#some were adoptables too but one was something i had designed and it took me a second to realize i had based it off. my middle school crush.
gavis-bettel · 2 years
ive been really busy this past week and now that artfights over i have a little more free time and i still want to draw  >w< i only have my own cringe ocs now tho id have to dig up some old refs or design more if i want to go crazy go stupid with something different ugh
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that-sweet-jester · 2 years
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Just a bunch of bad guys
A little background below ⬇⬇⬇
HA I TRICKED YOU, it's not little, it's a lot!
Alright, this was just supposed to be an attempt at character design of my own after I read bunch of Superhero AUs, but I got carried away and created some lore :')
Full Name: Both him and Techno had been adopted by Philza at young age and took up his last name, but wanted to keep something of their own. Hence, both have their nicknames "Soot" and "Blade" (not last names, they don't know what they were).
Alias: I wanted to base all names of the Syndicate on Greek mythology, however I had hard time finding something for Wilbur. I came close to calling him Apollo, but most of the things attributed to this god, aside being the patron of music, just didn't align with what I had in mind for him. Thus, ta da, "very original" Siren. Even tho, it's not really a name name - "lured sailors to their death with a bewitching song" just fits too well.
Powers: Hypnotic voice was an obvious choice, but I wanted all of them to have two main abilities. Thus, after long search I stumbled upon enhanced hearing, and hear me out. Wilbur wears mask over his eyes (he can see through it) but it gives the illusion that one of his senses is gone, and what they say when one sense is taken away? Another one amplifies >:D And I just think that someone whose powers are based on sound would be more sensitive to it. It's not like he has super hearing for miles away, he can just hear well what someone is whispering like few meters away form him :p
OK THAT'S IT. I think that's the most I've ever written on this site. To anyone who've read the whole thing: ily <333 thank for reading my rambling and sorry for any grammatical errors, English is not my first language and I was too lazy to do a spell check.
Full name: Explained before. I'm sorry, but I just can't separate those names from them, there is no Techno without Blade.
Alias: Now I spent a lot of time on this one, bc I just couldn't settle on anything. First I thought about Ares, for being the patron of blood lust and warfare, but just, it didn't work that much for me, I just think there should be more meaning behind the name. Then I searched more, I stumbled on Polemos and some other I can't remember and finally settled on Perses.
PERSES was the Titan god of destruction. He was the father of Hekate, goddess of witchcraft, by the Titanis Asteria ("Starry One"). Perses' name means "the Destroyer" or "the Ravager" from the Greek words persô and perthô. Hesiod inexplicably describes him as "preeminent among all men in wisdom"
And I just think this one's perfect. God of destruction? nice. "The Ravager"? Techno loved mc ravagers and I just can't pass this coincidence. "Preeminent among all men in wisdom"? Man's crazy smart, also as I'll explain more in a moment, Techno knows things he shouldn't really know, and he's almost always ahead of everyone, so, check. Also, my fav goddess aside form Persephone is Hecate so, additional point.
Powers: Enhanced durability is pretty explanatory. Mans could be thrown through a building and only his hair would get messy, maybe a bruise here and there and a lot of complaining, but that's it. You need someone equally powerful to bring him down. NOW, hyper awarness, man oh man, so I NEEDED to include the voices somehow. And I never saw them as something negative in his case. Of course, during combat, they start to demand bloodshed and make him sometimes loose control or result in sensory overload. BUT most of all, thanks to them he knows things - names of people or locations he never seen before, where the punch is coming at him from, answers to weird questions, who stole his food, and why is it always Wilbur, etc etc. So, yeah I thought that writing it down as hyper awarness, might work.
Additional info: His eyes are always red, but his sclera changes color to black when he's out on a mission or fighting, basically when the voices become louder the eyes become more intense in color. As civilian he wears red glasses most of the time to somehow mask the real color.
Full Name: You have no idea how much I wanted to write him down as Philza Mine Craft.
Alias: So, I also struggled to find a name for him. I was battling between Thanatos or simply calling him The Angel of Death. But then I was struck and everything became clear. I love fanfics where Phil was a hero before he saw how bad the system is and decides to become the "bad guy" who's actually kinda good, but does bad things sometimes. So, why not use it. In my version, before he became a villain, he was known as Angel, the Hero Committee wasn't as fully developed, so the heros still could stay anonymous, that's why even now they don't know his real identity. After he left he decided to take up new alias and therefore Thanatos was born. Person with black wings associated with Death, also now has a scythe??? Fits perfectly. And that's how people from calling him Angel started calling him The Angel of Death.
Powers: He has the ability to hide his wings and manifest them whenever he wants. I thought about making them just permanent, but I think it's just cooler when suddenly you see a character spring out a pair of big wings out of their back out of nowhere for the shock effect. (no i wasn't just too lazy to draw them, what are you talking about)
Avian telephaty - I also just couldn't not include the Chat. Wherever you see a cloud of crows you know the Angel of Death is nearby. He can communicate with any bird that is a raven, crow or rook. They're his eyes and ears.
Now, I can't leave without giving some credit to the writers that inspired me:
The Oath of Hippocrates by Melatonin_High
tommyinnit's clinic for supervillains by bonesandthebees (bonesandcacti)
Welcome Home Theseus by SoulfirePhoenix
All of them are on Ao3 and are super cool, so give them a read <3
Also, I'm planning on drawing Vigilante Benchtrio but we'll see how much that'll take me xd
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in1-nutshell · 4 months
Hey it's me again sorry if I'm overwhelming you with my multiple asks what could you do more old Predacon buddy with maybe just hanging out with the kids and stuff along with they're adopted son aka preking (I hope I'm saying his name right) Just some wholesome fluff and possibly make sure ratchet actually recharges and doesn't stay up all night working including the Optimus and the others old Predacon buddy has those sweet old Southern Grandpa vibes or you could do some old Predacon buddy interacting with Megatron during his glory days or something similar to that whatever you choose I'm not really picky also Make sure not to overwork yourself and make sure to hydrate every now and then and eat something at least healthy =]
They are back!
Caution: Grandparent vibes nearby
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy the Old Predacon slice of life
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Cybertronain reader
It had been a rather busy month on base.
After the latest Decepticon mining activity, all the Autobots were on edge and running around like crazy.
Buddy mainly took care of the humans while everyone was busy on base. They swear if they didn’t have such an eye sore of an alt mode, they would pick up the kids instead of having to remind some of them to do it themselves.
Buddy lumbering around the console behind Bulkhead.
“Bulkhead? What are you still doing here?”--Buddy
“What do you mean?”--Bulkhead
“Bulkhead why isn’t Miko here? Is she sick?”--Buddy
“She at school today.”--Bulkhead
“Bulkhead its Saturday. Miko doesn’t have school.”--Buddy
Bulkhead transforms quickly and drives out.
Buddy shaking their helm at Ratchet.
“Kids these days.”--Buddy
“You said it.”--Ratchet
“You count too Ratchet.”--Buddy
Ratchet raises an optic at Buddy and vents a bit.
“You may be old by these young bots but don’t forget I’m the eldest here.”--Buddy
“Yet you try to do things a young bot would. It’s not good for your joints.”--Ratchet
Buddy gentle flicks Ratchet in the back of the helm with their tail.
“My frame allows some extra movement.”--Buddy
Buddy stretches their arm.
“…”—Buddy and Ratchet
“Not a word Ratchet. Not. A. Word.”--Buddy
Buddy knew that entertaining the kids with stories was only going to go so far. Especially when their guardians could stay with each of the children for long.
It was frankly getting on Buddy’s nerves.
It finally reached their limit when Movie Night came around.
The kids had gotten permission to spend the night at the base.
The original plan was to have a movie night with everyone.
Just some quality time with one another catching up on everything.
But it looked like most of them had forgotten about it.
Buddy didn’t like this. At. All.
And their spark broke a little seeing their disappointed faces.
Buddy looking down at the kids.
“Kids meet me at the exit with the gear.”--Buddy
“The gear?”--Jack
“Yes, you which one I’m talking about. Meet me over by the exit, we’ll have that Movie Night when we are done with it.”--Buddy
Once the kids came with the gear, Buddy knelt and had them climb on using their magnetic seatbelts.
These were almost light the Earth car seats but they were specially designed to be placed on Buddy via magnets.
Nothing was going to peel them away from Buddy until the end of any trip.
As soon as everyone was ready Buddy shot upwards.
Did they scare the kids a bit?
Yes, but it was worth it.
Buddy flying through the night sky.
“You seem pretty fast for an old timer.”--Miko
Buddy huffs a bit.
“This old timer still has a few tricks up their metaphoric sleeve.”--Buddy
“But you shouldn’t fly too fast, you can pull something.”--Raf
“Oh, my sweet Rafael, I’m spry for my age.”--Buddy
“Yes Jack?”--Buddy
Jack points forwards.
Buddy wasn’t too bothered by the sight of Predaking.
But they might have forgotten how the kids didn’t know the other predacon like they had.
Soon the two Predacon’s were flapping their wings circling each other.
The clouds around them slowly formed around them.
Through a series of clicks and roars the two talked.
‘Predaking, how are you? It’s been too long.’--Buddy
‘Fine Buddy. How are you faring with the enemy.’--Predaking
Buddy huffing.
‘They are not the enemy of mine, Predaking. I’ve told you before.’--Buddy
Predaking’s turn to huff.
‘There’s a reason you wanted to talk isn’t there?’--Buddy
‘…You know me too well.’--Predaking
‘I would be an awful ‘grandparent’, as the humans say. At least that’s how I remember the saying.’--Buddy
Predaking huffs.
‘I have been considering… leaving the Decepticons.’--Predaking
Buddy raising their optics.
‘You have?’--Buddy
‘I can put a good word in with the Auto—’--Buddy
‘No. At least… not now…’--Predaking
Buddy nods.
‘You still need time. I understand. Just let me know, okay?’--Buddy
Predaking nods and flies the other way.
Buddy huffs a bit.
“Oh yeah I forgot you don’t understand the clicks yet.”--Buddy
“I will teach you three one day.”—Buddy
“What did he want?”--Jack
“He just wanted to talk, nothing more.”--Buddy
They continued their flight before it was time to go back to base.
As Buddy touched down, they could see some of the Autobots come out of the base to see what was going on.
Buddy simply walked inside with the kids still on their back.
Buddy kneeling down so the kids could get down and take the gear off.
“Where were you four?”--Arcee
“Flying around Arcee. It can get stuffy in here.”--Buddy
“You know that someone could have spotted you?”--Arcee
“I am fully aware of that Arcee. I think with one of the largest alt modes here, I’d keep that in mind.”—Buddy
“Then why—"--Arcee
Buddy stands back up to full height.
“I do believe that there was a ‘Movie Night’ that you all needed to attend.”—Buddy
Buddy stretches a bit.
“…I’m old, okay. Haven’t you all heard of joints popping?”--Buddy
“Yes, but not like that.”--Bulkhead
Buddy lays down near the projector.
The kids follow with their blankets and pillows.
“Beep boop bop bep? (Do you need to see Ratchet?)”--Bumblebee
“I’m fine. Now let’s watch the movie the children have chosen.”—Buddy
Team Prime give Buddy a side eye, but ultimately gives in.
The Autobots crowd around the projector to watch the movie into the late hours of the night.
Buddy looks around, just happy to have a family together.
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fairydares · 3 months
loook i get why the idea of riding the "anti/pro" fandom disk horse makes people gag a little in their mouth and try to opt out entirely, but here's why i went from feeling exactly the same way to taking a firm profiction stance. I've been meaning to make this post for a while.
~10 years ago, I posted a fic for the first time and it got its own harassment campaign. The fic wasn't even sexual, and wasn't going to be (it remains incomplete). It was accurately rated T on fanfiction.net. Anyone in the Fairy Tail fandom will understand this: I literally got harassed for writing a "Lucy leaves the guild" fic💀.
After many nice comments, someone left a pretty nasty one. Hurt, I messaged them back. They acted super attacked that I'd responded (lmao) and after we argued, threatened to "rip my shitty story apart in the comments section" if I responded again. I told them "go ahead lol."
They went ahead.
Now know that it was a relatively small harassment campaign, but at the time, it was devastating. Right around then, I wound up in the hospital. After I got out, I went to excitedly check my fic, and found several reviews saying things I wouldn't repeat to my worst enemy. I was suicide-baited more than once, told "thank fuck you finally abandoned this shitty story, dumb cunt," stuff like that.
There were several accounts involved, and I can't say for sure, but I suspect at least a couple different people were involved, though probably at least half of it was one person.
All the other comments were screeching about how I hadn't updated, mostly. "NO UPDAAATEE WHY DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPENS TO MEEEE??!!!" was one that stood out after I'd been miserable in a hospital for an extended period of time.
Idk what people think is going on when FT fic authors write this trope, and frankly I don't give a fuck. Because while I was partly writing the story out of some young, cringe feminist rage, I also did genuinely have a real story I was compelled to tell. I was inspired by another, popular fic I loved which used the trope to talk about how trying to shoulder our burdens alone really just hurts both ourselves and everyone who cares about us.
My own story was ultimately going to have similar themes, with more focus on strength, what it means, and in what contexts earning and having it actually matters. In retrospect, no wonder I wound up in hot water, because at the time "Lucy vs. Strength vs. Misogyny" was the FT fandom's Designated Nonsensically Activist Debate™. But that's partly why i wanted to write about it; engaging with the fandom had gotten me thinking about it 🤷‍♂️
Not too long after that, FFNet oh-so-benevolently granted us the ability to delete comments from our own stories (they never took my reports seriously at all, afaik). I deleted all or most of the harassers' comments (may still be a one or two up, and i'm fairly sure there's a couple comments defending my fic from the harassment) without saving screenshots, which I really regret now. I was just so mortified and full of self-loathing about the whole thing that i wanted to forget it completely. Something that had brought me joy at a very lonely, vulnerable period of my life had turned so negative, and i couldn't even tell the people closest to me about it without being made fun of for writing anime fan fiction.
I didn't understand why this happened at the time, but--after a period of trying to forget/bid out of it all with a slight anti lean (a common approach I see people use, and one which I'm not proud of adopting)--I just had to figure out What the Fuck Even Happened There. And I'm telling you, after years of reflecting, wrestling with both sides, and educating myself, that this "status quo of harassment" culture which pervades fandom goes way deeper than you think and comes out of a way darker well than you probably realize. An astonishing amount of this is, quite literally, TERF shit and evangelical shit.
Trying to be in fandom and take a stance of, "Anti/Pro shit? Ew, I'm Not Touching that," is like swimming in a heavily polluted river and being like, "Poison? Cringe. Not me lol."
You might be lucky enough to be in a less-polluted part of the river (AKA a relatively non-toxic fandom, in which case good for you!)...but tbh this rhetoric and peer-signalling will still seep in.
I can't stress enough that pro-fiction, AKA "proship", is the normal, leftist-about-art-and-sex opinion. Pro-ship is against all the horrible things you're against; in fact, pro-ship isn't trivializing real trauma by equating it with fictional trauma, or trying to apply literal evangelical/radfem solutions--which are proven not to prevent or help. Profiction/proship is literally just saying, "Fiction is fiction, reality is reality, and the two don't have a 1:1 relationship. And historically, trying to censor just things we've decided are bad has done nothing but get LGBTQ+ and POCs censored. Therefore, depictions of illegal things shouldn't be censored." That's it. "Proshippers all ship problematic ships," is a brazen lie. Many of them share other fans' disgust for those ships, they just don't believe in censoring fic authors over it.
It is also taking a stand against harassment because--and I hope my own story has helped drive this home--as with all groups who adopt ingroup/outgroup thinking, antis are defined by their tactics, not actual stances on real, serious issues. What happened to me was absolutely a result of anti, "it's okay to 'bully out' anything I just don't like" mindset pervading fandom. In a way, this was the mindset's final form. They didn't even feel the need to cite a reason the trope was "bad" or "wrong"; it annoyed them, and they viewed their own feelings as a valid enough pathway for policing to go right ahead and do so.
In the interest of offering solutions instead of just bitching about problems, I might make a "how to know if you've bought into these types of views"-type post sometime. Also might come back to this and provide some sources/citation.
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genericpuff · 8 months
Omg hiiii, I absolutely love Rekindled! You're so talented, and the story you're making for Persephone is so intriguing! A lot more than whatever trashfire Lore Olympus has become.
That being said, what was the moment you stopped liking LO Persephone? Have you always disliked her, or was it gradual? Or just a specific moment that made you go "yeaaaaah.. she's not it ;-;"
(And bonus question if I can ask, but how do you draw hands?? I hate them with a passion, but unfortunately hands are pretty necessary T^T)
aahhh thank you so much!!!
honestly, I was a pretty big fan of LO up until the trial arc. Like, you've all seen me hate this comic with a fiery passion, but the only reason I'm able to do that is because before I hated this comic, I loooved this comic. I'd literally be counting down the hours until new updates, I loved the art, and I was too smitten by the appeal of the series to notice its writing problems, I just loved the romantic drama and the H x P ship, and yes, I loved Persephone, I loved her design, her personality, and I felt so 'seen' by her struggles, both with her trying to pave a path for herself and the SA plotline. I was even (regrettably) one of those people who would lurk in the antiLO tags and think "wow, these people are dumb, can't they see how brilliantly written this is ?? they're nitpicking!"
But then the trial arc happened which involved writing a plot that didn't put the romance front and center anymore - now that Rachel had to actually write something complex and logic-driven, the blinders started to fall off and I went wait... maybe Rachel doesn't know what she's doing. Persephone choosing her own lawyer? And it's Hades, one of the judges? Why are they suddenly establishing Thanatos as Hades' adoptive son? I'm not a lawyer, but I know that's not how any of this works and it really tipped me off that something was amiss, that Persephone was having all of her solutions conveniently handed to her on a platter and all of the other characters were suddenly being made to look like assholes just to make Hades and Persephone the heroes.
And then... Eris happened.
See, one of the things I loved most in the story was Persephone's character arc concerning the Act of Wrath. I write stories about characters with dark "personas" all of the time. So it was something I had frame of reference for, I really loved the premise of Persephone earning her name through this act of violence and while it was dashed with the opening of S2 revealing it was "all an accident", I was excited to see how the trial arc would bring about new information and confirm who was telling the truth about what "really happened" with the Act of Wrath. If the courtroom drama wasn't gonna be realistic, I could at least hope for some good 'OBJECTION!' reveal that would finally put to rest once and for all what really happened, and maybe Kore would finally embrace this 'dark side' she had.
So for the actual twist to suddenly reveal itself as... 'actually, this one goddess we've never mentioned before blessed you with wrath. why? idk she just did. anyways she's the reason you have wrath and that's what made you commit the act of wrath. problem solved.'
And that was where the twisting of 'faith' happened. When I went through the subconscious realization of , "Oh no, Rachel doesn't know what she's doing and it took me this long to notice. Oh no, maybe those antiLO freaks had a point-"
That said, there was a glimmer of hope in the midseason finale. Persephone was sentenced to remain in the Mortal Realm to carry out her mother's duties and I thought, "great! This will be Persephone's Rocky moment! She'll have to prove herself without the help of Demeter or Hades! This is gonna be awesome!!" During the hiatus, I was VERY excited to see where the story was going, I still had so much hope and I figured the mishandling of the trial arc was just a bump in the road. The series was still good, it was just going through a rough patch, these things happen.
And then it came back and it all went downhill from there. There was a 10 year time skip with very little insight as to what happened. Minthe and Daphne were just suddenly back to normal. They were referencing some food shortage or terrible event that happened during Persephone's reign that they never explained in explicit detail. And now, all of a sudden, Persephone was just returning to the Underworld, where Kronos had suddenly taken over. I had cautious optimism but throughout it, I was really seeing the cracks that were already forming opening wide. A lot of what I had to say wasn't positive anymore, I literally couldn't understand what the reasoning was behind these writing decisions and I couldn't find myself rooting for Persephone anymore, everything just seemed to convenient and easy for her to make her seem like the "strong and confident" character the comic claimed her to be.
The S2 finale was my breaking point and I think it was for a lot of other people too. That was pretty much where my 'transformation' from passionate stan to passionate critic happened, and it happened alongside the creation of the UnpopularLoreOlympus subreddit which would become my new 'home' within the community. After seeing how much the story had gone downhill, it made me realize in hindsight just how awful and one-note Persephone is, how she really never cared about anyone but herself and Hades, how her mother did, actually, have a point about her being practically groomed into a relationship with a billionaire slave driver, how she was very intentionally drawn to look like a child in ways I couldn't believe I had never noticed before, the list of "awakenings" goes on. And it sucked! It sucked to have that realization that the thing I loved wasn't just imperfect, but incredibly problematic in its writing and art choices. And just like when I loved the comic, I couldn't just let go of it, I had to understand to some degree why this happened.
It happened because Persephone was always being written as a one-note, easy to project onto self-insert character. A Wattpad protagonist. Not an actual representation of the Goddess of Spring, but a blank slate for the creator and the fans to imagine themselves as purely for the power fantasy of hooking up with a rich and abusive guy.
That was when I made my first piece of LO art intended to be an 'edit' - a redraw of Persephone's rebirth as the Dread Queen from the S2 finale, an ode to the Persephone I was hoping to see but never got. The rest from there is history.
I know I'm being SUPER dramatic about it but this was literally how it felt to go through the realization that this comic - and its characters - wasn't as good as I thought it was, and I think that's a sentiment that's shared by a lot of the 'haters' in this community. LO was a big part of my life and even some of my friendships with people, so when it went downhill, it felt like such a hit to the gut. It's still a big part of my life, albeit in the opposite direction, but I still wonder sometimes over the "what ifs", what if the series hadn't turned out this way? What if I had never realized its flaws? Rekindled is basically a love letter to those what ifs, satisfying the feelings I never got to keep with LO, and giving me a reason to count down the hours on Saturday nights again. I'm glad it's made that same impact for others, too <3
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accio-victuuri · 9 months
Bunny laoshi’s 1005 birthday CPNs Part I 🎂
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I am giving it this title cause i’m pretty sure we will have more in the next releases or whatever. So yeah. First, I wanna thank you xiao laoshi for all the shiny presents he gave us for his birthday! we have been so blessed! I mean those photos from XZS? and the biggest CPN of the day which is him featuring the Leica camera we have been screaming about for the past days. Personally, we can skip all of these and that sugar alone is enough. But apparently, there’s more….
I will start with my favorite which is related to the birthday cake he was holding in one of the photos.
The person who designed the cake shared info on their creation. No problem. Anyone would be proud for making a cake for a celebrity like XZ. Yes, it’s camping themed. Which is a recurrent CPN in this fandom since both of them suddenly became camping enthusiasts around the same time.
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This time the customer wanted to make a camping model, so I started looking for some pictures from my colleagues. But because Master Fang doesn’t make other store models, He finally decided to use the scene of Xinjiang grassland then add with other camping accessory of ours~
AND THIS CAKE SHOP IS LOCATED IN HANGZHOU. Who is in HZ? Who frequents HZ? Definitely not ZZ. So who had this commissioned??? I’m sorry but as soon as I heard Hangzhou, what came to mind is WYB. I swear. He is that city’s adopted son or something.
Out of all ZZ’s “hobbies” who would decided let’s do camping. I can only think of Bobo. And the delivery fee is 3k. There is really nothing top expensive when it comes to each other.
Next is how photos were with him holding the Leica. Kind of like how the camera was posted in WYB’s photosets in Paris. They are both showing off. Clearly.
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When you put the bday messages from their studios side by side — it appears that the theme and pattern is the same. 😂😂😂😂
lament about how time flies >> one year role review >> talk about life >> good wishes
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I mean it’s not the most unique format but it’s so cute seeing how similar. even how it’s split in paragraphs.
Tho I have to say wyb’s was very very special. That message made me tear up.
WYB is about to go home, Paris to China and he is wearing Ralph Lauren. Yes, ZZ is endorsing the fragrance but it’s still an interesting choice.
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I am cackling tho cause you can see that WYB was online at midnight! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! It got some people nervous. Will he greet XZ? Will he comments on XZ’s bday post? I mean what’s going on???
Turns out, WYB posted about his experience with the Chanel PFW. This is the perfect time cause he is literally leaving Paris. What’s funny tho are the people commenting. It’s BXGs. Because come on, who’s awake? It’s us. We are awake cause it’s GG’s bday. I took a screenshot, just look at the pfps. I think by the time I publish this post, it will be overtaken by so/os cause one fan club asked other so/os to comment. Lol.
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Some are saying the first words he used to describe the show are actually for ZZ’s photos but i really don’t buy that. and well, he is gonna see the love of his life soon ^^ I really hope they get to spend sometime 1005 or over the weekend 😌😌😌
and well the repost on ZZ’s birthday post on his own weibo is another story too 😂😂😂
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AND SOME LAST WORDS ABOUT ZZ PULLING OFF THIS CAMERA CANDY TODAY. It’s actually a joint effort. Intentional or not, I’m all for it. It goes to show that the way we speculate on things actually make sense and are not too out there. They could easily hide the camera if they want to block all the cpf talk but they didn’t. It was displayed proudly.
It’s one of those things where I think they/their team really listen in on what’s going on in the turtle fandom and they get to decide which ones will be given more fuel or not. Again, their relationship is between them, but imagine them willingly sharing this personal part of their life to us is making me 😭😭😭.
Whether it’s the exact same camera or not. XZS’ posting closed the loop of doubt. It’s not all on WYB’s side, ZZ claimed it too. and that to me is an iron clad cpn. No one can say that “WYB is just trying to feed the cpfs…”. It’s mutual.
It’s a lesson on believing in them. A couple of times this year, I’ve seen people question them. Always throwing tantrums for “lack of candy” and being annoying. Be patient. You will be rewarded if you just wait — appreciate them as people and enjoy the content they put out. It will come to us in time. Trust them. 🤍
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creepylittlelady · 7 months
wait, I don't understand why fanon Masky is so hated?? /genq (I was never really that interested in him tbh so I only know shit about him.)
OKAY, I can answer this one!
I'm happy that the whole fandom turned around on Fanon Masky recently (at least, I believe it must have been recently considering Cheesecake Masky was a thing before I 'left' the fandom), since that version of him is a bit problematic lol
If you've watched Marble Hornets, then you'll know that Masky and Hoody are REALLY scary (seriously, I had nightmares about Masky for absolute weeks), and work against the Operator. However 'fanon' Masky is a loyal employee of Slenderman/The Operator (I'm gonna make a post addressing the differences one day), and isn't really all that scary?? From what I remember, he was mainly joked about as being the 'Sensible one' of the Proxy trio (Him, Hoody and Toby), who was basically the dude always tired of their bullshit. Not only is this the complete opposite of how Masky is, as he would NEVER work FOR his enemy, who literally ruined his life from childhood, but it also sort of flanderised him and no longer made him scary, which is something the Creepypasta fandom tends to do a lot lmao
Another thing is his sudden change of character design. A lot of old Creepypasta fanart depicting him from 2013-2017 show him with lighter brown hair and a yellow jacket, which isn't what he looks like at all?? Actual Masky has much darker hair and I don't think he's ever seen with that ugly ass highlighter coloured jacket.
There's also the complete change in his body type, definitely one of the most controversial things about Fanon Masky. Let me first say that I do not believe that Tim Sutton (Masky's original actor) is fat, I'm not sure WHERE the old Creepypasta fandom got that idea from. Fandom in general, especially the Creepypasta fandom, is quite 'fatphobic' from my experience. What this basically means is that if you're not a skinny twink you will be body shamed in every way possible. The Creepypasta character market has always been oversaturated with men who basically were twinks, with slim and pale bodies, such as Jeff the Killer.
I believe that making Masky so thin came from the fact that when the Creepypasta fandom really took off around 2013-ish, a lot of Creepypasta fans looked for content and eventually I believe that a lot of them must have stumbled across Marble Hornets. Upon seeing Masky and Hoody, two characters that could have passed off as Creepypasta characters (as most of the other characters in Marble Hornets looked like ordinary people), the fandom probably adopted them and adapted them to 'their tastes', no matter how good they were or not. It might have also been a game of telephone too, as maybe a Creepypasta fan's friend of a friend told them some info about Masky and they misunderstood and instead of who Masky actually was, saw him more as the silly goofy masked guy. And to be honest, I don't think the Creepypasta fandom has ever really been known for actually doing their research, so that misconstrued version of him just became canon in everyones minds.
Not that it was always that innocent though...
One titular thing about fanon Masky was his strange love of Cheesecake. I myself saw a lot of it in 2016 sewed into every bit of content for his character, and was confused on where it came from. Then, I found out that it was meant to be a joke SHAMING him for 'being fat'. I originally stumbled across this for the first time in a satire comic, where one of the panels is Hoody chastising Masky for eating cheesecake, stating that Masky will become fat. The cheesecake joke is one I've seen in some fandoms before, albeit in different ways and with different foods. For the life of me I cannot figure out why everyone decided to associate him with Cheesecake, but everyone just did.
Fanon Masky is a perfect example on how fandoms can flanderise characters to the point where they're unrecognisable; pull up a picture of Masky in the Marble Hornets and then a Masky fanart from 2015. The difference is STAGGERING. The Creepypasta fandom is very much infamous for flanderising characters, such as making Jeff a misunderstood bad boy, Toby a waffles-obsessed manchild, and Masky a Slenderman-loving, Crayons and Paper-having, Toby-hating, Cheesecake-eating twink.
TL;DR: Fanon Masky was made as a shitty misconstrued fat joke.
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pterodactylterrace · 2 months
What is your opinion of Rhaenyra as a mother? I constantly see people say that she is the best mother in ASOIAF but in my view ...she is far from it. I think that most of her actions are motivated by selfish ends, they sell her as a progressive and selfless woman for wanting her bastard children as heirs and not judging them by their origin, but the truth is that she is ashamed of theirorigin from there the drastic measures when someone brings it up, the problem is that this truth damages her own claim. She does not care about any inheritance rights other than her own, nor the good of her house, she is usurping through her bastard children all the legitimate Targaryens including her own minor sons who in the book are completely legitimate. Also her half-siblings and her cousins Baela and Rhaena, but what she does is not usurp in TB's eyes... There are also things that I don't understand if she is such a good mother, it doesn't make sense for Joffrey to be alone near the dragons when he was 3 years old, she doesn't react to the death of her little son Viserys, based on the text it seems like she doesn't give a shit, she only sad for Jacaerys. I don't feel that she protected her son Aegon, but rather that her son protected her, even if he was 10. She was organising a feast after Joffrey's appointment as heir when she had already lost several children ...and especially in her last moments she showed that she only cared about her pride by not asking for mercy for the only son she had left (it is always highlighted, this fact,and I think it's a very ugly detail, it's like I only care about you because you're the only thing I have left, you're not part of the sweets boys group). I don't know, in short I see her as too selfish to be considered a good mother.
You are exactly right. Rhaenyra is a very selfish person, and she makes a lot of brainless decisions.
In my eyes, she became a bad mother when she decided to have Luke. She took a chance with Jace, thinking he may look like her and no one would notice they weren’t Laenor’s. Having Jace was a bad decision, but she for some reason felt she needed an heir, and it apparently didn’t matter if they were legitimate or not. When he came out looking like Harwin, she should have stopped, but she pushed her luck, because why stop with just one?
For the record, this was a predicament of her own design. She was given the opportunity to choose her husband. Something most noble women are not given. She ended her match making tour months early, then got caught canoodling with Daemon in a brothel. To save whatever reputation she may have left, she is married to Laenor. Viserys does not know of his sexual preference, and Corlys and Rhaenys never bother telling him. Hell, when Rhaenyra decided she needed an heir to strengthen her claim, she could have just told her father that Laenor is impotent. The King could dissolve the marriage and she could find someone else. Instead, she chose to jeopardize her claim by putting illegitimate children in line for the succession.
Jace asks her point blank if he is a bastard and she doesn’t tell him. Maybe it’s me, but I don’t lie to my kids about big things like that. I was lied to about my parentage, and I still don’t trust my parents when they tell me anything. I also remember asking if I was adopted because things didn’t add up genetically. I was told no. Rhaenyra just tells him he is a Targaryen. Not the question he asked. He knows who is mother is, he is asking about his father.
Her sons lost their biological father and couldn’t even mourn. Meanwhile Rhaenyra is mourning the loss of her lover and Laena (they were friends in the book) by having sex with her creepy uncle at Laena’s funeral. Then she marries her Uncle like nine business seconds after they faked Laenor’s death. By sparing Laenor in the show, the show runners accidentally made her youngest three bastards as well, but at least she got better at hiding it. Everyone thinks the marriage was legit, so no one bats an eye.
Jace brings a blade to ambush whoever “stole” Vhagar. He’s how old? Like eight or something? What parent gives their eight year old a knife? Probably the same one that lets her 3 year old around dragons unsupervised. Castle doors are heavy, and a three year old isn’t going to “sneak” out. He had to be let out to see his dragon, and no adults were with him.
Back to the show, Rhaenyra shoot’s herself in the foot by barking out a story everyone already knows is cap the second she steps in the room. “MY sons were attacked and forced to defend themselves!” Seriously? Bitch, that quiet pause wasn’t everyone being stunned at the turn of events. That’s everyone going “this bitch serious? We already know the gist of it, and that kid is missing an eye.”
Now, no mother is going to let anyone take her kid’s eye. I completely agree on that part, but Luke still had a debt to pay. That debt came with interest. Each year that passed without any justice, the debt grew until it went from an eye to his life and his dragon.
Luke never learned his lesson. We see him giggling at his uncle when a roast pig is placed in front of him. So from permanently disfiguring a child when he was six to mocking the same person he disabled years later. Clearly Rhaenyra’s parenting never improves.
Rhaenyra’s children lack discipline. Just like her, they have no rules to follow and no consequences when they do something wrong. We never see Rhaenyra do any sort of good parenting. She just tells her children the opinions of others doesn’t matter, when it very much does in this universe. People not liking you gets the dragon pit stormed. Regular people killed more dragons than any other dragon has under their belt (save The Cannibal). Just regular humans did that because they were sick of her shit.
Given how horribly they were raised, I’m honestly kind of surprised they live as long as they do.
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blackbackedjackal · 2 months
So to put this in perspective. I was about 5-7 when The Burned Furs was happening. I literally went to see Pokemon: The First Movie IN THEATERS, while this was going on.
By the time I was using the olde internet was about 10 or so. My family had a home computer system with Windows 98 and kept things upgraded over the years due to my dad needing access to "the internet" for work. I was left alone a lot as a kid (busy father/neglectful mother) and this was around the time of "CHECK OUT WWW.POKEMON.COM FOR MORE DETAILS" kind of time of the early internet + advertising. Like I was still using AOL dial-up for a lot of my original internet deep dives. Then, when things like Neopets took off, I was using the computer religiously. I stayed (mostly) on kid-safe spaces, but of course, the internet was, and is, the internet and I eventually branched out. I wanna say I was looking up pictures of Inuyasha to print out and use as art reference, as well as Digimon and Wolf's Rain. I know one of the earliest pieces of furry media was Renamon porn around 2002-2004, as well as a lot of art by Dark Natasha through her website.
At some point around 2005-2006 I stumbled onto VLC. I remember because I saw some furry art by an artist and really liked his style and was emulating it for a bit. At this time, furry art was still ruled by many people emulating Animalympics (which I only knew of because my family owned one of the first official releases of the VHS copies), as well as Osamu Tezuka's deep stylistic influence on the furry community in the 80-90s. The Disney influence from TLK hadn't fully seeped into the community at that point, and, being a little anime kid, I was genuinely fascinated with the art style. One of the first pieces of art I posted online was something I drew inspired by some furry fox art I saw on VLC, but then hyperfixated more into the general "I wanna draw a cool edgy anime wolf" kind of thing.
My first OC, Jade Shadowblood (lol) I made when I was about 9-10. I still own the sketchbook where I first drew her. This was sometime around 2001-2002. She was an Inuyasha self-insert character and intended to be "me" if I was in Inuyasha. I always refereed to her as "this is me if I was a wolf demon" to my friends at the time when I showed them my art in elementary school. I got the idea to make more "wolf demons" of my friends when they asked me if I could draw them as wolves at school. I took a lot of design inspo from Neopets/Neopets Adoptables at the time, and a lot of my original OCs were in fact, based off of kids who were my friends at the time (I have all of these original pieces still saved to this day).
Anyway, I joined DeviantArt in 2006 when I was 12-13 under the handle ShroudofShadows. I heard the name on Xiolin Showdown and thought it sounded cool for an internet username. This was my first real venture into social media. I scanned in and posted some of my old art, and continued making art inspired by Inuyasha, Wolf's Rain, Neopets, etc. It wasn't until about 2007 or so when I shared Jade on DA that one of my friends asked me "is this your fursona?" and I was like "what's a fursona?" and well, here we are I guess?
My first webcomic was started at this time, I found out about other people making wolf comics with their characters and I was like "I wanna do that too". The OG Wolf Song was heavily inspired by Inuyasha/Wolf's Rain, but because I also liked Don Bluth, an inspiration Kay Fedewa also used for her art, I got lumped in as "copying" Kay Fedewa because our styles were similar.
Kay got started with The Blackblood Alliance around the same time I did, and did influence about 5 or so of the original pages. Even though I knew my characters and plot were different and eventually would deviate from looking similar to her art, I just leaned into it since people were accusing me of copying her when we just happened to be posting around the same time. I had no idea who she was prior to people comparing me to her.
Wolf Song, ran for several years, but due to being bullies by TheRoguez/RayJ and her band fo merry fuckwads who made it their goal to "remove" wolf comics off of deviantart (the great sparkledog cleanse) and people like MirrorZan and BlueShineWolf having some very public drama in the wolf comic community, I eventually stopped working on my comic to do a big re-write. I wanted to FINALLY get out from under the "oh you're just copying these people" bullshit because I was like "I literally don't know who this is until you name dropped them". I stayed in my lane with Wolf Song and didn't branch out too much to other wolf comic artists since we were all getting harassed at this point. I didn't really know who to trust outside of the friends I had made in my early DA days.
By 17, I was applying for colleges and didn't have time to work on Wolf Song anymore. This was also around the time the other Wolf Song, the one on youtube, began taking off more and my comic was buried under the popularity. I figured "eh ok" and dropped the project while focusing on school.
I never felt like I really fit in with any one place/group. I had my own space and the fans of my comic which made me happy, so I avoided social media/fandom stuff for a few years. I was always on the fringes of the furry fandom, but due to coming across some really racist proboards forums about the furry fandom when I finally looked into it and saw "N*ggers can't be furry/therian/otherkin", I was like "ok fuck you too" and never wanted to participate in the fandom.
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mask-of-prime · 9 months
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TLG: As You Move Forward
So I went a few months thinking about how I'd forgotten to include Makini to my past depictions of Kion's Guard as adults (1, 2), so I decided to celebrate the 4th anniversary (albeit 2 days late :p) of the Journey of Memories episode by finally showing off the adult design I have for her!
Because I'm still salty about TLG's last-minute decision in making Makini the Mjuzi of the Night Pride instead of Kiara's bestie like Season 2 hyped her up to be, I made a compromise by headcanoning that she frequently journeys back-and-forth between the Pridelands and the Tree of Life, especially when she's called over by each land for a ceremony of some kind.
Design Process:
To avoid making her look too much like a clone of her mother Fikiri, I figured that Makini would develop her dad Kitendo's features as she grew older (I think she's about 20-something in this image). It's kind of a thing for TLG to erroneously depict animals without their distinct sexual dimorphism (see: Mbuni the ostrich), but this time, I felt like embracing Makini's unusual bright colors for a female mandrill and make her look a little androgynous. I feel like it would fit her role as a Mjuzi for some reason lol
I figured the Bakora Staff she received at the Tree of Life would be her last new one as she's since learned to keep better track of it. I like to think that it symbolizes not only growth and learning, but it coming from the Tree of Life symbolizing that her true place is there.
In all that time she's owned it, being the crafty artist she is, she's put years of customization and souvenirs from her back-and-forth Pridelands/Tree of Life adventures into her decorating her staff, selecting just about every pretty flower and naturally-occurring bead she saw. I mainly sought out the idea of people bedazzling their canes for reference, she seems like the type to do that, making just about anything she owns pretty lol
Drawing Process:
ngl I got to work on this very much like that episode where Makini procrastinated on getting started on her portrait of Simba's family. I just, like... really struggled with the composition until I was hit with sudden inspiration to just go wherever my hand took me.
I grabbed a thumbnail sketch of my adult Makini design that I was the most happy with and rendered it digitally and was happy that it got me somewhere... then I ran into the background that I didn't put any thought into.
Because of the cropping and composition I already had going on with Makini's standalone model, it was very hard to come up with something she could be surrounded by, until I decided to insert some headcanons about a certain new TLG-related short Disney released. Basically: I headcanon Makini made those Circle of Life paintings that Kion shows to those younger cubs as I think the style they used in those paintings looks WAY different from Rafiki's (I mean the whole video looks different from the whole TLK art style). You can't tell me those purple pigments and cutesy flowers aren't something Makini would draw everywhere lol
Sources of Inspiration:
Sadly not pictured due to the angle and cropping is the headcanon that she paints her nails all the time, and she's always trying different color combos basically every week lol. I adopted that headcanon from iceflowerglow, who depicts Makini with painted nails in their comic "Shining Above Your Head". Other artists I drew inspiration from were Vtoony's "TLG: Kion's Guard" and tango_fizz.le's "Where'd all the time go?" when it came to designing her fully-developed mane.
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delusionalvenusian · 11 months
The Long Con, Pt. 1
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Pairing: Max Burnett x Fem!Reader (no use of y/n, reader eventually has a nickname)
Summary: Max, having parted ways with Madeline, still can't let go of his lust for a lavish life. He now finds himself at upscale hotel bars scouting out wealthy widows and divorcees to bed and steal from to keep afloat while he cooks up his first big solo con. What seems like a business-as-usual one night stand could just end up being his perfect long con. Or hers.
Warnings: 18+ only, smuuuuuuuuuut (pretty much right off the bat, but there is a plot in there somewhere), oral, unprotected p in v, swearing, drinking, kissing, dubcon (sorta), kinda subby Max, Max and reader are both little assholes
Word count: ~4k
a/n: Hellooooooo! I don't really know what the market is for this kind of thing since I've been out of the fanfic writing world for over a decade now, but I've had this little story brewing in my head since watching Sharper when it was first released and finally started putting it into words and feeling courageous enough to publish it somewhere on the off chance someone will enjoy it. This will be a few parts, but I'm not exactly sure how many at this point. Anyway, I so hope you enjoy this if you stumble upon it and give it a shot. :)
Max swirled the whiskey in his glass as he leaned coolly against the bar, scanning the dim Manhattan establishment for what felt like the hundredth time, trying to locate his next mark.
With what he’d heard about the clientele here, he had expected the evening to go much smoother—get in, find a desperate 50-something to leave with, pocket some cash and blank checks after fucking her to sleep, repeat—but, after an hour or so of misses, he was ready to call it a night. Weekday evenings were usually perfect for this little game he’d adopted to pass the time while he figured out his next big solo move since breaking from Madeline. The too-young girls looking for rich old men weren’t out until the weekend, and the mature divorcees were out scouting for their next fling, more than happy to accept his attention. But tonight was a quiet one, and he was growing more frustrated with each dud he spotted. Downing the rest of the amber liquid, he slammed the glass down on the bar and moved to head for the door.
“Easy there!” He heard from behind. He turned quickly to study the source of the honeyed voice. “Excuse me,” she asked, effortlessly getting the bartender’s attention as soon as she stepped up to the bar.  “Could I get a vodka tonic, extra lime, and keep them coming, please? Actually, go ahead and make that a double.” She smiled softly at the bartender’s confirming nod and spun to face the crowd of patrons as she waited for her drink. Her gaze shifted lazily around the room, meeting Max’s eyes as he sized her up. “See something you like?”
She was perfect. Younger than his usual target, but old enough to have the resources he needed. Her glossy blown out hair and subtle designer label ensemble screamed trust fund baby. Her drink order suggested she was ready to loosen up for the evening, and she was at least regular enough here that she didn’t have to give a card for a tab. No ring on her finger. Cool demeanor. And she was much easier on the eyes than the women he had suffered the last few months to get by. Perfect.
“Absolutely,” he replied, pulling his most seductive smirk.
She chuckled amusedly, cocking her brow. “Forward.”
Max sidled back up to the bar to settle next to his prey, gesturing to the bartender for another. “Let me buy you a drink?”
“Not wasting any time, are we?” She took a sip of her cocktail as soon as it reached her hand. “No introductions, just right down to business. I respect that.”
“No, unh-unh,” she interrupted with a fluid wave of her hand, “I don’t care. We’ve both got the same motive, so let’s just skip the unnecessary bullshit. Trust me, it’s so much more fun with no names.”
Max could hear the jackpot jingle ring in his brain as he registered her words. Beyond perfect. He wouldn’t even have to bother with creating an identity for the night or convincing her to take him home. Admittedly, it did suck some of the fun out of his scheme, but he wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth. He clinked his glass against hers in enthusiastic agreement.
“Great. I’ve got this one, so next one’s on you.” She downed a few gulps of her drink and gave him a slow once over. “Not bad. I usually only catch old pervs here.”
Max snickered. “Glad to hear I don’t look like a perv.”
“You don’t look like an old perv,” she corrected.
“So then tell me what I look like,” Max prompted as he softly ran his knuckles up her bicep from elbow to shoulder, twisting her hair around his finger.
She studied his features for another moment through narrowed eyes before responding. “Attractive. New money. Arrogant, for sure. Devious— you’ve got that glint in your eye, I see it. And here tonight, so definitely a perv.”
“You’re here tonight, what does that make you?”
She smiled up at him teasingly. “You’ll just have to come back to my room and find out, I guess.”
The walk from the bar, through the hotel lobby, and to the elevator was a short one, and Max couldn’t have been more thankful. The flowing liquor and flirtatious banter coupled with the anticipation of his scheme playing out successfully had his excitement at peak. The attraction certainly didn’t hurt either. It had been months since he found himself entangled with someone he felt legitimate physical desire for—not that that mattered to him in the end so long as he left with his pockets satisfactorily lined, but it was a welcome change.
She kept her hands to herself as she led Max to the elevators, unable to leave behind the strict societal manners she was raised on and give in to her temptation to grab him and take him in the nearest secluded corner. It had been months since she’d had a good lay, and Max’s assertive air had her convinced that he’d be the one to break that depressing trend. Impatient and aroused as ever, she fought not to drum her fingers or tap her foot waiting for the elevator to finish its slow descent, not wanting to drop her poised façade and let Max see how desperate she was to be alone with him, to touch him, to taste him. She let out a silent breath in relief as the doors finally parted, quickly fishing a key out and stepping in.
Max’s eyes lit up watching her insert the key and press the accompanying “P” button. Penthouse. His cock jumped in exhilaration, and suddenly his hands were on her as the elevator doors closed. The touch of his hands on her waist and his soft breath on her neck threatened to break her and make her go feral. She fought her urge to whip around, grab his hair roughly, and pull his lips to meet hers—her resolve to appear as composed as possible still strong. As Max wound himself around her like the snake he was, pressing his body to hers and peppering lazy kisses along her throat, she counted down the seconds until the elevator stopped at her floor.
Stepping out of the claustrophobic box into the airy suite instantly flipped the switch on her demeanor. The freedom of absolute privacy from the outside world washed over her and she suddenly found herself unreservedly overtaken by the lust that had been simmering within her, pulling Max out of the elevator by the lapel of his jacket. Greedy lips collided while hands caressed skin and pulled hair. Neither wanting to waste another second, they clumsily made their way through the bedroom doorway, quickly discarding the last of each other’s clothing.
Max continued backing her toward the plush bed as she nipped and sucked at his neck. The groan he let out at her teeth grazing his skin told her he liked a little dominance. When the backs of her knees met the side of the bed she disconnected from him, looking into his eyes through her long lashes and shaking her head as she rounded on him and shoved him down instead. Max grinned devilishly as she straddled him and roughly reclaimed his lips.
“Touch me,” she said breathily between sloppy kisses, guiding his right hand from her hair at the nape of her neck down to her aching core.
“Right down to business. I respect that,” Max said, teasingly repeating her words from earlier that evening. Without hesitation, he inserted two digits, eliciting a deep moan from her right into his mouth. “So wet for me.” He gathered her slick and languidly drew out his fingers to tightly circle her swollen clit.
The sob she let out was nearly animal as he applied just the right amount of pressure but kept his movement frustratingly slow. “Fuck,” she keened, “faster.”
Max bit her bottom lip and quickened his pace ever so slightly. “’Atta girl, tell me what to do.”
She slid a hand down his chest and abdomen, grasping his firm cock, and quickly jerked his head back by the hair with the other to look him in his dilated eyes. “Make me cum and you can have whatever you want,” she promised as she stroked him so softly that he physically ached for more.
He tried to hide the breath that caught in his throat and laid back on his elbows. “Get up here,” he said, grabbing the backs of her thighs and pulling her toward his face. She laughed sensually as she shuffled her way up his torso. He greeted her throbbing bundle of nerves with a smooth lap of his tongue and hooked his arms around each thigh to draw her down until she was sat on him completely. He teased her no longer, tasting her sweetness deeply and sucking her clit, immediately turning her into a whimpering mess.
“Fuck, yes. Just like that, don’t stop.” Her cries of satisfaction and writhing on Max’s skilled tongue elicited his own moans and had him bucking his hips in anticipation of burying himself deep inside her wet heat. “Yes! Right there, right there” she chanted. Max increased the pace of his massage and shook his head, sucking her in impossibly deeper, his encouraging moans sending vibrations through her body and overstimulating her. She couldn’t form words any longer as the growing knot in her stomach came undone and she convulsed, crying out the god she did or didn’t believe in and releasing her orgasm into Max’s welcoming mouth.
Max—ever the proud lover—didn’t stop until she’d nearly collapsed. He finally freed her tender clit when she pulled his hair so hard it threatened to rip out at the root. Despite her promise, she didn’t wait for Max’s direction before taking her next steps, needing him inside of her as soon as humanly possible. She slithered down his body until her wanting core hovered just above his painfully hard cock. Before she could grip him herself, Max grabbed her roughly by the hip to hold her steady as he lined himself up and ran his leaking tip through her soaked folds. They moaned in unison while he repeated his movements once, twice, three times, until he abruptly thrust up into her. He bottomed out, sheathing her completely, and gave her a moment to adjust to his size.
Without a word, she ran a hand up his chiseled abdomen and placed it on his chest for leverage as she began to slowly rise up off of him. She stopped as the head of his dick reached her entrance, just before it could fall out, and sank back down as slowly as she had risen. Max threw his head back into the mattress, eyes rolled far back in his head, and cried out in ecstasy. She lifted herself again, reiterating her slow descent and moaned proudly at the sight of Max’s nods of pleasure. “You like that, huh, baby,” she cooed.
“Mhmm,” Max nodded again.
“Use your words. Tell me what you want,” she said, continuing to lazily ride him, drawing out each lift and descent.
Max grunted as her cervix bumped his sensitive tip once more. “Need you to ride me,” he said. “So fucking tight and wet for me. Bounce on my cock.” He gave her no chance to quicken her pace herself. He took hold of her ass cheeks brusquely, spreading them slightly, and guiding her down hard over his length, meeting her in the middle with a thrust.
She didn’t protest, giving up control and allowing Max to set his desired pace. It was fast and raucous by this point as Max’s need for release had steadily built up in the act of giving pleasure.
 “God, you’re so fucking good,” she sighed out through a hazy, cock-drunk smile.
Max practically growled at the praise, tightening his grip to hold her in place and giving her everything he had. The bottom of his spine was starting to tingle and his need to cum was taking over.
She intuited the meaning of his increased intensity and woke slightly from her sex-induced fog as she remembered they hadn’t used a condom. “Shit, wait,” she exclaimed. “You can’t cum inside me, you have to pull out.”
“But you feel so fucking good,” he said without really processing the bigger picture. She was right, of course, and had he been in his right mind he would have agreed in an instant.
“Please,” she said through her moans. “Fuck me on my back. I want you to cum all over me.”
The sound of her begging and the thought of her with her legs spread for him, covered in his cum, got his full attention. He flipped them over and kept his rhythm, throwing her legs over his shoulders and hitting even deeper now than before. He watched himself fill her over and over as she writhed beneath him and grabbed at whatever she could get her hands on. The tingling at the base of his spine formed again and his hips jerked erratically. “I’m gonna cum. Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” he let out through gritted teeth. He pulled out just in time and she quickly grabbed his shaft, pumping him fervently and letting his ropes of cum spread across her stomach and chest.
Max stayed hovered over her for a moment while he caught his breath, eventually flopping over next to her. As he recovered, she raised herself onto her elbows, surveying the mess they’d painted onto her body together, giggling in her pleasured, post-coital daze. “I’ll clean this up in a minute,” she muttered, collapsing back down with a smile and closing her eyes.
Max slowly left the bed, careful not to wake the sleeping beauty next to him. She was gorgeous, and she’d been the best fuck he’d had in quite some time, but he had a job to do. Somewhere in the well-decorated penthouse was the money he’d come for. He had no trouble finding and pocketing the cash in her purse that she’d so carelessly left right by the elevator, but $1,500 wasn’t going to get him far—he needed the trust checks. Based on the state of the place, it was clear she had taken up permanent residence there. As stealthily as he could, he tore the place apart searching for the coveted checkbook, growing more and more irritated as he continued to find nothing.
Time passed quickly, and he found himself scavenging through her purse yet again. Knowing nothing was likely to magically appear, he decided to take a moment to study the contents of her wallet. He pulled out her ID card, finally putting a name to the face. He smiled to himself when he read her last name, recognizing it instantly and feeling pride in his ability to successfully spot old money types in a crowd. He was still silently patting himself on the back when the sound of a throat clearing behind him broke the early morning silence he’d been working in. Fuck.
“You’re robbing me,” she asked flatly, seemingly unsurprised. “Pathetic.”
Max chuckled darkly, dropping the charm he’d laid on mere hours ago. “You let a nameless stranger fuck you raw and spend the night in your pretty little penthouse suite. Yeah, I’m pathetic.”
“Oh, please.” She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest as he approached her, ID still clutched in his fingers.
“What’ll you tell daddy when your money’s all gone,” he taunted, brushing a featherlight knuckle across her cheekbone. He was taken aback as she broke into laughter instead of starting to break under his touch like he expected.
“’What’ll you tell daddy when your money’s all gone,’” she mimicked through her laughter. “Man, you are funny. See, for you take all my money, I’d have to have it first, you fucking idiot.”
Max’s eyes widened. Admittedly he hadn’t inquired about her age, trusting that she looked old enough to be an adult, and he hadn’t checked her date of birth on her ID for lack of interest. She stared him down, enjoying seeing the wheels furiously spinning in his head.
“Calm down, I’m not even close to a child,” she assured him. “Daddy is just a misogynist.” Max’s expression turned from alarm to confusion. “We’ll get to that in a second. First, your name.”
“Fuck off,” Max said.
She scoffed sarcastically. “Well, that’s not very nice. It’s only fair now that you know who I am, and you’re trying to take me for everything I’ve got.” She waited a moment, but Max stayed silent. “Ah, come on. You tell me your name, and I won’t have your kneecaps shot out by daddy’s friends.”
Max’s eyes darted toward the window as if he’d be able to see in the flesh the burly henchmen he was now imagining. He’d never been in this position before and he couldn’t confidently call her bluff—how else do these old money types keep their money and connections but through brute force? He resigned with a sigh. “Max.”
“Max,” she repeated. “I’d say nice to meet you, but—well, you get it. Anyway, Max, you can call me Doe.”
Max sneered. “Dough? Like money? The jokes really wri—”
“No,” she interjected. “Doe, D-O-E, like a deer. For my eyes.”
Max snorted derisively. “Okay, Doe.”
“Oh, shut up,” she snapped. “Anyway, misogyny. You know what that word means, right? Maybe a big one for someone of your… station.”
“My station? God, you fucking people. Yes, I know what misogyny means.”
Doe nodded, smiling up at him in jest. “Impressive. See, daddy does have me set up with a trust—you’re right about that. The problem is, daddy doesn’t think women can handle millions, let alone billions of dollars, no matter how old we are or how much education we have or how long we work our asses off to prove ourselves. So, daddy set my trust up with one stipulation: I get married, I get the money.” Max raised a brow as he took in her predicament. “Right? You see my problem, then.”
Max shook his head as if to clear it. “Wait, so you have a billion-fucking-dollar trust waiting for you—billion with a ‘b’—and you won’t just do what you have to do to get it?”
“No, I will not,” she exclaimed, disgusted at the notion of even considering it. “Not in his way, anyway.”
“The will,” Max said, seemingly connecting the dots. “You think he’s leaving it all to you? He won’t let you touch your own trust and you think he’s leaving his entire empire to you?”
Doe glowered at him. She had thought that a possibility at one time, of course, but had long since admitted to herself that he would never entrust her with the family fortune. She’d even hoped that he would at least leave her enough by her standards, but that wasn’t going to happen either. Deep down, Doe wasn’t much different from Max. She wanted her money, she wanted all the money, and the thought of losing the luxurious life she’d grown accustomed to all her life made her sick. She wasn’t cut out for a boring, regular life. And, thus, she found herself here.
“Fuck you,” she retorted. “No, not the will—I’m not a fool. I have a plan, and that’s where you come in.”
Max stared at her in silent confusion.
“Please don’t drool on my floor,” Doe teased, patting his slack jaw. “Here, let me spell it out for you. I went down to the bar last night to hunt, just like you. I’ve been scouting and, like I said, only finding old pervs. Do you have any idea what it’s like to be face to face with a 70-year-old man’s flaccid penis while you wait for the blue pill to kick in? Not worth the fucking money. I physically could not do it anymore. Anyway, I pivoted to the leeches—at least you’re hot, ya know?”
“Yes, leeches. You look for money, that’s all you want, and you’ll bleed it from any woman who has it and is charitable enough to look past the Brooks Brothers sale rack suit and take you home,” Doe continued. “Call me altruistic—I scoped you out, caught you in your most desperate moment when you were just about to throw in the towel, and reeled you right in. I’ll admit I wasn’t sure how it would turn out at first, but you’re a fantastic lay.”
“Truly pathetic,” Max muttered.
“Aw, Maxy, don’t be mad,” Doe tutted, running a hand through his sleek hair. “Really, you were so talented even just as a quickie. And then, even better than I expected, I woke up for a little morning round two only to find you trying to burgle me. I mean, truly, what a perfect set up.”
“You’re pitiful,” Max spat, trying to gain some control over the unforeseen situation he now found himself in. “And the saddest part is how easy it all could’ve been. Look at you. You’re beautiful, smart, you could cut practically any man down with that fucking mouth of yours, good in bed, and fucking loaded. You could pull any sucker out there and live happily ever after. Hell, just pick one, get married, get the money, then divorce him.”
“Just good in bed? Not even great?” Max blustered in annoyance at her quips. “Don’t get huffy with me. Anyway, you just laid out the whole plan.” She paused, waiting for it to click for him.
Max’s expression quickly shifted from annoyance to an amused smirk. “I’m the sucker, huh?”
“Now you’re getting it,” Doe smiled back.
“No,” Max said, dropping the smirk in in instant. “Absolutely fucking not.”
Doe laughed sweetly. “Oh, but you are. I wasn’t kidding about the kneecaps.”
Max stepped away from her, pointing an angry finger in her face. “You’re a fucking psychopath. I’m not fucking marrying you.”
Doe rolled her eyes at Max’s aggravation. “Chill out, you’ll get your cut.”
That got Max’s attention. “My cut?” He could feel his frustration diffusing from a boil to a simmer.
“Of course,” Doe said. “What, you didn’t think I’d leave you high and dry, did you? I’m not a monster, like you.” She teased, sidling her way back into his space, gently caressing his chest. “I told you last night, make me cum and you can have whatever you want. You kept up your end of the bargain and I plan to keep mine. We’ll just get married, get the money, split it, and we can go our separate ways. We’ll be set for life—do whatever we want. Billions with a ‘b,’ remember?”
Doe’s soft touch and devious mind coupled with the thought of money the likes of which Max couldn’t fully comprehend had his cock twitching in his briefs. It was extreme—far beyond anything he’d ever planned—but he couldn’t deny it was genius. He’d striven to not be tied to another person in his game again after working with Madeline for so long, ultimately becoming completely unable to trust her as a partner, but this allowed him a freedom to walk away that he’d never had before so long as Doe kept her word. And even if she didn’t, the marriage would grant him access to the funds whether she liked it or not. He had nothing to lose.
Doe placed a delicate kiss on his neck. “So? What do you say,” she asked, pulling him out of his contemplative trance. “60/40?”
Max smiled widely, cupping either side of Doe’s face and, just like the night before, led her backward into the dimly lit bedroom. “Billions with a fucking ‘b,’” he shouted excitedly and captured her mouth in a heated kiss. Doe would get her money and her morning round two.
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minecraftbookshelf · 10 months
heeebeedeebs ok, so, any headcanons for the marriage of state au on like....uh.... heh.... burial customs? for like... the cod alliance?
(also maybe also wither rose toooooo????)
So I actually hadn't thought about this yet which is why it took me a couple of days to answer, i had to poke at it a bit. So now I do have thoughts!
This might get a little bit gruesome, along the lines of frank discussions of dead bodies and disposal thereof.
Cod Alliance
The Swamp being...swampy, it doesn't lend itself to burial very well. The honored dead are burned (dry wood is a valuable resource) and the dishonored dead are basically dumped in a specific corner of the swamp very heavily populated with Things That Eat People. (Mostly Catfish and Alligators, this is an American South swamp/bayou biome in my heart, which does, unfortunately, mean they have mosquitoes) They also have wakes, like full party mode, music and alcohol and stories of the deceased. They were also an occupied territory for several centuries, with very few resources left to them, community support in time of bereavement is very important. Especially in situations where the deceased supported a family.
The Ocean Empire buries at sea. The dead are weighted down and taken to the Deep Ocean and dropped there. Think whale fall. They are a bit more solemn about their rituals than The Swamp but there are several similarities. They have an appointed grieving period of two weeks, during which the loved ones of the deceased are sequestered.
Mezaleans build mausoleums. Their dead are burned and the ashes interred with their families or, for an honored few, mostly royals who provided exceptional service to their people, beneath the Mother Tree. There is also a public mausoleum in each city for those without families, though those people are few, as Mezaleans engage in liberal social adoption. Most people find themselves quietly absorbed into some sort of family unit before they have been alone too long (but that is a whole nother post). They also tend to build memorials, ranging from small potted gardens of favorite flowers to full, larger-than-life statues. They don't believe in reincarnation so much as in redistribution of energy and preservation of memory.
Pixandria, for somewhat obvious reasons, has a very unique relationship with death (and also Death). They also have a party, celebrating the passage from life to death, though theirs is less focused on memories of the past than the Swamp and more on congratulating the dead on their migration to the next stage of existence. Every death celebration includes a seat at the table for Death herself, that is kept liberally supplied with food and alcohol at all stages of the festivities. They bury their dead, and quickly, since corpses don't keep long in the desert. Priests and royals are buried in catacombs beneath the Anthill while everyone else is buried in one of a few designated locations in the desert. (The party does not start until everyone is safely back in the oasis or Anthill, as travelling drunk through the desert is a good way to end up having to repeat the entire event again very shortly, and while they do not fear death, they do also value life.)
Wither Rose Alliance
Mythland also buries their dead. I haven't thought too much about the details but the primary religion of the region is a blood cult so there is definitely something done with the blood of the deceased. It's drained from the body and they use it for some sort of memorial ritual. These are not open to outsiders and are usually closed affairs involving only the family and close friends of the deceased and a single priest of the blood sheep.
The Crystal Cliffs, as an empire made up in no small part of people who are direct transplants from other empires, do their best to honor the cultural practices of the deceased. If not, they practice a form of sky burial, as the sheer stone cliffs don't offer a lot of burial opportunities and they territory is too small for it to be practical. The native population consider dead bodies functionally as waste matter, no longer important once it is no longer inhabited by a living soul. It's just a matter of practical disposal. Though as stated, they will go to great lengths to respect the wishes of the dead regarding the disposal of their bodies, including transporting them all the way to Pixandria if necessary.
The Grimlands also bury their dead. (You can see some similarities here, in this alliance.) They have a couple of different regional variations, but they do bury their dead. If the deceased died of illness or redstone poisoning they are burned, to avoid contaminating the land or the living. They usually have a memorial service, and immediate relatives are expected to undergo a grieving schedule not unlike the Ocean. (This probably came from the salmon hybrid population)
Gilded Helianthia, like their primary allies, buries their dead but they do so fully communally, and without any kind of coffins or excess wrappings. Where you are buried depends entirely on when you die. Bodies are left in the ground for five years, to allow full decomposition of all tissues, then the bones are exhumed and burned and the ashes scattered over the ground they were buried in. Once a zone has been completely exhumed, it is converted into farmland. This is one of the ways they rotate their croplands and maintain soil health.
Rivendell has a couple of different burial traditions, depending on how high in the mountains you are. They have a relatively small population, and their birth and death rates are such that it remains fairly steady. Which is to say, both death and birth are fairly rare, when nature is allowed to run its course. (This does mean that things such as war, famine, and sickness can be devastating for them, as it can be very difficult to recoup the population loss) Death is a solemn affair, funeral rites take place over the course of at least a week, and the body is displayed for a significant portion of that. The cold climates of the mountain allow for that. Afterwards the body is burned and the ashes either scattered from a high peak, or into the river, depending on where the deceased lived. This releases the soul for reincarnation, and to deny this to someone is a very serious statement. Mourning periods vary from 1-10 years, depending on relationship with the deceased, age of the mourner, age of the deceased, and several other factors. The grieving are monitored carefully for signs of Fading during this time.
The Lost Empire has four different distinct burial traditions, equating to the four elements their culture is based around. Pyre, burial, sky burial (done from the tree-tops), and water burial. The rulers are buried on a rotation. (Joey is scheduled to be burned after death, and he maintains this is incredibly romantic given Xornoth's own elemental powers. Xornoth thinks he's weird.)
Everyone Else
It's literally just the Overgrown and Undergrove left at this point so might as well XD
The Overgrown, being fae, and having a very strong nature alignment, return their bodies to the Spring. Fae bodies also, to put it bluntly, decompose very, very quickly. Almost dissolving over the course of a day or so. Burial is swift and flowers are planted to memorialize the deceased.
The Undergrove does not currently have a population beyond Shrub themself, but the gnomes were/are fungal farmers and had very practical views on the burial of bodies, not dissimilar to those of Gilded Helianthia.
AU Masterpost
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callmelinamfsnow · 2 years
Four Days Later
Warnings: (Kind of) spoilers for TUA S3 Word Count; 2,100+
Five Hargreeves x Reader
Summary: Five figures out how to get a phone and makes it his mission to make you smile and blush to death before your date. Ch. 1: “How Old Are You?” Ch. 2: The Beginning of The Date
A/N:This story ended up getting way too long so I’m just making their date another part. This is also like 25% texts.
“Hi is this (Y/N)?”
“Yes, who’s this?”
“It’s Five from the diner”
“Oh I was wondering when you were going to text me.
Thought you’d just conned me out of my money and ran”
“I’d be an idiot to do that”
(Y/N) smiled at that text, biting her lip as she thought of something to reply. It’d been four of five days since the day at the Diner, and each day both of them grew a bit more anxious to talk to the other. Five felt like he was going to go crazy.
He’d discovered some keys in his coat pocket when he left the Diner which led him to a small townhouse walking distance from there. He got lucky that he got there just as it had started to rain.
‘I wonder if she likes the rain’
He took off his suit jacket and put it on the hook behind the door. Slowly making his way through the home, taking in the plain design and simple furniture. The kitchen was clean. A few pieces of fruit in a fruit bowl on the counter along with a coffee maker and a small coffee station.
He unbuttoned his vest as he made his way to the upstairs, passing by an open bathroom before walking into the master bedroom. Slipping his vest off he let out a “huh” and dropped it onto the bed, going to undo his tie next. The room seemed bigger than it really was. Maybe it was the plain white walls with no decorations. He had nightstands on either side of his bed. A tall dresser next to his door. A small chair in the corner of his room with a simple lamp next to it.
He dropped his tie on the bed and went to take off his shirt next as he walked into the bathroom. “Holy shit” he mumbled as he got a good look. The shower with the deep tub took up most of the room, but he didn’t complain. Who needs all that space to take a shit? He opened one door that led to a small space for the toilet, losing interest and closing it quickly. He opened the other on the wall next to it that led to his closet, just as he finished taking off his shirt. His wardrobe matched the house. Plain. Simple.
“Well at least it’s not a school boy uniform” he sighed and dropped his shirt in the hamper, exiting through the doors that led back to his bedroom.
Now that he didn't have to worry about being homeless he could focus on figuring out if he had a job, and if not how to get one so he could get a phone to talk to (Y/N). Four days later he managed to secure a job and use the cash he found in his home to get a phone and plan. Now he was finally able to talk to her again.
"So how have you been since we last saw each other?"
She stared at the text and contemplated what all to say. In reality, everything was great until yesterday which is why she had been so relieved to have her self-deprecating thoughts proved wrong when Five finally messaged her.
"Eh. I've been better, but I'm happy to finally hear from you :)"
"Well, I'm happy to hear that I made you happy.
What's wrong?"
Five furrowed his brows as he read the "I've been better" over again. He didn't like the thought of her having a bad day.
"I'm just tired from being responsible and dealing with family"
"I can empathize with the latter
Do you have any siblings?"
"Yeah I have two older sisters, you?"
"I have six adopted siblings
I'm also adopted"
"Wow, you just get more and more interesting huh?"
"Guess so
I'd love to tell you more of my interesting facts over some coffee or dinner maybe. When are you free?"
"Sounds like fun
I can do Thursday or Friday"
The sooner the better
Want to see that pretty smile as soon as possible"
My goddess, he was making her smile so much her face was going to start hurting soon.
"Well, Thursday it is (:
So which one do you want to do?"
"Whichever you're more comfortable with"
"Coffee sounds good
What time?"
You chose the place"
"Noon is good for me and okay let me think of somewhere cute and I'll send you the address"
"Starbucks doesn't make the cut?"
"I'd like to see if I can think of any other better options than a crowded, loud Starbucks"
She giggled as she sent the last text, biting her lip as she thought of a place for their date. Granted Starbucks wouldn't be the worst place to do it, but an alternative with more privacy and a cuter environment sounded more appropriate. There were a couple of places that came to mind, but one was a bit pricey and the other was a bit far.
“Don’t stress about it too much. I’m fine with a cup of coffee and you.”
“Fuuuuuck me” she groaned as she read the text, placing her hand against the wall and dropping her head. (Y/N) stayed like that for a minute before breaking into a little happy dance/sway. “Oooo I hope this shit doesn’t go South” she sighed, a giant smile on her face as she wrote her reply.
“Might make you prove it and choose a shitty place on purpose”
“Well that’d sure make an interesting first date
Would you mind if we paused so I could go shower?”
“Yeah of course
I can figure out where we’ll go while you’re in there”
“Alright I’ll be back in a jiff”
Five had actually been standing in his bathroom in nothing but his boxers ready to turn on the water for a while, but he couldn’t bring himself to pause the conversation. He sighed as he turned the water on and slipped out of his boxers. He hadn’t been lying when he said all he needed was a cup of coffee and you. He was a simple man, whose only interest was to get to know you better and maybe (hopefully) see you again.
Once the water was warm enough he got in, sighing in contentment as he felt it hit him. He hadn’t exactly been able to have a nice shower for the past month considering he was saving the world and the hotel showers’ were shit. But his, his had a detachable shower head with four different settings, all of which brought him utter joy. Although he was supposed to be taking a relaxing shower, he couldn’t help but rush to resume talking to her.
Meanwhile (Y/N) had been trying her best to distract herself from waiting for his text. Deciding to help herself to some ice cream as she thought of a place to go to. She scrunched her nose up and groaned, annoyed at how much she was overthinking things, and switched back to her texts reading his over again. All he wanted was her and some good coffee. Plain and simple. “Okay, okay stop fucking with yourself and just pick” she muttered to herself before eating another spoon of ice cream. Her phone got placed on the counter while she cleaned up, finally able to distract herself.
Five let out a breath as he got out of the shower and put his towel on. He didn’t hesitate in opening his phone, reading your reply of “Have fun” and cracking a small confused smile.
“I’m back”
(Y/N) stilled when she heard her phone go off, a smile starting to spread on her face as she made her way over.
“Welcome back
I decided on where to go”
“That’s great, where?”
“There’s a nice café/bakery I haven’t gone to in a bit.
I think you’ll find the coffee to your liking”
“Sounds perfect”
The two spent the rest of the night and the following day talking. Their conversations didn't stray too far from the normal “How is your day going?” or small talk. When the day of their date finally came, (Y/N) was somewhat surprised when she excitedly woke up earlier than she normally does. As she checked the time on her phone. The lack of a message from Five most likely meant he hadn’t woken up yet or was busy. Taking the opportunity, she went to shower, deciding today would be a bit of a self-care shower.
One relaxing shower she walked back into her bedroom, debating if she should stick to her simple hair routine. In all honesty, she was kind of lazy and didn’t feel like doing the most with her hair. However, she was going on a date. “Ugh, this sucks” she semi-whined before grabbing her nice scented lotion and putting it on. While finishing up she realized she hadn’t checked her phone or even bothered to reply to Five. “Oooo sorryyyy” she sing sang/mumbled, picking up her phone just as a text came in.
“Good morning sunshine
We still on for noon at the cafe?”
“Look at that I was just about to text you too
And yes of course we are
You still owe me those five dollars ;)”
“Don’t worry I didn’t forget dear”
“Dear”. That was new. (Y/N) has been called babe and mamas by guys before, maybe even a love every once in a while, but she couldn’t help the butterflies in her chest when she read that pet name.
“Good 😌”
The next few hours consisted of (Y/N) and Five both mentally and physically preparing for the date. With the help of her roommate (Y/N) was able to decide on an outfit that was cute, comfortable, and even made her feel confident.
“So what else do you have planned for the date,” her roommate asked as she helped (Y/N) put her necklace on. “Umm, nothing really. We’re just gonna get coffee and talk” she shrugged and looked herself over in the mirror. “Really? Kind of basic, no?”
“Yeah I guess but I also didn’t want to do that much for our first date and he had said all he needed was some coffee and me for it to be a good date”
“Awe that’s cute”
“Right? I was smiling so hard when I got the text.” (Y/N) said as she turned to look at her friend. “I’m also just kind of going to see how things go on the date and maybe we’ll… hmm, shit I don’t know” she huffed at the end, trying to think of what else they could do. “It’s nice outside so I was going to say we could go for a walk or something but that’s kind of the same thing. Movies?” She asked more than suggested. “Yeah that sounds good, or a bookstore/ the library? You said you thought that’d be a cute idea and you’re already being aesthetic and getting coffee” her roommate replied in a reassuring tone.
(Y/N) didn’t exactly have much experience or luck with dates, having to deal with her share of assholes. Her friends and family weren’t exactly the most helpful and the ones that were had their things to deal with. Things (Y/N) would consider more important than her, even when they obviously weren’t. Therefore her roommate was more than happy to offer to help her out after they stumbled upon the topic in their morning small talk.
“Yeah, I just hope I find I book I like and can concentrate on” (Y/N) said as she made sure she had everything in her bag, “I mean it’s noon, so I’m sure we’ll think of something if we get bored”. She picked her phone up to check the time smiling at Five’s texts.
“Hope you’re not stressing yourself out as much as you were picking the place
I’m sure I’ll look unimpressive compared to you”
“What’d he say now?” Her roommate asked scooting closer to her. (Y/N) happily showed her the texts, “oh my gosh you are cheesing!!”. (Y/N) let out a mix of a laugh and giggle, nodding in agreement. “I know. I know, I just hope he actually ends up being as nice as he seems. I do not want to fucking deal with more bullshit” she sighed at the end, closing her phone for a second to just breathe. “Me too, but only one way to find out.” her roommate hummed, “what time is it?”. (Y/N) opened her phone to check, “it’s about to be 11” she replied and let out another excited breath, before replying to Five.
“Well, you’ll find out soon 😌
And if you’re wearing your cute little suit again I’ll definitely look underdressed haha”
Just one more hour.
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kaizoku-musume · 4 months
Sitting Pretty
Tumblr media
Entry #10 in @xxsycamore’s Visions of Temptation kinktober event. Link to the fic on AO3.
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Pairing: Mitsuhide x OC
Word count: 2.2k
Prompts: Somnophilia | Cockwarming
Tohru sketched out the floral pattern of the outfit she was designing, explaining her process aloud for Mitsuhide, who was watching over her shoulder as she sat in his lap. She was showing him the fashion of her time, dresses and rompers and crop tops and skirts-everything she could remember, one by one, in roughly two hour long sessions twice a month.
Right now, they were approaching hour one, which is where Tohru always started to get a bit antsy. Mitsuhide had an arm wrapped around her waist, keeping her pressed against him and unable to fidget, which both helped and hindered her. Tohru’s legs were splayed out around Mitsuhide’s as he sat before the low table, and all she wanted was to be able to close them and give herself some relief.
Mitsuhide noticed her flagging attention, because of course he did. “Is something drawing your attention away?” he chuckled, shifting the slightest bit. Tohru bit her lip around a low noise, legs clenching around his. “I wasn’t aware that you find these sessions less engaging than I do,” Mitsuhide adopted a fake pout to his tone before seamlessly switching to a teasing lilt, “What must I do to encourage you to focus?”
“Don’t you get tired of making the same joke every time?” Tohru complained, unable to keep the whine out of her voice.
“Perhaps if you did not have the same reaction every time, I would be less inclined to point it out,” Mitsuhide traced a nonsensical shape on her bare thigh, trailing tantalizingly close to her core. Tohru took a deep breath to stave off asking for relief. She knew from experience that she wasn’t going to get to come before the full two hours. “Good girl,” Mitsuhide praised, and it was embarrassing, the way she flushed with pride.
“Don’t use my praise kink against me,” she grumbled, resisting the urge to adjust herself.  God, she could feel the way she clenched around the cock buried in her at his words. There was no way for her to ever hide anything from him, was there? She shouldn’t have said anything, either, because now Mitsuhide was going to-
“How can I resist when you tighten up so deliciously around me?” Mitsuhide said smugly.
-do that. Grumbling to herself, Tohru bucked down and furiously scribbled out the rest of the design. When did she ever learn? The best course of action was for Tohru to undergo a personality change so she wasn’t an easy target for Mitsuhide, but unfortunately that was impossible. So basically, she had no defense against him, and was in for another hour of torment that she could do nothing about.
Which he started immediately by seemingly absent-mindedly stroking the wrist of her free hand with his thumb. Tohru twitched at the ticklish feeling. Mitsuhide was definitely aiming for her most sensitive spots, trailing his thumb all the way down the length of her forearm before slowly dragging it back up, following the path of her vein. When Mitsuhide asked about her technique for figuring out which pattern worked best with which style, Tohru had to answer on autopilot, too distracted by Mitsuhide’s movements.
And that was pretty much how things went for the next half hour: Mitsuhide would drag his fingers and nails across the areas of her skin that sent a jolt of pleasure straight to her center and ask questions that Tohru struggled to answer. It wasn;t until they were in the final half hour stretch that Mitsuhide kicked up his teasing.
Tohru didn’t have the capability to focus on how much time had passed, so she was always caught by surprise when Mitsuhide shifted gears. Today, he had been drawing swirls on her upper chest when he suddenly swept his hand down to palm her breast. Tohru’s drawing hand spasmed, a sharp line cutting through her sketch of a pair of boots.
“Oh dear,” Mitsuhide tutted, “what a shame. It was a wonderful rendition, and I enjoyed imagining you wearing them.” The arm Mitsuhide had around her waist was removed so he could sweep his fingertips up from her thigh to her foot. Tohru held still despite her newfound freedom. Prior knowledge made her aware that it was a test: if Tohru moved in order to seek her own pleasure, Mitsuhide would drag this out even longer. But if she let him do what he wanted and withstood this last stretch, Mitsuhide would reward her by fucking her at the end of the half hour.
Speaking of stretches, enduring this period was always the most difficult part; Mitsuhide’s cock was spearing her perfectly, her walls expanded to accommodate him, her opening forced wide around the base of his shaft. Tohru felt like a rubber band pulled taut, full of tension eager to release.
Mitsuhide kneaded the flesh of her breast, squeezing and releasing her tit like it was a stress ball, his fingernails digging into her skin, while his other hand lightly tickled her heel and arch. Tohru whimpered, her foot twitching in Mitsuhide’s grasp, but she managed not to grind against Mitsuhide’s cock. She had no idea how he managed to remain so calm and unmoving inside her-Tohru herself was in constant, if minimal, movement, tiny little shifts of her hips.
Mitsuhide circled her nipple and whispered right by her ear, “Have I rendered you incapable of speech so soon?”
“Please, touch me,” Tohru begged, knowing as she did so that if he acquiesced, it would just make it harder for her.
Mitsuhide laughed softly, kissing the shell of her ear. “What a bold request from my little mouse. How can I ever deny you.” He rubbed the pad of his thumb across her nipple until it hardened. When the bud had sufficiently stiffened, he took it between two fingers, squeezing and tugging in a maddening rhythm. Tohru moaned and leaned her head back on his shoulder, dropping her writing utensil, unable to force herself to draw.
Mitsuhide brought his other hand up the length of her leg, trailing along her inner thigh until it came to a rest at the edge of her mound, mere centimeters above her clit. “Do you think you can handle more?” he mused, his hand dipping down for just a second to tap at her clit. Tohru jolted, her body tensing at the sudden burst of sensation.
It would be an incredibly bad idea to ask for more. Tohru is so incredibly weak to pleasure, and Mitsuhide knew how to play her like a fiddle. Ten minutes hadn’t even passed. Yes, the smart thing to do would be to decline.
“I can do it,” Tohru said, like an idiot.
“My precious bell flower,” Mitsuhide cooed, “so eager to prove herself.” He obligingly drew his hand down to rub at her clit, matching pace with the fingers on her nipple. Tohru whined, fighting hard not to buck her hips into Mitsuhide’s touch. She arched her back, pressing her chest further into his grip in the hopes that focusing on her breast would get her to stop being so focused on the cock buried to the root inside her, filling her to the brim.
Yeah, fat chance.
Despite most likely being aware of her thought process, Mitsuhide humored her and added the scrape and dig of his nails to his ministrations. Every once in a while, he gave a particularly vicious twist and tug. “I do hope you haven’t bitten off more than you can chew,” he said.
All of that just made it worse. Tohru tightened around Mitsuhide, fighting the urge to squirm. This was a horrible moment to remember the last time he made her come from her nipples alone, especially because that seemed to be his goal this time. Her moans grew more and more high-pitched as she approached her peak until Mitsuhide gave one last harsh tug, pinching her nipple tight between his thumb and index finger as he repeated the motion on her clit and sent her tumbling over.
Stars bursting in her vision, Tohru had just enough presence of mind not to move her hips; instead, her upper torso writhed in Mitsuhide’s hold, hands coming to wrap around his wrist. Tohru panted heavily as she came down from her high, leaning against Mitsuhide for support.
Mitsuhide gently gripped her chin and angled her head so he could lean down and kiss her, soft and sweet, his tongue languidly exploring the cavern of her mouth. Tohru sighed, quickly getting caught up in the slow pace of Mitsuhide’s kiss, the way he lavished attention to every inch of her he could.
Which is why it was such a surprise when he traded the position of his hands: the one that had been playing with her left breast moved down to her clit, and the one slick with her juices went up to her other tit. At the touch of his fingers to her sensitive buds, Tohru whimpered into the kiss, overcome when it turned possessive. Mitsuhide nipped at her bottom lip, pressing his lips firmly against hers, tongue sliding against hers in a passionate fervor. 
Despite being a bit sensitive after her orgasm, Tohru easily lost herself in Mitsuhide’s attention. He was gentle with her clit, circling around it and randomly applying light, consistent pressure so as not to overwhelm her. He did not offer the same treatment to her breast. He played with her tit as roughly as he had the other one, though the wetness of his fingertips soothed the way a bit.
Tohru whined, two seconds away from begging Mitsuhide to just fuck her already. She could feel how embarrassingly wet she was, her slick pooling in Mitsuhide’s lap, her wet core soaking Mitsuhide’s cock. She near about sobbed when he collected some of her wetness dripping out the side of her slit, briefly prodding at where his cock stretched her out, to help his fingers slide smoothly across her clit, the slick sounds of him rubbing her just barely audible. The length of him impaled so deep in her felt like a hot brand, radiating scorching heat and hard as iron. Thank god he wasn’t nudging against her g-spot, but it was still agonizing, feeling her flesh constantly parted around him without the friction of movement.
Mitsuhide finally pulled back from kissing her to give her the opportunity to breathe and Tohru wasted no time in crying, “Mitsuhide, please, please, I need you!”
Mitsuhide, in a casual display of cruelty that Tohru had come to expect from him, simply brushed his nose against hers and said, “You’ll give me one more, won’t you? If you continue to be good for me, I might consider it.”
Tohru didn’t want to be good, she wanted to be fucked. One of her hands held onto his left wrist while the other came up to clutch at the back of his neck. She felt like she was fraying apart, and only her connection to Mitsuhide kept her solid and stable. All she could do was babble more pleas and hold on.
To her utter disappointment, Mitsuhide was taking his time this round, winding her up only to back off, slowing down his movements until her next orgasm was in the distance before starting the cycle all over again. Tohru shook with the effort not to roll her hips. She continued to beg and plead for mercy until tears fell from her eyes, but all Mitsuhide did was kiss her cheeks, licking up the salty tracks and offering empty, if sweet sounding platitudes.
Tohru had completely lost track of time, caught in the limbo of her never-ending pleasure. She silently urged time to pass faster, because her only relief would come at the end of the half hour mark. What felt like eons passed before Tohru noticed herself getting close again, only this time Mitsuhide kept stroking her, quickening his pace. “Yes, yes, please!” she shrieked, her limbs tightening in anticipation, stomach muscles contracting as her orgasm drew closer and closer. After a couple more firm, fast passes over her clit, Tohru came, her vision whitening and ears ringing from the intensity.
From far away, Tohru felt Mitsuhide gently work her through it before he moved onto soothing up and down her sides, avoiding driving her past the point of oversensitivity. Tohru rubbed her tear-stained cheeks and eyes as she came down, body twitching with aftershocks, her cunt sporadically squeezing around Mitsuhide’s cock.
“You did well,” Mitsuhide praised, “Even at the height of your orgasm, you managed to remain still.”
Did she really? There was a long moment where Tohru was completely unaware of what was going on, and it wouldn’t have surprised her if she had moved on instinct. It was possible Mitsuhide was lying to appease her. Either way, Torhru would take it-she had no more pride to lose. Two orgasms wasn’t going to stop her from getting what she wanted, not after enduring all that.
“Will you finally fuck me now?” she asked, feeling confident enough to wriggle her hips enticingly. If Mitsuhide changed his mind now, Tohru would just knock him to the ground and ride him.
Mitsuhide laughed and carefully arranged them so that he could lay Tohru down on the blanket spread out behind them, wrapping her legs around his waist as he settled above her. “My darling vixen, I will give you everything you desire,” Mitsuhide promised as he finally, finally moved.
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saharavalleyofdeath · 9 months
BatFam OCs Pt. 1
Charlotte Wayne
Oldest Wayne sibling
Age varies depending on when we are talking (38)
Bruce found her as a baby on his doorstep
He decided to keep her raise her as his own
There was a note left by her that said "I can't take care of my daughter right now. I know you can give her a better life than I can. Her name is Charlotte."
So Bruce raised Charlotte with Alfred's help
When Bruce started being Batman Charlotte was about eight and there weren't any real criminals like the Joker. Just burglars.
So Charlotte would go with him
Her sidekick design was similar to Robin's but her name was Cardinal.
Though it was short lived
She ended up getting shot in the abdomen
She is very close with Alfred. They cook all the time. Charlotte and Jason are the only two of Bruce's kids who are trusted in the kitchen.
When she was 13 Bruce took in Richard Grayson.
They were very close until Dick moved moved out after a huge fight with Bruce. She hated Bruce let him become Robin.
Then came along Jason Todd.
They instantly became very close. They were nearly inseparable.
When Jason died it was hard on Charlotte.
Like really hard
Then Tim came along.
Charlotte tried to be there for Tim and to be a good big sister. But it was too hard.
Charlotte attempted taking her life. Tim found her bleeding out in the bathroom.
She was there for about a week. Then she disappeared to central city.
She went to college to become a veterinarian and graduated a few years early.
She also became part of a secret spy agency called Organization for Wayward Ladies AKA O.W.L.
She became top agent relatively fast.
She even started dating Wally West.
After about Seven years Alfred calls her and asks her to come for Christmas because of a big surprise they had for her.
She agreed on one condition.
She was able to bring Wally. He accepted.
When she got to Wayne Manor she was confused about all the people being there.
Tim told her that Bruce went on a bit of an adoption spree.
After talking to everyone and getting to know the new members of her family she went over to Alfred and asked if that was the surprise.
Before Alfred could answer a voice came from the other room saying that it wasn't the only surprise in store
The person with said voice came around the corner
It was a man. A tall man with black hair and a white streak in his hair. He had gentle eyes and a kind face but you could tell he had been through some things.
He looked Charlotte in the eyes and said "Hey sis. Long time no see."
Charlotte stared at the man and after about a minute she said "...Jason?"
He nodded and she went over to him, cupping his face, tears welling in both their eyes and they hugged.
After the reunion, dinner, and presents were handed out, it was about 10:30 pm so Charlotte and Wally went home.
Charlotte decided to move back to Gotham and open up a vet clinic there.
She got to spend time with all her new siblings especially Damian.
They found a bird one day in the gardens. A little baby bird that hurt it's wing and they decided to care for it. Once a week Damian comes by to check on the bird. They end up calling him Soarin.
The bat siblings often crash at Charlotte's place.
Charlotte has a Great Pyrenees named Maverick
That's it for now! I hope you all enjoy it! Sorry it took so long for me to post it! Also if you want any of a certain character or something just ask!
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balancingtheforce · 4 months
I was tagged by @femmefighter ! And how sweet is that!! Let’s get to it.
ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE?: No, I’m not named after anyone which I’m glad for!
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED?: I cried last week, I have big feelings I don’t always know what to do with. You know how it is.
DO YOU HAVE KIDS?: No, I don’t. But I would like to adopt or foster one day. That’s a big goal of mine.
WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/ HAVE YOU PLAYED?: I love badminton a lot! Tennis too. I am not a coordinated person so I enjoy playing with all my limbs in any attempt to actually hit something.
DO YOU USE SARCASM?: I do, but I won’t say I use it well! I just like to give myself a good laugh.
WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE?: For me, I’m certainly a body language reader, so when we first meet, I’m trying to gauge you based on that and tone of voice to try and understand your mood and feelings. Also, I’m listening to your laugh because I love hearing other people laugh.
SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS?: I won’t say no to a happy ending but I do love a scary movie. Mainly a psychological thriller. I want to be tormented and have the movie end with me saying “ what the fuck did I just watch?”.
ANY TALENTS?: “Talents” is quite a strong word, I don’t know if I’m per se talented in anything, I just enjoy certain activities. To me, the word “talented” means you’ve achieved a certain high skill level, and that’s too much to me haha
WHERE WERE YOU BORN?: Portland, Oregon here in the States.
WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES?: I enjoy woodworking, painting and other half assed things I’ve picked up over the years that semi resemble some sort of craft. I have a billion and one ideas and about half as many projects to complete because I have to try everything and struggle to finish one of them. I love dabbling in anything that you can do with your hands and looks something like art. Also, I love collecting Star Wars toys because I’m a giant child. ‘99 was the best year ♥️
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS?: I don’t have any pets of my own currently, no. But I’ve always lived and grown up with cats, and I love them a lot. I had a pug once and he was always so fun.
FAVORITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL?: I had a lot, but for sure marine biology. Such a fantastic class and had some great opportunities thereafter. Very involved and hands on and living off the Puget Sound just made it that much better. I took four years of woodshop then as well, and that had a massive impact on me too that I won’t soon forget. I did break two fingers then and that was quite something!
DREAM JOB?: I’m one of those people that is constantly changing their “dream job”. Maybe that’s only natural as we get older, I don’t know! Once it was being a film editor, then it was a marine biologist, then I wanted to be a furniture designer and maker, then I thought I’d be a school counselor. So you know, just give me 15 minutes and I’m sure I’ll think of something else to do in the world!! Hahaha 😆
I’ll tag a few of you out there and give this a go, if you so wish! It’s alway nice to get to know more about one another and I enjoy seeing you bunch around on here!
@firerose @wrenandshinpy @vesperlily @rizz-god @paper-moon-beams @sundogriverwolf @roguegona @bitch-of-the-year-6661 @amerikated @gavfleetout @whiteravengreywolf
Thanks again @femmefighter ! This was very nice!
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