#someone be the yugyeom to my jungkook
hannieehaee · 9 months
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18+ / mdi
summary: despite everyone within the industry knowing mingyu to date around a lot, what didn't meet the public's eye was his undying crush on you, his label mate, and his need to fill the you-shaped hole in his heart with any girl who'd give him the time of day.
content: idol!mingyu x hybeidol!reader, pining, mingyu's kind of a slut, smut, afab reader, reader is a 97 liner, dry humping, a lot of made up shit abt the industry lmao, mentions of other idols, oral sex (f receiving), penetrative sex, mentions of cheating, mentions of a breakup, angst, fluffy ending, etc.
wc: 13k~
a/n: this is not connected to my lil idol!mingyu x idol!reader series just fyi <3 i hope u guys enjoy this it took me like a month to write T-T
masterlist | kofi
Mingyu could still remember the day he met you. Well, maybe not met, but it was the first time he ever saw you face to face. It was at some awards show back in 2017. MAMA, was it? Or maybe the MMAs? Well, that didn't matter much. All he knew is that on stage, you had caught his eye.
It was only about a year into his debut, so he still wasn't too used to this scene. He simply sat back and enjoyed the pretty sight in front of him, knowing your group (and you) by name, but not having had the pleasure of meeting you personally by then. He hadn't met many people thus far, actually. At the time, most of his friends in the industry consisted of the twelve other members of his group. Coming from a small company, it had been hard for any of the members to begin to disperse and befriend their peers in the industry. Sure, they all had friendly acquaintances with other idols, but nothing could really compare to what they had with one another.
It wasn't until somewhere around 2017 that Mingyu had finally found a group of friends outside of his twelve members that he could trust. He had always been an outgoing guy, befriending anyone who'd look his way. He reasoned that someone had to be the icebreaker in every social situation, and he had given himself that job. Despite being a charismatic extrovert, however, most of these friendships did not stick. He developed many acquaintances, and maybe even situational friendships, but he had not really considered anyone a friend until meeting one Jeon Jungkook.
Jeon Jungkook was simply the tip of the iceberg. Some believed Mingyu had taken the man under his wing, while others believed the opposite, but it had in fact been a mutual aid. They had both felt a bit lost at the time they met, bonding over the many things their lives had in common. Their age being one of them. At first it was thrown around as a joke, the idea of forming a little group with the many other 97-liners within their industry. But that joke became reality soon after when Mingyu had met Yugyeom backstage during his group's most recent comeback at the time. The three soon became four, taking in a Cha Eunwoo, and then a Jaehyun from NCT. Even some of Mingyu's own members joining, having the privilege of being born on the great year of 1997. This was how you eventually entered the picture.
Mingyu had already known you, well, more so known about you. Despite being the same age, you had debuted a couple of years before Seventeen, which gave him the opportunity to get to know you as an idol before he did personally. He still remembered the days in the green basement, watching comeback shows with the members as they prepared for their own debut. There had been a specific day when your group had been presenting their debut stage, which was also the day Mingyu first caught sight of you. You had caught his eye immediately. There was just something about you. He might've developed a slight interest in you from that moment on, hoping for the day in which he would become one of your peers.
Upon debuting, Mingyu had only seen you in passing for the first couple of years, the closest contact being a quick and informal introduction between your groups as you cruised through the backstage hallways of MNET. You looked even better in real life, he had to admit. But sadly, there was no one-on-one interaction between you that day. Nor was there during any of the following encounters throughout the next few years. It wasn't until about a year into the creation of the 97 squad that Mingyu had the pleasure of meeting you personally.
It was sometimes Jungkook who brought in new members to the friend group, but it was mostly Mingyu who would take the liberty of befriending the aforementioned members in order to introduce them into the group. It was mostly due to Mingyu's extroverted personality, which allowed him to strike up conversation with anyone at any time, unlike Jungkook who was a bit shier in that aspect. It had been Jungkook, however, who had first introduced the two of you. It had been backstage of MAMA or MMA, he wasn't completely sure. Mingyu also wasn't sure how you and Jungkook had met; he'd never bothered to ask, but upon your first meeting it had seemed like the two of you were close friends already. Mingyu had to admit that upon that first assumption, he was a bit jealous of his proximity to you. This was immediately followed by the realization that maybe Mingyu's previous infatuation in you went further than mere interest in you as a fellow idol, but it was maybe a bit of a crush. Regardless of what Mingyu had felt at the moment, he knew that he wanted to see you again.
For some unknown reason, you were not present in the following 97 gathering soon after your introduction. This struck Mingyu as strange, seeing as you were also a 97, and a friend of Jungkook's, so why would you not be present? It was soon after revealed to Mingyu that you had yet to be offered a spot in the now renown 97 squad. Jungkook had assessed that all the dating rumors that would come attached to the inclusion of a girl in the group were simply not worth it. He wanted to save you both the headache and the scandal. It seemed like a pretty reasonable decision. Mingyu, however, was not the most reasonable of people, often allowing his decision-making to be led by impulse rather than calculated choices. Which was why Mingyu had found himself walking up to you next time he spotted you at yet another comeback show, promptly asking you if you'd like to meet some of his friends sometime in the following week, claiming it was tradition for all 97s to go for a drink every other week. He felt like he was inviting you to join into a cult, or at least that's what you said to him it had felt like. But you had still agreed, giving him your number so that you could be privy to the details of the meeting.
Your admission to the friend group came very naturally, having already met a few of the members and easily befriending the rest. Yes, it had come with some controversy at first, but Mingyu had come to learn that you were quite strong-minded, not allowing a few rumors to get in the way of your personal life. It was easy for the two of you to grow close after that. Despite having befriended the entirety of the group, you and Mingyu seemed to form a more special bond, even seeking each other's company outside of group gatherings. It was all platonic, of course. Mingyu had quickly realized you did not seem interested in that way, so he tucked his crush deep within him, choosing to offer a friendship to you instead, never speaking of his crush to anyone. This was how the two of you came to become best friends.
This repression of his feelings, however, did not come without its consequences.
Mingyu was a hopeless romantic at heart. This meant that his crush never really went away. It actually worsened over the years that he knew you. But you never acted like anything other than a friend to him. You would always treat him the same way you did Jaehyun or Eunwoo. He was just another one of the members of the friend group to you. Yes, you two were closer in nature – calling each other the best of friends within the industry – but Mingyu did not want to risk that closeness just because of a selfish crush.
The repression of his feelings was also met with other things. Mingyu was a very loving man. He needed to express his love to everyone around him or he would physically explode (Okay, not really, but he swore that's what it felt like to him). He had a loving family to tend to by taking care of them financially and spending every waking minute away from work with. He had his thirteen best friends to shower with playful affection during and out of work. He had his 97-liners to play around with in between work schedules. What he did not have, however, was that one person who was his and only his. Someone to give the type of love that you reserve for only that one special person in your life.
Mingyu found himself seeking this person out since the beginning of time. Many would call Mingyu a womanizer or a player due to the high volume of relationships he had been involved in during his life. It wasn't like that, however. Not at all. Mingyu would date a girl he liked, would be happy with her, but would ultimately realize that the spark he was looking for was not there, causing him to regrettably end the relationship. He was often met with curses directed his way, but he felt it was best to try and end it amicably if he did not see a future there.
His most recent relationship had been with a former staff member. She was funny and sweet, and also pretty easy on the eyes. They got along very well when she first got assigned to Mingyu as part of his personal team. It started as a friendship, but it didn't take long for Mingyu's hopeless romantic tendencies to seek her out in a romantic way, something to which she obviously agreed to immediately. Mingyu had no issue getting women on his side. He had never dealt with rejection all his life. Being handsome, talented, funny, and even rich from a young age, it was rare to be met with anything but enthusiastic responses left and right. The relationship did not end amicably, however. Mingyu should've known better than to date someone who technically worked for him. I mean, he had been through this before (with one stylist, one MNET staff member, and a former Pledis recruiter to be specific), so he should've known by now that mixing business with pleasure was a bad idea. But his romantic tendencies couldn't be helped. He had too much love to give, and no one to give it to.
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In the big year of 2023, Mingyu had found himself in five different relationships, all ranging in length.
His longest one had been three months, and it had been with a fellow idol whose name he'd rather keep to himself. Despite his friendly and easy-going demeanor, the relationship had ended terribly. He had realized three months in that he did not feel as strongly about her as she did him, choosing to try and end it on friendly terms. As per usual, his proposal to end it was met with curses and threats. It couldn't be helped, Mingyu was a catch, and his usual switch up in feelings (reasonably) stirred up feathers any time he realized he hadn't found the spark he was looking for in the respective relationship.
After that, Mingyu took a quick break from relationships, only to rebound with a random girl he met at a quiet pub in Seoul. One NDA later and he had her in his bed for a few weeks after that, only ending it after he got his head out of the gutter and focused on more the more important things aspects of his life once more. And the cycle repeated.
Throughout all of this, you didn't leave his mind for too long. From one relationship to another, a glimpse of your name would always be imbedded in his brain as he apologized to whichever girl he was with at the time, regretfully letting them know that he just didn't see it going further; that he was looking for someone something else. Despite having known you for a few years now, his feelings were still there. They had been in the back-burner for a while, but they'd resurface every once in a while. It made him feel guilty every single time, specially now that you had been in a relationship for a while.
Yes. You were in a relationship, which was one of the main reasons why Mingyu found himself serial-dating (and maybe sleeping around a bit, sans any involvement of feelings) more than usual this year.
You'd only been with that guy for eight months. It had started at the end of last year. Being best friends, you had let Mingyu know about the entirety of it. From your first meeting, to your first time holding hands, even to your first time sleeping together. It had been hell on Mingyu's side. He was in love with you; had been for years, and now he had to deal with watching you deliver your love to someone who was not him all while he watched from the sidelines, with a fake supportive smile that could never leave his face. The skill he had at hiding his feelings for you was truly unmatched. No one, not even his closest friends, knew about his feelings. Okay, there were a few exceptions, a few slips of the tongue when he was drunk and thinking of you a bit too much. Damn you, Jeon Wonwoo and Lee Seokmin for having been present that fateful night in which you'd texted him letting him know you'd be busy til the morning, excited that that night was the night you'd finally stay over at your boyfriend's for the first time. That had been a new low for Mingyu. He hadn't felt such a huge pit in his stomach as he did that day, knowing you'd be sleeping in the safety of someone else's arms (or doing much worse) while he pined for you in a tiny bar across the city.
That was more or less the time in which be had started dating around again. No matter his busy schedule, he needed his heart filled (and occasionally, his bed too). Unfortunately for him, that hollow in his heart could only be filled by you. His crush had been in the back-burner, sure, but it had never truly left him. The time you spent together was very scarce, as you two worked very busy idol schedules, but he cherished it immensely. Nothing truly compared to the relationship he had with you. The way you understood him and just fulfilled everything he could ever want in a girl was unmatched. He tried to keep these thoughts at bay, but every time he saw you made them resurface.
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It had been a while since you two last each other. You were just returning from your tour, while he and his group prepared for theirs. The two of you kept up with each other through text almost on a daily basis, so he was surprised to see you as he walked the Hybe hallways, having been certain you were scheduled to arrive two days from now. These thoughts were put aside, however, the moment you spotted him and ran to him, pulling him in a hug. How was he not supposed to be enamored when you were so physically affectionate? When you felt so perfect in his hold? Other similarly delusional thoughts invaded his mind as he held you. Did you come back early to see him? He had told you he was leaving on his own tour soon, so maybe you wanted to catch him before he left. Had he been your first stop upon your return? I mean you were walking along the same hallway as Seventeen's practice room, surely you had been looking for him, right? His questions were answered almost immediately upon releasing you from his arms.
"Gyu! Missed you so much. God, it's been so long. How long has it be-"
"A month," it had been a whole month since you'd seen each other. Almost to the day. He had felt your absence very clearly.
"Too long. Hate that you're going on tour soon too," you threw him a pout, one that made him feel that maybe you meant it; that you'd miss him as much as he did you.
He was feeling melancholic lately for some reason. His feelings were heightened by your sudden presence.
"Only going to Japan for two weeks. It's fine, you'll have me back soon."
"Yeah, baby, I pinky promise," he'd take you with him given the chance, "How come you're here earlier?"
"Oh! My boyfriend's sister has an engagement dinner this week. He insisted I go, so I asked if I could come back a bit earlier since we were already done with tour."
"Oh. Have you been to see him yet?", was that too obvious a question? He wanted some salvation that maybe he took at least a bit of priority over that guy.
"Nope. Wanted to stop by and see you first! I wasn't sure when you were leaving, so I didn't wanna risk meeting you."
All in life was restored now. This was all he needed to hear to ignite the spark once again. Okay, maybe a bit dramatic, but being Mingyu, he could feed himself for a month with the scraps you were throwing at him.
"Missed me that much?", he gave you a boyish smile, teasing you but with some hidden hope on the side.
"Shut up. You're so annoying. You're my one remaining friend. Everyone else is gone on tour! God, I hate touring season. If you don't come back by the end of the month, I swear to God ..."
"I'll be back soon, don't worry. You have your guy to keep you company anyways."
"Hah, yeah .. Well, uhm. I should probably go see him, actually. Call me later, though? We can go for a coffee or something. You know, before you leave and everything. When is that, by the way?"
You seemed a bit awkward at the mention of your boyfriend, despite you having even mentioned him earlier, but Mingyu chose to let it slide. It's not like he liked remembering his existence anyway.
"Thursday. You still have me for three days."
"Three?? Shit. Okay, so you absolutely should call me tonight, then. We'll hang out one of these days, okay? Promise me."
"You don't have to convince me, but okay. Pinky?"
You giggled, putting up your pinky to hook with his. This was a tendency of yours, born out of an inside joke Mingyu had already forgotten about, but you'd always pinky promise each other things. It was kind of your own personal thing, despite it seeming a bit childish for your age.
Pulling away, you said a final goodbye before threatening once more about calling you, saying you'd be seeing him off before he left. He agreed (obviously) and went on with his day, looking forward to hanging out with you one-on-one after being deprived of you for two months, while also cursing your shared company for scheduling you away from each other back to back.
The two of you only spoke on the phone for a few minutes, agreeing that you'd meet for coffee the following morning before heading to your specific schedules – the perks of working at the same company. You'd also agreed on having him over the following night for a few drinks as you bid him farewell on his short-lived Japan tour. Despite your boyfriend's dinner falling on that same day, you assured him that you'd be done on time to spend the night drinking with him; playing catchup. You'd usually invite some of the other members of the 97 squad, but most were busy, and seeing as you'd be meeting in your home, there was no need for more people in order to prevent scandal. There had already been a few instances in which the public believed you two to be dating, which was why you'd never hang out alone while in public.
Although most of the media had already gotten used to seeing the two of you together, knowing you were friends, there was still an entire subsection of your fans who believed there might be more there. As much as Mingyu wished for it to be true, he also felt bad for the scrutiny those dating rumors gave you. He'd be willing to fight for you if the occasion ever arose, but you'd need to at least look his way for that to happen; something that he was still working on.
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"Hi, Gyu! Sit, I got your usual."
You had been sitting by a window at the Hybe cafeteria when he walked in. He had to get to the building a bit earlier in order to make time to see you, but the decision between sleeping an extra hour or getting to hang out with you before he left was a given for him.
"Hey, baby. Thanks."
"Sooo. Anything new? What did I miss while I was gone?"
He chuckled at your inquiries. You were always very interested in his life, always keeping up with everything he had to share. It was cute, really. Made him a bit delusional at times too. He'd imagine a different scenario; one in which you'd be laying in bed together at night, going over your respective days as you allowed slumber to take over.
"Nothing much. Had a comeback. I kinda told you about everything as it happened. You called me almost every other night."
It was true. You were kind of attached to the hip by now, communicating with Mingyu as much as you could. He sometimes wondered if that was the case with your actual boyfriend.
"Hmm. Okay. No new girls then?"
Ah. Okay, that was an area of his life he didn't really touch with you. He didn't want to give you the wrong impression. How was be supposed to explain his dating habits without you thinking he just gave it up to everyone? (Which he kind of did). There was no way for him to talk his way through it without revealing his feelings for you.
"Anyway. How's things with your guy? Ready for the dinner thingy tomorrow?"
'Nice segway, Gyu', you chuckled at his evasion, "Uh, yeah I guess. I bought a new dress and everything. Haven't had a chance to meet his family til now."
"You don't seem too enthusiastic. Trouble in paradise?", he knew that you knew he wasn't a fan of your boyfriend, but he also knew you weren't aware of the real reason why.
"It's not that, just ... I don't know. We've been, uh, arguing a bit more for a while," you looked a bit dejected as you said it, eyes on your drink instead of him.
"Oh. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"
"No, it's fine, Gyu, really. It's nice to be able to talk about it. It's just- I've been bugging you about my relationship since before it even started, I felt kinda embarrassed to bring this up. And I know you don't really like him. I just didn't want to make you uncomfortable."
Well, that all checked out. He would always evade any conversation about your romantic life, despite how frequently you brought up your boyfriend. It had stopped after a while, however. You had probably caught up on his lack of enthusiasm whenever you'd bring him up. It made him feel guilty that you'd actively hold back from airing your grievances to him, though. Had he been that obvious with his disdain for the subject?
"No, fuck. I'm sorry. You can always talk about it with me. Just .. been going through some stuff of my own, that's all. What's been going on? You can tell me. Always," he grabbed your hands across the table to offer you some comfort.
"Really? What's wrong, Gyu? You know you can talk to me too, right?"
He knew. He just couldn't bring himself to. Not yet. Maybe someday he'd be ready to risk the friendship and tell you, but for now he wanted to enjoy you by his side in whichever way you were willing to give yourself to him.
"It's nothing, don't worry about it," he offered you a soft smile, rubbing his thumbs reassuringly on the back of your hands, "Now tell me, what's up?"
"It's just ... He's been a bit pushy lately? We got into a fight about his sister's engagement dinner. He was mad I couldn't come, so I had to fix my schedule to make it. Management got mad at me about it too. God, I just don't know how to juggle both things, Gyu. I'm too busy, I- How do you do it?"
"Me? I'm the worst person you can ask. I haven't been in a serious relationship in years. And it doesn't matter anyway. It's not about me."
He wanted to go back to what you first said. Were you having issues with your boyfriend? He didn't want to relish on it, but he always saw something in him he didn't like. Getting in the way of your career was in no way okay in Mingyu's book. Who did he think he was?
"It's not your fault you're busy. He knew what he was getting into dating an idol," he continued, "You shouldn't let him feel like he can get in the way of your career. There's so many guys out there who would understand and support you."
Like him, for instance. He was an idol too, after all. He knew the struggle of dating in this medium all too well. No one would understand you the way he did. He wanted to scream it out for everyone to hear.
"Yeah, I know you're right. I know. It's just- it's been so hard to find someone. We're 26, Gyu. I'm ready for the long run. This is the longest relationship I've ever had. I know it hasn't even been a year, but I know I want to settle down someday soon. I ... I really like him, Gyu. What do I do?"
It felt like a punch in the gut. He enjoyed being in denial, pretending like your current boyfriend was just a placeholder while the real deal – Mingyu – came along, but that plan wouldn't really work unless you were also on board. So now he was forced to face reality and give you some friendly advice. It was too bad he liked you so much, because he couldn't help himself in giving you genuine advice instead of attempting to sabotage your relationship as any other reasonable person would.
"Try to talk it out with him. I mean, he should know by now how busy your schedule is, but sometimes it's hard for people to really understand. Tell him your issues and let him tell you his. Communication is the best thing you can do."
Damn him for being so emotionally smart and in touch with his feelings. He did not want to do your boyfriend any favors, but he prioritized your happiness over his own stupid feelings. It was a catch 22, except he always ended up making the desicion that favored your happiness the most.
"Yeah ... you're right, Gyu. Thank you. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to turn this into couple's counseling. I'll shut up about my relationship now, okay? Let's, uh, talk about your comeback. Wanna record a tiktok with me before you leave?"
He decided to let you rest from what was probably a very stressful subject for you at the moment. Likelihood was that you'd keep him updated on it sooner or later. So, he chose to play along with you instead and change the subject, now finally catching up with you as he ignored your boyfriend's existence, pretending in his head that this wasn't just the platonic hangout you intended it to be, but something more.
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The next day came sooner than anticipated. Mingyu's days always had a tendency of blending together whenever he had a comeback. Being an idol, he had to get used to the hectic nature of the job, even growing to enjoy it at some points.
The two of you had agreed to meet at 8-ish. You had told him that your boyfriend's sister's dinner was more of a brunch than an actual dinner, that you'd call him up at some point to let him know you'd be home to receive him into your abode for some drinks.
He didn't think too much of it when it turned into 8:00 and you hadn't called him. When time passed until 8:30, he began to wonder if something happened, but decided against contacting you. It was at about 9:15 that he finally received a text from you apologizing for your delay and letting him know that he could stop by whenever, that you had food and drinks ready for him waiting for his arrival. Once again, he decided not to question the delay, simply being content that he'd get some one-on-one time with you before he left for two grueling weeks for the Japan leg of his tour.
You welcomed him as per usual; with a tight hug and a peck on the cheek. He never thought much of it, but still always relished on it. Conversation flew as usual for the first thirty minutes, with Mingyu telling you stories of things that had happened with his members during your absence, but he could sense you weren't at your best. Asking was still not something he felt like doing, however. He didn't want to intrude in case you didn't feel like talking about it, and he also didn't want to hear about your relationship again. It was selfish, but there was only so much a man could take. Usually when you had an issue you would just tell him, so he chose to just let you take the reins. Your communication with each other was always very seamless, which was why he wasn't surprised when you finally brought it up a few moments after the thought flew through his mind.
"Sorry I'm a bit off today, Gyu," you chuckled, nursing your second beer of the night.
"Couldn't even tell, don't worry about it," that was a bit of a lie, but he didn't want you to feel badly on top of whatever was going on on your side of things.
"Don't lie to me. You read me better than anyone."
It was said in a lighthearted tone, but he knew you were right. He was always able to get a perfect read on you. He knew you, and you knew him in the way any pair of best friends would (sorry, Wonwoo).
"Okay, what's up? Did something happen at the brunch?"
You groaned dramatically, letting yourself fall back on the recline of the couch.
"Okay, so that's a yes ... Wanna talk about it?"
'Is it okay if I do? I'm sorry, I know I said I'd stop, but, it's kinda important this time."
That piqued his interest. And not in a good way.
"We, uh, we're taking a break."
Admittedly, that really caught Mingyu off guard. For the entirety of your relationship with your boyfriend (even during the talking stage), you had never informed Mingyu of any problems between the two of you until yesterday, when you brought up his insistence at your return from tour, along with the frequent of arguments with him. You'd been the picture-perfect relationship in the eyes of anyone who was privy to your personal life, which was yet another reason why Mingyu always avoided speaking about your romantic life. Bitterness was something Mingyu rarely felt, but your relationship always brought it out in him. He also had always had a feeling about your boyfriend. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he just knew. Regardless, hearing that things weren't only not going well, but even going badly enough to require a break, surprised him.
"Oh, I- Fuck, I'm sorry. You should've told me. Fuck, I feel like a dick just talking about some stupid story about Vernon when you're dealing with this. What- what happened?"
"It's fine, Mingyu, really. It's not that big of a deal, I .. I kinda saw it coming," you certainly didn't seem heartbroken, but you still looked dimmer than usual.
"Do you wanna talk about it?", he scoot up to sit closer to you, knees now touching as you faced each other on the couch.
"It was what you'd expect. I tried to talk to him about my schedule; how I can't just drop my job for things that aren't that important, like some random brunch. He took it personally. He even picked a fight in front of his family. God, it was so embarrassing. It, uh, it ended up with me asking him for some space."
"Oh ... Baby, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told you to talk to him on an important day like that. That was terrible advice from me, I'm sorry."
"No, Gyu. It's fine! You were right. I needed to talk to him. I thought he'd understand, but I guess I misread him. I- I don't know what's gonna happen. It was a pretty big argument. He brought the argument all the way back to his apartment once the brunch ended. That's why I was late tonight. Fuck, I don't even know if we're broken up."
"What did you say? What did he say?", he felt like a teenage girl snooping for details in his friend's relationship, but he genuinely felt bad. Had his constant wishful hopes for you two to break up cause this? No, that was stupid. But he still felt bad for not having been too supportive of the relationship despite being your best friend.
"He said that if I'm not willing to prioritize his family, then he didn't see much of a future. I told him that my job didn't even give me the privilege prioritize my own family, so he'd have to wait for things to get less hectic for me. He didn't like that, so he started to get agitated ... He scared me a bit, so I told him we should just take a break away from each other. He, uh, he just told me to get out after that."
Jesus Christ. Had you been bottling this up since he got here? He felt like a terrible friend for making you feel like you couldn't talk to him about it. Yeah, maybe he had prayed for the day you'd finally break up, but now that it was (maybe) here, he felt like he had been the cause of your sadness. Except you didn't look too sad; more so disappointed.
"I- I'm so sorry," he went to hold you against him, "Had you been keeping this to yourself this whole time? Fuck, you should've cancelled on me. I would've understood. Are you okay? Never mind, of course you're not. I, shit, How can I help you? What do you need?"
You giggled against his chest at his rambling, something that made his heart swell despite the circumstances.
"I'm fine, Gyu, I promise. I didn't wanna make our last night together before you leave about him. I know I said I like him a lot, but .. honestly, I saw a different side of him tonight. I do feel a little sad; like I wasted my time for the past year I've known him, specially these past eight months, but I know my worth. Besides, all I wanted tonight was to drink with you. Being with you always makes me feel better."
Oh. Oh.
How did you expect him not to read into things when you said something like that? It was like you were screaming at him to make you his. And he wanted to. God, did he want to.
Instead he reached over the coffee table in front of your couch, grabbing another pair of bottles of soju before gesturing to you.
"Well, if it'll make you feel better, I can't really argue against it, can I?", and with that, he opened both bottles, handing you one as the two of you swung them with no cares in the world.
It was quite common for the two of you to drink together. Granted, you'd usually be accompanied by either the 97s or some of his own members, but if you felt like drinking with him would help you forget about your (hopefully) ex, then so be it.
Only about an hour passed by the time you were both tipsy.
The subjects of conversation varied a lot, from fun fan interactions during your tour, weird moments in interviews, fights with your group mates, to some more personal stuff.
You were currently playing a tipsy version of 20 questions, or at least that's what it seemed like as you took turns to question the other. Nothing was off the table.
"Soooo, who's the last girl you hooked up with?"
"Oh, I, uh-"
"I know you don't like to talk about your relationships to me, which I don't really get by the way," you said in a jokingly scolding tone as you dug your finger accusingly in his chest, "but cmon. Tell meee."
He remained a silent, but blubbering mess. Did you mean hook up, or relationship? There had been multiple instances of both which you had been unaware of until now.
"Was it Nayeon? Seokmin said you dated an idol for a few months," you giggled at his widened eyes.
"What? Seokmin? I'm gonna kill him- No! I never dated Nayeon. We're just friends, I-"
"Good. I never liked her for you."
"Huh? What? Why not?"
Not that he was ever interested in her (They were just friends, truly!), but he was curious as to your reasoning.
"I don't know. Gut feeling?", you took another swing of your third soju bottle of the night, "I've never really liked any of the girls you've been with. Is that mean of me?", the question was accompanied by a playful pout, which unintentionally drew his eyes to your lips.
"Why's that, baby?", he took the bottle from your hands, setting in on the table next to his. Suddenly he felt a bit less tipsy, sobering up at your unexpected bluntness.
"They just .. None have felt right for you. They're not good for you," you sounded like a petulant child as you said it, sitting up a bit, causing your body to lean further closer to his own, faces now closer than usual.
Oh? Did you-
"Do you-"
"Gyu," you breathed out.
Shit, when had you gotten so close?
"Y/N, I-"
"Shh. It's okay, Gyu. Right?," your eyes had slowly descended to his lips, making his own copy your movements.
By now you were basically on his lap, your face towering over his as he slowly nodded at your question, ready for you to finally close the gap but still gasping against you once the proximity had ceased to exist.
His moan against your lips couldn't be helped, nor could the way his arms wrapped around you, pulling you impossibly closer. The alcohol had not yet reached a point where it could rid him of his inhibitions, but had instead made his senses even more sensitive. Neither of you were lightweights, so Mingyu knew that the alcohol had boldened you more than anything. He thanked the courage it had given the both of you to finally end up here.
He gave you the best of him in his kiss, tongue swiping against yours almost immediately as he played with it. He toyed with your bottom lip, swallowing the moan that came as a result. You felt so soft against him; so sweet and delicate. There had been no night in which he didn't dream of your lips against his. The real thing had thrown him a curveball, making him unsure of what to do other than moan against your lips as his hands ran up and down your back.
You pulled away first, or well, tried to. Mingyu did a good job of following your lips with a whine, licking into your open mouth as he incited you into continuing the kiss. He was the one to break it next, only to pepper kisses along your neck, enjoying the feeling of your head being thrown back.
"Gyu ..."
"Please ... Just let me ..."
He felt bad kissing you like this when you had just (maybe?) broken up with your boyfriend, but he couldn't help himself. This was like dangling a meal in front of a starving man, asking him to please take a bite. There was no way for him to deny you when you had seeked him out first.
You disconnected his lips from your neck, looking into his eyes. Your expression let him know you were pondering your choices, eyes going from his eyes to his lips. He whined against you as you decided to attack him with yet another kiss, this time more vulgar in nature.
The two of you kissed for long enough for Mingyu to lose his sanity, finally taking initiative to carry you to your room, not once allowing you to disconnect your lips. The entirety of it was sensual, from the removal of your clothes to the feel of your lips against each other. You, lying in bed with only some thin panties and a tiny bralette to cover your intimate parts had him losing his mind. Was this real? Did he really have the girl of his dreams in bed, eyeing his almost nude body like she wanted to do very disrespectful things to him?
"Gyu ... Please, I need you."
He finally leaned over you, allowing your most intimate parts to finally touch, only the two thin layers of your respective underwear separating you. Slowly, he dragged his length against your cunt, groaning at the way your nails dug onto his back as a result, with your own back arching. Your chest was pressed up against his, making him grow frustrated and ripping off your bra in order to feel your hardened buds drag against his chest as your hips connected.
Ungluing his body from yours, he finally dragged down your panties, taking a moment to look at the entirety of your nude body.
"You ... You gorgeous thing, fuck. Do you even know how perfect you are? Your body ... Jesus Christ. How do you not have people on their knees begging to be buried between your legs every single day?," his voice showed genuine frustration as he said this, getting down on his own knees and beginning to lick and suck at your thighs.
"I ... Just want y- you ... Want you just like this."
"Like this, angel? On my knees, begging for cunt?"
His tongue itched for you, causing him to finally begin licking at your clit ever so lightly, groaning at the smell of your cunt.
"Ple- please! Gyu, I need ... You don't understand, I need you so-"
"I dont understand? Oh, baby ... I'm gonna break you .. Gonna make this cunt cry for me by the time I'm finished, don't you worry, angel."
Those were the last words spoken by him before finally burying his face nose-deep into your cunt. His cries and groans against your warmth couldn't be helped. He had no control over himself as he dove in and gave you everything he had to offer. Your cries and grinds against his face were not helping things at all. His own hips ground against the mattress as he took in all your pretty sounds of pleasure. Causing you to lose your mind like this made him lose his own tenfold. He had wanted nothing more than to make you his ever since that fateful day in which he turned the TV on back in the green room and saw you dancing on stage. His crush had haunted him for too many years, taunting him upon your first meeting and up to this very moment. But karma had finally smiled his way. He wasn't sure what he'd done in order for karmic retribution to gift you to him, but he'd do it over and over again if it meant he could keep you all to himself.
"Oh, Gyu ... Feel so good. Shit, so fucking good. I- God, pl- please don't stop!"
Oh. You were so ... You wanted him to cum in his pants, didn't you? That had to be why you insisted on sounding so damn pretty when moaning his name.
"Keep moaning my name, beautiful. W- wanna hear you, fuck, please," he begged against your sopping cunt, "Nd grind that pretty pussy against me. Use my nose, my tongue, anything, just ... Wanna feel that tiny little cunt cream all over my face."
His words also seemed to have some type of effect on you. You began to push his head against you in an uncontrolled manner, crying in high-pitched whines that made his own eyes roll back. He knew he'd cum like this. He couldn't even be embarrassed by the thought. Cumming because a beautiful girl – you of all people? – was crying his name so prettily? Using his face to stimulate your cunt with no care in the world? The simple thought would've had him creaming his boxers.
Then he made the dire mistake of looking up.
You wanted him dead. If he wasn't sure before, he was now. Your mouth was open while your eyes were crossed, nose scrunched up at the pleasure. There was not a single thought behind those eyes. You were clearly lost to the pleasure. One of your hands was buried in his hair while the other toyed at your hardened buds. He made a mental note to lavish your breasts with attention whenever he was given the chance. He'd always dreamed of making you cry as he abused your tits with his tongue for hours on end. So many ideas were cruising through his mind at what he wanted to do to you. But these thoughts were interrupted by your loudest cry of the night, followed by warm cream invading his senses. His orgasm against your bedsheets followed immediately after.
The taste of your cream and the sound of your voice had forced him into his own orgasm. He made sure to let all his groans of pleasure land right against your cunt, as he was unable to stop licking at you even after your orgasm had ended. You whined at him a bit until he finally allowed you to push him away, letting out a whine of his own at the separation. The two of you stared at each other for a bit before he lost all control again, jumping on you as he shoved his tongue in your mouth. The kiss was extremely filthy; just an absolute mess of tongues as he gave you as much of your own essence as he could. He even went as far as begging you to stick out your tongue so he could spit on it, but growing too distracted and sucking on it with his own instead. His hands went crazy along your curves, not knowing where to stay as he found a new favorite spot to touch every few seconds.
His thoughts were once again interrupted by you, as you allowed your hands to find way to his dick, which was somehow hard again after just a few minutes of disrespecting your mouth with his tongue. He opened his own mouth against yours, groaning when you licked into his tongue as your hands sped up on his cock. He'd let you have as much fun with his body as you wanted. You didn't even have to ask, he'd just give you anything with no question.
"Want it in my mouth, Gyu ... Fuck. I- I've been dreaming about it ... Please let me have it in my mouth?"
That was the moment his brain stopped functioning, head falling into the crook of your neck as he cursed you out.
You ... You'd dreamt of his cock ... in your mouth? You wanted to choke on his dick? Wanted him to lose his mind as you looked up at him with those pretty eyes all while he disrespected your throat? You were begging for it? Oh ... Oh, fuck.
"A- anything ... God, I'll give you anything, just ... Yes! Please ... Wanna fuck that pretty mouth, baby, please? I'll give it to you. Just ... just never beg me like that again, okay? Can't ... can't hear you beg."
That seemed to pique your interest.
"Oh? Why not, baby? What if i wanna beg for your cock to bruise my throat? What if ..." you pressed your lips to his ear, "... I wanna beg to bounce on your cock until I cry? Am I not allowed?"
"Angel ... God, please ..."
"Can I have your cock now, baby?"
He nodded as your lips overtook his, whining at the bare thought of your lips wrapped around him. Which is what came next, but not without some teasing from you. You kissed down his body, sucking and licking at your favorite parts before finally landing on his aching cock.
It was sensitive from his previous orgasm, but you didn't care, simply choosing to lightly suck and lick at his tip, dragging your tongue along the vein ever so slowly. You took mercy on him after a few minutes of teasing, finally taking the whole thing into your mouth like an expert. You bobbed at a slow and sensual speed, eyes constantly on his as you did it. Eventually you gave him the green light to cant his hips against your mouth, making him throw his head back at the vibrations from your moans. The sight of your eyes crossed in pleasure also didn't help matters. Once more, he found himself cumming embarrassingly fast, groaning again when you swallowed as much of his load as you could muster.
He brought you up to sit on his lap, caressing your body tenderly as he thanked you for being so so good to him. You seemed exhausted, so he made sure to clean you up before tugging you under his covers, joining you soon after.
The two of you laid against each other, shy and tender touches being the only thing you could do to each other in your tired states.
"Gyu ... Thank you for being with me tonight. Thank you for taking care of me."
God, you were adorable.
With a kiss on your nose, he responded, "I'm always here for you, you know that. Thank you for being so ... so perfect for me, angel."
"Shut up ..." you whined as you buried your face in his chest out of embarrassment.
"Sleep, angel. Let me hold you in my arms as you sleep."
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The next morning, the two of you woke up a mess of limbs. Today was the day in which Mingyu was meant to get on a plane and head to Japan for the next two weeks. But his mind wouldn't allow him to disconnect from you. You were so warm and soft in his hold. He'd need a whole army to pry him away from your touch.
Just in that moment, you turned to look at him, hand softly landing on his cheek upon realizing he was awake. He leaned against your touch, relishing in the soft way you caressed him.
"Gyu ... Last night ..."
"It was a dream ... You were so beautiful. You're so beautiful, angel. Made me feel so good."
His smile wouldn't leave his face. He wanted to wax poetic at you, tell you how in love with you he was, but he didn't want to scare you away just yet.
"You don't regret it?," you were pouting at him, head tilted in a questioning manner.
"I'd never regret you."
"Oh ... That's ... Sorry I jumped you like that. I .. I don't regret it either. I was afraid maybe you were just humoring me."
"Of course not. It was all real for me. Was, uh, was it real for you too?"
You smiled at him, pulling him in for a quick peck, "Of course it was, Gyu. It was so .. it was perfect. I just, fuck, I feel ... I need to call him."
You ... You were thinking of him? He thought he'd be out of the picture the moment your lips landed on his. Why was he even in your mind?
"Call him? Wh-"
"I need to officially break up with him. We never actually broke up. I need to tell him .. I don't want to carry this in my conscience. No break, just need to end it officially."
"Oh. I thought-"
"No, Gyu. There's ... There's no choice between the two of you. It's you," you paused with a sigh, "but I just need to talk to him. I don't want to be a cheater. I need to end it before anything else happens."
You seemed to feel guilty at the thought of going back to him, but Mingyu understood. He didn't want to get in the way of something you felt like you had to do in order to clear your conscience. He had waited for you for years, he could wait for another week or so to officially have you in his arms.
"I understand, angel. Don't worry. I'll wait as long as you need."
Your sigh in relief was all he needed to hear to know his feelings were mutual. The two of you wanted the same thing.
"Thank you, Gyu, really. It's all such a mess right now, but I promise it'll all be settled by the time you get back."
He groaned at the mention of his absence. He finally got you and now not only did you have to deal with your ex while he was gone, but he couldn't have you in his arms again for at least another week. Life was laughing at him once more.
"Fuck. I need to get ready, angel."
"Yeah. I'll get dressed and let you get ready. I'll see you at Hybe later?"
He hummed, "Wanna kiss me goodbye"
"Shut up and get dressed, Gyu."
Your goodbye had been quick, seeing as you'd already given him the best farewell gift last night. You bid him goodbye with the promise that you'd update him on your conversation with your ex as soon as it concluded. He left with the promise that he'd think of nothing but you until his return. He was yet to make you privy of the gravity of his feelings, but he was happy to know that you felt similarly to him, wanting to pursue something with him despite having been only best friends this whole time.
The days passed naturally, with a few performances taking up his time and keeping him occupied. Thoughts of you did not leave his mind, however. There had been no updates on your situation with your ex for the first week, nor had the two of you spoken too much. You were preparing for a comeback and he was busy with the short Japanese leg of his tour. The two of you had too many prior engagements to really indulge in what had happened the day of Mingyu's departure, which was something that kept him up at night. Neither of you had made mention of it in your texts to one another thus far. He was scared that his window was closing. You wouldn't do that to him, would you? Or did you think he was just trying to get his dick wet? People did assume Mingyu was a serial dater, dating women and immediately dropping them. Had he used you in a vulnerable moment? Fuck. All these thoughts kept his mind running like crazy.
He just needed you to bring it up first, then he could finally get some clarification on the current state of your relationship. All he wanted was to hear something of substance from you following your separation, but there had been nothing he could cling to thus far.
It wasn't until the eighth day of his stay in Japan that he finally received the first phone call from you. Not a text, but finally a verbal form of communication.
"Baby! Hi! How have you been?"
"Hi, Gyu. I'm good. How's everything going? Having fun?"
"Yeah. Miss you, though. Uh, been waiting for you to call, actually. Didn't wanna be pushy or anything. Fuck, sorry. I'm being pushy right now, aren't I?"
"No, Gyu. It's fine. I actually did call you about that ..."
"Oh. Did you ... did you talk to him?"
"Yeah. I just got back from his place. It took me a while to reach him, but, uh, yeah, we spoke."
You were being evasive, he could tell. The myriad of possible reasons as to why had his heart racing. He was never one to feel nerves around a girl, but you were the sole exception. He'd always been secure of your friendship, but every time his feelings for you would invade his mind – just like right now – he would panic and not know how to work his way through a simple conversation.
"How did it go?"
"He kissed me."
He had no response for that. He knew he should've expected something like this. I mean, what kind of man would let one argument get in the way of being with you? Except there had been a Mingyu-shaped obstacle in the way now, and he was not planning to get out of the way. It still made his heart drop, however. The thought of his lips on yours after Mingyu had finally claimed you as his made a frown find a way onto his face.
"I'm sorry, Gyu. He did it as soon as he let me in. I guess he wanted to try and make up for the fight with sex, or something. I stopped him, though," you sighed, "I told him it was over. That it had been for a while. He put up a fight, begged for me to say, but I couldn't do it. Not after what we did ... It was horrible, Gyu."
"I'm so sorry. I can't imagine. I wish I'd been there for you, I should've taken the brunt of it, I-"
"I didn't bring you up," you interrupted, "It felt mean and disrespectful. We were still technically together when we slept together. I- I couldn't do that to him."
"Oh. I ... I understand, angel. It's okay, it's over now. Now we can move on together. It's okay if it takes you a while, I'll wait."
A few seconds passed until he heard a response from you.
"Mingyu ... What are we doing? I can't do this to you, I- I can't get you involved in my mess like this. I'm sorry I made you an accomplice to my cheating. I care about you so much. I didn't mean to use you when I was just sad and vulnerable."
"You .. you what? Baby, it's nothing like that! You didn't cheat, you weren't together. I don't care about any of that, you know that!", it was difficult for him to not get exasperated right away. Where was this coming from?
You were clearly getting emotional too. He could hear your sniffles and the dejected tone of your voice.
"I can't make you my rebound, Mingyu. I love you too much to do that to you. You're my best friend."
There were those two words again. Best friend. He wanted to be your best friend until the end of time, but he wanted more. He truly thought he was more than that to you by now.
"I love you. So much. Please. We- we can't do this over the phone, okay? Please, just ... don't make any rash decisions like this. I'll be back in four days. Can I come see you? Can we talk about this?"
He didn't care how desperate he sounded as he plead to you. There was still hope that he could talk to you and make you understand how he felt. He hadn't given himself the chance to even try yet; life kept getting in the way. And he was sure you felt the same. The way you felt against him, your cries of his name, your sweet smile as he held you in his arms in the aftermath ... None of that could have been just due to a pesky rebound. No, it was all real, he knew it.
"Yeah, Gyu, okay. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to put all this onto you. I'll see you when you're back, okay? I'm taking a few days off before our comeback begins. You can just come to my house whenever you're back in Seoul."
"Yeah, I .. I'll do that. Goodnight, angel. I love you."
"Love you too, Gyu."
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The next few days without any communication from you had been absolute hell for Mingyu. He knew it was for the best; to not plague your mind with any more thoughts of him. You needed time on your own so that you could think. Mingyu, on the other hand, could've used the opposite. He thought of you nonstop. Those four days felt like eternity. Even as he performed and hung out with his friends, thoughts of you never stayed away from his mind for too long.
When the day of his return finally arrived, Mingyu was a wreck. Somehow he had been able to keep his turmoil of emotions a secret from his members. It was for the best, he thought. Wishful thinking had him holding onto the hope that the first time he ever brought up the situation to his friends would be by the time you were officially his girlfriend. However, this meant that the only person privy to his scrambled thoughts was himself.
With no one to ask for feedback or advice on the situation, Mingyu decided to just head straight to you. He had been in love with you for years, he didn't need to rehearse his confession to you when he'd already gone over it in his head endlessly times through the years.
Arriving to your door had been the worst of it. The ringing of your doorbell was followed by the sole sound of his heart pounding right out of his chest at hearing faint steps getting closer from the opposite side of the door. His breath caught in his throat as soon as you opened it.
He had seen you in all states, – from glammed up to recently awoken, both equally as beautiful – but the heightened emotions of the situation made him see you with rose-colored glasses (even more rose-colored than the ones he already saw you with). He had missed you immensely, that much was obvious. You had been gone for a month and had spent the best night of his life with him, only for him to leave for another two weeks right away. He realized now how much he'd been craving you these past few weeks.
"Hi, Gyu. Come in, please."
The air felt heavy. It was too serious for Mingyu's liking, but he was willing to do anything to show you that that night had not been just a fluke caused by your recent break up, even if it meant a grueling conversation in which he detailed the intensity of his feelings for you.
You two remained standing near the door even after crossing the threshold into your home. He wished to remain close to you; not allow you any more distance than you'd already had these two weeks away from each other. He was ready to talk the moment you turned around from locking the door, facing him as he looked down at you. He had meant to speak before anything else, he really did. It wasn't his fault that he had miscalculated his distance, ending up almost trapping you against the door. It also wasn't his fault that you looked so pretty as you stared at him with your widened eyes. What was his fault, however, was the soft kiss that landed against your lips just mere moments later. You had been at fault too, as you returned the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck as you allowed him to push you against the door.
The kiss heated up a bit, but remained tender and sensual. Tongues played with each other as you breathed into each other's mouths. His arms wrapped around your waist, palms flat against the arch of your back. You fit perfectly against him. He hadn't enjoyed your kiss to the fullest extent that fateful night. He hadn't kissed you with the love you deserved. It had all been a mess of passion and lust, unlike now, in such a tender moment that allowed him to relish on every single sigh against his lips.
It was when he finally ran out of breath that he first spoke up, faces still just mere inches away as his hooded eyes looked into yours.
"There's ... there's no way you could possibly believe that night didn't mean something," be breathed, "There's no way you haven't realized by now."
"Realized what?", your breath was just as heavy, face tilted towards his as your lips remained within breathing distance of his.
"You really don't know?", his hands were running up and down your back, pressing you to his chest him with every swipe of them along the length of your back, "I've been discreet, but .. you have to know, right?"
"Gyu, tell me. What don't I know?"
"How indescribably in love with you I am," he whispered against your lips, swallowing your gasp.
"Were you playing dumb, angel? Making me watch you be with him as I waited for you to look my way? You must've felt it that night; the love I've been keeping under lock and key. You know, don't you, baby? You have to know."
"Gyu, I-"
"I waited for you for so many years. Waited patiently for you. And then came him ... But even then, I waited, and .. fuck. You finally gave yourself to me. Only for you to call me a rebound? Was I a rebound, angel? Does this feel like a rebound to you?"
Halfway through his confession, he had begun to pepper kisses along the side of your neck, drinking in every single sigh of pleasure you let out. This wasn't exactly the speech he had envisioned himself giving you all these years, but you were soft and pliant in his arms as he accused you of playing dumb to his feelings, so things seemed to be working.
"N-no ... You're not a rebound, Gyu, I ... Fuck, you're everything to me."
"Everything? Were you willing to throw your everything away just like that, then? Were you scared, angel? Scared of how much you felt that night?", he brought his lips back to yours, almost pressing them together but not really.
"Yes ... Gyu, I need ..." you chased for his lips, but he wouldn't give them to you so easily, no matter how badly he wanted to swallow any and all of your cries.
"I need to hear you say it. Need you to tell me."
"I love you, Gyu," you gulped, eyes glassy and beautiful, "That night ... wanted more. Needed more. I should- I should've broken up with him so long ago. The moment I began to compare him to you. He was nothing. He's nothing. I love you. I'm sorry, I didn't-"
He kissed you then, interrupting the rambles he had only ever dreamed of hearing from you. You'd thought of him? Wanted him to be the one holding you close at night? Had he known, he would've fallen to his knees the moment your heart opened up to him. He didn't care when your feelings for him began, he would've dropped everything in that moment to reciprocate.
"You wanted me? Were you waiting for me too, beautiful? Huh? Did you ache for me as I did you?", it was as if he'd burn if his lips strayed away from you further than a few measly inches. Every word was spoken against your mouth as you whined for his lips to find home against yours again.
"I need you .. Need you so fucking bad. Can I have you? Can I finally make you mine?"
This time you took control, dragging him down as you kissed him with everything you had to give, moaning affirmations against his lips. That's all he needed to wrap your legs around his waist and take you to your room once more. He had no time to waste. Knowing his feelings to be mutual was driving him insane, making his brain short circuit at all the implications behind your confession. Had you thought of him every night as he did you? Had these past two weeks been agony remembering every second of that night? If you felt even half as miserable as he did while aching for you to be his, then he truly needed to show you what he'd been wanting to give to you all these years.
He laid you on your bed, making quick work of your clothes as he unwrapped you, mouth watering at your nudity. His hands had their fun, feeling every soft inch of your body as his ears fed on every single whine whenever he'd pass by a particularly sensitive spot. His mouth was like a magnet the moment his eyes landed on your tits. His plan to make you cry as he abused your nipples with his lips had been on the back of his mind since that first night. He had wanted to go through with it now, but your cunt was begging for him just south from him, making him eventually get back on track.
You had been equally as desperate in getting his clothes off, feeling him up in a way that had him feeling filthy. Your desperation for him was making him lightheaded. The thought of being an object for your pleasure crossed his mind for a moment. His mind would've stayed there for a while had you not interrupted him with a whine of his name.
"Fuck me. Please, Gyu ... Need you so bad."
"Angel, need to prepare you, just give me a min-"
"No! I'm ready, Gyu. I promise! Just .. please ..."
Fuck. He couldn't hold back if you looked at him with those eyes, quite literally begging for cock to impale the pretty pussy that he'd been aching to have against his tongue.
With one hand, he grabbed onto his aching cock, using his other hand to position your hips in order to give him perfect access to your cunt. He used his dominant hand to drag the tip of his cock against your swollen clit, groaning at the stimulation against his slit. You matched his reaction by arching your back against your bed, begging him to please put it in. He could only handle a little bit of teasing until his cock finally began to push through your walls. Your cunt gave resistance, but you insisted that the stretch was delicious, begging him to not hold back.
"Feel so good ... Fuck, Gyu, you're so big ..."
He didn't need any type of ego boost, but your soft sighs at his size made his mind go blank, causing him to speed up his entrance, swallowing a loud whine from your lips to his.
"O- oh, fuck! Baby ... you're so fucking tight, shit!", he had imagined the feeling of your walls wrapped around him ever since he could remember, but no dream he could conjure could compare to the reality of it.
You were off worse than him. Your mouth was open and your eyes rolled back. You were practically a limp doll, mewling at him to 'please give you more' every so often. He just couldn't hold back at the sight, giving you everything you wanted with every single thrust.
He pounded into you so animaliatically that the your moans had begun to be drowned out by the sound of the headboard slamming against the wall. It was like the room was shaking from the intensity in which he fucked you, but you wouldn't stop crying for more. Mingyu's ability to think had died the moment he kissed you, which added to the myriad of reasons why he was unable to stop ramming into you even as tears clouded his eyes. At some point, however, he finally snapped back into reality, deciding to go for an intense yet more mellow pace.
He wanted to enjoy you; to see you lose your mind on his cock. Your pretty eyes staring up at him with tears welling in them made him lower his face down to yours to give you a quick peck. You responded by putting one of your hands on his cheek (which had previously been dragging its nails deliciously across his back) to keep him close to you.
"L-love you so much," you hiccuped.
"Oh, angel ... You have no idea."
He was close now. The mere affection behind your eyes had made him want to fill you up more than anything. And you seemed to be in the same state, as not even seconds later you began to beg him to let you cum.
"Angel, need you to cum with me, okay? Need that pussy strangling my dick, fuck. Please."
"Gyu .. Gonna cum. Fuck. Come with me, please! Want you to fill me up so bad ..."
"I'll give it to you, angel. I'll give you anything you want. My beautiful girl."
He pulled you even closer to him, burying his face in the crook of your neck as he felt you tighten up once more. His fingers had been toying with your clit the moment he suspected your orgasm was on its way, only accelerating the process. His load spurt inside of you the second your orgasm took over you, making him press his face even further into your neck whining as his hips went crazy against your cunt.
Your screams made him lose the tiny bit of sanity he had left, digging the soles of your feet into his back as you pulled him to meld with your body. The two of you shook against each other for a minute or so before you finally went limp. Mingyu immediately took action, positioning so you could cuddle into the bed. He'd worry about cleaning you up later (Maybe by taking you to your shower and burying his face between your legs). Now, he wanted to feel you pressed up against him as he caressed you and told you how badly he loved you.
You sat up a bit, although still being held in his arms, and looked attentively into his eyes.
"I'm sorry, Mingyu .. I'm sorry I made everything so complicated. I didn't realize how much I liked you until that night and I was scared I had just used you without realizing it. I love you, I'm sorry."
His heart swelled up at the confession. He already had a pretty clear idea of your feelings after the past hour of making love, but hearing a confession come from your lips had been something he had always dreamed of hearing.
"Shhh," he held you even tighter, "I love you. There's nothing you could do to ever make me stop. If this is what needed to happen for us to be together, I'd go through it ten times over. Just wanted you to be mine."
"I'm yours, Gyu. I promise."
"Yeah? You know you can't get rid of me now, right?", he chuckled, "If you thought I was touchy before, just you wait."
"Shut up. You say that like it's a threat," you giggled against him, lightly smacking his chest.
"Don't say I didn't warn you."
You spent the night holding each other and bantering in your bed. You finally spoke of everything surrounding your lives as of late, even touching on your feelings for one another and the respective gravity of them through the years. Mingyu felt embarrassed revealing the intensity of his own, but enjoyed the way you'd gasp and giggle at his commentary, so it was impossible for him to stop.
"Since pre-debut?? You really liked me since then?"
He cringed but laughed nonetheless, "Yeah ... I don't know. I saw your debut stage and I just couldn't take my eyes off you. I kept up with your group after that until Jungkook introduced us."
"Oh my god? Did Jungkook know? Did anyone?"
"Some of my members did, but I was discreet. You didn't like me back, so I didn't want to impose it on you."
You frowned at that, "Gyu, I-"
"Hey, it's okay. I got the girl now, didn't I? Took a while but now I get you forever. Nice trade off, I think."
"Were you this nice to all those other girls?", you were teasing him now.
You'd merely laughed when he revealed his dating habits to you. The ones he kept hidden to ensure you wouldn't assume him to be some type of womanizer. You'd even coo'd at him upon hearing that it had all been to keep his mind off you, promising that you were now all his, so there was no need to ever look at another girl.
"Yah! Stop. They don't exist to me anymore. Just like no other man exists for you, yeah? Just me."
"Yeah, Gyu. Just you," you sealed the unspoken promise with a kiss.
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Keeping your relationship a secret had been entirely out of the question. The moment the two of you arrived to Hybe together that next morning, Mingyu had been unable to keep his hands off you. He didn't care if any artists or staff knew you were his (He wanted them all to know, actually). If he could, he would've even gone as far as letting the entire world know, but he wasn't quite ready to involve the two of you in a massive scandal.
Life had now become the perfect routine. He'd head to work to his dream job with his best friends, only being a few floors under the love of his live's workplace. It had taken him years, but he was finally exactly where he always wanted to be. He couldn't help but be reminded of that fact every time you stopped by his practice room to shower him with the affection he always wanted to give to you.
That young Mingyu watching you in the green room would've fainted at the mere thought of his current life.
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To read short 2k word continuation u can go join my monthly tier on kofi or patreon!
content: short drabble continuation to this fic, idol!mingyu x idol!reader established relationship, afab reader, smut, oral (m receiving), semi-public sex, penetrative sex, etc.
wc: 2629 (full drabble)
sneak peak:
"Mingyu ..."
'Okay, first of all, personal space', you somehow managed to separate yourself from his tight hold.
You were currently sitting up against a mirror in seventeen's practice room. By some act of god, you and Mingyu always managed to somehow pay each other visits during the day. You'd befriended his members over the years, which meant that your presence was not uncommon even before you'd begun dating.
You had entered the room with plans to talk to Mingyu about something that had been bothering you for the past three months you'd been officially dating, except that your plans had been intercepted by the large man himself the moment he spotted you and dragged you to uncomfortably cuddle on the hard floor of the practice room. That's where you currently found yourself; hard floor digging against your ass as mingyu held you against him, keeping a hellish posture as the two of you laid back against one of the many mirrors in the room.
"Is there something you wanna tell me? Maybe about your previous relationships ..."
That piqued his interest. You didn't say it with any type of anger in your voice. You simply wanted some confirmation on some suspicions that had recently arisen. You knew Mingyu had a bit of a past in the dating area (something which he never spoke about due to feeling embarrassed by it), but you didn't realize how far it went until you'd attended MNET last week, only to be received with dirty looks by a few of the female staff members. You hadn't realized that rumors of your relationship had begun to circle around the industry (not having entered the general public yet), meaning that many staff members at venues often visited by kpop idols were aware of the high possibility that the well-known 97-liner besties were now something more.
This should not have come as a negative thing. Contrary to popular belief, idol dating within the industry was never much of an issue. Idols kept it hush, and most staff members remained either unaware or were too professional (or scared of repercussions) to ever really do anything with that information. You, however, had now been on the receiving end of one too many angry faces headed your way. It had even gone as far as staff 'accidentally' spilling your drink or messing up the settings of your in-ear. It wasn't until you had heard from your own company's staff that Mingyu had frequented a few of the girls working at MNET that you realized the reason why a metaphorical target had been put on your head.
You'd wished that Mingyu would've prepared you for this. I mean, you would've warned him ahead of time if he ever were to interact one-on-one with one of your exes (though that was unlikely, as you did not share Mingyu's serial-dating habits even before your relationships), so you would've expected the same from him.
" ... What previous relationships?"
"Gyu! Don't play dumb. MMET staff? Really? Did you think it was a good idea to shit where you eat?"
"Oh, fuck. Did someone say something mean? Baby, I'm sorry, I-"
"You should've warned me before I walked in to work with three of your exes!", by now you had unglued yourself from him, legs still tangled but no longer leaning against each other.
You weren't truly mad. You really only found the situation ridiculous, but you had still wished you hadn't been so caught off guard like that
"I'm sorry! I didn't want you to think I was some time of .. whore. I did date around a lot, but it was never anything serious. I'm sorry, I'll tell you next time, okay, baby? Forgive me?"
He was such an idiot. Immediately pouting at you and pulling you back into his arms, knowing you weren't truly mad.
"Fine. But I swear to God, Kim Mingyu, if this happens again ..."
"Yes, Ma'am."
find the 18+ continuation on kofi or patreon!
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xanticore · 3 months
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Part two
Genre: angst
Setting: early 2000s ,, L.A.
Warnings: mentions of alcohol and drug addiction. Sex addiction. lots and lots of cursing. he cheats. (the horror) slight mentions of suicide. slight grammar errors im writing this at 3 am.
Summary: Jungkook was always one to have his anger get the best of him...that was only because of the amount of drugs and alcohol he abuses in his daily life. When you first met him, you knew he had personal problems but he never discussed those things with you. One night after a show, you wanted to talk about his habits and something snapped in him. You don't know if you're able to even look at him again.
Rockstar!Jungkook - he sings and plays guitar.
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Jungkook had some problems...mentally. And you knew it, and so did his band mates. You were the type to try and ignore it and see the good in him for the most part. Certain times, Jungkook was definitely a good boyfriend to you. He would buy you expensive bouquets, new clothes, and even jewlery; but that was all during a time where he was sober. You don't know what happened to make him relapsed and you honestly tried to retrace your steps.
It gotten so hard on you, to the point Jaehyun, his bandmate that plays drums, had to remind you countless times that none of this wasn't your fault. You couldn't help but still have it on your mind though.
Kook distanced himself from you and he rarely ever calls you. You tried to call him but you would always hear that he was either unavailable or worse, just a dead line- no one would even pick up. Overthinking with such a guy like him was inevitable. You didn't know what he was doing because you couldn't even get a hold of him. You tried your best to let him be an adult and let him just comeback on his own; but that never worked out in the end.
So you decided to take matters into your own hands. Jaehyun contacted you that they would be during their last show of their tour in downtown L.A. at the metal club. You we're excited but very disappointed in how Jungkook didn't tell you but someone else did. You shrugged it off and made your way towards the club.
The show went on as planned and they performed- in a sense good. The other members were flawless with their instruments but you noticed that Kook wasn't doing so well. It was unusual for him to even slip up a riff. You sighed already could tell he had some alcohol in his system. It was even obvious in his singing. You looked over at the bassist and the other guitar player-Yugyeom and Eunwoo. The two seemed to take notice of Jungkooks performance and how it can affect the rest of the members and song all together.
Luckily, the show went on and managed to have the crowd cheering and screaming. You went backstage and waited for them to come out. Each member greeted you with a warm smile and Jaehyun stopped for a moment.
"You noticed?"
"Yeah...he's drunk. He was already in a shit mood ever since this morning. When he sees you, hopefully that sour attitude changes."
Jaehyun said before shaking his head. "If he does anything to you..let me know. Ok?" You nodded at his request and that nearly had your hair on your arms sticking up. At last Jungkook came off stage already having a beer bottle in his hand. He saw you and just rolled his eyes which you was taken aback by that action of his. "What are you doing here (name)?" He said nonchalantly, as if he didn't wanted you there in the first place.
"Jaehyun was nice enough to tell me you were doing your last tour stop here. Ughh Kook, you fucking reek of alcohol-"
Jungkook just chuckled and took a swig of his beer. "And this? can we talk about how you just relapsed out of nowhere and how you never return my calls? You've been so distant with me lately." You snapped at him as you watched him, carelessly drink his drink. "I've been busy-"
"Drinking and doing coke isn't being 'busy' you need serious help Jungkook and your band mates is slowly getting sick and tired of your behavior and so am I!"
"I don't fucking care what they think. I'm living my best fucking life as much as possible trying to keep myself fucking happy in this world!"
"So doing this is your solution?!"
"Yeah. Drugs, beer, a good fuck with a girl who isn't bugging me 24/7 trying to get in contact with me"
That was it. You froze for a moment and all the color on your face has drained as your heart sunk. Jungkook still didn't realize what he said. You watched him throw away the bottle, taking out a cigarette and lighting it with his lighter afterwards. You didn't have the energy to even comment on it but you were more worried about his wellbeing.
"Why? just....just why are you trying to kill yourself like this?" You said trying to not choke up on your words.
"Im tired. I kinda do wanna sleep." Kook replied, exhaling the nicotine. "also I wanna get away from you. i'm sick of you..."
im sick of you
im sick of you
You couldn't help but repeat those harsh words over and over. You couldn't tell if the alcohol or drugs were talking or Jungkook himself. He still had no reaction to what he said but you was already too weak to even argue with him. You felt tears roll down your cheeks and heard a sigh coming from him. "Look, I gotta go. I can't be here while you're crying like this-"
He walked passed you so carefree. He didn't even bother to look back as he walked down the hallway. After that, you knew it'll be the last time you talked with him. You felt like he didn't need you so why should you continue to care.
You left the club alone without your boyfriend that you once cherished and cared about.
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Extra: 6 months later. Jungkook was in rehab in a therapy session. Told in Kooks pov.
I was in my therapy session and I told my therapist about my problems I had with the things I do. I've been told things that I regret saying to my girlfriend. I was just too upset with everyone and high off my fucking mind to the point she stopped all contact.
I wanted to go back to my habits again but that would only cause me more unwanted trauma. I was still in denial after what Jaehyun told me. I seriously don't remember anything from that night...and it pisses me off.
After receiving the news I've gotten from my brother, my whole world crashed and I wanted a way to get out of here. I couldn't bare just being here I was mentally and physically exhausted with my life. Nothing was making me happy and touring definitely didn't help. I grew an unhealthy addiction with sex. I had sex with many woman not caring in the slightest I was taken. Not caring I had someone worried about me back at home.
I really loved (name)...I really did. In the beginning; I tried my absolute hardest to stay away from the dark. She was my light.
"It seems you wasn't ready..."
"I wasn't. I wish I could go back in time and changed everything."
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a/n : Yay or nah? Lowkey was in my feelings but i wanted to write angst.
dividers: cr to owners
165 notes · View notes
Orbiting: pt.4°
: pt.1° | pt.2° - pt.2,5° | pt.3°
[icehockey!jungkook x figureskater!reader] [3.9k smut, angst. There's swearing; bitch-calling (non-sexual); this is purely fiction, please practice safe sex!; tons of dialogues. I hope you enjoy reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it, but tbh, I kinda struggled to steer the plot.
Also! Happy Hobi Day! Please give Be My Mistake some love, too! (if u want)
"Isn't that your girl, cozying up to Park?"
The first thing Jungkook sees is you—back on the rink, just where you belong. He's never seen someone as graceful as you glide. You always look beautiful like this, he thinks. The apples of your cheeks are rounded and rosy from the cold, and the corners of your eyes wrinkle as you laugh.
You always reverted to the nine-year-old you when you were left free to skate—so carefree and unafraid. There were moments like now when he could watch you move smoothly on the ice and soar in the air forever. Days like today are what he will always be thankful for, and he hopes you get to have forever. No longer does he want to see you put yourself through so much pain and endure it for the sake of being the best in your sport. While Jungkook knows all too well that you need to put in the hard work to get a step forward toward your dream of being professionals in your own field, he also knew when too much was too much. In all those days where you suffered, Jungkook did, too. So, he vowed to never forget that there's a version of you who knew how to revel and not overthink every move she made on the ice. And it is his duty to always remind you of her.
Your squeal broke him out of his trance. And Jungkook would have felt the strain in his muscle when he whipped his head, turning to look through the glass, past the bleachers, if the sight hadn't irked him. Jealousy stirred as he spots Jimin's arms on your waist and the other outstretched to hold yours. He knows it's nothing malicious. You've been practicing that stance with him for years when you were kids, thanks to his mom. But something about seeing Jimin with you and the fact that you've defended the guy when Jungkook blamed him for your sprained leg AND even managed to gush about how graceful he skates left a bitter taste in his mouth.
Plus, not to be bitter and petty, but Jungkook thinks he skates well—better even. And yet you've never complimented him.
"Not my girl," Jungkook murmurs under his breath. "And it's a routine. Not exactly cozying up." He scoffs and takes his stick from Yugyeom a little too aggressively, causing his friend-slash-teammate to chuckle.
"You seem to know a lot about routines," Jackson cuts in. "But then again, why wouldn’t you, Jungkook?" The lilt in the older man's voice as he said Jungkook's name wasn't unnoticed, but Jungkook didn't have enough patience and attention to spare to even humor the guy. He also knew whatever Jackson had to say would be anything but a friendly banter.
Jungkook only acknowledges the man with a side-eye and raised brow as he tapes his hockey stick.
Unfortunately, Jackson refuses to shut his mouth; the man is clearly on a mission to get a reaction from Jungkook.
The rest of the hockey team starts to come out of the locker rooms, clumping to the bleachers. With the gathering crowd, Jackson raises his voice, demanding attention and an audience. "You know, there's this move figure skaters do where they spin and spin and spin, circling around their partner." With his head tilted and standing in front of Jungkook, he gives him a haughty glare.
And still, Jungkook’s attention remains on you. You’re only just occupying your side of the rink—the opposite side where his team is gathered at. Whatever you hear on your end should be incoherent. You don't need to hear the bullshit coming out of his teammate's mouth, he thinks.
"What was it she preferred to call it again?" Jackson pretends to wait for Jungkook to answer. Yugyeom, on the other hand, looked apologetic. What started out as playful teasing turned into a way for Jackson to provoke their team captain, and everyone knew how Jackson loved to rile Jungkook. While everyone thought it was because the older man lost the title to someone younger, that was only partly the reason.
"Ah, right," Jackson walks closer to Jungkook. He claps Jungkook's shoulder before gripping tightly into it. "Orbiting,” Jackson grins. He’s taunting, hooking Jungkook, demanding his full attention. “Y/N does it well, but you clearly do it the best,” he mocks. “It’s comical watching you run in circles around the bitch for years.” His sly smile turns to pointed chuckles as he feels Jungkook tense under his grip.
Hook, line, and sinker.
Closing in on Jungkook's ear, Jackson whispers, "Don't worry, I'm pretty sure she does it intentionally, especially to guys she dances with. I bet Park's gonna be her new boy toy now, huh?"
Jungkook was never a violent man. Even on the ice, in a game, he never started brawls. The one time he got tangled in a fight, he couldn’t stand the disappointed glare you gave him. It hurt more than the 13 stitches on his head and scarier than his mom’s scolding.
And yet, Jungkook throws the first punch straight to Jackson’s jaw.
Jungkook can take a joke and can easily shake off empty trash talk and name-calling from his team. In fact, he lets them make jokes about him about his blatant simping for you because it’s true, and anything untrue, he doesn’t see the point in entertaining it. But he draws the line when the jabs are at the expense of the people he loves.
In a matter of seconds, Jackson returns the punch, and a full brawl breaks out.
On the opposite end, you and Jimin match your stride as a pair—being aware of each other’s movement and syncing your limbs to move as one; oblivious to the growing chaos.
You’re in the middle of a Lutz when the commotion steals your focus. You wobble on your landing and Jimin’s quick to hold you from falling. You turn towards the racket and see a mass of bulky men shouting.
It’s Jungkook’s team.
You skate closer to the chaos, and it’s not until you see a pressed back on the glass, the number 97 jersey bold and taut on their back, that you speed skate. Behind you, Jimin calls your name and follows.
You see Yugyeom restrain Jackson, and the other guys are holding back Jungkook. A flurry of curse words flies out of Jackson’s mouth. Entering the box, your eyes are drawn to Jungkook. You can already see his busted lip and sore knuckles. You call his name, and he looks up, jaws locked and tense. It takes a moment for his clenched knuckles to relax. He stands up and shrugs off the arms holding him.
Yet again, Jackson cuts in, “You guys are quite a pair, huh?” he laughs, humorless.
“Man, shut the fuck up,” Yugyeom struggles but eventually manages to drag Jackson away from the group. Sensing that Jungkook won't follow and lunge at Jackson, the rest of the guys disperse. All that’s left gathered on the bleachers is you and Jungkook.
And Jimin. 
Your new partner’s existence annoys Jungkook. Your doe-eyed friend wonders if Jimin knows he doesn’t have to stand so close beside you. He watches with eagle eyes as Jimin hands out your skate guards. You teeter sideways as you clasp the rubber on your skates, and Jungkook hates the sight in front of him—you’re holding on to Jimin for support, and his arm is on your waist to keep you steady.
Fueled by jealousy and adrenaline, Jungkook walks towards you just in time to catch your arm away from Jimin’s body as you switch to putting on the other rubber guard on your skates.
You feel smushed as you stand sandwiched between two guys. Feeling claustrophobic, you push Jungkook by his chest to look at his injuries. “Your lips are bleeding,” your tone colder than ice, a contrast to your warm hands inspecting the blooming bruises on his face. “It’s nothing,” Jungkook murmurs, his head turning sideways, away from you.
You tsk at his stubbornness and press your thumb on his split lip, earning a pained hiss. “We have to clean this so it doesn’t scar.” Before Jungkook can protest and put on his macho bravado, you turn to Jimin. “Can we take a rain check on lunch?” your voice barely above a whisper. But Jungkook’s not only stubborn, he’s nosey, too—masking how hard he strains to listen to your conversation with an unbothered face.
There's an exchange of whispers, then Jimin looks at him, then back at you. He smiles and nods at you. “I'll see you later, then.” His hands connect with your arm for a comforting squeeze before leaving.
Jungkook rolls his eyes.
“Where are we going?” Jungkook follows you as you drag him by his arm along the corridors. “The clinic’s closed on weekends,” he points out, but the only response he gets is a huff.
You’re a bit eerily quiet. Calm, even. He fears what follows, so he thinks of a way to pacify you.
“Well. Lucky for you, Jeon, I have the keys.” You dangle the set of keys on your fingers. “Your mom gave them to me before she left.”
You unlock the clinic and usher Jungkook in the compact space. “I seem to always end up hurt when I practice and it’s not like your mom has her eyes on me all the time, so she lends me the key to the clinic.” You push Jungkook to the foamed table. “Sit.”
Jungkook follows suit, still mum, still thinking. He knows he's on wafer-thin ice with you, but even so, he can't help but love the attention you’re giving him and the fact that you’re away from Jimin.
The image of you and Park on the rink is still vivid in his memory, stirring the tinge of jealousy that resides inside him. So, as you rummage through the cabinets, Jungkook pulls you close to him. “C’mere,” he whispers.
“Hold on, I have to find something for your lip.” Your body extends in the small space. Your arms are outstretched while you rummage through the cabinet for bandages and antiseptic cream, and your lower half is awkwardly bent, thighs wedged between Jungkook’s, and his hands support your hips. 
“Forget the cream. I know a better way to have this healed quickly.” His arms engulf your waist and pull you completely to him. You turn to tell him off, but before words can leave your mouth, Jungkook slots his lips to yours.
Before things could escalate, you begrudgingly pull away. “Nuh-uh. You think you’re so sly, huh?” You pinch his chin. “I still need to interrogate you on what exactly happened with Jackson back there.”
Jungkook deflates. “You know Jackson. He was spouting nonsense, and I guess he just got on my nerves.”
Curiosity peaked, you push Jungkook to tell you more. “What nonsense?” Your willful streak shows in your furrowed eyebrows. On most days, he loves it, but on a day like today, he wishes you knew when to get the hint and just drop it.
Jungkook groans. “I’m just really having one of those days, Y/N.” Arms still wrapped around your waist, he leans forward to rest his head on your chest. Instinctively, you run your fingers through his hair, fingers massaging his scalp. Your best friend moans, and for the first time since you pulled him away from the bleachers, you let out a smile.
“Make me feel better,” he breathes. His face now burrowing into your breasts, and his fluffy hair tickles you.
“Gguk,” you giggle. “We’re in the clinic, and I'm pretty sure there are people nearby.” You softly pull at his hair to remove his head between your tits, but he just moans.
“Don’t care, baby. Just focus on me,” he proposes with a kiss on your neck and his hands make soothing work on your back. When the only response he gets from you is a satisfied hum, he sits up further on the table. He lowers his hand, tapping your ass before he pulls you by the backs of your knees so you straddle his thighs on the table.
“Fuck, I love it when you wear skirts.” Jungkook’s hand disappears inside your clothes, palms once again making contact with your ass before he claws at your tights. “This I hate, though. Fuck.” he grumbles at the sheer garment.
“Oh, that's a shame," you pout. "I actually thought you'd love it. It’s crotchless," the last sentence coming out in a whisper. Cue another curse from his mouth. You momentarily pull away to get off the table and shed your safety shorts. “Need those off, Jeon," you command with a shoot of your brow towards his pants. “Wanna feel you. Don’t you want to feel me?”
You're a fucking tease, and Jungkook loves it.
You watch him struggle to unlatch his belt clasp—he’s roughly pulling at his padded pants and while you want to help, you decide to enjoy the sight before you as his thick thighs come into view. You climb back on top of Jungkook, his eyes following your movement until you plop your ass to his growing bulge.
Jungkook flips the front of your skirt and goes breathless at the sight. “You’re a fucking minx, you know that?”
“Only for you.” Hands gripping his shoulders as an anchor, you drag your wet pussy to his bulge, and you both moan. “Wore this for you," you pant. "I knew you were practicing today and thought you'd need a cooldown after." You’re full-on humping him, drawing pleasured gasps from the man below you.
“Well, fuck me,” Jungkook throws his head back, eyes up on the ceiling and he thanks his lucky stars for you. You pull at his tight underwear, and his hard cock springs free—swollen red and leaking. Your mouth waters at the sight, and your pussy clenches at nothing.
“Please, Jungkook,” you plead. You’re beyond turned on. Your arousal mixes with Jungkook’s precum, and you can smell the sex permeating the air. It drives you feral. You spit at his cock before stroking it.
Jungkook revels in your neediness. This is what he wants—for you to need him, want him. And someday, he hopes it goes beyond sex. His arms pull your waist closer as you sink down on his cock in one drop.
“Shit, Y/N, you okay, baby?”
You respond with a breathy yes as you start bouncing on his dick. Your focus is directed on chasing your high and, at the same time, making sure Jungkook feels the same intensity of desire and pleasure you feel. With a roll of your hips, you clench around his shaft. He claws at your arched back as he sucks your tits with playful nips. Each sting heightens your arousal.
You play around with the angle of your hips and attune to Jungkook's reaction. But you struggle and near complete submission with each bite to your breast, every kiss to your lips, and slide to your folds. Once again, you’re rendered pliant and submissive on top of Jungkook.
Feeling you slow down, Jungkook taps your burning thighs. “On your back, baby,” he rasps. You shake your head but move to get on all fours—you raise your hips, shuffling to snuggle his cock in your ass and stretch your back. And to top it off, you clasp your hands on your back, giving him something to hold as he pounds into you.
Behind you, Jungkook is gobsmacked. What are you doing to him?
Presenting yourself for his use, Jungkook doesn't hesitate to hold your behaved hands with one grip, and his other hand guides his dick to smear your slick from your folds to your ass. He preens at the noises you make.
"Please," you drool. "Please what? Tell me what you want, baby," his voice matches the slow and soft movement of his tip on your folds.
With one last teasing push of his tip to your puffy clit, he completely bottoms out and holds.
“How’s that for feeling me, baby?” His lips ghost the shell of your ear, and it tickles you just right. You clench around him and reclaim one of your restrained hands between your now folded bodies to draw circles on your clit. You hear Jungkook chuckle before leaving a quick peck on your cheek. As he straightens up to pull out his dick, he reaches to swat your naughty hand on your clit and replaces it with his.
And it feels better.
His fingers play with your nub and continue to plunge in and out of you. The sound that echoes around the tiny room is pure filth—guttural groans and whiny moans harmonize.
“Baby, cum for me,” Jungkook hastens his rhythmic thrusting, and with a soft flick to your clit, you come undone. His movements quicken and cum-soaked hands travel upwards to your body to fondle your tits like it's his personal stress ball.
“Shit Jungkook. Feels good," you blabber. You love how you can feel his weight on top of you; the pressure makes his pounding harder and deeper and it overrides your oversensitivity. The pleasure is too good, too strong. With a bite to your shoulder to muffle himself, you cum with him.
“Don’t forget your shorts. Can’t have you skating with Park wearing just that."
"Right," you giggle and put on your shorts. "Can't be traumatizing my partner this soon."
"Good girl." Jungkook pats your ass.
"Hey," your hands pull Jungkook before he can leave. "What really happened back there?"
"Y/N, I told you it was nothing."
"Nothing? Jungkook, had the fight been longer, you could've been dismissed from the upcoming game."
"Well, we're fine. Plus, Jackson's not going to do anything or tell the coach. It's both our asses on the line."
"That doesn't mean you can go around throwing punches now. What if—"
Throwing his head back, Jungkook lets out a bitter laugh, cutting you off. As he returns to face you, he sees the focused glare on your eyes—lids sharp and brows knitted. You're annoyed.
But so is he.
“You really wanna know? Fine. Jackson called me out. He said it was fucking comical how I wait around you like a lovesick puppy. It's actually a fucking running joke in our team that when you call, I come running." Words and feelings overflowed out of Jungkook's mouth, but he was not close to being done. "And as much as I hate to admit it, it’s actually true, and someone like him throwing that to my face just struck a nerve. He deserved the punch for running his mouth and calling you a bitch, too. Y/N, if you've heard the names he's called you, comments he made—"
"I don't care about that, Jungkook," you interrupt. One moment, you're in bliss, and now you've been hit with an accusation. "I don't care if he calls me a bitch or paints me however he wants. It's you I care about. I worry that one day, he manages to push you to your breaking point, and you do something that kicks you off the team." You feel like a bubble filled with emotions burst inside you, leaving you conflicted with what you feel. You're angry at Jackson, but also, if you think Jungkook is saying what he is saying, then half of you blooms in hope, but the other wilts at the revelation that he said it like he resents what he's feeling.
“So, do you resent me? For, I don't know, calling you? Wanting to be with you? Being friends with you?" The last question left your lips in a murmur. You've ranked low in competitions before, but you've never looked as defeated as you do now. To make it worse, you stand pathetic in front of Jungkook.
“I’m not saying that," Jungkook pinches the bridge of his nose. "I’ve been in love with you, Y/N,” he can’t believe he’s saying it out loud.
Jungkook imagined his confession to be far from this wreckage. This moment was the polar opposite of how he wanted it to go, but the words flurry out of his mouth before he could think of them. “I love you, but you’re always too hung up on every new guy that comes along to even see me…” he swallows the sob rising in his throat. “Sometimes I wonder if you keep me as a placeholder until a new guy comes.”
“A placeholder?” You're horrified. Jungkook's breaking your heart, and the thought that you apparently broke his shatters the pieces further.
“Aren’t I? When Jackson joined our team, all he had to do was wink and throw a cheesy line at you, and you’re all about him. And now Jimin—”
“Jimin?” Now, you're confused.
“Yes, Jimin. All he had to do was skate with you, and suddenly, I’m on the backburner.”
“Jungkook, where is this coming from? You’re making me out as someone who’s never been a friend to you.”
“Oh, you’ve been a friend, alright. But you can’t deny you’ve strung me up all along. Sometimes I wonder if you knew how I feel and you—”
“Stop," you plead. "Oh god, Jungkook, stop talking, please.” The tears you were holding back now freefall to your cheeks. “All this time, this is how you felt. You have been resenting me—"
"That's not what I'm saying! Do you not understand me?" Jungkook grows frustrated.
“No, I understand, Jungkook. Perfectly. I understand I’ve been selfish, teetering between wanting to keep you close to me and keeping you at a distance to protect myself." You don't want to invalidate his feelings, but he also needs to know where you're at. Thousands of thoughts are drowning you, and you're nowhere close to navigating your feelings; you're still conflicted and lost. But most of all, afraid. Will you lose Jungkook now? It frightens you that one wrong decision could crash your friendship beyond fixable. "But Jungkook, I’ve never seen you as someone I can set aside for anyone else because you’ve always been the first person I look for and reach out to. Even when I always thought you were so close yet so far to me, but still I—"
A knock pops the bubble you’re in. Rushing to wipe your cheeks dry, the door swings open to a clueless and shocked Jimin, eyes wide and mouth agape.
“Shit, sorry," Jimin fidgets between wanting to close the door and leave but decides he'd rather not get in trouble, so with eyes on the floor, he calls for you.
"Coach is going ballistic looking for you, Y/N. And him, too. I mean, their coach is looking for him. He heard of the fight.”
More worry rushes to you. You try hard to stay afloat and level-headed, but you're sinking and sinking. “Right,” you clear your throat. “We were just cleaning up. We’re done here anyway.”
Once again, you feel claustrophobic. You need to leave. You don't trust yourself to make any decision in the state you're in. The last time you made a decision from what you were feeling, you made a selfish proposal to Jungkook. And look where that's gotten you now. You can't think, so you rush to leave the room, folding your arms before Jungkook can grab your wrist.
“Wait, Y/N—”
You linger briefly at the door, just enough so he can catch the defeated words that you speak, “We’re done, Jungkook.”
>> Page 5
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nucleo-bang-tan · 1 year
Destiny's Route | JJK
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Pairing/s: F1 Driver!Jungkook, Rich!Reader
Genre: Soulmate AU, Smut
Ratings: 18+ Mature Themes
Warnings: Arrogant Jk, blonde!jk descriptions of an accident, jk sorta ruins his entire career, fangirls, random ass bells (like the ones from Your Name, sorry), creampie, tit play, penetration, Dom!Jk, dry humping, sex to songs (had to make my smut unique), they're in lOvEeee, major character development, cute ending, bad smut according to me, messy writing and plot
A/N: I had written this when Smoke Sprite had just came out. I might be new but judge me well and don't be a silent reader, leave comments
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Formula One: World Championships 2020
"Jeon Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook!" The entire stadium roared and he hadn't even stepped into the sights yet.
His leather racing gear tightened and the helmet in his arms was enough of a proof that he was a racer.
A smug smirk on his face and body blooming with pride in himself, he finally stepped into the stadium.
Oh, it was louder than anything you've ever heard. Louder than the thrumming hearts of the other racers standing near their cars, louder than the vrooming of the engines that would be heard in the near future and definitely louder than the poor commentators.
It was his habit, this countdown he had in his brain. Counting each second hours before his race.
'15 minutes till I start' was the thought that overpowered all the screams.
He put on his helmet and nodded to his manager who seemed to speak, but the only thing Jungkook could hear was his own voice saying '13 minutes...'
He pretended to hear them, the screaming fans, the panicking manager, the warning by the referee to get ready for the race.
Maybe the only thing that Jungkook heard was a slight horn blowing and suddenly he could hear everything.
The imaginary clock in his mind had stopped and the battle had begun.
Immediately leaving the brakes, his car began at a relatively fast speed. Some who over exaggerate might even say, it was like a bullet out of a rifle.
But those who know and watch his races could clearly say he was just getting started.
Instantly at the front, he heard over his comm, a simple, "That was a good start." by his ever so cold yet sweet coach
"And a great start by number 5, the crowd is already going wild for him." One of the barely heard commentators announced.
Jungkook was famous to say the least. Not only did he amass a male audience with his driving skills, he attracted the unlikely female locals with his charms too.
Everyone wanted to get a piece of him, being invited to various talk shows, mainstream award ceremonies, and much to his rivals' dismay, being named one of the greatest racers among present F1 drivers.
But unlike most, he was never humble about it. Why should he be, he answered whenever questioned by his coach. He works hard for it and he's different than the others, he's never lost a single race he's been in.
Nobody liked his attitude but the arrogance added to his confidence and charms.
"The first one to complete the 20th lap is number 5, Jeon Jungkook. His teammate, Kim Yugyeom is however far behind." Hey, Jungkook played his part perfectly, why should be bother about his teammate.
But his whole team knew Yugyeom wouldn't survive a second after he dared to mess Jungkook's race up.
"Pit stop?" His coach asked over the comm.
"I suppose the tires could use some help. Don't make me lose time." Jungkook replied.
His car slowed down gradually and took a detour to his team's pit stop.
It was so quick he could barely spare a glance. But he did. Something caught his eye, or rather someone.
It was like the time itself had stopped, Jungkook's eyes would've missed it if he didn't pay enough attention. Now, he had seen many and plenty beautiful girls in his entire lifetime, heck he fucked two yesterday.
But the one he saw that moment, made him forget where he was, what he was sitting in that car for. Her eyes didn't meet his eyes, but he caught all of her. Her brunette tresses, the red Formula 1 team jacket she was wearing.
She wasn't from Jungkook's team, Ferrari; he could tell. What was she doing in Ferrari's booth then?
She was smiling at someone, talking to them, he supposed. It was the most beautiful smile he had seen. Call him a fool but the first thought that processed through his head, or rather through his dick was, I need to be balls deep in her. Fuck her good.
Were those bells?
A faint sound of bells ringing was heard to only Jungkook and he suddenly became too overwhelmed by it all. They weren't loud but it was the most unique sound he had ever heard, the most beautiful one.
His coach practically had to knock his helmet to get him going. He had wasted 12 seconds of his precious time causing a commotion around and outside the pitstop.
Taking his eyes off of the girl who was now looking straight at him with her lustrous gaze, he pushed the accelerator and went level ahead without looking at where he was driving to.
"Jungkook what's wrong with you?" He heard.
"I'm horny now, shit." He replied without hearing what his coach had asked.
"What? This is being recorded man."
"Yeah, sure. What's the status?" He couldn't care less if people heard what he said.
"You're second now, damn it."
"Fuck, all cause of the bell girl."
"Get your fucking head in the game." His coach yelled. "You can still make it."
Lap after lap, Jungkook started to fall behind. This has never happened before. His mind only on the red jacket girl. He was too overwhelmed by the noises, the constant yelling of his coach, the winds that hit him.
He wanted to puke and could barely breath, a knot formed in his stomach. He was nervous for the first time in 5 years of his career.
His body started to fall weak and he was about to shed tears. He was losing his first place?
"Jungkook, pit stop." His coach said after around the 40th lap. By this time, Jungkook was barely holding onto the wheel, getting weaker per passing second.
"I'm already losing, I can't." He managed to mutter out.
"There are 20 more laps, you can catch up easily."
"I said, I fucking can't." He spat out. There was no way he was losing his first place. He was Jeon Jungkook, he never lost.
His horniness far gone, he finally decided it was time to overtake the fucker who was in the first place.
"Jeon, slow down and enter the pitstop right now!" His coach warned and he ignored it.
He sped up, going 200...210...220, testing the limits of his vehicle. Little did he know, his tires did reach their limits.
He was finally returning back to his normal state. However, when he hit 260, it was a new high to his senses, as well as his tires.
One of them ruptured by the heat.
It was a matter of split second but Jungkook couldn't process any of it. Wails of women, men alike were heard; he was mid air. And the next second he was lying upside down on the side track, his helmet cracked but still protecting his head.
He was still awake, that's what made it more painful. He tried to get out by removing his seat's safety gear, but he could barely move his legs weren't hurting, they were just numb. But his chest hurt like shit.
'Great, new low.' he thought and started losing consciousness. 'Cue my head getting dizzy, and...' was the last thing that went through his head. He slipped in and out the unconscious.
Blaring alarms, sounds of an distorted ambulance, his panicky manager panicking more than usual. He could tell why everyone was in chaos.
He didn't know why but he wanted to see the girl in the red jacket more than anything at the moment. He didn't care if he shouldn't be bleeding out of his thighs right now and the piece of metal certainly shouldn't be sticking out of the left one.
He wanted to see you. And he did.
Faraway from the commotion, you were holding a horrified expression, tears ran down your face and an older man in grey suit comforted you.
The last expression he held before passing out completely was the same he had when he entered the stadium, a smug smile; you were crying for him.
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The room was silent apart from his heavy breathing. The stuttered beeping indicated he was in a hospital. Everything hurt so bad, even breathing was a task. He slowly shifted his head and opened his eyes.
No one...
Ofcourse, there would be no one by his bedside. His parents were in another country and he had no one else with him except his team whom he treated like shit.
The door opened revealing a man wearing a white coat, presumably a doctor, who was attending on Jungkook.
Jungkook slightly raised his hand even though it was sore and gave him a slight wave.
"Oh Mr. Jeon, good to see you awake." He quickly checked the beeping monitor for his stats.
Jungkook cleared his throat, "Is there anyone waiting for me?"
"Unfortunately, your manager and team has went back to their respective cities. Only your coach stayed back."
"Where is he now?"
"I've sent a nurse to look.... And here he is." The doctor corrected himself after he saw the man barging in through the door.
"Jungkook! My man! How are you? Are you breathing good?" His coach grabbed his achy hand.
Jungkook couldn't help but smile at his display of affection by his usually stern coach.
"Ouch..." He winched slightly when his bed was slightly moved by the older man's momentum. "I'm good Mr. Bang."
"Is he good, doctor?" He looked over at the man jotting down something on his notepad.
"He'll be able to walk in 5 weeks time of full rest. After that he can be discharged."
"Thank you." Mr. Bang bowed. "Thank you so much." The doctor bowed in response and left the two of them alone.
"So, kid? Are you ready to talk about it?" He turned to Jungkook.
"I got horny, that's all." He laughed earning a tut from his mentor. "Why did the team leave so early?"
"Early? Jungkook it's been a week since the accident." Ofcourse the racer had no idea it had been that long. "Also I have something to tell you."
"What is it?"
"Not now, maybe later. It's something important, yeah? We have to meet to administration."
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"What do you mean, let go of me?" Jungkook had to be held back by his coach, or one could say ex-coach. His anger knew no bounds as he was about to jump his manager.
"Y-you can't let me off, I've given you so many wins, you can't." He pleaded through his anger.
"Sorry Jungkook it's not my decision take it up with the board." The manager said nonchalantly.
And so he did. He hasted into the door labeled CEO without hearing any instructions from the presumed assistant.
He burst through the door heads turning towards him. One of a man he had seen before but couldn't quite place and one of the CEO of Ferrari himself.
"Well if it isn't Jeon Jungkook!" The other man said to which Jungkook didn't pay any heed to.
"Jungkook, what's wrong? If you want to talk you can get an appo-"
"I don't want a stupid appointment, I just want to know why I'm being let off. You can't just let me off. I've given my everything for this company since I was 18. And no one, I say, no one can give you as much money as I earn a single minute. It was just a minor accident, we can work over it, doesn't mean I need to be fucking thrown out of the company." He pointed a finger at the man in authority.
The CEO was quiet through his rant and finally spoke, "Jungkook please have a seat."
"Just answer my fucking question." He reluctantly took a seat, his leg was starting to hurt a bit.
"Jungkook, do you know who this fine man is?" He pointed towards the familiar man in the gray suit.
"No, and I don't necessarily care." The hot headed man scoffed.
"This is the CEO of McLaren. And he has offered $90million for you."
Jungkook's eyes widened in realisation, he wasn't being let off, he was being sold off. Any other driver would have been estatic, jumping off the ceiling, but Jungkook was horrified.
Ferrari had been his home since the beginning of his career. He couldn't possibly let go of his home, his team and especially his coach.
"No." Jungkook said, mind not able to process the information.
"Yeah we know, we knew you wouldn't like being traded and after the stunt you pulled, not listening to your coach, our reputation has been tarnished severely. Have you been seeing the news? People are furious that we let you drive like that.
So to answer your precious little question, you can't be traded neither can you be kept in our company. Hence, we're letting you off."
Jungkook got up and banged his fists on the glass table, cracking it a bit. "Fuck off, I don't care, coach will find a way to get me back in."
"Jungkook, he won't. You're not coming back on track. Not from Ferrari atleast." He smiled.
Jungkook was in tears at this point, leaving his home because of his own mistake was something he thought would never happen in a million years.
It was you. It was you that had caused it all. Even though it may have been unbeknownst to you, it was your fault.
Ever since Jungkook saw you, he had this uneasy feeling in his stomach, almost as if he drank tons of alcohol and couldn't puke how much ever he wanted to. Nothing had been going right, and Jungkook wasn't having it.
"F-fuck all of you." Was the last thing he said before storming out of the CEO's office, never to enter it again.
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"So father, how did it go?" You asked. "Did Jeon agree?"
"Ofcourse not. I know racers like him, he lived for Ferrari, and he wouldn't give in that easily." Your father said, adjusting his gray suit.
It was a bright, huge building. You were sitting in its spotless lobby. You could tell it was built to perfection, down to the last bit as you couldn't find a single flaw in it what so ever.
It reminded you of your father's main work building. Though your father's was brighter and more lively, filled with people you know since your childhood.
"Well, do you still have work here? Or we can go home?"
The older man laughed, "You can go have a walk baby." He looked out the window. "Oop it's raining, stay inside then, I'll get you something to keep you entertained."
"No, I'll prefer to walk." You knew Jungkook had stormed out and you wanted to look for him. He wouldn't have gone far considering how much it was raining at the time.
"Find yourself an umbrella then, dear. I have to go." You hugged your father and he walked into an elevator.
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Jungkook couldn't tell if he was just dreaming. If he was still in the hospital, and still in his sleep. It certainly would be better that way.
His thoughts were cut off by a loud sound followed by a sudden gush of rainfall hitting his face as he looked up at the sky.
'Great, how bad can it get' he thought as he stopped walking and sat down on a bench.
The park in front of the Ferrari head office was always his favorite place. He'd come here when he had no friends to go to. No family to look up at.
He sighed, rain still drenching him. But it was an enjoyment of sorts. He closed his eyes feeling each raindrop as they hit his face, he smiled knowing this was the most peaceful he'd be in a long time.
But the rain was stopped by someone. He opened his eyes to see you smiling brightly, holding an umbrella over him and you, right in front of him.
Jungkook was extremely pissed off by now. The last thing he needed was you to come out of nowhere after he'd lost everything.
He scoffed, "Nice of you to grace me with your presence." The knot in his stomach relaxed for some reason and he was feeling a lot better.
Close up, you looked much better than he had assumed. If Jungkook was asked to draw a perfect face, he'd draw yours. Words couldn't possibly express how overwhelmed he felt when he was in front of you, in a good way ofcourse.
"What do you mean?" You tilted your head in confusion. Jungkook would be lying if he said he didn't get goosebumps at the sound of your voice. "You know..." You wiped the seat beside him to sit on. "...I've been a big fan of you."
"I don't care, just leave me alone."
"I'm Y/n, Kim Y/n."
He sighed looking off into the distant with an uninterested look, "Jeon Jungkook." This was weirdly not how he had expected your first interaction to go. He could feel that you somehow felt the same way he did.
The drops from before slid down his porcelain skin, you almost wanted to reach a hand out to touch him, you wish you did.
"I know." You smiled. "And I know you felt something too."
He snapped his head towards you, "What?"
"The weird feeling in the stomach, yeah, I've been feeling it too." You looked down at your fiddling hand in your lap. "I-I heard the bells as well."
There was no way, Jungkook looked at your profile silently. Half admiring you, half being shocked at the new information.
Jungkook had always wished he'd find his soulmate the same way they found each other in Your Name, by the sound of bells. Of course, he was kidding himself, a way of coping with the fact that no girl interested him. However, he secretly wanted it to actually happen, it'd save him the trouble of finding a date at least.
Jungkook would never have imagined a random nobody to be his so-called soulmate.
"Have you heard the bells?" You asked meekly. You weren't sure if he did and didn't want to seem a weirdo. He nodded much to your relief.
An awed Jungkook looked at you for an explanation, you seemed to know more than him.
"Well, are you gonna tell me?"
"Tell you what? I'm dumbfounded here too." You shrugged.
'Well, that was stupid', both of you thought.
It was awkward, to say the least. Jungkook didn't want to speak, you didn't know how to speak.
"I'm sorry for the accident, how are you doing?" You finally broke the silence.
"Well, you should be apologizing. I'm good thank you for your concern." He smirked down at you.
You were sitting so close to him. Arms brushing against each other, his warm breath hitting you. He placed a hand on your thigh, letting his impulsive thoughts win.
"What? Why should I be apologizing, you idiot?" His warm hand brushed up against your skirt-clad thigh, dragging it up to touch your smooth skin.
"I don't know, you caused it all. I couldn't focus because of you. That's why I was late to start from the pitstop."
You were lucky the park was empty; because the way Jungkook was dragging your skirt up was vile, he was vile. Who does that to a girl he just met? He clearly didn't give a fuck who was watching.
He leaned closer to your blushing face and said, almost whispered, "The rain has stopped baby, what are you holding the umbrella for?"
You closed your eyes in embarrassment and pulled the umbrella shut as Jungkook laughed. "I'm sorry, but I don't see my fault here. How was the accident my doing?"
Jungkook took his free hand to a stray strand of hair covering your face and tucked it behind your ear, only to touch your cheek as if you were a piece of art. "Look at you, how could you not cause the fucking accident. Walking around in this skirt, being such a sin."
Okay, you were officially done with him. You quickly got up from your seat beside him making him retract his hands from you.
"Being cheesy with me isn't going to help your career, Jungkook. You're a lost cause at this point. I didn't cause your accident, your own dumb brain did it." You spat, walking away.
"You can't talk to me like that." He said getting up and walking after you.
"So arrogant." you mocked, walking faster. "You know, I came here to make you feel better, you aren't helping."
Jungkook realised you were a hard one, offence wasn't going to work and he definitely wasn't going to let his potential soulmate walk away.
"Fine, I'm sorry. Let me fix it."
"This isn't about....you're so difficult." you groaned. Jungkook stopped and held your wrist making you come to a halt and turn back at him. "This is assault you know."
"Shut up and let me take you out to tomorrow night"
"Ask politely."
"I never ask anyone out, that's all you get."
"Ask politely."
He sighed for what seemed to be the millionth time that week, "Would you please do me the honor of going out to a date with me?" He ridiculed.
"Meet me right here at 8pm tomorrow."
"How do I trust you?"
"I might be a douche bag to others but I know how to treat women right."
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"Damn..." Jungkook whispered under his breath. He knew you were a walking nightmare for him and his dick but the skin tight silver dress you were wearing was sinister for him.
Though you were wearing a coat, he could still see the outline of your curves making his pants a bit tighter than usual.
You were zoned out staring at the night sky, on the same bench you two had your first awkward encounter on.
A lot of things on your mind. Jungkook, your father's quickly devaluating company, and did you mention Jungkook?
Maybe you were obsessing over him more than he was over you, maybe this was all wrong and you were never meant to even meet.
You have had been a fan of Jungkook since his first ever race 5 years ago. Being such a big fan, you knew he was a playboy and wasn't going to commit anytime soon. Numerous scandals of him cheating on his celebrity girlfriends popped up from time to time and honestly, you were scared.
Scared because you heard the bells and scared because it might have been a misunderstanding.
Even if it was a misunderstanding, you got a chance with him and you were afraid of losing it.
A teardrop rolled down your face due to the anxiety.
"You know..." You were startled by the man beside who suddenly appeared beside you. "I would love to see you cry..." He reached out and wiped the tear. "...but when you're under me." He winked.
You brightened and hit his arm for being so cheesy again.
He laughed and asked, "What were you thinking about?"
"Yeah, no shit. What stuff?"
"Yeah, baby?" You felt butterflies in your stomach at such a simple gesture and he knew how he affected you.
You gulped, "W-What if we didn't actually hear any bells, it was just a coincidence both of us were hallucinating at the same time?"
"Well, those bells fractured my leg and 3 ribs, let's assume they were real shall we?" He smiled. Not an ounce of doubt could be seen on his face.
"You're something else." You smiled.
"I've been told." He adjusted his leather jacket. "I believe we have a date waiting for us?" You nodded.
You got up, following Jungkook's movements. "So, where are you taking me? To an orgy?"
"Hah, close enough. We're going to the beach."
You scowled, "Are you fucking kidding me? You're taking me to a beach, in this dress?"
"Stop complaining, honey." You both reached the exit of the park where Jungkook had parked his vehicle.
And it's not like he couldn't have chose one of many of his luxury cars. It's not like he couldn't have gotten a Lamborghini, or preferably a Porsche for you to sit comfortably in.
He chose a fucking motorcycle...
You were supposed to sit on a motorcycle with a minidress...
"I am not sitting on a motorcycle, my father would kill me."
"I have a license baby, don't worry, it's safe."
You wanted to smack him in his dumb head so bad at that moment. He clearly didn't think things through.
"I trust you but it's no-"
"No buts, you trust me. That's all I need." He put on his gloves and helmet and gave you one for yourself. You sighed, you should've never agreed to this.
You struggled to get on the motorcycle itself and the sloped seat made your front slide right into Jungkook's back.
Oh, he enjoyed every minute of your agony. You held onto him so tight, your boobs were squished flat against him.
It was special to Jungkook: meeting his soulmate. Though he was pissed off at you first, he couldn't deny his that you were his soulmate. He didn't care what the world believed or what you believed.
He was dead-sure that he heard the bells, and he wasn't going to hear otherwise.
That's why Jungkook brought his favourite motorcycle for you. He wouldn't let anyone, not even his older brother touch it but he readily brought it to impress you.
"Enjoying the ride?" He asked as you had stopped at a signal.
"Uh-" You were half disoriented at this point. "Very."
"Just let go of me. And try to enjoy wind in your hair." He suggested. He sounded so geniune there was no way you couldn't try it out. Even if it meant that you might fly off into the abyss.
You slowly let go of him, finally holding him just by his waist and striaghtening your body.
You felt peace. You understood what Jungkook meant for you to do but you were still a bit afraid to let go of him completely.
But before you knew it, Jungkook was coming to a stop.
You looked around to see nothing but an empty road and a barely lit beach which seemed to be private as no one was on it.
"We'll have to walk from here." Jungkook said as both of you got off.
"Are you gonna assault me here too?" You jested, adjusting your dress and your coat.
"Just ask me, I'll do anything, baby." You still hadn't gotten used to his nickname. You knew he didn't mean them but they still felt very personal.
"I bet you say that to all the girls you meet." You stated as you started walking. The soil slowly turned to sand. "And I bet you bring every single girl here and fuck them."
"You really take me as a playboy, don't you?"
"Because you are."
"I only fuck girls in my mansion and I've never ever brought anyone out on a date, especially here."
"That still makes you a playboy."
"I can be loyal for you." He suggested and you laughed. But for some reason he didn't.
He stopped on his tracks, "Y/n, I'm serious. I could be loyal for you."
"Jungkook, you can't be loyal to anyone. There's nothing in the world that can make me think that you'll do that to me."
You reached the shore and were still confused as to what you were going to do here.
"Wait here, I'll grab a blanket from the house."
You hadn't noticed but there was a big beach house nearby. You assumed it was Jungkook's. You never took Jungkook as a guy who owned a piece of private beach.
It was almost romantic. You walked into the ocean, water barely reaching your ankles. It was full moon, so it was well lit despit the beach having only a small number of lamp posts.
You took a deep breath, feeling better to have had agreed to come here. The smell of salt and sand tickled your nose almost teasing you to enter the ocean.
Jungkook exited the beach house with a blanket big enough for 5-6 people. His eyes fell on you bathing in the moonlight. He didn't get horny, rather, he got goosebumps.
'So beautiful' was one of the million thoughts circuiting through his brain at the moment. He had never seen such a view before.
How he wished time were to stop right then and there.
He snapped out of his trance after you turned at him and smiled brightly, the beach had made you happier than before.
"Well, are you gonna do something with that blanket or...?"
"Uh- yeah." he shaked his head and spread the blanket for you two to sit on.
"You know I never took you to be the romantic type." You joked as you took a seat beside the man.
"I never thought a person could be so beautiful, but here we are." He stated matter-of-factly and you blushed.
"Jungkook, stop staying stuff you don't mean."
He grabbed you by your arm and pulled you down with him to lay on the blanket. You fell onto him with a sqeak which Jungkook found very endearing.
"I have meant every single sentence I said since I met you, Y/n."
You were blushing extremely hard at this point so you placed yourself such that he couldn't see your face.
"I love coming here, just laying here and watching the stars. They're so much clearer here than the city."
"You come here with friends?"
"No, alone." He had a sad tone to his words. Who could blame him? He didn't have any friends to begin with.
"You know, when I first came into racing, everyone hated that they were getting beaten by an 18 year old." He said.
"What are you talking about?" You got more comfortable with him and laid on his arm, using it as a pillow.
"My seniors, they used to hit me for being too naïve. It hurt their egos because they were being defeated at their best game."
"Jungkook, I'm so sorry."
"That's why I ended up being so entitled, it seemed to scare them away. And it kinda stuck with me."
"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard." You tried to lighten the mood.
He laughed, "You think I don't know that?"
He was so pretty, you couldn't help but reach out a hand to caress his face. "How are you so.... perfect?"
"Genes, baby." He carefully got up, laying your head on the blanket and got on top of you. His body tightly bond against yours.
He cupped your face, "I'm not trying to be cheesy again but, you're the most perfect girl I've ever met." He closed the distance between the two of you.
So close yet so awfully far.
In your defence, you couldn't control yourself when you held the back of his neck and pulled him in for a kiss.
Contrast to Jungkook's personality on the track, it was slow, so slow.
He didn't move his lips for a few seconds, dazed in your touch. Both of you could swear there were fireworks ongoing in both of your stomachs.
When he finally decided to move his lips, it was full of passion; wild, crazy, boundless passion summed up into a few slow estatic movement of both your lips.
Jungkook held you as if you were made of fluff, ready to crumble at his fingertips. And you were crumbling, submitting to your list for him. His hand was on one of your thighs, making you wrap your leg around him, pulling him closer than he could possibly be.
Jungkook had become addicted to your lips, they were like a drug to him, he didn't want to let go.
But he did reluctantly when you eventually had to catch a breath, your stamina clearly wasn't as much as his.
He grinned, "Now that wasn't so 'difficult' of me."
"Hey now, I didn't mean it." You giggled as he rubbed his nose against yours. A gesture you found extremely romantic.
Over the night, you talked, laughed and almost cried with him. It felt so... nice to be around him. You started to wonder if he was actually your soulmate by the way he made you feel. You hoped it was true despite it being practically impossible.
"Wanna go take a dip?" Jungkook suggested.
"No way, this is a one of kind Louis Vuitton masterpiece you know, bringing it to the beach was already a big enough mistake."
"Then take it off." He said simply.
You gasped dramatically, "And be naked around your playboy ass? I'd rather not, I'm not looking to be fucked tonight."
"Am I an exception?"
"Maybe..." You trailed off.
"You're mean, you know that?" He leaned in for another kiss which you gladly gave in to.
Ofcourse, you didn't get laid that night. But you experienced a whole new side of the arrogant play boy you had always seen.
Jungkook and you met way too many times after that and you were honestly surprised at his ability to control himself from fucking you right when he sees you.
Jungkook grew too attached to you to the point he'd end up at the gate of your mansion the second he missed you.
Your father, whom Jungkook had never met was not happy with the fact that you were dating a F1 driver famous for sleeping around. He had clearly stated he hated seeing you go out everyday and waste your time over a jobless and hopeless excuse of a man.
It was obvious to you that your father held a grudge against him for not joining his company.
But you were stubborn, you never let him stop you from sneaking out the mansion only to hop onto Jungkook's motorcycle.
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"So why don't you take up my father's offer?" You brushed Jungkook's hair back and out of his face. You wondered why he bleached it so much. Your legs straddled him and you both were sitting on his couch.
"And become a McLaren pawn? No thank you." He scoffed.
"You were a pawn of Ferrari before this. How does that make any difference." You shuffled around on his lap innocently.
"Ferrari is different, I don't know how to describe it to you." He almost groaned at your crouch and thighs rubbing against his manhood.
"McLaren is different too. We've got the coolest team, they're so friendly and sweet, it's crazy. We have had some of the best times together. There's Taehyung, Seokjin, Jimin-"
"Shh..." He hushed you. "Are you betraying me? I thought you were my fucking fan." He was slightly 'concerned' as he might put it, at your words. You hung out with other guys? Other drivers at that?
"Jealous are we?" You smirked connecting foreheads with him. The movie you were meant to watch was long forgotten. You shuffled a bit more making him whimper.
You were already too much for him, he would not be able to restrain himself. Heck, he didn't want to at this point.
"No, ofcourse not. Why would I be jealous?" He buried his face in your neck as you chuckled. "And stop fucking moving before I ram into you without any warning."
Oh, you realised it now. He was hard beneath you. You could feel how big he was. You grinded on him a little to test the waters, earning another sound from him.
You gasped as you felt a sudden kiss followed by a sharp bite on your neck.
"Please, baby." His voice was all raspy and groggy sending shivers all across your body. "Please let me fuck you."
You didn't need to reply, you just had to grind. And you did. He threw his head back onto the couch as you continued to rub against him.
You reached out to kiss him. Both of you had made out before. You had lusted over each other before but that moment, knowing the proceeding act you were going to do, it was different.
Jungkook was a bit reluctant, a bit too scared that he might hurt you. But you showed no signs of stopping.
"Fuck me..." You said between the kisses, "Please, Jungkook, I can't take it anymore."
He pulled away, "Are you sure, baby? I'll try to go easy."
"No." You smiled, "Let go, don't hold yourself. Use me, Jungkook."
Oh, how hard he got by only those words. His pupils darkened, and he grabbed you by your chin roughly planting a small kiss on your lips biting the lower one as he pulled away.
Jungkook held you by your hips and lifted you up taking you to his sanctuary, his bedroom.
Gently placing you on the bed while kissing, he didn't want to let go. He couldn't let go.
Your hand went between you two grabbing his belt and trying to undo it. Jungkook being his impatient ass, grabbed one of your hands to stop you and did it himself.
He suddenly got up and walked towards the other side of the bed looking for something in his drawer. You whined at the empty feeling, if anything you wanted to be in his embrace for longer.
"What are you looking for? A dildo?" You asked turning over onto your front.
"Why would I have a dildo, I'm probably bigger than those" He pulled out a speaker from the drawer.
"Are you for real?"
"I don't know, I just feel like it."
Fine, you were willing to roll with it as long as he put on fuckable songs. And you knew his music taste was immaculate.
He connected his phone meanwhile you had discarded your clothes leaving you in your lingerie much to Jungkook's surprise when he turned around.
"Shit..." He murmured, crawling his way toward your frame.
His first track was moderately sensual. Just an instrumental so who knows what song. But it seemed to you he got even more turned on by it. Little did you know it was you who caused that.
"I know, I don't have the modelesque features you're used to, bu-"
"Are you kidding with me? You're literally the prettiest girl out there. I'd prefer to see you everyday single fucking day over any other woman."
He gently pushed you onto the bed, giving you a slight peck while he's at it.
"Let me worship you, yeah?" He said making you gush with juices.
Jungkook had understood you so well, he knew what words to use, what gestures to do in order to make you lose your cool. He had never even touched you but he knew you like the back of his hand.
He splayed butterfly kisses across your neck, biting and licking a few, more sensitive spots. You were never the quiet type and he enjoyed your moans more than anything.
He swore his heart skipped a beat everytime you said his name. It gave him some sense of being yours.
The music was still slow and sensual matching his pace.
He kissed your body all the way down to the valley of your heaving breasts. Hooking a quick hand under you, he untied your bra removing it all together.
His breath got heavier as he processed the view in front of him. He could cum at the sight without the slightest of touch.
"You're so fucking angelic, Y/n." He leaned in only to take a mild bite of your erected nipple, stretching your skin as he pulled on it with his lips. "My baby." He said, with your nipple still inside his mouth.
"Jungkook..." you gasped and panted at every single one of his touch. Moaning as he paid equal attention to both your boobs, your fingers locked themselves in his smooth blonde-dyed hair.
Neglecting your other breast for a while, his hand moved downwards as he still sucked and lapped at your chest.
Finally reaching to the hem of your underwear and playing with it for a while, Jungkook decides to move his hand inside.
His hand made contact with your clit right away, "So wet, baby, so wet." You could hear the smirk in his voice.
You flinched, it's not like you hadn't touched yourself before, it's just the touch of Jungkook's padded thumb that had you going crazy.
It was known to Jungkook that you were a virgin, part of which was why you were so hesitant to have sex with him.
Oh, but it drove Jungkook over the edge. Getting to be the first and possibly the only person to ever touch you? He was so estatic when he first heard it; he'd never question the meaning of life again.
"It's okay, just trust me yeah?" He let you hold his arm as he came eye level to you, resting his forehead on yours.
At this point the song had changed to a much faster one and who knows how many had passed before this one.
Jungkook knew well to match his speed up with the song. He inked digits dipped in you as the beat dropped sending you over the moon.
"Please, Jungkook. I want your....fuck..."
"What's that, angel? Could you repeat that?" He knew exactly what you meant but it got him off, knowing he was making you so much dumber with just his two of his fingers.
"I-I want your cock." You managed to coax out.
His belt was already undone, he just had to pull his pants down. Which he did along with his hoodie leaving you both in just your underwears.
"I suppose you're ready." He said adding a third finger to the two already plunged inside you. He was knuckles deep sending you into a moaning frenzy.
It was too overwhelming with pain for a second but you managed to calm yourself through it. You didn't think you'd need that much preparation for his dick but you'll soon know you were wrong.
He pulled his fingers out, all of them were very much covered with your juices. He brought his tatted hand in front of your face,
"Suck." He simply demanded. And you followed. The scene itself was so disgusting, it turned both of you on more than before, if that was even possible.
"So good to me, only to me." You released his hand to help discard both of your underwears.
He was certainly big, similar to most of the porn videos you had seen. He was blessed with both length and girth and you had no fucking idea how you were going to fit around him. He smirked seeing you gawk at his length.
The music changed to more of something you knew. A song featured by one of your favourite artists, RM.
"Such a whore for my cock, can't even keep your eyes off of it." His words surprised you, he had never used anything close to a derogatory term for you. He had always been respectful of you. But this change in his words had you excited to say the least.
"It's my property." you said boldly.
"You're my property."
He teased your entrance with his head making you both hiss at the feeling. He put in just the tip to begin with. But the tightness made him double up in pleasure.
~Yeah, it's time to go off-site, smoke sprite~ The music blared through both of your ears.
Jungkook took his chance to bottom out, both moaning in unison.
"Fuck, you're so tight." He said clenching his jaw while your mouth was agape at the warmth inside you.
~Take on my knees~ You were turned on beyond what you thought was humanly possible.
"Gonna cum soon." You vocalized somehow.
"I'm close too."
Your legs were wrapped around his body. His hands crept up to your neck holding you, or rather, choking you. You were beyond gone at this point.
But Jungkook kept thrusting powerfully, practically drooling at the sight of you barely holding on to reality. His leaking cock hit your cervix at every ram.
~Fire to the low, lower, low, ah yeah don't run away~ Her words punctuated Jungkook's thrusts.
"Jungkook, I'm cumming." was all you said before you got tighter around Jungkook making him gasp. But he didn't falter, he kept fucking you deep until your back arched under him. Peppering kisses all over your face, calming you through your orgasm.
It was RM's voice that got you over the edge for some reason.
"That's my baby." He said, kissing your lips. Removing one of his hands from around your neck and hooking it under your thigh, he got a deeper angle.
"Koo... too much..." You panted. Your mouth could barely form legible words.
"Like I care." And honestly, at this point, he didn't. All he wanted to do was cum inside of you. Completely ruin you.
Keeping his pace constant, he was wonder-struck at how well your pussy swallowed him, how your body reacted to his touch, how your belly displayed a bulge going in and out of you.
"Look at....me..." He asked not so politely. You somehow opened your tear-filled eyes to look him straight in the eyes. That's when you heard a faint ringing of bells again. You looked around and at Jungkook to confirm it.
There were tears in his eyes too but not because of the pleasure. Jungkook had just realized how hard he had fallen for you. He was in love with you for sure. And nothing could stop him from confessing right at the spot.
"I am in fucking love with you, Y/n." He whispered and smiled. You could barely hear him, but you did.
"I-I love you too, Jungkook." You weren't hesitant in the slightest.
He leaned down to kiss you for the millionth time that night but then again who was counting?
"I gonna cum inside you okay baby?" You nodded and he released a copious amount of seed inside you. He thrust his cum in deeper, riding out his high.
He plopped down beside you and you both faced each other. He cupped your cheek affectionately, "I love you so much, you have no idea." He planted a soft peck at the tip of your nose making you giggle.
"I bet I love you more." You said kissing his palm which cupped your face.
"One more round?"
"Are you shitting me Jungkook?" Both of you laughed simultaneously, "No, but seriously my dad is gonna kill you if he finds out what we just did."
"Speaking of your dad..." He laughed, "I might just take up his offer."
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Formula One: World Championships 2022
"And please, please, please make a pit stop when its necessary." You said.
"Okay, I get it. I will." Jungkook pulled you in his embrace for one last time before the race. "Promise me you'll take care."
"I'll be fin-"
"Jungkook, let's go. It's time!" Taehyung, Jungkook's teammate yelled from outside the locker room.
"Be at the finish line as I win, I have a surprise for you." He kissed you deeply for a quick second and left after Taehyung.
'10 minutes before I start.' He couldn't hear anyone at the moment, not the screaming fans, not his usually calm new manager, not his coach dragging him to sit in the car.
A shiny McLaren logo above the number 7 on his back was enough a proof that he was a racer.
Maybe the only thing Jungkook heard was a slight horn blowing and he suddenly could hear everything. The imaginary clock in his mind had stopped and the battle had begun.
Your voice was the loudest screaming cheers of encouragement.
He let go of the brakes and as usual, he got the lead, followed by Taehyung. The plan was to get 1st and 2nd ranks for them respectively.
"And number 7 gets back on the track after almost 2 years of hiatus due to his accident."
"That's right." The other commentator chimes in, "Ferrari seems to have let a gem go."
"He'll be perfectly fine." Your father patted your shoulder relaxing you.
"I know, but it's his first time, I don't know I can't help but feel nervous for him, dad."
Turned out all your father ever wanted from Jungkook was for him to join his company.
Jungkook had gotten closer to McLaren drivers due to them being your friends. He was much less jealous. You finally saw a side of Jungkook that wasn't selfish or arrogant when he was with them.
Ever since Jungkook joined Mclaren, the press and the fans went crazy. Everyone wanted to get a piece of Jungkook with his new partner.
This in turn generated a lot of publicity and money, Jungkook had practically saved your father's falling business and stocks.
"He has you now, he won't be so careless this time, trust me."
"I would sure hope so." You smiled looking at the racing cars in front of you.
It was around the 25th lap and Jungkook had just come in for a pit stop. He was barely there for 5 seconds but he made sure to spot you and blow you a kiss at the bleachers. Even though he had his helmet on, it was clear what he intended to do.
Many fans surrounding you didn't know who you were and assumed it was for them, screaming at the act of endearment. You felt weird not having people know Jungkook was yours.
The rest of the race majorly included a couple more stops and just sitting around hoping your boyfriend wouldn't cause any mishap again.
Jungkook and Taehyung maintained their positions throughout the race ensuring their wins.
"Jungkook, what the fuck?" His coach shouted through the comm. "Slow down a bit, you'll burst a tire again."
It was the final lap and Jungkook was supposed to speed up but only so much so that he was in the first place. However, he had other plans.
Winning was something he had done a ton of times. But setting a record was something Jungkook had rarely done.
He sped up almost bumping into another driver earning some oh's from the crowd.
He was already in the first position and had a clear road ahead of him and he wanted to make this a recording breaking lap.
280 was a new high for him.
"Um, dad he's not slowing down." You gripped your father's hand tightly
"He'll be fine..... I think." You both were seated on the VIP bleachers.
"Jungkook, slow down!" His coach yelled. But he didn't want to listen.
"Woooo, it's 320, coach." Jungkook howled.
Everyone held their breaths, the fans, the team, the coach, you... They could just anticipate the well being of Jungkook.
"And this is just in, Jungkook had broke his previous record for the fastest speed ever in F1 races by going 360 Kmph." The commentator said through the microphones. "A legendary man indeed."
Finally reaching the end of the race, Jungkook came first only to be followed by Taehyung almost a minute later.
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You ran towards a tired Jungkook, hugging him in front of millions. The crowd roared in chaos. Who was this girl? And more importantly, McLaren won over all the other companies.
"I'm so glad you're okay." You hugged the man tighter than what's humanly possible and he reciprocated, dropping the helmet in his hand.
"That was..." He started
"That was stupid." You slapped his chest only to further bury yourself into him.
"I know, I'm sorry, but hey, I won." He lifted you up by your waist and spun you around making you squeak.
"Jeon Jungkook, put me down!" It's not like he hadn't done this before. But seeing his boldness to do it in front of people surprised you. You of all people should've known by now that Jungkook would do anything to flex you off.
He let you down and took a step back. A teammate brought him a microphone on cue making you confused.
"Kim Y/n." He said. The whole stadium could hear him. Everyone seemed to go nuts over hearing their idol's voice.
"Jungkook, what are yo-"
"Kim Y/n, I- uh thought I had this covered. But I forgot half the lines I had prepared so Imma just wing it." He chuckled.
"I never believed in myself truly. I was always the arrogant, selfish one in the lot. Always being alone, always being neglected because no one wanted to deal with me. But when I met you, I couldn't help but change for the better. I didn't believe in soulmates. I never thought I meet mine because she simply didn't exist and I was bound to be alone. But I'm not. Loneliness was something I got used to until you showed up. You were mean to me at times, correcting me as we went."
You were in tears at this point, smiling through the tears of relief. Relief that you had him, relief that it was you who could call him yours.
"And I believe in soulmates now because I found mine. Through trial and error I became a better person. All for you. And I love you, more than you could ever imagine. So, Y/n..."
He got down on one knee, but you weren't shocked. You had read through the lines when he began talking.
"I've had this in my pocket while driving." He laughed as he pulled out a small velvet box. "Probably shouldn't have down that."
"No you shouldn't have." You agreed and laughed with him.
"But would you do me the honors by marrying me?"
You couldn't even bother looking at the ring he held in his hand. You bent down and kissed him with all you had. Forgetting you were in front of millions of his fans, forgetting your father might kill you, forgetting everything else but him.
You could hear the crowds going absolutely bonkers with the scene unraveling in front of them. The two of you were on the big screen.
Jungkook placed the mic down and cupped your cheek wiping off the tears that rolled down along it.
"I love you." You said.
"I'll take that as a yes."
You nodded, "Ofcourse, you dummie. It's a yes."
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 10 months
L0v3 Us | Choi Yeonjun
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Summary: He finally tells the boys about you and their reaction is... Pairing: Reader x Idol Yeonjun Word Count: 2.1k~ Warnings: No real warnings just fluff a/n: I am so so so sorry to those of you who have been waiting for this! I hope you like how it all came together in the end <3 Read part 1 L0v3 Me and Part 2 L0v3 y0u for more context <3
🟢 Yejun is active 
🟢 y/n is active 
Yejun: Got any other guesses for me today?
y/n: Are you Yugyeom from Got7?
Yejun: Nope, guess again.
y/n: Hmmm...
y/n: This is so difficult :(
y/n: Why are there so many kpop idols :'(
Yejun: Do you want another hint?
y/n: Yes please hehe
Yejun: I work for a really large Kpop label.
y/n: JYP?
Yejun: Nope
y/n: SM?
Yejun: Try again
y/n: Hybe?
Yejun: Yep
y/n: Really! Please don't tell me you're in BTS 
Yejun: Why? Don't you like BTS? :(
y/n: Yes I love BTS!
y/n: But I don't think I could handle it if I found out that you were one of the members.
Yejun: Who is your bias?
y/n: Guess hehe
Yejun: Jimin?
y/n: Nope, although he is my bias wrecker so you were close.
Yejun: Hmmm
Yejun: It's V isn't it
y/n: Nope it's Jungkook
Yejun: Damn, it's hard for me to compete with someone like Jungkook hyung :(
y/n: Hey don't be so hard on yourself. Wait, you never told me if you're in BTS.
y/n: You aren't...right?
Yejun: No I'm not in BTS
y/n: Oh thank God
y/n: I was about to have a heart attack.
Yejun: Okay okay enough about my sunbaes :(
y/n: Alright, back to guessing.
y/n: Are you in Seventeen? 
Yejun: Nope guess again
y/n: Please don't tell me you're lying to me about your age too
Yejun: Wait! Why would you say that?
y/n: Because what if you're in Enhypen or something?!?!
y/n: I'm not against dating younger guys but they're cutting it a little close
Yejun: No I'm not lying about my age and no I'm not in Enhypen
y/n: Okayyyy I was just checking
y/n: Hmm
y/n: TXT?
I take a deep breath before responding to you, knowing that this really is the make or break moment.
Yejun: Yes
y/n: Wait really?
Yejun: Why? Is that a bad thing?
y/n: No no no, nothing like that
y/n: It's just...
y/n: Well...
My heart rate starts to pick up a bit as I watch the bubbles go up and down, showing me that you're still typing.
y/n: You guys are like...really hot...
Yejun: Ya! 
y/n: Don't you 'Ya!' me 
y/n: It's not my fault that you're in a team full of Adonises 
Yejun: :(
y/n: Hey don't pout, I'm just telling the truth.
y/n: But don't worry
y/n: You're the most handsome out of all of them because you're mine <3
My heart can't help but flutter at that message. Even though it's so simple, I never knew that I would love being able to be somebody's someone.
Yejun: Who is your bias?
y/n: Beomgyu :)
y/n: Is that you?
Yejun: Beomgyu? 
Yejun: Are you kidding me? 
Yejun: Out of all of them it had to be Beomgyu?
y/n: Jealous?
Yejun: No...
y/n: Yeonjun, you're my boyfriend. I only have eyes for you now <3
Yejun: How did you know it was me?
I quickly change my screen name to Yeonjun since she finally figured it out.
y/n: Yejun really? You thought that I wouldn't know as soon as you told me you were in TXT?
y/n: Plus from your reaction alone I could tell that it for sure was you
Yeonjun: What's that supposed to mean?
y/n: You two are always teasing each other and play fighting and he is constantly making fun of how you sound when you rap
y/n: Which is hilarious by the way 
Yeonjun: No it's not :(
y/n: Awww cute
Yeonjun: What's cute?
y/n: Now that I really know who you are I can imagine you sulking over there with your pouty lips hehe
Yeonjun: Whatever :/
y/n: Baby come on
y/n: Don't be mad at me :(
Yeonjun: Remind me to never introduce you to Beomgyu
y/n: You really are jealous
Yeonjun: No I'm not jealous
Yeonjun: I just do not want to deal with both of you ganging up on me
y/n: Aww come on! That would be so fun though!
Yeonjun: I'll think about it...
y/n: How do you feel?
y/n: Now that I know who you are
Yeonjun: I feel relieved, relaxed almost
Yeonjun: I hated lying to you :(
y/n: You're lucky I love you
I smile down at my phone at your last message and as soon as I go to respond I end up locking my phone and throwing it on my bed just as Beomgyu walks in.
"Who's got you smiling like that?" he asks, crossing his arms over his chest, watching me with a devious smile. "It's that girl isn't it?!?!" he says, clearly waiting for more details. "She's not just that girl okay, she's my girlfriend" I say, finally feeling comfortable telling someone else about us.
"YEONJUN'S GOT A GIRLFRIEND" Beomgyu chants down the hallway getting everyone's attention. By now all of the guys know about you but I never put a clear label on us so it's nice to finally do so since you finally know who I am. I would've preferred to tell the guys differently but oh well. What could I expect when I decided that it would be a good idea telling him first?
"What? No fair! I want a girlfriend too!" Kai says, happy but also pouting. "Have you talked to the company about this?" Taehyun says, coming out with a no nonsense approach. "Yes I told the company about it. We're doing long distance so there isn't really that high of a chance of getting caught in a scandal so they were fine with it. I've of course just gotta keep it on the low and that won't be an issue for me. Now when it comes to you guys though, I really really need you guys on my side so if you're going to talk about my girlfriend then we really can only do it while we're home. I would prefer we don't talk about it at all but-"
"What's her name?" Soobin asks, taking a softer approach. "Y/n" I say while looking down at the floor trying to hide my smile. "Damn you're whipped" Beomgyu teases and I reach my arm out to wack him but he hides behind Kai leaving him out of reach. "You sure you can trust her?" Taehyun says, still wanting to eer on the side of caution. "More than anything" I say firmly, knowing in my heart that you'll stay faithful and keep us a secret. "Well if you trust her then I trust her" Soobin says, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Thanks" I say giving him a soft smile. 
"Can we see a picture of her?" Kai asks, all the guys getting closer to me as I pull out my phone and show them a few pictures of you. "She's so pretty!" Kai says, clearly the one who is the most excited for us out of the four. "And you're sure a girl like that wants to be with a guy like you? She's totally out of your league dude" Beomgyu says with a smirk, never letting a chance at teasing me go to waste. I bring my hand up, fully ready to hit him again but Soobin places a hand on my shoulder making me stop. 
"He's going to keep on teasing you if you keep on giving him reactions like that" giving me a logical explanation as to why I should just ignore him. "Fine" I mumble and go back to showing the other guys a few more pictures when they ask for more. "Where is she from?" Kai the ever curious one asks after I've put my phone away. "She's from somewhere in Europe but she's going to college in the states right now" I say walking toward the living room. 
"Does she live near one of the stops on our tour? Maybe she can come?" Beomgyu says, excited at the though of finally meeting this mystery girl he's had to keep secret for all this time. "She does and she actually already bought tickets before she even knew who I was" I say smiling again at the coincidence. "She's a MOA? That's adorable" Kai gushes. "I like her already" Taehyun chimes in, now warming up to the idea. 
"It's probably not the best idea to see her" Soobin says calling me off to the side while the other three talk amongst themselves. "I know" I pause trying to game plan a bit so I can hopefully convince him in the slightest bit. "We could probably bring her backstage at some point right? Even if it were just for a second" I stop again, taking a deep breath and make sure I sound as sincere as possible, "I just really want to see her". 
I watch as he then takes a second to think about it as well before saying the words that I was hoping he would say. "I'll go talk to the company tomorrow and see if we can work something out". "Thanks man" I say softly and give him a pat on the back in thanks. "Can you take care of them for me?" I say nodding towards the three younger members still talking about you. "Sure, hey" he says making me turn back around as I had started to make my way back to my room. "Just, be careful" he says in earnest and I give him a shallow nod, showing that I'll make sure to keep everyone safe.
Walking into my room I look down at my phone and see that there's a notification from you.
🟡 Yeonjun is busy → 🟢 Yeonjun is active
🟢 y/n is active
y/n: So how was your day? 
Yeonjun: It was alright, work wasn't too hectic so that was a nice change.
y/n: I'm glad! You've all been preparing for the comeback and the tour and everything so I could only imagine how swamped you've been!
Yeonjun: Yeah, but anyways I want to talk about you
Yeonjun: How was your day?
y/n: It was pretty chill 
y/n: It looks like the universe wanted to take it easy on us
Yeonjun: I guess so...
Yeonjun: I told the guys about us
y/n: Really? How'd it go?
Yeonjun: Surprisingly well
Yeonjun: Some of them were a bit concerned right off the bat but after we started to talk about things a little more they got a bit more excited and they said that you're really pretty after I showed them a few photos
y/n: Aw yay! I'm glad that they aren't giving you too much of a hard time. 
y/n: I'm definitely not as pretty as those idols you guys are with but I'll take the compliment nonetheless :)
Yeonjun: Hey I thought we talked about this
Yeonjun: Just because I work in the idol industry doesn't mean you get to compare yourself to them.
Yeonjun: Remember what you just told me?
y/n: ...
Yeonjun: Y/n, you're my girlfriend. I only have eyes for you now <3
y/n: Don't use my words against me!
Yeonjun: Oh is that because what you said wasn't true?
y/n: No! I really do mean it!
Yeonjun: Well then I really do mean it too :)
Yeonjun: You wanna know something else that happened today?
y/n: Hmm?
Yeonjun: I convinced Soobin to talk to the company with me about seeing you at the show you're coming too
y/n: Wait really?!?!?
Yeonjun: Really really
y/n: Yeonjun that's amazing!
y/n: I really hope they say yes XD
Yeonjun: Me too :)
y/n: Anyways I should probably let you go to bed
y/n: But please please please tell me what they say as soon as you find out
Yeonjun: You'll be the first one I call
Yeonjun: And if you don't answer I just keep calling over 
Yeonjun: and over
Yeonjun: and over 
Yeonjun : and over
y/n: Okay okay I get it lol
Yeonjun: and over again 
Yeonjun: sorry... that one took too long to send hehe
y/n: You're such a weirdo
Yeonjun: But you love me anyways
y/n: Goodnight Weirdo
Yeonjun: But I wanted to talk to youuuu :(
y/n: Bed
y/n: Now
Yeonjun: I love it when you get all dominant with me ;)
y/n: Keep on running your mouth Yeonjun
Yeonjun: Okay okay
Yeonjun: I'm sorry I'll go to bed :(
Yeonjun: Goodnight love x
y/n: Goodnight
y/n: Weirdo
I close out our chat and get ready to finally settle in for the night and I can't seem to wipe the smile off my face, being a reoccurring theme when it comes to you. "Who's got you smiling like that?" Beomgyu teases again. "Get out of my room" I yell while throwing a pillow at his face. "Okay okay I'm going" he laughs. 
"Goodnight lover boy" he says before walking away leaving my door open, leaving me having to get up and close the door behind him. "When am I ever gonna catch a break from this guy" I mumble to myself. "Probably never" he says poking his head out of his room. I groan and shut my door behind me but I hear how he continues to laugh at my reaction even when it finally closes. 
I take a deep breath hoping to slow the onslaught of a headache and lay down, finally getting some rest. "See you soon" I whisper to myself, knowing that no matter what, I'll do everything I my power to finally meet you. Who knew that that simple 'Hey' I sent you would be the thing that would help me change for the better, leading out hearts to intertwine. 
Although our love is digital, I know I'll love you just the same when we meet in the physical. 
a/n: This will be the last part :) I'll leave the rest of their story up to your imaginations. Feel free to comment or send asks with the ending that you imagine! I would love to know what you think <3
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finallydelight · 2 years
Hi will you do a chapitre about how Jungkook asked Maya out and what they talked about before the morning of when namjoon and hoseok come to his apartment to take him to the studio
Thank u🙂
The Blind Date | Maya Chapter
author’s note: here it is, my darling ! I had fun writing this one, Maya has all the confidence I wish I had, so I enjoy writing her make everyone around her flustered 🫢 I hope you enjoy this chapitre ☺️ and let me know what you think of it, I would love to hear it ❣️
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December, 2020
“I’m not doing that, Yugyeom.”
Out of all the ideas she had heard from Yugyeom throughout the years, this was the most ridiculous one so far.
The Got7 member sighed. ''It's just one blind date!'' He was adamant on getting her to agree to this blind date that he had set up for her.
''Did you think about the fact that I'm an idol and that I'll receive a massive amount of hate and death threats for even just being caught on a date?'' Her own members had been caught up in a dating scandal and although the response wasn't too bad, there were many other examples of idols who got literally vilified for simply being in a relationship.
''You dated Seungyoun-hyung and no one found out!'' Yugyeom pointed out, taking another swig from his beer. Maya rolled her eyes at him. ''Oh, yeah! That's just the perfect reason to go, cause that relationship worked out perfectly, didn't it?'' She told him, sarcastically.
The start of her previous relationship went exactly like this. A friend talking her into going on a blind date with someone and Jieun wasn't having it.
''I think you should give it a chance! It's a really nice guy and I think you'll get along great.'' The truth was that Yugyeom had seen how her breakup with Seungyoun had affected her and he thought it was finally the right time for her to start dating again.
Jieun contemplated. ''Tell me something about this guy.'' She asked him, it had been a while since she hung out with someone other than her members or close friends.
''Ji, I don't know if you have ever heard of a blind date, but that's not really how it works.'' His sarcastic comment earned him a slap on the arm. ''You're not expecting me to actually meet up with a total stranger?''
Yugyeom tilted his head. ''Uh, I am, that's the purpose of a blind date.'' He put an emphasis on the 'blind'.
''Oh, come on! If you tell me one thing, I'll actually consider going.'' He shook his head. ''I'll say one thing about him if you promise you'll go.'' Yugyeom raised his eyebrow, awaiting her answer.
Maybe the whole blind date idea wasn't such a bad idea. Yugyeom seemed very sure that this dude was good for her and as much as Yugyeom liked to annoy her, he would never do something if it wasn't in her good interest.
''Alright, I'll go.''
Yugyeom clapped his hands and a big smile appeared on his face. ''Ha! Yes! I'll text him right now!'' He pulled out his phone and typed away, letting this mystery man know that she had agreed to go.
''Oh, so one thing about him…'' Yugyeom thought about something, ''he's the same age as us.'' He figured he had to make this man as vague as possible, not wanting her to know beforehand.
Maya was not impressed. ''That's it? No, I want something useful.''
''That is useful, now you know it's not some old man that you're meeting.''
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''You're sure he's not some serial killer, right?'' Maya still had her doubts as she and Yugyeom went up in the elevator, on their way to her blind date's apartment.
Yugyeom chuckled. ''I promise you, he's a good guy.''
''Does he know he's meeting me?'' The closer she got to this mystery man, the more curious she got about his identity. ''He does, he has uh, liked you for a long time.'' The grin on his face didn't escape her.
''Dude, it's not some creepy guy, right? I'm not planning on giving my autograph or anything.'' She truly hoped whoever this person is, doesn't end up being some obsessive fan who would try something she wasn't comfortable with.
Her worries only seemed to amuse her friend. ''Trust me, Ji,'' they arrived at the right floor and stepped out of the elevator, ''he's not gonna ask your autograph.''
They stopped in front of a door and Yugyeom turned to her. ''You ready?'' He asked her, unsubtly trying to hide his smirk.
''I guess.'' Jieun didn't sound too sure, but Yugyeom knocked on the door anyway, immediately walking away. ''Have fun, Ji!''
Before she could say anything back, the door in front of her opened. As soon as she locked eyes with the man in front of her, her mind tells her she should have known it would be him.
''Hi..'' Jeongguk seemed very nervous, his eyes not meeting hers. She smiled at him, finding it quite endearing. ''Hi, I'm Jieun.''
He opened the door a bit wider, inviting her in. ''I kno- uh, I mean- I'm.. I'm Jeongguk.'' He stumbled over his words introducing himself, even though he didn't need to.
''I know.'' She copied his answer, wanting to ease his nerves.
It seemed to work as he finally cracked a soft smile and the tension in his shoulders visibly left. ''You want some slippers or something for your feet?'' Jieun had taken off her heels and was left bare feet.
She looked down at them and gave him a sheepish smile. Jeongguk pulled out a pair of home slippers and put them down in front of her. ''They're my mom's, so they should fit.'' He told her.
''Thank you.'' Jieun took off her heels and put her feet into the slippers, fitting perfectly.
''Uh, thank you for coming, I, uh, really appreciate it.'' Jeongguk thanked her, avoiding eye-contact with her.
Jieun gave him a smile, brushing it off. ''Oh, you don't need to thank me. You should thank Yugyeom, he really talked you up.'' She chuckled, reminding herself she needed to send the guy some flowers later for setting her up on this date.
''What did he tell you?'' Jeongguk motioned for her to follow him through the hallway into his beautiful living room that had an overview of the city.
She answered him as she inspected his home. ''He told me you were the same age as us, you have liked me for a long time and that you definitely wouldn't ask for my autograph.''
At the mention of him having liked her for a long time, Jeongguk's cheeks and ears heated up. He desperately looked around, seemingly trying to find something to which he could change the subject to. ''Oh, well, that's- that's very nice of him.''
''Oh my- let me take your coat.'' It's like he had a list of things to do in his head and he had accidentally skipped that step. Jeongguk moved behind her while she unbuttoned the long coat, he removed it from her and it revealed her black silk dress that she was wearing.
Jieun turned around upon his words. ''Pardon?''
His mouth fell open a little, having become speechless as he stared into her eyes for the first time that evening. ''You, uh, you look, uh,'' Jeongguk stuttered, ''you look really pretty.'' He managed to get the words out.
''Thank you,'' she glanced down at her dress, ''you don't look too bad yourself.'' Jieun looked him up and down, totally aware he could see her checking him out. Jeongguk was wearing a grey turtleneck that accentuated his broad shoulders and biceps, paired with a simple pair of black trousers.
The blush reappeared on his cheeks and he looked down at his own clothes, remembering Yugyeom begging him to wear something ''that doesn't look like he only wears oversized shit''.
''Uhm, please follow me to the dining room.'' Jieun couldn't help but chuckle as he completely ignored her compliment and moved to the next room.
Jieun was pleasantly stunned when being met by Jeongguk's dining room. He had lit the place up with candles and a fresh bouquet of flowers stood in the centre of the table. ''This is really nice, Jeongguk. Do you always have dinner like this?'' She remarked, making the man laugh and shake his head.
His hand moved to her lower back, guiding her to her seat. Jeongguk pulled out her chair and helped her sit down properly, after which he took the seat across from her. ''Would you like a glass of red wine?''
She nodded at his offer. ''Yes, please.'' At her words, he opened the wine bottle that he had placed on the table before her arrival and opened it, pouring some in her glass and afterwards in his glass.
Jieun raised her glass. ''Cheers.'' Jeongguk seemed surprised, but quickly picked up his glass and they clinked their glasses together. ''Yes, cheers.''
''Yeah, so…''
''You've liked me for 5 years?''
Jeongguk choked on his wine as the question left her mouth, causing Jieun to chuckle at his reaction. ''Uhm, well,'' his nervous behaviour returned and he couldn't look her in the eye anymore, ''has it been 5 years already?''
''I must have made a very great first impression on you, I mean that's quite a long time.'' Jieun continued, liking how flustered she was making him.
The flustered man in question looked down at his feet, a shy smile gracing his face. ''I, uh, I guess you did.''
''Were you too scared to ask me out or something?'' She couldn't help but ask him the question, confused as to why it took them this long to go on a date.
A faint blush appeared on his cheeks and ears, her straightforwardness catching him off guard each time. ''Scared might not be the right word, but… you're just very- you know, uh, I guess I was just afraid you would reject me, maybe.'' He admitted, looking away from her again.
''Who says I would have rejected you?''
''Literally everyone I asked for advice told me you would reject me.'' He laughed, taking a sip from his wine. ''I wanted to ask you out last year when our promotions overlapped, but BamBam told me to not even try.'' He confessed, slowly glancing at her reaction.
''Well, most of the time he doesn't know what he's talking about. You're a charming guy.'' Jeongguk sat up straight hearing her words. ''So, if I had asked you out then, you wouldn't have declined to go on a date with me?''
''No, I wouldn't have said yes.'' She told him, shaking her head.
The man in front of her furrowed his eyebrows. ''But- but you just said-''
''I had a boyfriend back then, Jeongguk. I would have rejected anyone.'' Jieun confessed, stifling her laughter at his clueless expression.
He defeatedly put his arm down, accepting her words. ''I guess that's fair.'' Jeongguk interchanged from looking at the table to her. ''I didn't know you were dating someone at the time.''
''Yeah, that's kinda the point of a secret relationship.'' She laughed, playing with the rim of her glass.
''Were you two together for a long time?'' Jeongguk hesitantly asked, not knowing if he was overstepping any boundaries by asking about her past relationship.
Jieun sighed before answering. ''For about a year,'' she thought of something, ''you know, the way he and I met is actually quite similar to this.'' She gestured between her and Jeongguk with her finger.
''Yeah? How so?''
''It was also a blind date set up by a mutual friend, and it was also with a guy who apparently had liked me for a long time. Oh, and just like in this case, I didn't know who I was meeting but they did know they were meeting me.'' The similarities between her blind date with Seungyoun and Jeongguk were hard to ignore.
The only reason why she was so adamant on not going on the date was because of how things ended between her and her former boyfriend. She never doubted his love for her once, yet he still decided to break up with her. Yes, it was because of his mental health at the time, but that didn't make it hurt any less.
''Was it also Yugyeom who introduced you?'' Jeongguk asked, becoming quite curious.
Jieun shook her head. ''No, it was someone else, but Yugyeom is also friend with him, so I guess that counts as well.'' She chuckled.
''Are you hungry? I can get the food if you're ready.'' Jeongguk suggested, already getting out of his chair. ''Yes, that would be nice.''
He send her one bright smile before disappearing into his kitchen. Jieun grabbed her phone from her bag, deciding to send Yugyueom a quick text.
Kim JiJi: you're a genius, Kim Yugyeom
KYUM: you never say that about me
KYUM: you must be enjoying yourself then 😏
Kim JiJi: I am, actually
KYUM: good
KYUM: you should kiss him
KYUM: wait no
KYUM: don't kiss him
KYUM: i think he'll pass out if you do that
Kim JiJi: okay loser
A loud sound of glass breaking made Jieun flinch and she almost dropped her phone in the process. ''Everything okay?'' She yelled out to him, hoping he hadn't hurt himself. ''I'm okay, I just dropped a plate, don't worry!'' Jeongguk yelled back, assuring her that everything was fine. She chuckled to herself, and put her phone away.
''Apparently you really like samgyeopsal.'' Her date walked back in the dining room holding two trays with pork and several different side dishes. He put them down on the table and spread them out, so she could easily reach for all of them with her chopsticks. The grill had already been placed in-between them and Jeongguk turned it on, placing several pieces of the pork belly on it.
She was impressed as Jeongguk sat down again, flattered by the fact that he had most likely asked Yugyeom what she liked to eat. ''This looks great, thank you so much.'' Jieun picked up her chopsticks and put several side dishes on her plate.
''My pleasure.''
As they started eating, Jieun quickly realised Jeongguk and Jihyo had a similar reaction to good food, the angry look on his face after taking a bite from the grilled pork belly bringing her much joy. After many glasses of wine later and finishing their food, the pair had moved to the living room, where Jeongguk had put on a movie that was quickly discarded as their focus was on each other.
''No way! Boa trained you?'' Jeongguk exclaimed, looking at her wide-eyed.
Jieun shook her head. ''No, she didn't train me. Lee Sooman just got her to teach me a few classes and she gave me some feedback, that's all.'' She clarified for him.
''No wonder you're so good.'' The last few hours, Jieun had gotten to meet the real Jeongguk. He had dropped the nerves and actually started flirting back with her. It was probably because of all the wine they had, but still, it was nice.
''I just love performing, you know? Looking into a crowd, seeing people happy and jumping up and down… it's amazing.'' She told him, a smile creeping on her face while talking about her passion.
Jeongguk unconsciously mirrors her smile. ''I feel the same way. I don't care how sick I am or whatever it may be, standing on the stage is a feeling like nothing else.''
''I miss it so much… fucking covid.'' Jieun mumbled, picking up her glass of wine. He chuckled, not used to hearing her curse. ''I know, this was supposed to be a good year.''
''So much has changed… and not just this year.'' Jeongguk said as he finished his wine and poured some more in his glass.
Jieun gave him a confused expression. ''What do you mean?''
''You know, you have all these new and younger groups now- and I just feel like everything has become so toxic and competitive. I know it has been like that for years now, but people can't look each other in the eye now or people make it a problem, making up rumours and all.''
She could tell by the way he was speaking that it had been bothering him for a while and she agreed with him. The amount of rumours that were created, because of meaningless interactions are ridiculous.
''I agree, like me and Baekhyun- you know Baekhyun?'' She quickly asked him and proceeded when he nodded, ''We accidentally touched hands at a music show and SM actually had to make a statement because of all the articles claiming we were dating.''
Jeongguk sighed. ''That's what I mean, it's becoming unbearable. You can't even say something to your friends anymore.'' He was sick of the toxicity of the industry that was created by fans who liked to make up stuff to fit their agenda of hate.
''Exactly!'' Jieun exclaimed, ''I think 2 years ago, Jennie-unnie won on a music show and our promotions overlapped so we were on the stage as well, and I went up to her and gave her a hug, and somehow people were critical of that? No matter what you do, people will make it a problem.'' She rolled her eyes, thinking back about all the times her and Jennie received hate as a result of their friendship.
''It's crazy, isn't it? It's the same for me and my friends, like Yugyeom and Mingyu.'' Jeongguk could relate to her about the distaste that critics expressed over their friendships.
A silence fell upon them, the both of them taking a few seconds to calm themselves down after talking about all that.
Jieun was the first one to start speaking again. ''I'm happy I get to talk to you about this.'' She spoke with such genuineness that had him almost speechless.
Jeongguk moved himself closer to her, to the point where there was no more space left between them. ''Me too, I'm happy I just get to talk to you.''
''What a charmer you.'' She laughed, putting her hand on his thigh. Her move must have sobered him up straight away as he made a weird sound.
Jeongguk scratched his voice before talking. ''Hey, I have a question.''
''Before Yugyeom ratted me out, did you know that I've had a crush on you?''
Jieun lets the question sink in, her mind going back in the past. She thought about all the times the guy unsubtly stared at her from across the room or how he would look at the ground when greeting her and her members.
She patted his thigh a few times. ''You know, honey, you've never been a very subtle man,'' she started off, seeing him get shy again when the term of endearment left her lips, ''I wouldn't say that I knew you had a crush on me, I just thought you got easily flustered around women and that you just didn't really knew how to talk to us.''
''But I should've known when Jin kept talking about how talented and great you were, when he and I hosted that year-end show together.'' Jieun finished off, suddenly remembering how the oldest BTS member would butter the youngest one up to her.
Jeongguk covered his face with both of his hands, completely embarrassed. ''Oh, no.'' He dramatically exclaimed, making Jieun burst out laughing in return.
''I swear I didn't ask him to do that!'' He defended himself, putting his hands up.
''Yeah, sure, I believe you.'' Jieun did not believe him.
A comfortable silence fell upon them. Jeongguk stared at Jieun's hand that rested on his thigh, while her eyes were focused on him.
''Do you remember the first time we met?'' She hadn't fully heard the question, Jeongguk's face being quite the distraction.
Jieun snapped out of her trance. ''Sorry, what did you say?''
He smiled at her daydreaming. ''The first time we met- do you remember it?''
''I do remember it,'' she nodded, ''how can I forget the blushing guy who could barely get a word out?'' Jieun replied, an amused grin making its way on her face.
He pushed his shoulder against hers, hoping that distracted her from his red face. ''Come on, now.''
''I was- I was just very struck by you, and I didn't want to embarrass myself, but I guess I did that anyway,'' Jeongguk chuckled, ''and you were very sweet to us, and treated us with respect which not a lot of people did at the time, and I just wanted to thank you.''
Jieun was speechless by his words, not expecting him to say something like that. ''I mean, it's the bare minimum really, treating people with respect.''
''Yet, I haven't forgotten it after 5 years.''
She must have been staring at him for not even 10 seconds, but it felt like an eternity had passed before Jieun broke the silence.
''Can I kiss you?''
It was Jeongguk's turn to be speechless, his mouth slightly agape. ''You, uh, what? What?'' He blurted out, not believing his ears.
Her hand that was laid on his thigh moved to his chin, bringing his face closer to hers while she moved forward. ''I asked if I could kiss you.'' Jieun repeated herself, taking notice of him shivering as her breath fanned his face.
Jeongguk timidly nodded his head, not trusting his mouth to convey the right words. With his consent, she closed the distance between them and softly pressed her lips against his.
As he slowly started kissing her back, something clicked inside of him. It was as if he was an unfinished puzzle and she was the last piece that he had been looking for all this time. Kissing her felt like something that he was meant to be doing, it felt self-evident and he didn't want it to stop.
Meanwhile, Jieun wanted to hit herself in the head for not noticing his crush on her way sooner. She could have been enjoying this for years, but no she just thought that he reacted to everyone like that.
Jeongguk didn't know where it came from, but a sudden wave of confidence flew over him. He took a grip of her waist and sat her down on his thighs, so she was straddling him. Despite the desperation he put into the kiss, his hold on her waist was caring and tender.
They both pulled away, coming up for air. Jieun opened her eyes and was met with Jeongguk's eyes that were filled with adoration, she could almost feel it.
''Jieun…'' He choked out, completely out of breath. ''Do you, uh, do you want to stay over? It's quite late and it can be dangerous, you know.''
She cupped his cheeks with both her hands, a soft smile gracing her face. ''Well, if it's too dangerous outside, I'll better stay here then.''
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Taglist: @stopeatread @sakuurra @seongwhaffels @cosmicwintr @smh-anon @cixrosie @allthings-fandoms
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euphorianyx · 2 years
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Pairing: JungKook & Reader Genre: Smut / Intriguing / Violent / Soapy / Fluff / Angst | +18 | Summary: You believe you know someone you live together but that only counts if they are true to themselves. Can love really change someone or do they just hold back? What if you are yet to meet the dark side? Will you stay to handle all that or will you walk away? Your love remains and you cannot forget. Worth more than anything, you just do whatever it takes to protect. ⟪A/N: Please do not copy or publish my work on other platforms without my permission. Every and each like & reblog are highly appreciated. ⟫ ⨳ DADDY ISSUES SUNSET -prequel- ⨳ ⨳ DADDY ISSUES DAWN other chapters ⨳ ⨳ DADDY ISSUES PLAYLIST ⨳
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With gun right through your head, it felt like time froze momentarily. Though a few things happened. Yugyeom almost screamed in your ear since he lost your sight. One of your men had his gun through Min Ae's head, waiting for JungKook's or your order.
Silence taking over, everyone was waiting with their breath on hold. JungKook gestured with his head for him to put the gun down. Then he almost growled at Min Ae.
"I warn you for one last time."
Gun still directed at you Min Ae took a step to the side. Her empty hand reached for JungKook. As she slide her manicured nails from his chest to his abs, she chuckled.
"Brave for someone in chains. Sorry, we could not arrange a bed for us yet."
JungKook closed his eyes for a mere second, mentally cursing himself.
JungKook wanted to explain himself but when he saw the way you stare at Min Ae he realized he did not need to do that. You were about to let Min Ae's witty remark get through you. Somehow the way your name fell from JungKook's lips reminded you that you were there for one thing. A smile bloomed on your lips that noone has ever seen before. You directed our gaze at Min Ae.
"Hands off, sly fox."
Smiling at you she took a step and got closer at JungKook. Min Ae still had the gun pointed at you while she planted a kiss on JungKook's chess. JungKook's dark gaze landed on her as he bit inside of his tongue out of rage. Upon seeing his clenched jaw you knew he was annoyed to the core.
You directed your gun at her then pulled down the safety. Staring at you with wide eyes it took a few seconds for Min Ae to pull herself together. She put on a fake smirk to seem confident.
"You know... We both will die in this case."
Still dead serious your eyes never left her.
"Does it look like I care? Now, back off."
JungKook's eyes were watching you both in stress and awe. Heart pounding in his chest, he tried to show no sign of emotion. If he ever did, crazy as she was, Min Ae could actually hurt you. What he did not realize that Min Ae was actually scared. She took two steps back, still holding her gun up against you. She made a simple gesture thinking you would not get it. Before the buff bodyguard could reach you, you pulled your wide trousers up.
"I would not do that."
Seeing the bomb on you JungKook could not hold himself back anymore. For the first time maybe his voice cracked as your name fell from his lips.
"Y/N, take that thing off."
Much to his surprise, your gaze met with his while a small smile bloomed on your lips.
"Not before I get you out of here."
He raised his voice out of concern and anger.
Though your focus was on Min Ae which led you ignoring JungKook's warning. A man tried to get closer to you only to be shot by someone from your team. Then hell broke lose. Two men held you by your arms while Min Ae yanked the gun off of your hand. Watching them roughly grabbing you Jungkook was boiling inside. Because of his harsh pulling the cuffs digged into his flesh leaving bruises all over. A big hand slapped you roughly on the cheek while another pair went for the explosives. However your words stopped him in an instant.
"If you try to take it of, it will blow. If you try to deactivate it will blow. Only I can stop it."
Men were fighting all around. Gun powder and curses already fillled the air as you heard someone screaming.
"Check on Mrs. Jeon."
Min Ae smiled while she grabbed your hair then she pushed you down on the ground.
"You will not blow up this place while JungKook is here. Nice try though."
You managed to click your in ear piece in an instant.
"Free him from chains."
You said while Min Ae watched and heard you clearly. You hoped Yugyeom to react quickly but nothing happened. Instead the metal door exploded in the loudest way. You covered your head so the pieces around would not harm. Min Ae was beside you on the ground while coughing.
Before anyone could make sense of what happened Yugyeom's eyes landed on you. Eyes meeting for a moment, he held your shoulder with both hands. Yugyeom slowly helped you up from the ground as he grabbed his gun back. Making your way towards Jungkook, you saw a man behind him with a knife. Eyes locked on you the girthy bodyguard shouted.
"Take it off or he dies."
JungKook's eyes were on you as well. He spoke with a dull yet stern voice.
"Y/N... Take it off and leave."
You saw his dark eyes almost begging you to save yourself. Your heart heavy in your chest you shook your head. Then he gestured Yugyeom to take you out. When you did not move the buff man slightly moved his knife. You saw the blood dripping somewhere around JungKook's collarbone. Feeling helpless, you took two steps away. You turned around but you were not going to leave. Not when the only reason you came here to save him. You were not going to watch him die for you.
"You take the man, I take the chains."
You were not even sure if he heard you since your voice was even lower than a whisper. Yugyeom's wide eyes landed on you as if you were out of your mind. Then he saw your pleading stare.
"Damn it Y/N... He will kill me."
You paid Yugyeom one last stare to convince and thankfully it worked. When he sighed with a
After three nods as counts, you took a deep breath and turned around. Eyes on the closest chain you tried your best aim. When it hit ground JungKook caught the knife right away. Then you took your aim for chain on the left. JungKook was completey free while the buff bodyguard was already shot at his neck by Yugyeom.
His warm blood was all over JungKook's face but did not even phase him at all. JungKook just stared down the big body laying down beside his feet. Then drifted his attention back to the cuffs that were still on his wrists.
The keys were on the ground a few steps away. He closed the distance to get them but he noticed it. The metal shined in Min Ae's hand. She directed it at him which he smirked back. Then her hand shifted to your side.
JungKook stepped in but her hand shook before she could fire the small gun. JungKook grabbed Min Ae by the hair then yanked it from her hands harshly. JungKook grabbed her arm while dragging Min Ae toward you. He stopped right before you and forced Min Ae on her knees. She shrugged her shoulders and gave you a repelling look to seem confident. JungKook handed you the gun he grabbed from her.
"Go ahead doll."
Eyes wide you stared at him for a second then you gaze shifted at Min Ae. Who were on her knees in her now ruined fancy dress and smudged make up. Your silence became dreadful to her. Also, JungKook was impatient right by your side.
"Fine... I will do it."
Was what he said while he grabbed your hand to fire the gun. Reacting faster than you expected, you put your free hand on his large fingers.
"I want her alive."
Both JungKook and Yugyeom were in disbelief so you had to repeat.
"I want her alive."
After an displeased low grunt, JungKook finally dropped his hand. Min Ae eyes never left your figure while you crouched down to speak to her.
"Do not expect me to thank you."
She still tried to provoke you to end things for some reason. When she met with your small smirk, Min Ae seemed taken aback. After a low chuckle, the venomous words fell from your lips.
"No need... because you will wish I would never have saved you."
You roughly grabbed her wrist and put her back on her feet. Staring right into her eyes you plucked the little key from her brachelet. You unlocked the cuffs that were still on JungKook's wrists. The first thing he did was pulling you in and wrapped his arms around you while sniffling your hair.
When your eyes drifted back to disstressed look on Min Ae's face, you gestured Yugyeom for the cuffs he had attached to his belt. You put Min Ae's wrists together and cuffed them with a devilish gaze on your eyes. You grabbed her hair, forcing her to walk before you.
"Take her to the mansion."
YugYeom gave you a simple nod. He grabbed Min Ae by her arm then stopped for a second. Eyes briefly landed on your thigh.
You could see YugYeom was worried about the forgotten explosives. You were about to reassure him but an unexpected reaction from JungKook caught your attention. His eyebrow shot up when he called you by your first name and reached right away.
"JungKook will take care of it."
YugYeom handed car keys and a loaded gun at JungKook.
"Just in case."
JungKook's tense expression calmed down. He gave Yugyeom a little bump. Yugyeom was already leaving with Min Ae as she threw a dark yet tired gaze at your side. JungKook's eyes caught a man moving. Eyes never leaving you, JungKook pulled the trigger with a poker face. The man screamed in agony then fell back .
Your softly spoke to deactivate the explosive. JungKook crouched in front of you as his long fingers gently took it off. He slowly left it on the ground. Before any other enemy could move JungKook's voice filled the air.
A few wounded man got up with the help of others. Caughing or groaning they kept walking. JungKook took a look around the storehouse to make sure noone was left behind. He locked his fingers to yours.
"Activate countdown"
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JungKook gave you a menacing smirk while you walked out the big rusty door. Since a couple of minutes were all you have got, you rushed to the dark grey car waiting by the road. JungKook opened the door for you and made his way to the driver's seat. When he just began driving you heard the loud explosion. Heart beating fast in your chest, you watched the flames through the rear mirror.
Both of you were covered in blood and dust but you could not help with the small smile on your lips. The way you were about to lose him made you realize one thing. No matter who he was, no matter how you broke each other countless times you could never give up. As if he read your mind, JungKook gave you a different smile. A crooked smile of a tired yet happy winner. Before your mind caught up with your words, they fell from your lips.
"I love you, JungKook. I am sorry... "
JungKook's dark eyebrow shot up while the corner of his lip curled up.
"Sorry for what?"
Struggling with words, you did not know you needed none. JungKook already knew. Already knew because he felt the same without you... Incomplete.
"I should have never walked away."
JungKook intertwined your fingers.
"And I should have never stopped chasing. We both messed up."
You were surprised at the short yet noticable laughter leaving your lips. JungKook hesitantly reached for your belly. His warm finger went across for a brief moment. Then the question fell heavy on you like the thickest fog.
"Why did you believe me?"
Evidently, that question took JungKook off guard. He cleared his throat and you thought you were in trouble, instantly. His hand on your belly was back on the wheel as JungKook locked his eyes on the road again.
"I knew something was up that night you came back. I was fooled."
Eyes still on him, you kept your eyes on him.
"I did not deserve this trust, JungKook."
A sigh left his mouth. You could not tell if it was discomfort or relief though his velvety yet low voice reassured you.
"Yes, you did things that I hated but you never lied to me, Y/N."
Then his expression changed. His eyes were peeking a car that followed you. In a few second JungKook spotted the driver. Much to his surprise it was his father's best man.
"What the heck is going on here?"
Next Chapter
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astroyongie · 1 year
✨Just some thoughts on the tea you just spilled: I’m a little late I know shh..✨
-…ooh boy that ain’t good…but I’m also not surprised?…sad to say but I just hope they’re being safe…also where the hell are they getting that shit from? Especially in Korea!
-yeahh…thought I was the only one sending that…poor baby. But I feel like everyone, not only SKZ needs a break. Like an actual break.
-Okay wow, mostly positive yay!! (I would gladly sell my left kidney for them)
-except for that….I have a feeling it’s Yeo…but it might be another member for some reason…idk I hope they’re okay 🥺
-okay idk that one made me laugh. Who could it be~ haha 😒
-have a feeling that’ll be RM…or Jungkook since he deleted is Insta…
-…🥹 I’m glad he’s taking time
-Jackson or Yugyeom…has to be.
-hmm I feel like this one’s kinda obvious about who it is…baby needs a hug and a therapist.
- okay I don’t follow treasure at all and only know like 3 members 2-the ones that ‘left’ but 😬 yiiikesss…that’s a no from me…🚩🚩
-bro that could be like all of them…but I’m feeling 2 specifically T and K
- a trip? Ooooo whereeee?? ✈️
- Unless you mean..puff puff pass…kinda trip🥴
-😮 girl…get. on. the.pill! One of my biggest fears omg eww, boys.
-unless it’s a music baby~🤰🏻
-ooohhh sounds like someone needs to keep their ego in line or get put in line
- also kinda makes me sad cause I really liked their music.
-I wonder whoooo could thaaat be~ (no hate💕)
Thank you for you’re hard work 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️
(Emojis incase you don’t want to confirm anything directly ✨✨🤡✈️)
I will post it because I found your comments and theories quite interesting !! thank you so much for sharing !!
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aajjks · 3 months
mommy issues!JK
“another?! oh my gosh, i’m so excited jihyo!!” you say as you pull your friend into a tight hug. “next is zoey” says jihyo but she shyly shakes her head no.
“i’m not ready yet! i think once we get married, we’ll have tons of kids”
“speaking of marriage, when is the damn wedding, y/n?” lisa asks.
“probably next year. jungkook’s gotta heal and i gotta buy another engagement ring”
“another? why?” says alina who is just now noticing that you’re finger is without the beautiful diamond.
“someone probably stole it when i got in the ambulance. i got everything else back but my engagement ring”
“does jungkook know?”
“he probably didn’t notice but i’ll hear his mouth about it tonight”
“or something else with his mouth” smirks jihyo, wiggling her eyebrows to her further emphasize her innuendo.
“girl, he is handicap! we can’t do anything” you laugh but now it’s lisa’s turn to poke fun at yours and jungkook’s sex life.
“well, what about you guys? has mingyu and yugyeom been punching the clock?”
“girl, i’m literally trying to have a baby. of course mingyu has been punching the clock”
“yugyeom’s been busy so we aren’t intimate as much. what about you alina? eunwoo been doing you good huh?”
“leave me out of this. eunwoo and i are fine” says alina who turns her attention back to zoey as they carry on their side conversation. besides each other’s sex lives, you all gossip about work (except for you but that’s going to change) while the guys scream loudly about who’s winning and losing in their game of uno.
“how in the FUCK am i losing against a guy with one hand. HOW?!” curses eunwoo who again loses to jungkook who is laughing his ass of at his best friend. “you suck at uno, man” says yugyeom who is also laughing at eunwoo’s third loss. “whatever. i give up. you play, jaehyun”
This night is actually the best one he’s had in a while. When Jungkooks parents are busy tending to Seol or Moon, the guys sneak in a few drinks.
This is Jungkooks third shot and he is not really supposed to be getting drunk but he missed this. Of course the girls aren’t really aware of the guys sneaking in the drinks, because you guys are too busy gossiping about things to notice.
It’s been a few hours now the guys are outside, mostly smoking, away from their children talking about life. “I still have no fucking idea who crashed into my car that night..”
Jungkook grunts, smoking with his left hand, which is a hassle by the way, he’s so annoyed. Eunwoo and the group exchange a knowing Look. “you guys have no fucking idea.. about how angry I am that I missed my daughter’s birth.”
They do get it… most of them are fathers anyway.however none of them can ever really understand the pain of missing witnessing their daughter’s birth because of fighting for your own life due to an accident 
And leaving your pregnant wife in pain. And helpless
“I can’t even imagine what yn went through all alone..” the alcohol isn’t really helping with his sadness. The guys listen to him intently.
“sorry for interrupting you but yes, she’s so fucking strong man… she was a bleeding mess and in labor… but she did it like a pro.”
Eunwoo chimes in and the truth is that he wasn’t even sure that he could respect you even more, but you proved him wrong once again-you make him realize just how right he was for wanting you to get together with his best friend
“Yns a champ. A fucking Superwoman.” Jungkook feels his chest swell in pride.
He will find those who caused the accident-and he will make that person pay.
It’s 4 AM in the morning the guests along with his parents Have left, Jungkooks mother insisted on staying with you because taking care of an injured man with two kids isn’t easy, but you insisted that she take rest so they have finally left. And soon Jungkook stumbles into your new master bedroom. “Hi babyyy.” He coos.
He’s realising just now that you had to do the move all on your own too with little help. Jungkook feels so guilty because he failed to control car and you deserve a better partner.
Jungkook watches you smile at him as you open your arms to invite him in your embrace. Your embrace that he’s been longing for.
He climbs in the bed, the cradle next to your bed catches his eye. “Oh gotta be quiet….. our moon is sleeping.” Jungkook says before throwing his jacket off, and burying himself into your embrace.
His movements are sloppy but he’s missed you so much. Not paying attention to his injuries, he captures your lips into a needy kiss before you can say anything.
“Mhmm fuck missed you so much.”
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sweetestofchaos · 2 years
To-Do List
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Uᴘᴅᴀᴛᴇᴅ 09/09/2024
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You make fun of Minho’s (shinee) grandpa laugh (one-shot)
MET Gala!Jackson likes his interviewer (one-shot)
Hyunjin smut with a thick s/o (one-shot)
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Safe Place ft. Bang Chan - After a hard few weeks, Chan just wants to breath a little easier and he can only do that with you.
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Have Mercy ft. Jimin/Yoongi - Jimin falls in love with the very soul he is supposed to devour. When he gathers the courage to confess it seems that someone far more evil finds her alone. (1/3)
Run From Me ft. Taehyung - Taehyung and you have history together, a very, very long and twisted history. (5/??)
Take on the World ft. BTS - When Seokjin imprint on a child, the Min pack has to prepare for parenthood (14/??) 
Blackthorn ft. Yoongi - The love story of Emperor Yoongi and Empress Keena has been passed down from generation to generation; a love story so strong that it had surpassed the passage of time. (16/??)
Cafuné ft. Namjoon and Yoongi - As Namjoon’s personal assistant, Y/N doesn’t have time for love…or does she?  (7/??)
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Got7 Pregnant Social Experiment
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Knock, Knock ft. Jaebeom/Yoongi: Jaebeom is finally woken up by his soulmate after how much time? (2/??)
Prompt Me Hoe - A bunch of AU’s featuring different idols
Butterflies ft. Seokjin - Y/N is an American song writer that befriends Kim Seokjin
Era of Love Series ft. Got7 - Nothing like that good ol’ college au
Lactation Kink: Poly!BTS - (2/3)
Chain Reaction ft. Bambam (5/6)
Chain Reaction ft. Kim Yugyeom (5/6)
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The Jayde Heiress ft. BTS - Back against the wall, Arissa must learn to live in Bangtan’s world if she wants to survive. (to be rewritten)
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You cry because you can’t fit their clothing - Got7, BTS, Monsta X
They meet you, their celebrity crush - Got7, Monsta X, Stray Kids, BTS
You crying in the shower - Monsta X, Shinee
They get to do a stage with their crush - Stray Kids, BTS, Shinee
You run into your ex and they see you have a child - Got7, Monsta X
When your top falls off in the pool - BTS, Shinee, Monsta X
You wear braids to a fan sign - Got7, BTS, Stray Kids, Monsta X
You’re pmsing - Ateez
You hit on your boyfriend while drunk - BTS, Stray Kids, Monsta X
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Barber Shop ft. Kim Namjoon - Alysia just wanted to get her son’s hair fixed, she wasn’t expecting to fall for his new barber, Alpha Kim Namjoon.
Wherever You Are ft. BTS - This is what happens when you catch their eye while enjoying the nightlife.
Dragon’s Heart - Prince Jaebeom is the last descendent of the mighty dragons that left the Earth long ago. When a sudden attack leaves him wounded, Y/N saves his life. (Fantasy Au, Strangers to lovers)
Capture the Heart ft. Kim Seokjin - When Seokjin’s playboy ways come to bite him in the ass, Jaya is there to save him…based off this gif set (Strangers to Friends to Lovers / College AU)
The Captain’s Vow ft. Kim Seokjin - When tragedy strikes due to the betrayal of the Royals, Capitan Seokjin switches sides to avenge those he has lost. (Pirate AU)
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A Replacement For His Love ft. 2seok
a/b/o au, historical au, forced caretaking au
(Don’t) Hold Me Tight ft. TaeJoon
a/b/o au, forced caretaking au
Anything You Want ft. BTS/Got7
sugar daddy au, gang au, ceo au
Skylight ft. ??
neighbor au, hurt comfort
Trust Me ft. Mark Tuan and Song Mingi
demon au, gang au, dead dove
My All ft. Youngjae
fake dating au, pregnancy au
The Dragon’s Apprentice ft. BTS’ Rapline
dragon au, fantasy au, mxm
Not A Dream ft. Jungkook
ex to lovers au, gang au
Hey, My Baby ft. Jimin
strangers to lovers au, vampire au, sugar momma au
Something Like Fate ft. ??
strangers to lovers, soulmates au if you squint
Untitled ft. Got7/BTS
dragon au, sugar daddy au
You See Me? (I see You) ft. Hoseok
military au, brother’s friend au
Smile For Me ft. Jimin
actor au, stalker au
Handsome Devil ft. Shownu
demon au, unrequited love, fake dating au
Recipe For Love ft. ??
strangers to lovers
Looking For You ft. BTS
soulmates au, dream walking au
Michael & Jackson, After the Singer? ft. Jackson Wang
strangers to lovers, idol au, fake twin au
All of You ft. Bambam
yandere au, non-idol au
Pass You By ft. Minhyuk
ex’s to lovers au
Leave Me Alone ft. Changkyun
gang au
Enough ft. Vernon
friends to lovers au
Remembering You ft. Yoongi
married au
Consequence ft. Jungkook
vampire au
Untitled ft Jimin
werewolf au, a/b/o, friends to lovers au
Say Ahhh ft. Many Idols
personal chef au
Fairy Floss and Cottontails ft. Yoonkook
hybrid au, Easter au
Motion of the Ocean ft. Jackson Wang
mermaid au, fantasy au
The Story of You ft. Kim Namjoon
soulmate au
Q&A ft. Jaebeom
teacher au (sequel to Not So New Professor)
Welcome Home ft. Seonghwa
friends to lovers au, idol au
All About You ft. San
friends to lovers, gang au
Hear Me ft. ??
band au
Hello, Again ft. Monsta X
strangers to lovers, Idol au
Lost and Found ft. Monsta X
gang au
Lost My Halo ft. Gang7
high school/college au
Fall Apart ft. Mark
gang au
Sweet Pea ft. Yugyeom
gang au
Lie To Me ft. Jackson
gang au
Sub-Rosa ft Jaebeom
gang au
Isn’t Something Missing? ft. Youngjae
gang au
Count For Me ft. Jinyoung
gang au
Two Piece ft. Bambam
gang au
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hannieehaee · 9 months
SINGING LOW (teaser)
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18+ / mdi
summary: despite everyone within the industry knowing mingyu to date around a lot, what didn't meet the public's eye was his undying crush on you, his label mate, and his need to fill the you-shaped hole in his heart with any girl who'd give him the time of day.
content: idol!mingyu x hybeidol!reader, pining, mingyu's kind of a slut, smut, afab reader, reader is a 97 liner, dry humping, a lot of made up shit abt the industry lmao, mentions of other idols, oral sex (f and m receiving), penetrative sex, angst, fluff, etc.
(^ no actual content warnings in the teaser)
wc: 1.7k (teaser) 13k (full fic)
Or you can check it out on my ko-fi today by subscribing here and going on the fic here
a/n: this is not connected to my lil idol!mingyu x idol!reader series just fyi <3 also i decided to open a ko-fi!! (stop booing me pls T-T) here's a link to the details! anyways hope u enjoy this ive been thinking of this trope for a while <33
Mingyu could still remember the day he met you. Well, maybe not met, but it was the first time he ever saw you face to face. It was at some awards show back in 2017. MAMA, was it? Or maybe the MMAs? Well, that didn't matter much. All he knew is that on stage, you had caught his eye.
It was only about a year into his debut, so he still wasn't too used to this scene. He simply sat back and enjoyed the pretty sight in front of him, knowing your group (and you) by name, but not having had the pleasure of meeting you personally by then. He hadn't met many people thus far, actually. At the time, most of his friends in the industry consisted of the twelve other members of his group. Coming from a small company, it had been hard for any of the members to begin to disperse and befriend their peers in the industry. Sure, they all had friendly acquaintances with other idols, but nothing could really compare to what they had with one another.
It wasn't until somewhere around 2017 that Mingyu had finally found a group of friends outside of his twelve members that he could trust. He had always been an outgoing guy, befriending anyone who'd look his way. He reasoned that someone had to be the icebreaker in every social situation, and he had given himself that job. Despite being a charismatic extrovert, however, most of these friendships did not stick. He developed many acquaintances, and maybe even situational friendships, but he had not really considered anyone a friend until meeting one Jeon Jungkook.
Jeon Jungkook was simply the tip of the iceberg. Some believed Mingyu had taken the man under his wing, while others believed the opposite, but it had in fact been a mutual aid. They had both felt a bit lost at the time they met, bonding over the many things their lives had in common. Their age being one of them. At first it was thrown around as a joke, the idea of forming a little group with the many other 97-liners within their industry. But that joke became reality soon after when Mingyu had met Yugyeom backstage during his group's most recent comeback at the time. The three soon became four, taking in a Cha Eunwoo, and then a Jaehyun from NCT. Even some of Mingyu's own members joining, having the privilege of being born on the great year of 1997. This was how you eventually entered the picture.
Mingyu had already known you, well, more so known about you. Despite being the same age, you had debuted a couple of years before Seventeen, which gave him the opportunity to get to know you as an idol before he did personally. He still remembered the days in the green basement, watching comeback shows with the members as they prepared for their own debut. There had been a specific day when your group had been presenting their newest comeback, which was also the day Mingyu first caught sight of you. You had caught his eye immediately. There was just something about you. He might've developed a slight interest in you from that moment on, hoping for the day in which he would become one of your peers.
Upon debuting, Mingyu had only seen you in passing for the first few years, the closest contact being a quick and informal introduction between your groups as you cruised through the backstage hallways of MNET. You looked even better in real life, he had to admit. But sadly, there was no one-on-one interaction between you that day. Nor was there during any of the following encounters throughout the next few years. It wasn't until a few years into the creation of the 97 squad that Mingyu had the pleasure of meeting you personally.
It was sometimes Jungkook who brought in new members to the friend group, but it was mostly Mingyu who would take the liberty of befriending the aforementioned members in order to introduce them into the group. It was mostly due to Mingyu's extroverted personality, which allowed him to strike up conversation with anyone at any time, unlike Jungkook who was a bit shier in that aspect. It had been Jungkook, however, who had first introduced the two of you. It had been backstage of MAMA or MMA, he wasn't completely sure. Mingyu also wasn't sure how you and Jungkook had met; he'd never bothered to ask, but upon your first meeting it had seemed like the two of you were close friends already. Mingyu had to admit that upon that first assumption, he was a bit jealous of his proximity to you. This was immediately followed by the realization that maybe Mingyu's previous infatuation in you went further than mere interest in you as a fellow idol, but it was maybe a bit of a crush. Regardless of what Mingyu had felt at the moment, he knew that he wanted to see you again.
For some unknown reason, you were not present in the following 97 gathering soon after your introduction. This struck Mingyu as strange, seeing as you were also a 97, and a friend of Jungkook's, so why would you not be present? It was soon after revealed to Mingyu that you had yet to be offered a spot in the now renown 97 squad. Jungkook had assessed that all the dating rumors that would come attached to the inclusion of a girl in the group were simply not worth it. He wanted to save you both the headache and the scandal. It seemed like a pretty reasonable decision. Mingyu, however, was not the most reasonable of people, often allowing his decision-making to be led by impulse rather than calculated choices. Which was why Mingyu had found himself walking up to you next time he spotted you at yet another comeback show, promptly asking you if you'd like to meet some of his friends sometime in the following week, claiming it was tradition for all 97s to go for a drink every other week. He felt like he was inviting you to join into a cult, or at least that's what you said to him it had felt like. But you had still agreed, giving him your number so that you could be privy to the details of the meeting.
Your admission to the friend group came very naturally, having already met a few of the members and easily befriending the rest. Yes, it had come with some controversy at first, but Mingyu had come to learn that you were quite strong-minded, not allowing a few rumors to get in the way of your personal life. It was easy for the two of you to grow close after that. Despite having befriended the entirety of the group, you and Mingyu seemed to form a more special bond, even seeking each other's company outside of group gatherings. It was all platonic, of course. Mingyu had quickly realized you did not seem interested in that way, so he tucked his crush deep within him, choosing to offer a friendship to you instead, never speaking of his crush to anyone. This was how the two of you came to become best friends.
This repression of his feelings, however, did not come without its consequences.
Mingyu was a hopeless romantic at heart. This meant that his crush never really went away. It actually worsened over the years that he knew you. But you never acted like anything other than a friend to him. You would always treat him the same way you did Jaehyun or Eunwoo. He was just another one of the members of the friend group to you. Yes, you two were closer in nature – calling each other the best of friends within the industry – but Mingyu did not want to risk that closeness just because of a selfish crush.
The repression of his feelings was also met with other things. Mingyu was a very loving man. He needed to express his love to everyone around him or he would physically explode (Okay, not really, but he swore that's what it felt like to him). He had a loving family to tend to by taking care of them financially and spending every waking minute away from work with. He had his thirteen best friends to shower with playful affection during and out of work. He had his 97-liners to play around with in between work schedules. What he did not have, however, was that one person who was his and only his. Someone to give the type of love that you reserve for only that one special person in your life.
Mingyu found himself seeking this person out since the beginning of time. Many would call Mingyu a womanizer or a player due to the high volume of relationships he had been involved in during his life. It wasn't like that, however. Not at all. Mingyu would date a girl he liked, would be happy with her, but would ultimately realize that the spark he was looking for was not there, causing him to regrettably end the relationship. He was often met with curses directed his way, but he felt it was best to try and end it amicably if he did not see a future there.
His most recent relationship had been with a former staff member. She was funny and sweet, and also pretty easy on the eyes. They got along very well when she first got assigned to Mingyu as part of his personal team. It started as a friendship, but it didn't take long for Mingyu's hopeless romantic tendencies to seek her out in a romantic way, something to which she obviously agreed to immediately. Mingyu had no issue getting women on his side. He had never dealt with rejection all his life. Being handsome, talented, funny, and even rich from a young age, it was rare to be met with anything but enthusiastic responses left and right. The relationship did not end amicably, however. Mingyu should've known better than to date someone who technically worked for him. I mean, he had been through this before (with one stylist, one MNET staff member, and a former Pledis recruiter to be specific), so he should've known by now that mixing business with pleasure was a bad idea. But his romantic tendencies couldn't be helped. He had too much love to give, and no one to give it to.
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xanticore · 3 months
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part one
Genre: angst
Warnings: mentions of drug and alcohol abuse. Rehab. ( Sad ending for Kook but he understands why )
Setting: early 2000s ,, New York
Summary: After months of being in rehab, Jungkook was able to get fully sober and just wanted a restart. He's finally back in his band and ready to properly take on his career. The band was in New York just hanging out at the mall until he noticed you with a new boyfriend.
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My brother picked me up from the rehabilitation center and I was greeted with my members sitting in the back of the truck. They all popped confetti and screamed in admiration for me as I was fully better. I couldn't help but smile and screamed with them. I felt like a changed man and I was determined to leave the drugs and drinking alone for good.
I was able to get over my father's death and my mother walking out. All I really needed was someone to talk to instead of having my emotions be bawled up. I was overwhelmed with my own self-stressing myself out. I had amazing resources but ended doing something that I wasn't supposed to.
The members really kept me in check throughout our comeback album. During interviews, I was prepared for the questions where fans were desperate to know. I told them the truth and made a promise to everyone, letting them know I won't go through such a path ever again.
I was diagnosed with major depression and still have to take anti depressants every day to keep me from doing anything stupid. My members- Jaehyun specifically, was on my ass about me taking my pills as if I was some kid. I eventually took an understanding and just listened to him.
It was a friday night and our band was backstage getting ready to go on the tonight show with Jay Leno. I was a bit nervous as it was going to be my first time being in front of a live audience in awhile. I was getting my hair and makeup done, as my leg were shaking on the chair. Yugyeom took noticed as he was sitting next to me reading a magazine.
"Kook, you alright bro?"
"Yeah..just nervous"
"It'll be okay"
Yugyeom gave me a reassuring grin before caressing my thigh. It honestly calmed me down a bit. I was nearly on the verge of breaking down into a panic attack. I did my breathing exercises before it was time to go on to national television.
The interview went very well and was comfortable after Jay didn't say anything about my addiction but instead asked if I was a-ok. The band went along to perform our new single flawlessly; leaving the fans screaming. I could tell people really did miss and care for me when I took a moment to take out my earpiece. They were chanting my name.
It made me a little teary eyed as I walked back to our dressing room.
Saturday afternoon came around and me and the gang was out just having a chill time. We walked around manhattan and eventually just ended up at a mall. We all had some shopping done and just took ourselves a break at the food court. Eunwoo was kind enough to treat everyone with a burger meal-which we dreaded on paying him back.
"Kook, I just wanna say- we all wanna say that we are proud of you. If you have any issues please..don't hesitate to tell us." Eunwoo said, giving me a purple and black box. "What is it?" I asked smiling out of curiosity..still having some burger in my mouth.
"It's a gift from us- to you." Jaehyun answered. "Open it." I went along and opened the box. Inside was a Vivienne Westwood ring. A ring similar to a character from an anime I took fond of while in rehab. There was also a note inside it that read...
Jungkook, were so proud of you that you made it this far in your life. We were all scared for you and wanted whats best for you. We hope in the future we will always bring a smile to your face as we play our instruments. We love you Jungkook and we will be here with you until the day we die. - The rest of owlsleep
I read the note at least three times before getting up to form a group hug. I put on the ring and it fit perfectly. I really don't think I would be here without them...more likely her as well. We continued our chatter on random topics and ate our lunch.
I eventually became full and just sat at the table listening to the guys bickering about power rangers. I wasn't really looking at anything particular in the food court but the second I did, my heart skipped a beat. (name) was sitting at a table, at least 7 tables away from us. My smile faded seeing a guy sit next to her , kissing her on the cheek.
I never stopped thinking about ever since that night me and Jaehyun gotten into that argument. I wonder if she knows that im alive...If im..ok? I couldn't just walk up to her after all I said to her. I felt defeated. I guess this was karma doing it's work.
"Kook you ready to go?" Snapping out of my thoughts all the trashed was picked up and Yugyeom was standing there waiting for an answer. I chuckled out of embarrassment. "Yeah.."
We walked out of the food court and I had made no moves. It's what I deserve and I know now, she's happy and relaxed with someone else.
That's all I care about.
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a/n: i hope yall like pt2. somewhat happy ending but it's what kook deserves. yall like the Nana reference ?
dividers : cr to owners
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jinnjigoku · 1 year
KPOP SOTD #3 | Super - Seventeen
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Good aftermorning everyone! I recently broke my gaming headphones aaa. Oh well, I have other headphones but they aren't gaming headphones but they somehow sound so much more better lol.
RANDON SEVENTEEN FACTS! (facts from kprofiles!)
S.coups starred in After School Blue’s “Wonder Boy” MV, and NU’EST’s “Face” MV.
Between dating someone older or younger, Jeonghan prefers someone older because he needs someone to take care of him.
Joshua loves anime, especially One Piece, Naruto, & Bleach.
Many Chinese students love Kpop and that’s how Jun became curious about it and moved to Korea.
Hoshi likes to collect bizarre photos of the members. He deleted most of them in case he loses his phone. He says he has the most bizarre photos of DK.
Wonwoo said if he could create a new unit, he’d want to be in it with Seungkwan, Mingyu, Hoshi, DK and Dino and he would name it ‘Comics’.
Woozi was supposed to debut in TEMPEST along S.coups, but the group disbanded pre-debut.
DK’s ideal type is a girl with long dark hair, has aegyo, and has long slender legs.
Mingyu is friends with BTS’s Jungkook, GOT7’s Bambam & Yugyeom, NCT’s Jaehyun, Astro’s Cha Eunwoo (a.k.a. ’97 line).
The meaning behind The8's name is that when the 8 is laid down, the infinite sign appears. Many Chinese people like number 8.
Seungkwan was offered to join JYP but he rejected the offer.
Vernon competed in “Show Me The Money 4” but got eliminated on the Third Round.
Dino's parents are dancers. His father opened up a dance class and thought taught him how to dance.
What dish do you want to try in the future?
"I love my team, I love my crew We already made it this far I love my team, I love my crew We can keep running forever more I love my team, I love my crew We already made it this high I love my team, it’s all thanks to you Feels like I turned into SONOGONG" - SEUNGKWAN/JEONGHAN/HOSHI/DK
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oathome · 2 years
i was tagged by my lovely mutual @ceruleansoleil in a fun kpop ask game <3 thank u !!
my top 10 biases:
1. jeno (nct)
2. yugyeom (got7)
3. jaehyun (nct)
4. hyungwon (monx)
5. wonwoo (svt)
6. yuto (ptg)
7. yunho (ateez)
8. jungkook (bts)
9. mingyu (svt)
10. hoshi (svt)
1. between 1&4 who would you rather kiss?
as if i'm gonna choose someone over jeno teeeheee
2. between 2&7 who would be your best friend?
aw i gotta choose yunho - he seems like the nicest person ever
3. between 5&10 who has the better voice?
i love hoshi's singing voice a lot !
4. between 1&8 who is the funniest?
they're both funny in an underrated dorky way lmao - i'll choose jk for this one :-)
5. between 6&9 who would you date?
omg both such bf material ... i can't CHOOse sorry 😔
6. between 9&10 who would you do a collaboration with?
aaa i have to choose hoshi let me get on one of those tiger tracks lmao
7. between 4&8 who is the better dancer?
ooo they're both really good and i love their dance styles ! i would say they're pretty similar??
8. between 3&5 who would you most likely marry?
i thinkkk im gonna go with jaehyun bc i don't think i would vibe with wonwoo's introvertness all the time lol - a great loss tho 😔
9. between 2&3 who has the better smile?
jaehyun has one of the best smiles and i think we all know it
10. Between 6&8 who would you vacation with?
after having seen many a bon voyage / bts in the soop i can say with confidence i also wanna vacation with jk lolol
tagging @mvement @rosycrovvn if u guys are up for a fun game hehe <3
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deijiyong · 4 months
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Chapter Four: Month's worth of Kisses
Navigation Previous chapter | Story Masterlist | Next chapter Chapter word count 4,040 words. Chapter warnings/tags Another one-sided mlm crush (gyeomkook), the long awaited meeting of namjoon, aannnddd jungkook's initial man-crush on joon, wingman bambam, jungkook mentions sucking tae off (to get someone to back off), harry potter reference (don't at me I know she stayed in the w/c)
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"What's eating you?"
Jungkook glances up, his hand paused in his writing as he finds a set of twin towers in front of where he sits at the library. One looks familiar while the other is definitely a stranger. He narrows his eyes as he tries to place the one that looks familiar, but even if he wants to, the boy's name slips just out of his reach.
"Yugyeom," the one he remembers says, a smile on his lips as he pulls out a chair while tossing a finger at his companion, "This is my friend Bambam."
"Oh, Yugyeom."
Bambam dies, his face contorts in joy as he slaps his knee, "He didn't even remember your name, bro."
Yugyeom elbows his friend to settle him down, "So, what's up?"
Jungkook sighs, dropping his pen down and leaning back in his chair. The library was not a place to have a discussion, but as they were the only three there it couldn't harm anyone but maybe Moaning Myrtle; if she had transferred from Hogwarts, that is. "I got caught out after curfew last night. It's nothing big. I just don't get in trouble, you know?"
Bambam rolls his eyes.
Yugyeom ignores his friend, resting his chin on the palm of his hand, "Dang in the first week? I bet that was rough. I heard Itaewon's RA was raving well into the night. You must have gotten an earful."
The corner of Jungkook's lips twitched, "That's the thing, I didn't."
Both boys across from him seem surprised. "Then who got yelled at?" Bambam questions, interest clearly covering him now that they've heard that one counter statement.
"The other RA," he looks down at his hands, "I building (Itaewon) has co-RAs. One of them stood up for me since we had gone out for dinner together. That's how I didn't get yelled at. The other RA took all the yelling from his roommate."
"Tae, right?" It's Yugyeom who asks, "My friend said he's the nicer of the two RAs."
Jungkook nods. He didn't realize that the fight between the two RAs over him missing curfew had already spread around campus. It hadn't even been a day yet. He chews his lip, if he had known that the gossip spread so fast, he wouldn't have skipped his weightlifting class again. There was no doubt in his mind that Taehyung had already found out about that if some of the recluse cinematography majors had heard about something that should have been contained to I building.
"Better be careful from now on then," Yugyeom's sweet voice reminds him, "You don't want to cause any more fights between them. I hear they're best friends that rarely fight. You probably did a number on them last night if they argued most of the night over your returning late to the dorm."
"Jimin's just jealous," Bambam counters boldly.
Yugyeom slaps his friend, "Ignore him. It's just gossip, you don't need to worry about it. Uhm, I actually came over here with a purpose." He leans forward, "Have you made any headway on your semester project? I'm struggling with picking a topic. Bam thinks I should just pick something like my secondary passion for niche dances, but that doesn't seem to follow the feeling of the project, you know? Did you already pick something?"
"I have a few ideas," Jungkook frowns, "Well, maybe just a couple," he corrects as he remembers how angry Jimin seemed to be with him. There was no way that he could ask the RA to help him now.
"A few of us cinematography majors were going to get together on Saturday night to spitball ideas. Most of us share the same class, but I didn't remember seeing you in my class, so I thought I would extend the invite to you."
"He also wants your number," Bambam claims, pulling a phone from Yugyeom's pocket of his denim jacket to pass over the table. "The passcode is one-one-one-seven."
The leggy friend shrugs, "We both know you weren't ever going to ask him yourself."
Yugyeom shrinks down in his seat, watching Jungkook quietly. Jungkook envies his cinematography ally for having such an extroverted friend who helps him get what he needs to stay afloat. He puts in the code that Bambam had supplied him, quickly opening the phone app to put in his number and save it for Yugyeom. Jungkook hands the device back over, copying the tall boy's smile when he realizes that he has really just gotten a new phone number thanks to his friend's help. "I'll text you the address where we plan to meet!"
"I appreciate it," JK grins, picking his pen back up. "Oh, also," he stops himself from diving back into studying, "Do you have all the notes from last Tuesday? I missed the beginning of the class and wasn't sure who to ask."
"Yeah," Yugyeom smiles prettily, "I can send them over as a PDF later."
Bambam rolls his eyes again as he stands, pushing his friend from his chair, "Yeah, yeah, let's go. You're practically drooling."
"I am not!" Yugyeom yells at his friend while following behind him in his retreat.
Jungkook watches the two boys leave, not sure what that whole last minute was about, but he shrugs it off as he looks back down at his notepad. He taps his pen against the JM he had jotted down under possibilities. With a sigh, he scribbles over the two letters as he remembers what the two boys that just left had told him. Taehyung and Jimin had fought through most of the night because of him - the two best friends who rarely fought. That was his doing.
New Jungkook was ruining friendships.
He shakes his head as he slaps his notepad closed and starts loading all his materials back into his messenger bag. If this was the consequence of him trying to be a new, better version of himself then he would have to put off being New Jungkook for a while. Maybe just until the end of his first semester. He needed to focus on this semester's project about movement anyway.
Jungkook pulls the strap of his bag onto his shoulder as he makes his way out of the library. It was already getting dark outside, which means once again he had lost track of the time. He takes off at a jog as he was on the opposite side of campus. There was no way that Jimin nor Taehyung would forgive him if he was late returning today and he couldn't make them think he was unreliable. He's panting as he enters I building, hands on his waist as he stares down at the white subway tiles of the ground floor. The rest of the building was covered in aged gray carpeting that had seen better years, but the front foyer and most of the first floor was covered in sleek white subway tiles.
He stands up straight, eyes falling on Jimin who is curled up on the couch with a thickly bound paper script of some kind. He seems to have already dressed down, stretchy black drop crotch pants on his legs, some unidentifiable dark water splotched shirt covered by a loose black cardigan that was definitely not something a guy would wear. His feet are tucked up on the couch as he reads comfortably, probably not even realizing that it was Jungkook that had walked into the dorm building just a few minutes before the curfew was to take place.
Jungkook doesn't figure he would get a greeting either way. He turns and makes his way towards the stairs for the second floor. He had been somewhat lucky despite his three-person room to have been given one of the highly-requested second-floor rooms. In his opinion, being so close to the RA's room wasn't really considered a benefit, now that he was in danger of angering one of them irreparably and causing immeasurable discomfort to the other. Not that it had been all sunshine on his end either. One moment being lifted up because he was now an adult and shot down in the next to be relabeled as a kid within the same breath.
"Good night, Jungkook."
He stops and turns at his waist. Jimin was still focused on his book, but he was sure those three words had come from the RA's lips. No one else had that same airy tone that Jimin had. Jungkook opens his mouth to tell him goodnight as well but closes it just as fast. He didn't want to be sent to his room again like the night before. He wanted to prove to Jimin that he was a mature adult and could do better. He would do better.
He dumps his bag on his bed, both of his roommates nowhere in sight. He takes that small moment to sit there on the edge of his bed, eyes on his hands as he makes a declaration.
Taehyung and Jimin could not interfere with his schooling.
His major was hard enough as it was without added stress or harming others.
From this moment on, he would grow as an adult at his pace. He didn't need to feel cool being called out by his older RA's to go to parties. He needed to focus on his classes, workload, and making friends in his own major. Narrowing his sights would give him some clarity that he definitely needed given the past week. You can do this, Jungkook.
It just takes some discipline.
Jimin finds his eyes following the freshman he had taken a keen liking to far before his roommate had declared him as NFF. Jungkook is facing one of the wall-length mirrors in the gym, doing bicep curls on his right arm. When he had brought up Jungkook missing more classes with Taehyung, his friend had said he would talk to him again. The only reason Jimin hadn't brought it up himself was anger. He was still mad about how he handled Jungkook returning late with Taehyung. For previous NFFs, he had never batted an eye when Taehyung would bring them home late nor would he care if those freshmen would be labeled as bad kids when they would drag them to frat parties every week.
Jungkook had been an exception for him. One he didn't understand.
He dips to pick up his bottle of water as he watches the freshman switch arms, almost losing his open bottle when he realizes in the past month that Jungkook had upgraded to 40lbs weights. Jimin had been keeping an eye on his weight training since he returned back to class. At first, it was just to make sure he was there. Now, he licks his lips as he watches how the freshman's muscles show a prominent bulge forming in his arms.
"Hey Jimin!"
The RA trips, hiding behind the person who had called out to him, "Don't say my name," he begs. After a few moments, he glances around the side of the person before realizing the coast was clear. Jimin wipes his mouth to engage with the person before him, "What's up, Hobi?"
Hoseok, or as some freshmen referred to him as Hobi, is a tall dance major with amazing control over his long limbs. He's able to create whole choreographies within moments and rain sunshine down on his audience with a smile alone. The difference between him and Jimin was their focus; Hobi was a hip-hop focus to Jimin's classical. Hobi runs a towel over his face as he stares down at the I building RA, "I haven't seen Tae around much lately. Do you remember how he hangs around the practice rooms sometimes to kill time? Put in some photos for his portfolio? He's been a ghost for the past month."
It was true. Taehyung had been a ghost in their own dorm room; even shirking his RA duties. This was his fault, really, Taehyung was very sensitive when it came to yelling. It didn't matter how many times Jimin apologized for his misdirected anger, Tae would still sulk about it and if it was as bad as it was now, Jimin wouldn't see him for days. When they had first become roommates, it had scared Jimin more than once how easily Taehyung could distance himself from people or problems. "We had a small fight. He's probably just switching up his hangout spot since we haven't completely reconciled."
"Oh," Hobi frowns at the new information. "Can you help me ask him if he'll record my practice? I want to see if I'm messing up anywhere before that review in the second week of December."
"Well, I can try," Jimin forces a smile, "He's not really answering my texts."
Hoseok frowns, Jimin and Taehyung rarely fought, but when they did no one ever knew how to interact with them. It was as if they were a couple on the brink of divorce and no one wanted to sway their decision one way or the other - reuniting or the inevitable breakup. They always returned to each other stronger, Jimin or Tae swallowing their pride and approaching the other depending upon whose fault it was. Maybe that was a soulmate thing, Hoseok wondered as he tried to think of something to say.
"If not, I know a cinematography major that might be able to help," Jimin mumbles, clearly unsure, "Not that I've ever seen any of his work, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind."
"You do?"
Jimin brushes his hair back, eyes moving to the other side of the gym, the tall freshman nowhere in sight. It pulls a frown to his lips as he nods, "Yeah, Tae's NFF is a cinematography major."
"Ok, cool, let me know. My schedule is pretty flexible this year, but I really should get that done before the 10th."
"I'll text you," Jimin agrees before he pulls away from the other dance major. Part of him hoped that he might meet up with Jungkook in the locker room before he showered, but it was empty except for a few stray people coming in. He sighs, was the freshman avoiding him because of his fight with Tae? Or was he avoiding Jimin because he got angry at Jungkook? Maybe it was both. "You need to apologize, " Jimin tells himself as he grabs a towel from the locker he's placed his stuff in, "Apologize and accept that he may never let you close again."
Jungkook yawns into his curled fist, eyes squeezed shut before they give way to the bustling library around him. Even though Yugyeom was in a different class slot than he was, it had become commonplace for them to meet up at the library to study together. Bambam tagged along as a silence breaker - always one to bring up a moment while they gamed together over the weekend when Jungkook completely destroyed the team they were up against. Moments like this, JK missed how Yugyeom's fair ears would turn pink as Jungkook would always have to watch his back so no one on the opposing team could take him out. They were sort of like the three musketeers minus the ancient robes and feathered hats.
"Which clip did you think was a POV? If it's told from our point-of-view, you think I would easily be able to figure it out," Yugyeom whines.
Jungkook grins, leaning forward to look at the tablet in the boy's hands, "It's definitely B," he explains as he presses play on the video, "See how the story develops from the perspective of the cameraman? The reactions are in direct correlation with the person watching."
"Ah," Yugyeom frowns down at the screen. "That does make sense."
"You're so dumb," Bambam laughs, hitting his friend on the shoulder, "I may not have known the term, but anyone could tell that."
Jungkook sits back in his chair, eyes focused on the two boys, "clip A is a montage and clip C is a close-up for a news anchor. B was the only answer you could pick if you understood what A and C were." He recalls when he was little, his father had gifted him his first camera that recorded only on VHS tapes - it was an outdated model even for the time, but his father figured that would be as good as any considering he was just a kid. Jungkook hadn't minded the gift, he often would experiment with shots, sliding in or zooming out really fast. Tilting the camera just off-balance to give the shot some mystery. He had spent a whole summer collecting different ways to use his camera and spliced together home videos for the family to sit around and watch together once winter came.
Those films he would never share with his friends, they were precious memories, but the ones he had put together during high school - those were his favorite. He had rented a camera from the AV club since he was a member and put together videos for special events for the school. His principal had liked his material so much that he had been requested to film the commercial for the school's spring festival. Even if he was sure it wasn't so, the principal had praised him for the increase in revenue and people who had shown up that year. It was still strange to him that his father could think that film-making was only a hobby for him. He should have known since the first time he had given Jungkook a camera that he would fall in love with storytelling. It was his bliss.
"Are we going to that party this weekend?"
Yugyeom frowns, "Bam, we were gonna play that league match this weekend."
"We can play League anytime," Bambam rolls his eyes. "This is a university party. Our first as freshmen. We deserve to unwind a little since the semester is almost half over."
Jungkook watches the two bicker for a few moments before returning to his own homework. Unlike Yugyeom, he wasn't on the online quiz that his film friend was still working on. He was, however, milling over the project that was due the day before they were released for winter. JK had been leaning towards asking his RA if he would be okay with being filmed for this project since it was a big part of his grade this first semester. He had even written Jimin's name out next to the scribbled out initials from before as he stared down at those letters.
He hadn't talked to either of the RAs since he got in trouble. The time he wasn't doing homework, in-class, or working out was spent with Yugyeom and Bambam. Jungkook did catch sight of Jimin from time to time, whether in his gym class or the times he would cut it close to curfew; but that didn't mean he talked to him. Tae, however, he hadn't seen much of since he found out that they had fought most of the night he had been sent to his room. He needed to find him. Jungkook starts piling his things back into his bag, earning the eyes of his friends.
"Where- what's up, Gguk?"
JK looks at Yugyeom and Bambam, "I forgot I needed to do something today. I'll catch you later."
"Let us know if you're going to the party!" Bambam reminds him.
Jungkook lifts his hand holding his phone as he waves goodbye to the two before he runs out of the library. He picks up his pace as he heads towards the Fine Arts building a few yards away and slides in easily behind one of the pretentious girls with pigtails and paint-covered overalls. He ignores them when they shout at him as he heads for the second floor, following signs vaguely as he rounds and stops at a set of open doors on the landing. The far wall is full of windows and natural light as he walks into the room, his mind still racing to find his RA as he looks around the room.
"Who are you?"
Jungkook turns to see a tall man with thick brown glasses, a mullet with lavender streaks on either side, and dimples. His first thought was if this was a teacher, he was willing to buy into all those stupid teacher-student tropes right now; because he's gorgeous.
"Joon, calm down," a familiar deep voice comes as Taehyung rounds from behind a sectioned off piece of the room. He comes to a halt when he sees Jungkook, "JK, what are you doing here?"
Joon, that name brings back a sour feeling in his stomach. He glares at the tall man, now noticing flaws in him that weren't there originally as he puts his full attention back on his friend. "I haven't seen you in a while. I was worried." He steps closer to his RA, noting how he's back to his eccentric clothes. This time he's wearing purple bell bottoms and a gold and flower print shirt that, he's positive, only Taehyung could make work. He would look rather ridiculous in that outfit.
"Well, I gave you your space," Tae frowns, "I did try talking to you a few days after that."
"Yeah," Jungkook sighs, "I'm sorry, Tae."
His friend just offers him a smile and a shrug of his shoulders as they look at each other. Taehyung, between the two of them, was not the shy one. He always had something to talk about so that no one would be bored and everyone usually felt included. It was one of his quirks that made him one of the best RAs, in Jungkook's opinion.
"Are you two done kissing? I need to finish that talk with you, Tae."
Jungkook rolls his eyes up to the tall man he had previously felt was very handsome; maybe if his attitude didn't suck. Oh, and the fact that he had hurt Yoongi, maybe then. Jungkook leans into the tall guy, bracing his hand against the room divider to grin up at the mullet man, "I wasn't done with him, so you might have to wait your turn. He owes me a month's worth of kisses and if he's lucky I might even suck him off. You're free to wait around."
Joon looks between Jungkook and Taehyung, rolls his eyes, and leaves the room.
Taehyung bursts out in giggles, wrapping an arm over Jungkook's shoulders as he leans on him. He had never seen Joon so put off by a situation when it came to a freshmen before. He pulls back to stare at the film major, "Where did that come from? Yoongi would have been proud."
The freshmen shrugs, "The guy annoyed me." He releases a breath and brushes back his hair that's grown quite a bit since the month he'd last talked to Taehyung, "How is Yoongi?"
"Holding strong," Tae grins, "He keeps asking where you disappeared to. I think he has taken a liking to you since that party."
Jungkook grins, "Speaking of parties, are you going to the one this weekend?"
"Are you?"
Jungkook shrugs and pushes his hands into his jeans, "I mean, my friends invited me to go with them. I just haven't had good experiences at university parties."
"You should go," Tae reassures, running a hand down Jungkook's bicep. "I'll probably make an appearance to keep Jimin out of trouble, but I won't stay the whole time. I'm working on some paintings for my semester project."
"I'm sorry, by the way. I didn't mean to cause a fight between the two of you."
Taehyung blinks, lips pursed, "What are you talking about?"
"A bunch of kids from the other dorm told me that you and Jimin fought most of the night, that night."
"Oh," Tae laughs, "I keep forgetting how fast gossip travels here." He leans back against the portion that was divided into his own personal space, "Don't worry about Jimin and me. We're soulmates. Even if we stumble, we always go back to each other. It just happened to hit right when we started getting serious on our own projects - so our timing is off right now. We'll be fine again before winter break. Don't worry."
"So I'll see you at the party?"
Taehyung nods, "I'll make sure to find you before I leave. Just be careful, okay? You were fine at the first one since Jimin was there with you most of the time, but people can be a bit pushy if you're not ready for it."
Jungkook nods, "I'll remember that."
"Have fun."
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©️Deijiyong, 2023.
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ray4uray · 7 years
So I recently started watching Got7 variety shows and holy crap, Yugyeom is like a carbon copy of Jungkook??? Just the way they both act and even their facial expressions sometimes?? Like they are actual twins???
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