smile undercut by the intensity in his eyes. It was as though he was studying every inch of you, and his lips curved, like he knew exactly how captivating he found you.
You caught a brief exchange of glances between the two of them, each sizing up the other’s reaction, before they turned their focus back to you, their eyes following every step you took. Their shared gaze left you feeling bare, like they were both trying to pull you closer without needing to say a word.
“Well, well, here comes trouble,” Jake teased, his voice low and smooth, though the smile he wore was anything but innocent. He raised his glass to you, his eyes reflecting that warmth that always made you feel seen—but there was something else tonight, a sharper edge to the way he looked at you, as if he was waiting to see how you’d respond to their attention.
Heeseung’s smirk only deepened, a spark of mischief flickering in his gaze as he straightened a little, his posture shifting subtly closer. He kept his eyes locked on yours, every part of him seemed to radiate a daring energy, as though daring you to close the distance between you.
With a steadying breath, you made your way to the bar, fully aware of Jake and Heeseung's gazes. As you reached them, Heeseung leaned forward, elbows propped on the bar, his smirk never faltering, while Jake wasted no time slipping an arm around your waist, pulling you close with that effortless charm he wore so well.
"Dressed to impress,” Heeseung drawled, his tone laced with amusement as he gave you another lingering look, head tilting as if to take in every inch. “Gonna be a distraction all night, aren’t you?”
Jake tightened his hold on your waist, bringing you even closer, his lips dangerously close to your ear. “He’s just jealous because you look this good, and he’s stuck working.” His voice was smooth, and his breath sent a warm shiver down your neck. “Right, Heeseung?”
Heeseung scoffed but didn’t pull back, the gleam in his eyes only intensifying. “I think I’ll manage,” he shot back, but his eyes never left you, tracing the subtle way you leaned into Jake’s embrace. “Besides, it looks like you’re already in good hands.”
Feeling bold, you turned to face Heeseung fully, resting one hand on the counter as you smiled, the challenge in your eyes clear. “Is that a hint of jealousy I hear?”
He raised an eyebrow, a slow smile tugging at his lips. “Only if you’d do something about it,” he replied, his gaze unflinching, taunting. He reached over, his fingers brushing lightly over yours where they rested on the bar. “Think you could handle both of us?”
Before you could respond, Jake chuckled softly, his arm around you tightening, as he glanced over at Heeseung. “Oh, she can handle anything we throw at her,” he teased, his eyes locking on yours with a hint of something darker. “Right?”
You laughed softly, finding yourself delighting in their attention, the playful tension between them only adding to the thrill. Heeseung shook his head, a low chuckle rumbling in his chest, while Jake’s fingers absently traced along your waist, making it clear he wasn’t planning to let you go anytime soon.
You leaned closer to Jake, letting him feel the warmth of your smile against his cheek. “Oh, I can handle you two just fine,” you murmured, voice barely above a whisper, but you knew they both heard it. The shift in their expressions told you enough—they were both thoroughly captivated.
Heeseung exhaled a low laugh, eyes twinkling with intrigue, while Jake’s hand at your waist stilled, his grip firm, like he wasn’t about to let you out of his sight for the rest of the night.
Jake tilted his head just slightly, the corners of his mouth curving up in a half-smile. “Is that so?” he murmured, his voice low, almost daring. He let his gaze drift slowly over your face, down to your lips, and then back to your eyes.
Heeseung watched, clearly enjoying the exchange, a slow, amused grin spreading across his face. He leaned across the bar, his gaze locked on yours as he teased, “Guess we’ll have to test that out, then. Wouldn’t want you getting too comfortable.” His voice was smooth, the subtle challenge in his words matched by the spark in his eyes.
Feeling both their gazes, you couldn’t help the little smile that played on your lips. You leaned slightly closer to Jake, keeping eye contact with Heeseung as you replied, “Maybe it’s you two who won’t be able to keep up.”
Jake let out a breathy chuckle, but his eyes never left you, even as he responded, “We’ll see about that.”
Heeseung raised an eyebrow, clearly entertained but also intrigued, and he nodded in agreement, watching as Jake held you close. With an easy grin, he said, “I think you’ll keep us busy.” He reached out to hand you a drink, fingers brushing against yours in the brief exchange, his eyes lingering on you.
You took a sip, feeling their attention wrap around you like a warmth that made the crowded club fall away.
Just as Jake’s hand tightened on your waist, you felt a tug from behind—your friends, appearing at just the right moment, grinning as they coaxed you toward the dance floor.
“Come on!” they called, laughter in their voices. Before either Jake or Heeseung could react, you slipped from Jake’s hold with a wink. Both of them stared after you, looking mildly stunned—and maybe just a bit thrown off by how easily you’d gotten away. Jake tried to reach for you, a playful protest on his lips, but your friends swept you into their midst, pulling you into the rhythm of the music.
On the dance floor, you let yourself get lost in the energy, moving in time with the pulsing beat. You stole a glance back at the bar, where both Heeseung and Jake were watching intently, as if sizing up their next move. Heeseung raised his drink to you, that confident smirk still plastered on his face, while Jake looked torn between amusement and a slight, playful irritation at your escape.
Laughing, you lost yourself in the music, feeling their gazes follow your every move.
The night took an unexpected turn when one of your friends became a little too enthusiastic with the drinks. Before you knew it, she was outside, hunched over on the sidewalk, throwing up. You quickly moved to her side, pulling her hair back and rubbing her shoulder, doing your best to soothe her as she mumbled apologies.
Once she was done, the group decided it was best to get her home. You all piled into a car, the designated driver taking the wheel while the rest of you kept a close eye on your friend.
When you reached her place, you carefully helped her inside, guiding her up to her bedroom and laying her down, making sure she was comfortable. With her settled, someone found a stash of drinks in the kitchen, and before long, the vibe had lightened back up. One friend pulled out a karaoke machine, and soon everyone was singing loud, off-key renditions of your favorite songs, letting the night carry you all along.
As the hours ticked by, one by one, everyone found a cozy spot to curl up, and before you knew it, the house was filled with the soft sounds of snores and murmured dreams, a blur of a night settling into a peaceful sleep.
The next morning, you woke up with a pounding headache and the usual regret that came with a night like this. Squinting against the morning light filtering in through the window, you groaned, reaching for your phone. Your notifications were littered with messages and missed calls from both Jake and Heeseung. You smiled a little, heart warming at their worry, even if it made you feel a bit guilty.
You dialed Jake’s number, and he answered almost immediately. “Where are you?” he asked, his voice filled with relief and lingering worry. “Are you okay?”
"Yeah, I’m okay," you mumbled, rubbing your forehead. “I’m at my friend’s place. She got a bit… too drunk, so we crashed here for the night.”
Jake exhaled, sounding both relieved and a little exasperated. “Alright, just hang tight. I’ll come get you.”
You thanked him, already feeling a bit better just knowing he’d be there soon. After the call, you stumbled to the kitchen, grabbing a water bottle and downing some Advil. You checked on your friends, giving soft goodbyes to those who were half-awake and murmuring farewells to the ones still knocked out.
Stepping outside, you saw Jake’s car pull up, and you hurried over to climb in. As you slipped into the backseat, you noticed both Jake and Heeseung in the front seats, eyes full of concern as they looked you over.
“Good?” Jake asked, glancing up and down to check on you. You nodded, managing a small smile as he pulled away from the curb.
When you finally got back home, Jake parked and turned to open your door, but Heeseung beat him to it, sweeping you up in his arms so you wouldn’t have to walk barefoot on the pavement. You laughed, feeling a bit like royalty as Jake carried your heels and purse alongside.
Once inside, they led you straight to the bathroom, letting you shower and wash away the remnants of the night. As you closed the door, you couldn’t help but feel grateful, a smile spreading across your face as you let the hot water soothe away the morning’s aches.
After finishing your shower, you called out for one of them to bring you some clothes. “Hey, could you grab me something to wear?”
A moment later, Heeseung’s voice came through the slightly cracked bathroom door. “I got you.” You heard a rustling, and then he slid a pile of clothes through the gap. You reached out, taking them gratefully.
“Thanks!” you replied, quickly pulling on the comfy oversized shirt and sweatpants. Once you had dried your hair with a towel, you opened the bathroom door to find both Jake and Heeseung sprawled out on the couch, looking cozy under a soft blanket.
You joined them, settling down in the middle, feeling the warmth radiating from both of them. They shifted slightly, making room for you as you grabbed some popcorn from the bowl resting on Jake's lap. The familiar comfort of their presence wrapped around you like a warm hug, and you let out a content sigh as you nestled deeper into the cushions.
The movie played on, but your eyelids grew heavier by the minute. The soft light from the screen flickered in the dim room, casting gentle shadows over their faces. You leaned your head against Heeseung's shoulder, feeling his warmth seep into you.
As the movie continued, you felt Jake's hand brush against yours, and his fingers intertwined with yours, a comforting gesture that lulled you further into relaxation.
Eventually, the movie ended, and you barely noticed Jake turning it off. Heeseung glanced down at you, noticing how peaceful you looked, and he exchanged a knowing look with Jake. They both smiled softly before leaning back against the couch, pulling you with them.
Before long, the three of you were all asleep, the quiet hum of the world outside fading into a blissful silence as you cuddled together.
The atmosphere in your room was relaxed and comfortable as the three of you lounged together, the glow of fairy lights casting a soft ambiance. You felt a sense of warmth and belonging, but there was an unspoken question hanging in the air—what was this dynamic you had built with Jake and Heeseung?
After a while, you turned to them, curiosity piquing your interest. “So, what do we call this? This… thing we have going on?”
They both exchanged glances, a playful light dancing in their eyes before they climbed into your bed. Heeseung settled on your right side, while Jake nestled to your left, and you found yourself sandwiched between them.
“We like you a lot,” Heeseung confessed, his voice low and sincere, “and we’d love to have you for ourselves. But we also don’t want to see you with any other guy.”
Jake nodded, chiming in, “Yeah, same here. We both want you.” He paused, his expression serious. “At the end of the day, we’d rather share you than lose you to someone else.”
Your heart raced as you processed their words. You couldn’t help but smile, feeling warmth spread through you at their admissions. “But wouldn’t one of you get jealous of the other?”
“No,” Heeseung said, his tone firm yet gentle. “We both love you, and that’s what matters. You belong to both of us.”
As you gazed at them, a flutter of excitement and apprehension filled your chest. “I— I’ve been unsure about this. It feels wrong to like two friends at the same time.”
Jake pouted, tapping his lips thoughtfully. “Doesn’t seem wrong if we like you at the same time,” he reasoned, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
You found your gaze drawn to his lips, swallowing hard. The tension in the room shifted, and Heeseung noticed, a teasing smirk creeping onto his face. “Looks like someone’s interested,” he quipped, nudging your shoulder playfully.
“I am not—” you started to protest, but before you could finish, Jake leaned in, closing the gap between you. His lips pressed against yours, soft yet insistent, and you gasped in surprise before instinctively kissing him back.
The moment was electric, and as Jake deepened the kiss, Heeseung leaned closer, trailing kisses along your throat. The sensation sent shivers down your spine as he nipped playfully at your skin, and you couldn’t help but let out another gasp, caught between the two of them.
Jake pulled back from the kiss, his grin widening as his gaze landed on the marks Heeseung had left on your throat and the exposed skin of your shoulder. The contrast of their playful possessiveness sent a thrill coursing through you, and you felt heat rise to your cheeks.
“We have to show you that you’re ours,” he declared, his voice laced with a mix of mischief and determination.
Before you could fully process what that meant, both of them leaned in closer, their intentions clear. You gasped as Heeseung pressed his lips against your neck, his mouth warm and insistent as he began to leave his mark. Jake mirrored his actions on the other side, nipping and kissing a trail that made your head spin.
You whimpered at the sensation, the combined heat of their mouths igniting a fire deep within you. Your fingers tangled in their hair, gripping tightly as you succumbed to the intoxicating wave of pleasure and need. The soft sounds of your enjoyment filled the room, and you could hardly think straight as they lavished attention on your sensitive skin.
“Yours,” you breathed out, the word slipping from your lips as they continued their ministrations, creating a symphony of sweet tension and fervent desire. Each gentle tug and nibble sent shivers racing through you, and you could feel your heart pounding in rhythm with their touches.
“Just like this,” Heeseung murmured against your skin, his breath hot and teasing. “You’re ours.”
Jake's hands roamed down your arms, his fingers trailing along the exposed skin, amplifying the sensations coursing through you. The way they worked together, each touch calculated yet spontaneous, made you feel cherished and desired in a way you had never experienced before.
Heeseung's hands found their way to your waist, pulling you closer as he pressed his lips against yours. You instinctively grabbed his bicep, fingers digging into the firm muscles as you deepened the kiss, losing yourself in the moment. It felt right; the heat between you was undeniable, intoxicating. His kisses were fervent, each one making you crave more, driving you to the brink of madness.
Meanwhile, Jake positioned himself on the other side, his fingers weaving into your hair as he leaned in to claim your now vacant lips as well. The sensation of his mouth on yours was electrifying, and you could feel the warmth radiating from his body. Your grip tightened around his neck, anchoring yourself as he kissed you with a mix of urgency and devotion.
In that tangled mess of limbs and kisses, they continued to explore every inch of your skin they could reach, marking you with their lips and leaving a trail of warmth in their wake.
Heeseung's kisses danced along your collarbone, trailing lower to your shoulder, each gentle nibble igniting a new spark of desire. His hands roamed your sides, fingertips brushing just beneath the hem of your shirt, teasingly inching upward as if he were mapping out every curve of your body.
Jake, on the other hand, his hands glided down your back, holding you against him as if he never wanted to let go. He would pull you closer, the heat radiating off him intoxicating. With each kiss he pressed to your lips, he’d angle your head just right, deepening the kiss and making you melt.
As Heeseung’s mouth found its way back to yours, he captured your lips in a heated kiss, his tongue teasingly brushing against yours. It was playful yet fervent, drawing soft moans from you as you surrendered to the sensations. Your hands were restless, instinctively roaming to their arms, gripping tightly as you sought to anchor yourself in the overwhelming pleasure.
With every caress, they exchanged knowing glances, a silent agreement to share this moment entirely. Jake leaned down, kissing a path from your shoulder to your neck, nipping lightly at the sensitive skin while Heeseung took his turn, trailing kisses down your jawline. You gasped at the sensations, feeling completely lost in the ecstasy of it all.
“We’ll take care of you.” Heeseung murmured between kisses, his breath hot against your ear.
Jake’s hand slipped beneath your shirt, his fingertips brushing against your bare skin, sending shivers coursing through your body. “Yeah, we’re not letting you out of our sight,” he added, his tone both playful and serious.
Your mind raced with thoughts, a delightful confusion enveloping you as you relished in their attention. All you could focus on was the pleasure they were giving you, the way their bodies enveloped you.
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kozachenko · 6 months ago
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Ok yay I'm back from my vacation yipeeeeeee. I started this drawing of Keiki before I left and I was half considering just giving up on it.... until I did a short study of facial planes and then got motivated to work on this again! I'm glad I didn't give up on it though, as I'm actually really happy with this one!
Artist's Notes;
So as I mentioned in my last post about Touhou 17, I wanted to finish this by the game's five year anniversary but with how progress was going I didn't want to rush this so I decided to take a long break from it. Mainly because of the face. For a while now I was kind of feeling like I was stagnating with my drawings, not really in the clothing but in the bodies. There was something about the way I was rendering them that I just wasn't happy with, and after talking with someone else about this issue, I realized that the reason I felt this way was because the faces were too flat and didn't match the rest of the drawing and that I needed to find a way to make the rendering of the face feel consistent with everything else. So after doing a short study of the plains of the face (I used this 3D head model from art station as a reference for my short study, please go give this person some love as they are a lifesaver) I went back into this drawing and applied what I learned here. It was only after that that I finally became motivated to finish the piece, and while it started off as just a simple character sketch like Saki and Yachie's were, the moment I added in Keiki's little fire dragon I knew I had gotten in too deep and now here we are with a full on background. OK it's not super crazy or anything, but it gets the job done and it's better than there just being an empty void behind her. It's rare moments like this when I use brushes other than the Clip Studio Default Charcoal Brush and use the Clip Studio Default Paint Brushes as well (god bless the oil paint and dry gouache clip studio brushes, they were amazing). I don't know why but painting fire has always been really fun for me, there's something oddly satisfying about it y'know? I do think that another reason for this problem was because I was drawing faces like I would in my more sketchy style that didn't mesh well with my lineless style, so I'm glad I've started remedying that.
After adding in the fire dragon I had an idea to kinda make it feel like splash art in the way the composition works... probably because I have been playing Reverse 1999 again and it has taken over my brain. I do feel like Keiki's tools get a little lost in the composition, and I didn't fully render the metal parts of them mainly because I didn't feel like they needed it, but that's just something for me to improve on later down the line.
If you guys are wondering where I went for my vacation, I went to New York and got to go to the MET and the Museum of Natural History. In both places I found Kofun period stuff and I was so happy to see it you have no idea. I remember one of the Haniwa I saw had some neat face paint under the eyes that I tried to replicate with the makeup under Keiki's eyes in my drawing, though I think I'll gave to figure out how to draw makeup on characters because this reads more like blush to me than anything. While drawing this I also looked up some references of Kofun period jewelry and really liked the stuff I found, which also meant that now she has proper Kofun earrings instead of earrings shaped like Kofun tombs. I put some of the things I referenced with a closeup of Keiki's face as well down below. I made her outfit more reminiscent of the outfit I gave her at the beginning of the year with the buttons and all, though I do want to try and draw her in some more period accurate clothing like the Haniwa I took a picture of at the Museum of Natural History. I wish I could find a way to make her handercheif look better though as I wish I made it a little bit bigger, though I think I'm saying this because I've looked at this drawing for too long lmao. Once again something to work on for when I next draw her. Also want to get better at rendering hair, as some details (like the little strands in front of her ears) kinda got unreadable due to the similarities in colour lol.
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Now you may have also noticed the little cracks I added onto Keiki's face, and that's because I have fallen in love with the idea of Keiki's body being made from ceramic and that she crafted her body herself. While they aren't very visible I also tried to add some doll joints to her body, which is an idea I played around with in the past but never went to far with. I also want to get better at rendering cracks in ceramic, porcelain, etc, as I'm not sure how those read in the drawing. I also have a headcanon where the cracks in Keiki's face show up because of heightened emotions, and while Keiki is aware of this and does her best to make sure her face doesn't break off.... she will still end up with at least a few cracks during any given day, and she can often forget to repair her own body quite frequently so Mayumi has to remind her quite a lot. Mayumi even taught herself some basic sculpting techniques to help repair parts of her body that are so badly damaged to the point where Keiki can't repair them herself, i.e. if both her arms broke off, Mayumi would put them back together for her so Keiki can at least have something to repair herself with rather than nothing. I also like to imagine that if Keiki created her own body, if you took a look at Keiki from the beginning of her life she would look completely different compared to now.
BTW If you guys are wondering what a very very angry Keiki looks like....ok in order for this to make sense have any of you read volume 11 of Land of The Lustrous? Am I bringing back some memories for those of you that have? Ok good, glad we all got that mental image brewing in our minds, I'll probably draw a version of Keiki that is somewhat inspired by that one day as it's an idea I've had for a little while now. And to those who haven't gotten to that volume yet and are confused.... don't worry about it, just keep reading :)
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lazycats-stuff · 1 year ago
HEYYY, firstly how are you! I wanted to ask if you could write about a teen male reader with the Batfam. He is kinda like the winter soldier if you know what I mean ( skilled fighter, metal arm..), since he lived with the Batfam he was doing a good mental recovery, but one day he goes back to winter soldier mode on the fam, and they try to get him back to normal again, idk
Thanks you bye !
Hi anon, I'm well and I hope you are doing okay too. I can do it, no worries.
Summary: (Y/N) gets back into the Winter Soldier mode.
Warnings: implications of torture, mind control, mentions of Hydra, Bruce is sad for (Y/N), some violence... And everything else that goes with Hydra and brain washing.
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The road to recovery is often a long one. Bruce thought of it when he first saw (Y/N), aka the Winter Soldier. The infamous one, a ghost within the intel community. Many people didn't believe that the Winter Soldier even existed. But the trail of neat and clean murders was the one thing that made Bruce think there is something more.
Of course, the way to get (Y/N) was hell. Hell being and understatement of the decade. Bruce at one thought that he was indeed chasing a Ghost, but something in his mind told him that the Winter Soldier was real. Something in his gut made him chase that ghost.
Months of chasing, fighting and hoping he would be alive by the next encounter, they finally got him. Bruce was lucky to be alive. He hugged all of his kids right then and there. (Y/N) was put into a glass box, strong enough to contain Bane.
(Y/N) refused to back down, refused to retreat. He punched the glass of the cage with his metal arm and some were worried that he would actually brake it. Bruce knew that even if he broke the glass, he had no handler anymore.
His organization has been destroyed. Everyone important was caught. Those who weren't... Well, their time was running out. They may have scattered like rats, but you can bet your ass on anything that the League would find them all. Especially since they didn't burn down their base. One hell of a mistake.
Bruce and the rest searched through the base and they found something that can only be considered as a holy grail when it comes to someone who was brainwashed.
A dark red book, bounded in leather, with all the trigger words written on those pages... Bruce knew that he has hit a jackpot. He looked through them and then has decided to burn it. They also found the footage of (Y/N)'s brainwashing,
The footage, as much as it is damning, making it very easy to persecute anyone they needed, it was also nauseating. (Y/N) was tortured with electricity, memory wiped with electricity... Worse of all, (Y/N) fighting.
It had shaken Bruce to his core and made him triple check the manor security and it has made him check on his sons 5 times that night. He couldn't sleep at all. He refused to sleep that one single evening and night.
And when he stood in front of the glass cage, (Y/N) looked utterly defeated. He was sitting down, looking down at his metal arm and his human arm. He seemed mad beyond belief that he was even caught. Bruce knew he would have to be delicate and gentle with this (Y/N). He had taken the book with him, to try and have some sort of leverage.
And to show him that he was free. (Y/N) was finally free of the mental shackles that they have put on him. Bruce took a chair and sat down near the cell, but far enough to make sure that there was some sort of space.
He couldn't have (Y/N) feel cornered.
He sat down, book in his lap. (Y/N) still looked down, but looked up after a few moments.
" They will come and get me back. " (Y/N) said and Bruce wanted to laugh.
" Hydra is gone. " Bruce simply stated and watched (Y/N)'s reaction.
Nothing. Huh.
" Lies. "
Bruce stayed calm and shook his head. " I'm afraid I'm telling you the truth. The book you see in my hands? The book with your trigger words. Do you really think they would hand it over ever so willingly? " Bruce asked, showing him the dark red leather book.
" You are officially free. " Bruce said as and watched the way (Y/N) reacted.
Bruce nearly broke when he saw hope in (Y/N)'s eyes. He never lost hope.
" I'll never be free... " (Y/N) said quietly, looking at his metal arm. Bruce saw that it was not a nice arms, made with quality. While it looked strong, it wasn't made to be comfortable. And Bruce could see the claw marks at the part where the flesh and metal met.
" That may be true. But you can start healing. You can start working through all of the trauma that they put you through. Mental scars will always be there, but I can help you. " Bruce said softly and (Y/N) was still emotionless and with hope glimmering in his eyes, there was something else too. Bruce could only decipher it as happiness, but he knew that (Y/N) would rather die than admit it.
" I'll be with you the entire way. I have a great friend who can help you unpack everything they put you through. And I can give you a better metal arm, something that wouldn't be so uncomfortable and something that reminds you off the organization. " Bruce said as he looked at (Y/N), holding the book close.
" And what about the book? "(Y/N) asked quietly and Bruce knew exactly what (Y/N) meant.
" It will be destroyed by me. I wanted to show you that the thing keeping you in their grasp is destroyed. Well, will be destroyed. " Bruce said as he put the book down on the chair before moving closer.
" And you can officially start your new life. "
" I'm not sure if I can... " (Y/N) said softly and the defenses were slowly cracking.
" I can assure you, you can. You will have to put some work into it, but it will pay off. I'll be there to help you to start. "
" But the feeling of guilt will never go away, will it? "
" After some time it will. One way is to go through therapy and work it out or you can become a hero. But that only if you want it and after you went through therapy. " Bruce said softly.
" Maybe then I'll atone for it... " (Y/N) said softly.
" One step at the time (Y/N). One step at the time. " Bruce said softly.
And that's exactly what has happened at the time. Bruce made sure to be with (Y/N) before and after the therapy sessions. He made sure (Y/N) knew he had support while he was talking to the Black Canary. And once Black Canary said he could start meeting new people, Bruce slowly started bringing his sons around.
Damian knew exactly how (Y/N) felt. Being in that environment is not easy and it's just the battle of the fittest. And one hell of a battle for your mind. You truly had to be strong enough to make sure to not completely break. Somehow, (Y/N) has kept his humanity, but he had to give a part of his soul to keep it.
Jason just talked to him about stuff and has made sure that he has access to TV shows and movies. (Y/N) needed to be connected to the outside world. And also, Jason has been bringing books for (Y/N) to read. Jason took him his favorites and often took him some classics. (Y/N) appreciated it and liked all the recommendations that Jason has brought to him. It was a nice break.
Tim has always sneaked in some snacks and the two would just talk. It was a hell of a time and since (Y/N) has started school, Tim would help with mathematics and some other subjects. (Y/N) couldn't really go to a public school or any type of school, but he still needs his high school diploma.
And Dick? Dick has been involved in making sure that (Y/N) was getting physical activity. (Y/N) was stiff in Dick's opinion and he wanted to make sure (Y/N) felt good in his body too. Dick did stretches, some tricks and considering that (Y/N) did have some knowledge about gymnastics, it was slightly easier. Not to mention, stretches were something that everyone needs.
About a year after being saved, (Y/N) has moved into the Wayne Manor. It was a nice change of scenery for (Y/N). Beautiful manor, garden, not to mention no noises... And Titus, the Great Dane being an emotional support animal for (Y/N)...
(Y/N) was incredibly happy, but had hard time showing it. Everyone knew but didn't comment on it. They were helping him get adjusted to his new life now and they were more than happy to help. And one thing that made (Y/N) happy out of his mind was the fact that he got a new metal arm. It was black, with red, blue and green accents. It was something to signalized that he was a member of the family.
Bruce was going to adopt him soon enough. Just give him some time and he will do it.
But something happened at the two month mark. Something made him reverse back into the Winter Soldier mode. Bruce was certain that they wiped the triggers from his mind. Not to mention, the boys remembered the trigger words, just in case something like this happened and that they could be careful.
But something must have snapped inside of (Y/N). The boys were careful, but something must have gone awry. Something.
Jason and Dick were the first ones to see it and were the first ones to see it and the brunt end of it. Jason was hurled out the window, while Dick was thrown at the wall like a rag doll. The commotion woke Tim up and Damian was curious as to what was going on.
They were also thrown around the room.
" (Y/N), you are not a Winter Soldier, relax! " Jason said as he made his way through the window, grunting at the pain.
" Please, (Y/N) this is not you! " Dick yelled as he gripped his sides, huffing and panting.
(Y/N), seemingly didn't hear anything and nothing was reaching him. The cold and murderous look in his eyes was more than enough to tell them that they had to subdue him.
Damian jumped on (Y/N)'s shoulders, trying to take his metal arm off. Once they get that off, they are going to be fine. They hope at least.
" (Y/N) come on! Fight it! " Damian raised his voice, trying to make (Y/N) see his senses. (Y/N) didn't listen and threw himself into the wall, back first to throw Damian off and then he threw Damian into the shelves, making him groan in pain.
Bruce walked in from the outside and froze in shock. His adopted sons in various stages of pain and (Y/N) in the Winter Soldier mode. Bruce stayed calm as he glanced over his sons.
They were alive and breathing. That's the important thing right now.
" (Y/N) listen to me. " Bruce said softly as he moved closer, quickly checking on his sons, who were all softly confirming that they were good.
" Look at me. Remember me. It's Bruce. You are safe. The Winter Soldier doesn't control you, you control him. " Bruce said, raising his hands in the air, trying to make sure that he didn't look like threatening.
" You control him, remember that. " Bruce said as he quickly checked on Jason.
(Y/N) looked like he was confused and shook his head. Bruce watched in silence as (Y/N) was getting his bearings together. And once he saw tears falling down his cheeks, he swooped in and hugged his son.
(Y/N) wept as Bruce embraced him and everyone, including Alfred, brought him into a hug. It was a tight hug and Bruce refused to let (Y/N) shatter. And (Y/N) felt safe Bruce's embrace, but by God, guilt was eating him alive.
Apologies were falling from his lips and everyone assured him that it wasn't his fault. It really wasn't his fault.
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kathlare · 3 months ago
mullet madness
Lando Norris x Amelie Dayman
Summary: Amelie prepares for her headlining performance at the Outside Lands festival in San Francisco, but her nerves are interrupted by Lando's playful visit to her dressing room.
Wordcount: 1.9 k
Warnings: fluff, smau, kinda suggestive content
full masterlist // request over here!
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August 12th, 2024 - San Francisco, CA
The vibrant lights of San Francisco illuminated the sky as Amelie stood backstage at the Outside Lands festival, her first ever headlining performance in front of thousands. The summer break in Ibiza and Greece had been perfect for the two of them—Lando had been a constant presence, always finding ways to make her laugh, and the nights spent under the stars had only made their connection stronger. But now, as Amelie prepared for one of the biggest moments of her career, she couldn’t help but feel a wave of nervous excitement.
Her team had been running around, checking everything from her setlist to her outfit, but she had stolen a few minutes alone in her dressing room, taking a deep breath before going out there to give it her all. It was at that moment, with the door to her dressing room closed and the world outside fading, that she heard the soft knock.
—Yeah?— she called out, her voice barely more than a whisper.
The door creaked open, and in stepped Lando, but there was something different about him today. His hands were gripping the brim of his baseball cap, pulling it low enough to obscure his face. He was trying to play it cool, but she could see his mischievous smile hiding behind the shadows of his hat.
—Hey, babe,— he said, his voice that perfect mixture of playful and casual. —Can I come in?—
Amelie raised an eyebrow, taking him in. —Of course, but why the secrecy?— She motioned for him to come closer.
Lando shuffled over, still covering his head with the hat. He leaned casually against the doorframe, clearly stifling his usual energy.
—You’ll see,— he said, grinning.
—C’mon, what’s up with the hat?— Amelie teased, her eyes narrowing in suspicion. —Are you hiding something?—
Lando gave a small chuckle, his gaze shifting between her and the door, as if checking if anyone else was around. He slowly pulled the brim of his cap back, just enough to reveal a shock of... hair.
Amelie’s eyes widened. —No. Fucking. Way.—
Lando’s hair had been a mess of curls before, but now... now he had a mullet.
A full-on mullet.
Amelie blinked, her jaw dropping, completely stunned. She stared at him, trying to process what she was seeing. The front was neat, short, and slightly styled, but the back—oh God, the back—was an unruly mass of flowing locks that cascaded down his neck, teasing just above his shoulders. He had actually gone full mullet, and it was perfect.
—What the fuck, Lando?!— she gasped, her voice breathless with disbelief.
Lando laughed, that playful smirk still on his lips. —What do you think? You like it?—
Amelie didn’t even know where to begin. Her mouth had gone dry, her stomach fluttering as she eyed the man standing in front of her. The mullet? Insane. But Lando? Goddamn. His usual cocky attitude mixed with this new look was a whole new level of dangerous.
She took a step closer to him, her eyes darkening with mischief. —I’m about to fucking lose it,— she muttered, voice low and teasing as she reached out to run her fingers through the back of his hair, tugging gently at the unruly locks. —This is... This is... unbelievable.—
Lando’s grin widened, obviously loving the reaction he was getting. —You know, I thought you’d love it.—
—Oh, I love it alright,— she hissed, her hands sliding down the sides of his neck, drawing him closer to her. —This is, fuck, you’re making me insane right now.—
She leaned up, her lips just brushing his ear, her breath hot against his skin. —You knew what you were doing when you got this cut, didn’t you? This is a trap, Lando,— she whispered, her voice almost dripping with desire.
Lando’s breath hitched, and he caught the hint of her tone. —You think I’m playing? You’re not the only one who knows how to tease.—
Her hands slid down his chest, the touch light and teasing as she drew closer. —Oh, believe me,— she muttered, her lips brushing the side of his neck, just enough to send a shiver down his spine —This... this haircut? You’ve got me thinking all kinds of things I shouldn’t be.—
She pulled away just slightly, her eyes locking with his. —What made you think you could show up like this?—
Lando’s eyes were dark, the familiar playfulness now turning into something a little more intense. —I wanted to see if I could get a reaction. Guess I succeeded.—
Amelie couldn’t help the wicked grin that spread across her face. —Oh, you succeeded alright. I’m this close to fucking throwing you against this wall and showing you just how much I’m not fucking with you right now.—
Lando chuckled, hands sliding up her arms, feeling her skin under his fingers. —Is that a promise?—
Before Amelie could respond, the sound of footsteps in the hallway cut through the tension, a reminder that the world was still waiting for her. She sighed, reluctantly pulling back from Lando’s embrace, her hands still resting on his chest.
—Fuck, I hate being interrupted,— she groaned, rolling her eyes. —I swear to God, you’ve ruined me for the rest of the day.—
Lando, clearly smug with the effect he had on her, winked. —It’s just the beginning, babe. We’ve got all night after your set.—
Amelie bit her lip, glancing down at his mullet once more. —You’ve officially broken me,— she murmured. —Let’s go. I’m gonna go on stage and show them how it’s done... and keep my hands off you.—
Lando followed her to the door, his hand brushing hers with every step. —We’ll see about that, won’t we?—
Amelie’s pulse quickened as she stepped into the spotlight, her heart racing in time with the thumping bass. The crowd was roaring, an ocean of faces staring back at her, filled with anticipation. This was her moment, the culmination of everything she’d worked for, and she was ready to own it. But even as she stepped to the mic, her mind kept drifting back to Lando and that damn mullet.
She could still feel the warmth of his hands on her skin, the teasing smirk on his lips, the way his touch had sent electric sparks all through her body. The memory of how his new haircut had pushed her to the edge had her fighting to stay focused. If only it weren’t for the overwhelming desire bubbling up inside her, threatening to overtake her.
She glanced over at the side of the stage where Lando stood, watching her with that signature cocky grin. He was leaning casually against a speaker, looking absolutely perfect in his laid-back yet completely sexy way. His mullet—his goddamn mullet—was still fresh in her mind, but it was more than just the hair. It was the fact that Lando was playing with her, and it was driving her crazy.
As the first notes of her opening song echoed through the speakers, she found herself pulling the mic closer, belting out the lyrics with passion, trying to shove aside the heat that pulsed between her legs. The crowd was electric, feeding off her energy, but even they couldn’t distract her from the hunger she felt radiating from Lando.
She saw him give her a wink, and that was all it took. The fluttering in her stomach intensified, and her fingers tightened around the mic. She sang louder, wilder, letting the beat take over, but underneath it all, she was still aware of him—of the way his eyes followed her, how his gaze lingered just a little longer than usual.
Amelie finished the first song with a final, breathless note, her chest heaving from the intensity of the performance. She took a moment to catch her breath, wiping the sweat from her forehead, before making eye contact with Lando once more. His grin was wide, filled with pride, but there was something more—something darker hiding behind his usual cocky demeanor. The way he bit his lip, watching her, his fingers tapping against his leg in rhythm, sent a thrill up her spine.
She couldn’t help it anymore.
As she sang the final chorus of her hit song Espresso, her eyes locked onto Lando, who was now standing at the edge of the stage, hands in his pockets, looking impossibly handsome in that damn mullet. He tilted his head, a playful smirk on his lips, as if he knew exactly what she was thinking.
The music reached its climax, and Amelie lost herself in the moment, strutting across the stage with a newfound confidence. She threw a wink his way, watching as his grin widened. The connection was electric, and she knew that once the show ended, they would be taking this energy backstage, where no one else could interrupt them.
Finally, the last notes echoed out, and the crowd erupted into applause. Amelie took a deep breath, soaking in the moment, before giving a wave and bowing to the audience. She could hear the cheers, the shouts of her name, but her mind was already on what was waiting for her behind the curtains.
She pushed open the door to her dressing room, only to find Lando already there, leaning casually against the wall, looking like he had all the time in the world. But there was no mistaking the heat in his eyes, the way his body seemed to vibrate with tension.
He didn’t say anything at first, just watched her approach with that lazy grin on his face. And then, without warning, he pushed himself off the wall, his hands grabbing her waist and pulling her into him. The familiar warmth of his body sent her pulse racing.
—You were fucking amazing out there,— he murmured, his lips grazing her ear.
Amelie’s hands slid up to his hair, fingers threading through the soft locks of his new mullet. She tugged gently, forcing him to look down at her. Her voice was low, a wicked smile curving her lips. —I swear to God, Lando, I am so fucking done with you right now.—
His hands slid lower, resting on the curve of her hips, pulling her even closer. —You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for you to say that.—
Amelie’s fingers tightened in his hair, pulling him into a kiss that was deep and hungry, filled with everything they’d been holding back all night. She could feel the heat of his body, the way his muscles tensed under her touch, and it only made her want him more. The way his lips moved against hers was as intoxicating as it always was, but now there was something more—something urgent.
She pulled away just long enough to look at him, her chest heaving. —You’re such a fucking tease with this haircut, you know that?— she hissed, her voice thick with desire.
Lando smirked, his hands sliding down her body as he leaned in closer. —Oh, babe, you have no idea.—
Amelie closed the distance between them again, her lips capturing his in a kiss that spoke of all the pent-up desire from the past few months. She was done playing games—she was ready to show him just how much he had her.
And as they melted into each other, the world outside fading away, there was only one thing left on their minds: each other.
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liked by georgerussell63, stelladayman, and others
ameliedayman: headlined @outsidelands:0. thank you to everyone who came. special thank you to the angel that is @sabdelucci for coming out to sing and dance to Nancy Sinatra with me :) and thank you to my whole team and crew. all the talented people who made this show happen on and off stage, i love you all so much
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gracieabrams: HEADLINER QUEEN!! 👑🔥 → ameliedayman: @gracieabrams Hah, you KNOW we both were born to do this! 🖤
landonorris: You did THAT. So proud of you, babe. 🔥💖 → ameliedayman: @landonorris bro, get put of here, you’re making me blush
f1gossiper69: Damn, the vibe you brought to that stage was INSANE 😩
minniemills: Someone’s feeling herself. 😏🔥 → ameliedayman: @minniemills You better believe it. It's all about that boss energy. 💅🏽✨
f1fanatic88: I’m convinced you were born to rock. 😤🔥
tatemcrae: You came, you slayed, you CONQUERED. 👏🔥 → ameliedayman: @tatemcrae Yasss!
f1fanatic11: If Lando didn’t already know how lucky he is... he’s about to find out! 😎🔥
oliviarodrigo: Yassss, you were born for that stage. Nancy Sinatra??? ICONIC. ✨💃 → ameliedayman: @oliviarodrigo It’s just the start, babe!
f1mclarenfan: Okay, but did anyone see how amazing she looked? I’m DEAD 😩🔥
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jazzyblusnowflake · 10 months ago
OMG hi…I really like your art and was wondering if you wanna be mutuals??????????? Also tell me about your MD ships :3c
honey we are dating- .....okay yknow what- HI PRETTY & TALENTED LADY- yess i will absolutely love toooo 🙈💕💕💕💕💕
also lets see uhhh okay this is an excuse for me to just... expload-
keep in mind not every ship is meant for all of you so dont badger me about stuff that ISNT CANON or YOU DONT SHIP. contrary to whatever you believe, when somone posts about THEIR ships, nobody wants to hear about you NOT shipping it on THAT EXACT post.
hang in there, this gon be a long one >:p
First off we are starting strong with Nuzi- Biscuitbites obviously thats a given- these two just have too much to be said about why and how they make eachother the best version of eachother, whether they ever became canon or not- they fit like puzzle pieces- they lessen eachothers negative traits by being their for eachother.
next is Vuzi- Violentviolet, they are my favorite kind of enemies to lovers 😔 but its also tragic smh. kinda pissed off at how V always does something good in Uzis favor only when she is LITERALLY PASSED OUT- either in the camp ep on the bus or in Alices lab. like damn ofFUCKINGcourse Uzi wouldnt know she cares about her 😭😭😭
envuzi- Violentbitingbiscuits, i love these goobers with all my heart- they deserve the best 😔💕💕💕💕
envy - [does this poor ship just NOT have an exclusive FINDABLE tag name??? im calling them GoldenMemories...], i like to think that if they were in the manor still, and nothing bad had ever happened, these two would be comforting eachother in the healthiest way possible. V needs someone like N and N is just adorable like that uwu
Next we have JxTessa/Jessa- [calling them Fancyblades cuz why not-] J deserves some closure for the shit shes gone through smhhh 😔, its a tragic yuri of J loving and wanting something she probably already accepted she couldnt have, and even then she gotta deal with Ns ass being the favorite one regardless of how hard she tries to be perfect... sighhh i wanna imagine them in a future where Tessa was spared as the only human and J could save her 😭😭😭😭 Tessa might have loved doing mechanical stuff or wore black to hide grease/oil stains on her clothes from her parents and wore gloves to hide her oily stained hands- i want her to have a scene of wiring drones back to life and saving them and saying something like "hey there, you made it! dont worry, ill take care of you, youre my friend now :3" or something //dies//, also before anyone says it- even if Tessa was a teen in the flashbacks- romance is not exclusive to ADULTS, teens can love eachother without having sexual stuff involved. no she was not their MOTHER figure, she was their FRIEND who liked to fix robots for herself to not be alone in a house where her own parents literally chain her up as punishment. i dont even know why im arguing about this, people headcanon or make aus about characters NOT being dead all the time and if Tessa was alive for as long as J thought she was, Tessa would have been a perfectly fine adult either way. so counting this, yes shes canonically considered an adult when Cyn tries to imitate an adult humans body 🙄 makes as much sense as everything else i guess-
next ones i got is NorixYeva/Neva- Solverlilies- i just think theyre neat 😭😭😭 and once again, like everything else in this franchise- they are tragic yuris 😔 damn liam im finding a pattern over here 🤨 anyway, i like to think they either got closer in the lab experimentations or were already close when they were working as WDs in the campsite area for the humans. obviously canonically they were probably straight or just not into eachother romantically- [Nori either u have the worst taste men or Khan just fucking lost it after you died-] but also on the other handddd.... they have 2 hands and they are robots, i want them to kiss like two barbie dolls and im gonna make them do just that-
DollxLizzy/Dizzy- Bloodypink, wost fucking ship names ever, i cant find shit on them with these tags and it makes me angry >:/ at this point 2/3s of my ships are just tragic yuris smh, Doll did not deserve any of the things handed to her, even if she went about doing some things the wrong way i wish Lizzy didnt just abandon her- but then again, Doll did kinda abuse Lizzys trust and Lizzy got scared of being close to a serial murderer so.... morality calls this a draw? 😭 im crying... i wish someone was there to help Doll... sigh... i like to think Lizzy would have waited for Doll to just come back at some point... oh well, thats why AUs exist :"3 //sobs in the corner//
DollxUzi/Dollzi- Bloodybats, this ship is so underrated to me... they could have been... so much more. but why weren't they? did Yeva abandon ever getting close to Uzi when she was a kid after Nori died? did Uzi and Doll just never play around together as kids when their mothers were so close? were they ever close and something went wrong as they grew older? at worst they could have been like sisters together, and at best maybe more than friends. i just dont know what happened here, like Yeva could have tried to keep an eye on Uzi, maybe Uzi could have found Dolls powers so cool before having them too- i dont know theres literally tons of possibilities- but if Doll deserved to be saved or cared for by anyone, at least one of them should have been Uzi... sigh.
ThadxV- Killingblonde, yall this is... the cutest shit... ever???? like from here on out we kinda go into the more or less crackship territory but these two are adorable- Dumbass yet wholesome jock boy that just wants to keep his queen happy 😔👌👌👌 He and Uzi would have so much to talk about on "crushing on literal murder bots that stabbed and almost ate us" its literally love at first stab smhhh 😫💕
ThadxSam- Smokyjock ???? for some fucking reason??? i dont know what my brain did here man- i just like the trope of someone getting under Thads skin- like pair up the healthy sports loving gym boy with the lazy but wholesome dumbass that does drugs or is always just sleep deprived and Thad is always trying to just... take care of his ass and make him take care of himself but he just WONT SMHHH-
okay some more or less crack ships down here:
ThadxN: it speaks for itself. its too adorable and youll go blind from the light of wholesomeness-
ThadxNxUzi: Uzi will die here from the overwhelming wholesomeness... oh bonus if its just a 4s polycule of ThadxNxUzixV i mean i know im pushing my luck but.... random crackships go brr- V and Uzi will complain but love their dumbass golden puppy partners-
ThadxUzi: i think they could have been close and Thad caring about her as a childhood friend turned crush sounds just too cute for me 😔
LizzyxUzi: another random ass rivals to lovers or some shit idk what this is, Lizzy would pay Uzi to kiss the fuck out of her i dont make the rules-
ThadxLizzy: in some cases where they are NOT headcanoned as siblings or cousins, i think they have a good energy of wholesome jock bf and girly queen cheerleader lol, Thad is just a good bf eitherway-
DollxUzixLizzy: the gals would not leave a single second of silence for the small gremlin i swear to God- [Uzi is gay as FUCK for her gfs, absolute girloser unit with her gorgeous but crazy gfs]
okay for the end i have some characters that arent ships but i wish they could have become closer as friends or work out their issues...
J and N- too much abuse and toxicity here, i wish they could talk together more and see they have a lot of things in common- maybe a full line of dialogue from J without threatning N in every sense of the manner would be nice for a change =_=
Doll and V- again, a bit morally ambiguous to ship a character with the murderer of your family, esp when said murderer hasnt expressed regret lmao, but i wish they could at least be friends... Dolls disdain for the murder drones pushed her to end up the way she did. maybe if she didnt do it alone she would have been alive by now. so i like to think what would have happened if she and V could have made up- not necessarily Doll forgiving her- but at least having the space to grow and understand why they did they things that happened.
Cyn and literally ANYONE- i want the solver to be SEPARATE from Cyn- i wish Cyn would have still existed somewhere down there and was savable- i wish this poor child AI had a happy ending to her by connecting with the others as ACTUAL siblings... goddamnit 😔
aaaand thats it for this fine ass day 🫡 yall are welcome to ask about any of these- boy the tags are gonna be.... a lot.
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 8 months ago
Aftermath au: Red Letter Day
Barney gets a call that Gordon Freeman had been found after ten years of being missing in action.
Word count: 4382
Notes: Another fic for my au "Aftermath" because I think its neat. I'm not sure what else to put here, enjoy the fic
Barney was beginning to remember how much he hated Winter as he stared through the warehouse window in front of him. Despite it being the beginning of March, spring was yet to come, meaning the snow was still falling with the temperature following suit. Barney had always hated the season, and as much as he tried, he could never come up with a proper reason. Maybe it was the fact it was cold, wet, and dreary, making any trip outside miserable, or perhaps it was the fact he was mainly cooped up inside all day, leaving him to get cabin fever. Or maybe it was a mixture of those two at the same time, along with the loneliness that came from them. No matter the reason, Barney kept quiet about it, realizing he had no ability to change the weather. All he could do was drink his hot coffee and put on a few more layers than usual. 
Barney took a sip from his mug as he looked away from the window, instead focusing his attention back into the room he was in. It was a storage room, full of random junk and scientific doodads Barney had no knowledge of. Boxes and crates were stacked up in piles taller than he was, stacked in such a way that it made Barney nervous even being near them in the case of them toppling over. Due to the lack of a radiator in that room, it was even chillier than the rest of the refurbished warehouse, making Barney glad he was wearing the warmest sweatpants he could find in his closet, along with a worn out grey hoodie, with the logo on the front being so faded that it was hard to make out as Black Mesa’s logo.
As he looked around, he was startled by the sound of a box slamming against the concrete floor, along with a short exclamation. “Oh, blast it!” “You alright, Doc?” Barney asked the other man in the room, watching as he bent over to pick up the fallen crate.
“I’m fine, just…hoping whatever was in here isn’t fragile…” 
Dr. Isaac Kleiner, or “Doc” as Barney referred to him as, was wearing a white lab coat over a robin-egg-blue dress-shirt and black tie, trading warmth for safety at his place of work. His glasses were slipping off his face as he moved boxes and rummaged through everything in the storage room, making it even more of a mess than it was before. 
“Where on earth could she have gone?” Kleiner asked, not necessarily expecting an answer. “There aren’t any vents she could have crawled in, are there?”
“I hope not,” Barney stated. “Last thing I want is that thing to fall on someone.” As Kleiner looked under a table, Barney spoke up again. “You think it ran off or something?”
“Oh no, I don’t believe so,” Kleiner stood up straight, “I’m sure she wouldn’t. After all, she needs to get fed eventually, so I imagine she’ll come out for that.” “If the thing didn’t eat someone's cat or something.”
“Hush!” Kleiner held a finger up to his mouth, causing both he and Barney to become silent as he listened closely. Barney attempted to hear what Kleiner was listening for, but to no avail, hearing nothing but silence. “Fie! I could’ve sworn I heard her moving around…”
Barney let out an exhausted sigh, “Doc, please, there’s plenty of those pests out there–”
“But there’s only ONE Lamar!”
“Now, are you going to help me look?” Kleiner adjusted his crooked glasses, “Or are you going to simply stand there, doing nothing?”
“Uh…” Barney glanced away, thinking for a moment. “...No thanks.”
“Oh, you act like she’s some kind of wild animal.”
“It kinda is.”
“She’s been de-beaked and trained, and you know this!” Kleiner stated as he walked towards a filing cabinet near the corner of the room.
“‘Trained;’ I don’t think that thing is really…trained. My dog is trained, and I know you can train cats, but I don’t think you can train a literal parasite–”
“Oh! I think I’ve got something!” Kleiner said excitedly, “Help me move this cabinet, would you please?”
Barney reluctantly approached the metal cabinet as Kleiner positioned himself to the side of it, ready to move it as soon as Barney was. As soon as Barney placed his free hand against the side of it, he pushed, with Kleiner on the other side pulling it towards him.
Barney let out a loud yelp when something leaped at him from behind the cabinet, causing him to fall on his back and drop his mug on the floor. It was Lamar, the “Pet” headcrab that Kleiner had lost, and it was even uglier up close. As it laid on Barney’s chest, its six small, beady eyes stared back at him as he remained absolutely still, afraid of it trying to attack him. Its teeth on its stomach prodded at his stomach, along with its chipped, large front claws, which had colorful duct-tape covering the tips of them to prevent them from being too sharp. After a few moments of tense silence, Kleiner came to the rescue, picking up Lamar from where it rested on Barney’s torso, allowing him to take a breath.
“LAMAR!” Kleiner exclaimed, looking at his pet with relief in his eyes, “Oh, delightful! I’m so happy to see you weren’t left out in the cold somewhere…”
“Mm-hm…” Barney lifted himself off the ground, looking at his feet to see his knocked over coffee cup, with its contents spilled over. “Ugh…” 
Barney picked up his cup from the floor as Kleiner let Lamar go, watching as it waddled across the floor before jumping up onto one of the tables. Barney stared at it with contempt, the opposite reaction to Lamar’s rediscovery compared to Kleiner’s joy. 
“Do you even have a license for that thing?” Barney questioned as Lamar sat down on top of some loose documents. “If you don’t and animal control finds it, they’ll kill it–”
“I’m…in the process of getting one,” Kleiner stated, voice stumbling slightly. “And I hope no one finds her, cause if they do…I’m afraid of what you said coming true. I’m sure it will be fine regardless, at least she knows to stay inside.”
“Is everyone safe?”
Barney and Kleiner turned towards the doorway that led to the rest of the warehouse, seeing a lone, albino Vortigaunt staring back at them with her four maroon eyes. She was wearing a similar lab coat to Kleiner’s, with a borrowed pair of black dress pants, along with a fitted light brown sweater, with a hole in the middle of her chest for her third pseudo arm. She stared at Kleiner and Barney for a little while before Barney answered her question. 
“Yeah, we’re fine…” Barney sighed, glancing towards Lamar, “We just found Kleiner’s…pet.”
“Everything’s under control, Violet, you can get back to work!” Kleiner added.
“I see.” Violet’s gravelly voice seemed quieter than usual, making Barney’s brows furrow a bit.
“You alright?” He asked.
Violet seemed puzzled. “Hm?”
“Are you doing alright? I have noticed you’ve been a bit…closed off for the past few hours.” Kleiner inquired.
“We have been…distracted…” Violet responded. “I imagine it will be cleared up soon.”
“We?” Barney asked.
Violet didn’t answer. “I must get back to helping the others…the teleporter is nearly ready for its first test...”
“Oh! Wonderful. I’ll be there in a little bit.” Kleiner stated as Violet left the room. Barney remained puzzled, looking back at Kleiner with a feeling of unease in his chest.
“She said ‘we’.” Barney stated.
“I’m aware,” Kleiner responded. “You see, the Vortigaunts are able to tap into something they refer to as the ‘Vortessence’, and are thus all conne–”
“I know, Doc, I just…” Barney paused for a second. “If she’s talking about all the Vortigaunts, then wouldn’t that be a bit worrying?”
“...Maybe, but I'm not sure.” Kleiner stated. “Though, one of the members of the survey team we sent earlier today was a Vortigaunt, and that team hasn’t returned yet so…maybe there is a connection there.”
“Either way, I believe i’ll go and speak with her, just to make sure everything’s alri–”
Barney’s phone ringing from his pocket interrupted their thoughts, and when Barney pulled it out of his pocket and flipped it open, he saw the number was from one of his coworkers at the hospital. “Sorry, I gotta take this.”
“You’re fine, you go ahead and I’ll go check in with the others.”
Barney nodded, watching Kleiner leave the room before he answered the call and put his phone up to his ear.
Barney listened closely to the person on the other end of the phone, barely processing what they were saying. 
“What’s going on? 
Not going to believe what? 
So what, why are you telling me this?”
Barney listened closely, all before he felt his heart skip a beat. The sinking feeling in his chest was enough to render him silent, all before he let out a meek “I’ll call you later.”
Barney rushed out of the room, running past Kleiner in the process, nearly pushing him over as he approached the exit. “Barney? What’s going on, are you alright–” “They found him.” Barney’s voice shook as he spoke, with him barely being able to make out the words from how tight his throat was.
“Found who?”
Barney was already out of the building by the time Kleiner asked the question, leaving it unanswered.
Barney saw his own breath clouding in front of his face as he sprinted across the parking lot of the warehouse, nearly slipping on ice multiple times but not giving any time to care. When he reached his car, he swung the door open and crawled inside, starting the engine and speeding off without a single word. His thoughts ran through his head faster than his car was capable of going, slurring together without a single cohesive thought coming through. He didn’t care if he was a few miles above the speed limit; he needed to get to the hospital as soon as possible. He needed to see if what his coworker said was right.
If it was truly Gordon Freeman that was brought into the ER, he needed to be there.
When Barney made it to the hospital lot, he rushed through the front doors, looking around before approaching the front desk, out of breath from both the physical and mental strain that was put on him. Through harsh breaths, he asked, “Is Gordon Freeman here?”, with pleading eyes focused on the woman behind the desk.
“Oh, hello Mr. Calhoun, I can look through the system for a ‘Gordon Freeman’, if you’ll sit tight for a moment.” She looked towards the computer in front of her, typing in something and looking through files as Barney waited, his impatience building up inside of him.
“Fuck this.” He pushed himself away from the desk, storming down one of the hallways despite the woman at the front desk telling him he wasn’t allowed to as he was off duty. Barney rushed past hospital workers, asking them if they knew where Gordon was, only to be met with worried and frightened looks along with no answers. Barney’s frustration only grew as he ran through the hospital halls, with the familiar building beginning to feel like a maze meant to confuse him. As he ran further into the hospital wing, he slammed against one of the doctors in the hall, causing him to topple to the ground as Barney tripped over his own feet.
“Sorry, I just have to–”
“Barney? What the hell are you doing back here?” The man questioned as Barney sped past him.
“I’m looking for Gordon Freeman,” Barney answered, turning around. “Have you seen him?”
“He’s in the ER right now,” The man snapped back as he slowly stood up. “You can’t see him until he’s out of surgery.”
“Surgery? Is he safe? Is he alright?” Barney questioned, walking closer to the doctor. 
“Yes, he’ll be fine, just…” The doctor let out a tired sigh. “Get out of here, you’re off duty and risking your job with a stunt like this.”
“I need to see Gordon, alright?” Barney explained. “He’s been gone for a fucking DECADE, and he’s been found again, I can’t just leave him–”
“Calhoun.” The man raised his voice as he glared at Barney with a look of both contempt and pity. “...Listen, just wait until he’s out and I’ll see what I can do, do you understand?”
Barney remained silent for a moment, letting out a sharp breath before nodding. “Alright,” He stated, defeated. “But he better be getting the best treatment in there.”
“I’m sure they’re doing all they can, they understand his reputation–”
“I don’t care about his reputation, if i’m right, that’s my goddamn friend in there.” Barney spat. “...Let me know when he’s out. I need to at least…make sure it’s…the right guy.”
“I’m sure someone will let you know.” The doctor stated. “...Now please go back to the waiting room before I call security.”
Barney did as he was told, reluctantly walking across the hospital premises and back into the waiting room, where he will stay for another few hours. He paced around the room, bounced his foot up and down, fidgeted with his hands; anything to try and pass the time as the minutes passed by agonizingly slow. After he had already been there for what felt like days within the timespan of a few hours, he saw a nurse walk towards him. “Mr. Calhoun?”
Barney’s head lifted up, looking towards the nurse before following her down a hallway. After a couple-minutes walk, they stopped in front of a door leading to a recovery room. “He’s in there,” The nurse stated. “He’s currently sleeping, so I ask you to be quiet and not attempt to wake him up.”
“...Yeah.” Barney hesitated before walking through the door, stepping into the room, seeing a curtain blocking his view of the bed. He paused, standing in place for a moment as he wondered if the face he was about to see was truly Gordon, or simply someone mistaken as him. He wondered if he wanted the answer, or if he’d rather live in ignorance, avoiding the crippling disappointment if it wasn’t the man he thought it was, but as he walked past the curtain, every worry in his mind ceased and his thoughts became silent as he looked at the man on the bed.
Sure, his body was covered with blood-soaked bandages, his right leg was in a cast, he had medical equipment around him, and he was missing his glasses, but his face was painfully recognizable. Barney choked back a sob, covering his mouth when he saw Gordon’s face again.
“Are you alright?” The nurse behind him asked, noticing Barney’s teary-eyed look.
“I’m fine.” Barney whispered before letting out a short chuckle and a forced smile. “It’s just…he didn’t change a damn bit.”
Barney hadn’t even noticed it had been an hour since he entered the room, being surprised when he glanced at the clock and saw it was nearing 10 PM. He sat on a chair beside Gordon’s bed, having moved it from the corner of the room to right beside it. His leg bounced up and down as he looked at Gordon, all before lowering his head and letting out a deep sigh. He wished to speak to him but he was out of words he could possibly say at that very moment, not to mention the wish to stay quiet so Gordon could recover without being woken up. He wanted to tell Gordon everything that had happened in his absence; how Kleiner started up another lab to continue Black Mesa’s studies, how Eli also set up one on the other side of the city, and how Barney had finished college and was able to become a nurse. Gordon missed so much, and even though Barney wished to dump every piece of information onto him, he realized that even the realization that it had been ten years would be overwhelming enough. Thus, Barney figured to start simple, and just talk, like friends, for the first time since the Black Mesa incident.
As Barney leaned back into his seat he felt the back of his head hit something that wasn’t there before, feeling bitter cold yet organic at the same time, like a corpse’s fingers curling around the top of the backrest. He swung around, half expecting someone to be there, yet he saw nothing of the sort, seeing only the beige wall behind him. Barney let out his breath, looking back at Gordon before realizing he should head back; his stress and emotional state must have made him paranoid, not to mention the feeling of his hair standing on end. He stood up, walking towards the door out of the room before taking one last look back at Gordon before he finally left.
Later that night, Barney paced around his living room, being watched by his pet rottweiler as he talked on the phone. “The Survey team were the ones that found him?” he asked.
“That’s what they said,” Kleiner stated from the other side of the line. “The Vortigaunt was apparently the one that found him, specifically.”
“I see.”
“Quite Miraculous,” Kleiner continued, “The fact that Gordon had survived there for ten years before being found.”
“Yeah…” Barney unsurely stated under his breath.
“Nevermind that, what are you planning now?” Kleiner asked. “Should we have some kind of party? A celebration should be in order for him being back, I’d say–”
“I think he needs rest, he’s…been through a lot.” Barney stated. “I’ve thought of him staying over at my place until he can find a place of his own or until he recovers, but we’ll see how he’s feeling.”
“Are you sure? I’m sure we can find a spare room in the lab for him.”
“I dunno if he’d wanna live in a loud lab with a headcrab, doc.”
“...I suppose you have a fair point.”
“It was just so…strange.” Barney stated. “They say it was a ten year coma, but I don’t buy it. I don’t buy it at all.” “What makes you believe that?” 
“The fact he was bleeding. The fact he had fresh wounds from Black Mesa,” Barney elaborated, brows furrowed and his free arm crossing over his chest. “Not to mention the fact he was found with that…suit on.” “What kind of suit?” Kleiner questioned. “Oh, do you mean the Hazardous Environment Suit?”
“Yeah. Why would he be wearing it ten years after the incident was already over?”
“Who knows,” Kleiner sighed, “I’m sure I can talk with Eli to see if he has any ideas on–” Kleiner was interrupted by a loud crash and squeaking coming from behind him, audible through Barney’s phone. “Goodness gracious, LAMAR, NO–”
“You alright Doc?” 
“I’ll have to speak with you later, Lamar got in the vents again–Lamar get DOWN from there, that’s not safe!” After that, the call ended, and Barney was left to himself once again. Barney sighed, putting his phone back in his pocket before he heard a deep ruff coming from his dog, who was laying next to the couch in the living room, with its white patches of fur on its snout showing its age.
“You hear that, Gordon?” Barney said. “You might get a new roommate…a…different Gordon.”
The dog yawned and rested his head on his paws as Barney walked towards the living room couch, sitting on it and resting his feet on the coffee table in front of it. He leaned over the armrest, scratching the top of the dog’s head. “Guess I’ll have to explain to him why you’re also named Gordon, huh bud?”
Gordon didn’t respond, instead just letting out a soft ruff again. Barney leaned back in his seat, staring up at the ceiling before folding his hands on top of his stomach. He wasn’t looking forward to explaining why his pet was named after his friend, he realized. After all, it’s not very easy to tell someone you thought they were dead for years.
As soon as Barney received the call that Gordon was awake the following evening, Barney rushed back to the hospital to visit him once again. As he drove across the city, worries he didn’t think about before began to creep up inside his brain. Even though he didn’t necessarily believe the coma theory the doctors had, nor did he believe even they believed it fully, he thought of the possibility of it being true, and if Gordon would even remember who Barney was after a full decade of sleep. It would be a surprise if Gordon remembered anything after that amount of time, but Barney pushed down his pessimism, trying to be optimistic just this once.
After making his way down the hospital hallway once again, he found himself back in front of the door to Gordon’s room, with a nervous feeling deep in his gut as he prepared to walk inside. He took in a breath and stepped inside, looking towards the bed in which Gordon was laying on, only to have his gaze met by two bright green eyes, ones Barney hadn't seen since ten years prior. Barney froze in place, staring back at Gordon, who appeared to be surprised to see him. As Barney sat down in the chair beside the bed, he swallowed hard, wondering what he could possibly say now that Gordon was awake. As he thought to himself, a question left his mouth that he wasn’t initially planning on asking:
“Where were you?”
The question lingered in the air like a foul odor, with Gordon’s brows furrowing lip quivering slightly, all while he curled his hands into fists. He turned away from Barney, looking down at his feet, thinking of something to say, though his hands didn’t once lift up to sign a single word.
“You…disappear for 10 years without warning,” Barney continued. “Leaving everyone to believe you were dead.”
Gordon didn’t make eye contact with Barney as he spoke.
“I thought you were dead and buried somewhere, Gordon,” Barney choked. “But…You’re here in front of me now.”
Gordon glanced at Barney before he felt arms being wrapped around his shoulders, tight, but not too tight to make it hurt.
“I fucking missed you, Gordon.” Barney said as he hugged Gordon, feeling the gesture being returned to him. Gordon’s hands shook, feeling weak and cold, yet he didn’t want to let go of the single shred of kindness he had felt since what felt like eternity. After a few moments Barney let go, sitting back down with red, tear-filled eyes. 
“...You…missed a lot.” Barney stated; Gordon nodded knowingly in response. “I’d tell ya’ everything, but…I don’t even know how to start.”
“Are they safe?” Gordon’s hands were shaking, but Barney could make out the message regardless.
“Who, like…Kleiner? Eli?”
Gordon nodded slightly, lips pursed in anticipation. 
“They’re alright,” Barney assured, allowing Gordon to let out a breath. “In fact…they’re excited to see you again. Kleiner especially, he’s hoping to get you back into his lab…don’t know if you want to do that, but the offer’s there.”
Gordon appeared to have had a weight lifted off his shoulders at the news, but the cold yet somber gaze didn’t leave his eyes. Barney planned to tell Gordon that they were among the few survivors of the Black Mesa incident, but he bit his tongue for the time being.
“...Never thought you’d be in the history books, did ya?” Barney let out a lighthearted chuckle in an attempt to lighten the mood. “You’re a hero in everyone’s eyes, now.”
Gordon shook his head, looking down and away from Barney’s gaze as he clasped his hands together on his lap. Barney stared at him with a look of confusion and worry, all before forcefully clearing his throat. 
“I’m just…happy to see you alive, Gordon.” Barney stated. “After…a few years I began to…to lose hope.” Barney paused for a second, realizing Gordon was still not meeting his gaze. “...Should’ve known you were a tougher son of a bitch than that, I guess.”
Gordon scoffed slightly before shaking his head again, still staring at his feet. Silence fell as Barney attempted to think of something else to say to ease the tense atmosphere, though his thoughts were blank and void of any ideas. Barney looked towards Gordon yet again, seeing he was raising his hands up to sign something:
“Missed you too.”
Barney smiled slightly, despite feeling as if he wanted to cry right then and there. He never anticipated he’d be this emotional in his life, yet here he was; about to cry for the second time that day. Seeing his legally dead friend after ten years of being missing in action was enough to warrant it, he supposed.
“I’m sure the others will be happy to show you everything they’ve been working on,” Barney said, with Gordon finally looking back up at him, before looking directly behind him, “They’ve been working on a new telepor–”
Gordon flinched, staring at something behind Barney before attempting to crawl backwards, nearly ripping off his IV in the process. Barney looked behind him, seeing nothing but the wall before he heard a loud thud coming from the bed. He turned, seeing Gordon had fallen off of the bed and onto the cold linoleum floor. “Gordon!” Barney quickly ran to his aid, holding out an arm for Gordon to grab, lifting him off of the floor. When weight was put onto his right leg, Gordon grimaced, using Barney as leverage as he was put back onto the bed. “Jeez Gordon, what got you freaked out so ba–”
Barney was silenced when Gordon hugged him without warning. Barney could hear him quietly sobbing into his shoulder, and as he returned the hug, he wondered if he had ever seen Gordon so touchy before; It was as if he hadn’t had human contact in days. This time however, Barney wasn’t quick to let go. The last thing he wanted to do was leave his best friend behind again.
Not this time.
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tobiasdrake · 28 days ago
Dragon Ball Daima 01x16 - Degesu
I assume this one will see the boys throwing hands with Discount Ginyu Force. And apparently Degesu will get to do something. Maybe he was the flirty lady with the poop hat who got ace-barriered.
He obviously wasn't. They're different colors. But I kinda want him to be the flirty lady with the poop hat.
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Alternate Ending: They go fight the Tamagami. Piccolo fights and defeats this one, and they claim the last remaining Dragon Ball!
Suddenly, Arinsu ambushes them, and they have to fight Duu and Kuu. The fight ends inconclusively with the revelation that they both have copies of the One-Star Dragon Ball. How is that possible?
Neva cackles and recommends they summon the Dragon and find out. Upon doing so, it's revealed that all you get for summoning Daimakai's Dragon is a "YOU DID IT" certificate and your selection from a small pool of carnival prizes.
Yeah, the Daimakai "Dragon Balls" are basically prize coupons. The "Hunt for the Dragon Balls" was a very popular children's game back during the regime of King Abra. Neva was very surprised when he learned the ones outside Daimakai actually grant wishes.
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There they are. Hopefully we can wrap this up quickly and get to whatever Degesu's stuff is supposed to be.
Does anyone else feel like there's a missed opportunity with the big red vertical lines painted on all their faces? I kinda wish they had Roman numerals. Like, the captain is I and then they count down II, III, IV, and V in face paint or whatever it is.
Can we just let Vegeta waste these guys and head inside? He'll be quick and brutal about it.
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XD Okay, I was not prepared for Goku and Piccolo to agree with that sentiment. I guess it's unanimous. Fuck 'em up, Geets.
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Thank you, Geets.
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Alright, cool. We burned off about four minutes of runtime. On with the siege!
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Heee. Despite being sour on the Discount Ginyu Force as a concept, I still love how generous they are. I kinda hope the fact that they're just tied up with inexplicable Laffy Taffy means they aren't quite finished with the plot yet.
I want them to be finished as an opponent to be fought. Four minutes is still more than these clowns deserve but a fairly inoffensive sacrifice to get them out of the way.
But between their scene in the store and this one with Goku, I do hope there's more planned for them beyond just this one brief, kinda pointless fight.
They're super lame and unbelievably lazy as villains but kinda fun as characters.
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PLOT TWIST, the poop hat lady takes the Third Eye for herself and she becomes the supreme ruler of Daimakai.
She certainly paid a heavy price for it. The finest stupid hat in this or any of the worlds.
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...are you guys not going in?
I mean, for Glorio, that makes sense. He can take the Dragon Balls and deliver them to Dr. Arinsu. This is kind of the perfect opportunity for him.
Bulma's a non-combatant but it's not like that's ever stopped her before. She's kind of cocky for someone who could be killed by a stray drop of sweat during one of these fights.
Panzy's the one I'm really surprised about. I would have thought she'd--
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Oh, there we go. Caution to the wind.
Maybe Panzy will get to fight Glorio. That'd be neat. He better watch himself. She's the perfect size for a full-body haymaker to the junk.
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...is he trying to take Dende and the Third Eye and make a break for it?
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"You would shoot a baby!?" "Oh, come on. We all know he's not really a baby. He was just made to look like this because he was a minor when we cast that wish." "...is shooting a minor better?" "Huh. Fair enough. Fuck me, I guess. Anyways, one more step and this kid doesn't live to see drinking age."
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"Look, I don't even have the guts to stand up to the dipshit nepo-baby who only got the job by default after that unfortunate cookie incident. Do you know how many opportunities like this I'm ever going to have? I gotta act while the gas is lit."
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"Okay, racist. Word of advice, never be the bad guy in a conversation where someone else is presently holding a gun to a baby's head."
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Making bad assumptions and then getting clowned on by reality, mostly.
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I love how the scene just... stops momentarily to finally address this decades-old question about what the gods actually do.
...only to confidently and with full dramatic emphasis deliver this absolute nothing of an answer. Kaioshin says this like it's a mic drop moment. We cut to a zoomed in shot of his face while he says absolutely nothing substantive. XD
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I'm probably making too big a thing out of this. Dragon Ball's past handling of female characters has me paranoid and constantly overanalyzing.
But the play-by-play here is.
Panzy tries to ambush Degesu.
Panzy's ambush fails because she's too slow and he caught her.
Degesu holds Panzy helpless at gunpoint.
Glorio successfully ambushes Degesu, landing a surprise hit on him.
Panzy saves the baby.
Piccolo takes out Degesu.
Glorio and Piccolo work together to take Degesu down, while Panzy's failed attempt serves to get her into position so that she can look after the baby Dende's wellbeing.
Again, I'm probably just overly sensitive about Dragon Ball's handling of women.
She got to shoot some guys last episode, though. That was pretty neat.
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...you know, I had assumed he was planning to take the Third Eye with him but on reflection.
Uh. No. He was loading Dende into a ship to take off.
What the fuck was Degesu's plan to become demon king if it didn't involve using the Third Eye?
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XD He's leaving at gunpoint in the custody of the mafia and we're just... not gonna talk about it.
They're taking him out there to bury him in a shallow grave, aren't they?
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Nobody's fighting Tamagami 1 because Duu already made off with the Dragon Ball here, so the answer Goku gives is moot.
But still. Wow. Just go ahead and snub Piccolo while he's standing ten feet away. Why did he even come?
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Next episode's gonna be good. We thinking Goku and Vegeta fight Duu and Kuu but then they all team up against Third Eye Gomah?
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I don't really care much about Gomah. He's not really interesting or entertaining in the slightest.
But the "Gomah toilet plunges the Third Eye" scene is fucking A+ at being Dragon Ball Daima. XD His absolute patheticness combined with classic Toriyama collision of mundane and mystical is perfect.
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Poop hat lady is one of the best characters in Daima. She doesn't even have a name and I am super invested in her getting a happy ending.
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She ran away screaming and then came back for the jewels she dropped. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha.
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Now that he's all super demony muscle-big, anyone else think Gomah's getup kinda looks like a Pride Trooper's?
Ahhh, this episode was fun. We got the resolution to Degesu who I guess is being executed gangland style out in the desert right now. Gomah's got the Third Eye. And the pump is primed for Goku and Vegeta to fight Duu and Kuu next episode, presumably while Piccolo continues to do absolutely nothing.
He got to hit Degesu, though. That was neat.
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bunji-enthusiast · 1 year ago
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Today was a good day — Yuuta Okkotsu
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• Sypnosis || He can’t help but just recall all the things about you that made today a good one.
• warnings || sfw, first attempt at writing this boy, fluffy to the MAX.
• pairing || Yuuta/GN!Reader
• Note || I got inspired by Ice Cube’s song It was a Good Day, sue me.
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He can’t help but just smile at the way you can talk, hold yourself accountable or simply just even do things for people. Even if it was something you didn’t realize you did. He notices all of it.
Your hair, even if you didn’t have any. He’d still see you line your body was the very things sculpted by the god of the sun. Made so perfectly he felt like he’d taint you with his touch.
Yuuta can’t help but crack up whenever you think, having a very cute and certain expression ingrained into his brain when he prefaces that very expression whether on missions or even on regular occasions.
Oh goodness, even your mannerisms are so adorable. He can’t get enough of you, even in ways he didn’t realize… you really do make his day a little better.
To be a little more truthful, Yuuta does feel somewhat embarrassed if he is unwillfully a little obvious about his tiny crush on you. Sometimes even Panda or Inumaki would point out the barely visible blush dusting the shell of his ears to the front of his cheeks.
In a way, Yuuta finds comfort in your presence. Sometimes going out of his way to help you with errands or even just to go shopping if that had been a thing of yours.
If you had a particular thing for taking pictures, even of yourself or scenery. He’d be happy to partake in your hobby! Yuuta thinks it’s pretty neat how photography can be a form of art, divulged with messages you can interpret yourself at first look.
Yuuta loves your hands, no matter the size. His own hands are unfortunately calloused to the touch, not as smooth as to the touch they had used to be. He doesn’t exactly know how to take care of his hands properly.
He loves your voice, the dulcet and varied tones it can carry depending on the time of the day. Yuuta can simply listen to your voice for hours on end if he had the chance to.
“You alright?” You spoke, waving your hand for a few moments to gain Yuuta’s attention once more if it was possible. “You kinda been staring off into the distance my dude.” You snorted with a smarmy grin.
Yuuta looked up and gained eye contact with you, blinking for a second to get the blurried traces of the sleep he had been ripped away from before. “Ah, sorry.. just thinking about something.” He smiled gently, rubbing the nape of his neck as he would. At times you have seen Yuuta be so particularly serious and poised in combat and even out of combat. This was a rare occurrence where he had been so shy, reminiscent of when he had first joined Jujustu High.
You nodded and crossed your legs, thinking of what else to say as you had forgotten what you had been talking about before when you had noticed Yuuta not paying attention. “Man, what was it I was talking about?” With a groan you facepalmed your head.
“I think you were talking about how you had liked those.. videos that had made you laugh so much.” Yuuta spoke, within a bit of a nod that had indicated he was trying to spark an idea as he wasn’t too sure of what it was himself. His own fault, he had thought.
“AH! That was it,” With a snap of your finger, your lips curled into an enlightened smile. “Thank you.” Yuuta had nodded, somewhat in a way to encourage you to keep going. Then you perked up again, and took out your phone teeming with a sort of laughter when you remembered what the video you were thinking of specifically was called.
“Aha.. all the keywords baby.” Yuuta raised a brow at this, waiting for your elaboration. “One sec, I almost have it. I swear.” He looked at you with a curious smile, his brows flattened and curved. His eyes just teeming with a type of joy that could never truly be explained, never described.
You then turned the screen of your phone to the raven-haired boy, the video now playing on screen. “Ple-pfft.” It was a clip from a stream displaying Fanum and his friends, trying to keep themselves from losing it which in turn had failed at the near end of the clip. The clip was ridiculously popular, in its own right of course.
Yuuta let out a chuckle, then erupted into laughter. Causing you to laugh as well, you simply couldn’t help it. Too good!
“Thank you, you find some pretty interesting stuff.” Yuuta said, still chuckling a little bit from the post-high euphoria. You nodded with your very iconic grin, being the proudest best friend that you were. Sometimes you just liked to be a little dramatic.
“What can I say?” You laid a hand on your chest, wiggling your finger slightly with your other hand as you displayed a dramatic scene, “I live to be the best.”
Yuuta let out another breathy laugh, leaning back on his rear slightly as he let out a hum.
Yeah, this was a damn good day.
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bieachella · 2 years ago
Wants and Needs | dbf! joel miller x reader (pt. 1)
summary: your family and friends are at a cabin celebrating your parents anniversary and u and joel get comfy together 🥰
rating: 15+ they’re just flirting here
warnings: (for the entire fic) age difference (reader is highschool graduate so take that as it is, joel is in his 40s) f!reader, dirty talk, fingering, oral sex (both receiving), pet names, praise, slow burn?? kinda idk, dbf!joel, alcohol use, fluff, unprotected p in v sex, breeding, this will be filthy trust me
a/n: ive never written fanfic in my life but dbf joel is plaguing my brain so buckle up
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“Still open?” Joel jokes as he slides his empty whiskey glass toward you. You had been playing bartender behind the small, wooden bar in the center of your parent's get-away cabin.
It had been your parents’ 15th wedding anniversary, which called for inviting family, extended family, and close friends, all to the large, chateau-like cabin your parents rented on occasion.
You smile at Joel and take his glass, nodding your head. "Always open," you reply. Joel chuckles and leans back in his chair, surveying the room.
It's a cozy space, with a large stone fireplace dominating one wall and comfortable seating arranged in small groupings around the room. Soft lighting from wall sconces and table lamps gives the space a warm glow, and the scent of pine needles and woodsmoke wafts in from the crackling fire.
You turn your attention back to the bar, starting to refill Joel's glass with a generous pour of whiskey. As you work, you can't help but notice Joel’s skin glistening with a light sheen of sweat despite the cool air conditioning of the bar. It sent a warm feeling to the pit of your stomach, and you brushed it off as a passing thought. You fixed your eyes on the liquid pouring out of the spout, and he couldn't help but smile at your efforts to make his drink neat and precise.
“Thanks, sweetheart.” You felt your cheeks flush at the pet name as you slid the glass back over to him.
Joel took a sip of his drink, letting out a content sigh as the alcohol warmed him from the inside. He turned to you with a small smile playing at the corner of his lips.
God, he made you feel like your lungs would collapse at any moment. You suddenly realized you had been staring at him for what would soon look like not innocent.
You quickly averted your gaze and cleared your throat, trying to hide your embarrassment. “So, um, you having fun?” you asked, hoping to steer the conversation away from your momentary lapse in composure.
It didn’t go unnoticed by Joel.
“Are you having fun?” he repeated with a playful smirk. Again, you couldn’t help but feel your cheeks heat up at his teasing tone.
You took a deep breath, trying to compose yourself before responding. “I am, actually,” you said, smiling back at him.
Joel nodded with a half-joking, impressed look on his face. You giggled a little and you gazed around the room, trying to find something else to talk about. You decided to stay quiet, looking at all your drunk relatives you didn’t recognize but had supposedly known you since you were little.
“Why don’t you get back out there with your kind, Joel,” jerking your head towards the group of people.
Joel chuckled at your comment and shook his head. “Nah, I’m good right here sweetheart. Plus, wouldn’t want’cha to get lonely.”
You felt that pit in your stomach again, getting butterflies at the thought of Joel not wanting to leave you alone.
You tried to play it cool, but your heart was racing. You had been crushing on Joel for as long as you can remember, but you never thought he felt the same way. It was understandable, considering he was your dads closest friend. Revealing any romantic involvement between his best friend and his only daughter, something he took immense pride in, would shatter him.
“Well I’m glad you’re comfortable here,” you said, trying to act nonchalant. “But my feet are killing me,” you added, wiping the bar down before stepping out from behind it and heading towards the couch. “Join me?” you asked, flashing him a toothy grin
Joel smiled back at you, his eyes twinkling. "You got it, babe" he said, following you over to the couch.
As you both settled down, you couldn't help but feel the warmth radiating from his body. You tried to keep your distance, not wanting to give away how much you wanted to be close to him. But it was hard, especially when he leaned back against the couch and stretched his arms out, accidentally brushing against your shoulder.
You felt your heart skip a beat as Joel's touch sent shivers down your spine. You tried to play it cool, but your cheeks were turning pink as you leaned slightly closer to him. Joel seemed to notice and he shifted slightly, his arm now resting on the back of the couch behind you.
You sat with your knees pressed up against your chest, stealing glances at Joel every now and then. He was so handsome, his dark hair, sprinkled with grey at the sides, and his salt and pepper beard, and his dark eyes, and the way he listened so intensely when you spoke to him, you couldn't help but feel a sense of ease around him that you hadn’t felt with anyone else.
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humorisstoredinthetits · 4 months ago
Poly Heathers & Veronica and Headcannons
This is mostly just gonna be some random HCs plus some demographic information
Sorry this one is late, it was supposed to be last week's, but after certain world events I kinda lost all motivation to do much, but I'm doing better now then I was a few days ago
Heather Chandler:
Her birthday is on February 24th
She's 5'5 which is only ever so slightly taller than Duke, a fact that she never fails to remind her about
Everyone thinks she's the tallest, but that's bc she wears high heels 24/7
Mac is actually the tallest Heather, but she refuses to wear heels bc of how much they hurt her back, so it looks like she's the shortest
She's Pansexual but has exactly 0 interest in any man, especially after what happened with David
She is white as can be, specifically with French ancestry, her family is super racist and would disown any member that married someone of a different race
(For all of them, I hc that they look and sound like the off-broadway cast, so Veronica looks like Barrett, Mac like Elle McLemore and so on)
She doesn't know much French but she'll insert what little she does know into her speech, making her sound like Ms.Piggy
For example, "If you'll excuse moi I'm going to bed"
She tried learning more French but it frustrated her so much that she just gave up
She's an atheist, after seeing all of the things her mother did in the name of God she is convinced that there is no higher being
She is 100000% a bottom, she might be dominant irl but in the bedroom she just melts
She's one of those people who cannot function without coffee, if she doesn't have some first thing in the morning she will be even more bitchy than usual, which is saying something
She likes hers with a shit ton of creamer and sugar
She actually hates the taste of coffee but recognizes that without it she is basically a zombie
Chandler loves cats
She loves their mischievousness, the ways their ears move, their adorable little meows, she just thinks they're neat
This made it all the more upsetting to her that Heather Catler doesn't like her
She is the most fearful of her wives, a fact she likes to keep hidden despite knowing that they won't judge her for it
She's afraid of bugs (all kinds), snakes, flying/heights, ghosts/zombies and the like, blood, and dogs
She had a bad experience with a dog as a child and refuses to go anywhere near one, even service dogs
If she sees a dog she will nope out and get the hell outta there as fast as she can
One time a dog came up and started sniffing her as dogs do and she screamed so loud she broke a window before climbing on top of Veronica
She's also afraid of needles and the others have to trick her like she's a child to get her to go get her shots
She cries the entire time it happens and they have to go get ice cream after
Even Mac who is an absolute crybaby doesn't cry when she has to go get shots
She often threatens to kick one of her wives (usually Duke) out the bed because of something they did
Whenever she follows through on this threat she ends up missing them and going to join them in wherever they had been exiled to, which inevitably leads to the others joining them
She's the most mature of the four of them and is the one who has to come bail them out whenever they do something stupid
One time they were at Target and the three of them were acting stupid as usual and a mom came up to Chandler who was facepalming and told her that she understands how hard it is to have three teenage daughters
She only facepalmed even harder
She's tried to get them to act normal but they said "nah I don't really feel like it"
She pretends to hate it but she finds it super endearing
She likes red flavored things, except for Strawberry
She'll take Cherry or Raspberry or anything else, but if its Strawberry flavored she will gag
One time JD pranked her by getting her a Strawberry slushie and after realizing what flavor it actually was she dumped it on his head
She eats at least 3 bags of corn nuts a day, one at breakfast, at least once during the day and one at dinner
They have a whole shelf in their pantry dedicated to fucking corn nuts, BQ obviously
She's a total neat freak
She has a system for things and if someone messes with it she gets very upset
One time Veronica put the paprika where the cinnamon was supposed to go and Chandler was cross with her for the rest of the night
This conflicts with their very messy pets, or at least two of them
Catler's fur gets fucking everywhere, even in rooms that she's never been in before
Every time it looks like she's gotten the last of it she'll find another clump of fur in a corner
And don't her her started on Munchkin
Thankfully his destruction is limited to his room but there are hay and poop and toys everywhere and it makes her die inside when she sees it
When she gets upset she gets fucking pissed
When that happens her wives know to leave her alone and that when she calms herself down she'll come to them for comfort
Her temper is short and uncontrollable and it doesn't take much to get her to the point that she's screaming at the top of her lungs
And she is ruthless when she gets mad, one time some guy was being a sleazebag while she was on a date with Duke and she roasted him so badly that he started sobbing in the middle of the restaurant
She takes forever in the shower, so long that most days her wives get tired of waiting and just come join her
Her red schrunchie was a gift from Mac and when she got it she vowed to wear it every day
To this day she has worn it every single day, even her wedding day
She fucking hates winter and gets cold super easy
It might have something to do with the fact that she wears skirts every single day no matter what
If it is a single degree under 70 she spends all day bundled up under several blankets
She is a blanket hog and will steal everyone's blankets
Some once somehow stole Veronica's even though she was on the other side of the bed with Mac and Duke between them
When she is sick she is awful to be around
She whines and complains and is just really snappy, when it happens Duke and Veronica leave because they would end up losing their tempers on her quick, but Mac has dealt with this much longer and knows that she doesn't mean it
She gets nightmares really frequently but she refuses to let the others know or help her
They know but don't want to push her into talking if she's not ready
She so desperately needs to be the strong one, because if she's not the strong one then what is she?
Heather Duke:
She was born March 17th, 20XX
She's 5'3, making her the shortest Heather
She fucking hates that she's so short
She has a hard time grabbing things on high shelves, people always look down on her (literally), it makes her less intimidating, its just generally annoying
On that first thought, Veronica will literally pick her up so she can grab the thing that she was trying to grab
She'll also put her in the kid seat in shopping carts, which Duke can't get out of herself
She's lesbian, exactly 0 interest in any man
She actually thought she was AroAce for a while, but she realized she was lesbian when she joined the Heathers
She's full blooded Korean, and she can speak the language fluently
When she gets really upset she'll switch to Korean unintentionally and start ranting
She's an atheist as well, but I can also see her being a pagan or Wiccan
Her family adopted Christianity when they moved to America, but they did it mostly for show and to fit in with the American culture, so true belief was never really passed down to Duke
Definitely a switch, leaning dom but is submissive sometimes
She has dyslexia and for the longest time had trouble reading
Eventually she got some glasses to help her, and now that she can read without difficulty she fell in love with it
Duke was worried about how glasses would make her look, but her wives were incredibly supportive
Chandler told her that she thinks that she looks sooooo sexy with her glasses, and that meant a lot to Duke bc she knows that Chandler isn't one to censor herself or lie to save other's feelings
Bc she's so small she can wear the other's clothes without any problems and so she'll often be seen wearing one of Mac's sweaters or Veronica's sweatpants or something
She's mostly gotten over her eating disorder, but occasionally those thoughts come up
Her wives have learned how to read her body language and can tell when she's having those kinds of thoughts, and if they see it they'll all take the day off and pamper her
When she gets upset at one of her wives she'll kick them, and her kicks fucking hurt
One time she kicked Chandler so hard after she made some snarky remark that a bruise formed and she started to tone it down
When she gets mad its a kind of quiet anger and it scares the shit out of her wives
If she starts to get really quiet her wives know something or someone fucked up and know to stay out of her way
Even Chandler will not interfere
She's so petty that she plays multiplayer games like Mario Party in her freetime just so she has the advantage on Chandler whenever the next game night rolls around
Heather McNamara:
She was born on June 22nd, 20XX
She's 5'7, being the tallest actual Heather, but of course Veronica towers over them all
She's a lesbian just like Duke, but unlike her she's known it from the day that she met Chandler
She's also white, specifically from Irish Heritage, but she knows fuck all about Ireland and has no real desire to learn more about it
Mac's not really sure about religion, she thinks that there's some kind of deity or higher power but she's not sure which
The best way to describe it would be agnostic, but Mac doesn't have a label for it
She's decided to just live her life in the best way she can and in a way that works for her and to not sweat about a god or afterlife
Mac is a Disney shill
Despite her cute personality and demeanor, she is a top and takes charge in the bedroom
She loves everything Disney puts out (not so much Star Wars or Marvel, but Pixar, the Muppets and regular Disney Animation yes)
She spends a lot of time watching old movies or shows on Disney+ or trying to convince the others to plan their next trip to Disney World
She is also an avid reader of fanficiton
She normally doesn't like to read, but when it comes to fanfiction she's almost as bad as Duke or Veronica
She mostly reads MLP stuff, but also branches out into Frozen and Pokemon
If chicken nuggets weren't one of her safe foods she would probably be a vegetarian, she loves animals and can't stand the thought of eating them, but at the same time chicken nuggets are really good
She 100% plays with her dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets before eating them and gets sad when they're in her tummy
She has autism and was thankfully diagnosed early in life, allowing her to have many years of therapy to help develop coping mechanisms and understand what sets her off
However there are still some things that can trigger a meltdown, such as abrupt changes in schedule, especially if it involves her wives like one of them having to stay late at work, certain loud sounds (mostly alarms), itchy/uncomfortable fabrics, being forced to be around certain unsafe foods, and crowded indoor spaces
She insists that she isn't cute, and the others have to agree with her there
She's not cute, she's really cute
Her pout can make even the most stubborn person she knows (Chandler) bend to her will, a fact that she uses to her advantage frequently
She cries very easily and often
Usually its not for anything bad, but whenever she feels some strong emotion, be it anger, joy, or fear the tears will start to flow
She hates making eye contact with people and will refuse to do so, even with her wives
She is super strong, not like super buff or anything but she has very well defined muscles
She kept up with an exercise regiment even after leaving the cheer squad so she's stayed in shape
Because of this her hugs feel really good, same with her cuddles
Most nights she falls asleep on the couch and has to be carried to the bed
She's always dreamed of acting in a play, but she's too nervous to go and audition, so for now at least she sticks to singing in the shower and car
She wanted to do drama in high school but Chandler convinced her to do cheer instead, staying drama is where the nerds went and the popular girls did cheer
She has hundreds of stuffed animals, and she's named each of them and remembers all of them
She fucking suckssssss at Math, it is her worst subject by far
She cannot do anything more complicated than multiplication without a calculator
Veronica Sawyer:
She was born on January 16th, 20XX
She's 5'11
She hated being that tall as people would make fun of her for it, but now that she's with the Heathers she enjoys it, as it makes messing them with so much easier
She's bisexual and definitely had a crush on JD when they first met, but now she only thinks of him as a good friend and he's AroAce anyway
She jokes that she's Heather-sexual but none of the Heathers find it funny
She's also white, from English heritage
Sometimes she'll get her monocle on and start talking in a bad British accent
If Chandler sees it she bangs her head against the nearest surface
Veronica is an atheist, but was a Christian when she first met the Heathers
Through some talks with Chandler and JD she became disillusioned with the church and with faith, but this split caused a rift with her parents, especially when she informed them that she wasn't getting married in a church or by a priest
Her parents aren't the "if you are gay you're going to hell" kinda Christians but they were still worried about her soul or whatever
Is also a switch, but she leans submissive
She's a huge history nut and is a walking encyclopedia of historical information
She finds going to museums and shit like that fun, but they bore her wives to death so she usually ends up going alone
She was a straight A student in school, was always on the honor roll and if she hadn't joined the Heathers and had to deal with all their drama she was definetly in the running for Valedictorian
She stays up late at night watching true crime documentaries on Youtube, a habit which annoys her wives to no end
They're trying to get some sleep but the light from Veronica's phone is keeping them up, not to mention the sound
Its made even worse by the fact that she uses light mode for some ungodly reason
Chandler eventually got sleep masks and earbuds for the three of them so they can actually get some sleep
Veronica has insomnia and has trouble falling asleep most nights, that's why she stays up watching videos
She's gone to doctors and taken some meds, but none of them really help
Despite everything being cool between her wives and friends, she still feels guilt over how she ended up married to the biggest bullies in school who tormented her and her friends for years
She likes the weird flavors of things like Sour Cream and Onion Chips or Salt and Vinegar chips
One time she ordered the ketchup flavored Lays from Europe and Chandler nearly vomited from the smell
The Heathers are convinced that she just doesn't have taste buds and eats this weird crap to freak them out
But no, she just legitimately likes the taste
She also has the most tolerance for sour things and can eat bag after bag of sour candy, long after her wives tapped out
Speaking of food, Veronica is like a black hole
She can just inhale food and still be hungry
Whenever they get a shareable food like pizza they usually have to get a whole pizza for just her
She collects records
Her dad gave her his old player when she moved out along with his old collection
Its one of the few things Veronica has that Chandler likes bc it "gives the home character" whatever that means
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mstormcloud · 1 year ago
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More fankids!! Both because they are genuinely fun to make and give lore to but also because I made Mirai and then wanted to make sure she had friends!
Aster is designed by my friend Duetland!! (The last art is by them!!) They aren’t on tumblr but you can find him on Instagram @duetland :)
Lore for each of them under the cut! (LONG POST WARNING!!!!)
Gold and Aster:
Shadow and Sonics kids. They’re twins (with Aster being older). Both were babysat by Tails a lot and ended up picking up a lot of stuff from him as well as their parents. Gold became more responsible and significantly more polite (far more than either of his parents lmao) meanwhile Aster became interested in robotics. Specifically those related to space like rockets or planet rovers.
When the two were born there was immediate concern about their power imbalance. Aster was born with no powers at all, meanwhile Gold’s chaos energy was so high Shadow feared he would burn himself up unless something was done. Due to them being twins, it essentially ended up where instead of two moderately powerful hedgehogs - Gold got enough power for two while Aster has none. This leads Aster to resent Gold, less because she actually wants superpowers but more because Sonic and Shadow are always fussing over Gold (to make sure his powers aren’t harming him) and she feels like her parents don’t care for her. Causing her to push them out even more. She listens to Shadow more than Sonic, but they don’t end up talking through all this properly until Espio gets involved since unlike Sonic and Shadow who had powers all their lives - Espio had to teach himself his abilities and is able to empathize with Aster more.
3. Rhine
Rouge and Knuckles’ child. I’ve thought about her way less WHOOPS but!! Despite not being an echidna he looks up to his father a lot and promises to be the best guardian of the master emerald he can possibly be. Has a habit of just picking up shiny things like a magpie and will turn them into jewelry. Is blunt and gullible like her father but likes thinking things through before she moves. Uses the shovel claws more as weapons than actual shovels - he’s a bit of a neat freak.
Mirai and Gummy:
Mirais story is on my previous post! Not much has been added since then other than that I’ve decided she’s a bit of a troublemaker and very energetic, sarcastic, silly and kinda stupid. As for Gummy he’s about 7 years younger than Mirai, and I haven’t quite figured out what he’d be interested in yet haha
Eli and Anchor:
These two are half siblings! Eli’s parents are Amy and Metal. While investigating the ruins of a disaster, Amy and Metal find a child who who had been incredibly injured. They happen to be closer to Eggmans new hideout (where he has retired and is just kinda pouting by himself forever) than anywhere else - the two break in and force Eggman to help them save the child. Since the current Metal is Amy’s size, there were several smaller models for when he was “younger” - Eggman uses one of these scrapped smaller Metals to give the child cybernetic parts and saves their life. Amy and Metal then take the child back to their house and raise it as their own, with Eggman forcing them to bring Eli over frequently so he can see his grandchild.
Anchor is the child of Blaze and Amy! I’m just letting Amy be poly I think she has a lot of love in her heart and now she has two wifes. Anchor lives the Sol kingdom, and takes after her aunt Marine quite a bit with her love for adventure and especially sailing! When she was young, much like Blaze, she was brought before the Sol emeralds and blessed with a power. I feel like she’d be able to control / harness winds rather than fire though - to help with her sailing.
If you read all of this - thanks!! You didn’t have to but it was very nice of you!
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quinnonscience · 4 days ago
'ello !! just wanted to ask like, i remember once you said something about how you really liked challan and i think that's a really neat pairing (i have a softspot for rarepairs esp...), and for whenever you like wanna answer i'd love to hear ur explanation on their dynamic/why you ship them/whatever it may be :)) + also hope ur having a good day bro 🙏🏽
When I tell you it went everywhere (JOKING I’m just so excited to finally get to talk about them you have no idea😭) hang on I’m gonna copy and paste from my notes app
Charlie x Allan isn’t technically a rarepair. A lot of people in the smiling friends fandom oftentimes tend to gravitate towards Charpim above anything else, so seeing a ship that isn’t “the fandom’s favorite” doesn’t automatically make it a rarepair. A rarepair is shipping two characters that don’t get a lot of attention from fans. And oh boy, does Challan (thankfully) get a lot of attention. I am NOT the only one XD
Not saying I don’t like Charpim, but in the grand scheme of the show, Pim has only been shown to find romantic interest in women, so speculating that he’s queer without any evidence is, in my opinion, kinda weird. (His kisses don’t count, since it’s shown that kissing in the smiling friends universe is used for comedic effect for the most part) Whereas with Charlie, it’s common knowledge that he’s at least a little fruity in canon, showing to have at least romantic interest/tension in/with multiple men. (Ex: Mip and James) Besides, the two only have chemistry as friends. I think their relationship is fun and adorable, they obviously really care about each other. Not to mention they remind me of myself and my best friend, therefore it just kind of clicked in my brain to only see them as good friends.
On the other hand…Allan. Although Allan hasn’t been shown to be openly queer, it’s just kind of obvious. The way he carries himself, and the way he’s just…for lack of a better word, kinda twinky. Also, he’s shown to have little interest in women, giving the apartment scene. His reply to the woman in his bed with just a monotone “okay” tells me that he simply doesn’t give much of a shit. He’s really only been shown to answer to and care about other men. The proof is in the pudding and the pudding says that you’re a QUEER!!!!!!!!
The way Charlie and Allan interact with each other is very…romantically tense. They’re very intimate with each other despite not explicitly saying anything, the body language says it all. They’re the first pair to be seen hugging (with reciprocation from both ends), and the first pair to be physically intimate. Allan literally sucked on Charlie’s nose in the pilot. I’m not gonna disregard that this made Charlie uncomfortable though, as seen in season 2, but it DID happen after Charlie literally pulled him in and caressed his hand. Like bro. He was just matching your freak. 😭
Another thing is that they simply just have a lot of romantic chemistry. They make each other laugh, and can have conversations on their own. Yes, they do argue, but who doesn’t? I’ve had arguments with my girlfriend, and they often play out the same Charlie and Allan’s arguments do. With some sort of mutual understanding by the end and forgiveness and eagerness to move on and continue the relationship. It’s also obvious that the two want to spent more time together too, which is why the call out happened in S2 E7, so that they can, and I semi quote, “put this behind us and hang out more”. Oh and Charlie openly called him pretty, something that he never did with anyone else, not even Pim or his canon girlfriend. (I love you Zoey but Challan is just better💔)
So uh yeah augh I got one of those “understand my ship in 5 minutes” thing I’ll add it too.
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blitzwhore · 22 days ago
Like I can't explain how many times I've just looked at my own fics and gone "will anyone even care about this, it probably sucks, and I'm sure someone else could do a better job of this idea anyway, and probably no one cares if I finish and post it or not". And I can assure you, the majority of people who make fic, and fanart, and edits, and podfics, and memes, and literally any other brand of fandom work has felt the same at some point. The fear that what you're making isn't worth it is a pretty normal part of creating something, actually! And it takes a lot of courage to still put yourself out there and share your creation with the world.
And obviously, that doesn't mean people owe you interactions. Being a lurker is completely fine. Saving a fanart or fic to your phone or computer, and enjoying it, and never commenting on it, is fine. You don't deserve to feel guilty if that's your way of engaging with a fandom. You're saving fanworks for your personal enjoyment, and that's your business, no one else's. Hey, I myself used to do this when I was like 14 and I used to print random fanarts on my home printer so I could decorate my school folders.
But it's one thing to not get a lot of engagement in your fanwork (bit demotivating, kinda meh, but understandable), and a very different thing to find out that someone else has gotten dozens upon dozens of comments and tags and replies and love on your fanwork, completely behind your back. And it turns out this whole time people loved it! They wanted more! They liked what you made! It actually brought them joy, or made them cry, or scream!
... But they just never connected it to you to begin with, because it was under someone else's name. So they never even had a chance to go through your blog/ao3 to find your other fanworks, or follow you, or subscribe to you so they'd get notified when you posted something else, or send you an ask, or become your mutuals/fandom friends who support you and scream at you because they like what you make.
And all because someone else saw your fanwork, thought "aw, neat" and decided to just. Completely ignore you, ane instead reupload it on their own page for people to see and interact with it.
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