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loveggssm · 7 months ago
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twt trend yee
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4riana5 · 29 days ago
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If nnt would have a really good lore
(Yes I want to see a Gary stu suffering, why not?)
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the-ghost-sin · 6 months ago
I noticed that in prisoners or the sky, solaad and ellate look and act almost identically to the pilot version of Meliodas and Elizabeth, did anyone else notice that?
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ampedupkaon · 9 months ago
Since people apparently like me showing off my catch...
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One of four of the legendary heroes I want obtained. Fingers crossed for the other three (Jericho, Monspeet and Galand).
I like that you can get Solaad and Dolores and Grayroad and... even Orlondi and Izraf to be quite honest. It's cool that you can get lots of characters who aren't in grand cross! Shame there's no way to have my perfect 8 as my team... yet. For reference... Monspeet, Derieri, Escanor, Merlin, Ban, Jericho, Galand and Tarmiel would be said 8.
Anyone else play this one too?
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demonprincezeldris · 2 years ago
The fact that 'Prisoners of the Sky' isn't Cannon is a bummer for me. Cause I have written Down that Catherine Kicks Bellion where the sun don't shine after he nearly risked Zeldris life.....Girl will strike below the belt if you piss her off enough....
Plus the Six Knights of Black were a few of the demons that DIDN'T like the Human....nor the idea of a human being a Candidate for the role of Demon Queen. Even though she has earned her position on equal strengths of the 10 commandments and shows compassion to the weaker Demons.
Plus I have Catherine mention that she can identify others on their scent. From being one of the reasons she was able to tell Solaad is NOT Meliodas (Also Catherine being one that fed on the ways of the Web could tell ANYWAY) to embarrassing Zeldris on how he smells like Dark Chocolate Cake frosting....
I am still making it a think in my AU regardless! Someones gotta have experience the Classic Nut Cracker!
That sounds like a good thing to add to your AU. She's well respected in the Ten Commandments, and even though she's human, she can still kick some ass.
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valewright67 · 4 years ago
Melizabeth Week, Day Two: Heaven/Hell - Heaven
Fair warning, this is an old one I wrote but never published. I wasn't sure what else to do for it. Also, I apologize in advance for any grammar mistakes.
A bit of OOC with Ludociel
 "So where should we go first? Now that we're free from the curse. We agreed we'd travel, right? Sooo.... Any ideas?" Meliodas asked, leaning back against Elizabeth. His eyes were closed in bliss as he lay cradled in her arms, back to chest. She was leaning against the headboard on their bed. "Hm… Well, we could return to the celestial village? I've got my memories back now, and… well, that's the closest place to the goddess realm I can get. I'd like to visit. Fly around a land above the clouds once more."
He hummed and turned his head, nuzzling into her collarbone gently. "Sounds good to me. Should we invite any of the others?" Her eyes lit up. "That's a splendid idea! I'm sure Mael would like to visit a place like that too! Zeldris and Gelda as well!" She giggled. "We can invite the rest of the sins, but to be honest? I think they're pretty occupied."
True to her prediction, the sins all declined this time round, citing… alone time. (For Merlin and Gowther, that was literal. They just wanted to be left alone for awhile.) Mael was eager to come, for the same reasons Elizabeth had listed. Zeldris was reluctant, but Gelda convinced him, saying it'd be good for him and Meliodas to spend some quality time together, and she wished to discuss more with Elizabeth.  
By the time the group of five had arrived, the sun was almost rising. "Oh, the spring is refilled! Good, that's convenient! We could have flown, but it would’ve been irritating." Meliodas said. He leaned down by the water and tapped it gently, channeling his energy into opening the portal. An extra burst of goddess magic from Elizabeth by his side, and the familiar glow lit up the pool. He grinned and stood, looking to the other couple. "Zeldris, Gelda. After you."
The black haired demon sighed. "Why do I feel like this is a bad idea?" The blonde smirked. "Because it probably is. Have fun!" 
"...why do I ever trust you?" He grumbled, but dove into the pool anyways, quickly followed by Gelda. Elizabeth smiled at Mael. "You next." He nodded and went without complaint. Elizabeth after him, and Meliodas last, closing the portal behind him.
Zeldris blinked, adjusting the sudden darkness of the cave as Gelda broke the surface besides him. He swam out and pulled her with him. "Might as well take a look around. They'll be a minute." She nodded and the two walked out of the cave, into the sunlight. 
He almost gasped. The view was incredible. It was stifled though, when he felt a presence of light flying towards him. He was immediately on the defensive and enabled his hellfire with a snarl, whirling around to face the potential threat. 
Wait… no. These didn't feel like Goddesses. Similar, but off. That's right, they're celestials. Apparently, descended from the heavenly beings who'd once been his mortal enemies. It was hard to remember that now, sometimes. That the war was over, and he had FRIENDS from the other side.
He held his hands up. "Wait, please, I mean you no harm, I swear it!" The bearded man holding a familiar feathered sword scowled. "Like we would believe you, demon! There's only one demon we've ever trusted, and that's not you!" 
Zeldris tried to speak, to explain that he was pretty sure he knew exactly who they were talking about, and that they had nothing to fear from him. “You mean Meliodas, right? I’m-” Before he could complete his sentence, however, the man held the sword up near his throat threateningly. "No lies will spill from your throat before blood, demon scum." Gelda snarled. "How DARE you threaten my husband, you IMPUDENT prick-"
"I am only defending my home from the likes of creatures like you!"
"Remove the sword from my husband's neck!"
"Absolutely not! Either of you make a move, and I slit his throat!"
The man froze and stared at him, before scowling suddenly. "You lying scum-"
"Hey, hey, hey! How about we all calm down, now!" Mael said, emerging from the cave entrance, arms raised placatingly. "There's no need for figh…ting… is that my sword??" He gaped at it. "I haven't seen that thing in 3000 years! This is where it's been the whole time??" 
The Celestials didn't say a word, too stunned at the sudden appearance of a GODDESS, when they were supposed to be wiped out. And not only a goddess, but apparently the first wielder of their most sacred sword. He shook his head. "Um, well anyways. My names Mael, I'm one of the four archangels. That's Zeldris and Gelda. They're not gonna hurt you, the five of us just came for for visit."
"Five? Where's the other two?" By now a small crowd had gathered. The trio blinked as a small blonde man, looking eerily like Meliodas, were it not for the wings on his back, walked forwards. A woman looking near identical to Elizabeth by his side. Mael blinked and smiled. "I'd think they were right in front of me, if I didn't know any better, but they should be here in just a moment. They came through the portal last."
The two exchanged looks. Did he mean…? "Yo, Solaad!" Sure enough, the blonde demon who'd saved them during the time of ruin came up through the cave. "Why are you all terrorizing Zelly?" (A scowl at the nickname was directed at him, but he just smirked at the younger.) "He won't hurt anyone, I promise."
"Hello, Elatte. And everyone else too! It has been quite a long while, hasn't it?" Elizabeth spoke, walking up behind Meliodas with her wings folded neatly against her back.
"Meliodas? E-Elizabeth? Since when did you get WINGS??" Solaad asked. Elatte glanced at the older man. "Sir Zoria, please drop the sword, Meliodas himself said that this man means no harm."
Elizabeth gave a soft smile. "It's complicated. I've always had them, in a way, as I was born a goddess in my first life. But I was cursed by the demon king to reincarnate as a human for the rest of time, and if I should ever get my memories back, I would die in three days." She fluttered her wings gently. "We managed to break the curse, after 3000 years and 107 lifetimes."
"...who's 'we?' And why did the demon king curse you, what did you DO??" Zoria asked. She laughed. "Well. His firstborn son and I fell in love." She gestured to Meliodas, who had drifted over to Zeldris and thrown an arm over his shoulder, apparently teasing him in demon tongue, much to the younger's displeasure. Zeldris was almost visibly bristling, and his face was red.
“Meliodas is the son the demon king??” Solaad almost yelled, gaining the two demons' attention. “I mean, yes?” Meliodas said, arm still around Zeldris’s shoulders. “Though the previous demon king is dead now, we killed pops. I’m not exactly the current demon king's son.”
Mistress Vaness hobbled forwards. “Who could possibly have the power necessary to take the place of a god?” Meliodas and Zeldris blinked, looked at each other and back at her. “We share the burden.” They said together. She gaped. “You mean…?” They smirked. “Yep! Zeldris is my younger brother. We have the same blood, which makes it easier to share the role of demon king.” 
“Meli is, technically, the stronger by default. But we split the demon king's power and influence 50/50. He just had a more powerful base. Not by much though.” Zeldris added on. 
Meliodas ruffled his hair fondly, and Zeldris swatted him off, retreating to Gelda’s side.  The blonde laughed and drifted back over towards Elizabeth. Mael was just. There. He was still looking at the sword. “Where did you all even get that?” He asked, baffled. The Celestials all exchanged looks and Elatte smiled at him. Solaad took the sword. “Come, we will show you.” They took off and flew down towards a temple. The group followed them.
Elatte gestured up at the magnificent murals. "The legend says that 3,000 years ago, a dark haired goddess in flowing robes accompanied the great Oshiro when Sealing away the demons on our island. He gave us the sword right before his body was spent."
She pointed to a section along the side. “All he said was: ‘I cannot bear to look at this blade any longer. Perhaps it will protect you all better than it did my brother.’ And then he was gone, simple as that. We have passed it down, generation to generation. It is because of Solaad figuring out that it could be used to seal away demons that we are all still alive.”
Mael flew up towards the mural, gazing at the depiction of the goddess. “His name was Ludociel. He was my older brother. There was a forbidden spell cast that changed the memories of everyone in the world, including that of the gods. It made it seem as though I had been killed by Estarossa, one of three demon princes. In reality, Estarossa never existed. I was transformed into him, and false memories were implanted in everyone’s head, including mine. I had no idea that I was actually Mael.” He gave a small smile. “The memories are all still there, though. It is strange. I am both Mael of Sunshine, one of the four archangels, younger brother to Ludociel of Flash. And also, I’m Estarossa, second of the three demon princes, Commandment of Love. It is… strange. I don’t fit in anywhere anymore. Not really.”
Meliodas and Zeldris exchanged glances and flew up next to him. “Mael.” Zeldris started, quietly. “For a moment in time, even without the false memories, you were still our brother.” Meliodas grinned. “Yeah! You may not be Estarossa, but, like you said, he never existed in the first place. He was made up. But you are Mael, and we may as well count you as our brother. Even if you did kill me.” He smirked and the goddess gave a strained chuckle. “Thank you.” He murmured, drifting back down to the ground. Meliodas slapped his shoulder, and Zeldris nudged his side in an unspoken display of commadry. 
He turned and looked to Solaad. “The sword belongs to your people now, I accept that. But… Would you permit me to wield it once more?” The blonde nodded and held the sword out to him. He took it gratefully, feeling the familiar weight of it. He twisted it around, reacquainting himself with it.
He walked outside into the clearing and took a deep breath, centering himself. He thrust the sword up towards the sun, channeling its energy, and he spoke. “Huius bring animam suam. Iterum ego volo loqui cum eo.” The sword lit up, and a beam of light shot out of it. He grunted. “Permitte mihi vedere!” He removed a hand and pointed it forward. The beam of light connecting him to the sun moved through him and flowed out of his hand. A silhouette started to form, flickering. He pushed his hand a little bit farther forward, and more light and magic poured out of him. “Emerge.”
The silhouette solidified. A goddess stood there, blinking and looking confusedly at his hands and then around him. His eyes landed on Mael, and then the stream of light that flowed to him and formed his body. A glimmer of understanding crossed his face, and he looked back up, meeting his brother's gaze.
“Mael… Hello, little brother. What are you doing?” He smiled kindly. Mael gave him a slightly strained grin. “Hi Ludociel. I missed you, I wanted to see you again.” The dark haired goddess softened a little and walked forward, caressing the side of his face. “I have missed you too, all these years. You cannot keep this up for long, however. Manifesting a soul takes up a lot of magic, and you’re going to burn yourself out.” Mael leaned into his palm. “I know, but… my sword… I can channel more magic through it, and I just. I needed to talk to you again. I needed to tell you how sorry I was, Luce...” 
He shushed him. “None of that, Mael. There is nothing to forgive. You’re my little brother, and I love you. I understand.” He glanced around again. “So you made your way to the Celestial’s island. I remember giving them your sword. I couldn’t stand seeing it without you there everyday. I just wanted to get rid of it. I’m a little impressed they’ve kept it in such good shape all these years. Heaven knows most of the rest of our weapons were damaged or destroyed over the centuries.”
Mael wobbled a little, and Ludociels image faded. His hand was clasped on his older brother's shoulder, channeling the magic directly into him. He grunted and forced himself to straighten, Ludociel’s body solidifying again. He gave him a sad smile. “You have to let me go, Mael. Before you hurt yourself.” “No! I’m not, I’m not done talking to you yet, there’s so much I need to say!” He grunted again, the magic taxing on him. Ludociel was about to force him to stop, when two beams of pure magical energy hit his back, reinvigorating him. He turned to look, and Zeldris and Meliodas were lending their power to him. 
“He’s our brother too, in a way.” Meliodas said. Zeldris finished the thought. “He deserves to get to talk to you, after everything.” With the extra influx of magic, Ludociels form started to glow. He could almost feel his body again. Elizabeth walked forwards. “Ludociel… I can do this for you, at least.” He blinked, almost surprised to see her here. She pressed one hand over his forehead, and another over his chest. She inhaled deeply, eyes closed. On the exhale, she spoke. “Revertere ad vita.” His eyes widened. Return to life. 
Her hands glowed with a brilliant light, and he could feel a true body forming around him. She groaned, drawing on her reserves. Gelda scowled and whirled around to the celestials. “You all have light magic! Give her some of yours!”
They were frozen, but Elatte stepped forwards and lifted her hands, pointing at Elizabeth’s back. “All of our power into one! Heal!” A beam of green light shot out of her hands and into Elizabeth. The other celestials were quick to follow her example.
She gathered the influx of energy and pushed it into him. A blinding light filled the clearing, and when it faded, Ludociel was actually there, kneeling on the ground, naked as the day he was born. Though, Elizabeth supposed that made sense, considering he had just been reborn, in a way. Mael dropped the sword and stumbled forward, clinging to him tightly. Ludociel hugged him back. 
“...May I please have something to cover up with?” He asked. Mael laughed and took off the topcoat of his robe, wrapping it around him. Ludociel buttoned it up, silently thanking that it was long, and reached to his ankles.
Mael stood, and helped him to his feet, the two leaning on each other for support. Meliodas had already gathered Elizabeth up, and was holding her while she regained her energy. The two murmured gently back and forth. Gelda and Zeldris were doing the same not too far away.
"Mael…" He started. "Thank you, little brother." The light haired goddess grinned and leaned in to hug him once more. "I missed you, big brother." Ludociel smiled and stroked his hair. "We can talk later. For now, let's just enjoy the moment."
"Elizabeth… How did you do that? Even with all of our energy, we cannot bring someone back to life. So how is that with you performing the spell, it was successful?" Solaad asked, picking up the sword. She smiled a little. "I honestly had no idea that would work. I hoped, of course, but I had no way of knowing for sure."
Ludociel barked out a tired laugh. "You are far too modest, Lady Elizabeth." He turned to the gathered celestials. "She is more powerful than even I or Mael are at our strongest, when she wishes to be. Her healing powers far surpass even the best of our other healers. She is able to remove the darkness from even Indura’s, and has done so before, purifying two Indura demons at the same time. Her formal title is Elizabeth Lightbringer." He gave a small smirk as he added on one more tidbit of information. "Daughter of the Supreme Deity."
Gasps echoed through the crowd, and Elizabeth sighed. "Please, it's really not that big of a deal-" "But it is, Elizabeth." Mael said, with a brilliant smile. "Of the goddesses, you are second in power and ability only to your mother. In the rest of the world. Well. You married your equal." He nodded his head at Meliodas, who returned it with a smirk. 
The two brothers walked off, shooting the crowd and, specifically, the demons and Elizabeth, grateful smiles. Meliodas clapped and rubbed his hands, wings taking shape on his back. "I'm hungry. I'll catch a sky fish, and you'll teach me how to cook one. Deal? Deal!" He flung off the ground and Elizabeth bristled, bolting after him. "YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO COOK, YOU'LL POISON US!!" He just cackled. 
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celestialcreativity · 3 years ago
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Fem!Solaad 😇
Do you think she should be small-chested or big-breasted?
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kcwells94 · 4 years ago
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These antics are sponsored by Looney Tunes 😆
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sirgilthunder · 5 years ago
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Character cut-in art for the members of the Celestial Clan  —  Ellatt, Solaad, Zoria, & Vaness, from the “Prisoners of the Sky”  in Hikari to Yami no Grand Cross.
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essays-for-breakfast · 5 years ago
Yeah I do remember solaad and ellatte from Prisoners of the Sky well they seem like interesting people
Alright, let’s do this:
Whenever Solaad is supposed to train his swordsmanship, he rather hides or seeks refuge in one of the Sky Temple’s kitchens. Since this has happened many, many times, he has become quite the excellent cook.
Solaad knows every corner of the Sky Temple and loves to explore the flying islands between the cloud banks.
He once tried to hunt down a Skyfish to impress Ellatte but failed miserably. She found his attempt adorable and assured that she wasn’t hungry for Skyfish in the first place.
Solaad is convinced Ellatte has the most beautiful voice in the Celestial Clan, ever since she performed an old ballade for a festivity. He would love to hear her sing more often but is usually too shy to ask.
Solaad waited months to propose to Ellatte just so that he could bake her a strawberry cake, her favorite food.
Solaad's favorite color is green, Ellatte's favorite one is blue.
Whenever Solaad was beaten during training, Ellatte made a fuss about healing his little scratches with magic. He always assured her that he was alright but was secretly thankful.
When Ellatte was very young, she imagined to fight alongside the warriors of her clan and defeat the threat posed by the Demons once and for all. She has since accepted that her role is a different one, but still swore not to run from a fight under any circumstances.
Ellatte stated time and time again that she didn't need Solaad to be a strong worrior like his father. But she can't deny how proud she is now that he wields the winged sword.
After the end of the Holy War, Solaad takes Ellatte to Britannia where they visit the Sins. Ellatte's highlight of the trip was seeing the ocean for the first time.
Although they struggle as rulers of the Sky Temple at first, they eventually grow more confident and rebuild the bonds between the Celestials and the other clans of Britannia with the help of the Sins.
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NnT Week Day 1! Fav Hero/Hobbies I’m incredibly dumb and ruined the original picture by coloring a different picture over it without putting anything between so as much as it pains me... the first day will only be a bad edit of a badly taken photo I took of the original before it was ruined... I still really like the pic itself
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loveggssm · 9 months ago
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...Do we fw solaad?
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animegadaisukiidesu · 5 years ago
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zorria · 5 years ago
This is so cute I’m dying.
Like just look at Meliodas, Elizabeth, solaad, and Elatt in the beginning it’s so cute.
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Solaad and Ellatt
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And then when they and sins go to great each other and Meliodas and solaad are so happy to see each other they start dancing in the sky
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(Here’s the video if anyone wants to see it tumblr wouldn’t let me upload the video so I had to do it in GIF form sorry about that: https://mobile.twitter.com/7taizai_GrandX/status/1211935020446703616)
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ydotome · 6 years ago
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Nanatsu no Taizai Movie: Tenkuu no Torawarebito - Aug 18, 2018
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demonprincezeldris · 3 years ago
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛 𝕠𝕗 𝕊𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔻𝕖𝕤𝕚𝕣𝕖 𝕚𝕤 𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕕! ℂ𝕝𝕚𝕔𝕜 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕜 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕!
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