#Nanatsu no Taizai the Movie Prisoners of the Sky
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librathefangirl · 2 years ago
oh nooo don't ask me that don't make me choose 😅 I love them all
I could probably get into several rants about why I love each movie so here's a (summarized or not so summarized) list of my favorite things
Prisoners of Sky: all of the Sins together (we did not get enough of this), the fighting (all the Sins fighting individually and together), Meliodas' failed cooking journey (and the fact the others willingly gave the king his cooking for his birthday)
Cursed by Light: the demon bros (do I need to say more? all of their scenes in this are so good), Zeldris calling Meliodas brother (yes this gets its own point), Gelda and Elizabeth interacting, the development of these four's relationship, the Supreme Deity getting what she deserves, Melizabeth actually sharing a kiss
Grudge of Edinburgh: the way it works like a middle step before the 4kota stuff, Tristan using both of his powers (goddess powers being used to both heal and attack), Tristan struggling with his fighting (he is a kid who is still learning), Lance and Tristan's dynamic as kids, the Sins casually destroying an army of tens of thousands because they're that powerful, Meliodas and Tristan's scene at the end
But... since I have to choose, Cursed by Light, because I feel like that's the one I'm most likely to put on (if I'm not doing a complete rewatch or wanting to watch a particular scene)
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ydotome · 6 years ago
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Nanatsu no Taizai Movie: Tenkuu no Torawarebito - Aug 18, 2018
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ianime0 · 6 years ago
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Nanatsu no Taizai Movie: Tenkuu no Torawarebito | Combination!
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veenia · 6 years ago
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Seven Deadly Sins 
(Prisoners Of The Sky Movie)
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flyby303 · 6 years ago
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Seven Deadly Sins- Prisoners of the Sky
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arminarlertsposts · 6 years ago
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"No matter what happens, no matter who turns on you, no matter who your enemy is, I will always be here, I will never leave your side."
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eglee · 6 years ago
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Nanatsu no taizai movie
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zoetjessweets · 6 years ago
So I watched the new Seven deadly sins movie and I have some serious questions about it tho.
How did the sky people not realise that Meliodas really isn’t Solaad. How did he get from scrawny little sleek hair to freakingly buff with wild bedhead hair within a day? Were they really that blind?
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christylove94 · 6 years ago
The Prisoners of the Sky was soooo good. 😍😍😍 I'm so glad I finally saw it! There's so much I wasn't expecting and it kept me on my toes. Will definitely watch it again!
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redworld96 · 6 years ago
NETFLIX LATAM will add Prisoners of the Sky on December 31st
Source: https://www.facebook.com/NetflixPawa/videos/1949725795104770/
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boku-no-homo-academia · 6 years ago
I love when Hawk's mom shows up and does some buckwild stuff
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zadiemorganofselphia · 6 years ago
I Watched the Seven Deadly Sins movie today
It was great (at least I enjoyed it anyway, I have a friend who would nitpick the everloving shit out of it) but I’m very confused about if a) the movie is canon or not and b) if if is canon, where the hell would it fit 
Explaining point b below (which may or may not be moot and may contain spoilers you so have been warned)
If this movie is canon it’d have to take place between the aftermath of the Kingdom infiltration Arc and right before the 2nd or 3rd episode of S2, because that’s where Ban and King leave, right? 
But Diane is large and we know for a fact that throughout the OVA series she was small because Merlin needed to make clothes that fit her (although we know King would’ve made amazing clothing for her but that’s beside the point). Also Escanor is there, and he doesn’t technically rejoin until about halfway through S2. And if Elizabeth wasn’t there it would’ve made sense for it to take place when they were still Holy Knights.
IT JUST CONFUSES ME. And knowing me I’m just overthinking it and it’s not that big of a deal but it’s been bothering me.
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ydotome · 6 years ago
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Meliodas meeting Ellatte - Nanatsu no Taizai Movie: Tenkuu no Torawarebito - Aug 18, 2018
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newsintheshell · 6 years ago
“The Seven Deadly Sins the Movie: Prisoners of the Sky” sbarca su Netflix
Il film dei Sette Peccati Capitali è disponibile sulla piattaforma, anche in italiano! 
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Dopo essere approdato questa estate nelle sale giapponesi, “The Seven Deadly Sins the Movie: Prisoners of the Sky” è finalmente disponibile in streaming anche su Netflix, come al solito sia sottotitolato che doppiato in italiano.
La pellicola, diretta da Yasuto Nishikata (Killing Bites) con la supervisione di Noriyuki Abe (Bleach, Boruto), presso lo studio A-1 Pictures, racconta una storia completamente inedita, scritta appositamente dall’autore del manga, Nakaba Suzuki.
I Sette Peccati Capitali aiutano il Popolo del Cielo contro un potente gruppo di demoni intenzionati a resuscitare una bestia infernale intrappolata da più di 3.000 anni.
Vi ricordiamo che nel catalogo della piattaforma trovate anche le  due stagioni della serie animata tratta dal popolare shonen manga, edito in Italia da Star Comics, assieme allo speciale televisivo che fa da ponte fra le due, intitolato “I Segni della Guerra Santa” e diviso in quattro episodi.
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teamgensokyo-blog · 7 years ago
New preview video for Anime film “Nanatsu no Taizai the Movie: Prisoners of the Sky“ revealed!
The film will premiere in Japan theaters on August 18th!
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flyby303 · 6 years ago
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Seven Deadly Sins Movie: Prisoners of the Sky
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