#someone please give my darling daughter and my dear sons a break
amethysttribble · 9 months
My darlings keep SUFFERING for the sake of this ungrateful COUNTRY and there’s no end in sight because Soo Won’s a BITCH T_T
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daisyswift3 · 1 year
You’re Losing Me Analysis
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I wanted to do a short analysis on You’re Losing Me. My first impression of this song is that it’s another breakup song addressed to her fans in allegorical form like high infidelity (see this post). There are multiple lyrics that substantiate this interpretation. It’s horribly ironic that swifties think this is a song abt Joe when it’s really abt them and their refusal to SEE her. I’m more certain than ever now that the eras tour is a goodbye to her fans before she comes out
You say “I don’t understand” and I say “I know you don’t” // This is reminiscent of the bridge of Dear Reader. These desperate prayers of a cursed man spilling out to you for free but darling, darling, please, you wouldn't take my word for it if you knew who was talking. There is a communication issue between her and her fans. Her fans don’t know who she really is and are gonna be really confused when she comes out bc they thought they knew her
We thought a cure would come through in time…Now I just sit in the dark and wonder if it’s time // This parallels the archer. Should she stay in her dark closet or step into the daylight? Dark side, I search for your dark side. But what if I'm alright, right, right, right here? Also the mention of time makes me think of “meet me at midnight” and all the clock/time imagery she’s been using lately alluding to a countdown. Spring breaks loose, the time is near / Are we only biding time 'til I lose your attention? Her Cinderella facade is abt to expire at midnight
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The heartbeat is an obvious callback to wildest dreams which she includes twice in the setlist, once in the 1989 era and once in the seven spoken word poem which again makes use of this Cinderella metaphor. This poem essentially tells her fans “You can cling onto this idealized version of me in my Cinderella dress or you can meet the real me at midnight”
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Do I throw out everything we built or keep it? // Again the archer. Should she come out and potentially ruin her career and her relationship w her fans or stay in the closet? She chose the first option and burned the lover house down. Dear reader burn all the files, desert all your past lives / He's gonna burn this house to the ground…So yeah it’s a fire it’s a goddamn blaze in the dark / 'Cause there were pages turned with the bridges burned. Everything you lose is a step you take. So make the friendship bracelets, take the moment and taste it. You've got no reason to be afraid
You might have just dealt the final blow // Don’t Blame Me transitioning into LWYMMD. Her singing “The old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now. Why? Because she’s dead” while all the glass closets keeping her past selves trapped shatter and they walk out finally freed. The Anti Hero mv where her daughter in law (representing the hardcore swifties) is the person that kills her and the younger son (gaylors) points this out which enrages her and sparks a brawl. Happiness, which includes a reference to the Cinderella/midnight metaphor, being a eulogy to the old Taylor and her relationship w her fans—“dappled with the flickers of light from the dress I wore at midnight, leave it all behind”
These lyrics make it pretty clear who she’s talking to imo. How can you say that you love someone you can’t tell is dying? I sent you signals // Sending signals to be double crossed / You didn’t even hear me out, I gave so many signs so many times
Now you’re running down the hallway // Dear reader, get out your map, pick somewhere and just run
I gave you all my best me’s, my endless empathy // After giving you the best I had, tell me what to give after that
Fighting in only your army, frontlines // Combat, I’m ready for combat / So yeah it’s a war, it’s the goddamn fight of my life
A pathological people pleaser who only wanted you to see her // All of mirrorball and Nothing New. The Dear Reader bridge. They see right through me. Can you see right through me? The delicate mv. Giant Taylor begging the audience to see her in the eras tour Anti Hero performance and storming off after being ignored
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Gif courtesy of @iwanthermidnightz
Lastly this track follows Dear Reader and when read together it sounds like she’s telling her fans goodbye
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swallowedbyfandom · 7 days
Lord Cowper,
I suggest you put an end to this delusion of demanding satisfaction from my brother over my dear sister's justified defense of her husband. You are to cease your ridiculous claims that our sweet Penelope marred your daughter's marriage prospects.
I should not have to point out that this is Miss Cowper's fourth season without a single proposal to show for it. My sister is not the issue, the issue is your daughter is an affront to common decency. If you want to cast blame I suggest you look in your own home. It is clear your wife raised your daughter abysmally, without any sense of propriety.
That you married a Lady so lacking in maternal instinct is your own failing. That you failed to recognize how dishonorable your daughter grew to be is once more your own failing. I will not have you sully my family name to cover up the fact that you could not manage the two Ladies you are responsible for.
Regards ,
Lord Bridgerton
Lady Cowper,
I just heard the silliest jest. There are tales of you speaking out against my darling daughter. A ridiculous fabrication, I know. How could you be anything but grateful my Penelope put an end to your daughter's vulgar display?
I am sure you are much too busy reeducating your daughter to have time to spread tall tales about my family. As you attempt guide Miss Cowper back from this shameful path, do be sure to remind her that no man wants to marry a Lady that appears so learned. While I am sure she is proud of her experience, as evidenced by the brazen way she rubbed herself against my son in public. She must be made to realize that sort of experience does not lead to marriage. It leads to ruin.
I am sure you will soon talk sense into your Lord husband. The fuss he is making over this entire mess is unbecoming. I am sure we can all agree it is best for your family's standing in society if this matter is quickly hushed over.
I wish you luck in getting your house in order. I would hate to take time away from enjoying my grandchildren to deal with this matter further. We all know how unkind I get when I am away from my grandchildren too long.
Lady Featherington
Penelope Anne Bridgerton!
N ever have I felt so betrayed. How could you slap Cressida Cowper when I am not there to see it! I have wanted to slap that wench since she tried blackmailing me! You must tell me every detail, so I can live vicariously through you.
Are you well, Pen? I know when I punched Berbrooke in the face my knuckles and wrist were sore for days after. Did you break a nail on her bony face? Is it true you slapped her hard enough to knock her to the ground? I cannot fathom such a thing. You are such a gentle person.
Oh Pen, I still cannot believe YOU were the first Bridgerton to ever start a physical altercation at a ball. Mama must still be reeling in shock.
Thank you for officially making Pen my sister! It is by far the coolest thing you have ever done. Ant, saids you both must lay low for a while until the scandal dies down. That is so stupid! The Queen was not even upset. She was laughing! Although the Queen was quite put out you took Pen away before she finished insulting Cressida. I was too to be honest.
When you finally are allowed to visit, Pen simply must teach me how to slap someone with such vigor. It was most impressive.
Give the babies my love.
Your favorite sister,
Hyacinth Bridgerton
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𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙒𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙇𝙞𝙛𝙚 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙨| Joseph Quinn x Celebrity!Reader
Warnings: Bullying, death threats, s3lf h@rmïng, people calling Joseph ugly, Pedro and Jamie being menace
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"Y/N, darling wake up!! You need to go and have your hair and make up done in one hour and return to the set!"
Groaning out loud and trying to get out of the covers, your manager chuckled at your disheveled morning hair and tired look while he turned his attention back to his phone to have a convo. Wondering what the hell he was speaking about over phone that passionetly, you blindly looked for your socks and wore them while rubbing your eyes to get rid of the sleep. It was a known fact that you ran from project to project nonstop, the latest ones being the new Marvel series and Star Wars series, which your fans loved dearly. Your shoots with the Star Wars happened a long time ago but since the release of the new series had unfortunately hung up for some time, its date was the same one as your dear project, the one who gave you the recognition...
Stranger Things.
People would always jokingly say which one would get the highest record, some would be a little shit about it but over the years, you learnt how to ignore most of the comments. You could still vividly remember some "fans" reactions to you playing an important role in Star Wars and how you didn't "deserve that role at all" which made you... throw some snarky comments at those terrible people.
Giggling at your fond memories, you side eyed your manager and listened to what he had to say about your day.
"Okay, I know you're tired like hell and trust me I am too... Like, can you please have some rest after finishing this season of Stranger Things? You're still too young and already had done a lot for your age... YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE A PARTNER!"
"I never cared about those though..."
"No, you want to have one but are scared of what would happen to you if they turned out to be a douchebag!"
Touché, you thought while grinning sheepishly at him with your mouth full of toothpaste, not really denying anything. It was true that in this indurstry, most people would date another for more fame and money so, it was only natural to be reluctant about relationships in general.
Your latest and only partner almost ended your career though...
"Well, there is nothing I can do about it! Stop being my mom, Pedro, Oscar and Ewan do that enough for anyone..."
".... Even they tell you to find someone but you just... Unbelivable. Just... Go and get changed please."
Being done with your shit, he got out of your hotel room to give you privacy and also leave you to think by yourself. You were aware that at one point, you would stop acting and that your mom would start to pester you about a son or daughter-in-law but even though your heart longed to have a cheesy love like those in historical shows and books, the life was no fiction.
People would always look for something in return, they would always ask for more while giving nothing and unfortunately, that would be the same with love. The world no longer cared about emotional things, rather money and even though you didn't care about it that much, you convinced yourself that, that was for the best for anyone.
But for mostly you.
You didn't want to break a gentle soul with your trust issues, use them as a bandage to cover your past wounds so, you buried every affection you had felt over your years deep inside your heart.
Who knew a man with cute dimples and soft curls would change every rule you had set for yourself?
The set was in a chaos, and that was an understatement. People were running around, actors were trying to memorize their lines and the younger cast was playing pranks at others. Meanwhile Joseph alongside Gaten who was making him get used to the set were just idly looking through their phones, Joseph looking around anxiously. It was his first time being around all these very famous people and he was getting anxious over what they might think of him. He was confident with his acting skills but these people were together for almost 6 years and literally knew everything about each other, having a type of connection so rare.
"Stop thinking too much, Jo! You already blended in and nobody is judging you!"
"It's easy to say! There is an actress who is so talented that everybody, and I'm not exaggerating, everybody is fighting for her to be in their project! And she is my celebrity crush for as long as I can remember-"
" Stop whining! She's such an easygoing and relaxed woman that she would gladly hang out with us and do every kind of things! She even imitates a seal to make someone laugh so think about the person she is!"
Joseph just groaned and dragged his hands down his face and looked around with tired eyes. To be honest, as long as he could remember, he was your fan. You two weren't that far of age, being almost peers yet you were much more successful and well-known than him and pretty much most of the people here, with you working for Star Wars and Marvel. But you weren't a rude douchebag, you were still the same as you used to before the fame.
Wearing loose clothes and never making a show with any part of your daily life, you were the paparazzi's favorite celebrity to run after to. Always trying to make new friendships with other actors, even going as far as meeting their families and also becoming friends with them... All of these, alongside what Gaten said, were what he adored in you.
And also what made him fall in love.
Yes, he didn't want to admit it since you were way out of his league, at least he thought, but he already knew that you wouldn't bat an eye on him that much. After all, there was a slight chance that they would be lying, right?
Turning to look at where the cheerful voice that he knew very well coming from, he widened his eyes at your form which was hugging the girl thightly to yourself while munching on a donut, stuffing it inside your cheeks. He squealed silently at your cuteness and wanted to take photo to gaze at after but decided that it would invade your privacy. Watching you hug everyone after not seeing them for long, he failed to realize that Gaten had run at full speed at you and knocked you down to the ground.
Shaking their head at your childish attitude, your manager just walked towards you and pulled Gaten off of you and held you from your armpits like a cat. Whining at him for "obviously being a party pooper", you looked around as if trying to find something.
"So where are the newbies? I hope I didn't make a bad first impression, I mean I'm cute and energetic and have no problem with being loud but these can be hard for someone who just met me for the... first... time... Oh wow..."
You muttered the last part in awe when your eyes landed on the British man who had a wig on with the clothes of his character. You just stared at him with blank eyes and a hung jaw. He has big, soft, brown eyes... He has puppy eyes... Oh Lord, not on the day I just said I wouldn't fall for a man, you thought while wiping your palms onto your jeans.
His eyes were watching you with a fondness and soft look you saw rarily on man, though it would be because of his big, comforting eyes. The brown eyes would always give you a sense of comfort you used to have when you were with your parents, whether on a woman or man, it was nice to look at them.
Gulping down hard, and feeling your cheeks heat slowly, you hoped that they wouldn't give away your hammering heart and anxiousness and stood in front of him with big, doe eyes, extending your hand to shake with him.
"Hi, welcome to the set and I hope we can be good friends... You're a great actor, I actually watched Dickensian and you were... nice..."
Cringing at your shyness and thinking that yes, you actually drove him away, you were shocked when you felt his bigger hand in yours. Looking up at him, you smiled unconsciously at the sight of his dimples and the crinkles around his eyes. For fucks sake, the man has dimples too... Don't fall in love Y/N!
"It made me so happy to hear such a compliment from an actress like you! I'm surprised that you watched it, most people doesn't even know the name..."
And your manager could only watch with a wide mouth while others were giggling at the shy yet adorable first meeting of you two, silently making bets if you would end up together.
Meanwhile your manager was busy calling the "Space Sisters' group and tell them what he just saw.
Oh they are going to do everything they can to set you two up together.
This scene was going to kill you and that wasn't overreacting. Who taught that shooting a scene with Jamie was easy? Even Pedro was a better choice that you were ready to just go and say "Aight, I'm done." with the amount of teasing you were facing with.
"Jamie, stop tickling me! Dear director, say something!"
"Awww, are you embarrassed darling? Maybe we should call your crush?"
Hitting his chest playfully, you shoved him aside and grabbed your drink while trying to fan yourself. You hated to admit it but currently, you were having a huge crush on your eccentric co-star. You cursed at your sudden crush for the sweet and warm man and before you could scold yourself inside your mind, a certain blonde came in view with a sly plan.
"Y'know... You're a young, talented and beautiful woman who could pull anyone she wanted with just a look and you fancy someone so why not go after him?"
"Because... Well, I don't know if he's single and two, I'm not ready after... you know..."
Looking at you with soft and undestanding eyes, he pat your head and sat down next to you to grab something and have some rest until the next scene.
"But you can't go on like that forever... I know your shitty ex who is beyond fixing abused you emotionally but... he really isn't like that. The man talked to you and us about all the stuffed animals he had for collection the other day for God's sake! Do you think a man like him who has the cool uncle vibes can be the same as that asshole?"
Shaking your head no, you played with your fingers nervously. You wanted to have a beautiful relationship, experience all the things you should have done with someone special, and maybe even get married one day...
But opening your heart fully cost you everything and you would do anything to protect yourself from the same pain.
Unfortunately, even when thinking like that, you couldn't help but smile softly at the memory of him talking excitedly about the little trinkets he would buy or find, or how he loved to look after the kids... Seeing you blush while looking down on the ground, Jamie was happy to see that you were getting ready to open up step by step. It would take time but he wouldn't give up until you two were together.
Texting to Oscar who became his friend after their whole plan of "Get these stupids together", he turned to you innocently.
"Well darling, I don't know what will happen between you two but he was looking for you alongside Gaten and Joe."
Raising a brow at him, you shrugged your shoulders and looked at the director if you could go and with a nod from him, you began to search for the sweet man while Jamie was smirking at his phone.
"We're this close to get them together, Jam! Now, let the plan begin :) -Moon Boy"
Joseph was pacing around his trailer after shooting his scenes and the director gave him some time to rest but he was anything but resting. He seriously couldn't believe the events that happened in the past few weeks. He got to meet you, his long time crush, become friends with you and many people, and you two almost spoke all the time despite his worry about you not opening up to him at all.
He knew pieces about your past from the media and at first, he didn't want to force himself on you, even if he wanted to be close to you despite his heart hammering around you whenever he was close to your gorgeous form but with each passing day, it was obvious that you started to trust him as well. Gaten would always tease him for it, saying that it took nearly 2-3 months for you to trust them while it took only a few weeks for him but even if it was teasing,it couldn't have made him happier than anything to know that he was someone you could trust.
But the biggest part was his feelings. He wanted to confess, to tell you how gorgeous and amazing you were, how he wanted to just hold you against himself and indulge in every little activity you wanted to do but... Deep down, he knew that you deserved someone well-known, someone more popular just like you. What would you possibly find anything remarkable in him, with all the other significant men around you?
He almost jumped when he heard a knock outside his trailer, wondering who came to talk to him but upon hearing your soft voice, he immediately rushed to open it, almost tripping over himself.
"Geez, calm down Jo! Are you good?"
"Y-yeah! Just uh... Wasn't expecting a guest?"
" Oh, now I am a guest huh? My poor heart is breaking!"
Chuckling at you and rolling his eyes, he stood at the side to let you in while you were grinning from ear to ear. He knew that look, you did something and was planning to explain it to him. With wide and suspicious eyes, he sat you down on the makeshift bed.
"What did you do this time?"
"First of all, it sounded like you are accusing me and two, I bought us some cake! It's your first month anniversary at this set and trust me, staying alive with a sane mind here is pretty remarkable so it deserves a celebration!"
Shaking his head amused at your happy face, he went to bring some forks so that you two could eat the cake but he widened his eyes at feeling your smaller hands on his forearm with his heart almost bursting out of his chest and turned to look at your toothy smile.
"I brought forks and napkins, dork! Now sit and let's talk about our lives if that's okay?"
"Yes, yeah! Absolutely!"
Giggling like highschoolers while telling funny stories from your sets, you were discreetly watching him throw his head back at you and the wrinkles around his soft eyes whenever he laughed ear to ear with a thundering heart. Feeling your insides melt at his precious laugh, you realized how bad your case was. You didn't have to refuse it anymore...
You had fallen hard for him.
But did he feel the same? You were a very popular actress after all, paparazzis would always be on your tail, you would be seen with a co-star just because you had to and you would always be shipped with someone. People even shipped you with your "Space Sister" for God's sake! You wouldn't be able to give him the life he wanted, he wanted a somewhat normal life despite his career, have a little house away from city, maybe even some puppies or eventually kids...
Your life was far different than his and you didn't want to make him feel unworthy of himself...
"I can't believe Finn almost cried in the IT! How did that happen?"
Ah, one of the sweet memory you had of the now young adult and you were about to use it against him but to be fair, he started it when he thought that sharing your crying self over the movie Hachiko was a great idea.
"Ah well... I wasn't on the cast but since I'm great friends with the Skarsgård family, Bill invited me to come and visit him and I didn't refuse. To be honest, clowns make me irritated and uneasy but this role was important to him so I went to visit and they were so nice to me! When I arrived, Bill was pretty sad because they wouldn't let him speak and play with the kids since they could get attached to him and not get scared easily..."
Cutting a huge cake and eating it with stuffed cheeks, you failed to realize that Joseph clenched his jaw and grabbed the fork thighter at the mention of Bill. When had he started to feel jealous of you? He turned his downcasted eyes to your pretty face when he felt you poke at his face with the tip of your fork with worried eyes.
"Are you okay? If you're bored or if I'm talking so much I can stop... I probably talked a lot and you have a few things to tell me too but I just got excited and-"
Realizing you were getting panicked since he wasn't saying anything and because of the hard look on his face, he immediately loosened up and gave a soft and understanding look to you. He didn't want you to feel bad for being happy while talking about your friends, he wasn't that kind of a man and he would kill himself before making you feel uneasy.
"No,no darling, please continue... I just dozed of because of your pretty smile..."
Winking at you and making you blush, you hit his arm for his teasing nature to hide your embarresment and looked at his face, inspecting every little thing about him and thinking how the wig suited him for a few seconds, you continued after stuffing another chunk of cake into your mouth which made Joseph laugh at your eagerness and grab a napkin for you.
"And I just had to pat his back because he was sad he was making them scared and told him to hang on for a few months and assured him that they would come and play with him because they were looking up at him so much already. The next day, he had to scare Finn and Jaeden and this time, Finn got so scared that he cried at one of the rooms. Meanwhile Bill was crying too and I just had to play the mother and calm the boys and buy everyone in the set ice-cream... It costed me one hell of a money but hey, it could be replaced after all!"
"Don't tell him I have the video and especially that I told you this!"
Making a cross at where his heart was, he grinned at you and extended the napkin to you since he didn't want to make you uncomfy just in case. You looked at him with big eyes and took it with gratitude and realized that you didn't really know much about his life outside the set. With anxious fidgeting and hoping that you wouldn't be asking something offensive, you put the fork down.
"So what about you, Jo? How is your family like?"
Looking at you with a side look, he fangirled inside at your curiousity about his life, not the actor one, and happily told you about his mother. Giving small smiles at him when he would talk about his mom so lovingly, your inner voice just sighed at your miserableness. Grow some balls, and fucking confess to him already! Look, the man has respect for his and your mom, nothing bad would come out of this!
Just when you opened your eyes to finally tell everything you have been feeling about him, his phone started to ring and he looked at you apologetically. Waving your hand as if saying that it was no big deal and that he could talk here, you grabbed the forks and the box of the cake to throw them at the bin when you heard a soft yet older female voice from the speakers.
"How is my boy doing, hmm? Is everything alright in there?"
Cooing at his mother's soft words and concern for him, you chuckled when he looked at where you disappeared a few seconds ago anxiously to see if you heard anything. Seeing that you were still in the kitchen and your back was turned to him, he continued his talk with her.
"Yes, everything is fine mom! Everyone has been kind and Y/N is here right-"
"Oh my God! You work with her?! Is she really that pretty and kind in real life? And... she was that one actress you had been crushing on forever, innit?"
"Yes, oh God, yes she is and... Mom! Don't say things like that so loudly!"
Giggling in your hands while blushing profusely, you stayed in the kitchen and returned when he finished the call with her just in time. Seeing him look at anywhere but you, you just smiled and sit down in front of him.
"My mom says hi and now, you're invited to our home... You don't have to come if-"
"I would like that more than anything, Jo! But, oh shit! I don't have a dress with me and I need to find one quick and I have an interview to do and I-"
"Easy, easy, sweetheart... She invited you when our shooting is done so you still have time and besides... You are already beautiful as the way you're..."
Timidly looking at your wide eyes, you couldn't help but feel your heart skip a beat at his affectionate words and the feeling of his much bigger hands holding onto your arms. Your mouth dried, and you started to sweat slightly at how close you two were suddenly. Eyes looking at each other, deep brown melting into Y/E/C and hearts beating erratically, you knew that he was a man you deserved.
Fame, money, nothing mattered in that moment. You were just 1 inch apart from each other, one inch away from finally sealing the deal and become something much more than just friends. Maybe you just met, and maybe there were things you need to learn but deep down, you knew that he would mever treat you the way your ex did.
He wouldn't belittle you, he wouldn't blame you for everything, he wouldn't use you. Instead, he would hold you when things went bad, he would call you beautiful things instead of crude words, he would cherish you, love you till the day you two would die...
Holding onto his arms thightly and looking at him with shaky eyes, he shuffled closer to you, hands now holding your face delicately. He was no different than you, he couldn't believe that he was about to do what he thought he was going to do and you, looking at him with tearfull and shaky eyes with somewhat a painful yet full of hope eyes burned something inside of him.
"Y/N, I... I know you faced many things alone. I know you don't trust people easily anymore but... I love you. I always loved you ever since I was like 21 as soon as I watched your first film and I don't want to force you into anything. I'll be yours if you'll have me and if not, I would just stay as your friend-"
"But... what about everything? Are you fine with me being shipped with someone all the time? Not being home at all? Are you sure you would trust me with all your heart? I... I don't know if I'd be a good significant other and I-I d-don't wanna fuck things up-"
Wiping a stray tear softly from your cheeks, he brought your forehead close and touched it with his own. Even though he had the wig on, he could feel your heart beating with both love and worry. Behind the cheerful and noncholant mask you had, you were just a young woman who was betrayed by someone you trusted once. Someone who didn't make you feel loved and cherished and he would be damned if he did the same mistake.
"As long as you come back to me and I have your heart for mine to love... Then yes, I'm sure with everything inside me that I would go to the very end of-"
Stumbling down on his bed with the shock of your soft lips kissing him slowly with your hands cupping his cheeks lovingly, rubbing the apple of his cheek as if afraid you would break him, he let out a shaky and relieved sigh at finally having you between his arms. Feeling overwhelmed of everything that has been happening to you and the realization that you finally had your "prince charming" between your arms, you smiled into the kiss and shifted to get closer to him. Moaning into the kiss when your leg made contact with his crotch and your stumbling only added more pressure, you both blushed like crazy and parted your ways slowly. Looking at each other shyly with lovesick smiles, he put your stray hair back and dragged his hand down from the side of your face and rested it on your cheek while the other held onto your waist. Giggling happilly at him and throwing your arms around his neck, you two hugged each other while laughing to your hearts contents.
"I don't know why I'm laughing so much! I guess it's been a long time since I felt this happy!"
"Me too, love... Me too... But you're so unfair, now that I got a taste of you, I don't know how I'm supposed to stop myself from kissing you."
"Who said I want you to?"
And being unaware of your manager throwing his fists into the air in victory and texting to the groupchat that you two finally did it, you two kissed each other hungrily and grinded on each other like horny teenagers, moaning into each others mouth with the newfound happiness of you two finding each other.
Please don't let her come to us with hickeys all around her body... I don't know If I can take it- Hello there
Sitting at the back and bouncing your leg up and down while waiting for the signal to come and sit in front of the camera to have the yearly Buzzfeed interview with Eduardo and your boyfriend Joseph while the said man was sitting next to you with a hand on your thigh. Smiling at you cheekily, he kissed your cheek fast and you turned to him with wide eyes, trying to hit him with the soft pillow you had when you used if you need to take a quick nap.
"Jo! Don't do this kind of things so suddenly!"
"Afraid of not being able to stand against my love? I thought you loved me!"
Rolling your eyes at him, you looked right and left to see if a certain blonde who became overprotective after learning from your manager that you two were together was around. He had all the right to do so, after all, you went to him when the shit went down alongside with Pedro and Oscar.
Kissing him from the lips quickly, you stood up and went to sit down before the camera while Joseph was grumbling under his breath.
"No fair, you little fox..."
"Beat this, bub!"
Turning your attention to the puppies who ran at you, you didn't see the way he blushed at your nickname and how he looked at you with heart eyes. Introducing yourselves after finally having a puppy on your lap, you three answered the questions about yourselves and your career.
"Y/N, this one question is specifically for you. What is Y/N Y/L/N known for and is there an embrassing story behind any of it?"
Humming to yourself while petting the dog absent mindly, you leaned back on one of your hands while giving some of your body weight to Joseph, trying to be subtle while the staff was watching with smiles at you.
"Well, I'm mostly known for my role in the Star Wars I guess? And maybe my interactions with others, especially our group the Space Sisters? So uh... Oh, there is one story I could tell you! When I first got the role, I met with Oscar first and he terrified me! He was loud and energetic while I was anxious, then one day he and Pedro came and just said 'We're adopting this one!'.And I was just standing there like a kitten being held from its neck and they dragged me to everywhere to show me off which was... overwhelming. How about you Eduardo, Jo?"
Smiling at your way and how you included them too, Eduardo started to speak while Joseph held your hand thightly in his behind your back. The rest of the interview went smoothly and you two said your goodbyes but you couldn't help but get sad over Joseph not getting a puppy while he wanted to have one and remembering his tongue poking out sweetly at the little puppies, you decided to do something you never did.
"Love... would you mind... you know... coming at my home? I-I mean you never saw where I lived and I want you to be part of my life fully and I want to introduce you to someone..."
Widening his eyes at you and your offer, Joseph smiled widely and hugged you to himself.
"Like? I would LOVE to come, darling! Are we going like now or later, oh I should go change my clothes and I-"
Cooing at his accent and the word "darling", you kissed the corner of his mouth and played with the curls at his nape with a soft smile.
"No need to Jo, I have some spare clothes since men's are much comfier. And we can go now since I think they can't wait to meet you. I mean they don't like people that much and they mostly bark at new people but-"
"Wait, wait... Bark? Who... Who am I going to meet with?"
"Well, my dogs and their puppies obviously? Also the newest addition to our little family, a sweet kitten- Owow, slow down Romeo!"
Dragging you to your room and closing the door behind himself, he laughed and kissed you sweetly before your manager could come and ruin the moment again. Kissing him back and running your hand on his bare back, he groaned into the kiss and before things would escalate, the ringing of your phone made him groan out and you laugh out hard.
"Don't you dare give me babies~~ Or else I would come with little bees~~To sting you from your weenie~"
"I'm sorry Jo... I don't know how he came into my room..."
Coming out after having a shower, you felt freshened and happy after all the things that heppened today. Drying your hair with the towel, you sat down beside him on the couch and layed against him while he was playing with your hair with one hand and the other petting the puppies who loved him immediately and jumped at him as soon as they saw his tall figure.
"It's okay sweetheart. They're protective of you but I seriously wonder what they will do when we get married..."
Gulping down hard, you felt the shivers all around your body when he mentioned marriage. He wanted to...marry you? It wasn't something strange, you two almost dated for 8 months now and was happy that you were able to keep it hidden from the media but... You never thought that he was that serious with you.
"Marriage..? Oh God, I'm sorry if I did made you uncomfortable! Just forget it-"
"You want to marry... me?"
Looking at you with shocked eyes he put the puppies down and took your form on his lap to look at your face closely.
"What? I always dreamed of being married to you! I even have the whole speech ready from the moment I saw you first, even though it's cringy with all the fanboying... But I'd understand if you... You know... didn't think like that..."
Seeing his saddened eyes made you feel like shit, and also helped you remember that you both had insecurities. His had skyrocketed after starting to date you and the new season started, with people saying that they didn't like him at all. That he was better with the wig on and that he wasn't handsome at all. And that wasn't the end, people even picked on Millie, for the millionth time, and Millie and Joe had to stop you from going off on someone on your social media. You could still remember how liverish you were while trying to get a hold of your phone which was in Joe's hands.
Giggling at the memory, you didn't think about how it would be seen by the man under you who was swimming inside his insecurity pool. He knew he shouldn't read and think about the people and what they thought of him. He never cared about his appearance before he dated you, and it wasn't gonna change. You told him time and time again that he was the prettiest and most handsome man you had seen and you would always love him, not for his looks but for his sweet personality, the one which would shy away from a lot of attention, would poke his tongue out while thinking, the one that had fallen in love with you.
There was only one way to prove to him and the rest of the world how amazing he was and you exactly knew what. Suddenly getting up from his lap and looking for your phone, he looked at your back confused and hurt since you just left without saying something, he was even more confused when you sat down next to him and entered your gallery. He widened his eyes at seeing so many random photos of himself in it, him trying to focus, him reading a book, him with the wig on, him on the events...
"Love, what are you doing?"
" I thought I fucked those insecurities away from you last night, but apparently, I was wrong..."
Blushing at your blunt words, he put his hand on your waist and softly pinched the fat there lovingly begore his hand froze in shock.
"So I'm gonna share you and our very happy children to tell the world to fuck off!"
Shuffling away from you to take your hands into his to stop you, he looked at you with panicked eyes. You didn't mean to make him that anxious and seeing your sunshine like that made you but angry at the so called fans and sad for him. Taking his head into your hands, you kissed his lips passionetly in which he responded with the same amount. Parting away while panting and looking at each other eyes, you kissed the underside of his eye and smiled at him sweetly.
"I know you're anxious and I get it. The amount of hate I got for taking a role in the Star Wars universe was so bad that I... I tried to end it all. For good..."
Getting the meaning behind of your words, he immediately checked your wrist and when he saw the faint scars, he looked at you with tears in his soft eyes. Wiping his tears away, you continued before he could go on.
"Don't worry, Oscar and some others found me just in time and I'm fine. I never tried to do something like that again. My point is, even though it's hard, don't listen. They will talk no matter what you do and understanding this took a long time for me but I don't want the same things happen to you... I'd fight with every single one of them if it meant you'd be happy but... if you don't want people knowing, then I'll not share anything."
He looked at you with unreadable eyes, shook that you went through this. He stared at your hands and back at you, feeling too much at the realization of what might have happened if they didn't come in time. Suddenly yanking you to himself, he smelled your shampoo over and over as if to memorize it. Soothing him by rubbing back and twirling his curls, you put your weight on him with the relaxation and listened to his heart when he started to talk.
"I-I didn't know... any of this... I'm so sorry darling, for people and for not being in your life at that time... You can share whatever you want and I'll do the same besides... the internet will be upside down by the hottest couple, no?"
Smirking at him with a proud look, you nodded your head and set yourself onto his lap again. Back against his chest, his hand were on your tummy, hugging you close to himself. He smiled at the photos you had chosen with his chin on top of your head, he pointed to each photos, asking when you took them. You smiled and hugged his arm to yourself while your kitten was hissing at the background.
"I took the first one at the World Premiere secretly because you looked so cute, the second one as soon as we entered and the third one was when you went to bathroom... Now let me poor all my badass attitude into the caption, love!"
And rolling his eyes at you, he watched you type fastly with a fond look. He didn't know what the future would bring for both of you, but he thanked God for giving you to him, letting you fall in love with him and making him be a part of your life.
Putting your phone down after posting the photos, you snuggled him up with your puppies on your lap and around you with your kitten on his head, hanging on his curls.
That was all you've ever wanted, and finally you were happy.
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raineydays411 · 4 years
Oh, what am I supposed to do without you
Loki x daughter!reader
Summary: Loki thought he was in a good place. He was married, happy and having a child. He should’ve known the universe wasn’t that kind.
A/N: God I’m so sorry about this one lol. Not much of the reader but I will be  making a second part. I hope yall like this one though. Inspiration came from “Mr, Loverman” and this fic.
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The silence was rattling. It creeped into the room, slowly,menacingly. Threatening to make him go mad. It wrapped around his body like a familiar friend. Making it hard for him to breath as it suffocated him. He knew they were staring at him. Trying to figure out what he would do next, whether he would break or not. Truthfully he didn’t know what he would do. For now he just starred as well. Not at them, of course not. He stared at the one thing that mattered. His reason for waking up and living. The one person in this entire universe who gave his world color. He reached out to touch her. Touch the hands that were always so warm against his cold skin. Hands that held his firm and sure as she pulled him along behind her, a smile on her beautiful face. Hands that were now cold and limp, the radicant glow she had been known for gone dark. The colors she brought to his world dimmed to dull, gre, muted hues. Then a sound broke through the silence. two sounds actually. One a wail of new life, a baby taking her first breaths, and another. A wail of a man who has lost everything. A wail of agony and pain.
As the healers bustled around him, Loki had only one thought in his head. 
“What am I supposed to do without you”
Three months later and Loki still felt the emptiness left by his love. He heard her at night, humming sweet melodies as she stroked his hair. He hears her heartbeat as he eventually falls asleep, worn out by his constant tears. His room is in shambles, his clothes strewn about the floor, furniture smashed, everything is destroyed. Except for the things that belong to her. Her silk dresses that draped on her body perfectly were still hanging, untouched. The books she spent hours reading and re-reading remained on the shelf, collecting dust as they were no longer used. He doesn’t let anyone in their chambers. The space where they both shared. Space where they fought, made up, made love. To let someone else in would be tainting it. Soiling the memories they made together. That was one thing he could never do.
Another was look at the little monster who is responsible for this tragedy.
It was a girl. The daughter of one Loki Odinson and his beloved. 
Ironic. This child was supposed to bring happiness with its birth. Not even cleaned and it already managed to take away Loki’s light. He can barely stand looking at it. He tried, of course  he tried. But within minutes he had to call the nurse to take it away. Why? 
Because she has her mothers eyes.
“Get out”
“Loki, it's been nine months since your child was--”
Frigga was taken aback. She knew her son was heartbroken, devastated at the loss of his wife. But to disown his daughter, that was something she didn’t see coming. 
“Loki, you are being unreasonable.”
“Unreasonable? My wife has died because if that creature--”
“It is a child. A babe who has no idea who her father nor her mother is.”
“And as far as I’m concerned she never will!” Loki shouts, finally looking up at his mother. 
Frigga heart breaks for her son. She sees the utter agony he is in, the inner torment going on in his soul. Even if she didn’t see it in his face, the state of his room and self gives it away. He looks like he hasn’t bathed in the nine months that has passed. His clothes were rumpled and wrinkled, hair unkempt and wild. His face was pale and hollow, as if he was only eating enough to survive. He had dark bags under his eyes that showed that he hasn’t been sleeping well.  He truly was a man who was broken, almost beyond repair. 
“My son” Frigga said carefully,” I can never understand the pain you are going through, I pray to Valhalla I will not have to anytime soon. But please if not for yourself or that child, for the memory of her, attempt to see your daughter before making a rash decision.” And with that, she walked out of his chamber, leaving Loki to the silence again as he stared at the spot his mother stood. considering her words, he got up. picked up his room, went to bathe and walked out of the room for the first time in nine months. 
His face held no emotion as he walked down the hallways. He saw the servants stop and stare at him, shock filled their face as they saw the prince. He glared at them, sending them scurrying at the dark glance. He reached the nursery, the maid who oversaw the nursery tried to stop him. 
“My lord, you--” 
“Where is the child.” He said, calm and cool. The maid looked at him in fear, not knowing how to respond. At her silence, Loki scoffed and pushed her away, marching into the nursery. Upon entering he froze, memories of him and his beloved discussing the design they wanted for their child
**“Darling, why does the color shade matter? It’s not like the child has expectations.”
Laughter fills the air, “Loki, we must put every effort into showing our child they are loved. That includes finding the perfect shade of green to go with the room”
Loki looks at his wife, gently smiling.”If you say so my dear”**
The room was perfect. The walls were a beautiful shade of green that allowed the light into the room. There were vines and flowers crawling up the walls and draped over curtains. A white and gold crib stood in the middle of the chamber. A veil draped over it, preventing Loki from seeing the child inside. He was thankful as he worked up the courage to walk up to it. He looked out the window, seeing the stars that covered the sky, the lights of Asgard covering the earth. 
She would have loved it.
He took a deep breath and walked toward the crib. He pulled back the veil only to see that there was no child in there. 
“The babe is with your mother my lord.”
He turned to the maid. Embarrassed that she might have witnessed him reminiscing.
“And where is my mother” He asked
“In-in the dining hal--” 
He walked away before she was able to finish her sentence. He took long strides to the hall, wondering his his mother had tricked him into eating with the family.On the way, he passed a window overlooking the garden. He thinks of the times where he used to sit in it and listen to her read.
***  “...exquisite, in question more. These happy masks that kiss fair ladies’ brows”
“My love, why do you insist on reading these midgardian stories?”
Her laughter  reaches his ears, “Because beloved, it's a different perspective to something familiar”
“Oh? and what is that ?” 
“Love”  ***
Hearing his name, Loki is brought back to present times once more. He looks to see Thor, watching him with careful eyes. 
“Brother, it is wonderful to see you.”
“I wish I can say the same.”
Thor laughs, a soft chuckle compared to the booming laughter Loki knows he is capable of. 
“Ah Loki, your dry wit has been missed”
Loki rolls his eyes and starts walking and Thor follows. The two walking in silence. 
“What is it like?” Loki says softly. Thor looks at him in confusion.
“The child.”
“Oh brother, Y/n is--”
That was the name she wanted. If they were to have a girl. She was determined, seeing the name in the book she loved to read. He remembers when they were telling his family she was with child.
*** Everyone was seated, servants bustling around the long table. Laughter filled the hall as the sun was setting. 
“Loki, you said you had news to tell us” Frigga said, taking a sip of her wine. 
Loki smiled, looking at his wife. Her face absolutely radiant as she flashes a smile of pure joy.
“ Well,” Loki waits till Thor has taken a large swig of ale, “ My beloved and are are expecting a child.” 
Gasps fill the room as well as Thor's hacking, ale being spewed on the table. 
“Oh Loki that is wonderful!!”  Frigga exclaims standing from her seat to embrace him. “Oh my dear, this is the most wonderous news,” 
“BROTHER I can’t believe it!” Thor exclaims, lifting Loki in a crushing hug. And for once, he didn’t mind it.  He turns to her and hugs her more gently. “ You are just full of surprises aren’t you, starlight”
Laughter, “Thor, I thought I told you to stop calling me that”
Silence fills the hall as Odin clears his throat, “ Loki, you have made me proud.”
Loki smiles as his love beams at him. 
“Thank you father.”**
They reached the dining hall. A cold feeling formed in the pits of his stomach. He can see his mother, talking with a maid as she bounces the child. He can’t see it, as Frigga's back is turned to him. Odin’s presence is notably absent, a small relief on Loki's part. 
Thor notices his brother’s nerves, he pats him on the back and says, “You can do this Loki.” Then walks off to join his mother. He kisses his mothers cheek and smiles at the child. He picks her up, bouncing her a few times  prompting a small laugh. Loki gimances at the sound. 
Thor walks up to him with the baby. 
“Loki, this is Y/n Odinson”
He looks at the child. He takes in its features, Beautiful curly hair, already thick and voluminous even at this age. Brown skin, unblemished and clean. Cheeks, chubby with baby fat. And...its eyes. Those damn eyes, he could barely stand it, (e/c) eyes, the same as his lost love. In fact, almost all it’s features that once belonged to his darling. A pain filled his body. He really couldn’t stand looking at this child. 
Not when his beloved wasn’t there to gaze upon their child as well. 
No, this was not his child. Not anymore. 
“Get rid of it.” 
Shock filled the faces of both Thor and Frigga. 
“Loki you cannot be serious.”
And with that he leaves the dining hall. Leaving behind  his mother, brother and the last piece of his wife he had. He hears it’s cries fill the silence.
He had only one thought in his head as he entered his chambers.
“What am I supposed to do without you”
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ladydimitrescuspet · 3 years
În Viață Și În Moarte - In Life And In Death
ao3 link! you have every right to yell at me over on @homoo-wan-kenobi! I'm sorry for the sad fic, inspired by this ask by @schnuffel-puschel. tell me what you all thought, and please enjoy. mild violence and reader dies, I'm sorry. if it's any consolation, I cried writing this.
tu esti totul pentru mine - you're everything to me
Alcina had instructed you to stay in one of the rooms in the east wing of the castle, telling you not to open the door for anybody that was her, her daughters, or your handmaiden.
“I don’t care what commotion you hear outside this room, do not open this door for any reason. I need you to stay right here, draga mea, and I need you to take care of yourself and the baby.” Alcina said before she kissed your forehead.
“Come back to us, please.” You said softly as you squeezed her hand tightly, a move that she reciprocated.
That was four days ago. There wasn’t much commotion to be heard outside the door, just the wind howling outside your window. Your handmaiden brought you your meals whenever she could, often leaving you something to snack on just in case one of your meals was late. You’d often try to open the door, but soon realised that it was locked from the outside so despite Alcina’s words, you couldn’t let anybody in any way.
Pacing back and forth didn’t help with your anxiety over what was happening. What exactly was happening? Alcina didn’t tell you as she rushed you slightly to the other side of the castle. You jumped when the door to your room opened, hiding under the covers.
“Hello?” A voice called out. It definitely wasn’t Alcina. No, the voice was unfamiliar, but it sounded like a man’s voice. “Is anybody here?” The voice asked.
You slowly came up from under the covers, revealing your presence in the room. “Who are you?” You asked.
“My name’s Ethan Winters. What’s yours?” Ethan replied as he walked over to where you were on the bed.
"My name's Y/N. May I ask what you're doing here in the castle, Mr. Winters?" You asked.
"I'm looking for my daughter, Rose, they're keeping her here. Have you seen her?" Ethan asked. You shook your head. "I see you're having a baby too, right?" Ethan gestured to your protruding belly.
You smiled. "I am, she'll be born quite soon, actually." You replied.
Ethan nodded. "Well, we best get you out of this place. I'm sure the news of those monsters in this castle having my child worry you about them taking yours." Ethan replied as he grabbed your hand to pull you out of the bed, you resisted. "Y/N, what's wrong?" Ethan asked.
"The Lady of the castle has instructed me to stay here for my own safety." You replied. "She's taken very good care of me for well over a year, Mr. Winters."
Ethan scratched his head. "And you trust her?" You nodded your head. "Are you under a spell of some sort? Don't you see that she's just keeping you safe until she can get her hands on your child?" Ethan asked.
You slowly got out of the bed. "Alcina would never do anything to harm me or our child, Mr. Winters." You replied. "I'd really like it if you left the room or better yet, left the castle. Your daughter is not here, I'm afraid you've been misinformed." You explained.
"Maybe I have, but I can't just leave you here." Ethan said before grabbing your hand and pulling you out of the room.
You struggled against him. "Mr. Winters, please, I'm perfectly safe. I appreciate your concern." You tried tugging your arm free but his grip was too tight. "Mr. Winters, you're hurting me." You whimpered slightly.
He stopped and let go of your wrist. "Sorry." Ethan said before he started walking again. You followed after him. "How do you get out of this place?" He muttered to himself.
"I can help you find the way out." You replied. "The front door should actually be open and then you're good from there." The two of you walked down the stairs. A maniacal laugh rang out. "Just keep going. That's probably Daniela."
You'd been right. "Y/N?" Daniela asked.
"Hi, Dani. I was just showing Mr. Winters the way out. He won't be bothering us anymore." You replied. You tried to open the front door but it wouldn't budge. You frowned. "Dani, why does Alcina have the front door locked?" You asked, turning back around to face her.
"To keep him from going out. Why aren't you in the room, Y/N? Mother's going to be very crossed with you." Daniela replied. "Cass! Bela! Mr. Winters is by the front door, if you're around." Daniela called out before she went to grab your hand.
"Don't touch her." Ethan said as he pulled out his gun.
You gasped. "Mr. Winters, what are you doing? Put the gun down." You said. "Please."
"Y/N, you really shouldn't witness what I'm about to do." Ethan replied. "Take this key, it'll lead you to the Courtyard. Whatever you do, don't turn around for any noises that you hear." Ethan handed you the key.
You shook your head and dropped the key to the floor. "No, I won't leave you alone with her." You replied. "Everything's going to be fine, Dani, I'm just going to help him leave the castle grounds and then I'll be back." You said.
"No, Y/N, you're not allowed to leave the castle, not with the baby on the way. Just go back to the room before Mother finds it empty." You nodded your head and turned to leave, but then you heard Ethan fire his gun, the bullet missing Daniela. "You son of a bitch." Daniela gritted through her teeth as she lunged forward towards him. You heard another two shots fire and then you heard a ringing in your ear and the faint sound of someone saying your name "Y/N? Y/N? Hey, stay with me." Daniela held you in her lap.
"What hap-" You couldn't get the whole question out.
"Cass! Bela! Mother! Please, come quickly!" You heard Daniela yell as loudly as she could. "You monster. Why the fuck would you shoot her?!" Daniela screamed at Ethan.
"I'm sorry, she got in the way. It was for you, only or you." Ethan was paralysed with shock, realising what he'd done. He dropped his gun.
You could hear the faint sound of buzzing and then faint clicking and clacking of heels. "Da- Dani, the b-ba-baby," You croaked out.
Daniela spoke to you through tears. "Shh, Y/N, Mother's almost here. She'll help you. You'll be fine. And the baby will be fine." Daniela rambled as she held onto your body tightly.
"Daniela? What happened?" Alcina asked. Daniela looked up at her. Alcina's eyes came upon your body and she turned to Ethan. "You fucking rat! What have you done?!" Alcina was furious. She wanted that man dead. You could hear the sound of blood squelching as she impaled Ethan with her claws, not stopping until her dress was covered in his blood or one of her daughters pulled her off.
"Mother, Y/N's losing blood fast, and the baby..." Daniela trailed off.
"Call Mother Miranda. Have her and Heisenberg get here as quickly as they can. Take Y/N to the sitting room and put her in a comfortable position." Alcina instructed her daughters. Alcina picked up Ethan's bloody body. "By the time I'm done disposing of his body, they should be here." Alcina left the room without another word.
You always thought a gunshot would kill someone instantly. You'd gotten hit in the shoulder and the chest. The shot to your chest should've been fatal, but here you were being carried by Daniela to the sitting room and being put into a comfortable position as her Mother had instructed. True to her word Mother Miranda and Heisenberg had gotten to the castle a few short seconds before Alcina came back.
"Mother Miranda, Heisenberg, she's in the sitting room." Alcina said as she guided them to where you were. Your breathing was quite shallow and it hurt to breathe. "Relax, my dear, Mother Miranda will do what she can to help you." Alcina ran her over your cheek and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
"Alcina, my dear, I don't think this'll work." Mother Miranda replied.
Alcina's face hardened. "Alci, think about Y/N and the baby." Heisenberg said. "We might not be able to save both of them."
Alcina eyes filled with tears at the thought of only one of you living. "No. No, we must help them both." Alcina said. "We can, we can deliver the baby and then tend to Y/N's wounds. Yes, yes, we'll give her the virus if we must." Heisenberg let out a deep sigh, Alcina scowled at him.
"Oh, Alcina, I'm afraid Y/N's lost more blood than I can work with. The virus won't take with the lack of blood." Mother Miranda replied. Alcina opened her mouth to protest, but Mother Miranda raised her hand. "However, I can deliver the baby if we can keep Y/N awake long enough. It's too risky to have her push with the blood loss so I'll have to cut into her."
Alcina nodded her head, taking your hand in hers. "Do what you must." Alcina replied. "I'm so sorry, iubirea mea. I've failed to keep you and our child safe, I failed at the one thing I promised you when you first came here. I failed at protecting you." Alcina pressed a kiss to the hand that she was holding.
You let out a small groan. "Al?" You asked.
"Yes, draga mea?" Alcina replied.
"The baby. Take care of her." It took you a while to get the sentence out but you managed to say it.
Alcina nodded her head. "Of course, my darling. I will protect her with everything I have in me. I won't break my promise to you twice, I wouldn't dare." Alcina could feel the tears falling down her face as Heisenberg's hand came upon her shoulder.
"You'll have to say goodbye now, Alci. It's likely that she won't wake up after the procedure." Heisenberg's word left a bitter taste in his mouth. The thought of you dying hurt him. You were like family to all of them even Mother Miranda. Heisenberg gave the hand Alcina wasn't holding a light squeeze before he walked over to the other side of the room. He couldn't find it in himself to say goodbye to you.
You could see the blurry outlines of Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela as they kneeled down beside you. You tried to give them a small smile but you just ended up grunting in pain at the attempt, coughing a bit.
"We'll miss you." Bela said. She placed a kiss to your cheek before standing up, the wetness of her tears lingering on your cheek.
Cassandra sniffled. "Terribly so. But we'll look after the little one, promise." Cassandra stroked your arm before standing next to Bela.
Daniela picked up your hand and looked up at her Mother. "It should be me lying here. His shots were meant for me, not you, you stupid little human. Why would you do that? It's not fair, you were supposed to be with us forever." Daniela wiped at her tears. "You said forever and now you're leaving us. Like two peas in a pod, you and Mother broke your promises. You stupid, stupid human, it should've been me." Daniela muttered those last few words to herself.
You gave her hand the tightest squeeze you could muster. "S-s-sor-sorry." Daniela brought your hand up to her mouth, her tears hitting the back of your hand. "Sorry."
Daniela pressed a kiss to your hand and then your forehead. "You better come back to us. I don't care how, just come back." Daniela whispered in your ear before she pushed herself up and went to stand with Bela and Cassandra.
Now it was Alcina's turn to say goodbye. You were fading faster, as your body was succumbing to your wounds.
"Y/N, my dear, tu esti totul pentru mine. Your spirit will live on in our child, I'm sure. She'll have your humour, your wisdom, and she'll have all of the love I can give her as I gave to you." Alcina placed one more kiss upon your forehead. "Goodbye, my love, may we meet again someday." Alcina went to rise but you moved your hand around to find hers. You could see her eyebrow raise through your fuzzy eyesight.
"Anastasia." You said softly. Alcina frowned. "Baby." You wheezed out.
Alcina smiled. "Anastasia. She who will rise again." Alcina said. "Sleep well, my darling. Our Anastasia will be taken care of." Alcina caressed your cheek before moving out of Mother Miranda's way.
You felt your eyes flutter close and you felt your breathing start to hurt less and less. Feeling the faint coldness of something against you as your breathing started to slow down. You heard soft cries as your hearing started to diminish. You felt at peace knowing that you were surrounded by the ones you called your family, knowing that they'd take great care of Anastasia. You felt at peace as you took your last breathe, your world now dark and quiet. As Mother Miranda had said while she sat beside you, "In each loss there is a gain, as in every gain there is a loss. and with each new ending comes a new beginning."
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tanakavox · 3 years
The screen runs again as shows the red coated Jaune standing around looking annoyed as a voice calls out to him.
"Hey look it's half demon Jaune again!" Nora cheered.
"...Half what? Coco deadpan.
"Jaune in this universe is the son of Ozpin,who's a demon who saved all of humanity. Cinder is like his twins or something." Yang quickly brought the others to speed.
"Teach is a demon?" Coco asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Wait who's the mom then?" Velvet asked, confused.
"That's….. A very good question. We didn't get an answer to that. Yang mused.
"I just wanna know who this person with the annoying voice was." Whitley muttered
"Another good question that we don't get answers to. Sorry."
"Thanks for destroying the lock for me, devil boy! And welcome to hell! Please accept my gift. Don't be humble, just take it. After all, we are buddies aren't we?" The voice the viewers recozinge as Jester as she cackles loudly.
A fountain of blood flows onto the statues which bring out blood bat-based demons called Blood-goyles flies toward Jaune and he cuts it in half with a casual swipe from his sword.
Jaune shakes his head in disappointment. "Well, isn't that special. To be honest, I'm expecting something a little better than this," Jaune then goes to dispatch them and leaves on his way to find Cinder.
The scene cuts to Jaune walking in front of a door with two statues and stopping when they began to start talking. Jaune doesn't look a bit shocked.
"Look brother, it's been ages, but we finally have company," one called Rudra said gleefully.
"I see that," The other is called Agni simply.
"We must entertain our guest."
"You're right. We have to be gracious hosts."
"Brother, what should we do?" Rudra asked.
"How do I know? We need to come up with something," Agni stated.
Jaune began to get impantice pacing back and forward and sighed.
"I don't blame him for getting impantice. These guys are annoying." Mercury stated. He was already starting not like these guys.
"Oh come on they weren't even talking!" Ruby pointed out glaring at Mercury.
"Still annoying."
Rudra took notice with this. "Brother, our guest is... sighing."
"SIGH? What is... SIGH?" Agni asked, a bit confused.
"Well a sigh is when -" Rudra was about to answer until he was cut off by their guest.
"Enough already!" Jaune said, finally snapping, "How long are you two gonna keep carrying on like this? In case you didn't get the hint, I'll spell it out. Your guest wants to go through. Got it."
"Our job here is to guard this door," Rudra said the statue was moving a bit.
"That's right! We can't let you pass," Agni added his piece.
(After Agni & Rudra battle)
"Wow, he took them out without much effort." Fiona said wide eyed.
"That kinda sums up this Jaune huh? He didn't have much trouble with the last guy either. Nora responded with a huge grin.
"He's gonna die when he gets to Cinder though. Emerald said with a smirk. "Remember what happened at the start. Nora turns to glare at her.
"Shut up!" She barked.
After their bodies were defeated in battle, both demon swords spun around in the air until they fell and got stuck on the ground in a crossed-blades position. They see Jaune walking towards the exit of the room, about to leave them behind.
"Wait!" Rudra cried out to Jaune.
Against his better thinking, Jaune turns around to acknowledge the two demon guards
"Yes, wait. We have been waiting for a long time," Agni said after his brother.
"Yes, a very long time," Rudra echoed.
"For someone stronger than us."
"Someone who can control us."
"My name is Agni," the red demon sword said.
"And my name is Rudra. You shall take us with you," The blue demon sword stated.
"We could be a great help to you!" Both brothers said as one.
Jaune took a moment to think about their offer. They were pretty strong together and seeing as how he's already let Cereberus tag along, he could use these two as Devil Arms as well. "Okay, but on one condition," He pressed.
"What is it?" Agni asked ecstatically.
"Name it!" Rudra sharing his brother's joy stated.
Jaune points to both brothers, "No talking!" While they were a strong force together, he would not deal with their constant chit-chat along the way.
"Thank god he said it." Mercury stated.
"Much as I hate to agree with you but yeah." Jaune piped up.
"Jaune!" Ruby cried, lightning punching him in the arm. Jaune raised his arms defensively
"I'm sorry Rubes, But they're really annoying.
"Fair enough!" Agni agreed to the blonde's terms.
"As you wish," Rudra echoed his agreement.
Jaune picks up the two swords and does a kata. The force of every swing of the two swords generated sharp winds and scorching flames. By the end, Jaune couldn't help but smile in satisfaction at how amazing these Devil Arms were and how strong they felt in his hands.
"... That was so cool." Ruby whispered with stars in her eyes.
"Impressive," The blue brother praised his new master.
Jaune flips the swords and bangs the two brother's heads together. "No talking," He repeated their agreement.
Neither Agni or Rudra said anything more, almost like they really were inanimate objects.
"Good," Jaune said in satisfaction, having peace and quiet again.
The scene changes to show the young crimsonette walk stealthily down a corridor with a gun in hand, the sounds of heavy steps closing in around her.
"Hey look! It's me! Ruby cheered. She didn't get to show up alot in this movie so far. But she started to get worried. It looked like she was about to get ambushed.
It's all of a sudden when a group of Pride Hell's attempt to ambush her. She's able to evade the swings of their scythe weapons thanks to her fast reflexes, allowing her to retrieve a second pistol from a holster. She shoots at two of the Hells and continues to fire in quick succession. One of the Hells thrusted the blunt pommel of their scythe in her direction, Ruby's able to dodge the strike by hopping on top of it and evade multiple swings directed at her in an expert show of her athletic ability. She continues to return fire to them as they continue to advance.
"WHOOO GO RUBY!" Yang cheered as she went to town on the demons.
Even when she gets cornered she has a plan. Ruby kicked two Hells back with her legs, a gift for each of them in the form of grenades. The explosion results in the Hells along with herself being propelled into the air. She doesn't give them a chance to recover as she continues to send bullets their way via cyclone of death. She finds footing on an embedded scythe in the wall, she fires at a nearby Hell and then uses the scythe as a high bar as a means to continue her attack on the rest of the Hells while performing many acts of peak acrobatic ability and gunfire. Eventually she finds herself upside down, her only support was her feet hooked around two embedded poles. The Hells take this opportunity to strike against Ruby together, they never seem to learn.
"Which version of Ruby seems very skilled,'' Weiss mused.
"You say that like you believe I'm not skilled now Ruby said smiling at Weiss. Weiss doesn't say anything as Ruby stares at her. She pouted at the former heiress. "I'm skilled Weiss!"
"Yes. Of Course Ruby." Weiss replies with a smirk.
Ruby turns to Jaune to get him on her side but stops when she noticed that Jaune crossed his legs tightly and was staring at the screen intently.
"Uh Jaune? Why did you cross your legs so tightly?"
Jaune turns to Ruby wide eyed and stutters out an answer. "Uh I-i just feel more comfortable like this!" No way he was gonna tell Ruby watching her go to town on demons was hot to him. Ruby stares at him for a few seconds and goes back to the movie.
Deciding it was time to bring out the big guns, Ruby draws out her trusty Crescent Rose and fires a missile at the ground beneath her. The explosion knocks back the Hells while propelling her into the air once more. Ruby lands onto the ground in a crouch position with no signs of harm throughout the ordeal. As she looks around, she releases a sigh of relief as the Hells were no longer a threat. She tugs her darling back on her shoulder and continues on, as she leaves the screen pans to an overhead shot to see that the charred remains of the ground resembling a '6.'
Ruby is now seen on a balcony of Temen-ni-gru, reloading her arsenal, sitting on a rock until she hears a voice come from behind her. Upon recognizing the voice she immediately pulls out one of her guns.
"Well, well... You've grown stronger," Raven said as she approached the young woman.
"Mom." Yang had a dark look on her face.
"What does she want with Ruby? Blake asks.
"If you shut your yap you may find out." Mercury said nonchalantly causing Blake to glare at him.
"Go to Hell," She raises her pistol directly towards Raven's face.
"You point a gun at me? Your own kin? Your dear Auntie?" Raven said as though she were truly shocked.
Ruby's face twists in rage, "The only family I ever had was my sister, and she's dead!"
"SHE KILLED ME?!" Yang yelled out in shock? The rest of her team and friends were in shock as well. Qrow couldn't believe it. Yang and Raven never really had a good relationship but he didn't think Raven would kill her own daughter.
Ruby shoots with her pistol four times, but finds that Raven has vanished. She draws out a SMG and aims both guns to her left and right in case Raven could get the jump on her. She scans around her surroundings for any signs of Raven only to find nothing. That only left one direction left uncheck... was above!
"You break my heart. After all, it was I who gave you your name. My darling niece!" Raven yells as she stares at Ruby while hanging upside down on the balcony roof.
Ruby was about to shoot when Raven's book dropped on her face blocking her vision. Raven takes this opportunity to get the jump on Ruby and throws her niece off the platform. Before she was out of Raven's sight, she felt her cheek get grazed by one of Ruby's bullets that she fired her way.
"That should have gone into her head!" Yang screamed, her eyes glowing red. Qrow couldn't help but agree with his niece.
Ruby continues falling Temen-ni-gru, that is until Jaune catches sight of her falling and proceeds to catch her by one of her boots. She looks at what stopped her fall and upon recognizing the boy in red, points both her guns at him.
Jaune looks down at the girl with a grin, pleased to see this interesting girl again. "Well, this is my kind of rain. No wonder the sky looks so funny today," He said while looking up at the cloudy sky.
"Getting bold ain't ya Bondie?" Qrow said, turning to Jaune who gave him an annoyed look.
"Yeah? And you want me to what Old man?" He snapped.
Qrow growled knowing he couldn't do anything.
"Let me go!" Ruby yelled.
"Don't say that stupid" Ruby yelled at the other version of herself.
Jaune looked at her with surprise, "Let you go? But it would be a waste if you ended up as just a pretty stain."
"Smooth Arc. Smooth." Coco teased as Jaune faces red at his alternate self boldness with his best friend.
Ruby having enough this guy's talk shoots him in his head. When the bullet makes contact with Jaune's face, it causes him to let go of the girl which results in her fall down again. This time however she's able to use the blade of Crescent Rose as a means to stop her fall. As she hangs off her weapon, she hears the sound of footst coming from the platform above.
"NO ME NO!" Ruby yelled out in horror at the fact she possibly killed her best friend.
"Huh look at that. He died earlier than I thought." Emerald laughed.
Jaune peers over the edge of the platform at the girl, sporting a bleeding bullet wound on his forehead and a miffed expression, "What the hell was that for? Here I am trying to help you and you show your thanks by shooting me?"
"Oh thanks goodness." Ruby sighed in relief.
"We shouldn't be too surprised. Getting stabbed several times with scythe only made him mad." Oscar pointed out.
Ruby, very confused with how he's even standing, responds by shooting him again.
The bullet once again makes contact, however, Jaune is able to react quickly enough to catch it between his teeth. After spitting the offending bullet out of his mouth he decides it would be in his best interest to ditch the girl, "Whatever, do as you please."
"God me! You just lost your chance at getting a friend!" Ruby said in a disapproving tone.
Ruby lowers her gun as she's finally able to pick up why she's been having a bad feeling about this guy, "So he's a demon too."
As he leaves, Jaune cleans off a bit of leftover blood from his face and wipes it on the wall. "I'm beginning to think I've got rotten luck with women," The line of fresh blood drips down the wall, creating the image of a '7.'
The scene changes to the very top of Temen-ni-gru, there stands a black haired woman in the rain, a ethereal full moon shining its light in the night sky, and the only sound that was present was the roaring winds in the air.
The silence would soon be broken as the sound of approaching footsteps began to come up the stairs. Jaune approaches the platform, finally making it to the top of the large tower that was Temen-ni-gru. After fighting multiple demons just to get here he was finally met with his gracious hostess, Cinder.
Cinder turned her head to address her guest, already knowing who it was, "...You showed up," She smiled.
Cinder sat forward in her seat. Ready to see herself destroy this weakening again.
Jaune walks up to her, while twirling Ivory in his hands. There was a smile on his face as he paced around the platform, "You sure know how to throw a party. No food, no drinks, and the only babe just left." Jaune lightheartedly pokes at his sister's very poor party preparation.
"My sincerest apology, brother. I was so eager to see you I couldn't concentrate on the preparations for the bash," Cinder replies with a warmth that was difficult to tell if it was genuine or not.
D-do they hate each other?" Oscar asks. "They seem pretty happy to see each other."
Jaune brushes it off continuing his pacing, "Whatever. At any rate, it's been a whole year since we last met. How about a kiss from your little brother? Or better yet, how about a kiss from this?"
Jaune immediately points Ivory directly at Cinder. The sound of lightning and thunder echoed throughout the dark sky, signaling the change in the atmosphere around the two siblings.
"So, this is what they call a heart warming family reunion eh…" Jaune questions as his face grinned, expressing that he was ready for a fight,
Cinder's eyes darkened, her facial expression becoming cold but determined, "You got that right."
Cinder opens up Yamato with her thumb, its blade gleaming in the moonlight.
"Take down, Fearless leader" Nora cheered.
"Heh. Come red. We both know how this is gonna end up."" Mercury said chuckling at her.
"I thought I told you to shut up?" Nora hissed.
Jaune and Cinder separated from each other, both breathing heavily from the battle, after fighting so intensely they took a moment to catch their breath. Their fight in the rain had lasted for some time, as evidenced by Cinder's hair being flat down, wet from all the rainwater.
Jaune is able to recover first so he takes Rebellion and starts charging at his sister, Rebellion's tip generating sparks as he drags it on the ground. Cinder recovers in time to evade his attempted strike, giving her the opportunity to parry with Yamato.
Jaune spins Rebellion with both hands then thrusted the sword towards Cinder, who then sidesteps the blade's path. She rotates Yamato to hold the katana backhanded, following up by knocking Jaune backwards with its kashira (pommel). Both of them quickly clashed their blades together, resulting in both of them being knocked back, Jaune having already off his feet is knocked the farthest back.
Jaune skits to one of the pillars standing on the platform, stopping his backwards momentum. He quickly draws out Ebony from her holster, and fires seven shots at his brunette sibling. The bullets are seen speeding towards Cinder who begins spinning Yamato in a quick rotating motion, deflecting three of the bullets while catching the remaining four that were originally aimed towards her.
Cinder places the caught bullets on the floor with Yamato in single file and then returns them to her blonde brother. Jaune sees the returning bullets coming towards him but he quickly lifts Rebellion over his head and is able to quickly slice through them, which then burst behind him.
"...That was fucking cool. Mercury stated and no one disagreed with him
Cinder points Yamato at him, her face expressing her frustration towards her brother, "Why do you refuse to gain power? The power of our father Ozma?"
"I thought you guys said that teacher was their dad?" Coco turned to everyone with a raised eyebrow.
"He is, that's just his real name." Blake said with a sigh. "It's a long story. Don't ask." Coco shrugs and goes back to the movie.
Jaune, after using Rebellion to help him stand, looks at Cinder as if she told him a bad joke, "Father? I don't have a father. I just don't like you, that's all."
Ozpin's heart ached hearing Jaune say that. He knew that they weren't his kids in his universe but the fact that any kids of his were fighting at all as well one of his sons rejecting him, hurted.
A moment of silence passes before the two siblings charge at each other once more, both of their swords clash against the other, while both Jaune and Cinder stare the other down. The spot where both Yamato and Rebellion met begins turning a bright orange, the generated sparks and heat being caused by the force behind both blades, as the two continue staring down the other. The whining of two metals being tested is heard, Jaune seemed to be exerting everything he had, while Cinder showed no apparent signs of exertion at all. The struggle is finally ended when Cinder strikes Rebellion away from her brother's grasp, the large sword spinning in the air until it strikes against the ground, timed perfectly as Cinder impales Jaune with Yamato.
Cinder smirks as she hears the cries of the blonde fools friends as her blade sinks into his stomach. Today was a good day. Two universes where she totally domanations. She turns to Jaune to see his reaction. To her disappointment the blonde didn't react much. Only had a stoic expression. Jaune knew he was gonna lose but didn't want to give the bitch the satisfaction of his disappointment.
His blood trickles down onto the floor and Yamato itself while Jaune grasps at the blade that was impaling his abdomen.
Cinder looks down at her impaled sibling, her face expressing neither joy or satisfaction in the act, only disappointment, "Foolishness, Jaune, foolishness. Might control everything. And without strength, you can't protect anything. Let alone yourself."
Cinder agreed with her counterpart but didn't really care on how she wasn't enjoying her other self with her impaling the fool.
"She... looks disappointed?" Mercury echoed Cinder's thoughts.
"Maybe they do love others? In some kinda weird way?" Ruby said, scratching her head in confusion.
Cinder forcibly removes Jaune from Yamato's blade then takes his amulet from him and leaves a slash on Jaune's sleeve. She looks at the amulet in her hand for a moment, fixes her hair back to its original shape, and starts to walk away but not before taking hold of Rebellion. When Jaune tries to get up, Cinder turns around and quickly impales him with his own sword.
A pan up shot shows Jaune as his blood begins pooling under him, Rebellion pinning his body to the floor.
"Do you finally have it?" Cinder turns around and there she sees Raven standing behind her, seeming to have just arrived.
"Yes. Now the spell Ozma cast will be broken," Cinder says to the scarred woman.
"Spell?" Velvet asked
"Ozpin in this universe sealed the demon world from the human alongside all of his power.
"And Cinder and Raven want to open the gate to the demon realm to get his power?" Yatshu finally speaks up.
Jaune lays on the platform unconscious, seeming like he is dead… until the skull on Rebellion changes form and the sword is launched into the air, the water rises behind Jaune as he charges ahead and tries to attack Cinder.
She quickly blocks Jaune's fist with Yamato, resulting in his hand being covered in blood as the blade sliced through it. Unlike before, Jaune's face shows no evidence of being in pain due to the injury, instead his face shows significant rage towards Cinder.
"I see, the devil inside you has awakened as well," Cinder said to him. This time showing a peaked interest.
"Holy shit Blondie doesn't that hurt?!" Fiona cried out wincing in pain just watching Jaune's hands sink into the blade.
Jaune forces his impaled arm through Yamato, his tissue healing at such an astonishing rate as once his hand is removed it shows no sign of damage or deformity. He grabs the blade once more, then uses his newfound strength to fling Cinder over his shoulder.
"Interesting. It seems like the boy's regen has increased incredibly."Salem mused on learning forward. "They seem more like my children than your Opsin." She smiles at him mocking but it dropped when Nora spoke.
"Probably because you are their mom."Nora replied nonchalantly while still looking at the movie.
Salem took pauses at this and took a closer look at Jaune in the movie and the one in the theater. She got a weird feeling from him, but she decided to push it to the back of her head and just decided the pink one was talking nonsense.
Cinder lands on her feet soon after, preparing to fight him once more before she is stopped by Raven's voice from behind her, "Wait. We should leave. For the moment we have all that we need."
A white aura surrounds Jaune as he walks towards them, his eyes dulled and his steps heavy as he slowly begins triggering the demon inside of him. It was at this time that Cinder and Raven walked away, jumping off the edge of Temen-ni-gru, letting him transform into his Devil Form for the very first time. After releasing an inhuman roar, Jaune falls to the ground unconscious, returning to his human form.
"Holy shit what was that?!" Ruby looked at Jaune in shock.
"Is that what Cinder meant when she said Jaune unlocked the devil inside of him? Because that is a badass looking devil man!" Mercury shouted, getting hyped up.
After some time has passed, Jaune awakens once more and gets up off of the ground. The rain having stopped results in many of the clouds to clear up, one of them showing a figure of an '8.' He rips the broken portion of the sleeve from his jacket, then picks up Rebellion. Jaune finds them gone, feeling defeated he slams his fist at the nearest pillar, which results in the top portion of the structure to explode. Jaune looks at what he's done and he discovers he has awakened newfound power, it surprisingly felt...good.
"Oh know that look." Yang had a knowing smile.
Next thing Jaune knows, he jumps off the top of Temen-ni-gru, beginning his pursuit to get his amulet back from his sister and that scarred woman. During his plummet he decides to test his new capabilities on incoming demons. The incoming Blood-goyles will do nicely.
He slays large quantities of the Blood-goes with extraordinary ease, all of his speed, strength, and agility had increased so much that he was like a blur to the normal eye. He throws Rebellion at a number of Blood-golyes, quickly impaling and to finish the job he fires Ebony at the swords pommel, increasing the speed of his sword so much that it reaches terminal velocity. Jaune chases after Rebellion until his outstretched arm is able to reach the same speed as his falling sword. Once he's able to grasp it, Jaune launches himself off of Temin-ni-grun at a horizontal angle.
"... I hate the fact that I've said that's badass to this guy more there once. Mercury muttered.
This new power felt amazing to him, he felt invincible. Powerful. Unstoppable…
That's when the giant Leviathan in the sky showed up and swallowed him whole.
Salem eyes widen at the sight of the giant whale. "Richard?!" she took a closer look and realized that it was not Richard and settled down/
The scene changes to a separate corridor of the tower, where both Cinder and Raven appear before an enormous locked door.
Raven is seen looking into her book, very focused on its contents, starts sharing her knowledge with Cinder, "People once cried out in fear of this tower. Temen-ni-gru, a foundation that brought out fear. Fear. Yes, fear. Can't you feel it? The rage and agonies of people. Those who are confined here... with their desires of evil being unfulfilled... It was all because Ozma slammed the door to the Demon World in their faces…"
Raven looks towards the gate as it begins to unlock its many safeguards. Once they undone, the doors opened, allowing the two to continue forward.
Raven before continuing on turns around to see if someone she knows followed them.
"What's wrong?" Cinder asked the distracted Raven.
"...Nothing," Raven replies, obviously lying to her about her true concerns.
"I hope Ruby comes and ends up shooting you in the head, you witch. Yang said seething with rage.
"Same here." Qrow growled in agreement.
Without another word being said, the two women begin making their way deeper into the tower of Temen-ni-gru.
As soon as Jaune finished destroying Leviathan's heart, the titanic beast let out a final bloodcurdling scream as it fell to the ground.
Ruby is seen somewhere outside of the tower continuing her search until she sees an enormous whale plummet to the ground. The force of the beast as it crashed down shook the very earth where she stood, its shock felt all across the tower and even by those in the lower levels. Even Cinder and Raven took note of the aftershock of the Leviathan, even if they dismissed it completely after a few seconds.
"Holy shit he just killed that Whale by himself." Coco looked on in wonder.
"Okay guys I'm blind. What the hell happened?" Fox asked, getting a bit annoyed.
"Oh sorry Fox! Uh Jaune killed a giant whale and is now covered in blood."
"Oh. That's really cool." Fox said simply.
The young crimsonette finds where the corpse of the demon landed and witnesses as its blood colored eye is being slashed as Jaune, having finally got out of the oversized whale that swallowed him. Although he did end up being covered head to toe in its blood, so it was a Pyrrhic victory.
"So, this is the next stage?" Jaune thought out loud, thinking he was by himself.
"Wait!" A voice called out behind him.
Jaune turns around to see that it was the same girl from before, and having recalled their last meeting, he had a sour feeling towards her, "If you're asking for a date, forget it. Because I made it a point not to go out with women who shoot me in the head." Emphasizing his point by pointing to a specific spot on his forehead, where he knows she shot him.
"That's a deal breaker most. You're a meanie for doing that Ruby." Nora teased the redhead. She sinks into her seat with a pout.
Ruby scoffed, "Date a demon? I'm not that desperate. Besides, I really don't care for guys who stink like blood."
Jaune quickly sniffs at his clothes, then double takes at how bad the Leviathan's blood reeked, "You're right."
That got a laugh out of most of the viewers. But Ruby shook her head a bit. She just didn't get it. A few years ago, She and Jaune were dating, but now they hate each other. It was weird and it made her feel odd. But she keeps watching.
The mood suddenly changed when both Jaune and Ruby pulled out their guns, however, they weren't aiming at each other. Soon enough, a swarm of Demons ambushed them, causing both of them to form an unofficial alliance to fight off all the various demons.
During the shootout between them and the Pride Hells the two moved back to back for a defensive advantage. Seeing as they had time to kill, Jaune thought he should get to know this mystery girl he had allied himself with, "So tell me, what's your name?"
"I don't have a name," the crimsonette quickly replied, not wanting to get buddy-buddy with a demon.
"Uh… But that Raven chick said she named you Ruby earlier." Coco pointed out.
Not dissuaded in the slightest, Jaune continues to ask questions, "Oh, then what should I call you?"
"I don't care. Whatever you want," Ruby plainly replies, she would rather be focused on killing these Hell Prides than getting distracted by chit-chat.
Jaune laughs as he jumps over a group of incoming demons, then turns back to call out to the crimsonette, "Whatever Lady. I'll leave this to you. Because I don't want to miss the party."
"Lady? That's the best you could come up with?" Yang looked unimpressive.
"More concerned that he just ditched Ruby." Blake said, crossing her arms.
"She did shoot him in the head. Might not want to deal with her," Weiss reminded her team to which Blake nods her head in agreement.
Ruby scoffed, "Who counted on you anyway?"
With the red coat demon gone, she continues fighting against the Hells. The screen shows one of her bullet shells that fell to the ground, the ammunition being a '9. millimeter'
Jaune enters a gothic structured room, with a stage and all. He was left wondering where the gatekeeper of this room was until a cauldron of bats emerged in the room. They all form into one shape, which happens to look like an extremely attractive redhead with deathly pale skin and crimson eyes, who'd hair acted as a covering for her bare upper body.
Jaune has to admit, as far as demons went for deceiving their prey, this was new. He liked new things.
Nevan looks upon this new guest with great interest and hunger, "Hmm, welcome sir. Is this your first time here?"
"Yeah it is. You'll be nice to me won't you?" Jaune asked her, playing along with her game.
Ruby's eyes dimmed as she turned to Jaune and muttered out "Filth." Which left the Blonde confused.
"What do I do?" He asked but Ruby didn't answer him. What should I do?!" He asked her again but still received no answer.
Nevan laughs sweetly at her guests request, one that was intended to lower his guard, "Of course I will. I'll treat you so nicely, you'll never want to leave."
"Now that's what I'm talking about," Jaune says before drawing Rebellion, making his point clear to his hostess that he wasn't here for that kind of fun.
Nevan, now knowing her guest was not a typical desire driven human, concedes to play with him for a little while. She walks towards her stage until she looks back at her blonde guest, "Then come on, Sugar."
Nevan falls back in defeat, or would have had Jaune not catch her in his left arm, "My, you're sweet."
Thinking she has him fooled, Nevan tries lunging at Jaune's throat before feeling her abdomen being penetrated by a bullet from Ivory.
Jaune laughs, "You'd think so, wouldn't you?"
"Good job Jaune." Ruby cheered with a wide smile which left him even more confused as she was just mad at him a few seconds ago.
Nevan also laughed, already knowing she was beaten, having already decided that it would be much easier on herself if she would surrender to him, "Alright. I'll help you. Your father was a handsome devil, but you're no slouch yourself."
"Salem blinked at the she-devil's comment on her ex's looks. And frankly she didn't appreciate it. She wanted to make sure Ozpin never knew happiness with another woman and thankfully her… possibable son killed her.
After giving up her physical form, Nevan transformed into the Devil Arm "Nevan"... an demonic electric guitar.
While performing an amazing death metal solo, Jaune showcases "Nevan's" unique ability as both a demonic guitar and an electrified scythe. The end of his act ending in a shower of fireworks and sparks.
Ruby let out a shriek at Jaune's new weapon. "It's not fair! I want an electric scythe guitar she whines."
"He plays better on the guitar than he did at beacon though." Weiss said with a teasing smirk at Jaune, who stuck his tongue out at her.
Meanwhile, Ruby continues to fight against the Hell Prides, utilizing her full arsenal on them while she simultaneously reloads all her weapons throughout the fight. From her pistol to her Crescent Rose.
When all the Hell Prides had been slain, a falling pistol from the sky is caught by the crimsonette, who smiled at its return.
"Welcome back!" Ruby said.
After packing all of her things, she makes her way towards the next entrance, continuing towards her end goal.
Raven and Cinder make their way to the final door to their destination, their end goal within their grasp.
Raven expresses excitement to Cinder, having finally been so close to their goal, "Soon we will reach the lair of judgement. Temen-ni-gru will finally regain its full function and lead us into the Demon World. The world where Ozma's power has been sealed. And the one who will lift the incantation is you, his own daughter. It must be fate."
Before they enter the chamber, Raven looks to check back the way they came, Cinder stops walking concerned of the woman's actions.
"Does that woman really bother you?" Cinder asked Raven.
Raven looked at the brunette quizzically, "What are you talking about?"
Looking back at the older woman, Cinder made her thoughts clear, "Why didn't you kill her? Perhaps, because she is your niece? Did some pesky auntie love get in your way?"
"... Why didn't she kill Ruby?" Yang realized Cinder brought up a good point. Raven was fine killing herself but didn't kill Ruby when she got the chance. It was odd.
Raven immediately became defensive in her body language and tone, "That is none of your-"
Raven is cut off when Cinder impales her in the abdomen, causing her to drop her book. Her blood trickles down onto the surface of the book, the drops that landed vaguely reminiscent of the number '10.'
While looking at the wounded Raven, Cinder decided it was time that she shared some of her own background knowledge, relating to Raven specifically, "To further your study of the black arts, you sacrificed your loving daughter, to become a devil as well. Knowing this I thought you'd be more useful to me, but I was wrong. No wonder your attainment of power is incomplete."
"... I'm not surprised my sister did this all in the search of power" Qrow muttered.
Cinder was incredibly giddy on getting her revenge on Raven, Even though it was technically her, it was close enough and she bathed in the scene with great glee.
Raven coughed up some of her blood, trickling from her mouth, before she exchanged an enraged glare towards Cinder, "What about you? You're an incomplete being as well. Both demon and human blood mingle in your veins. You dare judge me, even after you abandoned your own infant child-"
Cinder forcibly removes Yamato from Raven abdomen, her face showing genuine anger, "Shut up. Now that the final door is open, I have no use for you."
Without another word or glance, Cinder left Raven to lie at the entrance of the door as the old woman bleeds out. She has already come this far in her quest for power, she will not allow another minute pass while she is kept away from her birthright.
Everyone in the theater went dead silent at the bombshell Raven had just dropped. No one said a word and they all slowly turned toward Cinder with widen eyes with the expectation of Salem who had a mixture of anger and disappointment on her face. Cinder only look at the floor shaking as the words finally sinked in for herself.
"I… have a child?" She whispered to her in disbelief.
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melanielocke · 3 years
Conceal, don't Feel - One
Do you wanna build a snowman?
This is the first chapter of my Frozen Carstairs sibings AU
CW: abuse, toxic relationship, alcoholism
@alastair-esfandiyar-carstairs1 and I both came up with a similar idea separately from each other, so this is a story separate from hers, but if you like this one I recommend you check out Frozen Heart. I’m not yet sure how often I will update, but I’m currently working on chapter 7 and 35.000 words in (chapters are pretty long).
Taglist: @alastaircarstairsdefenselawyer @foxglove-airmid @alastair-esfandiyar-carstairs1 @justanormaldemon @styxdrawings @ipromiseiwillwrite @a-dream-dirty-and-bruised @alastair-appreciation-month @writeordie-4 @amchara
I cannot seem to tag @lightwoodsimp, sorry
Alastair didn’t know where his parents were taking him. It didn’t matter. He would go anywhere, would do anything if it meant she could be saved. It was his fault she’d gotten hurt. He called out to her. Warned her.
‘You’re going too fast. Slow down, Layla!’
It had been too late. Cordelia was hurt. His fault. He’d hurt her, he’d hit her with his ice. His father had been furious, of course. He’d deserved that. His mother had been more gentle, had taken him into her arms and whispered that it was going to be okay. A lie. It wasn’t going to be okay because he’d hurt his sister and that made him a monster. Just like Father had been afraid of.
But Father knew where to go. Father knew how to fix this. A trail of ice followed their horses. Alastair barely noticed it anymore. It would draw attention. It pointed right to him, to his wrongness. Just like he deserved. Alastair didn’t know why he couldn’t control it anymore. He’d been too excited about it, had used it to play and have fun and build snowmen in the middle of the summer. But that was wrong. Ice was wrong and shameful and dangerous. And so was he.
They stopped in a small village hidden at the foot of the North mountain. Alastair had studied the geography of the kingdom many times but did not know there was a village here. He’d heard stories, there were trolls living here. That was why people avoided this place. Alastair would say he was too old to believe in trolls, but he was magic. Who knew what else was out there?
He descended from the horse, hiding behind his mother. He’d always been closer to her than to Father. He trusted her to keep him safe. Not that he deserved her protection.
A man approached. He was a little shorter than Father, with dark hair like Alastair’s, but blue eyes and light skin that was common in Arendelle. Alastair had never seen the man before, who was he? Certainly not a troll. There was a girl around Cordelia’s age behind him, stepping forward curiously to his sister. Cordelia had not woken since Alastair had hurt her.
‘Hello,’ the little girl said. ‘My name is Lucie, who are you?’
‘Lu, I don’t think the princess can hear you right now,’ her father said. ‘Don’t worry, your Majesty, I’ll get my wife. She’ll find out what’s wrong with your daughter.’
The man disappeared into one of the houses, but the little girl remained behind, poking at Cordelia.
‘She’s not going to wake up,’ Alastair said quietly.
His father glared at him, whereas his mother took his hand firmly. ‘Don’t say that, joon-am. Your sister will be fine.’
‘Who are you?’ Lucie asked him.
Alastair frowned. This was part of Arendelle, wasn’t it? How did someone not recognize the king and his family?
‘My name is Alastair,’ he said softly, not meeting the little girl’s gaze.
‘Come, Lu,’ Will said. ‘Tessa and Jem are going to take care of the princess.’
A woman with brown hair kneeled down in front of little Cordelia, a man with dark hair and eyes beside her. He looked familiar, but Alastair wasn’t sure why.
‘Jem, please help my daughter,’ Father pleaded.
‘Of course, uncle,’ Jem said. ‘You and your family are always welcome here, you know that.’
Alastair was confused. Jem was his cousin? But then why had they never met? He knew about the mysterious cousin, of course. His father had been the youngest of two brothers once, his older brother Jonah had been king before him. He’d had a son too, prince James. King Jonah and his wife had died though, and prince James had disappeared, during his father’s regency. When it became clear prince James was gone for good, his father had been crowned king. Alastair had always assumed he must have died. There were rumors king Elias had murdered his nephew so he could claim the throne. Alastair was glad to know those rumors weren’t true. But why had Jem been here all this time?
‘My wife Tessa can heal her,’ Jem continued.
Elias raised an eyebrow. ‘I though she was Will Herondale’s wife.’
‘All three of us love each other,’ Jem said and Alastair was intrigued. ‘Arendelle might not understand, but there is no need to conform to what society wants from us here.’
He’d always been taught love was between a man and his wife. Clearly Jem didn’t think so. He couldn’t find love, he reminded himself. He had his ice, his cold heart. It would be nice, to live here with a love, but that was not his destiny.
‘It is for the best you left, I think,’ Elias said.
‘Don’t be rude, dear,’ his mother said. ‘They can help Cordelia.’
‘There is ice in her head,’ Tessa said. ‘I can remove it, don’t worry. It’s good the magic didn’t reach her heart. A frozen heart is the one curse I cannot break, but the head can be persuaded.’
Alastair wasn’t sure what Tessa was. She was magic, like him, right? How did she know so much about the ice, about the frozen heart? Did that mean there were others like him?
‘Lucie!’ Tessa called.
The little girl sat down beside her mother. ‘Yes, mama?’
‘You want to help, darling?’
‘Of course.’
‘My daughter is the heir to my gift,’ Tessa explained. ‘She will learn in time how to remove ice herself, in case the prince has more accidents. But for now, we’ll do it together.’
Tessa and Lucie both put their hand on Cordelia’s head. Alastair held his breath, this had to work right? Otherwise he would have killed his sister. Alastair knew he was a monster, of course, but he didn’t want his sister to suffer for what he was.
‘I must warn you, there will be a side effect,’ Tessa said. ‘Messing around in her head will affect her memory. I am doing the best I can to contain the effects and limit the memory loss, but she will lose all memory of Alastair’s magic.’
Alastair frowned. ‘So she won’t remember I have powers?’
‘No,’ Tessa said. ‘But when you’re ready, you can explain it to her. I think it might be good to work on your control first and tell Cordelia once you feel secure you won’t hurt her again. Remember, fear is your enemy. You’re always welcome to stay here, with us. People think trolls live here and stay away, you would be safe..’
The offer sounded tempting. Away from his family, from the people he hurt…
‘No,’ his father said. ‘Alastair is the crown prince of Arendelle, he will be king one day. Power or not, he must be prepared for his role. We’ll limit our staff, close the gates to limit his contact with people, so no one will find out and no one else will get hurt. He’ll learn to control it, I’m sure. Besides, your lifestyle would be a bad influence.’
Alastair’s heart sank. Of course, he was prince too. Destined to be king. It didn’t matter what he wanted. Why should a monster like him be king, he wondered, but he knew his father wouldn’t budge on the subject.
Cordelia coughed a little before opening her eyes. ‘What’s happening?’ she said, a little sleep drunk.
‘You’re all better,’ Lucie declared. ‘Although I think you still have a strand of white hair. Otherwise your hair is very pretty.’
Cordelia smiled. ‘Where am I?’
‘My name is Lucie,’ she said. ‘Will you play with me?’
‘Of course,’ Cordelia said. ‘I like making snowmen.’
‘We must go home now,’ Father said sternly.
‘Oh, that’s too bad,’ Lucie said. ‘Will you come another time, then? I’d so love to have another girl my age around. It’s just me and my cousins here and they’re all older than me.’
‘Of course,’ Cordelia said. ‘I’ll play with you.’
‘I think it would be good for us to check on Alastair’s progress regularly,’ Tessa said. ‘It would be unsafe for me to leave this village, so please come here whenever you’re ready, or if you need help.’
In the end, Alastair never returned to the village where his cousin lived. Neither did Cordelia, not even to play with Lucie. A day later, she did not remember what had happened at all. As far as the people of Arendelle knew, that village didn’t exist. Tessa was a witch, after all, and so was her daughter. The people might turn on her, his father had explained. They might turn on him too. And he would deserve that. That’s why he needed to learn control.
‘You’re too sensitive, Esfandiyar,’ his father would say.
He’d learnt a rhyme over the years. Conceal it, don’t feel it. He repeated it to himself whenever he felt too much, whenever he was going to lose control. He’d received a pair of gloves from his father, something he claimed would help him.
It didn’t take long for Father to grow more absent though. Often he was sick. His fault, he was putting too much pressure on the family. All his fault. His thoughts were spiraling as they so often did, out of control as the storm inside. His fingers tingled, ice formed on the floor, on the walls. Conceal, don’t feel, he told himself. That was the only way to control.
When Alastair was eight years old, not long after the incident, his father was interested in how using the sauna would affect him. He’d never been, as he was too young and his mother wasn’t so sure it was safe for him, but his father insisted it was worth a try.
‘It might be the solution to your control problem,’ Elias had said. ‘The sauna could melt the ice.’
Alastair had been scared, but he’d been willing to give it a try. Most humans in Arendelle used a sauna from time to time, so why shouldn’t he?
It had been a nightmare. As soon as the sauna had been turned on and gotten warm, Alastair had started screaming. It was agony, fire burning his skin and everything inside, the ice begging for release.
He couldn’t use magic in here, and it hurt so much.
‘Let me out!’ he’d screamed.
It had taken some time until Father had given up and finally let him out. He wasn’t burnt, there were no signs on his body that he’d suffered. The pain had been real though. He was still so shaken he froze the entire corridor, for which his father had become angry. Later that day, Father had disappeared into his bedchambers with a bottle of a smelly drink.
Alastair would never get into the sauna again. Never. There was ice inside of him, and it didn’t like the heat. Perhaps he should try it, perhaps he should stay for longer and let it burn out the ice inside of him. Perhaps he could be free. But Alastair didn’t dare go inside the sauna again, he never wanted to feel that pain again.
Cordelia was lying on the floor of the ballroom. She was sure her mother would hate to find her here, but what else was she supposed to do? She sighed, would there ever be a ball here? There had been balls once, that much she remembered. She and Alastair weren’t allowed to attend yet, but they’d snuck out of bed to watch from the corridor together.
There had been so many people. Nowadays, it was only the staff, her family and Risa, her mother’s lady in waiting. Didn’t her parents understand she wanted someone to play with?
Once she’d played with Alastair almost every day. They would build snowmen and ride a sled and have snowball fights. But that had been a long time ago. Nowadays Alastair would barely acknowledge her. If he spoke at all, it was to tell her to go away and not bother him. He spent most of his time in his bedroom. Cordelia didn’t understand how one person could spend so much time in bed, especially considering he was not sick like Father. Didn’t he want to have something to do? She would play with him all day if only he opened his door.
But Alastair preferred the solitude, it seemed. He rarely even yelled at her to go away anymore. He just pretended she didn’t exist. He was studying to be king now, whereas Cordelia did not have such a responsibility. She guessed he was too mature and grown up for her now and she was just his stupid little sister. It was frustrating.
It had all started so sudden, and Cordelia had never understood why. One day they’d built a snowman together, the next Alastair didn’t even speak to her anymore. He only ever emerged from his room to eat, and to take walks on the palace grounds. Her mother didn’t want her to go there, for she might fall and hurt herself, or rip her dresses. It didn’t make much sense, because she’d followed Alastair from a distance once and there was barely anything to trip over. When Alastair had spotted her, he’d gotten angry and yelled at her to leave him alone, that this was his place, why couldn’t she at least let him have that?
Cordelia guessed her brother didn’t like her anymore.
‘What would you do, Joan?’ she asked.
No response. She wasn’t sure what she’d been expecting. Joan, of course, was a painting in this room, a woman in armor riding a horse. The painting had always fascinated her, because Cordelia wanted to be a warrior too and carry her own sword. It was probably all very improper, a princess talking to a portrait, but what exactly did her parents expect her to do?
Father was sick all the time nowadays, and Cordelia would often sit with him and read him stories. Alastair came in sometimes, glared at both of them, and left. At least her father still cared for her. At least it was something. Even if he mostly ignored her when he wasn’t sick, or talked to her about a potential marriage alliance when she was older. She’d never even met someone around her age, how was she supposed to get married? Her mother didn’t have time for her anymore, she had to take over from father when he was sick and run the kingdom and whatever free time she had left she spend with Alastair.
No one knew what was wrong with Father, and Cordelia worried for him. She vowed to spend as much time with him as possible, to always be there for him, because even if he was sick, he was the only one in her family who still had time for her.
‘If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?’ she asked Joan.
No response.
‘That’s right, me too. Anywhere is better than here.’
When Alastair was nine years old, a year after the incident, he’d made little progress on controlling the ice. If anything, it had gotten worse.
‘You’re not trying,’ his father accused him. ‘Do you want to turn your bedroom into a snow landscape? Do you like the cold? Do you like that by freezing the bathroom, you broke all the pipes? It cost a fortune to replace everything, and I couldn’t explain what happened.’
‘I’m sorry, Father,’ Alastair had said, the fear he often felt around his father gripping him.
Would he be locked inside the sauna if he didn’t do better? He was trembling on his feet as his father grabbed his elbow and took him down stairs into an old dungeon.
‘When my brother Jonah was king, he stopped using these dungeons to hold prisoners. He believed keeping people in dark and dirty cells like this was inhumane. But we do not always have the luxury of choice.’
His father showed him to a cell with a pair of cuffs, chained to the floor, designed to fit around his hands. Because that was where the magic came from, that was why the gloves helped.
‘If you cannot control yourself and become a danger to those around you, I will have no choice but to use these. Do you understand?’
Alastair was shaking, snow escaped from his hands and twirled around him. He swallowed. ‘Yes, Father,’ he said weakly.
‘And don’t act so scared,’ his father scolded. ‘With that poison inside of you, you absolutely cannot feel.’
Of course. Conceal, don’t feel. That was the only way to keep it hidden.
That night, Alastair dreamt about the chains in the dungeon, about his hands being bound, his father leaving him there.
‘You’re too dangerous,’ his father said. ‘You must stay here from now on.’
Alastair pulled at the chains, tried to break free, but it was no use. He woke up in the middle of the night, lying in the snow. On his bed, he reminded himself, but everything was covered in snow and ice. He should clean this up, he determined. He did not know how to unfreeze anything, but he could sweep the snow up and outside of the window before Father found out and determined he should be chained in that cell.
He’d considered telling his mother about the cell and the chains and that he was scared, but ultimately decided against it. He was far too scared to find out that when it came to it, she would let it happen. Worse, that she already knew.
Alastair was thirteen when his father presented him with the family sword. Legend had it the sword was magic, but the properties of the weapon had been lost over time. No king of Arendelle had ever died in battle while carrying it though, and some speculated the sword watched over them, protected them. Alastair didn’t know what too believe when it came to cortana. He knew his sister wished she could be the one to own the sword, but Alastair knew as future king he was supposed to bear it. He was sure Cordelia could practice with it when he wasn’t using it.
‘Now, Alastair, this is an important part of the Carstairs legacy,’ Elias said. ‘If you can use this sword, you would be protected if people ever learnt of the ice that’s inside your heart.’
That’s what Elias often called it, the ice inside his heart. Don’t feel, Alastair reminded himself. He wasn’t supposed to feel, or he would upset the ice. Elias treated it as something separate from him, a demon that would strike if Alastair didn’t work hard enough. He didn’t think that was right, but didn’t dare say anything.
Elias presented him with the sword. Alastair had never held it before, had only admired it from a distance. He took the hilt in his hand and immediately dropped it, yelping in pain. As soon as the hilt touched him, a pain shot through his hand. His skin was red, blisters were forming where the sword had touched him. He’d sustained burn marks.
His mother came in when she heard him scream and rushed him to the infirmary immediately, where he’d gotten his hand bandaged and lied about what had caused the burn, claiming he’d wanted to help in the kitchen and touched a hot pot. A horrible shame crept over him and gripped his stomach. He was unworthy. He couldn’t even hold cortana. The family sword, the weapon that had been carried by all great kings and queens before him, had chosen to burn him.
‘I have a surprise for you, dear,’ her father said with a smile.
It had been ages since Cordelia had seen him so healthy and she was glad he was having a good day. She missed him. She’d wanted to go to his bedroom and read to him, but Alastair had told her she couldn’t. When she’d asked for more information, he’d refused to explain and just said she wouldn’t understand. Alastair often treated her as if she was stupid and did not understand anything, but Father never did.
She didn’t know what to do with her brother anymore. She’d loved him once, that she knew. Part of her still did. But she was fairly certain he didn’t love her anymore. He’d left her all alone. At least he still had her father, even if he was gone so often. It wasn’t his fault he was sick.
‘What is it?’ Cordelia asked.
‘It wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you, now would it?’ Elias said with a chuckle.
Cordelia’s dark eyes went wide as her father showed her to the room where cortana was kept. For years she’d begged to touch the sword, to practice with it. But the sword wasn’t hers. As heir, it belonged to Alastair. Even if he’d never shown interest in it, even if wielding cortana had been Cordelia’s dream for a long time.
‘I’ve discussed with your brother, and we decided that since you are so attached to cortana, it should be yours,’ her father said. ‘You are worthy of the sword.’
Cordelia picked it up. She’d never trained with it, although she did know the basics of swordplay. With nothing else to do, she’d watched the guards train from a distance and had copied their movements. It felt good in her hands, like it fit perfectly and had always belonged to her.
‘Now, a sword is a great responsibility,’ her father said. ‘Cortana has a sharp edge and a dull edge. You can always choose mercy, and that is what the old kings and queens of Arendelle became known for. Remember that.’
Cordelia nodded. ‘Of course. I will not let anyone harm us, but when I defeat my enemy I will always offer mercy.’
There was only one other person outside of his family and Tessa’s who knew about Alastair’s powers. It had been an accident, really. Alastair was allowed to go outside onto the palace grounds and practice. Cordelia wasn’t allowed to go there with him, so no one would see if he lost control. It was the only place where he could get some air. But it wasn’t enough, and sometimes the walls of the palace felt suffocating. He longed to get away, to disappear.
So one day, he’d made sure no one saw him and had snuck over the wall. It had been easy, really. He’d built a ladder out of ice. In the summer heat, it would melt and no evidence of his escape would be left behind. He could control the ice inside him when he set his mind to an explicit goal.
Honestly, the problem arose when he felt. Better to freeze his own heart. But he couldn’t help but feel when Father yelled at him, when he drank so much he couldn’t stay awake anymore. It was all his fault, he knew. Father wouldn’t have started drinking if he’d been better, if he had never hurt his sister. But he was a monster and he deserved his father’s anger.
He knew Cordelia hated him. He had accepted it. She would be safe and Alastair would never hurt her again. If that meant she hated him, it would be alright. Tessa had said once he could tell Cordelia about his powers when it was safe again, but Alastair feared it would never be. He had nightmares sometimes and woke up in a snow landscape instead of a bedroom. Sometimes the emotions just became too much.
On the other side of the wall was another forest, and here he could be himself. He would be alone, yes, but Alastair would always be alone. Most of the time he didn’t mind the solitude so much. At least here he wasn’t trapped within those walls.
He just walked, not sure where he was going. He would find his way back to the wall eventually, he told himself. A castle was hard to miss. He didn’t even notice the boy in the woods until he was right behind him.
Alastair was startled. He wished he could say he’d responded with some decorum, but that would be a lie. Instead, ice had shot out of his right hand, with which he had been leaning against a tree. He was stuck, frozen against a tree. Great, just his luck.
‘Are you alright?’ the boy asked.
Alastair wished he could have turned around, but his hand was still very much stuck, glove and all. There was only so much the glove did. He still had to control his own emotions. Conceal, don’t feel. He’d broken that rule, and for what?
He finally broke off the chunk of ice from his hand and turned to face the boy. He was around Alastair’s age, with brown hair and hazel eyes. There was a reindeer following him, sniffing Alastair curiously.
‘I’m fine,’ he said between his teeth.
‘Were you born with the powers, or cursed?’ the boy asked curiously.
‘What kind of question is that?’ Alastair bit at him.
‘I’m sorry. That’s what my aunt said is what distinguishes sorcerers. But you don’t have to answer. I just never met someone with magic like yours before. What’s your name?’
Alastair had to think quickly. The boy didn’t recognize him, didn’t know he was the prince. He couldn’t know, because then he would spread his secret and soon the whole kingdom would know the crown prince was a monster with ice in his veins.
‘Esfandiyar,’ he said.
It was his middle name, and a little known fact. It was a name from his mother’s home country, an ancient hero his mother used to tell him stories about. It was one of the few fond memories Alastair had of being young. So much had revolved around his cursed ice.
‘Thomas,’ the boy said, offering his hand. ‘Thomas Lightwood. And this is Sven, my reindeer.’
Alastair smiled weakly, refusing to take the boy’s hand. He knew he had to go home, but he hadn’t spoken to another boy his age in forever. He didn’t want to go.
‘Why are you here in the woods?’ Alastair asked.
‘Oh, I was just on my way home with Sven after delivering my mother’s cakes. I like this part of the woods. I always came here before I was allowed to leave by myself. Why are you here? Is it because of your magic? Are people scared of your ice?’
‘People don’t know,’ Alastair said. ‘And you can’t tell anyone.’
‘I won’t,’ Thomas promised. ‘But your powers seem so awesome. I wish I had powers.’
‘No you don’t,’ Alastair said. ‘No one would want to have ice inside of them. It’s very hard to control, and you can hurt people. Badly.’
Thomas tilted his head. ‘You’re not going to hurt me, are you?’
‘I don’t want to,’ Alastair said. ‘But that does not matter. The ice does what it wants.’
‘I’m not afraid, Esfandiyar,’ Thomas said. ‘That’s a beautiful name, by the way. I wish my name was even half so extraordinary.’
‘I need to go,’ Alastair said, determined.
He would not hurt someone else, he vowed to himself. Conceal, don’t feel. It didn’t matter that Thomas was the first person in years to see him and not be afraid.
‘Will you be here tomorrow?’ Thomas asked. ‘I always take this route after delivering my mother’s cakes. I can meet you around this time every day of the week.’
Against his better judgement, Alastair said yes.
He met Thomas in the woods everyday for nearly two weeks. He didn’t lose control of the ice anymore, not when they were together. Thomas was nice, and liked telling him about his life. He didn’t even seem to mind that Alastair avoided all of his questions. One day, Thomas had baked some extra cakes and shared them with Alastair. It was Alastair’s fifteenth birthday, and although he still hadn’t told Thomas about who he was, he had mentioned that his birthday wouldn’t be celebrated. Cordelia had given up on him a long time ago, and his parents didn’t have the time. It was sweet of Thomas to think of him, the only person who had in years. It was almost better than the cakes themselves. Almost.
‘I really hope my mom won’t find out, but these are the best cakes in the whole world,’ Thomas said. ‘My mother taught me how to make them herself. Well, my cousin Christopher likes the lemon tarts more.’
‘Your parents are both bakers?’ Alastair asked.
‘No, just my mom. My father is on Arendelle’s council, although I don’t think the king listens to him a lot.’
‘Oh, that’s too bad,’ Alastair said.
He wasn’t surprised his father didn’t listen, often he wasn’t even there for meetings. But his mother would, right? She’d always been calmer and gentler than Father. But she wouldn’t go against his father’s wishes.
‘And my uncle Gabriel and aunt Cecily sell ice. They travel to the north mountain and the frozen lakes at winter and cut off ice and transport if back to the city and sell it.’ Thomas smiled. ‘I always wanted to go with them when I’m old enough. But what’s the point of going all the way to the north mountain when you can just conjure ice out of thin air?’
‘Believe it or not, making that journey is probably less dangerous than asking me to supply the world with ice,’ Alastair said.
‘Perhaps,’ Thomas said. ‘But I’m certain there’s a way to control it. I haven’t seen you lose control at all since when we first met and I startled you.’
‘I feel less around you,’ Alastair said. ‘I’m not supposed to feel and at home I do that a lot. But with you, it’s better. I don’t think I feel anything.’
Thomas frowned. ‘Oh,’ he said and Alastair suspected something was wrong.
‘What is it?’
‘I thought you liked spending time with me,’ he said. ‘But now you say you don’t feel anything.’
‘That’s a good thing,’ Alastair insisted. ‘I’m not supposed to feel.’
‘Everyone’s supposed to feel, Esfandiyar,’ Thomas said. ‘If you don’t feel anything when you’re with me… I guess you don’t like my company as much as I thought. Maybe it’s better if I don’t come back.’
Alastair’s eyes went wide. His fingers started tingling. No, no. Conceal, don’t feel. Don’t let it show.
‘No!’ he said. ‘Please. I’m all alone, you’re the only person who understands. You weren’t meant to find out, but you did, and now you’re all I have.’
Thomas looked confused. ‘But that means you did feel something, right? If you truly felt nothing, you wouldn’t care if I left.’
Alastair shook his head. ‘No, when you said you would leave, I did feel. Please stay with me, Thomas. I don’t want to feel. Usually, it’s like a storm and I have to fight to keep the ice inside. You make everything better. With you I don’t feel the storm.’
‘I think you’re a little confused about what it is to feel,’ Thomas said. ‘You know it’s more than sadness and fear, and anger right? Happiness is also feeling. I feel happy when I see you in the woods.’
‘Perhaps that’s it,’ Alastair said. ‘Do you think it’s alright for me to feel happiness? Even if I’m not supposed to feel?’
‘Of course, Esfandiyar. What is the point, if you can never be happy? I have to go home before my mom realizes I’m late. But can I see you again tomorrow?’
‘Always,’ Alastair said.
The last day he met Thomas, the other boy was acting a little shifty. Alastair wasn’t sure what it was. It made him nervous. He knew to expect bad things when people acted like that.
‘Esfandiyar, there’s something I need to tell you,’ Thomas said.
His cheeks were red, and Alastair didn’t think it was from the cold. Alastair waited expectantly, but Thomas didn’t continue.
‘What is it?’ Alastair asked.
‘Well, you see,’ Thomas began, stumbling over his words, but he was not to finish them.
His father came stumbling into the woods, Alastair could tell from his demeanor that he’d been drinking. His fault, he should have stayed in the castle. Of course they’d notice he’d snuck out.
‘Alastair, where have you been?’ the king asked.
Thomas looked at Alastair, and then at the king. ‘Alastair? Oh heaven, you’re the prince, aren’t you?’
Alastair sighed. ‘Esfandiyar is my middle name. I’m sorry Thomas. I shouldn’t have lied to you.’
‘Who are you?’ his father hissed at Thomas, and Alastair hoped Thomas wouldn’t notice his slurred speech, betraying to a trained ear that he was drunk.
‘Thomas Lightwood, your Majesty,’ Thomas said softly. ‘My mother is a baker. My father is Gideon Lightwood, he represents the commoners on your council. I was just on my way home. I swear I didn’t know he was the prince. I am so sorry.’
‘Go home, Lightwood,’ the king said. ‘And do not let me catch you here with my son again, or I’ll have you thrown into the dungeons.’
Thomas took Sven and disappeared. Alastair dreaded what would come next. Father could be unpredictable when he was drunk, dangerous even. Alastair was terrified he would be dragged into the dungeons to those cuffs, or to the sauna.
‘I’m sorry, Father,’ Alastair said softly.
‘What were you thinking,’ his father snapped. ‘You’re a prince, not some peasant boy. How can you risk them finding out?’
‘I’m sorry,’ Alastair repeated. ‘He was nice to me.’
‘He’s a peasant boy, of course he’s nice to you if he thinks it’ll win the prince’s favor,’ Elias said. ‘You must learn these things, or you’ll fall for anyone with even a little bit of charm.’
‘He didn’t know I was a prince,’ Alastair protested.
Elias didn’t even look at him. ‘Of course he did. Everyone in the kingdom knows who you are. He lied to you to bring you into a false sense of security. You’re so naïve, to have believed him. I have sent for someone to come and teach you about ruling a country. It’s about time you learnt to be a proper prince.’
Alastair looked back once more, but Thomas was long gone. Alastair went back to the forest the next day, desperate to hear what Thomas had wanted to tell him, even if it was only once. But Thomas had been nowhere to be found, and Alastair had returned to the palace, defeated. He was all alone.
His father was right, it was time to be a proper prince. He was fifteen now, he was old enough to understand how the kingdom worked. His father couldn’t fulfill his duties anymore, not with his drinking eating away at him and his mother doing everything she could to fill in the gaps. It was time for him to step up.
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jerrienelock · 3 years
Royalty - Jesy Nelson
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Being part of Royalty has its perks but over time those perks have a way of becoming rather tedious.
This was true for the Princess of Avonlea, Jessica Nelson, or as her closest relatives say Jesy. Since the perks had begun to retire, she had found herself looking for new things to keep her entertained.
She knew every crook and cranny of the kingdom, every escape route, every guard, every servant, but the one thing she didn't know was what was behind the golden gates that lead down to an opening in the forest of trees.
She would often admire the scenery of it from her bedroom window, which is where she finds herself now.
Her gaze stuck on the window, the faint gold of the gate blinging in the sunlight as it opens welcoming her father back from his weekly trip to his long-time friends down in a different kingdom. She had begged her father to go with him, but it wasn't a princess's duty to leave the walls of the castle. It was rather the Kings and Princes- the King in search for an applicant fit suit for the Princess, or the prince to go out and marry the nearest Princess to his liking. However, the reason her father going out all the time was not for the search of a companion for her, for she was still below the age of her meeting the requirements to marry a prince, but rather for the use of having fun with a friend- that had a son.
She had met her father's friend once or twice, but the old man had not lived up to her standards. The older King seeming rather conceited and narcissistic, just like her own. She had also met his son, Orson, an older lad just a year older than her. He was charming at first, but then he started to act like his father which threw the girl off him rather quickly. So now the thought of having to marry someone that her father chose makes her sick to the stomach. The two never got along and were nothing alike, so it was bound that the old ruler would choose someone more like him than his daughter.
Jesy sucks in her breath as her tailor pulls the string on her new corset tightly. The action pulling the girl's waist and stomach in harshly, but also lifting her breasts in support. It felt like the wind was almost knocked out of her and the brunette was left gasping for a breath.
The tailor proceeds to tie the string together before helping the young adult in a new gown that her mother had got made just for her.
"Twirl." The tailor demands stepping back, a clothing pin sticking out between his lips. Jesy does as told and twirls delicately, the dress lifting slightly.
The tailor seemed to approve of the action as he takes the pin from his lips and packs his stuff away.
Jesy thanks him, watching him leave before she steps closer to the arched window in her bedroom. She peers closer past the guards who are seeming to reopen the gates to the castle, and at a small carriage filled to the brim with boxes. You and your father sit in the front. Your father, a rather mediocre burly man with a moustache wearing a cloth dungaree that looked as though it seemed to have seen better days. And You, sporting a twice turned gown, the colour of Jesy's black buttons on her dress.
She has not seen people not so royal enter the kingdoms gates for as long as she could remember. But then again, when one from outside would venture in she would be kept hidden in hopes for the 'behaviour' of the less fortunate would not rub off on her.
However, on this day it was different.
A knock on Jesy's door tears her attention away from the window. Her mother's head appears from behind the double doors, a warm smile coating her lips. "Jessica." Her mother proceeds to enter the room, her eyes trailing over her daughter's body. "You look beautiful. Fits your physique quite nicely."
"Thank you." Jesy bows to her mother, picking the sides of her new dress up gently. "Was there anything you needed?"
Her mother purses her lips, "Yes, we have some guests from the village."
"The village?" Although Jesy does tend to dream about leaving the castle to see what lies ahead. She has left the comfort of the home a few times but it was years ago and the distant memory rather seems like a dream to the Princess - which is why she chooses to falsely believe that her parents don't want her going out.
"The one just outside the gates." The mother raises a brow and her lips form into a frown, "Has your father not taken you out to, see?"
Jesy shakes her head causing her mother to sigh, "That man, I swear." She mutters to herself but Jesy was just able to catch it. A smile shortly after makes its way onto the Queen's face "Anyhow, come along now, don't want our guests waiting too long."
Jesy follows her down to the foyer of the castle where the man, your father, and you stand in front of the King. The burly man in the dungaree laughs merrily at her fathers' words, but the Princess could tell it's just to not get on his bad side.
"Her Royal Highness." The man notices the girl and bows down slightly, you do the same with a curtsy.
Jesy gives a small smile her too bowing down only to be shortly stopped by her mother. "Jessica, this is Y/f/n and his daughter Y/n. Y/n will be a help for you."
Jesy's eyebrows clash together, "A help? I thought Mr Wilburn was my help?", Her father laughs at her words.
"He's just a tailor, not a help."
The Princess frowns and her father continues to laugh.
"Okay, hush now dear." The Queen places a hand on her husbands' arms making his laughter die down. "Y/n is going to be your help, but also be someone to keep you company."
"Company? Where are you two going?"
"Your father and I are going out to find a suitor for you." Her mother replies, "But we will only be leaving in a few days just to make sure Y/n gets settled in properly."
Jesy's frown deepens and her jaw clenches slightly. "Oh." Having heard enough from her parents, she turns to face your father who was now standing nervously, his hands peering behind the straps of his dungarees. Jesy puts on a fake smile "It was nice to meet you, sir." She turns to you, "And you Y/n, but I am afraid I will not be needing a Help or company. I have the staff and guards to do that."
"Jessica!" Her father huffs appalled at his daughters' behaviour. "This is supposed to benefit you and the Y/l/n's."
"How does it benefit me? Because you two must go out and find me a suitor, a possible eligible heir for the throne. I'm perfectly capable of taking over."
The King raises his brows in surprise before he doubles over and a sheer pure laugh of amusement comes barrelling out of his mouth. Jesy groans and storms off back to her room.
"I'm sorry about all this. I do not have a clue on what's gotten into her lately." The Queen profusely apologises to you and your father whilst the King continues to laugh his lungs out.
Jesy now stands in her usual spot by her window, staring out into the open. Her face is emotionless as she chooses not to let anyone see how she feels about what had just happened - despite releasing her anger down in the foyer.
It had only been a mere few minutes from when she stormed off to where her mother now stands once again with her head shoved from behind Jesy's door.
"Darling?" Her mother calls out, a slight frown curved on her lips. "Are you okay?"
Jesy doesn't acknowledge the woman's presence, rather her gaze continues to focus on the scenery- only being broken for a few seconds by the sight of your father leaving the castle and the King waving him off with a bright smile.
The Queen steps further into the princesses' room, the door widening enough to reveal you standing cautiously behind the older woman. "Jesy. Can I speak with you?" The Queen says a bit more firmly. Despite having been in the young girls' shoes once before, the woman just couldn't help but let her patience run low with the princess.
"Wait here please." She alerts you and you quickly nod. The Queen closes the door and makes her way over to her daughter.
"Jessica, I know how you are feeling about this." She rests a gentle hand on Jesy's arm. "But this is for the sake of the Kingdom."
Jesy finally looks over to her mother, "I can rule the kingdom myself."
"I know dear, but please listen, your father wouldn't understand that and there won't be much of anything I can do."
Jesy sighs, "I know mum."
The Queen frowns slightly, "How about I try and persuade him to find you someone that you'll like, and better this place."
Jesy stares at her mother in thought. There is possibly no way that the older woman would be able to convince such a man as the King to go against his set task, but a glimmer of hope from the sincerity of her mother's word ignited in the pits of her stomach. She breaks out into a soft smile, "Okay, if you can do that please."
Her mother grins and nods. Jesy continues to speak, "But why are you going to find me a suitor, I'm not of the right age yet. I'll be turning eighteen in a month?"
"Your father wanted a head start like this will be his birthday gift for you. A husband." Jesy frowns and the Queen quickly adds, "That you will love! Anyhow, I'll be gone to show Y/n her room for now. Ms Lee will come to bring you down for tea when it's ready."
"Her Royal Highness, tea is almost ready and the Queen would like you to wash up." Ms Lee, a long time staff member of the castle calls for Jesy, bringing the girl out of her enraptured state of thought. Jesy turns to acknowledge the older woman, "Thank you, I will be down now."
The staff member nods her head and whisks away from the room. Jesy heads out of her bedroom and into a nearby bathroom where she quickly washes her hands and straightens out her dress and hair to seem more presentable. After that, she heads down to the banquet hall where a few of the staff members are lined up along the walls, with a few still bringing in plates of food. Her parents and you sit at the table, evenly spread out.
The divine smell of the last meal of the day wafts into the young girl's nose, causing her stomach to grumble quite noisily to her dismay. Jesy mentally sends her thanks to the lord that no one had heard it due to the amount of noise being created in the room.
The girl glides over to her usual seat, which had just so happened to be right opposite to you. Jesy refrains from making eye contact with her father, for she is still greatly unpleased with the man's words and how he treated her just earlier that day. But she manages to make eye contact with her mother who sends a delightful smile her way, obviously glad that the young princess had stripped her mood, even if it is technically only to her. You had taken a look at the girl when she had taken a seat, but your look was discreet and quick so the older girl didn't catch you in the act.
The dinner was quite lengthy to Jesy's dismay, longer than usual, she had to sit at the table due to her parents taking the time to get to know you. She twirls her fork in her hand watching as the pasta that had been served was effortlessly swirling around the metal spokes. Jesy pays no mind to your conversation with her parents until she is forcefully brought into it.
"Jessica." Her mother calls for Jesy, politely dabbing a handkerchief on the sides of her mouth. Jesy looks over to her mother. "I think you should take the time to get to know our guest." Jesy nods at her mothers' request, had not wanting to put up another fight. "Thank you, dear. When you are finished take Y/n up to her room, or yours and just try to get along please."
Jesy sends another soft nod over to the queen and quickly finishes her meal and takes you up to her room.
At first, the both of you don't speak, with Jesy sitting on her bed and you standing cautiously near her cupboard. Until Jesy breaks the silence and introduces herself properly which then leads to you and her falling into a short conversation that ends up with you and Jesy laughing your lungs out on her bed.
The next day, the King and Queen were set off on their voyage, Jesy and You had waved them off and then headed back inside. Since then things were silent. Apart from the few chats Jesy and you had, nothing extremely exciting had happened. It had merely been two weeks since the two authority figures had left when Jesy had begun to start questioning you about the place beyond the walls.
You told her everything. You told her about the family business you help your dad out with, you told her about the market, and you told her about how carrying everyone is.
"It must be nice." Jesy smiles away from you, staring out to the woods. "Living in the village."
"I can take you out to the village." You offer, clasping your hands together in front of you. Jesy turns to you, her brows furrowing "But I'm prohibited from leaving the castle without permission from my parents."
You shake your head, "Her Majesty gave me permission to take you out as long as Sir Kingsley keeps guard of us."
A small smile draws onto Jesy's face and her eyes lighten up with joy, "Really!?" She takes herself away from her window and heads over to you. "That's amazing! Truly splendid. When do we leave?"
Your purse your lips in thought, "Well Princess Jessica it's truly up to you."
Jesy picks her dress up on the sides and heads straight for her walk-in cupboard, "We must leave now!" She pokes her head out from the cupboard, "And you can call me Jesy, no more of this formal stuff."
Jesy slips back into the walk-in cupboard and comes back out a few minutes later, this time in a more casual outfit,  a blue pleated dress with a cropped black blazer on top. "Do you need to get dressed, or are you going to go like that?"
You look down at your frail gown and shrug slightly, your hands still clasped together. "I wouldn't want to bother you Prin- Jesy or delay you of your entry to the village. The earlier we leave the longer we can stay."
Jesy smiles and nods, "Then we shall leave right this moment." She grabs your hands and pulls you down to the foyer where Sir Kingsley had just closed the main entrance.
"Sir Kingsley!" Jesy calls for the guard, "Please take us to the village."
The guard eyes the Princess suspiciously before allowing his look to fall onto you. He raises his brows waiting for your confirmation on the request. You send a nod and the man swiftly turns back around and opens the main entrance again. "Come along Princess." He guides you both over to an open carriage and props the door open allowing you and Jesy to get in.
"I didn't expect to have you wanting to go out today Princess, otherwise I would have had the carriage prepared for your travels." Sir Kingsley apologises bowing his head.
Jesy waves her hand in dismissal, "It's perfectly fine." She smiles a contagious smile which causes the guard to mirror the young girls' expression.
The day out was delightful and opened up Jesy's eyes to the outside world properly. She had been able to experience many things that had sent her hurtling back into distant memories of when her father had taken her down. Like the puppy that a vendor was holding made her remember when her father had let her pet the small dog, and even carry it around for the remainder of the evening until it was time to go. She had met your father and had grown quite a liking to him, having stayed at his house for dinner. Lastly, You had shown her around and bought her some fruit from the market until Sir Kingsley had notified you both of the time.
"Thank you! Thank you so much for taking me out Y/n." Jesy yells in excitement, dropping down onto her bed.
You bow towards the girl, "Anything for you Princess." You drop down next to Jesy and she swiftly moves onto her side facing you.
The princess sets a gentle hand on your arm and strokes it with the tip of her fingers. You allow your gaze to fall to her touch. "What are you doing?" You question turning to face her. Jesy carefully pushes herself closer to you.
"You." She breathes out, "You make me feel things that I don't know how to control."
You look at the girl shocked, "Oh."
"I hated you- well disliked you merely two weeks ago and now I think I've fallen for you."
You stare at the girl, unsure of what to say until an unknown ball of confidence comes hurtling straight at you and a desire for the girl has its clutch on your gown and it just pulls you in. Until you are left pulling in the royal figure and her lips are on yours.
The kiss is sensual and almost passionate, one Jesy nor you had ever experienced. Jesy pulls you in closer to her, but instead, you shifted your position so that you were straddling her. You sit back and gaze down at the goddess below you and delve right in and peck her lips.
Carefully you slip the black blazer down the Princesses arms and ghost your lips over her partially exposed neck. Jesy drops her head back slightly, relishing in the feeling of you on top of her. This whole experience right now is new to the young girl, she had not done such an act before. It's a rebellious feeling that swarms the girl's head, it intoxicates her and she is left reeling in for more of that feeling.
You part away from her and slip out of your dress before connecting your lips to hers, your hand cupping her cheek while the other holds you up. Jesy sighs warmly into the kiss, her hands trailing down your bare waist.
"Do... you... want... to... do... this?" You question between each break that Jesy would allow.
And from that moment, a forbidden romance had been formed.
You were the first to wake from her slumber, slipping out from under Jesy and headed towards the bathroom- not before slipping on your clothes.
You open the tap and rinse your toothbrush before applying a slick layer of toothpaste. You quickly brush your teeth and rinse your mouth and stand back up only to be met by Jesy standing directly behind you.
A gasp escapes your mouth and you settle your hand over your heart. Jesy laughs at your reaction, taking a step closer towards you, she then rests her hands on your clothed waist. "Goodmorning." She hushes resting her head on your shoulder.
You lean back into the royal figure, "Morning."
Jesy moves her hands so now that her arms are wrapped around your abdomen. "How was last night?" You question and Jesy blushes profusely.
"It was nice."
You trail a finger over Jesy's arm with a smile. "Had you done it with someone else?"
Jesy shakes her head and your smile drops down into a frown. "What!? You should've told me. I would have gone slow."
Jesy giggles burying her head in the crook of your neck, "It's fine."
The two of you stand there for a few more seconds, enjoying the presence of each other when you're ripped apart by a loud bang on the door. Jesy jerks away startled and quickly peaks her head out the door where Ms Lee is stood concerned.
Jesy steps out and closes the door before the staff member could see you. "Ms Lee? Did you need anything?"
"I just came to check up on you. You sounded quite ill last night." Jesy turns red at the older woman's words. "Yes I was, but there's no need to worry, I'm doing perfectly fine now."
Ms Lee nods at Jesy's words but she still holds a face of concern, "Well if you need anything, you know where to find me."
The older woman then leaves and Jesy slips her head back into the bathroom.
"I think we were a bit too loud."
You raise your brows and laugh slightly, "Oh really?"
Jesy rolls her eyes playfully, "Yes. Now come on, we have to go get something to eat."
A mere two more weeks had passed and You and Jesy were closer than ever. You had done everything with her, took her out on dates to secluded spots in which you had discovered months before on having to work for the Royals. Taught her how to bake a couple of things when no one was around and eventually You moved into her room with her.
Jesy had deeply loved and enjoyed the last few weeks with you, but as the time comes closing in with her parents' grand arrival, the crashing reality of what she had been doing with you had taken a dark and unsettling turn. For a few days, she had been feeling quite queasy and tried to distance herself away from you, an action made to reduce the pain of your departure from her life. You had started to notice this and eventually had enough of the silence from the girl and got her to open up to you.
Your heart cracked.
"Let's run away," You suggest grabbing onto Jesy's shaking hands. The Princess looks up with her teary eyes, "What?"
"Let's run away." You repeat, "Start our own family. Live a normal life."
Jesy tears her gaze away from you, "What about everyone here? The staff, My mother. I can't just leave them."
You place a hand on her cheek and pull her attention back onto you. "They'll understand."
Jesy shakes her head, "I can't. My whole life is here, I can't just drop it."
You frown, heart sinking, "Then we can make one here."
"Two Queens? That type of thing is unheard of. It will cause chaos, denial."
"We can change that Jes."
Jesy shakes her head, "No we can't. It will forever be a King and Queen. A King will always be the most important. No one would take us seriously if there were to be two Queens ruling."
Jesy moves from out of your grasp, and she doesn't look at you. "I think it's best that you leave. Our affair can no longer continue."
You nod, tears swelling in your eyes while your heart completely breaks. "Understood Her Royal Highness" You curtsy and quickly walk out but stop at the door for a second. "Just know Princess of Avonlea, that if you need an escape, I will be here for you."
Jesy doesn't respond, she stares down at her feet waiting for her room door to close shut. And then the tears come hurling out, her heartaches terribly and her chest feels like it's closing in. But she pushes past the feeling and situates herself in her usual spot by the window, watching down at the newly arrival of the Prince (And her parents) she will soon have to marry talking to one of the staff and you leaving the premises completely and utterly distraught.
The Princess of Avonlea will have to get reaccustomed to her daily routine.
Masterlist; Celebrities
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jaskierswolf · 4 years
The Grass is Greener Pt.3/3
CW: More shitty parents...
Dinner was an absolute nightmare. The food itself was delicious. They ordered from the lovely little Italian place in town that was one of Jaskier’s favourites for board game night with his housemates. Geralt and Jaskier both ordered pizza, which was the totally normal thing to do when ordering takeaway. His mother ordered sea bass with new potatoes, spinach and mediterranean vegetables.
Ciri was snoring quietly in her pram. Geralt had popped home to get it whilst they were waiting for the food as Ciri threw a bit of a tantrum when they’d tried to get her back into her carry cot.
They were eating on the patio table. Jaskier had insisted. They had spent over two hours trying to clear up the garden and his mother was going to fucking appreciate it, seeing as she’d found every reason to pull apart his house.
The carpet was the wrong colour, the oven was shit, his bedroom was a mess (it wasn’t), the bathroom stank even through the jammy door (it kind of did, thanks Regis), the windows were filthy, there were too many beds…
It went on and on and on.
Geralt, who was supposed to be helping to charm his darling mother, was just glaring at her across the table. Jaskier was trying to joke and make awkward conversation but the tension was just too much. He couldn’t do this. Everything he said was met was snide comments from his mother, who’s current favourite topic was Geralt being a single father, because how could Jaskier ever be good enough to help raise a child. Geralt didn’t once defend himself against his mother’s remarks which Jaskier found infuriating but he was immensely glad that Geralt was there to serve as a buffer. He was struggling to remember how he coped in past years without Geralt’s assistance. How on earth had he managed this battle on his own every year?
Geralt had held his hand throughout the entire dinner, which was both amazing and really awkward when it came to eating. Luckily pizza didn’t require a knife and fork. Occasionally, Geralt would lean in to kiss his cheek or brush Jaskier’s fringe from his eyes. Jaskier hadn’t known what to expect from fake dating Geralt. He’d assumed that he would be the better actor out of the two of them, but his mother was throwing him off and Geralt seemed to have slipped into the role as if he were born to love Jaskier, and didn’t that just make him feel all giddy?
Still he could do without the death glares being shot towards his mother whenever she said… well, anything really.
“Geralt. A word, please.” He said firmly, squeezing Geralt’s hand and standing up.
Geralt grunted and turned to flee into the house. Jaskier sighed. “Mother, can you watch Ciri?”
His mother nodded and stabbed at the poor dead fish on her plate. He nodded back and ran into the house.
“Geralt!” He called after his neighbour.
Geralt was now the one pacing in the living room. “What the fuck is her problem?”
Jaskier frowned. Why was he so angry? It wasn’t as if they were actually dating…
Jaskier shrugged and tapped out a rhythm on his leg with his fingers as he tried to recap an entire lifetime of terrible parenting as quickly as possible. “I’ve always been the problem child, according to my parents. I came out when I was sixteen after years of running around in my sister’s high heels and dresses. Mother and Father didn’t exactly welcome the news and proceeded to ignore it until I left for uni. When I said I was going to study music they all but kicked me out the house. Apparently being bi was tolerable but not having a ‘proper’ career was a step too far. After uni, I sofa-surfed for a few years until Pris suggested we all get a house together, that’s when Regis practically adopted us and… well… here we are. Present day.”
Geralt put a hand on his shoulder and then pulled him into a hug.
Jaskier yelped, surprised by the sudden show of affection. “Geralt?” He mumbled against Geralt’s chest, trying to ignoring the blooming love in his heart.
“You don’t deserve that.” He grumbled. “Any of that.”
Jaskier pulled back and furrowed his brow. “Yeah, and how would you know?”
Geralt… blushed?
“Geralt?” Jaskier asked, cupping Geralt’s cheek.
“When you moved in you made me cupcakes.” Geralt mumbled.
Jaskier stared in shock at the man in front of him. He’d forgotten about that. They’d been a complete mess and the icing had leaked all over the bottom of the box, but they’d still been edible and Geralt had insisted that Jaskier stay for a cup of tea to try them.
It had just been Geralt in the house at the time. He’d still been waiting for the paperwork to be finalised to be approved as a potential adoptive parent and the house had seemed so empty. It was the same size as Jaskier’s and Jaskier shared with four other people, well, three others and Valdo Marx. Apparently, Geralt had come into some money following a death of a family friend and he’d been able to afford a family sized home. Jaskier had just seen the hot guy next door and decided to spontaneously make cupcakes in a half-baked attempt, pun intended, to get laid. It hadn’t worked and Jaskier had settled for pining for his hot neighbour instead.
How had he forgotten about that?
“Geralt.” He breathed.
“And when I got the flu you came round with groceries and made soup.” Geralt added.
Jaskier swallowed nervously. “I was worried about you. You hadn’t left the house for days and I don’t think I’d even seen you miss a day of work before. You leave every morning like clockwork.”
“You’re a great person, Jaskier.” Geralt chuckled almost nervously, in a way that was making Jaskier’s heart run far too fast in his chest. “And seeing you with Ciri, Jask, you’re incredible.”
Jaskier scoffed trying to calm the torrent of feelings in his poor bisexual heart. “This fake dating is getting to your head, Geralt.”
Geralt hummed and pulled away from him. “Right.”
“Can you please just try and get along with my mother until I can send her off to the hotel room she inevitably booked so she doesn’t have to stay with us, me, with me.” Jaskier stumbled over his words. “Please?”
“Then we can get the pictures for Yen and I’ll be out of your hair.” Geralt grumbled.
Jaskier laughed nervously. Why did that suddenly sound like a death sentence?
God, he was already addicted to Geralt being in his life.
“Right.” He mumbled.
They both sulked back outside to the patio where his mother was cooing at baby Ciri in her pram.
Jaskier turned to face Geralt who had a matching confused expression on his face.
“Geralt, she is just the cutest.” His mother cooed.
“What the…” Jaskier muttered.
“Thank you, Mrs Pankratz.” Geralt said slowly, as if he didn’t trust his words.
His mother bopped the young girl on the nose then turned up to look between Geralt and Jaskier.  “Now then, what’s up with you two? Julian, don’t tell me you’ve managed to ruin your relationship with this young man already!” She snapped.
Jaskier gaped. What the fuck?
This wasn’t his life.
Dear god this wasn’t his life.
Geralt wrapped his arm around Jaskier’s waist pulling Jaskier towards him and placing a kiss on Jaskier’s temple. Jaskier’s heart fluttered in his chest he couldn’t help but lean into Geralt’s embrace.
“Not at all.” Geralt said in his lovely deep voice that made Jaskier’s insides turn to goo.
“Geralt was just worried about me.” Jaskier chimed, the fake smile back on his face. “All sorted now.”
“Worried?” His mother scoffed and then turned to give Ciri a smile that, if Jaskier didn’t know better, would have been described as motherly. “Whatever for?”
Geralt smiled too sweetly. It looked wrong on his face. Jaskier gulped and looked between them. “He’s tried so hard to make you proud, Mrs Pankratz and you have not been kind. As his guest you should be grateful that he’s invited you into his home. Yet everything he does is flawed in your eyes. Makes me wonder, is there something wrong with your eyes? Because your son is… he’s one of the best people that I’ve had the pleasure to meet.”
“Excuse me?!” Jaskier’s mother shrieked and Jaskier decided it would be rather lovely if a big hole would just open up under his feet right.
“And yet, you look at my daughter as if she is an angel.” Geralt growled.
“Oh well. She is rather amazing.” Jaskier mumbled.
“If only you had treated your son with the same respect, maybe we could have gotten along better.” Geralt carried on as if Jaskier hadn’t said a word.
“You have no right!” His mother pointed at Geralt. “No right!”
Geralt shrugged. “Perhaps, but Jaskier was too good to say what needed to be said.”
“Geralt, love.” Jaskier squeezed Geralt’s hand, probably too hard. “You promised.”
Geralt closed his eyes and growled. “Jaskier, I can’t just sit here and listen to her bullshit.”
“Why not?” Jaskier pouted. “I’ve done it for years. One day, Geralt, you had to do it for one fucking day. Why couldn’t you?”
“Because I love you!” Geralt snapped.
Jaskier froze and stared at Geralt.
It was an act.
It was all an act.
Except…. what if it wasn’t?
Jaskier lunged forwards and pulled Geralt into a bruising kiss. He needed to, he needed Geralt like he needed the oxygen in the air. He’d been pining after this man for a year and hearing those words, fake or otherwise, it was too much. He felt a prick of tears in his eyes and he sniffed.
“Oh bollocks.” He mumbled against Geralt’s lips. “Fuck, Geralt, you made me cry. You bastard.”
Geralt pulled back to stare intently into Jaskier’s eyes, searching for the answer to some unasked question. “Jask?”
He sniffed and wiped the tears from his eyes. “I love you too, Geralt.”
Geralt brushed his thumb across Jaskier’s cheek and laughed. “You promised you wouldn’t.”
Jaskier snorted. “You promised to be nice to my mother.” He countered.
They both ignored the squeak of protest from the woman in question.
Geralt scoffed. “Some promises are worth breaking.”
“Can someone please explain, what is going on here?” His mother snapped, causing the girl in her arms to start screaming again.
Jaskier gave Geralt another chaste kiss and winked before turning to face his mother with his hands on his hips.
“Mother, dearest. Please return Ciri to her father and kindly fuck off.” He sneered.
“You can’t talk to me that way!” She protested as Ciri was pulled from her arms.
Jaskier tilted his head. “Oh ho ho! I think I can. You!” He pointed at her. “Kicked me out, or do you not remember that lovely little detail?”
“You’re exaggerating.”
“I’m really not. Now as wonderful as all this has been. You should know that this house is not just mine, I live here with my friends.” He snorted. “As if I could afford the rent on a house like this on my own, Geralt here, is not my boyfriend—”
“Yet.” Geralt added with a smirk.
“—Yet.” Jaskier agreed and winked at Geralt. “He agreed to help after spending over two hours mowing the lawn because it was so overgrown it resembled a small forest. The only reason he helped was because I have no idea how to actually do basic gardening tasks because I am terrible at anything that isn’t music and writing.”
“Jaskier.” Geralt growled.
“Oh and falling in love with my incredible gorgeous neighbour before he even asked me out on a date. It’s an oddly specific talent but has served me remarkably well, I think.”
“Julian!” His mother gasped.
“Oh and I did babysit Ciri a few times, but get this… I didn’t even ask for money!” He laughed at the shock on her face. “I did it because Geralt asked me to and she’s actually rather cute.”
“I can’t listen to this.” His mother started to head back to the front door.
Jaskier was absolutely fucking delighted! Oh he should have done this years ago! He should never have let the woman back into his life. It had only hurt him, but then again would he have tried to fix the garden without her? Would he have ever worked up the courage to ask Geralt out?
Probably not…
He scoffed.
She would hate that he had only gotten a boyfriend because of her meddling.
“I’m leaving!” She called over her shoulder as she stormed out the front door.
“Thank fuck for that!” Jaskier waved after her and then turned to go back in the house.
He almost ran straight into Geralt who was stood right behind him with Ciri in one arm.
Thirteen years he’d put up with his mother’s torture. More than that if you counted the years before he’d come out. All that time trying to be someone he wasn’t just to please her when he could have just left her and his shitty family behind.
Why had he’d been so scared?
Geralt pulled him into a hug and kissed his hair with a hum.
Jaskier scowled as the thought hit him. “Geralt?”
“Did you really mean it?” He asked as he rested his head on Geralt’s chest, listening to his  heartbeat.
“Yeah. Did you?” Geralt pulled back so they could see each other’s faces.
Jaskier laughed and cupped Geralt’s face in his hands. “Oh, dear heart, I’ve never been more serious in my life.”
Geralt tilted his head and glanced down at Ciri. “And you don’t mind, about Ciri?”
Jaskier giggled.
“Geralt, darling.” He kissed his new boyfriend chastely and then crossed his arms, putting on his best scary Geralt face. “The child must not be an obstacle.”
Geralt shoved him and he fell over laughing, as Geralt stalked back into the living room.
“I regret nothing!” He called after Geralt before scrambling to his feet and chasing after his grumpy, and still insanely hot neighbour/boyfriend. 
More witcher fun!
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Slayer of Slayers
Warnings:I do not own, nor do I claim to own any of the copyright or characters within the Buffyverse which includes but not limited to the television shows Buffy and Angel, as well as the Darkhorse comics series’ continuation.
15+ Strong to moderate violence, Graphic to mild descriptions of gore, and torture, sexually charged scenes, sexual innuendos, mild to strong language, and practices of witchcraft.
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Part Seven - Rogues
Spike found himself running through woods in the middle of the night in search of his beloved Drusilla only to find his sire dancing on a field, which had been scorched by fire, as the raven-haired vampire continued swaying from side to side, laughing away at herself in the process making Spike curious to what she was up to now. “Dru, what are you doing out here?” Spike asked the woman he loved as he walked towards her, pulled her body into his arms, and began dancing with Drusilla. “Here on these very grounds lies a future of torment, torture, and agonizing pain…it’s so delicious it makes me giddy!” Drusilla replied as she continued to slow dance with her immortal lover. “One day I’m going to raise a family right here, and will almost be worth all that I’ll have to lose before then…” “I was worried you got yourself killed babe; you know you’re not at your full strength,” Spike confessed admitting his fears for her. “Oh, my dear William, I will be the only one who will not die, not once, even at times when I’m so lonely I wish I would die…” Drusilla sighed with a profound sense of sadness, wanting to stay in that moment but knowing the future was coming. “You’ll always have me!” Spike protested, meaning what he said with all his heart but not knowing what the future would hold for him and the woman he loved more than he could ever imagine loving someone…at the time.
Following Angelus leaving her after regaining his soul and Darla returning to The Master, Drusilla knew her time with Spike was nearing an end, that the quest for her to become strong again would be the beginning of the end for them both and despite how much sadness the thought of losing her beloved Spike one day, she knew her and Spike’s trip to New York would bring some happiness to them both as Spike set out to kill his second vampire slayer, Nikki Wood, while Drusilla set her sights on siring a new vampire, the first child of her new family. Drusilla had spent most of the night watching Tobias from a distance, she followed him as he walked home from his work at a diner nearby to his rundown studio apartment, watched him as he got strung up on drugs, and noticed that this man was far from the one she had seen in her visions. At first glance, this man was no more than a depressed junkie who without her input would die a nobody within a matter of years, but as she watched him further, she began to see the potential hidden deep within him and decided to make her move. “How sad a life you must live to need to block it out with every toxin available to you.” Drusilla greeted Tobias after he opened his apartment door to her, the vampire waiting in the hallway, ready to claim him as her own. “I can feel your pain as if it was my own and I know you are so lost you think you cannot find a way out of your despair, but mummy can make everything all better.” “Did Mick send you? He always did like his girls crazy as hell, just hand me the drugs already and tell Mick I’ll pay him when I get my wages from the diner.” Tobias replied to her, having no clue who she really was nor what she had planned for him. “I do not know this Mick, but I do know you, Tobias, I know who you are now, but I also know who you can be. I can give you meaning in this world, a purpose, and a love that will consume you…you will never be alone!” Drusilla said in a rather convincing tone, acting if she was the answer to his many troubles. “Whatever you are on lady…I want some.” Tobias responded in a mocking tone, confused by who this woman was and what she wanted from him. “I can you make you stronger than you ever imagined, give to you a family you have always longed for, make you part of something truly incredible and even lead you to the love of your life…once I make you worthy of him of course,” Drusilla promised the young man, knowing this time that her words were somewhat resonating with him, tempting him to give her a chance to prove she was telling him the truth, a chance which she would use to turn him into a vampire-like her…
The 2000s
Drusilla stood in the same field she had once stood in the late 20s, but what was now standing there was the abandoned building of an insane asylum, a building which had been built, used, and abandoned within the years since she had last visited this field. and the vampire could not prepare her eyes, for the place was even more beautiful, to her at least, than she found it in her many visions, and now that she had lost her beloved Spike, she could at least find some salvage in claiming the home she had dreamed off for many decades now. “It’s been a long time my darling boy, mummy would be so mad at you if you were not the only family, I had left…for now,” Drusilla told Tobias as he began walking up towards his sire until he was stood next to her. “I really did love that man just like I loved Angelus and grandmother, but they are all gone now…” “I still do not understand why you wasted so much time on that peroxide prick but then I’ve never been in love, if it were not for you, I’d have found it impossible for any vampire,” Tobias replied to the vampire who had created him. “You’ve certainly had your fair share of conquests though; you’ve been a very naughty boy but the time for you to settle down with your forever love is coming soon and mummy could not be more excited,” Drusilla revealed to him, knowing she was going closer to forming a new family, one she believed would be even better than the ones that came before.
Modern Day…
Buffy and Spike’s on/off relationship had reached its inevitable end almost two years ago, when their last split led to Buffy’s one night stand with Angel resulting in a baby which led to Buffy going M.I.A. after losing that baby, and in her absence, Spike had taken over the duties of protecting the city of San Francisco, a city which included Buffy’s sister Dawn Summers, Dawn’s daughter Joyce Harris, and Spike’s on/off roommate Xander Harris in its population. And it was during his patrolling duties within a local cemetery in the city of San Francisco that he was reunited with an old friend, one who would lead him into joining a mission to kill the first woman he ever loved… “Sneaking up on a vampire is a rather foolish move considering the heightened bloody hearing and everything,” Spike shouted into the dark night as he turned around looking for a face to come out of the shadows. “Calm down Spike I was merely trying to surprise an old friend.” Ruby Moon stated as she appeared from out of the shadows. “Someone who I owe my life to and yet have the audacity to ask another favor of.” “Well, if it isn’t the little witch, I helped break free from my ex-Dru’s crazy cult,” Spike said with a smile on his face, happy to see the witch in question. “I heard you were all suburban wife again living the normal life or as close to it as one can get married to one of Riley Finn’s G.I. blows.” “It’s good to see you again too!” Ruby responded with a chuckle as she walked towards the vampire, whom she considered being a good friend, one who she knew she could rely on. “So, go on and tell me what you need saving from this time? Please do not tell me your back being the ex’s magical minion again because you only get one save from that, the second time is on you!” Spike told her with a level of sarcasm, knowing he was about to help her again no matter what situation she had now found herself in. “Remember the friend we left behind? The one crazy enough to consider Drusilla as family. Well, he’s forming a team to kill that ex of yours, and something tells me you will want to be part of that team.” Ruby revealed to the vampire. “I’ve put Dru in my past and if you are smart you would too, let this friend of yours go it alone if he’s so determined serves him right for not getting out when you gave him the option anyway.” Spike rejected her offer, not loving Drusilla anymore but not wanting to be part of her death either. “This friend of mine is Theo Frey, and it just so turns out his mother happens to be your latest ex Buffy Summers’ son, I figured telling you that would help change your mind and everything considering you do not want to be the one telling the slayer that you had a chance to save her son and said no.” Ruby continued with her revelations, shocking Spike by the latest, knowing with certainty he would not reject her offer a second time.
Elsewhere, back in the city of Los Angeles, Theo Frey was once again stood behind his now run-down dive bar, the one he shared with his now-dead again lover Tobias, frozen in thought, with tears in his eyes, as he began to wonder whether Tobias was as guilty as Drusilla for killing his parents, wondering if his entire relationship with Tobias was just a lie and he had been nothing more than a fool to both him and his sire Drusilla. Suddenly, the very place he returned to for comfort, the place he lived with Tobias, and the place they have both called home, had become nothing more than a place of ruins holding memories of a past that the vampire/slayer hybrid could no longer believe to be true after Ruby’s recent revelations. “I did not think I would be seeing you again especially in the place you almost burned to the ground.” Theo declared after drying his eyes, as Faith Lehane, the vampire slayer determined on pestering him forever, walked into what remained of his demonic little dive bar. “Well, it’s not like you can be picky with your customers considering you only have half a bar these days.” Faith joked with the vampire as she walked over to the counter cautiously. “Your little friend Ruby left me this really sketchy video about you and her going to take out Drusilla and now Spike seems to be in on this little mission so I threw my hat in the ring considering you could do with another super strength in the ring, and something tells me you’re not exactly going to be hitting up B or Angel anytime soon…” “Ruby said something of getting some vamp help, but she never said anything about Spike and as for you no thanks, the last time I played with you, you turned my lover into ashes, well your blue-haired pet did anyway.” Theo snapped at the slayer, refusing to team up with her after their complicated history. “I get that you do not trust me, and I do not trust you but here’s the thing Dru’s a big player and she’s made an enemy of everyone not just you so, swallow your pride dude, and take the help I mean it’s better taking too much firepower to the vengeance party than winding up losing her…she’s survived this long for a reason kiddo.” Faith advised the slayer of slayers, trying to convince him to accept her help. “If B hears I’m not going you know she’s going to get herself involved, I mean it was hard enough telling her to sit this one out like it and I will not even get you started on Angel…” “Killing Drusilla…it does not mean I’m suddenly team slayer or anything, it just means, for now, she’s number one on my hitlist…” Theo explained to her. “I will not protect you; I will not save you, and I most certainly will not thank you.” “Well, that sure as hell seems like a yes to me.” Faith smirked, knowing Theo would rather chance to trust her, than giving Drusilla too much of an opportunity to escape his vengeance. Once Theo reluctantly agreed to work alongside Faith, and Ruby returned to Los Angeles with Spike in tow, the team consisting of a vampire slayer turned vampire, a rogue slayer turned good, a vampire with a soul, and a powerful witch began planning to strike Drusilla where she’s least expected to be attacked, at the one place she called home…
Faith, Theo, Ruby, and Spike found themselves deep within the woods, the same woods that Spike had once visited many years ago, and the same woods Theo and Ruby knew all too well thanks to their time with Drusilla, and before long the group of rogues had found themselves standing outside of the abandoned insane asylum, boarded up with planks of wood that themselves had been broken, with smashed windows, and a general sense of abandonment, abandoned in the middle of nowhere, the road to it long gone, hidden in shame of its own secrets A truly horrifying, and haunted place filled with misery from its past, and the perfect home for an insane vampire-like Drusilla. “I get you’re on mission vengeance and everything here Theo but what are the chances you are going to turn us all and lead us into some kind of slaughter?” Faith asked Theo, as the four remained hidden within the trees, beginning to question Theo’s loyalty towards this team of rogues. “The only person I hate more than you and the blue haired bitch is Drusilla so as long as she is alive you are safe but the minute, she’s dead we’re back to being enemies,” Theo answered honestly, making it clear he had no intention of seeking redemption. “He looks like Angel speaks like Angelus and smells like Buffy,” Spike stated, referring to Theo’s similarities with his biological parents. “Got to say it’s as hot as it is annoying!” “Listen up do not let your past get in the way of dusting Drusilla once and for all or else you’ll be joining your ex in the afterlife!” Theo quickly threatened Spike, proving he distrusted them as much as they distrusted him. “You were her minion just days ago I was her equal, if we have to worry about anyone getting second thoughts then it's you, not me!” Spike responded, making it clear he was down to do what needed to be done. “She killed my parents, there’s no going back for me even if it kills me, you better know it's going to kill her too!” Theo declared defiantly as he prepared for the fight of his undead life.
Instead of just charging into the abandoned asylum, Theo decided to get his poker face on, going in first and playing nice with his former mentor Drusilla, as he got a layout of where her minions had placed themselves, knowing the vampire was always ready for an attack, ready to strike before anyone else, as her asylum had become her armed kingdom. Despite the disgust over having to pretend not to entirely loathe the woman that had killed the parents who had raised him since birth, Theo knew it would be worth the cost once he ended the night plunging a wooden stake into Drusilla’s chest if he could convince her that he was still an ally of hers, the problem, of course, being Drusilla was always one step ahead. “My first family was taken by Angelus before he decided to take me too…” Drusilla told Theo as they walked down one of the many hallways found within the abandoned asylum that Drusilla used as her headquarters. “But then I found a new one with him and Darla, then my Spike but your mother took that all from me which is why I found it so fitting that I was the one to take you from her…but you were never really mine were you?” “What are you talking about? I believed your every word, did every demand and loved you like a son, I have been loyal to you since the first time I met you and I continue to be.” Theo argued with her, fearing she already knew of his intentions to kill her. “I took you into my home and loved you like a son, I even loved you when you took Tobias from me because I knew that was the way things had to be but now you’re too far gone for me to save…” Drusilla said with a great sense of sadness as the two stopped walking, and Theo noticed vampires appearing from both ends of the hallway, as he realized she was the one ambushing him. “The only thing I can do for you now is killing you and hope you are reunited with Tobias in whatever hellish dimension you are sent to.” “You really do see everything coming, don’t you?” Theo asked as he pulled out a wooden stake from his jacket pocket. “You killed my parents, pretended to save me, and had me fooled to think you as my savior all this time! I trusted you…I fought for you…I loved you!” “Everything I did I did to make you who you are today, the slayer of slayers, the world’s first self-sired vampire and you repay me with siding with the very same people who abandoned you without a second thought,” Drusilla replied, as she pulled out a wooden stake of her own from out of the side of her dress, as her minions cautiously walked closer to them both, ready to help their master if Theo got the upper hand. “I don’t give a shit about them! I gave a shit about my parents, the ones who raised me, who loved me, and you took them from me!” Theo shouted at her furiously. “My whole life has been one big lie and you’re the one telling the twisted tale.” “I loved you as much as someone like me could ever love anybody…you were more my son than perhaps even Tobias, I had such high hopes for you and now you’re letting something as mortal as dead humans affect your emotions making you dumb, dumb, dumb,” Drusilla responded before going on to reveal. “My vision had two endings you know…one where you were her ending and another where she was yours, I guess we both know now what ending you have chosen.” Suddenly, the two vampires who had once considered themselves to be like mother and son were now ready to fight to the death against each other, both feeling equal as betrayed as the other, Theo having perfectly reasonable reasons to feel betrayed by her, and Drusilla in her mind only having reasons of her own.
Meanwhile, just outside of the abandoned insane asylum, where Drusilla and Theo were beginning to battle each other, Faith, Spike, and Ruby remained to hide behind the same trees where Theo had left the three of them as they awaited a signal from the vampire slayer/vampire hybrid to know when to come into the fight, not realizing that Drusilla already had the upper hand on them all. “I know he’s Buffy’s kid, Angel’s too, but at what point do we just bail on this and let the two vamps fight it out between themselves?” Spike asked the vampire slayer, and witch, who he was stood next to. “I mean this guy is just as evil as everything else we tend to kill so why don’t we leave it to Drusilla to kill him instead of one of us killing the kid?” “I am not going anywhere!” Ruby said defiantly, refusing to give up on her former best friend. “I have known Theo my whole life, you two only know the evil side to him but I’ve seen the best and worst of him and I was there when he lost everything…despite that there’s still good in him.” “Well, I do not bloody see it,” Spike replied to the brown-haired witch. “But I am not leaving you to die out here!” “I saw it…in the way he loved that vamp Toby or whatever, they loved each other as I’ve never seen anyone love each other, except maybe Buffy and Angel.” Faith confessed, once again standing up for the slayer of slayers, feeling now more than ever before that his redemption was drawing nearer. Suddenly, the sound of a window-smashing grabbed their attention, as they turned to see a vampire falling from the top floor window before hitting the ground with force, before getting back onto his feet and running back into the asylum via a side door, and although this was not the signal they agreed on, it was clear to Faith, Spike, and Ruby that Theo was in trouble and now was the time to act.
Theo’s fight against Drusilla was unfair in every way as each time he gained the upper hand against his former undead mentor, her vampire army would attack him, and before long he was down on the floor, bloody, bruised, and beaten, while being pinned down by several vampires as Drusilla stood above him, ready to plunge the wooden stake she held into his chest and end him once and for all. “You have been such a naughty boy Theodore,” Drusilla stated with a look of struggle in her eyes as she kneeled over Theo’s body, clearly finding great difficulty with the fact she was about to kill someone she once loved like a son. “All I ever wanted was to be your mother…but she gets her claws into everyone I love.” “Get it over with already!” Theo shouted at her, ready to admit his defeat, accept his fate, and let his miserable life come to an end. And Drusilla did just what she was told, as tears formed in her eyes, she plunged the stake into Theo’s death while letting out a frantic scream at the same time, before falling backward and beginning to sob manically for a moment, only to be left just as stunned as Theo himself as he did not turn to dust, but instead, pulled the stake out of his chest, and rose back onto his feet. Before Theo or Drusilla could even usher a single word to display their joined shock at the fact that Theo was somehow still alive, the surrounding vampires, very recently loyal to Drusilla, began to kneel for Theo, displaying the change in loyalty, now towards the slayer of slayers, as Drusilla quickly rose to her feet and made her way out of the exit located nearest to her, as a shocked Theo continued to look at the vampires kneeling before him, still in shock, as the stake he was holding, which was just plunged into his chest, fell to the ground. “You are our new master now!” One of the vampires declared as Theo continued to just stand there in shock. “A vampire that cannot die, the true immortal, the true heir to the undead kingdom!” Another declared, followed by cheers from fellow vampires, just as Faith, Spike, and Ruby rushed into the hallway from the exit farthest away from them all, only to stop in their tracks by the shocking sight in front of them. “Theo…” Ruby shouted towards her former friend, having no idea what all this meant, or what would follow, as the slayer of slayers was declared king among the vampires…
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tomsrebeleyebrow · 5 years
heavenly yours (epilogue) | th x fem!reader
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Heavenly Yours – a chaotic series
PART 1  |  PART 2  |  PART 3 | epilogue
Summary: A few years passed and some things changed. What is now happening in the Underworld of Hell?
Pairing: KOH!Tom x Angel!Fem!Reader 
Warnings: language, some blood (not much), tones of cute moments, tones of feelings, SMUT including pregnant sex, unprotected sex (use condoms kids), fingering, stimulation and breeding kink (oopsie)
Words count: 10.2k
A/N: first of all: a massive thank you to all the people who supported me and this mini series! you’ve been amazing all along, and i couldn’t have make it without you 🙏🏻✨ also sorry for the delay but i started a new job so i was busy, but then covid-19 happened and here i am now at home 😅 at least i can get some writing done 👀 anyway this mini series is coming to an end with this epilogue, so again a big tysm and i hope you will support my other works like you did with this one 💖💞
masterlist | series masterlist | your support
A few years later.
In the Hell’s Castle.
❞ You piece of crap, you are such a disgrace even for Hell. ❞
The voice echoes in the throne room. It is not a scream, but still loud, rough and impressing. Capable of giving you the chills or killing anyone on the spot. A voice well-known in the Underworld of Hell. A voice feared by any demon down there.
The voice gets a bit deeper this time. The entire room trembles and so do all the people present in there. No one dares to look directly at him, scared of making him lose his temper even more. The demons care for their life and just kneel down, heads bows, silently.
But boy someone sure is going to have a bad time today.
Tom lazily sits on his throne, one leg crossed over the other and an elbow on the black wooden armrest with his hand supporting his head. His current sitting spot overhangs the room, getting a clear view on today’s “trash to clean”, as he commonly calls them. The strong fingers of his free hands tap on the armrest, his short nails creating a macabre melody in addition to the fragile pleading of the unfortunate defendant of the day. The King’s facial expression doesn’t let through a single ounce of emotion, but who knows him well senses that the King is upset. Really upset.
❞ How many times did we catch you sneaking out of the 8th circle? Five, or more? Either way, you really pissed me off now. ‘ve got other shits to deal with. ❞
The pleading abruptly stops, letting a heavy silence to take place. The body of the demon then separates in two perfect and equal parts, before falling into a sloppy sound on the now bloody ground. Still no word spoken. Now the smell of death is strong in the room, and the blood of that disgusting and deceitful demon begins to block Tom’s airways.
❞ Take that shit away from my sight and clean quickly that mess ❞ exhales Tom, scratching his temples and frowning at the displeased view.
The demons’ subjects stand one by one and after bowing their head to their King, they start executing his orders.
❞ Actually, give some pieces to Tessa. She will be happy to have something to chew on. ❞
At the sound of her name the aforesaid Tessa makes her way next to her master, her claws clinking on the marble floor as she passes next to the corpse and other royal subjects. Now sitting next to Tom’s leg, her tongue hanging out, the female staffy raises her face towards Tom who understands what she wants.
❞ I know, darling, I know. Now is break time ❞ slightly chuckles Tom as he bends his upper body  to scratch behind his dog’s ears.
Just as his subjects finish cleaning the mess from earlier - not forgetting to bring some “toys” in Tessa’s corner -, Tom catches some stepie steps coming from behind the giant entrance door of the throne room. And he knows these steps. Pretty well actually. He smiles and Tessa seems to ear them too now, her tails batting the ground from excitement.
The devil man finally stands from his throne, extending his black wings on his back. All royal servants are gone, the place shinning like day one. Then a light knock resonates in Tom’s ears, his smile transforming into an amused smirk.
❞ Who dares to disturb the King during his duties? ❞ Tom exclaims in a weird imposing baritone voice, chin up and chest puffed out.
The man beats his wings and keeps his position, quite the opposite of Tessa who excitedly begins running around Tom, knowing who is actually behind the door.
❞ I dare you to enter this room, you little crooks! ❞
The heavy double door cracks as it opens slowly, letting out some creaking noises. Tessa just starts running straight to it as her barks echo in the room. And as the door opens enough, two little bodies appear behind it and are instantly being jumped on by the dog, clearly happy to see them. Then follow lots of laughing and giggles.
Tom finally loosens up his acting at both voices calling him then walks towards them, arms open wide. As Tessa calms down, the two bodies free themselves and run to the King, before jumping right at him. Tom catches them, joining their laughs as he starts spinning around.
❞ How are my beautiful children doing? ❞
Children indeed. Two children. Tom’s treasures and source of happiness. Something he never imagined he could have one day. But he did. On his strong arms are attached his four and a half-year-old daughter Dottie and almost two-year-old son Al, both their little hands wrap around their dad’s waist and torso as they look at him with smiling faces.
Dottie is the clear image of Tom. Same brown wild curls he once had back to his angel’s life, big coffee eyes that are already pro at doing the puppy look, a cheeky smile and very affectionate. A total outgoing daddy’s girl, a bit loud sometimes, but always ready to help and protect the one she loves, mostly her little brother. She is his little warrior, as Tom likes to call her.
Regarding Al, the younger sibling is definitely like (Y/N). The same features from the colour of his hair, eyes and so on that scream he is the reflection of the dear angel who stole Tom’s heart long time ago. But little Al is quieter than his sister, sometimes shy or even diffident, but still kind and radiating gentleness. And a one hundred percent mama’s boy.
To compliment all that, both children display cute growing wings on their back. A mix of white and dark feathers, beautifully arranged and showing the union of their so different parents. But Tom couldn’t stop touching them because each time he does, these feathers prove him everything is now possible, even for him who endure exile and torture alone for so long. The tiny bodies he carries warmly are the fruit of his tenacity to show how much the Kingdom of Heaven was wrong since forever, ruling in the shadow with received ideas which only created sadness in the end.
But not anymore.
❞ Wait, did you two sneak out of your mother’s sight or- ❞
“I’m always close to them even when they don’t know, darling.”
Tom exhales, a smile growing on his face. The lovely and soothing voice of his other half makes his head turn towards it. And there she is. (Y/N). Standing next to his throne as if she was always meant to be there, wings majestically framing her body and the long white lace summer dress he lastly bought her drawing her curves to the perfection. And new perfectly stretching around her growing stomach. The angel brings her left hand up to stroke it, the circular moves drawing attention to the golden accessory on her ring finger which also matchs with his own one.
A wedding ring.
Her longer hair cascades on her back and shoulders, nicely brushed and arranged to welcome a delicate crown on top of her head. Thin and discreet, a few gold stems go around her head, intertwined together, with some clear red spots here and there.
A golden crown of red roses.
(Y/N) is absolutely stunning, she always was, always is and always will be. She manages to take Tom’s breath away each time, even for any little things she does. The angel was the missing puzzle piece since the beginning.
After the night they became one, Tom stake to his words to make the angel woman his queen. As much as Tom wanted a quick and private celebration, his friend and advisor Harrison had to remind him many times that Tom being the King of Hell, he had to mark the occasion at least a little bit to officially present her to the Kingdom of Hell.
And that is what Tom did.
It was a short ceremony but still worthy of the King of Hell. And maybe an occasion to show off a lot little next to his soon to be - and now officially proclaimed - wife, the love of his (after)life. And it would have been logical to give her the title of Queen of Hell, as him being the King of Hell himself.
But no. Tom didn’t want her being associated too much to the Underworld of Hell, title included. So he decided to stick with only “Queen” and that was already enough, and even better. (Y/N) is his Queen, the one he wants to rule his Kingdom next to, the one he wants to be with forever.
The children both squeeze out the grip of their father to rapidly fly right towards their mother, who kindly smile at them as she catches her youngest one in his still wobbly flying. Al and Dottie cuddle into (Y/N)’s body, being careful to avoid her tummy during their embrace.
Tom could look at this scene for hours. Looking at the person he loves the most holding his two other precious ones - soon to be three - all together, radiating of love, happiness and kindness, emotions he craved for so long that he is now proud of being able to have and feel. Unconsciously this put a warm smile on his face, and he couldn’t stop himself from joining them too.
As Tom engulfs them all into his strong arms, his black wings also surrounding them, (Y/N) slightly nuzzles her face into her husband’s neck while still holding both her children close to her. The devil man rubs his nose against the soft hair on top of her head, avoiding her little crown, to smell the fresh scent of flowers coming from it.
❞ You like to just appear and disappear wherever you want to surprise me, don’t you darling? ❞ jokes Tom kissing her temple, which makes his wife giggle.
“It’s not like you don’t like it, sweetheart” replies (Y/N) as she leaves a soft peck on his neck.
❞ Cheeky you. But touché. ❞
One of Tom’s hands slides around her lower back then her hip to end its course at the side of her growing stomach, slowly stroking it through the fabric of her sundress. He kisses both Dottie and Al’s foreheads before resting his cheek against (Y/N)’s temple.
Being able to have his family by his side to love and cherish to his heart’s content is something Tom would never change. His family. These simple words bring so much feelings inside him, warming up his heart each time he says them out loud. With a powerful meaning.
Tom detaches from the little group to take back both his daughter and son in his own arm, freeing (Y/N) from their intense grip. He then walks to his throne and sits on it, putting both his children on one leg on it. (Y/N) soon joins them too and sits on Tom’s free leg, slightly leaning on her husband’s torso.
❞ Alright kids, what did you do with your mother until now? ❞ asks Tom to his children, firmly but tenderly keeping them still on his leg.
As Dottie begins (but mostly tries) to vividly describe all the games they played and Al listening to his big sister, both parents look at them lovingly while cuddling into each other. Tessa soon join them with something in her mouth - definitely a piece of the demon’s body from before -, sitting peacefully at Tom’s feet to chew on her new “toy”.
The macabre room of sentences is now filled with adorable laughers and chitchatting, clearing up the usual bloody and terrific atmosphere for today, at least.
* * * *
(Y/N) lays on the red velvet couch in the living room, her back against tones of fluffy pillows she gathered from everywhere in the castle. Her legs stretched out, she continues reading with the book slightly put on her five-month-tummy. In the background, the angel can hear Dottie and Al playing in the garden with Tessa, their joyful laughers making her smile. Beside her, the fire keeps crackling in the fireplace, warming up the air around her. It is actually the only spot of fire (Y/N) ever saw in Hell, and the only one she is actually happy to light up.
Still immerse in her peaceful reading, she hears steps resonate on the marble of the living room, coming closer to where she is. As the angel raises her head, the silhouette of Harrison makes its way to her. Dressed in his usual black outfit, imposing wings on display, the loyal demon of Hell soon stops at the back of the couch to address to the young woman.
“Good afternoon, Harrison” (Y/N) greets him as she rests the still open book on her stomach, giving her full attention to her friend.
‘ Good afternoon, (Y/N). We just rece- ‘
Harrison gets interrupted by (Y/N) who puts her index finger on her lips, then slowly pointing down to where her book is. Intrigued, the demon leans further over the couch. And to his surprise here sleeps the King of Hell himself, totally squeezed between the back of the couch and (Y/N)’s body, his face slightly on top of her breasts and an arm around her pregnant belly.
(Y/N)’s hand begins to scratch his scalp softly and he seems to snuggle more into her, his breathing calm and at ease. Harrison tries his best to suppress a smirk. Seeing the most powerful demon who terrifies all Hell and beyond in this position, as gentle as a lamb, is for sure destroying the entire myth itself. But at the same time, he never saw his friend this peaceful until he made the impossible to bring his love one back to him.
So in the end, Harrison couldn’t stop the discret crooked grin in the corner of his lips. After silently clearing his voice, he starts again but in a hushed voice.
‘ As I was saying, we just received a letter from Heaven addressed to you. ‘
Harrison holds the aforesaid letter out to the angel woman, who takes it carefully as to not crumple the delicate paper. The letter is rolled up and neatly tied up in a white silk ribbon, (Y/N)’s name calligraphed on it in thin and calligraphed letters.
Looking at her sleepy husband one last time, (Y/N) takes the ribbon between her fingers and slowly undo it, depositing it on her book. Harrison stays at the same place, hands linked on his back as he watches over the woman. (Y/N) rolls the paper out with her two hands and sees a few lines written on it, the handwriting being familiar to her.
“This is from Zendaya” starts (Y/N), now smiling with kind eyes at the letter. “Thank you Harrison.”
‘ You’re welcome, (Y/N). I will be with the kids if you need something. Also... ‘
The demon glances at Tom who has not moved an inch since then, still fast asleep against (Y/N).
‘ ... Make sure he is awake for his afternoon’s duties. Got some important “work” to deal with ‘ Harrison whispers, emphasising the specific word “work” with the intonation of his voice.
“I know I know, don’t worry about it” replies (Y/N) while massaging Tom’s scalp.
As Harrison makes his way outside to keep a close eye on the children - even if in the end, he will totally play with them but never admit it out loud -, (Y/N) feels Tom’s body moving slightly, his legs stretching out but still not waking up fully.
The arm around her stomach tightens a bit, his hand caressing her side almost tickling her thought her dress. He snuggles more against her, a content smile now on his face. Letting her husband enjoy his well deserved nap, (Y/N) can concentrate on the letter she received from Zendaya.
Zendaya. One of the Superior Angels who maintains peace in the Kingdom of Heaven. One with a big heart and a beautiful soul. And the only one who trusted and agreed to help Tom when he was banished and sent to Hell.
Approaching the Superior Angels was, at the time, nearly impossible because they were considered as “the direct messengers of the Holy God”. But Zendaya had always been... Zendaya. Well educated, respected by everyone and also the only Superior Angels close to the other angels. She never feared anyone, even when her fellow Superiors asked her many times to keep her distance with the common  angels.
Zendaya always had a mind of her own and that is also why she developed a certain friendship with Tom. Him being himself loved by everyone in Heaven, she knew since the beginning she could trust him. With time they became confidant to one another, and it is also like how Zendaya learnt about his growing feelings towards (Y/N). She knew her too, a bit less but still enough to trust her deeply and admire her from afar. But everything changed when the Superior Angels suspected something was going on. And, in fact, they didn’t hesitate a single second to get complete rid of Tom without another thought. And Zendaya couldn’t do anything but assist to his terrific exile.  
As time flies, Zendaya felt nothing was the same in Heaven anymore. Mostly when she kept an eye on (Y/N). So much despair and sadness, but well hidden by the young angel to not draw any attention to her. Zendaya admired (Y/N)’s mental strength but she could not not be afraid of her fellow’s mental health. And even with all her will, Zendaya knew she couldn’t do anything. At least not by herself.
Until one day, totally out of nowhere when she thought she had to finally put what happened behind her. That specific day, everything changed as a tiny piece of paper was found under the bench Zendaya usually sits on in her private garden. A simple message non signed but somehow... recognisable, with a black feather attached to it and simply written:
“I’m alive. We need to talk.”
Zendaya kept her devilish correspondence with Tom to herself, being extremely careful each time a letter was sent by one or received by the other. The Superior Angel was the best help Tom needed to bring back (Y/N) to him, even if Zendaya was not really in favour of that idea, at first. But she was the most sensible angel - with (Y/N) - in Heaven and the determined one wishing for a change.
A true and concrete change had to happen. Now or never.
And that is how Zendaya planned (Y/N)’s “evasion” with Tom’s help, also managing at the same time to not declare a war between both kingdoms and opening the minds of angels and demons. What a job, really. But it was worse it because since then, the impenetrable borders between the two worlds finally fell for good.
« « My Dear (Y/N),
I hope you are doing good. How is your pregnancy is going?
Recently, the Superiors Angels and I gathered to discuss about sharing our mutual files about the people arriving at the Purgatory’s Gates, but also about the “doubtful” ones. I broached this topic since a bit of time now, but you know how the Superiors are... Still reluctant about this and that, but we will slowly make it.
And how are Hell Boy and your beautiful kids? Hope they at least give you some rest time. Mostly Tom because this man is a mess by himself. I still wonder sometimes how he manages to do anything while you were not here (yet).
Anyway. Tell little Dottie and little Al I love them a lot, to be good and that I can’t wait to see you all again when your new little member will be here.
Wishing you all the happiness to you and your beautiful family.
P.S.: tell Tom to stop being a dick and to read that damn report I sent him last week because I need an answer fast now, thanks.
Sincerely, Zendaya. » »
(Y/N) tries to stop giggling at the last lines of the letter, but still couldn’t really help it. Her chest vibrates against her will, slightly shaking Tom out from his sleep.
❞ What in this letter is making my beautiful wife laugh? ❞ Tom asks sleepily, his voice hoarse and eyes still close as if waking up is not in his plans yet.
(Y/N) caresses and kiss the crown of his head still resting on her chest, now openly giggling at the sluggish mood of her husband.
“Zendaya is waiting for you to read a report from a week ago” the angel slowly starts, her fingers running along Tom’s neck as her lips don’t leave his forehead. “Also she is planning to come visit when our little one is born.”
Tom finally dares to raise his head and meet his wife’s sparkling eyes, his being drown into them again and a smile now on his face.
❞ I can’t wait for them to be born, I want to hold them in my arms so bad ❞ says Tom, kind of lost in his thoughts as he caresses (Y/N)’s stomach lovingly.
“Me too, I can’t wait” the angel replies, emotions of pure happiness overwhelming her entire body.
The two beings share a passionate kiss, full of love, in this moment of silence. Pure calm and solitude while Tom holds his dear queen softly in his arms and runs his hand over her growing belly. Neither of them have to say much in order to know what the other is thinking. This moment is not different.
The joyful laughers of their children in the background constantly remind them how grateful they both are to the Gods for allowing them such happiness.
* * * *
Finally the end of the day.
Tom feels beyond exhausted. As Harrison likes to stick to his plan as strict and a total pain in the ass as they usually are, his fellow demon friend assisted him during his afternoon’s duty in the throne room. All. Damn. Afternoon. Harrison didn’t let him have more than three-minute breaks because he wanted things to be done for good. And since the third heir is supposed to arrive in a few months, there was no way in Hell Harrison would let Tom increase his workload.
But now the night took place over the day long ago. The Underworld fell asleep little by little like the Castle itself. Tom exists the bathroom, heavy clouds of steam following him after an intense and thorough showering. The hot water helps his sore muscles to relax a bit, as he made a way too much good use of (Y/N)’s shower gel to erase the smell of blood and sweat stuck deeply in the pores of his body.
He lets out a sigh, his cheeks still red from the shower and finishs drying his buzzed head and neck with a towel. His wings moves from time to time to dry themselves from the remaining drops of water in them. Lazing throwing the towel back in the bathroom - hopefully in the laundry basket -, Tom adjusts his sweatpants and gazes at the silent and dark bedroom, guessing (Y/N) is still putting Dottie and Al to bed.
Taking advantage of it, the devil man flops down on the bed on his back. Sighing another time once he feels the fresh silk sheets under his skin, all his muscles even the thinest ones de-stress together. His wingspan unfolded is for sure impressive, covering all the bed in its length but the black feathers matching beautifully with the dark red silk sheets.
Complete silence. Only his slow breathing calming down as he closes his eyes, now taken into total darkness. Sometimes Tom remembers some of this kind of days, like today, when tones of judgements had to be done and then sentences to fall right after. And after he would just be like he is now, trying his best to empty his mind. Alone. And the next day, the same episode would repeat over and over again. Always alone.
But not anymore.
The faint click of the bedroom door opening takes Tom out of this thoughts as he slowly opens one eye to look towards it. Silently, (Y/N) appears and closes the door without a sound as soon as she steps a foot in the room. Then she turns to see her husband lazily laying on the bed, letting a little chuckle at the sight.
Such a pleasant sound. The demon King could hear his wife laugh all day, it is pure music to his ears and so much soothing. Sounding divine as looking heavenly.
Tom stares at (Y/N) from the bed noticing her wearing the bronze-nude coloured silk robe he offered her after Al’s birth, loosely tied up. This soft colour, almost looking gold, perfectly enhance her angelic figure as well as her magnificent white wings. His eyes then rakes over her body starting with her beautiful face to her shoulders then her voluptuous breasts, which now press more against the robe and finally down to the swelling of her stomach, which also stretches the silky fabric around her hips.
Tom bits his lip at this sight as he eyes the bump with a lustful look. In addition to not spending endless days and nights alone, feeling downhearted and helpless, (Y/N) is now blessing him with a third child, extending their happy family even more for both their enjoyment but also for the kingdom. The young man feels powerful like he never was, but mostly happy.
All this thanks to (Y/N) without whom nothing of this would have been possible.
“You’re done showering, darling?” asks the angel with her delicate voice, to which Tom simply nods. “Good. And the children are finally asleep.”
(Y/N) slightly stretches, a hand low on her back as she arches it to relieve some muscles. Recently Tom starts noticing some changes in his wife’s everyday life, such as flying more often when she could instead of walking, taking more naps and baths than usual, tiredness showing in her eyes or constantly stretching her back like right now. This being her third pregnancy it may seem understandable at some point, but Tom couldn’t help but worry about her well-being.
❞ Did you take a bath before lunch, love? ❞ wonders Tom as sitting normally on the bed.
“I did, yes but it only eased my back pain for two hours or so... And now, my stomach feels a bit swollen and heavy” sighs (Y/N), frowning a little.
She leans her head on one side while looking at Tom with an exasperated face. Her arms are crossed under her breasts, unintentionally opening the robe more on her accentuated cleavage. Being the perfect husband he is, Tom knows he has to do something... something that would help both of them, actually. It is like he almost planned in advance what is about to happen, wishing it with all his heart.
❞ Come here, sweetheart ❞ Tom breaths also tilting his head on his shoulder, his now hungry eyes never leaving (Y/N).
After slowly swaying her luscious hips while walking to him, (Y/N) then stops to stand in front of her husband, standing between his legs. She then could see his eyes darken as they trail down her body and stop at the swell of her belly that is now showing more than last month.
Knowing perfectly the effect she has on him, (Y/N) exhales longly which makes the robe slide from her shoulders and expose more skin of her upper body. She then run her left hand over the bump, the wedding ring shining brightly as it reflects naturally even with the lack of light in the room. Tom can’t help his hands to rest on the back of her thighs, fidgeting with the fabric of her robe still in between his caresses. Then the angel smiles when Tom’s mouth falls open to release a groan.
❞ Fuck. Get over here. Now. ❞
Tom pats his thigh and (Y/N) could just oblige, balancing her hands on both his shoulders. He grins up at his wife as she climbs onto his laps, both legs on the outside of his thighs to straddle him.
Immediately his hands find their way to her hips, still caressing a little over the silk material of the robe before he just unties it. And Tom couldn’t suppress the satisfied grin on his face as her matching nightgown appears in front of him. His angel being pregnant makes the fabric tighten around her breast and stomach, as much as its slightly raises to mid-thigh.
Tom then guides her to sit fully down on his thighs and chuckles when she sighs at the feeling. (Y/N) slowly flaps her white wings and takes her robe fully off, even around them, the clothing item cascading along her arms before falling at Tom’s feet.
❞ Comfortable like this? ❞ the demon asks cautiously, eyeing his wife’s face for any indication as to how she is feeling or what she is thinking about.
(Y/N) looks down at him with a small smile on her face, nodding. The chill air in the bedroom gives her goosebumps. She traces her hands over his broad shoulders, not without admiring his naked and muscular torso, before wandering her delicate fingers at the base of his nape. Tom’s eyes close once he feels her start to massage his buzzed scalp, and hums in pleasure.
He always loves to feel her hands on him, in general. It never fails to make his "friend down there” throb from excitement.
❞ (Y/N)… ❞
Tom whispers as he reaches up to grab the angel’s left hand before bringing it to his lips. He places a soft kiss on the golden ring, powerful symbol of their love and union, before brushing his rough but still soft lips over her knuckles. He turns her hand over so he can drag his lips across the gentle skin of her wrists, as his eyes stare deeply at her face.
When his lips continue to brush higher on her arm, he hears a sigh leave (Y/N)’s plush lips and watches as her eyes suddenly drop closed. Tom smiles softly against her skin.
❞ My beautiful wife and queen... ❞ he mumbles, never stopping his trail up the skin of her arm before moving to the other one, doing the same straight away. ❞ The strongest woman I know... So selfless... ❞ Tom pulls away from her skin to thread his fingers through her long hair and cradles the back of her neck in his hands.
❞ ... and all mine. ❞
With such sudden fervour, Tom brings (Y/N)’s mouth to his and kisses her, long and passionate. The angel melt in his arms, following his every lead as he bites her bottom lip. (Y/N) willingly opens your mouth to allow his tongue to battle with hers. She gasps in his mouth when he removes a hand from her hair to cradle her bottom, pulling her closer to him.
“T-Tom” she moans, kissing her husband with such urgency.
In all honesty, they did not have sex in two months - if not more which may be more actually and quite surprising - because taking care of one child is kinda alright, but two... is completely another story. And ever since (Y/N) got pregnant of their third one, Tom also had a lot of work to deal with while Dottie and Al still need a lot of attention. Constantly. So basically both adults were lately busy every day, the intimate time passing after anything else... and being almost forgotten, in then end.
Until now (Y/N) has not noticed how much she actually missed feeling Tom’s hot skin against her bare body. Being intimate with him is something otherworldly because, on top of knowing her body so well, the young woman feels secure in his arms. She always had. And in return, Tom would use that to his advantage whenever he wants to show (Y/N) exactly how he feels about her.
There is never a day that (Y/N) would ever get sick of being with the King of Hell, her husband. Totally unthinkable.
❞ You have no clue what you do to me, doll ❞ he growls, pulling away from her lips to trail his kisses across her jaw. ❞ I don’t know what I ever did to deserve you... How I got so lucky... ❞ Tom whispers against her ear before returning to ravish the skin of her neck with his teeth and tongue.
(Y/N) moans breathlessly when his tongue drags across her sweet spot before he sucks the patch of skin between his teeth.
“I’m the the lucky one, baby” she breathes out, bringing her hands back to his head. “You’ve been through so much all these past years, and yet you still find time for me and our children, even when I may not be in the best mood. There is no luckier person here than me.”
Tom’s eyes begin to burn as he pulls away from her neck and places his forehead against hers to look straight in the eyes.
❞ The shit I’ve put you through is nothing anyone should have to ever go through, and yet you’ve handled it all with such grace. Like the perfect Queen you are. There’s no one I admire and cherish more than you, (Y/N). You mean the world to me, darling. ❞
His hands move to cover the expanse of her swollen belly underneath her nightgown as he starts to caress the skin with his thumbs.
❞ You, Dottie, Al and this baby. ❞
Her lip trembles at his words, vision growing blurry with fresh tears. The love (Y/N) has for this man is indescribable. There were no words ever created to explain everything he means to her. He is everything she has ever needed and so much more. And knowing that he loves his kids just as much is definitely one of the best feelings in the world.
“God, I can’t even describe how much you mean to me, Tom. Truly, words do not compare” (Y/N) whispers to him, lips brushing against his as he smiles.
❞ Oh trust me, I know exactly how you feel ❞ the devil man chuckles, running his hands up and down her sides beneath the fabric.
There was a moment of silence between the two of them. Pure calm and solitude while Tom hold (Y/N) in his arms and ran his hands over her body. By now the two of them spent enough time together to memorise each other’s conducts during certain times. So, once Tom breathes softly against her neck, she knows the angel has to hear for herself exactly what is going through his head.
“What are you thinking about, baby?” (Y/N) inquires, pulling away to clearly see his face.
His coffee eyes are still dark, his chest heaving against her lush one. He could still feel her clothed heat against his thighs and now that they are so close, he could feel her stomach flat against his, the bump brushing against his naked abs.
He chuckles breathily before running a hand on top of his head, which creates a scratching noice under his palm.
❞ Would it be crude of me to say that your swollen stomach makes me hard? ❞
(Y/N) gasps in shock at his words, not expecting them in the slightest. Tom looks up at his angelic wife with a mischievous glint in his honey brown orbs, and she couldn’t help but then giggle at his typical cheeky attitude.
“It would but then again, you wouldn’t be Tom if you weren’t at least a little crude at times” she teases as she laughs when he feigns offense.
❞ Ooh you are in for it now, angel! ❞
Suddenly Tom chides before grabbing (Y/N) by the thighs and gently roll their bodies onto the bed, him being now on top of her. The angel squeals at the same time, her legs wrapped tightly around his waist and arms winding around his neck.
He smiles down at her before moving down to kiss her, his lips gliding effortlessly against her mouth. The demon king loves to take her breath away with just a touch of his lips. Tom smiles against the angel’s lips while still gliding his lips across hers.
❞ Hope you’re ready, I’m about to rock the world of my gorgeous pregnant queen tonight ❞ Tom grins widely when (Y/N) lets out a loud laugh at his words.
“You’re being cheesy tonight, I see?” she giggles, her cheeks stretching widely to accommodate to the large grin on her perfect face.
Tom admires the glint of happiness in her eyes, with an ounce of mischief too, and tries to process the fact that he is the one and only man making this divine creature beneath him so happy.
❞ Yeah but I mean, you love that about me ❞ the man smirks, kissing (Y/N) on the corners of her mouth then cheeks, forehead and lastly her nose. ❞ And you signed up to it all when you married me so, no going back now pretty lady.❞
Her eyes flutter because of all his kisses, then she smiles softly at her husband.
“Oh yes, I did” she chuckles before continuing “And I love you with all my heart. And I always will” (Y/N) whispers, cupping his cheeks in her delicate hands before running her fingers over his defined cheekbones and jawline.
Tom can’t stop his eyes from burning with passion as his wife proclames her love for him once again.
❞ I love you ❞ he mumbles before capturing her lips for a passionate kiss.
Tom navigates his body fully between her legs, swallowing the strangled moan his angel release when he rolls his hips against her sore one. He then begins to push the silk fabric of her nightgown up to finally reveal her stomach, before he proceeds to cradle her soft visage in one hand while he places the other flat against her round and swollen belly.
He just growls when he feels the bump against his warm palm and pulls away from (Y/N)’s lips. He continues by devouring her neck as he pushes the nightdress higher up to reveal your bare breasts. The demon pulls away from her neck and stares down at her tempting curves and groans, his cock twitching at the sight.
❞ So fucking gorgeous ❞ Tom states breathlessly, reaching up to engulf gently her sensitive breasts in his large hands to massage them. His cock hardens and twitches again when (Y/N) moans from his touch, arching her back and rolling her hips against his to create some friction.
Tom grunts as he feels (Y/N) drag her hips against his still clothed hard-on and decides that both of them are wearing too many clothes for his liking.
He removes his hands from her breasts and tugs the nightdress over her head. The angel then leans up in order to let him take it off entirely, her white wings adjusting on her back. At the same time she also enjoys the sight of him, already standing half naked over her, his perfectly sculpted chest and abs making her bite her lip and almost drool.
Her husband is indeed handsome, breathtakingly beautiful, the scars on his back and shoulders only magnifying that beauty. Every time (Y/N) sees the multiple cuts he tried to hide at the beginning, all she wants to do is kiss every single one to remind her king that he should never be ashamed of them. Ever.
(Y/N) unconsciously licks her lips as she admires him. Tom catches it and smirks down at his wife, newfound confidence surging through his veins. She never fails to make him feel good about himself. One simple look needed and he could tell (Y/N) loves him no matter the scars on his body or who he is.
❞ Like what ya see, gorgeous? ❞ Tom rasps as he runs his hands up her sides, smirking when he feels her shiver beneath his touch.
“Always, baby.”
(Y/N) watches as he smiles ardently at her before he reaches up to cup her right cheek in his hand. He runs his thumb along your cheekbone and then drags the pad of his calloused finger across her bottom lip. The angel slightly turns her head into his palm and starts leaving open mouthed kisses onto it, as her hands wrap around his wrist to maintain him in place.
His eyes darken as watches (Y/N) starts lightly biting the skin of his palm, and then giving it little kitten licks. Tom curses softly when he feels his cock twitch painfully in his now too tight sweatpants, and he knows he can’t wait any longer.
Tom wants her so bad. He needs to have her. Right here, right now. Just the thought of feeling her wet insides flutter around his pulsing member takes the demon to some unholy places in his mind. And he loves it.
Almost reluctantly Tom removes his hand from her mouth and bends down to sloppily lick one of your sensitive nipples.
He hears (Y/N) gasp loudly before he sees her back arch, pushing her breast further into his mouth as he wraps his lips around the now hardening bud.
“Aah, Tommy-” she moans, trying her best to grind her hips against his.
When Tom feels her struggling to get some relief, he pulls away from her nipple with a loud ‘pop’. The angel starts letting out little whines at the loss of his hot tongue on her body.
❞ Worry not, my Queen ❞ Tom says huskily as he finally decides to tug her thin lace panties down her impeccable legs, revealing the secret garden that is her dripping heat to his hungry eyes. ❞ I will take good care of you, like I always do. ❞
He doesn’t tear his lustful gaze away from her, in awe as (Y/N) pants loudly underneath him. Tom then removes his sweatpants, not caring to untie them before hand, the fabric falling on the ground to now expose his naked glory because he definitely went commando after his shower.
The young queen gasps at the obscene yet erotic sight of his hard cock staying flat against his stomach, the tip red and swollen, leaking precum. She feels wetness pool between her legs and just moan, eyeing his hand as it wraps around his length and begins to pump slowly.
Tom eyes (Y/N)’s body hungrily from above her, moving his unoccupied hand to her pussy where he spreads her wet lips to rub her clit with his thumb, not without paying close attention to any sign of discomfort coming from his pregnant wife.
(Y/N) squeals, rolling her hips against his hand as much as her body allows her to, while Tom drags his fingers between her folds and massages her clit. When the angel feels him enter one finger into her clenching hole, she throws her head back and arches even more against his hand.
❞ Fuck baby girl, you are so wet ❞ Tom groans, pumping his hand faster around his cock.
“Tommy- Oh my-!” (Y/N) nearly screams when he adds another finger and pumps them harder and deeper into her warm insides.
Tom’s eyes widen when he looks back at her round stomach, which moves rapidly up and down as she breathes deeply. He feels his cock twitch in his hand and lets out a rough grunt, suddenly taking his fingers out of her core and removing his hand from himself.
❞ That’s it, I can’t fucking take anymore ❞ he growls, positioning himself between (Y/N)’s legs. He then gently grabs the back of her knees to pull her towards him, the angel whining when his hard cock brushes close to her core.
“Please take me, Tommy. I’m all yours, please” (Y/N) moans as she rolls her hips against his cock.
Tom feels like coming straight away but he resists somehow, instead brushing his pulsing member between her wet folds and flicking the head against her clit.
The demon king hovers over his wife’s body, placing his forehead against hers and balancing on his arms on each side of her head as he places the tip of his cock at her entrance. He looks into her bright eyes when he slowly enters the angel, her walls stretching deliciously around him.
Both beings moan in unison before Tom leans down to capture (Y/N)’s lips, swallowing every choked cries and whines as he begins to thrust in and out of her.
“Ooh Tommy, oh, aah-” she gasps breathlessly when he slams his hips into her bloated one.
❞ (Y/N)- ❞ Tom moans in return, pulling away to drop his head on her shoulder. He kisses the soft skin of her shoulder before thrusting faster and groaning into her skin. ❞ You are the best thing that ever happened to me, baby girl. ❞
His words bring tears to her eyes, thanks to the messy pregnant’s hormones,  and (Y/N) almost releases a cry as she pushes her hips in hope to meet with his thrusts. She can feel every ridge and thick vein of his cock as he drives it into her and the purely euphoric feeling makes her dizzy. The angel grabs onto Tom, wrapping an arm around his broad shoulders and running a hand through his entire face, his thrusts intensifying even more.
“You are my world, Tommy. I love your more than anything and I promise to stay by your side until the end of the world” (Y/N) moans in his ear, reassuring him.
Tom grunts at his wife’s words, all kind of emotions mixing up in his head as he makes love to (Y/N). Suddenly, he slows his pace a little so now he is rocking into her deep and hard. She whines desperately at this change, grinding against his skin.
The demon pulls himself up so he can look between their bodies, carefully watching as he thrusts slowly in and out of her wet pussy. Then his brown eyes land on her visible baby bump and Tom feels himself pulse inside of her as his eyes roll into his head. He moans loudly, moving a hand between both their bodies to flatten it against her stomach.
❞ Shit angel, I’m s-so lucky to have you... The four of you” Tom almost whines, rolling his hips harder into hers as his pelvic now brushes against her clit.
“Tommy, I’m so close! Aah-” (Y/N) cries out at the feeling and throw her head back, arching against him more.
She then gasps when he growls violently before speeding up his thrusts again and literally drilling into her. (Y/N) grabs onto him tightly and drags her nails against his scalp, stealing a grunt from his chest.
Tom sloppily links his lips with hers when he feels the angel clench tightly around him, so he thrusts deeper and faster before moving the hand that was on her stomach to her clit.
❞ Come for me, my gorgeous wife. My gorgeous queen. Come for me ❞ Tom growls in her ear, rubbing her clit vigorously.
(Y/N) screams at the never stopping stimulation. Her legs start trembling and body shaking as she clenches around his member, coating his cock in cum as she finally reaches her orgasm. Tom watches closely as she comes undone beneath him and lets out a moan, his hips faltering as he releases his seed inside of her tight insides.
He flattens his hand on her belly, feeling the warm and sweaty skin of her baby bump again and comes harder, biting his bottom lip to prevent himself to be too vocal this late at night. Endless streams of his come splash against her walls, their juices mixing together, and Tom rides out both their orgasms until he just collapses his upper body on top of (Y/N).
“Oh lord, Tom, you’re heavy!” the angel huffs as she then giggles at her husband.
Tom only hums in response, his voice slightly hoarse from their previous activity, while wrapping his strong arms around her body. But not feeling too well in this position - also not to accidentally hurt (Y/N) -, Tom slowly lets himself slide on the sheet to now snuggle up against his wife’s frame, remaining inside of her.
(Y/N) looks up at him through her post-orgasmic vision and is pleased to notice him just cuddling onto her with closed eyes, his chest heaving with exhaustion. As a kind smile makes its way to her face, she leans up to kiss his jaw which makes him sigh gently.
“You are amazing Tom, in every way. An amazing king, husband and father. I am so proud of you” (Y/N) softly whispers to him, brushing delicately her fingers against his cheek.
The angel then proceeds to move her hand higher and massage his head, feeling the short buzzed hair brush her palm and paying extra attention to his nape, a bit sweaty. After enjoying her pleasant caresses, Tom opens one of his eyes to peak at the angel.
❞ I would be nothing without you, baby. Just useless, an empty envelop with no reason to live. ❞
(Y/N) looks absolutely breathtaking to him, and since the day they met. The amazing post-orgasmic glow that suits her so well is something he could look at for years. Her lips swollen and impossibly red like her cheeks, hair a mess and eyes half closed. And not forgetting her naked figure which the demon loves to worship during these intimate times, shining with sweat but still an absolute delicacy that only him can savour as he wants.
(Y/N) can feel him start to get slightly hard again when he brushes his fingers over her pregnant stomach. As his face never leaves its comfy place on her chest, the demon king silently wishes to feel his unborn heir move under his touch. His wife continues to leave kisses on his sweaty forehead, closing her tired eyes, almost falling asleep in the lovely embrace of her husband.
❞ ... I’m guessing your stomach doesn’t hurt anymore? ❞
Intrigued by this question, (Y/N) slowly reopens her eyes to lower her gaze on Tom’s face. As she raises her eyebrows, she has no time to answer before Tom speaks again.
❞ Sex is definitely THE best option to ease pregnancy pains. Not like I’m gonna complain about it. ❞
"You better prepare a warm bubbly bath for us and carry me there, before I get upset” states (Y/N), her cheeks even redder now because of Tom’s stupid comment.
And the devil king can’t suppress his cheeky smirk as his wife avoids his gaze, still being cute.
❞ Your wish is my command, my Queen! ❞
* * * *
The bedroom is still plunged into darkness, but the daylight manages to make its way through an open spot left by the curtains. Humming as she slowly wakes up, (Y/N) blinks a few times before staring at the ceiling of the bedroom. Her hands go to her belly by instinct, massaging it as she draws circles on it, before she turns her head towards Tom.
Still fast asleep, the demon king did not move since they both went to sleep - after taking another bath together and dressing up for the night. His build frame stays on the side, an arm under (Y/N)’s head and his free hand resting at the bottom of her now covered stomach.
(Y/N) brushes her plump lips on his chin to then leave a light kiss on his lips, carefully to not wake him up. She links one of her hands with his own that stays on her stomach, intertwining their fingers.
But as the young queen tries to fall back asleep, her mother’s intuition goes on alert and her head turns towards the door of the bedroom. No sound can be heard on the other side of the room, only a deep and calm silence that resonates in the whole castle. When suddenly...
*tap tap tap*
The almost faint noise of footsteps slowly increase in the corridor, now catching the full attention of (Y/N). One corner of her lips raises, perfectly knowing the owners of this sound. Tom still being in the arms of Morpheus, mouth parted enough to let some soft snores at times, the angel prefers to not move until the “special guests” make their final appearance.
And speak of the devil (no pun intended, or not)...
The doorknob starts to slowly turn, creating a quick and discreet ‘click’ which allows the door to finally open. (Y/N) keeps watching closely towards it, trying to see through the half-open door. And as expected, a double pair of eyes can be seen, a bit sleepy, and little by little two very familiar round faces appear.
Dottie and Al immediately find their mother’s eyes as if asking for her permission to enter the matrimonial bedroom. After warmly allowing both her children with a nod and a smile, the two tiny beings make their way inside, Dottie making sure to silently close the door behind her little brother and her, and then fly together towards their parents.
As they kiss their mother on the cheek and tummy - because they already care a lot about their unborn brother or sister -, little Al notices his father still sound asleep between the sheets. Not needing to be asked twice, the little boy careful goes between both his parents’ bodies and tries to make himself some place as he goes under the cover. Tom lightly groans at the movements next to him, but only secures his grip tighter around his wife plus now his young son. (Y/N) then opens the sheets with her free hand, inviting her daughter to join their cuddle. Dottie goes also under the warm sheet, getting close to her mum and snuggling against her. Feeling yet another presence in the bed, Tom’s hand which already maintain (Y/N) and Al close to him now reaches for his daughter.
The silence of the early morning remains still. (Y/N) lets out a pleased sigh, getting even more confortable between the soft warmth of the bed and her loving family. Slowly, sleep overcomes her and her children all over again, soon joining the head of the family for another resting time into dreamland.
Who could have thought about having this delightful type of afterlife?
* * * *
Ten months later.
« « Who’s the most beautifuuuuuul baby of all time? » »
❞ Give me back my daughter, Z... ❞
Happy babbles echo in the living room, animated first by Tom who tries to take back his five-month daughter Mia from Zendaya’s grasp, and on the other hand Dottie and Al playing together next to the group of adults.
(Y/N) sat on the large couch next to her husband, giggling at his attitude as he almost makes grabby hands to Zendaya, hoping she would finally give the newly born child to him. (Y/N) lovingly caresses his back, getting close to him and eyeing her third child in the arms of her trustful friend from Heaven.
“Thank you for visiting us, Zendaya” begins (Y/N), “Mia seems to like you already.”
« « Obviously she loves her godmother a lot, right little one? » » smiles Zendaya as she keeps smiling widely to the baby, tickling her tummy to make little Mia show her toothless smile again.
Tom couldn’t help the grown leaving his mouth, lightly banging his head against (Y/N)’s. The angel queen kisses his temple in hope of appeasing her husband’s pouting face.
On Mia’s back, two tiny wings start growing slowly. The colour of her feathers is still undetermined but it may be a mix of white and black ones, like her eldest sister and brother. Mia’s features will for sure be a beautiful mix of her parents, her eyes already big and kind like her mother’s and deep brown like her father’s.
Harrison enters the living room, bringing a rolling cart with different drinks and delicacies on it. Both Dottie and Al stop playing as they hear it coming their way, their throat dry and little stomach empty after so much playtime. Dottie stands first and waits for Harrison to stop the cart, meanwhile Al goes to his father asking for some attention. The demon king immediately takes his son in his arms, sitting him on his laps.
‘Can I get some apple juice for Al and I, please Haz?’ Dottie politely asks the demon.
‘ Of course, dear. Right away. ‘
Dottie brings the first glass to her brother, carefully passing it in his little hands before asking the others if they want to drink something too.
“Just a glass of water for me, sweetheart. Dad will share his wine with me.”
❞ Hmm, I still need to think about that, beautiful ❞ replies Tom with a cheeky tone, while slowly kissing his wife’s cheek which makes her chuckle.
« « Don’t get all lovey-dovey in front of your kids, dammit. Gross, ew! Al, look at auntie Daya. » »
❞ Don’t swear in front of my children! ❞
Once everyone got served their drink, Dottie flies back to her mother to sit on her laps, enjoying her apple juice as she vividly looks at everyone but mostly at her new little sister. Then Harrison prepares two little plates to fill with some homemade cakes for both his godchildren.
❞ Honestly, Harrison is killin’ it at being a good godfather with the kids. They might start loving him more than you if you- ❞
« « Shut up, Hell Boy » » interrupts Zendaya, upset but still with her usual sass.
“The kids would love to see you more often, Zendaya” softly takes part (Y/N) while sipping into Tom’s wine glass before giving it back to him.
Zendaya deeply sighs and looks at little Mia catching Al’s index finger into her tiny fist. She brushes the baby’s wild growing hair back while caressing the tender rosy skin with her finger, not helping the smile on her face.
« « I know, (Y/N) and I want to but sometimes, I’m just overflowing under work. It’s not easy to be a Superior Angel, trust me. » »
❞ Being the King of Hell AND a father at the same time is not easy either, trust me on that ❞ sighs Tom back, ❞ But I’ve never been happier so I can’t complain at all. ❞
Tom smiles lovingly at (Y/N), making the angel sit closer to him and snuggle her face against his. Dottie also cuddles with Al as the two siblings look at little Mia, who constantly watches around anything that happens.
The scene warms Zendaya’s heart.
« « Also, you are all welcome to come to Heaven, you know that, right? Mostly because of business talk and all that jazz, but the Superiors would be glad to meet little Mia too » » continues Zendaya as she strokes Mia’s cheek.
“We were actually discussing about it with Tom the other day” says (Y/N), sorting out the feather’s mess of her children because of their last playing session. “Dottie and Al want to visit Heaven again too, am I right?”
‘YES PLEASE!’ both Dottie and Al screams together, little Al saying something like that because he is still too young to talk properly.
(Y/N) and Zendaya laugh at so much energy coming from the children. As Tom put his now empty glass away, he nods to Harrison to join them on the couch as he slides an arm around (Y/N)’s shoulders and kisses her cheek.
Heaven and Hell might be opposite places with different rules and ways of thinking.
But in the end, they both have the same goal: giving the right afterlife to people, and fixing their faults when mistakes were done.
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aceavatar · 4 years
Just Like Me (Part 1)
Zuko x oc, Pearl
Recently, I’ve been struggling with my worsening Tourette’s, and writing a character and a story with it is very cathartic and relieving in many ways, as well as getting some of my problems and struggles with it out there. So, without further ado, here is the first part of my story! I hope y’all enjoy! ❤️ -Marie
Warnings: tics
Word count: 1473
When speech is written in italics, it’s a tic. It’s this way so I don’t have to explain vocal ones. :)
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Rules are made to be broken, but not this one. It was far too dangerous. Well, she was far too dangerous.
“Why can’t I go down there, father?” Young Azula asked her father, Ozai.
“It’s dangerous.” Was all he said. Was all he would ever say about that subject.
“Mother, what’s so dangerous about the cellar?” Zuko asked his mother.
“It’s not a what, darling. It’s a who.” She said.
“Well, who is it?” A child Zuko asked eagerly.
“Well you’re going to have to find out one day.” She said, tapping the child on the nose.
Zuko crinkled his nose and ran off to find Mai and Azula and Ty Lee.
Ursa, though, got up and calmly walked to the forbidden cellar.
“Hello dear,” she said, creaking the door open.
“Hi, Miss.” a small girl said quietly. Out of everyone the girl knew, Ursa was the only one who was truly kind and cared about her wellbeing.
“How are you feeling today?” She asked.
“Not great. My wrists hurt.” The child said, glancing at the heavy chains around her fragile arms.
Ursa frowned. “I’ll ask them to get lighter ones. Don’t want you to break.” She said jokingly, leaving the chamber.
The kid sat on her makeshift bed, kicking her legs. She was calm. She was always calm until people showed up, making her anxieties skyrocket.
She spent her days reading books Ursa would bring her about earthbending and culture, and by simply walking around the room as far as her chains would allow her to.
Ursa came back in, making the girl jump. “The guards are going to switch out your chains for lighter ones.” Ursa says kindly.
“Thank you.”
“Of course. You’re only human.”
“Do you think I’ll ever get out of here?” the girl asked, shaking her head involuntarily.
“Pearl, honey, I don’t know. I wish I did, but the answer just doesn’t exist yet.” Ursa said sadly yet comfortingly.
“Yeah,” Pearl nodded, “I don’t want to accidentally hurt anyone like I used to.”
“I know, dear.” Ursa said, hugging her.
“Fire, fire, fire,” Pearl muttered. Ursa chuckled, making the child laugh a little too. “I’m sorry, miss. I couldn’t help it.”
“I know, honey. You don’t have to apologize.
Pearl nodded, thinking how she still would. She felt bad about what she did. She didn’t really understand why she did or said things. It’s like there was a mischievous spirit living inside her, making her do, say, and think random things.
“I think there’s a spirit inside me.” Pearl said, breaking the little moment of silence they were having.
“Oh? Care to explain?”
“Well, the thing is, I read in one of the books you brought me about the spirits, and how they can live inside of people sometimes. Like Raava and the Avatar. I think there’s one inside of me, causing me to do things that get me in trouble.” The child explained.
Ursa nodded, thinking about how that actually made a lot of sense. “That’s a good thought.”
“Thank you!” Pearl smiled at the compliment. “Now, can you tell me about your children?”
Pearl had a fascination with what went on above her cell every day. She heard stories from Ursa about her daughter Azula, her husband Ozai, firelord Azulon, Iroh, Lu Ten, and Zuko. She was dying to meet Zuko; Ursa loved him so much, and talked about him all the time.
“Well, I fed the turtle ducks, went on a walk, picked some flowers, and also, Zuko wanted to know what was down in this room today.” Ursa said.
“Really. The two of you would be great friends.”
“Do you think we’ll ever meet?”
“I hope so.” She smiled, patting the girl on the shoulder.
To Ursa, Pearl was the daughter she wanted. Not the sociopathic little girl she gave birth to, but a sweet, caring, educated, and interested daughter. She loved Azula though, every mother loves their child. She just recognized that something was off about her.
“I’ve got to leave now, darling.” Ursa said, standing up and heading for the door. “I’ll visit again soon.”
“Bye, miss.” Pearl said with a smile and a wave.
The door shut, and the room was darker.
The spirit inside of her seemed to calm down when Ursa came. Ursa made her feel calm and happy, and the spirit must approve of her.
“Good morning, Pearl.” a guard said, opening the door and bringing in some eggs and a biscuit.
“Good morning sir.” Pearl said with a smile. Despite being banished from the life above, her heart was set on making her life nice.
“Fire fire fire fire fire,” She chanted as he walked in and lit the torches on the wall, making him laugh.
“Yep, it’s fire.”
“Can’t help it, fire fire,”
“I know, I’m messing with ya.” He grins.
She smiled back.
“Thanks for the light and the food.”
“Of course.” He smiled and walked.
Pearl grabbed a book and ate breakfast while reading. She studied earthbending stances, and ways to bend. She wished she could be more connected to her element the way the firebenders around her could be. Maybe someday.
It had been a while since the last time Pearl saw Ursa. She had gone on vacation with her family, leaving Pearl alone.
When they got back after about a month, Ursa finally visited.
“Pearl, it’s good to see you!” She said, walking in, tanner than she was before.
“Ursa!” Pearl grinned.
The woman gave her a gentle hug, making the child’s head shake.
“Oops, I’m sorry.” Ursa said gently.
“Don’t be.” Pearl smiled.
“Mom?” A voice said from outside the door.
Ursa’s head shot up, and she got nervous, making the spirit unhappy. Pearl started gently tapping her fingers, from thumb to pinky, on her left leg, head shaking.
“Give me one moment.” Ursa said, scurrying to the door. “Zuko, hello darling.” Ursa said, opening the door only a crack.
“Mom? Why are you down here so much?” He asked.
That’s Zuko’s voice, Pearl thought. She liked the way he sounded.
“Don’t worry about it sweetie.” She said gently.
“Please mom? Show me what’s down here?”
Pearl crinkled her nose by being called a “what.” I guess he doesn’t know, she thought.
Ursa stepped aside and looked back at the girl who’s her son’s age, nervously sitting and moving about.
“I’m not sure if she’s up for meeting someone right now,” Ursa said, glancing at you.
You nodded. “I think I’m ready.”
Ursa stretched out her hand for Zuko to take, which he did, and they walked in.
“Zuko, this is Pearl.” She said, walking towards her.
“Nice to meet you, Zuko. I’ve heard a lot about you.” Pearl said, reaching out her hand.
Zuko shook it cautiously.
“Why are you here?” He asked bluntly, making Ursa make a face at him.
“I can hurt people. On accident of course.” Pearl said nervously.
“Oh, ok. I think everyone can.” Zuko said, shrugging.
“Fire fire fire,”
“I can bend fire!” Zuko said excitedly.
Pearl blushed, shaking her head forward, clenching her fists.
“Are you okay?” Zuko asked.
“I’m fine, it’s normal.” Pearl muttered, getting through the twitches.
Ursa stood by the door, watching and smiling. She knew the two would get along.
“Do you bend?” Zuko asked.
“Yeah, earth! There’s no earth in here, though. Rocks rocks rocks rocks rocks,”
“Yeah, it’s all wood and metal,” Zuko observes. “And fire.”
“Fire fire fire,” Pearl chanted, shaking her head forwards with each word. making Zuko smile and giggle a little.
“I see what you did there!” Pearl laughed at the boy who wanted her to do it again.
Pearl loved how he didn’t see her as a monster, or that she had something wrong with her. She felt normal with him, despite being in chains.
Zuko, on the other hand, was fascinated by the girl. Why was she so dangerous? Because she was an earthbender? It couldn’t be that. She’s just like me, he thought.
Everyone’s thoughts were interrupted when the door slammed open, and in walked a scary man.
“Why are you two in here mingling with that monster!?” The man’s voice boomed.
Pearl frowned, twitching her head as she hung it low in shame from the nasty name.
“Ozai- let me explain-” Ursa said, standing up to confront the man.
“No! Get out of here.” He growled at her.
Ursa glared at him, but obeyed, grabbing her son’s hand. She looked back at Pearl, who was hitting herself on the chest repeatedly, whispering something.
“Don’t hurt her.” She said to her husband sternly, walking out of the cell, dragging Zuko along.
“Bye Pearl!” Zuko shouted, waving at the cool new girl he just met. There wasn’t time to wait for an answer, but he hoped that she said goodbye too.
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raikangaru · 4 years
See You Again /1 - Zuko x Reader
Warnings: none
soulmate au one shot
part two
mind if i sit here?
She traces the tattooed skin, daydreaming when and who her soulmate will be, would he be an air bender, an earth bender, a fire bender or a water bender such as herself. The world was vast, so many places to find her soulmate, the (hair colour) haired female sighed as she wrapped up her tattooed arm, the female chose to hide her arm as part of her did not want to meet the man she was destined for, she did not want to break his heart. “Lady (your name), afternoon tea is ready,”a blue and white clad maid had interrupted the young female’s thoughts,”oh I see, thank you,”she politely smiled before gathering her own dress and followed her maid. (your name) was escorted to the gardens where her mother and father were seated, “ah good afternoon, my dear,”a (hair colour) haired man greets her and her mother flashes a bright smile, she takes her seat and sips on her tea while enjoying the sweet treats prepared for them. “Your father and I have been talking about your marriage,”immediately the young female sighs in annoyance and her heart clenches,”your father has a friend that has a son you can marry,”her mother jumps excitedly in her chair while the (hair colour) haired girl clutched her tattooed wrist, (your name) had no choice her parents though they are soulmates, do not want her to find her soulmate, rather they want her to marry someone to benefit their business and become wealthier.
“I have invited his family tonight,”her father announced and her mother cheers in her seat, (your name) cringes but accepts her fate. The young woman had no dreams or goals, she had been raised this way from the day she was born, her mother and father had groomed her to be a housewife and to assist her husband in running the business. “Maids dress (your name) accordingly,”the maids nod their head, leaving the family behind,”well you better get dressed darling,”her father says urging the you, she nods before bowing to them as she heads out to her own quarters. “Lady (your name), I have prepared this dress for you. Please step into the tub,”the female follows her maid’s instructions, getting bathed and pampered until she was scrubbed raw. After which she was prepared for the evening, she was dressed in a deep purple fur coat and a matching moon hair piece.
“Thank you,”(your name) waves off her maids as they leave the young woman in piece, she wraps up here arms once again, as a way for her to forget the other half that had been destined to be hers, she was to be put in an arrange marriage to marry a man with wealth and great reputation. She enters the dining hall, a young man with dark brown hair and shiny grey eyes catches the (hair colour) haired girl’s attention, she couldn’t deny that the man was attractive, “ah finally! This is my daughter, (your name),”she politely smiles at the three unfamiliar faces. “Alright shall we all eat?”her father claps his hands and the servants around him begin to plate the appetisers, she takes her seat beside her mother, the grey-eyed young man sits in front of her. “Hi, I’m Audoro,”he flashes her a pretty smile and all she could do was politely return it, there was no doubt that the man before her was handsome, he carried himself with such elegance and class but the young woman did not feel attracted to him. They both continue to stare at each other, examining every detail and feature on display, both their hearts heavy with sadness, they both had a duty to their families, one they can not refuse. She breaks the stare first, glancing down to her bandaged covered wrist, i hope my soulmate understands. 
Dinner had been so slow, as the female was forced to interact her arranged partner, the man was not bad she was just not interested, she sighs and plops down in the lavish bed, tonight she wanted to just escape her reality, it was getting too much for the young woman. She stripped off her heavy dress and changed into a more fitting outfit for the outside, she had tied her hair into two  simple braids and draped an outer robe with a hood to help conceal her face. She looks at to her balcony where the coast is clear of servants and swayed her hand to bend a makeshift stairway using the garden fountain, her escapade had to be a secret a woman such as herself did not leave the walls of her home often. Quickly running towards the garden wall and quickly using her bending to help boost her over the wall, once out the young lady made her way towards the town square. Just like every night she’s sneaked out the town was filled with all kinds of people, all types of food and different kinds of street entertainment, it was always exciting to her. A small tea shop catches her attention and it drew her in, without any thought she pushes open the door and was surprised to see it full of people, she picks the only vacant seat in the corner. A female waitress approaches her to take her order,”Hi, what can i get yah?”the waitress happily looks the her, pulling out a small notepad,”I’ll just have chamomile tea and some biscuits, thank you.”the waitress nods and leaves, the young female looks out the window as she awaits her tea, the sounds of chatter and the waves crashing fill the (hair coloured) woman’s ears and she smiles from the calmness it brought her, she slowly unwraps her covered wrist revealing the words she loved and hated, tracing over the darkened skin as tear falls from her eye. i hope we never meet, so i don’t have to reject you. She sighs and continues to immerse herself in the noise, the waitress returns and places down her order, she sips her tea, humming in satisfaction, her body feeling warm and a small smile plasters itself on her face. 
“mind if i sit here?”
The familiar words ring in the female’s ears, as a sharp burning sensation tingles on her wrist making her flinch, she looks up to the man who had spoken and couldn’t help the gasp that slipped past her pink lips,”my soulmate,”I say breathlessly, the man, who too was gripping his wrist was beyond handsome, he had been the most attractive man she had ever laid eyes on, his face structure was sharp and had a rather large scar on his left eye but it made his ember-eyes stand out more. “I’ve been searching for you,”his deep voice sending chills down her spine, the man was in awe of the beauty of his other half, their eyes meet and he flushes a bright red, the woman he had been destined for was beyond his expectations. They both stare at each other, hearts beating rapidly as the bond they shared kicked in, falling back into reality the woman shakes her head and answers the man, ”sorry, yes you can sit,”she was flustered and her heart now conflicted, she had to tell him, as much as she wanted to be with him and run away, her parents were powerful people they find her in an instant. 
“I’m Zuko, I’ve been waiting for you all my life,”he introduces himself as he takes a seat across from her,”I’m (your name),”she laughs at his flushed face and his face breaks into a brighter smile, almost forgetting about the marriage arranged by her parents, her smile falls and instantly the man places his warm hand over hers, as if asking if she was alright. She shakes her head as tear start to form in her eyes, the man before her panics as he did not know how to comfort girls, not even his own sister but he’ll do anything for his soulmate. “Zuko, I hope you understand. I want to be with you but my parents have arranged a marriage for me,”the (hair colour) haired female begins, the man infornt of her furrows his eyebrows in confusion, “why have they done that?”he asks his voice slightly raising, she looks away from him, it hurt too much to see her mate this way but she had to be honest. “They want me to marry for the sake of our family business, my parents want to be wealthy. So they’ve arranged me with a noble water tribe family,”she explains, unknown to her the man was the ruler a nation, the Fire Nation,”I don’t think there’s any way to convince them,”she whispers the last part. “But don’t they believe in the soulmate bond?”he questions and she shakes her head, the man nods his head, a plan formulating in his head. “I’m not going to give up on you,”the male promises and the young woman with so much sincerity that it takes her aback and made her heart flutter, her cheeks tint pink, never had a man spoken to her in that way.
She could only nod, Zuko smirks to himself proud that he had flustered such a beautiful woman, he wasn’t going to let her go easy, he was going to put on a fight for her, she was his after all. “Let me walk you around?”the dark haired man suggests, she stares at him for awhile before deciding,”I don’t think we should,”she says dejectedly, as much as she wants to, it’ll be hard for her to let him go. “Just let me take you out, I’m your soulmate after all,”his smile had nearly given the poor girl a heart attack, she could help but mirror it, she thought for awhile, weighing the pros and cons of spending time with him, it’s not like she’ll ever feel this way again,”yeah, I guess,”she sighs and before she knew it. Zuko had taken her arm in his, paid for her order and left the small tea shop.
They walked hand in hand in the busy town square, getting to know each other, they watched performers dances and sing, she had unconsciously leaned her head on his shoulder, gripping his arm, almost as though she did not want to let him go. They ended up at the beach where they both sat on the sand, their legs intertwined with each other, though they didn’t speak they enjoyed each other’s company, she felt a wave of sadness wash over her, when the sun rose, she had to go back. To her reality. “What’s wrong?”he asks, living down at the (hair colour) haired woman, she looks at him with wide, glassy (eye colour) eyes,”I don’t want this night to end,”she sobs quietly as the reality of her life sinks in, she can never be with him. “I know, me too,”he moves her a strand of her hair behind her ear, ”but we’re soulmates, life finds a way,”he reassured her, she wants to believe him but little did she know he had something up his sleeve. The sun began to rise, their first sunrise together, the sight was like every love story ever but this one had to end, the (hair colour) haired girl got up, dusting all the sand off her, “I have to go, they can’t know I’m missing,”She says almost in a panic, Zuko stands taking her hands in his, it eased some stress,”let me walk you home,”he offers and she nods her head, walking in the direction of her estate.
They stop infront of the wall she had gone over, “this is where I live,”she sighs sadly, not wanting to, Zuko takes this opportunity to pull her in close and bravely leaving down to place a delicate kiss on the (hair colour) haired woman’s lips, catching her off guard, she couldn’t help the blush cover her cheeks as she kissed the ember eyes man back.
“Don’t worry, I’ll see you again”
m a s t e r l i s t 
heyya! something new-ish, i’m a little out of ideas and my classes have begun. but i love the thought of a soulmate au, what do you guys think? should i list out prompts and have you guys pick which ones you like, don’t be afraid to hmu i love hearing you guys out with what you want! if you enjoyed this please leave a like, have a great day!
all the love xx
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thefactsofthematter · 4 years
may we have a Softe javid fic to heal us
so i have no idea when this ask was actually sent (probably months ago) but i did START this fic when i got it! then i forgot about the wip and only found it again the other day. so here it finally is!!!
javid; 3.2k; an au in which davey is a rich socialite in the 1850s and it’s heavily inspired by laurie and jo’s meet-cute in little women; not proofread in the slightest
Brooklyn, NY, 1856.
David Jacobs has never been one for these pretentious, formal parties.
Hours of polite smiling, shaking hands with stuffy old people, and gently declining young ladies' requests to dance with him, all while dressed up in a stiff tuxedo— it's hardly a way to spend an evening.
And yet here he is, standing in the corner and nursing a glass of champagne, because Sarah keeps getting them invited to these things and he's not about to let her go off to a party alone. The least he can do is make a good name for his parents, as their polite young socialite son who makes connections with family friends and doesn't get himself into trouble.
"David, darling!"
Here comes Katherine, one of David's best friends and the daughter of the family hosting. She's twirling over to him, clearly feeling just as bubbly as the champagne she's been drinking.
"Hello Miss Pulitzer," he replies, stifling a laugh as he lunges forward to catch her from tripping over her own skirts. "It seems you're having quite the night."
She hardly makes an effort to right herself, seeming content to rest on his arm for a moment.
"Oh, am I ever," she sighs. "I do love when we get to host a big party— it's a bit fun being the centre of attention. And hey, don't you dare Miss Pulitzer me. I can't stand it."
David chuckles as he helps her regain her balance. She lets go of his arm and smoothes out her skirts before tossing her hair and looking every bit ready to continue dancing.
"I know, I know. I'm only being polite," he laughs, though she slaps him playfully on the arm for it. "You look lovely tonight, by the way. Though I surely hope you're not about to ask me to dance, since you know what the answer will be."
She rolls her eyes and sighs dramatically.
"Someday, Jacobs. I'll get you on that dance floor eventually— but no, that's not why I've come to find you. I was hoping I could call in a favour."
David quirks an eyebrow as he sips his drink. Why Katherine might need a favour from him in a house full of servants that literally work to do whatever she needs, he's not sure.
"I suppose," he replies. "But Sarah had me do her a favour by curling her hair tonight, and now I've got dreadful little burns on my fingers, so I'm not in the most generous mood."
"Sarah looks wonderful tonight, so perhaps your burns were worth it," sighs Katherine, hardly making an effort to hide how lovesick she is. She takes his hand to inspect it, and then rolls her eyes. "That's barely anything, you big baby! Surely no one's ever taught you that beauty and pain go hand in hand."
"My shoes are teaching me that right now," he whines. "They're my favourite ones, but they pinch my toes something awful. Anyways... what favour do you need?"
Katherine lights up like she's just remembering she'd asked for a favour in the first place.
"Oh, right! Let's walk and talk for a moment, if I can't convince you to dance." She takes David's elbow and they start to wander through the crowd. They're both well aware of the stares they get: everyone is expecting them to court and eventually marry, and they both know they'll probably go along with it someday. "So... I invited a friend of mine tonight— someone I met at the newspaper— but he doesn't really know anyone else here. I thought since you normally keep to yourself, you could show him around! I really think you two could be great friends."
David almost doesn't catch the way she winks, following those last few words, making her implication clear. He hopes no one catches the way he instantly flushes bright red.
"That's not right, Kath," he hisses, under his breath. "You brought me a date? Is he..." He trails off and giggles a little before whispering in her ear. "Is he quite handsome?"
Katherine laughs out loud and bounces giddily on her toes. For someone who's likely to be his future wife, she's awfully excited at the idea of setting him up for romance.
"Oh, isn't he! You're going to love him." She drops her voice to a whisper. "And before you ask... I'm rather sure where his affections lie— I think you two will get along quite well."
David, rather flustered now, starts to fuss with his hair and tie without even realizing it— until Katherine reaches up and fixes them for him.
"You look dashing," she giggles. "He was nervous to come in here and not know what to do with himself, so he's waiting in the library for now. Somewhere nice and quiet for you two to... get acquainted."
David can feel the heat of his blush on his cheeks and wills desperately for it to go away as Katherine drags him out of the ballroom and down the hall. He skids to a halt as they approach the library, tugging on her arm.
"I'm not ready," he whispers. "I can't do this. You can't just surprise me with a date! Oh, what if he thinks I'm annoying, or I talk too much, or—"
Katherine cuts him off with a giggle and a friendly kiss on the cheek.
"You've got nothing to be worried about, my dear." She straightens his jacket and smiles fondly. "Jack is a sweetheart, and you'll be as charming as ever. Now come on, it's impolite to keep company waiting."
With that, she walks gracefully through the library doors, leaving David scrambling to catch up.
"I'm back!" she sing-songs as she enters. She grins and grabs David's arm, dragging him into view. "I found you a friend!"
His stomach does a backflip as soon as he lays eyes on Jack. He's gorgeous. He's the kind of effortlessly beautiful that Davey has always wished he could be, where it looks like he hardly pays any mind to his appearance but it all just magically works out in his favour. His hair is tousled just the right way and his cheeks are a little rosy under these dim library lights— it's all coming together in order to make David swoon.
"Jack, David," continues Kath, gesturing between them. "David, Jack. Get yourselves acquainted and then come back and join the party! Cheers, boys!"
And then she's off, subtly winking at David as she hurries out of the room.
"Well, hi there," says Jack, laughing a little at Kath's abrupt exit. He extends a hand to shake. "Jack Kelly, pleased to meet you."
David hopes the flush on his cheeks isn't obvious as he shakes Jack's hand and smiles.
"David Jacobs." They release the handshake and it almost seems like they might fall into awkward silence, but David practically goes to parties for a living— he can command some small-talk when he has to. "So... you're a friend of Katherine's from work? I think it's just wonderful that she's gotten so far with her writing."
This manages to get the ball rolling.
"Isn't it?" replies Jack with a grin. "I draw the pictures for lots of her pieces and boy can she write. She's a real... oh what was that word she said... a wordsmith! That's it!"
David can't help but laugh. There's something about Jack that intrigues him, but he can't quite put his finger on what. He seems different from most of the snooty socialite people he's used to hanging around with— even just the way he talks, he seems more real.
"So Katherine told me you might need a little introduction to this whole..." he trails off and waves a hand absentmindedly as he tries to find the right word, "party scene. You might be best to turn around and head back home, if I'm being honest— I find the whole thing a little tedious."
Jack cocks an eyebrow. Upon a closer look, he seems a little uncomfortable in his suit, like he's not sure how to carry himself. It's like he's scared he'll slip up and make a wrong move, or something.
"Isn't it just wine, fancy food, and dancing? Sounds like it can't be all that bad," he chuckles, and then he gently takes David's hands in his own. Jack's hands are calloused and a little stained— likely ink, since he'd mentioned he draws for a living— and they make an almost poetic contrast to David's pale ones. "How 'bout you give me a dancing lesson right now?"
David's heart nearly beats right out of his chest. Oh god. This is a lot to handle. That was incredibly forward, and he sure hopes it means what he thinks it means. Are they flirting right now?
"I— I'm not much of a dancer," he laughs, sheepishly. "I mostly just stand around and watch. I tend to be a bit of a wallflower when it comes to crowds."
Jack starts to sway absentmindedly while still holding David's hands. They can still hear the music from the ballroom, and he seems to have the musicality to at least move along with the notes.
"Surely the girls are all over you," he chuckles. "You just break their hearts and won't even give 'em a dance?"
David blushes even harder, if that's possible. He remembers what Kath had said earlier— that she was quite sure Jack felt similarly about his attraction— so he laughs softly and decides to test the waters.
"I'm not all that interested in ladies," he says, and it takes a fair bit of courage to force those words out. Sarah and Katherine are the only ones who know about his... disinterest, simply because they're in the same boat. It's not something that feels like it should be talked about. This statement was at least general enough that he could brush it off, say it's because he's too focused on his studies.
There's a moment of knowing eye contact between them, during which David lets out a sigh of relief. They both know why Katherine introduced them. They're still holding hands, standing awfully close together, and David's scared Jack might be able to hear his heart pounding.
"Me neither," whispers Jack, after a long second of silence. He's not subtle with the way his gaze flicks to David's lips and then back up. He suddenly seems to notice how forward he's being, and he practically jumps backwards, before brushing his hands on his pants and looking up with a sheepish smile. "So, what if we don't even go into the ball? If neither one of us wants to dance with the girls, we can just dance in here, by ourselves!"
David's not sure he's ever wanted anything more. That sounds incredible. He freezes up in crowds, but if it's just the two of them, he might actually be able to remember some of the dances that he's watched so many times before.
"I'd like that," says David, his voice remarkably soft and his heart fluttering. "May I have this dance, Mr. Kelly?"
"I'd be honoured, Mr. Jacobs. You're gonna have to help me out though, I've got two left feet."
Slowly, hesitantly, they waltz their way around the library, constantly giggling as they trip over their own feet. Neither one of them was lying about not knowing how to dance— they're a mess— but it's delightful just moving along together with no one around to see.
Eventually, they start to make up their own moves, flailing and twirling their bodies however they want to, and David has never had so much fun. They jump and bounce around to the upbeat songs, laughing all the while like a couple of rowdy children. It's wonderful.
After several songs of dancing, they find themselves flopping onto the little couch to give their feet a rest. They're both still laughing as they try to catch their breath— Jack loosens his tie and unbuttons his jacket, which is certainly improper but also incredibly attractive.
"Thanks for that, Davey," sighs Jack, and David's heart practically leaps into his throat at the nickname. "Much better than dancing with any girls, in my opinion."
Davey laughs and drops his gaze to the floor.
"I can't help but agree," he says, still a little on-edge. "You make wonderful company."
There's a moment of quiet, filled only by the crackle of the fireplace. Davey has an overwhelming urge to take Jack's hand in his own, but he's far too nervous.
"Tell me something about yourself," Jack finally says, turning to Davey with a smile. "I'd like to get to know you better. What do you do for fun?"
Davey almost laughs. He's not sure of the last time he did anything that was purely for his own enjoyment. His life is about pleasing other people— his family, his tutors, and all the other wealthy folk that they try so hard to impress.
"Well, I like to read," he eventually settles on. He folds his hands nervously in his lap. "When I was living in France with my uncle last year, he had this grand library. I would sometimes sneak in there and read the fantasy novels— as silly as that is. It's awfully embarrassing, but I rather enjoyed it."
"Now that's not embarrassing," says Jack, still smiling, charming Davey even further with every moment that passes. "Who doesn't love a good story? And, wow— living in France? Do you speak the language, then?"
Davey hates how hard he's blushing right now. He's never had someone be so genuinely interested in what he has to say— it's a new and almost alarming experience.
His time in France was a very lonely experience: stuck in his elderly uncle's massive home, far away from his dear brother and sister, all because his parents had decided he needed to learn to be more cultured. All he really learned was how to keep himself entertained during long days with nothing to do— but at least it's something interesting to talk about now, he supposes.
"Bien oui," he responds, revelling in the way Jack's eyes light up in excitement. "C'est ma langue préférée. Tu sais... y'en a des gens qui disent que c'est la langue d'amour. J'avais mes doutes, mais peut-être je les crois, maintenant."
Jack clearly doesn't understand a word of it, but he seems thoroughly impressed.
"Wow..." he says, almost as if he's star-struck. "That's incredible."
Davey laughs softly, a little embarrassed at being the center of attention.
"Enough about me," he chuckles, desperate to get out of the spotlight. "You said you're an artist— is it something you've always been interested in?"
Jack looks a little caught off-guard to suddenly become the topic of conversation, but he recovers quickly.
"Oh, for sure. I started drawing as soon as I could hold a pencil." He gestures with his hands as he talks, which is entirely endearing. "I just do little cartoons in the paper, as far as right now, and I paint sets for a theatre in the Bowery when I have time, but I'd love to sell a painting of my own someday."
"I'd love to buy one," says Davey, finally mustering up the courage to place a hand on top of Jack's. "I'm sure they're beautiful."
It's Jack's turn to blush, which is oddly satisfying for Davey. They're holding hands on the little couch in this dimly lit library— Davey feels like one of the characters from the novels he's read, as this whole situation seems too good to be true.
"Can I tell you a secret?" Jack asks, after a moment. He's got a mischievous grin on his face, but he looks a little nervous as well. "You can't tell anyone else."
Davey smiles right back.
"Of course you can," he says, brushing his thumb gently on the back of Jack's hand. "I've been told I'm a wonderful listener— at least my sister thinks so."
Jack laughs softly and looks down at his lap. It almost seems as if he's trying to build up the courage to tell his secret.
"Okay..." he sighs, and then he continues in a whisper. "I'm not supposed to be here."
Davey can't help but frown in confusion.
"What on earth do you mean? Katherine invited you, and she's the hostess! Surely that means she wanted you to come."
Jack laughs nervously again. He shifts uncomfortably in his seat.
"No, I mean... I've never been to a fancy party like this, no less in a house this nice. This ain't even my suit— I'm borrowing from Kath's brother. I've never owned no suit this dapper. I'm, uh... not like the rest of you, if that makes sense."
Oh. That's where it clicks for Davey. It suddenly makes sense why Jack talks a little differently, and why he'd been so impressed by Davey's mention of a trip to France— not everyone is born into the kind of wealth that makes that possible. That's why he'd waited in the library rather than come into the party; he probably wouldn't know what to do with himself.
It's not like Davey only hangs out with people of his own social status, but he has to admit that he doesn't know many people like Jack. Most of his friends— the very few that he has— are from boarding school, or these ridiculously uptight social events, although he's always felt like he doesn't quite fit in with them. He's always wished to be more... normal.
"Ah, well that's quite alright," Davey replies, since he's truly not sure what kind of response Jack was expecting. "It's not all it's cracked up to be, if I'm being honest. Forgive my language, but I do tire of hanging around with all these blue-bloods."
If only his father could hear him use a silly word like that. It's a funny term he'd learned to refer to wealthy people, and he'd probably get a smack around the back of the head for saying it in front of his family. Jack, however, just laughs.
"You're awful funny, Jacobs," he says. "And nicer than most rich folks, too. I can see why Kath wanted to introduce us."
Once again, Davey blushes. He curses his own pale complexion, because even in the low lighting, Jack has clearly noticed.
"She's quite the matchmaker," he replies with a chuckle. "Two of our friends are married now, thanks to her."
Jack leans in a little closer, and Davey can feel his heartbeat in his throat.
"Is that so?" he asks. "She must know what she's doing, then."
He's looking at Davey's lips again, and they go quiet for a moment. This doesn't even feel real— Davey almost has the urge to pinch himself and check if he's dreaming.
He takes a deep breath, as subtly as possible.
"I'd like it if you kissed me," he whispers, finally breaking the tension.
"I'd like that too," Jack replies, and then he oh-so carefully presses their lips together.
It's everything Davey could've hoped for.
They don't even notice Katherine and Sarah peeking in to check on them— nothing could possibly break this magical moment. It feels like they're exactly where the universe intended for them to be.
@landlessbud @i-got-personality @alovelymoonbeam @penzyroamin @graceful-popcorn @auspicioustarantula @backgroundensemble @magimerlyn @myheartissetinmotion @papesdontsellthemselves @jack-kellys @big-potato-asshole @stop-the-presses @starrysence @wilde-guess @never-fear-brooklyns-here @fandom-fangirl07 @theresagoodchanceicouldfly @dying-poet @asphodelnerd @agressive-cinnamon-roll @daveysexual @soft-colors-and-such @move-your-elbow
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heyyyharry · 5 years
Chapter 1: The Princess
(from the ‘The Conman and the Maid’ series)
…in which a trip to the South changes a princess’s life forever. 
Word count: 5.4k
AU: princess!y/n, prisoner!harry, conartist!harry.
Series description: Y/N is a princess and Harry is a prisoner in her castle. With his help, she escapes from her arranged marriage and her father’s rotten kingdom in search of a happy ending, if there is one.
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a beautiful princess fell in love with a charming prince. It was love at first sight, and the prince risked everything and fought the evil to rescue the damsel in distress. After the victory, they ruled the kingdom in harmony and lived happily ever after...
But that was not the story you're about to read.
In this faraway land, the bad guys didn't always cloak themselves in black nor were they easy to spot. They lived among the good ones. Princes weren't always charming. But the princess didn't need a prince.
She needed a sword.
The snow fell weightlessly downward from the pure white sky, like colourless confetti in a wintry ballroom. It alighted on Y/N's face as softly as her mother's kisses, but it was cold, very cold. Her tiny gloveless hands were numb as she tightened her fingers around the grip of the wooden sword, trying to keep balance on her two awkward legs. Her mother had told her time and time again never to go outside without her gloves. But the little princess would rather lose her fingers than lose her weapon during a fight.
Her brother Egon stood a few feet away with his sword in his hand, mirroring her fighting stance, ready to attack. Egon was ten and she was eight. He was strong and fast, and their father — the King, was very proud of Egon's sword skills. Y/N knew there was no way she could beat him. She couldn't do that indoors let alone outside while she was freezing like this. Still, she didn't want to give up, so she hoped she would last longer this time.
"On guard!" Egon shouted and charged straight at her like a swift arrow. She managed to swing her sword and shielded her head from his wooden blade, but he continued hitting and she could only defend herself while stumbling backwards. One hit in the stomach and she was sent to the snow-covered ground.
"This is why a girl should not hold a weapon," Egon said with a smirk as the tip of his sword was just an inch away from the tip of her nose. "You can't fight, little sister. You only get yourself hurt."
Y/N propped herself up on her elbows and watched her brother lower his weapon and turn away, content with his victory.
"Can I try again when we get back?" she asked.
Egon looked over his shoulder, a corner of his mouth quirked up when he saw Y/N struggling to get up as her feet were sinking into the snow.
"Sure, dear sister," he said. "Then I can beat you up again and mother can't say anything about it."
Watching Egon race back to the castle, Y/N heaved a sigh and came to pick up her sword. The cold that had seemed mild at first was now almost unbearable so she must return home before she began to freeze, or worse, her father realized she had left her chamber.
"Y/N! You are late!"
"I'm so sorry, mother. I was—"
"Fighting again?" King Willem raised his voice and the distinct chattering of his men faded to silence. All they could hear now was the desperate howling of the wind through the portcullis. Everyone was looking at the little princess, for whom they had been waiting in the awful cold.
Y/N fidgeted with the fur on her white coat, her eyes were glued to her feet. She was too afraid to look up into her father's eyes.
"Please forgive me. It won't happen again," she pleaded, despite believing she'd done nothing wrong.
If she hadn't had to take a bath, change into a dress and wait until the maids finished braiding her hair, she wouldn't have shown up late. But she knew every word she said now would only get her into more trouble. It was better if she stayed quiet, like a lady should.
Meanwhile, Egon was sitting in his carriage with a mischievous smirk on his face. She knew it was him who had told their father where she'd been. Of course, he must have purposely forgotten to mention that he'd been with her the whole time. But even if she'd told the truth, her father would rather believe she was lying than punish his perfect son.
"Get the horses ready."
Willem turned away and the crowd of guards and servants scattered at his command.
The cold that was spreading across Y/N's skin was nothing compared to the look her father had given her as he headed to his carriage. If it hadn't been for her mother's sympathetic smile, she would probably have burst into tears.
Queen Meira kneeled down in front of Y/N and held her tiny face between her palms. The gloves felt so warm against the princess' cold flushed cheeks, which put a smile back on her face.
"Remember what I said, darling?"
"A princess should always be punctual." Y/N sighed, nodding her head. "I know, mother. It won't happen again."
Despite knowing she would break that promise one way or another, Meira still let Y/N get away with it and stood up, squeezing her daughter's gloveless hand.
"Come, my dear. Let's not give your father more reasons to be angry."
Every year, King Willem and his court would travel to the kingdom of Theros in the South to attend the annual summer festival. Edgar Connell was Queen Meira's younger brother and also the king of Theros. It was he who had taught Y/N how to fight with a sword and he was probably the only one who loved her more than Egon. In fact, her uncle Edgar didn't even like Egon, and that was another reason for Y/N to love visiting him. Egon couldn't lay a finger on her during their stay in their uncle's castle. Besides, the South was so much better than the North.
In the South, Y/N could stand under the sun and feel the warmth of those brilliant rays of light. She could also dance on a cushion of green while watching the strands of grass move in the breeze as easily as her hair.
Here in Isolde, it snowed all year round. Winter, spring, summer, fall, no matter what season it was, it was always snowing. Y/N guessed as you lived too long in the cold, your hearts would begin to freeze until it reached a point where you could feel nothing at all. That was why most of the people in this kingdom were so dull and sad.
Thanks to the Gods, she was blessed with a warm heart like her mother, a true Southerner.
Queen Meira had grown up in Theros, and it was only until she was married to Willem that she moved to Isolde. She had always said Y/N was more like her, while Egon was a Northern man like their father. That, and being a boy, had made life so much easier for Egon. He could go anywhere with his sword and fight anyone he wanted. But of course, Y/N didn't want to be like him and hurt innocent people for no reason. She just thought it was unfair that he was praised for violence while she couldn't even be seen anywhere near a toy weapon.
There was this one time her father caught her fighting imaginary enemies with a stick, so he broke the stick and locked her up in her chamber for two days. If her mother hadn't convinced him to change his mind, who knew how much longer she would've been punished? Nevertheless, Y/N didn't think she was wrong. It wasn't her fault that her father had never shown affection for her. He probably wouldn't have treated Egon the same way if Egon hadn't been a boy.
Y/N had overheard some servants in the castle call him a heartless monster who only loved the crown on his head and himself. And even though she understood why they had said something so cruel about her father, she knew for a fact that it wasn't true.
The one thing King Willem loved the most wasn't the crown or even himself. It was the woman who had been by his side ever since they were children.
"It was love at first sight," the queen had told Y/N. "He was everything I'd ever wanted. He was kind and patient and prudent. But to put on that crown, he had to leave so many things behind, one of which was that young boy I fell in love with. I love him very much, and yet, sometimes, I still miss the person he used to be. That's the price one has to pay to wear the crown, Y/N."
It was a lot for an eight-year-old to take in and Y/N supposed she would get it when she was older. Even if she didn't, it wouldn't matter. It was Egon who would be on the throne one day, not her.
It took about a month to travel from Isolde to Theros because the king and his court had made a few stops here and there before arriving in the South. Willem hated delays. But for every annual trip to Theros, he allowed one more stop by the Vidarr river right outside the castle. That was where he had met Meira for the first time.
It had been fate. They were supposed to meet in the castle, but Prince Willem had decided to explore the foreign land alone on that beautiful summer afternoon, and Princess Meira had decided to go to the river and pick some flowers for her mother's birthday. Their love story was almost perfect.
Y/N knew one day she would marry a prince as well, so hopefully, it would be someone who was just as madly in love with her as her father was with her mother. And of course, she would make sure that her husband stayed kind even after becoming king, the one thing her mother had failed to do.
Hopping off the carriage, Y/N turned a blind eye to the judging look her lady-in-waiting was giving her, and stretched her limbs like she'd normally do before a fight. Then, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. This was the smell they didn't have back home. The smell of flowers, of fresh dewy grass, of mud, of freedom, of summer. Real summer. So while her parents were lost in their own romantic world and reliving the good old days, Y/N snuck away from her lady-in-waiting and followed Egon into the forest. The children raced along the riverbank until they found a large tree and were far enough to be the only two there.
The water was green this season, darker in the shadows and more pale in the light, but still green. Y/N got down on her knees and flicked it with her hand to watch droplets scattering over the surface like rain, another thing that didn't exist in the North, just like snow in the South.
Just like her mother, Y/N loved the rain. It rained a lot in the summer in Theros so she got to see it every year. Meanwhile, many people in her father's kingdom had lived their entire life not knowing what rain was. And Y/N felt very lucky to be born with such a great privilege, which she always had to remind herself every time her brother made her feel miserable.
"What are you doing?" Y/N asked when she saw Egon stripping off his shoes and stepping into the river. "You cannot swim, brother. Neither can I. I won't be able to save you if you fall into the deep end."
"Does this look deep to you?" asked the young prince as he spread his arms, his knees hadn't even gone beneath the surface. "Join me, little sister."
Y/N shook her head without a second thought. "We should probably get back."
"Get back?" Egon snorted. "Go ahead. You're such a girl."
Those four words were all it took for Y/N to kick off her shoes and stand barefoot on the sun-warmed grass like a "girl" she should be. Maybe this wasn't a bad idea after all, she thought before holding up her dress and taking careful steps into the river. Once the water was flowing around her limbs and drinking away her body heat, she thought she could just stand there all day long.
But then, the princess felt something soft and mushy around her ankle. She tried to brush it off with her other foot but—Was it...moving?!
A loud scream tore through her tiny body as it collided with the surface and sank deep into the dark green water. Her arms and legs kicked out desperately as she tried to swim up but she couldn't. The water swirled around her, trapping her. Her head was throbbing and her lungs felt like they'd been set on fire. Where was Egon? Why hadn't he pulled her up? Those were the only questions she could ask herself before she felt a hand clasped around her wrist, dragging her upward to the daylight above.
It took a moment for her vision to clear, and a shadow towered over her, blocking the blinding southern sun.
"Can you hear me?" the stranger asked, his voice echoing in her head. And when she felt the warmth and softness of the grass beneath her body, she realized she was still alive and jolted right up, her forehead bumped into the other person's, both gasped in pain.
It was a boy. A kid, just like her.
"There, there," he said while rubbing her back as she coughed uncontrollably and spat out the water she'd involuntarily drunk. "Why did you go swimming when you couldn't swim?"
The little princess wiped her mouth and shot the boy a spiteful glare. "I didn't. I fell into the water. There was a snake!"
She expected him to be scared or at least shocked, but he only laughed and said, "there's no snake in this river. Maybe it was a fish."
Embarrassed, Y/N decided to ignore him as she pushed herself up and looked around, trying to recall which path would take her back to her family.
"Well, a 'thank you' would be nice?" said the boy as he jumped to his feet and wrung excess water out of the dirty old shirt he was wearing.
Y/N almost told him to get lost and stop wasting her time, but after taking a whole second to eye him up, she mumbled, "thank you."
She wasn't a monster. She felt very bad for how miserable he looked because of her, but she supposed she didn't look any better. She was drenched, her dress was stained, and her hair was once again an unruly mess. She didn't look like a princess anymore. She looked like...him.
With a smile, the green-eyed boy brushed his wet brown curls out of his face and extended a hand for her to shake. She only stared at it, and then at his face.
"Not a handshake person then?" he joked, yet she only responded with a shrug.
Normally people would bow when they met her or at least kiss her hand. This boy didn't know she was the princess so she couldn't blame him, but it didn't mean she wasn't slightly offended.
"What's your name, peasant boy?"
"Peasant boy? I just saved your life!" The boy chuckled, shaking his head. "I'm not telling you my name. You sound like that crazy lady in my village."
His comment made her roll her eyes. "How old are you then?"
"Ten. I don't know what you could do with that information but—"
"So you're the same age as my brother Egon," she said, giving him a once-over.
This boy was taller than her so she had expected him to be older. What surprised her was how he was nothing like her brother at all. He talked differently and behaved differently, and he had just saved her life when her brother had left her to drown. So it was true then. Not every boy was the same.
"I'm eight," she finally told him. "And you are very strange."
"Me? Strange?" He pointed a finger to himself, looking quite amused and surprised. "Have you heard everything that came out of your mouth?"
The princess gave a slight shrug and ducked past him to follow the path she had recognized.
"Leave me alone. My family won't be so happy to see you."
"Why? I saved you, didn't I?"
"Yes, now it'd be nice if you saved my time by leaving me alone."
"That was uncalled for," said the boy, but he kept on walking with her anyway. "And I'm not following you. I'm playing hide and seek with my best friend."
"Hide and seek?" Y/N stopped immediately. The look on her face as she turned around made the boy cackle.
"What? You've never played hide and seek before?"
She had, with the maids, who were all older than her and always let her win. Egon had never played and would never play this game with her, for he believed it was made for the girls. So, no. The princess had never played hide and seek, not properly at least.
"Of course I have! All the time!" she lied and waved him off. "Now leave me alone and get back to your friend. He must be worried."
"She. Her name is Kenny. She's pretty like you, but much nicer."
"Your friend is a girl?"
"Well, she looks like one," he said, trying not to laugh, but his snarky remark went right over her head.
"Is she your betrothed?"
"What is a betrothed?"
"Someone you'll marry when you're older."
"I don't know." The boy shrugged, pursing his lips. "Maybe. If we both want to."
"If you want to?"
"Why should you marry someone you don't want to marry? It doesn't make sense."
Y/N didn't know that. She had always thought everyone was betrothed to someone when they were small and eventually fell in love with this person their parents had picked out for them. So it didn't work this way then. Interesting...
"Crow! Where are you?!"
The voice from the distance made both kids turn their heads.
"Oh, that's Kenny! I have to go!"
"Crow?" Y/N smirked. "Your name is Crow?"
With that one-word answer, the boy ran away without a goodbye, shouting, "I'm coming, Kenny!" and then, he was gone.
Y/N thought she was insane for even considering asking to come along. He might have been slightly annoying, but she really wanted to play hide and seek like a normal child for once. But then the thought of her angry father reminded her that she must get back immediately; otherwise, there would be severe consequences.
"Oh, hello there."
Y/N gasped, completely blanched at the stranger she'd bumped into. It was a woman, young and beautiful like her mother, with piercing grey eyes and icy silver hair. Her face was white, corpse-like white, and her lips were as dark as the color of her cloak. As she flashed a smile, her gold front tooth turned Y/N to stone. The princess took a step back when the smile on the woman's face slowly disappeared.
"Are you lost, Your Majesty?"
"Wait, how do you—"
Y/N didn't get to finish her question when a loud piercing scream tore through the serenity of the forest. The strange lady now stepped aside to make way for her.
"You should get back before it's too late," she said, smiling again.
Frightened and confused, Y/N started running. She sprinted as fast as she could, following the scream which she had recognised. It only got louder as she got closer, and by the time she'd made it back to her family, it was already too late.
She knew there would be consequences, but this was even worse than she'd imagined. Her legs gave in as she watched the whip crack down on the maiden's back. The princess' lady-in-waiting was screaming and begging the king to spare her life, but King Willem just kept on whipping until her light blue dress was stained with fresh blood.
The whipping stopped.
The whole scene sank into silence as Meira dropped down to her knees and pulled her daughter close. Willem finally dropped the leather whip in his hand, catching his breath and told the guards to take the maid out of his sight. She was unresponsive when two men dragged her away.
"Is she...is she dead, mother?" Y/N asked, tears were streaming down her face and she was shaking in her mother's arms.
"No, she just...she just fainted..." said the queen, yet she sounded just as afraid.
"Where have you been?"
"I-I fell into the river, father!" Y/N cried out while clinging onto her mother in fear of being dragged away just like the maid. "Egon was there! He left me there to drown!"
"She's lying!" Egon pushed past the guards and rushed to the front. "I was looking for her but I couldn't find her so I came back to tell you, father!"
Willem put a hand up to silence the boy and glowered at Y/N, who was sobbing into her mother's chest.
"The princess will stay in her chamber for the rest of our stay. No one is allowed to speak to her except for the maid who brings her food."
"Father, no!"
"Willem, please..."
"And you." He turned to the queen and his voice started to break. "If you say one more word to defend her, you'll be locked up as well."
When he stormed off, Y/N looked up at the queen. That was the first time she'd seen her mother cry.
"Crow! Why are you wet?!"
Now, where could Harry begin?
He could tell his friend that he'd just saved a girl from drowning in the river, or he could make something up and save himself from hearing Kenny's same old lesson. But when the little girl gave him that worrying look with her big shiny eyes, he couldn't help it. He panicked. And whenever he panicked, he tend to mess up what he actually wanted to say.
"I met a girl."
"A girl?" Kenny arched both eyebrows in shock. "In the forest?"
"Yes. She was lost. I helped her get back to her family."
"That doesn't explain why you're wet though."
"Right..." The boy chuckled as he combed his fingers through his hair which had dried from staying out too long in the sun. "She...she splashed water on me."
"She splashed water on you?" Kenny gasped, her eyes only grew bigger. Harry knew he was going nowhere with this lie and he should back out while he still could.
"Just forget about her. She's gone now." He gave his hand a wave before reaching for hers to pull her along, but she didn't move. She shot him an angry look instead.
"Promise me you won't scare me like that again," she said, frowning.
Harry was left with no choice but to give her a nod and pull her into a tight hug. "Never again, I swear."
Everyone in their village knew about what had happened to Kenny's father last year. One day he was wandering to that same river and he never made it back. They found his body washed up on the bank a few days later. There had been many different rumours about how he'd died, but nobody actually knew what had happened. And since that day, Kenny had never come near a river or a lake again.
"Come on, let's get back to help your mum!" Harry said cheerfully with an arm around her shoulder. He felt like a weight was lifted from his chest when she plastered a smile on her face.
"You're only eager to help so you can attend the king's festival dinner tomorrow night!"
"Well, that's not...wrong," he said and they both laughed. "One day, Kenny, I'll become a lord, and the king will invite me to his festival dinner every year. I won't have to help in his kitchen to be able to attend."
"Will you take me with you?"
"To the king's dinner?"
"Anything for you, my lady." With a smile, he took her hand and gave it a kiss.
He knew if he'd told anyone else about his dream, they would've laughed and made fun of him. But Kenny was different. She believed in him, and she always made his unrealistic dreams feel a little more achievable.
Ever since Harry could remember, he had fantasised about living the life of a prince even though he'd never even set foot near the portcullis before. That forest was the closest he'd ever been to the castle. As he climbed to the top of the tallest tree, he could see almost everything on the outside.
The walls stood mute as grey stones rose from the ground, defying entrance and protecting what had been entrusted to their care. Someday, he swore he would stand where knights stood and see what kings and dukes saw. Someday he would look through the window on one of those highest towers and the rest of the world — this forest, this river, would be so tiny.
But today, his place was in the kitchen.
His family was poor but Kenny's was not, relatively. Her mother worked in a kitchen of the castle which was quite a big deal for someone from their village. The Rowleys didn't like him very much. In fact, Patricia Rowley had bigger plans for her youngest daughter than being friends with a poor boy like him. Harry's father was a blacksmith, his mother was always ill, so his sister had to take care of most of the housework. He had no future at all. The Rowleys would never want him to be Kenny's—
What was that word the crazy girl had told him again?
Right, betrothed.
They would never want him to be her betrothed. But did he want that? What about her? Did she want that?
A smack on the head made Harry jump out of his daydream. He looked up and saw Patricia frowning at him. "You are here to work! Go out there and help Kennedy!"
Frightened, the boy hurriedly picked up the tray and carried the food out of the kitchen, to the tables at the back of the dining hall. They didn't let servants go anywhere near the royal family or their royal guests, but to see them from a distance was also a dream come true for him.
"That's the king of Isolde," Kenny told him as they hid behind the curtain at the very back to enjoy some fruits they had stolen from a drunk gentleman.
"Why is that seat empty?" Harry asked, pointing to the chair next to the Northern king.
"The princess couldn't make it. I heard that she was sick."
"Maybe it's too hot for her here," Harry joked, making Kenny laugh. He loved it when he made her laugh, even if it was unintentional.
"Maybe," she said with a nod. "The queen is very beautiful."
"Indeed. Do you think she's beautiful as well?"
"The princess?"
"Yes. I've never seen a princess before. I think she should be the most beautiful girl in her kingdom."
"What would you do if you could talk to her?"
"Oh, I would ask her to dance!"
Kenny didn't comment on Harry's answer, but as she stormed out, he realised it wasn't what she wanted to hear.
"Kenny, wait—"
Chasing after the girl, Harry accidentally bumped into a stranger at the entrance. His heart almost flew out of his chest when the beautiful woman flashed him a shiny smile and headed straight toward the king's table. Just like everyone else in the room, he couldn't take his eyes off her.
While all the guests were wearing the most colourful clothes, she was dressed all in black. Her skin was so pale it didn't look any warmer in the candlelight and her footsteps were so light it seemed as if she was floating. She looked like a ghost. A beautiful one.
Then, something else caught Harry's attention. He spotted a gold hairpin under the royal guests' table which he supposed someone had dropped, and nobody else had seen it because he was the shortest person in the room. The first thing that came to his mind was how pretty it would look on Kenny's hair. He had to get it for her, no matter the cost.
As King Edgar rose from his chair to welcome the mysterious lady to his castle, everyone was too busy paying attention to her to notice the little servant crawling under the tables.
"This is Madam Maggie," Edgar said. "She's a prophet, the most powerful one in the land."
"So she's a witch?"
"You can say that," Maggie smiled, unbothered by Willem's cynical remark.
"She communicates with the gods, and she can foresee the future," Edgar said, turning to the king from the North. "Willem, my brother. Would you like to see?"
"I can read your palm and tell you about the future of your kingdom, my lord," Maggie said and there was already chattering in the background.
Willem was probably the least superstitious man in the room, so he just laughed it off and told her, "how about you read my son's palm to see what a great king he will be?"
Excited, the prince gave Maggie his left hand.
"The left hand represents your inborn fate while the right hand represents your destiny affected by different decisions and outcomes," said the prophet. "People's fates are governed by God while fortune is created by themselves. So which would you prefer, my lord?"
"Tell me about his destiny," Willem said after a moment of thinking.
"All right, my lord." Maggie gave a nod and stepped closer to take the prince's hand. The whole table fell to silence as she observed the palm closely and ran her fingertips across its lines. "You have two beautiful children. May I ask where the princess is?"
Edgar cracked a smile when he saw the looks of shock on his sister's and Willem's face and others'.
"The princess doesn't feel well so she cannot join us tonight," the queen said. And look on Maggie's face made her tremble.
"Is that so?" said the prophet as she turned to Egon. "If this boy becomes king, and he will—"
Egon sat up straight and fixed the crowd on his head as his father and mother smiled proudly at him.
"—your entire dynasty will go down in flames."
"Nonsense!" Willem roared as Egon withdrew his hand immediately. The whisperings of the other guests got louder as fear was etched on Willem's face, but Maggie still looked as serene as when she first arrived.
"This woman is mad! Guards!"
"Willem!" the queen cried out, but Edgar had already put up his hand to stop the guards before they could get to Maggie.
He turned to Willem with a stern look on his face. "Remember that Madam Maggie is my guest and so are you. A guest cannot request another guest to leave."
Willem was just about to reply when Maggie suddenly spoke, "the little princess, however."
"What about her?" asked Queen Meira.
"Princess Y/N is your only hope."
Maggie's short answer sent the whole table into chaos. While the other guests were discussing what the answer meant, the Northern family was frozen in their seats.
"Have a lovely evening, my lords and lady."
Bobbing a curtsy, Maggie turned away, and suddenly a tiny human jumped out of nowhere and dashed out of the nearest exit before anyone could figure out who it was. When they turned back, baffled and fearful, the lady in black had disappeared without a trace.
"Kenny! Guess what just happened in there!" Harry called out as he ran across the courtyard to where his best friend was sitting on the doorsteps.
She didn't look so thrilled when she asked, "is it about the princess?"
"Yes, it's—"
"Do you like her?"
Surprised by the question, Harry took a step back when Kenny got up and closed the distance between them.
"I haven't even seen her face!" he said, making her frown.
"You don't have to see her face to like her. Everyone knows she's beautiful!"
"She's a girl I don't know, Kenny."
"What about the girl in the forest? The one you do know." Kenny crossed her arms, her nose stuck up.
"She probably returned to her family already, and I won't ever see her again," Harry said and blew out his cheeks. "What is this all about, Kenny?"
The girl fidgeted with the hem of her dress for a moment before she could finally close her eyes and blurt out, "I like you."
"I like you, too," he said innocently.
She stared at him with wide eyes and mouth agape for a moment, but then realised he didn't get it so she waved him off and turned away. "You know what? Forget it."
"Wait, I got you something!" Quickly, he grabbed her by the arm and put the golden hairpin into her hand.
Kenny's eyes popped out when she realised she was holding actual gold.
"Did you steal it?!" she exclaimed, making him laugh.
"No, someone dropped it. Do you like it?"
"We must give it back, Crow!"
"We don't know who it belongs to," he reasons, giving a half-shrug. "Even if we did and returned it, they would probably think we stole it. I mean, look at us! Look at me!"
The way he humorously overreacted put a smile on the girl's face.
"Right," she agreed and pinned the hairpin on her hair. "Thank you."
"You're welcome," Harry mumbled as his dimples popped up.
The children stared at each other for a long moment, and Harry believed his heart had never beaten so hard and fast. Before he could stop himself, the question just slipped right out, "do you want to be my betrothed?"
"What is a betrothed?" Kenny squinted her eyes and gave him the same look he'd given the crazy girl at the river.
"Someone...someone you'll marry when you're older."
"Oh...okay, then..." Kenny sucked in a breath, trying not to smile so wide. "Of course, Crow. I'll be your betrothed."
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