moclery · 2 years
Calling all DA fanfic readers/writers
I need help. Does anyone remember a story with Charles/Elsie and Richard/Isobel that had Violet and Isobel as partners in a lingerie company? Richard was a fashion designer. That's all I remember...I can't remember what Charles and Elsie did. I remember that the couples were friends but not much else.
Am I dreaming that storyline?
Or does it really exist?
If it does...can someone please tell me the name of the story/author?
Thank you!
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moclery · 2 years
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My 7th win...
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moclery · 2 years
The last chapter of the first short story in the series.
Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: Downton Abbey Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Richard Clarkson/Isobel Crawley Characters: Richard Clarkson, Isobel Crawley Series: Part 1 of Because Someone Else Started It Series Summary:
Richard and Isobel and a whole lot of frustration relief…
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moclery · 2 years
Chapters: ¾ Fandom: Downton Abbey Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Richard Clarkson/Isobel Crawley Characters: Richard Clarkson, Isobel Crawley Series: Part 1 of Because Someone Else Started It Series Summary:
Richard and Isobel and a whole lot of frustration relief…
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moclery · 2 years
Chapters: 2/4 Fandom: Downton Abbey Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Richard Clarkson/Isobel Crawley Characters: Richard Clarkson, Isobel Crawley Series: Part 1 of Because Someone Else Started It Series Summary:
Richard and Isobel and a whole lot of frustration relief…
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moclery · 2 years
I haven't written anything for DA in a while, and for RichardxIsobel even longer. This wound up being my first four days of NaNo. It would seem that I've started a series consisting of several short stories...at least for now lol
Chapters: ¼ Fandom: Downton Abbey Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Richard Clarkson/Isobel Crawley Characters: Richard Clarkson, Isobel Crawley Series: Part 1 of Because Someone Else Started It Series Summary:
Richard and Isobel and a whole lot of frustration relief…
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moclery · 2 years
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She's always been my favorite actress...so much so that I bought and read (more like devoured) her biography...something I've never done for any other actor/actress that I like. I've never read anything but good things about her from all the different people that worked with her in movies and TV.
Rest in peace, Dame Angela.
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moclery · 2 years
Downton Abbey: A New Era
I went to see the movie tonight with a friend and my niece. I was not spoiler free...they were. We had fun and thankfully had comfortable seats and a moderately full theater. There were parts where everyone was laughing so hard that we all missed a bit of the next lines. The bits with Carson and his huffing and grumbling and his being sick on the boat got loud laughter from everyone.
My thoughts on the movie are behind a read more because it's a very long post and very spoiler heavy. I just did what I used to do when doing a reaction post to a new episode of the series. Again, very spoiler heavy so don't read more if you don't want to be very spoiled.
-The Violet is going to die at some point in the movie foreshadowing was a times very heavy handed, at other times done just right. She had some really good zingers. Denker was blessedly not as annoying...probably because freaking Spratt was nowhere to be found (thank goodness!). I think I enjoyed the Violet/Isobel scenes the most. It was extremely odd to have little to no interaction between Violet and Rosamund. Why the frell was she even in the movie? She was sort of just a blob taking up space. I'm very happy that they didn't forget Prince Kuragin, which from watching the trailers, I had begun to suspect they had. Violet's death at the end was very well done. The family, the servants, the villagers all lined up...very fitting for the character. Since I wasn't spoiler free, I was one of the very few not crying. Of course, I've long suspected that Violet dying was how JF convinced Dame Maggie to do the DA movie in the first place all the way back to DA movie one.
-Tom and Lucy getting married to start the movie off was nice, though I had twinges of annoyance at the fact that we missed a lot of their courtship. From dancing in the last movie to marriage in the next...oh well. It was a beautiful wedding, though it did make me miss Sybil. Not seeing much interaction between Sybie (uff, I know...two bees...pfft) and Lucy kind of leaves one to wonder just how well they get along. I love that Tom hasn't changed from his views on not doing anything and just living off the money of the family...or in this case, his wife's inheritance and his daughter's. The new baby sure was...quick. Honeymoon baby I suppose...
-Carson and Hughes...ugh. I loved hearing her say Charlie, but seriously? No touching...of any sort? It was hilarious hearing her comments and their sparing, just like old times, but they're married now. Surely she would have at least kissed his cheek to tell him goodbye before he left for France for who knows how long. They were more like they were as butler and housekeeper than a married couple (but that's sort of the way it's been mostly in everything since just shortly after their marriage...ugh). The scene in the bedroom...bahaha! I'm guessing he'd just read about escargot lol Elsie huffing and turning over was funny, but again...would it have killed them to let her at least kiss him goodnight? Good grief. Do British couples not kiss at all? (I'm being sarcastic...) When they suggested using the servants as extras...the whole theater busted out with, "Oh no!" and then cracked up. I was cracking up over Elsie volunteering Charles. She sent him off to France to get him away from it, then she volunteers him to be in it...and sitting at the lord of the house's table at that! When Carson reacted to Violet dying...couldn't they have at least let Elsie squeeze his shoulder? She did more when Sybil died than she did this time.
-Dr. Clarkson...it was good to see him and hear him, though the reason for him being there just seemed unnecessary. I wish he'd had more to do. Oh well...at least he was there for a little bit. I'm glad he was there at the end with/for the family.
-Andrew/Daisy - they're cute together, but...what's with the crap with Andrew and Mr. Mason? Am I remembering wrong? Didn't Mr. Mason like Andrew and get on with him in the series? Wasn't he okay with Daisy and Andrew? I was confused by that whole mess. I get that they were setting up Mr. Mason living with Mrs. Patmore, but...seriously?
-Thomas, well...anyone that's followed me for a while knows I don't like the character, but I will say that it was nice to see him be less...whatever...in this movie. He was calmer, I guess. Maybe it was supposed to be sadness over the letter, but it just seemed like he'd calmed down.
-Bates and Anna - another couple that seemed to be more just friends that flirted than a married couple with a small child. Again, no kiss when he was leaving. Why? I get that the movie was filmed under 'conditions' but still...it was just strange. I like how neither Bates, nor Anna, made Daisy feel stupid for her starry eyed reaction, and that Bates told her Anna would make sure Daisy got to meet the actress. That was very sweet of him.
-Mrs. Patmore was her usually snarky self and I loved it. Her and Mr. Mason...well, it was a bit forced. I know I should be happy, but...it was just...forced. When she brought out the flask during the servants as extras scene, I laughed and told my friend that Mrs. Patmore and Mr. Mason were going to wind up drunk if they had to film the scene more than once lol
-Robert and Cora - Cora's health scare...I mean...did we really need it? Wasn't Violet dying enough? I felt for Robert and understood his anger at Cora for not telling him. Montmirail was very presumptuous, and so was Violet's family. If I remember correctly, wasn't Isobel the only one that knew the whole truth about Prince Kuragin and Violet? So, why did the whole of the family just go along with it that Violet had an affair? And Robert, dear, you were legally born as a Crawley, you've lived the whole of your life as a Crawley, so at this late date...you're a Crawley. Thankfully, he was biologically a Crawley in the end. It would have been too much for Violet to have gone 'that' far.
-Isobel - I'm leaving off the Dickie-bird because well...ugh. Anyway, I loved how confused she was by Violet's asking her to go through her things. I also loved that Isobel was, as she had become in the series, Violet's confidant. Violet said it...she knew that she could trust Isobel to be truthful, always. And ugh my heart strings, when Isobel promised to make sure George remembered Violet. They really were great friends, sparring and sniping and all.
-Mary and the absent Henry - I mean...whatever. She's definitely mellowed and grown up. The old Mary, contrary to what she said, would have most definitely thought of herself and had the affair. It was funny that she was dragged into being the voice of the starlet, but...how is that going to work when said starlet doesn't sound like that for the next movie? Hello lol And yes, I know...they did that sort of thing a lot back then (mostly for singing) but the voice actress was always well, one...an actress used for the voiceover...and two, always there again to be used for the next movie lol It was nice seeing her being nice to Edith...definitely grown up.
-Bertie and Edith - Well...for starters, I was beginning to think the expected baby from the last film was going to just be ignored in this one. I guess he sort of was as we only got one mention of him in passing. Didn't get to see him...got to see Tom and Lucy's baby...uh okay. I like that they had Edith going back to her writing/journalism. That was something that gave her a sense of self worth. I'm glad that Bertie was supportive. I was afraid they were going to go with him not liking it and being angry about it. I'm just happy that Edith is so happy.
-Molesley and Baxter...I love that Molesley wasn't made fun of, though they did get a laugh at him interrupting the scene. That was hilarious. They finally let him be really good at something other than teaching and gave him all of his dreams. Him proposing to Baxter...and everyone hearing...lol So Molesley. I loved it. I'm so glad they both got what they wanted. She deserves to be happy just as he does.
-All the rest...we'll start with the new footman. Uh...bump on a log? That's sort of what he came across as. Geez. The actress...what a looloo. I'm glad that Daisy was able to get through to her and calm her down. That voice though...lol And Bertie's slip up about it...bahaha! The actor...everyone busted out laughing at his last name. Thomas was right...definitely a good choice changing it. The director...I'm glad he gave Molesley the chance and didn't just blow him off as happened so many times in the series. Denker - she's much better without Spratt. I actually liked her in this movie. And Violet's last line being to Denker...soooo Violet. One last zinger lol The widow...I mean...I get it, but at the same time, not really. The man put the villa in Violet's name long before the wife was ever in the picture, and she has all sorts of other property...why be so adamant about the villa as if it's your only home and you're being put out without anywhere to go? Maybe she knew that he never loved her, I get that too, but still...that was a long time ago and a very long time to hold a grudge against a woman you never met.
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moclery · 2 years
The Things We Do
So, yes, I haven't written anything in a very long time for this fandom. In a nutshell, I was working a job from hell and my health with to crap. A stroke and MS and well...writing hasn't been something I could do until just recently because I was too exhausted, mentally and physically, and because there were some times I couldn't even write my name properly, forget writing a story. Anyway, while I'm not as bad as I was, if you see a mistake, something that doesn't make sense...just point it out to me and I'll fix it lol

This story is based on spoilers I read in an article, so if you don't want to be spoiled about the new movie...don't read it.

The Things We Do
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moclery · 3 years
After 11 years...I finally finished it...
The story I've come to call my monster because it's taken me 11 years and 100 chapters to finish is now finished.
Finally! Below is the link if anyone is interested. It's Gilmore Girls and ultimately winds up being Richard/Emily. There's also Rory and Logan in it.
Deep Down
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moclery · 3 years
Another Way to Let Go
This is a Star Trek: Voyager story I wrote for my friend's b-day. It's Janeway/Chakotay on New Earth.
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moclery · 4 years
Thought I’d share an oldie, but one of my favorites.
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moclery · 4 years
So I have no idea where this is going, the main character doesn’t have a name (but his secretary does…go figure lol), and the story doesn’t have a title…but I kind of like it.  It has a ‘noir’ tone to it in my head, though nothing else has come to me since the bit below popped into my head the other night out of nowhere.  Oh…and it’s first person.  What the heck?  Why?  I’ve written first person before…for fanfic, already established characters, but for an original character?  Again…why?  🤦‍♀️😂
She was gorgeous.  All creamy skin, silky auburn hair, and green eyes, with a figure and legs that could make a statue cry.
And she was in my office crying those big, fat tears that were intended to make me melt at the sight of them, but all they did was make my blood run cold.
She was trouble.
Trouble with a capital tee.
I was being set up.
I knew that.
So why didn’t I send her on her way?
Why did I tell Margret to get the lady a drink?
Ever hear the one about curiosity killing the cat?
Well, satisfaction brought it back.
Or so the rest of the saying goes.
Only time will tell if the first part of the saying, or the second, is true.
Because, as I sit here pretending to be taken in by her tears and sad sob story, I realize, this is far bigger than any case I’ve ever taken in all my years as a private investigator.
There’s also something else I realize.
Whoever sent her to set me up is someone big.
The question is…
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moclery · 4 years
I’m participating this year, but I’ve decided to just work on all my unfinished stories instead of working on a new one that more than likely won’t be finished.  That and...I just simply couldn’t think of anything to write that was new.  
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moclery · 4 years
I wrote this for my friend’s birthday.  It’s Princess Diaries - Joseph/Clarisse and no plot...none...just rated m-ness (that’s what she wanted).
It can also be found here on ff.net.
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moclery · 4 years
deeedeeedeeedeee replied to your photo: deeedeeedeeedeee: newenglandgirl:...
Ha @moclery
I couldn't help myself lol
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moclery · 4 years
“Mrs. Hughes!  What are you doing?”
“Well, I was making a TikTok of this new dance I saw, but now you’ve ruined it and I’ll have to start again.  So go along, then, if you don’t mind.”
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Let’s play a game … CAPTION THIS … and GO!
I’ll start … “Elsie! A RED BRA? Let’s go home, NOW!”
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