#I know soo won is trying (said through gritted teeth)
amethysttribble · 9 months
My darlings keep SUFFERING for the sake of this ungrateful COUNTRY and there’s no end in sight because Soo Won’s a BITCH T_T
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
Tik Tok Leggings
Summary: Time to test these Tik tok leggings.
Warnings: swearing, Fluff, Cheeky Henry, Suggestive Themes, Plus sized reader
A/N: Just wanted to do something different thinking of maybe having a mini TikTok onshot series but unsure yet. Either way I hope you enjoy and happy Easter to those who celebrate  and those who don't? Have a brilliant Sunday xx
Taglist: will be in comment/reblogs
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You eyed the package wearily... just how the fuck were you meant to pull this off? Slowly but surely the confidence  and 'fuck it' attitude was waning. They looked small.... very small.
You huffed a sigh looking at yourself in the mirror eyeing your form. You swear you'd gained some more weight, just a few pounds maybe? But you felt huge. Slowly you unravelled the leggings, it had been a good idea at the time but now you wasn't so sure. They were expensive and even thought you bought them as a little prank you did hope they would boost you confidence or at least be comfy enough to wear around the house.
Being a larger girl it was hard finding comfy clothes and you had to be comfy now that your boys were running around the house like headless chickens. You thought the terrible twos with trainers were bad? Your four year olds had scooters!
You grit your teeth and decided to try the leggings on gearing up for an all put war with the waist band but was pleasantly surprized. The fabric was firm and tummy controlling without feeling you feeling caught by a bloody boa constrictor! A comfy tight not spandex tight. You casually wondered about seeing if the company did bras, this shit would stop the girls from trying to knock you out on the stairs!
You pulled the material setting the... elasticated seam in your ass crack and winced... Okay that's a little strange... but not unpleasant and almost thong. You spun around eyeing yourself in to mirror. You didn't look to bad, if you said so yourself. Sure you wasn't magically strim and fit, you were blessed with a nice thick ass... but unfortunately had the thick hips and large thighs to go with it. You'd never be petite or dainty, but then again henry was huge behemoth of a man so you didn't need to be. As he said on many occasions he wanted a woman as thick as him... and you definitely fit that bill. His thighs were only slightly bigger then yours.
You turned around a few more times. Fuck okay hello there~ you grinned. You may not be the perfect sized woman but fuck if your ass wasn't glorious in these leggings~ this just might work.
You grinned and pulled on one of Henry's tshirts, the grey marines one it was snug and would ride up a little over your tummy showing off your bubble but that you felt was your best feature. And then padded downstairs, henry. Was in the large garden trying to teach the boys how to play rugby... Wanting to start them young.
You pottered about the kitchen chopping up the salad for tonight. Contrary to what people thought you were not large because you ate to much or did little exercise, you had always been bigger and admittedly since having the boys you had gained a little more weight but not ridiculously, you wasn't dangerously over weight.
You hummed looking out the patio door seeing henry jumping for joy as his boys and Kal played 'rugby' darting across the garden to the tiny rugby post at the end. Moving to Jersey to raise the kids was a brilliant idea, you had a huge country house with the land to go with it. Flat and immaculate that spread around the house in nearly four acres the lawn was mostly to the back and side and cornered off with tall hedge rows then beyond it a cornered off veggie plot and greenhouse and a work in progress chicken coop. Soon there will be a decent sized pond and some ducks... Henry didn't know yet, but if he was allowed to have a stables built four god knows how many horses you were allowed your ducks god dammit.
You grinned watching as henry ran around both the boys with his phone out cheering them on as they tor across the garden wrestling each other for the ball. You had panicked when you were told twin boys but you should have known henry would be able to handle it. It was perfect, days like this when he was home and strived to make his sons lives as magical and fun as he could, everyday was a holiday when dad was home.
You shook your head seeing the boys both lay on the floor in the shade completely tuckered out from the mornings fun. Henry can into the kitchen and you held your breath quickly bending over the counter a tad more then normal hoping to get a favourable reaction from your husband. But you couldn't help the tinge of doubt  what if he didn't like them? Or thought you looked bigger then you were?
"Hey sweetheart are the boys fruit shoots in the fri-oh sweet baby Jesus" he coughed cutting himself off  and took a half step back as he came in the kitchen. You giggled and turned to him then nodded your head to the fridge.
"Yeah their in there love" you said smirking and blushing as you saw him eyeing your ass tilting his head slowly down trying to get a better look at your ass making you bite your lip.
"Err yeah yeah... I... hold that thought" he said snapping out of it holding a finger up at you and looked to his phone.
"You just stay right were you are- no nope over bend over again babe... fuck me how did I get such a sexy little mama~" he growled one hand swiping over his screen. You flushed and wriggled our hips a little as you leant forward feeling on top of the world as he openly gawked at your ass. For a second you thought he was taking a photo and made to move wanting to snap up right but he napped his fingers to you pointing for you to get back down and brought the phone to his ear.
"Henry what are you?-" you tried standing once more but he crossed the kitchen pressing himself up against your ass and rocked slowly making you mewl as his bulge pressed against your ass half hard already. Henry huge hand pressed you down on the counter before him and winked then he spoke as who ever was on the phone answered.
"Hey mum, hi can you come get the boys?" He asked and you gasped at him shaking your head at him laughing. He wasn't palming the kids off to their grandparents because he wanted a midday fuck! Not that Marie-Ann would mind, she loved hosting the kids and frequently showed up out of the blue and took them out for the day. She was adamant that both you and henry still had alone time.
"No, no everything's all right I just- somethings come up~" he smirked and you laughed loud shaking your head at him, he was a little bugger! He wriggled his brows at you and nodded then flushed stuttering for a few comments.
"I.. No no of course not mum... muuuum stop- well yeah... yes I know you were young once-oh shit no I didn't mean of course your still young! Your in your prime! Okay yes, yes I promise to try my hardest... yes okay, see you in ten okay love you bye... bye mum I will. Yes I will mum bye" he muttered slowly moving through being embarrassed, shy and strangely confident before hanging up.
"Soo the boys are going out?" You giggled finding the way he reacted ridiculously cute. It wasn't what you expected, maybe a kiss on the cheek and a slap on the ass. But not him shipping the kids off for the day.
"And staying over night" Henry muttered moving both hands to your ass and squeezed and rolled the cheeks about making you squeak and try rising on your tip toes but he just growled following pressing a kiss to your neck.
"And what have we agreed to for this mighty generous gift? What have you promised?" You said arching back into him with a teasing tone knowing Marie would make henry pay for the 'young once' comment.
"Oh you know nothing too big just another grandchild, which wont be hard with these in your closet" he chuckled pinging the fabric that clung to your ass like a second skin. You flushed gasping out at him batting him away slowly. But it was a hard fought battle, Henry won easily sliding the cutting board back then let you spin to face him. He quickly hoisted you up onto the counter top behind you and kissed your lips moaning into you before pulling back and pointed at you.
"Right you stay- right here. Don't you move a muscle Mrs Cavill" he said seriously and backed away from you still pointing making you laugh and kick your feet biting your lip before nodding. Henry backed up to the back door and called out to the boys.
"Boys come on! Your going to grandmas for a sleep over! Go pack a bag, jammies, tooth brush and clothes for tomorrow! Come on mush hop it or cop it!" he called you smiled hearing two high pitch excited voices squealing at the thought of grandma. She spoilt them rotten. They dashed into the house quickly running past the both of you giggle as henry tried playfully nudging them on the bottoms with his foot when they ran through the kitchen to dart up the stairs and pack an overnight bag. Henry slunk out of the kitchen following the boys but kept glancing back at you.
"Remember right there babe, been too long since we fucked in here~" he growled making you flush remembering the last time you'd made love in here. It'd been when you were pregnant, the day you moved in before you redecorated you'd had Chinese take out and then made love in every room in the house.
"I'll be right here love I promise, now... You might want to sort yourself out before answering the door to your mother~" you teased pointing to the large lump in the front of his shorts making him grunt and cup himself trying to reposition himself and left the kitchen to help the boys pack.
You can safely say, these leggings were a success. You were definitely leaving a five star review... You did however regret not filming his reaction for tiktok. Honestly you didn't even have the app your sister in law had shown you and you thought it'd be something fun to try with Henry. You may just get more than you bargained for though, not that you minded... You just hoped you had a girl this time, it was about time to try and even things out a bit.
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myforeverforlife · 4 years
can’t bring me down.
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For @kyung-seokie​! Kyungsoo and 4. "Who gave you that black eye?" + 27. "Oh, fuck off."
Pairing: Kyungsoo x Reader
Word Count: 3,848
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You woke to the sound of pans clattering against the stove top. With a groan, you rolled over to grab your phone from the nightstand, squinting at the bright light from the screen.
"Nine in the morning," you mumbled incoherently. "Why is he already awake?" 
Kyungsoo was typically an early bird, making the most of the morning hours even when you complained about getting more rest. You sat up in bed as you realized if Kyungsoo was already awake, that could only mean one thing...
You jumped out of bed, bare feet padding against the floor as you hurried out to the kitchen. Sure enough, your boyfriend stood in front of the stove, a serious look on his face as he mixed something around in a pot. You couldn't help but smile at how handsome he was, even with an imprint of his pillowcase on his cheek. 
Kyungsoo lifted the ladle in his hand to his mouth, blowing on the broth as the steam fogged up his glasses. Carefully, he took tiny sips, nodding approvingly as he set the ladle aside. 
With light steps, you crept over until you were right behind him. You wrapped your arms around his waist, Kyungsoo stiffening in surprise until he realized it was you. He relaxed instantly, looking at you over his shoulder.
"Good morning," he said warmly. 
"Morning, Soo." You leaned in to kiss his cheek, grinning when Kyungsoo moved his face closer to give you easier access. "What are you making?"  
"Seaweed soup. I added some shiitake mushrooms too. Do you want to try some?"
"Is that even a question? Of course I do." 
You let go of your boyfriend, coming to his side as he got another spoonful for you. It was touching to see how he blew on the soup, cooling it down for you. He turned to offer the spoon to you, freezing when he saw you with your mouth open. You held his gaze, raising an eyebrow as you waited.
Kyungsoo just stared back, corners of his lips lifting up as he shook his head. Cupping his hand under the spoon, he slowly brought it closer to spoon the broth into your mouth. 
"Mm!" you exclaimed, quickly swallowing down the broth. "Soo, this is so good." 
"You say that about almost everything I make." Kyungsoo turned back to the stove, turning off the heat and looking for bowls to serve the soup in.
"Because it's true," you sang. "I'll set the table! Is there anything else you want me to grab?"
"There's some side dishes in the fridge that I didn't take out yet. I'll get the rice too." 
Both of you worked together in comfortable silence, the only sounds the occasional clinking of bowls and silverware as the two of you moved around. You gasped with delight when you saw that Kyungsoo had made your favorite purple multi-grain rice. 
"I've been meaning to grab another bag from the store," you mused as you watched him scoop the rice into two small bowls. "Thank you, love." 
"It's nothing. I had some free time before work yesterday." Kyungsoo followed you to the table, setting the final bowls down before taking a seat. 
You eagerly dug into your food, a smile on your face with each bite that you took. Kyungsoo was always a harsh critic when it came to his own cooking, so you made it an effort to let him know whenever you enjoyed what he made — which honestly, was most of the time. 
"Do you have practice today?" you asked. It was a Sunday, but Kyungsoo had been staying at the dojo late for the past month in preparation for his upcoming judo competition this week. Each one was a big deal, but this one even more so — if he won, Kyungsoo would move on to the preliminaries for the province-wide tournament. 
Your boyfriend shook his head, still chewing his food. "Not today. But I'll be staying late after class tomorrow. You don't have to wait for me." 
"But I like going home together. Plus, it gives me a chance to see you in your judogi." 
Kyungsoo glanced up at you before focusing on the food before him, cheeks taking on a subtle flush of pink. "It's just a uniform." 
"It's a uniform on the most handsome judo teacher ever. Oh, and most skilled." 
"Stop." Kyungsoo was hiding behind his food at this point, bowl lifted to his mouth as he drank his soup. 
You chuckled softly to yourself. It was always satisfying to dote on and compliment shy Kyungsoo, especially when his reactions were so amusing. "Soo?" you called out.
"I love you."
Kyungsoo smiled that gentle smile of his, eyes filled with a warmth that never grew cold — not when you were nearby. "I love you too." 
You blew a kiss to him, bursting into giggles when he pretended to dodge out of the way. 
"Hurry up and finish your food before it gets cold," Kyungsoo scolded good-naturedly. 
As busy as life got, Kyungsoo never forgot to take care of himself, along with reminding you to look out for your own well-being. Sometimes, you felt bad about how Kyungsoo looked out for you more than you did for yourself. 
Sneaking a glance at him, you noticed how the shadows under his eyes were darker than usual, remembering how tired he always seemed to be after coming home from practicing at the dojo. You made a mental note to bring him dinner tomorrow after work. It was the least you could do for him, especially when he was always supporting you in your own endeavors. 
"You're zoning out," Kyungsoo said. He cast you a concerned look, head tilting slightly to the side. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, I was just thinking about how much work you've been putting in for this competition. You work so hard all the time, I'm just glad that you get a day to relax like this." 
Underneath the table, Kyungsoo reached out with one slipper-covered foot, gently nudging against your own bare one. "It's nothing that I'm not used to. I'll be fine." 
"Still, I'm always scared that you'll end up overworking yourself and getting hurt at one of your matches."
"Judo's a defensive sport. I'll be okay, Y/N. Really." He reached across the table, smiling when you placed your hand in his. He ran his thumb over the back of your hand, tracing lines over your knuckles. "You don't have to worry about me." 
Rolling your eyes, you squeezed his hand tightly. "Of course I have to worry about you. You're my boyfriend, Soo." 
"I won't let anything happen to me, Y/N."
You pouted at the certainty in his voice. It was one thing to say this, and yet another to live up to it. "Okay, I'm holding you to that." 
A sudden glint of determination came into Kyungsoo's eye, a look you only saw whenever he was competing. "I'll win this one for you, Y/N. I promise." 
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Kyungsoo walked steadily along the sidewalk, plastic bags in his hand as he left the store. Normally, he would jump right into practice after he was done teaching for the day, but things were different when some of his juniors offered to stay behind and help. Taeil was always a faithful assistant instructor, and Mark always eager to learn through experience. Kyungsoo was extremely grateful to them for spending these late hours with him at the dojo, and always took the chance to thank them by buying food. 
As he neared the dojo, he noticed a couple of men leaning against the wall by the entrance. They weren't the right sizes to be Taeil and Mark, and Kyungsoo was still too far away to see their faces. He considered taking the long way around and going in through the back entrance when one of the people turned around, staring right at him. With his hands stuffed in his pockets, the stranger lazily began walking over. 
Kyungsoo stopped where he stood, a shiver running down his spine. Whoever these people were, he didn't have a good feeling about them. He was about to turn away when the man called out to him.
"Do Kyungsoo!" 
Hesitating, Kyungsoo gripped the bags in his hand more tightly. "Who are you?"
"Really? The competition's in a few weeks, and you don't know who I am?" 
Kyungsoo frowned in confusion. He hadn't looked up any pictures of his opponent, and honestly wouldn't have known what his name was if Taeil and Mark hadn't read over the competition details to him. And yet, there was really one good guess as to who this could be. "Kim Taejung?" 
The man laughed loudly, looking at the rest of his group. "He asks as if he doesn't know." 
"I really don't know," Kyungsoo replied brusquely. "But you can start by explaining why you're waiting here. The dojo's closed for today." 
"I just wanted to say hello in person, get a look at my opponent before the actual day." 
Kyungsoo's eyes hardened. "Do you do this with all of your opponents? Try to psych them out before the actual competition?" 
The man pulled his hands out of his pockets, lifting his arms as he shrugged. "You've got me there. I just wanted to make sure we're both clear about who's going to be the winner." 
There wasn't much that truly bothered Kyungsoo, but arrogance was at the top of the list — especially when it came to judo. Respect was one of the main tenets of the sport, and he had no patience for those who chose to disrespect others, even their opponents. 
But just as judo had taught Kyungsoo the importance of respect, it also taught him not to waste unnecessary energy. 
"Good luck," he said dismissively as he turned his back on Taejung, ready to walk around to the back entrance. A hand on his shoulder roughly pulled him back, spinning around just in time to see a fist aimed for his face. 
Kyungsoo shut his eyes, gritting his teeth as Taejung's fist collided with his face. He only had time to be grateful that he wasn't wearing his glasses before the pain set in, sharp and blooming over the tender area surrounding his left eye. There was no doubt that he would be left with a bruise.
He could hear shouts in the distance, but couldn't make sense of the words with the sudden pounding in his ears. One of Kyungsoo's hands came up to cup his eye, glaring at Taejung as the other man smirked. 
"It was nice meeting you, Do Kyungsoo." Taejung waved his friends over, all of them dashing off down the street to where they had parked, a few of them sparing glances back at where Kyungsoo stood staring after them. 
He still stood there after they left, wincing at the growing pain and starting to worry about how he would hide this from everyone — especially you. 
Kyungsoo walked into the dojo, eyebrows drawn low over his face as he slipped his shoes off. He could hear the sound of voices talking to each other in the training room, music playing in the background. Taking in a deep breath, he readied himself for the barrage of questions that he knew the others would have for him.
He opened the door, head held low. "I'm back," he said quietly. 
His head snapped up at the sound of your voice. "Y/N?" 
As soon as he looked up, you gasped in horror at the red blotches covering the skin around his eye. The actual eye itself was red-rimmed, glossy with moisture.  
You were scrambling up from where you had been seated on the floor, Mark and Taeil following your example. "Soo, did someone punch you in the face?! Taeil, do you guys keep any ice packs here?"  
"I'll go look," Taeil said, hastily rushing over to the storage room. 
"Hyung," Mark spoke up. "What happened?!" 
You came over to Kyungsoo, a hand flying up to cover your mouth as you realized the full extent of his injury. "Who gave you that black eye?!"
"Kim Taejung was waiting outside," Kyungsoo replied. "He just wanted to try and mess with me before the competition." "He hurt you," you said indignantly. "Soo, you need to go to the hospital." 
"It's not that bad." 
You fixed him with an icy glare. "Don't you dare try to pretend like you're not hurt right now. You need to see a doctor for your eye."
Taeil ran back into the room, out of breath as he held the ice pack out to Kyungsoo. "We need to contact the tournament directors."
"No," Kyungsoo disagreed immediately, taking all of you by surprise. "Don't tell them about it, I'll be fine." He lifted the ice pack to his face, hissing as it touched his skin. 
"Do Kyungsoo," you said lowly. "We're seeing a doctor, even if I have to drag you out of here myself." 
Kyungsoo swallowed nervously. Both of you were ridiculously stubborn, but he knew when you meant business. And so, he went along with not even a single complaint as you ushered him into your car, his training gear tossed in the back.
"We'll lock up tonight," Taeil said through the window. Mark stood by his side, his usual cheerful expression replaced with a somber look. 
You nodded, rolling your window down. "Thank you. Make sure you two stay safe too. I'll let you know how he's doing." 
The next half-hour was spent in a clinic, waiting for a doctor to check out Kyungsoo's eye. Even as the two of you waited patiently, Kyungsoo tried to reassure you that his injury looked worse than it actually felt.
But you wouldn't feel better until a doctor told you the results.
After careful inspection, the doctor concluded that there was no significant damage done to the eye. "The redness that you saw earlier in the actual eye was most likely a reaction to the initial force," she explained. "But the skin underneath your eye area is still pretty red, and it'll probably start to turn darker in the coming days. If you start to notice anything different with your vision, go to a hospital right away. Other than that, keep icing the injury, but don't put pressure on it! Take some ibuprofen too if it continues to hurt."
You and Kyungsoo both let out a long exhale in unison, thankful that nothing was too serious. 
"Thank you, doctor," Kyungsoo said. As the doctor nodded and made to leave, Kyungsoo looked to you, noticing the way your lips were pursed in a tight line. He knew without a doubt that you were still upset about what happened. 
Sure enough, you were silent the rest of the way back, only asking him if there was enough ibuprofen at home. Your hands were gripped tightly on the steering wheel, expression blank while you drove as if on autopilot. Even taciturn Kyungsoo was starting to grow antsy as the silence dragged on, finally speaking up once the two of you were back home.
"Y/N, talk to me," he pleaded. Kyungsoo placed his hands on your waist, searching your eyes for the troubles lying within.
"I just... what if it had been worse? What if we actually had go to the hospital? Soo, I was so scared when you walked in looking like this," you burst out, all of the pent up emotions finally free. "And you try to play it off like it's nothing, but this was the scariest shit I've ever seen. I can't believe you don't want to report that scumbag for this." 
Kyungsoo pulled you closer, only mere centimeters between the two of you. "I don't want to give him the satisfaction of thinking he's already beaten me. If I win, I want to know that I won because of my own skills." 
You scoffed. "You say 'if', like we don't already know you're going to win. Sometimes, you're too modest for your own good." 
"It's okay. Your faith in me balances it all out." Kyungsoo couldn't help but smile as your eyes grew wide with surprise. 
"If you're trying to distract me from being mad, it's not working." Despite your words, you brought a hand up to gingerly brush your fingers over his cheek. "I still don't like the idea of you competing against him." 
"We'll be in a room full of people, he won't be able to do anything without the referees noticing." 
As much as you hated to admit it, he was right. Kyungsoo would be safer during the actual competition than he had been tonight. "Don't mess him up too much," you said. "I want a chance to get my hands on that jerk, too." 
Kyungsoo sighed. "That's not what judo's for, Y/N." 
You recalled all of the times Kyungsoo had talked about how judo was considered a peaceful form of martial arts. "I guess it's a good thing that you're the professional and not me." 
Shaking his head with a smile, Kyungsoo leaned in to kiss you, soft lips moving against yours. Both of you were careful to leave the left side of his face alone, the skin under his eye still colored a bright red. Each brush of his lips only melted away more and more of your worries, grounding you in the here and now. 
In the back of your mind, you knew that everything would be fine. Kyungsoo had come this far, and once he put his mind to something, there was no backing down. 
Even if he didn't win, you would be proud of him nevertheless.
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The big day had finally arrived, the air charged with anticipation. 
A few matches were already taking place, judokas each focused on their opponent and blocking out everything else around them. You sat in the stands, hands clasped tightly in your lap as you waited anxiously for Kyungsoo's turn to come. Mark sat beside you, just as nervous.
"Hyung's turn is coming up next," Mark told you, looking at the roster displayed on a screen close by. 
A buzz from your phone had you scrambling to unlock it, a new message from Taeil just coming in: "Headed out there now." 
You were grateful that Taeil had offered to stand in as Kyungsoo's "coach" for this competition, offering him moral support and talking through technique with him as they waited in the locker room. 
The doors at the side of the area opened, Kyungsoo coming out first in his blue judogi followed by Taeil. Your eyes narrowed as you realized who the person following after them was — Kim Taejung. His mouth was curved into a smug grin as he waved at people in the stands. 
"Oh, fuck off," you muttered under your breath, Mark's mouth falling open at your sudden outburst. 
The men walked over to the edge of the tatami mats, Kyungsoo and Taeil talking to each other while Taejung did the same with who you assumed was his own coach. Even from this distance, you could see the dark burgundy splotches around Kyungsoo's eye, the injury looking more terrifying than before.
"This is crazy," Mark spoke up. "I mean, if he wins here, and then wins at the province-wide competitions, and then moves to nationals — " 
"Mark, calm down." You laid a hand on his shoulder. "We're both going to start freaking out at this rate." 
"Match number three," a voice came from the speakers. "Do Kyungsoo and Kim Taejung." 
Both men walked to opposite sides of the mats, bowing before stepping onto the actual mats, and then walking to the center before stopping to bow to each other. As Kyungsoo straightened back up, you were struck by how quickly his expression had changed, his round eyes taking on a steely gaze, brows drawn low as he waited for his opponent to make the first move.
Taejung lunged forward, hands gripping onto the collar of Kyungsoo's judogi as Kyungsoo tried to keep his opponent from knocking him off balance. 
Considering judo was a sport characterized by throws and pinning the other person down, the first half minute consisted of both men circling around each other. A few times, it seemed like Kyungsoo had gained the upper hand, a firm hold on Taejung's judogi only for the other man to slip out of his grasp.  
The jacket of Kyungsoo's judogi was undone by this point, chest exposed as he continued to avoid Taejung's movements and counter with his own. He only had five minutes in total to score one point and win the match, and two minutes had already slipped past. 
You gasped when Kyungsoo managed to hook a foot around Taejung's leg, swiftly turning around and throwing the other man to the ground. The referree awarding him a half-point for managing to bring his opponent down. 
Taejung was livid, glaring at Kyungsoo as they jumped back into the match. His movements seemed more desperate, taking on the offensive as Kyungsoo continued to block his moves. At one point, it seemed like Taejung had the upper hand, holding onto Kyungsoo's judogi and trying to throw him onto his side. Kyungsoo started to fall, but grabbed onto Taejung's sleeves, feet slipping on the mats as he tried to keep his balance. 
"They only have a minute left," Mark said, peeking at the clock. 
You leaned forward in your seat, hands on your knees. "Come on, Soo," you whispered. 
Taejung tried to bring one foot around the back of Kyungsoo's leg, but he wasn't quick enough. Kyungsoo twisted out of the way and both of them stumbled apart, sweaty and out of breath. The referee stopped them for a second before continuing the match, only thirty seconds left. There was a bit of tussling, each of them trying to get the upper hand. 
Suddenly, Taejung's feet slipped against the mat, Kyungsoo quickly taking advantage of this and spinning around, pulling Taejung over his shoulder and throwing him down onto the mat. 
Your hands flew to cover your mouth as Kyungsoo stood up, the referee awarding him another half-point and declaring him the winner of the match. 
"Oh god, he did it," you shrieked, jumping up from your seat. 
Mark got up too, cupping his mouth with his hands and letting out a long yell.  
On the mat, Kyungsoo took a few steps back before bowing, Taejung reluctantly following suit. When he got back up, Kyungsoo turned to the rest of you watching from the stands, eyes searching for your face. A relieved grin appeared on his face once he caught sight of you. He was still charmingly handsome, even with sweat running down his face and the mottled bruise on his skin. 
You sent a bunch of kisses his way, laughing as his cheeks turned red. "I love you," you mouthed.
Kyungsoo waved back, lips moving as he said something. You couldn't hear him, but you knew what it was nevertheless — "I love you, too." 
You couldn't be more proud of him.
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A/N: let me just say that watching videos of actual judo matches for reference was personally boring 😅 i’m definitely not a judo expert (or any sort of martial arts in general), and I’m also not a health expert so please keep that in mind if I wrote something incorrectly! I did so much research on belt rankings and competitions, and awarding points and stuff LOL I still can’t believe how short the actual matches are, but I’ve seen people say that 5 minutes seems like forever when you’re the person actually in the match. 
like with every other time I’m looking for names for oc’s, I looked to exo related movies: this time being soo’s “Room No. 7″. Also, funnily enough, I was inspired to go with this plot after seeing that “the karate kid” was up on netflix 😂 and then I remembered soo’s movie “hyung”. even though this isn’t related to the movie, I just wanted to write martial arts soo! I honestly think i’d write a fic for each of the members’ acting roles if I could haha
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rollzerox · 5 years
can we get pregnant yona with jaeha visiting her in the recent chapter?
Sure thing anon! Sorry it’s short but I came up with something ^^
‘So Soo-won is going to die? Was this happening when he killed father too? How soon will he…?’ Yona’s mind was racing with all her new information as she clutch at her stomach, her unborn child restless feeling its mother’s uneasiness. She did know how to think or feel of hearing of her cousin’s condition, or even how basically the kingdom wanted her now because she had an heir on the way. But only if she stayed in line, thank goodness they didn’t know who the father of her child was or else they’d use that against her too… They already could threaten Hak if he were to find out… Not to mention her child wouldn’t be safe either, she glanced at the rain out the window and frowned, wondering how her family were and what they were up to. Seeing Jae-ha hurt during the tournament still shook her up but she knew that she couldn’t reveal he was the father of her child. But how badly she wanted to run to his side now, though she couldn’t put him and the other dragons at risk, now that she knew this secret… She was at a loss what to do as she felt her baby move around inside her.
 Yona let out a weak laugh. “I know… I want to see daddy too.” She whispered. “But it’s almost like my legs won’t even move…” she mumbled, caressing her stomach as she sat on the floor.
 “Well now didn’t I already tell you?” a voice hummed followed by a creek at the window. “That I would be your legs?”
 Yona’s eyes widened as her heart stopped, hearing that all too familiar voice brought tears to her eyes as she spun around and confirmed she wasn’t hearing things. There her Ryokuryuu was, right in the window smiling warmly at her as he hopped into her room.
 “J-Jae-ha?!” Yona gasped, then quickly drew the curtains to hide the fact he was there in the event Judo checked up on her. Once she made sure they couldn’t be seen, she immediately threw herself into her husband’s arms. “Did you come alone? You jumped here?” she asked, burying her head into his chest to take in his heartbeat and warmth. Gods she missed him so much and here he was, her baby even reacted giving a swift kick that he’d feel with them pressed together.
 Jae-ha let out a laugh. “Well I couldn’t wait anymore and how dare they tell me I can’t see my lovely wife so I came.” He hummed, rubbing her stomach. “Had to check on you and the little one after all, I heard you weren’t feeling well.”
 “What?” Yona blinked. “I’m fine. So is the baby. Are you alright? You were injured and…” she pulled back to grab his arm that she saw got sliced in battle.
 “Well that’s a relief. And I’m perfectly fine, as is Kija. Our injuries healed up very quickly.” Jae-ha shrugged, brushing his hands through her crimson hair as he leaned in to give her a short, yet passionate kiss as it had felt too long since he’d last been able to do so.
 Yona melted into his arms from the kiss, she longed so much for contact with her husband and her family and she smiled as Ao leapt onto her shoulder, having come along with the Green Dragon. But she was confused when her husband cut the kiss short and took her hand. “Let’s go Yona darling.”
 “Huh?” Yona was a bit confused as the Green Dragon lead her towards the window. “Jae-ha what are you-?”
 “They’ve kept you up here like a prisoner. Some alliance.” Jae-ha scoffed. “I’m taking you to see the others. We’ve all been worried and they refuse to let us see you. The rain will give us cover and I’ll be able to return you before anyone notices we’re gone for long. Besides you should see what Hak did, becoming a soldier in the Sky Tribe trying to get his position back as your bodyguard. It’s rather cute actually.”
 ‘I can see everyone again? I really want to but…’ Yona tensed, recalling her conversation with Min-soo. She couldn’t pull her family into this now, and she did need to speak with Soo-won first. Especially if eyes were on her if she left the room, Judo would be checking on her soon and would discover her missing. Not to mention she couldn’t risk the chance of them finding out who her husband was, they’d threaten Jae-ha next or their unborn child.
 “Come on love, you know if it’s me I can set you free. This isn’t an alliance you’re practically a prisoner here.” Jae-ha commented, shaking his head. “To hell with them, let’s just get out of here and-“
 “No.” Yona said firmly, pulling her hand away. “Jae-ha I can’t leave just yet.” She looked into his eyes to show how serious she was. “I can’t talk about it, but you need to get back before they see you’re gone.”
 “Yona dear…” Jae-ha looked at her astounded, unable to understand why she was refusing his hand when she grabbed his face and pulled him down to her level, pressing her forehead against his.
 “Husband.” Yona whispered, closing her eyes as she caressed his face. “If I go with you now, I’ll put you all in danger. I need to talk with Soo-won before leaving here…. Or else our child will never be able to grow in peace. Also tell Hak I don’t need a bodyguard, and be safe. Don’t let them find out we’re married, or else you’ll be in danger too.”
 “Yona dear… What happened?” panic filled Jae-ha’s voice, he knew his wife’s tone meant something serious was going on.
 “… I can’t tell you.” Yona whimpered, opening her eyes to look at him sadly. “Not yet. But… I came here for answers and I might be getting more than I bargained for.”
 “Princess Yona?” Judo’s voice could be heard nearby.
 “Go now!” Yona whispered, pulling Jae-ha close for another kiss before pushing him towards the window. “I love you.”
 Jae-ha grit his teeth, hearing the general nearby he knew he didn’t have time to argue. “… I’ll be back, I promise. Love you too, princess of my heart.” He whispered in a rush before leaping for the sky.
 “Princess?” Judo came closer and pulled at the curtain, right then Yona had just stepped out from there.
 “Ah it’s raining in, I was just trying to close the window.” Yona said, trying to regain her composure. Judo took her excused and walked off, she exhaled and fell to her knees, clutching at the curtain with one hand and the other one her pregnant belly as her child moved around again. “… I won’t let them hurt you or your father… But this can’t keep going on. I need answers.”
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amethyst2900 · 5 years
So like, my brain is horrible and shit and loves to keep switching ideas on me soo here’s the first chapter of a Strangefrost sort of Detective AU let’s go
Read on Ao3
Stephen wasn’t a simple guy. Though from most people's perspective he was. To most people, he was just a detective who was amazingly good at his job and managed to work his way up quickly. But only a select few—well only two people—knew both sides of him. They knew the cunning detective and the Sorcerer Supreme.
Yeah, he was both of them, which was a tall order for even him. He had to run out of the office if Wong ever needed him or he had to stop in the middle of training because fucking Tony needed him on a case. It’s hard to handle sometimes, running in between so many things but having to make sure nobody knows what he’s doing. But he managed, even if he got little to no sleep.
Or like today where he’s gotten no sleep in the past forty-eight hours.
“I still don’t know why you do this to yourself,” Wong said, leaning against the door frame, watching as Stephen finished dressing himself up for work. His work clothes were simple, a white dress shirt with a dark blue vest, a black tie, and black slacks. And he was wearing the Eye of Agamotto of course, he didn’t go anywhere without it at this point.
Wong was the first one to know about this whole thing he had going on, he was his best friend after all. And he still fondly holds the memory of Wong spitting out his tea when he told him that he was going to be a detective. He remembers it every time he needs some cheering up, it always does the job.
“Because I want to help as many people as I can,” He explained like he had a thousand times before. He honestly wanted to help everyone he could, it felt like he had too. It felt like a punch in the gut if he just stood there and did nothing while innocent people got killed. So, what else was he meant to do?
“You could still help people if you were the Sorcerer Supreme full time,” He pointed out. “And you would be able to get a full night’s rest,”
“Yeah, I could, but,” He reached up and adjusted his tie a bit. “I wouldn’t be able to help like the way I am right now as a detective. I couldn’t help out in any cases, solve murders, you know the normal stuff.”
Wong shot Stephen a pointed look but he just smirked back at him. It felt like they had something like this conversation every week. It always ended the same. Wong sighed and shook his head.
“Fine, I won’t hold you back from doing it,” He smiled sadly. “Just get some sleep tonight, all right?”
Stephen smiled back at him and nodded. “I’ll try to, promise,” He said. They both knew that it meant that Stephen would try to go to sleep only if he didn’t get a good case today.
Wong gave him a nod before walking out of the room, probably on his way to Kamar-Taj.
Stephen sighed and shook his head. It was nice to know that Wong cared about him. But he didn’t want Wong to worry over him too much, even if Stephen gave him a lot to worry about.
He grabbed his leather jacket from the dresser it was lying on. Throwing it on and heading out the door, mentally preparing himself for (hopefully) a long day of paperwork with a bit of Stark being an asshole mixed in there. But what else was new?
When this first started out Wong had expected him to make a portal to work each day. Which was absurd-especially since he was trying to keep it a secret that he was a goddamned Sorcerer. Plus, he needed to get to and from crime scenes, and he occasionally had to bring people with him. He couldn’t use a portal then.
So, he bought a motorcycle to use.
Yes, he could have just bought a car, but he’s not sure he can drive one anymore without panicking and remembering….that.
Motorcycle it was.
He slid onto his motorcycle, not bothering with a helmet. He enchanted it when he first got it. It would create a force field around him if he did get in a crash and with a little bit of illusion magic anyone who wanted to see him with a helmet on would.
Stephen sighed as he put in the key and started to drive off to work.
He furrowed his eyebrows as he walked into the office; the air felt tense somehow. Nobody was talking. Not even Clint, which was amazing really. He’d have to learn what was going on so he could shut Clint up when he was getting annoying. Which was like every moment he talked.
It felt as if the whole entire office was looking at him, waiting for him to do something. Stephen glanced over at Natasha, whose desk was nearest to him.
“What the hell’s going on? I didn’t grow a third eye or something, right?” He said disguising it as a light joke. But really he was concerned since it was an actual real possibility at this point.
Natasha smiled sweetly, which was a smile that always meant trouble.
“Stark wants to see you in his office, he has a little surprise for you,” She explained with a shrug of a shoulder in the office’s general direction.
Stephen’s eyebrows furrowed even further. Why the hell would Tony want to see him? Tony left him to do his own thing, only calling him to his office when he needed him on a special case. But those were usually private meetings though, the whole precinct never really knew about them.
“Okay…?” He trailed off. He shook his head and started walking over too Tony’s office.
“Good luck Strange!” Clint called out as Stephen entered the office, closing the door behind him.
Tony was sitting at his desk, typing away at his computer. The office looked exactly how you would think Tony’s office would work once you got to know him. The walls were painted a nice hot red, making the black desk pop in the room. There were a few case files resting on the side of a desk and Stephen felt an itch in his chest to just grab one and look through it. But he could control that itch, for now at least.
Tony glanced up from his computer. “Stephen, what are you doing in here?” Tony joked with one of his classic Stark grins™.
Stephen rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. “I’m here because you wanted me here, and apparently the whole goddamned precinct knew about it before me,”
Tony leaned back in his chair. “Yeah, okay fair I have a good reason for that. Just come on sit down,” He said gesturing to the chairs that were in front of his desk.
Stephen gave Tony a quick pointed glare but moved over to sit down in one of the chairs.
“So, what is this about?” Stephen asked.
“Well, someone likes to skip the foreplay,” Tony murmured, grabbing one of the case files off the desk. He flipped through it for a moment, and Stephen couldn’t help but wonder if it actually was a special case that Tony wanted him on.
“Ah, here we go.” He gently tossed the file on the desk making it slide over to Stephen.
Stephen took the file in his ever shaking hands, but at least the shaking wasn’t too noticeable. His eyes were immediately drawn to the picture of a man with long black hair who seemed to be wearing a black suit.
“Some sort of missing person case?” He asked as he skimmed the information on the page.
Tony snorted. “No, Stephen, not everything’s a case you know,” He sighed.
“I don’t think everything is a case,” Stephen retorted as he glanced up, already annoyed with Tony even though he’d only been here for only a minute.
“Yeah sure you don’t,” Tony rolled his eyes.
“Whatever, just tell me what this is all about,”
Tony smiled, a smile that could not be any good. He put his hands behind his head.
“This is your new partner, Loki Laufeyson,”
Those words hit Stephen like a fucking fireball. No, no, Tony couldn’t have put him with a partner. He’s almost always worked alone, (with the exception of coroners and forensics of course,) only bringing other detectives to help him when he was at the end of his rope. Which was almost never. It was how he worked best; it was how he solved every case. It was how he kept his secret.
“No,” Stephen said firmly, dropping the file on the desk.
“No,” He said gritting his teeth. “Stark, I can’t work with a partner, you know this already,”
“Strange I know that, but you can’t keep running around without a partner to back you up!” Tony grabbed the folder and held it back out to him.
Stephen crossed his arms. “I don’t need anyone to back me up, and if I do I’ll just ask Natasha or something,”
“She won’t be there all the time, and neither will anyone else,”
“So? Like I said I don’t need backup,”
Tony clenched his jaw.
“Don’t need backup? Strange we all need back up sometimes, and just because you haven’t been shot yet doesn’t mean that you don’t need a partner! In fact your damn lucky that you haven’t gotten shot,” It wasn’t really luck, more just he was really good at dodging bullets and really good with putting up a fight. Which were both things he never expected to be good at.
Tony had a semi-good point though. He ran into everything head first, usually without back up. But that was how he worked.
“It’s still a no from me,”
“Too bad, you’re still getting him as a partner,”
“But nothing, you’re getting him as a partner and that’s final,” Tony said, glaring at Stephen. He glared back at Tony, he knew he couldn’t just walk out of here, or just continue to deny Tony. Neither of which would turn out that well for him.
Stephen groaned. “I’ll work one case with him and we’ll see how that goes. Deal?”
Tony smirked like he had won, which he kind of had honestly.
“Sounds good,” He said, offering the file back to him. “Now take this file, go back to your desk and learn a little about your new partner before he gets here,”
Stephen hesitantly grabbed the file from Tony. “When is he going to be here?” He asked getting up from his seat.
Tony shrugged. “Don’t know, Thor said he would be here soon, but he’s just a little uh….” Tony trailed off, glancing around the room. Stephen rose an eyebrow.
“Nervous to do this,”
Stephen slowly nodded, not quite believing what Tony was telling him. He turned on his heel and walked out the door. Today was not going to be a fun day for him.
“I am Loki, God of mischief, I should not be working for the police!” Loki said to Thor for the twentieth time during this car ride that Thor had forced him into. He could leave, just disappear from the car and go back. But he kind of wanted to stay here. To see where Thor was going with all this of course. “Brother, this will be good for you,” Thor said plain and simple. Not taking his eyes off the road for even a split second. He must be used to this by now, which was horrible. Loki would have to up his game. “Oh, yeah? Working with all your little Avenger friends will do me good?”  Loki scoffed crossing his arms against his chest, feeling the seat belt push against his neck slightly. Norns he hated this thing, he understood that Midgardians needed protection against the most simple of things. But why did they always have to make it so uncomfortable?
Thor sighed, shaking his head. “You have been sulking in your room for almost year,” He pointed out. Loki cringed slightly at that. It was true, he barely left his room, only leaving when Thor’s little team needed him.
“So? Just let me sulk for another year, then I’ll be fine,” Loki said with a twinge of pain behind his words. And he knew that Thor noticed it.
“Loki….I know that what happened to Asgard was hard on all of us.”
“You mean all four of us?” Loki said bitterly. He turned to look out the window, watching the cars pass by them.
“Yes, but everyone has tried to move on. Except you, that is,” Thor sounded sad as he said that. Like he was sad that Loki couldn’t get over something that was basically his fault. Something that he could have prevented. It was his fault that almost everybody died that day. Loki shook his head, trying to clear it.
“And working as the FBI will help me ‘move on’?”
“Hm-mm,” Thor hummed. “It’ll be like a fresh start for you,”
“Yes, because working with somebody I already know to solve a murder will be such a fresh start,” Loki said letting the sarcasm seep through his voice. He already knew everybody that worked in Thors division.
“You don’t know the person you’ll be working with,” Loki whipped his head around to look at Thor like he had grown a second head.
“Sorry?” Loki asked.
Thor had a self-satisfying smirk on his face, that Loki just wanted to punch off of him. Maybe he’ll do that later after they were out of the car.
“I haven’t mentioned him, and he’s not an Avenger, so you don’t know him,”
Loki rose an eyebrow. “I thought Stark and Rogers only wanted Avengers in their division,” He said, remembering a stupid meeting that he barely paid any attention to where Stark mentioned it offhandedly.
“They do, but Stephen is the special exception,”
Stephen, okay, this man’s name was Stephen. He’d have to keep that in mind for later.
Thor glanced at him and Loki was suddenly very glad that Thor had gotten a prosthetic eye because it would have been extremely creepy to see him glance over with one eye.
“He is good at his job, so Tony wanted him with us,” Thor sighed as he turned on his turn signal. “He does not know that we’re the Avengers though, so keep that in mind when you work with him,”
That was odd...Stark wouldn’t just want anyone on his team. So Stephen must have something special about him. Something that Tony saw. And Loki almost wanted to find out what that something was.
“Who says I’m going to work with him?” Loki asked as Thor turned into the parking lot.
“You do, because if you did not want to at least try to work as an agent then you would have just disappeared ten minutes ago,” Thor pointed out and Loki wants to punch Thor for knowing him so well. Because nobody has that right, at all.
Loki huffed and leaned back into his seat. Thor pulled into a free parking place and turned off the car with a small click. Thor turned to look at him, putting his hand on Loki’s shoulder. Loki sneered at his hand but allowed to stay anyways.
“You’ll be good at this Loki,”
“And how do you know that?” Loki asked, even though they both knew exactly why he would be.
“You know,” Thor said with a small smile.
Loki sighed. “Fine, I’ll try to do it,” He shook his head.”But please let me be able to disappear anytime I want,”
Thor’s smile turned into a full-on grin. “Of course you can do that, just don’t use magic on anything or anyone and we will all be good,”
He frowned. “No magic? Really?”
“No magic, unless it’s absolutely necessary,” Thor pulled his arm away from Loki’s shoulder. He opened the car door.
That stupid rule really, Loki basically breathed magic. But it did make sense, he was going to be working with a Midgardian who had no idea that magic existed after all.
“Your new badge and gun are in the glove box, so come in when you are ready to,”  
Loki tilted his head a bit, a small smirk playing on his lips.
“Do you actually trust me with a gun?”
“No, I really do not,” Thor said with a little twinkle of mischief playing in his eyes. “But I’d rather you have a gun than a blade,” He said knowingly.
Thor got out of the car slowly. “Welcome to your first day on the job Detective Laufeyson,” Thor said before closing the door, leaving Loki alone so that he could prepare himself for whatever hell he just got himself into.
“Human lie detector huh?” Stephen muttered into his second cup of coffee. It was good of Tony to actually give him Loki’s file. He must have learned that Stephen wanted to learn as much as he could about the people he was working with.
So far Loki’s file had been...interesting to say the least. He was a twenty-six-year-old man who had worked his way up quickly, just like he had. He was supposedly good at fighting, knew when to do something and when not to do it and was basically a human lie detector.
Looking at everything Loki was good at made it obvious why Tony wanted him. Tony only took in the best that he could after all.
The precinct was back up to its usual chattering, clearly, the only problem they had was that Stephen was getting a partner and they didn’t know how he would take it. And from what he’s overheard so far everyone thinks that he took it better than they expected.
Hell even he was surprised that he didn’t just walk out of there after hearing it.
He looked up from the file. Thor was walking towards his desk, he had his jacket folded over one arm.
Stephen smiled at Thor. Thor was always the nicest to him, even when he first got here and nobody really trusted him.
“Hey buddy, heard that you were the one bringing the new recruit here,” Stephen said, taking a sip of his coffee.
Thor nodded happily. “Yes, I am, he’s in the car right now,”
“Hm, so he really is nervous?”
Thor’s face twisted in confusion and maybe a little disgust in there. Stephen wasn’t completely sure.
“Nervous?” Thor laughed quietly. “ My brother nervous? You must kid,” Thor came to a stop in front of his desk.
Stephen choked on air.  He coughed for a moment before he could say anything
“He’s your brother?” He said, setting down his coffee on his desk slowly. He should have seen it coming honestly, Loki and Thor were brothers in mythology after all.
Thor cocked his head. “Yes, did Tony not tell you?”
“All he gave me is this,” He waved the file around. “And it mentions nothing about you two being brothers, also he has a different last name than yours,” Stephen said, still trying to recover from the shock that Thor had a brother that he never mentioned.
Thor glanced up for a second then nodded. “I’ll have to talk to Tony about not telling you that, but yes he has a different last name because he’s-”
“Adopted,” A posh voice said. Stephen and Thor looked away from each other to look at whoever said that.
“I’m adopted, I decided to use my real father’s last name so I wouldn’t be compared to my brother,” Loki explained as he stopped next to Thor. Putting his hands on his hips. He looked exactly like the picture, he was even wearing the same black on black suit. The only difference was that he had his hair pulled up in a low bun. Honestly, he was getting full marks appearance wise, now he had to find out what he was like personality wise.
“I’m Loki Laufeyson and I take it your Stephen?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. Stephen gave a small smile to him.
“Yes, Stephen Strange, nice to meet you,”
“It is a pleasure to meet you too, partner,”
“Don’t call me that.”
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rogue-rook · 7 years
some highlights from Story and Song from an all-caught-up-now TAZ listener (spoilers abound)
hot damn yall
i gotta feeling everybody’s coming back for this finale
oh god taako just realized he found his sister’s fucking SKELETAL REMAINS
griffin: “taako and merle, make a dexterity saving throw" justin: “hell yeah, dungeons and dragons is back!” griffin: “we’re back and we’re rolling dice that have 20 sides on them. it’s got 20 sides and 20 numbers, its great”
griffin: “the third figure is a fucking rhinoceros” magnus: “DIBS!”
the fact that angus is an 11 year old child and totally DOWN TO FIGHT just reinforces that i was right to make him my favorite npc
hell yeah we’re back to DND fights! they like rolled for initiative and everything
justin, after talking about taako’s leveling up: “should i talk slower so everybody who’s been complaining about us not playing dnd has time to nut. how’s everyone enjoying this GREAT COMPELLING AUDIO”
griffin: “this hand is gonna attack you, taako, cuz you just set it on fire”
magnus: “i jump on the back of the rhinoceros” griffin: “of COURSE you do”
taako: "hey magnus that was the coolest thing ive ever seen…HANDS DOWN!“ get it cuz they found a giant magical hand…GETIT?!
ango used the umbra staff to cast a fireball way above what ango should be able to do and im like hot damn i love this fucking umbrella
taako: “i snap the umbra staff over my knee” HOLY SHIT YALL!! ITS HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“lup grits her teeth and says ‘I’m going to fucking kill you now’“ MY GIRL!!!!! THATS MY GIRL!!!”
lup: “why didn’t you let me out sooner, dingus?” taako: “i didn’t remember you existed, goofus” THEY’RE SO ADORABLE
taako: “don’t worry, I’ve got MAGIC POWERS” magnus: “is that supposed to be a big reveal?”
the love between magnus and fisher is one of my favorite bonds of this whole show
everyone banding together to fight the big bad is one of my favorite tropes ever (what’s up pacific rim) so that everyone is doing that here is INCREDIBLE
magnus: “i use my levitation magic” griffin: “oh im sorry, did you say you take the elevator? the skype call broke up for a second there”
griffin: “magnus, something falls from the sky” magnus: “i catch it” griffin: “no you don’t, it’s pretty big”
i’m so glad that griffin is committed to calling killian, carey fangbattle, and noelle “Team Sweet Flipz”
lup: “here’s my idea, are you ready for it? it’s a banger”
griffin: “you remember that, taako, because your memory’s so good!”
griffin: “its upsy, your lifting friend” wait what. im sorry, what?????????
oh its lucas okay, cool. that moment got wayyyy too much Gravitas for it just to be the worst brand mascot EVER
YOOOOOO istus’s gift to taako, the item he could retrieve when he needed it most, has RETURNED TO THE STORY AND IM SO EXCITED BY THAT!!!
griffin has really genuinely lost track of the correct timeline of the events of this story and im like shit my dude, you and me both. ive only got most of it down
this john motherfucker is like almost tugging at my heartstrings but also im the embodiment of “cool motive still murder” bc im pretty sure this dude’s to blame
clint doesn’t remember jack shit about merle’s kids right now and in context, its like merle doesn’t even know how old his kids are. that’s BAD
griffin: “although this bear is in like Furious Nonsensical Monster Mode, you see, just faintly, you see it retract its claws as if to say ‘alright motherfucker, lets wrestle’”
magnus: “they’re not strong enough, I have to be” damn, talk about a Magnus Burnsides Thesis Statement
the fact that magnus is refusing to kill this monster mode Power Bear even though it’s being controlled by an eldritch nightmare is like. proof that magnus has a goddamn heart of gold. what a hero
magnus finds it in him to ask for help and avi comes crashing through the walls like “sup dude, need some help from Captain Handsome Hero?”
“no dogs on the moon!” AAHHHHHH IM SO EXCITED ABOUT THAT
taako: “i don’t know what tacos are. I’ve gotten hints, if you wanna call them taco prophecies. that’s a crazy thing to say out loud, but I just said it, so here we are, I guess, I’m talking at you through a frying pan, try to keep up Joaquin”
taako: “I’ll take one taco, extra destiny”
taako: “yeah, like I’m going to let myself be seen being taught how to cook anything, nice try”
taako: “so, a toast” joaquin: “no, its a taco….just a little food joke” taako: “very little”
istus: “huh, didn’t see that one coming” griffin: “across two universes, two food trucks explode” damn griffin
griffin: “kneeling at the center of town, is kravitz” OH GOOD! NOW WE’RE COOKING! NOW WE’VE GOT THE GOOD SHIT GOING!
i just gotta mention here that I love eldritch nightmares and cthulu-esque monsters, so this story’s eldritch nightmare that consumes everything in its path contrasted with a slowly-more-corrupted human avatar is MY JAM
merle: “i cast zone of truth!” travis: “TO WHAT END??”
griffin: “it is the most powerful holy spell you have ever cast” THAT’S A GOOD FINALE CALLBACK!!!!
griffin: “she turns back to lucas’s lab and she says ‘hero time’” NOELLE!!!!! NOELLE THAT WAS SO GOOD!!!
kravitz: “i wanna warm up my face so it’s not weird” AWWWWW
lup: “what’s up ghost rider?” kravitz: “you know we’re going to have to talk about the fact that your sister’s a lich, right?” taako: “yeah…i assumed”
lup: “taako just summoned all the energy in our reality to come help us fight” magnus: ���mmhmm. I fought a bear…when I say it like that, it doesn’t sound as good, does it?”
davenport: “lup did you find the starblaster?” lup: “oh i sorta… forgot we were supposed to be doing that”
taako: “we have basically been trolling it for 100 years..[..]..and i don’t know about you, but TAAKO’S GOOD OUT HERE”
lup: “lucretia, dear, I’ve already forgotten about the whole thing. OH! OH! bad choice of words!” lup you adorable asshole
lup: “please don’t die” taako: “i’d say the same but that ship done sailed, hasn’t it?”
taako: “i walk over to angus and say ‘hey cool knife, you know he’s got a sword that’s on fire, right? he did just give you a KNIFE’”
lup: “hear that, babe? we’re legends”
“there’s magic in a bard’s song” OH SHIT! OH SHIT! OH SHIT!!!!!!!!!!
magnus: “this is it? it’s just a guy!” taako: “yeah it’s one guy, shouldn’t be a problem”
clint: “you heal up to 700 hit points!” griffin: “BULLSHIT! WHAT???” clint: “divided evenly” justin: “okay well but you don’t have any 9th level spell slots…” clint: “then I will use Mathias the Living Grimoire!” awesome I’m so glad clint learned how to actually properly play dnd on this LAST EP
griffin: “I will say, you’re on a ship, there’s probably a mast or something for you to swing down from” wait what this is an actual ship??? i was picturing like the entreprise or something
griffin: “we’re playing a little calvinball with the design of the starblaster” oh okay cool yeah its like a spaceship, not a fucking 17th century pirate ship
my dudes you never leave your weapons buried in the dying bodies of your enemies bc if they bounce back, they got your weapon now
griffin: “john is up first” justin: “fuck” clint: “he’s still just john? he’s not Demi-john????” travis: “final john” more cross-mcelroy-product jokes!!!!
the grubby heroes healed by godly love, i bet some people are feeling some Stuff right now
taako: “hey i want everyone to meet a new friend of mine, this is Joaquin” griffin: “OH FUCK! YES YES YES YES!!!”
joaquin: “thanks for the wizard powers, I’ve killed like a hundred of these things!”
griffin: “oh fuck I thought you were going to summon ME!!!”
hot damn clint REMEMBERED his gift from istus and fucking used it!!!!!!!!!
taako used the immovable rod!!!!! im so proud of them for remembering AND using all their items!!!!
taako: “i gotta be with lup” oh that’s so fucking sweet
angus: “hey everybody, johann was right! WE WON!” cool im crying a little bit, no big deal
griffin: “how does magnus die?” hey fuck off griffy i don’t want this
magnus being reunited with julia is making me cry significantly now
they got their happy endings, everybody got their happy endings, and I’m so happy
I am SO glad and grateful I got caught up in time for this fucking heartwrenching sweet finale
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