#someone hug him im being so serious
heavenechos · 5 days
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 announcing  the  arrival  of  nestor  of  house  royce,  the  heir of  runestone.  whispers  among  the  court  name  them  to  be  both  observant and haunted  in  disposition,  and  those  closest  to  them  speak  to  their  interests  in  training horses.  if  we  bards  could  compose  a  song  for  them,  it  might  tell  stories  of  the blue tint that coats the world in the hours before dawn; the creeping feeling of being watched, only to turn and see an owl in the trees, observing you, judging you, like he knows what you’ve done; catching a glimpse of your face in the river as you lean down for a drink- do you even recognize yourself?.  the  seven  whisper  to  their  most  devout  queen  as  she  sleeps,  making  her  question  where  their  loyalties  truly  lie.  are  they  right  to  whisper?  for  their  loyalties  truly  lie  with  house royce, the vale.
under the cut- tw: abuse, murder, drugging
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# basic information.
official  name:  lord nestor royce.  nicknames:  n/a.  noble  title:  lord of runestone.  date  of  birth:  tbd.  age:  36.  birthplace:  runestone.  home:  runestone/the vale.  nationality:  westerosi.  gender:  cismale.  pronouns:  he/him.  orientation:  biromantic/bisexual.  monikers:  the ghost of runestone, assassin name coming eventually. languages:  the common tongue, low valyrian, braavosi.  accent: a neutral westerosi accent that is hard to place, which is by design. a sharp ear can hear a braavosi lilt to his voice, but it’s subtle and fades more every day. he speaks with authority and chooses his words carefully.
# physical information.
faceclaim:  manny jacinto.  ethnicity:  westerosi.  hair:  dark, short.  eyes:  dark brown.  height:  5’10”.  build: lean and muscular.  scent:  like a walk in the woods during a rainstorm.  dominant  hand:  left.  allergies: none.  scars: a long scar along his chest, which peaks out the top of his shirt if the collar is low enough (he wears them high for this reason).  distinguishing  features:  watchful eyes, staring like they can see through to your core, his uncanny ability to enter a room without being noticed. clothing  style:  neutral, comfortable, specifically designed to blend into the crowds. 
# personality.
label:   the lost soul, the phoenix.   mbti:   infj.   enneagram:   8w7.   element:   earth.   star   sign:   cancer.   temperament:   tbd.   character   inspirations:   bucky barnes (mcu), kendall roy (succession), simon basset (bridgeton), lord varys (game of thrones), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARakFevks18&ab_channel=TheSilentEskimo .   deadly   sin:   wrath, envy.   heavenly   virtue:   temperance.   godly   parent:   poseidon.
# drives.
hobbies:  sailing, raising/training horses, hunting.  religion:  the faith of the seven.  alliance:  house arryn, the vale.  personal goals:  to keep runestone secure, to maintain his family’s safety. (possibly in the future, to get revenge against the people who manipulated him.)  would they choose family or power? power, if it means security.
# familial ties.
parent one: lord yorbert royce.  relationship:  tba.  parent two:  lady alayne royce. relationship:  tba.  spouse:  tbd. relationship:  tba.  sibling:  melantha bolton (royce). relationship:  tba.  
  narrative... TW: abuse, murder, drugging (to be safe, will put section with this trigger in italics)
TLDR to avoid triggers- nestor’s early life was defined by an intense pressure to be the perfect heir, and some time in his twenties he decided to run off with some unsavory characters who manipulated him into doing their bidding. it took a few years, but he eventually returned home, even if he was not the same as he was before. he is slowly coming back to himself and mending the connections he’d severed. 
WE REMEMBER. fitting house words for the boy who couldn’t forget. every moment, every detail, seared in his mind. 
it is easy to be the son and heir that you’re expected to be in the first years of your life. so full of potential, every milestone celebrated with glee, every need tended to, every action projected upon. the trouble comes once you start acting in ways contrary to the personality bestowed upon you by an eager lord and lady. 
nestor was silly, mischievous in ways his father believed was unbefitting of a lord. it was unclear to nestor why he had to live a life that was so serious, so grey, so devoid of the things that it meant to be alive. even lords were human- right? 
the pressure was manageable for many years, especially with the little outlets he found and kept hidden from his father, lest they be taken away. after his twenty-seventh name day, he realized he was a piece of coal, expected to be a  diamond, when he was really just… soot. 
nestor, in his search for human connection without conditions, befriended a small group of men who had sailed across the narrow sea from braavos on a whim, landing in runestone for a few nights before returning home. they offered him a spot on their ship, and for the first time in years, he acted on impulse. he offered the men a fake name, promised his sister he’d be home in a few months, and sailed for braavos the next morning.
the first weeks were easy enough, though he noticed the group played a bit fast and loose with the laws of the land. but that’s why he was there, wasn’t it? to break the rigid bones that society had forced him to grow? slowly they pulled him into their schemes, starting with simpler things like stealing chickens or pickpocketing drunk noblemen in the streets. 
(murder, drugging tw) like a frog in boiling water, they started dosing him with increasing levels of poison to keep him docile and malleable, putting him into a dreamlike haze and intensifying what they asked of him until he was essentially functioning as an assassin. he can’t pinpoint the moment that he came back to himself, but it shook him out of the poison’s grasp long enough to escape, to find passage on a ship back to westeros. as the poison faded, the memories returned, and he was left horrified, traumatized, and terrified. 
he thought he’d been gone for a few months, but nearly six years had passed. if it wasn’t for a handful of letters that he’d sent home, he’d have been presumed dead. 
the last four years have been focused on healing and fully recovering the man he was before. many who knew him before his disappearance comment on the quiet way he walks, the way he can slip in and out of rooms without being noticed, moving through runestone like a ghost. with time, the softer parts of his personality have returned, especially around those he trusts. 
his focus is now on his duty as heir, but he can’t get the idea of revenge out of his head. 
# wanted  connections. fellow horse girls:  platonic. nestor searched for a way to cope, and he found it in breeding, taming, and training horses. there’s something about the trust they build, the connection they create. it makes him feel separate from himself, and what he’s down. if an animal conditioned to run from danger can form a bond with him, maybe he isn’t the weapon he feels he became. this could just be someone he goes on rides with, or someone who has hired him to provide well-trained horses. either way, it’s something they bond over. 
connection name tba <3: platonic. people who didn't know him before, that he has learned to trust. he can be himself in their presence, and it's with them that his goofier side returns. nestor treasures these friendships because they are untainted by his past, and he feels they are the rope connecting him to a future where he can truly let go of what has happened, so he has no interest in opening that side of him up to them.
who the hell is bucky:  platonic, negative or positive potential. one of nestor’s closest friends, who was blindsided by his disappearance. whether or not they know what happened, if they harbor some resentment over him disappearing, or if they’re still close is entirely up to plotting, and there’s a lot of directions we can go with it! maybe they even received a letter while he was gone, or wants to help him get justice. -2/2 available. the lead:  misc. nestor has almost no information about the men he was with, except that they all spoke braavosi. they all seemed to be from different parts of the world, though, so that isn’t much of a lead. he has no real names, no permanent location of the group, nothing that would identify them. this connection knows something that might help him find them, and its information that nestor is becoming increasingly desperate for. why did you ghost me: negative. there are some in the vale that believe he is unfit to take his father’s place, and while his continued presence in court has settled the minds of many, he still needs to convince this connection. maybe they have something to gain from his downfall, or maybe they genuinely worry over the future of runestone, but they hold strong to the belief that he should be deposed, and house royce should pass on to another. 
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deadghosy · 7 months
I read the one from catnap, now I need dogday
Prompt: you are a resident in the hotel who helps with trust exercises and help around with Charlie.
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Let’s just say, you are a ball of sunshine everyone needs at times.
“Hi! Welcome to the hazbin hotel, I’m your assistant Dogday.” You say as your tail wags with you being slight jumpy and happy to greet the resident
I can see you walking around at day time rather than night as you are straight going to bed at night unlike catnap!reader
Your tail wags like a gah damn helicopter ready to fly! You always stand with a nice suit with Charlie.
I can see you wearing a suit with Charlie as Charlie thought about giving you one to fit you.
You would make friend ship bracelets with the residents, such as the crew as angel smiles at how you made a special one for him. You could tell Angel dust needed love as you made sure you showed him love of friendship!
I can see you just being hugged everyday for being a good boy. Literally reader is just sitting there sweeping the floor, and out of no where husk grumbles hugging you and walks away as you blink confused.
You definitely thought he was drunk until you didn’t smell alcohol on him with your canine nose.
“Dogdayyyy!” Yells Charlie as she was trying to put up a banner that says “tell us about your day!” Immediately you came running with your tounge out excited on all fours as you stopped In front of her looking serious with a salute to your head
Charlie had to turn away from your face as she blushes flustered at your adorable eagerness to help. She’s actually happy to have an angel help her hotel actually.
“I don’t need a hug my dear fellow…” alastor says backing away with an irritated face still holding his smile. Your eyes glimmer with a sinister look as you immediately jumped at him grabbing him into your soft paws. “Gotcha!”
You are quite opposite from the other headcannon with catnap!reader as you have a sun ☀️pendent on your collar. It matches you, hell even Alastor said it as it taps it out of curiosity.
I headcannon your fur and basically dog day’s fur to smell like human..like literally nostalgia with a hint of vanilla to help with the relaxing feeling for the others.
Since you are basically the sun around the hotel, making everyone happy and comfortable. Ima just say, you definitely have a heater in your plushy body so if it’s winter time. You can keep everyone and even your friends warm!
You rumble in your throat like some kind of purr as you just lay down by the couch of the lounge room in the hotel as residents either pet you or lay beside you.
You do head tilts confused when someone is explaining something you never had heard of before. So you just try to learn from the person so it can be a conversation.
I headcannon dogday!reader to have slight or do have adhd as dogday!reader sways while trying to stay still or mess with their paws when bored. Like reader shakes her legs when sitting as they hum a tune to pass time
You have some fluffy ass orange fur as the fur on your head also looks like hair. So basically like angel dust and how his hair looks. But in your style of course!
And lastly, I can see reader literally chasing their tail like a dog and then stopping as they stand up to their full height. Embarrassingly coughing into their hand as they try to seem professional.
I headcannon Charlie to give you half the tasks as she can see you are working a “little bit” too hard. She only wants you to not overwork yourself. She sees you as a leader as well, but doesn’t want to put pressure on you.
When Lucifer met you, immediately he was petting you with a soft expression. Hell, he even made you a duck a few days later that had dog ears and a sun pendent on it. You smile and made a duck wallet for Lucifer.
Basically you and Lucifer had a gift and receiving friendship as Charlie was happy you and her father was getting along.
But when Lucifer started to live here…oh booyy!
I imagine you accidentally running around the hotel and literally Lucifer is trying to do a Lego duck set. And it crumbles due to you being 8ft….lucifer was pouting and glaring at you at the next hotel meeting. You just sweatdropped at his glare.
I image people thinking you and husk won’t get along as husk is a cat demon and you being a 8ft tall dog creature like plush…but really husk purrs around you as you stand there smiling like a derp. LIKE YOU WOULD BE AT HIS BAR AND HUSK HAS HIS EYES DILATED AT YOU!
I headcannon you call the crew by different names based off summer things….more like sunny thing.
For Charlie=sunshine, vaggie= my sun, Alastor=sunny, Lucifer= sunset, nifty=crazy shine, Pentious= my lovely sun, and finally husk= sunbeam
Now for Angel, you call him Angel…but the way you say it makes Angel smile as it felt like you actually made a nickname for him instead of his name. (Might sound dumb but it’s very cute imo🦆)
I headcannon Angel will grab a ball and toss it yelling “FETCH!” As you perked up immediately with your tongue out as you chase the ball. It was so cartoony as Lucifer, Charlie, and Angel record you being such a good boy. Angel snickers as he sends this through hellgram. (Instagram)
I imagine you and Lucifer hyper fixating on things as you rant about [favorite thing] as Lucifer smiles at how comfortable you are to share these things with him. Lucifer is glad to have a friend like you as you share your emotions out loud like him.
Niffty definitely grooms you as you watch a cartoon on the show. You like to exclaim your favorite part as nifty rewinds it as she grooms your orange fur to perfection.
Headcannon on how your fur smells like a fresh summer day with a hint of vanilla and nostalgia as the crew sleeps on your body while you snore softly. Like literally it’s a cute moment as you wrap your arms around your friend like family. It’s a nice catch to be honest.
I can Imagine a resident was messing with you as you had your head down sad with your tail tucked between your legs. And Alastor popped up beside you with a strained smile as he threatened the resident to leave the hotel or he will broadcast them for his next radio show.
Alastor brought you in his next broadcast as he talked about any subject as you just wag your tail happy to be by the radio demon
I can see the hazbin hotel crew being like “I only talked to that dog for a second, and I’ll kill myself before anyone hurts him.” As you just stand in the background chasing a demon butterfly.
I headcannon the crew being overprotective on your innocence because of how innocent and naive you are based on cuss words. Like angel dust made a comment on how you never cursed before and all you said was, “what’s a cuss word?” ALL HELL BROKE LOSE AS EVERYONE DEATH GLARED ANGEL DUST-
So now if someone curses they just cover your ears as you nibble on a sandwich husk slide over to you.
I imagine sir Pentious literally snuggling against your fur with a doe eyes expression as his egg boiz comment how soft and good you smell as you wag your tail and hug them all. Your love language is definitely all and above, but the most one is touch.
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sunny44 · 26 days
Never the first choice
Pairing: Lando Norris x bf!reader
Warnings: angst, crying, fighting
Summary: Y/n is never Lando’s first choice.
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I sat at the restaurant table, trying to focus on the conversation. The guy in front of me was kind, funny, and interesting—everything someone could want on a date. But my mind was elsewhere. Every time he smiled, I imagined someone else's smile. When he spoke, it was as if I was waiting for someone else's voice to fill the silence.
"Are you okay?" he asked, noticing my distraction.
I forced a smile. "Yes, I'm fine. Sorry, I'm just a little tired."
He nodded, accepting my excuse without question. But the truth was much more complicated. Lando was always somewhere in the back of my mind, whether he was at a McLaren practice, at a Grand Prix, or even when I was on dates like this. I hated myself for it. I hated myself for not being able to move on, for still being stuck on someone who didn’t have the courage to choose me.
I was about to ask for the check, determined to end the date before my heart got even more tangled, when I saw him. Lando walked into the restaurant, his eyes immediately finding mine, as if he had some kind of radar that always guided him to me.
"Y/n?" my date called my attention, realizing that I was staring at something—or someone—behind him.
"Sorry, I just need a minute," I murmured, already standing up. I didn’t know what he was doing here, but I knew nothing good could come of it.
I walked over to Lando, meeting him near the entrance, with an expression I knew all too well—determination mixed with possessiveness.
"What are you doing here?" I whispered, trying to stay calm.
"I... I needed to talk to you," he replied, his voice tense.
"Now? In the middle of my date?" I could already feel my patience running thin. Lando always showed up at the most inconvenient times, as if he knew exactly when I was about to move on.
"Yes, now," he insisted, stepping closer to me. "This guy isn’t right for you."
That was the last straw. "You cannot be serious. You crash my date to tell me this guy isn’t right for me? And who are you to decide that, Lando?"
Before he could respond, my date approached, a look of confusion on his face. "Is everything okay here?"
I wanted to scream, to apologize to him, but all I could do was shake my head.
"I... I’m leaving." Lando stepped closer to me, but I raised my hand, signaling him to stop. "No. Don’t touch me."
The other guy—who didn’t matter much to me anymore, since my heart was focused on Lando—shook his head in resignation. "I guess I’ll leave you two to talk."
I watched him walk away, a mix of anger and disappointment washing over me. Lando just stood there, and I didn’t know if I wanted to hug him or push him away. In the end, I chose the latter.
"You’re unbelievable," I began, my voice trembling with anger. "If you really wanted to be with me, you wouldn’t have gone on a date two weeks ago. Remember that date, Lando? The one you thought I didn’t know about?"
He opened his mouth to respond, but I wasn’t willing to listen.
"So you have no right to ruin my date, just because you’re not man enough to ask me out."
I could see the surprise in his eyes, as if he didn’t expect me to know. But the truth is, ever since I met Lando, I’ve always known when he was getting close to other people. He was unpredictable, and that was one of his charms—and one of his biggest flaws.
"Y/n, it’s not like that..." he started, but I raised my hands, refusing to hear.
"No, Lando, it’s exactly like that. It always has been. And it always will be, right? I’m only your first choice when no one better comes along." I felt the tears start to fall, but I continued, the pain turning into an unexpected strength. "I won’t be your second choice, Lando. I won’t be the person you always turn to when you need to get your dick wet.”
He tried to grab my arm, but I pulled away.
"Don’t touch me. That’s enough, im not gonna deal with this forever."
I turned, grabbed my bag, and walked away from him. The sound of my heels echoed in the restaurant, and the feeling of relief mixed with a deep sadness. The sound of laughter and conversations around us seemed so distant, as if I was in a completely different universe, where all that mattered was the pain in my chest.
When I reached the door, I stopped for a second, hoping he would come after me, say something that would change everything. But all I heard was silence.
I stepped out into the street, the cool night air hitting my face. Finally, the tears I had been holding back fell, and I allowed myself to cry. Cry for me, cry for Lando, cry for the love I never managed to have.
But as the tears fell, a firm decision began to form within me. I was tired of waiting, tired of being the second choice. Lando might not know what he wanted, but I did. I knew I deserved more, deserved someone who would choose me without hesitation, without doubts.
And above all, I knew that no matter how much I loved him, it wasn’t worth it if I always ended up feeling like this—alone, broken, and in second place. I deserved more. And in that moment, I decided I was going to find it, even if it meant leaving Lando behind.
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Bonus scene!
Yourusername instagram stories
“Getting used to be sad and alone all the time”
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fictioonbanger · 1 year
race car driver eren<3!
warnings?; smut obvi, hint of jealousy.
speedracer!eren; who loves driving you around in his all black srt hellcat, has a personal “y/n’s seat” tag in pink glitter on the bottom side of the passenger seat. “baby you didn’t..” you looked back at eren who stood behind you with a huge smirk on his face staring down at you, waiting for your reaction. he was so proud in himself he knew you’d love it. you were hugging him tightly placing soft wet kisses onto his neck. “you like it pretty? got it in pink for ya..” he groaned from under his deep voice as you kissed his chin and adams apple. feeling the vibration of his voice he spoke on your lips as you smirked to look up at him. “mm it’s beautiful my love, i love it.“ you couldn’t help but feel so giddy at erens actions he loved you.. he loved you as much as he did his precious car.
speedracer!eren; who got in trouble with you for driving so fast after his racing match taking you both home, still pumped up on adrenaline. “eren you hit this corner hard so god help me.” you said sternly looking at him, you hated when he drove fast. eren would think your being over dramatic everytime you told him to slow down. to him he doesn’t think he’s going fast.. but i mean obviously is. “mm yeah beautiful.” he’d hum and stare at your pouted glossed lips giving them a long warm peck as he leaned over the arm rest to your seat. “no, im serious ren, ‘hate that shit.” you didn’t react to his kiss and still kept stern. “aight yea baby i heard you..’m sorry y’know i don’t mean to.” he placed another kiss on your pouted lips that you eventually gave into. you hated when he raced also, i mean at a point it was too much and everytime you’d watch and support him from the side line your stomach would bubble and ache. every hard turn he took, the tumbling of the other cars on the side of him from getting hit by another, the anticipation waiting to see your husband cross the finish line and seeing the green flag wave so highly. the relief and squeal you would let out seeing him catch first place.
speedracer!eren; who proposed to you after he won his first game 4 years ago, you’d been dating him before his racing career. supporting him all the way with every decision he made, being by his side in moments of need.. vice versa. you’re his high school sweetheart, you’re his day one. eren loved showing you off, letting everyone know you’re his, will forever be and only. he took you to car shows that everyone expected you to be at, having you in the car of course as he showed out to everyone. driving circles with his driver friends who were right behind him shouting from their cars to the other people in the circle crowd. you deep down had a little hatred for the shows, you hadn’t honestly realized how many women loved your man. screaming his name from the crowd, trying to walk up towards him for a autograph, batting their lashes at him to get his attention at his conferences. eren tried to act like he didn’t notice, he did, but he didn’t notice your attitude towards it.
speedracer!eren; “don’t act like you didn’t notice how close she was trying to get to you, not to mention she SAT her hand on your shoulder while laughing.” you huffed out to eren after the dinner with some friends and employees at the racing center while he was driving home. all he could do was chuckle, that’s all he ever did when you complained. you hated it , it was like eren never took you seriously. after your words you sat quiet in the car as he drove, nothing but the sound of the car revving. “why you bein so quiet?” eren turned his head towards you eyebrows furrowed scanning your every move as you sat there with crossed arms, looking out the window, your signature move. eren didn’t answer you for a reason, he didn’t understand why you were jealous. he never paid attention to anyone else, especially any other woman. why should you feel like someone could ever take your spot? he knew what you were feeling and your feelings were oh so understandable. he just couldn’t have you thinking like that, he sighed and drove the whole way silent. you’d occasionally glance at him gripping the wheel and starring ahead of him not saying a word.
speedracer!eren; who finally got you both home, opening the car door for you and walking behind you silently into your shared home. you sighed and rolled your eyes at his silence and dropped your purse onto the counter walking towards your shared room. you were stopped and taken aback a bit by the force that slightly shoved you into the wall. eren had you put between both him and the cold wall behind you looking down at your eyes. his green orbs piercing into your own, like he was scanning your face all over again for the first time. “r-ren? what’re you doing?!” you said in a confused and honestly irritated tone looking back up at him waiting for a answer. he didn’t reply just tilting his head and raising his eyebrow at the way you spoke to him. he didn’t like when you were mad at him, especially for something he didn’t do. it wasn’t intentional of letting the woman touch and flirt with him. he just ignored it and didn’t care like the usual, his attention was fully forged on you the entire time anyway. “who you talking to like that?” he was searching for a answer out of you. the scowl look on your face and you hurriedly crossing your arms made eren roll his eyes. he knew you were upset about the situation but what could he do? “you! ren! now move please..i need to get in the showe-“ eren scoffed hearing you speak, and grabbed your wrist before turning towards the room. you were so confused of the sudden movements but followed behind.
speedracer!eren; who fucked you all night, having you recite how much you meant to him. “you’re daddies only girl right? nobody could replace you y/n.” he mumbled the last words while looking down at where you two were connected. the white ring forming from the last orgasm you had and his pre cum mixing, he was groaning from the sight and landed a hard smack to your ass to wake you up from your last orgasm. you were face into the pillow and yelped from the contact letting out a accidental moan at the stinging feeling. “stay up f’ me pretty..need you awake baby, wanna hear you repeat it.” eren spoke softly sliding in and out of you effortlessly. hitting your soft spongy spot over and over making a whimper leave your lips with every thrust into you. “mm yeah i’m daddies only g-girl! fuck!” your eyes rolled in the back of your head as you spoke and moaned your words. eren smirked hearing your words and decided to stop finally teasing and get you your last nut. thrusting faster, gripping tighter on your waist slamming you back onto his dick, and fucking into you. eren was a groaning mess and his thrust started to recklessly come on as he was finna nut. “cum with me pretty please baby, just wanna make you feel g-good..fuck.” eren plead out a breathy moan as he tilted his head, thrust sputtering as hot stream’s of cum swarmed your tummy. you came on his dick, gripping onto the sheets below you, eyes shutting tightly as you continued to still throw back on him to finish your nut. eren was gripping your waist tightly, biting his bottom lip and whimpering as he continued to release into your tight cunt. snapping his hips into you more as he drained himself into you. you were gripping him, literally milking his dick. eren sat with a half open mouth as he finished and groaned. setting his forehead on your shoulder from behind you, panting and rubbing up your back with a warm hand. he placed soft kisses onto the crook of your neck and back. “stop thinking you got competition with these bitches y/n, they could never be you baby. let alone breathe the same air as you my love..” eren mumbled into your shoulder as you both came down from your high. you were tired and fucked out but you listened to every word he spoke. you shouldn’t be jealous, eren was wrapped around your finger as you were of him.
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merchelsea · 2 months
Hi hi
Can I request a Oscar Piastri sister reader x Lando
Maybe she's older than Oscar by a year and dating Lando, I want it to be angst with fluffy ending cus im a sucker for those 😭 either the reader and lando gets into a fight and they take a break and Oscar ends up being the middle person with a happy ending
Oscar didnt know his sister was dating Lando and she introduces Lando to her family as her bf and oscar's just hurt by how they didnt tell him in advance?? and he starts being petty and ignore them...but it also ends in a happy ending
Idk idk I'm good with any as long as it's angst fluff sorry this is long 😭😭 thank you as welllll <3
family matter — lando norris (+op81)
pairing: lando norris x fem!piastri!reader
summary: you introduced lando to your family, as your boyfriend, and your brother didn’t react as well as you hoped
autor’s note: you guys love a piastri sister x lando story. (well i love writing them so keep the requests coming!
word count: 2k
warnings: angst. sad oscar. swearing.
masterlist | requests
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lando stood nervously on the passenger seat, while you drove to the restaurant. he didn’t need to say anything for you to realize how insanely nervous he was.
you told him tonight was the night you would let everyone know what he actually meant to you.
you had been dating for a month and some days, and not telling anyone was crazy, in your perspective. you knew everyone would support you, but you were still a little apprehensive. after all, lando was oscar’s teammate, and you didn’t want to make things at work difficult for neither of them.
it was a good opportunity today because your whole family agreed to go out for dinner after a good home race for oscar. lando got a podium, oscar got fourth place. it was good for the team and for both drivers.
even though there was some controversy.
once you told him, the british immediately panicked. your family loved him, and he was aware, but he couldn’t shake this uneasy feeling.
seeing him so tense, you decided it was better if you drove. you were not completely normal about this either, but you felt this was way easier for you.
as you got closer to the restaurant, you felt like you needed to, at least try to, calm him down.
“they already love you, lan. it’s not like us being together changes their opinion about you.” you looked over at him as you parked the car.
he simply nodded, kissing the back of your hand after holding on to it for a while. you stood in the car a little more.
“you’re right. let’s go.” he finally told you.
you both walked together up to the table. oscar had his back to you, so you hugged him from behind. other members of the family smiled at lando’s figure behind you as you kissed oscar’s cheeks.
“you brought lando?” your mother asked, a smile plastered on her lips as she walked over to hug the british.
“yeah… hm. i wanted to tell you guys, something…” you started, making every one face you except your brother, who you were still holding. “well, me and lando, we are together.” you slowly let go of oscar as he turned around, a serious expression on his face. “as a couple, boyfriend and girlfriend…” someone let out an excited noise and all you could see were smiley faces.
“finally!” your dad said from across the table, coming closer right after and hugging lando in his own way.
the driver was clearly nervous, but way better then before. a soft smile in his lips as he looked over at you.
you looked at oscar, trying to get a reaction out of him and he simply smiled, nodded and whispered a ‘congratulations’ to both of you, before turning around to eat again.
you sort of expected a better reaction from your brother, maybe an excited one, maybe a protective one.
the aussie looked like he didn’t care enough to give it a minute of attention.
maybe it was just because today was supposed to be about him, and you ruined it. maybe he wasn’t so pleased to have lando as a brother-in-law. maybe he was just tired because of the race.
you didn’t give it too much thinking, you moved to his right, sat next to him with lando by your side, and ate. making conversation with everyone around and looking over to lando from time to time, to make sure he was doing okay.
that night, you got home with lando and received an extremely good feedback from your family. they loved norris, and were delighted to have him as a part of the family.
oscar, who didn’t seem to be so pleased, never texted you. you noticed it and found it strange, but once again thought there could be other explanations to it. not just that he abhorred the idea of you two together.
some weeks passed away and you were now on lando’s driver room. sitting on the edge of the couch, caressing his hair.
norris knew you loved formula one more than almost everything, so he made sure to have you there in japan with him, since oscar had already gifted his own passes.
your boyfriend looked over at you with a concerned look.
“hey, baby, have you talked to oscar after we told him we were together?” he asked, playing with the zipper of his race suit.
“i don’t think so.” you stopped to think, and realized you hadn’t indeed talked to him. which was odd, as you were always glued to each other. “i think he’s been pretty busy.”
lando hummed and you looked down at his face. “why?” you asked, he shook his head while looking at you.
“nothing, love. it just looks like he’s avoiding me.” with half-closed eyes, you hummed.
after all, your theory might not be wrong. maybe oscar didn’t like the idea of you and lando as more than friends.
“i’ll try to talk to him, lan.” you bent down to kiss his forehead. “you have free practice in a few minutes, don’t worry about this. it will be okay.”
he sat up and hugged you.
“i love you.” he smiled against your neck.
“i love you too. good luck, baby.” you smiled back, feeling his lips on the sensitive skin. he eventually got up and left the room. you stayed back a little to get his laptop and notebook, for after the fp sessions.
lando had two shitty sessions, finishing 10th in one and 12th in the other. on the other hand, oscar managed to pull some really good laps, finishing 8th and 1st.
your boyfriend got out of the car and looked over at you to let you know he was okay, as that was always a preoccupation, and talked with his mechanics, giving them feedback about the car and what could be improved.
oscar did the same thing, not taking so long because there wasn’t really much that the mechanics could do on his car.
piastri’s feedback after the first free practice helped him realize that the problem was how long he took to brake on the corners. improving that, he made an incredible fp2.
“osc, good job.” you smiled at your brother as he passed by. the aussie simply nodded his head before going into his driver room.
you thought of following him immediately and get things cleared out, but maybe you should just wait for lando. this was about him too, after all.
your family wasn’t here yet, because, except for your father, none of them actually liked formula one. they liked that your brother was brilliant doing it, but they didn’t really know anything or cared about the sport. so they only came for the race. never even qualifying.
your dad watched them from home, not wanting to leave your mother alone with all the hosting responsibilities.
once norris was freed, he walked up to you and held you in his arms.
“you were distracted out there.” you stated. the british let out a frustrated sigh.
“i know… it’s just the oscar situation. he’s one of my closest friends in formula one. i don’t want him to hate me.” you chuclked, pulling the man closer to you.
“he doesn’t hate you.” you commented. “let’s talk to him.” lando’s eyes widened and he pulled back to try and see if you were serious.
“now?” he asked and you nodded, grabbing his hand and pulling him though the garage until you reached oscar’s private room.
hearing a knock on his door, oscar ran to the door.
“hi?” he was confused with your presence. it wasn’t you he was waiting for.
“hey. i think we need to talk.” without asking for permission, you entered and dragged lando inside with you.
“we do, actually.” oscar states, closing the door and leaning against his table. lando took place on top of a balcony and you leaned against that same balcony, standing face to face with your big brother.
no one said anything for some seconds. trying to figure out what was the best way to start this important conversation.
“you guys should’ve told me.” oscar said, looking between the both of you. anyone who knew him could tell how hurt he was. his eyes reflecting it.
“we told you!” you remarked.
“yeah, after what? two months?” he sarcastically pointed out. “next time send me a letter, maybe it would be faster.” you rolled your eyes and lando stood still, understanding oscar’s side perfectly.
“this isn’t about you.” you said, lando touched your back gently, trying to calm you down.
“you are my sister, y/n! do you even know how much i care about this? you are my other half, the person i love the most in this whole entire world!” oscar’s voice rose a little as he spoke. “and lando, you are my friend! you both kept this from me and discarded me in the process. i was informed at the same time that auntie joannah was!”
you felt the urge to laugh at the mention of the old lady’s name, but kept your expression still. a little more saddened now that you were realizing just how big your mistake was.
“no, y/n. let me finish.” he asked. you simply nodded, and he continued. his arms were crossed in front of his chest now and he had his race suit halfway down. “you have been distancing yourself and i have no idea of why. at first i thought you weren’t okay because of hate or how things were going with tennis, but you don’t seem very preoccupied with that, so i really don’t know.”
he takes a deep breath before speaking again. “i’m sure you had your reasons, but you’re my best friend, y/n, and constantly feeling like you don’t trust me anymore, or don’t consider me as you did before… it hurts.”
sadness embraces you as you listen to your brother. lando caresses your shoulder from behind you.
“maybe i should leave you two to talk, this is family matter.” the british suggests.
“you’re family.” both you and oscar say in unison. lando couldn’t help but feel his heart warm, smiling softly to himself as you think of some way to explain things to oscar.
“you know, i would have been your relationship’s biggest supporter if you had given me the chance.” oscar was the one to talk again, and you couldn’t hold back anymore. you needed to hug him, and so you did.
it was a clumsy hug, but it meant everything to you.
“i never meant to hurt you, osc.” you truthfully told him, feeling his grip tightening around you. “it was supposed to be a surprise…”
“what a fucking great way to do it.”
as you both hugged each other, lando watched from the balcony. he too was scared of losing oscar’s friendship, but he was sure that you would do the right thing, and sort things out.
“i never thought you would see this as a good thing. from the start, you and lando got along really really well, and i never wanted to get in the way of that, but i did not control it.” tears threatened to come out of your eyes at any time.
“when it happened, when we happened, i was terrified… but this was strong, i couldn’t stay away from him even if i tried. it was the kind of love you can not put down… and the idea seemed to be less and less terrifying.” you tried to explain. oscar payed close attention to every word you said, and lando, from the balcony, did the same thing.
it was the first time you opened up to someone other than your own figure in the mirror.
“and then i embraced this. this idea of being his, and then he asked me to be his girlfriend and i could never say no. i love him!”
you turn around to look at lando, who hugged his knees and smiled at you. oscar looked too and immediately realized that norris was the one for you. just by his eyes.
“but i still wasn’t prepared to tell you, because of every single devilish thought in my head. so i kept my distance because i know i wouldn’t be able to lie or hide anything from you. but i never, ever, stopped trusting you or considered you less.” you remarked. “you’re my osc, my big brother, you are my everything, and i’m sorry for not communicating.”
you could see in his eyes how hurt he was, and you hated to think it was all because of you.
“i’m sorry, oscar. i really am.”
“i like to know stuff. and i love you,” he pulls you into a real hug this time, allowing you to breathe freely again.
lando, who was still sat on the balcony, walked over towards you and stood next to you, watching the sibling moment with admiration in his eyes.
it was rare to find such a connection.
when you two pulled apart, lando finally broke his silence.
“hey, osco… i’m sorry too man. we both thought about surprising you, and i may have been a little more guilty than y/n there, because i didn’t want you to hate me for dating your sister.”
oscar smiled at the brit.
“i trust you with her, and i don’t hate you. but if you ever even think about hurting her...” lando nodded knowingly, and they touched hands.
“i would never. i really love her.” oscar pulled your boyfriend into a hug and you stood back, watching the two of them.
“i can see it.” oscar smiled as they pulled back.
lando ran his hand from behind your neck until he reached your shoulder, and pulled you close. he kissed the top of your head.
“i’m family now eh?” lando bragged and oscar rolled his eyes.
“don’t make me regret it.”
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montimer · 2 months
please hsc deadpool x fem reader, in which Wade shows his face to the reader for the first time (despite his fears) (they are already a couple)
I love your works
I don't do fem reader so i'll make it gender neutral, not that it'll change the story anyway! Also thank you^^
Deadpool x reader
Wade showing his face to his partner for the first time
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After being together for a longer time he finally decided to show his face. Until that point he only pulled his mask up to his nose or weared simple clothes with a mask on around you.
You didn't wanted to force him so you patiently waited until he felt like showing it to you.
You already knew he had scars and all but you actually found them attractive.
The two of you were laying on the couch when suddenly he sit up and brough you with him. His white eyes staring into yours. His hands were gently holding your arms.
"I think,i think im ready...to show my face i mean."
He didn't sound so confident, his usual funny and energetic self was gone. He sounded serious, and a bit quieter. You knew by now that all the never ending jokes he makes are to hide how much pain he really feels. You were glad he would open up to you more.
You petted his shoulders.
"Alright, don't worry. Your looks can't change the way i feel about you." You tried reassuring him. He just nodded while looking down.
He slowly took his mask off still not looking up. It was quiet, 'is that good, is that bad?' He didn't really wanted to find out.
He felt your hands on his face. You gently pulled his face up to look at you. He stared at you, he had a worried look.
You gave a kiss to his cheeks and he looked surprised. You smiled at him.
"See, wasn't that hard was it? You look beautiful inside and out. I love you Wadey"
You kissed his nose trying to cheer him up. He begin to smile. 'You mean that? You look serious about it' he felt relief. He hugged you and kissed you back.
Then he put his head in your chest. You holded him and caressed his head.
He felt so loved at that moment. No 'eww', no break up, nothing bad. Just you loving him.
He snuggled to you.
You're a keeper for sure, he knew that. What was he worried about anyways? Someone as kind and pretty as you... sometimes he felt like he doesn't deserve your love but you're telling him otherwise.
"I love you y/n. You're my one and only, i love you so much" he whispered loud enough for you to hear.
He looked up at you and your smile made him smile too.
You give one last kiss to his forehead before continuing to smother him with affection.
If his mask that was thrown in the side of the couch could wink it would right now.
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killakalx · 4 months
mind blown by the jealousy fic! i just love ur characterization of dick.
also now you've got me thinking abt him and sloppy seconds. like imagine you've gone to someone else and let them fuck you, but they just couldn't get you off, and you're just so frustrated. then you show up at his door in wrinkled clothes, still dripping wet, hair messed up and lips bitten red and his brain just whites out. maybe he's still not jealous, not exactly, but he is so pleased with himself. cause now it's not just "she knows where home is" but "she knows nobody else will ever do it better, no matter how hard they try." then he's teasing about how wet you are, how bad you wanna come, how easy you are for him, and he gets you off with just his fingers first just to prove he can. he has you damn near begging before he even fucks you for real, and even then he does it torturously slow, taking his time and making you whine for it while he touches you all over. before he lets you come he asks "who did it better, me or him?"
ur posts put some sort of devil in me istg <3 🫐
“i just love ur characterization of dick” ☹️❤️ im kissing u rn berry. this got longer than it was supposed to but that’s ok bc i’m in love with our best friend dick grayson
i think right here is where dick starts feeling bad. not in a sappy way, but not in a condescending way either. he opens the door and he just ogles at how sorry you look, contemplating how he’d go about it, but he just gives you that charming smile and waits for your green light.
say you’re more embarrassed than anything else. tried to go home and get yourself off, making yourself look worse in all the most miserable ways. all you give him is that look. the lowkey “if you tell anyone about this i’ll kill you” look. in that case he’s teasing you the entire time, shit talking whoever it was that left you dry while carelessly dipping his fingers into your mouth and getting you soaked with just his hand. that’s when he’s more than willing to keep you embarrassed and begging for him.
“stop being a dick,” you’d scold him with the same joke he’s heard a million times, trying to hold his wrist in place and keep him inside of you. then he just stops moving his fingers and the way you ache around them has his ego practically leaking out of his cock.
“did you fake it or what?” he talks over you when you start insulting him out of impatience. he likes continuing conversation as if it’s one of those old talks you two would have. yk…. without him being knuckles deep inside you.
just in case you didn’t hear him right, you’re giving him that confused look and still rolling your hips for some sort of relief “hn… what?”
“you had to act like you came,” dick explains despite being sure you knew what he meant, “or did he just assume you did after he gave you a sorry excuse of a fuck?”
“mind your business.”
“i’ve got you leaking around my fingers like a desperate slut and this isn’t my business?” he laughs at the gall you have but he is very serious bae. just before the banter continues he reaches deeper inside you, curling up and making you lose your words. “you’d tell me if you wanna cum so bad, babe.” now he’s got you spilling all the deets and his pace speeds up after every sentence, telling you to take your time and spit it out, huh?
however!! imagine you show up so frustrated there are tears in your eyes. you’re sick of everything. stress and stress and more stressed, piled on top of sexual frustration??? dick’s making you cum until the light in your brain goes out. he’s there for you, always. whether it’s pulling you in for a long hug or sitting you in his lap with your clothes stripped. most of the time it’s both.
“i know, i know,” he’s consoling you while kissing sucking at your pretty tits, thumb massaging your clit as your head rests on his shoulder. “let me fix this, mkay? stop cryin’.” on nights like these??? the way he fucks you makes you forget he’s not your husband of five years and counting. and after a while neither of you are too sure how to feel about that.
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lqvesoph · 1 year
There‘s no place I‘d rather be - LN4
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gif by @princemick
lando norris x sainz!reader
summary: after a tricky qualifying session, you go to comfort your secret boyfriend
a/n: inspired by today’s quali in qatar
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Your heart broke when you heard Lando‘s radio message through your red headphones.
"It will get deleted", your brother spoke next to you and you looked up. "He was off at Turn 14", Carlos sighed and your heart sack further.
Lando will be so disappointed, was the only thing on your mind.
"I‘ll be back soon", you mumbled, put the headphones down and hurried out of the Ferrari garage. The paddock was quite full, especially now after qualifying but you managed to make your way to the Mclaren hospitality, slipping in before anyone could notice.
You‘ve never been inside here so you could only assume where the drivers rooms were but it did look kinda similar to Ferrari‘s hospitality.
"Y/n? What are you doing here?", a voice asked behind you, making you whip around. Oscar stood in the hallway, his race suit hanging low on his hips, with his bottle in one hand.
"Uhm- could you please show me where… Lando‘s room is?", you asked, unsure of how the 22 year old was gonna react.
A smirk found its way on Oscar‘s face. "Lando said he’s with someone from the paddock, I just never imagined it‘d be you", he grinned and shook his head.
Your eyes fell to the floor. Lando and you had agreed to hide your fairly new relationship for a while because both of you knew, that your brother would be very hard to convince.
"Follow me", Oscar smiled and waved you to him. He led you up a flight of stairs before making a left turn that led into a white painted hallway.
"This one is Lando‘s", he said and pointed at the right door. "Thank you so much, Oscar!", you gratefully spoke. Before you pushed the handle down you turned around again.
"Could you maybe not… tell anyone I was here and that Lando and me-", you asked but was interrupted by Oscar. "Don‘t worry, my lips are sealed. And I don’t really feel like getting caught up in this when your brother finds out", he chuckled.
"Thank you", you smiled and quietly pushed down the handle to open the door.
Lando sat on the couch, his head in one hand while looking at his phone.
"Baby?", you spoke, making his head shoot up. "What are you- How did you-", he stammered. You quickly made your way over to him, sitting down next to Lando and taking his phone out of his hands. With one glance you saw the layout of Twitter, so you exited the app and turned the phone off.
"We don’t look at that", you reminded him before pulling your boy into a tight hug. Lando’s head fell to your chest and his eyes fluttered closed. He took a deep breath, inhaling your scent.
"I heard your radio and wanted to see you", you started answering his earlier questions. "I‘ve never been in here before so I had no idea where to go but Oscar found me and led me here."
Lando huffed. "Guess the secret‘s out", he muttered. "Come on, you told him everything apart from the fact it’s me", you chuckled and squeezed his shoulder teasingly. A small smile formed on Lando’s lips, making your heart skip a beat.
"Okay, guilty", he whispered. "He won’t say anything", you told him. "However I don’t know if Carlos caught on. We were watching Q3 together and I basically hurried out after he told me they‘ll delete your lap", you recalled recent events.
"He’s not smart enough to connect that", Lando fired back at his friend, which made you chuckle.
"Thank you for being here", he got serious again. "Means a lot!"
You smiled and pressed a kiss to his messy and sweaty curls. "Trust me, there’s no place I‘d rather be!"
@im-an-overthinker @buendiabebeta @hungryhungariann @ohthemisssery @kenopsiababe @sawendel @enjoymyloves @ricsaigaslec @ravenqueen27 @temqr1 @leclerc16s @theamazingsimplethings-blog @coldmuffinbanditshoe @hotchnisscm97 @andtheworldiscrashingdownonme @moneymasnn @justme2042 @amulhermaisfelizdomundo @pleasantducktimetravel @anthonykatebridgerton @lisannehus @hannahholland1811 @lighttsoutlewis @mydutchproblem @dan3avocado @alwaysclassyeagle @cocomiracle @allthisfortommy @soleilgrec @cheeryara-blog @person2345-blog @aquamariene-me @judespoision @sbgal @teti-menchon0604
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@mehrmonga @f1lover55
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koolades-world · 5 months
Hello there! hope your day is going good and if not I hope it gets better.
I was wondering if I could request a scenario (you can do headcanon format) Where Mc is in a life or death because a lower demon is about to kill them and Mc actually kills the lower demon with their own magic. how would the undatables react/comfort Mc after they killed someone because their life was in danger.
Thank you in advance if you do decide to write and make sure to stay hydrated!
hi there! i can do that :)
hope you're having a great day too <3 just drank water with a liquid iv in it so hopefully im super hydrated now haha. i've had a bit of a sore throat for the past few days now so i've been really chugging water better than i usually have which says a lot! love me my 30 oz water bottle that goes everywhere with me
Undatables react to Mc killing a lower demon while defending themself
he's very proud of you but quickly goes on high alert
you've never seen him more serious
he's doing all sorts of things such as upping security measures and looking into the background of the now deceased demon to ensure your safety and to make sure there wasn't anything more behind the attack
he makes sure to give you a huge hug and lets you know exactly how he feels <3
if you hadn't killed them, he would've finished the job for you
since there's no work there for him to do, he'll be taking a visit to see that demon's relatives in the near future
in the meantime, he'll help you unwind and try to take your mind off it
perhaps a tea party with all your favorite treats and little d's there, if you'd like :)
he won't ask questions and he'll heal you no matter what
even if you didn't get very hurt, he insists you stay under his care for a little bit
you'll get the best bedside care and soup ever
let him dote on you, it'll make him feel better too knowing you're safe in his arms <3
he's immediately freaking out
what do you mean a lower demon tried to kill you!!!
100% in tears and refuses to let you out of death grip hug he has on you
the next day, he gifts you an amulet with an angelic blessing on it and asks you to carry it everywhere with you. doesn't care if that means the brothers can't get anywhere near you now. better for him that way anyways haha
he's very impressed!
gah they grow up so fast. it felt like just yesterday he gave you the nickname of his apprentice
deep underneath his gushing, he's worried but he knows that you're capable
even goes as far as to give a few little tips for the future. love at it's finest haha
he's furious with himself that he even let you get in that situation
he almost feels as if he's failed you, but he tries to hold up a facade of nonchalantness
it won't take much coaxing to break down this barrier and see how upset he actually is
if you notice him being extra loving in the next week or so, try not to comment on it but accept his affections
she's with you as much as she can be, but she knows it's just impossible to be by your side all the time
she's angry at herself and the now dead lower demon because that window of time when she's away is never very large
but, she knows you are more than strong enough to take care of yourself if it wasn't already apparent before
she'll make excuse after excuse to be with you until she eventually just spills the beans. she really cares about you <33
he's gonna check you at least three times over to make sure you're alright
but right after he almost scolds you, in a loving way
he tells you he should've been the one to do it and that he should've been by your side
he was just very nervous he could've lost you, but is so proud of how you stood up for yourself <3
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daisymbin · 16 days
the unplanned date - kim mingyu
warning: suggestive but not really! just light mentions of past sexual events but thats all. slight use of profanities
pairings: kim mingyu x reader
genre: situationship to lovers lmaooo
word count: 2.8k
a/n: 1. fuck taeil
2. this was originally written for jeonghan but i felt it fitted mingyu better
3. please this took fucking forever because I kept getting writers block and hated the flow but I think I'm satisfied with it now
requests open!
check out my masterlist!
"what? she's cheating on me?” mingyu asked in disbelief. “and what do you mean she's not my girlfriend?” mingyu angrily questioned jun with a slightly raised voice; his forehead and eyebrows scrunched in anger and confusion. “what the hell are you talking about? since when in the world did the two of you date? in another alternate universe??? all she did was go out on one date!” jun countered as he walks to the kitchen to retrieve a glass of water. at that, mingyu left their shared apartment, heading straight to yours; needing answers.
you jump when you hear your doorbell ring, “were you expecting someone?” your roommate seungcheol asked as you both exchange glances while he notes the time, it's 3:07am. “no?” you said as you got up from the sofa where you had been lounging on with seungcheol, binge watching the entire high school musical series but seungcheol stopped you, “wait, i'll get it. its late, it could be some creepy old man.” seungcheol rushed to open the door while you followed close by behind him. as soon as he opened the door, you were both met with a messy, disheveled hair kim mingyu. he’s panting so much that for a second, he looks like he might actually pass out. “mingyu? what are you doing here at this hour?” seungcheol asked as he opened the door wider for him to enter. “did you run here???” you asked. “yes but thats not the point right now,” mingyu pauses to catch his breath, “did you go out on a date with jun's classmate? are you cheating on me?”
seungcheol's brows slightly furrowed at mingyu's words, “woah calm down. why dont you come in first?” he asked as he tugged on mingyu's sleeves, ushering him in. “alright, im gonna be in my room to give you two some….privacy. no funny business please, its 3am and I could use some sleep.”
mingyu inpatiently waited for seungcheol to retreat to his room before he sprung his question yet again onto you. “so??? are you not going to answer me??” it was clear that mingyu is frustrated as he laid his clenched fist on the kitchen counter. “what the fuck are you talking about? cheating on you? we're not even together!” you countered back as your forehead and eyebrows scrunched in confusion & slight anger matching mingyu's. “I'm asking you why the hell I just heard from jun that you went on a date with that new guy boy from his biology class?” mingyu knew he was being slightly petty but still, how could you? you watched as he slowly unclench his fists only to grip at the corners of the kitchen counter. “like i said, you and i? we're not together mingyu. I'm free to date whoever I want, isn't it? that was the rule you set, is it not?” you asked in anger.
“what do you mean we're not together?” mingyu paused before he continued. his question was laced with confusion and a hint of heartbreak but of course, he tried to mask it with even more frustration. “we hold on hands all the damn time y/n! we spend time together, A LOT of time together might i add, we stay over at each other's place, we nap together, we sleep together, we cuddle, we hug, we kiss, you play with my hair all the time and i do too! i mean, for god's sake, we fuck each other! what do you mean we're not together?”
“so what, mingyu?’’ your own voice and tone took you aback for a second, the words came out harsher than you would have liked but you dont falter. “weren’t you the one who said you didn't want anything serious to begin with? weren't you the one who said that we’re only keeping things casual and nothing more? so why are you here at my apartment at ass o'clock screaming at me about cheating on you?” you had made sure to put out air quotes for those last 3 words.
this time, there was a clear dip in mingyu's voice, softer, more tender, more vulnerable. “well…yes but that was before.. that was when we were still… I don't know, fucking around but now we're definitely not! the things we do are definitely not just… fucking around things! you know what I mean! why are you making this so hard!” mingyu was exasperated, that much was clear. you watch as he now has his arms folded and his pout coming to light, making your heart clench at the sight. “gyu...” you said as you let out a small sigh, mingyu perked up at his nickname, his gaze shifting to you. “I'm not trying to make anything hard and you know that. how was i supposed to know anything? how was i supposed to know what you want if you don't tell me?”
“I thought you'd know by now…i-i thought it was obvious by now…I thought we both…”
“you thought we both what mingyu? you can't just keep all these thoughts to yourself without telling me and expect me to know anything because trust me, I don't! I don't know how you feel about me, I don't know if any of this is as serious for you as it is for me, god, I don't know what your intentions are! all I know from you is that this is all just casual and nothing more! and you know what's the worst part of it all? it's that I can't even ask you about it because then I'm gonna come off as clingy and needy and it's pathetic to even imagine presenting myself that way to you!” your lips were now pressed together in a thin line; an overwhelming feeling of shame and embarrassment taking over you, forcing you to look away from him to avoid eye contact and you start to feel your eyes prick you with tears threatening to spill.
“you know I'd never think that of you... i just…I'm not good with words. I don't know how to tell you what I want or how I feel about you. I just get so tongue tied when it comes to you. I really thought that maybe if I lo-” mingyu all but stopped himself with a deep sigh, unable to voice out his hidden feelings for you. he took a few seconds to find a replacement for that word before he took another deep breath & continued, “I really thought that maybe if I just… let things be and let my feelings act on their own that maybe you'd pick up on it and we would just…” he ended with a sigh that was barely audible. you would have missed it if you weren't all focused on him.
his voice trailing off and quivering only forced you to quickly blink your tears away to look back at him; the sight of his shoulders slumped and his head looking down, not meeting your eyes only broke your heart even more. is it possible for your heart to feel so heavy and sad, yet filled with so much hope? because that's definitely how you're feeling right now.
regardless of how much you think you know what mingyu is trying to say, you still wanted him to say it, you still wanted to hear it from him. this friends with benefits situationship thing has been going on long enough for a year & a half now & that doesnt include the years before when you were both friends. everyone knows you're both kind of a thing yet not really. no matter how much the boys pushed for mingyu to make it official, mingyu always brushed them off and said that he didn't have to, that you already know what you both had, but in this moment, it dawned on him that what he thought he had with you isn't what you thought you had with him. all the self loathe and heartbreak he's feeling right now couldn't have made him feel more stupid than he already was.
“gyu can you- can you try? can you try telling me? Just… take your time, im here, im listening, I have all the time in the world for you, just try baby. I just want to know how you really feel, I just want to know what you want for yourself and for us.” your hands reached out for his with a mind of its own.
looking down at your joined hands, mingyu starts moving his thumb mindlessly at the back of your hand, caressing them gently. it's now that he realizes how utterly stupid he has been. “baby i-” yours eyes follow his hands as they now draw circles on yours as you gave him a light squeeze of encouragement. “go on gyu, im listening.”
“I don't know how to do this. I know I said I didn't want anything serious at the start of it and that it's just casual but… but that was before you- do you remember our first date?” mingyu gathers all the courage he could find in himself and cautiously brings his eyes to yours. “what date?” you didn't want to sound rude or cold but as far as you could remember, you've never had any dates with mingyu. your relationship with him started off as just being friends for years, evolving into a friends with benefits situation which was strictly only physical needs late at night, outside of that, you were nothing more, well, at least for the first few months that is. until….unless..? was he talking about the first time you both hung out together alone without the boys outside of the bedroom and while the sun is still out? “do you mean…the flea market?” you asked as realization dawned on you; that was the day your friends with benefits relationship evolved into something that was like a relationship but not really, the cursed situationship type of thing.
mingyu chuckles as he realizes how sentimental he looks right now, although, he's not sure if you can tell. his shy smile and fangs peeking through as he watches the gears in your head turn. “well..what about that day mingyu?” truth be told, you remember that day clear as day, but you can't pinpoint exactly what mingyu is trying to say; there wasn't really anything…special or anything that stood out that day, well, other than the fact that you were both out and not in bed that is.
“that was the first time we hung out together alone after we started the whole friends with benefits thing. do you remember? that night before that, when we broke our first rule of not sleeping over?” a quiet mhm was all you could let out, unsure of where mingyu is going with this. “do you even remember why I called you over that night?”
“you were sad. your hamster….he passed away.” you said carefully. “mhm he did. and that evening, that night, it was the first time you came over and we didn't…we didn't do anything. you held me, comforted me and let me wet your t-shirt with my tears. you insisted on putting me to bed and cuddling me to sleep for the first time and told me that you'd leave after I've fallen asleep. I still remember your slight hesitation that night when I'd asked you to stay over and not leave. did you know? i felt my heart sank a little when you hesitated but that was just the first of many realization that i- that i was in love with you.” your heart fluttered at his admission, “the first of many? were there more?”
for the first time tonight, mingyu let out a laugh, the one you loved so much. “of course there's more. when we woke up the next morning, my head was pounding so bad from all the crying the night before and I was so sad when I woke up alone in bed because I thought you had left but it was almost as if you had some psychic power and knew I was awake, you were screaming from the kitchen saying you know I was awake and asked me to get my ass over to the kitchen!” mingyu laughed harder this time, his hand coming up to tuck a stray hair behind your ear. “that was because I had just came back from the bakery! my hands were full so I accidentally let the door slam a little and I was sure that that would have woken you up!” you giggled while trying to defend yourself.
“you even got me my favourite cake from the bakery and all my other favourite pastries for breakfast. you must have been so in love with me ~" mingyu joked while raising his eyebrows suspiciously at you and you all but fall silent. you cleared your throat before you teased him back, “so? that's why you like me? because I cuddled you to sleep and bought you food? how easy can you be kim mingyu!”
“no that's not why! although i'll admit, it did click something in me. made me realise how well you know me and how well you take care of me. but that wasn't it! it was when you suggested we go to the flea market after breakfast just to take a walk to clear my mind for a bit. do you remember what happened there?”
“we walked and talked about silly things as always, what else? ah, you tried tanghulu for the first time! I remember that.” you recall giddily at how his eyes widened brightly at the sweetness of tanghulu when he took his first bite. “not that, silly! we ran into your ex & I had told him that i was your boyfriend and asked him to back off, do you know why I did that?” “because you pity me?” you joked, you know mingyu would never pity you, he's not a bad person but you couldn't pass up an opportunity to tease him. mingyu sighed dramatically at that, “no, I said I was your boyfriend because I saw the way he was looking at you…and it made me jealous. it made me realise that, that's the way I always look at you. it made me realise that I don't ever want anyone else to look at you that way and that I want you to look at me that way. me and only me. i-i realised that it's not just sex I want with you. that's why after that day, I kept bringing us out for dinner and stuff. or even just to hang out at home and watch stupid romcoms just to spend time with you. so I thought that, when our relationship from simply friends with benefits isn't friends with benefits anymore that you'd get it i guess…i don't know…saying it out loud right now sounds so stupid… I probably should have said something earlier… I'm sorry.” mingyu had his eyes on his hands again, guilt and embarrassment washing over him.
"thank you, gyu-ah. I really needed to hear all of that from you.” you lifted your hand to rest your palm on his cheeks, guiding his eyes back to you. “does that mean you like me too?” silly silly kim mingyu you thought. “no of course not!” you joked a failed joke because it seems kim mingyu didn't get the joke when he let out a quiet oh. “you're so silly kim mingyu. can't you tell im in love with you by now? how much more obvious can a girl get?” mingyu ears perked up at your words, then, smiling so big his jaws almost hurt. his hands turn to pull you by your wrists, placing them around his waist as he pulled you into a hug. your hands move up to rest on his neck and the other in his hair, tugging them lightly at the scalp. “I love you, I'll do better for you.” he spoke so close to your ear his lips almost brush them. “I love you too, thank you, I'll do better for you too.” your words only caused mingyu to tighten his hold on you, “can we go to bed now? I'm so tired and I want to sleep with my girlfriend.” he whined pouting. “yes we can, boyfriend.” you answered with a smile as you start dragging your big puppy into your bedroom, excited for more cuddles to come.
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nocturnalcharm · 2 months
SWF Alphabet (Logan Howlett)
𐙚 cw: mention of sex briefly, cursing
𐙚 a/n: all of these are just my ~opinions~ so feel free to disagree w me lol also maybe a lil self indulgent so probs not v accurate to wolvie but its alr :,) NOT PROOFREAD
18+ blog!! you are responsible for your own media consumption. if any of the above makes you uncomfortable, do not proceed.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
— doesn’t start out affectionate, but once you’ve got a deep connection, he becomes more affectionate. loves hugs and surprising you with gifts
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
— would start bc of the team obv. feel like he’d be the type of friend where,,, if you called him at 3am, for any reason, he’d be out of the house and otw to you at 3:01.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
— as much as i want to say yes.. like realistically no. bc nightmares and claws and trauma. but likeeee this is my blog bitch so yes hehe. he’s a big cuddle bug. def likes to be the big spoon but doesn’t mind being a lil spoon sometimes.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
— yes, he could see himself settling down but doesn’t rly care for getting married though, he just doesn’t see the point of it.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
— (im crying) if he HAD to, i feel like he’d push it off and become more distant until you ask him what’s wrong, then he’d tell you everything. ookaY NEXT I DONT WANNA BE SAD
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
— i feel like he wouldn’t want to get married, not for a specific reason, just like doesn’t see the point. is committed to you though and if it was rly important to you, he would.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
— hA. physically yes very gentle unless ur having sex. emotionally………. nah. like if it’s a rly serious situation then yeah but he might not realize how serious something is until he’s already made an ass out of himself and then he’s like //oh shit i fucked up//
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
— heheh… yes. he hugs you all the time. literally always. coming up behind you while you’re cooking, or brushing your teeth and bear hugs you. he just likes touching you.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
— oof. he takes awhile to say it. he def says it first though. but like.. awhile. probably like a year.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
— WHEWWWW I BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE. he’s very jealous. he says he’s not. but his actions show otherwise. like says he’s fine but can’t keep his hands off you (when he normally hates PDA) ugh i love it. just wants to show everyone you’re his.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
— passionate. leaves you wanting more. he likes to kiss you allllll overrrr. he likes to be kissed on his neck. and his chest when you’re cuddling and he doesn’t have a shirt on. and lips but duh.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
— cautious, like kinda scared. especially around babies. doesn’t know how to handle them lol
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
— sleepy, cuddly mornings. staying in bed for as long as possible.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
— i like to think you two stay up late together. watching movies, cooking food at midnight, you two often fall asleep on the couch instead of the bed
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
— he doesn’t start getting rly personal until he knows you’re someone to trust, but it’d take awhile. he reveals things slowly.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
— unless you do something to really piss him off, which you wouldnt, i feel like he’d be chill (with u only obv, angry wolvie w everyone else)
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
— sorry but like he remembers every detail you’ve told him. he comes home randomly with a specific candy bar you mentioned you like ONCE 2 years ago and is so proud of himself.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
— when he first said “i love you”. he was so vulnerable and scared honestly but everything was fine and you said it back!!
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
— VERY. VERY BITCH. he will cut a bitch to protect you. literally. ‘touch her and you die’ vibes.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
— i kinda feel like unless it’s something rly important, he wouldn’t put that much effort in but not bc he doesn’t care. bc you like to go over the top and plan out everything lol
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
— isn’t great at communication. prob bottles things up until he kinda blows up whoooops. he definitely tries but has a hard time opening up.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
— he cares, have u seen his lil tufts? isn’t obsessed but puts effort into his appearance. just wants to look good for you!!
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
— ummm yes. it takes a lot for him to open up & be comfortable around someone so if you just weren’t there anymore, for whatever reason, he would feel incomplete
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
— imagining him getting ready for date and he’s styling his lil tufts and ur waiting on him like ‘babe hurry we’re gonna be late!!’ and he’s just trying to perfect his hair so he looks good for you omg
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
— as a yapper this hurts to say but… if you talk too much i feel like it’d annoy him. just imaging you going on and on and on and in his head he’s like ‘get to the mf point ohmygoddddd’
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
— like i mentioned earlier, accidentally falling asleep on the couch lol. sorry but he snores and you have to shake him to make him stop
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nejjirez · 1 year
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summary: e!42 miles relationship headcanons , whats its like being in a relationship with him.. , slightly suggestive !
! implied black fem reader
a/n: these are from my dr , so they're probably not accurate to how he actually is but you can leave if you dont like it .. anyways enjoy !.
hates seeing you all happy happy with boys other than the ones he trusts , he WILL come kiss you , hug you , ect
nigga is hella protective of you , watch someone get flamed for speaking bad about you 💀
his mom teased him for weeks about how he liked getting his hair done by you more than he liked getting it done by her
"mm , someone's in love huh? you normally only let me do your hair mijo." "mami she's my girlfriend chill"
he lovess seeing you in his clothes like he ill take pictures of you/with you with it on and giggle at it for hours .. days .. weeks ..
he know how to do braids , including box braids .. where my black readers at? he DEFINITELY sometimes does ur hair for u
"babyy , you got $180 for my hair?" "goddamn $180? go sit down ma i'll go buy the hair rq we not doin ts"
he is REAL serious about your attitude , this man Will grab you by your neck and tell you what place you're in ..
he only accepts your attitude when you're on your period , but he'll make sure you tone in down by sayin "ight mami chill .. i get it u on ya cycle and shit but chill"
KISSESS KISSESS AND MORE KISSESS .. this nigga LIVES for kisses. always kissin you in public or not and does NOT care
loves neck kisses , he started doing them to u when you're busy and he wants attention so when he saw you doing it to him it made him giggle
yall are the GOOFIEST AND FUNNIEST couple ever , wholee buncha play fights and laughing and shit
you can't take him seriously for shit , yall end up crackin up in the middle of an argument
"yo im sick of this shit bruh unadd him this his 3rd time textin u" ".. shess minee you stay away from her its not her timee ! head ass" "yo gtfo 😭"
he let you do his edges one day because you thought it was funny and begged him to , when he found out you tried to take a picture he stayed in his room until you agreed not to (you secretly still have one)
ARCADE DATES ARE A MUST (saying this cs i love them..) he always teases you before the two of you get there on how he's gonna beat u in every game
his hugs are the best , u could be breaking down and one hug from him is gonna make u feel all rainbows and sunshine ..
nigga is ALWAYS spoiling you.. you want it? mention that you want it around him? you gon get it within the next week/few days ..
ur house is his house .. his house is your house .. yall always at each other house..
"lets go home now im tired .." "which one?"
any insecurities? he gon kiss em
your #1 supporter no matter what you do or how wrong you are
whenever yall play roblox and someone stands on your head he WILL shoot them if its a game where he can kill people
he actually gets jealous so easily
i had fun making these .. ill make more some other time
taglist: @marci-jean @gw3ndyswonderland @hiimayee @nokkihy @spiderheartzz @all444miles @444morales
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river13245 · 6 months
Anniversary Present
Navigation / Main Masterlist / TWD Masterlist
Word count: 3k
Warnings : virgin reader!, Smut, and two people being in love
Author note: This was made with a FTM reader in mind but GN! reader is also great too! This is my first time ever writing smut cause im just getting comfortable with doing it. So go easy on my loves. (not proof read yet)
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Daryl Dixon was a man of very few words. He wasn't very vocal about things unless he was pissed then its the most you would ever hear that man speak. It never bothered you because you talked enough for the both of you.
However despite the fact he didn't talk much. You knew exactly what he was thinking, and how he was thinking. He would become stiff and cross his arms when he's pissed. Make a little face when he was deep in thought. When he was happy he would have this smile that made your heart ache. Daryl was the most beautiful man you had ever seen.
Not many people understood him, or took the time too. Daryl kept his circle of friends small and sometimes had a hard time with making them feel appreciated but he did it in small ways. He would watch Carl and hold Judith, Make sure that Carol was always safe whenever she came back from somewhere.
Then when it came to you he would always keep you close. He wouldn't be super touchy in front of everyone. Usually keeping that in private, however he would hold your hand when you two went hunting together. Or kiss the top of your head before having to separate from you for a bit. He loves a good hug too, whenever you would come back from a trip the two of you would automatically go to each other. No matter how bloody or dirty you were, it never seemed to bother him.
Daryl was a good boyfriend, a great one. In fact in the beginning of your relationship. You had told him you didn't want sex, it was just something you had never felt for someone before. He was so supportive and said that he himself didn't feel the need to do it alot. So he had never pressured you into anything. Always making sure you felt loved in other ways.
Its been almost a year into the relationship now. Your anniversary is coming up and you had been wanting to take the relationship to the next level. You had never felt this attracted or loved by someone in your entire life and for the first time in your life. You wanted to have sex with your boyfriend.
The easy thing was accepting the fact that you were ready, the hard part was getting Daryl into realizing that. Without coming right out and saying it. So you decided the week leading up to your anniversary you would tease him a bit and throw hints his way and if he didnt pick up on them. Then on your anniversary you would be bold and tell him.
Throughout the week you had touched him more than you normally did. The two of you had been attending this group gathering and instead of just holding his hand your hand rested on his arm. Then when you had to leave him you grabbed ahold of his tie and pulled him into a kiss before slowly pulling away from him to go and talk to Maggie who needed your assistance. You left him there as he blushed and had to recollect his thoughts while Rick chuckled.
You even went as far as to make plans with him. He would teach you how to use a bow and arrow. So when he was behind you helping you with your stance, you moved your body right up against his. The only reaction you got from him was a sharp inhale of breath and his hand that was on your waist tightened. "keep your body still and focus on your target" he said as calmly as he could manage.
After about a week of this it was finally your anniversary. He had not caught on to what you wanted. Just thinking you were teasing him and joking around, never really taking you serious enough. Carol had even teased him about it and to which he just told her to shut up with a roll of his eyes.
He was always respectful of you, not wanting to do anything our of your comfort zone so he didn't try to pursue you in that way. However tonight you had a special gift for him.
When you woke up this morning Daryl had been gone. At first you thought he was downstairs but when you seen his boots by the door and crossbow were gone, you knew he was out hunting or on a quick run. So it gave you time to fully plan out exactly what you were going to do.
Walking back into your bedroom you go to your dresser and decide on an outfit to wear. Deciding to wear a button down dark green shirt that showed off your toned arms and black pants that would pair well with your shirt. Then when you finish getting ready you grab a box from under your bed and open it. Revealing a book you had found on one of your own solo trips, one that you were going to gift your boyfriend when you two have your date tonight.
You put the box away and spend most of your day cleaning up the house. Then making his favorite dinner and setting the table, leaving a few candles lit around the house.
By the time everything was ready you heard heavy steps in front of the door and your boyfriend walks in. You look over at him as you take a sip of your water. He turns and looks around seeing the house had been nicely decorated and a smile forms on his face before turning to look at you.
When he looks at you your eyes meet and you swear your legs turn to jello. "Happy one year Daryl" you say and he quickly takes off his boots and opens up his bag. He then pulls out bracelet and a stuffed animal that was an otter. "one year down. Many more to come" He says and you walk up to him taking the gifts in your hands and leaning up and kissing his lips. "Is this were you went? To find something for me?" Daryl nods "I couldn't come empty handed, Carol would have yelled at me" This causes the both of you to laugh.
"thank you" You look over to the table before going up to your room. "sit down and get comfortable. Ill give you your gift after" He does exactly that and waits for you to come down and sit in front of him before starting to eat. As the two of you eat there's a comfortable silence, you two never really talked while sharing a meal. Didn't bother you because you loved the time shared with him.
Once the meal was finished he takes a sip of his drink and looks over at you. "this was very good, thank you" He says as he gets up and begins to clean up everything. "I'm glad I have enough cooking skill to not burn the place down" you joke as you get up and walk over to him in the kitchen. When the two of you finish cleaning up everything you place your hand on his arm "come to the bedroom with me. You need to recieve your gifts"
He nods and walks after you until you get to the room. When you get over to the bed he stands and runs his hand through his hair pushing it back a bit our of nervousness. He wasn't exactly used to receiving gifts but if it came from you, he would make an exception. You grab the box from under your bed and place it on top of the bed. "Damn y/n what you got in there?" he jokes a little and you laugh "just a few things. You will see soon enough"
Daryl stands and when you reach for the book you turn to look at him. "shut your eyes" He looks at you with an -are you kidding- kinda look and when you nod his eyes close. Then you grab the book and walk up to him. You grab his hands and place it on the book and then watch as he opens his eyes.
When he notices its a book he is confused for a moment before flipping it around and reading the title. His hands start to shake a bit and looks up at you with a heartfelt smile. "where did you find this?" he asks as he runs his finger against the spine of the book. This causes you to look into his eyes again "That solo trip I took that ended up being almost two weeks long. I found it and remembered you saying your mom used to read it to you when you were young. You deserve something that reminds you of the good parts of your past"
Instead of a response he places the book on the bedside table. Then places one of his hands on your waist and pulls you into a kiss. Your arms wrap around his shoulders pulling him against you. His rough chapped lips pressed up against your softer ones felt amazing. Your hands move to his hair and when he pulls away his forehead rests against yours. "thank you for the gift" there's a silence for a moment before he places his other hand on the side of your face and look down at you. "I love you"
Those three words made your heart race. Of course you both have said it before but its not as often as you would think. "i love you too" you say before kissing his cheek. Then when you pull back and look at him, your hand going to push his hair away from his face. "I have another gift for you. One that i'm nervous about but I hope you will like"
Daryl looks confused "Im sure I will like it, why are you nervous?" His voice is quiet as if he didnt want you to be startled. You take a deep breath and bring your hand to rest against his chest. "I want to make love to you" you say as you look up into his eyes. His reaction is delayed because it didn't register in his mind but when it does he places both hands on your waist. "you sure?" You nod and kiss his lips "just go slow and gentle with me. Its my first time and im a bit nervous"
His hand goes to the back of your head and kisses your lips and then they travel to your jaw. "I wouldn't hurt ya" he says and you bring your hands to the bottom of his shirt and begin to lift his shirt up off him. His arms lifting up and then tossing his shirt to the side somewhere in the room. Then his hands begin to unbutton your shirt slowly before tossing your shirt somewhere. He begins to kiss your neck before pushing you back to the bed. Your knees hit the bed and you sit in front of him.
He looks down at you for a moment before grabbing your jaw and tilting your face up to kiss you. When he pulls away he gets on his knees in front of you. "lay back gotta get these pants off ya" a blush forms on your face but you nod. Your back lays on the soft mattress and he begins to unbutton your pants and you lift your hips so he can slide them off. Once you were fully exposed in front of him he grabs your legs and spreads them. "are you sure you want to do this?" you ask him in a quiet voice and he looks at you. "course I do. Why wouldnt I?"
It takes a moment for you to respond "well I know some guys prefer not to do it. You know..I just didn't want you to feel like you needed to do it" He squeezes your thighs and shakes his head. "you are beautiful. I want to do this for you, let me take care of ya alright?" You nod and he holds your legs apart as he presses his lips to your inner thighs.
Its like he's teasing you because he's pressing his lips everywhere. Except where you need him, your breath is already heavier from the growing feeling of want for him. "Daryl...please" you whimper out and he brings his lips around your clit and suck for a moment before licking up between your lips. Your body squirms a bit before he begins to please you with his tongue.
Moans escape from you as your head tilts back against the mattress and your hands go to the back of his head and pull his hair gently. This earns you a grunt from him as his eyes shut. "fuck Daryl" you moan out. When he pulls his mouth away a whine escapes you and you blush from how needy you sound. But its soon replaced by one of his fingers pushing into you. It slides in pretty comfortably from how wet you are and a moan escapes you. He lets you get used to the feeling of his thick finger inside of you before adding another and brings his mouth back to your clit.
Your back arches from the bed at the feeling. Your hands grip onto the sheets under you. This feeling was nothing you had ever felt before, of course you had touched yourself before but it had never felt like this. He picks up the pace once you begin to move your body and when you feel a tightness in your body your eyes squeeze shut. "fuck im going to cum" he groans against your clit and it sends a vibration through you and that's all it took for you to come undone.
When you cum he licks up everything that he can and even brings his fingers up to his mouth and sucks your juices from his fingers and as you watch him do this. It turns you on even more and you lean up and pull him on top of you into a kiss. A grunt if heard from him as he kisses you.
It doesn't take long before his pants are off him and hes naked on top of you. The size of him catches you off guard, of course you knew the man wasn't going to be small but its thick and you honestly wonder if its going to fit. He catches you staring and he grabs your hand and kisses it "If you want this. I promise to go slow, just tell me if you need me to stop at any time and ill stop"
He was always wanting to take care of you and you lean up to kiss him. "i will, all I know right now is I need you" a blush forms on his face as he nods and brings his hands to your legs and spreads them apart. When he lines his dick up to you his eyes meet yours "breathe and relax for me hun" You nod and take a few breaths and when he begins to move into you its a slow movement but you feel the way you stretch around him. Your eyes squeeze shut as you let out a moan. Daryl's hands roam up and down your legs. "its okay, ive got ya, i'm right ere"
When your body gets used to the feeling of him you reach up to pull him into another kiss. Your legs wrapping around his waist "move please." At your words he pulls out and then thrusts into you, moans now leaving both of you. "fuck you're so tight" he says as he thrusts into you. Your back arching from the bed as Daryl kisses your chest, his lips sucking and teeth biting you gently. "fuck Daryl you feel so good. Please don't stop" Your body begins to move in time to his thrusts which makes the both of you go at a faster pace.
The room is filled with the sounds of your bodies colliding, your loud moans. You were glad that you had a house further away from anyone's or you were sure the two of you would have been heard. His hands stayed on your hips and thighs unless he brought his thumb to circle your clit. and when he did that your eyes squeezed shut at the added pleasure. "Daryl..fuck....not gonna last much longer" He doesn't stop his movements and instead goes faster.
It doesn't take much longer than that before you cum. Your cum coats his dick and when you tilt your head back he thrusts only a few more times before he pulls out and he cums all over your stomach. He then lays beside you his body collapsing onto the bed as he catches his breath.
You reach for his hand and squeeze it as your eyes close. You only open them when you feel him get up from the bed. "where you going?" you thought he was leaving but he wasn't. "i'm going to take care of you." he goes to the bathroom and gets a washcloth wet before coming back over to you and cleaning you up. He is so gentle with you the whole time and when he is finished he lays beside you and you pull him against you. His head rests on your chest, your fingers running through his hair.
A soft laugh escapes you and he squeezes your hip. "what's so funny?" he asks as you continue to touch him. "Just thinking about how vocal and loud you were. Its probably the loudest i've ever heard you" A blush forms on his face and he rolls his eyes. "yeah yeah, enjoy it cause yer the only one that gets to hear me like that"
This causes you to kiss the top of his head. "mhm I like the sound of that. I love you and thank you for doing this with me" He hovers on top of you and kisses your lips. "thank you for trusting me enough to be the one that got to do this with you. I love you too"
That night the both of you fell asleep on top of one another. Only waking up when Carol started banging on the door. Telling you to get up for patrol with her. She ended up seeing the marks on your neck and when she made a comment Daryl stayed quiet with a small blush. it caused you to laugh.
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snowsinterlude · 9 months
the ballad of money, power, and glory.
(coriolanus snow x reader x lucy gray baird)
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summary: being lucy gray's best friend, you were always updated on her life, not knowing how she truly felt for you. and now, with coriolanus snow being your new friend, it was odd seeing them fighting so much over your attention, with you not knowing that both of them were obsessively in love with you.
based on this ask
c.w: lucy gray baird, coriolanus snow, implied aromantic reader, yandere behavior from both of them (nothing too serious), unrequited love, drama, jealousy, love triangle, obsessive love. contains some movie/book accurate mentions but nothing very important, violent content, lucy is mentioned to have been your first kiss, commedy in the end.
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chapter one: money.
"god, you gotta see her, snow." lucy beamed, her smile going from ear to ear as she talked about you. "she's so cute! i think she's the love of my life, truly." she said
snow frowned at her words. in the capitol, it wasn't seen in good lights to have someone talking so passionately about other person of the same gender. he rolled his eyes internally, his arms were on the back of his back as he walked behind her. supposedly, you were going to be waiting for them at the train station.
he walked, and walked, and walked. all of those minutes were awfully torturing his soul as he watched lucy gray talk more and more about you- as if she hadn't done it during the entire hunger games already. like on the zoo, when he thought she would be crying from fear of dying when, in reality, she was crying from fear of not seeing you for a last time.
he remembered it perfectly, better than he remembered the biology classes he had. lucy bawling her eyes out silently, still sobbing as she looked at him and explained how much she owed you- how much she loved you. it was like she couldn't think of anything other than you.
"she is always so pretty, so sickeningly beautiful. i can't stand the thought of losing her, snow. i wanna be with her." she said, her eyes red and puffed while her nose was as red as a tomato.
"have you told her about it?" he asked, face leaned on his fist as he observed the singer cry.
"no, snow." she answered, sniffing. "i've made a mistake," she chuckled, wanting to slap herself.
"what did you do?"
'i only noticed i love her now."
remebering that, snow started thinking that you should be the most beautiful girl of district 12- or that maybe you didn't had a single flaw on your skin por something like that. maybe you were one of those who hypnotized people at your surroundings to make them percieve you like the most desired thing they wished for.
but then he saw you from afar, waiting for lucy gray while your eyes roamed through the crowd. he didn't asked for you, no, never. he never asked you to blink like a doll, to look at him with those shining eyes and god, whatever it was that snapped inside you made him obsessed with the thought of having you as his main prize.
his thoughts were interrupted by the sight of lucy gray baird hugging you tightly, kissing your face multiple times as you laughed, hands on her waist as you kissed her face too. he cleared his throat, awkwardly.
"ah, snow. that's my best friend, my soulmate, y/n" she said, and you chuckled before shaking his hand.
"pleasured to meet you, yn. im-"
"coriolanus snow, i know." you said, kissing the back of his hand in a theatrical manner. "hello."
"you know?"
"yeah, my dear lucy told me all about you. and, let's be sincere, you were on the tv during the interviews on the hunger games." you said, smiling while shaking his hand "i'm happy you helped her!" you said
the spark that shone in his heart was fueled furiously by your words. 'your desde lucy'? what's that, a movie?
that was the first time he felt jealousy.
chapter two: power.
lucy gray baird was your best friend since kindergarden. what could you say? sandbox love never dies.
well, her love for you seemed to have grown sharp as a way to protect you and herself from the ones that could hurt you. that's why she glanced at snow menancingly as he forced his place between you both at the bar. when you were dancing with some older group of old ladies, she finally spoke up.
"what are you doing?" she asked, not looking into his eyes, and she didn't needed to for him to know she was angry.
"what do you mean?" he asked, faking innocence.
"don't act innocent, coriolanus." she growled, frowning "she's mine."
"i don't recall asking for that information." he said, smiling at the sight of your happy face dancing with other elders.
"you will not take her away from me." she said, getting up and walking to you only to playfully grab your waist and your hand, dancing with you while coriolanus watched.
you were so dazzling beautiful in his eyes, he just had to have you. it wasn't his fault that lucy gray thought and felt the same way about you.
with that in mind, lucy gray baird punch on his face was unexpected.
"what the fuck, baird?!"
"i told you to leave her alone! you are a fucking peacekeeper, coriolanus! when will you stop that?!"
"'that' what???" he asked, voice loud enough for him to frown at it.
"don't feign dumb, you disgraceful blond. you know she has sensible hearing and you bring her in to fucking SHOT at trees?" she screamed. the singer had the most defiant frown on her face, making it clear just how much she was willing to go for you.
his expression seemed to calm down, his stare on her became confused. "i... i didn't know- she didn't tell me-"
"oh of course you don't know. do you even bother asking?!" she asked, her eyes boring holes into him. "get away from her, snow."
and she left him behind just like that.
of course he wouldn’t know how sensitive you were when it comes to your hearing. he would never get to know you the way she did. but behind that façade, she hated herself for introducing him to you.
at this moment, she hated snow as much as he hated her.
chapter three: glory.
that wasn't on your plans.
you were aware of your friendship with lucy being a bit too... sweet. you didn't care about it. she was still your best friend and you were still the girl who saved her from that ginger girl.
when you met coriolanus snow, you could already see history repeating itself. lucy was jealous and coriolanus was obsessive. this match would end up being your death, probably.
you didn't really liked them the way they wished you did. you were aware of how much coriolanus liked you, from the moment you kissed the back of your hand till now.
and yet, you were still not into the singer nor the victor, you were fine on your own and decided that a long time ago. you wouldn't be a good girlfriend, couldn't even take care of yourself, how would you take care of someone else?
for that motive, and others, that i won't be able to speak about, you never liked anyone. and people started thinking it was lucy gray's fault, with her cunt m constant bragging about being your first kiss. and she was, but you not liking anyone wasn't her fault, you truly just couldn't seem to find someone who was just right to you.
with that being said, you were the one angry at them right now. what the hell that has happened between them, envolved you, and you weren't having it.
"i don't love any of you," you said, for their own shock.
chapter four: the ballad of the unloved ones.
sitting still on front of you, lucy gray baird felt like she was punched on her heart, losing air from her lungs quickly than actually needed. coriolanus, right by her side, felt the urge to throw up as he recieved the unhappy news of how you didn't loved them.
it was the truth, though. but you still held them on each of your arms and let them take in the affirmation of how you felt about them.
"but-" lucy begun, shaking a bit from the anxiety on her chest.
"-no, lu. i'm sorry," you said, "i don't really feel like loving anyone. i never loved anyone, not in this way though." you cooed, giving her the comfort of your kisses on her forehead.
"but maybe, if we j-just-" coriolanus stopped in his tracks when you shook your head negatively, your fingers drawing patterns on his scalp, and he almost meowed at it.
"sorry, dear. i only love you both as friends." you said.
and they understood you after a long talking, a bunch of silent tears and sobs from their delusions.
by the end of the day, they were at the bar, both looking pathetically red from the way they cried after it.
"sorry for punching you on the nose," lucy said, and she looked like a ghost, finger tracing patterns on a cup. "i don't wanna lose her," she goes.
"sorry for shooting the mocking jays on that evening," he said, sipping on his cup. he was refering to the evening where she punch him.
"you did what."
"uh. i shot the mocking jays."
"coruolanus 'm gonna shoot you in the ass." she growled.
they were back to being friends, and made sure to protect you. just because you didn't reciprocated none of their feelings it didn't mean they would start bitchin' about it (even though they did for like, two weeks.)
so, them both heard festus with his friends talking about you- it wasn't nothing good. and which better way to end him than punching him?
yeah, they were still your best friends. you still loved them dearly with each part of your being.
but just as friends.
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magisland · 2 months
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lua’s note: happy bday coupsie!! also this is for my loved hanie btw @calicoups 💋
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after studying and living in another state, you were finally back to your hometown, just to be surprised by your older brother welcoming you back with a small party.
seeing all those familiar faces was such a heartwarming moment, basically all of your friends were there, but there was someone that took all the attention for themselves, your brother’s best friend, seungcheol.
when your eyes met his figure you stopped in your tracks, he was different, but yet the same from when he last saw him. seeing him made you feel all the feelings you thought you didnt feel anymore, made you realize that even after all these years you still like him,
seungcheol saw you and immediately smiled and god, how you loved that gummy smile. “hey there, little one”, he said walking towards you and pulling you into a hug. he didnt change his cologne, the smell of home and comfort filling your nostrils.
“hey, missed me?”, you broke the hug and looked at him with a smile on your face, still mesmerized by his looks, not believing you were finally seeing him in front of you after four years.
“maybe i did… maybe i didnt”, he chuckled, “i did miss you. everytime i walked through a ice cream shop i found me thinking of you.. you still the biggest ice cream lover?”
you chuckled and nodded, remembering all the times you walked through an ice cream shop with him and begged him to go inside and buy an ice cream cone for you. “still the biggest ice cream lover”
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the party already ended and your brother was no where to be found, most likely to be with his partner, and you were with seungcheol having a good time in the balcony, watching the view of the city night.
“how was college, little one?”
“it was good. life changing id say”, you looked at him, taking in the sight of him looking intensely at you, like he was scared youd leave and he would forget about you and your face, “but i missed here, cant lie”
he nodded, “i can see you changed”
“oh, really?”
“of course. i can tell you matured by the things you posted on social media and all that, yknow?”
you fake gasped, “was someone stalking me?”
“what? no!”, he laughed, “i have always followed you on twitter and instagram, you just appeared on my timeline. dont think youre that special”, he rolled his eyes in a okay playful manner, he wanted to make sure you knew he was joking about the last thing he said, he wanted you to know that you are indeed that special to him.
“yea right, cheol. pretend its true that i pretend i believe you. but you know, you changed too.. but physically speaking”
“i got bigger, didnt i?” he flexed his muscles, making you laugh and nod, “yes, you did got bigger”
“what else?”
“hm…”, you pretended to think hard about it, “you got older too”
“hey! how could you say that?!”
you laughed and shrugged your shoulders, “what about me? did i change?”
“i think we can say that you changed a bit,” he smiled, running his fingers through your hair, “your hair grew a little longer, your eyes changed a bit too.. now its not filled only with love and excitement for life, now it brings some nostalgia too” you chuckled, “stop making things up!”
“im being serious tho! i can see more love in your eyes”
“what else?”
“your style changed, you dont dress like before”, you chuckled, “thank god for that”
“i liked the way you used to dress up.. your makeup style also changed and…” he looked at your lips, “your lips… they look softer,” he brushed his thumb against your lower lip, “they look so kissable, more kissable than last time”
you felt your heart beating so fast you could swear it would jump out of your mouth, remembering when you saw him for the last time before going to another state, feeling the exactly same butterflies in your stomach you felt when he kissed you goodbye.
“do you think about the last time we saw each other? about the kiss?” he said placing a strand of your hair behind your ear, “because i think about it all the time”
“i think about it way more than i should”
he smiled and placed his hand on the back of your neck before leaning in closer and kissing you. the kiss was gentle, but yet firm. soon enough seungcheol was wrapping his arms around your waist and you wrapping your arms around his neck.
once he broke the kiss to catch some air he rested his forehead against yours and chuckled, “we should do that more often. actually, maybe you should just be mine”
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syoounn · 4 months
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•A little scenario saying they are handsome (part 2)
•Characters: Fyodor, Nikolai, Poe
(Part 1)
You were quietly staring and admiring Fyodor's appearance as he made eye contact with you as it surprise you.
"Is something the matter?" He lifts an eyebrow, taking off his coat and putting it onto the coat peg. "You're gazing at me quite odd."
"Nothing.." you said shyly.
As usual, Fyodor sees through you rather easily. He approaches you with light, silent steps and cups your face in his hands, scrutinizing you intently with those violet eyes. "Are you sure?"
"Mhm.. you're just handsome.."
He huffs out a sound that's a near to a laugh, a rare sight. His eyes, however, remain calm and serious as ever, and they seem to be inspecting you as if you were a book. Slowly, Fyodor leans forward until the tips of your noses are nearly touching, and his voice is a mere whisper when he speaks again. "What are you up to, my dear?"
"Im not up to anything..." you said.
His eyes glint with amusement, and he allows himself a mischievous smirk. Fyodor's thumb gently caresses your cheekbone, and he speaks in a low voice. "I know you better than you know yourself, my dear. That's not very convincing, is it?"
As if wanting to test his own theory, Fyodor's left hand now sneaks around your neck until his fingertips skim over your skin. A shiver makes its way down your spine at the gesture, the faintest of touches, yet full of intention. He chuckles. "Ah. See? I know you are far better. Your body betrays you, my love."
"And now you blush." His eyes gleam in triumph. Fyodor's thumb brushes over your cheek again before he brings his face close to your ear, and his breath is hot on your skin. "You know I always see through you, no matter how elaborate your schemes. After all, you are mine."
It's so endearing how you are trying to hold on to your secret. Without warning, he suddenly pushes you against the nearest wall, the hand around you neck keeping you caged in place as he presses his body against yours, and his eyes glint with a mixture of teasing and hunger.
You'll have to pray for yourself tonight...
“Guess what I did today~?” He exclaims excitedly.
"Dangerous stuff..?" you said.
“Of course not, my love!”
He pouts, and you can hear him being sarcastic about this as he hugs you. He rests his head on top of yours. He gives you a quick kiss on the top of your head, and he rests his chin on your head.
“I was just doing simple work for Dostoevsky…”
“A boring mission at that - I just had to disguise myself as another man’s secretary! They were so fooled, too… they thought I was this boring person, and not the great Nikolai!” He says proudly before giving you a kiss on the cheek. He spins you around to kiss your lips properly.
"Mhm... The great Nikolai is handsome after all.."
He grins as he kisses you and lifts you up in his arms. He is quite strong, so doing this isn’t a problem for him, even if you are quite tall as well. He holds you up in his arms with a gleeful look on his face.
“You think so, dove?”
He hums, He’s always been overly affectionate. He’s like a puppy if a puppy was a psychotic mass murderer.
“But, if you really think I’m handsome…”
He gently rests you against the counter, standing between your legs, holding your waist as he smiles down at you.
“How about I show you just how handsome I am~?”
He rests his hands on your hips, his hands slowly tracing circles on your body.
“A little performance, perhaps?”
He leans in and whispers into your ear, his mouth so close to your skin that you can see a sly, mischievous grin on his face.
"Performance..?" you said, confused.
“Tada! As my dove, you get a very, very special performance! One that no one has ever seen before…”
He lifts up your chin and captures your lips in a kiss. He kisses you with a feverish passion, one that makes you not question how someone as strange as him had been able to pull you.
He is always very gentle with you, even if he can be very… cruel when it comes to his other activities. But you just hope you'll enjoy his performance tonight.
Poe was currently working on the noble as you looked at him with curiosity while Karl was laid down on your lap sleeping soundly.
"Could you come closer..?" you said.
Upon being asked to come closer, Poe set down his pen and got up from the desk, walking over to you and stopping beside you, looking down at your sitting form.
“Is there anything you need, darling?” he asked a small smile across his face, his attention on you now and not on his work.
You lift up his bangs as you smile
"You're very handsome,"
He flushed a little upon hearing these words and smiles, and you called him handsome. Soon, a small embarrassed giggle left past his lips as his bangs were held up by you, revealing more of his face.
“Thank you- you’re very pretty too..” *he muttered out, leaning down a bit as to not pull your hand away as you held his bangs up with your other hand free hand to do as you pleased with it, his face was flushing a little.
Poe blushed a bit upon having his bangs lifted by you. You can see his flustered face.. it was cute.
“You are beyond beautiful. Perhaps you should model for me sometime?”
"Model?.." you said, confused.
Poe nodded, a warm smile on his face.
“Yes! To model, maybe for a book cover, for example, or to help me with some art references, I’m sure you would look amazing in whatever you did.”
Poe took a seat next to you and gently held your cheek in his hand. His gaze was filled with an immense amount of love as he smiled, gently rubbing your cheek with his thumb.
“Would you like to model for me, my love?”
That took you off guard, making you blush as you nodded shyly.
Poe practically grinned at your agreement, gently pulling your face closer as he kissed your forehead before speaking again, his tone softer.
“Do you perhaps have something in mind you would like to model? Like a dress, or something else?”
Both of you spent time discussing it..as it was the nicest and sweetest day you've had.
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