#something about like yes they love Sam but like at the end of the day would the change a core part of their being something
lailawinchesterr · 9 hours
remedy (vii) — sam winchester
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summary: somethings just aren't meant to be, and you can't force them— tags: underage!reader, 22 year old!sam, med student!fem!reader, cursing, angst, 6k chapter (yeah it needs a warning).
You don’t text back for two days, and he ignores you. All of a sudden, it’s ‘we need to talk’. No way, man; an idiot can see this is a breakup text if they look at it for a second too long. And you’re not stupid enough to end something that means this much to you over the phone. 
If he decides you’re boring, or you’re not it, or whatever, he can say it to your face—
Your phone is ringing.
Worst case scenario, he calls you names, best case, he says it’s not you; it’s him. Maybe switch them around?
Maybe you should change your number.
Maybe you should answer. You answer. “Sam, hey.”
“Hey, you okay? Were you asleep?” Maybe if you say yes, he’ll feel stupid breaking up with you while you are half asleep. 
“No.” You’ve never been good at lying to him. “Do you need anything?”
“Sweetheart, what’s with the silent treatment?” oh, great, now he wants to talk about it? It’s been two days, he didn’t bother then— God, what is happening to you! You’re acting like such a bitch, right now, like all the times you’ve yelled at your friends to stop being so annoying with their boyfriends, and now you’re doing the same. 
“Sorry, uh— yeah, no, I guess I was just being silly because you didn’t call when you said you would.” Your voice is so timid, you wouldn’t believe it if someone said it was you. Sam has responsibilities, such as finding his dad and taking care of Dean, and you are being petty. Fuck this whole thing, this isn't you, why are you suddenly changing around him (without him here).
“It's not silly. I just had something to take care of that night and forgot to tell you.”
“Why'd you pretend? Why not just tell me the next day?”
“I thought you forgot, I didn't wanna remind you; besides, it was one call, I didn't think you’d care.” Where in your exterior of panic did he get ‘wouldn't care’ from? Unlike Sam's tendency to just ooze nonchalance, always seeming uniquely unbothered by this entire thing, he wasn't like this when he was next to you, in fact, he used to care more about your feelings than you did.
Is this what distance is doing to the both of you? Ruining Sam's gentleness and consideration? The things you liked about him from the start? Love about him? God, it's like your parents all over again. You love your father, of course you do, he’s an incredible dad, but he was disappointing as a husband, and you fucking swore that you’d never marry someone like him, even if you’re as physically far away from marriage as possible with Sam, it doesn't mean you’re wrong for thinking of your future with him.
“Right. Sorry. It isn't a problem, you're right.” You never were as strong as your mother.
“Okay, but I'll text you next time. Promise.” You nod, noticing your nose burning and your vision getting blurry for a second before you breathe. This is not worth crying over. You've always given your entire being into every relationship and lost yourself halfway through, you told Jess that this was different, that Sam was different. But Sam is just like every guy you've ever liked, he's normal, caring, and sure, a little different in the sense that he's not a dick to other people and doesn't curse at you because of how you feel– okay so he's very different, but you aren't. You’re trying so hard to hold yourself back from thinking of those three words, from being all in for once, but you can’t help it, and you’re fucking mad at Jess for being right. Sam lost you. He went to a different state and is staying there for weeks, and it's okay with him. It should be the same way it should be for you, but it isn't. It was never going to be.
Your feelings were never going to be like his, and deep down, you knew that, Jess knew that. And you let it happen.
Fuck you’re crying. Fuck he’s calling out your name. “Sam, I'll call you back, okay?” And you hang up to his protests.
He didn’t cause this, you did by being so fucking careless with the most crucial thing in your life– your heart. And men will always be men. They'll forget to call, or they'll move to another country or state for work, they'll have girl friends that they hang around, and you will never be able to deal with it. 
It's terrifying to think about because you spent your senior year of high school making damn sure something like this would never happen, you didn't breathe near a boy, and you worked your ass off both in school and out of it to have achievements you can add to your transcript. Your first two years in Stanford have been spent right here in your apartment (or the first one was in the dorm), away from anyone who could ruin your progress– then Jess introduced you to him, and so what? She's introduced you to anyone she's ever hung out with. But you knew Sam was different. You knew everything about him was different the second you were both in the car alone, and you let all your nerves go so that you could sit in the passenger's seat and talk to him.
That should've been enough to scare you the hell off. He’s older and more experienced, and you promised you wouldn’t do this– you threw it all out the window the second he asked for your number.
He’s calling, your phone's ringing, and you know it's unfair to him, God, you know it is, but how unfair is it to whatever’s left of you if you answer? 
After an extensive crying session, you pick yourself off your bed and get on the desk for some serious study time. All your best studying has been done with your eyes bloodshot red and your heart broken. It doesn't take a few hours to finish and revise your assignments, and then you make flashcards for the chapter you (daydreamed during) missed last week. It's the most productive you've been this year. You're not complaining— until you are because Jess is barging through the door, and she doesn't yell, ‘honey, I'm home’, which can only mean she spoke to Sam. She knocks on your door twice before slamming it open with a frown. 
“No, because what the actual fuck do you mean you're not answering any of our calls?” Oh, she's worried. You shrug, pointing to the phone that you shut off and abandoned on your bed a few feet away. “How many times have I told you to stop shutting your phone off if you're not going to keep your laptop open? What if your parents call and you don't answer? They can't exactly just knock on your door.”
“I texted them before I shut it off.” She lets out an exasperated breath, walking over to you.
“What about me? Why didn't you text me?”
“I forgot, Jess, I'm sorry, it's no big—” Before you can even finish your sentence, you're hit with an insane case of deja vu, except it's more like your brain stops working. You genuinely did forget. It wasn't like you'd hurt your best friend on purpose, but she doesn't look like she forgives you or, quite frankly, even cares. And you're repeating his words right back at her.
“No big deal? Seriously, what has gotten into you? First, you don't listen to me about Sam– you actually fight me about it, then you ruin it! Sam is racking his brain thinking of what he did wrong, and all he came up with is that he forgot to call once. Tell me you are not being bitch to Sam because he goddman forgot!”
You're not surprised by Jess saying it any more than you were scared when you did. You already knew it was irrational; you're overreacting and rounding up all the bad things happening since you've known him to justify it. But you're not stupid, you know Sam doesn't deserve it, you just– honestly, you didn't think he'd call Jess or care that much. 
“I'll call and apologize—”
“No, God, no, this isn't what this is about,” she sighs, her voice quieter and pensive as she sits on your bed. You turn the chair around to face her. “Babe, talk to me. What is going on with you?”
“You were right.” You can't cry again, and you're not in front of Jess about something you're ruining yourself. “It's too much, I just can't do it, Jess. You were right—”
“Come on, babe, no, you fought for him, you convinced me he's right for you, what is this about?”
“I just can't be okay with it, every time something happens, I just— I'm scared it'll all go to shit, so I can't focus on anything, but the second I closed my phone after I hung up on him, I felt like— it was closure. I'm not scared anymore. I can focus and see everything clearly when I'm not…”
“When you're not in love with him.” You don't meet her eyes, instead, they pan to the floor. Yeah. You were scared to say it, but Jess certainly isn't. She won't shy away from the truth for your benefit; maybe that’s why talking things out with her always works for you. 
“Jess, you were so right, and I'm sorry I didn't—”
“Hey, don't be stupid, no. I didn't mean it— I never wanted you to do this. Sam is good for you, and you are great for him. Me and Gen, we talk about the two of you all the damn time and how incredible Sam treats you, how thankful and accommodating you are to him. I didn't know that that's what you were thinking.”
“I fell in love with him in a month. I can't, I just can't be like this again. I can't keep doing this and–” Yeah, you can feel your tears deep in your chest, and it doesn't matter what Jess hears or sees, you just can't keep going like this, “— I keep losing myself, and I accommodate to him and I want to please him and I shut up when I'm sad because what if he doesn't want to hear it—”
“You know he–”
“I don't care! I don't care how good of a person he is, unless he pulls it out of me, I don't… God, I'm so high maintenance, and he's too comfortin– Jess, I'm done. I can't keep…” She frowns, and you notice her red cheeks as she opens her arms for you. You oblige, moving off your chair and next to her on the bed, your head on her chest while her arms wrap around you. It never hurts less, and the fact it never fucking might scares you more than you thought was possible.
You both fall asleep like that on your bed, your head on her chest and her embrace warming you, it makes you curse yourself for waking up at three. You were in a deep sleep, too. Thankfully, she still is, so you grab your phone and head out of your room, turning off the lights behind you to– oh fucking SHIT.
“Sam!” You scream, a hand on your racing chest. You're already wincing at the thought of waking Jess up, but you don't hear anything except a change of rhythm in her snores. You’re panting as you take a step back from him. “What the hell are you doing here?”
“We finished early,” He lies, his eyes on yours. He’s a good liar, you have to admit, even if you can see right through it. He takes a step closer, examines you, and places his hands on your shoulders as he does before pulling you in close. “God, I’ve missed you.” 
That's— what on earth is happening right now? “Were you crying?” He furrows his eyebrows, fingers wiping under your eyes even though your tears dried hours ago. 
“Yeah, but that— Sam, what are you doing here?” You repeat, still starstruck. You like surprises when you know they’re coming. Like not knowing where you're going for dinner or not knowing what type of party someone is planning for your birthday, but this? It's very not cool. Extremely terrifying.
“I just told you we finished the case early.”
“You— what about your dad?”
“Dad left us a clue, well, he left Dean something. We went to find him in Blackwater Ridge, and he left something for Dean there about where to find him next. It's a couple of states over, and when I saw that this isn't a two-week kind of thing, I told Dean to bring me back here.”
“Sam it's been five days—”
“I know. I know, but you— trust, right? Technically, I made it back before the end of the week, so even that promise I kept…” and it's a weak attempt to lighten the situation with his hands still lighting your body on fire. You're not angry with Sam, of course you aren't, you never expected that you'd be with him every second of every day, you even knew that in less than a month you'd have to go back home for the summer vacation— it was never Sam's fault to begin with. It's yours. Your heart, your stupid, childish feelings, because despite being emotionally intelligent like almost everyone you've ever known has told you, and a damn hard worker to get into med school a year early, your feelings are where you draw the line.
“Honey, were you crying?” He should probably stash the monikers away for the time being if you're going to be able to do this.
“No— I mean, yes but it's fine I had Jess here.” You don't mean to sound bitter but it seems as if he took it that way because he frowns and nods slowly in a manner that pains you. He doesnt deserve this. He doesnt, hes been so fucking good to you, he cares about you, he—
He’ll never love you the way you love him. If you break it off now it's better for the both of you, he won't have to deal with a crazy girlfriend and you won't feel your heart shatter every time he forgets to call or goes out with Lily. This is good.
This is for the better. You know it's for the better.
“Sam.” You say with a breath, suddenly self conscious of your hair, is it messed up? And the makeup you slept with (though you're not too worried with it being Jess's and all her stuff is waterproof). “I— uh, we should probably go to sleep. I'm still tired and you just came back, right?”
“Yeah, but if you want to talk about something, anything—” Why is he making this so hard?
“No, no, we should just… wait, did Dean bring you here, with your bags? You don't have your car?” He confirms your words and you groan, walking past him to the kitchenette, opening the fridge door to hopefully find the iced tea you hid from Jess. Thank god for blueberry iced teas.
“I can go back to my apartment, it's no problem,” And you freeze your movements as you curse yourself under your breath. That isn't what you meant, you're just very overstimulated and there's too many thoughts going on in your head, you wish you could calm them down, and now sam is staying over, and he’ll probably expect you to crash with him in Jess’s room. 
“Sam, ‘m sorry, it’s just I’m so tired—.”
“No, I get it. It’s fine, a cab—”
“What? No, I mean I’m sorry for being bitchy, I just wanna head to bed, that’s all. And I’m not hauling you into a cab, we’ll take Jess’s room… unless you wanna be alone?”
You look up from your drink to gouge his expression and he shakes his head, rubbing a hand over his jaw. “‘Course not.”
Great. “Okay, you wanna drink something?” 
At his refusal with a short ‘thank you’, you tell him you’ll be in the room in a moment which he takes as the dismissal it is, shutting the door behind him so you’re completely alone in the living room. Kitchen. What the fuck ever this is. 
God, this is— you brush your hands through your hair shutting your eyes aggressively. You’re okay. It’s okay. The earth is still spinning and you haven’t failed any of your classes— and Sam is here and he’s being a loving boyfriend saying he misses you, what is wrong with you?
You decide that enough thinking’s enough as you drown the rest of your drink and enter the room with soft footsteps. Sam’s sprawled out on your best friend's bed and you check yourself out in the mirror quickly to see that, surprisingly, you look somewhat decent. You shut the lights off before you get in the bed, lying on your back just as Sam is. 
Is it rude to sleep on your side? Definitely is. You can’t find it in yourself to care as you do it, moving the covers so they aren’t all on your side, and sing yourself to sleep because what the hell else are you supposed to do after today?
Waking up to the smell of fresh coffee and maybe even food? Yes. Always. Please. 
You don’t waste a second getting off the bed, not like you’re getting any more sleep with the sun filling the room with a warm, golden glow. You shut the blinds off for good measure before freshening up in the bathroom quickly, not wanting to miss whatever was happening in the kitchen outside.
The second you open the door you’re engulfed in the scent, though this time you notice how sweet it is. You smile as you look over and see— oh. Right. You forgot. That’s why you’re in Jess’s room.
Jess is sitting on the counter while Sam cooks, what you assume are pancakes, on the stove. At the sound of the door, they both face you, Jess quickly running off the counter and into your arms. You reciprocate in no time, squeezing her tighter. “You okay?” She whispers in your ear, as good of a friend as ever.
“‘M okay. Please stay today.” When you pull away, she nods at you, like it’s a given then drags you to where she was sitting, right next to Sam. His smile pulls at your heartstrings and he leans down for a kiss that— there’s no way you’re not kissing him back. Your left-hand lands on his bicep as you steady yourself. When he pulls away, he doesn’t go completely, his face inches from yours, and he steals another quick one. 
He’s back to cooking as he mumbles, “Missed you.” 
What’s happening right now?
What on earth is happening right now?
You’ll think about it when you’re more awake. Or at least when you have food in you. 
“Jess, what do you have planned for today?” you ask, your hand still on him as you rub it absentmindedly.
“I have classes— so do you, Sam!” Isn’t Jess a year younger than Sam? you never noticed how much she knows about the graduating class despite not being a part of it. She reads your mind like she's always done, “Gen’s with him, ‘sides most of my friends are from his class.”
Right. Gen. you should probably apologize to her for stealing her girlfriend for an entire night. Only god knows how she’s coping right now. When you glance at Jess you notice her surveying you and Sam, so you quickly take a step back to remove your hand.
“What about you, Sam? Any plans?” She listens, leaning over the island that separates the small kitchen from the living room, “other than class obviously, which you will be attending— by the way, Lily is so fucking pissed at you, dude.”
Sam throws his head back with a groan, “i know. She wont stop texting.”
That’s reassuring. He continues, “But I don't think I’m up for anything today. I’ll go the classes and talk to lily about finishing the project next week. You think she’ll understand?” His eyes catch yours and you feel obligated to answer with a quick nod. 
He’s back to flipping pancakes that look surprisingly delicious considering you’ve never once seen him cook before. Though, in your defense, you’ve usually eaten out for every dinner and breakfast you spent together. Which now that you think of it, isnt cost-effective. Someone should chek on your bank account. Not you, obviously, but someone should.
“It smells really good.” you compliment, gesturing to jess to bring you a brush, which she complies, leaving to find one. “Where’d you learn to make food like that?”
“Oh, it’s nothin’, i used to read lots of books growing up, guess i picked up some cooking ones.”
“Really? That’s nice. Dean mustve been real lucky having you try out recipes.” you joke, dipping a fork into the batter to try it. ‘S horrible, just like you expected. It isnt cake batter, it wont taste good, and you knew that— doesnt mean you wont try it.
“Yeah he didnt really, i mean i never actually cooked or anything, just read them and when i got the apartment with Gen i started cooking more, turns out its something i like.” oh its cute to think that coming to stanford, getting his own place with gen, had opened up this kind of opportunity for him, and it has you wondering what else he did when he was younger. Youd hardly spoke of either of your childhoods— mostly because as much as you love your parents, you dont like thinking too much of how they were when you were younger, and apparently that lead to not asking about sam’s. Hes never talked about his mum, now that you notice it.
Is she out of the picture? Are you even allowed to ask? Did you want to ask considering whats been on your mind since yesterday? God, you dont even know if youre going through with it. Hes here and hes cooking breakfast, kissing you, holding you— why would you want to let that go?
“Here, whore.” jess emerges from her room, throwing the hairbrush.
“Thanks, slut.” she smirks, plopping onto the couch and you catch the look of surprise on sam’s face. “What? Whats wrong? We’re joking its just a thing we do.”
“No, i now, just didn't know you do that. Never heard it before.”
“Yeah, i don't even know how it started but it's cute.” he agrees leaning down for another kiss which you, stupidly, let him do. Your hand comes up to brush against his cheek before you remember the object you’re holding and disconnect, sitting on the counter, brushing your roots so you can tie your hair back with no fly-away strands. “You okay?”
You nod, not quite meeting his eyes as you focus on making sure your hair is perfect without so much as a phone camera. “Really?” He prodes, “you don’t look it. You’ve been weird since yesterday, did I do something?” Oh, did you ever, Winchester . 
“No, Sam, ‘m fine.” He sighs but lets it go. It doesn’t take more than ten minutes for a stack of pancakes to finish cooking and Sam serves it on the counter next to maple syrup and some chocolate sauce he says he found in the fridge (you made it a few days ago but didn’t like it). 
Thankfully, everyone enjoys the food, and Jess seems like she has a lot to say about him skipping out on you, then coming back all of a sudden, for losing communication with her— she doesn’t bring up yesterday at all which helps you relax since you’re not even sure what you’re going to do anymore.
It’s ten by the time you’re all done and the dishes are in the sink, you (like a fucking idiot again) kiss sam’s cheek, thanking him excessively. “I’m glad you liked it, it was my first time, I think.”
“You think?” He takes a step closer, both hands coming to rest on your waist as he nods. Why does he just love talking when you’re close to each other? Don’t people have conversations a few feet away anymore? Not possible?
“Yeah, I’m not sure if the first time counts, ‘nothin like what you had today, I’ll tell you that.”
“Well, I’m proud of you, it was amazing.” You wish you could say you missed the faint blush on his cheeks, but you didn’t, and it did nothing but make you want to kiss him more.  “When do your classes start?”
“Two hours.” You frown, looking behind him at the clock you have hanged up. 
“Dead.” You groan, looking around to find his bags on the floor on your front door, “I already packed.”
“I didn’t know you unpacked.”
“I didn’t exactly, just got some stuff out for this morning, but I’m ready to go, I’ll see you later today?” 
You tilt your head after he kisses it, and you watch him walk away. “Today? What’s today?”
He shrugs, carding the duffel, “nothing specific, just thought I’d see you. If you want.”
If you want. Do you want? “Sure, we’ll see.” He nods, uncertain, before he yells out for Jess who rushes out of her room to hug him, muttering about ‘not being sure if she’ll ever see him again considering he likes to disappear’. 
Couldn’t have said it better, Jess. You don’t have any classes today but some studying would do you good so you lock yourself in your room for an hour before Jess barges in and you’re more confused to find she’s not at Sam’s than you are to see her in lace lingerie. Because. What. The. Fuck.
“Do I look pretty?” She teases, twirling around like a Disney princess, before going for something more R-rated, playing with the waistband of her panties. “Was gonna wear it last night for Gen, so I wanna surprise her but I’m scared black isn't my color.”
“Slut! Absolute slut. You’re showing me your girlfriend’s outfit? Sluttiest whore there ever was.” She giggles, walking over to your desk, “black is definitely your color, babe, you know that, don’t worry about it, Gen’ll love it.”
She still seems hesitant, but because Jess would rather kill herself before ever giving you reason to comfort her, she changes the subject, closing your books, “okay, tell me about Sam.”
“What about him? He’s in class— or has class in an hour, just like you do.”
“You’re breaking up with him?” You shrug, leaning back in your seat, “what do you mean,” she repeats your gesture mockingly, slapping your shoulder, “man up and choose a side.”
“Not a man. And besides, he doesn’t know so—”
“Stop being like this,” she scolds, crossing her arms in front of her chest, though it does nothing for her modesty, not that you care, “I know you and you can’t even fucking focus on anatomy. Come on, you need to do something. Talk with Sam or stop trying at all, there’s no other option and you know it.”
“Yeah well the two options suck.” You groan, slamming your head down on the desk. “I—”
“You love him, yeah.”
“Do you… think he does too?” You mumble against the desk before hearing her sigh. And it fucking breaks your heart to hear it indirectly. She hasn’t said anything even yesterday. She didn’t deny it, but she didn’t confirm that your fears are valid— she is now. She’s telling you again, as if you haven’t repeated it like a prayer in your mind, that you’ve just gone too fast. 
“Sam cares about you, you know that, baby. I mean, he just cooked breakfast after staying the night. You guys shared the bed— he wants you, loves having you around.”
“But doesn’t love me.” You look up at her, already being sure tears will stain your face any moment now. 
“It’s not even about time, it’s just— you’re scared and you’re letting it affect everything else in your life.”
“Isn’t that normal—”
“It isn’t. You know it isn’t. Me and Gen spend almost everyday together, but I know my place in her life, as her friend, girlfriend, lover, that’s all I am. At least for now, till we’re done with college and then me and her will figure it out. You’re different, you’re thinking of the future all the time and you’re overthinking what he says when he’s not here, and Sam's been doing things that don’t sit right with you— I know he has, don’t tell me he hasn’t. The first night you spent at his apartment when we told you about Lily I knew something was off. You don’t deserve to live in fear and anxiety because of a man being in your life. And it isn’t Sam’s fault, maybe— it’s not yours either, but it’s just not the right time.”
What’s worse, hearing what you want to hear or hearing what’s honest?
“Hey, Sam. I know you’re in class right now so just, call me when you’re done, we need to talk.” You wince at the last phrase, regretting it already. You’re about to put the phone down when it starts to vibrate with a call from him. Huh.
“Hey, baby, I’m done with class, I was just speaking with the professor. I haven't listened to your voicemail yet, what's wrong?”
“Nothing,” you shut your eyes at the lie, your breathing heavy, “just need to see you. Or actually,” you can’t bring him in blind, “it is something. Just, when can I see you?”
“Oh. I have a few classes then the project with Lily, so maybe eight?”
“Is there— when’s your next class?”
“Few hours.”
“Can we meet up now?”
“Is it important? because I don’t wanna cut it short and I don’t want to be late for class.”
“It’s important but it won’t take long.” He sighs, probably at your vague answers before deciding to meet up with you in your apartment. Like the gentlemen he is. That you’re leaving. 
You call Jess the entire twenty minutes it takes him to knock on your door and she helps your through it all, the same way she has the second this started.
He greets you with a smile, though it doesn’t reach his eyes, and somehow that eases your worry. At least he knows something is coming. You close the door behind it and gulp before you let go of the knob and lean against it, not sitting down. He’ll probably want to leave anyways. 
“What’s wrong? Is this about why you’ve been acting this way since yesterday?”
Maybe. Why does your mouth stop fucking working the second you actually have to say something? How on earth is that fucking fair. “It’s not fair.” Oh, great. There goes your speech.
“What’s not—”
“It’s not fair to us, what’s happening right now so I think we should just, you know, like not be together.”
Like, not be together? Way to show off how much of a seventeen year old you actually are.
“What?” He— Sam looks genuinely confused and that’s not something you anticipated. 
“Breaking up. I’m breaking off what we’re doing because it’s just not working.” And that seems to register for him, finally and lets out a defeated breath, rubbing a hand over his face. “What?”
“I knew it was coming, I just have no fucking idea why. Why you’ve been so— I just need an explanation.” 
“It’s everything, okay? It’s my fault, I started this knowing I wasn’t ready for a relationship and you’re great, Sam, but it’s not what I need right now.” You’re not sure what you’re saying half way through, this is not the script you rehearsed and he’s furrowing his eyebrows at you, shaking his head as if to say ‘bullshit’. “It’s a lot of things that we just can’t change about you and about me, we’re just not supposed to be together.”
“Don’t give me that crap, what can’t we change? And why can’t we change it?” He’s frustrated, not exactly angry and you wish you could gauge more of his feelings than just that but the truth is you’re radiating fear and anxiety that you can’t focus on anyone else’s emotions. “And why are you so tense?”
“Because I’m—”
“Breaking it off doesn’t mean you have to be shaking.” His voice is slightly raised so he cuts himself off, taking a breath before taking a step towards you, “You shouldn’t be shaking, okay? It’s fine, I respect your decision, but talking about this is also important.”
“But it’s over, right?” He tilts his head in confusion. “I mean, because, you’re not trying to convince me or anything, you’re just asking.”
“I’m not, what does that even mean? Do you not want me to fight for us?”
“Fighting for us would entitle fighting me, so I don’t think so. I’m sure this is the right thing to do, Sam. I’m very sure—.”
“Because of a—”
“Real fucking answers.” You flinch at his tone, supporting your weight on the other leg.. 
“A lot of what you think is okay and normal just isn’t with me. Like hanging out with Lily or leaving out of nowhere with Dean—”
“We talked about both of these things before I decided on them! Do you just keep a list of all the things I’m doing that you slightly disapprove of?”
“No, but it’s still early and this just shows we’re not for each other.”
“What about the things that show that we are? Studying at the apartment, the dinners, what was all of that? If you’re gonna make a list at least make it fair.”
“This isn’t a list!” You huff, angry at this point and you move away from the door so you’re not standing face to face, “it’s what I think is right. And I can’t live like this if I’m going to have to be okay with all of these things.”
“Live like this? You’re making thsi sound like—”
“—that’s just the way I see it, Sam.” You’re not sure what you would do if you hear him mock your overthinking. Mock marriage and your future.
“Well it’s wrong. I think we’re good for each other when you aren’t getting in your head about everything. You don’t have to think about things so intensely, and I’m not brushing your feelings aside, I get that they’re there, but if you keep giving them more than they deserve they’ll eat at you.” 
“So will being with you.”
You’re a lot of things, but weak isn’t one of them. You’re starting to think that just isn’t true. And it’s starting to sink in as you watch Sam scoff out a breath, his hands covering his eyes as if he’s willing the entire conversation away.
And you’re starting to think it’s not true when he makes a move to leave the door.
And you’re sure it’s not true when you let him leave without a word.
part eight (epilogue); honey, you're familiar.  
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title: all my habits came back around (calgary by tate mcrae)
as we near the end of this thing I made that you guys decided to care about, I want to say thank you. I wrote the first chapter as a one-shot, and here we are over thirty thousand words later. I'm so grateful to this fic for how much it has allowed me to interact with the fandom and the amazing people in it.
on another note, this is not the end— don't worry— though this is exactly how I wanted the fic to go because when I wrote this, I had a very specific character in mind: one who is self-sabotaging and constantly struggling with an internal battle, she's complicated. While, of course, she will figure that out, it won't be now, and it won't be with Sam.
this doesn't spoil anything for the last and final chapter, but I did want to give some of my thoughts + I'm a sucker for reusing the first words of the first chapter in the end if you guys noticed + swear this series is a happy ending just wait!!
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stari-sometimes · 11 months
Ya know in regards to the whole Darlin getting turned thing I kinda just want them and Sam to end up like Cheryl and Charles from Vampire Husband
Like Sam’s an old vampire and Darlin is just old and it just is
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Delicious Promises
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.5k
Warnings: smut, fingering
Summary: You and Dean are always at each other’s throats, making it hard to hunt with each other. What you two need is a good way to release your frustrations, no matter who is around to hear it.
Square Filled: one bed for three (2021) for @spndeanbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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Hunting with the Winchesters brings out two emotions: excitement and annoyance. Excitement because you love hunting with them, saving people, and killing monsters. You can do it by yourself but they’re so good at what they do, it makes sense to want to do it with them. Annoyance because you can’t stand Dean. He’s cocky, arrogant, bossy, and always thinks he’s right about everything. You can’t stand the man. Sam is usually the buffer between you and Dean and can often keep both of you calm but if you’re alone with the older Winchester, things won’t end well.
You’re also pissed off because he’s so hot. You’ve roomed next to him before; he knows exactly what he’s doing when he has a woman in his bed. Women fawn all over him whenever he walks into a room, and can you blame them? It pains you to admit but you often thought about being one of those women in his bed at times.
Not only does he piss you off, but you piss him off, too. You hunt just as well as he does if not a little better, and it drives him up a wall when you don’t listen to him. You go off on your own and do whatever it is that you want despite you always telling him you can handle it. It always seems to work out in the end for you which is what pisses him off.
Sam, on the other hand, is one of your best friends. You two get along great which is why you agreed to go on this hunt with them. He asked for your help knowing he and his brother wasn’t going to be enough. Dean’s been driving for nearly an entire day to get to Maine, so he decides to stop at some hotel instead of a motel. They have Men of Letters money so they can splurge on sleeping comfortably tonight.
There is a convention happening in town so there is only one room available by the time you get to them. Normally, it wouldn’t be a problem since you took turns sleeping in the bed whenever you were with the Winchesters. As long as there were two beds and a sofa bed, you’d be alright. However, when you get to the room, you are disappointed to see only one bed--a California King.
“Tell me there is a sofa bed,” you say. You walk over to the couch and lift the cushions only to be disappointed again. “Shit.”
“It’s fine. This is big enough for all three of us. Just sleep in the middle,” Sam says.
You barely look at Dean. “I’ll sleep on the couch.”
“Don’t be a pussy,” Dean rolls his eyes.
“Excuse me?”
“Is sharing a bed with us that traumatic?”
“Yes, actually because you’ll be in there,” you sneer.
“Will you two quit it? We’re here to hunt, and we can’t do that if you’re at each other’s throats. Can’t you two just get along?”
“I know I can,” you say and cross your arms.
“I know I can,” Dean mocks you in a faux female voice.
You resist the urge to throw something at his fucking smug face.
“Fine, I’ll sleep in the bed with you two.”
You grab your bathroom bag and lock yourself in the bathroom to do your nighttime routine. It takes twenty minutes to complete the entire routine, and you leave the bathroom once you feel refreshed and ready for bed. You grab your moisturizer and lift your right leg to rub the lotion onto your skin. Dean peeks at you from over the gun he’s cleaning. After doing your right leg, you do your left leg and Dean doesn’t take his eyes off you the entire time.
You put the lotion aside and crawl into bed between the two brothers. Dean finishes with his gun and puts it away to crawl in next to you. Sam is already snuggled under the covers with a book in his hand.
“Fuck,” Dean mutters.
“You expect me to lay here and smell that girly shit?”
“If you don’t like it, sleep on the couch,” you smirk.
“Both of you, shut up and go to sleep,” Sam scolds you two like children.
Sam is the first to fall asleep since he can fall asleep anywhere, but you and Dean are a different story. You always have trouble falling asleep in beds that are not your own and this is no exception. It doesn’t help you’re in the middle of a Winchester sandwich. Sam is a heavy sleeper so he doesn’t feel you moving to get comfortable, but Dean does. He had to be a light sleeper to look after Sam so he can’t sleep unless you’re still.
“If you’re going to keep moving, go to the couch,” he hisses.
“I can’t get comfortable.”
Dean rolls onto his side, grabs your hips, and pulls you into him. You freeze the second you feel his hard cock on your ass. Dean’s hot breath falls over your ear and neck causing shivers to rave down your spine.
“Stop moving and go to sleep.” It’s kind of hard to go to sleep now when you can feel every inch of Dean’s cock pressed between your ass cheeks. You shift as you try to think about anything else, but him and you end up pressing your ass further into him. Dean’s teeth nip at your ear and he growls his next words. “Do not move.” Okay, now you’re moving just to piss him off. You can play him so easily. Dean’s hand slides over your hip to the front of your body where he presses his fingers to your clothed pussy. That causes you to still. “If you want to play this game, sweetheart, I’ll play this game. One rule. Don’t wake Sam.”
Dean’s hand slips underneath your silk pajama shorts, pleased to find you’re wearing skimpy cotton panties. He passes the cotton barrier and presses his fingers against your clit. You jerk against his body but he holds onto you tightly so you don’t move much. He runs two fingers down the length of your slit, gathering the wetness he feels.
“I haven’t even touched you and already, you’re so wet for me.”
He pushes one thick finger into you, and you bite down on your bottom lip to keep from crying out. Sam would kill you if he knew what was happening mere inches away from him. Dean pushes in a second finger and curls them to press against your g-spot.
“Fuck,” you gasp quietly.
“Do you feel what you do to me? You get me so fucking hard. It takes everything I have not to bend you over and fuck that attitude out of you,” he whispers against your ear.
It’s somehow hotter that he’s whispering to you instead of speaking normally. So intimately… so close.
“So do it,” you smirk.
Dean slams his fingers into you rapidly and rubs your clit in hard small circles. The pressure is becoming too much not to make noise, and you arch your back as much as possible. It’s a good thing Sam is a heavy sleeper otherwise he’d hear your heavy breathing and slick sounds from your pussy.
“Fuck, Dean,” you whimper.
“Are you gonna be a good girl and come for me? Hmm?”
You can’t respond to him even if you want to. The pressure builds deep in your core, and he can feel you tightening around his fingers. Fuck, he can only imagine what you’d feel like around his cock and tongue. Next time. His cock is rock hard and pressing against your ass, begging for release, but he’s not going to take care of him until he takes care of you.
“Shit, I’m gonna come,” you whisper.
“Go ahead. I got you.”
He circles your clit hard and the pressure inside of you explodes, and you feel your entire body start to float from ecstasy. Your pussy clenches and unclenches as you come, and he continues to thrust his fingers in and out to ride out your high. When he knows you have no more to give him right now, he pulls his fingers out of you slowly to tease you. You don’t have to look at him to know he is sucking you off his own flesh.
“Damn, sweetheart. Next time, I want to feel you come on my tongue.”
“Okay,” you whisper.
“That’s just another thing I’m better at than you.”
“What thing?”
“Making you come,” he smirks. Your jaw drops several inches at his remarks, and he lets you go to give you some space. He turns over in the bed so that his back is facing you instead of his chest. “Go to bed.”
How the hell can you think about sleeping now when all you can think about is Dean and the possibilities he and his cock can give you?
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bunnylovesani · 8 months
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Kiss Me Through The Phone
Summary: You call your jerk of a stepbrother to remind him to pick up some milk on the way home but the conversation takes a sinful turn.
Content warnings: Stepcest, dubcon, masturbation, fingering, squirting
WC: 2.9k
“What do you want?” Sam’s short-tempered voice rings out of your phone’s speakers as he picks up your call.
“Just calling to say mom wants you to pick up a carton of milk on the way home.” You exhale. Your mother had been married to his dad for several months now but talking to Sam still made you frustratingly nervous. 
“Fine. Is that all?” He snaps back. 
“Yeah. When are you going to be back by the way?” You innocently chirp, worried that he’d been gone for so long. 
“Why do you care?” He scoffs and you shrink down onto your bed. He had a special gift for making you feel invisibly small. 
“Jus’ wondering Sam.” You shrug. “You’re barely ever home. Gets lonely sometimes.” 
“Princess wants a playdate, is that it? I’ve got better things to do than rot away in that hole of a house.” The mean tone in his voice pinches at your heartstrings and you feel tears welling up in your eyes. You quickly wipe them away and regulate your breathing, not daring to let him hear your sniffles- you’d never hear the end of it. 
“Okay. I’ll stop bothering you then.” You whisper disappointedly, heart sinking even more when you’re met with silence. 
“I’m only down the road at a friend’s house. I’ll be back later tonight.” He sighs, as though revealing the simple information was a burden to him. 
“You will?” You almost begin to float at the thought of him spending the night for once. 
“Yes. You can bother me then.” He sneers. 
“Okay!” You have to cover your mouth with your hand before the “can’t wait!” slips out of you. You anticipate that he’ll hang up but the seconds on your screen continue ticking on. 
“What have you been doing today?” He asks with a faint curiosity and you’re taken aback by his unusual question. 
“Oh! Um, I went shopping earlier.” You reprimand yourself for the stupid response. No wonder he thought you were nothing but an airhead- why couldn’t you have said you were reading classic literature or listening to metal?
“My old man give you a new credit card?” He questions and you blush with embarrassment. Your new stepfather was endlessly generous and as much as you loved being spoiled, you were concerned with the impression it left on Sam. “It’s alright. He loves you like you’re his own. Angel of the family. Probably glad he’s finally got a kid that isn’t a total mess now.” He adds before you can interject.
“Don’t say that, Sam. You’re not a mess.” You remark earnestly. You weren’t about to admit it but you thought the absolute world of him. 
“Whatever. What’d you buy?” He brushes the subject off and you hear him exhale- he must be smoking again. 
“Oh, I-uh. Well, I…” You stutter, remembering exactly what it is you’d bought earlier. 
“Spit it out.” He retorts impatiently and you eye up the pink bag of lingerie sitting by the edge of your bed. “What? You buy something secret?”
“I mean, kinda. Not really. It’s stupid.” You shake your head in panic. “I bought some new bras and panties.” 
Once you blurt out the delicate information, there’s an uncomfortably long pause.
“Cute. Bet you’ll look real pretty in it.” He chuckles lightly as he exhales again and a hot blush creeps over your whole face. 
“Maybe. I haven’t tried it on yet.” You murmur, unsure how to process Sam complimenting you. 
“What are you waiting for?” The sly smirk plastered on his face trickles into his words and you can picture it, clear as day. 
“I-I don’t know” You stumble, putting the phone down and fishing your favourite selection out of the bag- a striped pink set complete with chiffon bows. Without a second thought, you strip down to nothing and slide on your new purchase before twirling to admire yourself in front of the mirror. 
“How’s it looking?” Sam’s voice rings out on speakerphone.
“It’s pretty. Very flattering.” You said sweetly. 
“Show me.” 
His bold words stopped you in your tracks and you broke you out into a flurry of goosebumps. 
“W-what?” You hesitated, wondering if you’d misunderstood something.
“You heard me. Show me.” He stated confidently. 
Reluctantly, you approached your buzzing phone and peered at the screen to see an incoming FaceTime call from Sam. Against your better judgment, you accepted the request and fought the grin that threatened to envelop your face once your screen filled with his handsome, moody face. 
“Hey there, princess.” He drawled smoothly, a joint hanging between his fingers. 
“Hi.” You cooed, shyness consuming you. The sight of the mischievous glint in his blue eyes paired with the messy, dark hair that trailed down his forehead had you struggling to put a sentence together. 
“Put the phone down on your table and give me a spin then.” He ordered more than asked. 
Without a second word, you gently placed the phone on your vanity table and propped it up by the mirror before standing back with the same countenance as a skittish deer.
“Wow. Where’s that body been hiding?” He sniggers and you resist the urge to cover your heated face with your hands. 
“Now let’s see the back.” He gestures for you to turn around and you follow his command, perching your ass in the air a little as you show him. 
“Oh fuck yeah.” He expresses with a low, breathy tone. “Sit down for me.” 
Somewhat confused, you situate yourself on the chair by your desk. 
“Now lean back. Just like that, sweetheart.” 
You follow his words without question, spurred on by the trust you had for him. 
“Now spread your legs.” He said casually, as if it were the most normal thing in the world before taking a final drag of his joint and putting it out. When he sees you’re frozen in shock, he simply raises an eyebrow and cocks his head, as if to say “what?”
Anxiety racks your body- as well as deep, burning desire and a desperate urge to please him so you part your legs slowly, resting your heels on either edge of the chair. 
“That’s it, baby. You’re so well behaved, aren’t you?” His snarky voice makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up but you’d do anything to hear him call you ‘baby’ again. “Why don’t you slide those off?” His intentions finally come into clear focus- all doubts fading away when you hear the faint clinking of his belt. Too far gone to turn back now.
You put your thighs together, feet swinging gracefully in the air as you gradually pull your panties off. You hear rustling on the other line as Sam’s eyes remain painstakingly fixated on you and the glistening wetness you’ve revealed to him. Dragging the pink fabric over your knees, you flick them off and spread your legs once again. 
“L-like this?” You mumble anxiously, feeling chillingly exposed. 
“Yeah, baby. Just like that.” He sighs as you hear the snap of his boxers. 
“What are you doing, Sam?” You ask apprehensively, a warmth coming over you at the sound of his endearing words. 
“You wanna see?” A darkness overcomes his eyes, already smudged with 2-day old eyeliner. 
“Mhm.” You nod and he lowers the camera a couple of inches- just enough for his happy trail and lower hips to come into view. 
“Are you sure?” He teases and you nod again without a second thought. 
Without further delay, his large cock springs up onto your screen- swollen veins snaking around his thick base and the tip a pretty blushed pink. You exhale a shaky breath at the sight- you’d never seen one before and you weren’t expecting that your stepbrother’s would be the first. His large hand grabs the shaft, stroking it with slow but firm pumps. 
“I wanna see you doing the same now, princess.” He rasps, small groans escaping his parted lips between sinful words. 
“Me?” You’re taken aback by his perverted request. 
“Who else has got her legs spread? Yes, you. Put those pretty fingers to good use and touch yourself. Can you do that for me, baby?” He asks sternly and you have to look away from the camera when you notice how hungrily he’s staring at you. 
“I don’t know, Sam…” Your mind clouds with doubt. “Isn’t this really fucked up?” 
“The only thing that’d be fucked up is you backing out now.” He rebuked with the same aggression in his voice you’re used to hearing. “If you don’t  do it now, I’ll do it myself when I get home.” 
The thought of Sam’s fingers prodding somewhere so intimate both turned you on and freaked you out beyond measure. The dangerous stare in his glazed-over eyes served as a warning and you knew he wasn’t bluffing. 
With bated breath, you snaked one hand between your legs and traced it down your puffy folds.
“Good girl. I knew you’d do the right thing.” He sighs contentedly and resumes stroking his cock, the tip now a deeper pink and glassy with precum. “Now squeeze your tits with your other hand.” 
You knew better than to argue back so you followed his orders, raising your free hand to knead your left breast. 
“Pinch your nipple.” The expression on his handsome face contained nothing but dark, burning lust. 
“Sammm…” You whined, consumed with embarrassment.
“Don’t make me come down there.” He scowled threateningly. 
Anxiety racked your body but you could feel the wetness pooling in your cunt as you lightly pulled at your nipple. 
“I wanna see you fucking yourself.” He announced ominously. “Come on, baby, use those fingers.” 
“But Sam, I-I don’t do that. I don’t like it.” You mutter- you’d never tried before. 
“Do it for me.” He insisted and you knew you couldn’t refuse.
Your middle finger outlined your opening- it was certainly wet enough to slide in easily, but you still felt scared. Wanting to complain and give up, you looked up at the phone still perched on your desk and saw him then- eyes intently fixed on you and stroking himself desperately, shirt lifted up just enough to reveal his toned abdomen. He looked a mess. And all for you? 
Scrunching up your face, you slowly dipped a finger inside, wincing at the unfamiliar feeling and reprimanding yourself for not being strong enough to say no. 
“Oh, you’re such a baby.” Sam shook his head. “And you’re not doing it right.” 
“I don’t know what you want!” You moan frustratedly, pulling your hand away in defeat. 
“I know. I’ll show you.” He affirms lowly. 
“What?” You reach out and grab your phone.
“Stay right there.” He orders before hanging up, leaving you staring at the blank screen of your phone in confusion and horror. He wasn’t going to come here, was he?
You were too obedient to do anything but stay in place like he’d instructed but you were still tormented with anxious anticipation. It was one thing to mess around on the phone but something entirely different to take it to the next level. You weren’t entirely sure you wanted to cross that line. 
You heard the heavy thud of footsteps traipsing up the stairs and your whole body froze. The door swung open and a smirking Sam entered the room with a cocky stride. 
“You haven’t moved.” He notes, closing the door behind him and approaching you like a predator closing in on its prey. 
“You told me not to.” You counter. 
“That’s right.” He mutters to himself as he lies back against your headboard. “Come here, sweetie.” He beckons you over and you timidly go over to him, your back pressed against his open chest. 
Sam rests his chin on your shoulder and inhales the scent of you, nuzzling up to the crook of your neck. 
“Lie back for me.” You rest your bare self against him completely, slotting in between his legs. “Just like that. Now I’m going to show you how it’s done.” 
“But- but you said if I did it myself then you wouldn’t.” You whined.
“I know doll but you didn’t do it right, did you?” He traced his hand down your slit and wasted no time before gathering the slick with two fingers and plunging them inside you. 
“Sam!” You mewl at the unexpected intrusion. 
“Shut up.” He curls his fingers and your eyes roll to the back of your head. You look down at the silver rings glimmering on his fingers, now sheathed inside you. 
“You’re so soft and squishy.” He laughs mockingly, plunging his slender fingers in and out roughly. “And squelchy too. You hear that?” He speeds up for a moment to emphasise the lewd sounds of your wet pussy, arousal dripping down his hand already. 
“You’re gonna let me play with you.” He fucks his fingers in and out of you with brutal precision. “Because that’s what big brothers do- and good little sisters listen.” 
“But Sammy, it’s wrong.” You moan and he clamps your mouth shut with a big open hand before you can voice any more protests.
“You make the mistake of thinking I care what you want.” He palms your breast and takes your nipple between his fingers, squeezing at it hard. “You’re my little toy. A thing to play with. You understand?” You nod as much as you’re able to considering the state of delirium you had fallen into. 
“Stop squirming and take it.” He slaps your breast harshly before sticking his thumb in your mouth; you suckle at it messily, drool dripping on your chin and down your cleavage. 
“Too-too much Sam.” You wail, thighs shaking and closing in around his veiny arm. 
“I don’t think so.” He yanks his fingers out so that he can force your legs open with both hands, pulling them apart as far as they could go before dipping his creamy fingers back in. 
“Do you know what squirting is, baby?” He asks you calmly, deriving a sick pleasure out of compelling you to speak when you were clearly falling apart. 
“Y-yes.” You choke out breathily. 
“How?” He raises an eyebrow and snakes a hand around your neck. “Has my little sis been a slut?”
“No, no, I promise.” You shake your head desperately. 
“How then? Been watching things you shouldn’t have?” He cocks his head around to face you and you shyly nod in response. “Ah, I thought so. That’s very naughty of you, sweetheart.” He chastises you, admiring how he’d turned you into a panting, dishevelled mess in no time at all. 
His fingertips brushed against an undiscovered spongy spot inside you and your toes curled at the blazing sensation. You entered a trance and soon after you heard a wet gushing that spilled out and drenched your thighs and sheets. 
“Such a good girl.” He kissed the side of your face sloppily. “Knew you could do it.” 
You peered down and saw that his broad, veined forearm was dripping- creamy wetness dribbling from his fingertips. 
“I-I did that?” You panted, confused. 
“Sure did, baby. All you.” He started rubbing circles into your clit and you threw your head back onto his shoulder. 
“Sam, what are you doing?” You whined, head spinning with the mind-numbingly good way he was playing with you. 
“I’m not done with my little toy.” He massages your swollen pussy, callous fingertips stroking against the delicate nub with dizzying speed. “Cum on my fingers, baby, cum all over them.” 
You came undone, whimpering and crying out so loud the walls vibrated. Sam chuckled at the sight, looking down at your fucked out expression with cocky pride. 
“We’re home!” Your mother’s voice rang out as the front door shut with a resounding slam and you scrambled to get dressed. Just as she climbed upstairs to reach your room, you’d gotten your dress back on- albeit backwards. 
“Oh, hey Sam.” She peered in, noticing him sitting on the chair by your desk and he waved at her with a thin smile. “Did you get the milk like I asked?” 
“Must’ve slipped my mind.” He shrugged and she rolled her eyes. 
“Everything slips your mind, sometimes I wonder if there even is a mind to speak of.” 
“Mom!” You screwed your face up at her, hating how she and Sam bickered. 
“What? He forgets everything.” She waves her hand in the air dismissively, about to head out the door before your dress caught her eye. “Is that a new way of wearing it that I don’t know about?” You look down as she points at the inside-out fabric. 
“Yeah, mom. Contrast stitching is all the rage.” You nod persuasively. 
“I’m getting old.” She sighs. “But it’s nice to see you two hanging out.” 
“Oh we’re a regular Bonnie and Clyde.” Sam smirks and you laugh nervously, hoping she wouldn’t read too much into the strange comparison. 
As soon as she’s gone, Sam shoots you a dark stare, lust infusing his eyes once again. 
“You’re lucky they got back home when they did. I would’ve ruined you.” He remarks casually and you shuffle in your seat uncomfortably, burning under his intense gaze. 
“You already did.” You gulp at his thinly veiled threat.
“Oh baby, you have no idea.” 
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The Bolter (part one)
Steve Rogers x f!Reader
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synopsis : Steve carries out his decision to return to Peggy, aiming to live out the rest of his days with her. But this means he's leaving everything behind - he's leaving you. Did he make the right choice? Will there be anything left with you to come back to?
in this chapter : Steve is about to walk out of your life, causing you to let go of everything you two have, and everything that could be.
📝 yes, the title is inspired by Taylor Swift's upcoming song The Bolter. In my interpretation and in this story, it is meant to symbolize someone who runs from someone or something. A potential relationship. A loved one. And the choice is not easy, one that may bring a lot of remorse or catharsis? Anyhow - Steve IS a bolter. In the beginning, at least.
themes/warnings : language, angst!!!, pining, unrequited love, Steve is kind of an asshole for leaving (but we love him anyway)
word count : < 1k
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This is it.
This must be what true heartbreak feels like.
Steve, your best friend and the unrequited love of your life, has decided to volunteer to return the Infinity Stones to their respective timelines. Very noble of him.
But he also confessed that he plans to stay with Peggy, now that he finally has the chance.
They can have the dance that was stolen from them, decades ago.
Steve can be with his true love it seems. And that person is just not you.
Well, fuck my life.
"Doll," he smiles ruefully, both of your hands encased in his, "say something."
Say something, he says. What is there to say - I'm in love with you, I want you to stay with me? Don't leave me? I want you stay - for Bucky, for Sam, for Nat. For everyone. For me?
What can you fucking say that will ever be enough? In the 7 years that you've known Steve, you've grown to love him. As a friend, as family. Then, almost inevitably, as the only keeper of your heart. And he knows this.
But he's still leaving. Because, at the end of the day, Peggy is the keeper of his heart.
To you, Steve has always been everything good. Golden boy perfection, with a heart that would put a saint's to shame. Sunshine, laughter, companionship, standing tall and unwavering in his ideals. His gleaming red, white, and blue tendrils snaking their way into the very fibres of your being and taking root.
But now, all you feel is empty. You were angry, when he first told you, days ago. You had almost screamed at him, told him how unfair he was being. You made a long, drawn-out case for Bucky. How he doesn't deserve this. But really, you were making a case for yourself.
Stay, you had said.
He simply smiled, without any mirth. Not like his usual on-brand Steve Rogers gesture of sincerity. He smiled and it did not reach his eyes. He was sad, or maybe he pitied you. And that made you even angrier.
Until minutes later, when you finally broke down, and sobbed quietly in his arms.
"I hate you," you muttered against the creases of his shirt.
"I love you," he said back, and you hated him even more for it. He doesn't get to say that to you, in that way. Not in the same way he would say to Peggy.
Now, right before stepping onto the platform that will cause him to vanish from your life, he says it again.
"You do know that I love you, right?" His smile is genuine, if not a little nervous. He hoped you would be as accepting as Bucky, and send him off with just a rueful look. A gentle, final word. A sweet farewell that he can take with him as a reminder of all the times you spent together.
"I know," you breathe, relenting. Steve does not like that your eyes are glazed over, empty. Like you're not taking him in at all. You take notice of the resulting sag in his shoulders, out of character from the dignified stride he sported as he was saying goodbye to the others.
A big part of you wants to remain indignant. So what if he's hurt or uncomfortable due to your coldness? It serves him right.
"Come here," he whispers, and it comes across a silent plea. Come here? Will you, please?
You take just one small step closer, but he is already ahead, wrapping his arms around your frame. Your stony mask breaks as your cheek presses against his chest, away from his view. His chest plate glistens from your tears, but you don't have it in you to wipe them away.
When he pulls away to look down at you, his heart breaks. He cradles your face in his hands as you look up at him through wet eyelashes, and it's almost enough to make him consider staying.
But then you say, "It will all be okay, Steve." You gingerly pry his hands from your cheeks, giving them a comforting squeeze. "We will be okay."
You look behind you, where Bucky stands watching the exchange, and he offers an encouraging nod.
You take a step back, mustering everything that you possibly can, all the love you have for Steve, to give him one last genuine smile.
"Go get your girl."
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Read part two here.
The way I was making myself upset while writing this - god I love angst!!! ~~~
I was gonna keep going, make it even more brutal, but I'll save that for the upcoming parts. It will have some Bucky x reader as well 🖤
God Bless America('s ass).
oh, and let me know if you wish to be tagged!
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deepestnightcolor · 6 months
Hi I love your writing!! Not sure if you take requests so please ignore this if you don’t!! What if Sam and reader were dating and then reader finds out about Sam/Penny liking each other in the past so they get kinda insecure and Sam reassures them
nsjhdwj thank you so, so much! <3
It really means the world to me to hear it! :) Thank you so much for your request as well, it was absolutely LOVELY to write. I hope you will enjoy it! Have a lovely day, dear anon~ <3
(Needless to say, I do take requests >:))
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: Sam (SDV) x GN!Reader
ᴡᴄ: 1889 words
✧ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: a lil jealousy, a lil insecurity. it is mostly fluff, though. gentle kisses and all~
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☾ ᴡʜɪꜱᴘᴇʀꜱ ☽
The relationship between Sam and you had begun to blossom in the fall of your first year in Pelican Town. It had all started out quite simple; playing pool with the blond and Sebastian in the saloon turned into hanging out and playing video games together. Taking turns trying hard levels bled into fleeting touches and looking at one another longer than necessarily needed; until it all ended in a chaste kiss behind near the river. It hadn’t taken Sam much longer to show up on your doorstep with a bouquet of flowers, asking you to officially be with him.
Ever since, your relationship had grown like the crops on your fields – filling your heart with a deep, comfortable feeling of contentment and calm, something no one ever had managed up until the town. However, whenever Sam walked up to you, looking at you with these deep blue eyes filled with excitement and genuine happiness and smiling at you as if you were the first warm day in spring, you felt like you were at the right place, at the right time.
However, there was gossip in town. Little whispers, really, nothing you wouldn’t have expected living in a sleepy community like this. The gossip here was nothing more than a fleeting thought that was spoken out; here one moment, gone the next.
You had always promised yourself to not let these whispers stick to you, to just smile and forget about it. And so far you had done well; the most attention you had spent on anything that wasn’t rock solid was wondering how someone would come up with something like that.
In all seriousness, you just didn’t care for it. It rolled off your back like droplets of rain rolled off your raincoat.
You didn’t think a simple visit to Pierre’s would change that. You were standing in front of one of the shelves in the far back, looking at the different seasonal seeds in stock, considering trying out something new on the fields when you heard Marnie’s voice. It was hushed as it usually was when she was gossiping. Any other day, you would have just turned back to the bags in your hand, but today, you heard your boyfriend’s name. Much to your shame, your ears perked up almost immediately, and even worse, you actually tilted your head a little to catch what Marnie was saying.
“Yes, I am surprised he didn’t end up with Ms. Penny. The crushes they had were quite obvious, even my nephew picked up on it,” she hummed.
Another voice now answered with a hum, but when they talked, you were able to identify it as Mayor Lewis’s. “Even my old eyes picked up on it! I saw them at the bridge often, and I always thought Ms. Penny just waited for him to make the first move and she would have been all his.”
Your heart sank. Sam had had a crush on Penny? You furrowed your brows as you thought back, trying to remember if you ever had picked up on anything like that. Then it hit you – they had often hung out by the bridge together, and if you were honest, you had always felt a weird tension sizzle in the air between them.
Marnie again: “It is quite a shame, really. Jas told me that Ms. Penny looks a little sad when they pick up little Vincent. I think they would have made a good couple; she could have taught him a lot, I bet.”
“And maybe he would have helped her to get out of her shell a little. I thought they were a good match as well.”
You couldn’t take any more. You stepped out from between the shelves and almost ran to the till, slamming the bags onto the counter. “Just these, please,” you smiled at Pierre, loud enough for the hushed whispers behind you to stop.
“Thanks,” you murmured after you had been rung up, fleeing the general store without as much as a look in the two chatterboxes’ direction.
You had genuinely wanted to let go of what you had heard today. After all, Sam was with you now, and he seemed genuinely happy with you. Even now in his sleep, he was looking peaceful and content; his arm stretched out towards you as usual. Whenever you and Sam slept together, he had to touch you in some way. You didn’t mind that, in fact, it usually calmed you and lulled you into a deep slumber. Tonight, it didn’t help.
You had started thinking as soon as your conversation with Sam had faded as his breathing had grown heavier; a clear sign that he was drifting off to sleep.
Had you gotten in the middle of something between Sam and Penny?
Would he maybe be better off dating her?
Would he be happier with her?
Why did he choose to be with you when there seemingly was a spark, big enough for others to notice?
Penny, in all honesty, was not only a beautiful human but had an incredible personality at that. She was a catch, no doubt. Maybe you had ruined the best relationship Sam could have ever had, because what could you offer? You were a farmer, nothing more, nothing less. Doing work many considered as nothing but simple and dirty. Whereas Penny was always clean and well-kempt: being noble enough to try and give the town’s kids the best possible education. Trying to give your boyfriend’s little brother the best possible chances, for crying out loud!
Holy shit, you had probably ruined Sam’s life, what did he even see in you?
“Babe?” a groggy voice next to you asked, making you tense up. You had been so lost in your whirlwind of thoughts that you hadn’t even realized how much you had been tossing and turning. You tried to stay still, even out your breathing. Maybe he would just go back to sleep.
But you knew Sam better than that. And just as you had expected, two strong arms slowly snaked around you, pulling you into a warm chest. Sam’s hand found your hair, long fingers running through it just mere moments later. Sam knew you, sometimes better than you knew yourself, and he knew what to do when you were nervous. And even now in your state of inner turmoil it helped; you relaxed into his arms, and for a split second, your head was quiet.
“What’s wrong, baby? Bad dream?”
That was your chance. If you said yes now, he would probably cuddle you, caressing your hair until you fell asleep. Sleep sounded nice right about now.
“Did I ruin your chances with Penny? Would you rather be with her?”
The caressing stopped, and you could feel the mattress behind you shift. Was he leaving now?
The light switched on, and before you could say something else, you saw Sam’s face hover right over yours. His rough hand was placed on your cheek now, thumb caressing the skin gently as he peered into your eyes. All sleep had vanished now, replaced by honest concern and confusion.
 “Why would you think something like that?”
You bit around on your lower lip, looking away in embarrassment. “I heard Marnie and Lewis talk at Pierre’s today…They…they talked about the crush you had on Penny and the crush she had on you and how you would be a great match and how she is sad when she picks up Vincent now and-“
Noting how stupid you sounded, you stopped yourself, taking in a deep breath and not being able to stop yourself, “and it had me wondering, because I saw you hang out as well and Penny is so beautiful and kind and noble and she would have a good influence on you! And what am I, just a farmer, you have seen me in dirty clothes more often than in clean ones and-“
You looked at Sam helplessly, tears in the corner of your eyes. “And I just…Why did you choose me when you could have had her, Sam? Why didn’t you choose her? You could have…I…” The blond looked at you, patiently waiting for you to finish speaking.
Only when your stream of words had seemingly ceased did he lean in and press a soft kiss to your lips.
“Because Penny isn’t you, my love,” he murmured against the plush of your lips, looking into your eyes. His thumb was still caressing your cheek, allowing his other hand to lock together with yours.
“Yes, Penny is a good-hearted woman, and yes, I might have had a crush on her.  But you touched my heart in a way no one ever has. I fell in love with you, and I mean all of you. Your eyes; the way they light up when you’re proud or happy. The way you smile and the many different smiles you have. I love every single one. I love that you get dirty every day while doing what you love. I love that you give it your all every day.”
Sam kissed your nose carefully, his eyes peering into yours again.
“I love how careful you are with everything, especially with things that are dear to you. Yoba, I love the way your breathing sounds when you are next to me, I love the way you ramble to yourself when you are working on something and think no one can hear you. I love the random sounds you make. I love seeing you. I love being around you. I love you being mine. I love you.”
Sam kissed your lips again, holding onto your face. You looked up at him with teary eyes, hiding your face in his chest. The blond laid back down, carefully pulling you on top of him. He drew random patterns onto your back; mostly hearts and clouds and little stars.
“I remember the first actual date we went on. My heart was pounding in my chest, and I was so close to just throwing up. Sebastian kept teasing me, asking me why I was nervous, I had been to the beach so often…” he kissed your head again, holding you a little tighter to his chest. “And then I saw you there. All bundled up in your winter clothes, and I asked myself why I had been so stupid to suggest a date on the beach in winter. But when you smiled at me…Shit, that was the moment I just knew that you were my one and only. And I wouldn’t want to live a life in which you weren’t.”
You sniffled a little, but smiled a little as you thought back to the date. You had, in fact, asked yourself why Sam would want to meet up at the beach in winter, but you could have never allowed yourself to pass up the opportunity.
You closed your eyes; taking in your boyfriend’s scent. He smelled like cotton and a hint of vanilla. Honestly, you found he smelled like home.
You could feel Marnie’s and Lewis’s voices quieten down, as did your worries.
Sam could feel you relax in your arms and slowly lifted your chin with two fingers.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too, Sam.”
“And tomorrow I will skate on the Mayor’s property.”
“No, Sam."
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ajortga · 6 months
sweet pt.2
pairing: jenna ortega x fem reader
summary: jenna can't stop thinking about you, the coffee girl. she may or may not have asked you out on something her friends consider as a date.
word count: 3k+
read the other parts here! previous part: part 1 part 2 part 3
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It became sort of a habit for Jenna.
It would be music, think about you, eat, think about you, sleep, think about you, film, yay Jenna gets to see you!
Maybe she’s over exaggerating it, but at the same time she’s really not.
Jenna wasn’t the regular person to be a love bird. Head over heels for someone was barely something she was used to. Well sure she would pass some guys in the city or notice them on set and think, “Oh his hair is perfect” or “He’s kind of cute.” She’s dated a few guys, broke them off because they weren’t for her.
All of the guys only hung out with her knowing she was a celebrity, or she would really think they were the one, until they lost interest and treated her like some toy. She hated when they did that. In fact, she was disgusted by it so much that she didn’t even want to think of having a lasting relationship at all. She just had to find someone right for her.
“You’re awfully quiet,” Melissa nudges Jenna as they’re both in their Tara and Sam outfits.
Jenna hums, looking at the taller latina with a small roll of her eyes while their makeup is getting patched up, “Just hungry, I guess.”
She shifts in her seat, her earbuds in and waiting for this day to be over, she forgot an umbrella. Of course the forecast would show as non-stop rain the whole day with thunderstorms, she literally checked the day before and it said sunny.
“Well, we only have to shoot like, 5 scenes. You wanna go with Jas and Mason to the Italian place you like? On me.”
But Jenna’s mind has other plans. 
“I think I’m gonna drop by the coffee place next door, craving a latte you know?”
She sees the way Melissa’s face twitches upwards, almost as a confused yet searching look, “You don’t like coffee.”
“The shop changed my mind, Y/N recommended a latte that is actually really good.”
“Y/n you say?” And from Melissa’s sing-song voice, she knows what’s coming.
“Yes,” Jenna scoffs, she can feel her ears begin to heat up.
“I didn’t know you had a friend named Y/N.”
It’s a little quiet, the only noise is from Jenna’s half put in earbud, “I met her a couple days ago, she’s a barista that helps her parents run their coffee shop. Keeps the place cozy and organized.”
“So she’s a barista?”
“Yes,” Jenna replies, half distracted as she picks at her cuticles.
“Who helps run her parent’s coffee shop?”
“Next door?”
“Uh huh.”
“You like her,” Melissa smirks, it’s not a question anymore.
“Yes-Wait what? No!” Jenna slaps Melissa’s arm, caught off guard.
Jenna hears her laugh, half-heartedly, “I’m just kidding, but you do seem out of it, are you thinking about her often?”
She shrugs, picking off skin that she just scratched.
“Well I think you are, you’re nervous.”
Now the daydreamer turns to face Melissa, “No I’m not, I just think she’s sweet and she’s someone that already brought me out of that introverted lookin’ shell when I first meet people.”
It was true. It’s like you two knew each other when you first met, she hopes you thought of her that way too. She hopes you’re thinking of her as much as she thinks about you everyday.
Melissa looks down at Jenna’s cuticles, then back up at her, “You’re thinking about her, you’ve been quiet today and don’t think I didn’t see what song you’re listening to. You never listen to love songs!”
“What?! I have not been listening to love songs!”
“Lover by Taylor Swift? Lingers by The Cranberries? About you by the 1975?  Dark Red by Steve Lacy??”
My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue
All's well that ends well to end up with you
Swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover
“I just have taken interest in love songs I guess, it’s spring anyways right?”
“Spring my ass! That is bullshit!” Jasmine chimes in, making Jenna flinch and turn to the corner where Jas was hiding.”
“What the fuck Jas.. Are you eavesdropping?” Jenna shrieks.
“I know when a girl likes a girl,” Jas rolls her eyes and immediately stands up from her squatting position, “Don’t think me and Mason didn’t see you texting someone that you named mY y/N OOoO La lAAaAa..”
Jasmine shuts up with a slipper slapped into her face.
“Just go ask her out or something,” Mason says, popping behind Jasmine and getting the second pair of slippers thrown to his stomach, making him yelp.
“I barely even know her,”
“And there's no difference, you barely fall in love, girl, love at first sight for you means that she’s the one. You know your priorities and she checks all of them. If not, you wouldn’t be listening to those dumb love songs.”
“Gotta agree Jenna, what about this, we’ll go to the Italian restaurant first, then we’ll leave you alone with her in the coffee shop, you come out and tell us how it goes.”
“Why would I do that?”
“Because you love us.”
The alfredo pasta was twirled from the fork Jenna was holding, eating as the cast of scream 6 giggled and talked during their lunch break. It was a big bowl of pasta to say the least, she shared it with the whole cast but she was eating it up like there was no tomorrow. She knew around this time she came to your cafe, she only came around two times, but if you didn’t see her on a Thursday in the afternoon, she can almost feel the disappointment you might feel. Or hopes you feel, Jenna’s wondering to herself if you even think of her.
“Oh she’s falling hard for this silly Y/N girl,” Jasmine whispers to Melissa, to which she agrees almost immediately.
“No I’m not,” Jenna blurts, placing down her fork.
Everyone in the table clicks their tongue, a few, “Oh come on” and “Liar!”
“Well you wouldn’t have responded, we’ve been talking to you for the past 5 minutes and you only jerk your head when you hear anything about her!” Jasmine groans, showing her hands if they would somehow present something.
She signals for the check, she quickly pays, and as soon as that happens her real life core four push her out of the restaurant and to the outside of the coffee shop, like parents.
“Go,” Jenna’s shoulder was pushed into the door and it was too late to go back as she heard the familiar bell ring.
“I hate you Jas,” her hands flip the 3 people giggling behind the foggy window behind her as she hears the voice she’s been thinking about the whole day.
“Jenna!” Your tiny figure pops out from the coffee bean machine, waving to her happily.
Cute, she thinks to herself. You’re so cute.
“Almost thought you wouldn’t come today,” you murmur, making Jenna shake her head.
“Just had some lunch with friends, but I couldn't miss out on coffee on Thursdays though.”
“Ah,” you hum, your eyes focused on the latte art you were working on.
The only noise is the r&b music and the small chatter that keeps the environment comforting. 
A small bunny was being created, pouring the creamer carefully. 
“You’re almost looking as tiny and cute as that bunny,” your co-worker, Matteo says, a few feet away from you.
A soft laugh erupts in your throat, rolling your eyes from his compliment, but thanking him nonetheless. Jenna doesn’t know if she’s feeling a strong pit of jealousy that sizzles beneath the back of her mind. Her eyes train on the boy, hazel eyes, brunette hair. 
“Okay okay, stop that,” you grumble, a small smile plastered on your face as you playfully nudge him to show your annoyance.
“Feisty,” he chides.
“The only thing I did differently today is that I curled my hair. You can barely see it in this ponytail,” one hand is pointing to your hair while the other keeps concentrating on the bunny.
“You’re also wearing a bow, your freckles are more visible, mmm,” he thinks for a moment, “Oh and,” he comes closer, whispering in your ear so only you can hear. Your body almost shivers from it, “You’re staring at a new coming regular and smiling like a weird teenager.”
You stop your latte art, groaning in frustration since you were caught by a coworker that also is a kind friend of yours.
“No I’m not, stop whispering in my ear and let me do my latte art,” you shove him away and continue to work on your bunny.
Jenna swallows the prickly feeling in her throat, feeling herself scowl at some guy who’s name tag seems to say, “Mat ear.” Maybe she should switch out acting with latte art for a day.
The bunny looks complete. 
And perfect, you exhale a breath from pride, slide the latte and call out the person’s order with a warm smile.
Then Jenna feels like a fool standing there because she just realized that she’s been staring at you making another person’s latte. Then you feel stupid for not sending someone over to serve her since you’re assuming that she wanted something.
“Sorry!” You apologize, smacking the top of your head as you lean across the countertop, “Hi Jenna, did you want something?” Jenna looks down at your lips for a moment, your teeth tugged on your bottom lip, then trails back up to the menu.
“No worries, I should’ve sat down, I just wanted to visit I guess. Sure. Um,” She doesn’t know what to get.
“Confused again huh?” You tease, looking at the menu then at the lattes. It makes her almost fan herself to know that you know she wants a latte today.
It takes a moment for you to think, “I don’t even think I put this up on our menu, but the other day when I was closing I tried a hazelnut caramel, you down to try that today?”
“That sounds pleasing, sure I’ll take that.”
“Okay, one hazelnut caramel!”
“Dude, I swear your cafe sells at least every pastry known to mankind. Those brownies and chocolate chip cookies look like it could make society salivatate.”
You laugh, “Thanks silly, I just experiment and make sure everyone in NYC can have a taste of home if they are from somewhere else. Sometimes I take my recipes from a past generation baking book, other times I just try baking from eyeing measurements.”
Jenna smiles at that, touching your hand with hers and pressing it down to the counter, “Well trust me, this is probably why you get a hell load of customers every morning.”
A light-hearted, non-forced, soft giggle comes from you, not moving your hand that is pressed from hers.
“As long as it makes others happy and continues a legacy while doing other things I love, and meeting sweet people that mark my memory like you, I think that I wouldn’t trade it. Did you want anything else?”
“I think that’s it today,” Jenna breathes, moving her hand away from yours. Immediately your hand misses the warmth and just wants to pull her back.
She can’t help but notice the smile plastered on your face, “Okay, hazelnut caramel coffee, on the house.”
“Nuh uh, not on my watch,” Jenna insists, pulling out a 10 dollar bill and immediately you shoo her away.
“On me! Honest! I own this place anyways and it happens at least twice everyday, don’t worry about it love.”
She hears a small “aww” come from her phone and she freezes, her cheeks heating up in an instant.
“I’m paying you one day,”
“If it’s banterings and consistent times that I see you besides Tuesdays and Thursdays, then okay,” your voice echoes as you begin to prepare her latte.
Jenna smiles at you and as soon as she turns around she picks up her phone and curses into it, “What the hell Jas? How the hell did you manage to call me before I got into the shop and stalk into our conversation??”
Snorts and laughs come from the other line, she immediately plugs her earphones in.
“On the house, hmm??” Mason teases, everyone in unison going “ooh la la..” 
“I’m going to chop your heads off-”
“And of course you place your hands on top of hers!! It’s like watching the corniest romance in front of my eyes!”
It had only been 5 minutes that Jenna had talked with you, and somehow she still got stuck and caught by her friends.
“Shut up,” Jenna says, her voice soft, but grumpily as she scoffs.
Melissa, Mason, and Mindy are shouting from outside, she can hear them screaming through the phone.
“Hey,” you say softly, bringing her latte with two wrapped pastries in hand and slide it to her front, “Try the brownies and cookies you were looking at and tell me what you think?”
Jenna wants to keep her cool and to smile politely, but the three crazy people outside that are listening in are making it hard. Especially with all the kissing noises she can hear, so she takes out her earbuds and tosses them in her hoodie’s pocket.
It takes her a while to realize she didn’t buy the pastries that made her hungry.
The way your cheeks curved upwards and your nose scrunched as you smiled made Jenna smile on the spot there, “Seriously,” you assured. 
“I hate you for this,” she says playfully, sarcastically.
“Who can hate two free pastries? That’s a win for me,” you pull the chair out, sitting down as you take a small break, exhaling.
There was a cute cat design on the hazelnut caramel latte, the steaming, sweet bitterness scent that wafts in the air makes Jenna shiver. She plays with the wrapping of the chocolate chip cookie before mumbling a soft, “Thank you.”
“Mmmhm, no problem.”
There's a quiet pause, Jenna sips her latte, looking up at you and seeing you giggle. It’s sweet, light, bitter, and perfect.
You hand her a napkin, there's a small white foaming mustache from the creamer.
It takes a moment as she takes the napkin before you speak again, “So, filming mm? Is it stressful, you know, having to wake up early and doing stuff like that?”
“Honestly, there are days where it can be too much and I need to wind down a bit. But I love seeing cameras and doing something that I have the fortunate privilege of doing, I know a lot of people don’t have that and it makes me grateful.”
You hum in response, nodding, playing with the nape of your shirt.
“I used to want to act and direct,” you smile.
“Really? Why not now?”
Your shoulders shrug, “I still do small stuff, holding cameras, auditioning for stuff, it’s just a little harder since I’m working here and making sure I can continue doing, you know, this. But I love working here, it heals something in me.”
It makes Jenna feel almost bad, not in an overly guilty way. She just can’t fathom feeling pressured to do something instead of going the way you want.
“You have coworkers, you don’t have to be here everyday, you know?” She tilts her head.
Her eyes meet yours, and again she sees those doe eyes, with nothing but something to make her own self melt.
But I'm in so deep
You know, I'm such a fool for you
You got me wrapped around your finger
Do you have to let it linger? 
“I know, sometimes I’m afraid this place will go haywire.”
She giggles at that, then thinks for a moment, “You know, I get on set tomorrow at 11, which is later than most days. Do you wanna, you know, just come and look around? The directors and producers are the sweetest people I know and they don’t mind a plus one. I would like, show you around and you can reach out to some people.”
It’s silent, your face is thoughtful as you’re processing what she said.
“I’ll stick by your side the whole time we’re not filming, introduce you to the cast, as long as you don’t do anything silly, which I highly doubt you might.”
“Okay, I’ll have to check in with Matteo, ask him to bring his sister that comes in on Saturdays and switch it to tomorrow.”
The brunette feels her heart flipping and she nods, burying her face in her hands to try and stop the redness that is invading her cheeks.
You come back soon later, beginning to talk about the plan of the coffee shop tomorrow, but Jenna gets distracted, it’s hard seeing Jasmine blowing her breath on the window, making hearts, then wiping the fog and seeing the way all her friends are making dreamy gestures to mock her. They’re all dancing and she wants to flip them off.
“I’ll be there tomorrow, could you by, um any chance, pick me up? I usually walk here and get my car repaired.”
Oh fuck, Jenna thinks, because she get’s picked up by Jasmine and tomorrow Melissa and Mason will be joining, like they do twice a week. She wants to face palm, she can almost picture the way when you make conversation with her in the car tomorrow, she’ll see in the corner of her eye Mason batting his eyelashes and sticking his tongue out.
“Sure, if you’re okay with some of my crazy friends.”
“Tomorrow it is,” you say, waving and ruffling your hair before waving and walking back to work.
Jenna looks down at her earbuds and she completely forgot she didn’t end the call, she just stashed it away, she’s bearing what is to come, putting her earbuds back in.
“NO WAY” (Jas)
“SHE’S A FOOL” (Jas)
Not to mention the way they are waving their hands outside, she can almost hear the screaming from here.
“There’s no way in hell you asked this sweet pretty girl to come on set tomorrow,” Melissa sing-songs.
“Paws off,” she grumbles.
“She wants her for herself, of course.”
“Shut up!”
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cherriesformatt · 6 months
collab of the year || matt sturniolo
matt x fem!reader
summary: matt invites you to meet some friends
warnings: none I think maybe a little suggestive
word count: 1,2k
a/n: hope you like this one
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I was in my bed scrolling through twitter and all I had on my page was videos and pictures from Tara's party. Which Chris and Nick attended while me and Matt had a little gateway trip for our anniversary. They called him on FaceTime and that ended up in Tara's vlog. Everyone thinks it was hilarious including me. I also loved all of the memes with Matt going to bed while the party was happening.
When we came back boys told us about everyone and that they really had fun. I was really happy about that because they usually don't really go out that much. Especially not to parties.
I stopped scrolling when I felt arms around my body.
"Good morning" I heard Matt's raspy, morning voice.
I smiled when I felt little kisses on the back of my neck sending shivers down my body.
"Morning..." I said and turned around to face him.
I smiled when he opened his eyes.
"I am surprised it's like 9 and you're up" I laughed and fixed his hair from his eyes.
"Well...I have things to do" He said and smiled.
"Like what?" I raised my eyebrow.
"Like...you" He pulled me to himself even more and I was about to kiss him when I heard loud knocks on the door.
"Are you guys up? And dressed? Can I come in?" Chris said from the other side of the door and I looked at Matt and kissed his cheek and moved away a little.
"Yes... come in" I said and Matt growled and covered his head with a pillow.
Chris came into the room and looked at us.
"I have news!" He sat on the bed next to Matt.
"Me too, I actually hate you both right now" Matt said and threw the pillow from his face at Chris.
I rolled my eyes and sat up. I put my hair into the bun and looked at Chris.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Tara invited us for dinner to celebrate 1 mil, she wants us to meet Johnnie. Jake, Larray, Sam and Colby are going to be there too. Nick also said that they can come over here after dinner and we could hang out. y/n you will finally meet Tara!" Chris said.
I looked at him. Pure panic in my eyes. I need to clean up this place.
"Well... Then I should start to clean already" I said. That was kinda my thing. Cleaning when I am stressing out.
I spent half of my day cleaning the house, even if it was already pretty clean. Boys helped me a little, mostly Matt. Chris said he is going to clean his own room. Do I believe him? No.
"So should I like match the energy and go all black?" I asked Matt going through my clothes. I already did my make up and was standing in my underwear trying to find something I like.
"I already told you, wear whatever feels like good for you" He said looking at his PC.
"I hate men" I said dramatically and texted Nick to come downstairs.
He walked into the room and looked at me.
"Wow... I bet the other triplet does not get this view. All because I'm gay, how lucky..." He said sarcastically.
"I get more than that..." Matt blinked at him with a smirk on his face.
"Shut the fuck up, my room is above you, I fucking know" He said.
"What do I wear? Help me…He is useless" I looked at Nick pointing at Matt.
"Can't you wear that dress you bought last time we went thrift shopping? And the platform docs with it" He said and went to my jewelry box.
"Those are cool, wear this too" He put a chain and some small hoops on the dresser.
"Thank you Nick" I smiled at him and started to put the outfit together.
"See learn that for the next time" I told Matt when his brother left the room.
"Just to be sure... Did Chris saw you in your underwear?" He asked and I laughed. Can't believe he was still thinking about it.
"Probably? I don't know, who cares...Matt maybe I am just going to stay home" I said and sat on the bed.
"You literally need to stop overthinking that. You know that I also am not a fan of big groups but this people are really cool and chill. It's gonna be okay" He looked at me and smile.
"You look beautiful as always and everyone is going to love you" He stood up from his chair and came up to me.
He put both of his hands on my cheeks and gave me a quick kiss. I smiled and wrinkled my nose.
"Alright..alright.. you will ruin my make up Matthew" I took his hands of my face giving him one more quick kiss.
The dinner went great. They all were really nice. Me and Matt were the only couple there so sometimes they made little jokes about it. I felt very welcome even if I wasn't part of their world. I tried to stay out from the cameras usually. But I didn't want to be rude so when they were filming stories I was on it. I was kinda stressing about people talking shit about me.
When we came to our house and at first we talked and played games together. Then we decided to go to topgolf but before that they wanted to film some TikToks.
"You and Matt are literally a goal couple. He is just so sweet checking on you all the time. Look at him he is scared I'm going to eat you" Tara said to me and I laughed.
"Yes.. he is the best" I looked at Matt with a big smile.
"Do you wanna film TikTok with me? I love your outfit so much" She asked me and i said "fuck it if tara yummy asks you to make a TikTok with her you make a TikTok with her" in my head.
"Okay...I usually only post for my friends but if you want I'm in" I smiled.
We decided to use "Tara Yummy is a mindset" audio since we kinda match with our outfits. She was a real sweetheart and such a funny person. They all were.
"I am really glad you are having fun tonight" Matt said while we were driving to top golf. He put his hand on my knee and smiled.
"It's really fun I'm glad we are doing this. And that you guys are meeting more people" I said and looked at the back at his brothers.
"Girl your and Taras TikTok is so viral" Nick showed me and my eyes went big for the numbers.
"Fuck... that's crazy" I said and Chris laughed.
"Told you that you should start to film as well" He said.
"No thank you..I just couldn't say no to Tara" I laughed.
Topgolf was souper fun. I won with Matt for the first time since forever so I was so happy. Everyone had so much fun and we filmed a lot. Boys were teaching Tara how to play and she looked so cute with the club because she is just so small.
"Matt is sad because his girlfriend is better than him" Jake said while we were on our way to the cars.
"Poor Matty" Chris made a sad face.
I laughed at them and looked at Matt. He just shook his head.
"Well...he is a winner anyways, he has the hottest girl in town, I dare you to show her to the world Matt" Tara said and I blushed.
"Are you flirting with me?" I looked at her and she laughed.
I might have a new best friend.
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faeriichaii · 8 months
hii, how are you? It’s me again. Could I request a Legolas x reader again? something funny and very fluff with a Legolas a little bit jealous because the hobbits stole all the reader’s attention, would be fun if she made them braids (feeling like a old sister taking care of them, not other intention i swear🙏), hope not to bother you and wish you a lovely dayy, thank u💗
Braiding Together ~ Legolas x Reader
A/N: Heyyy :) I'm fine and you?? I love it omg I really am a big fan of the little hobbits and I just want to hug them close and never let go 😔😔 I hope you have a nice day as well and enjoy the story <3 (I'm so sorry that it is like a lil short and that it kinda is bad djsifeh)
⇢ ˗ˏˋWarnings: fluff ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋWords: 910 ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋRequest: Yes (thank you <33) ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋMeleth Nin ~ My Love ࿐ྂ
Summary: You have always received compliments for your cute braids, so you decided to offer the hobbits to braid their hair. However, Legolas really doesn't understand, why you would do that.
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You laughed softly at one of Pippins jokes, as he sat in front of you. Fingers nimbly combing through his wild hair. The hobbits have complimented your braids so so many times, so you decided to offer to braid each of their hair. All of them nodding in agreement and sitting down around you, almost building a wall, and waiting for their turn patiently. “Say (Y/N), do you redo your hair every day? Or do you keep some braids in more than just a day?” Pippin asked you, while his gaze was focused on the fire in front of him. “It depends. Sometimes my braids open up a little during the day, so I redo them the next morning. The only braids I never redo myself, are the ones Legolas does.” You said, while weaving the small strands of Pippins hair into a braid.
“Are they important to you?” Sam asked, as he intently watched your fingers. A small blush dusted your cheeks, as you thought about the night Legolas first braided your hair. You sat at a bonfire, much like this one, as he suddenly turned towards you and asked you if it would be okay to braid your hair. You remember being very surprised and overwhelmed, but in the end, you gave him your approval. Since then, it has been an almost daily occurrence for the both of you, to sit down somewhere secluded and start braiding each other’s hair. “Yes, they are very important to me.” You answer Sam with a gentle smile. Finishing the braid, you give Pippin your small pocket mirror, so he can take a look at the neat braid you have done. He turned around with a bright smile, until his eyes focused onto the something behind you. He quickly stood up, thanked you for the braid and left you alone with the others. Turning around confused, you raised an eyebrow as you spotted the elven prince. A scowl was present on his face.
“Meleth Nin, what are you doing?” He asked while looking at the three remaining hobbits around you. “I am braiding their hair.” Gesturing Sam to take the space in front of you, Legolas decided to join you on the log. “But… why are you braiding their hair?” Your eyebrows scrunched together at his question. “Well, they always compliment my braids and I thought I could braid their hair too. Plus, they look so adorable with their new hairstyles.” A hum left his lips, as he watched you brush through Sams hair gently. You felt the elven princes gaze on your fingers, as you parted the hair into the sections you needed. Taking a quick glance into his direction, you notice a confused expression on his face.
“My love, are you alright?” You asked, stopping your task at hand and turning a little towards him. He let out a little sigh. “I just am confused as to why you are braiding their hair. Elves tend to only braid their own hair or the hair of the person they court.” A gentle smile adored your lips, as you let go of Sams hair. “I apologize my love, I didn’t know. I just wanted to do it because they always look at me so sweetly when I do mine and so I wanted to offer them to braid their hair.” Legolas nodded understandingly, moving a little closer towards you. “You did this row wrong.” He pointed at the mistake you have made. “And this one just looks like a mess.” He pointed at another strand you have just finished. Rolling your eyes at him, you opened the braid again.
“Well, Mr. I-Can-Do-It-Better, how should I braid his hair?” A chuckle left Legolas’ lips, as he took your hands in his. “First off, you will start with this hand.” He shakes your right hand softly. “And with that hand you will grab a good amount of hair. Not too much though.” Guiding your right hand back to Sams head, you take a chunk of his hair. Apparently though, you had a little bit too much between your fingers, hence Legolas began to shake your hand once more. “Now you will part it into two sections and use your left hand...” He began to now shake your other hand. “…to pull a small strand from the right strand and pull it over it and under the left strand.” Your eyebrows scrunched together in confusion, trying to understand what he meant. He guided your hand around with his, until you finished a few rows together. A soft ‘ahh’ escaped your lips, as you finally understood the braid you were working on together with the elven prince. The both of you quickly finished the hairstyle and handed Sam your small mirror.
“Thank you so much (Y/N) and Legolas.” He said, before leaving you with Frodo and Merry. The struggle of brushing and braiding passed quickly, as you both finished off the last remaining two hobbits. A smile formed on your lips, as you watched each of them flaunter their new hairstyles. Legolas put his arm around your waist, pulling you to his side. Leaning towards him, you gave him a peck on the cheek. “Thank you for helping me my love.” “Of course, anything for you Meleth Nin.” Laying your head onto his shoulder, you both continued to watch the hobbits like proud parents, as they still sauntered around with cute little braids in their hair.
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mushroomates · 1 month
the fellowship grocery shopping (modern au!):
frodo: has a list which he always loses halfway through shopping. tries to bring his own bags but they’re never enough, or he forgets them in the car and realizes mid checkout. does not like a lot of the name brand foods, goes for the knock offs- partly because he thinks they taste better and partly because he’s rooting for the underdog. (also they’re cheaper which means more money go towards buying treats for the neighborhood cats.) makes an exception for name brand strawberry poptarts, a pippin favorite. keeps his fridge stocked with snacks for his friends.
sam: grows a lot of his own produce and makes an effort to shop local. has his own chickens and a thriving herb garden. he often trades with neighbors-tomatoes for honey, basil for goats milk, etc. once a month he teams up with boromir and goes to costco for insane amounts of flour (he bakes his own bread) and a foot long hotdog. sam refuses to get his own membership.
merry: has a list of things to get that he has worked very hard to compile. this list stays on fridge, and whenever he runs out of something he adds it. this is always sabotaged by pippin who, in a port attempt to mimic merry’s handwriting, adds a copious amount of sweets and things only pippin likes. ends up buying them anyways only to not share with him- will gloat by snacking in front of pippin and not offering any to his cousin.
pippin: does not actually grocery shop. yes, he has food in his house but this is more because he just tags along whenever someone else is going. selectively copies whatever they get into his own basket. has eight jars of peanut butter because he loves peanut butter but does not consume it at the rate he believes he does. also for backup, incase he runs out mid sandwich and needs eight jars of the stuff. loves to ride in the shopping carts when no one’s watching. definitely scooters along isles. loves to hijack boromir’s shopping trips as boromir is the only one who will push him in the cart and give him a lil treat at the end.
gandalf: kind of just. wanders around the store. gets lost in the bakery. buys the most random things, causing the clerks to conspire about what he’s doing with two packs of rubber gloves, a rosterseie chicken, and a tub of mayonnaise. is he a murderer? a professor? a single mother? what is he doing with this stuff?
aragorn: does a lot of trading with neighbors, like sam. likes to accompany arwen on errands and do the little things. she points at an item and he puts it in the basket. he bags at checkout. drives her home. unloads the car and put it away. real quality time and acts of service. yes, arwen is capable of doing these things herself, but he likes to do it for her: hunts so be always has a surplus of jerky, does need to buy more salt then the typical person.
boromir: also hunts. has a thing about using every part of the animal, will eat bone marrow straight out of the femur with a spoon for breakfast. eats a lot of protein. is real big about no food waste and will use everything he can. has his own compost bin and a humble herb garden. likes hosting barbecues for everyone, and makes the burgers and hotdogs from scratch. every other tuesday is grocery day. he goes to costco and buys his things in bulk. he’s the only one in the fellowship with a costco card and everyone loves to take advantage of it.
legolas: mainly just happens upon farmers markets and grabs what appeals to him in the moment. does not have any seasonings or cooking oil as it’s not something that’s ever really occurred to him to buy. will forget he has food in his fridge for weeks and when he finally does it’s gone bad. this, however, does not stop him from eating it. makes a lot of smoothies.
gimli: has a lot of preserved foods and a cupboard dedicated to emergencies. owns a lot of canned beans, fruits and vegetables- anything that will keep well. has a freezer filled with food in his garage with backup stock. is a very good with coupons- pippin likes going with him just to see the total (and the clerks jaw) drop. eats a lot of trail mix and jerky. enjoys fresh fruit when he can but doesn’t like to buy it because it doesn’t last.
gollum: sneaky little man. he hides in the bottom part of the carts meant for heavy items and parties his way across the store with his hands, scooting along tile and grabbing anything with reach, tossing it back up to the cart and continuing on his journey. then he just rolls right out the door. no one can stop him.
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kisses4lao · 1 year
Yeah, BOO!! Twst men kinks and shit idk
another writers block blurb LMAO
My one coworker bought me ice cream in exchange for a shenhe smut so I'm trying to get done the floyd smut im working on so I can get that to her </3 here's some filler so you guys don't go starving waiting for content
Cw!!! Fem reader, so much filth
Two disclaimers this time: SOME OF THESE MY INCLUDE SAM AND CREWEL, WHEN THEY DO, READER IS NOT YUU FOR THEM. also not proofread teehee
Loves doing it in public. The fear of you guys getting caught while also having everyone know that you're his turns him on to no extent. He'll be thrusting into you at such a high speed, hand over you mouth as he whispers things in your ear, "someone may hear us, you may wanna keep it down." He says that with the CHEEKIEST grin on his face, he KNOWS how much you're struggling 😭😭
♧Cater, lilia, leona, rook(?), floyd, jade, Sam(would do it in his store)♧
Really like soft, sensual sex. Views it more as "love making", as he puts it. Will be rough if you want him to, but would never hit you. It may be hard for him to be rough at first, give him time. But back to the love making thing, he just can't get enough of you. He loves missionary because he can see all of you, having you in such a vulnerable position and having you let him do this to you makes him feel so trusted. He'll be going at a fast enough pace. Telling you how much he loves you, how much he wants you and how he wishes he could stay like this forever. Seriously the bestest men ever.
♧trey, malleus, silver, azul, riddle, jamil, kalim, jack, deuce,♧
So in love with you he'd try anything you want. Wanna tie him up? He's okay with that. Blindfolds? Who needs to see anyway. Wanna piss in his mouth? He thinks about it for a minute, but decides he'd gladly be your trashcan. In a way, all he wants to do is please you, he wants you to pleasure yourself on him so bad he'd do anything for that to become a reality.
♧kalim, sebek, malleus, ROOK, ruggie(only if you give him donuts), deuce, riddle, azul♧
Possessive sex x10. Would see you with another man and would get so anxious you may leave him. Too much of a baby back bitch to talk to you directly about it so he takes his frustration out by fucking you really hard. Says he's sorry later and tries to talk about it later but he's too shy.
♧just idia♧
SOOOOOO into breeding. Literally so inlove with how his cum drips put of you once he's done. Can't wait until you guys are older that way you guys can actually make a family. Seriously in love with the mating press position and hearing his balls slap on your ass when he's fucking you so hard.
♧malleus, leona, rook, vil, trey, cater, jack, crewel, azul, jade, floyd, jamilly willy♧
Wouldn't mind fucking you infront of a crowd. Not the same as fucking you in public, I mean like ACTUALLY fucking you in front of a crowd. Having hundreds of people watch the two of you express your love to eachother turns him on, he'd really like to do it but wouldn't wanna overstep your boundaries.
♧malleus, kalim, vil, leona, lilia but specifically general lilia♧
Really loves foreplay and can get off just by mouth fucking you. It turns him on knowing how easily you can get overstimulated from his mouth or fingers. He never expects anything in return, and he usually does it after you have a bad day (with consent ofc) so you can unwind more easily. Always runs a nice warm bath after <3
♧malleus (does want something in return sometimes but would never force you), trey, cater, ace, deuce, leona, silver floyd, jamil, rook♧
Kind of on the same page as the last one, LOVES having you sit on his face. Holds you down by your thighs and eats you out for hours on end. Definitely the type of guy to grab you by your waist, one hand rubbing your clit as he bounces you up and down on his tongue. Looks cutely fucked out when he's done.
♧ughhhhhh everyone bc yes <3♧
Uses lots of pet names during sex, will call you things like "darling","beloved","princess", idk may call you schnookums. Type of guy to call you all of these in one breath.
♧leona, rook, vil, floyd, lilia♧
A/n: might make a part two idk lololilol
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Imagine: You’re Sam and Dean’s little sister and they find out your boyfriends been abusing you.
TW: Abuse
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You clutched your side as you got out of the Impala and made your way to the bunker. Your boyfriend was extremely aggressive and when he didn’t like something he made sure to teach you a lesson. Tonight he got mad at you for turning the volume down a little bit on the tv without his permission so he kicked you in the ribs over and over again.
He was abusive and you knew that, but you were terrified of him. You were too terrified to stick up for yourself and you were too terrified to end things with him. He told you that he would end your life and everyone you have ever loved if anyone were to ever find out what he did to you. You knew that Sam and Dean could easily take care of him, but he had you easily convinced that they would be dead before you even had enough time to blink. You also never wanted them to find out. They would think that you were weak and incapable of protecting yourself which was exactly the case. You were weak and you couldn’t protect yourself. This is why you were now practically dragging yourself into the bunker right now.
With every step you took you flinched and winced. Your side was aching and throbbing as you thought about how you were going to play this one off. It was around midnight so you were hoping that your brothers were pretty much asleep and that you could blow this off for at least one more night.
You walked into the bunker and to your luck, Dean was at the table. He took in your appearance and jumped up. You silently cursed, he always knew when something was wrong. You had to play this off or everything in your life would crumble. “Hey De,” you sent him a soft smile trying to hide your pain. He squinted his eyes at you, “Is everything okay?” He asked as he stared straight into your eyes.
You gulped as you looked at the stairs in front of you. You literally couldn’t go down them without flinching with every step you took so you were absolutely screwed. You looked back at your older brother as he was starting to stand up, no doubt coming to check if everything was alright with you. You had about 10 seconds to come up with something before Dean cracked you.
You looked down at him, “No,” you whimpered, “I tripped outside and I rolled my ankle really bad. I can hardly walk.”
You were going to mask the pain of your side with the make believe story of you rolling your ankle. This way there would be no question as to why you seemed like you were in pain and it could definitely buy you a few days of not going on hunts.
“It really hurts,” you cried. Deans eyes softened, “Hey, hey, okay, let me look at it.” He hurried up the steps to examine your ankle, but you stopped him. “Can you help me down the stairs first?” You asked. You just wanted to lay down and get the pain of going down the steps over with. “Yeah, sure, kid,” Dean said.
As he picked you up bridal style to take you down the steps, you hissed hissed pain and sucked in a breath. His finger tips were digging into your aching side and with each step you could feel a burning, stinging sensation like no other. You couldn’t take it anymore. You gripped onto Dean’s shirt writhing in pain and let out a sob. “Wow, wow, hey,” Dean said as he set you down on the couch. “Are you okay?” He asked with worried eyes. “Yes,” you whimpered, “My ankle just really hurts.” You lied. Dean’s eyes softened and he looked at your ankle. “Alright, hey,” He looked at you, “I need to take off your shoe so I can get a good look at your ankle and make sure you didn’t break it. It’s probably going to hurt kiddo, I’m sorry.” You made eye contact with him and then immediately looked away. You felt so bad lying and now you had to play into it. “Okay,” you mumbled. As he started to take off your shoe, you let out a cry. “It’s okay, it’s okay. Hey, It’s off.” He said trying to comfort you.
He examined your ankle without touching it. He squinted his eyes, “Okay so it’s not swollen at all. That’s a good thing!” He sent you a smile trying to make you feel better. Yeah it’s not swollen because I’m lying to you, you thought.
You felt so bad that you were wasting his time with some fake injury just to protect yourself. It was pretty selfish of you. Dean interrupted your thoughts, “Alright I have to feel around and move your ankle around a bit so we can figure out what’s going on, okay kid?” You nodded your head and he continued. As if you couldn’t feel worse about the situation, you had to put your best act on again.
As soon as Dean touched your ankle, you whimpered in protest and jerked it away. Just as Dean was about to say something, Sam walked into the room. He looked tired and was rubbing his eyes. “Hey, what’s going on.” He asked as he took in the scene in front of him. You had a tear stained face, whimpering and crying in pain as Dean was kneeled in front of you. He pulled his attention to you, “I heard you crying sweetheart. What happened?” You felt your heart drop. You didn’t mean to wake him and now you felt terrible. All of your emotions were bubbling up and they were about to explode. You started sobbing, “I’m so sorry for waking you Sammy! I just tripped outside and rolled my ankle and it hurts really bad. I didn’t mean to make a scene.” Sam’s face softened as he kneeled down next to you. “Hey, it’s alright bug. It looks like Dean is doing everything he can here to get you better okay? It’s going to be alright.” Sam said while he smoothed back your hair and kissed you on the head. Sam and Dean exchanged looks. “Sam, I need you to keep her leg still while I feel around her ankle,” Dean said shooting you an apologetic look.
Sam gripped one hand on your lower thigh above your knee and gripped his other hand on your upper shin right below your knee. He held your leg in place as Dean felt around your ankle and moved it in different angles. You cried and cried until he ended up wrapping your ankle and putting some ice on it. These were certainly your real painful emotions just not directly related to your fake ankle injury.
Dean sighed and looked back up at you, “Hey kiddo, I didn’t feel anything out of place so it’s not broken, but because of your reaction to me touching it, it seems like it’s pretty banged up so we’re gonna ice it and you should probably rest for a few days.” You nodded still avoiding eye contact with him. You felt so shitty doing this to your brothers. You felt yourself disassociating until you heard Dean again and you snapped your attention to him. He grabbed your hand and rubbed his thumb over your knuckles, “I’ve seen you with a ton of rolled ankles and injuries way worse than this and I’ve never heard you cry in pain like that. Are you sure you’re okay kid and there’s nothing else you need to tell me?” His eyes were burning into yours. This was it. You could tell him. He could keep you safe and he could protect you. You knew this was your chance to get help, but when you opened your mouth to speak nothing came out. You closed your mouth and opened it again, “Yeah, I’m okay. I think I just need to get some sleep. Thank you for fixing me up.” You looked between both of your brothers hoping that they would drop it and to your luck, they did. “Can you just help me get to my bed?” You asked. Sam nodded and picked you up.
With every step Sam took you held back crying out in pain. You knew that if you cried out now that they would know something else was up. You made it to your room and Sam carefully put you on your bed. You laid back while Dean propped your ankle up and put the ice pack on it. You exchanged goodnights and they left your room. Once you knew they weren’t coming back in, you carefully sat up fighting back tears and reached for the ice on your ankle. Once you grabbed the ice pack, you laid back down and put the ice on your side. You were staring at the ceiling, holding the ice pack to your side when the flood gates opened. You cried and cried thinking about what you’ve become. Every cry ached your bones, but you didn’t care. You didn’t even know who you were anymore. You were lying to your brothers and you were lying to yourself. You needed help, but you felt trapped. Your thoughts tired you and you cried yourself to sleep.
It had been a week since everything happened. Your side was now blue and purple and you were still in a lot of pain. You were sure you had a few bruised or broken ribs, but you knew you couldn’t do anything for that other than rest so that’s exactly what you had been doing. You were going to your boyfriends house because you haven’t seen him due to your injury. You weren’t allowed out of bed the whole week under your brothers surveillance because they wanted to make sure you were healing properly. You caught yourself questioning why you were going back to see your boyfriend who did this to you in the first place, but you loved him. Actually you weren’t really sure if you loved him or if you were terrified of not loving him and seeing what he would do to you if he realized you didn’t. You shook away the thoughts as you knocked on his door.
He answered and pulled you in for a hug. You winced as he squeeze you hard. “I missed you so much,” He said pulling you inside. “I missed you too,” you smiled. You knew he really did love you. A few hours went by and everything was absolutely perfect. He was making you a pretty late dinner when you started giggling and snuck a piece of the chicken of the plate. You did it to be goofy and you were just about to compliment him on how good it tasted and how you couldn’t wait to sit down and eat together when you felt a blow to your face.
You stumbled back and reached up to cover your eye that was now throbbing. “I didn’t say you can have any yet, you bitch,” he seethed. You were absolutely terrified and you had an overwhelming sense of needing to get out of that house with him.
You reached for your keys and ran out the door. He ran out after your, but you got into the car and slammed the door shut, locking the doors. You wasted no time peeling out and speeding back to the bunker. The entire drive you spent bawling your eyes out. Your face was aching and it was no doubt going to turn black and blue. You couldn’t hide a black eye from your brothers and that’s when all of your emotions came crashing down. Your secrets were going to be revealed and there was nothing you could do about it. They were going to think you were weak and they were going to blame you for not walking away sooner. Then once they found out, your boyfriend would be out to kill you, but not only you, everyone you’ve ever loved.
You needed to get a grip on yourself and stop being so damn weak. As you pulled into the bunker, you wiped your tears and calmed yourself down. You were trying to think of a solution. For the first time, you glanced at yourself in the car mirror and noticed a huge red bruise. You cursed, you knew he definitely popped some blood vessels and that it was absolutely going to turn black and blue. That was going to be much harder to hide, but you figured you would be able to cover it up with makeup.
You took the next 15 minutes to compose yourself before walking into the bunker. It was pretty late so you figured your brothers would be in their rooms, but then again you never knew with them so you didn’t want to bank on it.
You put your hair in front of the right side of your face to hide the redness before opening the door. You immediately saw Sam and Dean sitting at the table probably working on a case. Thankfully, the side of your face that he punched was hidden from them as you walked down the stairs.
“Hey guys!” You said with high energy. You were pretty much in control of all of your emotions, but you could stop yourself from shaking. “Hey bug, how was your night?” Replied Sam as he looked up from his computer. “It was great!” You said and bounced down the last step making sure to subtly hide your face.
I guess you weren’t as subtle as you thought because while you kept your back turned to them, Dean snuck up behind you. “Something wrong?” He asked while seeming like he already knew something was. Your heart dropped as you squeaked out, “No.” Hoping that that would be enough for you to scurry off to your room, but it wasn’t. “Turn around.” He said and you thought about how you were going to get out of this one. You thought about just booking it down the hall to your room when you heard Dean again. “Turn around right now Y/N/N or I swear to God.” With that you swung around, keeping your eyes on the ground and your hair in your face. “Let me see your face.” Your heart was pounding. This was it. There was no way out of it now.
You looked up at him and moved your hair out of your face. Dean clenched his jaw and Sam gasped, pushing out of his chair. “Did he do this to you?” Dean asked already knowing the answer. You started stuttering all over the place trying to come up with something to say to him. “Y/N, did he do this to you.” Dean asked again. “Yes,” you cried, “but-but he loves me!” You tried to plead with him as you became frantic. You were frailing your arms everywhere, crying and shaking. Dean looked sick and knew you were in panic mode.
He reached forward to grab you. “Baby,” he covered his mouth and gripped it in disbelief, “Someone who loves you wouldn’t do this to you.” He cradled your body and hugged you. He tucked your head into his chest and rested his chin on your head as you cried. As he heard your sobs, he clenched his jaw and looked towards Sam.
Sam was in total shock seeing your shaking body. There was so much pain written across his face now knowing what his little sister had been going through. He immediately made his way towards you in Dean’s arms and placed his hand on your back. “This wasn’t your fault.” Sam reassured you and rubbed your back. Dean repeated Sam sternly, “This wasn’t your fault.”
You quickly gasped pushing away from Dean, “He’s going to kill me.” You said to yourself. Your eyes were wide and you started looking around the room frantic. You hugged yourself while clenching your fists into your shirt. “He’s going to kill me!” You cried, repeating yourself. Then you gasped in horror, letting your shirt go and reaching up to your head and grabbing a handful of hair instead. “No, no, no, no, no,” you mumbled dreadfully. You walked backwards absolutely terrified and panicked until your back hit the wall. “He said he was going to kill the both of you too if anyone ever found out.” You sobbed. Your hands still had fistfuls of your hair as you sunk to the floor unable to breathe. Your brothers rushed to you.
He was obviously tormenting and manipulating you. Your brothers have never seen you like this and you could tell they were in so much pain seeing you mentally and physically hurt like this.
“Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,” Sam said as he took your hair out of your hands and held them close to him. “Hey, Y/N/N, I need you to look at me sweetheart okay?” You couldn’t control yourself you were screaming, “I don’t want to die PLEASEEEEE. And- and he’s going to kill you too! Oh God please NO.” You were sobbing uncontrollably.
It was like your walls had came crashing down. This guy had to be a complete sicko to be able to manipulate and put this kind of fear into you. Dean couldn’t take any more and anger overcame him. He cursed loudly and punched the wall. Those actions sent you into a frenzy. Sam had to hold your limbs down as you kicked and wailed. He calmly looked at Dean, “Dean, you’re scaring her. This isn’t the time so take a minute to calm down and breathe.” He said motioning to their little sister in an absolute panic and distress. Dean’s face softened, he nodded and took time to compose himself.
Sam turned his attention back to you, “It’s okay, it’s okay. Nothing is going to happen to you bug and nothing is going to happen to us.” You could hardly breathe as your lungs were gasping for air. Sam continued, “You’re safe, we’ve got you sweetheart. No one is ever going to hurt you again. You’re safe.” Sam was stroking your hair, trying to get you to calm down. “You’ve gotta breathe bug.” You nodded and he walked you through breathing in then out. As Sam was calming you down, Dean was grabbing you ice and Neosporin.
You calmed down as much as you could, but tears were still streaming down your face. Sam could still feel your body trembling as he reassured you again, “Absolutely nothing will happen to you or us. You’re safe. Everything is going to be okay.” You were still absolutely terrified. Terrified of facing the truth and terrified of everything that happened to you. Your face was still stained with tears and you were hiccuping. You always got the hiccups after you cried which used to frustrate you when you were little. Both of your brothers knew at the stage of hiccups you would be snapped back to reality for a little while so Dean decided it was best to ask the important questions while he got you fixed up.
He squatted down in front of you while you were sitting in between Sam’s legs on the floor, “Hey kiddo, I’ve gotta put some stuff on this bruise okay? And then we’re going to ice it to help with the swelling alright?” He said to you as he unscrewed the cap to the Neosporin. You nodded as he reached to spread it over your eye.
As soon as he made contact with your skin you flinched and whimpered. “I know kid, I know. I’m sorry.” Dean said as he clenched his jaw and looked away from you. You could tell he was trying to keep his composure for you, but you could see the pain in his eyes.
He turned back to you, “I need to know if he’s done something else to you.” You immediately looked away, God you were so weak. Dean took his finger and put it under your chin. He tilted your head back over to him so you could look him in the eyes.
“Y/N/N,” he whispered. His eyes were soft and encouraging so you broke. “Yeah, I turned down the tv without his permission so he did this to me,” you whispered as you lifted up your shirt to show your black and blue side. Dean clenched his jaw yet again and squeezed his eyes shut. You quickly put your shirt down, “I’m sorry, I lied about my ankle. I didn’t actually roll it, I was just in so much pain because of my side. I didn’t know how I was going to hide my pain so I panicked and I lied. I’m so sorry, I feel so awful.” You said hoping they would find a way to forgive you for being a liar. You were still in between Sam’s legs when you felt his hands start rubbing your back, “This wasn’t your fault.” Sam said. You looked back at Dean and this time his face was flooded with disbelief. “I knew something else was wrong and I should have pushed it. I should have been protecting you, but I failed. I’m so sorry.” Dean said as he locked eyes with you. You felt guilty that he felt guilty. He had no reason to feel guilty because you lied to him and told him everything was okay. “Please don’t blame yourself. I was being sneaky and I lied to you. I lied to both of you and I’m so sorry for that.” You said now leaning away from Sam so you could glance back and forth between your two brothers. This time Sam spoke up, “Sweetheart, you were manipulated and you were harmed mentally and physically. No one could ever blame you for what you did during that time. It’s okay.” Relief flooded your body and you nodded saying that you understood him.
Sam lifted your shirt back up and grazed his finger tips along your ribs. You whimpered in pain and tried to pull away from him, but he kept you still. “Y/N/N these are broken.” He said with a sad voice. “I know, but there’s nothing you can do about broken ribs right? I’ve just been taking the ice you’ve been giving to me for my ankle and putting it on my side.” You softly replied back. Both of their faces fell and Dean sighed. He still had Neosporin on his fingers as he handed Sam the tube to use on your bruised side. “I never want you to feel like you have to hide something like this from us ever again. We’re always here for you Y/N/N and we’ll always protect you. You’re always safe with us.” Dean said as he reached back to your face to smooth the cream over your bruised skin. Sam did the same and gently swiped it across your side. You didn’t care about the pain because you just had an overwhelming sense of love from your brothers. You realized how loved you were and your boyfriend beating you senseless wasn’t love.
“He said he loved me,” you whispered. “And I am so sorry that he made you believe that was love. That wasn’t love Y/N/N, that’s abuse. He manipulated you, threatened you, and gaslight you. He put his hands on you and no one who ever loves you will do that to you. I mean you turned down the tv without asking him first and he did this to you.” Sam said in disbelief motioning to your side he was fixing up. You let a tear slip out of your eye and caught eye contact with Dean. He was visibly mortified by what was being said. He spoke up, “That wasn’t love and it will never be your fault either. There’s someone out there for you kiddo who’s going to show you so much love and who’s going to treat you with so much respect.” Dean said as you choked back tears. “You deserve all the love in the world Y/N/N just wait okay? Because it’ll come and you’ll deserve every second of it. You’re an amazing, beautiful, kind, strong girl. Someone is going to be lucky to have you kiddo.” He finished.
You felt the overwhelming sense of support and love. You leaped into Dean’s arms and clung to him. He wrapped one arm around you and used his other hand to hold the back of your head close to him. “I’ll never let another man put his hands on you ever again.” He whispered into your ear. He held you for what felt like eternity until you heard the sound of wings fluttering. You pulled back and noticed Cas. “Cas?” You asked in disbelief. You all haven’t seen him in months and nobody could get ahold of him. “Dean prayed to me.” He said walking up to you and healing you of your injuries. “I took care of the rotten human. I threw him into the dinosaur timeline. He will never hurt you again.” Cas said then disappeared. You chuckled in disbelief and both of your brothers wrapped their arms around you. As you were being squeezed in the center of your group hug you thought, this is real love, and softly smiled finally feeling safe.
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perseephoneee · 9 months
rest your eyes [castiel x reader]
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synopsis: you can't sleep so castiel helps you
a/n: i am sick with covid and have been rewatching supernatural with my boo. castiel was literally my second crush ever, and i missed him so much, so i decided to write something (based on the fact i'm an insomniac who would totally sleep on an angel if offered)
↳ masterlist  ↳ ship exchange ↳ taglist
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It wasn’t supposed to be like this. 
It was supposed to go: hunting a monster in the woods and returning to some dingy motel that Dean found at the end of the day. Instead, the chase led you and the rest of the squad so deep into the woods that it was wiser to set up camp than try and trek back to civilization. The camp included a rock outcropping to protect from the weather, a shitty fire, and a lack of comfortable sleeping arrangements. Sam and Dean were used to sleeping on almost anything so they could pass out immediately. You, on the other hand, had insomnia sleeping in a regular bed and knew you were going to struggle to fall asleep with nothing more than the moss covering the ground. 
Castiel didn’t sleep, so he was keeping watch. You had your jacket balled up as a pillow under your head, and instead of closing your eyes and trying to encourage rest in your body, you were staring at Cas through thick lashes. He looked up at the sky, a serene expression on his face like he was thinking about what each star meant. The light from the fire flickered across his cheekbones, the bridge of his nose, even his cupid’s bow. Sometimes, you were struck by just how beautiful he was, like some Greek artists, the idea of the perfect man, sculpted to perfection and thrown at your feet for just you to enjoy. You wondered how you ended up so lucky to be blessed with his presence. 
“Why do humans enjoy looking at the stars?” Castiel asks you in a soft voice to not rouse Sam and Dean. You should’ve guessed that he would notice that you were awake.
“I think…it’s nice to think about things far away from your own life,” you hum, giving up on your rock bed and sitting up, brushing leaves and other debris out of your hair. Cas looks at you, the blue in his eyes a shifting kaleidoscope from the dancing lights around you. “And the concept of stars is beautiful,” you sighed, curling your legs up and under. Cas tilted his head at that, brows slightly furrowed. It was your favorite expression on him. 
“Stars are just clouds of gas and light,” Castiel answers. 
“But they’ve traveled thousands of light years to reach us, even if they don’t realize it,” you smile, your eyes tracing the path of various constellations. You can feel Cas’ gaze, but don’t dare look over. Looking into Cas’ eyes is falling headfirst into an abyss you didn’t prepare for. 
“I like that,” Castiel exclaims, a hint of a smile on his lips. “That’s a…human way of looking at it.”
“I am human,” you chuckle.
“Yes, you are,” he resumes, staring at the stars. It’s silent again; the only sound is the crackling of the fire and your breaths. Sometimes, the quiet is interrupted by Sam’s snoring, but you don’t mind. Your boys deserve the rest. 
“Why aren’t you sleeping?” Castiel inquires.
“It’s hard for me to sleep, especially out here,” you say, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. Castiel looks troubled by that statement like he is personally responsible for your ability to sleep. “When I was little, sometimes my Mom would put me in the car and drive me around in circles, singing or telling stories until I passed out.” You remember fondly, smiling a little to yourself. “I don’t think the ground is as comfortable as a car seat, though.”
“Would you like me to tell you a story?” Castiel asks. “If you need a pillow…you can use me.” He looks slightly uncomfortable, and the tips of his ears turn red, making you grin. He never fails to be adorable when he wants to be, and you know he’s offering out of the goodness of his heart. Still, the ID part of your brain is brainstorming all the ways he could profess his love for you, something that you stamp down as you shuffle over to him. He leans his back against one of the rock walls, stretching his legs out. He had already removed his trench coat, offering it to you as a blanket. It was large enough to swallow you and smelled precisely like Castiel in a way you wanted to remember for the rest of your life. You took your makeshift pillow and set it on his lap, laying your head there and curling up under his arm, which he hesitantly rested on your shoulder. You knew you had to coax your ever-beating heart to calm down if you were ever going to sleep, but it was hard when you were lying on the lap of an angel you had a crush on. Still, Castiel was a gentleman who didn’t do anything to make you uncomfortable. 
“What’s your story?” you ask, voice small as you close your eyes and relax your body. 
“Early before humans won the race for my Father’s next creation, there was a pool going on for what Earth’s next great invention would be…”
Castiel’s voice, in its low timbre, started to lull you to sleep as you listened to his story. You liked listening to him talk, and he occasionally added funny anecdotes that would make you smile. You started tuning out of the story, instead focusing on the warmth from his lap, the smell of the open air and him, and especially how his fingers had started to absentmindedly stroke shapes on your arm. Eventually, you were pulled into a deep sleep, lingering in that space where you were only slightly conscious but not awake. That space was the only way you could feel Castiel petting your hair, brushing his fingers down your scalp to your neck and back to your shoulder. Even in your dreams that night, you swear you could feel his weight everywhere. 
You slept peacefully, without interruption, the whole night. Until morning, when the sound of voices roused you from your slumber.
“...did you get a girl in your lap?” Dean asked, sounding incredulous. 
“She is not in my lap. She is lying on half of my lap,” Castiel answered, ever the stickler for exact estimates. You could hear Dean’s groan and sarcastic retort. 
“Can you shut up? I’m trying to sleep?” you mumbled, screwing your eyes shut and pushing your face more profoundly into your pillow-jacket-thing. 
“C’mon, Sleeping Beauty, time to go hunting,” Dean called out. You let out a curse word, relaxing as you felt Castiel pat your head reassuringly. 
“You are much more Sleeping Beauty than I am,” you responded, finally opening your eyes to the daylight but not making a move to get up. Eventually, you realized you’d have to move, so you begrudgingly sat up, cracking your neck as you did so. “Thanks for the story, Cas,” you said, averting eye contact with the angel to avoid him seeing the light flush on your cheeks. You gave him back his coat, and he kindly removed a twig that got stuck in your sweater. 
“Did you sleep alright?” he inquired. You thought back to it and realized that for the first time in years, you slept through the whole night. 
“Yeah, I… slept well.” 
With that, Castiel smiled and helped you up. You were more alert on a hunt than you had been in a long time, all because a particular angel helped you achieve the best sleep of your life.
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castiwls · 3 months
you are in love - s.w
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Paring; sam x reader
Prompt; 'Pauses and says, you're my best friend. And you knew what it was, he is in love'
Requested; anon
Notes; kinda made this sader than i meant oops. reqs and inbox are open !
Masterlist | Taylor Swift masterlist
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Ever since he was a child Sam had been taught to fear the dark. Taught that all the worst things happened in the darkness of the night. Over time the childhood fear of creatures hiding in his closest had slowly faded away as he came to terms with the fact that those creatures did in fact not just live in the closest but also in the wider world.
He’d quickly learnt that his actual fears lay not only in the dark but also in the light. That was partly why he’d quickly learnt that his favourite time of day was dusk. The time of day when the world was almost in limbo, not yet dark enough for the monsters of the night to come out but also not too light for them to lurk on the streets.
Sleep seemed to come and go for him recently. More and more nightmares making appearances made sleep something which he’d simply rather avoid altogether, yet that had changed when you’d walked into his life.
Sleep seemed easier and safer whenever you were around, your body almost like a protection blanket in human form. The nightmares never seemed as bad.
Yet he still found himself waking in the late hours, a small jolt of fear turning his blood cold as his eyes stared up at the dark ceiling. Letting out a breath he shifted in the bed, turning to watch the rise and fall of your chest as you slept beside him.
A small smile pulled at Sam’s lips as the previous fear seemed to melt away as you subconsciously moved closer, a small huff leaving your lips. 
“Sam?” Your voice was quiet as you slowly blinked up at him. “What's wrong?”
He shook his head, his smile widening slightly as you leaned back slightly to get a better look at him. You were more than used to him being awake at almost all hours, you’d learnt very quickly that the smallest movement seemed to wake him up - much to your dismay.
“M’fine.” He brushed a hand through your hair. “Just trouble sleeping. That’s all.” He reassured.
You watched him for a moment your eyes tracing his face. He didn’t look stressed, if anything he looked relatively relaxed. You subconsciously relaxed realising that this wasn’t a nightmare situation and that he wasn’t trying to hide something.
“Okay.” You nodded a tired smile pulling at your lips as you stifled a yawn. 
You watched him for a moment longer before leaning up to press a chaste kiss to his cheek, your lips brushing over his cheek for a moment before pulling back. “Try and get some sleep okay?” 
Sam nodded whispering his agreement before brushing a hand over your cheek. His lips parted for a moment as if to say something before he stopped. His eyes moved from you for a moment, an almost hard look settling over his face.
He sucked in a breath before looking back to you, his face softening almost immediately. “Why did you do that?” You frowned.
“Do what?”
“That face, why did you pull that face?”
Sam laughed quietly. “I didn’t pull a face.”
“Yes, you did. You looked like you were in pain for a moment.” His smile dropped slightly as you sat up - him quickly following. “I know something's wrong.” 
Sam was quiet for a moment before he pulled his gaze from yours, an almost nervous look taking over his features.
“It’s nothing it’s just…I realised how much you mean to me and I guess…” He trailed off running a hand through his hair. “Everyone I’ve cared about in this way…It’s not ended well for them. I don’t want that for you.” His hand found yours, intertwining your fingers as he looked back up, his eyebrows furrowing slightly.
Your heart pinched slightly at his words. You’d told him hundreds of times that nothing was going to happen to you. That he was allowed to love without feeling guilty, yet he still refused to say the words.
“You’re my best friend.” His hand tightened against yours as he felt his breath catch for a moment. You both knew you were more than friends. You had been for a while yet he wasn’t willing to risk saying those words for fear of placing a target on your back. You both knew the unsaid words which hung over you at all times. It was almost like a string waiting to snap as you both danced the line, neither willing to cross and finally admit that you were in love.
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talaok · 1 year
I have a joel request
Ok so reader is with Joel from Boston, maybe Tess introduced them, but they’re end up taking a liking to each other and don’t tell Tess.
Reader ends up pregnant (remains a secret between Joel and her) but she joins them on the quest with Ellie and to Tommy.
They meet Haney and Sam and Joel is extra overprotective of reader all the time, maybe she’s around forth month and just slightly showing, enough for Henry to catch on
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Pt. 2
You didn't know exactly how or when it had started, it kind of just... had.
The Boston QZ wasn't an easy place to wander alone, so when Tess had offered you some company, you hadn't refused.
Since you were both smugglers, after some time she had introduced you to who you believed to be her partner, to work together for a job. As it turns out, Joel Miller wasn't her boyfriend, what he was, however, was a man of few words.
It wasn't easy at first, you kept asking him questions and he kept answering with no more than a grunt or a mumbled yes or no.
You were sure he despised you or was just unnervingly indifferent to you.
But then one day, something changed.
He had asked you to help him out with a job, and of course, you had agreed, completely conscient of having just condemned yourself to hours of endless silence.
But that's not how it went, not at all.
He had spent the night asking you questions, and thanks to some kind of miracle, even answering yours.
You had talked and talked for hours, and that night, the man who up until that point you believed to be just a ruthless survivor, turned into a kind, fun man.
You had asked him about that night months later, and after a bit of pressuring he eventually confessed:
"I don't know, I guess I finally decided that I had spent enough time punishing myself... and I was tired of seeing your pretty face frown each time I pushed you away"
Things after that night changed, you started spending more and more time together, until well... that's all you wanted to do.
He showed you part of himself he kept hidden, and you did the same until you both knew every good and bad and sad of each other. Until there was nothing to hide anymore.
It's weird... finding love at the end of the world, and yet, you'd done it.
And as happy as you were, you were both terrified too.
In the world you lived in, love wasn't just love anymore, it was weakness,
it was the possibility of losing everything again.
And the fear only grew stronger when you found out you were pregnant.
There were so many things to be scared of, the practical part, having to deliver a child in a world where zombies roamed the streets, having to be a good mother, not knowing how to be a good mother, and then finally... having to tell Joel.
You saw the fear in him too, when you finally told him, you saw the paralyzing fear flash before his eyes, and then, like magic, you saw it all melt away.
He had hugged you for what felt like an hour, feeling so many things at once he had no idea what to say.
Until, finally, leaning away, he had made you a simple promise:
"I love you. And I'll protect you, if it's the last thing I do I'll protect you, both of you"
You chose not to say anyone, not even Tess. It was safer and easier. When the time would have come, you would have said something, but then Ellie came along.
Joel had begged you with everything he had to stay in Boston, to not follow him and Tess, and to forget about him if he was to never come back.
But you had fought back with the same intensity. You had told him the truth. That you couldn't do it without him, that he was the only person you trusted.
"fine" he had sighed, after you had given him a headache "but don't do anything stupid"
And at that, you had smiled "When have I ever?"
Now everything had changed once again, Tess was dead.
You would expect it to get easier, loss... but it doesn't.
you never told her, she never knew, and now she'll never know.
You were four months pregnant, shirts had just started getting tighter, and your brain fuzzier.
you still hadn't told Ellie. For some reason it felt like the moment you did, everything would become real, and your luck would run out.
You had "met" Henry and Sam along the way, Joel wasn't a big fan, but you liked them, especially Sam, he was a smart boy.
You had walked in the tunnels all day until you stumbled across an underground settlement.
"Can we rest here for a while?" Ellie asked after she and Sam found one of the awful comics they apparently both loved "There's like- actual shit to do here"
"wouldn't be so bad to wait the light out a bit" Henry intervened, feeling the need to explain himself better when Joel shot him a look "safer in shadows when we pop back out on the other side"
He wasn't convinced, you could see it, and your feet were killing you, so...
"please Joel" was all you needed to say to change his mind.
"fine" he sighed "Just for a while," he said, before walking to you.
"Are you all right?" he asked, worry evident in his tone
"I'm fine, I'm just tired"
"did you eat enough?"
You smiled "I did"
His eyes fell to your belly for a moment "Here" he said, reaching in his pocket for some food he had in a napkin "Eat this"
"I don't need to eat tonight, don't worry"
"you do need to" you protested, trying to give it back
"no" he shook his head "what I need is for you to be healthy"
You bit down a smile as you put the food in your backpack "Y'know... I miss kissing you"
"I kissed you this morning"
"yeah well..." you pouted
"I know," he said, as his thumb stroked your arm "I miss it too"
Ellie's laugh brought you both back to reality.
You grinned, watching as she talked to Sam.
"I better go see what she's up to," you said "wouldn't want her to teach the poor kid all the bad words she knows"
Joel's lips twitched into a small smile "We'd be here for hours" he joked, making you laugh "Try to rest, ok?" he said, more seriously now.
"Yes sir" you mocked "you too"
Something traveled between your eyes before you went your way.
Joel watched as you sat with the kids, and decided to sit next to Henry, he owed him some sort of apology.
"If you were collaboratin' to take care of him, I shouldn't have said what I said. I don't know your situation. And I'm not saying they should let it go, but... all things considered, seems kinda cruel to send a whole army after you for that" Joel spoke, his eyes not leaving you. He knew damn well he too, would do anything for you or the baby.
"You know, I wasn't exactly telling you the truth before, about me not killing anyone," Henry said after some time, as he started telling Joel everything, about Kathleen's brother, about Sam's sickness... everything.
"I am the bad guy because I did a bad guy thing," Henry said, pain and frustration tracing his words "but you get it though. you might not be her father, but you were someone's... and you're gonna be someone's"
Joel's jaw twitched, and he tightened his fists as he stared at the man.
How does he know?
"I see the way you glance at her whenever you hear a noise, I see how you always get her behind you," he explained, without needing to be told to "The first thing you said when we woke you up with guns pointing at you was, - don't point it at her-" Henry recalled "plus" he smiled "she's the only one you listen to"
"don't worry" Henry said, noticing Joel's look "I won't tell"
They both turned in your direction, as they heard you reading the comic aloud.
Both the kids were looking at you, completely hypnotized.
"she'll be a great mother"
"I know," Joel said "I know she will"
— —
Pt. 2
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xoxoladyaz · 3 months
Feeling some Steddie angst hours in this house 🚨🚨🚨
After they kill Vecna, things go back to normal. Well, as normal as they can be. Whatever brief moment of insanity Steve and Nance had ends about as suddenly as it began, and she can’t really meet his eyes once her hand is back in Jonathan’s.
(It’s a blessing when she leaves for Columbia, Jonathan’s beat-up car following right behind her.)
The least normal thing is probably Eddie Munson, or at least whatever Steve’s relationship is with him now. It’s - there’s just something different there, some strange warmth that he feels when he looks at Eddie. And sometimes Steve catches Eddie just looking at him and - well, it gives him that same warm feeling, and maybe that means something? Something that maybe seemed scary before but is nowhere near as scary as Eddie almost bleeding out in Steve’s arms.
He’s in the midst of talking himself up, of figuring out just what he’s going to say to Eddie, when the Munsons announce they’re heading out of town and then leave the next day. Steve’s almost paralyzed with anxiety, but he’s gotta say something, right?
Except Eddie cuts him off at the knees with a weak smile, tells him not to be a stranger, to visit him in the city with his kids and a Winnebago once he’s finally gotten that suburban dream, and then he’s gone.
And Steve doesn’t hear from him again.
To be fair, no one really hears from Eddie; just Dustin, who will chime in that they’ve chatted every once in a while, that Eddie went to LA for a bit and then Seattle and finally settled in Chicago; that he seems to be really happy, but never gives any information beyond that.
And Steve? He packs up his life and follows Robin to college, and when he accompanies her to their first gay bar and sees two metal heads kissing, something inside him snaps and the pair of them end up drunkenly crying in their tiny apartment’s bathroom. But it gets better after that, and two years after their move to Indy, Steve meets Sam.
Sam, who’s got the lightest blonde hair he’s ever seen, cut into a shaggy mullet that perfectly offsets his shiny hazel eyes. He’s got a bright smile and a pierced eyebrow and too many earrings to count and his laugh is loud and joyous and for whatever reason, he likes Steve as much as Steve likes him.
Robin, of course, is ecstatic and takes all the credit for introducing them, which is technically true seeing as she was the one to spill her drink all over Sam before Steve came to the rescue. (Although she then almost ruined everything by throwing up on both of their shoes, so, Steve only lets her gloat so much.)
Three years after that finds Steve and Robin gainfully employer, as teachers of all things, and Vickie finally succeeds in convincing Robin to move in with her, and, well, it only makes sense that Steve and Sam get their own place too because, well, Steve loves him. Loves his ripped jeans and his skateboard and the fact that he’s cheery no matter the time of day, that he wants to have a family probably even more than Steve does and didn’t blink when Steve said he wanted six kids, he only laughed and said “why stop there?” And it may not be exactly what Steve was thinking in that Winnebago all those years ago, but that’s okay, because what he has with Sam? Is way better.
Once Steve and Sam get settled, Sam insists that they have a housewarming party (because Sam makes good money at his tattooing gig, and Steve’s inheritance is nothing to sneeze at, and they’re actually able to get a house, which feels insane but also just right) and invite all of Steve’s kids, who he’s met a few times but never all at once, and Steve is so whipped he says “yes” without a second thought.
(Which he really should have had because Henderson was also living in Chicago now.)
So when Henderson wanders in with Eddie as his plus one, and Sam is nowhere in sight, Steve only gives himself a moment to freak out before walking over to greet Eddie.
“Steeevveeeee Harrington,” Eddie purrs with a toothy grin. “Good to see you man. And good to see you finally getting started on that dream of yours,” he says, slapping Steve on the shoulder. “With Sam, I hear. You two crazy kids getting started on those six kids yet?”
“Uh, not - “
“Not quite yet,” Sam cuts in from behind Steve, wrapping an arm around Steve’s waist and tucking Steve’s head under his chin. “I still want a few more years of this guy all to myself. You must be Eddie,” Sam grins, sticking out his hand. “Good to meet you man. I’ve heard all about you.”
Eddie just stares at Sam. Stares and stares until Dustin kicks him in the shin. “Right. Sam. Sam. Good to meet you, man,” Eddie says, but he looks pale and vaguely sick and if Steve didn’t know from the few times Dustin had slipped up in the past, he’d think Eddie was homophobic (and he knew that wasn’t the case.)
Sam grins. “Well, good to have you here. Steve, babe, Robin wants you in the kitchen, something about the salsa - “
“Oh my God,” Steve groans, and then all thoughts of Eddie are forgotten in his rush to make sure Robin doesn’t actually poison everyone, and then he gets busy greeting people and saying hi and it’s not until well after midnight, when the remaining guests are smoking up with Argyle and Steve is taking out the trash that he remembers Eddie. Or, more accurately, that he bumps into him.
“So. Sam,” Eddie says, smoking a cigarette by the garage, gazing off into the distance. “He’s a good dude. Got shit taste in music, though.”
Steve slams the trash can lid shut a little harder than he needs to. “Dude,” he sighs, and Eddie must hear his exhaustion because he doesn’t say anything else for a while.
“Did you know?”
“About what?”
“About you? Back in ‘86?”
Steve just nods tiredly. “Yeah, man. I did.”
Eddie hums nervously. “And was there someone - “
“Eddie, man, you know there was. You know.”
“Yeah,” Eddie’s laugh sounds broken. “Yeah, I did. Fuck. Fuck.”
And Steve doesn’t know what to say, because what is there to say? He loved Eddie; hell, part of him still loves Eddie. But Eddie ran at the first inkling of there being something between them, and Sam didn’t. He’s never run, not even when Steve gave him so many reasons to. And Steve could tell Eddie that he’s wondered, so many times he’s wondered, what they could have been. If they could be anything.
But Eddie wasn’t there to hold out his hand, and Sam was. Sam is, and that makes all the difference.
Steve claps his hand on Eddie’s shoulder, just like Eddie did when he arrived, and then he heads into his house.
(This time, he’s the one to leave Eddie behind.)
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