#soju bomb the series
twig-tea · 5 months
Close Friend 3: Soju Bomb Lied to Me
Angry rant time!
I do not like to trash shows for being "not gay enough"; I think there's room in the BL sphere for all kinds of stories and I'm really interested in shows that would not typically 'count as BL' getting money and eyes, so I'm pretty forgiving of something being advertised as a BL and not meeting the criteria of a BL. I was not mad at Tunku Drama Shower for One Room Angel, for example, because that show was good and queerness was at the core of the story, and even though it didn't really work as a romance narrative, I'm glad they experimented with it.
Close Friend 3 went too far and I'm mad about it. Let me break it down for you: Close Friend is a franchise that started in 2021; VIU hired a bunch of established pairs from other shows and got them to each do a microseries to see what stuck. The tagline was "six different pairs of men, six different forms of love". Then in Close Friend 2 the two most popular couples (Ohm & Fluke from Until We Meet Again, and Kimmon and Copter from 2 Moons and Gen Y) got a sequel series, in which their characters were put into the same universe, and we had essentially two BL couples co-heading the miniseries. And while Close Friend 1 and 2 aired on Viki, Close Friend 3 was picked up by the queer content distributor GagaOOLala.
All that's to say Close Friend 3: Soju Bomb is the third entry into a franchise that to date has been romance narratives featuring exclusively m/m couples, and is airing on a queer platform, has only the guys in the series on the poster, and has a heart in the logo of the show. And so I do not think I am crossing any lines to say it is a betrayal for this show to not be a BL romance, which it decidedly is NOT.
[Just to underscore that it makes no sense why this is "Close Friend 3": While all 6 of the microseries in S1 were unrelated, the stories that were in S2 were related and were sequels to S1. So it's REALLY strange that S3 had not a single callback to S1 or 2--especially since in those earlier seasons, Ohm played a music producer, so it would have been really easy to even just mention his character in a show about aspiring music artists. They didn't even try.]
Not only is this show not a BL in the more standard ways--it isn't about romance at it's core--but it also is not about androsexual men (men who are attracted to men). Even more egregiously, there is a kiss that it teases for several episodes, but that kiss turns out to be a drunken "I love my buddies" kiss that everyone agrees is no big deal once it's revealed.
At my most generous, one of these characters could be said to have maybe had some kind of questioning/queer awakening occur as a result of the kisses. He was ruminating on his flashes of memory, and clearly has a reaction to hearing about how difficult life was for the lesbian couple that felt personal. But it's not a central core of the narrative, and as soon as he remembers what happened and the band members have the conversation in which they agree they're just friends (and they joke that one day having a cush on him is possible), that thread drops. If he does remain questioning his sexuality (which, by the way, it was never clear he was doing in the first place--he says in the show that he was concerned about the fact that he kissed them and their reception of him afterwards. The actor definitely played it like he was queer, but the show does nothing to make that explicit), it does not remain a concern of the show and is never brought up again, not even in non-romantic context e.g. concerns about his future if he were to try to debut as a (closeted or out) KPop idol.
Meanwhile there are two heterosexual romances as subplots of this story (one of which is with their manager, and as trainees that is potentially exploitative but never treated as a problem by the show). There is also an older lesbian couple which would be extremely cute except one of them is dead (side-eyeing you, My Strawberry Film, for contributing to this becoming a pattern I hate).
There is also a "shippable" couple in the show that the show makes clear is not a couple because one of them is in one of the heterosexual couples I mentioned above. Seeing these two sometimes hit BL beats while knowing they're not going anywhere was frustrating and felt like salt in the wound.
By setting up audience expectations that this would be a BL story and then betraying those expectations (and in fact laughing at them), this show has done itself a serious disservice. If they had billed this as a general Thai/Korean crossover about Thai Kpop trainees who are filmed in some pretty iconic spots in Korea (e.g. most KPop listeners and kdrama watchers will recognize Yongma Land) where they explore their friendship, their reasons for wanting to debut, and their feelings around the restrictions that the company has placed them under for years just to abandon them, I'd have been on board, and said they did a decent job. The ending was a little pat (particularly the idea that anything at these companies would change), it didn't take things that it set up as serious very seriously, and the character arcs were not very strong, but I was entertained at some of the twists and the reveal of what happened during their blackout drunk night (Gaga in their listing compares this show to The Hangover and it's a similar premise), the friendships were solid, and it was very pretty; in other circumstances I'd happily say watch if you're bored or something specific in the show appeals to you (if you like The Hangover; if you like good cinematography and unusual locations; if you like boyband stories, as examples).
As it stands, I am now upset, will never recommend this to anyone, and these creators are on notice (the cinematographer, Job, was also involved in The Shipper and Our Days, so he is on my List. How dare this man continue to use his talents for shows that don't deserve them. The Trainee better be stunning, that's all I'll say about him. The screenwriter Rose is new so she gets a warning, and the director is Yoo who also directed 55:15 Never Too Late, which was ok so he also gets a warning).
TL;DR This show should never have been marketed as a BL. I do not enjoy being set up for disappointment or for queer stories to be sidelined in ostensibly queer content (same complaint I have about My Strawberry Film). This approach did this show no favours at all, and it means I cannot recommend it.
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becauseimanicequeen · 6 months
TO BE CONTINUED (Thailand): I’m having the time of my life with this one due to the main characters’ lack of communication, fear of fessing up to their feelings toward each other, the drama of the past, and Poppy (I always love Poppy!).
LOVE IS BETTER THE SECOND TIME AROUND (Japan): I love mature QLs (mature as in adult characters that are complex, flawed, and feel real, and that deal with real-life problems). This is no exception. I also love stories with the possibility of getting a second chance (because everyone makes mistakes).
1000 YEARS OLD (Thailand): This one is way too cute for me (I have a hard time vibing with too much cuteness). You would think this is a series about vampires and aliens, but it’s actually about soup and umbrellas. The only reason I’m still watching this is because of said umbrellas. The umbrellas got me hooked! (Welcome to the real struggles of a visual artist.)
CLOSE FRIEND SEASON 3: SOJU BOMB! (Thailand): There are too few episodes for me to say something substantial about this one. The neon lights in the first episode got me good, though (and I’m a slut for neon lights). Also, I love drunken shenanigans (in fiction, btw) and it’s delivering on that front.
TWO WORLDS (Thailand): This is another series with too few episodes for me to say something substantial. I like the vibe so far, though. Also, I always have a sweet spot for artists so Khram has a special place in my heart.
DEEP NIGHT (Thailand): I love the club setting (again, neon lights are my thing) and the chemistry between the characters (especially between Seiji and Pan). There’s also the possibility of a poly relationship (which I and so many others are hoping for).
(I hope I don’t get as clowned about this poly relationship as I got clowned about Non showing up alive in DFF.) (Either way, I’m staying in this clown car because I need poly! Hope is said to be the last thing leaving a person...)
CITY OF STARS (Thailand): This is really sweet. The characters are sincere and have great communication skills. Fueang and Krom maturely solve every issue that shows up. It’s nice to see a great relationship like this for a change (even though I do love watching miscommunicating characters as well).
ANTI RESET (Taiwan): I’ve recently started watching this and easily got into it since I could binge several episodes. It has an interesting story (falling in love with a robot that seems very real and human). The chemistry between the main characters is great and the visuals are gorgeous (Yi Ping’s house is beautiful, even though the front door never seems to be properly closed, like, ever).
A SECRETLY LOVE (Thailand): Right now, the only reasons I’m watching this is because of Kimmon (the actor who plays Pluem), Kut (who plays Khonprot, since I haven’t moved on from his role as Din in Chains of Heart), the sapphic side-couple (even though it’s a fake relationship right now) with rhyming names (Soi and Froi), and the neon lights. Mostly because of the neon lights! (I’m such a slut for neon lights!)
UNKNOWN (Taiwan): When I say that I’m obsessed with this series, it’s because I am. These characters live in my mind rent-free 24/7. The chemistry, the palpable yearning, the dialogue, the emotions expressed through the acting when there is no dialogue, etc., etc., etc. It’s just soooo great.
(Unknown does cover a topic that’s generally seen as taboo (“adoptive” brothers falling in love), so, be aware of that. I don’t have any issues watching series with taboo topics because there’s very little stuff I get uncomfortable with when it comes to fiction. So, I’m in love with this series with my whole stone-cold heart.)
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heretherebedork · 6 months
In ongoing news, they forgot to put the gay in the show they advertised as a BL and that's just a crime.
Anyway, Close Friends 3 continues to be pointless and very not-gay.
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Summer 2024 Lagniappe (A Minisode)
Summer didn’t give us a lot to say, but we ALWAYS got something to say. Ben, NiNi and Shan talk a highlight of the season, Twig reports from the field, and we award summer’s Girl Who Tried.
The timestamps will now correspond with chapters on Spotify for easier navigation.
00:00:00 - Welcome 00:01:15 - Introduction 00:02:21 - Twig’s Dispatch 00:14:24 - Spotlight: Tadaima, Okaeri 00:20:34 - Girl, You Tried 00:27:08 - Celebrating 50 Episodes
The Conversation Transcripts!
Thanks to the continued efforts of @lurkingshan as an editor and proofreader, we are able to bring you transcripts of the episodes.
We will endeavor to make the transcripts available when the episodes launch, and it is our goal to make them available for past episodes (Coming soon thanks to @wen-kexing-apologist). When transcripts are available, we will attach them to the episode post (like this one) and put the transcript behind a Read More cut to cut down on scrolling.
Please send our volunteers your thanks!
00:00:00 - Welcome
Welcome to The Conversation About BL, aka The Brown Liquor Podcast.
And there it is. I’m Ben.
I’m NiNi.
And we’re you’re drunk Caribbean uncle and auntie here sitting on the porch in the rocking chairs.
Four times a year we pop in to talk about what’s going on in the BL world.
We shoot the shit about stories and all the drama going into them. I review from a queer media lens.
And I review from a romance and drama lens.
So if you like cracked-out takes and really intense emotional analysis…
If you like talking about artistry, industry, and the discourse…
And if you generally just love simping…
There is a lot of simping on this podcast…
We are the show for you!
00:01:15 Introduction and Summer Season Recap
And we're back. We have reached the end of the summer season. It is hot as hell and hurricane season is active, but we at least still have our shows to watch.
Wow, what a way to set the mood.
That is [laughs] one way to start, for sure. [NiNi and Shan laugh]
Girl, I’m stressed! [laughs]
I feel you. I feel you. I feel you. We are here. The summer has been… it's been a lot. 
Let's just dive right into what we came here to discuss. Shan is here. Say hi, Shan. 
We're going to talk a few things that we didn't talk through this season. Twig’s gonna come in and leave us her dispatch, and then we're gonna round it up and award the Girl, You Tried. There are a lot of girls who tried this season. [laughs]
00:02:20 Twig’s Dispatch
DISPATCH! Thank you for having me back. [music]
While folks were lamenting having nothing to watch this quarter, I was as busy as ever!
In the skip section: Sadly, Korea really dominated this category last season, starting with Blossom Campus. Honestly, this was the biggest disappointment this season for me. This was my–the Korean independent team Strongberry, who I normally love—they released a full length Kdrama that, I don’t understand how it went so wrong. The story is about a university transfer student who works at the library and ends up in a few interactions with a taekwondo major and they fall for each other. It was boring, the story didn’t really flow, the chemistry was flat.The only good thing I can say for it is that when they do kiss, they kiss well. But it was not worth watching to get there.This was the least queer Strongberry has ever felt, and to add insult to injury it ends on a cliffhanger. This is a pass from me, friends. 
Love is Like a Cat. Mew of the newly public MewTul relationship stars in this hybrid Thai/Korean production that did not manage to retain the good qualities of either country. It is bad. And not even in a fun way. The premise is a famous Thai actor is blackmailed into doing a Korean reality series in which he has to work in a dog cafe, despite being afraid of dogs. That sounds like it would be cute and fun, and somehow it was neither. Poor acting, cinematography, chemistry, story, everything was mid. Also, content warning for animal death—way to alienate your target audience. 
Gray Shelter was a Korean short series that barely felt like BL? Honestly, it was trying to walk a trauma narrative and BL line and I don’t think it did that successfully. The romance felt rushed and the trauma part felt like it was being sad for the sake of sad rather than having anything to actually say about trauma. Also had another cliffhanger ending. Not my fav.
Moving away from Korea, Lady Boy Friends is a show that has a high barrier to enjoyment, so judge for yourself. It’s a remake from 2015 and the premise is an ensemble show in an all boys high school in which a good percentage of the cast are actually trans girls in an all boys school. There is a lot of infighting amongst the trans women, they are extremely catty and mean and clique-y to each other. That part I honestly found kind of fun, and I did enjoy them banding together against a common enemy. Unfortunately that common enemy is another trans girl who is looked down on for transitioning “late” which calls her authenticity into question. This show also has sexual assault played as comedy which is honestly the main reason why it’s in this section; there was also a gay couple who got the bulk of the focus in the last few episodes, and while that storyline will likely be the most appealing to this audience, I didn’t particularly like that the trans characters got short shrift in their own show, so. I didn’t fully love it.
Kiseki Chapter 2. This was a production by 9NAA. They have a history of not paying and exploiting their actors, and they’ve done it too many times, so I didn’t watch this one. Pay your actors and hire intimacy coaches and then I’ll talk about your shows. 
The last one in this section is actually a GL Thai channel that I wanted to shout out. It’s just not to my taste, but I don’t like gatekeeping GL ‘cause there’s so little of it and it’s so hard to find. So, if you’re a fan of the melodrama and older, toxic relationship type tropes, give these guys a try. Last quarter they put out “Friend with Benefits the series” and “Sea [as in S-E-A] you soon”, and my favorite of the three was “You Are My Star the series” which I enjoyed because it retread a lot of BL tropes so I watched it and played, sort of, spot the BL parallels. JPC Media Channel on YouTube.
Now onto the shows that you might actually want to consider. There were a few genre BLs this season that were varying degrees of hit or miss so I’ve grouped them together. I love genre stories, so I don’t want to be too harsh on shows that push the boundaries of the BL genre, but all of these had at least one fatal flaw that makes me not able to recommend them without caveats.
Memory in the Letter is a Thai BL sci-fi/fantasy in which a student falls in love with a stranger in the mirror. This is a short series that had real high highs and low lows for me, including some of the best chemistry across a pane of glass I’ve ever seen. But also, the ending was so poorly handled that I had to call poor Ben to watch with me just so that I’d have someone to share my psychic damage with. Without spoiling anything, this show involves an age gap with actors not age-appropriately cast to hide the fact that the age gap is so large? It also doesn’t treat the age gap seriously or engage with the very serious problems that it raises in its own plot, and I found that very frustrating. So. Make your own choices on that one. 
1000 Years Old the series. This show is a Thai vampire show that spends the first three quarters being an extremely low stakes series in which a vampire owns a pork blood soup stand and a glorious umbrella collection, and is in love with a man obsessed with searching for alien life. It is exactly as silly as it sounds. But then the last few episodes everything turns into intense melodrama, and I’m going to spoil this because I don’t know how not to: We find out that the vampire stays friendly with another vampire who murdered his human lover across multiple lifetimes. I was vibing and then I was really not. 
Two Worlds is another Thai series, and a MaxNat vehicle. The premise of this one is as it says on the tin: There are two parallel universes connected by a glowing body of water. Our protagonist loses his love interest and travels to the parallel universe accidentally while grieving, to realize he has the chance to save his boyfriend’s doppelganger in this new world. While he does that, he finds himself falling for someone else instead. This series is a relatively slow burn show. Whoever made this show, they did the most bewilderingly good job of undercutting every dramatic moment so that it had no stakes or impact that I’ve ever seen. This show was almost impressively boring considering how much was happening at any given moment. I liked that it seemed to be saying people weren’t interchangeable, but then in the end the show undermined its own message. Watching this show was informative for learning about pacing and how narrative tension works or doesn’t in shows. 
Last in this section is The Spirealm. This is a chinese danmei adaptation that we almost didn’t get because of censorship; it was heavily adapted so that rather than magic, the core of the unnatural happenings are a Virtual Reality video game in which our leads have to puzzle through dangerous mysteries to figure out the secrets of each level. It’s fun in an “oh this does feel like a video game” kinda way, and I enjoyed puzzling through the mysteries alongside the leads. But the mysteries drag on too long and they’re repetitive, and the ending of the book is actually really undermined from the adaptation choices. Also, if you’re watching for romance subtext, this is a VERY tame story even for censored cdrama. They barely touch, the shipping moments are few and far between in a long series. So, be forewarned.
Moving away from the supernatural and back to more standard QL fare, A Secretly Love. This felt like a very old-school Thai series, a feeling that was helped by the horrifically bad subtitles; about an engineering student who has been in love with this senior for years and watched him fail miserably at romance over and over. This heavily relies on the viewer enjoying the lead pining over someone who treats him badly for most of the series. So, in order to enjoy this, you have to find someone showing affection by being grumpy, rude, jealous, and demanding cute. No judgment, just giving you the information you need to no. Worth watching if you’re nostalgic for 2020s Thai BL. 
Please Teach Me This is a vertical-format microseries from Korea about an aspiring idol trying to attend college that you have to grind through ads in order to watch. Honestly the series was fine, very middle-of-the-road KBL, but the microseries format and the barriers to watching make it not worth sitting through, in my opinion. 
Blank the Series is a Thai GL is in the same universe as GAP, so if you miss Sam and Mon the characters, they do appear, though portrayed by different actresses. The main couple in this story have a 16-year age gap and the romance starts when the younger one is in high school, though due to plot reasons she’s of age. I know that’s a barrier for some, so I wanted to mention it off the jump, especially because she acts young. That’s the part that I actually struggled with most. This story is very lakorn-like in terms of it being very high melodrama; it also, especially in part two, gets quite sexy. The height difference is also really something. It’s in two parts and both are complete, it does have a happy ending with a cute timeskip. So, you know, manage yourselves on that one.
Jazz For Two. High school Korean music BL in which the main couple really fell flat for me and the side couple were a bully-turned-love-interest that I also really did not enjoy. This show tried to incorporate internalized homophobia as part of its main storyline but didn’t engage with characters overcoming it, so everyone feels kind of like they suddenly switch from being in a drama to a romance and it was both jarring and honestly, a little offensive. Trigger warnings are also important for this one, so take care of yourselves if you’re deciding to watch it.
Boys Be Brave. Another KBL in which a man who can’t say no tries to get the person with a crush on him to ask him out, to no avail. This felt like it was trying to be a manic pixie dream boy meets an autistic-coded grump, but they didn’t quite calibrate either of those characters right. The side couple also ended up landing kind of badly in terms of class politics. But it was pretty, and they were cute. I actually had fun with this one despite everything I just said. 
Deep Night is a Thai BL in which the son of a club owner is against the host/club business model until he falls for one of his mother’s hosts. He decides to start working there to get closer to him. You might imagine that a setup like that would involve class and power politics, but you would be wrong! That being said, this show has a lot to recommend it: The main couple has great chemistry and the side couple is a canonical throuple, and there is another side couple of older sapphics to enjoy, as well. It is also very prettily shot. 
Lastly, Close Friend 3: Soju Bomb is a beautifully shot and cute friendship drama, another Thai/Korean joint series this time about Thai boys in a Korean band who go on a bender in Korea after their contract is canceled. Honestly, my only caveat about this show is that it is absolutely not a BL. There isn’t a romance subplot at all in this show. I spent the entire time it aired so confused waiting for the romance to appear! It does not. If it hadn’t been advertised as Close Friend 3–a series which was previously all BL shorts–I would have enjoyed this for what it was. As it stands, I hold a grudge for being misled. Go in knowing what you’re getting and you’ll be fine. 
Finally, let’s get to the shows that you might have missed that I actually recommend. To Be Continued, a Thai second chance romance of a famous person and a doctor who were friends when they were in high school. This one tells a lot of the story in flashbacks that are poorly paced at the beginning, so the start of the show really drags. But the reveal for why they broke up was satisfying. The pacing is the barrier in this one–if you can power through the first few episodes it ends up being a good little show. They have great chemistry, the story holds together, and I had fun.
Gym Affairs is an absolutely bonkers but cute mainland China BL in which a guy gets a personal trainer and sparks fly. This show is a silly comedy that is also surprisingly earnest. It goes by extremely fast and I really enjoyed the ride. That one’s on YouTube.
Blue Boys/Lonely Girl. SUKFilm is a Korean YouTube channel putting out short series. Blue Boys was a little disappointing, the couple had too many issues that they cycled through so fast.  The GL though, Lonely Girl, was much more focused with a single main problem between the couple and so it worked much better. And both are really beautifully shot and have some great kisses. 
Fake Buddies is another YouTube miniseries. It’s a 7 episode Korean series about a girl and guy who are dating, ostensibly, but really both using the other as a beard because they’re both in a gay relationship. The first few episodes are very funny comedy as the two of them try to make the other realize what’s happening; and then we get prequel episodes for how the gay couple and the lesbian couple both came to be. It’s a fun use of 45 minutes on the guynextdoor YouTube channel if you’re bored. 
To the X Who Hated Me is a Korean GL produced by Red Q. It’s a series of microseries, there’s two out so far with 2-3 episodes each. They’re both GL and solid short second chance romances that are very fun. 
City of Stars is the last one I’ll be talking about. It’s, in my opinion, the best hidden gem QL from this quarter. A charming celebrity/regular guy romance that tackles shipping, toxic fans, and the unreasonable expectations on people in the spotlight. Acting is a little rough, and it’s not  perfect, but it had some really good things to say and it very smartly sandwiches those things among some pretty good sex scenes. The two leads are my communication kings. And there’s some decent trans side rep as well. This show really uses BL as a vehicle for having something to say and I appreciate it. And the story really holds together in a way that’s a little refreshing in Thai BL, too, so I really liked it.
And that’s the dispatch for this quarter! Thanks again for having me. 
00:14:25 Spotlight: Tadaima Okaeri
It's time to talk about my favorite show of the season that no one else watched except for Twig. [NiNi laughs] We're going to talk about an animated BL from Japan called Tadaima, Okaeri. It is the best show of the season and I'm begging you, please, to go watch this show. 
Tadaima, Okaeri is a 12 episode BL from Studio Deen that aired on Crunchyroll. Studio Deen is actually fairly important in the BL space. Pretty much all of the BL anime that we're probably going to recommend to you offhand was produced by the studio. In this particular one, they're adapting a manga series about a gay couple in the omegaverse that is trying to raise their kid in the suburbs. Our protagonist's name Fujiyoshi Masaki, that is actually his name, and his husband, Hiromu. Masaki is an omega, his husband is an alpha, and they have a son named Hikari together. He is a little baby and they are living in the burbs away from everybody else because they had a very difficult time getting together. 
The show was not so much about the difficulties these two had getting together, it's about them building a life that they love and are happy with after going through what they did. So, like, this is your favorite leads, married and trying to raise their family now and working on healing some of the relationships that were damaged over the course of them getting together. There's a great deal of healing and growth in this. There's healing between Hiromu and his dad, who was not keen on their romance in the first place. There's the fact that these two guys love each other and love being parents. I am very often amused by how much my dad is still obsessed with my mom. And I really liked seeing that in a gay couple here. It was really restorative in a lot of ways, ‘cause we don't ever really see dads in BL. 
This show was so healing. This was such a peaceful experience of a show to watch. What I like the most out of fluffy shows like this is for there to be a nice arc about what life we’re building for our family and a strong thematic thrust of, we're not trying to get back at anybody who hurt us. We just want our kid to grow up in a world where he—and eventually their daughter too—are loved by the people around them. Each episode was about a specific sort of challenge that the family was facing, and some of them were really huge. Like, how are we going to reconcile with the kids’ grandfather who wants to be part of his grandson's life? Even if it's something as small as, Hikaru is getting older and he wants to run an errand. Okay, we're going to let him deliver a letter to his grandfather to the mailbox, and getting a two year old to deliver something [laughs] successfully to a mailbox was a production unto itself, because he kept getting distracted. 
It was genuinely one of the most delightful and wholesome experiences I have ever had in the genre. I have said for a long time that I've wanted a married gay dads show. I was not expecting it to come from the omegaverse of all places, but this was everything I ever hoped it could be and honestly, so much more. If you can handle omegaverse nonsense, including mpreg and the alpha omega pheromone shit, and rutting behavior. This is one of the best shows I have ever seen.
Oof. [Ben laughs] You just said so many words that upset me.
I know. I know!
[all laugh]
I was like, “if you can handle” I can handle none of those things. I'm sorry.
If you're gonna be in genre, you gotta take your shit seriously, and I think that's why it worked. This show was not embarrassed about being an omegaverse show. It's not like [funny voice] we're going to do this in omegaverse because we know the girls will fucking show up for it. It took the conceits of its own genre seriously and incorporated it into the emotional context of their characters. 
And so like I totally get it, mpreg is not easy for a lot of people. The rutting behavior stuff, it's not easy for some people. The way that omegaverse is used to perpetuate some of the heteronormative kinds of misogyny that women face is not for everyone, truly and sincerely. When I say that these are caveats to watching this, I am not being funny. These are real things that are being dealt with in this show, but they're not half-assing it. These are not normally things I enjoy. Tell a good story and take your shit seriously and we can show up for it. And that's what happened for me here. 
So, I wholeheartedly recommend this show, but I do think it's important to not downplay that this is very legitimately an omegaverse story.
I appreciate that.
It's a 10, baby! Perfect execution of its own premise, and genuinely, it's the kinda show that was so fun to watch with other people.
I have been so intrigued by the conversation around this show and I really regret that it has so many of my hard lines in it [laughs[ because I would like to see it. I don't think I'll be able to, but I have heard nothing but praise and love from the people who've watched it.
I love the show with my whole heart. I do not recommend it at all. [Ben and NiNi laugh] This show had really strong ideas and it wore its whole heart on its sleeves the whole time. Mm mm mm. What an experience. Great show.
00:20:32 Girl, You Tried
Let's hand out our favorite award on the show: Girl, You Tried.
Our nominees this season for a Girl, You Tried are Unknown the series from Taiwan, Love is Better the Second Time Around from Japan, and Living With Him from Japan. Does anybody wanna do propaganda here?
Let's start with reminding folks how we think about Girl, You Tried.
The Girl, You Tried for me is meant to reflect on a production that missed the mark, but we felt like the core work and the intent was there to actually do something good, and for whatever reason stumbled.
There's different ways that shows can stumble. There are shows that can be very well told and very confident up to a point, and then a mistake is made that is hard to recover from. There are shows that never quite nailed what they were trying to do, but did clearly have aspirations. There are shows that have a solid idea of at least the beginning and endpoints and something in the middle just got messy. So, those are different categories of ways that shows can go sideways. And all of these different ways came up in this season. 
For me, a show like Unknown is not a Girl, You Tried because they actually did succeed at what they were doing for the vast majority of their run. So I wouldn't call that a Girl, You Tried. They made a mistake right at the end—and it was a big mistake—but their level of execution was so good through most of the show that I can't really consider that a Girl, You Tried. 
For our two Japanese BLs here, Love is Better was really solid through about the first four episodes, and then it kind of veered off in a very strange direction that I still don't really understand why that happened. Versus Living With Him had a solid start, had a pretty decent end point that it was trying to get towards, and then got kind of messed up along the way trying to stretch out the story. 
So for me I think I would want to give the Girl, You Tried to Living With Him out of these three, because I do think they had the bones of a good story. They executed parts of it really well. But in their effort to stretch it out into a longer format than the story really supported, they kind of lost track of some of their threads and got a little confused in the way that they landed at the end. So for me that one makes more sense as a Girl, You Tried because I see what they were trying to do. And I think that they just made some execution errors that got in the way.
An interesting analysis; one I will be pondering. It feels mean to say that Unknown is a Girl, You Tried because they rushed to their sex scene. It ignores how good the family story was around all of that, but I am also torn now if I'm going to choose between Love is Better and Living With Him because I feel like my angst for Living With Him is it doesn't release the implied sexual tension that really irritated me more than anything else, which Love is Better absolutely did. 
Man, this is hard.
Have we ever had a Girl, You Tried tie?
We have not.
There's usually a fairly clear cut winner once we talk about it, but I think part of the problem is that Love is Better and Living With Him sort of failed in similar ways, so it's hard to choose.
If I have to choose between the two of them, Love is Better the Second Time Around knew exactly what it was doing and it made very bad choices, and there's a difference between making stupid choices and struggling against something you couldn't do, in my opinion. I will give it to Living With Him because there's so much hang time, it's overly reliant on actor charm to hold itself together, and I do like how well the cast was able to hold this flimsy project together.
I think weaker actors would have made this a more irritating experience than it was, as opposed to just being kind of disappointing. So if I'm backed into a corner and have to choose [Shan laughs], it's going to be Living With Him.
[laughs] You do. Good job.
Oh no, I'm about to throw a spanner in the works because I'm going to go for Love Is Better. [laughs]
This is very exciting! This is Conversation pod history!
Go ahead, give us your reasoning. 
For me, the original premise of Girl, You Tried was always ‘a strong idea that failed in the execution,’ and I feel like the ideas from Love is Better were stronger to me than the ideas in Living With Him, just in terms of, A, what I was interested in seeing and, B, what they wanted to do. I feel like those ideas were stronger in Love is Better. So the failure of the execution part is not the part that I'm looking at in terms of comparing the two, but the strength of the premise part.
Because both of these shows had really strong gay themes in them that I was really compelled by, I am going to allow them to tie and both get a Girl, You Tried, because I think both these shows were trying to do something really cool. I think by episode 3 and 4 both of these shows, I was like, “This show's got something in it. This is a real contender!” And then it was like, “Oh no, what happened, girl? Come on.” [laughs]
So our first ever Girl, You Tried tie! Girls, you both tried.
Congratulations to Japan for getting your first Girl, You Tried awards. 
Is it?
And the double at that! Japan, always overachieving.
[Ben and NiNi laugh]
00:27:02 Celebrating 50 Episodes
I think we have exorcized the demon of the summer, so let's wrap this up. We are wrapping our summer lagniappe and wrapping our summer season. See you in dot-dot-dot weeks for our fall season beginning as soon as I can get my shit together and edit.
NiNi, should we shout out that this is the 50th episode of the podcast?
Oh shit!
[gasp] Oh my God, we didn't even talk about that! Yes, congratulate us, guys. This is episode number 50 for The Conversation! 
Oh my God. [air horn sound]
There ya go.
If you are one of our listeners who has listened to us talk for all 50 episodes, please—
—shout us out on Tumblr. I would love to talk to you and see how you're feeling about what we're doing after all this time.
You're a trooper if you actually did that.
[laughs] Please, please, please. If you love us and you're hearing this, we are 50 episodes old today. Send us a note. Either send us a note on Tumblr if you know how to do that, or send us something in the Spotify down below—whatever…answer the thing thing.
[laughs] In the doobly-doo.
Listen, okay? Auntie's old, okay? She don't remember what things are called. 
We out! Say bye to the people, Shan.
Bye, people!
Ben, say bye to the people.
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lgbtally4ever · 6 months
CLOSE friend Season 3: SOJU BOMB
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Already watched all of:
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0 notes
absolutebl · 6 months
This Week in BL - The Industry is Having Issues But the Spice Spicy Must Flow
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
March 2024 Wk 4
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Two Worlds (Thurs IQIYI) eps 1-2 of 10 - One of those "he's dead Jim so time travel" thingames starring MaxNat. I'm over this concept but I do enjoy MaxNat. Phupha (Gun) and Khram (Nat) love each other but Phupha is murdered. Then Khram is pulled to a parallel world where, years ago, Khram and Tai (Max) were in love. However, Khram was killed by Tai’s dad. Now Tai finds alter-Khram. But then there is ALSO an alter-Phupha to deal with. (Phupha is played by Gun Thanawat who was Khom, the repressed butler bodyguard from Unforgotten Night. We like this, but we scared of the love triangle aspect.) Did that make sense? Yeah, okay, see what I mean?
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Initial thoughts?
The subs are troubling but I’m enjoying this show a lot. It’s nice to see MaxNat get something meaty to sink their teeth into - that’s not just each other. Also it’s so smart of them to give us a fully fleshed out entire episode developing the alter romance rather than just a separation + death. It makes Khram’s grief and motivation that much more believable. Also it’s really nice to see Nat have good chemistry with other actors. 
Deep Night (Thurs iQiyi) ep 3 of 8 (10?) - I'm still enjoying it. But Two Worlds is objectively better. So this one has lost ranking. Also, unexpectedly chili (the name of my heavy metal Thai cover band).
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Lovey switchy and verse main couple too.
This is all quite pleasing.
The bit where the hosts pretend to be a BL couple actor ship was epic on so many levels.
Also unsettling.
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All sex work is performative, and in a way there is something more honest about this depiction, in this setting, than what BL actors are made to do on the promo circuit. Which then begs the question, how different is BL from sex work? That's the unsettling bit, for me anyway. Not to slam on sex work AT ALL, we pro-the-true-pros on this damn blog, but actors have been shaded by association with True Professionals for a very long time and BL has already had one epic shut down in this regard. (See the PerthSaint scandal around Love By Chance, no I will not explain.) Where was I? Oh yes, so anyway, see the Gossip section for the part where they better be paid either way!
Also, since I'm a warped fucker, I found this scene funny.
And then hilarious when all of those BL tropes were just trotted out. Like a greatest hits reel.
Truly beyond meta. (How Absolute BL of them.)
Note he’s even standing in yaoi's patented "hands in pocket with the shoulders back"? 
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Meanwhile, the gayest bridge in Thailand made its quarterly appearance:
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And lip serviced was paid to the most touristy romantic things you can do in Bangkok.
And I mean lip service literally. 
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To Be Continued (Thai C3 Thailand grey) ep 5 of 8 - I’m still enjoying it but getting more and more nervous. We getting too close to Promise territory for comfort. EXPLAIN Ji’s reticence well and do it now or risk audience mistrust. We have to be given a GOOD reason for Ji's behavior, or he'll be irredeemable.
City of Stars (Fri iQIYI) ep 8 of 12 - NO SINGING. Yes smiley kisses and good communication and a nice healthy relationship. But no singing!
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1000 Years Old ep 6 of 12 - Dropping in the ranks. I’m sorry it’s just gotten boring. It has, however, inspired me to invest in my own ridiculous cream fuzzy sweater. Which I plan to wear with leather trousers and huge stumpy boots, like the Kpop queer I truly am. Or do I mean vampire? 
Kiseki Chapter 2 (Sun iQIYI) ep 1 of 6 - Seems to be an excuse for a small posse of Thai actors to wander around Tokyo playing tourist and sing in public . Someone stop them?
“Most people think this kind of thing is bad manners .”
Anyway, it’s v boring. I’ll give it one more ep but I suspect I’ll DNF.
Close Friend Season 3: Soju Bomb! (Weds iQIYI) eps 1-2 of 6 - Meh. This is also looking suspiciously DNF-a-licious.  
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Unknown (Taiwan Tues Youku YouTube & Viki) ep 5 of 11 - It's brilliant. I love it. I'm ready to hurt. Let’s do this thing. 
Distribution note: This one has been picked up and is also airing on Viki now, so it may lose YT distribution in soem territories. I like Youku's hard subs better than Viki's subs, but that's a matter of preference not information since I don't speak Mandarin.
Love is Better the Second Time Around AKA Koi wo Suru nara Nidome ga Joto (Japan Weds Gaga) ep 3 of 6 - It is good. Every week I like this show a little more. I'm enjoying a reunion romance explored in Japan's quintessentially contemplative yet slightly surreal way. The juxtaposition of the tenderness of the sex scene with this Japanese brand of authenticity was oddly elegant - for lack of a better way of putting it. All in all, this is a good show. Thought provoking. Stylish.
AntiReset (Taiwan Fri Viki/Gaga) ep 9 of 10 - It remains lovely but they sure are reusing a lot of footage. Also, this was a classic penultimate doom episode. I do wonder how they are going to resolve this show ethically.
My Strawberry Film (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 6 of 8 - It is what it is, and it isn’t my style of show no matter what country of origin. Oddly that's one of the reasons I don't like it. Anyone could have made this, it's not as Japanese as I want it to be, it's just indie film club high school angst. Yawn.
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I watched it, finally
The Servant and the Young Master (Vietnam YouTube) 7 eps - I dislike vertical filming, but I kind of enjoyed this show as a BL. I like class conflict romances. For me the rich kid is a bit too dictatorial (edges into bulling), but it’s kinda works. It’s sparse and underdeveloped and a bit plotless, but mildly entertaining. If you're missing Vietnamese BL you might give it a try. 6/10 
Began Beginning (Myanmar YouTube) 8eps - A Burmese BL that I had thoughts about but actually ended up recommending. Read the saga here:
It's done, ready to binge, but I suck
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Gaga) 10 eps
It's airing but...
Graduation Countdown (Taiwan YouTube) ep 1 of ? - on one hand it's micro-installment vertical, on the other it's adorable and from Taiwan. I blame @heretherebedork entirely for my conundrum. As indeed, I did for My Type back in the day. (That was Nat Chen's first BL, yes of Kiseki: Dear To Me fame.) So I think I will also simply lean on Here to let me know when it's done and binge all at once. It's just too much to ask me to keep up with 2 minute pieces, I don't have that kind of endurance training, not even for BL.
Time the series (Tue Gaga/YT) 10 eps - it's finished now, I dropped it at ep 4. Should I bother?
A Secretly Love (Thai Sat WeTV grey) 10 eps - I watched the first ep but grey is too much work for this inferior of a show. I may pick up and binge if it gets distribution but for now, it gets a DNF from me. KimCop might have held this crap together but Kim without Cop? No thank you.
Lady Boy Friends (Thai WeTV grey) 16 eps - reminds me a bit too much of Diary of Tootsies only high school. Not my thing. DNF unless it turns a corner and is truly amazing for some reason.
Man Suang that MileApo vehicle from last year is coming to Netflix in the USA. I haven't heard much about it and since the KP stans would have lost their tiny minds if it was any good at all, I'm assuming it's not good at all.
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Thai BL actor Yoon breaks with his former company and talks about some very very VERY shady goings on in the Thai BL industry. Including not being paid.
And whacha know, same thing happening in Korean BL.
Have I mentioned recently how much I hate the film industry?
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Starting Soon
3/31 Only Boo! (Thai GMMTV YouTube) 12 eps - New main couple for GMMTV in an idol romance about a boy who dances good and a food stand vendor. Other side of the tracks grumpy/sunshine pair who fall deeply in love but, of course, baby boy idol can't date. Boyband but from GMMTV? Control your singing and I'm game.
4/1 Love is like a Cat (Korea ????) 12 eps - This completed filming Aug 2022(!) which means there have been serious problems with post-production. This is another of Silkwood's Korean+Thai colab projects. Mew Suppasit plays a rookie film star, called the Cat Prince (for his cold arrogance) who goes up against a charismatic puppyish animal daycare director (JM of JUST B). There is also a side romance (love triangle?) with a veterinarian. Geonu of JUST B is also in the cast.
I wonder if this was part of the hold up, with Geonu on Build Up right now, they might have tried to muffle this one. Or maybe it's just that bad...
4/3 We Are (Thai GMMTV YouTube) 12 eps - University ensemble BL featuring PondPhuwin, WinnySatang, AouBoom, MarcPawinPoon - basically the good kind of messy gay friendship group (so more My Engineer and less Only Friends). Looks a bit like the Kiss series but everyone is queer. I'm IN!
Knock-Knock Boys (Thai WeTV?) - 4 college friends conspire to help their friend lose his virginity. Familiar faces like Seng (yes, Billy's previous partner), Best and frest face, news here.
Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
NOTE: It looks like one of my personal favorites of last year Unintentional Love Story is getting a spin off!
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Without ghost girl.
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With ghost girl.
I think she may be my favorite part of 1000 Years.
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CLASSIC tsundere seme description of a sunshine uke. Like classic'est of classic. (Two Worlds)
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Is there such a thing as a tired trope in a BL? Since it is a genre that is made up entirely of tropes quilted together? Your philosophical question for today brought to you by Deep Night's kabedon (Japanese trope) + punishment threat (Thai trope).
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Love me a lap sit moment. (City of Stars)
(Last week)
Streaming services are listed by how I (usually) watch, which is with a USA based IP, and often offset by a day because time zones are too much work.
The tag BLigade: @doorajar @solitaryandwandering @my-rose-tinted-glasses @babymbbatinygirl @babymbbatinygirl @isisanna-blog @mmastertheone
If ya wanna be tagged each week leave a comment and I will add you to the template. Easy peesy.
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gunsatthaphan · 6 months
~ Monthly BL Breakdown: March 2024 ~ 
🌦️ Happy April!!! 🐝
Disclaimer: ALL shows can be streamed here or here, as well as on Youtube and other platforms. For more info on where to watch what, check out this post! 
New breakdowns are coming at the end of every month - feel free to add stuff! -> previous breakdowns
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What came out this month? (green = seen/currently watching)
🌟 Love is Better the Second Time Around - March 5th (Japan) 
🌟 Deep Night - March 7th (Thailand) 
🌟 Your Tie is Crooked - March 11th (Japan/Thailand)
🌟 Close Friend 3: Soju Bomb! - March 13th (Thailand)
🌟 Kiseki Chapter 2 - March 17th (Thailand)
🌟 Two Worlds - March 21st (Thailand) ✅
🌟 High Demand - March 23rd (Thailand) 
🌟 Be Your Star - March 23rd (Thailand)
🌟 Jazz For Two - March 26th (South Korea)
🌟 The Star - March 28th (Thailand) 
🌟 Please Teach Me - March 29th (South Korea)
🌟 Only Boo! - March 31st (Thailand) ✅
Monthly likes/dislikes
❣️ ø
👎🏻 ø
New series & movie announcements
🎥 Babanbabanban Vampire (manga adaption) - Coming 2025 (Japan)
🎥 My Lovely Enemy - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 My Dear Daddy (starring Fluke Pusit) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Battle of the Writers (starring TutorYim) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Meet You at the Blossom - Date TBA (Taiwan/Thailand)
🎥 Silent House - Date TBA (China)
🎥 This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans - Coming July 5th (Thailand)
🎥 What the Nong - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Night Owl - Date TBA (China)
🎥 จาฤกรติชา (novel adaption) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 GG Precinct - Date TBA (Taiwan)
🎥 Sangmin & Dinneaw (Thai/Korean collaboration) - Date TBA (Thailand/South Korea)
🎥 Let's Eat Together 2 (sequel movie) - Coming June 2024 (Japan)
🎥 Global Examination - Date TBA (Taiwan)
🎥 Yaoi Academy - Date TBA (Thailand)
Other news from the BL world
❗️ Actor Jes Jespipat was announced as the replacement for Build Jakapan in the upcoming Be On Cloud BL 4 Minutes. B. previously withdrew from the project after a defamation lawsuit involving him and his ex girlfriend in 2023. The project is now in production and will likely air towards the end of the year.
❗️ Actor Maiake Kandis announced his withdrawal from the upcoming BL Red Peafowl. He was originally cast as one of the leads, being paired with Dollar Patchara. He later came forward saying his statement was fake news and that he is in fact not withdrawing. He also said he does not know if or when the production will start.
❗️ Former GMMTV actor Fluke Pusit (The Shipper, The Warp Effect) was announced as the lead actor in the upcoming BL Your Dear Daddy. He will star alongside Poonpun Jitaboon, an air date is unknown.
❗️ Domundi actors TutorYim (Cutie Pie, Middlemans Love) were announced as the leads in the upcoming BL Battle of the Writers. The show will be produced by Hydroindus Entertainment and is based on the Chinese novel "The Great Battle of Games". The full cast was announced on March 9th; an airdate as well as further information on the show is unknown.
❗️ Lay Talay and Perth Nakhun (My Engineer) reunited for a mini series called Your Tie is Crooked, consisting of 3 episodes à 2 minutes. It was released on the Japanese streaming platform TVer on March 11th.
❗️ The premiere of the upcoming BL Wuju Bakery has been postponed to September. It was originally scheduled to air in March, though due to an increase of the episode length and general production upscaling, the original air date is no longer realizable, according to the production.
❗️ Change 2561 (Pit Babe) announced an upcoming original BL called This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans. Sailub and Pon (AlanJeff in PB) will star as the lead couple, alongside GarfieldBenz and others. A first trailer was released on March 20th.
❗️ Actor Yoon Phusanu revealed that he has left his management under Y Entertainment, following a dispute about his appearance in the 2023 Thai BL For Him. In a press conference he stated that the production cut his part completely and refused to pay him in the process. Main actors Dew N. and Tor A. later disclosed that they also encountered the issue of not receiving payment for their work from the company, along with accusations of se*ual assault from members of the production team. In an official statement Y Entertainment clarified they would transfer the actor's salaries as soon as possible.
❗️ The GMMTV BL Cherry Magic reached more than 1.7 million tweets for the final episode and a total of over 9 Million tweets for all 12 episodes, making it the gmmtv show with the most Twitter interaction in the history of the company.
❗️ The upcoming Korean remake of the Norwegian teen web series SKAM is officially in production. A short teaser was released on March 28th, revealing the title of the project: Fragile. An airdate, as well as a cast and further information is unknown.
Upcoming series & movies for April
👉🏻 Love is Like a Cat - April 1st (South Korea / Thailand)
👉🏻 We Are - April 3rd (Thailand)
👉🏻 Memory in the Letter - April 6th (Thailand)
👉🏻 Living With Him - April 11th (Japan)
👉🏻 Gray Shelter - April 11th (South Korea)
👉🏻 At 25:00 in Akasaka - April 18th (Japan)
👉🏻 Boys Be Brave - April 19th (South Korea)
👉🏻 With You I Bloom - April 24th (Japan)
👉🏻 My Stand-In - April 26th (Thailand)
👉🏻 Knock Knock Boys - April TBA (Thailand)
👉🏻 GMMTV2024 Part 2 (lineup event) - April TBA (Thailand)
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pharawee · 7 months
🎬To Be Continued - 3PLUS | NETFLIX - I won't be able to watch this as it airs which doesn't stop me from making heart eyes at Fluke Pongsapat. 🥰
🎬Close Friend 3: Soju Bomb - GAGAOOLALA - I really like this one so far actually.
🎬1000 Years Old - GAGAOOLALA - New favourite show detected.
🎬Two Worlds - IQIYI - Here for my cheesy mystical fantasy lakorn with Gun and Pak.
🎬Deep Night - IQIYI - This show is taking over from Playboyy (same slot, different company) and that hopefully means we won't go thirsty on spicy Thursday.
🎬City of Stars - IQIYI - This is going to be my new low-stakes comfort BL - in best Star Hunter tradition.
🎬A Secretly Love - WeTV - My long awaited oldschool uni BL with Kut and Kimmon is finally coming. If this doesn't have an inter release I'll cry.
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⭐High Demand - YOUTUBE - I have no recollection of wanting to watch this. Apparently it's a movie (?) by Jinloe. Yikes.
⭐The Star - YOUTUBE - Another wayufilm indie production. If you like realism and grounded stories then be sure to give this a try.
🎬Dead Friend Forever | DFF - IQIYI - And maybe they're still trapped in that house to this day. The End.
🎬Time - GAGAOOLALA - I still don't understand what this series even was.
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March 2024 NEW UPCOMING BL SERIES..LETS GO...This is what March has in store...so far.
Available on: Gagaoolala
On: Wednesday March 6
From: Thailand
Available on:
On: Wednesday March 6....possibly
From: Thailand
Available on: IQIYI
On: Thursday March 7
From: Thailand
Available: Gagaoolala and Viu
On: Wednesday March 13
From: Thailand
Available on: IQIYI
On: Thursday March 21
From: Thailand-Korea
Available on: NO INFORMATION
From: South Korea (Strongberry)
Available on: Strongberry YouTube Channel
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daisynik7 · 11 months
PLEASE BY ALL MEANS PROPOSE, I AM SO READY 👰🏻‍♀️ *ahem* i mean *cooly leans against the wall with a rose between my teef* hey cutie ;)
wait no, i can’t i’m a poser:( it’s pathetic. i’m kicking my feet, blushing so much rn, the dumbest giggles, this is crazy 🥲 thank you for YOUR kind words, having your support means the world to me and i hope you to be the same for you <3
but it truly is so beautiful, i’ve recently started to love seeing peoples different mediums of expression, whether it’s fanart, series/ film edits, and pics of course!!! i hope that this is something that continues to garner joy for you as a hobby, i surely love it, and i’m glad others love it. you articulate that creativity beautifully and i hope looking back at this page, you’re proud of what you made. 🥹 anime is relatively new for me too, and i feel like i’ve learnt more and appreciated the characters though fics than i do from watching the actual show @gege you are no longer the artist for jujutsu kaisen after what you’ve done, enjoy retirement bb 🥰 
and yes PLEASE let me talk about strawberry soju for a sec, first of all you said you based this off a song, i’m only finding results for one song by jesse barrera. A VIBE, we love that. second off, i just need to get it off my chest, i love foodie sasha! third, personally i know you for nanami wips n fics, but what you write for other characters, ART🤌🏼fourth, anything you write i will eat up. shamelessly. just know that :) also yes, kbbq was a special occasion meal for us so yes i get giddy over any reference of korean cuisine!
lastly, i’m so happy to hear that you were able to get out of the house and spend time with those core people, i’d like to take this moment to invite them to our wedding 🫶🏼
i’m not ready for the finale, i’m still not over the fact that they glazed over bertholdt’s death and reiner’s (lack of) reaction, like what? i’m also still considering do i need to continue jjk? probably not, i was just joking about actually being a masochist.🫣 
nonetheless; love you my sweet daisy, have a wonderful day/night! 🤍
don't worry, I'm already planning our wedding, honeymoon, and early retirement ;) we're going to be so happy together!! 😭♥️
I will be your biggest cheerleader, I promise you! I love seeing how people express themselves through art. I've always been an avid consumer of fan works (fanart, fan fiction, etc.). I agree that these fics have expanded on the characters much much more than what we're actually given LOL. As much as I appreciate the universe gege has created, these fics feed into my obsession even more and I'll always be grateful to every single writer/artist out there that is contributing to this fandom (and all fandoms in general).
hearing your thoughts on strawberry soju makes me so so happy!! thank you again for reading it ♥️ foodie Sasha is canon, I always imagine here with a hot potato in her pocket for snacking LOL. I have written a lot of Nanami content, but Eren also holds a special place in my heart.
also, we're going to have such bomb ass food at our wedding - filipino and korean cuisine, can it get any better than this?!
ahhhh okay I won't say anything to not spoil you, but I definitely have lots and lots of thoughts about it. can't wait to hear what you think. AND I WAS JUST THINKING ABOUT THIS (regarding continuing jjk). Not sure why I'm putting myself through this pain and misery anymore! it's too much!! but the story and characters are so captivating, idk if I can really drop it completely. we shall see...
I LOVE YOU THEA!! hope you're having a great start to your week so far! 💗💗💗
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here4kpopfics · 2 years
Leave the Door Open | JJK
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Pairing: neighbor!Jungkook x reader
Genre: smut, a dash of fluff, humor
AU: Strangers to lovers. Or Strangers to fwb? Up to you.
Wordcount: 7,367. oops
Summary: Based off this request. Your neighbor loves to sing karaoke in the middle of the night. You finally get fed up and confront him about it. Except when he opens the door, you realize you’re screwed. He’s gorgeous. 
Warnings: Language. All the warnings are smut warnings.
Smut warnings: Explicit sex. Protected sex. Light choking/breath play. Pet names (Sparkles and baby) 69ing oral (both receiving). Light anal play/rim job. Spanking. Biting. Bulge kink. technically cum eating at the end? multiple orgasms. He makes her cry it feels so good.  I feel like I’m missing something else. This is just porn with a very baseline plot
Rating: M / 18+
AN: How did we get here you ask? Well @here2bbtstrash made a request and I was just clocking off work and decided “yes. I wish to suffer. I have an idea” and spent the next 24 hours writing porn. Literally a day after posting my first smut. This is for M, but I hope you all enjoy. And as usual, thank you to the oh so beautiful @jjkeverlast for beta-reading for me. and @chryblossomjjk​ for enabling me with some of these kinks. 🥵 Banner and Divider made by the beautiful @classicseffects​​
and as usual, please leave feedback. Either with a reblog or send me an ask. It’s greatly appreciated. 💜
Series Masterlist | Masterlist | Taglist | AskBox | Coffee? | Patreon
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It’s been a long day. You had three sets of parents chew you out about the store you work at being out of stock of a specific item. No matter how many times you calmly tell them you have no control over the store’s inventory because you are just an associate, a cashier that never works the floor and couldn’t even begin to tell you where to locate said items. Not your department, not your problem. If your managers really wanted it to be your problem, they should pay you more. But they don’t, and instead schedule you at ridiculous hours and expect the world from you in return. 
It’s finally 9PM which means you get to clock out and bolt home. You’re already planning the instant ramen pack and what to add with it from the convenience door next to your apartment building as you walk out the doors of hell. You want the spicy one. Should mix in an egg or something to bring the spice down a little bit, though. Maybe a bottle of soju as a treat? And absolutely some snacks and it’d be a crime not to get ice cream. 
The whole bus ride home all you can think about is making the food, settling on the couch and watching the most recent kdrama and judging the couple’s miscommunication issues. Maybe a nice bath too. Oh that’d be nice. You’d light some candles, bring the soju in with you, and just stay in the tub with a nice bath bomb. You pray your neighbor isn’t home so you can have some silence. 
You’ve never met your neighbor. He’s literally the apartment next to you, your bedroom shares a wall with what you assume is his bedroom as well. You’re not sure, but going off on the layout of the apartment complex and how similar every unit is, you assume it’s the bedroom. That and the few times you’d heard him bring a friend over and had been able to hear every moan and grunt from both parties. Although you could’ve sworn you heard three at one point. But it was always done on the weekends so it was fine. You weren’t too bothered by his sexcapades. Who were you to judge? If given the opportunity, you’d be bringing people home left and right. But the idea of all that flirting for just a one night stand seemed like too much effort.
Your problem with this mystery neighbor, however, is his karaoke habit. He has the voice of an angel and can sing anything with little effort. You actually enjoy listening to him sing, even softly singing along with him during the day. However, it’s not that often that it happens because he would usually carry out his karaoke escapades after 11PM and continue well into the night, usually around 3 or 4 in the morning. And always on weekdays, when you need the most sleep. You tried to work up the courage to confront him one night, but right when you left your apartment, he stopped and his place was silent. Another night, you just pounded the wall begging him to stop. He did eventually. But not until your thumps on the wall got lighter from you being too tired. 
You finally enter your apartment, with the results of a successful quest for sustenance in your clutches. You slip off your shoes at the door, Toss your purse on the counter and begin preparing food. Mission: eat and drink everything and feel no regrets is a go. 
While the water is boiling, you head to your room to change. You rip off your bra and your pants and grab a giant t-shirt that you’re pretty sure you accidentally stole from a one night stand years and years ago and have been too afraid to contact him again. So it’s yours now. It’s soft and not too thick. And it’s huge, which you love because it makes you look super tiny. You take note of how quiet it currently is on the neighbor's side. You wonder if he’s even home. Not your problem. You remind yourself as you return to the kitchen and get back to food prep. 
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It’s now close to midnight and you have eaten all the ramen, grazed across all the snacks, had a good amount of the ice cream, and gone through two and a half bottles of soju and were feeling pretty good. You grow bored of the kdrama and decide it’s time to take that super relaxing bath you daydreamed about on the bus. Your neighbor still makes no noise on the other side, so you take this moment to enjoy some peace and quiet. 
You run the bath, light the assorted candles, and toss the bath bomb in before easing into the slightly too hot water full of oils, pretty colors, and an obscene amount of glitter. You put your hair up and slide down the tub in pure relaxation mode. Trying to erase the horrid customers from earlier. There’s no sounds save for the water dripping out of the tap and any movements you make against the water. 
The problem with relaxing like this in your tub is your breasts aren’t fully submerged in the water. They could be, but then the water would overflow. The cool air hits your sensitive buds, causing you to clench your thighs together. After a few more breezes tease your nipples, you say screw it and reach your hand down between your legs, looking for any kind of friction. Your fingers find your bundle of nerves underwater and begin moving against it in a figure 8 motion. You whimper softly, entering two fingers past your folds, using your palm and the water to continue to work against your clit. Your other hand is massaging a breast, twisting and pulling the nipple every now and again. You could feel the knot in your stomach begin to burn, already so close to release. So close. Just right there. Right there, oh god right the - !
“Give me your, give me your, give me your attention, baby. I got to tell you a little something about yourself. You're wonderful, flawless, ooh, you a sexy lady. But you walk around here like you wanna be someone else.”
What. The. Fuck?
The sudden sound of your neighbor singing and the music blaring through every crack in the walls sends your hand flying away from your center, killing any chance at an orgasm. Your sudden movement causes the water to slosh over the edge and you hastily make to get out of the tub. You get one leg over onto the floor but it lands on a puddle of water and sends you flying forward. You brace your hands in front of you to catch on the countertop before you slam your face into it. Your other leg doesn’t go the right height to get over the tub and instead slams into the side of it. You let out a sudden cry or pain, finally steadying yourself against the counter.
You give yourself a few seconds to assess what the hell just happened. You were masturbating. It was great. You were so close to coming. And then your stupid neighbor decided right then was the time to sing Bruno Mars. And you almost died getting out of the tub. Fan-fucking-tastic.
You catch your breath, until you realize he’s still fucking singing. “That’s it. I’ve fucking had it.” Your voice is laced with hatred as you grab a towel and wrap it around your damp body, not giving a shit about the way you look. You need to give him a piece of your mind and you need to do it now while you have courage, amplified by the soju. You don’t even bother putting on your sandals as you march out your door, turning 90 degrees left and again until you’re facing his door. You take a deep breath and begin pounding on the door, mentally preparing which vile words would come out first. The music stops and you can hear footsteps approaching, but you keep knocking away until the door finally opens. 
“You don’t have to keep knocking ya know, I heard the first three.” He has the audacity to sound annoyed with YOU making too much noise? Seriously? You open your mouth to retort back such thoughts when you finally catch a glance at the beautiful sounding singer with horrible timing that you want to strangle to death. 
Fuck, he’s gorgeous. 
He’s slightly taller than you. Black hair cut almost like a mullet. With his bangs split down the middle. A lip ring attached to his bottom lip. Big round eyes and a nose you immediately deem the cutest nose to exist. A few freckles scattered across his face and neck in the best places, you decide the one under his lip is your favorite. He’s leaning against the door wearing a matching pajama set of black silk with gray rectangles lining the entirety of it. His sleeves are rolled up and fuck he has a tattoo sleeve. You're ruined. 
Your extremely attractive mystery neighbor just stares at you and you’re staring back, lips parted, still trying to find the words you were going to say before you knew you were going to say them to the prettiest man ever. Finally you just grab whatever words you can find so that it’s not silent. 
“Fuck me…” his eyebrow quirks up and he crosses his arms across his chest. 
“Sure, but at least tell me your name first.”
“What?” You frown. 
“Unless you want to stick to nicknames. I’m down with whatever. You can be Sparkly Towel Girl. Though it doesn’t really roll off the tongue as well…” He smirks and it finally clicks in your head what just happened. 
You’re in a towel. Only a towel. Your hair is a mess. You have glitter from the bath bomb glued to your skin that is actually still wet. And you just told him to fuck you. Your cheeks heat up and your eyes go wide. “No! No no no not what I meant.”
“You mean you don’t want me to fuck you?”
“No!” You scoff trying to sound offended. “Why would I want to have sex with you?” He shrugs. 
“I don’t know, baby. You’re the one at my doorstep at 12:30 in the morning sopping wet in a towel sparkling like a fairy saying fuck me.”
“No I don’t. That’s not.” You’re very hyper aware of the towel now and tighten it around your chest, praying he both does and doesn’t see the way your cleavage pushes up. You cover your face, trying to rewind back to when you were angry. What were you angry about? 
OH. The karaoke! 
“I was taken aback. That’s why I said what I said. But that’s not important. What’s important,” you huff, welcoming back your anger with open arms, “is your constant need to sing in the middle of the fucking night on weekdays only. Do you have no consideration for your neighbors who work late nights and early mornings every day? I can accept you having obnoxious sex on the weekends, but keep the singing to day time hours, yeah? I’d like to get a good night’s rest at some point in my life.”
You rush your words, trying to put emphasis on you needing sleep, because you do. You were tired of sleeping only a few hours a night. Even then, it was constantly interrupted by this man’s beautiful voice. You look him in the eye, looking for any form of acknowledgement, until he silently nods. “Okay. No more singing at midnight. I’m sorry.” He almost sounds sincere and you’re willing to accept it and move on.
You make a small enough curtsy that your towel will allow and mutter a thank you before turning to leave. Just as you get back to your door, Sexy Neighbor speaks. 
“You gonna tell me your name though, or am I going to have to call you Sparkly Towel Girl every time?”
You turn back to him with a softer glare this time. “Depends. You gonna tell me yours or am I going to have to call you Attractive Pajama Man?”
“So you think I’m attractive.” The most obnoxious grin forms on his lips. 
“You know you are.” You roll your eyes and turn back to the door handle. 
“Could say the same about you, Sparkles.” He’s having fun teasing you. But his tone turns more serious when he finally looks down at your leg. “Hey you okay?”
You look back at him, eyebrows raised in question. “Yeah, just a little traumatized and embarrassed but I’ll live” you joke, trying to make this as fast as possible so you can get back inside. 
“No, I mean your leg. It’s bruised. And swollen.” You look down and gasp. Somehow in the span of you falling out of the tub and stomping over here to give me pleasant conversation has resulted in a gnarly bump forming on your shin as well as a deep bruise. 
“Oh. That’s. That’s nothing. Ignore that ever happening. It didn’t.” You turn your door handle as he steps away from his door. 
“You should probably go see a doctor. Or at least some ice packs. I have some in my freezer.” He actually sounds concerned as he starts stepping closer to you, eyes still honed in on the bruise.
“No, it's fine. I’m fine. Goodnight, stop singing in the middle of the night please, that's all I ask. Okay goodbye.” You open the door, swiftly rush inside and close the door before he can get to you. 
Once you lock your door and head back to the bathroom to rinse off the glitter, you realize that glitter is just a way of life. No matter if you want it or not. It’s going to be stuck to you for days and follow where you go. You take a look at your leg and wince as you lightly touch it. It doesn’t feel broken, thank god. It’s just deep and super painful. You change back into pajamas and crawl into bed with an ice pack, pain relievers, and extra pillows to elevate your leg. You take the pills and settle in, scrolling through your phone until you fall asleep. Sexy neighbor man didn’t sing the rest of the night. 
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He actually didn’t sing the rest of the week. 
He couldn’t. The sexy towel girl at his door looked exhausted. He genuinely had no idea you could hear him. He never heard you make any noises from your shared wall. Originally he was going to just keep singing. One cute girl wasn’t going to tell him what to do. But when he saw the bruise on your leg, he felt overwhelmed with guilt. He could only assume you got it when you rushed to knock on his door by how fresh it was.  
So instead of singing around midnight. He had a hard cut off time at 10:45 and then switched to headphones where he would only sing as softly as he could as far away from the shared wall as possible. 
What bothered him the most was he still didn’t know your name. He could easily go down to the mailbox room and find your number and therefore your name. But he didn’t want to do that. He wanted you to say it. And for you to say his name. He just had to find the right moment. Which was difficult when you seemed to always be out. 
Five days later, he’s working out in his living room. Yes, it’s midnight. Yes, there’s a gym in this building. But he’s got to stay just in case. He’s beginning to lose hope in ever seeing you again, ignoring how ridiculous that sounds when you literally share a wall with him. And it’s only been five days. As he finishes a set of push ups, hope is restored. You’re home. And you’re loud? He freezes, trying to imagine what you're doing just by listening. You’re actually laughing but it doesn’t sound genuine. It almost sounds painful, like you’re angry? A few moments later, he hears music. It’s loud, and he chuckles to himself. 
“Let’s see what happens, Sparkles.” He heads to the bathroom, removing all of his clothes and stepping in the shower to briefly wash off the sweat. He steps out and wraps a towel around his hips. He leaves the shoes just like you did and heads straight to your door, pounding on it in the exact same manner you did. 
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You’re dancing around the kitchen, clothes strewn about the floor as a result of you rushing to change into the giant shirt again with just your underwear underneath. You just got to the chorus, brand new bottle of whiskey in hand and are about to go hard into the dance when someone starts pounding on your front door, causing you to nearly jump out of your skin. You swing the door open, not caring that your legs and hips were on full display, and are met with you could only assume a hallucination. 
You both eye one another up and down, unable to speak. Your eyes are locked on the towel, specifically the corner of the towel that’s tucked into itself to stay attached to his hips. You’re not sure if you’re drooling from your mouth, but you know another place is. Finally, he clears his throat and grabs your attention away from the towel. 
“I think I see what you meant. It’s a bit hard to focus when that’s what I’m greeted with.” He tries to hide the devilish smile he gestures to your legs. You hum, not really sure if you’re agreeing, and if you are, to what. Your focus is back on the towel and the abs above it. You want to scratch them. You want to mark any part of him you can. He tilts his head, trying to get your attention a second time. “Sparkles? You okay?”
You finally make eye contact with him. “Sparkles?” You question in a whisper, suddenly remembering the last encounter. “Oh…right…” You hum in response again and then look at the bottle of whiskey in your hand and then back to him, his mouth specifically, down to that damn towel, and back to the whiskey. You shrug as if someone made a good point and put the bottle down on the side table next to you. You smile something sinister and reach out for the towel, tugging him inside, with him closing the door behind himself. 
“This is a better option than whiskey.” You let go of the stubborn towel still attached and reach up to wrap your hands around the back of his neck, pulling his lips down to meet yours in a needy kiss. His eyes widen, hands going for your waist, pulling away from your lips
“What is happening right now?” He sounds so serious and you hate it, so you reach back for his lips when he shuts you down again. “First of all. You’re drunk. So this is not happening.”
“I’m not drunk…I was going to. Brand new whiskey. See?” You pick the bottle back up, showing off its perfectly unbroken seal. “You can even smell my breath. Not a lick of liquor. Very sad. But now you’re here. That's way better.” You pull him back down to you and capture his lips again, this time he returns it in full, gripping your waist and pulling you flush against him. 
“As much as I appreciate being considered better than alcohol, and glad you can consciously consent,” he smiles into the kiss, “there’s one more thing, Sparkles.”
“Hmm?” You moan out. He kisses down your chin, across your neck, and buries his face into the crook of your neck, biting and leaving marks along the way. 
“I need to know your name, sweetheart. And you need mine.” 
“I don’t need yours.” You mumble back. He laughs, pulling away from your neck to see your face. 
“You will need it if you’re going to be screaming for me.”
He can actually see you process this thought, mentally going through every scenario where you don’t know his name. Finally settling on him unfortunately being correct. You don’t want to be called Sparkles during sex and you need a better name than Sexy Neighbor. You lock eyes, suddenly very aware of what's going on. You let fears and anxieties walk out the door and you nod. 
“It’s Y/N” you practically whisper. You let your fingers toy with the hair at the nape of his neck, leaning forward to kiss his nose. He smiles at the soft action, tipping his nose up to capture your lips again. This time, slow and methodical, but still as desperate. He only pulls away enough to say his name against your lips. 
“Jungkook, baby. It’s Jungkook. Now let’s get out of your hallway. I have a girl in front of me who had a very specific request last week. I need to fulfill it.” He lowers himself just enough that he can hook his hands behind your thighs and lift you up and return his lips to yours. You wrap your legs around his waist, subtly trying to take the stupid towel off with your feet, but failing miserably. 
You’re not sure how you ended up on your bed. You didn’t tell him where to go. You mindlessly confirm your assumptions were correct and you had the same floor plan so he just knew where to go.
He lies you down on your back, legs still hooked around him and he awkwardly crawls over you, mouths staying connected until he rolls his hips into yours. That stupid towel still attached and rubbing against your covered core. You whimper at the friction, but it’s not enough. 
You let your legs go from around his form and reach down, finally tugging the towel away and tossing it across the room like it was poison. “Finally” you accidentally huff out loud, causing him to burst into breathy laughs on your lips. You ignore him, reaching down for his length which, though you haven’t seen it yet, feels overwhelming. He’s hard and you can feel the precum on his tip as you slide your thumb over it. You bring your hand down his length, twisting your wrist as you bring it back up, thumbing his tip again. His lips part as he lets out a groan. 
“Fuck, baby. Be careful, I’m embarrassed to say I might not last if you keep touching me.” 
You whine. “Want it. Want your cock.” You sound so needy and desperate, the complete opposite of how you usually are in bed. Usually in control, usually a brat that needs to be punished. You’ve never been truly submissive like you feel right now. You can’t bring yourself to care. 
“And you’ll have it. But first, let me taste you and get you ready.” He moves to sit up and push you further up the bed when you mutter out a “No.” He stops everything and looks at you. Your eyes are trained on his member. “No? Is everything okay? Did I do something wrong?” You just shake your head again. 
“Wanna taste at the same time.” You mumble, pulling yourself up, pushing the still confused man to be the one that lays back. You peel your underwear off, leaving the shirt on, and crawl over him, hovering your center just above his chest while facing away from him. You lean forward, grabbing his erection and giving a long lick from the base to the tip, wrapping your lips around the tip and sucking. You can hear his guttural reaction and suddenly two hands are violently tugging your hips closer to his face. You stop sucking long enough to reposition your knees on opposite sides of his head. He brings your hips down when you feel settled and dives into your sopping wet center. 
“Shit. That feels so fucking good.” You moan, leaning back down, slowly easing his cock down your throat. He bucks his hips up unintentionally and you gag slightly, but he doesn’t hear. Instead, you brace both hands on his meaty thighs and bob your head up and down, taking him all the way each time and gagging around him before coming back up. You rut your hips against his face as he continues fucking his tongue into you, sucking on your bundle of nerves in intervals. He brings two fingers into play, sliding them against your entrance a few times before easing them into you, letting you fuck yourself with them.
Feeling close to his own release, he glances up at your rim. He runs a thumb along it, adding the smallest pressure possible, yet still earning a pleased reaction from you. He takes that as a yes and brings his tongue to your hole, licking flat against it before dancing his tongue around the rim. You keen, your head falling against his cock that you’re subconsciously still stroking. “Don’t stop. I’m so close. Please, Jungkook. Keep going.”
You find a strand of energy in you, determined to make him come at the same time and wrap your mouth around his tip again, hands working the shaft while you suck mercilessly. You both let out a series of loud moans, groans, and cries before you feel your hips spasm against his mouth, coming hard. At the same time, his hips snap up, ramming his cock even farther into your mouth, shooting the bitter white liquid down your throat. You swallow proudly, resting your head on his pelvis to take a breath. 
“What the hell was that…” was all Jungkook could mutter, still processing what just happened. After a few moments he pats your leg where your bruise was starting to fade. “Wait.” He raises his head, a little shocked. ”Did you swallow?” You smile and nod, rubbing your cheek into his skin, humming out a yes and kissing whatever skin was there. He can barely see what you’re doing, but the feeling alone is enough to make his member come back to life. You feel it twitch and move to sit up again and grab it. But he catches you in time, flipping you around and over so he is now facing you from above. “No no. Not again. You specifically said ‘fuck me’ last week. I intend on doing that.” You groan at the change in positions and mope. You look tired and he’s still thinking about your frustrated laugh from earlier. 
“But first,” he grabs both of your wrists in one hand, sliding them up above your head while holding himself up with the other by your head. He leans down, leaving a soft kiss on your lips. “First, I need to know why you decided to blast music at midnight, and why you were about to crack open a bottle of whiskey by yourself. Are you okay?” his face softens, no longer full of lust. It’s still there, hiding behind his concern and obviously pressing up against your stomach. But he clearly has more important needs right now. Like making sure he’s not about to make a mistake. 
You get lost in his eyes for a moment before nodding slowly, supressing the emotions building up behind your eyes. “Yeah. Just had a bad day. But I’m fine, I promise.” Your smile doesn’t fully reach your eyes and Jungkook doesn’t know if he believes you.
“No bad breakup or fight with a guy or girl I should know about? I don’t do rebounds and I don’t condone cheating.” He’s very serious. You just laugh, this time it’s real and he can tell immediately. 
“God, no. No exes or currents. Haven’t had that in years. No no no. Just…I got fired from my job and want to have something good before having to deal with the impending doom of reality, okay? Just make me forget for a moment, please?” Those stupid emotions are on the brink, threatening to spill from your eyes. You shut them tight, fighting against the feelings you want to let go. He sighs, leaning down to kiss your eyelids, moving up to your forehead. 
“Okay, baby. I can do that. Do you want it rough or gentle?” You puff out a breath, trying not to laugh at the question. 
“Either is fine. Rough would be better…” you mutter under your breath. He just nods, kissing your forehead again, trailing down to your ear.
“I’ll make you forget, baby. Just focus on me and how I make you feel, okay?” You nod, moaning softly when he licks the shell of your ear. “Where are your condoms, y/n?” You gesture with your head to the left nightstand and he lets go of your wrists to briefly move off you to grab one. He comes back, foil unwrapped and rolling it down his length. He gazes down at you and you can see a weird shift in his face. His tone suddenly becomes darker as he slowly pumps himself. 
“You’re gonna be good for me, right babygirl?” You nod enthusiastically, mentally making fun of yourself for switching to full submissive for a guy you just learned the name of. 
“I’ll be good, I promise.” you sweetly respond, lifting and spreading your legs open for him to crawl in between. He sets one leg on his shoulder, leaving the other to rest on the bed as he lines himself up to you, smirking as he rubs the tip against your clit for a moment, watching you squirm before fully entering you without hesitation. 
“Oh fuck” is all you can let out as you lift your hips to meet with him. He lets out a low groan as he pulls out everything but the tip, pushing your hips back down, keeping them there, and slamming back down into you. You arch your back, one hand grabbing onto the bed sheets and the other reaching out for any part of him. He notices, smiling as he leans back down, giving you better access. You find his waist and dig your nails in as he continues with his relentless pace on your pussy. He grunts loudly, fully leaning down over you, both knees over his shoulders. 
You grab his neck and pull him into a sloppy kiss, teeth crashing together as you try to breathe through the pounding. “You feel so good, Jungkook. So big. Stretching me out perfectly. Fuck me just like that please. Don’t ever stop.” You cry out mumbling for him to not stop over and over. 
He finds his new favorite spot on your neck and bites down before sucking, ensuring you’d be marked, and moving on to another spot. You mewl at his little art project on your neck mixed with the feeling of him fucking into you over and over until you come without warning. His hips stutter at the noise and feeling of you clenching around him and he has to still himself inside you before he finishes. “I’m not done with you yet, baby. Flip over. All fours. Now.”
You oblige, albeit slowly. Your legs are shaky and you don’t know if you can hold yourself up very well, but you try. The moment you think you can keep yourself up, a hard smack sound fills the room as his large hand meets your ass. Your arms give out and you almost face plant into the pillows before a tattooed arm slides around your waist pulling you up to your knees. 
“No, you don’t. No resting, baby. On your knees, I’ll keep you up.” His hand slides up your chest, under your shirt, creeping out of the neckline to wrap around your throat, holding you against his chest, letting you rest your head back on his shoulder. You’re panting and whimpering against him. He kisses your temple, quietly asking if you were good to continue. You nod and whisper a yes as he slips himself back inside you and continues his pace like he never missed a beat. 
“Baby, you’re so tight but you take me so well. You feel like fucking heaven.” He pants in your ear, the hand not around your throat sliding down between your legs to your pulsing center. You whine and struggle as he starts rubbing in big lazy circles. It’s after a particularly deep thrust he feels something under his palm. He does it again to confirm and grins. 
“Give me your hand, baby.” You lift it up without thinking too much, unsure where he wanted it. He grabs your wrist and places your hand flat against your lower stomach just above where he’s ruining you. He does another deep thrust and you feel it. Your eyes widen and he chuckles. “You feel that? Feel me all the way inside you?” You’re silent, in shock at the bulge you feel. “How about now, baby? Feel it now?” He gives another sharp thrust, lessening his clutch around your throat, forcing you to cry out. 
“Yes I feel it!” You feel the knot inside you coil up and ignite. “Please. Jungkook. I can’t. I can’t take it anymore. He eases you back on to all fours and you grab a pillow, clutching it for dear life. To compensate for not being able to be on all fours, you put all your strength into raising your ass to meet with his hips perfectly. He groans at the view, slapping your ass again. He uses both hands to grab to give it a massage, separating your cheeks to get a better view. He sees a perfect opportunity to make you see stars and keep your mind off anything troubling you. 
“You wanna come for me, baby?” His voice is low. You nod into the pillow. “Remember what I did with my tongue earlier?” His thumb softly grazes over your hole and you nod, letting out a whiny moan, pushing your ass back for more. “Do you trust me?” You nod again. “No, y/n. I need to hear you say it. Do you trust me?” He asks again. 
You frown, lifting your face out of the pillow just enough to force out the words “Yes, I trust you. Please, let me come. Please.” And tuck your face back into the pillow. 
“Thank you, baby. Relax for me. Just enjoy it.” He pulls out momentarily, chuckling as you whine at the feeling. He sinks his thumb past your folds, gathering up any arousal he could before inserting his cock back inside, eliciting a low moan out of both of you. He smears his thumb across your puckered hole a few times, adding more pressure each time. Once he feels you relax more, he presses his thumb past the tight ring of muscles at the same time as he thrusts his hips deeply into your cunt. 
You suck in a breath and hold it, toes curling, and you bring the pillow even closer to your face, biting down on the satin pillowcase. He holds his position with his free hand on your hip, rubbing soothing circles with his thumb. “Breathe, baby. It’ll feel better when you breathe.” He whispers, slowly pushing deeper until his knuckle slips past the muscles. You let out a guttural moan, pressing yourself back towards him, helping him get the rest of his thumb in. “Can I move again, y/n? You’re okay?” You nod into the pillow almost shouting a yes into it. 
He resumes thrusting, starting slow, eventually building back up to his rapid pace curling his thumb with every thrust. Your moans are deep, cut off by trying to catch your breath every other moan. “Jungkook. I’m coming. Please. Let me. Say I can come.” If he wasn’t so close himself, he’d be chuckling at you begging, teasing you and edging you. But he needs his release just as much as you do.
“Come for me, baby. Let go. Come all over my cock.”
And that’s all you need to hear before you’re screaming his name and varied obscenities, clenching around him as you enter a state of euphoric bliss. You see stars and in the background you hear him groan deeply, coming inside of the condom deep inside you. He eases his thumb out of you while you’re out of it and just takes in the view below him, face still in your pillow, back shivering and rising and falling in time with your rapid breathing. How the hell did he just have the best orgasm of his life with a girl he literally met twice even though you’ve been neighbors for who knows how long? His hand on your hip tightens a little as he moves to pull out of you. A small whimper coming from you in the pillow. 
Once he’s fully pulled out of you, you fall on your side, freeing the pillow from your face, ignoring the drip of saliva coming with it and watch him begin to remove the condom. You’re exhausted. You don’t want to keep going. Yet your body moves of its own accord and you hold yourself up enough to reach out to stop him from doing it. “Let me” you choke out. He removes his hands, watching you carefully as you slowly remove the condom, hissing slightly at your touch. 
You hand him the condom to tie up and toss aside and gently hold up his length covered in his release and, locking eyes with him, lick up his length. “What the fu-uck?” He groans out, tossing his head back. You clean up every inch of him, ending on his tip and he has to softly push you away before he gets hard again. “No. Baby, stop. No more. I appreciate the enthusiasm, but I am spent.” He whispers into a laugh. 
You grin up at him, launching yourself backwards, spreading out on the bed. Your shirt riding up your stomach. He’s not sure what to do next. Should he leave? Ask to use your restroom first? But why do that when he lives next door. You can see his confusion, you pat the space next to you, gently moving yourself over, wincing all the while, so he has room. He smiles, laying down on his side next to you. It’s silent for a moment. He reaches out to play with the bottom of your shirt. 
“Is there a reason you kept this on?” He questions, mindlessly running his fingernails across the hemline. 
“It’s too big. Makes me feel small. And you haven’t earned the right to see this divine pair of tits.” You smile at his gaping reaction. 
“After all that?! And I still don’t have the privilege?” He drops the fabric and waves his hand around the both of you. “Literally ruined you and I don’t get to see the goods.” He whines dramatically. You giggle, sleep fast approaching. 
“Next time.” You mumble. 
“Oh there’s a next time?” His eyebrows raise and he smiles. 
“You think after all that,” you mimic his gestures, “I wouldn’t want a next time?” You both burst into a fit of giggles. He stops first, reaching out to remove a strand of hair from your face. 
“Well I surely look forward to next time then.” He whispers softly, moving a bit closer at the same time. 
“Who knows? Next time could be in the morning.” You say it so confidently. You had expected him to fuck you and bolt. But him staying has to mean at least a little something, right? Except his happy expression falls into that of worry and uneasiness. 
“I actually have to go out of town tomorrow.”
“Oh…” you frown, trying not to look too devastated. He cups his hand around your face, gently smiling.
“I’ll be back in like three days. I’ll let you know. Then we can have as many ‘next times’ as you want, okay?” He grins as your expression perks back up, leaning across to give you a few soft and sensual kisses. “I’m going to stay here until you fall asleep. But I have to pack, so don’t think I just got up and left in the morning, okay?” You nod your head, shuffling closer to tuck your face into his chest and drift off to sleep immediately. 
When you wake the next morning, he’s gone. As he said he would be. And thus began three days of complete silence. 
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On the day of his alleged return, you stayed home all day pampering yourself. You put on one of your favorite lingerie sets that really enhanced your already marvelous chest and curves and put the same big shirt back on over you. 
You were ready by midday but you had one problem. You had no idea when he was coming back. You two didn’t swap phone numbers or socials. He didn’t tell you any details. So you spent the rest of the day on the couch moping about being fooled. Which didn’t make sense in the first place. You two weren’t anything. You had a crazy intense one night stand and that’s it. There was no date offered. No deal made. Nothing. So why were you getting dressed up for a one night stand? You tried to reason with yourself until you fell asleep on your bed around 8PM, figuring he wasn’t going to come back, and if he did, he forgot about you either on purpose or accident. 
You’re jolted awake by loud music and the beautiful voice of your stupid sexy neighbor at 11PM. 
“What you doing? Where you at? Oh, you got plans? Don't say that. I'm sipping wine in a robe. I look too good to be alone. My house clean, my pool warm. Just shaved. We should be dancing, romancing in the east wing and the west wing of this mansion, what's happening?”
He sounds like he’s directly on the other side of the wall and you both hate him for doing this and love that this is how he’s waking you. He continues on as you check yourself in the mirror, convincing yourself you still look good and not to get too excited and eager. 
“I ain't playing no games. Every word that I say is coming straight from the heart. So if you tryna lay in these arms, I'ma leave the door open.”
He belts out the last line and you can’t help but laugh. After a final once over, you head out of your room. He’s still singing as you put your slippers on and head out the door. 
“And I'm hoping, hoping that you feel the way I feel. And you want me like I want you tonight, baby.”
You turn to his door but it’s already cracked open. You roll your eyes at his ridiculousness and open the door to a reverse layout of your apartment. You take your slippers off and follow the sound of his beautiful voice to a room with the door closed. You knock and he answers, finishing the song as your eyes meet his. 
“Girl, I'm here just waiting for you. Come on over, I'll adore you.”
The song ends and your smile turns to one of annoyance.
“You didn’t tell me when you were coming back. I waited all day wrapped up like a gift for you and honestly the least you could’ve done is write down a flight numbe - “ he shuts you up with a greedy kiss and you melt instantly as he pulls you closer. 
“What’s the gift? Do I get to see this divine chest I’ve heard rumors about?” He grins into the kiss, and you hold the laugh in. You step away from him and remove your shirt, showing off the extravagant set underneath. He lets out a strained groan. “You just don’t know how to warn a guy, do you? Get on the damn bed, Sparkles.” He snaps, pulling you into the room and shutting the door. The start of another intense night.
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AN: yay open endings. Decide how it goes. Fwb? Lovey dovey? Have fun. Thank you for reading, I love you! 💜💜💜💜💜
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baepsaesbae · 3 years
Domestic Bliss: Kim Namjoon
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Pairing— Kim Namjoon x reader  
Genre— SMUT, Pwp, Fluff, domestic au
Warnings— Fingering, unprotected sex, hair pulling, mild biting (like 1 bite)
Word Count— ~1.4k
Summary— Anniversaries are best celebrated when done at home. Specifically with a bath.
A/n- Hello! Happy Namjoon day! The domestic bliss drabble series is now complete, and you can find the rest of the boys’ scenarios in my masterlist! Comments and asks are always welcomed.
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Date nights spent in the comfort of your own home were one of your favorites. Luckily, your boyfriend shared the same sentiment. You cooked a seafood pasta dish while Namjoon set the table. He begrudgingly helped you prep the ingredients earlier, complaining about how the ‘poor little animals didn’t deserve this’.
“I can eat all of this by myself and you can have instant ramen if you don’t want to eat them,” you replied. Namjoon stayed silent after that.
The meal was delicious. You really outdid yourself tonight. You were happy you did, as today marked your 3rd year anniversary of being together.
Namjoon popped open a bottle of soju, and poured you a shot. Wine would have fit the occasion better, but neither of you really cared about that.
The night went on with pleasant conversations reminiscing the beginnings of your relationship. It was something neither of you expected, and you were once worried that you had rushed into things, but now you’re thankful that Namjoon stumbled into your life.
Growing more intoxicated as the night progressed, the both of you had already downed 4 bottles together. You didn’t realize how tipsy you were until you got up to put away the dishes. The room began to spin and you immediately sat back down.
“You okay, babe?” Namjoon asked, getting up to console you.
“Yeah, I’m fine! The room was dancing,” you replied happily.
“The room was dancing huh?” he chuckled, “I’ll clear all this up. Just wait right there for me okay?”
“Okiedokie artichokie!” you swayed in your seat.
Namjoon brought you a glass of water before he started to clear the table, “You better finish all of that by the time I’m done cleaning up!”
“Yes sir!” you yelled, then immediately chugged the water.
“Wait, babe, slow down. I don’t want you to choke,” Namjoon couldn’t help but laugh.
He washed the dishes as you stayed put in your chair. You were blankly staring at the ceiling before you snapped back to reality with a genius idea.
“Baby! I wanna take a bath,” you called out to him.
“Right now?” Namjoon called back.
“Yes, right now! We still have that space bath bomb you wanted to try out,” you hoped that would win him over.
“Alright we can take a bath after I finish this. You feeling okay?” Namjoon turned to look at you.
“I’m good! I can draw the bath!” you excitedly get up.
“You sure?”
“Super duper sure! It’ll be the best bath ever,” you say before making your way to the bathroom.
You sit beside the tub as it began to fill with water. Steam rose from the bathwater since the faucet was turned to the highest heat setting. 
“Babe, are you trying to cook us? Why is it all the way on hot?” Namjoon asked from behind you.
“No silly. I’m only filling half of it with hot water! Then I’ll fill the other half with cold water,” you explained.
“Darling...why don’t you just fill the whole tub with water of the same perfect temperature?” Namjoon leaned down to press his forehead against yours.
“Namjoon, you’re a genius!” your eyes widened. That thought hadn’t occurred to you.
“I guess it’s too late for that now,” Namjoon changed the water to the coldest setting, “We’ll do it your way this time.”
It was finally time to add the bath bomb. You let Namjoon do the honors of dropping it into the water. You both watched in awe as it fizzled away, gradually darkening the water. Upon further inspection you found that the water was actually littered with glitter; the sparkles dotted the bath like stars.
Namjoon got in first. It was a bit too warm for his taste, but he’d endure it just for you. He positioned himself as well as he could. His knees were sticking out of the water, but that’s what being tall does to you. He motioned for you to finally join him.
You loved the hot water, letting out an expressive moan as you sank beneath it. Your moan caused Namjoon to pull you in close to him, his firm chest was pressed up against your back.
“Why’d you moan like that for, babygirl?” he whispered into your ear.
“Cuz the water feels so gooooood,” you leaned up against his chest making your lower back accidentally graze something intimate.
Namjoon tightened his hold on you as he nuzzled your neck. You giggled into the open air.
“I can make you feel good too,” he tenderly kissed your neck.
“Oh, I bet you can. Let’s relax here for a bit. Then you can have your way with me,” you say with your eyes closed.
Namjoon complied with your request. You both relaxed in utter silence, letting the warm water ease your muscles. Nearly asleep against your lover, you jolted awake as he stroked your inner thigh.
“Were you falling asleep on me?” he chuckled as his hand inched closer to your exposed cunt.
“Maybe. I’m just so relaxed--” you were cut off when Namjoon slowly began to massage your clit.
“Do you wanna go to bed? I can tuck you in,” he offered, keeping his pace slow as he circled your clit.
“Not yet,” you mumbled.
“I thought you were sleepy?” he began to quicken his pace, making you catch your breath.
“Not--ah mm-not anymore,” you managed to say. Namjoon plunged his long fingers into you without warning. His two fingers stretched you out as he began to pump in and out of you.
“It’s funny; your wet is different than water wet,” he said as he curled his fingers to hit the perfect angle.
“Huh?” you couldn’t grasp what he was saying.
“You’re wet right? Obviously. But your juices are a different kind of wet than water. I can actually feel the difference,” he began to explain.
“Namjoon. Literally shut up and fuck me already,” you complained.
“As you wish,” he abruptly stood up, pulling you up with him.
He helped you out of the tub. You shivered at the sudden loss of the warm bathwater, but that discomfort was soon forgotten when Namjoon tilted your chin up to kiss you. It started out sweet, but soon turned lustful. His tongue darted into your mouth periodically as his hands wandered across your body.
He quickly spun you around and bent you against the counter. You found yourself looking at your compromising position in the mirror. Namjoon licked his lips behind you.
“Do you want me to fuck you like this?” he asked, running his index finger along your folds.
“Yes. Yes, please fuck me like this Joonie,” you begged, wiggling your butt at him.
With a firm grip on your hips to keep you in place, Namjoon wasted no time. He slammed into you, not giving you proper time to adjust around him. Your pussy got wetter with each stroke, allowing him to go deeper each time.
Namjoon fondled your chest as he relentlessly thrust into you. He even bit down on your shoulder as he slowed down his pace, opting to tease you slowly instead. He slowly removed himself before quickly smashing back inside. You both hated and loved when he did this. It always made you needier.
You moaned and placed your head down, resting it against the counter as you hiked your hips up higher for him by tiptoeing.
“Nuh uh,” Namjoon grunted, gripping your hair.
He pulled your head back up, exposing your neck. You gazed into his eyes through the mirror.
“I want you to look at yourself, babygirl. I want you to look at us. You’re so sexy,” Namjoon panted between thrusts.
You both looked sinful. Your bodies were still wet from the bath, but now it was mixed with sweat too. The harsh sound of slapping skin contact echoed throughout the bathroom. You felt your core heat up. It wasn’t long before you’d reach your high.
“Joonie, I’m gonna-”
“Me too, baby. You go first,” Namjoon’s thrusts became sloppy, indicating that he was close.
With a few more deep thrusts, your pussy clenched around him as you orgasmed. You let out a long cry as your legs shook beneath you. Namjoon released his hot cum as he cried out with you.
He helped clean you up and brought you to the bed. Once you were happily nestled into his firm chest, he gently kissed your forehead.
“Happy Anniversary, babygirl. I love you so much,” he smiled.
“Happy Anniversary, Joonie. I love you to the moon and back,” you snuggled into him.
Best Anniversary Ever.
Published September 12, 2021. No editing, copying, translating, or reposting allowed. All Rights Reserved © 2021 Baepsaesbae.
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becauseimanicequeen · 6 months
Please, marry me.
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heretherebedork · 6 months
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Earth knowing that Best chose not to eat when they all did but has done just as much work and running as the rest of them and throwing a sucker at him with mocking words and the way Best is trying so hard not to smile and their friendship lost to power within their group and they had better get together but also why is he still handcuffed to her? Why is this still a thing? Sigh.
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oh-katsuki · 2 years
asahi superrr (wotakoi reference)
pls i love thqt series so much.
im absolutely trashed on those rn. we had sake bombs and soju and beer and ate so much meat i am a very full an content girl atm.
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btsmakesmehappy · 4 years
Palate Cleanser | 4
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Genre: Agent au, friends with benefit (sort of), Stranger to lover, ANGST with a hint of Fluff, implied Smut.
Pairing: Agent!Taehyung x Baker!reader
Word Count: 6,6k
Rating: 18+ (M)
Warning: Reader feeling sad and insecure. Guns. Violence (nothing too descriptive). Taehyung is lil bit possessive because I love it.
Chapter: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | completed
Series Masterlist: The Company
Summary: Taehyung needs something to take his mind off his broken heart. His best friend, Jimin, suggests that he should meet another woman and the first woman he met was you. Would you help him even though you have your own problem, that you hate men?
A/N: for my betareader @hesperantha​ thank you for help me by screaming to Taehyung while you’re drinking a whiskey (You’re right, even I won’t be able to refuse the morning thingy lmao) and my @arizonapoppy​ who patiently gives me encouragements (like a lot). I am just smiling everytime I read your feedback. Thankyou again loves. Stay safe!
anyway, just one more chapter left! Thank you for reading this fic. Please send me a feedback<3
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“Do you have anything aside from bread in here?” Taehyung asked as he rummaged through your kitchen. “Don’t you ever get sick of it? You see bread at work and again at home.”
You rested your chin on your hand, watching him from the table. “Why not? The bread is good. And that one has fiber, so it’s good for your bowels.”
He looked at you in disgust. “Why do you need to discuss your bowel activity with me?”
You chuckled. “Again I have to go with: why not?” You rose from your seat, walking to him. You opened a cabinet beside the sink to show him where you stacked rice and instant noodles. “And besides, bread is more convenient, just grab and eat it. No need to cook. You can eat it anytime you want.”
“It only takes a few minutes to heat the rice or cook the noodles,” he argued,  grabbing a pack of noodles.
“It’s just bothersome to wash the dishes.” You also grabbed a pack of noodles and gave it to him with a smile, batting your lashes. “Bread is good with wine.”
He snorted as he filled the pot with water. “You don’t eat bread with wine. You eat it in between.”
“Again: why not?”
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You don’t want to go back to your apartment, sad and alone. You think about going to Hani’s place, but you’re afraid that you would bother her and her fiance. You are sure that Hani will let you crash her place, but she has already helped you so much in the past. You don’t want to make her worry again.
And so, you find yourself wandering in the middle of the night alone, hopping from one stall to another.
It is your third bottle of soju in your second stall. Only God knows how many bottles you had before. Your stomach starts to hurt because you didn’t eat anything before you started drinking, and yet you don’t feel drunk.
You can’t bring yourself to care. You want to be drunk. You need to erase Taehyung’s face in your mind. You tried to.
With the thought of Taehyung, you’ve already felt your tears running on your cheeks. You are sobbing in an unknown food stall, alone.
Why are you crying exactly? Is it because he hurt you? Is it because he humiliated you in public? Is it because you want him? Is it because you hate him? Is it because you like him? Why do your tears keep flowing? Maybe you are drunk after all.
You’ve never thought that you would feel this way again. A throbbing pain inside your chest, squeezing your lungs, making it hard for you to breathe. It is weird considering that you have only known Taehyung for weeks, and yet the impact he had on you is big. He changed your heart.
He somehow made you feel complete.
At first, you thought that it’s because you had great sex or maybe because you love his company in the morning. But the more you talked to him, you knew: he will always be the one you can’t get enough of. You want more.
You felt bad for throwing your drink on him. You did. But you hate him for talking to you like that. You hate him because you know he can see you thoroughly. You hate him because he was right. You hate him because he exposed you.
You’re stuck in a wave of white lies formed by you, your friends, and your family for 5 years. It was your foundation for all your work, for your life, and who you are right now. And when Taehyung dropped the ugly truth like a bomb, the already-weak foundation started to crumble.
Maybe you have always known yourself, that deep down, you don’t really hate men. Maybe you have always known that you were not good enough for Youngjae, or any man. Maybe that’s why you never get close to another man. Maybe because you’re afraid if they would tell you that you are bad for them, that you are not good enough for them.
You are afraid that you, Y/N, will never find someone who will love you.
You drop your head on the table. Your tears still flow endlessly. You take a deep breath, trying to control your mind, trying to preserve your heart from breaking into pieces. You feel nauseated, and the stabbing pain in your stomach doesn’t help either.
You hate him.
You miss him.
You want him.
And with that realization, you feel weaker than ever.
“There you are!” You jerk your head up, tears still clouding your vision. You rub your eyes with the back of your hand and your vision becomes clearer. “Muffin?” Taehyung’s face comes to your vision. His face is beaded with sweat, breaths uncontrolled like he’s been running for miles.
You turn your head from Taehyung, hiding your crying face. “What do you want?” You take a glass and pour the soju into it.
He looks at your messy table and frowns in worry. He sighs. “How many glasses did you drink?” He then snatches your glass away from you.
You shrug. “I didn’t count.” You suddenly have an urge to vomit, your stomach twisting.
Taehyung looks at you in horror. “Alright, that’s it. I am taking you home.” He says as he takes his wallet out and puts some cash on the table. “Do you have your medicine with you?” he asks as he tries to stand you up in spite of your wobbling. He tries to hold you close to him, but you push him away.
“Left it at home.” You shake your head. ”I can walk by myself,” you say as you try to nod a polite thanks to the seller, but end up stumbling sideways as you exit the stall.
Taehyung wants to argue with you but he decides to shut his mouth and instead he just walks with you in the distance, guarding you from afar. It makes his heart stops, however, when you suddenly trip over your foot and fall to the ground. He runs to your side to make sure you are okay. And when you refuse to hold onto him, he has had enough. While you protest, he pulls you to his broad back to give you a piggyback-ride.
“Put me down!” You struggle to push him away, but subconsciously your arms hold his shoulders tightly.
“No.” He hisses. “Just let me walk you home, Y/N. For my own sanity.” After you are calmer, he then starts to walk slowly.
You prop your chin on his shoulder. You’re close enough to smell his cologne, and it comforts you. You feel the warmth from his back dangerously spreading to your body, making your heart ache.
He stops his step when he hears you sniffling. “Muffin?” He asks while he soothes your thighs softly.
“You can’t do this to me.” You whisper in between your sobs.
Taehyung turns his head a little to see your face from the corner of his eyes. “What do you mean?”
“You can’t just make me comfortable with you, and then yell at me like that, and then do this to me.” You sob. “It’s so confusing. It is so unfair.”
Taehyung feels a stir in his chest. He wants to see you. He wants to wipe all of those tears away from your pretty face. He wants to see your smile. He looks around and finds a bench on the sidewalk. He walks towards it and then lowers his back to make you sit on it. He then turns his body and sits on his heels in front of you.
He looks at your red eyes. He feels guilty. He is mad at himself for being the one who made you cry, cursing himself for saying those cruel words to you before. He reaches out and takes your face in his hands carefully. His thumbs wipe the track of your tears. “I am sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean it.”
You shake your head weakly. “No. You were right.” You can’t even look at his eyes anymore, you feel that you are not worthy. “Maybe I was the problem.”
The pain in his chest grows stronger. He was lucky to be just fine after his broken heart. But you? You hid all of your pain inside, covered by your smiles, and drowned in your work. And yet, you wanted to help him, even though you yourself are broken. He strokes your cheeks softly. “What- No, muffin. Look at me.” You shake your head in his request. “Please, look at me.”
You sigh and raise your head to meet his eyes. There’s no pity in his eyes. No exposing yourself. Just him.
“He’s a jerk, Y/N. He didn’t deserve you.” He reassures you. He then leans and puts his forehead against yours. “You weren't the problem. You’re never the problem.” His voice trembles in the wind. Deep and comforting.
With his voice so close to you, his large hands hot on your skin, you feel like you will cry. Your tears threaten to fall down again. “You’re a perfect woman. You’re smart, pretty, hardworking, and kind. Don’t you think otherwise, okay?”
You should hate him. You should push him away, or maybe kick him in the shins. You should not lean into his touch. You should not put your hands on his. You should not let him kiss your forehead lovingly. You should not let him hug you tightly. You should not hug him back. And you should not sink your face in his shoulder. And you definitely should not forgive him that easily.
But you do anyway.
Maybe the alcohol running through your veins plays a large part, but the truth is, deep down in your heart, you feel relieved. You feel safe. You want to be in his embrace. You want to touch him. You want him to touch you. You want him entirely. This feels so right.
Taehyung strokes your back softly, kissing your shoulder in the process. He apologizes over and over again in a whisper. Like a spell, it calms you down. He then pulls away, pushing your hair behind your ears. He looks at your eyes. His eyes shine brightly, reflecting the streetlight above you. Taehyung then inches forward to you, targeting your lips.
His kiss feels different from before -- soft, but desperate. He kisses to show you that everything will be fine, you will be fine. He kisses to show you that you are his and his alone.
It is the kiss of two people who long for love. Who long for each other. Who were lost in the past, but found each other.
A kiss that shows that now it’s just you and him. And nothing else matters.
He breaks away the kiss after a while and you both catch your breath. You can still hear your heart thumping through your ears. He smiles softly to you and pats your head. “Let’s go home, alright?” He reaches and takes your hand, your soft fingers intertwined with his calloused ones.
Even with the cold wind blowing, you have never felt this warmer, you have never felt this complete. There’s no exchanging words after that. But just with one look at each other eyes, stolen kisses now and then, and your hand in his. You have never felt this loved.
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Taehyung stayed in your place that night. You fell asleep in each other’s embrace, neither one of you daring to let go. You awake in his cuddle, safe and warm. He touches your swollen eye and kisses them softly. “Morning, muffin.” He smiles. “I think you should ice them a little bit.”
You smile. “Yeah, I think I should.” You sit up from your bed and stretch your body. You then walk to the fridge, rummaging inside to find an ice cube to put on your eyes. You are glad that the hangover is not that bad, maybe because you hurled most of it in your bathroom with Taehyung holding your hair back. Still, your head has a throbbing pain.
“So,” Taehyung asks groggily as he sits up. “You’ll still do the event, I assume?”
You turn your head to him, smiling apologetically. “I am afraid so.” You then turn to the kitchen, pulling a mug from the cabinet and filling it with water to wash down the painkiller you find in the odds-and-ends drawer.
Taehyung sighs and rises from the bed and walks towards you. He sneaks his hand on your waist from behind, pulling you closer to him. He then props his chin on your shoulder. “Just please be careful, okay? And keep me informed.” He kisses the nape of your neck quickly. “I don’t like that guy.”
Your heart leaps in joy. You turn your body to meet his, still in his hold. You then put your arms on across his neck. “Okay.” You smile widely. “I didn’t think of you as a jealous type of a guy.”
He pouts. “I am not jealous! He IS dangerous.”
You hide your smile because you find him very cute. “Sure thing.” You stand on tiptoe and give his lips a peck. You can see a blush starting to form on his cheeks.
He then pushes you until your back hits the counter and kisses you back. When he pulls away, he looks at your face carefully. He pushes your hair behind your ears, making you shiver. “So, Y/N.” He clears his throat. “Are you okay?”
You bury your face on his chest, hugging him tightly. “I think I will be okay.” I have you now.
“So, Y/N...”
You giggle softly at his antics. This is the Taehyung that you always know. “What?”
His hands move to cup your cheeks, raising your face to look at him. “I-I want to be with you. Is it weird to think like that?”
You grin from ear to ear, hope blooming inside you. You have never been treated like this before. The way Taehyung talks and touches you, you feel cherished. He makes you think that you are precious. And the way he looks at you right now, it’s like he wants to tell the world that you are the only thing that matters to him. You belong to him -- and you do, gladly. “Is it weird that I also feel the same?”
He smiles widely and takes you in his embrace. “Not at all.” He then kisses your temple softly. “So, do you need to go to work soon, or we can do something first?”
You raise one of your eyebrows in confusion. Just when you want to ask what he means, he smirks mischievously and winks. You hit his shoulder playfully. “What do you think I am?”
He shrugs. “You are Y/N. And besides, we’ve already slept together countless times.” He whines.
You laugh. “Unfortunately I must go to work soon. Maybe later.” You say as you kiss his cheek before you walk away to the bathroom. Leaving him alone in your kitchen.
In spite of the way Taehyung affects you, you are not aware of what you have done to him. Just this morning, when he looked at your half-awake face in front of him, in his embrace, he wouldn’t trade it for the world. Taehyung has lost his love to another man before, but he won’t let it happen now.
Is it weird that he wants to be the one to make you happy? He wants to be the man who tells you every day that you are beautiful. He wants to be the one who eats breakfast with you every morning. He wants to be the one who protects you. He wants to be the one who will love you for the rest of your life.
He is doomed for sure. Right now, the only thing that stuck in his mind is your smile, and that little thing is enough to make him happy.
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It’s finally Saturday. The biggest event in your whole career. You are nervous, for sure, but your mind was distracted by Taehyung this morning. He was so clingy and reluctant to let you go. It took you almost half an hour to finally be released from his cuddle, which he agreed to do if you called him every hour with a pout in his face. You laughed at his antics, he was being so unreasonably possessive with you, not in a bad way. No, not at all. Honestly, you found him very adorable. You just couldn’t fathom what’s the harm doing this event.
You’ve been making the cakes for the party since the morning. It’s sad that the organizer actually wants more cakes instead of your bread. It makes sense however; it is a party. Why would anyone want to eat bread at the party?
Hani is the one who makes the cakes in your bakery. She is a trained patissier, which is why you and Hani joined forces to start your bakery. You make the bread while Hani makes the cakes. Still, you are the one in charge of designing the sweets corner for this event. She gave it up for you to do. You do think that she gives it to you so you wouldn’t be sad. Sure, she won’t admit that, she just told you that she sucks at designing the corner.
“Oh my God, My back is killing me.” Hani mumbles. “This had better be worth it.”
“I know right? I hope so.” You stretch your body. Your eyes dart to the clock on the wall. You must go in an hour.
Wendy pops her head in the kitchen. “The car is ready, boss!” She smiles. You personally asked her to help you with renting a car. Your bakery is not that big, so you still don’t have a car for now. You usually use your friend’s car for delivery, but the car broke down suddenly, leaving you with no other choice to rent a car just for this event.
Hani looks at the boxes and then turns to Wendy. “So, can you load some of the boxes into the car? There are still some cakes we need to decorate first.” Wendy nods and then carefully loads the boxes into the car.
In less than 30 minutes, the car is already packed with cake boxes. You sigh in relief, glad that you can make it on time. After making sure that everything is loaded in the car for the hundredth of times, you lock your bakery and walk to the car.
“So is everything okay?” You turn your head to the source of the sound, finding Chanyeol standing beside your car. “Nice to see you again, Y/N.”
You smile at him. “Oh hey, nice to see you! Yes. Everything is good and we’re ready to go.” You shake his hand happily. He looks good in the tuxedo suit, with his hair pulled back, but there’s no weird feeling inside your chest, no butterfly dancing in your stomach. Instead, you think of Taehyung, how he will be so handsome in the suit. I am so whipped. You think as you shake your head.
Chanyeol looks at you from the top to the toe. “You look nice. Is that lipstick?”
You snort and hit his shoulder playfully, “Duh. Of course.” You smooth your chef’s jacket. Hani was the one who forced you to do your make-up. And what Hani orders, Hani gets. It would be too bothersome to refuse her. “This is an important event after all.”
He chuckles. “Sure, it’s a good idea.” He then pats your head softly.
“Y/N, come on. We have to go.” Hani interrupts. She then nods politely to Chanyeol.
“Oh, you’re right! Alright, see you at the party then.” You wave to him as you start your car and drive away.
“Man, look at him patting Y/N’s head. Who does he think he is?” Taehyung mumbles in the car. Taehyung and Hoseok were supposed to stalk Chanyeol, so when Chanyeol decided to show up at your bakery, Taehyung was happy and mad simultaneously. He is happy to see you, but he is mad, for sure, to watch Chanyeol interact with you.
Hoseok who sits beside him chuckles. “Stop being such a jealous boyfriend.”
Taehyung pouts. “I am not jealous.” He sighs. “I- I just.. Why did he visit her in the first place?” He folds his arms in his chest.
Hoseok looks at Taehyung’s face carefully and smiles. He is happy that his brother finally met someone who makes him this mess. Hoseok is also a little startled that Taehyung didn’t even deny being called your boyfriend. But he decides to keep the teasing for another time, at least for now. “I don’t know. Maybe he’s plotting something?”
Taehyung turns his face to Hoseok, his face crumpled in worry. “What? And why are we here? We should just arrest him.” He then tries to open the door.
“Woah-woah.” Hoseok takes a grip on Taehyung’s arm. “Easy, lover boy. I just said maybe.”
Taehyung sits back. He still seems uneasy with the fact that Chanyeol will be around you. What if he hurts you at the party? What does Chanyeol plan?
Hoseok smiles fondly at Taehyung. “Should we sneak into the party, then?”
Taehyung’s eyes widen. “Can- can we do that?” He remembers correctly that they shouldn’t approach the target, furthermore, doing so would basically be rebelling against Jin’s order -- The Company’s orders --  and as far as he knows, it won’t end well. But he can at least protect you if Chanyeol does something.
Hoseok hides his smile. “Sure, why not?” he winks and drives his car to the party. “It's still our job to stalk him.”
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The party is grandiose. That’s for sure. They use the biggest hall in the city and fill it with flowers and food. The big chandelier shines brightly in the middle of the room, like the room itself hasn’t screamed luxury in the first place. The walls painted with ivory and gold matched well with the maroon carpet in the room. Sure, you had known that this hall is the most expensive in the city, but damn, it is beautiful. You will die happy if you marry in such a nice place.
The party is in an hour, and you must finish displaying and decorating the sweets corner before any guest arrives. Wendy then puts the cakes in the refrigerated display case and sets the ones which can stay in the room temperature on the table, while you and Hani decorate the table. Within 30 minutes you’re finished, and you secure the remaining cakes to refill later under the table, hidden with the high-quality tablecloth. You hope that no cakes are dropped on it, because well, it sure will be a pain and expensive to clean.
The room begins to fill with expensive-looking guests. You thank God (and Hani) silently that you wore your makeup for tonight. At least you won’t look too shabby in front of pretentious people.
The three of you stand quietly near your sweet corner. The MC will open the party before the guests can start to eat. Some guests are lurking at your corner curiously, thanks to your scribbled diet-friendly cakes sign you pasted on it. The curious guests – who almost all girls- are mumbling to themselves because of the long opening. They want to eat soon. You are almost sure that they have starved themselves just for this event. And that’s also why you and Hani decided to use your most famous diet-friendly recipe that your customers love to gain attention.
Just after the MC invites the guests to start to eat, your corner fills with starving girls. Wendy begins serving them as You and Hani explain your bakery to some of the guests. It seems that the magazine where Chanyeol works is a well-known magazine because most of the guests notice your bakery immediately at the big party. And some of the guests, mostly businessmen and women, express an even greater  interest in your bakery, asking  you personally if they can open your bakery as a franchise, which makes you feel honored.
“Alright, do you want to take a break in turns? I can handle this for now.” You say to Hani and Wendy, looking at your almost-emptied-table. “You should eat something too, Hani. You worked the hardest. Also, Chanyeol said that we can eat in the back.”
Hani’s eyes twinkle. “Oh, thank you! I’ve been holding my pee for a while now.” She then drags Wendy with her. “You should go eat first.”
Wendy shakes her head slowly and smiles. “Thank you, but I’m fine, really.”
“Nonsense! You are still our part-timer, and we are required by law to make sure you take a break during your shift. You have been working for almost eight hours!” Hani says to Wendy as she puts her hands on her hips.
You chuckle at Hani’s actions. There’s no way Wendy refuses Hani’s order, so she just nods and walks with her.
“Alright, take good care of our corner then!” Hani waves to you. “We’ll be fast.”
You then look around the room. You can see some of the familiar faces in the room, mostly from the newspaper or the TV. Ministers and other politicians are scattered among actors and actresses. Oh my God, is that Lee Minho? Is it possible for me to take a picture with him? You shake your head softly, you are here to work, not being a stupid fangirl in this big party.
You then decided to refill the cakes on the table, thinking that there’s no good reason for leaving the table empty. You kneel behind the table, opening the table cloth. When you take the highest box of cakes outside, you hear a thud. Something is falling to the ground.
You put the box on your side and take your phone out of your pocket. You switch the flashlight on from the phone to look inside. There are only a couple of boxes inside, so you are actually confused by the sound because as you remembered, you had nothing inside that’s not filled with cakes.
You look carefully at the back and find a tumbled box. Silently you curse yourself that you carelessly dropped a box of your cakes. You take the box carefully, hoping that the cake wasn’t messed up, but you frown at the weight of it.
It’s not the weight of a cake. You put the box on the floor, your phone on your side. Is it our utensils? You open it carefully.
Your eyes widen when you see what’s inside. Your hands are shaking terribly. You have only seen one in movies, never in real life. A gun. Why the hell did it end here, inside your cakebox, under your fucking table?
Before you can do anything, you hear a click and something poking behind you. You freeze when you hear the voice. “You should just do your job and serve cakes, Y/N.”
You tilt your head a little, trying to see from the corner of your eyes. “Chanyeol?”
He smirks to you most frighteningly and you feel your knees weaken. “Hey, sweetie.”
“What the hell do you want to do?” You whisper to him as he pushes the gun harshly to your back. “Is this yours?”
“Sssh. You're gonna ruin the fun.”
Then your eyes dart to Wendy who stops a few steps before you. She looks at you with her eyes widened and the only thing in your head is to tell her to go as far as possible. “Wendy! Go away!” You yell to her, but she is still freezing at the spot.
Wendy looks at you and Chanyeol alternately. She then sighs and walks towards you. “You do love drama, don’t you?” She asks with disgust in her face. She then takes the cake box from the floor and picks up the gun.
“It’s your fault. Can’t you hide it better?” Chanyeol glares at her, his gun still pushing into your flesh.
You are flabbergasted. Wendy? Why? You look at her with terror in your eyes. Your hands and legs are shaking. And if Chanyeol wasn’t holding your arms painfully, you are almost sure that you would fall.
Wendy smirks to you, “Hi, boss.”
“You...” You hiss. “Did you plan this?” You are terrified, but at the same time, you are mad at Wendy. You feel betrayed. She is supposed to be part of your team. Did she work in your bakery for this?
Chanyeol chuckles. “Shut the fuck up, woman.” He then shoves you to Wendy, who readily grabs you tightly and pushes the gun she is now holding to your side. “Take her. She can’t ruin our plan.”
Your eyes widen in panic. “What? Where are you taking me? I promise I won’t tell anyone! I know nothing!”
Wendy smiles, “Too late, boss. You’re coming with us right now.”
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Taehyung and Hoseok arrive just a few minutes after the party starts. They then split up and looked for Chanyeol. Chanyeol tonight seems professional, talking to every guest with a smile on his face. Taehyung glances at your corner, you look happy too, enjoying your job to the fullest. It is what he likes about you, how passionate you are about your job. He is so busy looking at you from a distance he doesn’t even realize a man walking towards him.
“What are you doing here?”
He turns his head abruptly and his eyes widen. “Jin-Hyung? Wha- What are you doing here?”
Jin snorts. “Answer me first, brat. Don’t tell me that you’re abandoning your post again,” he demands harshly, looking at the glass of wine in Taehyung’s hand.
“What? No!” Taehyung gulps. “Well, it’s just Chanyeol seems weird, so Hoseok-hyung and I decided to sneak in.” He gives a half-smile. “What are you doing here?” Hoseok sees them from afar then decides to come and join them, bringing Jungkook with him.
“Chanyeol?” Jin raises his eyebrow. “That’s a coincidence. Baekhyun is also here.”
Hoseok gawks. “What?”
Jin nods. “Yes, that means something’s fishy here.”
Taehyung then suddenly looks around to find Chanyeol, he turns to panic when he can’t find him. “Hoseok-hyung, I lost him.” Eyes still wandering inside the room.
Hoseok frowns, “What do you mean you lost him? He was right at the-“ Hoseok freezes. He can’t find Chanyeol anywhere either. “Oh, fuck.”
Jin glares at them. “What the fuck are you doing? Kook, where’s Baekhyun?”
Jungkook answers timidly. “I think we lost him too, hyung.”
Jin grits his teeth and moves to search for him, followed by Jungkook and Hoseok. Taehyung however, subconsciously looks for you but you are nowhere in his sight. His heart races inside his chest. He gets a terrible feeling. He needs to see you.
Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Hani half running. Her eyes are scanning the room. She then stops when her eyes meet Taehyung’s. “Hani! Where is Y/N?” Taehyung asks urgently.
She shakes her head weakly. “I don’t know, Y/N was supposed to wait here at our table, but when I came back from the bathroom I couldn’t find her anywhere. I checked the bathroom, but she wasn’t there either. Or in the kitchen. She has never behaved like this before.” She bites his nails anxiously. “Wendy, our part-timer is missing too.”
Taehyung pulls out his phone and dials your number. He hears a faint sound of your ringtone, so it must be nearby. But his face turns pale when he finds your phone under the table, with the flashlight still on.
Something terrible must have happened to you.
“Hani, please stay in the crowd, okay? Call your fiance to pick you up now. I’ll go find Y/N.” Taehyung pats her shoulder.
“What?” Hani’s eyes widen. “What’s wrong with Y/N?” He can see tears forming in her eyes as she grips his hands desperately.
Taehyung clears his throat. He wants to tell her that you’re okay, but even he isn’t sure about your whereabouts. “Just trust me, I’ll find her. Don’t worry.” He smiles dryly, hoping that she can be reassured.
Hani still worries about you, but it’s not that she can do or say anything, so she just nods weakly to Taehyung and lets him walk away, hoping that you will be alright.
Taehyung calls Yoongi immediately. He may be the only one who can help him find you. Yoongi answers just in a few rings. “Hyung? I need your help.” His eyes never stop looking for your face in the crowd.
Yoongi hums, “Look, kid. I am a little busy right now. Can you ask the others?”
“I can’t. You are the only one who can hack into the CCTV.”
There is silence on the phone. “You mean CCTV in the Big Hall?” Yoongi asks confusedly. “What are you doing in there?”
“I’m not alone -- Hoseok, Jungkook, and even Jin are here too.” He frowns his eyebrow. “Wait, How do you know about The Big Hall?”
“We got a tip from Jiseok. Someone is going to target Lee Baekho. We’re on the way there right now.”
Taehyung’s jaw drops. “What? Okay, get here soon.” He bites his nails nervously. Is it connected to your disappearance? “Ehm.. Hyung, there is also a girl missing.”
“What? What the fuck are you guys doing in there?” Yoongi yells. “Jimin and I are coming to you soon. Who’s the girl?”
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“I can’t find Baekho anywhere in this hall.” Jungkook says in gasping breath.
Jin curses, running his hand through his hair. “Fuck. I can’t see Chanyeol or Baekhyun either.” He folds his hand in front of his chest. “Do you see anything, Yoongi?”
Yoongi shakes his head in front of his laptop. All of the agents gather in the dressing room behind the hall after searching for Baekho and you. “I think they planned this thoroughly. All of the CCTV feeds turned off abruptly at the same time.” He still looks at the screen carefully. “Oh, wait -- I got something.”
All of the members crowd the laptop. The screen then showed how you knelt to pick a box, and Taehyung’s breath stopped for a bit. Y/N! After Yoongi zooms in, they all can see there is a gun inside it. The screen then shows how Chanyeol walked closer to you, and then shoved you at Wendy forcefully and went to the back, with guns in their hands. Aimed at you.
“Isn’t it Y/N?” Hoseok whispers. Hoseok, too, is flabbergasted. He couldn’t believe that they involved you like this.
Taehyung gulps. He turns his hands into fists, shaking in fury. How dare he? How dare he touch you like that? He then pulls the handgun from the holster at Jungkook’s waist and walks away. His eyes burned with rage.
“What the fuck, Taehyung!” Hoseok stops Taehyung immediately. “You can’t just barge in carelessly, it’s dangerous for Y/N too!” He then signals Jimin and Jungkook to stop Taehyung too, snatching the gun from his hand.
The gun falls from Taehyung’s grip. He can’t think of anything, there is only you in his mind. He needs to see you. He must save you. “So what do you want me to do? Just sit here, waiting for her to come back?” He snaps, struggling to free himself from Jimin and Jungkook. “I just can’t let him do this to Y/N.”
Jimin then puts his hand on Taehyung’s face, hitting his cheeks lightly to wake him up. His struggles then stop. “She must be terrified,” Taehyung says weakly, tears unknowingly falling on his cheeks. His body turns weak in Jimin’s hold.
“Alright, who the fuck is Y/N? Is she a part of Black?” Jin asks impatiently.
Seeing Taehyung fall into his despair, comforted by Jimin, Hoseok turns to Jin. “She’s Chanyeol’s friend from school. She’s the owner of a bakery -- she was just here providing cakes. Chanyeol was the one who asked her to be one of the caterers.”
“And you can’t even report that kind of thing?” Jin snaps, hitting the table beside him.
Hoseok winces at Jin’s sudden outburst. “Well, we thought she wouldn't be any harm to our operation. And besides, Taehyung has already investigated her personally.”
Jungkook perks up at the explanation. “Personally?”
“Well, she is, uhh...” Hoseok cautiously explains. “She is Taehyung’s friend.” Making all of them turn stiff with the information.
Jin sighs and looks at Taehyung in sympathy. “Yoongi, can you find where she is now?” His voice turns softer.
Yoongi nods. “I think, based on the route and the location of the dead CCTV, she is in the warehouse. We haven’t checked it yet.” He points to a room on the blueprint of the Big Hall. His eyes turn to his screen again, squinting as his small eyes follow a figure walking to the back. “I think I found Baekho. He’s going in that direction too.”
“Good, alright then.” Jin then walks to Taehyung and pats his shoulder softly. “Let’s get to work, shall we?”
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Taehyung looks at the rifle in his hand. It has been a long time since he held or even fired a gun. He knows he is good at it. Too good, even. The last time he fired a gun or a rifle was when he was a recruit. Even in Hawaii, in his last mission, he didn’t even bring his gun with him. Call it naive, but Taehyung always thinks that he can’t protect anyone with his gun. Guns are destructive. Guns can’t protect anyone.
He can’t protect anyone.
But not this time. He won’t let another man die. A woman. His woman.
The rage in his eyes is detectable. He reminds himself to punch Chanyeol in the face later, for involving you like this. You are in danger right now. And Taehyung won’t let anything happen to you.
Jin decided that it would be best to shoot the suspect from afar if he shows any suspicious activity. They have you as a hostage. There are 2 suspects, or maybe 3 since Baekhyun hasn’t shown himself, and they all have guns. Thus, they can’t just barge into the warehouse. That’s how Taehyung ended up in a nearby building with a rifle in his hand.
The rifle is Jungkook’s. Only God knows why he has a rifle in the trunk of his car, that fact alone will get Jungkook in trouble. He was the one who was supposed to do the shooting. But Taehyung knew it was going to be hard for Jungkook. Although Jungkook is good at firearms, he still can’t handle long-range shooting well without a scope. Yeah, who brings a rifle without a scope nowadays? That’s why Taehyung decided to do it by himself.
It was shocking to everyone. Taehyung, who always refuses to hold a gun, suddenly snatched a gun from an agent’s holder at first, and then volunteered himself to do the shooting. Taehyung, who always avoids going on missions involving firearms, decides to step up.
Well, it’s not that he wanted to. He wanted to stay as close as possible with you, he wanted to join the others to barge into the warehouse, he wanted to be the one who hugs you first when you are safe, but still, it’s his job and he is the best at it. There is no other choice.
Taehyung braces the rifle with both hands, closing his right eye, trying to stay low as possible. He can see how terrified you are from there, and with that sight alone, he almost fires his bullet into Chanyeol.
He then steady his breaths and closes his eyes, trying to calm himself. It is his habit he does whenever he uses his gun or rifle, a habit that somehow he remembers despite his avoidance of firearms. And after five deep breaths, he opens his eyes and is ready to fire.
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