#some trivia about the drawing :
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molathesunfish · 1 day ago
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my limbus bugs mainly based on characters that may or may not show up later... and one mystery feature for your guessing fun:]
#heads up for uhhhhh really long tags#had half a mind to do a style study/imitation but gave up like. one layer in#i guess i should tag these a bit differently on the chance that they show up later in canon. ill put 'lcb' before their names#as opposed to '[character] lcb' that i use for canon characters#with this ill go back and tag for montag as well#digital stuff#colored sketch#limbus ocs#lcb avdotya#look upon my rodion clone. my beautiful son#they hired the worst photographer (me. colors are scary) in the city for their wedding no wonder that thing's cursed#that wedding dress photo was supposed to be an id photo mockup too but i just kinda gave up. started over with the next one#eyeballed the height measurements sorry if they look off...#lcb dmitri#her. well. you will hear more about her. this is a threat (joke)#lcb knauer#cheetos-flavored sinclair..#trivia: my friend's impression of knauer was “i mean this in the nicest way possible but he looks like a femcel”#personally i think hes cute#lcb beck#clair's college ex. what else is there.#these are mostly so that i can mess around and come up with some designs for funsies.. i havent given much thought to their stories#and in any case most of them are side characters so that'd be a bit difficult#that said. even for the one who's the protag in her source i havent really written anything either... oops#she's good contrast with sinclair the way she's both taller than meursault and also the worst brawler youve ever met#if anyone guesses her source i'll edit this post with a tag:D#well that was fun! i'll probably do another handful of sketches and then never draw these guys again#disclaimer: i got the german off google translate so if there're any glaring mistakes please let me know#i dont know russian either but i got the subtitles from their names so it should be ok.. avdotya's is just rodion's also.#let me know if i got anything wrong still. thank you
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birdsong-warriors · 2 years ago
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Casually reposts the man because I want everybody to look at him
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falconfate · 1 year ago
Hello ranger’s apprentice fandom can we talk real quick about the stupidest thing Flanagan ever wrote
It’s about the bows. Yanno, the rangers’ Iconique™️ main weapon. That one. You know the one.
Flanagan. Flanagan why are your rangers using longbows.
“uh well recurve arrows drop faster” BUT DO THEY. FLANAGAN. DO THEY.
the answer is no they don’t. Compared to a MODERN, COMPOUND (aka cheating) bow, yes, but compared to a longbow? Y’know, what the rangers use in canon? Yeah no a recurve actually has a FLATTER trajectory. It drops LATER.
This from an article comparing the two:
“Both a longbow and a recurve bow, when equipped with the right arrow and broadhead combination, are capable of taking down big game animals. Afterall, hunters have been doing it for centuries with both types of bows.
However, generally speaking and all things equal, a recurve bow will offer more arrow speed, creating a flatter flight trajectory and retain more kinetic energy at impact.
The archers draw length, along with the weight of the arrow also affect speed and kinetic energy. However, the curved design of the limbs on a recurve adds to its output of force.”
It doesn’t actually mention ANY distance in range! And this is from a resource for bow hunting, which, presumably, WOULD CARE ABOUT THAT SORT OF THING!
Okay so that’s just. That’s just the first thing.
The MAIN thing is that even accounting for “hur dur recurves drop faster” LONGBOWS ARE STILL THE STUPID OPTION.
Longbows, particularly and especially ENGLISH longbows, are—as their name suggests—very long. English longbows in particular are often as tall or taller than their wielder even while strung, but especially when unstrung. An unstrung longbow is a very long and expensive stick, one that will GLADLY entangle itself in nearby trees, other people’s clothes, and any doorway you’re passing through.
And yes, there are shorter longbows, but at that point if you’re shortening your longbow, just get a goddamn recurve. And Flanagan makes a point to compare his rangers’ bows to the Very Long English Longbow.
Oh, do you know how the Very Long English Longbow was mostly historically militarily used? BY ON-FOOT ARCHER UNITS. Do you know what they’re TERRIBLE for? MOUNTED ARCHERY.
Trust me. Go look up right now “mounted archery longbow.” You’ll find MAYBE one or two pictures of some guy on a horse struggling with a big stick; mostly you will actually see either mounted archers with RECURVES, or comparisons of Roman longbow archers to Mongolian horse archers (which are neat, can’t lie, I love comparing archery styles like that).
Anyway. Why are longbows terrible for mounted archery? Because they’re so damn long. Think about it: imagine you’re on a horse. You’re straddling a beast that can think for itself and moves at your command, but ultimately independently of you; if you’re both well-trained enough, you’re barely paying attention to your horse except to give it commands. And you have a bow in your hands. If your target is close enough to you that you know, from years of shooting experience, you will need to actually angle your bow down to hit it because of your equine height advantage, guess what? If you have a longbow, YOU CAN’T! YOUR HORSE IS IN THE WAY BECAUSE YOUR BOW IS TOO LONG! Worse, it’s probably going to get in the general area of your horse’s shoulder or legs, aka moving parts, which WILL injure your horse AND your bow and leave you fresh out of both a getaway vehicle and a ranged weapon. It’s stupid. Don’t do it.
A recurve, on the other hand, is short. It was literally made for horse archers. You have SO much range of motion with a recurve on horseback; and if you’re REALLY good, you know how to give yourself even more, with techniques like Jamarkee, a Turkish technique where you LITERALLY CAN AIM BACKWARDS.
For your viewing enjoyment, Serena Lynn of Texas demonstrating Jamarkee:
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Yes, that’s real! This type of draw style is INCREDIBLY versatile: you can shoot backwards on horseback, straight down from a parapet or sally port without exposing yourself as a target, or from low to the ground to keep stealthy without banging your bow against the ground. And, while I’m sure you could attempt it with a longbow, I wouldn’t recommend it: a recurve’s smaller size makes it far more maneuverable up and over your head to actually get it into position for a Jamarkee shot.
A recurve just makes so much more SENSE. It’s not a baby bow! It’s not the longbow’s lesser cousin! It’s a COMPLETELY different instrument made to be used in a completely different context! For the rangers of Araluen, who put soooo much stock in being stealthy and their strong bonds with their horses, a recurve is the perfect fit! It’s small and easily transportable, it’s more maneuverable in combat and especially on horseback, it offers more power than a longbow of the same draw weight—really, truly, the only advantage in this case that a longbow has over the recurve is that longbows are quicker and easier to make. But we KNOW the rangers don’t care about that, their KNIVES use a forging technique (folding) that takes several times as long as standard Araluen forging practices at the time!
Okay I think I’m done. For now.
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rexscanonwife · 8 months ago
Ugh, I've had such a headache today and I still had to go to a doctor's appointment 😭😭 I just wanna lay downnnn
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kitwasheree · 1 year ago
Happy Birthday, Iris !
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happy 900 and... wait, how old is he again?
(please click on the image to see the details tumblr always crunches all my art into oblivion)
vvv bonus doodles + personal story under cut
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malva belongs to @1dont-really-know , thank you princess of briar valley for quality wine
NRC School Newspaper
A Birthday Interview with Iris
Yuu : Hello! Happy birthday to you.
Iris : Well, thank you… I haven't celebrated my birthday in a very long time before coming to Night Raven College, but I suppose it’s nice to hear a greeting.
Iris : I don’t really see the point in making a big celebration over another year of your life passing, but maybe to humans there is much to cherish.
Iris : …Whatever the case, I’ve dawdled enough. Let’s get on with the interview.
Yuu : What are your thoughts on the party?
Iris : It’s not bad, but I think I’d prefer something smaller. I don’t really think that my birthday is worth a lot of fuss, after all, it’s just one year in many years of my life.
Iris : ….Still. It is nice to see Axel and the rest of the dorm having fun. Makes me a little envious, even… But nevermind that.
Iris : I’m grateful for the sheer amount of presents. Really, what am I going to do with all of this…? 
Iris : I’ve even received multiple gifts from the same individuals. Trying to get into my good graces? …Cunning, the lot of you kids nowadays. I suppose this still is Octavinelle, though.
Yuu : What sort of presents do you like to receive?
Iris : Anything will do, really, as long as it isn’t unpleasant. Although, I personally enjoy small food and drink. For example, Ashengrotto gifted me a bottle of cranberry juice. It seems to be rather good quality, too.
Iris : ….I have a feeling his gift has another meaning, though.
Yuu : Another meaning?
Iris : Perhaps it’s his way of gifting me something similar to wine, without actually getting wine. Clever boy. He knows I’m particular about wine, so he chose to play it safe.
Iris : Over the years, the quality of wine has drastically decreased. I’m rather disappointed, I thought humans were supposed to be ‘advanced’? And yet it seems most wine that is sold now is subpar at best.
Iris : At least there are still some businesses that are family-run and are still able to make good-tasting wine from hundreds of years ago.
Yuu : I see. You seem to know a lot about wine…. How old exactly are you?
Iris : I wouldn’t be able to answer that, even if I wanted to. It’s nothing for you to think about, though. I simply know a lot about wine, because it is my favourite.
Yuu : Alright, then. Do you have any hobbies?
Iris : Hobbies… I suppose I used to play the violin, but then I left it to collect dust for quite a while. I only recently picked it up again, because of that Vanrouge.
Iris : He’s been inviting me to join the Pop Music Club for quite some time, but he must be positively mad. Senile, even. He says we could do a duet, but that’s nonsense, I play the violin and what does that man play? The electric bass.
Iris : Perhaps there isn’t a single sane person in this school, his clubmates dabble in entirely different forms of music, too. But maybe…. Just maybe, I’ll consider it. I make no promises, though.
Yuu : I’ll look forward to seeing you perform if you decide to join, then.
Iris : Thank you. I’ll think about it more, the old violin needs a good dusting off. For now, let’s just enjoy the party.
Yuu : Thank you for sharing all of this with us. Once again, happy birthday!
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jupiter-reimagined · 5 months ago
THEY'RE ALL SO COOL OMG?????? i love the planet as the 0 for 30 and and i love the way you've like,,fonted,, no.34
sighing just as dreamily rn
HEHEHE THANK YOU!! i was SO proud and felt so clever about the "sketchbook #3🪐" sticker thingy. its probably also my favorite cover ive ever done >;33
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theheadlessgroom · 8 months ago
June subtly glanced Elizabeth's way when she overheard her and Emily's conversation, taking a sip from her own sparkling apple cider as she mulled over these remarks quietly. She didn't want to jump to any conclusions, however (nor give voice to these conclusions either), and settled for setting aside her glass and contentedly leaning her head against her husband's shoulder as Dorian happily regaled the group with stories from his and Randall's youth.
"...I admit, the violin was never my preferred musical instrument," Dorian was saying with an impish grin. "I was good at it, but I just never thought I was destined to become a legendary violin player like my mother expected, and so I was always trying to find a way out of my lessons, and our sprawling garden made for an excellent place to hide. Admittedly, Beau knew it was where I'd go first, since Randall and his mother would be out there, but he'd seldom be too hard on me about it. He knew I didn't like the violin very much, and that I'd rather be outside with my best friend."
"Contributing to the delinquency of one of your own students, Mr. Ghast?" August chuckled as Beau came around to refill both Dorian and August's glasses (the Burke patriarch having decided to be daring enough to have a glass of wine with dinner). Smiling as slyly as the young master, Beau replied, "Only here and there-I knew what Mr. and Mrs. Gracey expected of their son, and so I tried to keep him in the classroom as much as I could, learning the violin, French, cursive, all lessons they wanted me to teach him...but what good was having a young friend on the estate if they couldn't play together?"
"A very good point," August admitted-all work and no play never did a young mind any good, he felt, and so he could get behind Beau allowing his young charge to run free and enjoy his childhood, especially with his grandson. It had to have been a pleasant change of pace for the both of them, given the lives they both led.
"And besides, Dorian didn't need my help in his delinquency," Beau chuckled. "Even before he met Randall, he was always very clever at sneaking out when I had my back turned and taking off down the hall to find some sweets and hole up somewhere I couldn't find him. Between the two of them, Dorian was easily the brains of the operation."
"Guilty as charged!" Dorian grinned, raising his hand as he added, "If anything, Randall did his best to keep us out of trouble, while I was the one trying to make trouble in the first place!"
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akkivee · 2 years ago
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thinking about gentaro’s hat. rip to it for getting lost in hypmic’s early production hell lol
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erradox · 1 year ago
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Zappy frost.
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lyricalchrysanthemum · 1 year ago
I’m so obsessed with my Serena concept btw
Transfem weird girl number one. Runs a YouTube channel talking about creepypastas and internet rituals and just obscure things that a normal person would find creepy. Definitely had made top tens before.
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john-marshall · 2 years ago
guys i’m high and functioning low
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meo-eiru · 2 months ago
Day 5 of Character Trivia Night!
For tonight we have Theo
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Theo has a human mother and a cyclops father, though his dad isn't really in the picture as his mom doesn't like to settle down and instead jumps from monster bf to monster bf
Since there aren't any schools for monsters his mom always sent him to human schools, which meant Theo was always around people who did not look like him
His skin is a bit greenish but they usually explain it as a sickness and he always keeps his bangs long to hide his eye, thanks to not having much of a presence as well he was able to go under the radar most of the time
But there was one time in elementary school when he wanted to try playing with the other kids and ended up accidentally showing his eye. His mom quickly moved them to another city and enrolled him into a different school before the news outlets could get their hands on the situation, so by now it's more like a legend of their old town
The experience was quite traumatic for him so now he makes sure to never ever let his eye show in public
Some people who don't know him assumes he's a gamer but he's actually very bad at games
Has no depth perception and wears single lens glasses (glass...?) to make up for it, but they are a bit ugly so he only wears them at home
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He actually doesn't have an eyebrow
Due to his quiet and nerdy appearance there are rumors about him being a gamer in class but he's actually really bad at games
That being said he's really into movies, anything sci-fi more specifically. Especially ones about aliens
Maybe because they are often depicted green, or maybe because the focus is on them not being human, but growing up Theo felt a lot of kinship with the aliens he was on the screen and they became a way for him to cope with his own life
He's mostly terrible at cooking but can make fire lasagnas because his mom likes it and it was the one meal she actually taught him
If left alone he would mostly stay alive eating chips and other snacks
He favorite color is green but if he had to choose a second favorite he would say dark purple
The first item of yours he stole borrowed, because of his overflowing love, was the pen you forgot on your desk
Soon he started collecting whatever item he could find of you. Erasers, pencils, napkins, used straws, clothes....
He also likes to take your pictures and hang them on his ceiling and walls, looking at your face as he falls asleep helps him see better dreams
He never intended to make a shrine of you but the items he stole from you and hid in his closet are starting to form the shape of a shrine and he might've added in some fake candle totally not because he wanted to make it more shrine light but because his closet just needed some more light
He's surprisingly good at drawing. He always enjoyed sketching colorful and quirky monster like creatures but lately his notebook has been filled with drawings he made of you. Weirdly enough, unlike everything else he draws, your drawings always look so clean and shiny like he's trying to draw his god
He also likes to write your name over and over again, it helps him calm down when he's too nervous or when his love for you is overflowing and he can't keep it under control
When writing can't cut it anymore he has to lock himself in a quiet bathroom and take care of the trouble under his pants. He wants to have something that belongs to you while doing it and usually even just a pen can do it but if he's lucky he can snatch your used gym clothes without you noticing.... and maybe take them home too if you don't pay attention... and try to spread your smell into his room as much as he can...
He always follows you home to stalk you make sure you're safe so he's familiar with its location and structure
One time he even tried going in thinking no one was home but just when he was walking towards the building he made eye contact with your mom and just ran back before she can say anything
His tear drops are really big, so when he cries it turns into quite a mess. That's why he does his best not to cry but unfortunately he's someone who can cry as easily as a newborn baby
One of his secret fantasies is you catching him while he's stalking you and humiliating him for it. Mostly because he can't think of any other reason for an amazing, incredible and holy person (one might say) like you to approach him
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azuneekun · 1 year ago
Is a registered nurse, but is working to become a medicinal and environmental researcher like her father (Professor Demetrius).
Robotics, Electrical engineering and Astronomy are just a few of her hobbies and passions. 
Afraid of getting real piercings, so Sebastian gifted her clip-ons.
Doesn’t trust newer computers, unlike her brother.
She is nearsighted and has astigmatism.
She goes stargazing in hopes of finding signs of extraterrestrial life. Or just to see if she can spot a certain flying robot.
Used to follow her brother Sebastian around a lot when she was very young, but his troublemaking behavior made Maru distance herself. She still cares about him.
Loves helping the farmer with building farming machines.
Loves spending time with her best friend Penny and talking about books and trivia together.
Other than tinkering with gadgets, she also enjoys doing puzzles.
Could not afford finishing her teaching course in college due to financial troubles.
Saving up money in her tutoring job to become an elementary school teacher.
Her father abandoned them due to feeling ‘trapped’. It happened around fall—so she feels melancholic during that season.
Likes cooking but is a novice at it.
She and Emily do arts and crafts together in the library and or the (fixed) community center. (For the kids and for event decorations.)
She has a slight southern accent.
Elliott and her like to swap book recommendations.
Loves listening to Maru infodumping about her trivia and interests. She teaches them to Jas and Vincent in return.
She likes to do crossword puzzles under the tree near the graveyard.
She prefers to wear skirts.
She influenced Jas and Vincent to have an interest in archeology, thanks to her own fondness of it.
Pets every animal they see. Sanitizes herself right away before going home due to Pierre's allergies.
Sometimes helps her dad with the general store. Pierre gives her some money in return.
Abigail loves to draw and sometimes likes to join art competitions.
Enjoys the occult and fortune telling. Has some magical ability, but is not fully aware of it.
She plays the flute and the drums.
Loves adventuring, but feels guilty killing monsters (even out of self defense). Will make graves or offer prayers to put their souls to rest.
Very interested in monsters and loves reading about them.
She has a sweet tooth; minerals taste like candy to her. She also loves spicy food from time to time.
Gets sunburnt easily.
Used to be hired as an illustrator for books in Zuzu City.
Is under apprenticeship with Robin.
Loves using different painting mediums. Current favorites are charcoal, oil painting, and watercolors.
Experienced forager—she adores making vegetable/fruit salads and stir-frys out of them.
Likes to drink the wine sold by the farmer and the saloon.
She is left handed.
She makes her own special homemade vinaigrette.
Has her own mini-garden.
Loves to help the farmer with crafting artisan equipment that involves wood (eg: kegs, preserve jars, casks, and etc.)
The unofficial hair stylist (and barberess) of the townies. (HC adopted from @/moon-boat)
Has some real spiritual power and foresight.
Her prophetic visions mostly appear in her dreams.
Knows supernatural beings and Junimo exist (and has seen them) but opts not to tell anyone directly for the creatures’ safety. (Likes to give subtle hints, though.)
Can genuinely communicate with birds and flowers.
Is very good at arts and crafts and helps decorate the festivals often.
Vegetarian. Likes to cook vegetarian dishes.
She's a very talented dancer, and she likes to do her choreography in secret.
Sandy sells the clothes she makes. Haley advertises them on her blog. 
Loves all animals—especially birds.
She likes clowns and circuses.
Is very meticulous about cleanliness and housework.
Is incredibly scared of watching horror movies.
A talented cook that loves baking sweets.
Is a social media influencer. She has a popular Instagram account called StarfruitHaley and a Youtube channel named Cooking Junimo.
Likes drinking peppermint coffee and eating cupcakes.
She is a picky eater.
Learned to dance from Emily.
She and Emily are taiwanese-americans.
Her hair is dyed blonde and she wears contacts.
Freelance model, but likes doing photography more.
Does photography gigs sometimes.
Secretly admires her sister's dancing, but doesn't want to lose to her during the Flower dance.
Likes to go surfing during the summer time. (HC adopted from @/sofiaruelle )
Closeted lesbian, but came out proudly once she started to live in the valley.
Bunnies and Ponies are her favorite animals.
Prefers keeping people at a distance (so it doesn’t hurt him if he loses them), but is weak to persistent people. (eg: Emily, Sam, the farmer)
Is very good friends with Emily. Likes to joke around and share chicken stories with her. 
Lost a sports scholarship in university due to injury, so he dropped out. (He took a course in multimedia arts, hence his 7 ♡ event.)
Likes to collect funny printed boxers.
Wears old clothes until they tear apart.
Doesn't bother combing his hair much.
Takes care of the animals when Marnie's not around, and teaches Jas about the ranch while he’s at it. 
Most of his savings are for Jas and Marnie.
Has calloused hands from hard work.
He likes to use nicknames. Both derogatively and affectionately. (e.g. Sweetheart, Chickadee, Doll, Buddy , Asshole, Jockstrap (Alex specific), Dickhead, Kid)
Shane has excellent upper body strength due to lifting heavy boxes at work, and sacks of feed at the ranch.
Jas’ mother is his older sibling. Marnie is his father's younger sister.
In the future, his beautiful blue chickens will become recognized as a standardized breed by the farming community. 
Used to be a surgical oncologist. Left this position due to emotional distress.
Came from a prestigious family of doctors, lawyers, and professors.
Has a twin brother. ( HC adopted from @/coinly )
Loves science, history, and the documentary channels.
He used to be in a long term relationship but it ended due to LDR.
He can cook but doesn't feel happy eating by himself—so he just heats up frozen meals.
He smells like nice soap and hand sanitizer.
Has a wonderful singing deep voice. (HC adopted from @/hannahstumble )
Likes to drink wine every once in a while to relax.
Jazz music is calming to him. He owns many cassettes of the classics.
Was a music professor in a private university.
Is from a wealthy family, but left to become more independent.
Humble and isn't very materialistic, but is very strict with his well-kept appearance. 
Keeps his pencils so sharp it might as well be a weapon.
Isn't very good at taking care of plants, but is learning how to. 
A little clumsy with housework and repairs, but tries to keep tidy.
His favorite pastime with his father was fishing. 
Likes to drink, but can’t hold his liquor at all.
 In his youth, he has gotten some recognition for his published short stories and poetry, but  has yet to make a full length novel.
Commissions and collaborates with Leah on art and ideas for his books.
His piano actually came from Robin's. Sebastian used to own it but preferred playing the synth now.
Is very skillfull at using a knife (for fish and seafood).
He is a lazy genius. 
His Korean name is Seojun. His biological father tried bringing him to his home country when he and Robin divorced, but Sebastian opted to stay with his mother.
He loves cats as much as frogs and bats.
Sleeps very messily. Ends up in weird positions on the bed, with pillows dropped onto the floor.
Loves exploring the mines and wants to join the Adventurer's guild in the future.
Does his (and his friends') piercings.
Has a long deep scar on his left leg due to a rock crab.
The town go-to mechanic, alongside Maru.
He’s jealous of Maru, but doesn’t hate her. Doesn’t know how to express himself, so they end up fighting. He thinks he’s not the best older brother to have.
Insomniac. Needs medication to help sleep, sometimes.
Likes to tease and scare people.
Also gets sunburnt easily—but in return doesn’t get affected by the cold weather as much.
Best billiards player in Stardew.
Has dyslexia, but is not aware of it (until the farmer points it out).
Likes to help cook with his grandma.
Makes and sells his own icecream.
Is the local town mailman.  (HC adopted from @/ryllen )
Childhood friends with Haley, but pretended to be her boyfriend in HS to shield her from men (as per her wishes).
Not only was he a varsity quarterback for gridball, but he was also an ace baseball player.
One of his favorite pastimes is watching the gridball game every Sunday.
Thinking about saving money to go to a vocational college or getting a scholarship. 
Interested in becoming a physical fitness coach if his dreams to go to the league fall through.
Afraid of being vulnerable to people, because he wants to be seen as strong and reliable.
A popular boy in school. 
Was influenced into loving music due to Sebastian. 
Likes flowers but has severe hay fever.
Has a scar on his eyebrow from a skateboard accident.
Loves his mom's largemouth bass fish casserole.
Thinks being a submarine captain might be cool as a job (thanks to the night market), but would prefer being in the music industry.
Likes to DJ and compose his own music.
A little forgetful, so his wrists and hands are full of scribbles and rubber bands as reminders.
Likes cactuses and the flowers that bloom from it (and especially loves cactus fruit).
Him and Alex both like to collect branded sports shoes, and talk about it together sometimes.
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clockwayswrites · 6 months ago
Birds and Mice and Tea Parties 20
AN: B really was trying his best to protect Danny last time, he just was missing too much information. Poor Danny...
No reading over. We suffer and post at 2am.
It had been two weeks since the last rogue Wayne visit.
Danny hadn’t intended to keep track. There was no reason to. One visit from Cass and one from Tim did not a pattern make.
He tried to dismiss the observation. He had plenty to do; it wasn’t like he didn’t have friends. The bi-weekly trivia group would start meeting again soon. He also had a TTRGP session that did its best to meet around all that life threw at them. Tucker and him played online games when they could make schedules match and he and Sam talked when she was stateside. He even had regular lunches with coworkers!
Still, there had been something different about spending time with the family.
So no, Danny hadn’t meant to keep track, but he still knew it had been two weeks and a day. But of course he wouldn’t see the Waynes that often. Bruce was a very busy man and most of the children would have no reason to come to W.E. They had their own lives with work and school and being kids or young adults. The other visits had simply been flukes, as nice as the visits had been.
The subtle feeling of melancholy that had settled over him was ridiculous and he wasn’t having it. His mood was simply off because of the whole Ancient thing. The way it was affecting his health didn’t make feeling better any easier either.
Danny leaned against the wall of the elevator as he tried to catch his breath. He really shouldn’t be walking right then to get lunch, not with the way that he felt, but he hadn’t had anything at his place to make lunch with. He hadn’t had the energy to go shopping. He’d just go somewhere close instead of walking to anything on the other side of the park.
The natural reverb of the lobby assaulted Danny as he stepped out of the elevator.
He just had to get through the lobby, the street, the restaurant, back through the street, and through the lobby again. Then he could hide in his office and eat. Or he could hide in there and eat as long as Lucius didn’t find him. Maybe even Lucius would give him a break today though.
“Dr. Fenton…?”
Danny looked up from rubbing his neck.
It was Tim. Damian was at Tim’s side, flanking him like a little guard dog and scowling. Tim was frowning too. Danny immediately wanted to fix whatever was wrong.
“Look at that, a pair of Waynes. How are you two?”
“That is unimportant,” Damian said with a little sniff. “You are clearly unwell. I assume you are returning to your apartment to rest?”
“Oh, no, I’m just going to go grab lunch. I’m alright, really,” Danny said and put on the best smile he could muster.
Tim and Damian looked at each other in some sort of silence conversation. Danny started to edge away from them, thinking he could escape before they came to some sort of end. He really needed out of the lobby and its echoing sounds.
A startled shriek from the entry way cut off that plan.
Danny twisted to face the sound as he stepped in front of the kids.
Of course it was a rogue, what else would it be in Gotham? It was a rogue, but at least it was the Mad Hatter and his squad of likely mind controlled goons. He usually wasn’t prone to death and destruction like some of the others were. But still, Danny felt his metaphorical hackles rising. The kids were here.
The kids were here and sure to draw the Mad Hatter’s attention if he saw them. Danny stepped slowly backwards, herding the kids away from the scene. At least they weren’t far into the lobby.
“Back up to the stairwell,” Danny said lowly, trying to cast his voice behind him.
“Tch. We can—”
“The elevator, the back left one,” Tim said quietly but firmly over his brother’s protest. “I have a code to take it to a safe room in the basement.”
“If he kills the power,” Danny started.
“The elevators have emergency back up.”
“That’s not very good behavior for a tea party, is it?” the Matter Hatter shouted at someone.
Danny bit back a rising noise of anger in his throat. His fingers twitched to act. But he couldn’t. The best plan was to get the kids out of there away from any action.
“Yes I see, Damian,” Tim hissed. “We’re almost to the elevator.”
“Call it as soon as you can,” Danny said. Was there a reverb to his voice? It felt like there was a reverb to his voice. No, no, he couldn’t, he had to…
“That’s better! See? This is how you behave when someone invites you to a tea party! Now where is that little dormouse?” the Mad Hatter called. “I know I saw him come in here! With an even littler one too.”
He wanted Tim.
“Calling the elevator.”
“Another mouse? A rat? A cat?"
The Mad Hatter wanted Tim and Damian.
“Here mousy mouse mice… where are you?"
Danny would not let that happen.
“Oh there you are! Hiding back by the doors, of course he is!” The Mad Hatter said. The crowed parted in fear. His wide, manic eyes looked right past Danny and he grinned. “Get them. We have a tea party we’re late for.”
“Over my dead body,” Danny growled.
The Mad Hatter blinked at Danny like he just noticed him for the first time. His goons rushed past him and through the crowd. “Oh, who are you? Never mind, if death is what you want, we can make that happen.”
Danny couldn’t hold back the chortling laughter. “See, that’s where you have a problem you don’t even know you could have.”
“And what is that?”
“You couldn’t handle my dead body,” Danny said just as the first goon reached them.
Danny stepped forward. He ducked under the swing of the punch and used the momentum to spin the goon around. With a push of his ghostly power, he sent the attacking goon careening into the next one and they both went tumbling.
“Danny, it’s here!” Tim shouted.
Not turning his back to the attackers, Danny stepped backwards into the elevator. Tim slammed a button and the doors basically snapped closed, much faster than they should. Danny was left staring at the polished metal surface of the elevator. Luminous green stared back at him. Soft black feathers dotted his temples. His fingers ended in talons. And he could feel it.
He could feel the skin on his back started to split.
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withahappyrefrain · 9 months ago
Just a Game
You and Peter like to play a game. It requires no trivia or plastic pieces. Just two people and feigned innocence.
Warnings: CNC (which has been discussed explicitly) unprotected sex, language, minor breeding kink at the very end
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You and Peter like to play a game. 
It's not a board game, though you two enjoy those from time to time. Not a video game, though Peter has expressed interest. 
This game doesn't require any trivia knowledge or plastic pieces. No one has to keep track of points. There isn't a timer. 
All this game requires is a surface and your two bodies. 
Sometimes it was a couch, when you two were in the middle of watching a movie. Other times it could be your kitchen counter, dinner be damned. Rarely, it would be the back of a car, which was your favorite. Peter’s favorite-against a wall- depended on when and where. 
Today the surface was your shared bed. 
It started innocently, like it always does. Peter found you curled up in bed, reading. He hadn’t considered playing today. But then he saw you, wearing only one of his hoodies and those pastel yellow panties that drove him wild. 
It didn’t help that Peter could smell you. Though the cover of your book didn't look out of the ordinary, your arousal revealed the true nature of your reading choice. 
“What’cha reading ladybug?” He asked, curling up to you. 
You put on an innocent smile, keeping the book to your chest, “Oh nothing. Just one of those silly romance books.” 
Peter raised his eyebrows, “Silly? Let me see.” 
Before you could squeak out an objection, Peter snatched the book away, his eyes scanning the page you were on. 
“He pushed her dress up to her hips, revealing her wet core. He dove in, lapping up her arousal like a starved man, his mouth quickly attaching itself to her clit.”
Sometimes you got so caught up in playing your role. Peter had said much dirtier things to you and yet there you were, head in your hands and a warm flush coursing through your body. 
Peter placed the book on your nightstand before bringing your hands away from your face. 
“Oh baby. You’re too sweet to be reading something like that. Why don’t we cuddle instead?”
With his brown puppy dog eyes and sweet smile, he actually sounded genuine. For a moment, you thought he wasn’t inviting you to play. Not when he had his head in your lap, practically purring as your fingernails gently scratched his scalp. 
But then his long, nimble fingers made their way under the blanket, grazing against your bare skin, drawing shapes along your thighs as he made his way up your body.
“Peter.” His name was said in a sweet, sing-song voice, “Thought you wanted to cuddle.”
He sat up, pulling you closer, “I do bug.” Peter's other hand was now underneath your shirt, creeping up to your chest.. 
“Peter,” you could barely breathe, too enthralled with how good his fingers felt kneading your breasts, “This isn’t cuddling.” 
“I know,” He sighed, as if he felt some guilt about what he was doing, “But doesn’t it feel good bug?”
You could only nod, breath hitching up when one of his large hands began to toy with the elastic waistband of your panties. 
The foreplay was fun, but it wasn't the main focus of the game. 
That didn't come until you were underneath him, completely bare and withering as his hard cock slid between your soaked folds. It was a battle, fighting the urge to jerk your hips up, potentially catching him. 
“Peter, w-we shouldn't,” your voice was shaky as you tried to come across as worried rather than in a pleasure laced haze.
“I know. We shouldn’t.” He's panting. Peter's lips ghosted over your bare skin, leaving a trail of open mouthed kisses. 
In this game, your birth control and five year relationship didn't exist. 
No. In this game you were wide-eyed and innocent. In this game, both your heads were clouded with lust, longing threatening to overtake common sense. 
“Maybe,” His voice is soft, addictive. “Maybe I-we-just the tip?” 
You throw your head back when the head of his cock makes contact with your clit. Desire racked through your body, fingers creating crescent shaped marks along his back as you searched for something, anything to ground you amidst the pleasure haze that was clouding your judgment. 
Part of you wanted to break character so he would fuck you sooner. 
But where was the fun in that?
“But we-fuck- we don’t have a condom?” A box of condoms was currently stashed away in your nightstand. You had been on birth control for years. There was no concern.
Again, not in this game. 
With your wide, doe-like eyes, sweet voice, and withering body, Peter was truly surprised he hadn’t come already. 
But where was the fun in that? That didn’t allow him to play, to take off the friendly neighborhood hero mask and act out his deepest desires. 
His head dropped down to your chest, his thin pink lips quickly latching on to one of your breasts. Your back arched in pleasure, hands grabbing Peter’s soft chestnut locks upon feeling the scrape of his teeth. His hips continue to thrust forward, reminding you of what was within reach. 
“I know, forgot to bring some. It would just-just be the tip,” He sounds like he just ran a marathon. You’re so warm and wet. Everytime the plush head of his cock nudges against your clit, he can feel your walls clenching, trying to catch him, enticing him in. 
“Peter,” the way you moan his name is sweeter than any song he’s heard, “We-no. Peter, don’t.”
He’s already grabbed the backs of your thighs, hitching them up to your chest. Now he has the picture view of his cock sliding through your slicked folds. You have the prettiest cunt Peter’s ever seen and God, does he want to use it.
Your hips twitch as he nudges his cock towards your all too welcoming entrance, entranced by how your walls eagerly suck him in. Eyes roll to the back of your head upon feeling the head of his cock begin to stretch you, nearly forgetting your role in all this. 
“W-wait!” You try to prop yourself up, try to jerk your hips away. 
But Peter is stronger. It drives you crazy, his strength. His hands grasp your shoulders, pushing you back down onto the mattress. 
“It’s okay bug. Just the tip, remember?” The ambered irises are blown out with lust. Combined with the downright wicked smirk adorning his handsome face, he looks more devilish than heroic. 
It thrills you. No one else sees this side of him, only you. Only you does he feel comfortable enough to indulge in these desires. 
For a few moments, it's only the tip, sliding in and out of your tight walls. 
Sometimes he’ll dive right in, other times he'll drag it out, as if Peter is truly at war with his morals when it comes to your sweet cunt. 
“Just….just the tip,” he whispers, as though he’s trying to convince himself, trying to convince you. 
The outcome is clear, but you still nod your head. “Just the tip,” you agree. 
“So…fucking tight,” He watches where you two connect in awe, lips parted, “So warm. God…feel fuckin’ incredible.” 
The praise leaves goosebumps on your skin, almost distracting enough to not notice that Peter has been slowly pushing his cock in more and more with each passing moment. Your body betrays you, hips jerking upwards in a desperate, near pathetic attempt to get more of his cock. 
Sometimes the game is hard to keep up with. There have been times where you both forfeit, craving each other far too much to continue. 
If Peter noticed you breaking character, he didn’t acknowledge it. He’s too mesmerized by the way your cunt eagerly welcomes him. 
“Fuck, baby, m’sorry, it’s-you feel s’good.” His speech is slurred, drunk off your body. Before you can react, he thrusts forward, filling you to the brim. 
“Pete-no! We can’t!” You plead, despite your body enthusiastically welcoming the intrusion, “You said-ah! You said the-the tip!”
His cock twitches at your words, at the feigned concern in your voice. His lips ghost over your face, hips increasing the speed of their thrusts. 
“I know, I know,” it’s almost convincing, that he truly feels bad for this, for giving in to lust. As if neither of you wanted it. 
He picks up his pace, shushing your fake protests. His cock feels incredible, so full. No matter how much prep beforehand, the sheer size of Peter is still an adjustment. 
“You'll- you’ll pull out, right?” You gasp, eyes meeting his. 
“‘Course bug,” He chuckles. 
He won't. But it's the false promises that keep you going.
“As-ah- as long as you pull out, it's okay, right?” You're committed to the role of the naive girlfriend, Peter will give you that. The concern in your eyes is incredibly convincing. 
Sometimes he's so caught up in the euphoria of you that he forgets to play along. All he has to do is look you in the eyes to remember his role. 
“Yeah, it's okay. God, feels incredible. Your pussy.” He hitched your legs further up until they were nearly resting on his shoulders. The change in angle allowed him to thrust deeper, reaching the spot that made you see stars. 
Bliss quickly overcame you, causing you to focus less on the game and more on the coil that was currently winding up in the pit of your stomach, threatening to snap at any moment. 
“God, you're clenching me. Can barely pull out.” His pressed his lips against yours, capturing them in a messy kiss. 
You shake your head, “Y-you should. Peter!”
But Peter continues, relishing in how tight you're gripping him. It's addictive. 
“Everytime I try to pull out, your little cunt sucks me back in. Think she wants me to stay.” His words elicit a downright desperate whimper from you. 
“How’s this? I'll stay ‘till ya cum.” His composure was incredible, his voice so soft you almost believed him. 
Weakly, you nodded as Peter’s perfidious promise promptly pershing into the periphery of your mind. Who could express you to focus, when his nimble fingers were toying with your clit? 
Your pleas to stop fade away, occasionally a feeble no falling from your lips. His massive hands were all over you, kneading at your soft skin, sure to leave bruises. 
It's one of the best things to Peter, waking up and admiring the work he did on your body from the night before. 
But for now, he could enjoy another favorite-you. It was cute, nearly adorable how your legs shook, your hips jerking upwards, desperate to get more despite already being full of him. The pathetic whimpers that fell from your lips, unable to form anything coherent. With each thrust, your breasts bounced against your chest. 
It was picturesque. Peter wished he could grab his camera to immortalize this moment, but that would break the illusion. 
So instead, his fingers skim your soft skin, tracing over your plush curves, downward until he reaches his desired location. 
After all, he promised he'd pull out once you cum. So why not help? 
His fingers on your clit felt like lightning, sending a crack of electricity up your spine. It's euphoric, you can't even bother to play along, hands gripping the strands of his hair tightly as the bedroom is quickly filled with your moans. 
When you finally get pushed over the pleasurable edge, it’s loud. There are no whines or pleads for Peter to pull out. Only raucous moans that fill the bedroom, combining with the erotic sound of his skin slapping against yours. 
“Shit, feel s’good. S’fuckin tight,” He pants, “Babe-baby. You feel s’good. Don’t know if I can pull out.”
His words jolt you out of the lavender haze, reminding you of the part you were still playing. 
“N-No. You can’t!” 
Peter nods his head, though he’s not agree with you, “M’sorry,feel s’good.”
You try to sit up, to put up a fight. But just as you do, you’re pushed back down, your hands above your head, enclasped with Peter’s. His body covers you like a warm weighted blanket, the kind where it’s so soft and deceptively confining, you can’t get up even if you wanted to. The spicy scent of cinnamon that always lingers on his body floods your nostrils, his mouth swallowing your pleas to stop as his hips erratically slam into yours. 
It was blissful. You were enraptured by Peter, by his body, roleplay be damned. Your legs wrapped themselves around his lithe waist, pulling him closer. 
Peter reaching his own high triggers yours again, walls clamping tightly down on his cock as he floods you with his warm. 
“Baby, m’s’sorry, feels too good,” it's then you register he's still rutting his hips against yours. 
Well this is a new move. Usually the game ended at this point. 
The chance to prolong, to try something new was thrilling. 
So you shook your head. “Peter!” Your moan contained more desire than it did distress, “N-no, you need-oh- pull out!” 
But Peter just grunts. It's so animalistic, your thighs clench at the sound. His refractory period was much shorter than anyone else you had been with, no doubt thanks to a radioactive spider bite. 
Now sensitivity is surging through your body, pain and pleasure mixing together. He's hitting the spot that makes you see stars, the spot you didn't think existed until you met Peter. 
It's getting harder to stay in character. But as long as Peter is trying, so will you. 
“Y-you promised you'd pull out!” 
“I know,” he groans in your ear, “Shouldn't have such a fucking tight cunt then. Don't know how ya expect me to pull out.” 
His teeth sink down into your throat, earning a sharp gasp. 
“God, your cunt,” the scruff of his beard scratches against your skin, “Think you want me to cum in ya again.” 
You shook your head, “No! Please!” Fingers claw at his strong back to no avail. He continues with his harsh thrusts, paying no attention to how your mixed arousal was leaking onto the sheets. 
“No- stop!” But that wasn't your safe word. 
He could tell you were already close, your moans increasing in pitch, how your walls were clinging to his cock. 
You just needed a little help getting there. 
“Gonna cum in ya again. It might just take this time. Is that what you want? For me to fuck a baby in ya?” 
The illusion of your feigned innocence shatters, his words igniting a flame in you that can't be fanned out. 
You're now wailing, nodding enthusiastically at Peter's words. Fingers which were once clawing at him now grip his shoulders. Instead of jerking away, your hips move upwards. 
“Y-yes! Want it to take s’bad! Please fill me up!” 
Your voice was nearly unrecognizable; whiny and desperate. It only spurs him on, his cock thrusting into you at a near bruising pace. 
Peter's next high is with your’s, hips stuttering as he fills you once more. He knows he could go again, but everyone needs a break, an intermission before the next act. 
The next few moments, you two are speechless. The only audible sounds are that of heavy breathing and the overhead ceiling fan.
“Well, that was fun,” you chuckled, running your fingers absentmindedly through his hair. 
Peter finally made eye contact with you. His eyes are dark, almost black with lust. The grin on his face is downright wolfish. 
“Oh sweetheart, I'm far from done with you.” 
You were in for a long night. 
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maikolwaves · 3 months ago
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Silly cannibal man, what could go wrong?
Just don't ask him about meat trivia
( some older Bob art from Twitter, I gotta draw him more he's so drawable fr <3 )
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