#my fiance and i have some of it sprinkled into our moira/cassidy fic
cryptcoop · 1 year
How well does moira get along with the rest of talon?
Her relationships within Talon are pretty dubious.
To start, she does not get along with Doomfist. I don't think he really cares much for her, and deems her a replaceable asset. He just uses her to have more power over Oasis, and realistically he could have just about anybody in a minister position and he'd be happy. He doesn't care for her work, and actively gives her tasks that pushes her away from doing her own work, like forcing her to work on Widowmaker, Sigma, ect. She knows how little she means to his overall operation and holds a lot of animosity towards him. However, without Talon, she has nothing. Talon is basically her last shot of leaving a mark on the world and she can't throw that away, so she pretends to play nice.
Reaper is an interesting story because they have so much history together. He got her a job at Overwatch, Blackwatch, and Talon, but they were definitely closest in Blackwatch. I kind of imagine during that time Gabe saw her as an annoying older sister, who acted like she knew more than him and bickered with him on everything, but was still his older sister, yknow? He loved her, she loved him. He's one of the only people who saw her walls come down, saw the real Moira. Lots of nights spent at her lab, drinking and talking about nothing and everything. They've grown apart of lot since then. Not because of anything Moira did to him, but more so just because Gabe has changed a lot. He's too angry, in too much pain. Moira has changed too. I think she was actually kinda happy in Blackwatch, even if she didn't outwardly show it, or even knew it herself, but know she's just sad? Accepted her fate as one of talons pawns. Neither of them can go back to drinking in her lab. They have moments together, little blips of what it used to be, but they both know it'll never be the same, that it can't be.
Sombra kinda forces herself into Moira's business. I like their chemistry a lot. Sombra has dirt on Moira but Moira has lost all sense of shame, lost to her own arrogance of self image, so Sombra holds no power over her. They have an inkling of what Gabe used to have with Moira, a funny little friendship. Moira never tells Sombra anything personal, she doesn't let her walls come down anymore, but she'll genuinely smile and crack jokes and laugh with her, because she's practically the only beacon of positively within Talon. Also, Moira's high and mighty persona doesn't work on Sombra, and Moira likes women who challenge her like that. They have a kind of will they wont they energy to them. I think Moira is sexually interested in Sombra for sure, and I think that feeling is palpable, and I think Sombra likes to play with that feeling quite a bit.
Honestly? I don't think she has much of a relationship with Sigma at all. Probably hardly sees him as a person, more so a nuisance she has to baby sit. Which is sad, because I think Sigma likes her company a lot. She is stern with him but she doesn't ever yell at him or anything, and he can't really tell that she is mad at him, so he thinks him and Moira are friends, someone of similar intellect to him that he can have scientific conversations with, and is also someone who helps him manage his hallucinations and memory loss.
I've spoken about her relationship with Widow before so I won't get into it again.
For fairness I'll add Ramattra too, but I'm only doing it because I think they could potentially have a funny relationship because I genuinely think they would be so fucking awkward. They are both intellectuals with a strong sense of their morals and they could have some great conversations but they just have no idea how to talk to each other. They do small talk and then it withers away into nothing. It would mostly be Ramattra wishing to speak with Moira but he has no idea how to engage in a conversation with her, and because of it they never form a relationship.
And then for my final act. Maximillian has a crush on her but is also horrified of her. He has no idea how to talk to her and she does this funny thing that she does to omnics where she just kind of stares at them (not in any sort of hateful way, mind you) and it freaks him out but also kind of turns him on. He resorts to very awkward stilted talks with her, which he hopes to end within a sentence or two so he can promptly walk away from the situation.
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