#they love fraggle rock as much as i do 😭😭
rexscanonwife · 2 months
Ugh, I've had such a headache today and I still had to go to a doctor's appointment 😭😭 I just wanna lay downnnn
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crispycreambacon · 3 months
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Part 2 of Chris Pycream Bacon trying to figure out how to draw these little goobers featuring everyone's favourite Fluttershy prototype and neurotic system 💫
Click below to see "Part 1" and "Part 3"! ;3
Gobo || Wembley & Red || Fraggle Five
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warwickroyals · 2 years
otp asks for james and tatiana: 6, 15, 17, 25, 30, 37, 47 (sorry if any of these are spoilers, im just curious lmao 😭)
Puffer's OTSP Ask Game💗🐡 — Receiving
Good questions, anon, I'll answer these to the best of my ability!
6 | Who's the sun and who's the moon?
James is the moon, the more darker and mysterious figure and Tatiana is the sun, bright and blazing. I feel as if their hair colours even symbolize that.
15 | How do their past relationships (or lack thereof) affect their current relationship?
Tatiana never had a boyfriend or any past romantic relationships before James. This ended up having a huge impact on how quickly their relationship progressed into something serious, Tatiana was a pretty dejected person who'd never experienced romantic love in ~20 years so she felt desperate to keep James close. James, on the other hand, had several flings before Tatiana and was building a reputation as a playboy type, something that annoyed his parents. By the time he was with Tatiana, Louis was warning him to end the relationship if it wasn't serious. Louis understood Tatiana was particularly naive, and kindhearted but not very conventionally attractive. He didn't want James to screw her over, luckily that wasn't James's intention.
17 | Who made the first move? What was it?
James made the first move. He knew of Tatiana and her family since childhood, but he only started considering her romantically in his 20s. He started showing up at random Farnsworth family events more and more often until Tatiana was comfortable enough around him to stop gawking at him. He then began asking her for tours around her family's expansive family estate, they went on horseback rides together, and when the summer ended he visited Tatiana at the National Ballet School. It was clear that he was intentionally pursuing her after a few months. Tatiana was smitten.
25 | Who said I love you first? How did it go?
Tatiana basically blurted it out. James thought it was very cute.
30 | What are their nicknames for each other? (If any)
Outside of generic terms of affection, James was always Jamie. The Warwicks, on the other hand, were crueller with their nicknames. They took to calling Tatiana Fraggle, since they all thought she resembled Red Fraggle from Fraggle Rock quite a bit. She also had a red turtleneck she wore often, which didn't help. So, sometimes James would call her Fraggle or Frag if he wanted to tease her.
37 | Who initiated the first kiss? What was it like?
It was James, and I'm pretty sure I will show this at some point, so I won't give away too much context 🤭
47 | How did they meet?
Tatiana's family, being wealthy aristocrats, have rubbed shoulders with the royal family for decades by the time James and Tatiana were born. Tatiana's paternal grandmother was lady-in-waiting to Queen Katherine and her maternal grandmother was a renowned hostess. Louis and Irene were at Tatiana's parent's wedding and the christening of her brother. Sometimes Tatiana was brought to Chester Palace as a small child, this is most likely where the two first met.
However, the first time they met that they could remember was in 1985, when they were eight. Every summer, a Ferris wheel is set up on the Farnsworth estate for the younger children to entertain themselves during shooting weekends. Tatiana was always too scared to ride the Ferris wheel on her own, something her siblings always bullied her over. One August day, the royal family visited the Farnsworth estate. Irene, sensing Tatiana's timid nature, suggested James and Phillip accompany Tatiana on the Ferris wheel. The boys ended up torturing her by screaming that they were going to fall and intentionally rocking the cabin back and forth. Tatiana screamed and cried the entire time, she refused to speak with them for the rest of the day. The boys thought it was funny, though.
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