#someone needs to restrict my internet access
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cannedbananabread · 7 months ago
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I sent this to my friends and they kicked me out of the group chat :(
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a-crawling-chaos · 1 year ago
uhhhhhh tma bible au elias is The Father, jon is The Son, and martin is The Holy Spirit (amen)
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i-have-rabies-dw · 2 months ago
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This is what the executive order banning all gender affirming care for those under 19 is called. Oh these fucks. They hope for the deaths of so many Americans, rub their tiny little hands together praying for a bunch of trans teenagers grow so disgusted with themselves and so caged by their bodies they fucking kill themselves. I cannot describe my anger. It doesn't matter if I expected it.
Rant below
It does matter, to me, that was how long I was forced to wait in my red area, though I can't describe the depths of hell I went through, I could not describe the levels of dehumanization, to feel like a stray dog beneath every one of your peers and family members, desperate for love and acceptance by just one person to find the only way would be a noose. I could tell you how much it causes you to disconnect yourself, to view yourself as something other than human, to view human's as a violent hateful creature, breeding, spreading, and trading violence like a disease. How it would be utterly repulsive to be like them. So narrow minded, so unwilling to accept someone for such minor differences.
I didn't know what transgender meant or was until 8th grade. In 4th, I got access to the Internet for the first time, with it, I made my first representation of myself no one in my physical life could interfere with. I forget the name I went by, but I was thought to be a boy by everyone online who spoke to me. I kept it that way, even once they got to know me, it was right. In my younger years, I had no friends, never did I have a kindergarten or elementary best friend, I didn't know it was normal to sit with a group of friends until I read Harry Potter in middle school. Ha, and never did I ever have that group of friends to sit with. I was a loner to the most extreme example of that term, none of it was by choice. I even dropped out of high school and graduated in an alternative way because I couldn't stand being friend to no one, enemy to more than necessary for never speaking. Before that, at during lunch and "recess," I sat between the wall to the staff bathroom and a large paper rack that sat in the hallway, I did this until I aged out of that building. With dropping out, I did it immediately after coming out as trans and finding that suddenly, all my peers felt more justified taking licks at me. No one person respected it at the time, and I got kicked already for coming out as trans months prior and a bunch of drama because of that (mistake #1 never come out to your family first). I was an optimistic child. I was an extroverted child, excited and enthusiastic about the world. I was kind to all. Then I met the world and saw no one like me in it.
Also, another thing, a lot of transfems and transmascs have fatal rates of anorexia or restrictive eating(asides the inherent body issues that come with it), both in attempts to pass as their gender and, my speculation and projection, self punishment. I was well below 100 pounds for years, and I'm a tall guy.
I laugh in the face of transphobes, I don't think they could survive.
My AM like monolog/vent overrrits.
Sometimes I wonder, if when I first came if I had acceptance, what would have been different with acceptance from even some of the family? The reason I came out to my family is I needed to socially transition with family and peers IRL before the doctors wanted discuss it further with me as a minor, they still didn't allow me when I was 18 and out for years so it was more than that but alas. If I didn't get kicked out, I wonder what it would have been like to start transitioning younger, to switch to a different school and have a chance at a second life not so jaded, with "my"/a family. I'm still alone, I think I might always be, I'm starting to be okay with that.
Oh, also for everyone thinking blue states are institutionally good and positive places for queers to live, welcome to rural Washington, where the concept of a butch- or even masculine women would be enough to make heads explode, least where I'm from they may as well as be Idaho legislators in terms of values.
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sevensinswithin · 8 months ago
Okay so to everyone who was here for the original post, here’s basically how Alicent and Laenor get married in my lavender marriage au:
The entire thing starts because Alicent catches Laenor and Joffrey fucking in a secluded part of the castle a few weeks before Aemma dies. The boys only realize they’ve been caught because Alicent runs away from them like her ass is on fire. That girl had no idea gay male sex was an option in life and now needs to reevaluate everything in her life after catching them.
Laenor then spends the next few weeks trying to find a way to get her alone because guess what. Fucking in a secluded but also public area is not a good strategy if you want to keep your gay love affair a secret. So now Laenor is hoping to convince Alicent to stay quiet about what she saw because his dad seems to think he'll grow out of it (do not attack me, this literally happens in canon) and he doesn’t want anyone to know yet since it might impact who he’ll get married to eventually. Meanwhile Alicent is desperately trying to forget that she ever saw anything and doesn’t tell Otto about seeing Laenor and Joffrey because let's be real. This man said “childhood companions” like it was a slur in that one scene, so she knows that her father would do something with this information. Alicent does not want to be the reason Joffrey and Laenor are in trouble for their relationship. Nevermind that she’s suddenly having the realization that women liking women isn’t that far of a stretch after all.
Unfortunately, to everyone else in the world, it looks like Laenor is trying to court her and that Alicent is just trying to be very polite about his interest in her since she never wants to be alone in a room with him unless they’re around other people. Which is something that is totally normal and not weird at all. Why would you say otherwise?
Then Aemma dies and Otto sends her to see Viserys in his room and Alicent is now very stressed about something else in her life because she wants to do what her father says, but she also doesn’t want to betray Rhaenyra.
So during those six months after Aemma dies - which is apparently how much times passes between Aemma’s death and when Viserys decides to marry Alicent according to a HOTD article I read - Alicent, like in canon, is sent by her father to Viserys’ chambers and desperately hopes that her father’s ambitions won’t happen and that Viserys will simply see her as person that is supporting him in his grief.
(Life Hack: If you ever want to read an article and it says you have to make an account to read the rest of it, just go back to the google page you found it on, right click the link, and save the link as an HTML document. That lets you read the article without having to make an account. I found this out from someone on the internet and damn did it help when I wanted to access any account restricted article. Anyways, back to the plot.)
So to counteract that and make it so she’s less appealing to Viserys, Alicent always mentions Laenor and how fond of him she is during their talks. She also mentions how worried she is about Rhaenyra and her position as heir because there seems to be so many people that seem to be under the impression that they can replace her by having Viserys marry one of their daughters and convince him change his heir to one of the possible children he might have with those daughters.
Meanwhile, Laenor is absolutely losing his mind because all of a sudden Alicent is always around him and receptive to interacting with him, even though literally weeks before she avoided being around him like the plague. During this she also manages to wring out of him the fact that his parents (mainly Corlys, let's be real) are talking about potentially marrying Laena to Viserys and that he hates that idea as she’s way too young in his eyes for that. Eventually Alicent manages to find a way to be alone with Laenor and make him swear to secrecy about what she'll tell him because telling anyone might mean that his sister will actually have to marry Viserys. He does and she fills him in on what her father wants and what she’s attempting to do, and that she needs his cooperation to get him to at least appear like they’re courting.
So Alicent and Laenor put up the appearance that they’re at least attracted to each other to get people talking, which totally doesn’t ignite jealousy in Rhaenyra at the idea of Alicent being in love with her cousin. Cue Rhaenyra absolutely doing everything in her power to make Laenor appear like a loser to Alicent and the rest of the court. Alicent makes sure to get her to stop that shit real quick and tells Rhaenyra that she and Laenor are only pretending to be in love in order to avoid having to marry someone that would disrespect Laenor’s preference for men and disregard Alicent’s autonomy. Alicent also mentions that possibly marrying Laenor means that Alicent and Rhaenyra will be allowed to see each other very frequently as she will be Laenor’s wife and the Velaryons are often at court since they are related to the royal family. So now they have Rhaenyra on board.
Eventually the night before that one small council meeting where in canon Viserys announces that he’ll marry Alicent, Alicent “confesses” to Viserys that she’s in love with Laenor and that she wants to marry him, but that her father would never allow Alicent to marry Laenor because he and Lord Corlys dislike each other. She also lets it “slip” that Otto is very adamant that Viserys must have a male heir despite the fact that Rhaenyra has already been made heir, and that he sees Alicent as a potential bride for Viserys despite her unwillingness to marry her best friend’s father. She also sprinkles in the fact that Rhaenyra would be devastated at the idea of her father remarrying, especially if the bride in question were her best friend or even her little cousin (Yeah fuck you Corlys, you’re on thin ice for that and the grow out of it comment), and the fact that surely his wife would want him to defend his daughter’s claim to the Iron Throne from potential usurpers, which is something that would definitely happen if he had a son.
This causes Viserys to absolutely lose his shit, but Alicent calms him down and he sends her away from his chambers. However, not before Viserys hints that he would not dissolve a marriage between a highborn lady and lord if they eloped and consummated the marriage. So instead of heading straight to her rooms, Alicent instead books it to Laenor’s chambers. The two of them run off to a sept and convince a septon to marry them with a few commoners as their witnesses because they can’t take any nobles in fear of being stopped (and to also have the commoners spread the fact that Alicent and Laenor eloped). Then she and Laenor head off to Laenor’s chambers to consummate the marriage with the help of Joffrey, who they had stay in Laenor’s chambers so that no one would get him in trouble or notice that he was in the room with them during the consummation, and to have Alicent stay over so that people could catch them together in the morning and spread the news of her “ruined reputation”.
The next morning Laena bursts into Laenor’s chambers like she always does and “catches” them before running off to tell Rhaenys the way all little siblings do. So then Rhaenys and Corlys show up, as does Otto; he caught wind of the situation through a servant he paid off to spy on the Velaryons. Once there Otto starts shaming Alicent about her ruined reputation and Laenor retorts that she didn’t ruin anything as he married her before he bedded her. Otto then explodes at the pair when Laenor says that and Corlys rushes to defend his son against all the stuff Otto is saying and threatening him with.
Eventually their argument gets so loud that a servant rushes to get Viserys and a few guards since they’re afraid that the two lords will resort to violence. Trailing after them is Rhaenyra and the Small Council, as the meeting was supposed to start half an hour ago but certain people were missing and needed to be found. So now the entire Small Council, Rhaneyra, and Viserys are at the doorway of Laenor’s room while a furious Otto and Corlys trade insults. Meanwhile Rhaenys sees how afraid Alicent and Laenor are and rushes to the pair’s defense (because they need someone in their corner that isn’t shaming the other party), saying that perhaps the two wouldn’t have resorted to eloping if Otto and Corlys weren't always at odds. Seeing the King, Otto rushes to demand that he have the septon reverse the marriage, but Viserys reveals that he knows about Otto’s plan to make Alicent marry him and how he knows that she wished to marry Laenor instead. He then fires Otto from being Hand and sends him packing to Oldtown, approving of Laenor and Alicent’s marriage as a final insult to Otto. He also firmly informs the small council that he will not be getting remarried, that Rhaenyra will remain his heir, and that anyone who objects otherwise is speaking of treason.
So there you go, the outline for a story that I’m most likely going to write in non-linear bits. In this world Alicent is Lady of Driftmark, Laenor and Joffrey get to be happy, and Viserys prioritizes making sure that Rhaenyra’s claim to the throne is secure. Also somewhere down the line in this universe Rhaenyra and Alicent get their shit together and realize they’re in love with each other, and Rhaenyra gets to marry Harwin because Daemon never takes her to the brothel and so she gets to pick her husband and be the polyamorous bi queen we all love.
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am-i-the-asshole-official · 2 years ago
AITA for getting mad about someone misrepresenting their age
I (23F) run a discord server (~60 people) that isn't age-restricted and I make it clear that NSFW content belongs in those specific role-restricted channels. In order to get the role to access those channels, you have to confirm that you're over 18. Aside from this, I don't ask people to declare their age and discourage sharing of any other personal information in the server. However, because of the pandemic, people got pretty close to one another and I know that there are offshoot group DMs with subsets of server members.
One server member, let's call them G (18F) was in this server for a bit and we were friendly. But one day, another server member, H, (26F) while chatting with me, mentions that it's G's birthday and they were having virtual celebrations for her in one of those offshoot DMs. Cool, no problem, but H reveals that G is turning 18.
Weird, I say, because I was pretty sure I'd seen her in the role-restricted channels. Maybe H was confused?
No, H is not confused. G is turning 18. H was not supposed to tell me this and is now anxious about my reaction. I go and check and yup, G requested the 18+ role and was posting in the role-restricted channels long before she turned 18.
I got really pissed. I told H that I needed an explanation and an apology from G and went to go take a walk to cool down.
When I got back, I got an apology from G which essentially read "sorry for lying about my age but I do it everywhere because internet privacy and also I never really went into those channels anyway".
Firstly, I never asked her for her age and secondly, she was definitely in those channels. I sent her a reply saying that there are real consequences to pretending you're 18 with other people, especially in the context of discussing NSFW content, and basically didn't accept her apology.
I want to kick her out of the server, but technically she's not breaking the rule anymore and she did offer an apology. If I found out about this earlier, I probably would've just removed the role instead of kicking her. But now I'm upset about both the rule-breaking and the broken trust. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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mariacallous · 3 months ago
Nighat Dad grew up in a conservative family in Jhang, in Pakistan’s Punjab province. The threat of early marriage hung over her childhood like a cloud. But despite their traditional values, Dad’s parents were determined that all their children get an education, and they moved the family to Karachi so she could complete her bachelor’s degree. “I never really thought I would work, because I was never taught that we could work and be independent,” she says. “We always needed permission to do anything.”
Dad thought a master’s in law might delay the inevitable betrothal, but soon after she completed the course, she found out her parents had arranged a marriage for her. She didn’t mind her new life of domestic chores in a household she describes as “lower-middle class”—that is, until the abuse started. “That’s when my legal education reminded me that this was wrong,” she says. “Our laws, our constitution, everything protects me, so why was I facing this? Why was I tolerating it?”
With her family’s backing, Dad left her husband and filed for divorce. But after years of domestic violence and abuse and with no experience of working, she struggled with a lack of confidence. “I had no idea that women who are divorced and have a child face such difficulties in a society like ours,” she says. When her ex-husband filed a custody case for their 2-month-old baby, Dad wasn’t sure how she would pay for a lawyer. That’s when her father reminded her that she was a lawyer too.
Dad used her degree to win custody of her only child. In the process, she realized how many women in Pakistan were facing years of violence and systemic injustice. But the thing that bothered her most was the digital divide.
Before her marriage, Dad’s family never allowed her access to her own cell phone, and when she finally did get one, her husband would use it as a surveillance tool—keeping track of who she called and who was texting her. She had an escape tool in her hand, but she couldn’t use it. “Going through that by myself made me realize how quickly technology is evolving, and how it’s creating virtual spaces for marginalized communities that might not have access to physical ones,” she says. “Facing those restrictions made me understand just how crucial it is to challenge societal norms and structures around women's access to technology and the internet, so they can use it as freely as men.”
In 2012, Dad established the Digital Rights Foundation, an NGO that aims to address the digital divide and fight online abuse of women and other gender minorities in Pakistan. She began by helping women who reached out to the organization, providing advice on digital safety and emotional and mental support. In 2016—the same year Pakistan finally passed legislation against online crimes—Dad and her team launched a cyber-harassment helpline. Since 2016, it has addressed more than 16,000 complaints from across the country. “Sometimes, the police would give our phone numbers to victims seeking reliable help,” she says.
The DRF’s in-house legal team offers pro bono advice and helps women file and follow-up complaints against their abusers. “In many cases, we were successful in actually getting the perpetrator arrested and taken to trial,” Dad says. In October 2021, the DRF’s legal team helped journalist Asma Shirazi win a landmark case in the Islamabad High Court against broadcaster ARY News, after she became the target of a coordinated troll campaign which was exacerbated by a false story aired on the channel.
“If an organization like the DRF had existed when I was facing my own issues, I would have felt so much more supported—knowing there was someone to guide me legally and help me navigate the complexities,” she says. “My abuse started with surveillance, and if I had someone to talk to back then, I might have avoided the deep depression that followed. I might not have ended up in such a miserable situation.”
Today, Dad and the DRF are helping to steer global conversations about tech policy reform. She recently joined the United Nations’ AI Advisory Board, and was a founder member of Meta’s Oversight Board, which acts as an independent platform for people to appeal decisions made by the social media giant. “The emerging tech space is mostly driven by big Western companies and governments, leaving out civil society NGOs from the Global South,” she says. “This puts us far behind in global AI governance, always playing catch-up in a fast-moving world. If we’re not part of the conversation, the gap just keeps widening. It’s about reminding the powerful that they can’t win this race alone—they have a responsibility to include the rest of the world, especially those without the same resources.”
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stillalivedcingscience · 1 year ago
i wonder where objectum community will go if tumblr disappears tho? What are your thoughts?
the idea feels very sad to me because the truth is that I was here from the beginning. Like, back in 2014 when I was using tumblr and first posting in/checking the objectum tag, there may have been just 1 or 2 other users posting. But regardless of being very alone I was always adamant abt being objectum on main the entire time I’ve had tumblr blogs since. And I’ll never not be glad for it, because to watch tumblr go from being a site where I found next to no solace in being objectum on, to one of (if not the) biggest online “open” objectum communities, has been hella, hella cool! Thank you fellow objectum tumblr users for being this rad!
and I know tumblr isn’t shutting down per se. But the deeper we go into this hellscape irl and online of censorship and the age of megacorporations and restrictions I can’t help but feel like there’s gonna be a day (hopefully multiple years in the future) where we don’t have this place to congregate in anymore.
i know discord is probably the next likely option, but this makes me sad, because the entire reason why I continued to be objectum on main in the face of adversity and blog raiders and the like over the years was because tumblr was the first place on the web RE: objectum where you didn’t need access to a locked community to access content, and I’m proud to have helped cultivate that. Discord is great and there’s always a risk to having objectum content open and accessible on the internet and discord largely mitigates that but I’m a believer that the risk of sharing on tumblr is worth the reward - it gave tumblr objectum community a way to grow, and for new people who were/are questioning a place to go where they can ask questions and browse content and find community and likemindedness. And of course the same is also true for people who have been here longer because this is a space for everyone.
prior to 2014, to my knowledge, the only other “main” objectum space was OSI, which was a community that you needed to be vetted to enter with your irl name, and all content was locked within the group. This is much like our discord servers that seem most likely to take over in event of a tumblr shutdown, but I want to make this post to remind people, even if it’s just one person, that locked communities are safer, but they don’t cultivate community in a wider sense, and are inaccessible to many. Regardless of what happens to us or where we all choose to go, I hope that people just learning they might be objectum still have a safe, quality place to do that in the future. And I wanted to say thanks to those of us who have been here for some time and have played a part in being that safe space for others and each other, especially speaking as someone who did not have one in the beginning, not even on tumblr. Thank you guys for existing~💕
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seepunkrun · 1 year ago
Hi, i was reading your post about working with Wayback Machine for old stories. Is there a way to view the NC-17 rated / age restricted stories? I haven't found a way to view these so far and a couple of my favourites are in this category. Any help / tips would be greatly appreciated. Thank you - Caro
There is a way to search the Wayback Machine (WBM) for AO3 works that are rated Mature or Explicit, but it takes some extra steps.
If you're not logged in to the AO3, and the WBM isn't, the archive requires you to click through an extra screen in order to access works with adult content. Unrated stories will also trigger this behavior. The archive then takes you to a work page that has some extra stuff added to the end of the work's URL, and this is what you need to look for when searching the WBM.
AO3 has lots of different things it appends to its URLs. Here are some common ones you might see:
For your purposes, you'll be looking for a saved copy that has that first one stuck on the end. These can also be combined. So if you're looking for a saved copy of an Explicit work with chapters, you probably need to find one with ?view_adult=true&view_full attached.
Now, there are two ways to get there. You've probably already tried the easy way, which is clicking the proceed/continue button on the Wayback copy of the work and hoping someone before you saved a complete copy. If there is one, you'll be taken to it.
If that doesn't work, there's still a chance there's a copy saved under some bonkers URL. Take the link for the fanwork you're searching for (it should look like this https://archiveofourown.org/works/4582), plug it into the search field on WBM, add an asterisk to the end of it, and hit go. The asterisk is a wildcard saying give me all the saved pages that start with this URL.
And it will! Just make sure it takes you to a page with an address like this:
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That first asterisk makes the WBM show you copies saved on all dates. If there's a string of numbers in that area, it's a date, and it'll probably tell you no URL has been captured for that URL prefix, which may not necessarily be true.
If you manage to shake loose all of the URL captures for that prefix, you'll see something like this:
Tumblr media
There are 76 pages of hits for that search because my work id was 4582 and the Wayback Machine is giving me every saved AO3 page that starts with those numbers. This means it's also returning hits for works like 45826 and 458240, etc. There's an easy fix for this, just reverse sort by URL by clicking on it at the top (you can see there's a little arrow beside it), and that puts the URL I was looking for right at the top. The first five hits are all captures of the fic I was looking for--it's one of my fics, for the record--but only four of those captures are complete. It's a chaptered work, so the third capture isn't the complete work.
I've sometimes found adult works saved under URLs without the "adult=true" so if you can't find it where it should be, you can always look where it shouldn't be. Many works have multiple captures for each URL, so be sure to check them all.
Here's my original post on using the Wayback Machine for anyone just joining us:
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wuxiaphoenix · 8 months ago
Worldbuilding: Flint vs. Match
Whatever genre you’re working in, not everyone in your story world is going to be working with the same level of technology. (Yes, I’m including “systematic magic use” under technology for the purposes of this post.) There are, and should be, multiple reasons for different tech levels. Some I can think of off the bat are restricted access, lack of money, and lack of available resources.
Access to technology, whether bleeding-edge or specialty archaic recreations, can be restricted multiple ways. One of the simplest ways to block access is to shut out certain people, or large groups of people, from being able to get at the information needed to build that technology. On the grim end of the scale we have the specs needed to make a working ICBM classified somewhere high above Top Secret. On the less life-threatening end, we have patent law; I designed X, nobody else is allowed to make it without my say-so and giving me a cut.
Note, this is the simplest way but also the least certain to hold up long-term. Humans are creative. Once a person knows something can be done, that’s a heck of a leg up on figuring out how to do it again. You can go further and restrict the know-how that leads to figuring out how to remake it, but that’s an ever-widening spiral of unintended consequences. There’s only so much knowledge of atomic physics you can slap Classified on before entire fields of study grind to a halt.
Making it more expensive to get that know-how is another way tech becomes uneven. These days someone who can’t get at least part-time access to the internet for research is far, far less able to gather info than someone who has no money to buy journal access, but enough bandwidth a month to scour the free articles on JSTOR, for example. (A lucky Google search turned up a link to an article on the Korean snap matchlock!)
In a world without wireless communications, someone has to physically go get the information you need. Transport and labor costs add up - and if the information you’re looking for is in a hostile nation, kingdom, or planetary power, that gets expensive. AKA, “GENESIS? Mutara restricted. Permits many; money more.”
Finally, a lack of resources to build the tech, or to build the tools you need to build the tech, is a very real handicap. One of the reasons Joseon Korea took centuries to move from the matchlock gun to flintlocks was a lack of good gunflints. They had to be imported, and that was expensive. Even if the king wanted to - and a few did - the government didn’t see the need to spend that kind of money changing the weapons of an entire army when the peninsula was at peace-
*Gets steamrollered by the Manchus. Twice.*
Consider who has what tech and why. It’s not just local color!
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talkethtothehandeth · 9 months ago
Hi! In response to this post https://www.tumblr.com/talkethtothehandeth/752350930418139136/if-you-ever-need-accommodations-for-a-venue-its could you maybe provide an example of what you said asking for accommodations? I feel like that could be really useful to me I just don’t know how to ask, how much to explain should I like full on Include doctors notes? just like how to go about it in general. Thank you!
Hope this isn’t weird! I just found your blog and I love your posts
Thanks for reaching out! It wasn't weird at all and that is very sweet of you to say! My anons are always open if people are too nervous to ask publicly, and my DM's are always open to anyone. I am unafraid of internet criticism, and I do not close them for the people who need or want to talk with me. I will share exactly what I wrote in the e-mail. For this occasion, I was specifically asking about bringing a bottle of electrolytes because I wasn't sure if I could get to concessions and to my seat (I would have to find the elevator, the venue is pretty large) in the upper mezzanine in time before they close the doors to the show. And venues usually have a "no outside food/drink" rule. Below the paragraphs I will include a reasoning for wording indicated by a *
My name is [your name], and I am writing in regards to my attendance for the showing of [the show's name] on [date] at [time] and accessibility/accommodation needs.
I was not able to buy an accessible seat beforehand, but I was able to find a seat at the end of a row which will help me step out of the room without disturbing the other patrons if need be should I encounter any sort of medical episode that I can manage privately. I might also use a mobility aid (a forearm crutch) to help me navigate the building with less pain. I would let a worker take this for the duration of the show, excluding the intermission, if it would be in the way of an aisle.
*an employee sometimes takes your unused aid and sets it safely in a corner that way other patrons can navigate the aisles without tripping!
Mobility aside, I am reaching out to ask if I am allowed to bring my own drink (which would be one bottle) to manage my symptoms as I require electrolytes daily at the request of multiple physicians due to a condition called postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. This is a condition that causes me to experience presyncope (symptoms before someone faints) and syncope (actually losing consciousness); the electrolytes stave off my symptoms enough for me to feel comfortable that I, most likely, won’t experience a medical episode during the show time.
*you do not have to share your conditions ever, I just find that sharing mine along with a reasoning will help someone understand more as to why an accommodation is needed— it will make someone less likely to say no.
I understand that establishments rely on public or private funding, and I respect that and will be able to buy concessions to support the business as well. However, I will need to bring many medical supplies (which will fit in my backpack that meets the size limitations listed on your website) and my medical needs include the drink that I am instructed to consume in order to manage my symptoms. This is the only accommodation I ask for if possible as I have everything else I need to carry with me in my medical backpack.
*if you bring a bag, the venues will have size restrictions listed on their websites so that way they can fit securely and not get in the way; they usually search bags too for other's safety. My bag is full of medical supplies and will probably still be searched just because of their rules which I am more than fine with.
Thank you for your time, and I look forward to attending this show.
All the best,
[your name].
Keep reading under the cut
This e-mail was received well, and I even got called by the venue to tell me that they had open seating on that night and would move me to the floor for no extra charge. The lady also asked for me to come a little earlier that way the employees could help me to my seat (I will be letting them push me up a ramp as I am not strong enough for that) she said they have a few other disabled people who will need help as well, and that by coming early I could help their team. They told me that they would have a staff member waiting for me, and before the show starts I will ask to go to the concession stand to buy my snacks before hand and most likely stay in the main area during the intermission since there will be a lot of people to navigate around in my chair. This will be the first time I've ever been alone while in my chair, but the team has made me feel more confident that things will go smoothly while I am there.
It is always worth reaching out, even if things might not go as smoothly as this— I hope that this is a good template to help you in the future. It can be scary to ask, but all I was met with was the lady saying, "We want you to be as comfortable as possible, so anything you need to bring to help you, please feel free to bring it." This is also the first ever time I asked for accomodations, and it worked very well.
I will make a new post before and after the show about how things go and how the staff treats me during the night, and I'll tag you if you'd like.
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symbiotic-slime · 10 months ago
someone needs to restrict my internet access I cannot be reading comics I hate just to feel something
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shellxrls · 1 year ago
i’m so down bad for hugh laurie it’s actually not even funny anymore. someone needs to restrict my internet access.
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philsmeatylegss · 10 months ago
Just remembered the Nth Rooms and it just makes me think about how me, who spent ages 10 to now with mostly unrestricted internet access and it led to a lot of my hobbies and positive traits, am so for parents monitoring their children’s internet activities until ages 13 to 15.
I was fortunate enough to encounter situations with adults as a young minor and knew how to properly handle the situation and not endanger myself (for the most part). Basics like not sharing your full name, pictures, address, etc. But it is so easy to manipulate someone of that age to do otherwise.
I’ve talked about this on my side blog, @ed-recoverry , but at age 13, I posted a “body check” (restrictive ED people know). To put it blunt, I was fully naked with just underwear and my nipples scribbled out. Once again, I had the brains to not put my face in, but there were identifying factors. About ten minutes later, an anonymous account tagged me. They had reposted that photo. I was fortunate to contact enough people where Instagram actually had to respond (reporting photos rarely did anything in 2016) and the post was taken down. But I often think about what if the account didn’t tag me, blocked me right after posting? There was a very real chance my nude 13 year old body with identifying features could have remained on Instagram till this day.
Thankfully this is the only dangerous situation I encountered on the internet, and obviously now at age 21 I see how moronically stupid it was to post myself, especially nude, but you just don’t think that.
I had multiple adults through one way or another try to talk to me with the intention, upon reflecting, of sending nudes or engaging in sexual stuff. Once again, I’m thankful to have had the awareness that I always blocked as soon as the person asked for pictures or my phone number, but that just is something to small for a child to remember to do.
On tiktok, I see so many, so many, (especially girls) post casually about being groomed and sending explicit photos of themselves at ages 10-14. Especially if you are vulnerable, if you are starting to deal with mental health issues like I was, you just don’t have the ability to think about the implications and possible outcomes.
This all happened 2013-2017 when iPhones were just a big question mark and no on really understood what was possible with it. It was a new concept of direct messaging a random kid halfway across the world on Twitter and asking for nudes. It’s a situation, at the time, no one really thought to warn kids about.
Obviously, I’m not in elementary and middle school now, but I hope so much that it’s been implemented into education internet safety, with explicit emphasis on not sharing personal information, sending photos, and not engaging in conversations with adults, no matter who they say they are.
I don’t plan on being a parent, but I just hope millennials and gen z who are having kids or had kids who are approaching ages 10-14 have multiple conversations about not only what not to do online, but also why they shouldn’t do it and if they ever encounter something, they should tell an adult. If you tell a kid just not to share their address, they don’t have the ability to infer that that is because someone could come to your house and harm you. That is something that needs to be spelled out.
And I just think, especially early on, that is something you can easily enforce with monitoring. Although, I also am a firm believer that monitoring should just be used to see if 1) they are talking to anyone 2) they are doing something illegal (usually not on purpose, stumbling upon something). I am a strong believer that teenagers deserve privacy on their phones. And if you taught internet safety, made it a habit to not engage with strangers, explaining what can happen, it just makes a child less likely to even engage with an adult. And if they do, they know what details not to share and when the discussion is dangerous.
I do think being unrestricted online very young had a lot of very positive impacts on me. I was starting to question why I didn’t have similar personalities or interests than my classmates. And going online helped me realize that I wasn’t alone. And hearing curse words and seeing kissing never caused any damage. That’s why, even though I’m a huge advocate for monitoring, I’m a huge advocate for only interfering if your child is in danger. I found porn for the first time because Tyler Oakley (?) referenced cake farts in a video and I thought haha farts are funny and I looked it up and it was a naked woman farting on a cake. It happens. As long as they don’t click on the “horny milfs near you,” it’s okay to leave it alone and never bring it up.
As I said, was just thinking about the Nth room and how many of the victims, mostly the minors, were contacted on Facebook or Twitter or other mainstream, often harmless apps. Apps where conversations can be quickly deleted. And when I see the stories of minor victims in that situation, I can easily envision 12 year old me falling for it.
I feel so lucky that the other 12 year old who was my first internet friend, shoutout to Katie, was a real twelve year old. We sent pics back and forth, bot those easily could have been faked. Or of someone else. There’s just so many situations I can think of being online as a kid that could have so easily ended awful if I made one different small choice.
The internet at an early age can be a gift and be a very positive thing if there are appropriate guidelines. I’m a huge defender that the internet and social media has more positives and negatives and a big believer in the benefits of being on social media and being exposed to the wider world. But I can’t deny the danger in it. This is so random and idk if anyone is reading this who has kids or plans to have kids, but when it comes to introducing them to phones and laptops, please heed the warning from philsmeatylegss
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marshemillow · 6 months ago
Sometimes I read posts like this and wonder if I'm actually living in a different dimension than the rest of the people in the world.
Who are these people who feel the need to have their phones with them 24/7? Who are these people who feel the need to check their phone and social media all the time? Who are these people who can't go outside and feel the sun on their face and who are getting worse anxiety from screen time? My screen time comes entirely from writing fic on my phone because I find sitting up at my computer too long painful. If my screen time is 12 hours but I spend 11 of those hours making art, is it still rotting my brain, or is socializing the big problem?
These are not rehtorical, these are genuine questions. Are there actually people who are like this who don't have a preexisting problem? Yeah, I used to read a book a day when I was in middle school and now I can't pay attention to a book for more than a few minutes. That's because I have ADHD and I have adult responsibilities and worries now I didn't have when I was a kid. I had a cellphone in middle school. I had access to social media back when I could read a book a day. It obviously wasn't my phone that caused the problem.
I sometimes feel compelled to check my phone when I'm bored, but that's because all my friends live far away and that's the only way I can talk to them. I've had depression as long as I can remember, and when I'm too depressed to do anything, the phone is an easy escape. That doesn't mean my phone caused the depression.
Yes phone use is linked to anxiety, but that's because you can access the news on your phone. It makes it easy to doomscroll. You're telling me people who read newspapers every day didn't have anxiety in the 1940s during world war 2? What about the amount of harassment that's normalized on the internet compared to other places? That's not caused by the phone, that's caused by bullies who can safely hide behind a screen to ruin your life instead of to your face like in ye olden days.
This isn't to say that this "stimulation" crisis is all fake, I'm well aware that I am not the main character of the universe, rather I worry this scaremongering about "phone addiction" comes from the same bullshit purity spirals of any other kind that stigmatizes people with ADHD and makes parents feel the need to more heavily restrict their child's access to resources that can help them on top of all the other reasons why "porn addiction" or "gaming addiction" are usually total bullshit and only exist to make you feel bad for doing something you enjoy. They are tools invented by christofascist cult leaders to control you. As a smart man once said, "They sell you the disease and the cure."
My hot take on this is that if someone is ACTUALLY spending an unhealthy amount of time on their phone doing things that make their brain stagnate, just telling them "put the phone down and go outside" is not going to do anything. It doesn't fix the underlying cause of their problems that they feel the need to use their phone to distract themselves from in an effort to not feel that pain. In my experience, a lot of people who rely heavily on their phones are abuse survivors or cult survivors or people struggling with an already existing mental illness. Making them present might just make them feel more traumatized if no other solution is given.
All phones do is bring to light problems that already exist. It makes it easy to impulsively procrastinate. It makes it easy to not think too deeply or question your assumptions. It gives you an easy out for bordom that may be actual physical pain if you have unmedicated ADHD. All of these have solutions that don't target phones at all.
In short; Maybe you can't talk about "phone addiction" without sounding like a boomer because the concept of "phone addiction" in and of itself is a boomer idea. Maybe the concept of pathologizing coping mechanisms is just a boomer thing.
Someone please tell me if I'm missing something, because I'm seriously just lost. I hear shit like this everywhere, even in my own family, and they're always just kinda like "source: trust me bro" and then use purity culture jargon to justify their belief that phones are harmful. While continuing to use their phones just as much as they always have.
I wish it was easier to talk about mobile phone addiction without sounding like a boomer
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Buy the Best IPTV Service with Reliable Performance in 2025
Uncover The Best IPTV Service with 4k streaming, variant channels, and reliable performance for an unbeatable viewing experience.
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IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) is revolutionizing the entertainment experience by changing the way we access and consume TV content. Unlike traditional cable or satellite TV, which rely on broadcasting signals, IPTV delivers content over the internet, offering a wide range of benefits that enhance the viewing experience. One of the biggest advantages of IPTV is the ability to watch content whenever you want. With services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime, IPTV allows users to stream their favorite shows, movies, and sports events at their convenience. This flexibility has made traditional TV schedules less relevant, giving viewers more control over what, when, and how they watch.
But with so many IPTV providers out there, how do you choose the best one? That’s where I come in.
I’ve been testing and reviewing IPTV services for over three years, analyzing their channel offerings, streaming quality, pricing, device compatibility, and customer support. In this guide, I’ll share my handpicked list of the top IPTV providers for 2025. Whether you're in the USA, Canada, UK, France, Spain, or anywhere else, I’ve got the perfect recommendation for your needs.
Let’s dive in and find the best IPTV service that fits your budget and preferences!
Finding Top IPTV Subscription Online for 2025!IPTV USA FHD is Best.
IPTV USA FHD is Redefining the Industry in 2025
In today's fast-paced digital world, having access to high-quality entertainment at your fingertips is a necessity. Choosing the best IPTV service providers comes with numerous benefits, enhancing your entertainment experience and providing value for your investment. Whether you're a sports enthusiast, a movie buff, or someone who loves binge-watching TV shows, IPTV USA FHD offers the ultimate streaming experience.
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❇️Features of IPTV USA FHD
High-Quality Streaming: Full HD (1080p) and HD (720p) channels for a crisp viewing experience.
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DVR Functionality: Option to record, pause, and rewind live TV programs.
EPG Support: Electronic Program Guide for browsing and scheduling shows.
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4k Streaming: Support for multiple streams on different devices.
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24/7 Customer Support: Reliable assistance for technical or subscription issues.
Supports files like M3U, Enigma, and MAG
24/7 dedicated ready to help support team
You can use it on up to 5 devices
Affordable and cost-effective compared to traditional TV.
Access to a wide range of live TV and on-demand content.
High-quality streaming in HD, Full HD, or 4K.
Compatible with multiple devices (smart TVs, smartphones, PCs).
Flexible subscription options with customizable packages.
Features like VOD, catch-up TV, and EPG.
Watch anywhere with no geographical restrictions.
Requires a stable, high-speed internet connection.
Risk of unreliable or unlicensed providers.
Device compatibility issues for certain platforms.
🔰Subscription Price of IPTV USA FHD
1 Month- $16,99
3 Months- $28,99
6 Months- $35,99
1 Year- $59,99
Why IPTV USA FHD is The Top IPTV Subscription Online in 2025
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✅ Crystal-Clear FHD & 4K Streaming:  IPTV USA FHD delivers high-resolution content with minimal latency.
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Why Choose IPTV USA FHD Service?
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High-Quality Streaming: Offers Full HD (1080p) and HD (720p) channels for a superior viewing experience.
Extensive Channel Lineup: Access thousands of live TV channels, including local, international, sports, entertainment, and news.
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DVR Capabilities: Record, pause, and rewind live TV shows for convenience.
EPG (Electronic Program Guide): Easy navigation and scheduling with an interactive guide.
Multi-Device Compatibility: Supports smart TVs, smartphones, tablets, PCs, and streaming devices.
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No Hardware Required: Works over the internet; no need for cables or additional devices.
User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive and easy-to-navigate platform.
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Frequent Updates: Regular content and feature updates to enhance user experience.
Choose your plan with IPTV Subscription Online 
Aris IPTV – A Leading Premium IPTV Service
Aris IPTV is a highly rated IPTV service provider known for its extensive content library, high-quality streaming, and excellent customer support. Offering a diverse selection of live TV channels, movies, and sports networks, Aris IPTV provides users with a seamless viewing experience at affordable prices.
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This verified IPTV service is trusted by thousands of users for its reliability, minimal buffering, and compatibility with multiple devices. Whether you're looking for live news, entertainment, international channels, or premium sports content, Aris IPTV delivers it all.
Key Features of Aris IPTV
✔ Massive Channel Selection – Access over 18,000+ live TV channels from around the world. ✔ High-Quality Streaming – Enjoy HD, Full HD, and 4K Ultra HD content with minimal buffering. ✔ Extensive VOD Library – Stream thousands of movies, TV shows, and on-demand content. ✔ Multi-Device Compatibility – Works on smart TVs, Android & iOS devices, Firestick, MAG boxes, Windows, macOS, and more.✔ User-Friendly Interface – Intuitive and easy-to-navigate layout for seamless browsing. ✔ Electronic Program Guide (EPG) – Stay updated with schedules and never miss your favorite shows. ✔ Multi-Screen Support – Watch on multiple devices simultaneously. ✔ Stable & Reliable Servers – Ensures 99.9% uptime for uninterrupted streaming. ✔ 24/7 Customer Support – Round-the-clock assistance via live chat and email.
How to Get Started with Aris IPTV
Choose a Subscription Plan – Select a package that best suits your needs.
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Set Up Your Device – Follow easy installation instructions for your preferred device.
Start Streaming – Enjoy seamless access to live TV, sports, and on-demand content.
With its premium features, excellent performance, and affordable pricing, Aris IPTV is an ideal choice for those looking for a top-tier IPTV experience.
Elite Streams
Elite Streams is another excellent choice for high-quality best IPTV services. Known for exceptional customer support, they ensure uninterrupted entertainment.
Diverse content library.
Multi-device compatibility.
Flexible subscription plans.
Pros of Elite Streams
✅ High-Quality Streaming – Offers stable and smooth HD and 4K streaming for an enhanced viewing experience. ✅ Exceptional Customer Support – Known for responsive and helpful customer service, ensuring quick issue resolution.
Cons of Elite Streams
Potential Buffering Issues – While generally stable, peak hours may cause occasional lag.
Limited Trial Options – Some users may prefer a longer or more flexible free trial period.
Content Availability Varies – Certain regional content or live channels may not always be accessible.
Device Restrictions – Although multi-device support exists, simultaneous streaming might be limited based on the plan.
Possible IP Blocking – Some ISPs may block or throttle IPTV services, requiring a VPN for uninterrupted streaming.
IPTV Horizon
Features: Provides a broad channel selection, as well as some on-demand content.
Pricing: $18 for 1 Month.
International Channels: It offers a variety of international channels, making it an excellent choice for users who want to access content from different countries.
DVR Functionality: Basic DVR features are available, allowing users to record content for later viewing.
Higher Pricing: The cost is on the higher end compared to other IPTV providers, which might make it less appealing for those looking for more affordable alternatives.
Limited Streaming Options: There are restrictions on the number of simultaneous streams, which can be limiting for families or shared household use.
Summary: IPTV Horizon could be a good option for users interested in international channels and DVR functionality, but its higher cost and limited simultaneous streaming options may make it less attractive to some.
IPTV Haven
Crystal-clear streaming. 
Frequent updates.
Easy installation. 
Pros & Cons of IPTV Heaven
✅ Pros:
High-Quality Streaming – Provides crystal-clear HD and 4K streaming for an immersive experience. User-Friendly Setup – Simple installation process makes it accessible even for beginners.
❌ Cons:
Limited Trial Period – Free trials may not be long enough for users to fully evaluate the service. Possible Geo-Restrictions – Some content might be unavailable in certain regions without a VPN. Peak-Time Buffering – Heavy traffic periods may lead to occasional lag or buffering issues
Although Elite Stream , IPTV Horizon, and IPTV Haven have some attractive features like affordability, international channels, and flexibility, their major drawbacks—such as buffering, slow customer service, and poor server reliability—make them less reliable options for consistent, high-quality IPTV viewing.
For a more seamless and dependable experience, IPTV USA FHD and Aris IPTV remain the top recommendations. They generally provide better server stability, quality streams, and superior customer support, ensuring that you get the best IPTV experience possible.
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jenniferphilop0420 · 2 months ago
Types of Cryptocurrency Exchanges: Which is Right for Your Business?
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The world of cryptocurrency exchange Development is booming, and let’s face it—it can be overwhelming. If you're exploring options for your business or even just curious about how these platforms work, you've come to the right place. In this guide, we'll break down the different types of cryptocurrency exchanges, their pros and cons, and which one might suit your needs best. Let’s dive in, shall we?
What Are Cryptocurrency Exchanges?
Before we get into the types, let’s clear the basics. Cryptocurrency exchanges are online platforms where users can buy, sell, and trade digital currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and countless others. Think of them like the stock market, but for digital coins.
Why Should Businesses Care About Cryptocurrency Exchanges?
You might be wondering, “Why does my business need to care about crypto exchanges?” Well, accepting cryptocurrency payments or even venturing into trading can open doors to a global audience, faster transactions, and lower fees. Plus, being part of the crypto revolution? It’s like catching the internet boom in the ’90s—exciting and game-changing.
Types of Cryptocurrency Exchanges
Now, let’s get to the good stuff. Cryptocurrency exchanges come in different flavors, and choosing the right one depends on your goals. Here’s the breakdown:
1. Centralized Exchanges (CEXs)
What Are They?
Centralized exchanges are the most common type of crypto platform. These are run by companies that act as intermediaries for your transactions. Popular examples? Coinbase, Binance, and Kraken.
How Do They Work?
Think of them like banks—they store your funds and handle the trades for you. They’re user-friendly and offer a smooth experience for beginners.
Easy to Use: Perfect for newbies.
Liquidity: Tons of trading activity means your transactions are quick.
Support: Customer service is usually top-notch.
Centralized Control: Your funds are stored by the exchange, not you.
Hacks: Centralized platforms are prime targets for cyberattacks.
2. Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs)
What Are They?
Decentralized exchanges are the polar opposite of CEXs. Here, there’s no middleman; trades are peer-to-peer. Think platforms like Uniswap or PancakeSwap.
How Do They Work?
Using blockchain technology, DEXs let users trade directly from their wallets. It’s like swapping baseball cards with friends—no need for a shopkeeper.
No Middleman: You control your funds.
Privacy: No personal information is needed.
Global Access: No geographic restrictions.
Complex for Beginners: Not as user-friendly.
Lower Liquidity: Trading can be slower and pricier.
3. Hybrid Exchanges
What Are They?
As the name suggests, hybrid exchanges combine the best of both centralized and decentralized worlds. They aim to offer the user-friendliness of CEXs with the security and control of DEXs.
How Do They Work?
Hybrid exchanges use both off-chain (centralized) and on-chain (decentralized) mechanisms to manage trades.
Balance: You get a mix of security and ease of use.
Faster Transactions: Combines the speed of CEXs and the privacy of DEXs.
Still Evolving: A relatively new concept.
Limited Options: Few hybrid exchanges exist compared to CEXs or DEXs.
4. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Exchanges
What Are They?
P2P exchanges connect buyers and sellers directly, allowing them to negotiate trades without a middleman.
How Do They Work?
Think Craigslist, but for crypto. You post what you want to sell or buy, and someone reaches out. Platforms like Paxful or LocalBitcoins are popular examples.
Custom Deals: You can negotiate terms.
Local Options: Great for cash trades or region-specific needs.
Scams: Trust is a big issue.
Limited Liquidity: Trades can be slow.
5. Instant Exchange Platforms
What Are They?
Instant exchanges focus on speed and simplicity. They allow you to swap one cryptocurrency for another in seconds without signing up or creating an account. Examples include Changelly and ShapeShift.
How Do They Work?
You specify the coin you’re swapping and the one you want. The platform handles the exchange instantly.
Quick Trades: Perfect for when you're in a rush.
No Accounts: Stay anonymous.
Higher Fees: Convenience comes at a price.
No Advanced Features: Not ideal for serious traders.
Key Features to Consider When Choosing an Exchange
Now that we’ve covered the types, let’s discuss what makes an exchange stand out. Here are some key features to consider:
Is the platform secure? Look for features like two-factor authentication (2FA), encryption, and cold storage of funds.
What’s the cost of trading? Some platforms charge flat fees, while others take a percentage.
User Experience
Is the platform easy to navigate? A confusing interface can make trading a nightmare, especially for beginners.
High liquidity means faster and more efficient trades. Look for platforms with a large user base.
Supported Currencies
Does the exchange support the cryptocurrencies you’re interested in? Not all platforms offer a wide range of options.
Which Exchange Is Right for Your Business?
Here’s the million-dollar question: which one should you choose? It all depends on your business goals:
If You’re a Beginner
Start with a centralized exchange like Coinbase. It’s user-friendly and offers excellent customer support.
If You Value Privacy
Go for a decentralized exchange like Uniswap. It gives you full control over your funds and personal data.
If You’re All About Speed
Instant exchanges are your best bet. Platforms like Changelly make quick trades a breeze.
If You Want Full Control
Peer-to-peer exchanges let you call the shots. Just be cautious of scams.
How to Stay Safe on Cryptocurrency Exchanges
The crypto world can be a bit like the Wild West, but with the right precautions, you can stay safe. Here are some tips:
Use Strong Passwords
Don’t make it easy for hackers. Use a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols.
Enable Two-Factor Authentication
Add an extra layer of security by enabling 2FA.
Research the Exchange
Not all platforms are created equal. Read reviews and ensure the exchange has a good track record.
Avoid Public Wi-Fi
Trading on public Wi-Fi? That’s like leaving your front door wide open. Stick to secure networks.
The Future of Cryptocurrency Exchanges
The crypto world is ever-changing, and exchanges are evolving along with it. We’re seeing new trends like decentralized finance (DeFi) and tokenized assets. As blockchain technology becomes more sophisticated, we can expect even more innovative exchanges to emerge.
Final Thoughts
Choosing the right cryptocurrency exchange development isn’t just about what’s trendy—it’s about what works for your business. Whether you’re just dipping your toes into the crypto waters or planning to dive in headfirst, there’s an exchange out there for you.
So, are you ready to find your perfect match?
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