#sombra pain and moira
tlacehualli · 2 years
Meta + physical pain
Meta + emotional/mental pain
physical pain
Sombra can take it on the chin pretty well. She was a street kid for a long time, and then she was in a gang for the rest of her teen years, and then she joined Talon. She's taken a lot of punches, especially when she was younger and hadn't quite gotten to the point of technological savvy to be able to avoid physical altercations altogether. Her defiance is something unusual in the grand scheme of things. She can't really throw a punch to save her life, but she will take one and tell you that you hit like her sister.
That being said, she absolutely hates physical pain. Even if she can take it, she would rather just not experience any discomfort at all. If she doesn't have to, if her own life or the life of someone she cares about isn't on the line, she will do her utmost to avoid it. Other than the ache that comes with her running (she does do a lot of running, since getting way from people requires it and getting shot or punched or whatever hurts a lot worse for a lot longer), of course. A necessary evil.
Does someone need her help lifting something? Absolutely the fuck not (unless it would be absolutely impossible but rare is the case where her little noodly IT expert arms are that useful). Does she have to go into a dangerous area where her safety by virtue of invisibility and translocation isn't guaranteed? Then, no. Unless there is a lot of money on the line. When she's come down with some sort of sickness that causes discomfort or body pains, she's an absolute terror and will make her misery everyone else's problem,even if it isn't a big deal. The type of person to lay on the couch like they're on their deathbed and making miserable whining noises even though it is the mildest of allergic reactions.
Other than just not enjoying physical discomfort, there is a reason for that, though. She's never loved it but after joining Talon and getting to know exactly what kind of person Moira is, Sombra's developed something of a neurosis about having to be in her care. Frankly, Moira is terrifying - what she's done to Widow, to Reaper, that could possibly be done to her without her consent is something that has caused more than a few nightmares. Avoiding physical damage that she can't take care of herself is high priority. The more something hurts, the more the likelihood of her ending up in Moira's 'care' increases.
It's not like she can just go to any old hospital, being wanted by the law and having very distinct bodily modifications, after all.
emotional pain
Whoever said that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger lied.
It's just been a lot. She was orphaned at a very young age and that was awful. Not unusual in the grand scheme of things, especially in Mexico with La Medianoche, but the Omnic Crisis caused a lot of pain and death and loneliness all over the world. It's a particular agony that a lot of people share, and it's something she still carries with her - even though she's much older now, and she's grown around it and made connections with people since. There's just no replacing that, really. You build on top of it.
The events leading up to her leaving Los Muertos and having to isolate herself from her community are another old wound she continues to carry. After all, it's the fact that she discovered The Conspiracy - and worse, that it discovered her - that caused such an abrupt shift in what her path in life was supposed to be after she'd come to build something for herself in her youth. Not only was the rest of her family dead, but now she had to die too, after a fashion. Her identity, the last real connection she had with them, where they were from. It isn't really gone, she still is that person - she just can't acknowledge it in any public way. She's been on the run for over a decade and being isolated from your own history, your own culture, like that - it remains painful.
Moira's betrayal came about half a decade after that, and like everything else, it weighs on her. Moira was someone she really looked up to at first when she'd joined Talon. Another woman, and intelligent, and seemingly willing to engage with her, to push her. To find out that she was just being used in the end honestly broke something in her - especially with the cruelty with which she went about it. It wasn't difficult for Moira to ascertain how sick Sombra felt for her part in Widow's creation. The guilt's been eating away at her for years and part of her wonders if that was the point maybe. Being with Talon isn't exactly ideal for her, the resources are nice and she'd been desperate to keep away from The Conspiracy, but she could be elsewhere. Maybe. Other than the fact that her guilt ties her to them. She just can't imagine leaving the Widow there alone without her.
It's tough getting a therapist when you're wanted by multiple governments; kind of comes part and parcel with being a terrorist. Inspiring terror and all that. Her crimes don't really include murder but she's caused enough financial damage, spread enough secrets, dug up too much sensitive information, for it to be really feasible for her to just go tell someone everything. So her coping mechanism is kind of shit - she'll just get drunk once in a while and explode emotionally and then she's fine again. For a while. It's better now than when she was younger though - she'd been something of a pharmacy.
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Reaper's Wife - Reaper
Pairing - Reaper x f!reader
Warnings - mention of blood
Word Count - 1,383
Notes - there's a voice line between reaper and widow where they talk about reaper's wife and it just inspired me to write this! i hope everyone enjoys because i am a huge fan of this teddy bear and got a brainrot smh. i hope everyone has a great rest of their day/night and stays hydrated!! enjoy!!! <333
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Not a lot of people know about Reaper's wife.
Gabriel Reyes. An old officer. A fighter. A killer. A monster. Nothing more. Always in excruciating pain and never able to catch a break.
No matter how many people surrounded that man, he would still have secrets. Thousands. Even with the people he is closest to.
"Wait, you have a wife?!" Sombra's jaw was to the floor in disbelief.
"I thought you knew this." Reyes put his face in his hands and sat down. He was already in enough pain, he didn't need a headache on top of that.
"I know a lot about everyone, sure, but not about you! You know it would be nice if you shared a little more about yourself."
"We aren't friends, Sombra." Reyes pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Sure, but does that really matter in the long run?" Sombra was checking all over her databases for even an ounce of information on who Gabriel's wife could be. "I would've liked to know that Mr. Dark and Brooding would have a cute little wife at home."
"What are we talking about in here?" Everyone recognized Widowmaker's thick French accent as she walked into the room with a dramatic fluffy robe and 2 cups of coffee.
"Cute face mask," Sombra giggled and took the other coffee that Widowmaker had. "No wonder your skin always looks so great."
"Maybe I'll show you my routine sometime," Widowmaker smiled and sat down on a nearby couch. "But I seriously doubt you were talking about my flawless skin, Sombra. Tell me. What were you and Reyes talking about?"
"Don't answer that." Reyes' voice was clearly angry, but Sombra didn't care one bit.
"Reaper has a wife!" Her voice was just as surprised as when she found out moments ago.
Widowmaker, on the other hand, just chuckled, modestly covering her mouth.
"Widow, did you know this or something?!"
"I've known since the day I met him, chère."
"What?! Am I the only one out of the loop here?! Not fair!" Sombra threw her arms down like a child and pouted.
Moira walked into the room already dressed and ready for battle. "I heard we were talking about Reyes' wife?"
"¡Oh vamos! You have got to be kidding me!" Sombra just took an angry sip from her coffee cup. "What do you know about her, Moira, since you're so keen on knowing everything about everyone."
"I thought that was your job, hacker."
"Shut up and just tell me! I want to put it in my records."
"No, absolutely not! We don't need her lingering in your records, Sombra." Reaper stood up. "Moira, don't you da-"
"She's one of the strongest women I've ever met. An interesting soul, that's for sure."
Reaper groaned and buried his face in a throw pillow.
"You've met her?!" Now Sombra was interested.
"Of course I have. I think everyone has in Talon except you, Sombra. Sorry."
Sombra just crossed her arms with a little pout. "It doesn't matter, just tell me more."
"I don't think I mentioned this yet, but she is beautiful. Reyes' sure knows how to pick them."
"Shut up." Reaper's voice was muffled in the pillow and everyone could tell that he was blushing.
"She's not a fighter, but I guarantee she could be if provoked. I would absolutely love to run some experiments on her if given the chance."
"Okay Moira!" Reaper sat up, now furious. "That's enough! Lay one finger on her and I'll kill you."
Moira just sighed and left the room, mumbling to herself about some experiment she's been working on.
Sombra just groaned, leaning back on the couch she was sitting on. "It's not faiiiiirrrrrr!!!"
"What's not fair?" Reyes' voice was getting more and more frustrated. Why did he have to work around these psychopaths?
"I want to meet your wife so baaaaaad!!!"
"I'm with Sombra on this one," Widowmaker stared into her empty coffee cup and back up at Reyes. "Let her meet y/n. I bet she would like her."
"I don't care who would like who! Plus... um..." Gabriel's face went bright red and he looked away.
"Ah, I see." Widow giggled, placing her empty cup on a nearby table. "Things aren't going so well at home, huh?"
"Um..." Gabriel rubbed the back of his neck, his face going a dark shade of crimson. "It's not really that it's more... uhm... how do I say this without sounding like an asshole."
"Ooooohhh." Widowmaker came to realization with a smirk. "You haven't talked to her in a while, have you?"
Reyes went silent and Sombra turned to him, looking concerned. "When is the last time you talked to her?"
Reyes stayed quiet and her and Widow turned to each other with a plan brewing in their heads. If they were going to be a menacing duo to Reaper, they really had to go for it now.
~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
Reyes walked back to the hideout reeking of sweat and blood. Probably exhaustion on top of that. He needed to soak in a bath for the rest of eternity, maybe that would make his aching body stop, even for a second.
"Well, it was very kind of you to invite me over, Widow."
Reyes quickly paused hearing a familiar voice. Your voice. You could kill him. He needed to find a way out and fast.
"Ah, Reaper!" Sombra spotted him from across the living quarters and quickly ran up to him before he could get away. "Good to see you! Wow, you look like shit! Perfect condition for your surprise." Sombra smirked something of malice and assholery.
She was just milking it at this point.
Reaper walked into the living room with his mask over his face, helping hide it's bright red tint. You saw him and ran up to him immediately. "Gabriel! Oh my god, you're okay! You don't know how worried I was!"
He looked up at you, clearly shocked. "You were worried about me?"
"Of course I was worried about you!" You moved his mask away from his face and gave him a kiss on the lips before a slap on the face that left his cheek a stinging red. "What the hell, Reyes! You could've at least called! I was worried sick that you may have died or that stupid scientist tried something! If you do that again, I will kill you, do you understand me?!"
Reyes' attention went to the other two girls in the room, who were snickering at both of you. He grabbed you by the shoulder and led you to the bathroom. "Look, I don't want them to hear about our marital problems, okay? Let's take it in here."
"Fine." You grumbled, allowing the tight grip he had on your arm.
Gabriel slammed the bathroom door shut and threw off his mask before holding you in a tight embrace. You quickly hugged him back with a smile, not caring that he smelled like iron and sweat.
"I'm just happy to see that you're doing okay, Gabe. I don't like being out of contact for that long."
"I know." He pulled away and chuckled at the bright red stain he left on you.
You looked down at your now blood stained tank top and looked at Gabriel with a pout in your lip. "Are you kidding me?"
"My bad."
You just giggled and slipped off your shirt, starting a bath for the two of you. "You are a menace, you know that, Gabe?"
"I try." He landed a few kisses on your bare collarbone as you felt for the right temperature.
"You could've at least called." Your voice was small and sad. Gabriel never usually sees you this way, so it always catches him off guard.
"I'm sorry."
"It's just more odd that Widowmaker sounded more eager than you did for my arrival."
Gabriel sighed, undressing himself. "It's not like that, really. I'm happy you're here, I just hate when you see me like this."
"I understand, love. I just want to see you more often. We are married, you know?"
"I promise I'll make an effort to see you more often, my angel." He pressed a kiss onto your cheek and led you into the tub with him.
You couldn't stay mad at death himself.
overwatch masterlist --- pinned post
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leorawright · 1 year
Talon finding out that their kid has been letting moira experiment on them to "Become cool and strong, just like you!"
Aww, maybe a little angst in there, too👀 (These are just gonna the Talon members that were specifically experimented on, so no Doomfist or Sigma)
Talon finding out their kid wanted to 'be like them'
He immediately shut down the whole experiment and demanded to know what you were doing
When you told him you just wanted to be cool like him, his heart broke
As he steered you out of Moira's lab he was glaring daggers at her until you and Reaper were in a private place
There, Reaper explains how he ended up like this and how he doesn't want you to have to go through the same pain he did.
Don't break your poor dad's heart you're all he has left
She's also appalled when she figures out you let Moira experiment on you
For once she actually sheds a tear when she was asking what you were doing
When you tell her you just wanted to be cool and strong like her, she falls silent
It took Widowmaker forever and a day to be able to feel things again, and she can't imagine losing you now
You're her child and the only person she feels love for, and she is not going to lose your love because of an experiment
She's very confused when she walks in and sees a bunch of high tech stuff and you, sitting on one of Moira's gurneys
When she asks what you're doing and you say you're gonna become like her, she honestly starts grinning
Sombra's experimentation was her choice so she walks you through everything that's gonna happen and promises she'll help you figure out how to work it when the surgery is over
She's so freaking proud of you and is delighted to have her kid as her partner in crime
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astarlow · 1 year
hello! would love to see widow, mercy, moira, and ashe reacting to their long lost female s/o who was brainwashed. thank you and stay safe!
Characters: Widowmaker, Ashe, Moira Form: Mix Warning: Character death (Ashe's part) Synopsis: After being together for quite some time, s/o disappears without leaving a trace, making their partner reacts Word Count: 2 377 A/n: Hey! I didn't include Mercy because I have done something similar and you can find it here I hope you'll like it for these characters tho! And for the anon that has requested this, sorry for the wait. The draft has been sitting for 3 years ;-; and I just had the motivation to finish it
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🕷️Her sudden disappearance did not concern her, at least, in the beginning 
🕷️As time passes, she does get slightly worried but never will she ever admit or show it 
🕷️She knows something is amiss when even Sombra can't tell her where she is 
🕷️The pain and doubts never fade but she is trained to be a stone-cold killer, she is a fool to believe she could love again 
🕷️The next time she meets her, she's in a reclused village in France. 
🕷️The place where she met her for the first time and decided to spare her. To this day she still doesn't understand why she did it
She walks in the street, strolling down the path she used to take with her lover. It is only memories now, fading where it belongs, in a void deprived of any emotions. She hides her face with a scarf, her blue skin with gloves and not an inch of her body is visible. Only her face is. She stops in front of a church, next to it is a crèche. Her body halts for a millisecond, recognizing the face leaving the building right away.
She watches her go to the centre of the village, to the garden. She follows her from afar, just like a shadow looming in the dark, like the assassin she is. 
She sats on a bench surrounded by children. She takes a book out of her bag, reads it to them and entertains them. A smile graces her face but it is quickly replaced by a frown.
'What is she doing here? After all this time, why is she suddenly appearing before her?'
"Watcha doing love?" This voice belongs to someone she personally knows and not in a good way. She curses internally for allowing herself to grow dull. She didn't notice them coming up nor did she expect Overwatch agents to be in such a small and calm city. Although as a Talon agent, she should be on her guard every time. 
She inspects all of her options, weighing each one of them. Tracer shakes her head, pointing at the people posted behind her. "Nu-uh you're not escaping this time love. What are you doing here?" She stays calm, face stoic as she watches her fading into the distance, ushering the kids to go away. She scoffs, what else should she expect?
"This doesn't concern you-" she raises her eyebrows. "-and I am not here to cause trouble." 
"I'm not believing in a lie, come on, what would a renowned Talon assassin be here, in a small town like that?" That is indeed a question she couldn't counter. If she did, she would show her weakness. She is surprised when someone links their arms with her own.
"Sorry, sorry. I was so caught up in my storytelling with the kids I forgot about my meeting with her." That is a voice she longed to hear, even if she denies it now. She surprised herself when she stays, arms still linked with hers.
"Uhm- are you sure about that?"
"Yes, you must have confused her with someone else. We'll be taking our leaves, sorry for bothering you." She drags her away under a confused-looking Tracer and a furious soldier. Once they are in a calmer area, she scratches the back of her head with a sheepish smile. A pink hue dusts her cheeks.
"Sorry, I don't know why I did this but you seemed quite uncomfortable in this situation and... It might be silly but it feels like I know you from somewhere." So she has forgotten about her. At least, she got out of this tricky situation thanks to her. Should she pursue their conversation? Mingling her with Talon once again? It is a selfish wish. She already had gone through this one time, why should she a second time?
"You must have made a mistake." And with that, she walks away. She doesn't expect her to block her way.
"Then how about I invite you to drink in a little café? That way, I could get to know you truly." 
Ignorance is bliss, she shakes her head, convincing herself she wouldn't drag her one more time through this hell.
"I need to go," she says hastily, voice turning ice cold. If she stays any longer, she won't be able to say no to her. She stares at her form, deflated a bit but a grin on her face nonetheless.
"I'll see you around then Amé!" She almost whips her head around at the mention of her name but she knows better than to do so. It would make her hope, make them hope.
"Such a foolish girl," she mutters through an imperceptible smile.
She doesn't know why she chose this name. Maybe it was those scarce visions appearing before her. Maybe it was because of this little voice in her head repeating the same name, again and again. Once it does pass her lips, it feels natural to her.
Her first love was free and an experiment, the second time was a punishment. She wouldn't allow herself to love a third time. Who knows what unfathomable thing would happen to her? She already lost her memories and it was already enough.
🧨she isn't worried when she disappears, not one bit
🧨they are used to living apart, without any info about the others for months
🧨she starts to have her doubts when even members of her gang don't know where she is. She tells her crew to keep an eye out for any info they could gather about her
🧨she curses herself when they don't find her after intensive searches
🧨she'll keep up her job as the boss of the Deadlock gang but she is worried about her s/o, BOB can tell it and soon, the members of the gang notice it too
🧨She doesn't expect her at all, in front of her, stopping to pull out another heist
Ashe always has a backup plan. She always expects something to go wrong during her mission, that’s why she is prepared for everything and anything. Although this time, she has to admit nothing could prepare her for this situation. 
"What's all this about?" She shouts to know what is causing so much trouble to her men. They shout over each other and it becomes a mess to understand what they are trying to say. At some point, she became used to this.
Shots are being fired and she hears the sirens of the police. She reloads her rifle, whistling to get the attention of BOB. She takes a bag filled with loot but drops it when someone shoots at it.
"Boss... we have a problem," one of them mutters and she rolls her eyes.
"No shit." 
They are surrounded by police officers and if she could see clearly, even some Overwatch agents. What on Earth are they doing here? She restrains herself to spit at the face of an old comrade. 
"Of course, I had to find you here," she spat out with animosity laced in every word. He shrugs smugly, puffing out a cloud of smoke from his cigar. No one is shooting yet, but they all know it'll start soon.
"Don't blame me, Ashe, just trying to figure out why on Earth she joined us." He points at something behind her and she tilts her head to look at it. Her eyes widen before they are filled with anger. She throws herself at her, ready to punch her but she avoids her blow easily. Cassidy stares at them for a moment before leaving them alone. He'd better help his friends.
"So there you were, hiding all this time and working with the law, I should've known you were just like him!" She aims, shooting at her. She takes cover and the rain of bullets starts. "BOB, shoot!" He wakes up from his slumber, attacking all of his targets one after another. Those who escaped the first round of bullets are hit by successive waves of bullets until BOB had to reload. Ashe lets him take care of them while she pursues her once lover and partner in crime. 
She finally catches up with her, taking her down with a bullet in the leg. She tumbles to the ground, her weapon falling from her hand. She stomps on it, glaring at her with her teeth gritting each other. She didn't expect her to cry when she finally faces her.
"Now why would you traitor want to cry? I should be the one upset right now, you betrayed us!" She doesn't struggle, she just keeps crying uncontrollably.
"I-I don't even k-know you-" she lifts her by grabbing her collar, staring at her right in the eyes.
"Tell me this once again, in the eyes." She keeps her eyes on her, tears flowing freely on her face.
"I don’t know you! I don't know who you are, yet-" she brings a hand to her face to wipe them to get a clear look at her. "-yet why am I crying over a stranger? Why is my heart hurting me in the worst way possible? Why is it that my chest hurt so much when I look at you?" She drops her to the ground, examining everything about her. It hurts her to admit that she doesn't lie. What has she gone through to not remember a single thing about her? After everything they have been through. Their heists together, planning them in the dead of the night when no one else was awake besides the two of them, their love...
"I can't recall a thing, but those feelings... Why won't they go away?! I am supposed to hate you, you're breaking the law but- why is this sentence haunting me everywhere I go? Why can't I remember anything else but this: 'Don't work with the law and always punish betrayal'" She walks away, taking her rifle in her hands.
"And I will. You betrayed us, you betrayed the Deadlock Gang... You betrayed me. I'm not gonna let this slide." There is only one way to get rid of this feeling. She turns around, ready to aim before she changes her decision. Although the pool of blood on the ground makes her aware of things she hasn't acknowledged yet. 
"What?" She coughed blood and following her instincts, she placed her hands on her wound and put some pressure on it. Ashe rushes to her side, feelings clashing with her logic. Her eyes quickly scan her surrounding, falling on B.O.B.
"Damn it..." The shot came from him but it's too late anyways.  
"I'm sorry... I can't remember your face and the things that we went through. If I could- I know I'd be more than sorry-" "Shut it. You have no right to apologize after disappearing like that!" Tears are flooding from s/o's eyes, smiling apologetically while her consciousness slowly slips away.
"I know but I feel like apologizing for all the unknown hurt I've caused you... Sorry, Ashe, for everything." Ashe grips her by the collar.
"Don't you dare die on me like this s/o!" B.O.B comes in, scooping Ashe away as the police officers finally caught up to them.
"Shoot at them!!" Ashe struggles against B.O.B's grip but he carries her away from her once lover. The last thing she sees was s/o lying on the ground, bleeding to her death.
🧪Moira doesn't even notice in the first few weeks, being busy with her experiments and field research
🧪Sombra being her coworker do tell her her s/o has been missing for a few weeks
🧪She's not going to search for her intensively, rather, she'll ask Sombra do to the search for her
🧪When she comes back empty-handed, she knows she's not going to have much luck with her search as well
🧪So she gives up on the search but will look out for any pieces of information related to her s/o. She asks Sombra as well to be on the lookout
🧪When she comes face to face with her, it's a rather interesting conversation that ensues
Moira rarely leaves the talon base. Whenever she does, it's to gather data for her research or to pick up test subjects. So for her to be outside the base at this hour of the day, it's rather a curious decision. News of s/o has been spreading. Thanks to Sombra's research, she has been seen around Talon's base. With no memories of her life. Moira doesn't fully believe those rumours, but they couldn't have appeared out of nowhere. 
She has a book with her, to read while she sits in a cafe. Her mind on her book while her eyes scan the people walking in front of her. She doesn't try to be discreet, she doesn't care about people's judgement. She flips another page of her book and she raises one of her eyebrows when someone approaches her.
"Oh! I read this book not long ago, someone recommended it to me but I can't recall their name. How are you founding it so far?" 
"Fascinating. Truly fascinating..." she mutters to herself as s/o stands in front of her. Seemingly not recalling she's the one who recommended this book to her.
"Right? Ah- sorry, I hope I did not interrupt your reading." Moira observes her every move and words. Anything that could hint why s/o doesn't recognize her. Amnesia, brain tumor, dementia? What could possibly cause this sudden memory loss?
"Of course, not. It is always more entertaining to discuss a book with someone else rather alone. Take a seat. Let's discuss further."  
"Oh, alright." As the discussion progresses, Moira notes some elements. S/o doesn't remember much. She lost most of her memories. She started to keep her memories one month ago. That coincides with when she disappeared. For the moment, it makes sense. 
She still has to figure out why it happened. Or how. She doesn't want to rush this. After all, it'll be suspicious for her if she keeps insisting on knowing her past. She's willing to expand the time of her experiment if it means she's going to have an answer in the end. How fascinating, truly.
"Today has been interesting. Would you like to meet up again?"
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professionalranter31 · 4 months
My headcannons for Moira
To start it off with, Moira is dying. She’s suffering from a disease that is decaying her body, it’s genetic and her family has always had the risk of having it. She decided to become a geneticist because she saw her mother, someone that she looked up to, decay away
Before Moira was let go by Overwatch she actually had morals, any experimentation she did on people was with express consent, including a contract that if they died she would send a large amount of money to subject’s next of kin. The reason why other scientists struggle to replicate her experiments is because they are unwilling to spend money like she is to get to human experimentation
The reason why she was kicked out of Overwatch and her reputation took a big hit was because of Angela
Moira was beginning work on a project for a cure for the disease that afflicts her family and others, and she was using some of Angela’s technology to start it off with, with Angela’s permission
Angela had just recently discovered the biotic rifle’s existence and was high strung about her technology being used as a weapon, only for Moira to show her an accidental discovery when she had injected the first version of the serum into herself, her biotic grasp
Angela didn’t listen to the fact that Moira had accidentally discovered this and jumped to her trying to create biological weapons, with her technology and spoke to Overwatch’s board and got Moira kicked out and her reputation smeared
Moira, not knowing about the biotic rifle saw this as Angela purposely sabotaging her, and her willingness to trust others was forever broken
This is where she begins to become the mad scientist we know her as
Before Blackwatch recruited her she was aimless, she didn’t know what she was going to do, she had no lab, no consistent source of revenue for her funding, and most of her family had separated themselves from her and most of her friends had abandoned her, so when Blackwatch recruited her she was desperate to prove that she was worth keeping around
The changes she made to Reyes were at his request, he wanted something that would help him be greater at stealth and it was early on in Moira’s service to Blackwatch so she saw this as her way to secure her place
She would later use a similar serum to give herself her fade ability
She did a lot of work for Blackwatch, but she always made it a point to avoid being at the same base as Genji on days when he had to get his health checked as Angela would be there
She and Reyes would become somewhat close, she didn’t fully trust him but there was enough there that when she found him after the Swiss HG explosion she didn’t properly check his condition and jumped right to trying to save him, desperate not to lose someone who had showed her such kindness despite her reputation
When she realized her mistake, she was horrified at what she had done, and she’s spent plenty of time trying to fix it, or at the very least ease his pain
When she was recruited by Talon it was some time before Oasis would reach out and bring her on as their minister of Genetics, so she was struggling again especially with getting willing test subjects
When she first met Siebrein she was horrified at his condition. She had to comb through the data of everything that had been found of him, including the experiments performed on him. It made her almost puke with how similar she found herself to the people who experimented on him
Despite Sombra’s belief that Moira doesn’t care about Sigma it is quite the opposite, but she has to lock her emotions away, a habit she had started since Angela ruined her and that she conceals her doing with sarcasm and biting remarks
With Widowmaker, Moira doesn’t know that she’s brainwashed. She didn’t know Gerard all that well and she barely knew anything about Amelie. So when she altered her physiology she believed it to be to someone willing, not someone brainwashed to the point that any consent they give would be considered pointless as it wasn’t true
Moira continues to create treatments and cures for various illnesses and diseases, but in order to ensure that she’s able to always have a source of funding she’s worked with the Prosthetics division at Oasis to create new ways for Prosthetics to be attached to bodies and not be rejected, and she gets a small portion of the profits. It’s only 1% of the profits for each prosthetic she’s helped with the development of, but she’s made it a point to help with the development of several using experience that she has from a pair of friends she made before she was cast out that specialized in making prosthetics and that she is still in contact with to this day
(BTW those two friends Moira put in contact with Angela when she was saving Genji’s life to help her with creating his needed prosthetics, especially the organs that she would need to replace)
But above all else Moira is focused on finding a cure for the wasting disease the afflicts her family and others, but with her family having shunned her except for one
I’ve mentioned that I headcannon Emily as Moira’s niece, Emily is afflicted by the decaying affliction, it’s not as strong as Moira’s but it is slowly killing her. She hasn’t told Lena, but she’s afraid of what will happen when she tells Lena that she’s on a timer
Moira has every intent to save her niece, the only member of her family who didn’t shun her, who listened to her side and not just Angela’s, so she accelerated the state of the disease on her right arm using some tech to isolate it to the one arm. But there is some data that she is missing that she can’t get that she knows is crucial for her to find the cure
Vishkar, a company that Moira absolutely loathes for hoarding their technology and research, even though they do work together through Talon if she tried to create a cure with their tech through legitimate means they would lock away the cure behind a high payment, preventing Emily from getting it
So Moira has to figure out how to get that data, and she knows of two people that can help her get that data, Niran Pruksamanee, a man who has successfully stolen Vishkar’s technology and research and knows how to prevent them from keeping his work off the market or from being used by other scientists. And Lena Oxton, Emily’s girlfriend who so clearly loves her so much that Moira has no doubt she would break any amount of laws to save her
Moira has stopped caring about her own health a long time ago thanks to Angela’s betrayal, but before she dies she will save as many lives as possible with her research, and Emily will be among those lives, she’s going to make sure of it, no matter who gets in her way
Because despite how she may seem, her attitude and ethics, her actions, she wants to save the lives of others, because any life saved can mean a new discovery, or just other lives saved
Despite her crimes against humanity, she wants them to be safe, her methods to do that has been twisted by not letting herself properly feel her emotions, by betrayal of someone she once called her greatest friend, and being shunned by most of her family and friends
Hope you liked these headcannons, let me know what you think
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wildissylupus · 3 months
I, for one, would like to see how you'd make Emily into a chatacter both in canon and in Mirrorwatch, both in terms of lore for why she's fighting and her abilities.
In regards to canon I would keep her as a civilian, in the data logs it's very obvious that her character was being set up to be a window into civilian life during the invasion, which is good because we need that connection to the publics reactions. How human and Omnic relations are affected by the Invasion. There is also the obvious of making her and Moira related, add some complexity and knowledge to her character that not a lot of the characters wouldn't have. I would mainly characterize this as a dislike of her aunt but having more complicated feelings about the situation, possibly even make her entire family situation complicated? It would kinda explain her lack of connection outside of Tracer. Speaking of which, I would also have her have connections to other OW members that are not reliant on her being Lena's girlfriend (like her and Genji being friends cause I find their dynamic cute).
Another thing I would do is make her a very artsy person, not only because it opens the door to her character outside of Tracer, but it furthers the parallels between her and Amelie. Speaking of which, I would have history repeat itself here, I would have Emily be kidnapped by Talon at some point, I would have her put up a pretty good fight, and I would have her be rescued before Talon could even try to brainwash her, mainly because Widow wouldn't want someone else to go through that pain.
Also she's an absolute dork and is in a bunch of fandom spaces.
As for MW!Emily I'd keep all of what I just wrote the same, only changing when the accident with Lena happens. After Lena disappears and then reappears as a Talon agent, Emily is devastated. She's also angry, angry that Overwatch didn't try more, angry that they aren't even trying to help her now even though what's happening is their fault. So she steals some Overwatch tech, mainly some of her Aunt Moira's tech. She then goes on the hunt, both for Lena herself and a way to fully help her with her chronal dissociation. I like to think she's more of a neutral force.
Not on Talon or Overwatch's side, sometimes her motivations align more with one side or the other but she's usually on her own. Though as a future plot point I could see her being directed to MW!Junkertown by either MW!Sombra or MW!Cassidy, where she meets MW!Winston and finally gets not only the chronal accelerator (my hc is that MW!Tracer is using a modified chronal anchor, which was a prototype of the chronal accelerator in canon, which also makes MW!Lena's state a lot more unstable) but also that separate chronal accelerator that allows Lena to remain in the present with her being physically separate from her accelerator.
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cryptcoop · 1 year
How well does moira get along with the rest of talon?
Her relationships within Talon are pretty dubious.
To start, she does not get along with Doomfist. I don't think he really cares much for her, and deems her a replaceable asset. He just uses her to have more power over Oasis, and realistically he could have just about anybody in a minister position and he'd be happy. He doesn't care for her work, and actively gives her tasks that pushes her away from doing her own work, like forcing her to work on Widowmaker, Sigma, ect. She knows how little she means to his overall operation and holds a lot of animosity towards him. However, without Talon, she has nothing. Talon is basically her last shot of leaving a mark on the world and she can't throw that away, so she pretends to play nice.
Reaper is an interesting story because they have so much history together. He got her a job at Overwatch, Blackwatch, and Talon, but they were definitely closest in Blackwatch. I kind of imagine during that time Gabe saw her as an annoying older sister, who acted like she knew more than him and bickered with him on everything, but was still his older sister, yknow? He loved her, she loved him. He's one of the only people who saw her walls come down, saw the real Moira. Lots of nights spent at her lab, drinking and talking about nothing and everything. They've grown apart of lot since then. Not because of anything Moira did to him, but more so just because Gabe has changed a lot. He's too angry, in too much pain. Moira has changed too. I think she was actually kinda happy in Blackwatch, even if she didn't outwardly show it, or even knew it herself, but know she's just sad? Accepted her fate as one of talons pawns. Neither of them can go back to drinking in her lab. They have moments together, little blips of what it used to be, but they both know it'll never be the same, that it can't be.
Sombra kinda forces herself into Moira's business. I like their chemistry a lot. Sombra has dirt on Moira but Moira has lost all sense of shame, lost to her own arrogance of self image, so Sombra holds no power over her. They have an inkling of what Gabe used to have with Moira, a funny little friendship. Moira never tells Sombra anything personal, she doesn't let her walls come down anymore, but she'll genuinely smile and crack jokes and laugh with her, because she's practically the only beacon of positively within Talon. Also, Moira's high and mighty persona doesn't work on Sombra, and Moira likes women who challenge her like that. They have a kind of will they wont they energy to them. I think Moira is sexually interested in Sombra for sure, and I think that feeling is palpable, and I think Sombra likes to play with that feeling quite a bit.
Honestly? I don't think she has much of a relationship with Sigma at all. Probably hardly sees him as a person, more so a nuisance she has to baby sit. Which is sad, because I think Sigma likes her company a lot. She is stern with him but she doesn't ever yell at him or anything, and he can't really tell that she is mad at him, so he thinks him and Moira are friends, someone of similar intellect to him that he can have scientific conversations with, and is also someone who helps him manage his hallucinations and memory loss.
I've spoken about her relationship with Widow before so I won't get into it again.
For fairness I'll add Ramattra too, but I'm only doing it because I think they could potentially have a funny relationship because I genuinely think they would be so fucking awkward. They are both intellectuals with a strong sense of their morals and they could have some great conversations but they just have no idea how to talk to each other. They do small talk and then it withers away into nothing. It would mostly be Ramattra wishing to speak with Moira but he has no idea how to engage in a conversation with her, and because of it they never form a relationship.
And then for my final act. Maximillian has a crush on her but is also horrified of her. He has no idea how to talk to her and she does this funny thing that she does to omnics where she just kind of stares at them (not in any sort of hateful way, mind you) and it freaks him out but also kind of turns him on. He resorts to very awkward stilted talks with her, which he hopes to end within a sentence or two so he can promptly walk away from the situation.
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rambling-robot · 6 months
I feel like a lot of people glaze over the wrong part of Moira’s “questionable science.” Yeah okay she experiments on people and can drain your life force and create orbs of both pain and healing but how about the actual teleporting that is somehow connected to this? I can wave away biotic grasp/healing as somehow coming from the same source as Zen’s discord/healing, but Fade? What’s up with that, man. Sombra has a personal teleporter and Kiriko has a solidly magic source, even Reaper is just… reassembling somewhere else. But Fade is mobile. In a limited time frame, sure, but I can change direction and gain momentum for a super-jump while in the Fade state, instead of appearing at a pre-set location like every other hero with a tp ability.
“No one could replicate or prove her experiments so she was shunned by the scientific community” yeah so are you talking about aerosol life force or clipping into the shadow dimension because she did both and, quite frankly, I think that’s on you and your team for not committing to it
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theshimadaslovers · 1 year
I wasn't planning in make other boys of Overwatch, but...I couldn't resist 👁👄👁
Summary: It's Reaper's birthday and...well, only you remembered. Not only a bday but, became a little more tha that for Reaper.
Genre: Very cute and fluffy, a little dramatic, but we love drama, come on.
Warnings: Definitely none. It's cute!
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*Talon just went back from a mission, you're a newbie so Reaper prefer to let you out of this one, for safety. Everyone went back to the rooms and Reaper was injured, so he lay down on his bed for rest*
*You knock his door*
Reaper- What?
You- Is me...I came to check on you.
Reaper- I'm fine, go away.
You- *Opens the door* Is unlocked, silly.
Reaper- *sighs in stress*
You- Moira told me...you almost died for real this time.
Reaper- *Chuckles* Good lucky with that.
You- You may be dead and alive at the same time, Gabriel, but you still can die...for real! *sits on the bed checking his bandages* Stop being crazy in some missions.
Reaper- Do you even know what happened, girl?
You- ...You went alone to a room full of omics...big ones.
Reaper- *sighs* I didn't knew...
You- You silly owl...*sighs* Careful next time, yeah?
Reaper- Why do you care so much?
You- Do you really wants to know the answer? *laughs* I guess not.
Reaper- ..... I do.
You- Because you're my friend.
Reaper- *looked away* I'm not your friend.
You- But I see you as a friend *gets up* You had dinner?
Reaper- Not hungry.
You- That was not my question, sunshine.
Reaper- *Sighs in stress again* No....!
You- I'll bring you something. I asked Moira if you still eat normally as a person, so... I'll make for you.
Reaper- *laugh* I'm not a person for you?
You- You're a dead alive person, it's different. *walks out the room*
Reaper- Mm...*heavy breath*
*At the principal room, you were checking out some informations about the last missions*
Widow- *coming back with a coffee*
You- *look at her* You went to a coffee shop?
Widow- Oui.
You- What? How?
Widow- Disguise.
Sombra- Hey! *Suddenly appears* You guys won't believe what I just found!
Widow- Depends.
Sombra- A hilarious Google research from Cole Cassidy!
You- Cole Cassidy?
Widow- Jesse McCree.
You- Oh yeah, he changed his name.
Sombra- "Cactus spines in butt, how get rid off?" HAHAAA! *Everybody laughing*
Widow- So pathetic...*laughs*
You- Where the HELL he get a cactus?! Poor thing.
Doom- Ladies...what is all that noise? *Enters the room*
Sombra- I'll show you later, boss! *still laughing* Overwatch is hilarious!
Doom- Well, you two has to come with me for some business trip and y/n will take care of Reaper. After his almost suicidal plan, he'll stay for rest.
You- Business trip? *laughs* Come on, boss, be honest.
Doom- Ok *laughs* We got some murders to make. Let's go, the plane is taking off in 20 minutes.
Sombra- And our stuff?
Doom- They put everything on the plane. Let's go.
Sombra- Alright, that was a five star service *look at you and smirked* Good lucky, chiquita. *Disappear*
Widow- I need some vacations...*rool eyes and walks out the room closing the door*
*You keep sitting on the chair and looks at Reapers room door, then the calendar*
*At Reapers room, after hours completely impatient and taking naps, his cells regenerated completely his superficial wounds. He sat on the bed and breath heavily feeling the pain on his left rib, taking his hand on the bandage around his body. Stands up almost losing balance and leans himself against the wall*
Reaper- Fucking hell...! *moan and look at the calendar on the wall looking at the date for a couple of minutes. Breath heavily and starts to walk to the door* No one cares, Reyes...
*He went out of his room looking the empty place*
Reaper- Finally alone... *sighs in content*
You- Not for so long *Appers and laughs* I made something for you at the kitchen, I was about to bring it for you.
Reaper- I'm not hungry.
You- I didn't ask... *smiles to him and stand in front of him* Go, you gonna like it.
Reaper-...it is...cookies?
You- Maybe *laughs* You're funny, good thing I like you. *tap his shoulders and went to your room*
Reaper- *sighs and walks towards the kitchen*
*Arriving the kitchen he come across with the most caring situation he could ever cross, a cake on the table, with candles lighted, a plate of cookies and a paper plaque written "Happy Birthday, Dark Knight♡"*
*He stands there for a while trying to process everything. First, how the hell you knew that he was Gabriel Reyes, second, how the hell you knew his birthday date? Well, he only sighs trying not to feel pleased under his mask and walks towards the table. He grab a cookie and chuckle*
Reaper- Cookie~
*He felt your presence behind him and turned around still holding the cookie*
You- *laughs* You like it?
Reaper- How did you know? All about that?
You- I have my secrets. *you smiled going towards him and hugs Reaper making his embarrassed* Happy birthday, Gab.
Reaper- Mmmm...! *Literally paralyzed*
You- *laughs and steps away* Not used to hugs, huh? Oh! I got you a gift too! Be right back! Don't! Run away! *points to him and ran out*
Reaper- A...gift? Birthday gift? *take off the mask revealing a grey skin full of scars* But I have cookie...*eats the cookie and felt a little bit of joy on his body wiggling little* Good cookie...~
You- Gab! *Tuns to the kitchen with a small box* Here! I made it for you! Is a decoration for your guys, I don't have any idea how and from where you pick up the guys, but...Yeah.
Reaper- You made it?
You- Yep. Open up! *excited*
*He grab the box and opens up without hesitation feeling surprised by seeing a little cute Reaper perfectly made by hand, it was a pendent for his shotguns*
Reaper- *Inhales* You...you made it with your own hands?
You- Yes, commander *smiles*
Reaper- For me?
You- *nodded*
Reaper- Mm...*put the mask on and smile inside of it* Ah...thanks...right. I...I like it. *blush and clears his throat*
You- That was the first present, I think you deserve more than one.
Reaper- *Looks at you for a while* One more?
You- Yep.
Reaper- Why? I'm a high functional psychopath and you're giving me gifts.
You- Yeah. *smiles*
Reaper- ....Why?
You- You're my friend, Gab. Talon is not the most supportive group but I am. You know... is good to put a smile in someone so hurted like you.
Reaper- I did not smiled...*blush inside the mask and looked away*
You- I know you did, Reyes, I know. *laughs and stand on your tiptoes to give him a kiss on his mask* Happy birthday, sir and enjoy the cake and cookies, are just for you~ *walks away from the kitchen* I'll be at my room!
Reaper- Mmmm....*look at the pendent and smiles again* Talon don't deserve you.... *look at the door and sighs*
*He sat down on the table and bring the plate of cookies to him, take off the mask again and enjoy every piece of each cookie. About to eat the cake all by himself, he stopped and think, sighs, stands up and grab a big knife cutting two slices*
*He walks through the hallways looking for you room holding to plates with cake. Finding he knock it with his foot and you immediately went to open up*
You- Oh...Hey! *smiles* Did you ate everything?
Reaper- I was thinking if we can enjoy the cake together...on my fucking birthday.
You- *laughs and blush* Sure, it would be a pleasure. Come in! *you gently pull him inside*
*Minutes later both was sitting on your bed talking like two normal people, he put the mask aside but not for too long, since the mask is what helps him breath. He put the mask back and chuckle at the conversation you both were talking*
Reaper- It was funny how Jack Morrison was such a needy guy for attention at the time...
You- Really? I tought that he was a little more mature *both laughed*
Reaper- After became Overwatch commander's, he went a little more mature...
You- Oh man... You pass trought some good shits with Overwatch.
*Reaper looked away and sighs loudly enough to have your attention and you get more worried*
You- You're ok?
Reaper- Why you're in Talon?
You- I...*Felt confused* I'm here because I was saved by you guys in Russia, remember?
Reaper- But why you stay? We're the bad guys...you're not bad. Talon don't deserve someone like you.
You- I know. *smiled making him surprised by your unexpected answer* But you're here, Reaper.
Reaper- *Takes his hand to his chest feeling his heart race*
You- And I believe there's goodness behind this dark owl mask.
Reaper- *chuckles* Goodness? I'm a high functional-
You- A high functional psychopath *roll eyes and laughs* But you're not.
Reaper- *groans*
You- If you were, I wouldn't be here. You wouldn't care. We wouldn't be eating cake and having a nice chat in my bed. This is what a high functional psychopath sounds like?
Reaper- *Speechless*
You- You have feelings and empathy, Reaper...You're Gabriel Reyes...and you're broken. Come on, you loved my cookies! *laughs*
Reaper- I'm not a...psychopath?
You- I'm not a doctor or psychiatrist...but...yeah, you're a not a psychopath, Gab. I don't know who you were, but...Talon is doing so bad shit with your head. This anger inside of you? This depression? You're broken and is so much worse.
*Reaper stand in silent and looked away thinking a about everything that already happened to him those last years. He never really enjoyed killing, he's just... angry*
You- *stand on your knees in front of him and open your arms* Come on.
You- You hugged me earlier, come on, Rey!
Reaper- I don't like hu...!!! *You suddenly falls on him hugging*
You- You're just not used anymore...*Hug him tightly* You need to rest your head somewhere for a while.
Reaper- *Slowly starts to embrace you on his arms* I...I'm not good...with this.
You- *chuckle* You don't need to be good...
*Reaper let his emotions act for a second and hugged you tightly pulling you more close to him. You were surprised that he won't let it go of you anymore...at least, it's seems like not. You had to sit on his lap, because it looks like he wanted to pull you more closer to him, which was impossible... but he enjoyed feel that again. His head rested on your shoulder and both relaxed keeping the hug. You smiled feeling that you finally could try to help him and his poisoned soul*
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Continue ....??
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shwbyy · 7 months
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Some pre-game interactions I thought up for Amira! Here’s a summary of Circe’s feelings on each of the above heroes: 👇
Upon first meeting him, Amira found him deplorable and slightly intimidating due to his chaotic nature. Amira doesn’t like loud noises or overstimulating environments and… well… look at the dude. He reminded her of what she could become if she embraced her “less-than-kind” urges. It doesn’t help that he’s a passionate pyromaniac so he’s constantly trying to start conversation about her cybernetics, much to her chagrin. Overtime, however, Amira’s feelings turned less into judgement and more into sympathy and she could tell Junkrat had seen and been through quite a bit to end up how he is now. In other interactions, she’s slightly more patient and attempts to remain kind despite his chaotic nature and tendencies. While she finds his questions about her abilities completely inane, she’s fine with humouring him and talking about the hypotheticals.
Sombra was one of the people that would visit the cells of test subjects to taunt them or to start up condescending conversations, Amira included. Amira finds her extremely irritating and dislikes how much Sombra taunts her with her old life and who she used to be/could’ve been, since it is an extremely sensitive topic to her. Amira especially hates Sombra because she is a huge reminder of the control Talon used to have over her and, speaking in terms of the game, seeing her in the spawn room and listening to her taunts leads her to fear that they might reclaim that power one day.
Meeting another person with cybernetic enhancements was definitely a breath of fresh air for Amira, even more so since Genji is at such peace with his new form. Amira greatly admires, and is also partially jealous of, individuals who are able to remain tranquil and calm in times of hardship or after hardships, Genji included. He is obviously much wiser than her and offers advice when she asks for it, albeit Amira seems to disregard his advice about forgiveness since she doesn’t believe it applies to her. Amira also often feels guilty about being upset at her own trauma since other characters like Genji, in her opinion, have been through worse/are going through worse. Though she discounts this and continues to hold onto that anger.
After hearing about the absolute tragedy that Illari went through, Amira feels nothing but empathy for her. As said above, she feels guilty for expressing a modicum of misery towards her own adversities when other people have been through worse in her eyes. Amira is often first to initiate conversation with Illari, praying that she doesn’t give off the wrong social cue to make her assume that she’s approaching her out of pity. Amira offers Illari encouragement and support and also offers to converse about any troubles she may be having, to which the latter, while appreciating the gesture, turns her down. Amira is also partly jealous of Illari due to her being able to remain stoic and impassive about her trauma and being able to do so at such a young age. She takes note of this and makes sure not to infantalise or condescend to her, since she knows she’s competent on her own and knows how irritating it is to be spoken down to. Overall, their association is awkward but they do find solace with each other.
To say that Amira hates Moira would be too kind. She never knew she had the capacity to hate someone as much as she hates her. Since Moira was responsible for the painful torture and the experimentation that she went through for several years Amira feels nothing but anger, resentment and bitterness towards the scientist. Amira is characterised as a highly empathetic person (often to a fault since she has a hard time taking herself out of other people’s shoes, but I digress) so to feel so much hatred and hostility towards someone is a new feeling to her, but she excuses it. Moira is extremely unbothered by Amira’s thoughts on her and her actions and continues to threaten her with her return to her lab. TL;DR: Amira hates her and does not respect her or her work.
Thank you for reading! I’m definitely going to do more of these.
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Hello! I found your works and really enjoyed them and I seen your requests are open so I wanted to ask could you maybe to some overwatch relationship headcannons between Moira and a m!s/o who is not stereotypically masculine. Sorry if I didn’t word it clearly
Moira w/ an Ustereotypical Male S/O
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She finds your squeamishness with regards to her experiments adorable. Moira prides herself on her ability to unsettle others but there is something about you, who is clearly a little uncomfortable with her experiments, who still listens attentively and helps out wherever you can.
It warms her heart a little bit, which is no mean feat, congratulations!
You also look out for her when her work begins to encroach on her wellbeing. If Moira is ever working too late, you have a system in place to try and help.
You usually wait about an hour after bed time was supposed to be and then you walk into the lab. You sit where she can see you and open up a book. She can see you which serves as a reminder of things in her life outside her scientific pursuits. 
If this doesn’t work and you wait another half hour, you put the book down and get a little closer, hugging her from behind (when it is safe to, lab safety is important!!!) and kissing her cheek. You do that once, not speaking, just watching what she’s doing over her shoulder. (Its actually really adorable not gonna lie. Sombra caught you two once and had to leave before she gave herself away.)
You attempts to get Moira to come to bed never involves you telling her to come to bed or trying to get her to shut her experiments down. You understand how important her work is to her and as much as she loves you (though you’d be hard pressed to hear her say it aloud) no one is going to tell her what to do. So, you use your presence in the lab to attempt to remind her to take care of herself. If she wants to stop she will. 
You take care of her wellbeing in other ways as well. Though it took her a long time to open up about it, Moira did explain her the nature of some of her former experiments. You see, she didn’t always have test subjects to work with, which means she had to use herself.
Moira experiences a lot of chronic pain, especially in her damaging arm. You’re there for her when the pain flares up and you’re always there to help however she needs. But, you also understand that Moira does not enjoy the helpless feeling. She is determined to do things on her own and she is fully capable of doing so. The best you can do is support her and the two of you will be just fine.
Speaking of supporting her, there have been several instances of you going to academic events to do that very thing. These events usually go smoothly. However, there was that one time.
Moira had left you to your own devices for a moment to have a chat with one of her colleagues. This would have been just fine... had it not been for the name tags.
Why this particular event actually printed the name tags out instead of using holovid ones was beyond both of your but it was fine. It was an Oasis scientific community event, enough people knew Moira there that you figured it wouldn’t be a problem.
What you ask? Well, instead of printing out a separate name tag for your, O’Deorain’s plus one, they accidentally printed out two Dr. O’Deorain ones.
You hadn’t expected to run into such a bigoted scientist that night but there you were, trying to explain to him that you weren’t the scientist, your girlfriend was. The conversation was going longer than you ever wanted it to and your patience was waning. 
By the time Moira got back a startled crowd had gathered in a loose ten foot circle watching. You had gone off on the man, shouting an actually well-informed and well-articulated argument against his bigoted ways and defending every scientist there that wasn’t cis-male. 
Moira had never been prouder of you.
Request Rules/Characters Sheet
General Masterpost
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kincalling · 3 months
hookay this is gonna be a major longshot but I'm calling in as a non-canon overwatch kin/link(?).
Buckle in cuz there's a lot to go over. My name was Camryn Xenakis. Age 33 in source (bodily 19 so keep it in mind if it bugs you, I'll interact w anyone tho tbh). Hailing from Ilios, Greece, uhh. This is hard lol. He/it trans guy, mentally ill and it showed ksjdkdkd.
I'll go over what I know Talon knew about me. Child engineering prodigy, I won a lot of awards in middle and high school (I lived in America for most of my life, moved here when I was like...four or five? Young enough to acclimate, old enough to feel homesick for Ilios), and I eventually got funding for my medical research into aiding disabled people with my tech. There were news articles about me and shit it's crazy to think about. Had a workshop garage thing and everything.
Until I didnt. Long story short I did a lot of activism for disability rights and pissed off some powerful people. Got my workshop burned down with me inside- I made it out alive, but I was deemed legally dead and had to go into hiding from said powerful people. Basically lost everything I had lmaoooo. Hence how I ended up with Talon.
By current timeline standards I've only been with Talon for a few years, three or four. I'm the resident hermit engineer, I augment weapons and do repairs as well. I spoke both Greek and English, as well as snippets of the languages I heard around Talon just by exposure lol.
Appearance wise I'm a short little fella, maybe 5' 3". Bleach blonde mullet with shaved sides, I'm a natural brunette though and my roots always showed so fast after I rebleached 😔. I had a lot of freckles, and I usually hung around in shitty tourist shirts bc they're fun and comfy. I had some tattoos too, but I'm struggling to remember what they looked like. Uhh. Hm. I was a glasses wearer is that important.
I also wore an exosuit type frame on my lower half most of the time. Disability L, my leg joints were weak and I was in pain often, so they took the weight off and helped me stay mobile. I used a wheelchair sometimes, and crutches when I couldn't use either.
On missions I had a fullbody suit, but I tried not to get caught in 1v1 unless I had to since I was support over fighting. But I have a mean right hook and I do know some martial arts for when I'm in a pinch. My codename was Riot Mekanism, which was also my online forums username back in my youth.
I've already got my Sombra in our system, and likely my Gabe too (tho I wouldn't mind just chatting w other Soms and Gabe's anyways) but anyone else is very welcome, especially from Talon. I do have memories of being romantically interested in Maugaloa Malosi, but I can't recall if there was anything between us or if he reciprocated.
I had a habit of giving people nicknames in my native language, Moira was kounéli (rabbit) Mauga got tígri (tiger), Sombra was skiá (shadow), I think I called Sigma astéri, etc.
we are a nontraumagenic system, so I'd rather anti-endogen people don't interact as it makes us very uncomfortable.
feel free to message us @camotherogue on here, or interact w this and I'll dm you if you'd prefer. thank youuuu!!!
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leorawright · 2 years
OK, pal, I have an idea. How about Talon members with S/O, who use psychological torture to extract infomation (I know that you already have HCs of Talon with s/o who's good at extracting information, but there were psychical methods.
Don't worry I get it!
Talon with s/o who uses psychological torture to get information
He's skeptical of your methods at first because he's used to beating people up
But then again your methods remove the possibility of him having to clean the blood off the walls
But if you need backup when you use your methods he'll be the stoic bodyguard standing behind you
She honestly prefers your methods over the annoying violence Reaper uses
Your methods create less of a mess and she prefers that
Believe it or not she's picked up a bit of her own psychological methods and she's willing to learn more from you
And plus your methods actually get information easier in her opinion
She's more used to blackmailing people but she's interested in your psychological torture skills
And now she doesn't have to hear screams of pain when she's trying to go to sleep
She also finds your methods are faster so take that Reaper
If you're willing to teach her she picks up any tricks really quick
She's eager to see you work with your psychological torture
She's used to changing brains waves through experiments but she has some experience in psychological torture
She picks up how you get information pretty quick and can mimic it herself
She's the most eager for you to be the main person who gets information ever before she sees you work
He's intrigued by your methods and he's gotten sick of Reaper's so he gladly let's you try
And it works so much better with much less of a mess
Congratulations you've impressed Akande
Expect to be showered in praise from him after every successful information gathering
Please shield him from your methods he's to pure
He's never really seen psychological torturing even though it's what Talon is using on him
His mind is also a little to far gone to be manipulated
But still try and keep your methods a secret from him
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Moira O'Deorain: Hope
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Moira: Hope
Authors Note: This is my first time attempting to write angst so... yeah.
A rush of green and several knives shot towards Moira as she closed her eyes and braced herself for Genji’s attack.
The next thing Moira knew she felt a warm viscous fluid splatter upon her and the distinct lack of pain that should come from being run through with a sword.
Moira opened her eyes to see something she had hoped against hope she would never have to see as time began to slow, (Y/N) was standing in front of her, their right arm cut clean off, several green knives poking through the back of their outfit and numerous bullet holes riddling their body. 
Moira sat on the uncomfortable metal chair bouncing her right leg up and down while she was rapidly solving a rubik’s cube in her left hand.
“Their strong” Reaper’s deep gravelly voice originated from under his hood while he sat hunched over in the chair and turned his mask over in his hands knowing as well as her that even with Talon's best and brightest surgeons that your chances of survival were slim at best.
“Where’s Sombra?” Moira asked quietly.
“Recording their favorite shows” Reaper responded.
“She does know that they have a very small chance of surviving due to how much blood they lost and the damage to their organs?” Moira asked.
“I think so, but…” Reaper trailed off.
“She Hopes” Moira finished Reaper's sentence. 
After half an hour Reaper put his mask back on, stood up, walked over to Moira and placed his hand on her shoulder before walking out of the room.
“Hope, it’s such a beautiful word isn’t it my love?” Moira asked your comatose form before standing up and looking at her right hand and saying “Hope, while beautiful, is not good enough, not for me, what I will do to you might make you hate me, despise me, want to kill me, but for as long as you still live I would be perfectly fine with that outcome, even if you visited unspeakable horrors and horrendous torture’s upon me upon me, I would accept them all, as long as you still lived.” Moira leaned over you and hesitantly ran her hand through your hair and kissed you before reaching into her coat pocket and pulling out a syringe filled with an unnatural purple substance.
Moira popped the needle cap off of the syringe, took a shaky breath, raised the needle over your heart and plunged it into your right ventricle, forever changing who you are.
New Hero: Revenant
Class: Tank
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xynchronicity · 5 months
For those that don't wanna go to my page for Vengeance!Demise stuff. I'll periodically update this post with new stuff as I think of it (if and when this headache goes away).
Vengeance!Demise is my Demise verse but with the Vengeance Mythic skin. Demise is already "Mirrorwatched" but she swaps places with Gabriel/Reaper specifically. So, that still carries here...but less "was in his place and became what he should've" and more so "was working with Moira to some degree". In other words, she - namely Angela instead of Demise - had a moment - whether during a mission or in her or Moira's research - that made her go "my tech is good - great even - but it's not the best it could be".
Demise does take on the mantle of "Vengeance" in this verse. So instead of referring to her as "Demise" I will refer to her as "Vengeance".
Vengeance becomes a powerful member within Talon.
Subject to change when event mode releases:
Ana swaps with Widow (or Moira?)
Tracer takes Reaper's spot (or Widow?)
Sojourn becomes their black ops/spec ops agent (?)
Vengeance swaps with Max or Moira (it's sort of hinted that she leads Talon...like as their leader...so taking DF's spot?)
DF takes Soldier's spot (based on the name of his skin)
Widow takes Ana's (based on the name of her skin)
Sombra takes...Tracer or Rein's spot (? she gets just an epic skin that's 'agent' not 'cadet' or 'lieutenant')
Vengeance has all of Reaps' abilities listed here and her own.
Vengeance's mastery over life and death is very prevalent here.
She will decide who receives her aid. If you fail her, she'll just bring you back to do it all over again (with the hope of you succeeding this time, of course, but either result will amuse her with your pain).
Vengeance will use you to any and every means necessary. You died on the field but can still provide use to her? She'll do so...if only to throw you to the wolves so she can escape or otherwise distract the enemy. Or if you have information within life but were killed...well, she'll just bring you right on back to give her said information. You will. This is not a negotiation, she can and will resort to torture. I mean, she can just heal you right on back to healthy just to repeat the process...how long can one stand agony?
Vengeance is more ruthless/ruder/power-hungry than her normal counterpart (Angela).
Voice lines:
"I decide who receives my aid."
"We're not done here."
"Begging for attention?"
"I didn't say you could rest."
"I am your remedy."
"Don't underperform now."
"In need of...treatment?"
"Minor setbacks mean nothing."
"I'll teach them the meaning of pain."
"On with it."
"You're looking unwell."
"Don't disappoint me."
"Someone needs a savior."
"Do your worst."
"I need you at peak performance."
"I will not let them stand in my way."
"I could mend you. Though you may have to convince me first."
"In the name of humanity's future, my plans cannot fail."
"For your sake, I hope you're not questioning my abilities."
The new interactions between Mauga and Mercy (the one where he asks if he can call her 'Angela' specifically) would've gone differently for Vengeance. Instead of saying "For you? Doctor Ziegler." she'd instead say "For you? It'll be your demise." (I had to include this bc I find it cute that he sounds like he's flirting with her.)
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jackmeowison · 2 years
Okay but like, what if Sombra was a wraith thing like Reaper?
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I actually have a few funky headcanons for this!!!
I picture an AU where Sombra plotting against overwatch has consequences, and that she’s put through experimentation to condition her for obedience. Kinda torture-y but Talon is not known for being inherently good.
One of these experiments included the nanites Gabriel was injected with ; though her body can’t handle them the way Gabriel’s can. Consequently , she gets stuck in this loop of being unable to reform [ Think of the movie Lucy, 2014 ]
Moira basically holds it over her head that there’s a way to stop the pain and discomfort, but she can only receive it if she’s compliant with Talon — forcing her into a position where she can’t disobey. It’s not so much Moiras lesson to Sombra (as I imagine Moira doesn’t care what Talon does, they just enjoy the free reign they have in the labs) but an excuse to try and right the wrongs done to Gabriel. Unfortunately the results are equally as terrible.
Behind the scenes this isn’t the case, considering she’s still playing for both teams and wants to help free Sigma, and believes Gabriel is in the same trap as she is. She’s wrong, however, and Gabriel is there on his own accord (albeit bitter and resentful, he’s there because he feels he has nowhere else to go.)
The biggest difference between her ‘wraith’ and Gabriel’s is the effects the nanites have. While Gabriel can become a sort of mist and freely move to and from place to place, Sombra more-so deteriorates. Her reforming is similar to how she translocates, though more painful and strenuous on her body.
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