#some might not.. 🤔🤔💥
dearyletters · 3 months
I felt like making a book on wattpad (some Alan related) so vote
Maybe some of them r cringe but I'm being honest brah
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reinabeestudio · 10 months
Understandably he has more than one voice but phew (°ー°〃)
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sunb1eeder · 4 months
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restlessartisttt · 2 months
B O O (It’s Alma) 🌀✨
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Apparently it was Alma’s birthday not that long ago :0
Might make some traditional doodles of them since I originally was going to but couldn’t 😔🤔
There’s not much fanart of them so I gotta make some myself, I love them sm rahhh💥💥✨
Also why did Alma remind me of this little song pffff
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astrologylunadream · 8 months
Is this a healthy connection? 🤔⚠️✂️ (Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
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Hi it's Lunadream🖤 This will be a more honest reading, so keep in mind the messages will be straightforward regarding your person and there might be some harsh/sensitive subjects mentioned within these piles. We will see if they are healthy for you or not, remember that you come first always.🤗 hope you find your message⭐️
Notice: Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!♡ If anything doesn't resonate, don't worry! It's not your message right now <3 (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^w^ Think of the your person, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling~🖤
Pile 1🔗
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Pile 2🎞
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Pile 3🫙
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Pile 4🔦
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~♡
On to the readings —> ✂️
Pile 1🔗
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Sign energy: Despair, Pluto, Innovation, Want, Closure, 12th house, Mars, Moon, Taurus, Leo,🪝🧨🎡👈
👤Your person's energy: This is someone in a tight situation right now, like things are crazy in this connection omg. A lot of negative thoughts and feelings especially about themselves, they want to change I'm hearing. Your person may not be happy with themselves right now, feeling out of place or not good enough.😞 Prominent signs are Pisces, Aries, Scorpio, Cancer, Taurus and Leo a lot of signs in there. They want closure so maybe something happened between you guys, it could have been the truth or someone said something. For some of you this person's mother figure could be involved, or they have a tense relationship with their mother or family. Maybe their family had a problem with you.🫢💥 They have chaotic emotions and find it hard to show how they are feeling. Some of you may feel obsessed with this person I'm hearing like you're hooked on them or they are hooked on you. I feel like your person is just like going in circles, they may make the same mistakes again and again. Yeah this person really isn't happy with themselves or this connection I'm hearing it's them not you.🥺🌧 Of course your person is really attractive mostly a higher level, their aura is magnetic and deep. They are intuitive and come up with many new ideas in their head. There is a lot of confusion surrounding your person, secrets and things gone unsaid. There is so much you guys don't know about eachother and what is going on.🤯🔍👤
🤔Are they healthy for you: Universe, Kabedon, Avoidance, Food, Sadness, Leo, 8th house, North node, 4th house, Lilith,🎎📱🏎🍫 Wow okay this is a lot to take in. So your person is definitely causing some pain for the both of you, things are just so deep and intense right now. You have such an intimate connection and it's a little stressful actually very stressful. There is just such a tense energy to you guys.😬😮‍💨 I feel like... the situation they have you in is just not the best for you I'm sorry. The universe is honestly saying you may not have a future with this person, like you should avoid them. They could be kind of pushing you to a corner in some way, like they are causing you to be stuck in a situation you shouldn't be.🫸This could be a cycle like hole you've been shoved in. For some of you this person is a narcissist or have those traits, they may not realize what they're putting you through or put you through.😔 You may feel comfortable or familiar with this person but a lot of times comfort isn't the healthiest in the end change is what you need especially in this situation. You have control over yourself or just walking away if you feel the need to, of course take what resonates but I feel like you shouldn't contact this person anymore.📵❌️ Leave them on read I'm hearing, the choice is yours to decide. There is symbolism here like you know when you have that chocolate and you may want to take a bite but you know it's bad for your health, you may feel it's much easier to have the candy when you're having a tough time but it is only gonna be bad for your health. This person is like the bar of chocolate. There is a vicious cycle from this person, I feel like it's something they can't really control. I'm getting that they really want to change and feel terrible about everything, it's causing them sadness and they would want you to be set free.😓❤️‍🩹
📞Messages from your person: I went too far, Right now, I want to keep this private, I hate when they act like they own you, I want to steal your kiss. (They may feel guilty about their feelings for you as it may not be the best for you.💔) Extra cards: Tight, Obsession, Blush, Innocence, Consume (This person is really into my pile 1's even to an unhealthy extent, but I feel like they hate themselves for it. Like they really want to hold on to you but they know deep down they should let go.😢😰)
Thank you my pile 1's. If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message.🖤
I hope you this reading provided clarity on your situation ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If it did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the chain emoji~🔗 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! Take care of yourself and see you in the next reading🫂
Pile 2🎞
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Sign energy: Mutable, Mind, Skill, Suspicion, Fine, 6th house, Eros, 9th house, Virgo, Jupiter,🐙🎧🪄🦀
👤Your person's energy: This is a very bright and well rounded person. They have a really attractive mind lol the way their mind works may turn you on.😳❤️‍🔥 They're good at many things, may multitask well. (Especially with the octopus symbolism) I just heard magic worker, like they may be unbelievably good at a lot of things. Signs in their chart may be Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces but a lot of Sag/Virgo energy in here. Mutable signs may be significant so think Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces. They have a lot of hobbies, try out new things often.🚀⭐️ You may have certain suspicions about them, like jumping to conclusions and stuff. There is a lot you wonder about them, but they don't mind if you're suspicious of them for whatever reason. It doesn't bother them I'm getting. They just sort of shrug their shoulders, because to them they feel like they have nothing to hide.🤔🤚 This person is pretty talented and into a lot of different things. You may learn a lot from them, probably a good teacher too. A lot goes on in their mind, so many random thoughts lol.😂🧠💡 You may feel really attracted to the way they speak, listening to them carry a conversation. They do it well too, your person is really good at handling anything that's thrown at them. Improvising is one of their specialties. They can work with anything I'm hearing, maybe they have had many different jobs? Take what resonates, they seem like the type to job hop lol. Because they like testing themselves with new things.😎💫
🤔Are they healthy for you: Capricorn, Guidance, Innovation, Work, Unafraid, Scorpio, 10th house, 11th house, 12th house, 3rd house,🩲🧐💜⛪️ Okay so your person provides a lot for you guys, like this is a very beneficial connection for my pile 2's. They help you through your fears and setbacks, you may easily discuss your career plans with them. Maybe some of you share religion with eachother.🤝 I am definitely picking up on this being a healthy and successful relationship, there is a lot to learn from this person. They communicate new ideas and ambitions with you, dreams and desires that seem out of reach will seem much more achievable with the help of this person.✨️💡 I just love the nature of this connection, it's so helpful and reliable. They will help you through tough times and things that may scare you. You will feel successful with this person. If this is a friendship it is definitely a healthy one, a wonderful companionship. You two would also make great business partners take what resonates.💼 For those that this is a romantic connection they definitely teach you a lot, intimacy may bring you a new perspective and will be very successful. I feel like you guys just work together. (maybe some of you are actual coworkers with this person haha😂) There is just so much provided with this person, a bright and uplifting relationship. They will help keep you focused on what you really want and get it. You will no longer be afraid of failure with this person, and they will help you accept it and move on to greater things.😊🏆
📞Messages from your person: Ever heard, There's people who want to hurt you, I want to be your ex, You let me, You're too pretty to be sad. (They won't have you feeling down at any point, they wanna help you pick yourself up and keep going!🌟) Extra cards: Sensitivity, Routine, Bite, Disturbance, Swim (Some spicy messages too so interpret that any way you'd like😏❤️‍🔥)
Thank you my pile 2's. If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message.🖤
I hope you this reading provided clarity on your situation ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If it did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the film emoji~🎞 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! Take care of yourself and see you in the next reading🫂
Pile 3🫙
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Sign energy: Soul, Lilith, Mouth, Lose, Treasure, Earth, 5th house, Neptune, South node, Pluto,🔍🕹🏚🆕️
👤Your person's energy: This person has an attractive demeanor, I sense a lot of people are curious about them. They like to play around and have fun, indulging in some bad behavior even.🙊❗️ Prominent signs are Leo, Pisces, and Scorpio. Earth energy is present. Some of you may have a past with this person, you lost them or they lost you. Someone feels like they let go of a prize, I'm feeling regret from that person. Your person is mysterious and alluring, they have a dark soul.😈🖤 They tend to want a lot of power in relationships, they may date around or that's something they wish to do. They like finding new things to entertain themselves, taboo hobbies are possible. Indulging in spirituality or shadow work even. Your person has a magnetic presence about them, and so many charms😫❤️‍🔥 Their mouth may be a prominent feature that draws attention, you probably fantasize about it too🙈 I'm getting siren vibes from your person, they just draw you in mysteriously. Captivating looks and aura. They can be very playful and fun, they seek pleasure at all times. Definitely don't like being bored, they hate it.😂 But your person is actually really observant, they look into things. Very mindful and curious. I feel like they enjoy placing bets, maybe you lost to them at something? That could be something that happens between you two.
🤔Are they healthy for you: Valentine, Lose, Comfort zone, Care, Self reflection, Neptune, Venus, Taurus, Eros, 6th house,👿🫗🗯💔 So you may see this person through rose colored lenses instead of the full picture. You look over the realistic version of them and only see them as the old them or the version you're used to.😟🪞 I feel like this person teaches you self love in some way, maybe you had to go through a lot to finally love yourself. You are more vulnerable in the relationship, as your person has the upper hand. They may hold things over you like you owe them or guilt tripping you.🙏🥺 Yes you may feel really attracted to this person but you need to ask yourself if they are a good person or not. Think about the way they treat you or others. They may not be out for your best interest, ulterior motives may also be present.🤨 The advice is for you to let go of what you're comfortable with and shift your perspective, you may feel used to thinking they are the one and that you love them. But maybe you are making yourself believe what was only true in the past.⏳️ Everyone changes and so does this connection, your person may want to do things you aren't comfortable with and if so say no!❌️ You come first, don't let anyone push you to do things that aren't good for you. The advice is for you to focus on your well-being and self care, don't let others manipulate you with love or anything else to get their way. If you set clear boundaries you can make your relationships healthy and safe. Don't be blinded by others words that could be lies.✋️✂️ That may not be this person but other people in your life, take what resonates.
📞Messages from your person: This is all my fault, There's distance between us, Close your eyes, I know you, Keep going. (Your person wants you to stay strong, and find worth and respect in yourself because you don't deserve to be treated unkindly💓) Extra cards: Meant to be, Aura, Consume, Warm, Play
Thank you my pile 3's. If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message.🖤
I hope you this reading provided clarity on your situation ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If it did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the empty jar emoji~🫙 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! Take care of yourself and see you in the next reading🫂
Pile 4🔦
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Sign energy: Play, Defensive, Pluto, 7th house, Community, 8th house, 5th house, Mercury, Air, 6th house,🍓🗞🍑👆
👤Your person's energy: Lol so the first thing that came up is that your person is more plump, they may get a lot of attention to their behind😂 Main energies are Scorpio, Libra, Virgo, Gemini, and Leo. People talk and think about this person a lot, they may have a crucial role in their circle of people. They contribute a lot I'm hearing, so much news I'm hearing "talk of the town". For some of you this person made the news take what resonates. I feel like this person is good at acting maybe it's their calling.🎭✨️ They may have a sweet smell to them, and often wear a nice perfume/cologne. People may talk behind their backs a lot, so they have their guard up. Your person may be more closed off or defensive, they don't want to openly trust those who could be out to get them. They may have a nice behind or that's something attractive about them😂😂 If they're working I feel like their coworkers are on the toxic side tbh. They are all up in everyone's gossip, some people talking really good about them and others talking trash😱 But I feel like they've been really sweet to some of you guys, take what resonates. They're a very attractive person overall people may secretly be kinda obsessed with them🫢 A lot of people are actually romantically interested in this person but like I feel like they hide it. Your person is good at coming up with solutions and ideas, very helpful I'm hearing.
🤔Are they healthy for you: Cutie, Control freak, Shoes, Universe, Reckless, Neptune, 8th house, Earth, Moon, 12th house,👨‍🍳🩻🪫🫰 So your person is a little clingy in some way, maybe they tend to depend on you with things. I feel like pile 4 is smart though like you see through this person and their intentions, you may be seeing a power struggle between the two of you. There is a lot of daydreaming and avoidance of reality in this connection, omg for some of you this person has a problem with substance abuse only some!!😭 I'm seeing ways to detach themselves so any kind of coping for that, escapism may be an issue here in the relationship.💭 To you this person may feel very distant right now, like physical/emotional distance take what resonates for you, something feels out of touch. Like it feels like there's nothing you can do, you feel helpless in this connection.😞🔧Also this person drains a lot of your energy and emotions that is a message the universe wants you to be aware of. Now your person definitely has some unhealthy fantasies that they shouldn't act on, it feels like the relationship itself isn't necessarily unhealthy but rather the desires for it are unhealthy. Soo your person is a little bit of a freak😂 They may want to do a lot of bad things with you even hurtful to themselves or you. Just be careful that you or your person aren't going off the deep end with the intimate side of things.🔪👿😬 I can see that going to a dark place if they don't get control of their wild fantasies. Yeah so your person takes a lot from you mentally, emotionally even physically for some of you. This connection is a very draining one and it takes a lot from both of you. Maybe that is the unhealthy part is how consuming this connection can be for you two. I get the vibe you both are still young and reckless in some way, and if this relationship is a mature one and both parties are responsible it can definitely be a healthy one.🤗💌
📞Messages from your person: Don't be sad, I was wrong, You might get scared, Something is pulling us together, Tell me what's bothering you. (Yeah okay so you may be shocked with how much of a freak your person is lol maybe you've seen this side of them but like it is intense wtf🤯) Extra cards: Achievement, Read, Body, Music, Tea (I am getting a sense that this person does really care about you tho. There is a deep desire to be with you guys my pile 4's, I think they're willing to work on themselves and this connection for that♡)
Thank you my pile 4's. If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message.🖤
I hope you this reading provided clarity on your situation ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If it did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the flashlight emoji~🔦 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! Take care of yourself and see you in the next reading🫂
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!💗🌊🌸
Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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samscartoonsofficial · 2 months
Major art Dump incoming
all the MW ocs I have so far plus concept art of future ones in development.
I just want to have all my fav art pieces together in one post to track my progress :]
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So of course we got the main trio themselves :]. My pride and joy. The amigos :]
Cephany and Tungston were the very FIRST fellas me and my partner came up with.
CopyKat came later to join the group after basing them on @havockingboo 's mimic species.
The idea just stuck after realizing they are the silliest cat alien in the galaxy. Their character is literally every cat meme rolled into one.
And I love them MWAH!! 🐈
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The villains!!!
Already planning on writing a comic for the trio. So if they would have any major villains it's THESE GUYS!
Brutus and Deoxy were developed by both me and my partner after we realized that if they're gonna fight bad guys. They should have some bad guys!
Took a while to make them and figure out what exact aliens we wanted for these guys!
But orugh the final result for them so far has been good :]
Deoxy still has a long way to go.
But Brutus is perfect.
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Tagging @sammysamps 's once again because these are 4 out of theeeee...*counts fingers* 6 ocs I have based on their vampoctarion and Tremoctarion species!
The first two goobers are Oc x canon fanchildren.
The blue rocker lady is Joan
And the peachy Tremoctarion is my little princess Evangeline ✨
Me and my good friend @houseofdoodles love her and a certain crab pirate loves her too teehee :]
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Okay let's see who elllllse 🤔
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this was made by the help of another friend of mine
@coprolite-moment during a stream/magma doodle sesh! Its a Sona originally made for helluva boss. They really helped me develope and figure out this ladies color pallet/design which STILL amazes me btw HOLY shit 😭
But ALSO you should check out their dead eye comic hehehehe it's reeeeally goooooood :] *wiggles it around like I'm wiggling car keys*
Okay...who else? Uhhhhhhh
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I have ONE unicorn fella I still gotta finish..aaaaaand...*counts all these rabbits*
THESE GUYS! again, another species inspired by havoc :] /theyre multiplying send help/
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Cutler, Hartman, and...dog guy *squint*
I think I called him Richard but he's a fella I'm either gonna keep or scrap for later. Not sure yet
Same for Cutler!
But Hartman *kisses his head* I need to redesign you baby boy :]
Uhm I THINK that's it so far but honestly I know there's more! Might come back and edit the thread even more with updates!
But I got a pretty good chunk done.
I'll probably make a part 2 explaining concept for some NEW guys I've been thinking of all well.
Buuuuut thats it for now :]
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beemovieerotica · 4 months
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sheikfangirl · 5 months
Tbh considering the whole eternal reincarnation cycle thing, it wouldn’t surprise me if Link did fall for Zelda at first sight Pre-Calamity? Something like his soul recognizing hers right away? Because of the whole “Hero chosen by the Goddess” thing? Idk it’d make sense to me 🤔
P.S.: Ignore this idea if it sounds overwhelming but… have you ever considered making something like a comic filling in the blanks about how you think Zelink happened in their BOTW/TOTK incarnation? I think it’d look really cool in your style (and I’m curious about how you imagine it happening tbh, especially the confession part lol though I kinda get an idea based on your fanarts)
Yup, i 1000% agree with you: the eternal reincarnation cycle is the obvious culprit. AGSJSG I just LOVE this corny "Hero chosen by the Goddess " gimmick hahaha Forever soulmates yaaas!!
So...about your comic suggestion, i might already be on it ....  😉
I shared a page WIP a couple of weeks ago. This was an excerpt of "The Message", my Post-BotW fan comic focusing on a major Zelink relationship milestone. Its all written, can be read from start to finish but i am still in the process of cleaning the art. This comic is 15 pages long and its gonna kill me lol It will be available hopefully by the end of the summer because I have so many professional projects going on at the same time...plus life, obviously. Just so you know I'm not answering you generic bullshit, here is some visibility on my PC's folder 😅:
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Maybe this is not a good idea to reveal how obsessed and insane I actually am cuz.... i have rough pages and thumbnails for a bunch of scenes... I also have fan cutscenes storyboards that i could turn into animatics, i just need to kick my ass and subscribe to after effect for a month lol😅 Oh yeah, and this is just about the BotW/TotK era...cuz i got an OoT folder....... GDJS looking at all these incomplete PSDs are driving me nuts. I wish i could just draw Zelda stuff full time haha
Thank you so much for your enthusiam for my humble headcanons!
Cheers and have a great one!! 🤜💥🤛
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Who is the meddling monk?
Who is the Meddling Monk?
Have you ever thought, 'what would the Master be like if they were a bit more stupid, a lot more childish, and even more hilarious'? Enter the Meddling Monk, a renegade Time Lord with a sitcom coming out soon, I'm sure.
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Mortimus, better known as "the Monk" or "the Nun", is a renegade Time Lord who loves to interfere with history just for kicks.
🪐 Origin and Early Life
Along with all the other Academy initiates, the Monk stared into the Untempered Schism as a child, which some say drove them slightly mad. The Monk and the Doctor were part of the same crew, known as the Deca, at the Time Lord Academy. However, the Monk found the Academy and Gallifrey very boring, so got a Mark IV TARDIS and decided that meddling in history was way more fun than following the rules.
💥 The Meddling
The Monk’s idea of fun is changing historical events, often without thinking about the consequences. Picture someone who thinks it's a great idea to prevent the Battle of Hastings or to give advanced technology to medieval peasants just to see what happens.
🤔 Personality and Motivations
The Monk meddles with history purely for good-time vibes, like a frat boy looking for a good party. They change their look frequently with various identities and 'cosplays' and have been everything from a nun to Henry VIII. They can also be very petulant and childish when things don't go their way.
Despite their slightly villainous tendencies, the Monk genuinely believes that their meddling might improve history. Unfortunately, the Monk doesn't think about the implications of their actions, which usually results in chronological chaos that the Doctor has to clean up.
🏫 So ...
If the Master is the final boss, the Meddling Monk is an amusing side quest miniboss. Pick your dialogue options right and you might be able to avoid the fight altogether. Despite all the chaos they cause, it’s hard not to see the Monk as a bit of a wannabe. They dream big but often fail spectacularly, like trying to be the Doctor but without all that pesky moral responsibility. They're the Time Lord equivalent of a kid with a magnifying glass, burning ants for fun and then wondering why everyone’s so upset.
Here, we also have an audio extract from an encounter:
(Link to Big Finish Page)
Why is Rassilon everywhere?: Who Rassilon is and why he’s so important.
Who/What is Lord Burner?: Looking at the entirely fictional role of the entirely fictional Lord Burner.
What does the Web of Time look like?: Overview on the Web of Time and its relevance.
Hope that helped! 😃
Any purple text is educated guesswork or theoretical. More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired😴
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pumpkinsy0 · 2 months
idk if uve done smth like this before but curly n pony smoking together (weed or cigarettes ur choice 💥) for the first time hcs,,,,,?
ive made a good chunk of hcs about their first time smoking weed but i have enough to make different instances of it so ill just,,,use this one to expand my 2000s au,,
•it was in curlys basement, and ik u might b asking, these mfs r poor, how do they have a basement in the economy of the 2000s🤔🤔🤔 and to that i say!!!☝🏽☝🏽 SHUT UP🙎🏽‍♀️🙎🏽‍♀️point is theres a lot of bs that goes on in that basement and this one of em
•curly stole that blunt from tim, he knew tim had a stash but aint no where but he FOUND IT and he WILL steal more he has no shame
•pony was in that fucked up beanbag chair stressin, he barely even likes drinking y would he like getting high😭 BUT pony has a small problem w addiction when it comes to smoking so he wasnt shitting his fucking pants type of stressin just a “should we be doin this” kind
•to show pony it was all fine and dandy, curly went first, after that he told pony to get closer so he could teach him how to do it (or at least the way he saw tim doin it)
•and as u know,,,them getting high is THEE gayest thing ever goin on between them, pony was a little closer than really necessary and curly was staring at ponys lips a littleeee to long (he says its to make sure pony inhales right)(its not)(he rlly wants to kiss brah)
•after that point, theyre leaning on each other (to be fair thats just bc they r a lil too faded to sit completely up) and they just keep staring at each other, like way longer than necessary, if anyone else was down w them, theyd be freaked out
•pony strikes me as the type to watch documentaries when hes high meanwhile curly would probably watch “dumbass cartoons” as he put it and watch flapjack and chowder, they were FIGHTING for control over that small ass hand me down shitty quality tv down there
•at some point curly had to lock tf in and act like he wasnt high cause his parents were home, he walked up those stairs like “🙎🏿”, he was too focused on looking sober😭😭
•tim ABSOLUTELY noticed something was up in his drawer and went to the basement and found those two, and curly and pony r SO lucky their parents r home or else tim REALLY woulda flipped his shit
•tim did NOT feel like getting into it w darry so he had to find a way to get pony less high fast, it was a very interesting next few hours
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maskyish · 1 year
Haruka Isumi Idol Star Live 2023
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Please note: I am NOT a professional and my level of JP is very, very basic. I do this for practice and to share with other fans for fun. Please take my translations with a grain of salt as there may be mistakes. If you see any, please let me know and I can correct them. If anyone else has this card and wants to translate this at any time then please feel free to do so!
Touma: Yo, Haru! 
Touma: How’s school going? 
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Haruka: You’re already so intense and it’s only noon 
Touma: And you’re using such low energy stamps even though it’s already noon! 
Touma: Is there something in class you didn’t understand? If so, make sure to ask your teacher! 
Haruka: Stop acting like my guardian! 😒 I’m doing fine in school!! 
Haruka: So, what’s up?  
Haruka: Didn’t you rabbitchat for something? 
Touma: Well, I just finished my Idol Stage lessons so now I’m eating lunch 
Touma: But you had school today, so I was just wondering how you were doing! 😄
Haruka: I see 
Haruka: So you were just bored? 
Touma: I mean, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t bored lol 
Touma: It’s about lunch time now, right? So I just wondered if you were also bored by yourself! 
Haruka: Uh
Haruka: How did you know I was by myself?
Touma: I remembered the other day while looking at the schedule, you whispered “Izumi and Yotsuba won’t be there on the next day of school” 
Touma: I thought you might feel lonely without the two of them, so if you’d like you can rabbitchat with me 😆
Haruka: I’m not lonely!!! Don’t treat me like a kid!! 
Haruka: And you don’t have to remember each and every little thing I say!!! 
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Touma: My bad 😅 Then, what if you made friends other than Izumi and Yotsuba? 
Haruka: I don’t need to
Haruka: I don’t need someone to hang out with 
Haruka: Besides, if I suddenly talk to them, they’d just get nervous
I’d also be wary if it was the other way around 😒
Touma: You’re really cautious 🤔
Touma: When a costar you’re not well-acquainted with talks to you, you become meek as a lamb(1) and hide behind Mina’s back! 
Haruka: I’m keeping an appropriate distance! 
Haruka: Actually, aren’t you too close with others!? 
Touma: Me?! I’m normal! 
Haruka: Not normal at all! 
Haruka: You already call them a friend after costaring for just a bit! I’m pretty sure your sense of distance is totally messed up
Haruka: They might seem happy but you don’t know what they’re saying behind your back, and not everyone is a good person.
You should have a bit more awareness 
Touma: Hmm, well yeah. 
Touma: Maybe you’re right and I should be more self-aware.. 
Haruka: Yeah 
Haruka: I was expecting you to say “if you chat some more, you’ll realize they’re a good person!” so I was kind of disappointed 
Haruka: Wait, did something already happen? Like something you can’t tell us? Are you alright?
Haruka: Have you told Utsugi-san? 
Touma: Ahhh!!! Sorry Haru!!!! That’s not what I meant!! 
Haruka: Then what? 
Touma: Yesterday, while walking around the station, I saw a guy who I definitely thought was Riku even though he was wearing a hat! I was like, “Long time, no see!” and wrapped my arms around his shoulder from behind 
Touma: But then 
Touma: It was Kujo!!!!!!!
Touma: He smiled at me and said “long time no see”!!!!! I apologized profusely!!!! 
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Haruka: Hey
Haruka: I was so disappointed I dropped my smartphone and got weird looks from my classmates!! 💥
Touma: No, I was scared too!! 
Touma: I should be more aware of my distance and not wrap my arms around shoulders so easily 😭😭 
Haruka: That’s not exactly what I was getting at, but if it makes you more aware then whatever….
Touma: Thanks for worrying about me, Haru! I was kind of touched ✨
Haruka: Worried for nothing 😤
Haruka: But, thanks for rabbitchatting 
Haruka: Because of that, I wasn’t bored during lunch 
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Touma: Haruuuu!! 
Touma: You gonna be alright on your own after school? Should I pick you up? 
Haruka: Absoluuuuutely not!!!!!
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[End of Rabbitchat}
TL Notes:
1. "Meek as a lamb" - The phrase used here is literally “borrowed cat” and is a Japanese idiom for someone who becomes quieter than usual, so I just used an English equivalent
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ricekrispyjoints · 4 months
I found out about the trump convictions bc my friend texted me the following while I was at work:
Daddy Trump is CUMvincted on ALL Charges 😱 UH OH 🫣 the loooong 😏 💪 arm 💪 of the law 🇺🇸👩🏻‍⚖️ has swung 🍒 low 🍒 to give Daddy 🤠 Trump a good 👏 SLAP 💥😜 The 🏙️ Manhattan 🍆 DICKstrict 🍆 Attorney's 😯 criminal 🔎 invesTITgation 🍈🍈 into Trump's 💦 HUSHdaddy 👉 payments👌 is finished off 🔥 🔥🔥 ☝️🧐 Send this to 🔟 of your 😜💅 SLUTTIEST 💕 seditionists 🤪 and if you get 0️⃣ back ☹️, get ready 😬 to do some 😏🍆 HARD TIME just like TRUMP👎 If you get 5️⃣-🔟 back, you might 🌊 SLIP 🌊 right out 😉 of this 💦 STICKY 💦 situation 👻🤔 If you get 🔟➕ back then 🦅 Daddy Trump 🫡😘 will give you an insERECTION 🍆 you'll ❤️ NEVER ❤️ forget 😍🤯❤️‍🔥
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trans-gothic · 4 months
Daddy Trump is CUMvincted on ALL Charges 😱 UH OH 🫣 the loooong 😏 💪 arm 💪 of the law 🇺🇸👩🏻‍⚖️ has swung 🍒 low 🍒 to give Daddy 🤠 Trump a good 👏 SLAP 💥😜 The 🏙️ Manhattan 🍆 DICKstrict 🍆 Attorney's 😯 criminal 🔎 invesTITgation 🍈🍈 into Trump's 💦 HUSHdaddy 👉 payments👌 is finished off 🔥 🔥🔥 ☝️🧐 Send this to 🔟 of your 😜💅 SLUTTIEST 💕 seditionists 🤪 and if you get 0️⃣ back ☹️, get ready 😬 to do some 😏🍆 HARD TIME just like TRUMP👎 If you get 5️⃣-🔟 back, you might 🌊 SLIP 🌊 right out 😉 of this 💦 STICKY 💦 situation 👻🤔 If you get 🔟➕ back then 🦅 Daddy Trump 🫡😘 will give you an insERECTION 🍆 you'll ❤️ NEVER ❤️ forget 😍🤯❤️‍🔥
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restlessartisttt · 3 months
It’s the mushroom man once more 🌱✨
Saw some people draw that one mind reader Mychael so I couldn’t resist doing the same 💥
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Once I was done the first drawing I had forgotten that his hair (the long front two pieces) was supposed to be done in a different way 😭
Might draw him again 🤔
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Why did I draw him as a snowman? It’s simple..art block 💥✨
Just imagine Mc and him were messing around in the snow and to get him back, Mc turned him into a snowman 😔
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noob101 · 2 months
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Lol Fell's design goes hard ✊🐺💥
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Also. Undertale Sona. (Might end up being an OC though....🤔)
But have some doodles!
Fell belongs to UnderFell!
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bishiglomper · 3 months
Well I had about 30 minutes of conciousness where my back felt blessedly absent of miserable sensations
Like the first thought when I woke up was "wow I'm comfortable. My back feels nice."
It's back though 🙃
Wtf even is this. It feels like a very localized fibro flare. Like my skin has a sunburn/fever and the air itself is abrasive. But also there's a deep mild insistent ache and for some reason it's starting to feel clammy. Somewhere between my middle and upper back.
It's too dispersed to tell. First thought is upper back but when I feel around it's more the middle that aches to touch... 🤷‍♀️
Seriously tho wtf is this!? What do I do about it??
I think I'll try more pain cream but it might be an nsaid. I'm not sure how that works as a cream. And if that'll still affect my kidney. 🤔 I was desperate last night
I was making whiny pain noises last night. Niece asked what was wrong. I said I hurt. She's like what else is new?
I'm like that is the problem. It is not new it is relentless!! Give me a fuckin break! 💥👏 pick something else to torture
I'm used to being chronically ill and having all sorts of things be wrong but at least my body mixes it up. This is like that drippy water torture. It's not severe pain but it's going to drive me insane if it does not let up
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