#some of the stimming was enjoyment/laughing
steampoweredskeleton · 2 months
I did so much today and already know I'm gonna be in a wild amount of pain tomorrow
My hip literally had a jolt of sharp pain this morning before all the standing that did in my knees. And my ankle felt weak before I left the flat this morning
I've been stimming so much that my wrist clicked sharply and now when I twist my hand it clicks again and fucking Aches
Tomorrow and Friday are gonna SUCK
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borderlinereminders · 4 months
Self-Soothing skills are mostly physical techniques that use different senses. This is one of the distress tolerance skills. Different things work for different people, but the goal is to use one (or more) of the five senses to give yourself a comfortable experience when you are feeling in distress.
(These are also really great ideas for grounding!)
Here are some examples to try, but don't hesitate to add your own!
Go visit a place you love (a museum, aquarium, maybe the beach, or a trail/view point you love.)
Watch a slideshow of your favourite pictures
Look at an aesthetic collage/board you made
Light a candle and watch the flame flicker and the wax gradually melt.
Find a video you like like a wood stove burning, or maybe rain or snow falling.
Use a stim toy that you enjoy that has an interesting texture (slime, soft things, etc).
Pet or cuddle your pet!
Hold a favourite blanket, or maybe a stuffed animal.
Take a warm bubble bath
Lay in the grass
Put on your favourite music
Use an auditory stim toy you enjoy (pop tubes, snapperz, etc.)
Listen to nature sounds
Listen to your pet snoring
Go to a park and listen to the sounds of children laughing and playing
Have a nice cup of tea, hot chocolate, coffee, etc
Suck on a hard candy
Chew on gum
Eat one of your favourite snacks
Cook a favourite meal
Go grab a favourite drink from somewhere
Light a scented candle and focus on the smell
Use incense
Use your favourite body spray/perfume
Go for a walk somewhere where you can smell something you enjoy like the ocean, or fresh baking at the bakery
Bake or cook something to smell it in the oven
Set up a new air freshener
We sometimes feel like we don't deserve these comforts, or it's hard for us to self-soothe on our own without someone to help us. You absolutely deserve these comforts, and while it's valid to get help from others, being able to work on self-soothing for ourselves can be really beneficial to us and our relationships. I made a deal with myself that I will try self-soothing first and then reach out for help if needed after I make a solid effort on my own. The comfort that I still have the option to reach out makes me more willing to try to self-soothe on my own.
If possible, make yourself a goal to try a new self-soothing technique a week to try when you aren't in distress to see how it feels! Trying these distress skills when we aren't in distress can be really helpful to us being able to use them in distress. When you are trying them, make sure to try and focus solely on the technique. If you are using a taste technique, focus only on the taste and enjoyment of whatever it is. (Using mindfulness techniques to achieve this can be helpful!)
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jeff-the-box-boy · 11 months
Random sinner headcanons and stuff
This is not all my hcs, I have some for Vergil as well. This is probably most of the sinner hcs I have tho
Yi Sang
Enjoys fermented, rotten and spoiled foodstuffs
Kinda looks like a Victorian orphan (pale, thin, probably scrounges around on the floor for food)
Fibromyalgia, type 1 diabetes, nyctalopia, pica, depression, autism, depersonalization, sea sickness, motion sickness, nut allergy, pet spit allergy, (to be continued?)
Yi Sang and his multitude evil exes like Ramona Flowers (Dongrang, Dongbaek, Gubo)
Stupid sense of humor but he rarely laughs, mostly just smiles to himself when he makes a name pun or hears an accident innuendos
Doesn't like conflict, especially personal conflict with people he cares about
Autism, NPD, lactose intolerant, (to be continued possibly)
Has a special interest in trains, was much more prevalent in childhood (Still prevalent in adulthood, it's why everything seems kinda train themed despite them being on a bus)
Plus sized fat girl
Indulges in Yi Sang's stupid puns and stuff, sometimes making puns of her own with him
ADHDtism, delusions of grandeur, probably schizophrenia or STPD, pet hair and spit allergy, (TBC)
Never gets bed head or knotty hair
Very strong arms
Fixated on the fixers part of the fixer fandom
Writes fixer fanfic
Probably ASPD, (TBC)
Has favorites when it comes to the other sinners (Faust, Sinclair, and Hong Lu)
Was likely an artist for the ring in her past
Shibari enjoyer, mostly rigger but does not mind modeling
Autism, SPD (schizoid), hypersexual, hyperthymesia, (TBC)
Studies the people around him and slightly changes how he acts around them to make conversation less of a hassle/go smoother (I have a few examples of this kinda happening in canon)
Keeps a mental list of things he likes and does not like about the other sinners:
How they treat him, things they say that stick out, reactions to things he does, random tidbits and pieces of backstories
Also has like an actual physical notebook but his memory is good enough, tends to be full of shockingly detailed and realistic sketches with very few notes
Collects scraps of newspapers, pictures, and documents he finds
May or may not have pocketed an old Gregor propaganda poster
Hong Lu
ADHDtism, pica, latex allergy, nut allergy, (TBC)
Vaguely multilingual (not fluent) and sometimes practices with the sinners, like speaking German with Sinclair and Gregor (he sounds very funny when he speaks german)
Emotionally intelligent
All of his questions are genuine, except sometimes he asks stupid questions specifically to annoy Heathcliff:
Sometimes he just wants to hear Heathcliff explain something even if he already knows about it
He also plays along with light jabs and insults Heathcliff does, falsely proving them correct (often making Heathcliff groan or very fuckimg confused)
Good with hair styling and decent with makeup, if the girls have sleepovers he's definitely invited to them
He eats lipstick and chapstick. He takes big fucking bites out of them. He likes mint flavored lip balm.
He often steals lipstick from Rodya seeing shes one of the few on the bus that uses it but he makes it up to her by buying her more expensive makeup or food
Possible IED, inferiority complex, C-PTSD, lactose intolerant, (TBC)
Lower empathy for rich people; higher empathy for poor people
Like using nicknames, they come naturally to him
Defaults to things like "bloke" and "lass" but he does have a few sinner specific ones
OCD, cyclothymia, Insomnia, nut allergy, (TBC)
Distracts herself with busy work, shes always trying to do something
If she has nothing to do she often stims or fiddles around with stuff like her hair, her fingers, or bounces her leg and stuff
Doesn't like feeling useless or inadequate
Showers and cleans herself multiple times a day
"scrubbing the sea water/whale spit(?) off"
HPD, possible BPD, dyslexia, gambling addict, binge eater, inferiority-superiority complex, lactose intolerant, (TBC)
Left handed but claims ambidexterity
"Wanna hear something to get your brain thinking?" Proceeds to say some stupid shit that seems like it could be philosophical but it's actually a big nothing burger (sometimes Yi Sang actually tries towards interpret her nonsense in an actual poetic way)
Tries her hardest to ignore and not face problems, especially her own
Severe anxiety, DPD, PTSD, dyscalculia, possible BPD, nut allergy, pollen allergy, (TBC)
He has many bad habits that have stuck with him since childhood/school
Biting his nails and cuticles up while stressed
Not drinking enough water (doesn't want to pee during class/a meeting)
Waits till the end of a briefing to ask questions or for help 
Wears his gloves to stop his nail biting 
He also just has really cold hands
He's bites the inside of his cheeks when he can't bite his nails
Internalized homophobia but like.. in a weird way. Like. Does gay things but, either feels bad abt it, like guilty, or tries to make not gay excuses for it. But like only for himself?
Projects self hatred and his trauma on his enemies, which makes it easier for him to attack them
When both him and Demian are asleep at the same time they can share dreams and interact with each other in them
Autism, possible PTSD, latex allergy, (TBC)
She's a kiss-ass towards Dante because she had to be a kiss-ass during the war in order to move up in position
Kinda glues herself to Dante's side, she explains things that don't need explained or says she's gonna protect them (Ishmael does it better) (Dante doesn't bother trying to get Outis to stop)
The oldest sinner (until proven not)
Looks down on many of the other sinners, she kinda ranks them in her head (waste of breath, fixable, I can work with this, decent, the manager)
Autism, PTSD, survivor's guilt, immunocompromised, pollen allergy, latex allergy, other possible allergies,  seasonal depression, disassociation
Doesn't really know how to take a compliment since he doesn't usually get complimented 
Has long antenna coming from his head along with the bug arm, also unfinished/underutilized/healed over wings that sometimes nub up under his back when he's stressed but don't break through his skin (like g corp Greg's wings)
Whenever he's in battle his eyes kind of glaze over and he disassociates, buggy bits kinda take over
Gregor doesn't like killing especially when it's not very necessary, makes him think of the war and his buddies 
Gregor also has watery eyes, this is not specifically during battle but just in general. Sometimes when he lays on his side the eye on that side starts to tear up and leak
During intense moments, little bits of exoskeleton and chitin harden on him; like a patch of shell on the side of his or his buggy shoulder extends up a bit
Actually prefers stale or slightly turned food since he got modified but he doesn't tell anyone cause he's embarrassed and kind of ashamed of it (based on book Gregor not liking fresh food and only eating rotten or bad food, but less intense)
Amnesia, latex allergy, some kind of chronic pain (arthritis possibly), (TBC)
Nonbinary they/them intersex clock with a pair of sick tits (Dante deserves boobs)
Actual like. Dark gray skin 
Usually a bit of a nervous loser but occasionally has bouts of confidence/competence/authority similar to how they were from before they lost their head
Also likes to keep themself busy with work similar to Ishmael (they are trying their hardest to be a really good manager despite being thrown into this role suddenly)
Communicates with people that aren't the sinners through writing, simple sign language (they're still learning), making a sinner translate, or tracing letters on people
Gets phantom pains all the time, especially is a sinner died an exceptionally painful death recently
Clock has feeling like a real head
Gets repairs and check ups for their internal mechanisms, the clock even more sensitive inside the clock. all the wires and gears and stuff feel strange
Gregor and Ryoshu sometimes take smoke breaks with each other or light each others cigarettes 
Meursault and Heathcliff sometimes "play dress up" or "cosplay" with Don, Heathcliff refuses to be anything that's not somewhat badass though (Meursault has worn a dress before. Meursault does not talk about this incident.)
Outis and Gregor have a mutual kind of respect, and disdain for each other. They respect each other as veterans. Outis is a bit disappointed in his deserting and not seeing the war till the end. Gregor is freaked out by her "at least I didn't die" mindset compared to his "why was I the one that had to live" mindset
Gregor empathizes greatly with Dante whenever he sees them being dehumanized because of their prosthetic. He actively tries to talk and befriend Dante to make sure they never feel lonely or worthless
Gregor and Yi Sang both have midnight cravings and they dig through the dining room trash can for stale food. One night they both ran into each other in the dark while making their way to the trash can, Gregor nearly exploded in embarrassment. They don't talk about it, or at least Gregor doesn't. Both of them think about it pretty often though, more often then they'd expect
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judyhopps934-mt-zd · 1 year
Quick Thoughts on Miraculous Awakening
Warning: Spoilers. And I can't let go of the fact that they changed the name.
It's a musical!
The criminally insane difference between Marinette's speaking voice and singing voice. But then again, I am a huge fan of Lou and she sings so beautifully
What happened to Adrien's modeling career?!?!?!
Alya is a real one for befriending Marinette despite the rumors (the other kids are jerks)
Speaking of which, Max steals hats now?!?!?!?!?
Still hate Chloé. She still reminds me of my bullies.
THE LIBRARY SCENE!!!!! I love how they just casually met and there was no intense drama
The foreshadowing of Adrien being Cat Noir when Marinette held a book to her face
Honestly, Adrien's personality of being aloof initially is valid considering his mom died*
They meet
Apparently, Tikki and Plagg don't get along, which somehow influences how Ladybug and Chat Noir did not like each other at first and why they initially did not see themselves as equals?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
The Cherry Blossom Garden scene after the fight! Gotta live for their banter IN FRONT OF MASTER FU
Dammit Tom! We love you for being a great dad, but why are you following your daughter and interrupting her conversation with Adrien right after she says great things about you?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Glad that Ladybug and Chat Noir got along mid fight
Nino's last words were that he loves Alya, but Alya interjecting him with "Ladybug" was for some reason so funny to me
Will never forgive the loss of Ce mur qui nous separè, but the rooftop scene makes up for it (somehow)
Noooo, now Hawkmoth knows that Marinette is Ladybug 😵
He actually stops his madness after realizing that Adrien is Chat Noir? He is more respectable than his show counterpart? I gasp they actually fixed the show in a movie
Chloé, Adrien does not seem into you, have you not noticed this by now?!?!?!?!?!? Nobody is getting in your way
And they kiss?AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
Gotta give credit to everyone who worked in the movie for making it much better than the show! I feel like the show would be so much more enjoyable if they took the set storyline from the movie and expanded it without all of the inconsistencies and controversies that the show has, because this would be a show I want to see. I laughed, I happy stimmed with glee, I cried, and repeat. Overall 100000/10
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yellowhollyhock · 10 months
There are some versions of tmnt that I don’t enjoy as much, but they immediately become more enjoyable if I think about them in terms of crossovers with the ones I like.
For example, the 2014 movies. There were fun moments but if that were my exposure to tmnt, I wouldn’t be interested. However, if the bayverse turtles were involved in a multiversal incident, those six foot monstrosities would be positively adopted by the tossable-sized 1987 turtles and the little guys from 2003. And that’s a delightful thought in many respects.
Also 2012 Raph has a history of adopting creatures that are or will be very intimidating. Just imagine bayverse Raph is talking about leaving like he does and 2012 Raph is immediately like, Aha, so you I will be taking under my wing, gonna pretend for a second that I’ve achieved peace with my issues and am qualified to help with yours. Btw are you eating enough. And 2003 Raph would be so on board. Bayverse Raph has two mini versions of him appearing to trail him like ducklings but they’re actually watching him like hawks.
Bayverse Leo gets frustrated with his brothers and tiny 1987 Leonardo is glaring up at him with his hands on his hips. “That’s not what teamwork is about!” (Good gracious he reminds me of me, I can see on his face how much he cares, he just wants so badly to do the right thing) “You need to apologize to them!” (he is my baby brother now, we’re going to have so much fun playing basketball together)
Bayverse Donnie getting excited and stuttering and stimming and 2003 Donnie has to stand on on a chair to comfortably to put a hand on his shoulder and grin at him. They would exchange stories about jumping out of moving cars and having to figure out medical stuff. Bayverse Donnie is such an openly Little Brother and 2003 Donnie would have such a soft spot for him. Also they would team up to purposely and affectionately drive both their Raph’s crazy.
1987 Raphael and Bayverse Mikey would bond over dressing up. Raphael would make fun of him so much and at first he’d be offended, but pretty soon he sees the affection in it and he’s laughing along, eager to learn how and when to break the fourth wall and wanting to try out all of Raphael’s disguises. He would be constantly begging him to burst into random song and dance numbers with him and Raphael’s like, Buddy not even we did that. Talk to the turtles from the 90s movies. Or don’t actually. You’re my adorable younger cousin who is for some reason gigantic, they can’t have you.
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a-bucket-of-trash · 2 years
Bonds Like Tree’s Roots- Kelvin x Female Reader – P7
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Tags: F - L - U - F - F
After that chaotic and abrupt confrontation between the two of you and your ex-boyfriend James, it took you a while to calm down again, but at least you were less warlike now, thanks to Kelvin's insistent closeness and his penchant for distracting you in his peculiar way.
Now you were just sitting next to him, while you watched him work at the dining room table, taking apart the water filter of your fish tank, with background music. Luckily you had some basic tools, so he could try to make something. And watching him work, somewhat abstracted, reviewing the parts with his attractive expression of concentration, was a complete visual enjoyment that you thought would be engraved on your retina.
“Mmmmm…” He went through a few pieces, thinking “Did this filter ever work right?”
"I think not" You looked at him, elbowing "I mean, it locked less, every two or three weeks, not every few days as it does now"
"This isn't supposed to lock up every few weeks, little silly." He looked at you warmly, shaking his head softly. "It's defective from factory."
"But you can fix it, riiiiiiiiiight?" You put puppy eyes, to convince him.
"Psss... well..." He saw your irresistible look that melted him inside "No... Don't make that face!" He pushed you gently, trying not to seem too obvious "I hate you, manipulative thing..." He grumbled, still looking at your face, out of the corner of his eye " Yes, yes, I'm going to fix it…”
"You know I like to tease you a bit" You laughed "Leave it if it's too complicated, they're not that expensive"
"I'll see... If it's what it seems to be, it'll be easy..." He coughed slightly, anticipating what he wanted to say, not taking his eyes off the things "Do you want... to tell me something about you and James? You know I'm all ears… now that they work…”
"Meh" You rubbed your own arm, slightly uncomfortable "You can imagine... All very nice until he turned into a controlling manipulator who thought he owned me... Which seemed cute at first, you know... He's still trying to control me despite that I left him… And he always manages to get in through a window, that bastard…”
"Tell me he hasn't hit you" He stared at you, worried, gently touching your cheek with the back of his fingers "Or something worse... Because then I will kill him"
"No, he hasn't done anything like that, don't worry" You smiled, touched by his softness "He wasn't that brave, he just threatened. Just noises"
"Good" He gave a short tender peck on your cheek, before going back to work with the filter "Now he won't even threaten you, I'm sure of that... You took the few balls he had with that magnificent kick"
"Like you didn't beat him up too." You tried not to laugh like mad at what he had done.
"Mhm... Do you have anything sharp?" He asked, looking at some parts of the filter.
"Uh-huh." You simply took a butterfly knife out of your pocket, opening it, doing a simple trick of movement with it, before offering it to him, "At his command, Officer."
"What?" He looked at you, laughing softly "You're crazy... my General... Be careful with that, you're going to cut you something" He gently took the silver knife from your hands, looking at it, before cutting some tips and parts of the filter.
"Relax, I only do simple tricks with that one" You saw him work.
"You're not supposed to do any tricks with something like this blade!" He scolded you "It cuts like a surgeon's scalpel! Crazy girl!"
"Overprotective" You laughed softly, feeling how he nudged you gently with his shoulder "The one I do fool with is the practice knife, that one has no edge, so I can do stupid things all afternoon"
"It's a weird hobby, isn't it?" He didn't even look at you.
"It's a mix of hobby with a stim toy to keep my head busy... I wanted to learn how to put together a Rubik's cube but I'm not very good with puzzles"
"Show me" He see you again.
"Sure." You reached out to him, asking for the knife.
“With the practice one! I'm not going to give you this! Ey!" He pushed it away from you a lot, seeing you laugh.
Under his watchful gaze you walked to your room and came back with a practice butterfly razor, elegant black, with a comb instead of a razor.
"Sometimes it helps me when I have some anxiety" You sat back down and started doing one trick after another, quickly "Maybe you should try it"
Kelvin watched the string of tricks intently, partly focusing on your hand. He really loved your hands, it was perhaps one of his favorite parts of you, so seeing the trick was serving as a justification to see them in detail. But also seeing that, the way it almost flew between your fingers, the way you held it, was almost hypnotic.
"It's going to be useful to me if I get to enter the university" You continued with the trick.
"Are you going to go to university?" He smiled, seeing you stop.
“I don't know… Part of me wants to try it, but I also remember that I'm not eighteen years old, my brain doesn't quite remember what it was like to study in a non-military exam, and with the amount of anxiety I already have, added to the fact that I barely sleep …Well…I don't think that's a good idea.” You rubbed your fingers against the razor.
"I agree with you. Focus on your health first" He went back to work with the filter "I took classes long before I had all this sea of mental chaos that we have as a result of you know what... And even then it was quite complicated... A lot of mental demand, a lot of use of memory, less time in your life, deadlines, maximum concentration, hours and hours sitting reading, exams accumulated..." He sighed, with a slight shudder running down the back of his neck when he remembered those years "Never again"
"Exactly" You thought, looking at him "And why hydraulic engineering?"
"I like water?" He shrugged, hearing you laugh "I'm serious, dummy…I'm interested in how water flows, how it behaves on different surfaces, all that shit… Why do you think I'm a Marine?"
"You've gone from being a Rottweiler to a seal." You laughed more.
"Ha-ha" He laughed sarcastically "Behave yourself or I'll bite you"
“Mmmhmm!” You feigned interest.
 “Ssshhtt” He laughed, pointing his finger at you “Stop it” He rushed the filter closer to you “Get your silly filter fixed and stop acting like a child”
You laughed softly, resting your head on his shoulder, feeling him rest his head on yours. Spending time with you seemed so refreshing that it made hi, want to go to his hotel room even less.
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demideific · 2 years
Autistic Nico & Will Headcanons Part 1:
Nicos special interests have always really centered around Mythology despite it being a sometimes negative constant in his life.
It brings him a lot of joy when he has opportunities to learn new things about it and experience it all first hand(preferably the things that wouldn't get him killed).
He's known to travel often whenever the opportunity arises to explore it further.
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Nico is honestly a very extroverted person who just struggles sometimes to connect with others due to his trauma and past.
Also the accidental info-dumping. He finds it hard not to chat if it doesn't involve his special interests at times which can make it hard to make connections with folks.
Due to being an extrovert though, with the resources to indulge in his special interest very often, he's gathered quite a few connections with folks despite it all. Most people are very surprised to find just how many people Nico knows and how easy he is to talk with once he's comfortable around them.
It's literally canon that Nico knows so many different types of people, most on a personal level from travelling, which I find delightful.
Most people assume Will is the one with all of the dad jokes, but Nico again comes in clutch with the unexpected talents. He carries them like a second weapon, but not because he extremely enjoys them, but more so sees them as an ice breaker to soften the natural "Death Boy" aura he carries.
Also it's fun to make people laugh and cringe in the same breath, double power move in Nicos mind.
Will has made it an unspoken mission of his to out-joke Nico, it's a really fun way they bond. Will may be "losing", but it doesn't feel like a loss when Nico smiles. Many few it as them "bickering" at times, but their banter is never from a place hate but enjoyment.
Another way they bond is through Wills special interest, which can honestly be a pretty broad topic. He enjoys studying the human body and finding the most efficient ways to heal physical traumas.
He really knows the ins and outs of most every injury or ailment out there and if he hasn't gotten to it yet it's most certainly on his list.
He'll grab Nico any time there's been a very interesting or rather gruesome case admitted to the infirmary. They'll bounce back and forth off each other as far as ideas and fascination goes as they enjoy patching up the patient together.
Nico may have developed a mild special interest himself from Wills new point of view on injuries, though he's mostly interested in the injury itself and not necessarily the healing process. He does find Wills talents very impressive though, a cool sight to see.
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Nico can feel a bit jealous at times of how he admires some of his patients, despite knowing it's coming from a place of admiration of the work he's done.
They've made a promise to voice those concerns each time they pop up. They both agree that not communicating is an awful idea, so no matter what they always speak there mind and talk it out.
People often view their talks as fighting, but the reality is they're just very open and blunt when they speak, always closing out on good terms before moving on.
Not to say they've never fought, but simply they would rather work to avoid negative conflict when they can.
On a funny note, Nico could never really get into Wills special interest in Star Wars, but they found compromise in both obsessing over Greys Anatomy. He finds himself sometimes quoting the "Pick me, choose me, love me" line from the show to lightheartedly say he's feeling jealousy. They both get a laugh out of it and will regroup by watching a few episodes together when able.
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Will tends to keep a bandage wrapped around his hand to stim with in a pinch. He'll wrap and unwrap it aimlessly as he's working to help with his hectic surroundings.
He use to stim by chewing at his lips, but has taken to chewing gum or a chew necklace due to the accidental bleeding it would cause.
Nico tends to bounce his leg, tap his feet, fidget with his fingers, or pick as his hands for stimulation. He's working to break the hand picking habit due to the unintentional harm it can cause. It's a work in progress.
Will and Rachel have both gifted him stim toys to help as a replacement.
He felt very embarrassed at first, thinking that "toy" meant it was for children, but once he saw Percy and Annabeth using them during a meeting he felt better about it.
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He always keeps them on hand now and appreciates them a lot.
Also, you thought I was just gonna throw in the Greys Anatomy thing and not mention it again???
Not likely, there's more. 😌✨
For anyone that's watched the show, they'll do the "dance it out" thing as a form of stimming, ESPECIALLY on an extra stressful day.
It really helps Will the most, though Nico would be lying if he said it didn't feel freeing.
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some-pers0n · 8 months
whats your autistic medic headcannons
EhhehehEHEHEHHAHAHHEHEHE!! I get to ramble and talk about the SILLY GUY!!
Alright here's some big ones.
Low empathy autism and generally has a pretty hard time empathizing with others
Growing up he always found more enjoyment with books and exploring the forest around Rottenburg as opposed to playing with the other kids
^ He very much relates to pest animals like pigeons and rats, sympathizing and empathizing with them more than he would with humans
Chronic boredom and constantly yearns for stimulation via surgery and general malpractice stuff
He stims mostly by rocking from heel to toe, adjusting his gloves, laughing, clicking his teeth, tapping, and doing the dinosaur thing of walking around on the balls of his feet
^ If he's excited he'll flap his hands and his entire body just shakes
He really likes the sensory feeling of his rubber gloves as well as the lab coat
His hair is naturally curly but he combs it over and gels it cause sensory issues
He is extremely blunt and most of the time won't register if what he's said was mean or not (unless he's deliberately trying to insult somebody)
^ He says what he means and doesn't see a point in trying to lie and mask his real feelings most of the time
No sense of humour (he tries quite a bit though) but he's a great storyteller
^ If he does say something funny it's typically something he's completely serious about and if he says something really weird or strange it's cause he's trying to make a joke
Absolutely 100% stubborn and refuses to do anything but his way
Prone to infodumping about whatever project he's currently working on
^ If it's something worthy of locking himself in his lab for days he's going to come out eventually like a feral gremlin and drags the closest approximation of a person away to talk at them until the sun comes up
He's terrible at social situations and absolutely refuses to interact with a person if he doesn't care about them or what they offer to him
^ He is quite friendly with his team though since they've all bonded and they don't really treat him as weird or anything, just eccentric and silly
I've said it before but him and Engie do parallel play where they'll go into either the workshop or lab and do their own thing while occasionally striking up a conversation once every hour
He has a hard time with detecting sarcasm from others
He has like five emotions (neutral, happy, annoyed, blistering rage, or unbridled mania) and if he feels anything more he just bluescreens and has a hard time discerning what it means
His birds help him a lot and comfort him if he's getting overstimulated and generally giving him company
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sleepystawbie · 1 year
My husbands name is Joe (I’m perfectly content revealing this information because there are three gazillion Joe’s on this planet at any one time so good luck finding my specific Joe✌️) and my favourite thing to do is to substitute song lyrics with his name.
This is enjoyable both as a form of marital hazing and brain enrichment, I can sing my silly little stim songs and since his name is dispersed regularly within them my husband is forced to be aware of me.
Sometimes he is amused by my attention to detail when blending his name with the song. “When you sit there, acting like you Joe me. Acting like you only brought me here to get some Joe-y.” Got a laugh from him. Sometimes the song devolves into a chant about him sucking dicks, this also amuses him.
Anyway the point is you should find someone who enjoys your brain, it makes everything much more fun.
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jonathanthetranswriter · 11 months
Why School Should Be A Safe Place- Another Rant
Everyone's experience at school is different. It depends on where you live, how old you are, what teachers you get, ect ect. Most kids hate school- waking up early, doing work, being told what to do. It's most kids' nightmares, and it can be hell if you're somehow atypical. However, school should be a place where people feel safe.
Speaking from personal experience, elementary and middles school was hell for me. I didn't understand why I was so frustrated- why I needed to be perfect. I didn't comprehend when my friends were using me. I didn't know why every teachers making good examples out of me still made me feel awkward. Nothing made sense, so I went with it. I just assumed school was torture and pain and nothing else. For everyone. Ever. Seeing people who had fun in those years made me feel like I was doing everything wrong. Like there was some sort of code I was missing. Then I got to high school. Covid made for a rocky start, but once I was able to get there, I realized I had been so wrong about a lot of things. Once teachers started using my name and pronouns, I felt human. Once they stopped telling students to be like me, I felt comfortable. I now had teachers who listened. I didn't have to suffer in shame wondering what was wrong with me- they understood without me saying a word.
Then I made friends. Friends who didn't want me because I had the answers to the test. Friends who didn't want to dump feelings and emotions on me without asking and without being willing to listen in turn. Friends who didn't talk shit behind my back. I could joke with them, laugh with them. I could tell them how I felt and they'd respond. We could set boundaries and respect them. I was finally able to let go. In the back of my mind, everything kind of stuck, but the thoughts were whispers rather than yells. I had a support system. I didn't have to worry anymore. I was fine. I could be myself. That's huge. When I go home, I have to place everything about myself in a box. My gender, my sexuality, my self expression, my fixations. Everything that I can share, do, BE when I'm at school, I have to pack it up. I have to change myself entirely. I can't bring up LGBTQ+ topics- too many arguments. I can't stim- I'm weird or on drugs. I can't talk about my interests- no one wants to hear that.
What if I had to do that all day? What if I had to keep myself in a box day in and day out? What if I wasn't safe anywhere?
That's the issue, sadly, in too many places. Boxes can only hold so much for so long. They give out eventually. That's why there are so many suicides. Boxes break and no one has the energy to tape it up. No one should have to. You need to be able to be yourself somewhere that's not online. The internet can be a wonderful outlet- that's true- but nothing compares to being able to be yourself out in the world. Your childhood- as in from the moment you're born to the moment you're legally an adult- is meant to be a time of discovery, love, and enjoyment. It's not supposed to hurt all the time. Bumps and bruises here and there are expected- but you shouldn't always have a concussion. If you can't find yourself, you're going to have a hard time adjusting to adulthood. Dealing with the guilt and self-hatred that comes along with seeing everyone else being so sure in their identities is not a great feeling.
I don't even know if this rant made sense- but the takeaway is this: Grades aren't real, school's for self discovery and if you're not safe to do that then it's bullshit.
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pika2482 · 8 months
AOTD 1/31/2024 - We Like It Here (Snarky Puppy)
[All albums are rated subjectively based off my own enjoyment] 10/10
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I am going to forgo my usual format for this one.
This is a Fusion Jazz album, for the music nerds among us. A Musicians genre, if you will. Personally, I really love Fusion Jazz, finding myself basking in the almost ambience of Pat Methany, and the straight forward energy of Weather Report.
Snarky Puppy is now one of the Genre Mainstay Greats, in my eyes. Each main idea of every song is tight, with each one better than the last, fitting perfectly with the previous measures yet being a breath of fresh air, scarcely overstaying its welcome. The solos were dynamically intensive as they were crisp, tight, and Blazing at times. Frequently I found myself physically stimming to some of the better sections, squealing with joy and laughing maniacally during the highlights of each track. Just… Perfection all around.
The only song that felt repetitive in the slightest was Tio Macaco, a more Brazillian Jazz tune. Even though it's extended trumpet solo was awesome, it's accompanying riff felt like it lingered on for far too long, becoming a bit cheesy to my ears. Still, an 8/10 isn't much to sough at, but with the insane consistancy of the rest of the album, an 8/10 becomes somewhat of a sore point.
The highlights for me were the first two tracks, Shofukan and What About Me?. Given as they're both 6+ minute Odysseys that through several main ideas, each culminating in some of the Finest music I've ever heard, I'm not going to be able to describe them well over text. What I can say though, is that those two songs immediately made me realize that this album had a Serious shot at a 10/10, and wouldn't you know it, the track list remained strong enough to pull it off.
Just everything about this album is fucking amazing. The composition, the groove, the solos, the energy, the dynamics, the range and variety, it's just… Perfect. Next to no notes. A+.
Overall, if you're any amount of a Music Nerd, listen to this album. This album is going to become a mainstay recommendation for me.
Favorite Tracks: Shofukan, What About Me?, Sleeper, Outlier, Kite, Lingus Least Favorite Tracks: Jambone, Tio Macaco
Sidenote: Shofukan and What About Me are going on my top 50 most likely. I just have to figure out which tracks to cull…
Shofukan - 10/10 What About Me? - 10/10 Sleeper - 9.5/10 Jambone - 8.5/10 Kite - 9/10 Outlier - 9.5/10 Tio Macaco - 8/10 Lingus - 9.5/10
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tf2-simps · 2 years
how abt the mercs (or just defense if you're tired/busy) with a reader whos a superfan of tf2? like how would they react to their room being filled with merchandise of them?
I never thought of this idea but I read it and just new I had to do it for the whole team XD thank you this was so fun ask to write for!!!
-gender neutral reader
“How didya get all of thes-? nevermind. Freakin awesome.”
Oh god his ego. He is fascinated by all the things you have of him. He can’t quit smiling over it! He starts purposely finding excuse to walk into your room
Ohhh my gosh if you gush about Scout to himself he will stim and try to act cool and fail miserably because he is just so hyped up
He will start dragging the others into your room to show it off
He likes to look at the merchandise of him. He feels like royalty and like some magical honor had been bestowed upon him
He will not shut up about it but he especially loves to rub it into Spy’s face
He is very..curious about them. Pokes at the stuff and looks through it
Eventually comes to the conclusion of “of course you have merchandise of him! Who wouldn’t have merchandise of him?”
He’s shockingly quiet at first, laughs, then (caringly) rattles you back and forth and goes on an entire tangent about how excited and happy about it
He’s very interested in seeing how much you already know about him
He gets suspicious you might be a spy sent to kill him or capture him so there will be some lecturing
Pyro is very thrilled and wants to know where you got such cool merchandise! Pyro will ask a lot of questions like how much did it cost? Do you have a favorite one? Which was the most expensive? Is Pyro allowed to touch/play with the stuff?
Pyro will make merchandise of you in Pyro’s own fancy way and will show it off to you as well!
Pyro will just have to show all of this off to balloonicorn!
Pyro finds it absolutely so cool that you got all this merchandise and probably makes a drawing of you and Pyro and says its the new Picasso merchandise
Goes from amazed to questioning to amazed within the span of 4 seconds
He never knew that there even was merch of him being produced so he’s a little questionable but he’s really delighted about it at the same time
He has mixed feelings on you knowing so much about him but he finds it pretty funny that you probably know more about himself than he does
It gives him an ego boost
“If ya’ know this much about me, I suppose I better start findin stuff about you too!”
Concern is the first thing he feels, he needs a moment to process it but eventually comes to the conclusion that this probably isn’t and won’t be the strangest thing he sees
When he finds out that you just think he’s super cool and probably aren’t planning on trying to kidnap him he doesn’t mind it too much
Secretly has a slight enjoyment from someone showing so much interest in him
Grows accustomed to it and if anyone tries to give him any banter he simply brings up his fanatic fan
Confusion but not like curious confusion but questioning confusion
He’s trying to figure out if it’s a good or bad thing. Do you..know his name? Or what his family as done? How much do you know? Would you use it against him? Or is this just a simple enjoyment?
He’s a little tip-toey around you for a bit but when he decides that you probably aren’t going to do any terrible harm and theres not much he could do since you already know so much he gives in to the idea of it
Not to the same degree, but just like the rest he gets slight sick kicks from someone being obsessed
He stoops to your level of what can be described as “freakiness” and is a sponge for that kinda nonsense
This man is ready for it. He sits down and is listening. A little concerning how okay and intrigued he is with this
He gives you a very particular look when you go into detail about things like his name and where he grew up and his whole deal with the devil situation but shrugs it off
He will criticize the merch if it doesn’t have “perfect detail” though
He doesn’t know what to say or how to feel about it. He calls you a dork for it though
He is a professional assassin, does this mean he is famous too? He would either hand it oddly well or horribly
He needs a while to think about it and process it. He is tied between feeling really cool and why out of anyone to get invested into did you pick him?
He never really gets a particular feeling over it, but he does smile when you ramble about him
Oh god he is horrified. At first he’s like “oh cool ok, do what you want” but 0.000005 seconds later he realizes you just might know too much about him and that could lead to…issues
He does his own spying on you and runs a background check. You probably won’t see him show up around your for a few days until he can for certain say you won’t do anything that could compromise him or his team
He stares bullets into your soul anytime Scout shows up around the both of you
He’s chill about it but if you threaten to blackmail him he will spill all of your violent worst secrets and fears and will turn it against you
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that-peach-anon · 3 years
Did no one say Sam and Max coraline au? Ahaha i wrote for it anyways (:
Almost 3000 words of Geek angst because i adore her character kahshdkshs
This was written based on @lesbialien 's coraline au and i hope y'all enjoy it!
Geek had never been one to depend on others. She had grown up in the basement after all, and being a kid genius, she knew how to take care of anything necessary for survival.
Not that she had been taken care of before. Not many people are interested in adopting the kid that was busier studying bugs' corpses rather than playing dolls with her peers. But that was okay too. She'd much rather be left in the orphanage where there were no parents to smother her and distract her from her studies, she was a person of science after all.
And then came Sam and Max. A duo that called themselves “freelance police" but had much too twisted morals and messed up ethics to be considered any sort of responsible and trustworthy employees. And that was okay. Geek didn’t have that many worries about ethics and morals, after all, to learn things, sometimes morals and ethics get in the way. If she had been adopted by normal people, they would have insisted for her to stop with the dissections and chemically hazardous experiments because that's “not for kids", and that would have been awful. But no, Sam and Max didn't care about that, in fact, most of the times they were the ones in danger, where Max would eat dead animals or consume poisonous chemicals, and Sam would just laugh it off and never get angry at Geek for them allowing Max to do so.
And that made sense. They weren't her parents, so why should they berate her for doing whatever she wanted. She more or less worked for them, only seeing them every few times that they needed some wacky gadget for another case. And that was totally fine with geek. Yeah. They didn’t care if Sam and Max were always busy, they were just her employers, more or less. So it was fine that they didn't spend that much time with the duo, she was only there to make stuff for them, and that was okay. Or at least she liked to pretend so.
But then something changed. One day, the rabbit and dog approached her looking rather embarrassed, which wasn't common for them, and asked to talk to her. That had triggered some alarms. They never were serious or mature enough to have talks instead of just being ignorant to everything, so this meant they were about to do something drastic that involved her. And that wasn't bad, per say. They were glad to finally be able to spend some time with the two, but she wasn't sure if this was going to be time spent doing something enjoyable.
Maybe they had decided that her services were no longer necessary? Or they had found another child genius that was happier and more energetic than Geek will ever be, and they were about to trade her for them? The possibilities were endless. But nothing had prepared them for what truly happened.
Across from them sat a beaming Sam and Max, signed adoption papers on top of the table that stood between them. Adoption papers for them. They had adopted Geek. They were her parents. This wasn't really what she expected out of all the unpredictable things they could do.
“You two… adopted me?” Her voice had been quieter than she wanted it to be, barely able to fight back the nausea slowly crawling up their throat. “Officially? As in, legally?”
“Well, yes.” Sam looked rather calm for what was supposed to be a tremendous occasion for her. “Me and Max were talking during a case and we thought it would be a good idea to adopt you, so we did.”
“Plus, the orphanage was being annoying as hell and kept bothering us about if we were gonna adopt you or else you had to go back!” Max added, apparently picking something off the sharp blades he had as teeth. “And we don't wanna look for a replacement, so this was the least troublesome thing we could do.”
If she didn't know Max better, they would think he didn't care at all, but she could see how his left foot was bouncing in place, a nervous stim he had whenever he was anxious. Max always had a soft spot for kids, so she knew he was just trying to look calm while he panicked on the inside.
“Am… am I supposed to call you two dad and father from now on?” She asked, bunching the end of her skirt in one hand.
“Do whatever you want, kid.” Max answered dismissively, Geek ignoring the way he had one of his hands holding Sam's, another telltale sign of nervousness from him. “We don't care.”
“Okay.” Their usually strong voice was now soft, barely leaving their tongue as it weighed down like lead. “I'm going back to the basement if you don't mind.”
“We'll be here if you need to talk, alright, kiddo?” Sam had asked, already stretching as he got up from the chair. Geek had done nothing more than give a dismissive hum, already having their mind in a turmoil, thoughts thrashing around like a hurricane, making her head spin and stomach tighten.
  That conversation had happened a few days ago, already just a sour memory she kept repeating in their head as her thoughts bothered and invaded her mind. Not much had changed noticeably. Now they would sometimes check up on her before grabbing a gadget and leaving, or tell her about a case before already going to another, leaving her alone for hours on end. Now Sam used more nicknames like kiddo and champ, and Max had taken to calling them kid instead of Geek. And that wasn't bad, Geek just couldn't bring herself to act with them as if everything was fine and nothing changed.
Were they going to stop her from doing her experiments because it was too dangerous and they had to make sure she stayed alive? Would they not let her do anything dangerous in case she could get hurt? Or maybe they would try putting her in school, even if she had already attended college at this point. Or they'd simply stop her from being herself and make them act like a normal child.
That would be way out of character for Sam and Max, but maybe this wasn't something she was scared of, but rather something she hoped for? Perhaps she longed for the two of them to worry about her and care about her instead of only herself being the only one that actually cares about what happens to them. Maybe she wanted a break from having to take care of herself while still a child and have someone else be the one caring for her.
But she couldn't ask that from Sam and Max, they had reckless personalities. They only really showed direct worry when something truly bad happened, like when one of the duo went missing and the other went mad trying to find them. To be honest, she didn't think they truly had showed any direct worry. Whenever they asked about how she felt they always dismissed her answer because they were more entertained by something else. They truly did try to care for them, but the two of them just weren't used to not being in tune with someone's feelings like they were with each other’s. She doesn't remember the last time one of them had to ask the other how they felt, they just usually knew.
She knew they didn't do it out of malice, they just didn't really know how to communicate. The two had never been the most in tune with feelings, barely acknowledging their own in favor of living a blissfully ignorant life. Their attempts at “parenting" Geek never quite worked out. She supposes it’s because they don't really know how to take care of something that has the capability of human thought. The most difficult thing the two had truly raised up until now was a crocodile, and he had had to be left in someone else's care in the end, so maybe it didn't count. But they tried, or at least tried to try.
The blame couldn't be placed only on the two, though. Geek's internal conflict also served as an incredibly unhelpful existence. While she did long for this whole family thing to be normal, it never did feel quite right. She felt like an intruder in the dynamic of the duo, like her only reason to interact with them was to provide a place where their gadgets came from. They felt… like a side-character, like someone who didn't belong. Maybe Sam and Max forgot about her whenever they weren't talking to her directly. I mean, the two barely knew she existed half of the time, so it was a possibility.
Anyway. So, listening wasn't their strong suit. But that's okay, at least they cared to ask, even if it did upset Geek when they found out none of them had truly listened. But that was alright, she could deal with being ignored, she already lived with that for 13 years. It was fine. She could just care for herself.
Which, wasn't something she was currently doing while dissecting a bass. In fact, she was so lost in thought, reminiscing over the words that kept playing in her head, that they had no time to notice as the scalpel slid and cut open a gash in their palm.
“Ow! Goddamn it!” They shouted in pain, the cutting tool falling on the tray next to her, letting out a loud bang as metal met metal.
Using a nearby tissue, she pressed it against the palm, grumbling at how much blood was seeping out and how annoying it would be when trying to move their hand. It was a bit deep; she probably would have needed to bandage it up but that was fine. They had created a gadget meant to cauterize wounds, so it would be healed pretty quickly.
Rummaging through the gadgets in their desk, she ignored the blood dripping and staining the tiles beneath her feet, sighing loudly when they remembered where the gadget was.
Max had taken it a few days ago to test his theory. The gadget looked like a simple butter knife, but it heated up dangerously, so the lagomorph had wanted to see if by stabbing someone with it, the wound would cauterize and it would be a good torture method. She hadn't been able to get in a word before Max had run away with it, a manic smile already on his face.
And just like with all the other gadgets they got from her that they didn’t end up destroying, it was most probably thrown half-hazardly into their closet, added to the junk pile they had, ranging from memoirs from their cases to just random crap they found and decided to keep.
Arriving to the office, she opened the door with her elbow, already prepared to apologize for all the blood falling from her hand, but just like every time Sam and Max left for a case, the office was empty, the only noise coming from the still on ceiling fan. Closing the door with their back, Geek looked around to examine the room, cringing at how everything was either littered with bullet holes or just plain destroyed.
Opening the closet with her foot, she pulled on the string that hung from the ceiling, closing her eyes as the artificial yellow light invaded their vision, fluorescent shine illuminating the room. Blinking to adjust, she stepped further in, eyes jumping around to try and spot the object she was searching for. Where would a gadget hide in such a messy-
The object she was looking for fell in front of her, startling them as it rolled away a bit. Sighing, she knelt down to grab it, eyes snapping up as she realized that before her stood a small purple door with a gold doorknob. It was one of the memoirs from a case that Sam and Max had gone on, a fight against a gigantic banana slug in a mostly inhabited building. In the end, the owner of the building, a nice woman named Coraline, had decided to destroy the place, claiming it had too many child disappearances and was no longer safe. Since the slug had left nothing, they both stole a door that was in the wreckage, just chucking it into the closet and forgetting about it.
But now, instead of being fallen as it had been before, it was vertical, attached to the wall, with a dim blue light coming from beneath it. Geek had seen stranger things in her life, so they simply shrugged it off and turned to leave.
Freezing in place, she turned around as a lulling voice came from the door. How did it know their name? Putting the gadget down, seeing as the wound had already stopped bleeding, she stepped closer, already grabbing the knob to slowly pry the door open, tilting their head as inside there was only a long blue tunnel, similar to those fabric tubes cats and young babies played in.
This was new. It definitely wasn't her making, and Sam and Max aren't smart enough to make a whole dimensional portal, so this wasn't part of their knowledge. Crouching down, she started crawling through the tunnel, only looking back when the door clicked in place as it closed by itself. At the other end was a door almost identical to the one she had gone through, except this one held what looked to be like claw marks.
Taking a deep breath, she pushed it open, sighing in disappointment as it led back to the office. Stepping out, she gasped as they realized that Sam and Max were there now, both looking to their respective tasks as they worked away, Sam typing while Max carved something onto his desk. Above them hung a “welcome home, Geek!” poster, slightly crooked to the left as it held on by two thin nails, one in each of the top corner.
Hearing the door close behind her with a slam, both Sam and Max turn to her, Geek immediately turning around to look at the small, purple, closed, door.
“Geek! Where were you? We were worried sick! We were waiting for you to tell us about your gadget you're making but we couldn't find you anywhere!” Sam spoke, stopping his typing as he pushed the chair away from his table, already standing up to greet her.
“Yeah, I wanna know if I can kill someone with it!” Max shouted, jumping up from his chair as he tried scrambling after Sam, in a spider like way, crawling onto his shoulder.
“Sorry about disappearing, I was just going through that door in the closet.” She explained, turning back around and looking down at their feet. “I'm sorry.”
“That's okay, kiddo! Just tell us next time so we don't worry so much.” Sam ruffled her hair as he spoke, Max jumping down from where he had perched himself to hug Geek, making her tense up.
“Yeah, we missed you lots!” Max spoke, seeming not caring about how tense Geek was in his arms, or the way she was barely breathing.
Looking up at Sam, she let out a shout of surprise as they spotted the black buttons that substituted his eyes. Pushing away from Max, she stepped back, looking at him in horror to find Max, too, had button eyes.
“What's wrong, kid?” Max asked, tilting his head at them. “Got something in my teeth?”
“You're not Sam and Max.” She affirmed, backing away and already grabbing the doorknob once again.
“Well, of course not! We're Other Sam and Other Max!” The tall dog replied in a duh tone, as if it was obvious. “We're just like them, except better in every way! Now come on, tell us about the gadget.”
“Okay.” Even when talking only to what seemed to be imitations of Sam and Max, she couldn't bring herself too not be polite. Kids were supposed to obey their parents, according to all the movies and series she watched as a way to know how children normally behave. “It's a neutron destabilizer-"
“Ooooh, neutron destabilizer, huh? Sounds fun!” Max exclaimed, hanging off of one of Sam's shoulders, smiling.
“Do you even know what neutrons are?” She asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
“It's a part of the atom just like electrons and protons and all that sciency stuff.” He waved her off, and if he had actual eyes, she was sure he'd be rolling them.
“Yeah… anyway, I think the name is pretty self-explanatory so you must know what it does and-"
“But how does it work?” Sam interrupted, leaning back against his desk.
“You… actually want to know?”
“Of course, we like hearing about your day!”
“Oh.” She absent mindedly let go of the door, giving her full attention to them. “Well, it works by-"
And this was how she spent the rest of the evening. And sure, this Sam and Max weren't the real ones, but it actually felt nice to be heard once. Besides, they didn't seem to be hostile, so it didn't look as if they would be dangerous. So yeah, they did end up convincing them of sitting down to talk about other projects, but it was okay. It's not like she was going back. Visiting them was a one-time thing, right?
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femmeparker · 4 years
autistic!peter sex therapist Drabble thing Okay so Tony decides to start taking Peter with him to sex therapy sessions because he wants to ensure that his omega /always/ enjoys sex and feels confident enough to finish it without wanting to stop. They walk into the spacious office, Tony shakes Dr Beck’s hand and sits on the sofa and Peter soon follows, climbing into his daddy’s comfy lap whilst tapping his thumb and forefinger together. Tony can tell he’s stimming and is probably nervous. P1
Beck smiles gently at Peter before turning to Tony and saying “I’d like to focus on Peter and his feelings first if that’s okay” Tony agrees immediately, rubbing a soothing hand up and down his baby’s back. “Peter, what’s your favourite thing about sex with your alpha?”
Peter answers immediately, wriggling around in Tony’s lap. “I like it when ‘m not sensitive and daddy helps me finish. I don’t like it when he carries on when ‘m too sensitive or makes loud noises right in my ear.”
Beck turns to Tony and explains “It’s clear that hyper-sensitivity is one of peters biggest problem areas. Do you have a safeword to ensure he can stop when this happens?”
Tony frowns slightly before admitting “we have a safeword which Peter is meant to use whenever he wants to stop but he instead tends to try and push me off him and begins wriggling around.”
“Hey Peter, next time you want or need your alpha to stop because you feel uncomfortable. I want you to use your safeword okay?”
To this Peter nods eagerly in agreement, turning to Tony and saying “I can do that daddy, use the safeword next time,” with a few nods of his head.
“Good, peter.” Beck shoots him a genuine smile. “As for the sensitivity itself how are you trying to combat that?”
“When we started to become intimate it was clear from the start that the sensitivity would be a problem- his clitoris is especially sensitive so I tend to avoid focusing there for too long because it’s often too much for him,” Tony says
“What about internal stimulation?” Beck asks, glancing briefly at peter.
“Inside is good.” Peter interjects, replying for Tony who just laughs and says
“Peter says that but he definitely enjoys clitoral stimulation too. We’ve come so far from the beginning, I could barely touch him for thirty seconds before it would be too much. We’ve reached a point where he’s now able to climax but we often have to take little breaks to get him there, don’t we baby?”
Peter responds with a soft nod.
“Okay that’s great”, Beck affirms. “I would suggest for now still taking things super slowly, focusing on the build up to ensure Peter feels comfortable enough to climax. The short breaks are clearly working for you. Are there any other issues you’d like to address today?”
Tony nods, still slightly bouncing Peter in his lap. “When Peter orgasms, he tends to squirt, I’ve explained to him many times that it’s not urine, but because he associates the feeling of climax with a full bladder, he doesn’t believe me and becomes upset when doing so.”
Peter gives a little frown “But daddy it feels like I need a wee, so it is a wee.”
Beck chuckles slightly “Hey, Peter, you should listen to your alpha, he knows what he’s talking about. Ejaculating upon climax is a perfectly natural thing that many omegas experience, in fact I bet your alpha loves it”
Tony smirks, “of course I do, he’s perfect for me.”
“Does he tend to slick a lot when he’s aroused?”
“Oh yes, I’ve never seen so much.”
“Peter I’d like you to know that slicking and becoming wet- especially when aroused- is a sign of a very healthy omegan body. It’s there to make sex more enjoyable between you and your alpha,” Beck says
Tony gives peters hand a light squeeze to calm him down, he’s clearly starting to become worked up.
“Tony, have you ever considered buying Peter some omega diapers? They’re great for slick control and I think he’d feel more comfortable slicking in those than his panties.”
Peter nods vigorously in agreement
“You can pick a pack of diapers from the pharmacy down the street, because of Peter’s stature I’d recommend a size small- he’s exceptionally small for an omega.
As for your sex life I’d like Peter to start using his safeword when he feels uncomfortable rather than just using his body to indicate he wants to stop.
And you Tony, I would like you to start being more conscious of Peter’s discomfort, you have to remember that he’s 100x more sensitive than you or I, he may take a little longer to achieve orgasm but that’s fine as long as he doesn’t become too overstimulated. As for sex positions I’d like Peter to dictate what ones you choose. Because of your size difference what may feel good for you may feel very uncomfortable and full for him- that’s why you need to use your safeword Peter, okay?”
Peter is stimming again at this point so Tony takes this as indication to leave, picking Peter up as he stands from the sofa and shaking Becks hand whilst his omega is rubbing his head against his shoulder, sighing softy. “Thanks doc, we’ll be back soon enough, thanks for the help.” And he leaves the office with his baby, excited to get intimate with him as soon as they return.
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spacegaywritings · 3 years
Little Tales (A age regression series) - 5 “Midnight Giggles”
Summary: Logan and Virgil are regressed and want to see the stars anyway - even though it is late and cold outside. Logan has good ideas and can be really smart, so he knows how to help the issue!
Tags: agere, age regression, regression, agere sides, little sides, little virgil, little logan, stargazing, brushing teef, holding hands, they are the cutest beans in existence, ducks and ducklings, little speak (a bit), excited beans, Virgil has a nightmare, laugh flash, made up mythology, tortoise, implied drooling, stimming.
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Note: If you miss any tags, have issues with links or any other concerns, please feel free to contact me. Anon is on and my DMs are open.♥
“SFL” = tag to show which stories are generally fine to read. They are meant to navigate my fiance in finding non-triggering fiction. You can use them, too!
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 Story under the cut (Word count: 2,1k)
It was late in the afternoon - or early in the evening, depending on how you wanted to say it. Virgil and Logan were snuggled up together, a phone alarm reminding them it was time to slowly get ready, cuddle up in bed and go to sleep. It was a soft alarm, a calm alarm. It usually helped, so Virgil and Logan would not be to bed too late for their big selves to have enough sleep. Also, it was more than a good warning to go to bed before it got too late and dark.
This was especially important when one of them regressed far enough to somewhat be scared of the dark, so much even, that one of them would fear the outside being dark. When in a flat so big and in a state of mind so tiny, it was more than necessary to have proper precautions in place.
 Virgil patted the phone. Logan hummed at the action.
 The other little stopped the patting and slowly slid the alarm from one side to the other, stopping it. The vibration ceased. Logan made a happy little sound at which Virgil beamed.
 Virgil giggled softly, gently wrapping his arms around Logan’s body. He cuddled up to him, softly whining.
 “Dun wan bed.”
 In the background, there was a little show on ducks. Every now and then, the two littles would squeeze against one another, “aww”ing at how cute the little animals were. The show was a kid-friendly documentary on baby ducks. The tiny ducklings were adorable. Logan appreciated his thirst for knowledge being satisfied while Virgil was more than enough calmed by a certain sense of repetition and tradition.
 Logan nodded at the input, eyes gazing at the cute ducklings again. Virgil was biting on a little bite ring for teething babies. His gums and teeth were fully developed, considering he was in a rather grown up body. Still, it was nice to bite on the soft ring, find some relieve for his nervousness or otherwise excess energy.
He sighed softly and shook his head again.
 Virgil pouted but curled up, sighing softly. It was hard to be small and somewhat big at the same time. The body was big and he needed to take care of himself with Logan. His tummy was okay, at least. So, they were okay to go and brush teeth and go nap together.
He stuck out his tongue at the TV and shut it.
 “Bai, duckies!!”
 A smile twitched on Logan’s face. He nudged Virgil.
 “Bye bye duckies!!”
 They giggled. Virgil got their sippy cups and went to fill them up with water. Like a really big boy!! He was proud of himself when he was done with it but he was also getting really sleepy! He put the cups into their bedroom and slowly retreated to the bathroom. It was so bright in the bathroom.
When he approached it, Logan made the light less, dimming it down to a more enjoyable level of light.
 Virgil smiled softly, hopping over the tiles between the bathroom and the hallway floors. They had different kinds of tiles, the hallway cool and creamy, as to give the whole space a light and wide, free sort of feeling. On the other hand, there was the bathroom with tiles like the ground outside. It was muddy but more reddish, kind of warm and natural. It reminded him of a more brown-version of minecraft granite.
 “Teef, Virgie!”
 Virgil nodded softly, reaching for his toothbrush. Logan gave him toothpaste.
 “Wash the teefies, lolo!”
 The two small beans brushed their teeth together, poking one another every now and then, then giggling and continuing to brush their teeth. Sometimes, they would turn to face one another and try to mirror one another, making the tedious and mandatory task just a little more fun.
Other times, they would have one sing the tooth brush song while the other brushed teeth, so it was all good as it was supposed to be. But right now, they kept it to mirroring one another and poking each other every now and then.
It was endearing and funny!
 They cleaned up together, a bit sloppy but they were okay at it. They were glad to be not regressed so much they needed more help. It was okay for them.
 Logan grinned his whitish teeth at Virgil, who then did the same. Virgil chuckled and pulled away, pushing his sleeves over his face in a little bit of embarrassment.
 “Done, too!”
 Virgil nodded, agreeing with Logan. They were both done and their teeth looked great! They were good boys! The goodest!
Slowly, shyly, Virgil took Logan’s hand and tugged him to their room. There was a bed for small people like them. But there was something more fun! A big mattress on the middle of the floor, simply waiting with blankets and everything.
 Virgil jumped onto the mattress, cuddling up. Logan chuckled, crawling onto the mattress with him. They snuggled up but Virgil eventually slid off, wiggling a bit.
 “Pants baaad!”
 Logan nodded.
 “Sleeby time clothes!! We forgot.”
 Virgil agreed as he got up to open the door to the closet. It was a bunch of cute clothes in there. Pastel colours filled the whole piece of furniture. There were some cute animals, soft words like “good night” and “my sleepy shirt” next to “zzz”s and cartoon figures.
 Logan followed up, tippy tapping over to Virgil with slow, sleepy steps. They were heavy, a bit clumsy. He rubbed his eyes, hand automatically pushing his glasses up as he appeared next to the door. Half-asleep, he dozed, leaning against the door which did not budge further, considering its hinges. Virgil giggled softly, pulling Logan to his side. The sleepy bean only yawned, clean breath rushing over Virgil’s face and tickling him with a minty, comfortable sensation.
He liked being clean and smelling nice! It was good stuff!
 “Sleeby Lolo. ‘m giv’n’ u sum cloth’s.”
 Slowly, carefully, tiny hands in big bodies pulled and grabbed at some pyjamas. Coincidentally, snatching away two hoodies. A little one with a unicorn horn, even with tiny wings. They were blue, like the “stomach area” of the unicorn. The rest was white and pure, not a single stain spoiling the appearance. Logan took it, giggling softly and hugging the velvet suit. It was comfortable, warm. So soft.
He rubbed his face into the bundle of the little hoodie and let himself fall back onto their shared sleepover mattress. Virgil closed the closet, not getting inside. Shyly, he hugged his own hoodie. It was a skeleton, really really scary! He liked wearing it after going for sweets on Halloween! It was his favourite. It was clean and soft but looked smooth and less fluffy on the outside. It was spooky!!
 Virgil would be spoopy, too!
 He announced, excitement in his voice. As he changed, he fall a bit, wavering. So, he decided to lay down and simple wiggle from one piece of clothing into another one. When he was changed, he simply rolled over again, curling up.
The best part about hoodies was that they felt like a constant hug. Any way he would move, he would feel hugged or, at the very least, tucked in. It was safety to-go. That was important for him.
 At the same time, Logan kicked their clothes away, not having quite enough energy to go out again. They sighed, cuddling up to one another. Arms worked to embrace one another. The duo, regressed together, felt comforted by the presence of the other. Like that, they slowly fell into a deep slumber, Logan babbling softly about going to sleep and having soft dreams while Virgil simply hummed back, acknowledging the sleepy nonsense.
 “Mmm... Lolo?”
 Hands papped around in the darkness. The world was dipped in the black void of the night, leaving no light source around them. Virgil sniffled softly, crying out for his friend until Logan was awake - or just awake enough to respond. The other little woke up with a “squak”.
Blinking, Virgil tilted his head. The temporary, nightmare-induced fear was gone, giving way to confusion. He did not know what or why Logan ad said but they were confused, worried. Always a bit worried, but less so when a little. He felt bubbly warmth inside of their chest.
Instead of crying about the nightmare or fearing Logan might have been turned into a duck, he giggled, papping Logan softly.
 “Hihi, ducky lolo!!”
 He was laughing, there was no stopping it. His head was fuzzy and sleepy and all he knew was laughing and more laughing. Everything was funny to him. He laughed for minutes, not even understanding or remembering why he had laughed in the first place. He laughed so much, Logan woke up at some point, poking him and pulling him back into a more sleepy daze when they cuddled back up together.
 “Can’t sleeb”, Virgil complained softly. He papped the surroundings again, blind to the world like Logan without his glasses. Everything was dark. They needed light! Slowly, they slid off the mattress and returned to the start of the room, switching on the light.
Logan groaned.
“Nu! ‘s nap time.”
 Logan pouted.
Virgil pouted back.
It was the ultimate cuteness match and nobody was close to winning or losing. It was a definite draw, since both were just too cute.
 “Story time?”
 Logan sighed, rubbing his eyes softly. Virgil gave him a wide smile, curling up by his feet.
 “Got ‘n ‘dea. Shut tha lihts”
 Virgil nodded, staying by the light switch. His wakeful eyes observed Logan, paying attention to every little bit of detail. They tried their best to understand what was happening when Logan got to the big big desk, pulling at a drawer and reaching into it, once it was open.
 He shut the lights at the same time as Logan plugged in a little something. When the big big lights shut themselves, Logan started up the tiny thing which made lights!! Virgil made a little happy sound and quickly scrambled back to their shared mattress.
 Virgil wiggled on their sleeby place and Logan couldn’t help but giggle at it, too. The two hugged in the middle of the mattress, watching as Logan shifted on a certain mode on the funny thing. Suddenly, there was not just light, there was stars everywhere!
There were stars in the middle of their room, lots of them. Tiny dots, some of them even looked colourful. They had different sizes, some bigger, some smaller, some were brighter. Virgil wiggled softly, flapping his arms in excitement.
 “Stars stars!! Lookie, Lolo! It is starsies!!”
 He hugged Logan tightly, giving the top of his head a little smooch.
 “Love lolo!!”
 Logan returned a little smooch to Virgil’s cheek and put the lamp down. It was on the mattress, moving a bit as the two moved back to their sleepy positions. Once they were settled, Logan pointed upwards, smiling softly.
 “Look, this is a tortoise!”
 Virgil’s eyes went wide.
 Logan cleared his throat, suddenly more than awake too. His mind started spinning stories, curiosity and creativity meddling into one mess of chaotic invention and genius combination.
 “The tortoise was the fastest tortoise in the world. In fact, it was so fast that it was faster than the fastest runner on earth.”
 Virgil papped Logan’s mouth for that.
 “That is a tonguey-kicker to say!!”
 They giggled, noses rubbing against one another as they curled towards one another. Eyes met and they held hands again, squeezing them softly. It provided more than enough comfort.
 Logan continued on, explaining how the tortoise had been gifted a bit of a headstart and therefore had always been faster than others. Everyone underestimated the tortoise. The clever animal used ot for their own advantage, until the earth was tired. The tortoise became the fastest and rose to the universe, flying up.
 Virgil softly bit into his cuddly blanket. It was specifically for biting and sucking on it. It was a suckling towel, as he liked to call it. He always snuggled his when small. That or he would play with his bite ring. He carefully tugged the blanket away, eyes half-lidded with sleepiness.
 “ ‘m wanna be the fas’es runnah..”
 Logan nodded, rubbing his eyes again. His glasses were up on the desk, where they should be, when he was going to sleep. His eyes were so tired.
 “You can! Tortoise ‘s ‘n tha sky!”
 They giggled again.
Slowly, the weight of the night got to him and after several minutes of exchanging stories and making up things about the tortoise and some other stars, they fell asleep. Logan’s fingers were fiddling with Virgil’s cuddly blanket, the little suckling towel. Virgil was asleep, both hands curled around his end of the cotton towel. He had held it close until sleep took the tension out of his body.
 They shared stories, now a towel and then, a little bit of sleep and similar dreams about an aspiring tortoise becoming a bunch of stars to remind the world of how fast they could be.
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fakeloveaskblog · 3 years
I think you. should ask Janus to "slither" over to your house! But also give him options! Like, "would you like to join me for dinner at my house? Or do you prefer to just go on a walk? How about we go to a fancy restaurant~ My treat~. Or maybe just enjoy each other's company at a park? You don't have to of course!"
(Words: 2095)
Logan: "Ah yes wonderful tactics stranger! This will surely be useless in my upcoming attempt!"
It was nearing the end of the day. Janus was closing up. Meanwhile Logan was trying to calm his nerves by reminding himself that he was objectivly very cool. He had on one of his best sweaters to look extra good (it had the tardis on it!).
"Alright. Looks like we can go home and have an existential crisis about the passage of time" Janus said motioning towards the exit.
Logan took a deep breathe before grabbing onto the sleeve of his crush' shirt "Please wait just a moment. How long have we known each other?"
"I guess since I started working here...so around 6 months? Please don't tell me you’re quitting! Work would just become soooo much more enjoyable"
"I was actually wondering if you mayhaps would like to accompany me on a so called 'hang out' during our leisure time...Today...Or some other day! If you want to! You don't have t-"
"No! No I would hate to!- Love! I mean I would love to!" Janus couldn't stop himself from grinning.
Logan flapped his hands in happiness "Good! So would you maybe like to go to the park nearby or-"
"No! Yes! Yes!"
Logan walked out of the library and held the door open for Janus. After quickly locking they walked towards the park. It was a simple small one. Just some trees, lots of grass, lots of people smoking grass, a pond, angry ducks, even angrier swans and exactly 1 ice cream shop.
All Logan wanted to do was take his crush' hand. It would be hard to do even if he tried to because Janus was constantly fiddling with his gloves. He was barely even looking at where he was walking.
"....I'm sorry for the weird way I talk sometimes" Janus quietly confessed "With the backwards talk. I kind of lie when I get nervous? I think?"
"Oh I know" Logan replied.
"You kNOw?" Janus' voice went up a tone.
"It is very noticeable but it is also quite charming if I may say so myself" It took a moment before he carefully added "Besides I have read that compulsive lying and also vitiligo can come from great stress or bad...events so even if I did not find it charming I wouldn't hold it against you either"
A small smile played on the edges of Janus' lips "Thanks"
"No need"
He took an impressively deep breathe before he stopped in the middle of the road and dramatically grabbed onto both of Logan's shoulders to stop him. He stood on his toes to make himself taller and stared into his love's eyes.
"I do not think you are also charming at all!!!" Janus very loudly announced.
Logan let up into a chuckle. He forced himself to keep eye contact "Well thank you"
Janus let go of him and kept walking very very quickly to try and distract from his red cheeks and heavy breathing. That was flirting right??? He had flirted??? He had done it??? He'd flirted??? The little voice in his head that he was starting to think was his self confidence trying to break through to him would be so proud!!!
“So would you perhaps like an ice cream in these trying times?” Logan asked. He was walking with his hands clasped behind his back.
“Oh right I would definitely love something high calorie that would just make me even more gross”
“Somehow your thick layer of sarcasm was the part of that sentence with the least falsehood in it. We can share one? Or if you get uncomfortable eating desserts in front of other people we don’t have-”
“SNAKE!” Janus interrupted him. 
He ran out into the grass of the park and hunched down to gently pick up a slippery snake. It was small enough to keep in one hand. He was repeatedly hitting his other arm against his leg and putting his fingers in uncomfortable positions.
Logan happily sat down next to him. Janus ungraciously shoved the snake right up near his face.
“It’s a baby northern watersnake! It’s not venomous I promise. It hunts fishes in the water. Isn’t that cool? It’s also one of the few species that doesn’t lay eggs! It can even put out musk to protect itself!! It’s so-”
He realized how much he was ranting and immediately forced himself to stop. He stopped his arm as well. He was so annoying.
“I apologize. Sometimes I just run my mouth and I do these stupid motions”
Logan boped his nose “The only stupid thing about that is you assuming I wouldn’t want to hear you rant. Or see you....stim...? I literally flapped my hands 5 minutes ago. I do not judge”
Janus shrugged at the stim question “My mother did always say that my father has adhd but that was in an insulting way. When I have done research on adhd I relate to a lot of it but it’s not like I have a diagnosis or anything”
“Bitchass mother” Logan mumbled under his breathe “I do not have diagnosed autism either but I do still now I have it.....Besides....Not to brag but I have both a deegre in both psychology and medicine so I can basically diagnose myself anyway”
Jan was already too overwhlemed to ask how the hell he had had the time for 2 bachelors deegre only to end up at a library.
“Anyhow we don’t have to talk about psychology...now...............maybe one day though” Logan did a little robotic evil laugh “For now maybe you can infodump about that snake, then we can get a shared ice cream and then I can infodump about glorious star trek. How’s that for a plan?”
His crush took a deep breathe before nodding. He stood up and cupped the snake in his hands. “You want to go to the pond don’t you little guy? Want to hunt and murder a few fishes don’t you?”
He turned to Logan and shuly said a few more facts while they went to the pond. He patted the snake on it’s head before carefully setting it down among the plants at the water’s edge.
The friends sat in silence for a few minutes, watching the snake as it looked for prey. (Though Logan spent most of the time adoring Janus’).
When the snake caught a small fish and swallowed it whole Janus broke out in happy flaps. He let out a happy squeal while pointing at it. Logan nodded back at him. He mimicked his flapping. 
He’d never seen Janus’ smile that brightly. Logan took his hand. Intertwining their fingers. They stimmed together until Lo pulled in his hand making his crush stumble into him. 
Jan sat with his head leaned against his chest. He looked up at Logan with blushing red cheeks. He forced himself to move back even if he didn’t want to.
“No need” The nerd assured.
He stood up and held out his hand to help Janus up. They didn’t let go of each other’s hands as they walked towards the ice cream shop.
“To piss off homophobes” Janus lied up the explanation while motioning for their hand holding.
“Of course”
They ordered a scoop of lemon ice cream and sat down by the tables outside. Janus had taken off his gloves.  Their hands laid on top of each other. 
“Do you also have that experience where” Logan stopped to take a bite of ice cream “You categorize your life into what you were hyperfixated on at the time? For example I remember that when I met Patty I was into Doctor Who and right before then I was enjoying Sherlock Holmes”
Janus shrugged. He didn’t want to say that he had a hard time even remembering most of his life clearly “I can see the Doctor influence” He nodded towards his tardis sweater.
Logan’s eyes lit up “Oh have you seen it??? The ninth and fifth doctors are my favorite! Though as a bi man I can not ignore David Tennants’ everything”
“I have seen exactly 0″ 
“Well that is not a problem that can not be fixed! When I met Patty she hadn’t either- maybe because we were 12- but I show-”
Janus choked on his ice cream “12? Oh wow. For some reason I had assumed you were older”
“Oh no. She moved towns and started in my class. It was almost love at first sight. I stole flowers from my neighbor and invited her to see the movie everyone in town was talking about....Kung fu panda”
He broke out into a laugh.
“Don’t laugh at me Janny! It was an incredibly tactical decision. You see I knew she liked animals and the kung fu panda is a panda”
Janus doubled over the table while continuing to laugh “Me throwing popcorn at myself during my first hangout almost seems cool in conparison”
“Popcorn is usually hot. Not cooled down” Logan corrected. “Though to be honest the start of our relationship was sort of what you can call a ‘mess’ since as you already know both of us were foolish enough to think Patty was a guy. So suddenly I had to come to terms with liking guys. Until she told me she was a girl. So then I was straight. Until I met Thomas but that is a whole different story. It was like some people say a rollercoaster”
“Am I rude for finding that funny?”
“Yes incredibly and frankly you should be dragged to the guillotines right now”
Janus leaned closer to him with a sly smile on his face “Aw ~darling~ I didn’t know you could be sassy”
Logan did his best to hide how the nearly choked on his own spit “Yes I can indeed be if I want to. Just like how I have been able to have adequate facial expressions and voice tones and also eye contact during our whole hangout. Normally I only have a lot of expressions and tones if I am talking about hyperfixations or my wife”
“You don’t have to do that around me”
“Really? It does take a lot of energy to try and appear ‘normal’ but I was afraid of coming across as rude”
“Darling I find you lovely either way” Janus was going to pour up the biggest glass of fucking wine when he got home. He was a flirting machine!
“Oh okay” Logan relaxed his shoulders and started looking at a point right next to his shoulder instead of at his eyes. “Want to hear about Star trek the next generation? It’s the one with Data in it”
Janus squeezed his hand “I definitely have a very good idea about who that person is. Yes please tell me”
Logan went on a very very long infodump which Janus happily listened to (and did his best to reply to even though he didn’t know much). He was sure he would never get tired of hearing him talk. The ice cream nearly melted because they were both too busy with what he had to say.
“-And that is why the poetry actually have significance” Logan concluded after nearly half an hour.
“Well that sure sounds like an interesting series”
“I can show you it? Soon? I have it all on dvd”
“It’s a date- I uh I mean like planned thing not like romantic I mean-” Janus babbled out.
“I am aware of what you meant” He checked his watch “It is probably a good time for me to depart. It’s my turn on laundry today. I will get to categorize socks!”
“Wow. Sounds like a party”
Logan excitedly nodded. He stood up. Janus did as well. They looked down at their still connected hands. Jan was about to let go and simply leave but to his surprise Logan pulled him into a hug.
He leaned down and moved his arms around Janus’ waist. In return Jan quickly stood up on his toes and buried his head into his love’s shoulder. He breathed in his scent. Coffee and strawberry jam. He closed his eyes, taking in the moment.
“Janus, You are so special to me” Logan murmured while holding onto him as hard as he could.
“I- I love- I love being around you” He whispered back. Too afraid to say the truth.
Logan tried to memorise the way it felt to have him this close before letting go and taking a step back “Well I will see you tomorrow then”
“Can’t wait!”
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